ND 12 Ce Bells Palsy
ND 12 Ce Bells Palsy
ND 12 Ce Bells Palsy
Bells palsy:
Facial nerve: the facial nerve's nuclei are in the brainstem. Orange: nerves coming from the left hemisphere of the brain. Yellow: nerves coming from the right hemisphere of the brain. Creative credits; Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator; C. Carl Jaffe, MD, cardiologist.
Idiopathic facial paralysis, commonly known by the term Bells palsy, is the most common cause of facial paralysis, affecting approximately 40,000 Americans annually according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes.1 The condition is named for the Scottish surgeon who first described it in the 1800s, Sir Charles Bell.1, 2 Bells palsy can occur suddenly and produces stroke-like symptoms by causing unilateral or bilateral facial paralysis. The acute onset of facial paralysis, and its resemblance to stroke, is likely to cause high anxiety among people who develop the disorder. This may precipitate a call to EMS for medical assistance. There are many differences between Bells palsy and a stroke; a basic knowledge of the disease process and how it affects the face will help paramedics recognize this condition and differentiate between the two neurological disorders.
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condition, diabetics are also more likely to be the ones who will not have a complete resolution of symptoms, and they are more likely to experience a recurrence of the disorder.1, 2 The peak age for Bells palsy onset is during the third and fourth decades of life (between 20 and 40 years of age). A person with a recent history of the flu, a cold or an upper respiratory tract infection is also more likely to develop Bells palsy; this is consistent with the theory that Bells palsy is linked to a viral infection.1 Finally, the disorder is more likely to manifest in the winter months, which could be due to the increased diagnosis of influenza during this same time period. 2
Bilateral paralysis due to Bells palsy is very rare. Only 1 percent of Bells palsy patients will have bilateral facial paralysis; also, out of all cases of bilateral facial paralysis only 23 percent can be attributed to Bells palsy.1, 2 The most common presentation for Bells palsy is unilateral facial paralysis affecting the upper and lower portions of the face. The fact that it affects the forehead, eyes and mouth are important and will help with differentiating Bells palsy from a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). This occurs because with Bells palsy the peripheral facial nerve is damaged, not the central nerve. During a CVA the central nerve, the nerve running from the cortex to the brain stem, is damaged, resulting in only the lower half of the face being affected. To simplify matters, think of the brain being divided into left and right halves, then divide those halves again into top left, bottom left, top right and bottom right. The motor neuron tracts that control the forehead muscles originate from the brain stem; they divide and only one branch crosses over to the other side of the body just prior to leaving the brain. The tracts that control the lower half do not divide in this manner. This means motor control of the forehead is supplied by tracts coming from both sides of the brain. Injury in the brain to the central nerves will manifest as paralysis on the lower portion of the opposite side of the face; a CVA in the left hemisphere causes lower facial paralysis on the contralateral (right) side. If the injury is to the peripheral nerves, the crossover
and division has already occurred and the nerves serving that side of the face will be affected no matter which side of the brainstem they originated from. This is what happens with Bells palsy, and it explains why the paralysis occurs on the same side as the lesion or injury and involves the entire side of the face (forehead included). This nerve structure also explains why a patient suffering from a CVA will typically not have trouble closing both eyes and furrowing the browthe nerve damage affects only the lower half. Another differentiating factor is that Bells palsy is a condition only of the VII nerveno other area of the body should be affected. Gait, grip strength, pronator drift and other tests used to determine weakness should be normal for that patient. The patient history will include an acute onset of the paralysis. Facial drooping should be evident and patients may complain of pain. The muscles controlling the mouth will be affected; this may lead to drooling and a loss of taste. Since the facial paralysis includes the muscles surrounding the eye, patients will often not be able to close their eyes. This leads to dryness, irritation and possible corneal abrasions. However, fluid may be coming from the eye because patients are unable to blink and hold back the normal fluid. Besides the acute onset of unilateral facial paralysis, patients with Bells palsy may complain of pain behind the ear on the affected side.4
Bells palsy is a diagnosis of exclusion; all other possible causes of facial paralysis must be ruled out. These include Lyme disease, Guillain-Barr syndrome, Ramsay Hunt syndrome, meningitis and sarcoidosis. Ramsay Hunt syndrome is caused by an infection of the cranial nerves by the varicella zoster virus. Symptoms include a painful rash around the ears. A thorough patient history and assessment will help rule out many of these other possibilities and should include discussion of recent exposure to ticks, rash, fever, history of viral infection and the presence of ear pain. Bells palsy is usually a transient condition that begins suddenly and whose symptoms
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peak within 48 hours. After two weeks the symptoms will typically begin to subside and most completely resolve within six months; however, 10 to 20 percent of patients with Bells palsy will have no resolution of their symptoms and the paralysis will be permanent.1,2 Patients are typically treated with a course of corticosteroids started within the first week after the onset of symptoms. Ideally, treatment should be started within 72 hours of onset.4 This may be combined with a round of antiviral drugs, such as acyclovir or valacyclovir, based on the theory that Bells palsy may be linked to a viral infection. There is some evidence that prednisone may be more beneficial than acyclovir (which is used for the herpes virus) at treating the disorder and decreasing the amount of nerve degeneration.5 Artificial tears and an eye patch may also be prescribed to relieve eye dryness and irritation and to provide protection. There is no evidence to support the use of physical therapy, electrostimulation, heat pack or massage in the treatment of Bells palsy.6 Studies supporting the use of acupuncture for treatment have been flawed in both study design and reporting.4
