How To Get Lots of Money For Anything Fast Stuart Lichtman and Joe Vitale
How To Get Lots of Money For Anything Fast Stuart Lichtman and Joe Vitale
How To Get Lots of Money For Anything Fast Stuart Lichtman and Joe Vitale
Stuart A. Lichtman
and Joe Vitale
How to Get Lots of Money for Anything Fast
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Copyright 2002 by Stuart Lichtman All Rights Reserved
Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited.
Copyright 2002 by Stuart Lichtman
All rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution are forbidden.
No part of this publication shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without written permission from the authors.
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard
to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the authors and the
publisher are not engaged in rendering medical, psychological, legal, accounting, or any
other professional advice. If medical advice or other professional assistance is required,
the services of a competent professional should be sought.
Also, the terms Cybernetic Transposition Basic Achievement Three-Step and
Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step are pending registration and
are fully protected names owned by Stuart Lichtman. They may not be used without his
written permission.
One last note:
The Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step is very powerful, too
powerful to teach without a good deal of training. So please note this warning:
This book doesn't teach you how to teach others to do the Cybernetic Transposition
Super Achievement Three-Step or any of the component processes.
Please do not attempt to teach this to others.
For more information, please contact Stuart Lichtman at:
[email protected]
How to Get Lots of Money for Anything Fast
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Copyright 2002 by Stuart Lichtman All Rights Reserved
Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited.
If You Have Questions
If you have questions, please consult this book, the accompanying Bonuses and the
Unadvertised Bonuses. Ive tried to make them extremely comprehensive and I think that
all the answers are there.
To make it easier for you to find things, all of the Chapter and Section headings are
included in the bookmarks. Just click on the Bookmarks tab on the left side of the
Acrobat window and then on the item youre looking for.
Or, if you are seeking specific words or phrases, use Acrobats Find function by
clicking on the Binocular icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen, typing in what
youre seeking and clicking on the Find button. If you want to keep looking for the
same thing, youll see that the Find button has now changed to Find Again so just
click it again and again if you wish.
The Bonus forms and audios provide detailed follow-me instructions and will guide
you through all of the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement processes.
The Bonus eBook, Secrets Of Making Large Sums Of Money In Your Own Business,
presents the most comprehensive. detailed and effective techniques for a successful small
business. Most of what it presents will be found nowhere else.
The Zappers are clever, simple and quick variations on the basic Cybernetic
Transposition techniques that, once you have unconsciously learned the basic techniques,
will make things much easier and more successful in ordinary, day to day situations.
The very specific techniques described in the Bonus eBook, Cut The Time It Takes You
To Do Things In Half Effortlessly, have typically resulted in savings of 50% or more in
the time it took very busy people to accomplish their work, usually when doing so
seemed completely impossible and this was usually accompanied by improved
The nine Unadvertised Bonuses give detailed instructions for finding perfect romantic
and business partners, how to get a perfect job, how to invent million dollar ideas, how
to use the Cybernetic Transposition techniques to achieve any of your other goals, how
to very effectively put the how-to recommendations of other experts to work, how to
discover and harness the power of what you were born to do, how to access your True-
Self, how to simplify and personalize the Cybernetic Transposition techniques with no
loss and perhaps an increase in effectiveness and other useful topics.
Table of Contents
Note 2
If You Have Questions 3
Formulas for Miracles: An Introduction by Joe Vitale 5
How I Raised 2.5 Million Dollars, Died for 8 Minutes, and Developed the
Cybernetic Transposition Techniques: A Foreword by Stuart Lichtman 7
Chapter One: The New Way to Achieve all Your Dreams 13
Chapter Two: Basic Achievement Step 1 - How to Set Your First Target 24
Chapter Three: Basic Achievement Step 2 - How to Make Your Target 43
More Important Than Distractions
Chapter Four: Basic Achievement Step 3 - How to Resolve Unconscious Conflicts 54
That Would Normally Block Reaching Your Basic Achievement Target
Chapter Five: How to Take the Temperature of Your Target 68
Chapter Six: How to Become Super Lucky - The Cybernetic Transposition 77
Super Achievement Process
Chapter Seven: How to Create Your Inner Anchor Point - A Magic Tool for 99
Rocketing To Your Target
Chapter Eight: How to Achieve the Impossible, or, The Amazing Secret of 124
Robin Hood and Ancient Zen Masters
Chapter Nine: How to Communicate with Your Unconscious - 155
The Super Achievement Target Process
Chapter Ten: Super Achievement Step Three - How to Resolve Self-Destructive 174
Unconscious Habit Patterns Forever!
Chapter Eleven: Trouble Shooting and Practice - How to Guarantee Your Success 208
A Word from The Author 220
About the Author 222
Formulas for Miracles
An Introduction by Joe Vitale
I didnt see it coming.
I was busy writing, reading, swimming, playing, and just in general keeping busy
with the odds and ends of my life when the e-mail arrived.
It was an email from David Garfinkel, business partner, mentor and dear friend of
mine. In it David went on and on about a genius he had discovered. He said this genius
had developed a new system for helping people create stunning results in their lives
everything from getting more money fast to creating new relationships, improving health
and well being, and much more.
Naturally, I was skeptical.
But I was also curious.
I asked to see some material on this guy and his work. David sent it and I, well,
was stunned.
What David sent me was staggering. Here was a precise set of instructions on
having, doing, or being anything you could imagine. I read over the material in awe.
While Ive been investigating the processes for creating whatever you want in your life, I
had never come across anything that clearly walked people through all the steps of
picking, naming, and getting their dreams.
Here, in short, were formulas for miracles.
What excited me even more was the fact that these formulas were in alignment
with my own discoveries about how to make our dreams come true. While I wrote about
a simple five-step process for creating wealth from the inside out in my book, Spiritual
Marketing, even my own strategy wasnt as clear as what I was reading in the material
David shared with me.
There was only one problem.
The formulas David shared with me were dry. They were like recipes for a
delicious dinner. On the page, they were lifeless. What they needed was a writer.
Thats when I volunteered to co-author any book Davids client might want.
Since David was already busy with projects and couldnt do the writing himself, the
honor fell to me.
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Copyright 2002 by Stuart Lichtman All Rights Reserved
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And as it turned out, the man who created all the formulas also created me.
The first time I spokaye to Stuart Lichtman, he told me he had set an objective to
get a good writer to help him express his ideas. The result, he said, was me.
Stuart Lichtman, the author of all the material you are about to read, is a sincere
man who has dedicated the last 25 years to trying, testing, and documenting his tools for
easily creating the life you prefer.
And he really is a genius.
What you are about to read are his formulas. Ive done my best to brighten them.
What you do with them will be up to you.
I suggest you think big. Go for your biggest, boldest, more amazing dreams.
Because with the Cybernetic Transposition process you are about to learn, you
can and will achieve any dream you want.
Go for them!
Joe Vitale
Austin, Texas
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Copyright 2002 by Stuart Lichtman All Rights Reserved
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How I Raised 2.5 Million Dollars, Died for 8 Minutes,
and Developed the Cybernetic Transposition Techniques
A Foreword by Stuart Lichtman
When I was a student at M.I.T. in 1957, my first great insight came when I
realized that all areas of engineering (i.e., electrical, mechanical, nuclear, aeronautical)
taught the same thing but that their foci differed. So I decided that I should be able to take
the best course in each of those areas, totally ignoring the fact that M.I.T. policy did not
permit doing so.
I knew that Id need a new thesis advisor, someone who had a distinctly
entrepreneurial perspective and, having done a very early version of what became the
Cybernetic Transposition technique, my new advisor appeared in the form of Dwight
Dwight was a natural mechanical genius and a mentor to M.I.T. would-be
entrepreneurs. For me, he was a godsend, the first person in my life who seemed to really
care about me. He and his wife, Mavis, treated me somewhat like a son.
Dwight had been raised on a farm in South Dakota and specialized in doing what
he was told he couldnt do. For example, he was told that cleaning the fuel injector
nozzles on their tractor required extensive special equipment. He, of course, did it
perfectly with nothing more than ordinary hand tools.
Being a troublemaker like me, his response to my request that I be allowed to take
courses in any area of engineering was, Sure. Just dont make a fool of me. So I was
off to the races. (Actually, more literally than not since my hobby was sports cars that I
financed by buying and selling other cars and I had already started my racing career.) Not
surprisingly, one of my first courses in aeronautical engineering was one about the
dynamics of automotive suspensions.
Taking this broad perspective on engineering led me to my second great insight,
that at some point in every one of the extremely precisely defined engineering systems,
there was something that messed up the works: a human. I was very surprised that my
professors could show me no way to model humans.
So I studied psychology and economics, the fields that supposedly dealt with such
things. They didnt. The psychology that was taught at M.I.T. was Skinnerian and
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modeled humans as if they were rats. I knew that wasnt on track. The many economists
whose work I studied suffered terribly from myopia. They each assumed that everyone
else in the world was like them and their theories modeled what they would personally do
in a situation and assumed everyone else would. Given that any eight year old child
would disagree with that premise, I knew the answer didnt lie with them, either.
When I told Dwight that I wanted to develop a system to model humans, he said,
Good luck and left me to it. It actually took me 18 years and wasnt realized until after
Id created and run a number of successful companies and had gone back to school to do
a doctorate in business so as to learn what Id been doing right and wrong. Unfortunately,
I found I knew a lot more about business than my professors.
One of the businesses that I had started was called Recognition Terminals, formed
in 1969, and Id intuitively used an early version of the Cybernetic Transposition
techniques to almost instantly generate the $2.5 million in investment funding that I
I knew from my research on venture capitalists that obtaining funding from them
was not only very difficult but extremely time consuming, often taking six to eighteen
months before the first dollar was seen. So I decided that wasnt the way to go. Instead, I
turned down the lights in my office, sat down in my most comfortable chair, and created
an imaginary experience of someone, an investor, happily giving me a check for $2.5
million. I then focused on the investor, in my imagination, repeatedly asking him for his
name and how to contact him. After a few hours of refining this imaginary experience,
writing it down, editing it to make it perfect and building a perfect imaginary
experience of the venture, the name popped into my consciousness. Id heard of his
company and name once.
I immediately located his companys phone number and called him. Logically,
that didnt make sense because it was a Saturday but I knew that I had to call him. He
was in and I immediately got through to him. We talked about fifteen minutes and he said
he was interested. He told me to wait by the phone and his executive vice president
would call within an hour. After about 35 minutes, the phone rang. It was the executive
vice president and we set up an appointment for Monday at my attorney in Washington,
On Monday, after about an hour of attorney type of hassling, we agreed on terms
(which Id failed to specify in my vision and werent as good as I would have liked) and
my attorney drafted a 1 page letter agreement that we both signed. My attorney then
pulled an unused corporation out of his files, we decided on a name, he contacted the
Attorney General of Maryland to change the corporations name to our new one, we set
up a bank account and two days later we had the $2.5 million in our account via wire
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That was my first big success using what evolved into the Cybernetic
Transposition techniques.
In any case, I decided I wanted to do my dissertation on the unconscious decision
making of venture capitalists. To do so, I had to develop a system that would model that
decision making. Thus was born my Arintel system. It used artificial intelligence pattern
recognition techniques to create an imaginary 15 dimension hyperspace in which
people with similar unconscious personalities would cluster together.
Dont worry if that doesnt make any sense. Arintel isnt what you will learn in
this book. Youre going to learn something even better.
Arintel worked fabulously even though the data collection was a bear and the
program would only run on the most powerful supercomputer of the time, a Cray I,
hogging expensive computer time like a demon. In 1973 dollars, it cost $25,000 to make
one run.
I then applied Arintel to sophisticated market and economic research on behalf of
the U.S. government and Fortune 500 companies. (They were the only ones willing to
spend $500,000 to $1 million per project.)
In doing research in many parts of the world, I found some very interesting things.
The most interesting was that we always found the same 12 clusters of unconscious
personality types. That was so strange that I brought in experts on statistical techniques to
see if that was a result of bias in Artintel. They concluded it wasnt.
In one project, we brought together people who were most typical of the most
interesting clusters (stereotypes) and found that behaviorally and in terms of mannerisms,
these people from all over the world were almost clones of each other.
The models Artintel developed were so powerful that, in doing a 7-year study of
the operations of the U.S. Small Business Administration, our seven variable models
were 90 to 99 percent accurate in predicting the performance of small business
Another interesting result was the ability to make very accurate economic
projections. For example, we were asked by an investor group to assess the market for
hotels and motels in Orlando, Florida not long after Disneyworld opened. Disneys
projections of demand were not made public and the State of Floridas published ones
projected about 10 percent of the demand that actually arose. As a result, the demand for
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hotels and motels in Orlando far exceeded the supply.
And, as a result of that, a building boom ensued. About 26,000 rooms were built
in two years, flooding the market. My clients intuitively figured that some opportunities
would arise from the fact that the insurance companies providing the mortgages for the
hotels and motels would eventually foreclose lots of them and would then sell them to the
highest bidder.
So we studied consumer behavior and compared what we found with Orlandos
supply of hotel and motel rooms. We expressed the result in terms of three cases: worst,
probable, and best. The worst case presupposed something like a war or major civil
disturbances, something that would really shock the populace.
And, two months after we submitted our findings, the worst case occurred the
oil crisis. Gasoline was just not available. People had to stand in line for hours to get a
few gallons.
And since essentially all of the traffic to Orlando came from the more northern
areas of the east coast, this counted as a catastrophe for the hotels and motels there.
Occupancy rates dropped precipitously.
Our projections expressed in terms of occupancy rates, however, turned out to be
extremely accurate within 3% of actual over the ensuing 12 months. After the first
months results showed we were on track with our projections, our investors asked us to
work with them to devise a strategy to take advantage. That was actually pretty simple. It
was two part. The first focused on buying cheap. We simply showed the insurance
companies our projections and they sold for 50 or 60 cents on the dollar.
The second focused on creating demand. That was more interesting. At the time,
the railroads had created what they called the Auto Train. This ran from outside
Washington, D.C. to Orlando. Passengers loaded their cars onto the train and rode in
comfortable railroad cars with them to Orlando. So we had our clients lock up most of the
available seats on the Auto Train.
Pretty soon the properties theyd bought were operating at over 80% occupancy
and making money.
Arintel was an extremely powerful tool. It was so powerful that politicians began
to sniff around it. That frightened me so I destroyed the system and am still the only
person who knows how it all worked.
Getting back to the evolution of Cybernetic Transposition, around 1981 I had just
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finished a very difficult turn around of a company (a $4 million loss to a $2 million profit
with a tripling of sales from $7 to $21 million in 9 months and a drop in defects from
12% to around 1%, while operating, each day, with a totally recalcitrant work force and
short $2 million or more to pay bills) and was recuperating in my San Francisco home.
During the mornings, I would study research on the structure and operation of the human
brain. (After all, if working in artificial intelligence, I needed to know a lot about real
In the afternoon, Id sit in my living room watching the fog eating the Golden
Gate Bridge and contemplate what Id learned and what I was going to do next. During
one of these sessions, I had three big aha types of breakthroughs.
The first was that the human brain could be viewed as a massively parallel
computer system, each of the component neurons functioning as both a digital and
analogue computer.
The second was that the power of such a system was millions times greater than
the most powerful supercomputer Id been using and that humans could and probably did
automatically do what Id been approximating with the Arintel system.
The third was that I could teach people to use this system so that they could do
seemingly impossible things.
Another factor was that in a near death experience that Id had when I was
clinically dead for 8 minutes in 1969, Id had awakened some abilities that Id never been
aware of. And when I met a spiritual teacher whose energy Id encountered in that near
death experience, I quickly decided to study with him.
That study involved meditating for what eventually became 2 hours each day.
Following my three-part insight described above, my meditations frequently began to
include the receipt of packets of information, each of which was an aha
experience. I wrote them down and they became the actual nuts and bolts of the
Cybernetic Transposition process.
In the process, I realized that Id been using these techniques in various forms
since I was a freshman at M.I.T. and I knew that they would work for others. So I
organized the first training in July of 1981. I had about 250 people in a three day session
in Santa Monica and about 85% of them achieved their seemingly impossible objectives
on the first try.
Those were the first of the 50,000 plus people I trained in these techniques around
the world.
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In retrospect, I realize that all of my studies in artificial intelligence and my labs
that consisted of running companies and doing sophisticated market and economic
research had fleshed out what I knew naturally into a very operational way of teaching
essentially anyone whod put in the effort to learn, how to do the seemingly impossible.
All of my work in artificial intelligence was something like Archimedes bath that
awakened him to what his unconscious mind was trying to tell him. (See the story on
page 18 of the Small Business bonus e-book.)
In creating and running companies, Id had lots of opportunities to observe and
model people, how they succeed and failed. Id learned from my clients and other experts
like Ed Brower who could walk up to just about anyone and, if you couldnt hear what
they were saying, youd think they were long lost brothers or brother and sister. He was
so adept at unconsciously identifying the other persons personality type and
unconsciously acting on that knowledge that hed instantly create a perfect fit with them.
I studied about 100 inventors and worked closely with over 50 of them, including
the most productive one in the world. That gave me a different perspective on how we
unconsciously could invent ways to achieve the seemingly impossible. And then I used
the Cybernetic Transposition techniques to help some of these inventors cut the time
cycle to invent by about 90 percent.
The name Cybernetic Transposition is uniquely appropriate to what Im teaching.
Cybernetics means to me, the human use of human beings, the title of cybernetics
creator Norbert Wieners second book on the subject.
Transposition means the basic technique of transposing a success in one area of
life into a success in another area.
In my view, artificial intelligence and computers, in general, should be used to
relieve humans of drudgery and to assist them in turning their intuitive ideas into
conscious awareness. Thats allowing them to be more human and less machine like.
But enough about how I discovered all this.
Let me now teach you how to use it.
Youre in for a fun ride.
Stuart Lichtman
Santa Barbara, CA
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Chapter One
The New Way to Achieve all Your Dreams
Name something you want.
It can be a weight-loss goal, a money goal, a sales quota, a new house, a relationship,
etc. It's entirely up to you.
Since this book is about money, think about your money goals. How much more
money are you seeking, anyway? A hundred dollars? Thousands? A million?
Now let me ask you a blunt question:
Why don't you have it yet?
Why don't you have the thinner body, or more money, or whatever it is you said you
Now let me tell you something shocking:
The fault isn't with the economy, your parents, your spouse, your neighbors, your
mayor, the president or anyone or anything outside of you.
There is only one answer to my question of, "Why don't you have it yet?"
And I'll tell you what it is in a minute.
Have you ever wondered why so many people have so much trouble getting what they
truly want?
Have you considered that there could be an easier way through life?
Have you ever felt that life was just too much of a struggle?
Most of us have, at one time or another, just felt that life was a royal pain. But
the liberating truth is thislife doesn't have to be that way.
What's the secret to making life a joy?
What's the secret to creating more money now?
And what's the answer to why you haven't achieved your goals yet?
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It's in your own mind.
No, not in your thoughts. Not in your conscious mind. The roadblock is deeper. It's
where you rarely look. It's in your un-conscious.
In short, if there is something you are trying to achieveyou name itand you aren't
achieving it, chances are your unconscious holds some contradictory intentions for you.
Said another way, you want something and it doesn't.
If you are typical, you are constantly giving yourself contradictory instructionslike
I want to lose weight and I want that luscious piece of pie.
Notice anything odd about them?
Those statements are going in different directions. After years of such frustrating and
contradictory messages, your unconscious gives up and starts to disregard what you
consciously want.
In other words, you canceled out your own request. You said, "I want money," but
right after that you said (or thought), "I don't deserve it" or "Money never comes to me"
or some other similar limiting belief.
As a result, you usually didnt get what you said you wanted!
But I have good news for you.
All that is about to end. Youre about to learn two simple three-step processes that will
put an end to the mental self-sabotage that has been holding you back. Now youll finally
be able to show your unconscious mind exactly how to let you achieve what you
consciously want.
I said simple, but that doesnt mean easy. It wont happen automatically, just by
holding these pages in your hand or thinking beautiful thoughts. Theres no magic or
hocus-pocus. But there is a method. And it can be called magical.
You will have to read, understand, and use the ideas in this book. However, just
think of all the time and energy youve already spent on activities that didnt work. And
now think of all the time and energy youll free up in the future by knowing how to work
at maximum efficiency!
Relax. You're about to learn how to make all your dreams come truefinally!
An Introduction to Cybernetic Transposition
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Before I can reveal the two processes that will bring you all your dreams, I need to
explain the term Cybernetic Transposition to you.
Cybernetic Transposition is the proprietary technique I developed and perfected, and
which companies paid me $25,000 a day to teach to their employees.
(You got a real bargain when you bought this book. You saved $24,900 at least!)
Why did companies pay me so much to learn this method?
Because it may be the single most powerful, effective technique ever developed for
personal achievement.
And the achievement corporate managers care about, of course, is the individual's
enhanced ability to generate more profitin short: More money fast.
So, how does it work?
What Cybernetic Transposition does is empower your mind to use one success any
success that you have experienced, and "transpose" (or transform) that first success
into the solid foundation for a success in another area.
What this means is this:
If you have been successful in gardening, or playing golf, or running a household, or
learning to drive a car, or anything else as long as you are able to understand yourself
as a success (not a world-class success, not an overwhelming success, but merely a
success at all) in that one area then you can be successful in another area.
Wildly successful, if you want.
In terms of money, think what this can mean to you.
How much money do you want? When do you want it?
What if you could "program" yourself, using any past success you've had and you
"own" as valid (in your own mind) as the only condition you need to get that money
legally, ethically and in a way that does not harm you or anyone else?
Think of this!
It means you don't need more schooling.... or more experience... or personal
connections... or to be born into a rich family... or any other preconditions you might
have thought you needed to have money.
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All you need is a previous success you recognize in your own mind as being a success.
Thats it!
Pretty amazing, isnt it?
No other book, author or method shows you how to do this and no one else has done
this in rigorous tests where 81% of the test group, which was 50,000 people, achieved a
seemingly impossible goal quickly on the first try but in the case of entrepreneurs,
the first-time success rate was close to 100%.
One other thing:
Another reason Cybernetic Transposition works where other methods fall short is
Cybernetic Transposition relies on whole-brain harmonizing, a technique I perfected.
Whole brain harmonizing gets the four main parts of the brain
* the left brain (words, logic)
* the right brain (patterns, symbols)
* the mid-brain (emotions)
* and the brain stem (physical stimulation)
... in sync with each other.
You see, it is the conflict, the disharmony, the competing agendas of these four parts of
the brain that keep you from achieving your goals. No other goal-setting system
systematically and effectively gets all four parts of the brain "looking in the same
direction" and working from the same agenda.
Cybernetic Transposition does.
And it can bring you such results as to take your breath away.
A Working Definition of the Magic
I define Cybernetic Transposition as
Putting yourself consciously in charge by creating effective
communication between your conscious and unconscious minds, by consciously
transposing successes from any part of your life into other ones where you
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consciously want to produce success, resolving self-defeating unconscious habit
patterns into ones that support you and by creating effective conscious
communication with the part of you that knows what's right for you.
Where did I get the two words that make up the term?
Cybernetics is a term created by the incredibly brilliant Norbert Wiener who developed
the discipline and who I used to see wandering the halls of MIT. Cybernetics derives
from the Greek word for "steersman" or the person in control.
In a very real sense, our unconscious mind acts as our massively powerful, massively
parallel computer comprised of about 100 billion tiny computers called neurons. Usually,
our conscious minds are pretty much irrelevant to the functioning of our unconscious.
Ill be teaching you to change that, to bring your conscious mind into the loop so it, in a
sense, becomes the steersman.
So the first part of the definition is helping people to be more human rather than acting
like machines that operate almost totally unconsciously, out of conscious control.
Transposition is defined as the process of interchanging. In our case, we are taking a
memory of success in one aspect of life or in the same aspect at a different time in life
and transposing it to create success in a different aspect and/or time.
Now that you have been introduced to the name of the process, lets move on to
discovering how to use it to manifest your highest dreams.
How do you rate this so far?
How would you rate your interest in this new method so far?
To keep your conscious and unconscious on the same page, Im going to ask you to
check out your intuitive feelings on that familiar 1 to 10 scale from time to time.
This will help you step out of the ranks of the millions with poor internal
communication. When you sharply improve your ability to tell your unconscious mind
what you really want, its going to respond eagerly. No more guessing. No more hit or
miss. You'll give it an assignment and it will go to work for you instantly.
Just imagine all the money you'll be making shortly!
As you learn this process, your unconscious will be experimenting. Every time it tries
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something, the job of your conscious mind will be let it know how well that fits what you
want. If the fit isnt good, then it will try something else. Eventually, through trial and
error, you will get the two working together to get you what you want.
This will be a lot like the pilot on your last flight. No matter where you were flying to,
that pilot drifted off course a few timessometimes intentionally, such as to avoid bad
weatherbut he later always went back on course so he got you where you wanted to go.
Your conscious and unconscious will work in similar ways. I'll explain it all to you as
we travel through this book.
And what, you ask, are you going to be measuring on the 1 to 10 scale?
Desirability a 1 means totally undesirable, the pits and a 10 means totally
desirable, wouldnt change it for all the tea in China its perfect for me.
Difficulty a 1 means nearly automatic and 10 means nearly impossible
based on logic and experience.
Right now, how do you rate your desire to know the three steps to more money fast that I
am about to teach you?
Are you at a 10 meaning totally desirable! or lower?
If youre not at a 10 right now, then maybe you have a belief or two that This isnt
possible for me or This cant work for me.
Whatever comes up for you is fine. No matter what you think right now, by the time you
finish this book, youre going to know exactly how to use the powers of your own mind
to gets lots of money for anythingfast!
Anything Is Possible
Heres a quick, inspiring story to give you a hint of what is possible with the methods
youll be learning in this book
Sam was an experienced programmer who had lost his job when his firm
was downsized after it had been acquired. While he was out of work, he spent his
time improving his skills but was getting pretty desperate as his savings began to
dwindle. Yet, despite submitting lots of resumes, no job came his way.
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Using the Cybernetic Transposition Basic Three-Step, Sam set an
objective of getting a stimulating job at a 10 percent increase in salary. After
practicing for a few weeks, Sam was talking with his instructor in a programming
course he was taking. The conversation continued after class, leading to a request
by the instructor for Sams resume.
Two weeks later, Sam was hired by his instructors firm. They were so
eager for someone with his skills that they gave Sam an offer that included a
salary 12 percent higher than his previous job.
At this point, you might start considering what you want to have, do, or be.
Youll refine your target as you go through this material, but why not begin dreaming
right now?
What do you want, anyway?
Heres another story to jump-start your desires .
Mary decided to form her own training firm. Using the Cybernetic Transposition
techniques in only 8 days she got a $20,000 contract.
How much do you want, anyway?
And what do you want it for?
Here's yet another quick story for you
John worked as a bus company manager. Despite management's desire to avoid
raises, he decided he wanted a 15% raise. So he did the basic Cybernetic
Transposition technique and, without planning, walked into his manager's office.
He walked out with exactly the raise he's wanted to get.
Well, what do you want?
Three Steps to More Cash
Youre about to learn how a tried and tested three step process can transform your world
and bring you all the riches youve ever imagined.
Ive proven this method will work by testing it on 50,000 people. Now youre going to
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prove it will work for you.
First, let me introduce you to the basic three steps:
1. Create a Target that defines what you want, one that is clearly understood by all
aspects of your un-conscious mind.
Think of the bulls eye of an archery target with its concentric circles
enclosing a central red circle. Your unconscious mind needs something as
clear as that circle, a target that indicates exactly what you want.
2. Prioritize your Target Flag it so that you will remain unconsciously focused
on it while you get on with your normal activities.
Imagine a large crowd of people, all dressed alike in gray. Now picture
one of them holding up your highly graphic bulls eye target with the
bright red center. Chances are, the target is what will catch your eye.
Thats what happens in your unconscious mind when you have
appropriately prioritized your target.
3. Resolve any self-defeating un-conscious habit patterns that can prevent you
from achieving your target.
Your unconscious habits govern what you normally do in a situation. The
most efficient way to go through life is to do a lot of things on automatic except
when those automatic habit patterns get in the way. In other words, most people
have unconscious mechanisms that sabotage their desire to hit the target. When
you clear those, you are free to hit the mark.
Think about driving a car
Most of what you do requires little conscious attention. You attend to the traffic,
whats on the radio, the time, etc. You dont pay much attention to the numerous
minor steering corrections, evaluating your distance from the cars on your right
or left, slowing to adjust to the car in front of you, etc.
Now, remember what it was like when you first learned to drive. Every
single thing required a conscious decision. Remember how tiring that
was? Didnt your palms sweat? Didnt you hold your breath a lot?
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The difference is that now, through repetition, you have created
unconscious habit patterns that operate automatically, making things
much easier. Those unconscious habit patterns persist, seemingly forever.
Thats why we say, You never forget how to ride a bike. Youre never
going to forget how to drive a car, are you?
But driving a car is a simple example. And youve already accomplished
it, most likely.
But what about the things you wantlike more moneythat you dont
yet have? What keeps stopping you from achieving that goal?
Some of your persistent, unconscious habit patterns dont work well for
you any more. They can automatically block you from getting what
you want. They are probably even operating right now, keeping you
from getting more money (or any other target).
For example, an infant learns to cry when it is hungry. Crying is very
effective for an infant. Cry, and someone pretty quickly comes to meet
your needs. But this automatic response loses its effectiveness as we grow
older. Think of someone youve seen in your business life. Theyre
frustrated because theyre not getting what they want. Their voice gets
louder, they get red in the face, maybe they even wave their arms around
or pound on a table
Just like an infant when it is frustrated.
Why? The unconscious habit pattern they learned as an infant is still
working but now its working against them.
For you to be successful at things that seem impossible, those
inappropriate unconscious patterns have to be changed into new
habits that enhance your ability to get what you want.
I call that resolving unconscious habit patterns Clearing the
unconscious of whatever prevents you from achieving your target. Its the
third step in this magical 3-step process. Its fun. And its very, very
There you have it.
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Those are the basic steps to what I call The Basic Achievement Three Step.
Its one of the two powerful techniques in Cybernetic Transposition.
And you thought this was going to be hard!
Quick Summary The Three Step
Just to be sure were on the same page, lets review what you just learned on the
Cybernetic Transposition Three-Step Process.
1. Create a Target defining what you want that is clearly understood by all major
aspects of your unconscious mind.
2. Prioritize your target so that you remain focused on it while you get on with your
normal activities.
3. Resolve any unconscious habit patterns that would normally prevent you from
achieving your target.
What Skills Will You Need For The Basic Achievement Three-Step?
Youre probably wondering what youre going to have to pack to make all your dreams
come true.
Well, not much.
Actually, they are very familiar skills that you already learned in school:
1. reading
2. writing
3. editing
They also include two very important ones that youve learned simply by living:
4. separating things into logical groupings
5. being aware of whether things feel right for you or not.
Thats it!
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One Last Thing
You dont have to believe this is going to work.
You probably have your doubts. You probably want to raise a ton of money fast but are
highly suspicious that this method will work for you.
Well, Ive taught my seminar to 50,000 people. Even the ones who didnt believe this
would work still got results.
The truth is this:
1. If you have a modest goal or target, you can use the Basic three steps weve been
talking about to achieve it.
2. If you have what feels like an impossible desire, you can use the Super
Achievement process to achieve it.
Either way, your results are just waiting for you!
You ought to be at a 10 on the desire to know everything about Cybernetic
Transposition right now!
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Chapter Two
Basic Achievement Step 1:
How to Set Your First Target
My goal is to be rich by the end of the year.
My goal is to get more money fast!
My goal is to have Donald Trump owing me money.
Those might be called goals, but chances are high that the person saying them will never
achieve them.
Because they simply arent good targets.
Most people set a goal, declare it their target, and then wonder why they dont hit it.
Well, no one has ever explained the inner workings of the human mind quite like Im
about to in this chapter.
You see, in the past, when you stated a desire and tried to achieve it, you didnt know
that other parts of you may have other desires.
But Im getting ahead of myself
The next three chapters will teach you how to use the Cybernetic Transposition Basic
Three Step Process to attain any challenging (but not impossible) desire you may have.
(Youll learn the Super Achievement Process later for the impossible desires.)
In this chapter, you'll identify your objective, or what you want to achieve. Then we'll
work on converting it into a Target that all the major parts of your conscious and
unconscious mind will agree on and support.
Creating your target is just the first step in the Cybernetic Transposition Basic Three-
Step Process. There are two more steps in the next two chapters.
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When you put all three of them together, your Target becomes irresistibly attractive. In
fact, you'll find all portions of your mind working together to draw you inescapably
towards your Basic Achievement objective!
Are you ready?
How to Set Your Target
Why do you have inner parts that may not want the same goal you say you want?
In other words, why do you sometimes self-sabotage your own best efforts?
Why does money keep evading you, anyway?
Ill explain it to you. This is something virtually no one has ever understood.
Your brains activities are divided among four different systems, each involving a major
part of your brain. Usually these parts are pulling you in different directions because they
each speak a different language:
The right brain is fluent in patterns of arrangement, rhythm, and sound.
The left brain's language is made up of words and logic.
The midbrain communicates in emotions.
The brainstems language consists of physical stimulus and response.
Your rhythm section, the part of the brain that speaks the language of patterns,
rhythm, and sound, is popularly known as the right brain.
The words and logic brain is sometimes called the left brain.
The emotionally fluent section is the midbrain.
And the part that responds to physical stimulus is the brainstem.
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You have probably experienced them all working together in harmonyand sometimes
in conflict, battling and even sabotaging each other.
Why Dieting Sucks
This example ought to strike home for you:
Suppose you decide to go on a diet and write a resolution (words and logic).
But when you arrive at the dinner table, you unconsciously grab a hot, fresh roll and bite
into it before realizing that it will delay reaching your weight-loss goal (physical
stimulus: sitting down to dinner and response: eating a roll).
Perhaps you get upset at yourself, muttering some obscenity (emotions) and, in response,
rededicate yourself to holding to your diet (words and logic again).
You refuse the potatoes and gravy (words and logic) and feel better about yourself.
But pretty soon, something seems to be missing (your patterns are being violated).
Meat without potatoes? You think (words and logic), Where are the potatoes? Potatoes
go with meat (pattern).
Do you get a feel for what is happening? Do you sense the inner contradictions?
No wonder dieting doesnt work!
Relax. It can be another way.
Why Money Used To Evade You
But dieting isnt the only place this inner disharmony takes place
Annie is a remarkably competent person - except at making
money. She was at the top of her class in law school and in
getting an MBA. But whenever she starts to approach success
with money, her unconscious habit patterns block her.
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In watching her, it's almost like she's a piece of metal
being drawn to a magnet. But, anywhere from the beginning to
just before she gets a big win, she turns away as if
attracted by another magnet that's drawing her off course.
That's her self-defeating unconscious habit pattern at work.
On the other hand, she spends money like she has all the
money that she would earn if she were in unconscious
Or consider this
Have you ever watched somebody torpedo them self when they
were interviewing for a job or asking for a raise?
Somehow they say or do exactly the wrong thing, the one
thing that absolutely ensures that they will fail.
Of course, they didn't want or plan to fail. They just ran
into a powerful example of unconscious disharmony, a
self-defeating unconscious habit pattern that totally
conflicted with what they consciously wanted.
Are you beginning to get the picture here?
Unless all of you is in alignment to get what you want, you will in most cases find
some way to sabotage your efforts.
Youll blame society, or your parents, or your spouse, or anyonebut the real
culprit is right inside you!
WARNING: Unless you can persuade all four parts of your brain to pursue
your goal, you probably wont achieve it! And whenever you fail to achieve
your goal, you establish and reinforce a pattern. Its called trying and failing,
a familiar experience for most people.
When your four brain systems are not in harmony, it's like the Keystone Cops, with
everyone running in different directions.
However, when the four brain systems are working in harmony, it's like the San
Francisco '49ers winning the Super Bowl.
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The Cybernetic Transposition Basic Three-Step will harmonize these four parts of your
brain so you can more easily achieve the modestly challenging things that you want.
The Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step will harmonize these
parts of your brain to an even higher efficiency, helping you achieve seemingly
impossible objectives.
