1.Tell me about yourself: Be careful that it does not sound rehearsed. Limit it to work-related items unless instructed otherwise. Sir, I am Veena kanakan, now, mother of a 2. -month-old !eautiful !a!y "irl. I was !orn and !ou"ht u# in a small $illa"e called !rahmaman"alam and had my schoolin" their. %fter that I com#leted !y de"ree in Bsc &hysic from ' B (olle"e )halayola#aram!u. I was the second rank holder for my #ost "raduation in *sc I) from * + ,ni$ersity -ottayam. )his was done at Swami saswathikanatha (olle"e, ,dayam#eroor. %fter the course in 2../ I 0oined as a #ro"rammer analyst in Info$ista technolo"ies ,S%, a software com#any #laced in Info &ark, -akkanad. I continued with them until I was in my fifth month of #re"nancy. Howe$er due to some health #ro!lems 1threatened a!ortion2 I was ad$ised to take !ead rest for the rest of the #eriod and hence was forced to resi"n from the com#any. 3ow I am at home lookin" after my !a!y and also searchin" for a suita!le new o#enin" to kick-start my career a"ain. Sir, Is there anything else you'd like to know about me?
2. Why did you leave your last job? Stay #ositi$e re"ardless of the circumstances. 3e$er refer to a ma0or #ro!lem with mana"ement and ne$er s#eak ill of su#er$isors, coworkers or the or"ani4ation. I was workin" as #ro"rammer analyst with Info $ista technolo"ies ,S%. I really en0oyed these assi"nments, which was mainly interactin" with the clients to know their re5uirements 1PREPARATION OF SRS SRS is so!tware re"uirement s#e$i!i$ation% it $ontains the s&w re"uirement details like what is !ront end te$hnology% ba$kend te$hnology% os and hardware ar$hite$ture o! the #ro'e$t(2, #re#are the codin" alon" with the #ro0ect team, which re5uired stron" communication skills and #roacti$e nature. Howe$er when I was #re"nant I was forced to take !ed rest continually from my fifth month onwards. I was not allowed to tra$el !y my doctor. 6e5uirements of continuous lea$e for nearly 7 months forced me to 5uit the 0o! 3. What are the good qualities for a Probationary Offi er? )he "ood 5ualities of a #ro!ationary officer are first of all to !e rece#ti$e and alert towards all that is ha##enin" in the !ank and outside. He should !e coo#erati$e and
friendly towards the staff and also towards the customer. He also needs to de$elo# a humane and intelli"ent kind of leadershi#, communication, res#onsi!ility and accounta!ility related as#ects. In short he should !e ha$in" an attracti$e sincere and industrious #ersonality. !. "o# long #ould it ta$e before you ould ontribute to this %an$? I'd need to "et a !etter idea of the full res#onsi!ilities associated with this 0o!, alon" with an idea of the com#le8ities of each. I am confident that with the (om#letion of the trainin" sti#ulated !y the Syndicate !ank I will !e a!le to dischar"e the assi"ned o!li"ations in a res#onsi!le and effecti$e manner. &. 'o you onsider yourself su essful? )ou should always answer yes and brie!ly e*#lain why. % "ood e8#lanation is that you ha$e set "oals, and you ha$e met some and are on track to achie$e the others. (. What do you $no# about )T in %an$s you? In India, !anks as well as other financial entities entered the world of information technolo"y and with Indian 9inancial 3et 1I39I3:)2. I39I3:), a wide area satellite !ased network 1;%32 usin" VS%) 1Very Small %#erture )erminals2 technolo"y, was 0ointly set u# !y the 6eser$e Bank and Institute for 'e$elo#ment and 6esearch in Bankin" )echnolo"y 1I'6B)2in<une=>>>. )he Indian 9inancial 3etwork 1I39I3:)2, which initially com#rised only the #u!lic sector !anks, was o#ened u# for #artici#ation !y other cate"ories of mem!ers. )he first set of a##lications that could !enefit "reatly from the use of technolo"ical ad$ances in the com#uter and communications area relate to the &ayment systems which form the lifeline of any !ankin" acti$ity. )he #rocess of reforms in #ayment and settlement systems has "ained momentum with the im#lementation of #ro0ects such as 3'S 113e"otiated 'ealin" System2, (9*S 1(entralised 9unds *ana"ement System2 for !etter funds mana"ement !y !anks and S9*S 1Structured 9inancial *essa"in" Solution2 for secure messa"e transfer. )his would result in funds transfers and funds-related messa"e transfer to !e routed electronically across !anks usin" the medium of the I39I3:). 3e"otiated dealin" system 13'S2, which has !ecome o#erational since 9e!ruary 2..2 and 6)+S 16eal )ime +ross Settlement system2 scheduled towards the end of 2..? are other ma0or de$elo#ments in the area.
Internet has si"nificantly influenced deli$ery channels of the !anks. Internet has emer"ed as an im#ortant medium for deli$ery of !ankin" #roducts @ ser$ices. 'etailed "uidelines of 6BI for Internet Bankin" has #re#ared the necessary "round for "rowth of Internet Bankin" in India. )he Information )echnolo"y %ct, 2... has "i$en le"al reco"nition to creation, transmission and retention of an electronic 1or ma"netic2 data to !e treated as $alid #roof in a court of law, e8ce#t in those areas, which continue to !e "o$erned !y the #ro$isions of the 3e"otia!le Instruments %ct, =77=. Banks definately use 'ata!ases 1oracle A ms SBL etc2 to store customer records. )he 'Bs are well "uarded 19irewall2 Security is of the u# most im#ortance so there's security in software 1%nti-$irus A sw firewall etc2, hardware firewall, smart card readers, fin"er #rint scan, iris reco"nition. )he 'ata is most likely encry#ted. *. What do you $no# about this organi+ation? Syndicate !ank is one of the #remium #u!lic sector Banks in India with 3early >.. (rores of &rofit in the 9C- .7-.> alone and ha$in" an a##ro8imate turn o$er of nearly =.,... (rores. ;ith its motto as a D9aithful and 9riendly financial #artner E syndicate !ank is effecti$ely #artici#atin" in our nation !uildin" #rocess. )he Bank has created for itself a solid customer !ase com#risin" customers of two or three "enerations and has firm roots in rural India like my small $illa"e !rhmaman"alam. )he Bank is also $ery well e5ui##ed in the areas of information technolo"y related ser$ices. It has nearly .. (entrali4ed Bankin" Solution 1(BS2 !ranches where!y it is #ro$idin" $ery fast ser$ices to its customers. +oin" one ste# ahead ,yndi ate%an$ has a #holly o#ned subsidiary vi+ -,ynd%an$ ,ervi es .imited- as to underta$e %PO a tivities. )his initiati$e of the Bank heralds a new !e"innin" in the Indian Bankin" industry !y car$in" out the first B&F outfit of a 3ationali4ed Bank. )his B&F (om#any is undertakin" the Back Fffice functions relatin" to 'e!it (ards, (redit (ard, %)*s, and new #roducts of the !anks.
8. Why do you want to work for this organization? It is one of my dreams to work with a premier public sector organization in the country. And I feel this interview here is a step ahead for the same.
9. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead ofyour own? This is a straight loyalty and dedication question. Do not worry about the deep ethical and philosophical implications. Just say yes. 10. Describe your Try to avoid labels. anage ent style.
can have several meanings or descriptions depending on which management e"pert you listen to. The situational style is safe! because it says you will manage according to the situation! instead of one size fits all.
!0. Do you ha"e any blind spots? Trick question. If you know about blind spots! they are no longer blind spots. Do not reveal any personal areas of concern here. #et them do their own discovery on your bad points. Do not hand it to them. !1. #f you were hiring a person for this $ob% what would you look for? $e careful to mention traits that are needed and that you have. !&. Do you think you are o"er'ualified for this position? %egardless of your qualifications! state that you are very well qualified for the position.
India has 77 scheduled commercial !anks 1S(Bs2 - 2G #u!lic sector !anks 1that is with the +o$ernment of India holdin" a stake2, ?= #ri$ate !anks 1these do not ha$e "o$ernment stakeH they may !e #u!licly listed and traded on stock e8chan"es2 and ?7 forei"n !anks. )hey ha$e a com!ined network of o$er ?,... !ranches and =G,... %)*s. Bankin" in India is "enerally fairly mature in terms of su##ly, #roduct ran"e and reach-e$en thou"h reach in rural India still remains a challen"e for the #ri$ate sector and forei"n !anks. In terms of 5uality of assets and ca#ital ade5uacy, Indian !anks are considered to ha$e clean, stron" and trans#arent
!alance sheets relati$e to other !anks in com#ara!le economies in its re"ion. )he 6eser$e Bank of India is an autonomous !ody, with minimal #ressure from the "o$ernment
%an$ / ount
F#en !ank account - the most common and first ser$ice of the !ankin" sector. )here are different ty#es of !ank account in Indian !ankin" sector. )he !ank accounts are as followsI Bank Sa$in"s %ccount - Bank Sa$in"s %ccount can !e o#ened for eli"i!le #erson A #ersons and certain or"anisations A a"encies 1as ad$ised !y 6eser$e Bank of India 16BI2 from time to time2 Bank (urrent %ccount - Bank (urrent %ccount can !e o#ened !y indi$iduals A #artnershi# firms A &ri$ate and &u!lic Limited (om#anies A H,9s A S#ecified %ssociates A Societies A )rusts, etc. Bank )erm 'e#osits %ccount - Bank )erm 'e#osits %ccount can !e o#ened !y indi$iduals A #artnershi# firms A &ri$ate and &u!lic Limited (om#anies A H,9sA S#ecified %ssociates A Societies A )rusts, etc. Bank %ccount Fnline - ;ith the ad$ancement of technolo"y, the ma0or !anks in the #u!lic and #ri$ate sector has faciliated their customer to o#en !ank account online. Bank account online is re"istered throu"h a &( with an Internet connection. )he ad$ent of !ank account online has sa$ed !oth the cost of o#eration for !anks as well as the time taken in o#enin" an account. Note + A minor a$$ount $an be o#ened but 'ointly with a guardian and only the guardian would is allowed to o#erate the a$$ount( 0eneral 1ro edure to o1en an a ount )he Bank will #ro$ide you with details of $arious ty#es of accounts that you may o#en with the Bank. Cou can ha$e your choice on what ty#e of account would !est suit you, !ased on your needs and re5uirements )he Bank will, #rior to o#enin" an account, re5uire documentation and information as #rescri!ed !y the J-now Cour (ustomerJ 1-C(2 "uidelines issued !y 6BI and or such other norms or #rocedures ado#ted !y the Bank #rior to o#enin" the account. )he due dili"ence #rocess that the Bank would follow, will in$ol$e #ro$idin" documentation $erifyin" your identity, $erifyin" your address, and information on your occu#ation or !usiness and source of funds. %s #art of the due dili"ence #rocess the Bank may also re5uire an introduction from a #erson acce#ta!le to the Bank if they so deem necessary and will need your recent #hoto"ra#hs. )he Bank is re5uired !y law to o!tain &ermanent %ccount 3um!er 1&%32 or +eneral Inde8 6e"ister 1+I62 3um!er or, where you do not #ossess such re"istration, declaration in 9orm 3o. /. or /= as s#ecified under the Income )a8 6ules.
