H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings - VOLUME XIII (1890-1891)

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VOLUME XIII 189 !1891

Page xxi

"OREWORD TO VOLUME THIRTEEN Boris de Zirkoff passed on shortly after this current volume of the Collected Writings series was handed to the typesetter. He wished to acknowledge those members of the heosophical !ociety" #dyar" who made available micro$film copies of H.P.B.%s unpublished articles during his &'(( trip to )ndia* in particular +ohn Coats" +oy ,ills and !eetha -eelakantan. # number of manuscripts and fragments appear here for the first time. )n a few cases these were difficult to decipher. !urmised words or phrases are bracketed and the compiler left blank spaces where words were totally illegible. #d.acent to the /abala and Pherecydes articles we have reproduced by offset the entire documents from micro$film" so that the reader may compare the originals. ,r. 0ichard 0obb has redrawn several of the Coptic and 1reek symbols" while Hector ate rendered the geometrical figures in Pistis !ophia according to the way H.P.B. wished them to be corrected in 2ucifer. We especially thank ,r. 0obb for his patient care in expanding the unfinished bibliography. # number of other workers who assisted Boris with 3olume 4)) continued their dedicated tasks. 3onda 5rban was able to secure the cuneiform inscriptions of ,r. +ules 6ppert from the 5niversity of Chicago 2ibrary. -icholas Weeks assisted in the indexing as well as the proof$reading. We were also fortunate to have the help of ,rs. +eanne !ims and !helley 3on !trunckel. he serendipity which drew librarians Wayne ,ontgomery and 3ern Haddick to locate several obscure .ournal references is gratefully acknowledged. 7ue to circumstances of the 8ditor%s passing" it was deemed crucial to complete the C.W. series while production could continue in the hands of long$time friend and printer ,r. 8verett !tockton" even if a few source materials remained unlocated. 0eaders who have clues to such 9uotations are welcome to contact the publisher. he production of 3olume 4))) has drawn cooperation between individuals of all groups. We thank 8rica 2auber in 2ondon" #nita #tkins of -ew :ork and ,elit;a Cowling <who translated a 0ussian version of the !t. +ames 1a;ette letter" reprinted in he ,oscow Herald=. We also sought the helpful advice of 8mmett !mall of Point 2oma Publication" and several other long$time friends of Boris. 6f all groups offering time and assistance we make special mention of he heosophical !ociety of Pasadena" under the guidance of 1race >. /noche" /irby and +ohn 3an ,ater" as well as ). ,anuel 6derberg were tireless in searching their library and archival resources. >rom the latter ,r. William 7ougherty reproduced the photos of Henry ,ore and others.

Page xxii We hope that no one is overlooked in this attempt to thank the many it re9uires to produce a work of this kind. )f so" such persons will feel amply rewarded by the gems from H.P.B.%s pen. here are futuristic articles and creative tales included here. #rchaeological finds and unusual hints appear in small fragments of articles which we hope someday will be discovered in their entirety. We hope and trust this work is all that our departed friend and 8ditor wished it to be. 7#0# 8/25-7 26! #-1828!" C#2)>60-)#" 5.!.#. ,#:" &'?@

Page & INTRODUCTOR# NOTES TO H.P.B.$s COMMENT%R# ON THE PISTIS SOPHI%.& A he Codex #skewianus in the British ,useum is known as the Pistis !ophia. his Coptic manuscript is complete" except as noted below" in excellent state of preservation" and contains material of the 3alentinian or 6phite schools of 1nosticism. Pistis !ophia is written in the dialect of 5pper 8gypt" called hebaidic or !ahidic. )t is a translation from the 1reek" as 1reek wordsBmostly technical terms and namesBabound throughout the manuscript. his is thought to be the result of the translator being unable to find suitable terms in the Coptic < hebaidic or !ahidic= to express the ideas found in a 1reek manuscript. !uch terms and names are simply transliterated from the 1reek. he date of the Pistis !ophia manuscript is not agreed upon by the various competent scholars who have studied it" but it is generally placed in the @nd and Crd century #.7. he many 9uotations from the 6ld and -ew estament provide no clue to the exact dating. he manuscript consists of CDE pages" written on both sides of vellum in two columns" and is bound much like a modern book. he pages are numbered in Coptic characters" establishing the fact that only four leavesBeight pagesBare missing since the manuscript was bound. )t contains parts of five Fbooks"G none of which are complete. he manuscript is the work of more than one scribe which may account for the lacunae and repetitions found in several places. )t was called FPistis !ophiaG because at the head of one page" apparently without reason" was written in Coptic" F he !econd ome of the Pistis !ophia.G

HHHHHHHHHH I A)n his introduction the compiler follows the modern style of dropping the hyphen in Pistis !ophia" but in H.P.B.%s Commentary he has kept it as in 2ucifer.J HHHHHHHHHH

Page @ his manuscript was ac9uired in &(?K by the British ,useum with the purchase of the library of 7r. #skew. Where 7r. #skew himself obtained the manuscript remains a mystery.I he earliest reference to the Pistis !ophia manuscript is a statementBunverified Bthat in &((L" C. 1. Woide published an article in a British heological ,aga;ine on the Pistis !ophia. 1. 0. !. ,ead tried in vain to trace such a maga;ine or any article on the sub.ect near that date. C. 1. Woide was the editor of the -ew estament according to the famous Codex #lexandrinus. He placed the date of the Pistis !ophia manuscript in the third century. )n &((C and &((? articles by Woide on the Pistis !ophia appeared in .ournals published in >rance and 1ermany. )n &((' Woide copied by hand the whole of the #skew and Bruce manuscripts but no translation was published. )n &?C?$DL the manuscripts were copied by the >rench savant 7ulaurier" but no translation ever came to light.

HHHHHHHHHH I he following notes were made by the present writer on examining the Pistis !ophia manuscript in the British ,useum. he book is bound in brown leather with gold stamping on the covers* the spine is ornamented with gold stamping" with the following title in seven lines B P)! 8 !6PH)# C6P )C8. ,5!. B0) . +508 8,P )6-)!. K&&D. he end leaves and fly$leaves are of hand$made laid paper" indicating that the volume may have been bound by 7r. #skew. he paper page before the vellum of the manuscript contains 2atin notes by Woide. he vellum varies greatly in thickness" some leaves being very thin" almost like onion$skin paper" while others are 9uite heavy and stiff. !ome of the pages are clean" the writing being as sharp and black as when written* in places the ink has faded into brown and in a few pages the writing is no longer legible. he scoring lines are plainly visible on all leaves. !mall holes and imperfections in the vellum were skillfully repaired before written on* in at least one place a small hole was not repaired" and the writing rises above the scored line to avoid the hole. Pages '' v. and &LL r. are badly smeared from top to bottom. )t appears as if this was deliberately done with a small wad of dirty rag or inked finger. he sentence F!econd tome of Pistis !ophia"G which is mentioned above" is barely visible" having faded to a light tan. HHHHHHHHHH

Page C )n &?D? ,. 1. !chwart;e copied the Pistis !ophia manuscript and made a 2atin translation" which was edited after his death by +. H. Petermann" and published in &?K& #ll the early 8nglish translations of the Pistis !ophia are translations of !chwart;e%s 2atin version. he first partial 8nglish translation published was that of C. W. /ing in the second edition <&??(= of his 1nostics and their 0emains.I his fragment consisted of a few pages translated from !chwart;e%s 2atin text. #n anonymous translation in >rench appeared in ,igne%s 7ictionnaire des #pocryphes" which 1. 0. !. ,ead calls F. . . . a sorry piece of work" more fre9uently a mere paraphrase from !chwart;e%s version than a translation.GM ,any learned articles appeared between the publication of the 2atin text and the end of the century. )n &?'K N. #mOlineau published a >rench translation from the Coptic. )n &'LK C. !chmidt published what is considered to be a very fine 1erman translation of the Coptic text" and in &'@D an excellent 8nglish translation from the Coptic was published by 1eorge Horner. his was the first translation directly from the Coptic into 8nglish. )t is designated as a Fliteral translation"G and while this does not always make for as easy and smooth a reading as some of the freer translations" it does preserve" as nearly as possible in 8nglish" the exact wording" and in some cases definite clues to the meaning of the original writers. Horner%s 8nglish translation contains a very fine and thorough )ntroduction by >rancis 2egge. )n &?'L$'& 1. 0. !. ,ead published in H. P. Blavatsky%s maga;ine 2ucifer a translation into 8nglish of the first two Fbooks"G about half of the Pistis !ophia. his was again a translation of !chwart;e%s 2atin text. )t was the first 8nglish translation" except for the several pages published in the second edition of /ing%s 1nostics and their 0emains. )n 2ucifer" voluminous footnotes and commentaries are appended to the text of the translation )n &?'E ,ead published a complete translation of this work with an excellent )ntroduction" but without notes or commentaries on the text.

HHHHHHHHHH I Wi;ards Bookshelf" ,inneapolis" &'(C with Bibliographic #dditions" p. DK(. M Pistis !ophia" ed. &'@&" p. lv. HHHHHHHHHH

Page D )n the )ntroduction <p. xxxv= he saysP F) went over the whole again and checked it by #mOlineau%s version"G and on p. xxxviP F)n &?'L ) had already translated !chwart;e%s 2atin version into 8nglish and published pages l to @K@" with a commentary" notes" etc." in maga;ine form from #pril" &?'L" to #pril" &?'&.G he maga;ine referred to is" of course" 2ucifer" edited by H. P. Blavatsky" and the above is the only mention made by ,ead anywhere of the commentaries and footnotes in 2ucifer. )n >ragments of a >aith >orgotten" p. DKE" ,ead writesP FWhen" in &?'E" ) published a translation of the Pistis !ophia" ) had intended to follow it up with a commentary" but ) speedily found that in spite of the years of work ) had already given to 1nosticism" there were still many years of labour before me" ere ) could satisfy myself that ) was competent to essay the task in any really satisfactory fashion* ) have accordingly reserved that task for the future.G #fter ,ead%s death in &'CC" a careful search through his unpublished manuscripts by +ohn ,. Watkins" his literary executor" failed to uncover anything dealing with the Pistis !ophia. # F-ew and Completely 0evisedG edition of the Pistis !ophia was published by ,ead in &'@&" also without notes or commentary. his version was thoroughly compared and checked with !chmidt%s 1erman translationI from the Coptic <&'LK=. )n the Preface" p. xx" ,ead saysP F he second edition is practically a new book.G here exists also a manuscript by P. #. ,alpas" <&?(K$&'K?= a life$long student of heosophy" containing a translation of the Pistis !ophia" together with the notes and commentaries from 2ucifer and extracts from the writings of the Church >athers. ,r. ,alpas% translation of the Pistis !ophia is apparently a recension of 2atin" 1erman and >rench translations.

HHHHHHHHHH I A8d. Petermann$!chwart;e* newly translated by C. !chmidt" /optischgnostische !chriften" <&'LK= in the series 7ie griechischen Christlichen schriftsteller der eresten drie +ahrhunderte.J HHHHHHHHHH

Page K #s already pointed out" the translation of the Pistis !ophia published in 2ucifer has been superceded by better translations" including ,ead%s own later edition of &'@&. he text which appeared in 2ucifer <3ols. E" ( Q ?= is not complete* contains many abridgements and summaries of repetitive passages. !tudents wishing to make a study of the complete text of the Pistis !ophia are referred to the &'@& edition of ,ead%s Pistis !ophia" or to 1eorge Horner%s Pistis !ophia" with )ntroduction by >. 2egge. he introductions to both of these volumes are very valuable as showing the viewpoints of two 9uite different scholarly approaches to the Pistis !ophia itself" and 1nosticism in general. 6nly sufficient material will be 9uoted from ,ead%s recension in 2ucifer to make H.P.B.%s footnotes and commentaries clearly intelligible. he 9uotations from the Bible in the present )ntroduction are according to the #uthori;ed </ing +ames= 3ersion" 6xford 5niversity Press. he 9uotations from the Church >athers are from he #nte$-icene >athers" he 0ev. #lexander 0oberts" 7.7." and +ames 7onaldson" 22.7." editors" <#merican reprint of the 8dinburgh 8dition=. he extracts from the writings of the Church >athers included in H.P.B.%s Commentaries are from some other 8nglish edition" or possibly translated from a >rench edition. he references given by H.P.B. with regard to Book" Chapter" and !ection do not always correspond to the place where the 9uotations are found in the #merican 8dition. #s far as is known" no 8nglish translation of the Panarion of 8piphanius is available" and it is very likely those passages from it have been translated from ,igne%s original texts. Ruotations from he !ecret 7octrine are based on the original edition of &???. # helpful definition of the title%s meaning has been supplied by P. #. ,alpas. F itleP Pistis$!ophia is a combination of two 1reek substantives" usually translated >aith and Wisdom. But H. P. Blavatsky plainly shows that >aith in the modern sense is 9uite an inade9uate rendering of the term Pistis.

Page E )t is better described as )ntuitional /nowledge" or knowledge not yet manifest to the mere intellect" though felt by the !oul to be true. his definition leaves the way open for dogmatists to say that it means precisely what they call faith" and the genuine en9uirer needs to be careful in accepting dogmatic definitions of the soul and intellect and to beware of thinking that Pistis has anything to do with FbelievingG things that are not otherwise known. F>aithG is too often merely another name for Fself$ persuasion"G which may not be" but usually is" delusion" in one of its fascinating forms. he whole book is highly instructive as to what Pistis really is. he importance of the correct understanding of the word cannot be overestimated for students of the -ew estament" when it is realised that Paul was a 1nostic using the 1nostic term in its technical sense" and that however pleasing it may be to attach 9uite another sense to it" it did not and does not mean what it is usually taken to mean by 8uropeans of our own day. )n the drama of Pistis$!ophia and her sufferings it is clear that her unshakeable intuition that she will be saved by her divine part is the link that enables that divine part to save her. )t is the actual testimony that she is not yet finally lost" and in the end it is fully vindicated. +ob" another drama of initiation" teaches the same lesson in an ancient 8gyptian setting. . .G 1nosticism was a syncretistic philosophico$religious movement which included all the manifold systems of belief prevalent in the first two centuries of the Christian era. 6riginating somewhat prior to Christian times" it combined various elements of Babylonian" +udaic" Persian" 8gyptian and 1reek metaphysics with certain teachings of dawning Christianity. #s a name" 1nosticism is derived from the 1reek gnosis < " Fknowledge"G more specifically spiritual knowledge or esoteric wisdom" a knowledge not attainable by ordinary intellectual processes" and only to be gained by mystical enlightenment or the awakening of the Buddhic elements in man. he emphasis on knowledge as the means of attaining a higher evolutionary stage" and the claim to the possession of this knowledge in ones own doctrine" are common features of the numerous groups in which the 1nostic movement historically expressed itself" even though there were only a few of these groups whose members expressly called themselves 1nostics

Page ( <1r. gnostikosB< 2at. gnosticus=" the F/nowing 6nesGIBCompiler.J

PISTIS!SOPHI% N't(s a)* C'++()ts ,y H. P. Blavatsky AP! &J )t came to pass when +esus had risen from the dead and passed eleven years <&= speaking with his 7isciples" and teaching them only up to the 0egions <@= of the >irst Precepts <C= and of the >irst ,ystery" the ,ystery within the 3eil" within the >irst Precept" to wit" the >our$and$ wentieth ,ystery" and below these <Precepts= which are in the !econd !pace of the >irst ,ystery" which is before all ,ysteries" the >ather in the likeness of a 7ove <D=" that +esus said to his 7isciplesP F) am come from that >irst ,ystery" which also is the 2ast <K=" the >our$and$ wentieth ,ystery.G -ow the 7isciples knew not this ,ystery" nor did they understand it" because <as they supposed= there was not anything within that ,ystery . . . . . HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <&= he number eleven gives the key to the situation. he eleventh trial or degree of initiation has been safely passed through and the twelfth and last which" if the candidate was successful would crown the whole work" was now being entered upon. Hercules was to enter upon his twelfth labour" and the sun of the twelfth sign of the Zodiac. 8ven the popular adage Fat the eleventh hour"G is an echo of this mystery. )n the second volume of the 7ogme et 0ituel de la Haute ,agieM <pp. C?E et se9.=" Nliphas 2Ovi gives the -ychthemeron of #ppollonius of yana.

HHHHHHHHHH I he 8nglish word Fto knowG corresponds to ,iddle 8nglish knowen" knawen* #nglo$!axon cnSwan* 6ld High 1erman knSan* 6ld -orse knS* 6ld !lavonic ;nati <to know=* 2atin gnoscere" noscere* 1reek gignTskein* !anskrit .SnSti <knows=* 2ithuanian Uinoti <to know=* 1othic kunnan. M A8nglish r. by #. 8. Waite asP ranscendental ,agic" -.:.C." !amuel Weiser" &'(@.J HHHHHHHHHH

Page ? -ychthemeron means the space of a day and a night or twenty$four hours. 8ach grade of initiation had two degrees" in all twenty$four. his explains Fthe >irst ,ystery" which is the >our$and$ wentiethG of the text. 0eaders of the #bbO Constant%s work" who are ignorant of 1reek" should be warned that the >rench below the 1reek is not even the vaguest possible paraphrase" but simply 2Ovi%s idea about the text. He is" however" right in saying that Fthese twelve symbolical hours" which may be compared with the signs of the Zodiac and the labours of Hercules" represent the cycle of degrees of )nitiation.G <!ee he !ecret 7octrine" )" DKL.= <@= he 1reek word translated by F0egionG is topos* it corresponds to the !anskrit loka. )n the second volume of he !ecret 7octrine" p. &(D" we are told that F!am.VS. the daughter of 3isvakarman" married to the !un" Wunable to endure the fervours of her lord"% gave him her ChhSyS <shadow" image" or astral body=" while she herself repaired to the .ungle to perform religious devotions" or apas.G 3erb. !ap. <C= )n ,asonic 2odges the yler demands the sacramental words <or precepts= from the apprentice or candidate" thus repeating the ancient formulae. #s 0agon" following the occult tradition" has well proved" ,asonry was a forced product of the 1nostic mysteries" born of a compromise between Political Christianity and 1nosticism. <D= A7ove.J CompareP F hou art the >irst ,ystery looking within" thou hast come from the spaces of the Height and the ,ysteries of the /ingdom of 2ight and thou hast descended on the 3esture of 2ight" which thou didst receive from BarbelT" which vesture is +esus" our !aviour" on which thou didst descend as a 7ove.G <Page &@? of !chwart;e%s Coptic.= -ow" the !econd !pace of the >irst ,ystery corresponds in 8soteric parlance to the second plane of consciousness from within or above" on which plane is Buddhi <the !piritual !oul=" the vehicle of #tman <5niversal !pirit=" the F>irst ,ystery"G which is also Fthe last ,ysteryG in the endless cycle of emanation and reabsorption. )n 8gyptian 8sotericism the Fdove symbolG of the 1nostics was represented by the glyph of the winged globe. he dove" that descends on F+esusG at his baptism is typical of the conscious FdescentG of the FHigher !elfG or !oul <#tma$Buddhi= on ,anas" the Higher 8go* or in other words" the union during initiation of the Christos" with Chrestos" or the imperishable F)ndividualityG in the #ll" with the transcendent PersonalityBthe #dept. <K= A2ast ,ystery.J )n the same way that #tman is the first or seventh principle" as previously explained.

Page ' AP! @J ,oreover" +esus had not told his 7isciples the whole emanation of all the 0egions of the 1reat )nvisible and of the hree riple$Powers" and of the >our$and$ wenty )nvisibles <&=" and of all their 0egions" #eTns and 6rders <that is to say= the manner in which the latter which are also the Pro.ections of the 1reat )nvisible" are distributed. -or <had he spoken of= their 5ngenerated" !elf$generated" and 1enerated <@=" their 2ight$givers and 5npaired <C=" their 0ulers and Powers" their 2ords and #rchangles" their #ngels and 7ecans" their ,inisters and all the Houses of their !pheres" and all the 6rders of each one of them. -or had +esus told his 7isciples the whole emanation of the Pro.ections of the reasure" and their 6rders* nor of their <D= !aviours and their 6rders . . . . . HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <l= he triple powers are an aspect of the triple 2ogos" and the @D invisibles are the @& <( x C= emanating 0ays" with their three 2ogoi. <@= 6r the 8ternal" unborn powersB#.a in !anskritP the !elf$generated" the #nupapSdaka <parentless=" the !elf$existentBin !anskrit" !wayambhu* and the generated" including both the emanations from higher 8manations <Dth plane=" and those 7hySni$Chohans and 7evas who have been men" i.e." already gone through the ,Snasic cycle. <C= A5npaired ones.J he Feternal celibatesG" the /umSras* literally those without a !y;ygy" double" pair" mate" or counterpart. )t is the Hierarchy of the /umSras which incarnates in man as his Higher 8go or ,anas. <D= A heir saviours.J !c. of the 8manations or Pro.ections. 6n pages &'L and &'& the scale of the twelve !aviours is given. he first seven preside over the pro.ections or emanations of the seven 3oices" 3owels" or #mens" and the last five over the five rees* they are all of the reasure of 2ight.

Page &L AP! CJ . . . . . nor the 0egion of the !aviour of the wins" who is the Child of the Child <&=* nor in what 0egions the three #mens emanate* nor yet the 0egion of the >ive rees and !even #mens" which are also the !even 3oices <@=" according to the manner of their emanation. -or had +esus told his 7isciples of what type are the >ive !upporters and the 0egion of their emanation* nor of the >ive )mpressions and the >irst Precept" in what type they are evolved <C= . . . HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <&= he FChild of the ChildG is ,anas" the child of Buddhi on a higher plane" and the lower ,anas" the child of the higher" on an inferior semi$human plane. he FtwinsG are the dual ,anas" in 8sotericism. <@= he F hree #mensG areP the upper triad in septenary man* the region of the F>ive reesG is the earth and localities wherein the actual and past >ive 0oot$0aces have developed* the F!even #mensG and the F!even 3oicesG are identical with the F!even #ums and the !even ,ystic 3oices"G Fthe voice of the inner 1odG <vide he 3oice of the !ilence" pp. ' and &L.I he Fseven thundersG spoken of in 0evelation are typical of the same mystery of spiritual )nitiation. #gain" from a ,acrocosmic aspect the !even #mens are the seven rays of each of the F hree #mens"G making up the F wenty$four )nvisibles"G and so on ad infinitum. <C= A he >irst precept" etc.J #s many of these terms are to a certain extent explained in the se9uel" it will be unnecessary to go into an elaborate dis9uisition of the hierarchies. >or the broad outline students should compare the he !ecret 7octrine" )" @&C" DCK" and also Pt. & of the ransactions of the Blavatsky 2odge.M AP! DJ. . . . . herefore they thought that it was the 8nd of all 8nds and the sum of the 5niverse and the whole PlerTma <&=. . . . . . we have received all fullness ApleromaJ and perfection. . . . . )t was on the fifteenth day of the moon of the month obe <@=" the day of the full moon" when the sun had risen in its going" that there came forth after it a great flood of most brilliant light <C= of immeasurable brightness . . . . .

HHHHHHHHHH I A!ee +naneshwari by !ri +nSnadeva" pp. &DD$K* ransl. by 0. /. Bhagwat" ,adras" !amata Books" &'('.J M AConsult them in 3olume 4 of H.P.B.%s Collected Writings.J HHHHHHHHHH

Page && <&= APlerTma.J !ee he !ecret 7octrine" )" DLE" D&E" DD?* ))" ('" KLE" and )sis 5nveiled )" CL@. >rom the esoteric point of view" the PlerTma in the 1nostic scheme corresponds to absolute space with its seven planes or degrees of Consciousness and the rest. !ee the passage on the F!838-$!/)--87 8 80-#2 ,6 H80$ ># H80G in he !ecret 7octrine" )" '" and also Part ) of the ransactions of the Blavatsky 2odge. <@= obe or ebeth. >rom 7ec. @L to +an. &?. <C= he distinction between lux and lumen" both meaning light" has been preserved in the 8nglish by printing the word FlightG with a capital when it stands for lumen. AP! EJ . . . . . hese things" then" were done on the fifteenth of the month obe" the day of the full moon <&=. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <&= his date proves that the above is a description of the ,ysteries all the greater initiations being performed during full moon. AP! (J #nd all the #ngels and their #rchangels and all the Powers of the Height sang hymns <&= . . . . . HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <&= !ee the 3oice of the !ilence" p. EK" when the hymn of nature proclaimsP F# ,aster has arisen" a ,#! 80 6> H8 7#:* and also p. (@. AP! ?J . . . . . #nd the three degrees of the 2ight were of various light and aspect" excelling one another in infinite manner <&= . . . . . HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <&= 6n page (& A3oiceJ the three 0obes or 3estures are described. )n Buddhism the three Buddhic bodies or forms are styledP B -irmanakSya" !ambhogakSya" and 7harmakSya" as the 3oice of the !ilence informs us in the 1lossary <p. 'E=" which see for a full description. AP! 'J F. . . . . to speak with you from the Beginning A#rchWJ to the Completion APleromaJ . . . .G

Page &@ AP! &&J F. . . . . . after ) came forth into the World ) brought with me twelve Powers" as ) told you from the beginning. ) took them from the welve !aviours of the reasure of 2ight according to the command of the >irst ,ystery. hese" therefore" when ) came into the world" ) cast into the womb of your mothers" which are in your body <&= today . . . . >or all men who are in the World" have taken their !oul from the 0ulers of the #eTns <@=. But the Power which is in you" is from me. 6f a truth your soul pertains to the Height <C=.G HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <&= -ote that FwombG and FbodyG are in the singular. <@= he four lower human Principles" we are taught in the 8soteric Philosophy" i.e." Body" 7ouble" 2ife and )nstinct <animal soul" or /Sma" the passionate Principle=" are derived by men from the Planetary Hierarchies and the 0ulers of the lower terrestrial spheresBthe rupa planes. Compare the slokas of F7;yanG in he !ecret 7octrine" 3ol. ))" p. &(. FHow are the ,Snushyas bornX he ,anus with minds" how are they madeX he >athers called to their help their own fire* which is the fire that burns in 8arth. he !pirit of the 8arth called to his help the !olar >ire. hese three produced in their .oint effects a good 0upa. )t could stand" walk" run" recline" or fly. :et it was still but a ChhSyS" a shadow with no sense.G . . . . . F he Breath needed a form* the >athers gave it. he Breath needed a gross body* the 8arth moulded it. he Breath needed the !pirit of 2ife* the !olar 2has breathed it into its form. he Breath needed a ,irror of its Body* WWe gave it our own"% said the 7hySnis. he Breath needed a 3ehicle of 7esires* W)t has it"% said the 7rainer of Waters. But Breath needs a mind to embrace the 5niverse* WWe cannot give that"% said the >athers. W) never had it"% said the !pirit of the 8arth. W he form would be consumed were ) to give it mine"% said the 1reat >ire . . . . .G <C= A he Height.J he arupa or formless planes" which shows that F+esusG is the type of the ,ahStmic prototype" the Higher ,anas.

Page &C AP! &@J F. . . . . nor did the 0ulers of the #eons know me" but thought that ) was the angel 1abriel <&=.G F)t came to pass" when ) had come into the midst of the 0ulers of the #eons" having looked from above into the World of men" ) found 8li;abeth" mother of +ohn the Baptist" before she had conceived him. ) planted the Power in her" which ) had received from the 2ittle )#Y" the 1ood" who is in the ,idst <@=" that he should preach before me" and prepare my way" and bapti;e with water the remission of sins. his Power then is <C= in the body of +ohn. ,oreover" in the place of the !oul of the 0ulers" appointed to receive it" ) found the !oul of the prophet 8lias in the #eons of the !phere <D= . . . . .!o the Power of the 2ittle )#Y <K=" the 1ood" who is in the ,idst" and the !oul of the prophet 8lias" are bound together in the body of +ohn the Baptist.G HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <&= A1abriel.J !ee )sis 5nveiled" ))" p. @D(. <@= A,idst.J hat is to say" that the Power planted <or sowed= is the reflection of the Higher 8go" or the lower /Sma$,anas. <C= A)s in the body of +ohn.J -otice the tense" the orthodox +ohn being dead years before. <D= A#eons of the sphere.J )t is curious to remark the interchangeability of terms* at the end of page &@ we have the 0ulers of the !phere and the 0ulers of the #eTns" and now we have the #eTns of the !phere and a little below the !phere of the 0ulers. hey are all intentional blinds. <K=A he little )#YJ 6n page &'D we read of Fthe great 2eader of the ,idst whom the 0ulers of the #eTns call the 1reat )#Y" according to the name of the great 0uler which is in their 0egion" . . . . . and the twelve !ervants <7eacons=" whereby ye received >orm and !trength.G F#s above so belowG* this apparent dualism is 9uite in keeping with all esoteric systems. BF7aemon est 7eus inversus.G ACommenting upon what Hippolytus" Bishop of 6stia <Portus=" saysI about 3alentinian teachings comparing them with the system of Pythagoras and Plato" H.P.B. writesPJ

HHHHHHHHHH I 0efutation of #ll Heresies" more generally known as the Philosophumena" Book 3)" chapters xxv$ xxxi A#nte$-icene >athers" 3ol. 3" pp. ?K" ?'" rpr. of Wm. 8erdmans" 1rand 0apids" &'(K.J HHHHHHHHHH

Page &D 6ur author was right in comparing the 3alentinian system with those of Pythagoras and Plato" and in declaring that it had a mathematical basis. he 1nTsis at all times and in all countries has been based on natural laws" and the different branches of mathematical science are simply the methods of expressing these laws. o vindicate these sublime systems of anti9uity" and to prove that they were based on something more than Fsuperstitious imagination"G some figures will now be given" and some hints as to their explanation attempted. )t must" however" be remembered that as such figures are infinite" and that the permutations and combination of their properties" correspondences and 9ualities are e9ually infinite" no more than the roughest possible outline can be given in a short paper. #s however" in the se9uel" reference will often be made to these figures" it is necessary for the reader to be put into possession of their general scheme at the beginning of our undertaking. )t is hoped that by these figures students will be given the clearest possible proof that" as Plato said" Fthe 7eity geometri;es.G

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CH#0 6> H8 P280Y,# #CC607)-1 6 3#28- )-5!

Page &E A186,8 0)C#2 !:,B62)!,J >irst the Z <Point=" the ,onad" Bythus <the 7eep=" the unknown and unknowable >ather. hen the < riangle=" Bythus and the first emanated pair or 7uad" -ous <,ind= and its sy;ygy #letheia < ruth=. hen the <!9uare=" the dual 7uad etraktys or Ruaternary" two males [[" the 2ogos <Word= and #nthrTpos <,an=" two females" their sy;ygies" \\ ZTe <2ife= and 8kklesia <the Church or #ssembly=" !even in all. he riangle" the Potentiality of !pirit* the !9uare" the Potentiality of matter* the 3ertical !traight 2ine" the Potency of !pirit" and the Hori;ontal" the Potency of matter. -ext comes the Pentagram " the Pentad" the mysterious symbol of the ,Snasaputras or !ons of Wisdom" which together with their sy;ygies make &L" or the 7ecad* and last of all" the Hexalpha or interlaced riangles : the Hexad " which with their sy;ygies make &@" or the 7odecad. !uch are the contents of the PlerTma or Completion" the )deas in the 7ivine ,ind" @? in all for Bythus or the >ather is not reckoned" as it is the 0oot of all. he two small circles within the PlerTma are the sy;ygy Christos$Pneuma <Christ and the Holy !pirit=* these are after$emanations" and as such" from one aspect" typify the descent of !pirit to inform and evolve ,atter" which essentially proceeds from the same source* and from another" the descent or incarnation of the /umSras or the Higher 8gos of Humanity. he Circle of the PlerTma is bounded by a circumference emanated from Bythus <the Point=" this is called the Horus <Boundary=" !taurus <!tock" !take" or Cross= and ,etaecheus A J <Participator=* it shuts off the PlerTma <or Completion= from the Hysterema <the )nferiority or )ncompletion=" the larger from the smaller Circle" the 5nmanifested from the ,anifested. Within the Circle of the Hysterema is the !9uare of primordial ,atter" or Chaos" emanated by !ophia" called the 8ktrTma <or #bortion=. #bove this is a riangle" primordial !pirit" called the Common >ruit of the PlerTma" or +esus" for to all below the PlerTma it appears as a unity. -otice how the riangle and !9uare of the Hysterema are the reflection of the riangle and !9uare of the PlerTma. >inally the plane of the paper" inclosing and penetrating all" is !ige <!ilence=.

Page &( !6,8 18-80#2 H)- ! 6W#07! #- 84P2#-# )6- 6> H8 >)1508! App. &'$@LJ. )n all the figures except >ig. ? the great Hermetic #xiom F#s above" so below"G is triumphantly shown forth" as also the idea of the sy;ygy" pair or opposite. 2et us begin with >ig. ?" remembering that the Point produces the 2ine* the 2ine the !uperficies* and the !uperficies the !olid. )n this figure we have a symbol of >ire or !pirit. he vertical line" in the centre of the figure" is the subtlest >ire* this gradually falls into the shape of triangles" their vertical angles growing less and less acute" as their bases expand and at the same time rise to higher planes. !ix planes or bases in all" and six triangles" with the point the seventh. he seventh figure generated from the point is the right$angled triangle" the most perfect. he more acute the angle" the subtler the >ire" until it finally reaches the right angle" the balance or turning point of all angles. -ow let us take the central point of the whole figure and .oin it with the extremities of the bases of the triangles* we shall then find that with the point again we have a second series of !even" vi;." the point" two acute$angled" one right$angled" two obtuse$angled triangles" and the hori;ontal diameter of the >igure. hese are the 0upa Planes" the first septenary being the seven fiery 2ogoi" the second septenary the seven 1lobes on the four lower planes of the great septenate" etc." etc. -otice again the series of 9uadrilaterals formed by the intersection of the bases and sides of the triangles" @" D" E" ?" and &L" the perfect number. herefore starting from our perpendicular" or !pirit" we arrive by a series of angles through every variety of acuteness to the right$angled triangle" and pass from it through every variety of obtuseness to the hori;ontal diameter" ,atter. his great fact may be more plainly seen in >igs. &&$&?" where the same series is traced in rectangular 9uadrilaterals" of which the balance or turning$point is the !9uare. 6f course it must be remembered that only the perfect types are given" the intermediate types being infinite. >or instance" to get from >ig. && to >ig. &@" an infinity of points are re9uired* from >ig. &@ to >ig. &C an infinity of lines* from >ig. &C to >ig. &D an infinity of intermediate figures" etc." seven infinities and seven eternities in all. )n these figures also it should be noticed that the 3ertical has expanded and again decreased into the Hori;ontal" but in so doing has changed its direction" in other words the wheel has turned.

Page &? )n one of the following papers it is hoped to show the generation of the !vastika and its connection with these figures. Having now obtained our most perfect triangle figure" vi;." the right$angled riangle" let us proceed to trace the operations of a pair of these. )n the series of figures &$?" we notice the triangle of !pirit with its apex upward and the triangle of ,atter with its apex downward. 2et those who wish to understand the two Circles surrounding these triangles and gradually involving into one another until finally they become one <>ig. (=" remember the Caduces" and think over what is said in he !ecret 7octrine <3ol. )" pp. KKL et se9.=" about the Flemniscate"G and also about the development of the germ$cell <3ol. ))." pp. &&( et se9.=. hese riangles produce !9uares by their intersection" and we get the following series of points generated" &" D" '" &E" @K" CE" and D'" which is &@" @@" C@" D@" K@" E@ and (@. hus are the >orty$nine >ires generated. #t the fourth stage the primal type of the spindle is repeated" but as a duality* in the two succeeding figures this duality is repeated but on a smaller and smaller scale until in >ig. ?" it disappears entirely. 2et us now combine our previous figures and we obtain >ig. '. #ll is generated from the Point <the >irst 2ogos=. hus from it we have six descending triangles and six spheres of matter" which together with the point make seven. !o also with the fainter triangles and circles of spirit which ascend. #nd yet the two points of departure are essentially one in nature. he hori;ontal diameter is neither dark nor light" neither spirit nor matter" as is also the greatest circumscribing circle >ig. &L is the amplification of >ig. (. )t is the Pyramid unfolded" and the F>our$ faced Brahm"G the Ffour ,ahara.as"G etc." and all the 9uaternaries* it is also the expansion of the etraktys. -otice the two series of three !9uares each and the Point in the centre" seven in all. -otice also that the !9uare of welve >ires is bounded by triangles of en. he representation of the Pythagorean etraktys was a triangle containing ten :ods. 6ur figure being a perfect type" if the corners are folded to the central point" the >ires" or sy;ygies" coincide" and this process can be repeated until the whole figure disappears in the Point. But in nature the type is imperfect" and the >ires are at une9ual distances" so that in folding over the four corners" the !olid Pyramid is formed" its spiritual axis and its material basal diameters varying with the proportion of spirit and matter in any manifestation.

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Page @L

Page @& >ig. ( will give us all our pairs" and initiate us into the mystery of 0eflection. hus we have @ ones" @ twos" @ threes" @ fours" @ fives" @ sixes" but only one seven. Here then we have all the mysterious gnostic numbers* from & to (" then ?" or the 6gdoad" &L or the 7ecad" and &@ or the 7odecad. ,uch more" indeed" might be written* but perhaps" enough has already been said to direct the attention of students to the mystery of the >orty$nine >ires" and give them a key to the comprehension of the hitherto hopeless obscurity of the 1nostic writers in the eyes of the moderns. A# later note saysPJ With regard to the figures published in the last paper" it should be clearly understood that there is no up nor down" no top nor bottom" in reality. )t has" however" been suggested that >ig. ? would be preferable if reversed" so that the Point should be at the top. A>ollowing H.P.B.%s suggestion >ig. ? has been reversed in this edition.B Compiler.J

Page @@ AP! &CJ F#fter these things" moreover" ) looked down into the World of ,en" and found ,ary who is called my ,other after the body of ,atter <HylW=* ) spoke to her" moreover" in the form of 1abriel <&=" and when she had turned herself into the Height <sc. PlerTma= towards me" ) implanted in her the first Power which ) received from BarbelT <@=" the Body which ) wore in the Height. #nd instead of a !oul" ) implanted in her the Power" AP! &DJ which ) received from the 1reat sebSTth" the 1ood" <C= who is in the 0egion of the 0ight <D=. #nd the twelve Powers of the welve !aviours <K= of the reasure of 2ight" which ) received from the twelve 7eacons <,inisters=" who are in the ,idst <E=" ) brought into the !phere of the 0ulers" and the 7ecans <(= of the 0ulers" and their ,inisters thought them the souls of the 0ulersP and the ,inisters conducted them. ) bound them in the body of your mothers. #nd when your time was full" they brought you forth into the World" no !oul of the 0ulers being in you. #nd ye have received your portion of the Power which the last !upporter breathed into the ,ixture of </erasmos" see able )=" which was blended with all the )nvisibles" and 0ulers" and #eTns* once only was it blended with the World of 7estruction" which is the ,ixtureP this <Power= ) brought out from ,yself" <sc. the >our$and$ wentieth ,ystery= from the beginning" and infused it into the >irst Precept* and the >irst Precept infused a portion thereof into the 1reat 2ight* and the 1reat 2ight infused a portion of that which it received" into the >ive !upporters* and the last !upporter received that portion and infused it into the ,ixture <?=. AP! &KJ !uch is the manner of all things which are in this ,ixture" as ) have told you. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= A1abriel.J )n the system of +ustinus <Philosophumena" 3" @E=" the first triad is described as consisting of two male principles and one feminine. he first male is called the 1ood and is attributed with universal foreknowledgeP the second" the 8lTh^m" is the father <collective= of all the creation or generation" without fore$ knowledge and blind.

Page @C he third" the feminine principle" is also without foreknowledge" two$minded or undecided" bi$corporate or of two bodies" being figured as a virgin above and a viper below <astronomically the 3irgo$!corpio of the ancient Zodiacs=" and her name is 8den or )srSWl. #nd mutual desire arose in the 8lTh^m and 8den" and from this union were born twenty$four #ngels" twelve called Paternal and twelve ,aternal. #mong the twelve Paternal is 1abriel. he twelve are" of course the twelve signs of the Zodiac" etc." according to the key used. )n the almud and the /abala" 8den is called F he 1arden of 7elight"G and held by the Church >athers to figure :oni after the commission of the first sin. he 1nostics" on the contrary" always explain the term in its most spiritual and metaphysical sense" treating of its cosmogonical and theogonical signification and ignoring its material and physiological explanation. )n #dversum Celsum <vi. CL= I 6rigen with much verbiage and contempt treats of the Faccursed diagramG of the 6phites" which his 1nostic opponent Celsus had referred to. )n it" 1abriel is the fourth of the Fseven ruling 7aimTnsG" for we readP F,oreover" Celsus asserted that the Wfourth had the form of an eagle%* the diagram representing him as 1abriel the 8agle$like.G )n ancient #strology" 1abriel was said to rule over the sign aurus and the ,oon. -ow" the 8gyptians" according to PlutarchM assigned to the moon a male and a female nature <phusin arsenothWlun=. 7uring the 2unus$2una festival" at the 3ernal 89uinox" when the sun was in the sign aurus" the men sacrificed to 2unus and the women to 2una" each sex assuming the dress of the other. he Bull < aurus=" moreover" among all the ancients was the symbol of generation" and in the symbolism of the ,ithraic ,ysteries" the )nitiate plunges a sword or scimitar into the throat of a prostrate Bull. Compare this with he 3oice of the !ilence <pp. && and &@=P FBefore that path is entered" thou must destroy thy lunar body" cleanse thy mind$body and make clean thy heart . . . . .G FBefore the W,ystic Power% can make of thee a god" 2anoo" thou must have gained the faculty to slay thy lunar form at will.G

HHHHHHHHHH I A)n #nte$-icene >athers" 3ol. )3" p. K?E.J M 7e )side et 6siride" ch. DC" A)n Plutarch%s ,orals" tr. by C. W. /ing" 2ondon" 1eo. Bell Q !ons" &?'?.J HHHHHHHHHH

Page @D When we collate all this with what is told us in he !ecret 7octrine of the Pitris and their work in the formation of the lower man" and of the bi$sexual or androgynous nature of the early races" we shall understand why the #ngel 1abriel the 7aimTn of the ,oon" and the ruler of the sign aurus" appeared to ,ary at her conception* the #nnunciation will resolve itself into far simpler terms than the accepted solution" and we shall have learnt something of the mysteries of the astral body. <@= ABarbelT.J )n explaining this term" it will be interesting to see first of all what the other 1nostic systems say of BarbelT and then to examine the statements in Pistis$!ophia. We learn from )renaeus"I that the )nnominable >ather was manifested to this Fnever$ aging #eTn in a virginal formG by the emanation of four beings" whose name expressed thought and life* and that she" at the sight thereof" conceived and gave birth to three like beings. Compare with thisPB F hen the three <triangles= fall into the four <9uaternary=. he radiant essence becomes !even inside" !even outside. he 2uminous 8gg <Hiranyagarbha=" which itself is hree <the triple hypostases of BrahmS" or 3ishnu" the three W#vasthSs%=" curdles and spreads in milk$white curds throughout the depths of ,other" the 0oot that grows in the depths of the 6cean of 2ife.G <!.7. )" EE.= #ccording to 8piphanius" one of the 6phite schools taught that BarbelT was an emanation of the >ather" and the ,other of )aldabaTth <or according to some" of sebSTth=" which is to say that BarbelT was identical with !ophia$#chamTth or Pistis$!ophia. !he dwelt in the 8ighth Heaven aboveP while her son insolently possessed himself of the !eventh and caused his mother much lamentation. his idea is the common property of all the 1nostic systems" the terms varying" the idea remaining constant. !he is further said to constantly appear to the #rchTns or 0ulers" in a beautiful form" so that she may collect again her scattered power" stolen from her by the 7emiurge" his 1ods" #ngels. and 7aimTns. #ccording to )renaeus again" the ascent of souls terminated in the upper 0egion Fwhere is BarbelT the ,other of the 2iving <or 2ives=.GM Pistis$!ophia informs us that BarbelT is one of the riad of the )nvisibles #grammachamareg" BarbelT and Bdelle" in the 0egion of the 2eft <see able )=" where is the hirteenth #eTn <page CK'=.
HHHHHHHHHH I #dversus Haereses" Book )" ch. xxix. A)n #nte$-icene >athers" 3ol. )" p. CKC.J M AWrongly ascribed to )renaeus. #ctually" 8piphanius" 7e 1emmis" ii" @L.J HHHHHHHHHH

Page @K !he is twice called the Power <dynamis= of the )nvisible 1od* she is also the ,other of Pistis$!ophia and twenty$three other 8manations <pages D'" CE&=. he 0egion of the 2eft is apparently called the Hyle <,atter= of BarbelT <page &@?=. #gain" from 8piphanius"I we learn that one of the names of the 3alentinians was Barbelitae" and we are inclined to think with N. C. #mOlineau in his 8ssai sur le 1nosticisme Ngyptien <Paris" &??(=" that it was the name of the highest degree of their )nitiation" in which the #dept became a perfect Pneumatic" or )lluminatus" a son of )mmortality. he Hebrew derivation would give the meaning" !on or 7aughter of 1od. We know" on the other hand" that with the 1nostics and especially the 7ocetae <)llusionists=" who held that +esus" the man" was entirely distinct from Christos" the Principle" and denied the facts of the miraculous conception" incarnation" death" and resurrectionBthe mother of +esus" the man" was considered as low" as the mother of Christos" the Principle" was held in veneration by them. he latter was the FHoly 1hostG and regarded as female by their schools. When we consider" however" that esoterically there are seven aspects of the !ophia <the seven planes of wisdom=" it will be easy to see that both the Church >athers" unintentionally" and the 1nostics" intentionally" only give one out of the seven aspects. <C= A he great sebSTth" the good.J )n Pistis$!ophia there are three sebSTths" that is to say three aspects of the power or principle hidden in this name. <a= he 1reat sebSTth" the 1ood" the FfatherG of the FsoulG of +esus <pages &D" &'C=P <b= he 2ittle sebSTth" the 1ood" called in the /osmos Zeus <+upiter= <page C(&="M one of the Planetary 0ulersP and <c= sebSTth$#damas" 0uler over six of the twelve #rchTns <page CEL=" and also in the 2ower World" one of the #rchTns which have the punishment of !ouls" whose F0eceiver"G or subordinate" presents the Cup of 6blivion to reincarnating souls. )n some of the schools it was taught that he who wished to be FPerfectG must ascend through the realms of the 0ulers" and finally place his foot on the head of sebSTth* and thus attain the 8ighth Heaven where dwelt BarbelT. sebSTth was said to have a woman%s hair" and was figured by some as an ass. by others as a swine.

HHHHHHHHHHB I Panarion or #dversus Haereses" Book )" t. ))" Haer. xxvi" _ iii" footnote by Petavius. M APages CK'" CEL" CE&" C(&" etc. refer to the pages of the hird 7ocument in Pistis$!ophia ,!." namely the one entitledP FPart of the Books of the !aviour.GJ HHHHHHHHHHB

Page @E Here we should call to mind the red ass of yphon in the 8gyptian ,ysteries* the descent of Bacchus to Hades on an ass in the >rogs of #ristophanes <a burles9ue on the 8leusinian ,ysteries=* the 1olden #ss of #puleius" and last but not least the entrance of F+esusG into F+erusalemG <the mundane +erusalem in other words" physical existence= on an Fass.G )n every case these terms are from the ,ysteries and none but the FPerfectG knew their secret meaning. o the multitude they have ever remained FabracadabraG and will remain for all but the most determined students. 6rigen <#dv. Cels." vi" C&= gives the formulae of prayers recited by the 7efunct" or Pneumatic" to the Planetary 0ulers. hese were probably part of the secrets of their outer initiation and used by the Bishop of #uch to show that he knew their secrets even better than Celsus himself. he passage referring to sebSTth" runs as followsP F hey next come to sebSTth" to whom they think the following should be addressedP W6 1overnor of the fifth realm" powerful sebSTth" defender of the law of thy creation" which is liberated by grace" through the help of a more powerful Pentad" admit me" seeing the faultless symbol of thy art" preserved by a stamp of an image a body liberated by a Pentad. 2et grace be with me. 6 >ather let grace be with me%.G <D= A0egion of the right.J Perhaps it will not be without interest if" in explanation of this term" we translate a few lines from the #dversus Haereses of )renaeus" who was" perhaps" the bitterest of all the opponents of the 1nTsis. he FholyG >ather shall teach us the /nowledge he strove so vigorously to crush out of existence. )n speaking of the )talian school of the 3alentinians" )renaeus writesPBF hey declare that the 7emiurge" having fashioned the Cosmos" made the Cho`c <,aterial= ,an also* but not from this dry 8arth" but from the invisible 8ssence" from the fluid and unsettled portion of the Hyle" and that he breathed into him the Psychic <or astral ,an=. #nd this is the ,an which is born according to the image and likeness <sc. the ChhSyS=" the Hylic being according to the image" resembling but not of the same 8ssence with the 1od <the Pitris=" while the Psychic ,an was in the likenessP whence also his 8ssence" being from a spiritual emanation is called a spirit of 2ife. )t was afterwards they say that the Coat of !kin clothed him" which they declare is the body of flesh perceived by the senses . . . . so that they derive the !oul from the 7emiurge" the Body from the 8arth <Choos=" and the >leshly Covering from the Hyle* But the !piritual ,an <#nthrTpos= from the ,other of #chamTth <i.e. from !ophia$#bove or Within" the ,other of !ophia$Without" or Pistis$!ophia= . . . .

Page @( 6f these three" they say that the Hylic" which they also call the 2eft" must of necessity perish" in as much as it has in it no breath of incorruptibility* but the Psychic" which they designate the 0ight" being in the middle of the !piritual and Hylic" goes in whatsoever direction it may incline itself* whereas the !piritual <,anas= has been sent forth" in order that" by being united with the Psychic here <i.e." emanating /Sma$,anas=" it might take >orm and be instructed together with it <the Psychic or /Sma$0apa= by sharing in its existence or by conversion with it <anastrophW=.GI )n the Pistis$!ophia the plane immediately below or inferior to the reasure of 2ight is divided into three main 2okas or !ub$planes" the 0ight" the 2eft and the ,iddle. he duty of the 0ulers of the 0ight is the forming" fashioning or building of all the lower !pheres or Planes of existence" by bringing down the 2ight out of its reasury" and causing it to return thither again" thus in another sense" accomplishing the salvation of such souls as are fit to ascend to a higher plane. he 0ulers of the ,idst have the 1uardianship of Human !ouls. he 2eft" called also the 0egion of 0ighteousness" is the 2oka or condition towards which all penitent souls tend" for it is here that the conflict between the principles of 2ight and HylW <i.e." differentiation= first commences. >rom the words in italics in the preceding paragraph" we can see the type of BrahmS" 3ishnu. and !iva" the Hindu rimurti or rinity" revealing itself* the ideas of Creation" Preservation" and 7estruction or 0egeneration being very clearly shown forth. )n the !ystem of 3alentinus" we read of Fthe power of the psychic or soulish essence which is called the W0ight%.G sebSTth also who dwells in the 0ight is an aspect of the 7emiurge and the Creator of !ouls. Before proceeding further" it is necessary to give a provisionary table to the Planes and 2okas according to the Pistis$!ophia.

HHHHHHHHHH I #dversus Haereses" Book 3" ch. v" sect. K Q E. HHHHHHHHHH

Page @? able )

3ide !.7." )" @LL. <K= A welve !aviours.J he welve !aviours are part of the contents of the reasure of 2ight and are identical with the 7odecad of the 3alentinian PlerTma. he twelve 7eacons are of course a manifestation of the primordial type of the 7odecad of the PlerTma on a 2oka of another plane. <E= A he ,idst.J )n the 3alentinian !ystem the ,esotWs" or ,iddle 0egion" is above the highest Heaven but below the PlerTma. )t is especially the place of the Psychics" as the PlerTma is of the Pneumatics. his is the proper place of !ophia$ #chamTth" the !ophia$Without or Pistis$!ophia" who desiring the 2ight" falls from the 6gdoad into the Heptad" the highest 2oka or !ubplane of which is ruled by the 7emiurge" the !elf$Willed 6ne of the Pistis$!ophia. When she gains the PlerTma" the 7emiurge will be exalted to the ,iddle 0egion. )n other words when the 2ower$ ,anas shall have become one with the Higher" those /Smic elements which follow the higher and impress themselves permanently in it" will be purified <(= A7ecans.J 6ver the !phere <see able )= )85" Athe 6verseer" <episkopos or bishop= of the 2ight" also called the >irst ,an <primus homo= who is one of the E great 0ulers of the 0ightJ" sets K great 0ulers" or #rchTns" formed of the 2ight$ powers of the 0ight* these are the Planetary 0ulers" !aturn" ,ars" ,ercury" 3enus and +upiter.

186018 0.!. ,8#7 &?EC$&'CC #t one time private secretary of H.P.B. and outstanding scholar of 1nosticism and the origins of Christianity. 8dited for some years 2ucifer and the he heosophical 0eview. 0eproduced from his own +ournalP he Ruest" 3ol. 43))" #pril" &'@E.

H.P. B2#3# !/: 0eproduced from a photograph in the #dyar #rchives.

Page @' Below it are placed CEL other powers" or 7ecans* below them again in the 0egion of the #ir and corresponding in number" are CEL other #rchTns with K 0ulers again over them. he lower refuse to believe in the mysteries of 2ight and entice souls to sin. his apparent duality is a common characteristic of the 1nTsis. 8verything in nature is bad or good according to the nature and motive of man* at each moment of life" man can choose the 2eft or 0ight. hese numbers CEL and CEK occur in the systems of Bardesanes and Basilides and in the #eTnology of other schools* sometimes they form part of the contents of the PlerTma. ,atter" in treating of the 1nostic schools of 8gypt" tells us that the utelar 1enii of each day were invoked against the nefast power of yphon" the 8gyptian #hriman. hese composed the third series of the gods of the 8gyptian Pantheon. F hese gods"G he says" Fare as little known by name" as the CEL intelligences which made up the #braxas of Basilides. he ancients classed them under the generic term of 7aemons. hese 7aemons were grouped in classes round the gods called Cosmic 7eities" as they were called* that is to say" the gods which governed the visible world* they were its agents </osmokratores=" .ust as their chiefs were those of the !uper$celestial gods. Commissioned as they were to maintain the communication between the two worlds" they presided at the descent of souls from the higher regions to the inferior ;one" and communicated to them during the present existence of trial and expiation" the gifts of divine life. hey divided among themselves the CE parts of the human body" and after their earthly career was finished" guided the souls in their return to the !upreme Being.GI <?= A,ixture.J #lthough it is impossible at present to give a complete and detailed table of the almost interminable synonyms of the terms" used in the scheme of the Pistis$!ophia" we are compelled at the risk of being thought tedious" to give some explanation of the strange nomenclature which meets us at every step.

HHHHHHHHHH I A#. +ac9ues ,atter" Historie criti9ue du 1nostisme" et de son influence sur les sectes religieuses et philosophi9ues des six premiers sibcles de l%ctre ChrOtienne <Paris" &?@?=" 3ol. ))" p. CD.J HHHHHHHHHH

Page CL Below the 2ast ,ystery in the 5pper World which we are inclined to make correspond with the reasure or PlerTma" come the 1reat 2ight of the )mpression <or ,ark= of 2ight" divided into five )mpressions of 2ight* the >irst Precept <or !tatute=" divided into ( ,ysteries* the 1reat 2ight of 2ights* the K 1reat !upporters <or Helpers=" which conduct the Powers of 2ight into the lower regions" or planes* and last of all the 0egion of the )nheritance of 2ight" where redeemed souls will dwell. Here we have ( elements or principles and it is curious to remark how the K )mpressions <Charagmai* in some systems CharactOres=" or ideas" are repeated as the K !upporters" and the 1reat 2ight of the )mpression of 2ight as the 1reat 2ight of 2ights. 6ther !upporters <parastatai= are mentioned as belonging to the ,iddle 0egion" &K in number" whose names are 9uoted from a Coptic papyrus in the Bodleian" in the work of N. C. #mOlineau already mentioned <p. @K@=. his papyrus contains three treatises apparently of the same school as the Pistis$!ophia" entitled he ,ystery of the 2etters of the #lphabet" he Book of the 1nosis of the 7ivine )nvisible" and he Book of the 1reat 2ogos according to the ,ystery. hese repeated >ives and combinations of >ive are according to the type of the Pentad" as shown in the Chart of the 3alentinian PlerTma. >ive is the number of man* for of the perfect !eptenary" the riad" #tma$Buddhi$,anas" is the average humanity a unity. AP! &K continuedJ F0e.oice" therefore" in that the time is come that ) should put on my 3esture <&= . F2od ) have put on my vesture and all the power has been given me by the >irst ,ystery . . . . .G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= A,y vesture.J )t is curious and interesting to learn what occult ideas the 1nostics had of these Bodies or 3estures* for instance" in speaking of the 7ocetae" a generic name including those schools which maintained that the Body of the adept was only an appearance" or" in other words" a ,aySvi$rupa" the author of the Philosophumena <3)))" ch. C= informs us that they explained the mystery$drama of the +esus as followsP FHe went and washed in the +ordan Athe mystic W0iver% which stopped the 8xodus of the )sraelites from 8gypt Wwhich is the body% <3" (=J" and in doing so received the ype and )mpression" in the water" of the body born from the 3irgin" in order that when the 0uler <#rchTn= condemned his own <sc. the 0uler%s=

Page C& image <plasma" i.e." the body= to death" vi;." to the Cross <stauros= "I this !oul of his <+esus%= being nourished in the body" might not after putting off the body" and nailing it to the tree and by its means triumphing over the Principalities and #uthorities" be found naked" but might put on the body" which had been impressed in the water when he was bapti;ed" instead of the fleshly body.G he deep occult significance of this passage scarcely needs any pointing out to the student" the whole mystery of FBirthG and FBaptismG is contained therein. hose alone who have bathed in the Cosmic stream will fully comprehend. AP! &EJ F)t came to pass" when the sun had risen in the places of the 8ast" a great flood of light descended" in which was my 3esture" which ) placed in the >our$and$ wentieth ,ystery. #nd ) found the ,ystery on my 3esture" written in >ive Words" which pertain to the Height. Z#,# Z#,# 6ZZ# 0#CH#,# 6Z#) <@=. #nd this is the interpretation thereofP he ,ystery which is without in the World" because of which the 5niverse was made" is all 8volution and all Progress* it pro.ected all emanations and all things therein. Because of it every ,ystery exists and the 0egions thereof. Come to us <C=" for we are thy fellow members. We are all one with thee. We are one and the same" and thou art one and the same. hat is the >irst ,ystery AP! &(J" which was from the beginning in the )neffable before it came forth therefrom* and its -ame is all of us. -ow" therefore" we all live together for thee at the last 2imit <D=" which also is the last ,ystery from the interiors . . . . .G

HHHHHHHHHH I he !taurus or Cross < e = is the potentiality of the Positive and -egative" or ,ale and >emale" forces in nature. hey are also called the Participator" because they share in the Creation #bove" in an abstract sense" and in the Creation Below" in a concrete. )n the abstract the e ceases and becomes the f" and therefore is called the Boundary" for the Below is the -atural Creation of !ex" whereas the #bove is the Creation of the 1ods or of ,ind* in other words" of the PlerTma or ,#H# . We see also this >all into generation" or the !ubstitution of the -atural for the 7ivine Creation" typified in the ,yths of !aturn emasculating 5ranus" Zeus" !aturn" and yphon" 6siris. HHHHHHHHHH

Page C@ <@= Compare he !ecret 7octrine" 3ol. ))" p. K?LP F he five words <PaVchadasa= of BrahmS have become with the 1nostics the W>ive Words% written upon the SkSsic <shining= garment of +esus at his glorificationP the words Z#,# Z#,# YZZ# 0#CH#,# YZ#) translated by the 6rientalists" Wthe robe" the glorious robe of my strength.% hese words were" in their turn" the anagrammatic blind of the five mystic powers represented on the robe of the Wresurrected% )nitiate after his last trial of three days% trance* the five becoming seven only after his death" when the #dept became the full CH0)! 6!" the full /0)!H-#$3)!H-5" i.e." merged in -irvSna.G <C= ACome to us.J Compare he !ecret 7octrine <3ol. )" !tan;as v and vi" and pages &CL" &C&=" where the 1reat 7ay FBe with usG is described asP Fthat day when man" freeing himself from the trammels of ignorance" and recogni;ing fully the non$ separateness of the 8go within his personalityBerroneously regarded as his ownB from the 5-)380!#2 816 <#nima !upra$,undi= merges thereby into the 6ne 8ssence to become not only one Wwith us%<the manifested universal lives which are W6-8% 2)>8=" but that very life itself.G )n the 8gyptian mysteries we also find the F7ay Come to usG mentioned" and explained as Fthe day" when 6siris said to the !un WCome%G <Book of the 7ead" xvii" E&=. >or a full explanation" read also he !ecret 7octrine" 3ol. )" pp. &CD" &CK. <D= A5ltimate 2imit.J his corresponds to the Horos or !tauros of the 3alentinian !ystem. he Pistis$!ophia" however" is far richer in its esotericism" and there are many 2imits or 2aya centers <see he !ecret 7octrine" passim=" corresponding to each plane and sub$plane" even as there are several PlerTmas. Compare also <ibid.= what is said about the 0ing FPass -ot"G and the 7hySni$pSsa or F0ope of the 1ods.G AP! &( continuedJ FCome to usdd >or we <K= all stand by thee to clothe thee with the >irst ,ystery . . . . .G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <K= -otice the change of number. AP! &'J F. . . the ,ystery of the three riple Powers <E=" and also the ,ystery of the whole 0egion of them" and also the ,ystery of all their )nvisibles and of all that turn <(= in the hirteenth of the #eTns . . . . . and of all their 0egions <?=.G

Page CC <E= wo mystery names of the three riple Powers are mentioned <page CE&=" vi;." )P!#- #CH65-CH#)-CH65CH86CH and CH#)-CH666CH* a Power emanates from the former upon ,ars and from the latter upon ,ercury. )n the same context" we are told that a Power from the 1reat )nvisible resides in !aturn and from Pistis$!ophia daughter of Barbelo" in 3enus. <(= 6r dwellP sc. the FWheelsG <cf. !.7.=. <?= >or the 0egions" etc." see able ). AP! @&J F#nd having left that 0egion" ) ascended into the >irst !phere" shining with the greatest possible 2ight" forty and nineI times exceeding the splendour" with which ) shone in the >irmament.G AP! @DJ F#nd their great confusion and fear reached to the 0egion of the 1reat" )nvisible >orefather <&= also" and of the three great riple Powers.G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= A he 1reat )nvisible >orefather.J he 1reat )nvisible >orefather stands at the head of the Hierarchies of the 2eft" the 0egion of 0ighteousness" and of the hirteenth #eTn. he great Power <or 7ynamis= of this )nvisible 7eity is BarbelT" and next to it come the three riple$Powers <cf. pages &'" @C" D& and &?C=. #s we proceed" it will be seen how the ype of the PlerTma is impressed upon all the Planes and 2okas. )n other words" as the !tates of Consciousness change" the #ppearances of things change with them" while the hings in themselves" or ypes" remain the same. !ee the Chart of the 3alentinian PlerTma. AP! @D continuedJ FBut" in the welve #eTns" my 2ight was greater than in the World among you" eight thousand and seven hundred times <@=.G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <@= A8ight thousand and seven hundred timesP octies millies et septies centies <!chwart;e%s transl.=J. !etting aside the poor latinity of septies centies" it is difficult to relate this number with the previous Fforty and nine times.G

HHHHHHHHHH I ypical of the Fforty$nine firesG in the 6ccult doctrines. !ee the figures. HHHHHHHHHH

Page CD he translation is evidently at fault" for we find in the notes Fcenties <. . . . . decies millies" Petermann=.G his emendation" however" only seems to make matters worse. he translation in ,igne is Fhuit fois mille fois et sept fois cent foix"G and" as usual" no comment or elucidation is offered. he probable solution of the difficulty is that" whatever the correct translation may be" it is either a vague expression meaning Fmany thousand times"G .ust as in 2atin the number of the !acred Cycle" ELL" became a loose term for any large number" or that it is a deliberate Fblind.G AP! @D continuedJ F. . . and all the #eTns" and Heavens" and their whole 6rdering" were shaken" because of the great fear" which was in them AP! @KJ because they knew not the mystery" which was done <C=.G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <C= ruly #vidyS" or )gnorance <-escience rather= is the root of all -idSnas" or the Concatenation of Cause and 8ffect <see !.7." sub. 3oce=. AP! @K continuedJ F#nd #damas" the 1reat yrant <D=" and all the yrants" which are in all the #eTns" began to fight vainly against the 2ight.G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <D= A#damas.J 6n page CEL" we read that six of the welve #eTns are ruled by sebSTth$#damas" and six by )abraTth. hese welve #eTns" in order to extend their power" persist in the ,ystery of )ntercourse. )n this" however" they are opposed by )85" the >ather of the >ather of +esus" and thus )abrSTth and his 0ulers are converted to the ,ysteries of 2ight. )85" therefore" exalts them to a higher 0egion and brings them into a pure #ir" into the 2ight of the !un" amid the 0egion of the ,idst" and of the )nvisible 7eity. sebSTth$#damas and his 0ulers" however" will not abstain from the ,ystery of )ntercourse* )85" accordingly" confines them in the !phere <of >ateX= in number &?LL <CEL x K= and above them CEL other 0ulers" and above these again K great 0ulers. 5sing the #stronomical key" )85 is the !piritual !un" the father of the Physical !un" which again is the father of the Fintra$mercurial planet.G !ee he !ecret 7octrine" ))" @?" and Part )" ransactions of the Blavatsky 2odge" p. D?. <C.W. 4" CDL=.

Page CK he above description is taken from the fourth book or division of the Pistis$ !ophia" which 0. #. 2ipsius thinks" Fhas probably got by accident into the place where we now read it in the manuscript. )t presents a simpler and older form of the 1nostic doctrine" and was the work perhaps of a different author.G However that may be" and as our effort is to understand the ideas of the Pistis$!ophia" it will be sufficient to remark that the above description is given by +esus to his disciples when he had brought them" in their )nitiation" Finto the ,iddle 0egion of the #ir" in the Paths of the Way of the ,idst" which is below the !phere"G and that" by analogy" it helps greatly the understanding of the FConversion of the 0ulers"G which follows. # hint to the explanation of the word F yrantG is given on page (E" where it speaks of F#ll the yrant 7eities" which had not yet given up the purity of their 2ight.G Compare also pages @K" &C(" and &KD" and also P! &D <C=. )n the 1nTsis of the 6phites" the term F#damasG is of fre9uent occurrence" and in Philosophumena" 4" '" we read thatP F he -aaseni <a school of the 6phites= call #nthrTpos <the ,an=" the >irst Principle of the 5niverse <#rchen 5niversorum=" and also the !on of ,an" and divide it into three. >or in it" they say" is an )ntelligent" a Psychic and a Cho`c <Physical= Principle. #nd they call it #damas" and think that the knowledge" which has it <#damas= for its ob.ect" is the beginning of our being able to know 7eity.G >rom the above it is evident that there are three #damantes" of which our #damas is the lowest. )n connection with these F yrant 7eities" which had not yet given up the purity of their 2ight"G and from which +esus took a Fthird part of their Power"G and in explanation of what follows in the text" students should compare !tan;a vi" sloka K" of he !ecret 7octrine <3ol. )" &'& et se9.=" F#t the fourth <0ound" or revolution of life and being around Wthe seven smaller wheels%=" the sons are told to create their images. 6ne third refuses. wo <thirds= obey.G AP! @K continuedJ F#nd ) changed both the >ate and !phere" which are their 2ords" and made them turned for six months toward the left" and for six months aspecting the right" accomplishing their influences AP! @EJ for by the command of the >irst Precept and of the >irst ,ystery <K=" )85 <E=" the Watcher <or 6verseer= of the 2ight" had placed them" facing the left" for all time" accomplishing their )nfluences and #ctions.G

Page CE #nd when he had said these things to his disciples" he addedP FHe that has ears to hear let him hear.G -ow when ,ary <(= had heard these words" which the !aviour said" having ga;ed into the sky with ama;ement"I for the space of one hour . . . . . AP! @?J no 0uler shall know the things" which thou wilt do henceforth" from this hour* which 0ulers indeed are 8gypt <?=" since they are the ineffectual Hyle . . . . . ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <K= A he >irst ,ystery.J +esus" who proceeds from the >irst ,ystery <his >ather=" bears also himself the name of the >irst ,ystery. he Hierarchy of the 8manations in the reasure of 2ight" according to the first three books" consists of the )neffable" called also the 7eity of ruth" and the )nward of the )nward" and also of the 2imbs <or Words= on the one hand" and on the other of the ,ysteries of the )neffable. #t the head of all ,ysteries stands the ,ystery of the )neffable or the >irst ,ystery" called also the 6nly <5nicum= Word <or 2ogos= of the )neffable. >rom this emanates the 6nly ,ystery of the >irst ,ystery" and thence hree" >ive and welve other ,ysteries. <E= )85 is called the >ather of the >ather of +esus" the >ather of +esus being the 1reat sebSTth" the 1ood.M he 0egion of )85 is the 0ight" and the titles of this Principle are the 6verseer of the 2ight" the >irst ,an" the 2egate of the >irst !tatuteg and the 1uardian of the 3eil. !eeing also that" in the fourth book" the )neffable" to which +esus addresses all invocations" is called the >ather of all >atherhood" we have three >athers of +esus" vi;." the )neffable" )85" and the 1reat sebSTth. >or a further comprehension of these three F>athers"G and three F2ives"G read )sis 5nveiled" 3ol. ))" pp. @@( et se9. <(= ,ary" called also ,ariham and ,aria ,agdalena <p. &?@=" must not be confounded with ,ary" the corporeal ,other of +esus. his ,ary is by far the most intuitive <pneumatic=" and the most prominent interlocutor of all the disciples. >rom the Philosophumena" 3" (" we learn that the !chool of the -aaseni claimed to have received their teachings from ,ariamne" to whom F+ames" the brother of the 2ordG had originally imparted them.
HHHHHHHHHH I 6r into the #ir <#hra= with inspiration. !ee Commentary <D= on #damas" F he ,iddle 0egion of the #irG. M !ee P! &D <C=. g !ee P! &D <?= . HHHHHHHHHH

Page C( 6rigen also <#dv. Celsum" 3" E@= speaks of a 1nostic school" which derived its teachings from ,ariamne. hose who are curious to analyse the controversies on the three ,arys" vi;." ,ary ,agdalene" ,ary the sister of ,artha" and Fla femme pecheresse"G as to whether they were three different personages or one and the same individual" should refer to the list of authorities in F,igneG" vol. xxiv" col. KD& and [email protected] 8soterically" however" ,ary the ,other" ,ary the sister of ,artha and ,ary ,agdalene correspond to Buddhi" ,anas" and the lower ,anas. <?= A8gyptJ his passage is somewhat obscure" especially the last sentence" FRuae eadem sunt #egyptusG <!chwart;e%s transl.=" which grammatically must refer to its antecedent" Fthe things which thou wilt do.G )f" however" it is so construed" despair will sei;e upon our readers. We have" therefore restored the idea of the 1nostic writer by a study of passages in the Philosophumena" of which the following is an examplePBF his" said he" is what was writtenP W) have said" ye are all 1ods" and children of the Highest" if ye shall hasten to flee out of 8gypt" and crossing the 0ed !ea come into the Wilderness"% that is" from the )ntercourse <mixis= below" to that of +erusalem #bove* Wbut if ye again return to 8gypt"% that is" to the )ntercourse below" Wye die like men% <Ps. ?@"E$(=. >or he said" all the inferior generation is mortal" whereas all that is generated above is immortal. >or of Water A!c. the Water of !paceJ alone and !pirit" the !piritual <,an= is generated" and not the Carnal. he 2ower <,an= on the contrary" is CarnalP this is" said he" what was writtenP WWhat is born of the >lesh is >lesh" and what is born of !pirit is !pirit.% his is" according to them" the !piritual generation. his" he said" is the 1reat +ordan" which flowing down" and hindering the 8xodus of the Children of )srael from 8gypt <that is from the lower )ntercourse* for 8gypt is the body" according to them=" was turned back" and made to flow upward by +esusG <3. _ -aaseni=. AP! @'J #nd she A,aryJ saidP F,aster" will all those" who know the ,ystery of the ,agic of the 0ulers of all the #eTns" and those of the >ate and of the !phere" as the ransgressing #ngels taught them

HHHHHHHHHH I APatrologiae Cursus Completus" <ed. by +ac9ues Paul ,igne=. !eries 2atina <@@& vols." Paris" &?DD$ED=. !ee !.7." 1eneral )ndex and Bibliography volume" p. DED" .P.H." #dyar" &'('.B CompilerJ HHHHHHHHHH

Page C? <if they invoke them in their ,ysteries" which are evil ,agic 0ites for the hindering of good deeds=" will they accomplish their ends now at the present time" or notXG #nd +esus answered" and said to ,aryP F hey will not accomplish them" like as they accomplished them from the beginning" because ) have taken the third part of their Power. But they will be in error <&= in the eyes of those" who know the ,ysteries of the ,agic of the hirteenth #eTn . . . . .G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= he passage before us is of the greatest possible interest" as showing the attitude of the !chools of )nitiation to the #strology of the Profane" and as containing the hint that the F)nfluence of the !tarsG had to do with the Physical or Hylic ,an alone* whereas" those who knew the mysteries of the hirteenth #eTns" i.e." the Psychics <!ee able )=" were superior to such )nfluences. AP! CLJ Athe 6rdainers of the HourBHorary #strologersJ F. . . . . ) have changed their )nfluences" their >our and hree #ngles" and their 8ight Configurations <&=.G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= A heir four and three angles.J hese are the terms of the occult system of #strology" founded on the type of the riad and the Ruaternary" and correspond to the three higher and four lower principles" making seven in all. )n exoteric astrology they stand for the usual rine and !9uare" the 8ight Configurations beingP

AP! CDJ F#nd when the time of the -umber of ,elchi;edek" the great 0eceiver of the 2ight <&=" had arrived . . . . .G AP! D@J F. . . . . ) have shortened their imes" because of my 8lect . . . . for had ) not done so" no hylic !oul could have been saved" but they would have perished in the >ire" which is in the >lesh of the 0ulers.G <@=.

Page C' <&= A,elchi;edec.J )n Philosophumena" 3))" CE" we find mention of the F,elchisedeciani"G who" the author says" owed the foundation of their !chool to heodotus" a banker. he main feature of their teaching was that the Christos descended on the man" +esus" at his Baptism" but that ,elchi;edec was a heavenly power" higher than the Christos. hat which the Christos was to do for men" ,elchi;edec did for #ngels. his ,elchi;edec was without >ather" or ,other" or descent" whose beginning and end were incomprehensible. !ee also Philaster <Haer." K@=" Pseudo$ ertullian <@D=" 8piphanius <KK=" and 8usebius <Hist. 8cc." v" @?=" as 9uoted by !almon <!mith and Wace" 7ict. of Christian Biography" )))" ??'$'L=. >rom the Pistis$!ophia <pages @'@" C@($'" CC(" CEK=" we learn that the three chief 7eities of the 0ight are )eu" Zorokothora ,elchi;edec" and the 1reat sebSTth" the 1ood. he office of ,elchi;edec" and of his 0eceivers" is to deprive the 0ulers of their 2ight$ Powers" and carry the 2ight back into the reasure. >or the occult significance of F,elchi;edecG compare he !ecret 7octrine" )" @L? and @EK" on the F1reat !acrificeG and F!ilent Watcher.G <@= >lesh of the 0ulers. hat is to say" that the kSma$mSnasic 8ntity would perish in the lower kosmic forces. AP! D@ continuedJ F#fter this" ) came into the Height" to the 3eils of the hirteenth #eTn. #nd its 3eils were drawn together of their own accord" and opened for me. #nd having entered the hirteenth of the #eTns" ) found P)! )!$!6PH)# <&= below the hirteenth #eTn" alone" none of them turning near her. But she was sitting in that 0egion grieving and mourning" because they had not brought her to the hirteenth #eTn" her proper 0egion in the Height. !he was grieving also because of the vexations" which the !elf$willed 6ne caused her" which is one of those hree riple$Powers" AP! DCJ whose ,ystery ) will tell you" if ) shall come to speak of their 8manation. F#nd when P)! )!$!6PH)# saw me" changed into the most brilliant 2ight" she was in perturbation* and ga;ing into the 2ight of my 3esture" she saw the ,ystery of her own -ame <@= therein" and the whole !plendour of her ,ystery" in as much as she had been in the Beginning in the 0egion of the Height" in the hirteenth #eTn . . . . .G

Page DL <&= AP)! )!$!6PH)#.J he reader should carefully study the recital of the F>allG of !ophia" as told in the Philosophumena <p. &L(= and compare it with the allegorical drama of the text which follows. )t will be noticed that the first and last of the female #eTns of the 7odecad" are respectively P)! )! and !6PH)#. he !oul was the one sub.ect" and the knowledge of the !oul the one ob.ect of all the ancient ,ysteries. )n the F>allG of P)! )!$!6PH)#" and her rescue by her !y;ygy" +8!5!" we see the ever$enacted drama of the suffering and ignorant Personality" which can only be saved by the immortal )ndividuality" or rather by its own yearning towards ) . )n reading this portion of the Pistis$!ophia" the mysterious 7uality of the ,anas should always be remembered" and this key applied to every line. #s Wisdom was the end of the 1nTsis" so the pivot of the whole 1nostic teaching was the so$called F!ophia$,ythus.G >or whether we interpret the allegory from the macro$ or from the micro$cosmic stand. point" it is always the evolution of ,)-7" that the )nitiates of old have sought to teach us. he emanation and evolution of ,ahat in cosmogenesis" and of ,anas in anthropogenesis" was ever the study of the 6ne !cience. he dwelling of !ophia was in the ,idst" between the 5pper and 2ower Worlds" in the 6gdoad. Below was the Hebdomad or !even !pheres" governed by seven Hierarchies of 0ulers. ruly hath FWisdom built for herself a House" and rested it on !even PillarsG <Proverbs ix" & and againP F!he is on the lofty Heights* she stands in the midst of the Paths" for she taketh her seat by the 1ates of the Powerful 6nes <the 0ulers=" she tarrieth at the 8ntrancesG <)bid." viii" @=. ,oreover" !ophia was the ,ediatrix between the 5pper and 2ower 0egion" and at the same time pro.ected the ypes or )deas of the PlerTma into the 5niverse. -ow" why should !ophia" who was originally of a Pneumatic or !piritual 8ssence" be in the ,iddle !pace" an exile from her true 7wellingX !uch was the great mystery which the 1nTsis endeavoured to solve. !eeing again that this F>all of the !oulG from its original purity involved it in suffering and misery" the ob.ect that the 1nostic teachers had ever before them" was identical with the problem of F!orrow"G which 1autama !Skyamuni set himself to resolve. ,oreover" the solution of the two systems was identical in that they traced the Cause of !orrow to )gnorance" and to remove this" pointed out the Path to !elf$ knowledge. he ,ind was to instruct the ,indP Fself$analy;ing reflectionG was to be the Way. he ,aterial ,ind </Sma$,anas= was to be purified and so become one with the !piritual ,ind <Buddhi$,anas=. )n the nomenclature of the 1nosis" this was expressed by the 0edemption of !ophia by the Christos" who delivered her from her ignorance <agnoia= and sufferings.

Page D& )t is not then surprising that we should find !ophia" whether regarded as a unity" or as a duality" or again as cosmic mind" possessed of many names. #mong these may be mentioned the ,other" or #ll$,other" ,other of the 2iving or !hining ,other* the Power #bove* the Holy !pirit <all from the macrocosmic standpoint=* and again !he of the 2eft$ hand" as opposed to Christos" He of the 0ight$hand* the ,an$woman* Prounikos or the 2ustful$one* ,atrix* Paradise* 8den* #chamTth* the 3irgin* Barbelo* 7aughter of 2ight* ,erciful ,other* Consort of the ,asculine 6ne* 0evelant of the Perfect ,ysteries* Perfect ,ercy* 0evelant of the ,ysteries of the whole ,agnitude* Hidden ,other* !he who knows the ,ysteries of the 8lect* the Holy 7ove" which has given birth to the two wins* 8nnoia* 0uler* and he 2ost or Wandering !heep" Helena. )n the 3alentinian !ystem" !ophia gives birth to the Christos Fwith a !hadow.G he above terms are taken from !mith and Wace%s 7ictionary of Christian Biography" art. F!ophia"G where we readP F)n the !yriac text of the #cts published by 7r. Wright <#pocryphal #cts of #postles" pp. @C?$@DK= we find the beautiful Hymn of the !oul" which has been sent down from her heavenly home to fetch the pearl guarded by the serpent" but has forgotten here below her heavenly mission till she is reminded of it by a letter from Wthe father" the mother" and the brother"% performs her task" receives back again her glorious dress" and returns to her old home.G <@= A-ame.J he -ame" which is no name" but a !ound or rather ,otion. he mystery of the 2ogos" 3erbum and 3Sch has ever been concealed in the mystery of -ames. hese -ames" in whatever tongue" or among whatever people" all represent permutations of the F)neffable -ame.G )n this connection" the following passage from the Pistis$!ophia <page C(?" C('= is of great interest. +esus" in explaining the ,ystery of the 2ight of his >ather" the Baptisms of !moke and of the !pirit of the Holy 2ight" and the !piritual #nointing" to his 7isciples" continuesP F-othing" then" is more excellent than these ,ysteries" into which ye in9uire" unless it be the ,ystery of the !even 3oices" and their -ine$and$ forty Powers and -umberings <psWphTn=" nor is any name more excellent than all of them" the -ame" in which are all -ames" and all 2ights and all Powers. He therefore" who shall depart out of the Body of HylW <-oteP not necessarily at death only" but during !amSdhi" or mystic trance= knowing that -ame" no !moke <-oteP i.e. no theological delusion= nor #uthority" nor 0uler of the !phere of >ate" nor #ngel" nor #rchangel" nor Power" shall be able to prevent that !oul* nay" if on 9uitting the World" a man shall speak that -ame to the >ire" it shall be extinguished" and the ,ist shall withdraw.

Page D@ #nd if he shall speak it to the 7aemons and the 0eceivers of the 6uter ,ist <7arkness=" and to its 0ulers" #uthorities" and Powers" all shall perish" so that their >lame is consumed" and they cry out" W hou art hallowed" the sanctified one" thou blessed one" of all them who are holy.% #nd if they shall speak that -ame to the 0eceivers of 8vil Condemnation" and their #uthorities and all their powers" and also to Barbelo and the )nvisible 7eity" and the hree riple$Powers" forthwith all will collapse in those regions" so that they shall be compelled to dissolve and perish" and cry outP W6 2ight of every 2ight" which is in the infinite 2ight" remember us also" and cleanse us%.G With regard to this passage" it is remarked in he !ecret 7octrine" ))" K(LP F)t is easy to see who this 2ight and -ame areP the light of )nitiation and the name of the W>ire !elf"% which is no name" no action" but a !piritual" ever$living Power" higher even than the W)nvisible 1od" as this Power is ) !82>. Compare also he !ecret 7octrine" sub. voce.* 6eaohoo" )" E?" (&" (@" 'C <6i$ Ha$Hou=* ,Sntrika$!akti" )" @'C* /uan$:in" )" &CE* /uan$:in$ %ien" )" &C(" &C?* 2ogos" ))" @K* Hermes" ))" KD&" KD@* ,ystic names and attributes" )" CK@* #diti$3Sch" )" DC&* 3Sch" !avitri" the mother of the gods and of all living" ))" &@?* 3Sch" 7evasena" ))" &''* and the ,elodious cow" ))" D&?. AP! DKJ . . . and she APistis$!ophiaJ thought within herselfP F) will come into that 0egion without my !y;ygy"I to take the 2ight" which the #eTns of 2ightM have procreated for me" that ) may come to the 2ight of 2ights" which is the Height of Heights.G AP! DEJ F hus pondering" she APistis$!ophiaJ went forth from her own 0egion of the hirteenth #eTn" and entered into the welve #eTns. #nd the 0ulers of the #eTns kept pursuing her" and were enraged against her" for that she thought to enter into the 1reatness. #nd issuing from the welve #eTns" she came into the 0egion of Chaos" and drew near the Power of 2ight with the appearance of a 2ion" in order that it might devour her.

HHHHHHHHHH I Compare this with the 3alentinian !ystem" where !ophia generates Fwithout a !y;ygy"G and also with the Commentary on )aldabaTth AP! D( <&=J" where )aldabaTth generates without a female" .ust as !ophia generated without a male* 7aemon est 7eus inversus. M Called also the FHigh #eTnsG which are opposed to the F#eTns of the 0ulers.G HHHHHHHHHH

Page DC AP! D(J #nd all the Hylic Pro.ections of the !elf$willed 6ne surrounded her. #nd the 1reat Power of 2ight with the appearance of a 2ion devoured the Powers of 2ight in !ophia* and <also= purified <or expelled= her 2ight and Hyle and devoured them. < hus then= they cast her forth into Chaos. #nd in Chaos was the 0uler with the appearance of a 2ion" of which the one$half is >lame" and the other half ,ist" which is )aldabaTth <&=" of which ) have spoken to you many times.G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= )aldabaTth is identical with the Pthahil of the Codex -a;araeus the 7emiurge of the 3alentinian system" the Proarchos of the Barbelitae"I the 1reat #rchTn of Basilides and the 8lThim of +ustinus" etc. )aldabaTth <the Child of Chaos= was the son of !ophia <#chamTth= in the 1nostic Cosmogenesis" in other words" the Chief of the Creative >orces and the representative of one of the classes of Pitris. )f we regard the !ophia$#bove Asee F3alentinusG passimJ as the #kSsha" and the !ophia$Below <#chamTth= as its lower or material planes" we shall be able to understand why )aldabaTth" the material creator" was identified with +ehovah and !aturn" and so follow out the following allegory from )renaeus.M )aldabaTth the child of the ,other" !ophia" generates a son of himself" without the assistance of any mother" and his son a son in his turn" and he another" and so on until there are six sons generated" one from another. -ow these immediately commenced to strive with their father for the mastery* and he in despair and rage ga;ed into the Fpurgations of matterG below* and through them begot another son" 6phiomorphos" the serpent$ formed" the spirit of all that is basest in matter. hen being puffed up with pride" he stretched himself over his highest sphere" and proclaimed aloud. F) am >ather and 1od" and there is none above me.G 6n this" his mother cried outP F2ie not" )aldabaTth" for the >ather of #ll" the >irst #nthrTpos <man=" is above thee" and so is #nthrTpos" the !on of #nthrTpos.Gg #nd )aldabaTth to prevent his sons attending to the voice" proposed that they should fashion a man.

HHHHHHHHHH I )renaeus" #dversus Haereses" Book )" ch. xxix" D. M 6p. cit." Book )" ch. xxiii$xxviii. g 6p. cit." Book )" ch. xxx" E. HHHHHHHHHH

Page DD !o the six of them made a gigantic man" who lay on the earth and writhed like a worm <the man of the first rounds and races=. #nd they brought him to his father )aldabaTth" who breathed into him the FBreath of 2ife"G and thus emptied himself of his creative power. #nd !ophia aided the design" so that she might regain the 2ight$ powers of )aldabaTth. >orthwith the man" having the divine spark" aspired to the Heavenly ,an" from whom it came. #t this )aldabaTth grew .ealous" and generated 8ve <2ilith= to deprive #dam of his 2ight$powers. #nd the six F!tellars"G empassioned of her beauty" begot sons through her. hereupon !ophia sent the serpent <intelligence= to make #dam and 8ve transgress the precepts of )aldabaTth" who in rage" cast them down out of Paradise into the World" together with the serpent <fourth round and fourth race=. #t the same time" she deprived them of their 2ight$ power" that it might not come under the FcurseG as well. #nd the serpent reduced the world$powers under its sway" and generated six sons" who continually oppose the human race" through which their father <the serpent= was cast down. -ow #dam and 8ve in the beginning had pure spiritual bodies" which gradually became grosser and grosser. heir spirit too became languid" for they had nought but the breath of the lower world" which )aldabaTth had breathed into them. )n the end" however" !ophia gave them back their 2ight$power and they awoke to the knowledge that they were naked. his suggestive allegory" wherein the creature became higher than the creator" can only be understood by remembering the identity of essence of that which is evolved" with that from which it is evolved. CompareP F) have clothed myself in thee" and thou art my 3Shana to the 7ay WBe with us%" when thou shalt rebecome myself and others" thyself and meG < he !ecret 7octrine" )" !tan;a vii" !loka (= . )n this cycle of emanation that which is above becomes that which is below" so that we find in Pistis$!ophia that )aldabaTth is finally spoken of as residing in the F1reat Chaos which is the 6uter ,ist"G where" with his >orty$nine 7aemons" he tortures wicked souls <page C?@=. ,oreover the resemblance between )aldabaTth and sebSTth$ #damas is so close" that they are evidently to be regarded as aspects of the same power* the peculiar richness of the terminology of the Pistis$!ophia renders such correspondences a necessity. )n the Chart of the 6phites of which 6rigen speaks in his Contra Celsum" there are two septenates of Planetary 0ulers" a superior and inferior Hebdomad. )aldabaTth is the first of the !uperior 1roup" and ,ichael$6phiomorphos at the head of the inferior. -ow this ,ichael is called the F2ion$like"G and is the son of )aldabaTth who is also represented as lion$headed.

Page DK )n the formulae of prayers for the F7efunct"G the !oul" after having crossed the 0ampart of Wickedness <phragmon kakias=" the dominion of 6phiomorphos" or our terrestrial plane" arrives at the 1ates of )aldabaTth and utters the following adulatory address" which in truth seems little applicable to the nature of )aldabaTth. F6 thou" who art born to rule with boldness" )aldabaTth" first and seventh" 6 ruler" subsistent 2ogos of a pure mind" perfect work for !on and >ather" bringing to thee the token of 2ife <marked= with the stamp of the type" ) open the gate" which thou hast closed to thy #eTn" the world" and pass by thy authority again in freedom. ,ay grace be with me* :ea" may it be" >ather.G AP! ECJ F. . . . . Because of the uproar of the fear and power of the !elf$willed 6ne" my Power has failed me. ) APistis$!ophiaJ am become like a separated 7aimTn <idios daimTn= dwelling in Hyle" in which there is no 2ight" and ) am become like the Counterfeit of the !pirit <&=" which is in the Hylic Body" in which there is no Power of 2ight* and ) am become like as a 7ecan alone in the #ir <@=. he Pro.ections of the !elf$willed 6ne compressed me mightily. #nd my !y;ygy said to itselfP W)nstead of the 2ight" which was in her" they have filled her with Chaos.% ) have devoured the !weat of my own Hyle" and the #nguish of the ears of the Hyle of my 8yes <C=" that they" who afflict me" might not take what remains. . . . .G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= he Counterfeit of the !pirit <#ntimimon pneumatos=" is one of the principles in the formation of the !oul" in which fabrication" each of the five Planetary 0ulers has his share. his work is completed by administering to the !oul the 7raught of >orgetfulness" or 2ethe$potion" which is brewed from the !perm of 8vil" and incites men to all material lusts* this is the evil genius of man" a sort of spiritual substance surrounding the !oul. <@= A7ecan alone in the #ir.J Compare page &L(" F) am like as Hyle" which is sunken* they have driven me hither and thither" like as a 7aemon in the #ir.G he ,iddle 0egion of the #ir is spoken of as in the Paths of the Way of the ,idst" which is below the !phere. >or the term 7ecan" see P! &D <(=.