In other words, youre about to get all parts of your team to work together to help you
achieve the target you choose.
Again, as you read these words, begin thinking of your desire for more money. This will
help bring up any objections to attaining it objections you will dissolve as you read
Are you thinking about your money goals? That would be a good place to begin.
How to Get Mentally Aligned
Youre going to be delighted at how easy it is to get the different parts of your mind
working together.
The most effective way to harmonize the different parts of your mind is to start with a
remembered experience and rewrite it so it exactly describes what you want.
In other words, you daydream or rewrite an actual memory into a perfect picture.
Let me explain:
Your memories already exist in all four languages that your brain speaks. When you
modify a memory so that the words and logic, rhythm and sound patterns, emotional
responses, and imagined physical behavior seem just right to you, then you bring your
conscious and unconscious minds into harmony and line them all up to support what you
are imagining. You realign your energies.
For example, Im remembering my biggest sales month...
Im sitting at my desk in Santa Barbara, enjoying the cool breeze and
warm sun, and looking at the wire transfer report from my bank that
shows I have received a $170,000 payment.
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Im reflecting on the fact that I worked only five days to earn that much.
But I also had three days of hard travel, during one of which my back
started hurting terribly.
The pain got so bad that I was wheeled out of the airplane in a
wheelchair, and a doctor was waiting for me at my hotel.
He wanted to operate immediately, but I refused, so he gave me some
morphine to tide me over.
Despite the pain, I was able to perform five days of training with
outstanding results. However, it was a triumph of will. I was really in
agony. I couldnt even lie down to sleep. Im still feeling the pain as I sit
here a week later.
Frankly, at the time, I would have traded the money for alleviation of the
Note the words and logic, patterns, emotions, and physical stimulus and response in the
preceding passage. Each sentence contains one or more of these languages.
However, the pain, lack of sleep, and my willingness to trade $170,000 for the absence of
the pain are signs of conflict, indicating that Im lacking harmony in that remembered
If I dont resolve those conflicts, I will probably sabotage my efforts to reach any related
If this had been your experience, how would you rate it on an intuitive desirability scale,
1 to 10, where 10 is perfectly desirable?
For me, it was just a 2.
So if Im going to build a positive, ideal daydream out of these events, Ill have to
eliminate some things and add others.
In short, Ill have to rewrite the past.
See how I did it below. Ive added and subtracted some things. (The additions are
indicated below in boldface, the subtractions are crossed out.)
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Im sitting at my desk in Santa Barbara, enjoying the cool breeze and
warm sun and looking at the wire transfer report from my bank that shows
I have received a $170,000 payment.
Im reflecting on the fact that I worked only five days to earn that much.
But I also had three days of hard travel, during one of which my back
started hurting terribly.
The pain got so bad that I was wheeled out of the airplane in a
wheelchair, and a doctor was waiting for me at my hotel.
He wanted to operate immediately, but I refused, so he gave me some
morphine to tide me over.
Despite the pain, I was able to perform five days of training with
outstanding results. However, it was a triumph of will. I was really in
agony. I couldnt even lie down to sleep. Im still feeling the pain as I sit
here a week later.
Frankly, at the time, I would have traded the money for alleviation of the
Now that Im home, Im really enjoying being with my sons and
relaxing some. Im feeling great and very pleased with my performance.
That seems much better to me. In fact, it seems just right. So Ill give it a 10 on the
desirability scale.
This 10 indicates that all of my four unconscious brain parts are working in harmony.
Thats what I want.
Did I change anything in my factual past by modifying the memory? Of course not.
But if I want to tell my unconscious what I want in the future, will I get better results
with the original memory or with my modified imaginary scene?
Obviously, the modified one.
In the Cybernetic Transposition Basic Three-Step, you use a perfect, modified memory
as an instruction to your unconscious. You show your unconscious where you want to
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When all four parts of your brain are in harmony and focused on your Target, youre
headed straight for achievement. Thats something like setting the autopilot in an
airplane. Assuming that the planes control systems are paying attention to the autopilot
and there are no mountains to fly into, the autopilot will take you straight to your
intended destination.
(In Chapter Three you will learn to make sure that your unconscious pays attention to
your Target by prioritizing it. In Chapter Four, youll learn to fly over the mountains
(signs of conflict) that might otherwise block you from achieving your objective.)
Any way you look at it, nothingnot even mountainsis going to stop you!
The Trick to Setting Your Basic Achievement Target
Okay, I know youre eager to dive into Step 1, but Im going to ask you to be patient for
just a few more minutes. I need to introduce you to the technique that is going to get you
what you want.
This trick is an indispensable part of the process.
What I just did above was create what I call a Metastory. You start with a relevant but
not 100% great experience that youve actually had. Then you consciously modify it into
a perfect picture, an imaginary experience that you use to show your unconscious what
you want. Thats a Metastory.
Let me walk you through what I mean:
Think of a time in your life where you received money.
Got the image?
Now, was the experience 100% perfect for you? Did anything happen around it that you
might call negative?
(Yes, I said good. Anything you recalled will be useful material. Its all good.)
Now take that experience and rewrite it so the negative isnt there anymore. As I did with
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my own experience earlier, I rewrote it into what I call a Metastorya perfect version of
what really happened.
Since your unconscious cannot tell the difference between a real or imagined event, it
will record what you just wrote as real.
After all, what does it know? It makes you squirm or scream at a movie, where you know
nothing is really happening! It makes you wake up in a cold sweat because of a
disturbing dreamwhich wasnt real!
Metastories are a fun and powerful way to rewrite your past and give your mind new
instructions. Your mind now has a pleasant memory surrounding money.
When you prioritize a Metastory, you turn it into a Target that your unconscious will
attempt to home in on. (But well get to that later.)
In the example I gave you of modifying my original memory into a 10 Metastory, I
was automatically harmonizing the four parts of my conscious and unconscious minds.
By doing this, I was turning the energy of conflict into productive unconscious
cooperation that clearly and effectively targeted what I consciously wanted to achieve.
In short, I got all my ducks in a row.
This will all become clearer in a few moments
How to Create a Metastory That Is a Target
Lets assume that you have already figured out what you want.
You have defined your objective and selected your target. You then create a Metastory
that gets all four parts of your mind in harmony with your objective.
Heres an example from my life, one that arose from the memory I described earlier:
Id like to have my biggest sales month ever.
Go ahead and write down an objective of your own right now, so you can follow
along with me.
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1. As you think about your objective, notice what comes to mind and write it down.
For example, as I thought about my objective, I remembered sitting at my desk,
reflecting on my biggest income month to date. So I wrote:
Im sitting at my desk, reflecting on my biggest
income month to date.
When you focus on what you want, a similar thing will happen.
As you continue focusing on your objective, your memories will expand. Keep writing
down the additional feelings, thoughts, and memories that come to you.
For example, what came up when I thought of Id like to have my biggest sales
month ever was partly the memory I just described and partly my thoughts about
Im sitting at my desk in Santa Barbara, enjoying
the cool breeze and warm sun and looking at the
wire transfer report from my bank that shows I have
received a $170,000 payment.
Im reflecting on the fact that I only worked five
days to earn that amount. But I also had three days
of hard travel, during one of which my back started
hurting terribly.
Despite the pain, I was able to perform five days of
training with outstanding results. However, it was a
triumph of will. Frankly, at the time, I would have
traded the money for alleviation of the pain.
2. Rate the perfection of your "perfect" memory, using the 1 to 10 Desirability scale,
where 10 means "so great, I wouldn't change it for a million dollars" and "1" means "so
awful I don't even want to think about it."
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For example, I said to myself: I like the money I earned, but I dont like
remembering the pain. So Ill rate that a 2. The pain was so intense, I shudder
when I remember it.
3. If you rated your Metastory less than 10 for Desirability, put your imagination to
work and produce an imaginary "perfect 10" version of the same scene.
To do this, first home in on whats really bothering you in the memory. Then change it!
Start by circling or underlining the words or phrases that describe negative things about
the experience, that trigger signs of conflict.
For example, I have underlined what really bothers me about the memory I described
Im sitting at my desk in Santa Barbara, enjoying
the cool breeze and warm sun and looking at the
wire transfer report from my bank that shows I have
received a $170,000 payment.
Im reflecting on the fact that I only worked five
days to earn that amount. But I also had three days
of hard travel, during one of which my back started
hurting terribly.
Despite the pain, I was able to perform five days of
training with outstanding results. However, it was a
triumph of will. Frankly, at the time, I would have
traded the money for alleviation of the pain.
Now, change each of the marked words or phrases until the signs of conflict disappear.
Use the skill popularly known as "hindsight." (Everyone is an expert at that!) In short,
rewrite your past.
For example, Im editing the underlined parts until I really like the result. Im
adding and subtracting parts. The new words are in boldface and what Ive
subtracted is crossed out.
Im sitting at my desk in Santa Barbara, enjoying
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the cool breeze and warm sun and looking at the
wire transfer report from my bank that shows I have
received a $170,000 payment.
Im reflecting on the fact that I only worked five
days to earn that amount and that I really enjoyed
the snowy weather in Sweden while doing that.
But I also had three days of hard travel, during one
of which my back started hurting terribly.
Im really pleased with myself as I reflect on the
fact that Despite the pain, I was able to perform
five days of training with outstanding results.
However, it was a triumph of will. Frankly, at the
time, I would have traded the money for alleviation
of the pain.
Im looking forward to the seven days of training
that I have scheduled next month and the
$225,000 Ill earn from that.
4. Repeat the circling/underlining and rewriting as many times as it takes for you to hit a
10 on the Desirability scale for your entire Target.
For example, while what I came up with above seems pretty good, it felt like
something was missing so I rated that version as only 8 on the desirability scale.
Now Ill modify things again and come up with a 10 version. (Again, the new
words are in boldface this time I didnt subtract anything.)
Im sitting at my desk in Santa Barbara, enjoying
the cool breeze and warm sun and looking at the
wire transfer report from my bank that shows I have
received a $170,000 payment.
Im reflecting on the fact that I only worked five
days to earn that amount and that I really enjoyed
the snowy weather in Sweden while doing that.
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Im really pleased with myself as I reflect on the
fact that I was able to perform five days of training
with outstanding results.
Im also very pleased that I achieved the
objective that I set for myself of working no
more than ten days a month, leaving lots of time
to be with my kids.
Now Ill have another three weeks with them,
and Im filled with joy and happiness at the
And, with that in mind, Im looking forward to the
seven days of training that I have scheduled next
month and the $225,000 Ill earn from that.
Im very pleased with that. In fact, its definitely a 10 for me. So that becomes
my Target.
How did you do?
Would You Like $60 Million?
It would be great to suddenly receive $60,000,000, wouldnt it?
Or would it?
Do you have any idea what suddenly getting $60,000,000 would feel like to you?
Would you rate the experience as a 1 or 10 for you? Is this really you? Does it seem real
for you or is it a scene in a movie, something out of a book for you?
Be careful if you said 10.
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False 10s are imaginary experiences that you rate a perfect 10 and that seem
outrageously wonderfultoo wonderful, in fact.
When you really look at your feelings about them, what they describe doesn't seem to
have much to do with you. They are too fantastic or you dont feel connected with them.
For example, suppose you are now earning $60,000 per year and you come up with a
Metastory that depicts you suddenly earning $60 million per year.
You probably have no real idea of what earning $60 million would be like. Its easy to
think of the positive things such wealth would bring, but youve probably never
considered the many negatives and what youd have to do to earn $60 million. Or how
you would manage that amount of money if you did make it. (For example, many lottery
winners end up bankrupt.)
In other words, you probably dont connect with the reality of earning $60 million. You
have a nagging feeling that somethings not righta sign of conflict.
But if you change your Metastory to doubling or tripling your current income, it would
probably be much easier to imagine what you would be doing and what your life would
be like.
Doubling or tripling your income would probably be an appropriate perfect Metastory,
but earning $60 million per year is probably not realistic enough to work for youyet .
If, however, you really do want to earn $60 million a year, you can probably get there in
smaller steps. Each step will be extremely ambitious, but still reasonable. (Though, when
you look at what you would lose by changing your lifestyle so drastically, you may
decide its not what you want.)
How do you tell if youre on track with your desires?
Heres a tip:
You're on solid ground as long as the seemingly impossible elements
include an intuitive feeling that they are reasonable and "right for
If a 10 Target seems absolutely perfect for you at this time in your life, dont reject it
just because youve never before achieved this result.
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After all, maybe $60,000,000 is right for you at this time. I cant judge that for you.
Just remember that any objective as challenging as doubling or tripling your income
or even much, much morewill almost certainly require the Super Achievement
techniques for its accomplishment.
The good news is the Metastory is the basic building block of both the Basic
Achievement and Super Achievement techniques, so youre learning a tool youll need
to create the results you want.
Either way, you win!
Now Its Time to Create Your Basic Achievement Target
How hard do you think it will be to reach your objective?
The Basic Achievement process works very well to achieve moderately difficult
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being impossible based on logic and experience and 1
nearly automatic, this should be no tougher than a 5.
Or, if youd prefer, think of a problem youd like to solve something in your life that
seems no tougher than a 5 on that same 1 to 10 scale.
Again, remember that the Cybernetic Transposition Basic Three-Step works with
objectives that are only moderately difficult.
Ready to create one for yourself right now?
Lets begin:
1. Write your objective on a piece of paper. This objective should describe the end
result you are looking for. For example:
If you want to earn at least $5,000 more this year, your objective would be: I will
earn at least $5,000 more this year.
If you want to get a new job that pays 10 percent more than your present one,
your objective would be By (date), I will be in a new job that pays 10 percent or
more than my present one.
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If you want to get your bills done in time this month to avoid late fees but always
seem to miss the due date, your objective would be: This month, I will get my
bills mailed in time to avoid late fees.
2. Respond to what youve written. React to it. Notice what memories or imaginary
scenes come up in your mind. What are your feelings, ideas, reservations, enthusiasms?
3. Write a description of that memory or imaginary scene. This can be like a
screenplay. Imagine and describe yourself performing the tasks and achieving the results
you want.
If what pops up in your mind is an idea, such as achieving my best income
month ever, imagine what that would be like, and write a description.
If youre solving a problem, such as paying my bills on time this month to avoid
late fees, imagine what that would be like, and write a description.
4. Check that it involves only your own actions. Be sure that what you have described
involves only your own actions. This means that you are proactive, doing a specific thing
to produce a specific result. However, if you have previously done something that
produced the desired result, and that result involved the reactions of others, then this is an
okay Target, even if your success depends on a particular behavior or response from
other people.
For example, in the movie Don Juan de Marco, Johnnie Depp plays a modern-age
Don Juan. He seems to know how to charm any woman.
It would therefore be okay for this imaginary Don Juan to set a Basic
Achievement Target that involves charming a particular woman.
Whatever he does involves only his own actions and perceptions. He clearly
already possesses the necessary skills. In fact, achieving his goal would probably
rate only a 1 in difficulty for this character, given the responses of the women in
the movie.
If your Target doesnt focus only on your actions, underline or circle whatever youve
written that involves the actions of others. Then rewrite what youve marked until your
description meets this criterion
5. Rate how desirable your memory or imaginary scene is to you. Dont
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intellectualize. Go with your gut feeling, and use intuitive thinking.
1 <X> 10
Undesirable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Highly Desirable
If the desirability rating is less than 10, read through your description and mark any
word or groups of words that makes it less than perfectly desirable. Rewrite what you
have marked until the Target becomes a 10 in desirability.
6. Test for a False 10. Yes, youve painted a rosy picture, an ideal accomplishment.
But, if you get a nagging feeling that what you have described is unrealistic or just too
good to be trueif you recognize that on some level you have a nagging feeling that
somethings wrong, that its not right for yougo back and reread your description
because that nagging feeling makes it less than a 10. Mark any word or groups of words
that are keeping you from achieving a true 10. Then rewrite what you have marked
until the false 10 feelings disappear. Keep this up until you have not the smallest
7. Rate how difficult it would normally be for you to produce this result.
1 <X> 10
Easy/Automatic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Impossible
If your difficulty rating is more than 5, modify your Target so it remains a 10 in
desirability while dropping to a 5 or less in difficulty. This may involve removing part of
the Target.
If modifying your Target would ruin it, put it aside. (It may provide a perfect
starting point for a Super Achievement Target.)
8. Take out some insurance.
When you improve your conscious communication with your unconscious mind, it is
very wise to take precautions to ensure that you don't unintentionally misdirect your
I have found that inserting the following phrase at the end of your written Target will be
enough to keep you on track with the part of you that knows what is best for you, your
source of integrity.
Please make this happen in ways that are for the highest good of me and of everyone
else involved.
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For example:
Im sitting in my new and highly attractive office,
enjoying the feel of my leather executive chair.
Im looking at a memo confirming my hiring at a
salary that is 10 percent higher than my previous
job and am savoring the list of my new functions
that include only ones that I enjoy and am good at.
My new boss has just stuck his head in the door,
welcoming me with a big smile and an invitation to
drop into his office and chat.
Im looking forward to working here.
Please make this happen in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of everyone else involved.
By using this phrase, which was first documented by Socrates, you are addressing
yourself to your seat of integrity and the source of your inner knowing of what's right and
proper for you.
To me, that's a very powerful, positive, and effective way of taking care of yourself.
And using it, all of the more than 50,000 people who have learned this process have
reported only positive effects.
Do It Now!
Right now, add this sentence to your Basic Achievement written Target:
Please make this happen in ways that are
for the highest good of me and of everyone
else involved.
If you want, a variation of the above insurance policy looks like this:
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Please make this or something better happen in ways that are
for the highest good of me and of all concerned.
Either way, be sure you use one or the other statement.
What You Just Learned
In this chapter, we covered the four major parts of your brain, why you need to
harmonize them if you want to consistently achieve what you want, and how to do so.
We also covered how to establish an objective by creating a Metastory that serves as a
Basic Achievement Target.
Right now you should have a written Metastory in handsomething you are excited
about and ready to see materialize in your lifefast!
Whats Next?
In Chapter Three, you will learn to prioritize your Target. You want your unconscious to
see your Target as more important than all those other things you think about wanting. A
high-priority Target becomes a living reality!
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Chapter Three
Basic Achievement Step 2:
How to Make Your Target
More Important Than Distractions
I want to have more money in the bank! someone declares.
But then they walk down the street and spend money mindlessly at every store they see.
I want to lose weight! someone else declares.
But then they walk past a bakery and cant help but go inside and eat.
Im going to save and buy a new car! someone announces.
But then they buy new clothes, new music, new odds and endsand wonder why they
cant save for that stated desire.
What happened to their goals?
Distractions can get the best of usif you dont know how to make your target more
important than them!
In this chapter, you are going to learn how to prioritize your Basic Achievement Target
so your unconscious stays focused on achieving it. It will no longer become sidetracked.
You can imagine how powerful this alone will be in your life.
Dieting, saving, and earning moneyor anything else you want to have, do, or bethen
becomes almost a snap to do.
Because your un-conscious wont have a counter desire working against you.
This will become clear as we move ahead.
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First, a Difficulty Check.
Is the target you have written down difficult or easy to achieve?
Remember that the Cybernetic Transposition Basic Three-Step works well to
accomplish modestly difficult objectives, ones that are rated no more than 5 on a 1 to 10
Difficulty scale, where 1 equals nearly automatic and 10 indicates impossible, based
on logic and my experiences.
With that in mind, check again to be sure that your Target is no more that a 5 in
What is yours?
If it is higher than a 5, you have two choices:
* First, you can modify and rewrite it until it is a 5 or less. Then continue here.
* Or, if changing your Target that much would decrease its Desirability below a
perfect 10 rating, save it for now until you are ready for the Cybernetic
Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step that starts in Chapter Six. If
thats your choice, go back to the previous chapter and choose a less demanding
Ready to move on?
Why Prioritize?
Keep your eye on the ball!
Why does a football coach yell that?
Its pretty obvious that if you want to accomplish something, you have to keep focused
on it. Thats what a football coach means when he says, Keep your eye on the ball.
Your stated Target is the ball in your life.
However, the conscious mind has great difficulty keeping its eye on the ball, so to
speak. Researchers have found that almost no one can remain consciously focused on any
one thing for more than five seconds without experiencing some mental distraction.
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You can check that out for yourself. Try this:
1. Close your eyes and imagine a yellow triangle perfectly centered within a
red circle.
2. Keep picturing that for as long as you can. At what moment do other
ideas, thoughts, emotions, visual images, sounds, or feelings intrude?
If youre normal and completely honest, you probably didnt make it more than three
Insidious, isnt it?
What should you do?
The answer is actually pretty simple.
Recognize that whatever intrudes into your conscious field of attention comes from your
Therefore, the solution lies in getting your unconscious to put a high priority on your
Target while your conscious mind continues to do what it normally does.
Thats what the Basic Achievement Prioritization process is about.
It will help you tame your unconscious.
How to Prioritize Your Target
So, how do you get your unconscious to stay in line, anyway?
The most effective way of prioritizing a Basic Achievement Target is through repetition.
Repetition works by repeatedly sending the same message to your unconscious until the
relevant parts of it get the point.
That's what took place when you memorized your lines in a school play, a poem to recite
in class, or the words to a popular song that you wanted to sing with your friends.
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Almost certainly, you repeated and repeated the words until they reeled off easily and
rather automatically, once the verbal or musical cue was given.
So, what you can do right now is begin to look at your written objective, your Metastory
(from the last chapter) every day. Just get used to seeing it. The more you read itwhich
is repeating itthe more your unconscious will pay attention to it.
Thats easy enough, isnt it?
But thats not all you can do
Read This If Your Target is a 4 or Less
Is your target a 4 or less in difficulty?
Heres how to prioritize the easier Basic Achievement Targets, those that you have rated
4 or lower on the Difficulty scale.
1. Sit down with your Target statement. Put the piece of paper on which you have
written your Basic Achievement Target in front of you. Choose a time when you wont
be disturbed.
For example, if I were prioritizing the Basic Achievement Target that I used as an
example in the previous Chapter, I would have the following written on the paper
in front of me.
Im sitting at my desk in Santa Barbara, enjoying
the cool breeze and warm sun and looking at the
wire transfer report from my bank that shows that I
received a $170,000 payment.
Im reflecting on the fact that I only worked five
days to earn that amount and that I really enjoyed
the snowy weather in Sweden while doing that.
Im really pleased with myself as I reflect on the
fact that I was able to perform five days of training
with outstanding results.
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Im looking forward to the seven days of training
that I have scheduled next month and the $225,000
Ill earn from that.
Please make this happen in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of everyone else involved.
2. Imagine and experience what your Target describes, reading it silently. Create a
movie in your head.
3. Read through your Target statement 100 times. Do it aloud or to yourself,
whichever feels like it works best for you. However, if you read aloud, make sure that no
one can overhear you. Otherwise, their negative comments or attitudes could interfere
with the message youre giving your unconscious and, ultimately, with your achieving
your Target.
Keep count: After each read-through, make a mark on a separate piece of paper to
indicate "another one done." (I find that Roman numerals are easiest, 10 rows of two sets
of 5).
Dealing with inspiration: If, while you are reading, you suddenly realize you can make
your Target statement even stronger, wait until the changes are clear in your mind before
you stop to make them. Revise your original written Target quickly and go back to
reading. The fewer and shorter the interruptions in the reading process, the better.
Dealing with conflict: If you notice signs of conflict that try to stop you from
completing this process, make a note of them on a separate piece of paper and keep
reading. Some likely ones include:
I'm tired.
I don't need to keep doing this. I've already got it.
This is a stupid process. I'm going to quit.
This is too much trouble. I didn't really want to achieve my target anyway.
These habit patterns may be the same ones that will try to keep you from achieving your
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In the next chapter, Chapter Four, you will learn how to deal with them.
So dont worry about that nagging voice in your head, just note it and keep going
Prioritizing Your More Challenging Basic Achievement Targets
Was your Target a 5 for you?
To prioritize more challenging Basic Achievement Targetsthose that rate as high as 4
or 5 on the Difficulty scalerepeat the above process, but with one important difference.
This time, you are going to write your Target statement 100 times by hand instead of
reading it. Just like you did in school. (It worked then. It still works now!)
Thats easy enough, isnt it?
What? You Dont Want to Do It?
You didnt stop and write or read your objective 100 times, did you?
Why not?
Well, why not?
Take a moment and jot down your answer.
Why didnt you read or write your Target 100 times?
Whatever you just answered is your inner conflict.
Ill show you how to resolve it in this chapter, and especially in the next. But for now just
note why you didnt do the work.
Did you think it was just too much effort?
What I say to people who say that it's too much effort to write or read their objective 100
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times is that they haven't picked a desirable enough objective. It's not really a 10 because,
if it were, the hour or two required to prioritize would be insignificant.
After all, if you truly want it, wouldnt an exercise proven to work for you be worthwhile
to do?
Now, if you insist that your Target is truly a 10 for you, and you still didnt do the above
exercise, then recognize that you are encountering a sign of conflict an unconscious
habit pattern that's trying to block you from getting what you say you really want.
(Again, Ill teach you how to resolve these in the next chapter. For now, just recognize
them if they show up.)
Heres what one person said who at first didnt want to do the work I prescribed:
I just completed prioritizing my objective. It was rough around
40 repetitions. I wanted to quit but recognized I was dealing with
a sign of conflict so I wrote down the feelings and thoughts that
were trying to block me and continued. At 60 repetitions another
big sign of conflict popped up and I handled it the same way. At
70 repetitions it began to get easier and by the time I reached 90
times, I felt like my Target had really become a part of me and
that my resistance was gone. It was work but I really feel it was
worth it. I'm pumped!"
And heres what another person did:
Cheryl was about to take a vacation and felt that another $500 in
her pocket would make it a lot more enjoyable. So she set a Basic
Achievement objective of somehow receiving $500 before her
departure in a week. She started with a memory of running short on her
last vacation:
"It's the last day of my vacation in Puerto Valletta and I'm short
of money. I've already borrowed $50 from Bonnie and don't want to
ask her for more. She invited me to lunch but I said I wasn't
hungry because I was embarrassed to tell her I didn't have the
money. This feels really bad."
She developed this into a Metastory that became her Target when
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she added the "insurance factor":
"I'm really enjoying my vacation. I feel exceptionally abundant
whenever I feel the envelope in my pocket with the $500
that mysteriously appeared just before I left. I'm grateful to
myself for setting the Basic Achievement objective that brought
the money to me. Please make this happen in ways that are for the highest
good of me and of all concerned."
She had to go through a number of heavy signs of conflict while
she was prioritizing but she stuck with it. Then she resolved the
signs of conflict and prioritized another 10 times.
Each day she practiced and went about her normal activities. Then,
on the fifth day, she received a phone call from a long lost
friend to whom she'd loaned $750 while in college. Cheryl had
written off the money in her mind. But now, magically, her friend
was apologizing for taking so long to pay the money back and
asking for directions so she could bring it over.
Cheryl regained her friend and her $750.
And she had a great vacation.
As you can see, doing the work leads to getting the results.
Youre worth it, arent you?
Dont Ignore Your Phone Ringing
When your phone rings, do you ignore it?
You might, but wouldnt you check the message to see what it was about?
Your resistance (if you still have any) is a message.
Its your unconscious ringing your phone.
Blockers (including signs of conflict) are so familiar that most people take them
seriously. That's like thinking that the sound of the phone ringing is the message. It isn't,
of course. You have to pick up the phone and answer it to get the message.
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Of course, if you're afraid that it's the bill collector, your fear may prevent you answering
and finding that it's your lover calling to whisper sweet nothings in your ear.
So, do you want your objective or not?
If its a 10 for you, you should be eager to do whatever it takes to achieve it.
If it isnt a 10, rewrite it until it is.
Do that right now.
An Inspiring Story
Mike had just graduated from graduate school and was carrying some pretty
heavy loans. While he enjoyed the new job hd recently taken, the salary wasnt
great and didnt leave much after paying living expenses and his monthly loan
So he set a Basic Achievement Objective of getting some help from his employer
in handling the problem.
Using the Cybernetic Transposition Basic Three-Step, Mike set his Target,
prioritized it and resolved the signs of conflict that arose as he practiced each
day. Finally, after a week, he felt he had things straight in his head and prepared
a written proposal to his boss. In exchange for an immediate raise in the amount
of his monthly loan payment, Mike would agree to stay on the job for at least two
years assuming that this wouldnt diminish his subsequent raises.
Mike found his boss quite open and, after they had also worked out a growth path
within the firm, his boss not only granted the raise but asked Mike to enroll in
some outside courses that would speed his progress within the firm at company
expense. His boss commented that Mike had shown the kind of initiative that the
firm was looking for.
Heres another one
Mark wanted to lose some weight but hed had no success with the various
diets hed tried. So he set a Basic Achievement Objective to easily lose 10
pounds in a month.
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He started with a memory of frustration in trying to stick to a diet:
The last time I tried to lose weight, I was hungry all the time. I did lose a
few pounds but then Id binge and gain them right back. I seemed to be
totally stuck at the same weight.
He developed this into a 10 level Metastory that became his Basic
Achievement Target:
I am reducing my body weight by at least one pound every three days,
and I record my weight when I weigh myself each night before going to
bed. Im enjoying my meals and eating less because I stop eating when
Im satisfied. I continue to feel satisfied until the next meal and am happy
with the way I feel.
My energy is great and I'm enjoying seeing my body slimming
down when I look at the mirror after taking a shower. After 30 days, I
notice that I have lost at least 10 pounds and look much sleeker.
Please make this happen in ways that are for the highest
good of me and of all concerned."
Then he prioritized his objective by writing it 100 times,
resolved the signs of conflict that arose in the process and
practiced daily.
After 30 days, he'd lost 11 pounds and said that he never
felt hungry in the process.
To prioritize your Basic Achievement Target, you are going to alert your unconscious
mind to exactly what you want to achieve and get it behind your efforts through
1. For your easier Targets 4 or below on the Difficulty scale you will read your
Target statement 100 times.
2. For your more challenging Targetsthe harder 4s and 5s on the Difficulty
scale you will write your Target statement 100 times.
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Whats Next?
In Chapter Four, youll learn how to resolve any signs of conflict between your conscious
and unconscious minds that could block you from achieving your target.
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Chapter Four
Basic Achievement Step 3:
How to Resolve Unconscious Conflicts That Would
Normally Block Reaching Your Basic Achievement
Welcome to one of the most liberating chapters in this entire book.
Youre about to start to free yourself from the chains of the past.
Youre about to start to get clear within so you can create results in your life.
This single chapter can reveal elements of the process for making your dreams come true
that no one in history may have ever addressed before!
Lets get started!
Whats Your Feedback Saying?
Look at the objective you wrote down in the last chapter.
How do you feel about it?
Is it still a 10 in desirability for you?
Or are you having a few nagging feelings about it?
Whatever you are getting as you review your current Target is feedback from your
unconscious. Its important. It can make the difference between you getting your desire,
or not.
Let me explain.
Your unconscious mind cooperates smoothly with your conscious mind when it
understands and agrees with what you consciously want. It is constantly sending
feedback signals to your conscious mind that indicate whether things are harmonious or
in conflict.
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If you experience signs of conflict, there is a tug of war going on between various parts of
your conscious and unconscious minds. Those are the signals coming from your own
being that there is a disharmony within you.
The result is something like a football team where some of the players are running a
different play from the others. You end up with lots of people running around the field,
but no touchdowns.
When you experience signs of conflict, youre sure to be using up energy that could go
toward producing the results you want.
Just check out the list of signs of conflict below, and youll realize how often this can
Before you can achieve difficult and even seemingly-impossible objectives, youll need
to resolve these conflicts and get your conscious and unconscious in harmony. This
chapter will show you how to get started.
Do You Have Any of These Signs of Conflict?
Conflict between the various parts of your conscious and unconscious minds is so
frequent that most of us have experienced the familiar signals:
Headaches, body pains, acid stomach
Insomnia, oversleeping
Fatigue, sluggishness, drowsiness
Anger, fear, upset
Confusion, difficulty understanding
Difficulty concentrating, difficulty focusing
Boredom, loss of energy
Nagging feelings that something is wrong
All of the above are signs of conflict within you. You may have always considered them
to be simply health problems or stress issues.
The truth is, they are signals from your unconscious.
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Do You Have These Signs of Cooperation?
Cooperation between your conscious and unconscious minds is less common, but also
Feelings of well being, contentment
Eagerness, enthusiasm, alertness
High energy
Joy, loving, happiness
Clarity, understanding
You may have experienced any of the above as simply good days for you.
But the truth of it is, they were signals from your unconscious, too.
When Conflict Arises
Why does conflict arise in you?
Conflict happens when what you consciously want doesnt match what is dictated by
your unconscious habit patterns.
For example, if you consciously decide to ask for a raise but constantly avoid asking your
boss because you feel afraid, you are experiencing signs of conflict.
Typically, these signs of conflict might include, on the physical level, tension in your
shoulders and your stomach, a wrinkled brow and a down turned mouth; fear, on the
emotional level; and thoughts about failing and reasons to avoid asking your boss, on the
mental level.
The unconscious habit pattern that underlies these particular feelings of conflict is very
strong. In fact, its probably the strongest one - survival.
In many people, the unconscious confuses rejection with a threat to survival, something it
learned in infancy when rejection by the mother could very well be a threat to survival.
It is very difficult to consciously override such a strong unconscious habit pattern. And
even if you do for a time through force of conscious will, the pattern will usually come
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back into play when youre not looking.
Thats why most people keep putting off things their unconscious deems a threat to their
So, what can you do?
Old Ways of Dealing with Inner Conflict
Peoplemaybe even youhave dealt with inner conflict in a wide variety of ways, not
all of them ideal.
The most obvious ways of dealing with such conflict is to let either the conscious or
unconscious mind take over.
For example, when we drink alcohol, we anesthetize our conscious minds. Alcoholics
often drink so much that they completely anesthetize their conscious minds, producing
blackouts. A blackout is when they have no conscious memory of what happened
because their conscious mind wasnt involved in what was taking place.
So one way of dealing with conflict between the conscious and unconscious minds is to
block one of the minds the conscious mind, that is, to get it drunk or high on drugs.
Thats not something I recommend.
On the other hand, when we tough it out through force of conscious will, no matter
how uncomfortable we get, as in forcing ourselves to save or invest when it would be
more fun to spend no matter how much we want to, our conscious minds have
temporarily predominated.
This is at least better than getting wasted with booze.
However, its very difficult to maintain a constant state of conscious control.
It can be exhausting.
Remember your experiment in the last chapter with the yellow triangle inside the red
You probably discovered that its impossible to control your conscious mind for more
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than a few seconds before your unconscious interrupts.
When consciously trying to be prudent with money, most people almost unconsciously
lapse into a spending spree. This usually starts with little steps that grow and grow in
small increments until they suddenly find themselves in significant debt.
The same thing happens as soon as someone goes on a diet. They suddenly want to eat
everything they see or smell.
Again, what can you do?
How To Turn Conflicts into Cooperation
Whats the secret of turning those inner battles into an inner force working for your
highest good?
Its not as hard as you think. The negotiation process is relatively simple.
Youre already familiar with your conscious point of view.
Its what you say you want to happen.
Your unconscious habit pattern is also familiar.
It is what you normally get.
Even more important for this process, the signs of conflict between your conscious point
of view and your unconscious habit patterns are also familiar: all those headaches,
insomnia, upsets, and confusion in the list above.
As awful as all these signs of conflict are, theyre enormously valuable.
Theyre your phone ringing.
Theyre good.
Youre going to use them to spot where problems exist!
Heres how:
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Focus consciously on what you want.
Monitor yourself for those unpleasant signs of conflict.
Use them to identify the trouble spots.
Resolve the problems.
Experiment with and modify what you consciously want, still keeping it highly desirable.
In other words, rewrite your Target until it says what you want without triggering any
signs of conflict.
Pretty quickly youll arrive at a version that also meets the needs of your unconscious
and, thus, doesnt generate signs of conflict.
In other words, as those signals of conflict surface in you, start rewriting your Target
objective to resolve them.
Its easier than you think.
And boy will you be more powerful after youve done it!
