Ins 21 Dump Final
Ins 21 Dump Final
Ins 21 Dump Final
pes of loss exposures - Characteristics of insurable risks Insurance operations Benefits an costs of insurance Brief history of insurance !"#$ Insurance is a contract between "$ Insure an %tate &$ Insurer an %tate 3. Insured and Insurer '$ Insure an (gent !&#$ Insurance is not a) "$ Business* inclu ing +arious operations that must be con ucte in a way to generate income$ &$ Contract* between the insure an the insurer 3. Barter, between the insured and insurer '$ Transfer system* in which insure transfers the chance of financial loss to insurer !,-$ ( loss exposure is any) 1. Condition or situation that resents the ossibility of a loss &$ Con ition or situation that guarantees the loss ,$ #+ent for which insurance pays '$ Con ition for sharing the insurance payment between insure s !'#$ (ccor ing to law of large numbers) "$ (s the number of similar but in epen ent exposure units ecreases* the relati+e accuracy of pre ictions about future outcomes base on these exposure units increases$ &$ (s the number of similar but in epen ent exposure units increases* the relati+e accuracy of pre ictions about future outcomes base on these exposure units ecreases$ ,$ (s the number of similar but in epen ent exposure units increases* the relati+e accuracy of pre ictions about future outcomes base on these exposure units remains constant$ !. "s the nu#ber of si#ilar but inde endent e$ osure units increases, the relative accuracy of redictions about future outco#es based on these e$ osure units also increases. !.-$ /hat are the historical terms for 0roperty an Liability insurance1 "$ 2amage Insurance an 3esponsibility Insurance &$ 3eplacement insurance an III 0arty Insurance 3. Fire Insurance and Casualty Insurance '$ 0hysical Insurance an Legal Insurance !4#$ /hich line of insurance is also known as Thir -party insurance1 "$ 0roperty Insurance %. Liability Insurance ,$ Life Insurance '$ 5ealth Insurance !6-$ (ll of the following are types of property insurance #7C#0T) "$ 8ire an allie lines &$ Crime ,$ Business income !. &irectors and officers ! 9-$ (ll of the following are types of insurance pro+i e by the fe eral go+ernment #7C#0T) "$ 8loo insurance &$ Crop insurance
3. '$
!:5$ Term life insurance) "$ 0ro+i es lifetime protection &$ (ccrues a cash +alue 3. Provides #a$i#u# rotection for the lowest cost '$ (llows the policyhol er to borrow against policy sa+ings !";#$ (ll of the following are ways in which state insurance epartments regulate an protect consumers #7C#0T) 1. Insurers #ust #aintain a certain ratio of a(ents to residents in an area &$ Insurers must be license to write insurance policies in a gi+en state ,$ Insurers must meet certain tests of financial strength '$ Insurers must comply with laws on marketing* un erwriting* an claims practices !""#$ /hich one of the following is a reason why go+ernment insurance programs exist1 "$ Because the go+ernment has expertise in han ling insurance claims %. Because the (overn#ent has the necessary financial resources ,$ Because the go+ernment has infrastructure an staff to pro+i e insurance '$ Because the go+ernment has legal representati+es in e+ery state of the union !"&-$ (ll of the following are types of pri+ate insurers #7C#0T) "$ %tock insurers &$ -utual insurers 3. Partici atin( insurance consortiu#s '$ 3eciprocal insurance exchanges !",#$ %tate insurance epartments regulate insurance rates to protect consumers against rates that are all of the following #7C#0T) "$ #xcessi+e &$ Ina e<uate 3. Class s ecific '$ =nfairly iscriminatory !"'#$ ( mutual insurance company is owne by) "$ In epen ent in+estors %. Policyholders ,$ %tate insurance epartments '$ -utual fun s !".-$ (ll of the following are characteristics of i eally insurable loss exposures #7C#0T) "$ Losses that are efinite an measurable &$ Losses that are acci ental ,$ Large number of similar exposure units !. Lar(e concentration of financial ca acity !"4-$ /hole life insurance) "$ 0ro+i es co+erage for a specifie perio such as . or "; years &$ Lapses when the policyhol er reaches age 4. ,$ Is primarily an in+estment +ehicle !. "ccrues a cash value !"6#$ /hat is the process by which insurers eci e which potential customers to insure an what co+erage to offer them1 "$ 3einsuring
&$ ,$ !.
!"9#$ /hich one of the following is most likely to ha+e the characteristics of an i eally insurable loss exposure1 1. *$ losion of an industrial factory stea# boiler &$ %un amage to an exterior paint finish ,$ 0hysical amage to a lunar lan ro+er '$ Termite amage to a home !":#$ In insurance* the term that means restoring a party who has ha a co+ere loss to the same financial position that the party hel before the loss occurre is) "$ %ubrogate &$ 3ecoup 3. Inde#nify '$ 3ectify !&;-$ >ohn has worke for (lloto* Inc$ for &. years an is consi ering retiring within the next two years$ >ohn?s retirement is an example of) 1. " ersonnel loss e$ osure for "lloto, Inc. &$ ( human loss exposure for (lloto* Inc$ ,$ ( liability loss exposure for (lloto* Inc$ '$ ( loss transfer loss exposure for (lloto * Inc$ !&"5$ ( Bon guaranteeing that a principal will carry out the obligation for which they are bon e for ? is1. Surety Bond &$ 8i elity Bon !&,5$ (ct of throwing o+erboar part of a +essel?s cargo or hull in hopes of sa+ing a ship from sinking is known as what1 "$ 3eplacement &$ >ettison 3. "bandon#ent !&'#$ ( class rating is a rate applie to those risks* which are ifferent "$ %erious %. +o,in( !&.#$ 2epreciation is ecrease in the +alue of property ue to eflation$ "$ (gree %. &isa(ree !&4#$ 8raternal insurance is offere to a social organi@ation for their members 1. "(ree &$ 2isagree !&6#$ (n amount returne to a policyhol er by an insurance company out of its earnings is calle A "$ Claim %. &ividend !&9#$ 3etention is the amount of risk retaine by which of the following1 1. Insured &$ =n erwriter ,$ Insurance company
!&:#$ 8i elity Bon are written to co+er the obligee* usually an employer against loss fromA 1. &ishonest "ct &$ 5onest (ct ,$ (cci ent !,;-$ /hich of these o not fall un er the catastrophe category1 1. Fire &$ 5urricane ,$ #arth<uake Types of Insurers %tock Insurance Companies -utual Insurance Companies 3eciprocal Insurance #xchanges Lloy s (ssociations Capti+e Insurers 3einsurance companies 8e eral Insurance 0rograms %tate Insurance 0rograms #xcess an %urplus Lines Insurers !"#$ 0urpose of formation of %tock Insurance Company is) 1. -eturnin( a rofit to its stoc,holders &$ 0ro+i ing insurance to its stockhol ers ,$ 3eturning a profit to its policyhol ers '$ 0ro+i ing insurance to its policyhol ers !&#$ 0urpose of formation of -utual Insurance Company is) "$ 3eturning a profit to its stockhol ers &$ 0ro+i ing insurance to its stockhol ers ,$ 3eturning a profit to its policyhol ers !. Providin( insurance to its olicyholders !,#$ 2emutuali@ation refer to a process by which) "$ %tock insurance company becomes a -utual Insurance Company &$ -utual Insurance company stops in+esting in mutual fun s for in+estment income 3. .utual insurance co# any beco#es a stoc, insurance co# any '$ (llows -utual insurance company to charge its insure an a itional premium after the policy has gone into effect !'#$ ( reciprocal insurance exchange is operate through) "$ Boar of irectors electe by subscribers or members &$ Chairperson electe by members or subscriber an boar of irector of an license insurance company 3. "ttorney/in/fact, an authori0ed #ana(er bound by contract with subscribers or #e#bers '$ Chief Bustice of state boun by state laws$ !.-$ %tate 8arm Insurance Companies is a type of) "$ %tock insurance company %. .utual insurance co# any ,$ 3eciprocal insurance exchange '$ Lloy s association !4-$ =nite %tate (utomobile (ssociation C=%((D is a type of) "$ %tock insurance company &$ -utual insurance company 3. -eci rocal insurance e$chan(e '$ Lloy s association !6#$ (ll factors ha+e contribute to the growth of capti+e insurance companies except) "$ 0ro+i es insurance co+erage at a lower cost than other pri+ate insurance &$ #liminates una+ailability of esire insurance co+erage 3. Chances of loss and clai#s are #ini#i0ed
!9#$ 3einsurance is a type of insurance in which) "$ Insure goes for a secon insurance for the same loss exposure for same expose unit with a ifferent insurer %. 1ne insurer transfers so#e or all of the loss e$ osures fro# olicies written for its insured to another insurer ,$ 0ri+ate insurance companies are force to pro+i e insurance through state laws '$ Insurer is allow to charge extra premium to pro+i e insurance for loss exposures outsi e its business line !:-$ %ocial security program co+ers all the benefit except) "$ 3etirement benefits for the el erly &$ %ur+i+orship benefits for epen ents of ecease workers ,$ 2isability payments for isable workers !. Liability lawsuits char(es !";-$ ( worker compensation insurance plan* which oes not allow pri+ate insurance companies to write /C in that state* is known as) "$ Competiti+e %tate fun &$ Insurance guarantee fun 3. .ono olistic state fund '$ 3esi ual market plan !""-$ (utomobile owners with poor ri+ing recor s can obtain auto liability insurance through) "$ 8air access to insurance re<uirements plan C8(I3D %. "uto#obile insurance lan ,$ Insurance guarantee fun '$ -onopolistic state fun !"&#$ Insurance guarantee fun ) "$ Euarantees that e+ery person obtains esire insurance %. Provides a syste# to ay the clai#s of insolvent insurers ,$ Euarantees insurance companies a fixe flow of premium in case a insure '$ 3eimburses legal cost borne by insure in liability suits
!",#$ /hich one of the following escribes the characteristics of a mutual insurance company1 "$ ( Corporation owne by stockhol ers that earns profits for the stockhol ers$ &$ (n unincorporate association that pro+i es reciprocal co+erage to subscribers$ 3. " Cor oration owned by olicyholders that rovides insurance to its olicyholders. '$ (n unincorporate association that earns profits for its in i+i ual in+estors$ !"'#$ %ome fe eral go+ernment insurance programs pro+i e co+erage for loss exposures that pri+ate insurers ha+e a+oi e largely because of the potential for catastrophic losses$ (n example of such a program is "$ /orkers compensation insurance fun s &$ =nemployment insurance programs ,$ (utomobile insurance plans !. 'he 2ational Flood Insurance Pro(ra# !".-$ /orkers compensation insurance is offere through a resi ual market plan in some states* which means "$ It is a state insurance plan that competes with pri+ate insurers to pro+i e the insurance$ &$ It is a state fun that pro+i es a system to pay the claims of insol+ent insurers$ 3. It is a ro(ra# that #a,es insurance available to those who cannot obtain covera(e because rivate insurers will not voluntarily rovide it.
