Glossary of Railway Terminology Selection en FR de PDF
Glossary of Railway Terminology Selection en FR de PDF
Glossary of Railway Terminology Selection en FR de PDF
on safety and interoperability terminology, but also on other areas that ERA can use in its day-to-day activities as well as in its working parties for the development of future publications.The consultants firm Steer Davies Gleave awarded the tender and delivered results in February 2009. ERA decided to make available an abstract of such terminology study. Further development will be the update of the study and insertion of terms in the public EU institutions IATE database (information at : English Term "Hazard and Interoperability" (HAZOP) study French Term German Term English Definition A study carried out by application of guide words to identify all deviations from the design intent with undesired effects for safety or operability. A section of track in a fixed block system which a train may only enter when it is not occupied by other vehicles. A fixed block system in which a train may enter a block section only after the last train ahead has completely cleared the block section and is protected by a stop signal. An automatic block system on single lines on US railroads which is completely controlled by track circuits providing protection against opposing and following movements without opposite locking. A signal that must not be passed in stop position without a special permission from the operator. Use of a conformity assessment result provided by another person or body. Use of a conformity assessment result provided by another person or body. Opportunity for an applicant to obtain conformity assessment under the rules of the system or scheme. Any particular access contract, whether or not entered into pursuant to any directions of the Office of Rail Regulation under the Act, incorporating the Network Code. Rights of access to railway infrastructure and rights of transit through a Member State using the railway infrastructure. French Definition German Definition Source Document Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
absolute block
Directive 95/19/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the charging of infrastructure fees IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
absolute signal
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles Network Rail - Network Code
access agreement
United Kingdom - The Railways Infrastructure (Access and Management) Regulations 2005
Page 1 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition There are supplementary charges (known as Schedule 4 supplements) covering ORRs estimate of the total expected efficient cost to Network Rail of paying compensation for possessions (or Restrictions of Use of the railway). The cost is determined at a networkwide level, and is disaggregated to franchised passenger railway undertakings in the same proportion as the Fixed Track Charge. There are also supplementary charges (known as Schedule 8 supplements) covering ORRs estimate of the costs of indemnifying railway undertakings for costs incurred for breach of the Passengers Charter. This is primarily relevant to franchised passenger railway undertakings, not all of whom have elected to receive the indemnity and so pay the supplementary charge.
German Definition
Rules appended to the Network Code, which govern the handling of rail disputes arising from matters covered by the code. The set of rules regulating the resolution of disputes between Access Parties, entitled 'Access Dispute Resolution Rules'. Any person who may exercise an access option (as defined in section 17(6) of the Act) in respect of a railway facility: (a) which is not a station or a light maintenance depot; and (b) in respect of which the facility owner is Network Rail. In respect of an Access Agreement, the parties to that agreement. In relation to an Access Agreement, permission to use track for the purpose of the operation of trains on that track by a beneficiary and rights ancillary thereto which are provided or charged for in the Access Agreement in question. Opportunity for an applicant to obtain conformity assessment under the rules of the system or scheme.
Page 2 of 451
English Definition An unwanted or unintended sudden event or a specific chain of such events which have harmful consequences; accidents are divided into the following categories: collisions, derailments, levelcrossing accidents, accidents to persons caused by rolling stock in motion, fires and others.
French Definition Un vnement indsirable ou non intentionnel et imprvu, ou un enchanement particulier d'vnements de cette nature, ayant des consquences prjudiciables; les accidents sont ventils suivant les types ci-aprs: collisions, draillements, accidents aux passages niveau, accidents de personnes causs par le matriel roulant en marche, incendies et autres.
German Definition ein unerwnschtes oder unbeabsichtigtes pltzliches Ereignis oder eine besondere Verkettung derartiger Ereignisse, die schdliche Folgen haben; Unflle werden in folgende Kategorien eingeteilt: Kollisionen, Entgleisungen, Unflle auf Bahnbergngen, Unflle mit Personenschden, die von in Bewegung befindlichen Fahrzeugen verursacht wurden, Brnde und sonstige Unflle.
Source Document Directive 2004/49/EC Railway Safety Directive amending 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC
An unintended event or series of events that results in death, injury, loss of a system or service, or environmental damage.
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005
An unwanted or unintended sudden event or a specific chain of such events which have harmful consequences including collisions, derailments, levelcrossing accidents, accidents to persons caused by rolling stock in motion, fires and others. An unwanted or unintended sudden event or a specific chain of such events which have harmful consequences including collisions, derailments, levelcrossing accidents, accidents to persons caused by rolling stock in motion, fires and others. Unfall An unwanted or unintended sudden event or a specific chain of such events which have harmful consequences; accidents are divided into the following categories: collisions, derailments, levelcrossing accidents, accidents to persons caused by rolling stock in motion, fires and others.
Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008
ein unerwnschtes oder Safety Database Activity Report unbeabsichtigtes pltzliches Ereignis 2007 oder eine besondere Verkettung derartiger Ereignisse, die schdliche Folgen haben; Unflle werden in folgende Kategorien eingeteilt: Kollisionen, Entgleisungen, Unflle auf Bahnbergngen, Unflle mit Personenschden, die von in Bewegung befindlichen Fahrzeugen verursacht wurden, Brnde und sonstige Unflle.
accident involving the transport of accident mettant en cause Unflle, an denen dangerous goods le transport de Gefahrguttransporte marchandises dangereuses beteiligt sind
Any accident or incident that is subject Tout accident ou incident faisant l'objet alle Unflle oder Zwischenflle, die to reporting in accordance with RID/ADR d'une dclaration conformment au gem RID/ADR Abschnitt 1.8.5 section 1.8.5. RID/ADR, section 1.8.5. meldepflichtig sind. Page 3 of 451
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The likelihood of an accident occurring. May be expressed as numeric probability or frequency or as a category. A potential progression of events that result in an accident.
German Definition
Source Document Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Recommendations to revise Annex 1 to Directive 2004/49
accident sequence
accident severity
A measure of amount of harm. May be expressed as a financial value or as a category. A condition or event which is required for a hazard to give rise to an accident.
accident trigger
Accidents to one or more persons that are either hit by a railway vehicle or by an object attached to or that has become detached from the vehicle. Persons that fall from railway vehicles are included, as well as persons that fall or are hit by loose objects when travelling on-board vehicles. Transport of complete road vehicles on trains comprising low-floor wagons throughout, whereby the driver rides along in special passenger coaches. begleiteter kombinierter Verkehr Transport of a complete road vehicle, accompanied by the driver, using another mode of transport (for example ferry or train). Each of thirteen consecutive periods in each Relevant Year, each such period being 28 days in length, save that the length of the first and last period in the Relevant Year shall be such as shall be adopted by Network Rail. The accreditation process of persons or bodies, to be based on criteria of independence, competence and impartiality, such as the relevant EN 45000 series European standards. Transport dun ensemble routier complet, accompagn du conducteur, par un autre mode de transport (par exemple, ferry ou train).
Befrderung eines von seinem Fahrer Terminology on combined begleiteten Kraftfahrzeuges mit einem transport anderen Verkehrstrger (z.B. Fhre oder Bahn). Network Rail - Network Code
accounting period
CMW Glossary
Third-party attestation related to a conformity assessment body conveying formal demonstration of its competence to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks [ISO 17000: 2004-11-01; Conformity assessment Vocabulary and general principles]. Page 4 of 451
French Term
German Term
French Definition
German Definition
The accreditation process of persons or bodies, to be based on criteria of independence, competence and impartiality, such as the relevant EN 45000 series European standards.
Source Document Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC Die Zulassung erfolgt anhand der Directive 2007/59/EC on the Kriterien Unabhngigkeit, Sachverstand certification of train drivers und Unparteilichkeit, beispielsweise operating locomotives and trains anhand der einschlgigen Europischen on the railway system in the Normen, der Reihe EN 45 000, sowie Community aufgrund der Auswertung der von den Bewerbern vorgelegten Unterlagen, in denen sie ihre Fhigkeiten in dem betreffenden Bereich nachweisen.
Third-party attestation related to a conformity assessment body conveying formal demonstration of its competence to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks. Procedure by which an authoritative body gives formal recognition that a body or person is competent to carry out specific tasks. Third-party attestation related to a conformity assessment body conveying formal demonstration of its competence to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks. An attestation by a national accreditation body that a conformity assessment body meets the requirements set by harmonised standards and, where applicable, any additional requirements including those set out in relevant sectoral schemes, to carry out a specific conformity assessment activity. Authoritative body that performs accreditation. Authoritative body that performs accreditation. Confirmation by the driver that he has received the information he needs to take into account.
Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 CMW Glossary ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Page 5 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Level crossing where the crossing users are protected from or warned of, the approaching train by the activation of devices when it is unsafe for the user to traverse the crossing. Level crossing where crossing users are protected from or warned of the approaching train by the activation of devices when it is unsafe for them to cross. Part of the maintenance time during which active maintenance is carried out on an item, either manually or automatically, excluding logistic delays. An active maintenance action may be carried out while the item is performing a required function. Redundancy wherein all means for performing a required function are intended to operate simultaneously. Activities principally determined by the Entities in Charge of Maintenance; the following activities are also activities affecting safety: accountable Manager, joining techniques, non destructive testing, final testing including the release to service. The Maintenance Workshop shall have processes and shall establish and maintain documented procedures allowing to a) identify within its organisation the potential hazard when performing the activities affecting safety; b) use the processes defined in above; c) implement the necessary actions in particular on competences management, facilities, equipments, tools and supply chain, and information; d) ensure that activities affecting safety are carried out by the competent staff using the appropriate procedures and instructions, documents, facilities, equipments, tools, test and measurement equipments, spare parts and materials.
German Definition
active redundancy
CMW Glossary
actual carrier
transporteur sous-traitant
ausfhrender Frachtfhrer
The infrastructure managers, the railway undertakings and the other actors defined in recital 6 of the Directive 2004/49/EC. A third party who performs the carriage Personne laquelle le transporteur a Die Person, der vom Frachtfhrer die completely or partly. confi, en tout ou en partie, lexcution Befrderung ganz oder teilweise du transport. bertragen wird. Page 6 of 451
Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF) Terminology on combined transport
French Term
German Term
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification
Characteristics of an item at a specific point in time. Services to be supplied upon request to a railway undertaking by the infrastructure manager, if the latter offers any of their range. These may comprise: a) traction current; b) pre-heating of passenger trains; c) supply of fuel, shunting, and all other services provided at the access services facilities mentioned above; d) tailor-made contracts for: - control of transport of dangerous goods, - assistance in running abnormal trains.
Services tre fournis une entreprise ferroviaire par le gestionnaire de l'infrastructure, aprs requte. Ceux-ci peuvent comprendre: a) le courant de traction; b) le prchauffage des voitures; c) la fourniture du combustible, les services de man?uvre et tous les autres services fournis aux installations d'accs mentionnes ci-dessus; d) la mise disposition de contrats sur mesure pour: - le contrle du transport de marchandises dangereuses, - l'assistance la circulation de convois spciaux.
ADRR determination
A determination made by the relevant ADRR Panel following a reference made under the dispute resolution or appeals processes, where such determination has not been referred to the Office of Rail Regulation within the time limit for such referral. The area through which a train travels after passing a given location. AEIF AEIF Association Europenne pour l'Interoprabilit Ferroviaire. AEIF is according Directive 2001/16/EC the joint representative body, the common association of UIC, UNIFE and UITP. Association europenne pour l'interoprabilit ferroviaire. Selon la directive 2001/16/CE, il s'agit de l'organisme commun reprsentatif, compos de reprsentants de l'UIC, de l'UNIFE et de l'UITP. Die AEIF ist das in Richtlinie 2001/16/EG genannte gemeinsame Gremium, der gemeinsame Verband von UIC, UNIFE und UITP.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Network Rail - Network Code
affected person
affected stakeholder
In relation to Qualifying Information, the person to whose affairs the information relates. Stakeholders who must currently, or will in future have to, comply with the Standard being changed. In relation to any company: (a) a company which is either a holding company or a subsidiary of such company; or (b) a company which is a subsidiary of a holding company of which such company is also a subsidiary, and for these purposes, 'holding company' and 'subsidiary' have the meanings ascribed to them in section 736 of the Companies Act 1985. Page 7 of 451
German Term
English Definition Any undertaking the annual accounts of which are consolidated with those of the contracting entity in accordance with the requirements of the seventh Council Directive 83/349/EEC of 13 June 1983, based on Article 54 (3) (g) of the EEC Treaty on consolidated accounts or, in the case of entities not subject to that Directive, any undertaking over which the contracting entity may exercise, directly or indirectly, a dominant influence within the meaning of paragraph 2, or which may exercise a dominant influence over the contracting entity or which, in common with the contracting entity, is subject to the dominant influence of another undertaking by virtue of ownership, financial participation, or the rules which govern it.
French Definition German Definition Toute entreprise dont les comptes annuels sont consolids avec ceux de l'entit adjudicatrice conformment aux exigences de la septime directive 83/349/CEE du Conseil, du 13 juin 1983, fonde sur l'article 54 paragraphe 3 point g) du trait, concernant les comptes consolids (1) ou, dans le cas d'entits non soumises cette directive, toute entreprise sur laquelle l'entit adjudicatrice peut exercer, directement ou indirectement, une influence dominante, au sens du point 2 l'article 1 de la direction 93/38/CE ou qui peut exercer une influence dominante sur l'entit adjudicatrice ou qui, comme l'entit adjudicatrice, est soumise l'influence dominante d'une autre entreprise du fait de la proprit, de la participation financire ou des rgles qui la rgissent.
Source Document Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
All of services offered by the vendor or the manufacturer after the purchase. Failure whose probability of occurence increases with the passage of time. This time is independent of the operating time of the item. Ageing is a physical phenomenon which involves a modification of the physical and/or chemical characteristics of the material.
ageing failure
The European Railway Agency, the Community agency for railway safety and interoperability.
l'Agence ferroviaire europenne, c'est-- die Europische Eisenbahnagentur, d.h. dire l'agence communautaire pour la die Gemeinschaftsagentur fr Sicherheit scurit ferroviaire et l'interoprabilit. und Interoperabilitt im Eisenbahnverkehr. The European Railway Agency LAgence ferroviaire europenne established by Regulation (EC) No institue par le rglement (CE) no 881/2004 (2) of the European Parliament 881/2004 du Parlement europen et du and of the Council of 29 April 2004. Conseil (2) du 29 avril 2004. The European Railway Agency, as established by Regulation (EC) No 881/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 establishing a European railway agency (Agency Regulation). Bodies that are signatories to the agreement on which an arrangement is based. Page 8 of 451
Directive 2004/49/EC Railway Safety Directive amending 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC Directive 2007/59/EC on the certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community Directive 2008/57/EC on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community
agreement group
German Term
English Definition The value which, if exceeded, requires that the track geometry condition is analysed and considered in the regularly planned maintenance operations.
French Definition German Definition A trait la valeur qui, si elle est dpasse, requiert que les conditions de la gomtrie de la voie soient analyses et introduites dans les oprations de maintenance priodiques.
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
Value which, if exceeded, requires that the track geometry condition is analysed and considered in the regularly planned maintenance operations. rpartition Zuweisung The allocation of railway infrastructure capacity by an infrastructure manager. L'affectation des capacits de l'infrastructure ferroviaire par un gestionnaire d'infrastructure.
die Zuweisung von Fahrwegkapazitt der Directive 2001/14/EC On the Eisenbahn durch einen Betreiber der allocation of railway infrastructure Infrastruktur. capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 643-2004 European Communities (Allocation of Railway Infrastructure Capacity and The Levying of Charges For The Use of Railway Infrastructure and Safety Certification) Regulations, 2004 die Zuteilung von Fahrwegkapazitt durch eine Zuweisungsstelle. Directive 95/19/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the charging of infrastructure fees die Behrde und/oder der Directive 95/19/EC On the Fahrwegbetreiber, die bzw. der von den allocation of railway infrastructure Mitgliedstaaten mit der Vergabe von capacity and the charging of Fahrwegkapazitt beauftragt wird. infrastructure fees Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
l'affectation des capacits d'infrastructure ferroviaire par un organisme de rpartition. L'autorit et/ou le gestionnaire de l'infrastructure charg par les tats membres de rpartir les capacits d'infrastructure.
allocation body
organisme de rpartition
The authority and/or infrastructure manager designated by the Member States for the allocation of infrastructure capacity. Either fixed/systematic or at liberty/unsystematic. The inventory management computer stocks the goods at the next available location, thus ensuring optimum utilization of the warehouse. Due to huge economies of scale higher investments and longer distances do hardly count ABC structure and FIFO can also be guaranteed with unsystematic storage. Tool to classify stock items, products, orders, etc. Inventory management uses ABC Analysis to classify items according to their relative importance/distribution by value per year. A method of capacity research that calculates data from the infrastructure and timetable characteristics to determine and describe the capacity without simulation. Page 9 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Train movements which are not an express part of any Services but which are necessary or reasonably required for giving full effect to the train movements which are an express part of the Services and shall include any such train movement as is referred to in paragraph (c) of the definition of "Services" to the extent that it is not expressly provided for in the relevant Access Agreement.
German Definition
ancillary services
services connexes
Services that may be requested by railway undertakings from the infrastructure manager or from other suppliers. The infrastructure manager is not obliged to supply these services. These may comprise: a) access to telecommunication network; b) provision of supplementary information; c) technical inspection of rolling stock.
Services que peuvent demander les entreprises ferroviaires en sus au gestionnaire de l'infrastructure ou d'autres fournisseurs. Le gestionnaire de l'infrastructure n'est pas tenu de fournir ces prestations connexes. Ceux-ci peuvent comprendre: a) l'accs au rseau de tlcommunications; b) la fourniture d'informations complmentaires; c) le contrle technique du matriel roulant.
Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification
Request by the provider of the object of conformity assessment to the conformity assessment body or accreditation body for reconsideration by that body of a decision it has made relating to that object. In relation to a Local Output Commitment, means the exercise by a Train Operator of a right under the 'performance' section of the Network Code to make a reference in that respect to an Appeal Body. When running in SR the applicable speed limit is the lowest speed limit of: timetable / Route Book, written order, or the maximum speed for SR.
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Page 10 of 451
English Definition A licensed railway undertaking and/or an international grouping of railway undertakings, and, in Member States which provide for such a possibility, other persons and/or legal entities with public service or commercial interest in procuring infrastructure capacity, such as public authorities under Council Regulation (EEC) No 1191/69 (1) and shippers, freight forwarders and combined transport operators, for the operation of railway service on their respective territories.
French Definition Toute entreprise ferroviaire agre et/ou tout regroupement international d'entreprises ferroviaires titulaires d'une licence et, dans les tats membres qui prvoient cette possibilit, d'autres personnes physiques ou morales ou entits ayant des raisons commerciales ou de service public d'acqurir des capacits d'infrastructure pour l'exploitation d'un service ferroviaire sur leurs territoires respectifs, comme les autorits publiques vises dans le rglement (CEE) no 1191/69 du Conseil (1) et les chargeurs, les transitaires et les oprateurs de transports combins.
German Definition Bezeichnet ein zugelassenes Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen und/oder eine internationale Gruppe von Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen und in Mitgliedstaaten, in denen eine solche Mglichkeit vorgesehen ist, anderer Personen und/oder Krperschaften mit ffentlichem oder privatwirtschaftlichem Interesse an der Bereitstellung von Infrastrukturkapazitt, beispielsweise Behrden nach Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 1191/69 des Rates (1), sowie Versender, Spediteure und Betreiber des kombinierten Verkehrs, die Eisenbahnen auf ihrem jeweiligen Territorium betreiben.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
A licensed railway undertaking and/or an international grouping of railway undertakings, and, in Member States which provide for such a possibility, other persons and/or legal entities with public service or commercial interest in procuring infrastructure capacity, such as public authorities under Regulation (EEC) No 1191/69 (5) and shippers, freight forwarders and combined transport operators, for the operation of railway service on their respective territories.
Toute entreprise ferroviaire agre et/ou tout regroupement international d'entreprises ferroviaires titulaires d'une licence et, dans les tats membres qui prvoient cette possibilit, d'autres personnes physiques ou morales ou entits ayant des raisons commerciales ou de service public d'acqurir des capacits de l'infrastructure pour l'exploitation d'un service ferroviaire sur leurs territoires respectifs, comme par exemple les autorits publiques vises dans le rglement (CEE) no 1191/69 (5) et les chargeurs, les transitaires et les oprateurs de transports combins.
ein zugelassenes Eisenbahnunternehmen und/oder eine internationale Gruppierung von Eisenbahnunternehmen und - in Mitgliedstaaten, die eine solche Mglichkeit vorsehen - andere natrliche und/oder juristische Personen, die ein einzelwirtschaftliches oder gemeinwirtschaftliches Interesse am Erwerb von Fahrwegkapazitt fr die Durchfhrung eines Eisenbahnverkehrsdienstes in ihrem jeweiligen Hoheitsgebiet haben, wie Behrden im Rahmen der Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 1191/69 (5), Verlader, Spediteure und Unternehmen im Rahmen des kombinierten Verkehrs.
Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification
Any Railway Undertaking holding a licence or any international grouping of railway undertakings holding a licence applying to benefit from infrastructure capacity.
Toute entreprise ferroviaire titulaire dune licence ou tout regroupement international dentreprises ferroviaires titulaires dune licence demandant bnficier de capacit de linfrastructure.
Train Operator applying for a Quantum Access Right to a Train Slot. Generally a railway undertaking or infrastructure manager who intends to introduce a significant change in the railway system. A manufacturer, keeper or contracting entity may also be an applicant if they require an authorisation to place in service for a generic application. Page 11 of 451
French Term
German Term
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 537-2003 European Communities (Licensing of Railway Undertakings) Regulations, 2003 Directive 2004/49/EC Railway Safety Directive amending 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC
A written request (for safety certificate and for safety authorisation) to be submitted to NSA in the format established by the Commission Regulations. A written request (for safety certificate and for safety authorisation) to be submitted to NSA in the format established by the Commission Regulations. A process whereby the RAMS elements for a system are sub-divided between the various items, which comprise the system to provide individual targets.
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
A process whereby the RAMS elements for a system are sub-divided between the various items, which comprise the system to provide individual targets. Locking provided to prevent a route being altered once a proceed signal could have been seen by a driver or ATP system. It is normally possible to cancel the route after a time delay, or by the operation of a special procedure. Form of route locking that comes into force after the train has occupied the approach section. An interlocking signal in approach to a home signal that does not directly protect switches but that is interlocked to switches inside the overlap of the home signal. The running time between a signal that provides an approach indication and the following signal. Permission for a product or process to be marketed or used for stated purposes or under stated conditions. Harmonised approval number for placing in service issued by an NSA. Date (and time) of arrival of means of transport based on current forecast. Date (and time) of arrival of means of transport in the timetable. The time difference between the arrival date/time actual and the arrival Page 12 of 451 date/time planned.
approach locking
approach locking
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
approach signal
approach time
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles Registration of Rolling Stock - Final report TAP TSI Glossary
French Term
German Term
articulated vehicle
ensemble articul
English Definition French Definition The time difference between the arrival date/time estimated and the arrival date/time planned. A motor vehicle coupled to a semiVhicule moteur coupl une semitrailer. remorque.
German Definition
Sattelzugfahrzeug mit einem Terminology on combined Sattelanhnger gekuppelt. Auf Deutsch transport wird fr ein Sattelkraftfahrzeug auch der Begriff Sattelzug verwendet. European Railway Signalling
The display given by a signal, either at lineside or in the cab. It can be described either in visual terms, for example 'flashing yellow' or by its meaning, for example 'next signal is at steady yellow and at reduced discance to the stop signal' (SNCF). Value-adding stage within the logistics chain comprising installation, assembling or manufacture of components. The undertaking of an investigation in order to arrive at a judgement, based on evidence, of the suitability of a product.
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems
Process of analysis to determine whether the Design Authority and the Validator have achieved a product that meets the specifed requirements and to form a judgement as to whether the product is fit for its intended purpose.
The process of analysis to determine whether the design authority and the validator have achieved a product that meets the specified requirements and to form a judgement as to whether the product is fit for its intended purpose.
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Any activity concerned with determining directly or indirectly that relevant requirements are fulfilled. Typical examples of conformity assessment activities are sampling, testing and inspection; evaluation, verification and assurance of conformity (supplier's declaration, certification); registration and approval as well as their combinations.
Demonstration that specified requirements relating to a product, process, system, person or body are fulfilled. Page 13 of 451
French Term
German Term
assessment body
English Definition French Definition Demonstration that specified requirements relating to a product, process, system, person or body are fulfilled; conformity assessment covers activities such as testing, inspection and certification. The independent organisation or entity which undertakes investigation to arrive to a judgment, based on evidence, of the suitability of a system to fulfil its requirements. In the scope of this regulation, this term covers any body which fulfils, by analogy, the minimum criteria laid down in Annex VII of the Interoperability Directives.
German Definition
assessment of conformity
Any activity concerned with determining directly or indirectly that specified requirements are fulfilled.
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC CMW Glossary
assessment of conformity
Any activity concerned with determining directly or indirectly that relevant requirements are fulfilled.
Examination of a product, particularly the product design, on the basis of general (not specific) product requirements, by a professional expert. The conformity assessment of maintenance is in the responsibility of each member state concerned. The Annex DD (which remains an open point) describes the procedure by which each member state ascertains that maintenance arrangement meet the provisions of this TSI and ensure the respect of the basic parameters and essential requirements during the subsystem lifetime. Person or agent appointed to carry out the assessment.
assessment of maintenance
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
asset assignment
A formally accountable item. Something that has been assigned, such as a mission or task (referred to a railway related task, e.g.: driving trains, or service scheduled for rolling stock, in order to build trains suitable for a specified journey). Page 14 of 451
German Term
English Definition The asymmetry of a vehicle is defined as the angle ?o that would be formed between the vertical and the centreline of the body of a stationary vehicle on level track in the absence of friction.
French Definition La dissymtrie d'un vhicule est dfinie par l'angle ?o qui sera form entre la verticale et l'entraxe de la caisse d'un vhicule en stationnement sur une voie de niveau, en absence de tout frottement.
German Definition
Source Document Commission Decision 2006/861/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem rolling stock - freight wagons of the trans-European conventional rail system
asynchronous simulation
A method to simulate railroad operations by scheduling stochastically generated train paths. The different train classes are scheduled one after the other (i.g. asynchronous) in accordance to their priority. Train path conflicts are solved by scheduling rules. ACID ACID These are the four primary attributes ensured to any transaction: Atomicity. In a transaction involving two or more discrete pieces of information, either all of the pieces are committed or none are. Consistency. A transaction either creates a new and valid state of data, or, if any failure occurs, returns all data to its state before the transaction was started. Isolation. A transaction in process and not yet committed must remain isolated from any other transaction. Durability. Committed data is saved by the system such that, even in the event of a failure and system restart, the data is available in its correct state. The ACID concept is described in ISO/IEC 10026-1:1992 Section 4. Each of these attributes can be measured against a benchmark. In general, however, a transaction manager or monitor is designed to realise the ACID concept.In a distributed system, one way to achieve ACID is to use a two-phase commit (2PC), which ensures that all involved sites must commit to transaction completion or none do, and the transaction is rolled back. Atomicit, cohrence, isolement, durabilit Il s'agit des quatre attributs principaux de toute transaction. Atomicit: dans une transaction qui implique au minimum deux lments d'informations, soit tous les lments sont pris en considration, soit aucun ne l'est. Cohrence: une transaction soit cre un nouvel tat de donnes valide, ou en cas d'chec, remet toutes les donnes dans leur tat initial. Isolement: une transaction en cours et non encore valide doit demeurer isole de toute autre transaction. Durabilit: Les donnes valides sont enregistres dans le systme de manire ce qu'elles restent disponibles dans leur tat correct mme en cas de panne et de redmarrage du systme. Le concept ACID est dfini dans la norme ISO/IEC 10026-1:1992, section 4. Chacun de ses attributs peut tre valu par rapport un point de rfrence. En gnral, la mise en oeuvre de ce concept incombe au gestionnaire ou au superviseur de la transaction. Dans un systme distribu, elle peut tre garantie par
Atomisierung, Konsistenz, Isolierung, Commission Regulation Dauerhaftigkeit. Dies sind die vier 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI Grundprinzipien einer Transaktion: relating to the telematic Atomisierung. In einer Transaktion, application for freight subsystem bestehend aus zwei oder mehr of the trans-European einzelnen Informationsteilen, werden conventional rail system entweder alle Teile oder berhaupt keine bergeben. Konsistenz. Eine Transaktion schafft entweder einen neuen, gltigen Status der Daten, oder, wenn irgendein Fehler auftritt, nehmen alle Daten wieder den Status ein, den sie vor dem Start der Transaktion hatten. Isolierung. Eine in Bearbeitung befindliche und noch nicht bergebene Transaktion muss von anderen Transaktionen isoliert bleiben. Dauerhaftigkeit. bergebene Daten werden vom System gesichert, so dass die Daten sogar im Falle eines Fehlers und Systemneustarts wieder im korrekten Zustand verfgbar sind. Das ACID-Konzept wird in ISO/IEC 100261:1992 Abschnitt 4 beschrieben. Im Allgemeinen ist jedoch ein Transaktionsmanager oder -monitor fr die Realisierung des ACID-Prinzips vorhanden. In einem verteilten System besteht eine Mglichkeit der Realisierung von ACID in der Zweiphasenune validation en deux phases (2 PC), qui Zustimmung (2PC), die sicherstellt, dass implique que soit toutes les parties entweder alle einbezogenen Seiten dem prenantes s'engagent valider la Transaktionsabschluss transaction. Dans le cas contraire, celle- zustimmen oder keine, wobei dann die ci est supprime. Transaktion wieder zurckgenommen wird.
Page 15 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The ACID concept is described in ISO/IEC 10026-1:1992 Section 4. Each of these attributes can be measured against a benchmark. In general, however, a transaction manager or monitor is designed to realise the ACID concept. In a distributed system, one way to achieve ACID is to use a two-phase commit (2PC), which ensures that all involved sites must commit to transaction completion or none do, and the transaction is rolled back. An act to deliberately injure oneself resulting in serious injury, but not in death, as recorded and classified by the competent national authority. Acte commis par toute personne qui agit dlibrment pour s'infliger des dommages corporels entranant des blessures graves mais pas la mort, tel qu'enregistr et class par l'autorit nationale comptente.
German Definition
attempted suicide
tentative de suicide
eine Handlung vorstzlicher Selbstverletzung, die zwar eine erhebliche Verletzung zur Folge hat, jedoch nicht zum Tod fhrt, wie von der zustndigen nationalen Behrde registriert und klassifiziert.
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
Issue of a statement, based on a decision following review that fulfilment of specified requirements has been demonstrated. Issue of a statement, based on a decision following review, that fulfilment of specified requirements has been demonstrated. Issuance of a statement, based on a decision following review that fulfillment of specified requirements has been demonstrated. An electronic system hosting the catalogue of transport services for which a transport service-provider authorises distributing companies to issue travel documents. A company managing an attributing system. May be a carrier. A systematic and independent examination to determine whether the procedures specific to the requirements of a product comply with the planned arrangements, are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve the specified objectives. Systematic, independent, documented process for obtaining records, statements of fact or other relevant information and assessing them objectively to determine the extent to which specified requirements are fulfilled. Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit Page 16 of 451 criteria are fulfilled.
CMW Glossary
ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
attributor audit
TAP TSI Glossary EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled. Internal audits, sometimes called first-party audits, are conducted by, or on behalf of, the organization itself for management review and other internal purposes, and may form the basis for an organizations declaration of conformity. In many cases, particularly in smaller organizations, independence can be demonstrated by the freedom from responsibility for the activity being audited. External audits include those generally termed second- and thirdparty audits. Second-party audits are conducted by parties having an interest in the organization, such as customers, or by other persons on their behalf. Third-party audits are conducted by external, independent auditing organizations, such as those providing certification/registration of conformity to ISO 9001 or ISO 14001. When two or more management systems are audited together, this is termed a combined audit. When two or more auditing organizations cooperate to audit a single auditee, this is termed a joint audit.
German Definition
Systematic, independent, documented process for obtaining records, statements of fact or other relevant information and assessing them objectively to determine the extent to which specified requirements are fulfilled. NOTE: Whilst audit applies to management systems, assessment applies to conformity assessment bodies as well as more generally. Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled. Organization or person requesting an audit. Outcome of an audit provided by the audit team after consideration of the audit objectives and all audit findings. Page 17 of 451
audit client
audit conclusion
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary
French Term
German Term
English Definition Set of policies, procedures or requirements. Records, statements of fact or other information which are relevant to the audit criteria and verifiable. Results of the evaluation of the collected audit evidence against audit criteria. Description of the activities and arrangements for an audit. Set of one or more audits planned for a specific time frame and directed towards a specific purpose. Extent and boundaries of an audit.
French Definition
German Definition
audit evidence
audit findings
audit plan
audit programme
audit scope
audit team
one or more auditors conducting an audit, supported if needed by technical experts. Organization being audited.
Person with the demonstrated personal attributes and competence to conduct an audit. Person with the competence to conduct an audit. The formal permission to use a product within specified application constraints.
Source Document ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
An authorisation for train movement can be given by: a trackside signal at proceed aspect or, a Movement Authority or, a written order: to start in SR after awakening or, to pass an End Of Movement Authority or, to proceed after train trip.
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Formal acceptance of rolling stock by the safety authority of a Member State, on the basis of a technical file and, eventually, test runs on a specific infrastructure. Infrastructure subsystems, energy subsystems, and control and command and signalling subsystems that have been authorised for placing into service. Page 18 of 451
Accepation formelle de mise en service no definition in German version of du matriel roulant par l'autorit de 2004/49/EC. scurit d'un Etat membre suite un dossier technique et par la suite d'essais sur l'infrastructure spcifique.
French Term
German Term
English Definition High-speed rolling stock that has been authorised for placing into service. Any natural or legal person established within the Community who has received a written mandate from a manufacturer to act on his behalf in relation to specified tasks.
French Definition
German Definition
authorised representative
Any natural or legal person established within the Community who has received a written mandate from the manufacturer to act on his behalf fin relation to specified tasks with regard to the latter's obligations under the relevant Community legislation.
authorised variation
A variation to an established Vehicle or Network Change, where: (a) the terms and conditions on which the Vehicle or Network Change in question was established contain a variation procedure; (b) that variation procedure has been followed in accordance with its terms; and (c) the result of the operation of that variation procedure is that the established Vehicle or Network Change has been varied. The operation of equipment in signalling centres, electric traction current supply control rooms and traffic control centres that permits train movement. This does not include those staff employed by a Railway Undertaking who are responsible for management of resources such as train crew or rolling stock.
Source Document United Kingdom - The Railways (Interoperability) (High-Speed) Regulations 2002 Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 Network Rail - Network Code
Exploitation d'quipements dans des postes de signalisation, des salles de commande, d'nergie et de traction lectrique et dans des postes de commande centraliss du trafic qui autorisent les mouvements des trains. Cette fonction ne couvre pas le personnel employ par les entreprises ferroviaires et charg de la gestion de ressources, tel que le personnel de bord ou le matriel roulant. Exploitation dquipements dans des postes de signalisation, des salles de commande, dnergie et de traction lectrique et dans des postes de commande centraliss du trafic qui autorisent les mouvements des trains. Cette fonction ne couvre pas le personnel employ par les entreprises ferroviaires et charg de la gestion de ressources, tel que le personnel de bord ou le matriel roulant.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
The operation of equipment in signalling centres, electric traction current supply control rooms and traffic control centres that permits train movement. This does not include those staff employed by Railway Undertakings who are responsible for management of resources such as train crew or rolling stock.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Page 19 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The operation of equipment in signalling centres, electric traction current supply control rooms and traffic control centres that permits train movement. This does not include those staff employed by Railway Undertakings who are responsible for management of resources such as train crew or rolling stock. A form of operation in which fixed block signals are controlled by an automatic block system. A block system in which the signals work automatically. Lines with an automatic block system must be equipped with track clear detection. Level crossing operated by approaching trains and not normally interlocked with the signalling system. A system that provides the automatic setting of the proper route when a train approaches a signal. A signal that is operated automatically. An appliance that provides an automatic setting of switches when a route is lined up. 1) Another term for a continuous automatic train protection (ATP) system 2) An automatic train protection (ATP) system that is combined with a device for automatic train operation (ATO).
German Definition
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
A system that guides the train automatically by the information provided by an ATP system. Automatic Train Protection. Every train using the Channel Tunnel is equiped with an automatic train protection system which continually checks that the actual speed of a train is compatible with the permitted speed allowed by signalling. If it is not ATP activates an emergency brake to halt the train before it reaches an obstruction point.
A system that transmits information about movement authorities and speed limits from the line to the train to cause automatic braking if the train ignores the valid limits. Page 20 of 451
German Term
English Definition French Definition A system utilised on specific sections of the network to provide absolute train control in the event of a driver failing to control the train in accordance with the permitted speed or in the absence of a movement authority. It is only mandated for certain railway undertakings on specified routes, but may require other railway undertakings to demonstrate a risk based assessment to support an exemption where services run on the route sections involved. A system that enforces obedience to signals and speed restrictions by speed supervision, including automatic stop at signals. 1) A simple form of an intermittent ATP system that only provides an automatic train stop when passing a stop signal but no braking curve supervision in approach to a stop signal. 2) The part of an ATP system that automatically applies the train brakes when the engineer fails to acknowledge a restrictive signal. A mandatory system fitted in every driving cab/position on locomotives, multiple-units and on-track machines. It provides a visual and audible reminder to the driver of: (a) a warning or clear signal indication, or (b) certain specific permanent or temporary speed restrictions. Returnable supplementary packing aids with specification of their type (e.g. inlets, KLT covers). Ability of an item to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions at a given instant of time or during a given time interval, assuming that the required external resources are provided.
German Definition
CMW Glossary
Page 21 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Ability of an item to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions at a given instant of time or during a given time interval, assuming that the required external resources are provided. This ability depends on the combined aspects of the reliability, the maintenability and the maintenance supportability. Required external resources, other than maintenance resources, do not affect the availability of the item. The ability of a product to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions at a given instant of time or over a given time interval assuming that the required external resources are provided. Ability of a product to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions at a given instant of time or over a given time interval, assuming the required external resources are provided. The ability of a product to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions at a given instant of time or over a given time interval assuming that the required external resources are provided. The information (transport service, type of offer, tariff, other service) that can actually be obtained by a passenger at a given time point, for a specific train. Not to be confused with Offer, indicating that a (transport service, type of offer, tariff, other service) is offered in the initial planning, but could be sold out and therefore not obtainable by a passenger at a given time point, for a specific train. The average inventory stock is calculated as follows: stock at beginning of year + annual stock/2. Procedure starting from switching on the onboard system, continuing with selftest and finishing with the right relationship between onboard system and trackside equipment.
German Definition
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Page 22 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition An awakening track is a track fitted with particular systems to permit the train to awake and to start with an MA. Awakening tracks are indicated in the Route Book.
German Definition
Source Document Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
axle counter
A track clear detection system consisting of counting points at both ends of a section and a counter connected to the counting points. The occupancy of a section is detected by comparing the number of axles which enter the section with the number of axles which leave the section. Sum of the static vertical wheel forces exerted on the track through a wheelset or a pair of independent wheels divided by acceleration of gravity. provided to prevent the restoration of a signallled route or ground frame release once it has been operated until certain conditions have been fulfilled. Automated recall of non-compliant batches from customer, automated storage of all warehousing and supply data during specified period of time. Distribution service for LCL consignments: Austrian-wide door-todoor transport of goods (ranging from small parcels to several pallets) within a maximum of 24 hours including guaranteed delivery times. Hazardous goods (RID/ADR) and extra-long goods can also be carried. Moreover, various services such as C.O.D., weighing are provided. Transport logistics service for parcels traffic: Austrian-wide station-to-station (about 300 stations all over Austria) courier service for parcels consignments. Daily conveyance with fast passenger trains (also on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays). Consignments with a max. weight of up to 30 kg (max. length 1.5 m, max. circumference 2 m) can be conveyed. Service postphoned in June 2001. Page 23 of 451
axle load
bahn express
French Term
German Term
ballast pick-up
envol de ballast
English Definition French Definition A transponder that is used as a data point in an intermittent automatic train protection (ATP) system or as reference point for train location in radio-based train control. An aerodynamic phenomenon in which Phnomne arodynamique donnant ballast is thrown up or projected. lieu des dtachements ou projections de ballast.
German Definition
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
(a) in relation to the Non-Passenger Class, either one of the two bands of members of that Class consisting respectively of those members whose annual Track Charges relating to the provision of services for the carriage of goods by railway amount as nearly as practicable to the first 75% and the final 25% of the aggregate relevant annual Track Charges payable by all of the members, listed at the relevant time on the basis of descending value of the relevant annual Track Charges payable by them at that time; and (b) in relation to the Franchised Passenger Class, any one of the three bands of members of that Class consisting respectively of those members whose annual Track Charges relating to the provision of Franchised Services amount as nearly as practicable to the first 40%, the next 40% and the final 20% of the aggregate relevant annual Track Charges payable by all of the members, listed at the relevant time on the basis of descending value of the relevant annual Track Charges payable by them at that time.
base maintenance
Anything which may act to prevent a hazard giving rise to an accident. Barriers may be physical, procedural or circumstantial. Represents all measures, undertaken to establish the actual condition and/or to reinstate the nominal condition, that necessitate partially or completely disassembling of the vehicle (including related measurements and the associated measuring and testing). It represents also all measures to recondition components or spare parts. Heavy maintenance includes level 4 and level 5. Page 24 of 451
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance CMW Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Any regulatory, technical or operational condition which is critical to interoperability.
