Project Report
Project Report
Project Report
Honing is an abrasive machining process which removes material and improves bore geometry and surface finish. Honing can correct most common bore errors with the least amount of stock removal. The actual honing operation can be relatively easy, with the proper selection of tooling and equipment. The quality of the honing texture on cylinder bores of combustion engines plays an important role with respect to the oil consumption, noxious emissions, and running performance. A discussion on the how of honing indirectly answers both the why and the when of honing. While the objective of this project is to design a portable honing machine that can adjusted for different cylinders strokes and bores.
The contributions of many people have helped to make our time at ME-459 an enjoyable and rewarding experience. These contributions have given our team many opportunities for development on both personal and professional level.
First and foremost, in behave of our team, I would like to thank our advisor, Prof. Ahmed H. Elkholy for his advice and guidance throughout the course of our work. We have learned a great deal through our exposure to depth of knowledge, insight, logical and reasoned approach to design. We are grateful to Prof. Ahmed H. Elkholy for trusting our abilities and giving us a great deal of autonomy in the development of our work. Through your encouragement, we have had opportunities to continuously publish our present and our work, which has been one of the most important factors in our professional development.
We would also like to thank the other people and organizations that have contributed significantly to our work over the past three months. Through our interaction with members of the Engineering Training and Alumni Center (ETAC) directed by Prof. Ammar Al-Sairafi, we receive exposure and feedback for our work that has greatly improved both the quality of our research and experience. Thanks to the representatives, alphabetically, from Prof. Ahmed H. Elkholy, Prof. Ammar Al-Sairafi, Prof. Jassem Baroon and Prof. Khaled Al-Ghanem for sharing their experiences and expertise with us. We was very fortunate to be exposed to the wealth of knowledge of the Mechanical Engineering Department members throughout the project.
There are also several people from the workshop of Kuwait University that we would like to acknowledge. These people have made significant contributions to our research by providing invaluable technical feedback throughout the course of our project.
Finally, we would like to thank our families and friends for their support throughout our time during the project.
This Report on Honing machine and process is dedicated to all those who are searching for a way to improve the productivity of man and machine.
The objective is to design a portable honing machine system that will insure proper honing, surface finish and oil flow.
Design Specifications
Portable honing machine that can be used easily. Honing process for different cylinders bore and length. Insure proper surface finish. Cross hatch angle to be 45 degree. Control center for both rotation and translation motors. Design slider crank mechanism to achieve translation motion.
: : : : : : Honing Angle [] Compressibility factor [Pa] Coefficient of friction Dynamic Viscosity [Pa.s]
: Degree of freedom
Fe: Equivalent load. Average film thickness at a given separation [m] Life adjustment reliability factor.
Ka: Application factor. Cylinder length [m.] LR: Required life. Number of 1 degree of freedom joints.
r: S:
SPM (Strokes per minute). [m/min] : Axial speed [ ] : Cutting speed [ ] : Peripheral speed [ ] x: Slider displacement [m.]