In the e$ent that the account o#enin" #rocess is likely to take lon"er than normal, the Bank will inform you of the re$ised timeline. Cou can also call your !ranch or the e8ecuti$e for any 5ueries that you may ha$e and the !ranch A e8ecuti$e will re$ert on the 5uery at the earliest. )he Bank will #ro$ide you with the account o#enin" forms and other rele$ant material to ena!le you o#en the account. Bank #ersonnel will ad$ise you on the com#lete details of information that would !e re5uired !y the Bank for the $erification #rocess. )he Bank reser$es the ri"ht, at its sole discretion, to o#en any account and at such terms as the Bank may #rescri!e from time to time
8. What challenges do you think you'll face in this job? What problems do you think you'll face in this job? Answer :Having worked in a similar role at ABC & Co, I expect that this job will present regular deadlines to meet, strains on resource availability, con licting priorities, and budgetary concerns to name but a ew issues! "hese are challenges that I#ve success ully tackled in the past and I#m sure that record would continue here! I relish a challenge and there#s nothing that I#ve seen in this job that intimidates me in any way! 9. What salary do you think you deser e? Answer :Having worked in the advertising industry or seven years, I bring a valuable combination o expertise, experience and dedication to each new job! I expect that a compensation towards the top o the salary range or this position would ade$uately re lect the value o my skills! !". What is your salary history? #o you e$pect that pattern to continue? Answer ! :%Candidate with good salary increases& In the our years o my employment at ABC & Co I was very happy with my salary growth! 'y most recent increase was a ()* rise a ter the success ul completion o a year+long project! I eel that the increase re lected my per ormance and the extra responsibilities I assumed during the course o the project! I hope ,-. Corp is an organi/ation that rewards excellent per ormances in a similar ashion! Is it0 Answer % :%Candidate with disappointing salary increases& 'y average salary increase during the course o my career has been 1*, although as I moved jobs and assumed extra responsibilities that increase has invariably been higher! 2n ortunately I was disappointed with the salary increases at my last job, which averaged 3!)* ! "his was due to a irm+wide rigid salary structure that I elt did not reward excellent employees over those that made a signi icantly worse e ort! "his is one o the reasons that I have decided to look or a job with a more ambitious company where I will be rewarded according to my per ormance!
!&. When would you e$pect your ne$t promotion? Answer:It#s di icult to give an exact time without knowing the personnel structure within ,-. Corp and speci ically the line o responsibility associated with this position! However, I#m an ambitious person and through hard work, dedication, and with the guidance o a good manager, I aim to gain my next promotion as soon as possible, ideally ahead o #normal# time rames! !'. Why are you seeking a new job? Answer:I#ve worked with ABC & Co or three years! 4uring that time I#ve achieved all o the goals I set mysel
and I#ve enjoyed every minute! 5ow, however, my aspirations extend beyond those o ABC & Co! I would like to tackle a new challenge in a di erent environment! !(. Where do you see this company going? Answer:,-. Corp is the number three irm in the corporate security sector! "he company does not hide the act that it wants to lead the sector within two years! I believe that the irm can achieve this! It#s a young company with a dynamic work orce and a tremendous growth rate! ,-. Corp#s bright uture make it a very attractive place to work! !). *f you were offered this job+ what factors will dictate whether you accept it or not? Answer:I#m at various stages o the interview process with a number o irms at the moment! 'y pre erred position will be in a company that o ers a challenging environment, a prospect or promotion, and a rewarding working experience! It#s important to me that I work or a company with bright prospects and strong desire or success! 6bviously ,-. Corp is one o my pre erred companies! !8. ,his is a much bigger company than you' e e er worked at. -ow do you feel about that? Answer:I#m very excited! I#ve worked at three small or medium si/ed companies during my career and while there have been di erent challenges at each, I#ve always been success ul! I#m looking or a new challenge in a large organi/ation where I can apply my talents! "his position in ,-. Corp certainly matches what I#m looking or !9. ,his is a much smaller company than you' e e er worked at. -ow do you feel about that? Answer:It#s great! I#ve learnt a lot working in a large organi/ation and I#m looking orward to applying my knowledge and experience in a smaller arena! I#m under no illusions that the task ahead will be every bit as challenging as my previous role, i not more so, but it#s a challenge that I#d relish! %". What do you know about our products? Answer:I know that ,-. 7o t speciali/e in the development o so tware solutions or small and medium si/ed businesses! "he irm#s best+selling products are leaders in the ield + the ,-. 8roject 'anagement "ool and the ,-. 8ersonnel 'anagement "ool! I eel that ,-. 7o t has a solid product and customer base upon which it can build in the uture! I understand that the irm#s aim is to develop existing and new products with the aim o breaking into the Corporate sector! It#s an ambitious aim but one that I believe ,-. 7o t are more than capable o achieving! A major attraction o this position is the opportunity it o ers to be a part o the challenging and exciting times ahead at ,-. 7o %!. Why did you apply for this job? Why do you want this position? What interests you about this position? Answer :I#ve worked in the travel industry or ive years and I#ve enjoyed every minute! I#d like to work or ,-. Corp because they are industry leaders and I want to work with the best people and the best products I can! "here are exciting times ahead or the irm, particularly in light o the irm#s recent announcement that it was expanding it#s product range by 3)* over the next 39 months! I eel that my drive, creativity and determination will be an asset to the irm and will enable me to succeed in this role! "his position would enable me to apply my skills in an exciting and challenging environment! I think this position is a per ect match or my talents and my career goals! %%. What separates this company from our competitors? Answer :ABC Corp spent much o the eighties and nineties among the top seven engineering companies in the state! It is now the undisputed leader in ive states with aspirations to become the leading company in the sector countrywide! "hat tells me that the company is highly ambitious, with a commitment to excellence in every department that enables it to meet, and indeed surpass, its aspirations! ABC Corp is now the company that its competitors aspire to become! "hat is what separates this company rom its competitors! %.. What attracts you to this company? What interests you about this company? Answer :ABC Corp is a leading national so tware vendor! It has set itsel aggressive targets to achieve in the near to medium term! In particular, the irm aims to become the leading vendor on the Internet within three years! I respect the history o the irm rom a small start+up to one o the largest employers in the state! I also respect the principles upon which it has grown! "he irm has achieved magni icent results to date and I would like to help it achieve its goals in the uture!
%&. #o you feel o er/ualified for this job? Answer :I don#t think there#s such a thing as being over+$uali ied or a job! :very position brings with it a new environment, new people and new challenges! I eel that the skills I would bring to a new job can only help me to do a better job, and would in no way hinder the challenges I would ace! %'. #o you feel under/ualified for this job? Answer :I attended weekend computer courses at my local district college or three years! It has changed me rom someone who was scared o using a computer into a very competent computer user! 'y training has enabled me to gain promotion into a senior administrative role in my current job! %(. What courses0classes ha e you taken to stay ahead in your field? Answer :I attended weekend computer courses at my local district college or three years! It has changed me rom someone who was scared o using a computer into a very competent computer user! 'y training has enabled me to gain promotion into a senior administrative role in my current job! %). What educational goals do you currently ha e? Answer :I enjoy sailing very much! In the near uture I plan to begin studying in order to become a $uali ied yachtsman! 'y ultimate goal is to become su iciently experienced that I could skipper a crew in a competitive race! %8. -a e you completed your education? Answer :I believe that I#ve inished my ormal school and college education! ;ight now I#m ocusing on my career and on being as good at my job as I possibly can! I enjoy learning and I think it#s essential in both personal and career development! Ideally, I hope that the irm I join will encourage growth and learning through in+house and<or external training! I strongly believe that the most important component o learning occurs #on the job# where you learn rom your peers, manager and others around you! In summary, my answer is #5o#, I very much hope that my education is not over! %9. What did you like most about college? Answer :I enjoyed many things about college! It was a new challenge and an opportunity or me to expand my hori/ons both educationally and personally! 8erhaps the most enjoyable aspect was the chance to meet new people rom di erent backgrounds! 6 course the social aspect o college was immense un, but I also relished collaborating with other people with di erent speciali/ations rom me! .". What did you like least about college? Answer :It may seem a bit premature, but I would very much like to develop my project management and team leadership skills! I would very much like to take responsibility or a project or team in the next twelve months and I think developing those skills now would make the transition easier! .!. What skills do you need to de elop most? Answer :It may seem a bit premature, but I would very much like to develop my project management and team leadership skills! I would very much like to take responsibility or a project or team in the next twelve months and I think developing those skills now would make the transition easier! .%. #o you ha e any financial /ualifications? Answer !:-es, I took a inance module or two semesters in college! I#ve been surprised how use ul my inancial knowledge has been during my career! It has helped me schedule project budgets, analy/e inancial reports and prepare inancial projections! "here#s no doubt that I#m a better manager or having this knowledge! Answer %: I haven#t had the opportunity to take any ormal inancial training yet! However I#ve had an in ormal training through the various project management roles I#ve ul illed! I#ve gained some very good experience projecting budgets and preparing inancial statements and I would eel com ortable undertaking similar duties! ... #o you ha e any *, 1*nformation ,echnology2 /ualifications? Answer !: -es, I took a computer applications module or two semesters in college! It#s helped give me a better knowledge o how computers, operating systems and a wide range o so tware packages work! I#ve been able to apply this knowledge when tackling problems! Answer %: I haven#t had the opportunity to take any ormal I" training yet! However, I#ve used computers extensively at every job I#ve had and I#m very much at home using a word processor, spreadsheet, database and
project management so tware! I have a computer at home too which I use to track my amily#s inances and to access the Internet! I#m very com ortable using computers! .&. Would you object to attending training seminars in your own time? Answer :5ot at all! I#m looking or a company with an active training program, and I#m always willing to attain new skills! 6ther company#s I#ve interviewed with host training within the working day! Is it ,-. Corp company policy to always hold training outside o working hours0 .'. Why did you select your college or uni ersity? Answer :I was glad to be accepted at my number one choice college! I spent $uite a lot o time researching colleges with biochemistry aculties! It became obvious that this college commanded a tremendous reputation or its pioneering work and is one o the best in its ield in the country! .(. What are your strengths? -ow do they help you? Answer :I#m well motivated, I#ve got a strong desire to succeed, and I#m always ready and willing to learn new in ormation and skills! .). What are your weaknesses? -ow do you o ercome them? Answer :I#m always ready to learn new skills and adapt my methods to become better at what I do! I I become aware o a weakness in my knowledge base or in the way I per orm my duties, I do my best to ill that gap whether through ormal training, in ormal training, or directly rom my colleagues! .8. What makes you think you're /ualified for this job? Answer :I studied or a diploma in computers which I enjoyed immensely! In my last job I was able to apply knowledge I#d gained on the course to do my job better! I streamlined many o the department#s manual tasks by moving them rom paper to a computer+based solution! I#ve also got an advanced sailing certi icate! "his has helped me build many team+working skills! =hen I worked at ,-. Corp I voluntarily attended a series o in+ house personal development training programs! .9. ,ell me about yourself. Answer :I#m an ambitious, sel +motivated account executive and I#m very happy in my li e right now! I#m looking to change jobs because I eel I#ve achieved all o the goals I set out or mysel when I embarked in my previous role, six years ago! I#ve still got a strong appetite or success and I#m looking or a job that will provide resh challenges and rewards! &". #o you like to work as part of a team or alone. Why? Answer :I work very well when I#m part o a team, I value the ability to bounce ideas o other people and also provide my input, whenever it#s wanted! 6 course I#m more than capable o working alone whenever I#m re$uired to do so too! '!. -ow do you plan to achie e those goals? Answer :I plan on gaining additional skills by taking related classes and continuing my involvement with a variety o pro essional associations! I noticed that ,-. company %the company you are interviewing with& provides in+house training or employees and I would certainly be interested in taking classes that would be relevant! I will continue my pro essional development my participating in con erences, attending seminars, and continuing my education! '%. 3ou ha en't worked for a long time. Are you sure you can handle this job? Answer :-ou may have gaps in your employment due to amily responsibilities! 8erhaps you#ve been a homemaker or a caregiver! -ou may have retired and then decided to work again! 'emori/e one phrase or short sentence to explain your situation! "hen emphasi/e the experience you#ve gained!
