Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Non-Newtonian Ow Using A Spectral Element Method
Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Non-Newtonian Ow Using A Spectral Element Method
Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Non-Newtonian Ow Using A Spectral Element Method
Abstract A spectral elementFourier method (SEM) for Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of the turbulent ow of non-Newtonian uids is described and the particular requirements for non-Newtonian rheology are discussed. The method is implemented in parallel using the MPI message passing kernel, and execution times scale somewhat less than linearly with the number of CPUs, however this is more than compensated by the improved simulation turn around times. The method is applied to the case of turbulent pipe ow, where simulation results for a shear-thinning (power law) uid are compared to those of a yield stress (HerschelBulkley) uid at the same generalised Reynolds number. It is seen that the yield stress signicantly dampens turbulence intensities in the core of the ow where the quasi-laminar ow region there co-exists with a transitional wall zone. An additional simulation of the ow of blood in a channel is undertaken using a CarreauYasuda rheology model, and results compared to those of the one-equation Spalart-Allmaras RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes) model. Agreement between the mean ow velocity prole predictions is seen to be good. Use of a DNS technique to study turbulence in non-Newtonian uids shows great promise in understanding transition and turbulence in shear thinning, non-Newtonian ows. 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction The ow of non-Newtonian uids occurs in a wide range of practical applications including pipeline transport in the process industries, polymer processing and in many biological applications including the ow of blood through the body and in devices such as articial hearts. If the uid has a signicant yield stress, or if its eective viscosity is high, ow rates may occur in a laminar ow regime. In such cases, if the rheology is known, computational simulation can be undertaken in a straightforward and reliable manner. However sometimes the ow can be transitional or turbulent and in such cases, the development of mathematical and computational models for turbulent non-Newtonian uids is not suciently well advanced to allow RANS (Reynolds-Averaged NavierStokes) simulation to be undertaken.
0307-904X/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2006.03.005
Some experimental measurement of velocity proles and turbulence statistics has appeared on the transitional and turbulent ow of non-Newtonian uids [13] using optically clear polymer solutions. One of the diculties in experimentation is designing suitable uids that have well dened rheological properties that can be adjusted as required. It is not usually possible to do this, for example increasing the concentration of a polymer is likely to modify the shear-thinning index, consistency and yield stress simultaneously. Additionally, many polymer additives can produce uids with some degree of visco-elasticity. Although the level of visco-elasticity may be irrelevant in low shear, laminar ow, it may become important in the high shear typical of turbulent ow. Computational modelling of non-Newtonian uids using direct numerical simulation (DNS) shows promise in helping to understand transition and turbulence in these ows. One key benet of modelling is that once a rheological model is chosen, the eect of varying rheological parameters can be unambiguously determined. There have been some DNS of the turbulent ow of polymer solutions (e.g. [47]). With the exception of [6], these studies considered the drag reduction that arises in dilute polymer solutions in which shear-thinning behaviour was unimportant and visco-elastic eects were taken into account. For a wide range of important materials, the non-Newtonian rheology is primarily of a shear-thinning nature. Malin [8] considered turbulent pipe ow of power law uids using a Reynolds-averaged approach and a modied ke model. Reasonable agreement with experimental data was obtained after modifying the wall damping functions. Apart from [6] there have been few published CFD investigations of the turbulent ow of shear-thinning non-Newtonian uids without visco-elasticity. The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, the numerical method used in [6] is described in detail with particular reference to the requirements for simulating non-Newtonian uids. The parallel performance of the method is also quantied. Second, the ow of shear-thinning uids with and without the presence of a yield stress is considered, with particular emphasis on the qualitative and quantitative eects that yield stress has on mean ow proles and turbulence structure. Third, the data from these simulations will be useful as calibration/comparison data when considering the application of Reynolds-Averaged NavierStokes (RANS) simulations. An additional example of turbulent non-Newtonian uid, simulation of the ow of blood in a channel geometry is also presented, specically because one-equation RANS modelling is available for this case (see [9]). 2. Problem description The shear-thinning non-Newtonian uids considered in this study are ones whose rheology is described by a generalised Newtonian model. Such uids have an isotropic viscosity that is a function of ow properties. The uid stress tensor is written as the product of this viscosity and the rate-of-strain tensor, sij gS ij . 1
Three dierent rheology models are considered, the power law, HerschelBulkley and CarreuaYasuda models _ , that is dened as the second invariant of the rate-of-strain tensor all of which are dependant on a shear rate, c !1 2 X _ 2 c S ij S ji . 2
where K is the consistency, n is the ow index, and sY is the uid yield stress. A power law model is obtained from the HerschelBulkley model by setting the yield stress to zero. The CarreauYasuda model is written g0 g1 g g1 ; 4 _ b a 1 kc where g0 and g1 are the zero shear and innite-shear plateau viscosities, and k, a and b are tting parameters.