Abstract........................................................................................................................................................ 2 Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Dedication .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Objective ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 Design Specifications .................................................................................................................................. 6 Nomenclature .............................................................................................................................................. 7 List of Figures............................................................................................................................................ 10 List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................. 11 Chapter 1: Introduction to honing .......................................................................................................... 12 1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 12 1.2 Honing force .................................................................................................................................... 14 1.3 Honing tool design........................................................................................................................... 17 Chapter 2: Honing machine analysis ...................................................................................................... 18 2.1 Honing machine settings................................................................................................................. 18 2.2 Crosshatch angle ............................................................................................................................. 20 2.3 Relation between reciprocating speed to surface speed............................................................... 24 2.4 Stock removal rates......................................................................................................................... 28 2.5 Honing oil......................................................................................................................................... 29 Chapter 3: Slider crank mechanism Design and analysis ..................................................................... 31 3.1 Objective .............................................................................................................................................. 31 3.2 Design Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 31 3.3 Design analysis .................................................................................................................................... 32 3.4 Kinematics of slider crank mechanism ............................................................................................. 37 Chapter 4: Housing design ....................................................................................................................... 44 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 50 References .................................................................................................................................................. 51 Appendix (A): Assembly Drawing ........................................................................................................... 52 Appendix (B): Parts Drawing .................................................................................................................. 54 Appendix (C): Matlab Codes and Results .............................................................................................. 68
List of Figures
Figure 1: Common bore errors ................................................................................................................ 12 Figure 2: Sectional view of bored cylinder ............................................................................................. 13 Figure 3: Sectional view of honed cylinder ............................................................................................. 13 Figure 4: Honing force.............................................................................................................................. 14 Figure 5: Universal joint .......................................................................................................................... 15 Figure 6: Multiples-point honing tool ..................................................................................................... 17 Figure 7:Crosshatch pattern .................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 8: Honing tool ................................................................................................................................ 20 Figure 9: Cross hatch angle...................................................................................................................... 21 Figure 10: 45 degree crosshatch pattern ................................................................................................. 21 Figure 11: Crosshatch angle. ................................................................................................................... 22 Figure 12: How to Obtain Cross-Hatched angle .................................................................................... 22 Figure 13: linear and rotational velocities. ............................................................................................. 24 Figure 14: Simplified honing process layout .......................................................................................... 27 Figure 15: Slider crank mechanism. ....................................................................................................... 33 Figure 16: In-line slider crank mechanism. ............................................................................................ 33 Figure 17: Extended mechanism. ............................................................................................................ 34 Figure 18: Flexed mechanism. ................................................................................................................. 34 Figure 19: Transmission angle. ................................................................................................................ 36 Figure 20: Position Vector. ....................................................................................................................... 37 Figure 21: Transmission angle for different values of connecting rod length. .................................... 39 Figure 22: Transmission angle for given crank angle............................................................................ 40 Figure 23: Slider position for given crank angle. ................................................................................... 41 Figure 24: Slider velocity for given crank angle. ................................................................................... 42 Figure 25: Connecting rod angular velocity for given crank angle. ..................................................... 43 Figure 26: Free body diagram of the main shaft. ................................................................................... 44 Figure 27:Reliability factor, Kr ............................................................................................................... 49
List of Tables
Table 1: Ratio between Stroke to Peripheral speed for different crosshatch angle. ........................... 25 Table 2: Application factors, Ka. ............................................................................................................. 47 Table 3: Bearing Rated Capacities for LR = 90 X 10^6 Revolution Live with 90 Percent Reliability. .................................................................................................................................................................... 48
As illustrated here (figure 1), there are ten common bore errors associated with machining, heat treating or chucking. Honing can correct all these conditions, and can do so with the least possible amount of material removal.
Most other machining processes, such as grinding and boring, are abusive to the material being machined and may fracture the crystals of metal to a depth of about 0.002 of an inch. (0.05mm) as illustrated (figure 2) in this sectional view of an automotive cylinder. Honing, on the other hand, is quite gentle to the material being worked. This is why a bored engine cylinder is honed, not only to establish good dimensional accuracy (diameter, straightness and roundness), but also to provide a sound base metal surface, as illustrated in this sectional view of an automotive cylinder (figure 3).
Honing applies three forces to the part being honed, as is illustrated here (figure 4). Stone expansion forces abrasive against the wall of the part. Rotation of the honing tool (or part) combined with strolling, removes material and creates the characteristic crosshatch pattern. Honing also can remove errors caused by less accurate machining processes, because honing requires no chucking or alignment, it incorporates a rigid honing tool. It controls the angle and area of abrasive contact and it is indifferent to bore length.
No alignment is required. The part floats and aligns itself automatically on the expanding tool. For heavy parts the tool may be equipped with two universal joints (figure 5) and then the tool floats and the part locked in place. The advantages of this type of tool is that it does not depend on bearings or supports outside the bore being honed. The tool supports itself inside the very bore it is honing and is no affected by the quality or the age of the machine or its bearings. A rigid honing tool greatly reduces the possibility of out-of-round, bell mouth, waviness, or barrel-shaped bores. The angle of contact of the honing tool is very important. Honing tools have stones and guides arranged at precise angles to fight chatter and out-of-roundness.