German Definition
Source Document "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network
basic parameter
paramtres fondamental
Any regulatory, technical or operational condition which is critical to interoperability and requires a decision in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21(2) of Directive 2001/16 before any development of draft TSIs by the joint representative body.
Toute condition rglementaire, technique ou oprationnelle, critique au plan de linteroprabilit et qui doit faire lobjet dune dcision ou dune recommandation selon la procdure vise larticle 21, paragraphe 2, avant la mise au point des projets complets de STI.
alle ordnungsrechtlichen, technischen oder betrieblichen Bedingungen, die fr die Interoperabilitt von kritischer Bedeutung sind und vor der Ausarbeitung von TSI-Entwrfen durch das gemeinsame Gremium Gegenstand einer Entscheidung nach dem Verfahren des Artikels 21 Absatz 2 sein mssen.
basic parameter
Any regulatory, technical or operational condition which is critical to interoperability and is specified in the relevant TSIs.
Toute condition rglementaire, technique ou oprationnelle qui est essentielle pour l'interoprabilit et qui est spcifie dans les STI pertinentes.
alle ordnungsrechtlichen, technischen Directive 2008/57/EC on the oder betrieblichen Bedingungen, die fr interoperability of the rail system die Interoperabilitt von kritischer within the Community Bedeutung und in den einschlgigen TSI angegeben sind;. alle ordnungsrechtlichen, technischen Directive 96/48/EC on the oder betrieblichen Bedingungen, die fr interoperability of the Transdie Interoperabilitt von kritischer European high-speed rail system Bedeutung sind und vor der Erstellung der vollstndigen TSI-Entwrfe Gegenstand einer Entscheidung oder Empfehlung nach dem in Artikel 21 Absatz 2 genannten Verfahren sein mssen. Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast) Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
basic parameter
paramtre fondamental
Any regulatory, technical or operational condition which is critical to interoperability and requires a decision or recommendation in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21(2) before any development of complete draft TSIs.
Toute condition rglementaire, technique ou oprationnelle, critique au plan de linteroprabilit et qui doit faire lobjet dune dcision ou dune recommandation selon la procdure vise larticle 21 (2), avant la mise au point des projets complets de STI;.
basic parameter
basic parameter
Any regulatory, technical or operational condition which is critical to interoperability and is specified in the relevant TSIs. any regulatory, technical oroperational condition which is critical to interoperability and requires a decision or recommendation in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21(2) before any development of complete draft TSIs.
basic parameter
Any regulatory, technical or operational condition which is critical to interoperability and requires a decision in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21(2) before any development of draft TSIs by the joint representative body. Any requirement as specified in the clauses under section 4.2 of this TSI.
basic parameter
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
Page 25 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Any regulatory, technical or operational condition which is critical to interoperability and requires a decision or recommendation in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 21(2) of the High-Speed Directive and article 21(2) of the Conventional Directive.
German Definition
basket wagon
wagon corbeille
A rail wagon with a demountable subframe, fitted with devices for vertical handling, to allow the loading and unloading of semi-trailers or road vehicles.
Wagon ayant un cadre amovible, quip de prises pour la manutention verticale, permettant le chargement ou le dchargement de semi-remorques ou de vhicules routiers.
Eisenbahnwaggon mit einer Terminology on combined abnehmbaren Tragekonstruktion, die transport mit Vorrichtungen fr den Vertikalumschlag ausgerstet ist, um die Be- oder Entladung von Sattelanhngern oder Kraftfahrzeugen zu ermglichen. Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
support de voie
The sub-quantity of material which is kept in stock separate from other subquantities of the same material and which is unequivocally identifiable by its batch number. Sleeper designed for use in switches and Support destin une utilisation dans crossings. les appareils de voie.
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
best practice
best practice
best practice
Practical techniques gained from experience that have been shown to produce best results. A collection of conventions and approaches that have proven to be effective. Savoirs ou manires de faire qui, dans une organisation, conduisent au rsultat souhait et qui sont ports en exemple auprs des pairs afin de leur faire partager l'exprience qui permettra une amlioration collective. A management idea which asserts that there is a technique, method, process, activity, incentive or reward that is more effective at delivering a particular outcome than any other technique, method, process, etc. The idea is that with proper processes, checks, and testing, a project can be rolled out and completed with fewer problems and unforeseen complications.
Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
best practice
A bid made to Network Rail for one or more Train Slots comprising, as the case may be, notifications of, or amendments to services, any Spot Bid or any Revised Bid. Page 26 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Each Train Operator, each Access Option Holder and each other person who has been allowed to participate in the timetable change procedure. A signaling system for two way working.
German Definition
A removable internal liner, strong enough to be lifted and to carry bulk cargoes of different types.
Sac amovible et suffisamment renforc pour tre soulev, mis lintrieur dune UTI, pour le transport en vrac de marchandises de diffrents types.
Ein herausnehmbarer, sackartiger Innenbehlter, ausreichend stabil fr den Vertikalumschlag und fr den Transport von verschiedenen Arten von Schttgtern.
bilateral arrangement
Arrangement whereby two parties recognize or accept each others conformity assessment results. List of materials required to complete or produce a specified product. semi-remorque bimodale (rail-route) bimodaler Sattelanhnger A road semi-trailer that can be converted into a rail wagon by the addition of rail bogies. Semi-remorque routire pouvant tre transforme en wagon par un ajout de bogies ferroviaires.
ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
Sattelanhnger, der durch das Terminology on combined Hinzufgen von Eisenbahndrehgestellen transport in einen Eisenbahnwaggon umgewandelt werden kann. Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
Automated facility for stretch foil packaging. A fixed sign that marks the limit of a block section in a cab signal territory. A section of track in a fixed block system which a train may only enter when it is not occupied by other vehicles. A signal that governs train movements into a block section. Block of stock, storage items arranged in blocks. A signaling system that provides a safe spacing of trains. Block systems may be divided into fixed block systems and moving block systems. Train transporting homogeneous products. A specific form of a direct train with only as much wagons as needed, running between two transhipment points without intermediate marshalling.
block section
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary Forme spcifique de train direct comportant le nombre de wagons strictement ncessaire et circulant entre deux points de transbordement, sans triage intermdiaire. Spezifische Form eines Direktzuges, der nur so viele Wagen wie notwendig umfasst und ohne zwischenzeitliches Rangieren zwischen zwei Umschlagorten verkehrt. Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
blocking time
Another term for interlocked manual block. Assorting freight cars within a train into groups (blocks) bound for individual destinatons. The time interval in which a section of track is exclusively allocated to a train and therefore blocked for other trains. Page 27 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A graph displaying the blocking times of all block sections a train passes into a time-over-distance diagram. Place licensed by customs authorities for storage of goods on which payment of duties is deferred until the goods are removed. A book of forms that describes the sequence of action to be taken by the Infrastructure Managers staff and the Railway Undertakings staff when moving trains in degraded situations. Each separate activity requires a separate form. The Book of Forms is prepared in the languages of both the Infrastructure Manager and the Railway Undertaking and the relevant Infrastructure Managers and Railway Undertakings staff holds copies.
German Definition
bonded warehouse
book of forms
livret de formulaires
Recueil de formulaires dcrivant la srie de mesures prendre par le personnel du gestionnaire dinfrastructure et par celui de lentreprise ferroviaire lorsquils dplacent des trains en situation dgrade. Chaque activit particulire ncessite un formulaire spar. Le livret de formulaires est rdig dans les langues du gestionnaire dinfrastructure et de lentreprise ferroviaire; le personnel des gestionnaires dinfrastructure et des entreprises ferroviaires concern en dtient des exemplaires.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
The process of making a reservation for space on a means of transport for the movement of goods.
Rservation d'espace pour expdier des Der Prozess der Reservierung von Commission Regulation marchandises via un moyen de transport Frachtraum in einem Transportmittel fr 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI spcifique. Gter. relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Means the selling of a ticket without or with a reservation. Term for trains crossing from one national railway network to a neighbouring national railway network.
A member of a train crew who assists the engineer in the train handling. System ensuring that the train's speed can be reduced or maintained in a slope, or that the train can be stopped within the maximum allowable braking distance. It ensures also the immobilisation of the train. A line diverging from a main line to serve smaller towns with low traffic. Page 28 of 451
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
braking system
French Term
German Term
English Definition A level of Individual Risk, as defined from time to time by the Health and Safety Executive, which is below the lower limit of the Tolerable Region. Any rail which is separated in two or more pieces, or any rail from which a piece of metal becomes detached, causing a gap of more than 50 mm in length and more than 10 mm in depth on the running surface. A break affecting the essential parts of the wheel or the axle and creating a risk of accident (derailment or collision). A non-agglomerating coal with a gross calorific value of less than 23 860 kJ/kg (5 700 kcal/kg) in a condition free of wet ash and containing more than 31 per cent volatile matter on a dry mineral free basis. A device that prevents vehicles from overrunning the dead-end of a stub track. An extra time that is added to the minimum line headway to avoid the transmission of small delays. (a) construction, structural alteration, repair or maintenance of a building and "maintenance" shall include repointing, redecoration and external cleaning of the structure; (b) demolition of a building; or (c) preparation for and laying the foundation of an intended building, but does not include any operation which is a work of engineering construction. A device that prevents vehicles from overrunning the dead-end of a stub track. A motor vehicle which is designed or adapted to travel along roads and to carry more than eight passengers but which is not a tramcar. A day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which banks are ordinarily open for the transaction of normal banking business in London. A transaction that occurs between a company and another company. The provision of goods and services by one company for another company. Page 29 of 451
French Definition
German Definition
broken rails
buffer stop
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
buffer time
building operation
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006 Railway Group Standards Code
business day
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A transaction that occurs between a company and a consumer. The provision of goods and services by a company for consumers. Certification Authority. Organisme de certification.
German Definition
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Network Rail - 2009 Network Statement
A secure radio system used in areas with an intensive passenger train operation and reserved for secure communication between driver and signaller. It interfaces with the signalling train describer system and allows signalling staff to address drivers of individual trains. It only operates on a train from the driving cab in use. A signaling system that displays the movement authorities on the control panel in the locomotive cab. An installation made up of several components that: (a) is used or intended to be used for the purpose of providing an operational system for carrying persons in vehicles, on chairs or by towing devices; (b) uses cables positioned along the line of travel to provide suspension or traction or both; and (c) is one of the following: (i) cable car (including a gondola and chair lift) where the cabins or chairs are lifted or displaced by one or more carrier cables; (ii) drag lift, where users with appropriate equipment are dragged by means of a cable; or iiii) funicular railway or other installation with vehicles mounted on wheels or on other suspension devices where traction is provided by one or more cables; but does not include cable operated tramways, rack railways or lifts;.
cab signaling
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
cableway installation
A staffed car at the rear end of freight trains on US railroads. Today, a caboose is only required on lines with time spacing.
Page 30 of 451
German Term
English Definition Path which is part of a set of at least 7 daily units in each direction, ordered at least 250 days on the duration of the annual timetable, of identical paths as concerns the mission and roue length, all requested with the same hourly timing (same minute in a given station each requested time) and symmetrical between directions on a symmetrical time axis positioned to the minute zero. The zero symmetry is defined by the fact that, ina given station, if departures from direction 1 are requested at minute X, arrivals requested in the opposite direction to this stationa re requested at minute 60-X.
French Definition German Definition Sillon qui fait partie d'un ensemble d'au moins 7 units journalires dans chaque sens commandes chacune au moins 250 jours sur la dure du service annuel, de sillons identiques au niveau de la mission et temps de parcours, tous demands avec le mme minutage horaire (mme minute en une gare donne chaque heure de demande), et symtriques entre sens sur un axe de symtrie temporel positionn la minute zro. La symtrie zro est dfinie par le fait que, dans une gare donne, si les dparts du sens 1 sont demands la minute , les arrives demandes dans le sens inverse cette gare le sont la minute 60-X.
A subsidiary signal that allows a train cautiously to pass a stop signal. Difference in height, relative to the horizontal, of the two rails of one track at a particular location, measured at the centrelines of the heads of the rails. insuffisance de dvers The difference, expressed in mm, between the applied cant on the track and the equilibrium cant for the vehicle at the particular stated speed. Diffrence, exprime en millimtres, entre le dvers appliqu sur la voie et le dvers d'quilibre pour le vhicule la vitesse particulire indique.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure
cant deficiency
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
cant deficiency
Difference between the applied cant on the track and the equilibrium cant for the vehicle at the particular stated speed. Ability of an organization,system or process to realize a product that will fulfil the requirements for that product. analyse des capacits Kapazittsanalyse Procedure whose aim is to determine the restrictions on infrastructure capacity which prevent requests for capacity from being adequately met, and to propose methods of enabling additional requests to be satisfied. Procdure qui a pour but de dterminer les restrictions de capacits de l'infrastructure qui empchent que les demandes de capacits puissent tre satisfaites de manire approprie, et de proposer des mthodes permettant de satisfaire les demandes supplmentaires. Cette analyse dtermine les raisons de cette saturation et les mesures qui pourraient tre prises court et moyen terme pour y remdier. Zweck einer Kapazittsanalyse ist die Ermittlung der Engpsse bei der Fahrwegkapazitt, die verhindern, dass ntrgen auf Zuweisung von Fahrwegkapazitt in angemessener Weise stattgegeben werden kann, und die Darlegung, auf welche Weise zustzlichen Antrgen stattgegeben werden kann. In der Analyse werden die Grnde fr berlastungen ermittelt und mgliche kurz- und mittelfristige Abhilfemanahmen dargelegt.
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification
capacity analysis
Page 31 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The Capacity Charge is designed to recover a proportion of the costs incurred by Network Rail as a result of the level of traffic on the network. These costs arise because additional services reduce the ability to recover the timetable after a delay and increase the number of trains affected by any delay, thereby increasing Network Rails costs under the performance regimes with railway undertakings. Measure or series of measures with a calendar for their implementation which are proposed to alleviate the capacity constraints leading to the declaration of a section of infrastructure as congested infrastructure'. Une mesure ou une srie de mesures, assorties d'un calendrier de mise en oeuvre et visant rduire les contraintes en matire de capacits qui entranent la dclaration d'une section de l'infrastructure comme infrastructure sature.
German Definition
eine mit einem Durchfhrungszeitplan verbundene Manahme oder Reihe von Manahmen zur Behebung von Kapazittsengpssen, die zur Einstufung eines Fahrwegabschnitts als berlastet fhren.
Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification
capacity research
car carrier
The maximum number of trains that may be operated through a line. The last day on which a Bidder may propose changes to the content of the Draft Timetable and which shall be no more than 4 weeks before the end of the Drafting Period. The usage of methods of railroad operations research to determine the capacity of lines, interlockings, terminals and yards. Non-traction vehicle capable of carrying passenger cars without their passengers, which is intended to be integrated in a passenger train. A non-traction vehicle capable of carrying passenger cars without their passengers, which is intended to be integrated in a passenger train. A trackside braking device used in gravity switching to control cars running down a hump. A way over which there is a public right of passage for motor vehicles.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Network Rail - Network Code
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control United Kingdom - The Railways (Accident Investigation and Reporting) Regulations 2005 Signifie quun envoi est compos de plusieurs wagons complets remis au transport en mme temps par un mme expditeur dans une mme gare et directement achemin en un train complet, ladresse dun mme estinataire pour une mme gare. Council Regulation (EEC) 2183/78 laying down uniform costing principles for railway undertakings
car carrier
car retarder
The consignment comprises several wagon loads offered for carriage at the same time by the same sender at the same station, and forwarded directly as a full train to the same consignee at the same destination station.
Undertakes the transport of goods on land, water or in the air. Page 32 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The contractual railway undertaking with whom the passenger has concluded the transport contract or a series of successive railway undertakings which are liable on the basis of this contract. The person responsible for the carriage of goods, either directly or using a third party. Personne responsable de lacheminement des marchandises, par ses propres moyens ou ceux dautrui.
German Definition
Die Person, die fr den Gtertransport verantwortlich ist und ihn entweder selbst durchfhrt oder durch Andere durchfhren lt.
The carrying capacity of wagon is the maximum authorized weight it can carry. A form of tabular interlocking in which a route is established by a locking sequence which is effected by permanent and conditional lockings between switches and signals. sillon-catalogue Path created by the infrastructure managers to constitute the offer of capacity in anticipation of the demand of railway undertakings. Fatalities and/or multiple severe injuries and/or major damage to the environment resulting from an accident;. The categories of goods carried by rail are those defined by the international nomenclature for transport statistics in use, approved by Eurostat, ECMT or UNECE. Market-oriented process management for a specific group of waggons, product groups (categories) and relevant customer target groups focussing on joint initiatives by industry and trade. Groups of merchandise as strategic business units, customized optimization. Sillon conu par le gestionnaire d'infrastructure pour modeler l'offre de capacit en amont des demandes des enterprises ferroviaires.
cascade locking
catalogue path
catastrophic consequence
Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF) Glossary for Transport Statistics
category of line
Classification of a line according to Type of Traffic and Type of Line. Analysis of the reasons how and why a particular hazard may come into existence.
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
causal analysis
causal factor
Any event, state or other factor which might contribute to the occurrence of a hazard. Page 33 of 451
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition An unwanted or unintended sudden event or a specific chain of such events which have harmful consequences including collisions, derailments, levelcrossing accidents, accidents to persons caused by rolling stock in motion, fires and others. Actions, omissions, events or conditions, Les actions, omissions, vnements ou or a combination thereof, which led to conditions, ou une combinaison de ceuxthe accident or incident. ci, qui ont conduit l'accident ou l'incident. Actions, omissions, events or conditions, or a combination thereof, which led to an accident or incident. Marking by which the manufacturer indicates that the product is in conformity with the applicable requirements set out in Community harmonisation legislation providing for its affixing. Marking by which the manufacturer indicates that the product is in conformity with the applicable requirements set out in Community harmonisation legislation providing for its affixing.
German Definition
Handlungen, Unterlassungen, Ereignisse Directive 2004/49/EC Railway oder Umstnde oder eine Kombination Safety Directive amending dieser Faktoren, die zu einem Unfall 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC oder einer Strung gefhrt haben. Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005
CE marking
CE marking
central body
Body in charge of coordination at European level of some registration process which could be ERA or a Joint Committee ERA/OTIF/OSJD. A control system in which the local interlockings are remote-controlled by a dispatcher and the trains are governed by signal indication. Harmonised complementary certificate indicating the infrastructure on which the holder is authorised to drive and the rolling stock which the holder is authorised to drive.
Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 Registration of Rolling Stock - Final report
Lattestation complmentaire harmonise prcisant les infrastructures sur lesquelles le titulaire est autoris conduire ainsi que le matriel roulant que le titulaire est autoris conduire.
die harmonisierte Zusatzbescheinigung, in der aufgefhrt ist, auf welcher Infrastruktur der Inhaber fahren und welche Fahrzeuge er fhren darf.
Directive 2007/59/EC on the certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community
certificate of conformity
certificate of conformity
A certificate drawn up by the notified body in relation to a structural subsystem as part of the verification assessment procedures for that structural subsystem. Page 34 of 451
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System) United Kingdom - The Railways (Interoperability) (High-Speed) Regulations 2002
French Term
German Term
English Definition A certificate drawn up by the notified body in relation to a structural subsystem as part of the verification assessment procedures for that structural subsystem. Procedure by which a third party gives written assurance that a product conforms to specified requirements.
French Definition
German Definition
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC CMW Glossary
Third-party attestation related to products, processes, systems or persons. Note 1: Certification of a management system is sometimes called registration. Note 2: Certification is applicable to all objects of conformity assessment except for conformity assessment bodies themselves, to which accreditation is applicable.
Third-party attestation related to products, processes, systems or persons. In the case of freight wagons, each entity in charge of maintenance shall be certified by a body to be accredited or recognised in accordance with paragraph 5, or by a National Safety Authority. The accreditation process shall be based on criteria of independence, competence and impartiality, such as the relevant EN 45 000 series European standards. The recognition process shall also be based on criteria of independence, competence and impartiality. Where the entity in charge of maintenance is a railway undertaking or an infrastructure manager, compliance with the requirements to be adopted under paragraph 5 shall be checked by the National Safety Authority in the context of the procedures referred to in Article 10 or 11 and shall be confirmed on the certificates specified in those procedures. Based on a recommendation by the Agency, the Commission shall, by ?, adopt a measure establishing a system of certification of the entity in charge of maintenance for freight wagons.
ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles CMW Glossary
Page 35 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Within 3 years from the start of its activities, the Agency shall develop a European system for certification of maintenance workshops for rolling stock and shall make recommendations with a view to the implementation of the system. These recommendations shall address in particular the following items: - structured management system, - staff with the necessary competences, - facilities and tools, - technical documentation and maintenance prescriptions.
German Definition
certification system
Set of procedures and resources for carrying out the certification process as per a certification scheme, leading to the issue of a certificate of competence including maintenance. modifications de cots - for new traffic or for an increased volume of existing traffic, the additional costs to the railway undertaking resulting from the acceptance of such traffic, - for existing traffic the termination of which is being considered or for a reduction in vol The application to any person of any Legal Requirement which did not previously so apply or the change of any Legal Requirement applying to that person (including any such Legal Requirement ceasing to apply, being withdrawn or not being renewed) other than in relation to: (a) corporation tax (or any other tax of a similar nature replacing corporation tax on profits or gains); or (b) value added tax. Means the means by which a service (information, ticket sale, ticket refund, answer to complaints etc) is provided to the passenger by a railway undertaking. Advises the Inter-Governmental Commission (IGC) on all aspects of safety within the Channel Tunnel. Allocation of goods or storage units to one of several storage locations. According to this principle there is no dedicated storage location. Distinguishing feature. Page 36 of 451 - pour un nouveau trafic ou en cas daugmentation du volume dun trafic existant, les cots supplmentaires auxquels lentreprise doit faire face du fait de lacceptation de ce trafic, - pour un trafic existant et dont on envisage la cessation ou pour la
CMW Glossary
Council Regulation (EEC) 2183/78 laying down uniform costing principles for railway undertakings
change of law
Eurotunnel Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition The system established by an infrastructure manager to determine access charges. The first level of maintenance that includes the actions of checking and monitoring undertaken before the train departure (pre-departure) or en route. Train crew member in charge of supervising the commercial operations during transit, the safety of passengers on board the shuttle and controlling the on-board systems. Reusable pallet made of plastic or wood.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document United Kingdom - The Railways Infrastructure (Access and Management) Regulations 2005 CMW Glossary
chef de train
Eurotunnel Glossary
Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary Les rgles uniformes concernant le contrat de transport international ferroviaire des marchandises, figurant l'appendice B de la convention relative aux transports internationaux ferroviaires (Cotif), y compris ses modifications. Directive 96/49/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States with regard to the transport of dangerous good by rail
The uniform rules concerning the contract for international carriage of goods by rail, appearing as Appendix B to the Convention concerning international carriage by rail (COTIF), together with its amendments. In relation to a Relevant Year, a level of operational performance relating to: (a) delays to or cancellations of train services; or (b) such other matter relating to operational performance in respect of which an Access Agreement provides for one party to be entitled to receive from the other: (i) compensation based on a tariff (including, in the case of a breach of contract, whether by way of liquidated damages or otherwise); or (ii) a variation in the amount of compensation due depending on the quality, timeliness or any other aspect of the performance of an obligation.
In relation to a Relevant Year, a level of capability or quality of the Network or any other matter which is not the subject of a Class A Local Output. Assembling freight cars into trains bound for specific destinations. A subyard of a classification yard which contains the classification tracks. Signals that are displayed by trains on lines with timetable and train order operation to mark extra trains and trains that are divided in sections. Page 37 of 451
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
classification signal
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A track in the classification bowl designated to a specific destination. A freight yard in which incoming cars are classified for new train destinations. A point a train must have cleared completely until a signal or an interlocked route may be unlocked. A clearway is the unobstructed space to Il s'agit de l'espace exempt d'obstacle allow movement within a vehicle to permettant les dplacements areas. l'intrieur d'un vhicule vers les zones dsignes dans le chapitre 4 de la directive 2008/164/CE. The schedules of a timetable in which trains that belong to the same relation are scheduled with fixed time intervals between their train paths. A fixed block system in which the line is blocked in normal state and only cleared when a train is going to enter the block section. A door held closed by the door closing Porte maintenue ferme par son seul mechanism only. mcanisme de fermeture.
German Definition
Source Document IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Commission Decision 2008/164/EC concerning the TSI relating to persons with reduced mobility in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
clearing point
clockface schedules
closed block
closed door
porte ferme
Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system United Kingdom - Railways Act 2005
(a) the discontinuance of a railway passenger service or of railway passenger services; (b) the discontinuance of the operation of the whole or a part of a network; or (c) the discontinuance of the use or operation of the whole or a part of a station. code NC KN-Code 8-digit code list for products used by customs. Liste des codes de produits 8 caractres utiliss par les douanes.
Vom Zoll verwendeter achtstelliger Code Commission Regulation fr Waren. 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
A non-traction vehicle in a fixed or variable formation capable of carrying a payload. It is permitted to equip such a coach with a drivers cab. Such a coach is named a driving coach.
Vhicule non tracteur dans une composition fixe ou variable capable de transporter une charge utile. Il est permis dquiper une voiture dune cabine de conduite. La voiture est alors appele un vhicule de conduite.
Non-traction vehicle in a fixed or variable formation capable of carrying passengers. It may be equipped with a driver's cab; such a coach is then named a Driving Coach. Passenger railway vehicle other than a railcar or a railcar trailer. Page 38 of 451
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
French Term
German Term
English Definition A non-traction vehicle in a fixed or variable formation capable of carrying passengers. Unique identification number of a coach. This document, the Railway Group Standards Code, including its Annexes. A written set of rules that, when correctly applied, can be used to close out one or several particular hazards. A track circuit in which the track current is overlaid by a code that contains signal information. Non-binding codes of practice, issued by the RSSB to aid the interpretation of Standards. Collisions and/or derailment.
French Definition
German Definition
coach ID code
Source Document Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" TAP TSI Glossary Railway Group Standards Code
code of practice
Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF) IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Railway Group Standards Code
codes of practice
cold incidents
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Railway Group Standards Code
collision of trains, including collisions with obstacles within the clearance gauge
A delay that was transmitted from another train. The total risk to all affected parties arising from a particular hazardous event, measured in Equivalent Fatalities per year. A front to front, front to end or a side collision between a part of a train and a part of another train, as well as with: i. shunting rolling stock, ii. fixed or temporarily present objects on or near the track (except at level crossings if lost by crossing vehicle/user).
A light signal that displays the aspects by the color of lights. A light signal which displays the aspects by the color and the position of lights. Transport of a road vehicle NOT accompanied by the driver or an Intermodal Transport Unit, using two or more transport modes. Combined lamps (e.g. lamps capable of different functions) shall be permitted only where the requirements for the individual lamp functions are achieved.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
combi cargo
combined lamp
feux combins
Les feux combins (aptes plusieurs fonctions) sont seulement autoriss si les exigences applicables chaque feu correspondant sont satisfaites.
Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
Page 39 of 451
English Definition Intermodal transport where the major part of the European journey is by rail by any initial and/or final leg carried out by road are short as possible.
French Definition Transport intermodal dans lequel la majeure partie du trajet sur le rseau europen s'effectue par chemin de fer, et dont l'tape initiale et/ou finale effectue par route est aussi courte que possible. Ensemble d'installations fixes (comprenant la fois des installations ferroviaires telles que des voies spcialises et des installations de transbordement et de stockage telles que portiques de manutention et cours) permettant le transfert du fret du mode ferroviaire au mode routier et vice versa.
German Definition Intermodaltransport, bei dem ein groer Teil der Fahrt durch Europa auf der Schiene erfolgt und bei dem ein erster und/oder letzter, mglichst kurzer Fahrtabschnitt auf der Strae durchgefhrt wird.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009
Set of fixed installations (comprising rail facilities such as specialised tracks and transhipment anf stocking installation such as portal cranes and yards) used to transfer freight from the rail mode to the road mode and vice versa.
combined transport
The movement of goods in one and the same Intermodal Transport Unit or road vehicle, which uses successively two or more modes of transport without handling the goods themselves in changing modes. transport combin kombinierter Verkehr Intermodal transport where the major part of the European journey is by rail, inland waterways or sea and any initial and/or final legs carried out by road are as short as possible. Transport intermodal dont les parcours principaux, en Europe, seffectuent par rail, voies navigables ou mer et dont les parcours initiaux et/ou terminaux, par route, sont les plus courts possible.
combined transport
command interlocking
An interlocking system in which a signal in a dependent tower can only be cleared after it has been remotely unlocked from the command tower. An interlocking tower from which an interlocking signal in the district of a dependent tower must be remotely unlocked to be cleared for a route. The date on which the relevant Quantum Access Right takes effect in accordance with the Train Operators Access Agreement. Software defined by market-driven need, commercially available and whose fitness for purpose has been demonstrated by a broad spectrum of commercial users. A collective term for the activities undertaken to prepare a system or product prior to demonstrating that it meets its specified requirements.
Intermodaler Verkehr, bei dem der Terminology on combined berwiegende Teil der in Europa transport zurckgelegten Strecke mit der Eisenbahn, dem Binnen- oder Seeschiff bewltigt und der Vor- und Nachlauf auf der Stra e so kurz wie mglich gehalten wird. IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
command tower
commencement date
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
Page 40 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition The Industry Standards Co-ordination Committee and Standards Committees (and any sub-committees of either of them). TO BE CANCELLED. Failures of different items resulting from the same direct cause and where these failures are not consequences of each other. A failure which is the result of an event(s) which causes a coincidence of failure states of two or more components leading to a system failing to perform its required function. A failure which is the result of an event(s) which causes a coincidence of failure states of two or more components leading to a system failing to perform its required function. Fault common to items, which are intended to be independent. Arrangement ensuring intersection of two opposite running edges of turnouts or diamond crossings and having one crossing vee and two wing rails.
French Definition
German Definition
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure
common crossing
Indicators listed in Annex I of Directive 2004/49/CE, information on which are to be collected by Member States to facilitate the assessment of the achievement of the Common Safety Targets and to provide for the monitoring of the general development of railway safety. They relate to: - Accidents - Incidents and near-misses - Consequences of accidents - Technical safety of infrastructure and its implementation - Management of safety.
Indicateurs lists dans l'annexe I de la directive 2004/49/EC, sur lesquels les tats membres collectent des informations sur afin de faciliter l'valuation de la ralisation des Objectifs de Scurit Communs et de permettre de suivre l'volution gnrale de la scurit des chemins de fer. Ils se rapportent: - aux accidents - aux incidents survenus et aux incidents vits de justesse - aux consquence des accidents - la scurit technique de l'infrastructure et sa mise en oeuvre - la gestion de la scurit.
The methods adopted by the European Commission under Article 6 of the Directive to describe how safety levels and achievement of safety targets and compliance with other safety requirements are assessed.
Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008
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German Term English Definition gemeinsame The methods to be developed to Sicherheitsmethoden (CSM) describe how safety levels and achievement of safety targets and compliance with other safety requirements are assessed, by elaborating and defining: (a) risk evaluation and assessment methods, (b) methods for assessing conformity with requirements in safety certificates and safety authorisations issued in accordance with Articles 10 and 11, (c) as far as they are not yet covered by TSIs, methods to check that the structural subsystems of the transEuropean highspeed and conventional rail systems are operated and maintained in accordance with the relevant essential requirements.
French Definition Les mthodes qui sont labores pour dcrire comment valuer les niveaux de scurit, la ralisation des objectifs de scurit et la conformit d'autres exigences en matire de scurit, par l'laboration et la dfinition: a) de mthodes d'valuation des risques, b) de mthodes d'valuation de la conformit aux exigences figurant sur les certificats de scurit et les agrments en matire de scurit dlivrs conformment aux articles 10 et 11, et c) dans la mesure o elles ne sont pas encore couvertes par des STI, de mthodes permettant de vrifier que les sous-systmes structurels des systmes ferroviaires transeuropens grande vitesse et conventionnel sont exploits et entretenus conformment aux exigences essentielles les concernant.
German Definition die zu entwickelnden Methoden zur Beschreibung der Art und Weise, wie die Sicherheitsniveaus, die Erreichung der Sicherheitsziele und die Einhaltung der anderen Sicherheitsanforderungen beurteilt werden.
Source Document Directive 2004/49/EC Railway Safety Directive amending 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC
The methods adopted by the European Commission under Article 6 of the Directive to describe how safety levels and achievement of safety targets and compliance with other safety requirements are assessed. The safety levels adopted by the Commission of the European Communities pursuant to Article 7 of the Directive 2004/49 and must be reached by different parts of the rail system and by the system as a whole expressed in risk assessment criteria. The safety levels adopted by the Commission of the European Communities pursuant to Article 7 of the Directive and must be reached by different parts of the rail system and by the system as a whole expressed in risk assessment criteria.
Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008
Page 42 of 451
English Definition The safety levels that must at least be reached by different parts of the rail system (such as the conventional rail system, the high speed rail system, long railway tunnels or lines solely used for freight transport) and by the system as a whole, expressed in risk acceptance criteria, for: (a) individual risks relating to passengers, staff including the staff of contractors, level crossing users and others, and, without prejudice to existing national and international liability rules, individual risks relating to unauthorised persons on railway premises; (b) societal risks.
French Definition Les niveaux de scurit que doivent au moins atteindre les diffrentes parties du systme ferroviaire (comme le systme ferroviaire conventionnel, le systme ferroviaire grande vitesse, les tunnels ferroviaires de grande longueur ou les lignes uniquement utilises pour le transport de marchandises) et le systme dans son ensemble, exprims sous forme de critres d'acceptation des risques suivants: (a) les risques individuels auxquels sont exposs les passagers, le personnel, y compris le personnel des contractants, les utilisateurs des passages niveau et autres, et, sans prjudice des lgislations nationales et internationales existantes en matire de responsabilit, les risques individuels auxquels sont exposes les personnes non autorises se trouvant sur les installations ferroviaires (b) les risques pour la socit.
German Definition die - in Form von Kriterien fr die Risikoakzeptanz ausgedrckten Sicherheitsniveaus, die die einzelnen Bereiche des Eisenbahnsystems (wie das konventionelle Eisenbahnsystem, das Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystem, lange Eisenbahntunnel oder Strecken, die ausschlielich fr den Gterverkehr genutzt werden) und das Gesamtsystem mindestens erreichen mssen.
Source Document Directive 2004/49/EC Railway Safety Directive amending 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC
A signal that applies to any of a group of converging tracks. A technical specification drawn upon accordance with a procedure recognized by the Member States with a view to uniform application in all Member States and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
La spcification technique labore selon une procdure qui est reconnue par les tats membres en vue d'en assurer l'application uniforme dans tous les tats membres et qui aura fait l'objet d'une publication au Journal officiel des Communauts europennes.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
A technical specification, drawn up in accordance with a procedure recognised by the Member States with a view to uniform application in all Member States which has been published in the Official Journal and is in force, and includes a TSI. Failure common to items which are intended to be independent.
common-cause failure
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
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French Term
German Term
English Definition Communication link between the onboard system and the RBC.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Mean any Community legislation harmonising the conditions for the marketing of products.
Passenger area or staff area, which cannot be used as a through route for passengers or staff respectively. Passenger area or staff area, which cannot be used as a through route for passengers or staff respectively. Demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and/or skills and, where relevant, demonstrated personal attributes, as defined in the certification scheme. The qualification and experience necessary to safely and reliably undertake the task being performed. Experience can be gained as part of the training process.
Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" CMW Glossary
Qualification et exprience ncessaires pour excuter la tche raliser de manire sre et fiable. L'exprience peut tre acquise dans le cadre du processus de formation.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills. Demonstrated personal attributes and demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills. Demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills. The qualification and experience necessary to safely and reliably undertake the task being performed. Experience can be gained as part of the training process. Ability to perform activities to the standards expected in employment; it is a combination of practical and thinking skills, experience and knowledge. Page 44 of 451
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
German Term
English Definition The process of getting staff to be competent, followed by competence assessment and reassessment, and maintaining staff competence. Process to develop and maintain staff competence, that includes risk assessments of activities, selecting suitable standards and using procedures and appropriate methods to carry out competence management, maintaining records, carrying out verification, audits and reviews of the system and feeding back recommendations to improve the system.
French Definition
German Definition
competent authority
autorit comptente
zustndige Behrde
competent authority
Any local, national or supra-national agency, authority, department, inspectorate, minister, ministry, official, court, tribunal, or public or statutory person (whether autonomous or not and including the Office of Rail Regulation) whether of the United Kingdom or of the European Union, which has, in respect of an Access Agreement, jurisdiction over either or both of the Access Parties to, or the subject matter of, that agreement provided that 'Competent Authority' shall not include Her Majestys Government (or any department, minister, official or nominee of it) where acting as shareholder of the Access Party in question or other than pursuant to the Crown prerogative or a statutory function or power.
Lautorit de scurit vise larticle 16 die Sicherheitsbehrde gem Artikel 16 Directive 2007/59/EC on the de la directive 2004/49/CE;. der Richtlinie 2004/49/EG. certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community Network Rail - Network Code
Expression of dissatisfaction, other than appeal by any person or organization to a conformity assessment body or accreditation body relating to the activities of that body, where a response is expected. A demonstration that a characteristic or property of a product satisfies the stated requirements.
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
A demonstration that a characteristic or property of a system, product or other change satisfies the stated Page 45 of 451 requirements.
French Term
German Term
English Definition Test used to show whether or not a characteristic or a property of an item complies with the stated specification. This term defines the cross Channel Fixed Link (the two rail tunnels, the service tunnel and technical areas, the two terminals at Coquelles and Folkestone, the links to the two national rail networks) and the operating system upon which it functions. Permission to use or release a product that does not conform to specified requirements. Preventive maintenance based on performance and/or parameter monitoring and the subsequent actions. Performance and parameter monitoring may be scheduled, on request or continuous. A crosslock that is only in effect as long as a route is set up or a signal is cleared. An interlocking between a switch and a signal in which the locking of the switch by clearing the signal depends on the position of other switches. The chief of a train crew. The structuring and interconnection of the hardware and software of a system for its intended application.
French Definition
German Definition
Eurotunnel Glossary
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
conditional crosslock
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
conditional locking
conductor configuration
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
The process of evaluating, coordinating, disposing, and implementing a change configuration item.
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French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Configuration of a product or system established at a specific point in time, which captures both the structure and details of the product. It serves as reference for further activities and is also known as a configuration baseline (ISO 10007). An application or software baseline provides the ability to change or to rebuild the specific version at a later date. A snapshot or a position which is recorded. Although the position may be updated later, the baseline remains unchanged and available as a reference of the original state and as a comparison against the current position (PRINCE 2).
German Definition
A process to assure that all documentation which describes a system and its various components is current and reflects the actual functional and physical characteristics of the system throughout its life cycle. A discipline applying technical and administrative direction and surveillance to identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of a configuration item, control change to those characteristics, record and report change processing and implementation status and verify compliance with specified requirements.
configuration management
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
conflicting routes
Interlocked routes that must not be set up at the same time. Conflicting routes would lock each other by a plain or special locking. Fulfilment by a product of specified requirements.
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC CMW Glossary
Fulfilment of a requirement.
Fulfilment by a product, process or service of specifications. [EN 13306: 2001; Maintenance Terminology]. Fulfilment by a product, process or service of specifications. Page 47 of 451
French Term
German Term
French Definition
German Definition
Fulfilment by a product, process or service of specified requirements. Process demonstrating whether specified requirements relating to a product, process service, system, person or body have been fulfilled.
Source Document ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles
conformity assessment
conformity assessment
conformity assessment
Demonstration that specified requirements relating to a product, process, system, person or body are fulfilled. The process demonstrating whether specified requirements relating to a product, process, service, system, person or body have been fulfilled.
Body that performs conformity assessment activities including calibration, testing, certification and inspection.
Body that performs conformity assessment services. A body that performs conformity assessment activities including calibration, testing, certification and inspection.
Conformity assessment system related to pecified objects of conformity assessment, to which the same specified requirements specific rules and procedures apply. Conformity assessment system related to pecified objects of conformity assessment, to which the same specified requirements specific rules and procedures apply. Rules, procedures and management for carrying out conformity assessment. Page 48 of 451
French Term
German Term
conformity declaration
English Definition French Definition A certificate drawn up by the notified body in relation to a subsystem as part of the procedure for drawing up the EC verification declaration for that subsystem. An EC declaration of conformity prepared in accordance with the procedures set out in any TSI relevant to the subsystem or interoperability constituent in question. An EC declaration of conformity drawn up by a manufacturer or its authorised representative in the State.
German Definition
Source Document Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System) Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
conformity declaration
congested infrastructure
infrastructure sature
berlastete Fahrwege
Section of infrastructure for which demand for infrastructure capacity cannot be fully satisfied during certain periods even after coordination of the different requests for capacity.