Page DE <C= A he ears . . . of my 8yes.J N. C. #mOlineau in his 8ssai sur le 1nosticisme 8gyptien" p. CLC" in tracing this idea through 8gyptian imagery" writes as followsP F#mong the invocations addressed to the !un" or rather in the enumeration of his various transformations" we read the followingP WHe who creates the water" which issues from his interior" the image of the body of 0emi" the weeper.% W ears play an important part in the 8gyptian religion"% says N. -aville" in explaining this text" Wand especially in that which concerns creation.% He then 9uotes several examples taken from unpublished texts from the tomb of 0ameses )3" which we borrow from him. )n one of these the 1od is prayed to as" the Wweeper"% and asked to give life to the Wking%* W6 weeper" thou powerful one" high in the realms of #ukert" give life to the /ing% . . . . He also receives this invocationP W6 thou" he who forms himself by his tears" who hears himself his own words" who reanimates his soul" reanimate the soul of the /ing.% >inally in a famous text known as the text of the four races" men are thus addressedP W:e are a tear of my eye in your name of 0etu" that is to say" in your name of men% . . . . his doctrine is still more clearly affirmed in a magic papyrus translated by 7r. Birch" where the tears of different 1ods are represented as the matter from which issue flowers" incense" bees" water" salt" etc. WWhen Horus weeps%" says the papyrus" Wthe water which falls from his eyes" grows into plants" which produce a sweet perfume. When !u and efnut weep greatly" and water falls from their eyes" it changes into plants which produce incense . . . . When the sun weeps a second time" and lets water fall from his eyes" it changes into bees" which work . . . When the sun 0S becomes feeble" the perspiration falls from his limbs" and changes into a li9uid . . . his blood changes to salt. When the sun becomes feeble" he sweats" water falls from his mouth and changes into plants%.G Compare also the F!weat$bornG of he !ecret 7octrine. AP! E(J Whereupon she AP)! )!$!6PH)#J cried aloud" repeating her fifth 0epentance . . .I

HHHHHHHHHH I he !oul" in passing through the different stages and planes of evolution" reaches a middle point of balance in each" where the choice between the below and the above is given* doubt thus arises" and it is said to Frepent.G HHHHHHHHHH

Page D( AP! (LJ FHearken" Philip" that ) A+esusJ may speak to thee" in that to thee" and homas" and ,atthew <&= has been given by the >irst ,ystery the duty of writing all things" which ) shall say and do" and which ye shall see. . . . .G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= he 1reek" 2atin and !yriac fragments which remain of writings called the 1ospel of homas give but little idea of what the original 1ospel or 1ospels according to homas must have been to have been held in such respect by the followers of various schools of 1nosticism and even by some Church >athers. he fragments are also called #cts of the 2ord%s Boyhood" and are replete with the foolish and childish incidents which are so fre9uent in the 1ospel of the )nfancy. hese fables" however" were in such favour among Catholic readers" that the gospel was dressed up to suit orthodox taste by cutting out all heretical passages. !till" the 1nostic tendency of the fragments is shown by their strong 7ocetism" that is to say the theory that the appearance of the Christos as man was an illusion. hat there was a philosophical gospel of homas is very evident by the nature of the citations from it" and by the many references to it" but that this gospel was the book that the homas of our text was commissioned to write" must forever remain a mystery" unless some fresh evidence is forthcoming. here is a 1ospel of ,atthew called the Book of the )nfancy of ,ary and of the !aviour Christ" which purports to be a translation from the Hebrew by !t. +erome" and is probably the original on which the later 1ospel of the -ativity of ,ary was based. But such edited and re$edited fragments are certainly no more the authentic 1ospel according to ,atthew than is the text of the !ynoptic of that name" and as certainly can never be placed in that philosophical category to which genuine 1nostic writings must always be ascribed. AP! (DJ F. . . . . 2et them also have confidence in him" when they come into the 0egion of the Height" for he shall see and redeem us" and he has the great ,ystery of !alvation. . . . .G <&= . ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= A1reat ,ystery of !alvation.J his 1reat ,ystery is the ,ystery of the )neffable <#tma=" or >irst ,ystery" the !upreme Wisdom <Buddhi= from which all emanations proceed. )t emanates from the )neffable and is like unto it" being at the same time the !upreme Principle of >orgiveness of !ins. !ee able ).

Page D? AP! (EJ A#nd ,ary explained what +esus had said by reciting a verse from the eighty$ second Psalm" F1od shall sit in the congregation of the gods to .udge the gods.GIJ AP! ?KJ. . . hylic Pro.ections of the !elf$willed 6ne . . .M . . . he -umber of my ime is in Chaos. . . .g . . . the >our$and$ wenty Pro.ections . . . . . _ AP! ?'J . . . #nd ,ary came forward and saidP F,aster" thou didst speak to us formerly about this very thing in a Parable* W:e endured trials with meP ) will found a /ingdom <&= with you" like as the >ather founded one with me" for ye shall eat and drink at my able in my /ingdom" and ye shall sit on twelve hrones <@= to .udge the welve ribes of )srSel.G <C= AP! 'LJ F. . . . . -ow" therefore" 6 2ight" take its Purity from the Power with the appearance of a 2ion" without its knowing it <D=.G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <l= A# kingdom <of Heaven=.J 6ut of the many 9uotations which might be given to show what occult ideas the 1nostics held concerning this F/ingdom"G and how different was their view from the poverty$stricken orthodox conception of our own degenerate times" perhaps the following from the 1ospel of the 8gyptians will not be the least interesting. )n answer to the 9uestion" when will this kingdom come" it was answeredP FWhen the wo has been made 6ne" and the 6utward has become as the )nward" and the ,ale with the >emale neither ,ale nor >emale.G Whence two interpretations of the many which could be given" start immediately forwardP <a= the union of the 2ower with the Higher ,anas" of the personality with the )ndividuality* and <b= the return to the androgynous state" as will be the case in future 0aces.

HHHHHHHHHH I F1od"G the higher riad" shall .udge the Fgods"G the lower Ruaternary. M he Powers of the 2ower Ruaternary. g he time of my evolution in matter. _ here are four$and$twenty Pro.ections above and four$and$twenty below" which together with !ophia" who is now above" now below" or with their synthesis" make up the >orty$nine >ires. HHHHHHHHHH

Page D' hus this /ingdom may be attained by individuals now" and by mankind in 0aces to come. <@= A hrones.J F hey who are called in heology the W hrones%" and are the W!eat of 1od%" must be the first incarnated men on 8arth* and it becomes comprehensible" if we think of the endless series of past ,anvantaras" to find that the last had to come first" and the first last. We find" in short" that the higher #ngels had broken" countless aeTns before" through the W!even Circles"% and thus robbed them of their !acred fire* which means in plain words" that they had assimilated during their past incarnations" in lower as well as in higher worlds" all the wisdom therefromBthe reflection of ,#H# in its various degrees of intensity.G he !ecret 7octrine" ))" ?L. <C= A)srael.J he meaning of this term will be made clear from the following" taken from the systems of the -aaseni <6phites= and of +ustinus as found in the Philosophumena.I he 8xodus of the Children of )srSWl from 8gypt <i.e." the body= was hindered by the waters of the 1reat +ordan <the type of spiritual birth or generation=" which were turned backward and made to flow upward by +esus <3" (=. #gain the !ons of )srSWl crossed the 0ed !ea and came into the 7esert <i.e." by parturition were born into the world=" where are the gods of destruction and the god of salvation. he former are they which inflict the necessity of changeable birth on those who are born into the world. hese are the !erpents of the 7esert" and it was in order that the !ons of )srSWl might escape the bites of these Powers that ,oses showed them the rue and Perfect !erpent. <3" &E=. )n the system of +ustinus the first triad consists of he 1ood Principle" the 8lTh^m and 8den or )srSWl" the latter being considered as feminine and figured as a 3irgin above and a 3iper below* she is the !pouse of the 8lTh^m. he passage of )saiah <i" @$C=P FHear" 6 heaven" and give ear" 6 earth" for the 2ord hath spoken . . . But )srSWl does not know me . . .G is explained by saying that Heaven is the !pirit of the 8lTh^m in man" earth the !oul which is in man with the !pirit" )srSWl is 8gypt <i.e." matter=.M )t is abundantly evident from the above that the ribes of )srSel are the men of this world of matter. <D= AWithout its knowing it.J )n the passage of +esus to the Height" the Powers of the different 0egions exclaim one after the other" as he passes from plane to planeP

HHHHHHHHHH I APhilosophumena is found in ed. of ,. 8mmanuel ,iller" 6xford &?K&" #nte$-icene 2ibrary 3. K* see also >. 2egge trs. 2ondon" &'@& ed.J M Cf. P! &C <&=. HHHHHHHHHH

Page KL FHow has the 2ord of the 5niverse changed us without our knowingG <page @&= . hey are further <page @K= described as being in fear Fbecause they knew not the ,ystery which was done.G !ophia again <page (?= tells us that she has sinned Fthrough ignorance.G >rom the comparison of such passages we are led to conclude that the triumphant ascension of +esus" as the perfected )nitiate" and the dramatic narrative of the repentant !ophia" are but two aspects of one and the same thing regarded" firstly from the point of view of the )ndividuality" and secondly from that of the Personality. AP! '&J . . . F>ree me from the Power with the appearance of a 2ion" for ) alone of the )nvisibles am in this 0egion .I AP! '@J -ow" therefore" 6 2ight" let not the Pro.ections of the !elf$willed 6ne re.oice over me. >or they were addressing me flatteringly with soft words . . . . .GM AP! &L(J F . . . . . 2et it be wrapped with ,ist like as with a garment" and let it gird itself with ,ist as with a girdle of skin for all time.g ) am as HylW which is fallen <l=" they have driven me hither and thither like as a 7aimTn in the #ir. . . . .G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= A,atter that hath fallen.J Compare pages &L@ and &L(* F) have chosen to descend into Chaos.G F hey have chosen to descend into Chaos.G )f these different terms are referred to their correct FprinciplesG in man" no confusion will arise. he !elf$willed 6ne is the root of the /Sma principle" or principle of desire" and its pro.ections are of the same nature as the mysterious anhS of the Buddhist philosophy. he reflection of ,anas" Falone of the )nvisibles"G gravitates to /Sma and so becomes the 2ower ,anas. ruly our FtransgressionsG are this FPower with the appearance of a 2ion.G

HHHHHHHHHH I he 2ower ,anas which is a ray from the Higher. M he FwordsG of the Powers of the lower principles are the allurements and seductions of matter. g Compare the FPitris evolving their !hadowsG in he !ecret 7octrine. HHHHHHHHHHB

Page K& AP! &&DJ F. . . . . hy Power prophesied of old through !olomon <&= . . .G HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <&= A6des of !olomon.J )n Pistis$!ophia there are five fragments known to the orthodox as the Pseudo$!olomonic 6des. hey were the first portions of our text translated from the Coptic" a version being attempted by Woide" and published by ,inter in &?&@P Champollion wrote an article in ,illin%s ,agasin 8ncyclopOdi9ue <&?&K" ii" @K&= on the opuscule of WoideP and ,atter notices them in his Histoire <))" CD?=. #s" however" no valid argument is brought forward to .ustify the contemptuous prefix Fpseudo"G we are content to believe that they were .ust as canonical in their time as many another scripture which has been put on the Findex expurgatorius"G to suit the whims and pre.udices of beneficed ignorance. AP! &@KJ hese are the -ames which ) will give from the )nfinite downwards. Write them with a !ign that the !ons of 1od may show them forth from this 0egion. his is the -ame of the )mmortal and this is the -ame of the 3oice" which is the Cause of the ,otion of the Perfect ,an" #nd these are the interpretations of the -ames of the ,ysteries. he first is # # #" and its interpretation is . he second is , , ," or " and its interpretation is ###. he hird is " and its interpretation is 666 he fourth is " and its interpretation is - - -. he fifth is " and its interpretation is ###. he interpretation of the secondI is ####" ####" ####. he interpretation of the whole -ame . . . . <&=. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <&= # few notes from the system of ,arcus"M on the letters and numbers of the 1reek alphabet will" perhaps" throw some light on the obscurity of the text.

BBBBBBB I i.e." the sixth" for Buddhi is either the sixth or the second principle" or mystery. M Hippolytus" Philosophumena" 3)" C' et se9." and )renaeus" #dversus Haereses" Book )" ch. xiv. BBBBBBB

Page K@ he school of this famous teacher is said to have distributed the letters among the members of #nthrTpos" the celestial man <called in the /abbala #dam$/admon" the type of the ,acrocosm= as followsP

he product or synthesis of the welve members is the !on" Christos or +esus" the hirteenth. !ix are above and six are below" and the thirteenth" or balance" in the centre. Pistis$!ophia is in the hirteenth #eon" and +esus in his passage to the Height turned six of the #eons to the 0ight and six to the 2eft. he seven vowels are the seven Heavens* # is the first is the last" and ) is the fourth or ,id$Heaven. !ee the diagram in he !ecret 7octrine" )" @LL. he @D letters are divided into -ine ,utes which pertain to the >ather and ruth" so$called because they are ineffable and incapable of being sounded or spokenP 8ight semi$vowels or half$sounds" pertaining to the 2ogos and 2ife" because they are midway between the ,utes and 3owels and receive the 8manation from above and the 0eversion from below* and !even 3owels or !ounds pertaining to ,an and the #ssembly"

BBBBBBB I he signs for the numbers E" 'L" 'LL are not found in the known 1reek alphabet. BBBBBBB

Page KC for the !ound of the 3oice gave all things >orm.I )n which classification the trichotomy into the arjpa or formless planes" rjpa or planes of form and the intermediate division" which is neither rjpa nor arjpa" is plainly discernible. )n order that the reader may not confuse the above nomenclature of the #eonology of the ,arcians with that of the 3alentinians" as given in our !ection on 3alentinus" we insert the scheme of the primordial dual etractydes of ,arcus" which is as followsP
#rrbetos or )neffable containing ( elements !ige or !ilence containing K elements >irst etrcyts k l \ @D Pater or >ather containing K elements #letheia or ruth containing ( elements 2ogos or Word containing ( elements Zoe or 2ife containing K elements !econd etractys k l \ @D #nthrepos or ,an containing K elements 8kklesia or #ssembly containing ( elements Which together with the Christos \ D'

o return to the letters" the nine mutes arePHH

and the eight !emi$vowels " so that the three classes of mutes" !emi$vowels and 3owels fall naturally into the type of C" D" and (. We shall now be able to throw some light on the text" keeping in mind the diagram of he !ecret 7octrine already referred to. # # # " " )))" are the unmanifested arjpa planes" aeons or emanations" and also the nine mutes of ,arcus.
BBBBBBB I A!ee Col. Henry !. 6lcott%s article in he heosophist" 3ol. 4)" !eptember" &?'L" entitledP F,rs. Watts Hughes% !ound$PicturesG" which deals with geometrical and other forms produced by sound. >ine powder is scattered on the drum of an instrument" and the vibration of the voice causes a miniature storm among the particles" which on subsiding leaves the atoms grouped in regular geometrical figures" the same note always producing the same configuration. )n this manner" sound is shown to be at the root of manifestation" or" in other words" that the FWordG or 2ogos" the first$ born" is that by which all things are made.J BBBBBBB

Page KD his triple triplicity" in another aspect" becomes the famous ) # m of such fre9uency on the 1nostic gems" and in its permutation # ) m represents !pirit <#= linked to ,atter <m= by ,ind <)=. hese three are probably the ,ysteries of the )neffable and the seven which follow are the ,ysteries of the >irst ,ystery" though later on we read of !even ,ysteries of the )neffable. F he first is # # # and the interpretation is G* turning the letters into figures and neglecting the noughts and reduplication" we resolve it into Fthe interpretation of & is K"G or in other words the revealer" or manifester" of the first and greatest mystery" corresponding to atman" is the fifth principle" or immortal 8go of man. F he second which is , , , or m m m and its interpretation is # # #.G -ow m or is often found on the gems in straight lines" thus W which is the reverse of , or the usual sign of Water or F,atterG in symbology. By referring to the table of the members of the Celestial ,an of ,arcus" it will be seen that , is the opposite pole to #" as also n when the letters are Funfolded.G )f this folding of the letters is taken to represent one spiral of evolution" in the next spiral , and - would be on the same plane as # and n and we should have four letters abreast or on one plane. , and n would then be interchangeable and their interpretation would be #. F he third is " and its interpretation LLL. he fourth is and its interpretation is ---.G -ow \ (LL and L \ (L" \ KLL and - \ KL* therefore" as &L is the FradixG of numbers" (L interprets (LL and KL" KLL" as every higher plane interprets the lower. F he fifth is and its interpretation is # # #.G )n other words the interpretation of D is &" .ust as that of m or ? is also &" for whether we count by threes or sevens" the fourth and the eighth will always be the first or the next class" plane" degree" emanation" or whatever we choose to call it. he next mystery" approaching the end of the cycle of evolution" differentiates the original triple triad into a triple 9uaternary" and having thus added to its experience returns into the silence of the 1reat -ame. When the key of the seven planes and principles has been understood" it will be easy to place the seven on the lower four planes of a higher septenary" as in the diagram in the !.7." and then we shall see how the type of the three highest arjpa planes is reflected in the seven planes of the lower four. AP! &@(J F. . . . . hou art the >irst ,ystery" 2ooking$without . . . thou hast come upon the 3esture of 2ight" which thou didst receive from Barbelo" which <3esture= is +esus" our !aviour" on which thou didst descend as a 7oveG <&=.

Page KK <&= A7ove.J !ee P! & <D=. )n the system of ,arcus <Philos. 3)" _ D(=" the 7ove is said to correspond to # and m" for the explanation of which see P! &@K <&=. )n the system of Cerinthus <Philos." 3))" _ CC=" we readP FCerinthus" who was practiced in the training of the 8gyptians" said that the world was not made by the first 1od" but by a certain power which was separated from the authority which was over the universe" and it knew not the deity which was over all. He laid down" moreover" that +esus was not born of a 3irgin" but that a son was born to +oseph and ,ary like all other men" but that he was more righteous and wise <than the rest=. #nd after his baptism" the Christos descended upon him from the principle which is absolute over all" in the form of a dove" and then he preached the unknowable father" and perfected his powers* but towards the end" the Christos flew away from +esus* and +esus suffered and rose again" whereas the Christos remained untouched by suffering" for it was essentially of a spiritual nature.G he Christos is the glorified individuality" i.e." ,anas$ ai.as" or the Higher ,anas with the glory of Buddhi upon it" whereas +esus is the perishable personality of the 2ower ,anas. )t will be useful in this connection to compare what he !ecret 7octrine says of Fthe mythical white swan" the swan of 8ternity or ime" the /alahansaG <)" (?=. Hansa or FHamsa is e9ual to Waham$sa%" three words meaning W) am he% <in 8nglish=" while divided in still another way it will read Wso$ham%" Whe <is= )%Bsoham being e9ual to sah" Whe"% and aham" W)%" or W) am he%. )n this alone is contained the universal mystery" the doctrine of the identity of man%s essence with god$essence" for him who understands the language of wisdom. Hence the glyph of" and the allegory about" /alahansa <or hamsa=" and the name given to Brahma" neuter <later on" to the male Brahma= of WHamsa$3ahana%" he who uses the Hamsa as his vehicle. he same word may he read W/al$aham$sa% or W) am )% in the eternity of ime" answering to the Biblical" or rather Zoroastrian W) am that ) am.%G <!.7." )" (?. = #gain in he 3oice of the !ilence <>ragment &" p. K=" we readP F!aith the 1reat 2awPBW)n order to become the /-6W80 of #22 !82>I thou has first of !82> to be the knower.% o reach the knowledge of that !82>" thou hast to give up !elf to -on$!elf" Being to -on$Being" and then thou canst repose between the wings of the 108# B)07.

BBBBBBB I he attva.Vjnin is the FknowerG or discriminator of the principles in nature and in man* #tma.Vinin is the knower of # ,#- or the 5niversal" 6-8 !82>. BBBBBBB

Page KE #ye" sweet is rest between the wings of that which is not born" nor dies" but is the #5,I throughout eternal ages.GM )t is evident from the above that the 7ove is a symbol of the FHigher !elfG of man. AP! &CD$&CKJ F. . . the !tream of 2ight drew them all" and drew them over the templeG* that is" when the !tream of 2ight had received all the 2ights of P)! )!$ !6PH)#" and when it had torn them from the Pro.ections of the !elf$willed 6ne" it infused them into P)! )!$!6PH)#" and turning 9uitted Chaos and ascended into the Perfection" for thou art the temple.g AP! &CEJ F. . . . . the Pro.ections of the !elf$willed 6ne" which are in Chaos" compressed P)! )!$!6PH)# and gained confidence exceedingly" and pursued her again with great terror and disturbanceP so some of them compressed her one of them changed itself into the shape of a 1reat !erpent" another into that of a Basilisk with seven heads . . . .<&= ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= Basilisk with seven heads. he 2ogoi or F!avioursG of all nations are represented as treading on the head or heads of a serpent or dragon" or as transfixing the monster with their several weapons of power. his represents the con9uest of !pirit over ,atter <the F6ld !erpentG or the F1reat 7eepG=" which by spiritual transmutation finally becomes subservient to the divine will of the glorified )nitiate"

BBBBBBB I /ala$Hamsa" the FBirdG or !wan !ays the -ada$Bindu 5panishad <0ig$3eda= translated by the /umbakonam heos. !ocietyP AF# :ogi who bestrides the Hamsa <i.e." thus contemplates #um= is not affected by /armic influence or crores of sins.JB he syllable # is considered to be its <the bird Hamsa%s= right wing" 5" its left" ," its tail" and the #rdha$,atra <half metre = is said to be its head.G M 8ternity with the 6rientals has 9uite another signification that it has with us. )t stands generally for the &LL years or FageG of Brahma" the duration of a ,aha$/alpa or a period of C&&"LDL"LLL"LLL"LLL years. g #nd" therefore" +esus and every man" in one of his principles" is P)! )!$!6PH)#. P)! )!$ !6PH)# is the repentant Fpersonality.G BBBBBBB

Page K( and the F1odsG or powers of nature are con9uered by the divine F0ebel"G the #sura" the F7ragon of WisdomG" who fights against the 7evas* i.e." the activity of ,anas triumphs over the passivity of pure spirit. /rishna crushes the seven$headed serpent /alinaga. Hercules lops off the heads of the Hydra" the water serpentP the 8gyptian 6rante treads upon the serpent" while his arms are extended on a crucifix" and Horus pierces the head of the 7ragon yphon or #pophis* the !candinavian hor smashes the skull of the snake with his cruciform hammer" and #pollo transfixes the Python" etc." etc. #ll this signifies from one aspect the extension of the planes of consciousness and the corresponding domination of the planes of matter <symbolically" water= of which there are fundamentally seven. F2ike the 2ogoi and the Hierarchies of Powers" however" the W!erpent%s% have to be distinguished one from the other. !esha or #nanta" the Wcouch of 3ishnu% is the allegorical abstraction" symboli;ing infinite ime in !pace" which contains the germ and throws off periodically the efflorescence of this germ" the manifested 5niverse* whereas the 1nostic 6phis contained the same triple symbolism in its seven vowels as the 6ne" hree" and !even$syllabled 6eaohoo of the #rchaic doctrine* i.e." the 6ne 5nmanifested 2ogos" the !econd manifested" the triangle concreting into the Ruaternary or etragrammaton" and the days of the latter on the material plane.G <!.7." )" (C footnote=. hus while /wan$!hih$:in or #valokiteovara in Chinese symbology is crowned with seven dragons and hears the inscription" Fthe universal !avior of all living beingsG <!.7." )" D(&=" the seven$headed Basilisk of the text of course typifies a lower and material aspect of this type of emanation of the universe" and not the primordial spiritual serpent with its glory of seven rays" or seven vowels. #s there was a higher Hebdomad of seven supreme planetary spirits or #eons" so there was a lower Hebdomad. he 6phites allegorised this by saying that the !erpent" in punishment for teaching #dam and 8ve <the Crd race= to rebel against )aldabaoth <the spirit of the 8arth or gross matter=" was cast down into the lower world and produced six sons" i.e." had to incarnate in the bodies of the early races. )n almost all the systems" the common postulate of ancient astronomy that there were seven planetary spheres and an eighth <that of the fixed stars= above them" was taught in various allegorical garbs" all shadows of the esoteric truth of the seven states of matter" the seven 1lobes of a Planetary Chain" the seven Principles in man" etc." etc. he doctrine of the seven heavens is plainly set forth in an interesting apocryphal book called the #scension of )saiah which undoubtedly dates back earlier than the second century #.7." and was fre9uently 9uoted with approbation up to the time of !t. +erome.

Page K? )t is marked by strong docetic tendencies" and belongs to the +udaeo$coptic school. #fter long silence it was brought into notice by Bishop 0ichard 2aurence in &?&'" who published the 8thiopic ,!." the only codex extant" with a 2atin and 8nglish version. >urther light was thrown on this interesting relic by the work of #. 7illman <2eip;ig" &?((=" who compared the Bodleian ,!. with two others which were brought from ,agdala after its capture in &?E?. )n this treatise a curious vision of the prophet is described. #n angel of the seventh heaven conducts the spirit of )saiah through the seven heavens. )n the firmament <sc. the earth= he sees !ammael <!atan= and his hosts engaged in internecine conflict. )n the first is one sitting on a throne <3ahana or vehicleI= and angels on the right and left glorifying. )saiah is told that this adoration is in reality offered to the >ather in the seventh heaven and to his Beloved. )n the second the same is seen" but on a scale of greater magnificence" and the prophet is again prevented from worshipping by the wordsP F#dore not" neither the angel nor the throne which are in the six heavens" till ) have shown thee the seventh heaven.G hus were the third" fourth" and fifth heavens shown each surpassing the other in magnificence. )n the sixth was no throne" neither was there any division of left and right" but all in e9ual glory were praising the >ather" his Beloved <Christ= and the Holy 1host. >inally in the seventh" he sees the >ather and Fthe 2ord 1od" Christ who is called in the world +esus"G and the angel of the Holy !pirit. here are all the +ustM worshipping the three" while +esus and the Holy 1host worshipped the >ather. 2ater on we read of the descent of Christ through the seven heavens and firmament prior to his incarnation. <see 7ict. of Christ. Biog." sub voce )!#)#H.= >or a full comprehension of this vision compare the diagrams in he !ecret 7octrine" )" &KC and @LL. -ow although the seven$headed serpent is found sometimes above and sometimes below the figure of the 1od or )nitiate in symbology" and again has &" C" K" &@" or l"LLL heads" yet in reality there is no confusion. >or as the &" C" K" and ( primordial planes have their own sub$stages of emanation" so are the groupings and Hierarchies reflected each in the other. herefore each plane is septenary and every pair of planes represents an upper and lower Hebdomad.

BBBBBBB I 8very principle and plane is the vehicle of the next superior oneP thus the hrone of !atan <the earth= is said to be the >ootstool of 1od. M hat is the FPerfectG or initiatedP those +Vanis who have either attained final freedom" or can pass into the uriya !tate of !amadhi. BBBBBBB

Page K' )t is also interesting to notice with regard to the hirteenth #eon and P)! )!$ !6PH)# standing on the seven$headed Basilisk" that in the ,exican tradition there are thirteen serpent 1ods. AP! &D?J . . . . . P)! )!$!6PH)# . . . cried out again" sayingP F. . . they oppressed me and took away my Power from me" and cast me into 6rcus <&=" deprived of my 2ight. . . .G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= 6rcus. he 5nderworld <!ee able )= has three divisions" 6rcus" Chaos and the 6uter 7arkness. )n the allegorical descriptions of the fate of sinning souls" in other words" the fate of the lower principles after death" we are informed that in 6rcus <lit. a prison or enclosure=" souls are tormented with >ire" in Chaos with >ire" 7arkness and smoke* and in the Caligo 8xterna with added Hail" !now" )ce" and cruel Cold. his would make these three lokas represent the states of matter corresponding to /ama$0upa <Body of 7esire=" 2inga$!arira <#stral Body= and !thula !arira <Physical Body=. herefore" when we read Fthey cast me into 6rcus deprived of my 2ight"G we naturally can understand that the /ama principle would of necessity dull the 2ight of the spiritual principles and deprive them of their power. AP! &KLJ hereupon homas came forward and saidP F hy Power of 2ight prophesied of old through !olomon . . . . . hou didst shelter me under the shadow of thy mercy" and ) was placed above the coats of skin <&=. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= Coats of !kin. his term was universally understood by the 1nostics to mean the Physical Body. #s said in )sis 5nveiled" )" &D'" F he Chaldean /abalists tell us that primeval man" who" contrary to the 7arwinian theory" was purer" wiser" and far more spiritual" as shown by the myths of the !candinavian Buri" the Hindu 7evatas" and ,osaic W!ons of 1od%Bin short" of a far higher nature than the man of the present #damic race" became despirituali;ed or tainted with matter" and then" for the first time" was given the fleshly body" which is typified in 1enesis in that profoundly$ significant verseP

Page EL W5nto #dam also and to his wife did the 2ord 1od make coats of skin" and clothed them%.GI AP! &('$&?&J A#nd Philip came forward and explained the Hymn of P)! )!$ !6PH)# by reciting the one hundred and seventh Psalm <verses &$@&=.J <&= ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= With page &?& of the Codex A!chwart;e%s transcriptionJ" we come to the conclusion of the incident of the repentant !ophia. he &C' pages which deal with the sub.ect demand the closest attention of the student of 8sotericism" for not only have we here a history of the FpilgrimageG of the !oul" but also a description of the degrees of )nitiation which correspond both to the natural degrees or states of consciousness" and to the cycles of human evolution. We will now endeavour to review this Pilgrimage of P)! )!$!6PH)#" following the path of her FtransgressionG or desire for 2ight" through her &C 0epentances" or Changes of ,ind <,etanoiae" changes of the -ous or ,anas=" until her restoration to the hirteenth #eon" her proper region or plane. o attain to the knowledge of 2ight" or the 2ogos" the soul has to descend into ,atter or HylW. Hence P)! )!$!6PH)#" desiring the 2ight" descends towards its 0eflection from the hirteenth #eon" through the welve #eons" into the depths of Chaos" where she is in danger of entirely losing her own innate 2ight or !pirit" of which she is continually deprived by the Powers of ,atter. Having descended to the lowest depths of Chaos" she at length reaches the limit" and the path of her pilgrimage begins to lead upward to !pirit again. hus she reaches the Balance* and still yearning for the 2ight" rounds the turning$point of the cycle" and changing the tendency of her thought or mind" recites her penitential hymns or 0epentances. Her chief enemy who" with his false 2ight" has drawn her down into Chaos" is )aldabaoth" the Power with the appearance of a 2ion" the /ama FprincipleG" the false F2ightp% in Chaos" which is assisted by the @D Hylic or ,aterial Pro.ections" or 8manations" the reflections of the @D !upernal Pro.ections" the co$partners of P)! )!$!6PH)#" D? in all" which together with that power or aspect from which the whole may at any time be viewed"

BBBBBBB I A1enesis iii" @&.J !ee P! &L(" footnote. BBBBBBB

PH)2)P #. ,#2P#! &?(K$&'K?

H.P.B. in her Bath$chair* Pryse and ,ead standing. >rom the #rchives of he heosophical !ociety" Pasadena" California" 5.!.#. 0eproduced by permission.

Page E& make D'.I hus then she first utters ( 0epentances. #t the Dth of these" the turning$ point of a sub$cycle" she prays that the )mage of 2ight may not be turned from her" for the time was come when the 0epentance of Fthose who turn in the 2owest 0egionsG should be regarded" Fthe mystery which is made the ype of the 0ace.G <Dth 0ound.= #t the Eth the 2ight <5pper ,anas= remits her transgression" in that she 9uitted her own 0egion and fell into Chaos* but the command had not yet come from the >irst ,ystery <Buddhi= to free her entirely from Chaos. herefore at the conclusion of her (th 0epentance" where she pleads that she has done it in ignorance through her love for the 2ight" +esus" the )nitiate on the ob.ective plane and the 2ight on the sub.ective plane" without the command of the >irst ,ystery <i.e." the power of ,anas alone without Buddhi=" raises her up to a slightly less confined region in Chaos" but !6PH)# still knew not by whom it was done. #t the 'th 0epentance the >irst ,ystery partly accepted her prayer and sent +esus" the 2ight" to help her secretly" that is" without the powers of the #eons knowing it* then did P)! )!$ !6PH)# recogni;e the 2ight. Her next D Hymns are sung knowingly to the 2ight" and are of the nature of thanksgiving" and of declaration that /armic +ustice shall shortly overtake her oppressors" while she prays to be delivered from her Ftransgression"G vi;." the /amic Power with the appearance of a 2ion. #fter the &Cth 0epentance" +esus again" of himself" without the >irst ,ystery" emanated a brilliant Power of 2ight from himself" and sent it to aid !6PH)#" to raise her higher still in Chaos" until the command should come to free her entirely.M -ext follows a description of the 2ight$powers which should be closely compared with the description of the C 3estures in the opening pages of the Codex. hen while !6PH)# pours forth hymns of .oy" the Power becomes a Crown to her head" and her HylW or material propensities begin to be purified" while the spiritual or 2ight$powers which she has still retained" .oin themselves with the F3esture of 2ightG which has descended upon her. hen was the !tatute fulfilled" and the >irst ,ystery" in its turn" sent forth a great Power of 2ight" which .oined with the first Power emanated by the F2ight"G and became a great !tream of 2ight" this Power was the >irst ,ystery itself 2ooking$without <Buddhi$,anas= on its own plane and the FglorifiedG )nitiate in this terrestrial sphere.

BBBBBBB I Compare the list of @K attvas <@D e & or from another aspect K x K= in the article entitled F he Hindu heory of 3ibration as the Producer of !ounds" >orms and Colors"G he heosophist" 3ol. 4))" 6ctober and -ovember" &??L" written by C. /otyya" >. .!. M here are" therefore" C degrees of Chaos. BBBBBBB

Page E@ )t came forth from the >irst ,ystery 2ooking$within <ltma$Buddhi= or Fthe >ather.G When this is accomplished" P)! )!$!6PH)#" the 2ower ,anas" is purified again" and her 2ight$powers are strengthened and filled with 2ight" by their own co$partner of 2ight that !y;ygy" without whom P)! )!$!6PH)# in the beginning thought she could reach the 2ight of 2ights" and so fell into error. !till she is not even yet entirely freed from the bonds of ,atter" for the higher she rises" the stronger are the Powers of Pro.ections sent against her" who proceed to change their shapes" so that she now has to struggle against still greater foes which are emanated and directed by the strongest and subtlest Powers of ,atter. hereupon" P)! )!$!6PH)# is surrounded entirely with the !tream of 2ight and further supported on either hand by ,ichael and 1abriel" the F!unG and F,oon.G he FWingsG of the F1reat BirdG flutter" the FWinged 1lobeG unfolds its pinions" preparatory to its flight. >or is not the )nfinitude of !pace Fthe -est of the 8ternal Bird" the flutter of whose wings produces lifeGX <!.7." ))" @'C=. hus the last great battle commences. he >irst ,ystery 2ooking$ without" directs its attack against the Fcruel crafty powers" passions incarnateG and causes P)! )!$!6PH)# to tread underfoot the Basilisk with the seven heads" destroying its HylW" F!o that no seed could arise from it henceforth"G and casting down the rest of the opposing host.I hereupon P)! )!$!6PH)# sings Hymns of Praise on her being loosed from the bonds of Chaos. hus was she set free and remembered. :et the 1reat !elf$willed 6ne and #damas" the yrant" were not yet entirely subdued" for the command had not yet come from the >irst ,ystery" 2ooking$within" the >ather. herefore does the >irst ,ystery" 2ooking$without" seal their regions and those of their 0ulers until C times are completed. hat is until the completion of the (th 0ound <for we are now in the Dth= when humanity will pass into the interplanetary -irvana. his -irvana however" is a state outside of space and time" as we know them" and therefore can be reached now and within" by very holy men* -al.ors and #rhats" who can attain to the highest degree of the mystical contemplation" called in the 8ast !amadhi. >or then shall the F1ates of the reasure of the 1reat 2ightG be opened" as described in our text" and the -irvanic heights be crossed by the FPilgrim.G <cf. pp. &E'$&?&= AP! &?CJ #nd when ,ary had heard the words which the !aviour said" she re.oiced with great .oy" and . . . said to +esusP

BBBBBBB I !ee 2ight on the Path" pp. &K$&(. &st 8d. BBBBBBB

Page EC F,aster and !aviour" how are the >our$and$twenty )nvisibles <&=" and of what ype are they. . . . .G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= >our$and$twenty$)nvisibles of the hirteenth #eon. Compare able ). #B28 )) 28> 60 H)0 88- H #86-. he 1reat )nvisible >608># H80" whose !y;ygy is B#0B826 he wo 1reat 0)P28 P6W80!" which emanate @D )-3)!)B28! <including P)! )!$!6PH)# and her !y;ygy" she being the lowest Pro.ection of all=. H8 !82>$W)2287 6-8" the third great riple Power. AP! &'&J A he 'th" &Lth" &&th andJ Fthose who receive the twelfth mystery of the >irst ,ystery in the )nheritances of 2ight <&=.G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

BBBBBBB I 8ach !aviour has &@ Pro.ections or orders .ust as +esus has &@ 7isciples. BBBBBBB

Page ED AP! &'@J F. . . . and the three #mens shall be more excellent than the win !aviours in the /ingdom" and the >ive rees shall be more excellent than the hree #mens in the )nheritances of 2ight <&=.G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= hough the careful student of this stupendous system may sense the unity of the scheme which underlies such manifold multiplicity" yet it is exceedingly difficult" without being excessively prolix" to point out all the correspondences. o all below it the reasure of 2ight is a unity* and its 6rders" Pro.ections" etc." in other words its Hierarchies have but one influence. herefore" when the contents of the reasure are mentioned at an earlier period of instruction" as on page &?" they are simply stated without order. But now" a further veil is withdrawn" and the reasure becomes the )nheritance of 2ight* this will be when the 8volution of Cosmos is completed" and by analogy at the end of a 0ound" or of seven 0ounds" or again in )nitiation when the plane of consciousness called the reasure is reached by the neophyte. hen" .ust as +esus in his passage to the Height" <pages @K to C(= turned six of the #eons to the 0ight and six to the 2eft" so will the )nitiated enter into the reasure and with their higher consciousness perceive its differences* thus will there be a 0ight and 2eft even in that which was previously supposed to be beyond such division. he 6rdering of the )nheritance then presented will be as followsPB #B28 )3

Page EK his table is arranged in parallel columns to show the correspondences" and arrows placed to mark the superiority and inferiority of the 6rders. he win !aviour finds its prototype among the ,ysteries" which are mentioned further on in innumerable classes and divisions" for the win ,ystery is one of the ,ysteries of the >irst ,ystery which is said to be either 2ooking$within or 2ooking$without. his is the ,ystery of the 7ual ,anas. #s every 0egion or Plane has its 1ates and 3eils" so has the reasure its C 1ates* in other words its C !ub$planes. hese correspond to the three :oga !tates of +agrat" !vapna and !ushupti" the so$called waking" dreaming and dreamless$sleep states of consciousness. We thus see that the classification of the lower planes as shown in able )" is pushed further back or within on to higher planes of consciousness" as the 7isciples are taught further mysteries. AP! &'DJ . . . . . the 0egion of the !ouls of those who receive the first mystery of the >irst ,ystery <&= . . . . ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

hese all shall be /ings in the 0egion of the >irst !aviour" i.e." of the >irst ,ystery of the >irst 3oice of the reasure of 2ight. AP! &'D continuedJ . . . the >ifteen !upporters of the !even 3irgins of 2ight" which are in the ,idst <@= shall emanate forth from the 0egionsM of the welve !aviours . . . .

BBBBBBB I 3i;." that which is the 2ight of the reasure for all the lower planes. M )n which the !aviours now are" vi;." in the reasure of 2ight. BBBBBBB

Page EE #B28 3)
,)7! he 2ittle )#6" the 1ood" called in the #eons the 1reat )#6. ( 3irgins of the 2ight he 3irgin of 2ight k &K !upportersI &@ ,inisters

AP! &'D continuedJ . . . the 7issolution of the 5niverse and the total Completion of the -umberingM of the Perfect !ouls of the )nheritance of 2ight. AP! &'KJ . . . until they have completed the -umbering of the #ssemblyg of Perfect !ouls. AP! &'?J F. . . . . when ) shall have led you to the 0egion of the last !upporter <&= which surrounds the reasure of 2ight . . .G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= A he 2ast !upporter.J o understand the position of the >ive !upporters in this marvellous system of aeonology" the student should refer to pages &( and &?. )t is there stated that the three 3estures" that is to say the three Buddhic 0obes" or the three grand degrees of )nitiation" are endowed with the following characteristics respectively.

BBBBBBB I -ot to be confused with the >ive 1reat !upporters" but an aspect of them on a lower plane. M !ee he !ecret 7octrine" 3ol. )" p. &(&" first para. #s said in the article on F0oman Catholicism and heosophyG Aby 8. /islingbury" 2ucifer" 3ol. 3))" +anuary" &??&" pp. DL@$LDJ the tradition of the Church is that the number of the elect is identical with that of the F>allen #ngels"G whom they replace. #gain he !ecret 7octrine" especially 3ol. )) gives exhaustive evidence of the identity of the F>allen #ngelsG with the incarnating 8gos of Humanity. 3erb. sap. g CongregatioP sc. 8kklWsia <the Church=" the seventh and last of the primordial #eons of 3alentinus. !ee the explanation of the Chart of the Pleroma according to this master of the 1nosis. BBBBBBB

Page E( ). he 1lory of all the -ames of the ,ysteries and of all the Pro.ections of the 6rders of the !paces of the )neffable. )). he 1lory of all the -ames of the ,ysteries and of all the Pro.ections of the 6rders of the two !paces of >irst ,ystery. ))). he 1lory of all the -ames of the ,ystery" the 0evealer" which is called the >irst Precept downwards to them of the >irmament. We are also told on page & and elsewhere more elaborately" that the >irst ,ystery surrounds or comprehends he >irst Precept. he K )mpressions < ypes or 0udiments=. he 1reat 2ight of 2ights. he K !upporters. 0ays of this 2ight of the reasure of 2ight reach down to the World of ,en" for they are the intelligences" or 2ight Powers" of all the planes below the reasure" down to the terrestrial. hese 6rders may be figured by a series of concentric circles" the centre one representing the reasure" the next the 2ast or 2ittle !upporter surrounding it" and so on with spheres of ever greater diameter" typifying ever expanding states of consciousness. he above category from the >irst Precept down to the K !upporters" gives a key to the numbers K" (" and &@ <K e (= which will prove of great assistance in the comprehension of the classification of the ,ysteries and corresponding states of consciousness which follow. he 1reat 2ight is the reflection and 5padhi of the >irst Precept or >irst ,ystery* and the K !upporters" reflections of the K )mpressions" &@ in all. hese correspond to the K !ubtle and K 1ross 8lements which" together with the @ unmanifested elements" make up &@. Perhaps the following 9uotation from Professor ,anilal -abhubhai 7vivedi%s ,onism or #dvaitismX will make it clearerPB F he #dvaita begins with examining the divisions of Prakriti and clearly demonstrates" perhaps for the first time in the field of ancient )ndian 0ationalism" the truth that the five elementsBl#kasa" 3ayu" e.as" +ala" PrithiviBare but five states of prakriti derivable from one another. >rom l#kasa" whose specific mark is !adba which" by the way" we render not by sound but differentiation" proceeds 3ayu <gaseous matter= with its specific mark !parsa <touch= super$added to the original oabda* differentiation in 3ayu leads to e.as <heated matter= with its specific mark rjpa <form" heat" light= super$added to oabda and sparoa* from e.as" +ala <li9uid matter= with its specific mark rasa <taste=* and from +ala" Prithivi with its specific mark 1andha <smell=.

Page E? hus the five anmatras A0udimentsJ and the five Bhutas A8lementalsJ of the !ankhya are reduced to #kasha" the all$pervading potential form <ether= of original matter <,ula$prakriiti=.G App. CD$CK.J I -ow we are taught that a new element evolves with every 0oot$0ace and as we are two$thirds through the Kth 0oot 0ace" the fifth element of the seven is now in the course of its evolution. We have thus a key to the understanding of the ( #mens and the C #mens* to the K rees" &@ !aviours" etc." and the corresponding ,ysteries. )t must also be remembered that the explanation of the elements above 9uoted" is only their last reflection on the visible" material plane of matter. heir psychic" spiritual and divine prototypes are of a nature that cannot be described in words" as we can see by the terminology of able 3))). AP! @LKJ F#nd he who shall receive the ,ystery of the hird rispiritual" which pertains to the hree rispirituals and hree !paces" in their series" of the >irst ,ystery" but has no power to go into the height into the 6rders which are above him which are the 6rders of the !pace of the )neffable <&= . . . .G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&=

BBBBBBB I ,onism . . . Bombay" !ubodha$Prakaoa Press" &??'. BBBBBBB

Page E' AP! @@DJ F. . . #nd that ,ystery knows itself" why it flays itself so that it emanates from the )neffable" which indeed itself rules over them all" and itself pours them forth all according to their 6rders <&=.G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&=

BBBBBBB I A!ee -ote &." pp. K&[email protected] BBBBBBB

Page (L !P#C8 6> H8 )-8>>#B28

he following is 9uoted from Pt. ))" sec. 4" of ransactions of the Blavatsky 2odge" and will perhaps throw some light on this apparently chaotic systemPB FR. What is the distinction between these various HierarchiesX F#. )n reality these >ires are not separate" any more than are the souls and monads to him who sees beyond the veil of matter or illusion. He who would be an occultist must not separate either himself or anything else from the rest of creation or non$creation. >or" the moment he distinguishes himself from even a vessel of dishonour" he will not be able to .oin himself to any vessel of honour.

Page (& He must think of himself as an infinitesimal something" not even as an individual atom" but as a part of the world$atoms as a whole" or become an illusion" a nobody" and vanish like a breath leaving no trace behind. #s illusions" we are separate distinct bodies living in masks furnished by ,aya. Can we claim one single atom in our body as distinctly our ownX 8verything" from spirit to the tiniest particle" is part of the whole" at best a link. Break a single link and all passes into annihilation* but this is impossible. here is a series of vehicles becoming more and more gross" from spirit to the densest matter" so that with each step downward and outward we get more and more the sense of separateness developed in us. :et this is illusory" for if there were a real and complete separation between any two human beings" they could not communicate with" or understand each other in any way. F hus with these hierarchies. Why should we separate their classes in our mind" except for purposes of distinction in practical 6ccultism" which is but the lowest form of applied ,etaphysicsX But if you seek to separate them on this plane of illusion" then all ) can say is" that there exists between these Hierarchies the same abysses of distinction as between the Wprinciples% of the 5niverse or those of man" if you like" and the same Wprinciples% in a bacillus.GI he careful student on comparing the different tables already given" will perceive a certain unity in the multiplicity of the Hierarchies* in other words that they are built up on an ever recurring type" which has been given in its simplest form in the Chart of the 3alentinian Pleroma. 8ach new category transcends the one preceding it" until the mind totters in the sublimity of this stupendous scheme. he recurrence of the number &@ is remarkable and will receive further explanation in that part of our text which deals with the astrological portion of the system. >or the present it will be sufficient to add two more facts in nature to what has been said in P! &'? <&=" and invite the attention of the reader to the consideration ofPB <a= he 7odecahedron" that marvellous FPlatonic !olidG" for the solution of the ,ysteries of which the whole of the 8lements of 1eometry were designed. )t may be defined as Fa regular solid contained under &@ e9ual and regular Pentagons"M or having twelve e9ual basesG* and ofPB <b= he following 9uotation <,onism or #dvaitismX" p. @?=PBF he Prana" or breath of the human organism" is a part of this universal vital principle.
BBBBBBB I AConsult 3olume 4 of H.P.B.%s Collected Writings" pp. C'K$'E.J M 0epresenting mystically that man is the measure and limit of the 5niverse. BBBBBBB

Page (@ he moon also is shown to have its share in nourishing all organic matter" and in regulating the ebb and flow of the Prana of nature. With every phase of the moon the Prana of man changes its course. hese changes" minutely observed" established the fact that the breath of the human organism changes from right to left" and vice versa every two hours.I )n these two hours each of the five attwasM . . . obtain their course.G AP! @CL$@C&J F. . . #nd in the 7issolution of the world" which is when the 5niverse shall have completed its 8volution . . . each and every one who shall have received the ,ystery of the )neffable shall be #llied /ings with me" and shall sit at my right hand and at my left . . . . >or this reason" therefore" ) have not hesitated nor feared to call you my Brethren and my Comrades" for ye shall be #llied /ings with me in my /ingdom <&= . . .G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= Perhaps the following passages from he !ecret 7octrine" )" <pp. K(@$K(D=" may make this somewhat clearer. F he star under which a human 8ntity is born" says the 6ccult teaching" will remain forever its star" throughout the whole cycle of its incarnations in one ,anvantara. But this is not his astrological star. he latter is concerned and connected with the personality" the former with the )-7)3)75#2) :. he W#ngel% of the !tar" or the 7hyani$Buddha" will be either the guiding or simply the presiding W#ngel%" so to say" in every new rebirth of the monad" which is part of his own essence" though his vehicle" man" may remain forever ignorant of this fact. he #depts have each their 7hyani$Buddha" their elder Wtwin$!oul%"g and they know it" calling it W>ather$!oul% and W>ather$>ire%. )t is only at the last and supreme initiation" however" that they learn it when placed face to face with the bright W)mage%. How much has Bulwer$2ytton known of this mystic fact when describing" in one of his highest inspirational moods" Zanoni face to face with his #ugoeidesX

BBBBBBB I &@ times a dayd M 3i;." #kasa" 3ayu" etc." as in the note already referred to. g his has nothing to do with the absurdities of the F!ympneumata$doctrineG as is fully explained in the text" but is a key to the mystery of the !y;ygies. BBBBBBB

Page (C F. . . W) ascend to my >ather and your >ather% A+ohn xx" &(J . . . meant . . . that the group of his disciples and followers attracted to Him belonged to the same 7hyani$ Buddha" W!tar% or W>ather"% again of the same planetary realm and division as He did. )t is the knowledge of this occult doctrine that found expression in the review of he )dyll of the White 2otus" when . !ubba 0ow wroteP W8very Buddha meets at his last initiation all the great adepts who reached Buddhahood during the preceding ages . . . every class of adepts has its own bond of spiritual communion which knits them together . . . he only possible and effectual way of entering into any such brotherhood . . . is by bringing oneself within the influence of the spiritual light which radiates from one%s own 2ogos. ) may further point out here . . . that such communion is only possible between persons whose souls derive their life and sustenance from the same divine 0#: and that" as seven distinct rays radiate from the WCentral !piritual !un"% all adepts and 7hyani$Chohans are divisible into seven classes" each of which is guided" controlled and overshadowed" by one of the seven forms or manifestations of the divine wisdom% < he heosophist" 3ol. 3))" #ug." &??E" p. (LE=.G A!ee also appendix to he )dyll of the White 2otus" #dyar edition.J AP! @C& continuedJ F . . . my welve !ervants <7iakonoi= shall also be with me" but ,ary ,agdalene and +ohn the 3irginI shall be the most exalted . . .G AP! @C(J )n like manner also the hree ,ysteries are not e9ual in the /ingdom which is in the 2ight" but each of them has a different ,ode" and they too are not e9ual in the /ingdom to the 6ne and 6nly ,ystery of the >irst ,ystery in the /ingdom of 2ight" and each of these hree has a different ,ode" and the ,ode of the Configuration of each of them is different" each from each" in their !eries <&=. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= Here we have a series or scale of &@" ( <see ables 3)) and 3)))=" K and C ,ysteries" and the synthetic 6ne and 6nly ,ystery. he key to their interpretation will be found in the ransactions of the Blavatsky 2odge <Part )" p. KK=M where it saysPB

BBBBBBB I wo aspects of the ,anasic 0ay. M A!ee #ppendix" Pt. )" F7reamsG" or C.W. 3ol. 4" p. @KC.J BBBBBBB

Page (D FWhen an adept succeeds in Auniting all his Wprinciples% into oneJ he is +ivanmukta Ai.e." one emanciated from rebirthJP he is no more of this earth virtually" and becomes a -irvani" who can go into !amadhi Ai.e." attain to spiritual states of consciousnessJ at will. #depts are generally classed by the number of Wprinciples% they have under their perfect control" for that which we call will has its seat in the higher 816" and the latter" when it is rid of its sin$laden personality" is divine and pure.G AP! @C?J F. . . #,8-" ) say unto you" when that man shall have departed out of the Body of HylW" his !oul shall become a great !tream of 2ight" so that it may traverse all the 0egions" until it shall come into the /ingdom of that ,ystery. But when that man shall not have received the ,ystery" and shall not have been a partaker in the Words of ruth" when accomplishing that ,ystery" he shall have spoken it into the Head of a man departing from the Body" he who has not received the ,ystery of 2ight <&= nor shared in the Words of ruth . . .G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= We have here the original of the rite of 8xtreme 5nction as practised in the 0oman Catholic and 1reek Churches. he commendatory prayer" recited at the moment of death to protect the soul of the deceased as it traverses the Fmiddle passage"G also transmits the same hereditary germ. #s usual" the older churches have preserved the occult tradition with greater fidelity than their inconoclastic and more ignorant younger sister. 6ccult science teaches that the frame of mind in which a man dies" is of the utmost importance owing to the abnormal and psychic state in which he then is. he last thought of a dying person does much to influence his immediate future. he arrow is ready to fly from the bow* the bow$string is abreast of the ear" and the aim will decide the immediate fate of the arrow. Happy is he for whom F6m is the bow" the !elf is the arrow" the BrahmanBits aimdG <,undaka$5panishad ))" ii" D=. #t such a sacred moment" strong spiritual aspirations" whether natural or induced by the earnest exhortation of either one who has a true conviction" or better still" of one possessed of the divine 1nosis" will protect the !oul of him who is leaving life.

Page (K his is not meant" however" to endorse the superstition of a Fdeath$bed repentance"G for the immutable .ustice and harmony of the /armic 2aw can only return a fleeting effect for a fleeting cause* and the rest of the /armic debt must be paid in future earth$lives. F#gree with thine adversary 9uickly" while thou art in the way with him* lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the .udge" and the .udge deliver thee to the officer" and thou be cast into prison. #,8- ) say unto thee" thou shalt by no means come out thence till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.G <,att." v" @K" @E=. hat is to say" according to the 1nostic and esoteric interpretation" work while it is yet day" so that good /armic action may balance the evil causes previously set in motion by the personality. 6therwise" at death we shall be .udged by our own Higher !elf" and under the conduct of the agents of the /armic 2aw <the 7emiourgos collectively=" will have to reincarnate again into the prison of the body" until the past evil /arma has been exhausted. >or until the last farthing of the /armic debt is exhausted" we can never be untied from the wheel of F!amsara.G AP! @C'J F. . . #nd when they shall have brought him to the 3irgin of 2ight <&=" the 3irgin of 2ight shall see the !ign of the ,ystery of the /ingdom of the )neffable" which is with him . . . . .G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= he 3irgin of 2ight. )n the Chaldean cosmogony" #na signifies the Finvisible heavenG" the Heavenly ,other of the terrestrial seaP or esoterically l#kasa the mother of the #stral 2ight. -ow #naitis is one of the names of /ali" the female aspect. !akti or !y;ygy of !iva. !he is also called the #nnapjrna and /anya" the 3irgin. Her mystery name is 5ma$/anya" the F3irgin of 2ight.G < he !ecret 7octrine )"'&" '@.= )n the 8gyptian and other cosmogonies" the first septenary group of emanating potencies is called the F3irgins of 2ightG and is represented collectively by the six$ pointed star* this star Frefers to the six >orces or Powers of -ature. the six planes" principles" etc." etc." all synthesi;ed by the seventh" or the central point in the !tar.G < he !ecret 7octrine" )" &@K=. 6n reference to able 3) in the Commentary" it will be seen that there are seven 3irgins of 2ight" all aspects of the one 3irgin. -ow there are" as of everything else" seven aspects" planes or principles of virgin matter" corresponding to the seven principles of man" from the pure" divine l#kasa" to the terrestrial #stral 2ight" the sin$laden atmosphere of our earth.

Page (E hese are the septenary leaves of the Book of the 0ecording #ngel" 2e 2ivre de la Conscience" whither are instantly transferred the deeds" words and H651H ! of every minute of our lives" the /armic record of each imprisoned soul. )n the early portion of our text" we learned how the )nitiate donned the spotless 3esture of 2ight containing the >ive Words of 1lory" and how they were potent to open all the portals and traverse all the 0egions of the 0ulers. !o also with every man. 8ach has his own vesture" reflecting his /armic record" and Futtering the wordsG that will ac9uit or condemn him before the .ealous guardians of nature%s inmost realms. :es* each of us has a vesture woven by his own hands" but few are they who are clad in a Fwedding garmentG and fit to .oin in the ,arriage >east" when the /ing%s !on is united to his Heavenly Bride* in other words" to .oin that holy Brotherhood where each" to gain admittance" must be at one with the Christos within him. He who seeks admission in sin$soiled robes must" like the man in the parable <,att." xxii= be cast forth into the Fouter darknessG of earth$life" until he has learnt by the experience of suffering to weave for himself a garment worthy of the FChurch <#ssembly= of the ,ystic Christ.G hus" then" the !ouls of the 7ead have to present" each severally" their 7efences." 7enials" and okens" as the text has it" and the nature of their after$death experiences and their subse9uent return to earth$life will depend upon which of the seven 3irgins they have to face in the FHall of +udgment.G hrice blessed is he who" clad in the 3esture of 1lory" can pass by the 1uardians of every threshold. he above will throw much light on the ,ysteries of the 6sirified and the fate of the FdefunctG that play so conspicuous a part in the FWisdom of the 8gyptians.G o give one instance out of a multitudeP F)n the book called by Champollion 2a ,anifestation q la 2umibre" there is a chapter on the 0itual which is full of mysterious dialogues" with addresses to various WPowers% by the soul. #mong these dialogues there is one which is more than expressive of the potentiality of the Word. he scene is laid in the WHall of the wo ruths.% he W7oor"% the WHall of ruth"% and even the various parts of the gate" address the soul which presents itself for admission. hey all forbid it entrance unless it tells them their mystery" or mystic names.G <)sis 5nveiled" ))" CE'.= AP! @D&$@D@J F. . . . . #nd every one that shall receive the ,ystery which is in the !pace of the 5niversal )neffable" and all the other sweet ,ysteries in the 2imbs of the )neffable . . . which pertain to the 0egulation of the 6ne and the !ame" the 7eity of ruth" from the feet <upwards= <&= . . . . each shall inherit up to his proper 0egion . . . . .G

Page (( <&= he 2imbs of the )neffable" the 7eity of ruth. #n exposition of this 1nostic tenet will be found in P! &@K <&=. he information there given may be expanded with advantage by the following passage from )renaeus"I where speaking of the system of ,arcus" he writesP F#nd the Ruaternion Asc. the higher personal consciousness at one with the divine triad ltma$Buddhi$,anas" forming the !upernal etraktysJ" he <,arcus= said" having explained this to him" added" W-ow then ) am minded to manifest unto thee the very ruth herself. >or ) have brought her down from the mansions on high" that thou mayest look on her unclothed" and discover her beauty" yea" and hear her speak" and marvel at her wisdom <for ruth is the Bride of the Heavenly or Perfect ,an" the )nitiate=. Behold then her head above" the # and n* her neck B and r* her shoulders with her hands" s and 4* her bosom t and u * her chest 8 and v* her belly Z and * her lower parts H and w* her thighs c and P" her knees ) and ))* her legs / and 6* her ankles x and 4* her feet , and -.% his is the body of ruth ascending to the ,agusP this is the figure of the element" this is the character of the letterP and he calls this element ,anP and he says" it is the source of every Word <3erbum=" and the beginning of the universal !ound <3ox= and the utterance of every unspeakable" and the mouth of speechless !ilence. #nd this indeed is her body* but do thou" lifting on high the understanding of thy intelligence" hear from the mouth of ruth" the self$ producing Word" which also conveys the >ather. F#nd when she had said this" the ruth <he says= looked upon him" and opened her mouth and spake a WordP and the Word became a -ame" and the -ame was what we know and speak" Christ +esus* and immediately she had uttered the -ame" she became silent. #nd when ,arcus thought that she would speak further" the Ruaternion came forward again and saidP W hou didst hold as contemptible the Word which thou hast heard from the mouth of ruth" but this is not the -ame which thou knowest and thinkest thou has possessed for long* for thou has only its sound" as to its virtue" thou art ignorant thereof.

BBBBBBB I #dversus Haereses" Book )" ch. xiv" _ C and D* also found in 8piphanius" Panarion" xxiv" _ D. BBBBBBB

Pagw (? >or the -ame +esus is that of the !ign Athe !tigma" the sign of the 1reek numeral EJ" for it contains six letters" known by all who are called <lit." of the calling=. But that which is with the #eons of the Pleroma" since it is in many places" is of another form and another type" and known by those of its kinship whose greatnesses are with him Athem" the #eons" <8piph.=J" eternallyP Athat is to say" those who are chosen" the )nitiated or PerfectJ. AP! @DCJ F. . . # day of 2ight is a thousand years of the World" so that thirty$six myriads of years and half a myriad of years of the World are one year of 2ight <&= . . .G ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <&= :ear of 2ight. heosophists ac9uainted with the doctrine of cycles of manvantaras and pralayas" and of the days and nights of Brahma" will have no difficulty in finding the key of the mystery which has pu;;led the so$called Christian Church from the time that its lower principles separated themselves entirely from their higher light" the 7ivine 1nosis. he absurdities of the Chiliasts" ,illenniumists and ,illenarians are a striking proof of the materialism of Patristic theology" which has been re$edited and kept up to date down to this very day. his thousand physical years absurdity in various aspects" mostly with the physical return and reign of Christ on earth" was supported by the greatest lights of the Church. We find among its supporters such names as Papias" the co$disciple of Polycarp and a hearer of +ohn" )renaeus" +ustin ,artyr <who imagined that the thousand years would be spent in +erusalem Frebuilt" adorned" and enlargedG=" ertullian" 3ictorinus" #pollinarius" 2actantius" !everus and #ugustine. How different the nearer tradition of the 1nostics was from the later misunderstandings" may be seen from our text" and any further explanation is almost superfluous. AP! @D?J F. . . #nd they have been cleansing them <sc." those of the ,ixture= not of themselves" but of compulsion" according to the 0egulation of 6ne and the !ame )neffable. -either have they at all undergone !ufferings" nor Changes in the 0egions" nor have they flayed themselves at all" nor poured themselves into different Bodies <&=" nor have they been in any #ffliction.G

Page (' <&= ,etangi;ein <yzT{|jO}zO|=P to pour from one vessel into another. ,etangismos was the technical term for metempsychosis or reincarnation among the Pythagoreans. C. W. /ing" however" translates this passageP Fnor transformed themselves into various figuresG* but somata are animal bodies and nothing else" and metangi;ein and metangismos are technical terms" used only in connection with the idea of reincarnation" and fre9uently employed in Pistis$!ophia by !chwart;e to denote rebirth. )t is" therefore" difficult to understand how the author of he 1nostics and their 0emains missed the correct translation. #ugustine A#urelius" !t. <CKD #.7.$D@' #.7.=J copying from Philaster" gives the name of ,etangismonitae to a certain sect of the Heretics who" he avers" asserted that the !on was in the >ather" as one vessel <angeion= in another. here is" however" no evidence to support this statement. he many striking and instructive passages referring to reincarnation from the writings and teachings of the 1nostic Heresiarchs have yet to be collected. #s an example" we take one from Clemens #lexandrinus <!trom." lib. iv" chap. xii=" who 9uoted from Basilides in order to refute him as he imagined. Basilides" he says averred that the soul was punished in this life for sins that it had previously committed in another. he elect soul was honourably punished through martyrdom" but the other was purified by its proper chastisement. he key of heosophy at once unlocks the mystery by its teachings as to the Higher and 2ower ,anas" the divine )ndividuality and the perishable Personality. >or the Higher 8go is indeed the !acrificial 3ictim" that suffers an honourable FmartyrdomG* and Fthe otherG is the 2ower ,anas that must be punished by its Fproper chastisementG. he late 8. 7. Walker" in the eighth chapter of his book on 0eincarnation"I has given a brief sketch to show that it was the prevailing creed in the first centuries of Christianity" and those who are interested in the sub.ect should certainly read this chapter" if they have not done so already. #n authoritative volume" however" has yet to be written on the sub.ect" supported by the citation of the innumerable passages that are to be found in the writings of the 1nostics" -eo$platonists and early Church >athers.M

BBBBBBB I A0eincarnation* # study of >orgotten ruth" -.:." 5niversity Books" &'EK reprint.J M A oday%s students may consult !. 2. Cranston and +. Head%s 0eincarnation" ,ystery" -.:." Crown" &'((.J BBBBBBB he Phoenix >ire

Page ?L he doctrines of the Pistis$!ophia are in many essentials identical with 8gyptian teachings" especially with regard to the mysteries of life and death and of reincarnation. What the learned of the 8gyptians taught on these heads we do not as yet know" for such teaching formed part of the instruction of the ,ysteries. #nd even exoterically we are dependent to a large extent on what 1reek and 0oman writers have to tell us of the 8gyptians rather than on the 8gyptians themselves. ,oreover" such writers" if they were initiated" had their tongues tied by the oath of secrecy* and if uninitiated" could only re$echo the popular beliefs at best" and in general wove in their own glosses and misconceptions even of this distorted shadow of the truth. Conse9uently no sub.ect remains in greater obscurity for our scholars. Wilkinson <#ncient 8gyptians" 3ol. 3." p. DDL" Crd ed.= throws no light on the sub.ect" although he is useful for the finding of a few references. 2et us turn to the first of them" Herodotus" 8uterpe" ch. &@C. F he 8gyptians are the first who said that the psyche of man is immortal" and that when the body <soma= is destroyed" it always enters into some other living one <;~on=" and after having completed the cycle of all earthy" watery" and airy <bodies=" it enters again into the body of a man" and this cycle takes it C"LLL years to accomplish.G #gain" in Plato%s Phaedrus" translated by homas aylor" p. C@K" we readPB FBut no soul will return to its pristine condition till the expiration of &L"LLL years" since it will not recover the use of its wings until that period" except it be the soul of one who has philosophised sincerely" or" together with philosophy" has loved beautiful forms. hese" indeed" in the third period of &"LLL years" if they have thrice chosen this mode of life in succession . . . shall in the C"LLLth year fly away to their pristine abode* but other souls being arrived at the end of their first life shall be .udged. #nd of those who are .udged" some" proceeding to a subterraneous place of .udgment A/amalokaJ" shall there sustain the punishments they have deserved* but others" in conse9uence of a favourable .udgment" being elevated into a certain celestial place A7evachanJ" shall pass their time in a manner becoming the life they have lived in a human shape. #nd in the &"LLLth year" both the kinds of those who have been .udged" returning to the lot and election of a second life" shall each of them receive a life agreeable to his desire. Here also the human soul shall pass into the life of a beast* and from that of a beast again into that of a man. >or the soul that has never perceived the truth cannot pass into the human form.G hese two passages throw considerable light on one another" and" with the help of heosophical teachings" become understandable" in spite of the innumerable blinds which they contain.

Page ?& he figures refer to certain cycles" based on the root numbers" C" (" &L" and have to do with 0ounds" 0aces" individual births" monadic evolution" etc." etc. But the soul is of two kinds" the ,anasic and /amic" and herein is the greatest blind. he former goes to Fa certain celestial placeG" and the latter to Fa subterranean placeG. )t is the latter only that goes through the FcycleG which Herodotus speaks of. Wilkinson" therefore" is only useful for the two references" the first of which has been retranslated and the second retained verbatim" as it is aylor%s translation. He" however" adds one further item of interest" vi;P F he doctrine of transmigration was also admitted by the Pharisees* their belief according to +osephus"I being Wthat all souls were incorruptible* but that those of good men were only removed into other bodies" and that those of the bad were sub.ect to eternal punishment%.G

BBBBBBB I +oseph. Bell. +ud. ii" ?" &D. BBBBBBB

Page ?C

THE B%BEL O" MODERN THOUGHT A2ucifer" 3ol. 3))" -o. D&" +anuary &?'&" pp. CKC$CELJ F6 ye 2ords of ruth who are cycling in eternity . . . save me from the annihilation in this 0egion of the wo ruths.G B he Book of the 7ead. ) hat the world moves in cycles" and events repeat themselves therein" is an old" yet ever new truism. )t is new to most" firstly" because it belongs to a distinct group of occult aphorisms in partibus infidelium" and our present$day 0abbis and Pharisees will accept nothing coming from that -a;areth* secondly" because those who will swallow a camel of whatever si;e" provided it hails from orthodox or accepted authorities" will strain and kick at the smallest gnat" if only its bu;; comes from theosophical regions. :et this proposition about the world cycles and ever$recurring events" is a very correct one. )t is one" moreover" that people could easily verify for themselves. 6f course" the people meant here are men who do their own thinking* not those others who are satisfied to remain" from birth till death" pinned" like a thistle fastened to the coat$tail of a country parson" to the beliefs and thoughts of the goody$ goody ma.ority. We cannot agree with a writer <was it 1ilpinX= who said that the grandest truths are often re.ected" Fnot so much for want of direct evidence" as for want of inclination to search for it.G his applies but to a few.

Page ?D -ine$tenths of the people will re.ect the most overwhelming evidence" even if it be brought to them without any trouble to themselves" only because it happens to clash with their personal interests or pre.udices* especially if it comes from unpopular 9uarters. We are living in a highly moral atmosphere" high soundingBin words. Put to the test of practice" however" the morality of this age in point of genuineness and reality is of the nature of the black skin of the FnegroG minstrelP assumed for show and pay" and washed off at the close of every performance. )n sober truth" our opponents B advocates of official science" defenders of orthodox religion" and the tutti 9uanti of the detractors of heosophyBwho claim to oppose our works on grounds of scientific Fevidence"G Fpublic good and truth"G strongly resemble advocates in our courts of law B miscalled of .ustice. hese in their defence of robbers and murderers" forgers and adulterers" deem it to be their duty to browbeat" confuse and bespatter all who bear witness against their clients" and will ignore" or if possible" suppress" all evidence which goes to incriminate them. 2et ancient Wisdom step into the witness$box herself" and prove that the goods found in the possession of the prisoner at the bar" were taken from her own strong$box* and she will find herself accused of all manner of crimes" fortunate if she escape being branded as a common fraud" and told that she is no better than she should be. What member of our !ociety can wonder then" that in this our age" pre$ eminently one of shams and shows" the Ftheosophists%G teachings so <mis$= called" seem to be the most unpopular of all the systems now to the fore* or that materialism and theology" science and modern philosophy" have arrayed themselves in holy alliance against theosophical studiesBperhaps because all the former are based on chips and broken$up fragments of that primordial system. Cotton complains somewhere" that the Fmetaphysicians have been learning their lesson for the last four <X= thousand years"G and that Fit is now high time that they should begin to teach something.G But" no sooner is the possibility of such studies offered" with the complete evidence into the bargain that they belong to the oldest doctrine of the meta$ physical philosophy of mankind" than" instead of giving them a fair hearing at least" the ma.ority of the complainers turn away with a sneer and the cool remarkP

Page ?K F6h" you must have invented all you say yourselfdG 7ear ladies and gentlemen" has it ever occurred to you" how truly grand and almost divine would be that man or woman" who" at this time of the life of mankind" could invent anything" or discover that which had not been invented and known ages beforeX he charge of being such an inventor would only entitle the accused to the choicest honours. >or show us" if you can" that mortal who in the historical cycle of our human race has taught the world something entirely new. o the proud pretentions of this age" 6ccultismBthe real 8astern 6ccultism" or the so$called 8soteric 7octrineBanswers through its ablest studentsP )ndeed all your boasted knowledge is but the reflex action of the by$gone Past. #t best" you are but the modern popularisers of very ancient ideas. Consciously and unconsciously you have pilfered from old classics and philosophers" who were themselves but the superficial recordersBcautious and incomplete" owing to the terrible penalties for divulging the secrets of initiation taught during the mysteriesBof the prim}val Wisdom. #vantd your modern sciences and speculations are but the rOchauffO dishes of anti9uity* the dead bones <served with a sauce pi9uante of crass materialism" to disguise them= of the intellectual repasts of the gods. 0agon was right in saying in his ,aonnerie 6cculte" that FHumanity only seems to progress in achieving one discovery after the other" whereas in truth it only finds that which it had lost. ,ost of our modern inventions for which we claim such glory" are" after all" things people were ac9uainted with three and four thousand years back.I 2ost to us through wars" floods and fire" their very existence became obliterated from the memory of man. #nd now modern thinkers begin to rediscover them once more.G #llow us to recapitulate a few such things and thus refresh your memory.

BBBBBBB I he learned Belgian ,ason would be nearer the mark by adding a few more ciphers to his four thousand years. BBBBBBB

Page ?E 7eny" if you can" that the most important of our present sciences were known to the ancients. )t is not 8astern literature only" and the whole cycle of those esoteric teachings which an over$;ealous Christian /abalist" in >rance" has .ust dubbed Fthe accursed sciencesGBthat will give you a flat denial" but profane classical literature" as well. he proof is easy. #re not physics and natural sciences but an amplified reproduction of the works of #naxagoras" of 8mpedocles" 7emocritus and othersX #ll that is taught now" was taught by these philosophers then. >or they maintainedBeven in the fragments of their works still extantBthat the 5niverse is composed of eternal atoms which" moved by a subtle internal >ire" combine in millions of various ways. With them" this F>ireG was the divine Breath of the 5niversal ,ind" but now" it has become with the modern philosophers no better than a blind and senseless >orce. >urthermore they taught that there was neither 2ife nor 7eath" but only a constant destruction of form" produced by perpetual physical transformations. his has now become by intellectual transformation" that which is known as the physical correlation of forces" conservation of energy" law of continuity" and what not" in the vocabulary of modern !cience. But Fwhat%s in a name"G or in new$fangled words and compound terms" once that the identity of the essential ideas is establishedX Was not 7escartes indebted for his original theories to the old ,asters" to 2eucippus and 7emocritus" 2ucretius #naxagoras and 8picurusX hese taught that the celestial bodies were formed of a multitude of atoms" whose vortical motion existed from eternity* which met" and" rotating together" the heaviest were drawn to the centres" the lightest to the circumferences* each of these concretions was carried away in a fluidic matter" which" receiving from this rotation an impulse" the stronger communicated it to the weaker concretions. his seems a tolerably close description of the Cartesian theory of 8lemental 3ortices taken from #naxagoras and some others* and it does look most suspiciously like the Fvortical atomsG of !ir W. homsond

Page ?( 8ven !ir )saac -ewton" the greatest among the great" is found constantly mirroring a do;en or so of old philosophers. )n reading his works one sees floating in the air the pale images of the same #naxagoras and 7emocritus" of Pythagoras" #ristotle" im}us of 2ocri" 2ucretius" ,acrobius" and even our old friend Plutarch. #ll these have maintained one or the other of these propositions" <&= that the smallest of the particles of matter would be sufficientBowing to its infinite divisibilityBto fill infinite space* <@= that there exist two >orces emanated from the 5niversal !oul" combined in numerical proportions <the centripetal and centrifugal Fforces"G of the latter day scientific saints=* <C= that there was a mutual attraction of bodies" which attraction causes the latter to" what we now call" gravitate and keeps them within their respective spheres* <D= they hinted most unmistakably at the relation existing between the weight and the density" or the 9uantity of matter contained in a unit of mass* and <K= taught that the attraction <gravitation= of the planets toward the !un is in reciprocal proportion to their distance from that luminary. >inally" is it not a historical fact that the rotation of the 8arth and the heliocentric system were taught by PythagorasBnot to speak of Hiketas" Heraclitus" 8kphantos" etc.Bover @"LLL years before the despairing and now famous cry of 1alileo" F8ppur si muoveGX 7id not the priests of 8turia and the )ndian 0ishis still earlier" know how to attract lightning" ages upon ages before even the astral !ir B. >ranklin was formed in spaceX 8uclid is honoured to this dayBperhaps" because one cannot .uggle as easily with mathematics and figures" as with symbols and words bearing on unprovable hypotheses. #rchimedes has probably forgotten more in his day" than our modern mathematicians" astronomers" geometricians" mechanicians" hydrostaticians and opticians ever knew. Without #rchytas" the disciple of Pythagoras" the application of the theory of mathematics to practical purposes would" perchance" remain still unknown to our grand era of inventions and machinery. -eedless to remind the reader of that which the #ryans knew" as it is already recorded in he heosophist and other works obtainable in )ndia.

Page ?? Wise was !olomon in saying that Fthere is no new thing under the !unG* and that everything that is Fhath been already of old time" which was before usG A8ccl. i" '$&LJBsave" perhaps" the theosophical doctrines which the humble writer of the present is charged by some with having Finvented.G he prime origin of this <very complimentary= accusation is due to the kind efforts of the !. P. 0. )t is the more considerate and kind of this Fworld famous" and learned !ocietyG of F0esearches"G as its scribes seem utterly incapable of inventing anything original themselvesBeven in the way of manufacturing a commonplace illustration. )f the in9uisitive reader turns to the article which follows" he will have the satisfaction of finding a curious proof of this fact" in a reprint from old );aak Walton%s 2ives" which our contributor has entitled F,rs. 7onne%s #stral Body.G hus even the scientifically accurate Cambridge 7ons are not" it seems" above borrowing from an ancient book* and not only fail to acknowledge the debt" but even go to the trouble of presenting it to the public as new original matter" without even the compliment of inverted commas. #nd thusBall along. )n short" it may be said of the scientific theories" that those which are true are not new* and those which are newBare not true" or are at least" very dubious. )t is easy to hide behind Fmerely working hypotheses"G but less easy to maintain their plausibility in the face of logic and philosophy. o make short work of a very big sub.ect" we have but to institute a brief comparison between the old and the new teachings. hat which modern science would make us believe" is thisP the atoms possess innate and immutable properties. hat which 8soteric" and also exoteric" 8astern philosophy calls divine !pirit$!ubstance <Purusha$Prakriti= or eternal !pirit$ matter" one inseparable from the other" modern !cience calls >orce and ,atter" adding as we do <for it is a 3edantic conception=" that" the two being inseparable" matter is but an abstraction <an illusion rather=.

Page ?' he properties of matter are" by the 8astern 6ccultists" summed up in" or brought down to" attraction and repulsion* by the !cientists" to gravitation and affinities. #ccording to this teaching" the properties of complex combinations are but the necessary results of the composition of elementary properties* the most complex existences being the physico$chemical automata" called men. ,atter from being primarily scattered and inanimate" begets life" sensation" emotions and will" after a whole series of consecutive Fgropings.G he latter non$felicitous expression <belonging to ,r. yndall=" forced the philosophical writer" 7elboeufI to critici;e the 8nglish !cientist in very disrespectful terms" and forces us in our turn" to agree with the former. ,atter" or anything e9ually conditioned" once that it is declared to be sub.ect to immutable laws" cannot Fgrope.G But this is a trifle when compared with dead or inanimate matter" producing life" and even psychic phenomena of the highest mentalityd >inally" a rigid determinism reigns over all nature. #ll that which has once happened to our automatical 5niverse" had to happen" as the future of that 5niverse is traced in the smallest of its particles or Fatoms.G 0eturn these atoms" they say" to the same position and order they were in at the first moment of the evolution of the physical /osmos" and the same universal phenomena will be repeated in precisely the same order" and the 5niverse will once more return to its present conditions. o this" logic and philosophy answer that it cannot be so" as the properties of the particles vary and are changeable. )f the atoms are eternal and matter indestructible" these atoms can never have been born* hence" they can have nothing innate in them. heirs is the one homogeneous <and we add divine= substance" while compound molecules receive their properties" at the beginning of the life cycles or manvantaras" from within without. 6rganisms cannot have been developed from dead or inanimate matter" as" firstly" such matter does not exist" and secondly" philosophy proving it conclusively" the 5niverse is not Fsub.ected to fatality.G #s 6ccult

BBBBBBB I )n the 0evue Philosophi9ue of &??C" where he translates such FgropingsG by atonnements successifs. BBBBBBB

Page 'L !cience teaches that the universal process of differentiation begins anew after every period of ,aha$pralaya" there is no reason to think that it would slavishly and blindly repeat itself. )mmutable laws last only from the incipient to the last stage of the universal life" being simply the effects of primordial" intelligent and entirely free action. >or heosophists" as also for 7r. Pirogoff" 7elboeuf and many a great independent modern thinker" it is the 5niversal <and to us impersonal because infinite= ,ind" which is the true and primordial 7emiurge. What better illustrates the theory of cycles" than the following factX -early (LL years B.C." in the schools of hales and Pythagoras" was taught the doctrine of the true motion of the earth" its form and the whole heliocentric system. #nd in C&( #.7. 2actantius" the preceptor of Crispus C}sar" the son of the 8mperor Constantine" is found teaching his pupil that the earth was a plane surrounded by the sky" itself composed of fire and waterd ,oreover" the venerable Church >ather warned his pupil against the heretical doctrine of the earth%s globular form" as the Cambridge and 6xford F>ather 7onsG warn their students now" against the pernicious and superstitious doctrines of heosophyBsuch as 5niversal ,ind" 0e$incarnation and so on. here is a resolution tacitly accepted by the members of the .!. for the adoption of a proverb of /ing !olomon" paraphrased for our daily useP F# scientist is wiser in his own conceit than seven heosophists that can render a reason.G -o time" therefore" should be lost in arguing with them* but no endeavour" on the other hand" should be neglected to show up their mistakes and blunders. he scientific conceit of the 6rientalistsBespecially of the youngest branch of theseBthe #ssyriologists and the 8gyptologistsBis indeed phenomenal. Hitherto" some credit was given to the ancientsBto their philosophers and )nitiates" at any rateBof knowing a few things that the moderns could not rediscover. But now even the greatest )nitiates are represented to the public as fools. Here is an instance.

Page '& 6n pages &K" &E and &( <)ntroduction= in the Hibbert 2ectures of &??( by Prof. !ayce" on he #ncient Babylonians"I the reader is brought face to face with a conundrum that may well stagger the unsophisticated admirer of modern learning. Complaining of the difficulties and obstacles that meet the #ssyriologist at every step of his studies* after giving Fthe dreary catalogueG of the formidable struggles of the interpreter to make sense of the inscriptions from broken fragments of clay tiles* the Professor goes on to confess that the scholar who has to read these cuneiform characters" is often likely Fto put a false construction upon isolated passages" the context of which must be supplied from con.ectureG <p. &D=. -otwithstanding all this" the learned lecturer places the modern #ssyriologist higher than the ancient Babylonian )nitiate" in the knowledge of symbols and his own religiond he passage deserves to be 9uoted in totoP )t is true that many of the sacred texts were so written as to be intelligible only to the initiated* but the initiated were provided with keys and glosses" many of which are in our hands <X= . . . We can penetrate into the real meaning of documents which to him <the ordinary Babylonian= were a sealed book. -ay" more than this" the researches that have been made during the last half$century into the creed and beliefs of the nations of the world both past and present" have given us a clue to the interpretation of these documents which even the initiated priests did not possess. he above <the italics being our own= may be better appreciated when thrown into a syllogistic form. ,a.or premiseP he ancient )nitiates had keys and glosses to their esoteric texts" of which they were the )-38- 60! . ,inor premiseP 6ur 6rientalists have many of these keys. Conclusion* 8rgo" the 6rientalists have a clue which the )nitiates themselves did not possessdd )nto what were the )nitiates" in such a case" initiatedXBand who invented the blinds" we ask.

BBBBBBB I A!ayce" #rchibald Henry" 2ectures on the 6rigin and 1rowth of 0eligion as illustrated by the religion of the #ncient Babylonians. 2ondon" Williams Q -orgate" &???.J BBBBBBB

Page '@ >ew 6rientalists could answer this 9uery. We are more generous" however* and may show in our next" that into which our modest 6rientalists have never yet been initiatedBall their alleged FcluesG to the contrary. BBBBB A2ucifer" 3ol. 3))" -o. D@" >ebruary" &?'&" pp. DD&$DKLJ 1o to" let us go down" and there confound their language" that they may not understand one an other%s speech . . . B1enesis xi" vii. )) Having done with modern physical !ciences we next turn to Western philosophies and religions. 8very one of these is e9ually based upon" and derives its theories and doctrines from heathen" and moreover" exoteric thought. his can easily be traced from !chopenhauer and ,r. Herbert !pencer" down to Hypnotism and so$ called F,ental !cience.G he 1erman philosophers moderni;e Buddhism* the 8nglish are inspired by 3edantism* while the >rench" borrowing from both" add to them Plato" in a Phrygian cap" and occasionally" as with #uguste Comte" the weird sex$worship of ,ariolatry of the old 0oman Catholic ecstatics and visionaries. -ew systems" yclept philosophical" new sects and societies" spring up now$a$days in every corner of our civili;ed lands. But even the highest among them agree on no one point" though each claims supremacy. his" because no science" no philosophyBbeing at best" but a fragment broken from the W)!76, 082)1)6-Bcan stand alone" or be complete in itself. ruth" to be complete" must represent an unbroken continuity. )t must have no gaps" no missing links. #nd which of our modern religions" sciences or philosophies" is free from such defectsX ruth is 6ne. 8ven as the palest reflection of the #bsolute" it can be no more dual than is absoluteness itself" nor can it have two aspects.

06180 B#C6&@&D$&@'@

+8#-$>0#-6)! CH#,P622)6&('L$&?C@ 0eproduced from 2es 7eux Champollions" by #.$2. Champollion$>igeac"&??(.

Page 'C But such truth is not for the ma.orities" in our world of illusionBespecially for those minds which are devoid of the nohtic element. hese have to substitute for the high spiritual and 9uasi absolute truth the relative one" which having two sides or aspects" both conditioned by appearances" lead our Fbrain$mindsGBone to intellectual scientific materialism" the other to materialistic or anthropomorphic religiosity. But even that kind of truth" in order to offer a coherent and complete system of something" has" while naturally clashing with its opposite" to offer no gaps and contradictions" no broken or missing links" in the special system or doctrine it undertakes to represent. #nd here a slight digression must come in. We are sure to be told by some" that this is precisely the ob.ection taken to theosophical expositions" from )sis 5nveiled down to he !ecret 7octrine. #greed. We are 9uite prepared to confess that the latter work" especially" surpasses in these defects all the other theosophical works. We are 9uite ready to admit the faults charged against it by its criticsBthat it is badly arranged" discursive" over$burdened with digressions into by$ways of mythology" etc." etc. But then it is neither a philosophical system nor the 7octrine" called secret or esoteric" but only a record of a few of its facts and a witness to it. )t has never claimed to be the full exposition of the system <it advocates= in its totality* <a= because as the writer does not boast of being a great )nitiate" she could" therefore" never have undertaken such a gigantic task* and <b= because had she been one" she would have divulged still less. )t has never been contemplated to make of the sacred truths an integral system for the ribaldry and sneers of a profane and iconoclastic public. he work does not pretend to set up a series of explanations" complete in all their details" of the mysteries of Being* nor does it seek to win for itself the name of a distinct system of thoughtBlike the works of ,essrs. Herbert !pencer" !chopenhauer or Comte. 6n the contrary" he !ecret 7octrine merely asserts that a system" known as the W)!76,$082)1)6-" the work of generations of adepts and seers" the sacred heirloom of pre$historic timesB

Page 'D Bactually exists" though hitherto preserved in the greatest secrecy by the present )nitiates* and it points to various corroborations of its existence to this very day" to be found in ancient and modern works. 1iving a few fragments only" it there shows how these explain the religious dogmas of the present day" and how they might serve Western religions" philosophies and science" as sign$posts along the untrodden paths of discovery. he work is essentially fragmentary" giving statements of sundry facts taught in the esoteric schoolsBkept" so far" secretBby which the ancient symbolism of various nations is interpreted. )t does not even give the keys to it" but merely opens a few of the hitherto secret drawers. -o new philosophy is set up in he !ecret 7octrine" only the hidden meaning of some of the religious allegories of anti9uity is given" light being thrown on these by the esoteric sciences" and the common source is pointed out" whence all the world$religions and philosophies have sprung. )ts chief attempt is to show" that however divergent the respective doctrines and systems of old may seem on their external or ob.ective side" the agreement between all becomes perfect" so soon as the esoteric or inner side of these beliefs and their symbology are examined and a careful comparison made. )t is also maintained that its doctrines and sciences" which form an integral cycle of universal cosmic facts and metaphysical axioms and truths" represent a complete and unbroken system* and that he who is brave and persevering enough" ready to crush the animal in himself" and forgetting the human self" sacrifices it to his Higher 8go" can always find his way to become initiated into these mysteries. his is all he !ecret 7octrine claims. #re not a few facts and self$evident truths" found in these volumesBall the literary defects of the exposition notwithstandingBtruths already proved practically to some" better than the most ingenious FworkingG hypotheses" liable to be upset any day" than the unexplainable mysteries of religious dogmas" or the most seemingly profound philosophical speculationsX

Page 'K Can the grandest among these speculations be really profound" when from their #lpha to their 6mega they are limited and conditioned by their author%s brain$mind" hence dwarfed and crippled on that Procrustean bed" cut down to fit limited sensuous perceptions which will not allow the intellect to go beyond their enchanted circleX -o FphilosopherG who views the spiritual realm as a mere figment of superstition" and regards man%s mental perceptions as simply the result of the organi;ation of the brain" can ever be worthy of that name. -or has a materialist any right to the appellation" since it means a Flover of Wisdom"G and Pythagoras" who was the first to coin the compound term" never limited Wisdom to this earth. 6ne who affirms that the 5niverse and ,an are ob.ects of the senses only" and who fatally chains thought within the region of senseless matter" as do the 7arwinian evolutionists" is at best a sophiaphobe when not a philosophasterBnever a philosopher. herefore is it that in this age of ,aterialism" #gnosticism" 8volutionism" and false )dealism" there is not a system" however intellectually expounded" that can stand on its own legs" or fail to be critici;ed by an exponent from another school of thought as materialistic as itself* even ,r. Herbert !pencer" the greatest of all" is unable to answer some criticisms. ,any are those who remember the fierce polemics that raged a few years ago in the 8nglish and #merican .ournals between the 8volutionists on the one hand and the Positivists on the other. he sub.ect of the dispute was with regard to the attitude and relation that the theory of evolution would bear to religion. ,r. >. Harrison" the #postle of Positivism" charged ,r. Herbert !pencer with restricting religion to the realm of reason" forgetting that feeling and not the cogni;ing faculty" played the most important part in it. he Ferroneousness and insufficiencyG of the ideas on the F5nknowableGBas developed in ,r. !pencer%s worksBwere also taken to task by ,r. Harrison. he idea was erroneous" he held" because it was based on the acceptation of the metaphysical absolute.

Page 'E )t was insufficient" he argued" because it brought deity down to an empty abstraction" void of any meaning.I o this the great 8nglish writer replied" that he had never thought of offering his F5nknowableG and )ncogni;able" as a sub.ect for religious worship. hen stepped into the arena" the respective admirers and defenders of ,essrs. !pencer and Harrison" some defending the material metaphysics of the former thinker <if we may be permitted to use this paradoxical yet correct definition of ,r. Herbert !pencer%s philosophy=" others" the arguments of the 1odless and Christless 0oman Catholicism of #uguste Comte"M both sides giving and receiving very hard blows. hus" Count 1oblet d%#lviella of Brusselsg suddenly discovered in ,r. H. !pencer a kind of hidden" yet reverential heist" and compared ,r. Harrison to a casuist of mediaeval !cholasticism. )t is not to discuss the relative merits of materialistic 8volutionism" or of Positivism either" that the two 8nglish thinkers are brought forward* but simply to point" as an illustration" to the Bable$like confusion of modern thought. While the 8volutionists <of Herbert !pencer%s school= maintain that the historical evolution of the religious feeling consists in the constant abstraction of the attributes of 7eity" and their final separation from the primitive concrete conceptionsBthis process re.oicing in the easy$going triple compound of deanthropomorphi;ation" or the disappearance of human attributesBthe Comtists on their side hold to another version.

