Grant Proposal
Grant Proposal
Grant Proposal
Ryan OGrady
Ryan OGrady 2
Narrative + Describe the library progra $s& and events you will develop or already have in place that will anchor your approach and interview collection' 4 S92 $a#t $rogra))ing We %ill #c!ed'le t!ree #torytelling %or1#!o$# !o#ted "y local $ro&e##ional #toryteller# &ro) T!e Stoo$ Storytelling and Potl'c1 Storytelling+ to "e &acilitated "y StoryCor$#4trained #ta&&/ Partici$ant# %ill learn !o% to cra&t a co)$elling and intere#ting #tory and $ractice telling t!eir #torie# to an a'dience/ We %ill al#o #c!ed'le t!ree li,e #torytelling e,ent#+ %!ic! %ill &eat're StoryCor$# $artici$ant# telling t!eir #torie# to a li,e a'dience/ We %ill al#o reac! o't to co))'nity leader#+ ad,ocate#+ $olitician#+ and local cele"ritie# and a#1 t!e) to #!are t!eir #torie# at t!e#e e,ent#/ We $lan to !o#t an e,ent to cele"rate StoryCor$# 5ational Day o& 2i#tening on Friday+ 5o,e)"er 2<t!+ 20 =+ and in,ite co))'nity )e)"er# to record a $er#onal #tory aro'nd t!e !oliday# to gi,e a# a gi&t to t!eir &riend# or &a)ily/ ,hen do you anticipate presenting progra s and recording interviews* Check all that apply' Spring +-1. >no? Su er +-1. >c!ec1? /all +-1. >c!ec1? ,inter +-1.011 >c!ec1? Spring +-11 >c!ec1? Schedule StoryCorps 2raining ,hen do you anticipate scheduling the two0day onsite training with StoryCorps sta##* 3lease select a onth no earlier than /ebruary +-1.' @'ly+ 20 = Narrative . Describe plans #or preserving oral histories collected during this pro)ect and #or sustaining oral history progra s in your library and co unity a#ter the grant period' T!e oral !i#torie# %ill "e digitally cataloged+ #tored+ and edited ,er#ion# %ill "e )ade a,aila"le in a digital collection !o#ted on t!e Maryland Digital C'lt'ral *eritage >MDC*? %e"#ite >%%%/)dc!/org?/ MDC* i# a colla"orati,e+ #tate%ide digiti7ation $rogra) !ead6'artered at t!e 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"raryAState 2i"rary Re#o'rce Center in (alti)ore/ MDC* $artner# %it! Maryland li"rarie#+ arc!i,e#+ !i#torical #ocietie#+ )'#e')#+ and ot!er in#tit'tion# to digiti7e and $ro,ide &ree online acce## to )aterial# relating to t!e #tate8# !i#tory and c'lt're/ Since t!e $rogra) "egan in 2002+ MDC*8# collection# !a,e gro%n to incl'de o,er B+000 ite)#+ #'c! a# )a$#+ )an'#cri$t#+ $!otogra$!#+ art%or1+ "oo1#+ and ot!er )edia/
Ryan OGrady =
We %ill en#'re t!at t!e arc!i,ed #torie# are '#e&'l to co))'nity )e)"er# in *ig!landto%n "y contin'ing to $ro)ote t!e) %it!in t!e So't!ea#t 0nc!or 2i"rary+ and $ro,iding targeted $ro)otion o& t!e) to teac!er# and $rogra) de,elo$er# at co))'nity $artner organi7ation#/ We %ill le,erage t!e StoryCor$# &'nding to o"tain &'nding &ro) ot!er internal and e:ternal #o'rce# to e:$and t!e StoryCor$# $roject to additional "ranc!e# t!ro'g!o't (alti)ore City/ T!e StoryCor$# $roject %ill al#o lay t!e gro'nd%or1 &or an 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary in#tit'tional )e)ory $roject &oc'#ing on 1no%ledge tran#&er o& (alti)ore li"rary !i#tory and jo" &'nction#/ Narrative 1 Describe the ability o# your library to support the i ple entation o# a StoryCorps progra through anticipated cost0share $e'g'! sta## ti e! pro otional support! speaker honoraria or other progra ing costs'&' 4nclude a description and the esti ated value #or all costs you anticipate beyond the 5+!6-- stipend' 4# your library will seek additional #unders #or the pro)ect! please describe that as well' T!e 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary i# ca$a"le o& #'$$orting t!e i)$le)entation o& StoryCor$# $rogra))ing t!ro'g! t!e &ollo%ing role#: C 7ichael Scott! 