It is an insurance plan that is the only source of workers compensation insurance allowe in the state$
!"45$ 5ow oes a stock insurance insurer iffer from a reciprocal insurance exchange1 1. " stoc, co# any is owned by stoc,holders. " reci rocal insurance e$chan(e is owned by subscribers. &$ ( stock company pro+i es insurance to its policyhol er-owners$ ( reciprocal insurance pro+i es insurance to in+estors$ ,$ #ach is owne by stockhol ersF howe+er* the reciprocal insurance exchange pro+i es co+erage to in+estors$ '$ #ach is forme to pro+i e profit to in+estorsF howe+er* the stock insurer is manage through a boar of irectors$ !"65$ The %ocial %ecurity program can be simply escribe as 1. " federal ro(ra# that rovides retire#ent, survivorshi , disability, and #edical benefits to eli(ible individuals. &$ ( fe eral welfare benefits program that pro+i es a minimum le+el of housing* foo * an income to eligible in i+i uals an families$ ,$ ( state unemployment insurance program that pro+i es income for a limite perio of time to workers who become unemploye $ '$ ( state program that pro+i es a base le+el of income for retirement base on the le+el of income an uration of employment$ !"95$ ( ratemaking concept in which rates are base on calculate loss experience an insure with similar characteristics are place in the same rating class is calle "$ =nfair iscrimination &$ 0remium ifferential 3. "ctuarial e3uity '$ %ocial e<uity !":# ( reinsurance company "$ Is forme to write all or part of the insurance for a parent company &$ 0ro+i es insurance for loss exposures that pri+ate insurers are unwilling to pro+i e ,$ Transfers losses to a primary insurer !. "cce ts loss e$ osures fro# a ri#ary insurer !&;5$ %ome communities in the =nite %tates celebrate holi ays with firecrackers$ 8irecracker +en ors erect stan s in the parking lot of shopping centers before the holi ays$ Gne shopping center owner sponsoring a firecracker +en or?s booth foun that his insurance i not co+er the exposure$ 5e foun that none of the insurers license to o business in the state sol insurance co+erage for the exposures$ 5ow can the shopping center owner obtain appropriate co+erage for the exposure from the firecracker +en or?s booth1 1. By obtainin( covera(e throu(h the e$cess and sur lus lines #ar,et. &$ By pooling the risk with other shopping center owners with similar exposures$ ,$ Through a proportionate sharing arrangement with multiple insurers$ '$ 8rom alien insurers in countries that also celebrate holi ays with firecrackers$ !&"5$ In a northeastern state* Gl %table Insurance* an ol an establishe insurance company that writes homeowners insurance in the northeast experience three unprofitable years in a row$ Large winter storms resulte in amage to homes that Gl %table insure $ The losses for the last three years ha+e raine the company?s financial resources$ (t the en of the thir year of the losses* the Gl %table eclare bankruptcy when it became insol+ent$ Gl %table was unable to pay for the claims that resulte from the last storm$ Te Han /rinkle is a policyhol er with Gl %table who file a claim as a result of the last storm$ Te ?s house was amage when the weight of snow an ice collapse a portion of his roof$ 5ow will Te be pai for his loss1
"$ Te must Boin as a cre itor in Gl %table?s bankruptcy an recei+e a portion of his loss$ %. 'he (uaranty fund in 'ed4s state will ay for 'ed4s losses. ,$ Te will not be pai because there is no system to co+er insol+ency cause by un erwriting losses$ '$ The state go+ernment will pro+i e compensation to Te through the state?s 8(I3 plan$ Insurance Regulation Iational (ssociation of Insurance Commissioners CI(ICD 3ate 3egulation -onitoring 8inancial health of insurers Insurer licensing (gency licensing 0olicy forms =nfair tra e practices !"5$ /hat is the legal octrine which pre+ents a person from enying the truth of a pre+ious representation of fact* especially when such representation has been relie on by the one to whom the statement was ma e calle 1 "$ Tort &$ 5a@ar 3. *sto el !&-$ ( bon is a contract* which in+ol+es at least how many parties1 "$ Two party contract %. 'hree arty contract ,$ 8our or more part contract !,#$ ( ocument rafte by the I(IC reflecting the propose solution to a gi+en problem an pro+i es a common basis to the states for rafting law that affects insurance in ustry is known as) 1. .odel law &$ %tate statute ,$ Common law '$ Insurance gui eline !'#$ 0rice of insurance for each unit of exposure is known as) "$ 0remium %. -ate ,$ Co+erage '$ Limits !.#$ 0erson analy@ing ata on past losses an the expenses associate with the losses an * combining this with other information to e+elop insurance rates is known as) "$ ( Buster %. "ctuary ,$ (ggregator '$ =n erwriter !4#$ (ctuarial #<uity is) "$ ( rating concept that consi ers rates to be unfairly iscriminatory if they penali@e an insure for characteristics that are beyon the insure Js control &$ (n un erwriting concept* where un erwriters select probable customers base on actuarial gui elines ,$ ( process by which insurer calculate rates that etermine the premium to charge for an insurance policy !. " rate #a,in( conce t throu(h which actuaries base rates on actuarially calculated loss e$ erience and lace insured with si#ilar characteristics in the sa#e ratin( class. !6-$ ( insurance company 7 is incorporate in Lon on* #nglan an license to operate in Iew 5ampshire* =%( will be known as) "$ 2omestic Insurer &$ 8oreign Insurer 3. "lien Insurer '$ Iona mitte Insurer
!9#$ (ll the following are the reason for existence of excess an surplus lines of insurance except) "$ =nusual or uni<ue exposures &$ Insure nee ing high limits ,$ Ionstan ar business !. 2ot able to obtain standard license !:#$ The type of insurance rating law that re<uires rate appro+al by the state insurance epartment before the rates can be use is "$ 8lex rating law &$ Gpen competition ,$ 8ile-an -use law !. Prior/a roval law !";#$ The Iational (ssociation of Insurance Commissioners CI(ICD create a uniform financial statement for property an liability insurance companies$ The purpose of the uniform statement is to "$ #nsure that state insurance epartments not mistake these companies for life insurers$ &$ 0ro+i e accounting expertise for those state insurance epartments that o not ha+e staff actuaries$ 3. Si# lify the state insurance de art#ent4s tas, of co# arin( the financial re orts of #any different insurers. '$ Capture the essential criteria re<uire for rate regulation$ !""-$ %tates regulate the excess an surplus lines market by "$ #stablishing a monitoring boar comprise of all insurers license to o business in the state$ &$ #xamining the market con uct practices of the unlicense insurers$ 3. Licensin( the e$cess and sur lus lines bro,ers that transact business with the unlicensed insurers. '$ (ppro+ing the policy forms an rates use by the unlicense insurers$ !"&5$ /hich one of the following pro+i es a step-by-step explanation of how insurance rates are e+elope 1 "$ (n actuary a$ (naly@es the loss tren s for each rating classification b$ 3ecommen s rate increases for each classification c$ 0ro+i es recommen ations through rating bureaus &$ (n actuary a$ 0re icts future losses base on factors such as weather patterns an litigation tren s b$ 2etermines re<uire rate increases by classification 3. 'he insurer a. "naly0es ast loss increases b. &eter#ines the rofit #ar(in re3uired c. &istributes the loss increases and re3uired rofit a#on( all insureds '$ The insurer a$ 2e+elops each insurer?s share of pre icte losses b$ ( s an amount sufficient to co+er pre icte expenses an a margin for error* profit* an catastrophes !",#$ (ll states re<uire insurance agents to be license to transact insurance business in the state$ 8urther* agents must meet continuing e ucation re<uirements to maintain their licenses$ (ll of these re<uirements ha+e what purpose1 "$ To control the number of agents that transact business in a state to re uce the chance of o+eraggressi+e competition$ %. 'o ensure that these insurance co# any re resentative have rescribed #ini#u# level of insurance ,nowled(e. ,$ To impro+e the image an public perception of the insurance profession$ '$ To maintain a le+el of +igilance in protecting insurance companies against frau ulent beha+ior by the public$
!"'-$ Gne of the metho s use by regulators to ensure insurance company sol+ency is through the Insurance 3egulatory Information %ystem CI3I%D* which is "$ The licensing system re<uire for insurance companies that transact business in a state$ &$ The licensing process for alien insurers that are incorporate in another country$ ,$ ( perio ic examination con ucte by a team of state examiners* working at the insurer?s home office to re+iew acti+ities inclu ing claims* un erwriting* marketing* an accounting proce ures$ !. Financial ratios develo ed fro# insurers4 financial state#ents to deter#ine an insurers4 overall financial condition. !".#$ /hy woul insurance regulators ha+e a goal of assuring that the premiums charge by insurers are a e<uate1 1. 'o #aintain insurer solvency &$ To eliminate the potential of a monopoly ,$ To protect consumers from high insurance rates '$ To promote e<uity among insurers !"45$ The Iational (ssociation of Insurance Commissions CI(ICD has i entifie a problem that affects all states$ =nscrupulous auto bo y shops are) 5iring thie+es to steal cars* cross state lines* an eli+er the stolen +ehicles to the shops Insuring the +ehicles an later claiming they are stolen Changing the +ehicle i entification number Cserial numberD 3eselling the +ehicles The I(IC woul like to a ress these issues uniformly across the =nite %tates by intro ucing tough laws to punish the bo y shops for claim frau * but the I(IC members recogni@e that there are significant ifferences from one state to the next$ 5ow can the I(IC a ress the problem1 1. &evelo a .odel Bill for the ro osed solution and distribute it to the states for ossible enact#ent. &$ 3e<uire each state insurance commissioner to raft a propose solution to the problem tailore to his or her state$ ,$ 2raft a fe eral bill an lobby for legislati+e action to a ress the problem uniformly$ '$ Circulate a petition among all state legislators to Boin in a countrywi e campaign to pass tough laws in each state$ !"6#$ (n automobile insurance policyhol er has complaine that her insurance premium is higher than her neighbor?s premium$ Both the policyhol er an her neighbor ha+e insurance with the same company* an they ha+e i entical +ehicles$ The policyhol er feels that she is the subBect of unfair iscrimination$ (s the policyhol er?s agent* you know the policyhol er has been responsible for se+eral small auto acci ents$ The policyhol er has mentione that her neighbor has ha no acci ents or +iolation in the last three years$ Kou must explain to the policyhol er the obBecti+e of rate regulation ensuring that rates are not unfairly iscriminatory* as it applies in her case$ /hich one of the following is an accurate explanation1 "$ Insure s with similar characteristics are usually place in the same class an charge the same rate unless social e<uity re<uire mo ification in that rate structure$ This has probably occurre in your situation$ %. Insureds with si#ilar characteristics are laced in the sa#e class and char(ed the sa#e rate. 5owever, your accidents have robably laced you in a different classification. 6our re#iu# is based on the loss e$ erience for olicyholders in your classification. ,$ Kour neighbor has probably recei+e a cre it base on the length of time he has ha his policy with the company$ This is not unfairly iscriminatory because it is a+ailable to all policyhol ers o+er time$ '$ Kour neighbor has been place in a preferre category of policyhol ers* which gi+es him rights an pri+ileges that you o not ha+e$ Kour neighbor has been gi+en a rate re uction base on excess profits that ha+e been returne to policyhol ers$