BBBBBBB I#s the above is repeated from memory" it does not claim to be 9uoted with verbal exactitude" but only to give the gist of the argument. M he epithet is ,r. Huxley%s. )n his lecture in 8dinburgh in &?E?" 6n the Physical Basis of 2ife" this great opponent remarked that #uguste FComte%s philosophy in practice might be compendiously described as Catholicism minus Christianity . . . and" antagonistic to the very essence of !cience.G . . . A!ee p. &DL 2ay !ermons" #ddresses" and 0eviews" 2ondon" ,acmillan" &??L.J g Professor of 8cclesiastical History at the 5niversity of Brussels" in a philosophical 8ssay on the religious meaning of the F5nknowable.G A!ee pp. CK$KE of he Contemporary 8volution of 0eligious hought in 8ngland" #merica and )ndia" trs. by +. ,oden" 2ondon" Wms. Q -orgate" &??K.J BBBBBBB

Page '( hey affirm that fetishism" or the direct worship of nature" was the primitive religion of man" a too protracted evolution alone having landed it in anthropomorphism heir 7eity is Humanity and the 1od they worship" ,ankind" as far as we understand them. he only way" therefore" of settling the dispute" is to ascertain which of the two FphilosophicalG and FscientificG theories" is the less pernicious and the more probable. )s it true to say" as d%#lviellaI assures us" that ,r. !pencer%s F5nknowableG contains all the elements necessary to religion* and" as that remarkable writer is alleged to imply" that Freligious feeling tends to free itself from every moral elementG* or" shall we accept the other extremity and agree with the Comtists" that gradually" religion will blend itself with" merge into" and disappear in altruism and its service to HumanityX 5seless to say that heosophy" while re.ecting the one$sidedness and therefore the limitation in both ideas" is alone able to reconcile the two" i.e." the 8volutionists and the PositivistsBon both metaphysical and practical lines. How to do this it is not here the place to say" as every heosophist ac9uainted with the main tenets of the 8soteric Philosophy can do it for himself. We believe in an impersonal F5nknowableG and know well that the #B!625 8" or #bsoluteness" can have nought to do with worship on anthropomorphic lines* heosophy re.ects the !pencerian FHeG and substitutes the impersonal ) for the personal pronoun" whenever speaking of the #bsolute and the F5nknowable.G #nd it teaches" as foremost of all virtues" altruism and self$sacrifice" brotherhood and compassion for every living creature" without" for all that" worshipping ,an or Humanity. )n the Positivist" moreover" who admits of no immortal soul in men" believes in no future life or reincarnation" such a FworshipG becomes worse than fetishismP it is Zoolatry" the worship of the animals >or that alone which constitutes the real ,an is" in the words of Carlyle" Fthe essence of our being" the mystery in us that calls itself W)%B. . . . a breath of Heaven* the Highest Being reveals himself in man.G his denied" man is but an animalBFthe shame and scandal of the 5niverseG" as Pascal puts it.

BBBBBBB I A)bid. pp. &@'$&K@ .J BBBBBBB

Page '? )t is the old" old story" the struggle of matter and spirit" the Fsurvival of the unfittest"G because of the strongest and the most material. But the period when nascent Humanity" following the law of the natural and dual evolution" was descending along with spirit into matterBis closed. We <Humanity= are now helping matter to ascend toward spirit* and to do that we have to help substance to disenthral itself from the viscous grip of sense. We" of the fifth 0oot 0ace" are the direct descendants of the primeval Humanity of that 0ace* those" who on this side of the >lood tried" by commemorating it" to save the antediluvian ruth and Wisdom" and were worsted in our efforts by the dark genius of the 8arthBthe spirit of matter" whom the 1nostics called )aldabaoth and the +ews +ehovah. hink ye" that even the Bible of ,oses" the book you know so well and understand so badly" has left this claim of the #ncient 7octrine without witnessX )t has not. #llow us to close with a <to you= familiar passage" only interpreted in its true light. )n the beginning of time" or rather" in the childhood of the fifth 0ace" Fthe whole earth was of one lip and of one speech"G saith chapter xi of 1enesis. 0ead esoterically" this means that mankind had one universal doctrine" a philosophy" common to all* and that men were bound by one religion" whether this term be derived from the 2atin word relegere" Fto gather" or be unitedG in speech or in thought" from religens" revering the gods"G or" from religare" Fto be bound fast together.G ake it one way or the other" it means most undeniably and plainly that our forefathers from beyond the FfloodG accepted in common one truthBi.e." they believed in that aggregate of sub.ective and ob.ective facts which form the consistent" logical and harmonious whole called by us the Wisdom$0eligion. -ow" reading the first nine verses of chapter xi between the lines" we get the following information. Wise in their generation" our early fathers were evidently ac9uainted with the imperishable truism which teaches that in union alone lies strengthBin union of thought as well as in that of nations" of course.

Page '' herefore" lest in disunion they should be Fscattered upon the face of the earth"G and their Wisdom$ religion should" in conse9uence" be broken up into a thousand fragments* and lest they" themselves" instead of towering as hitherto" through knowledge" heavenward" should" through blind faith begin gravitating earthwardBthe wise men" who F.ourneyed from the 8ast"G devised a plan. )n those days temples were sites of learning" not of superstition* priests taught divine Wisdom" not man$invented dogmas" and the ultima thule of their religious activity did not centre in the contribution box" as at present. husBFW1o to"% they said" Wlet us build us a city and a tower" whose top may reach unto heaven* and let us make us a name.% #nd they made burnt brick and used it for stone" and built therewith a city and a tower.G !o far" this is a very old story" known as well to a !unday school ragamuffin as to ,r. 1ladstone. Both believe very sincerely that these descendants of the Faccursed HamG were proud sinners whose ob.ect was like that of the itans" to insult and dethrone Zeus$+ehovah" by reaching Fheaven"G the supposed abode of both. But since we find the story told in the revealedI !cripts" it must" like all the rest in them" have its esoteric interpretation. )n this" 6ccult symbolism will help us.

BBBBBBB I # curious and rather unfortunate word to use" since" as a translation from the 2atin revelare" it signifies diametrically the opposite of the now accepted meaning in 8nglish. >or the word Fto revealG or FrevealedG is derived from the 2atin revelare" Fto reveilG and not to reveal i.e." from re FagainG or FbackG and velare Fto veilG or to hide something" from the word velum or Fa vailG <or veil=" a cover. hus" instead of unvailing" or revealing. ,oses has truly only FreveiledG once more the 8gypto$Chaldean theological legends and allegories" into which" as one Flearned in all the Wisdom of 8gyptG he had been initiated. :et ,oses was not the first revealer or reveiler" as 0agon well observes. housands of years before him Hermes was credited with veiling over the )ndian mysteries to adapt them for the land of the Pharaohs. 6f course" at present there is no longer classical authority to satisfy the orthodox philologist" but the occult authority which maintains that originally the word revelare meant to Fveil once more"G and hence that revelation means the throwing a veil over a sub.ect" a blindBis positively overwhelming. BBBBBBB

Page &LL #ll the expressions that we have italici;ed" when read in the original Hebrew and according to the canons of esoteric symbolism" will yield 9uite a different construction. husP &. F#nd the whole earth AmankindJ" was of one lip Ai.e." proclaimed the same teachingsJ and of the same wordsGBnot of FspeechG as in the authori;ed version. -ow the /abalistic meaning of the term FwordsG and FwordG may be found in the Zohar and also in the almud. FWordsG <7abarim= mean Fpowers"G and word" in the singular" is a synonym of Wisdom* e.g." FBy the uttering of ten words was the world createdGB< almud" FPirkey #both"G c. K" ,ish. &=. Here the FwordsG refer to the ten !ephiroth" Builders of the 5niverse. #gainP FBy the Word <Wisdom" 2ogos= of :H3H were the Heavens made.G <ibid.=. C$D. F#nd the manI Athe chief leaderJ said to his neighbour" W1o to" let us make bricks AdisciplesJ and burn them to a burning Ainitiate" fill them with sacred fireJ" let us build us a city Aestablish mysteries and teach the 7octrineJM and a tower AZiggurrat" a sacred temple towerJ whose top may reach unto heaven%G <the highest limit reachable in space=. he great tower of -ebo" of -abi on the temple of Bel" was called Fthe house of the seven spheres of heaven and earth"G and Fthe house of the stronghold <or strength" tagimut= and the foundation stone of heaven and earth.G 6ccult symbology teaches" that to burn bricks for a city means to train disciples for magic" a Fhewn stoneG signifying a full )nitiate" Petra the 1reek and /ephas the #ramaic word for stone" having the same meaning" vi;." Finterpreter of the ,ysteries"G a Hierophant. he supreme initiation was referred to as Fthe burning with great burning.G

BBBBBBB I his is translated from the Hebrew original. Chief$leaderG <0ab$,ag= meaning literally eacher$ ,agician" ,aster or 1uru" as 7aniel is shown to have been in Babylon. M !ome Homeric heroes also when they are said" like 2aomedon Priam%s father" to have built cities" were in reality establishing the ,ysteries and introducing the Wisdom$0eligion in foreign lands. BBBBBBB

Page &L& hus" Fthe bricks are fallen down" but we will build AanewJ with hewn stonesG of )saiah Aix" &LJ becomes clear. >or the true interpretation of the four last verses of the genetic allegory about the supposed Fconfusion of tonguesG we may turn to the legendary version of the :e;idis and read verses K" E" (" and ? in 1enesis" ch. xi" esotericallyPB F#nd #donai Athe 2ordJ came down and saidP WBehold" the people is one Athe people are united in thought and deedJ and they have one lip AdoctrineJ.% #nd now they begin to spread it and Wnothing will be restrained from them Athey will have full magic powers and get all they want by such power" /riyasaktiJ" that they have imagined.%G #nd now what are the :e;idis and their version and what is #d$onaiX #d is Fthe 2ord"G their ancestral god* and the :e;idis are a heretical ,ussulman sect" scattered over #rmenia" !yria" and especially ,osul" the very site of Babel <see Chaldean #ccount of 1enesis=" who are known under the strange name of F7evil$worshippers.G heir confession of faith is very original. hey recogni;e two powers or godsB#llah and #d <or #d$onai=" but identify the latter with !heitan or !atan. his is but natural since !atan is also Fa son of godGI <see +ob" i" E=. #s stated in the Hibbert 2ectures <pp. CDE and CD(=" !atan the F#dversary"G was the minister and angel of 1od. Hence" when 9uestioned on the cause of their curious worship of one who has become the embodiment of 8vil and the dark spirit of the 8arth" they explain the reason in a most logical" if irreverent" manner.

BBBBBBB I )t is commanded in 8cclesiasticus xxi" CL" not to curse !atan" Flest one should forfeit his own life.G WhyX Because in their permutations Fthe 2ord 1od"G ,oses" and !atan are one. he name the +ews gave while in Babylon to their exoteric 1od" the substitute for the true 7eity of which they never spoke or wrote" was the #ssyrian ,osheh or #dar" the god of the scorching sun <the F2ord thy 1od is a consuming flameG verilyd= and therefore" ,osheh or ,oses" shone also. )n 8gypt" yphon <!atan= the red" was identified both with the red #ss or yphon called !et or !eth <and worshipped by the Hittites= and the same as 8l <the !un god of the #ssyrians and the !emites" or +ehovah=" and with ,oses" the red" also. <!ee )sis 5nveiled" 3ol. ))" pp. K@C$@D.= >or ,oses was red$skinned. #ccording to the Zohar <3ol. )" p. @?=P B%sar d%,osheh sooma9" i.e." Fthe flesh of ,oses was deep red"G and the words refer to the saying Fthe face of ,oses was like the face of the !unG <see Rabbalah by )saac ,yer" p. 'C.=

Page &L@ hey tell you that #llah" being #ll$good" would not harm the smallest of his creatures. 8rgo" has he no need of prayers" or burnt$offerings of the Ffirstlings of the flock and the fat thereof.G But that their #d" or the 7evil" being #ll$bad" cruel" .ealous" revengeful and proud" they have" in self$preservation" to propitiate him with sacrifices and burnt offerings smelling sweet in his nostrils" and to coax and flatter him. #sk any !heik of the :e;idis of ,osul what they have to say" as to the confusion of tongues" or speech when #llah Fcame down to see the city and the tower which the children of men had buildedG* and they will tell you it is not #llah but #d" the god !heitan" who did it. he .ealous genius of the earth became envious of the powers and sanctity of men <as the god 3ishnu becomes .ealous of the great powers of the :ogis" even when they were 7aityas=* and therefore this deity of matter and concupiscence confused their brains" tempted and made the FBuildersG fall into his nets* and thus" having lost their purity" they lost therewith their knowledge and magic powers" intermarried and became Fscattered upon the face of the earth.G his is more logical than to attribute to one%s F1od"G the #ll$good" such ungodly tricks as are fathered upon him in the Bible. ,oreover" the legend about the tower of Babel and the confusion of speech" is like much else" not original" but comes from the Chaldeans and Babylonians.

BBBBBBB hese three were the three aspects of the manifested 1od <the substitute for #in !oph" the infinite 7eity= or -ature" in its three chief /ingdomsBthe >iery or !olar" the Human or Watery" the #nimal or 8arthy. here never was a ,osheh or ,oses before the Captivity and 8;ra" the deep /abalist* and what is now ,oses had another name @"LLL years before. Where are the Hebrew scrolls before that timeX ,oreover" we find a corroboration of this in 7r. !ayce%s Hibbert 2ectures <&??(=. #dar is the #ssyrian FWar 1odG or the 2ord of Hosts and the same as ,oloch. he #ssyrian e9uivalent of ,osheh <,oses= is ,Ssu" the FdoubleG or the Ftwin"G and ,Ssu is the title of #dar" meaning also a Fhero.G -o one who reads carefully the said 2ectures from page DL to K? can fail to see that +ehovah" ,Ssu and #dar" with several othersBare permutations. BBBBBBB

Page &LC 1eorge !mith found the version on a mutilated fragment of the #ssyrian tablets" though there is nothing said in it about the confusion of speech. F) have translated the word Wspeech% with a pre.udice"G he says <Chaldean #ccount of 1enesis" p. &EC=" F) have never seen the #ssyrian word with this meaning.G #nyone who reads for himself the fragmentary translation by 1. !mith" on pages &EL$&EC in the volume cited" will find the version much nearer to that of the :e;idis than to the version of 1enesis. )t is he" whose Fheart was evilG and who was Fwicked"G who confused Ftheir counsel"G not their Fspeech"G and who broke Fthe !anctuary . . . which carried Wisdom"G and Fbitterly they wept at Babel.G #nd so ought to FweepG all the philosophers and lovers of ancient Wisdom* for it is since then that the thousand and one exoteric substitutes for the one true 7octrine or lip had their beginning" obscuring more and more the intellects of men" and shedding innocent blood in fierce fanaticism. Had our modern philosophers studied" instead of sneering at" the old Books of WisdomBsay the /abalaBthey would have found that which would have unveiled to them many a secret of ancient Church and !tate. #s they have not" however" the result is evident. he dark cycle of /ali :uga has brought back a Babel of modern thought" compared with which the Fconfusion of tonguesG itself appears a harmony. #ll is dark and uncertain* no argument in any department" neither in sciences" philosophy" law" nor even in religion. But" Fwoe unto them that call evil good" and good evil* that put darkness for light" and light for darknessG" saith )saiah Av" @LJ. he very elements seem confused and climates shift" as if the celestial Fupper tenG themselves had lost their heads. #ll one can do is to sit still and look on" sad and resigned" while F he slack sail shifts from side to side* he boat untrimm%d admits the tide* Borne down adrift" at random toss%d" he oar breaks short" . . . the rudder%s lost.G

Page &LD

% CRITICISM ON % CRITIC A2ucifer" 3ol. 3))" -o. D&" +anuary" &?'&" pp. D&C$D&(J Professor ,ax ,iller in the -ew 0eview and in the !anskrit Critical +ournal. FCritici;e criticism only.G We are glad that Professor ,ax ,iller has noticed us in the +anuary A&?'&J number of the -ew 0eview" as we thus have the opportunity of returning the compliment to the learned philologist" for whose labours in the F!cience of languageG we have always had a profound respect" while at the same time reserving to ourselves our own opinion as to his competency to deal either with the records or matters of #ryan religions or philosophies. he article in 9uestion is entitled FChristianity and BuddhismG" and while we can congratulate neither religion on its treatment by the Professor" we sincerely sympathise with the former in that the championship of the well$known 6rientalist has left her in so sorry a predicament. We shall perhaps at some later date have a few words to say on this sub.ect" pointing out the utter ignorance of even elementary symbology displayed in the paper. #t present" however" we have only to notice the first paragraph" and enter a slight protest in the name of the native pandits in general and of the !anskrit and Pali scholars of the .!. in particular" who are by the way sufficiently numerous in )ndia and Ceylon. he paragraph runs as followsPB Who has not suffered lately from heosophy and 8soteric BuddhismX +ournals are full of it" novels overflow with it" and ohd the private and confidential letters to ask what it all really means. )t is nearly as bad as the #nglo$+ewish cra;e and the 6riginal Home of the #ryans. 8soteric Buddhism has no sweet odour in the nostrils of !anskrit and Pali scholars.

Page &LK hey try to keep aloof from it" and to avoid all controversy with its prophets and prophetesses. But it seems hard on them that they should be blamed for not speaking out" when their silence says really all that is re9uired. Ap. E(J Nmile Burnouf did speak out" however" and the readers of the 0evue des 7eux ,ondes know what he said for heosophy. #nother eminent 6rientalist also accepted the hospitality of 2ucifer%s pages lately" and Professor ,ax ,iller must now pay the penalty of refusing to listen to Harpocrates" and of taking his finger from his lips. >rom this introductory paragraph" we learn the interesting fact that the Professor%s calm is being somewhat disturbed and that in order to overawe a 9uestioning public" he is endeavouring to hide himself in the cloak of scholarship" with its ever$changing hues" and to step onto the lofty pedestal of patronising Western 6rientalism. -ow the 8nglish$speaking public is notorious for its love of fair$play" and is gradually waking up to the fact that it is systematically and studiously kept in ignorance of many things" which prevent it forming a .ust .udgment" and thus is proportionately growing righteously indignant. We" therefore" consider it our duty to let the public see both sides of the picture" by giving further publicity to a criticism of our critic. his we do both on general principles" following that ideal of +ustice which is the cardinal tenet of heosophy* and also in particular" because one of the 6b.ects of the heosophical !ociety is to get learned native gentlemen to instruct the West on the 8astern systems of religion" philosophy and science" and so remove the misconceptions that Western scholars have" consciously or unconsciously" instilled into the minds of their less instructed fellow$countrymen. his criticism" on a !anskrit poem written by the Professor" is reprinted by permission from the !anskrit Critical +ournal" and is instructive not only for the reasons given above" but also because of the information which it contains on the 3edas and the manner in which the Hindus view these hoary relics of the past.

Page &LE he translation of the poem and criticism runs as followsP H8 P68, &. 6h friends" sing forth the praises of that wonderful great fish" whose name is 2aksha" and who is beloved by many people. @. #fter he had grown strong in the sea" and had been well preserved in the rivers" he came back to us a welcome guest. C. ,ay that fish <2aksha= who is to be praised by modern poets as well as by those of old" bring hither towards us the goddess of happiness" 2akshmid D. Come together and look at him" how red his flesh" how beautiful his shape" how he shines like silverd K. When the fish has been well steeped in sauce such as emperors love" full of sweetness and delight. E. hen indeed we long for him here at this congress" the lovely one" a .oy to look at meant to be eaten by men and women. H8 C0) )C)!, H8 ,# !:# !5/ # <&= he ,atsya !ukta is a poem of six stan;as by Professor ,ax ,iller in praise of a fish called !almon" or in 1ermany 2aksha. #fter going through the above" it struck our mind at the first sight that our learned professor has made it a parody of a 3aidic !ukta" for the purpose of pleasing his friends. )f your supposition be correct" we congratulate the professor on his success" but regret at the same time that the 3edas" the most sacred works of the Hindus" upon which the Hindu religion is chiefly and originally based" have been ridiculed in such a childish manner by a great and good man like Professor ,ax ,iller" who is generally regarded as a great admirer of the 3edas" and a chief defender of HinduismP for a parody or mockery like this might lower the 3edas in the estimation of the Hindus" who have held the highest respect from times immemorial.

Page &L( <@= he Hindus consider the 3edas as ever existing with the #lmighty himself" and as not composed by any being. he Hindu philosophers too" after long and earnest discussions" have established the same truth with regard to the 3edas. he ancient sages like 3almiki" 3asishta and 3yasa" etc." who were 0ishis in the true sense of the word" and probably much better ac9uainted with the 3edas than a 0ishi of this iron age" used a new style of language called 2aukika or the language of men" 9uite different from that of the 3edas" for the purpose of keeping the purity of the 3edas unalloyed. By doing this they have strictly prohibited common men from corrupting the 3edas by interpolation of such parodies or .oking poems of their own. )t is evident that a parody like this lowers the 3edas" the original spring of the Hindu religionBan unbearable thing for a Hindu. <C= 6n the other hand if the professor has seriously intended by this to show how vast is his command of the 3aidic language" and how deserving he is of the title <0ishi= which he has assumed" then the whole thing is 9uite absurd as well as highly inappropriate" and his whole attempt in this is an entire failure. <D= >or instance" we first take the name of the poem" ,atsya !ukta. he word !ukta is a purely 3aidic technical term" meaning a collection of ,antras" generally used in addressing a particular deity" so that it is 9uite absurd to use this very word in the sense of a common poem" though it might be a collection of stan;as treating of the same sub.ect. he stan;as written by Professor ,ax ,iller cannot in any way be considered 3aidic ,antras" for as we have already said" according to the Hindu !astras" the 3aidic ,antras are not creations of any existing being. Professor ,ax ,iller is of course well ac9uainted with the fact" but still he calls his poem a !ukta. What greater absurdity can there be than thisX <K= # 3aidic !ukta has" first a deity or the sub.ect matter of which it treats* second" the metre in which it is written* third" the 0ishi by whom it was first seen* and fourth" 3iniyoga" or its use in a particular religious ceremony. 6ur professor following this" also heads his poem with his deity the fish 2aksha" its metre 1ayatri" and its 0ishi the professor himself* but he forgets to mention the last and most important thing" the 3iniyoga" which is without a doubt a great defect" for without knowledge of the 3iniyoga a !ukta is thoroughly useless.

Page &L? <E= )n fact the deity" metre" and 0ishi" Qc." belonging to a !ukta" are all 3aidic technicalities. he deity never means a sub.ect matter treated of in a common poem" but only what has been treated of in a genuine 3aidic !ukta. 7oes the poem under review belong to an original 3eda" 0ic" :a.us or !amanX )f not" then what right has its author to call its sub.ect matter by a name of a deityX We shall be highly obliged if the author will kindly satisfy us with any authority. <(= ,etres are of two kinds" 3aidic and 2aukika. he 3aidic ,etres are chiefly confined to the 3edas while the 2aukikas are only for use in common poetry. !o each of the ,etres" 1ayatri" Qc." has duplicate forms entirely differing from each other. he chief characteristic of the 3aidic form of a ,etre is the accent mark of its words" i.e." each word in it must be marked with its proper accent" for it is said in the Bhashya of Panini that a word without proper accentuation kills the utterer .ust like )ndra !atru. )t is evident from the above that a 3aidic ,etre cannot be used in common poetry" and even in the 3edas every word in it must be marked with its proper accent marks. But we are sorry to see that Professor ,ax ,iller" the great 3aidic scholar of the day" has violated this rule by using the 3aidic form of the 1ayatri ,etre in his own poem" and moreover has not marked his words with their proper accent marks. Wonderful inappropriateness" indeedd <?= -ow regarding the 0ishi" the 0ishi of a !ukta means the first seer of a !ukta" or one to whom the !ukta was first revealed in its complete form. >or according to the Hindu !astras" though the 3edas are ever existing" they have occasionally disappeared at the time of Pralaya or deluge. #nd at the beginning of the new creation they were again partly revealed by the will of 1od to the internal eyes of some particular men who were called 0ishis. here are a good many 0ishis in the 3edas. )t must however be understood here that in every creation the 3edas are revealed to the same men only. !o no new 0ishi can occupy a place in the 3edas. -ow we may ask the favour of the professor%s supplying us with his authority for calling himself a 0ishi" while already knowing that his poem can never be reckoned as an original part of the 3edasX <'= ,oreover the poem indicates neither any extraordinary skill on the author%s part" nor any uncommon scholarship in !anskrit learning* but on the other hand it shows his deficiency in modern !anskrit grammar. he author has written not only in the 3aidic style" but has kept throughout the 3aidic grammatical construction of words" which is not only strictly prohibited to a modern poet" but is also considered asSdhu or incorrect. !o the words Purbhebhih" Qc." though they might be correct according to 3aidic grammar" cannot be used by a modern poet" for none but the 0ishis had the privileges of using such forms of words.

Page &L' he 0ishis" according to the Hindu !astras" are of two kindsP &st" those to whom the ,antras of the 3edas were originally revealed* @nd" those who" being Brahman by caste" are remarkable for learning" asceticism" truthfulness and profound scholarship in the 3edas. #s no 3aidic ,antra has even been revealed to the Professor" the poem under review is of course" not a 3aidic ,antra" neither is he a Brahman by caste. hus it is evident that he has no right to use such forms of words in his composition. he famous poet Bhavabhuti" it is true" followed occasionally the 3aidic style in his writing" but be carefully kept to the modern grammatical construction throughout. !o the modern poets are bound to observe always the rules of modern grammar" otherwise their writings cannot be considered sSdhu or correct. <&L= )n conclusion we may point out that no extraordinary scholarship is to be found in the poem" for the poem consists of six stan;as or eight lines only" but even in these few lines" passages from the 0igveda are borrowed without the slightest alteration" as would appear from the passages 9uoted below from the poem as well as from the 0igveda" placed side by side for comparison.I <&&= >or a !anskrit poet nothing is more discreditable than to borrow passages from another%s works. Besides such words as adbhuta purupriya" Qc." are repeated in ,antras of the same metre <1ayatri= in the 0igveda. see the 0icsP sahasamputro adbhuta" so nobody feels the least difficulty in picking them up. hus we see in the poem the author%s own words are very few and these too do not indicate any capital security in the author. )n our opinion a poem like this is not a creditable performance" even if it comes from the pen of an ordinary !anskrit scholar. <&@= 2astly it struck us very much to see that the word 2akshmi is translated as goddess of happiness. #nyone having the least ac9uaintance with !anskrit literature knows very well that 2akshmi is the goddess of wealth or fortune" and not of happiness. <&C= #fter all the poem is full of inconsistencies and absurdities" which the readers will easily find outP for instance in the third stan;a" the fish 2aksha is said to be praised by modern poets" as well as by those of old times. Here 0ishi is translated into a poet" which is absurd. #gain in )ndia neither the 0ishis of modern nor of ancient times were ac9uainted even with the name of the fish. How then could it be praised by themX

BBBBBBB I >or instance stan;a three. Ap. &LEJ the gem of the whole poem" is word for word the same as the verse cited from the 0igveda.BA87!.J BBBBBBB

Page &&L #nd now a 9uery and a remark to conclude withPB RueryP !upposing a prominent Hindu pandit had parodied one of the Psalms of 7avid" and used it to describe a debauch* we wonder what the !ociety for Promoting Christian /nowledge and the other associations of the Church ,ilitant would have said. :et this is but a feeble comparison" for the rhythm of the 7avidic hymns of initiation is irretrievably lost" thanks to ,asoretic desecration" whereas the swara of the 3edas is still preserved. his is the particular desecration that the Hindus have to complain of in the professor%s poem* not to mention a hundred other things which can only be understood by the reverent mind of the student of esotericism. 0emarkP We are content to leave our scholarship in the reliable hands of native gentlemen" and we prefer Bhatta Pulli to 6xford. A#t the last moment of going to press we learn that paragraph ( is founded on a mistake of the 8uropean copyist" who forwarded a copy of the pamphlet to the writer of the criticism. he accent marks are found in the original.B87!.J

Page &&&

GOING TO %ND "RO A081#07)-1 1)#- ! #-7 H:P-6 )!,J A2ucifer" 3ol. 3))" -o. D&" +anuary" &?'&" pp. DCE$DC(J he giants of old are a fictionBsay the wise men of the modern West. Whenever the bones of an alleged gigantic race of men are found" and speedily made a pretext for the glorification of verse D" chapter vi" in the revealed BookBthere invariably comes a Cuvier to crush the flower of superstition in the bud" by showing that they are only the bones of some 7inotherium giganteum of the family of tapirs. he F!ecret 7octrineG is a fairy tale and the races of giants that preceded our own" a figment of the imagination of the ancients" and nowBof heosophists. he latter are 9uite willing to admit that the occasional appearance of giants and giantesses from seven to nine feet in our modern day" is not a complete proof. hese are not giants in the strict sense of the term" though the scientifically demonstrated tendency to revert to the original type" is there" still unimpaired. o become a complete demonstration of this" the skeleton frames of our modern 1oliaths and the structure of their bones" ought to be proportionate in breadth and thickness to the length of the body and also the si;e of the head. #s this is not the case" the abnormal length may be due as much to hypertrophic causes as to reversion. o all such problems one answer has been constantly given" Ftime will showG <!ee" he !ecret 7octrine" 3ol. ))" p. @(( et se9.= F)f the skeletons of the prehistoric ages have failed so far <which is positively denied= to prove the claim here advanced" it is but a 9uestion of time.G

Page &&@ #nd now it is believed the time has come and the first proof is very satisfactory. We 9uote from he 1alignani ,essenger of +une @& and @C" &?'L" the news of the following find" from an article headed F1iants of 6ldG" which speaks for itselfPB 1iants figure so often in our legends and the most ancient histories of the world that it has been a serious 9uestion whether a race of gigantic men has not existed at some remote period of timeBfor example" during the 9uaternary epochs of the large mammals" the mastodon" mammoth" and so onBand whether the type may not have survived into later times. Pigmies would have a better chance of continuing to subsist under the supremacy of the normal man. he giants" like the greater 9uadrupeds" would be exterminated. 6ur oldest human fossils" however" such as the -eanderthal and Cro$,agnon skulls" do not indicate an extraordinary stature. 3ery tall skeletons have" no doubt" been found in some dolmens and barrows" but they are supposed to belong to the bron;e age race" which is still an element of the 8uropean population. ,. 1. de 2apouge has recently made a discovery which tends to re$open this 9uestion. #t the prehistoric cemetery of Castelnau" near ,ontpellier" which dates from the eras of polished stone and bron;e" he found last winter" among many crania" one of enormous si;e" which could only belong to a man very much over @ metres <E ft. E in.= in height" and of a morphologic type common in the dolmens of 2o;bre. )t was the skull of a healthy youth about &? years of age. ,oreover" in the earth of a tumulus of vast extent" containing cists of the bron;e age" more or less in.ured by superposed sepulchres of the early iron age" he found some fragments of human bones of a most abnormal si;e. >or instance" part of a tibia L.&E metre in circumference" part of a femur L.&C metre in girth" and the inferior part of a humerus twice the ordinary dimensions. 8verything considered ,. de 2apouge estimates that the height of this sub.ect must have been about C metres <&& ft.=Bthat is to say" a veritable giant" according to the popular notion. He must have lived during the 9uaternary period or the beginning of the present" but whether he was an instance of hypertrophy or one of an extinct race of giants" it is impossible as yet to say. !ingularly enough" tradition fixes the valley of a giant very near the spot in the cavern of Castelnau where the bones have been taken from the tumulus. FHypertrophyGBextending over the Flength" breadth" and thicknessG of the body" crowned" moreover with a head" or cranium Fof enormous si;eGBlooks suspiciously like an empty pretext to make an exploding theory hold out a little longer.

Page &&C )t is well that science should be cautious" but even the forty F)mmortalsG in all the ma.esty of their academical slumbers" would be laughed at were they to attempt to make us believe that the abnormal si;e of the 0ussian child$giantess" the six$and$a$ half footer" aged nine" was due to chronic dropsyd BBBBB he criminal use of hypnotic suggestion has come largely to the front in the 8yraud$Bompard trial at Paris. he evidence given by Professor 2iOgeois of the famous medical school at Paris" was particularly interesting. He related the case of a woman whom he had hypnotised" and to whom he had made the suggestion that she had seen two tramps steal @L from a lady" and he told her to go to a magistrate and lay an information. !he did so" and gave an exact description of the two men" repeating her statement on several subse9uent occasions. he professor also gave the further following evidenceP here is a case of a dentist in Paris who" in a state of hypnotism" was seen to steal things out of a broker%s shop. >urther experiments were made upon him" and he was known to commit thefts in his normal state" have no reason whatever for doing so" which were suggested to him while in a state of hypnotism. #n elo9uent preacher" who had often heard of hypnotic Fsuggestion"G experimented on a young man who was a good sub.ect" telling him to go and steal a certain thing and bring it to him. he young man did exactly as he was told. 6n another occasion" acting under directions given him in the same state" the same person astonished the congregation by commencing in a loud voice to read the 1ospels. # third time he was sent to steal and was caught in the act. #n officer in barracks suggested to a hypnoti;able bugler that he was a sub$lieutenant. he bugler at once went to the colonel to announce his promotion" to the astonishment of the colonel" who said" F he man is madd ake him to the infirmary.G When the bugler awoke some hours later he remembered nothing whatever about it" and his adventure caused much amusement among the officers. 7r. 2iOgeois wished to show the .ury some photographs of a hypnoti;able person to whom it was suggested that he had received a severe burn" and this so entered into his system that in thirty$six hours marks appeared on the body as if the burn had really taken place.

Page &&D he PresidentP F) cannot allow that* it is 9uite irregular.G 7r. 2iOgeois then went on with this narration of cases" citing one which occurred at 3ou;iers more than half a century ago" where two murders were committed by a man in an hypnotic state" who was declared irresponsible for his actions. here is no doubt that the general publication of the details and methods of hypnotic suggestion has brought society face to face with a very serious peril. ,any persons will probably think that" after all" there is a good deal to be said for the ancient plan of keeping secret knowledge which placed in the hands of unscrupulous persons control over the subtler forces of -ature.

Page &&K

COMMENTS ON -THE THEOSOPHIC%L SOCIET# %ND H.P.B.. A2ucifer" 3ol. 3))" -o. D@" >ebruary" &?'&" pp. DK&$DKKJ A) gladly give room to the protest which follows. )t is wise and timely" and may" perhaps" ward off worse than Fpetty criticisms of H.P.B.G -eedless to say that ,rs. Besant%s article would not have appeared had ) seen it before publication. But ) may point out to ,r. Patterson that much of his protest" however true" is not exactly aimed at what ,rs. Besant wrote. !he did not say that the . !. taught any particular doctrines" but merely expressed her own view that the position of one who belonged to the . !. and ungenerously carped at the pioneer who founded it was illogical. his is clearly a matter of opinion" and ,r. Patterson puts the opposing view. 6ne has but to read the new FConstitution and 0ules of the heosophical !ocietyG for &?'& <in the !upplement of the +anuary heosophist=" to find in #rticle xiii" @" that Fno >ellow" 6fficer" or Council of the heosophical !ociety" or of any !ection or Branch thereof" shall promulgate or maintain any doctrine as being that advanced or advocated by the !ocietyG* and whatever we do" we have to abide by the 0ules of the .!. ,rs. Besant would have done more wisely to have called her article FComments on the 8. !. of the heosophical !ociety and H.P.B."G she would then have been on the safe side* for a member of the 8.!. who receives instructions emanating from the ,asters of the 6ccult Philosophy" and doubts at the same time the genuineness of the source" or the honesty of the humble transmitter of the old esoteric doctrinesBlies to his own soul" and is untrue to his pledge. He cannot be honest and remain in the 8.!." in such a case. But then" the 8soteric !ection" its 9ualification Fof the .!.G notwithstanding" does not represent the latter" and in future it will drop the additional words altogether.

Page &&E >rom the very beginning its second rule stated" that the F8soteric !ection has no official or corporate connection with the 8xoteric !ocietyG <see 2ucifer of 6ctober" &???=.I Henceforth it will be called Fthe 8soteric !chool of heosophy"G simply. ,eanwhile" ) thank our brother" ,r. Patterson" for giving me this opportunity of expressing my feelings.BH.P.B.J )n the 7ecember number of 2ucifer in an article entitled F he !ociety and H.P.B.G there are the following statementsPB heosophical

F he following article expresses the views of many members of the heosophical !ociety who feel strongly that it is time that some protest should be made against the constant petty criticisms levelled at H.P.B. #s co$editor ) put in this article" which has not been submitted to H.P.B." nor will she see it until the maga;ine is issued* so she is in no sense responsible for its appearance.GB#--)8 B8!#- .

BBBBBBB I A his has reference to the following !tatement which was published in 2ucifer" 3ol. )))" 6ctober" &???" p. &(EP H8 8!6 80)C !8C )6- 6> H8 H86!6PH)C#2 !6C)8 : 6wing to the fact that a large number of >ellows of the !ociety have felt the necessity for the formation of a body of 8soteric students" to be organi;ed on the 60)1)-#2 2)-8! devised by the real founders of the .!." the following order has been issued by the President >ounderPB ). o promote the esoteric interests of the heosophical !ociety by the deeper study of esoteric philosophy" there is hereby organi;ed a body" to be known as the F8soteric !ection of the heosophical !ociety.G )). he constitution and sole direction of the same is vested in ,adame H. P. Blavatsky" as its Head* she is solely responsible to the ,embers for results* and the section has no official or corporate connection with the 8xoteric !ociety save in the person of the President$>ounder. ))). Persons wishing to .oin the !ection" and willing to abide by its rules" should communicate directly withP ,me. H. P. B2#3# !/:" &( 2ansdowne 0oad" Holland Park" 2ondon" W. <!igned= H. !. 62C6 President in Council. #ttestPBH. P. B2#3# !/:. BCompiler.J BBBBBBB "

Page &&( F-ow touching the position of H.P.B." to and in the heosophical !ociety" the following is a brief exposition of it as it appears to many of usPB F<&=. 8ither she is a messenger from the ,asters" or else she is a fraud. F<@=. )n either case the heosophical !ociety would have no existence without her. F<C=. )f she is a fraud she is a woman of wonderful ability and learning" giving all the credit of these to some persons who do not exist. F<D=. )f H.P.B. is a true messenger" opposition to her is opposition to the ,asters" she being their only channel to the Western World. F<K=. )f there are no ,asters" the heosophical !ociety is an absurdity" and there is no use in keeping it up. But if there are ,asters" and H.P.B. is their messenger" and the heosophical !ociety their foundation" the heosophical !ociety and H.P.B. cannot be separated before the world. F)f the members care at all for the future of the !ociety" if they wish to know that the twentieth century will see it standing high above the strife of parties" a beacon$light in the darkness for the guiding of men" if they believe in the eacher who founded it for human service" let them now rouse themselves from slothful indifference" sternly silence all dissensions or petty follies in their ranks" and march shoulder to shoulder for the achievement of the heavy task laid upon their strength and courage. )f heosophy is worth anything it is worth living for and worth dying for. )f it is worth nothing" let it go at once and for all.G BBBBB 6n these last grounds let us stand. )f it is worth anything it is worth living for and dying for* and worth working for and worth writing for" and worth taking some risks for* and at the risk of incurring misunderstanding" and at the risk of hurting the feelings of those whose feelings should not be hurt" this article is written and some exception taken to that .ust 9uoted from.

Page &&? >or it does seem as though its author" through her impetuous kindness and loyalty" had allowed her .udgment to be partially influenced by her feelings. #nd although there are few heosophists who will disagree with her in most of her issues" yet there seems to be a little grain of erroneous opinion in them from which a large and poisonous growth may spring. )f this is so" it is only true brotherliness to point it out. )t lies first in the statement thatP F)f there are no ,asters the heosophical !ociety is an absurdity and there is no use of keeping it upG. #nd again in another statement which saysP F6nce accept the philosophy you must accept her <H.P.B.=.G ,ay not much harm be done by the holding of such viewsX ,ay they not tend to keep many out who would be benefited by being in* and for whom the !ociety was largely foundedX #re not the statements in their nature somewhat dogmaticX Have we not still in our natures some of that intolerance which forcing rather than leading" persecuted in the name of righteousnessX >or there are subtle transformations possible in our characters" which will bring the old faults out in new guises" and we are none" not one" 9uite free from intolerance. he churches have creeds* but applicants for admission are usually given to understand that they need not be fully accepted* and they seldom are. he heosophical !ociety has no creeds" but its members seem scarcely able to avoid making them in spite of all efforts to the contrary. #nd watchfulness as to the heosophical movement must lead those who believe in the ,asters to see how strenuously they and their mouth$piece H.P.B. are working against the development of them. )f this heosophical movement is to be carried on successfully through the three or four generations of the first seventy$five years of the coming century" we must be very heedful. What do the Constitution and the by$laws of the !ociety" what does the application for admission into it tell usX -ot one word as to belief. hey simply contain provisions which tend to guarantee liberty and cultivate tolerance. )s it not contrary to their spirit to sayP F6nce accept the philosophy you must accept herGX

Page &&' #ccept what philosophyX he !ociety has none. -ot long since an earnest student searching for ruth" but not one of our members" asked if we were not +esuitical. Was her position not well takenX )t was" if we as a !ociety have a philosophy. We constantly cry out we have no creeds" no dogmas" no beliefs" and we almost as constantly" or at any rate very fre9uently" unintentionally give the lie to this. #nd why speak of the !ociety as an absurdity without ,astersX #re its ob.ects" especially the first" nothingX )f those ob.ects were even partially lived up to" and again let us say Fespecially the first"G would no good come of itX ,ost certainly" and it is perhaps this good which the ,asters are seeking" rather than the acceptance of any philosophy" or any recognition of themselves.I 8ven a recogni;ed authoritative leader may be dangerous. H.P.B. herself is always inculcating self$reliance" and discouraging any dependence upon others" herself included. !he understands that the true alchemist seeks to have men throw their opinions into one common melting pot" knowing that they will take out all of the ruth which they put in" and some of their errors transmuted. )t is the real change of base metals into gold. )f the !ociety has an authoritative leader" beliefs will be accepted simply on authority" and a belief thus accepted is almost of necessity perverted. 2ook at the doctrines of /arma and 0eincarnation. ,any regard it as 9uite heterodox not to accept them* and yet the first is often made a fetish of" and both are by many crudely understood* the one often being looked at in a way to make of it a positive fatalism" the other a kind of personal resurrection. his comes from reliance upon certain persons or books accepted as authority. !uch reliance is against the presumable wish of the ,asters. We must sei;e on our own truth and digest it ourselvesP and if we do we cannot so pervert it. # true servant should try not simply to obey" but" if possible" to intuitively grasp the wishes of the one served. )n the article referred to in this paper it is said that H.P.B." is Fwilling to efface herself if thereby her mission might the better prosperG

BBBBBBB I 6ur Brother" ,r. Patterson" is 9uite correct.BAH.P.B.J BBBBBBB

Page &@L #nd would she not say F>irst Humanity and then the heosophical !ociety" and last myselfG.I 0eferring to the Coulomb scandal it is said FBut then" instead of closing up around the assailed eacher" and defending to the utmost her position and her honour" the fatal policy was adopted of attempting to minimise her position in the !ocietyG. rue" perhaps* but how best could she have been defendedX #n ill$planned sortie is" of course" unwise here may be a hidden enemy in wait" and we are told that the powers of darkness are very active" vigilant and cunning. We may" in ill$advised movements be simply following out their hypnotic suggestions* and any statement which does not tally with the exact truth is an ill$advised sortie. #nd when it is said thatP F)f there are no ,asters" the heosophical !ociety is an absurdity" and there is no use in keeping it upG" a mis$statement is made. 2et us by all means close round our teacher" but as she would have us* not as we ourselves might like. #nd to do this we must remember that we must lead" not force" people to the truth We must do it with all tenderness" all gentleness" all patience" all sweetness. We must present our views for the weak ones" not the strong ones. -ot in the way of temporising" but by giving out those truths which are most needed We must try to understand that we are now to learn to be true shepherds when our time comes" and while being schooled must bear in mind that it is the lost sheep we are to save. he honest materialist" the honest agnostic" the honest spiritualist" the honest christian$scientist" the honest dogmatic christian" may be an honest disbeliever in H. P. B. and the ,asters" and an honest member of the heosophical !ociety too" provided he is enlisted in the cause of humanity. M

BBBBBBB I ,ost decidedly so* such has been always my principle" and ) hope it is that of my friend and colleague" Col. H. !. 6lcott" our PresidentBAH.P.B.J M ) have repeated these words for yearsP it is my stereotyped answer to en9uirers who ask me whether belief in the ,#! 80! is obligatory in .oining the . !.BAH. P. B.J BBBBBBB

Page &@& 2et us hold the doors wide open* let us set up no unnecessary barriers" and let us wait outside until the last one has entered. We can thus best serve" thus best defend. his is not a policy of silence* it does not prevent our using pen and voice in defence of our beloved leader* but it should prevent making belief in her a 9ualification" even if an unwritten one" for membership in good standing in the heosophical !ociety. here are now many good members who are doubters on this point. 7on%t let us drive them away by intolerance. Perhaps they are under a dark illusion cast by the Brothers of the !hadow. But to force them will not help them" and do no good to any one. )f" metaphorically speaking" we slap the face of any one who may speak disrespectfully of H.P.B." we will not help her reputation but rather strengthen the calumniator in his attitude. 6ur line of defence cannot be well chosen if it does harm. #nd it will do harm if made in such a way as to make a belief in any person or philosophy a criterion of good standing. 2et us stand shoulder to shoulder* let us strengthen those ties which we are forming for this and the coming incarnations* let us by all means be grateful to her from whom so much has come to us and the rest of humanity" but let us for the sake of others be .udicious. 2et us make disbelievers in H.P.B." disbelievers in /arma" disbelievers in 0eincarnation" disbelievers in the ,asters as welcome" or more welcome" into the !ociety than others" provided always they wish to form the nucleus of a universal brotherhood. #ll this is said earnestly and sincerely" but with some trepidation" the higher plane of carelessness not having been attained" and indifference to others% opinions not having been ac9uired. But when so prominent a member of our !ociety as the author of F he heosophical !ociety and H.P.B.G propounds what appears to some of us dangerous doctrine" we have no right to be silent. H. . P# 80!6-" >. .!.

Page &@@

MISCELL%NEOUS NOTES A2ucifer" 3ol. 3))" -o. D&" +anuary" &?'&" p. C'@J A,ax ,iller is mentioned as saying that !iva was drinking Bhang. o this H.P.B. remarksPJ Bhang is exoterically a strong intoxicant* but in esoteric symbology it stands for one of the siddhis or occult powers. But a Western !anskritist may be well pardoned for being ignorant of the difference.

THE INDI%N GENER%L SECRET%R#SHIP A he heosophist" 3ol. 4))" -o. K" !upplement to >ebruary" &?'&" p. xxiiJ 6 C626-82 H. !. 62C6 #dyar" ,adras. ,y 7ear Colleague" ) hereby heartily approve of your appointment of ,r. Bertram /eightley to be 1eneral !ecretary of the )ndian !ection. #lthough ) shall thus be deprived of his services for a longer period than was originally contemplated" still ) am very pleased that he should be able to assist you and our )ndian brethren in any way possible. :ours most fraternally" H. P. B2#3# !/:. " President$>ounder of he heosophical !ociety"

Page &@C THE DEVIL$S OWN THOUGHTS ON ORMU/D %ND %HRIM%N A2ucifer" 3ol. 3)))" -o. DC" ,arch" &?'&" pp. &$'J FHail" holy 2ight" offspring of Heaven first$bornd 6r of the 8ternal coeternal beam ,ay ) express thee unblamedX since 1od is light" #nd never but in unapproached light 7welt from eternityBdwelt then in thee" Bright effluence of bright essence increatedG B,ilton" Paradise 2ost" Book )))" lines &$E. F!atan with thoughts inflamed of highest design" Puts on swift wings" and toward the gates of Hell 8xplores his solitary flight . . . . G )bid." Book ))" lines ECL$EC@. -o more philosophically profound" no grander or more graphic and suggestive type exists among the allegories of the World$religions than that of the two Brother$ Powers of the ,a;dean religion" called #hura ,a;da and #ngra ,ainyu" better known in their moderni;ed form of 6rmu;d and #hriman. 6f these two emanations" F!ons of Boundless imeGBZeruana$#karanaBitself issued from the !upreme and 5nknowable Principle"I the one is the embodiment of F1ood houghtG <3oha$ ,anT=" the other of F8vil houghtG <kT$,anT=. he F/ing of 2ightG or #hura ,a;da" emanates from Primordial 2ightM and forms or creates by means of the FWord"G Honover <#huna$3airya=" a pure and holy world. But #ngra ,ainyu" though born as pure as his elder brother" becomes .ealous of him" and mars everything in the 5niverse" as on the earth" creating !in and 8vil wherever he goes.
BBBBBBB I hough this deity is the F>irst$born"G yet metaphysically and logically 6rmu;d comes in order as a fourth emanation <compare with Parabrahm$,ulaprakriti and the three 2ogoi" in he !ecret 7octrine=. He is the 7eity of the manifested plane. )n the esoteric interpretation of the #vestian sacred allegories" #H50# or #!50# is a generic name for the sevenfold 7eity" the 0uler of the !even Worlds* and Hvaniratha <our earth= is the fourth" in plane and number. We have to distinguish between such names as #hura ,a;dSo" 3arana" the F!upremeG deity and the synthesis of the #meshSspends" etc. he real order would beP the !upreme or the 6ne 2ight" called the 8ternal" then Zeruana$#karana <compare 3ishnu in his abstract sense as the Boundless pervading #ll and /Sla" ime=" the >ravashi or the >erouer of 6rmu;d <that eternal 7ouble or )mage which precedes and survives every god" man and animal=" and finally #hura ,a;da Himself. BBBBBBB

Page &@D he two Powers are inseparable on our present plane and at this stage of evolution" and would be meaningless" one without the other. hey are" therefore" the two opposite poles of the 6ne ,anifested Creative Power" whether the latter is viewed as a 5niversal Cosmic >orce which builds worlds" or under its anthropomorphic aspect" when its vehicle is thinking man. >or 6rmu;d and #hriman are the respective representatives of 1ood and 8vil" of 2ight and 7arkness" of the spiritual and the material elements in man" and also in the 5niverse and everything contained in it. Hence the world and man are called the ,acrocosm and the ,icrocosm" the great and the small universe" the latter being the reflection of the former. 8ven exoterically" the 1od of 2ight and the 1od of 7arkness are" both spiritually and physically" the two ever$contending >orces"
BBBBBBB M Zeruana$#karana means" at the same time" )nfinite 2ight" Boundless ime" )nfinite !pace and >ate </arma=. !ee 3endidad" >arg. xix" ' <@'=. BBBBBBB

+806,8 #-780!6&?D($X 0eproduced from he Path" -ew :ork" 3ol. 3)))" #pril" &?'C.

Page &@K whether in Heaven or on 8arth.I he Parsis may have lost most of the keys that unlock the true interpretations of their sacred and poetical allegories" but the symbolism of 6rmu;d and #hriman is so self$evident" that even the 6rientalists have ended by interpreting it" in its broad features" almost correctly. #s the translator of the 3endidad writes" F2ong before the Parsis had heard of 8urope and Christianity" commentators" explaining the myth of ahmurath" who rode for thirty years on #hriman as a horse" interpreted the feat of the old legendary king as the curbing of evil passions and restraining #hriman in the heart of man.GM he same writer broadly sums up ,agism in this wisePB he world" such as it is now" is twofold" being the work of two hostile beings" #hura ,a;da" the good principle" and #ngra ,ainyu" the evil principle* all that is good in the world comes from the former" all that is bad in it comes from the latter. he history of the world is the history of their conflict" how #ngra ,ainyu invaded the world of #hura ,a;da and marred it" and how he shall be expelled from it at last. ,an is active in the conflict" his duty in it being laid before him in the law revealed by #hura ,a;da to Zarathustra. When the appointed time is come a son of the lawgiver" still unborn" named !aoshyant <!osiosh= will appear" #ngra ,ainyu and hell will be destroyed" men will rise from the dead" and everlasting happiness will reign over all the world.

BBBBBBB I he Parsis" the last relic of the ancient ,agi" or >ire$worshippers of the noble Zoroastrian system" do not degrade their 7eity by making him the creator of the evil spirits as well as of the pure angels. hey do not believe in !atan or the 7evil" and therefore" their religious system cannot in truth be termed dualistic. # good proof of this was afforded about half a century ago" at Bombay" when the 0ev. 7r. Wilson" the 6rientalist" debated the sub.ect with the Parsi high$priests" the 7asturs. he latter very philosophically denied his imputation" and demonstrated to him that far from accepting the texts of their !acred Books literally" they regarded them as allegorical as far as #hriman was concerned. >or them he is a symbolical representation of the disturbing elements in /osmos and of the evil passions and animal instincts in man <3endidad=. M 3endidad" trans. by +. 7armesteter. F)ntroductionG p. lvi. BBBBBBB

Page &@E #ttention is drawn to the sentences italicised by the writer" as they are esoteric. >or the !acred Books of the ,a;deans as all the other sacred !criptures of the 8ast <the Bible included=" have to be read esoterically. he ,a;deans had practically two religions" as almost all the other ancient nationsBone for the people and the other for the initiated priests. 8soterically" then" the underlined sentences have a special significance" the whole meaning of which can be obtained only by the study of occult philosophy. hus" #ngra ,ainyu" being confessedly" in one of its aspects" the embodiment of man%s lowest nature" with its fierce passions and unholy desires" Fhis hellG must be sought for and located on earth. )n occult philosophy there is no other hellBnor can any state be comparable to that of a specially unhappy human wretch. -o FasbestosG soul" inextinguishable fires" or Fworm that never dies"G can be worse than a life of hopeless misery upon this earth. But it must" as it has once had a beginning" have also an end. #hura ,a;da alone"I being the divine" and therefore the immortal and eternal symbol of FBoundless ime"G is the secure refuge the spiritual haven of man. #nd as ime is twofold" there being a measured and finite time within the Boundless" #ngra ,ainyu is only a periodical and temporary 8vil. He is Heterogeneity as developed from Homogeneity. 7escending along the scale of differentiating nature on the cosmic planes" both #hura ,a;da and #ngra ,ainyu become" at the appointed time" the representatives and the dual type of man" the inner or divine )-7)3)75#2) :" and the outer personality" a compound of visible and invisible elements and principles. #s in heaven" so on earth* as above" so below. )f the divine light in man" the Higher !pirit$!oul" forms including itself" the seven #meshaspends <of which 6rmu;d is the seventh" or the synthesis=" #hriman" the thinking personality the animal soul" has in its turn its seven #rchidevs opposed to the seven #meshSspends.

BBBBBBB I #hura ,a;da stands here no longer as the supreme 6ne 1od of eternal 1ood and 2ight" but as its own 0ay" the divine 816 which informs manBunder whatever name. BBBBBBB

Page &@( 7uring our life cycle" the good :a;atas" the ''"''' >ravashi <or >erouers= and even the FHoly !evenG" the #meshSspends themselves"I are almost prowerless against the Host of wicked 7evsBthe symbols of cosmic opposing powers and of human passions and sins.M >iends of evil" their presence radiates and fills the world with moral and physical illsP with disease" poverty" envy and pride" with despair" drunkenness" treachery" in.ustice" and cruelty" with anger and bloody$handed murder. 5nder the advice of #hriman" man from the first made his fellow$man to weep and suffer. his state of things will cease only on the day when #hura ,a;da" the sevenfold deity" assumes his seventh nameg or aspect. hen" will he send his FHoly WordG ,athra !penta <or the F!oul of #huraG= to incarnate in !aoshyant !osiosh=" and the latter will con9uer #ngra ,ainyu. !osiosh is the prototype of Fthe faithful and the trueG of the 0evelation" and the same as 3ishnu in the /alki$avatara. Both are expected to appear as the !aviour of the World" seated on a white horse and followed by a host of spirits or genii" mounted likewise on milk$white steeds. #nd then" men will arise from the dead and immortality come._

BBBBBBB I he gods of light" the Fimmortal seven"G of whom #hura ,a;da is the seventh. hey are deified abstractions. M 6r devils. g )n verse &Eth of :asht 4)4 AZamySd :ashtJ we readP F) invoke the glory of the #meshSspends" who all seven" have one and the same thinking" one and the same speaking" one and the same doing" one and the same lord" #hura ,a;da.G #s an occult teaching saysP 7uring each of the seven periods <0aces= the chief ruling 2ight is given a new nameP i.e." one of the seven hidden names" the initials of which compose the mystery name of the !eptenary Host" viewed as one. -osk" ii. &(E. Compare 0ev." xix" &&$&D" F) saw heaven opened" and behold a white horse* and he that sat upon him . . . and the armies followed him upon white horses.G _ :asht xix" ?' et se9. BBBBBBB

Page &@? -ow the latter is of course purely allegorical. )t stands in the occult sense" that materialism and sin being called death" the materialist" or the unbeliever" is Fa dead manGBspiritually. 6ccultism has never regarded the physical personality as the man* nor has Paul" if his 8pistle to the 0omans <vi$vii=" is correctly understood. hus mankind" arrived Fat the appointed timeG <the end of our present 0ound=" at the end of the cycle of gross material flesh" will" with certain bodily changes" have come to a clearer spiritual perception of the truth. 0edemption from flesh means a proportionate redemption from sin. ,any are those who seeing will believe" and" in conse9uence" rise Ffrom the dead.G By the middle of the !eventh 0ace" says an occult prophecy" the struggle of the two conflicting Powers <Buddhi and /ama$,anas= will have almost died out. 8verything that is irredeemably sinful and wicked" cruel and destructive" will have been eliminated" and that which is found to survive will be swept away from being" owing" so to speak" to a /armic tidal$wave in the shape of scavenger$ plagues" geological convulsions and other means of destruction. he >ifth 0ound will bring forth a higher kind of Humanity* and" as intelligent -ature always proceeds gradually" the last 0ace of this 0ound must necessarily develop the needed materials thereof. ,eanwhile" we are still in the >ifth 0ace of the >ourth 0ound only" and in the /aliyuga" into the bargain. he deadly strife between spirit and matter" between 2ight and 1oodness and 7arkness and 8vil" began on our globe with the first appearance of contrasts and opposites in vegetable and animal nature" and continued more fiercely than ever after man had become the selfish and personal being he now is. -or is there any chance of its coming to an end before falsehood is replaced by truth" selfishness by altruism" and supreme .ustice reigns in the heart of man. ill then" the noisy battle will rage unabated. )t is selfishness" especially* the love of !elf above all things in heaven and earth" helped by human vanity" which is the begetter of the seven mortal sins. -o* #shmogh" the cruel Fbiped serpent"G is not so easily reduced.

Page &@' Before the poor creature now in the clutches of 7arkness is liberated through 2ight" it has to know itself. ,an" following the 7elphic in.unction" has to become ac9uainted with" and gain the mastery over" every nook and corner of his heterogeneous nature" before he can learn to discriminate between H),!82> and his personality. o accomplish this difficult task" two conditions are absolutely re9uisiteP one must have thoroughly realised in practice the noble Zoroastrian preceptP F1ood thoughts" good words" good deeds"G and must have impressed them indelibly on his soul and heart" not merely as a lip$utterance and form$observance. #bove all" one has to crush personal vanity beyond resurrection. Here is a suggestive fable and a charming allegory from the old Zoroastrian works. >rom the first incipient stage of #ngra ,ainyu%s power" he and his wicked army of fiends opposed the army of 2ight in everything it did. he demons of lust and pride" of corruption and impiety" systematically destroyed the work of the Holy 6nes. )t is they who made beautiful blossoms poisonous* graceful snakes" deadly* bright fires" the symbol of deity" full of stench and smoke* and who introduced death into the world. o light" purity" truth" goodness and knowledge" they opposed darkness" filth" falsehood" cruelty and ignorance. #s a contrast to the useful and clean animals created by #hura ,a;da" #ngra ,ainyu created wild beasts and bloodthirsty fowls of the air. He also added insult to in.ury and deprecated and laughed at the peaceful and inoffensive creations of his elder brother. F)t is thine envy"G said the holy :a;atas one day to the unholy fiend" the evil$hearted" F hou art incapable of producing a beautiful and harmless being" 6 cruel #ngra ,ainyuG. . . he arch$fiend laughed and said that he could. >orthwith he created the loveliest bird the world had ever seen. )t was a ma.estic peacock" the emblem of vanity and selfishness" which is self$adulation in deeds. F2et it be the /ing of Birds"G 9uoth the 7ark 6ne" Fand let man worship him and act after his fashion.G

Page &CL >rom that day F,elek ausG <the #ngel Peacock= became the special creation of #ngra ,ainyu" and the messenger through which the arch$fiend is invoked by someI and propitiated by all men. How often does one see strong$hearted men and determined women moved by a strong aspiration towards an ideal they know to be the true one" battling successfully" to all appearance" with #hriman and con9uering him. heir external !elves have been the battle$ground of a most terrible" deadly strife between the two opposing Principles* but they have stood firmlyBand won. he dark enemy seems con9uered* it is crushed in fact" so far as the animal instincts are concerned. Personal selfishness" that greed for self" and self only" the begetter of most of the evilsBhas vanished* and every lower instinct" melting like soiled icicles under the beneficent ray of #hura ,a;da" the radiant 816$!5-" has disappeared" making room for better and holier aspirations. :et" there lurks in them their old and but partially destroyed vanity" that spark of personal pride which is the last to die in man. 7ormant it is" latent and invisible to all" including their own consciousness* but there it is still. 2et it awake but for an instant" and the seemingly crushed$out personality comes back to life at the sound of its voice" arising from its grave like an unclean ghoul at the command of the midnight incantator. >ive hoursBnay" five minutes evenBof life under its fatal sway" may destroy the work of years of self$control and training" and of laborious work in the service of #hura ,a;da" to open wide the door anew to #ngra ,ainyu. !uch is the result of the silent and unspoken but ever$present worship of the only beautiful creation of the !pirit of !elfishness and 7arkness. 2ook around you and .udge of the deadly havoc made by this last and most cunning of #hriman%s productions notwithstanding its external beauty and harmlessness. Century after century" year after year" all is changing* everything is progressing in this world* one thing only changeth notBhuman nature.

BBBBBBB I he :e;idis" or F7evil Worshippers"G some of whom inhabit the plains of ancient Babylonia" to this day worship ,elek aus" the peacock" as the messenger of !atan and the mediator between the #rch$fiend and men. BBBBBBB

Page &C& ,an accumulates knowledge" invents religions and philosophies" but himself remains still the same. )n his ceaseless chase after wealth and honours and the will$ o%$the$wisps of novelty" en.oyment and ambition" he is ever moved by one chief motorBvain selfishness. )n these days of so$called progress and civili;ation" when the light of knowledge claims to have replaced almost everywhere the darkness of ignorance" how many more volunteers do we see added to the army of #hura ,a;da" the Principle of 1ood and 7ivine 2ightX #las" the recruits of #ngra ,ainyu" the ,a;dean !atan" outnumber these" daily more and more. hey have overrun the world" these worshippers of ,elek aus" and the more they are enlightened the easier they succumb. his is only natural. 2ike ime" both the boundless and the finite" 2ight is also twofold* the divine and the eternal" and the artificial light" which paradoxically but correctly defined" is the darkness of #hriman. Behold on what ob.ects the best energies of knowledge" the strongest human activity" and the inventive powers of man are wasted at the present hourP on the creation" amelioration and perfection of war$ engines of destruction" on guns and smokeless powders" and weapons for the mutual murder and decimation of men. 1reat Christian nations seek to outvie each other in the discovery of better means for destroying human life" and for the sub.ecting by the strongest and the craftiest of the weakest and the simplest" for no better reason than to feed their peacock$vanity and self$adulation* and Christian men eagerly follow the good example. Whereon is spent the enormous wealth accumulated through private enterpri;e by the more enlightened through the ruin of the less intelligentX )s it to relieve human suffering in every form" that riches are so greedily pursuedX -ot at all. >or now" .ust as &"'LL years ago" while the beggar 2a;arus is glad to feed on the crumbs that fall from the rich man%s table" no means are neglected by 7ives to hedge himself off from the poor. he minority that gives and takes care that its left hand remains ignorant of what its right hand bestows" is 9uite insignificant when compared with the enormous ma.ority who are lavish in their charityBonly because they are eager to see their names heralded by the press to the world.

Page &C@ 1reat is the power of #hrimand ime rolls on" leaving with every day the ages of ignorance and superstition further behind" but bringing us in their stead only centuries of ever$increasing selfishness and pride. ,ankind grows and multiplies" waxes in strength and <book$= wisdom* it claims to have penetrated into the deepest mysteries of physical nature* it builds railroads and honeycombs the globe with tunnels* it erects gigantic towers and bridges" minimi;es distances" unites the oceans and divides whole continents. Cables and telephones" canals and railways more and more with every hour unite into one FhappyG family" but only to furnish the selfish and the wily with every means of stealing a better march on the less selfish and improvident. ruly the Fupper tenG of science and wealth have sub.ected to their sweet will and pleasure" the #ir and the 8arth" the 6cean and the >ire. his" our age" is one of progress" indeed" an era of the most triumphant display of human genius. But what good has all this great civili;ation and progress done to the millions in the 8uropean slums" to the armies of the Fgreat unwashedGX Have any of these displays of genius added one comfort more to the lives of the poor and the needyX )s it not true to say that distress and starvation are a hundred times greater now than they were in the days of the 7ruids or of ZoroasterX #nd is it to help the hungry multitudes that all this is invented" or again" only to sweep off the couch of the rich the last$forgotten rose$ leaves that may uncomfortably tickle their well$fed bodiesX 7o electric wonders give one additional crust of bread to the starvingX 7o the towers and the bridges" and the forests of factories and manufactures" bring any mortal good to the sons of men" save giving an additional opportunity to the wealthy to vampiri;e or FsweatG their poorer brotherX When" ) ask again" at what time of the history of mankind" during its darkest days of ignorance" when was there known such ghastly starvation as we see nowX When has the poor man wept and suffered" as he weeps and suffers in the present day Bsay" in 2ondon" where for every club$visitor who dines and wines himself daily" at a price that would feed twenty$five families for a whole day" one may count hundreds and thousands of starving wretches.

Page &CC 5nder the very windows of the fashionable City restaurants" radiant with warmth and electric lights" old trembling women and little children may be seen daily" shivering and fastening their hungry eyes on the food they smell each time the entrance door is opened. hen they Fmove onGBby order" to disappear in the dark gloom" to starve and shiver and finally to die in the fro;en mud of some gutter. . . . he FpaganG Parsis know not" nor would their community tolerate" any beggars in its midst" least of allB ! #03# )6-d !elfishness is the chief prompter of our age* Chacun pour soi" 7ieu pour tout le monde" its watchword. Where then is the truth" and what practical good has done that light brought to mankind by the F2ight of the World"G as claimed by every ChristianX 6f the F2ights of #siaG 8urope speaks with scorn" nor would it recogni;e in #hura ,a;da a divine light. #nd yet even a minor light <if such= when practically applied for the good of suffering mankind" is a thousand times more beneficent than even infinite 2ight" when confined to the realm of abstract theories. )n our days the latter 2ight has only succeeded in raising the pride of Christian nations to its acme" in developing their self$adulation" and fostering hard$heartedness under the name of all$ binding law. he FpersonalityG of both nation and individual has thrown deep roots into the soil of selfish motives* and of all the flowers of modern culture those that blossom the most luxuriously are the flowers of polite >alsehood" 3anity" and !elf$ exaltation. >ew are those who would confess or even deign to see" that beneath the brilliant surface of our civili;ation and culture lurks" refusing to be dislodged" all the inner filth of the evils created by #hriman* and indeed" the truest symbol" the very picture of that civili;ation is the last creation of the #rch$fiendBthe beautiful Peacock. ruly saith heosophy unto youBit is the 7evil%s 6wn.

Page &CD

MISCELL%NEOUS NOTES A2ucifer" 3ol. 3)))" -o. DC" ,arch" &?'&" pp. C&" ?KJ A!peaking of the renowned painter" #ntoine Wiert;. the writer says that Fhe felt convinced that in the forthcoming ages" men will become in knowledge as well as in physi9ue colossal giants in comparison with us" the present pigmies.G o this H.P.B. remarksPJ his is a teaching of occult philosophy. heosophists believing in cycles feel confident that our races will ultimately return to their primeval gigantic si;e and conse9uently to their knowledge of the secrets of nature. A)n one of his canvases" Wiert; has represented the ,en of the >uture* they are shown moving in the heavenly spaces" where they drive chariots" fly about" and rest on clouds* they en.oy omniscience in a world free from strife. o this H.P.B. remarksPJ 6ccult heosophy teaches us that such is the fate in store for the highest of the men of the seventh 0ound and 0ace. Wiert; was an unconscious heosophist. BBBBB A)n connection with a statement to the effect that H.P.B. went to )ndia Fled by the 1reat !pirit" who is in constant communion with the spirits of the other world.GJ he individual of that name is not aware of having been led into )ndia by any F!piritG" great or small. Colonel H. !. 6lcott and H. P. Blavatsky went to )ndia because such was the wish of their ,#! 80! in 8astern philosophy" and those ,asters are no F!pirits"GBbut living men.

Page &CK

0BERTR%M 1EIGHTLE# %ND THE THEOSOPHIST2 A he original of this 2etter is in the #dyar #rchives.J 2ondon" ,arch @L" &?'&. ) hereby authori;e Bertram /eightly to receive my share of the proceeds of he heosophist maga;ine and utili;e such monies for the current expenses of the )ndian !ection of the . !." or for any pressing needs of the Head9uarters at #dyar. H. P. B2#3# !/:.

0%NNIE BES%NT %ND THE ESOTERIC SECTION2 A he following two documents are in the #rchives of the heosophical !ociety" #dyar" ,adras" )ndia. he first one is in the handwriting of 1.0.!. ,ead and is signed by H.P.B. o the left of her signature appears the undeciphered hieroglyphic which is reproduced in facsimile. he acknowledgment below is in the handwriting of William Ruan +udge.J !trictly Private" heosophical !ociety" 8.!. &'" #venue 0oad" 0egent%s Park" 2ondon" -.W." ,arch C&" &?'&. ) hereby appoint ,rs. #nnie Besant <Councillor of the 8.!.= to be my agent and representative during her visit to the 5.!.

Page &CE !he is directed to call together 2odges and 1roups of the 8.!. whenever practicable and to explain such matters as are necessary. Bro. W. R. +udge is re9uested to give ,rs. Besant all the aid necessary for this undertaking. H. P. B2#3# !/: . . . Head of the 8.!.

0ead and 0ecorded #pril &&'&" W)22)#, R5#- +5718 !ec. 5.!. A he second document is in the handwriting of H.P.B. and is acknowledged in the hand of W.R. +udge.J

8. !. 60780 ) hereby appoint in the name of the ,#! 80" #nnie Besant Chief !ecretary of the )nner 1roup of the 8soteric !ection Q 0ecorder of the eachings. H. P. B. . . .

Page &C( o #nnie Besant" C.!. of the ).1. of the 8.!. Q 0. of the . #pril &" &?'&. 0ead and 0ecorded #pril &&'&. William R. +udge" !ec. 5.!. BBBBBB

Page &C?

THE NEG%TORS O" SCIENCE A2ucifer" 3ol. 3)))" -o. DD" #pril" &?'&" pp. ?'$'?J #s for what thou hearest others say" who persuade the many that the soul" when once freed from the body" neither suffers evil nor is conscious" ) know that thou art better grounded in the doctrines received by us from our ancestors and in the sacred orgies of 7ionysos" than to believe them* for the mystic symbols are well known to us" who belong to the FBrotherhood.G BP25 #0CH. 6f late" heosophists in general" and the writer of the present paper especially" have been severely taken to task for disrespect to science. We are asked what right we have to 9uestion the conclusions of the most eminent men of learning" to refuse recognition of infallibility <which implies omniscience= to our modern scholarsX How dare we" in short" Fcontemptuously ignoreG their most undeniable and Funiversally accepted theories"G etc." etc. his article is written with the intention of giving some reasons for our sceptical attitude. o begin with" in order to avoid a natural misunderstanding in view of the preceding paragraph" let the reader at once know that the title" F he -81# 60! of !cience"G applies in nowise to heosophists. Ruite the reverse. By F!cienceG we here mean #-C)8- W)!76," while its F-egatorsG represent modern materialistic !cientists.

Page &C' hus we have once more Fthe sublime audacityG of" 7avid$like" confronting" with an old$fashioned theosophical sling for our only weapon" the giant 1oliath Farmed with a coat of mail"G and weighing Ffive thousand shekels of brass"G truly. 2et the Philistine deny facts" and substitute for them his Fworking hypothesesPG we re.ect the latter and defend facts" Fthe armies of the one living 05 H.G he frankness of this plain statement is certain to awake all the sleeping dogs" and to set every parasite of modern science snapping at our editorial heels. F hose wretched heosophistsdG will be the cry. FHow long shall they refuse to humble themselves* and how long shall we bear with this evil congregationXG Well" it will certainly take a considerable time to put us down" as more than one experiment has already shown. 3ery naturally" our confession of faith must provoke the wrath of every sycophant of the mechanical and animalistic theories of the 5niverse and ,an* and the numbers of these sycophants are large" even if not very awe$inspiring. )n our cycle of wholesale denial the ranks of the 7idymi are daily reinforced by every new$ baked materialist and so$called Finfidel"G who escapes" full of reactive energy" from the narrow fields of church dogmatism. We know the numerical strength of our foes and opponents" and do not underrate it. ,oreP in this present case even some of our best friends may ask" as they have done before nowP FCui bonoX why not leave our highly respectable" firmly$rooted" official !cience" with her scientists and their flunkeys" severely aloneXG >urther on it will be shown why* when our friends will learn that we have very good reason to act as we do. With the true" genuine man of science" with the earnest" impartial" unpre.udiced and truth$loving scholarBof the minority" alasd we can have no 9uarrel" and he has all our respect. But to him who" being only a specialist in physical sciencesBhowever eminent" matters notBstill tries to throw into the scales of public thought his own materialistic views upon metaphysical and psychological 9uestions <a dead letter to him= we have a good deal to say. -or are we bound by any laws we know of" divine or human" to respect opinions which are held erroneous in our school" only because they are those of so$called authorities in materialistic or agnostic circles.

Page &DL Between truth and fact <as we understand them= and the working hypotheses of the greatest living physiologistsBthough they answer to the names of ,essers. Huxley" Claude Bernard" 7u Bois$0eymond" etc." etc.Bwe hope never to hesitate for one instant. )f" as ,r. Huxley once declared" soul" immortality and all spiritual things Flie outside of AhisJ philosophical en9uiryG <Physical Basis of 2ife="I then" as he has never en9uired into these 9uestions" he has no right to offer an opinion. hey certainly lie outside the grasp of materialistic physical science" and" what is more important" to use 7r. Paul 1ibier%s felicitous expression" outside the luminous ;one of most of our materialistic scientists. hese are at liberty to believe in the Fautomatic action of nervous centresG as primal creators of thought* that the phenomena of will are only a complicated form of reflex actions" and what notBbut we are as much at liberty to deny their statements. hey are specialistsBno more. #s the author of 2e !piritisme <fakirisme occidental= admirably depicts it" in his latest workPB # number of persons" extremely enlightened on some special point of science" take upon themselves the right of pronouncing arbitrarily their .udgment on all things* are ready to re.ect everything new which shocks their ideas" often for the sole reason that if it were true they could not remain ignorant of itd >or my part ) have often met this kind of self$sufficiency in men whom their knowledge and scientific studies ought to have preserved from such a sad moral infirmity" had they not been specialists" holding to their specialty. )t is a sign of relative inferiority to believe oneself superior. )n truth" the number of intellects afflicted with such gaps <lacunes= is larger than is commonly believed. #s there are individuals completely refractory to the study of music" of mathematics" etc." so there are others to whom certain areas of thought are closed. !uch of these who might have distinguished themselves in . . . . medicine or literature" would probably have signally failed in any occupation outside of what ) will call their lucid ;one"

BBBBBBB I AHuxley" homas" F6n the Physical Basis of 2ife"G sermon delivered at 8dinburgh" -ov. ?" &?E?" published subse9uently in the >ortnightly 0eview. !ee 2ay !ermons" #ddresses" and 0eviews of Prof. Huxley" &??L ed.BCompiler.J BBBBBBB

Page &D& by comparison with the action of those reflectors" which" during night" throw their light into a ;one of luminous rays" outside of which all is gloomy shadow and uncertainty. 8very human being has his own lucid ;one" the extension" range and degree of luminosity of which" varies with each individual. here are things which lie outside the conceptivity of certain intellects* they are outside their lucid ;one.I . . . . . his is absolutely true whether applied to the scientist or his profane admirer. #nd it is to such scientific specialists that we refuse the right to sit in !olomon%s seat" in .udgment over all those who will not see with their eyes" nor hear with their ears. o them we sayP We do not ask you to believe as we do" since your ;one limits you to your specialty* but then do not encroach on the ;ones of other people. #nd" if you will do so nevertheless" if" after laughing in your moments of honest frankness at your own ignorance* after stating repeatedly" orally and in print" that you" physicists and materialists" know nothing whatever of the ultimate potentialities of matter" nor have you made one step towards solving the mysteries of life and consciousnessB you still persist in teaching that all the manifestations of life and intelligence" and the phenomena of the highest mentality" are merely properties of that matter of which you confess yourselves 9uite ignorant"M thenB

BBBBBBB I Physiologie ranscendentale. #nalyse des Choses. . . . 7r. Paul 1ibier" 7entu" Paris" <&??'= pp. CC" CD. M F)n perfect strictness" it is true that chemical investigation can tell us little or nothing" directly of the composition of living matter" and. . . it is also" in strictness" true that we /-6W -6 H)-1 about the composition of any body whatever" as it is.G A!ee p. &@' of homas H. Huxley%s 2ay !ermons" #ddresses" Q 0eviews" 2ondon" ,acmillan" &??L* itals and capitali;ations are H.P.B.%s.J BBBBBBB

Page &D@ Byou can hardly escape the charge of humbugging the world.I he word FhumbugG is used here advisedly" in its strictest etymological Websterian meaning" that is" Fimposition under unfair pretencesBin this case" of science. !urely it is not expecting too much of such learned and scholarly gentlemen that they should not abuse their ascendency and prestige over people%s minds to teach them something they themselves know nothing about* that they should abstain from preaching the limitations of nature" when its most important problems have been" are" and ever will be" insoluble riddles to the materialistd his is no more than asking simple honesty from such teachers. What is it" that constitutes the real man of learningX )s not a true and faithful servant of science <if the latter is accepted as the synonym of truth= he" who besides having mastered a general information on all things is ever ready to learn more" because there are things that he admits he does not knowXM # scholar of this description will never hesitate to give up his own theories" whenever he finds themB not clashing with fact and truth" butBmerely dubious. >or the sake of truth he will remain indifferent to the world%s opinion" and that of his colleagues" nor will he attempt to sacrifice the spirit of a doctrine to the dead$letter of a popular belief.

BBBBBBB I his is what the poet laureate of matter" ,r. yndall" confesses in his works concerning atomic actionP F hrough pure excess of complexity. . . the most highly trained intellect" the most refined and disciplined imagination retires in bewilderment from the contemplation of the problem. We are struck dumb by an astonishment which no microscope can relieve" doubting not only the power of our instrument" but even whether we ourselves possess the intellectual elements which will ever enable us to grapple with the ultimate structural energies of nature.G A yndall" +ohn" >ragments of !cience* &?(L 2ecture on F he !cientific 5se of )magination"G pp. &KC$&KD" -.:." #ppleton" &?(@.J #nd yet they do not hesitate to grapple with nature%s spiritual and psychic problemsBlife" intelligence and the highest consciousnessBand attribute them all to matter. M #nd therefore it is not to such that these well$known humorous verses" sung at 6xford" would applyP F) am the master of this college" #nd what ) know not is not knowledge.G BBBBBBB

Page &DC )ndependent of man or party" fearless whether he gets at logger$heads with biblical chronology" theological claims" or the preconceived and in$rooted theories of materialistic science* acting in his researches in an entirely unpre.udiced frame of mind" free from personal vanity and pride" he will investigate truth for her own fair sake" not to please this or that faction* nor will he dislocate facts to make them fit in with his own hypothesis" or the professed beliefs of either state religion or official science. !uch is the ideal of a true man of science* and such a one" whenever mistakenBfor even a -ewton and a Humboldt have made occasional mistakesBwill hasten to publish his error and correct it" and not act as the 1erman naturalist" Haeckel" has done. What the latter did is worth a repetition. )n every subse9uent edition of his Pedigree of ,an he has left uncorrected the so;oura <Funknown to scienceG" Ruatrefages tells us=" and his prosimiae allied to the loris" which he describes as Fwithout marsupial bones" but with placentaG <Pedigree of ,an" p. ((=" when years ago it has been proved by the anatomical researches of messrs. F#lphonse ,ilne$8dwards and 1randidier . . . that the prosimiae of Haeckel have no decidua . . . no placentaG <Ruatrefages" he Human !pecies" p. &&LI=. his is what we" heosophists" call downright dishonesty. >or he knows the two creatures he places in the fourteenth and eighteenth stages of his genealogy in the Pedigree of ,an to be myths in nature" and that far from any possibility of their being the direct or indirect ancestors of apesBlet alone man" Fthey cannot even be regarded as the ancestors of the ;onoplacential mammalsG according to Ruatrefages. #nd yet Haeckel palms them off still" on the innocent" and the sycophants of 7arwinism" only" as Ruatrefages explains" Fbecause the proof of their existence arises from the necessity of an intermediate typeGdd We fail to see any difference between the pious frauds of a 8usebius Ffor the greater glory of 1od"G and the impious deception of Haeckel for Fthe greater glory of matterG andBman%s dishonour.

BBBBBBB I A. . . Fa diffuse placenta"G according to the -ew :ork" #ppleton Q Co." &??D ed.BCompilers.J BBBBBBB

Page &DD Both are forgeriesBand we have a right to denounce both. he same with regard to other branches of science. # specialistBsay a 1reek or !anskrit scholar" a paleographer" an archaeologist" an 6rientalist of any descriptionB is an FauthorityG only within the limits of his special science .ust as is an electrician or a physicist in theirs. #nd which of these may be called infallible in his conclusionsX hey have made" and still go on making mistakes" each of their hypotheses being only a surmise" a theory for the time beingBand no more. Who would believe today" with /och%s cra;e upon us" that hardly a few years ago" the greatest authority on pathology in >rance" the late Professor 3ulpian" 7oyen of the >aculty of ,edicine in Paris" denied the existence of the tubercular microbeX When" says 7octor 1ibier" <his friend and pupil= ,. Bouley laid before the #cademy of !ciences a paper on the tubercular baccillus" he was told by 3ulpian that Fthis germ could not exist"G for Fhad it existed it would have been discovered before now" having been hunted after for so many yearsdGI +ust in the same way every scientific specialist of whatever description denies the doctrines of heosophy and its teachings* not that he has ever attempted to study or analy;e them" or to discover how much truth there may be in the old sacred science" but simply because it is not modern science that has discovered any of them* and also because" having once strayed away from the main road into the .ungles of material speculation" the men of science cannot return back without pulling down the whole edifice after them. But the worst of all is" that the average critic and opponent of the heosophical doctrines is neither a scientist" nor even a specialist. He is simply a flunkey of the scientists in general* a repeating parrot and a mimicking ape of that or another Fauthority"G who makes use of the personal theories and conclusions of some well$known writer" in the hope of breaking our heads with them.

BBBBBBB I Physiologie ranscendentale. #nalyse des Choses" etc." 7r. P. 1ibier" pp. @&C and @&D. BBBBBBB

Page &DK ,oreover" he identifies himself with the FgodsG he serves or patroni;es. He is like the Zouave of the Pope%s body$guard who" because he had to beat the drum at every appearance and departure of !t. Peter%s F!uccessor"G ended by identifying himself with the apostle. !o with the self$appointed flunkey of the modern 8lohim of !cience. He fondly imagines himself Fas one of us"G and for no more cogent reason than had the ZouaveP he" too" beats the big drum for every 6xford or Cambridge 7on whose conclusions and personal views do not agree with the teachings of the 6ccult 7octrine of anti9uity. o devote" however" to these braggarts with tongue or pen one line more than is strictly necessary" would be waste of time. 2et them go. hey have not even a F;oneG of their own" but have to see things through the light of other people%s intellectual F;ones.G #nd now to the reason why we have once more the painful duty of challenging and contradicting the scientific views of so many men considered each more or less Feminent"G in his special branch of science. wo years ago" the writer promised in he !ecret 7octrine" 3ol. ))" p. ('?" a third and even a fourth volume of that work. his third volume <now almost ready= treats of the ancient ,ysteries of )nitiation" gives sketchesBfrom the esoteric stand$pointBof many of the most famous and historically known philosophers and hierophants <every one of whom is set down by the !cientists as an impostor=" from the archaic down to the Christian era" and traces the teachings of all these sages to one and the same source of all knowledge and scienceBthe esoteric doctrine or W)!76,$082)1)6-. -o need our saying that from the esoteric and legendary materials used in the forthcoming work" its statements and conclusions differ greatly and often clash irreconcilably with the data given by almost all the 8nglish and 1erman 6rientalists. here is a tacit agreement among the latterBincluding even those who are personally inimical to each otherB

Page &DE Bto follow a certain line of policy in the matter of dates*I of denial to FadeptsG of any transcendental knowledge of any intrinsic value* of the utter re.ection of the very existence of siddhis" or abnormal spiritual powers in man. )n this the 6rientalists" even those who are materialists" are the best allies of the clergy and biblical chronology. We need not stop to analy;e this strange fact" but such it is. -ow the main point of 3olume ))) of he !ecret 7octrine is to prove" by tracing and explaining the blinds in the works of ancient )ndian" 1reek" and other philosophers of note" and also in all the ancient !cripturesBthe presence of an uninterrupted esoteric allegorical method and symbolism* to show" as far as lawful" that with the keys of interpretation as taught in the 8astern Hindo$Buddhistic Canon of 6ccultism" the 5panishads" the PurSnas" the !utras" the 8pic poems of )ndia and 1reece" the 8gyptian Book of the 7ead" the !candinavian 8ddas" as well as the Hebrew Bible" and even the classical writings of )nitiates <such as Plato" among others=Ball" from first to last" yield a meaning 9uite different from their dead letter texts. his is flatly denied by some of the foremost scholars of the day. hey have not got the keys" ergo Bno such keys can exist. #ccording to 7r. ,ax ,iller no pandit of )ndia has ever heard of an esoteric doctrine <1upta$3idya" nota bene=. )n his 8dinburgh 2ectures the Professor made almost as cheap of heosophists and their interpretations" as some learned !hastrisBlet alone initiated BrahminsBmake of the learned 1erman philologist himself. 6n the other hand" !ir ,onier$Williams undertakes to prove that the 2ord 1autama Buddha never taught any esoteric philosophy <dd=" thus giving the lie to all subse9uent history" to the #rhat$Patriarchs" who converted China and ibet to Buddhism"

BBBBBBB I !ays Prof. #. H. !ayce in his excellent Preface to 7r. !chliemann%s ro.a . . .P F he natural tendency of the student of today is to post$date rather than to ante$date" and to bring everything down to the latest period that is possible.G his is so" and they do it with a vengeance. he same reluctance is felt to admit the anti9uity of man" as to allow to the ancient philosopher any knowledge of that which the modern student does not know. Conceit and vanityd BBBBBBB

Page &D( and charging with fraud the numerous esoteric schools still existing in China and ibet.I -or" according to Professor B. +owett" the ,aster of Balliol College" is there any esoteric or gnostic element in the 7ialogues of Plato" not even in that pre$ eminently occult treatise" the imaeus.M he -eo$Platonists" such as #mmonius !accas" Plotinus" Porphyry" etc." etc." were ignorant" superstitious mystics" who saw a secret meaning where none was meant" and who" Plato heading them" had no idea of real science. )n the scholarly appreciation of our modern scientific luminaries" in fact" science <i.e." knowledge= was in its infancy in the days of hales" Pythagoras and even of Plato* while the grossest superstition and FtwaddleG reigned in the times of the )ndian 0ishis. PSnini" the greatest grammarian in the world" according to Professors Weber and ,ax ,iller was unac9uainted with the art of writing" and so also everyone else in )ndia" from ,anu to Buddha" even so late as CLL years B.C. 6n the other hand" Professor #. H. !ayce" an undeniably great paleographer and #ssyriologist" who kindly admits such a thing as an esoteric school and occult symbology among the #ccado$Babylonians" nevertheless claims that the #ssyriologists have now in their possession all the keys re9uired for the right interpretation of the secret glyphs of the hoary past. ,ethinks" we know the chief key used by himself and his colleaguesPBtrace every god and hero" whose character is in the least doubtful" to a solar myth" and you have discovered the whole secret* an easier undertaking" you see" than for a FWi;ard of the -orthG to cook an omelette in a gentleman%s hat. >inally" in the matter of esoteric symbology and ,ysteries" the 6rientalists of today seem to have forgotten more than the initiated priests of the days of !argon <C(KL years B.C." according to 7r. !ayce= ever knew.

