Grant Proposal

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ISTC702 MOD7 Final Project: Grant Writing

Ryan OGrady

StoryCorps @ Your Library Grant Application

Narrative 1 Describe why you are interested in bringing a StoryCorps recording kit and training to your co unity! what co unity issues! goals and"or the atic approach you anticipate seeing addressed in interviews and related progra s! and the speci#ic audiences $either internal or e%ternal& you seek to engage' (ow will you pro ote the pro)ect to reach these audiences* T!e li"rary# StoryCor$# $roject %ill &oc'# on t!e (alti)ore neig!"or!ood *ig!landto%n+ %!ic! !a# enjoyed a t!ri,ing local c'lt're #ince -../ 0ro'nd (alti)ore+ *ig!landto%n i# 1no%n a# a 2atino neig!"or!ood+ "'t %it!in *ig!landto%n t!ere are al#o $oc1et# o& t!e original Poli#! #ettler#+ %!o #till gat!er to eat and #ing in local e#ta"li#!)ent#3 a )'lti4generational 0&rican4 0)erican co))'nity3 and "'#ine##e# o%ned "y Italian+ Iri#!+ and 5ati,e 0)erican re#ident#/ T!i# di,er#e neig!"or!ood i# 'ni6'e in (alti)ore+ a city %!ic! re)ain# largely #egregated de#$ite c!anging de)ogra$!ic#/ In *ig!landto%n+ c!ildren go to #c!ool %it! #t'dent# %!o loo1 di&&erent &ro) t!e)#el,e# and #$ea1 di&&erent lang'age#/ Re#ident# o& all age# attend )'ltic'lt'ral e,ent# toget!er+ #'c! a# Sal#a$ol1aloo7a+ t!e Great *allo%een 2antern Parade+ t!e *ig!landto%n Far)er8# Mar1et and 0rt1et+ t!e 0rt Cart Der"y/ 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary# So't!ea#t 0nc!or 2i"rary+ %!ic! o$ened in 2007 on t!e &oot$rint o& a "elo,ed old )o,ie t!eater t!at !ad "een at t!e core o& t!e co))'nity+ $ro,ide# a #$ace %!ere $eo$le o& all age# &ro) acro## *ig!landto%n# di,er#e $o$'lation gat!er to read+ learn+ and #!are t!ro'g! li"rary #er,ice# and $rogra)#/ In !o#ting t!e StoryCor$# $roject o't o& t!e So't!ea#t 0nc!or 2i"rary+ t!e intention i# to create a #torytelling $rogra) t!at %ill re$re#ent *ig!landto%n &ro) it# early day# a# a )an'&act'ring )agnet to it# e)erging role a# a leader in co))'nity art#3 &ro) a %!ite+ %or1ing cla## !'" to a )'ltic'lt'ral Main Street di#trict/ We le,erage t!e So't!ea#t 0nc!or 2i"rary# relation#!i$# %it! e#ta"li#!ed co))'nity organi7ation# to reac! o't to re#ident# o& *ig!landto%n and in,ite t!e) to $artici$ate/ We %ill $air '$ yo'ng inter,ie%er# %it! older ad'lt inter,ie%ee#+ enco'rage $artici$ant# to a#1 6'e#tion# a"o't )e)orie# o& and e:$erience# in *ig!landto%n+ e#$ecially a# t!ey relate to t!e de)ogra$!ic tran#ition t!at *ig!landto%n !a# "een 'ndergoing &or t!e $a#t generation/ We %ill al#o in,ite t!e) to #!are #torie# o& #$eci&ic "'#ine##e# or location# in t!e neig!"or!ood/ We %ill $ro)ote t!e *ig!landto%n StoryCor$# $roject %it!in t!e neig!"or!ood "y engaging co))'nity $artner# and in,iting t!e) to #$read t!e %ord to t!eir )e)"er#+ &riend#+ and &a)ily/ We %ill $ro)ote t!e $roject city%ide ,ia $artner#!i$# %e !a,e #ec'red %it! )e)"er# o& t!e t!ri,ing local #torytelling co))'nity+ incl'ding T!e Stoo$ Storytelling+ W;PR# T!e Signal+ Potl'c1 Storytelling+ and T!e 5ational (lac1 Storyteller# 0##ociation/ We %ill $ro)inently $lace $rint "roc!'re# and $o#ter# t!ro'g!o't all li"rary "ranc!e#+ &eat're StoryCor$# e,ent# in o'r $rint and online calendar+ $rod'ce article# &or o'r !ig!ly4tra&&ic1ed "log+ and de,elo$ a #ocial )edia ca)$aign to $ro)ote it %it! o'r online &ollo%er#/