Financial Performance of Insurers 0remium Income C#arne an /ritten premiumD In+estment Income Loss #xpenses =n erwriter #xpenses In+estment #xpenses Gperational EainLloss (ssets Liabilities 0olicy 5ol erJs %urplus 8inancial %tatements 0rofitability 3atios Capacity !"#$ Loss 3atio is a ratio of claims to which of the following1 "$ 0art of annuity payment &$ Gperating expenses 3. Pre#iu#s !&#$ /hich of the following is not a mo e of premium payment1 "$ !uarterly &$ (nnually 3. Fortni(htly !,#$ /hich of the following o not fall un er li<ui ation1 "$ %elling of (ssets for cash %. Payin( off of art liability. ,$ 2issol+ing of a company !'-$ /hich part of a policy is not co+ere by Iet premium1 "$ 0rofits &$ Benefits of policy ,$ ( +antage !.-$ 3ules of accounting allows insurer to recogni@e) "$ Gnly unearne premiums as income for particular year %. 1nly earned re#iu#s as inco#e for articular year ,$ Gnly written premiums as income for particular year '$ Both earne an unearne premiums as income for particular year !45$ ( policy is ma e effecti+e on %ept "* &;;" for M";;; for a perio of "& months$ (t the en of the year i$e$ 2ec$ ,"* &;;"* company will recor ) "$ /ritten premium) M';;F #arne premium) M";;;F =nearne premium) M9;; &$ /ritten premium) M9;;F #arne premium) M';;F =nearne premium) M";;; ,$ /ritten premium) M";;;F #arne premium) M9;;F =nearne premium) M';; !. 7ritten re#iu#8 91:::; *arned re#iu#8 9!::; )nearned re#iu#8 9<:: !65$ ( policy is ma e effecti+e on %ept "* &;;" for M";;; for a perio of "& months$ /hat will be the /rittenL#arne L=nearne premium amounts recor e by the company at the en of year i$e$ 2ec ,"*&;;&$ C0olicy is not renewe D "$ /ritten premium) M";;;F #arne premium) M9;;F =nearne premium) M&;; %. 7ritten re#iu#8 9:; *arned re#iu#8 9<::; )nearned re#iu#8 9%:: ,$ /ritten premium) M";;;F #arne premium) M";;;F =nearne premium) M; '$ /ritten premium) M;F #arne premium) M9;;F =nearne premium) M; !9#$ (mounts esignate by insurance companies to pay claims for losses that ha+e alrea y occurre but are not yet settle is known as) "$ 0olicy hol er surplus %. Loss reserve ,$ Incurre loss '$ 0ai loss !:-$ G+erall gainLloss from operation is calculate by) 1. *arned re#iu# Losses )nderwritin( e$ enses = 2et invest#ent (ain>loss &$ /ritten premium N Iet in+estment gainLloss
,$ '$
!";-$ CTotal earne premium N In+estment incomeD CTotal losses N Gther expensesD N ( Bustments is e<ui+alent to) "$ Iet un erwriting gainLloss &$ G+erall gainLloss from operation 3. 2et inco#e before ta$es '$ Iet operating incomeLloss !""#$ (ll of the following can be recor e as a mitte assets except) "$ Cash &$ 3eal estate ,$ Certain ata processing e<uipment !. .ore than ?: days overdue re#iu# !"&-$ Two maBor types of liabilities foun on an insurerJs financial statements are) "$ 0olicyhol ersJ %urplus an Loss 3eser+e %. Loss reserve and )nearned Pre#iu# -eserve ,$ 0olicyhol ersJ %urplus an =nearne 0remium 3eser+e '$ 0olicyhol ersJ %urplus an (ccountJs recei+able !",5$ (ll of the following are profitability ratios except) "$ Loss ratio &$ In+estment income ratio 3. Pre#iu# to sur lus ratio '$ #xpense ratio !"'#$ 0ercent of earne premiums use to fun losses an their settlements is known as) 1. Loss ratio &$ In+estment income ratio ,$ Combine ratio '$ #xpense ratio !".#$ #xpense ratio is a comparison of) "$ Incurre un erwriting expense an earne premium &$ Incurre losses an earne premium ,$ Incurre losses an written premium !. Incurred underwritin( e$ ense and written re#iu# !"4#$ In+estment income ratio is calculate by i+i ing net in+estment income by) "$ /ritten premium %. *arned re#iu# ,$ =nearne 0remium '$ Total in+estment income !"6#$ G+erall operating ratio is calculate by) 1. Loss ratio = *$ ense ratio / Invest#ent Inco#e ratio &$ Loss ratio N #xpense ratio N In+estment Income ratio ,$ Loss ratio - #xpense ratio N In+estment Income ratio '$ Loss ratio - #xpense ratio - In+estment Income ratio !"95$ 8or an insurance company (BC #arne 0remiums O .*;;;*;;; /ritten 0remiums O 4*;;;*;;; Incurre =n erwriting #xpenses O 4;;*;;;
Incurre Losses Cinclu ing loss expenseD O ,*;;;*;;; Iet In+estment Income O "*;;;*;;; CompanyJs Loss ratioL #xpense ratioLCombine ratioLIn+estment Income ratioL G+erall Gperating ratio stan s at Call ratios in PD) "$ .;L";L4;L&;L'; &$ .;L";L';L&;L6; 3. @:>1:>A:>%:>B: '$ 4;L";L.;L&;L6; !":#$ (n insurer has an o+erall operating gain when) "$ G+erall operating ratio is ";;P %. 1verall o eratin( ratio is less than 1::C ,$ G+erall operating ratio is more than";;P '$ G+erall operating ratio oes not effect !&;#$ 0remium-to-surplus ratio is also known as "$ Loss ratio %. Ca acity ratio ,$ Gperating ratio '$ Income ratio !&"#$ Capacity ratio is calculate as 1. 7ritten re#iu#s> olicyholdersD sur lus &$ #arne premiumsLpolicyhol erJs surplus ,$ /ritten premiumsLLoss reser+e '$ #arne premiumsL Loss reser+e !&&#$ /hich of the following is part of written premiums1 "$ In+estment income &$ 0olicyhol ers surplus 3. )nearned re#iu#s '$ =n erwriting expenses !&,#$ (n insurer?s financial statement shows a loss reser+e an an unearne premium reser+e$ These reser+es are each part of the insurer?s "$ 0olicyhol ers? surplus &$ =na mitte assets ,$ ( mitte assets !. 'otal liabilities !&'-$ (n insurer?s income statement shows amounts for all of the following for a particular perio * #7C#0T) "$ #arne premiums %. Policyholders sur lus ,$ Incurre losses '$ =n erwriting expenses !&.# (ll of the following parties are likely to monitor an insurer?s financial performance* #7C#0T) "$ 3egulators &$ (gents 3. Clai#ants '$ %harehol ers !&4#$ (mounts esignate by insurers to pay claims for losses that ha+e alrea y occurre are calle "$ (c<uisition expenses
&$ 3. '$
!&65$ ( ecrease in incurre losses will generally cause a ecrease in all of the following* #7C#0T) "$ Combine ratio %. *$ ense ratio ,$ G+erall ratio '$ Loss ratio !&9-$ The financial report for (pex Insurers contains the following information) ( mitte assets M.;;*;;; =na mitte assets M';;*;;; Liabilities M,;;*;;; /hat is the amount of (pex Insurers? policyhol ers surplus1 "$ M";;*;;; %. 9%::,::: ,$ M';;*;;; '$ M4;;*;;; !&:-$ Brown Insurance Company has the following expenses) Licenses* taxes* an fees M6;*;;; Claim staff salaries M";;*;;; (gents? commissions M&;;*;;; ( +ertising costs M.;*;;; 3ent an utilities M4;*;;; /hat is the amount of Brown Insurance Company?s ac<uisition expenses1 1. 9%B:,::: &$ M,;;*;;; ,$ M,.;*;;; '$ M'.;*;;; !,;5$ /orl Insurance Company has the following assets) Cash M .;*;;; %tocks M';;*;;; Bon s M&;;*;;; 3eal #state M.;;*;;; 8urniture an office e<uipment 0remium balance ue in less than :; ays 0remium o+er ue more than :; ays /hat is the amount of /orl ?s total a mitte assets1 "$ M'.;*;;; &$ M4.;*;;; 3. 91,1A:,::: '$ M"*&.;*;;;
!,"-$ II% Insurer?s earne premiums are M"*9;;*;;; for the year$ Its losses an expenses are M"*6,;*;;;$ /hat type of financial performance i II% Insurer experience for the year1 "$ ( net operating gain of M6;*;;; %. " net underwritin( (ain of 9A:,::: ,$ ( net operating loss of M"*6,;*;;; '$ ( net operating gain of M"*9;;*;;; !,&-$ Gl 8aithful Insurer has written premiums of M"*';;*;;; an policyhol ers? surplus of M';;*;;;$ /hat oes the capacity ratio in icate about Gl 8aithful Insurer1 1. Financial wea,ness
&$ ,$ '$
Marketing In epen ent (gency %ystem #xclusi+e (gency %ystem 2irect /riting %ystem 2irect 3esponse %ystem -ixe -arketing %ystem - 3oles an 3esponsibilities of an agent Types of (uthorities Types of Commissions ( +ertising !"#$ 5ow is an in epen ent agent pai 1 1. Co##ission basis &$ %alary basis ,$ 0rofit basis !&#$ (ll the following are the responsibilities of an agent to the principal except) "$ Loyalty &$ Gbe ience ,$ 3easonable care !. Profitable !,#$ (uthority base on thir partyJs reasonable belief that agent is authori@e to act on behalf of the principal is known as) "$ #xpress authority &$ Implie authority 3. " arent authority '$ Bin ing authority !'#$ Gwnership of agency expiration list is the usual feature of) 1. Inde endent "(ency Syste# &$ #xclusi+e (gency system ,$ 2irect /riting %ystem '$ 2irect response %ystem !.-$ ( Broker is suppose to o all the following except) "$ Collect premiums from insure an remit to insurer &$ 8in people with insurance nee s an selling insurance appropriate to those nee s 3. Co##it the insurer by bindin( covera(e '$ Collect a fee or commission for their ser+ices !4-$ (n in epen ent business organi@ation that functions almost as a branch office for one or more insurance companies is known as) "$ In epen ent (gency %. .ana(in( Eeneral "(ency ,$ Broker '$ #xclusi+e (gency !6-$ Tie-in-sales an rebating are) "$ 0ro ucer super+ision practices &$ 0ro ucer moti+ation practices ,$ %ales promotion practices !. )nfair trade ractices !9#$ 0eter is a salarie pro ucer who is an employee of (BC Insurance Company$ In what istribution system oes he operate1 "$ #xclusi+e agency &$ In epen ent agency
3. '$
!:#$ 8or an in epen ent agency or an exclusi+e agency* the percentage of the premium that goes to the agency or to the pro ucer for new policies sol or existing policies renewe is the "$ Contingent commission &$ 0rofit sharing ,$ %alary !. Sales co##ission !";-$ (n in epen ent agent recei+e his monthly commissions for the new policies he has sol $ #+en though he wrote twenty new policies that month* his commission was low$ /hich one of the following explains why this coul occur1 "$ Co##issions are not fully earned at the ti#e of a sale. 1ther olicies written by the a(ent #i(ht have been cancelled with the unearned ortion of the co##ission returned to the insurance co# any$ &$ The agent faile to pro+i e the le+el of ser+ice re<uire by the insurance company$ The insurance commission was re uce as an incenti+e for better performance$ ,$ The agent i not meet the premium +olume an profitability le+els that were specifie in his contractF therefore* his commission was re uce $ '$ The agent is a salarie employee of the insurance company an recei+es only contingent commissions$ !""#$ The authority that the principal specifically grants the agent is calle ) "$ Implie authority %. *$ ress authority ,$ (pparent authority '$ Con itional authority !"&#$ (ll of the following are true about the insurance agency relationship #7C#0T) "$ The agency agreement is a written agreement between the insurer an an agent &$ The agency agreement gi+es the agent the right to represent the insurer an sell insurance on the insurer?s behalf 3. 'he rinci al is the arty the a(ent authori0es to bind covera(e '$ The agent is the party authori@e by the principle to act on the principal?s behalf !",#$( +ertising by in epen ent agencies promotes "$ Bran recognition of the companies represente %. 'he a(ency rather than the insurers it re resents ,$ %ymbols use to increase recognition of the insurers represente '$ (ttention to the prices of the policies offere !"'-$ Insurers using irect response marketing attract new customers through all of the following metho s* #7C#0T) 1. -eco(nition of local a(ents &$ #xtensi+e a +ertisement ,$ #stablishe customer bases '$ /or -of-mouth a +ertising !".#$ /hen an insurance company appoints an insurance agent to ser+e as its representati+e* what specifies the scope of authority gi+en to the agent in this relationship1 "$ Implie authority &$ Bin ing authority ,$ ( unilateral contract !. "n a(ency contract