BBBBBBB I !ee 8dkin%s Chinese Buddhism" and read what this missionary" an eminent Chinese scholar who lived long years in China" though himself very pre.udiced as a rule" says of the esoteric schools. M !ee Preface to his translation of imaeus. A7ialogues" 3ol. )))" p. K@D in 6xford ed. of &?(K.J BBBBBBB

Page &D? !uch is the modest claim of the Hibbert 2ecturer for &??(. hus" as the personal conclusions and claims of the above$named scholars <and of many more= militate against the theosophical teachings" in this generation" at any rate" the laurels of con9uest will never be accorded by the ma.ority to the latter. -evertheless" since truth and fact are on our side" we need not despair" but will simply bide our time. ime is a mighty con.uror* an irresistible leveller of artificially grown weeds and parasites" a universal solvent for truth. ,agna est veritas et prevalebit. ,eanwhile" however" the heosophists cannot allow themselves to be denounced as visionaries" when not Ffrauds"G and it is their duty to remain true to their colours" and to defend their most sacred beliefs. his they can do only by opposing to the pre.udiced hypotheses of their opponents" <a= the diametrically opposite conclusions of their colleaguesBother scientists as eminent specialists in the same branches of study as themselves* and <b= the true meaning of sundry passages disfigured by these parti;ans" in the old scriptures and classics. But to do this" we can pay no more regard to these illustrious personages in modern science" than they do to the gods of the Finferior races.G heosophy" the 7ivine Wisdom or 05 H is" no more than was a certain tribal deityBFa respecter of persons.G We are on the defensive" and have to vindicate that which we know to be implicit truthP hence" for a few editorials to come" we contemplate a series of articles refuting our opponentsB however learned. #nd now it becomes evident why it is impossible for us to Fleave our highly respectable" firmly$rooted official science severely alone.G ,eanwhile we may close with a few parting words to our readers Power belongs to him who knows* this is a very old axiomP knowledge" or the first step to power" especially that of comprehending the truth" of discerning the real from the falseBbelongs only to those who place truth above their own petty personalities. hose only who having freed themselves from every pre.udice" and con9uered their human conceit and selfishness" are ready to accept every and any truthB

Page &D' Bonce the latter is undeniable and has been demonstrated to themBthose alone" ) say" may hope to get at the ultimate knowledge of things. )t is useless to search for such among the proud scientists of the day" and it would be folly to expect the aping masses of the profane to turn against their tacitly accepted idols. herefore is it also useless for a theosophical work of any description to expect .ustice. 2et some unknown ,!. of ,acaulay" of !ir W. Hamilton" or +ohn !tuart ,ill" be printed and issued today by the heosophical Publishing Company" and the reviewersBif anyB would proclaim it ungrammatical and un$8nglish" misty and illogical. he ma.ority .udge of a work according to the respective pre.udices of its critics" who in their turn are guided by the popularity or unpopularity of the authors" certainly never by its intrinsic faults or merits. 6utside theosophical circles" therefore" the forthcoming volumes of he !ecret 7octrine are sure to receive at the hands of the general public a still colder welcome than their two predecessors have found.I )n our day" as has been proved repeatedly" no statement can hope for a fair trial" or even hearing" unless its arguments run on the lines of legitimate and accepted en9uiry" remaining strictly within the boundaries of either official" materialistic science" or emotional" orthodox theology. 6ur age" reader" is a paradoxical anomaly. )t is preeminently materialistic" and as pre$eminently pietist" a +anus age" in all truth. 6ur literature" our modern thought and progress so$called" run on these two parallel lines" so incongruously dissimilar" and yet both so popular and so very FproperG and Frespectable"G each in its own way. He who presumes to draw a third line" or even a hyphen of reconciliation" so to speak" between the two" has to be fully prepared for the worst. He will have his work mangled by reviewers" who after reading three lines on the first page"

BBBBBBB I A3ols. ))) and )3 of he !ecret 7octrine are not definitely known to have existed in manuscript form. 8vidence concerning them is contradictory.J BBBBBBB

Page &KL two in the middle of the book" and the closing sentence" will proclaim it FunreadableG* it will be mocked by the sycophants of science and church" mis9uoted by their flunkeys" and re.ected even by the pious railway stalls" while the average reader will not even understand its meaning. he still absurd misconceptions in the cultured circles of !ociety about the teachings of the FWisdom$religionG <Bodhism=" after the admirably clear and scientifically presented explanations of its elementary doctrines by the author of 8soteric Buddhism" are a good proof in point. hey might serve as a caution even to those amongst us" who" hardened in almost a life$long struggle in the service of our Cause" are neither timid with their pens" nor in the least disconcerted or appalled by the dogmatic assertions of scientific Fauthorities.G #nd yet they persist in their work" although perfectly aware that" do what they may" neither materialism nor doctrinal pietism will give theosophical philosophy a fair hearing in this age. o the very end" our doctrine will be systematically re.ected" our theories denied a place" even in the ranks of those ever$shifting" scientific ephemera Bcalled the Fworking hypothesesG of our day. o the advocates of the FanimalisticG theory" our cosmogenetical and anthropogenetical teachings must be Ffairy tales"G truly. FHow can weG asked one of the champions of the men of science of a friend" Faccept the rigmaroles of ancient Babus <Xd= even if taught in anti9uity" once they go in every detail against the conclusions of modern science. #s well ask us to replace 7arwin by +ack the 1iant$/illerdG Ruite so* for those who would shirk any moral responsibility it seems certainly more convenient to accept descent from a common simian ancestor" and see a brother in a dumb" tailless baboon" rather than acknowledge the fatherhood of the Pitris" the fair Fsons of the gods"G or to have to recogni;e as a brother" a starveling from the slums" or a copper$coloured man of an FinferiorG race. FHold backdG shout in their turn the pietists" Fyou can never hope to make respectable church$going ChristiansBW8soteric Buddhists%dG -or are we in any way anxious to attempt the metamorphosis* the less so" since the ma.ority of the pious Britishers have already" and of their own free will and choice" become 8xoteric Boothists.

Page &K& 7e gustibus non est disputandum. )n our next" we mean to en9uire how far Prof. +owett is right" in his Preface to imaeus" in stating that Fthe fancies of the -eo$Platonists . . . have nothing to do with the interpretation of Plato"G and that Fthe so$called mysticism of Plato is purely 1reek" arising out of his imperfect knowledge"G not to say ignorance. he learned ,aster of Balliol denies the use of any esoteric symbology by Plato in his works. We heosophists maintain it and must try to give our best proofs for the claims preferred. ,eanwhile the reader%s attention is drawn to the excellent article on F he PurSnasG which follows. A wo years later" the second installment of this essay was published in the pages of 2ucifer" with the following introductory -ote signed by #nnie BesantP F his fragment was accidentally overlooked among H.P.B.%s ,!!. and was put aside with some not yet wanted. )t is the second part of her last article" and though it is only a fragment ) publish it" for it has the pathetic 9uality of having been written at the very last" and is the work at which she was engaged when her pen was broken by the touch of 7eath.GJ

Page &K@ )) 6- #5 H60) )8! )- 18-80#2" #-7 H8 #5 H60) : 6> ,# 80)#2)! !" 8!P8C)#22: A2ucifer" 3ol. 4))" -o. E?" #pril" &?'C" pp. '($&L&J )n assuming the task of contradicting FauthoritiesG and of occasionally setting at nought the well established opinions and hypotheses of men of !cience" it becomes necessary in the face of repeated accusations to define our attitude clearly at the very outset. hough" where the truth of our doctrines is concerned" no criticism and no amount of ridicule can intimidate us" we would nevertheless be sorry to give one more handle to our enemies" as a pretext for an extra slaughter of the innocent* nor would we willingly lead our friends into an un.ust suspicion of that to which we are not in the least prepared to plead guilty. 6ne of such suspicions would naturally be the idea that we must be terribly self$ opinionated and conceited. his would be false from # to Z. )t does not at all stand to reason that because we contradict eminent professors of !cience on certain points" we therefore claim to know more than they do of !cience* nor" that we even have the benighted vanity of placing ourselves on the same level as these scholars. hose who would accuse us of this would simply be talking nonsense" for even to harbour such a thought would be the madness of conceitBand we have never been guilty of this vice. Hence" we declare loudly to all our readers that most of those FauthoritiesG we find fault with" stand in our own opinion immeasurably higher in scientific knowledge and general information than we do. But" this conceded" the reader is reminded that great scholarship in no way precludes great bias and pre.udice* nor is it a safeguard against personal vanity and pride.

Page &KC # Physicist may be an undeniable expert in acoustics" wave$vibrations" etc." and be no ,usician at all" having no ear for music. -one of the modern bootmakers can write as Count 2eo olstoi does* but any tyro in decent shoemaking can take the great novelist to task for spoiling good materials in trying to make boots. ,oreover" it is only in the legitimate defence of our time$honoured heosophical doctrines" opposed by many on the authority of materialistic !cientists" entirely ignorant of psychic possibilities" in the vindication of ancient Wisdom and its #depts" that we throw down the gauntlet to ,odern !cience. )f in their inconceivable conceit and blind materialism they will go on dogmati;ing upon that about which they know nothingB nor do they want to knowBthen those who do know something have a right to protest and to say so publicly and in print. ,any must have heard of the suggestive answer made by a lover of Plato to a critic of homas aylor" the translator of the works of this great !age. aylor was charged with being but a poor 1reek scholar" and not a very good 8nglish writer. F rue"G was the pert reply* F om aylor may have known far less 1reek than his critics* but he knew Plato far better than any of them does.GI #nd this we take to be our own position. We claim no scholarship in either dead or living tongues" and we take no stock in Philology as a modern !cience. But we do claim to understand the living spirit of Plato%s Philosophy" and the symbolical meaning of the writings of this great )nitiate" better than do his modern translators" and for this very simple reason. he Hierophants and )nitiates of the ,ysteries in the !ecret !chools in which all the !ciences inaccessible and useless to the masses of the profane were taught" had one universal" 8soteric tongueBthe language of symbolism and allegory. his language has suffered neither modification nor amplification from those remote times down to this day. )t still exists and is still taught.

BBBBBBB I AProf. #. Wilder. #lso 9uoted in )sis 5nveiled" 3ol. ))" p. &L' from )ntro. to aylor%s 8leusinian and Bacchic ,ysteries p. @(" Dth. ed.* p. xix" Crd ed. &?(K <0pr. by Wi;ards Bookshelf" &'?L.= J BBBBBBB

Pge &KD here are those who have preserved the knowledge of it" and also of the arcane meaning of the ,ysteries* and it is from these ,asters that the writer of the present protest had the good fortune of learning" howbeit imperfectly" the said language. Hence her claim to a more correct comprehension of the arcane portion of the ancient texts written by avowed )nitiatesBsuch as were Plato and )amblichus" Pythagoras" and even PlutarchBthan can be claimed by" or expected from" those who" knowing nothing whatever of that FlanguageG and even denying its existence altogether" yet set forth authoritative and conclusive views on everything Plato and Pythagoras knew or did not know" believed in or disbelieved. )t is not enough to lay down the audacious proposition" Fthat an ancient Philosopher is to be interpreted from himself Ai.e." from the dead$letter textsJ and by the contemporary history of thoughtG*I he who lays it down has first of all to prove to the satisfaction" not of his admirers and himself alone" but of all" that modern thought does not woolgather in the 9uestion of Philosophy as it does on the lines of materialistic !cience. ,odern thought denies 7ivine !pirit in -ature" and the 7ivine element in mankind" the !oul%s immortality and every noble conception inherent in man. We all know that in their endeavors to kill that which they have agreed to call FsuperstitionG and the Frelics of ignoranceG <read Freligious feelings and metaphysical concepts of the 5niverse and ,anG=" ,aterialists like Prof. Huxley or ,r. 1rant #llen are ready to go to any length in order to ensure the triumph of their soul$killing !cience. But when we find 1reek and !anskrit scholars and doctors of theology" playing into the hands of modern materialistic thought" pooh$poohing everything they do not know" or that of which the publicBor rather !ociety" which ever follows in its impulses the cra;e of fashion" of popularity or unpopularityBdisapproves" then we have the right to assume one of two thingsP the scholars who act on these lines are either moved by personal conceit" or by the fear of public opinion* they dare not challenge it at the risk of unpopularity.

BBBBBBB I A,. #. +owett" he 7ialogues of Plato* )ntroduction to the imaeus 3ol. )))" p. K@D <@nd ed.= &?(KJ BBBBBBB

Page &KK )n both cases they forfeit their right to esteem as authorities. >or" if they are blind to facts and sincere in their blindness" then their learning" however great" will do more harm than good" and if" while fully alive to those universal truths which #nti9uity knew better than we doBthough it did express them in more ambiguous and less scientific languageBour Philosophers will still keep them under the bushel for fear of painfully da;;ling the ma.ority%s eyes" then the example they set is most pernicious. hey suppress the truth and disfigure metaphysical conceptions" as their colleagues in physical !cience distort facts in material -ature into mere props to support their respective views" on the lines of popular hypotheses and 7arwinian thought. #nd if so" what right have they to demand a respectful hearing from those to whom 05 H is the highest" as the noblest" of all religionsX he negation of any fact or claim believed in by the teeming millions of Christians and non$Christians" of a fact" moreover" impossible to disprove" is a serious thing for a man of recogni;ed scientific authority" in the face of its inevitable results. 7enials and re.ections of certain things" hitherto held sacred" coming from such sources" are for a public taught to respect scientific data and bulls" as good as un9ualified assertions. 5nless uttered in the broadest spirit of #gnosticism and offered merely as a personal opinion" such a spirit of wholesale negationBespecially when confronted with the universal belief of the whole of #nti9uity" and of the incalculable hosts of the surviving 8astern nations in the things deniedBbecomes pregnant with dangers to mankind. hus the re.ection of a 7ivine Principle in the 5niverse" of !oul and !pirit in man and of his )mmortality" by one set of !cientists* and the repudiation of any 8soteric Philosophy existing in #nti9uity" hence" of the presence of any hidden meaning based on that system of revealed learning in the sacred writings of the 8ast <the Bible included=" or in the works of those Philosophers who were confessedly )nitiates" by another set of FauthoritiesGBare simply fatal to humanity.

Page &KE Between missionary enterpriseBencouraged far more on political than religious groundsIBand scientific ,aterialism" both teaching from two diametrically opposite poles that which neither can prove or disprove" and mostly that which they themselves take on blind faith or blind hypothesis" the millions of the growing generations must find themselves at sea. hey will not know" any more than their parents know now" what to believe in" whither to turn for truth. Weightier proofs are thus re9uired now by many than the mere personal assumptions and negations of religious fanatics and irreligious ,aterialists" that such or another thing exists or has no existence. We" heosophists" who are not so easily caught on the hook baited with either salvation or annihilation" we claim our right to demand the weightiest" and to us undeniable proofs that truth is in the keeping of !cience and heology. #nd as we find no answer forthcoming" we claim the right to argue upon every undecided 9uestion" by analy;ing the assumptions of our opponents. We" who believe in 6ccultism and the archaic 8soteric Philosophy" do not" as already said" ask our members to believe as we do" nor charge them with ignorance if they do not. We simply leave them to make their choice. hose who decide to study the old !cience are given proofs of its existence* and corroborative evidence accumulates and grows in proportion to the personal progress of the student. Why should not the negators of ancient !cienceBto wit" modern !cholarsBdo the same in the matter of their denials and assertions* i.e." why don%t they refuse to say either yea or nay in regard to that which they really do not know" instead of denying or affirming it a priori as they all doX

BBBBBBB I We maintain that the fabulous sums spent on" and by" Christian missions" whose propaganda brings forth such wretched moral results and gets so few renegades" are spent with a political ob.ect in view. he aim of the missions" which" as in )ndia" are only said to be FtoleratedG <sic= seems to be to pervert people from their ancestral religions" rather than to convert them to Christianity" and this is done in order to destroy in them every spark of national feeling. When the spirit of patriotism is dead in a nation" it very easily becomes a mere puppet in the hands of the rulers. BBBBBBB

C62. H8-0: ! 882 62C6 >rom a photograph taken by >. 2ukera" #msterdam" Holland.

#228- 10)>>) H! &?KC$X 0eproduced from the he Path" -ew :ork" 3ol. 3)))" ,ay" &?'C.

Page &K( Why do not our !cientists proclaim frankly and honestly to the whole world" that most of their notionsBe.g." on life" matter" ether" atoms" etc." each of these being an unsolvable mystery to themBare not scientific facts and axioms" but simple Fworking hypotheses.G 6r again" why should not 6rientalistsBbut too many of them are F0everendsGBor 0egius Professor of 1reek" a 7octor of heology" and a translator of Plato" like Professor +owett" mention" while giving out his personal views on the 1reek !age" that there are other scholars as learned as he is who think otherwise. his would only be fair" and more prudent too" in the face of a whole array of evidence to the contrary" embracing thousands of years in the past. #nd it would be more honest than to lead less learned people than themselves into grave errors" by allowing those under the hypnotic influence of Fauthority"G and thus but too inclined to take every ephemeral hypothesis on trust" to accept as proven that which has yet to be proved. But the FauthoritiesG act on different lines. Whenever a fact" in -ature or in History" does not fit in with" and refuses to be wedged into" one of their personal hypotheses" accepted as 0eligion or !cience by the solemn ma.ority" forthwith it is denied" declared a Fmyth"G or" revealed !criptures are appealed to against it. )t is this which brings heosophy and its 6ccult doctrines into everlasting conflict with certain !cholars and heology. 2eaving the latter entirely out of 9uestion in the present article" we will devote our protest" for the time being" but to the former. !o" for instance" many of our teachingsBcorroborated in a mass of ancient works" but denied piecemeal" at various times" by sundry professorsBhave been shown to clash not only with the conclusions of modern !cience and Philosophy" but even with those passages from the old works to which we have appealed for evidence. We have but to point to a certain page of some old Hinda work" to Plato" or some other 1reek classic" as corroborating some of our peculiar 8soteric doctrines" to seeB H. P. B.

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"OOTNOTES TO -THE PUR3N%S. A2ucifer" 3ol. 3)))" -o. DD" #pril" &?'&" pp. ''$&LD" and -o. DK" ,ay" &?'&" pp. &'C$@LLJ AProfessor ,anilal -abhubhai 7vivedi" >. .!." on receiving an invitation to the 6riental Congress at !tockholm" in &??'" wrote a scholarly essay dealing with Philology versus !ymbology in the PurSnas. He sent it in" together with copies of his books" to the 1eneral !ecretary of the Congress. ,uch later" he was told that his essay had been Fmislaid.G H.P.B. re.oices in being able to present its text to the readers of 2ucifer" Fin the service of fair play.G !he appends a number of footnotes to various passages in this essay.J AConcerning rivikrama and the demon BaliJ #s the PurSnic myths may be unfamiliar to many of our readers" we have thought it advisable to add one or two notes of explanation. he story of 3ishnu and his rivikrama or Fthree stridesG and the FdemonG Bali runs as follows. he FdemonG Bali" curiously enough" is said to have been an exceedingly good and virtuous 7aitya /ing" who defeated )ndra" humbled the 1ods and extended his sovereignty over the three worlds" by his devotion and penance. )n fact he was a pious and holy ascetic" like many other FdemonsG in the PurSnas" for the #suras" as he !ecret 7octrine has already explained at length" are divine 8gos" fallen into matter or incarnated in human forms" the Christian myth of the F>allen #ngelsG having the same significance. #ccordingly the 1ods appealed to 3ishnu for protection" and the 7eity manifested himself in the 7warf #vatara in order to restrain Bali. hus he approached Bali and craved the boon of three steps of ground. Bali at once granted his re9uest" and the 1od stepped over heaven and the upper earth <air= in two strides* but in consideration of Bali%s goodness" he stopped short and left to him PStSla" esoterically the earth.

Page &K' A. . . the serpent is a very significant symbol" as will appear from the names !hesha and #nanta given to itJ !hesha is represented as a serpent with a thousand heads" which is said to be the couch and and canopy of 3ishnu" when he sleeps during his intervals of creation. !ometimes !hesha is shown as the supporter of the world and sometimes as the upholder of the seven PStSlas <hells" earths" etc.=. Whenever he yawns" there are earth9uakes. #t the end of the /alpa he vomits forth fire and so destroys all the creation. #t the Churning of the 6cean <of !pace=" !hesha was twisted round the ,ountain ,andara" and used as a great rope to cause it to revolve. he 1ods were at the one end of the rope and the 7emons at the other. he hood of !hesha" the thousand$headed cobra" is called the F)sland of +ewels"G and his palace is said to be F.ewelled walled.G But these gems are not of earth" as the merest tyro in symbology will at once perceive* they are the +ewels of Wisdom and !elf$knowledge. Aconcerning the PurSnic list of the 7hruvas" !aptarshis" )ndras and ,anus for every ,anvantaraJ hese have reference to the Pole stars" constellations" heavens and humanities of every cycle. Ain connection with the after$death peregrinations of the entity" known as Fthe passage to the sunG and Fthe passage to the ,oon"G H.P.B. refers the student to he !ecret 7octrine" 3ol. )" p. ?E.J A!ampradSyasJ Commentators. A he way to 1oloka <the region of rays=" the sun" is the 3aitarani of the 1aruda$ PurSna" which indicates that the being only swims <vitri= through space" and passes to the sun with the help of his rays <go=" in other words" by and through the help of the currents of cosmic PrSna proceeding from him . . . . . But the dead$letter explanation makes of 3aitarani an ob.ective river which the being crosses with the help of the tail of a cow <go=.J

Page &EL 3aitaraniBFthe river that is to be crossed.G !upposed to be the river of hell" which must be crossed before the infernal regions" or sub.ective world" can be entered. he river is described as being filled with blood and all sorts of filth" and to run with great impetuosity. his is to be crossed in a solitary rickety boat" the steersman of which is 3ishnu <the Higher 8go=. >ew people can pass" for they have to pay for the passage* those who cannot pay are turned back. #ccording to the popular superstition" persons before death" are made to give in charity milch cows" in the belief that after death they may be able to catch hold of their tails and so be carried across the dreadful river 3aitarani" safe to the other side. he interpretation is easy for a heosophist" for it is the cow that gives the milk of wisdom that is meant* the cow that produces the .ewelsP and the tail of the cow is the ray of that knowledge" the thread of Wisdom" or 3Sch" that unites us to our Higher !elf. A1arudaJ 1aruda is represented with the head" wings" talons" and beak of an eagle" and the body and limbs of a man. His face is white" his wings golden" and his body red. A0atnasJ +ewels. A/ailSsaJ !aid to be the home of ivaP the highest peak of ,eru" the mountain used for the churning of the 6cean" where iva alone resorts" and where he alone can be seen. AtantrikaJ ,agical. A1a.SnanaJ 8lephant$face. A!kanda or /SrtikeyaJ Corresponds to ,ars. Athe 3edic textP 8kam sat vipra bahudS vadantiJ i.e." he Brahmans in many ways declare one thing as being* or one thing to be sat" i.e." FbeingG and therefore FgoodG <or reality=. APurSnic textP sarva deva namaskSrah /eavam prati gachchhatiJ 8very god goes towards <approaches= /rishna with reverence.

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%RE B%CILLI %N#THING NEW4 A2ucifer" 3ol. 3)))" -o. DD" #pril" &?'&" p. &&&J ruly may one 9uery in the words of !olomonP F)s there anything whereof it may be said" !ee" this is newXG hus" it is to the modern discoverer and the proud patentee" that the wise words in 8cclesiastes applyP F he thing that hath been" it is that which shall be* and that which is done" is that which shall be doneP and there is no new thing under the !unG Ai" '$&LJ. /och and /ochists" and all ye modern #ttilas of that interesting creature called ,icrobe and Bacillus" and what not" down with your diminished heads" you are not its discoverersd 2ike as the heliocentric system was known thousands of years before the Christian era to be re$discovered by 1alileo" so the invisible foreigners on which you are now making a raid" were known in dark anti9uity. he infinitesimal insect you are insectating is spoken of by a 2atin poet in the first century B.C. +ust turn to the pages of P. erentius 3arro <0erum 0usticarum" )" xxi" C" C' B.C.= and see what the famous #tacinus says of your tubercular and other bacilliPB F!mall creatures" invisible to the eyes" fill the atmosphere in marshy localities" and penetrating with the air breathed through the nose and mouth" into the human organism" cause thereby dangerous diseases.G +ust soP the thing that hath been" it is that which is.

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% M%GIC W%ND A2ucifer" 3ol. 3)))" -o. DD" #pril" &?'&" p. &C(J )n the People%s +ournal <2ahore= for >ebruary" 9uoting from the Hindu 0un.ika of 0a.shahye" we find narrated how a Himalayan !annyasi <an ascetic" or :ogi= saved the life of 0a.ah !ashi !hekhareshwar 0oy" Zemindar of ahirpore. he holy man accomplished his phenomenon <for such it was= by means of what the writer terms his Fstick"G whereas the stick is in reality a kind of wand" of bamboo or wood" with which no initiated !annyasi will ever part. he day may yet come" when the occult potency <the very 9uintessence of human will and magnetic force= generated and preserved in such wands" will be fully recogni;ed by modern science. ,eanwhile" all such facts have to be regarded by sceptics as cock$and$bull stories. )t happened as followsPB #fter the meeting of the Bharat 7harma ,ahamandal at 7elhi" the 0a.ah went to a place" called apoban" on the Himalayas" where many !adhus still reside. He went there for taking the advice of the !adhus in regard to the 7harma ,andal. 6n his way from Hardwar to apoban" he had to pass through hilly forest tracts" infested by wild beasts. While he was going to apoban in a palan9uin" a wild elephant suddenly made a rush at him from the .ungles" and the whole party was in an awful state of excitement. )n this dilemma" a !annyasi appeared" and assured the party in Hindi not to take fright. He stood in front of the party with a stick" and re9uested the bearers and the 0a.ah%s men to shout out" F/ader !wami ki .ai.G he elephant on hearing this" returned to the .ungles at once" and the !annyasi mysteriously disappearedd

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TWO 1INDS O" -PE%CEM%1ERS. A2ucifer" 3ol. 3)))" -o. DD" #pril" &?'&" p. &DLJ FBlessed are the peacemakers* for they shall be called the children of 1odG A,att." v" 'J said He" whom Christendom acknowledges as its 1od and !aviour" in the !ermon on the ,ount. But the #merican Christians of today improve upon the term and patent their Fpeacemakers"G while other Christians may yet curse them. We learn through 7al;iel that ,r. +ohn ,. Browning of 6gden <5tah=" has .ust invented the pattern of a new gun which he names satirically Fthe Peacemaker.G he maga;ine of this latest piece of ordnance holds @'( shells* it has a caliber of .DK and discharges sixteen shots in a second. -otwithstanding that there is much machinery in the stock" the gun works with great smoothness and rapidity. 3erily shall the Christians who use this new kind of FPeacemakerG be called the children of the 7evild

% SINCERE CON"ESSION A2ucifer" 3ol. 3)))" -o. DD" #pril" &?'&" p. &KLJ he following 9uotation taken from the )ntroduction Ap. xvJ to the 3edSnta$ !atras" translated by hibaut and edited by ,ax ,iller" is significant of the spirit which animates our Western !anskritists.

Page &ED But on the modern investigator" who neither can consider himself bound by the authority of a name however great" nor is likely to look to any )ndian system of thought for the satisfaction of his speculative wants" it is clearly incumbent not to ac9uiesce from the outset in the interpretations given of the 3edSnta !atrasBand the 5panishadsBby !ankara and his school" but to submit them" as far as that can be done" to a critical investigation.I he italics are ours" and the sentence will serve to mark the distinction between the heosophist and the !anskritist. he former seeks in the 3edSnta and elsewhere for wisdom and for guidance* the latter merely to satisfy his intellectual curiosity. His own Western philosophy suffices amply for him" and all the deep researches of the almost infinite past signify nothing but a curious history of philosophy to be criticised and observed from a position which he thinks has far transcended them. We believe that actuated by such a spirit our Western scholars will never learn the true significance of 8astern thought. 6n their own statement they do not want to* and the true pandit" the inheritor" not merely of the capacity to con !anskrit manuscripts" but who also is master of the profound knowledge contained in them" will take these self$sufficient students at their word. BBBBB

MISCELL%NEOUS NOTES A2ucifer" 3ol. 3)))" -o" DD" #pril" &?'&" p. &C?J A he following footnote is appended to a translation of ri amkarSchSrya%s Prasnottaramala" wherein to the 9uestionP FWhat is the door of hellX the answer is givenP F he woman.GJ ertullian also said that woman was the gateway of the devil. )s this allegorical or may not woman e9ually say that man is the Fdoor of hellG from the same point of viewX

BBBBBBB I A!acred Books of the 8ast" 3ol. 444)3" 6xford 5niversity Press" &?'L.J BBBBBBB

Page &EK )n the phraseology of 6ccultism" the lower Ruarternary <the four lower FprinciplesG= is considered male" while of the three higher Principles" #tma and ,anas are held to be sexless and Buddhi <!oul= female. BBBBB

THE LIGHT O" THE WORLD& A2ucifer" 3ol. 3)))" -o. DD" #pril" &?'&" pp. &(L$&(C.J 6f the form of the poem we have little to say except that the author has previously written much that is superior. heosophical criticism will have to go deeper than a merely literary review. !ir 8dwin #rnold" the author of the unparalleled 2ight of #sia" has tried to make his peace with the Christian world by means of a ruse which oversteps even the large licence allowed to the priests of the ,uses. He has cast the honied cake to the hound of Hades" but whether Cerberus will wag his tail at the sop or not" is still a 9uestion. !urely the ethical teaching and life of +esus" whether legendary or actual" whether of a real man or of an ideal type of manhood" were themes noble enough for the poet%s skill without the transparent fiction" the unworthy tour de passe$passe" which we shall have to described he somewhat pretentious title is not a creation of the poet%s mind. -ot to speak of the time honoured 2ux ,undi of the 2atin Church" we have the suggestion of the name in a certain public criticism made by !ir ,onier ,onier$Williams who" some two years ago" in a lecture more against than about Buddhism and the 2ord Buddha" in order to please his audience" endeavoured to belittle the happy title given by !ir 8dwin #rnold to his greatest poem.

BBBBBBB I By !ir 8dwin #rnold. 2ondonP 2ongmans" 1reen and Co." &?'&. BBBBBBB

Page &EE )n fact the F2ight of the WorldG was used by the lecturer as a pair of theological snuffers to put out that which was only the F2ight of #sia.G We regret to see the partial success of the criticism* for the claim put forward in the title" though a pleasant tinkling in the ears of the ill$informed" is simply in a line with the modern advertisement system in the eyes of the truly learned. But we can let that go without further remarks in the pages of 2ucifer" for the claim is not new and the heosophical !ociety is a living protest against the further scattering of such seeds of dissension among the votaries of the various world$religions" of which the aggressive West has hitherto been so industrious a sower. #nd now for !ir 8dwin%s pious subterfuge. !urely the mantle of 8usebius must have fallen upon himd he F2ight of the WorldG to be so must" of course" put the F2ight of #siaG into the shade. How was that to be managed" and at the same time place the scenes of the poem in the orthodox pigeon$holes of chronology and geographyX Happy thoughtd ,ake the ,agi Buddhists" since Cologne has made them already 1ermans" and bring one of them back to be converted" after the death of the 1reat eacher" by ,ary ,agdalene. ,ake ,ary ,agdalene the hostess of a palatial house" a 1alilean chStelaine" and the protagoniste of the ragedy" and bring in one or two who were raised from the dead and of whom history sayeth naught further" as chorusBand the thing is doned But truth alone can make us free and not fiction" however poetical. We will leave the criticism of biblical names and places to those who are already busy with them" merely pointing out the following coincidences. 2et us turn to 0enan%s 3ie de +Osus pp. @( and @?"I and to !ir 8dwin #rnold%s poem p. &LE. #rnoldPB F. . . . . . . how Carmel plunged )ts broad foot in the tideless hyacinth !ea.G

BBBBBBB I A6n p. @' in Crd ed." Paris" Calmann$2evy" n.d.J BBBBBBB

Page &E( 0enanPB F l%ouest" se dOploient les belles lingnes du Carmel" terminOes par une pointe abrupte 9ui semble se plonger dans la mer.G #rnoldPB F0ose abor" rounded like a breast* . . . . . .G 0enanPB F . . . le habor avec sa belle forme arrondie" 9ue l%anti9uO comparait q un sein.G #rnoldPB F7own to ,egiddo with her twofold peak" #nd 1ilboa" dry and smooth* and !alem%s slope* #nd" between !alen and soft abor" glimpse 6f +ordan%s speed.G 0enanPB FPuis se dOroulent le double sommet 9ui domine ,ageddo. . . . les monts 1elboO . . . . . . Par une dOpression entre la montagne de !ulem et le habor" s%entrevoient la vallOe due +ourdain . . . . . .G hus we find in instances more than we can enumerate" that the 8nglish poet has allowed himself to be deeply inspired by ,. 0enan" the FPaganini du Christianisme.G #nd why notX 7id not the author of 2a 3ie de +Osus proceed on the very identical lines of fancy as !ir 8dwinX 7oes he not call +esus in the same breath Fle charmant 7octeurG and Fun 7ieu ressucitOG donnO au monde par Fla passion d%une hallucinOe.G We now turn to the Buddhist <d= ,agus and his utterances. 6b.ecting to the term F6ur >atherG as the naming of the unnameable" he saysP F:et is the Parabrahm unspeakableG which is true in itself" but strange in the lips of a Buddhist. We have always learned that Buddhism was a protest against Brahminism and that Parabrahm was a 3edantic termd 6therwise we might have read on drowsily into the state of dreams and heard without surprise ,ary retortingP FBut #llah is the only 1oddG But the rude shock kept us awake and we were only mollified by the following beautiful reply of the )ndian ,agus.

Page &E? FWe have a scroll which saithP WWorship" but name no named blind are those eyes Which deem th% unmanifested manifest" -ot comprehending ,e in ,y rue !elf" )mperishable" viewless" undeclared. Hidden behind ,y magic veil of shows ) am not seen at all. -ame not ,y -amed% #lso a verse runs in our Holy WritPB W0icher than heavenly fruit on 3edas growing* 1reater than gifts* better than prayer or fast* !uch sacred silence isd ,an" this way knowing" Comes to the utmost" perfect" Peace at last%dG he chief points which the fictitious Hindu ,agus is made to yield by his self$ constituted prosecutor" advocate" .ury and .udge" are now to be noticed. F:et" truly" nowise have we known before Wisdom so packed and perfect" as thy 2ord%s" 1iving that 1olden 0ule that each shall do 5nto his fellow as he would have done 5nto himself . . . . .G 2et us take down from our shelves any book on comparative religion" say ,oncure Conway%s !acred #nthology or ,ax ,iller%s )ntroduction to the !cience of 0eligion.I 6n page @D' of the latter we read italics and allP F#ccording to Buddha" the motive of all our actions should be pity or love for our neighbor. F#nd as in Buddhism" so even in the writing of Confucius we find again what we value most in our own religion. ) shall 9uote but one saying of the Chinese sageP B FWWhat you do not like when done to yourself" do not do that to others.%G -ow of course this is no news to our readers* but the 9uestion isP is it news to !ir 8dwin #rnoldX )f it is" he must be a culpably negligent studentP if it is not" then he knows best what purpose he is serving by so flagrant a mis$statement.

BBBBBBB I A2ondon. 2ongman%s Q 1reen" &?(C ed.J BBBBBBB

Page &E' hen again we are forced to 9uery the honesty of the translator of the !ong Celestial when he writes of the kingdom of Heaven" in his latest effortP F2ikewise" that whoso will may enter inB -ow and for everBto full freedmanship 6f 2ove%s fair kingdom" having >aith" which is -ot wisdom" understanding" creed" belief" -or sinlessnessBby :ogis vainly sought )n deedlessnessBbut earnest will to stand 6n 2ove%s side* . . . .G )n which leaving aside the rest of the debateable ground we point to the word deedlessness. 6f course we know that the Bhagavad$gita is not a Buddhist sutta" but since !ir 8dwin has brought Parabrahm into court to prop up his case" we think ourselves .ustified in sending him to his own translation to refresh his memory about the true :ogi. )n Book the hird" /rishna < the Higher 8go = thus speaksPB F-o man shall %scape from act By shunning action* nay" and none shall come By mere renouncements unto perfectness. -ay" and no .ot of time" at any time" 0ests any actionless* his nature%s law Compels him" even unwilling" into act* ........ But he who" with strong body serving mind 1ives up his mental powers to worthy work" -ot seeking gain" #r.una d such an one )s honourable. 7o thine allotted taskd ........ Work is more excellent than idleness* he body%s life proceeds not" lacking work. here is a task of holiness to do" 5nlike world binding toil" which bindeth not he faithful soul* such earthly duty do >ree from desire" and thou shalt well perform hy heavenly purpose.G #nd so on we might 9uote for pages. )s our distinguished author" then" losing his memoryX

Page &(L )n general" the key$note of the Flarger teachingG which the ,agus is made to hail is F2ove%s tolerance fulfills the law.G But surely this is no news to the mild and peaceful 8ast* it was news perhaps to the worshippers of +aveh and the turbulent and savage tribes that 0ome held under her sway" but to the followers of the Buddha such teaching was and is Ffamiliar in their mouths as household words.G )n conclusion" we can only sincerely regret that !ir 8dwin #rnold has gone so far out of his way to spoil his honourable record" and cause both 8ast and West to blush over so sad a spectacle. o one thing alone we can give our un9ualified approval* vi;." that the poet disposes most summarily of +aveh and does not fall into the vulgar error of confounding Christianity with exoteric +udaism and its F.ealous 1od.G he volume is fitly dedicated to F he Rueen%s most excellent ,a.esty.G 2ater on we may again refer to the matter and let our readers hear what a Buddhist has to say on the sub.ect.

MISCELL%NEOUS NOTES A6n #pril &D" &?'&" #nnie Besant delivered an address before the #ryan .!. in -ew :ork* speaking on the sub.ect of /arma" she 9uoted the following reply given by H.P.B. to a student who asked why pain was so universal.J :ou forget that on every plane" physical" mental" and spiritual" the pain of travail means the birth of a new life.

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LETTER TO THE "I"TH %NNU%L CONVENTION O" THE %MERIC%N SECTION O" THE THEOSOPHIC%L SOCIET# A6riginally published in the 0eport of Proceedings of the Convention" held #pril @E$@("&?'&" in the !teinert Hall" Boston" ,assachusetts. 0ead by #nnie Besant at the afternoon session of #pril @E. #lso published in 2ucifer 3ol. 3)))" +une" &?'&" pp. CDC$DK.J 6 H8 B6! 6- C6-38- )6-" .!." &?'&. >or the third time since my return to 8urope in &??K" ) am able to send to my brethren in heosophy and fellow citi;ens of the 5nited !tates a delegate from 8ngland to attend the annual heosophical Convention and speak by word of mouth my greeting and warm congratulations. !uffering in body as ) am continually" the only consolation that remains to me is to hear of the progress of the Holy Cause to which my health and strength have been given* but to which" now that these are going" ) can offer only my passionate devotion and never$weakening good wishes for its success and welfare. he news therefore that comes from #merica" mail after mail" telling of new Branches and of well$considered and patiently worked$out plans for the advancement of heosophy cheers and gladdens me with its evidences of growth" more than words can tell. >ellow heosophists" ) am proud of your noble work in the -ew World* !isters and Brothers of #merica" ) thank and ) bless you for your unremitting labours for the common cause" so dear to us all. 2et me remind you all once more that such work is now more than ever needed. he period which we have now reached in the cycle that will close between &?'($? is" and will continue to be" one of great conflict and continued strain.

Page &(@ )f the .!. can hold through it" good* if not" while heosophy will remain unscathed" the !ociety will perishBperchance most ingloriouslyBand the World will suffer. ) fervently hope that ) may not see such a disaster in my present body. he critical nature of the stage on which we have entered is as well known to the forces that fight against us as to those that fight on our side. -o opportunity will be lost of sowing dissension" of taking advantage of mistaken and false moves" of instilling doubt" of augmenting difficulties" of breathing suspicions" so that by any and every means the unity of the !ociety may be broken and the ranks of our >ellows thinned and thrown into disarray. -ever has it been more necessary for the ,embers of the .!. to lay to heart the old parable of the bundle of sticks" than it is at the present timeP divided" they will inevitably be broken" one by one* united" there is no force on 8arth able to destroy our Brotherhood. -ow ) have marked with pain a tendency among you" as among the heosophists in 8urope and )ndia" to 9uarrel over trifles" and to allow your very devotion to the cause of heosophy to lead you into disunion. Believe me" that apart from such natural tendency" owing to the inherent imperfections of Human -ature" advantage is often taken by our ever$watchful enemies of your noblest 9ualities to betray and to mislead you. !ceptics will laugh at this statement" and even some of you may put small faith in the actual existence of the terrible forces of these mental" hence sub.ective and invisible" yet withal living and potent" influences around all of us. But there they are" and ) know of more than one among you who have felt them" and have actually been forced to acknowledge these extraneous mental pressures. 6n those of you who are unselfishly and sincerely devoted to the Cause" they will produce little" if any" impression. 6n some others" those who place their personal pride higher than their duty to the .!." higher even than their Pledge to their divine !82>" the effect is generally disastrous. !elf$ watchfulness is never more necessary than when a personal wish to lead" and wounded vanity" dress themselves in the peacock%s feathers of devotion and altruistic work* but at the present crisis of the !ociety a lack of self$control and watchfulness may become fatal in every case.

Page &(C But these diabolical attempts of our powerful enemiesBthe irreconcilable foes of the truths now being given out and practically assertedBmay be frustrated. )f every >ellow in the !ociety were content to be an impersonal force for good" careless of praise or blame so long as he subserved the purpose of the Brotherhood" the progress made would astonish the World and place the #rk of the .!. out of danger. ake for your motto in conduct during the coming year" FPeace with #ll who love ruth in sincerity"G and the Convention of &?'@ will bear elo9uent witness to the strength that is born of unity. :our position as the fore$runners of the sixth sub$race of the fifth root$race has its own special perils as well as its special advantages. Psychism" with all its allurements" and all its dangers" is necessarily developing among you" and you must beware lest the Psychic outruns the ,anasic and !piritual development. Psychic capacities held perfectly under control" checked and directed by the ,anasic principle" are valuable aids in development. But these capacities running riot" controlling instead of controlled" using instead of being used" lead the !tudent into the most dangerous delusions and the certainty of moral destruction. Watch therefore carefully this development" inevitable in your race and evolution$period so that it may finally work for good and not for evil* and receive" in advance" the sincere and potent blessings of hose whose good$will will never fail you" if you do not fail yourselves. Here in 8ngland ) am glad to be able to report to you that steady and rapid progress is being made. #nnie Besant will give you details of our work" and will tell you of the growing strength and influence of our !ociety* the reports which she bears from the 8uropean and British !ections speak for themselves in their record of activities. he 8nglish character" difficult to reach" but solid and tenacious when once aroused" adds to our !ociety a valuable factor" and there are being laid in 8ngland strong and firm foundations for the .!. of the twentieth century.

Page &(D Here" as with you" attempts are being successfully made to bring to bear the influence of Hindu on 8nglish thought" and many of our Hindu brethren are now writing for 2ucifer short and clear papers on )ndian philosophies. #s it is one of the tasks of the .!. to draw together the 8ast and the West" so that each may supply the 9ualities lacking in the other" and develop more fraternal feelings among -ations so various" this literary intercourse will" ) hope" prove of the utmost service in #ryanising Western thought. he mention of 2ucifer reminds me that the now assured position of that maga;ine is very largely due to the help rendered at a critical moment by the #merican >ellows. #s my one absolutely unfettered medium of communication with heosophists all over the World" its continuance was of grave importance to the whole !ociety. )n its pages" month by month" ) give such public teaching as is possible on heosophical doctrines" and so carry on the most important of our heosophical work. he maga;ine now .ust covers its expenses" and if 2odges and individual >ellows would help in increasing its circulation" it would become more widely useful than it is at the present time. herefore" while thanking from the bottom of my heart all those who so generously helped to place the maga;ine on a solid foundation" ) should be glad to see a larger increase in the number of regular subscribers" for ) regard these as my pupils" among whom ) shall find some who will show the capacity for receiving further instruction. #nd now ) have said all* ) am not sufficiently strong to write you a more lengthy message" and there is the less need for me to do so" as my friend and trusted messenger" #nnie Besant" she who is my right arm here" will be able to explain to you my wishes more fully and better than ) can write them. #fter all" every wish and thought ) can utter are summed up in this one sentence" the never$dormant wish of my heart" FBe heosophists" Work for heosophydGB heosophy first" and heosophy last* for its practical realisation alone can save the Western World from that selfish and unbrotherly feeling that now divides race from race" one nation from the other* and from that hatred of class and social strifes" that are the curse and disgrace of so$ called Christian peoples.

Page &(K heosophy alone can save it from sinking entirely into that mere luxurious materialism in which it will decay and putrefy as older civili;ations have done. )n your hands" Brothers" is placed in trust the welfare of the coming century* and great as is the trust" so great is also the responsibility. ,y own span of life may not be long" and if any of you have learned aught from my teachings" or have gained by my help a glimpse of the rue 2ight" ) ask you" in return" to strengthen the cause by the triumph of which that rue 2ight" made still brighter and more glorious through your individual and collective efforts" will lighten the World" and thus to let me see" before ) part with this worn$out body" the stability of the !ociety secured. ,ay the blessings of the past and present great eachers rest upon you. >rom myself accept collectively the assurance of my true" never$wavering fraternal feelings" and the sincere" heartfelt thanks for the work done by all the workers. >rom their !ervant to the last" H.P. B2#3# !/:. . .

Page &(E %DDITION%L MESS%GE TO THE "I"TH %MERIC%N CONVENTION A2etter from H. P. Blavatsky" dated #pril &K" &?'&" read by #nnie Besant at the afternoon session of #pril @E. 0eproduced verbatim from the original in the handwriting of 1. 0. !. ,ead" except for the closing salutation and signature" held in the #rchives of the heosophical !ociety" Pasadena" California.J H86!6PH)C#2 !6C)8 :P 8506P8#- !8C )6&' #38-58 06#7" 0818- %! P#0/" 26-76-" -.W. 6 H8 >)> H C6-38- )6- 6> H86!6PH)C#2 !6C)8 :. Brother heosophistsP ) have purposely omitted any mention of my oldest friend and fellow$worker" W. R. +udge" in my general address to you" because ) think that his unflagging and self$ sacrificing efforts for the building up of heosophy in #merica deserve special mention. Had it not been for W. R. +udge" heosophy would not be where it is today in the 5nited !tates. )t is he who has mainly built up the movement among you" and he who has proved in a thousand ways his entire loyalty to the best interests of heosophy and the !ociety. ,utual admiration should play no part in a heosophical Convention" but honour should be given where honour is due" and ) gladly take this opportunity of stating in public" by the mouth of my friend and colleague" #nnie Besant" my deep appreciation of the work of your 1eneral !ecretary" and of publicly tendering him my most sincere thanks and deeply$felt gratitude" in the name of heosophy" for the noble work he is doing and has done. :ours fraternally" H.P. B2#3# !/:. . . H8 #,80)C#- !8C )6- 6> H8

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CIVILI/%TION5 THE DE%TH O" %RT %ND BE%UT# A2ucifer" 3ol. 3)))" -o. DK" ,ay" &?'&" pp. &(($&?EJ A his essay was introduced by the following -ote signed by the !ub$8ditorP F) regret to have to announce that the second part of the 8ditorial" W he -egators of !cience"% cannot appear this month" owing to the alarming illness of H.P. Blavatsky" who is suffering from a severe attack of the prevalent influen;a. he following which was written by her as an extra article will take its place.G he reader will find the second installment spoken of in its right chronological order a few pages back.J )n an interview with the celebrated Hungarian violinist" ,. 0emenyi" the Pall ,all 1a;etteI reporter makes the artist narrate some very interesting experiences in the >ar 8ast. F) am the first 8nglishman who ever played before the ,ikado of +apan"G he said* and reverting to that which has ever been a matter of deep regret for every lover of the artistic and the pictures9ue" the violinist addedPB 6n #ugust ?" &??E" ) appeared before His ,a.estyBa day memorable" unfortunately" for the change of costume commanded by the 8mpress. !he herself" abandoning the ex9uisite beauty of the feminine +apanese costume" appeared on that day for the first time and at my concert in 8uropean costume" and it made my heart ache to see her. ) could have greeted her had ) dared with a long wail of despair upon my travelled violin. !ix ladies accompanied her" they themselves being clad in their native costume" and walking with infinite grace and charm. #las" alas" but this is not alld he ,ikadoBthis hitherto sacred" mysterious" invisible and unreachable personagePB

BBBBBBB I A3ol. 2))" ?L?L" >ebruary &&" &?'&" p. C.J BBBBBBB

Page &(? he ,ikado himself was in the uniform of a 8uropean generald #t that time the Court eti9uette was so strict that my accompanist was not permitted into His ,a.esty%s drawing$room" and this was told me beforehand. ) had a good remplacement" as my ambassador" Count Zaluski" who had been a pupil of 2is;t" was able himself to accompany me. :ou will be astonished when ) tell you that" having chosen for the first piece in the programme my transcription for the violin of a C sharp minor polonaise by Chopin" a musical piece of the most intrinsic value and poetic depths" the 8mperor" when ) had finished" intimated to Count )to" his first minister" that ) should play it again. he +apanese taste is good. ) was laden with presents of untold value" one item only being a gold$lac9uer box of the seventeenth century. ) played in Hong /ong and outside Canton" no 8uropean being allowed to live inside. here ) made an interesting excursion to the Portugese possession of ,acao" visiting the cave where Camoens wrote his 2usiad. )t was very interesting to see outside the Chinese town of ,acao" a 8uropean Portuguese town" which to this day has remained unchanged since the sixteenth century. )n the midst of the ex9uisite tropical vegetation of +ava" and despite the terrific heat" ) gave sixty$two concerts in sixty$seven days" travelling all over the island" inspecting its anti9uities" the chief of which is a most wonderful Buddhist temple" the Boro Budhur" or ,any Buddhas. his building contains six miles of figures" and is a solid pile of stone" larger than the pyramids. hey have" these +avans" an extraordinarily sweet orchestra in the national !amelang" which consists of percussion instruments played by eighteen people* but to hear this orchestra" with its most weird 6riental chorus and ecstatic dances" one must have had the privilege of being invited by the !ultan of !olo" W!ole 8mperor of the World.% ) have seen and heard nothing more dreamy and poetic than the !erimpis danced by nine 0oyal Princesses.G Where are the #esthetes of a few years agoX 6r was this little confederation of the lovers of art but one of the soap$bubbles of our fin de sibcle" rich in promise and suggestion of many a possibility" but dead in works and actX 6r" if there are any true lovers of art yet left among them" why do they not organi;e and send out missionaries the world over" to tell pictures9ue +apan and other countries ready to fall victims that" to imitate the will$o%$the$wisp of 8uropean culture and fascination" means for a non$ Christian land" the committing of suicide* that it means sacrificing one%s individuality for an empty show and shadow* at best it is to exchange the original and the pictures9ue for the vulgar and the hideous.

Page &(' ruly and indeed it is high time that at last something should be done in this direction" and before the deceitful civili;ation of the conceited nations of but yesterday has irretrievably hypnoti;ed the older races" and made them succumb to its upas$tree wiles and supposed superiority. 6therwise" old arts and artistic creations" everything original and uni9ue will very soon disappear. #lready national dresses and time$honoured customs" and everything beautiful" artistic" and worth preservation is fast disappearing from view. #t no distant day" alas" the best relics of the past will perhaps be found only in museums in sorry" solitary" and be$ticketed samples preserved under glassd !uch is the work and the unavoidable result of our modern civili;ation. !kin$ deep in reality in its visible effects" in the FblessingsG it is alleged to have given to the world" its roots are rotten to the core. )t is to its progress that selfishness and materialism" the greatest curses of the nation" are due* and the latter will most surely lead to the annihilation of art and of the appreciation of the truly harmonious and beautiful. Hitherto" materialism has only led to a universal tendency to unification on the material plane and a corresponding diversity on that of thought and spirit. )t is this universal tendency" which by propelling humanity" through its ambition and selfish greed" to an incessant chase after wealth and the obtaining at any price of the supposed blessings of this life" causes it to aspire or rather gravitate to one level" the lowest of allBthe plane of empty appearance. ,aterialism and indifference to all save the selfish reali;ation of wealth and power" and the over$feeding of national and personal vanity" have gradually led nations and men to the almost entire oblivion of spiritual ideals" of the love of nature to the correct appreciation of things. 2ike a hideous leprosy our Western civili;ation has eaten its way through all the 9uarters of the globe and hardened the human heart. F!oul$savingG is its deceitful" lying pretext* greed for additional revenue through opium" rum" and the inoculation of 8uropean vicesBthe real aim.

Page &?L )n the far 8ast it has infected with the spirit of imitation the higher classes of the FpagansGBsave China" whose national conservatism deserves our respect* and in 8urope it has engrafted fashion Bsave the markBeven on the dirty"Bstarving proletariat itselfd >or the last thirty years" as if some deceitful semblance of a reversion to the ancestral typeBawarded to men by the 7arwinian theory in its moral added to its physical characteristicsBwere contemplated by an evil spirit tempting mankind" almost every race and nation under the !un in #sia has gone mad in its passion for aping 8urope. his" added to the frantic endeavour to destroy -ature in every direction" and also every vestige of older civili;ationsBfar superior to our own in arts" godliness" and the appreciation of the grandiose and harmoniousBmust result in such national calamities. herefore" do we find hitherto artistic and pictures9ue +apan succumbing wholly to the temptation of .ustifying the Fape theoryG by simiani;ing its populations in order to bring the country on a level with canting" greedy and artificial 8uroped >or certainly 8urope is all this. )t is canting and deceitful from its diplomats down to its custodians of religion" from its political down to its social laws" selfish" greedy and brutal beyond expression in its grabbing characteristics. #nd yet there are those who wonder at the gradual decadence of true art" as if art could exist without imagination" fancy" and a .ust appreciation of the beautiful in -ature" or without poetry and high religious" hence" metaphysical aspirationsd he galleries of paintings and sculpture" we hear" become every year poorer in 9uality" if richer in 9uantity. )t is lamented that while there is a plethora of ordinary productions" the greatest scarcity of remarkable pictures and statuary prevails. )s this not most evidently due to the facts that <a= the artists will very soon remain with no better models than nature morte <or Fstill lifeG= to inspire themselves with* and <b= that the chief concern is not the creation or artistic ob.ects" but their speedy sale and profitsX 5nder such conditions" the fall of true art is only a natural conse9uence.

Page &?& 6wing to the triumphant march and the invasion of civili;ation" -ature" as well as man and ethics" is sacrificed" and is fast becoming artificial. Climates are changing" and the face of the whole world will soon be altered. 5nder the murderous hand of the pioneers of civili;ation" the destruction of whole primeval forests is leading to the drying up of rivers" and the opening of the Canal of !ue; has changed the climate of 8gypt as that of Panama will divert the course of the 1ulf !tream. #lmost tropical countries are now becoming cold and rainy" and fertile lands threaten to be soon transformed into sandy deserts. # few years more and there will not remain within a radius of fifty miles around our large cities one single rural spot inviolate from vulgar speculation. )n scenery" the pictures9ue and the natural is daily replaced by the grotes9ue and the artificial. !carce a landscape in 8ngland but the fair body of nature is desecrated by the advertisements of FPears% !oapG and FBeecham%s Pills.G he pure air of the country is polluted with smoke" the smells of greasy railway$engines" and the sickening odours of gin" whiskey" and beer. #nd once that every natural spot in the surrounding scenery is gone" and the eye of the painter finds but the artificial and hideous products of modern speculation to rest upon" artistic taste will have to follow suit and disappear along with them. F-o man ever did or ever will work well" but either from actual sight or sight of faith"G says 0uskin" speaking of art. hus" the first 9uarter of the coming century may witness painters of landscapes" who have never seen an acre of land free from human improvement* and painters of figures whose ideas of female beauty of form will be based on the wasp$like pinched$in waists of corseted" hollow$chested and consumptive society belles. )t is not from such models that a picture deserving of the definition of HoraceBFa poem without wordsGBis produced. #rtificially draped Parisiennes and 2ondon Cockneys sitting for )talian contadini or #rab Bedouins can never replace the genuine article* and both free Bedouins and genuine )talian peasant girls are" thanks to Fcivili;ation"G fast becoming things of the past.

Page &?@ Where shall artists find genuine models in the coming century" when the hosts of the free -omads of the 7esert" and perchance all the negro$tribes of #fricaBor what will remain of them after their decimation by Christian cannons" and the rum and opium of the Christian civili;erBwill have donned 8uropean coats and top hatsX #nd that this is precisely what awaits art under the beneficial progress of modern civili;ation" is self$evident to all. #yed let us boast of the blessings of civili;ation" by all means. 2et us brag of our sciences and the grand discoveries of the age" its achievements in mechanical arts" its railroads" telephones and electric batteries* but let us not forget" meanwhile" to purchase at fabulous prices <almost as great as those given in our day for a pri;e dog" or an old prima donna%s song= the paintings and statuary of uncivili;ed" barbarous anti9uity and of the middle agesP for such ob.ects of art will be reproduced no more. Civili;ation has tolled their eleventh hour. )t has rung the death$knell of the old arts" and the last decade of our century is summoning the world to the funeral of all that was grand" genuine" and original in the old civili;ations. Would 0aphael" 6 ye lovers of art" have created one single of his many ,adonnas had he had" instead of >ornarina and the once +uno$like women of the rastevere of 0ome to inspire his genius" only the present$day models" or the niched 3irgins of the nooks and corners of modern )taly" in crinolines and high$heeled bootsX 6r would #ndrea del !arto have produced his famous F3enus and CupidG from a modern 8ast 8nd working girl one of the latest victims to fashionBholding under the shadow of a gigantic hat q la mous9uetaire" feathered like the scalp of an )ndian chief" a dirty" scrofulous brat from the slumsX How could itian have ever immortali;ed his golden$haired patrician ladies of 3enice" had he been compelled to move all his life in the society of our actual Fprofessional beauties"G with their straw$coloured" dyed capillaries that transform human hair into the fur of a yellow #ngora catX ,ay not one venture to state with the utmost confidence that the world would never have had the #thena 2emnia of PhidiasB

Page &?C Bthat ideal of beauty in face and formBhad #spasia" the ,ilesian" or the fair daughters of Hellas" whether in the days of Pericles or in any other" disfigured that FformG with stays and bustle" and coated that FfaceG with white enamel" after the fashion of the varnished features of the mummies of the dead 8gyptians. We see the same in architecture. -ot even the genius of ,ichelangelo himself could have failed to receive its death$blow at the first sight of the 8iffel ower" or the #lbert Hall" or more horrible still" the #lbert ,emorial. -or" for the matter of that" could it have received any suggestive idea from the Colosseum and the palace of the Caesars" in their present whitewashed and repaired stated Whither" then shall we" in our days of civili;ation" go to find the natural" or even simply the pictures9ueX )s it still to )taly" to !wit;erland or !painX But the Bay of -aplesBeven if its waters be as blue and transparent as on the day when the people of Cum} selected its shores for a colony and its surrounding scenery as gloriously beautiful as everBthanks to that spirit of mimicry which has infected sea and land" has now lost its most artistic and most original features. )t is bereft of its la;y" dirty" but intensely pictures9ue figures of old* of its la;;aroni and barcailos" its fishermen and country girls. )nstead of the former%s red or blue Phrygian cap" and the latter%s statues9ue" half$nude figure and poetical rags" we see now$a$days but the caricatured specimens of modern civili;ation and fashion. he gay tarantella resounds no longer on the cool sands of the moonlit shore* it is replaced by that libel on erpsychore" the modern 9uadrille" in the gas$lit" gin$smelling sailor%s trattorias. >ilth still pervades the land" as of yore* but it is made the more apparent on the threadbare city coat" the mangled chimney$pot hat and the once fashionable" now castaway 8uropean bonnet. Picked up in the hotel gutters" they now grace the unkempt heads of the once pictures9ue -eapolitans. he type of the latter has died out" and there is nothing to distinguish the la;;aroni from the 3enetian gondoliere" the Calabrian brigand" or the 2ondon street$sweeper and beggar.

Page &?D he still" sunlit waters of Canal 1rande bear no longer their gondolas" filled on festival days with gaily dressed 3enetians" with pictures9ue boatmen and girls. he black gondola that glides silently under the heavy carved balconies of the old patrician pala;;e" reminds one now more of a black floating coffin" with a solemn$ looking" dark$clothed undertaker paddling it on towards the !tyx" than of the gondola of thirty years ago. 3enice looks more gloomy now than during the days of #ustrian slavery from which it was rescued by -apoleon ))). 6nce on shore" its gondoliere is scarcely distinguishable from his Ffare"G the British ,.P. on his holiday$tour in the old city of the 7oges. !uch is the levelling hand of all$destroying civili;ation. )t is the same all over 8urope. 2ook at !wit;erland. Hardly a decade ago" every Canton had its distinguishing national costume" as clean and fresh as it was peculiar. -ow the people are ashamed to wear it. hey want to be mistaken for foreign guests" to be regarded as a civili;ed nation which follows suit even in fashion. Cross over to !pain. 6f all the relics of old" the smell of rancid oil and garlic is alone left to remind one of the poetry of the old days in the country of the Cid. he graceful mantilla has almost disappeared* the proud hidalgo$beggar has taken himself off from the street$ corner* the nightly serenades of lovesick 0omeos are gone out of fashion" and the duenna contemplates going in for woman%s rights. he members of the F!ocial PurityG #ssociations may say Fthank 1odG to this and lay the change at the door of Christian and moral reforms of civili;ation. But has morality gained anything in !pain with the disappearance of the nocturnal lovers and duennasX We have every right to say" no. # 7on +uan outside a house is less dangerous than one inside. !ocial immorality is as rife as everBif not more so" in !pain" and it must be so" indeed" when even Harper%s 1uide Book 9uotes in its last edition as followsP F,orals in all classes" especially in the higher" are in the most degraded state. 3eils" indeed" are thrown aside" and serenades are rare" but gallantry and intrigue are as active as ever. he men think little of their married obligations* the women . . . are willing victims of unprincipled gallantry.G <!pain" F,adrid"G page E(?.=

Page &?K )n this" !pain is but on a par with all other countries civili;ed or now civili;ing" and is assuredly not worse than many another country that could be named* but that which may be said of it with truth is" that what it has lost in poetry through civili;ation" it has gained in hypocrisy and loose morals. he Corte.o has turned into the petit crevO* the castanets have become silent" because" perhaps" the noise of the uncorked champagne bottles affords more excitement to the rapidly civili;ing nation* and the F#ndalouse au teint bruniG having taken to cosmetics and face$enamel" Fla ,ar9uesa d% #lmediG may be said to have been buried with #lfred de ,usset. he gods have indeed been propitious to the #lhambra. hey have permitted it to be burnt before its chaste ,ores9ue beauty had been finally desecrated" as are the rock$cut temples of )ndia" the Pyramids and other relics by drunken orgies. his superb relic of the ,oors had already suffered" once before" by Christian improvement. )t is a tradition still told in 1ranada" and history too" that the monks of >erdinand and )sabella had made of #lhambraBthat Fpalace of petrified flowers dyed with the hues of the wings of angelsGBa filthy prison for thieves and murderers. ,odern speculators might have done worse* they might have polluted its walls and pearl$inlaid ceilings" the lovely gilding and stucco" the fairy$like arabes9ues" and the marble and gossamer$like carvings" with commercial advertisements" after the )n9uisitors had already once before covered the building with whitewash and permitted the prison$keepers to use #lhambra Halls for their donkeys and cattle. 7oubting but little that the fury of the ,adrilenos for imitating the >rench and 8nglish must have already" at this stage of modern civili;ation" infected every province of !pain" we may regard that lovely country as dead. # friend speaks" as an eye$witness" of FcocktailsG spilled near the marble fountain of the #lhambra" over the blood$marks left by the hapless #bancerages slain by Boabdil" and of a Parisian cancan pur sang performed by working girls and soldiers of 1ranada" in the Court of 2ionsd

Page &?E But these are only trifling signs of the time and the spread of culture among the middle and lower classes. Wherever the spirit of aping possesses the heart of the nationBthe poor working classesBthere the elements of nationality disappear and the country is on the eve of losing its individuality and all things change for the worse. What is the use of talking so loudly of Fthe benefits of Christian civili;ation"G of its having softened public morals" refined national customs and manners" etc." etc." when our modern civili;ation has achieved 9uite the reversed Civili;ation has depended" for ages" says Burke" Fupon two principles. . . . the spirit of a gentleman and the spirit of religion.G #nd how many true gentlemen have we left" when compared even with the days of half$barbarous knighthoodX 0eligion has become canting hypocrisy and the genuine religious spirit is regarded now$a$days as insanity. Civili;ation" it is averred" Fhas destroyed brigandage" established public security" elevated morality and built railways which now honeycomb the face of the globe.G )ndeedX 2et us analy;e seriously and impartially all these FbenefitsG and we shall soon find that civili;ation has done nothing of the kind. #t best it has put a false nose on every evil of the Past" adding hypocrisy and false pretence to the natural ugliness of each. )f it is true to say that it has put down in some civili;ed centres of 8uropeB near 0ome" in the Bois de Boulogne or on Hampstead HeathBbanditti and highwaymen" it is also as true that it has" thereby" destroyed robbery only as a speciality" the latter having now become a common occupation in every city great or small. he robber and cut$throat has only exchanged his dress and appearance by donning the livery of civili;ationBthe ugly modern attire. )nstead of being robbed under the vault of thick woods and the protection of darkness" people are robbed now$a$days under the electric light of saloons and the protection of trade$laws and police$regulations. #s to open day$light brigandage" the ,afia of -ew 6rleans and the ,ala 3ita of !icily" with high officialdom" population" police" and .ury forced to play into the hands of regularly organi;ed bands of murderers"

Page &?( thieves and tyrantsI in the full glare of 8uropean Fculture"G show how far our civili;ation has succeeded in establishing public security" or Christian religion in softening the hearts of men and the ways and customs of a barbarous past. ,odern Cyclop}dias are very fond of expatiating upon the decadence of 0ome and its pagan horrors. But if the latest editions of the 7ictionary of 1reek and 0oman Biography were honest enough to make a parallel between those Fmonsters of depravityG of ancient civili;ation" ,essalina and >austina" -ero and Commodus" and modern 8uropean aristocracy" it might be found that the latter could give odds to the formerB in social hypocrisy" at any rate. Between Fthe shameless and beastly debaucheryG of an 8mperor Commodus" and as beastly a depravity of more than one FHonourable"G high official representative of the people" the only difference to be found is that while Commodus was a member of all the sacerdotal colleges of Paganism" the modern debauchee may be a high member of the 8vangelical Christian Churches" a distinguished and pious pupil of ,oody and !ankey and what not. )t is not the Calchas of Homer" who was the type of the Calchas in the 6perette 2a Belle HOlbne" but the modern sacerdotal Pecksniff and his followers. #s to the blessings of railways and Fthe annihilation of space and time"G it is still an undecided 9uestionBwithout speaking of the misery and starvation the introduction of steam engines and machinery in general has brought for years on those who depend on their manual labourBwhether railways do not kill more people in one month that the brigands of all 8urope used to murder in a whole year. he victims of railroads" moreover" are killed under circumstances which surpass in horror anything the cut$throats may have devised. 6ne reads almost daily of railway disasters in which people are Fburned to death in the bla;ing wreckage"G

BBBBBBB I 0ead the FCut hroats% ParadiseG in the 8dinburgh 0eview for #pril" &?((" and the digest of it in the Pall ,all 1a;ette of #pril &Kth" &?'&" F,urder as a Profession.G BBBBBBB

Page &?? Fmangled and crushed out of recognitionG and killed by do;ens and scores.I his is a trifle worse than the highwaymen of old -ewgate. -or has crime been abated at all by the spread of civili;ation* though owing to the progress of science in chemistry and physics" it has become more secure from detection and more ghastly in its reali;ation than it ever has been. !peak of Christian civili;ation having improved public morals* of Christianity being the only religion which has established and recogni;ed 5niversal Brotherhoodd 2ook at the brotherly feeling shown by #merican Christians to the 0ed )ndian and the -egro" whose citi;enship is the farce of the age. Witness the love of the #nglo$)ndians for the Fmild Hindu"G the ,ussulman" and the Buddhist. !ee Fhow these Christians love each otherG in their incessant law litigations" their libels against each other" the mutual hatred of the Churches and of the sects. ,odern civili;ation and Christianity are oil and waterBthey will never mix. -ations among which the most horrible crimes are daily perpetrated* nations which re.oice in ropmanns and +ack the 0ippers" in fiends like ,rs. 0eeves the trader in baby slaughterBto the number of CLL victims as is believedBfor the sake of filthy lucre* nations which not only permit but encourage a ,onaco with its hosts of suicides" that patroni;e pri;e$fights" bull$fights" useless and cruel sport and even indiscriminate vivisectionBsuch nations have no right to boast of their civili;ation. -ations furthermore which from political considerations" dare not put down slave$trade once for all" and out of revenue$greed" hesitate to abolish opium and whiskey trades" fattening on the untold misery and degradation of millions of human beings" have no right to call themselves either Christian or civili;ed.

BBBBBBB I o take one instance. # 0euter%s telegram from #merica" where such accidents are almost a daily occurrence" gives the following details of a wrecked trainP F6ne of the cars which was attached to a gravel train and which contained five )talian workmen" was thrown forward into the centre of the wreck" and the whole mass caught fire. wo of the men were killed outright and the remaining three were in.ured" pinioned in the wreckage. #s the flames reached them their cries and groans were heartrending. 6wing to the position of the car and the intense heat the rescuers were unable to reach them" and were compelled to watch them slowly burn to death. )t is understood that all the victims leave families.G BBBBBBB

186018 87W#07 W0)1H &?K&$X 0eproduced from he Path" -ew :ork" 3ol. 3)))" ,arch" &?'D.

/)-1 6!C#0 )) 6> !W878- #-7 -60W#: &?@'$&'L( >rom the #rchives of the heosophical !ociety" Pasadena. 0eproduced by permission.

Page &?' # civili;ation finally that leads only to the destruction of every noble" artistic feeling in man" can only deserve the epithet of barbarous. We" the modern$day 8uropeans" are 3andals as great" if not greater than #tilla with his savage hordes. Consummatum est. !uch is the work of our modern Christian civili;ation and its direct effects. he destroyer of art" the !hylock" who" for every mite of gold it gives" demands and receives in return a pound of human flesh" in the heart$blood" in the physical and mental suffering of the masses" in the loss of everything true and loveableBcan hardly pretend to deserve grateful or respectful recognition. he unconsciously prophetic fin de sibcle" in short" is the long ago foreseen fin de cycle* when according to ,an.unStha !utra" F+ustice will have died" leaving as its successor blind 2aw" and as its 1uru and guideB!elfishness* when wicked things and deeds will have to be regarded as meritorious" and holy actions as madness.G Beliefs are dying out" divine life is mocked at* art and genius" truth and .ustice are daily sacrificed to the insatiable mammon of the ageBmoney grubbing. he artificial replaces everywhere the real" the false substitutes the true. -ot a sunny valley" not a shadowy grove left immaculate on the bosom of mother nature. #nd yet what marble fountain in fashionable s9uare or city park" what bron;e lions or tumble$down dolphins with upturned tails can compare with an old worm$eaten" moss$covered" weather$stained country well" or a rural windmill in a green meadowd What #rc de riomphe can ever compare with the low arch of 1rotta #;;urra" at Capri" and what city park or Champs NlysOes" rival !orrento" Fthe wild garden of the world"G the birth$ place of assoX #ncient civili;ations have never sacrificed -ature to speculation" but holding it as divine" have honoured her natural beauties by the erection of works of art" such as our modern electric civili;ation could never produce even in dream.

Page &'L he sublime grandeur" the mournful gloom and ma.esty of the ruined temples of Paestum" that stand for ages like so many sentries over the speculchre of the Past and the forlorn hope of the >uture amid the mountain wilderness of !orrento" have inspired more men of genius than the new civili;ation will ever produce. 1ive us the banditti who once infested these ruins" rather than the railroads that cut through the old 8truscan tombs* the first may take the purse and life of the few* the second are undermining the lives of the millions by poisoning with foul gases the sweet breath of the pure air. )n ten years" by century the 44th" !outhern >rance with its -ice and Cannes" and even 8ngadine" may hope to rival the 2ondon atmosphere with its fogs" thanks to the increase of population and changes in climate. We hear that !peculation is preparing a new ini9uity against -atureP smoky" greasy" stench$breathing funiculaires <baby$railways= are being contemplated for some world$renowned mountains. hey are preparing to creep like so many loathsome" fire$vomiting reptiles over the immaculate body of the +ungfrau" and a railway$tunnel is to pierce the heart of the snow$capped 3irgin mountain" the glory of 8urope. #nd why notX Has not national speculation pulled down the priceless remains of the grand emple of -eptune at 0ome" to build over its colossal corpse and sculptured pillars the present Custom HouseX #re we so wrong then" in maintaining that modern civili;ation with its !pirit of !peculation is the very 1enius of 7estruction* and as such" what better words can be addressed to it than this definition of BurkePB F# !pirit of innovation is generally the result of a selfish temper and confined views. People will not look forward to posterity" who never look backward to their ancestors.G H. P. B.

Page &'&

TRUE NOBILIT# A2ucifer" 3ol. 3)))" -o. DK" ,ay" &?'&" p. &?EJ We take the following from one of the dailies of ,arch @LthPB F he funeral of ,rs. !trutter" the 8nglish nurse of the present 8mperor of 0ussia" and 7uchess of 8dinburgh" and all the rest of the children of #lexander ))" took place at !t. Petersburg a day or two ago. he 8mperor and the 1rand 7ukes followed the coffin on foot" and the 8mpress and the 1rand 7uchesses in mourning carriages.G his is a lesson of gentle courtesy that the 3ictorian Court" the automatic slave of eti9uette" would do well to lay to heart and study deeply. BBBBB

M# BOO1S A2ucifer" 3ol. 3)))" -o. DK" ,ay" &?'&" pp. @D&$@D(J !ome time ago" a heosophist" ,r. 0III" was travelling by rail with an #merican gentleman" who told him how surprised he had been by his visit to our 2ondon Head9uarters. He said that he had asked ,dme. Blavatsky what were the best heosophical works for him to read" and had declared his intention of procuring )sis 5nveiled"I when to his astonishment she replied" F7on%t read it" it is all trash.G -ow ) did not say FtrashG so far as ) remember* but what ) did say in substance wasP F2eave it alone* )sis will not satisfy you. 6f all the books ) have put my name to" this particular one is" in literary arrangement" the worst and most confused.G

BBBBBBB I A>or a more complete view of the production of )sis 5nveiled" see the F)ntroductoryG to the &'(@ edition" .P.H." Wheaton" )22." 5.!.#.J BBBBBBB

Page &'@ #nd ) might have added with as much truth that" carefully analysed from a strictly literary and critical standpoint" )sis was full of misprints and mis9uotations* that it contained useless repetitions" most irritating digressions" and to the casual reader unfamiliar with the various aspects of metaphysical ideas and symbols" as many apparent contradictions* that much of the matter in it ought not to be there at all and also that it had some very gross mistakes due to the many alterations in proof$ reading in general" and word corrections in particular. >inally" that the work" for reasons that will be now explained" has no system in it* and that it looks in truth" as remarked by a friend" as if a mass of independent paragraphs having no connection with each other" had been well shaken up in a waste$basket" and then taken out at random andBpublished. !uch is also now my sincere opinion. he full consciousness of this sad truth dawned upon me when" for the first time after its publication in &?((" ) read the work through from the first to the last page" in )ndia in &??&. #nd from that date to the present" ) have never ceased to say what ) thought of it" and to give my honest opinion of )sis whenever ) had an opportunity for so doing. his was done to the great disgust of some" who warned me that ) was spoiling its sale* but as my chief ob.ect in writing it was neither personal fame nor gain" but something far higher" ) cared little for such warnings. >or more than ten years this unfortunate Fmaster$piece"G this Fmonumental work"G as some reviews have called it" with its hideous metamorphoses of one word into another" thereby entirely transforming the meaning"I with its misprints and wrong 9uotation$marks" has given me more anxiety and trouble than anything else during a long life$time which has ever been more full of thorns than of roses.

BBBBBBB I Witness the word FplanetG for FcycleG as originally written" corrected by some unknown hand <3ol. )" p. CD(" @nd par.=" a FcorrectionG which shows Buddha teaching that there is no rebirth on this planet <dd= when the contrary is asserted on p. CDE" and the 2ord Buddha is said to teach how to FavoidG reincarnation* the use of the word Fplanet"G for plane" of F,onasG for ,anas* and the sense of whole ideas sacrificed to the grammatical form" and changed by the substitution of wrong words and erroneous punctuation" etc." etc." etc. BBBBBBB

Page &'C But in spite of these perhaps too great admissions" ) maintain that )sis 5nveiled contains a mass of original and never hitherto divulged information on occult sub.ects. hat this is so" is proved by the fact that the work has been fully appreciated by all those who have been intelligent enough to discern the kernel" and pay little attention to the shell" to give the preference to the idea and not to the form" regardless of its minor shortcomings. Prepared to take upon myselfBvicariously as ) will show Bthe sins of all the external" purely literary defects of the work" ) defend the ideas and teachings in it" with no fear of being charged with conceit" since neither ideas nor teaching are mine" as ) have always declared* and ) maintain that both are of the greatest value to mystics and students of heosophy. !o true is this" that when )sis was first published" some of the best #merican papers were lavish in its praiseBeven to exaggeration" as is evidenced by the 9uotations below.I

BBBBBBB I )sis 5nveiled* a master key to the mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology. By H. P. Blavatsky" Corresponding !ecretary of the heosophical !ociety. @ vols." royal ? vo." about &"KLL pages" cloth" (.KL. >ifth 8dition. F his monumental work . . . . about everything relating to magic" mystery" witchcraft" religion" spiritualism" which would be valuable in an encyclop}dia.GB-orth #merican 0eview. F)t must be acknowledged that she is a remarkable woman" who has read more" seen more" and thought more than most wise men. Her work abounds in 9uotations from a do;en different languages" not for the purpose of a vain display of erudition" but to substantiate her peculiar views . . . . her pages are garnished with foot notes establishing" as her authorities" some of the profoundest writers of the past. o a large class of readers" this remarkable work will prove of absorbing interest . . . . demands the earnest attention of thinkers" and merits an analytic reading.GB Boston 8vening ranscript. F he appearance of erudition is stupendous. 0eference to and 9uotations from the most unknown and obscure writers in all languages abound" interspersed with allusions to writers of the highest repute" which have evidently been more than skimmed through.GB-. :. )ndependent.

Page &'D he first enemies that my work brought to the front were !piritualists" whose fundamental theories as to the spirits of the dead communicating in propria persona ) upset. >or the last fifteen yearsBever since this first publicationBan incessant shower of ugly accusations has been poured upon me. 8very libellous charge" from immorality and the F0ussian spyG theory down to my acting on false pretences" of being a chronic fraud and a living lie" an habitual drunkard" an emissary of the Pope" paid to break down !piritualism" and !atan incarnate. 8very slander that can be thought of has been brought to bear upon my private and public life. he fact that not a single one of these charges has ever been substantiated* that from the first day of +anuary to the last of 7ecember" year after year" ) have lived surrounded by friends and foes like as in a glass$house"Bnothing could stop these wicked" venomous" and thoroughly unscrupulous tongues. )t has been said at various times by my ever active opponents that <&= )sis 5nveiled was simply a rehash of Nliphas 2Ovi and a few old alchemists* <@= that it was written by me under the dictation of 8vil Powers and the departed spirits of +esuits <sic=* and finally <C= that my two volumes had been compiled from ,!!. <never before heard of=" which Baron de PalmBhe of the cremation and double$burial fameBhad left behind him"

BBBBB F#n extremely readable and exhaustive essay upon the paramount importance of re$establishing the Hermetic Philosophy in a world which blindly believes that it has outgrown it.B-.:. World. F,ost remarkable book of the season.GBCom. #dvertiser. F0eaders who have never made themselves ac9uainted with the literature of mysticism and alchemy" the volume will furnish the materials for an interesting studyBa mine of curious information.GB8vening Post. F hey give evidence of much and multifarious research on the part of the author" and contain a vast number of interesting stories. Persons fond of the marvellous will find in them an abundance of entertainment.GB-ew :ork !un.

Page &'K and which ) had found in his trunkdI 6n the other hand" friends" as unwise as they were kind" spread abroad that which was really the truth" a little too enthusiastically" about the connection of my 8astern eacher and other 6ccultists with the work* and this was sei;ed upon by the enemy and exaggerated out of all limits of truth. )t was said that the whole of )sis had been dictated to me from cover to cover and verbatim by these invisible #depts. #nd" as the imperfections of my work were only too glaring" the conse9uence of all this idle and malicious talk was" that my enemies and critics inferredBas well they mightBthat either these invisible inspirers had no existence" and were part of my Ffraud"G or that they lacked the cleverness of even an average good writer.

BBBBBBB F# marvelous book both in matter and manner of treatment. !ome idea may be formed of the rarity and extent of its contents when the index alone comprises fifty pages" and we venture nothing in saying that such an index of sub.ects was never before compiled by any human being . . . . . But the book is a curious one and will no doubt find its way into libraries because of the uni9ue sub.ect matter it contains . . . . will certainly prove attractive to all who are interested in the history" theology" and the mysteries of the ancient world.GB7aily 1raphic. F he present work is the fruit of her remarkable course of education" and amply confirms her claims to the character of an adept in secret science" and even to the rank of a hierophant in the exposition of its mystic lore.GB-ew :ork ribune. F6ne who reads the book carefully through" ought to know everything of the marvellous and mystical" except perhaps" the passwords. )sis will supplement the #nacalypsis. Whoever loves to read 1odfrey Higgins will be delighted with ,me. Blavatsky. here is a great resemblance between their works. Both have tried hard to tell everything apocryphal and apocalyptic. )t is easy to forecast the reception of this book. With its striking peculiarities" its audacity" its versatility" and the prodigious variety of sub.ects which it notices and handles" it is one of the remarkable productions of the century.GB-ew :ork Herald. I his #ustrian nobleman" who was in complete destitution at -ew :ork" and to whom Colonel 6lcott had given shelter and food" nursing him during the last weeks of his lifeBleft nothing in ,!. behind him but bills. he only effect of the baron was an old valise" in which his FexecutorsG found a battered bron;e Cupid" a few foreign 6rders <imitations in pinchbeck and paste" as the gold and diamonds had been sold=* and a few shirts of Colonel 6lcott%s" which the ex$diplomat had annexed without permission. BBBBBBB

Page &'E -ow" no one has any right to hold me responsible for what any one may say" but only for that which ) myself state orally" or in public print over my signature. #nd what ) say and maintain is thisP !ave the direct 9uotations and the many afore specified and mentioned misprints" errors and mis9uotations" and the general make$ up of )sis 5nveiled" for which ) am in no way responsible" <a= every word of information found in this work or in my later writings" comes from the teachings of our 8astern ,asters* and <b= that many a passage in these works has been written by me under their dictation. )n saying this no supernatural claim is urged" for no miracle is performed by such a dictation. #ny moderately intelligent person" convinced by this time of the many possibilities of hypnotism <now accepted by science and under full scientific investigation=" and of the phenomena of thought$transference" will easily concede that if even a hypnoti;ed sub.ect" a mere irresponsible medium" hears the unexpressed thought of his hypnoti;er" who can thus transfer his thought to himB even to repeating the words read by the hypnoti;er mentally from a bookBthen my claim has nothing impossible in it. !pace and distance do not exist for thought* and if two persons are in perfect mutual psycho$magnetic rapport" and of these two" one is a great #dept in 6ccult !ciences" then thought$transference and dictation of whole pages" become as easy and as comprehensible at the distance of ten thousand miles as the transference of two words across a room. Hitherto" ) have abstainedBexcept on very rare occasionsBfrom answering any criticism on my works" and have even left direct slanders and lies unrefuted" because in the case of )sis ) found almost every kind of criticism .ustifiable" and in that of Fslanders and lies"G my contempt for the slanderers was too great to permit me to notice them. 8specially was it the case with regard to the libellous matter emanating from #merica.

Page &'( )t has all come from one and the same source" well known to all heosophists" a person most indefatigable in attacking me personally for the last twelve years"M though ) have never seen or met the creature. -either do ) intend to answer him now. But" as )sis is now attacked for at least the tenth time" the day has come when my perplexed friends and that portion of the public which may be in sympathy with heosophy" are entitled to the whole truthBand nothing but the truth. -ot that ) seek to excuse myself in anything even before them or to Fexplain things.G )t is nothing of the kind. What ) am determined to do is to give facts" undeniable and not to be gainsaid" simply by stating the peculiar" well known to many but now almost forgotten" circumstances" under which ) wrote my first 8nglish work. ) give them seriatim. <&=. When ) came to #merica in &?(C" ) had not spoken 8nglishBwhich ) had learned in my childhood collo9uiallyBfor over thirty years. ) could understand when ) read it" but could hardly speak the language. <@=. ) had never been at any college" and what ) knew ) had taught myself* ) have never pretended to any scholarship in the sense of modern research* ) had then hardly read any scientific 8uropean works" knew little of Western philosophy and sciences. he little which ) had studied and learned of these" disgusted me with its materialism" its limitations" narrow cut$and$dried spirit of dogmatism" and its air of superiority over the philosophies and sciences of anti9uity. <C=. 5ntil &?(D ) had never written one word in 8nglish" nor had ) published any work in any language. hereforeB <D=. ) had not the least idea of literary rules. he art of writing books" of preparing them for print and publication" reading and correcting proofs" were so many close secrets to me. <K=. When ) started to write that which developed later into )sis 5nveiled" ) had no more idea than the man in the moon what would come of it.

BBBBBBB M ) will not name him. here are names which carry a moral stench about them" unfit for any decent .ournal or publication. His words and deeds emanate from the cloaca maxima of the 5niverse of matter and have to return to it" without touching me. BBBBBBB

Page &'? ) had no plan* did not know whether it would be an essay" a pamphlet" a book" or an article. ) knew that ) had to write it" that was all. ) began the work before ) knew Colonel 6lcott well" and some months before the formation of the heosophical !ociety. hus" the conditions for becoming the author of an 8nglish theosophical and scientific work were hopeful" as everyone will see. -evertheless" ) had written enough to fill four such volumes as )sis" before ) submitted my work to Colonel 6lcott. 6f course he said that everything save the pages dictatedBhad to be rewritten. hen we started on our literary labours and worked together every evening. !ome pages the 8nglish of which he had corrected" ) copiedP others which would yield to no mortal correction" he used to real aloud from my pages" 8nglishing them verbally as he went on" dictating to me from my almost undecipherable ,!!. )t is to him that ) am indebted for the 8nglish in )sis. )t is he again who suggested that the work should be divided into chapters" and the first volume devoted to !C)8-C8 and the second to H86261:. o do this" the matter had to be re$shifted" and many of the chapters also* repetitions had to be erased" and the literary connection of sub.ects attended to. When the work was ready" we submitted it to Professor #lexander Wilder" the well known scholar and Platonist of -ew :ork" who after reading the matter" recommended it to ,r. Bouton for publication. -ext to Colonel 6lcott" it is Professor Wilder who did the most for me. )t is he who made the excellent )ndex" who corrected the 1reek" 2atin and Hebrew words" suggested 9uotations and wrote the greater part of the )ntroduction FBefore the 3eil.G )f this was not acknowledged in the work" the fault is not mine" but because it was 7r. Wilder%s express wish that his name should not appear except in footnotes. ) have never made a secret of it" and every one of my numerous ac9uaintances in -ew :ork knew it. When ready the work went to press. >rom that moment the real difficulty began. ) had no idea of correcting galley$ proofs* Colonel 6lcott had little leisure to do so* and the result was that ) made a mess of it from the beginning.

Page &'' Before we were through with the first three chapters" there was a bill of six hundred dollars for corrections and alterations" and ) had to give up the proofreading. Pressed by the publisher" Colonel 6lcott doing all that he possibly could do" but having no time except in the evenings" and 7r. Wilder far away at +ersey City" the result was that the proofs and pages of )sis passed through a number of willing but not very careful hands" and were finally left to the tender mercies of the publisher%s proof$reader. Can one wonder after this if F3aivaswataG <,anu= became transformed in the published volumes into F3iswamitra"G that thirty$six pages of the )ndex were irretrievably lost" and 9uotation$marks placed where none were needed <as in some of my own sentencesd=" and left out entirely in many a passage cited from various authorsX )f asked why these fatal mistakes have not been corrected in a subse9uent edition" my answer is simpleP the plates were stereotyped* and notwithstanding all my desire to do so" ) could not put it into practice" as the plates were the property of the publisher* ) had no money to pay for the expenses" and finally the firm was 9uite satisfied to let things be as they are" since" notwithstanding all its glaring defects" the workBwhich has now reached its seventh or eighth edition" is still in demand. #nd nowBand perhaps in conse9uence of all thisBcomes a new accusationP ) am charged with wholesale plagiarism in the introductory Chapter FBefore the 3eilGd Well" had ) committed plagiarism" ) should not feel the slightest hesitation in admitting the Fborrowing.G But all Fparallel passagesG to the contrary" as ) have not done so" ) do not see why ) should confess it* even though Fthought tranferenceG as the Pall ,all 1a;ette wittily calls it" is in fashion" and at a premium .ust now. !ince the day when the #merican press raised a howl against 2ongfellow" w ho" borrowing from some <then= unknown 1erman translation of the >innish epic" the /alevala" published it as his own superb poem" Hiawatha" and forgot to acknowledge the source of his inspiration" the Continental press has repeatedly brought out other like accusations. he present year is especially fruitful in such Fthought transferences.G

Page @LL Here we have the 2ord ,ayor of the City of 2ondon" repeating word for word an old forgotten sermon by ,r. !purgeon and swearing he had never read or heard of it. he 0ev. 0obert Bradlaugh writes a book" and forthwith the Pall ,all 1a;ette denounces it as a verbal copy from somebody else%s work. ,r. Harry de Windt" the 6riental traveller" and a >.0.1.!. to boot" finds several pages out of his .ust published # 0ide to )ndia" across Persia and Baluchistan" in the 2ondon #cademy" paralleled with extracts from he Country of Baluchistan" by #. W. Hughes" which are identical verbatim et literatim. ,rs. Parr denies in the British Weekly that her novel !ally was borrowed consciously or unconsciously from ,iss Wilkins% !ally" and states that she had never read the said story" nor even heard the author%s name" and so on. >inally" every one who has read 2a 3ie de +Osus" by 0enan" will find that he has plagiarised by anticipation" some descriptive passages rendered in flowing verse in the 2ight of the World. :et even !ir 8dwin #rnold" whose versatile and recogni;ed genius needs no borrowed imagery" has failed to thank the >rench #cademician for his pictures of ,ount abor and 1alilee in prose" which he has so elegantly versified in his last poem. )ndeed" at this stage of our civilisation and fin de sibcle" one should feel highly honoured to be placed in such good and numerous company" even as aBplagiarist. But ) cannot claim such a privilege and" simply for the reason already told that out of the whole )ntroductory chapter FBefore the 3eil"G ) can claim as my own only certain passages in the 1lossary appended to it" the Platonic portion of it" that which is now denounced as Fa bare$faced plagiarismG having been written by Professor #. Wilder. hat gentleman is still living in or near -ew :ork" and can be asked whether my statement is true or not. He is too honourable" too great a scholar" to deny or fear anything. He insisted upon a kind of 1lossary" explaining the 1reek and !anskrit names and words with which the work abounds" being appended to an )ntroduction" and furnished a few himself. ) begged him to give me a short summary of the Platonic philosophers" which he kindly did.