For example
If you wrote, Within 4 weeks, I will have received $5,000 in cash and it
triggers self-doubt and a feeling that it just wont happen, then rewrite it
to be more acceptable to all parts of you without losing your basic intent
for the objective, such as Within 4 weeks, I will have done whatever is
necessary so that I will have received an additional $5,000 in hand.
Perhaps that still triggers a queasy feeling because it leads you to
thinking about robbing a bank or other illegal activities. So you rewrite
your Target again to, Within 4 weeks, I will have done whatever is
necessary, legal, and appropriate for me so that I will have received an
additional $5,000 in cash or directly into my bank account.
Now, that feels just right to you. So you reprioritize it and end up $5,000
richer in 4 weeks.
Let me explain this process to you
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The Secret
Whats the secret to sailing over those inner conflicts?
Its simple.
Its a process I created and call the Basic Achievement Clearing Process.
Use this amazing but easy process to resolve those minor conflicts between what you
consciously want and your unconscious habit patterns.
Heres how it works:
1. Focus on what you consciously want by writing a description. This explicitly
defines your conscious intent.
2. While you are thinking about what you want, be alert for any uncomfortable
feelings. If and when you experience some, this explicitly defines any signs of
3. Read over what you have written to identify the specific words or phrases that
trigger these signs of conflict.
4. Mark the words or phrases that caused those feelings. This explicitly defines what
triggers the conflict.
5. Rewrite the words or phrases that you have marked. This tells your unconscious
that you know what is causing the conflict. As you work, ask your unconscious to
keep coming up with more acceptable alternatives, bridging the gap between what
you consciously want and your unconscious habit patterns.
When you reach a point where both your conscious and unconscious needs are met, the
signs of conflict disappear.
Get Clear and Get Results!
Using the Basic Target Process and then the Clearing Process, your achievements can
be like Margarets.
After 10 years of marriage, Margarets husband had just walked out for another
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woman, his younger secretary. Margaret didnt have any money but her husband
promised to provide a reasonable amount of support to help her get on her feet.
However, after she had moved to another town to get a fresh start, the money
stopped. Margaret was left in desperate straits with no money and two young
daughters to support.
Since she had married while in college and had rapidly become pregnant,
Margaret had never held a paying job. But now she desperately needed one. So
she took whatever she could find, selling magazines door to door at night. It was
a dangerous and financially unrewarding job.
So Margaret set a Basic Achievement Objective of getting a better paying, safe
and enjoyable job paying at least $30,000 per year. As she worked through the
process of creating a Target, the objective evolved into a sales job in the
computer business.
Using the Cybernetic Transposition Basic Three-Step, she set her Target,
prioritized it and resolved the signs of conflict that arose as she practiced each
day. After about ten days, she heard of a job in a computer store. But that didnt
pan out. So she kept at her Basic Achievement practice. After another week, she
saw a classified ad for a sales job at a major computer manufacturer. It called for
a resume.
Realizing that as a housewife, mother and volunteer, she had lots of relevant
experience, Margaret created her resume by using the Metastory process to
convert her work experienced into business terms. As part of this process, she
enlisted a business consultant friend who gave her the terminology.
Five days after she submitted her resume, she was called for an interview. Two
days later, she was hired at a salary that was about 15 percent more than she had
specified in her Basic Achievement Objective.
Lets Resolve It Together
Again, look at your Target that you have written down.
Did you find any signs of conflict while prioritizing your Target?
If youre human, you probably did.
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Here are step-by-step instructions for resolving modest conflict between your conscious
and unconscious minds
Youre going to feel great after doing this brief exercise!
1. Identify one of the signs of conflict that seemed particularly strong. (If youre not
aware of any, read through your Target statement again to double check. Be
especially aware of whats going on with you.)
Heres a checklist of some typical signs of conflict between your conscious and
unconscious minds:
Body pains
Acid stomach
Difficulty understanding
Loss of energy
For example, I felt tired and sleepy as I prioritized the Basic Achievement target
I described earlier. I thought my Target was a clear 10 when I set it up, but
maybe I was wrong. Lets also say that these feelings are pretty strong.
This tiredness and sleepiness would be signs of conflict.
2. Read through your Target once again, trying to spot the exact point where the
sign(s) of conflict arise. Circle or underline the words or phrases that trigger
When doing so, I get a slightly negative reaction when I read the phrase and
that I really enjoyed the snowy weather in Sweden while doing that When I
focus on the feelings, I realize, why should I limit myself just to Sweden in the
winter? Why not other places and other seasons? So Ill underline that phrase.
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Im sitting at my desk in Santa Barbara, enjoying
the cool breeze and warm sun and looking at the
wire transfer report from my bank that shows that I
received a $170,000 payment.
Im reflecting on the fact that I only worked five
days to earn that amount and that I really enjoyed
the snowy weather in Sweden while doing that.
Im really pleased with myself as I reflect on the
fact that I was able to perform five days of training
with outstanding results.
Im looking forward to the seven days of training
that I have scheduled next month and the $225,000
Ill earn from that.
Please make this happen in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of everyone else involved.
3. Edit the words or phrases you have marked until you feel the signs of conflict
In this case, I simply eliminated the words that were bothering me.
Im sitting at my desk in Santa Barbara, enjoying
the cool breeze and warm sun and looking at the
wire transfer report from my bank that shows that I
received a $170,000 payment.
Im reflecting on the fact that I only worked five
days to earn that amount.
Im really pleased with myself as I reflect on the
fact that I was able to perform five days of training
with outstanding results.
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Im looking forward to the seven days of training
that I have scheduled next month and the $225,000
Ill earn from that.
Please make this happen in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of everyone else involved.
Read through your edited version to see if any signs of conflict still exist. If they
do, keep rewriting your Target until they disappear.
Repeat these steps until you have eliminated all signs of conflict
When there are no signs of conflict, proceed to the next step.
If you have made significant changes in your Target, reprioritize it until your
unconscious gives you intuitive feedback that it has gotten the message. In most
cases, this will be between 20 and 50 repetitions.
In my imaginary example, the change I am making doesnt feel significant to me,
so I dont need to reprioritize.
IMPORTANT: This Basic Achievement Clearing Process should resolve any moderate
signs of conflict between your conscious and unconscious minds.
What if it doesnt?
Then you need the Super Achievement Base Reframing or Subpersonality Negotiation
process in Chapter Ten. Use it for resolving intense conflicts between your conscious and
unconscious minds.
How to Know When Youre On-Track
How do you know when youre in the fast lane to success?
Weve looked at negative signs that indicate roadblocks. Now, lets check out some
positive and familiar feedback signals that let you know youre on your way to hitting
your Target.
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If your Target statement includes all aspects of what you need to feel successful,
you'll experience joy and happiness when you imagine achieving your Target.
If you have adequately prioritized your Target, you'll experience enthusiasm and
eagerness every time you think about it.
If your Target triggers joy, happiness, enthusiasm and eagerness when you think
about it and if you have resolved all major conflicts between your conscious and
unconscious minds, you'll feel absolute certainty that you'll achieve your Target.
These are the feedback signals that say youre on track.
IMPORTANT: You can achieve joy, happiness, enthusiasm, eagerness
and certainty with modestly challenging Targets, using the Cybernetic
Transposition Basic Three-Step
For seemingly impossible objectives, you experience these on-track feelings
using the Super Achievement Three-Step process in Chapter Six through Eleven.
How to Make More Money
When you are clearwhen your inner conflicts are resolved and all parts of you are in
alignmentyour results can come almost instantly.
Heres another true story
This woman wanted more money, and fast. Heres what she wrote:
"This month, I will have $1,000 or more left in my checking
account after I pay all of my bills. I will feel very happy
and satisfied with myself and confident that lots more extra
money will come to me soon."
As soon as she began to prioritize this Target, she began to
get queasy feelings. As she continued, the queasy feelings
turned into a feeling that she would fail. So, following
instructions, she wrote a description of both feelings on a
separate piece of paper. Then she continued writing her
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For about 10 repetitions she felt okay. Then the feelings
returned, even stronger. So she decided to write them down
again. And, again, she felt okay. This cycle of okay and writing
continued, the feelings getting stronger until, around the
55th repetition, she realized what the feelings were trying
to tell her.
There was something wrong with the phrase, "confident that
lots more extra money will come to me soon," that it wasn't
her doing something. That didn't feel right. So she changed
the phrase to "confident that I will easily do enjoyable
things to bring a lot more money to me soon."
When she continued her prioritizing of the revised Target,
she felt better and, as she reached the 90th repetition, she
realized how she was going to get more money. This
realization grew until, as soon as she finished the 100th
repetition, she got on the phone to her friend Andie.
She remembered that Andie had told her she really needed
help in her new business and that Marianne had just the
skills she needed. But Marianne was totally absorbed in a
change process at work and didn't pay attention.
When she called Andie and told her she could help now, Andie
was delighted. They talked about the time required and what
Andie could pay and, amazingly, it came to just about $1,000
this month and, if Marianne wanted, each month thereafter.
Since what Andie needed was accounting work and
Marianne really enjoyed putting things into order and
entering the figures into Quickbooks, she eagerly accepted.
And, at the end of the month, she had more than $1,000 left
in her checking account along with a big smile on her face
when she told me about her success.
The Basic Achievement Clearing Process consists of these steps.
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1. Read through your Target.
2. Be alert for any uncomfortable feelings, any signs of conflict.
3. Identify any specific words or phrases that trigger these signs of conflict.
4. Mark the words or phrases that caused those feelings.
5. Rewrite the words or phrases you have marked until you resolve the conflict.
Whats Next
Well, youre clear and youre on track.
Is that it?
Learning to get your point across to your unconscious mind while listening and
responding to its feedback can involve trial and error. Your unconscious needs your
conscious feedback. Youre going to learn how to observe and respond to what is going
I call this process Monitoring.
Monitoring and resolving any new signs of conflict is a continuous process on the road to
achieving your Target.
And thats what youll learn about next!
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Chapter Five
How to Take the Temperature of Your Target
I have good news and so-so news.
The good news is this:
Now that you have a clear Target and have resolved the inner conflicts that surfaced
when you looked at it, you will probably move right to its accomplishment.
The so-so news is this:
I said probably move right to its accomplishment.
Because this process is new to you, you are going to need to keep active watch over your
When you have fully mastered the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-
Step process, it will often work almost completely automatically. Thats the way it works
with very lucky people.
Now, however, this is a new process for you. Your unconscious mind is going through
a complex learning. It is necessary to give it fairly frequent feedback on how its doing in
moving toward your Target.
I call that feedback process Monitoring.
In this chapter, Ill cover how to effectively monitor your progress.
Why Monitoring is Necessary
Most peoples conscious thoughts are usually contradictory.
For example, you might think, Its Saturday and Im going to mow the lawn, clean out
part of the garage and play some catch with my kids.
However, at the same time, you might be thinking, I dont have to get up and go to work
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today. Id like to stay in bed, just sleep in.
Those thoughts are contradictory: Get up and do some work around the house versus stay
in bed and sleep in.
Youve been there, havent you?
Thats the sort of contradictory communications that most of us give our unconscious
minds most of the time.
As a result, your unconscious has a lot of trouble understanding what you consciously
want. In fact, quite early in life, it begins to regard your conscious input as a lot of noise
and turns down the volume.
Obviously, the more difficulty your unconscious has in comprehending what you
consciously want, the less likely you are to get it.
Therefore, we are now embarking on learning a process that will sharply improve your
conscious communication with your unconscious mind. Thats what the Cybernetic
Transposition Basic Three-Step process is primarily about.
Your Phone Is Ringing Again
Start paying attention to what you see, hear, and feel in your life.
Once you have made clear to your unconscious what you want by doing the Cybernetic
Transposition Basic Three-Step process covered in the preceding three chapters, your
unconscious will attempt to give you what it thinks you want.
Your conscious job is to clearly tell it how it is doing. I call this process Monitoring.
Basic Achievement Monitoring consists of five steps. These steps are discussed in detail
in the next section.
But here is an overview of them:
1. On a daily basis, read through your Basic Achievement Target, imagining and
experiencing what it describes.
2. On a separate piece of paper, write down the things that you have done that day to
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bring you closer to the accomplishment of your Target.
3. Record a 1 to 10 rating that indicates how close you are to achieving your
Target. A 1 means no progress at all and a 10 means full achievement.
4. If signs of conflict arise, either while you are reviewing your Target or while you
are recording your progress in achieving it, note them and handle them using the
Basic Achievement Clearing Process.
5. Check for the three sets of on-track feedback signals - joy and happiness,
enthusiasm and eagerness, and certainty of achievement. If any of those are
missing, repeat the previous steps.
Remember Cheryl and her vacation money?
In an earlier chapter I told you about Cheryl and her desire to get more money for a
Vacation. When she finished prioritizing, her Target ended up as:
"I'm really enjoying my vacation. I feel exceptionally abundant whenever I feel
the envelope in my pocket with the $500 that mysteriously appeared just before I
left. I'm grateful to myself for setting the Basic Achievement objective that
brought the money to me. Please make this happen in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of all concerned.
By the third day of practicing, Cheryl got the feeling that she was off track.
Although she felt joy and happiness, enthusiasm and eagerness, she had no
certainty of achievement.
As instructed, she redid the Practice routine and realized that she hadn't done
anything much to being about the result she wanted. So she sat down and thought
about where she might get some money.
In doing so, she remembered that she had loaned a few college friends money
when they needed it and they hadn't paid it back. She made a list of the people
and the amounts they had borrowed, looked up their phone numbers and called
two of them.
No luck there, as neither of them had any extra money. But because Cheryl hadn't
found the number of the third friend who owed her money, she asked
each of the two she reached. They both said, no, they didn't have the number but
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she felt a little suspicious that one of them did.
On the fifth day, when the third friend called to say that she had the money to
repay Cheryl, she mentioned that one of the other two had called her and told her
that Cheryl really needed to be repaid. That was why she had called.
As you can see, by prioritizing and monitoring her Target, she was able to get
clear about her options.
And that clarity helped her get the money she wanted!
Detailed Instruction
Now lets walk through the whole monitoring process on the Target you have:
1. Review Your Target
On a daily basis, read through your Basic Achievement Target, imagining and
experiencing what it describes.
For example, lets assume that I have embarked on accomplishing the Basic
Achievement Target created in Chapter One and modified in Chapter Three:
Im sitting at my desk in Santa Barbara, enjoying
the cool breeze and warm sun and looking at the
wire transfer report from my bank that shows that I
received a $170,000 payment.
Im reflecting on the fact that I only worked five
days to earn that amount.
Im really pleased with myself as I reflect on the
fact that I was able to perform five days of training
with outstanding results.
Im looking forward to the seven days of training
that I have scheduled next month and the $225,000
Ill earn from that.
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Please make this happen in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of everyone else involved.
2. Document Your Accomplishments
Become aware of the things that you have done this day to bring you closer to
accomplishment of your Target.
For example:
What I have done today that brings
me closer to achievement of my
1. I confirmed my booking for next
2. I received a list of trainees for
next months training and
background on each.
3. I made plane reservations for
travel to the training location.
4. I reviewed and updated my
training outline and overheads.
3. Rate Your Progress
Then record a 1 to 10 rating that indicates how close you are to achieving
your Target. A 1 means no progress at all and a 10 means full achievement.
Record this on your list of accomplishments.
For example:
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My booking for next month was definitely confirmed and the most important
detailed arrangements were made. However, I intuitively know that there are
some important things that I havent covered. Therefore, I give myself a progress
rating of 7.
What I have done today that brings
me closer to achievement of my
1. I confirmed my booking for next
2. I received a list of trainees for
next months training and
background on each.
3. I made plane reservations for
travel to the training location.
4. I reviewed and updated my
training outline and overheads.
My Progress Rating: 7
Remember, this is a trial and error process for your unconscious. It tries
something and you consciously tell it whether it has gotten it right.
What I have just done provides very concrete feedback to my unconscious mind.
IMPORTANT: When you hit a 10, you have achieved what you want and you
should complete the process by congratulating yourself, by writing something
Congratulations. Great job!!!
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Rating: 10
This congratulatory feedback to your unconscious is very important.
4. Resolve Signs of Conflict
Check for signs of conflict. If any arise, resolve them using the Basic
Achievement Clearing Process.
For example, as I read through my Target, I have a vague feeling of unease.
Something is nagging at me, a sign of conflict. So I read through again until I hit
on whats triggering it.
Something seems to be missing from the Target. Something was there before that
isnt there now.
So I go back to the my papers that I wrote during Chapter One and find that,
indeed, something is missing. When I rewrote my Target during the Chapter Two
exercise, Prioritizing, I left something out.
What I left out is:
Im also very pleased that I achieved the objective
that I set for myself of working no more than ten
days a month, leaving lots of time to be with my
Now Ill have another three weeks with them and
Im filled with joy and happiness at the thought.
And, with that in mind, Im looking forward to the
seven days of training that I have scheduled next
month and the $225,000 Ill earn from that.
I realized that what I left out is very important to me. So I edit my Target
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Im sitting at my desk in Santa Barbara, enjoying
the cool breeze and warm sun and looking at the
wire transfer report from my bank that shows that I
received a $170,000 payment.
Im reflecting on the fact that I only worked five
days to earn that amount.
Im really pleased with myself as I reflect on the
fact that I was able to perform five days of training
with outstanding results.
Im also very pleased that I achieved the objective
that I set for myself of working no more than ten
days a month, leaving lots of time to be with my
Now Ill have another three weeks with them and
Im filled with joy and happiness at the thought.
And, with that in mind, Im looking forward to the
seven days of training that I have scheduled next
month and the $225,000 Ill earn from that.
Please make this happen in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of everyone else involved.
Now as I read through my Target, there isnt any sign of conflict.
Since I made a significant change, I will reprioritize my Target until I get a
Thats enough intuitive signal. In practice, it only took 20 repetitions to reach
that point.
5. Check for On-Track Signals
The On-Track signals Im looking for are:
joy and happiness
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enthusiasm and eagerness
certainty of achievement.
In my example, all of those are present when I think about achieving my Target.
So I know that Im on-track.
By Monitoring your progress toward achieving your Target, you provide very important
feedback to your unconscious mind feedback that substantially increases the
likelihood that you will hit your Target. This is the feedback any good pilot would use to
keep on course.
Basic Achievement Monitoring consists of the following tasks:
1. On a daily basis, read through your Basic Achievement Target, imagining and
experiencing what it describes.
2. On a separate piece of paper, write down the things that you have done that day to
bring you closer to hitting your Target.
3. Record a 1 to 10 rating that indicates how close you are to achieving your
Target. A 1 means no progress at all and a 10 means full achievement.
4. If signs of conflict arise either while you are reviewing your Target or while you
are recording your progress in achieving it, note them and handle them using the
Basic Achievement Clearing Process.
If you make significant changes, reprioritize your Target until you get a Thats
enough intuitive signal. Typically, no more than 20 to 50 repetitions will be
required to achieve this.
5. Check for the three sets of on-track feedback signals - joy and happiness,
enthusiasm and eagerness, and certainty of achievement. If any of those are
missing, repeat the previous steps.
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What You Covered in This Chapter
In this chapter, you learned why it is necessary to provide frequent feedback to your
unconscious, clear feedback on how you are doing in moving toward hitting your Target.
You also learned the five steps involved in daily Basic Achievement Monitoring.
Coming Up!
Are you ready to tackle impossible targets?
Thats right. With the tools youll begin to learn in the next chapters, you will be armed
and ready to create and manifest what others might call impossible dreams.
Well, what do they know?
Youre reading this book. Not them!
The next chapter describes the differences between the Cybernetic Transposition Super
Achievement Three-Step and the Basic Process you just learned. It also presents some
exercises that will give you a concrete feel for these differences.
Prepare for miracles!
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Chapter Six
How to Become Super Lucky:
The Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement
Is anything truly impossible?
Not with what you are about to learn in the rest of this book.
With the Super Process you are about to learn, even desires that might be called
seemingly impossible will now be within your reach.
Think of it: Even the desires you wanted but were afraid to even try to get are now
possible for you!
That's what the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step is about,
becoming successful in a way that looks almost miraculous.
After you start using this amazing process, people will start calling you lucky.
You wont be lucky, youll just be smart.
Lets get crackin!
Youre About to Unleash Real Power
Youre going to feel like Superman (or Superwoman) after you learn the Super Process.
Youll be able to fly right to your desires!
These techniques are much more powerful than the Cybernetic Transposition Basic
Three-Step and somewhat more complicated.
While the Basic Achievement techniques pretty much let you work in your normal way,
the Super Achievement approach may require some new learning for you.
But the payoff on this learning is fantastic:
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My research has shown that people who use this advanced method have an initial rate of
success in achieving seemingly impossible objectives of up to 100 percent!
Yes, I said 100% percent.
Now lets get to the meat of the process itself.
In brief, the Super Achievement involves the same Three-Step framework of creating a
target, prioritizing it, and resolving what would otherwise block you.
But it differs in three important ways.
1) It utilizes a good deal of explicit visualization.
2) It develops an ability to directly trigger the parts of the brain that are capable of
holding a sustained unconscious focus, a powerful additional way to prioritize
your Target.
3) It develops an ability to permanently change self-defeating unconscious habit
patterns (blockers) into supportive ones.
Each of these differences is explained in the following sections.
Put on your Superman/Superwoman suit and lets start flying.
The Truth About Visualization
The first major difference between the Basic Achievement and the Cybernetic
Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step is the Level of Explicit Visualization.
To understand this, you have to understand the truth about visualization.
The Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step frequently involves
creating and modifying imaginary experiences a process that some people call
But visualization can be a misleading term since it implies only visual experiences. To be
complete, an imaginary experience should include:
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Youre probably good at creating imaginary experiences, whether we call the process
daydreaming, hindsight, visualizing or imagining.
When I asked you to put on your Superman or Superwoman suit, you probably had a
visual in your mind of what that looked like.
But maybe you also felt the suit on your skin, felt great thinking of yourself with super
powers, and maybe saw yourself flying, too. Thats more of an imaginary experience,
and not just a visual experience.
Whatever we call it, the process is pretty much the same.
Are you with me here?
To give you a feel for exactly what Im talking about, Im going to ask you to do an
exercise in creating imaginary experiences. First, Im going to walk you through the
exercise as I do it.
The numbered paragraphs are the instructions. The italic paragraphs are words explaining
the thoughts and pictures going on in my mind.
1. Imagine a very tall tree with very strong branches. Become aware of how
it looks, the color of its bark, the shape and color of its leaves, how it
sounds with the wind blowing through its branches, what it feels like
when you touch it, its smell, and how it would taste if you chewed on one
of its leaves or needles.
Im imagining a very tall redwood tree with an enormously thick trunk
and very strong branches. Its bark is a rough, dark reddish brown and
its leaves are pine-like, dark green needles. As I imagine the wind
blowing through it, I hear a soft susurrus and sighs of the branches
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(to quote Longfellow). Its needles are spiny, sharp, prickly and
relatively stiff. Its bark is rough and consists of raised strips. My tree
has a wonderful resinous smell like an enormous Christmas tree and
its needles taste the same way, a little like Greek Retsina wine.
2. Imagine the face of someone who easily comes to mind. In your
imagination, ask them if they are willing to try something with you. If
they say yes, imagine shaking hands with them or giving them a hug. If
they say no, thank them, imagine a different person and ask them. If they
say yes, do the rest of the exercise with them. If they say no, find someone
Im thinking of my eldest daughter, Lisa, who is now 40. Im
remembering her stories of trekking through Napal, climbing slippery
paths up the mountains in the rain. Im pretty sure that she will feel
comfortable with this exercise and when I ask her, she says sure! So
I give her a hug.
3. Imagine your person sitting on the lowest branch of the tree that's strong
enough to safely hold them. Check whether they're safe and comfortable
and, if not, change things in your imagination so they are.
Im imagining Lisa sitting on a long and very thick branch, looking
extremely happy. Shes waving to me with a smile on her face.
4. Now imagine your person standing, very safely and comfortably, on the
very top of the tree. In your imagination, do what's necessary to ensure
that they are safe and comfortable.
In my imagination, Im asking Lisa whether shed like a platform on
the top of the three and she looks at me like Im crazy. You must be
kidding, she says, puts on her safety harness and climbs the tree to the
very top where she looks around and says, Well, on second thought,
maybe a platform with a nice rocking chair would be nice.
In my imagination, the platform with a rocking chair immediately
appears and, for my comfort, it has a sturdy white picket fence. Just to
make sure its safe enough, I imagine myself grabbing and trying to
shake it. It doesnt move an inch.
Now, Lisa climbs over the fence, looking knowingly at me, takes off her
safety harness and sits comfortably in the rocking chair.
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5. Imagine that your person is now standing on top of the tree on one foot
and that they have their other leg stretched out in back of them. They have
both their hands stretched out in front of them. In your imagination, do
whats necessary to be sure that they are safe and comfortable.
Lisas got a serious expression on her face. She says, I want to make
sure I get this right. But once shes stretched out and gained her
balance, she looks like shes enjoying the experience. She says, The
view is magnificent. You can see the Pacific Ocean. And the pine smell
is terrific.
6. Imagine that your person is also spinning a hoop on their back leg, the
way performers do in the circus. Note the color of the hoop and the sound
it makes. In your imagination, do whats necessary to be sure that your
person is safe and comfortable.
In my imagination, Lisa has grabbed ahold of the fence to brace herself
and she is moving her right leg so that the red and yellow hoop is
wobbly spinning. Its making a soft oscillating sound something like a
lawn sprinkler. Shes saying, Daddy, this is really ridiculous as she
smiles as me.
7. Now imagine that your person also has a flag in one hand and they are
waving it. Note the colors and messages written on the flag. In your
imagination, do whats necessary to be sure that they are safe and
In my imagination, while still holding onto the fence for support with
her left hand, Lisa is holding a Thai flag in her right and waving it. The
flag is red, white and blue with a red horizontal band at the top, a
white one under that, then a blue band that is twice as wide and
narrower white and red ones beneath it. She reminds me that she used
to teach at the university in Chaing Mai, Thailand and that she speaks
She says, Look! as she increases the speed of the red and yellow
hoop rotating around her leg. Good job, I say in my imagination.
8. Imagine also that a little bird has now landed on your person's head and is
singing a song that you recognize. In your imagination, do whats
necessary to be sure that they are safe and comfortable.
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Now, in my imagination, a finch gently lands on Lisas head. Its red
head and golden breast contrast with its shiny black wings and upper
body. The finch is singing a totally unlikely rendition of the Beatles
Im Henry the Eighth I am and Im laughing out loud. I notice that,
in my imagination, Im somehow level with and quite close to Lisa a
good viewing platform.
9. Imagine also that your person is singing a song and that right now two
more birds arrive on the scene carrying a banner with a message just for
you. The banner carries a very noticeable and pleasant scent so take note
of it. Be sure that you read the message on the banner and, in your
imagination, make sure that your person is safe and comfortable.
Now things are getting really interesting. Lisa is singing along with the
finch and, in my imagination, Im joining in. Were all having a great
time of it and Lisa and I are smiling. (Im not sure about the finch.)
Two snowy owls (the Disney type) arrive carrying an Olde English
appearing banner which says, LOVE TRIUMPHS. It carries the
smell of freshly cut, ripe red strawberries which I love. Lisa says, Me
10. Imagine your person coming down from the top of the tree in a very safe
fashion, one that they especially enjoy. Be sure that they are safe and
In my imagination, Lisa says, Ive got a really great one and waves
her hand.
Suddenly, a long, curving white stonelike staircase appears. It has
strong but slim white handrails and is firmly mounted to the tree. It is
supported by other trees as it curves its way around and about during
its descent to the ground almost right next to the foot of my tree.
Lisa gracefully descends the stairway, regally waving to the imagined
crowd watching. When she reaches he ground, she turns and looks
upward at all of the imaginary creations and smiles. Good work, she
11. Imagine that your person has arrived on the ground safely and
comfortably and that they are standing where they were when you first
imagined them. Make sure that they feel safe, comfortable, and otherwise
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Thank them for participating in this exercise. Surround them with an
imaginary ball of white light and let it take them back whence they came.
Im asking Lisa whether shes okay and she says, I feel great. That was
exhilarating. She gives me a hug and I ask her where she was before she
came to join me. She says, I was working at the magazine and I really
have to get back. So I thank her and imagine her surrounded with a ball
of glowing white light that rises gently rises off the ground, comfortably
carrying her back to the world of New Haven.
In my imagination, I remain in the forest for a while, alternately smelling
the resin smell and the smell of strawberries while I listen to the finch who
has remained on the top of the tree and is now working on Sergeant
Keys to Creating Imaginary Experiences
Ive just demonstrated the keys to creating sophisticated imaginary experiences. Here
they are as a list for you to review:
start with the familiar, perhaps in an unfamiliar context
add something else familiar, perhaps in an unfamiliar context
then add another familiar something, perhaps in an unfamiliar context
modify anything that you have created as you require
keep going until you've created the imaginary version that you want.
I started with a familiar face and a tree that I had only seen from a distance. This evolved
into a detailed experience of the tree (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell) and a series of
events that I have only experienced in pieces, in completely different contexts.
For example, I have never seen my daughter Lisa climb a tree or spin a hoop on her leg.
However, Ive seen lumberjacks climb trees the way I imagined her doing and Ive seen
clowns in circuses spin hoops on their legs. My unconscious was easily able to put these
pieces of the familiar into a new context with only a slight suggestion from me (i.e.,
reading the instructions for the exercise).
In similar fashion, you can construct essentially any imaginary experience that you want.
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Its easy, and Ill help you with the process in just a moment.
To recap, a visualization usually involves just the visual sense, but an imaginary
experience involves all your senses.
In short, the visual involves your eyes.
The imaginary involves eyes, ear, taste, touch and smell.
The imaginary is almost real.
Its the difference between just seeing yourself in a super powers costume, or actually
experiencing yourself as the super power.
Its Your Turn
Now its time for you to create your imaginary experience.
This will be fun, and great mental training.
Just follow the same set of instructions:
1. Imagine a very tall tree with very strong branches. Become aware of how
it looks, the color of its bark, the shape and color of its leaves, how it
sounds with the wind blowing through its branches, what it feels like
when you touch it, its smell, and how it would taste if you chewed on one
its leaves or needles.
2. Imagine the face of someone who easily comes to mind. In your
imagination, ask them if they are willing to try something with you. If
they say yes, imagine shaking hands with them or giving them a hug. If
they say no, thank them, imagine someone else. and do the rest of the
exercise with this new person.
3. Imagine your person sitting on the lowest branch of the tree that's strong
enough to safely hold them. Check whether they're safe and comfortable
and, if not, change things in your imagination so they are.
4. Now imagine your person standing, very safely and comfortably, on one
foot on the very top of the tree. In your imagination, do what's necessary
to ensure that they are safe and comfortable.
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5. Imagine that your person is now standing on the top of the tree on one foot
and that they have their other leg stretched out in back of them. They have
both their hands stretched out in front of them. In your imagination, do
whats necessary to be sure that they are safe and comfortable.
6. Imagine that your person is also spinning a hoop on their back leg, the
way performers do in the circus. Note the color of the hoop and the sound
it makes. In your imagination, do whats necessary to be sure that they are
safe and comfortable.
7. Now imagine that your person also has a flag in one hand and that they are
waving it. Note the colors and messages written on the flags. In your
imagination, do whats necessary to be sure that your person is safe and
8. Imagine also that a little bird has now landed on your person's head and is
singing a song that you recognize. In your imagination, do whats
necessary to be sure that your person is safe and comfortable.
9. Imagine also that your person is singing a song and that right now two
more birds arrive on the scene carrying a banner with a message just for
you. The banner carries a very noticeable and pleasant scent so take note
of it. Be sure that you read the message on the banner and, in your
imagination, make sure that your person is safe and comfortable.
10. Imagine your person coming down from the top of the tree in a very safe
fashion, one that they especially enjoy. Be sure that they are safe and
11. Imagine that your person has arrived on the ground safely and
comfortably and that they are standing where they were when you first
imagined them. Make sure that they feel safe, comfortable, and otherwise
Thank them for participating in this exercise. Surround them with an
imaginary ball of white light and let it take them back whence they came.
The Secret of Focus
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Youre tracking right along and doing great.
So far, weve talked about the first major difference between the Basic and Super
Achievement processes, the explicit use of visualization.
Now lets explore the second difference, a powerful additional way of prioritizing your
Target. The second major difference between the Basic Achievement and the Cybernetic
Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step is the process of holding a sustained
unconscious focus.
Let me explain.
There are specific parts of your brain (i.e., the frontal lobes) that have the ability to keep
you unconsciously focused on something at the same time that you are consciously
concerned with completely different things.
For example, have you ever wondered how you can safely drive a car
while thinking about whats happening at work, dinner, your plans for
the weekend, etc.?
Thats what I mean by consciously focusing on one thing (thinking about all of those
things) and unconsciously focusing on something else (driving the car).
But thats a simple example.
Lets go deeper.
How Your Unconscious Slows Time
Do you know what is happening in and around you right now?
Probably not. None of us arenot consciously, anyway.
Your unconscious mind is typically focused on a tremendous number of things, ranging
from keeping your heart beating to maintaining your body weight to searching through
billions of alternatives until you come up with the solution to a problem thats troubling
you and you have an aha!
However, in a life-threatening situation or one that your unconscious takes to be life-
threatening, essentially all of the power of your unconscious is focused on one or a
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very small number of things and, consciously, time seems to slow down.
The reason Im telling you this is that you normally only know how to use this special
focusing capability when your unconscious mind perceives your very survival is at stake.
In the next chapter, however, were going to show you how to use this marvelous already
existing ability to help achieve what previously seemed like impossible objectives.
Watch This Bullet Coming At You
Have you ever gotten an amazing amount of work done while on a deadline?
Have you ever knocked over a cup and watched it slowly fall and shatter?
Have you ever been in an auto accident and time seemed to move like molasses?
You may have already experienced this focusing ability at work, when you were rushing
toward an impending deadline and later wondered how you achieved so much in so little
time, or when you dropped something extremely valuable and watched it slowly float to
the floor and fly apart, or even when you were involved in an automobile accident and
saw the collision slowly occurring.
Maybe you can recall a movie youve seen in which somebody fired a gun at somebody
else. Remember how everything went into slow motion?
The example I like to think about that illustrates this phenomenon is from The Matrix.
Kenau Reeves, the hero, was on top of a tall office building when attacked by the evil
Agents. As an Agent fired his gun, time slowed sharply. You could see the bullets slowly
moving toward Reeves, spiraling from the rifling in the gun barrel, as our hero moved out
of the way.
However, what were talking about here isnt simply a cinematic special effect.
What that movie depicts is actually a slightly enhanced version of what you might see if
the gun had been fired at you!
The same part of the brain that so focuses you in a crisis situation is the part that will
allow you to remain unconsciously focused on your objective, once you have established
the framework.
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Think of this!
In the next chapter, you will learn to consciously trigger that part of your brain by
developing an imaginary tool, the Inner Anchor Point, into which you will imagine
placing imaginary experiences that you want to highly prioritize.
For now, just realize that the second difference in the Super process is maintaining focus
on your objective.
Now lets move on to the third difference between the Basic and Super Processes.
Get ClearFor Good!
Just so were on the same page, so to speak, lets review:
The first difference is explicit visualization
The second difference is maintaining a sustained focus.
And whats the third?
The third is learning the process of permanently changing self-defeating unconscious
habit patterns into self-supportive ones.
This is where you get clear inside yourself.
This is where you transform the self-sabotage into self-support.
To do this youll need what I call the Base Reframing process.
Youll love this section because it deals with getting clear within yourself so you can
have, do, or be whatever you can imagine.
In the Base Reframing process, you will use your ability of sensing what is going on
with your body to track down self-defeating unconscious habit patterns through
remembered time.
Then, you will use your already developed skill of turning memories into highly
desirable Targets to rather quickly and permanently change these self-destructive
unconscious habit patterns into self-supporting ones.
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Once you have completed the Base Reframing, your unconscious will handle the types
of situations that previously triggered the self-defeating habit patterns in the new way
that you have defined with your highly desirable Targets.
Ill be explaining all this to you in a later chapter. For now, just understand that the third
main difference between the Basic Process and the Super Process is getting clear. Youll
learn how your body is trying to send you messagesmessages that come in the form of
body feelings.