!"4-$ Claire is a pro ucer who is self-employe an represents a group of relate insurers calle the =nite Insurance Eroup$ %he has no right of ownership of the expiration list of insure s$ In what istribution system oes she operate1 1. *$clusive a(ency &$ In epen ent agency ,$ 2irect writing '$ 2irect response !"6#$ 0ro ucers are not allowe to pay a portion of the premiums for a policy or gi+e any commission to a policyhol er$ (ctions of this type are calle "$ Tie-in sales &$ Contingent commissions ,$ -isrepresentation of i+i en s !. -ebatin( !"9-$ (ll of the following are true about the insurance istribution system #7C#0T) "$ -anaging general agencies appoint an super+ise in epen ent agents for insurers that operate in the system &$ Insurance brokers are in epen ent business owners or firms that place insurance by representing the customers* not insurers 3. "n a(ency e$ iration list is the record of olicies that have la sed or been canceled due to overdue re#iu#s '$ The irect response system a +ertises to encourage the potential customers to contact the insurer to purchase insurance !":#$ The presi ent of an insurance company that markets through in epen ent agents is concerne that agents in one geographic area are not moti+ate to seek profitable business$ Gther agents in this geographic area ha+e a better reputation for pro ucing profitable business$ /ithin the insurance company* whose Bob is it to fix this problem1 "$ The pro uction un erwriter?s &$ The staff un erwriter?s ,$ The pro ucer?s !. 'he #ar,etin( re resentative4s !&;#$ (uthority that the insurance company specifically grants to an agent is calle "$ Bin ing authority %. *$ ress authority ,$ Implie authority '$ (pparent authority !&"#$ /hich one of the following in i+i uals represents the insurance purchaser1 "$ (n agent &$ ( solicitor ,$ ( customer ser+ice agent !. " bro,er !&&#$ To obtain a state agent?s license* a person must meet se+eral re<uirements that inclu e which one of the following1 "$ %pen a specifie amount of time as a customer ser+ice representati+e$ &$ Gbtain an agency contract offere by an insurance company$ ,$ (c<uire a bon i entifying the state as the principal$ !. Pass an e$a#ination after co# letin( classroo# study !&,-$ Insurance companies attempt to moti+ate pro ucers to sell the types of business the companies want to ac<uire$ /hich one of the following woul moti+ate pro ucers to sell the esire type of business1 "$ 3e uce commissions if sales goals are not achie+e $
%. ,$ '$
5old sales contests to encoura(e the ty e of sales activity. 0ro+i e a itional staff to help with the processing$ Gffer subscriptions to e ucational ser+ices for the pro ucers$
!&'#$ The managers of an in epen ent agency are hoping to earn contingent commissions from se+eral insurers at the en of the year$ /hat shoul the agency managers attempt to o to earn contingent commissions1 "$ 3e uce the number of homeowners policies written for houses in urban areas compare to the homeowners policies written for houses in rural areas$ &$ 3e uce the number of employees re<uire to ac<uire an ser+ice the policies in the agency$ 3. Increase the re#iu# volu#e and rofitability level of the a(ency4s business with those insurers. '$ Increase the le+el of customer ser+ice pro+i e to policyhol ers an claimants$ !&.5$ 3ipTi e Insurance Company has forme an alliance with Local Bank an =-Betcha =se Car %ales$ /hen =-Betcha sells a car* the sales person irects the customer to Local Bank for the loan an 3ipTi e for insurance$ If the customer transacts business with all three organi@ations* the customer will recei+e re uce auto rates$ /oul this be consi ere to be an unfair tra e practice by 3ipTi e1 1. 6es, it is an unfair trade ractice to tie the urchase of insurance to so#e other sale or financial arran(e#ent. &$ Kes* offering a preferre rate to a customer as escribe is consi ere to be rebating$ ,$ Io* businesses interact in this way as a regular practice$ '$ Io* this is not ecepti+e or unfair to the applicants or insure s$ !&4#$ Lo+e* %tack* an >ones Insurance sells insurance co+erage for small businesses$ This office of insurance pro ucers represents only one insurer* an the pro ucers work on commission with bonuses$ Lo+e* %tack* an >ones Insurance oes not own the expiration list for the policies it sells an ser+ices$ /hat type of marketing Cor istributionD system oes Lo+e* %tack* an >ones represent1 "$ In epen ent agency system %. *$clusive a(ency syste# ,$ 2irect writing system '$ 2irect response system !&6-$ (n insurance agent wrote insurance policies for a number of military ser+ice +eterans who were satisfie with the co+erage they recei+e an the price they pai for the co+erage$ %ubse<uently* the agent ran an a in a local newspaper stating that the insurance policies offere by his agency are QHeteran (ppro+e Insurance$Q /hy woul this be consi ere misrepresentation or false a +ertising1 "$ The statement misrepresents the benefits* con itions* or terms of the insurance policies$ &$ 'he state#ent uses a na#e or title for the insurance olicies that #isre resents the true nature of the olicies$ ,$ The statement in icates that sales are ties to other benefits$ '$ The statement makes an illegal reference to a go+ernment entity in an insurance sale$ Underwriting Importance of =n erwriting Line an %taff un erwriters - Basic =n erwriting (cti+ities 3isk selection - 0ricing the co+erage Types of rating 2etermining terms an con itions for policy - 3einsurance ecision %teps in un erwriting process Types of 5a@ar s Legal consi erations -onitoring =n erwriting process !"#$ /hich of the following reasons are true with respect to selection of insure by the insurance companies) "$ %tate laws limit the companies in pro+i ing insurance abo+e a fixe percentage of population to a+oi monopoly$ %. InsurerDs ability to rovide insurance is li#ited by its ca acity to write new olicies ,$ InsurerJs o not pro+i e insurance to specific class of people forming lower strata of the society
!&-$ Insurers attempt to protect their a+ailable capacity in following ways except) "$ -aintaining a sprea of risks &$ Gptimi@ing use of a+ailable resources 3. )sin( (uarantee funds '$ (rranging reinsurance !,#$ The un erwriting pricing obBecti+e is to charge a premium that is commensurate with the) 1. *$ osure &$ 0rofitability ,$ %tate laws '$ Insure Js capacity !'#$ (n insurance limit of M&.;*;;; is charge at a rate of M;$'; per M";; of insurance will gi+e a premium of) "$ 4&.; %. 1::: ,$ ";;;;; '$ ";;;; !.-$ -erit 3ating 0lans are) "$ ( type of class rates that gi+es iscounts to e ucate people &$ ( type of rate to e+elop a premium for a uni<ue exposure for which there is no establishe rate 3. .odify class rates to reflect loss characteristics of a articular insured '$ =se to assign a specific insurance rate that reflects the uni<ue characteristics of an insure or the insure Js property !4#$ Class rates are) 1. " ly to all insureds in the sa#e ratin( cate(ory. &$ ( type of rate to e+elop a premium for a uni<ue exposure for which there is no establishe rate ,$ -o ify class rates to reflect loss characteristics of a particular insure '$ =se to assign a specific insurance rate that reflects the uni<ue characteristics of an insure or the insure Js property !6#$ In i+i ual rates are) "$ (pply to all insure s in the same rating category$ &$ ( type of rate to e+elop a premium for a uni<ue exposure for which there is no establishe rate ,$ -o ify class rates to reflect loss characteristics of a particular insure !. )sed to assi(n a s ecific insurance rate that reflects the uni3ue characteristics of an insured or the insuredDs ro erty !9#$ >u gement rates are) "$ (pply to all insure s in the same rating category$ %. " ty e of rate to develo a re#iu# for a uni3ue e$ osure for which there is no established rate ,$ -o ify class rates to reflect loss characteristics of a particular insure '$ =se to assign a specific insurance rate that reflects the uni<ue characteristics of an insure or the insure Js property !:-$ Insurance %er+ices Gffice CI%GD an (merican (ssociation of Insurance %er+ices C((I%D) "$ (re known as rating bureaus an they calculate an file loss cost that form the basis of rates e+elope by in i+i ual insurers &$ (re known as rating bureaus an they calculate rates an prepare rate filings for their members ,$ (re known as insurance a +isory organi@ation an they calculate rates an prepare rate filings for their members
"re ,nown as insurance advisory or(ani0ation and they file loss cost that for# the basis of rates develo ed by individual insurers
!";-$ Gne of the responsibilities of un erwriting management is elegating un erwriting authority$ (ll the following statements are true about elegating un erwriting authority except) "$ It limits the types of ecisions an un erwriter can make without recei+ing appro+al from someone at higher le+el &$ /ith some insurers un erwriting authority is highly ecentrali@e 3. "(ents are never (iven underwritin( authorities. '$ %ome insurers ha+e highly centrali@e authority with many or all final un erwriting ecisions are ma e in home office !""-$ (ll the following are true about e+aluation of ha@ar except) "$ Insure has a weak financial con ition an is susceptible to -oral ha@ar &$ #+i ence of -orale ha@ar can be foun in personality traits of insure s ,$ Interpretation of policy language by courts in a way not inten e by insurer is a part of legal ha@ar R !. "n office buildin( located ne$t to a restaurant without ade3uate fire rotection is a e$ osure to attitudinal ha0ard !"&#$ /hy woul an un erwriter mo ify the rate charge for the co+erage pro+i e when e+aluating an application for insurance1 "$ Because treaty reinsurance in una+ailable for the exposures in icate &$ To a ress the moral ha@ar s the un erwriter i entifie uring in+estigation 3. 'o better #atch the rate to the characteristics of the ris, '$ Because the applicant is not acceptable for co+erage !",#$ /hy o states re<uire that insurers notify the insure before a policy is to be cancele or nonrenewe 1 "$ To pro+i e the state an opportunity to in+estigate the reason for the cancellation or nonrenewal %. 'o (ive the olicyholder an o ortunity to re lace the covera(e ,$ To eliminate the possibility of an insurer canceling all policies co+ering a category of business or in a geographic area '$ To re uce the opportunity for an insurer to re line !"'#$ (s insurers select insure s they attempt to a+oi a +erse selection$ ( +erse selection occurs when "$ (pplicants purchase insurance with the intent of submitting frau ulent claims$ &$ (n insurer oes not select a cross-section of applicants that range from low to high probability of loss$ ,$ Competitors select the better applications* lea+ing the remain er to the insurer$ !. Peo le with the (reatest robability of loss are the ones #ost li,ely to urchase insurance. !".#$ 5ow o un erwriting gui elines help an insurer achie+e its obBecti+es1 "$ By establishing the criteria re<uire for treaty reinsurance to apply &$ By creating a channel for communication for the insurer?s +ision* mission* an obBecti+es 3. By rovidin( a unifor# set of rules that (uide underwriters toward consistent decisions '$ By maintaining a consistently applie set of beha+ioral measurements against which an in i+i ual?s performance will be measure !"4-$ Insurers screen applicants to etermine which ones they esire to insure$ If insurers o not properly select policyhol ers "$ Their profits will be excessi+e in comparison to the premiums collecte $ %. So#e insureds #i(ht be allowed to urchase insurance at rices that do not ade3uately reflect their loss e$ osures. ,$ They will ha+e an excessi+e number of new policies* an their expenses relate to writing the new policies will be excessi+e$ '$ The entire group of policyhol ers written will be substan ar $