Page @L& hus from p. && down to @@ the text is his" save a few intercalated passages which break the Platonic narrative" to show the identity of ideas in the Hindu !criptures. -ow who of those who know 7r. #. Wilder personally" or by name" who are aware of the great scholarship of that eminent Platonist" the editor of so many learned works"I would be insane enough to accuse him of FplagiarisingG from any author%s workd ) give in the foot$note the names of a few of the platonic and other works he has edited. he charge would be simply preposterousd he fact is that 7r. Wilder must have either forgotten to place 9uotes before and after the passages copied by him from various authors in his !ummary* or else" owing to his very difficult handwriting" he has failed to mark them with sufficient clearness. )t is impossible" after the lapse of almost fifteen years" to remember or verify the facts. o this day ) had imagined that this dis9uisition on the Platonists was his" and never gave a further thought to it. But now enemies have ferretted out un9uoted passages and proclaim louder than ever Fthe author of )sis 5nveiled"G to be a plagiarist and a fraud. 3ery likely more may be found" as that work is an inexhaustible mine of mis9uotations" errors and blunders" to which it is impossible for me to plead FguiltyG in the ordinary sense. 2et then the slanderers go on" only to find in another fifteen years as they have found in the preceding period" that whatever they do" they cannot ruin heosophy" nor even hurt me. ) have no author%s vanity* and years of un.ust persecution and abuse have made me entirely callous to what the public may think of meBpersonally. But in view of the facts as given above* and considering thatB <a= he language in )sis is not mine* but <with the exception of that portion of the work which" as ) claim" was dictated=" may be called only a sort of translation of my facts and ideas into 8nglish*

Page @L@ <b= )t was not written for the public"Bthe latter having always been only a secondary consideration with meBbut for the use of heosophists and members of the heosophical !ociety to which )sis is dedicated* <c= hough ) have since learned sufficient 8nglish to have been enabled to edit two maga;inesBthe heosophist and 2uciferByet" to the present hour ) never write an article" an editorial or even a simple paragraph" without submitting its 8nglish to close scrutiny and correction. Considering all this and much more" ) ask now every impartial and honest man and woman whether it is .ust or even fair to critici;e my worksB)sis" above all others Bas one would the writings of a born #merican or 8nglish authord What ) claim in them as my own is only the fruit of my learning and studies in a department" hitherto left uninvestigated by !cience" and almost unknown to the 8uropean world. ) am perfectly willing to leave the honour of the 8nglish grammar in them" the glory of the 9uotations from scientific works brought occasionally to me to be used as passages for comparison with" or refutation by" the old !cience" and finally the general make$ up of the volumes" to every one of those who have helped me. 8ven for he !ecret 7octrine there are about half$a$do;en heosophists who have been busy in editing it" who have helped me to arrange the matter" correct the imperfect 8nglish" and prepare it for print. But that which none of them will ever claim from the first to last" is the fundamental doctrine" the philosophical conclusions and teachings. -othing of that have ) invented" but simply given it out as ) have been taught* or as 9uoted by me in he !ecret 7octrine <3ol. )" p. xlvi= from ,ontaigneP F) have here made only a nosegay of culled <8astern = flowers" and have brought nothing of my own but the string that ties them.G )s any one of my helpers prepared to say that ) have not paid the full price for the stringX #pril @(" &?'&. H. P. B2#3# !/:.

Page @LC

% DECL%R%TION We" the undersigned >ellows of the heosophical !ociety <and members of the )nner 1roup of the 8.!.= at the stake of our personal honour and reputation" hereby declareP hat we have fully investigated all the accusations and attacks which have been made against the personal character and bona fides of H. P. Blavatsky" and have found them in the vast ma.ority of cases to be entirely false" and in the few remaining instances the grossest possible distortions of the simple facts. /nowing moreover" that accusations of plagiarism" want of method and inaccuracy" are now being made and will in the future be brought against her literary work" we make the following statement for the benefit of all >ellows of the heosophical !ociety and for the information of othersP H. P. Blavatsky%s writings" owing to her imperfect knowledge of 8nglish and literary methods" have been invariably revised" recopied or arranged in ,!." and the proofs corrected" by the nearest FfriendsG available for the time being <a few of whom have occasionally supplied her with references" 9uotations" and advice=. ,any mistakes" omissions" inaccuracies" Qc." have conse9uently crept into them.

BBBBBBB I #lexander Wilder" ,.7." the editor of !erpent and !iva Worship" by Hyde Clarke and C. !taniland Wake* of #ncient #rt and ,ythology" by 0ichard Payne /night" to which the editor has appended an )ntroduction" -otes translated into 8nglish and a new and complete )ndex* of #ncient !ymbol Worship" by Hodder ,. Westropp and C. !taniland Wake" with an )ntroduction" additional -otes and #ppendix by the editor* and finally" of he 8leusinian and Bacchic ,ysteriesP # 7issertation by homas aylor" edited with )ntroduction" -otes" 8mendations" and 1lossary* and the author of various learned works" pamphlets and articles for which we have no space here. #lso the editor of the 6lder #cademy" a 9uarterly .ournal of -ew :ork" and the translator of the 8gyptian ,ysteries" by )amblichus. BBBBBBB

Page @LD hese works" however" have been put forward purely with the intention of bringing certain ideas to the notice of the Western world" and with no pretension on her part to scholarship or literary finish. )n order to support these views" innumerable 9uotations and references had to be made <in many cases without the possibility of verification by her=" and for these she has never claimed any originality or profound research whatever. #fter long and intimate ac9uaintance with H. P. Blavatsky" we have invariably found her labouring for the benefit and instruction of the heosophical !ociety and others" and not for herself" and that she is the first to make little of what others may consider her Flearning.G >rom further instruction however" which we have received" we know for a fact that H. P. Blavatsky is the possessor of far deeper FknowledgeG than even that which she has been able to give out in her public writings. >rom all of which considerations" it logically follows that no accusations can possibly shake our confidence in H. P. Blavatsky%s personal character and bona fides as a teacher. We do not therefore intend in future to waste our time in useless refutations" or allow ourselves to be distracted from our work by any attacks" further than to repeat our present statement. We" however" reserve to ourselves the right of appeal to the law" when necessary. 1. 0. !. ,8#7 W. 0. 627 2#50# ,. C66P80 8,)2: /)!2)-1B50: 8. . ! 507: H. #. W. C60:C6-! #-C8 W#CH ,8)! 80 #2)C8 28)1H 6- C28# H80 C2#578 >. W0)1H #0CH)B#27 /8)1H 28: )!#B82 C66P80$6#/28: #--)8 B8!#-

Page @LK

M%D%ME BL%V%TS1# SPE%1S OUT A he heosophist" !upplement to ,arch" &??'" p. lviii$lix.J # young woman having lately libelled ,adame Blavatsky in a novel" that redoubtable lady recently brought down her sledge$hammer on the poor little literary mos9uito in an interview in the Pall ,all 1a;ette. he young woman had repeated the fusty slander which is so sweet to the nostrils of certain persons" that the Corresponding !ecretary of the heosophical !ociety is a 0ussian spy. his is part of the replyPB F here are only three or four lines which refer to me. he do;en other persons who are lied about in this work of uni9ue fiction are invited to take care of themselves. #s for me it is enough for me to answer the four distinct falsehoods and the libel for which the author is responsible on my account alone. hese falsehoods are based on no foundation whatever" save perhaps on public gossip and the efforts of those good souls who think that the best way of Wentertaining people% is to serve them with slices of freshly murdered reputations. his particular calumny is an ancient three$years$old slander" picked up from the gutters of #nglo$)ndian hill stations" and revived to serve a special purpose by one who" unknown to the world the day before" has since made himself famous in the annals of the world%s ini9uitous verdicts by playing at the detective on false scents. But if the originator of this vile invention is not the authoress of F,iss Hildreth"G she is still the first one who has had the impudence of recording it in a novel" adding to it" moreover" a flavour of her own venom. )t is" therefore" to her that ) address the following refutations.

Page @LE &. ) have never corresponded" whether secretly or openly" with a W,onsieur /inovief*% nor with the 1eneral of this name* nor have ) ever been accused before to my knowledge of having done so. @. ) have never written" in all my life on politics" of which ) know nothing. ) take no interest in political intrigues" regarding them as the greatest nuisance and a bore" the falsest of all systems in the code of ethics. ) feel the sincerest pity for those diplomats who" being honourable men" are nevertheless obliged to deceive all their lives" and to embody a living" walking 2)8. C. en years ago" the #nglo$)ndian 1overnment" acting upon a false and malicious insinuation" mistook me for a spy* but after the Police had shadowed me for over eight monthsBwithout unearthing a trace of the charge brought against me Bit found to its great sorrow that it had made an #pril$fool of itself. :et the #nglo$ )ndian 1overnment acted" after that" in the most honourable way. )n -ovember" &?(E" 2ord 2ytton issued an order to the Political 7epartment that Colonel 6lcott and myself should be no longer sub.ected to the insulting surveillance of the #nglo$)ndian Police. A3ide the #llahabad Pioneer" -ovember &&" &?('.J >rom that day we were no longer annoyed. D. Prince 7oudaroff /orsakoff stands probably as the cunning anagram of Prince 7ondoukof /orsakofX his gentleman has been a friend of my family and myself since &?DE* yet beyond two or three letters exchanged" ) have never corresponded with him. )t was ,r. Primrose" 2ord 2ytton%s !ecretary" who was the first to write to him" in order to sift to the bottom another mystery. he #nglo$)ndian ,rs. 1rundy had mistaken me for my Ftwin$brotherG apparently" and people wanted too know which of us was drowned in the washtub during our infancyBmyself or that Ftwin$brother"G as in the fancy of the immortal ,ark wain. Hence the correspondence for purposes of identification. K. 2ord 7ufferin%s Fclear$sightednessG is no doubt a fact of history. But why endow his 2ordship with soothsayingX

Page @L( 7oomed by my physicians to certain death unless ) left )ndia <) have their medical certificate=" ) was leaving ,adras for 8urope almost on the day of 2ord 7ufferin%s arrival at Calcutta. But then perhaps 2ord 7ufferin stands in the novel only cabalistically for 2ord 0iponX )n such case" as all three 3iceroysBfrom &?(' to &??? Bare now in 8urope" it is easy to learn the truth" especially from the ,ar9uis of 0ipon who remained 3iceroy during almost the whole period of my stay in )ndia. 2et the Press in9uire" from themselves or their !ecretaries" whether it has been ever proven by any of their respective 1overnments that ) was a political agent" whatever may be the malicious society gossip of my enemies. -or do ) feel so certain yet" unless this disgraceful rumour is sufficiently refuted" that ) will not appeal directly to the .ustice and honour of these three noblemen. -oblesse oblige. he least of beggars has a right to seek redress from law" and to appeal to the evidence of the highest in the land" if that evidence can save his honour and reputation" especially in a case like this" when truth can be made known with one simple word from these high witnesses Ba yea or a nay.G BBBBB

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P6! H5,65!2: P5B2)!H87

POSTHUMOUS WOR1S ABeyond this point we begin to print material from the pen of H.P.B. which was published P6! H5,65!2:" right through 6ctober" &?'E" mostly in 2ucifer. 6n the whole" we adhere to the policy of publishing everything in the chronological order of original publication. But here and there throughout the Collected Writings" and this applies to the posthumous material as well" certain articles are known to have been written much earlier than when published* therefore they have been removed to where they actually belong" and this is indicated by various bracketed -otes and Comments. Here are also articles and essays which H.P.B. wrote at various timesBwe do not exactly know whenBsome of which are yet unpublished. hey are in the #dyar #rchives. !ome of them" as indicated" received publication in he heosophist of recent years* some have not yet appeared. hey have been carefully transcribed from microfilm and" of course" belong" however late in time" to the FposthumousG section of material.BCompiler.J

Page @L'

THE THEOSOPHIC%L SOCIET# # 05 H>52 #28 6> H8 -)-8 88- H C8- 50: !ource$material for the >uture History of Psychism in the 7arwinian 8poch. 7edicated to the !keptics of the ,otherland A he original ,anuscript of this unfinished ale in H.P.B.%s handwriting is in the #dyar #rchives. )ts 0ussian title isP eosoficheskoye 6bshchestvoB!ka;ka$bil% 4)4 veka. H.P.B.%s sister" ,adame 3era Petrovna de Zhelihovsky states <0usskoye 6bo;reniye" 3ol. 3)" -ovember" &?'&" pp. @(K$(?= that such a tale was being written by H.P.B. shortly before her final illness" but that only a portion of the )ntroductory part was written* she also gives several brief excerpts from it. #n 8nglish translation of this incomplete tale" prepared by Zolt{n de lgya$Pap" a very scholarly Hungarian heosophist" then resident at #dyar" was published in he heosophist" 3ol. ?@" !eptember" &'E&. !omewhat later" namely in &'E@" the heosophical +ournal #lba edited in Boston" ,ass." by two devoted 0ussian heosophists" -icholas Pavlovich von 0eincke and his sister" 7agmara Pavlovna von 0eincke" published the original 0ussian text of this tale" with the facsimiles of two pages thereof reproduced herewith. H.P.B.%s text is a masterpiece of 0ussian prose" full of sparkling wit and vivid imagery. 6ur 8nglish translation of this tale follows on the whole ,r. de lgya$Pap%s rendering" with a few alterations and improvements re9uired by the 0ussian original wording.BCompiler.J here is so much nonsense" written and spoken" especially in 0ussia" concerning the heosophical !ociety" which ) personally planned and founded in -ew :ork on the &(th -ovember &?(K" that ) have finally decided to enlighten my dear compatriots on the sub.ect. Whether they believe me or not is" of course" left to them.

Page @&L he story goes that Prince Bismarck" when he wished to conceal from the public any of his planned political tricks" the smooth unfoldment of which might be hampered if prematurely revealed" openly informed the public of his plans. )n other words" the )ron Chancellor told the plain truth" andBnobody believed him. )n like manner" ) am about to tell the truth by stating the facts" knowing beforehand that the rules of criticism in a civili;ed country stand in the way of belief. 6n the contrary" reading my truthful account" based on almost unbelievable yet true facts" and ac9uainting themselves with the history of the !ociety which emerged almost instantaneously" without any preparation" and which from seven members" individuals unknown to the world" rapidly developed in a few years into a numerous FBrotherhoodG covering the globe" like mushrooms after rain" with its F2odgesGB these wise critics will feel compelled to express their doubts. #nd even from my sympathi;ers ) do not expect more than was written to me by the wife of a ma.or serving in the Caucasus. !he honored me with the impression made upon her by my story about he ,ysterious ribes of the Blue ,ountains" and ended her letter exclaimingP F6h" what an inventive storyteller you aredG !ince &??&" ) have written much about the heosophical !ociety and its activities in )ndia" first in F2etters to the ,otherlandG published in the ,oskovskiya 3edomosty" and later in the 0usskiy 3estnik" and what ) have described has always been considered by the public as a FfabricationG of mine" particularly my account of the psychological constitution of the Hindus which" of course" is not to be found in statistical records and books on the British Colonies. ,y stories >rom the Caves and +ungles of Hindostan" left unfinished after the death of ,. -. /atkov" were received by the public as a novel and plain fiction. 0eally" it would be sensible to remember the wise remark of the 8nglish poetP F ruth is often stranger than fiction.G #fter all" to believe in nothing is" perhaps" more reasonable. he unbeliever has a more peaceful sleep and an easier life.

Page @&& o deny something is more comfortable than to accept on faith anything that has not yet obtained the right of citi;enship in society" and by accepting which you are compelled to swim against the current of public opinion and common thinking. >or this reason people will not believe me even now. -ever mindd +ust as 8pictetus told his hostBwho" using his stick" had thrashed the sage for his adviceB) shall tell my criticsP F!trike" but listen.G #nd whatever happens then does not concern me" as grandmother used to say concerning the futureP F hat%s why.G Public opinion in 0ussia" as anywhere else" is like a kaleidoscope in which the combination of figures change continually according to the movement of the hand holding it* or" in other words" the notion of what is possible or impossible" prudent or foolish" suitable or unsuitable" depends on some leaders of science and fashion who cause that public opinion to rotate like a weather$cock. hat which we believed yesterday" we no longer believe today* and in both instances merely because the wind was blowing from a different direction. 8ven contemporary science" or rather its high priests" taught in the ,iddle #ges all that today they deny" and believe today in that which they ridiculed in those earlier days. #strology" #lchemy and ,agic are flung like rubbish into the attic of the #cademies" while the circulation of the blood" steam$ power and electricity" called by them not so long ago nonsensical" absurd fictions" are now seated in places of honor at their meetings. 6n the other hand" gentlemen$ #cademicians find themselves now compelled to believe in things at which only ten years ago they turned up their highly erudite noses in utter disdain* in things which fifty years ago were sub.ected to severe ostracism and banished from the holy precincts of the #cademyBnamely" ,esmerism and #nimal ,agnetism. #t the present time both of these are flourishing under the mask of FsuggestionG or Fhypnotism.G #nd all this because our earth rotates" and human brains follow its movement. Before 1alileo" scholars imagined the terrestrial globe as a flat pancake in the centre of the universe" while Pythagoras" some @"LLL years before Copernicus" taught the heliocentric conception.

Page @&@ 6ur 8uropean scholars of the ,iddle #ges considered the Hindu allegory representing our 8arth as resting upon four elephants standing on a turtle" wagging its short tail in empty universal spaceBas a sacred truth. -ow they have become convinced that the earth is round" and that our planet is an insignificant little globe among billions of other and bigger planets. People used to think of themselves as 1ods of this 8arth" for whom the Cosmos had been created* but now science has convinced us that we are nothing more than the progeny of tailless monkeys" and are" together with these our wretched cousins" descendants of one and the same <however" as yet undiscovered= forefatherB#dam with a tail. 2ong agoX Well" it was only yesterday that according to the authoritative teaching of Haeckel and of his friend Huxley" there sat at the very root of the genealogical tree of humanity the ,oneron" hermit of the 6cean" a .elly$like blob considered by 7arwinists as the #lpha of all flesh living on earth" and the 6mega of which is man himself. his bit of .elly fished out of the depths of the sea by Huxley" was named in honor of his 1erman colleague Bathybius Haeckalii" and 7arwinists praised themselves profusely for their great discovery. F8urekad he authentic seed of the human race has been discovered"G ) was recently told by 0omanes. #nd then whatX . . . . . oday this candidate for human progenitor" put through strict chemical tests" proves to be a pinch of inorganic matter" simply sediment. APage K of the manuscript is missing.J he fact that the founder of this allegedly wonder$working !ociety is a child born of the same stock" cannot fail to interest the 0ussian reader. #nd the further fact" namely" that this Fchild of their ownG has earned for herself and the !ociety a world$ wide" although rather mixed reputation" attracting to its fold" the best" the soundest" and often even the most learned heads <as will be proved later on= from many overseas countries hitherto hostile to the 0ussian spiritBis remarkable in itself and bound to produce a smile on the faces of our native patriots.

Page @&C 5ntil" however" the complete history of our FBrotherhoodG will have been told to posterity" the readers and critics" hearing nothing about the heosophical !ociety save gossip" have" of course" the most legitimate and logical right to think and .udge of it according to their own fancy. !uch is the spirit of the age. Hence" ) provide them all a laugh at the F,ahatmasG of ibet and )ndia. 2et all prudent sceptics see in them" .udging from the stories told by the enemies of the !ociety" merely scarecrows made of muslin and bladders on long poles" ,agicians soaring in the blue sky of )ndia" and even flitting" as stated by eye$witnesses" in the fogs of 8ngland. 2et%s laugh together at those hundreds of clever people" whom" in the opinion of the !ociety for Psychical 0esearch" ) so skilfully fooled with these muslin$,ahatmasd #nd let us remember that Hindu and antediluvian ,agic" adepts and their phenomena" all included" are simply mystification and .ugglery. !o be itd However" it is not at all a matter of ,agic . . . . . ) can assure you that the heosophical !ociety is left entirely untouched by the negation of Fsupernatural phenomena"G as no heosophist" myself included" ever believed in anything Fsupernatural.G !till less can the existence of the !ociety be explained by means of such nonsensical and always exaggerated manifestations. APage ( of the manuscript is missing.J . . . . . Athat this person"J coming from the steppes and the banks of the 7nieper" without either house or home" social contacts or money" suddenly had the idea and accomplished that which none of you could. !he .ust sent out a call in -ew :ork on the (th of 6ctober &?(K" and on the &(th of -ovember of the same year" five weeks later" the heosophical !ociety was founded with a few hundred members in #merica" and its first Branch established in 2ondon with (C members. #nd from that day" simply by the touch of my hand" the avalanche began to roll onward. #nd since then it has rolled over the globe" and is still rolling even today growing not only from day to day" but from hour to hour.

Page @&D #nd this avalanche cannot be demolished either by the calumnies of the !ociety for Psychical 0esearch or by mockeries or persecution. WhyX Because" without any phenomena" this avalanche isBa powerd #nd back of it is the power of ruth. his enigma cannot be cut down by the axe of the fiercest criticism* its footprints cannot be swept away by the broom of indifference and denial. 6f what the essence of this power consists will be explained later. #nd then everybody will be able to see how little could phenomena influence the growth and success of the heosophical !ociety" but on the contrary" how they could be harmful to itBif anything in the world could harm the coming of that predestined hour. But all this is merely by way of introduction which" considering the many and varied tales afloat" ) felt bound to make. -ow" this being done . . . . <-ot finished because of the death of H. P. Blavatsky on @Eth #pril" &?'&.=I

BBBBBBB I his remark" in a different handwriting and in black ink" was very probably written by ,adame de Zhelihovsky. he date which she gives is according to the 8astern 6rthodox Calendar* it corresponded at that time to ,ay ?th in the Western Calendar.BCompiler. BBBBBBB

Page @&K

THE BLESSINGS O" PUBLICIT# A2ucifer" 3ol. 3)))" -o. D?" #ugust" &?'&" pp. DD&$DDDJ # well$known public lecturer" a distinguished 8gyptologist" said" in one of his lectures against the teachings of heosophy" a few suggestive words" which are now 9uoted and must be answeredPB F)t is a delusion to suppose there is anything in the experience or wisdom of the past" the ascertained results of which can only be communicated from beneath the cloak and mask of mystery. . . . 8xplanation is the !oul of !cience. hey will tell you we cannot have their knowledge without living their life. . . . Public experimental research" the printing press" and a free$thought platform" have abolished the need of mystery. )t is no longer necessary for science to take the veil" as she was forced to do for security in times past"G etc. his is a very mistaken view in one aspect. F!ecrets of the purer and profounder lifeG not only may but must be made universally known. But there are secrets that kill in the arcana of 6ccultism" and unless a man lives the life he cannot be entrusted with them. he late Professor >araday had very serious doubts whether it was 9uite wise and reasonable to give out to the public at large certain discoveries of modern science. Chemistry had led to the invention of too terrible means of destruction in our century to allow it to fall into the hands of the profane. What man of senseBin the face of such fiendish applications of dynamite and other explosive substances as are made by those incarnations of the 7estroying Power" who glory in calling themselves #narchists and !ocialistsBwould not agree with us in sayingPB

Page @&E B>ar better for mankind that it should never have blasted a rock by modern perfected means" than that it should have shattered the limbs of one per cent. even of those who have been thus destroyed by the pitiless hand of 0ussian -ihilists" )rish >enians and #narchists. hat such discoveries" and chiefly their murderous application" ought to have been withheld from public knowledge may be shown on the authority of statistics and commissions appointed to investigate and record the result of the evil done. he following information gathered from public papers will give an insight into what may be in store for wretched mankind. 8ngland alone B the centre of civili;ation B has @&"@E? firms fabricating and selling explosive substances.I But the centres of the dynamite trade" of infernal machines" and other such results of modern civili;ation" are chiefly at Philadelphia and -ew :ork. )t is in the former city of FBrotherly 2oveG that the now most famous manufacturer of explosives flourishes. )t is one of the well$known respectable citi;ensBthe inventor and manufacturer of the most murderous Fdynamite toysGB who" called before the !enate of the 5nited !tates anxious to adopt means for the repression of a too free trade in such implements" found an argument that ought to become immortalised for its cynical sophistryPBF,y machines"G that expert is reported to have saidBFare 9uite harmless to look at* as they may be manufactured in the shape of oranges" hats" boats" and anything one likes. . . . Criminal is he who murders people by means of such machines" not he who manufactures them. he firm refuses to admit that were there no supply there would be no incentive for demand on the market* but insists that every demand should be satisfied by a supply ready at hand.G hat FsupplyG is the fruit of civili;ation and of the publicity given to the discovery of every murderous property in matter.

BBBBBBB I -itro$glycerine has found its way even into medical compounds. Physicians and druggists are vying with the #narchists in their endeavors to destroy the surplus of mankind. he famous chocolate tablets against dyspepsia are said to contain nitro$glycerined hey may save" but they can kill still more easily. BBBBBBB

Page @&( What is itX #s found in the 0eport of the Commission appointed to investigate the variety and character of the so$called Finfernal machines"G so far the following implements of instantaneous human destruction are already on hand. he most fashionable of all among the many varieties fabricated by ,r. Holgate" are the F icker"G the F8ight 7ay ,achine"G the F2ittle 8xterminator"G and the FBottle ,achines.G he F ickerG is in appearance like a piece of lead" a foot long and four inches thick. )t contains an iron or steel tube" full of a kind of gunpowder invented by Holgate himself. hat gunpowder" in appearance like any other common stuff of that name" has" however" an explosive power two hundred times stronger than common gunpowder* the F ickerG containing thus a powder which e9uals in force two hundred pounds of the common gunpowder. #t one end of the machine is fastened an invisible clock$work meant to regulate the time of the explosion" which time may be fixed from one minute to thirty$six hours. he spark is produced by means of a steel needle which gives a spark at the touch$hole" and communicates thereby the fire to the whole machine. he F8ight 7ay ,achineG is considered the most powerful" but at the same time the most complicated" of all those invented. 6ne must be familiar with handling it before a full success can be secured. )t is owing to this difficulty that the terrible fate intended for 2ondon Bridge and its neighbourhood was turned aside by the instantaneous killing instead of the two >enian criminals. he si;e and appearance of that machine changes" Proteus$like" according to the necessity of smuggling it in" in one or another way" unperceived by the victims. )t may be concealed in bread" in a basket of oranges" in a li9uid" and so on. he Commission of 8xperts is said to have declared that its explosive power is such as to reduce to atoms instantly the largest edifice in the world. he F2ittle 8xterminatorG is an innocent$looking plain utensil having the shape of a modest .ug. )t contains neither dynamite nor powder" but secretes" nevertheless" a deadly gas" and has a hardly perceptible clock$work attached to its edge" the needle of which points to the time when that gas will effect its escape.

Page @&? )n a shut$up room this new FvrilG of lethal kind" will smother to death" nearly instantaneously" every living being within a distance of a hundred feet" the radius of the murderous .ug. With these three Flatest noveltiesG in the high season of Christian civili;ation" the catalogue of the dynamiters is closed* all the rest belongs to the old FfashionG of the past years. )t consists of hats" porte cigars" bottles of ordinary kind" and even ladies% smelling bottles" filled with dynamite" nitro$glycerine" etc." etc."B weapons" some of which" following unconsciously /armic law" killed many of the dynamiters in the last Chicago revolution. #dd to this the forthcoming long$promised /eely%s vibratory force" capable of reducing in a few seconds a dead bullock to a heap of ashes" and then ask yourself if the )nferno of 7ante as a locality can ever rival earth in the production of more hellish engines of destructiond hus" if purely material implements are capable of blowing up" from a few corners" the greatest cities of the globe" provided the murderous weapons are guided by expert handsBwhat terrible dangers might not arise from magical occult secrets being revealed" and allowed to fall into the possession of ill$meaning personsd # thousand times more dangerous and lethal are these" because neither the criminal hand" nor the immaterial" invisible weapon used" can ever be detected. he congenital black magiciansBthose who" to an innate propensity towards evil" unite highly$developed mediumistic naturesBare but too numerous in our age. )t is high time then that psychologists and believers" at least" should cease advocating the beauties of publicity and claiming knowledge of the secrets of nature for all. )t is not in our age of FsuggestionG and FexplosivesG that 6ccultism can open wide the doors of its laboratories except to those who do live the life. H.P.B. BBBBB

H.P. B2#3# /: Photograph taken by 8lliot Q >ry" KK Baker !treet" 2ondon W. 0eproduced form an original print" and most likely the last picture taken of H.P.B.

H8-0: ,608 &E&D$&E?(

Page @&'

0THERE IS % RO%D5 STEEP %ND THORN# . . . . .2 A2ucifer" 3ol. )4" -o. D'" !eptember" &?'&" p. DJ A#fter the passing of H.P.B." the maga;ine 2ucifer was edited mainly by #nnie Besant. )n her 8ditorial opening up the -inth 3olume" she speaks of the position of 2ucifer in the intellectual world" of its opposition to ,aterialism" the philosophy it offers from hoary anti9uity" of the religion it brings which outrages neither the intellect nor the conscience" etc. !he winds up by saying that it Fbends low to whisper in the ear of the patient" aspiring seeker after the Hidden Wisdom.G !he then publishes within 9uotation marks the passage which appears below. )t has been thought by many students that this passage is from #nnie Besant%s own pen. William /ingsland" however" who was with H.P.B. for a long time" and whose opinion is of great value in such matters" ascribes this passage to H.P.B." and uses it as such in his fine work entitled he 0eal H.P. Blavatsky <2ondonP +ohn ,. Watkins" &'@?=. )t is 9uite possible that #nnie Besant used in her 8ditorial" and placed in the mouth of 2ucifer" some passage from an unpublished manuscript of H.P.B.BCompiler.J here is a road" steep and thorny" beset with perils of every kind" but yet a road" and it leads to the very heart of the 5niverseP ) can tell you how to find those who will show you the secret gateway that opens inward only" and closes fast behind the neophyte for evermore. here is no danger that dauntless courage cannot con9uer* there is no trial that spotless purity cannot pass through* there is no difficulty that strong intellect cannot surmount. >or those who win onwards there is reward past all tellingBthe power to bless and save humanity* for those who fail" there are other lives in which success may come. BBBBB A#t this point" in 3ol. )4 of 2ucifer" !eptember" &?'&" pp. ?$@L" the 8ditors published an 8ssay from the pen of H.P.B. entitled F he !ubstantial -ature of ,agnetism.G )nternal evidence shows it to have been written much earlier. )n accordance with this" it will be found in 3olume 3 ))) of the present !eries.B Compiler.J BBBBB

Page @@L

"ROGS %ND CHIN%MEN A2ucifer" 3ol. )4" -o. KL" 6ctober" &?'&" p. &@DJ 6pen your ears" ye kind" praiseworthy !ocieties for the protection of animal life and welfare* you shall not be put to the blush by the Fheathen Chinee.G #nd you" ye reckless and improvident gardeners and nurserymen" by remaining blind to the yoeman services rendered you by the insectivorous toads and frogs" and allowing your sons and heirs to institute periodically crusades against these interesting batrachians" you show yourselves far below your Brethren" the Celestials" on both the intellectual and moral planesBnot to mention the art of scientific gardening. )n China where the usefulness of frogs in the fields and in gardens" both floral and vegetable" is a thing recogni;ed ages ago" these interesting amphibians are under the protection of law. o remind the population of this fact" governmental orders are occasionally issued and distributed" in which the destruction of frogs is threatened with heavy penalty. >inding in the 1arden ,essenger one of such 5kases" Aarbitrary edictsJ we reproduce it. he prose poetry of the redaction of this official documentBfathered upon -ing$Po 1overnor of some unpronounceable province" is very remarkable. )n this again we are compelled to award the palm of superiority to the Chinese" over the 8nglish legal documents. -ot for one moment would we think of comparing the dry" commaless" and incomprehensible legal twaddle of the British or any other 8uropean lawyer to the mellifluous and fatherly expostulation of the philobatrachian -ing$Po. Here it isPB

Page @@& 6ur fields and gardens are inhabited by frogs. hough but diminutive creatures" they are" nevertheless" not unlike human beings in their external form" and even in the moral nature. hus" they preserve during the course of their life" a strong attachment to the land of their birth" while during the weariness of the dark nights" they gratify your hearing with their melodious vocali;ations. ,oreover" they preserve your future crops" by devouring grasshoppers" and are" thereby" entitled to your gratitude. Wherefore" then" should you emerge on dark nights from your abodes with lanterns and murderous weapons" in order to catch these useful and innocent beingsX ,ost undeniably" when boiled with rice and spices" they offer a delicate dish. But why flay them previously aliveX his is cruel and sinful. Henceforth this custom is forbidden by the law" and it becomes illegal from this date" to either sell or buy frogs" under the threat of severe penalty. How beneficent it might be for the animal kind" were the Western vivisectors" the children of our heartless modern civili;ation" to be sent from time to time to the Chinese province under the sway of the benevolent and poetic 1overnor -ing$Pod !hould not 8urope and #mericaB8ngland especiallyBextend their protecting hand to annex this 8den of the frogs* to make it triply 8denic through the additional blessing of Christian civili;ation" with itsBvivisection" lynching" rum" and fraternal feeling for FinferiorG racesX BBBBB A#t this point" in 3ol. )4 of 2ucifer" 6ctober" &?'&" pp. 'K$''" the 8ditors published an essay from the pen of H.P.B. entitled F he 8ighth Wonder.G >rom her own words at the very outset of the article" it is obvious that she wrote it while in Paris. >or this reason" it has been shifted chronologically to C.W. 3ol. 4)" +uly" &??'" the approximate time of H.P.B.%s stay in >rance. #t this point" the 8ditors of 2ucifer <3ol. )4" -ovember" &?'&" pp. &?@$?(= published an essay from the pen of H.P.B. entitled FChinese !pirits.G !he mentions this essay in her article on F heories of 0eincarnation and !pirits"G published in -ovember" &??E. )t will be found under that date in 3ol. 3)) of the present !eries" as it appears to have been written at the time.

Page @@@ )t was intended for he !ecret 7octrine but was not incorporated into it" neither in the >irst 7raft nor in the final work. )n the ,ay" &?'@" issue of 3ol. 4 of 2ucifer the 8ditors published an essay from the pen of H.P.B. entitled F he /abalah and the /abalists at the Close of the -ineteenth Century.G )t is most likely that this essay was written much earlier. While it may not be possible to ascertain its correct date" except for the fact that material 9uoted therein places it after &??K" its similarity to other material on the same sub.ect suggests that it was written around &??E$?(. )t will be found therefore in 3olume 3)) of the present !eries.BCompiler.J H8 H86!6PH)C#2 126!!#0: A)t is to this period that belongs he heosophical 1lossary published in &?'@ by he heosophical Publishing !ociety" (" 7uke !treet" #delphi" 2ondon" W.C. )ts title$page lists also he Path 6ffice" &C@ -assau !treet" -ew :ork" -.:. and the 6ffice of he heosophist" #dyar" ,adras" )ndia. he Preface of this work is dated +anuary" &?'@" and it is likely that it appeared in print sometime in the early part of &?'@. Comprehensive information concerning this work" its contents and the relation which H.P.B. bears to it" may be found in that 3olume of the Collected Writings which will contain he /ey to heosophy" namely" in connection with the 1lossary appended to the F/eyG when its @nd edition was printed.BCompiler.J BBBBB

Page @@C

M%D%ME BL%V%TS1# %ND THE GRIPPE A2ucifer" 3ol. 4" ,ay" &?'@" p. &'EJ A#lthough not an actual text from the pen of H. P. Blavatsky" the following -ote should be incorporated with the present !eries" on account of the valuable point under discussion.J ,adame Blavatsky" being asked what was the cause of the 1rippe" answered that it was Fan abnormal condition of the oxygen in the atmosphere"G or words to the same effect. ) concluded that" in that case" artificially$produced oxygen might prove valuable as a remedy. ,y mother having been laid up with this disease" ) searched the 5nited !tates dispensary for some easy means of producing oxygen" and stumbled across FPeroxide of HydrogenG <H@6@=. ) administered it internally in drachm doses well diluted with water three times a day" also spraying some through the sick room" with undeniably favourable results. ) found upon advising the use of it to a friend" it had also upon him a like effect* and also find that the Philadelphia papers contain advertisements of an oxygen treatment for the 1rippe. o all those who 9uestion the 9ui bono of heosophy ) would like to say" F!tudy ,adame Blavatsky%s writings" and then .udge.GB>. .!.

Page @@D

THE DENI%LS %ND THE MIST%1ES O" THE NINETEENTH CENTUR# A2ucifer" 3ol. 4" -o. K?" +une" &?'C" pp. @(C$@?CJ A he text of this article may also be found in the >irst 7raft of he !ecret 7octrine which H.P.B. sent to #dyar in &??E. he >irst 7raft version has a few additional paragraphs in it" which we have incorporated into the present article in their proper places. !imilar material was published in the 3olume entitledP F he !ecret 7octrine" 3olume ))) G <&?'(=" wherein it occupies !ection @ Q C" pp. CL$DC. )t is therefore evident that 2ucifer was the original place of publication for this text.B Compiler.J #t or near the beginning of the present century all the books called Hermetic were loudly proclaimed and set down as simply a collection of tales" of fraudulent pretences and most absurd claims" being" in the opinion of the average man of science" unworthy of serious attention. hey Fnever existed before the Christian era"G it was said* Fthey were all written with the triple ob.ect of speculation" deceit and pious fraudG* they were all" the best of them" silly apocrypha. )n this respect" the nineteenth century proved a most worthy progeny of the eighteenth. >or in the age of 3oltaire" as well as in this" everything that did not emanate direct from the 0oyal #cademy was false" superstitious and foolish" and belief in the wisdom of the #ncients was laughed to scorn" perhaps more even than it is now. he very thought of accepting as authentic the works and vagaries of a false Hermes" a false 6rpheus" a false Zoroaster" of false 6racles" false !ibyls" and a thrice false ,esmer and his absurd Ffluids"G was tabooed all along the line.

Page @@K hus all that had its genesis outside the learned and dogmatic precincts of 6xford and Cambridge" or the #cademy of >rance" was denounced in those days as FunscientificG and Fridiculously absurd.G his tendency has survived to the present day. We think we see the sidereal phantom of the old philosopher and mystic" Henry ,ore" once of Cambridge 5niversity" moving about in the astral mist" over the old moss$covered roofs of the ancient town from which he wrote his famous letter to 1lanvill about Fwitches.G he soul seems restless and indignant" as on that day ,ay Kth" &E(?" when the 7octor complained so bitterly to the author of !adducismus riumphatus of !cot" #die and Webster. F6ur new inspired !aints"G the soul is heard to mutter" Fsworn advocates of the witches who thus madly and boldly" against all sense and reason" against all anti9uity" against all interpreters" and against the inspired !cripture itself" will have no !amuel in this scene" but a cunning confederate knave* whether the inspired !cripture" or these in$blown buffoons" puffed up with nothing but ignorance" vanity" and stupid infidelity" are to be believed" let anyone .udge.GI 0est in peace" 6 restless soul. 2ately things are somewhat changed* and since that for ever memorable day when the #cademical Committee <>ranklin included= investigated ,esmer%s phenomena and proclaimed them a clever knavery" every hour brings in some fresh evidence in favour of ,esmerism and phenomena in general. But in the first decades of our century the men of science were blind as batsBas many are still even nowBand Hermetic literature was denied" notwithstanding the evidence of the most erudite men of all the ages.

BBBBBBB I A1lanvill" !adducismus triumphatus" p. D?. #lso 9uoted in )sis 5nveiled" 3ol. )" p. @LE. )n H.P.B.%s copy of 8nnemoser%s History of ,agic" now in the #dyar #rchives" from which she 9uotes further on in this article" there is a reference to Henry ,ore <3ol. )" p. ?=. 5nderlining twice the words FHenry ,ore"G H.P.B. wrote in pencil the wordsP F1od Bless himdG Consult Col. 6lcott%s 6ld 7iary 2eaves" 3ol. )" pp. @C($C'" for the role played by Henry ,ore in the production of )sis 5nveiled.J BBBBBBB

Page @@E 6ne feels dwarfed and humbled in reading what the great modern F7estroyerG of every religious belief" past" present and futureB,. 0enanBhas to say of poor humanity and its powers of discernment. F,ankind"G he believes" Fhas but a very narrow mind* and the number of men capable of sei;ing acutely <finement= the true analogy of things is 9uite imperceptibleG <Ntudes 0eligieuses=. 5pon comparing" however" this statement with another opinion expressed by the same author" namely" that Fthe mind of the true critic should yield" hands and feet bound" to facts" to be dragged by them wherever they may lead himG <Ntudes Histori9ues="I one feels relieved. When" moreover" these two philosophical statements are strengthened by that third enunciation of the famous #cademician" who declares that Ftout parti pris a priori doit etre banni de la science"G there remains little to fear. 5nfortunately ,. 0enan is the first to break the golden rule. he evidence of Herodotus" called" sarcastically no doubt" Fthe father of history"G since in every 9uestion upon which modern thought disagrees with him his testimony goes for nought* the sober and earnest assurances in the philosophical narratives of Plato and hucydides" Polybius and Plutarch" and even certain statements of #ristotle himself* all these are invariably laid aside whenever they are involved with what modern criticism is pleased to regard as a myth. )t is some time since !trauss proclaimed that Fthe presence of a supernatural element or miracle in a narrative is an infallible sign of the presence in it of a myth"G and such is the criterion adopted tacitly by every modern critic. But what is a mythBrb`Bto begin withX #re we not told distinctly by the ancient classics that mythus is e9uivalent to the word traditionX Was not its 2atin e9uivalent the term fabula" a fable" a synonym with the 0omans of that which was told" as having happened in prehistoric time" and not necessarily an inventionX

BBBBBBB I ,Omoire read at the #cadOmie des )nscriptions et Belles 2ettres" &?K'. A)n text form this appeared as Ntudes 7%Histoire 0eligieuse" Paris" ,ichel 2evy >rbres" many editions.J BBBBBBB

Page @@( :et with such autocrats of criticism and despotic rulers as ,. 0enan in >rance" and most of the 8nglish and 1erman 6rientalists" there may be no end of surprises in store for us in the century to comeBhistorical" geographical" ethnological and philological surprisesBtravesties in philosophy having become so common of late that we can be startled by nothing in that direction. We have already been told by one learned speculator that Homer was Fsimply a mythical personification of the NpopOe"GI by another that Hippocrates" son of 8sculapius" Fcould only be a chimera"G that the #sclepiadaeBtheir seven hundred years of duration notwithstanding BFmight after all prove simply a fictionG* that the city of royB7r. !chliemann notwithstandingBFexisted only on the maps"G etc." etc. Why should we not be invited after this to regard every hitherto historical character in days of old as a mythX Were not #lexander the 1reat needed by philology as a sledge$hammer to break the heads of BrShmanical chronological pretensions" he would have become long ago simply a symbol for annexation" or a genius of Con9uest" as de ,irville neatly put it. Blank denial is the only means left" the most secure refuge and asylum" to shelter for some little time to come the last of the sceptics. When one denies unconditionally it becomes unnecessary to go to the trouble of arguing" and" what is worse" of having to yield occasionally a point or two before the irrefutable arguments and facts of one%s opponent. Creu;er" greatest of the symbologists of his time" the most learned among the masses of erudite 1erman mythologists" must have envied the placid self$confidence of certain sceptics" when he found himself forced in a moment of desperate perplexity to admit" Fdecidedly and first of all we are compelled to return to the theories of trolls and genii" as they were understood by the ancients"

BBBBBBB I 2. >. #lfred ,aury" Histoire des religions de la 1rbce anti9ue" etc." 3ol. )" p. @D?* see also the speculations of Hol;mann in Zeitschrift >ir 3ergleichende !prachforschung" ann. &?K@" p. D?( et se9. BBBBBBB

Page @@? a doctrine without which it is absolutely impossible to explain to oneself anything with regard to the mysteries.I 6ccultism" all over the globe" is intimately connected with Chaldean Wisdom" and its records show the forefathers of the ryan BrShmans in the sacred offices of the ChaldeesBan #dept caste <different from the Babylonian Chaldeans and Caldees= Bat the head of the arts and sciences" of astronomers and seers" confabulating with the Fstars"G and Freceiving instructions from the brilliant sons of )luG <the concealed deity=. heir sanctity of life and great learningBthe latter passing to posterityBmade the name for long ages a synonym of !cience. :es* they were indeed mediators between the people and the appointed messengers of heaven" whose bodies shine in the starry heavens" and they were the interpreters of their wills. But is this #strolatry or !abaeanismX Have they worshipped the stars we see" or is it the modern <following in this the mediaeval= 0oman Catholics" who" guilty of the same worship to the letter" and having borrowed it from the later Chaldees" the 2ebanon -abatheans and the bapti;ed !abians <not from the learned #stronomers and )nitiates of the days of old=" would now veil it by anathemati;ing the source whence it cameX heology and Churchianism would fain trouble the clear spring that fed them from the first" to prevent posterity from looking into it and thus seeing their reflection. he 6ccultists" however" believe the time has come to give everyone his due. #s to our other opponentsBthe modern sceptic and the epicurean" the cynic and the !adduceeBthey may find our answer to their denials in our earlier writings <see )sis 5nveiled" 3ol. )" p. KCK=. We say now what we said then" in reply to the many un.ust aspersions thrown on the ancient doctrinesP F he thought of the present$day commentator and critic as to the ancient learning" is limited to and runs around the exotericism of the temples* his insight is either unwilling or unable to penetrate into the solemn adyta of old" where the hierophant instructed the neophyte to regard the public worship in its true light.

BBBBBBB I Creu;er%s !ymbolik" )))" DKE. BBBBBBB

Page @@' -o ancient sage would have taught that man is the king of creation" and that the starry heaven and our mother earth were created for his sake.G When we find such works as 0ivers of 2ife and PhallicismI appearing in our day in print" under the auspices of ,aterialism" it is easy to see that the day for concealment and travesty has passed away. !cience in philology" symbolism" and comparative religions has progressed too far to deny any longer" and the Church is too wise and cautious not to be now making the best of the situation. ,eanwhile" the Frhombs of HecateG and the Fwheels of 2ucifer"GM daily exhumed on the site of Babylon" can no longer be used as a clear evidence of !atan$worship" since the same symbols are shown in the ritual of the 2atin Church. he latter is too learned to be ignorant of the fact that even the later Chaldees" who had gradually fallen into dualism" reducing all things to two primal principles" had no more worshipped !atan or idols than have the Zoroastrians" who are now accused of the same" but that their religion was as highly philosophical as any* their dual and exoteric heosophy became the heirloom of the +ews" who" in their turn" were forced to share it with the Christians. Pars^s are charged to this day with heliolatry" and yet in the Chaldean 6racles" under the F,agical and Philosophical PreceptsG of Zoroaster" the following is foundP 7irect not thy mind to the vast measures of the earth* >or the plant of truth is not upon ground. -or measure the measures of the sun" collecting rules" >or he is carried by the eternal will of the father" not for your sake. 7ismiss the impetuous course of the moon* for she runs always by the work of necessity. he progression of the stars was not generated for your sake.

BBBBBBB I A0ivers of 2ife" or !ources and !treams of the >aith of ,an in all 2ands" etc." by ,a..$1eneral +ames 1eorge 0. >orlong. 2ondon" &??C. @ vols.* and Phallicism" by Hargrave +ennings. 2ondonP 1eorge 0edway" &??D.BCompiler.J M 8. de ,irville" 7es 8sprits" 3ol. )))" p. @E( et se9. BBBBBBB

Page @CL here is a vast difference between the true worship taught to those who showed themselves worthy" and the state religions. he ,agians are accused of all kinds of superstition" but the Chaldean 6racle proceedsP he wide aerial flight of birds is not true" -or the dissections of the entrails of victims* they are all mere toys" he basis of mercenary fraudP flee from these )f you would open the sacred paradise of piety Where virtue" wisdom" and e9uity" are assembled.I !urely it is not those who warn people against Fmercenary fraudG who can be accused of it* as said elsewhereP F)f they accomplished acts which seem miraculous" who can with fairness presume to deny that it was done merely because they possessed a knowledge of natural philosophy and psychological science to a degree unknown to our schoolsXGM he above$9uoted stan;as form a rather strange teaching to come from those who are universally believed to have worshipped the sun" and moon" and the starry host" as 1ods. he sublime profundity of the ,agian precepts being beyond the reach of modern materialistic thought" the Chaldean philosophers are accused" together with the ignorant masses" of !abaeanism and sun$worship" cults which were simply those of the uneducated masses. hings of late have changed" true enough* the field of investigation has widened* old religions are a little better understood* and" since that memorable day when the Committee of the >rench #cademy" headed by Ben.amin >ranklin" investigated ,esmer%s phenomena but to proclaim them charlatanry and clever knavery" both Fheathen philosophyG and mesmerism have ac9uired certain rights and privileges" and are now viewed from 9uite a different standpoint.

BBBBBBB I A,arked Psellus" D" and numbered cxliv in Corey%s #ncient >ragments" p. @E'" in @nd ed." 2ondon" &?C@. Cf. Psellus in the #pp. to 1allaeus" !ibyllina oracula" pp. 'C$'D" #msterdam" &E?'* and +. #. >abricius" Bibliotheca 1raeca <Hamburg" &(LK$@?=" lib. 3. cap. ii" _ xl* also +. 6psopus" 6racula !ibyllina" Paris" &EL(.BCompiler.J M )sis 5nveiled" 3ol. )" pp. KCK$CE. BBBBBBB

Page @C& )s full .ustice rendered them withal" and are they appreciated any betterX We are afraid not. Human nature is the same now" as when Pope said of the force of pre.udice thatP he diff%rence is as great between he optics seeing as the ob.ects seen. #ll manners take a tincture from our own" 6r some discolour%d thro% our passions shown* 6r fancy%s beam enlarges" multiplies" Contracts" inverts" and gives ten thousand dyes.I hus" in the first decades of our century" Hermetic Philosophy was regarded by both Churchmen and men of science from two 9uite opposite points of view. he former called it sinful and devilish" the latter denied point$blank its authenticity" notwithstanding the evidence brought forward by the most erudite men of every age" including our own. he learned >ather /ircher" for one" was not even noticed* and his assertion" that all the fragments known under the titles of works by ,ercury rismegistus" Berosus" Pherecydes of !yros" etc." were rolls escaped from the fire that devoured one hundred thousand volumes of the great #lexandrian 2ibrary" was simply laughed at. -evertheless" the educated classes of 8urope knew then" as they do now" that the famous #lexandrian 2ibraryBFthe marvel of the agesGBwas founded by Ptolemy Philadelphus* and that most of its ,!!. were carefully copied from hieratic texts and the oldest parchments" Chaldean" Phoenician" Persian" etc." these transliterations and copies amounting in their turn to another hundred thousand" as +osephus and !trabo assert. ,oreover" there is the additional evidence of Clemens #lexandrinus" that ought to be credited to some extent"M

BBBBBBB I A,oral 8ssays" i" .C&$CE.J M he forty$two !acred Books of the 8gyptians mentioned by Clement of #lexandria A!tromateis" 3)" ivJ as having existed in his time" were but a portion of the Books of Hermes. )amblichus A7e mysteriis" viii" &J" on the authority of the 8gyptian priest #bammon" attributes @L"LLL of such books to Hermes" and ,anetho CE"K@K. But the testimony of )amblichus as a -eo$Platonist and theurgist is of course re.ected by modern critics.

Page @C@ and he testifies to the existence of thirty thousand additional volumes of the Books of hoth" placed in the library of the tomb of 6symandyas" over the entrance of which were inscribed the words" F# Cure for the !oul.G !ince then" as everyone knows" entire texts out of the FapocryphalG works of the FfalseG Poimandres" and the no less FfalseG #sclepiades" were found by Champollion inscribed within the most ancient monuments of 8gypt. #fter having devoted their whole lives to the study of the records of the old 8gyptian wisdom" both Champollion$>igeac and Champollion +unior publicly declared" notwithstanding many biassed .udgments" ha;arded by certain hasty and unwise critics" that the Books of HermesP

BBBBBBB ,anetho" who is held by Bunsen in the highest consideration as a Fpurely historical personage . . .G with whom Fnone of the later native historians can be compared . . . <see 8gypt%s place" etc." )" '(=" suddenly becomes a Pseudo$,anetho" as soon as the ideas propounded by him clash with the scientific pre.udices against magic and the occult knowledge claimed by the ancient priests. However" none of the arch}ologists doubts for a moment the almost incredible anti9uity of the Hermetic books. Champollion shows the greatest regard for their authenticity and great truthfulness" corroborated as it is by many of the oldest monuments. #nd Bunsen brings irrefutable proofs of their age. >rom his researches" for instance" we learn that there was a line of sixty$one kings before the days of ,oses" who preceded the ,osaic period by a clearly$traceable civili;ation of several thousand years. hus we are warranted in believing that the works of Hermes rismegistus were extant many ages before the birth of the +ewish law$giver. F!tyli and inkstands were found on monuments of the fourth 7ynasty" the oldest in the world"G says Bunsen. )f the eminent 8gyptologist re.ects the period of D?"?EC years before #lexander" to which 7iogenes 2aertius A2ives" FProemium"G Book )" ch. i" _ @J carries back the records of the priests" he is evidently more embarrassed with his mention of their C(C eclipses <local and total or nearly so= of the sun" and ?C@ of the moon" and remarks that Fif they were actual observations" they must have extended over &L"LLL yearsG <Bunsen" op. cit." )" &D=. FWe learn" however"G he adds" Ffrom one of their own chronological works . . . . that the genuine 8gyptian traditions concerning the mythological period" treated of myriads of yearsG <ibid." p. &K=. BBBBBBB

Page @CC . . . . truly contain a mass of 8gyptian traditions which are constantly corroborated by the most authentic records and monuments of 8gypt of the hoariest anti9uity.I -one will 9uestion the merit of Champollion as an 8gyptologist" and if he declares that everything demonstrates the accuracy of the writings of the mysterious Hermes rismegistus" that their anti9uity runs back into the night of time" and that they are corroborated in their minutest details" then indeed criticism ought to be fully satisfied. F hese expressions"G says Champollion" Fare only the faithful echo and expression of the most ancient verities.G !ince this was written by him" some of the apocryphal verses by the mythical 6rpheus have also been found copied word for word in certain inscriptions of the >ourth 7ynasty in hieroglyphics" addressed to various deities. >inally Creu;er discovered and pointed out the numerous passages borrowed from 6rphic hymns by Hesiod and Homer* and Christians appealed" in their turn" to the testimony of #eschylus" as showing Fprescience in at least one of the !ibyls of old"G says de ,irville.M hus gradually the ancient claims came to be vindicated" and modern criticism had to submit to evidence. ,any are now the writers who confess that such kind of literature as the Hermetic works of 8gypt can never be dated too far back into the prehistoric ages. )t was also found that the texts of many of those ancient worksB 8noch includedBdeemed and so loudly proclaimed apocryphal .ust at the beginning of this century" are now discovered and recogni;ed in the most secret and sacred sanctuaries of Chaldea" )ndia" Phoenicia" 8gypt and Central #sia. But even such proofs have failed to convince ,aterialism. he reason for it is very simple and self$evident.

BBBBBBB I Champollion$>igeac" Ngypte ancienne" p. &C' <Paris" 7idot >rbres" ed. of &?D(=. M Pneumatologie" 7es 8sprits on FPrometheus"G &?EC. 3ol. ))" p. C(C. BBBBBBB

Page @CD hose texts" studied and held in universal veneration at one time" copied and transcribed by every philosopher" and found in every temple* often mastered" whole lives of incessant mental labour having been devoted to them" by the greatest sages living" by statesmen and classic writers" kings and renowned #deptsBwhat were theyX reatises on ,agic and 6ccultism" pure and simple* the now tabooed and derided heosophy and 6ccult !ciences" laughed to scorn by modern ,aterialism. Were the people so simple and credulous in the days of Plato and PythagorasX Were the millions of Babylonia and 8gypt" of )ndia and 1reece" during the periods of learning and civili;ation that preceded the year 6ne of our era <giving birth but to the intellectual darkness of the fanaticism of the ,iddle #ges=" so simple and credulous that so many" otherwise great" men should have devoted their lives to an illusion" a mere hallucinationX )t would seem so" had we to be content with the word and conclusions of our modern philosophers. 8gypt gathered the students of all countries before #lexandria was founded. . . . how comes it Aasks 8nnemoserJ that so little has become known of these mysteries . . . through so many ages and amongst so many different times and peopleX he answer is" that it is owing to the universally strict silence of the initiated. #nother cause may be found in the destruction and total loss of all the written memorials of the secret knowledge of the remotest anti9uity . . . . -uma%s books" described by 2ivy" consisting of natural philosophy" were found in his tomb* but they were not allowed to be made known" lest they should reveal the most secret mysteries of the state religion . . . . he senate and the tribunes of the people determined that . . . the books themselves be burnt" which was done before the people . . . I

BBBBBBB I +. 8nnemoser" he History of ,agic" 3ol. ))" Bohn 2ib." 2ondon" 1eorge Bell Q !ons" &?KD" pp. '$&&. BBBBBBB

Page @CK Cassianus mentions a treatise" well$known in the fourth and fifth centuries" which was accredited to Ham" the son of -oah" who in his turn was reputed to have received it from +ared" the fourth generation from !eth" the son of #dam.I Herodotus tells us that the mysteries were brought by 6rpheus from )ndia. 6rpheus is called the inventor of letters and writing and placed anterior to both Homer and Hesiod. -evertheless" till very lately" 6rphic literature and that of the #rgonauts were attributed to a contemporary of Pisistratus" !olon and Pythagoras" one named 6nomacritus" who is credited with having compiled them in their actual form towards the middle of the 3)th century B.C." or ?LL years after the days of 6rpheus. he latest researches" however" lead the 6rientalists to believe that this compilation was simply a very late re$edition of the 6rphic Hymns" whether ideographic or pictographic. )n their original texts these Hymns are now shown much older than the 3)th century B.C. )n Pausanias% 7escription of 1reece Aor )tineraryJ" )4" xxx" &@" we are told that in his days there was a sacerdotal family"M which like the Brahmins with regard to the 3edas and the 8pic poems" had committed to memory those 6rphic hymns and that the latter were usually transmitted in that way from one generation to another. #s to the poem of the #rgonauts" 3ivien de !aint$,artin thinks that it really can be traced as far back as the days of 6rpheus.g 3ivien de !aint$,artin is very impartial and fair and no doubt as learned* but there are some who go still further back than that. )t is not the writer%s province to argue upon the dates of the many poems cited above" but only" by showing their indubitably antediluvianBrather" prehistoricBorigin" claim the same for the 6ccult !ciences. #nd how these are" aware of the difference shown to #siatic heathen chronologists" a Christian philosopher of the early ages may be asked to express our intimate thought as to the date ofBsayB,#1)C.

BBBBBBB I +oannes Cassianus. Collationes Patrum" Pt. &" Coll. viii" ch. @&. M A he 2ycomidae.J g 3ivien de !aint$,artin" 7Ocouvertes gOologi9ues" 3ol. )" p. C&C. Cf. de ,irville" Pneumatologie" 7es 8sprits" 3ol. )))" p. @LK fn. BBBBBBB

Page @CE F)f GBargues Clemens #lexandrinus" the ex$pupil of the -eo$PlatonistBFif there is a science" there must necessarily be a professor of it.G #nd he goes on saying that Cleanthes had Zeno to teach him" heophrastusB#ristotle" ,etrodorusB 8picurus" PlatoB!ocrates" etc.* and then when he arrived down to Pythagoras" Pherecydes and hales" he had still to search and en9uire who was their master of masters. he same for the 8gyptians" the )ndians" the Babylonians" and the ,agi themselves. He would not cease 9uestioning" to learn who it was they all had for their ,asters. #nd when he <Clemens= would have forcibly brought down the en9uiry to the very cradle of mankind" to the birth of the first man" he should reiterate once more his 9uestioning and ask himB#damBno doubt. FWho was his professorX !urely it would prove no man this once . . . . and when we have reached the #ngels" we shall have to ask even of them who was their ,aster and doctor of science.GI he aim of the good >ather%s long argument is of course to discover two distinct ,asters" one the preceptor of Biblical Patriarchs" the other" the teacher of the 1entiles. But the !ecret 7octrine need go to no such trouble. Her professors know well who were the first instructors of mankind in 6ccult !ciences. he two ,asters traced out by Clemens are of course 1od and his undying enemy and opponent the 7evil" the sub.ect of his en9uiry relating to the dual aspect of Hermetic !cience" as cause and effect. #dmitting the moral beauty and virtues preached in every occult book he was ac9uainted with" Clemens wants to know the cause of the apparent contradiction between doctrine and practice" good and bad magic" and comes to the conclusion" it seems" that magic has two originsBdivine and diabolical. He perceives its bifurcation into two channelsBhence his deduction and inference. We perceive it too" without necessarily dating such a bifurcationBthe F0ightG and F2eft PathG we call itBto its very beginning.

BBBBBBB I !tromateis" Bk. 3)" ch. vii. BBBBBBB

Page @C( 6therwise" .udging also by the effects of his <Clemens%= own religion" and the walk in life of its professors since the death of his ,aster" the 6ccultists would have a right to come to .ust the same conclusion" and say that" while Christ" the ,aster of all true Christians" was in every way godly" the ,aster of those who resorted to the horrors of the )n9uisition" to the burning and torture of heretic witches and 6ccultists by Calvin and pupils" etc." must have been evidently the 783)2Bif the 6ccultists were silly enough to believe in one. Clemens% testimony" however" is valuable as it shows <&= the enormous number of works on 6ccult !ciences during his epoch* and <@= the extraordinary powers ac9uired owing to these !ciences by certain men. He devotes the whole of his sixth volume of the !tromateisI to this research of the first two F,astersG of the true and the false philosophies respectively" both preserved in the sanctuaries of 8gypt. #nd thereupon he apostrophi;es the 1reeks" asking why they should not believe in the miracles of ,oses when their own philosophers claim the same privileges. F)t is #eacus"G he says" Fobtaining through his powers a marvellous rain* it is #ristaeus who causes the winds to blow" 8mpedocles 9uieting the gale" and forcing it to cease"GM etc." etc. he books of ,ercurius rismegistus attracted his attention the most. heir extreme wisdom" he remarks" ought always to be in everyone%s mouthBsemper esse in ore.g He is loud in his praise of Hystaspes <or 1ushtasp=" and of the !ibylline Books and even of astrology. here have been use and abuse of ,agic in all ages" as there are use and abuse of ,esmerism and Hypnotism in our own. he ancient world had its #polloniuses and its Pherecydeses" and intellectual people could discriminate between them" as they can now.

BBBBBBB I A)n Writings of Clement of #lexandria" rs. by 0ev. Wm. Wilson" 3ol. 4)) of the #nte$-icene Christian 2ibrary" 8dinburghP . . Clark" &?E'. !ee Book 3)" Ch. iii.J M herefore 8mpedocles is called 2aertius" 2ives" Bk. 3)))" ch. ii" EL. g !tromateis" Bk. 3)" ch. )3. BBBBBBB BFthe dominator of the wind.GB7iogenes

Page @C? While not one classic or pagan writer has ever found one word of blame for #pollonius of yana" for instance" it is not so with regard to Pherecydes. Hesychius of ,iletus" Philo of Byblos and 8ustathius charge him unstintingly with having built his philosophy and science on demoniacal traditions. Cicero declares that Pherecydes is potius divinus 9uam physicus" Frather a soothsayer than a physicistG*I and 7iogenes 2aertius gives a vast number of stories relating to his predictions. 6ne day Pherecydes of !yros prophesies the shipwreck of a vessel hundreds of miles away from him* another time he predicts the capture of the 2acedaemonians by the #cadians* finally" he foresees his own wretched end.M !uch imputations as these prove very little" except" perhaps" the presence of clairvoyance and prevision in every age. Had it not been for the evidence brought forward by his own co$religionists" that Pherecydes abused his powers" there would have been no proof at all against him" either of sorcery or of any other malpractice. !uch evidence as is given by Christian writers is of no value. Baronius" for instance" and de ,irville find an unanswerable proof of demonology in the belief of a philosopher in the co$eternity of matter and spirit. !ays de ,irvilleP Pherecydes . . . . . postulating in principle the primordiality of Zeus or #ether" and then admitting on the same plane another principle" co$eternal and co$working with the first one" which he calls the fifth element or ogenos. >or some time people have wondered .ust exactly what he meant by that term* however" in the last analysis" the following translation seems correctP Fsomething that constrains" retains"G in one word" hades or hell.g he first statement is Fknown to every school$boyG without de ,irville going to the trouble of explaining it* as to the deduction" every 6ccultist will deny it point$ blank" and only smile at the folly. But now we come to the conclusion.

BBBBBBB I7e divinatione" Bk. &" KL" &&@. M 7iogenes 2aertius" 2ives" Bk. &" ch. xi" &&E. g Pneumatologie" 7es 8sprits" 3ol. )))" p. @L'. BBBBBBB

Page @C' he rOsumO of the views of the 2atin ChurchBas given by various authors of the same type as the ,ar9uisBis that the Hermetic BooksBtheir wisdom notwithstanding" and this wisdom is fully admitted in 0omeBare Fthe heirloom left by Cain" the accursed" to mankind.G )t is Fabsolutely proven"G says the modern memorialist of F!atan in History"G Fthat immediately after the >lood" Ham and his descendants had propagated anew the ancient teachings of the accursed Cainites and of the submerged race.GI his proves at any rate that ,agic" or !orcery as he calls it" is an #ntediluvian #rt" and thus one point is gained. >or" as he says" Fthe evidence of Berosus is there"M and he shows Ham to be identical with the first Zoroaster <d=" the famous founder of Bactria <dd=" and the first author of all the ,agic #rts of Babylonia. Zoroaster" on the same authority" is the Chemesenua or Ham <Cham="g the infamous"_ who left the faithful and loyal -oachians" the blessed" and he is the ob.ect of the adoration of the 8gyptians" who after receiving from him their country%s name <whence chemistryd=" built in his honour a town called Chemmis" or the Fcity of fire.G[[

BBBBBBB I 6p. cit." p. @L?. M #nti9uities" Bk. ))). g he 8nglish$speaking people who spell the name of -oah%s disrespectful son FHam"G have to be reminded that the right spelling is /ham or Cham. _ Black ,agic" or !orcery" is the evil result obtained in any shape or way through the practice of 6ccult #rts* hence it has to be .udged only by its effects. he name of Ham or Cain" when pronounced" has never killed anyone* whereas" if we are to believe that same Clemens #lexandrinus" who traces the professor of every 6ccultist" outside Christianity" to the 7evil" the name of +ehovah <pronounced yevo and in a peculiar way= had the effect of killing any man at a distance. he mysterious !hem$ha$mephorash were not always used for holy purposes by the /abalists" especially on the !abbath" or !aturday" sacred to !aturn or the evil ani. [[ Chemmis" the prehistoric city" may or may not have been built by -oah%s son" but it was not his name that was given to the town" but that of the very mystery$goddess /haemnu or Chaemnis <1reek form=" the deity that was created by the ardent fancy of the neophyte" who was thus tantali;ed during his Ftwelve laboursG of probation before his final initiation. Her male counterpart is /hem* Chemmis or /hemmis <today #khmim= was the chief seat of the god /hem. he 1reeks" identifying /hem with Pan" called the city Panopolis. BBBBBBB

Page @DL Ham adored fire" and it is said" whence the name Cham$main" given to the pyramids* which" in their turn" having become vulgari;ed" passed on their name to our modern FchimneyG <cheminOe = .I he ;ealous defender of !atan anthropomorphi;ed is wrong" we believe. 8gypt was the cradle of chemistry and its birthplaceBthis is pretty well known by this time. /enrick and others show the root of the word to be chemi or chem" which is not Cham or Ham" but /hem" the 8gyptian Phallic 1od of the ,ysteries. But this is not all. 7e ,irville is bent upon finding a !atanic origin even for the now innocent arot. #s to the means for the propagation of this bad ,agie" tradition points it out to us in certain 0unic characters traced on metallic plates <lames=" which escaped destruction in the deluge.M his might have been regarded as legendary" but what is not so is the daily discovery of certain plates covered with special characters with the 9uite undecipherable characters of an undefinable anti9uity" to which the Hamites of every country attribute marvellous and terrible powers.g

BBBBBBB I 7es 8sprits" 3ol. )))" p. @&L. his looks more like pious vengeance than philology. he picture" however" is incomplete" as the author ought to have added to the FchimneyG a witch flying out of it on a broomstick. M How could they escape from the delugeBunless 1od so willed itX AH.P.B.J g here is a curious work in 0ussia" written in the !lavonian !acerdotal language" by the famous #rchbishop Peter ,ogila <the omb=. )t is a book of 8xorcisms <and" at the same time" 8vocations= against the dark powers that trouble the monks and nuns in preference to all. !ome who had the good fortune to get itBfor its sale is strictly forbidden and kept secretBtried to read it aloud for the purposes of exorcising these powers. !ome became lunatics* others died at the sight of what took place. # lady got it by paying two thousand rubles for an incomplete copy. !he used it once" and then threw it into the fire the same day" thereafter becoming deadly pale whenever the book was mentioned. A he 9uoted passage is from de ,irville%s Pneumatologie" 7es 8sprits" 3ol. )))" p. @&L.J BBBBBBB

Page @D& We may leave the pious ,ar9uis to his own orthodox beliefs" as he" at any rate" seems 9uite sincere in his views* nevertheless" his able arguments will have to be sapped at their foundation" for it must be shown on mathematical grounds who" or rather what" Cain and Ham really were. 7e ,irville is only the faithful son of his Church" interested in keeping Cain in his anthropomorphic character and present place in Holy Writ. he student of 6ccultism" on the other hand" is solely interested in the truth. But the age has to follow the natural course of its evolution. #s ) said in )sis 5nveiledP We are at the bottom of a cycle and evidently in a transitory state. Plato divides the intellectual progress of the universe during every cycle into fertile and barren periods. )n the sublunary regions" the spheres of the various elements remain eternally in perfect harmony with the divine nature" he says* Fbut their parts"G owing to a too close proximity to earth" and their commingling with the earthly <which is matter" and therefore the realm of evil=" Fare sometimes according" and sometimes contrary to <divine= nature.G When those circulationsBwhich Nliphas 2Ovi calls Fcurrents of the astral lightGBin the universal ether which contains in itself every element" take place in harmony with the divine spirit" our earth and everything pertaining to it en.oys a fertile period. he occult powers of plants" animals" and minerals magically sympathi;e with the Fsuperior natures"G and the divine soul of man is in perfect intelligence with the FinferiorG ones. But during the barren periods" the latter lose their magic sympathy" and the spiritual sight of the ma.ority of mankind is so blinded as to lose every notion of the superior powers of its own divine spirit. We are in a barren periodP the eighteenth century" during which the malignant fever of skepticism broke out so irrepressibly" has entailed unbelief as an hereditary disease upon the nineteenth. he divine intellect is veiled in man* his animal brain alone philosophi;es.I

BBBBBBB I )sis 5nveiled" 3ol. )" p. @D(. BBBBBBB

Page @D@ A)n 3ol. 4 of 2ucifer" in the issues of +uly and #ugust" &?'@ pp. CE&$(C and DD'$ K'" the 8ditors published a rather lengthy essay from the pen of H.P.B. entitled F6ld Philosophers and ,odern Critics.G hey appended an 8ditorial note stating that Fthe following article was written by H.P. Blavatsky at the beginning of &?'&. !he incorporated in it" as students will see" much matter from )sis 5nveiled" but the large additions and corrections give it an independent value.G his 8ditorial comment is not consistent with actual facts. he essay" upon careful analysis" proves to be almost entirely a compilation of passages from )sis 5nveiled" with the addition of merely a few brief sentences here and there which connect various passages together. -o Flarge additions and correctionsG have been found in this text. # few brief passages are identical with H.P.B.%s essay on F8lementals"G and this fact" as well as the nature and character of the entire material" gives considerable validity to the supposition that this compilation from )sis was put together by H.P.B. at the time when she was rewriting )sis 5nveiled" and when the essay on the F8lementalsG was also compiled. >or reasons stated above" the essay under consideration is not printed at this point in our !eries" but all such passages in it as appear to be new materialBnot lifted from )sisBare made to follow similar material in H.P.B.%s essay on the F8lementals"G namely" in ,arch" &??D <3ol. 3) of the present !eries= wherein can be found comprehensive data with regard to this sub.ect.BCompiler.J

Page @DC

LITER%R# 6OTTINGS 6- C0) )C)!," #5 H60) )8!" #-7 6 H80 ,# B: #- 5-P6P52#0 PH)26!6PH80 A2ucifer" 3ol. 4)" -o" E&" !eptember" &?'@" pp. '$&&J heosophists and editors of heosophical periodicals are constantly warned by the prudent and the faint$hearted" to beware of giving offence to Fauthorities"G whether scientific or social. Public 6pinion" they urge" is the most dangerous of all foes. Criticism of it is fatal" we are told. Criticism can hardly hope to make the person or sub.ect so discussed amend or become amended. :et it gives offence to the many" and makes heosophists hateful. F+udge not" if thou wilt not be .udgedG A,att. vii" &$ @J" is the habitual warning. )t is precisely because heosophists would themselves be .udged and court impartial criticism" that they begin by rendering that service to their fellow$men. ,utual criticism is a most healthy policy" and helps to establish final and definite rules in lifeBpractical" not merely theoretical. We have had enough of theories. he Bible is full of wholesome advice" yet few are the Christians who have ever applied any of its ethical in.unctions to their daily lives. )f one criticism is hurtful so is another* so also is every innovation" or even the presentation of some old thing under a new aspect" as both have necessarily to clash with the views of this or another Fauthority.G ) maintain" on the contrary" that criticism is the great benefactor of thought in general* and still more so of those men who never think for themselves but rely in everything upon acknowledged FauthoritiesG and social routine. 80!.

Page @DD >or what is an FauthorityG upon any 9uestion" after allX -o more" really" than a light streaming upon a certain ob.ect through one single" more or less wide" chink" and illuminating it from one side only. !uch light" besides being the faithful reflector of the personal views of but one manBvery often merely that of his special hobbyB can never help in the examination of a 9uestion or a sub.ect from all its aspects and sides. hus" the authority appealed to will often prove but of little help" yet the profane" who attempts to present the given 9uestion or ob.ect under another aspect and in a different light" is forthwith hooted for his great audacity. 7oes he not attempt to upset solid Fauthorities"G and fly in the face of respectable and time$honoured routine thoughtX >riends and foesd Criticism is the sole salvation from intellectual stagnation. )t is the beneficent goad which stimulates to life and actionBhence to healthy changesB the heavy ruminants called 0outine and Pre.udice" in private as in social life. #dverse opinions are like conflicting winds which brush from the 9uiet surface of a lake the green scum that tends to settle upon still waters. )f every clear stream of independent thought" which runs through the field of life outside the old grooves traced by Public 6pinion" had to be arrested and to come to a standstill" the results would prove very sad. he streams would no longer feed the common pond called !ociety" and its waters would become still more stagnant than they are. 0esultP it is the most orthodox FauthoritiesG of the social pond who would be the first to get sucked down still deeper into its oo;e and slime. hings" even as they now stand" present no very bright outlook as regards progress and social reforms. )n this last 9uarter of the century it is women alone who have achieved any visible beneficent progress. ,en" in their ferocious egoism and sex$privilege" have fought hard" but have been defeated on almost every line. hus" the younger generations of women look hopeful enough. hey will hardly swell the future ranks of stiff$necked and cruel ,rs. 1rundy. hose who today lead her no longer invincible battalions on the war$path" are the older #ma;ons of respectable society" and her young men" the male Fflowers of evil"G the nocturnal plants that blossom in the hothouses known as clubs.

Page @DK he Brummels of our modern day have become worse gossips than the old dowagers ever were in the dawn of our century. o oppose or critici;e such foes" or even to find the least fault with them" is to commit the one unpardonable social sin. #n 5npopular Philosopher" however" has little to fear" and notes his thoughts" indifferent to the loudest Fwar$cryG from those 9uarters. He examines his enemies of both sexes with the calm and placid eye of one who has nothing to lose" and counts the ugly blotches and wrinkles on the FsacredG face of ,rs. 1rundy" as he would count the deadly poisonous flowers on the branches of a ma.estic mancenillierBthrough a telescope from afar. He will never approach the tree" or rest under its lethal shade. F hou shalt not set thyself against the 2ord%s anointed"G saith 7avid. But since the Fauthorities"G social and scientific" are always the first to break that law" others may occasionally follow the good example. Besides" the FanointedG ones are not always those of the 2ord* many of them being more of the Fself$anointedG sort. hus" whenever taken to task for disrespect to !cience and its Fauthorities"G which the 5npopular Philosopher is accused of re.ecting" he demurs to the statement. o re.ect the infallibility of a man of !cience is not 9uite the same as to repudiate his learning. # specialist is one" precisely because he has some one specialty" and is therefore less reliable in other branches of !cience" and even in the general appreciation of his own sub.ect. 6fficial school !cience is based upon temporary foundations" so far. )t will advance upon straight lines so long only as it is not compelled to deviate from its old grooves" in conse9uence of fresh and unexpected discoveries in the fathomless mines of knowledge. !cience is like a railway train which carries its baggage van from one terminus to the other" and with which no one except the railway officials may interfere. But passengers who travel by the same train can hardly be prevented from 9uitting the direct line at fixed stations" to proceed" if they so like" by diverging roads.

Page @DE hey should have this option" without being taxed with libelling the chief line. o proceed beyond the terminus on horseback" cart or foot" or even to undertake pioneer work" by cutting entirely new paths through the great virgin forests and thickets of public ignorance" is their undoubted prerogative. 6ther explorers are sure to follow* nor less sure are they to critici;e the newly$cut pathway. hey will thus do more good than harm. >or truth" according to an old Belgian proverb" is always the result of conflicting opinions" like the spark that flies out from the shock of two flints struck together. Why should men of learning be always so inclined to regard !cience as their own personal propertyX )s knowledge a kind of indivisible family estate" entailed only on the elder sons of !cienceX ruth belongs to all" or ought so to belong* excepting always those few special branches of knowledge which should be preserved ever secret" like those two$edged weapons that both kill and save. !ome philosopher compared knowledge to a ladder" the top of which was more easily reached by a man unencumbered by heavy luggage" than by him who has to drag along an enormous bale of old conventionalities" faded out and dried. ,oreover" such a one must look back every moment" for fear of losing some of his fossils. )s it owing to such extra weight that so few of them ever reach the summit of the ladder" and that they affirm there is nothing beyond the highest rung they have reachedX 6r is it for the sake of preserving the old dried$up plants of the Past that they deny the very possibility of any fresh" living blossoms" on new forms of life" in the >utureX Whatever their answer" without such optimistic hope in the ever$becoming" life would be little worth living. What between Fauthorities"G their fear of" and wrath at the slightest criticismBeach and all of them demanding to be regarded as infallible in their respective departmentsBthe world threatens to fossili;e in its old pre.udices and routine. >ogeyism grins its skeleton$like sneer at every innovation or new form of thought. )n the great battle of life for the survival of the fittest" each of these forms becomes in turn the master" and then the tyrant" forcing back all new growth as its own was checked.

Page @D( But the true Philosopher" however Funpopular"G seeks to grasp the actual life" which" springing fresh from the inner source of Being" the rock of truth" is ever moving onward. He feels e9ual contempt for all the little puddles that stagnate la;ily on the flat and marshy fields of social life. H. P. B. BBBBB -)1H ,#08 #28! A#pproximately in !ummer of &?'@" the heosophical Publishing !ociety of 2ondon issued a small book of &DD pages under the above title. )t contains five of H.P.B.%s occult storiesP F# Bewitched 2ife"G F he Cave of the 8choes"G F he 2uminous !hield"G F>rom the Polar 2ands"G and F he 8nsouled 3iolin.G 6f these" only F>rom the Polar 2andsG seems to be new. )t may have been written by H.P.B. at the very end of her life. )t is printed here" at the approximate time of its original appearance. he other stories in this collection appeared many years previously in various .ournals and newspapers. hey may be found in other 3olumes of the Collected Writings in their correct chronological se9uence. Complete data about them is given in 3olume 3)" pp. CKD$KK.J

Page @D?

"ROM THE POL%R L%NDS <# Christmas !tory= +ust a year ago" during the Christmas holidays" a numerous society had gathered in the country house" or rather the old hereditary castle" of a wealthy landowner in >inland. ,any were the remains in it of our forefathers% hospitable way of living* and many the medieval customs preserved" founded on traditions and superstitions" semi$ >innish and semi$0ussian" the latter imported into it by its female proprietors from the shores of the -eva. Christmas trees were being prepared and implements for divination were being made ready. >or" in that old castle there were grim worm$eaten portraits of famous ancestors and knights and ladies" old deserted turrets" with bastions and 1othic windows* mysterious somber alleys" and dark and endless cellars" easily transformed into subterranean passages and caves" ghostly prison cells" haunted by the restless phantoms of the heroes of local legends. )n short" the old ,anor offered every commodity for romantic horrors. But alasd this once they serve for nought* in the present narrative these dear old horrors play no such part as they otherwise might. )ts chief hero is a very commonplace" prosaical manBlet us call him 8rkler. :es* 7r. 8rkler" professor of medicine" half$1erman through his father" a full$blown 0ussian on his mother%s side and by education* and one who looked a rather heavily built" and ordinary mortal. -evertheless" very extraordinary things happened with him. 8rkler" as it turned out was a great traveler" who by his own choice had accompanied one of the most famous explorers on his .ourneys round the world.

Page @D' ,ore than once they had both seen death face to face from sunstrokes under the ropics" from cold in the Polar 0egions. #ll this notwithstanding" the doctor spoke with a never$abating enthusiasm about their FwinteringsG in 1reenland and -ovaya Zemla" and about the desert plains in #ustralia" where he lunched off a kangaroo and dined off an emu" and almost perished of thirst during the passage through a waterless track" which it took them forty hours to cross. F:es"G he used to remark" F) have experienced almost everything" save what you would describe as supernatural. . . . his" of course if we throw out of account a certain extraordinary event in my lifeBa man ) met" of whom ) will tell you .ust now Band its . . . indeed" rather strange" ) may add 9uite inexplicable" results.G here was a loud demand that he should explain himself* and the doctor" forced to yield" began his narrative. F)n &?(? we were compelled to winter on the northwestern coast of !pit;bergen. We had been attempting to find our way during the short summer to the pole* but as usual" the attempt had proved a failure" owing to the icebergs" and" after several such fruitless endeavors" we had to give it up. -o sooner had we settled than the polar night descended upon us" our steamers got wedged in and fro;en between the blocks of ice in the 1ulf of ,ussel" and we found ourselves cut off for eight long months from the rest of the living world. . . . ) confess )" for one" felt it terribly at first. We became especially discouraged when one stormy night the snow hurricane scattered a mass of materials prepared for our winter buildings" and deprived us of over forty deer from our herd. !tarvation in prospect is no incentive to good humor* and with the deer we had lost the best plat de rOsistance against polar frosts" human organisms demanding in that climate an increase of heating and solid food. However" we were finally reconciled to our loss" and even got accustomed to the local and in reality more nutritious foodBseals" and seal$grease. 6ur men from the remnants of our lumber built a house neatly divided into two compartments" one for three professors and myself" and the other for themselves* and" a few wooden sheds being constructed for meteorological" astronomical and magnetic purposes" we even added a protecting stable for the few remaining deer.

Page @KL #nd then began the monotonous series of dawnless nights and days" hardly distinguishable one from the other" except through dark$gray shadows. #t times" the FbluesG we got into were fearfuld We had contemplated sending two of our three steamers home in !eptember" but the premature and unforseen formation of ice walls round them had thwarted our plans* and now" with the entire crews on our hands" we had to economi;e still more with our meager provisions" fuel and light. 2amps were used only for scientific purposesP the rest of the time we had to content ourselves with 1od%s lightBthe moon and the #urora Borealis. . . . But how describe these glorious" incomparable northern lightsd 0ings" arrows" gigantic conflagrations of accurately divided rays of the most vivid and varied colors. he -ovember moonlight nights were as gorgeous. he play of moonbeams on the snow and the fro;en rocks was most striking. hese were fairy nights. FWell" one such nightBit may have been one such day" for all ) know" as from the end of -ovember to about the middle of ,arch we had no twilights at all" to distinguish the one from the otherBwe suddenly espied in the play of colored beams" which were then throwing a golden rosy hue on the snow plains" a dark moving spot. . . . )t grew" and seemed to scatter as it approached nearer to us. What did this meanX . . . )t looked like a herd of cattle" or a group of living men" trotting over the snowy wilderness. . . . But animals there were white like everything else. What then was thisX . . . human beingsX . . . FWe could not believe our eyes. :es" a group of men was approaching our dwelling. )t turned out to be about fifty seal$hunters" guided by ,atiliss" a well$ known veteran mariner" from -orway. hey had been caught by the icebergs" .ust as we had been. FWHow did you know that we were hereX% we asked. FW6ld +ohan" this very same old party" showed us the way%Bthey answered" pointing to a venerable$looking old man with snow$white locks.

Page @K& F)n sober truth" it would have beseemed their guide far better to have sat at home over his fire than to have been seal$hunting in polar lands with younger men. #nd we told them so" still wondering how he came to learn of our presence in this kingdom of white bears. #t this ,atiliss and his companions smiled" assuring us that Wold +ohan% knew all. hey remarked that we must be novices in polar borderlands" since we were ignorant of +ohan%s personality and could still wonder at anything said of him. FW)t is nigh forty$five years"% said the chief hunter" Wthat ) have been catching seals in the Polar !eas" and as far as my personal remembrance goes" ) have always known him" and .ust as he is now" an old" white$bearded man. #nd so far back as in the days when ) used to go to sea" as a small boy with my father" my dad used to tell me the same of old +ohan" and he added that his own father and grandfather too" had known +ohan in their days of boyhood" none of them having ever seen him otherwise than white as our snows. #nd" as our forefathers nicknamed him Fthe white$haired all$knower"G thus do we" the seal hunters" call him" to this day.% FWWould you make us believe he is two hundred years oldX%Bwe laughed. F!ome of our sailors crowding round the white$haired phenomenon" plied him with 9uestions. FW1randfatherd answer us" how old are youX% FW) really do not know it myself" sonnies. ) live as long as 1od has decreed me to. #s to my years" ) never counted them .% FW#nd how did you know" grandfather" that we were wintering in this placeX% FW1od guided me. How ) learned it ) do not know* save that ) knewB) knew it.%F

Page @K@ A)n 2ucifer" 3ol. 4)" 6ctober" &?'@" pp. '($&LK" the 8ditors published" with no 8ditorial explanation of any kind" an essay by H.P.B. entitled F2ife and 7eathP # Conversation between a 1reat 8astern eacher" H.P.B." Colonel 6lcott" and an )ndian.G 5pon closer examination" this proved to be an 8nglish translationBpossib&y by H. P. B. herself" though unlikely of certain portions of her 0ussian serial story known as F>rom the Caves and +ungles of Hindostan.G he 0ussian original text of these passages can be found in the 0usskiy 3estnik <0ussian ,essenger=" 3ol. C2444)" >ebruary" &??E" pp. ?L@$&C. <!ee the &'(K #dyar edition of >rom the Caves and +ungles of Hindostan.= )t was not the first time that this material" translated into 8nglish" had appeared in print. )t was publishedBthis time possibly translated by H.P.B. herselfBin 2ucifer" 3ol. )))" +anuary &??'" as F7ialogue on the ,ysteries of the #fter$2ife"G with the addition of a few passages. he entire material of this F7ialogueG was used by H. P. B. in he /ey to heosophy" pp. &&($&@&" and &KE$&(&. )n #ugust" !eptember and 6ctober" &?'C" the 8ditors of 2ucifer published three installments of what appeared to be an essay from the pen of H.P.B. on the sub.ect of F8lementals.G hese appeared in 3ols. 4)) and 4))) of 2ucifer. Close analysis has shown this material to be merely a compilation of )sis 5nveiled" with the addition of a few new passages. hese will be found in 3ol. 3) of the present !eries" between ,arch and #pril" &??D" with all available data concerning them and the reasons why this material has been shifted to an earlier period. )n 3ol. 43 of 2ucifer <!eptember and 6ctober" &?'D" pp. '$&( and '($&LD" respectively=" the 8ditors published two installments of H.P.B.%s 8ssay entitled F ibetan eachings.G #s appears from its first paragraph" this 8ssay must have been written much earlier* it has been shifted to the end of the year &??C" with an explanatory note giving all necessary particulars" and may be found in 3olume 3) of the present !eries. )n 3ol. 43)))" -o. &LE" of 2ucifer" under date of +une &Kth &?'E" the following 8ditorial remarks appear on p. @EKP F0eaders of 2ucifer will re.oice to see an article under the loved and familiar name of H. P. Blavatsky. )n the course of preparing the third volume of he !ecret 7octrine for the press" a few manuscripts were found mixed with it that form no part of the work itself" and these will be published in her old maga;ine.

!tandingP Charles +ohnston <&?E($&'C&= and his wife 3era 3ladimirovna +ohnston <&?ED$&'@@=" nOe de Zhelihovsky !eatedP ,other of Charles +ohnston and his Brother" 2ewis #. ,. +ohnston. 0eproduced from #lan 7enson%s work" Printed Writings by 1eorge W. 0ussell <=" 2ondon" &'E&" by special permission of the author.

W)22)#, R5#- +5718 >rom a photograph taken in &?'& by the +.H. !cotford !tudio" Portland" 6regon.

Page @KC -ext month the article from her pen will be a criticism of the line taken by Hargrave +ennings and others touching the phallic element in religions" and will be entitled. FChristianity" Buddhism and Phallicism.%G he 8ditors then proceed to publish an article entitled FW!pirits% of 3arious /inds.G his material is on the whole identical with H.P.B.%s essay entitled F houghts on the 8lementals"G which appeared in ,ay" &?'L <2ucifer" 3ol. 3)" pp. &(($??=. )t will be found" therefore" in its rightful chronological place in 3ol. 4))" pages &?($@LK of the present !eries" with the addition of a few brief passages as they appeared in this later reprint.BCompiler.J

Page @KD

BUDDHISM5 CHRISTI%NIT# %ND PH%LLICISM A2ucifer" 3ol. 43)))" -o. &L(" +uly" &?'E" pp. CE&$CE(J Works by specialists and scholars have to be treated with a certain respect" due to science. But such works as Payne /night%s # 7iscourse on the Worship of Priapus" and the #ncient >aiths" etc." of 7r. )nman" were merely the precursory drops of the shower of phallicism that burst upon the reading public in the shape of ,a.or$1eneral >orlong%s 0ivers of 2ife. 3ery soon lay writers followed the torrent" and Hargrave +ennings% charming volume" he 0osicrucians" was superseded by his Phallicism. #s an elaborate account of this workBthat hunts up sexual worship" from the grossest forms of idolatry up to its most refined and hidden symbolism in Christianity Bwould better suit a newspaper review than a .ournal like the present" it becomes necessary to state at once the reason it is noticed at all. Were heosophists entirely to ignore it" PhallicismI and such$like works would be used some day against heosophy. ,r. Hargrave +ennings% last production was written" in every probability" to arrest its progressBerroneously confounded as it is by many with 6ccultism" pure and simple" and even with Buddhism itself. Phallicism appeared in &??D" .ust at a time when all the >rench and 8nglish papers heralded the arrival of a few heosophists from )ndia as the advent of Buddhism in Christian 8uropeB

BBBBBBB I Phallicism" Celestial and errestrial" Heathen and Christian* its connection with the 0osicrucians and the 1nostics and its foundation in Buddhism" 1eo. 0edway" 2ondon" &??D. BBBBBBB

Page @KK Bthe former in their usual flippant way" the latter with an energy that might have been worthy of a better cause" and might have been more appropriately directed against Fsexual worship at home"G according to certain newspaper revelations. Whether rightly or wrongly" public rumour attributes this FmysticG production of ,r. Hargrave +ennings% to the advent of heosophy. However it may be" and whosoever may have inspired the author" his efforts were crowned with success only in one direction. -otwithstanding that he proclaims himself" modestly enough" Fthe first introducer" as the grand philosophical problem" of the vast religious and national importance of Buddhism"GI and pronounces his work Fundoubtedly new and perfectly original"G declaring in the same breath that all the Fprevious great men and the long line of profound thinkers Abefore himselfJ labouring through the ages Ain this directionJ have worked in vain"G it is easy to prove the author mistaken. His FenthusiasmG and self$laudation may be very sincere" and no doubt his labours were Fenormous"G as he says* they have nevertheless led him on an entirely false track" when he asserts thatP F hese mighty physiological disputes Aabout the mysteries of animal generationJ induced in the reflective wisdom of the earliest thinkers" laid the sublime foundations of the Phallic Worship. hey led to violent schisms in religion . . .G -ow it is precisely Buddhism which was the first religious system in history that sprang up with the determinate ob.ect of putting an end to all the male 1ods and to the degrading idea of a sexual personal 7eity being the generator of mankind and the >ather of men. His book" the author assures us Fcomprises" within the limit of a modest octavo" all that can be known . . . . of the doctrines of the Buddhists" 1nostics" and 0osicrucians" as connected with PhallicismG. )n this he errs again" and most profoundly" orBwhich would be still worseBhe is trying to mislead the reader by filling him with disgust for such Fmysteries.G

BBBBBBB I )bid." p. xiii. BBBBBBB

Page @KE His work is Fnew and originalG in so far as it explains with enthusiastic and reverential approval the strong phallic element in the Bible* for" as he says" F+ehovah undoubtedly signifies the 5niversal ,ale"G and he calls ,ary ,agdalen before her conversion the Ffemale !t. ,ichael"G as a mystical antithesis and paradox. -o one" truly" in Christian countries before him has ever had the moral courage to speak so openly as he does of the phallic element with which the Christian Church <the 0oman Catholic= is honeycombed" and this is the author%s chief desert and credit. But all the merit of the boasted Fconciseness and brevityG of his Fmodest octavoG disappears on its becoming the undeniable and evident means of leading the reader astray under the most false impressions* especially as very few" if any" of his readers will follow or even share his Fenthusiasm . . . . converted out of the utmost original disbelief of these wondrously stimulating and beautiful Phallic beliefs.G -or is it fair or honest to give out a portion of the truth" without allowing any room for a palliative" as is done in the cases of Buddha and Christ. hat which the former did in )ndia" +esus repeated in Palestine. Buddhism was a passionate reactionary protest against the phallic worship that led every nation first to the adoration of a personal 1od" and finally to black magic" and the same ob.ect was aimed at by the -a;arene )nitiate and prophet. Buddhism escaped the curse of black magic by keeping clear of a personal male 1od in its religious system* but this conception reigning supreme in the so$called monotheistic countries" black magicBthe fiercer and stronger for being utterly disbelieved in by its most ardent votaries" unconscious perhaps of its presence among themBis drawing them nearer and nearer to the mahlstrom of every nation given to sin" or to sorcery" pure and simple. -o 6ccultist believes in the devil of the Church" the traditional !atan* every student of 6ccultism and every heosophist believes in black magic" and in dark" natural powers present in the worlds" if he accept the white or divine science as an actual fact on our globe. herefore one may repeat in full confidence the remark made by Cardinal 3entura on the devilBonly applying it to black magic.

