Principles of The Swimming Fish Robot
Principles of The Swimming Fish Robot
Principles of The Swimming Fish Robot
We can say that fish swim with pushing water away behind them, though fish swim by various methods. As the well-known categories for the swimming fish, a zoologist, C.M. Breder classified into the following three general categories based on length of a tail fin and strength of its oscillation (see the figure to the right). (a) Anguilliform: Propulsion by a muscle wave in the body of the animal which progresses from head to tail like the Eel. (b) Carangiform: Oscillating a tail fin and a tail peduncle like the Salmon, Trout, Tuna and Swordfish. (c) Ostraciiform: Oscillating only a tail fin without moving the body like the Boxfish. On the other hand, several analytical methods for the swimming fish, such as a changing wave propulsion, a slender body theory and an oscillating wing theory, were published by researchers. In this report, we discuss the following four general categories in the viewpoint of the mechanical design of a fish robot, based on the above classification and analytical methods.
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expected to have good turning performance with changing the direction of the propulsive force, and it has no concentrated force at hinge joints with dispersing of the driving power to the whole body. On the other hand, fish using this method such as Trout and Salmon have a triangular tail fin generally. The fish propel by the oscillation of the tail fin with the same principle of the Oscillating Wing described below. It is very interesting from the viewpoint of hydrodynamics that the triangular tail fin has lower aspect ratio than that of the Oscillating Wing.
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somewhat small for the size of the fish robot. It also is important that we should design the joint at the tail fin in careful, because the strong force is concentrated at the joint.
Above four propulsive methods are classified in the viewpoint of the mechanical design for a fish robot. Thus they may not correspond to the swimming nature fish and rigorous hydrodynamics. However we can discuss design points in detail with the consideration of the classification.
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13-8-2012 21:23