To understand how you use your body to give you feedback, I need to explain body
feelings to you.
Why Body Feelings?
Body feelings are the most common form of communication from your unconscious to
your conscious mind when your unconscious cant otherwise get through.
In other words, most messages that our unconscious mind tries to send to our conscious
mind are blocked.
You are, in some ways, on the phone right now.
Your unconscious is trying to call you but your line is busy.
Since it cant get your attention, it sends you a non-verbal signalthrough your body.
When your unconscious cant get the message through directly to your conscious mind, it
resorts to indirect signals in this case, modifying various things in your body that it
controls, such as:
the flow of blood (that we consciously note as feelings of hot or cold depending on
whether it dilates the blood vessels or constricts them)
muscle tension (that we conscious note as stress pain or a feeling of relaxation
depending on whether it tenses or relaxes your muscles)
headaches (when it severely constricts blood flow to parts of the brain)
the flow of bile and enzymes into your stomach (that we consciously note as stomach
pain and the pressure of bloating when too much enzyme flows and congestion when
too little flows).
In the Super Achievement Base Reframing, you will use your ability to become aware of
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your body feelings to track down the source of the self-defeating habit pattern.
Do you see how healing this can be, as well?
Once you start paying attention to those messages, and clearing them, many of your
health issues will dissolve.
Because you finally heard what they were trying to tell you!
Again, Ill explain all this to you later. For now, Im just introducing the differences and
concepts in the Super Process.
Now lets look at another concept that may be brand new to you.
Heres How to Achieve Any Success
Are you a detailed planner?
Do you set goals and map roads to them?
Ordinarily, you are taught that when you want to achieve a challenging objective, you
develop a detailed plan of how to do it and then implement your plan.
Youve heard the advice: Make a plan and make it so.
Thats not the case when you're doing the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement
Here the rule is:
Don't try to figure out how to achieve your objective.
Thats not to say that, once having set your Super Achievement Objective, you shouldnt
think of how to achieve it if thats your normal way of thinking.
In fact, once youve created an unconscious focus by setting your Super Achievement
objective, your unconscious may flood your conscious mind with how-to thoughts.
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Thats fine. Handle them normally. In fact, it might be worthwhile keeping some Post-Its
and a pen with you to note those suggestions. Thats what I do.
But what I am saying is that you DO NOT try to figure out how you are going to achieve
your objective as part of the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step
If your unconscious wants you to do something that contributes to achieving your
objective, you'll either do it unconsciously or you'll be given conscious reasons that
motivate you to do what's needed. Of course, as you may later realize, those reasons may
have little or nothing to do with what's really going on.
In other words, let go.
Yes, of course, act on the ideas that occur to you and seem right to you, but dont worry,
plan, or schedule your time for your goals arrival.
So just relax into the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step process
and allow yourself to be lucky - meaning unconsciously successful.
This is another difference between the Super process and anyone elses approach to
achieving your dreams.
Can you imagine how easy this will be for you?
Success almost becomes automatic.
It certainly becomes more natural.
Is This Magic?
When you let go and allow your unconscious mind to bring your results to you, you
might feel like magic is happening.
That's what I mean about seeming to be lucky you let your unconscious do the work.
When the unconscious does it, the conscious mind isn't aware of what's happening to
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produce the intended results. They happen naturally. Thats when luck seems to
Heres a true story to illustrate what I mean:
Carl was a big fan of competition badminton (like in Forrest Gump) and
the founder and head of his local badminton club. He wanted to generate
at least $300,000 in sponsorship for an international competition.
Being a high achiever, Carl was quite familiar with talking people into
approving major expenditures so he was confident that he had the
unconscious skills to do what he wanted.
He, therefore, set a Super Cybernetic Transposition objective that within
4 weeks he would have done whatever was necessary and appropriate so
that the sponsorship of the international competition would have been
fully subscribed. He did the complete Three-Step process and practiced
faithfully according to the schedule presented in Chapter Eleven.
Then, being a very busy executive, he attended to business at hand,
managing a billion dollar revenue stream.
Carl kept a log of the amount subscribed and, by week 3, he was over
$100,000. By Thursday of week 4, subscriptions had reached $300,000
and by Friday, they totaled $365,000.
Was it magic? No. Carl did speak to various potential sponsors during the
four weeks, meeting some for lunch or dinner. But he never set a
conscious plan to achieve these things. Everything seemed to happen by
chance. Hed be introduced to a potential sponsor by a friend who knew
Carl was looking. Or someone that hed never considered a potential
sponsor mentioned that his firm was looking for a way to get its name in
front of sports fans.
In other words, while Carls conscious mind was focusing on his normal
day to day business, his unconscious mind was making things happen.
What to Do If Road Blocks Appear
Is all of this sounding too good to be true?
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That very thought might be a blocker in your progress.
Again, Ill teach you how to resolve all blockers later, but lets take a look at this idea of
road blocks for a moment.
As you make progress through the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-
Step, you may run into some roadblocks. This is normal and to be expected.
The following things may happen:
you may feel stuck, tired, unmotivated, or confused
you may think halfway there is good enough (its not you want to finish what
you set out to accomplish)
you may feel inclined to skip part of the work, like Monitoring, telling yourself I
dont have enough time for this.
When that happens, youll be pleased to know, theres a technique youve already
learned that can get you through these roadblocks easily, quickly and with 100%
That technique is the Cybernetic Transposition Basic Three-Step, which you learned in
the previous chapters. Just review those steps to get through any bumps in the road.
Using this technique to help yourself through a rough stretch of road is something like
picking yourself up by your bootstraps, so thats why I call it bootstrapping.
You see, even though you may have achieved some gratifying things with the Cybernetic
Transposition Basic Three-Step process, that wasnt the primary reason for including
those techniques in this book.
The reason I wanted you to have them at your disposal is to give you a bootstrap way of
mastering the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step, if you need it.
The Basic Achievement technique is just one part of your bootstrapping resources.
Heres the full bootstrapping program:
1. Read each of the Super Achievement chapters, one at a time. Do what is
suggested, chapter by chapter. Do not wait until youve read everything to get to
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If, at any point, you have difficulty implementing what I suggest, do the
Cybernetic Transposition Basic Three-Step dealing with easily and effectively
completing what's causing you trouble.
2. If you feel even slightly stuck or experience other minor signs of conflict, do a
Basic Achievement Clearing Process on the feelings of conflict.
3. Maintain a Success/Failure List for tracking your Super Achievement progress
(see below).
Ill explain that last step in this next section.
Success and Failure Lists
A great way to track your ongoing journey is with a Success/Failure list.
As you learn the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step, each day
take a clean piece of paper, divide it into two columns, write successes at the top of the
left hand column and failures at the top of the right hand one. Then date the page.
Under successes, briefly note each of the day's successes in learning the Cybernetic
Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step, one per line. They can be little or big.
For example, if today I read and understood this chapter and decided on a more
challenging version of my previous objective, I might write under successes:
1.Completed and
understood Chapter Six.
2.Created a very desirable
and substantially more
difficult new version of
my objective.
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Similarly, under failures, list each of what you perceive to be the day's failures.
I might write under failures, I initially felt like Id have trouble doing the imaginary
experience exercise or the first time I read the Base Reframing description, it seemed
confusing (if that were the case.)
1.Remembered to water
2.Gave a presentation that
earned a very profitable
1. I initially felt like Id
have trouble doing
the imaginary
experience exercise.
2. The first time I read
the Base Reframing
description, it seemed
Then read through your success list. After reading each success, remember the
experience it refers to and say to yourself, Thats a success. I'd like more like of those!
Next read through your failure list. After each failure, remember the experience and
say, Thats a failure. I don't want any more of those!
You will soon see that the daily list of successes increases and the list of failures
decreases simply because you consciously told your unconscious mind what you mean by
successes and failures and instructed it to focus on generating the former and
reducing the latter.
Remember, what you focus on expands.
What you focus on is an instruction to your unconscious.
If you want more successes, focus on successes.
Easy, isnt it?
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The Bonus Packages
As you have probably discovered by now, I am giving you a series of Bonuses.
Six of these consist of packages of forms, descriptions and audio segments of me leading
you through the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step processes,
just as I did in the trainings that typically cost participants $4,500 apiece.
Once you have read and understood a Super Achievement chapter, you will be ready to
use the associated package to lead you through the process that the chapter describes.
Heres how to use them:
First you will print and fill out the form as instructed in the chapter (always by hand).
Then, the audio will verbally lead you through the process.
This way you will have both visual (form) and verbal (audio) guidance in doing the
A Caution
The Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step is very powerful, too
powerful to teach without a good deal of training.
So please note this warning:
This book doesn't teach you how to teach others to do the Cybernetic Transposition
Super Achievement Three-Step or any of the component processes.
Please do not attempt to teach this to others.
Here's why:
First, the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step is very
sophisticated, having been refined over a twenty-five year period. The script for
presenting it is about 250 single-spaced pages in this size type. The trainers have to go
through a year long process of building unconscious models of the processes and
resolving unconscious habit patterns that might get in the way before they are ready to
lead others.
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That's not taught in this book!
Second, someone who isn't properly trained can, potentially, hurt others if they try to
train them in the Super Achievement techniques. That's because we unconsciously treat
another human being very differently from the way we treat a book.
When you read a book, your unconscious protective mechanisms will block you from
hurting yourself unless you are so foolhardy as to ignore some very strong intuitive
messages. Even then, you'll probably unconsciously misinterpret things so you don't hurt
yourself. And, finally, the insurance instruction will cancel any remaining self-
defeating things that you try to do.
But if someone else tries to lead you through the techniques, two unfortunate side effects
may occur:
They may misinterpret the instructions in a way that suits them but not you.
They may unconsciously implant some of their own habit patterns in your
unconscious mind by virtue of the way they present the material to you or how they
act or talk when you are in a receptive state. These habit patterns may well be totally
wrong for you and create severe unintended problems.
The same may be the case if your try to lead someone else through the processes.
So please don't take a chance. Don't try to teach the Super Achievement material to
anyone else or let anyone other than someone I approve teach it to you.
Again, this material is for you.
Use it and blossom.
The Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step differs from the Basic
Achievement in these ways:
It utilizes a good deal of explicit visualization.
It develops an ability to directly trigger the parts of the brain that are capable of
holding a sustained unconscious focus, a powerful additional way to prioritize your
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It develops an ability to permanently change self-defeating unconscious habit patterns
(blockers) into supportive ones.
And it differs from the way we normally try to achieve objectives by not focusing on how
to do something when setting your Basic Achievement Target.
What you have already learned will assist you in bootstrapping your way to success with
the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step:
If, at any point, you have difficulty implementing what is described in the following
chapters, do the Cybernetic Transposition Basic Three-Step dealing with easily and
effectively completing what's causing you trouble.
If you feel only slightly stuck or experience other minor signs of conflict, do a Basic
Achievement Clearing Process on the feelings of conflict.
Maintain a Success/Failure List for tracking your Super Achievement progress.
Once you have read and understood a Super Achievement chapter, you will be ready to
use the associated package of forms, audio instructions and discussion to more easily lead
your through the process that it describes.
Coming Up
Remember what I promised you earlier in this chapter?
I told you I would teach you how to unconsciously stay focused on your objective.
In the next chapter, you will create a powerful imaginary tool to accomplish just that.
This tool is called The Inner Anchor Point.
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Chapter Seven
How to Create Your Inner Anchor Point
A Magic Tool for Rocketing To Your Target
Think back to a time when you had a lot of work to get done and a very tight schedule.
Maybe you worried how you would ever meet your deadline.
Somehow, you managed to get all the work done, meet the deadline, and maybe even had
a moment or two to spare.
How did that happen?
The answer is you concentrated a majority of your inner resources on that single task.
In this chapter I'll show you how to consciously accomplish the same sort of thing with
your Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step Target.
When you do this, your unconscious mind really goes into action to get you what you
In short, youll turn on the after-burners and really rocket ahead!
The key is getting the prioritization mechanisms of your brain to focus on what you have
in mind, rather than what they habitually do. The effect has something in common with
the following story:
A couple of mountain men encounter each other at the local fishing hole. Clem is
thinking about buying a new mule while Harold has a mule that he's eager to get
rid of. In most places, a willing buyer and a willing seller yield a pretty
straightforward transaction. But in the mountains, folk are a little more wary. So
the conversation goes something like:
Clem says, Sorry your mule's looking so sickly. Hope she's a-gonna pull out of
it. Harold replies, Aw shucks, Clem. She's just fine, what with slimming down
for the summer. Why this old mule is almost a member of the family. I take better
care of her than my wife. I wouldn't think of letting anything happen to her.
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Then, with a pause he shifts into the sales pitch. Why she's so smart, you just
whisper in her ear and she'll do just what you tell her. Of course, Clem's pretty
skeptical so he says, Why that sure is fantastic, Harold. Can ya show me a little
of that?
Sensing he's got a pigeon on the line, Harold makes a big show of reluctance and
then begrudgingly obliges. Standing alongside the mule, he lifts her right ear and
quietly says, Go straight ahead 3 steps, stop, go to the left 4 steps, go to the right
5 steps, go backwards 8 steps, and shake your head up and down. Just as soon
as he stops talking, the mule obligingly walks straight ahead 3 steps, stops for a
second, sidesteps 3 to the left and then 4 to the right, walks back 8 steps, and
shakes her head yes.
That's so amazing - what with mules being well known for their stubbornness -
that Clem almost loses his cool and it's all over but the talking. Pretty soon he's
the owner of the mule.
With Harold's help, the mule walks herself into Clem's truck and he's off to show
his wife his new prize. Arriving home, he tells his wife what happened and she
explodes, yelling and screaming at how dumb he must have been to have
squandered their hard earned money that way. You take that no-good mule back
to Harold this minute and either get our money back or shoot the crook, she
Shut yer mouth, woman. This mule's even smarter than you are. Just watch!
Clem then lifts her right ear and, playing it safe, repeats Harold's exact set of
instructions. Nothing happens. So he tries the left ear. Still nothing. Then he tries
the right again and the mule passes wind and kicks him.
Finally, his wife really explodes and pretty soon the mule's back on the truck.
After a little search, Clem finds Harold and says he's returning the mule. Harold
responds, Why sure, I didn't want to sell her in the first place. But first tell me
what's wrong! So Clem recites the whole sad tale.
With a pained expression on his face, Harold slaps his forehead, walks to the
woodpile, picks up a 4 inch diameter log, walks to the mule and gives her a good
one right between the eyes. Then he tells Clem to try again and, sure enough, the
mule does just exactly what Clem says to do.
Pretty soon, Clem is satisfied. But, he says, there's just one more thing. What
was all that with the log and hitting her over the head.
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Ohhh! says Harold. Well, she'll sure do whatever you whisper in her ear...
but first you've got to get her attention.
Typically, our unconscious mind has learned to ignore our conscious input.
It just doesnt pay attention.
By locating the Inner Anchor Point, you will establish a gentle and very effective way
of getting your unconscious minds attention and keeping it!
How You Normally Prioritize
You normally use a number of different ways of activating your unconscious minds
prioritization mechanisms. Some of them include:
Repetition, as in memorizing lines for a school play.
Simulated or actual survival situations.
As your Basic Achievement prioritization demonstrated, repetition works.
After you activated your brains prioritization mechanism through repeatedly writing or
reading your Target, you were pretty much on automatic until you achieved it.
Simulated survival situations - such as deadlines - or life-threatening ones - such as an
impending car crash very powerfully stimulate our prioritization mechanism because
ensuring our survival is the number one job of the brain.
Heres a VERY important point
Our unconscious minds don't typically differentiate between actual and imagined survival
situations. So our prioritization mechanism can be powerfully stimulated by events as
obviously safe as riding a roller coaster, experiencing a virtual reality ride, or watching
a movie.
Thats why people scream as they rush down roller coasters.
Their survival instinct has been kicked in.
Whats more, biofeedback triggers can be developed so that we can consciously trigger
our brains prioritization mechanisms by linking the biofeedback trigger to an experience
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of the brains prioritization mechanism in action. (More about this below.)
This is the approach that I have incorporated into the Super Achievement Three-Step
I call the biofeedback trigger mechanism the Inner Anchor Point.
By coupling the Inner Anchor Point with repetition, you can create an extremely
powerful unconscious focus on achievement of your Super Achievement Target.
Stick with me as I explain all this to you
The Secret of Biofeedback Triggers
This is easier and more fun than you might guess.
Creating a biofeedback trigger involves framing (isolating) the experiences
accompanying a particular brain or body state and creating a consciously accessible
trigger mechanism.
For example, if you remember your last intense argument or upset and focus on
that memory for a few minutes, your body will return to the state it was in during
the argument or upset.
Typically, that means that you'll go into a fight or flight mode with the
adrenaline flowing, a faster heartbeat, tightening of muscles, and strong
In this case, the memory of your last intense argument or upset is the trigger.
But be careful if you try remembering your last fight. Youll be all ready for another one
and could easily create that!
Think peace!
The Inner Anchor Point
Your programmed need for survival can actually help you achieve all the success you
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Let me explain.
If you think about an experience that is linked to the activation of your unconscious
prioritization mechanism, that mechanism will be immediately reactivated.
For example, I was in a violent automobile accident recently. When I recall that
experience, my body muscles tense and I involuntary move to protect my chest
which sustained a contusion from the impact of the airbag when we crashed. I
feel a fear of the impact. I notice that my vision has narrowed and my
concentration has become far more intense than usual. And I feel a sense of
gratitude that I was protected from serious injury.
To create such an imaginary biofeedback trigger, I will lead you through an imaginary
experience that triggers your natural survival mechanism, isolates the experience of it,
concentrates it into a consciously accessible trigger, and labels it your Inner Anchor
This will be gentle and easy, yet profound.
From that point on, whenever you imagine placing something into your imaginary Inner
Anchor Point, your unconscious mind will give it a very high and sustained priority.
You will be associating your objective with what your unconscious deems essential.
When you then use repetition to increase this prioritization, you will be giving yourself a
rocket boost toward achievement of your Target.
With your unconscious system so focused on your Target you will move rapidly toward
achievement of it, assuming no unconscious habit patterns get in the way.
But dont worry if any blocks do surface.
When you resolve any interfering unconscious habit patterns through the Base
Reframing process, you will almost automatically flow to achievement of your Target.
Youll learn more about this later, just understand that you are about to plug into the
power of all that.
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Levels Of Experience
How do you experience your unconscious prioritizing your life?
When our unconscious prioritization mechanism is at work, we experience it on many
Those levels are actually quite familiar. They include:
Physical experiences including seeing, hearing, touching, feeling, tasting, and smelling.
Emotions are typically experienced through changes in our body. That's why we talk
about emotional feelings since we can only feel with our bodies, not with our minds.
Mental experiences include thoughts, naming, descriptions, logic, and conclusions,
among others.
Inner experiences are associated with a direct, intuitive knowing. They include awareness
of your True Self, as in the saying, To thine own self be true.
For example, in the car crash example I just used, all of those levels of experience are
When I recall that experience, my body muscles tense and I involuntary move to
protect my chest which sustained a contusion from the impact of the airbag when
we crashed. (Physical) I feel a fear of the impact. (Emotional) I notice that my
vision has narrowed and my concentration has become far more intense than
usual. I realize that I could have been seriously injured. (Mental) And I feel a
sense of gratitude that I was protected from serious injury. (Inner)
To effectively isolate the experience of your prioritization mechanism at work, you need
to become aware of that experience on all of the levels of experience that I just described.
To do this, I will stimulate your unconscious prioritization mechanism and lead you
through becoming aware of it on all of these levels during the process of Locating the
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Inner Anchor Point.
Ill do this through a gentle imagery experience.
Locating The Inner Anchor Point
As I've already mentioned, the tool that you'll use to perform this four-level (physical,
emotional, mental and inner) prioritization of your Target is called the Inner Anchor
I call it Inner because you experience it somewhere within your body.
I call it Anchor because its job is anchoring something real or imagined to your
unconscious prioritization mechanism.
And I call it Point because it is some specific imaginary point within your body.
When you have created this tool, it will be an imaginary place where you can put
visualizations and other experiences that you want your unconscious to treat with a very
high priority.
A True Story
Take a breather from the material Im giving you and soak up the following true story
Annie created beautiful artwork through both photography and computer
graphics. Her problem was marketing her works that sold for an average
of $50 to $150 apiece. She really didnt like going door to door to art
galleries and frequently encountering, Beautiful work but we already
have stock. Sorry. She felt hurt when this occurred and, so, avoided
direct selling as much as possible.
When looking for a seemingly impossible objective to try out her newly
learned Cybernetic Transposition techniques, it didnt take Annie long to
home in on one dealing with selling her artworks in relatively high
The final form of her conscious objective was:
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Within 4 weeks, I will have done whatever is necessary and appropriate
so that I will have sold and received payment of at least $20,000 for my
artwork to customers who clearly express their pleasure at a level of at
least 9 where 10 is totally unbounded praise. I will have done this easily at
a level of no more than 4 where 1 is so easy it is almost automatic,
spending an average of no more than 3 hours per day in marketing and
selling my works. In the process, I will feel happy and joyful at a level of
at least 8 as measured and recorded at the end of each day. Please make
all of this happen in ways that are for the highest good of me and of
everyone involved.
Using the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Target Process,
Annie converted her written objective into an unconscious Target and
prioritized it using her Inner Anchor Point. Then she checked her level of
certainty that she would achieve her objective and identified two sets of
strong blocker feelings.
So she used the Base Reframing Process to resolve both of the underlying
unconscious habit patterns into ones that now supported achieving her
She also felt uncertainty about how to proceed so she did a Super
Achievement Clearing Process that established a strong unconscious
team to help her achieve her objective and identified three steps that
would start her on the way.
These were: 1) Contact her most frequent customers and ask their advice
in selling her works. 2) Contact a particular dealer whom shed met some
years before but had never followed up with. 3) Prepare a catalog of her
works that could be printed on paper or sent as an email attachment.
When she contacted her frequent customers, one of them told her that she
loved Annies work and had been thinking about investing in publishing
some of Annies images and asked whether she would be interested. Annie,
of course, said yes.
Annie then contacted the dealer who turned out to publish graphics of the
sort that Annie produced. He asked her to send him some images and that
moved Annie into the third suggestion, creating a catalog. After some
feverish work, she sent it off to the dealer by email.
You can probably see where Annies unconscious was taking her. Pretty
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soon, Annie, her customer and the dealer had negotiated an exclusive
marketing agreement with a guarantee to Annie of at least $50,000 for the
first year and, contingent upon a specified level of new artwork, rising to
$100,000 for the fourth year.
During the third week, Annie received the first payment of $25,000 by an
electronic deposit to her bank account.
When she looked at her records of how easily she had achieved her
objective and how happy and joyful she had felt at the end of each day, she
found that shed done better than shed specified.
How to Locate Your Inner Anchor Point
Are you ready?
The actual process of locating the Inner Anchor Point usually takes about a forty minutes
and centers around thinking of and experiencing a situation that stimulates all levels of
This is critical if you want to prioritize all levels of your Target. Otherwise, you might
achieve a physical result without the emotional, mental or inner (sense of self)
experiences that you want.
The ONLY situation in which our unconscious reliably activates all levels of experience
in the required fashion is when your survival is threatened.
Thats why you will imagine a point in imaginary time just before you are about to die.
Since your unconscious doesnt differentiate between imagined and real situations, it
will react to this imaginary experience by triggering your survival reactions.
This isnt spooky or odd. Its no more real than being in a movie or a virtual reality
simulation where your unconscious thinks your survival is being threatened. (Remember
those white knuckles you got at a scary movie?)
And once we have located your Inner Anchor Point, you will make sure that your
unconscious knows that this was not something that it should take for real.
This imaginary situation is particularly powerful at stimulating the inner level (which is
normally silent) by taking you to a point, in your imagination, where people naturally
turn inward, the time just before they die.
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The feelings, thoughts, and emotions that you'll experience at that time are always based
on the loving positivity that springs from the inner level. However, negative feelings,
thoughts, and emotions are often added to and overlay the positive ones.
Since it wouldn't be very productive to restimulate such negative feelings when youre
prioritizing your Target, the process of Locating your Inner Anchor Point includes
provision for purging those negative experiences.
So relax. This is a safe, easy process.
During the process of Locating your Inner Anchor Point, you'll have your eyes closed
part of the time and you'll be writing part of the time. You will be relaxed and should be
in an open body position.
What you do may be a little unfamiliar but that won't get in the way of the process if you
simply follow the instructions.
This is not a difficult process because your unconscious mind already understands it and
you have probably encountered the energies we'll stimulate when you attended a funeral,
wedding, or the birth of a child.
You'll imagine moving closer and closer to your time of death, focusing on both the parts
of you that deal with the outer world and the inner parts of you that involve emotions,
thoughts, and intuitive knowing.
As you come closer to imaginary death, you'll become aware of powerful multilevel
energies building up inside of you. When they are clearly isolated, you will merge them
into a single focus. That single focus of physical, emotional, mental, and inner energies is
your Inner Anchor Point.
I know this may seem strange to you.
Thats okay. Let it seem strange.
You are going to experience one of the most remarkable events of your lifean event
which will give you a window to creating all you will ever desire.
This has worked for 50,000 plus people so far.
It will work for you, too.
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Audio Instructions and Forms
You have already received an email that allows you to access the audio instructions and
form that will be used in Locating the Inner Anchor Point.
This would be a good time to take a look at the form and to print it out.
In any case, please do so BEFORE you do the process.
If you are using the audio instructions, please DO NOT listen to the instructions before
you do the process. If youre curious, you can read the same instructions listed below.
The audio instructions comprise a very large file, too large for most people to
conveniently download, so we will supply it to you through the technology of streaming
You dont have to know anything at all about that technology to use it. In fact, you
probably already have the RealPlayer installed on your computer. If not, its free and
easy to install. The instructions are given on the page that shows and tells you how to
download the form and play the audio.
The RealPlayer has buttons like a tape player. Become familiar with the Pause button
since you may choose to use it to give yourself more time to write. When you click the
Pause button, it changes into a Play button that you press to continue with the audio.
Locating Your Inner Anchor Point
What follows are the step by step instructions for locating your Inner Anchor Point.
You can follow them in the book or you can listen to the audio instructions that I have
provided to you as a bonus.
Some people find that reading the process, below, works best for them. Most prefer using
the audio instructions.
In either case, now is the time to download the Locating the Inner Anchor Point form and
print it out, if you have not already done so. This form is tied into and reinforces the
instructions listed below and presented in the audio instructions.
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This is a profound process so find a dim, quiet place where you wont be disturbed. If
necessary, put a sign on the door Do Not Disturb.
Have a pen or pencil handy and your Locating the Inner Anchor Point form in front of
The process works best if you close your eyes while you are creating or modifying your
imaginary experiences.
Lets get started
1. Become relaxed and focus inwardly toward whatever you perceive as the center
of your beingness. Breathe in and out a few times while focusing on your breath.
While you do this, say to yourself, Please make this process that I am about to
do take place in ways that are for the highest good of me and of everyone else
At the same time, imagine yourself surrounded with a protective ball of very
bright white light that protects you from any outside interference. With this
protection, you are safe to open yourself to your inner experiences.
2. Read the following except from Palm Sunday by the well known novelist, Kurt
Vonnegut. It is a eulogy to his friend Lavina (lah-VIE-nah).
In it, Vonnegut touches very deep feelings within himself as he talks about his
friend whom he met while he was working for General Electric in Schenectedy,
I find that his brief talk with his friend Lavina touches deep feelings, feelings that
will arise again in the rest of this process. So just listen (or read) and experience.
Vonnegut said:
One of my closest friends from General Electric is Ollie M. Lyon, who became a
vice-president at Young and Rubicam advertising for a while, and then went back
to his home state of Kentucky to sell sophisticated silos to farmers. The silos were
so airtight that almost no silage was lost to fermentation and vermin and rot.
I loved Ollie's wife Lavina exactly as much as I loved him, and she died fast of
cancer of the pancreas out there in Kentucky. One of her last requests was that I
speak at her funeral. I want him to say good-bye to me, she said. So I did.
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I said this:
Lavina asked me to be up here.
This is the hardest thing Lavina ever asked me to do, but then she never asked
anyone to do anything hard. Her only instructions were that I was to say good-
bye to her as an old friend-as all old friends.
I say it now. If I had to say it at the end, to build up to saying it, I would go all to
pieces, I think. I would bark like a dog. So I say it now: 'Good-bye, darling
There-that is behind me now. That is behind us, now.
It is common at funerals for survivors to regret many things that were said and
done to the departed-to think, 'I wish I had said this instead of this, I wish I had
done that instead of that.' This is not that sort of funeral. This is not a church
filled with regrets.
Why not? We always treated Lavina with love and decency. Why did we do that?
It was Lavina's particular genius to so behave that the only possible responses on
our part were love and decency. That is her richest legacy to us; I think: Her
lessons in how to treat others so that their only possible responses are, again,
love and decency.
There is at least one person here who does not need to learn what Lavina knew.
He is Lavina's spiritual equal, although he was so much in love with her that
perhaps he never knew it. He is Ollie Morris Lyon.
Ollie and Lavina are country people, by the way.
I have seen them achieve success and happiness in the ugly factory city of
Schenectady, New York, where I first met them. They were not much older than
Mary and Philip then. Think of that. Yes, and when they lived in New York City,
they had as much fun as any jazz-age babies ever did. Good for them! But they
were always a farmer and his wife.
Now the farmer's wife has died. I'm glad they got back here before she died.
The wife died first.
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It happens all the time-but it always seems like such a terrible violation of the
natural order when the wife dies first. Is there anyone here, even a child, who did
not believe that Lavina would survive us all? She was so healthy, so capable, so
beautiful, so strong. She was supposed to come to our funerals-not the other way
Well-she may come to them yet. She will, if she can. She will talk to God about it,
I'm sure. If anybody can stretch the rules of heaven a little, Lavina can.
I say she was strong. We all say she was strong! Yes and in this bicentennial
springtime we can say that she was like a legendary pioneer woman in her
seeming strengths. We know now that she was only pretending to be strong-which
is the best any of us can do. Of course, if you can pretend to be strong all your
life, which is what Lavina did, then you can be very comforting to those around
you. You can allow them to be childlike now and then.
Good job, Lavina, darling. And remember, too, Lavina the times we let you be a
little girl.
When she was a little girl in Palmyra, Illinois, being the youngest of a large
family, she was expected to leave a note in the kitchen saying where she had gone
after school. One day the note that was found said 'I have gone where I have
We loved you.
We love you.
We will always love you.
We will meet again.
3. Begin to imagine what it would be like for you if you had only 30 days left to
live. Imagine that in only 30 days you will gently and easily stop existing on this
planet. No longer will you be with your loved ones. They will remain to continue
their lives and you will be gone.
So what does it look like with only 30 days left to live?
Where are you.
Who and what do you see around you?
What sounds do you hear?
Are there voices? Or is there stillness?
What does your body feel like with only 30 days left to live?
Feel the rhythms of your body.
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Feel your heart, the heart that you will no longer feel in 30 days.
Are you moving or still?
What are you doing with your body, if anything?
Are there any smells?
Or tastes?
What are they?
And do you have any sense of being closer to who you really are?
The true you?
The you that is above your body, emotions, and mind?
4. Now, with only 30 days, only 720 hours left to live, become aware of the 3 to 5
most important things to be done in the time left to you and record them in the
first space on your Locating the Inner Anchor Point form, the space that has 30
Days written above it.
5. Now put down your pen or pencil, close your eyes, and move through imaginary
time to the point where you have only 7 days of 24 hours apiece, only 168 hours
left to live...
Imagine that in only 7 days you will gently and easily stop existing on this planet.
No longer will you be with your loved ones. They will remain to continue their
lives and you will be gone...
What does it look like with only 7 days left to live? Where are you.
Who and what do you see around you?
What sounds do you hear?
Are there voices? Or is there stillness?
What does your body feel like with only 30 days left to live?
Feel the rhythms of your body.
Feel your heart, the heart that you will no longer feel in 30 days.
Are you moving or still?
What are you doing with your body, if anything?
Are there any smells?
Or tastes?
What are they?
And do you have any sense of being closer to who you really are?
The true you?
The you that is above your body, emotions, and mind?
6. Now, with only 7 days, only 168 hours left to live, become aware of the 3 to 5
most important things to be done in the time left to you and record them in the
second space on your Locating the Inner Anchor Point form, the space that has 7
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Days written above it.
8. Now put down your pen or pencil, close your eyes, and move through imaginary
time to the point where you have only 1 day of 24 hours, only 1440 minutes left
to live... That's a very short time.
Imagine that in only 24 hours, you will gently and easily stop existing on this
planet. No longer will you be with your loved ones. They will remain to continue
their lives and you will be gone.
What does it look like with only 24 hours left to live? Where are you.
Who and what do you see around you?
What sounds do you hear?
Are there voices? Or is there stillness?
What does your body feel like with only 24 hours left to live?
Feel the rhythms of your body.
Feel your heart, the heart that you will no longer feel in 24 hours.
Are you moving or still?
What are you doing with your body, if anything?
Are there any smells?
Or tastes?
What are they?
And do you have any sense of being closer to who you really are?
The true you?
The you that is above your body, emotions, and mind?
9. Now, with only 24 hours, 1440 minutes left to live, become aware of the 3 to 5
most important things to be done in the time left to you and record them in the
third space on your Locating the Inner Anchor Point form, the space that has 1
Day written above it.
And now become aware of the physical, emotional, and mental energies you are
experiencing... and of the inner energies of who you truly are and have been
throughout this lifetime. How strong are those experiences? How clear? Sense all
of those powerful energies coursing through you...
Now record a description of them on your paper.
And now become aware of the physical, emotional, and mental energies you are
experiencing... and of the inner energies of who you truly are and have been
throughout this lifetime. How strong are those experiences? How clear? Sense all
of those powerful energies coursing through you...
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Now record a description of them on your paper.
10. Now put down your pen or pencil, close your eyes, and move through imaginary
time to the point where you have only 1 hour of 60 minutes left to live... There's
such a short time until you will no longer exist within this body, emotions, and
mind that have carried you through this life with all its joys and trials.
In only 60 minutes you will gently and easily stop existing on this planet. You
can already sense that coming to pass. Your loved ones will continue here but
you'll be gone. No more will you experience a sunset or dawning, the sound of
your loved ones voices or of your own. Those around you will remain here
without you...
Where are you now with only 60 minutes left to live.
Who and what do you see around you?
What sounds do you hear?
Are there voices?
Or is there stillness?
What does your body feel like with only 60 minutes left to live?
Feel the rhythms of your body.
Feel your heart, the heart that you will no longer feel in 60 minutes. Are you
moving or still?
What are you doing with your body, if anything?
Are there any smells?
Or tastes?
What are they?
And do you have any sense of being closer to who you really are?
The true you?
The you that is above your body, emotions, and mind?
The you that is the source of your integrity?...
Notice how strong your inner experiences are - your physical, emotional, and
mental energies you are experiencing... and of the increasingly strong inner
energies of who you truly are and have been throughout this lifetime.
How strong are those experiences?
How clear?
How complete?
What are those experiences like so near the end of your time on earth?...
11. Sense all of those powerful energies coursing through you and becoming focused
at a single point within your body.
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Experience that point. Perhaps it is a familiar and yet much stronger experience...
Let that point build in intensity...
12. Now imagine surrounding that point with a ball of white light... Imagine placing
your hands around that focus of all of those powerful energies and the white light
that surrounds them...
13. And now, in your imagination, place that ball of white light with all of those
energies inside it... place that within the center of your chest. And experience it
becoming a part of you....
As you do this, say to yourself, silently speaking into that same spot in the center
of your chest... This is what I call my Inner Anchor Point... This is what I call
my Inner Anchor Point... This is what I call my Inner Anchor Point... Now
breathe all of that in and make it a part of you.
14. Again place that ball of white light within the center of your chest. As you do,
imagine placing your hands around it and say to yourself, This is what I call my
Inner Anchor Point... This is what I call my Inner Anchor Point... This is
what I call my Inner Anchor Point... Now breathe all of that in and make it a part
of you.
15. And now, focus on that point where all of those physical, emotional, mental, and
inner energies are concentrated, your Inner Anchor Point... Imagine placing your
hands around or on it...