2.1. Generalised Reynolds number Denition of a Reynolds number in a ow in which the viscosity of the uid varies in space and time is not unique as many viscosity scales can be chosen. A discussion of the dierent options for wall bounded ows is given in [6]. A useful choice is to use the mean wall viscosity, gw. For pipe and channel ow, the relationship between the mean viscous stress at the wall and the applied pressure gradient is easily determined (sw = D/4oP/oz for pipe ow and DoP/oz for channel ow where D is pipe diameter or channel half width). Once the pressure gradient is known, an estimate of the mean wall shear stress and hence mean wall viscosity can be made. For a HerschelBulkley uid, this can be determined a priori using gw K 1=n sw sw sY 1=n . 5
For the CarreauYasuda model, a xed-point iterative numerical approach is used in which Eq. (4) is solved at the wall using the known value of the wall shear stress and recalling that for all generalised Newtonian uids _ w. s w gw c For Newtonian uids, the Blasius relationship can be used to determine the mean (or supercial) ow velocity in a pipe or channel. For a generalised Newtonian uid, it is not possible in general to determine the mean velocity a priori. Correlations proposed in [10] for power law uids and in [11] for HerschelBulkley uids, provide estimates that are within 510% of the predicted values for all simulations here. For the CarreauYasuda model, a reasonable estimate (also within 10%) was achieved by using the innite-shear viscosity, g1 in the Blasius correlation. The accuracy of this approach in general is not known, and will depend _ ) of the transition on the range of shear rates expected in the ow and the width and steepness (in terms of c from zero-shear to innite-shear viscosity. Once the wall viscosity and mean velocity are known (or determined from the simulation), the generalised Reynolds number is written ReG qUD . gw 6
This generalised Reynolds number reects ow behaviour in the near-wall region that plays a fundamental role in transition and the development of turbulence in wall bounded ows of Newtonian uids, and is used here as a basis on which to compare results for dierent rheology uids. It was shown in [6] to collapse the data quite well for the ow of power-law uids. For pipe ow of power law uids it is common to present results in terms of the MetznerReed Reynolds number, ReMR. A similar Reynolds number can be dened for HerschelBulkley uids using the method proposed in [12]. Although this is not strictly the same as the MetznerReed Reynolds number, it will be termed ReMR, to avoid introducing additional terminology that could obscure the emphasis of the discussion. 2.2. Wall units Wall units are introduced in a similar manner to the Newtonian analysis withp the wall viscosity taking the place of the Newtonian viscosity. Hence the friction velocity is dened as U s sw =q, the non-dimensional velocity is U+ = U/Us and the non-dimensional distance from the wall is written y+ = (qUs /gw)y (or y+ = (qUs/gw)(R r) for pipe ow, where R, is the pipe radius). 3. Numerical method 3.1. Spectral elementFourier discretisation The three-dimensional spatial discretisation uses isoparametrically mapped quadrilateral spectral elements to subdivide the domain in two dimensions, (x, y), coupled with Fourier expansions in an orthogonal direction, z, in which the ow can be assumed periodic [13]. Standard nodal spectral elements are used, for which in the master element space [1, 1] [1, 1] the shape functions are formed as tensor products of Lagrange
interpolants on the GaussLobattoLegendre (GLL) quadrature points. The quadrature used for the weak form of the Galerkin treatment of elliptic equations is carried out via GLL weights. A convenient consequence of using GLL Lagrange interpolants and GLL quadrature is that the mass matrices in such a formulation are diagonal. 3.2. Velocity-correction time integration Time integration is carried out using a second-order time integration scheme [14] based on operator splitting. This has been recently characterised as one of a class of velocity (as opposed to pressure) correction projection schemes [15]. The time-step begins by computing an intermediate velocity eld approximated to the end of the current time-step, n, u
J X q1
aq unq Dt
J 1 X q0
) represents the nonlinear advection terms from time level (n q), which are computed in skewwhere N(u symmetric form (u $u + $ uu)/2 in order to reduce aliasing errors and promote stability. The viscous stress terms are dealt with by splitting them into a component computed with constant reference viscosity, mref, and a component computed with spatially variable viscosity m, derived from the velocity eld through a rheology model, an approach originally to applied to treatment of sub-grid scale stresses in large eddy simulation [16]. The rate-of-strain tensor S = [$u + ($u)T]/2 is the symmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor. Here, the time-order of the scheme, J, is set to two for the current computations, and the values of the discrete weights aq and bq appear for example in [14]. The intermediate velocity eld is used as forcing for the solution of a pressure Poisson equation q r2 pn1 r u ; Dt with the high-order Neumann pressure boundary condition on pn1 qn
J 1 X q0
(n q)
applied on walls. Following computation of the pressure, its gradient is used to update the intermediate velocity eld through u u Dt rpn1 q
and nally a viscous correction is applied through the solution of a set of scalar Helmholtz equations for each velocity component r2 un1 a0 n1 u u ; mDt mref Dt
where mref is the spatially constant reference kinematic viscosity, typically set to be larger than the maximum kinematic viscosity computed through the rheology model. In the above, there are two elliptic equations to be solved, one for the pressure, and the other for the viscous correction. These are solved for each two-dimensional complex Fourier mode using a Galerkin method and integration by parts over the two-dimensional (x, y) domain X, which are standard nite-element techniques. The structure of one of these equations, for Fourier mode k, is Z Z Z ^ k dX ox /ox^ ck dX /f /h dC; ck oy /oy ^ ck b2 k 2 k/^
where ^ ck is a two-dimensional complex scalar eld (representing the solution variable) and / is a weight function: under Galerkin treatment, these both satisfy identical Dirichlet (essential) boundary conditions. The Fourier constant b = 2p/L, where L is the length of the domain in the z direction, while the Helmholtz