3ro)ect Coordinator/ Mic!ael i# t!e Maryland Digital C'lt'ral *eritage Coordinator/ S!e %ill dra% on !er e:$erience collecting and cataloging oral !i#torie# to )anage t!e $roject/ 8essica 9eyes! 7arketing and 3artnerships Coordinator/ @e##ica %or1# in t!e Co))'nication# De$art)ent at t!e 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary/ S!e %ill coordinate a $rint and #ocial )edia ca)$aign+ $re$are $re## relea#e#+ and )anage t!e $artner#!i$# %it! local #torytelling $ro&e##ional#+ incl'ding $lanning e,ent#/ :yan ;<Grady! Audio =ditor/ Ryan i# t!e 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary# 0'dio Di#'al Tec!nologi#t/ *e %ill "e re#$on#i"le &or editing t!e inter,ie%# collected/ Cindy 9leback! Site Coordinator/ Cindy i# t!e (ranc! Manager at So't!ea#t 0nc!or 2i"rary/ S!e %ill )anage #c!ed'ling o& inter,ie%# and e,ent#+ and en#'re t!at all $artici$ant need# are )et on #ite/ S!e %ill a##i#t %it! e,ent $lanning/ Sara De ian! Co unity 3artnerships Coordinator/ Sara i# t!e !ead o& ;o'ng 0d'lt Ser,ice# at t!e So't!ea#t 0nc!or 2i"rary/ S!e %ill "'ild on e:i#ting relation#!i$# %it! co))'nity organi7ation# in *ig!land to%n and reac! o't to ne% $artner# to $ro)ote t!e StoryCor$# $roject/ =llie 7ullen! >olunteer Coordinator/ 9llie i# a C!ildren# 2i"rarian and ,ol'nteer coordinator at So't!ea#t 0nc!or 2i"rary/ S!e %ill '#e !er e:$erience )anaging ,ol'nteer# to en#'re t!e $artici$ant# are %ell organi7ed and !a,e t!eir need# )et/
Ryan OGrady E
7ini u ? volunteers to r'n t!e !o'r4long recording #e##ion#/ F For .0 e,ent# >a##')ing 2 !o'r co))it)ent $er inter,ie%?: 20 ,ol'nteer !o'r#A$er#on &or inter,ie%# > 200 total? G . ,ol'nteer !o'r#A$er#on &or training ><. total? H =. ,ol'nteer !o'r#A$er#on total &or a . )ont! $roject > 2<. total?
('dget: See attached. Narrative 6 4n what ways would you be willing to share your knowledge and e%periences to pro ulgate interest and e%pertise a ong other librarians $e'g'! through webinars! con#erence progra s and precon#erences! #eatures on 3rogra ing Librarian'org! or other outlets&* We $lan to #!are o'r 1no%ledge and e:$erience t!ro'g! #e##ion# at t!e "iann'al Maryland State 2i"rary Re#o'rce Center Con&erence+ t!e Maryland 2i"rarie# 0##ociation Con&erence+ article# to "e $'"li#!ed in rele,ant $'"lication#+ and %e"inar# %it! ot!er li"rarian# acro## t!e co'ntry/ We %o'ld al#o "e intere#ted in $artici$ating in $anel# and $rogra)# at o't4o&4#tate con&erence#+ a# tra,el &'nding allo%#/ Narrative ? 4# you anticipate collaborating with other organi@ations or groups! please list the describe their role$s&' 4 add additional co))'nity $artner#+ a# di#c'##ed C Co unities #or All Ages+ a gro'$ o& t!irty $eo$le ranging in age &ro) 247B+ re$re#enting 0&rican40)erican+ %!ite+ !i#$anic+ and &ir#t nation# re#ident#/ Co))'nitie# &or 0ll 0ge# acti,ely $ro)ote# intergenerational e,ent# and $rogra)#+ #'c! a# t!e 0rt Cart Der"y+ in %!ic! yo'ng $eo$le are $aired %it! older ad'lt# to de#ign and "'ild arti#tic #oa$"o: car# &or an ann'al race/ We %ill #ee1 t!eir g'idance and in$'t &or co))'nity $rogra)#+ and re6'e#t t!eir !el$ %it! $ro)oting t!e $rogra)/ Aaron (enkin #enior $rod'cer o& T!e Signal on W;PR+ t!e (alti)ore 5PR a&&iliate/ T!e Signal i# a %ee1ly radio )aga7ine de,oted to e:$loring Maryland8# t!ri,ing arti#tic and c'lt'ral #cene/ T!e $rogra) $ro)i#e# to tran#$ort li#tener# to t!e region8# c'lt'ral "ac1 road#: t!e #t'dio#+ recital !all# and "a#e)ent %or1#!o$# %!ere art i# concei,ed and "ro'g!t to li&e/ We %ill in,ite 0aron to $rod'ce #tory on t!e $roject and $artici$ate in a li,e #torytelling e,ent/ 8essica (enkin and Laura ,e%ler &ro) T!e Stoo$ Storytelling/ T!e Stoo$ $rod'ce# a #erie# o& li,e #torytelling #!o%# eac! year+ $rod'ced &or #old4o't a'dience# at (alti)ore# Center Stage T!eater/ We %ill in,ite @e##ica and 2a'ra to !o#t a %or1#!o$/