'.. What kind of worker are you? Answer :Again, no one is per ect! 7howing that you tackle every assignment with all o your energy and talents is admirable but mention that you also learn rom your mistakes! '&. What causes you to lose your temper? Answer ::verybody has a low boiling point on some particular issue! 8ick one o yours> something sa e and reasonable! 8eople who are late to meetings, blame shi ting, broken appointments and o ice ##back+stabbing## are suitable responses! 4on#t say that you never ly o the handle! -ou won#t be believed! ''. What did you like most about your pre ious job? What did you like least about your pre ious job? Answer :An employer can evaluate the type o worker you will be by the items you choose! Cite speci ics! -ou are also providing clues about the environment you seek! =hat you liked most can include a strong teamwork atmosphere, high+level o creativity, and attainable deadlines! =hat you liked least should include any situations you are unlikely to encounter in your new position! '(. 3our resume suggests that you may be o er4/ualified or too e$perienced for this position. What's 3our opinion? Answer ::mphasi/e your interest in establishing a long+term association with the organi/ation, and say that you assume that i you per orm well in his job, new opportunities will open up or you! 'ention that a strong company needs a strong sta ! 6bserve that experienced executives are always at a premium! 7uggest that since you are so well$uali ied, the employer will get a ast return on his investment! 7ay that a growing, energetic company can never have too much talent! '). -ow long would you stay with us? Answer :7ay that you are interested in a career with the organi/ation, but admit that you would have to continue to eel challenged to remain with any organi/ation! "hink in terms o , ##As long as we both eel achievement+ oriented!## '8. ,ell me about a time you had to handle multiple responsibilities. -ow did you organi5e the work you needed to do? Answer :=hile attending college, I also worked at a law irm! I was success ul because I practiced good time+ management skills and I made a to+do list every day! As I completed each task, I checked it o the list! It is unny how something so simple can keep you so organi/ed! As a result o my to+do lists, I was able to visuali/e my daily progress! '9. #escribe a situation in which you found that your results were not up to your professor's or super isor's e$pectations. What happened? What action did you take? Answer :;ecently I was asked to put together a proposal or a migration o network systems! 'isunderstanding my boss, I thought it was just an in ormal paper! =hen I presented it to him days later, he was upset with the $uality since it had to be presented to our ?8! I explained my misunderstanding, apologi/ed, reworked the paper, and had it back to him with enough time or him to review it be ore he presented it success ully at the meeting! (". What would you do with your life if money was not a concern? Answer :I am not depending on money to make me happy! =hat makes me happy is having a satis ying job that provides challenge and new situations daily!
The Best Answers to Tough Interview Questions Tell me about yourself. This is really more of a request than a question. But these few words can put you on the spot in a way no question can. Many quickly lose control of the interview during the most critical time- the first five minutes. This is not the time to go into a lengthy history or wander off in different directions. Your response should be focused and purposeful. Communicate a pattern of interests and skills that relate to the position in question. Consider your response to this question as a commercial that sells your autobiography. rovide an answer that includes
information about where you grew up! where you went to school! your initial work e"perience! additional education and special training! where you are now! and what you intend to do ne"t. #ne of the most effective ways to prepare for this question is to develop a $%-second biographic sketch that emphasi&es a pattern of interests! skills! and accomplishments. 'ocus your response around a common theme related to your ma(or interests and skills. Take! for e"ample! the following response! which emphasi&es computers. "I was born in Canton, Ohio and attended Lincoln High School. Ever since I was a teenager, I tinkered with computers. It was m hobb , m passion, and m wa o! learning. Like most kids I en"o ed computer games. #hen m !olks gave me a computer as a reward !or making honor roll m sophomore ear, I mastered $OS, #indows, and #ord%er!ect within si& months. I then went on to teach m sel! programming basics. ' the time I graduated high school, I knew I wanted to stud programming. (rom that point on, ever thing !ell into place. ) li!e revolved around computing. ' m "unior ear at S racuse, I decided I wanted to work !or a ma"or so!tware manu!acturer. *hat is wh I had an internship last summer at (ast*rack So!tware. I now want to work !or a ma"or pla er so I can be at the !ore!ront o! breaking trends and new technolog . #hen m college roommate told me about his start in our department, I hounded him until he helped me get a re!erral, which brought me here toda . I am prepared to answer an +uestions ou ma have about m education and e&perience." This response sets a nice tone for starting the interview. The interviewee is able to say a lot within $% seconds by staying focused. The message is clear) the interviewee has both passion and focus relating to the position. *e stays on message and concludes by leaving the door open for additional questions about his education and e"perience. +nfortunately some candidates get off on the wrong foot by rambling on for several minutes about their childhood! family! hobbies! travels! and interests. ,epeat -ey .ccomplishment /tatements Throughout the interview you will be asked numerous questions about your attitude and ability to do the (ob. 0henever possible! talk about your accomplishments in terms of what you did and the results of your actions for employers. 1ive e"amples of your effectiveness! which should include specific skills and statistics. Where do you see yourself five years from now? This open-ended question is one of the most difficult and stressful ones (ob seekers face. 2mployers ostensibly ask this question because they are looking for people who know what they want to do and who are focused on specific professional goals. 3f you lack goals! you will have difficulty answering this question. Be sure you arrive at the interview with a clear vision of what you want to do today! tomorrow and five years from now. Be consistent with the ob(ective on your resume and the skills and accomplishments you4re communicating to the interviewer. Your answer should be employer-centered. 'or e"ample! "In !ive ears I hope to be working with an emplo er in an increasingl responsible position, that enables me to utili,e m talents and work closel with m colleagues in solving important problems. I see m sel! taking on new and e&citing challenges in an en"o able environment and hope!ull this will be with our compan ." 5o not indicate that you hope to start your own business! change careers! or go back to school. /uch responses indicate a lack of long-term interest since you do not plan to be around for long. 0hile some may respond that they honestly haven4t really thought that far ahead! the interviewer infers that the applicant lacks vision and goals.