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System) la section de l'infrastructure pour einen Fahrwegabschnitt, auf dem der Directive 2001/14/EC On the laquelle les demandes de capacits Nachfrage nach Fahrwegkapazitt auch allocation of railway infrastructure d'infrastructure ne peuvent tre nach Koordinierung der verschiedenen capacity and the levying of charges totalement satisfaites pendant certaines Antrge auf Zuweisung von for the use of railway priodes, mme aprs coordination des Fahrwegkapazit t whrend bestimmter infrastructure and safety diffrentes demandes de rservation de Zeitabschnitte nicht certification capacits. vollstndig entsprochen werden kann.
connected facility
A facility connected to the main railway network such as terminal, port or light maintenance depot. general agreement, characterised by: (a) the absence of sustained opposition to substantial issues by any member of the Committee concerned; and (b) a process that involves seeking to take into account the views of all the members of the Committee concerned and to reconcile conflicting arguments.
The results arising from the addition of energy, or exposure, to a hazard. These may range from benign results to accidents. Several consequences may be associated with a hazard. Analysis of events which are likely to happen after a hazard has occurred.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
consequence analysis
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Partie qui doit recevoir les marchandises Partei, die die Gter empfangen soll. Synonyme: rceptionnaire des Synonym: Warenempfnger. marchandises.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
Page 49 of 451
English Definition Person entitled to take delivery of the goods. Refers to the number of goods handed over by shipper to consignee. A separately identifiable amount of goods to be transported from one consignor to one consignee via one or more than one modes of transport as specified in one single transport document.
German Definition Die Person, die zur Abnahme der Gter berechtigt ist.
Quantit de marchandises identifiable distinctement et devant tre transporte d'un expditeur un destinataire, par un ou plusieurs modes de transport, comme prescrit dans un document de transport unique (synonyme: marchandise expdie).
Eine separat identifizierbare Menge Gter, die gem einem einzigen Transportdokument ber einen oder mehrere Verkehrstrger von einem Absender zu einem Empfnger zu transportieren ist (Synonym: Lieferung).
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
Collection of goods transported under cover of the same transport document in accordance with regulations or tariffs in force where they exist. envoi Sendung Freight sent under a single contract of carriage. In combined transport, this term may be used for statistical purposes, to measure loading units or road vehicles. Marchandises couvertes par un seul contrat de transport. En transport combin, cette expression peut tre utilise des fins statistiques, pour compter des units de chargement ou des vhicules routiers. Fracht, die unter einem einzigen Befrderungsvertrag (bzw. Frachtvertrag) befrdert wird. Im kombinierten Verkehr kann dieser Begriff fr statistische Zwecke verwendet werden, um Ladeeinheiten oder Stra enfahrzeuge zu zhlen. Ein Dokument, das den Vertrag eines Gterverkehrsunternehmens fr den Transport einer Fracht von einem bestimmten bernahmeort bis zu einem bestimmten Lieferort darstellt. Er enthlt detaillierte Angaben ber die zu befrdernde Fracht.
consignment note
lettre de voiture
A document which evidence a contract for the transportation by a carrier of one consignment from a named place of acceptance to a named place of delivery. It contains details of the consignment to be carried.
Document justifiant de l'existence d'un contrat de transport de fret par un transporteur donn depuis un lieu de dpart convenu un lieu de livraison convenu. Il dcrit avec prcision les marchandises transporter.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
consignment purchasing
Vendor maintains a merchandise inventory on buyer's premises. Title to the goods remains with the vendor up to the point when the goods are withdrawn from the consignment stock. The withdrawals are reported to the vendor at regular intervals and invoiced accordingly. Term used to refer to a store in which activities are carried out that go beyond the mere storage of goods. Is the direct customer of the carrier. Party which, by contract with a service integrator, consigns or sends goods with the carrier, or has them conveyed by him.
consignment stock
consignor consignor
Partie qui, par un contrat conclu avec un intgrateur de services, expdie ou envoie les marchandises avec le transporteur ou lui en confie le convoyage. Synonymes: chargeur, expditeur des marchandises.
Partei, die durch Vertrag mit einem Dienstintegrator Gter mit dem Gterverkehrsunternehmen verschickt oder von ihm transportieren lsst. Synonyme: Versender, Warenversender.
Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
Page 50 of 451
English Definition A person or company who puts goods in the care of others (forwarding agent/freight forwarder, carrier/transport operator) to be delivered to a consignee.
French Definition Personne qui confie dautres (commissionnaire de transport/intermdiaire de transport, oprateur de transport/transporteur) le soin dacheminer ses marchandises un destinataire. Le groupement de plusieurs envois en un seul chargement.
German Definition Die Person, die Gter in die Obhut Anderer (Spediteur oder Frachtfhrer) gibt, um diese an den Empfnger auszuliefern.
The grouping together of several consignments into a full load. Period in the life time of an item during which the failure rate is approximately constant. Item or material that is not item specific and intended for use only once. A Stakeholders name, postal address, email address, telephone number, fax number and agreed point of contact for consultation purposes. Vertical force applied by the pantograph to the OCL. System that distributes the electrical energy to the trains running on the route and transmits it to the trains by means of current collectors. Vertical upward movement of the grooved contact wire due to the force produced from the pantograph. (Large-)Units to carry freight, strong enough for repeated use, stackable and fitted with devices for transshipment between different modes. They where first used as transport devices in Austria in 1967. Generic term for a box to carry freight, strong enough for repeated use, usually stackable and fitted with devices for transfer between modes.
Terminology on combined transport EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology Railway Group Standards Code
consumable item
contact details
Terme gnrique employ pour une bote conue pour le transport de marchandises, suffisamment solide pour un usage rpt, gnralement empilable et dote dlments permettant le transfert entre modes.
Grundbegriff fr einen Behlter, der fr Terminology on combined den Gtertransport verwendet wird, transport stabil genug fr wiederholte Benutzung, normalerweise stapelbar und mit Elementen fr den Umschlag zwischen den verschiedenen Verkehrstrgern ausgestattet ist. Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
Storage location for containers. This system allows direct transshipment of containers from trucks to railcars and vice-versa without having to use a crane or a terminal. This is achieved by the use of freight waggons equipped with special swivelling frames.
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German Term
English Definition Plan drawn by the infrastructure manager listing the various public bodies to be informed in the event of serious incidents or serious disturbance to train movements. Aim: To ensure that the supply chain to retailers is as troublefree and costefficient as possible. Retailers send manufacturer weekly requirement forecasts covering a period of three weeks. The nearer the delivery deadline draws, the more detailed forecasts are transmitted allowing the manufacturer to optimize production volumes.
French Definition German Definition Plan tablit par le gestionnaire de l'infrastructure comportant une liste des divers organismes publics alerter en cas d'accidents graves ou de perturbations srieuses de la circulation des trains.
Source Document Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
continual improvement
Recurring activity to increase the ability to fulfil requirements. Recurring activity to increase the ability to fulfil requirements. Recurring process of enhancing the safety management system in order to achieve improvements in overall safety performance consistent with the organization's safety policy. ATP system in which the train receives data at all times in order to control the protection system. Recurring activity to increase the ability to fulfil requirements. Recurring process of enhancing the safety management system in order to achieve improvements in overall safety performance consistent with the organization's safety policy. Continuously operating appliances used to move goods horizontally, vertically or on an incline, generally on a predetermined track or path. Benefits: minimum energy consumption, low operating expenditure, high safety (comprises: conveyor belts, drag chains, roller conveyors, jigger conveyors) Antonym: Discontinuous conveyors, work discontinuously. Vertical: lift, horizontal: floor conveyor. Fixed agreement for delivery of Rolling Stock. Options under a contract are excluded from this definition and are regarded to as being a new contract at the moment of converting the option into contract for delivery. Page 52 of 451
continual improvement
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
continual improvement
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
continuous improvement
continuous-flow conveyors
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
French Term
German Term
French Definition
German Definition
Fixed agreement for delivery of rolling stock. Options under a contract are excluded from this definition and are regarded to as being a new contract at the moment of converting the option into contract for delivery. entits adjudicatrices - Public authorities or public undertakings exercising one of the activities referred to in paragraph 2 of Dir. 93/38 (among which the operation of networks providing a service to the public in th field of transport by railway, automated systems, tramway, Auftraggeber Any entity, whether public or private, which orders the design and/or construction or the renewal or upgrading of a subsystem. This entity may be a railway undertaking, an infrastructure manager or a keeper, or the concession holder responsible for carrying out a project. - pouvoirs publics ou des entreprises publiques et qui exercent une des activits vises au paragraphe 2 de l'article 2 de la directive 93/38 (parmi lesquels l'exploitation de rseaux destins fournir un service au public dans le domaine du transport pa toute entit, publique ou prive, qui commande la conception et/ou la construction, le renouvellement ou le ramnagement d'un sous-systme. Cette entit peut tre une entreprise ferroviaire, un gestionnaire d'infrastructure ou un dtenteur, ou bien le concessionnaire qui est charg de la mise en oeuvre d'un projet.
Source Document ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
contracting entities
Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
contracting entity
entit adjudicatrice
eine ffentliche oder private Stelle, die Directive 2008/57/EC on the den Entwurf und/oder den Bau oder die interoperability of the rail system Erneuerung oder Umrstung eines within the Community Teilsystems in Auftrag gibt. Bei dieser Stelle kann es sich um ein Eisenbahnunternehmen, einen Infrastrukturbetreiber, einen Fahrzeughalter oder den mit der Durchfhrung eines Vorhabens beauftragten Auftragnehmer handeln.
contracting entity
Any entity, whether public or private, which orders the design and/or construction or the renewal or upgrading of a subsystem. This entity may be a railway undertaking, an infrastructure manager or a keeper, or the concession holder responsible for carrying out a project. Is responsible for the subsystem as a whole, but can be itself responsible for the whole subsystem project and involved in the production, or delegate or subcontract certain tasks related to a subsystem (e.g. its design, manufacture or maintenance) to main contractors whose activities contribute to fulfil essential requirements of the TSI. (AEIF 01/16-DV Version EN09) The contracting entity issues the EC declaration and applies for approval.
Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
contracting entity
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French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition In relation to a structural subsystem used, or intended for use, in the construction, upgrading, renewal, maintenance or operation of any part of the railway system in the State forming part of the trans-European conventional rail system, any person who: - (a) has contracted with another person for the manufacture, construction, upgrading, renewal, maintenance or operation by that other person of that structural subsystem or - (b) manufactures, constructs, upgrades, renews, maintains or operates that structural subsystem for his or her own use, or for sale to, or use by, another person but not where he or she is contracted to do so by a person falling under paragraph (a).
German Definition
Source Document Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System)
contracting entity
The person in relation to a project who: (a) designs or manufactures or intends to design or manufacture the project on his own account; or (b) contracts or intends to contract with another person for that other person to design or manufacture the project; and includes an authorised representative established in the Community appointed by the contracting entity to act on his behalf.
contrle-commande et signalisation
Zugsteuerung, Zugsicherung All the equipment necessary to ensure und Signalgebung safety and to command and control movements of trains authorised to travel on the network.
Tous les quipements ncessaires pour assurer la scurit, la commande et le contrle des mouvements des trains autoriss circuler sur le rseau.
Alle erforderlichen Ausrstungen zur Gewhrleistung der Sicherung, Steuerung und Kontrolle der Bewegung von Zgen, die zum Verkehr im Netz zugelassen sind.
control center
control station
A centralized control system that controls the train movements in a large territory. That set of functions and their implementation which allow the safe and predictable movement of rail traffic in order to meet the desired operational activities. The dispatcher's office or the location where an operator is on duty and from which remote-controlled signal appliances are operated.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
Page 54 of 451
German Term
English Definition That set of functions and their implementation, which allow the safe movement of trains.
French Definition L'ensemble des fonctions et leurs modalits d'application qui permettent la circulation sre des trains.
German Definition
Source Document Commission Decision 2006/860/EC concerning the TSI relating to the CONTROL-COMMAND & SIGNALLING subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system and modifying Annex A to Decision 2006/679/EC concerning the TSI for C-C & Sig subsystem for the trans-European RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009
Automatic and continuous train speed control system as well as a control system for the passing of certain signal in the stop position with the help of an on-board train calculator. Railway Infrastructure (other than Excluded Infrastructure) within the Railway Safety Case of an Infrastructure Manager who is a Railway Group Member. The length of track behind a signal that must be clear as long the signal displays a proceed aspect. level crossing operated under supervision and interlocked with the protecting signals. Many be monitoed by closed circuit television (CCTV). A manual block system in which the signals are operated manually and controlled by continuous track circuits, requiring co-operation between the operators of adjacent block stations. A station where signals are remotecontrolled from a control station. A circuited siding in which train movements are governed by signals under control of a dispatcher or operator. A signal that is locally or remotely controlled by an operator. A performer who is in charge of all GSMR communication to trains in a defined area.
Systme ralisant un contrle automatique et continu de la vitesse du train ainsi qu'un contrle de franchissement de certains signaux d'arrts ferms l'aide d'un calculateur embarqu sur les engns.
controlled infrastructure
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Any railway vehicle not specially designed to run on dedicated or upgraded high speed lines but still being able to reach a maximum cruising speed of aproximately 200 km/h. Page 55 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition "Trans-European conventional rail system" means the structure, as described in Annex I, composed of lines and fixed installations, of the transEuropean transport network, built or upgraded for conventional rail transport and combined rail transport, plus the rolling stock designed to travel on that infrastructure. Network still not classified as Transeuropean conventional rail system, including track access to terminals and main port facilities serving or potentially serving more than one user, except for infrastructure and rolling stock reserved for a strictly local, historical or touristic use or infrastructure which is functionally isolated from the rest of the rail system. Rseau qui n'est pas encore classifi en tant que systme ferroviaire conventionnel transeuropen, y compris laccs par le rseau ferr aux terminaux et principales installations portuaires desservant ou susceptibles de desservir plusieurs utilisateurs, lexception des infrastructures et du matriel roulant rservs un usage strictement local, historique ou touristique, ou des infrastructures qui sont fonctionnellement isols du reste du systme ferroviaire.
German Definition
The European Communities (Interoperability of the Trans-European Conventional Rail System) Regulations 2004 (S.I. No. 61 of 2004) (as amended by the European Communities (Interoperability of the Trans-European Conventional and High-Speed Rail Systems) Regulations 2006 (S.I. No. 212 of 2006) (Regulations of 2006) and the European Communities (Interoperability of the Trans-European Conventional and (High-Speed Rail System) Regulations 2004 (S.I. No. 772 of 2007) (Regulations of 2007).
Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008
Rolling stock which is or forms part of the rolling stock subsystem of the conventional TEN rail system. Traditional full-load traffic. Measures taken to enable the efficient Mesures prisent de manire assurer le creation and allocation of infrastructure fonctionnement efficace des services capacity which crosses more than one ferroviaires traversant plus d'un rseau. network.
cooperation mode
mode de coopration
Mode of train operation where various RU cooperate under the leadership of one RU (LRU). Each involved RU contracts the needed path for the transport journey on its own.
Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification Mode d'exploitation des trains par Eine Art des Zugbetriebs, bei der Commission Regulation lequel plusieurs EF cooprent sous la verschiedene EVU unter der 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI direction d'une entreprise ferroviaire Federfhrung eines EVU (FEVU) relating to the telematic principale (EFP). Chaque EF implique zusammenarbeiten. Jedes beteiligte EVU application for freight subsystem conclut sparment un contrat relatif au bestellt die fr die Transportfahrt of the trans-European sillon requis pour le trajet qui la erforderlichen Zugtrassen eigenstndig. conventional rail system concerne.
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French Term
German Term
English Definition Mode of train operation where various RU co-operate under the leadership of one RU (LRU). Each involved RU contracts the needed path for the transport journey on its own. Process through which the allocation body and applicants will attempt to resolve situations in which there are conflicting applications for infrastructure capacity.
French Definition
German Definition
Coordination group
groupe de coordination
La procdure mise en ?uvre par l'organisme de rpartition et les candidats afin de rechercher une solution en cas de demandes concurrentes pour la rservation de capacits de l'infrastructure. Procedure managed by Reseau Ferre de Procdure gre par Rseau Ferr de France in consultation with the railway France en concertation avec les undertakings to find a solution if enterprises ferroviaires afin de incompatible paths are requested on a rechercher une solution en cas de non-saturated route section. demandes de sillons incompatibles enre elles sur une section de ligne non sature. Group of notified bodies set up by the Groupe de coordination des organismes Commission to discuss any matter notifis qui discute de toute question relating to the application of the lie lapplication des procdures procedures for assessing conformity or dvaluation de la conformit ou de suitability for the use and the laptitude lemploi et de la procdure verification procedure , or to the de vrification, ou lapplication des STI application of the relevant TSIs. en cette matire.
das Verfahren, in dessen Rahmen die Zuweisungsstelle und Antragsteller versuchen, Lsungen fr nicht miteinander zu vereinbarende Antrge auf Zuweisung von Fahrwegkapazitt zu finden.
Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009
Die Kommission setzt eine Gruppe zur Koordinierung der benannten Stellen (nachstehend die Koordinierungsgruppe genannt) ein, die Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Anwendung der Verfahren der Konformitts- oder Gebrauchstauglichkeitsbewertung nach Artikel 13 und des Prfverfahrens nach Artikel 18 oder der Anwendung der entsprechenden TSI errtert. Vertreter der Mitgliedstaaten knnen als Beobachter an den Arbeiten der Koordinierungsgruppe teilnehmen.
coordination group
groupe de coordination
Group of notified bodies set up by the Commission to discuss any matter relating to the application of the procedures for assessing conformity or suitability for the use and the verification procedure , or to the application of the relevant TSIs. If a delivery unit contains, in addition to an article with a part reference number, another article (sample or articles in plastic bag) such additional article is referred to a co-pack.
Groupe d'organismes notifis, qui discute de toute question lie lapplication des procdures dvaluation de la conformit ou de l'aptitude lemploi et de la procdure de vrification, ou lapplication des STI en cette matire.
Page 57 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition If Network Rail considers that a new Cordon and/or Cordon Cap should be incorporated into the Applicant's Access Agreement, it shall serve a notice on the Applicant specifying the increase that Network Rail considers should be made to the Applicant's Existing Cordon Cap or, where no Cordon or Cordon Cap exists in the Applicant's Access Agreement, provide to the Applicant a new Cordon and/or Cordon Cap (in either case a 'Cordon Cap Increase') to take effect at the same time as the corresponding Relevant Surrender.
German Definition
A TEN line identified by a Member State as an important part of an international corridor in Europe. An important international corridor as selected by a Member State from the TEN defined in Decision 884/2004/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004. Fixed points usually located on the top and bottom corners of a container into which twist locks or other devices engage to enable the container to be lifted, stacked and secured. pice de coin Eckbeschlag Fixed points usually located at the top and bottom corners of a container into which twistlocks or other devices engage to enable the container to be lifted, stacked, secured. These fittings are increasingly used on swap bodies, although not on the corners but at points which are compatible with 20 or 40 feet container corner fittings. Pice fixe gnralement situe dans les coins suprieurs et infrieurs dun conteneur dans laquelle peut pntrer un verrou tournant ou dautres dispositifs permettant au conteneur dtre soulev, gerb, fix.Ces pices sont de plus en plus utilises sur les caisses mobiles; Elles sont alors places non aux coins, mais en des points compatibles avec les pices de coins des conteneurs 20 ou 40.
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Glossary for Energy TSI
corner fitting
corner fitting
Befestigungspunkte, die sich Terminology on combined blicherweise an den oberen und transport unteren Ecken eines Containers befinden, und in die Drehverriegelungen oder andere Vorrichtungen eingreifen, um den Container anheben, stapeln oder befestigen zu knnen. Diese Befestigungspunkte werden immer hufiger auch fr Wechselaufbauten verwendet. Sie sind dann allerdings nicht an den Ecken, sondern an jenen Punkten angebracht, die von der Lnge her den Eckbeschlgen von 20 oder 40 Containern entsprechen und werden in diesem Fall daher auch "Befestigungsbeschlge" genannt.
Action to eliminate a detected nonconformity. Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity. Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation. Page 58 of 451
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary CMW Glossary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary
French Term
German Term
English Definition Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity. Maintenance carried out after fault recognition and intended to put an item into a state in which it can perform a required function. Maintenance carried out after fault recognition and intended to put an item into a state in which it can perform a required function. The maintenance carried out after fault recognition and intended to put a product into a state in which it can perform a required function.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary CMW Glossary
corrective maintenance
corrective maintenance
corrective maintenance
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
Part of the maintenance time during which corrective maintenance is carried out on an item, including technical and logistic delays inherent in corrective maintenance. Costs that are to be met by Railway Undertakings/Infrastructure Managers, appraised on the basis of their experience, in order to restore the damaged area to its state before the railway accident. The cost of providing new rolling stock or infrastructure, with the same functionalities and technical parameters as that damaged beyond repair, and the cost of restoring repairable rolling stock or infrastructure to its state before the accident. Both are to be estimated by Railway Undertakings/Infrastructure Managers on the basis of their experience. Costs related to leasing rolling stock, as a consequence of non availability due to damaged vehicles, are to be counted.
The change in total costs of the railway undertaking resulting from the introduction of new traffic, from an increase or a reduction in existing traffic or from the termination of such traffic.
Modifications de cots quentranent, par rapport lensemble des cots de lentreprise de chemin de fer, lintroduction dun nouveau trafic, laugmentation ou la rduction du volume dun trafic existant ou la cessation dun tel trafic.
Council Regulation (EEC) 2183/78 laying down uniform costing principles for railway undertakings
The amount of available resources spent by a railway body in conjunction with an operation or service, or with a series of operations and services. Includes expenses. Page 59 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition The monetary value of delays incurred by users, passengers and freight customers, of rail transport as a consequence of accidents, calculated through a model which estimates the monetary value of time savings. Commercially-off-the-shelf products.
French Definition
German Definition
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary Network Rail - Network Code
Commercially off the shelf products. The Train Operator may, within 10 Working Days of receipt of a Failure to Use Notice, serve a Counter Notice on Network Rail stating that: (a) it considers the Failure to Use Notice to be invalid; (b) there has been no Failure to Use or that the Failure to Use was not continuing at the date of the service of the Failure to Use Notice; and/or any Ancillary Movements and/or Stabling specified in the Failure to Use Notice as being Rights Subject to Surrender: (i) are not directly associated with the relevant Quantum Access Right; and/or (ii) would still be required by the Train Operator following the surrender of the relevant Quantum Access Right; and/or (d) there are Grounds for Objection to the proposed surrender, and must provide evidence with the Counter Notice in support of its contentions. The Train Opeartor shall send a copy of any Counter Notice and such evidence to the Office of Rail Regulation.
covered wagon
Wagon characterized by its closed construction (solid sides all the way up and roof) and by the safety it provides for the goods conveyed in it (possibility of padlocking and sealing). Wagons with opening roof as well as insulated, heated and refrigerated are included. Page 60 of 451
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Glossary for Transport Statistics
English Definition Conventional lifting crane where the load is suspended by cable via a jib. The handling of ITUs requires the cable to be connected to the ITUs corners.
French Definition Grue conventionnelle utilise pour soulever des marchandises par un cble passant par une flche. La manutention des UTI est assure laide de palonniers.
The Decision and Prioritisation Criteria. The status achieved by a product that has been accepted by one Authority to the relevant European Standards and is acceptable to other Authorities without the necessity for further assessment. nivellement transversal Cross level is the difference in vertical height of one rail with respect to the other, when measured laterally across the track between the centres of the running face of each rail. Le nivellement transversal est la diffrence de hauteur qui apparat verticalement entre un rail et un autre, lors de mesures effectues transversalement la voie entre les centres de face de roulement de chaque rail.
German Definition Source Document Konventioneller Hebekran, der die Last Terminology on combined mit Hilfe eines Seiles ber einen transport Schwenkarmhochhebt. Der Umschlag von ITE erfordert, da das Seil mit den Eckbeschlgen der ITEverbunden wird. Railway Group Standards Code SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
cross level
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
The status achieved by a product that has been accepted by one authority to the relevant European Standards and is acceptable to other authorities without the necessity for further assessment. Distribution system where products received are routed directly to regional centers, bypassing the storage and picking process, thus eliminating significant labor. An intersection of two tracks at grade. An appliance that provides a permanent interlocking of a switch with a derailer or with another switch. A communicating railway track enabling trains to pass from one rail tunnel to the other, especially during maintenance operations. The two crossovers divide the length of the rail tunnels into three sections. An arrangement of corresponding turnouts providing a connection between two parallel tracks. Short tunnel to connect two or more parallel tunnels, to provide a connection, used for rescue, maintenance and installations, sometimes also for aerodynamic reasons.
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
crossing crosslock
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
Eurotunnel Glossary
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Tunnel court permettant de relier deux ou plusieurs tunnels parallles de manire fournir une liaison, dont l'utilisation est destine aux secours, la maintenance et aux installations, et parfois galement pour des raisons arodynamiques. Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
galerie de communication
Page 61 of 451
French Term
German Term
cross-passage (CP)
crown of rail
English Definition Short tunnel to connect two or more parallel tunnels, to provide a connection, used for rescue, maintenance and installations, sometimes also for aerodynamic reasons. Pedestrian passageway between the service tunnel and the rail tunnels, located every 375 metres. The highest point on the rail head.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Eurotunnel Glossary
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
current collector
current expenditure
dpenses courantes
Equipment fitted to the vehicle and intended to collect current from a contact wire or conductor rail. Expenditure on maintenance and operation.
Council Regulation (EEC) 1108/70 introducing an accounting system for expenditure on infrastructure in respect of transport by rail, road and inland waterway Commission Regulation (EEC) 2598/70 specifying the items to be included under the various headings in the forms of accounts shown in Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1108/70 of 4 June 1970 IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary TAP TSI Glossary
dpenses courantes
The total expenditure (in respect of staff, and goods and services provided by third parties) in connection with the upkeep and operation of infrastructure.
Les dpenses courantes comprennent l'ensemble des dpenses (de personnel, de matires et de prestations de tiers) relatives l'entretien et l'exploitation des infrastructures.
current traffic
A direction specified by the rules for all train movements on a main track. Organization or person that receives a product. A person who intends to buy, or is buying, or has bought a railway product for him/herself or for other person(s). May therefore be different from Passenger (see). customer's perception of the degree to which the customer's requirements have been fulfilled. Path created by the infrastructure manager to meet the needs of railway undertakings. Customized paths created during a timetable to meet isolated demand for capacity over a short period are called 'spot paths'.
customer satisfaction
customized path
Sillon tabli par la gestionnaire pur rpondre aux besions des enterprises ferroviaires. Les sillons sur mesure fabriqus au cours de l'horaire de service pour rpondre une demande ponctuelle de capacit sur une courte priode sont appels 'sillons-spot'.
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009
Page 62 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Arrangement of import and export clearance by BB customs agents at all Austrian customs and border stations. Furthermore, import and export customs clearance can be arranged in all sending and destination countries. Preliminary talks with customs authorities in the event of special customs procedures, such as merchandise subject to market regulations, merchandise requiring export and import permits, etc., as well as organisation of advance transmission of documents needed for import and export customs clearance. This service ensures faster transports and shortens (border) stops to a level that is unavoidable. Automatic stop mechanism installed on some non electrified single-track lines. Dispotif d'arrt automatique des trains mis en oeuvre sur certaines lignes une seule voie et non lectrifies. Les matires et objets dont le transport par chemin de fer est interdit, ou autoris uniquement dans certaines conditions par l'annexe de la directive 96/49.
German Definition
dangerous goods
marchandises dangereuses
Substances and articles the transport by rail of which is prohibited or authorized only on certain conditions by the Annex to Directive 96/49. The classes of dangerous goods carried by rail are those defined by the International Regulations concerning the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID). A dangerous occurrence is an unplanned and undesired occurrence which has the potential to cause injury and which may or may not cause damage to property, equipment or the environment. It may result from a sequence of events and circumstances involving a combination of unsafe acts, unsafe conditions, system failures, human factors and/or omissions. For the purposes of articles 3 and 4, substances generally considered to fulfil the criteria laid down in Annex IV, For the purposes of article 5, substances in the lists in Annex III and Annex II in the quantities referred to in the second column. A territory with a non-signaled operation. Page 63 of 451
dangerous goods
Directive 96/49/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States with regard to the transport of dangerous good by rail Glossary for Transport Statistics
dangerous occurences
dangerous substances
dark territory
English Term French Term data reporting, analysis and corrective action system (DRACAS)
German Term
data warehouse
decision criteria
English Definition French Definition A closed-loop system for ensuring that failures and other incidents are thoroughly analysed and that any necessary corrective action, particularly if it affects safety, is identified and carried through. Collection of large data volumes (sales data, POS data) allowing structured analysis of data via data base systems ("data mining"). Any person killed immediately or dying within 30 days as a result of an accident, excluding suicides. The Decision Criteria consist of the necessity or desirability of the following (none of which necessarily has priority over any other): (a) sharing the capacity, and securing the development, of the Network for the carriage of passengers and goods in the most efficient and economical manner in the interests of all users of railway services having regard, in particular, to safety, the effect on the environment of the provision of railway services and the proper maintenance, improvement and enlargement of the Network; (b) seeking consistency with any current Route Utilisation Strategy which is either (i) published by the Strategic Rail Authority or the Department for Transport before 31 May 2006, or (ii) established by Network Rail in accordance with its Network Licence; (c) enabling a Bidder to comply with any contract to which it is party (including any contracts with their customers and, in the case of a Bidder who is a franchisee or franchise operator, including the franchise agreement to which it is a party), in each case to the extent that Network Rail is aware or has been informed of such contracts; (d) maintaining and improving the levels of service reliability; (e) maintaining, renewing and carrying out other necessary work on or in relation to the Network; (f) maintaining and improving Page 64 of 451 connections between railway passenger services;
German Definition
Source Document Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
English Term
French Term
German Term
contract to which it is party (including any contracts with their customers and, in the case of a Bidder who is a franchisee or franchise operator, including the franchise agreement to English Definition French Definition which it is a party), in each case to the extent that Network Rail is aware or has been informed of such contracts; (d) maintaining and improving the levels of service reliability; (e) maintaining, renewing and carrying out other necessary work on or in relation to the Network; (f) maintaining and improving connections between railway passenger services; (g) avoiding material deterioration of the service patterns of operators of trains (namely the train departure and arrival frequencies, stopping patterns, intervals between departures and journey times) which those operators possess at the time of the application of these criteria; (h) ensuring that, where the demand of passengers to travel between two points is evenly spread over a given period, the overall pattern of rail services should be similarly spread over that period; (i) ensuring that where practicable appropriate provision is made for reservation of capacity to meet the needs of Bidders whose businesses require short term flexibility where there is a reasonable likelihood that this capacity will be utilised during the currency of the timetable in question; (j) enabling operators of trains to utilise their railway assets efficiently and avoiding having to increase the numbers of railway assets which the operators require to maintain their service patterns; (k) facilitating new commercial opportunities, including promoting competition in final markets and ensuring reasonable access to the Network by new operators of trains; (l) avoiding wherever practicable frequent timetable changes, in particular for railway passenger services; (m) encouraging the efficient use of capacity by considering a Bidders previous level of utilisation of Train Slots; (n) avoiding, unless absolutely necessary, changes to provisional International Paths following issue of the applicable Rules of the Plan; and (o) taking into account the commercial interests of Network Rail and existing and potential operators of trains in a Page 65 of 451 manner compatible with the foregoing. In its consideration of paragraph (d) of
German Definition
Source Document
English Term
French Term
German Term
International Paths following issue of the applicable Rules of the Plan; and (o) taking into account the commercial English Definition French Definition interests of Network Rail and existing and potential operators of trains in a manner compatible with the foregoing. In its consideration of paragraph (d) of this Condition D6, Network Rail shall not be entitled to determine that its Restrictions of Use of any part of the Network shall be as contemplated by any relevant maintenance contract by reason only of the terms and conditions of that contract. In this paragraph, "relevant maintenance contract" is a contract which Network Rail shall have entered into, or shall intend to enter into, with any person for the maintenance, renewal or the carrying out of any other work on or in relation to the Network.
German Definition
Source Document
First-party attestation.
ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary Glossary for Transport Statistics
Converting encrypted data back into original form. A line specially built to allow traffic at speeds generally equal to or greater than 250 km/h for the main segments. (High speed lines may include connecting lines, in particular junctions with town centre stations located on them, on which speeds may take account of local conditions).
Non-fulfilment of a requirement related to an intended or specified use. Corrective maintenance which is not immediately carried out after a fault detection but is delayed in accordance with given maintenance rules. Page 66 of 451
deferred maintenance
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
French Term
German Term
degraded operation
exploitation dgrade
English Definition Irreversible process in one or more characteristics of an item with either time, use or an external cause. Degradation may lead to failure. Degradation is often referred to as wearout. Operation resulting from an unplanned event that prevents the normal delivery of train services.
French Definition
German Definition
Exploitation rsultant d'un vnement imprvu qui interdit la fourniture du service normal.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
degraded operation
exploitation dgrade
Operation resulting from an unplanned Exploitation rsultant dun vnement event that prevents the normal delivery imprvu qui interdit la fourniture du of train services. service normal.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
degraded operation
degraded situation
Operation resulting from an unplanned event that prevents the normal delivery of train services. Situation resulting from an event that prevents the normal delivery of train services.
OPE glossary
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
degraded state
State of an item whereby that item continues to perform a function to acceptable limits but which are lower than the specified values or continues to perform only some of its required functions. Means the time difference between the time the passenger was scheduled to arrive in accordance with the published timetable and the time of his or her actual or expected arrival.
Page 67 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The guide is incorporated into the Network Code and provides guidance to ensure the consistency of application and approach by all parties involved in the process of delay attribution. This enables accurate records to be kept of the causes of delay and cancellation to train services resulting from incidents occurring across the main rail network. The guide supports the need for management information as well as the requirement for parties to be compensated accordingly for delays experienced.
German Definition
The document which provides guidance on the attribution of delay across the Network, entitled 'Delay Attribution Guide' as issued by Railtrack PLC (in railway administration) on 1 September 2002. It means that the seller delivers the goods to the buyer, not cleared for import, and not unloaded from any arriving means of transport at the named place of destination. Physical unit created for a transport and which is not split up during transport. date/heure de dpart relles Abfahrtsdatum/Uhrzeit, tatschliche( s) Date (and time) of departure of means of transport. Date et heure de dpart du moyen de transport. Datum (und Uhrzeit) der Abfahrt des Transportmittels.
delivery unit
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary TAP TSI Glossary
Actual date (and time) of departure of means of transport. Date (and time) of departure of means of transport based on current forecast. Date (and time) of departure of means of transport in the timetable. Means the time difference between the departure date/time actual and the departure date/time planned. Means the time difference between the departure date/time. A subyard of a classification yard in which trains are prepared for departure.
Page 68 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition Collective item used to describe the availability and its influencing factors: reliability, maintainability and maintenance supportability. Dependability is used only for general descriptions in non-quantitative terms. Collective term used to describe the availability performance and its influencing factors: reliability performance, maintainability performance and maintenance support performance. The failure of a set of events, the probability of which cannot be expressed as the simple product of the unconditional probabilities of the individual events. The failure of a set of events; the probability of which cannot be expressed as the simple product of the unconditional probabilities of the individual events. A point lock that is actuated by the same device as that which drives the points. An interlocking tower in which a signal can only be cleared after it has been remotely unlocked from the command tower. The deputy chairman of the Board. A flank protection device that would derail an unsafe movement before it could join the protected route. Action that can be initiated by the user of a GSM-R radio, by automatic systems or by the network authority, to change the status of a GSM-R radio to deregistered. The de-registration allows the deregistered train number to be re-used by another train.
French Definition
German Definition
dependent failure
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
dependent failure
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
dependent tower
Network Rail - Network Code IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Under certain circumstances, described as derogations, projects can be exempted from having to comply with all or part of a TSI or TSIs.The circumstances under which derogations might be awarded, and arrangements for considering and approving derogation requests, are set out in Article 7 of Directive 96/48/EC. An application to the RSSB for a Derogation. Page 69 of 451
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
derogation application
French Term
German Term
English Definition The activity applied in order to analyse and transform specified requirements into acceptable design solutions which have the required safety integrity.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Set of processes that transforms requirements into specified characteristics or into the specification of a product, process or system. Body responsible for the formulation of a design solution to fulfil the specified requirements and for overseeing the subsequent development and setting to work of a system in its intended environment. The body responsible for the formulation of a design solution to fulfil the specified requirements and for overseeing the subsequent development and setting-to-work of a system in its intended environment. concours The national procedures which enable the contracting entity to acquire, mainly in the fields of architecture, engineering or data processing, a plan or design selected by a jury after having been put out to competition with or without the award of prizes. Les procdures nationales qui permettent l'entit adjudicatrice d'acqurir, principalement dans le domaine de l'architecture, de l'ingnierie ou des traitements de donnes, un planou unprojet qui est choisi par un jury aprs mise encon currence avec ou sans attribution de primes.
design authority
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems
design authority
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Design contest
Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
design examination
Assessment of the design of a product by examination of the design methods, the design tools and the design results, taking into account, if appropriate, the results of tests and reviews and validation by in-service experience. Document certifying the ability of the design of a product such that the product will meet the requirements.
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC La masse thorique d'un rail neuf exprime en kg/m. Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
design review
Documented, comprehensive and systematic examination of a design to evaluate its capability to fulfil the requirements for conformity at the completion of the design process. Page 70 of 451
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
German Term
English Definition French Definition Theoretical value without manufacturing Valeur thorique sans tolrances de or construction tolerance. fabrication ou de construction.
German Definition
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
design value
designated person
Theoretical value without manufacturing, construction or maintenance tolerances. The individual within a Stakeholder who has professional responsibility for the subject area concerned, and who has authority to make commitments on behalf of that Stakeholder in respect of measures controlling Risk. Body established within government or empowered by government to designate conformity assessment bodies, suspend or withdraw their designation or remove their suspension from designation. Governmental authorization of a conformity assessment body to perform specified conformity assessment activities. One or more persons assigned by the Design Authority to analyse and transform specified requirements into acceptable design solutions which have the required safety integrity. 1) A interlocking signal that governs train movements to leave home signal limits. 2) An opposing interlocking signal a train passes when leaving interlocking limits. 3) An interlocking signal at the exit of an interlocked route.
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Railway Group Standards Code
designating authority
ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
destination signal
An automatic route setting system in which a route to the proper destination of a train is set up regardless of the scheduled train sequence in the timetable. An ADRR Determination or an Office of Rail Regulation Determination, as the case may be and 'Determined' (and cognate expressions) shall be construed accordingly. An explosive signaling device, placed on the railhead and detonated by a passing vehicle. The first day of a Timetable Development Period. Permission to depart from the originally specified requirements of a product Page 71 of 451 prior to realization.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Network Rail - Network Code ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary
French Term
German Term
English Definition The inner part of a crossing where the rails form a diamond shape. Locomotive, the main source of power of which is a diesel engine, irrespective of the type of transmission installed. (However, diesel-electric locomotives equipped to derive power from an overhead wire or from a conductor rail are classed as electric locomotives).
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Glossary for Transport Statistics
A radio-based occupation control system for non-signaled lines in which the train crews receive exclusive authority to occupy one or more blocks. train direct Direct Train A train with related wagons which runs between two transhipment points (initial source final destination) without intermediate marshalling. Train compos des wagons ncessaires et circulant entre deux points de transbordement (origine initiale destination finale), sans triage intermdiaire. Ein Zug mit zugehrigen Wagen, der ohne zwischenzeitliches Rangieren zwischen zwei Umschlagspunkten (Herkunftsort Bestimmungsort) verkehrt.
direct train
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Network Rail - Network Code
In respect of an Access Agreement, any direction, requirement, instruction or rule binding on either or both of the Access Parties, and includes any modification, extension or replacement of any such direction, requirement, instruction or rule for the time being in force. State of an item characterized by its inability to perform a required function, for any reason. An employee who supervises the train movements of a line or a certain area. In CTC territory the dispatcher also does the work of an operator. Any person who fulfilled the definition of 'dispute party' set out in the Access Dispute Resolution Rules. Has the meaning ascribed to it in the Access Dispute Resolution Rules. Any event or circumstance which materially prevents or materially disrupts the operation of trains or any part of the Network in accordance with the Working Timetable. entraxe Horizontal distance between the centres Distance horizontale entre les centres de of two adjacent tracks. deux voies adjacentes.
disabled state
dispute party
disputes chairman
disruptive event
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
Page 72 of 451
French Term
German Term
distant signal
distribution logistics
English Definition French Definition The distance between points of the centre lines of the two tracks under consideration, measured parallel to the running surface of the reference track namely the less canted track. A signal that provides an approach indication to a signal but that cannot show a stop aspect. A distant signal does not limit a block section. Logistics services prior in connection with preparation of goods for dispatch: picking, packaging, addressing/marking, labelling, tailoring and loading. Distribution warehouses alter the composition of the flow of goods. Warehousing and movement processes are equally important. Any natural or legal person in the supply chain, other than the manufacturer or the importer, who makes a product available on the market.
German Definition
Source Document Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure
distribution warehouse
Any natural or legal person in the supply chain, other than the manufacturer or the importer, who makes a product available on the market.
Means an undertaking providing legal and technical capacity to issuers to sell rail products or to provide on linefacilities to customer to by rail products. May be a carrier. In the context of switches and crossings, a route which diverges from the through route. The route which diverges from the Dviation du parcours par rapport la through route. voie directe.
Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 TAP TSI Glossary
diverging track
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
voie dvie
A means of achieving all or part of the specified requirements in more than one independent and dissimilar manner.