Large area of abrasive contact. Unlike the point contact of grinding wheel, honing tools have long abrasive sticks in contact with the bore, which helps to removes waviness, taper, rainbow, and misalignment. Indifferent to bore length. In terms of length-to-diameter, the length of the bore to be honed is practically unlimited.
Multiple-point honing tool (figure 6) are used for large bores. In large diameter parts it is more practical to use a tool that has multiple contact points in order to provide faster stock removal.
700 = .
(eq. 1)
17500 =
(eq. 2)
Spindle speed compared to grinding, honing surface speed are quite slow. To find the correct spindle speed for a given diameter, refer to the above equations (eq.1 and eq.2).
1. Will make stones act harder. 2. Will give finer surface finishes. 3. Will cause a stone to stop cutting if increase is too great. 4. Will increase noise level. 5. Will decrease crosshatch angle. 6. Will decrease torque on part. 7. Will decrease geometric accuracies if increase is too great.
1. Will make stones act softer. 2. Will give rougher surface finishes. 3. Will increase a stone's ability to stay sharp and not glaze. 4. Will decrease noise level. 5. Will increase crosshatch angle. 6. Will increase torque on part. 7. Will allow bore to take greater possession of the tool, thereby contributing to greater geometric accuracies.
Honing is a controlled, low-speed forming process and usually applied for finishing inside the cylindrical surfaces. As shown in Fig.7, a simultaneous rotating and reciprocating action of the stone results in a characteristic cross hatch groove pattern which is required for the inner cylinder.
The correct angle for cross hatch lines to intersect is approximately 45 degrees. Too steep an angle promotes oil migration down the cylinder resulting in a thin oil film which can cause ring and cylinder scuffling. Too flat a cross hatch angle can hold excess oil which conversely causes thicker oil films which the piston rings will ride up on or hydroplane. Excessive oil consumption will result.
Where: : Average crosshatch angle. S: SPM (Strokes per minute). R: RPM (Revolutions per minute). L: Cylinder length. D: Part diameter.
Our objective is to get 45 degree crosshatch angle. Using equation (eq.3) and substituting = 45 to get the strokes per minute needed from the reciprocating motion which will lead to the slider crank mechanism design.
Stroke rate. A characteristic feature of a honed surface is the crosshatch pattern which is seen in figure 7. The pattern is generated on the bore surface as the part is stroked back and forth over the rotating honing tool. The faster the stroking rate (SPM) in relation to the tool rotation (RPM), the larger the crosshatch angle. Limitation in the stroke speed capability of the honing machine will make it highly unlikely that the crosshatch angle will be too large. Exact crosshatch angles can be calculated by controlling the ration of spindle speed to stroke rate using the formula shown above (eq.3).
2 2 = +
(eq. 4)
Where: : Cutting speed. : Axial speed. : Peripheral speed Setting that crosshatch angle ( ) = tan1 ( ) 2
(eq. 5) Figure 13: linear and rotational velocities.
From equation (eq.5), our objective it to have crosshatch angle equal to 45 degree Set = 45 ( Set axial speed = 1 45 1 ) = tan1 ( ) 2 45 1 ) = 0.414 = ( ) 2 1 = 2.4 0.414
45 ) = tan1 ( ) 2
tan (
From the above calculation, in order to have 45 degree crosshatch angle, the ratio between peripheral speed (rotational) to axial speed ( ) = 2.4
Which means that the rotational speed must be 2.4 times the axial speed
Table 1: Ratio between Stroke to Peripheral speed for different crosshatch angle.
30 1 3.7
45 1 2.4
60 1 1.75
90 1 1
These ratio in addition to equation (eq.3) will be used for designing slider crank mechanism.
Cylinder bore refinishing is extremely important in the engine rebuild process. There are some basic rules and facts that will prevent common problems incurred when deglazing or refinishing cylinders.