Describe a major goal you ve set for yourself recently. 1ive an e"ample of a goal you both set and achieved. 3deally! this should be a professional goal6 such as improved time management skills! achieved new performance targets! or learned a new skill. . personal e"ample can also be appropriate if it reinforces your pattern of accomplishments. 'or e"ample! if you take a great deal of initiative and quickly move into leadership positions! you might use a personal e"ample relating to your recent community work) organi&ed a community walk-a-thon that raised 78%!%%% in matching funds to purchase new computers for the local library. Talk about results of achieving your goal. This indicates you set realistic goals and that you can focus on outcomes. /elect an e"ample that has interesting outcomes related to your efforts. The e"ample should showcase your skills and abilities. !ow that you ve had a chance to learn more about us" what would you change about our com#any? Be careful here. Most companies don4t want you to come in and shake up the place. .t the same time! they don4t want someone who says! 9:othing! everything looks great here.9 /eek a middle ground by focusing on one or two non-threatening issues that may have come up in your discussions. 'or e"ample! "(rom our discussion o! the problem with the southwest accounts, I think we should look into the possibilit o! consolidating them the L- o!!ice. However, I think we need to do a thorough cost.bene!it anal sis o! this region be!ore making such a move. #e ma !ind the %hoeni& o!!ice to be more bene!icial." /uch an answer indicates you are open to making changes but you also have a certain nonthreatening decision-making style. Your response should sound sensible and innovative. We all have wea$nesses. What are some of your major wea$nesses? This is not the time to confess all your problems nor to confidently say you have no weaknesses. The best way to handle this question is to mention personal weaknesses that are outside the (ob or a professional weakness that you have already improved upon. 'or e"ample! "I have a real weakness !or chocolate that tends to go right to m waist/ I0m watching m calories care!ull these da s/" or "I0ve never been good with accounting. I0m glad this "ob doesn0t involve accounting." Or "I have a tendenc to take on too much on m own. I am working on this b delegating more." What ty#e of decisions do you have difficulty ma$ing? /how that you are generally decisive but mention that there are situations that give you time to pause or you are learning how to better make decisions. 'or e"ample! "I sometimes have di!!icult choosing between two e+uall good ideas." or "I used to have di!!icult sa ing 0no0 to people until I learned to better set priorities." What is your biggest failure? 'ocus on something outside your work or something that happened on the (ob that you later fi"ed. 5o not admit to any personal quality that might hamper (ob performance! such as procrastination! la&iness or lack of concentration. Choose something that will not reflect badly on your ability to perform in the given position! such as one that took place early in your career. 'or e"ample! ") biggest !ailure was not being selected as a SE-L because I was diagnosed with night vision problems. #hen I was 12, all I wanted to be was a SE-L. 'ut I0m glad I didn0t, because I ma have overlooked an e&citing career in in!ormation technolog " or "#hen I
was working at CL -dvertising -ssociates, I lost the 34 million 5ettler account a!ter onl si& weeks on the "ob/ I !elt aw!ul and thought I would be !ired. I was determined to get the account back and did a!ter si& months. *oda the account makes up 167 o! CL -dvertising." What are the major reasons for your success? This is not the time to become e"tremely self-centered and arrogant. -eep in mind that employers are often looking for team players rather than ;one ,angers. . good response to this question may relate to a mentor<and or philosophy of work or the people you work with. .lso! use this question as an opportunity to inquire about an appropriate 9fit for success9 with this company. 'or e"ample! ")an ears ago I learned an important lesson !rom 'ob 8elson, who was m !irst supervisor and reall became m most important mentor. He told me his secret to success was to 0Look at each da as a new opportunit to be our ver best. Set high goals, be honest, never sa no, and work with people who share our passion !or doing their best.0 I0ve alwa s remembered that advice and tr to live it ever da . I am ver sel! motivated, determined and honest. I reall love what I do and I tr to surround m sel! with people who share similar passions. I thrive on this t pe o! environment. -m I likel to !ind this environment with our compan 9 Can ou tell me a little more about the characteristics o! success!ul people at our compan 9 #hat do ou see as some o! the ke success !actors !or this position9" We re considering two other candidates for this #osition. Why should we hire you rather than someone else? 5o not be distracted by the mention of two other candidates! you don4t know anything about them and they could be fictitious. 'ocus on what strengths you bring to the table. These should be consistent with the four things most employers are looking for in candidates during the (ob interview) competence! professionalism! enthusiasm! and likability. ,emember! they are looking for chemistry between you and them. Be prepared to summari&e in $% seconds why you are the best candidate for the (ob. .lso! let the employer know you want the (ob and you will en(oy working with them. . lack of interest in the (ob may indicate a lack of enthusiasm for the (ob and them. %ow do you s#end your free time? This question may have several purposes. The interviewer may be (ust curious about your personal life without getting into illegal questions. *e may also want to know how well rounded you are in your personal and professional lives. 'ocus on some of the standard hobbies or activities that most people engage in) golf! tennis! boating! reading! music! opera! collecting! gardening! or cooking. 3f you are operating a home-based business as a sideline! you may not want to reveal your entrepreneurial spirit-it may indicate you are planning to leave and go solo as soon as the business starts doing well. /ource) *aldane4s Best .nswers to Tough 3nterview =uestions! Bernard *aldane .ssociates! >%%%. Why do you want to wor$ in this industry? Tell a story about how you first became interested in this type of work. oint out any similarities between the (ob you4re interviewing for and your current or most recent (ob. rovide proof that you aren4t simply shopping in this interview. Make your passions for you work a theme that you allude to continually throughout the interview. "I0ve alwa s wanted to work in an industr that makes tools. One o! m hobbies is home. improvement pro"ects, so I0ve collected a number o! saws manu!actured b our compan . I
could be an accountant an where, but I0d rather work !or a compan whose products I trust." %ow do you stay current? 5emonstrate natural interest in the industry or career field by describing publications or trade associations that are compatible with your goal. "I pore over the #all Street 5ournal, the *imes, Institutional Investor, and several mutual !und newsletters. -nd I have a number o! !riends who are anal sts." Why do you thin$ this industry would sustain your interest in the long haul? 0hat e"pectations or pro(ects do you have for the business that would enable you to grow without necessarily advancing? 0hat e"cites you about the business? 0hat proof can you offer that your interest has already come from a deep curiosity-perhaps going back at least a few years-rather than a current whim you4ll outgrow? "*he technolog in the industr is changing so rapidl that I see lots o! room !or "ob enhancement regardless o! promotions. I0m particularl interested in the man applications !or multimedia as a training tool." Where do you want to be in five years? 5on4t give specific time frames or (ob titles. Talk about what you en(oy! skills that are natural to you! realistic problems or opportunities you4d e"pect in your chosen field or industry! and what you hope to learn from those e"periences. You shouldn4t discuss your goals in a fields or industry unrelated to the (ob you4re applying for. This may sound obvious! but too many candidates make this mistake! unwittingly demonstrating a real lack of interest in their current field or industry. :eedless to say! such a gaffe will immediately eliminate you from further consideration. "I0d like to have the opportunit to work in a plant as well as at the home o!!ice. I also hope to develop m management skills, perhaps b managing a small sta!!." Describe your ideal career. Talk about what you en(oy! skills that are natural to you! realistic problems or opportunities you4d e"pect in this particular (ob or industry! and what you hope to learn from those e"periences. .void mentioning specific time frames or (ob titles. "I0d like to sta in a !ield related to training no matter what happens. I was too interested in business to work at a universit , but I believe that teaching is somehow in m blood. I0ve been good at sales because I took the time to educate m clients. 8ow I look !orward to training the new hires." Tell me something about yourself that I didn t $now from reading your resume. 5on4t (ust repeat what4s on your resume. Think of a talent or skill that didn4t quite fit into your employment history! but that4s unique and reveals something intriguing about your personality or past e"perience. ":ou wouldn0t know that I0ve managed m own small port!olio since I was si&teen, but I believe that it0s important !or ou to understand m interest in investment sales. I0ve averaged a 14 percent return over the past eight ears." Tell me what you $now about this com#any. 5escribe your first encounter or a recent encounter with the company or its products and services. 0hat would be particularly motivating to you about working there as opposed to working the same type of (ob in a different company? The recruiter will look for evidence of genuine interest and more than (ust surface research on the company. ,eciting the annual
report isn4t likely to impress most recruiters! but feedback from customers and employees will. "I served as an intern to a restaurant anal st last summer, so I !ollowed all the chains closel . #hat ou0ve done especiall well is !ocus on a limited menu with great consistenc among locations; the business traveler trusts our product an where in the <.S. I0m particularl interested in our !inance group and e&pansion plans." What have you learned about our com#any from customers" em#loyees" or others? 5escribe how your interest has grown from personal dealings with the company representatives. Think creatively in preparing for (ob interviews. 'or e"ample! prior to your (ob interview! speak with retailers or workers at other distribution points about the company4s product line. 0hat can they tell you? 1ive one or two e"amples of what you4ve learned to e"plain why you4re interested in this company. 0hat4s the most compelling e"ample you can describe to prove your interest? "I actuall called several o! the ke accountants mentioned in our brochure. *wo o! the customers I spoke with e&plained wh the continued to bu !rom ou ear a!ter ear. :our distribution operation is phenomenal. -re there an service improvements ou think could still be made9" Tell me what you thin$ our distinctive advantage is within the industry. 5escribe things you believe the company does very well! particularly compared to its competition. 2"plain how the financial strength of the company is important. "#ith our low.cost.producer status and head+uarters operation in a low.cost area o! the countr , ou seem in a better position to be able to spend aggressivel on =>$, even in a down ear compared to our closest rival." What other firms are you interviewing with" and for what #ositions? #ften the candidate will try to impress the employer by naming some large firms in unrelated industries with completely different types of (obs. This is a big mistake@ 0hat employers want to hear is that you4re interviewing for similar (obs in the same industry at similar firms Asuch as their competitorsB. This illustrates that you4re committed to finding a (ob in your field of interest and are likely to be a low-risk hire. "-ctuall , I0ve de!initel decided to pursue a career as a restaurant manager, so I0m appl ing !or restaurant programs. I0ve recentl had interviews with several other large national !ast.!ood chains, such as Super 'urger and Clacke 0s Chicken." Do you believe you re over&ualified for this #osition? Most people don4t e"pect to be asked if they have a great deal of e"perience. This question could quite easily catch a candidate off guard! which is e"actly the interviewer4s intention. The candidate doesn4t hesitate in answering this question and shows complete confidence in his or her ability. "8ot at all. ) e&perience and +uali!ications make me do m "ob onl better, and in m opinion, m good design skills help to sell more books. ) business e&perience helps me run the art department in a cost.e!!icient manner, thus saving the compan mone . (inall , I think I0m able to attract better !reelance talent because o! all m industr contacts. ) +uali!ications are better !or our compan , too, since ou0ll be getting a better return !or our investment. -gain, I0m interested in establishing a long.term relationship with m emplo er, and i! I did well, I would e&pect e&panded responsibilities that could make use o! even other skills." What would you do if one of our com#etitors offered you a #osition?