Page @K( F he greatest victory of !atan was gained on that day when he succeeded in making himself denied.G )t may be said further" that FBlack magic reigns over 8urope as an all$powerful" though unrecogni;ed" autocrat"G its chief conscious adherents and practical servants being found in the 0oman Church" and its unconscious practitioners in the Protestant. he whole body of the so$called FprivilegedG classes of society in 8urope and #merica is honeycombed with unconscious black magic" or sorcery of the vilest character. But Christ is not responsible for the mediaeval and the modern Christianity fabricated in His name. #nd if the author of Phallicism be right in speaking of the transcendental sexual worship in 0oman Church and calling it Ftrue" although doubtless it will prove to be profound" mystical" strictly WChristian% paradoxical construction"G he is wrong in calling it the Fcelestial or heosophical doctrine of the unsexual" transcendental phallicism"G for all such words strung together become meaningless by annulling each other. FParadoxicalG indeed must be that FconstructionG which seeks to show the phallic element in Fthe tomb of the 0edeemer"G and the yonic in -irvana" besides finding a Priapus in the FWord made >leshG or the 2616!. But such is the FPriapomaniaG of our century that even the most ardent professed Christians have to admit the element of phallicism in their dogmas" lest they should be twitted with it by their opponents. his is not meant as criticism" but simply as the defence of real" true magic" confined by the author of Phallicism to the Fdivine magic of generation.G FPhallic ideas"G he says" are Fdiscovered to be the foundation of all religions.G )n this there is nothing FnewG or Foriginal.G !ince state religions came into existence" there was never an )nitiate or philosopher" a ,aster or disciple" who was ignorant of it. -or is there any fresh discovery in the fact of +ehovah having been worshipped by the +ews under the shape of Fphallic stonesG <unhewn=Bof being" in short" as much of a phallic 1od as any other 2ingam" which fact has been no mystery from the days of 7upuis.

Page @K? hat he was preeminently a male deityBa PriapusBis now proven absolutely and without show of useless mysticism" by +. 0alston !kinner of Cincinnati" in his wonderfully clever and erudite volume" he !ource of ,easures"I published some years ago" in which he demonstrates the fact on mathematical grounds" completely versed" as he seems to be" in kabalistic numerical calculations. What then makes the author of Phallicism say that in his book will be found Fa more complete and more connected account than has hitherto appeared of the different forms of the . . . peculiar veneration <not idolatry=" generally denominated the Phallic worshipGX F-o previous writer has disserted so fully"G he adds with modest reserve" Fupon the shades and varieties of this singular ritual" or traced up so completely its mysterious blendings with the ideas of the philosophers" as to what lies remotely in -ature in regard to the origin and history of the human race.G here is one thing really ForiginalG and FnewG in Phallicism" and it is thisP while noticing and underlining the most filthy rites connected with phallic worship among every FheathenG nation" those of the Christians are ideali;ed" and a veil of a most mystic fabric is thrown over them. #t the same time the author accepts and insists upon Biblical chronology. hus he assigns to the Chaldaean ower of BabelBFthat magnificent" monster W5pright"% defiantG phallus" as he puts itBan age Fsoon after the >loodG* and to the Pyramids Fa date not long after the foundation of the 8gyptian monarchy by ,israim" the son of Ham" @&?? B.C.G he chronological views of the author of he 0osicrucians seem to have greatly changed of late. here is a mystery about his book" difficult" yet not wholly impossible to fathom" which may be summed up in the words of the Comte de 1asparin with regard to the works on !atan by the ,ar9uis de ,irvilleP F8verything goes to show a work which is essentially an act" and has the value of a collective labour.G But this is of no moment to the heosophists.

BBBBBBB I A!ee /ey to the Hebrew 8gyptian ,ystery in the !ource of ,easures <&?(K=* reprint by Wi;ard%s Bookshelf" !an 7iego" &'(KBCompiler.J BBBBBBB

Page @K' hat which is of real importance is his misleading statement" which he supports on Wilford%s authority" that the legendary war that began in )ndia and spread all over the globe was caused by a diversity of opinion upon the relative Fsuperiority of the male or female emblem . . . in regard of the idolatrous magic worship. . . . hese physiological disputes . . . led to violent schisms in religion and even to bloody and devastating wars" which have wholly passed out of the history. . . or . . . have never been recorded in history* remaining only as a tradition . . .G his is denied point$blank by initiated BrShmanas. )f the above be given on Col. Wilford%s authority" then the author of Phallicism was not fortunate in his selection. he reader has only to turn to ,ax ,iller%s )ntroduction to the !cience of 0eligionI to find therein the detailed history of Col. Wilford becomingBand very honestly confessing to the factBthe victim of BrShmanical mystification with regard to the alleged presence of !hem" Ham" and +aphet in the PurSnas. he true history of the dispersion and the cause of the great war are very well known to the initiated Brahmanas" only they will not tell it" as it would go directly against themselves and their supremacy over those who believe in a personal 1od and 1ods. )t is 9uite true that the origin of every religion is based on the dual powers" male and female" of abstract -ature" but these in their turn were the radiations or emanations of the sexless" infinite" absolute Principle" the only 6ne to be worshipped in spirit and not with rites* whose immutable laws no words of prayer or propitiation can change" and whose sunny or shadowy" beneficent or maleficent influence" grace or curse" under the form of /arma" can be determined only by the actionsBnot by the empty supplicationsBof the devotee. his was the religion" the 6ne >aith of the whole of primitive humanity" and was that of the F!ons of 1od"G the B%ne 8lohim of old. his faith assured to its followers the full possession of transcendental psychic powers" of the truly divine magic. 2ater on" when mankind fell" in the natural course of its evolution Finto generation"G

BBBBBBB A2ondon" 2ongmans Q 1reen" &?(C ed." pp. @'($CL&.BCompiler.J BBBBBBB

Page @EL i.e." into human creation and procreation" and carrying down the sub.ective process of -ature from the plane of spirituality to that of matterBmade in its selfish and animal adoration of self a 1od of the human organism" and worshipped self in this ob.ective personal 7eity" then was black magic initiated. his magic or sorcery is based upon" springs from" and has the very life and soul of selfish impulse* and thus was gradually developed the idea of a personal 1od. he first Fpillar of unhewn stone"G the first ob.ective Fsign and witness to the 2ord"G creative" generative" and the F>ather of man"G was made to become the archetype and progenitor of the long series of male <vertical= and female <hori;ontal= 7eities" of pillars" and cones. #nthropomorphism in religion is the direct generator of and stimulus to the exercise of black" left$hand magic. #nd it was again merely a feeling of selfish national exclusivenessBnot even patriotismBof pride and self$glorification over all other nations" that could lead an )saiah to see a difference between the one living 1od and the idols of the neighbouring nations. )n the day of the great Fchange"G /arma" whether called personal or impersonal Providence" will see no difference between those who set Fan altar Ahori;ontalJ to the 2ord in the midst of the land of 8gypt" and a pillar AverticalJ at the border thereofG <)saiah xix" &'=" and they who Fseek to the idols" and to the charmers" and to them that have familiar spirits" and to the wi;ardsG A)saiah" xix" CJB for all this is human" hence devilish black magic. )t is then the latter magic" coupled with anthropomorphic worship" that caused the F1reat WarG and was the reason for the F1reat >loodG of #tlantis* for this reason also the )nitiatesBthose who had remained true to primeval 0evelationBformed themselves into separate communities" keeping their magic or religious rites in the profoundest secrecy. he caste of the BrShmanas" the descendants of the Fmind$born 0ishis and !ons of BrahmSG dates from those days" as also do the F,ysteries.G -atural sciences" archaeology" theology" philosophy" all have been forced in he !ecret 7octrine to give their evidence in support of the teachings herein again propounded.

Page @E& 3ox audita peritP litera scripta manet. Published admissions cannot be made away withBeven by an opponentP they have been made good use of. Had ) acted otherwise" he !ecret 7octrine" from the first chapter to the last" would have amounted to uncorroborated personal affirmations. !cholars and some of the latest discoveries in various departments of science being brought to testify to what might have otherwise appeared to the average reader as the most preposterous hypotheses based upon unverified assertions" the rationality of these will be made clear. 6ccult teaching will at last be examined in the light of science" physical as well as spiritual. BBBBB A#t this point" the 8ditors of 2ucifer published what appear to be some brief notes from H.P.B.%s pen on a number of unrelated sub.ects. hese were given the title of F>ragmentsG and appeared in 3ol. 43)))" -o. &L?" #ugust" &?'E" pp. DD'$DKK. Brief passages in these notes are identical with some in )sis 5nveiled* another and longer passage" 9uoting from Bunsen" may be found in the >irst 7raft of he !ecret 7octrine. )t is most likely that these notes were written around &??K or &??E* they have been placed in 3ol. 3)) of the present !eries.BCompiler.J

Page @E@

THE MIND IN N%TURE A2ucifer" 3ol. 4)4" -o. &L'" !eptember" &?'E" pp. '$&DJ 1reat is the self$satisfaction of modern science" and unexampled its achievements. Pre$christian and mediaeval philosophers may have left a few landmarks over unexplored minesP but the discovery of all the gold and priceless .ewels is due to the patient labours of the modern scholar. #nd thus they declare that the genuine" real knowledge of the nature of the /osmos and of man is all of recent growth. he luxuriant modern plant has sprung from the dead weeds of ancient superstitions. !uch" however" is not the view of the students of heosophy. #nd they say that it is not sufficient to speak contemptuously of Fthe untenable conceptions of an uncultivated past"G as ,r. yndall and others have done" to hide the intellectual 9uarries out of which the reputations of so many modern philosophers and scientists have been hewn. How many of our distinguished scientists have derived honour and credit by merely dressing up the ideas of those old philosophers" whom they are ever ready to disparage" is left to an impartial posterity to say. But conceit and self$ opinionatedness have fastened like two hideous cancers on the brains of the average man of learning* and this is especially the case with the 6rientalists$!anskritists" 8gyptologists and #ssyriologists. he former are guided <or perhaps only pretend to be guided= by post ,ahSbhSratian commentators* the latter by arbitrarily interpreted papyri" collated with what this or the other 1reek writer said" or passed over in silence" and by the cuneiform inscriptions on half$destroyed clay tablets copied by the #ssyrians from F#ccado$G Babylonian records.

Page @EC oo many of them are apt to forget" at every convenient opportunity" that the numerous changes in language" the allegorical phraseology and evident secretiveness of old mystic writers" who were generally under the obligation never to divulge the solemn secrets of the sanctuary" might have sadly misled both translators and commentators. ,ost of our 6rientalists will rather allow their conceit to run away with their logic and reasoning powers than admit their ignorance" and they will proudly claim like Professor !ayceI that they have unriddled the true meaning of the religious symbols of old" and can interpret esoteric texts far more correctly than could the initiated hierophants of Chaldea and 8gypt. his amounts to saying that the ancient hierogrammatists and priests" who were the inventors of all the allegories which served as veils to the many truths taught at the )nitiations" did not possess a clue to the sacred texts composed or written by themselves. But this is on a par with that other illusion of some !anskritists" who" though they have never even been in )ndia" claim to know !anskrit accent and pronunciation" as also the meaning of the 3aidic allegories" far better than the most learned among the great BrShmanical pundits and !anskrit scholars of )ndia.

BBBBBBB I !ee the Hibbert 2ectures for &??(" pages &D$&(" on the origin and growth of the religion of the ancient Babylonians" where Prof. #.H. !ayce says that though Fmany of the sacred texts were so written as to be intelligible only to the initiated <italics mine=. . . provided with keys and glosses"G nevertheless" as many of the latter" he adds" Fare in our hands"G they <the 6rientalists= have Fa clue to the interpretation of these documents which even the initiated priests did not possess.G p. &(.= his FclueG is the modern cra;e" so dear to ,r. 1ladstone" and so stale in its monotony to most" which consists in perceiving in every symbol of the religions of old a solar myth" dragged down" whenever opportunity re9uires" to a sexual or phallic emblem. Hence the statement that while F1isdhubar was but a champion and con9ueror of old times"G for the 6rientalists" who Fcan penetrate beneath the mythsG he is but a solar hero" Fwho was himself but the transformed descendant of a humbler 1od of >ire"G <loc. cit." p. &(=. BBBBBBB

Page @ED #fter this who can wonder that the .argon and blinds of our mediaeval alchemists and /abalists are also read literally by the modern student* that the 1reek and even the ideas of #eschylus are corrected and improved upon by the Cambridge and 6xford 1reek !cholars" and that the veiled parables of Plato are attributed to his Fignorance.G :et" if the students of the dead languages know anything" they ought to know that the method of extreme necessitarianism was practiced in ancient as well as in modern philosophy* that from the first ages of man" the fundamental truths of all that we are permitted to know on earth were in the safe keeping of the #depts of the sanctuary* that the difference in creeds and religious practice was only external* and that those guardians of the primitive divine revelation" who had solved every problem that is within the grasp of human intellect" were bound together by a universal freemasonry of science and philosophy" which formed one unbroken chain around the globe. )t is for philology and the 6rientalists to endeavour to find the end of the thread. But if they will persist in seeking it in one direction only" and that the wrong one" truth and fact will never be discovered. )t thus remains the duty of psychology and heosophy to help the world to arrive at them. !tudy the 8astern religions by the light of 8asternBnot WesternBphilosophy" and if you happen to relax correctly one single loop of the old religious systems" the chain of mystery may be disentangled. But to achieve this" one must not agree with those who teach that it is unphilosophical to en9uire into first causes" and that all that we can do is to consider their physical effects. he field of scientific investigation is bounded by physical nature on every side* hence" once the limits of matter are reached" en9uiry must stop and work be re$ commenced. #s the heosophist has no desire to play at being a s9uirrel upon its revolving wheel" he must refuse to follow the lead of the materialists. He" at any rate" knows that the revolutions of the physical world are" according to the ancient doctrine" attended by like revolutions in the world of intellect" for the spiritual evolution in the universe proceeds in cycles" like the physical one. 7o we not see in history a regular alternation of ebb and flow in the tide of human progressX

Page @EK 7o we not see in history" and even find this within our own experience" that the great kingdoms of the world" after reaching the culmination of their greatness" descend again" in accordance with the same law by which they ascendedX till" having reached the lowest point" humanity reasserts itself and mounts up once more" the height of its attainment being" by this law of ascending progression by cycles" somewhat higher than the point from which it had before descended. /ingdoms and empires are under the same cyclic laws as planets" races" and everything else in /osmos. he division of the history of mankind into what the Hindus call the !atya" reta" 7vSpara and /ali :ugas" and what the 1reeks referred to as Fthe 1olden" !ilver" Copper" and )ron #gesG is not a fiction. We see the same thing in the literature of peoples. #n age of great inspiration and unconscious productiveness is invariably followed by an age of criticism and consciousness. he one affords material for the analy;ing and critical intellect of the other. he moment is more opportune than ever for the review of old philosophies. #rchaeologists" philologists" astronomers" chemists and physicists are getting nearer and nearer to the point where they will be forced to consider them. Physical science has already reached its limits of exploration* dogmatic theology sees the springs of its inspiration dry. he day is approaching when the world will receive the proofs that only ancient religions were in harmony with nature" and ancient science embraced all that can be known. 6nce more the prophecy already made in )sis 5nveiled twenty$two years ago is reiterated. F!ecrets long kept may be revealed* books long forgotten and arts long time lost may be brought out to light again* papyri and parchments of inestimable importance will turn up in the hands of men who pretend to have unrolled them from mummies" or stumbled upon them in buried crypts* tablets and pillars" whose sculptured revelations will stagger theologians and confound scientists" may yet be excavated and interpreted. Who knows the possibilities of the futureX #n era of disenchantment and rebuilding will soon beginBnay" has already begun.

Page @EE he cycle has almost run its course* a new one is about to begin" and the future pages of history may contain full evidence" and convey full proof of the above.GI !ince the day that this was written much of it has come to pass" the discovery of the #ssyrian clay tiles and their records alone having forced the interpreters of the cuneiform inscriptionsBboth Christians and >ree thinkersBto alter the very age of the world.M he chronology of the Hindu PurSnas" reproduced in he !ecret 7octrine" is now derided" but the time may come when it will be universally accepted. his may be regarded as simply an assumption" but it will be so only for the present. )t is in truth but a 9uestion of time. he whole issue of the 9uarrel between the defenders of ancient wisdom and its detractorsBlay and clericalBrests <a= on the incorrect comprehension of the old philosophers" for the lack of the keys the #ssyriologists boast of having discovered* and <b= on the materialistic and anthropomorphic tendencies of the age. his in no wise prevents the 7arwinists and materialistic philosophers from digging into the intellectual mines of the ancients and helping themselves to the wealth of ideas they find in them* nor the divines from discovering Christian dogmas in Plato%s philosophy and calling them Fpresentiments"G as in 7r. 2undy%s ,onumental Christianity"g and other like modern works. 6f such FpresentimentsG the whole literatureBor what remains of this sacerdotal literatureBof )ndia" 8gypt" Chaldea" Persia" 1reece and even of 1uatamala <Popul 3uh= is full.

BBBBBBB I A)sis" 3ol. )" p.C?.J M !argon" the first F!emiticG monarch of Babylonia" the prototype and original of ,oses" is now placed C"(KL years B.C. <p. @&=" and the hird 7ynasty of 8gypt Fsome E"LLL years ago"G hence some years before the world was created" agreeably to Biblical chronology. <3ide Hibbert 2ectures . . . Babylonia" by #. H. !ayce" &??(" pp. @& and CC=. g A2undy" +ohn P." ,onumental Christianity . . ." -ew :ork" Bouton" &??@" p. &&L of @nd ed.B Compiler.J BBBBBBB

Page @E( Based on the same foundation$stoneBthe ancient ,ysteriesBthe primitive religions" all without one exception" reflect the most important of the once universal beliefs" such" for instance" as an impersonal and universal divine Principle" absolute in its nature" and unknowable to the FbrainG intellect" or the conditioned and limited cognition of man. o imagine any witness to it in the manifested universe" other than as 5niversal ,ind" the !oul of the universeBis impossible. hat which alone stands as an undying and ceaseless evidence and proof of the existence of that 6ne Principle" is the presence of an undeniable design in kosmic mechanism" the birth" growth" death and transformation of everything in the universe" from the silent and unreachable stars down to the humble lichen" from man to the invisible lives now called microbes. Hence the universal acception of F hought 7ivine"G the #nima ,undi of all anti9uity. his idea of ,ahat <the great= #kSsha or BrahmS%s aura of transformation with the Hindus" of #laya" Fthe divine !oul of thought and compassionG of the trans$HimSlayan mystics* of Plato%s Fperpetually reasoning 7ivinity"G is the oldest of all the doctrines now known to" and believed in" by man. herefore they cannot be said to have originated with Plato" nor with Pythagoras" nor with any of the philosophers within the historical period. !ay the Chaldean 6raclesP F he works of nature co$exist with the intellectual A J" spiritual 2ight of the >ather. >or it is the !oul A J which adorned the great heaven" and which adorns it after the >ather.GI F he incorporeal world then was already completed having its seat in the 7ivine 0eason"G says Philo" who is erroneously accused of deriving his philosophy from Plato. )n the heogony of ,ochus we find #ether first" and then the air* the two principles from which 5lom" the intelligible A J 1od <the visible universe of matter= is born. )n the orphic hymns" the 8ros$Phanes evolves from the !piritual 8gg" which the aethereal winds impregnate" wind being Fthe !pirit of 1od"G who is said to move in aether" Fbrooding over the ChaosGBthe 7ivine F)dea.G

BBBBBBB I Proclus in imaeus" &LE" as 9uoted by Cory" #ncient >ragments &?C@" Ap. @K& in Wi;ards Bookshelf" ,pls. &'(E. J BBBBBBB

Page @E? )n the Hindu /athopanishad" Purusha" the 7ivine !pirit" stands before the original ,atter* from their union springs the great !oul of the World" F,ahS$#tmS" Brahm" the !pirit of 2ifeG* these latter appellations are identical with 5niversal !oul" or #nima ,undi" and the #stral 2ight of the heurgists and /abalists. Pythagoras brought his doctrines from the eastern sanctuaries" and Plato compiled them into a form more intelligible than the mysterious numerals of the !age Bwhose doctrines he had fully embracedBto the uninitiated mind. hus" the /osmos is Fthe !onG with Plato" having for his father and mother the 7ivine hought and ,atter. he FPrimal BeingG <Beings" with the heosophists" as they are the collective aggregation of the divine 0ays=" is an emanation of the 7emiurgic or 5niversal ,ind which contains from eternity the idea of the Fto be created worldG within itself" which idea the unmanifested 2616! produces of itself. he first )dea Fborn in darkness before the creation of the worldG remains in the unmanifested ,ind* the second is this )dea going out as a reflection from the ,ind <now the manifested 2616!=" becoming clothed with matter" and assuming an ob.ective existence.

Page @E' A)n 6ctober" &?'E" 2ucifer <3ol. 4)4" pp. '($&L@= published an 8ssay from the pen of H.P.B. entitled FPsychology" he !cience of the !oul.G he same month" he heosophist <3ol. 43)))" pp. '$&@= published another 8ssay written by H.P.B. under the title of F,odern )dealism" Worse than ,aterialism.G )nternal evidence of both of these 8ssays shows them to have been written much earlier" namely" in &??(. hey will be found in 3ol. 3))) of the present !eries" together with appropriate -otes explaining the reasons for this shift.BCompiler.J

0ONE ETERN%L TRUTH . . . . . 2 . . . one eternal ruth" and one infinite changeless !pirit of 2ove" ruth and Wisdom in the 5niverse" as one 2ight for all" in which we live and move and have our Being . . . . We are all Brothers. 2et us then love" help" and mutually defend each other against any !pirit of untruth or deception" Fwithout distinction of race" creed or colour.G A his brief passage was first published in he heosophist" 3ol. 2)))" 6ctober" &'C&. C. +inarS.adSsa" then 8ditor of the maga;ine" appended the following note which gives some interesting data on this brief statement in H.P.B.%s handP F his solitary page of a manuscript of H.P.B. has a strange history. 2ast month" ) received from ,ademoiselle H. de Zhelihovsky and her sister" nieces of H.P.B." certain letters in 0ussian written by their aunt. #mong them was a copy" in 8nglish" of a letter of protest sent to #. !. !ouvorine" an editor in !t. Petersburg" controverting the charges against H.P.B. made by the Coulombs.

Page @(L he protest bears the signatures of #.P. !innett" W.R. +udge" .B. Harbottle" #rchibald /eightley" Bertram /eightley" /. 1aboriau" 0. Harte" C. Wachtmeister" ,abel Collins" and C. +ohnston. ,lle. H. de Zhelihovsky informs me that the protest was not published by the newspaper to which it was sent. F#fter copying the protest for the #rchives" ) was preparing to return it when my eye was caught by H.P.B.%s handwriting on the back of page D of the protest. here is no clue at all regarding these solitary lines. 6ne must presume that the protest when re.ected was sent to H.P.B. to see" that it lay on her desk" and that when writing an article and coming to the end of its eleventh page" she concluded it on the back of p. D of the protest" which perhaps lay face down on the table.G #. !. !uvorin was the famous 8ditor of the !t. Petersburg%s -ovoye 3remya <-ew ime=" a newspaper which did not show any friendly attitude to H.P.B. or heosophy. he niece of H.P.B. mentioned by C. +. was ,iss Helena 3ladimirovna de Zhelihovsky <&?(D$&'D'=" the unmarried daughter of H.P.B.%s sister" 3era Petrovna de Zhelihovsky <&?CK$&?'E=.BCompiler.J

Page @(&

NEBO O" BIRS!NIMRUD A his manuscript in H.P.B.%s handwriting was in the possession of +ohn ,. Watkins" the renowned Publisher and Bookseller" who was a close friend of hers. )t is marked 43<a= and covers a little over twelve numbered pages. )t may have been intended for he !ecret 7octrine and later set aside. # few words or brief sentences have remained illegible. )t has been transcribed from a microfilm of the original ,!. now in the hands of 1eoffrey Watkins.BCompiler.J !ed et !erpens . . . . What capital the Church has made of thisd But where is that spot which anti9uity" with its virtue loving philosophers and !aintly !ages" has left without this symbolX he 7ragon or !erpent has ever been made to allegori;e eternity and divine intelligence and hidden Wisdom. he old sidereal and astronomical !erpent is now the fallen +upiter" the prototype of the fallen #rchangel* the Prince of the #ir has become on the mediaeval paintings a kind of fantastic 7raco$volans" one of the forms of the tempter of 8den. 7ragons and !erpents everywhere" even to the 2ight$bearer" the da;;ling 2ucifer who has now become the Prince of 7arkness and the F)nfernalG 6phidian. When the Christian nations" by destroying the seats of learning" and the pagan temples" had lost the key to the real meaning of that symbol and the old 7racontine structures" their clergy chose to see the devil%s horn and hoof peeping out Afrom theJ foundation of every glorious fane" every old non$Christian temple. he true philosophical meaning of the legends and allegories on the sacred serpent" is now almost entirely lost. he reason why the old 8gyptians found in the 7ragon and its numerous offshoots of 6phidian variety something divine has been variously but never satisfactorily explained. 7ivine" says #elianus in his -ature of #nimals <Bk. 4)" ch. xvii=

Page @(@ Byes* but at the same time it had better be left alone" divinius 9uod9ue praestet ignorari* and he adds in a kind of parenthetical way" that the true ob.ect of the #thenians in feeding large serpents in their temples was Fto have always on hand prophets.G But the same is done to this day not only by the FheathenG Hindu" but also by the 5nitarian heistic ,ussulmans of Cairo" and other ,ohammedan centres" whose wise men have the same explanation to offer as the wise men of old. he sacred dragon of 8pidaurus fabled to have come by himself at the call of the people from that city" demanded that a temple should be built for him on the iber" at the foot of ,ount Palatine* where" transformed Fthey never ceased to consult him as a prophetG <3al. ,ax. Bk. )" viii" _ @=. he word 7ragon" as said" is a term" which signified with every ancient people that which it is made to mean even today with the ChineseBlong" or the Wbeing which excels in intellect and in 1reek means Fhe who sees and watches.G #ccording to +. de Cambry <,onumens Celti9ues" page @''= Fdrouk in the language of Brittany" in >rance" means devil" whence the droghedanum sepulcrum or the Wdiabolical tomb.% )n 2anguedoc the elemental spirits are called drac* in >rench drogg and in Bretonian the terms dreag" wraie Wran have evidently the same origin" and the 7rogheda Castle in Brittany has the same etymology AbutJ in every one of the cases above cited the connection of these terms with the Wdevil% had a Christian" hence a later significance. -one of the words cited had that meaning during the pre$Christian periods. <de ,irville" 7es 8sprits" 3ol. ))" p. D@C fn. &.= But now" as .ust said" every Wpagan% monument is connected with the spirit of evil. # good instance of it is afforded in the word Babel" which meant in days of old Wthe palace <or dwelling= of 1od.% 3oltaire expressed surprise why the word should be made to render Wconfusion% <of tongues= . . . . . F#s ba signifies Wfather% in all the 6riental tongues" and bel is W1od"% thence Babel ought to read the Wcity of 1od.% <7ictionnaire Philosophi9ue" #rt. WBabel%=. he church claimed otherwise" maintaining that babel was Wconfusion.%

Page @(C But now comes #ssyriology and announces a new discovery. )t translates a Babylonian cylinder through the pen of ,r. +. 6ppert" and finds that whatever the word Babel may or may not have meant in the days of -oah <who never was=" in those of -ebuchadne;;er" the /ing who reconstructed" as he himself narrates it on a . . . . . Birs$-imrud" one to -ebo" 1od of Wisdom" the other to Bal$,erodach" his father"Bnothing of the kind is meant. We have in 8ngland" the translation from the inscription on the tile found by Colonel 0awlinson at Borsippa" or Birs -imrud" and nothing reminding us of the confusion of the tongues" or the Babel" can" by any possibility be inferred from that record. What it states is" that -ebuchadne;;ar" /ing of Babylon" rebuilt the edificesBFthe seven storied towerG and Fthe temple of the !even lightsG* which temple <the original Babel= had" forty$two generations before" been destroyed by an earth9uake. >urther we learn that this fane had ever served and been erected from the first for astrological purposes* i.e." that it had been built in honor of the !even lights or the seven planetary spirits" identical with the F!even !pirits of 1odG of Christian. . . . . -ow as divine worship was offered to them more or less openly ever since the 3)))th century throughout the middle agesP and that the same is done to this day" by the 0oman CatholicsIBwe really see no valid reason why these F!piritsG should have been less divine or more devilish" or again more serpent$like" when worshipped in Babylon" than they are when paid divine honors in 0omeX he fact is that the ower of Babel fabled to have been built by -imrod" had no connection with the real tower built in Babylonia till the compilers of the Book of ,oses made one. -or does FBabelG have anything to do with the Hebrew word babel or babil" FstammeringG" for even the correct pronunciation of its name is now forgotten.

BBBBBBB I 3ide 3ol. )) of 2ucifer" pp. CKK et se9. on the Worship of the !even !pirits in the 0oman Catholic Church. A!ee also C.W." 3ol. 4" pp. &[email protected] BBBBBBB

Page @(D # legend preserved by the nomadic tribes of #sia ,inor speaks of a tower called -e$ba$bel" and this was the real name of the pyramid rebuilt by -ebuchadne;;ar" its etymology being the easiest and the simplest thing in the world" when we remember who was -ebo. )ndeed" he is the son of ,erodach" or Bel" and it is in honor of that 1od of Wisdom Fthe !aviour" the !age" who leads men to the voice and receives the light of the 1reat 1od" his fatherG <the !on=Bthat the fane was built" and which" was named -ebabel or F-ebo <son of= the father" or 8l.G his deity was closely connected with the magnificent Birs$-imrud for the simple reason that his fane was situated in the upper tower of the seven stories that constituted the pyramidal building of Birs$-imrud.I Herodotus is our authority for this. He speaks of it <Book )" _ &?&= calling it the temple of +upiter$BelusBand mentions the chapel or tower on the last or seventh storey <describing it though as the eighth= wherein one sees a golden table near the tomb of the 1od with a most magnificent bed on which -ebo rested at certain periods. he fact that Babil" babiluch or babel mean in !yrian and Hebrew Fconfused talkG as shown by de 0ougemont" and that according to him Fthe cuneiform inscriptions seem to corroborate ,osesG <Peuples Primitifs" 3ol. )))" p. 'E=M means very little indeed to anyone except those interested in the vindication of the Biblical statements. >or" the slightest alteration of a vowel" or wrong accent or inflection" may give 9uite another signification to any word and thus alter entirely its primitive meaning and idea. he Babylonian priests" who" according to Cicero Fassert that they have preserved upon their monuments observations" extending back during an interval of D(L"LLL yearsG <7e 7ivinatione" i" CE=g may have exaggerated or may not"

BBBBBBB I Birs" Fthe dwelling of the gods"G or the !even !pirits" of -imrod . . . astro . . . and Chaldean. M APeuple primitif" sa religion" son histoire et sa civili;ation" by <>. de 0ougemont=" 1eneva" &?KK$ K(* @ pts. in C vols.J g A!ee p. @E( in the 8nglish trs. of Wm. #rmistead >alconer* 2oeb Classical 2ibrary" 2ondon" Heinemann 2td." &'ED ed.J BBBBBBB

Page @(K still a considerable number of milleniums must have elapsed between the early and primitive" post$diluvian formation of the Chaldean languages and the Hebrew of the later" surviving scrolls in which babel is called FconfusionG and thus made to furnish a pretext for identifying this word with the Babylonian tower" for Biblical purposes. Hence" the wide margin for speculation. #t any rate" modern science having come to the wise conclusion that it would be a rather dangerous stretch of faith to admit that Fall the languages of the different races could have been created at one start and simultaneously under the mysterious influence of divine intervention <0enanB2angues !emiti9ues="I the rendering of Bable by confusion may be laid aside and left to Biblical specialists. -ebo then" the F1odG in the popular ideal" and esotericallyBthe mysterious P6W80 that presides over the planet ,ercuryBthe symbol and FHouse of !ecret Wisdom"G was. . . . . who was addressed by the /haldi as F hou who generated thyself out of thyselfGB7ivine Wisdom" in short. #ll that is known in connection with this FdeityG may be found on the cylinder discovered and brought to 8urope by Colonel 0awlinson.M he . . . . . was translated from its cuneiformg . . . . . by ,r. +ules 6ppert" the distinguished 6rientalist and member of the #siatic !ociety of Paris" and later by 1eorge !mith. he dead letter of the rendering" even left standing as it is in the imperfect translation" is calculated to reveal to the student of 6ccultism the true character of the F1odG addressed.

BBBBBBB I AHistoire 1OnOrale et systbme comparO des langues sOmiti9ues" by 8rnest 0enan. !ee p. @D ff. in Crd ed." Paris" 2%imprimerie )mpOriale" &?'C.J M A0awlinson" Henry. !ee 3ol. )) of his Cuneiform )nscriptions of #sia. &?EE.J g A!ee pp. &K$@L ff. of the )nscription de -ebuchodonosor sur les ,erveilles de Babylone* Communication faite q 2%#cadOmie )mpOriale de 0eims par ,. +. 6ppert. Printed in 0eims by P. 7ubois et Cie in &?EE it contains in full the >rench passages rendered into 8nglish below. # copy is located in the 5.!.#. at the 5niversity of Chicago library.BCompiler.J BBBBBBB

Page @(E Here it isP F)" -ebochadne;;ar" /ing of Babylon" servant of the 8ternal 6ne occupying the heart of ,erodach" the !upreme ,onarch who exalts the -ebo" the !aviour the !age" who lends his ear to the instruction of that great godP the 3icar$/ing . . . . . who has reconstructed the pyramid and the tower of AstagesJ. )" the son of -ebopolassar" /ing of Babylonia. F,erodach the great 2ord has generated me" and ordered to reconstruct his abode. -ebo" who watches over the hosts of heaven and of earth has armed my hand with the scepter of .ustice. F he pyramid is the grand temple of Heaven and 8arth" the abode of the ,aster of the 1odsB,erodach. he sanctuary thereof" ) have restored in pure gold" the place of rest of his !overeignty. he seven storied owerI the eternal House that ) rebuilt and refounded" ) constructed it" out of silver" gold and other metals in enameled bricks in cedar and cypress" and have achieved its magnificence . . . . .G . . . F) achieved the first edifice" the temple in the foundations of the 8arth" with which the memory of Babylon is connected and raised its summit in bricks and brass. F>or the second" which is this edificeP the temple of the !even lights of the 8arthM with which the memory of Borsippa <Birs -imrud= is connected" commenced by the first /ing B

BBBBBBB I #ccording to 0awlinson%s reading of the tiles" the Birs$-imrud had seven stages symbolical of the concentric circles of the seven spheres each built of tiles and metals to correspond with the color of the ruling planet of the sphere typified. <Cf. H. C. 0awlinson" F6n the Birs$-imrud" or the 1reat emple of Borsippa"G in he +ournal of the 0oyal #siatic !ociety of 1reat Britain and )reland" 3ol. 43)))" &?E&" pp. &($&'=. A1eorge !mith gives details of 0awlinson%s excavation on pp. &ED$EE of his Chaldean #ccount of 1enesis" !ecret 7octrine ref. series" ,inneapolis" Wi;ards Bookshelf" &'((.J he correct following of the special color of each planet is now shown by telescopic and spectroscopic discoveries of modern science. A!ee )sis" )" p. @E&* !.7." ))" p. ?LE" PH #dyar" &'('.J M he lights are the !even PlanetsBsymboli;ed in the +ewish tabernacle by the seven$branched candlestick. BBBBBBB

Page @(( B from whose reign forty$two human lives have elapsedIBand by whom the summit was left unfinished ages ago" the expression of whose thoughts having been uttered in disorder.G < he plan of the building having been left too undefined" some 6rientalists translate* F8arth9uake and thunder had unsettled the fresh bricks which crumbling down had formed hillocksG.= F o rebuild it the great god ,erodach engaged my heart* ) did not touch at the site" nor interfered with its foundation . . . . . but renewed the circular banisters . . . . and raised the summit thereof. F-ebo" thou who generates thyself" !upreme )ntelligence . . . bless my works . . . favor me forever with a race in times to come" the septenary multiplication in rebirths <to be a perfect septenary being in every reincarnation=" the victory of the throne" etc." etc. . . . . . -ebucheddne;;ar" the /ing who rebuilt this" remains prostrate before thy face.G he name -ebu;ardan" or -ebo and -ebu" seems to mean only in Hebrew F-ebu is the 2ordG * but in Persian and with the ancient people it had always signified -ebu" the wise <2ord=. Hence the prefix -ebu attached to the name of every initiated adept consecrated to the service of Bel and -ebo Fthe overseer of all the celestial and terrestrial legionsGBor Fhosts.G Hence -ebu$/adan$#ssur" -ebu$Pal$ #ssur" -ebu$Zaradan" etc." etc. -ebu" in short" was an abstract 9ualityP personifiedB when the seventh principle" the FHigher !elfG of man was meant" an ad.ectiveBwhen applied to any special sub.ect" and finally the synthetic attribute of the !even Chaldean godsBthe Planetary !pirits. ,ercury was no more entitled than any other of his six colleagues to the appelation of -ebo" but was so$called owing to later thought seeking to combine the identity of 1od" planet and attribute in one. here is also a profound thought hitherto of . . . . . by modern +ew or Christian in the fact that ,oses dies" and is buried on Pisgah of ,ount -8B6.

BBBBBBB I >orty$two centuries" a human life being counted of a &LL year%s duration. BBBBBBB

Page @(? he student of 6ccultism will do well to ponder over the materials and measurements" used under the minute instruction of the 2ord 1od of )srael himself" in the construction of the tabernacle <see 8xodus chap. xxv et se9.=Bif he is desirous of learning how the Fabode of a godGBbe it called a tabernacle" a house" a pyramid or a towerBwas constructed for occult purposes. )f measurementsBin Fweight" measure and numberG of such buildings" now found to be symbolically and esoterically the perfect copy of one anotherBare discovered identical when studied with the help of metrology and geometry" also shown to correspond astronomically to planets <earth included= in their con.unctions" diameters and circumference" etc.* how much more might be discovered if their architecture and materials were studied by the light of alchemy" occult correspondences and psycho$physics. )f the secret potencies latent in every metal" wood" color and fabricBas for instance as goats hairBwere ascertained" and the correlative forces thereof found out in the manifold combinations of such ob.ects" then would the world have undeniable proof that the FarkG and Fmercy seatG of the protecting deity of the people of )srael" were simply identical with the Fseventh storyG and the Fplace of restG of the F2ord 1odG of the ChaldeesBtheir national and protecting deity. hat the same disposition and combination of Fgold" silver and brass"G of Fblue and purple and scarlet" of fine linen and goats hair"G of shettimI wood" rams skins dyed red and onyx and brassBwas re9uired in the tabernacle of the Chaldean BelM or -ebo" as in that of the +ewish 8l or +ehovahBif either of these Powers were expected to manifest in" and speak from their respective$magical recesses. >inally they would receive undeniable proof that if the supposed #strolatry of the Chaldeans was )dolatryBso was the supposed monotheism of the +ews.

BBBBBBB I !hettim wood" does not mean Fa kind of acacia treeG but any sweet smelling wood consecrated for H8501)C#2 purposes* such as sandal" cypress" etc." etc. M #bbreviation of #b <father= and 8l <1od=" perhapsX BBBBBBB

Page @(' >or if the Babylonian Bel meant the !5-Bthe +ehovah of the )sraelites meant !# 50-. 8ach of the F1odsG of the nations had his F!tar"G or planet* and that star of the same name" was the supposed house or habitation of that angel. F:e have borne the tabernacle of your ,oloch and Chiun" your images" the star of your godG complains through #mos the F2ordG <X= <#mos" v" @E=.I Who are ,oloch and Chiun but BaalBthe later BelX 8very particle of their religion came to the +ews from the Chaldeans and the 8gyptians* 7aniel is described in the Bible as a 0abbi" the chief of the Babylonian astrologers and ,agi" therefore one sees the #ssyrian little bulls and the attributes of !iva reappearing under a hardly modified form in the cherubs of the almudistic +ews" as one traces the bull #pis in the !phinxes or Cherubs of the ,osaic #rk and as one finds several thousand years later that same #ssyrian bull" the 8gyptian 2ion with the addition of the bird of +upiter" the 8agle" in company with the face of an #ngelBfour /abalistic figuresBrepresented with the four #postles of the -ew estament. -ebo presided at" and inspired the /haldi during the long period of Babylonian civili;ation" most evidently. -o modern means at the disposition of our architects could help to build such gigantic cities and edifices in our century as were Babylon and -ineveh. #nd yet these are supposed to be no older than some nineteen centuries B.C." built by the grandchildren of the solitary family that survived the 7eluged he three 6rientalistsB6ppert" >resnel and homasBsent by their government on a scientific mission to F,esopotamiaG in &?K&" on their return wrote of Babylon* BF>ancy a surface ten times as large as Paris within its actual precincts" a surface larger than the whole 7epartment of the !einBsurrounded by a wall eighty feet thick" and from &LK to C@? feet high* namely" the precise height of the arrow on the )nvalides* that is Babylon.G

BBBBBBB I he Fchosen peopleG seem to have worshipped that !tar for forty years in the wildernessB therefore that star was the habitation of +ehovahBwhich makes him identical with Chiun" ,oloch. BBBBBBB

Page @?L 6ppert haveing found on the site of the giant city the modulus of the Babylonian measures" which confirms exactly the statements given by Herodotus" whose figures make of Babylon Fan immense s9uare" every side of which was &@L stades long" hedged in by a thick wall KL royal cubits thick" and @LL highGBthese measurements can hardly fail being exact. he famous inscription by -ebuchaddne;;ar" moreover" confirms Herodotus. F he pyramids of 8gypt themselves would seem dwarfed in ancient BabylonGBremarks a writer. he most curious document" however" with regard to this sub.ect is a paper read by the same ,r. +ules 6ppert before the #cademy of >ine #rts* sub.ectBFCuniform #ssyrian )nscriptionsGBa few extracts from it may now be given. he oldest documents in the possession of the 6rientalists are the tiles used as recording tablets by the /ings of lower Chaldea" believed to be at least as old as from the 444th to the 44th B.C. # translation of an inscription by /ing iglatpileser" was made some twenty$five years ago in 2ondon by four different 6rientalists" simultaneously and independently" at the desire of the #siatic !ociety.I #nd those four versions were found" owing to their concordance" to leave little doubt as to the correct meaning of the main features of the historical facts inscribed. ,ost of the tiles <cylinders= are of the period of !argon" the /ing$founder of /horsabad" whose history <that of ,oses" the legend of his childhood as in the Bible" nearly word for word= was discovered and published for the world by the late 1eorge !mith.M he cities and monuments built by !argon are numberless" and his son the great con9ueror !enacherib continued to build after him. )n the inscriptions of the Bulls" !argon describes the religious ceremony in this wiseP

BBBBBBB I AF he )nscription of iglath Pileser )"G in he +ournal of the 0oyal #siatic !ociety" 3ol. 43)))" pp. &ED$@&'.J M A)n his #ssyrian 7iscoveries . . . pp. @@D$@K" -.:. !cribner #rmstrong Q Co." &'(K" !mith relates the tale of !argon and refers to the text he originally translated in the F ransactions of the !ociety of Biblical #rchaeology"G 3ol. )" pt. &" p. DE.J BBBBBBB

Page @?& B. . . . . F)n the valley . . . under -inivia ) built a city and called it Hisri$!argon. o populate this city and preserve the memory of the destroyed altars" ) have built altars to the great 1ods" and palaces for my ,a.esty to dwell in . . . . . ) then selected places at Hisri$!argon for -isroch" !in <lunus=" !amas <the !un=" #o <!aturn=.I -inip !andan" etc." etc." and their sculptured images <statues=.G >urther on the religious ceremony laying the foundations is described" and the specialities of all the gods and goddesses. -ot being at present concerned with these" that which relates to -ebo alone may be givenPB F he tower of BabylonG goes on to say 6ppertBFnow known as Birs$-imrud was formed of seven s9uare towers" superposed on one another" and supported on an immense substructure.G Herodotus names eight for he made the mistake of taking the latter for a tower also.M F6n the top story was the great temple" wherein a single couch was placed on which rested the god when he appeared.G #ll the texts speak of the top tower as the place of rest of the god -8B6 . . . . below" there was another temple sacred to -ebo. he tower of Borsippa was" it is true" especially reserved to that god. -evertheless" the inscription 9uoted speaks clearly of Fthe sanctuary of -ebo which is in the pyramid and that was named Babil or the place wherein . . . . . assembled and spoke the 6racles.G BBBBBBB

BBBBBBB I 6r )aoBwhich is +ehovah" as well as !aturn. 7iodorus states that among the +ews they relate that ,oses called the 1od )ao. heodorit says they pronounced it )aho. )t is only owing to their late invention of the ,asoretic points that the 0abbis sounded +ehovah" #donai" and so on. <!ee pp. CL&$CL@" )sis 5nveiled 3ol. )).= M AHerodotus" Book )" &?&.J BBBBBBB

Page @?@ herefore the account given of the tower of Babel in chapter xi of 1enesis is purely allegorical and was never understood. he tower of Babel had its shrine wherein the gods or the god spoke through the oracles" in the same way as the god of the +ews or the gods <angels= spoke through the high$priests and even viva voce" with the )sraelites. he tabernacle and the ark were no holier than the place of rest and the oracular shrine. Both were the sanctuaries of !P8#/)-1 167!.I

BBBBBBB I /ircher gives the modus operandi from old ,!! in the 3atican. F6n the sacred altar of every temple"G he saysBFstood represented the 0ulers of the World <!pirits of the Planets= adorned with their respective insignia* around the altar" attentive priests watching what would he shown them by the latter" as to the revelations of the future they were to receive after due invocation" through an aperture in the middle of the tableBall of which was called the great portal of the gods.G <6edip. #egypt." in abula )siaca=. APhilosophical 0esearch !ociety" 2os #ngeles" &'(E" 0eprint of W. W. Westcott &??E ed.J BBBBBBB

Page @?C

PHEREC#DES A he original ,!. of this brief account in H.P.B.%s own handwriting was among the papers of her old and trusted friend" +ohn ,. Watkins of 2ondon. )t is now in the hands of his son" 1eoffrey Watkins. Because of the way the text starts" this item may have been intended for a 1lossary.BCompiler.J PH808C:78! <1r.=. # 1reek philosopher from !yros" the teacher of Pythagoras. 2ike the latter he is credited on the concurrent testimony of anti9uity" to have travelled many years in the 8ast" to have visited )ndia and Chaldea" and lived in 8gypt" where he was the disciple of the initiated priests of the two latter countries. 6n the other hand" such writers as Clemens #lexandrinus and Philo Biblius" assert that FPherecydes did not receive instruction in philosophy from any master" but obtained his knowledge from the secret books of the Phoenicians.GI he latter assertion cannot" however" interfere in any way with the former statement" that which is most interesting in it being the fact that the Phoenicians like all other ancient races had secret books" i.e." an exoteric religion for the profane and masses" and an esoteric system for those who aspired to initiation into the mysteries. Pherecydes is denied by modern 8ncyclopaedists the title of philosopher" because" as alleged" Fhe lived at the time at which men began to speculate on cosmogony and the nature of the gods" but had hardly yet commenced the study of true philosophy.GM his is an error as great as so many others.

BBBBBBB I >. W. !turt;" Pherecydis >ragmenta" 2ips." &?@D" @nd ed. M Wm. !mith" 7ictionary of 1reek and 0oman Biography and ,ythology" 2ondon" &?D'" !.3. Pherecydes. BBBBBBB

Page @?D 0eal philosophy dates from Pythagoras only in 1reece" but was pursued millenniums earlier in other countries* nor would Pythagoras" the Flover of truthG . . . . . that which he called philosophy" in the insanely materialistic albeit scientific speculations and theories of our modern philosophy" so$called. However it may be" heosophists may well look up to Pherecydes as one of their earliest Western teachers and authorities" since his work 8ptamuchos <;eB+32PH= B which others call heokrasia and others again heologiaBis the first in classical literature which speaks of reincarnation" or metempsychosis" now so falsely understood* but which was synonymous with the ancients" with rebirth or the immortality of the soul. )t is by the latter name that !uidas calls the doctrine taught by Pherecydes" and says that it was contained in two books" in which moreover" the septenary principle was plainly taught" though" of course" in more or less symbolical and allegorical languages. hus he states in /osmos there are three high principles" which he designates as Chthona <Chaos=" #ether <Zeus= and Chronos < ime=" and four lower principles" the elements of fire" water" air and the earth. 6f these everything visible and invisible in the 5niverse was formed. He was a great collector of 6rphic writings" and his own were extant in the days of the #lexandrian -eo$Platonists. He is referred to by #ristotle as a mythological" and by Plutarch as a theological writer* and mentioned in a great number of classics. 7iogenes 2aertiusI calls him a rival of hales" and some credit him with having been the first writer in 1reece in prose" which he used to explain philosophical sub.ects. here was another Pherecydes of #thens" often confused with Pherecydes of !yros. But while the latter was a contemporary of !ervius ullius <cf. Cicero and 7iogenes 2aertius=" the sixth /ing of 0ome" and must have lived" therefore" according to the 6lympiads" in the sixth century B.C." Pherecdyes the #thenian lived a century later being a contemporary of Herodotus.

BBBBBBB I A7iogenes 2aertius" 2ives of 8minent Philosophers" Book )" Ch. &&" _&&E$&?" p. &@C in 2oeb Classical 2ibrary" 2ondon" Heinemann" &'KL ed.J BBBBBBB

Page @?K He was a logographer" and has done nothing to merit a place in this work. )t is curious that 7emocritus hints at" and Cicero denounces" the philosophy of Pherecydes and Pythagoras as being FcribbedG wholly from the 8astern systems. he charge is strange since both Pherecydes and Pythagoras never made a secret of the 8astern origin of their doctrines. BBBBB

01NOWLEDGE COMES IN VISIONS2 A# fragment from the pen of H.P.B.* at least it is attributed to her in heosophist" 3ol. 444)" ,arch" &'&L" pg. E?K.J he

/nowledge comes in visions" first in dreams and then in pictures presented to the inner eye during meditation. hus have ) been taught the whole system of evolution" the laws of being and all else that ) knowBthe mysteries of life and death" the workings of karma. -ot a word was spoken to me of all this in the ordinary way" except" perhaps" by way of confirmation of what was thus given meBnothing taught me in writing. #nd knowledge so obtained is so clear" so convincing" so indelible in the impression it makes upon the mind" that all other sources of information" all other methods of teaching with which we are familiar dwindle into insignificance in comparison with this. 6ne of the reasons why ) hesitate to answer offhand some 9uestions put to me is the difficulty of expressing in sufficiently accurate language things given to me in pictures" and comprehended by me by the pure 0eason" as /ant would call it. heirs is a synthetic method of teachingP the most general outlines are given first" then an insight into the method of working" next the broad principles and notions are brought into view" and lastly begins the revelation of the minuter points.

Page @?E

0THE OUTER WORLD %S N%TUR%L ENEM# O" EVER# NEW TRUTH2 A>ragment from H.P.B.%s pen preserved in the #dyar #rchives and originally published in he heosophist" 3ol. 2443" !eptember" &'KD" p. C('.J hat" notwithstanding this clear confession of faith" the average public will still sneer at the heosophical !ociety* and will still go on misrepresenting it" as it did before" is as sure as the axiom which teaches us that this world of ours is the natural enemy of every new truth" that unsettles its previous ideas" however erroneous these may be proved. #s long as !ociety exists" it will have its party spirit" henceBits scapegoats and martyrs. But the heosophical !ociety can bide its time and wait. -o laugh can hurt it" and truth must prevail at last. )n the civili;ed city of Boston in &?CK" Wm. 2loyd 1arrison was dragged by the mob" with a rope around his neck" through the streets to the City Hall* and" less than thirty years after that event" he was proclaimed as one of the benefactors of his free country who had" at last" abolished slavery. #s 2loyd 1arrison fought against physical slavery" chiefly supported by the clergy" so the heosophical !ociety fights against mental slavery" solely advocated by the same priestcraft of whatever religion. hemis in her guise of human .ustice may be represented blindfolded* and satire more blind and cruel even than hemis herself Bkills sometimes.

Page @?( :et even in its blindness it is discriminating and forced to do .ustice" how$ever tardy. )n 2ucian%s famous !ale of the Philosophers"I where all the 1reek celebrities are sold at auction" the great and pure Pythagoras is made to elbow the cynical 7iogenes with his rags and filth. :et while the !amian !age brings ten gold minae" the #thenian Cynic is knocked down only for two oboli. he heosophical !ociety can hardly be .udged and appreciated during the present generation* it is but in the future that it may expectBfair bidders. H.P.B. BBBBBBB

BBBBBBB I A2ucianus !amosatensis. his work may be found in many editions. !ee 2ucian" !elected Works" tr. by Bryan 0eardon" -.:. Bobbs$,errill Co." &'EK. <)n 2oed ed. of 2ucian" 3. ))" tr. as FPhilosophies for !aleG=.J BBBBBBB

Page @??

CONSCIOUSNESS %ND SEL"!CONSCIOUSNESS APossibly a rough beginning of an article by H.P.B. which exists in the #dyar #rchives as a ,!. in her handwriting. 6riginally published in he heosophist" 3ol. 423)" -o. &&" #ugust" &'@K" pp. EC@$CD" and reproduced therein" according to C. +inara.adasa" exactly as H.P.B. wrote it.BCompiler.J he cycle of consciousness. )t is argued that there cannot be more than one ob.ect of perception at a time before the soul because soul is a unit. 6ccultism teaches that simultaneously our consciousAnessJ could receive no less than seven distinct impressions" and even pass them into memory. his can be proved by striking at the same time seven keys of the scale of an instrumentBsay a piano. he ( sounds will reach consciousness simultaneously* though the untrained consciousness may not be capable of registering them the first second" their prolonged vibrations will strike the ear in ( distinct sounds one higher than the other in its pitch. #ll depends on training and attention. hus the transference of a sensation from any organ to consciousness is almost instantaneous if your attention is fixed upon it* but if any noise distracts your attention it will take a number of seconds before it reaches consciousness. he 6ccultist should train himself to receive and transmit along the line of the seven scales of his consciousness every impression or impressions simultaneously. He who reduces the intervals of physical time the most" has made the most progress. he names and order of the ( scales are. &. !ense$perception* @. !elf$perception <or apperception= C. Psychic apperceptionBwhich carries it to D. 3ital perception. hese are the four lower scales and belong to the psychophysical man. heAnJ come K ,anasic discernments* E. Will perception and (. !piritual conscious apperception.

Page @?' he special organ of consciousness is of course the brain" and is located in the aura of the pineal gland in the living man. 7uring the process of mind or thought manifesting to consciousness" constant vibrations of light take place. )f one could see clairvoyantly in the brain of a living man one could almost count <see with the eye= the seven shades of the successive scales of light" from the dullest to the brightest. What consciousness is can never be defined psychologically. We can analyse and classify its work and effectsBwe cannot define it" unless we postulate an 8go distinct from the body. he septenary scale of states of consciousness is reflected in the heart" or rather its area"I which vibrates and illumines the seven brains of the heart as it does the seven divisions or rays around the pineal gland. his conscAiousnessJ shows to us the difference between the nature and essence of" say" astral body and 8go. 6ne molecular" invisible unless condensed" the other atomic$spiritual. <!ee example of smokerBten cigarettes the smoke of each retaining its affinity.= )dea of 8go the only one compatible with the facts of physiological observation. he mind or 8go" the sub.ect of all and every state of consciousness is essentially a unity. he millions of various sub$states of conscAiousnessJ are a proof of the existence of this 8go. 8ven the brain cells furnish us with those states which affirm to us that there is an immortal soul etc. 8very one of the five recogni;ed senses was primarily a mental sense. # fish born in a cave is blindBlet it out into a river and it will begin to feel it sees" until gradually the physical organ of sight evolves and it will see. # deaf and dumb man hears internally" in his own way. /nowing" feeling" willing" not faculties of mindBits colleagues Ap. EC&.J AH. P. BlavatskyJ

BBBBBBB I Word difficult to decipher* may be intended for F#ura"G though it looks like Farea.GBC.+. BBBBBBB

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%N INTRO %ND RETROSPECTIVE DRE%M # #28 6> H8 44)3 C8- 50: A he ,anuscript of this unfinished essay exists in the #dyar #rchives. )t is in H.P.B.%s handwriting and was originally published in he heosophist" 3ol. 2" ,ay" &'@'" pp. &E&$&E(.BCompiler. J P0626158 6ur truthful story opens in the good days of old" .ust five centuries agoBin fact in &?('. )t was a century the history of which" as well as that of its successors" down to our own time" is too well preserved to us in its minutest details of names and events in chronological order that we should ever fear to commit any such blunders as those which make us often blush for the comparative ignorance of that ageBgreat as was the nineteenth century. hanks to the indestructible records of the daily Press" the time for mere hypothesis and guesswork has vanished for ever. >or as the educated readers will all remember" it was toward the latter part of that century that" after a few foolish attempts to print the daily papers on pieces of cloth which" subse9uently washed" were transformed into and used as pocket handkerchiefs by the economical bourgeoisieBas if ancient ,anchester was not there to supply these mean shopkeepersdBthat the discovery was made. )mmortali;ing the genius who found the process out" it was added to the long list of many others. )t wasBsays one of our permanent records 9uoting such a paper which escaped destructive washingB found out by a preacher in love with his sermons and who was almost driven to despair at the thought that while his audience went to sleep over them"

Page @'& the rats might destroy it in their turn a century or so . . . . . .I . . . . . recorded" each one on a separate foil of the phonograph and #ntitypion" they are now so perfected as to enable you" from the comfortable depth of your own armchair and seated at the apparatus table" at your summer residence at !othis own" to choose your individual and then give the signal through your private telephone. 6f course" your 8xcellency will have to specify beforehand the precise spot of the space around you where you desire the long bygone scenes in the life of the chosen individual or individuals to be enacted. #s you are but slightly ac9uainted yet with the improved conditions re9uired for the perfect reproduction of the deceased personages reflected by means of the #ntitypion" the faithful retransmission of their voices and speeches through the phonographic foil" and their acts" deeds and even most intimate thoughts by the newly constructed necroideograph" you must permit me to suggest that the most propitious spot would be in as distant a neighborhood of your private biosideograph" as your own personal ideas might easily get mixed up with those of the deceased actors" or vice versa" and thus produce a confusion" strictly to be avoided in this age of universal restitution and . . . . . APart of ,!!. missing.J . . . . . and is returned to me again. :ou will then immediately begin to receive the full stream of the pictures and sounds collected by me from the depths of space. )t will be necessary that a member of the Committee should take his place at each registering table" so as to receive and fix upon the sensiti;ed reflectors the pictures and sounds pertaining to individual histories" as they separate themselves from the common stream in passing through the ethmoid diaphragm.

BBBBBBB I his extraordinary discovery due to a young British astrologer" born in the noisy days of the conflict between matter and spirit" has ever remained the wonder of the grateful ages. A his note is on the back of the sheet which ends abruptly with Fso.G Page & of the ,!!. is missing.J BBBBBBB

Page @'@ #s each individual history is closed with the scene of death" and such glimpses of posthumous fame as it may be desired to take in" the observer should detach the record from the repeating cylinder and lay it away with care" properly mounted and labelled" until wanted for exhibition to the 1eneral Council upon the stage of the Pontopticon for their final action. he #ustralian or !outh Polar apparatus differs but slightly from the Borealian or -orth Pole which you have. Briefly" it may thus be described. 5pon a table of polished rock$crystal and supported upon columns of migmeI stand a large etheric reflector" an echograph or pantophonograph" and an ideographBof which the first reproduces for us the pictures of the past" the second its sounds" and the third the unspoken ideas" whether of living or dead personages. he whole forms" as you know" the apparatus to which our HimSlayan colleague has given the name of antitypion. Connected with the reflector is a revolving ;ographistic cylinder" upon whose prepared surface the inflowing pictures" as caught in their slow cyclic descent from the rays of starlight" become indelibly impressed in their natural colours" and upon being passed in front of a pencil of Ffocalised SkSaG or astral light" can be thrown forward into any part of the room" so as to appear to the spectator as a scene from real life transpiring before his view. he echo$graph" with like efficacy" will reproduce the voices of the personages who are marshalled before us in our retrospective panorama* care only being taken that the foci of light and sound shall be convergent. hough the flight of sound through space is less rapid than that of light" and gradually becoming feebler* is arrested and fixed at no great distance from the earth" yet as they travel in the same path" it is" as you are aware" a scientific fact that when we recall pictures from the ether"

BBBBBBB I # new or rather rediscovered metal" mentioned by Proclus and other archaic philosophers" and possessing very striking occult properties" among them that of causing between the earth and any given star a powerful sympathetic current. BBBBBBB

Page @'C the returning current meeting the outgoing wave of crystalised sound takes it up by magnetic attraction" and returns to us simultaneously the images of the past and the vibrations of its sounds. he office of two of the three instruments above referred to is" to separate the one from the other. # delicate sense of touch and acute hearing are re9uired in the observer for the proper ad.ustment of the pantophonograph. )n our case until a number of preliminary tests had been made" the phonetic detonator gave back only a confused murmur of sound" instead of the desired clear articulation of speech. ,embers of the Committee" who may have given little attention to astrognosical science" may properly be informed that" unless it is accurately known under what constellation the sub.ect of an in9uiry was born" so that it" or at least the stars that lay in its cyclic path and were thus brought into the influence of his current" may be caught in the focus of the etheric reflector" much time must be spent in searching for him in that 9uarter of the heavens where the general reflections of his epoch are travelling. While this principle of catoptrics was" of course" always known to occultists" physical science was ignorant of it until the comparative late epoch of the last 9uarter of the nineteenth century. #t that time a conception of the truth appears to have dawned upon the minds of several observers almost simultaneously. >or example" a professor of geognosyBtermed geology" doubtless because they discoursed more about the earth than knew anything about itBa certain 8. Hitchcock" ventured an opinion that possibly the scenes transpiring upon the earth may be imprinted Fupon the world around us"G and added that it was not impossible Fthat there are tests by which nature . . . can bring out and fix those portraits" as on a great canvas" spread over the material universe. Perhaps" too" they may never fade from that canvas" but become specimens in the great picture gallery of eternity.G his feeble" tentative prognosis should not cause a smile" for when we consider the darkness of psychological perceptions in that period" this must be regarded as almost an instance of psychic prevision.

Page @'D #gain" among the phantasmic images floating into the penumbral circle within which the ;ograph pro.ects its pictorial records" appeared that of a little pot$bellied sage with short legs" a chub$faced head" and wearing hair only upon its rosy cheeks. !liding with pensive countenance into a huge armchair before his desk" he wrote the following wordsP F-o . . . no . . . a shadow never falls upon a wall without leaving thereupon a permanent trace" a trace which might be made visible by resorting to proper processes . . . . # spectre is concealed on a silver or glassy surface until" by our necromancy" we make it come forth into the visible world . . . . . :es . . . . . there exist everywhere the vestiges of all our acts" silhouettes of whatever we have donedG his was a paragraph from a work entitled" he Conflict between 0eligion and !cience.I Curious to know how far these prophetic glimpses were shared by the contemporaries of the writing figure" ) drew into the vortex enough of the emanations of the period to furnish a general view. ) was fortunate enough to catch the image of a work entitled Principles of !cienceM by one W. !. +evons" who 9uoting approvingly the opinions of another sage" named Babbage" saysP F8ach particle of existing matter must be a register of all that has happenedG* as both seemed" even in those ancient days of materialism" to previsionally apprehend that even unspoken thought once conceived" displacing the particles of the brain and setting them in motion" scatters its ideas throughout the universe" to impress them indelibly upon the eternal and boundless expanse of ether. hat such views" though unpopular among men of nascent science" were the reverse among a very powerful" numerous and growing sect calling themselves F!piritualists"G ) infer from the reflection of a praise$worthy treatise entitled" he 5nseen 5niverse" which the authorsgBtwo British sagesBfelt compelled in their modesty to publish anonymously" doubtless to protect themselves from the overwhelming admirations and caresses of an enthusiastic crowd of Fmedias.G

BBBBBBB I A7raper" +ohn Wm." History of the Conflict . . . . 2ondon Q -.:." &?(? <?th ed.=" pp. &C@$CC.J M A!ee p. (K( of the @nd ed." 2ondon" ,acmillan Q Co." &'@D.J g A ait" P. 1. and Balfour !tewart <Dth ed.= 2ondon" &?(E.J BBBBBBB

Page @'K < his latter term must not be taken to signify either mediocre persons nor any intervening substance" but to indicate a certain class of individualsBmostly professionalBof that century who kindly took upon themselves the trouble of furnishing their organisms for the indiscriminate use of those who had none* to wit" the larvae" those undomiciled etheric loungers who infest the electro$magnetic currents nearer to the earths surface" and whom we use as inferior messengers.= hese above$named sages" after having first constructed a hypothetical FbridgeG upon strictly architectural principles between the seen and the unseen universes" immediately demolished it as their intuition unfolded" by confessing that Wwhen energy is carried from matter into ether" it is carried from the visible into the invisible universe" and vice versa"G in short" admitting that which is now practically taught by our demonstrators of psycho$astrognosy to the young children in the lowest classes of our elementary schools. We noticed further that he 5nseen 5niverse of the two British philosophers was immediately followed by another work" he 5nseen World"I written by a sage of the Western Hemisphere" the #tlantean Continent <ancient #merica=. He being an enthusiastic 8volutionist and feeling impelled to prove to an ignorant and unappreciative public the axiomatic anthropological truth that man evoluted from the race of the ryan HanumSn" made haste to practically demonstrate at least his own descent by aping the then popular title" and making it a cover under which to give circulation to his own views. AHere ends the ,!!.J

BBBBBBB I A+ohn >iske <many editions=J. BBBBBBB

Page @'E

P%G%N S#MBOLISM INDESTRUCTIBLE7WH#4 A he ,anuscript of this essay in H.P.B.%s handwriting exists in the #dyar #rchives. )t has been originally published in he heosophist" 3ol. 2443))" +une" &'KE.BCompiler.J )t is some years already that Professor ,ax ,iller gained a decided victory over the two extreme parties which denied the possibility of a scientific treatment of religions" over those" he says" with whom Freligion seems too sacred a sub.ect for scientific treatment"G and those others" with whom Fit stands on a level with alchemy and astrologyBfar beneath the notice of the man of science.G We have not the impertinent presumption of going over grounds already so well explored by this great pioneer of free en9uiry. But since he has obtained for all the rare privilege of treating the Christian religion with at least as much impartiality as is shown by the 8uropeans in the treatment of other people%s religions" we do no more than avail ourselves of our right. #nd" it will be no fault of ours" if we are unable to avoid conflict with deep$rooted pre.udices and convictions of partisan sectarianism" forBwe seek it not. 6urs is but the duty of analy;ing and examining all creeds alike impartially. -either is it our intention to handle roughly that which Professor W. Wordsworth so opulently styles Fthe golden kernel of the 1alilean teaching.G )n our unceasing search for truth we simply gather in every available information capable of throwing light upon the dark nooks and corners of the various faiths of humanity" and store in as much material for comparison as we can.

Page @'( 6ut of the gigantic heap of pagan !ymbols" we mean to choose for this publication none but those which are liable to throw the light we are so much in need of. 7esiring to fathom all things" and above allBthat which seems most inherent to the heart of men" and with which he parts the most reluctantlyB0eligion" we necessarily have to turn to the symbols which have been foundBat least partiallyB the keys to every faith. ,any of them we find alive now" as in the days of old" and notwithstanding the fanatical persecution of the youngest of the world%s religions" having passed part and parcel in the Christian creeds. But of them we will discuss later on. 6ur ob.ect now is to analy;e that feeling which" surviving common sense and reason" makes people cling to the so$called FsuperstitionsG of long vanished generations of their forefathers. )n relation to this symbolism of ancient pagan thought" a curious psycho$physiological phenomenon may partially account for it. We have often thought that the degree of genius exhibited in works of fiction by the most renowned novelists" largely depended upon and was proportionate to the intensity and interest felt by them in their days of childhood for nursery tales" and it has been also remarked that the older a man becomes" the stronger he clings to and the clearer he seems to see the events of his early childhood. 6ften to our dying day" we carry in our hearts lingering remembrances of heroes and heroines" the recital of whose deeds had struck our youthful imagination. We may forget ac9uaintances" and even the images of our dear friends" when separated for long years" may fade away and gradually disappear* the memory of the unfortunate Princess" to whom we vowed all our young sympathy" and her wicked persecutor" the hunch$backed old >airy" whose malicious frown has often haunted our dreamsBcan never be obliterated. )t is to be observed that in this direction the masses of the uneducated people are no better than children. With their mind but half awake" it often remains unconscious in later years of the emptiness of the fiction. 8verything illogical in the tale disappears" perverted images and ideas associated with such arbitrary images alone remain" and even to the ma.ority of more civili;ed people" 8ginhardus% Charlemagne will never present the same attraction as Carlos ,agnus and his twelve legendary peers" as found in the Carlovingian Cycle"

Page @'? and the stern image of the hero will have to make room for the phantastic form of the other" as described by the popular bards and the chivalric romances. While poetical fiction in her gorgeous robes of borrowed plumes finds always an eager audience" sober reality is left a beggar" to take care of itself the best it can. he same with nations and their early faiths. ,uch as ancient mythology was vilified" perverted" corrupted by the intolerance of early Christianity* however much every trace of it might have been thought obliterated" yet" once that it got hold of the popular imagination it will never die out. he nearest generations of converts may have shunned the faith of their forefathers* those following immediately after will gradually and unconsciously return if not to itBthen" at least to many of its most striking symbols and conceptions. Poets will return to them and thus help to revive the popular feeling. #nd whole nations" like men in their old age" will be often influenced by that lingering" undying feeling of loveBaye" veneration sometimes for that which they had worshipped and believed in during their early daysBalbeit made to laugh at and often curse it in after life. he once mighty gods of the Western nations have departed" but the impression is still there" infused into the very blood of the descendants of those who" for long generations had gradually evolved them out of their own imagination" then developed into living and thinking entities" to finally end by worshipping the children of their own fictions. !o true is it" that we can trace this hereditary law with hardly a single exception in the modern divisions of the 0oman Catholic" 1reek and Protestant nations. he 1reeks of the days of PeriklesBthey who euhemeri;ed a whole pantheon of gods and goddesses" and from whom Phidias had immortali;ed the 6lympian +upiter and #thaena PromachosBcould have no other descendants but those they actually haveBthe 3irgin and !aint worshipping Hellenes. -or is it less natural to find the #nglo$!axons and the greatest portion of 1ermany splitting violently from the image worshipping 0oman Catholics"

Page @'' if we have to believe that which acitus said of their forefathers &? centuries ago" vi;." that Fthey believe it unworthy the greatness of the gods to confine them within walls" or to represent celestial beings under a human likeness* they consecrate woods and groves as templesP and they apply names of the gods to that mysterious Presence which they behold solely in the spirit of devotion.GI hus we may believe that the form of worship depends more on the respective idiosyncrasies of races than on their powers of reasoning* and that the natural sympathies or antipathies of the forefathers will always be reflected more or less in the future generations. he 0omans parted with their +upiter under the condition to worship him under the mask of !t. Peter. )f they renounced +ove the father of gods" it was but to help him emigrate from 6lympus to 8den" with his nameBelongated with the help of the ,asoretic vowel points" though not transformed beyond all recognition. rue" we find him giving birth to Pallas$#thaena in full armour no more" but it is because another mode of procreation has been chosen for him. We can meet him still on sundry windows of >rench mediaeval cathedralsBproceeding under the garb of a Pope in full canonicals to create 8ve out of the rib of sleeping #dam" as shown by 7idron. he same for the 1reek Zeus. Having renounced to preside at the ban9uets of the merry old gods" he now rests on clouds surrounded by a choir of philharmonic young cherubs. By some inscrutable means" managing to get out of the boundless and limitless !pace" the 8ternal has gathered it into a ball representing the 5niverse" and now we see Him" on numerous icons of the 8astern and Western churches" sitting outside of this !pace" but holding it in one of His holy hands under the shape of a globe. !o has #thaena of Parthenon" the 3irgin 1oddess" vanished under the iconoclastic hands of 2achares" who despoiled her of her golden dress weighing KL talents. But there remained )sis with her !on Horus" slumbering on her virginal bosom" and ,ylitta the Babylonian" identical with the Cyprian 3enusB

BBBBBBB I C. Cornelius acitus" 7e ,oribus et Populis 1ermaniae" ch. ix. BBBBBBB

Page CLL Bthe Fmother of 1race and ,ercy"G the ,ediatrixBhence called F#phrodite"G the subduer of +ove%s wrath" she whom the old #thenians honored as F#marusiaG or the F,other of gracious acceptance and help"G who as ,ylitta sits with her 7ivine )nfant !on ammu; in her arms. )n her turn she made room for the )mmaculate 3irgin" the last of the 7ynasty. his one is also with her !on" one of whose names was #donai or 2ord" as ammu; was called #don or #donis" and who" the same as ,ithras" is worshipped as ,ediator. With her actual wardrobe of gold" and silver" and of precious .ewels" the modern Rueen of Heaven may well look in scorn and pity upon the later ancient #thaena. What was the poor chryselephantine statue with its plates of ivory and gold in comparison with the diamond and ruby covered )talian ,adonnas and 0ussian virgins representing a dead capital sufficient to purchase a kingdomd hus we find again the old truism that it is but names and forms that changeB ideas remain the same* and the older a faith" the stronger it clings to the relics of its youth. )f it be true of all religions what is said by Prof. ,ax ,iller" who remarks that Fif there AisJ one thing which a comparative study of religions places in the clearest light" it is the inevitable decay to which every religion is exposed"G then on the other hand" nothing of the kind can ever be said of symbolism. he primitive purity of a creed can become soiled* its apostles can degrade and soil it by the inevitable admixture of human element. But its symbolism as the concrete expression of some now lost idea of the founder" will survive for ever. )t may have its meaning changed" nay" even its outward form altered. 2ike the phoenix of old" it will continue periodically to revive from its ashes. H. P. B2#3# !/:.

Page CL&

0ON COSMIC C#CLES5 M%NV%NT%R%S5 %ND ROUNDS2 A he ,!. of this unfinished essay" in H.P.B.%s handwriting" exists in the #dyar #rchives. !ome of its pages are missing" and some of the sentences are broken off. here is no definite clue in it which would help to determine the date at which it was written" except for the fact that a footnote mentions the sixth and seventh editions of )sis 5nveiled. his ,!. contains numerical relations and data not mentioned by H.P.B. anywhere else in her writings. )t contains important keys which some students might be able to apply to various cosmological problems arising in their individual studies. he most noteworthy point in connection with this ,!. is that it is written in two different handwritings" one of which is larger and more rounded than H.P.B.%s ordinary one. )t was originally published in he heosophist" 3ol. 244)4" ,arch" &'K?" pp. CE($(@.BCompiler. J !ince the total period of the existence of our Planetary Chain <i.e." of the !even 0ounds= isBD"C@L"LLL"LLLBand we are now in the Dth 0ound* and since we have unto the present errene year period &"'KK"??D"E?K years from the beginning of the Cosmic 8volution of Planet #* therefore" in point of time" we shall reach the middle point" or .ust C 0ounds in @LD"&&K"C&K years" although in point of space we have virtually reached it being on planet 7 and in our Kth race. -o. @ of #greement. !ince it is said that a 7ay of Brahma <representing or covering the totality of the !even 0ounds=Be9uals &D manvantaras plus a !atya :ug* or D"C@L"LLL"LLL* but as the /ali :ug covers only D :ugas" whereas there are (Band therefore the correct sum. . . . .I

BBBBBBB I A,!. breaks off at this point.J BBBBBBB

Page CL@ he astrological work states" thatPB C. F he number of years that elapsed since the beginning of 3aisvasvata ,anvantaraBe9uals &?"E&?"(@K years.G he !ecret 7octrine tells us thatPB he number of years passed" since the 7hyan Chohan" known in )ndia as ,anu 3aivasvata" inaugurated the human ,anvantara on our planet 7" in the present 0ound Be9uals &?"E&?"(@K years.I >or purposes of comparison" and to make" at the same time" some of the !anskrit expressions clearer" we will now 9uote from )sis 5nveiled what is said therein of the Hindu /alpas. F he 3rihaspatis" or the periods called yugas" and /alpas" are life$problems to solve. he !atya$:uga and the BuddhiM cycles of chronology would make a mathematician stand aghast at the array of ciphers. he ,aha$/alpa embraces an untold number of periods" far. . . . . g he exoteric Brahmanical works give D"C@L"LLL"LLL years as the duration of a great /alpa" a F7ay of Brahma.G his includes all the seven F0oundsG of our Planetary Chain" i.e." the period of human existence on different planets in different 0ounds together" with what are called F6bscurationsG or the period of rest for humanity between two planets" in its passage from the one to the other" after its seven 0aces are evolved on that planet. )t also includes the period of !andhi <twilight= which is e9ual to one !atya :uga. )f we take the above figure" as our basis" according to certain mathematical series" explained further on" we obtain the following resultsP B

BBBBBBB I !ee further on the !eries of the ,anus 9uoted from the +uly heosophist of &??C. A!ee !.7. ))" p. E'J M We take this opportunity of correcting the many typographical errors found in )sis. Having been stereotyped on plates" all the six or seven editions of the work had to be reproduced with their primitive errata. g A)t is evident that a page or more of the ,!. is missing at this point. he sentence in )sis 5nveiled" 3ol. )" pp. C&$C@" ends with the wordsP F . . . . . back in the antediluvian ages.G )t is interesting to note that H.P.B. altered FBuddhisticG into FBuddhi.GBCompiler.J BBBBBBB

Page CLC
:ears >irst 0oundB !econd 0oundB hird 0oundB >ourth 0oundB >ifth 0oundB !ixth 0oundB !eventh 0oundB &KD"@?K"(&D CL?"K(&"D@? DE@"?K("&D@ E&("&D@"?KE ((&"D@?"K(L '@K"(&D"@?D &"L('"'''"''? D"C&'"'''"''@I

We have thus E&("&D@"?KE years as the period of our >ourth 0ound. #nd as the F-ight of BrahmaG or period of 0est" is always e9ual to the F7ay of BrahmaG or the period of activity on each planet"Bthe period of activity in this Dth 0ound e9ualsB CL?"K(&"D@? years. )t thus exceeds the period of duration given for our ,anvantara <CL?"DD?"LLL y.= in the Brahminical calculations" only by &@C"D@?" years* and this would be made away with" if in making this calculation we had deducted from it the overlapping of the period of /alpa which is e9uivalent to one !atya :uga and which the Brahmins for purposes of esoteric secrecy have added to the F7ay of Brahma.G . . . . . the same arithmetical progression" as above and explainedM further on" the following is the duration of humanity on each Planet in our fourth 0ound" during the period of its activityP

BBBBBBB I)t will be obvious that for the purpose of having round numbers" we have" in our calculations" omitted fractions. hus on the whole Fday of BrahmaG we have left off a period of eight years. )t should also be noted that each F0oundG period in the above table signifies both the period of planetary #ctivity and interplanetary 0est. M A he ,!. is damaged at this point" and the full meaning of the sentence has been lost.B Compiler.J BBBBBBB

Page CLD
:ears Planet # Planet B Planet C Planet 7 Planet 8 Planet > Planet 1 &&"L@L"DL? @@"LDL"?&E CC"LE&"@@D DD"L?&"EC@ KK"&L@"LDL EE"&@@"DD? (("&D@"?KE CL?"K(&"D&DI

-ow" it will be seen that DD"L?&"EC@ years is the Human Period of #ctivity of our Planet in this 0ound. #pplying to this period" the same ratio as above" explained further on" we obtain the following resultsPB
750# )6- 6> 8#CH 0#C8 )- 650 065-7 6- 650 P2#-8 >irst 0ace &"K(D"CDD !econd 0ace C"&D?"E?? hird 0ace D"(@C"LC@ >ourth 0ace E"@'("C(E >ifth 0ace ("?(&"(@L !ixth 0ace '"DDE"LED !eventh 0ace &&"L@L"DL? DD"L?&"EC@

he reader will observe that in the above calculations we have given the key to the understanding of these different periods. ill now" the exoteric works only gave the period of the day of Brahma" without either giving the other periods which might help toward the discovery of the !ecret" or giving that key itself which might give the results now shown above.

BBBBBBB I >or the sake of having round numbers" we are again obliged to leave off fractions and hence there is a slight difference. his figure when doubled" will give @? years less than the Dth 0ound period mentioned above. Here in the period of activity we have a difference of only fourteen years. BBBBBBB

Page CLK But if we have the period of the 7ay of Brahma and if we know that there are seven rounds" that each round covers seven planets" that the period of rest of a planet in every round e9uals that of its activity" and if to all this knowledge we apply the key of the septenary arithmetical progression series" then we get the numbers as given above. here is a gradual rise of" from one to seven. he duration of the existence of humanity during the !even 0ounds is &P @PCPDPKPEP(. )n each 0ound" the duration of the existence of humanity" on the seven planets of our chain is &P @PCPDPKPEP(. he period of human existence in seven races" on one planet" is again &P @PCPDPKPEP(. -ow" as the planet evolves the ( races in succession" before humanity can pass on to the next planet" the interval between the disappearance of humanity from one planet and its reappearance on the next" is e9ual to its existence on the planet which it has .ust left. ake then DC@L millions as the day of Brahma" and calculate according to the above explanation and you will arrive at the above given results. )t is noteworthy that in the Hindu exoteric works the period of the ,anvantara <6ne 0ound= is given at CL? millions" to speak in round numbers. -ow two reasons may be assigned for the adoption of that course. )n the first place" the duration of the Dth 0ound according to the above calculations is E&( millions again" to use a round figure. -ow" we have already stated that the period of activity of the planetary chain in one round is e9ual to its period of rest during the same round" while humanity rests in its passage from planet to planet. hus divide the period of the Dth 0ound" into two e9ual parts* and you have CL? millions and odd as the ,anvantaric period of our 0ound. hus our 0ound period may have been in the first instance taken as the ,anvantaric period. he !econd reason may be this. 6ur planet being the exactly middle period and we being in the middle of the seven rounds" our round period may have been taken to denote the average ,anvantaric period" thus at the same time giving a key in a veiled form to the mystery of the geometrical progression We have already stated that the above figures are exact" if the exoteric calculations of the Brahmins about the day of Brahma be correct.

Page CLE But we may again state here that that figure is not correctly given out in exoteric numbers. We may" however" add that the explanations given by us about the progressions" etc." are facts and can be faithfully utili;ed when anyone of the above described figures are correctly knownBin calculating all the rest of the figures. #nd these processes we have explained because we know that not one of the exact numbers will ever be given out" as they pertain to the ,ysteries of )nitiations and to the !ecrets of the occult influence of -umbers. BBBBB

Page CL(

SPINO/% %ND WESTERN PHILOSOPHERS A he ,anuscript of this unfinished essay in H.P.B.%s handwriting exists in the #dyar #rchives. )t has been originally published in he heosophist" 3ol. 2444)))" -o. (" #pril" &'E@" pp. ?$&C.BCompiler.J 6ne of the greatest materialists that ever lived" and than whom no one adduced stronger arguments in defence of his theoryBwas 8picurus. he great" the virtuous" the noble and chaste 8picurus" who called the higher ends and divine laws mere inventions of the human mind" and re.ected the idea of the human !oul as being immortal. Who of our modern positivists has ever said of the origin of our being" anything stronger than thisP F he soul . . . . . must be material" because we trace it issuing from a material source* because it exists" and exists alone" in a material system* is nourished by material food* grows with the growth of the body* becomes matured with its maturity* declines with its decay* and hence" whether belonging to man or brute must die with its death.GI #nd yet" he was a 7eist and a heosophist* for apart from a system entirely his own" the profound philosophy of which is evinced in the cohesive power of his school never e9ualled by any other ancient school of philosophyBhe devoted his whole life to the study of natural sciences and the analysis of divine action in its relations to nature.

BBBBBBB I A his is probably H.P.B.%s own translation from the 1reek. # summary of the thought of 8picurus on the !oul is translated in the 2oeb Classical 2ibrary edition of 7iogenes 2aertius%" 2ives of 8minent Philosophers" 3ol. ))" Book 4 _ EC$E?.J BBBBBBB

Page CL? His conclusion was that the 5niverse which is infinite could not be the product of divine action" since the existence of evil cannot be accounted for. -otwithstanding this" and though disbelieving in a 1od as an intelligent Principle" he admitted the existence of both a !upreme Being and gods or !pirits" living and immortal beings" of human shape but colossal proportions. 6n the other hand" !pino;a was a recogni;ed Fsystematic #theistG as Bayle brands him*I against whom was pronounced the terrific #nathema ,aranatha" and whose system of negation ,alebranche terms a chimera both ridiculous and terrible. #nd yet" no more refined" spiritual nature than !pino;a%s ever breathed upon earth. )f by 8picurus abstract ideas were continually transformed into the gross concrete forms of a material 5niverse* by !pino;a the material conceptions of !cience" from the !olar system down to the molecular structure of a leaflet" were mellowed down to the most 0aphaelic hues" and the grossest substances assumed the shadowy" ethereal outlines of an ideal world. !o much did this martyr of transcendent heosophy impress himself upon the subse9uent generations of thinkers that !chleiermacher speaking of Fthe holy but proscribed !pino;aG reaches the most touching pathos. F he 7ivine !pirit transfuses him"G he says. F he infinite was his beginning and end" the universe was his only and everlasting love. )n holy innocence and deep humility he mirrored himself in the eternal world" and saw also how he was its noblest mirror. >ull of religion was he" and full of a holy spirit" and therefore he stands alone and unrivalled" master of his art" but exhalted above profane !ociety" without disciples and without even citi;enshipdGM he conceptions of this FatheisticalG heosophist" about 1od are among the most original. )ron$bound as they are by the law of necessity reigning everywhere in physical nature" we find him solving the most abstract ideas by rigidly geometrical definitions.

BBBBBBB I A!ee Bayle en !pino;a . . . 2eiden" 8. +. Brill" &'E&* also 2atin ed. of Pierre PoiretP Cogitationum 0ationalium . . . pp. ?L" ?(" CLD$CLK. +oannem Pauli" #msterdam" &(&K.J M A!chleiermacher" >riedrich" !peech @ <F-ature of 0eligionG= in his work 6n 0eligion" -.:." Harper Bros." &'K?" p. DL of 8ng. repr.J BBBBBBB

Page CL' His is a system of metaphysical ideas from which evolve a series of theoremsBa demonstration from the eight definitions and seven axioms of the first book of the 8thica.I 6ne ac9uainted with the Hindu philosophy would be singularly reminded of both the 3edanta and that extreme Buddhist system known as the school of the !vSbhSvikas. #ccording to his ideas 1od is Fa !ubstance consisting of infinite attributes each of which expresses an absolutely infinite and eternal essence.G )t follows that this !ubstanceBnecessary and infinite" one and indivisible" is 1od" the only !elf$existence" #ll$Perfection and absolute )nfinitude. ake away the name of the 7iety" and you have here the abstract ideas about the only creative Power of the World" of the !vSbhSvikas. F-othing exists in the 5niverse but !ubstanceBor -ature"G say the latter. F his !ubstance exists by" and through itself <!vabhavat= having never been either created or had a Creator.G F-oGBechoes unconsciously !pino;a" Fnothing exists in this world but !ubstance" and the modes of its attributes* and" as !ubstance cannot produce !ubstance there is no such thing as Creation.G his is the claim of most of the Hindu philosophies. #nd again . . . . . )t <creation=Bsays !pino;a" has no beginning and no end" but all things have to proceed or emanate from the )nfinite 6ne and will so proceed eternally. #ccording to his philosophy" only two out of the innumerable infinite attributes of the 7eity are known to usBextension and thought" the ob.ective and the sub.ective of which He <the )nfinite= is the identity. 1od is the only free Cause <causa libera=" all other beings having neither free will nor contingency are moved by fixed laws of causation. he 7eity is F he causa immanens omnium" not existing apart from the 5niverse"G but manifested and expressed in it" as in a living garment.G )n the Zohar the creation or universe is also called Fthe garment of 1odG woven from its own !ubstance.

BBBBBBB IA,any editions. H.P.B. may have consulted he Chief Works of !pino;a" by 0. H. ,. 8lwes <@ v.= Bohn%s 2ib. ed." 2ondon" 1eorge Bell Q !ons" &??C" or W. H. White%s rans. of 8thics in the same year.J BBBBBBB

Page C&L % is thus at the roaring 2oom of ime ) ply #nd weave for 1od the garment thou seest Him by" says 1oethe" another 1erman heosophist in his >aust. #nd" in 3edanta" we find Brahma the #bsolute 1od" unconscious of the 5niverse" and remaining ever independent of all direct relation to it. !ays Pandit PramadS 7asS ,ittra of BenaresBin his 3edSntic Conception of BrahmaP FWhile the 3edSntin denies this mundane transitory consciousness to the 7eity he declares . . . . . emphatically . . . . . that He is Consciousness #bsolute . . . . . He and His Consciousness are not distinct . . . . . )t is this permanent !elf partially manifested Ain man"J but prevailing all conscious beings that is the 6mnipresent !pirit . . . . . he 3edSntin believes that it <the world= was nothing and is nothing apart from the 6ne absolute BeingB1od.GI )t is only when the +ewish philosopher speaks of the FattributesG of 1odBhowever infinite" that he differs from the 3edanta* for the latter allows man alone to call his consciousness an attribute of his soul Fbecause it varies" whilst the consciousness <chaitanya= of 1od is one and unchangeable" hence no such distinction of substance and attribute holds with Him.G #s to !pino;a%s 7eityBnatura naturansBconceived in his attributes simply and alone* and the same 7eityBas natura naturata or as conceived in the endless series of modifications or correlations" the direct outflowing results from the properties of these attributes" it is the 3edantic 7eity pure and simple. he same subtle metaphysical distinction is found in the mystery by which the impersonal BrahmaB6ne and )ndivisible" the #bsolute FconsciousnessGBunconscious of the 5niverse" becomes through sheer metaphysical necessity )vara" the personal 1od" and brings himself into direct relation to the 5niverseBof which it is the CreatorB respectively under the definitions of ,SyS <illusion=" akti <power= and Prakriti <nature=.