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
A means of achieving all or part of the specified requirements in more than one independent and dissimilar manner. Page 73 of 451
German Term
English Definition Three-phase propulsion. Information and its supporting medium. Information and its supporting medium.
German Definition
Source Document Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009 CMW Glossary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
Information and its supporting medium. Example: Record, specification; procedure document; drawing, report, standard. The medium can be paper, magnetic, electronic or optical computer disc, photograph or master sample, or a combination thereof. Means a passenger journey by rail whereby a passenger does not cross a border of a Member State. Means a rail passenger service which does not cross a border of a Member State. A door which is immobilised in a closed Une porte immobilise en position position by a mechanical device activate ferme par un organe mcanique qui a by a member of the train crew. t manoeuvr par le personnel de bord. A crossing combined with four pairs of points to provide slip connections at both sides of the crossing. A crossing combined with four pairs of points to provide slip connections at both sides of the crossing. wagon a double niveau Containertragwagen fr Doppelstockbeladung A rail wagon designed for the transport of containers stacked on top of each other. State of an item characterized either by a fault, or by a possible inability to perform a required function during preventive maintenance. This state is related to availability. A down state is sometimes referred to as an internal disabled state. Time interval during which an item is in a down state. The time interval during which a product is in a down state. Wagon conu pour le transport de conteneurs lun sur le toit de lautre.
domestic journey
porte condamne
Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
down state
Eisenbahnwaggon fr den Transport von Terminology on combined Containern, die in zwei Lagen transport bereinander gestapelt werden knnen. EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) Network Rail - Network Code
draft timetable
French Term
German Term
drafting period
English Definition French Definition A team of experts brought together by the RSSB to undertake or advise on the drafting required for a Standards Change or the grant or modification of a Deviation. A period, to be notified by Network Rail, normally of 16 weeks and commencing on the first day following the end of the Preliminary Period. A draw hook of shape and dimensions conforming to clause of the Freight Wagon TSI 2005; the reference height above rail level (ARL) is defined as being 1 025 mm + 15 mm/ 5 mm for an empty vehicle in running order conditions and with new wheels. Crochet de forme et de dimensions conformes au point de la STI de 2005 sur les wagons de fret; la hauteur de rfrence au-dessus du niveau du rail (ARL) est fixe 1 025mm + 15mm/ 5mm pour un vhicule vide en ordre de marche muni de roues neuves.
German Definition
draw hook
crochet de traction
Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
drill signal
North American term for a special signal indication for authorizing yard movements. A person qualified and authorised to Personne qualifie et habilite drive trains. conduire des trains.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
A person qualified and authorised to drive trains. ETCS/GSM-R train borne device to enable communication between the onboard system and the driver.
OPE glossary Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
driving coach
driving trailer
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
French Term
German Term
French Definition
German Definition
driving van
A remote-controlled switch, that can also be hand-operated. A protective switch that may be required for flank protection by two routes in normal and reverse position at the same time. A protective switch that may be required for flank protection by two routes in normal and reverse position at the same time. Ability of an item to perform a required function under given conditions of use and maintenance, until a limiting state is reached. A limiting state of an item may be charaterized by the end of the useful life, unsuitability for any economic or technologic reasons or other relevant factors. partie responsable Gefahrenhalter Any individual or legal entity responsible Toute personne physique ou morale qui Eine Person oder Krperschaft, die das for the risk which he imports onto the a la responsabilit des risques qu'elle von ihr in das Netz eingebrachte network, i.e. the RU. importe sur le rseau ferroviaire, par Risiko trgt, z. B. das EVU. exemple l'EF.
Source Document Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
duty holder
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary
duty holder
Any individual or legal entity responsible for the risk which it imports onto the network, i.e. the RU. A ground mounted signal. The total elapsed time from the time that a train stops in a station until the time it resumes moving. The sum of dynamic forces exerted by a wheelset on the track in lateral direction. The order picker has direct access to those 20% of goods that make up 80% of the turnover. The rest is made available automatically by conveyor belts ("goods to picker"). First-time use in Austria at the central warehouse of the Spar food store chain at Marchtrenk.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
dynamic picking
Page 76 of 451
German Term
German Definition
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
mise la terre
Measure to connect the overhead line or conductor rail directly to the earth to avoid inadmissible high contact voltage during works at electrified lines.
Dispositif pour relier directement la terre la ligne arienne de contact ou le rail conducteur afin d'viter une tension de contact d'un niveau au-del du seuil admissible lorsque des travaux sont effectus sur des lignes lectrifies.
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
Measure to connect the overhead line or conductor rail directly to the earth to avoid inadmissible high contact voltage during works at electrified lines.
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure L'valuation, par un (des) organisme(s) notifi(s), de la conformit intrinsque d'un constituant d'interoprabilit, considr isolment, avec les spcifications techniques qu'il doit respecter. Cette dclaration doit comprendre les lments suivants: - rfrences de la directive, - nom et adresse du fabricant ou de son mandataire tabli dans la Communaut (indiquer la raison sociale et l'adresse complte; en cas de mandataire, indiquer galement la raison sociale du fabricant), - description du constituant d'interoprabilit (marque, type, etc.), - indication de la procdure suivie pour dclarer la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi (article 13), - toutes les descriptions pertinentes auxquelles rpondent le constituant d'interoprabilit et en particulier les conditions d'utilisation, - nom et adresse de l'organisme (des organismes) notifi(s) qui est (sont) intervenu(s) dans la procdure suivie en ce qui concerne la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi et date du certificat d'examen assortie, le cas chant, de la Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network
Soil structures and soil-retaining structures that are subject to railway traffic loading. The assessment by a notified body or bodies of the intrinsic conformity of an interoperability constituent, considered in isolation, to the technical specifications to be met. It must contain the following: - the Directive references; - the name and address of the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community (give trade name and full address, in the case of the authorised representative, also give the trade name of the manufacturer or constructor); - description of interoperability constituent (make, type, etc.); - description of the procedure followed in order to declare conformity or suitability for use (Article 13); - all the relevant descriptions met by the interoperability constituent and, in particular, its conditions of use; - name and address of the notified body or bodies involved in the procedure followed in respect of conformity or suitability for use and date of examination certificate together with, where appropriate, the duration and Page 77 of 451 conditions of validity of the certificate; - where appropriate, reference to the
English Term
French Term
German Term
in order to declare conformity or suitability for use (Article 13); - all the relevant descriptions met by the interoperability constituent and, in particular, its conditions of use; - name and address of the notified body or bodies involved in the procedure followed in respect of conformity or suitability for use and date of examination certificate together with, English Definition where appropriate, the duration and conditions of validity of the certificate; - where appropriate, reference to the European specifications; - identification of the signatory empowered to enter into commitments on behalf of the manufacturer or of the manufacturer's authorised representative established within the Community.
- indication de la procdure suivie pour dclarer la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi (article 13), - toutes les descriptions pertinentes auxquelles rpondent le constituant d'interoprabilit et en particulier les conditions d'utilisation, - nom et adresse de l'organisme (des organismes) notifi(s) qui est (sont) intervenu(s) dans la procdure suivie en German Definition French Definition ce qui concerne la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi et date du certificat d'examen assortie, le cas chant, de la dure et des conditions de validit du certificat, - le cas chant, rfrence des spcifications europennes, - identification du signataire ayant reu pouvoir d'engager le fabricant ou son mandataire tabli dans la Communaut.
Source Document
The assessment/judgement by a notified body or bodies of the suitability for use of an interoperability constituent, considered within its railway environment and, in particular in cases where the interfaces are involved, in relation to the technical specifications, particularly those of a functional nature, which are to be checked. It must contain the following: - the Directive references; - the name and address of the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community (give trade name and full address, in the case of the authorised representative, also give the trade name of the manufacturer or constructor); - description of interoperability constituent (make, type, etc.); - description of the procedure followed in order to declare conformity or suitability for use (Article 13); - all the relevant descriptions met by the interoperability constituent and, in particular, its conditions of use; - name and address of the notified body or bodies involved in the procedure followed in respect of conformity or suitability for use and date of examination certificate together with, where appropriate, the duration and conditions of validity of the certificate; - where appropriate, reference to the European specifications; Page 78 of 451 - identification of the signatory
L'valuation/apprciation, par un (des) organisme(s) notifi(s), de l'aptitude l'emploi d'un constituant d'interoprabilit, considr dans son environnement ferroviaire, en particulier dans le cas o des interfaces sont en jeu, par rapport aux spcifications techniques, notamment de nature fonctionnelle, qui doivent tre vrifies. Cette dclaration doit comprendre les lments suivants: - rfrences de la directive, - nom et adresse du fabricant ou de son mandataire tabli dans la Communaut (indiquer la raison sociale et l'adresse complte; en cas de mandataire, indiquer galement la raison sociale du fabricant), - description du constituant d'interoprabilit (marque, type, etc.), - indication de la procdure suivie pour dclarer la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi (article 13), - toutes les descriptions pertinentes auxquelles rpondent le constituant d'interoprabilit et en particulier les conditions d'utilisation, - nom et adresse de l'organisme (des organismes) notifi(s) qui est (sont) intervenu(s) dans la procdure suivie en ce qui concerne la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi et date du certificat d'examen assortie, le cas chant, de la dure et des conditions de validit du certificat, - le cas chant, rfrence des
English Term
French Term
German Term
constituent (make, type, etc.); - description of the procedure followed in order to declare conformity or suitability for use (Article 13); - all the relevant descriptions met by the interoperability constituent and, in particular, its conditions of use; name and address of the notified body English Definition or bodies involved in the procedure followed in respect of conformity or suitability for use and date of examination certificate together with, where appropriate, the duration and conditions of validity of the certificate; - where appropriate, reference to the European specifications; - identification of the signatory empowered to enter into commitments on behalf of the manufacturer or of the manufacturer's authorised representative established within the Community.
d'interoprabilit (marque, type, etc.), - indication de la procdure suivie pour dclarer la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi (article 13), - toutes les descriptions pertinentes auxquelles rpondent le constituant d'interoprabilit et en particulier les conditions d'utilisation, French Definition German Definition - nom et adresse de l'organisme (des organismes) notifi(s) qui est (sont) intervenu(s) dans la procdure suivie en ce qui concerne la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi et date du certificat d'examen assortie, le cas chant, de la dure et des conditions de validit du certificat, - le cas chant, rfrence des spcifications europennes, - identification du signataire ayant reu pouvoir d'engager le fabricant ou son mandataire tabli dans la Communaut.
Source Document
The assessment/judgment by a notified body or bodies of the suitability for use of an interoperability constituent, considered within its railway environment and in particular in cases where the interfaces are involved, in relation to the technical specifications, particulary those of a functional nature, which are to be checked. It must contain the following: - the Directive references; - the name and address of the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community (give trade name and full address and in the case of the authorized representative also give the trade name of the manufacturer or constructor); - description of interoperability constituent (make, type, etc.); - description of the procedure followed in order to declare conformity, suitability for use (Article 13); - all of the relevant descriptions met by the interoperability constituent and in particular its conditions of use; - name and address of notified body (bodies) involved in the procedure followed in respect of conformity or suitability for use and date of examination certificate together, where Page 79 of 451 appropriate, with the duration and conditions of validity of the certificate;
L'valuation/apprciation, par un (des) organisme(s) notifi(s), de l'aptitude l'emploi d'un constituant d'interoprabilit, considr dans son environnement ferroviaire, en particulier dans le cas o des interfaces sont en jeu, par rapport aux spcifications techniques, notamment de nature fonctionnelle, qui doivent tre vrifies. Cette dclaration doit comprendre les lments suivants: - rfrences de la directive, - nom et adresse du fabricant ou de son mandataire tabli dans la Communaut (indiquer la raison sociale et l'adresse complte; en cas de mandataire, indiquer galement la raison sociale du fabricant ou constructeur), - description du constituant d'interoprabilit (marque, type, etc.), - indication de la procdure suivie pour dclarer la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi (article 13), - toutes les descriptions pertinentes auxquelles rpond le constituant d'interoprabilit et en particulier les conditions d'utilisation, - nom et adresse de l'organisme (des organismes) notifi(s) qui est (sont) intervenu(s) dans la procdure suivie en ce qui concerne la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi et date du certificat d'examen assortie, le cas chant, de la dure et des conditions de validit du
English Term
French Term
German Term
constructor); - description of interoperability constituent (make, type, etc.); - description of the procedure followed in order to declare conformity, suitability for use (Article 13); - all of the relevant descriptions met by the interoperability constituent and in particular its conditions of use; English Definition - name and address of notified body (bodies) involved in the procedure followed in respect of conformity or suitability for use and date of examination certificate together, where appropriate, with the duration and conditions of validity of the certificate; - where appropriate, reference to the European specification; - identification of signatory having received powers to engage the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community.
- description du constituant d'interoprabilit (marque, type, etc.), - indication de la procdure suivie pour dclarer la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi (article 13), - toutes les descriptions pertinentes auxquelles rpond le constituant d'interoprabilit et en particulier les conditions d'utilisation, French Definition German Definition - nom et adresse de l'organisme (des organismes) notifi(s) qui est (sont) intervenu(s) dans la procdure suivie en ce qui concerne la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi et date du certificat d'examen assortie, le cas chant, de la dure et des conditions de validit du certificat, - le cas chant, rfrence des spcifications europennes, - identification du signataire ayant reu pouvoir d'engager le fabricant ou son mandataire tabli dans la Communaut.
Source Document
The assessment by a notified body or bodies of the intrinsic conformity of an interoperability constituent, considered in isolation, to the technical specifications to be met. It must contain the following: - the Directive references; - the name and address of the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community (give trade name and full address and in the case of the authorized representative also give the trade name of the manufacturer or constructor); - description of interoperability constituent (make, type, etc.); - description of the procedure followed in order to declare conformity, suitability for use (Article 13); - all of the relevant descriptions met by the interoperability constituent and in particular its conditions of use; - name and address of notified body (bodies) involved in the procedure followed in respect of conformity or suitability for use and date of examination certificate together, where appropriate, with the duration and conditions of validity of the certificate; - where appropriate, reference to the European specification; - identification of signatory having Page 80 of 451 received powers to engage the manufacturer or his authorized
L'valuation, par un (des) organisme(s) notifi(s), de la conformit intrinsque d'un constituant d'interoprabilit, considr isolment, aux spcifications techniques qu'il doit respecter. Cette dclaration doit comprendre les lments suivants: - rfrences de la directive, - nom et adresse du fabricant ou de son mandataire tabli dans la Communaut (indiquer la raison sociale et l'adresse complte; en cas de mandataire, indiquer galement la raison sociale du fabricant ou constructeur), - description du constituant d'interoprabilit (marque, type, etc.), - indication de la procdure suivie pour dclarer la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi (article 13), - toutes les descriptions pertinentes auxquelles rpond le constituant d'interoprabilit et en particulier les conditions d'utilisation, - nom et adresse de l'organisme (des organismes) notifi(s) qui est (sont) intervenu(s) dans la procdure suivie en ce qui concerne la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi et date du certificat d'examen assortie, le cas chant, de la dure et des conditions de validit du certificat, - le cas chant, rfrence des spcifications europennes, - identification du signataire ayant reu pouvoir d'engager le fabricant ou son
English Term
French Term
German Term
particular its conditions of use; - name and address of notified body (bodies) involved in the procedure followed in respect of conformity or suitability for use and date of English Definition examination certificate together, where appropriate, with the duration and conditions of validity of the certificate; - where appropriate, reference to the European specification; - identification of signatory having received powers to engage the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community.
conditions d'utilisation, - nom et adresse de l'organisme (des organismes) notifi(s) qui est (sont) intervenu(s) dans la procdure suivie en ce qui concerne la conformit ou French Definition German Definition l'aptitude l'emploi et date du certificat d'examen assortie, le cas chant, de la dure et des conditions de validit du certificat, - le cas chant, rfrence des spcifications europennes, - identification du signataire ayant reu pouvoir d'engager le fabricant ou son mandataire tabli dans la Communaut.
Source Document
EC verification
vrification CE
EG- Prfung
Procedure whereby a notified body checks and certifies, at the request of a contracting entity or of its authorised representative established within the Community, that a subsystem: - complies with the Directive; - complies with the other regulations deriving from the Treaty, and may be put into operation.
La procdure par laquelle un organisme notifi vrifie et atteste que le soussystme est: - conforme aux dispositions de la directive, - conforme aux autres dispositions rglementaires rsultant du trait, et qu'il peut tre mis en service.
Verfahren, bei dem eine benannte Stelle auf Verlangen des Auftraggebers oder seines in der Gemeinschaft ansssigen Bevollmchtigten prft und bescheinigt, dass ein Teilsystem mit den Bestimmungen der Richtlinie bereinstimmt; mit den brigen nach dem Vertrag geltenden Vorschriften bereinstimmt.
EC verification
vrification CE
The procedure whereby a notified body checks and certifies, at the request of a contracting entity or its authorized representative established within the Community, that a subsystem: - complies with the Directive 96/48; - complies with the other regulations deriving from the Treaty and may be put into operation.
Procdure par laquelle un organisme notifi vrifie et atteste, la demande de l'entit adjudicatrice ou de son mandataire dans la Communaut, qu'un sous-systme est: - conforme aux dispositions de la directive, - conforme aux autres dispositions rglementaires qui sont d'application dans le respect du trait, et qu'il peut tre mis en service.
1. Die EG-Prfung ist das Verfahren, bei Directive 96/48/EC on the dem eine benannte Stelle auf Verlangen interoperability of the Transdes Auftraggebers oder seines in der European high-speed rail system Gemeinschaft ansssigen Bevollmchtigten prft und bescheinigt, da ein Teilsystem - mit den Bestimmungen der Richtlinie bereinstimmt; - mit den brigen nach dem Vertrag geltenden Vorschriften bereinstimmt und in Betrieb genommen werden kann.
EC verification
vrification CE
Procedure whereby a notified body checks and certifies that a subsystem: - complies with the Directive - complies with the other regulations deriving from the Treaty, and may be put into operation.
La procdure de vrification "CE" est celle par laquelle un organisme notifi vrifie et certifie quun sous-systme: - est conforme la directive, - est conforme aux autres rgles dcoulant du trait, et peut tre mis en exploitation.
EC verification
The procedure whereby a notified body checks and certifies that a subsystem: - complies with the Directive - complies with the other regulations deriving from the Treaty, and may be put into operation.
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
Page 81 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The procedure whereby a notified body checks and certifies that a subsystem: - complies with the Directive - complies with the other regulations deriving from the Treaty, and may be put into operation.
German Definition
Source Document Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System)
economic operators
The manufacturer, the authorised representative, the importer and the distributor.
economic operators
"Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport": continuous communication of consignment-related data between logistics center, customer and customs authorities. All partners need suitable software for converting (one-off investment). The date specified in a notice of proposal of a Short Term Network Change upon which the Short Term Network Change is proposed to become effective. Extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved. Relationship between the result achieved and the resources used. Interdisciplinary marketing, logistics and information management task focussing on cooperation to meet customers? demands in a better, faster and more cost-efficient way. efficient subsequent supply of products. An interlocking system in which the interlocking is achieved by a mechanical lever frame with miniature levers and the switches and signals are operated by electric motors and are controlled electrically. Page 82 of 451
Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
effective date
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Locomotive with one or more electric motors, deriving current primarily from overhead wires or conductor rails or from accumulators carried on the locomotive. (A locomotive so equipped which has also an engine (diesel or other) to supply current to the electric motor when it cannot be obtained from an overhead wire or from a conductor rail is classed as an electric locomotive). Energy produced by hydro-electric, geothermal, nuclear and conventional thermal power stations, excluding energy produced by pumping stations, measured by the calorific value of electricity (3.6 TJ/GWh). Pumping station is a power station with a reservoir which is filled by the use of pumps. Unit supplied with electric energy by an electrification system.
German Definition
electric power
electric unit
Trainsets, where all vehicles are capable of carrying a payload. Traction and other equipment are usually, but not exclusively under-floor. Trainsets, where all vehicles are capable of carrying passengers or luggage/mail.
Rames dont tous les vhicules sont capables de transporter une charge utile. La traction et les autres quipements sont gnralement situs sous le plancher.
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009
EMU/DMU are trainsets, where all vehicles are capable of carrying passengers or luggage / mail. ligne dalimentation lectrique The line between the current collector or current source and the main circuit breaker or the main fuse(s) on the vehicle. Work unit used as a reference to determine the complememtary electrical charge (it is the product of the distance travelled by the number of trains towed by electric traction units). La ligne entre le dispositif de captage de courant ou la source de courant et le disjoncteur principal ou le(s) fusible(s) principal/principaux du vhicule. Unit d'oeuvre servant de rfrence pour la dtermination des redevances complmentaires pour la mise disposition de l'lectricit (c'est le produit de la distance parcourue par le nombre de circulations remorques par un engin de traction lectrique).
electrical train-kilometre
train-kilomtre lectrique
The Electrification Asset Usage Charge covers the incremental wear and tear of electrification assets. Page 83 of 451
French Term
German Term
electrified track
electronic interlocking
English Definition French Definition Line with one or more electrified running tracks. (Sections of lines adjacent to stations that are electrified only to permit shunting and not electrified as far as the next stations are to be counted as nonelectrified lines). Track provided with an overhead trolley wire or with conductor rail to permit electric traction. An interlocking system in which the interlocking is achieved by software. An interlocking system in which the interlocking is achieved by a mechanical lever frame and with miniature levers the switches and signals are operated by pneumatic cylinder drives and are controlled electrically. Part of a product that has been determined to be a basic unit or building block. An element may be simple or complex.
German Definition
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
electro-pneumatic interlocking
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
elementary section
section lmentaire
A part of a product that has been determined to be a basic unit or building block. An element may be simple or complex. Portion of the national rail network defined by two special points, at its beginning and end. Each elementary section is uniquely identified by its number (possibly completed by its index, its starting and ending points, its measuring point, its length, and its rate category).
Portion du rseau ferr national dfinie par un Point Remarquable (PR) de dbut et un Point Remarquable de fin. Chaque section lmetaire est identifie de faon unique par son numro (complt ventuellement par son idice, ses points d'origine et de fin, son point de mesure, sa longueur et sa catgorie tafifaire).
emergency braking
emergency call
Application of a predefined brake force in the shortest time in order to stop the train with a defined level of brake performance. Call set up with the highest priority within a GSM-R network.
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Page 84 of 451
English Definition (1) Communication between RU staff and IM in the case of emergency (2) Railway independent communication system for rescue services and state authorities.
French Definition (1) Communication entre le personnel de l'entreprise ferroviaire et le gestionnaire de l'infrastructure dans les cas d'urgence (2) Systme de communication indpendant destin aux services de secours et aux autorits nationales.
German Definition
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
emergency communication
(1) Communication between RU staff and IM in the case of emergency (2) Railway independent communication system for rescue services and state authorities. Train borne provision to allow people inside the train to get out of the train in case of an emergency. An external passenger door is a specific type of emergency exit. Train borne provision to allow people inside the train to get out of the train in case of an emergency. An external passenger door is a specific type of emergency exit. Plan developed under the direction of the Infrastructure Manager, in cooperation, where appropriate, with Railway Undertakings, Rescue services and relevant authorities for each tunnel. The emergency plan shall be consistent with the self-rescue, evacuation and rescue facilities provided.
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" Un plan d'urgence est labor sous la direction du gestionnaire de l'infrastructure en coopration, s'il y a lieu, avec les entreprises ferroviaires, les services de secours et les autorits comptentes, pour chaque tunnel. Le plan d'urgence est cohrent avec les dispositifs d'autosauvetage, d'vacuation et de sauvetage mis en place. Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
emergency exit
emergency exit
emergency plan
plan d'urgence
emergency plan
An emergency plan is a plan developed under the direction of the Infrastructure Manager, in co-operation, where appropriate, with Railway Undertakings, Rescue services and relevant authorities for each tunnel. The emergency plan shall be consistent with the self-rescue, evacuation and rescue facilities provided. A train movement performed in RV in emergency with the driver in a cab not on the front vehicle in the direction of running.
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
emergency propelling
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Page 85 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition Area where emergency propelling movements are allowed in RV.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
emergency stop
Halting of a train or a shunting movement after the driver has applied the maximum brake force as quickly as possible until the train is at standsti.
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Order to stop a train coming from the ETCS system applying the maximum brake force as quickly as possible until the train is at standstill.
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Any person whose employment is in connection with a railway and is at work at the moment of the accident. It includes the crew of the train and persons handling rolling stock and infrastructure installations. A timetable for official use by railroad employees. Average number of persons working during the given period in a railway body, as well as persons working outside the body but who belong to it and are directly paid by it. Statistics should include all full-time equivalent employees performing all principal and ancillary activities of the (railway operation, renewal, new construction, road and shipping services, electricity generation, hotels and restaurants, etc.).
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Glossary for Transport Statistics
Encoding of messages.
Codierung von Meldungen. Entschlsselung: Rckverwandlung verschlsselter Daten in ihre ursprngliche Form.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
Page 86 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Encoding of data. A device mounted in a pipe that will allow airflow through the pipe when the end cock is in the open position. When moved to the closed position it will prevent flow through the pipe and will vent the pipe on one side on the end cock. The coupling devices used to couple together two (or several) units to form a train. Location where the target speed indicated on the DMI is zero or where the next ETCS marker board is reached when running in SR.
German Definition
Source Document TAP TSI Glossary Commission Decision 2006/861/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem rolling stock - freight wagons of the trans-European conventional rail system
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
A device with an integrated rear end marker which is mounted at the rear car of a train and connected to the airbrake pipe to check train integrity by radio transmission to the leading engine. Approve a document, piece of equipment, etc, as being fit for purpose.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Le systme d'lectrification, y compris le Elektrifizierungssystem, Oberleitungen matriel arien et les parties und Stromabnahmeeinrichtungen. embarques du dispositif de mesure de la consommation lectrique. Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network Glossary for Transport Statistics
Final energy consumed by tractive vehicles for traction, train services and facilities (heating, air conditioning, lighting). An employee who drives an engine. This system enables the RCC controllers to operate, control and manage the fixed equipment, related in part to the rail traffic and rail traffic safety, excluding signalling. A section of track which is closed to normal traffic and where the closure is for the purpose of carrying out maintenance which shall include any repair alteration, reconditioning, examination or testing of infrastructure. Page 87 of 451
engineering possession
United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
French Term
German Term
English Definition The activities involved in making a system, product or other change safe and showing that it is safe. An interlocking signal at the entrance of an interlocked route. an entity in charge of maintenance of a vehicle, and registered as such in the NVR.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Directive 2008/110/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 amending Directive 2004/49/EC on safety on the Communitys railways (Railway Safety Directive)
An entity in charge of maintenance of a vehicle, and registered as such in the national vehicle register. An entity in charge of maintenance of a vehicle, and registered as such in the national vehicle register. Entity in charge of maintenance of a vehicle and registered as such in the National vehicle register. The entity responsible for the maintenance of the wagon shall ensure that reliable information about maintenance processes and data specified to be made available in the TSIs are available for the operating RU, and demonstrate on request of the operating RU that these processes ensure the compliance of the wagon with the Essential Requirements of Directive 2001/16/EC as modified by Directive 2004/50/EC. After delivery of the rolling stock by the supplier, and acceptance thereof, a single entity shall assume responsibility for the maintenance of the rolling stock and management of the Maintenance File. The RST Register, kept by each MS, shall state the entity responsible for the maintenance of the RST and the management of the Maintenance File. After delivery of the rolling stock by the supplier, and acceptance thereof, a single entity shall assume responsibility for thein management of changes of a Entity charge of maintenance vehicle and registered as such in the National vehicle register. A form of operating an interlocking machine by pushing a bottom at the entrance and the exit of a route. Page 88 of 451
Une entit charge de l'entretien d'un vhicule et inscrite en tant que telle dans le registre national des vhicules.
Directive 2008/57/EC on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast) CMW Glossary
CMW Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition (a) Any Environmental Damage; or (b) Any event, circumstance, condition, operation or activity which it is reasonably foreseeable is likely to result in Environmental Damage Which (in either case) in Network Rails reasonable opinion could result in Network Rail incurring any material liability or being subject to the Direction of any Competent Authority.
German Definition
environmental damage
Any material injury or damage to persons, living organisms or property (including offence to mans senses) or any pollution or impairment of the environment resulting from the discharge, emission, escape or migration of any substance, energy, noise or vibration. Treatment accorded to products or processes originating in other countries that is no less favour-able than that accorded to like products or processes of national origin, or originating in any other country, in a comparable situation. Treatment accorded to products or processes from one supplier that is no less favourable than that accorded to like products or processes from any other supplier, in a comparable situation. A functional physical item.
equal treatment
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles
Sufficiency of different conformity assessment results to provide the same level of assurance of conformity with regard to the same specified requirements. Sufficiency of different conformity assessment results to provide the same level of assurance of conformity with regard to the same specified requirements.
Page 89 of 451
German Term
English Definition Equivalent conicity is the tangent of the cone angle of a wheelset with coned wheels whose lateral movement has the same kinematic wavelength as the given wheelset on straight track and largeradius curves.
French Definition German Definition La conicit quivalente est la tangente de l'angle conique d'un essieu profil de roue conique dont le mouvement transversal a la mme longueur d'onde de lacet cinmatique que celle de l'essieu donn en alignement et dans les courbes de grand rayon. La conicit quivalente est la tangente de langle conique dun essieu mont profil de roue conique dont le mouvement transversal a la mme longueur donde de lacet cinmatique que celle de lessieu donn, en lignement et dans les courbes de grand rayon.
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
equivalent conicity
conicit quivalente
Equivalent conicity is the tangent of the cone angle of a wheelset with coned wheels whose lateral movement has the same kinematic wavelength as the given wheelset on straight track and largeradius curves.
Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
equivalent conicity
equivalent fatalities
The tangent of the cone angle of a wheelset with coned wheels whose lateral movement has the same kinematic wavelength as the given wheelset on straight track and largeradius curves. A measure of safety loss which takes into account both fatalities and injuries. Deviation from the intended design which could result in unintended system behaviour or failure.
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
A deviation from the intended design which could result in unintended system behaviour or failure.
A deviation from the intended design which could result in unintended system behaviour or failure. A deviation from the intended design, which could result in unintended system behavior or failure. ERTMS (European rail traffic management system) Signalling and operation management system using ETCS for the command control and GSM-R for data transmission. Systme de signalisation et gestion des circulations utilisant l'ETCS pour le contrle commande et le GSM-R pour les transmissions de donnes.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
Page 90 of 451
German Term
English Definition Data transmission is achieved by spot transmission (Eurobalise) and in some cases by semi-continuous transmission (Euroloop or radio in-fill). The detection of trains is achieved by track-based equipment, usually track-circuits or axle counters. Signalling information is communicated to the driver by equipment in the driving cab and, optionally, lineside signals.
French Definition German Definition La transmission des donnes est ralise par transmission ponctuelle (Eurobalise) et dans certains cas semi-continue (Euroloop ou Radio in-fill - fonction de rouverture). La localisation des trains est ralise par des quipements au sol, habituellement des circuits de voie ou des compteurs d'essieux. Les informations relatives la signalisation sont communiques au conducteur par les quipements dans la cabine de conduite et, en option, par la signalisation latrale.
Source Document Commission Decision 2006/860/EC concerning the TSI relating to the CONTROL-COMMAND & SIGNALLING subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system and modifying Annex A to Decision 2006/679/EC concerning the TSI for C-C & Sig subsystem for the trans-European
ERTMS Level 2
Data transmission is achieved by continuous radio transmission (GSM-R). For some functions, the radio transmission requires complementing by spot transmission (Eurobalise). The detection of trains is achieved by trackbased equipment, usually track-circuits or axle counters. Signalling information is communicated to the driver by equipment in the driving cab and, optionally, lineside signals.
La transmission des donnes est ralise par une transmission radio continue (GSM-R). Pour certaines fonctions, la transmission par radio doit tre complte par une transmission ponctuelle (Eurobalise). La localisation des trains est ralise par des quipements au sol, habituellement des circuits de voie ou des compteurs d'essieux. Les informations relatives la signalisation sont communiques au conducteur par les quipements dans la cabine de conduite et, en option, par la signalisation latrale.
Commission Decision 2006/860/EC concerning the TSI relating to the CONTROL-COMMAND & SIGNALLING subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system and modifying Annex A to Decision 2006/679/EC concerning the TSI for C-C & Sig subsystem for the trans-European
ERTMS Level 3
Data transmission is achieved by continuous radio transmission (GSM-R). For some functions, the radio transmission requires complementing by spot transmission (Eurobalise). The detection of trains is achieved by equipment on-board, reporting to the Control-Command Track-side Assembly. Signalling information is communicated to the driver by equipment in the driving cab.
La transmission des donnes est ralise par une transmission radio continue (GSM-R). Pour certaines fonctions, la transmission par radio doit tre complte par une transmission ponctuelle (Eurobalise). La localisation des trains est ralise par des quipements embarqus, qui rendent compte l'ensemble de contrlecommande au sol. Les informations relatives la signalisation sont communiques au conducteur par les quipements dans la cabine de conduite.
Commission Decision 2006/860/EC concerning the TSI relating to the CONTROL-COMMAND & SIGNALLING subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system and modifying Annex A to Decision 2006/679/EC concerning the TSI for C-C & Sig subsystem for the trans-European
Page 91 of 451
English Definition Functions determining equitable and non-discriminatory access to infrastructure. They are: - preparation and decision making related to the licensing of railway undertakings including granting of individual licenses, - decision making related to the path allocation including both the definition and the assessment of availability and the allocation of individual train paths, - decision making related to infrastructure charging, - monitoring observance of public service obligations required in the provision of certain services.
French Definition Liste des fonctions essentielles pour un accs quitable et non discriminatoire l'infrastructure: - prparation et adoption des dcisions concernant la dlivrance de licences aux entreprises ferroviaires, y compris l'octroi de licences individuelles, - adoption des dcisions concernant la rpartition des sillons, y compris la dfinition et l'valuation de la disponibilit, ainsi que l'attribution de sillons individuels, ? adoption des dcisions concernant la tarification de l'infrastructure, - contrle du respect des obligations de service public requises pour la fourniture de certains services.
German Definition Verzeichnis der wesentlichen Funktionen nach Artikel 6 Absatz 3: Vorarbeiten und Entscheidungen ber die Zulassung von Eisenbahnunternehmen, einschlielich der Gewhrung einzelner Genehmigungen; Entscheidungen ber die Trassenzuweisung, einschlielich sowohl der Bestimmung als auch der Beurteilung der Verfgbarkeit und der Zuweisung von einzelnen Zugtrassen; Entscheidungen ber die Wegeentgelte; berwachung der Einhaltung von Verpflichtungen zur Bereitstellung bestimmter Dienstleistungen fr die Allgemeinheit.
essential requirement
The essential requirements constitute both the general and specific criteria with which construction works must comply; whereas such requirements are to be understood as requiring that the said works conform with an appropriate degree of reliability with one, some or all of these requirements when and where this is laid down in regulations.
essential requirements
exigences essentielles
Grundlegende Anforderungen
Essential requirements means all the conditions set out in Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC which must be met by the trans-European conventional rail system, the subsystems, and the interoperability constituents including interfaces.
Ensemble des conditions dcrites l'annexe III de la directive 2001/16/CE auxquelles doivent satisfaire le systme ferroviaire transeuropen conventionnel, les sous-systmes et les constituants d'interoprabilit, y compris les interfaces.
essential requirements
exigences essentielles
grundlegende Anforderungen
All the conditions set out in Annex III to Directive 2001/16 which must be met by the trans-European conventional rail system, the subsystems, and the interoperability constituents including interfaces.
L'ensemble des conditions dcrites l'annexe III de la Directive 2001/16 auxquelles doivent satisfaire le systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse, les sous-systmes et les constituants d'interoprabilit.
Der Ausdruck Grundlegende Anforderungen bezeichnet alle Bedingungen nach Anhang III der Richtlinie 2001/16/EG, die das konventionelle transeuropische Bahnsystem, seine Teilsysteme und die Interoperabilittskomponenten einschlielich der Schnittstellen erfllen mssen. alle in Anhang III (der Direktive 2001/16) beschriebenen Bedingungen, die das transeuropische Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystem, die Teilsysteme und die Interoperabilittskomponenten erfuellen mssen.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
essential requirements
exigences essentielles
grundlegende Anforderungen
All the conditions set out in Annex III of Directive 2008/57/EC on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community which must be met by the rail system, the subsystems, and the interoperability constituents, including interfaces. Page 92 of 451
L'ensemble des conditions dcrites l'annexe III auxquelles doivent satisfaire le systme ferroviaire, les sous-systmes et les constituants d'interoprabilit y compris les interfaces.
die Gesamtheit der in Anhang III Directive 2008/57/EC on the beschriebenen Bedingungen, die das interoperability of the rail system Eisenbahnsystem, die Teilsysteme und within the Community die Interoperabilittskomponenten einschlielich der Schnittstellen erfllen mssen.
English Definition All the conditions which must be met by the trans-European high-speed rail system, subsystems and their interoperability constituents.
French Definition L'ensemble des conditions auxquelles doivent satisfaire le systme ferroviaire ranseuropen grande vitesse, les soussystmes et les constituants d'interoprabilit.
German Definition alle in Anhang III beschriebenen Bedingungen, die das transeuropische Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystem, die Teilsysteme und die Interoperabilittskomponenten erfuellen mssen.
Source Document Directive 96/48/EC on the interoperability of the TransEuropean high-speed rail system
essential requirements
All the conditions set out in Annex III which must be met by the rail system, the subsystems, and the interoperability constituents, including interfaces. All the conditions...which must be met by the high-speed rail system, subsystems and their interoperability constituents. All the conditions...that must be met by the subsystems and interoperability constituents, including interfaces, of the railway system in the State forming part of the trans-European conventional rail system. Essential requirements means all the conditions set out in Annex III of the Directive 2001/16/EC which must be met by the Trans-European conventional rail system, the subsystems, and the interoperability constituents including interfaces. In relation to a ROC Section, or a variation to a ROC Section, as the case may be, that the ROC Section or the variation has come into effect whether: (a) following publication of the ROC Section or the variation (or if publication is not required notification of the ROC Section or the variation to affected Train Operators) with no appeal being lodged within the time limit for such appeal or, if such an appeal has been lodged, it has not been proceeded with; or (b) following any interim or final determination of an appeal in that respect if an appeal is lodged and proceeded with, and subject always to: (i) adjustment following final determination of an appeal; or (ii) variation, and 'establish' and 'establishment' shall be construed accordingly.
Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
essential requirements
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System) Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System)
essential requirements
essential requirements
Page 93 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition In relation to a Local Output Commitment, means the Local Output Commitment has come into effect for the benefit of the Train Operator in question, whether: (a) following the LOC Statement in that respect having been given to the Train Operator and either no Appeal having been lodged or, if such an Appeal has been lodged, it has not been proceeded with; or (b) following the final determination of an Appeal in that respect. The first date upon which a Short Term Network Change can be implemented, whether or not the change is implemented on that day. An interoperability constituent that: a) complies with the performances set out in Chapter 5 of the present TSI b) complies with the relevant European standard(s) c) is compatible with other interoperability constituents in the particular type of subassembly within which it is intended to be used. d) the particular type of subassembly within which it is intended to be used complies with the performances set out in Chapter 4 of the present TSI insofar as they apply to the subassembly.
German Definition
established date
Un constituant d'interoprabilit qui remplit les conditions suivantes: a) il respecte les performances dfinies au chapitre 5 de la prsente STI; b) il est conforme la norme europenne ou aux normes europennes pertinente(s); c) il est compatible avec les autres constituants d'interoprabilit dans le type de sous-ensemble particulier dans lequel il doit tre utilis; d) le type particulier de sous-ensemble dans lequel il doit tre utilis, respecte les performances dfinies au chapitre 4 de la prsente STI dans la mesure o elles s'appliquent au sous-ensemble.
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
Means a change falling within the definition of 'Network Change' and which: (a) in the case of a Network Change proposed by Network Rail, Network Rail is entitled to carry out having complied with the procedural and other requirements of the Network Change guidelines; and (b) in the case of a Network Change proposed by a Train Operator, Network Rail is required by the Network Change guidelines to carry out, and 'establish' and 'establishment' of a Network Change shall be construed accordingly.
Page 94 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A change which the Sponsor is entitled by this Part F to carry out, and 'establish' and 'establishment' of a Vehicle Change shall be construed accordingly. Estimated Time of Arrival of wagons at the customer side. Heure d'arrive prvue des wagons sur le site du client.
German Definition
Geschtzte Ankunftszeit eines Zuges an einem spezifischen Punkt, z. B. bergabepunkt, Wechselpunkt, Zielort des Zuges.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Estimated Time of Arrival (of train at the station). Way to express the possible operational relationships between track and train.
ETCS status
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Page 95 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition The ETCS category of train depends on the kind of rolling stock and on environmental characteristics. The ETCS categories of train are indicated by the following 2 letters symbols: - BT for basic train, - AT for active tilting train, - PT for passive tilting train, - CW for cross wind sensitive train. An ETCS train is defined: - by one symbol only referring to the rolling stock or, - by the combination of one of the symbols referring to the rolling stock with the symbol of environmental characteristics. Estimated Time of Handover of a train from one IM to another.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary
Estimated Time of Handover (of a train from one IM to another). Estimated Time of Interchange of wagons from one RU to another.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary
Estimated Time of Interchange (of the train from one RU to another). European Union. Network of fast freight trains connecting Austria's industrial hubs with important European conurbations.