constant k = a0/mrefDt for the viscous Helmholtz equation, but is zero for the pressure Poisson equation. On ^ k is a complex scalar forcing eld, while h represents Neumann boundary conditions on the right-hand-side, f boundary segment CN. 3.3. Computation and treatment of spatially variable viscosity Because both the power law and HerschelBulkley rheology models have a singular viscosity at zero shear rate, a cut-o value is used, below which the shear rate is assumed to be constant when computing the viscosity. The cut-o value is chosen to be 105 times the mean shear rate and is not observed to cause any stability problems or signicant errors. The cut-o is almost never invoked in practice for either the HerschelBulkley or CarreauYasuda simulations because the calculated shear rates throughout the ow (even in the less active core regions) are nearly always several orders of magnitude above the cut-o value. 3.4. Memory exchanges for parallel solution For most of the computations within each time-step, data are held in the Fourier-transformed state, i.e. as a set of two-dimensional complex modes (pairs of data planes), with each process/CPU holding a subset. However, nonlinear product terms, and the magnitude of the strain rate, jSj = (SijSij)1/2, are computed pseudospectrally, in physical space. In order to be able to compute the Fourier transforms to and from physical space, each process must have available all modes/planes at some subset of physical space locations, thus data must be exchanged across processes. The layout of memory across processes before and after exchange is illustrated schematically in Fig. 1, for six planes (three modes) of data, z0z5, distributed across three processes, PROC_0PROC_2. The data in each plane are divided into the same number of (approximately equal-sized) blocks of data, b0b2; there is the same number of blocks as processes, and block boundaries do not have to coincide with element boundaries. The method of exchange (for the data layout of Fig. 1) is illustrated in Table 1. Initially (a), each process has two z-planes of data; within each plane, data are ordered by block index, so that block index varies most rapidly as memory is traversed. In the rst step (b), data are locally reordered on each process so that the blocks are grouped together, with plane index varying most rapidly. Finally (c), memory is exchanged across processes in a block transpose, so that each process ends up with all the data for a single block. The transposition is carried out eciently by message passing: the comparatively small number of large-sized blocks means that communication bandwidth is much more important than latency. In order to compute the nonlinear terms in skew-symmetric form, 18 memory exchanges (for an amount of data equivalent to that for a single scalar component) are required per time-step. 3.5. Parallel performance All computations reported here were performed on the Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing (APAC) SC cluster, most using 32 CPUs. This machine consists of 127 nodes, each with four 1 GHz ev68
Fig. 1. Arrangements of six data planes of memory, distributed across three processes, before and after exchange.
Table 1 Illustration of how initial layout of data (a) is rst re-ordered locally on each process (b), followed by transposition across processes (c)
(Alpha 21264C) cpus with a Quadrics Elan3 interconnect. Run times were typically in the order of 2000 CPU hours to reach a statistically steady state, with an additional 20002500 CPU hours used to obtain turbulence statistics. These latter times corresponded to 810 uid transit times over the length of the computational domain. The parallel performance of the implementation is shown in Table 2 where the CPU time per time-step per million grid nodes is compared as a function of number of CPUs. The simulation contained 4.8 million grid nodes and was run for a minimum of 500 time-steps to obtain eciency statistics. Because the number of Fourier modes was 192, the maximum number of processors available on the SC system for this simulation was 48. The parallel eciency is dened to be the total CPU time for N processors divided by the total CPU time for one processor expressed as a percentage. As can be seen, the scaling with number of CPUs is less than linear, with a 48 CPU job running with approximately 56% of the eciency of the single CPU run. However, the 48 CPU computation completes in an elapsed time approximately 30 times less than a single run, resulting in signicantly more rapid turn-around. 3.6. Validation, grid renement and domain size The underlying numerical code has been validated for both DNS and LES of pipe and channel ow of turbulent Newtonian uids [1719]. Implementation of the non-Newtonian viscosity implementation was validated for power-law uids against laminar pipe ow and axisymmetric TaylorCouette ow both of which have analytic solutions. For the HerschelBulkley model, validation was against laminar pipe ow, and apart from ensuring correct viscosity estimates for known shear elds, nothing additional was done for the Carreau Yasuda model. In all laminar simulation cases, numerical and theoretical velocity proles agreed to within 0.01% and the code is believed to be accurately predicting the laminar ow of non-Newtonian uids with generalised Newtonian rheologies. Validation for the turbulent ow of non-Newtonian uids is dicult due to the scarcity of published velocity proles and turbulence statistics. Results reported in [6] suggest that the technique is correctly predicting turbulent ow of power law uids, although discrepancies arose in that study as a result of elastic eects in the experiments that are not accounted for in the DNS method.
Table 2 CPU timing and parallel eciency No. CPUs Total CPU time per time-step per million grid nodes (s) 17.6 19.5 19.8 23.1 28.6 30.6 31.7 Parallel eciency (%) 100 90 88 76 62 58 56 Total CPU time per 1000 time-steps (hours) 24.3 26.4 26.8 31.3 38.7 41.5 43.0 Wall time per 1000 time-steps (hours) 24.3 13.3 6.7 4.1 2.5 1.3 0.9
1 2 4 8 16 32 48
Fig. 2. Comparison of mean velocity prole in wall units for experiment measurements of an Ultrez 10 solution () and DNS (n). The solid line is the Newtonian law-of-the wall prole.