BBBBBBB I AF# 7ialogue on the 3edantic Conception of Brahma"G +ournal of the 0oyal #siatic !ociety" @nd series" 3ol. 4" Pt. &" &?((* see pp. CK Q CE.J BBBBBBB

Page C&& !o pre$eminent is the 3edantic BrahmS$)vara in !pino;a%s philosophy that we find this idea strongly colouring the subse9uent views of Hegel" one of the philosophers who was the most influenced by the +ewish idealist. )n the Hegelian scheme the #bsolute asserts its rights to the fullest extent. Hegel declares that he would rather deny the existence of the material universe than to identify 1od with it. >ichte whose transcendental idealism was originally intended to amplify that of /ant" and served as a basis for !chelling%s -ature$philosophy had gone still further than Hegel in that direction. 5nable to free human will from sub.ection to the iron laws ruling despotically all over physical nature" he denied the reality of both nature and law and denounced them as the product of his own mindB<mSySX=. Hence he denied 1od" for in his philosophy the 7eity is not an individual being but merely a manifestation of !upreme laws" the necessary and logical order of things" the ordo ordinans of the 5niverse. )f we take in consideration that by a peculiar modification of language" that which the ancients called F!ubstance"G modern philosophy terms as the #bsolute" or the 8go" we will find still more striking similarities between the pantheistical mysticism of the ancients and the extreme transcendentalism of today" whether in physical or spiritual sciences. o sum up" then" whether with 0obert Boyle one considers the 5niverse in the light of a gigantic clock$work and strives to fathom the mystery of that !elf$existing /ey" which winds it up so periodically and mechanically. 6r" belonging to the class of those thinkers" whom the 7uke of #rgyll accused in his 0eign of 2awI of constantly speaking of Fmere ticketing and orderly assortment of external facts"G and is a Positivist. 6r again maintains with 7r. yndall that Fthe order and energy of the 5niverse is inherent and not imposed from without"Bthe expression of fixed law and not of arbitrary will"G and is regarded as a materialist.

BBBBBBB I A he ?th 7uke of #rgyll is actually 1eorge 7ouglas Campbell. !ee -ew :ork edition of &???.J BBBBBBB

Page C&@ 6r yet" without being necessarily a !ectarian bigot" he reflects the early teachings of his childhood and regards 1od as a tangible" gigantic operative and intelligent Being" with personal attributes" who descends periodically into various #vataras" becomes a Fdivine maleG like 3ira. and others" and re.ects a deity incomprehensible and incomprehensiveBan invisible mist. 6r following in the footsteps of the ancient :ogis" starts out in search of the Boundless and the 5nconditioned 6ne" and hopes of meeting face to face the #bsolute and !ub.ective" or believes in #lchemy and expects to rival 0aymond 2ully in the art of making gold and finding the philosopher%s stone* or finally" like )amblichus" or a modern !piritualist" experiments in heurgy and !piritualism" and calls out forth superior and inferior spirits from the supermundane spheres . . . . . BBBBB

Page C&C

0%NSWERS TO 8UESTIONS2 A he ,anuscript of this >ragment in H.P.B.%s handwriting is in the #dyar #rchives. )t consists of two sheets written on both sides. !ome of the information contained therein runs parallel to what H.P.B. stated in #nswers to F!ome )n9uiries !uggested by ,r. !innett%s 8soteric BuddhismG which may be found in 3ol. 3 <&??C= of the present !eries.BCompiler.J hey are asked whether there is not Fsome confusionG in the letter 9uoted on p. E@ of 8s. Buddhism regarding Fthe old 1reeks and 0omans said to have been #tlanteans.G hey answer none at all. he word F#tlanteanG is a generic name. <)nsert white small page.= A)t is missing.J 3ery naturally those interested in the !ecret 7octrine have to make their choice* they have either to accept as their infallible guide <a= the modern philologist" the archaeologist" the ethnologist and the general historian* <b= those who are in their possession of the !ecret 7octrine and will bring to light some day their authentic and irrefragable proofs* or <which would be the most reasonable= <c= try to follow truth between the two parallel pathsBmodern research and the !ecret 7octrine. his is the course offered to them but they must have patience. #uguste Comte was not the first philosopher who found that before rebuilding one had to destroy. -one feels a greater admiration and respect for hard working philologists and archaeologists than the F#deptsGBnone sees more clearly their mistakes than the humble individuals last named. )ndeed" it seems impossible to refrain from smiling at some of their speculations. :et there is no help for it.

Page C&D How can one risk to bring forward an evidence based entirely upon the secrets of the 8soteric doctrine" which doctrine" unless the whole of it is trusted into the hands of those whom it alone can enlighten" would be worse than useless* for" isolated proofs picked out AatJ random" wide and apart" would do more harm than good. How" for instance" correct this most important mistake started by Prof. ,ax ,iller who says that Fbefore the time of PSnini Athe grammarianJ" and before the first spreading of Buddhism in )ndia" writing for literary purposes was absolutely unknown"G and Fwriting was practised in )ndia before the time of #lexander%s con9uest AXdJBthough it may not have been used for literary purposes.GI -ow on this solitary mistaken notion hangs the fate of nearly every chronological calculation relating to )ndia and its anti9uities. 6n its demonstration depends the rectification of a thousand errors* chief one of themBthe correct date in the world%s chronologies of the 3edic age" and a number of most important works. What is Prof. ,. ,iller%s evidence showing that writing was unknown before the date assigned by himP <a= F here is not a single word in PSnini%s terminology which presupposes the existence of writingG* <b= Fthere is no mention of writing materials" whether paper" bark" or skins" at the time when the )ndian 7iaskeuasts collected the songs of their 0ishis* nor is there any allusion to writing during the whole of the BrShmana periodG* <c= ,egasthenes and -earchus state that the laws of the )ndians were not reduced to writing* <d= Fthe words for ink <masi" kSl^" mela" golS= and pen <kalama=" have all a modern appearanceG* the words lipi" writing" and dharmalipi" a sacred writing" do not occur in any work of genuine anti9uity* and <e= the Brahmans Fnever speak of their granthas or books"G and Fwe never meet with Athe name ofJ a book" or a volume" or a pageG in old BrShmana writings* nor does ,anu or Fthe whole of the BrShmana literature" show one single vestige of the art of writing.GM here are the chief proofs.

BBBBBBB I AHistory of #ncient !anskrit 2iterature" pp. KL(" K&K. !ee also article FWas Writing /nown before PSniniXG" C.W. 3" pp. @'D$C&L.J M A6p. cit." pp. K&K" K&D" K@L" K&@" KL&.J BBBBBBB

Page C&K Having shown so much and stated repeatedly that neither in ,anu nor PSnini there is not one word relating to any ob.ect used in writing or reading" presupposing" we find the Professor confessing a few pages furtherP <&= )n ,anu%s Code of 2aws <4.&= we readP F#ll the three castes may read the 3eda" but the Brahman alone is allowed to proclaim it.G he authors of the ancient !atras knew nothing of the art of writing" nevertheless <@= one word in them seems to strengthen the supposition to the contraryP Fseveral of the !atras are divided into chapters called patalas. his is a word . . . meaning . . . a covering" the surrounding skin or membrane . . . . . if so" it would seem to be almost synonymous with liber and biblos" and it would mean book"G etc.I <C= F here is another word in PSnini which might seem to prove that" not only the art of writing" but written books were known at his time. his is grantha . . . AwhichJ occurs four times in our texts of PSnini . . .G <D= F he word 2ipikara is an important word . . . in the !atras of PSnini . . . . Aas itJ can be legitimately adduced to prove that PSnini was ac9uainted with the art of writing.GM <K= )n ,anu%s Code of 2aws <3)))" &E?= we readP FWhat is given by force" what is by force en.oyed" by force caused to be written <lekhita= . . . ,anu has pronounced void.G -ow any unbiased person who would read the above pros and cons verbatim 9uotations from Prof. ,. ,iller%s # History of #ncient !anskrit 2iteratureBmust see that the scales of evidence both ways are pretty well balanced. :et the great Cambridge !anskritist adds to the last 9uoted sentence the following most extraordinary remark" FBut this is only another proof that this metrical paraphrase of the 2aws of the ,Snavas is later than the 3edic #ge.G

BBBBBBB IA6p. cit." pp. KL'" K@D. >or all the above 9uotations see also pp. DE?$D?L of the revised edition by 7r. !urendra -Sth !Sstr^ of ,iller%s work as part of the Chowkhamba !anskrit !tudies" 3ol. 43" 3aranasi" 3idyavilas Press" &'E?.BCompiler.J M A6p. cit." p. [email protected] BBBBBBB

Page C&E )t is on such evidence that the respective works . . . . . assign. o this we can say but the followingP Were there not one single word in the whole range of )ndian sacred literature" which would show the slightest reference to the arts of reading" writing or to any idea of authorship" we would still maintain that this is no proof* simply because that which is adduced by the Professor as a proof against" is the strongest evidence in favour of the pending 9uestion. When he 9uotes such sentences as Fwe nowhere meet in the Buddhist literature" etc.G <K&'=" he ought to be the first one to perceive that which he does not* namely" that for ages the 3edas as all our sacred literature were deemed too holy to be put in writing and that the act was at one time punished by death. >irst the initiated Brahmans" more than all the Brahmans in general" had alone the right to FproclaimG or speak out whether the 3edas or the sacred ,antras. . . . Were they open for it we would cite hundreds of olokas to that effect. When they were put into writing" for a long time" the Brahmans alone had custody over them. WhyX Because the whole of the sacred literature is a series of occult treatises* of doctrines and practical teaching of the science of sciences" expressly couched in a conventional language" such sentences generally meaning 9uite the opposite that they were made to say" and several thousands of words having one exoteric and one esoteric meaning" absurd and repellent when understood in that dead letter" sublime and grand when interpreted with the help of the secret Code. -o initiate could or can be one unless he has committed this code to memory. 8ven when written out in their exoteric language the four 3edas were a forbidden work to the three lower castes. 6ne example given on p. @?C of the #ugust issue of he heosophist" &??C A3ol. )))J" is sufficient to show how careful were the initiates to conceal their real meaning. )t is given in the 0eply by ara -ath to the Ruery in articleP F-arcotics versus 6ccultism.G )n it he shows that the word F0SmarasapanamG recommended as necessary for the :ogisBand which in the profane elugu means a kind of spirituous li9uor" means in the esoteric language a certain kind of meditation for occult purposes.

87W#07 B500651H! 0#,B6 &?DK$ X 0eproduced from the Path" -ew :ork" 3ol. 3))" >ebruary" &?'C.

C6-38- )6- 6> H8 .!." 26-76-" &?'&

Page C&( -o wonder if your 6rientalists do not find such words as volume" book or paper in the older works* nothing more natural than that the first scribes who committed these works to writing should have avoided adding one single word to either what was !mriti or ruti" since all such words in sacred literature were avoided as blasphemous and sacriligeous" considered as dragging down holy works on the level with the profane ones. :et it does seem pu;;ling to understand how a Brahman$ scribe" not a /ayastha" the name of the writer Fcaste"G whose name does not occur in ,anu .ust for the reason given=" should be charged with having no idea of writing while actually performing that process with the oldest texts. Had not such a restriction been placed upon the Brahmans who were the first to reduce the sacred literature to writing" the /ayasthasBthe despised writer caste" the progeny of a /shatriya father and a adra mother" would have never failed to add many a foreign element to the original text as they have actually done later. -or can one feel surprised to find such obsolete words as adhySya" lectures" pranas" 9ueries" and others the meaning of which is dual and the key to which is the secret Code and replaced finally by the purely exoteric terms such as we find in the later works* and which led ,ax ,iller into the erroneous supposition that there was no writing and for literary purposes before Buddha%s time. Ruite true" the /ayastha caste was small" and sprung only a few centuries before the Buddhists. But this is no reason why there should have been no writing before their time. he relative anti9uity of various works of the so$called <by the 6rientalists= second period of !anskrit turn in a vicious circle AmoreJ upon works in common than in #ryan bhSsha. he Brahmans alone spoke both the tongue of the 1ods <!anskrit and its hieratic supplement" the !en;ar=" the !anskrit bhSsha and the Prakriti bhSsha. he tongue of the gods was unknown to all but themselves. ,etal plates mentioned in :a.navalkya%s lawbooks are not spoken of in ,anu%s Code" yet there are fourteen plates in existence with engraved mantras preceding the particular Code spoken of by seven centuries.

Page C&? . . . he idea that while a small . . . . . tribe of presumably 8gyptian runaway slaves are shown on the authority <d= of their scriptures to have been . . . . . BBBBB A#-!W80 6- H8 !5-%! H8# PJ . . . . . that Fno earthly substance with which we are ac9uaintedBno substance which the fall of meteors has landed on the 8arth would be at all competent to maintain the !un%s combustion"G only may be excused for askingBwhence then this mirific theory of the !un%s FfiresG and slow yet incessant combustionX hus the F#deptsG answerP When one has learned the true constitution of the !un" AoneJ will not stop to think that this manvantara of any duration Fseems largely to exceed the probable time during which the sun can retain heatG forBit is not Fmerely a cooling mass.G #nd thus the F#deptsG have answered Ruestion @" as far as the ability of men utterly unac9uainted with modern !cience would permit them* and they now dismiss it with a last remark. ruly modern solar physics is far more worthy of a poem" a fiction full of Fconceptions which beggar those of ,iltonG than of a sober treatise upon the mathematical facts of #stronomy. #nd there is a true occultist ring" the /ey$ note of all upon which future speculation ought to be solidly based upon" in these words of the great poet physicist. <!ee Proctor p. D&@=.I #nswer to Ruestion ACJ. -o such nonsense was ever postulated. he cataclysm that nearly annihilated the #tlanteans was slowly preparing for ages <!ee page KD of 8soteric Buddhism= and other parts of that continent and inhabited isles by the Dth race had sunk long before it culminated in the final catastrophe spoken about and known in history. heir civili;ation was of a 9uite different character to that of which the West now boasts of.

BBBBBBB IA he !un 0uler" >ire" 2ight and 2ife of the Planetary !ystems" by 0ichard #. Proctor" 2ondon" 2ongmans Q 1reen" &?(&.J BBBBBBB

Page C&' he civili;ation of 8gypt and especially its learning was 9uite as great as that of the later #tlanteans" and" in one direction" at any rate" far superior to that of the present 8uropeans. #nd yet" while its imperishable monuments in stone" etc." monoliths" its !phinx and statues" and its pyramids with a number of !arcophagi full of papyri and yielding evidences of a later civili;ation already degenerating and on the wane" is being daily exhumed" where are the traces of its earlier and far more remote glory" where the records of that civili;ation which made Baron Bunsen say A wo lines empty for the 9uotation which is missing.J #nd yet the land of 8gypt has never been carried down into the depths of the 6cean bed. -or has it been covered" owing to repeated earth9uakes which have convulsed over and over again that sandy bed upon which the ill$fated Poseidonis was plunged in its last physical sleepBuntil the soil was reduced for ages after into a slimy mud slowly sucking in the lost remnants of that civili;ation. -evertheless" owing ever to the yearly increase" amounting but to a few inches in a centuryBof alluvium brought down by the -ile" the old Hapimu" the traces of the oldest 8gyptian civili;ation" one that was as superior to the latest or the one with which the 8gyptologists claim ac9uaintance with" as your own is now superior to that of ibet Bis hidden for ever from the knowledge of your sub$races. How many millenniums have rolled over pyramids surpassing the present ones" each millennium throwing its KL or EL inches of earth over entombed ruined cities" still older !phinxes and palaces" it is for youBthe latest con9uerors of 8gypt to calculate. 7ig deeper and deeper into the sand and slime of the ages" and perchance you may find* and then cast and sum up your figures. -o* it is not FsupposedG but rather known to a certainty that your present 8uropean civili;ation which has been Cyclopean" though it may have finer and more elaborate works to boast of" will be destroyed as well* for such is the invariable law of nature.

Page C@L #nd it is far easier for a conflagration to devour without leaving a trace behind telegraphic and electric works" railways and theatre buildings" ephemeral newspapers and books" restaurants and gin$palaces than it was for flood or inundation to destroy any of the seven world$wonders and labyrinths" !emiramidean gardens and colossuses of 0hodes as well as old indestructible papyri and parchmentsB nevertheless time and the elements have performed the task to a perfection Can one recogni;e in the drunken cowardly Copts the descendants of the once invincible !ons of 6siris% F#rts and languagesGX he present arts are doomed to perish long before the final catastrophe to make room for more perfected arts" as the old harpsichord" the clavicord" and clavecin disintegrated to make room for the modern piano" the old viola for the violin" and some of the arts and sciences of 8gypt" 0ome and Chaldea far superior to the present" are now lost to be revived at future ages. he immortal marbles of Phidias had good reason to survive and yet are nearly lostBbut why should yoursX #s to languages" without entering upon a useless controversy with your philologists who can find no traces of the !anskrit before a miserable couple of thousand years before your era" they are respectfully asked to surmise what was the language of the learned #tlanteansX he #depts say that the older !anskrit and what is now called amil are reli9uiae" of what a 8uropean would call antedeluvian" and" we might term ante$Poseidonian languages. )n this connection the writer must be permitted to blend Ruestion E with Ruestion C to which the former properly belongs . . . A8nd of the >ragmentJ BBBBB

Page C@& A#-C)8- #! 06-6,:. H8 108# P:0#,)7J A he ,anuscript of this >ragment in H.P.B.%s handwriting exists in the #dyar #rchives. )t consists of three sheets which have been transcribed and originally published in he heosophist" 3ol. 24443" -o. @" -ovember" &'EC.BCompiler.J . . . disintegrating the ob.ective forms of the celestial cattle" by rending asunder the parent contellations from their progenyBthe Zodiacal signs made them retrograde CL degrees toward the West" so with #strogony. #s if to enforce the more emphatically upon the human mind the everlasting Wisdom of the axiom of the >ounder of #stronomy" the !hepherd$god Hermes$#$BrahmBFas above so it is below* as in heaven" so on earth"G hardly yet twelve centuries ago we thought of perceiving that the collective wisdom of our patriarchal teachers had long time since emigrated or rather also movedBWest* but never perceived that on its way it had lost as well as the FsignsG all semblance of definite forms. )n their ignorance" our astronomical predecessors of the ransitional #ges" scoffed at their predecessors" and these in their turn grinned at those who came before. )t seems" almost" as if the discovery by Hipparchus the -icaean" of the retrograde motion of the e9uinoctial points had a prophetic character in it" as relating to the simultaneously parallel retrogression of human understanding* till finally" and very happily for humanity" the cycle of intellectual 7evelopment till then on its downward path" having reached its nadir" suddenly proceeded onward" until it culminated in its highest point of altitude Bthe present glorious #ged How truly wise and prophetically inspired were the archaic )ndo$Chaldees and 8gyptians even in giving names to things" may be inferred by one instance .ust recorded from !pace" by one of my assistant$stargangers.

Page C@@ )t is well known to us that at whatever epoch the great Pyramid of 8gypt may have been built" it must have been at a time when 7raconis" the then Polar !tar" was at its lower culmination and the PleiadesB#lcyone especiallyBwere on the same meridian above. By a calculation of !ir +ohn Herschel in #.7. &?C'Bwho correctly assumed that the long and narrow tubular entrance passage was built so as to level at the then polar star" the building of the Pyramid of Cheops was fixed upon the year @&(L B.C.Bwhereas it ought to have been" with far more propriety and regard to truth" placed at @?"?E? years B.C. by adding to the figures of @&(L" the whole period of the preceding 89uinoctial precession.I 0ichard #. Proctor"M an #stronomist of the same age" was the first to prove that" if we take the pyramid%s cubits" and multiply the number thereof in a base side of the Pyramid by the number fifty" and increase the result in proportion as the base 7iagonal exceeds the measures of the side" the sum comes out in the number of years in the great precessional period. herefore" there now remains no doubt" nor did it remain" long before the means of verifying events by examining their pictorial records in the galleries of Boundless !pace were discoveredBthat the builders of the Pyramid had erected it as an 6bservatory of 6ccult #strognosy" andBcalled the Polar !tar 7raco" or 7raconis" for reasons" certainly perfectly known to themselves. #nd yet so retrograding proved the human intellect and so inconsistent with its own reforms that unable to follow their !hepherd forefather%s grand ideas" and yet anxious to prove that they knew as much and far more" they resorted to the following expedients. #fter having reviled #strolatry" and trampled under their feet the sacred bulls #pis and ,nevis" symboli;ing 2ife" and worshipped in the days of ,enes and in whom the 1od Pthah" !okar" 6siris <2ife and 2ight= were allegorically said to be resident" they yet instituted a Pastoral 0eligion in which instead of the sacred Bull" they worshipped a 2amb" e9ually the emblem of 2ife and 2ight and regarded as a grand !hepherd" and his assistant Pastors as their !piritual 1uidesd

BBBBBBB I Bessel%s calculation. M A he 1reat Pyramid" observatory" tomb and temple" 2ondon" Chatto Q Windus" &??C. !ee pp. &($ &? ff.* DK etc.J BBBBBBB

Page C@C hey allowed all the heathen names of !tars named by their idolatrous forefathers to remain status 9uo" and" at the same time" perverted their meanings in the most cunning way. !o" having erroneously and most ridiculously calculated that less than a fourth of the great astronomical cycle formed by the precedence in the e9uinoctial presentation has passed since ,#- W#! P2#C87 5P6- H8 8#0 H* they set themselves to making prophecies on 9uite an opposite basis. !o" for instance" one of such Pastors or !hepherds at the head of a hydropathic sect named FBaptists"G in an old and now ruined city of the #tlantidian continent" called Philadelphia <probably a 1reek colony" peopled by irresolute and ever trembling people called Ruakers= took upon himself to interpret the presence of 7raconis" the chief !tar situated in the tail of the constellation 7ragon or the 1reat !erpent in the following wise. He asked the people to believe that the entrance of the 1reat Pyramid was the Fbottomless pitG or Hell" as they named the Hades of their forefathersd #t the same time computing that the one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven inches from the beginning of the 1rand 1allery of the Pyramid stood for #.7. &?(( years since the birth of the 2amb" and that there remained but a few inches more to bring the gallery to its end" he maintained it to be a prophecy. 3ery shortly he said" F7raconis will again be on the meridian below the pole" . . . . but .ust seven times lower than at the time of the Pyramid%s building. his final downwardness of seven times is strikingly suggestive of the 7ragon%s complete dethronement. #nd what is still more remarkable" whilst A#lphaJ 7raconis is on the meridian at this low point" #ries" the 0am" appears on the meridian above" with the line passing exactly through his hornsd # more vivid astronomical sign of the overthrow of !atan . . . . . it is not possible to conceive. )t is" as the very heavens were proclaiming that the ever$living 2amb takes to him his great power" and enters upon his glorious reigndG

Page C@D

0THE ORIGIN O" THE P#TH%GORE%N S#STEM2 A his fragment in H.P.B.%s handwriting exists in the #dyar #rchives and is reproduced here from a faithful transcript of the original.BCompiler. J . . . #siatics say" that owing to the Zodiac" used for thousands of years in our temples" and leaving psychological claims entirely out of 9uestionBwe have the means of seeing in" and of thoroughly penetrating through that Cymmerian darkness that stretches back for the Westerners in an indefinite and impenetrable series of prehistoric ages. #nd this" the #siatics say fearlessly" and to the face of Prof. Weber who would persuade on his scientific authority the credulous public that the #ryan Brahmins had no knowledge of the Zodiac before the first century of his era* and that the Hindus are Fin any case indebted for the Zodiacal signs and the names of the planets to 1reek influence.G >or if he can show that 3arSha$,ihira <in Pulisa= Femployed a great mass of 1reek words in his writings"G the Hindus can prove on as good authority" that while 3arSha$,ihira lived in the sixth century of the Christian era" Pythagoras who flourished in precisely the same century <K(L B.C.= eleven centuries earlier" got his astronomical and astrological education <including the knowledge of the Zodiac=" his system of chelaship and religious brotherhood" for which he translated the !anskrit terms of esoteric and exoteric into 1reek" and even his knowledge of the heliocentrical system from the initiated Brahmins.

Page C@K His prohibition of animal food and certain vegetables and his doctrine of the transmigration of souls comes from )ndia* as also it is from the !ramans that he got his !ystem of inculcating unbounded reverence on the part of the disciple for their master or 1uru" and for the matter of that even his doctrine of -umbers in their relation to the musical scale" and of the 5niverse as one harmonious whole. 6ur ;odiacal signs have a common origin with those of the 8gyptians" and for a good cause as may be one day proved. #nd to their Zodiac even 8uropean 8gyptologists assign an anti9uity of DLLL years before our era. ,oreover" some of the greatest lights of philology go so far as to affirm that before the supposed con9uest of #lexander the )ndian #ryans had no idea of the art of reading and writing. #nd while boasting that a small . . . .

Page C@E

CH%LDE%N -VED%S. OR -VEDIC. CH%LDEES4 A he ,anuscript of this essay in H.P.B.%s handwriting exists in the #dyar #rchives. )t has been originally published in he heosophist" 3ol. 2444)))" -o. &&" #ugust" &'E@" pp. @?($CL&.BCompiler.J he oldest book in which the word FmagicG is foundBsays the Christian 6rientalist" >ranois 2enormant" with a superb oblivion of the 3edic and Zoroastrian worksBis the Bible. he first people who practiced it"Bhe addsBare the Chaldeans. But who were theyX -either philology nor ethnology are able to furnish us with any definite answer* and whether geographically or ethnographically considered" Chaldea is the sub.ect of contradictory statements since the days of Herodotus down to our own. Ptolemy the geographer tells us that Chaldea was the name of the !.W. part of ancient Babylonia" bordering on the confines of #rabia. #t the same time" hardly a 9uarter of a century ago" F5r of the ChaldeesG or Chasdim of #braham" was considered by many a critic" to have been a place of ,esopotamia" a castle of that name mentioned by #mmianus as situated between -isibis and the igris. 6f the Chaldeans as a nation" as little is known in history. !trabo calls them Fa tribeG living on the borderland of #rabia. Herodotus mentions them as a contingent of the army of the #ssyrians"I though the latter con9uered them ages after the Chaldeans had been a civili;ed 8mpire*

BBBBBB I A!ee he Histories of Herodotus" 3ol. ))" tr. by 1eorge 0awlinson* Book 3)) _ EC* p. &DE in 8veryman%s 2ib. ed." 2ondon" 7ent Q !ons" &'ED.J BBBBBB

Page C@( and 4enophon" in the history of the retreat of the ten thousand sees in them Fa free and warlike people in the Carduchian hillsG* somewhere near the mountains of #rmenia then.I 8ven the very language of the Cushite ChaldeaBthat tongue in which the interlineary translation of the #kkadian inscriptions on the cylinders dug out on the sites of ancient Chaldea is madeBis generally called by our philologists the F#ssyrian"G whereas this language existed already in the days when the very name of #sshur in -oah%s genealogy had not been yet invented. hus" no branch of !cience being able to give the world anything definite about the Chaldeans" we have to be contented with our own surmises. herefore" will we try to find out at least what this people could not be" since we cannot learn for a certainty what they were. )n the ,osaic account we first read of Chaldea <1enesis" x" &L= when -imrod" the son of Cush and the grandson of Ham" con9uers the four cities respectively named FBabel and 8rech" and #ccad and Calneh" in the land of !hinarG* and again" when we are informed that #braham Fwent forth from 5r of the ChaldeesG <1enesis" xi" C&=. he Bible" causing the world to be created in the (&Lth year of the +ulian period <DLLD years B.C.=" the 7eluge to occur in @CD? and #braham to be born in &''E B.C. <which would allow but a period of @?' for the Chaldean or #kkadian civili;ation" preceded by another still more archaic to developd=" finally gets hopelessly entangled in its own chronology" and thus" owing to its own contradictions and lapsus calami proves 9uite the reverse of what it evidently intended to prove from the beginning. )t plainly shows the existence of another and distinct element in Chaldea. # race" neither Hamitic nor !emitic but what is now called the #kkadian. !ince the Bible mentions the city of #kkad as con9uered by -imrod" whose race$ name is due to his genealogy" that city must have then existed before him* and the Cushite or Hamitic -imrod himself not being a Chaldean by birth" it is clear that they could not be so named before his arrival.

BBBBBB I A!ee Book )))" Ch. K" &E of he #nabasis" or 8xpedition of Cyrus . . . " literally translated from the 1reek of 4enophon by 0ev. +. !. Watson" -ew :ork" Harper Q Bros." &?((.J BBBBBB

Page C@? his people then" evidently preceded the savage race of the Fmighty hunter before the 2ord.G #nd they must have been a highly civili;ed nation long before the days of the -oachian FuniversalG deluge <of which geology certainly shows no traces=" as it is well proved that -imrod" now identified with !argon )" found upon his arrival there a people" whose high culture was then at its climax. hat nation" which had long since abandoned the nomadic pastoral state in which the patriarchal descendants of !hem indulged for ages yet to come" were these FmysteriousG #kkadians or Chaldeans" whose name both upon classical and biblical authority designates not only a nation but that peculiar priestly caste initiated in and entirely devoted to the !ciences of astrology and magic. Held sacred in all ages" this peculiar learning was concentrated in Babylon and known in the remotest periods of history as a system of religious worship and !cience which made the glory of the Chaldean. Believed by some 6rientalists to have belonged to the )ndo$8uropean or Caucasian race" regarded by othersBof no less a great authority in !cienceBas ,ongolian or uranians" there is a deep veil of mystery thrown upon this people. We are told by the #ssyriologists that they were the inventors of the cuneiform writing* the authors of the grand and elaborate literature so miraculously preserved on hundreds of thousands of tiles now dug out by 1eorge !mith" 2ayard and others. But on the other hand we know that the #kkadians" whether they be of the uranian or )ndo$8uropean race" were themselves preceded by another still more mysterious people" . . . . . Fmost probably a darker race than they wereG and whose remnants are found here and there in isolated groups near the Persian 1ulf" thinks Prof. 0awlinson < he >ive 1reat ,onarchies=.I 6f this people there now remains no remembrance whatever.

BBBBBB I A!ee Ch. )))" 3ol. & Q @ of he >ive 1reat ,onarchies of the #ncient 8astern World . . . by 1eorge 0awlinson" ,.#." 2ondon" +ohn ,urray" &?(& <@nd ed.=J BBBBBB

Page C@' heir very name has disappeared" but Fwe have to recogni;e their existence in our explanations of the ethnographical elements of primitive Chaldea"G says the author of the F!ketches of Chaldean Culture.G >or the better understanding of this theory which kills the last vestige of belief in or the possibility of a F5niversalG 7eluge" we will briefly collate together the several opinions of some men of science as of our latest #ssyriologists and add them to the data we find in ancient writers. he uranians" think our 6rientalists" were not the first inhabitants of the 8uphrates$ igris valleys. -either are they themselves a pure" primitive race" as it is a mixture of the white and yellow races" and the people who belong to it offer an infinite gradation of hues and types" a gradual descent from the pure 8uropean down to the Chinese type. -otwithstanding this" their common origin is shown in the affinities of language" religion and customs. he languages of the uranian nations lack that firmness and definite form of a type which would enable us to call them a step towards the formation of the human speech" says ,ax ,iller < he 2anguages of the !eat of War in the 8ast" p. ??=.I #s to their religions" they Fnever rose higher than a form of gross naturalism which transforms all the phenomena of nature into two numberless hosts of !pirits good and bad and whose cultus consists unexceptionally of magic and incantations"G declares >. 2enormant <2a ,agie che; les ChaldOens" p. &?D ff.= M 6f the origin and primitive country of the uranians as a race our men of science are less positive. he urks and the ,ongols" in general have a tradition that their race sprung somewhere near the southern slopes of the ,ount #ltai" in a valley hemmed in between inaccessible mountains full of minerals. >ire having come out one day from the bowels of the earth" one side of the mountain was destroyed and the primitive race emerged into the wide world.

BBBBBB I A!ee @nd ed." 2ondon" Williams Q -orgate" &?KK.J M A2enormant" >ranois" 2a magie che; les ChaldOens et les origines #ccadiennes" Paris" ,aisonneuve et Cie" &?(D.J BBBBBB

Page CCL his tradition agrees with that other one which caused the 8astern populations of !yria and ,esopotamia to point out their birth place 8ast of their settlements" the ,edo$Persians -orth. #s to the hibetans" they maintain that the forefathers of their Hobilgans and !haberons" or the higher and initiated 2amas" were those wonderful men who lived on a fairy island" an 8den in the centre of 1obi when that dreary desert was yet a vast sea. hey were giants in whom" passing from one to another" moved incessantly the !pirit of >o" or Budda <the highest wisdom=. #s to the rest of the 2amas and hibetans" they were ancestors created by the former from pieces of every plant" mineral and animal on the globe" which theory looks suspiciously like that of our modern evolutionists. )n their turn" our men of science" who" but a few years ago yet" had to pretend in their official capacities at least" that they believed in the fable of 8den" declared at one time unanimously that the cradle of humanity was on the plateau of Pamir" whence flow out the four great riversP )ndus" Helmund" the 6xus" or +ehoona" and +axartes or !ir$7arya" the ancient !ihon. he separation of the uranians took place in two directionsP one branch went up northward and settled in the vicinity of #ltai" the #ral !ea" and the valleys of the 5ral mountains" from where after that it scattered along the -orth of 8urope and #sia down to the Baltic on one side and up to the mouth of the #mur on the other* while the other and no less numerous tribes of uran chose the !outhern and Western direction" when some of them reached #rmenia and #sia ,inor" and others settled at the foot of the upland plateau of )ran in the valleys of !usiana and the shores of the igris and the 8uphrates" where for ages they had anticipated the appearance of the !emites and the Cushites. hus the traditions of the 9uite savage and of the civili;ed but Finferior races"G as well as the scientific theories of the 8uropean or FsuperiorG races" concur in this admirably. Whether the cradle of humanity is here or there" it circles within the limits of Central #sia. #nd" unless the catechism of !cience accepts the doctrine of many and simultaneous FcradlesG where multi$coloured humanity evolved each its special type and colourB

Page CC& Ba theory which would impair the prettily concocted fable of 8den and the original sin still more" or at least limit it but to the forefathers of the !emites"Bwe the FsuperiorG white races have to accept among other unpleasant things the disagreeable truth that our ancestors were as black and far blacker" perchance" than any of those we now look upon as the races to us inferior" forBthey were the #!)# )C 8 H)6P)#-!d his is the direct and logical deduction from the opinion of the men of !cience" however many and contradictory these theories. !uch are the facts drawn from the recent achievements of philology and ethnology. #nd if we have to accept truth whencesoever it comes" and vindicate facts" we will have to confess that a black or a very dark$skinned race of men once occupied Western 8urope" were in short the aboriginies of 8urope. F he #siatic 8thiopians"G writes Professor 0awlinson"I Fby their very name" which connects them so closely with the Cushite people inhabiting the country about 8gypt" may be assigned to the Hamitic family" and this connection is confirmed by the uniform voice of primitive e anti9uity" which spoke of the 8thiopian as a single race dwelling along the !outhern 6cean" from )ndia to the Pillars of Hercules . . . . .G F)t is indeed true that the first men that appear on the arena of civili;ation were evidently of the stock which we denominate somewhat indiscriminately Hamitic" Cushite and 8thiopian"G says 7r. #. Wilder in his Black -ations of 8urope. heir abodes were in no circumscribed region . . . . heir ethnical names imply as much. )n ancient times 8gypt was called Fthe land of HamG <Psalms" cv" @C= from /ham" its chief diety* !usiana and #rabia were styled /issoea and Cush* and the countries of the Hamitic races were called thiopia. Herodotus repeatedly mentions the thiopians of #sia" placing their country at the !outh of modern #fghanistan" now /erman and Baluchistan. Homer speaks of ,emnon as the son of 8os" or the 7awn* and 7iodorus declares that he was /ing of the 8thiopians and built a palace at !usa" the !hushan of the Bible.

BBBBBB I A6p. cit. !ee pp. D($D' on the FCushite 6rigin of the Chaldeans.GJ BBBBBB

Page CC@ he tradition to the effect that the 8thiopic race held ,edia" Babylonia" #ssyria" #rmenia and #sia ,inor" including )beria and 1eorgia seems to be corroborated by the latest discoveries. 0awlinson makes Baluchistan and /erman their former center* but +. 7. Baldwin" in his Prehistoric -ations" maintains that #rabia was the ancient 8thiopia.I #nd" in 2ong%s Classical #tlasM the #rabi are placed at the mouth of the )ndus" on the Western bank. 8usebius declares that the 8thiopians came from )ndia" whether 8astern or Western is not mentioned. F he )ndia or Hoddu of the Book of 8sther was 6ude or the PuV.ab* but the name )ndia is vague and only signifies a river country. !ir W. +ones made )ran or Bactriana the original source of these peoples and supposed that a black or 8thiopian empire once ruled all !outhern #sia" having its metropolis at !idon. 1odfrey Higgins" in the #nacalypsis suggests that it was Babylon . . . . . he dominion of -imrod <!argon ) of the #ssyrian cylinders or tiles= would seem to be thus indicatedG < he Black -ations of 8urope= . >inally" !trabo" 9uoting 8phorus" saysP F he 8thiopians were considered as occupying all the !outhern coasts of both #sia and #frica" and as divided by the 0ed !ea into 8astern and Western #siatic" and #frican.Gg #ll this generali;ation of peoples under the one name of 8thiopians does not give us anything like a certain date as to who were the Fdark raceG which according to Prof. 0awlinson" 2enormant and others" preceded the urano$#kkadians who themselves anticipated the Hamitic nation brought along by -imrod* but it undeniably proves that they were dark$skinned though not necessarily for that" -egroes" nor even Hamites.

BBBBBB I ABaldwin" +ohn 7." Pre$historic -ations . . . p. K?$K'. -ew :ork Harper Q Bros." &?E'.J M A!ee map C of #n #tlas of Classical 1eography" constructed by Wm. Hughes" and edited by 1eorge 2ong" -ew :ork" !heldon Q Co." &?E(.J g A#s 9uoted by 0awlinson 6p. cit. p. D(.J BBBBBB

Page CCC he clearness of this scientifically ethnological exposition appears all the more muddled yet by the philological attempt of Prof. 0awlinson to reconcile these contradictions. #ccepting in that the lead of ,ax ,iller who himself only sanctifies the suggestion of Professor 6ppert" ascribing the original invention of the cuneiform characters and Fa civili;ation anterior to that of Babylon and -ineveh to a uranian or !cythian raceGB0ev. 1eorge 0awlinson" the brother of our eminent archeologist" !ir Henry"Bendeavours to assign to these 8thiopians a uranian or !cytho$ artar origin. FHamitism"G he says" Falthough no doubt the form of speech out of which !emitism was developed" is itself uranian rather than !emitic"G and adds in the shape of a more elaborate explanation Fthe uranian is an earlier stage of the Hamitic.G We shall turn then to this !cytho$ artar race and see whether we can find anything in them to connect them either with the uranian Chaldees or primitive Fblack raceG to which belonged the authors of the earliest history" and records of the Freligion of magicG now translated from the #ssyrian cylinders. 6n a 9uotation by +ustinusI from an historical work by rogus Pompeius" a manuscript lost since the second century of our era which states that primitively the whole of the boundary parts of #sia were in the possession of the !cythians who are also shown to be older than the 8gyptians" in fact the most ancient people in the worldP on the strength of this 9uotation and the Bible .umble" we suppose" it is now generally agreed to class these #siatic !cythians with the uranian races" attribute to them the invention of the cuneiform letters and say of the #kkadian language in which they are written" that" like the !anskrit" it remained the language of the literature long after it had ceased to exist and had become a dead language. 7oes this help us any more to learn who the Chaldeans wereX -ot at all.

BBBBBB I A7e Historiaris Philippicis libri" ))" Ch. iii. !ee also 2atin ed. of 6tto !eel" 2eip;ig" B. 1. eubneri" Book ))" Ch. C" _ &K" p. @L.J BBBBBB

Page CCD >or we know of the !cythiansBa generic name given to all the #siatic tribes of the anti9uity whose history has remained unknown to usBas little" if not less than of the #kkadians whose language at least has been approximately found out by the philologists. >rom the accounts of Herodotus and Hippocrates about the !cythians we learn next to nothing" and it becomes next to impossible to connect them with the Chaldeans any more than with any other people before the seventh century B.C. #nd speaking of these Hippocrates describes their personal appearance as different from that of the rest of mankind and Flike to nothing but itself.G 0epulsive in the extreme" Ftheir bodies are gross and fleshly* their .oints are loose and yielding* the belly flabby. . . and all closely resemble one another.G # half$nomadic people" barbarous even in the days we are accustomed to look upon as such* warlike savages" is it of them that our modern #ssyriologists say that Fthey took part in" and assisted in the most ancient culture of our human racesGXI he foundation and progress of which culture relates in the opinion of our 6rientalists to such a hoary anti9uity that the memory of it is lost even in the most ancient records of humanity* and whose languageBnow proved as having been the language of an immense literatureBFwas a dead language at least two thousand years B.C.GXM Historically our records go no farther than a few centuries B.C. While the poet #risteas shows the F1riffinsG of the extreme -orth expelling the Cimmerians from their lands and" entering ,edia" by mistake" instead of #sia ,inor" -iebuhr" contrary to the Herodotean account who 9uotes #risteas makes the ,edian /ing Cyaxares who was besieging -ineveh meet the unexpected inroad of the !cythians" who after defeating him made themselves masters Fas far as Palestine and the borders of 8gypt.G

BBBBBB I 2enormant" he >irst Civili;ations. ,. 3. -ikolsky" !ketches of Chaldean Cultures and several others. AH.P.B. cites >rench edition of 2enormant later in this article. M )bid. BBBBBB

Page CCK 6n one hand -iebuhr" Bckh" hirlwall and 1rote maintain that the Herodotean !cythians were ,ongolians* and on the other" such authorities as Humboldt" 1rim" /laproth" !ir H. 0awlinson" seek to prove that they belonged to the )ndo$8uropean race. With such a positive data in hand" we have no better means than to make the most we can of one unimpeachable material at hand" the autobiography of these people traced by their own hand for countless generations. But before we do so" we have to explain to the readers how the men of science view these famous cylinders" and what they are. 6wing to the constant efforts of the 6rientalists a series of most unexpected" ama;ing discoveries were made for the last few years. 5nder heaps of garbage and mountains of crumbling ruins a whole library" which when translated" will be composed of many thousands of volumes" has recently been excavated. he sub.ect of these records refers mostly to the development of the religious ideas of the aborigines of these regions where the world sees if not the cradle at least one of the cradles" and the principal one where humanity evoluted into its present shape. But they also contain the history of peoples and races of which we moderns had no idea. rue" it is but a fragmentary history" of which" owing to so many tiles being broken and as many crumbled into dust" many a link is now missing* yet enough to show that" while cities and kingdoms and peoples" and whole races" some of them with the highest of civili;ations rose and developed" but to degenerate and fall* and religions and philosophies" arts and sciences passing like Chinese shadows on the white walls of ime" appearBlike all concrete and temporary thingsBbut to disappear into the abyss of motionless 8ternity* there are abstract ideas which never die. hese ideas now attributed to superstition of the grossest kind and called incantations" belief in good and bad demons" in short ,#1)C" are denounced in the most bitter way. 6n one hand it is the Christians who arrogate to themselves the monopoly of teaching the world about angels and devils in their own way* and on the other by the men of !cience who believe in neither and would destroy at one stroke every belief but in themselves.

Page CCE he 6rientalists think that the uranians" the predecessors of -imrod" entered the 8uphrates$ igris valley" having already a certain culture which they brought with them from another locality. Besides the cuneiform mode of writing which they had invented before their arrival" either they or the Fblack raceG which they found there had another kind of characters" ideographic signs" a rude form of hieroglyphics which was used for expressing the symbolical image of whether a concrete ob.ect or an abstract idea. When these signs had ac9uired a phonetic value the ideographic forms gradually lost their character" the signs represented no more the ob.ects which they symboli;ed but a simple combination of various arrow$headed lines mostly hori;ontal. hey read from left to right" are either stamped or cut" occur on tablets cut in rocks" on stone$slabs" on bass$reliefs" on #ssyrian winged bulls" on sun$baked or kiln$burnt bricks or small cylinders" on seals" some of the inscriptions being so minute as to re9uire a microscope. #ll this system of signs answered fully to the agglutinative idiom of the uranians" and were accepted by the Cushites of the igro$ 8uphratean valley at a much later period. he researches upon these elementary arrow$headed signs and their comparisons with material ob.ects gave that important result that the cuneiform characters are now known to have originated in a more -orthern region than Chaldea* in a land with 9uite another fauna and flora" where" for instance there were no lions but of wolves and bears in abundance" where neither the palm nor the vine were known but trees with acerose leaves" pines and firs abounded <1. !mith he Phonetic 3alues of the Cuneiform Characters" p. D=.I While paleography helped by paleology proved so much" archaeology was discovering that the Foldest tombs in Chaldea carry us back to as great an anti9uity as the 8gyptian sarcophagiG

BBBBBB I A!mith" 1eorge. 8dition published in 2ondon" Williams Q -orgate &?(&.J BBBBBB

Page CC( <2enormant" 2es Premibres Civili;ations" 3ol. )" p. &&?=.I he religion of the aborigines who preceded the alleged uranians" notwithstanding the assertions of some 6rientalists to the contrary" did not differ essentially from the latest form of the Chaldeo$Babylonian beliefs as now shown by the tiles and monuments. )f one was a Frude form of primitive fetishismG so was the other" though personally we are inclined to believe that both were as philosophical at the bottom as any of the religious systems of anti9uity or especially the one which followed and aided by sword and fire supplanted them. he very suggestive fact that the Chaldeans whose proficiency in mathematics and astronomy was renowned from the first glimpse of history could not very well be at the same time superstitious and fetish$worshipping fools" has never seemed to strike our 6rientalists. -one of them was ever known to remark that the people whom #ristotle found to have taken the most correct astronomical observations during a period of no less than &'LC years" could not at the same time credit FmagicG and belief in incantations" talismans and amulets as they did" had not all these a more philosophical basis of truth in them than is suggested by these terms in our own century. 5nless one makes a special study of that system by the light of occult !ciences" a student of these religious systems risks never to rise higher than dead letter superficiality. #nd it is not very likely that under the present circumstances and with the ob.urgation which rests upon the claims of psychology and the misunderstood phenomena of !piritualism and 6ccultism especially" the 6rientalist would go to that length. heir surest though hitherto unacknowledged guide in their opinions and sentences passed upon the FmagicG of the ancients" are the magical rites and belief in good and bad demons as practiced under the name of religious doctrines in the 0oman Catholic and 1reek 8astern Church.

BBBBBB I A2enormant" >ranois. !ee >rench editionP Paris" ,aisonneuve" &?(D" @ vols.J BBBBBB

Page CC? >or all the dead letter of Chaldean magicBuseless and absurd incantations" ceremonial prayers and talismansBhave passed part and parcel under the name of Fexorcisms"G holy water" ceremonies and pope$blessed amulets and images of angels and !aints into the Catholic Christian Church.I Hence we find it rather amusing to hear ,r. >. 2enormant" a ;ealous member of the Popish Church" express his opinion upon the religion of the Chaldees by stating that" no more than the rest of the ancient creeds" it Fnever rose higher than the worship of nature.G hat solitary fact that the #kkadians represented our 8arth in the shape of a boat" not oblong as those we are ac9uainted with" but perfectly round" like a slightly flattened ball with the top cut off" as was in use with the Chaldeans" and in incessant circling motion on the ocean of space" proves already that their ,agi were far ahead of the Christian fathers" the early as the mediaeval ones. We doubt whether any of the former" with their enormous knowledge of astronomy" would have compared to an #ugustine scouting the sphericity of the earth as it would prevent the antipodes from seeing the 2ord Christ when he descended from heaven at the second advent* or a 2actantius" who thought it would make the men at the other side of the earth walk with their heads downward* or finally the holy wiseacres who came very nearly burning 1alileo for his anti$scriptural blasphemy. Whether such pre.udiced ideas about F,agicG will be much dispelled even now is what we still doubt. hat ,agic flourished among the Chaldeans as it did with the 8gyptians" the 1reeks" the #ryans and every other people was always known. But what was never known" owing to pre.udice" was in what consisted that ,agic. 8ven now that a whole library upon the sub.ect is found by 2ayard and !mith on the ancient sites of Chaldea" unless they learn to read its contents by the light of other like works" our men of !cience will never understand its significance. >or they had the 3edas and the Zend$#vesta and the Book of the 7ead" and found in them but the dead letterP the spirit escaped them.

BBBBBB I What are the exorcisms of the 0oman Catholic priests but FmagicG and FincantationsGX !ee the new 0itual of 8xorcisms published in &?K@ in 0ome under the patronage of the Pope and compare. BBBBBB

Page CC' #nd yet" never had they a better chance. ransported to the British ,useum that . . . . . IIIII now the 6rientalists believe they know all about it" >ranois 2enormant gave these incantations even a nameP he called them the FChaldean 3edasG* but no more than his predecessors did he succeed to show as he thinks Fthe origin and importance of ,agic with the Chaldeans.G <!ee 2a ,agie che; les ChaldOens.=I Before we can prove it more elaborately" we have to go back to the very sources of ,agic* at least as far as the first glimpses of it appear in the hardly dispelling darkness of the past. 6bliged to keep within the narrow limits of a .ournal article" we must avoid every useless dis9uisition and hold as much as possible to facts. Hence we will briefly pass in review the several hypotheses that various 6rientalists and men of !cience have evolved out of their fancy from the very meagre material and data they have at their disposal. What they call ,agic is simply incantations to numberless cosmical powers personified under the form of good and bad spirits. 6f the religion of the Chaldees" #ssyrians and others they say what ,ax ,iller said already of the early #ryans and Herbert !pencer of the fetish$worshippers in general. # primitive and gross form of religion presenting various shades of fetishism. Watching over and in nature" fancy depicts as host of spirits which produce" guide and have control over every phenomenon in nature. )n the low moaning of the wind" in the rustle of the leaves" in the roaring of the waves and the storm" in all the geological" astronomical and meteorological changes" in short the untutored minds of these primitive savages saw" heard and felt a special genius" a !pirit presiding over and inhabiting its respective element" obscured" personified and deified.

BBBBBB I A6p. cit. preface. #lso on p. &&E 2enormant refers to his section on a F3Oda ChaldOenG in volume )) of his book 2es Premibres Civilisations" cited elsewhere.J BBBBBB

Page CDL he Primitive ,an Fgives names to all the powers of nature" and after he has called the fire F#gniG" the sunlight F)ndraG" the storms . . . . . IIIII . . . we have to learn that these men lived in the very dawn of civili;ation" that they were what we now call pagans" or worseBfetish$worshippers. he light of !cience" helped and preceded by the still brighter light of Christianity" chased such religious phantoms of polytheism and replaced them by exact knowledge andB ,onotheism.

0CHRISTI%NI/ING -P%G%N. IDE%S2 A>ragment in H.P.B.%s handwriting in the #dyar #rchives.BCompiler.J o whom then" are we indebted for the modern notions of !pirit communion" and !pirit returnX Whence have they developedX )t can be still less from Protestantism. >or if we mistake not" though the many Protestant sects differ on more than one point" nearly all agree in believing that the departed !oul whether that of a !aint or a !inner is already .udged and doomed before it separates from its body. Hence no need of prayers for it. )t will awake on the last day of +udgment when FChrist will .udge the 9uick and the dead"G to regain its body" together with its consciousness i.e. its conscious individuality* which will be either rewarded with eternal beatitude or be cast unto eternal damnation. #nd" as they recogni;e no intermediate purgatory like the 0oman Catholics" some of them seem to be very confused in their notions as to this particular 9uestion. With whomsoever we may have conversed upon this topic" whether a theologian or a layman" none ever could enlighten us upon the sub.ect.

Page CD& -o member of a Protestant Church could explain whether the !oul" during this period . . . . . between bodily death and 0esurrection 7ay was conscious or unconscious which precluded the possibility of an independent action such as is necessary to a !pirit desiring to preserve its earthly relations and communications with men. A he following lines were crossed out by H.P.B.J hus we have the 0oman Catholics and the 6riental Church alone" who after adopting these old pagan ideas" have Christiani;ed them" and believe in them with anything approaching logic. #nd as the former teaches a state of purgatory" and the latter" though re.ecting such a state" yet allows to every sinner and every blessed !oul a proportionate amount of either damnation or beatitude" before the hour of final reckoning or the 1reat 7ay of +udgment settles their account" it also accounts for the fact that" . . . . BBBBB

Page CD@

P%LIBOTHR% O" MEG%STHENES A>ragment in H.P.B.%s handwriting in the #dyar #rchives.BCompiler.J )t would re9uire more space than the sub.ect is worth" to show how every classical writer who mentions the FPalibothraG of ,egasthenes differs in some detail from another classic* and how all connect with the place the town far or near the confluence of the 1anges and 8rranoboas" though the latter is a non existing riverBif one has to .udge by the name. #nd while Pliny places FPalibothraG D@K 0oman miles below the .unction of the 1anges and the +umna" !trabo" following 8rastosthenes" gives its distance from the mouth of the 1anges at E"LLL stadia. #rrian moreover calls the FotherG river near 1anges 8rranoboas. #nd though both #rrian and Pliny make a clear distinction between the !ona and the mythical 8rranoboas" yet Prof. ,ax ,iller followed by ,r. Cunningham do not hesitate to identify both as !ona" the same river Fwhere the ancient Palibothra stood.G #s an unanswerable corroboration of the statement" and explanation given to an ob.ection raised by 7. Wilson" he holds that Fthough at present Patna is not situated near the confluence of the 1anges and the !ona . . . . this" however" has been explained by a change in the bed of the river !ona . . . established on the best geographical evidence.GI he FevidenceG of the geographers is no doubt unimpeachable* but this evidence does not establish either the year or even the approximate period when the !ona deserted its bed.

BBBBBBB I A!ee p. @KL of Sstr^%s ed. of ,ax ,iller%s History of #ncient !anskrit 2iterature.J BBBBBBB

Page CDC 6ur texts invalidate however the testimony of the 1reeks if by 8rranoboas the !ona is meant. 2eaving the 6xford Philologist and 1en. Cunningham who accepts and insists upon the identification to settle their differences" with the evidences to the contrary brought forward by opponents who show most weighty and evident reasons why the !ona cannot be the 8rranoboas <!ee #rcheological !urvey" 3ol. 3)))=" the attention of the learned !urveyors may be drawn to the followingP # more minute examination will show that the !ona has changed its course since the days of the ,ahSbhSrata where it is mentioned several times and since Buddha%s timeBtwice. #nd that neither of the periods of the two deviations could possibly furnish a corroborative evidence in favour of the statement of classical writers" is shown in our texts. We are not concerned with the epoch of the last deviation of that restless river" which may or may not have happened as stated in the !urvey shortly Fbefore the ,uhammedan invasionG* but with that time which would reconcile the 1reek statements with the actual direction of the flow of the !ona. #nd to our knowledge neither period will serve the purpose. >or" if the geographical evidence and the topographical inferences drawn from various allusions to this religio$historical stream in the ,ahSbhSrata" and the 0SmSyana and the travels of Hiouen$ hsang and >a$ hian" .ustify the conclusion that the !ona has once more wandered off its bed somewhere between the two centuries that preceded the ,uhammedan invasion of )ndia" our texts connect its first deviation positively with Buddha%s death. hus whether the !ona changed its bed in the Eth cent. FB.C.G or the ?th F#.7."G it was not at the time of ,egasthenes <Dth cent. before the Christian era= B Fwhere Palibothra stood.G #mong the many legends connected with the 2ord Buddha%s -irvana ,ahanada !ona <the great red river= is mentioned among the seven rivers which ran off in various directions Fto avoid witnessing the sorrow of the host of #rhats and Bikkhus <settled on the shores of various rivers= at the death of their 2ord.G

Page CDD hough a far more natural phenomenon than the parallel one alleged to have happened KLL years later" when Fthe veil of the temple was rent in twain . . . and the graves were opened* and many of the saints which slept arose and went into the holy cityG" etc.Bit is not even attempted to connect the deviation of the streams with the !age%s death in any miraculous direct way. But unless the actual fact of coincidence is accepted" then the compiler of legendary lore would have to be credited with prophetic prevision* for he says distinctly that the F,ahanada !ona turned away and flowed back 8astwardG* B a fact corroborating the repetition of the same phenomenon later since the !ona flows nowadays Westward. <8nd of the ,!.= A he sheet of this ,!. is @L inches longBthree smaller sheets glued together. 6n the back of it there are four lines in H.P.B.%s handwritingP . . . Fwas sunk in the Crd century together with the ship that carried it from ,agadha toward F1hangs$chhen$d;onga"G the fifth arriving at the nick of time reached its destination. !o did the sixth and the seventhBall the three of which are nowG . . . his text might have been used by H.P.B. in some other article.J

Page CDK

0ON DR. C%RPENTER %ND SCIENTI"IC PRE6UDICE2 A>ragment in H.P.B.%s handwriting in the #dyar #rchives.BCompiler.J here were those" who not content of forging out of his name a synonym of refined voluptuousnessBor rather" of the most animal sensualismBin more than one case got hold of his ideas and paraded them as their own" though in no one instance did they give him credit for it. he greatest opponent as well as the most fierce one we modern !piritualists had to encounter was 7r. W. B. Carpenter" C.B." ,.7." 2.2.7." >.0.!. here were from the beginning and still are" many men of !cience as uncompromisingly hostile to the new F8pidemicG as himself" but they have chosen the most prudent course" and unable to demonstrate what these phenomena are" they either shut their eyes to the most glaring facts orBdecline having anything to do with them. 5ntil !cience has something more definite to give us than mere generali;ations" this is certainly the wisest course to pursue. -ot so with 7r. Carpenter" and we propose to prove it. We all know it" for instance" that from #ristotle down to Herbert !pencer" no philosopher has ever pretended to have entirely fathomed the least important >orces of -ature. )n animal ,agnetism" as well as in those curious nervous diseases which seem to develop and intensify mental faculties ad infinitum" our physicists" physiologists and biologists are as completely at sea as they were in the palmy days of ,esmer%s ba9uet" or ,agendie.

Page CDE he recent case of ,iss ,ollie >aucher of -ew :ork" is a living proof of it* and her disease" one of those which !cience so early as the latter part of the preceding century regarded as the scandalum medicorum" is as little understood now as it would have been then. he only evident progress physiology and !cience in general have made since then" is" that about a hundred years ago" there were those among them who yet believed that these kind of diseases were produced by and under the control of the F8nemy of mankindGBwhich now none of them do. #nd yet" the celebrated #uthor of ,ental Physiology acts throughout as if kind nature had kindly placed the aggregate amount of all the >orces of -ature in his vest pocket and instituted him sole guardian thereof. rue he did not achieve much in the way of discovering any one of the mysteries of !pB" though he tried hard to make believe he did* except" insomuch as having discovered nothing himself" worth discovering" whether intentionally or not" it does not matter . . . AforJ 7id anyone ever fathom to its bottom any one of the forces of natureX #nd can even 7r. Carpenter who goes for !piritualism like 0ichard Cur de 2ion went for !aladin" by trying first his hand and sword on his nearest and dearest Colleagues" be able to help us any more Aby identifying purelyJ mental operationsBwill" for instance" or faith" or rather that Fthird faculty of man" coordinate with sense and reason" the faculty of perceiving the )nfiniteG so boldly put forward by ,ax ,iller B with a physiological" material agencyX 6r again" can any one of the other disciples of the half$forgotten +ames ,ill and his #nalysis of the Phenomena of Human ,indI force upon us the conviction that consciousness consists of but three elements" i.e." sensations" ideas" and train of ideasBwhich do" and must account for all the complex phenomena of the mind" such as .udgment" abstraction" memory" belief" ratiocination and the power of motivesX 6r have we to accept a priori that which physiologists" still more materialistic" tell us" namely" that mind" as a sub.ect has no existence whatever" but is simply a machine of gray matter evolving different states of consciousness" varying but in their degree of activityX

BBBBBBB I A2ondon" 2ongmans Q 1reen" &?(?.J BBBBBBB

Page CD( But before accepting any of these theories we should feel thankful to 7r. Carpenter to finally show us what prepossession and expectancy which are given by such leading parts in the melodrama of those who are not ignorant of the fact that the ancients for long ages" previous to the -eo$Platonic school or the Hermetic philosophies" discovered" that in order that the human 3oltaic battery should decompose and analyse the occult properties of nature" it re9uired in addition to the physical a second and spiritual brain. !uch a brain is either a gift of nature" in which case the person endowed with it is according to Cornelius #grippa Fa natural$born magician"G or" it is ac9uired by a long and painful self$development. >or though" the common property of all" it yet may remain in its latent state during the course of a whole human life. #t all events" science ought to accord to the inner man something higher than the possession of a mere machine of gray matter" evolving different states of consciousness" which vary but in their degrees of intensity.I

BBBBBBB I )f we have to believe ,r. +. ,ilnar >othergill" ,.7." +r." Physician to the West 2ondon Hospital" F houghtG is no more than Fthe product of the cells of the gray matter of the brainBthe result of a change of form in inorganic matter taken into the system as food" of which acids and other products of oxidation" or retrograde tissue$metamorphosis" are the waste.Gdd BBBBBBB

Page CD?

0ON SEP%R%TION O" N%TIONS5 GESTURE L%NGU%GE5 S%NS1RIT.2 A>ragment in H.P.B.%s handwriting in the #dyar #rchives.BCompiler.J he ,edes" /elts" !lavs" Hindus" Persians" 1reeks" 0omans" 1ermans make their appearance in your history as nations and peoples separate in language and history" each with its own far remote past" its distinct traditions and customs between @ and D"LLL years ago. hey are called #ryan and Caucasian races" all said to come from one and the same stock" the early 3edic #ryans of the 6xus and what not. #nd yet that separation of nations" since no more than between C and D"LLL years is allowed for the 3edas" though the Brahmans are known to have brought them with them to )ndia Asic.J. hus your history thanks to philology" ethnology makes of this separation of nations a real ower of Babel . . . plus language B as separate history" types" colours and customs for each. We sayBand we have positive historical proof to that effectBthat the so$called barbaric peoples Fthe physical and political representatives of the nascent #ryan race speaking a now extinct #ryan languageG that stood before this division of nations" had a higher civili;ation as a root race and its sub$races than has yet been found in the geological strata. #nd thus though it is granted that the farthest date to which documentary record extends is but the first" the earliest glimmer" the nearest visible point of your historic period beyond which stretches back an immense and indefinite series of prehistoric ages" yet no civili;ation" nothing but barbaric savage men preceded for a &LL"LLL years the C or D"LLL years of comparative Aword illegibleJ and the @ or C hundred years of actual civili;ation.

Page CD' -ay the very period when nascent human speech was preceded by gesture signs" is found preceding the !anskrit" the most perfect as the most grand of all human languages" but by a couple of thousand years or sod he process of induction is challenged by historical writers" lions followed by a herd of .ackels of the daily press. AHere follows a crossed out sentence.J hus geologists carry man%s first appearance into the period of post$glacial drift" in what is now called the Ruaternary period. #nd while the former period was undeniably between @KL and CLL"LLL years back yet the 8ncyclopaedists persist in saying that it indicates an anti9uity only ofBFat least of tens of thousands of years.G he idea is supremely absurd both from physical and ethnological as from psychological evolutionary standpoint. aking their own figures to imagine that the host of races during the last @K"LLL years should have been no better than animals" savage and uncivili;ed barbarians at best" and then from men of the Palaeolithic" old stone age" followed by those of the -eolithic or new stone age down to the races of the bron;e and early iron ages with which commences historical anti9uity in 8urope" to make a clear .ump to the old Babylonian and 8gyptian civili;ations" is rather a risked undertaking. Why not rather infer that since between the high civili;ations of 1reece and 0ome and the ,odern oneBhardly @LL years oldBthere was the black gap of the dark and ,iddle #ges" the miniature scale of one of the smaller cycles" so there may have been a similar gap between the older Babylonians and Chaldeans and such high civili;ation as traced by every Aword illegibleJ unbiased 6rientalist in 8gypt and Babylonia &L and &K"LLL years" and the preceding high civili;ations of sub$races now extinct. he @L centuries of 8uropean history are unable either to fix an age for the stone implements found in the hames or the >rench !omme. -ot only that the drift of glaciers and ground$ice" but also other geological changes AhaveJ to be taken into consideration before assigning an age even to the relics of the bron;e" and the artistic and polished Aword illegibleJ of the -eolithic age" let alone the drift implements of the older stone age.

Page CKL he modern reckoning of ages was never more vastly out of proportion to historical chronology than in the present case. !ixty feet deep in the borings made in the alluvium of the -ile 3alley where burnt bricks and pottery were found represent at least @K"LLL years" and when they dig in certain localities" &@L feet deep. )f only traces of various intermediate civili;ations of a lower order were hitherto found" it does not stand to reason that there were none of a higher order but only that ancient civili;ations being of another order and the anti9uity of monuments found being generally discarded and the relics of a more intellectual Aword FbeingG crossed out by H.P.B.J having failed to reach usBas the relics of your modern literature" arts and sciences will fail to reach the Eth race archaeologistsPBit is but natural to find" etc. 0elics of social and psychological culture can hardly be found in geological strata" in layers of soil. )n )taly" 1ermany and elsewhere remains of a long pre$0oman civili;ation have been found. he connection between inland seas and the 6cean has greatly changed" in many cases was entirely broken since the time of the Bron;e #ge. But so long as the ruined cities of 8gypt" like that of 0amses will have to wait for and depend upon their identification and chronology in the ,osaic books" no age can be assigned to them. he Brugsch$Beys are numerous and their authority too little 9uestioned and too much depended upon. #ll that which goes beyond the few pages of universal History now entirely in the hands of Western Christian nations becomes the mythical portion" all that is found recorded in the unauthenticated chronicles of a small tribe the origin of which your historians cannot prove" isBauthenticated history.

# facsimile of the article that follows

Page CK&

1%B%L% A ranscript of a ,!. in H.P.B.%s handwriting" in the #dyar #rchives. Bracketed 9ueries are to indicate that the word immediately before it is illegible in the ,!. and may not be so* some blank spaces with 9ueries in them indicate that the word or words are for the present entirely illegible.BCompiler.J he origin of the /abala has been placed by some authors later than Christianity Bbut it goes a great deal moreAXJ in anti9uity. he book of 7aniel lacks all traces of it. he idea of 8manation is" so to speak" the soul" the essential element of the /abala* it is as Zoroastrians" they took their ideas from Persia. #ccording to /abala and Zoroaster all that exists has emanated from the source of the )nfinite 2ight. his /ing of 2ight is all. He is the real cause of all existence* He is the infinite 8nsoph. He alone is He. here is in him no hou" but he cannot be known" he is Fa closed 8ye.G he universe is the revelation of the /ing of 2ight and only subsists in him. His 9ualities are manifested in it variously modified and in various degrees" it is therefore his holy splendour" a mantle wherewith he must be clad in silence. #ll is an emanation from his being" the nearer to him the purer" the farther the more impure. Before the creation the Primal 2ight filled all" so that there was no void at all* but when the !upreme Being" residing within this light" resolved to display his perfections in the worlds* he retired within himself and formed around him a void space. )nto this void he let fall his &st 8manation" a ray of 2ight which is the cause and principle of all existence uniting in itself the generative and conceptive force <hermaphrodite the reason why= being father and mother in the sublimest secrecy pervading" without which nothing can subsist.

Page CK@ >rom this double form" designated by the two first letters of the name of +ehovah" emanated the first formAXJ of 1od" the ikkun" the universal formAXJ and idea and the general container of all beings united with the )nfinite by means of the primal ray. He is the Creator" the Preserver" the prime animator of the world. He is the 2ight of 2ight possessing the three primitive forces of the divinity* the light" the spirit and the life. )nasmuch as he has received what he gives" this light and the life" he is considered as e9ually a generative and a conceptive principle" as the primitive man #dam /admon" and so man is called the world For ,icrocosm of the ,acrocosm.G #dam /admon has manifested himself in ten emanations" which are not indeed actual beings" but formsAXJ of life" vessels of almighty power" types of the creation. hey are the Crown" Wisdom" Prudence" ,agnificence" !everity" Beauty" 3ictory" 1lory" >oundation" 8mpire. o Wisdom they gave the name +ah" to Prudence +ehovah" to ,agnificence 8l* to severity" 8lohim* to 3ictory and 1lory" Zabaoth* to 8mpire #donai. hese are all the attributes of !upreme Being displayed in his works by which it is possible to know and to conceive Him. he /abalists give them other titles besides. he synonym of Crown is 6a" 2ight$Wisdom" -ous and 2ogos" 1nostic !ophia. !he takes also >ourAXJ X X X 8den anger according to passions which actuate her. Prudence is the river flowing out of Paradise the source of the oil of unction. ,agnificenceX !everityP bad and black fire* BeautyP colour green and yellow. Beauty%s emblem is illuminating mirror and its title HusbandAXJ of the Church. 3ictory is +ehovah Zabaoth" its symbol" right column <the pillar +ochin=* 1lory" left column <the pillar Boa;= called too the old serpent" also Cherubim and !eraphim" correspond with X ophis Aof hisXJ and later systems. >oundation and !everity are the tree of knowledge of good and evil" -oah" !olomon" ,essiah* all terms effecting AXJ X the eternal alliance subsisting between the !upreme Being and all that emanates from him.

Page CKC B He brought X into himself the souls that have lost their original purity. 8mpire is the consuming fire" the wife" the Church. he relations of the !ephiroth or #eons" to one another the Cabalists represent by a number of circles intersecting in a mysterious manner ad infinitum" or elseAXJ by the figure of a man or a tree formed out of such circles. his figure of man" !in #npin" consists of @ D C numbers" the numerical value. he #ssyrian armies were always accompanied by the ,agi carrying the >ire" the visible presence of the 7eity in which the idols of the con9uered nations were consumed Fsmoke or fire pillars preceded the #ssyrian armiesG says ,overs"I and in the 8xodus from 8gypt the 2ord went before the )sraelites Fa cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.G )dea of ancient Creator took up his abode in the !un. #s !un 1od his portion was 6siris. 8arth 1oddess X the moon. X X 1od of Heaven <Berith= and his goddess Berouth <)sis=" but in higher philosophical conception knows himself god" male and female. ,oses took up this idea and euhemeri;ing it put it in #dam and 8ve" Heaven and 8arth" #dam <#hot= and 8ve <Hoh= F hou says X the stages to the one 1reat /ing above all gods are passed through and no goddess remains to impart the aspect of ,odern X here is ther ,atres and ther 2ight <the !pirit= . X also taught sorcery <8noch Book X !ee 7euteron." <3. 3). @@$@E= Aprob. chapter 3 is meantdJ ,oses 8xodus" 44)3" &(. )t%s both fire philosophy and fire theology. ,oses sees 1od in the burning bush. he lower orders addicted to the #pis$ worship. ,oses was engaged in the fire worship on the ,ount. F he 2ord spoke to you in Horeb out of the midst of the midst of the fire.G 7eut." )3" &K. F7id ever people hear the voice of 1od speaking out of the midst of the fire" as thou hast heard" and liveXG 7eut." )3" CC.

BBBBBBB I A>ran; Carl ,overs" <&?LE$&?KE= 1erman 0oman Catholic divine" and 6rientalist.J BBBBBBB

Page CKD F he 2ord talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fireG <X= F he 2ord said unto ,oses" ake all the heads of the people" and hang them up before the 2ord #1#)-! H8 !5- <X=" that the fierce anger of the 2ord may be turned away from )srael.G -umbers" 443" D. he +ews at heart kept no images of gods andX embodied splendid symbols and conceptions and the Christians have idols without any meaning to them. )ao" #braxas" #donai Holy -ame Holy Powers" defend from every 8vil$!piritP F hou art my fatherB !un. B 1lory unto thee

0HERMETIC "IRE2 A>ragment in H.P.B.%s handwriting from the #dyar #rchives. B Compiler. J Paracelsus and others certainly did teach that F>ire was the last and only to be known 1odG* but" the subtle sense of their meaning generally escaped their critics. We need hardly say then that by FfireG they did not mean the material" visible fire" but that subtle invisible !pirit of the flame" the 9uintessence of all the attributes of fire which has" and ever will escape analysis and detection by Fchemical processesG* though it may be sometimes experienced by the superphysical light of the spiritually trained mind. o the modern student of experimental sciences" in whose eyes even 0eichenbach%s aura of F6dyle >orceG is a pure hallucination" and hence remains absent from the scientific nomenclature" the above words must appear void of all sense. But for the student of psychology who knows anything of the properties of animal magnetism andB,esmerism" the meaning will be clear.

Page CKK >or such a student is ac9uainted with the theory of the F!oul of hingsG* and for him" this Hermetic" 7ivine F>ireG is the 9uintessence of life" that !piritual and intangible !pirit which starts from" and is immediately reabsorbed into matter* the ultimate essence of every atom whether pertaining to animate or inanimate" organic or inorganic substance* the !pirit invisible to all but the eyes of another immortal !pirit . . . #nd here" perhaps" an illustration from the physical sciences will not be amiss. )t is a well known fact that as long as the real bearing of the mechanical theory of heat upon the phenomena of the F3oltaicG battery was imperfectly understood" the necessity for a two$celled battery for the developing of heat in the decomposition of water had not struck the physicists" and they could not produce with one cell that which they can now easily produce with two. ,ay not the same perchance be re9uired in biologyX #s the scientific man" according to their own confession stood perplexed" and unable for a long time to solve the enigma why a single cell should not decompose water" so the biologists and the psychologists <of exact science= stand helpless before certain phenomena of mind. hey are unable to perceive the true bearing of that Hermetic 7ivine F>ireG already adverted to" upon the phenomena of the human 3oltaic battery known as the brain* a FfireG which may sometimes be generated and developed on the same principle as one of its correlationsBheat <as in the case of artificial mesmeric development of clairvoyance=. #nd if increased to its utmost powers it can liberate the spirit from its fetters" and lifting high the bodiless over the earthy" allow man to see with his spiritual eyes that which he would never be able to perceive with the physical senses. HenceBthe phraseology of the Hermetic philosophers and #lexandrian theurgists seems naturally obscure and meaningless to the uninitiated.

Page CKE

0SC%TTERED "R%GMENTS2 )n other words he might say that an individual who was a nursing infant at noon" on a certain day" would at &@P@L P.,. on the same day be an adult" speaking wisdom instead of his parler enfantin* for we have traces of man in the glacial period" say @KL"LLL years ago* and" as Professor ,iller accords an anti9uity of barely three thousand years to the 3edic parler enfantin" a simple arithmetic calculation gives us the above comparative results . . . . BBBBB . . . more" than is contemplated for the present work. -or have we the ridiculous pretensionBhad we even the ability re9uired for it" which we have notBto introduce in some @"LLL pages a matter which would have to be narrowed in twenty times this number. #s stated in the )ntroductory we can offer but rapid glimpses behind the 3eil of that mysterious knowledge of the #ncients" that took countless generations of )nitiated !ages" and !eers to evolute" and put into a ma.estic !ystem. We shall" therefore" begin by showing what were the views upon the Cosmic 8volution and similar sub.ects of the )nitiates of the Kth 0ace of our Humanity" which appeared toward the very end of the F reta$:uga.G hat portion of the #rchaic period with which we are concerned" begins about that time and ends with the dawn of /ali$:uga Bthe present age of the world" according to the Brahmanical calculation. )t is not with modern !cience only" but also with exoteric Brahmanism or Hinduism that the !ecret . . . . . A8nd of the fragment.J he knowledge of the existence of soul AisJ impossible through the positive sciences. he religions as understood only assert but do not prove the existence of the soul. Because as we ordinarily understand religion" they are simply bare skeletons" the study in heosophy supplies us with the needed proofs.

Page CK( he basis of morality and virtue are weak so long as morality and the course of virtue is not shown to be the necessary means for soul development" spiritual immortality. BBBBB he Pharisees had adopted the 6rmu;d worship and detested images. hey had the #vesta notions against intermarriage and could have developed their type beyond the 8uphrates. #nd ,ax ,iller shows that Confucius regarded the popular gods" the spirits of the 8lements and the !pirits of the departed pretty much with the same feeling as -ewton did the 1recian mythological deities. F)f we are not able to serve them" how can we serve the spiritsXG he replied to a 9uestion how the spirits should be served. #nd his answer on one occasion would have but little pleased the Hindu !piritualists" as he says F0espect the gods <!pirits= and keep them at a distance.G BBBBB A>ragment in H.P.B.%s handwriting from the #dyar #rchives. )t is marked p. D.B Compiler.J -evertheless we may" in one sense" take it as a compliment. hey slander only those whom they envy or fear. 2est any of the fog that hangs over the public mind may have come from our own dullness in giving an account of our work" we make one final effort to present the facts so clearly that misrepresented AXJ . . . . . BBBBB

Page CK? A he following fragment is marked p. &L.J . . . Calls deathBour memory returns. ,ay this not be due simply to the fact that for a few seconds we linger on the threshold of that plane wherein there is neither past nor future" but all is one P08!8- X 8specially is memory strong in its early association* the explanation of it being very simpleP anything that has been part of our soulBand the child is all$soulBmust" as hackery observed somewhere" be of necessity eternal. BBBBB A>ragment is marked p. &'LPJ . . . #nd expressed it most beautifully" !ir William +ones who was" according to Hargrave +enning%s opinion Fdeeply imbued with 6riental mysticism and transcendental religious views"G speaking at length of the theosophic foundation of the Buddhistic ,aya <5niversal )llusion=" gives one of the most practical and truly$ felt descriptions of the conception of the Buddhists in these termsP A8nd of >ragmentsJ

Page CK'

0LETTER TO THE MOSCOW HER%LD2 2ondon" #ugust &D" &??(. A7ear 8ditor"J ) have no idea into whose hands this letter may fall or who will read it. But whoever he may be" he surely will be a 0ussian" and everyone who is truly 0ussian will understand that it has been written not merely for the sake of propriety" but under the weight of a sincere and heavy grief over the death that has shocked us all. >or four days ) have been in a da;e. >or seven years ) have written for the ,oscow Herald and the 0ussian ,essenger" and never had but kindness and gentle condescension for my ungrammatical 2etters from )ndia" and never will ) forget it. o me the Herald as well as the +ournal are indissolubly connected with the image of the deeply revered ,ichael -ikiforovich. hese" however" are my personal feelings which are of no interest to anyone else. How much importance even in my own estimation do they have in comparison to the loss which 0ussia has suffered in his deathd He is no 0ussian" and no patriot" who in these trying days does not recogni;e this death as an irreparable loss for our long$suffering fatherland* and that no other similar true sentinel of its national interests lives now" and possibly there will be none for a long time to come. hat is why those Berlin and #ustrian riff$raff re.oice and seethe with happinessBfor there is no one now who can crush their lying brains under his heel.

Page CEL What a misfortune seems to pursue 0ussiad !kobelev and ). !. #ksakovBall her most faithful servants are being taken from her* and now the greatest of patriots" the only publicist before whose name both 1ermany and 8ngland trembled" the defender of 0ussia" ,ichael -ikiforovich" suddenly diesd )s it a curseX )t is almost as if some dark forces were weaving an invisible network around the native land" and there is no one now to cut its meshes by a mighty and truthful word. >or anyone who" like myself" has long lost all hope ever to see my native land again" but who has not lost any of his warm love for itB9uite to the contraryBsuch a one will understand how all this love was for me mirrored by" and centered in" during the last two years" in the ,oscow Herald 8ditorials of the one who has passed away. ) devoured them" and in view of the dishonest and downright mean coalition of 8uropean publicists against 0ussia" the only hope lay in these 8ditorials. #nd now there is no one to uncover their intrigues" and to point out so unerringly their falsehoods" as only the late ,ichael -ikiforovich knew how to do. >orever shut is the watchful eye which safeguarded both the honor and the interests of 0ussia. 8ven the 8nglishmen are envious of 0ussia. ) enclose an excerpt from the staid and conservative !t. +ames 1a;ette" wherein the 8ditor defends the memory of the great patriot and wishes one like him for 8ngland. his is what the !t. +ames 1a;ette of #ugust C" &??(" has to sayP F!ome declarations about ,r. /atkoff which appeared in the 1erman and 8nglish press are very unfair . . . hey attack him for his .ingoism" <X= with which he tried to push away 1ermany on the West and 8ngland on the 8ast" 6f course /atkoff was a dangerous man" but only for those who seemed to be or really were the enemies of his >atherland. he 1ermans might not regret the death of a man who helped to 0ussify the Baltic provinces. he 8nglish might feel better for the disappearance from the scene of the man" one of whose latest plans was the rousing of rebellion against them of )ndia with the help of )reland%s revolutionaries and )ndians <!ikhs=. But what of itX

Page CE& We must admit that /atkoff was a true patriot" who put first" before everything else" the interests of his >atherland <as he understood them= and does not allow any comprises to other nations to interfere with them. We know that personally he was not against 8ngland" but when 8ngland and 0ussia were in a fight for supremacy" he had no hesitancy to defeat and humiliate 8ngland" i.e. he did what should be done by a 0ussian. # few more /atkoffs would be very useful to us.GI )n deep and sincere sorrow ) repeatBeverlasting and perpetual memory of the late ,ichael -ikiforovich /atkov" and may the Heavenly Powers send similar men to 0ussia in the future. Helena Blavatsky. <F0adda$BaiG=

BBBBBBB I AWe are indebted to ,elit;a :. Cowling for translation of the 0ussian 9uotation from the !t. +ames 1a;ette.BCompiler.J BBBBBBB

Page CE@

0ON MESMERISM %ND H#PNOTISM2 ABrief fragment ascribed to H.P.B. and published in #nnie Besant%s pamphlet on Hypnotism and ,esmerism" Centenary 8dition" &?D($&'D(. #dyarP heos. Publ. House" &'D?" EK pp.BCompiler.J ,esmerism and hypnotism differ completely in their method. )n hypnotism the nerve$ends of the sense$organs are first fatigued and then by continuance of the fatigue are temporarily paraly;ed* and the paralysis spreads inwards to the sense$ center in the brain" and a state of trance results. he fatigue is brought about by the use of some mechanical means" such as a revolving mirror" a disc" an electric light" etc. # fre9uent repetition of this fatigue predisposes the patient to fall readily into a state of trance" and permanently weakens the sense$organs and the brain. When the 8go has left his dwelling" and the brain is thus rendered passive" it is easy for another person to impress ideas of action upon it" and the ideas will then be carried out by the patient" after coming out of trance" as though they were his own. )n all such cases he is the mere passive agent of the hypnoti;er. he method of true mesmerism is entirely different. he mesmeri;er throws out his own #uric >luid . . . through the etheric double" on his patient* he may thus" in the case of sickness" regulari;e the irregular vibrations of the sufferer" or share with him his own life$force" thereby increasing his vitality. >or nerve$atrophy there is no agent so curative as this" and the shrivelling cell may clairvoyantly be seen to swell up under the flow of the life$current.

Page CEC he pranic current flows most readily from the tips of the fingers" and through the eyes* passes should be made along the nerves from center to circumference" with a sharp shake of the fingers away from the patient and the operator" at the end of the pass. he hands should be washed before and after the operation" and it should never be undertaken unless the mind is 9uiet and the health strong. he loss of vitality should be made good by standing in the sun" with as little clothing on as possible" breathing deeply and slowly" and retaining the breath between each inspiration and exhalation as long as is convenient" i.e." not long enough to cause any struggle or gasping. >ive minutes of this should restore the pranic balance.

Page CED

0BL%V%TS1# LODGE MINUTES2 A he following transcription is copied from a microfilm of pages from the Blavatsky 2odge ,inutes Book.BCompiler.J #t a meeting held at ,aycot" +une &E" &??(" a discussion arose as to the aura and magnetism of any individual. ,agnetism" it was stated" is an emanation which arises from all things" the earth" animal and vegetable life* it is a physiological thing and arises from prana* which is the individual life principle. he aura is an individuali;ation of a 5niversal 2ife Principle <+iva= and endures with a man in spite of his periodical changes of state and planes. he aura is the origin of the feeling of sympathy and antipathy* it is a magnetic emanation of prana but in combination with manas and buddhi. )n this connection it may be noted that memory is the effect of buddhi upon manas. he process of Fpsychologi;ingG is performed by will$power and is effected by and affects the aura. # discussion arose as to the distinction between will and desire. 7esire has to do with a man%s success but less than will or karma. 6utside the animal kingdom desire ought only to have concern with one of the higher principles. 7esire is a /amic principle" it is yphonic" a disturbing power and is opposed to will" which latter is an emanation from the seventh and sixth principles. 7esire is an energy which ought to be repressed* when repressed the energy is scattered and goes to the universal energy but is not lost. )t is got rid of by the man himself when repressed" but if given effect hangs round his neck like a mill$stone in the form of /arma. #fter death a man exists in /ama$loka encased in the /ama$rupa or bundle of desires which restrains the higher principles from passing entirely into 7evachan.

Page CEK 6n his return thence man finds the /arma of unrepressed 7esire waiting for him at the threshold. Hence the real punishment of /arma arises from the presence of desires which have to be repressed. his is done by the effort of will* which is not infinite and has a beginning and an end. But will is the manifestation of an eternal law which is appreciable only in its effects and in this place it was said that absolute will is not the same as /osmic Will. hus ,an as the microcosmos is gifted with freewill* but is limited by the action of other free wills under the law of universal harmony which is /arma. he real function of willpower is to produce harmony between the law and man. hus the ,ahatma being without desire is outside of the sphere of action of /arma* His real condition is in harmony with nature and is /arma and its agent and hence is outside its action. His physical body is however still within its limits of action. hus the direction of will should be towards reali;ing one%s aspirations which are Buddhic" when the intellectual fifth principle is nearly merged in buddhi the sixth. hese aspirations may be called Fglimpses into the eternal.G he lower consciousness mirrors aspirations unconsciously to itself and then itself aspires and is elevated if things are in accord. !uch an aspiration would be a tendency towards heosophy* this instinct if developed becomes a conscious aspiration. # distinction was drawn between obstinancy" firmness and will. 6bstinacy results from an obscuration of the reason and may be compared to the two halves of the brain acting in opposition when the work is obstructed. >irmness may be said to result from e9uilibration of these two. 5pon this firmness will is based and starts from this e9uilibration to work. BBBBBB

Page CEE AWhile the following fragment from the Blavatsky 2odge ,inutes Book concerns a meeting on +une @" &??(" it was entered on +une @Crd" &??(.BCompiler.J #t a meeting of the Blavatsky 2odge held at ,aycot on hursday" +une @" &??(" the following 9uestion was propounded through the President. !ome members of a 1roup would be glad to know whether by any occult means it would be possible to ameliorate the mental condition of someone who had been insane for eleven years. he supposed cause of the insanity being a shock received when in the somnambulistic state. -o personal communication would be possible between the members of the group and that person. !hould the mental condition be immutable" could the soul be aided to advance spirituallyX ,adame Blavatsky replied that a person awakened suddenly from a somnambulistic trance and becoming afterwards insane" could only be recovered with enormous difficulty. hat it was .ust possible that" by watching for a similar state and repeating the shock" a reversal of the current might take place. hat dependent on the age of the person and the /armic result" reincarnation might have already taken place and in that case no amelioration could be effected. hat the body might merely retain its vitality linked to the soul in 7evachan that a person so restored was probably not the same person. he following answer was finally sentP F)t is considered that the higher principles have left the patient and that there are no means of effecting any amelioration. he long period of uninterrupted insanity seems to suggest that the body has really been deserted.G he meeting then ad.ourned. #pproved" 1. /. >inch. @Crd +une" &??(.

Page CE'

GENER%L BIBLIOGR%PH# <W) H !2828C 87 B)B2)610#PH)C#2 -6 8!= he material contained in the following pages is of necessity a selective one" and is intended to serve three purposesP <a= to give condensed information" not otherwise readily available" about the life and writings of some individuals mentioned by H.P.B. in the text" and who are practically unknown to the present$day student* <b= to give similar data about a few well$known scholars who are discussed at length by H.P.B." and whose writings she constantly 9uotes* and <c= to give full information regarding all works and periodicals 9uoted or referred to in the main text and in the Compiler%s -otes" with or without biographical data about their authors. #ll such works are marked with an asterisk < I= )n addition to that" rather extensive biographical sketches have been included" in connection with a number of outstanding workers in the early period of the heosophical ,ovement" which should be helpful in ac9uiring a better knowledge concerning the history of the ,ovement as a whole.

Page C(& #8#C5! <1reek ,yth.= # lesser god renowned for .ustice and piety. He was a son of Zeus and #egina" a daughter of the river #sopus. #s king of #egina" he ruled the ,yrmidons who were created out of ants by Zeus. When. drought desolated 1reece" his intercession obtained rain from Zeus. #228-" 10#- " <pseud.= Charles 1rant Blairfinde. <&?D?$&?''=. 3ide" BCW 3ol. 4" p. D&&" for biographical sketch. #,N2)-8#5" ,. 8. <&?KL$&'&K= F8ssai sur le gnosticisme Ogyptien" ses dOveloppements et son 6rigine Ogyptienne"G in #nnales du ,usOe 1uimet" 3ol. 4)3" Paris" &??(. !ee part C" pp. &EE.C@@ on the system of 3alentinus" and on the Pistis !ophia. B-otice sur le Papyrus gnosti9ue Bruce" exte et raduction" in -otices et 8xtraits des ,anuscripts de la Bibliothe9ue -ationale et #utres BibliothO9ue" xxix" pt. &" pp. EK$CLK. Paris" &?'&. B2es raits gnosti9ues d%6xford* Ntude criti9ue* in 0evue de l%Histoire des 0eligions" xxi" -o. @" pp. &(?$@EL" Paris" &?'L. BPistis !ophia" 6uvrage gnosti9ue de 3alentin" traduit du copte en" francias avec une )ntroduction. xxxii" @LD pp." Paris" &?'K. #mOlineau seeks to find the origin of P.!. in 8gypt" and ascribes 3alentinus as its author and thinks the ,!. was copied in the 'th or &Lth century" an opinion not shared by others. #,,)#-5! <b. C@K$or CCL at #ntioch" d. C'KX= # 0oman historian of 1reek ancestry and noble birth. !erved under 5rsicinus" governor of -isibis" traveled twice to the 8ast" and narrowly escaped death at #mid <7iarbekr=. He accompanied the 8mperor +ulian in his campaigns against the Persians. 2ater he settled at 0ome" and at an advanced age wrote the history of the 0oman empire during the years 'E #.7. to C(? #.7." which constituted an ad.unct to the Histories o. acitus. 6f his 0erum 1estarum 2ibri xxxi" in C& books" only &? survive" covering the years CKC through C(? #.7. His writings are considered very reliable by scholars. Philosophically #mmianus exhibited a tendency towards -eoplatonism" and showed open mindedness" and unpre.udiced competence. he earliest edition of the 0erum 1estarum 2ibri is that of !abinus" &D(D* with notes by Wagner$8rturdt" &?L?* by 1ardhausen" &?(D$(K* 8nglish translation by P. Holland" 2ondon" &EL'* and by Charles 7uke :ounge" <Bohn%s Classical 2ibrary= 2ondon" &?E@.