!"6#$ 5ow o states prohibit unfair iscrimination by insurers1 "$ By re+iewing each policy cancellation or nonrenewal an the Bustification for the insurer?s action &$ By maintaining a channel for policyhol er complaints 3. By identifyin( rohibited unfair trade ractices in state insurance laws '$ By examining insurers? mission statements an obBecti+es !"9-$ 5ow oes an expert system assist un erwriters in the un erwriting process1 "$ It automatically gathers the necessary information to un erwrite an application$ %. It ensures that no necessary infor#ation is overloo,ed. ,$ It pro+i es management reports to ensure un erwriters? compliance with gui elines$ '$ It monitors the results of the ecisions ma e an suggests changes in un erwriting gui elines !":#$ The amount of business an insurer is able to write base on a comparison of the insurer?s written premium to the si@e of its policyhol ers? surplus is 1. Ca acity &$ ( +erse selection ,$ 3isk selection '$ Combine ratio !&;-$ Gne of the roles of un erwriting management is arranging reinsurance$ #xplain how treaty reinsurance helps an insurer meet its obBecti+es$ 1. 'he reinsurer auto#atically assu#es a ortion of all of the ri#ary insurer4s losses that are eli(ible under the treaty. &$ The reinsurer elegates un erwriting authority to the primary insurer* helping the primary insurer achie+e consistent results$ ,$ The reinsurer monitors the results of the primary insurer?s un erwriting gui elines to assure compliance$ '$ The reinsurer assumes a portion of the losses from all policies that ha+e been specifically liste an insure un er the treaty$ !&"#$ (ll of the following are sources of information un erwriters use as they gather information for un erwriting #7C#0T) "$ 0ro ucers &$ Eo+ernment recor s ,$ Inspection reports !. *ducational records !&&-$ There are +arious types of mo ifications an un erwriter might re<uire to make an applicant acceptable* inclu ing co+erage mo ification$ /hich one of the following is an example of a co+erage mo ification1 ( homeowners applicant has ha three minor lightning losses$ The un erwriter accepts the application 1. But re3uires the a licant to increase the deductible &$ But re<uires the applicant to install lightning ro s ,$ But increases the premium by placing the co+erage in a substan ar rating class '$ But notes that the policy will be nonrenewe if the insure submits a claim in the next year Ehost/riter 0ublishing Company publishes romance no+els$ They purchase manuscripts from freelance no+elists* e it that material* print the texts* an bin the books$ Ehost/riter owns the buil ing where its employees perform all of its publication operations$ Ehost/riter uses book-bin ing glue that is flammable an toxic* so employees try to take care in opening win ows when they are in the bin ing step of the operation$ Ehost/riter has been unwilling to install a sprinkler system or appropriate +entilation system ue to the associate costs$ %o far* opening the win ows has been effecti+e* an none of the employees has become ill from the fumes$
Ehost/riter?s employees ump any unuse book-bin ing glue in a .;-gallon rum behin the buil ing$ The #n+ironmental 0rotection (gency etermine that the rum has been leaking for years* an the toxins in the glue ha+e run into the groun $ They ha+e or ere Ehost/riter to perform a clean-up$ Ehost/riter submitte a claim to its insurer for the expenses associate with the clean-up$ 3ecent court ecisions ha+e ero e the original exclusions in the insurer?s policy language that woul eliminate pollution losses$ The insurer will be re<uire to pay for the pollution loss$ In the last year* profits ha+e been own for Ehost/riter$ Gne e+ening* the fire epartment respon e to a fire reporte at Ehost/riter?s buil ing$ They were able to extinguish the three small fires that starte simultaneously in the buil ing$ Ehost/riter?s owners sai they ha recei+e anonymous threats that someone woul Qburn them own$Q Ehost/riter?s owners were suspecte of in+ol+ement* but nothing coul be pro+en$ !&,-$ /hich one of the following represents a physical ha@ar in the Ehost/riter 0ublishing case1 "$ The suspicious fire &$ The ownership of the buil ing 3. 'he boo,/bindin( (lue '$ The .;-gallon rum !&'-$ /hich one of the following represents a morale ha@ar in the Ehost/riter 0ublishing case1 1. Failure to install s rin,lers and ventilation &$ =se of the glue ,$ The suspicious fire '$ The lack of profits !&.-$ /hich one of the following represents a legal ha@ar in the Ehost/riter 0ublishing case1 "$ The treatment of the employees &$ The toxic pollution ,$ The inability to pro+i e Ehost/riter?s in+ol+ement in the fire !. 'he court inter retation of the olicy lan(ua(e The -axfiel -utual Insurance Company writes only homeowners insurance for homes that range in +alue from M";;*;;; to M&;;*;;; in one state in the central plains of the =nite %tates$ -axfiel has written insurance profitably for 6. years$ This long perio of profitability has e+elope a consi erable a+ailable capacity for -axfiel -utual$ 5owe+er* in the last fi+e years -axfiel ?s executi+e staff has become increasingly concerne about the increasing number of torna o losses -axfiel ?s policyhol ers ha+e experience $ Losses pai uring these years ha+e been higher than any other perio in -axfiel ?s history$ In a ition* competitors ha+e aggressi+ely markete in the state an -axfiel has lost policyhol ers to the competitors for lower premiums$ !&4-$ -axfiel is consi ering expan ing its policy writings to other types of insurance an ifferent geographic areas$ 5ow coul this acti+ity help -axfiel protect its a+ailable capacity1 "$ By meeting regulatory re<uirements to pro+i e co+erage to a wi e range of policyhol ers* the insurer will be less likely to engage in unfair iscrimination$ %. By reducin( the chances that the co# any4s overall results will be affected by a lar(e nu#ber of losses fro# one loss event. ,$ The insurer will re uce its reinsurance premiums by re ucing its exposure to any one catastrophic e+ent$ '$ 2i+ersification will allow the insurer to create a more +isible image in the market* attracting more potential applicants from which it can select$ !&6-$ /hich one of the following is an example of how -axfiel can optimi@e its a+ailable resources in or er to protect its a+ailable capacity1 1. .a$field chooses not to solicit a lications for watercraft insurance. &$ -axfiel expan s its policy writing in three new types of business$
,$ '$
-axfiel ?s un erwriters take classes to expan their un erstan ing of claim a Bustment$ -axfiel ?s management staff takes classes to learn how to pro+i e reasonable accommo ations for physically challenge employees$
!&9-$ -axfiel -utual?s executi+e staff is consi ering lowering its stan ar s in the selection of policyhol ers$ In this way* -axfiel can maintain the same rate le+el* but a more policyhol ers that ha+e slightly higher exposures to loss$ /hat is the likely result of this ecision1 "$ -axfiel might be accuse of unfair iscrimination$ &$ -axfiel must re uce the amount of reinsurance it purchases$ ,$ -axfiel must sprea its risks at the same time to be profitable$ !. .a$field4s re#iu#s will not be co##ensurate with the e$ osures. !&:-$ /hich of the following types of insurance rates woul be appropriate for the type of insurance an loss exposures that -axfiel -utual writes1 "$ -erit rates &$ In i+i ual rates 3. Class rates '$ >u gement rates Claims 0arties in+ol+e in a claim - Types of claims Iotice of loss - Types of claims representati+es 3oles an responsibilities %teps in claim han ling Eeneral amages special amages puniti+e amages 8actors affecting settlement amount - (ctual cash +alue 3eplacement cost (gree +alue %ubrogation %al+age Loss 3eser+es =nfair claim practices !"#$ In case of liability claims* the claimant is "$ 8irst party &$ %econ party 3. 'hird Party '$ ( Buster !&#$ ( thir party refers to "$ Insure &$ Insureer 3. Person or business that is not a arty to the insurance contract but who #i(ht assert a clai# a(ainst the insured '$ 0erson responsible for in+estigating* e+aluating an settling claims !,#$ Insurance professional generally use term Claimant to refer to "$ I party Insure &$ II party Insurer 3. III arty '$ Claim representati+e !'#$ (ll the following are responsibilities of the claim representati+e except) "$ 3espon promptly to submitte claims &$ 0roperly e+aluate the claims ,$ Treat the parties fairly !. Pay the clai# !.-$ 3eser+ation of rights letter is a 1. 2otice sent by the insurer to an insured that the insurer is roceedin( with the investi(ation of a clai# but that the insurer retains the ri(ht to deny covera(e later &$ Iotice sent by the insure to an insurer that the insure is willing to help insurer in procee ing with the in+estigation of a claim but that the insure retains the right to eny this support later
,$ '$
Iotice sent by the insurer to an insure that the insurer is not procee ing with the in+estigation of a claim is enying the co+erage Iotice sent by the insurer to an insure that the insurer is procee ing with the in+estigation of a claim but that the court retains the right to eny co+erage later
!4#$ (ll of the following are reasons of using an in epen ent a Busters by an insurer except "$ Iumber of policyhol ers in a particular area is +ery less &$ Claim in+ol+es an uni<ue or complex situation ,$ %taff claim representati+e oes not ha+e sufficient expertise !. Law #andate an inde endent adFuster to be included in clai#s rocess !6#$ 2raft authority is authority expressi+ely gi+en by the insurer to "$ In epen ent a Buster to collect claim information an pro+i e it to insurer %. "(ents to settle and ay certain of clai#s by writin( a clai# draft u to certain li#it ,$ %taff claim representati+e '$ 8iel claim representati+e !9#$ ( claim representati+e representing an insure is calle as "$ (gent &$ In epen ent a Buster 3. Public adFuster '$ T0( !:#$ ( claim for the property of some one other than insure is a type of "$ 0roperty Insurance Claim %. Liability Clai# ,$ -e ical Claim '$ In emnity Claim amage ue to insure Js allege negligence
!";#$ ( house which was un er mortgage C.;PD pai was amage ue to fire$ -ortgagee "$ 5as no right to claim as he is not an insure on insurance policy &$ 5as a right to collect total* amount from the insurer 3. 5as a ri(ht to collect a#ount to the e$tent of outstandin( #ort(a(e since he has an insurable interest in real ro erty !""-$ Bur en of proof for the perils co+ere un er policy lies 1. In so#e cases with insureds and other ti#es at insurer &$ (lways with insure ,$ (lways with insurer '$ Ieither with insurer nor with insure !"&#$ Cost to replace the property minus an allowance for the propertyJs epreciation is known as "$ 3eplacement Cost %. "CG ,$ (gree Halue '$ 2epreciation Cost -etho !",-$ 0roperty such as fine arts* anti<ues an collection are commonly +alue by "$ 3eplacement Cost &$ (CH 3. "(reed Galue '$ 2epreciation Cost -etho
!"'-$ (n auto was amage while ri+ing on an icy roa in night ue to fault of ri+er$ Its (CH at the time of acci ent was calculate as M";;;; an anticipate sal+age +alue as M&;;;$ 3epair cost is anticipate as M6;;;$ /hat will be the action of insurer) 1. Pay insured the re air cost &$ 0ay insure the (CH an use sal+age rights ,$ 0ay insure the (CH an use the subrogation rights '$ 0ay insure the repair cost an use sal+age rights !".#$ 2amage awar e by court for the purpose of punishing the wrong oer an to eter others from committing similar wrongs is known as) "$ Eeneral 2amages &$ %pecial 2amages 3. Punitive &a#a(es '$ Legal 2amages !"4#$ /hat is the maBor purpose of claim han ling1 "$ To etermine whether co+erage exists &$ To obtain a e<uate information 3. 'o satisfy the insurance co# any4s obli(ation under the olicy '$ To respon promptly to claimant re<uests !"6#$ /hat is the purpose of =nfair Claim 0ractices laws1 "$ To Bustify legal claim practices &$ To etermine the +alue of the loss ,$ To punish insurers !. 'o s ecify ille(al clai# ractices !"9#$ %ubrogation is the insurer?s right to 1. -ecover its clai# ay#ent fro# the arty res onsible &$ 2rop a claim in exchange for an agree amount of money ,$ #stimate the +alue of the amage property '$ Transfer co+erage to a thir party !":#$ Eranting raft authority to agents will generally increase "$ Claim settlement expenses &$ Time to settle claims ,$ Cost of insurance !. Custo#er satisfaction !&;-$ /hat is the largest an most important liability of property an liability insurers1 "$ (c<uisition costs &$ ( ministration costs 3. Loss reserves '$ =nearne premium reser+es !&"-$ /hat is an example of general amages1 "$ 5ospital expenses &$ Lost wages ,$ 0rescriptions !. &isfi(ure#ent !&&#$ (ll of the following can escribe an in epen ent a Buster* #7C#0T) "$ %elf-employe &$ Contracte by an insurer 3. *# loyee of an insurer '$ #mployee of an a Busting firm
