Internship Report Chapter 1

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BACKGROUND Todays market target of any large-scale company or even small scale enterprise are aimed at global market and international trade which is need more than just a good quality product, but also the great information system in order to maintain and win the competition among competitors in global market. Companies have to provide information system start from upstream to downstream of business activity. Depends on the situation, ICT Dept. of ANTAM should use the technologies that have aimed to make greater efficiency, greater agility and deeper cost savings. Improvement of technology will bring new way and simplest way to manage information and secure data of company and perform all jobs efficiently and effectively. Any level of company started from a small scale enterprise to large-scale company like PT ANTAM Tbk UBPN have to provide an integrated

production system, integrated telecommunication and flex time as benefits. By using this concept it is expected all employee can stay in touch from different locations, and when working different hours, by using email, online collaboration tools and mobile computing devices. When in the office, employees can share digital documents, convey information through presentations, order for production process of nickel from suppliers using eprocurement, processing of input of data in secure support system called by ELIPSE, providing on line storage data and also automatically can be seen by all employees through ANTAM PORTAL. Those are called by Support system that is aimed to support performance availability of company data and information and other support.


Company always Commit aimed; To provide employees with right hardware and software to keep them working at peak proficiency. To wring every ounce of productivity of their operations and technology tools help employees get task done more quickly. To support the creation of innovation by employees with the expectations of all employees can understand the award will be given on a high-performance company as one form of appreciation for its innovations.

Even though company already providing the sophisticated technology tools, ICT dept. of ANTAM still face a lot of troubleshoot from existing technology tools that supposed to improve company performance not become the obstacle. Here are problems/errors that arise during this time are (based on Observation);

On Network FO Cable, Terminal Router/Switch IP Address ADSL Issues (Connection Error) Email Exchange Email Configuration DHCP and AD Proxy

On Hardware Monitor Printer CPU UPS

On Software Windows is error Virus/Setting Anti Virus on Kaspersky Server Setting of Employee password/Usernam e on ELIPSE

Table 1.1The types of errors at ICT Department This is the main job this department to minimize the problem and the become Challenges of this department to cope the problems and main activity of Information Technology and Communication Department are:


To ensure the availability of data and information which employees, customers, and partners can access it. To provide responsive and dependable delivery of information technology to all integrated department to support effective company and increase the performance of company

Company can choose to provide support to employees and customers in several ways. Here is the existing Facilities that support Strategic Error Maintenance, such as: ICT Help Desk The Helpdesk module provides a fully integrated, simple solution to online communication, through: Helpdesk (Admin) Work order of Error can be recorded in the form of helpdesk to ask for repairs on Network, Software, and Hardware Web Portal Another way to provide an error report along with a log in and link to the web portal where employees can log in online to view their account, as they can through a website. The web portal is essentially employees interface to log in to your system to view and interact with their account. Email/Phone It known as Media Telecommunication that is providing fast transfer of information/data and Today, its really important in Business Communication.

This is the reason why we got opportunity to analysis the weakness of existing system then we redesign again and adding management theory on this prototype design, in order to fill the gaps between practical (job) and theoretical.


B. INTERNSHIP PURPOSES 1 General Purposes a. Preparing students to directly understand the work situation and to socialize in public life. b. To observe the extent to which the courses that have been taught in accordance with the needs of the Work Place. c. To provide a written internship report which is can be used as a consideration for company and for the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya.

2 Special Purposes a. To understand the basic and expert design of the information system in mining sector at PT Antam (Persero) Tbk UBPN Pomala, Southeast Sulawesi. b. To understand the strategic planning of information system development at PT Antam (Persero) Tbk UBPN Pomala, Southeast Sulawesi. c. To observe the barriers and difficulties in applying the information system concept as Strategic operation management at PT Antam (Persero) Tbk UBPN Pomala, Southeast Sulawesi.

C. INTERNSHIP BENEFIT 1. Benefit for the student a. Gain understanding of the reality of science that has been learnt at college with the reality on the field. b. A test tool for individual ability in creating the field of his knowledge and in the way of public relations in the work place. c. Develope and enhance their knowledge, skills, attitude and creativity in the environment according to its discipline and expertise.


d. Able to prepare the necessary steps to adjust to the work environment in the future. e. Increase the insight, knowledge and experience as an educated generation to be ready to work directly in the community, especially in the work Place.

2. Benefits for the Faculty of Administrative Science a. As an input to evaluate the extent to which a program or curriculum that has been implemented according to the needs of community towards graduates. b. To introduce educational institutions Dept. of Business Administration Science, Faculty of Administration Science, University of Brawijaya to the Business institution which require graduate or labor generated by the Faculty of Administrative Sscience, University of Brawijaya, Malang.

3. Benefit for the company a. It is a means of liaison between institution or companies and higher education institutions. b. Helping the job of employees in the institution or company in terms of economic, especially in management scope. c. As one means of consideration for the company in terms of assessment of the quality of students that relates to the recruitment of new work force (Fresh graduated).


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