Ryan OGrady B
2he National Association o# Alack Storytellers/ 50(S $ro)ote# and $er&or)# #torytelling t!at e)"odie# t!e !i#tory+ !eritage+ and c'lt're o& 0&rican 0)erican#/ S ('tler i# a $ro)inent )e)"er o& 50(S and al#o a "ranc! )anager at t!e 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary/ We %ill in,ite !i) to !o#t a %or1#!o$/ Griots Circle o# 7aryland+ a non4$ro&it organi7ation i# dedicated to '$li&ting t!e &ol1lore and tradition# o& o'r 0&rican !eritage t!ro'g! #torytelling+ $oetry+ )'#ic+ and ot!er ed'cational acti,itie#/ We %ill in,ite t!e) to !o#t a %or1#!o$ or li,e #torytelling e,ent/ 9evin Gri##in 7oreno o& Potl'c1 Storytelling/ Potl'c1 Storytelling $rod'ce# a #erie# o& li,e #torytelling e,ent# eac! year+ and #tri,e# to in,ite #toryteller# %!o re$re#ent a range o& tradition# and #torytelling #tyle# %!o )ig!t not ot!er%i#e cro## $at!#/ We %ill in,ite Ie,in to !o#t a %or1#!o$ or li,e #torytelling e,ent/
Narrative B (ow do you anticipate using the Story9it a#ter the grant period! $e'g' continuing to record oral histories! training additional sta## on interview collection! sharing the kit with other libraries&* 0dditional #ta&& )e)"er# %ill "e trained on !o% to '#e t!e StoryIit and %e %ill e:$and t!e StoryCor$# $roject to ot!er (alti)ore neig!"or!ood#+ "a#ed o't o& di&&erent li"rary "ranc!e#/ We %ill al#o '#e t!e StoryIit to record an 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary in#tit'tional )e)ory $roject &oc'#ing on 1no%ledge tran#&er o& (alti)ore li"rary !i#tory and jo" &'nction#/ Narrative C 4n what ways will the progra
T!e StoryCor$# $roject %ill attract ne% ,i#itor# to t!e So't!ea#t 0nc!or 2i"rary+ increa#ing it# ,i#i"ility in *ig!landto%n and !o$e&'lly creating a )ore di,er#e and engaged c'#to)er "a#e/ T!i# $roject %ill al#o en!ance t!e 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary# i)age a# an organi7ation t!at $ro)ote# co))'nity engage)ent at a neig!"or!ood le,el/ T!e StoryCor$# $roject %ill re#'lt in a "ody o& #torie# a"o't a 'ni6'e+ di,er#e+ !i#torical+ and arti#tic neig!"or!ood in (alti)ore City+ %!ic! t!e #toryteller# and ot!er co))'nity )e)"er# can loo1 to a# a $oint o& $ride/ It %ill "ring toget!er $eo$le %!o )ig!t not ot!er%i#e !ear eac! ot!er# #torie# a"o't t!e neig!"or!ood+ it# !i#tory+ and it# re#ident#+ %!ile al#o )a1ing t!o#e #torie# a,aila"le online to li#tener# e,ery%!ere/ T!e $roject %ill "eco)e an ongoing StoryCor$# $rogra) t!at %e %ill "ring to neig!"or!ood# acro## (alti)ore city and %ill !el$ t!e 9noc! Pratt Free 2i"rary de,elo$ an in#tit'tional )e)ory $roject/ Attach ents Plea#e attac! any letter# o& #'$$ort or related $rogra) )aterial#/
Ryan OGrady .
A##ir Grant :eDuire ents Plea#e a&&ir) t!at+ i& a%arded t!e StoryCor$# J yo'r li"rary $rogra)+ yo'r in#tit'tion %ill co)$ly %it! eac! o& t!e &ollo%ing re6'ire)ent#/ C K#e de#ignated #$on#or credit# andAor logo# on all $'"licity )aterial# C File an online &inal re$ort %it! t!e 0)erican 2i"rary 0##ociation "y @'ly = #t+ 20 E C Sign an agree)ent %it! StoryCor$# agreeing to t!e ter)# o& '#e &or t!e data"a#e #y#te) and $roced're# incl'ding con&identiality and lia"ility &or collecting $er#onal in&or)ation &ro) t!e $'"lic/ T!e agree)ent contain# in&or)ation regarding o%ner#!i$ o& t!e )aterial# and t!e $er)i##i"le '#e# o& t!e inter,ie%# "y t!e li"rary/ T!e agree)ent %ill )o#t li1ely re6'ire re,ie% "y yo'r legal de$art)ent+ a# it %ill contain cla'#e# concerning lia"ility/ C Record E0 to .0 inter,ie%# according to StoryCor$# training g'ideline# and )et!odology