!&,#$ Eenerally* an insi e claim representati+e "$ -eets with parties in+ol+e with the loss %. 5andles clai#s by hone or #ail fro# the insurer4s office ,$ Hisits the scene of the loss to in+estigate amages '$ Gffers claim settlement ser+ice for a fee to insurers !&'-$ (BC Company pays for all its property losses up to M, million an insures losses o+er M, million$ /hat is this arrangement calle 1 "$ Coinsurance &$ 3einsurance 3. Self/insurance '$ =mbrella insurance !&.#$ %ue?s homeowner?s policy co+ers her camera against theft$ /hile on +acation* %ue?s camera is stolen$ In which step in the claim settlement process woul the claim representati+e etermine the camera?s replacement cost1 1. Galuation &$ %ettlement ,$ Iegotiation '$ In+estigation !&4-$ ( collision amages %ue?s car$ The car?s actual cash +alue is M&*;;;$ 3epair costs are estimate at M"*9;;$ %al+age +alue is estimate at M.;;$ /hat is the insurer?s loss payment1 "$ M"*.;; &$ M"*9;; 3. 9%,::: '$ M&*,;; !&6#$ >ohn has an unen orse homeowner?s policy$ >ohn?s two year ol bicycle is stolen$ The bicycle?s purchase price was M9;;* an epreciation is estimate at M'.;$ /hat is the bicycle?s actual cash +alue1 "$ M&&. %. 93B: ,$ M'.; '$ M9;; !&9-$ -ary?s car colli es with two other cars* an se+eral people are inBure $ The acci ent occurs near her insurer?s branch office location$ /hat type claim representati+e will -ary?s insurer generally use to han le this claim1 "$ In epen ent a Buster &$ 0ublic a Buster ,$ Insi e claim representati+e !. 1utside clai# re resentative &:5$ >im notifies (BC Insurer of an acci ent with an (BC insure in a state in which (BC oes not o business$ /hat type of claim staff will (BC Insurer generally use to in+estigate this claim1 "$ Insi e claim representati+e %. 1utside clai# re resentative ,$ In epen ent a Buster '$ In epen ent agent !,;#$ ( .;*;;; s<uare foot buil ing of stan ar construction is totally estroye by fire$ The construction cost for me ium <uality in that location is M6; per s<uare foot$ /hat is the best estimate of the buil ing?s replacement cost1 "$ M&*;;;*;;; %. 93,B::,:::
,$ '$
M'*;;;*;;; M.*.;;*;;;
!,"-$ ( liability loss has the following amages) -e ical expenses M";*;;; 2amages for isfigurement M.;*;;; 2amages for pain an suffering M";;*;;; /hat is the amount of general amages1 "$ M4;*;;; &$ M"";*;;; 3. 91B:,::: '$ M"4;*;;; !,&-$ ( liability loss has the following amages) -e ical expenses 2amages for isfigurement 2amages for pain an suffering /hat is the amount of special amages1 1. 91:,::: &$ M.;*;;; ,$ M";;*;;; '$ M"4;*;;; !,,-$ 7KS Company has establishe a self-insurance plan to treat its loss exposures$ Gther than its internal staff* what resources woul 7KS Company generally use to settle claims1 "$ In epen ent a Busters &$ 0ublic a Busters 3. 'hird arty ad#inistrators '$ Gutsi e claim representati+es Insurance Contracts #lements of a contract Characteristics of insurance contract %ections in policy ocument %elfcontaine policies -o ular policies %tan ar forms Hs -anuscript policies !"-$ Business personal property is known as what1 "$ #state &$ 8un 3. Contents !&#$ #n orsement when attache to the original insurance policy becomes what of the following1 "$ (n illegal part of the contract %. " le(al art of the contract ,$ ( uplicate contract !,#$ /hat is the process calle by which an insurance company seeks reimbursement from another company or person for a claim it has alrea y pai 1 "$ Copay &$ Ioncontributory 3. Subro(ation !'-$ ( policy iffers from a bin er as M";*;;; M.;*;;; M";;*;;;
"$ %. ,$ '$
0olicy is a incomplete oral contract of insurance while bin er is a complete contract of insurance an can be either oral or written Policy is a co# lete written contract of insurance while binder is a te# orary contract of insurance and can be either oral or written 0olicy is a complete written or oral contract of insurance while bin er is a temporary written contract of insurance 0olicy is a complete oral contract of insurance while bin er is a temporary contract of insurance an can be either oral or written
!.#$ In some states for auto insurance purposes* following in i+i ual is consi ere as a legally competent party "$ Insane or otherwise mentally incompetent &$ =n er the influence of rugs or alcohol 3. .inors H ersons not of le(al a(eI !4#$ (n intentional failure to isclose a material fact is known as) "$ -isrepresentation %. Conceal#ent ,$ Consi eration '$ 0rincipal of In emnity !6#$ ( false statement of a material fact is known as 1. .isre resentation &$ Concealment ,$ Consi eration '$ 0rincipal of In emnity !9-$ Insurance policies are consi ere to be contracts of a hesion because "$ Both the insure an insurer are suppose to a here to contract once policy is issue %. Insured #ust adhere to the a(ree#ent as written by the insurer ,$ Insurer must a here to the agreement as written by the insure '$ Court has to a here to contract while gi+ing Bu gements !:-$ (n acci ent insurance policy specifies to pay M.;;; in case of person loosing hearing ability of one ear$ %uppose the insure gets hurt in an acci ent an his total expenses amount to M&;;; an he loses his hearing capability from left ear* insurance company will pay "$ M&;;; as the insurance contract is an contract of in emnity &$ M&;;; as the insurance contract was as +alue policy ,$ M.;;; as the insurance contract is an contract of in emnity !. 9B::: as the insurance contract was as valued olicy !";#$ /here will you fin the name* location an a resses of the insure an insurer in a policy1 "$ 2efinition 0age &$ Insuring (greement 3. &eclaration Pa(e '$ Con itions !""#$ Inception an #xpiration ate of the policy will appear in "$ 2efinition 0age &$ Insuring (greement 3. &eclaration Pa(e '$ -iscellaneous 0ro+isions !"&#$ 0olicy limits an premium amounts are generally shown in "$ 2efinition 0age &$ Insuring (greement
3. '$
!",-$ ( mutual insurance company is likely to escribe the right of each insure to +ote in the election of the boar of irectors in the following section "$ 2efinition 0age &$ Insuring (greement ,$ 2eclaration 0age !. .iscellaneous Provisions !"'#$ Termination of a policy by either the insurer or the insure "$ Changes &$ #n orsement 3. Cancellation '$ 3enewal uring the policy perio is known as
!".#$ %hort rate refun is use to pay back the premium to insure when "$ Insurer cancels the policy with an a +ance notice %. Insured cancels the olicy ,$ Court or ers to cancel the policy '$ Insurer cancels the policy without an a +ance notice !"4-$ ( liberali@ation clause is a policy con ition that pro+i es that "$ If a policy form is broa ene at accepte a itional premium by maBority of insure * the broa ene co+erage automatically applies to all existing policies of the same type$ %. If a olicy for# is broadened at no additional re#iu#, the broadened covera(e auto#atically a lies to all e$istin( olicies of the sa#e ty e. ,$ #+en if a policy form is broa ene at no a itional premium* the broa ene co+erage oes not automatically applies to all existing policies of the same type$ '$ If a policy form is broa ene at no a itional premium* the broa ene co+erage automatically applies to all future policies of the same type$ !"6#$ Gther than common policy eclarations* a mo ular Commercial 0ackage 0olicy CC00D must contain "$ Common policy exclusions %. Co##on olicy conditions ,$ Commercial property con itions '$ Commercial liability eclarations !"9#$ In an insurance policy* what is the purpose of the insuring agreement1 "$ #stablishes proce ures for carrying out the terms of the contract %. .a,es a broad ro#ise to rovide covera(e ,$ #xplains the specific meanings of terms with respect to the co+erages '$ #liminates co+erage for specifie exposures !":#$ /hat statement best illustrates a +iolation of utmost goo faith1 "$ The insurer makes a loss payment less than the amount of a claim$ &$ The insurer correctly enies co+erage for a loss$ ,$ The insure oes not report a co+ere loss to the insurer$ !. 'he insured intentionally conceals #aterial facts fro# the insurer. !&;#$ To reinforce the principle of in emnity* what pro+ision is re<uire in insurance policies1 "$ Coinsurance &$ Cancellation ,$ 0roof of loss !. 1ther insurance
!&"#$ /hen an insure transfers his or her rights in a policy to a thir party* this is calle "$ %ettlement &$ Liberali@ation 3. "ssi(n#ent '$ %ubrogation !&&-$ /hat policy con ition oes the insurer use to reco+er some of its expenses an to iscourage insurance buyers from canceling their insurance before the en of the policy perio 1 "$ Cancellation pro+ision &$ Liberali@ation clause ,$ 0ro rata refun !. Short rate refund !&,-$ (ll of the following items are generally locate on the eclarations page of an insurance policy* #7C#0T) "$ 2e uctibles &$ 0remiums 3. *$clusions '$ #n orsements !&'#$ (n insurance policy is a contract of a hesion written by the "$ I(IC &$ I3I% 3. Insurer '$ (ctuary !&.#$ /ith stan ar forms* the insurer can generally expect all of the following* #7C#0T) "$ Consistent company operations %. Increased e$ ense for olicy issuance ,$ Consistent court interpretations '$ 2ecrease claim settlement isputes !&4-$ (n insurer will make a loss payment if an insure loss occurs an if the insure performs certain uties$ This illustrates that an insurance policy is a "$ Contract of a hesion &$ Contract of in emnity 3. Conditional contract '$ 0ersonal contract !&6#$ In some cases* the ultimate loss payment can excee the policy limit shown in the eclarations because the loss payment can inclu e costs for all of the following* #7C#0T) "$ 2efense costs &$ 2ebris remo+al ,$ ( itional perils !. "dditional covera(es !&9#$ /hat statement best escribes subrogation in an insurance policy1 "$ The insurer agrees* in the e+ent of a co+ere loss* to pay an amount irectly relate to the amount of the loss$ %. 'he insurer ta,es over the insured4s ri(ht to collect da#a(es fro# a third arty. ,$ The insure a heres to the agreement as written by the insurer$ '$ The insure transfers its rights or interest in a policy to a thir party$ !&:-$ -ark?s car colli es with 0at?s car$ 0at belie+es that she will Qmake out greatQ because both her insurance an -ark?s insurance will pay 0at for her car?s amage$ If both insurers ma e this loss payment* what principle of insurance woul this +iolate1
!,;#$ >oe owns a buil ing co+ere by a property insurance policy$ >oe intentionally sets fire to this buil ing* an it is estroye $ =sing only this information* what statement best escribes why >oe?s property insurance policy is unenforceable for this loss1 "$ >oe acte un er emotional uress$ &$ >oe acte irrationally$ 3. +oe acted in violation of ublic olicy. '$ >oe acte un er the influence of alcohol$ !,"-$ >im cancele his auto policy ,". ays after the inception ate$ The one year premium is M"*;:.$ (ssuming that a year is ,4. ays* what is >im?s pro rata premium refun 1 "$ M.; %. 91B: ,$ M69; '$ M:'. !,&-$ Bill ri+es through a stop sign an colli es with >eff?s car$ The collision cause physical amage to both cars but no inBuries$ Bill an >eff report the acci ent to their insurers$ #ach recei+es a loss payment from his respecti+e insurer* an they ha+e their cars repaire $ /hat is the next step in the claim settlement process1 "$ Bill?s insurer will attempt to reco+er for the loss from >eff?s insurer$ %. +eff4s insurer will atte# t to recover for the loss fro# Bill4s insurer. ,$ Bill?s insurer will bring a lawsuit against >eff?s insurer$ '$ >eff?s insurer will bring a lawsuit against Bill?s insurer$ !,,#$ Ereen Company has commercial property insurance with (BC Insurer$ The policy term is "L" to "&L,"$ (BC Insurer has notifie Ereen that it will stop the co+erage on 4L,;$ /hat policy con ition oes (BC?s notification represent1 "$ Changes %. Cancellation ,$ (ssignment '$ %ubrogation !,'#$ Brown Company?s 0olicy inclu es a liberali@ation clause$ Brown?s insurer intro uces a policy change that broa ens co+erage at no a itional premium$ 5ow will this change apply to Brown?s existing policy1 "$ The broa ene co+erage oes not apply to Brown Company?s policy$ %. 'he broadened covera(e auto#atically a lies to Brown Co# any4s olicy. ,$ The broa ene co+erage will apply to Brown Company?s policy with an en orsement$ '$ The broa ene co+erage will apply to Brown Company?s new policies as they are issue $ !,.#$ Beth has auto physical amage co+erage with a M.;; e uctible$ ( collision causes M"*9;; amage to Beth?s car$ 5ow much is the loss payment from Beth?s insurer1 "$ M.;; %. 91,3:: ,$ M"*9;; '$ M&*,;; Property Loss Exposures Types of property Conse<uence of 0roperty Losses 0eril - Iame perils Hs Gpen perils 5a@ar s 0arties affecte by 0roperty Loss - Basic 8orm Broa form %pecial 8orm