Because the disease symptoms are similar to that of a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or cerebrovascular accident, it is likely that many patients will call 9-1-1 when the symptoms appear. Most of these patients will be concerned that they are having a stroke, and they will be scared and anxious. As you respond, remember that Bells palsy is the most common cause of lateral facial paralysis. Upon arrival, note that the loss of motor control can affect the patients airway, making him or her more susceptible to choking or aspiration from fluid or foods. Monitor the patients airway and suction if required. As stated previously, to distinguish Bells palsy from other causes of facial paralysis it is important to obtain a thorough patient history. Onset is typically acute; a slow onset of more than two weeks may suggest a mass lesion.7 Since Lyme disease can cause facial paralysis, it would be important to ask the patient about any possible tick exposure. Also ask them about exposure to the influenza vaccine; there is evidence the vaccine can also cause facial paralysis.7 Make note of any history involving
a rash, fever or any recent ear pain, as otitis media can lead to unilateral facial paralysis. Most of these patients will also be experiencing discomfort because they are unable to close the eye on the affected side. If available, on-scene lubrication of the affected eye with artificial tears is important and can help comfort the patient. Remember, Bells palsy affects only the VII cranial nerve; the patient should not exhibit any pronator drift, and strength in the extremities should be normal and equal bilaterally. Pronator drift can be assessed by asking the patient to hold his or her arms at shoulder height with palms facing upwards. If one arm drifts downward, this is a positive test and is indicative of a central nervous system motor neuron lesion like that seen in CVA patients. Asking the patient to close his or her eyes while performing the test will exacerbate a positive result, making it more noticeable. Tapping the patients palms in a downward motion toward the floor will make a positive result even more obvious. As with any patient presenting with neurological symptoms, a complete neurological assessment should be conducted. Even if Bells palsy is suspected, any patient presenting with acute onset of facial paralysis should be transported to the emergency room for further evaluation. Bells palsy is the most common cause of facial paralysis around the world.2 While certain patient populations are more at risk, it can affect people from any socioeconomic background, of any ethnicity or living in any area of the world. As a result, there is a strong likelihood emergency personnel will come into contact with someone suffering from this disease process. Due to its close resemblance to a cerebrovascular accident it is important for EMS personnel to have a familiarity with the disease process. Although every patient presenting with acute unilateral facial paralysis should be transported to the emergency room, knowledge of Bells palsy may help paramedics better serve their patients by aiding in an early diagnosis. This article is provided for education only. Always consult with your medical director and follow your local protocols in making treatment decisions.
Jolene Cormier is an EMT-P, CHT, and safety director at the Baylor North-Irving Coppell Hyperbaric and Comprehensive Wound Center. She started as a paramedic in Nova Scotia in 2002. She is currently completing her Bachelor of Science degree in emergency health services at the UT Health Science Center in San Antonio.
1. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. National Institutes of Health. Aug. 2011. NINDS Bells palsy Information Page. Retrieved from: www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/ bells/bells.htm. 2. Taylor, D., Keegan, M. 2011. Bell palsy. Medscape Reference. Retrieved from: http://emedicine.medscape.com/ article/1146903-overview. 3. Adour, KK., Bell, D., Hilsinger, R. 1975. Herpes Simplex Virus in Idiopathic Facial Paralysis (Bell palsy). The Journal of American Medical Association. Retrieved from:
http://jama.ama-assn.org/content/233/6/527.short. 4. Piercy, Jo. 2005. Bells palsy: 10 minute consultation. BMJ. Vol 330. Relieved from: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a =v&pid=gmail&attid=0.1&thid=137095b7053cef37&mt=applic ation/pdf&url=https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui%3D2%26ik%3 D9e73bb28bd%26view%3Datt%26th%3D137095b7053cef37% 26attid%3D0.1%26disp%3Dsafe%26realattid%3Dfile0%26zw& sig=AHIEtbQwid-uSWYgc8d1TaCcqf0Yoc6gFw. 5. De Diego, JI., De Sarria, MJ., Gavila, J., Prim, MP., Madero, R. 1998. Idiopathic Facial Paralysis: A Randomized, Prospective, and Controlled Study Using Single-Dose Prednisone Versus Acyclovir Three Times Daily. The Laryngoscope. Vol 108, Issue 4, Pg. 573-575. Retrieved from: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1097/00005537199804000-00020/abstract. 6. Teixeira, LJ., Valbuza, JS., Prado, GF. 2011. Physical Therapy for Bells palsy (idiopathic facial paralysis). Pubmed. gov. Retrieved from: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22161401. 7. Tiemstra, Jeffrey., Khatkhate, Nandini. 2007. Bells palsy: Diagnosis and Management. American Family Physician. Vol 76, Number 7. Retrieved from: https://docs.google.com/view er?a=v&pid=gmail&attid=0.2&thid=137095b7053cef37&mt=ap plication/pdf&url=https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui%3D2%26ik %3D9e73bb28bd%26view%3Datt%26th%3D137095b7053cef3 7%26attid%3D0.2%26disp%3Dsafe%26realattid%3Dfile2%26z w&sig=AHIEtbRV53d9jplSb08oyBN1RJxIgybxmw&pli=1.
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