Union Europenne.
European Integrated Railway EIRENE (European Radio Enhanced Network (EIRENE) integrated railway radio enhanced network)
Numbering system proposed by the Agency to the Commission to harmonise the identification of Safety Certificates which could be extended to other documents. UIC project which aim is to develop GSM- Projet de l'UIC qui a pour but de R specifications and facilitate its dvelopper les spcifications et de standardisation. faciliter la standardisation du GSM-R.
Page 96 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Licence granted to a railway undertaking pursuant to these Regulations (valid throughout the territory of any EEA State) by which the capacity of the railway undertaking as such is recognised and which authorises the undertaking to provide in and between EEA States such train services as may be specified in the licence.
German Definition
Source Document United Kingdom - The Railway (Licensing of Railway Undertakings) Regulations 2005
The European Railway Agency, the European Community agency for railway safety and interoperability. The agency for railway safety and interoperability established by Regulation (EC) No 881/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council of 29th April 2004 establishing a European Railway Agency. The Agency for railway safety and interoperability established by Regulation (EC) No. 881/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council of 29th April 2004 establishing a European Railway Agency. spcification europenne europische Spezifikation Common technical specification, a European technical approval or a national standard transposing a European standard, as defined in points 8 to 12 of Article 1 of Directive 93/38/EEC. Une spcification technique commune, un agrment technique europen ou une norme nationale transposant une norme europenne, tels que dfinis l'article 1er points 8 12 de la directive 93/38/CEE. eine gemeinsame technische Spezifikation, eine europische technische Zulassung oder eine einzelstaatliche Norm zur Umsetzung einer europischen Norm, wie in Artikel 1 Nummern 8 bis 12 der Richtlinie 93/38/EWG definiert. eine gemeinsame technische Spezifikation, eine europische technische Zulassung oder eine nationale Norm zur Umsetzung einer europischen Norm, wie in Anhang XXI der Richtlinie 2004/17/EG definiert;.
Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005 United Kingdom - The Railways (Accident Investigation and Reporting) Regulations 2005
European specification
European specification
spcification europenne
europische Spezifikation
A common technical specification, a European technical approval or a national standard transposing a European standard, as defined in Annex XXI to Directive 2004/17/EC.
Une spcification technique commune, un agrment technique europen ou une norme nationale transposant une norme europenne, tels que dfinis l'annexe XXI de la directive 2004/17/CE.
Directive 2008/57/EC on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community
European specification
spcification europenne
A common technical specification, a European technical approval or a national standard implementing a European standard.
Une spcification technique commune, un agrment technique europen ou une norme nationale transposant une norme europenne.
Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector eine gemeinsame technische Directive 96/48/EC on the Spezifikation, eine europische interoperability of the Transtechnische Zulassung oder eine European high-speed rail system einzelstaatliche Norm zur Umsetzung einer europischen Norm, wie in Artikel 1 Nummern 8 bis 12 der Richtlinie 93/38/EWG definiert.
European specification
spcification europenne
europische Spezifikation
A common technical specification, a European technical approval or a national standard implementing a European standard, as defined in points 8 to 12 of Article 1 of Directive 93/38/EEC.
Une spcification technique commune, un agrment technique europen ou une norme nationale transposant une norme europenne, tels que dfinis l'article 1er points 8 12 de la directive 93/38/CEE.
Page 97 of 451
French Term
German Term
European specification
English Definition French Definition A common technical specification, a European technical approval or a national standard transposing a European standard, as defined in Annex XXI to Directive 2004/17/EC. A common technical specification, a European technical approval or a national standard implementing a European standard, as defined in points 8 to 12 Article 1 of Directive 93/38/EEC. A common technical specification, a European technical approval or a national standard implementing a European standard, as defined in points 8 to 12 of Article 1 of Directive 93/38/EEC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport, and telecommunications sectors. A standard approved by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) or by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (Cenelec) as a European Standard (EN) or Harmonization Document (HD), according to the common rules of those organizations, or by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) according to its own rules as a European Telecommunications Standard (ETS).
German Definition
Source Document Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
European specification
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System)
European standard
norme europenne
La norme approuve par le comit europen de normalisation (CEN) ou par le comit europen de normalisation lectrotechnique (Cenlec) en tant que norme europenne (EN) ou document d'harmonisation (HD), conformment aux rgles communes de ces organismes, ou par l'Institut europen de normes de tlcommunications (ETSI), conformment ses propres rgles, en tant que norme europenne de tlcommunications (ETS).
Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
European standard
A standard approved by the European Committee for Standardisation or by the European Committee for Electrical Standardisation as a European Standard or a Harmonisation Document, according to the Common Rules of those organisations or by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute according its own rules as a "European Telecommunications Standard".
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System)
Page 98 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A standard approved by the European Committee for Standardisation or by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation as a European Standard or a Harmonisation Document, according to the Common Rules of those organisations or by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute according to its own rules as a European Telecommunications Standard.
German Definition
Source Document United Kingdom - The Railways (Interoperability) (High-Speed) Regulations 2002
European standard
A standard approved by the European Committee for Standardisation or by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation as a European Standard or a Harmonisation Document, according to the Common Rules of those organisations or by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute according to its own rules as a European Telecommunications Standard.
A favourable technical assessment of the fitness for use of a product for a particular purpose, based on fulfilment of the essential requirements for building works, by means of the inherent characteristics of the product and the defined conditions of application and use, as provided for in Council Directive 89/106/EEC of 21 December 1988 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to construction products. European technical approval are issued by an approval body designated for this purpose by the Member State.
L'apprciation technique favorable de l'aptitude d'un produit, fonde sur la satisfaction des exigences essentielles, un emploi dtermin, pour la construction, selon les caractristiques intrinsques de ce produit et les conditions tablies de mise en oeuvre et d'utilisation telles qu'elles sont prvues dans la directive 89/106/CEE du Conseil, du 21 dcembre 1988, relative au rapprochement des dispositions lgislatives, rglementaires et administratives des tats membres concernant les produits de construction (1). L'agrment technique europen est dlivr par l'organisme agr cet effet par l'tat membre.
Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
Page 99 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition An approval of the fitness of a product for a particular use given by an approval body designated for the purpose by a Member State following a technical assessment of whether the product fulfils all essential requirements for such a product, having regard to the inherent characteristics of the product and any such defined conditions of application and use as are provided for in any Council Directive applicable to the product. An approval of the fitness of a product for a particular use given by an approval body designated for the purpose by a Member State following a technical assessment of whether the product fulfils all essential requirements for such a product, having regard to the inherent characteristics of the product and any such defined conditions of application and use as are provided for in any Council Directive applicable to the product. Systematic examination of the extent to which a product fulfils specific requirements.
German Definition
Source Document United Kingdom - The Railways (Interoperability) (High-Speed) Regulations 2002
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
evaluation report
A report on the results of a systematic examination of the extent to which a product fulfils specific requirements.
A significant happening that may originate in the system, product or other change or its domain. A method of illustrating the intermediate and final outcomes which may arise after the occurrence of a selected initial event.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Anything involved in or relating to an accident or incident, whether at the site of the accident or incident or remote from it, including: (a) written, electronic, photographic or other records; (b) electronic or recording equipment; (c) rolling stock, infrastructure, equipment and signalling systems; (d) any personal, personnel, medical or other similar record or document; and (e) anything else that an inspector identifies to: (i) an owner of railway property; (ii) a railway industry body; or (iii) a manufacturer or supplier of equipment, components or services to an owner of railway property or to a railway industry body, as being relevant to the accident or incident.
German Definition
Source Document United Kingdom - The Railways (Accident Investigation and Reporting) Regulations 2005
ex works (EXW)
It means that the seller delivers when he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller's premises or another named place not cleared for export and not loaded on any collecting vehicle. chargements exceptionnels A load carried on a rail vehicle, for example a container, swap body or other traffic where the rail vehicle size and/or axle loading requires special authority for the movement and/or the application of special conditions of travel for all or part of the journey. Chargement transport sur un vhicule ferroviaire, par exemple un conteneur, une caisse mobile ou tout autre transport pour lequel les dimensions du vhicule ferroviaire et/ou la charge l'essieu ncessitent une autorisation particulire pour sa mise en marche et/ou l'application de conditions de circulation particulires sur tout ou partie du parcours. Chargement transport sur un vhicule ferroviaire, par exemple un conteneur, une caisse mobile ou tout autre transport pour lequel les dimensions du vhicule ferroviaire et/ou la charge lessieu ncessitent une autorisation particulire pour sa mise en marche et/ou lapplication de conditions de circulation particulires sur tout ou partie du parcours.
exceptional loads
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
exceptional loads
chargements exceptionnels
A load carried on a rail vehicle, for example a container, swap body or other traffic where the rail vehicle size and/or axle loading requires special authority for the movement and/or the application of special conditions of travel for all or part of the journey.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
exceptional loads
A load carried on a rail vehicle, for example a container, swap body or other traffic where the rail vehicle size and/or axle loading requires special authority for the movement and/or the application of special conditions of travel for all or part of the journey. Page 101 of 451
OPE glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition In the case of either Class A or Class B Local Outputs for a Relevant Year, means a Local Output Commitment the achievement of which would, when taken together with all other Local Output Commitments for that Relevant Year, either: (a) make it impossible for Network Rail to achieve one or more other Local Output Commitments; or (b) commit Network Rail to a level of operational performance, capability or quality of the Network, or any other matter, materially beyond the targets and other requirements of Network Rail established by the Office of Rail Regulation in the most recent access charges review. The maximum allowed hight for the check rail. Surlvation maximale autorise du contre-rail.
German Definition
surlvation du contre-rail
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
Height of the check rail above the adjacent running rail. Railway Infrastructure of an Infrastructure Controller who has become a Railway Group Member because it is a Train or Station Operator in respect of other Railway Infrastructure, rather than because it is an Infrastructure Controller. This definition includes the Railway Infrastructure controlled by London Underground Limited and the Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive, and the Railway Infrastructure that forms the Channel Tunnel Rail Link. In relation to an Access Agreeement, a cordon cap specified in that Access Agreement concerning a location to which any Rights Subject to Surrender which are Level Two Rights under that Access Agreement relate. A particular design which has already been used to produce a type of Rolling stock, which has already been authorized to be put into service in a Member State before entry into force of this TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST. Page 102 of 451
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Railway Group Standards Code
excluded infrastructure
existing design
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A particular design which has already been used to produce a type of Rolling stock, which has already been authorized to be put into service in a Member State before entry into force of this TSI. System composed of the existing railway infrastructures, comprising lines and fixed installations, plus the existing rolling stock of all categories and origin travelling on that infrastructure as well as the existing operating rules. The structure composed of lines and fixed installations of the existing rail system plus the rolling stock of all categories and origin travelling on that infrastructure. Lensemble, constitu par les infrastructures ferroviaires, comprenant les lignes et les installations fixes, du rseau ferroviaire existant, et les matriels roulants existants de toutes catgorie et origine qui parcourent ces infrastructures. L'ensemble, constitu par les infrastructures ferroviaires, comprenant les lignes et les installations fixes, du rseau ferroviaire existant, et les vhicules de toutes catgories et origines qui parcourent ces infrastructures.
German Definition
Source Document Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
Komplex, der durch die Strecken und ortsfeste Anlagen umfassenden Eisenbahninfrastrukturen des vorhandenen Eisenbahnnetzes und durch die auf diesen Infrastrukturen verkehrenden Fahrzeuge jeglicher Kategorie und Herkunft gebildet wird. den Komplex, der durch die Strecken und ortsfeste Anlagen umfassenden Eisenbahninfrastrukturen des vorhandenen Eisenbahnnetzes und durch die auf diesen Infrastrukturen verkehrenden Fahrzeuge jeglicher Kategorie und Herkunft gebildet wird.
The structure composed of lines and fixed installations of the existing rail system plus the vehicles of all categories and origin travelling on that infrastructure.
Directive 2008/57/EC on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community
The structure composed of the railway infrastructures, comprising lines and fixed installations of the existing rail system plus the existing rolling stock of all categories and origin travelling on that infrastructure.
Lensemble, constitu par les infrastructures ferroviaires, comprenant les lignes et les installations fixes, du rseau ferroviaire existant, et les matriels roulants existants de toutes catgorie et origine qui parcourent ces infrastructures.
den Komplex, der durch die Strecken und ortsfeste Anlagen umfassenden Eisenbahninfrastrukturen des vorhandenen Eisenbahnnetzes und durch die auf diesen Infrastrukturen verkehrenden Fahrzeuge jeglicher Kategorie und Herkunft gebildet wird.
The structure composed of lines and fixed installations of the existing rail system plus the vehicles of all categories and origin travelling on that infrastructure. The structure composed of the railway infrastructures, comprising lines and fixed installations of the existing rail system plus the existing rolling stock of all categories and origin travelling on that infrastructure. 1) A interlocking signal that governs train movements to leave home signal limits. 2) An opposing interlocking signal a train passes when leaving interlocking limits. 3) An interlocking signal at the exit of an interlocked route. Page 103 of 451
Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
exit signal
German Term
English Definition Expenditure relating specifically to the transport function of infrastructure and that part of expenditure common to that function and to other functions which is attributable to the transport function. Expenditure to be recorded for any one year shall be expenditure incurred during that year on the construction, running and administration of infrastructure. Amortisation of, and interest on, loans contracted for the purpose of financing infrastructure expenditure shall not be included.
French Definition German Definition Dpenses spcifiques la fonction de transport des infrastructures ainsi que la part des dpenses communes cette fonction et d'autres fonctions qui est imputable la fonction de transport.
Source Document Council Regulation (EEC) 1108/70 introducing an accounting system for expenditure on infrastructure in respect of transport by rail, road and inland waterway
In relation to a Local Output Commitment, means either: (a) the end of the obligations in question as determined or effected in accordance with the relevant LOC Statement; or (b) the Establishment of a Local Output Commitment which, in terms of the LOC Statement in which it is contained, replaces or supersedes the earlier Local Output Commitment.
expiry date
The date specified in a notice of proposal in relation to a Short Term Network Change which shall not be more than two years, or such longer period as is agreed between Network Rail and each Train Operator that may be affected by the implementation of the proposed Short Term Network Change or from the later of the Effective Date and the Established Date.
exploitation rate
extended disruption
The sum of headway in a considered period of time divided by the total duration of this period. A Disruptive Event which is likely to be of sufficient duration as to make it practicable to adopt a revised timetable.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Network Rail - Network Code
German Term
English Definition A protocol that works over the Internet. It defines an XML format for messages that are transferred between clients and servers using HTTP. An XML-RPC message encodes either a procedure to be invoked by the server, along with the parameters to use in the invocation, or the result of an invocation. Procedure parameters and results can be scalars, numbers, strings, dates, etc.; they can also be complex record and list structures. This document specifies a how to use the Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (BEEP) to transfer messages encoded in the XML-RPC format between clients and servers.
French Definition German Definition Acronyme de Extensible Markup Language - Remote Procedure Calling (langage de balisage tendu - appel de procdure distance), ce protocole est largement utilis sur l'internet. Il dfinit un format XML pour des messages changs entre clients et serveurs en HTTP. Un message XML-RPC code soit une procdure invoquer par le serveur, accompagne des paramtres utiliser dans l'appel, soit le rsultat d'un appel. Les paramtres et les rsultats de ces procdures sont des grandeurs scalaires, des nombres, des chanes de caractres, des dates, etc. Il peut s'agir galement d'enregistrements et de structures de listes complexes. Le document qui dcrit ce protocole donne la mthode d'utilisation du protocole BEEP (Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol) pour changer des messages cods en format XML-RPC entre clients et serveurs.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
extensive damage
extensive damage
Damage that can be immediately assessed by the Investigation Unit to cost at least 2 million in total. Damage that can be immediately assessed by the Investigation Unit to cost at least \2 million in total.
Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005 Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008 United Kingdom - The Railways (Accident Investigation and Reporting) Regulations 2005 Recommendations to revise Annex 1 to Directive 2004/49 Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
extensive damage
Damage that can immediately be assessed by the Branch to cost at least 2 million Euros in total. Means that train services on a main railway line are suspended for six hours or more. The coupling devices used to couple together two (or several) units to form a train.
external coupling
German Term
English Definition The XDR protocol is specified in External Data Representation Standard [RFC1832]. XDR is a standard for the description and encoding of data. It is useful for transferring data between different computer architectures. XDR fits into the ISO presentation layer, and is roughly analogous in purpose to X.409, ISO Abstract Syntax Notation. The major difference between these two is that XDR uses implicit typing, while X.409 uses explicit typing. XDR uses a language to describe data formats. The language can be used only to describe data; it is not a programming language. This language allows one to describe intricate data formats in a concise manner. The alternative of using graphical representations (itself an informal language) quickly becomes incomprehensible when faced with complexity. The XDR language itself is similar to the C language. Protocols such as ONC RPC (Remote Procedure Call) and the NFS (Network File System) use XDR to describe the format of their data. The XDR standard makes the following assumption: that bytes (or octets) are portable, where a byte is defined to be 8 bits of data. A given hardware device should encode the bytes onto the various media in such a way that other hardware devices may decode the bytes without loss of meaning.
French Definition German Definition Acronyme de External Data Representation (reprsentation de donnes externes) Le protocole XDR est spcifi dans la norme de reprsentation de donnes externes [RFC1832]. XDR est une norme de description et d'encodage des donnes. Elle est utile pour transfrer des donnes entre diffrentes architectures informatiques. Elle s'inscrit dans la couche de prsentation OSI et sa fonction est globalement analogue l'ASN (notation syntactique abstraite de l'ISO) dfinie dans la norme X-409 de l'ISO. La principale diffrence rside dans le fait que XDR utilise un typage implicite tandis que le X.409 utilise un typage explicite. Par ailleurs, XDR utilise un langage pour dcrire des formats des donnes. Il s'agit d'un langage de description des donnes uniquement et non d'un langage de programmation. Ce langage permet de dcrire de manire concise des formats de donnes complexes. La solution qui consisterait utiliser des reprsentations graphiques (qui sont en soi un langage informel) donne trs vite des rsultats incomprhensibles ds que les donnes reprsenter deviennent plus complexes. Le langage XDR est proprement parler semblable au langage C. Des protocoles tels que RPC (Remote Procedure Call, appel de procdure distance) de l'ONC (architecture rseau ouverte) et NFS (Network File System, systme de fichier rseau) utilisent XDR pour dcrire le format de leurs donnes. La norme XDR considre par hypothse que les octets sont portables. Il faut qu'un priphrique matriel donn code les octets sur les divers supports de faon ce que d'autres priphriques matriels puissent dcoder les octets sans perte de signification.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
Subset of the disabled state when the item is in an up state, but lacks required external resources or is disabled due to planned actions other than maintenance. Time interval during which an item is in Page 106 of 451 an external disabled state.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A train that does not run on a scheduled train path. BahnExpress: goods with a length greater than 3 meters (transport only with previous written agreement) RailStandard: goods with a length greater than 2.4 meters (transport only with previous written agreement). In respect of any Class, a meeting of that Class other than an Annual Class Meeting. facility owner The owner of an interest in a network, station or light maintenance depot, such that his permission is needed if anyone else is to enjoy access to that facility in order to use it for, or in connection with, the operation of trains. A movement on a turnout in which the points face approaching traffic. A concept which is incorporated into the design of a product such that, in the event of a failure, it enters or remains in a safe state.
German Definition
Source Document IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
facility owner
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
CMW Glossary
A deviation from the specified performance of a system. A failure is the consequence of a fault or an error in a system. [EN 50129: 2003; Railway applications Communication, signalling and processing systems - Safety related electronic systems for signalling]. failure Termination of the ability of an item to perform a required function. After failure the item has a fault, which may be complete or partial. "Failure" is an event, as distinguished from "fault", which is a state. Deviation from the specified performance of a system. A failure is the consequence of a fault or error in a system. A deviation from the specified performance of a system. A failure is the consequence of a fault or error in the system. Page 107 of 451 EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
French Term
German Term
failure analysis
English Definition French Definition A deviation from the specified performance of a system, product or other change. A failure is the consequence of a fault or error. A deviation from the specified performance of a system. A failure is the consequence of a fault or error in a system. Logical, systematic examination of a failed item to identify and analyse the failure mechanism, the failure cause and the consequences of failure. The circumstances during design, manufacture or use which have led to a failure.
German Definition
Source Document Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
failure cause
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
failure cause
failure mechanism
The circumstances during design; manufacture or use, which have led to a failure. Physical, chemical or other processes which lead or have led to failure. The predicted or observed results of a failure cause on a stated item in relation to the operating conditions at the time of the failure.
failure mode
failure mode
The predicted or observed results of a failure cause on a stated item in relation to the operating conditions at the time of the failure. A process for hazard identification where all known failure modes of components or features of a system, are considered in turn and undesired outcomes are noted. An extension to FMEA in which the criticality of the effects is also assessed.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
A qualitative method of reliability analysis which involves the study of the fault modes which can exist in every subproduct of the product and the determination of the effects of each fault mode on other sub-products of the product and on the required functions of the product.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The limit, if this exists, of the ratio of the conditional probability that the instant of time, T, of a failure of a product falls within a given time interval (t, t+At) and the length of this interval, At, when At tends towards zero, given that the item is in an up state at the start of the time. interval. The limit; if this exists; of the ratio of the conditional probability that the instant of time; T; of a failure of a product falls within a given time interval (t+(t) and the length of this interval; (t; when (t tends towards zero; given that the item is in an up state at the start of the time interval. A closed-loop system for ensuring that failures and other incidents are thoroughly analysed and that any necessary corrective action, particularly if it affects safety, is identified and carried through. A Failure to Use in relation to a Quantum Access Right occurs if: (a) in any First Working Timetable established by Network Rail after the Commenceemnt Date, the Train Operator fails to secure one or more Train Slots in respect of that Quantum Access Right; or (b) the Train Operator fails to make use of such a Train Slot which has been included in the Working Timetable and which relates to that Quantum Access Right. If Network Rail considers there is a Failure to Use by a Train Operator and that Failure to Use is continuing: (a) it may serve a Failure to Use Notice on the Train Operator requiring the Train Operator to surrender Rights Subject to Surrender; and (b) if it does so, it shall send a copy of the notice to the Office of Rail Regulation. Reason leading up to a failure. The reasons may be the result of one or more of the following: Design failure, manufacturing failure, installation failure, misuse failure, mishandling failure, maintenance related failure. Means a charge to be paid for transportation or service. Page 109 of 451
German Definition
Source Document EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
failure rate
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
failure to use
falire cause
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition State of an item characterized by the inability to perform a required function, excluding the inabilityduring preventive maintenance or other planned actions, or due to lack of external resources.
German Definition
Abnormal condition that could lead to an error or a failure in a system. A fault can be random or systematic.
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
An abnormal condition that could lead to an error in a system. A fault can be random or systematic.
A fault is a defect in a system, product or other change which may cause a failure.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
fault analysis
fault avoidance
An abnormal condition that could lead to an error in a system. A fault can be random or systematic. Logical, systematic examination of an item to identify and analyse the probability, causes and consequences of potential faults. Use of design techniques which aim to avoid the introduction of faults during the design and construction of the system.
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Time span which begins at the instant when a fault occurs and ends when the existence of the fault is detected.
fault diagnosis
fault localisation
Actions taken for fault recognition, fault localization and cause identification. Fault diagnosis is sometimes called trouble shooting. Actions taken to identify the faulty item at the appropriate indenture level. Condition in which a fault exists in a subitem of an item but cannot be recognized because of a fault of the item or because of another fault of that subitem or of another sub-item. Method by which the inability of an item to perform a required function ist established. Page 110 of 451
fault masking
fault mode
French Term
German Term
English Definition One of the possible states of a faulty product for a given required function.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
fault mode
One of the possible states of a faulty product for a given required function. Built-in capability of a system to provide continued correct provision of service as specified, in the presence of a limited number of hardware or software faults.
fault tolerance
An analysis to determine which fault modes of the product, sub-products or external events, or combinations thereof, may result in a stated fault mode of the product, presented in the form of a fault tree. An analysis to determine which fault modes of the product; sub-products or external events; or combinations thereof; may result in a stated fault mode of the product; presented in the form of a fault tree. A method for representing the logical combinations of various states which lead to a particular outcome (top event). lignes d'accs Zubringerstrecke Lines that cover at either end of the journey 50 km or 20 % of the length of the journey on the railway lines, whichever is greater. Les lignes d'accs couvrent aux deux extrmits du parcours 50 kilomtres ou bien 20 % de la longueur du parcours sur les lignes de chemin de fer vises au paragraphe 1, point a), la plus longue de ces deux distances tant retenue. La Belgique et le Luxembourg, en tant qu'tats membres dont le rseau est relativement petit ou concentr, peuvent limiter la longueur des lignes d'accs pendant la premire anne suivant le 15 mars 2003 au moins 20 km et, jusqu' la fin de la deuxime anne, 40 km.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Die Zubringerstrecken gem Absatz 1 Directive 91/440/EEC Buchstaben c) und d) umfassen am Development of the Community's Anfang wie auch am Ende der Fahrt Railways 50 km bzw. 20 % der Lnge der Fahrt auf den Schienenverkehrsstrecken gem Absatz 1 Buchstabe a), je achdem, welcher Wert grer ist. Belgien und Luxemburg als Mitgliedstaaten mit einem relativ kleinen bzw. konzentrierten Netz knnen die Lnge der Zubringerstrecken im ersten Jahr nach dem 15. Mrz 2003 auf mindestens 20 km und bis zum Ende des zweiten Jahres auf mindestens 40 km begrenzen.
English Definition Short sea shipping service which connects at least two ports in order for the freight (generally containers) to be consolidated or redistributed to or from a deep-sea service in one of these ports. By extension, this concept may be used for inland transport services.
French Definition Service de transport maritime courte distance qui relie au moins deux ports entre eux afin de concentrer ou redistribuer la marchandise (en gnral dans des conteneurs) provenant ou destination dun transport de haute mer desservant lun dentre eux. Par extension, ce concept peut sappliquer aux acheminements terrestres.
German Definition Source Document Kurzstreckenseeverkehr, der zumindest Terminology on combined zwei Hfen miteinander verbindet, um transport Gter (meistens in Containern) fr einen oder von einem Hochseeschifffahrtsdienst in einem dieser Hfen zu sammeln oder zu verteilen. Im weiteren Sinn kann dieses Konzept auch im Landverkehr angewandt werden.
final leg
finalisation period
The method whereby the goods which have been longest in stock are taken out first. A protocol to transfer files between computer systems in the network TCP/IP. Transshipment and, if necessary, storage, and delivery by truck incl. customs clearance ex destination station of the rail section. A period, to be notified by Network Rail, normally of 6 weeks and commencing on the first day following the end of the Drafting Period. tanchit au feu The ability of a separating construction element, when exposed to fire on one side, to prevent the passage through it of flames, hot gases and other fire effluents or the occurrence of flames on the unexposed side. Fires and explosions that occur in railway vehicles (including their load) when they are running between the departure station and the destination, including when stopped at the departure station, the destination or intermediate stops, as well as during remarshalling operations. Aptitude d'un lment de construction sparateur quand il est expos au feu d'un cot, d'empcher le passage des flammes, gaz chauds et autres effluents du feu ou l'apparition de flammes sur le ct non expos.
fire integrity
Commission Decision 2006/861/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem rolling stock - freight wagons of the trans-European conventional rail system
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition (a) in the case of a Bidder, a right under its Access Agreement in respect of the quantum, timing or any other characteristic of a train movement; and (b) in the case of Network Rail, a right under the applicable Rules of the Route or the applicable Rules of the Plan which is not expressed to be subject to any contingency outside the control of the holder of the right, except, in a case within paragraph (a) above, the applicable Rules of the Route or the applicable Rules of the Plan, and any reference in an Access Agreement to 'Firm Contractual Right' shall be deemed to be a reference to 'Firm Right'.
German Definition
firm right
Has the meaning ascribed to it in the relevant Access Agreement, and any reference in an Access Agreement to 'Firm Contractual Right' shall be deemed to be a reference to a 'Firm Right'. Rights of access to the main rail network granted by a Track Access Agreement which are not contingent, other than in relation to the applicable Rules of the Route or Rules of the Plan. The expression is also used to refer to Network Rails own rights to carry out maintenance, renewal and enhancements to the main rail network under the Rules of the Route or Rules of the Plan. Ordered set of instructions and associated data stored in a way that is functionally independent of main storage, usually in a ROM.
firm rights
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems CMW Glossary
Conformity assessment activity that is performed by the person or the organization that provides the object. premire marche The First Step, means the first step of a vehicle that a passenger shall use to board or alight a train. This will normally be the step that is closest to the platform edge. It may be a fixed or a moveable step. Le terme premire marche dsigne la premire marche d'une voiture qu'un voyageur utilise pour embarquer dans un train ou en dbarquer. Il s'agit normalement de la marche la plus proche du bord du quai. Il peut s'agir d'une marche fixe ou d'un marchepied escamotable.
first step
Commission Decision 2008/164/EC concerning the TSI relating to persons with reduced mobility in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
The version of the Working Timetable in respect of which Network Rail gives notice, as that version may be amended. Page 113 of 451
German Term
English Definition French Definition Conformity assessment activity that is performed by the person or organization that provides the object. A block system in which the track behind a train is sectionally cleared in form of fixed block sections. Train formation that can only be reconfigured within a workshop environment. Train formation that can only be reconfigured within a workshop environment. A timetable with clockface schedules. Dimension between the crossing nose and check rail. Non-traction formation of several coaches "semi-permanently" coupled together, or which can be reconfigured only when it is out of service. A non-traction formation of several coaches semi-permanently coupled together, or which can be reconfigured only when it is out of service. The Fixed Track Charge is set to cover the gap between ORRs determination of Network Rails total revenue requirement and all the other sources of revenue (the other revenue sources include variable track charges to franchised passenger railway undertakings, station charges, freight and open access charges, property income and government grant). This residual revenue requirement is recovered through Fixed Track Charges to franchised passenger railway undertakings. It does not apply to other railway undertakings. A method to protect a train by a member of the train crew who gives stop signals (fusees, flag signals, torpedos) to following and (if required) opposing trains. A member of the train crew who provides flag protection. Dimension between the running surface and the bottom of flangeway. Dimension between a running rail and an adjacent check or wing rail. Page 114 of 451
German Definition
Source Document ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" Network Rail - 2009 Network Statement
fixed formation
fixed formation
flag protection
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure
flangeway width
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A method to prevent vehicles from running into a route which is cleared for an approaching train. A device with an integrated rear end marker which is mounted at the rear car of a train and connected to the airbrake pipe to check train integrity by radio transmission to the leading engine. A device with an integrated rear end marker which is mounted at the rear car of a train and connected to the airbrake pipe to check train integrity by radio transmission to the leading engine. A switching method in which cars are moved by an engine. Wagon without roof or sides, or wagon without roof but with sides not higher than 60 cm, or swing-bolster wagon, of ordinary or special type. Wagons designed exclusively to carry containers, swap-bodies or goods vehicles are excluded. A classification yard in which classification is done by flat switching. The overall controller of a wagon fleet. Primarily a fleet manager controls the logistics of wagons (dispatching / disposition) from an operational and asset management point of view. This role might be part of the keeper's organisation. Since it is possible for keepers to outsource certain tasks, some fleet managers might exist, who have been assigned the operational fleet management tasks by certain keepers. An interlocking signal on which fleeting is in effect. 1) An automatic mode of an interlocking signal in which the route remains in a locked state and the signal works like an automatic block signal 2) A scheduling principle in which trains of equal speed or direction are assembled into fleets.
German Definition
Source Document IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Glossary for Transport Statistics
flat yard
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Registration of Rolling Stock - Final report
fleet manager
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A right, exercisable by Network Rail, either (a) to vary a Bid or to define in detail the content of a Train Slot or series of Train Slots in any way within and consistent with the Firm Rights (if any) of the Bidder; or (b) to vary a Train Slot previously scheduled in the relevant Working Timetable or a Bid as the case may be. The base dimensions of a pallet. Best estimate of an event (e.g. arrival, departure or passing time of a train).
German Definition
footprint forecast
forecast time
heure prvue
Heure prvue la plus prcise possible d'arrive, de dpart ou de passage d'un train.
Beste Schtzung der Ankunfts-, Abfahrts- Commission Regulation oder Durchfahrtszeit eines Zuges. 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary
Means a rail passenger service which was purchased by the passenger in a country but the rail passenger service is performed in a country different from the country of purchase. Means the sale of a train ticket by an issuer which is not (one of) the carrier(s) operating the train where the ticket will be used. The issuer is located in a country different from the country of the carrier(s). Vehicle equipped with power-driven horizontal forks, which allow it to lift, move or stack pallets, containers or swap bodies. The latter two are usually empty. These operations can only be performed on the front row of stack.
foreign sale
chariot lvateur
forwarding agent
commissionnaire de transport
Intermediary who arranges for the carriage of goods and/or associated services on behalf of a shipper.
Vhicule automobile quip dune fourche frontale lui permettant de soulever, pour dplacer ou gerber des palettes, des conteneurs ou des caisses mobiles. Ces deux derniers sont gnralement vides. Ce chariot ne peut oprer que sur le premier rang de stockage. Intermdiaire qui prend les dispositions ncessaires et/ou fournit des prestations complmentaires pour transporter des marchandises pour le compte dun chargeur (commettant). La personne qui soccupe de limportation, de lexportation et du transit des marchandises pour le compte du chargeur est frquemment appele transitaire ou commissionnaire en douanes.
Fahrzeug mit mobiler Frontgabel fr das Terminology on combined Aufheben, Bewegen oder Stapeln von transport Paletten, Containern und Wechselbehltern, wobei die beiden letzteren normalerweise leersind. Dieser Stapler kann nur in der vordersten Lagerreihe eingesetzt werden. Die Person, die als Vermittler im Auftrag Terminology on combined des Versenders den Gtertransport transport organisiert und/oder damit zusammenhngende Dienstleistungen erbringt. Die Person, die auf Rechnung des Verladers die Einfuhr, Ausfuhr oder Durchfuhr der Waren abwickelt, wird als Hauptverpflichteter bezeichnet.
fouling point
The limit of occupation of converging tracks at turnouts and crossings. A ground mounted sign to mark the Page 116 of 451 fouling point.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
English Definition Legally binding general agreement on the basis of public or private law, setting out the rights and obligations of an applicant and the infrastructure manager or the allocation body in relation to the infrastructure capacity to be allocated and the charges to be levied over a period longer than one working timetable period.
French Definition Un accord gnral juridiquement contraignant conclu sur la base du droit public ou priv et dfinissant les droits et obligations d'un candidat et du gestionnaire de l'infrastructure ou de l'organisme de rpartition en ce qui concerne les capacits de l'infrastructure rpartir et la tarification appliquer sur une dure dpassant une seule priode de validit de l'horaire de service. Un accord entre l'une des entits adjudicatrices dfinies l'article 2 de la directive 93/38/CE et un ou plusieurs fournisseurs, entrepreneurs ou prestataires de services, et qui a pour objet de fixer les termes, notamment en matire de prix, et, le cas chant, de quantits envisages, des marchs passer au cours d'une priode donne.
German Definition eine rechtsverbindliche allgemeine ffentlich-rechtliche oder privatrechtliche Vereinbarung ber die Rechte und Pflichten eines Antragstellers und des Betreibers der Infrastruktur oder der Zuweisungsstelle in Bezug auf die zuzuweisende Fahrwegkapazitt und die zu erhebenden Entgelte ber einen lngeren Zeitraum als eine Netzfahrplanperiode.
Source Document Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification
framework agreement
An agreement between one of the contracting entities defined in Article 2 and one or more suppliers, contractors or service providers the purpose of which is to establish the terms, in particular with regard to the prices and, where appropriate, the quantity envisaged, governing the contracts to be awarded during a given period.
Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
framework agreement
Agreement defining the rights and obligations of an applicant and the infrastructure manager and relating to the railway infrastructure capacities to be allocated and the rates to be applied over a duration exceeding a single period of validity of the duty roster.
La convention dfinissant les droits et obligations dun candidat et du gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et relative aux capacits de linfrastructure ferroviaire rpartir et la tarification appliquer sur une dure dpassant une seule priode de validit de lhoraire de service.
framework agreement
This expression is used in EU Directives as referring to a general agreement setting out rights and obligations in relation to infrastructure capacity to be allocated and the related charges for a period longer than one working timetable period. In a GB context, this refers to a Track Access Agreement.
franchise agreement
An agreement between the government and a party who offers to provide specified railway passenger services for a period, the terms of which may provide for the government to pay a subsidy or receive a premium for those services.
franchise company
A person who is, or is to be, the franchisee or the franchise operator under a franchise agreement;. All Train Operators whose Access Agreements are, at least in part, in respect of the provision of Franchised Services, as a class. Page 117 of 451
English Term franchised passenger railway undertaking franchised passenger train operator franchised services
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A railway undertaking who operates under a passenger franchise agreement. A member of the Franchised Passenger Class. References to Franchised Services include: (a) railway passenger services which the appropriate designating authority has designated as eligible for provision under franchise agreements pursuant to section 23 of the Act; (b) railway passenger services provided by a concession operator within the meaning of the Merseyrail Electrics Network Order 2003; (c) railway passenger services provided by a person in the same or substantially the same position as the concession operator under the Merseyrail Electrics Network Order 2003 in relation to any other network; and (d) railway passenger services provided by the relevant franchising authority, or another person on behalf of the relevant franchising authority, under section 30 of the Act.
German Definition
Source Document Network Rail - 2009 Network Statement Network Rail - Network Code Network Rail - Network Code
section libre
Cross section area of the tunnel excluding continuous obstructions. (for example:track, escape walkways).
Espace de section transverse du tunnel dpourvue d'obstructions continues. (par exemple: voie, cheminements d'vacuation).
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
Dimension between the working face of the crossing check rail or wing rail and the gauge face of the running rail opposite across the gauge measured at entry to check rail or wing rail respectively. Dimension between the working face of the crossing wing rail and check rail opposite across the gauge. Dimension from the gauge face of one switch rail to the back edge of the opposite switch rail. Zone where goods can be manufactured Zone o les marchandises peuvent tre Zone, innerhalb der Gter ohne and/or stored without payment of their fabriques et/ou stockes sans paiement Bezahlung von Zllen und Abgaben relevant duties and taxes. des taxes et charges qui sy rattachent. produziert und/oder gelagert werden knnen. A freight contract governs the taking over, transportation and delivery of goods to be transported to the consignee against payment of the Page 118 of 451 transport price.
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Terminology on combined transport
zone franche
freight contract
English Definition Intermediary who arranges for the carriage of goods and/or associated services on behalf of a shipper.
French Definition Intermdiaire qui prend les dispositions ncessaires et/ou fournit des prestations complmentaires pour transporter des marchandises pour le compte dun chargeur (commettant). La personne qui soccupe de limportation, de lexportation et du transit des marchandises pour le compte du chargeur est frquemment appele transitaire ou commissionnaire en douanes.
German Definition Source Document Die Person, die als Vermittler im Auftrag Terminology on combined des Versenders den Gtertransport transport organisiert und/oder damit zusammenhngende Dienstleistungen erbringt. Die Person, die auf Rechnung des Verladers die Einfuhr, Ausfuhr oder Durchfuhr der Waren abwickelt, wird als Hauptverpflichteter bezeichnet.
freight locomotive
freight village
Geographical grouping of storage facilities forming a unit. Each freight village has its own data base and access paths, thus the data of different freight villages can be stored on different discs and even different computers, which is very important with regard to the setting up of other logistic centers at other locations. plateforme logistique Gterverkehrzentrum Geographical grouping of independent companies and bodies which are dealing with freight transport (for example, freight forwarders, shippers, transport operators, customs) and with accompanying services (for example, storage, maintenance and repair), including at least a terminal. Concentration gographique dorganismes et dentreprises indpendants, traitant de transport de marchandises (par exemple, commissionnaires de transport, expditeurs, oprateurs de transport, douane) et de services auxiliaires (par exemple, entreposage, entretien et rparation), comprenant au moins un terminal. Rumliche Zusammenfassung selbstndiger Unternehmen, die im Gterverkehr (zum Beispiel Spediteure, Versender, Frachtfhrer, Zoll) und in ergnzenden Dienstleistungen (zum Beispiel Lagerung, Wartung und Reparatur) ttig sind, und in der sich mindestens ein Terminal befindet.
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
freight village
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Railway waggon used for the transport of goods. RCA provides a great range of solution, from multipurpose to special waggons (such as temperaturecontrolled waggons). In addition to containers, the following "traditional" cargo receptacles are available: Open box: enclosed side-wall open-top receptacle Loading platform: flat waggon Platform-cum-tarpaulin: Receptacle the top and longitudinal sides of which are covered with a tarpaulin (is used for timber transports) Platform with stanchions: Loading platform (flat waggon) with uprights (to secure the cargo) Collecting tank: Receptacle for various types of goods Freight waggon with sliding doors: Receptacle with sliding door , very well suited for highvalue goods. Silo container: Round structure comparable to tank container, used in particular for the transport of agricultural produce .Tank container: used for the transport of liquids.
German Definition
The part of a turnout or a crossing where the rails have an intersection which allows the wheel flanges to cross the running rail. File Transfer Protocol. A protocol to Acronyme de File Transfer Protocol transfer files between computer systems (protocole de transfert de fichiers). in the network TCP/IP. Protocole de transfert de fichiers entre systmes informatiques.