!"#$ 8or insurance purposes* personal property inclu es "$ Buil ings &$ -otor +ehicles an trailers 3. Furniture and fi$tures '$ Boiler an machinery !&-$ Bull o@ers* roa gra ers an forklift fall un er which of the following category of motor +ehicles "$ (uto %. .obile *3ui #ent ,$ 3ecreational Hehicles '$ Transport Hehicle !,-$ 0aint cans an oile rugs can be "$ Calle as perils or ha@ar s &$ Calle as perils because it can be a cause of loss but not ha@ar 3. Called as ha0ard as they increase the li,elihood of a loss by fire eril but are not erils by the#selves '$ Ieither a peril nor a ha@ar !'-$ (n anti<ue painting inure un er special form co+erage Cexclu ing floo lossD was lost uring a floo $ #ither floo or theft uring floo can be the reason for missing painting$ "$ Insurer will not pay for painting until insure pro+es that painting was stolen %. Insurer will have to ay until insurer roves that aintin( was swe t away by flood ,$ Insurer will not pay for painting since floo loss is exclu e '$ Insurer will ha+e to pay without any party pro+ing the peril !.#$ (ll the following are terms use by the insurance professionals to escribe the co+erage pro+i e by all-risks policies except) "$ (cci ental irect physical loss %. 2a#ed erils ,$ Gpen perils '$ %pecial form co+erage !4-$ 0erson or business that hol s the property of others for some specific purpose is known as 1. Bailee &$ -ortgagee ,$ -ortgagor '$ %ecure cre itor !6#$ 8loaters are policies "$ That o not ha+e a fixe co+erage limits an +ery on monthly basis %. 'hat are desi(ned to cover ro erty that #oves fro# location to location ,$ That allow change in co+ere property on perio ical basis if the total ollar +alue remains same '$ That allow premium to be eferre for a specific perio of time !9#$ 3egar ing co+erage pro+ision for money "$ Commercial property insurance usually contain limitation on amount while homeowners policies usually ha+e a exclusion %. Co##ercial ro erty insurance usually contain e$clusions while ho#eowners olicies usually have a li#itation on a#ount ,$ Both type of policies usually ha+e exclusion '$ Both type of policies usually ha+e limitation on amount !:#$ 0ersonal an commercial property insurance policies on buil ings an personal property that pro+i es co+erage for approximately a o@en name perils is known as 1. Basic for# covera(e
&$ ,$ '$
!";#$ 0ersonal an commercial property insurance policies on buil ings an personal property that co+ers all causes of loss that are not specifically exclu e is known as "$ Basic form co+erage &$ Broa form co+erage 3. S ecial for# covera(e '$ Common form co+erage !""-$ ( property co+ere only for fire peril was amage by the firefighters while spraying water to control a fire$ Insurer will "$ Iot pay for the amage as water is not a co+ere peril %. Pay for the da#a(e thou(h water is not a covered eril but fire was the ro$i#ate cause ,$ Iot pay for the amage as firefighters negligence cause the amage !"&-$ If the insurance company eci es to cancel a commercial insurance policy* it will sen the notice of cancellation to all the below except) 1. "dditional insured &$ 8irst name insure ,$ -ortgagee '$ Loss payee !",5$ -ortgage clause pro+i es more le+el of protection than a loss payable clause as) "$ Insurer promises to notify mortgagee about cancellation an non renewal but not to loss payee &$ Insurer promises to pay mortgagee the co+ere claims to the extent of its insurable interest but not to loss payee ,$ If insure fails to pay the premium* mortgagee has the right to pay the premium to the insurer but loss payee oes not !. If a clai# is denied because the insured did not co# ly with the ter#s of the olicy, the #ort(a(ee #ay still collect under the olicy but loss ayee can not !"'-$ (n insurance to +alue pro+ision in many property insurance policies which re uces the amount that an insurer will pay for a co+ere loss is known as "$ Haluation 0ro+ision &$ %ettlement Gptions 3. Co/insurance '$ 2e uctibles !".#$ (ll of the following are property that might be expose to losses an that can be co+ere by property insurance* #7C#0T) "$ -otor +ehicles an trailers &$ -oney an securities ,$ %hips an their cargo !. Senti#ental value of heirloo#s !"4-$ ( fire that lea+es its inten e place is 1. " hostile fire &$ ( frien ly fire ,$ ( proximate cause of loss '$ (n ensuing loss !"6-$ /hich one of the following escribes the rights grante to a mortgagee +ersus the rights grante to a loss payee un er a property insurance policy1
"$ &$ ,$ !.
( mortgagee an a loss payee ha+e the same rights$ The two clauses simply ifferentiate loans for real an personal property$ In the e+ent of a loss* the mortgagee is pai first* the name insure secon * an any loss payee is thir $ The terms are use interchangeably epen ing on the insurance contract$ " #ort(a(ee is (ranted so#e ri(hts that are (reater than those (ranted to the na#ed insured; however, the loss ayee has the sa#e ri(hts as the na#ed insured.
!"9#$ (n insurance-to-+alue pro+ision in property insurance policies that re uces the amount the insurer will pay for a co+ere loss that occurs to property that is un erinsure is 1. " coinsurance clause &$ ( e uctible ,$ ( policy limit '$ The replacement +alue !":#$ Catastrophe perils* such as war* are generally exclu e from property insurance policies because the risk is consi ere to be uninsurable since "$ The losses coul be pre+ente $ &$ The premiums re<uire to co+er the exposure woul be unaffor able by most families an businesses$ ,$ -ost families an businesses o not face the loss exposure$ !. 'he funds of the entire insurance industry #i(ht be inade3uate to ay for all the clai#s !&;#$ In property insurance* a name insure "$ Is the secure len erCsD as i entifie on the eclarations page$ &$ Can be many parties base on the contract language an the situation$ 3. Is the olicyholder whose na#e a ears on the declarations a(e. '$ Is the first name appearing on the eclarations page$ !&"-$ /ater amage to a buil ing following a win storm is often not co+ere by a property policy unless "$ The win storm is confirme by the weather ser+ice$ &$ The policy is written with name perils$ ,$ The policy is written with special co+erage$ !. 7ind caused an o enin( in the structure throu(h which water entered. !&&-$ 0roperty insurance policies typically exclu e loss from maintenance perils$ %uch losses are generally uninsurable because "$ Co+ering such losses woul result in a moral ha@ar $ %. 'hey are either certain to occur, over ti#e, or are avoidable. ,$ -aintenance policies are written only through excess an surplus lines$ '$ It is ifficult Cif not impossibleD to i entify the ate of loss an therefore the policy or insurer pro+i ing co+erage$ !&,#$ /hat purpose o insurance-to-+alue pro+isions ser+e in property insurance policies1 "$ They iscourage insurance frau by ensuring that the property is worth the +alue re<ueste in the policy limits$ %. 'hey encoura(e insureds to urchase an a#ount of insurance that is e3ual to, or close to, the value of the covered ro erty. ,$ They establish the maximum amount the insurance company will pay for any loss$ '$ They establish the options a+ailable to the insurance company in settling the loss$ !&'#$ The taking of property from a person by someone who has cause or threatene to cause personal harm is "$ %. ,$ Burglary -obbery Theft
Lia ility Loss Exposures Legal Liability (cti+ities lea ing to liability loss - 0arties affecte by Liability loss - Torts Contracts %tatutes Types of inBuries an amages Types of payments - Constitutional law- %tatutory lawCommon law - Criminal law Ci+il law !"-$ Laws consisting of a bo y of principles an rules establishe o+ertime by courts on a case-by-case basis is known as) "$ %tatutory Law %. Co##on Law ,$ Constitutional Law '$ Ci+il law !&-$ =n er tort law* an in i+i ual or organisation can face a claim for legal liability on the basis of any of the following except) 1. Breach of 7arranty &$ Iegligence ,$ Intentional Torts '$ (bsolute Liability !,-$ (n employee ri+es a customer to a meeting an negligently causes an acci ent in which the customer is inBure $ In this case "$ #mployer is a tortfeasor an employeeJs responsibility will shift from employee to employer &$ #mployee is a tortfeasor but employeeJs responsibility will shift from employee to employer 3. *# loyee is a tortfeasor and e# loyer has vicarious liability and res onsibility e$tends to include e# loyer '$ #mployer is a tortfeasor an employee has +icarious liability an responsibility exten s to inclu e employer !'-$ ( written or printe untrue statement that amages a personJs reputation is an intentional tort of following type) "$ (ssault &$ Battery 3. Libel '$ %lan er !.-$ (n oral untrue statement that amages a personJs reputation is an intentional tort of following type) "$ (ssault &$ Battery ,$ Libel !. Slander !4-$ The intentional threat of bo ily harm is an intentional tort of following type) 1. "ssault &$ Battery ,$ Libel '$ %lan er !6-$ The unlawful physical contact with another person is an intentional tort of following type) "$ (ssault %. Battery ,$ Libel '$ %lan er
!9-$ ( contractual pro+ision that obligates one party to assume the legal liability of another party is known as "$ /arranty &$ (bsolute Liability ,$ %tatutory Liability !. 5old 5ar#less "(ree#ent !:-$ If >aniffer buys a haircon itioner recommen e an sol by her beautician an the con itioner ruins the hair instea * the beautician coul be hel liable for a "$ %tatutory liability &$ Intentional tort ,$ (bsolute liability !. Breach of contract !";-$ In a liability policy that pro+i es claims-ma e co+erage "$ Insurer agrees to pay all claims submitte uring the policy perio if the co+ere e+ent occurs before a retroacti+e ate &$ Insurer will not pay any claims submitte uring the policy perio if the co+ere e+ent occurs on or after a retroacti+e ate ,$ Insurer agrees to pay some fixe percentage of all claims submitte uring the policy perio if the co+ere e+ent occurs on or after a retroacti+e ate !. Insurer a(rees to ay all clai#s sub#itted durin( the olicy eriod if the covered event occurs on or after a retroactive date !""-$ >essicaJs personal auto policy carries a BI-02 limit as ";;L,;;L.;$ In an acci ent case >essica was aske to pay claimant M&;;*;;; towar bo ily inBury* M&;;;; towar s property amage an M";;*;;; towar s bo ily inBury of a passenger of claimant$ (s per the policy co+erage "$ Insurer will pay M&;;*;;; to claimant* M";;*;;; to passenger an M";*;;; towar s property amage &$ Insurer will pay M&;;*;;; to claimant* nothing to passenger an M";*;;; towar s property amage$ >essica will ha+e to pay M";;*;;; to passenger from her own pocket 3. Insurer will ay 91::,::: to clai#ant, 91::,::: to assen(er and 91:,::: towards ro erty da#a(e. +essica will have to ay 91::,::: to clai#ant fro# her own oc,et '$ Insurer will pay M&;;*;;; to claimant* M";;*;;; to passenger an >essica will ha+e to pay M";*;;; towar s property amage from her pockets !"&-$ =n er a liability policy* amages awar e for pain an suffering are calle ) "$ %pecial amages %. Eeneral da#a(es ,$ In irect amages '$ Conse<uential amages !",-$ In speaking with >ohn* -ark sai that 0eter embe@@le M.;;*;;; from their employer$ If this statement is false* it is an example of) 1. Slander &$ Libel ,$ Breach of warranty '$ -is emeanor !"'-$ ( man tol a pe estrian that he woul break her arm if she i not gi+e him her purse$ This is an example of) "$ &$ 3. '$ 8alse arrest In+asion of pri+acy "ssault Battery