Comparisons were also presented in [6] comparing the DNS with experimental results for the ow of a 0.05 wt% Ultrez 10 solution, a uid that is well-approximated with a HerschelBulkley rheology model. The rheology parameters used for the DNS in [6] were based on viscometry measurements of a uid sub-sample taken at the start of the pipe tests. The comparison in [6] was seen to be reasonable, but re-analysis of the experimental data has shown that this rheology does not agree with the laminar pipe ow data measured in the experiments. The pipe data is a more reliable indicator of the actual rheology of the uid in the pipe tests, especially as the Ultrez has a tendency to break down after repeated pumping. A t to the pipe data provides HerschelBulkley coecients of sY = 1.28 Pa, k = 1.10 and n = 0.52 and these were used in a new validation simulation to compare to the experimental results for turbulent ow. The comparison is shown in Fig. 2 where the agreement for the mean velocity prole is seen to be good. Consequently, condence in the results of the DNS method for HerschelBulkley uids is warranted. A grid convergence study was also reported in [6], and the resolution used below (in terms of wall units) is slightly better than the resolution required to obtain grid independence of the second order turbulence statistics demonstrated in [6]. Because a periodic domain is being used for these simulations, the possibility of domain length eects inuencing the results is also possible, and this is addressed in more detail in examples discussed below. 4. Turbulent pipe ow For the pipe ow simulations, the computational domain consists of 105 10th-order elements in the pipe cross-section (see [6]) and 192 Fourier modes (i.e. 384 data planes) in the axial direction, with a domain length of 5pD. A nominal bulk ow generalised Reynolds number of 7500 was chosen and the resulting parameter estimation (based on correlations in [10] and [11]) for the simulations considered here are shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Non-dimensional parameters for the pipe ow simulations (note that n = 0.6, the nominal ReG is 7500 and the non-dimensionalised pipe diameter and expected supercial ow velocity are both 1) Sim. Newt PL HB1 HB2 sY 0.0 0.0 2.861 104 8.540 104 K 1.333 103 5.002 104 4.230 104 2.948 104 oP/oz 1.670 102 1.454 102 1.223 102 1.044 102 sw 4.175 103 3.634 103 3.057 103 2.610 103 Actual W 0.983 0.989 0.945 0.919 ReG 7370 7414 7088 6894 ReMR 7370 4119 4032 3745
The actual predicted mean velocity (W) denes the predicted generalised Reynolds number.
The aim of these pipe ow simulations is to understand and quantify the eect that yield stress has on the turbulent pipe ow of shear-thinning uids. Further, they provide calibration and/or validation data for comparison to RANS models of turbulent HerschelBulkley uids. The power-law simulation (PL) at n = 0.6 is used as the base case, and at a generalised Reynolds number of 7500 the results shown below suggest this ow lies within the regime of well-developed turbulence. The two HerschelBulkley simulations utilise the same uid rheology parameters as PL except with the inclusion of a yield stress. In the case of HB1, the uid yield stress is set to be equal to 10% of the mean wall shear stress in PL, and in the case of HB2, the uid yield stress is set to be 50% of the mean wall shear stress in PL. Note that in order to maintain the same generalised Reynolds number (7500) in the HerschelBulkley cases, the axial pressure gradient must be increased. As a consequence the non-dimensionalisation of the problem is changed, and the non-dimensional rheology parameters are also modied as the yield stress changes (as shown in Table 3). Results for a Newtonian uid are also included for reference. In terms of wall units dened earlier, the near-wall mesh spacing for the pipe ow simulations is given by r+ 0.25, Rh + 7, z+ 11, with coarser resolution in pipe cross-sections being applicable near the pipe centreline. 4.1. Mean ow proles The mean axial velocity for the three non-Newtonian simulations at ReG nominally equal to 7500 are shown in Fig. 3 and compared to a Newtonian prole at the same Reynolds number. The results for HB2 fall suciently above the Newtonian prole to suggest that this ow is transitional this point will be discussed in more detail below. Both the power law and lower yield stress results show indications of a log-layer prole with a greater slope than the Newtonian case. All simulations display linear behaviour in the near-wall sub-layer. Fig. 4 shows the mean (non-dimensionalised) shear rate prole as a function of distance from the wall where the shear rate is seen to be close to constant only for a very small distance (y+ 5). The shear proles are almost identical for all simulations up to approximately (y+ 25), where they begin to diverge from the Newtonian curve. At around y+ 60, the eect of yield stress begins to become apparent, with the predicted mean shear rate dropping far more rapidly with distance from the wall for the yield stress uids. Turbulence intensities, turbulence production, Reynolds shear stresses and total turbulent kinetic energy are plotted in Figs. 5 and 6. For both the axial turbulence intensities and the Reynolds stresses, the results
Fig. 3. Velocity proles for the turbulent pipe ow of non-Newtonian uids at ReG = 7500. Solid line is the Newtonian prole, and symbols are (n) PL (n = 0.6, sY = 0), (s) HB1 (n = 0.6, sY = 0.1sw) and (j) HB2 (n = 0.6, sY = 0.5sw). Proles have been nondimensionalised using conventional wall variables with the wall viscosity taking the place of the Newtonian viscosity. Shown for comparison (dashed line) is the linear wall prole and experimental log-law correlation for low Reynolds number turbulent pipe ow of a Newtonian uid.