Dateibertragungsprotokoll (File Transfer Protocol) Ein Protokoll zur bertragung von Dateien zwischen zwei Computern im TCP/IP-Netzwerk.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary
Full trainload
vollstndige Zugladung
Means the process which delivers the product to the customer after his/her purchase. Any consignment comprising one or more wagonloads transported at the same time by the same sender at the same station and forwarded with no change in train composition to the address of the same consignee at the same destination station.
Tout envoi compos de un ou plusieurs wagons transport en mme temps par un mme expditeur partir d'une mme gare et achemin sans changement dans la composition du train une mme gare pour un mme destinataire.
eine aus einer oder mehreren Wagenladungen bestehende Sendung, die gleichzeitig von demselben Absender von demselben Bahnhof befrdert wird und ohne Vernderung der Zugzusammensetzung an die Adresse desselben Empfngers an denselben Zielbahnhof verschickt wird.
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
French Term
German Term
English Definition A mode of action or activity by which a product fulfils its purpose. Action taken after maintenance actions to verify that the item is able to perform the required function. Function check is usually carried out after down state. The full number used within the functional addressing scheme to identify an end user/system by function or role rather than by a specific item of radio equipment or user subscription. The functional number can be divided into two areas: - functional addressing, - location dependent addressing. Powers and duties and references to the performance of functions include, as respects powers and duties, references to the exercise of the powers and the carrying out of the duties. powers and duties.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
function check-out
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 537-2003 European Communities (Licensing of Railway Undertakings) Regulations, 2003 Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 643-2004 European Communities (Allocation of Railway Infrastructure Capacity and The Levying of Charges For The Use of Railway Infrastructure and Safety Certification) Regulations, 2004 Network Rail - Network Code
The appropriate franchising authority, each Passenger Transport Executive and any local, national or supra-national authority or agency (whether of the United Kingdom or the European Union) or other person which provides money by way of grant or loan with the primary purpose of securing the provision of services relating to railways.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Umbrella term for various information technologies aimed at reducing the complexity of existing production systems to such an extent that they become manageable by man on the one hand and at representing the human know-how in a way that it can be processed in EDP systems on the other hand. A gangway is the means for passengers La passerelle d'intercirculation permet to pass from one vehicle of a train to the aux voyageurs de passer d'une voiture next vehicle. d'un train la suivante.
German Definition
passerelle d'intercirculation
Commission Decision 2008/164/EC concerning the TSI relating to persons with reduced mobility in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Hebegert fr den Vertikalumschlag, das Terminology on combined die Ladespuren durch ein auf seitlichen transport Sttzen montiertes Portal berbrckt. Diese Sttzfe knnen auf Schienen oder mittels Reifen blicherweise auf einem begrenzten Raum bewegt werden. Die Ladung kann in den 3 Dimensionen der Hhe, Breite und Lnge nach bewegt werden.
gantry crane
portique roulant
An overhead crane comprising a horizontal gantry mounted on legs which are either fixed, run in fixed tracks or on rubber tyres with relatively limited manoeuvre. The load can be moved horizontally, vertically and sideways. Such cranes normally straddle a road/rail and/or ship/shore interchange.
Grue portique pouvant faire voluer la charge dans les trois dimensions, hauteur, largeur, longueur et voluant elle-mme en site propre, soit sur rails, soit sur pneus, couramment affecte une surface de manoeuvre limite. De telles grues sont en gnral utilises pour le transbordement rail/route et/ou navire/quai.
Oil obtained from the lowest fraction from atmospheric distillation of crude oil. Gas/diesel oil includes heavy gas oils obtained by vacuum re-distillation of the residual from atmospheric distillation. Gas/diesel oil distils between 200oC and 380oC, with less than 65 per cent in volume at 250oC, including losses, and 80 per cent or more at 350oC. The flashpoint is always above 50oC and their density is higher than 0.81. Heavy oils obtained by blending are grouped together with gas oils, provided that their kinematic viscosity does not exceed 25 cST at 40o C. Calorific value: 43.3 TJ/1 000 t.
gate solutions
In reference to terminals these are inflow controls applied from the time of entry into the terminal. Station within the journey of a train with Gare o le chargement change de wagon Bahnhof innerhalb der Zugfahrt mit intermodal units, where the load sur le parcours d'un train avec compos Intermodaleinheiten, in dem die Ladung changes the wagons. d'units intermodales. den Wagen wechselt.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
French Term
German Term
English Definition Envelope within which the maximum dimensions of all rail vehicles and their loads are confined.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Set of rules including a reference contour and its associated calculation rules allowing definition of the outer dimensions of the vehicle and the space to be cleared by the infrastructure.
Means the conditions of the carrier in the form of general conditions or tariffs legally in force in each Member State and which have become, by the conclusion of the contract of carriage, an integral part of it. frais gnraux General expenses comprise the total expenditure of the departments concerned with administration, supervision and inspection specifically responsible for the creation and management of infrastructure, and also that portion of the expenditure of the general administrative departments directly concerned which is chargeable to infrastructure. General expenses also cover all other expenditure which has not been taken into account directly under any other heading in the forms of accounts. The expenses covered include in particular the following: - staff remuneration costs and operating costs of central, regional and local administrative and technical departments, costs in connection with supervision and taking over of works; - payments in respect of retirement pensions for permanent staff, and other employers' payments (family allowances, employers' health insurance contributions, accident insurance premiums, contributions to pension schemes for staff other than permanent staff, etc.); Page 123 of 451 - expenditure relating to service accomodation provided for staff Les frais gnraux comprennentl'ensemble des dpenses des services d'administration, de contrle et d'inspection chargs spcialement de la mise disposition et de la gestion des infrastructures, ainsi que la part imputable aux infrastructures des dpenses des services administratifs gnraux directement intresss. Ils comprennent, en outre, toutes autres dpenses qui n'auraient pas t prises en compte directement aux autres positions des schmas de comptabilisation. Il s'agit plus particulirement des dpenses suivantes: - rmunrations du personnel et frais de fonctionnement des services administratifs et techniques centraux, rgionaux et locaux, frais des services de contrle et de rception des travaux; - charges de retraite pour le personnel statutaire et autres charges patronales (allocations familiales, cotisations patronales aux caisses de maladie, primes d'assurance-accidents, contributions aux rgimes de pension pour le personnel autre que le personnel statutaire, etc.); - dpenses pour logements de fonction mis la disposition du personnel affect
general expenses
Commission Regulation (EEC) 2598/70 specifying the items to be included under the various headings in the forms of accounts shown in Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1108/70 of 4 June 1970
English Term
French Term
German Term
- payments in respect of retirement pensions for permanent staff, and other employers' payments (family allowances, employers' health insurance contributions, accident insurance premiums, contributions to pension English Definition schemes for staff other than permanent staff, etc.); - expenditure relating to service accomodation provided for staff employed in the infrastructure department, less any rents charged; - expenditure relating to service buildings of the repair and maintenance department (in particular shelters, tool depots) in so far as this has not been taken into account directly under other headings in the forms of accounts.
- charges de retraite pour le personnel statutaire et autres charges patronales (allocations familiales, cotisations patronales aux caisses de maladie, primes d'assurance-accidents, contributions aux rgimes de pension French Definition German Definition pour le personnel autre que le personnel statutaire, etc.); - dpenses pour logements de fonction mis la disposition du personnel affect au service des infrastructures, dduction faite des loyers ventuellement perus; dpenses relatives aux btiments de service de la voirie (notamment abris, magasins outillage), dans la mesure o elles n'ont pas t prises en compte directement dans d'autres positions des schmas de comptabilisation.
Source Document
generic software
Generic software is software which can be used for a variety of installations purely by the provision of applicationspecific data.
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
geographical interlocking
An interlocking system in which the track elements are represented by logical objects connected to each other in form of the track layout. Areas which satisfy the Geographical Scope Test. The expression geometric overthrow means, for an element of a vehicle located on a radius R curve, the difference between the distance from this element to the track centreline and that which would exist on straight track, the axles being, in both cases, placed in a median position on the track, the play also being evenly distributed, the vehicle symmetrical and not tilted on its suspensions; in other words, it is that part of the vehicle element offset which is due to the track curvature.
Railway Group Standards Code L'expression dport gomtrique signifie pour un lment d'un vhicule situ sur une courbe de rayon R, la diffrence entre la distance de cet lment l'entraxe de la voie et celle qui existerait sur une voie en alignement, les essieux tant, dans les deux cas, places sur l'entraxe de la voie, de mme le jeu tant rgulirement rparti, le vhicule symtrique et non couch sur ses suspensions, en d'autres termes, c'est le dport de la partie de cet lment du vhicule du la courbure de la voie. Commission Decision 2006/861/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem rolling stock - freight wagons of the trans-European conventional rail system
Acronyme de Gateway to Gateway Protocol (protocole de transfert d'informations entre passerelles) Voir galement IP.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Means a kind of train ticket where the contract of carriage is only valid on a specific train at a specific date/time. A global price ticket can only be sold by means of an on-line transaction between the sales terminal and the attributing system where the concerned train is hosted. Means a train that a passenger can board only having bought a global price ticket. A measure of the displacement of the Mesure du dplacement du rail sous rail under wheel loading. l'effet de la charge l'essieu.
German Definition
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
German system of speed monitoring for tilting-body trains. A method for representing safety arguments in diagrammatic form.
DB Netz AG - Network Statement Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Glossary for Transport Statistics
The fulfilment of the requirements set for the product while in service experience.
good practice
Learning from other organisations that have developed successful projects or approaches to problems. Any goods moved by rail vehicles. This includes all packaging and equipment, such as containers, swapbodies or pallets as well as road goods vehicles carried by rail. Goods carried by rail through the reporting country between two places (place of loading/unloading) outside the reporting country. Wagons entering and/or leaving the reporting network by ferry are included. Goods placed on a railway vehicle and dispatched by rail. Unlike in road and inland waterway transport, transshipments from one railway vehicle directly to another and change of tractive vehicle are not regarded as unloading/loading. However, if the goods are unloaded from a railway vehicle, loaded on another mode of transport and, again loaded on another railway vehicle, this is considered as unloading from the first railway vehicle followed by loading on the second railway vehicle. Page 125 of 451
goods loaded
French Term
German Term
goods unloaded
English Definition French Definition The combination of the place of loading and the place of unloading of the goods transported by rail whichever itinerary is followed. Goods taken off a railway vehicle after transport by rail. Unlike in road and inland waterway transport, transshipments from one railway vehicle directly to another and change of tractive vehicle are not regarded as unloading/loading. However, if the goods are unloaded from a railway vehicle, loaded on another mode of transport and, again loaded on another railway vehicle, this is considered as unloading from the first railway vehicle followed by loading on the second railway vehicle. Category or rank given to different quality requirements for products, processes or systems having the same functional use. A switching method in which the cars run down a hump driven by gravity into their classification tracks. A classification yard in which classification is done by gravity switching. Unit of measure representing the movement over a distance of one kilometre of one tonne of hauled vehicles (and railcars) and contents. The weight of railcars is included, whereas the weight of locomotives is excluded. Passengers and their luggage are excluded. Shunting and other similar movements are excluded.
German Definition
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
gravity switching
gravity yard
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Glossary for Transport Statistics
Booked/actual total weight (mass) of goods, including packing but excluding the carrier's equipment.
Poids (masse) total(e) rserv(e)/rel(le) des marchandises, y compris l'emballage, mais sans les quipements du transporteur.
Gebuchtes/tatschliches Gesamtgewicht (Masse) der Gter, einschlielich Verpackung, jedoch ohne Transportvorrichtungen.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Glossary for Transport Statistics
Unit of measure representing the movement over a distance of one kilometre of one tonne of railway vehicle including the weight of tractive vehicle. Included are weight of: tractive unit, hauled railway vehicle and its load. Passengers and their luggage are excluded. Shunting and other similar movements are excluded. Page 126 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition A ground mounted small lever frame to enable a group of switches to be locally controlled by train or yard crews. The Train Operator may object to a Surrender specified in a Failure to Use Notice relating to services for the carriage of passengers by railway on the grounds that: (a) the Rights Subject to Surrender are essential for the fulfilment of the Train Operator's Franchised Services; or (b) the Rights Subject to Surrender relate to an enhancement of the Network for which the Train Operator is contracted to pay through access charges. The Train Operator may object to a surrender specified in a Failure to Use Notice relating to services for the carriage of goods by railway on the grounds: (a) set out in (b) above; or (b) that it has a reasonable on-going commercial need in respect of any or all of the Rights Subject to Surrender.
French Definition
German Definition
A retarder that serves a group of classification tracks. Sammelladung/Sammelguts The grouping together of several endung consignments into a full load.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Terminology on combined transport Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
groupage service
GSM-R (Global system for mobile GSM-R (Global system for communications for railways) mobile communications for railways) GSM-R mode
Collecting individual consignments (LCL), grouping them into one consolidated load, deconsolidating them and distributing them to the individual consignees. Communication system based on GSM Systme de comminication bas sur le mobile phone and using specific standard de la tlphonie mobile GSM frequencies for railway. et utilisant des frquences spcifiques pour le ferroviaire. Mode of the GSM-R onboard system with defined functions.
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
French Term
German Term
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
a system of transport, used wholly or mainly for the carriage of passengers, that employs buses which for some or all of the time when they are in operation: (a) travel along roads; and (b) are guided (whether while on the road or at other times) by means of: (i) apparatus, a structure or other device which is fixed and not part of the bus; or (ii) a guidance system which is automatic.
United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
guided transport
A system of transport, used wholly or mainly for the carriage of passengers, employing vehicles which for some or all of the time when they are in operation are guided by means of: (a) rails, beams, slots, guides or other apparatus, structures or devices which are fixed and not part of the vehicle; or (b) a guidance system which is automatic.
United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
half coupler
the brake couplers to be connected to the air pipes between the vehicle and the rescue coupler (main brake pipe and main air pipe).
handling point
point de manoeuvre
Accouplements de frein relier aux conduites dair entre le vhicule et lattelage de sauvetage (conduite principale de frein et conduite principale dair). Station where the RU may change the Gare o l'EF peut modifier la train composition, but where it remains composition du train, mais o elle reste responsible for the wagons, no change responsable des wagons (pas de of responsibility. changement de responsabilit).
Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary
handling point
Station where the RU may change the train composition, but where it remains responsible for the wagons, no change of responsibility. Used to mean the process of handing over part of the railway to the Infrastructure Manager so that it can put into, or back into, service. Page 128 of 451
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
English Definition Point where the responsibility changes from one IM to another.
German Definition Punkt, an dem die Verantwortung von einem IB zu einem anderen wechselt.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary Glossary for Transport Statistics
Point where the responsibility changes from one IM to another. A black, natural fossil organic sediment with a gross calorific value of more than 23 860 kJ/kg (5 700 kcal/kg) in the ashfree condition and with the moisture content obtaining at a temperature of 30o C and relative air humidity of 96 per cent, and with a mean random reflectance of vitrinite of at least 0.6.
Any relevant item which it is not reasonably practicable for Network Rail to publish on its website, having regard, in particular, to whether such relevant item is, or is likely to be: (a) Unavailable in electronic form; or (b) Incapable of being downloaded and/or printed by any class of persons accessing Network Rails website; or (c) Exceptionally costly to publish on its website. Physical injury or damage to the health of people, or damage to property or the environment. In international law, the process by which different states adopt the same laws. As a result of the operation of international treaties, the regulatory principles of stronger states are often (but not always) transplanted into weaker ones. A standard adopted by one of the European standardisation bodies listed in Annex I to Directive 98/34/EC on the basis of a request made by the Commission in accordance with Article 6 of that Directive.
Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
harmonised standard
Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC
English Definition Any European standard adopted by one of the European standardisation bodies listed in Annex I to Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on Information Society services (1) in connection with a mandate by the Commission drawn up in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 6(3) of that Directive, which, by itself or together with other standards, provides a solution as regards compliance with a legal provision.
French Definition Toute norme europenne adopte par l'un des organismes de normalisation europens numrs l'annexe I de la directive 98/34/CE du Parlement europen et du Conseil du 22 juin 1998 prvoyant une procdure d'information dans le domaine des normes et rglementations techniques et des rgles relatives aux services de la socit de l'information dans le cadre d'un mandat de la Commission tabli conformment la procdure vise l'article 6, paragraphe 3, de ladite directive et qui, seule ou conjointement d'autres normes, constitue une solution pour le respect d'une disposition lgale.
German Definition jede europische Norm, die von einer der in Anhang I der Richtlinie 98/34/EG des Europischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 22. Juni 1998 ber ein Informationsverfahren auf dem Gebiet der Normen und technischen Vorschriften und der Vorschriften fr die Dienste der Informationsgesellschaft (1) aufgefhrten europischen Normungsorganisationen aufgrund eines von der Kommission nach dem Verfahren des Artikels 6 Absatz 3 jener Richtlinie erteilten Mandats beschlossen wird und die allein oder in Verbindung mit anderen Normen eine Lsung fr die Einhaltung rechtlicher Bestimmungen darstellt.
Source Document Directive 2008/57/EC on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community
harmonised standard
Any European standard adopted by one of the European standardisation bodies listed in Annex I to Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on Information Society services in connection with a mandate by the Commission drawn up in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 6(3) of that Directive, which, by itself or together with other standards, provides a solution as regards compliance with a legal provision.
Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
harmonised standard
A standard adopted by one of the European standardisation bodies listed in Annex I to Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on Information Society services on the basis of a request issued by the Commission in accordance with Article 6 of that Directive.
Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93
transport routier
Transport by road.
Transport routier.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Unit of measure representing any movement of a hauled vehicle over one kilometre. Railcars movements are included. Shunting movements are excluded. A physical situation with a potential for human injury.
German Definition
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
A condition that could lead to an accident. A potential source of harm. A hazard should be referred to a system or product. Potential source of harm.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF) EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
hazard analysis
The process of identifying hazards and analysing their causes, and the derivation of requirements to limit the likelihood and consequences of hazards to a tolerable level. The document in which all safety management activities, hazards identified, decisions made and solutions adopted are recorded or referenced. Also known as a "Safety Log". The document in which all safety management activities, hazards identified, decisions made and solutions adopted, are recorded or referenced.
hazard log
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
hazard log
hazard log
A document which records details of hazards and potential accidents identified during safety analyses of a system, product or other change and logs safety documentation produced.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The document in which safety management activities, hazards identified, decisions made and solutions adopted are recorded and referenced The hazard log referred to in this regulation may be adapted in its extent and complexity to the needs of the system under assessment provided it addresses at least the minimum requirements of this regulation with respect to the recording of the identified hazards, their related measures, their origin and the reference to the organisation which has to manage the hazards. The document in which all safety management activities, hazards identified, decisions made and solutions adopted, are recorded or referenced. Goods that may pose a risk to man, animals and the environment. Hazardous goods are listed in the Hazardous Goods Tariff and the ADR (European Convention on the Carriage of Hazardous Goods by Road). When transporting hazardous goods the provisions contained in these regulations must be respected. State of an item assessed as likely to result in an injury to persons, significant material damage or other unacceptable consequences. The non SI unit for steel hardness defined in the EN ISO 6506-1:1999 Metalic materials Brinell hardness test. A person responsible for dealing with general safety issues throughout an organisation.
German Definition
Source Document Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF)
hazard log
hazardous state
head of safety
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Une lumire blanche en tte de rame, destine fournir un avertissement visuel lapproche de la rame, et clairer les panneaux le long de la voie. Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
A white light on the front end of a train, intended to provide visual warning of an approaching train, and to illuminate lineside signs. The time interval between two successive trains. In the context of this TSI, this refers only to the medical and psychological qualifications required to operate the relevant elements of the subsystem.
Dans le contexte de la prsente STI, ces conditions font uniquement rfrence aux aptitudes mdicales et psychologiques requises pour l'exploitation des lments pertinents du sous-systme.
German Term
English Definition This refers to the medical and psychological fitness requirements necessary to operate the relevant elements of the subsystem.
French Definition Ces conditions font uniquement rfrence aux aptitudes mdicales et psychologiques requises pour lexploitation des lments pertinents du sous-systme.
German Definition
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
In the context of Chapter 4.7 of the operations TSI, this refers only to the medical and psychological fitness requirements necessary to operate the relevant elements of the subsystem. The body established under the name the Health and Safety Executive, under the Health and Safety at work etc. Act 1974 or the relevant part of any person to whom its roles and responsibilities in respect of the Code are transferred pursuant to the Railways Act 2005.
OPE glossary
heated wagon
Insulated wagon fitted with a heatproducing appliance. Such a wagon is capable of raising the temperature inside the empty body to, and thereafter maintaining it for not less than 12 hours without renewal of supply at, a practically constant value of not less than +12o C when the mean outside temperature of the body is that indicated for the two classes: Class A. Heated equipment for use when the mean outside temperature is - 10o C; and, Class B. Heated equipment for use when the mean outside temperature is - 20o C. Represents all measures, undertaken to establish the actual condition and/or to reinstate the nominal condition, that necessitate partially or completely disassembling of the vehicle (including related measurements and the associated measuring and testing). It represents also all measures to recondition components or spare parts. Heavy maintenance includes level 4 and level 5.
CMW Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Heavy oil that makes up the distillation residue. This comprises all residual fuel oils (including those obtained by blending). The viscosity of heavy fuel oil is above 25 cST at 40oC. The flashpoint is always above 50oC and their density is higher than 0.90. A person who only operates train services or railway infrastructure of historical or touristic interest or such other person whom the Railway Safety Commission has by regulations under section 4(6) specified to be a heritage railway. A railway undertaking that only operates train services or railway infrastructure of historical or touristic interest.
German Definition
heritage railway
heritage railway
heritage railway
A railway undertaking which only operates train services or railway infrastructure of historic or touristic interest.
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System) Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 643-2004 European Communities (Allocation of Railway Infrastructure Capacity and The Levying of Charges For The Use of Railway Infrastructure and Safety Certification) Regulations, 2004 United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
heritage railway
A railway which is operated to: (a) preserve, re-create or simulate railways of the past; or (b) demonstrate or operate historical or special types of motive power or rolling stock; and is exclusively or primarily used for tourist, educational or recreational purposes. conteneur de grande capacit Grossvolumen-Container Container of standard ISO length and width but with a height of 96" (2.9 m).
Conteneur de norme ISO en longueur et Container, dessen Lnge und Breite den Terminology on combined en largeur mais dune hauteur de 96" - ISO-Normen entspricht, aber mit einer transport soit 2,90 m . Auenhhe von 2,90m (96"). Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
Storage area with shelving equipment. The individual shelves are separated by aisles. The typical feature of shelving in high-rise stores is unsystematic storage, where any new storage unit is put on a place chosen by the system at liberty. The benefit over fixed-place storage is better use of space. Wagon with no roof and with rigid sides higher than 60 cm.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A railway vehicle designed to travel at a cruising speed of at least 250 km/h on dedicated high speed lines. (On some segments the cruising speed may be lower, according to the local conditions). A railway vehicle with a tilting system designed to have a cruising speed of the order of 200 km/h or above on upgraded high speed lines. (On some segments the cruising speed may be lower, according to the local conditions). The high-speed rail system Regulations and conventional rail systems Regulations.
German Definition
Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008 Les lignes grande vitesse comprennent: - les lignes spcialement construites pour la grande vitesse, quipes pour des vitesses gnralement gales ou suprieures 250 km/h, - les lignes spcialement amnages pour la grande vitesse, quipes pour des vitesses de l'ordre de 200 km/h, - les lignes spcialement amnages pour la grande vitesse caractre spcifique en raison de contraintes topographiques, de relief ou d'environnement urbain, dont la vitesse doit tre adapte cas par cas. Strecken fr den Directive 96/48/EC on the Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr umfassen: interoperability of the Trans- eigens fr Hochgeschwindigkeitszge European high-speed rail system gebaute oder zu bauende Strecken, die fr Geschwindigkeiten von im allgemeinen mindestens 250 km/h ausgelegt sind; eigens fr Hochgeschwindigkeitszge ausgebaute oder auszubauende Strecken, die fr Geschwindigkeiten von rund 200 km/h ausgelegt sind; - eigens fr Hochgeschwindigkeitszge ausgebaute oder auszubauende Strecken, die aufgrund der sich aus der Topographie, der Oberflchengestalt oder der stdtischen Umgebung ergebenden Zwnge von spezifischer Beschaffenheit sind und deren Geschwindigkeit im Einzelfall festgelegt werden mu.
High-speed lines
Strecken fr The category includes: Hochgeschwindigkeitsverke - specially built high-speed lines hr equipped for speeds generally equal to or greater than 250 km/h, - specially upgraded high-speed lines equipped for speeds of the order of 200 km/h, - specially upgraded high-speed lines which have special features as a result of topographical, relief or town-planning constraints, on which the speed must be adapted to each case.
The totality of the subsystems for structural and operational areas, as defined in Directive 96/48/EC, as well as the management and operation of the system as a whole.
L'ensemble des sous-systmes pour les domaines structurels et fonctionnels, tels qu'ils sont dfinis dans les directives 96/48/CE ainsi que la gestion et l'exploitation du systme dans son ensemble.
French Term
German Term
English Definition A rail system, or part thereof, ...composed of the railway infrastructures comprising lines and fixed installations constructed or upgraded to be travelled on at high speeds, and rolling stock designed for travelling on those infrastructures. The European Communities (Interoperability of the Trans-European High-Speed Rail System) Regulations 2002 (S.I. No. 118 of 2002) (as amended by the Regulations of 2006 and the Regulations of 2007).
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008
Any individual or other legal entity Toute personne physique ou morale designated as such by the keeper/owner dsigne en tant que telle par le of a wagon. dtenteur/propritaire d'un wagon.
Eine Person oder Krperschaft, die vom Commission Regulation Halter/Besitzer eines Wagens als Mieter 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI ausgewiesen ist. relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009 Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
voie de relais
Siding assigned to freight trains stops on Voie de service affecte aux arrts en the way. cours de route des trains de fret. Launched in late May 1998, this train transports timber to Southern Italy (Bari and Messina) twice a week. A signal governing entrance to an interlocking. A track layout that is protected by opposing home signals. On North American railroads the home signal limits always equal the interlocking limits. On some railroads outside of North America home signal limits may contain more than one interlocking. An axle box and bearing that has exceeded its maximum designed operating temperature. Bote d'essieux et coussinets correspondants qui ont dpass la temprature maximale d'exploitation.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
An axle box and bearing that has exceeded its maximum designed operating temperature.
Bote dessieux et coussinets correspondants qui ont dpass la temprature maximale dexploitation.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
An axle box and bearing that has exceeded its maximum designed operating temperature. Page 136 of 451
OPE glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition This is a piece of line-side equipment, consisting of sensors mounted at rail head height and designed to detect abnormal temperatures in wheel arrangements of passing train services. This system facilitates the examination of trains which cannot otherwise be physically observed, from remotely positioned signalling centres. It also facilitates the operation of trains without the need for frequent intermediate stops for physical examination. The equipment transmits a message with the passing of each train to the signalling centre responsible for the portion of line concerned. An alarm will sound and a record will be generated showing the wheel (axle) arrangement which allows the signaller to identify the position of the defect and bring the train to a stand at a location to facilitate confirmatory inspection by the train driver. There are 201 such installations, predominately on routes with significant freight traffic operating over long distances.
German Definition
Device allowing to control, at the crossing of the trains running at their normal speed, the thermal state of the axle-bearings and to detect the ones for which the temperature is abnormally high, to transmit to a monitoring traffic control centre the elements allowing to appreciate the seriousness of the detected malfunction and to locate the incriminated axle-bearing, in order to make the train stop and to act, for certain installations, on the train stopping signalling.
Dispositif permettant de contrler au passage des trains,circulant leur vitesse normale, l'tat thermique des botes d'essieu et de dtecter cellesdont la temprature est anormalement leve, de transmettre un poste du surveillance les lments permettant d'apprcier le degr de la gravit de l'anomalie dtecte et de reprer la bote d'essieu incrimine, de manire faire arrter le train et d'agir, pour certaines installations, sur la signalisation d'arrt des trains.
hot incident
Fire, explosion followed by fire, emission Incendie, explosion suivie d'un incendie, of toxic smoke or gases. de l'mission de fumes ou de gaz toxiques.
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
hot incident
English Definition 6-digit code list for products used by customs, identically to the first 6 digits of the CN code.
French Definition Liste des codes de produits 6 caractres utiliss par les douanes. Les six premiers caractres sont identiques ceux du code NC.
German Definition Vom Zoll verwendeter sechsstelliger Code fr Waren, identisch mit den ersten sechs Stellen des KN-Codes.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009 Terminology on combined transport
HSL hub
High-Speed Line Reference speed > 220 km/h. Central point for the collection, sorting, transshipment and distribution of goods for a particular area. This concept comes from a term used in air transport for passengers as well as freight. It describes collection and distribution through a single point ("Hub and Spoke" concept).
Ligne Grande Vitesse Vitesse de rfrence > 220 km/h. Point central pour la collecte, le tri, le transbordement et la redistribution des marchandises dans une zone gographique donne. Le concept "Hub" est issu du vocabulaire utilis en transport arien, tant pour les personnes que pour les marchandises. Il consiste en la desserte de tous les points dun territoire dtermin partir dun point central unique (concept Hub and Spoke ).
Ein Knotenpunkt fr das Sammeln, Sortieren, Umschlagen und Verteilen von Gtern fr eine bestimmte Region. Das Hub- Konzept wurde ursprnglich als Fachbegriff der Luftfahrt, sowohl fr den Personen- als auch fr den Gterverkehr, verwendet. Es beschreibt die Sammlung und Verteilung ber einen einzigen Punkt ( Hub and Spoke-Konzept ).
human error
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
human error
human factors
A human action (mistake), which can result in unintended system behavior/failure. The field of study and practice concerned with the human element of any system, the manner in which human performance is affected, and the way that humans affect the performance of systems. An artifical hill in a hump yard where cars are pushed over to let gravity drive them into the classification tracks. A classification yard in which classification is done by gravity switching. The client / server protocol used on connect to servers on the Web. The client/sever protocol used on connect to servers on the Web.
SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
hump yard
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control TAP TSI Glossary Acronyme de HyperText Transfer Protocol (protocole de transfert de fichiers hypertextes) Il s'agit d'un protocole client/serveur utilis pour la connexion des serveurs sur le rseau internet. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Das Client/Server-Protokoll, das zum Anschluss von Servern im World Wide Web dient. Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Registration of Rolling Stock - Final report
hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) Hypertext Transfer Protocol. (HTTP) HTTP HTTP Protokoll
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Non-operating up state, during nonrequired time. Idle state should not be confused with the term idling, which is a condition of rotating or moving items without loading or useful output. Time interval during which an item is in an idle state. Infrastructure Manager.
German Definition
idle time IM
EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Gestionnaire de l'infrastructure. Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009 Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure
Infrastructure Manager.
Infrastructure Manager (public law company Infrabel). The value which, if exceeded, requires taking measures to reduce the risk of derailment to an acceptable level. the value which, if exceeded, leads to the Infrastructure Manager taking measures to reduce the risk of derailment to an acceptable level. This can be done either by closing the line, reducing speed or by correction of track geometry.
Se rapporte la valeur qui, si elle est dpasse, requiert du gestionnaire de l'infrastructure la prise de mesures pour rduire le risque de draillement un niveau acceptable. Cette mesure peut consister soit fermer la ligne soit rduire la vitesse ou rectifier la gomtrie de la voie.
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
immediate maintenance
impact assessment
Maintenance which is carried out without delay after a fault has been detected to avoid unacceptable consequences. A document which explains how the Decision Criteria and any Relevant Strategies have been applied and how a Standards Change is likely or expected to impact on the industry. The activity applied in order to transform the specified designs into their physical realisation.
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
implementation plan
A description of how a contracting entity will manage and undertake the works, the interface of infrastructure with rolling stock, and the impact of the works on other persons who may be affected by those works. Page 139 of 451
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System)
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A description of how a contracting entity will manage and undertake the works, the interface of infrastructure with rolling stock, and the impact of the works on other persons who may be aVected by those works. One or more persons assigned by the Design Authority to transform specified designs into their physical realisation.
German Definition
Source Document United Kingdom - The Railways (Interoperability) (High-Speed) Regulations 2002
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
Any natural or legal person established within the Community who places a product from a third country on the Community market.
Any natural or legal person established within the Community, who places a product from a third country on the Community market.
in service value
inception kernel
noyau initial
Combination of all technical, administrative and managerial actions, intended to ameliorate the dependability of an item, without changing its required function. Value measured at any time after the infrastructure has been placed into service. A sub-set of projects where the deployment of ETCS is mandatory.
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Sous-ensemble de projets ncessaire pour la ralisation de la mise en oeuvre de l'ETCS-Net. Commission Decision 2006/679/EC concerning the TSI relating to the control-command and signalling subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
Any occurrence, other than accident or serious accident, associated with the operation of trains and affecting the safety of operation. Unplanned, uncontrolled event, which under different circumstances could have resulted in an accident. Any occurrence, other than an accident or serious accident, associated with the operation of trains and affecting the safety of operation. Page 140 of 451
Tout vnement, autre qu'un accident ou un accident grave, li l'exploitation de trains et affectant la scurit d'exploitation.
ein anderes Ereignis als einen Unfall Directive 2004/49/EC Railway oder schweren Unfall, das mit dem Safety Directive amending Betrieb eines Zuges zusammenhngt 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC und den sicheren Betrieb beeintrchtigt. Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005
French Term
German Term
English Definition Any occurrence, other than an accident or serious accident, associated with the operation of trains and affecting the safety of operation. Level of subdivision of an item from the point of view of a maintenance action. Examples of indenture levels could be a system, a subsystem, a component. The indenture level depends on the complexity of the item's construction, the accessibility to subsystems, skill level of maintenance personnel, test equipment facilities, safety considerations, etc.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008 EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
indenture level
independence (functional)
Freedom from any mechanism which can affect the correct operation of more than one function as a result of either systematic or random failure.
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
independence (human)
Freedom from involvement in the same intellectual, commercial and/or management entity.
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
independence (physical)
Freedom from any mechanism which can affect the correct operation of more than one system/subsystem/equipment as a result of random failures.
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
A point lock that is actuated by a separate device from that which drives the points.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Process for Liaison and Cooperation Network Rail and each Access Party shall establish an individual JPP for regular liaison and cooperation between Network Rail and that Access Party with a view to fulfilling the Performance Objectives. The individual JPP shall be consistent with the ability to enable performance reporting at national level and to compare performance as between different Access Parties, while facilitating the parties ability to accommodate needs at local level. It may be documented within the JPIP. Frequency of Meeting The individual JPP shall include at least a Joint Performance Review between Network Rail and that Access Party each Reporting Period during the term of each relevant Access Agreement between them. It may also provide for more frequent review meetings and less frequent planning or strategic meetings. Notwithstanding the process, either Network Rail or that Access Party may require a Joint Performance Review to be held at any time by giving at least 14 days written notice to the other with a proposed agenda of items to be considered. Attendance at Meetings The individual JPP shall provide for meetings to involve suitably senior representatives from all parties, attending on a consistent basis so far as reasonably practicable. The Reporting Period Joint Performance Review The individual JPP shall provide for the Joint Performance Review held each Reporting Period to address at least: (a) presentation by Network Rail of performance data in respect of the previous Reporting Period relevant to Network Rail and that Access Party; (b) an analysis of that performance data; (c) a comparison against any applicable JPIP, including an assessment of reasons for any shortfalls or improved achievement in comparison with any relevant JPIP performance targets and any relevant JPIP action plans; (d) consideration of actions which may be planned, tested, implemented or revised, taking into account past and current performance, the performance Page 142 of 451 experience of other Access Parties and any future circumstances reasonably
German Definition
English Term
French Term
German Term
achievement in comparison with any relevant JPIP performance targets and any relevant JPIP action plans; (d) consideration of actions which may be planned, tested, implemented or English Definition French Definition revised, taking into account past and current performance, the performance experience of other Access Parties and any future circumstances reasonably anticipated. Actions may be planned to be taken individually, jointly or jointly with other third parties. Joint Meetings The individual JPP may provide for JPRs to be held either in whole or in part between Network Rail and two or more other Access Parties where those Access Parties are all reasonably likely to be materially affected by the matters to be addressed. Documentation of the Process and Amendments The individual JPP between Network Rail and each Access Party shall be agreed by them by the latest of (a) three months after the Network Code is amended to include this Condition, (b) in relation to any Train Operator who gives notice under the processes outlined in the Network Code, one month after the giving of such notice and (c) one month after the date of the relevant Access Agreement between Network Rail and that Access Party, and shall be documented in writing signed by Network Rail and that Access Party. Once agreed, either party may at any time propose amendments to the process which are consistent with the requirements of this Condition and the parties shall then apply their reasonable endeavours to agree whether and if so what amendments should be made. Notice to the Office of Rail Regulation and the appropriate franchising authority If the individual JPP is not agreed by the time specified in the Network Code or if any proposed amendment to the process is not resolved within three months of its first being raised in writing, either Network Rail or the relevant Access Party may give notice to the Office of Rail Regulation and (where a relevant Access Party is a franchised passenger rail operator) the appropriate franchising authority.
German Definition
Source Document
Office of Rail Regulation and (where a relevant Access Party is a franchised passenger rail operator) the appropriate franchising authority.
English Term
French Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document
individual risk
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
individual risk
The individual risk experienced by a person, is their probability of fatality per unit time, usually per year, as a result of a hazard in a specified system. The probability of fatality per year to which an individual is exposed to by Railway Operations. Any operation carried out in an industrial installation referred to in Annex I involving, or possibly involving, one or more dangerous substances and capable of presenting major-accident hazards, and also transport carried out within the establishment for internal reasons and the storage associated with this operation within the establishment, Any other storage in accordance with the conditions specified in Annex II.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
individual risk
industrial activity
activity industrielle
Toute operation effectuee dans des installations industrielles visees a l'annexe i mettant ou pouvant mettre en jeu une ou plusieurs substances dangereuses et pouvant presenter des risques d'accidents majeurs ainsi que le transport effectue a l'interieur de l'etablissement pour des raisons internes et le stockage associe a cette operation a l'interieur de l'etablissement, tout autre stockage effectue dans les conditions visees a l'annexe ii.
alle Ttigkeiten in Industrieanlagen Seveso directive 82/501/EEC gem Anhang I , einschlielich der ("Seveso I") Transporte innerhalb des Betriebs fr betriebsinterne Zwecke und der dazugehrigen Lagerungen innerhalb des Betriebs , bei denen ein gefhrlicher Stoff oder mehrere gefhrliche Stoffe eingesetzt werden oder anfallen knnen und bei denen die Gefahr eines schweren Unfalls bestehen kann.
industrial curtilage
United Kingdom - The Railways (Accident Investigation and Reporting) Regulations 2005 CMW Glossary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Network Rail - Network Code
information information
Network Rail Annual Information, Network Rail Monitoring Information and Requested Information.
English Definition The infrastructure on the lines of the trans-European transport network identified in Decision No 1 692/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 1996 on Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network or listed in any update to the same Decision as a result of the revision provided for in Article 21 of that Decision. This network may be subdivided into the following categories: - lines intended for passenger services; - lines intended for mixed traffic (passengers and freight); - lines specially designed or upgraded for freight services; - passenger hubs; - freight hubs, including intermodal terminals; - lines connecting the abovementioned components. This infrastructure includes traffic management, tracking, and navigation systems: technical installations for data processing and telecommunications intended for long-distance passenger services and freight services on the network in order to guarantee the safe and harmonious operation of the network and efficient traffic management.
French Definition Les infrastructures du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse sont celles des lignes du rseau transeuropen de transport identifies dans la dcision no 1692/96/CE du Parlement europen et du Conseil du 23 juillet 1996 sur les orientations communautaires pour le dveloppement du rseau transeuropen de transport, ou reprises dans toute mise jour de ladite dcision rsultant de la rvision prvue en son article 21.
German Definition Die Infrastrukturen des konventionellen transeuropischen Eisenbahnsystems sind die Infrastrukturen der Strecken des transeuropischen Verkehrsnetzes, die in der Entscheidung Nr. 1692/96/EG des Europischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 23. Juli 1996 ber gemeinschaftliche Leitlinien fr den Aufbau eines transeuropischen Verkehrsnetzes (1) oder jeder Aktualisierung dieser Entscheidung aufgrund der nach ihrem Artikel 21 vorgesehenen berprfung aufgefhrt Les lignes grande vitesse comprennent: sind. Fr die Zwecke der vorliegenden - les lignes spcialement construites Richtlinie kann dieses Netz in folgende pour la grande vitesse, quipes pour Kategorien unterteilt werden: des vitesses gnralement gales ou ? fr den Personenverkehr vorgesehene suprieures 250 km/h, Strecken; - les lignes spcialement amnages ? fr den gemischten Verkehr (Personenpour la grande vitesse, quipes pour und Gterverkehr) vorgesehene des vitesses de lordre de 200 km/h, Strecken; - les lignes spcialement amnages ? speziell fr den Gterverkehr pour la grande vitesse caractre konzipierte oder ausgebaute Strecken; spcifique en raison de contraintes ? Personenverkehrsknoten; topographiques, de relief ou ? Gterverkehrsknoten einschlielich denvironnement urbain, dont la vitesse Terminals fr kombinierten Verkehr; doit tre adapte cas par cas. ? Verbindungswege zwischen den oben genannten Bestandteilen. Ces infrastructures comportent les systmes de gestion du trafic, de localisation et de navigation: installations techniques de traitement des donnes et de tlcommunication prvues pour le transport de voyageurs sur ces lignes afin de garantir lexploitation sre et harmonieuse du rseau et la gestion efficace du trafic.