The interviewer is trying to determine whether the candidate is truly interested in the industry and company! or whether he or she has chosen the company randomly. Contrast your perceptions of the company with its competitors! and talk about the company4s products or services that you4ve encountered. 3n the long run! which players do you believe are most viable and why? This is also a good place to ask the interviewer for his or her opinion. "I0d sa no. I0m not interested in other pla ers in this industr . I want to work !or 8ike because I won a number o! races wearing the 8ike brand. 'ecause o! m positive e&perience with 8ike, I know I0d be convincing selling our product to retailers." What s your dream job? This is your ideal chance to sell your aptitudes that fit the (ob description. /how an interest in finding new ways these skills can be put to use in a new (ob with additional responsibilities. Tie in the industry! si&e of company! or other factors where appropriate. ") dream "ob would include all o! the responsibilities and duties in this position ou0re tr ing to !ill. I also thrive in a !ast.changing environment where there0s business growth. :our plans call !or e&panding internationall during the ne&t ear, and this would satis! one o! m ultimate goals o! being involved in an international corporation." What motivates you to do this $ind of wor$? The interviewer will want to know about your belief in the products or services of the company. +se personal e"perience to demonstrate your interests and strengths. 3n an interview for your ideal (ob! you4d be highly motivated to get paid for working at something you liked. The interviewer will want to know if your natural interests are compatible with its particular (ob. "I0ve been !ortunate in m own schooling; I had wonder!ul teachers. I want to be that same kind o! teacher.who not onl encourages kids to learn but also sets an e&le that inspires others to want to teach. In the long run, that0s our best chance o! turning around the +ualit o! education in this state." Why should I hire you? 5on4t repeat your resume or employment history. #ffer one or two e"amples to e"plain why you4re talking to this particular company. 0hat4s the most compelling e"ample you can give to prove your interest? This question often remains unasked! but it4s always in the back of the recruiter4s mind. 2ven if this question isn4t asked! you should find an opportunity to use your prepared response sometime during the interview! perhaps in your closing remarks. ") uncle had a compan that was a small.scale manu!acturer in the industr , and although he later sold the business, I worked there !or !ive summers doing all sorts o! odd "obs. (or that reason I believe I know this business !rom the ground up, and ou can be assured that I know what I0d be getting into as a plant manager here." What are your strengths? 5escribe two or three skills you have that are most relevant to the (ob. .void clichs or generalities6 offer specific evidence. 5escribe new ways these skills could be put to use in the new position. 3f you have to talk about weaknesses! be honest without shooting yourself in the foot-avoid pointing out a weakness that could be a ma(or obstacle in landing the (ob. 'or e"ample! it might be wise to mention you barely have the required work e"perience for the (ob6 the interviewer has surely noticed this much! and then you can e"plain how you4re qualified nonetheless. ") strengths are interpersonal skills, and I can usuall win people over to m point o! view. -lso, I have good "udgment about people and an intuitive sense o! their talents and their
abilit to contribute to a given problem. *hese skills seem to me directl related to the "ob. I notice that ou re+uire three ears0 work e&perience !or this "ob. -lthough m resume shows I0ve onl two ears0 e&perience, it doesn0t show that I took two evening college courses related to m !ield and have been active in one o! the pro!essional societies. I also tr to gain knowledge b reading the industr 0s trade "ournals. I0m certain that m combined knowledge and skill level is the e+uivalent o! that o! other people who do have three ears0 o! work e&perience. I0m also currentl enrolled in a course; I can alread see the e!!ects o! this course at work on m present "ob."
%ow do you e'#lain your job success? Be candid without sounding arrogant. Mention observations other people have made about your work strengths or talents. This question is similar to the question 90hat sets you apart from the crowd?9 "I never assume our customers are satis!ied with our product, so I do m best to !ollow up with ever customer. *his !eedback has provided valuable insight into the +ualit and characteristics o! our products. *he customer, as well, alwa s appreciates this !ollow.up, especiall when something hasn0t gone right and ou still have the opportunit to correct it on a timel basis. In addition, I0m able to pass on in!ormation to our design and production units to help improve both process and product." Would your current boss describe you as the $ind of em#loyee who goes the e'tra mile? Be ready to offer proof that you persevere to see important pro(ects through and to achieve important results. /hare an e"ample that demonstrates your dependability or willingness to tackle a tough pro(ect. 3f you describe 9long hours of work!9 make sure you demonstrate that the hours were productive! and not (ust the result of poor time management. "-bsolutel . In !act, on m annual evaluations she writes that I0m the most dependable and !le&ible person on her sta!!. I think this is mostl because o! m abilit to "uggle and prioriti,e. #ould ou like an e&le9" Tell me about a time you didn t #erform to your ca#abilities. This question forces the candidate to describe a negative situation. 5o so in the conte"t of an early career mistake based on ine"perience6 then demonstrate the better (udgment you now have as a result of that learning e"perience. "*he !irst time I had to give a presentation to our board, I !ailed to anticipate some o! their +uestions. I was unprepared !or an thing other than what I wanted to report. 8ow m director and I brainstorm all the what.i!s in advance." %ow do you manage stress in your daily wor$? 3t might be helpful here to describe a stressful pro(ect you4ve worked on and the specific actions you took to organi&e each step and see the pro(ect through. *ow do you keep yourself calm and professional under pressure? "I tr to get out !or lunch at least once during the week to clear m head. I also have a personal rule that stops me !rom reacting to a problem until I !eel calm about it. I think, then act.but I0ve learned to do that over time." %ow do you regrou# when things haven t gone as #lanned?
5escribe a time when some obstacle forced you to change your original plan! but you were still able to achieve the desired result. 5id you rally the support of others to make this happen? 0ith hindsight! how might you have better predicted the obstacle? "I start b tr ing to imagine the worst possible outcome; then I back up and identi! precautions I can take to avoid that scenario. In this wa I usuall end up with a result close to the original goal. *he training e&le I described earlier is proo! o! that skill." Why is service such an im#ortant issue? The interviewer is trying to determine if the candidate understands the importance of customer service in establishing a positive image in the marketplace! and its impact on new business sales. #utstanding customer service is also a great help in establishing long-term clients and repeat business-the profitable company4s bread and butter. The longer the relationship! the greater the possibility for profit. "Service is a ma"or contributor to customer satis!action. 5ust as important as, or ma be even more important than, cost. I! a customer isn0t receiving a level o! service that meets or e&ceeds his or her e&pectations, that customer won0t be a customer !or ver long. In addition, that customer0s e&perience with our compan ma a!!ect how potential customers in the marketplace view our compan . %eople do talk and share in!ormation. *his ma a!!ect not onl pro!its but !uture sales as well. In man instances service ma be the one thing that distinguishes a compan !rom the competition. - bad reputation !or service ma compromise a compan 0s position in the marketplace." Tell me about a time when you had to deal with an irate customer. %ow did you handle the situation? *ow you react when others lose their temper or become upset is very important in most positions! especially those in service industries. The interviewer will be looking for evidence of your aptitude for work that involves a great deal of contact with the public. 1ive an e"ample of a time when you were faced with a difficult person and how you handled it. Your answer should illustrate your maturity! diplomacy! and awareness of the needs and feelings of others. ") customer service position at the telephone compan involved dealing occasionall with irate customers. #hen that happened, I0d tr to talk in a calm, even voice, in order to get the person to respond in a businesslike manner and !ocus on tr ing to resolve the situation. )ost times I was able to recti! the problem and paci! the customer, but I remember one incident in particular in which the caller became verball abusive. I tried to remain calm and pro!essional and not to let m personal !eelings enter into the situation. I didn0t respond to the abuse, I "ust made a not o! it and continued to help he customer as best I could. #hen the abuse persisted, however, I politel asked him to call back and ask !or m manager, because at that point I knew I shouldn0t resolve the problem." %ow do you manage your wor$ wee$ and ma$e realistic deadlines? To answer this question effectively! describe in detail how you establish priorities! set deadlines! and determine schedules. "I alwa s reserve two hours o! dead time ever da to handle an unanticipated problems that ma occur. I used to plan !or eight or nine hours o! pro"ect time, but now I !ind that I0m able to manage m own pro"ects, as well as whatever m boss and sta!! need !rom me." What #ersonal s$ill or wor$ habit have you struggled to im#rove? This question is similar to 95escribe a professional skill you4ve developed in your most recent (ob.9 *owever! here you probably want to discuss an improvement from the earliest
days of your career or from your relatively distant past. Make sure you convince the interviewer that this particular work habit is no longer an obstacle. "I had to learn to sa no. I used to be help!ul to the point that other sta!! abused m goodwill. 8ow I o!!er to help b countering with something I0d like help on in return. On balance I believe the trade.o!! is more e+uitable, and cooperation in our o!!ice has improved over time." What color is your brain? Be aware that you4ll probably be asked &any questions. The point is not to stump you! but to find out what makes you tick. 0hen the standard interview questions are asked! people are prepared! and it4s harder for the recruiter to get to know the real person. .n advertising recruiter! for e"ample! tries to avoid this. There is no right or wrong answer to this type of question. 3n fact! the recruiter won4t even really care what your answer is. *e or she (ust doesn4t want to hear something like! 93 don4t know! 3 guess it4s blue because that4s the way 3 imagine it.9 The point is to see how creative you are and how you think. Be sure to e"plain why you answered the way you did. ") brain is red because I0m alwa s hot. I0m alwa s on !ire with new plans and ideas." If you got on an elevator where everyone was facing the bac$" what would you do? 3nterviews in creative fields like advertising and graphic design are different from other types of (ob interviews. .dvertising recruiters tend to have a different interview style and process! usually conducting more of a behavioral interview. ,ecruiters ask questions like these to figure out what your behavior might be in a particular real-life situation. "I think I0d !ace the !ront an wa and sa aloud, 0It0s reall much more com!ortable !acing !orward, ou know.0 " What s the most creative or innovative #roject you ve wor$ed on? rovide e"amples of your initiative and resourcefulness. 5iscuss how your leadership skills have helped you accomplish your goals. 1ive a specific e"ample that shows a creative! new! or unusual approach to reaching your goals. "$uring m summer "ob at Cellular One, I noticed that the sales in+uiries were distributed hapha,ardl to all the marketing assistants in the o!!ice. I decided to set up a s stem grouping in+uiries according to region or according to compan si,e. *his approach enabled the entire marketing team to come up with better and more creative solutions to our sales problems." (onsider the following scenario) *ou re wor$ing late one evening and are the last #erson in the office. *ou answer an urgent tele#hone call to your su#ervisor from a sales re# who s currently meeting with a #otential client. The sales re# needs an answer to a &uestion to close the sale. Tomorrow will be too late. *ou have the e'#ertise to answer the &uestion" but it s beyond your normal level of authority. %ow do you res#ond? This response shows that the candidate is confident in his or her ability and can be counted on in an emergency. /imilarly! your answer should indicate that you4re not afraid to be the decision maker in a tough situation! even if the situation4s beyond your normal level of authority. "I0d get all the pertinent in!ormation, taking well.documented notes. I0d answer the +uestion based on m knowledge and the in!ormation provided. I0d leave m supervisor a note and !ill him or her in on the details the ne&t morning. I0d be sure to e&plain m decision, as well as the thought process behind it."