Now, imagine surrounding your Inner Anchor Point with a ball of white light...
And as you do this, silently say into your Inner Anchor Point, speaking to your
unconscious say, This is my Inner Anchor Point. Please place a very high and
sustained unconscious priority on anything that I imagine putting into my Inner
Anchor Point. And please do so in ways that are for the highest good of me and
of everyone else involved.... Now breathe in and make that all a part of you.
16. And now, again focus on your Inner Anchor Point, imagine placing your hands
around it, and say, into your Inner Anchor Point, say to your unconscious, This
is my Inner Anchor Point. Please place a very high and sustained unconscious
priority on anything that I place within this Inner Anchor Point. And please do so
in ways that are for the highest good of me and of everyone else involved....
Now breathe in and make that all a part of you.
17. Now create an Affirmation by writing an detailed description of your Inner
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Anchor Point and your experience of it. Write this in the fifth blank on your form,
the blank that says Affirmation above it.
Note where your Inner Anchor Point is located, the physical experiences,
emotions, thoughts ,and intuitive sense of self associated with it...
18. Recreate your experience of your Inner Anchor Point... Now allow a visual
symbol that represents your Inner Anchor Point to enter your conscious mind.
Take what comes up. That will work best unless you simply don't like it.
If you want to change the symbol, focus in your Inner Anchor Point and ask for
the changes that you want to see and ask that this be done in a way that is for your
highest good. Very soon you'll experience changes. See whether they are what
you're looking for and, if not, ask for additional changes. This is a process that
will work very easily if you allow it.
19. Now draw a simple picture of your symbol in the sixth blank on your form, the
one labeled Inner Anchor Point Symbol. Don't worry if it looks crude, that's
just fine...
20. Now focus on your Inner Anchor Point. When you have a very clear experience
of it, imagine placing your symbol within it and merging the symbol and the
Inner Anchor Point together so they become one, inseparable.
Focus on both your Inner Anchor Point and the symbol that you have merged into
it. Imagine placing a ball of white light around the merged result. Further imagine
that you have placed your hands around all of that and can feel it... And say, into
your Inner Anchor Point, This is my Inner Anchor Point and, merged with it, is
my symbol that represents my Inner Anchor Point.
Whenever I think or talk to myself about my Inner Anchor Point and whenever I
imagine or look at my drawing of my Inner Anchor Point, please give me a very
clear and immediate conscious and unconscious experience of my Inner Anchor
Point. Please do this in ways that are for the highest good of me and of everyone
else involved... Breathe in and make that a part of you.
21. Now imagine your symbol, recreate your experience of your Inner Anchor Point,
and say into it, This is my Inner Anchor Point. Please place a very high and
sustained unconscious priority on anything that I place within this Inner Anchor
Point. And please do so in ways that are for the highest good of me and of
everyone else involved.... Now breathe in and make that all a part of you.
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22. Now focus within your Inner Anchor Point and observe. Are there any physical,
emotional, or mental experiences anchored in it that are sad, distressing, or
involve a sense of loss?... If so, imagine bringing large amounts of bright white
into your Inner Anchor Point and flushing out all of those unwanted
experiences... Do this completely until all of those unwanted experiences are
washed away or completely replaced by positive ones, until only joy, loving and
harmony are left.
23. Very gradually and gently, slowly, in your own timing, become aware of the
room around you. Become aware of what you're sitting on. Become aware of the
sounds around you. And the tastes within you and smells outside of you...
Take your time... and when you're completely ready, open your eyes and expand
your inner experience to include the outer one...
Now stretch and relax before moving on. Give yourself a few minutes before
interacting with other people. Be gentle with yourself
Where To Find Your Inner Anchor Point
Where is your Inner Anchor Point?
Most people find their Inner Anchor Point in the center of their chest, center of their
throat, center of their forehead or the very top of their head.
A few people find two locations. If that happens to you, focus on the clearer one of the
two and ask your unconscious to the two locations into a single point.
This change will usually occur immediately but may happen gradually over the ensuing
few days.
If the location changes, modify your Affirmation accordingly, describing the experience
of your Inner Anchor Point so it reflects the new location.
What If You Couldnt Find Yours?
After you complete the process, you may wonder whether you have actually found your
Inner Anchor Point.
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The answer is that if you got something that you think might be your Inner Anchor Point,
that's almost sure to be it.
If you thought you might have found your Inner Anchor Point but rejected it, that's
probably also it.
Every one of the 50,000 plus people whom Ive trained in this process has successfully
located their Inner Anchor Point.
You will, too.
Remember that your Inner Anchor Point:
is imaginary and not necessarily what you expect.
is seldom either spectacular or remarkably obvious.
Be aware that when you ask your unconscious to give you something, it always comes
back with something. Often it's a familiar thing. The trick is being consciously sensitive
to what your unconscious gives you, paying attention to what you are being given even if
it is familiar.
For example, my Inner Anchor Point is in the center of my chest and was quite
familiar before I ever did this process. I could have said that nothing new
appeared. However, I did not. I was sensitive to the fact that the experience
occurred just when I went through the process.
How to Use Your Inner Anchor Point
Now what?
Now that you have the location of your Inner Anchor Point, what do you do with it?
Typically, use of the Inner Anchor Point involves creating an imaginary experience,
isolating it by surrounding it with a ball of white light that you imagine flowing from
your Inner Anchor Point, and experiencing the ball of white light and the imaginary
experience flowing into and becoming a part of your Inner Anchor Point.
It is very important that you always finish this process with the highest good
instruction. (Your insurance policy statement from the Basic Process.) It is also important
to tell your unconscious how to handle what you are anchoring.
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At first you'll find it easiest to locate your Inner Anchor Point when you want to use it by
looking at its symbol and reading your description of it.
At the same time, imagine placing your hands over the point in your body where it is
Very soon, you'll find that you easily and naturally become aware of your Inner Anchor
Point whenever you think about your associated symbol or of the term Inner Anchor
A Real Life Example
Following the instructions, Jim prepared to located his Inner Anchor
Point by sitting next to his computer and listening to the Bonus audio
instructions with his Bonus Inner Anchor Point form in front of him.
As he listened, he experienced strong emotions of loving, yearning,
sadness, joy and closeness. He also homed in on and recorded the things
that were most important to him when all was said and done.
As he did this, he also experienced a series of powerful physical feelings
that centered around the center of his chest and he realized that these
were the same feelings hed had at his brothers wedding and the birth of
his daughter.
He continued to follow the audio instructions and, in his imagination,
framed these emotional and physical feelings and mental thoughts into a
single point that he named his Inner Anchor Point.
He later realized that his Inner Anchor Point was present for him
whenever he looked for it and that whatever he imagined placing in it
received a heightened level of attention from his unconscious.
He first noticed this when doing a Basic Achievement Clearing Process.
Things cleared up much more rapidly. Later, using the Inner Anchor Point
when doing the Super Achievement Base Reframing process, he found that
he could remember early experiences that hed never before been able to
recall. And, still later, when doing the Bonus Zapper processes, he was
amazed by the responsiveness of his unconscious to very simple
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Jim soon concluded that the effort invested in locating his Inner Anchor
Point was well spent.
A Summary for Your Conscious Mind
This summary is just to let your conscious mind know what is going on. I dont expect
you to do anything with what follows. Just review it.
1. Find a dim, quiet place where you won't be disturbed, become relaxed, and recite
the insurance policy Please make whatever takes place be for the highest
good of me and of everyone else involved.
2. Listen to (or read) Vonnegut's eulogy to Lavinia accompanied by Daniel
Kobialka's music.
3. Imagine that you have 30 days left to live. Develop this imaginary experience
until it becomes quite clear. Then become aware of the three to five most
important things to be done in those remaining 30 days. Record them on your
4. Repeat the preceding step, except now imagine that you have 7 days left to live.
As you do, become aware of the experiences in your body and mind. Record the
three to five most important things to be done in those remaining 7 days. Record
them on your form.
5. Repeat the preceding step, except now imagine that you have only 1 day left to
live. As you do, become more aware of the experiences in your body and mind.
On your form, record the three to five most important things to be done in the
remaining time.
6. Imagine having only 1 hour left to live. As you do, become completely aware of
the powerful multi-level experiences in your body and mind and imagine that
these are all focused at one particular point within your body.
That point is your Inner Anchor Point.
Isolate your Inner Anchor Point by imagining putting your hands around it.
Name the Inner Anchor Point for your unconscious.
Then, in your imagination, merge the name Inner Anchor Point into the energy
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focus of the same name. Do this several times.
Finally, instruct your unconscious to place a very high and sustained priority on
anything you imagine placing within your Inner Anchor Point.
7. Identify a visual symbol to be used as a conscious trigger. Draw a simple picture
of it.
Then imagine merging the symbol with your Inner Anchor Point and instruct
your unconscious to give you an immediate conscious and unconscious
experience of your Inner Anchor Point whenever you imagine and or see a picture
of your symbol.
8. Create an Affirmation, a detailed written description of your experience of your
Inner Anchor Point. This Affirmation should include your physical, emotional,
mental, and inner experiences.
9. If your experience of the Inner Anchor Point seems too vague, unclear, or of a
form that is uncomfortable for you, isolate what you want to change by focusing
on it in your mind or imagination. Then anchor that isolated experience in your
Inner Anchor Point and ask your unconscious to change things.
Use self-talk to verbally isolate the changes you want and ask that they take place
in ways that are for the highest good of you and everyone else involved.
10. Purge the Inner Anchor Point of any residual sadness, sense of loss, or other
unwanted experiences, anything other than joy, loving and harmony.
Coming Up
In the next chapter, you will learn how to create effective conscious objectives,
something that almost no one does correctly without instruction.
Since creating an effective conscious objective is the first step in creating a Super
Achievement Target, this is an important chapter.
Its next
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Chapter Eight
How to Achieve the Impossible, or,
The Amazing Secret of Robin Hood and the Ancient
Zen Masters
Imagine this: I hand you a bow and arrow and ask you to shoot it.
What would you do?
Or imagine this:
Robin Hood enters the archery contest in England. He has his trusty bow and a supply of
What else does he need?
Or imagine this:
An old Zen master picks up a bow, carefully lifts an arrow, and stands as a disciple puts a
blindfold over his eyes.
What does the Zen master still need?
You guessed it.
In all three cases, they need a target.
In this chapter youll learn the amazing secrets of the first step in creating clear targets
what I call objectives that will do only one thing: Lead you right to your hearts
Want some proof?
Celia worked for a company that she didnt feel respected her. She was a quiet
woman with low self-esteem. She felt abused at work. She took one of my seminars
and worked on her objective. She wrote down that she wanted at least one job
offer for a much better position, still in the same company, working with people
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who respected her, and at a salary fifty percent higher than she was gettingand
she wanted it in four weeks. What happened? Four weeks later she got two job
offers! And yes, it was for exactly what she specified.
Are you beginning to sense the power of having a clear objective?
Heres another example:
Christiania didnt like her job. She was smart and well educated, but didnt feel
fulfilled. She wanted to give up, quit, and escape by hiding in the Himalayas. She
came to my workshop. She worked on an objective that she really wanted. She
said she wanted a job at her company working to protect the environment. But she
said the company didnt even have such a department. I advised her to write the
objective that in 4 weeks she would have the exact job she wanted, even if right
now it didnt even exist. She did. What happened? Four weeks later she was made
manager of the companys newly formed environmental division!
Miracles like this can happen for you, tooonce you learn how to create objectives and
set out to achieve them using the Cybernetic Transposition techniques.
In general, objectives are simple formalized statements of what you want to achieve.
They are short, clear declarations that define the target you are seeking. Truly effective
objectives are also
very clearly framed and
focused on what you really want.
Youll learn more about those aspects of objectives in this chapter. First youll learn -
how to identify possible objectives
And then you will learn
how to structure them so they work.
Are you excited? I am!
Lets begin with
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A Revealing Little Quiz
Things don't make sense to us if they are not framed.
Whoops! What's framing?
Youll know the answer after the following brief exercise. Take a moment and quickly
read this passage:
Confusing, wasnt it?
It was for me, too.
The above words and phrasesyes, there are actually words and phrases in the above
gibberishdont make sense because they arent framed.
For most people, problems and frustration arise from the lack of framing of the
characters into words and sentences.
A framed version of the above box looks like this:
(The f)ast black dog ran quickly through
the city streets, barking loudly and
jumping up and down. That was my dog
Andy, my nutty Newfy pup who drove
everyone but me crazy with his barking
and herding. He weighed over one
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hundred pounds, you see, and was very
friendly - too friendly, perha(ps.)
Wasn't that a lot easier to read?
It was easier because it was framed into groups of letters called words and groups of
words called sentences. In two cases in the above example I even had to add a few
missing letters at the beginning and end to complete the groupings. Why? To help
frame the writing so it finally made sense to you.
What is Framing?
All of this will make sense to you once I, well, frame it for you.
Here's a definition of framing to go with your experience.
Framing is the process of separating things into logical elements.
The logical elements of written language are words, phrases, sentences, and
paragraphs. They also include our old friends - prepositions, adjectives, adverbs,
participles, and all those other timeworn favorites of English teachers.
In creating effective objectives, or targets, it is critical to frame what you want precisely,
including all of what is required to specifically target what you want and eliminate what
you dont want.
All of this will be much clearer to you in a few moments.
How a 10 Can Make You Rich
Right now I want you to start thinking about a truly incredible experience youve had in
your lifea real 10 on a scale of 1-10that you love to relive in your mind.
This 10 experience will serve as a reference point for you later.
Just allow an experience to float into your awareness, something you loved and feel
enthused about as you relive it in your mind. You want it to be a perfect 10 in your mind.
Nothing less will do. What perfect 10 comes to mind for you?
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For me, my reference point is something that happened with my younger son, Johannes,
when he was about 18 months old:
We were living in the southwestern part of Sweden at the time, in a picturesque
little village called Viken (The Inlet). From our living room, we looked out on the
sea between Sweden and Denmark.
Each night, I put Johannes to sleep, walking with him in the darkened living room
and gently talking to him. Then we'd sit down in a chair facing the ocean and look
at the Danish lighthouses across the sea, many miles away.
One night, just before falling asleep, Johannes cuddled up a little closer than
usual, put his little arms around my neck in a gesture that seemed so full of trust
and loving that it brought tears to my eyes, and, with a smile on his face, fell
That memory for me is so precious, so beautiful to me that I wouldn't change it for all
the tea in China.
As I recall it a big smile fills my face, tears start to flow, and my heart opens as I recall
the sweet, joyful experience of that tender and loving moment.
That is truly a 10 for me.
Now Its Your Turn
Identify at least one 10 experience of your own and frame it in writing.
Simply write out the experience as I did above. Feel it. Enjoy it. And describe it.
Your description is your frame of the experience.
Have fun! Enjoy the process!
Go ahead and do that now..
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What Do To If You Cant Find Your 10
What if you cant remember a 10 for you?
Thats not likely but Ill address it just in case someone cant remember one.
Out of 50,000 plus people, no one has ever told me that they couldn't find one.
However, if they did, I'd probably tell them that the only way they could know if they did
not have a 10 experience is by having an inner reference point of what a 10 is.
Otherwise, they would have no chance of saying something was less than a 10.
So, if they have that inner reference point, they should create a written description that
they can edit until it rings a bell as a 10 and then convert that to an imaginary experience,
again making sure that it is a 10, and use that as a reference point.
Any way you look at it, a perfect 10 is within reach of everyone.
Again, do the above exercise before moving on
How to Make All Your Wishes A Reality
So whats the point of doing that above exercise?
You want to have an experience of framing a 10 in your life.
So you can use it to frame your objective in the most powerful way humanly possible.
So that when you create a Metastory, youll know that it is truly perfect for you.
So that when you modify an unpleasant remembered experience into a perfect one, youll
know that it is truly perfect for you.
Youll know this because youll have a reference point.
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Once you have a clearly framed objective that is perfect for you, you will then convert it
into a target Robin Hood could hit with ease and Zen masters could hit even blindfolded.
Are you beginning to understand the power in this tool?
Stay with me. Youre learning how to create miracles in your life. If this material seems
new, its because it is. But if you want to get new results in your life, you have to do new
things. Right? Thats what youre learning right here.
And the next new thing youll learn involves the process for creating Wish Lists. A Wish
List will help you create a very clear objective.
Creating Wish Lists
You create a powerful Wish List by
1. Deciding on what you want,
2. Writing down the memories that occur to you concerning what you want, and
3. re-writing those memories into 10 Metastories.
Youll recall that I told you about Metastories earlier in this book. In short, when you
consciously rewrite or reframe a memory into a perfect picture, you create a new,
imaginary experience a Metastorythat tells your unconscious what you want.
Here's a portion of a Wish List that I created. The subject is writing e-Books. The original
memories are from writing my first book, The Art of Success, Luck, and Harmony, in
Note how I describe a memory, rate it, and then re-write that memory so it gets a 10
rating from me:
1. Memory: I am transcribing tapes from my trainings. It is very
Rating: 5.
Metastory: Because the material is clearly framed in my
unconscious, I am simply reeling it off verbally to an editor who is
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interviewing me over the phone. The resultant tapes are being
transcribed and emailed to me in less than 24 hours. The whole
process is very easy, exciting, and highly productive and I am very
enthusiastic, happy and satisfied with the results.
Rating: 10.
2. Memory: Editing is laborious. It seems to take 4 to 8 drafts to get
things to the point where I am satisfied. Even then, when I read
over the material, I keep making changes.
Rating: 4.
Metastory: My first drafts are excellent. My editor suggests areas
for clarification, expansion, or cutting. I talk them out with her and
then quickly and easily produce an excellent modified version on
the computer. After a couple of minor touchups to get things right
for me, all that's left to do is the final editing which my editor
handles very well. And when I read through the result, I am very
pleased with it and feel the need to make very few changes. The
whole process is easy, fun, and very very satisfying.
Rating: 10.
3. Memory: It took about 250 hours of my time over 60 days to
generate a publishable version of the book. I felt quite tired when I
finished but was very pleased with the result.
Rating: 7.
Metastory: It only takes about 100 hours of my time during a 21
day period to write an e-Book about a subject in which I have
expertise. I am extremely pleased with the results and the ease with
which they are achieved. The whole process is enthusiastic, joyful
and very very satisfying.
Rating: 10.
Do you see how the process works?
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First, I stated a wish (to write an e-book).
Second, I wrote out the images that came to mind (the memories).
Third, I rated those memories.
Fourth, I rewrote those memories into Metastoriesinto the images I wanted.
Fifth and finally, I rated those Metastories and kept rewriting them until they were a
perfect 10, as good as my True 10 experience.
Ive only given you three examples of my process in the above scenario but there are
actually eight Metastories comprising my Wish List. Some of them were initially 10s
while other were in the 1 to 9 range.
But when I finished the Wish List, all of them were 10s.
By the way, I set this objective and converted it into a Super Three-Step Target
before writing the ebook, Proven Secrets For Making Large Sums Of Money In
Your Own Business that you received as a Bonus. Everything specified easily
came to pass exactly as specified except that, while practicing I changed reeling
it off to an editor to very easily reeled it off to my computer as I rode on airplanes
and trains while visiting my daughters and my brother on the east coast. Thats
what occurred in a delightful fashion. It was, far and away, the easiest job of
writing a book ever for me.
How to Create Your Own Wish List
Right about now you should be getting very excited!
Youre learning how to rewrite your life, program your mind, and aim for the biggest and
boldest dreams you can imagine!
And, youre learning how to achieve them all!
While the fire is hot, lets move on to writing your own Wish List. This will greatly help
you in stating an objective that will work like magic for you.
To create your own Wish List, simply remember specific memories that pop up from
various relevant times in your life. Think of:
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Whatever made you think of working on what you chose.
Any other time today.
Any time yesterday.
Any time on a weekend.
Any time on a work day.
Any time on a holiday.
Any other kind of day that seems important to you.
On the other hand, if youre working on a specific subject (as I did in the above example)
focus on any time in your life that is relevant to that subject. If youre covering your
entire life, focus on recent times.
Lets say you are working on a money goal. Your objective (which youll refine and
reframe before this chapter is over) is to raise money fast. So you might write it like
I want to raise $50,000 in cash within 15 days.
Okay. Now, write down whatever comes up for you regarding raising that money fast.
As you recall a memory, record it. Then give it a 1 to 10 rating.
After that, rewrite or reframe the memory into a Metastorythe way you want it to be.
Do that until you have a 10 rating on ita 10 as good as the one you wrote about earlier.
A perfect 10 for you.
Are you with me here?
In short, take a clean sheet of paper and write out your descriptions in the following
Go ahead and do that right now.
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Excellent! Pat yourself on the back for taking these initial first steps to creating an
objective that will make your heart sing!
How to Use Your Wish List
Youre going to be surprised by what you learn when you review your Wish List!
If you created a Wish List covering all aspects of your life, take a close look at the items
that you initially rated 1 to 4.
See them?
Those are your weak links.
These low-rated areas unconsciously pull down the rest of your life. This may show up as
your being tired, excessively active, irritable, or otherwise missing out on a really happy
and enjoyable life. You know what I mean. Those low rated areas are the downers that
are still in your life.
You may decide to focus on just one of the areas of your life that were initially rated 1 to
4. In that case, Id suggest that you make a new Wish List dealing only with that specific
area of your life. For example, take creating enough money.
This is to ensure that you have covered all the important aspects of that part of your life
(as in my book writing example, above).
So, in this case, you would rewrite those low areas of your life concerning money into
Metastories that are perfect 10s for you.
Heres an example:
MEMORY: I recall eating lunch in a restaurant and having all of my
credit cards refused because I didnt have enough money to pay my bills.
(promised payments just didnt come.)
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METASTORY: Im looking at my credit card statements. All were fully
paid at the beginning of the month and will be at the end of this one
because I have lots of money. I went on to create great wealth in my life. I
am now prosperous. My bills are paid easily and before they are due.
Now, when I look at a bill, I feel really good because I know I have the
money to pay it.
Do you see how this can transform your life?
Suddenly those low spots in your life are now high spots. Suddenly the 4s are now 10s,
at least potentially so. And when you tell your unconscious to make these imaginary
experiences real, you will have them.
Money will probably now starting looking for you!
I remember a New Yorker magazine cartoon. Two street people are sitting on a
bench in Central Park. The older is wisely saying to the younger, Focus your mind
on quarters and theyll pop up everywhere.
Actually, a friend of mine did this using the Cybernetic Transposition techniques. He
found 75 quarters in one month, after never finding a quarter in his entire life.
How to Create Consciously-Defined Objectives That Work
Okay! Now lets move on.
Lets use what you learned so far in this chapter to help create an incredibly powerful
Most people set remarkably sloppy objectives for themselves.
Unfortunately, confusion in your objective generates confusion in the results you
It would be like Robin Hood trying to hit two or three targets at once, or having no target
at all.
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He needs a clear target.
So it is very important that your objective be clear and specific. Thats why the
Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step process includes very specific
criteria for an acceptable objective.
Lets take a look at that aspect right now
The Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step Criteria
You are getting closer and closer to creating true miracles in your life.
Now youre going to get even greater clarity on how to create objectives that work.
First, Ill list the criteria for them.
Then, Ill explain each of them.
To work effectively using this process, your objective must:
be extremely desirable.
be appropriately difficult.
be time-based and measurably achievable rather than a moving target. Thus, it
involves a very specific completion date.
be both specific and comprehensive in defining what is desired.
set a lower limit on success but not an upper one.
concretely and measurably quantify what you want to achieve so that you can
effectively monitor your success along the way and at the point where full
success has been scheduled.
deals with your actions and accomplishments rather than those of others.
be clearly and explicitly framed in writing.
be stated in positive terms.
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incorporate the insurance factor of stating that it is to be achieved in ways that
are for the highest good of you and of all others involved.
How to Achieve the Impossible
At this point you probably have an idea for an objective.
You probably want more money. Maybe youve even fine-tuned the statement and
framed it into terms that are more specific. If so, great. Now lets refine it even more.
Keep your rough draft objective in mind as you keep reading this section.
In fact, write out your current rough draft objective. Have it beside you as you go through
the points below. Rewrite your objective so you can reframe and refine it.
Now let's take a more detailed look at the criteria that define an effective Cybernetic
Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step objective.
1. Extremely Desirable
Are you excited about your objective? Do you really want the money you say you
want? If you are filled with a sense of joy and enthusiasm when you reflect upon
the achievement of your objective, you're asking for the experience of joy and
enthusiasm when you reach your target. Therefore, the first criterion is to modify
or rewrite your objective until it is a 10 on a 1-10 scale where 10 equals
extremely desirable.
Look at your objective: Do you really want to achieve it? If not, rewrite it so you
2. Appropriately Difficult.
Do you feel your objective is easy to achieve? Then why use a sledgehammer to
drive a nail? If you can reliably achieve an objective without using the Cybernetic
Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step Process, why use it? The
Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step is designed for
accomplishing seemingly impossible objectives.
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Think about that! You can achieve the seemingly impossible!
So, the second criterion is that your objective should be between 8 and 10 on a 1-
10 scale of difficulty. The 1 equals automatic and 10 equals seemingly
impossible based on experience and logic, but is accompanied by an inner
knowing that somehow it's right for you.
Remember: An objective that is seemingly impossible but lacks that inner
knowing usually won't work!
Look at your objective: Will it be a snap to achieve? If so, maybe rewrite it so it is
more difficult. Go for what you really want!
3. Time-Based And Measurably Achievable
Sailors used to navigate by the North Star because it was so far away that it
seemed to be a relatively fixed reference point. It could effectively guide them but
they could never reach it, something that was quite clear to them.
Unfortunately, most people are so casual about setting objectives for themselves
that they sometimes mistake unreachable guiding-stars for achievable objectives.
Setting a guiding-star objective and expecting to reach it is something like
being a donkey who's trying its best to reach a carrot that its rider is
dangling from a stick, in front of the donkeys nose. This is analogous to a
guiding star objective.
Every step the donkey takes toward the carrot, the carrot moves a step
away from him.
In contrast, the donkey can reach the carrot and enjoy the fruits of its
labor if the rider simply plants the pole in the ground. This is analogous to
a time-based objective.
Guiding star objectives simply don't work.
For example, a little child might decide that if he or she is always good,
mommy and daddy will always be happy and will never fight.
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That's obviously impossible, isn't it?
Not only is no one always good, the child has no control over most of the
conscious and unconscious factors affecting mommy and daddy and their
This is a guiding star objective. No matter what the child does, it will fail.
There is always some way that it will feel it could have done better.
If the child sets this kind of an intuitive objective, they will almost
certainly grow up with an unconscious expectation of failing.
Mistaking guiding-star objectives for time-based, achievable ones is a ticket to
loss of self-esteem. You promise yourself things you can't achieve and slowly
erode your faith in yourself.
So, how do you get out of the mistake here? Simple: Specify a target date!
This is a pretty obvious. Remember the donkey example? Do you want the carrot
to be a moving target or a fixed, achievable one? The latter requires that you
specify your target date in writing so that all parts of you will know what youre
aiming at.
The test of whether you have picked a feasible date involves imagining achieving
your objective by the indicated date and then framing your feelings.
If you experience a feeling of certainty that somehow you can achieve your
objective by that date, chances are the date is reasonable. If not, use the Basic
Achievement (and later, the Super Achievement) Clearing Process to resolve
those signs of conflict into an appropriate date.
On the other hand, the date may too easy and that will show up in your evaluation
of the difficulty of achieving your objective.
Look at your objective: Do you have a deadline on it? If not, add one now.
4. Specific And Comprehensive
Imagine a small dot in the center of a large circle (at left, below).
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This dot represents what you really want while the large circle represents what
your initial fuzzy picture allows your unconscious to give you.
If the dot is a normal #2 pencil mark and the circle is one inch in diameter, you
can fit about 625 dots in the circle. So, initially, you have one chance in 625 of
getting what you want. Not very good odds.
However, as you go through the process of becoming more specific so as to
develop a clear and complete written definition of your objective, the large circle
shrinks until it becomes more or less indistinguishable from the dot (at right,
above). When that happens, you have a clearly defined objective.
So you not only have to be specific. You also have to be comprehensive. In this
sense, the Three-Step Process is a two-edged sword. It will almost always give
you what you ask for but it will often fail to give you what you assume will be
there but don't ask for.
It is very important that you understand that. For example, if its obvious to you
that youll be happy if you get a million dollars, you could end up being the most
miserable millionaire around if your objective doesnt include being happy. Ive
seen that happen numerous times. So have you, Ill bet. Someone gets something
that they think will make them happy and have a let down feeling.
Dont let that happen to you.
Incorporate in your objective all of what is necessary for you to experience what
you want when you achieve it. Include conditions such as:
This will happen in ways that leave my health, happiness, and financial condition
equal to or better than when I set the objective
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Or, even more to the point, the insurance policy of This will take place in ways
that are for the highest good of me and of all concerned.
Look at your objective: Add your insurance policy line: This will take place in
ways that are for the highest good of me and of all concerned. Also add the
other boundary conditions that define what you really want.
5. Set A Lower Boundary On What Is Successful, Rather Than An Upper One
As strange as it may sound, many of us are so unconsciously afraid of success that
we unconsciously set our objectives to limit what we achieve.
For example, someone might set an objective focused on, I will earn $50
thousand per year when theyd actually like $100 thousand. Their unconscious
bias is revealed by what they actually put on paper.
A more effective approach and the only one that is appropriate for a Super
Achievement objective - would be to say, I will earn at least $50 thousand per
year or I will earn at least $100 thousand per year. This leaves room for
improvement and with our remarkably inventive and creative unconscious minds,
improvement is well within reach.
Look at your objective: Do you have it framed so you can have something better
than what you ask for? If not, rewrite it right now.
6. Concretely And Measurably Quantify The Key Aspects Of Your Objective
If you don't quantify your objective in a concrete and measurable way, you have a
good chance of getting what you don't want.
That's analogous to expanding the circle around what you want after you worked
so hard to shrink it down. Or to creating a guiding-star when you are really
interested in time-based results.
There are two key ways of appropriately quantifying your Cybernetic
Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step objectives:
The obvious one is to use normal forms of quantification: dollars, days,
minutes, and so forth.
For example: I will earn or otherwise bring in at least an additional $5,000
within 30 days as opposed to Ill have enough money this month.
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The first matches the quantification criterion while the second doesn't. Whats
enough? Its a moving target, as most people know from their own experience.
Convert your intuitive evaluations into quantitative ones by numerically
framing and recording them.
For example: At the end of each day, I will leave work feeling enthusiastic
and pleased at a level of at least 8 where a 10 is the way I felt when I got the
promotion. Then frame your daily evaluations by recording them.
That works while I'll feel great at the end of each day doesn't.
Look at your objective: Is it written in qualifying terms? If not, rewrite it.
7. Deals With Your Actions And Accomplishments
YOU are the only person who can produce the success you desire using the
Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step.
To directly specify others' actions or attitudes is outside the scope of the Super
Achievement techniques.
However, that's not so limiting as it might seem, assuming you already know how
to press other peoples hot buttons. Usually you do.
Whatever you've done before you can do again. If this includes making lots of
money or talking your boss into giving you a raise and you want to do it again but
much better, you shouldn't have much trouble when using the Cybernetic
Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step techniques. The trick is to simply
instruct your unconscious to do it again in a new context.
If, however, you dont have any experiences that seem relevant to what you want
to accomplish, you may be able to use others as reference points to develop them.
For example, you might say, I will close sales in the same way that I see John
closing sales, Under certain circumstances that will work.
Whether this will work is more subtle but can be clearly evident to you. The key
is that if you already have that ability in your unconscious, whether or not youve
previously expressed it, you will see your latent ability reflected in others.
All of us have an amazing range of positive and negative unexpressed abilities in
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our unconscious. The negatives are most familiar. For example, someone who
takes one drink and becomes an alcoholic or becomes immediately addicted on
first try of an illegal drug. On the positive side, there are innumerable examples.
For example, my son Johannes (who is now 16) has taught himself to
be a very accomplished guitarist without instruction. He just took to it
like a duck takes to water. My son Per (who is 18) sat down at one of
my computers when he was 8 and taught himself the most complicated
graphics programs from the help screens. Then he taught himself to
play and compose music on the computer. It was just natural for
Similarly, you have lots of unexpressed abilities that will blossom when you
effectively ask your unconscious to implement them.
One test of whether you have the resources in your unconscious to do something
that you have never done is whether, when you imagine doing or being
something, it seems real and connected to you. If so, it is probably something you
have the inner resources to achieve.
For example Eugenio had always had an "impossible" ambition to write
and publish popular songs. He deemed it impossible because, with the
exception of singing in the school choir as a child, he had no musical
experience whatsoever.
So, when asked to choose a nearly impossible objective for his first
application of the Super Achievement techniques, he targeted easily
writing a song and obtaining a music publishing contract. The time frame
was eight weeks.
About four weeks after setting the objective, Eugenio met one of his new
neighbors, Simon, who turned out to be a member of a major Symphony
Orchestra. After a few evenings in Simon's basement studio, a
demonstration tape emerged with Eugenio singing the words and music
that he had composed by humming and Simon providing the instrumental
Four weeks later (which turned out to be the day previously set for
achievement of the objective), Eugenio and Simon found themselves in the
offices of the most important music publisher in London. Through a
friend, Simon had arranged a meeting with one of EMI's more junior
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Their hearts sank as the young man answered a phone and talked through
their three minute demo tape but, suddenly, the door to the office opened
and the head of the publishing company, Kay, walked in and instructed
the junior executive to write a music publishing contract with Eugenio and
Simon. Only later did Eugenio find that this apparently marked the first
such contract offered by this music publisher to a new composer.
Look at your objective: Does it feel like something you can achieve? Either
youve done it before, someone else has and that resonated with you, or you can
imagine doing it in a way that resonates. If not, rewrite it now.
8. Clearly And Explicitly Recorded In Writing
When you write things down, you first mentally translate the intuitive signals
created by your unconscious into words and then intuitively test to see whether
the words you've selected match what those signals mean. When they seem right
to, you put words on paper.
For example, watch someone else writing when they dont know youre
They will often hold their pen or pencil poised in the air while they look
up. Whats going on inside of them is what I just described.
Then they will suddenly look down at the paper and start writing.
But they may stop, lift their pen or pencil and look up again before
scratching out or erasing part of what theyve written and continuing with
something new.
As you write, you send visual, auditory, and tactile feedback to the various parts
of your unconscious. If those unconscious parts dont agree with what youre
writing, youll get intuitive feelings that things aren't right and scratch out or erase
what you've written.
This continues to the point where you get only positive intuitive signals about
what you've written. At that point, the major parts of your unconscious are in at
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least preliminary agreement and youre consciously satisfied with what you have
In similar fashion, when you have clearly and explicitly written down your
objective so that it meets all of the Super Achievement criteria, all of your major
conscious and unconscious parts will be sufficiently in accord to proceed to the
next step in the Super Achievement process.
However if you have some blockers (self-defeating unconscious habit patterns are
working), what you put on paper may very well not match what you intend. In
that case, you may find it very difficult to write an objective that meets the Super
Achievement criteria.
For example, Barney set the following objective because he wanted to
improve his relationship with his mother:
I will have a deeper relationship with my mother, such that I can talk to
her about at least some of my feelings. I want to break down the wall that
stops me from having physical contact with her and that stops her from
having physical contact with me.
This objective violates quite a few of the criteria stated in this chapter,
reflecting a lot of conflict within Barney. He had no trouble getting the
idea across verbally but it took several hours before he could write down
what he really wanted. In fact, he had to resolve some blockers before he
In case you haven't seen what doesn't work in Barneys objective, here are the
primary problems:
1. It is not time based.
2. It is neither specific nor comprehensive. In fact, the phrase break down
the wall that stops me is a metaphor that is almost certain to confuse
things or could, at worst, lead to physical violence.
3. The preceding phrase also is negative.
4. Nothing is quantified.
5. It is neither clearly nor explicitly framed.
6. It fails to incorporate the insurance factor.
Of course, Barney failed completely to achieve what he really wanted.
