Knox Church December 8 Bulletin
Knox Church December 8 Bulletin
Knox Church December 8 Bulletin
who worships at First Presbyterian Church in Regina, askatchewan! "t was found on the #orship resource on the Presbyterian Church in Canada website! SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE Coffee $our is held e%ery unday morning &'F(R' the worship ser%ice in the )arthe*! Come out for some hot chocolate, tea and coffee+!!could be some cookies there as well, This time of fellowship is prepared by %olunteers - we are in need of %olunteers for .ecember through to June! "f you are able to help with this, please contact /nne Marie Pauli at 012345136517! STRATFORD LAKESIDE ACTIVE ADULTS ASSOCIATION Pop In The Car and Come As You Are 4819 )ew :ear;s '%e Celebration of Fun and Fellowship The fun begins as early as 5<88 p!m! / special time for getting together, the li%e music for the e%ening will be pro%ided by Conn myth as he =tickles the i%ories> from 7<88 p!m! 1<88 a!m! for a memorable )ew :ear;s e%ening! .ancing, raffles, an e*citing assortment of pri?es and a light lunchk Tickets can be purchased at the @iwanis Community Centre Monday3Friday A7<98 a!m! - 14<88 noon and 1<88 p!m! - B<98 p!m!C D48 per personED90 per pair Aor at the door D40 per personEDB8 per pairC OUR YOUTH GROUP CELEBRATES CHRISTMAS The :outh Group meets again on unday, .ecember 10th from 6 to 7 p!m! in the banFuet hall! This time we will be making ama?ing Christmas cookies to share with our families! Games will also be in abundance, "f you would like to learn more, speak to one of the leaders< hannon /rcher, #endell /rcher, Mark Gedcke, $eather $islop, arah $islop! Minister: Re%! Mark Gedcke 012 050 7715 or by email at mgedckeGkno*stratford!com Director o M!sic: u?anne trahan O ice A"#inistr$tor: @athy &aker Tre$s!rer: hannon /rcher O ice: %&'()*&(+,*, kno*sGwightman!ca OFFICE HOURS '$#( NOON T!es"$-!/. Fri"$-
KNO0 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH No1e#2er )34 )+&, &&:++ $# Minister< Re% Mark Gedcke Guest Pianist< Marlene $undert 2nd Sunday in Advent Peace PREPARATION FOR 5ORSHIP - Prayer, Meditation and Hisiting PRELUDE: Medley of Christmas Music - arranged by Carol TornFuist 5ELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO 5ORSHIP: Ieader< The /d%ent Journey is underway! Iet us walk with our neighbours as caregi%ers and truth seekers! Iet us engage the world around us with a concern for peace and wholeness! Iet us come before our God with humility and lo%e! Peo67e: Go" is $ Go" o 8.o7eness9 C.rist is t.e Anointe" One 8.o s.o8s !s t.e 8$- o Pe$ce: Ieader< #e shall walk humbly before our God Peo67e: 5e s.$77 ser1e one $ 8it. /7$"ness $n" 8it. ;o-: A&ill teadman, 4881, #orship for /ll easons "", ed! by Thomas $arding K &ruce $arding, Lnited Church Publishing $ouseC OPENING HYMN: M 146 (n Jordan;s &ank PRAYER OF ADORATION4 CONFESSION < THE LORD=S PRAYER (ur Father in hea%en, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in hea%en! Gi%e us today our daily bread! Forgi%e us our sins as we forgi%e those who sin against us! a%e us from the time of trial and deli%er us from e%il! For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and fore%er! /men PASSING OF THE PEACE: Ieader< The Peace of Christ be with you Congregation: And also with you. SOLOIST: Iet There &e Peace (n 'arth - 'lmer .redge 3 by y Miller and Jill Jackson 3
CHILDREN=S HYMN: M1B2 /way in a Manger CHILDREN=S TIME SCRIPTURE READING: Malachi 9<1, B<036 Matthew 9<1314 SERMON: Priority )umber (ne HYMN: M 115 $erald, OFFERING OFFERTORY: ilent )ight - arranged by Carol TornFuist ound the )ote of Judgement
OFFERTORY PRAISE: M 798 Praise God From #hom /ll &lessings Flow OFFERING PRAYER AtogetherC Christ, you are the Gift of Io%e! #e open our hearts to recei%e you! #e open our hands to gi%e to others! #e open our li%es to what life in you can bring! "n your most holy name we offer oursel%es with our gifts! A@ate Crawford NGaleaO, #orship for /ll easons "", ed by Thomas $arding K &ruce $arding, Lnited Church Publishing $ouseC PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Aresponsi%eC Iord, in your mercy, .e$r o!r 6r$-er: CLOSING HYMN: M109 Joy to the #orld BENEDICTION POSTLUDE: $ark, The $erald /ngels ing - arranged by Carol TornFuist CONGREGATIONAL MEETING "mmediately following the Postlude, we will ha%e a congregational meeting in the anctuary to consider the election to /cti%e 'ldership the following members of our congregation< #endell /rcher, Jim .ougall, Hi%ian $arding, &e% $ider, Iori peiran! C.!rc. O6enin/ To"$-: Tim Pauli
C.!rc. O6enin/ Ne>t 5ee?: Tim Pauli Us.ers 8ee?: .ale K Iynn &ast, @aren a%elle, Ron Gray Us.ers ne>t 8ee?: .ale K Iynn &ast, @aren a%elle, Ron Gray A"1ent Re$"er: 'mily, Ryan K Mark $arris Greeters 8ee?< Charles K Margaret Iupton Greeters ne>t 8ee?: Iaird Christie K Hi%ien $arding Co ee: /nne Marie Pauli K @athy &aker 5ELCOME / warm welcome to Marlene $undert as our guest pianist this morning! Marlene is a sister of .ale &ast! CHRISTMAS EVE RECEPTION Please consider bringing a few of your Christmas treats for this e%ent! :ou can lea%e them in the &anFuet $all kitchen on unday, .ecember 44 or during the morning of Tuesday, .ecember 4Bth! Mark them =Christmas '%e>! Thank you SPECIAL NOTE FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL December 15th !unday !chool Christmas Concert Children are to arri%e by 18<B0 a!m! and come to the unday chool area to get into their costumes! #e will also be ha%ing a potluck lunch following the worship ser%ice! Please bring a =dish> to share, your own plates as well as cutlery Athis will assist with the cleanupC! THE ALLEY The /lley is in need of the following items< 3 winter boots for both men and women 3 mitts and glo%es for men, women and children Check your closets for things you aren;t wearing and we will be happy to sell them!
OFFERING ENVELOPES #e will be making a slight change for ne*t year with the offering en%elopes! Please contact hannon /rcher Aspeak to her at church or email her at shannon!wendellGrogers!comC! hannon would like to know the following< A1C do you wish to ha%e offering en%elopes Ayes or noC and A4C if you would like en%elopes, do you want them for weekly, monthly or Fuarterly offeringsP