ISTC702 MOD7 Final Project: Grant Writing

Ryan OGrady 2

Narrative + Describe the library progra $s& and events you will develop or already have in place that will anchor your approach and interview collection' 4 S92 $a#t $rogra))ing We %ill #c!ed'le t!ree #torytelling %or1#!o$# !o#ted "y local $ro&e##ional #toryteller# &ro) T!e Stoo$ Storytelling and Potl'c1 Storytelling+ to "e &acilitated "y StoryCor$#4trained #ta&&/ Partici$ant# %ill learn !o% to cra&t a co)$elling and intere#ting #tory and $ractice telling t!eir #torie# to an a'dience/ We %ill al#o #c!ed'le t!ree li,e #torytelling e,ent#+ %!ic! %ill &eat're StoryCor$# $artici$ant# telling t!eir #torie# to a li,e a'dience/ We %ill al#o reac! o't to co))'nity leader#+ ad,ocate#+ $olitician#+ and local cele"ritie# and a#1 t!e) to #!are t!eir #torie# at t!e#e e,ent#/ We $lan to !o#t an e,ent to cele"rate StoryCor$# 5ational Day o& 2i#tening on Friday+ 5o,e)"er 2<t!+ 20 =+ and in,ite co))'nity )e)"er# to record a $er#onal #tory aro'nd t!e !oliday# to gi,e a# a gi&t to t!eir &riend# or &a)ily/ ,hen do you anticipate presenting progra s and recording interviews* Check all that apply' Spring +-1. >no? Su er +-1. >c!ec1? /all +-1. >c!ec1? ,inter +-1.011 >c!ec1? Spring +-11 >c!ec1? Schedule StoryCorps 2raining ,hen do you anticipate scheduling the two0day onsite training with StoryCorps sta##* 3lease select a onth no earlier than /ebruary +-1.' @'ly+ 20 = Narrative . Describe plans #or preserving oral histories collected during this pro)ect and #or sustaining oral history progra s in your library and co unity a#ter the grant period' T!e oral !i#torie# %ill "e digitally cataloged+ #tored+ and edited ,er#ion# %ill "e )ade a,aila"le in a digital collection !o#ted on t!e Maryland Digital C'lt'ral *eritage >MDC*? %e"#ite >%%%/)dc!/org?/ MDC* i# a colla"orati,e+ #tate%ide digiti7ation $rogra) !ead6'artered at t!e 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"raryAState 2i"rary Re#o'rce Center in (alti)ore/ MDC* $artner# %it! Maryland li"rarie#+ arc!i,e#+ !i#torical #ocietie#+ )'#e')#+ and ot!er in#tit'tion# to digiti7e and $ro,ide &ree online acce## to )aterial# relating to t!e #tate8# !i#tory and c'lt're/ Since t!e $rogra) "egan in 2002+ MDC*8# collection# !a,e gro%n to incl'de o,er B+000 ite)#+ #'c! a# )a$#+ )an'#cri$t#+ $!otogra$!#+ art%or1+ "oo1#+ and ot!er )edia/