_ for the turbulent pipe ow of non-Newtonian uids at ReG = 7500. Solid line is the Newtonian prole, and Fig. 4. Shear rate proles c symbols are (n) PL (n = 0.6, sY = 0), (s) HB1 (n = 0.6, sY = 0.1sw) and (j) HB2 (n = 0.6, sY = 0.5sw). Proles have been nondimensionalised using mean wall shear rate determined from wall viscosity and shear stress.
Fig. 5. Turbulence intensities as a function of r/D (a) radial, (b) azimuthal and (c) axial, (d) turbulence production, (e) Reynolds shear stress, and (f) total turbulent kinetic energy. (Solid line is Newtonian DNS, non-Newtonian uids are (n) PL (n = 0.6, sY = 0), (s) HB1 (n = 0.6, sY = 0.1sw) and (j) HB2 (n = 0.6, sY = 0.5sw)).
for the power law uid are close to the Newtonian results (DNS at Re = 7500). However for both radial and azimuthal velocity uctuations, the values for all of the non-Newtonian uids are signicantly lower than the Newtonian case, suggesting that the wall streaks are weaker for the non-Newtonian uids. This behaviour has also been observed experimentally [2,3] in turbulent ow of non-Newtonian uids, although currently there is no clear understanding of why this is the case. The presence of a yield stress has the eect of reducing the crossstream turbulence intensities compared to the straight power-law case, with higher yield stresses reducing the cross-stream intensities more. Of interest is that the axial intensities (at least in the case of HB1) remain almost identical to the power law and Newtonian intensities except near the core of the ow where the shear rates are
Fig. 6. As in Fig. 5 except plotted as a function of distance from the wall in wall units.
lower and the viscosity, consequently, higher. For HB2, turbulence intensities are lower than Newtonian for all components, again suggesting that this ow is transitional. It has been observed [20] that low Reynolds number turbulence of Newtonian uids has smaller (nondimensionalised) cross-stream turbulence intensities compared to high Re Newtonian ows, but equivalent axial turbulence intensities. Thus the results seen in Figs. 5 and 6 are possibly features of ows that are not fully developed and in which a self-similar velocity prole is not yet established in the pipe. However, whether this is the cause of the trends predicted for the turbulence intensities for the Herchel-Bulkley uids is not easily determined except by increasing ReG signicantly beyond what is currently possible with available computational resources. The distance from the wall of the peak velocity uctuations and Reynolds stress appears to decrease slightly (in wall units) as the yield stress increases. The location of maximum turbulence production oW 7 or occurs at a distance from the wall of y+ 10 for all results, (including Newtonian) suggesting that the nondimensionalisation (based on mean wall viscosity) used for the non-Newtonian results is an appropriate one. One of the most obvious dierences between these ows is seen in the turbulent kinetic energy, especially at the pipe centreline. It is slightly less for a power uid than a Newtonian, is approximately halved for the addition of a small yield stress (HB1) and is approximately 1/8th the value for a yield stress equal to half the mean power law wall shear stress (HB2). This eect is intuitively what might be expected, because although the wall viscosity is the same for all cases, as the yield stress is increased, the eective viscosity in the core of the ow increases more rapidly. This is clearly illustrated in Fig. 7 where the mean viscosity as a function of radius is plotted for the three non-Newtonian simulations. Of note is the range of viscosities, with a factor of 4 dierence in mean viscosity between the wall and centreline for the power law uid (PL), whereas a factor of approximately 8 applies for a yield stress of 0.1sw (HB1) and a factor of approximately 65 for a yield stress of 0.5sw (HB2). Note the log scale on the vertical axis in Fig. 7. The mean viscosity averaged over the entire domain for the three non-Newtonian cases is approximately 2.5, 3.9 and 14.7 times the wall viscosity for PL, HB1 and HB2 respectively. P rz U 0r W 0z
Fig. 7. Mean normalised viscosity as a function of radius for the non-Newtonian uids at ReG = 7500.
4.2. Friction factors The Fanning friction factor, f, is the non-dimensional wall shear stress and is dened as f sw =qW 2 . 8
For shear-thinning uids, the friction factor is traditionally plotted against the MetznerReed Reynolds number. The results obtained numerically here are compared to the friction factors determined by Dodge and Metzner [21] for power law uids in Fig. 8. The numerical results predict friction factors that are lower than the corresponding values for a Newtonian uid, with values decreasing with increasing yield stress. Qualitatively they agree with experimental observations [21] in which shear-thinning behaviour was seen to lead to a reduction in friction factor for a xed ReMR. Quantitatively, the predicted value for PL is about 10% higher than those measured in [21], although the values for the yield stress uids are approximately 5% and 15% lower respectively. The reason for the lower friction factors for the yield stress uids is related to the reduced turbulence intensities for these cases, with weaker turbulent structure bringing less high speed uid from the core regions into the near-wall regions where wall
Fig. 8. Fanning friction factors determined for the CFD simulations as a function of the MetznerReed Reynolds number. The solid curves are for Newtonian uid (n = 1) and a power-law uids (n = 0.6). The friction factor decreases with yield stress, indicating a lower level of (non-dimensionalised) drag for higher yield stress materials.