1. Will make stones act softer. 2. Will give rougher surface finishes. 3. Will increase a stone's ability to stay sharp and not glaze. 4. Will decrease noise level. 5. Will increase crosshatch angle. 6. Will remove stock slower if speed is too excessive.
1. Will make stones act harder. 2. Will give finer surface finishes. 3. Will decrease a stone's ability to stay sharp and not glaze if too slow. 4. Will increase noise level. 5. Will decrease crosshatch angle. 6. Will remove stock slower if speed is too slow.
Altering the direction of the stroke results in a crossing over of the machining marks which in turn produces the typical cross-hatch pattern with crosshatch angle ().
The honed cylinder bore cross hatch angle determines ring rotation speed and its ability to promote proper oil migration up and down the cylinder wall. Most general application blocks use a 45 (included) angle which is measured as half of that from a horizontal surface.
Dimension in equation (eq.7) are in millimeters. Stock removal rates. The formulas shown above (eq.6 and eq.7) can be used to estimate the amount of time in minutes it will require to remove a given amount of stock.
the stone surface. Therefore, when there is stone loading, there will be metal-tometal contact and welding; with the same undesirable results as when using a honing tool with metal guide shoes. Simply stated, always use an oil which was properly blended for honing. Years of research, blending, testing, re-blending and evaluating have gone into the development of quality honing oils.
3.1 Objective
The objective is to design a slider crank mechanism to be used for translation motion in the honing machine and achieve the specifications.
(eq. 8)
3(3 1) (2)(2) 1 = 1 Which is one degree of freedom as it represents the translation motion of the slider crank mechanism.
In order to achieve time ratio equals to 1, the slider crank mechanism will have no offset ( = 0). In other words, it is in-line slider crank mechanism.
r: Crank link Driver Input link. L: Connecting rod Coupler E: Offset distance x: Slider displacement.
Limiting positions (Dead-center positions) o Extended mechanism as shown in figure 17 (Head Dead Center-HDC)
= ( + )2
(eq. 9)
= ( )2
(eq. 10)
o Stroke (S) =
(eq. 11)
For in-line slider crank mechanism = 2 Link dimension limitations. Connecting rod (L) must be greater than crank link (r) + offset (E), but as in our design offset is zero, so for best design 2 For our design connecting rod (L) will be equal to 3.4 times crank link (r) = 3.4
Transmission angle. One of the important design specification is the transmission angle which is the angle between slider and connecting rod. The transmission angle is an important parameter for the quality of motion transmission in a mechanism. The transmission angle measures how effectively force is transmitted to the output link.
From figure 18, the transmission angle is maximum when the crank angle = 90 and it is minimum when crank angle = 270. 1 = 90 = sin1 ( ) = sin1 ( ) = sin1 ( ) = 17 3.4 3.4
(eq. 12)
From equations 12 and 13, the range of transmission angle 17 17 . Which is good range and it meets the design specifications.
= cos + cos
(eq. 14)
Velocity equation Velocity vector can be determined easily by taking the derivative of position equation 14 with respect to time as follows: = = ( ) ( ) = sin 3.4 sin
(eq. 15)
cos cos 1 cos = ( ) ( ) = ( )( ) = ( ) ( ) cos 3.4 cos 3.4 cos Substituting in equation 15 = sin 3.4 ( 1 cos )( ) sin 3.4 cos cos ) sin cos
= sin (
First of all, to meet the first design specification which is having transmission angle within the range of 45 45, we started designing slider crank mechanism using two Matlab codes (see appendix C) First code Slider Crank Design Code is for obtaining the length of the connecting rod (L) that satisfies the transmission angle range by solving the displacement and velocity equations for different values of L.
Figure 21: Transmission angle for different values of connecting rod length.
From figure (21), as the connecting rod length increase, the transmission angle decreases until it fits within the range. For the design limitation, we chose connecting rod length L = 58 [mm.] with corresponding Transmission angle 17 17 .