ISTC702 MOD7 Final Project: Grant Writing

Ryan OGrady =

We %ill en#'re t!at t!e arc!i,ed #torie# are '#e&'l to co))'nity )e)"er# in *ig!landto%n "y contin'ing to $ro)ote t!e) %it!in t!e So't!ea#t 0nc!or 2i"rary+ and $ro,iding targeted $ro)otion o& t!e) to teac!er# and $rogra) de,elo$er# at co))'nity $artner organi7ation#/ We %ill le,erage t!e StoryCor$# &'nding to o"tain &'nding &ro) ot!er internal and e:ternal #o'rce# to e:$and t!e StoryCor$# $roject to additional "ranc!e# t!ro'g!o't (alti)ore City/ T!e StoryCor$# $roject %ill al#o lay t!e gro'nd%or1 &or an 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary in#tit'tional )e)ory $roject &oc'#ing on 1no%ledge tran#&er o& (alti)ore li"rary !i#tory and jo" &'nction#/ Narrative 1 Describe the ability o# your library to support the i ple entation o# a StoryCorps progra through anticipated cost0share $e'g'! sta## ti e! pro otional support! speaker honoraria or other progra ing costs'&' 4nclude a description and the esti ated value #or all costs you anticipate beyond the 5+!6-- stipend' 4# your library will seek additional #unders #or the pro)ect! please describe that as well' T!e 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary i# ca$a"le o& #'$$orting t!e i)$le)entation o& StoryCor$# $rogra))ing t!ro'g! t!e &ollo%ing role#: C 7ichael Scott! 3ro)ect Coordinator/ Mic!ael i# t!e Maryland Digital C'lt'ral *eritage Coordinator/ S!e %ill dra% on !er e:$erience collecting and cataloging oral !i#torie# to )anage t!e $roject/ 8essica 9eyes! 7arketing and 3artnerships Coordinator/ @e##ica %or1# in t!e Co))'nication# De$art)ent at t!e 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary/ S!e %ill coordinate a $rint and #ocial )edia ca)$aign+ $re$are $re## relea#e#+ and )anage t!e $artner#!i$# %it! local #torytelling $ro&e##ional#+ incl'ding $lanning e,ent#/ :yan ;<Grady! Audio =ditor/ Ryan i# t!e 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary# 0'dio Di#'al Tec!nologi#t/ *e %ill "e re#$on#i"le &or editing t!e inter,ie%# collected/ Cindy 9leback! Site Coordinator/ Cindy i# t!e (ranc! Manager at So't!ea#t 0nc!or 2i"rary/ S!e %ill )anage #c!ed'ling o& inter,ie%# and e,ent#+ and en#'re t!at all $artici$ant need# are )et on #ite/ S!e %ill a##i#t %it! e,ent $lanning/ Sara De ian! Co unity 3artnerships Coordinator/ Sara i# t!e !ead o& ;o'ng 0d'lt Ser,ice# at t!e So't!ea#t 0nc!or 2i"rary/ S!e %ill "'ild on e:i#ting relation#!i$# %it! co))'nity organi7ation# in *ig!land to%n and reac! o't to ne% $artner# to $ro)ote t!e StoryCor$# $roject/ =llie 7ullen! >olunteer Coordinator/ 9llie i# a C!ildren# 2i"rarian and ,ol'nteer coordinator at So't!ea#t 0nc!or 2i"rary/ S!e %ill '#e !er e:$erience )anaging ,ol'nteer# to en#'re t!e $artici$ant# are %ell organi7ed and !a,e t!eir need# )et/

ISTC702 MOD7 Final Project: Grant Writing C

Ryan OGrady E

7ini u ? volunteers to r'n t!e !o'r4long recording #e##ion#/ F For .0 e,ent# >a##')ing 2 !o'r co))it)ent $er inter,ie%?: 20 ,ol'nteer !o'r#A$er#on &or inter,ie%# > 200 total? G . ,ol'nteer !o'r#A$er#on &or training ><. total? H =. ,ol'nteer !o'r#A$er#on total &or a . )ont! $roject > 2<. total?