drag is produced. Although this behaviour is qualitatively similar to the drag reduction caused by polymer additives (see [4,5]) it is not quantitatively the same. Drag reduction typically arises in low concentration solutions of an additive that has little or no eect on the shear viscosity of the carrier uid (hence for the same pressure gradient, drag is reduced and ow is increased). In contrast, in the case here, an additive would need to modify the Newtonian rheology parameters shown in Table 3 to give the HB1 or HB2 parameters in order to qualify as a true drag reducing agent (i.e. it would need to provide a yield stress at the same time as reducing the consistency). Such behaviour seems rather unlikely in practice, and the apparent drag reduction seen in Fig. 8 is consequently an artefact of the non-dimensionalisation used to compare the results. 4.3. Intermittency and transition Time traces of velocity signals for the simulations are shown in Fig. 9. Traces at the centreline (dashed line), log layer (dotted line) and near wall (solid line) are shown. There is a clear distinction between the results for the Newtonian and power law uids, between the power law and yield stress uids and between the two different yield stress uids. The Newtonian uid is clearly fully developed turbulence at this Reynolds number and displays a random, short-time uctuation in both velocity components at all locations. The power law results are similarly random and unsteady, although the time scale of the uctuations is signicantly longer, suggesting that the unsteady structures have a larger size than in the case of the Newtonian uid. For HB1, the level of unsteadiness drops further, and there are clear signs of large scale structure in the signals that corresponds approximately to the domain transit time (especially for the near-wall velocity traces), suggesting that domain length eects are probably inuencing the results here. There is still signicant random unsteadiness away from the walls, suggesting the ow is fairly turbulent, although not fully developed. For the higher yield stress uid (HB2), the ow is clearly transitional, with obvious patches of unsteadiness followed by periods of relative quiescence. Domain length aects are clearly visible here in all velocity traces, with the period between disturbances approximately equal to the domain transit time. Contours of axial velocity at y+ 20 are shown in Fig. 10. The turbulent structures seen in these images are consistent with the time traces in Fig. 9. The structure in the Newtonian case is clearly small scale and turbulent, similarly in the case of the power law uid although the structures are both longer and wider (and according to the turbulence intensities shown in Figs. 5 and 6, also weaker). In the case of HB1, the distribution of turbulent structure is becoming less uniform and for HB2, there is clearly one single, large spiral structure that spans the entire computational domain (note that the pipe surface has been rolled at in these images). This large structure is self-sustaining for many domain transit times and provides features of intermittency for a stationary observer. This last ow is clearly transitional and the domain length is insucient to provide a reliable simulation of this ow. However, results presented in [6] for a transitional power law uid suggest that despite the domain length limitations, the mean ow statistics (both rst and second order) are still accurately represented by the simulation results, and that transition is likely to occur via intermittent phenomena such as turbulent pus observed in Newtonian turbulence. However it is occurring here at a generalised Reynolds number that is signicantly higher than that observed for Newtonian ow. Longer domain length simulations were not feasible here because of the Reynolds number being considered and the accompanying computational limitations. Instantaneous snapshots of cross-sectional velocities, contours of axial velocity and contours of viscosity are shown in Fig. 11. The contour scales are identical for each uid and the magnitude of the cross-sectional velocity scales are also equal the viscosity contour levels are exponentially spaced. They show the degree of unsteadiness in the ow as well as the degree to which the major unsteady structures are conned to regions close to the pipe wall for the power law and yield stress uids, whereas there is a signicantly increased degree of structure in the core region of the Newtonian uid. Clearly seen are the lower viscosities (indicative of higher shear rates) in the wall regions in the viscosity contours. It is interesting to compare the shear-thinning results here to those for viscoelastic uids presented in [4,5,7]. In those studies, the conclusion was drawn that polymer additives modify the turbulent structure in the buer layer (10 < y+ < 30) to increase the streamwise vortex size, lessen the streamwise vortex strength, and consequently supply less energy to the log layer. The reduction in advective transport of high-momentum uid from the core toward the wall ultimately leads to the prediction of drag reduction. Correlated to the weaker vortices
Fig. 9. Wall-normal (U) and axial (W) velocity signals at three radial locations for Newtonian uid (top), PL, HB1, and HB2 (bottom). The dashed line is at the pipe centreline, the dotted line is in the log layer (y+ 85) and the solid line is near the pipe wall (y+ 10). The elapsed time is approximately 5 domain transit times. Note that for the wall normal proles, the near wall and centreline traces have been oset by 0.2 and 0.2 respectively to allow the three traces to be distinguished the mean value for all wall normal velocity traces is zero.