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In contrast, here's an objective that I used to create a house I wanted when I first
moved to Stockholm at the end of September, 1983:
On or before November 1, 1983, I will have easily found, rented, and
moved into a house that I am satisfied with and enthusiastic about at a
level of at least 9 on a scale where 10 is totally overjoyed.
This house will match the following specifications at a level of at least 9 on
a scale where 10 is an intuitively perfect match: a very open living room
and dining room with a high ceiling; very large windows, an open
fireplace, green carpet, and a weeping willow tree visible through the front
window of the living room; many other rooms that are relatively isolated
from each other and that have large windows and an airy feeling; a quiet
location with very little traffic situated within 15 minutes off-peak or taxi
driving time from the center of Stockholm; a location that is approached
through attractive farmland and open fields; a very cooperative landlord;
and a rental of not more than 5,000 kr. per month. All of this will take
place in ways that are for the highest good of me and of everyone else
I'm sure you can see the difference.
By the way, the house came in right on schedule, looked exactly as described, and
cost slightly less than specified (about half of what our friends said the house was
worth). It was located in a part of Stockholm called Djusholm, an area that I had
never previously seen or heard of. The landlord was so cooperative that he put in
a new washer, dryer, dishwasher, and driveway and let us move in the next day
without even signing a contract or giving him any money.
Look at your objective now:
Well, if you cant look at it, then you havent written it down yet! Do so now.
9. Is Stated in Positive Terms
If you say to your unconscious, Dont do this, you are also saying that it can
Do anything else. Thats neither specific nor comprehensive.
Always figure out the positive aspect of what you want and incorporate that in
your objective, even if you start out wanting to avoid a negative.
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For example, you might have a boss who yells at you and that disturbs you
greatly. So you start thinking, I dont ever want my boss to yell at me again.
Obviously, thats not an acceptable formulation.
So you might reformulate that to, I will have a boss who either praises me
appropriately or gives only constructive criticism which, at least 95 percent of the
time, provides a clear and feasible model of what he desires, at a level of at least
9 where on a scale where 10 is totally clear and feasible.
Look at your objective: Is it stated in positive terms? If not, rewrite it?
10. Incorporates The Insurance Factor
I have already explained why it is important to include the comprehensive
boundary condition that things be for the highest good of you and of everyone
else involved.
However, this is so important, especially with the Super Achievement techniques,
that I want to add a few more words.
This insurance factor boundary condition instructs your unconscious mind to
avoid doing self-destructive things in pursuit of your objective and to also avoid
the equally self-destructive process of hurting others along the way.
Please remember to always use it!
Look at your objective: Did you add the insurance line? If not, add it now:
This will take place in ways that are for the highest good of me and of all
Examples of Acceptably Formulated Objectives
At this point you should have a nicely framed objective.
Here are a few examples of objectives that were rapidly and completely achieved.
New Venture: Within 4 weeks, I will have formulated such an effective business
and financial marketing plan and will have sold it so effectively that I will have
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received over $2 million in investment capital to start my new artificial
intelligence venture as indicated by the agreement signed by all parties and the
check I have in hand. By that time, I will have completed assembling my team and
will be extremely pleased with each member at a level of at least 9 on a scale
where 10 is totally satisfied. Working with my team, I will have refined my vision
for the venture and communicated it to each member of my team so successfully
that each member of the team will rate it as a 10 where 10 is intuitively and
intellectually perfect. This will take place in ways that are for the highest good of
me and of all concerned.
Increase Commissions: Within 4 weeks, I will have increased my commission
payment by at least 60 percent as compared with my average commission
payment over the past 6 months. I will have done this easily, at a level of no more
than 4 on a scale where 10 is extremely difficult, and enthusiastically, at a level of
at least 9 on a scale where 10 is extremely enthusiastic. I will have received
significant orders for at least $25,000 apiece from at least 6 new customers and
will have increased orders from my current customers by at least 25 percent as
compared with their average orders over the past 3 months. I will be satisfied and
happy with my efforts and results at a level of at least 9 on a scale where 10 is
totally satisfied and happy. Please make all of this happen in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of all concerned.
New Job: Within 4 weeks, I will be in a new job that is challenging at a level of 8
on a scale where 10 is my maximum comfortable challenge. At least 95 percent of
the time, I will be happy and satisfied with what I am doing at a level of at least 9
on a scale where 10 is intuitively totally happy and satisfied. The job will give me
frequent opportunities to help myself and other people grow and develop, both
technically and as human beings. I will have a manager with whom I am
extremely satisfied, at a level of at least 9 on a scale where 10 is intuitively totally
happy and satisfied. I will be paid at least 50 percent more than I am being paid
now and will receive at least equal benefits in all areas. This will happen in ways
that are for the highest good of me and of all concerned.
Managerial: Within 4 weeks, I will have very clearly defined a project to increase
the profitability of my division by at least $700,000 during the ensuing twelve
months ending December 31, 1997. This project will be so obvious, appropriate,
and realistic and I will present it so effectively to my co-managers that we will all
agree that it is completely achievable at an average level of at least 9.5 on a scale
where 10 is absolutely certainty of achievement. This or something better will
take place in ways that are for the highest good of me and of all concerned.
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Time Management: Within 4 weeks, I will have done whatever is necessary so
that 80 percent of the time I go home no later than 5 pm feeling very relaxed, very
enthusiastic, and highly satisfied with the job I have done, at a level of at least 9
on a scale where 10 is totally relaxed, enthusiastic, and satisfied. I will have
easily done whatever is necessary so that during at least weeks 3 and 4 my
manager, Eric, will have given me explicit compliments on the quality and
completeness of my work. These compliments will be so clear and sincere that I
will rate them at least a 9 on a scale where 10 is unbounded, totally genuine, and
effusive praise. I will easily and consistently have kept a daily log of all of these
measures. This will happen in ways that are for the highest good of me and of
everyone else involved.
Examples of Objectives That Are Not Acceptably Formulated
The following are actual objectives developed by senior- and mid-level managers in
major corporations. Read through them and determine as many of the reasons why they
are not acceptable as you can. You can do this most easily by printing out the summary
of criteria for an acceptably formulated objective, below, and comparing.
New Job: The new job will support my creativity. My personal tasks and
objectives will be clearly expressed in measurable terms. My boss and colleagues
will be positive and will listen to me and involve me in their activities. At least 80
percent of my suggestions will be either partially or wholly accepted and only 2
percent will receive a definite no. The salary will be at least $9,000 per month.
At least 60 percent of the time I will leave the job at the end of the work day
feeling satisfied at a level of at least 8. I will have at least 1 good laugh each day.
Describe what is wrong with the statement of this objective, on a separate piece of
paper. (Try not to look at my evaluation, below, before you make your own.)
Personal Relationship: (Note that this one was discussed previously. Please
dont look at that discussion. Make you own evaluation first.)
I will have a deeper relationship with my mother, such that I can talk to her about
at least some of my feelings. I want to break down the wall that stops me from
having physical contact with her and that stops her from having physical contact
with me.
Again, describe what is wrong with the statement of this objective, on a separate
piece of paper. (Try not to look at my evaluation, below, before you make your
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How Well Did You Do?
Well, what was wrong with the above objectives?
Compare your thoughts to my own:
Job Objective:
1. It assumes that the objective deals with getting a new job but does not
state it. This violates the requirement of being specific and comprehensive.
An appropriate formulation of the start of this would be something like:
Within 4 weeks, I will be in a new job. This job will
2. It deals substantially with the actions of others, this persons boss and
An appropriate formulation of part of this would be something like, I will
do whatever is necessary and appropriate so that at least 90 percent of the
time I will feel that my boss and colleagues involve me in their activities at
a level of at least 9 on a scale where 10 is completely involved."
3. It does not incorporate the insurance factor.
An appropriate formulation would include, This will happen in ways that
are for the highest good of me and of all concerned.
4. Much of it is not measurable, given the significant number of intuitive
ratings, unless the objective specifies keeping track of these ratings on a
daily or weekly basis. Thus it is also not specific and comprehensive.
An appropriate formulation would include something like, I will easily
and consistently keep a daily log of all of these measures.
It should come as no surprise that this person did not achieve his objective.
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Personal Relationship
As noted previously, the problems are, in summary;
1. It is not time based.
2. It is neither specific nor comprehensive. In fact, the phrase break down
the wall that stops me is a metaphor that is almost certain to confuse
things or could, at worst, lead to physical violence.
3. The preceding phrase also is negative.
4. Nothing is quantified.
5. It is neither clearly nor explicitly framed.
6. It fails to incorporate the insurance factor.
A more detailed analysis follows.
1. The first sentence is a goal rather than an objective. It has no completion
date and the terms "deeper relationship" and "some of my feelings" are
moving targets that will probably never be reached since they will
unconsciously escalate with each improvement in the situation. They
should be quantified.
This might be appropriately formulated as, Within 4 weeks, I will have
done whatever is necessary and appropriate so that at least 80 percent of
the time that I interact with my mother I will feel accepted and free to
discuss my feelings with her at a level of at least 9 where 10 is perfectly
accepted and free to discuss my feelings.
2. The second sentence is neither specific nor comprehensive because it lacks
instructions to the unconscious. It is simply the statement of a feelings ("I
If your objectives says, I want, you will probably end up at the end of
the period wanting whatever it is that you specified. If youd prefer actual
tangible or intuitive results, specify what you want, comprehensively.
Do not EVER use the term, I want in your objective.
This might be appropriately formulated as something like, I will do
whatever is necessary and appropriate so that I will hug her, at a level of
ease of no more than 2 on a scale where 10 is extremely difficult, and she
will respond by hugging me as she did when I graduated from college.
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3. One aspect of the objective, break down the wall... is negative and
specifies no measurable result.
This aspect of the second sentence might be appropriately formulated with
something like, I will also have done whatever is necessary so that 80
percent of the time my mother and I both feel so comfortable with each
other that she spontaneously hugs me and I enjoy it at a level of at least 9
on a scale where 10 is total enjoyment.
Now Its Your Turn
Now its time for you to take your rough draft objective and make it perfect!
Lets get that target up so Robin Hoodyour conscious mindand the Zen Master
your unconscious mind can hit it dead on!
Your Bonus package includes the Objectives Process form. If you havent already
downloaded that form and printed it out, now is the time to do that. This form is closely
integrated with the process of developing an acceptably formulated objective. The
numbers in the following list refer to the numbering on the form.
1. List the points that you want to achieve. If you created a Wish List, most if not all
of these points are already identified by your Metastories. You should record just
enough of each point or Metastory on the form to reliably remind you of the
specific point that you want to include. So, if youre taking your points from your
Wish List, you will create a title for each Metastory, write it next to that Metastory
on your Wish List, and write the same thing on your Objectives Process Form.
2. Rate how much you want to achieve what you have just described using the
desirability 1 to 10 scale where a 10 is extremely desirable. If your rating is less
than a 10, modify or expand your points until your rating becomes a 10.
3. List the external measures that will tell you whether your objective has been
achieved. In order for your objective to be measurably achievable, one of the
criteria for an acceptably formulated objective, you must be able to determine
when you have achieved it by referring to external measures, some form of
quantification. This can be either quantification in the usual manner (dollars,
time) or quantification of your intuitive evaluations that have been converted to
numerical measures and recorded in writing.
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4. Ask your unconscious what would be a reasonable time frame for achievement of
this objective. To do, focus on your Inner Anchor Point and say, imagining that
you are speaking into it, What is a reasonable time frame for achievement of the
objective, the points of which I have just described on my Objectives Process
Your unconscious minds response will probably be in one of several forms:
A time frame pops into your mind.
You have a feeling that the date is associated with some other date that is
important to you, such as your birthday.
You have an imaginary experience of achieving your objective but the time
frame isnt clear.
You have a vague intuitive feeling but cant quite grasp what it means.
If the time frame isnt clear, again focus on your Inner Anchor Point and ask
What is a reasonable time frame for achievement of the objective, the elements
of which I have just described on my Objectives Process form? Repeat this over
and over again until you get a clear answer. One will definitely come.
When the time frame (e.g., weeks from now or a specific date) is clear, record it
on your form, then focus on your Inner Anchor Point and say, Did I correctly
interpret what you communicated?
If the answer is yes, your unconscious minds response will probably be:
A clear yes pops into your awareness.
A feeling of certainty arises.
If the answer is no, your unconscious minds response will probably be:
A clear no pops into your awareness.
A feeling that it definitely isnt right arises.
If the answer is yes, proceed to the next step. If it is no, return to the
beginning of this step and redo the process. Repeat this step as many times as
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required to get a clear yes.
5. If youre dissatisfied with the time frame that your unconscious gives you, focus
on your Inner Anchor Point and ask it whether it is reasonable to achieve what
you have described under items 1. and 3. on your form within a shorter time
frame. Your unconscious will respond in the format described above. If the
answer is yes, either propose a time frame and ask your unconscious whether
that is reasonable or ask your unconscious to give you a shorter time frame
following the procedure in the preceding step.
Check out the answer you get as in the previous step.
6. Record the calendar date for accomplishment of your objective as the End Point
Date. Then take a calendar and divide the time between todays date and the End
Point Date into four segments. Add this interval to todays date to come up with
Date 1 and record that on your form. Add the same interval to Date 1 to come up
with Date 2 and record that on your form. Add the same interval to Date 2 to
come up with Date 3 and record that on your form. (This section will become
clearer after you finish the next chapter, so dont fret it right now.)
7. Rate the perceived difficulty of achieving the totality of what you have described
under 1. and 3. This should be a measure of how difficult it would be to achieve
using your normal skills and resources. Use a 1 to 10 scale where 1 equals
almost automatic and 10 equals seemingly impossible based on logic and
If your rating is less than 10, ask your unconscious to modify your objective so
that it is more challenging and still a 10 in desirability. This may involve adding
elements that you want to achieve.
If your rating is more than 10, ask your unconscious to modify your objective so
that its difficulty rating is no more than 10. This may require saving some
elements of what you want to achieve for a later time.
To confirm that you have followed the instructions, record your difficulty and
desirability ratings on your form. If your difficulty rating is more than 10 or you,
in some way, question whether that is so, repeat the steps just described. If your
desirability rating is less than a 10, ask your unconscious to modify your objective
to make it a 10 in desirability and no more than a 10 in difficulty.
If you make modifications, record them on your form.
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8. Now combine the points you have listed under 1. (and any Metastories they refer
to) and the measures listed under 3. into an objective that is appropriately
formulated. Use complete sentences.
IMPORTANT: Remember that ANYTHING that you assume but leave out of
your objective will probably be missing from the results you achieve. DONT
9. Frame the words and phrases within your written objective that clearly indicate
that your objective deals primarily with YOUR OWN ACTIONS. List them on
your form. If you cant find anything that indicates that your objective deals
primarily with YOUR OWN ACTIONS, revise your objective until it does deal
primarily with your own actions.
If you find anything that indicates that your objectives deals primarily with the
actions of others, revise your objective until it deals primarily with your own
This is VERY important.
10. Now, once again, check for specificity, completeness, measurability, desirability,
appropriate difficulty, whether your objective is stated in positive terms, whether
it deals primarily with your own actions, whether your unconscious says that it is
reasonable to achieve within the stated time frame and whether it includes the
insurance factor.
Check carefully for signs of conflict as you review your objective. If any signs of
conflict arise within you, thats your unconscious telling you that something isnt
right with your objective. So frame whats wrong by reviewing your objective
again and noting where the signs of conflict arose. Then modify your objective
until those signs of conflict disappear.
When no signs of conflict arise in reviewing your objective, sign the form,
creating a contract between your conscious and unconscious minds.
Again, be alert for signs of conflict and, if any arise, frame what triggers them and
revise your objective accordingly.
What You Should Have Right Now
You should be holding in your hands a clearly written objectivewhich you will
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learn to translate into a powerful Target in the next chapter.
You should have identified a clear objective, either one that you had previously identified
before reading this chapter or one that you identified or refined by doing the Wish List
You should then have formulated your objective so that it meets the ten criteria
summarized above using the Objectives Process form.
You now hold in your hands one of the most powerful tools ever created.
But youre not done yet.
Coming Up
Your unconscious speaks in its own way. It may not understand what you are telling it
unless you translate your request into the language it prefers.
In the next chapter youre going to translate your objective into a sharp and polished
inner Target.
When you have completed the rest of the Cybernetic Transposition Three-Step virtually
nothing will be impossible for you to have, do, or be.
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Chapter Nine
How to Communicate with Your Unconscious
The Super Achievement Target Process
Can you remember walking past a bakery one morning?
How did you remember it?
It probably occurred to you as an experience.
Now try describing that experiencebut dont use the word bakery.
Was it easyor hard?
The point of this exercise is that using words alone may not be enough for your
unconscious mind to get its engine running. Words alone wont do the job as a Super
Achievement Target.
So now its time to turn those words into vivid targets.
In this chapter, you will learn how to translate your written objectives into Super
Achievement unconscious Targets and then youll prioritize them, the first and second
steps of the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step process.
Are you ready?
Good. Get out your written objective.
How to Talk to Your Unconscious
Take a look at your written objective.
The objective that you just formulated is expressed in words. Thats obvious.
From your unconscious minds perspective, thats a problem.
Words are meaningful to your unconscious mind only when they're associated with
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Thats often not the case. Your unconscious often fails to understand what you intuitively
mean by your words.
The problem is that words are simply symbols.
Phrases, which are groups of words, are more precise symbols and are often associated
with experience.
But individual words are often unclear to your unconscious.
Lets take a look at a phrase thats pretty clearly defined in most peoples unconscious.
Recall the smell of freshly brewed coffee.
That's easy, isn't it?
Suddenly you're aware of that vivid smell. Thats because the phrase is closely tied to an
unconscious experience.
Now try to describe the smell of freshly brewed coffee using words!
To make sure that you really describe the smell, don't refer to coffee or coffee substitutes
or to where or when you normally find coffee or to how coffee, coffee pots, coffee beans,
or coffee cups look!
Go ahead and do that now.
If you actually tried to do this, chances are that you found it very difficult. In fact, of the
50,000 plus people whove tried to do this in my trainings, I have never found one who
could produce a written description of the smell of freshly brewed coffee that at least 5
out of 10 readers will identify as coffee at least when they followed the guidelines.
Because they were dealing with two very different languages - words and experiences -
and normally you don't have a translation dictionary!
At best, words are simply symbols for experiences. We typically differ greatly in our
unconscious choice of inner experiences that we use to define our words.
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Let me explain what I mean.
How Do We Learn Words?
Describe the color green to me.
We learn the meaning of words by observation and association.
What I observed as a child is probably very different from what you did.
For example, many of us can reliably differentiate up to 1,000 shades of green.
Which one is your "green"?
Is it the green of a newly emerging leaf?
The green of a fresh pea?
The green of a Christmas tree needle?
The green of a chameleon? The green of a stoplight? The green of the carpet in a room
you were in as a child? The green of a newly issued dollar bill? The green of a worn ten
dollar bill? The green of a four leaf clover that I found when I was wandering in a
meadow? The green of split pea soup?
Whichever shade of green you were observing when your unconscious was ready and
your mother, father or sibling said, thats green is probably the one thats your current
reference point.
If you and I can recognize 1,000 shades of green, there is, statistically, about a 1 in 1,000
chance that what I mean when I say green is what you think I mean.
And green is a pretty concrete word.
What does the word "love" mean?
Or "heavy?"
Do you see what Im getting at here?
Words mean different things to different people.
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And they certainly mean amazingly varied things to your unconscious!
Are you beginning to understand why we have to learn how to talk so the unconscious
understands us?
How You Label Experiences
Here's another important problem with words and another quick exercise.
What is in the box just below?
I'll bet you said "a two" - which means the sense of two things - and, if so, you just
identified another problem.
The word "is" means that what precedes it is identical with what follows it.
But what is pictured is really a symbol whose name is "two" and a symbol named "two" is
not identical with the experience of two things.
Look at what's in the next box and you can experience two things. You get the concrete
experience of two.
Without tying together the conscious word two with the unconscious experience of two
things, it's unlikely that the symbol "2" will be meaningful at a gut level.
And thats the problem that a lot of us have with math. Its not concrete because it isnt
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built on concrete experience.
Hold on. Im not done yet.
The Key to Talking to Your Unconscious
Again, remember the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Be aware that it would take
perhaps 10 thousand words to write an adequate description of it, at least according to
some linguists.
Isn't it wonderful that only 7 words will adequately label a 10 thousand word experience?
You can simply say remember the smell of freshly brewed coffee and most of us will
get the experience. This works because the label and the experience are, for most of us,
intimately connected.
Now let me state something profoundly important:
By creating intimate connections between the key elements of your written
objective the points that must be precisely achieved in order for you to be successful
and what they intuitively represent, you can easily and very effectively translate your
objective into the languages of the nonverbal parts of your brain.
You might want to re-read that statement before going on.
What it means is, perhaps, better described by this:
If I say pretty woman, that probably triggers one of two things in you. Either
the experience of Julia Roberts in the movie by the same name or another woman,
one that you think is pretty.
If I want to tell my unconscious to find someone who looks pretty like Julia
Roberts in Pretty Woman, I can easily do so. I simply imagine Julia Roberts in
that movie in a scene where I think she looked pretty, edit that experience until it
perfectly depicts what I intuitively mean by someone who looks pretty like Julia
Roberts, anchor it in my Inner Anchor Point and tell my unconscious that this is
what I mean by someone who looks pretty like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.
Now your unconscious knows what I mean by the phrase, someone who looks
pretty like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.
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How to Translate Your Objective
Now for the fun part!
Now its time for you to talk in the language your unconscious understands.
Translating your verbal objective to an unconscious one is rather simple process.
Heres how it works:
Frame a key element of your written objective, one that you want to be sure your
unconscious very precisely understands, by circling or underlining the words.
For Example, Ill use one of the acceptably formulated objectives from the last
chapter. This is one of mine that resulted in acquiring $2.5 million of venture
capital in a few days with one phone call. I have underlined each of the eight key
New Venture: Within 4 weeks, I will have formulated such an effective business
and financial marketing plan and will have sold it so effectively that I will have
received over $2 million in investment capital to start my new artificial
intelligence venture as indicated by the agreement signed by all parties and the
check I have in hand. By that time, I will have completed assembling my team and
will be extremely pleased with each member at a level of at least 9 on a scale
where 10 is totally satisfied. Working with my team, I will have refined my vision
for the venture and communicated it to each member of my team so successfully
that each member of the team will rate it as a 10 where 10 is intuitively and
intellectually perfect. Please make this happen in ways that are for the highest
good of me and of all concerned.
Recall a memory that approximates what you mean by those words.
For example, Ill take the first key element: formulated such an effective business
and financial marketing plan
The memory that pops up is when I formulated a plan for a planned city that I
wanted to build. I got three tiers of major financing using it. (I then flipped the
deal to someone else to build.)
Modify this memory until it is precisely what you mean by the associated words in
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your objective, the key element.
Obviously, a planned city is not the same as an artificial intelligence high tech
venture. So, in my imagination I modify the memory into an experience of a plan
for the venture and its intended products, using exactly the same approach to
creating a complex imaginary experience that I described Chapter Six (the
example of my daughter Lisa climbing a big redwood tree).
Anchor the combination of words and modified memory in your Inner Anchor Point
and tell your unconscious what that imaginary experience defines by reading the
exact words of the associated key element into your Inner Anchor Point.
To do so, I frame my imaginary experience by enclosing it in an imaginary ball of
white light that separates it from everything else in my imagination. Next I
imagine placing that imaginary ball of white light into my Inner Anchor Point.
Then I read the exact words of the associated key element into my Inner Anchor
Repeat these steps for each of the other key elements in your written objective.
Read your complete written objective into your Inner Anchor Point and ask your
unconscious to merge the experiential definitions of the words that you just anchored
(the merged imaginary experiences and associated key elements) with the written
Do you see what happened here?
The result is a very clear unconscious target that precisely matches what you intuitively
mean by your written objective.
And that exactly matches the first requirement of achieving seemingly impossible
objectives using the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step: Creating
a very clear unconscious target that matches your conscious intent.
What If You Cant Find a Memory?
What if you cant locate a memory that feels like what you want to achieve in your
For example, what if you want a brand new car and for some reason you have never
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owned one before?
You can take the memory of having gotten a new bike, for example, and combine it with
a scene from a movie or a TV ad to come up with an imaginary experience of getting a
new car.
And if you can't find any possibly relevant personal experience, you can start with a TV
ad or a movie image. But this is trickier. It has to be something you really identify with,
something you can see, feel, hear, touch and smell in your imagination.
As long as your resulting imaginary image contains all of these experiences AND (very
important) it seems right for you so you are really experiencing it rather than just
looking at it that will work just fine.
However, it is usually easier to find a relevant experience (like getting a new bike) and
combine it with an outside image (like a car ad on TV) than it is to create a complete
imaginary experience starting with an outside image. And if your imaginary experience
isnt complete, what you get will probably be incomplete.
So, if you feel you cant find a relevant experience, use the Basic Achievement Three-
Step to find one. It will usually produce almost instantaneous results.
Now for something really juicy
Time-Tripping and You
As you may have guessed, Kurt Vonnegut is one of my favorite authors. One of his
books is Slaughterhouse Five in which the protagonist travels through time. He calls the
process Time-Tripping.
Ive adopted that name for the process of refining your Super Achievement Target, in
which you travel through imaginary time to ensure that the path to accomplishment of
your objective is a smooth one.
When you identify a series of right-now memories (during the Wish List process), you
frame where you are now.
And when you set an objective and translate it using the Target Process, you frame
where you want to go.
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Both of these points are very clear. But the path from one to the other can involve going
in circles, backtracking, and otherwise taking the long way because you're giving your
unconscious carte blanche in inventing how to get from here to there.
It's easy to cut out a lot of that unnecessary work by anchoring the path from here to
achievement of your objective at a few midpoints.
Here's how to do it:
1. Divide the time between now and your scheduled completion date into four
roughly equal segments. The beginning of the first segment is now and the end
of the last is when you expect to achieve your objective, your End Point Date.
2. Re-create the imaginary experience of having just successfully achieved your
objective, as documented in your Affirmation. Tune that imaginary experience to
a 10 and anchor it in your Inner Anchor Point. As you also anchor your
imaginary experience, give your unconscious the instruction that this be achieved
on or before your End Point Date in ways that are for the highest good of you
and of all concerned.
3. Imagine a scene at the beginning of the fourth time segment, whatever pops up,
your Date Three.
What pops up may very well have nothing obvious to do with your objective but
it's what your unconscious mind wants you to work with. So take what you get
and work with it. Thats very important!
Your job is to simply bring it to a true 10 and anchor it in the your Inner Anchor
Point together with the instruction, This is an example of the way Id like things
to be on (insert Date Three). Please make this happen in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of all others involved.
4. Repeat the previous step for each of the other two intermediate dates, at the
beginning of the third time segment (Date Two) and the beginning of the second
(Date One).
5. Then repeat the process of tuning up and anchoring your End Point Success
Image, the one of you having just successfully achieved your objective as
described in your Affirmation.
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What Youre Doing in the Time-Tripping Process
This is an easily understood process once you recognize that your current, right now,
experience of your life involves everything - conscious and unconscious - that's going on
in your life.
If you're on track with whats right for you, you'll have a true 10 experience right now.
In other words, is your life feeling great on all levels, inside and out, right now, this very
If so, youre at a 10 and you should be smiling.
If, however, things seem fine but there are little nagging doubts or concerns, somethings
out of whack and you have some work to do.
The same is true when you pick an imaginary point in the future. Remember, your
unconscious mind doesn't differentiate between reality and imaginary things. If things
seem a true 10 at that imaginary point in time, you're on track to achieving your
But if not, something in your life is off track, probably in a way that will take a fair
amount of extra energy and may generate some rather unpleasant side-effects on the way
to achieving your objective.
By changing that experience in your imagination, you are telling your unconscious to use
its amazing capabilities to invent and implement a way of getting back on track with
whats right for you.
In other words, you can correct the future image in your mind by imagining it exactly the
way you want it to bea perfect 10 for you.
When you do that, you are telling your unconscious to make that scene happen in
whatever ways it can (for the highest good of all concerned, of course).
It seems too simple to be true but simple things are usually the ones that work.
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A Detailed Step by Step Description of the Super Achievement Target
Now lets make all of the above come alive for you.
I call what I just partly described, the Super Achievement Target Process.
Here are the detailed steps, followed by an explanation:
1. Frame each key element of your written objective by circling or underlining it. A
key element is one that is both important to you and is approximated by some
experience that you can clearly remember.
2. Copy the first key element (set of circled or underlined words) onto a clean copy
of the Target Process form. Then recall a memory that approximates what you
intuitively mean by those words and record only enough about the memory so
that you can easily recall that memory later.
For example, in the preceding example of the memory of my planned city,
I would write:
Germantown plan.
Thats just enough to reliably recall the memory.
3. Repeat step 2 with each of the other key elements of your objective. (Use the
same Target Process form.)
4. In your imagination, modify the memory associated with the first key element
until it becomes an imaginary experience that defines exactly what you intuitively
mean by those words.
5. Frame the result with white light and anchor it in your Inner Anchor Point. Then
read into your Inner Anchor Point the exact words that make up the key element
that imaginary experience depicts and imagine merging those words with the
imaginary experience.
6. Repeat step 5 for each of the other key elements and associated memories.
7. Focus on your Inner Anchor Point and read your entire written objective into it.
Then instruct your unconscious to combine your definitions (key element words
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and associated imaginary experience) with your objective to create an imaginary
experience of having just successfully achieved your objective. Imagine that
8. In your mind's eye examine this new imaginary experience and modify it as
you require to make it to a 10 level imaginary experience of you having just
successfully achieved your objective. Be sure that this includes a sense of being
successful, joy, enthusiasm, and a sense of fulfillment. Also ensure that it
includes all the levels of experience - physical, emotional, mental, and inner.
This may require adding color, sound, smells, taste. touch, movement, thoughts,
and/or emotions as well as adding or subtracting elements of the imaginary
To do so, frame what needs to be changed, focus on your Inner Anchor Point and
ask for the desired modifications.
You may have to do this several times. You may also have to write the desired
changes on a piece of paper to adequately frame them for your unconscious.
In any case, keep modifying things (I call that tuning up) until you have a true 10
imaginary experience of having just successfully achieved your objective.
9. Surround this true 10 imaginary experience of having just successfully achieved
your objective with an imaginary ball of white light. Then imagine placing your
imaginary ball containing your imaginary experience into your Inner Anchor
While doing this, ask your unconscious to make this happen, on or before your
End Point Date, in ways that are for the highest good of you and of everyone else
Repeat this anchoring process several times, tuning up your imaginary
experience of having just successfully achieved your objective, each time.
10. Write a detailed description of the imaginary experience of having just
successfully achieved your objective.
11. Read this through for 10 minutes, editing until it seems exactly right. The result is
called an Affirmation.
12. Divide the time between now and your scheduled completion date into four
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roughly equal segments. The beginning of the first segment is now and the end of
the last is when you expect to achieve your objective, your End Point Date.
13. Re-create the imaginary experience of having just successfully achieved your
objective, as documented in your Affirmation. Tune up that imaginary experience
to a true 10 and anchor it in your Inner Anchor Point. As you anchor your
imaginary experience, also give your unconscious the instruction that this be
achieved on or before your End Point Date in ways that are for the highest good
of you and of all concerned.
14. Imagine a scene at the beginning of the fourth time segment, whatever pops up,
on your Date Three.
What pops up may very well have nothing obvious to do with your objective but
it's what your unconscious mind wants you to work with. So take what you get
and work with it. Thats very important!
Your job is to simply bring it to a true 10 and anchor it in the your Inner Anchor
Point together with the instruction, This is an example of the way Id like things
to be on (insert Date Three). Please make this happen in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of all others involved.
15. Repeat the previous step for each of the other two intermediate dates, at the
beginning of the third time segment (Date Two) and the beginning of the second
(Date One).
16. Then repeat the process of tuning up and anchoring your End Point Success
Image, the one of you having just successfully achieved your objective as
described in your Affirmation.
17. Read through your Affirmation to determine whether it still accurately describes
your current End Point Success Image. If not, edit your Affirmation until it does.
18. Further prioritize your Super Achievement Target by writing your Affirmation 25
times, refining it as required to deal with signs of conflict, just as you did in
prioritizing your Basic Achievement Target.
Now look at what you have in your hand.
The result is a very clear, highly prioritized conscious and unconscious Super
Achievement Target.
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In this one process, you will have accomplished two steps of the Three-Step process,
creating and prioritizing your Target.
Youre on your way!
A Few Comments On The Target Process
Have you ever considered how a translator takes a body of work in a another language
and translates it so you can read it?
Thats pretty much how you will work with your unconscious mind.
When you frame a key element of your objective and identify an associated memory that
approximates what that key element intuitively means to you, you repeatedly (and
probably without full conscious awareness) compare various combinations of words with
various candidate memories until you come up with a combination of words and memory
that easily fit together.
When you modify the memory until it exactly matched what you intuitively mean by
the associated key element of your objective, you are actually going through a complex
process of translating among the various languages of your brain.
This translation process is analogous to what it takes to ensure an accurate translation of
important documents from one language to another - say French to English.
First, the French document is translated into English by an expert translator.
Then another expert translator converts it back to French and the result is compared with
the original.
If necessary, the process is repeated until what comes back adequately matches the
original document.
This is what you are doing with your mind!
In translating your memory, you were translating among the four languages of the brain
in similar fashion.
When you anchor something in your Inner Anchor Point, it receives a lot of unconscious
attention. If what you've anchored is an imaginary experience that involves all of the four
major languages of the conscious and unconscious mind - words, patterns,
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emotions, and physical stimulus-response in harmonious agreement, the agreement and
content get strongly prioritized.
When you instruct your unconscious to implement what you have anchored (by
imagining speaking your words into your Inner Anchor Point), you have an extremely
powerful combination going for you.
And when you further prioritize your Target through repetition, your unconscious is
already in gear to give you what you have specified.
Talk about power?
NASA doesnt have this potential!
You do.
Another Example
How do you create a house for yourself?
Let's once again look at the objective that I used to create a house when I first moved
to Stockholm:
House: On or before November 1,1983, I will have easily found, rented, and
moved into a house that I am satisfied with and enthusiastic about at a level of at
least 9 on a scale where 10 is totally overjoyed. This house will match the
following specifications at a level of at least 9 on a scale where 10 is an
intuitively perfect match: a very open living room and dining room with a high
ceiling; very large windows, an open fireplace, green carpet, and a weeping
willow tree visible through the front window of the living room; many other
rooms that are relatively isolated from each other and that have large windows
and an airy feeling; a quiet location with very little traffic situated within 15
minutes off-peak or taxi driving time from the center of Stockholm; a location that
is approached through attractive farmland and open fields; a very cooperative
landlord; and a rental of not more than 5,000 kr. per month. All of this will take
place in ways that are for the highest good of me and of everyone else involved.
The first key element was: I will have easily found, rented, and moved into a house
that I am satisfied with and enthusiastic about at a level of at least 9 on a scale where
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10 is totally overjoyed.
This was approximated by my memory of finding my 6 room apartment in San Francisco
just above Union Street and overlooking the Golden Gate and Sausalito. It took 2 hours
to do so, I got an infinitely renewable lease at $500 per month and moved in the next day.
The second key element was: This house will match the following specifications at a
level of at least 9 on a scale where 10 is an intuitively perfect match.
Just a couple of years earlier I had the experience of specifying and finding my perfect
woman (which was why I was looking for a home in Stockholm). I knew that modifying
that memory to match finding a perfect house would be easy.
The third key element was: a very open living room and dining room with a high
ceiling; very large windows which was again approximated by my San Francisco
The fourth key element was: an open fireplace, green carpet, and a weeping willow
tree visible through the front window of the living room which was approximated by
my boyhood home in Washington, D.C.
And so forth.
In coming up with these combinations of words and memories, I went back and forth
between words and memories until I found the appropriate chunks of each to form a pair.
And then I did a quick intuitive check to ensure that the memories I'd chosen could be
easily tailored to match what I intuitively meant by the words.
The whole process was quick and easy.
And it worked extremely well.
It will work for you, too.
Summary of the Target Process
1. Frame each key element of your written objective by circling or underlining it. A
key element is one that is both important to you and is approximated by some
experience that you can clearly remember.