('dget: See attached. Narrative 6 4n what ways would you be willing to share your knowledge and e%periences to pro ulgate interest and e%pertise a ong other librarians $e'g'! through webinars! con#erence progra s and precon#erences! #eatures on 3rogra ing Librarian'org! or other outlets&* We $lan to #!are o'r 1no%ledge and e:$erience t!ro'g! #e##ion# at t!e "iann'al Maryland State 2i"rary Re#o'rce Center Con&erence+ t!e Maryland 2i"rarie# 0##ociation Con&erence+ article# to "e $'"li#!ed in rele,ant $'"lication#+ and %e"inar# %it! ot!er li"rarian# acro## t!e co'ntry/ We %o'ld al#o "e intere#ted in $artici$ating in $anel# and $rogra)# at o't4o&4#tate con&erence#+ a# tra,el &'nding allo%#/ Narrative ? 4# you anticipate collaborating with other organi@ations or groups! please list the describe their role$s&' 4 add additional co))'nity $artner#+ a# di#c'##ed C Co unities #or All Ages+ a gro'$ o& t!irty $eo$le ranging in age &ro) 247B+ re$re#enting 0&rican40)erican+ %!ite+ !i#$anic+ and &ir#t nation# re#ident#/ Co))'nitie# &or 0ll 0ge# acti,ely $ro)ote# intergenerational e,ent# and $rogra)#+ #'c! a# t!e 0rt Cart Der"y+ in %!ic! yo'ng $eo$le are $aired %it! older ad'lt# to de#ign and "'ild arti#tic #oa$"o: car# &or an ann'al race/ We %ill #ee1 t!eir g'idance and in$'t &or co))'nity $rogra)#+ and re6'e#t t!eir !el$ %it! $ro)oting t!e $rogra)/ Aaron (enkin #enior $rod'cer o& T!e Signal on W;PR+ t!e (alti)ore 5PR a&&iliate/ T!e Signal i# a %ee1ly radio )aga7ine de,oted to e:$loring Maryland8# t!ri,ing arti#tic and c'lt'ral #cene/ T!e $rogra) $ro)i#e# to tran#$ort li#tener# to t!e region8# c'lt'ral "ac1 road#: t!e #t'dio#+ recital !all# and "a#e)ent %or1#!o$# %!ere art i# concei,ed and "ro'g!t to li&e/ We %ill in,ite 0aron to $rod'ce #tory on t!e $roject and $artici$ate in a li,e #torytelling e,ent/ 8essica (enkin and Laura ,e%ler &ro) T!e Stoo$ Storytelling/ T!e Stoo$ $rod'ce# a #erie# o& li,e #torytelling #!o%# eac! year+ $rod'ced &or #old4o't a'dience# at (alti)ore# Center Stage T!eater/ We %ill in,ite @e##ica and 2a'ra to !o#t a %or1#!o$/


ISTC702 MOD7 Final Project: Grant Writing C

Ryan OGrady B

2he National Association o# Alack Storytellers/ 50(S $ro)ote# and $er&or)# #torytelling t!at e)"odie# t!e !i#tory+ !eritage+ and c'lt're o& 0&rican 0)erican#/ S ('tler i# a $ro)inent )e)"er o& 50(S and al#o a "ranc! )anager at t!e 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary/ We %ill in,ite !i) to !o#t a %or1#!o$/ Griots Circle o# 7aryland+ a non4$ro&it organi7ation i# dedicated to '$li&ting t!e &ol1lore and tradition# o& o'r 0&rican !eritage t!ro'g! #torytelling+ $oetry+ )'#ic+ and ot!er ed'cational acti,itie#/ We %ill in,ite t!e) to !o#t a %or1#!o$ or li,e #torytelling e,ent/ 9evin Gri##in 7oreno o& Potl'c1 Storytelling/ Potl'c1 Storytelling $rod'ce# a #erie# o& li,e #torytelling e,ent# eac! year+ and #tri,e# to in,ite #toryteller# %!o re$re#ent a range o& tradition# and #torytelling #tyle# %!o )ig!t not ot!er%i#e cro## $at!#/ We %ill in,ite Ie,in to !o#t a %or1#!o$ or li,e #torytelling e,ent/