Fig. 10. Predicted axial velocity at y+ 20 for ReG = 7500. From top to bottom, Newtonian, PL (n = 0.6, sY = 0), HB1 (n = 0.6, sY = 0.1sw), HB2 (n = 0.6, sY = 0.5sw). The pipe surface has been rolled at and the ow is from left to right. White represents high velocity and black low.
were reduced wall normal and spanwise velocity uctuations compared to the Newtonian case (these correspond to radial and azimuthal uctuations here). It was also observed that streamwise (axial) uctuations were slightly higher than the Newtonian case. As the degree of visco-elasticity increased, these trends increased and it was seen that the slope of the mean velocity log layer increased also. The majority of these phenomena are similar in character to those observed here when degree of viscoelasticity is replaced by magnitude of shear stress. Recall that the simulation results here are for uids that have no visco-elasticity. The cause of the phenomena here is simply the increased viscosity near the core of the ow (i.e. in lower shear regions) that dampens the turbulent structures and reduces radial momentum transfer. 4.4. Summary of pipe ow results Adding a yield stress to a power law uid (i.e. creating a HerschelBulkley uid) has a marked dierence to the uids turbulent ow in a pipe. Similar to power law uids, the increased viscosity in the core of the ow results in weaker turbulence structures in the near-wall region that advect less of the high speed core ow toward the wall, hence reducing the non-dimensionalised drag (for a xed ReG). In addition, the eect of increasing yield stress (again for a xed ReG) is to accentuate these eects, to the point where a yield stress
Fig. 11. Instantaneous contours of axial velocity, cross-stream velocity vectors, and viscosity contours for Newtonian, PL, HB1 and HB2 simulations (ReG = 7500). For axial velocity, white contours are high and black low. For viscosity, white is low viscosity and black high.
equal to one half the mean wall shear stress of the power law case renders the ow transitional at ReG = 7500 a Reynolds number that is well-developed turbulence in the case of a Newtonian uid. As the yield stress increases, the core of the ow becomes increasingly laminar, and it appears possible that a sucient yields stress (perhaps combined with a small ow index, n) may allow a completely laminar, even plug, ow in the core to co-exist with unsteady transitional and/or turbulent wall layers. This was not seen in the examples considered here, and attempts to increase the yield stress beyond the maximum value used above led to an unstable simulation that required impractically small time-steps to run successfully. Nevertheless, this possibility is intriguing and may be one way of transporting signicant solids in a stable plug at the same time as resuspending those solids that are able to settle as a result of pipe bends, etc. 5. Blood ow in a channel In [9] a RANS (Reynolds-Averaged NavierStokes) approach with a modied Spallart-Allmaras turbulence model [22] was used to simulate the ow of blood (modelled rheologically as a CarreauYasuda uid) in a channel ow domain. Referring to Eq. (4), the appropriate rheology parameters for blood are g0 = 1.612 101 kg m1 s1, g1 = 3.527 103 kg m1 s1, k = 8.2 s, a = 1.23, b = 0.64 [9]. Kinematic viscosity is required in the subsequent non-dimensionalisation and is determined by dividing dynamic viscosities by the density of blood, taken to be q = 1058 kg m3. To compare to these RANS simulation results, a DNS simulation was undertaken in a rectangular channel with a streamwise length of 5pD and a spanwise height of 2pD where D is the channel half width. The wall
normal (x), spanwise (y) and streamwise (z) velocity components are labelled (U, V, W) respectively. The domain was discretised using 70 21 21 elements in the cross-stream plane and 192 z-planes (96 complex Fourier modes) in the streamwise direction. This provided a near-wall mesh resolution of approximately x+ 0.2, y+ 6 and z+ 15. The wall-normal mesh spacing near the channel centre was x+ 5, which is sucient for good resolution of this ow. Physically, the channel half-width was chosen to be D = 10 cm. The simulation parameters were chosen to provide a friction velocity Reynolds number (Res) of 180. The denition of friction velocity and friction velocity Reynolds number allows the wall shear rate to be written as _ w Res =h2 mw ; c 9
which is substituted into the CarreauYasuda model (Eq. (4)) estimated at the wall. The resulting implicit equation for the mean wall viscosity, mw, is solved iteratively. The mean wall viscosity is then used to calculate the friction velocity (via the denition of Res), the mean wall shear stress and pressure gradient. To estimate a priori the resulting supercial velocity, a Blassius turbulent ow prole with a kinematic viscosity equal to m1(= g1/q) was assumed, and nally this mean supercial velocity was used in the non-dimensionalisation of the problem. A similar process could have been used with mw instead of m1, but either approximation leads to an error of approximately 10% in the supercial velocity predicted from the DNS (Table 4). 5.1. Results The mean streamwise velocity prole for the CarreauYasuda uid is plotted in wall units in Fig. 12 and compared to the RANS results of [9] and Newtonian results at the same value of Res. As seen, the prole lies above that of a Newtonian uid, suggesting that the ow is either not well developed turbulence, or that the basic prole is signicantly dierent. Despite lying signicantly above the Newtonian prole, the slope of the CarreuaYasuda log-layer region is very similar to the Newtonian uid, which is in contrast to the power law results presented in [6] and the HerschelBulkley results above (for HB2). The Spallart-Allmaras turbulence model provides quite reasonable estimates of the mean ow prole over most of the range, although there is some discrepancy in the buer layer.
Table 4 Non-dimensional parameters for the channel ow simulation Model CarreauYasuda m1 1.914 104 m0 8.749 103 mw 3.427 104 K 14.2817 oP/oz 3.805 103 Actual W 1.101 ReG 3214
ReG is based on channel half width, supercial velocity and wall viscosity.