+ive me #roof of your #ersuasiveness. This is a question about leadership! but try not to use an e"ample in which you were the designated leader. 3f possible! describe a time when you didn4t really have authority but instead used your powers of persuasion to get people on your side. 5escribe your goal and the outcome of your efforts. 0hy did people trust or believe you? "$uring m summer internship I was assigned the task o! conducting a benchmarking stud !or all the communication e&penditures !or a ma"or utilit . I had to get the consensus o! emplo ees in several di!!erent departments. <n!ortunatel , the resented the !act that I was "ust a summer intern, and the re!used to cooperate. I had to schedule individual meetings with ever emplo ee and persuade each one that I was doing what would be ultimatel to his or her own department and to the compan . -!ter a !rustrating month, I !inall got ever one0s cooperation, the pro"ect went !lawlessl , and in the end I received a bonus !or m e!!orts." What s your most #roductive or ideal wor$ setting? The interviewer wants to know the impact that the candidate4s working environment has on his or her (ob performance. *ow well would you fit the position! physical layout of the department! and attitudes of the particular work group? 2mphasi&e your ability to work in a variety of settings and how you4ve managed to be productive in less-than-ideal work environments. "I like having at least one hour o! uninterrupted time in the earl morning to plan m da . I usuall start around ? a.m. Otherwise, I en"o an o!!ice with open doors, constant !eedback, and lots o! energ and activit . It helps me work more productivel when I sense how bus ever one else is, too." Do you #refer continuity in structure or fre&uent change in your daily wor$? Your answer should be consistent with the (ob description. 5escribe environments that have allowed you to remain interested and learn new things without getting bored. "I en"o challenge and change, which is wh I !re+uentl ask !or the tough assignments. *he last two pro"ects we discussed were ones that I asked !or. I don0t allow m sel! to get bored." What environments allow you to be es#ecially effective? 2mphasi&e your fle"ibility and your ability to work in many different types of environments. Your answer should not consist of a laundry list of requirements Aprivate office! few interruptions! and so onB or the interviewer may conclude that you will be difficult to satisfy. "-lthough I can work e!!ectivel in most environments, I pre!er environments where people are their own bosses, within reason. I like to have a goal but be able to draw m own map to get there. *o accomplish goals, I rel on asking +uestions and !inding people receptive, so cooperation and access are important to me in a work group." %ow will you com#lement this de#artment? 5escribe how your personality and<or skills would help round out the department. 0hat types of people en(oy working with you for hours at a time? *ow would the company4s customers or clients react? .ssure the interviewer that there will be no surprises about your work personality. "I en"o an environment in which people bounce ideas o!! each other and have the !le&ibilit to ask !or help when the need it. I0m usuall a great troubleshooter !or %C problems in m o!!ice, and I0m o!ten going to ask !or help proo!reading important memos. I believe in give. and.take." Whom did you choose as your references and why?
The interviewer is looking for a logical mi" of people without any obvious omissions. 'or e"ample! a former sales person would do well to include a former salesperson as a reference. 5escribe what you4d e"pect each of your references to say. 3nclude a diverse group-senior to (unior! an associate from work! and old professor from college. "I selected a !ormer boss, a peer, and customer as re!erences, to demonstrate that I0m a prett well.rounded person and get along with all the important work associates in m li!e." (an we call all of your references? This is a question designed to protect you. 3f your current (ob employer doesn4t know your looking for a new (ob Aas is most often the caseB! you can request that the interviewer contact your current employer after you4ve accepted a position and given your notice to your current employer. "I0d pre!er that ou call m current boss onl a!ter ou0ve made me a !irm o!!er o! emplo ment and I0ve had a chance to tell her m sel! that I0m changing "obs. *hen, o! course, I understand our need to veri! that m application was accurate." Are you most #roductive wor$ing alone or in a grou#? The interviewer is looking for someone who can work in an environment without the environment disrupting the candidate4s preferred way of getting work done. Be honest but communicate that you4re a fle"ible and reasonably adaptable employee. "I need some privac time !or planning, but otherwise I like the activit and noise o! people around me and the abilit to share ideas. I think most writers need rein!orcement, because we all get writer0s block occasionall ." Tell me about an effective manager" su#ervisor" or other #erson in a leading role you ve $nown. Talk about a supervisor4s management style and interpersonal skills. 'ocus on the positivehow the person worked rather than what type of work he or she did. *ow was the person able to accomplish so much and get your support? "*he best pro!essor I ever had alwa s reviewed the most important points !rom our last class be!ore he moved on to new material. He also watched our !aces care!ull and repeated in!ormation whenever he saw a blank stare. Sometimes he would "ust ask !or !eedback b sa ing, 0#hat are ou having di!!icult with90" He never assumed too much or made us !eel dumb !or not grasping a concept +uickl ." What ty#e of #eo#le do you wor$ with most effectively? 'ocus on the positive here. 0hat type of boss! employee! and colleague would you be? -eep in mind that the interviewer wants to find out how well you would fit in with the other personalities in the company-not how well the other personalities in the company would suit you. "I tend to work well with people who are con!ident and straight!orward. It0s more di!!icult !or me to be around timid people, because I move +uickl and am decisive." What things im#ress you in colleagues? The recruiter will want to see how developed your interpersonal skills are. More than likely! you4ll be interacting not only with your own department! but with other people in the company! and possibly colleagues. /how the recruiter that you will shine in this area. "I admire and work best with people who are o! good character and have integrit . I also think con!idence and enthusiasm is positive in an business environment." %ow do you organi,e and #lan for major #rojects?
1ive the interviewer a good idea of your general approach to mastering comple" tasks. You may wish to include here how you decide time frames! set deadlines! determine priorities! delegate tasks! and decide what to do for yourself. "I love to brainstorm a best, worst, and most likel scenario. *hen I set out a timetable that0s realistic. #hat I usuall !ind is that some combination o! m best and worst cases evolves; I can ad"ust m schedule easil as these things un!old because I0ve alread visuali,ed what could happen and how I0d react." What #ersonal characteristics add to your effectiveness? Talk about what makes your personal style unique and effective. 'or e"ample! how are you able to get cooperation from others? 0hat specific skills and traits help you get results! and why? "I alwa s sta in touch with m network. I! I see an article that might be o! interest to someone I know, I clip it and send it to that person. *hen, when I need help and make a phone call to that person, the phone call gets returned promptl ." %ow have your technical s$ills been an asset? 5escribe how you4ve used technical skills to solve a problem. Tell a specific story. 5emonstrate how these same skills have been useful in other situations or in most of the (obs you4ve held. 3f you4re hired! what situations will you handle particularly well? "-lthough I never planned on a career as a writer or publisher, much o! m "ob in marketing has depended on good writing and creative la out skills. ) part.time college "ob with a newspaper taught me a lot about desktop publishing, how to position something on a page e!!ectivel , and how to write short sentences with ma&imum impact. In all o! m marketing "obs, I0ve been able to e&plain m goals clearl to graphic designers, which has helped me avoid costl design revisions." %ow do you usually go about solving a #roblem? The interviewer will want to hear the logic you use to solve problems as well as the outcomes you4re able to achieve. .re you decisive? *ow do you narrow the options and make decisions? 0hat do people say about your reasoning skills? 0hat e"amples would they cite of your effective decision-making? "#hen I need to solve a problem, I generall start b writing down as man ideas as I can think o! about possible causes. 8e&t I look !or relationships among causes so I can group together s mptoms o! bigger problems. <suall , a!ter I stud these groups o! problems, the real cause becomes readil apparent." %ow #ractical or #ragmatic are you? 1ive the interviewer an e"ample of some practical or sensible approach you4ve used to solve a problem. 0hen was a simple solution the best solution? *ad others overlooked the obvious? 3n this e"ample! you4ll want to show off your commonsense skills rather than your academic skills. "I can usuall pick up on an underl ing problem, even i! it0s not too obvious. I recall an investment banker who visited our!inance class and asked us what might cause the *ok oinvestment communit a problem in attracting local investment dollars. - number o! !inance students in the class started tr ing to think o! some complicated set o! reasons. I decided it would have to do with getting out o! a bad market +uickl , and that a investment would create problems. I said investors would be unsettled i! the primar investment is local real estate and in!lation has caused the paper value to e&aggerate the real street value. -s it ended up, that was the answer he wanted."
Tell me about a time when there was no rule or #recedent to hel# you attac$ a #roblem. Can you operate without structure? 5escribe your problem-solving process! especially the steps you took and measures you established in a particularly trying situation. 5emonstrate confidence and the willingness to take on more challenges. "I was the !irst emplo ee in a newl created position. I spent the !irst week developing an understanding o! the histor that had led to creation o! the position. Onl then did a method !or setting priorities on the "ob become clear." What s your greatest achievement to date? Be sure that the achievement you describe here is relevant to the (ob you4re interviewing for. .lso! be careful that your answer doesn4t sound as if the best is behind you. Mention something great that you4ve achieved! but clearly communicate your belief that the best is yet to come. "I0m proud o! the !act that I graduated on time with a solid @%- while I pla ed varsit basketball !or !our ears. - lot o! women on m team either took a reduced course load or let their grades su!!er. I believe the reason I got through it all was sheer determination; I never even let m sel! visuali,e an thing but !inishing on time and with good grades. So I !irml believe, as a pro!essional counselor, in the importance o! a positive outlook." Tell me about something you accom#lished that re&uired disci#line. This is your opportunity to discuss a skill you worked to develop! or a time when the quantity of your work required solid time-management skills. *ow did you remain focused? "I had to work two "obs to put m sel! through graduate school. I interned at the newspaper while I studied "ournalism during the week. *hen on weekends, I sold real estate. 5uggling those three schedules was a challenge, but I did it because it was important to me to graduate without school loans." Where do you ho#e that your career will have #rogressed to in the ne't few years? .void the temptation to suggest (ob titles6 this makes you seem unbending and unrealistic! since you don4t know how long it might have taken your interviewer to reach certain levels! and you wouldn4t want to insult. 5escribe new e"periences or responsibilities you4d like to add that build on the (ob you4re applying for. "Over the ne&t !ew ears I0d like to have progressed to the point there I have bottom.line budget responsibilit , and I0m also in charge o! a production unit where I have labor. relations, +ualit .control, design, and manu!acturing responsibilities. I believe this "ob will go a long wa to helping me meet m career goals." -ince this will be your first job" how do you $now you ll li$e the career #ath? This can be a difficult question to answer convincingly! unless you4ve done a little bit of preparation. 5iscuss! for e"ample! an internship or a conversation that4s allowed you to assess the culture of the organi&ation or to preview the work involved. 5escribe other people in the profession who have been mentors or who have taught you about the field. .lso! point out why you4re interested! how you learned more about the industry! and how you stay current with industry trends. "-lthough it0s true that I0ve never worked a "ob in our industr , I0ve talked to man !riends and alums at m school who0ve been success!ul in our compan . I alwa s ask them +uestions, 0#hat0s the most !rustrating thing about our "ob90 and 0#hat0s the most rewarding thing about our "ob90 (rom the in!ormation I0ve gained, I0m con!ident that I0ll be able to adapt +uickl to our culture and will !ind the ne&t !ew ears rewarding, based on m goals and values."