Narrative B (ow do you anticipate using the Story9it a#ter the grant period! $e'g' continuing to record oral histories! training additional sta## on interview collection! sharing the kit with other libraries&* 0dditional #ta&& )e)"er# %ill "e trained on !o% to '#e t!e StoryIit and %e %ill e:$and t!e StoryCor$# $roject to ot!er (alti)ore neig!"or!ood#+ "a#ed o't o& di&&erent li"rary "ranc!e#/ We %ill al#o '#e t!e StoryIit to record an 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary in#tit'tional )e)ory $roject &oc'#ing on 1no%ledge tran#&er o& (alti)ore li"rary !i#tory and jo" &'nction#/ Narrative C 4n what ways will the progra

i pact your library and your co


T!e StoryCor$# $roject %ill attract ne% ,i#itor# to t!e So't!ea#t 0nc!or 2i"rary+ increa#ing it# ,i#i"ility in *ig!landto%n and !o$e&'lly creating a )ore di,er#e and engaged c'#to)er "a#e/ T!i# $roject %ill al#o en!ance t!e 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary# i)age a# an organi7ation t!at $ro)ote# co))'nity engage)ent at a neig!"or!ood le,el/ T!e StoryCor$# $roject %ill re#'lt in a "ody o& #torie# a"o't a 'ni6'e+ di,er#e+ !i#torical+ and arti#tic neig!"or!ood in (alti)ore City+ %!ic! t!e #toryteller# and ot!er co))'nity )e)"er# can loo1 to a# a $oint o& $ride/ It %ill "ring toget!er $eo$le %!o )ig!t not ot!er%i#e !ear eac! ot!er# #torie# a"o't t!e neig!"or!ood+ it# !i#tory+ and it# re#ident#+ %!ile al#o )a1ing t!o#e #torie# a,aila"le online to li#tener# e,ery%!ere/ T!e $roject %ill "eco)e an ongoing StoryCor$# $rogra) t!at %e %ill "ring to neig!"or!ood# acro## (alti)ore city and %ill !el$ t!e 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary de,elo$ an in#tit'tional )e)ory $roject/ Attach ents Plea#e attac! any letter# o& #'$$ort or related $rogra) )aterial#/

ISTC702 MOD7 Final Project: Grant Writing C ('dget

Ryan OGrady .

A##ir Grant :eDuire ents Plea#e a&&ir) t!at+ i& a%arded t!e StoryCor$# J yo'r li"rary $rogra)+ yo'r in#tit'tion %ill co)$ly %it! eac! o& t!e &ollo%ing re6'ire)ent#/ C K#e de#ignated #$on#or credit# andAor logo# on all $'"licity )aterial# C File an online &inal re$ort %it! t!e 0)erican 2i"rary 0##ociation "y @'ly = #t+ 20 E C Sign an agree)ent %it! StoryCor$# agreeing to t!e ter)# o& '#e &or t!e data"a#e #y#te) and $roced're# incl'ding con&identiality and lia"ility &or collecting $er#onal in&or)ation &ro) t!e $'"lic/ T!e agree)ent contain# in&or)ation regarding o%ner#!i$ o& t!e )aterial# and t!e $er)i##i"le '#e# o& t!e inter,ie%# "y t!e li"rary/ T!e agree)ent %ill )o#t li1ely re6'ire re,ie% "y yo'r legal de$art)ent+ a# it %ill contain cla'#e# concerning lia"ility/ C Record E0 to .0 inter,ie%# according to StoryCor$# training g'ideline# and )et!odology

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