Fig. 12. Mean streamwise velocity prole for DNS of a CarreuaYasuda uid (n) and RANS results presented in [9] (s). The Newtonian prole for the same value of Res is shown as the solid line.
Fig. 13. Second-order turbulence statistics for the channel ow of a CarreauYasuda uid (n) and Newtonian uid (solid line).
The second-order turbulent statistics are shown in Fig. 13, where it is seen that the cross-stream turbulence intensities for a CarreauYasuda uid in a channel are signicantly lower than the Newtonian values, but that the streamwise uctuation is marginally higher across most of the channel width. All in all, the turbulent kinetic energy is slightly lower than the Newtonian value. Reynolds stresses and turbulence production follow similar trends to pipe ow of both power law and HerschelBulkley uids. The mean viscosity prole (normalised by the mean wall viscosity) is shown in Fig. 14. The mean centreline viscosity is six times that of the wall (although still ve times lower than the zero-shear viscosity). As expected, the lower shear rates near the centreline result in increased viscosity there and, as with the pipe ow results above, reduce the cross-stream turbulence intensities (Fig. 13) and reduce momentum transport to the wall. For this uid, the non-Newtonian rheology has a signicant impact on the near-wall structures in the turbulent boundary layer as seen in the predicted near-wall streaks (at x+ 20) shown in Fig. 15. The streak spacing is signicantly larger, and the streak length signicantly longer with several streaks spanning the entire
Fig. 14. Mean viscosity prole of a turbulent CarreauYasuda uid (non-dimensionalised by the wall viscosity).
Fig. 15. Wall streaks for Newtonian channel ow (top) and CarreauYasuda uid (bottom) at a distance of x+ 20. Flow is from left to right. (Note that the Newtonian case was calculated on a smaller domain and a number of data repetitions in the streamwise and spanwise directions have been included to show the same area as the CarreauYasuda case. The joins between the images are visible, especially in the spanwise direction.)
domain length, suggesting that the streamwise extent of the domain should be increased for reliable simulation of this ow. Fig. 16 shows instantaneous cross-sections of the axial velocity, cross-stream velocity vectors and viscosity. As in the pipe ow simulations, the turbulent structures conned to the regions close to the wall, with relatively little turbulent structure toward the centre of the ow. This is consistent with the turbulence intensities shown in Fig. 13, and is again related to the higher viscosities there. The results for this uid in a channel ow domain are qualitatively similar to pipe ow of power law and HerschelBulkley uids, and no signicant dierences emerge from them. 6. Summary of results A numerical method for the Direct Numerical Simulation of the turbulent ow of generalised Newtonian uids is outlined, and its parallel implementation using MPI discussed. It is seen that as the number of processors increases, the method becomes less ecient (56% as ecient with 48 CPUs as with 1) however the wall time for turning a simulation around is thirty times less. Comparing an eight hour wait to a ten day wait for a simulation to run suggests that the loss in eciency is generally an acceptable trade-o. The results for all the non-Newtonian uids above are consistent with those found for turbulent pipe ow of power law uids in [6], with larger, weaker turbulent structures for the non-Newtonian uids compared to Newtonian and smaller friction factors at a xed ReG. The addition of a yield stress to a power law uid weakens the structures still further, driving the ow more toward the transitional regime. Additionally, the mean ow prole deviates further from the Newtonian and power law proles as a yield stress increases. It appears that pipe ow of yield stress uids make the transition to turbulence via intermittency and turbulent events like the slugs and pus observed in Newtonian ow (see Fig. 10). Although the results are not conclusive because of the insucient domain length of the simulations, they are believed to be qualitatively correct. These unsteady structures may potentially be able to resuspend small settling particles in particle-
Fig. 16. Instantaneous contours of streamwise velocity (top), velocity vectors (middle) and contours of viscosity (bottom) for the channel ow of a CarreauYasuda uid. Black is slow and white fast in the top image and black is high viscosity and white low in the bottom gure.
laden ows, allowing the transitional regime to be possible for suspension transport in yield stress carrier uids. Simulation of a CarreauYasuda uid showed similar behaviour to the HerschelBulkley results, with loglaw proles that lay above the Newtonian prole (suggesting undeveloped ow) and velocity uctuations with similar behaviour. Like the Hershel Bulkley ow (especially at the higher yield stress), the CarreauYasuda ow was transitional, even at a generalised Reynolds number of 3214. When using polymer solutions to approximate idealised rheologies, diculties can be encountered in understanding and interpreting experimental results due to the presence of unwanted rheological eects (e.g. viscoelasticity). The application of this DNS technique to ows of non-Newtonian uids allows the rheology model to be treated with certainty and has the potential to enable the eect of dierent rheological parameters to be correctly quantied and understood. This is a signicant contribution that DNS can bring to the study of ows of non-Newtonian uids. However, a key problem in obtaining accurate results of turbulent ow of real non-Newtonian uids using DNS is the diculty in approximating a real uid rheology over a very wide range of shear rates using any of the simple generalised Newtonian rheology models. It is likely that this limitation in measurement will ensure that accurately modelling the turbulent ow of real uids will remain a dicult task. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge Dhruv Arora, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science at Rice University, Texas, for providing his results for RANS modelling of blood ow.
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