What are your as#irations beyond this job? .gain! don4t fall into the trap of specifying (ob titles. /tick to a natural progression you see as plausible. *ow should this (ob grow for the good of the organi&ation? Then turn your attention once again to the (ob at hand. 3f you seem too interested in what lies beyond this (ob! the interviewer will fear that you won4t stick around for long. "'e ond this "ob as a marketing assistant, I see m sel! moving up through marketing anal sis into brand management and eventuall running a categor . I0m aware that there are several skills I need to develop in the interval, and I believe with our program and m own motivation !or sel!.improvement, I0ll have those skills when the opportunities arise !or greater responsibilit . *hat0s wh I0m determined to learn !rom the ground up, starting as a marketing assistant." %ow long do you thin$ you d continue to grow in this job? This is a variation on the question! 90here do you want to be in five years?9 Be as specific as you can! considering what you know about the position. 5on4t mention a (ob title you4d want ne"t! or the interviewer will wonder if you4re already preoccupied with moving on. ") own personal measure o! growth in a "ob is ac+uiring new skills, new knowledge, and new insights into the industr . -s long as I can measure this t pe o! growth, I consider m sel! success!ul. I0m a believer in stretching a "ob b reaching out to learn more about other areas that are peripheral to the "ob I0m in." (om#are this job to others you re #ursuing. /ome consistency or thread of commonality among your other prospects is important here. Your choices must reflect your career aspirations. 0hat common skills are clearly needed in all the (obs you4re pursuing? "I0ve narrowed m "ob search to onl those large securities !irms within the !inance industr . *he basic skills necessar with all o! these !irms are similarA strong +uantitative and anal tical abilities, the abilit to make decisions +uickl , and good interpersonal skills to react to a customer0s needs." Tell me about your salary e'#ectations. . well-prepared candidate can effectively turn this question around. .sk first for the company4s salary range! then answer in general terms based on your qualifications in relation to the (ob requirements. "I0ve become a little !rustrated in the past ear because the downturn in our industr has caused limited promotional opportunities. 'ased upon salar in!ormation published b our national association, the market price !or someone with m e&perience and educational background is in the broad range o! thirt to !ort thousand dollars per ear. -lthough I0m not certain how our salaries compare to the national norms, m !eeling is that m value would certainl be in the upper hal! o! this national range. I hope ou0ll share with me some o! our salar ranges relative to the national norms." What do you reasonably e'#ect to earn within five years? .gain! turn this question around and ask what4s typical for the career path. Then consider! based on your skills and performance! the areas you4ll e"cel in. ;eave it to the interviewer the appropriate time frames for promotions. 5on4t speculate! or you4ll risk sounding arrogant! unrealistic! or the opposite-too reserved or too tentative. ") e&pectation !or the ne&t !ive ears is that m contributions will be recogni,ed and appropriatel rewarded. I reali,e that salar levels are based on a number o! !actors, including the compan 0s pro!itabilit and the general business c cle that a!!ects our industr ,
but I e&pect to take on greater responsibilit each ear and to be appropriatel compensated !or m e!!orts and contributions." .ther than wor$" tell me about an activity you ve remained interested in over several years. The interviewer is looking here for a history of commitment over time! and consistency of interests. 5o you sustain your hobbies over a period of time! or do you have a different hobby every year? .re your interests compatible with the (ob you4re applying for? 0ould they be of value in any way to the company? "I0ve been involved in Cancer Societ !undraising ever since m grandmother died !rom the disease. In the back o! m mind I guess I0m hoping the research can lead to !indings in time to save the li!e o! someone else in m !amil ." What do you enjoy in your s#are time? The interviewer wants evidence that you4re well rounded! not (ust one-dimensional. *e or she is looking for shared interests or common ground. You should always! in some way! relate your answer to the (ob description. "I reall en"o getting outside.I o!ten go camping and hiking. I0ve learned a lot about di!!erent !abrics that are good !or various weather conditions. *hat0s wh I0m so interested in our te&tile operations." Do you live a balanced lifestyle? 5o you have an outlet! a way to break from work! so that you show up each day refreshed and ready to perform at your highest level? 5escribe something specific that allows you to rela". .re your personal and career interests compatible in terms of their logic or thought process? "I make an e!!ort to get out o! the o!!ice at a reasonable hour twice a week. I go home and walk m dog. *hat0s one o! the most rela&ing things I do, but it o!ten helps me to think o! solutions !or problems at work, even though I0m not consciousl tr ing to solve those problems." What outside activities com#lement your wor$ interests? The interviewer is interested to see if the candidate4s personality is reflected in both work and outside activities. Your answer to this question will shed light on your personality and thus possibly on your compatibility with the (ob. "I0ve alwa s en"o ed tennis. In man wa s it0s a game o! strateg and pacing. #hen something isn0t working in the !irst set, ou have to change our strateg !or the second set. :ou also have to pace our energ in case ou go to a third set, and constantl watch and read our opponent0s reactions. I0m a guts tennis pla er.I go !or the big points sometimes. but I0m care!ul with timing. *hat0s the wa I work, too." If you found yourself getting burned out" what would you do to revitali,e your energy? .re you disciplined enough to avoid burnout? 0hen you4re not being productive! do you recogni&e it? 0hat do you do to cope with stress? "I don0t allow m sel! to get involved in a routine to the point that I get burned out. I0ve alwa s been the t pe o! person who asks !or new assignments so that I sta motivated and interested." .ur com#any believes that em#loyees should give bac$ time to the community. %ow do you feel about it? 5escribe a time you gave something to a community or organi&ation as a volunteer. 5o you go above and beyond what4s e"pected of you? 5o you use your skills productively? .re you
unselfish-a team player? 5emonstrate how your personal interests make you productive even when you aren4t being paid. 0hat incentives other than a paycheck inspire you? "I believe that, too. In m last "ob as manager I told each o! m emplo ees that the could spend one (rida a!ternoon a month at a charit o! their choice on compan time as long as the weren0t gone on the same (rida s. Ironicall , productivit didn0t decrease at all; the got more done in the morning.and I guess (rida a!ternoons weren0t that productive to begin with. I0ve spent m a!ternoons with an adult reading program." What community #rojects that can use your #rofessional s$ills are #articularly interesting to you? This interviewer wants to know if the candidate will be a good corporate citi&en. The question also gives the interviewer a sense of the (ob seeker4s values. Try to focus your answer on productive applications of your work-related skills. 5on4t get sidetracked describing a cause that doesn4t demonstrate (ob-related skills. .void discussing any charity or organi&ation that may be considered controversial. "-s a marketing person, I0ve o!!ered !ree advice to our local high school !or its !und.raisers, as well as to a local o!!ice whose success could help m rural communit 0s real. estate values." Describe how a s#ort or hobby taught you a lesson in teamwor$ or disci#line. Tell about a time you had to use teamwork to get a desired result. Tell a specific story! then e"plain how the same skill or lesson has been used in your work. ") !ootball coach !rom high school taught me alwa s to watch out !or the other gu . I! ou do, he0ll cover ou when ou need him to. I0ve applied that principle in all m work groups, especiall on the trading !loor." When you aren t at wor$" do you #refer to stic$ to a schedule" or do you #refer to be s#ontaneous? Why? Be careful that! whichever answer you choose! it4s consistent with the (ob you4re interviewing for. 'or e"ample! since accounting is a profession that requires discipline and precision! your answer should reflect your natural inclination toward agendas! schedules! and precision. *owever! for a sales (ob! you4d probably want to show that you4re prepared to wing it. This question is essentially about your (ob personality but is also about your compatibility with the (ob. ") workda is ver structured because I0m generall in !our or !ive meetings a da . On the weekends, I like to have a plan, but not necessaril a set schedule. *hat in itsel! is a rela&ing change o! pace !or me, but I !eel I0d be wasting time with no plan at all." Tell me about an interest that you outgrew. 5escribe a former interest or hobby that you no longer pursue! making sure that the interest isn4t related in some way to the (ob you4re interviewing for. Talk about why you outgrew the interest and how it4s not compatible with your current interests. Be sure to discuss how your current interests are related to your career. "Earl on, I wanted to be a research ph sician. *hen I spent time in a chemistr lab and reali,ed I wasn0t looking !orward to the ne&t two ears o! lab work. *hat0s wh I0ve chosen marketing !or medical e+uipment instead. It combines m respect !or the medical pro!ession with a "ob that0s more suited to m personalit ." What would you do if I told you that I thought you were giving a very #oor interview today?