The next step is to check the length of connecting rod L = 58 [mm] if it meet the second design specifications which is the time ratio. For the given value of L, check if the value of time ratio is equal to 1.This is done by the second Matlab code Slider Crank Analysis (see appendix C) and the values of the time ratio was = 0.9945 which is close enough to 1. Figure (22) shows that for the given connecting rod length, the transmission angle has maximum value of = 17 degree at crank angle = 90, and minimum value of = 17 degree at crank angle = 270
Figure (23) shows the position of the slider for given crank angle. The maximum displacement is 75 [mm] at crank angle = 0 . While the minimum displacement is 41 [mm] at crank angle = 180 . And the stroke equals to the difference between maximum and minimum displacement which equals to 34 [mm.]
The crank is rotating with constant angular velocity while the translating motion of the slider is not constant. As shown in figure (24), the slider velocity is zero at maximum position ( = 0 ) then it increase in negative which means the slider is in backward motion. After that, velocity starts decreasing in negative until it reaches zero again at minimum position ( = 180 .). Then the slider starts forward motion. Average backward velocity = 67.6226 [] Average forward velocity = 67.9983[]
Time ratio =
67.6226 67.9983
= 0.9945
Figure 25: Connecting rod angular velocity for given crank angle.
Figure (25) shows that angular velocity of connecting rod for given crank angle. The angular velocity reaches zero when transmission angle reaches maximum value at crank angle = 90 and minimum value at crank angle = 270 .
= 0 1 + 2 9.81(0.5 + 0.25 + 2.5) = 0 1 + 2 = 32 Where FB1 and FB2 are the reaction forces applied at the first and the second bearings respectively. The summation of the moments at bearing (1) is also zero, 1 = 0
(9.81 0.5 0.01) + (0.25 9.81 0.058) (2 0.06) + (2.5 9.81 0.126) = 0 2 = 53 Substituting in the first equation, 1 = 21 Since the shaft is made of steel with a diameter of 12 mm and the forces applied on it are very small, the shear and the bending moment forces are neglected. Regarding the bearings, both of the bearings are of the same size and have a bore diameter of 12mm and an outside diameter of 32 mm, the required life is 90*106 revolutions with 90% reliability. The bearing rated capacity, C for the previous specifications is 1.42 KN. The life of the bearing is calculated using the following formula: = ( Where: L is the life corresponding to the equivalent load. Kr is the life adjustment reliability factor. LR is the required life. C is bearing rated capacity. Fe is the equivalent load. Ka is the application factor.
Applying the previous equation on bearing (2) to ensure the safety since most of the reaction is applied on it taking into account that the load is uniform: 103 = 1 90 10 (1.42 ) 1 53
6 3.33
= 5.12 109
The value of Kr is conducted from figure (26) and the values of C and Ka are from tables (2) and (3) respectively.
The required rated capacity is measured using the following formula: 0.3 109 = ) = 53 1 (5.12 ) ( 90 106
= 1415.33
Table 3: Bearing Rated Capacities for LR = 90 X 10^6 Revolution Live with 90 Percent Reliability.
The why of honing, honing can improve both the bore geometry and surface finish. The when of honing, honing can correct most common bore errors with the least amount of stock removal. The how of honing, the actual honing operation can be relatively easy, with the proper selection of tooling and equipment.