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2. Copy the first key element (set of circled or underlined words) onto the
appropriate blank on your Target Process Form. Then recall a memory that
approximates what you intuitively mean by those words and record on your form
only enough about the memory so that you can easily recall that memory later.
3. Repeat the preceding step with each of the other key elements of your objective.
4. In your imagination, modify the memory associated with your first key element
until it becomes an experience that defines exactly what you intuitively mean by
those words.
5. Frame the result with a ball of white light and anchor it in your Inner Anchor
Point. Then read into your Inner Anchor Point the exact words that make up the
key element that memory depicts and, in your imagination, merge those words
with the imaginary experience.
6. Repeat the preceding step for each of the other key elements and associated
7. Focus on your Inner Anchor Point and instruct your unconscious to combine
these definitions (key element words and associated imaginary experience) with
your objective (and imagine the process taking place) to create an imaginary
experience of having just successfully achieved your objective.
8. In your mind's eye examine this new imaginary experience and modify it as
you require to make it to a 10 level imaginary experience of you having just
successfully achieved your objective. Be sure that this includes a sense of being
successful, joy, enthusiasm, and a sense of fulfillment. Also ensure that it
includes all the levels of experience - physical, emotional, mental, and inner.
This may require adding color, sound, smells, taste. touch, movement, thoughts,
and/or emotions as well as adding or subtracting elements of the imaginary
To do so, frame what needs to be changed, focus on your Inner Anchor Point and
ask for the desired modifications.
You may have to do this several times. You may also have to write the desired
changes on a piece of paper to adequately frame them for your unconscious.
In any case, keep modifying things (I call that tuning up) until you have a true 10
imaginary experience of having just successfully achieved your objective.
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9. Surround this true 10 imaginary experience of having just successfully achieved
your objective with an imaginary ball of white light. Then imagine placing the
imaginary ball containing your imaginary experience into your Inner Anchor
While doing this, tell your unconscious that this is what you would like to happen
on or before your chosen date and ask it to make this happen, on or before that
date, in ways that are for the highest good of you and of everyone else involved.
Repeat this anchoring process several times, tuning up your End Point Success
Image each time.
10. Write a detailed description of the imaginary experience of having just
successfully achieved your objective.
11. Read through this for 10 minutes, editing until it seems exactly right for you, until
there are no signs of conflict. The result is called an Affirmation.
12. Imagine a scene at the beginning of the fourth time segment, whatever pops up on
your Date Three.
What pops up may very well have nothing obvious to do with your objective but
it's what your unconscious mind wants you to work with. So take what you get
and work with it. Thats very important!
Your job is to simply bring it to a true 10 and anchor it in the your Inner Anchor
Point together with the instruction, This is an example of the way Id like things
to be on (insert Date Three). Please make this happen in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of all others involved.
13. Repeat the previous step for each of the other two intermediate dates, at the
beginning of the third time segment (Date Two) and the beginning of the second
(Date One).
14. Then repeat the process of tuning up and anchoring your End Point Success
Image, the one of you having just successfully achieved your objective as
described in your Affirmation.
15. Read through your Affirmation to determine whether it still accurately describes
your current End Point Success Image. If not, edit your Affirmation until it does.
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16. Additionally prioritize your Super Achievement Target by writing your
Affirmation 25 times, just as you may have done in prioritizing your Basic
Achievement Target.
The Bonus Package
I again want to remind you of your Bonuses.
One of them consists of the Super Achievement Target Process form and the audio
instructions (in which I lead you through the Super Achievement Target Process).
Once you have read and understood this chapter, you will be ready to use the associated
package to lead your through the process that the chapter describes.
First, identify the Key Elements of your objective and record them on Target Process
form along with the associated memories, as described above.
Then, follow the audio instructions that will verbally lead you through the process. Thus
you will have both visual (form) and verbal (audio) guidance in doing the process.
Coming Up!
In the next chapter, I will show you how to accomplish the third step of the Cybernetic
Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step, the process of permanently resolving
self-defeating unconscious habit patterns into ones that support achieving your objective.
This process is call Base Reframing.
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Chapter Ten
Super Achievement Step Three:
How to Resolve Self-Destructive Unconscious
Habit Patterns Forever!
Remember self-sabotage?
Remember shooting yourself in the foot just before closing a big deal?
Remember feeling like nothing would ever work out for you?
Well, you can kiss those self-destructive habits goodbyeforever!
In this chapter, I will show you one of the most empowering aspects of the Cybernetic
Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step process How to permanently resolve
unconscious habit patterns (what I call blockers) into ones that support you in achieving
what you want.
When your blockers are resolved, you are free to attain your hearts desires!
A blocker is any unconscious habit pattern that tries to stop you from achieving your
A blocker is anything in you that keeps you from experiencing joy right now.
Blockers are usually so familiar that we don't have the slightest idea that they're doing
what they're doing.
But theyre there!
Do you know what blockers you have in you right now?
Some typical blockers include:
I'm no good at this sort of thing.
This doesn't make sense.
It's crazy to try to do it.
It's impossible.
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I'm tired.
They're trying to put something over on me.
There's no solution.
I forgot what I was supposed to do.
I'll do it as soon as I have time.
There's only so much that one person can do.
I could do it easily if I only had the proper training.
Its impossible, I just cant do it.
See what I mean?
By now, your blockers are probably so familiar that you take them seriously. They seem
real to you. That increases their blocking power. This is a vicious circle that can be
broken only by awareness.
For example:
The list above consists of beliefs labels that we put on intuitive feelings which, in
turn, are just changes in the body, what I call your body feelings. Each of these
changes reflects an attempt by a part of your unconscious to get your conscious
These unconscious parts want only the best for you but most of them arose early in
your life and are still seeing things from a child's perspective. They need your
conscious help in updating themselves. In other words, most of us still let our six-year
old self drive our lives!
These parts of you - which I call sub-personalities - can rather easily change their
tactics so they're helping you in ways that are consistent with what you currently want
in your life. But they don't know how.
Now for the good news:
This chapter presents two very powerful techniques for permanently changing the way
your blocker sub-personalities work.
These two approaches are:
1. Base Reframing.
By framing and prioritizing the body feelings associated with a blocker, you
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make it possible to easily follow those body feelings back to or near the
blockers point of formation. This is usually a very threatening situation in
your childhood.
If you create a true 10 new imaginary experience, a Target, that shows how
you would now like that situation to have taken place and anchor it in your
Inner Anchor Point with appropriate instructions, you can change things.
Where the blocker sub-personality would have previously given you the
blocker response, it will now give you the new version.
This is the essence of the Base Reframing process, although the actual process is a
good deal more elegant and more powerful than this description would imply.
2. Sub-Personality Negotiation.
By personifying the blocker as a sub-personality, you can initiate a discussion
with the sub-personality during which you find out what it's trying to do and
whether that matches your conscious desires.
If not, you can assist the sub-personality to rediscover it's most basic reason
for what's it's doing.
When it finds its basic purpose, the sub-personality will be ready and willing
to take on any new job you want to give it that is consistent with that purpose.
Basic purposes usually involve some version of:
experiencing rather than thinking
creating inner peace, joy, loving
a sense of worthiness
a sense of being connected with the oneness of all things
being true to the person you really are.
Often a sub-personality will need the support of other sub-personalities in
doing its new job. Thus, the process soon moves to an inner-team building
mode that creates a support team to help you get what you're after.
This is a powerful new resource, dedicated to helping you manifest what
you desire.
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Also presented is a variation on Sub-Personality Negotiation that I call the Super
Achievement Clearing Process. This process quickly resolves a blocker feeling into a
series of concrete action alternatives that you can implement to resolve whatever
triggered the blocker feelings.
The above three tools are incredibly powerful.
Lets explore them in depth.
A True Story
The following true story will help illustrate what you are about to learn:
Andria was a newspaper reporter whod been assigned to write an article
on my work. When we met, she asked for a brief explanation of what I did
and I briefly explained the Three-Step process, including a reference to
the Base Reframing process.
That seemed to get her interested and she asked me for a demonstration.
So I asked her if she had any disturbing body feelings. She said definitely
yes, that she got two or three intense migraine headaches each week, the
classic kind with light flashes. She said they were totally debilitating and
that all she could do was to take medication and go to bed for four to six
I had her frame the body feelings, the feelings associated with the
migraine headaches, surround them with an imaginary ball of white light
and place them in her Inner Anchor Point. I then had her instruct her
unconscious to take her to an earlier time in her life when shed gotten the
same feelings.
She immediately got a memory and recorded it on paper. I had her repeat
this process three times and she got three more, much earlier, memories.
Finally, I had her ask her unconscious to take her back to the very earliest
time when these feelings had been present that were for her highest good
to recall just then.
The earliest memory was when she was about 18 months old and she was
with her twin brother. In the memory, she was very worried about his
safety and felt that he might very well die if she didnt take care of him, at
all costs.
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Since the next earliest memory and the other later memories were of her
sacrificing her own well being to take care of him, the pattern was clear.
For example, the next earliest memory was of her following her five year
old brother into a cave filled with insects and snakes. She was petrified
and her own survival instincts were shrieking at her to hold back but her
need to protect her brother was greater. So she went into the cave.
Not surprisingly, in the memory she also got a migraine headache which
was due to the conflict between her drive for survival and her drive to
protect her brother, her twin who her unconscious took as a part of
In her imagination, Andria reframed each memory, starting with the very
earliest one, into one that was a 10 in desirability from her mature
perspective. For example, the very earliest memory became one in which
she felt great love for her brother and decided that she could both love
him and allow him the freedom to grow in his own way while she took
care of herself.
In each case, she instructed her unconscious to substitute the 10 reframe
for the earlier memory in ways that were for the highest good of herself
and all others involved. She also did a process of merging all of the 10
reframes into one that embodied the essence of all of them and instructed
her unconscious to use that as an instruction of how to create, respond,
and handle similar situations in the future.
Andria called me a week later. Shed had no more headaches and felt
much more positive about life.
Oh, by the way, she wrote a three-page very positive spread about my
How to Lasso a Blocker
What does your body feel like right now? Is everything perfect in your experience of
your body or is something bothering you? Anything bothering you is a blocker body
Both the Base Reframing and Sub-Personality Negotiation processes start with framing
the body feelings that are associated with the blocker experience.
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In other words, what are your body feelings right now, this very minute?
In doing this, don't be too concerned about what you name the blocker feelings. Focus,
instead, on the actual body changes, the body feelings.
For example
Your written description might start, My stomach feels tense. Then you might
get even more precise, In the middle two or three inches of my abdomen, I
experience strong inward pressure that is accompanied by similar pressure from
a smaller area of my back more or less directly behind it. When you are able to
write such a precise description and when it seems intuitively correct, you have
done an effective job of framing the body feelings.
Written Framing
I should point out that both processes involve a good deal of written framing.
Therefore, I'm just going to remind you that writing is a powerful tool for generating
agreement among your conscious and unconscious parts.
I should also take a moment to talk about your True Self.
What is your True Self?
Your True-Self is the part of you that knows what is right for you and how to fill your
life with loving, joy, and harmony.
In Unadvertised Bonus Number 4, you'll learn how to frame your True-Self so that it can
act as an inner mentor.
But for the time being, whenever I mention your True-Self, just rely on your inner sense
of integrity instead.
You know what I mean.
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How to Handle Procrastination
Before you start into the below instructions, read the next true story. It will help you
understand the process you are about to go through. Itll also be very inspiring.
Frank was an expert in graphic design software and had received feelers
from a company in that field. They had suggested he could write his own
ticket if he came with his top assistant.
This seemed like a golden opportunity but Frank found himself
procrastinating. Whenever he thought about talking to his assistant, he
became nervous, sweaty and very uncomfortable. So hed distract himself
by doing something else.
Finally, he decided to try to deal with his procrastination by doing a Base
Reframing process. First, he recorded the situation where his body
feelings came up - when he thought of talking to his assistant. Then he
framed the body feelings in writing. Specfically, the nervousness took the
form of shaking hands and tense neck muscles, he felt sweat on his skin
and the heat of a flush in his cheeks, and he noticed that hed crossed his
arms tightly over his stomach.
Having done this, in his imagination he surrounded those body feelings
with a ball of white light and placed the ball and feelings in his Inner
Anchor Point. Then he asked his unconscious to take him back to an
earlier time when those same feelings were present. He had a little trouble
but pretty quickly got a memory that he recorded on his form.
Frank repeated this process of asking his unconscious to take him back to
successively earlier memories when the same feelings were present and,
finally, to the very earliest time when they were present that was
appropriate and for his highest good to recall just then. In each case, he
got a memory and recorded it on his form.
In the very earliest memory, he was 4 or 5 years old and felt something
like an outcast. He had few friends and was usually shunned by the kids
his age at school. In the memory, Frank urgently wanted to play baseball
with those kids and, after gathering all his courage, asked them if he
could. They turned him down, jeering and calling him names.
From his mature, current 33 year old perspective, he then reframed this
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memory to one in which theyd responded with enthusiasm, with both
teams vying for his membership. In this reframe, Frank felt loved,
accepted, a full member of the team and proud of himself for asking. He
then wrapped this reframe in an imaginary ball of white light, placed it in
his Inner Anchor Point and told his unconscious that this was an example
of the way he would like to perceive, experience, create and handle this
type of situation in the future, for the highest good of himself and of all
others involved.
He similarly reframed, anchored and instructed his unconscious for each
of the other memories. He then merged all of the reframes, identified the
essence common to all of them, surrounded the result with a ball of white
light, anchored it in his Inner Anchor Point and told his unconscious that
this was the way he would always like to perceive, experience, create and
handle this type of situation in the future, for the highest good of himself
and of all others involved.
Then he easily approached his assistant who eagerly joined him in
constructing a set of demands that the inquiring company rapidly met.
These included a 50 percent increase in salary, stock options, and an
operating budget that would allow them to implement many things they
hadnt been able to do previously.
It was easy once Frank had done the Base Reframing. And he marveled at
how nearly impossible it had seemed before that.
How Do You Feel?
Rather than giving you additional abstract description of the Base Reframing and Sub-
Personality Negotiation processes, I'm going to move right into listing the steps
comprising each and then give a couple of live examples.
But before I do, let me state something important.
Dont think you dont have any blockers.
We all do.
Here's a simple general rule for sniffing out your blockers:
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Whenever you are experiencing anything other than inner joy, loving,
harmony, enthusiasm, high energy and a sense of fulfillment of your
potential, you are encountering a blocker!
That one reminder ought to help you as you go through this next section.
Base Reframing Process Instructions
1. Focus on your Inner Anchor Point and ask that this Base Reframing process take
place in ways that are for your highest good of you and of all concerned.
2. Frame your blocker body feelings.
For example, I recently did a Base Reframing dealing with a feeling of getting
nowhere on an extremely challenging objective.
The blocker feelings were a sense of being pulled downward from within my
chest, like collapsing inward into the center of my chest, I felt my mouth down
turned and I felt tired and weary.
So I wrote on my Base Reframing form: Pull-down in chest, feels like collapsing
into the center of my chest, mouth down turned, tired and weary.
3. Surround the experience of those blocker feelings with an imaginary ball of white
light and imagine placing it and your experience of the blocker feelings into your
Inner Anchor Point. This intensifies your unconscious focus on the blocker
4. Focus on your Inner Anchor Point and imagine talking into it. Ask the blocker
feelings to take you back to any earlier memory where the same feeling was
present. Take the memory that pops up even if it's not what you expect. Frame the
memory by recording it in writing on your Base Reframing form.
If the memory isnt clear or if it seems like your unconscious isnt giving you a
memory, repeat whats described in the preceding paragraph. Keep repeating it
until you get a memory.
At first, the memory may be tenuous. You may only get a glimpse of something.
If so, frame that something by recording it on your Base Reframing form. Then
repeat the instructions above. Keep recording what you get and repeating the
request to your unconscious to give you the memory until it becomes clear.
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The first memory was a recent one, about a year old. I remembered deciding to
stop raising capital for a new venture that I was formulating when the dot com
market collapsed because it seemed that the market for its service/product had
also collapsed.
On my form I wrote: Giving up on Wont work. No one wants
it. Waste of effort.
5. Repeat the preceding step while asking the blocker to take you back to any even
earlier memory.
The next memory was about 3 years ago, another decision to terminate an effort
because the market had changed.
On my form I wrote: Giving up on the (name of company) project. Clearly
things have changed. Why push water uphill?
6. Repeat that step again while asking the blocker to take you back to some rather
early time.
The third memory was about 5 years ago, when a very close friend of mine, who
was also a client, died. I decided to stop marketing to his company. It involved
lots of difficult travel and, without my friend around, it wasnt worth it.
On my form I wrote: (Friends name) died. No point in continuing with
(company name).
7. Repeat that step a third time while asking the blocker to take you back to a very
early time.
The fourth memory was about 30 years ago, when I left a very difficult
turnaround project that I had unwisely undertaken. While the project was
successful, the people in the company really disliked me and I hadnt had time to
change that. So I felt like I was quitting, even though Id met the criteria that the
owners of the company had given me and had been well paid.
On my form I wrote: The last day at (company name). Im a pariah. I might as
well get home.
8. Repeat that step a fourth time while asking the blocker to take you back to the
very earliest time it was present that is appropriate and for your highest good to
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recall at this time.
The earliest memory was when I was about 4 years old. I grew up in an
emotionally cold home, something that I found very painful. In this memory, I was
lying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling at a light shining through a frosted
glass fixture. I concluded that my parents just didnt love me so there was no use
trying any more to get their love.
On my form I wrote: Little. Lying on bed staring at light. Concluded my parents
just didnt love me, no use trying. Might as well quit and just withdraw.
9. Create a new version of that very earliest memory, one that is filled with loving,
joy, harmony and fulfillment. Modify that imaginary experience until it becomes
a true 10.
Remember, you're not changing the past. You are simply creating a new
instruction for your unconscious in its own languages.
Refine this imaginary experience until it is a true 10 - as compared with your true
10 reference point.
My reframe, my new version of this earliest situation seemed like it would be
very difficult to create but it wasnt. After asking my unconscious for a relevant
starting point for the reframe, I fell back on the experience that Id had during a
near death experience, one that was filled with Gods loving and acceptance.
On my paper I wrote: I experience Gods love and that of my guardians and
angels. Then I experience my parents and my brothers love for me that was
always present beneath the surface. I feel filled with loving and joy.
10. Surround this true 10 new version with an imaginary ball of white light and
anchor it in your Inner Anchor Point while focusing on your Inner Anchor Point
and saying to your unconscious, This is an example of the way I'd always like to
perceive, experience, create, and handle this type of situation. Please make that
happen at all relevant times and in ways that are for the highest good of me and of
all concerned. Then breathe in and out deeply until you experience what you've
anchored becoming a part of you.
11. Repeat the preceding two steps for each of the later memories you documented
on your way back to the earliest one.
The reframe of my next memory involved self-acceptance and that triggered
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positive memories.
On my form I wrote: I know that I have done something good. Thousands of
employees who now have jobs and would have lost them or who had no jobs and
now have them are better off. Several employees came into my office to thank me
and to wish me farewell. I realize that I did as well as I knew how even though I
would have done it differently if given another chance. I know that God loves me
and is present. I feel tremendous joy at having completed this difficult test, at
having endured.
And similarly for the other later memories.
12. Repeat these two steps again for the situation in which you initially found the
blocker feeling and, optionally, for possible future situations where you'd
intuitively expect the blocker to arise.
My reframe of the original situation involved an experience of revitalization.
On my form I wrote: I am filled with appropriate enthusiasm, joy and certainty
that I will achieve my objective. God is present. I am on track with what is right
for me. I am surrounded by a great inner and outer team. I am truly joyful and
In this case, I didnt foresee future situations where the same blocker feelings
would arise.
13. In your imagination, merge together all of these true 10 new versions, isolating
what is common to all of them. When you have gotten to the core of the set of
new responses, make any imaginary modifications necessary to bring it to a true
My imaginary experience that arose from this process was one of being filled with
tremendous joy, loving, self-acceptance, abundance, awareness that I am loved,
and gratitude for the blessings that fill my life.
Surround this true 10 imaginary experience with an imaginary ball of white light
and anchor it in your Inner Anchor Point while focusing on your Inner Anchor
Point and saying to your unconscious, This is the way I'd always like to
perceive, experience, create, and handle this type of situation. Please make that
happen at all relevant times and in ways that are for the highest good of me and of
all concerned. Then repeatedly breathe in and out deeply until you experience
what you've anchored becoming a part of you.
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14. You may now be in a very deep and tender state so be very gentle with yourself.
Breathe slowly and deeply. Without opening your eyes, become aware of you
body. Slowly move your arms and legs and your head. Become aware of the room
you're in and then the building and the city and so forth. Being very gentle with
yourself, finally open your eyes when you're completely ready.
Wait 10 or 15 minutes before interacting with other people, looking at TV or
reading a book or magazine. Just relax and, if you want something to do, focus on
your breathing.
The blockers feelings and pattern of experiences associated with it have never
recurred. In fact, I have never even thought about doing the process until today
when I went through my files to find a good example for the book.
It worked totally unconsciously.
And I was completely successful in achieving the objective that had triggered the
blocker feelings.
Tips For More Easily Doing A Base Reframing
1. The more clearly framed the blocker feelings, the easier and more effective is the
rest of the Base Reframing process.
One way of increasing the clarity of the blocker feelings is to do the following:
Rate the intensity of your awareness of these physical blocker feelings on a 1
to 10 scale where 10 is as concrete an experience as holding a book and 1 is
an intellectual abstraction with no physical experience at all.
If your rating is less than 8, focus on what's intuitively missing or needs to be
changed to make this a much more concrete experience (write that down on a
piece of paper if you feel its necessary), focus on your Inner Anchor Point
and ask your unconscious to make those changes in ways that are for the
highest good of you and of all concerned.
Repeat this process until you have at least an 8 level of awareness of the
blocker feelings.
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2. With a clearly framed set of blocker feelings, you'll be able to find the first
remembered point pretty easily assuming you take what you're given rather than
what you may expect.
If you don't know why you've been given a particular memory and feel that its
important for you to know, focus on your Inner Anchor Point and ask your
unconscious to take you to the place in that memory where the blocker was active.
Repeat that instruction until you clearly understand why the memory was chosen.
3. Finding the next memory is usually rather easy if you've clearly framed the
preceding one by writing a description of that memory on your form, adding
detail about how things looked, sounded, felt, tasted, and smelled as well as your
intuitive feelings, thoughts, emotions, and sense of self. Develop that description
until you have an intuitive feeling that what you are describing is clearly framed.
4. If you have trouble coming up with a true 10 version of a memory, consider the
You are not changing the past, you're just coming up with a new example.
In doing so, you're making your own movie and you're the writer, director, casting
agent, producer, and so forth.
In other words, give yourself maximum freedom to come up with a Target that
really delights you.
If you're still having trouble, frame what's not up to snuff in your imaginary
experience, one aspect at a time. If necessary, frame it through writing.
Frame this very tightly so that your unconscious knows exactly what you want to
change. Then focus on your Inner Anchor Point and repeatedly ask for those
changes until they pop into your consciousness. (This usually happens very
quickly.) Repeat this process with each deficient part until you have a true 10.
5. Do you remember the tree visualization in Chapter Six?
In similar fashion. create complex, unfamiliar imaginary experiences by starting
with very familiar pieces and modifying them.
6. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you forget to use the highest good
instruction where indicated.
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Another Base Reframing Example
This is an actual example that one of my trainees gave me permission to use. The names
are changed.
Art 's marriage was falling apart and he'd entered a relationship with Karen
despite the fact that he was still married. Since they'd been together, Karen had
gotten pregnant and had become quite critical of Art because she wanted him to
get a divorce and marry her.
But Art wasnt willing to end his marriage yet. This had become such a bone of
contention that he and Karen decided to separate for a few days to think things
Then, a few days later, they got together again to see if they could patch things up
but the meeting was a disaster. Eventually, Art very angrily told Karen that he felt
she'd been ignoring and lying to him. Her response was to walk out.
Art felt that he really loved Karen and that she was the one for him. He wanted to
have a loving and positive relationship with her and had just set a Super
Achievement objective to assist in this. But he'd encountered a very powerful
blocker, the same one that led to him blowing up at Karen a few days earlier.
He framed this blocker as very angry and very calm at the same time; very clear
so the words come out very clearly and framed the body feelings as an open,
warm feeling in my stomach and my arms feel straight and open, as if a
welcoming gesture.
After prioritizing these feelings, Art instructed his unconscious to take him back
to any earlier memory where the same feeling was present. This brought him to
an experience 14 years earlier with another married woman whom he also loved.
But he concluded it wouldn't work so, in the memory, he is telling her that he
doesn't want to marry her and she is heartbroken.
Successive memories include one at 25. He's in the military and things have gone
wrong in a practice maneuver. Art is telling his Captain that it's all his fault,
talking responsibility and apologizing for having failed at the task.
Finally Art drops back to the earliest memory when he's 3-4 years old. He and
two other boys are scratching the paint of a car with a hammer and they get
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caught. The other boys point at him, saying he's one who did it. His parents
believe them and he's physically punished and publicly shamed.
In his true 10 new version of this scene, little Art is sitting in his mother's lap as
she gently strokes his head and explains why it's not appropriate to scratch cars.
Smiling with the wisdom of his own mistakes, his father is telling him that it's
okay to make mistakes, that's how we learn, and that he saw the other kids doing
the same thing. Then he gives Art a joyful hug and, with his mother and father
both cradling him they all dance in a circle, joyfully smiling and lovingly
laughing together.
After anchoring this true 10 result with appropriate instructions to his
unconscious, Art similarly reframes each of the intermediate memories, bringing
each to a true 10 and anchoring it before moving on. Finally, he returns to the
experience with Karen and reframes that into a scene of honesty and acceptance
on both of their parts, each expressing loving, and ending up in a very loving and
harmonious resolution.
After anchoring this reframe, Art merged all of the reframes and - in his
imagination - discarded the peripheral issues which left him with an experience
of loving, honesty, and acceptance of himself and others and by himself and
others. He anchored this as his new primary instruction to his unconscious.
A couple of months later, Art realized that there hadnt been any repetitions of
the fight or even the blocker feelings. He and Karen were very close and eagerly
awaiting the birth of their child. Art had filed for a divorce and the feelings
surrounding his relationship with Karen were wonderfully positive - consistent
with his primary instruction of loving, honesty, and acceptance in the Base
This is a typical result.
Now take a deep breath, sigh, and get ready for another powerful tool for releasing those
blockers that used to hold you up.
Sub-Personality Negotiation
Now it's time to turn to the second blocker resolution process, Sub-Personality
In a sense, this is like talking to yourself.
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But thats just an image to get you thinking about the process of communicating with
your various sub-personalities.
This process involves direct negotiations between your conscious self and unconscious
sub-personalities that you personify as people, creatures or other creations with whom
you can carry on a conversation.
Usually, a Sub-Personality Negotiation starts off with one Sub-Personality and
eventually incorporates others, each of which contributes a particular skill or perspective
to resolution of the underlying problem.
In the process, all of these sub-personalities are integrated into a team whose objective is
to support you in what you consciously desire.
As you can imagine, when your team is headed in the same direction, you can get there
lots faster.
How to Blow Off Steam
If you want to communicate with an upset sub-personality (and some of them will
definitely seem upset), a reasonable first step is to let it blow off some steam through
free-form writing. This is an easy process:
1. Start as you did with the Base Reframing, by framing the blocker feeling and
anchoring an experience of the body feelings associated with it in your Inner
Anchor Point.
2. Fully experiencing those feelings, write whatever pops into your mind. If what
comes up is I don't know what to write, just write that down. Pretty soon, words
will be flowing fast and furious. Obscene or nonsensical things may pop into your
mind. Write those down too. Keep going until you have a sense of calmness
inside of you.
3. When the stream stops flowing, rip up the papers or burn them. DO NOT READ
THEM. Reading them will probably restimulate the conflict.
At this point, the sub-personality is probably ready to work toward a positive resolution.
So now you can move into the second part of the process.
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The Sub-Personality Negotiation Process
I am going to weave an example in with the instructions. I think that will make things
much clearer.
The example is something that is present with me right now. I am rushing to complete a
couple of chapters of this book before leaving early tomorrow morning for about a week
of travel.
In order to meet my schedule, things have to be ready before I leave. In addition, I just
received an email from my editor asking me to review some of her work and answer
some questions as soon as possible. That has left me with an feeling of being somewhat
overwhelmed, a feeling I dont like and one that I dont often encounter. So I will work
with that sub-personality.
1. Ask the sub-personality to tell you its name or a name you can use to address it.
Record this on your Sub-Personality Negotiation form.
I suggested the name Overwhelm and the sub-personality, who looks like a
slim but strong man with very black hair, coffee color skin, an intelligent look and
lithe grace vigorously shakes his head, yes.
2. Ask the sub-personalitys purpose in trying to help you. Record this on your
He says, Im trying to keep you from taking on too much. The last time you did,
seven years ago, you got very sick. Remember, flying around the world every
month and the Sri Lankan disease you picked up? It kept you flat on your back for
18 months. I dont want that to happen again.
If the answer isnt clear or doesnt make sense, just as you might when talking
with another person, (but while focusing on your Inner Anchor Point) say to the
sub-personality something like, This isnt clear, it doesnt make sense to me.
Please give this information to me in a form that I can understand. Repeat that
until you achieve clarity.
3. Again, while focusing on your Inner Anchor Point, ask the sub-personality to
play a what if game by saying something like, What if I had consciously
learned to accomplish your purpose, freeing you for more important tasks, what
would those be?
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Record the sub-personalitys answers.
He says, Thats easy. You were on track before you got in this immediate
crunch. We had things set up for you to gracefully complete the chapters but the
need to provide intelligent feedback is too much.
After I remind him of the question (above), he continues, If I didnt have this to
worry about, if youd learned the lesson (sigh), I could devote myself to
something more basic. My job is to ensure that you have the time and commitment
to your spiritual meditation, to your spiritual growth. We both know how
important that is. But when you are too busy, you wedge it in rather than giving it
the attention that it deserves.
4. Repeat step the preceding step until you reach your supersonalitys basic purpose.
When I ask Overwhelm whether thats his basic purpose, he answers, No. My
basic purpose is taking you back to God. As he does, I have a strong emotional
reaction of recognition. So I ask him whether he was with me during my near
death experience 35 years ago. He answers, Yes. Thats where I was created.
5. Ask your True-Self (just imagine your source of integrity) to collaborate with the
sub-personality and your conscious mind in designing a new job for the sub-
personality. Keep modifying things until the result is a true 10 for each of you.
My True-Self says, I think his basic job is just the right one for him and for you.
The key is letting him do it. Perhaps we should bring in other sub-personalities to
carry the load of keeping you from being overwhelmed. What does Overwhelm
I ask Overwhelm for his response and he says, Thats great. I dont really like
using my energies to keep you from being overwhelmed. Id rather be more
directly involved in taking you back to God. As he says that, I see my True-Self
shaking his head yes.
6. Ask the sub-personality to name one or more other sub-personalities whose
assistance is required to perform its new job.
I ask Overwhelm to name one or more other sub-personalities that can carry the
load of keeping me from being overwhelmed. He says, Well, Ruthlessness is
great at keeping things on track and Taking Care is expert at making sure you do
what you need to take care of yourself. I suspect that, together, they could do very
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7. When a new sub-personality is identified, first ask it its name and frame that by
writing it. Then ask whether the sub-personality (calling it by name) is in
agreement with what's being developed.
I ask Ruthlessness whether hes been listening in. Hes big and rotund, sort of like
a black Sumo wrestler. To show me how strong he is, hes bending a very thick
steel bar into a pretzel. I kid with him, asking him whether hes going to put salt
on the pretzel and he frowns. He tells me that hes serious, no joking around for
So I ask him whether he would like to be part of a team that ensures that I dont
get overwhelmed, relieving Overwhelm of that task. He says, That would be fine.
I noted that you also mentioned Taking Care. He can make sure that Im not too
tough on you.
Given that, I call in Taking Care. He looks a lot like my son Per who is eighteen,
very caring and very developed in his art, music composition and creative writing
as well as his spiritual focus. I mention that to Taking Care and he says, Per is
my model. I ask him whether he would be willing to undertake the task of
preventing me from being overwhelmed, along with Ruthless. He says, "Sure.
That sounds interesting. I think I can add the brains and grace while Ruthless
adds the brains and brawn. I think we can come up with some really neat ways of
preventing you from being overwhelmed.
I then ask Ruthless, Taking Care, Overwhelm and my True-Self whether any other
sub-personalities are required. Laughing, Ruthless and Taking Care say, No.
No. Keep things simple. Simplicity is an antidote for potential overwhelm. We can
do the job very well. Later, if you want, we can work on refinements. Overwhelm
and my True-Self shake their heads yes in agreement. Consciously, I think this
is just great so I think we have a clear agreed vision.
With those sub-personalities that are either unclear or resistive, repeat all of the
preceding steps. In doing so, focus only on that sub-personality until you reach
this step.
I havent encountered any sub-personalities who are either unclear or resistive
today (although I sometimes do).
Continue in this way until all of the identified sub-personalities encounter no
others that need or want to be included.
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Ruthless and Overwhelm have told me that no additional sub-personalities are
Usually, no more than about ten sub-personalities need to be involved.
8. When all of the sub-personalities, your True-Self and you conscious mind are all
in agreement, integrate them all by imagining placing them in a white ball that
rises up a white column of light. As the column ascends, it gets brighter and
brighter, at a certain point becoming so bright that each sub-personality within the
white globe dissolves into the light and, thereby, integrates with all the others.
Now Im imagining creating a ball of white light that is bigger than my body, very
bright and making a soft harmonic sound. The white light is radiant as if the
balls walls are an energy source. Im imagining Overwhelm, Ruthless, Take
Care and my True-Self who also looks like a ball of radiant white light entering
the ball. Since the ball surrounds me, my conscious self is also within it.
Now Im imagining the ball beginning to rise within a column of much brighter
white light. As we ascend, the white light within the ball gets increasingly bright.
Now its becoming so bright that we all seem to be dissolving in it as it shines
through us
9. When this integration has occurred, frame the resulting experience of oneness
with an imaginary ball of white light and imagine placing that ball and all that it
contains into your Inner Anchor Point. While you do, breathe this integration into
you, imagine it filling all areas of your physical body.
And now, there is only a ball of incredibly bright white light that incorporates the
essence of all of us. I am feeling a sense of peace and completeness. In my
imagination, I am placing that ball of white light into my Inner Anchor Point
and, as I do, I experience this light of integration filling my entire being with
peace and completeness. Now Im breathing that into me, imagining that it is
filling my entire physical body.
10. Repeat this breathing process, for your imaginative, emotional, mental, and deep
unconscious bodies, one at a time.
Now Im imagining that light filling my imaginative self. Now my emotional self.
Now my mental self. And now I imagine it fill all parts of my unconscious self.
11. Now focus on your Inner Anchor Point and say, Please make this integration and
retasking take place in ways that are for the highest good of me and of all
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concerned. Then breathe in and imagine making that a part of you.
12. When this is complete, keep your eyes closed and relax until you have your inner
experience tells you that the integration is complete.
No surprise to me, the overwhelm feeling has completely disappeared and I have
almost completely finished this chapter.
Often, in similar fashion, the process of Sub-Personality Negotiation turns the
signs of conflict into results, as happened for me.
Im doneand I feel great!
Its now a month later than when I wrote the above. Im very happily
reviewing Joes improvements to my writing. As I just went through the
description of resolving my overwhelm, I realized thats why I was so
relaxed during the 2,500 mile drive I just took, bringing my son Per to
eastern Washington state to start college. I remember that the first time
I took that trip, about a year ago, I constantly felt overwhelmed by the
amount of driving remaining. This time I didnt feel overwhelm at all. I
was relaxed and more or less enjoyed the drive.
Thats how it works unconsciously. I wasnt at all aware of why things were different
until I reviewed my Sub-Personality negotiation.
The Super Achievement Clearing Process
This is a very neat technique for both resolving unconscious conflict and creating a series
of effective action techniques that you can consciously put into practice.