!".-$ The e+ent that sets in motion an uninterrupte chain of e+ents contributing to the loss is calle ) "$ (bsolute liability %. Pro$i#ate cause ,$ International tort '$ Iegligence !"4-$ The law that consists of the bo y of principles an rules establishe o+er time by courts on a caseby-case basis is calle ) "$ ( ministrati+e law &$ Constitutional law 3. Co##on law '$ 3egulatory law !"6-$ The amages awar e for pain an suffering ue to an inBury are part of) "$ >u icial amages &$ 0uniti+e amages ,$ %pecial amages !. Eeneral da#a(es !"9-$ (mong the elements of a negligence are all of the following* #7C#0T) "$ 2uty owe to another &$ Breach of uty owe ,$ InBury or amage !. .ini#u# threshold of loss !":-$ In a liability insurance policy* personal inBury means inBury arising from all of the following* #7C#0T) "$ In+asion of pri+acy &$ Libel ,$ %lan er !. Battery !&;-$ /hen >ohn was ri+ing his car* he was inattenti+e an was unable to stop in time to a+oi hitting a car stoppe at a traffic light$ 5e amage the stoppe car he colli e with$ /hat is the basis for >ohn?s liability1 1. 2e(li(ence &$ (bsolute liability ,$ %tatutory liability '$ Io-fault statutes !&"-$ The liability that someone coul incur because of an inherently angerous acti+ity like buil ing emolition is calle ) "$ Ionretractable liability &$ Iontransferable 3. "bsolute liability '$ Compulsory liability !&&-$ The intentional an unlawful threat of bo ily harm is) "$ %tatutory inBury &$ #ncroachment ,$ Battery !. "ssault !&,-$ =n er tort law* an in i+i ual can face a claim for legal liability on the basis of any of the following* #7C#0T) "$ Iegligence
%. ,$ '$
!&'-$ (ll of the following are true* #7C#0T) "$ Liability insurance claims in+ol+e three parties %. Pro erty insurance clai#s involve one arty ,$ Liability insurance pays claims on behalf of the insure '$ 0roperty insurance pays claims to an insure !&.-$ ( tort is) "$ The legal right of reco+ery for amage or inBury &$ ( failure to act in a reasonably pru ent manner 3. "ny wron(ful act other than a cri#e or breach of contract '$ (n unbroken chain of e+ents that causes inBury or amage !&4-$ The legal right of reco+ery can be base on all of the following* #7C#0T) "$ Torts &$ Contracts ,$ %tatutes !. *$ osures !&6-$ (ssuming the retroacti+e ate is the same as the policy inception ate of a claims-ma e liability policy* which one of the following is true for co+erage to apply1 "$ Co+erage will ne+er apply when the retroacti+e ate is the same as the policy inception ate$ &$ Bo ily inBury or property amage must occur uring the policy perio or anytime before policy inception$ 3. Clai#s #ust be sub#itted durin( the olicy eriod. '$ Claims can be submitte anytime uring or after the policy perio $ Risk management Importance of 3isk -anagement %teps in risk management (+oi ing risk Controlling risk (ccepting risk Transferring risk !"#$ (ll of the following are risk management techni<ues except) "$ (+oi ance &$ Loss control ,$ 3etention !. Loss e$ osure !&#$ 0hysical inspection of locations* operations etc is a part of "$ #xamining risk management techni<ues %. Identifyin( and analy0in( loss e$ osures ,$ Implementing chosen techni<ues '$ -onitoring an mo ifying the risk management program !,#$ ( risk manager was seen asking <uestions an filling up a <uestionnaire$ 5e was "$ I entifying loss exposure through physical inspection %. Identifyin( loss e$ osure throu(h loss e$ osure survey ,$ #xamining risk management techni<ues '$ Implementing risk management techni<ue !'#$ ( risk management techni<ue that eliminates a loss exposure an re uces the chance of loss to @ero is known as 1. "voidance &$ Loss Control
,$ '$
!.#$ ( risk management techni<ue that attempts to ecrease the fre<uency or se+erity of losses is known as "$ (+oi ance %. Loss Control ,$ 3etention '$ Ioninsurance Transfer !4#$ ( risk management techni<ue that in+ol+es retaining all or part of a particular loss expoaure is known as "$ (+oi ance &$ Loss Control 3. -etention '$ Ioninsurance Transfer !6-$ ( restaurant not i entifying its liability exposure for ser+ing too much alcohol to a customer an therefore failing to purchase li<uor liability insurance is actually using following risk management techni<ue "$ Intentional retention %. )nintentional -etention ,$ Ioninsurance transfer '$ (+oi ance !9#$ ( risk management techni<ue in which one party transfers the potential financial conse<uence of a particular loss exposure to another party that is not an insurance company is known as "$ (+oi ance &$ Loss Control ,$ 3etention !. 2oninsurance 'ransfer !:-$ /hy is it easier to gauge the potential se+erity of property losses than of liability losses1 "$ 0roperty loss exposures are confine to the buil ing an contents$ Liability losses can encompass the surroun ing groun s of the business$ &$ 0roperty loss exposures ha+e a ocumente annual fre<uency an se+erity that can be etermine as an a+erage accor ing to the type of business$ Liability loss exposures cannot be etermine with this le+el of accuracy$ ,$ 0roperty loss exposures ha+e a calculable fre<uency$ The fre<uency of liability loss exposures cannot be etermine with accuracy$ !. Pro erty loss e$ osures have a calculable severity. 'he severity of liability loss e$ osures is #uch harder to deter#ine. !";#$ 5ow might the monitoring an mo ifying step in the risk management process be simply escribe 1 1. Chec, to #a,e sure the decisions #ade are still valid, and #a,e chan(es as needed. &$ Create a new workflow an i entify new bottlenecks that ha+e occurre $ ,$ -ake sure insurance is not being use as a substitute for loss control$ '$ I entify noninsurance transfers through hol harmless agreements$ !""#$ The ollar amount of amage that results or might result from a loss exposure is the 1. Loss severity &$ Loss fre<uency ,$ Loss pre+ention '$ Loss re uction
!"&#$ ( risk manager in an in ustrial plant is trying to etermine where she nee s to spen most of her time in re ucing the number of acci ents$ The plant has a history of work-relate inBuries* an she wants to make sure that is re uce $ /hat shoul the risk manager measure to etermine where she shoul expen her efforts1 "$ The number of workers in each area &$ The flow chart bottlenecks 3. 'he loss fre3uency '$ The loss se+erity !",-$ /hat information can a risk manager gather from a flowchart to i entify loss exposures1 1. Bottlenec,s that can sto roduction &$ Critical areas with unskille workers ,$ Competition that can reach the market before the client '$ Inefficiencies that can be correcte through automation !"'-$ The following list of the steps in the risk management process is correct with one exception$ /hich one of the steps shown is inaccurate1 "$ I entifying an analy@ing loss exposures %. Eatherin( infor#ation to su ort assu# tions about the loss e$ osures ,$ %electing the most appropriate risk management techni<ues '$ Implementing the chosen techni<ues in a risk management program .$ -onitoring an mo ifying the risk management program "$ %. ,$ '$ " % , '
!".#$ Businesses* in i+i uals* an families that practice soun risk management can benefit society by oing all of the following* #7C#0T) 1. Increasin( interest in leisure activities &$ 3e ucing the o+erall number of losses ,$ Controlling me ical expenses through re uce inBuries '$ %timulating economic growth !"4#$ /hat is a benefit that a business can recei+e by applying soun risk management1 "$ It will meet state an fe eral safety regulations$ %. It will have a better o ortunity to achieve business (oals. ,$ It will not ha+e to worry about losses$ '$ It will be able to attract an retain talente employees an managers$ !"6#$ 0ete -orrow is implementing a set of risk management techni<ues at his company to help re uce the fre<uency of pro ucts liability claims that his company has experience $ /hich of the following is an important step for 0ete to inclu e in this implementation process1 "$ I entifying exposures &$ 2etermining which exposures can be retaine 3. Co##unicatin( the ris, #ana(e#ent infor#ation '$ -onitoring the results !"9#$ The risk management techni<ue that eliminates a loss exposure an re uces the chance of loss to @ero is "$ 3etention &$ Loss control ,$ Ioninsurance transfer !. "voidance
!":-$ 8rank an >an are each twenty-fi+e years ol * an they ha+e purchase their first home together$ It re<uire all of their sa+ings an some money from their parents to make their own payment$ The house nee s repairs that they will o themsel+es an with the help of frien s$ The first proBect will be to seal the lea paint that is on the interior of the house an remo+e flaking lea paint that is on the exterior of the house$ 8rank an >an are also aware that a burie heating-oil tank in the yar is leaking slowly* but they ha+e eci e that replacing that tank must wait until they ha+e the fun s in a year or two$ /hat is an effecti+e way for 8rank an >an to begin i entifying the liability loss exposures associate with their new home1 "$ 5ire a professional risk manager &$ 2etermine the +alue of the home an contents ,$ 0urchase a homeowners insurance policy !. Ins ect the ho#e to loo, for ite#s and activities that #i(ht cause inFury or da#a(e !&;-$ 8rank an >an researche lea paint ha@ar s an abatement techni<ues on the Internet$ They isco+ere that the best action they can take insi e the house is to remo+e loose paint chips an ust* replace the win ows* an seal the walls with a paint esigne for that purpose$ /hat risk management techni<ue oes this acti+ity in+ol+e1 "$ (+oi ance %. Loss control ,$ 3etention '$ Ioninsurance transfer !&"-$ 8rank an >an ha+e isco+ere that the pollution that is resulting from the fuel oil leaking into the soil is not co+ere by their homeowners insurance policy$ They fear that the oil might seep into the water table an contaminate their neighbors? well water$ Illness an amage that might result woul be +ery expensi+e$ 8rank an >an can purchase an en orsement that will pro+i e co+erage for this pollution exposure$ The en orsement woul cost M.; per year$ Is this an effecti+e risk management selection for 8rank an >an until they can replace the tank1 "$ Kes* they shoul o this in efinitely an not replace the tank$ %. 6es, they are e$chan(in( a lar(e e$ osure for a little re#iu#. ,$ Io* they are spen ing a lot of money for little protection$ '$ Io* each neighbor will ha+e insurance to co+er any amage to their wells$ !&&-$ >ane owns a ten-year-ol compact car that she uses to ri+e to work each ay$ >ane ri+es &; miles into the city an parks her car on a street near her office$ >ane?s son* >oe* is ". years ol * an he will obtain his ri+er?s license this summer when he becomes "4$ >oe has alrea y expresse an interest in obtaining his own +ehicle or ri+ing >ane?s compact car$ >ane is concerne about the cost of owning a +ehicle* buying the insurance* an the risk of parking the +ehicle on the street$ If >oe obtains his own +ehicle or begins ri+ing his own* she knows that her expenses an her concerns will increase$ >ane is consi ering risk management alternati+es to help her re uce expenses an risks$ If >ane sells her +ehicle* an begins using public transportation* which one of the following risk management techni<ues will she be applying to her situation1 1. "voidance &$ Loss control
,$ '$
!&,-$ >ane is concerne that >oe might be hurt in her compact car if he is in+ol+e in an acci ent$ %he has rea consumer reports in icating that people occupying trucks an sports utility +ehicles suffer less inBuries when their +ehicles are in+ol+e in acci ents$ If >ane tra es her compact car in for a sports utility +ehicle* which one of the following risk management techni<ues will she be applying1 "$ (+oi ance &$ Loss pre+ention 3. Loss reduction '$ Ioninsurance transfer !&'-$ /hile she is at work* >ane has begun parking in a lot that has an atten ant to re uce the chance of her +ehicle being amage while it is parke on the street$ /hich one of the following risk management techni<ues is >ane applying1 "$ (+oi ance %. Loss revention ,$ Ioninsurance transfer '$ 3etention !&.-$ >ane has eci e to apply a retention risk management techni<ue to re uce her insurance premium$ %he is eleting the physical amage co+erage Ccollision an other-than-collisionD on her car$ 5er car is currently worth M,*;;;$ %he will be able to sa+e M&.; e+ery six months$ Base on informal gui elines for selecting risk management techni<ues* is this a goo "$ Kes* >ane will sa+e M.;; per year$ %. 6es, if +ane can afford to lose 93,:::. ,$ Io* because the plan oes not inclu e loss control$ '$ Io* this type of co+erage is re<uire in most states$ ecision1