[1] Society of Manufacturing Engineering. One SME Drive. [2] Sunnen Products Company ( [3] Sunnen Honing Guide Manual. [4] Atlantic Grinding Wheels and Honing Stones ( [5] ME-311 Theory of Machines (Prof. Khaled Al-Ghanem Notes) [6] King, Robert C.; Hahn, Robert (1986). Handbook of modern grinding technology. [7] Robert C. Juvinall & Kurt M. Marshek. Fundamental of Machine Component Design 5th edition. [8] Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design 8th Edition
clear all close all clc format short r = 17; w1 = 2*pi(); c = 0; p = 0; % % % % x(1) x(2) w(1) w(2) is is is is phi x phi dot x dot
for L0 = r:5:70 clear A i = 0; p = 0; j = 0; x0 = [0 L0+r]; % Initial Conditions vb = 0; % Slider Backward Velocity vf = 0; % Slider Forward Velocity for theta = 0:1:360
i = i+1; % Slider Displacement Equations k = @(x)[r*cosd(theta)+L0*cosd(x(1))-x(2) r*sind(theta)-L0*sind(x(1)) ]; b = fsolve(k,x0); phi = b(1); x = b(2); % Slider Velocity Equations T = [-L0*sind(phi) -1 L0*cosd(phi) 0 ]; M = [r*w1*sind(theta) -r*w1*cosd(theta) ]; w = inv(T)*M; w = w'; % Solution in Matrix A A(i,:) = [theta phi x w(1) w(2)]; if theta <=180 p = p+1; vb(p) = abs(w(2)); end if theta >180 j = j+1; vf(j) = abs(w(2)); end x0 = b; end
% Average Backwork Velocity vb_average = mean(vb); % Average Forward Velocity vf_average = mean(vf); % Time Ratio TR = vb_average/vf_average; phi_max = max(abs(A(:,2))); c = c+1; L(c,1) = L0; L(c,2) = max(A(:,2)); end L figure plot(L(:,1),L(:,2),'Linewidth',2) xlabel('Connecting Rod [mm.]') ylabel('Transmission Angle [Deg]') grid on
17.0000 22.0000 27.0000 32.0000 37.0000 42.0000 47.0000 52.0000 57.0000 62.0000
89.8750 50.5994 39.0228 32.0900 27.3522 23.8762 21.2048 19.0821 17.3523 15.9140
% % % % % % % %
ME-459 Engineering Design Prof. Ahmed H. ElKholy Portable Honing Machine "Slider Crank Analysis" Design Spesifications: 1) Time ratio equals to 1 2) Transmission angle within the range of -45 and 45 This code is for checking if the length of connecting rod (L = 58)gives time ratio equals to 1
clear all close all clc format short r = 17; L = 58; w1 = 2*pi(); i = 0; j = 0; vb = 0; % Slider Backward Velocity vf = 0; % Slider Forward Velocity x0 = [0 L+r]; % Initial Conditions % % % % x(1) x(2) w(1) w(2) is is is is phi x phi dot x dot
for theta = 0:1:360 i=i+1; % Slider Displacement Equations k = @(x)[r*cosd(theta)+L*cosd(x(1))-x(2) r*sind(theta)-L*sind(x(1)) ]; b = fsolve(k,x0);
phi = b(1); x = b(2); % Slider Displacement Equations T = [-L*sind(phi) -1 L*cosd(phi) 0 ]; M = [r*w1*sind(theta) -r*w1*cosd(theta) ]; w = inv(T)*M; w = w'; % Solution in Matrix A A(i,:) = [theta phi x w(1) w(2)]; if theta <=180 vb(i) = abs(w(2)); end if theta >180 j=j+1; vf(j) = abs(w(2)); end x0 = b; end A phi_max = max(A(:,2)) phi_min = min(A(:,2)) % Stroke [mm]
Stroke = max(A(:,3)) - min(A(:,3)) % Average Backwork Velocity [mm/s] vb_average = mean(vb) % Average Forward Velocity [mm/s] vf_average = mean(vf) % Time Ratio TR = vb_average/vf_average figure plot(A(:,1),A(:,3),'Linewidth',2) axis([0 360 -inf inf]) xlabel('Theta [deg]') ylabel('Distance x [mm.]') grid on figure plot(A(:,1),A(:,5),'Linewidth',2) axis([0 360 -inf inf]) xlabel('Theta [deg]') ylabel('x dot[mm/s]') grid on figure plot(A(:,1),A(:,2),'Linewidth',2) axis([0 360 -inf inf]) xlabel('Theta [deg]') ylabel('Phi [deg]') grid on figure plot(A(:,1),A(:,4),'Linewidth',2) axis([0 360 -inf inf]) xlabel('Theta [deg]') ylabel('phi dot [rad/s]') grid on
phi_max = 17.0438
phi_min = -17.0438
Stroke = 34.0000
vb_average = 67.6226
vf_average = 67.9983
TR = 0.9945