Source Document Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network
The track, points, engineering structures (bridges, tunnels, etc.), associated station infrastructure (platforms, zones of access, including the needs of persons with reduced mobility, etc.), safety and protective equipment.
La voie courante, les appareils de voies, les ouvrages d'art (ponts, tunnels, etc.), les infrastructures associes dans les gares (quais, zones d'accs, en incluant les besoins des personnes mobilit rduite, etc.), les quipements de scurit et de protection.
Gleise, Weichen, Kunstbauten (Brcken, Tunnel usw.), zugehrige Infrastruktur in den Bahnhfen (Bahnsteige, Zugangsbereiche unter Bercksichtigung der Bedrfnisse von Personen mit eingeschrnkter Mobilitt usw.), Sicherheits- und Schutzausrstung.
English Definition The infrastructure of the trans-European conventional rail system will be that on the lines of the trans-European transport network identified in Decision No 1692/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 1996 on Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network or listed in any update to the same Decision as a result of the revision provided for in Article 21 of that Decision. For the purposes of this Directive, this network may be subdivided into the following categories: - lines intended for passenger services; - lines intended for mixed traffic (passengers and freight); - lines specially designed or upgraded for freight services; - passenger hubs; - freight hubs, including intermodal terminals; - lines connecting the abovementioned elements. This infrastructure includes traffic management, tracking, and navigation systems: technical installations for data processing and telecommunications intended for long-distance passenger services and freight services on the network in order to guarantee the safe and harmonious operation of the network and efficient traffic management.
French Definition Les infrastructures du systme ferroviaire transeuropen conventionnel seront celles des lignes du rseau transeuropen de transport identifies dans la dcision no 1692/96/CE du Parlement europen et du Conseil du 23 juillet 1996 sur les orientations communautaires pour le dveloppement du rseau transeuropen de transport ou reprises dans toute mise jour de cette dcision rsultant de la rvision prvue en son article 21. Ce rseau peut tre subdivis selon les catgories suivantes: - lignes prvues pour le trafic "voyageurs", " lignes prvues pour le trafic mixte (voyageurs et marchandises), - lignes spcialement conues ou amnages pour le trafic "marchandises", - noeuds "voyageurs", - noeuds "fret", y compris les terminaux intermodaux, - voies de raccordement entre les lments ci-dessus. Ces infrastructures comportent les systmes de gestion du trafic, de localisation et de navigation: installations techniques de traitement des donnes et de tlcommunication prvues pour le transport de voyageurs longue distance et le transport de marchandises sur ce rseau afin de garantir lexploitation sre et harmonieuse du rseau et la gestion efficace du trafic.
The track, points, engineering structures (bridges, tunnels, etc.), associated station infrastructure (platforms, zones of access, including the needs of persons with reduced mobility, etc.), safety and protective equipment.
German Definition Source Document Die Infrastruktur des transeuropischen Directive 2001/16/EC On the Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems ist interoperability of the transdie Infrastruktur der Strecken des European conventional rail transeuropischen Verkehrsnetzes, die network in der Entscheidung Nr. 1692/96/EG des Europischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 23. Juli 1996 ber gemeinschaftliche Leitlinien fr den Aufbau eines transeuropischen erkehrsnetzes (*) oder jeder Aktualisierung jener Entscheidung aufgrund der in Artikel 21 jener Entscheidung vorgesehenen berprfung aufgefhrt ist. Strecken fr Hochgeschwindigkeitszge umfassen: eigens fr Hochgeschwindigkeitszge gebaute Strecken, die fr Geschwindigkeiten von im Allgemeinen mindestens 250 km/h ausgelegt sind; eigens fr Hochgeschwindigkeitszge ausgebaute Strecken, die fr Geschwindigkeiten von rund 200 km/h ausgelegt sind; eigens fr Hochgeschwindigkeitszge ausgebaute Strecken, die aufgrund der sich aus der Topografie, der Oberflchengestalt oder der stdtischen Umgebung ergebenden Zwnge von spezifischer Beschaffenheit sind und deren Geschwindigkeit im Einzelfall angepasst werden muss. Diese Infrastruktur umfasst Verkehrssteuerungs-, Ortungs- und Navigationssysteme: Datenverarbeitungsund Telekommunikationseinrichtungen, die fr den Personenverkehr auf diesen Strecken zur Gewhrleistung eines sicheren und ausgewogenen Netzbetriebs und einer wirksamen Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network
English Definition The infrastructure on the lines of the trans-European transport network identified in the framework of the guidelines referred to in Article 129c of the Treaty: - those specially built for high-speed travel; - those specially upgraded for highspeed travel. They may include connecting lines, in particular junctions of new lines or lines upgraded for high speed with town centre stations located on them, on which speeds must take account of local conditions.
French Definition Les infrastructures du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse sont celles des lignes du rseau transeuropen de transport identifies dans le cadre des orientations vises l'article 129 C du trait: - qui sont spcialement construites pour tre parcourues grande vitesse, - qui sont spcialement amnages pour tre parcourues grande vitesse. Elles peuvent inclure des lignes de maillage et de raccordement, en particulier des jonctions de lignes nouvelles ou amnages pour la grande vitesse avec les gares des centres-villes, et pour lesquelles les vitesses doivent tenir compte des conditions locales.
German Definition Die Infrastrukturen des transeuropischen Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems sind die Infrastrukturen der im Rahmen der Leitlinien nach Artikel 129c des Vertrags ausgewiesenen Strecken des transeuropischen Verkehrsnetzes, - die eigens fr die Benutzung durch Hochgeschwindigkeitszge gebaut worden sind oder werden; - die eigens fr die Benutzung durch Hochgeschwindigkeitszge ausgebaut worden sind oder werden. Sie knnen Verbindungs- und Anschlustrecken einschlieen, insbesondere Neubau- oder Ausbaustrecken fr Hochgeschwindigkeitszge zu den Bahnhfen in den Innenstdten, wobei die Geschwindigkeiten den rtlichen Gegebenheiten Rechnung tragen mssen.
Source Document Directive 96/48/EC on the interoperability of the TransEuropean high-speed rail system
Infrastructure on the lines identified in Decision No 1692/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 1996 on Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network or listed in any update of that Decision as a result of the revision provided for in Article 21 of that Decision. The high-speed lines comprise: - specially built high-speed lines equipped for speeds generally equal to or greater than 250 km/h, - specially upgraded high-speed lines equipped for speeds of the order of 200 km/h, - specially upgraded high-speed lines which have special features as a result of topographical, relief or town-planning constraints, on which the speed must be adapted to each case. This infrastructure includes traffic management, tracking and navigation systems: technical installations for data processing and telecommunications intended for passenger services on these lines in order to guarantee the safe and harmonious operation of the network and efficient traffic management.
Les infrastructures du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse sont celles des lignes du rseau transeuropen de transport identifies dans la dcision no 1692/96/CE du Parlement europen et du Conseil du 23 juillet 1996 sur les orientations communautaires pour le dveloppement du rseau transeuropen de transport, ou reprises dans toute mise jour de ladite dcision rsultant de la rvision prvue en son article 21. Les lignes grande vitesse comprennent: - les lignes spcialement construites pour la grande vitesse, quipes pour des vitesses gnralement gales ou suprieures 250 km/h, - les lignes spcialement amnages pour la grande vitesse, quipes pour des vitesses de lordre de 200 km/h, - les lignes spcialement amnages pour la grande vitesse caractre spcifique en raison de contraintes topographiques, de relief ou denvironnement urbain, dont la vitesse doit tre adapte cas par cas.
Ces infrastructures comportent les systmes de gestion du trafic, de Page 147 of 451 localisation et de navigation: installations techniques de traitement
English Term
French Term
German Term
management, tracking and navigation systems: technical installations for data processing and telecommunications intended for passenger services on these lines in order to guarantee the safe and harmonious operation of the network English Definition and efficient traffic management.
pour la grande vitesse caractre spcifique en raison de contraintes topographiques, de relief ou denvironnement urbain, dont la vitesse doit tre adapte cas par cas. French Definition Ces infrastructures comportent les systmes de gestion du trafic, de localisation et de navigation: installations techniques de traitement des donnes et de tlcommunication prvues pour le transport de voyageurs sur ces lignes afin de garantir lexploitation sre et harmonieuse du rseau et la gestion efficace du trafic. German Definition Source Document
system of facilities, equipment and services needed for the operation of an organization. An infrastructure or rolling stock register is a compilation of the relevant characteristics concerning the basic parameters, interfaces and performance of the infrastructure or the rolling stock. Typically, such registers would also contain information concerning controlcommand, energy, operation and maintenance. capacit(s) de l'infrastructure Fahrwegkapazitt Potential to schedule train paths requested for an element of infrastructure for a certain period. la possibilit de programmer des sillons sollicits pour un segment de l'infrastructure pendant une certaine priode. die Mglichkeit, fr einen Teil des Fahrwegs fr einen bestimmten Zeitraum beantragte Zugtrassen einzuplanen.
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
infrastructure capacity
infrastructure controller
infrastructure manager
Has the meaning given to it by the Railways (Safety Case) Regulations 2000, being a person who controls Railway Infrastructure. Vehicles utilised to monitor the condition of the infrastructure; they may be included in an operational passenger train. Vehicles utilised to monitor the condition of the infrastructure; they may be included in an operational passenger train. Any body or undertaking responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining a railway infrastructure. This may also include the management of infrastructure control and safety systems.
Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification Railway Group Standards Code
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
English Definition Any body or undertaking that is responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining railway infrastructure. This may also include the management of infrastructure control and safety systems. The functions of the infrastructure manager on a corridor or part of a corridor may be allocated to different bodies or undertakings (Directive 2001/14/EC).
French Definition Tout organisme ou toute entreprise charg notamment de l'tablissement et de l'entretien des infrastructures ferroviaires, voire de la gestion des systmes de contrle et de scurit. Les fonctions de gestionnaire de l'infrastructure sur tout ou partie d'un corridor peuvent tre attribues plusieurs organismes ou entreprises. (directive 2001/14/CE).
German Definition Infrastrukturbetreiber: Jede(s) Stelle oder Unternehmen, die (das) insbesondere fr die Errichtung und Instandhaltung von Eisenbahninfrastruktur zustndig ist. Dies kann auch den Betrieb der Steuerungs- und Sicherheitssysteme der Fahrwege einschlieen. Die Funktionen des Infrastrukturbetreibers auf einem Korridor oder einem Teil eines Korridors knnen auf verschiedene Stellen oder Unternehmen verteilt sein (Richtlinie 2001/14/EG). eine Einrichtung oder ein Unternehmen, die bzw. das insbesondere fr die Einrichtung und Unterhaltung der Fahrwege der Eisenbahn zustndig ist. Dies kann auch den Betrieb der Steuerungs- und Sicherheitssysteme der Fahrwege einschlieen. Mit den bei einem Netz oder einem Teilnetz wahrzunehmenden Aufgaben des Betreibers der Infrastruktur knnen verschiedene Einrichtungen oder Unternehmen betraut werden. jede Stelle oder jedes Unternehmen, die/das gem Artikel 3 der Richtlinie 91/440/EWG insbesondere fr die Einrichtung und die Unterhaltung von Eisenbahninfrastruktur oder Teilen davon zustndig ist; dies kann auch die Steuerung der Betriebsleitund Sicherheitssysteme der Infrastruktur beinhalten. Die Funktionen des Fahrwegbetreibers in einem Schienennetz oder in Teilen davon knnen anderen Stellen oder Unternehmen bertragen werden.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
Infrastructure manager
gestionaire de l'infrastructure
Any body or undertaking that is responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining railway infrastructure. This may also include the management of infrastructure control and safety systems. The functions of the infrastructure manager on a network or part of a network may be allocated to different bodies or undertakings.
Tout organisme ou toute entreprise chargs notamment de l'tablissement et de l'entretien de l'infrastructure ferroviaire. Ceci peut galement Inclure la gestion des systmes de contrle et de scurit de l'infrastructure. Les fonctions de gestionnaire de l'infrastructure sur tout ou partie d'un rseau peuvent tre attribues plusieurs organismes ou entreprises.
Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification
infrastructure manager
gestionnaire de l'infrastructure
Any body or undertaking that is responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining railway infrastructure, or a part thereof, as defined in Article 3 of Directive 91/440/EEC, which may also include the management of infrastructure control and safety systems. The functions of the infrastructure manager on a network or part of a network may be allocated to different bodies or undertakings.
Toute entit ou entreprise charge en particulier de l'tablissement et de l'entretien de l'infrastructure ferroviaire, ou d'une partie de celle-ci, telle qu'elle est dfinie l'article 3 de la directive 91/440/CEE; ceci peut comprendre galement la gestion des systmes de rgulation et de scurit de l'infrastructure. Les fonctions du gestionnaire de l'infrastructure sur un rseau ou une partie de rseau peuvent tre attribues des entits ou des entreprises diffrentes.
infrastructure manager
gestionnaire de linfrastructure
Any body or undertaking that is responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining railway infrastructure, or part thereof, as defined in Article 3 of Directive 91/440/EEC, which may also include the management of infrastructure control and safety systems. The functions of the infrastructure manager on a network or on part of a network may be allocated to different bodies or undertakings.
Toute entit ou entreprise charge en particulier de ltablissement et de lentretien de linfrastructure ferroviaire, ou dune partie de celle-ci, telle quelle est dfinie larticle 3 de la directive 91/440/CEE, ainsi que, ventuellement, de la gestion des systmes de rgulation et de scurit de linfrastructure. Les fonctions du gestionnaire de linfrastructure sur un rseau ou une partie de rseau peuvent tre attribues des entits ou des entreprises diffrentes.
jede Stelle oder jedes Unternehmen, die bzw. das gem Artikel 3 der Richtlinie 91/440/EWG insbesondere fr die Einrichtung und die Unterhaltung von Eisenbahninfrastruktur oder Teilen davon zustndig ist und auch die Fhrung der Betriebsleit- und Sicherheitssysteme der Infrastruktur umfassen kann. Die Funktionen des Infrastrukturbetreibers in einem Schienennetz oder in Teilen davon knnen verschiedenen Stellen oder Unternehmen bertragen werden.
Directive 2007/59/EC on the certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community
English Definition Any public body or undertaking responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining railway infrastructure, as well as for operating the control and safety systems.
French Definition Toute entit publique ou entreprise charge notamment de l'tablissement et de l'entretien de l'infrastructure ferroviaire, ainsi que de la gestion des systmes de rgulation et de scurit.
German Definition Jede ffentliche Einrichtung oder jedes Unternehmen, dem insbesondere die Einrichtung und die Unterhaltung der Eisenbahninfrastruktur sowie die Fhrung der Betriebsleit- und Sicherheitssysteme bertragen sind.
infrastructure manager
gestionnaire de l'infrastructure
Any body or undertaking responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining railway infrastructure. This may also include the management of infrastructure control and safety systems. The functions of the infrastructure manager on a network or part of a network may be allocated to different bodies or undertakings.
Toute entit ou entreprise charge notamment de l'tablissement et de l'entretien de l'infrastructure ferroviaire ainsi que, ventuellement, de la gestion des systmes de rgulation et de scurit de l'infrastructure. Les fonctions de gestionnaire de l'infrastructure sur tout ou partie d'un rseau peuvent tre attribues plusieurs entits ou entreprises.
jede Einrichtung oder jedes Directive 91/440/EEC Unternehmen, die bzw. das Development of the Community's insbesondere fr die Einrichtung und die Railways Unterhaltung der Fahrwege der Eisenbahn zustndig ist. Dies kann auch den Betrieb der Steuerungs- und Sicherheitssysteme der Fahrwege einschlieen. Mit den bei einem Netz oder einem Teilnetz wahrzunehmenden Aufgaben des Betreibers der Infrastruktur knnen verschiedene Einrichtungen oder Unternehmen betraut werden. jede ffentliche Einrichtung oder jedes Unternehmen, dem insbesondere die Einrichtung und die Unterhaltung der Eisenbahninfrastruktur sowie die Fhrung der Betriebsleit- und Sicherheitssysteme berragen sind. Directive 95/19/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the charging of infrastructure fees
Infrastructure manager
gestionnaire del'infrastructure
Any public body or undertaking responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining railway infrastructure, as well as for operating the control and safety systems.
Toute entit publique ou entreprise charge notamment de l'tablissement et de l'entretien de l'infrastructure ferroviaire ainsi que de la gestion des systmes de rgulation et de scurit.
infrastructure manager
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Glossary for Transport Statistics
infrastructure manager
Any public body or undertaking responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining railway infrastructure, as well as for operating the control and safety systems. An infrastructure manager can delegate to another railway body the following tasks: maintaining railway infrastructure, as well as operating the control and safety system. Has the meaning given to it in the Regulations implementing EU Directive EC 91/440 in so far as it relates to Controlled Infrastructure. A person, including Iarnrod EireannIrish Rail, that is responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining on railway infrastructure the items listed in Annex I.A to Commission Regulation No. 851/2006/EC including management of infrastructure control and safety systems. Page 150 of 451
infrastructure manager
infrastructure manager
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A person, including Iarnrod E ireannIrish Rail, that is responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining on railway infrastructure the items listed in Annex I.A to Commission Regulation No. 851/2006/EC including management of infrastructure control and safety systems.
German Definition
Source Document Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008
infrastructure manager
gestionnaire d'infrastructure
Any organisation or undertaking (Reseau Ferre de France in the case of the national rail network) in charge in particular of creating, maintaining, developing, and invoicing railway infrastructure. Any person who is responsible for establishing and maintaining infrastructure or a part thereof, which may also include the management of infrastructure control and safety systems, but does not include a maintainer. the person who: (a) in relation to infrastructure other than a station, is responsible for developing and maintaining that infrastructure or, in relation to a station, the person who is responsible for managing and operating that station, except that it shall not include any person solely on the basis that he carries out the construction of that infrastructure or station or its maintenance, repair or alteration; and (b) manages and uses that infrastructure or station, or permits it to be used, for the operation of a vehicle.
Toute organisme ou toute entreprise, Rseau Ferr de France pour le rseau ferr national, charg(e) notamment de l'tablissement, de l'entretien, du dveloppement at de la facturation de l'infrastructure ferroviaire.
infrastructure manager
United Kingdom - The Railways (Accident Investigation and Reporting) Regulations 2005
infrastructure manager
United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
The body that is responsible for establishing and maintaining railway infrastructure. Any body or undertaking that is responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining railway infrastructure. This may also include the management of infrastructure control and safety systems. The functions of the infrastructure manager on a corridor or part of a corridor may be allocated to different bodies or undertakings (Directive 2001/14/EC).
Network Rail - 2009 Network Statement Registration of Rolling Stock - Final report
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Any body or undertaking that is responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining railway infrastructure. This may also include the management of infrastructure control and safety systems. The functions of the infrastructure manager on a corridor or part of a corridor may be allocated to different bodies or undertakings (Directive 2001/14/EC).
German Definition
infrastructure subsystem
The infrastructure structural subsystem of the trans-European high-speed rail system includes the tracks and switches and crossings of the high-speed lines.
Commission Decision 2006/860/EC concerning the TSI relating to the CONTROL-COMMAND & SIGNALLING subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system and modifying Annex A to Decision 2006/679/EC concerning the TSI for C-C & Sig subsystem for the trans-European IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
A delay that was not transmitted from another train. Movement of consignment by truck to the sending railway station including transshipment from truck onto the railway waggon, or by rail if shipment comes from other European countries. Any person injured who was hospitalised for more than 24 hours as a result of an accident, excluding attempted suicides. The coupling device between vehicles in order to form a unit composed of several vehicles (e.g. a fixed rake of coaches or a trainset). The coupling device between vehicles in order to form a unit composed of several vehicles (e.g. a fixed rake of coaches or a trainset). An interoperability constituent that fulfils the condition that the particular type of subassembly within which it is intended to be used does not comply with the performances set out in Chapter 4 of the present TSI insofar as they apply to the subassembly.
inner coupling
inner coupling
Un constituant d'interoprabilit qui remplit les conditions suivantes: g) le type particulier de sous-ensemble dans lequel son emploi est prvu, ne respecte pas les performances dfinies au chapitre 4 de la prsente STI dans la mesure o elles s'appliquent au sousensemble.
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
A formally structured inquiry set up to look into an accident or incident which has either caused major loss or may evidence major Risk (including public inquiries and formal public investigations). Page 152 of 451
French Term
German Term
in-service tests
English Definition French Definition Validation of product requirements for suitability for use by operation or use of the product in service, integrated representatively into the railway system, over a specified operation time or running distance. Tests, undertaken in service under real operation conditions, to measure and/or to record specified characteristics of the product. Conformity evaluation by observation and judgement accompanied as appropriate by measurement, testing or gauging. Check for conformity by measuring, observing, testing or gauging the relevant characteristics of an item. Generally inspection can be carried out before, during or after other maintenance activity. Examination of a product design, product, process or installation and determination of its conformity with specific requirements or, on the basis of professional judgement, with general requirements. Conformity evaluation by observation and judgement accompanied as appropriate by measurement, testing or gauging. Conformity evaluation by observation and judgement accompanied as appropriate by measurement, testing or gauging. On straight track or large radius curves a wheelset is running in an unstable manner if the periodic lateral movement of the wheelset exhausts the clearance between the wheel flanges and the gauge corner of the rails. In unstable motion this lateral movement is exerted over several cycles and is strongly dependent on speed and equivalent concavity and causes excessive lateral vibrations. A rail joint that ensures electrical insulation of adjacent rails to limit a track circuit.
German Definition
Source Document "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
instability criterion
critre dinstabilit
Sur une voie en alignement ou dans les courbes grand rayon, un essieu mont roule de manire instable sil ny a pas suffisamment de jeu entre les boudins de roue et lintrieur du champignon des rails. En dplacement instable, ce mouvement latral sexerce sur plusieurs cycles et dpend fortement de la vitesse et de la conicit quivalente, et provoque des vibrations latrales excessives.
Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Covered wagon of which the body is built with insulating walls, doors, floor and roof, by which the heat exchanges between the inside and outside of the body can be so limited that the overall coefficient of heat transfer (K coefficient), is such that the equipment is assignable to one or other of the following two categories: IN = Normally insulated equipment characterized by a K coefficient equal to or less than 0.7 W/m2 oC IR = Heavily insulated equipment characterized by a K coefficient equal to or less than 0.4 W/m2 oC. Railway undertaking also being an infrasructure manager. The transfer of control from one railway company to another for practical operational and safety reasons. Examples are: mixed services, services with shared haulage responsibility, the transfer of information between different railway administrations, the transfer of information between wagon owners/keepers and train operators.
German Definition
Glossary for Transport Statistics Le transfert du contrle d'une entreprise ferroviaire une autre pour des considrations pratiques lies l'exploitation et la scurit, comme par exemple: - des services combins, - des services avec responsabilit partage du transport routier, - le transfert d'informations entre administrations ferroviaires diffrentes, - le transfert d'informations entre propritaires/dtenteurs de wagons et exploitants ferroviaires. Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
Means the Transfer of control from one railway undertaking to another for practical operational, safety and liability reasons. Examples are: - Successive railway undertakings, - Trains with substitute carriers, - The transfer of information between different railway undertakings. point d'change Wagenbergangspunkt Location where the transfer of responsibility for the wagons of a train goes from one RU to another RU. Regarding a train running, the train is taken over from one RU by the other RU, which owns now the path for the next journey section. Lieu o la responsabilit des wagons d'un train est transfre d'une EF une autre. En ce qui concerne l'exploitation du train, une EF transfre la prise en charge du train l'autre EF qui possde prsent le sillon pour la section suivante du trajet. Punkt, an dem die Verantwortung fr die Wagen eines Zuges von einem EVU zu einem anderen wechselt. Bezogen auf einen fahrenden Zug heit dies, dass der Zug von einem EVU an ein anderes EVU bergeben wird, das nun die Trasse fr den nchsten Fahrtabschnitt besitzt.
interchange point
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
interchange point
Location where the transfer of control for the train happens from one RU to another RU. Regarding a train running, the train is taken over from one RU by the other RU, which owns now the path for the next journey section. Page 154 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Ability of one product, process or service to be used in place of another to fulfil the same requirements Note: The functional aspect of interchangeability is called 'functional interchangeability', and the dimensional aspect 'dimensional interchangeability'.
German Definition
interested parties
parties intresses
These include the staff of the ministry for transport, the railway undertakings accepted on the national rail network by Reseau Ferre de France, EPSF (Railway Safety Public Corporation), the regional interest public transport organizing authorities, represented by the Association des Regions de France and/or the Groupement des Autorites Responsables de Transport, the customers of freight transport services, represented by the Association des Usagers de Transport de Fret (AUTF), the International Union of combined RoadRail transport companies (UIRR), the Groupement National des Transports Combines (GNTC), and the users of transport services, represented by the Federation Nationale des Associations d'Usagesr de Transports (FNAUT).
Ce sont les services du ministre charg des transports, les enterprises ferroviaires admises sur le rseau ferr national, l'Establissement public de scurit ferroviaire (EPSF), les autorits organisatrices des transports collectifs d'intrt rgional reprsentes par l'Association des Rgions de France et/ou le Groupement des Autorits Responsables de Transport, les clients des services de transport fret reprsents par l'Association des Utilisateurs de Transport de Fret (AUTF), l'Union Internationale des Socits de Transport combin rail-route (UIRR), le Groupement National des Transports Combins (GNTC) et des usagers des services de transport reprsents par la Fdration Nationale des Associations d'Usagers des Transports (FNAUT).
interested party
interested party
interested party
Person or group having an interest in the performance or success of an organization. Person or group having an interest in the performance or success of an organisation. Person or group concerned with or affected by the safety performance of an organization. A system used for emergency communications between train crew and signaller in defined geographical areas as shown in Table A of the Sectional Appendices. The facility is used primarily where axle counters have replaced track circuits as the means of train detection.
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Network Rail - 2009 Network Statement
A manual block system in which the block instruments are interlocked to the signals. An arrangement of switches and signals interconnected in a way that each movement follows the other in a proper and safe sequence. Page 155 of 451
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
French Term
German Term
English Definition The tracks between the outer opposing absolute signals of an interlocking. The trackage within the limits of an interlocking. A signal that governs a train route inside of interlocking limits. A tabular sheet that contains all interlocking dependencies of an interlocking. The place where an interlocking machine is located. A block signal that is located between different interlockings. An interlocking signal that is neither a home signal nor it governs a route to leave the home signal limits. Location which defines the start or end point of a journey section. This may be e. g. an interchange, handover or handling point.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
intermediate point
point intermdiaire
Lieu dfinissant le dbut ou la fin d'une section du trajet. Il peut s'agir par exemple d'un point de correspondance, de transfert ou de manoeuvre.
Ein Ort, der den Anfangs- oder Endpunkt eines Fahrtabschnitts definiert. Dies kann z. B. ein Wechsel-, ein bergabeoder ein Abfertigungspunkt sein.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary
intermediate point
intermediate switch
intermittent ATP
intermodal operator
Location which defines the start or end point of a journey section. This may be e. g. an interchange, handover or handling point. A switch that is located between two interlocking signals in a way that a train that is waiting at the signal ahead would not clear the switch. Intermediate switches must be interlocked both to the signal in rear and to the signal in advance. An ATP system in which the data is transmitted to the train at discrete points along the track. Operator of an intermodal terminal, e.g. Oprateur d'un terminal intermodal, par Betreiber eines Intermodalterminals, z. a Gateway. exemple une passerelle. B. eines Gateways.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
Intermodaldienstintegrator Any body or undertaking, which has the contract with customers for the transport of intermodal units. He is preparing waybills, managing capacity on block trains, etc.
Tout organisme ou entreprise qui dtient le contrat conclu avec les clients pour le transport d'units intermodales. Il prpare les feuilles de route, gre les capacits de trains complets, etc.
Beliebige Stellen oder Unternehmen, die mit den Kunden Vertrge ber den Transport von Intermodaleinheiten abschlieen. Erstellt die Frachtbriefe, verwaltet die Kapazitt von Blockzgen usw. Ein Ort, der den Platz, die Ausrstung und die Betriebsumgebung fr den Transfer von Ladeeinheiten (Frachtcontainer, Wechselbehlter oder Sattelanhnger) bietet.
intermodal terminal
terminal intermodal
Location which provides the space, equipment and operational environment under which the loading units (freight containers, swap bodies, semi-trailers or trailers) transfer takes place. Page 156 of 451
Lieu disposant de l'espace, des quipements et de l'environnement oprationnel dans lesquels a lieu le transfert des units de chargement (conteneurs, caisses mobiles or semiremorques).
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The movement of goods in one and the same Intermodal Transport Unit or road vehicle, which uses successively two or more modes of transport without handling the goods themselves in changing modes. The movement of goods in one and the same loading unit or vehicle which uses successively several modes of transport without handling of the goods themselves in changing modes. Mouvement de marchandises en un seul et mme vhicule ou unit de chargement, utilisant successivement plusieurs modes de transport sans manutention des marchandises proprement dites lors du passage d'un mode l'autre. The movement of goods in one and the Acheminement dune marchandise same loading unit or road vehicle, which utilisant deux modes de transport ou uses successively two or more modes of plus mais dans la mme unit de transport without handling the goods chargement ou le mme vhicule themselves in changing modes. routier, et sans empotage ni dpotage.
German Definition
intermodal transport
transport intermodal
Die Bewegung von Gtern in ein und derselben Ladeeinheit oder in ein und demselben Fahrzeug, die/das der Reihe nach mehrere Verkehrstrger nutzt, ohne dass die Gter selbst beim Wechsel der Verkehrstrger angerhrt werden.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
intermodal transport
transport intermodal
intermodaler Verkehr
Transport von Gtern in ein und Terminology on combined derselben Ladeeinheit oder demselben transport Stra enfahrzeug mit zwei oder mehreren Verkehrstrgern, wobei ein Wechsel der Ladeeinheit, ber kein Umschlag der transportierten Gter selbst erfolgt.
Container, Wechselbehlter und Sattelanhnger, die fr den intermodalen Verkehr geeignet sind. Eine Ladeeinheit, die auf verschiedenen Verkehrstrgern transportiert werden kann, z. B. Container, Wechselbehlter, Sattelanhnger, Anhnger.
intermodal unit
unit intermodale
A Load Unit which can be transported by Unit de chargement qui peut tre different modes, e.g. container, swap transporte par diffrents modes, body, semi-trailer, trailer. comme un conteneur, une caisse mobile, une semi-remorque ou une remorque.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
A system of transport whereby two or more modes of transport are used to transport the same loading unit or truck in an integrated manner, without loading or unloading, in a door to door transport chain.
Un systme de transport en vertu duquel deux modes de transport ou plus sont utiliss par la mme unit de chargement ou le mme vhicule routier, sans empotage ou dpotage, pour permettre une chane de transport de porte porte.
ein Transportsystem, mit dessen Hilfe Terminology on combined zwei oder mehrere Verkehrstrger transport verwendet werden, um dieselbe Ladeeinheit oder dasselbe Straenfahrzeug in einer integrierten Art und Weise, ohne Be- oder Entladung, zu einer Haus-zu-Haus Transportkette zu vervollstndigen3. Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
internal audit
Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the safety management system audit criteria set by the organization are fulfilled. In many cases, particularly in smaller organizations, independence can be demonstrated by the freedom from responsibility for the activity being audited.
English Definition Transport services where the train crosses at least one border of a Member State; the train may be joined and/or split and the different sections may have different origins and destinations, provided that all wagons cross at least one border.
French Definition Service de transport dans le cadre duquel le train franchit au moins une fois la frontire d'un tat membre; le train peut tre assembl et/ou divis, et les diffrentes parties le constituant peuvent avoir des provenances et destinations diffrentes, condition que tous les wagons franchissent au moins une frontire.
German Definition Verkehrsleistungen, bei denen der Zug mindestens eine Grenze eines Mitgliedstaats berquert; der Zug kann erweitert und/oder geteilt werden, und die verschiedenen Zugabschnitte knnen unterschiedliche Abfahrtsund Bestimmungsorte haben, sofern alle Wagen mindestens eine Grenze berqueren.
Transport of freight by trains using the Transports de marchandises effectus networks of at least two Member States, par des trains empruntant les lignes des movingby rail or train ferry throughout. rseaux dau moins deux tats membres; ceci entirement par chemin de fer ou par train-ferry. Goods carried by rail between a place of loading located in the reporting country and a place of unloading in another country. Goods in transit throughout are not included. Wagons loaded on a railway network and carried by ferry to a foreign network are included. Goods carried by rail between a place of loading located in a foreign country and a place of unloading in the reporting country. Goods in transit throughout are not included. Wagons loaded on a foreign railway network and carried by ferry to the reporting network are included.
Council Regulation (EEC) 2183/78 laying down uniform costing principles for railway undertakings
International grouping
regroupement international internationale Gruppierung Any association of at least two railway undertakings established in different Member States for the purpose of providing international transport services between Member States.
Toute association d'au moins deux entreprises ferroviaires tablies dans des tats membres diffrents en vue de fournir des prestations de transports internationaux entre tats membres.
International grouping
regroupement international internationale Gruppierung Any association of at least two railway undertakings established in different Member States for the purpose of providing international transport services between Member States.
international grouping
regroupement international
Any association of at least two railway undertakings established in different Member States for the purpose of providing international transport services between.
die Verbindung von mindestens zwei Eisenbahnunternehmen mit Sitz in verschiedenen Mitgliedstaaten zum Zwecke der Erbringung grenzueberschreitender Verkehrsleistungen zwischen Mitgliedstaaten. Toute association d'au moins deux eine Verbindung von mindestens zwei entreprises ferroviaires tablies dans des Eisenbahnunternehmen mit Sitz in tats membres diffrents en vue de verschiedenen Mitgliedstaaten zum fournir des prestations de transports Zwecke der Erbringung internationaux entre tats membres;. grenzberschreitender Verkehrsleistungen zwischen Mitgliedstaaten. Toute association d'au moins deux entreprises ferroviaires tablies dans des Etats membres diffrents de l'Union europenne, en vue de fournir des prestations de transports ferroviaires internationaux entre ces Etats membres.
Directive 95/19/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the charging of infrastructure fees
international journey
Means a passenger journey by rail crossing the border of at least one Page 158 of 451 Member State.
French Term
German Term
international path
English Definition French Definition Each Bidder who has rights to train movements through the Channel Tunnel. Any Train Slot which is contiguous with a train movement through the Channel Tunnel or any combination of Train Slots which are contiguous with each other and of which at least one is contiguous with a planned train movement through the Channel Tunnel. Means a rail passenger service which crosses a border of at least one Member State. Railway transport between two places (a place of loading/embarkation and a place of unloading/disembarkation) in two different countries. It may involve transit through one or more additional countries. Means the sale of a train ticket for an international journey. The operation of a railway service between the State and another state;.
German Definition
TAP TSI Glossary Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005 Transport ferroviaire entre deux lieux (un lieu de chargement/embarquement et un lieu de dchargement/ dbarquement) situ dans le pays dclarant ainsi qu'un lieu de chargement/embarquement ou de dchargement/dbarquement situ dans un autre pays. - Tout grand rseau constitu de plusieurs rseaux plus petits. - Groupe de rseaux interconnects de sorte qu'il semble constituer un seul grand rseau continu auquel il est possible d'accder d'une manire transparente par l'intermdiaire de routeurs, der Eisenbahnverkehr zwischen einem Ort (Belade- bzw. Einsteigeort oder Entlade- bzw. Aussteigeort) im Meldeland und einem Ort (Belade- bzw. Einsteigeort oder Entlade- bzw. Aussteigeort) in einem anderen Land. Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
International transport
transport international
grenzberschreitender Verkehr
Rail transport between a place (of loading/embarkation or unloading/disembarkation) in the reporting country and a place (of loading/embarkation or unloading/disembarkation) in another country.
Any large network made up of several smaller networks. A group of networks that are interconnected so that they appear to be one continuous large network, and can be addressed seamlessly at the OSI model network layer through routers. The industry name for the network, used as reference resource for e-mail and an on-line chat room for users around the world.
Jedes groe Netzwerk, das aus mehreren kleineren Netzwerken besteht. Eine Gruppe von Netzwerken, die so miteinander verbunden sind, dass sie wie ein groes, zusammenhngendes Netz wirken, und die sich ber die Netzwerkschicht des OSI-Modells mit Hilfe von Routern nahtlos ansprechen lassen. Die Bezeichnung fr ein Netzwerk, das Benutzern in aller Welt zum Austausch von E-Mails und als Online-Chatroom dient.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
English Term French Term Internet Control Message Protocol ICMP (ICMP)
English Definition Occasionally a gateway or destination host will communicate with a source host, for example, to report an error in datagram processing. For such purposes this protocol, the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), is used. ICMP, uses the basic support of IP as if it were a higher level protocol, however, ICMP is actually an integral part of IP, and must be implemented by every IP module. ICMP messages are sent in several situations: for example, when a datagram cannot reach its destination, when the gateway does not have the buffering capacity to forward a datagram, and when the gateway can direct the host to send traffic on a shorter route. The Internet Protocol is not designed to be absolutely reliable. The purpose of these control messages is to provide feedback about problems in the communication environment, not to make IP reliable. There are still no guarantees that a datagram will be delivered or a control message will be returned. Some datagrams may still be undelivered without any report of their loss. The higher level protocols that use IP must implement their own reliability procedures if reliable communication is required. The ICMP messages typically report errors in the processing of datagrams. To avoid the infinite regress of messages about messages etc., no ICMP messages are sent about ICMP messages. Also ICMP messages are only sent about errors in handling fragment zero of fragmented datagrams. (Fragment zero has the fragment offset equal zero.).
French Definition Acronyme de Internet Control Message Protocol (protocole de gestion des messages de contrle) Le protocole ICMP est parfois utilis par une passerelle (voir GGP) ou un hte de destination (voir IP) pour communiquer avec un ordinateur source et lui signaler une erreur dans le traitement d'un datagramme, par exemple. Le protocole ICMP utilise le protocole IP en tant que support de base comme s'il s'agissait d'un protocole de niveau suprieur; en ralit, il fait partie intgrante du protocole IP et il doit tre mis en oeuvre par chaque module IP. Plusieurs situations conduisent l'envoi de messages ICMP: par exemple, lorsqu'un datagramme ne peut pas atteindre sa destination, lorsque la passerelle n'a pas de mmoire tampon suffisante pour acheminer un datagramme, et lorsqu'elle peut indiquer l'ordinateur hte d'envoyer un flux de donnes par un itinraire plus court. Le protocole IP (voir cet acronyme) n'est pas conu pour tre d'une absolue fiabilit. Le but de ces messages de contrle est de fournir un retour d'information sur les problmes de l'environnement de communication et non de rendre le protocole IP plus fiable. Il n'y a malgr tout aucune garantie de remise d'un datagramme ou de renvoi d'un message de contrle. Il est possible que certains datagrammes n'arrivent pas destination et qu'il n'y ait aucun message signalant leur perte. Les protocoles de niveau suprieur qui utilisent le protocole IP doivent appliquer leurs propres procdures de fiabilit si une communication fiable est requise. En gnral les messages ICMP rendent compte d'erreurs de traitement des datagrammes. Pour viter une ritration infinie de messages relatifs d'autres messages etc., aucun message ICMP n'est envoy propos de messages ICMP. De mme, les messages ICMP ne sont envoys que dans le cas d'erreurs de traitement de fragments zro des datagrammes fragments. (Un fragment zro est un fragment dont le dcalage est gal zro).
German Definition Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Gelegentlich nimmt ein Gateway (siehe GGP) oder ein Destination-Host (siehe IP) die Kommunikation mit einem Source-Host auf, um ihm z. B. einen Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Datagramme zu melden. Fr diese Zwecke wird das Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) verwendet. ICMP sttzt sich in gewisser Weise so auf das IP, als wre es ein hher angeordnetes Protokoll; tatschlich ist ICMP jedoch ein untrennbarer Bestandteil des IP und muss in jedem IP-Modul implementiert sein. ICMP-Meldungen werden in verschiedenen Situationen verschickt: zum Beispiel wenn ein Datagramm sein Ziel nicht erreichen kann, wenn der Gateway nicht gengend Pufferkapazitt hat, um ein Datagramm weiterzuleiten, und wenn ein Gateway den Host anweisen kann, die Datagramme ber eine krzere Route zu schicken. Das Internet Protocol bietet keine absolute Zuverlssigkeit. Diese Kontrollmeldungen dienen nicht dazu, das IP zuverlssig zu machen, sondern sie sollen Probleme in der Kommunikationsumgebung aufzeigen. Es gibt dennoch keine Garantie, dass ein Datagramm zugestellt oder eine Kontrollmeldung zurckgeschickt wird. Einige Datagramme knnen unzugestellt verschwinden, ohne als verloren gemeldet zu werden. Die hher angeordneten Protokolle, die auf IP aufsetzen, mssen eigene Zuverlssigkeitsprozeduren einsetzen, wenn eine zuverlssige Kommunikation gefordert ist. Die ICMPMeldungen verweisen in der Regel auf Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Datagramme. Um eine endlose Schleife von Meldungen ber Meldungen etc. auszuschlieen, werden keine ICMPMeldungen ber ICMP-Meldungen generiert. Zudem werden ICMP-Meldungen nur dann geschickt, wenn bei der Abfertigung fragmentierter Datagramme Fehler in der Erkennung des Fragments Null auftreten. (Fragment Null hat einen Fragment-Offset von Null).