The essence of the Super Achievement Clearing Process is a simple Sub-Personality
Negotiation involving three parts of you: the blocker, your conscious mind, and your
Creative Part.
The job of the creative part is to identify three action alternatives for resolving the
blocker that are a 10 in desirability for both the blocker and your ordinary consciousness.
This typically requires some framing through writing and some editing based on input
from all three parts. When you reach the point where your conscious mind, your True-
Self and the blocker agree on the action approaches, the blocker feeling is replaced by
inner harmony and you consciously know exactly what you need to do.
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For example, some years ago I wrote Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the U.K. a 1
1/2 page letter offering to assist her in building the British economy after setting an
appropriate Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step Target.
Two weeks later I had a contract to train a representative group of entrepreneurs and
industry representatives in the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step
This is what happened when I taught them the Super Achievement Clearing Process.
I asked everyone in the training to pick a currently strong intuitive feeling
that was bothering them. Being entrepreneurs and aggressive managers,
they had no trouble each finding at least one.
Then I led them through the Super Achievement Clearing Process. As soon
as I finished and told the group to take a break, one of them jumped up
and urgently rushed out the door. I followed to make sure he was all right
and found him at a pay phone, vigorously talking business.
When we reconvened, I asked him what had happened. He said that during
the process, he'd worked with a feeling that had been bothering him for
three weeks. He learned that the feeling indicated something was wrong
with his company and that he should do three simple things to resolve the
call his purchasing manager and ask him if there was anything he
needed to get off his chest.
get a progress report on a specific project.
suggest a new procedure for accelerating things with vendors that he'd
thought of a couple of weeks ago.
These all made sense and seemed easy so off he went to the phone.
He easily reached his 65 year old purchasing manager who was extremely
effective but harbored a fear of being fired because of his age. When asked
whether he had anything to get off his chest, the purchasing manager
revealed that he'd been out sick for a couple weeks and that his staff had
hidden the fact at his request.
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When asked for a progress report, he revealed that a major - and
apparently unrecoverable error - had been made while he was out. This
was terrible news because it seemed likely to kill the company which was
subject to extremely high penalties for being late.
But when the entrepreneur suggested his new idea for handling vendors,
there was a pause on the other end of the phone and a shout of delight.
That'll do it, that solves our problem. I'll get on it right now, said the
purchasing agent. And the entrepreneur said to me, That really will do it.
The problem's all but solved already.
A month later, when we held the second session of the training, I asked
him how things had gone. With a little impatience he looked at me and
said, I told you it was fixed last time! We just got another contract from
the same customer.
While this example is more exciting than most, the process works that way for essentially
everyone. Intuitive feelings and other blockers are converted into successes.
Its an exciting process, any way you look at it.
The Step by Step Instructions for the Super Achievement Clearing
Here are the step by step instructions. The numbering on the following instructions refer
to the numbers on the Super Achievement Clearing Process form.
If you have not already done so, download and print out the Super Achievement Clearing
Process form.
Find a place where you wont be disturbed.
Place your Super Achievement Clearing Process form in front of you. Since you will be
writing during part of this process, make sure that you have a pen or pencil and a place to
lay your form flat so you can easily write on it.
Focus on your Inner Anchor Point and say, Please make the process I am about to do
take place in ways that are for the highest good of me and of all concerned.
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Now focus on the blocker feeling.
1. Describe the situation where this blocker feeling arose. Provide some details of
time, place, what was happening. Record all of this on your Clearing Process
2. Describe the body feelings associated with this blocker. Frame the body feelings
by describing their location and character, just as in the first steps of the Base
Reframing process example.
Focus on your awareness of these body feelings. Rate how concrete they are on a
1 to 10 scale where a 10 is completely concrete and 1 is simply an intellectual
If you do not have a 10, intuitively grasp what makes that less than a 10, take a
deep breath and hold it. As you blow out, focus on your Inner Anchor Point and
ask that those things be changed in ways that give you a 10 intensity experience.
Continue what you just did until you achieve at least an 8 intensity.
Now surround the blocker feeling with an imaginary ball of white light, anchor
that ball in your Inner Anchor Point and, as you do, say This is the part of me
upon which I would like to focus during the first segment of this process. Please
make that happen in ways that are for the highest good of me and of all
concerned. And please make this entire process take place in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of all concerned. Breathe in and imagine making that all
a part of you.
3. Draw a symbol that represents the blocker. Take what pops into your awareness.
It will happen almost instantly when you read this instruction. The trick is to
accept what pops up and draw something that represents it.
It does not matter whether what you draw is a very crude stick figure or a piece of
elegant artwork. The point is to frame the blocker feeling in an additional way.
Imagine that symbol and anchor it in your Inner Anchor Point along with the
blocker feeling that it represents. Imagine merging the symbol and the blocker
feeling so they become one and the same, inseparable.
Now say into your Inner Anchor Point, This symbol represents the blocker
feeling I previously anchored. Whenever I imagine this symbol or talk to myself
about it, please give me an immediate conscious and unconscious awareness of
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the underlying blocker feeling that it represents. And please do this in ways that
are for the highest good of all concerned.
Breathe in and imagine making that all a part of you.
4. Imagine that the blocker is a person, animal or other animate things, just as I did
in the Sub-Personality Negotiation example. Note what the personified blocker
looks like and sounds like. Ask it to tell you its name or just imagine a name and
ask it whether that is all right.
As if you were talking to another physical person, say to the blocker, What are
you trying to tell me.
Record the blockers response on your form.
If you dont hear or understand the blockers response, say, I didnt understand
your response. Would you please give it to me in a way that I can understand. As
with another physical person, keep asking until you get a response that you
understand. When you do, record it on your form.
The answer you receive may resolve the blocker. The blocker may have been trying to
simply get a message across to your conscious mind. Youll know its resolved if the
blocker feelings disappears. If it does, the process is complete. If not, continue with the
following steps.
5. If the blocker feeling still remains, continue the process by drawing a simple
picture of what you consider to be your Creative Part, the part of you that creates
wonderful things.
Take the imaginary experience that your unconscious gave you as you just read
the instruction. Draw a simple sketch of it.
All of us have wonderful Creative Parts. Theyre very important to us. So
become aware of your Creative Part and imagine how it looks, how it sounds and
how it would feel if you reached out and touched it.
Record all of this on your form.
Now imagine your Creative Part. Surround it with a ball of white light and
imagine placing that ball into your Inner Anchor Point.
6. Now, into that ball of white light within your Inner Anchor Point, also place the
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symbol of your blocker feeling.
Ask your Creative Part to interact with the blocker feeling to create three
alternatives that will make the blocker feeling happy. Three things that you can do
to satisfy the concerns of your blocker feeling.
As you become aware of the first alternative, record that under Alternative 1 on
your form. Do that as soon as you start to become aware of the first alternative.
Continue to do this with a second and third alternative, recording them under
Alternative 2 and Alternative 3 on your form.
7. Now role-play the blocker feeling itself. Imagine that you are the blocker feeling.
And from that perspective, rate how desirable each of the three creative
alternatives is to the blocker feeling. Use a 1 to 10 scale where 10 is totally
desirable and 1 is the exact opposite. Record your rating for each alternative on
your form, under the heading, Blocker Rating.
Now take a deep breath and, as you blow out, let go of that blocker feeling that
youve been wearing as a role-play. Return to your normal conscious awareness.
Focus on your True Self now, the part of you that holds your integrity. Role play
your True Self. And from that perspective, once again rate each of the creative
alternatives. Use the same 1 to 10 scale to do that and record your ratings for each
alternative on your form under the heading, True-Self Rating.
Next take a deep breath and, as you blow out, let go of that True-Self that youve
been wearing as a role-play. Return to your normal conscious awareness.
From the perspective of your normal consciousness, rate each of the creative
alternatives. Use the same 1 to 10 scale to do that and record your ratings for each
alternative on your form under the heading, Conscious-Self Rating.
8. Now, inspect the ratings that you just recorded. For each alternative, you have
three ratings. If all three are 10, just put a check mark alongside that alternative on
your form.
If any one of the ratings is less than 10, ask your Creative Part to consult with the
blocker, your True-Self and your conscious self and to create a modification of
that alternative thats completely desirable for all three of them.
Do that same process for each of the alternatives that has less than all 10 ratings
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and record the completely desirable alternatives that your Creative Part develops
on your form.
Now imagine bringing your True-Self into your Inner Anchor Point, into the
white ball within your Inner Anchor Point where you have your Creative Part and
the symbol representing your blocker feeling.
Rate the level of harmony and agreement among these three parts of you. If that
rating is less than a 10, less than perfect, ask your Creative Part to modify the
alternatives and to modify the situation to create a perfect level of harmony and
agreement among all three of those parts of you.
Record any modifications to any of your three alternatives that your Creative Part
gives you as required to generate a l0 level of harmony and agreement among the
three parts. Continue working with your Creative Part until a 10 level of harmony
and agreement has been achieved.
9. Now imagine surrounding that experience of perfect agreement and harmony
among those three parts of yourself with a ball of white light. Imagine placing that
ball into your Inner Anchor Point, focus on your Inner Anchor Point and say,
This is the level of harmony and agreement that Id like to experience at all times
among all parts of me. Please make that happen in ways that are for the highest
good of me and of everyone else involved.
Breathe in and imagine making that a part of you.
10. Now thank all parts of you and imagine them returning whence they came in ways
that are for the highest good of you, them and of all concerned.
Now what?
Youre now in alignment.
Just as a chiropractor adjusts your spine to get your back in alignment, you just worked
on your inside parts to get all of your inner energies into alignment.
Your sub-personalities and your conscious mind have collaborated to develop three
alternative things that you can do to resolve the issues that triggered the blocker.
Start with whichever seems easiest and implement it. Then move to the next easiest and
do the same. Finally, implement the third alternative.
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The results will obviously be very desirable.
Youre on the way to achieving your dreams!
The Bonus Package
I again want to remind you of the Bonuses.
One of them consists of the Super Achievement Base Reframing Process form and audio
instructions (in which I lead you through the Super Achievement Target Process, just as I
did in the Trainings that typically cost participants $4,500 apiece).
Another comprises the Super Achievement Clearing Process which incorporates Sub-
Personality Negotiation. This package also includes audio instructions and the Super
Achievement Clearing Process form.
Once you have read and understood this chapter, you will be ready to use the associated
package to lead your through the processes that the chapter describes.
Summary of the Base Reframing
The Base Reframing process consists of the following steps:
1. Focus on your Inner Anchor Point and ask that this Base Reframing process take
place in ways that are for your highest good of you and of all concerned.
2. Frame your blocker body feelings.
3. Surround the experience of those blocker feelings with an imaginary ball of white
light and imagine placing it and your experience of the blocker feelings into your
Inner Anchor Point. This intensifies your unconscious focus on the blocker
4. Focus on your Inner Anchor Point and imagine talking into it. Ask the blocker
feelings to take you back to any earlier memory where the same feeling was
present. Take the memory that pops up even if it's not what you expect. Frame the
memory by recording it in writing on your Base Reframing form.
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If the memory isnt clear or if it seems like your unconscious isnt giving you a
memory, repeat whats described in the preceding paragraph. Keep repeating it
until you get a memory.
At first, the memory may be tenuous. You may only get a glimpse of something.
If so, frame that something by recording it on your Base Reframing form. Then
repeat the instructions above. Keep recording what you get and repeating the
request to your unconscious to give you the memory until it becomes clear.
5. Repeat the preceding step while asking the blocker to take you back to any even
earlier memory.
6. Repeat that step again while asking the blocker to take you back to some rather
early time.
7. Repeat that step a third time while asking the blocker to take you back to a very
early time.
8. Repeat that step a fourth time while asking the blocker to take you back to the
very earliest time where it was present, the earliest time that is appropriate and for
your highest good to recall at this time.
9. Create a new version of that very earliest memory, one that is filled with loving,
joy, harmony and fulfillment. Modify that imaginary experience until it becomes
a true 10.
Remember, you're not changing the past. You are simply creating a new
instruction for your unconscious in its own languages.
Refine this imaginary experience until it is a true 10 - as compared with your true
10 reference point.
10. Surround this true 10 new version with an imaginary ball of white light and
anchor it in your Inner Anchor Point while focusing on your Inner Anchor Point
and saying to your unconscious, This is an example of the way I'd like to
perceive, experience, create, and handle this type of situation. Please make that
happen at all relevant times and in ways that are for the highest good of me and of
all concerned. Then breathe in and out deeply until you experience what you've
anchored becoming a part of you.
11. Repeat the preceding two steps for each of the later memories you documented
on your way back to the earliest one.
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12. Repeat these two steps again for the situation in which you initially found the
blocker feeling and, optionally, for possible future situations where you'd
intuitively expect the blocker to arise.
13. In your imagination, merge together all of these true 10 new versions, isolating
what is common to all of them. When you have gotten to the core of the set of
new responses, make any imaginary modifications necessary to bring it to a true
Surround this true 10 imaginary experience with an imaginary ball of white light
and anchor it in your Inner Anchor Point while focusing on your Inner Anchor
Point and saying to your unconscious, This is the way I'd always like to
perceive, experience, create, and handle this type of situation. Please make this
happen at all relevant times and in ways that are for the highest good of me and of
all concerned. Then repeatedly breathe in and out deeply until you experience
what you've anchored becoming a part of you.
15. You may now be in a very deep and tender state so be very gentle with yourself.
Breathe slowly and deeply. Without opening your eyes, become aware of you
body. Slowly move your arms and legs and your head. Become aware of the room
you're in and then the building and the city and so forth. Being very gentle with
yourself, finally open your eyes when you're completely ready.
With 10 or 15 minutes before interacting with others or allowing potentially
discordant outer input.
Summary of the Super Achievement Clearing Process
The Super Achievement Clearing Process consists of the following steps:
1. Describe the situation where this blocker feeling arose. Provide some details of
time, place, what was happening. Record all of this on your Clearing Process
2. Describe the body feelings associated with this blocker. Frame the body feelings
by describing their location and character, just as in the first steps of the Base
Reframing process example.
Now surround the blocker feelinsg with an imaginary ball of white light, anchor
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that ball in your Inner Anchor Point and, as you do, say This is the part of me
upon which I would like to focus during the first segment of this process. Please
make that happen in ways that are for the highest good of me and of all
concerned. And please make this entire process take place in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of all concerned. Breathe in and imagine making that all
a part of you
3. Draw a symbol that represents the blocker. Take what pops into your awareness.
It will happen almost instantly when you read this instruction. The trick is to
accept what pops up and draw something that represents it.
Imagine that symbol and anchor that in your Inner Anchor Point along with the
blocker feeling that it represents. Imagine merging the symbol and the blocker
feeling so they become one and the same, inseparable.
Now say, This symbol represents the blocker feeling I previously anchored.
Whenever I imagine this symbol or talk to myself about it, please give me an
immediate conscious and unconscious awareness of the underlying blocker
feeling that it represents. And please do this in ways that are for the highest good
of all concerned.
Breathe in and imagine making that all a part of you.
4. Imagine that the blocker is a person, animal or other animate things, just as I did
in the Sub-Personality Negotiation example. Note what the personified blocker
looks like and sounds like. Ask it to tell you its name or just imagine a name and
ask it whether that is all right.
As if you were talking to another physical person, say to the blocker, What are
you trying to tell me.
Record the blockers response on your form.
The answer you receive may resolve the blocker. The blocker may have been trying to
simply get a message across to your conscious mind. Youll know its resolved if the
blocker feelings disappears. If it does, the process is complete. If not, continue with the
following steps.
5. If the blocker feeling still remains, continue the process by drawing a simple
picture of what you consider to be your Creative Part, the part of you that creates
wonderful things.
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All of us have wonderful Creative Parts. Theyre very important to us. So
become aware of your Creative Part and imagine how it looks, how it sounds and
how it would feel if you reached out and touched it.
Record all of this on your form.
Now imagine your Creative Part. Surround it with a ball of white light and
imagine placing that ball into your Inner Anchor Point.
6. Now, into that ball of white light within your Inner Anchor Point, bring the
symbol of your blocker feeling.
Ask your Creative Part to interact with the blocker feeling to create three
alternatives that will make the blocker feeling happy. Three things that you can do
to satisfy the concerns of your blocker feeling.
As you become aware of the first alternative, record that under Alternative 1 on
your form. Do that as soon as you start to become aware of the first alternative.
Continue to do this with a second and third alternative, recording them under
Alternative 2 and Alternative 3 on your form.
7. Now role-play the blocker feeling itself. Imagine that you are the blocker feeling.
And from that perspective, rate how desirable each of the three creative
alternatives is to the blocker feeling. Use a 1 to 10 scale where 10 is totally
desirable and 1 is the exact opposite. Record your rating for each alternative on
your form, under the heading, Blocker Rating.
Next, focus on your True Self, the part of you that holds your integrity. Role play
your True Self. And from that perspective, once again rate each of the creative
alternatives. Use the same 1 to scale to do that and record your ratings for each
alternative on your form under the heading, True-Self Rating.
Now return to your normal conscious awareness.
From that perspective, rate each of the creative alternatives. Use the same 1 to 10
scale to do that and record your ratings for each alternative on your form under
the heading, Conscious-Self Rating.
8. Inspect the ratings that you just recorded. For each alternative, you have three
ratings. If all three are 10, just put a check mark alongside that alternative on your
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If any one of the ratings is less than 10, ask your Creative Part to consult with the
blocker, your True-Self and your conscious self and to create a modification of
that alternative thats completely desirable for all three of them.
Do that same process for each of the alternatives that is less than 10 rating and
record the completely desirable alternatives that your Creative Part develops on
your form.
Now imagine bringing your True-Self into your Inner Anchor Point, into the
white ball within your Inner Anchor Point where you have your Creative Part and
the symbol representing your blocker feeling.
Rate the level of harmony and agreement among these three parts of you. If that
rating is less than a 10, less than perfect, ask your Creative Part to modify the
alternatives and to modify the situation to create a perfect level of harmony and
agreement among all three of those parts of you.
Record any modifications that your Creative Part gives you that generate a l0
level of harmony and agreement among the three parts. Continue working with
your Creative Part until a 10 level of harmony and agreement has been achieved.
Now imagine surrounding that experience of perfect agreement and harmony
among those three parts of yourself with a ball of white light. Imagine placing
that ball into your Inner Anchor Point, focus on your Inner Anchor Point and
say, This is the level of harmony and agreement that Id like to experience at all
times among all parts of me. Please make that happen in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of everyone else involved.
Breathe in and imagine making that a part of you.
Coming Up
What if you fail?
Thats not likely.
In the next chapter, I will show you the only ways that you can fail to achieve your
Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step objective. There are only four
of them. Whenever anyone has failed to achieve their objective using this process,
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it has been because they did one of those things.
Handle these four things and you will succeed.
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Chapter Eleven
Trouble Shooting and Practice -
How to Guarantee Your Success
You are well on the way to the attainment of all your objectives.
But what if it doesnt feel that way to you?
What if you still think you arent going to achieve the results you want?
Starting in the right direction isn't the same as ending up in the right place. Or, as
someone once said, I've gotten a lot of cows going north by starting them south. That
could be your unconscious talking.
This chapter will help you trouble shoot any problems or snags in your progress.
The good news is this: There are only 4 reasons why you might fail, and each reason can
be repaired.
Lets get rolling!
Why fail?
There are only a few reasons why anyone fails to achieve excellent results with the Super
Achievement techniques.
Those ways are listed below together with suggestions for handling them. Please read the
following carefully.
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1. You Did Not Accurately Follow the Instructions while Formulating
Your Target.
Your Target is either substantially inappropriate for you or incomplete. Or your
Target is distorted because you accepted less than true 10 imaginary experiences
during various processes rather than going for true 10s.
In these cases, as you practice, you will get an intuitive feeling that something
isnt right.
Any intuitive feeling that something is not right must be checked out
using the Super Achievement Clearing Process or deeply resolved using
either the Base Reframing process or Sub-Personality Negotiation
Saying this is the best I can do rather than demanding excellence is a
major blocker for many people.
If you feel unable to make your success images a true 10 or realistic,
you are encountering a blocker.
If you feel like its unrealistic to achieve your objective, you are
encountering a blocker.
If left unresolved, these blockers will almost certainly block you from
achieving your objective.
2. You Did Not Listen to Feedback from Your Unconscious
after Setting Your Unconscious Target.
There are many different forms of relevant unconscious feedback.
Some of them deal with migration of your Target to one that is closer to
whats right for you.
Others deal with questions or corrections associated with objectives that
are not stated clearly.
Both of these types of feedback usually take the form of thoughts or feelings that:
You did something wrong (blockers)
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Something needs to be changed in a specific way (a specific instruction).
Other forms of unconscious feedback involves blockers that carry hidden
messages and assumptions. These often seem realistic, reasonable, and
Frequently encountered blockers of this type include:
It's too easy. Why bother?
I'm confused. I really don't understand how to do this.
It won't work for me. I might as well give up.
I fall asleep whenever I work with my unconscious.
My objective doesn't interest me any more so why bother to continue.
This doesn't make sense. Why bother checking the book to figure
things out.
It is very important to clear and resolve these blockers and to pay
attention to all kinds of unconscious feedback.
3. You Did Not Practice According to the Instructions.
The Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step restimulates
powerful unconscious success skills that you have probably told your
unconscious to turn off at various times in your existence.
If so, you are probably in the process of changing powerful old unconscious habit
patterns and that often stimulates unconscious resistance.
This resistance may manifest as blocker feelings or blocker thoughts that
stand in the way of practicing such as:
I don't have enough time to practice.
I just didn't get around to doing it but I'll catch up later.
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I'll do it tomorrow.
It takes too much time.
It takes too much effort.
I'm too tired (or depressed or confused) to practice.
If you fail to practice after having stimulated key elements of your
unconscious, you are actively reinforcing your old habits.
If that happens, you are answering your unconscious minds queries and
concerns with a No! I don't really want become more successful. No! I
don't really want to change my old habits!
And if that happens a number of times, your unconscious takes the line of
least resistance and leaves things the way they were before you encountered
the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step.
4. You Consciously Cancelled Your Unconscious Target
The unconscious minds of most people have learned to accept far less than
what is possible, to be satisfied with good enough.
This type of unconscious habit pattern may arise when you have achieved a
part of your objective but not all of it.
You may get a thought or feeling that:
This is good enough.
I can't really have everything I asked for.
If you consciously accept and agree with that unconscious habit pattern,
you are telling your unconscious that you want to cancel the rest of your
unconscious plan, that you dont want to fully achieve your Target.
You can do this via self-talk, talking with others, in writing, or by your
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If you repeat this a couple of times, your unconscious will take you
If you ever find yourself saying to yourself or others or thinking something
that will cancel your unconscious plan, frame those words or thoughts, focus
on your Inner Anchor Point and say, Cancel what I just said. I dont mean
it. Repeat this several times and do it immediately.
If you realize later that you gave a cancel instruction to your unconscious,
immediately frame what you said, thought or did in writing, rewrite it so that
it now describes what you would have liked to have said, thought or done,
tune it up to a 10, wrap it in an imaginary ball of white light, place it into
your Inner Anchor Point and tell your unconscious to cancel the earlier
instruction and replace it with this and to do so in ways that are for the
highest good of you and of all concerned.
ANYONE in any way before you have achieved it. If you do, they will
probably say or otherwise indicate things that will, at best, trigger blockers in
you and, at worst, cancel the objective.
So be wise.
Do not ever discuss your objective with anyone else before you
have achieved it!
In Conclusion About Ways That People Fail
Remember that blockers often seem like realistic, reasonable, and familiar
feelings and thoughts.
I have described some of the most common ones. Others include:
Anything that makes you less than fully enthusiastic about your
Anything that stands in the way of feeling fully confident about
achieving your objective.
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Anything that stands in the way of practicing.
Anything that makes you feel less than fully happy, enthusiastic, and
Given this information, you have a good chance of becoming consciously
aware of your blockers. You certainly have the tools to deal with them.
This gives you the choice of consciously cooperating with your
unconscious to clear things up successfully or of telling your
unconscious to do what it has always done.
The choice is yours.
It Gets Easier!
Learning this new way of being successful is somewhat like first learning to ride
a bicycle.
It requires practice but your unconscious will soon understand what you
want and the conscious effort and time involved will drop to a small fraction
of the original levels.
Practice Is Critical!!!
If you want to be successful using the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-
Step, practice according to the following schedule.
During the first week, practice daily.
During the second week, practice every second day.
During the third week, practice every third day.
During the fourth and subsequent weeks, practice weekly.
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List of Practice Steps
1. Read your Affirmation and End Point Date several times. (Target Process form)
2. Read your list of Key Elements and rate your progress in achieving each. (Target
Process form). If your progress rating for any of them stays low, scan for blockers.
If you find any, resolve them using the Super Achievement Clearing Process, the
Base Reframing process or the Sub-Personality Negotiation process.
3. Perform the Time-Tripping process. Initially, most people find it easiest using the
audio instructions but once they become accustomed to it, they find it easier and
faster to do the process from memory.
Once you have reached your Date 1, Date 2, and Date 3 you no longer have to
practice with that date.
4. Update your Affirmation so that it always agrees with your most current End Point
Success Image (Target Process form).
5. Constantly be on the alert for blockers. If you identify any, immediately record
where and when the blocker arose and any associated body feelings. Then, when
you practice, resolve the blocker using the Super Achievement Clearing Process,
the Base Reframing process or the Sub-Personality Negotiation process.
Practice makes perfect is a wise statement when learning something new. If typical, it
will take you about ten hours to do all of the recommended first-month practice. This is a
worthwhile investment because, in the process, you will:
1. Identify any lack of clarity in your Target.
2. Simplify your path to achievement of your objective.
3. Give your unconscious feedback on how you are doing so that it can make early
course corrections. This saves time and effort.
4. Increase the priority of your target.
5. Identify and resolve blockers that would normally prevent achievement of your
7. Clearly frame the Super Achievement processes in a way that allows them to
work much more naturally.
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8. And, most importantly, substantially increase the probability of achieving your
Time-Tripping: Simplifying The Path
You have already done the Time-Tripping process while refining your Target during the
Super Achievement Target Process. The instructions are listed below:
1. Divide the time between now and your scheduled completion date into four
roughly equal segments. The beginning of the first segment is now and the end of
the last is when you expect to achieve your objective, your End Point Date. Name
the beginning of the second time segment Date 1, the beginning of the third Date
2, and the beginning of the fourth Date Three.
2. Re-create the imaginary experience of having just successfully achieved your
objective on or before your End Point Date, as documented in your Affirmation.
Bring it to a true 10 level of desirability and anchor it in your Inner Anchor Point
as you also anchor your instruction that this be achieved in ways that are for the
highest good of you and all concerned.
3. Imagine a scene at the beginning of the fourth time segment, on your Date 3 -
whatever pops up. It may have nothing obvious to do with your objective but it's
what your unconscious mind wants you to work with. Your job is to simply bring
it to a perfect 10 and anchor it in the your Inner Anchor Point together with the
instruction that this is an example of the way you'd like things to be on that date
and to make it happen in ways that are for the highest good of you and all others
4. Repeat the preceding step for each of the other two intermediate dates, on Date
Two at the beginning of the third time segment and on Date One at the beginning
of the second.
5. Once again tune up the End Point Success Image to a true 10 in desirability and
anchor it in your Inner Anchor Point as you also anchor your instruction that this
be achieved in ways that are for the highest good of you and all concerned.
6. If your End Point Success Image has changed, modify your Affirmation so that it
accurately describes the current state of your End Point Success Image.
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Giving Your Unconscious Feedback On How You're Doing
To be a good manager of people you need to give them feedback.
Similarly, to be a good manager of yourself, you have to do the same thing with your
unconscious - the parts that actually do the doing.
So every time you practice, give feedback to your unconscious by comparing each of the
key elements of your objective with where you are and record your conclusions.
Here's a detailed process to accomplish that:
1. Each time you practice simply compare where you are with each of key elements
of your objective.
2. Record a 1-10 rating for each where 1 equals nothing accomplished and 10
equals full accomplishment.
3. Check your intuition: is there a feeling that one of more of your statements of key
elements (from the Target Process) needs to be revised in some way? If so, go to
the next step. If not, you've completed your self-management check. You can
proceed to the next practice step.
4. If you realize that you weren't adequately clear or specific in the way you stated
one or more of your key elements during the Target Process, revise them until you
get an intuitive signal that your new written version is on-track.
5. Re-visualize and re-anchor each of the modified key elements, one at a time. Start
doing that by checking whether the memories you used as a starting point for your
Target Process visualizations are still appropriate. Where this is not the case,
identify a more appropriate memory.
6. Repeat steps 4 through 9 of the Target Process with respect to the key elements
you have modified.
7. If necessary, revise your written Affirmation.
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Increase The Priority of Your Target.
Repetition increases unconscious priority as in memorizing lines for a play. Similarly,
repeatedly visualizing and anchoring the imaginary experience of having just successfully
achieved your objective increases the intensity of your unconscious focus on achieving
your objective.
In addition, when you repeatedly anchor your End Point Success Image in your Inner
Anchor Point, you further prioritize that imaginary tool.
How to Identify And Resolve Blockers That Would Normally Prevent
Achievement Of Your Objective
Blockers are usually of two types: concrete barriers and hidden messages.
Some can be resolved by simply doing the Super Achievement Clearing Process. Once
you have mastered the process, this should only take a minute or two.
However, strongly persistent blockers often require a Base-Reframing or a Sub-
Personality Negotiation to achieve resolution.
Whichever approach you take, it is critical to resolve these blockers before they stop you.
The first step in doing so is to identify them. This is frequently the most challenging step
because they hide in the cloak of familiarity. If you let that stop you, so will the blockers.
Here are some examples (put a check mark by the familiar ones):
This is good enough. I can't really have what I'm after. I'll be okay with second
I just can't imagine myself being truly successful!
I just can't do this.
I don't really want that anyway, referring to something you really wanted when you
set out to get it. This is known as the sour grapes effect.
It's too easy. Why bother? when mid-way to achievement of something you really
wanted when you set out on the journey.
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I'm confused. I really don't understand how to do this and then ignoring all the
instruction available to you.
It may work for them but it won't for me. This is the I'm defective blocker.
I fall asleep whenever I try. This is another way of saying My conscious mind gets
turned off. One good way to handle this is to stand up while you are practicing.
I don't have time now but I'll get to it later. Want to bet?
I'm too tired or I'm too depressed when choosing whether to go toward what you
want or back away from it.
The Golden Key
The above is just a sampling of the myriad blockers that fill our lives.
So here's a simple general rule for sniffing out your blockers:
Whenever you are experiencing anything other than inner joy, loving,
harmony, enthusiasm, high energy and a sense of fulfillment of your
potential, you are encountering a blocker!
The tip of the iceberg that leads you to the blocker is any feeling that's other than joy,
loving, harmony, enthusiasm, high energy and a sense of fulfillment of your potential.
Its that simple!
Summary of the Recommended Practice Schedule
1. Read through your list of Target Process key elements. Rate how you are doing on
each using a 1 to 10 scale where 1 equals no apparent progress and 10 equals
completed. Modify any key elements that no longer seem appropriate and repeat
the Target Process with them (as described above).
2. Read through your Target Process Affirmation several times. (This describes your
imaginary experience of having just successfully completed your objective.)
Then recreate the imaginary experience that it describes, your End Point Success
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Image, bring it to a 10 level of desirability, and anchor it in your Inner Anchor
Point along with the instruction that this be manifested on or before the End Point
Date in ways that are for the highest good of you and of all concerned.
3. Perform a Time-Tripping process (as you already did while creating your Target
and as described above).
4. If necessary, update your written Affirmation to reflect any significant changes in
your imaginary experience of having just achieved your objective.
Initially this will take about 20 to 30 minutes.
It is best to follow this process daily for the first week after setting your objective. The
recommended frequency then drops to every 2 days during the second week, twice during
the third, and weekly thereafter until you reach your target date.
Whats Next?
If you have properly formulated and translated your objective, practiced according to the
schedule presented in this chapter and resolved blockers as they arise, you should have
very close to a 100 percent chance of achieving your seemingly impossible objective,
right on schedule.
In other words, start expecting miracles!
Now, go have fun!
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A Word from The Author
Youve now ended one journey reading this book and are embarking on others
achieving your seemingly impossible wishes.
The more you use the Cybernetic Transposition techniques, the more rapidly you will
rediscover your own natural forms of them.
In other words, just like riding a bike or driving a car, when you started it required a lot
of conscious attention but as you created clear unconscious models things became easy
and natural.
The same thing will happen with the Cybernetic Transposition techniques and, to assist
you, Im including the Unadvertised Bonus #1, a process to simplify and personalize
these techniques once you have learned them.
One of the things that really pleases me is hearing about the successes achieved with
what Ive developed. If you have any youd like to share, please send me an email with a
If you have questions, please consult the book. Ive tried to make it comprehensive and I
think that all the answers are there.
To make it easier for you to find things, all of the Chapter and Section headings are
included in the bookmarks. Just click on the Bookmarks tab on the left side of the
Acrobat window and then on the item youre looking for.
Or, if you remember the specific words or phrases you are seeking, use Acrobats Find
function by clicking on the Binocular icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen, typing in
what youre seeking and clicking on the Find button. If you want to keep looking for
the same thing, youll see that the Find button has now changed to Find Again so just
click it again and again if you wish.
The Bonuses and Unadvertised Bonuses reflect a tremendous amount of my experience
and that of the 50,000 plus other users of this system.
The forms and audio instructions have been refined over 25 years and are powerful tools
to help you get what you want.
Secrets Of Making Large Sums Of Money In Your Own Business is a complete eBook that
presents material derived from starting or participating in the startup of over 500
How to Get Lots of Money for Anything Fast
Page 224
Copyright 2002 by Stuart Lichtman All Rights Reserved
Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited.
businesses, running or shadow managing about 100 of them and consulting to a very
large number of other firms. Most of what it presents will be found nowhere else.
The Zappers are clever, simple and quick variations on the basic Cybernetic
Transposition techniques that, once you have unconsciously learned the Super
techniques, will make things much easier and more successful in ordinary, day to day
The techniques described in Cut The Time It Takes You To Do Things In Half
Effortlessly have typically resulted in savings of 50% or more in the time it took very
busy people to accomplish their work, usually when doing so seemed completely
impossible and this was usually accompanied by improved performance.
The Unadvertised Bonuses will teach you how to find perfect romantic and business
partners, how to get a perfect job, how to invent million dollar ideas, how to use the
Cybernetic Transposition techniques to achieve any of your other goals, how to discover
and harness the power of what you were born to do, how to access your True-Self, how
to simplify and personalize the Cybernetic Transposition techniques with no loss and
perhaps an increase in effectiveness and how to become lucky.
My goal in writing this book is to help you make your life a paradise on earth. Lots of
people have done so using these techniques.
Have a wonderful, exciting and very fulfilling journey.
Stuart Lichtman
How to Get Lots of Money for Anything Fast
Page 225
Copyright 2002 by Stuart Lichtman All Rights Reserved
Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited.
About the Authors
Stuart Lichtman is a manager, entrepreneur, researcher, consultant, and trainer. He is
the developer of the Cybernetic Transposition and Shared-Vision Leadership systems,
author of The Art of Success, Luck, and Harmony and The Impossible as a Matter of
He's also creator of the Arintel artificial intelligence data analysis program, President of
Partners in Excellence, Inc. and President of Successful Ventures Publishing, Inc.
His formal education includes undergraduate and graduate work at MIT in engineering,
psychology, and artificial intelligence, masters work in applied psychology, and doctoral
work in organization development and cross cultural business. He has also conducted
extensive research on the unconscious/intuitive bases of success and the individual and
collective operation of the human mind.
His practical education includes running or shadow-running about 100 companies and
training about 50,000 people around the world.
He is available for private consultations, key note talks and to conduct in-house seminars
and workshops. You can reach him at [email protected]
Joe Vitale is the world's first Hypnotic Marketer. He is President of Hypnotic Marketing,
Inc., and author of way too many books to list here, including the #1 best-selling book
"Spiritual Marketing," the best-selling e-book Hypnotic Writing," and the best-selling
Nightingale-Conant audioprogram, "The Power of Outrageous Marketing." His main
website is at