3nterviewers like to ask stress questions like these to see how well you hold up under pressure. Your best bet is to stay calm and rela"ed6 don4t allow your confidence to be shaken. "#ell the !irst thing I0d do is ask ou i! there was an speci!ic part o! the interview that ou thought I might have mishandled. -!ter that I0d think back and tr to remember i! there had been an !ault communication on m part. *hen I0d tr to review possible problems I had understanding our +uestions, and I0d ask !or clari!ication i! I needed it. (inall , i! we had time, I0d tr to respond more !ull and appropriatel to the problem areas ou identi!ied !or me." Tell me about your most difficult wor$ or #ersonal e'#erience. The interviewer will want to know how you hold up under pressure. 5escribe a situation! either personal or professional! that involved a great deal of conflict and challenge and placed you under an unusual amount of stress. 0hat! specifically! were the problems! and what did you do to resolve them? "One time m coworker went through rehab !or si& months a!ter a wreck, and I picked up a lot o! additional work to help him out. I know he would0ve done the same !or me, and it0s important !or me to have that kind o! trust along the members o! m work group." If this were your first annual review with our com#any" what would I be telling you right now? 'or this question you obviously want to present a positive impression. 93 wish you would show up on time more!9 is definitely not a good answer. ,emember to focus on one or two of your key strengths based on the personal themes you4ve developed. ":ou0d be thanking me !or a "ob well done and would be e&plaining how ou look !orward to continuing to see good work !rom me. (urthermore, I would anticipate our e&plaining how ou reall appreciated m putting in e&tra time on some ke pro"ects and how m creative thinking helped come up with some innovative solutions to e&isting problems." +ive an e'am#le of a time when you were as$ed to accom#lish a tas$ but weren t given enough information. %ow did you resolve this #roblem? .lthough this e"ample may seem trivial! the candidate demonstrates maturity and an ability to approach work conceptually. The interviewer will want to know that you understand that (ust getting the (ob done isn4t enough. Your response should show resourcefulness and initiative. "-t m last internship, m supervisor, an account e&ecutive, asked me to assemble !ive hundred press kits !or a mailing. I wasn0t sure in what order the pages and press releases should go, but m supervisor had alread le!t !or a client meeting. -!raid o! putting the in!ormation together in the wrong order, I managed to track down her cell phone number and called her in her car. She e&plained the order o! the materials over the phone, and in the end I managed to prevent a mistake that would have cost hours o! work and a dela in the mailing.not to mention a !ew headaches." %ow have you handled criticism of your wor$? The interviewer is looking for an indication of the candidate4s accountability and professional character. 5escribe a specific pro(ect or work habit that caused you a problem until you faced up to it and overcame it. .lternatively! you might describe a time you responded ob(ectively and professionally to particularly harsh or unreasonable criticism of your work. "I wasn0t able to keep a good emplo ee once who0d been in our manu!acturing !acilit !or ten ears. His "ob description was rewritten to re+uire computer skills. I o!!ered to send him to night classes, but he re!used the help. I had no option but to replace him. In retrospect i! I0d
encouraged him and other emplo ees to ac+uire new training periodicall , he might not have been overwhelmed b the time his position was reworked. 8ow I0m vigilant about encouraging m group to attend seminars and courses to enhance their "ob skills and to avoid becoming outdated." Tell me about a situation that frustrated you at wor$. This is another question designed to probe the candidate4s professional personality. The interviewer will want reassurance that you are able to hold up under pressure. 5escribe how you4ve remained diplomatic! ob(ective! or professional in a difficult situation. "I was !rustrated once when one o! m clients, who0d insisted on a high.growth stock, called in a panic because the stock price had dropped more than twent points in one da . I had a hard time convincing him to ride it out rather than cut his losses. *his happened despite m attempts !rom the beginning to e&plain the short.term volatilit o! that stock." Tell me about your least/favorite manager or #rofessor. .nswering this question will be a bit like walking across a loaded minefield! so be aware@ -eep in mind that the interviewer doesn4t want to learn about your former supervisors6 he or she does want to learn about the way you speak about them. Though the interviewer may bait you to make a negative statement about your former employer! doing so can create a host of problems. 2ven if your claim is completely true and (ustified! the recruiter may conclude either that you don4t get along with other people or that you shift blame to others. The best way around this dilemma is to choose and e"ample that4s not too negative! touch upon it briefly! then focus the rest of your answer on what you learned from the e"perience. "#ell I0ve been prett !ortunate as !ar as managers go, and I didn0t have an problems with m pro!essors. In m !irst "ob out o! college I worked with a manager who was prett inaccessible. I! ou walked into his o!!ice to ask a +uestion, ou got the sense that ou were bothering him, so we "ust learned to get help !rom each other instead. I wouldn0t sa he was m least.!avorite manager, because he was a good manager in a lot o! wa s, but I would have pre!erred that he0d made himsel! more available to us and given us more direction." Who s the toughest em#loyer you ve ever had" and why? .gain! you should avoid making negative statements about your previous employers! at all costs. Turn the question around with a positive! upbeat response! as this candidate does. "*hat would be )s. Henson at (ranklin -ssociates. She0d push people to their limits when things got bus , and she was a stickler !or detail. 'ut she was alwa s !air, and she rewarded good, hard work. I0d call her a tough boss, but a good boss." Time management has become a necessary factor in #roductivity. +ive an e'am#le of a time/management s$ill you ve learned and a##lied at wor$. 0hen answering this question! describe a time-management technique you4ve applied to work that4s allowed you to save time and resources. 3n such areas as public relations time is precious! and the interviewer will want to see that you have an idea of how valuable your time is. Try to give an e"ample that demonstrates how you4ve managed to increase productivity because of effective time management. "I regularl use scheduling so!tware, which helps me e!!ectivel plan !or the da , week, month, or ear. It also has a !eature and an alarm option, which is help!ul !or meeting timel deadlines. In general, though, I0m ver goal oriented and sel!.disciplined. I like to !ocus clearl on one pro"ect at a time !or a set amount o! hours. In the past I0ve !ound that this has helped me save time, which in turn has given me the opportunit to implement new procedures that have ultimatel saved the department time and mone ."
Would you be willing to locate to another city? You may! even in some first interviews! be asked questions that seem to elicit a tremendous commitment on your behalf! such as this one. .lthough such questions may be unfair during an initial (ob interview! you may well conclude that you have nothing to gain and everything to lose with a negative response. 3f you4re asked such a question une"pectedly during an initial (ob interview! simply say something like 9That4s certainly a possibility9 or 34m willing to consider that.9 ;ater! if you receive an offer! you can find out the specific work conditions and then decide if you wish to accept the position. ,emember! at the (ob-offer stage you have the most negotiating power! and the employer may be willing to accommodate your needs. 3f that isn4t the case! you might wish to e"plain that upon reflection! you4ve decided you can4t Afor instanceB relocate but you4d like to be considered for other positions that might open up in the future. "I0d pre!er to be based here, but it0s certainl a possibilit I0d be willing to consider." Would you be able to wor$ e'tended hours as necessary to #erform the job? Your response should match closely the position you4re applying for and should reflect a realistic understanding of work and time required. .sk about seasonality of work! if you4re unsure! and show a willingness to work occasional e"tended hours. "I0m accustomed to working long hours during the week. I usuall work until at least si&. thirt , because I get a lot done a!ter the business o!!ice closes at !ive. I can make arrangements to be available on weekends, i! necessar , though I do pre!er to have at least twent .!our hours0 notice." -ell me this sta#ler. 0ith this kind of question the interviewer will want to determine how quickly you can think on your feet! as well as your ability to communicate effectively and succinctly. Be prepared to give a thirty-second speech on the benefits and advantages of virtually any common office ob(ect! from a paper clip to a telephone! particularly if you4re interviewing for a sales position. "*his is a pro!essional.+ualit stapler, designed to be !unctional as well as attractive. It will help ou reduce clutter b enabling ou to !asten pages together. -nd since papers relating to the same sub"ect will now be attached, ou0ll be more e!!icient and will save time searching !or papers. (inall , its sleek shape and back color are coordinated to match the rest o! our o!!ice !urniture." What is your biggest wea$ness? This is a great e"ample of what is known as a negative question. :egative questions are a favorite among interviewers! because they4re effective for uncovering problems or weaknesses. The key to answering negative questions is to give them a positive spin. 'or this particular question your best bet is to admit to a weakness that isn4t catastrophic! inconsistent! or currently disruptive to your chosen professional field! and to emphasi&e how you4ve overcome or minimi&ed the problem. 0hatever you do! don4t answer this question with a copout like 93 can4t think of any!9 or even worse! 93 don4t really have any ma(or weaknesses.9 This kind of a response is likely to eliminate you from contention. "I admit to being a bit o! a per!ectionist. I take a great deal o! pride in m work and am committed to producing the highest.+ualit work I can. Sometimes i! I0m not care!ul, thought, I can go a bit overboard. I0ve learned that it0s not alwa s possible or even practical to tr and per!ect our work.sometimes ou have to decide what0s important and ignore the rest in
order to be productive. It0s a +uestion o! trade.o!!s. I also pa a lot o! attention to pacing m work, so that I don0t get too caught up in per!ecting ever last detail." Why weren t your grades better? 3t4s likely that if you4ve made it to the interview stage! you fulfill the basic criteria for the position! including the education requirements. The recruiter is probably trying to (udge here how well the candidate handles adversity. 3t4s important not to get defensive or to place blame. 3nstead! try to put a positive spin on the question-for e"ample! by concentrating on what you learned and the e"tra effort you put in! rather than on the grades you received. "School was a wonder!ul e&perience !or me. I reall en"o ed learning new ideas, I studied consistentl , and I was attentive in class. 'ut I never believed in cramming be!ore the night o! an e&am "ust to get a higher grade or sta ing up all night to !inish a term paper. I reall believe I learned "ust as much as man students who went !or the grades." Was there a course that you found #articularly challenging? The interviewer will want to see how well you respond to difficult situations. 5emonstrate that you won4t fold in the face of difficulty! and that you4re willing to put in the e"tra effort to meet a challenge. "Initiall I was completel overwhelmed b the introductor chemistr course that I took last ear. 8o matter how hard I studied, I seemed to be getting nowhere. I !ailed the !irst three +ui,,es. So I tried a new approach. Instead o! "ust stud ing b m sel!, I asked a !riend who0s a chemistr ma"or to help me with m studies. I also began to seek help !rom the pro!essor a!ter class. -nd I !ound that more time I spent in the lab was critical. I ended up with a '. plus in the course and thought I achieved a solid understanding o! the material. )ore than that, I learned that tackling a new !ield o! stud sometimes re+uires a new approach, not "ust hard work, and that the help o! others can be crucial/ Why didn t you #artici#ate more in e'tracurricular activities? The interviewer may be worried that if you don4t have many outside interests! you may eventually suffer from burnout. 2mployers like candidates who are well rounded and have interests outside of work. 3f you didn4t participate in formal e"tracurricular activities in college! you still may want to talk about some of your interests! such as reading or e"ercising! that you may have a passion for running even if you weren4t on the college track team. "I wanted to give as much e!!ort as possible to m studies. I came !rom a high school in a ver small town, where I received a lot o! -0s, but this didn0t prepare me well !or college. So I studied hard. I have, however, !ound time to e&plore the cit and make new !riends, and I do sociali,e !ormall on the weekends."