Page C(@ #-#4#160#!. 1reek philosopher" b. circa KLL B.C. at Cla;omenae. He disposed of all his property as a hindrance to his search for knowledge. He studied under #naximenes of ,iletus" and later settled at #thens. His disciples were !ocrates" 8uripedes" #rchelaus" and others of repute. #s an #stronomer" he was the first to openly explain the planetary movements" eclipses" etc. His theory of Chaos . . . Fnothing comes from nothingG" and Fatoms as the essence of allG . . . originating from universal intelligence or -ous" foreshadowed much of present day philosophy. He stated that stars were of the same material as the earth" that the sun was a glowing mass" and the moon was a dark uninhabitable body which reflected the sun. F he real existence of things perceived by the senses" can never be proved.G He died at age (@ at 2ampsacus. #n edition of his collected fragments has been published by 8. !chauhach" 2eipsig" &?@(* by W. !chorn" Bonn" &?@'. #0CH: 5! <ca. D@?.CD( B.C.=. 1reek philosopher" mathematician and statesman of arentum who belonged to the Pythagorean school and was an intimate friend of Plato. 8lected seven times commander of the army. radition says he was drowned on a voyage across the #driatic" and was buried at ,atinum in #pulia. He is described as the eighth leader of the Pythagorean school" and as a pupil of Philolaus. >ragments of his ethical and metaphysical writings are 9uoted by !tobaeus" !implicius and others. He is said to have solved the problem of the doubling of the cube" to have invented the methods of analytical geometry" to have been the first to apply the principles of mathematics to mechanics" and to have constructed various machines" such as the wooden flying dove. he study of acoustics and music were also advanced by his investigations. #01:22" 186018 +6H- 76512#! C#,PB822" 8)1H H 75/8 6> <&?@C$&'LL=. !cottish politician and writer prominent on the 2iberal side of Parliamentary politics. 8lo9uent speaker in the House of 2ords and postmaster$ general" &?KK. !ecretary of !tate for )ndia under 1ladstone" &?E?. )n spite of later political disagreement" his personal relations with 1ladstone" based on common intellectual interests" remained unchanged. His chief preoccupation was the reconciliation of the dogma of Christianity with advancing scientific progress. #mong his works which had a considerable influence on 3ictorian thought may be mentionedP I he 0eign of 2aw" &?EE* Prime3al ,an" &?E'* he 5nity of -ature" &??D.

Page C(C #0-#27 78 3)22# -63# <ca. &@CK$&C&C=. #lso known as #rnaldus 3illanovanus and #rnaud de 3illeneuve. #lchemist" astrologer and physician" most likely of !panish origin* profound student of chemistry" medicine" physics and #rabian philosophy. #fter baying lived at the court of #ragon" he went to Paris" where he gained considerable reputation" but incurred the enmity of the clergy and was forced to flee" finally finding an asylum in !icily. )n &C&C" be was summoned to #vignon by Pope Clement 3 who was ill" but died on the voyage. # number of alehemical writings are ascribed to him" such as -ovum 2umen" >los >lorum" !peculum #lchimiae and 0osarius philosophorurn. Collected editions of them were published at 2yon in &KLD and &KC@ <with a biography of !ymphorianus Campegus=" at Basel in &K?K" at >rankfort in &ELC" and at 2yon in &E?E. # medical work" the Breviarum Practicae is also ascribed to him. Consult 8. 2alande" #rnaud de 3illeneuve" sa vie et ses oeuvres" &?'E. #!/8W" 70. #- H6-: <&(@@$&((D=. Classical scholar" educated at Cambridge. !tudied medicine at 2eyden one year" remained three more abroad traveling and buying books before commencing practice at Cambridge in &(KL. Had accumulated many valuable ,!!. and books numbering over (LLL which were eagerly bought on his passing. ,!. -o. K&&D"I Piste !ophia Coptice was purchased by the British ,useum in &(?K. C. 1. Woide <&(@K.&('L= librarian at the ,useum" began serious studies on the ,!. B#27W)-" +6H- 78-)!6- <&?L'$&??C=. Pre$Historic -ations" or in9uiries concerning some of the great peoples and civili;ations of anti9uity" and their probable relation to a still older civili;ation of the 8thiopians or Cushites of #rabia. 2ondon" &?E'. B#0 HN28,: !#)- $H)2#)08" +528!. >rench philosopher and statesman. Born in Paris #ugust &'" &?LK and died -ovember @D" &?'K. +ournalist in his early years" he opposed the reactionary policy of the /ing in 2e 1lobe. #fter the revolution of &?CL" he contributed to various >rench .ournals" but in &?CC turned to ancient philosophy and produced a translation of #ristotle which occupied him between &?C( and &?'@. He held the chair of ancient philosophy at the college de >rance from &?C? on" and became a member of the #cademy of ,oral and Political !cience" &?C'. #ppointed senator for life in &?(K" he was minister of foreign affairs in the cabinet of +ules >erry. He combined political interests with a great deal of scholarly research and writing. )n addition to his monumental work on #ristotle <CK volumes=" he wroteP 7es 3Odas <&?KD=* 2e Bouddha et sa 0eligion <&?EL=* 7u Bouddhisme <&?KK=* ,ahomet et le Coran <&?EK=.

Page C(D B#:28" P)8008. >rench critic" and embattled Protestant philosopher. Born -ovember &?" &ED( at Carlat" son of +ean Pastor" and +ennes de Brugnieres. He was educated at the universities of Puylaurens and oulouse" briefly tried Catholicism. #t 1eneva" theology courses developed discussion and thus his penchant toward scepticism. He was preceptor in several homes in Paris" before becoming Professor of Philosophy at !edan" remaining till 6ctober &E?&" then filling the same post at 0otterdam until &E'C. While at !edan" he had started his letter on the comet of &E?L" which was published anonymously in &E?@" also <anonymously= his criticism of ,aimbourg%s Calvinism" which author had been burned by the in9uisition. Bayle%s notoriety became considerable. )n &E?D" he published a few curious pieces on ,. 7escartes% philosophy" and founded the periodical -ews of the 0epublic of 2etters. 7eprived of his post in &E'C" he labored &D hours a day for D years on his magnum opus" 7ictionnaire Criti9ue et Histori9ue" which first appeared in two folio volumes" &E'K$'E" and was promptly banned in >rance. # new edition appeared in Holland twice the original si;e" with the author promising to modify certain ideas" but little changes were made" and it was placed on the Pope%s )ndex. 8ditions of &(L@" &(&C" &(@L" and &(CL appeared with Bayle%s supplements. #n early 8nglish edition was the &L volume folio of &(CK$D&" with the last volume as an )ndex. his work was the forerunner of all biographical dictionaries" and is uni9ue in that the author gave free reign to his opinions throughout. )n personal habits Bayle was remarkable for his simplicity" and in character irreproachable. He died 7ecember @C" &(LE. B)0CH" !#,582 <b. -ovember C" &?&CBd. 7ecember @(" &??K=. 8nglish 8gyptologist and anti9uary" son of the rector of !t. ,ary Woolnoth" 2ondon. !howed interest in obscure sub.ects at an early age. Briefly at record office" appointed to anti9uities dept. British ,useum &?CE on account of Chinese proficiency. 2ater head of 8gyptian and #ssyrian sections" being for many years the museum ! sole 8gyptian scholar. He compiled an hieroglyphic grammar and dictionary" histories" studies" and translations numbering over DL publications* in these sub.ects" the most popular being his translation of he Harris Papyrus of 0ameses ))) 8ra. )n addition" he wrote on the philology of Chinese and Cypriote. # biography of him was written by Walter 7e 1ray Birch" <b. &?D@$d. &'XX= which includes a comprehensive bibliography" published at 2ondon" &??E.

Page C(K IB66/ 6> H8 W)!76, 6> !626,6-. 6ne of the so$called #pocrypha of the 6ld estament. #n essay on Wisdom as divine agent in the creation and government of the world. 8manated most likely from intellectual circles of the +ewish 7iaspora in #lexandria" and is not earlier than about &KL B.C. )t exhibits Platonic and Pythagorean tendencies. )ncluded in 0. H. Charles% #pocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the 6ld estament" 6xford" &'EC$ED" 3ol. ). !ee alsoP he +ewish 8ncyclopaedia" 3ol. ))" p. D.DE ft. for extensive review of works and commentariesP <>unk Q Wagnall" 2ondon and -.:.C." &?'L.= B6528:" H8-0)$,#0)8. 3eterinarian" born in Paris" ,ay &(" &?&D. He entered #lfort school 6ctober &?C@" became Chief of the school%s clinic" &?C(" #ssistant Prof. of Pathology" &?C'" and assumed the school%s leadership" in &?DK" thereafter becoming inspector 1eneral of 3eterinary schools from &?ED onward. He administered several missions to investigate bovine pests in 8ngland and elsewhere &?EK.&?E(" and was elected to the #cademy of !ciences in &?E?* replaced Claude Bernard in the Chair of Comparative Pathology of the ,useum" &?('. He also was instrumental in obtaining legislation towards strict sanitary regulations in >rance. He wrote an almost infinite number of papers on every aspect of animal health and disease" and was the author ofP 2econs de pat hologie cornparOe" <au ,usOum= Paris" &??@$&??C* @ 3ols. son raitOe de l%organisation du pied du cheval" Paris" @ 3ols." &?K&. He also collaborated on several dictionaries" periodicals" and treatises. He died -ovember CLth" &??K. B05C8" +#,8! <&(CL$&('D=. !cottish explorer of #frica" born at /innard House" !terlingshire" 7ecember &Dth. 8ducated at Harrow and 8dinburgh 5niversities" his wife dying in &(KD after nine months of marriage. Curiosity about oriental ,!!. studied at the 8scurial in !pain" determined his future #rabic studies. )n &(EC he was Council at #lgiers commissioned to study anti9uities in the area. )n &(EK while .ourneying to various sites" he was shipwrecked" swam ashore" and continued to explore in the ,iddle 8ast making careful drawings as he went. 7uring this period" he gained enough knowledge of medicine to pass as a physician in these countries. )n &(E? he began the 9uest for the source of the -ile" and reached #byssinia in &((L" where he was well accepted" a rarity for foreigners. )t was during this period of over two years when on good terms with negus ekla Haimanot ))" 0as ,icheal the ruler of #byssinia" and his wife 6;oro 8sther" and the people of the country in general" that Bruce obtained many valuable manuscripts" including the Book of 8noch" portions of the Pistis !ophia" and others of ma.or import" now deposited at the Bodleian 2ibrary. #fter difficult travels" he reached Cairo in &((C and 2ondon in &((D" where his accounts of his explorations were received with incredulity. His ma.or work isP B ravels to discover the !ource of the -ile" 2ondon" &?LK" K 3ols." again &?&C" <? 3ols." with a biography by #lexander ,urray" pub. at 8dinburgh= " He died @(th" #pril" &('D.

Page C(E B051!CH$B8:" H8)-0)CH /#02 <&?@(.&?'D=. 3ide" BCW 3ol. 4)" p. KE?. B5-!8-" CH0)! )#- CH#028! +6!)#H" B#06- von. 8gypt%s place in 5niversal History" tr. by C. H. Cottrell from 1erman" with additions by !amuel Birch" K 3ols. 2ondon" &?D?$&?E(. 3ide" BCW 3ol. 4" p. D&K. C#,B0:" +#CR58! 78 <&(D'$&?L(=. FPolygrapheG" or a writer on many sub.ects" H.P.B. refers to his ,onurnens Celti9ues" ou recherches sur le culte des Pierres" Paris" &?LK. C#0P8- 80" W)22)#, B8-+#,)-. -aturalist. He was the eldest son of 7r. 2ant Carpenter. He was born at 8xeter on @' 6ctober" &?&C. His father removed to Bristol in &?&(. :oung Carpenter received his early education there in his father%s notable school" and ac9uired both exact classical and scientific knowledge. He passed some time in the West )ndies as companion to ,r. 8stlin. #fter preliminary work at Bristol ,edical !chool" Carpenter entered 5niversity College" 2ondon in &?CC" as a medical student. #fter obtaining the !urgeons% and #pothecaries% diplomas in &?CK he went to the 8dinburgh ,edical !chool and commenced researches on physiology. He wrote papers which showed a marked tendency to seek large generali;ations and to bring all the natural sciences to the elucidation of vital functions. His Principles of 1eneral and Comparative Physiology" published in &?C' was the first 8nglish book which contained ade9uate conceptions of a science of biology. He found the anxieties of general medical practice too great for his keen susceptibilities" and undertook further literary work" including a useful and comprehensive Popular Cyclopedia of !cience" &?DC. )n &?DD" be moved to 2ondon. )n &?KE" on appointment as registrar of the 5niversity of 2ondon till his resignation in &?('" when he received the distinction of a C.B." he was appointed a crown member of the senate on the next vacancy and continued an active member till his death" which occurred on &' -ovember" &??K. )n &?E@ the 0ay !ociety published his )ntroduction to the !tudy of the >oraminifera. !ome of Carpenter%s most important ;oological contributions related to the 9uestions of the animal nature of 8o;oon Canadense as found in masses in the 2aurentian rocks of Canada. He contributed numerous papers on this sub.ect to the 0oyal !ociety" the Canadian" -aturalist <ii. &?EK=" the )ntellectual 6bserver <viii" &?EK=" Philosophical ,aga;ine <&?EK=" 1eological !ociety%s Ruarterly +ournal" Qc. >or some years before his death he had been collecting materials for a monograph on >o;oon" which he did not complete. #nother favorite sub.ect of his research was the structure" embryology" and past history of the feather$stars and crinoids in which he demonstrated important facts of structure and physiology" which were long controverted. His chief paper was F6n the !tructure" Physiology" and 7evelopment of #ntedon rosaceusG <Philosophical ransactions" &?EE" pp. E(&.(KE=. #mong his services to ;oology" and in a lesser degree to botany" may be reckoned his work on he ,icroscope and its 0evelations" &?KE" which reached a sixth edition in &??&.

Page C(( His ;oological and botanical and other contributions to the Cyclopedia of !cience were afterwards published in separate volumes in Bohn"%s W!cientific 2ibrary%. he Comparative Physiology of his early Physiology was published separately as an enlarged fourth edition in &?KD. )n addition to his principal book" Carpenter%s contributions to physiology were chiefly to the mental and physical aspects of the science. His early papers were followed by othersP F6n the ,utual 0elations of the 3ital and Physical >orce to PhysiologyG <Ruarterly +ournal of !cience i. &?ED=. His view on the relation of mind and brain were acute and in advance of his time. Carpenter%s deep$sea explorations led him into an extensive field of marine physics. He developed the doctrine of a general oceanic circulation due largely to heat" cold" and evaporation" which had been previously little suspected. Carpenter%s incessant industry enabled him to take part in many public movements with effect. )n &?D'" he gained a pri;e for an essay 6n the 5se and #buse of W#lcoholic 2i9uors% <&?KL=" and he wrote further 6n the Physiology of emperance and otal #bstinence <&?KC=. He regarded miracles not as violations of natural order" but as manifestations of a higher order. His acceptance of 7arwin%s views of evolution was somewhat limited and reserved. He believed that natural selection leaves untouched the evidence of design in creation. )n philosophy he especially clung to the reality of an independent will beyond automatism.

Page C(? C#!!)#-5!" +6#--8! >08,) #" <or +oannes ,assiliensis=. Born Circa CEL" probably in Provence. #t ,onastery in Bethlehem during early life with 1ermanus with whom he visited 8gypt and dwelt among ascetics for many years. 7eaconi;ed at Constantinople in DLC by +ohn Chrysostom" founded a convent and abbey at ,arseilles after D&L. Celebrated there on +uly @Kth annually. Writings show orthodoxy and simple directness. #t the re9uest of Castor" Bishop of #pt" he wrote 7e )nstitutione Coenbiorurn on the monastic life. His Collationes Patrurn is a series of 7ialogs with 8gyptian holy men on the avoidance of wrong action and demons. !eeP 6pera 6mnia Corn Cornrnentariis" )n" Patrologie 2atina" series 2atina" 3ol. D'" KL. Paris" &?DE. C2#0/8" H:78 <&?&K$&?'K=. Contributor to 2ong%s 1eography of 8ng. gland and Wales <statistical information=. Born 2ondon &?&K" employed in diplomatic affairs" and was engaged in the !panish and Portuguese wars of succession. 8ngineer for the improvement of ,orecambe Bay" &?CE. 0eported on the telegraph system of )ndia &?D'" and was honorary agent for 7ar.eeling" and cotton councillor in urkey. He was active in settlements and railway plans for )ndia" and in &?E? founded the Council of >oreign Bondholders. His interests being wide" he was active in the #nthropological )nstitute" and other learned societies" and was vice president of the 0oyal Historical !ociety. His authorship of @L works includesP B# 1rammar of the 8nglish ongue" 2ondon" &?KC. B-ew 7ictionary of the 8nglish 2anguage" 2ondon" &?KC" again WED" etc. B# !hort Handbook of the Comparative Philology of &K ongues" 2ondon" &?K?. B,emoire on the Comparative 1rammar of 8gyptian" Coptic" Q 5de" 2ondon" &?(C. B!erpent and !iva Worship and ,ythology in Central #merica" #frica" and #sia" 2ondon" &?(E. B#tlantis" 2ondon" &??K. B he Picts" 2ondon" &??E. C6,P 8" )!#7608 #515! 8 ,#0)8 >0#-C6)! 4#3)80 <&('?$&?K(=. Catechism positiviste" etc." etc. Paris" &?K@" translated by 0ichard Congreve as" Catechism of Positive 0eligion" 2ondon" &?K?" Crd ed." &?'&. C6-W#:" ,6-C508 7#-)82 <&?C@$&'L(=. he !acred #nthology. # book of ethnical <ethnic= scriptures. Collected and edited by ,.7.C. 2ondon" &?(D. @E other titles by this author.

Page C(' C085Z80" 18601 >0)870)CH. 1erman philologist and archaeologist. Born at ,arburg" ,arch &L" &((&* died at Heidelberg" >ebruary &E" &?K?. Prof. of Philology and #ncient History at Heidelberg for nearly DK years. His first and most famous work was his !ymbolik aud ,ythologie der alten 3lker" besonders der 1riechen <&?&L$&?&@=" in which he maintained that Homer and Hesiod drew upon 8astern sources for their mythology" which was an ancient revelation that had come down through the Pelasgians. +. 7. 1uignaut%s 0eligions de l%anti9uite <Paris" &?@K$ C'" in &L 3ols.= is an annotated and expanded translation of Creu;er%s !ymbolik. C5--)-1H#," #284#-780 <&?&D$&?'C=. 7irector" #rcheological !urvey of )ndia" 0eports. &@ 3ols." !imla aud Calcutta" &?(&$?L* 3ide" BCW 3" p. C(@. 7#0,8! 8 80" +#,8! <&?D'.&?'D=. !ee BCW 3ol. )3" p. ED&. 782B685>" +6!8> 08,: 286P627 <&?C&$&?'E=. F2ogi9ue algorithmigue" 8ssai sur un !ystbm de sigues appli9uO q la logi9ue" avec une )ntroduction ou sant traitOes les 9uestions gOnOrales relatives q l%emploi des notations dans les sciencesG. <0evue Philosophi9ue= 2iOge" Coulommiers" &?((. Ruestiones de philosophie et de science" etc." etc." <0evue Philosophi9ue= Paris" 2iOge" &??C. he latter article is the one referred to by H.P.B. in FBabel of ,odern houghtG Acf. p. ?C ff. in this vol.J. 7elboeuf%s writings begin in &?K?" and concern themselves with the same general themes. 78 P#2," +6!8PH H8-0: 265)!" B#06- <&?L'$&?(E=. #ustrian nobleman. he sub.ect of the first legal cremation in #merica" 7ecember" &?(E. 6ver (LLL .ournals carried articles commenting upon the unprecedented event. !eeP he heosophist" 3ol. )" p. &?(" #pril" &??L. A he percentage of those re9uesting this method of interment as of &'?L is over half in the 5nited !tatesJ. 78 W)-7 " H#00:. # 0ide to )ndia across Persia and Baluchistan . . . With )llustrations etc." CDL pp. 2ondon" Chapman Q Hall" &?'&. 7)706-" #762PH8 -#P6286-. #rcheologist" born at Hautvillers <,arne= ,arch &C" &?LE. 8ducated at the seminaries of ,eaux aud 0eims" and then in law and medicine at Paris. >ollowing a trip to -ormandy with 3ictor Hugo in &?CL" he turned to archeology. )n &?CK he was named secretary of the committee of arts and monuments formed by 1ui;ot.

Page C?L )n &?DD he founded #nnales archeologi9ues which he directed until &?E(. #t Paris in &?D' he began the manufacture of stained glass windows" used in churches throughout >rance* later a bron;e foundry as well. He was the author of several works dealing with these sub.ects" aud left considerable treatises on archeology which at the time of his passing were unpublished. #rcheology in 8ngland" &?K(* Paganism in Christian #rt" &?KC* )conography of the 6pera" &?ED. He died -ovember &C" &?E(. 76-75/63$/60!#/63" P0)-C8 #284#-780 ,)H#:263)CH <&?@L$ &?'C=. 3ide" BCW 3ol. 3)" p. DC@. 7)22,#-" CH0)! )#- >0)870)CH #515! <&?@C$&?'D=. 1erman 6rientalist aud biblical scholar" born at ibingen" #pril @Dth. >or a short time was pastor at 1ersheim" then devoted himself to the study of 8thiopic ,!!. in the libraries of Paris" 2ondon" and 6xford" causing a revival of 8thiopic study in the &'th century. )n &?D( and &?D? prepared catalogs for the British ,useum" and Bodleian 2ibrary. #ppointed Professor 8xtraordinarius at ibingen" &?KC" Professor of Philosophy at /iel" &?KD" of heology at 1iessen" &?ED" and at Berlin in &?E'. )n &?K& he published a translation of the Book of 8noch" and completed a translation of the 8thiopic bible <6ctateuchus #ethiopicus= &?KC$KK. here followed a long series of theological studies based upon these early manuscripts" the last appearing in &?'K" shortly following his death on the Dth of +uly" &?'D. 70#P80" +6H- W)22)#, <&?&&.&??@=. History of the Conflict of 0eligion and !cience. -ew :ork" #ppleton Co." &?(D" xxii" C(C pp.* Crd ed." &?(K" etc. 3ide" BCW 3ol. )))" p. KL@* 3ol. 3)" p. DC@. 752#50)80" +8#- P#52 265)! >0#-6)! N75#078 28518. Histoire" 7ogmes" traditions et liturgie de Nglise armenienne orientale" @nd edition revised and corrected" Paris" &?K(. 0echerches sur la chronologie armOnienue techni9ue et histori9ue* ouvrage format les prolegomOnes de la BibliothO9ue histori9ue armeniOnne* Chronolgie techni9ue" Paris" &?K'. !ee also his article in 2e ,oniteur" !eptember @(" &?C?* and" +ournal #siati9ue Dth series" volume &&" +une" pp. KCD$D?" W-otice sur le ,anuscript coptethObain" institutO 2a >idele !agesse* et sur )a Publication pro.etOe du exte et de la raduction francaise de ce ,anuscript.% 6n p. KD@ 7ulaurier states that he had completed his translation of the Pistis !ophia. However" it was never printed.

+6H- W. /882: &?C($&?'? +.W. /eely in his study. 6n his left is the globe motor and in the background is the combined disintegrator. <!ee overleaf for chart of Harmonic 8volutions=.

Chart of Harmonic 8volutions

Page C?& 81)-H#075! <b. circa ((L" died ?DL=. His original name being 8inhard" also known as 8inhartus" #inhardus" or Heinhardus in early manuscripts. !on of nobility" born near the river ,ain" educated at the monastary of >ulda" and being precocious was transferred to the palace of Charlemagne in ('E. 6ne of a group of scholars around Charlemagne" entrusted with public buildings. 6btained the signature of Pope 2eo ))) regarding land divisions" and retained his position on the accession of 2ouis in ?&D. utor for 2othair )" who later showed him favor" as emperor. ,arried 8mma" sister of Bernharius" Bishop of Worms" which marriage was later the basis of a romantic fairy tale popular in mediaeval literature. )n ?&K he was bestowed the domains of ,ichelstadt aud ,ulenheim in the 6ldenwald. He is mentioned in several documents as #bbot of eight monastaries in the region. ,ade peace overtures between 2ouis &st%s family after the 8mperor%s second marriage. 0etired at ,ulinheim <later !ilgenstadt= ?CL" and died &D ,arch" ?DL. He was a man of very short stature" knew 2atin and 1reek" and was an intimate of #lcuin. His most well known work is 3ita /aroli ,agni" which had a prologue added by Walafrid !trabo" and is the best account we have of the life of Charlemagne" containing much intimate information only possible by one closely trusted. >irst published at Cologne" &K@&. 8nglish translations by W. 1laister" 2ondon" &?((* 1erman translation by 6tto #bel" 2eip;ig" &?'C. 8--8,6!80" +6!8PH <&(?($&?KD=. History of ,agic" Bohn%s 2ibrary" 2ondon" &?KD. 3ide" BCW" 3ol. 3. p. C(C. >65CH80" P#52. Born at ours #pril D" &(LD to a family in the silk industry. #fter education by the +esuits" he turned to poetry briefly before re.ecting his father%s business in favor of the study of ancient languages at the !orbonne" thus cutting off his inheritance. He then became tutor for the 7uchess of remolle. #dmitted to l%#cademie des inscriptions &(KC" he wrote raite histori9ue d ela religion des Perses" in volumes @K" @(" @'" C&" and C' of ,emoires of the #cademy. )n this treatise he discusses the origins of the Zoroastrian religion" and its comparisons with that of the Hebrew" Pythagorean" Platonic" and 1nostic systems* refutes homas Hyde%s 7e religione Persarum" concerning the purity of the basis of ,agianism. >08PP82" CH#028! 8,)28. >rench bishop and politician" born at 6berehenheim" #lsace" +une &" &?@(* died at #ngers" 7ecember &@" &?'&. Consecrated Bishop at #ngers" &?(L. 8lected" &??L" deputy for Brest.

Page C?@ Being the only priest in the Chamber of 7eputies" he became the chief parliamentary champion of the Church" voting of course with the 0oyalist and Catholic party. #mong his many scholarly works is the one entitled I2es #pologistes chrOtiens au second siOcle <&?EL" @ 3ols.=. >08!-82" >5218-C8. >rench 6rientalist born at ,athieu #pril &K" &('K. His youth was devoted to scientific pursuits" translating Ber;elius aud later translating ieck from 1erman" in &?@&. #t ,aronites College" 0ome" he studied #rabic before going to 8gypt in &?C&. here he studied with the ,ullas" aud became consular agent at 7.eddah in &?C(" becoming proficient in the chikili aud makhri dialects aud with #rabic to an extent that he was consulted by the sheiks. He was the first to translate Himyarite inscriptions" aud wrote of a variety of topics including pine$)slamic history. 0eturning to 8urope" he was placed in charge of the expedition to ,esopotamia in &?K& in company with >elix homas aud +ules 6ppert. 0ecalled in &?KD" >resnel elected to remain. He died at Bagdad" -ovember CL" &?KK. His writings on the ex%pedition are contained in ,. 6ppert%s work" 8xpedition en ,esopotamie" @ 3ols." &?K?" &?EC. # few of >inesnel%s more important works* Hoa$tchou$onan ou le 2ivre rnysterieux" Paris" &?@@* Poesies du desert de !chanfara" Paris &?CD* 0echerches sur les inscriptions himyari9ues" dans +ournal asiati9ue" Paris &?DK* ,emoire de ,. >resnel" consul de >rance d 7.eddah" sur les caravanes du Wadog" dans #nnales des 3oyages" <no date=. >resuel was an accomplished linguist aud his abilities in #rabic were considered extraordinary. >0! " +52)5!. 1erman 6rientalist" born of +ewish parents at Zerkowo in Posen" ,ay &@" &?LK* died at 2eip;ig" >ebruary '" &?(@. Professor of #ramaic at 2eip;ig aud author of several scholarly treatises" among them the Hebriiisches und Chaldi.isehes Handweirterbuch itber das #lte estament <2eip;ig" &?K&$E&" @ 3ols." 8ngl. transl. by !. 7avidson" 2ondon" &?E(" &?(&=. 1#!P#0)-" #18-60" C6,P 8 78. Born in 6range" +uly &@" &?&L. >irst cabinet chief <&?CE= under his father Count #drien" who was ,inister of the )nterior. -amed magistrate reporter for the state council" &?C(. )n &?D@" Bastia named him envoy to the Chamber of 7eputies where he displayed considerable elo9uence. He .ourneyed to the 6rient in &?D(" protesting against >evinier%s revolution from Cairo" aud then changing from political interests to the defense of Protestantism" which occupied the remainder of his years. Christianism aud Paganism" was published in 1eneva" @ 3ols." &?DE.

Page C?C his began a long series of similar works which included treatises on moral behavior" family life" etc. He was a vehement pacifist" aud made exertions against the >ranco$ Prussian war" which due to his proximity to the border <2eman" since &?D'= hastened his demise" on ,ay &Dth" &?(&. His last published work was >rance" @ 3ols." Paris" &?(@. 1)-!B501" CH0)! )#- 7#3)7. Born 7ecember @K" &?C&. 8ducated in his native city at 0abbinic College. With special attention to the ,egilloth" he translated the !ong of !ongs with a commentary in 2ondon" &?K(. his was followed by a translation of 8celesiastes <Coheleth= &?E&* he /araites" heir History and 2iterature" &?E@* he 8ssenes" &?ED* he /abbalah" &?EK. )n &?E( he edited he ,assoreth$Ha$,assoreth of 8lias 2evita* he ,oabite !tone" <tin.= &?(L. )n that year he was appointed to the committee for the revision of the 8nglish version of the 6ld estament. His life work culminated in the publication of the ,assorab in C volumes" &??L$&??E. o obtain materials for it" he scoured the libraries aud monasteries of 8urope aud the ,iddle 8ast to discover many obscure manuscripts" over a period of @K years. He next published 2eviticus with Commentary" &??K* he ,asoretico$ Critical 8dition of the hebrew Bible" &?'D* >acsimiles of ,anuscripts of the Hebrew Bible" &?'($&?'?* he ext of the Hebrew Bible in #bbreviations" &'LC* and" F6n the 0elationship of he !o Called Codex Babylonaicus of #.7. '&E to the 8astern 0eseension of the Hebrew ext"G &?''" for private circulation. He contributed many articles to !mith%s 7ictionary of Christian Biography" /itto%s 8ncyclopedia" and" in the 8ncyclopaedia Britannica &&th edition a valuable article on the /abbalab. )t is possible he used the pen name F-urho de ,anharG for a translation of the Zohar that appeared serially in 8. . Hargrove%s periodical he Word. he manuscript used differs from both the ,autua Q Cremona ,!!. of the Zohar" aud halts abruptly on the death of 1insburg" ,arch (" &'&D. !tyle aud references to supporting materials" British grammar" typos caused by a remote location of an author unable to proof copy" aud #. 8. Waite%s listing of a F-urho de ,anharG .oining the 1olden 7awn in &???" indicate that 1insburg may have lead two lives. # reprint of the Zohar by -urho de ,anhar" with commentaries from he !ecret 7octrine appended" has been compiled aud published by Wi;ards Bookshelf" !an 7iego" &'(?* revised" &'?L. 12#-3)22" +6!8PH <&ECE.&E?L=. !adducismus &E?&. 3ide" BCW 3ol. 3" p. C(D. riumphatus" etc." 2ondon"

Page C?D H8!:CH)5! 6> ,)28 5!. 1reek chronicler aud biographer" surnamed )llustratius" son of an advocate* flourished at Constantinople in the Kth century #.7. during the reign of +ustinian. #uthor of a Compendium of 5niversal History in six books" of which only a fragment of the sixth has been preserved* a Biographical 7ictionary of 2earned ,en" fragments of which are in Photius aud !uidas* aud a History of the 0eign of +ustin h <K&?$K@(= aud the early years of +ustinian" completely lost. H)11)-!" 167>08: #. <&((C$&?CC=. #nacalypsis" an #ttempt to 7raw #side the 3eil of the !aitie )sis" etc. @ 3ols. 2ougmans Co." 2ondon" &?CE. 2imited to @LL copies. 0eprinted &?E(" &'@K" &'EK. H51H8!" #. W. he Country of Baluehistan* )ts 1eography" 8thnology and History" etc." etc. )llustrated with ,ap" 2ondon" &?((. )#,B2)CH5! <@KK$CCC #.7.= $ 3ide" BCW 3ol. 4))" p. (K&. )-,#-" H6,#! <&?CL$&?(E=. #ncient >aiths 8mbodied in #ncient -ames. @ 3ols." 2ondon" &?E?$E'. 3ide" BCW 3ol. 4)" p. K('. +--#783# <&@(K.&@'E=. ruly one of )ndia%s noblest :ogis. His poetic commentary on the Bhagavad 1ltd. +miueshwari" was called by H.P.B. a Fsuperb mystic treatiseG. )n her notes on the 3oice of the !ilence she 9uotes parts of it. !ee +udneshwari" tins" by 0. /. Bbagwat" ,adras" !amata Books" &'KD* +mineshvari" translated from the ,arathi by 3. 1. Pradan" Boston" #llen Q 5nwin" &'E(* also" he Philosophy of +minadeva by B. P. Bahirat" Bombay" Popular Book 7epot" &'KE. his contains a translation of one of +uanadeva%s original works" #mritanubhava. /# /63" ,)/#)2 -)/)PH063) CH <&?@L$&??(=. Publisher. !eeP >rom the Caves and +ungles of Hindustan" by )). P. Blavatsky" edited by Boris de Zirkoft" .P.H." Wheaton" &'(K* p. E(L" E(@ aud index. /882:" +6H- 80-! W600822. Born &?C(. Philadelphia inventor possessing peculiar mental aud psychic capacities" who invented a wide variety of devices said to be based on an undiscovered force in nature" related to the harmonics of etheric laya centers. He was first able to demonstrate a machine in &?(@" and" unaware of the full implications of his work" formed the F/eely ,otor CompanyG aud issued stock in &?(D in pursuit of commercial success. opography"

Page C?K His first machines were of megalithic proportions" one weighing @@ tons. ,ost were implemented by the #tlantic Works" aud the 7elaware )ron Works" of Philadelphia" aud were scrapped in turn as they were superceded by smaller more sophisticated models. His 1enerator of &?(? weighed C tons" measured C x K feet" aud had small spherical chambers" five stand tubes of various si;es" aud used but one 9uart of water to produce KD"LLL pounds per s9uare inch pressure. -o heat" electricity" or chemicals were used. )t was started by moving a four$way valve" there being no other moving parts. 6utput remained constant regardless of work effected. 5nscrupulous stock speculators caused /eely great difficulties" aud /eely himself saw little of the proceeds. ,r. L. ,. Babcock issued in response to countless in9uiries" a pamphlet of C@ pages explaining the vicissitudes of the /eely ,otor Co. )t measures DG x EG" aud carries on the front cover 8xposition of the /eel y ,otor" financial" mechanical" philosophical" historical" aetnal" prospective* Philadelphia" +une &??&. 6n the back coverP he 7oom of !team" 6r" the Coming >orce" etc." etc. @K. )t is now extremely scarce. )t was at this time that stockholders obtained court orders against /eely" aud he destroyed many of his machines aud drawings" in fear of confiscation. 2ater" based on two new inventions" the 3apor 1un" aud the #utomatic Water 2ift" capital stock was increased from @L"LLL to &LL"LLL shares. he latter invention implemented the raising of water to any height without the application of extraneous power. 6f the ?L"LLL new shares" not K"LLL reached /eely" aud these were used for his necessities. hrough manipulation aud frauds" only about one 9uarter were actually paid for. hrough these calumnies his staunch friend aud benefactor ,rs. Clara <nee +essup= Bloomfield ,oore aided him with financial backing aud influence in society. !he seemed to be of a keen scientific bent aud ability as demonstrated by her bookP /eely aud his 7iscoveriesP #erial -avigation. /egan Paul rench rubuer Co." 2ondon. &?'C <xxviii* C(@ pp.= <0eprinted by 5niversity Books" -:C" &'(@.= /eely had to invent a new terminology to describe his unprecedented ideas" and totally uni9ue machinesP Compound 7isintegrator" !pirophone" 3ibrodyne" Planetary system 8ngine" Provisional 8ngine" aud a F,achine for esting 3ibrations under 7ifferent 6rders of 8volutionG. #ll of these devices were demonstrated successfully during @D years. By &???" however" the courts again threatened" aud this time ,rs. Bloomfield$,oore%s son" was able to deprive his mother of all legal aud material rights" thus stopping the flow of his FinheritanceG toward /eely%s endeavors. /eely destroyed his 3ibratory ,icroscope aud valuable papers" aud vanished from public view.

Page C?E By the this time he had postulated a system of ( distinct orders of existence with C subdivisions . . . between molecular aud the FinterethericG. He died alone aud destitute in -ovember &?'?. >or further reading seeP !ecret 7octrine" 3ol. )" pp. KKK$KEE* heosophical !iftings" 3ol. '" -o. &" &?'? <2ondon periodical=* 2ucifer" 3ol. C" -o. &E* /eely" Pictures of His 7iscoveries" by 1. Wendelholm" !tockholm" &'(@. #dditional articles have appeared in the British periodicals" #tlantis" Pendulum" and 5ranus" in recent years. /8)1H 28:" B80 0#, <&?EL$&'DK=. !ee biographical sketch in BCW 3ol. )4" pp. [email protected]. /8-0)C/" +6H-. Classical scholar aud historian" was eldest !6- of imothy /eurick by his first wife" ,ary. He was born at 8xeter on D >ebruary &(??. )n &('C" he began his education under Charles 2loyd" 22.7. aud made such progress that in his twelfth year he was admitted to the 8xeter academy as a student for the ministry under his father aud +oseph Bretlaud. His first teaching post was at 7evonshire &?LD. He continued his theological studies till &?L(" when he entered 1lasgow 5niversity. 6- leaving 1lasgow he accepted a tutorship in classics" history" aud literature at the ,anchester College" :ork. )n +uly &?&(" he was granted a year%s absence for study in 1ermany. He studied history at 1ottingen under Heeren. he following summer semester he devoted to classical study at Berlin under >. #. Wolf" Boeckh" aud Zumpt" aud attended !chleiermacher%s course of philosophy. He returned to :ork in !eptember &?@L" where he remained as tutor till &?DL when the college reverted to ,anchester -ew College. He then became Professor of History" aud held this chair till &?KL. #mong others" he published he 8gypt of Herodotus" Qc" &?D&* #n 8ssay on Primeval History" Qc." &?DE* #ncient 8gypt under the Pharaohs" Qc." &?KL" @ vols* Papers on #rchaeology and History" Qc." &?ED. )n &?C@" he edited for Bishop Blomfield the fifth edition of the translation of ,atthiae%s 1reek 1rammar" by 8dward 3alentine Blomfield" the bishop%s younger brother* aud published separately <&?CC= an hudex of Ruotations from 1reek #uthors contained in it. He died at :ork on ,ay (" &?((. /2#P06 H" H8)-0)CH +52)5!" 1erman 6rientalist" born in Berlin" 6ctober &&" &(?C* died in Paris" #ugust @?" &?CK. !on of the chemist ,artin Heinrich /laproth <&(DC.&?&(=.

Page C?( 0eceived an appointment in the !t. Petersburg #cademy aud accompanied" &?LK" Count 1olovkin on an embassy to China. 8ntrusted with an ethnographical aud linguistic exploration in the Caucasus &?L(.&?L?. 2ater employed for several years in connection with the #cademy%s 6riental publications. ,oved to Berlin" &?&@* settled in Paris" &?&K. )n &?&E" Humboldt procured for him from the /ing of Prussia the title and salary of professor of #siatic languages aud literature. His great work was #sia Polyglotta <Paris" &?@C and &?C&= formed a new departure for the classification of 8astern languages. He wrote a number of other scholarly works. /)-1" CH#028! W)22)#,. #uthor of works on engraved gems was born on !eptember K" &?&? at -ewport" ,onmouthshire. He entered rinity College" Cambridge" as a si;ar in 6ctober &?CE" and was elected scholar of his college in &?C'" and fellow in &?D@. #bout &?D@ /ing went to )taly" aud there spent several years studying the )talian language aud literature aud in collecting anti9ue gems. he collection" formed between &?DK aud &?((" ultimately consisted of CC& engraved stones" more than two$thirds of Which were 1reek aud 0oman" the remainder being !assanian" 1nostic" aud 6riental. #bout &?(?" when his eyesight was seriously failing" /ing sold his collection" aud it is now in the ,etropolitan ,useum of #rt at -ew :ork. #fter /ing%s return from )taly his life was chiefly spent at rinity College" Cambridge. He was widely read in the 1reek and 0oman classics" without having however" a minute philological knowledge. He had specially studied Pausanias aud Pliney%s Historia. His short$sightedness always rendered reading difficult for him" though he had Fa microscopic power of discernment for ob.ects such as gems. His writings on ancient gems are original" aud evince the experience of the practical collector. /ing%s principal publications areP #nti9ue 1ems" 2ondon" &?EL* he 1uosties aud their 0emains" 2ondon" &EED" @nd edit. 2ondon" &??(. <>or a controversy as to misprints aud alterations in this edition see 2ondon #theneum" +anuary$+une &???" p. DD&" DE?" D''" KCK" EE@" E'E=. he -atural History . . . of Precious !tones aud 1ems aud of the Precious ,etals" 2ondon" &?EK* also a @nd edit. in @ 3ols." was published as he -atural History of 1ems" or 7ecorative !tones" Cambridge" &?E(* aud he -atural History of Precious !tones aud of the Precious ,etals" Cambridge" &?E(* he Handbook of 8ngraved 1ems" 2ondon" &?EE" @nd edit. &??K* Horatii 6pera" illustrated by anti9ue gems selected by C.W./." &?E'* #nti9ue 1ems aud 0ings" 3ol. ) text" 3ol. )) illustrations"

Page C?? 2ondon" &?(C* Plutarch%s ,orals" translated by C.W./." &??@ <Bohn%s Classical 2ibrary=* +ulian the 8mperor . . . heosophical Works" Qc." translated by C.W./." &??? <Bohn%s Classical 2ibrary= . /ing died in 2ondon" after a bronchial cold" on ,arch @K" &???. /)0CH80" # H#-#!)5!. 1erman scholar aud mathematician" born at 1eisa" near >ulda" ,ay @" &EL&* died at 0ome" -ovember @?" &E?L. 8ducated at the +esuit College of >ulda" aud became a novice of the order at ,ain;" &E&?. aught philosophy" mathematics aud 6riental languages at Wur;burg" from whence he was driven by the hirty :ears War to #vignon in &EC&. !ettled &ECK at 0ome where he taught mathematics in the Collegio 0omano" but resigned &EDC to study archaeology. His most famous work is 6edipus #egyptiacus <&EK@$&EKK= which together with other works" first called attention to 8gyptian hieroglyphics. #ltogether he authored @C valuable works. 3ide" BCW 3ol. 3))" p. C(?. /-)1H " 0)CH#07 P#:-8. -umismatist" born in &(KL" was the eldest son of the 0ev. homas /night <&E'($&(ED=. 0ichard Payne /night" being of weakly constitution as a boy" was not sent to school till he was fourteen" and did not begin to learn 1reek till he was seventeen. He was not at any university. #bout &(E( he went to )taly" aud remained abroad several years. /night again visited )taly in &(((" and from #pril to +une of that year was in !icily in company with Philipp Hackert" the 1erman painter" aud Charles 1ore. /night kept a .ournal" which under the title of agebuch einer 0eise nach !icilien" was translated aud published by 1oethe in his biography of ilackert <1oethe" Werke" x%xxvii. &?CL" pp. &DE$@&?" cf. pp. [email protected]= . )n &(?L he became ,.P. for 2eominster" aud from &(?D to &?LE sat for 2udlow. /night%s first published work was #n #ccount of the 0emains of the Worship of Priapus lately existing in hsernia* to which is added a 7iscourse on the Worship of Priapus" aud its Connexion with the ,ystic heology of the #ncients" &(?E. )n &('&" /night published #n #nalytical 8ssay on the 1reek #lphabet" 2ondon" Dto" with nine plates. )n &?L? he printed privately fifty copies <2ondon" ?vo= of his Carmina Homerica" hlias et 6dyssea. his consists of Prolegomena" the text being added in the later edition of &?@L. /night printed privatelyB#n )n9uiry into the !ymbolical 2anguage of #ncient #rt aud ,ythology" 2ondon" <reprinted in Classical ,useum" pp. xxiii$xxvii" and in !pecimens of #ncient !culptures" 3ol. ))" new ed. by #. Wilder" -ew :ork" &?(E= . /night also wrote for the Classical ,useum" the Philological ,useum" aud in the #rehaeologia.

Page C?' /night died at his house in !oho !9uare" 2ondon" on #pril @C" &?@D. 2#C650" P)8008. #rtist aud painter" born &(DE at Bordeaux. He studied under 3ien who was en.oying a reputation at the time" going to 0ome later to study the masterpieces there. hough offers came from Paris" he preferred to return to Bordeaux. 5p to that time" the #cademy at Bordeaux bad limited itself to drawing" but following 2acour%s professorship there" talented painters emerged in every sub.ect area" from portraits to seascapes. he largest collection of 2acour%s paintings remain in Bordeaux" but several are in the 2ouvre at Paris. His most celebrated work" done in the dominican style" represents !t. Paulin" #rchbishop of Bordeaux" welcoming the persecuted to his palace. his was 2acour%s last work" aud he died +anuary @?" &?&D. 2#P6518" 186018! 3#CH80 78" archeologist aud ethnologist" born at -euville <3ienne= 7ecember &@" &?KD. !tudent of law aud mediclue at the 2yceum" Poitiers* 2aw doctorate in &?('. ,inister of the 0epublic at Blanc aud Chambon" &??L$&??C. 1raduate student in history aud philology <#ssyrian" 8gyptian" Hebrew= at the laboratory of ,ilne$8dwards. >rom &??C$&??E studied anthropology" 8gypt. ology" aud Chinese and +apanese languages at the 2ouvre. #ssistant 2ibrarian at the 5niversity of ,ontpellier &??E$&?'C* 2ibrarian" 5niversity of 0ennes" &?'C$&'LL" aud at 5niversity of Poitiers &'LL$&'L'. He taught anthropology aud sociology of #ssyria at ,ontpellier before his extensive explorations of caves aud tombs at Cevenues and Herault" collecting several hundred crania. He was a contributor to 0evue d%#uthropologie" aud several other scientific .ournals in >rance aud 1ermany. )n 2a -ature" he described a large skull found at the cemetery of Castelnau" as well as older aud larger bones of a fossil appearance indicating a human over (% in height. <2a -ature" &?'L" ))" pp. &&.&@ with fig.=. his tended to confirm an old legend that the cavern at Castelnau was the home of giants. # nearly complete bibliography of ?( entries is to be found inP 0sum des ravaux !cientifi9ues de ,. 1. 3acher de 2apouge. !ocit >rancaise 7%)mprimer et de 2ibrarie" Poiters" ,arch &'L'. 7oubtless because of its controversial nature" the article mentioned by H.P.B. from 1aliguani%s ,essenger" is not mentioned. 7ied &'L'.

Page C'L 2#508-C8" 0)CH#07. #rchbishop of Cashel" born at Bath in &(EL. He was educated at Bath grammar school aud at Corpus Christi College" 6xford. #fter graduating ,.#. in &(?K" he in &(?( became vicar of Coleshill" Berkshire" where he took pupils. He also contributed to the ,onthly 0eview aud undertook the historical department of the #nnual 0egister. )n +une &('D" he took the degree of B.C.2. aud 7.C.2. as a member of 5niversity College. )n &('E" he was made deputy professor" aud again settled in 6xford. )n &?LD" he delivered the Bampton lectures. >rom youth 2aurence read widely in theology aud canon law" aud in later life he studied 6riental languages. #ccordingly in &?&D" he was appointed regius professor of Hebrew aud a canon of Christ Church" 6xford. )n &?@@" after the death of his wife" he reluctantly accepted the arebbishopric of Cashel" )reland. His erudition is well illustrated by the three volumes in which he printed with 2atin aud 8nglish translations" 8thiopic versions of apocryphal books of the Bible. he first" the #seensio hsaiae 3atis. 6xford" &?&'" which he dated #.7. E? or E'" furnished in his opinion arguments against the 5nitarian falsification of passages in the -ew estament. he second he Book of 8noch the Prophet" 6xford" &?@&* <other editions= was printed from the 8thiopic manuscript which +ames Bruce had brought from #byssinia aud presented to the Bodleian 2ibrary. he third was the 8thiopic version of the first book of 8sdras" 6xford" &?@L. 2aurence%s other writings includeP # 7issertation upon the 2ogos of !t. +ohn" 6xford" &?L?" he Book of +ob" in the words of the authori;ed version" arranged aud printed in general conformity with the ,asoretical text <anon.=" 7ublin" &?@?. 0emarks on the ,edical 8ffects of the Chlorides of 2ime aud !oda <anonymously aud privately printed=" 7ublin" &?C@. 6n the 8xistence of the !oul after 7eath* a 7issertation opposed to the principles of Priestly" 2aw" aud their respective followers" by 0.C." 2ondon" &?CD. Poetical 0emains" 7ublin" &?(@ <twenty$five copies privately printed= " edited with those of 2aurence by 7ean Cotton. He died on 7ecember @?" &?C?" at 7ublin. 2)8186)!" +528!. 7e la suggestion et du somnambulisme dans leurs rapports avec la .urisprudence et la medicine legale. yii" (K? pp. Paris" 8vineux" &??'. <3ol. 4) of the FBibliothe9ue des #ctualites medicales et scientifi9ues.G= 25-7:" 70. +6H- P# 80!6- <&?@C.&?'@= . ,onumental Christianity" or the #rt aud !ymbolism of the Primitive Church" etc." +. W. Bouton" -:C" &?(E.

Page C'& ,#28B0#-CH8" -)C62#! <&EC?$&(&K=. >rench philosopher of the Cartesian school" youngest child of -icolas ,alebranche" secretary to 2ouis the 4)))* born #ugust Eth at Paris. 7eformed aud feeble" he was tutored aud subse9uently studied theology at the !orboune. )n &EEL he .oined the congregation of the 6ratory. He was advised to study ecclesiastical history" but . . Fthe facts refused to arrange themselves" and mutually effaced each otherG. )n &EED he read 7escartes% raite de l%homme" which moved him deeply. >or the next ten years he studied philosophy aud 7escartes" which resulted in his famous 7e la reeherehe de la verite. ,any other works followed" concerning themselves with mathematics aud natural philosophy" and in &E'' he was admitted as honorary member of the #cademy of !ciences. He en.oyed much success aud was sought out in later years by men of distinction* engaging in a metaphysical argument with Bishop Berkeley hastened his death on &C 6ctober" &(&K. #n edition of his works was published by +ules !imon in &?D@" in @ volumes. ,#2P#!" PH)2)P #2>087. Born >ebruary @D" &?(K at Birch" 8ssex <!tanway 7istrict= 8ngland" son of +oseph ,alpas" an #nglican curate there" and ,ary ,euge. 2ittle is known of his formative years" but his family background may have influenced his later researches. #t age &?" he enlisted in H.,. 0oyal -avy" aud was ship%s clerk on a succession of ' ships plying the world up to &?'E. He then became assistant paymaster on &L more until resigning his commission to the great regret of his captain on ,ay &" &'LD. )n that year" he met the Ponsonby family at rinidad" showing them an album of photos of the Pt. 2oma heosophical !ociety" aud soon after" the two Ponsonby girls enrolled there. He then .oined the Pt. 2oma !ociety aud taught for the boys department in Horticulture aud -ature !tudies" and began his career of writing by fre9uent contributions to he Century Path" and later to he heosophical Path" and 0a.a :oga ,essenger for children. !eeing his natural penchant for scholarly research" /atherine ingley suggested he take up residence at the 2ondon Branch for serious studies at the British ,useum. #ccordingly in about &'&L" ,alpas began nearly @L years of uninterrupted research aud writing" with free run of the entire institution. He was supported primarily by the Branch 2odge until the financial difficulties of &'@' precluded his continuation there" and so moved to 8ssen" 1ermany as a private tutor in 8nglish" aud lecturer. He is shown as a member of the >remdspracheclub in &'C&. #t about this time he formed a small group interested in theosophical studies" including ,ary 2inue" aud 8mmi Hacinter"

Page C'@ A hese two women were later .ailed as enemies to Hitler%s Crd 0eich for translating the entire !ecret 7octrine into 1erman" which manuscript was burned along with their personal library.J ,alpas continued in 1ermany until &'C' when he was instrumental in helping several people of +ewish background defect to 8ngland. 7uring the war" he was an instructor for Her ,a.esty%s >orces at 2ondon" aud in &'DE" Col. Conger invited him to heosophical Head9uarters which by then had moved to Covina" California. >rom &'DE to &'KL he was at Covina" until Col. Conger%s death . . . when differences of opinion regarding leadership forced him to return to 1ermany. here" ,ary 2inne aud 8mmi Hacinter were once again translating the !ecret 7octrine into 1erman" at Wirtemberg. ,alpas passed away there on +uly @@" &'K? at the age of ?C. His writings are ex%tremely voluminous" thus only an overview can be attempted here. 6f articles in Pt. 2oma .ournals between &'LL aud &'D'" over KL appear on every conceivable sub.ectP some" such as W#pollonius of yana"% W!t. 1ermain"% WCagliostro"% aud W!iddhartha Buddha"% extending over several issues. heosophische 1e$sellsehaft 5nterlengenhardt has published his #pollonius 3on yana" &'E@. he following is a list of some of his unpublished manuscripts" nearly all typed singlespaced on ?&@ x && sheets with foreign language words inked in by hand" aud accurate diagrams carefully reproduced in ink. ,ost are translations from foreign language ,!!" in the British ,useumP B he 8gyptian ,ysteries aud the Crata 0epoa. BCagliostro%s ,asonry" aud 8gyptian ,ysteries. BPlato and the 8soteric 7octrine. B6pus ertium of 0oger Bacon. CE? pp. B heosophists of #lexandria aud #thens. (KL pp. B he ,ass aud its ,ysteries" by +. ,. 0agon. <tin. from >r.= @KL pp. B,arcion" he 2ast of the Christians. &&' pp. BPistis !ophia" with notes by H.P.B. from 2ucifer articles. &?? pp.* (D pp." &C? pp. Coptic text aud diagrams inked in" charts " etc. )n addition" about @L manuscripts dealing with early Christianity aud its esoteric interpretation" aud miscellaneous sub.ects exist" aud should be worthy of publication in the future. ,# 80" #. +#CR58!. >rench historian aud philosopher" born at #lteckeridort" near !trasbourg" ,ay C&" &('&. #t @L" he won first pri;e at the #cademic des )nscriptiones with" 2%Histoire de 2%hcole d%#lexandrie" <pub. C 3ols." &?DL" @nd ed.= . )n &?@L" be taught the theological faculty of !tinasbourg in 8cclesiastical History" aud published Histoire general du christianisme et de la !ociete chretienne.

Page C'C Paris" D 3ols. His next work was Histoire criti9ue du guosticisme" etc." etc. Paris" &?@?" again in &?DC$DD in @ 3ols." translated into 1erman by 7orner as well. )n this work" ,atter reviews much of importance to the student of 1nosticism aud comparative religion. He went on to publish several works dealing with Christianity" becoming Professor of the Protestant !eminary at !tinasbourg in &?DE" aud died there" +une @C" &?ED. His son" #lbert +ules imothee" <b. +une C" &?C@= was also concerned with these areas" aud among others published* 7c l%#uthentieite du fragment de !anchoniathon cite par 8usebe" Paris" &?D?. ,atter%s first edition of the Histoire criti9ue du guosticisme does not contain any reference to the Pistis !ophia but the later 1erman translation contains twoP p. E' fn." and p. &EC fn." of 3ol. @. ,8#7" 186018 06B80 ! 6W8. Born at -uneaton" ,arch @@" &?EC" son of Colonel 0obert ,ead" H. ,. 6rdnance" aud ,ary. 8ducated at 0ochester Cathedral school" <,r. 2aughoinne= aud !t. +ohn%s College" Cambridge" B.#." &??D" aud ,.#." &'@E. !hortly after graduating with honors" ,ead .oined the heosophical !ociety" aud in the same year began teaching at a public school" &??D. He had begun the study of mathematics at Cambridge" but soon changed to the classics" gaining a knowledge of 1reek and 2atin" which was to be an asset in forthcoming years. #bout this time he read 8soteric Buddhism aud became associated with Bertram /eightlcy aud ,ohini Chattein.i* then followed an intense interest in Hinduism" developed by studying philosophy at 6x%ford" aud curiosity regarding spiritualism causing a brief stay at a >rench university at Clermont$>einraud. He first met H.P.B. in &??(P FWhen ) first went to her to work permanently <&??'=" ) was a young man of whom she practically knew nothing" except that from ,ay" &??( . . . when she returned to 8ngland for the last time" ) spent no little of my holidays in visits to ,aycott" 5pper -orwood" aud to &( 2ansdownc 0oad" Bayswatcr. -evertheless" with childlike confidence" aud with one of those large and eccentric gestures of hers" she handed over to me at once the keys of her desk aud bookcases and tossed over" unopened" her voluminous coinresponduce" bidding me answer it as best ) might <and Fbe d$$dG=" as she wanted all her time for writing her articles and books . . . .F ,ead remained her private secretary for the last three years of her life" while in forming the 8uropean !ection of the heosophical !ociety" he was its 1eneral !ecretary beginning +uly 'th" &?'L. Within a year" H.P.B. had passed away" aud ,ead in company with #nnie Besant took over as editors of 2ucifer" begun by H.P.B. in &??(.

Page C'D Besides his other duties" ,ead%s career as an author began with his first publication" !imon ,agus" an 8ssay" &?'@. With ,rs. Besant he also edited a collection of H.P.B.%s miscellaneous papers" which was issued as F3olume )))G of the !ecret 7octrine" #dyar" &?'(* heosophical 1lossary" &?'@* /ey to heosophy" Crd ed." &?'C* >ive :ears of heosophy" @nd ed." &?'D* # ,odern Panarion" &?'K. 2ucifer continued until &?'? <3ol. 44)= when it was succeeded by he heosophical 0eview" edited solely by ,ead. )n &?'' he married 2aura ,ary Cooper" sister of ,rs. Cooper$6akley <who authored he Corn ptc de !t. 1crmain=" aud daughter of >rederick Cooper" ).C.!. !he lived until &'@D. #lso during that period he was vice president aud later president of the Blavatsky 2odge" 2ondon. He continued to edit heosophical 0eview" contributing many articles aud reviews" of the latter there were about &? in 2ucifer" aud DK in .0. #bout this time began the prominence of ,r. 2eadheater as his many writings were published" aud increasing numbers were drawn into the society by his views" aud by his references to his FpsychicG experiences" which views were not always shared by earlier members. #t the beginning of &'LE" grave charges were brought against C.W. 2eadheater by several scandali;ed mothers in the 5.!.#." whose young sons had been taught certain morally obli9ue practices. #fter a great deal of publicity aud legal action by the distraught mothers" a +udicial Committee was convened by Col. 6leott. he evidence being clear aud incontrovertible against 2eadheatein" his resignation from the heosophical !ociety was accepted to close the matter. )n ,ay" &'L?" a new phase of the above$mentioned events cropped up" when 7r. Weller van Hook" 1eneral !ecretary of the #merlcan !ection wrote an 6pen 2etter to his !ection defending 2ead$beater%s position aud ideas. # large number of members in the then British !ection were deeply concerned over the state of affairs" aud the #nnual British Convention in +uly" &'L?" carried a resolution re9uesting the President aud 1eneral Council of the .!. to put an end once for all to this matter. #fter full deliberation" the President aud the Council saw no reason why ,r. 2eadheater should not be restored to membership.G Whereupon upwards of (LL members in 8ngland resigned from the !ociety. ,end of course" was one of them. )n a 3aledictory published in the >ebruary" &'L'" issue of he heosophical 0eview" <-o. @K?= he bid farewell to his readers" as 8ditor of the 0eview" specifically stating that he had lost confidence in the President aud its chief 6fficials.

Page C'K #bout &KL of the dissidents aud some &LL others who approved" .oined together to found the Ruest !ociety aud to publish a new .ournal with the title of he Ruest. he Ruest" a 9uarterly review" began in 6ctober &'L'" aud continued with ,ead as editor until it ceased publication in &'CL. )t attracted many serious scholars who contributed valuable articles considered as source material today. ,ead carried on these activities despite severe financial difficulties for @& years" finding time to work for the welfare of )ndian students as !ecretary of the -orthbrook !ociety. he financial reverses of &'@'CL spelled an end to the Ruest !ociety" but he became active in the newly formed !ociety for Promoting the !tudy of 0eligions" becoming a member of its council. His last public appearance was at a meeting of he 0oyal #siatic !ociety" where he delivered a lecture on the ,andacans" a sub.ect with which he was on the most intimate terms" as shown by the many articles appearing in Ruest. He died !eptember @'th" &'CC at the age of EK" after returning from a holiday in bad health. 6f all the members of the heosophical movement throughout the years" 1. 0. !. ,ead was one of the few true scholars to emerge. His studies bearing upon% the origins of Christianity constitute the only real bridge between early 1nosticism aud the philosophy of the ,andacans" with what has come to be called FChristianityG in this century. # collection of all of his works would fill several volumes" aud provide students with an invaluable aid for research. +ohn ,. Watkins" his literary executor found no papers in his estate. !ome of the chapters on various sub.ects contained in ,ead%s published works appeared at first in one or another of the maga;ines of which he was the 8ditor. #fter some editing" revising aud sometimes augmenting the text" they were incorporated into the ,!!. of his published works. he list of the latter is 9uite imposing. We mention them in a chronological s9uenceP F#mong the 1uostics of the >irst wo Centuries"G 2ucifer" 3ols. 4)4 aud 44" 7ecember" &?'E through #ugust" &?'(. ,arked as Fto be continued"G but no continuation available. !imon ,agus. #u 8ssay. 2ondon" heos. Pub). !ociety" aud he Path" -ew :ork" &?'@* '& pp. Printed at the H.P.B. Press. 3aluable analysis of the !ource ,aterial. <paper covers= !elect Works of Plotinus. homas aylor. &?&(. 8dited with Preface aud Bibliography by 1. 0. !. ,ead. 2ondon. 1. Bell Q !ons" &?'K* lxxiv eCDC pp.* no index. Bohn%s Philosophical 2ibrary. #lso &'&D" in Bohu%s Popular 2ibrary. #lso &'@'.

Page C'E he World$,ystery. >our Comparative !tudies in 1eneral heosophy. 2ondon Q Benares" he heos. Pub). !ociety" &?'K* @LL pp. )ndex%" !econd ed." &'L(. 6riginally appeared in 2ucifer. he 5panishads. ranslated into 8nglish with a Preamble aud #rguments by 1. 0. !. ,ead aud +agadisha Chaudra Chattopidhysya. wo small volumes. 2ondon" Benares" ,adras" heos. Publishing !ociety" &?'E* &C( aud '? pp. resp. Pistis !ophia. # 1nostic 1ospel . . . . for the >irst time 8nglished from !ehwart;e%s 2atin 3ersion of the only known Coptic ,!. aud checked by #meliueau%s >rench version. 3aluable )ntroduction aud Bibliography. 2ondon Q ,adras" heosophical Publish. ing !ociety" &?'E* xliv fC'D pp.* @nd ed. rev" with annot. bibliography" &'@&. 6rpheus. &?'E* @L? pp. Copious Bibliography. !econd ed." 2ondon" +. ,. Watkins" &?EK. >ragments of a >aith >orgotten 2ondon Q Benares. heosophical Publishing !ociety" &'LL* xxviii eECL pp.* extensive Bibliographics.B!econd editionP 5niversity Books" -ew Hyde Park" -.:. With )ntroduction by /enneth 0exinoth* lxvii eECC pp. Copious )ndex. #pollonius of yana" the Philosopher$0eformer of the >irst Century #.7. # critical study of the only existing record of his life" etc. 2ondon Q Benares" heos. Pub). !ociety" &'L&* &K' pp.* Bibliography. !econd ed." 5niversity Books" -ew Hyde Park" -.:." &'EE. >oreword by 2eslie !hepard* xxii" &E? pp.* -ew )ndex. he 1ospel aud the 1ospels. # !tudy in the most recent results of the lower aud the higher criticism. 2ondon" Benares" heos. Publ. !ociety" &'L@" @&K pp. 7id +esus 2ive &LL B.C.X #n )n9uiry into the almud +esus !tories" the oldoth +eschu" etc." 2ondon Q Benares" heos. Publ. !ociety" &'LC* xvi eDDL pp. hrice$1reatest Hermes. !tudies in Hellenistic heosophy aud 1uosis. 3ol. &BProlegomena* xvi eD?& pp.* 3ol. )lB8xcerpts aud >ragments* xii eC(& pp. Copious )ndex. 3ol. )llB!ermons* xi fDLC pp. 2ondon Q Benares" heos. Pub). !ociety" &'LE. 8choes from the 1uosis. welve small booklets entitledP ). he 1uosis of the ,ind. )). he Hymns of Hermes. ))). he 3ision of #ridacus. )3. he Hymns of +esus. 3. he ,ysteries of ,ithina.

Page C'( 3). # ,ithinaic 0itual. 3)). he 1nostic Crucifixion. 3))). he Chaldacan 6racles" ). )4. he Chaldacan Rinacles" )). 4. he Hymn of the 0obe of 1lory. 4). he Wedding$!ong of Wisdom. 4)). he Words of Heraclitus. 2ondon Q Benares" &'L?" etc. #veraging about &LL pp. !ome ,ystical #dventures. 2ondon" +ohn ,. Watkins" &'&L* CLC pp. Ruests 6ld aud -ew. 2ondon" 1. Bell Q !ons" &'&C* x fCC? pp. )ndex. he 7octrine of the !ubtle Body in Western radition. 2ondon" +ohn ,. Watkins" &'&'* &L' pp. !econd )mpin." &'E(. he 1nostic +ohn the Bapti;er. !elections from the ,andacan +ohn$Book. 2ondon" +ohn ,. Watkins" &'@D* ix f&C( pp. ,8 067605! 6> CH)6!. # disciple of 7emocritus who flourished about CCL B.C. # Philosopher of considerable reputation who professed the doctrine of the sceptics. #uthor of a work entitled Peni Phuseeis of which we have only brief fragments. He was also a student of medicine. ,850!)5!" +6H#--8! <+ohanues van ,eurs" &K('$&EC'= . 7utch classical scholar and anti9uary. Professor of 1reek at 2eyden. Political disturbances caused him to move to !on" in 7enmark" where he died. I7enarius Pythagoricus <2ugduni BatavarumP cx officina ). ,aine" &EC&" &&@ pp.= is one of his many classical treatises" most of which arc printed in 1ronovius% hesaurus #nti9uitatum. ,)1-8" +#CR58! P#52. <l%abbe= <&?LL$&?(K= . 7ictionnaine des #pocryphes" in 8ncyclopedic theologi9ue troisieme et deruiere" ou. ro)sle mc et derniere senie de 7ietionnaires sun touts les parties de la selence religicuse. Paris" &?K?$EL. he reference is to be found in the appendix to tome &" part @" pp. &&?&$ &@?E" of volume xxiii. 3ide" BCW 3ol. 3." p. C(?. ,61)2#" P8 80 <Petrus ,ogilus= <&ELLX$&ED(=. ,etropolitan of /ieft <or /iev= from &EC@" belonged to a noble Wallachian family. !tudied at the 5niversity of Paris" aud first became a monk in &E@K. #uthor of Catechism published in &EDK at /ieff" aud other minor works. He is chiefly remembered for his 6rthodox Confession" drawn up at the behest of #bbot /osslowski of /ieff" aud approved by the pro. vincial synod &EDL" aud later by the synod of +erusalem &E(@. 7uring ,ogila%s time the reform movement of the Calvinistic Cyril 2ucanis <Patriarch of #lexandria aud Constantinople &EL&$&E@&= generated intrigue by opposing +esuits" by whose agency he was K times deposed but reinstated. >inally" the Church anathemati;ed his doctrines" aud he was murdered by urks hired by the +esuits.

Page C'? Chief testimony against him was the 6rthodox Confession which formed much of the basis of the 0ussian 6rthodox catechisms seen today. 8ditions of the 6rthodox ConfessionP edited by Panagiotes in 1reek aud 2atin" #msterdam" &EE@* by Hofmanu" 2eipsic" &E'K* /immel" +ena" &?DC* 1reek translation by +ohanne 2. >niseb" >rankfurt" &(@(. ,2280" 186018. 8nglish preacher aud philanthropist" born near Halberstadt" 1ermany" !eptember @(" &?LK* died at Bristol" ,arch &L" &?'?. )n &?CL" he became minister of a small congregation at iegn. mouth" 7evonshire. His contention was that the temporal as well as the spiritual needs of life could be supplied by prayer" aud on this principle abolished pew rents aud refused to take a fixed salary. wo years later" he moved to Bristol where he spent the rest of his life" devoting himself especially to the care of orphan children. )n time" their number grew to @"LLL" settled in five large houses at #shley 7own" near Bristol" aud supported by voluntary contributions. ,iillcr wrote a curious little narrative called he 2ord%s 7eal$hugs with 1eorge ,)ller. When he was seventy" he started on a preaching mission" which lasted over &( years aud took him all over the world. #ll in all" he was a veiny remarkable man leading the spiritual life. -)C8PH605!" P# 0)#0CH# <ca. (K?$?@'= . By;antine historian aud Patriarch of Constantinople <?LE$?&K= . 2ike his father" be was a ;ealous opponent of )conoclasm. He was secretary to the imperial commissaries at the second Council of -icaca in (?(" where his view prevailed. He later retired for awhile into a convent" but very suddenly succeeded arasius as Patriarch of Constantinople in ?LE. He was deposed by 8mperor 2eo 3 in ?&K aud died in exile" ?@(. His works are esteemed for their intrinsic value aud their style. #mong them should be mentioned Brcvarium Historicum" one of the best works of the By;antine period" aud the !tichornetnia <text aud transl. in Petri Pithoci 6pera Posthuma" Paris" &EL'= . -)8B5H0" B#0 H627 18601. 1erman statesman aud historian" born at Copenhagen" #ugust @(" &((E* died at Bonn" +anuary @" &?C&. #fter studying at the 5niversity of /idl" became private secretary to Count !chimmelmaun" 7anish minister of finance" aud in &('' entered state service. Chief director of the -ational Bank" &?LD.LE" when he took a similar appointment in Prussia. ,ade royal his$ toniographer aud professor at Berlin university" &?&L" aud two years later published the first two volumes of his epoch$making 0omisehe Cesehichte <8ng. transl." &?D(=" a Crd volume being added in &?C@.

Page C'' his work has had a momentous influence on the general conception of history. -iebubin was ambassador in 0ome" &?&E.&?C@" where he also discovered various yet unknown fragments of Cicero aud 2ivy" aided Cardinal ,ai in his work" aud shared in planning von Bunsen%s aud Platner%s work on the topography of 0ome. P#2)-18-)6 ! 822# 6" ,#0C8226. )talian author whose actual name was Pier #ngelo ,au;oli. He was born at 2a !tellata at about &KLC" aud died in &KDC. His didactic poem titled IZodiacus vitaeP hoe est de hominis vita" studio ac monibus optime instituendes" aud published about &KCD" was dedicated to Hercules )) of >errara* it combines metaphysical speculation with satirical attacks on ecclesiastical hypocrisy" especially on the Pope aud on 2uther. )t was of course banned by the )n9uisition. 8nglish transl. by Baruabe 1ooge" 2ondon" &KE&" as he Zodiake of 2yfe. P#52 6> !#,6!# #. Patriarch of #ntioch" @EL.@(@ #.7." most likely of humble origin. )nformation concerning him is derived mainly from the encyclical letter of his ecclesiastical opponents <in 8usebius% History" Bk. 3))" ch. CL=" seventy of whom deposed Paul after the synod of #ntioch in @E'* their sentence did not take effect" however" until late in @(@" when 8mperor #urelian installed the rival candidate 7omnus in the place of Paul. Paul held that it was a man aud not the divine 2ogos which was born of ,ary. +esus was a man who came to be 1od" rather than 1od become man. his was the idea of the early 8bionites aud of some of the doctors of the !yrian Church of the Dth aud Kth centuries. 2ucian" the great exegete of #ntioch aud his school derived of their inspiration from Paul" aud he was through 2ucian a forefather of #nianism. he sect of the Paulicians also owe some of their ideas to Paul of !amosata. he fanaticism of his contemporaries aud succeeding generations left us nothing but a few fragments of his writings" which apparently contained some true mysticism. P)0616>> <P)06163= -)CH62#) )3#-63)CH <&?&L$&??&=. !urgeon aud pathologist of !t. Petersburg. A he British ,useum catalogs show &C titles by this author.J 3ide" BCW 4))" p. &CK fn. aud p. (EL. he philosophical concepts referred to by H.P.B. are to be found in his 7iaries.

Page DLL P6C6C/8" 87W#07 <&ELD.&E'&= . 8nglish 6rientalist aud Biblical scholar. 8ducated at Corpus Christi college" 6xford" of which he became a fellow" &E@?. He sailed for #leppo" &ECL as chaplain to an 8nglish factory. here he studied #rabic aud collected many valuable ,!!. )n &ECE" he held the chair of #rabic at 6xford" but soon returned to the ,iddle 8ast. )n &ED?" he was given the chair of Hebrew at 6xford. #part from a number of learned treatises on #rabian history aud ancient manuscripts" he wrote a work entitled )ndia in 1reece* or ruth in ,ythology <2ondon" &?K@= which throws a flood of light on the 6riental source of 1reek mythology. P06C 60" 0)CH#07 #- H6-:. British astronomer" born at Chelsea" ,arch @C" &?C(* died at -ew :ork" !eptember &@" &???. 8ducated privately" then at /ing%s college" 2ondon" aud at !t. +ohn%s college" Cambridge. 0ead for the bar" but turned to astronomy aud writing. #fter a technical work" !aturn aud His !ystem <&?EK=" which proved a financial failure" he cultivated a more popular style. >ounded &??&" a popular maga;ine called /nowledge wherein he wrote on a great many sub.ects. His most ambitious work" 6ld aud -ew #stronomy" was completed after his death. He had settled in -ew :ork around &??&. )n addition to articles on astronomy contributed by him for the 'th ed. of the 8ncyclopedia Britannica <&?(K=" he Wrote several other works" among which was one entitled 6ur Place #mong )nfinities <2ondon" &?(K* -ew :ork" &?(E= which H.P.B. referred to aud 9uoted from many times" mainly because of his favorable views on astrology. R5# 08>#18! 78 B08#5" +8#-$265)! #0,#-7 78 <&?&L$&?'@=. he Human !pecies" #ppleton Co." -.:.C." &?('" &??&" &??D" etc. 3ide BCW 3ol. 3)))" p. D(@ for biographical sketch. 0#16-" +8#-$B#P )! 8$,#0)8 <&(?&$&?E@= . ,aconnenic 6cculte" et de 2%iriitiatiou Hermeti9ue. Paris" &'@E. Biographical sketch in BCW 3ol. 4)" p. K?(. 08-#-" +6!8PH 80-! <&?@C$&?'@=. 3ie de +esus. Paris" &?EC. !ix editions in the first year. 8nglish translation by Charles 8. Wilbour" Carleton" -.:.C." &?ED. 06518" 62)380 CH#028! 8,,#-582" 3)C6,P 8 78. Born at Paris" #pril &&" &?&?. 8ducated at the college of !aint #cheul" aud was pine$paining for the state council" then turned to the study of #rabic aud Hebrew at Paris. He discovered Champollion%s 8gyptian grammar.

Page DL& aud began to decipher hieroglyphics" refuting 2epsius aud Bunsen inP 8xamen de l%ouvnagc du chevalier de Bunsen" la Place de l%hgypte dans l%histoire du monde. <#nnales de Philosophic chretienuc" Paris &?DE.D(=. his was followed by many similar treatises in >rench .ournals" aud in &?D' he was made Conservator of the 8gyptian section at the 2ouvre. He was instrumental in gaining anti9uities for 2ondon" urin" Berlin" aud 2eiden museums while continuing to study history aud philology" aud contributing widely to the study of 8gyptology in many .ournals. )n &?EL he replaced 2enormant for the Chair of 8gyptology at the College of >rance" aud visited 8gypt twice" <&[email protected]" aud &?(L$(&= while continuing his prolific writing. Chrestomathic egyptienue" D 3ols. &?E(.(E* 8tudes sur le 0ituel funeraire" in"B 0evue ancheologi9ue" 3ol. )" Paris &?EL* 0echerehes sun le monuments 9u%on peut attnibuer aux six premieres dynasties de ,anethon" Paris &?ED$EK. He died of a lung infection @( 7ecember &?(@. 06518,6- " >08780)C 78 <&?L?$&?(E= . 2e Peuple pnimitif" sa religion" son histoire et sa civilisation. C 3ols" 1eneva" &?KK.K(. ABritish ,useum catalogues show @L titles by this author.J 06W" . !5BB# <&?KE$&?'L=. 3ide" BCW 3ol. 3" pp. @E($(@ for biographical sketch. !CH28)80,#CH80" >0)870)CH 7#-)82 80-! <&(E?$&?CD=. 5ber de 0eligion. 0eden an die gebildeten unter ibren 3enacbteru. Berlin" &(''. ranslated by +. 6man asP 6n 0eligion. !peeches to its cultured despisers" 2ondon" /egan Paul Q Co." &?'C" lxiii" @?( pp. !chlcier$macher%s works coven D pages in the British ,useum catalog. !CH,)7 " C#02 <&?E?$&'C?= . 1elehrtc #u;eigen" 1eittingen" ur. xvii pp. EDL$E(K" 1ottingen" &?'&. # negative review of #melineau%s &?'L translation of the Bruce Codex. B1elchrtc #n;eign" 1eittingen" ur. E" pp. @L&$@L@" 1eittiugen" &?'@. >urther comments on the translation of #meliueau. B1uostisehe !chriften in koptisehen !pruehe aus dem Codex Brueianus" E'@ pp. 2eip;ig" &?'@" !chmidt was the first to find that two different ,!!. were used for the Pistis !ophia" aud that the whole was a compilation from many earlier works" aud compares the P.!. with the Bruce Codex%. B/optisehe$guostisehe !chrif ten. Bd. ). 7ie Pistis !ophia. 7ie beiden Biteher des +eu 5nbekanntes altgnostisches Werk" D&L pp."@

Page DL@ 2eip;ig" &'LK. he Pistis !ophia translation is excellent" occupying the first @KD pages. Bhrcui.us und seic Ruelle in #dversus Hacresus &.@'" in Philotesia. Paul /lcinert ;um 244. 1eburstag dan9ebraeht von #dolf Harnack" <article in 5.!.W.= pp. C&($CCE" &'L(. )n this study !chmidt reviews the recently discovered Berlin Codex" which treats of @nd Century 1nosticism" plus the #poeryphon of +ohn. !chmidt%s many efforts are reviewed in the helpful annotated bibliography of 1. 0. !. ,ead%s &'@& edition of his Pistis !ophia. !CHW#0 Z8" ,60) Z 16 H)2> <&?L@.&?D?=. Pistis !ophia. 6pus 1uosticum 3alentino ad .udicat urn e Codiec ,anusenipto Coptico 2oudinensi descriptum" 2atine vent it ,. 1. !chwart;e. edidit +. H. Petermaun" Berlin" &?K&. !chwart;e made a copy of the manuscript in 2ondon" but died before his translation was totally complete . . . a number of blanks needing to be filled in. Petermaun%s notes are confined to grammar aud syntax aud possible variations in the translation selected" aud his completion of the work was done with extreme difficulty. !chwart;e felt that the treatise was originally from 3alentinus* Petermaun that it was an 6phite work. # review of this translation appeared in +ournal des !avants" Paris &?K@" p. CCC. !/)--80" +#,8! 0#2! 6-. Born 2ockport" -.:. &?CL. His formative years are yet untraced" but he was apparently precocious beyond his time" as his uncle" !almon P. Chase invited him to Cincinnati where he later became a partner in his law firm. he Cincinnati City 7irectory lists him as an attorney at law in &?K&$K@. )n that same year" the Cincinnati College of ,edicine aud !urgery was founded. aud ,r. !kinner was its first professor of pathology" then but @& years of age. He served in the 5nion #rmy during the Civil War" enlisting -ovember &'" &?E@" as ma.or aud .udge advocate on 1eneral 0osecrans% staff" aud resigned his commission on ,arch @L" &?EK. )t is said that he temporarily lost his reason when a fellow soldier was decapitated by a cannon ball. )n &?(L he was a founding member aud officer of the Cincinnati !ociety of -atural History" with which be was active throughout his life. #bout this time" be began to write for the ,asonic 0eview on the sub.ects that occupied the remainder of his years. he following is a list of printed works known at present. ,ost were published by 0obert Clarke Q Co." Cincinnati. B he #ncient of 7ays. he ,easure of the Heavens and the 8arth by means of the only unit of #lcasure" he British hinch. &?(C. <DE pages= B# 3alue of !ymbolism. &?(@. <D( pages= !kinner%s name does not appear. B he 1reat Pyramid of 1i;ch. he Plan aud 6b.ect of its Construction. &?(&. <&( pages= B he /ey to the Hebrew 8gyptian ,ystery in the !ource of #hca sures" etc. &?(K.

Page DLC B#n 8ssay on >orce in -ature aud its effect upon ,atter. &?E'. B!upplementP to the !ource of ,easures" &?(E. <EC pages= he Crown +ewels of the -ations arc their ,easures. &?((. <'L pages= B!ome 2ight on the 8gyptian ,ethod of Chronology. <no date or author given" but an advertisement for the !ource of ,easures appears on the back. B)nternational )nst. for preserving Weights aud ,easuresP 6hio auxiliary society" Cleveland. . . . #ctual measures of the 1reat Pyramid of 8gypt" in terms of the British inchP disclosing" by its means" the architectural system employed in its construction. o accompany the sectional plan prepared by ,r. Charles 2atimer. oledo" Blode printing aud paper company" &??L. B# Criticism of the 2egeudre ,ode of 0ectifications of the Curve of the Circle" &??&. <@@ pages= B he 7onie lonian aud Corinthian columns in 1recian #rchitecture. Cincinnati" &??K. & pam. <P,!= I BHebrew ,etrology. <Ciun.= <&??K= & pam. <P,!= B)dentification of the British inch as the unit of measure of the mound builders of the 6hio 3alleyP appendix C. he 0ichardson tablet" the 1est ablet aud the Clarke tablet as related to aud connected with the Bridley measuring stone. @DC pp. <,25P= B he identification of the British inch as the unit of measure of the mound builders of the 6hio 3alley. <Ciun.= <&??E.?(= C nos. in &. <P,!= B o obtain the length of the hypotenuse of a right$angle triangle" its sides being given without extracting the s9uare root. <Ciun.= <&??E= & pam. <P,!= B!ource of ,easures" with !upplement. &?'D. his reprint of both portions of ,r. !kinner%s treatise is interesting. )n &'L?" an )ndian student at #dyar wrote to the 0obert Clarke Co. after a fruitless search for the book" aud received the following reply from the publisherP

BBBBBB IP,! isP Peabody ,useum of !alem" Phillip%s 2ibrary 8ast )ndia ,arine Hall" &E& 8ssex !t." !alem" ,. ,25P isP 5niversity of Pennsylvania. CD@L Walnut !t." Philadelphia" P#. ,useum at CCrd aud !pruce. BBBBBB

Page DLD F he entire edition of this valuable work was destroyed in our disastrous fine some few years since aud copies have become exceedingly scarce. he work has not been reprinted aud is not likely to be. We already have a number of re9uests on file aud have added your name to the list aud should a copy come into our hands will advise you. he work was originally published at K.LL.G -o copy was available until ,ay" &'@C" when one copy was procured at -ew :ork for (L. B!ame" reprinted at Philadelphia" 7avid ,c/ay Co." limited to KLL copies. &'C&. B!ame" reprinted by Wi;ards Bookshelf" ,inneapolis" &'(@. <KCK copies.= B!ame" reprinted by Wi;ards Bookshelf" ,inneapolis" &'(K. &LLL copies" with small index" aud bibliography. B!ame" reprinted with an additional (K page index of Hebrew terms aud numerical occurrence " aud with an outline of !kinner%s works appended by +ohn 7rais" !an 7iego" &'?@. here are three known unpublished manuscripts by ,r. !kinner. he first is titled F-otes aud Comments on the ten books of ,arcus 3itruvius Pollio" translated from the 2atin by +oseph 1wilt" #rchitect* with a prefatory essay entitled" #n )n9uiry into the Principles of Beauty in 1recian #rchitecture by 1eorge" 8arl of #berdeen" 2ondon" &?E(* by +. 0alston !kinner.G he above is bound" is in !kinner%s band" aud has &'D pages. hree letters to ,ary >letcher Huntington are included" dated &??D aud &??K. he second is @'? leaves of typescript" both original aud carbon" in a fine binding at the Cincinnati Public 2ibrary" entitled" F# ,odulous !ystem of measures founded on the British )nch" etc." etc.G he third is at the archives of the heosophical !ociety" #dyar. )t was discovered at 3aranasi with other manuscripts of H.P.B.%s. )t is a manuscript of CK? pages written on one side only" interspersed with number arrangements aud number diagrams. his is what !kinner considered as F3olume )))G of the !ource of ,easures. )n about @K places H.P.B. has made changes" corrections aud insertions" aud in several cases wrote brief remarks on blank pages facing the text. !kinner called this treatise F#rt !peechG. !eeP !ecret 7octrine" )ndex 3olume" .P.H. #dyar" &'('" p. DDK. #lsoP he heosophist" #ugust" &'@C" p. KED" F# 5ni9ue ,anuscriptG" by C. +inara.adasa. ,r. !kinner also wrote over a period of @C years" a F!ymbolic ranslation of the Bible%.%. 6nly three copies were printed" one of which was in the hands of his longtime friend" +. 7. Buck" a fellow ,ason <!ee" BCW 3ol. )))" p. D'?= aud his literary legatee.

Page DLK )t as not known if this is the F,asonic BibleG used by several 5.!. Presidents when sworn into office. ,r. !kinner was initiated into ,e,illan 2odge -o. &D& at Cincinnati" of the 1rand 2odge of >ree aud #ccepted ,asons of 6hio" ,ay E" &??K. his passing occurred on !eptember @" &?'C. !,) H" 186018 <&?DL.&?(E=. I#ncient History from the #honuments. he History of Babylonia. 8dited by 0ev. #. 0. !ayce. 2ondonP !ociety for promoting Christian knowledge" etc." &?((* also &??D" &???" &?'K. H)02W#22" C6--6P. 8nglish bishop aud historian" born at !tepucy" 2ondon" +anuary &&" &('(* died at Bath" +uly @(" &?(K. 8ducated at Charterhouse aud at rinity college" Cambridge. 6rdained deacon" &?@(. Was for a while assistant college tutor at Cambridge" but resigned" &?CD" as a result of controversy about the admission of 7issenters. )n &?DL" he was raised by 2ord ,elbourne to the see of !t. 7avid%s" aud proved himself a very liberal aud wise administrator" espousing various broadminded causes connected with the Church" aud taking great interest in the 0evision of the #uthori;ed 3ersion of the Bible. He resigned his see in &?(D. His History of 1reece <&?CK.DD* new ed." &?DK$K@= has remained a standard work. ),#85! 6> 26C0). Pythagorean philosopher" a native of )taly aud said to have been a teacher of Plato. here is an extant work bearing"his name" written in the 7onie dialect" aud entitled Peni psychas <6n the !oul= which is mainly an abridgment of Plato%s dialogue of imacus. he best ed. of it is that of +. +. de 1elder" 2eyden""&?CE. )t has also been published by C. >. Herman <together with Plato%s imacus= " 2eip;ig" &?K@. 3)3)8- 78 !#)- ,#0 )-" 265)! <&?L@$&??(=. Historic de la 1eographic et des decouvertes geographi9ues depuis les temps les plus recules .us9u%e nos .ours. Paris" &?(C. here are also &D other titles by this author. 352P)#-" 87,8$>82)x$#2>087 <&?@E$&??(= . >rench pathologist. 3ide" BCW 3ol. ))" p. KD? for biographical information. W)2780" 70. #284#-780 <&?@C$&'L?=. Black -ations of 8urope. 5ntraced to date. >or biographical sketch" see BCW 3ol. &. p. KC&. W)2!6-" H60#C8 H#:,#- <&(?E.&?EL= . 8nglish physician aud orient ist" whose works were published in total as he Works of H. H Wilson" &@ 3ols." 2eipsig" &?EL$&?(&. 3ide" BCW 3ol. ))" p.

Page DLE W6)78" CH#028! 167>08: <or Carl 1ottfnied= <b. &(@K in Poland" d. &('L=. Preacher at 1erman 0oyal Chapel" !t. +ames &((L* #ssistant 2ibrarian at the British ,useum &(?@. His works includeP I <6n Pistis !ophia= B#rticleP he British heological ,aga;ine <7as Bnittisehe theolo. ,aga;ine= 3ol. )" Part D" p. @@C <concerning 7r. #skew%s travels in )taly aud 1reece" aud his obtaining the Codex #lexandninus by chance at a book store.= B#rticle inP +ournal des !avants" Paris" &((C. B#rticle inP Beytruge ;ur Befeinderung theologiseher und ander wiehtigen /enutnisse" <+. #. Cramer" editor= . 3ol. )))" p. ?@" /idl und Hamburg" &((?. B-otitia codicis #lexandrini cum varius" cius leetionibus omnibusP recundendam curvait notas9ue adiecit 1. 2. !pohu. 2ipsia" &(??" &('L. B)n &((K was published a dictionary of Coptic prepared by ,. 3. 2a Crose" aud completed by Chnistianus !cholt;" edited by Woide aud issued at 6xford in 2atin. B)n &((? a 1rammain by the same panties in Coptic2atin at 6xford. B)n &(?E Woide edited the I-cw estament according to the text of the Codex #lexandninus" in unical types cast to imitate those of the manuscript. )n an appendix to this great undertaking he added certain fragments of the -. . in the hebiaco$ Coptic dialect" together with a dissertation on the Coptic version of the -ew estament" assigning the date of the Codex #lexaudninus to the Kth century" aud thus the third oldest manuscript of the -. . in existence. 6x%ford &C@ p." pub. &(''" posthumously. B-ovum estamentum 1raceum" cx codice ,!. #lexandnino 9ui 2ondini in Bibliotheca ,usci </ings ,!." & 7. 3))) asservatur discriptum a Carobo 1odofredo Woide" etc.P 2ondon" cx prelo +oannis -ichols" &(?E. >olio" KLL copies <on velum" E copies" with various readings= . B)n ,odern 1reek type" ICodex #lexaudninus -ovum estamentum 1racce" cx anti9uissimo Codice #lexandnino a C. C. Woide ohim descniptum ad fidurn ipsius Codicis denuo aceuratius editit B. H. Cow per" 2ondon" Williams Q -orgate" &?EL <KLD pp.=. B#rticle <6n a Palm yrene Coin= inP #reheobogia" 3ol. 3)" p. &CL" 2ondon" &(?@.


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