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
English Term
French Term
German Term
English Definition
ICMP. De mme, les messages ICMP ne sont envoys que dans le cas d'erreurs de traitement de fragments zro des datagrammes fragments. (Un fragment zro est un fragment dont le dcalage est gal zro). French Definition
ber ICMP-Meldungen generiert. Zudem werden ICMP-Meldungen nur dann geschickt, wenn bei der Abfertigung fragmentierter Datagramme Fehler in der Erkennung des Fragments Null auftreten. (Fragment Null hat einen Fragment-Offset von Null). German Definition Source Document
The Internet Protocol (IP) is used for host-to-host datagram service in a system of interconnected networks. The network connecting devices are called Gateways. These gateways communicate between themselves for control purposes via a Gateway to Gateway Protocol (GGP).
Acronyme de Internet Protocol, le protocole du rseau Internet Ce protocole est utilis pour des services d'change de datagrammes entre ordinateurs htes dans un systme de rseaux interconnects. Les dispositifs de connexion des rseaux sont appels passerelles. Ces passerelles communiquent entre elles des fins de contrle par le biais d'un protocole interpasserelle (GGP). L'aptitude du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse permettre la circulation sre et sans rupture de trains grande vitesse en accomplissant les performances spcifies. Cette aptitude repose sur l'ensemble des conditions rglementaires, techniques et oprationnelles qui doivent tre remplies pour satisfaire aux exigences essentielles.
Internet Protocol Das Internet Protocol (IP) dient in einem System miteinander verbundener Netzwerke fr den Datagramm-Dienst von Host zu Host. Die Netzwerkverbindungsrechner heien Gateways. Diese Gateways verstndigen sich untereinander zu Steuerungszwecken mit Hilfe des Gateway-to-Gateway- Protokolls (GGP).
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
The ability of the trans-European conventional rail system to allow the safe and uninterrupted movement of trains which accomplish the required levels of performance for these lines. This ability rests on all the regulatory, technical and operational conditions which must be met in order to satisfy the essential requirements.
die Tauglichkeit des transeuropischen Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems fr den sicheren und durchgehenden Verkehr von Hochgeschwindigkeitszgen, die den spezifizierten Leistungskennwerten entsprechen. Diese Fhigkeit beruht auf den gesamten ordnungsrechtlichen, technischen und betrieblichen Voraussetzungen, die zur Erfuellung der grundlegenden Anforderungen gegeben sein mssen.
The ability of a rail system to allow the safe and uninterrupted movement of trains which accomplish the required levels of performance for these lines. This ability depends on all the regulatory, technical and operational conditions which must be met in order to satisfy the essential requirements.
L'aptitude d'un systme ferroviaire permettre la circulation sre et sans rupture de trains en accomplissant les performances requises pour ces lignes. Cette aptitude dpend de l'ensemble des conditions rglementaires, techniques et oprationnelles qui doivent tre remplies pour satisfaire aux exigences essentielles.
die Eignung eines Eisenbahnsystems fr Directive 2008/57/EC on the den sicheren und durchgehenden interoperability of the rail system Zugverkehr, indem den fr diese within the Community Strecken erforderlichen leistungskennwerten entsprochen wird. Diese Eignung hngt von den gesamten ordnungsrechtlichen, technischen und betrieblichen Voraussetzungen ab, die zur Erfllung der grundlegenden Anforderungen gegeben sein mssen.
English Definition The ability of the trans-European highspeed rail system to allow the safe and uninterrupted movement of high-speed trains which accomplish the specified levels of performance. This ability rests on all the regulatory, technical and operational conditions which must be met in order to satisfy essential requirements.
French Definition L'aptitude du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse permettre la circulation sre et sans rupture de trains grande vitesse en accomplissant les performances spcifies. Cette aptitude repose sur l'ensemble des conditions rglementaires, techniques et oprationnelles qui doivent tre remplies pour satisfaire aux exigences essentielles.
German Definition Tauglichkeit des transeuropischen Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems fr den sicheren und durchgehenden Verkehr von Hochgeschwindigkeitszgen, die den spezifizierten Leistungskennwerten entsprechen. Diese Fhigkeit beruht auf den gesamten ordnungsrechtlichen, technischen und betrieblichen Voraussetzungen, die zur Erfuellung der grundlegenden Anforderungen gegeben sein mssen.
Source Document Directive 96/48/EC on the interoperability of the TransEuropean high-speed rail system
The ability of a rail system to allow the safe and uninterrupted movement of trains which accomplish the required levels of performance for these lines. This ability depends on all the regulatory, technical and operational conditions which must be met in order to satisfy the essential requirements.
Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
The ability of the high-speed rail system to allow the safe and uninterrupted movement of high-speed trains which accomplish the specified levels of performance and this ability rests on all the regulatory, technical and operational conditions which must be met in order to satisfy essential requirements.
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
The ability of the trans-European conventional rail system to allow the safe and uninterrupted movement of conventional trains that accomplish the required levels of performance for these lines. This ability rests on all the regulatory, technical, and operational conditions that must be met in order to satisfy the essential requirements.
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System)
The ability of the trans-European highspeed rail system to allow the safe and uninterrupted movement of high-speed rolling stock; and cognate expression shall be construed accordingly.
German Term English Definition Interoperabilittskompone Means any elementary component, nte group of components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem upon which the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail system depends directly or indirectly. The concept of a constituent covers both tangible objects and intangible objects such as software.
French Definition Tout composant lmentaire, groupe de composants, sous-ensemble ou ensemble complet de matriels incorpors ou destins tre incorpors dans un sous-systme, dont dpend directement ou indirectement l'interoprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen conventionnel. La notion de constituant recouvre des objets matriels mais aussi immatriels, comme les logiciels.
German Definition Bezeichnet Bauteile, Bauteilgruppen, Unterbaugruppen oder komplette Materialbaugruppen, die in ein Teilsystem eingebaut sind oder eingebaut werden sollen und von denen die Interoperabilitt des konventionellen transeuropischen Eisenbahnsystems direkt oder indirekt abhngt. Unter Komponenten sind materielle, aber auch immaterielle Produkte wie Software zu verstehen.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
Interoperability constituent
constituant d'interoprabilit
Interoperabilittskompone Any elementary component, group of nten components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem upon which the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system depends directly or indirectly. The concept of a constituent covers both tangible objects and intangible objects such as software. The interoperability constituents may be: - Multiple-use constituents: these are constituents that are not specific to the railway system and which may be used as such in other areas; - Multiple-use constituents having specific characteristics: these are constituents which are not, as such, specific to the railway system, but which must display specific performance levels when used for railway purposes; - Specific constituents: these are constituents that are specific to railway applications.
Tout composant lmentaire, groupe de composants, sous-ensemble ou ensemble complet de matriels incorpors ou destins tre incorpors dans un sous-systme, dont dpend directement ou indirectement l'interoprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse. la notion de constituant recouvre des objets matriels mais aussi immatriels comme les logiciels.
Bauteile, Bauteilgruppen, Unterbaugruppen oder komplette Materialbaugruppen, die in ein Teilsystem eingebaut sind oder eingebaut werden sollen und von denen die Interoperabilitt des transeuropischen Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems direkt oder indirekt abhngt.
interoperability constituent
Any elementary component, group of components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem, upon which the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail system depends either directly or indirectly, and a constituent which has been specified by a TSI as being an interoperability constituent shall be deemed to be an interoperability constituent for the purposes of this definition.
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
French Term
German Term
English Definition Means any elementary component, group of components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem upon which the interoperability of the TransEuropean conventional rail system depends directly or indirectly. The concept of a constituent covers both tangible objects and intangible objects such as software. Any elementary component, group of components, sub-assembly or complete assembly of equipment that is incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a structural subsystem upon which the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail system depends and that has been specified by: (a) a TSI covering a particular subsystem as being an interoperability constituent; or (b) the Secretary of State in a notification given under regulation 27 as an interoperability constituent to which any standards, technical specifications and technical rules covered by that notification relate.
French Definition
German Definition
interoperability constituent
interoperability constituents
constituants d'interoprabilit
Any elementary component, group of components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a Subsystem upon which the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail system depends either directly or indirectly. The concept of a constituent covers both tangible objects and intangible objects such as software.
Tout composant lmentaire, groupe de composants, sous-ensemble ou ensemble complet de matriels incorpors ou destins tre incorpors dans un sous-systme, dont dpend directement ou indirectement l'interoprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse. La notion de constituant recouvre des objets matriels mais aussi immatriels comme les logiciels. Les constituants d'interoprabilit sont tout composant lmentaire, groupe de composants, sous-ensemble ou ensemble complet de matriels incorpors ou destins tre incorpors dans un sous-systme, dont dpend directement ou indirectement l'interoprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse.
Commission Decision 2006/860/EC concerning the TSI relating to the CONTROL-COMMAND & SIGNALLING subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system and modifying Annex A to Decision 2006/679/EC concerning the TSI for C-C & Sig subsystem for the trans-European
interoperability constituents
constituants d'interoprabilit
Interoperability constituents are any elementary component, group of components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem upon which the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail system depends either directly or indirectly.
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
German Term
English Definition Any elementary component, group of components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem, upon which the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail system depends either directly or indirectly.
French Definition German Definition Tout composant lmentaire, groupe de composants, sous-ensemble ou ensemble complet de matriels incorpors ou destins tre incorpors dans un sous-systme, dont dpend directement ou indirectement linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse. Tout composant lmentaire, groupe de composants, sous-ensemble ou ensemble complet d'quipements incorpors ou destins tre incorpors dans un sous-systme, dont dpend directement ou indirectement l'interoprabilit du systme ferroviaire grande vitesse ou conventionnel, tels qu'ils sont dfinis dans les directives 96/48/CE et 2001/16/CE. La notion de "constituant" recouvre des objets matriels mais aussi immatriels comme les logiciels.
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
Interoperability constituents
constituants d'interoprabilit
Interoperabilittskompone Any elementary component, group of nten components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem upon which the interoperability of the high-speed or conventional rail system depends directly or indirectly, as defined in Directive 96/48/EC and 2001/16/EC. The concept of a constituent covers both tangible objects and intangible objects such as software.
in den Richtlinien 96/48/EG und Directive 2004/49/EC Railway 2001/16/EG bestimmte Bauteile, Safety Directive amending Bauteilgruppen, Unterbaugruppen oder 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC komplette Materialbaugruppen, die in ein Teilsystem eingebaut sind oder eingebaut werden sollen und von denen die Interoperabilitt des Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems oder des konventionellen Eisenbahnsystems direkt oder indirekt abhngt. Der Begriff "Komponenten" umfasst sowohl materielle als auch immaterielle Produkte wie Software.
interoperability constituents
constituants d'interoprabilit
Interoperabilittskompone Any elementary component, group of nten components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem, upon which the interoperability of the rail system depends directly or indirectly. The concept of a constituent covers both tangible objects and intangible objects such as software.
tout composant lmentaire, groupe de composants, sous-ensemble ou ensemble complet de matriels incorpors ou destins tre incorpors dans un sous-systme, dont dpend directement ou indirectement l'interoprabilit du systme ferroviaire. La notion de constituant recouvre des objets matriels mais aussi immatriels comme les logiciels.
Bauteile, Bauteilgruppen, Directive 2008/57/EC on the Unterbaugruppen oder komplette interoperability of the rail system Materialbaugruppen, die in ein within the Community Teilsystem eingebaut sind oder eingebaut werden sollen und von denen die Interoperabilitt des Eisenbahnsystems direkt oder indirekt abhngt. Der Begriff Komponenten umfasst sowohl materielle als auch immaterielle Produkte wie Software. Bauteile, Bauteilgruppen, Directive 96/48/EC on the Unterbaugruppen oder komplette interoperability of the TransMaterialbaugruppen, die in ein European high-speed rail system Teilsystem eingebaut sind oder eingebaut werden sollen und von denen die Interoperabilitt des transeuropischen Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems direkt oder indirekt abhngt.
Interoperability constituents
constituants d'interoprabilit
Interoperabilittskompone Any elementary component, group of nten components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem, upon which the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail system depends either directly or indirectly. They include: - multiple-use constituents: constituents not specific to the railway system and which may be used as such in other areas; - multiple-use constituents having specific characteristics: constituents which are not, as such, specific to a railway system, but which must display specific performance levels when used for railway purposes; - specific constituents: constituents that are specific to railway applications. Page 165 of 451
Tout composant lmentaire, groupe de composants, sous-ensemble ou ensemble complet de matriels incorpors ou destins tre incorpors dans un sous-systme, dont dpend directement ou indirectement l'interoprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Any elementary component, group of components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem, upon which the interoperability of the rail system depends directly or indirectly. The concept of a "constituent" covers both tangible objects and intangible objects such as software. Any elementary component, group of components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem upon which the interoperability of the high-speed or conventional rail system depends directly or indirectly. Any elementary component, group of components, subassembly, or complete assembly of equipment incorporated, or intended to be incorporated, into a subsystem upon which the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system depends either directly or indirectly. The concept of a constituent covers both tangible and intangible objects such as software.
German Definition
Source Document Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
interoperability constituents
interoperability constituents
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System)
interoperability constituents
Any elementary component, group of components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem upon which the interoperability of the high-speed or conventional rail system depends directly or indirectly. Theoretical intersection point of the running edges at the centre of the crossing. The value, which, if exceeded, requires corrective maintenance in order that the immediate action limit shall not be reached before the next inspection. limite d'intervention (LI) the value, which, if exceeded, requires corrective maintenance in order that the immediate action limit shall not be reached before the next inspection. Concerne la valeur qui, si elle est dpasse, requiert une maintenance curative de manire ce que la limite d'action immdiate soit diffre jusqu'au prochain contrle.
Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008
intersection point
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure
intervention limit
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
intolerable risk
A risk which cannot be accepted and must be reduced. Page 166 of 451
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition It includes alcohol and drugs and any combination of drugs or of drugs and alcohol. Since Austrias accession to the European Union, businesses which trade with other Member States of the European Community are obliged to provide trade statistics to the Austrian Central Statistical Office (STAT). RCA takes care of the transmission of Intrastat data elements both for individual transactions and in connection with logistics packages. Permanent body appointed of investigations of accidents and incidents by each Member State This body has to be independent in its organisation, legal structure and decision-making from any infrastructure manager, railway undertaking, charging body, allocation body and notified body, and from any party whose interests could conflict with the tasks entrusted to the investigating body. It shall furthermore be functionally independent from the safety authority and from any regulator of railways. Organisme permanent charg de veiller ce que les enqutes sur les accidents et les incidents soient menes par chaque tat membre. Dans son organisation, sa structure juridique et ses dcisions, cet organisme est indpendant de tout gestionnaire de l'infrastructure, entreprise ferroviaire, organisme de tarification, organisme de rpartition et organisme notifi, et de toute partie dont les intrts pourraient tre en conflit avec les tches confies l'organisme d'enqute. Il est en outre indpendant fonctionnellement de l'autorit de scurit et de tout organisme de rglementation des chemins de fer.
German Definition
Source Document Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005 Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
Investigating body
organisme d'enqute
Diese Stelle ist organisatorisch, rechtlich Directive 2004/49/EC Railway und in ihren Entscheidungen von Safety Directive amending Fahrwegbetreibern, 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC Eisenbahnunternehmen, entgelterhebenden Stellen, Zuweisungsstellen und benannten Stellen sowie von allen Parteien, deren Interessen mit den Aufgaben der Untersuchungsstelle kollidieren knnten, unabhngig. Sie ist darber hinaus von der Sicherheitsbehrde und von den Regulierungsstellen im Eisenbahnsektor funktionell unabhngig.
Each Member State shall ensure that investigations of accidents and incidents are conducted by a permanent body. This body shall be independent in its organisation, legal structure and decision-making from any infrastructure manager, railway undertaking, charging body, allocation body and notified body. It shall furthermore be functionally independent from the safety authority and from any regulator of railways.
A process conducted for the purpose of accident and incident prevention which includes the gathering and analysis of information, the drawing of conclusions, including the determination of causes and, when appropriate, the making of safety recommendations.
une procdure visant prvenir les accidents et incidents et consistant collecter et analyser des informations, tirer des conclusions, y compris la dtermination des causes et, le cas chant, formuler des recommandations en matire de scurit.
ein Verfahren zum Zweck der Verhtung Directive 2004/49/EC Railway von Unfllen und Strungen, das Safety Directive amending die Sammlung und Auswertung von 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC Informationen, die Erarbeitung von Schlussfolgerungen einschlielich der Feststellung der Ursachen und gegebenenfalls die Abgabe von Sicherheitsempfehlungen umfasst.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A process conducted for the purpose of accident and incident prevention which includes the gathering and analysis of information, the drawing of conclusions, including the determination of causes and, when appropriate, the making of safety recommendations.
German Definition
investigation report
investigation unit
A report published by the Investigation Unit of an investigation undertaken by it;. The Railway Accident Investigation Unit.
Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005 Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008 Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008
A process conducted for the purpose of accident and incident prevention which includes the gathering and analysis of information, the drawing of conclusions, including the determination of causes and, when appropriate, the making of safety recommendations.
enquteur principal
Untersuchungsbeauftragter A person responsible for the organisation, conduct and control of an investigation.
eine Person, die fr die Organisation, Directive 2004/49/EC Railway Durchfhrung und Beaufsichtigung einer Safety Directive amending Untersuchung zustndig ist. 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC Council Regulation (EEC) 1108/70 introducing an accounting system for expenditure on infrastructure in respect of transport by rail, road and inland waterway Commission Regulation (EEC) 2598/70 specifying the items to be included under the various headings in the forms of accounts shown in Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1108/70 of 4 June 1970
Investment expenditure
dpenses d'investissement
Expenditure on new construction, Dpenses de construction nouvelle, extension, reconstruction and renewals. d'extension, de reconstruction et de renouvellement.
dpenses d'investissement
The total expenditure (in respect of staff, and goods and services provided by third parties) in connection with the construction, extension, reconstruction and renewal of infrastructure installations, including incidental expenses and research costs connected with such work. This definition does not, however, preclude entry pursuant to provisions of national law of certain minor investment expenditure under the heading Current expenditure.
Les dpenses d'investissement comprennent l'ensemble des dpenses (de personnel, de matires et de prestations de tiers) relatives la construction nouvelle, l'extension, la reconstruction et au renouvellement d'installations d'infrastructure, y compris les frais accessoires et les frais d'tude lis ces travaux. Toutefois, cette dfinition ne fait pas obstacle la comptabilisation, en application de dispositions nationales, de certaines dpenses d'investissement de faible importance la position Dpenses courantes.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Expenditure on new construction and extension of existing infrastructure, including reconstruction, renewal and major repairs of infrastructure. Infrastructure includes land, permanent way constructions, buildings, bridges and tunnels, as well as immovable fixtures, fittings and installations connected with them (signalling, telecommunications, catenaries, electricity sub-stations, etc.) as opposed to rolling stock.
German Definition
Expenditure for purchase of the new railway vehicles. A document from the entity which intends to order the design, construction, renewal or upgrade of Rolling Stock. The invitation to tender is dated and published in accordance with EU legislation and addressed to potential contractors. The invitation to tender contains requirements and objectives, of technical, financial and planning nature.
Glossary for Transport Statistics Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
invitation to tender
A document from the entity which intends to order the design, construction, renewal or upgrade of rolling stock. The invitation to tender is dated and published in accordance with EU legislation and addressed to potential contractors. The invitation to tender contains requirements and objectives, of technical, financial and planning nature.
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
ISO 190011
ISO 9000
ISO 9001
Provides guidance on auditing quality and environmental management systems. Describes fundamentals of quality management systems and specifies the terminology for quality management systems. Specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide products that fulfil customer and applicable regulatory requirements and aims to enhance customer satisfaction.
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Provides guidelines that consider both the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality management system. The aim of this standard is improvement of the performance of the organization and satisfaction of customers and other interested parties. Cargo carrying equipment with the standardized footprint of 400 x 600 mm. A discrete track geometry fault.
German Definition
isolated defect
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Un tat local de la gomtrie de la voie ncessitant des prcautions en termes de maintenance. Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
isolated defects
dfauts isols
Means an undertaking selling the ticket and receiving payment. May be a carrier and/or a distributor. The issuer is the undertaking indicated on the ticket with its code and possibly its logo. Any part, component, device, subsystem, functional unit, equipment or system that can be individually considered. Any part, component, device, subsystem, functional unit, equipment or system that can be individually considered. A number of items e.g. a population of items, or a sample, may itsel f be considered as an item. Record of the individually identified items together with location.
CMW Glossary
item register
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Parties to a JPIP Except to the extent that it is agreed otherwise under Condition LA7.1, Network Rail and each Access Party shall agree a JPIP which covers all the parts of the Network over which that Access Party has rights of access. This does not preclude a JPIP being agreed between Network Rail and more than one Access Party. Period Each JPIP shall specify the period to which it relates. It is anticipated that elements of a JPIP may relate to differing periods, reflecting the short, medium or long term nature of the plans concerned. Contents of a JPIP A JPIP shall contain such matters as are agreed between the JPIP Parties as being designed to achieve the Performance Objectives for the period covered by that JPIP, including: (a) performance metrics to be used for reporting on performance, the information to be provided by each party to the other for the purpose of such reporting, the format for regular The individual JPP shall include at least a Joint Performance Review between Network Rail and that Access Party each Reporting Period during the term of each relevant Access Agreement between them. It may also provide for more frequent review meetings and less frequent planning or strategic meetings. Notwithstanding the process, either Network Rail or that Access Party may require a Joint Performance Review to be held at any time by giving at least 14 days written notice to the other with a proposed agenda of items to be considered. The individual JPP may provide for JPRs to be held either in whole or in part between Network Rail and two or more other Access Parties where those Access Parties are all reasonably likely to be materially affected by the matters to be addressed.
German Definition
English Definition The body bringing together representatives of the infrastructure managers, railway companies and industry which is responsible for drawing up TSIs. 'Infrastructure managers` means those referred to in Articles 3 and 7 of Directive 91/440/EEC.
French Definition L'organisme runissant des reprsentants des gestionnaires de l'infrastructure, des entreprises ferroviaires et de l'industrie, charg d'laborer les STI. On entend par gestionnaires de l'infrastructure ceux viss aux articles 3 et 7 de la directive 91/440/CEE. L'organisme runissant des reprsentants des gestionnaires de l'infrastructure, des entreprises ferroviaires et de l'industrie, charg d'laborer les STI.
German Definition das mit der Ausarbeitung der TSI beauftragte Gremium, in dem die Betreiber der Infrastruktur, die Eisenbahnunternehmen und die Industrie vertreten sind. Der Ausdruck "Betreiber der Infrastruktur" bezeichnet die in den Artikeln 3 und 7 der Richtlinie 91/440/EWG genannten Betreiber. das mit der Ausarbeitung der TSI beauftragte Gremium, in dem die Betreiber der Infrastruktur, die Eisenbahnunternehmen und die Industrie vertreten sind. Der Ausdruck "Betreiber der Infrastruktur" bezeichnet die in den Artikeln 3 und 7 der Richtlinie 91/440/EWG genannten Betreiber.
Source Document Directive 96/48/EC on the interoperability of the TransEuropean high-speed rail system
gemeinsames Gremium
Body bringing together representatives of the infrastructure managers, railway companies and industry which is responsible for drawing up the TSIs.
A track circuit that uses an AC audio frequency current, so that the working length is limited by the capacitive and inductive track characteristics without a need for insulated rail joints. Unit of measurement of energy consumption: 1 terajoule = 10^12 J = 2.78 x 10^5 kWh, 1 terajoule = 23.88459 TOE. parcours Fahrt A journey denotes the spatial forwarding of a loaded or empty wagon from the forwarding station to the destination station. Reprsentation spatiale ou temporelle de l'expdition d'un wagon vide ou charg depuis une gare d'expdition une gare de destination.
Eine Fahrt bezeichnet die Befrderung Commission Regulation eines beladenen oder leeren Wagens 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI vom Abfahrtsbahnhof zum Zielbahnhof. relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary
Means the movement of a passenger (or more passengers travelling together) from a location A to a location B. Means an IT system able to propose journey solutions. A journey solution is a set of one or more commercial transport services answering at least the question "How can I go from location A to location B at a given departure/arrival date and time?". The question could contain more complex additional criteria, such as "in the fastest way", "in the cheapest way", "with no changes", etc. The passenger can build the journey solutions by him/herself, consulting different information sources, or the solution can be offered to him/her by a journey planner.
journey planner
English Definition Is the part of the journey which takes place on one infrastructure sector of an infrastructure manager, or part of the journey from the entry handover point to the exit handover point of the infrastructure of one infrastructure manager.
French Definition Partie du parcours qui se droule sur un secteur d'infrastructure d'un gestionnaire d'infrastructure ou partie du parcours depuis un point de transfert d'entre un point de transfert de sortie de l'infrastructure d'un gestionnaire d'infrastructure.
German Definition Der Teil einer Fahrt, der auf dem Infrastrukturabschnitt eines Infrastrukturbetreibers stattfindet, oder der Teil einer Fahrt, der vom bernahmepunkt bis zum bergabepunkt auf der Infrastruktur eines Infrastrukturbetreibers verluft.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
JPIP Party
Network Rail or any Access Party with whom a JPIP has from time to time been agreed and 'JPIP Parties' means both of them. This word, or the adjective OPTIONAL, means that an item is truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the item because a particular marketplace requires it or because the vendor feels that it enhances the product while another vendor may omit the same item. An implementation which does not include a particular option MUST be prepared to interoperate with another implementation which does include the option, though perhaps with reduced functionality. In the same vein an implementation which does include a particular option. MUST be prepared to interoperate with another implementation which does not include the option (except, of course, for the feature the option provides).
Ce terme ou l'adjectif FACULTATIF signifie qu'un lment est facultatif. Un fournisseur peut choisir d'inclure l'lment vis pour rpondre aux besoins d'un march particulier ou parce qu'il considre que cet lment apporte un avantage au produit, mme s'il est admis qu'un autre fournisseur peut l'omettre. Une application qui ne comprend pas d'option particulire DOIT tre conue de manire interoprer avec une autre application qui inclut cet lment facultatif, mme si cela s'accompagne d'une rduction probable de sa fonctionnalit. dans le mme ordre d'ide, une application qui ne comprend pas d'option particulire DOIT tre conue de manire interoprer avec une autre application qui n'inclut pas cet lment facultatif (sauf bien entendu pour ce qui concerne la fonctionnalit induite par l'option correspondante).
Dieses Wort oder das Adjektiv OPTIONAL gibt an, dass ein Element wirklich optional ist. Ein Anbieter kann sich mglicherweise entschlieen, das Element mit aufzunehmen, weil es auf einem bestimmten Markt bentigt wird oder weil es nach Meinung des Anbieters das Gesamtprodukt verbessert. Eine Implementierung, die eine bestimmte Option nicht enthlt, MUSS so vorbereitet sein, dass sie mit jeder anderen Implementierung, die die betreffende Option enthlt, zusammenarbeiten kann, wenn auch vielleicht mit eingeschrnkter Funktionalitt. Dementsprechend MUSS eine Implementierung, die eine bestimmte Option enthlt, so vorbereitet sein, dass sie mit jeder anderen Implementierung, die die betreffende Option nicht enthlt, zusammenarbeiten kann (ausgenommen natrlich die Funktion, die von der Option bereitgestellt wird).
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
An arrangement of tracks and turnouts in which a line is joined by another one. Developed in Japan, a tool for managing the supply chain in order to minimize overall costs by implementing the stockless (Just-In-Time) manufacturing philosophy. Major aspects of the system: self-controlling cycles, short-cycle manufacturing, pick-up principle, shortterm supply chain management via a simple data carrier (Kanban card) including all the information relating to an order. "Kanban" (Japanese) = card, placard".
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The person or entity that, being the owner of a vehicle or having the right to use it, exploits the vehicle as a means of transport and is registered as such in the National Vehicle Register (NVR) referred to in Article 33 of Directive 2008/57/EC. The person, who being the owner or having the right to dispose of it, exploits a vehicle economically in a permanent manner as a means of transport and is registered as such in the Rolling Stock Register. Personne qui exploite conomiquement, de manire durable, un vhicule en tant que moyen de transport, qu'il en soit propritaire ou qu'il en ait le droit de disposition, et qui est inscrite en tant que telle dans le registre du matriel roulant.
German Definition
Die Person, die als Halter oder Verfgungsberechtigter ein Fahrzeug permanent wirtschaftlich als Transportmittel nutzt und als solcher im Fahrzeugregister eingetragen ist.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
the person or entity that, being the owner of a vehicle or having the right to use it, exploits the vehicle as a means of transport and is registered as such in the National Vehicle Register (NVR) provided for in Article 33 of Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast);. dtenteur Halter The person or entity that, being the owner of a vehicle or having the right to use it, exploits the vehicle as a means of transport and is registered as such in the national vehicle register referred to in Article 33. The person or entity that, being the owner of a vehicle or having the right to use it, exploits the vehicle as a means of transport and is registered as such in the national vehicle register. A vehicle keeper is the party, who being the owner or having the right to use it, exploits a vehicle economically in a permanent manner as a means of transport and is registered as such in the Rolling Stock Register. The person, who being the owner or having the right to dispose of it, exploits a vehicle economically in a permanent manner as a means of transport and is registered as such in the Rolling Stock Register. personne ou entit propritaire du vhicule ou ayant un droit de disposition sur celui-ci, qui exploite ledit vhicule titre de moyen de transport et est inscrite en tant que telle au registre national des vhicules vis l'article 33.
Directive 2008/110/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 amending Directive 2004/49/EC on safety on the Communitys railways (Railway Safety Directive)
die Person oder Stelle, die als Directive 2008/57/EC on the Eigentmer oder Verfgungsberechtigter interoperability of the rail system ein Fahrzeug als Befrderungsmittel within the Community nutzt und als solcher im nationalen Fahrzeugregister gem Artikel 33 registriert ist. Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
German Term
English Definition This covers the furthest positions in relation to the centres of the normal coordinates likely to be taken by various parts of rolling stock, taking into account the most unfavourable positions of the axles on the track, the lateral play and quasi-static movements attributable to the rolling stock and to the track.
French Definition Il couvre les positions les plus loignes des centres de coordonnes normales susceptibles d'tre atteintes par les diffrentes parties du matriel roulant, en prenant en considration les positions les plus dfavorables des essieux sur les voies, le jeu latral et les mouvements quasi-statiques attribuables au matriel roulant et la voie.
German Definition
Source Document Commission Decision 2006/861/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem rolling stock - freight wagons of the trans-European conventional rail system
The outside dimensions of this vehicle considering its maximum possible movement. Railway Interoperability Regulations for Conventional Traffic (Regulations governing the interoperability of the trans-European conventional railway system and constituting transposition of European Directive 2001/16/EC into German law). Group Code of Practice (DB AG). Affixing of labels containing logistics and/or product information. A track that provides access to a series of parallel tracks. Lines equipped for high-speed trains Lignes Amnages pour la Grande Reference speed > 160 km/h and < or = Vitesse 220 km/h. Vitesse de rfrence > 160 km/h et < ou = 220 km/h. Container complying with International Conteneur rpondant aux specifications Railway Union (UIC) specifications, for dictes par lUnion Internationale des use in rail-road combined transport. Chemins de Fer (UIC), conu pour tre utilis en transport combin rail-route.
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST DB Netz AG - Network Statement
KoRil labelling
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009
land container
conteneur terrestre
Container fr die Verwendung im kombinierten Verkehr Schiene/Strae, der den Bedingungen des Internationalen Eisenbahnverbandes (UIC) entspricht.
large containers
It means containers with an internal volume of more than 3 cubic metres and a length of 6 metres (20 feet) and over.
Uniform rules concerning the contract for international carriage of goods by rail (CIM); Appendix B to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) of 9 May 1980 EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
latent fault
English Definition Responsible RU, which organises and manages the transport line according to the customer's commitment. It is the single point of contact for the customer. If more than one Railway Undertaking is involved in the transport chain, the LRU is responsible for the coordination of the various Railway Undertakings. A customer may be especially for intermodal transport an intermodal service integrator.
French Definition EF responsable de l'organisation et de la gestion d'une ligne de transport conformment ses engagements vis-vis du client, dont elle est le seul interlocuteur. Si la chane de transport implique plusieurs entreprises ferroviaires, l'EFP est galement charge de la coordination entre elles. Un client peut tre, notamment pour le transport intermodal, un intgrateur de services intermodaux.
German Definition Verantwortliches EVU, das die Transportstrecke gem Verpflichtung gegenber dem Kunden organisiert und managt. Das FEVU ist die einzige Kontaktstelle fr den Kunden. Wenn mehrere EVU an der Transportkette beteiligt sind, ist das FEVU auch fr die Koordination der diversen EVU zustndig. Ein Kunde kann speziell fr den Intermodaltransport ein Intermodaldienstintegrator sein.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
legal requirement
(For the purpose of the definition of Change of Law), in relation to any person, any of the following: (a) Any enactment to the extent that it applies to that person; (b) any regulation made by the Council or the Commission of the European Union to the extent that it applies to that person or a decision taken by the said Commission which is binding on that person to the extent that it is so binding; and (c) any interpretation of law, or finding, contained in any judgment given by a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction in respect of which the period for making an appeal has expired which Requires any legal requirement falling within paragraphs (a) or (b) above to have effect in a way which is different to that in which it previously had effect. Network Traffic-Regulation Control System for the Customer. The total length of line operated for passenger transport, goods transport, or for both. (When a line is operated simultaneously by several railway bodies it will be counted only once). Length over all vehicles including locomotive(s) over buffers. An intersection at the same elevation of Une intersection une hauteur gale a road and one or more rail tracks. entre une route et une ou plusieurs voies.
OPE glossary Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
level crossing
An intersection at the same elevation of a road and one or more rail tracks. Page 176 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Any level intersection between the railway and a passage, as recognised by the infrastructure manager and open to public or private users. Passages between platforms within stations are excluded, as well as passages over tracks for the sole use of employees. Any place where a railway crosses on a level a highway or other road or passageway, whether or not there is public access to such land. Accidents at level crossings involving at least one railway vehicle and one or more crossing vehicles, other crossing users such as pedestrians or other objects temporarily present on or near the track if lost by a crossing vehicle/user. All persons using a level crossing to cross the railway line by any mean of transportation or by foot. A level crossing where the crossing protection and/or warning are activated by the approaching train. A level crossing where protection and/or warning is manually activated and there is not an interlocked railway signal showing, to the train, a running aspect only when protection and/or warning of level crossing are activated.
German Definition
level crossing
United Kingdom - The Railways (Accident Investigation and Reporting) Regulations 2005 Recommendations to revise Annex 1 to Directive 2004/49
Recommendations to revise Annex 1 to Directive 2004/49 Recommendations to revise Annex 1 to Directive 2004/49 Recommendations to revise Annex 1 to Directive 2004/49
level crossing with crossing user side automatic protection and/or warning level crossing with crossing user side manual protection and/or warning
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The level of Maintenance defines the complexity of activities (inspections, checks, tests, preventive and corrective operations, repairs, exchanges etc.) which are undertaken during the maintenance process. It may be divided in 5 levels: The first level includes the actions of checking and monitoring undertaken before the departure (pre-departure) or en route. The second level includes inspections, checks, tests, fast exchanges of replaceable units and preventative and corrective operations of limited duration between two scheduled journeys. The third level corresponds to the operations carried out mainly in specialised facilities of a maintenance centre. It includes interventions of preventative and corrective maintenance and scheduled exchanges of components. The vehicle is not in active service during this level of maintenance. The fourth level comprises the major maintenance operations, generally called overhauls (of modular subsystems or of the complete vehicle). The fifth level comprises the refurbishment, modifications, very heavy repairs, renewal or upgrading, except where they are the subject to authorisation under the interoperability directives (2001/16 and 96/48).
German Definition
Has the meaning ascribed to it, if any, in the relevant Access Agreement. Has the meaning ascribed to if, if any, in the relevant Access Agreement. The sequence in which the levers have to be operated to line up a route on an interlocking machine with cascade locking. An employee who operates an interlocking machine (lever frame) under supervision of a train director. licence Fahrerlaubnis, Document demonstrating that the driver satisfies minimum conditions as regards medical requirements, basic education and general professional skills. Page 178 of 451 Document attestant que le conducteur remplit des conditions minimales en matire dexigences mdicales, de scolarit de base et de comptences professionnelles gnrales. Ein Dokument, aus dem hervorgeht, dass der Triebfahrzeugfhrer die Mindestvoraussetzungen in Bezug auf medizinische Anforderungen, Grundausbildung und allgemeine berufliche Kenntnisse erfllt.
lever sequence
Directive 2007/59/EC on the certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community
English Definition An authorization issued by a Member State to an undertaking, by which its capacity as a railway undertaking is recognized. That capacity may be limited to the provision of specific types of services.
French Definition Une autorisation accorde par l'tat membre une entreprise laquelle la qualit d'entreprise ferroviaire est reconnue. Cette qualit peut tre limite l'exploitation de certains types de services de transport.
German Definition Source Document eine Genehmigung, die ein Mitgliedstaat Directive 95/18/EC On the einem Unternehmen erteilt und damit licencing of railway undertakings dessen Eigenschaft als Eisenbahnunternehmen anerkennt. Diese Eigenschaft kann auf bestimmte Arten von Verkehrsleistungen begrenzt werden.
The authorization issued by a Member State to an undertaking, by which its capacity as a railway undertaking is recognized. That capacity may be limited to the provision of specific types of services.
L'attestation par laquelle une entreprise est reconnue par l'autorit comptente d'un Etat membre de l'Union europenne comme entreprise ferroviaire pour les fournitures de services de transport ferroviaire qui y sont mentionnes.
An authorisation which: (a) is issued by the Minister to a railway undertaking, (b) subject to any limitations as to the specific services that may be provided, recognises the undertaking's capacity as a railway undertaking,. The persons who hold Licences. the holder of a licence.
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 537-2003 European Communities (Licensing of Railway Undertakings) Regulations, 2003
Railway Group Standards Code Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 537-2003 European Communities (Licensing of Railway Undertakings) Regulations, 2003 L'organisme charg par l'tat membre de die Stelle, die von dem Mitgliedstaat mit Directive 95/18/EC On the dlivrer les licences. der Erteilung von Genehmigungen licencing of railway undertakings beauftragt ist. Network Rail - 2009 Network Statement
Licensing authority
The body charged by a Member State with the issue of licences. The Railway (Licensing of Railway Undertakings) Regulations 2005, a statutory instrument implementing various EU Directives, available at 0053050_en.pdf.
licensing regulations
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Time interval that commences with the initiation of the concept and terminates with the disposal of the item. The additional series of activities carried out in conjunction with the system life cycle for safety related systems [EN 50129: 2003; Railway applications Communication, signalling and processing systems - Safety related electronic systems for signaling - 3.1.52] The activities occurring during a period of time that starts when a system is conceived and end when the system is no longer available for use, is decommissioned and is disposed. [EN 50126:1999 - 3.41].
German Definition
life cycle
Time interval that commences with the initiation of the concept and terminates with the disposal of the item. The additional series of activities carried out in conjunction with the system life cycle for safety related systems. The activities occurring during a period of time that starts when a system is conceived and end when the system is no longer available for use, is decommissioned and is disposed. All of the costs generated during the life cycle of the item. For a user or an owner, the total life cycle cost may include costs pertaining to acquisition, operation, maintenance and disposal. LO-LO lift-on-lift-off (LO-LO) Loading and unloading of intermodal transport units (ITU) using lifting equipment. Represents all measures carried out on the complete vehicle subsystem and replacement works (including related measurements and testing). A place at which services are provided where locomotives or other rolling stock are refuelled, cleaned externally or receive regular servicing at intervals of twelve months or less. Embarquement ou dbarquement dUnits de Transport Intermodal (UTI) faisant appel un quipement de levage.
lift-on-lift-off (LO-LO)
Auf- oder Abladen von Intermodalen Terminology on combined Transport-Einheiten (ITE) mit Bentzung transport eines Hebezeuges. CMW Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A railway for the transport of passengers that often uses electrically powered railborne cars operating singly or in short trains on fixed duo-rail lines. Stations/stops generally have a distance between them of less than 1 200 m. (In comparison to metros, light rail is more lightly constructed, is designed for lower traffic volumes and usually travels at lower speeds. It is sometimes difficult to make a precise distinction between light rail and trams; trams are generally not separated from road traffic, whereas light rail may be separated from other systems).
German Definition
light rail
A railway for the transport of passengers that often uses electrically powered railborne cars operating singly or in short trains on fixed duo-rail lines. There is generally a distance of less than 1 200 m between stations/stops. In comparison to metros, light rail is more lightly constructed, is designed for lower traffic volumes and usually travels at lower speeds. It is sometimes difficult to make a precise distinction between light rail and trams; trams are generally not separated from road traffic, whereas light rail may be separated from other systems.
Chemin de fer pour le transport de voyageurs utilisant frquemment des voitures propulsion lectrique roulant sur rails, isolment ou en train de courte longueur sur des lignes ferroviaires fixes doubles. La distance de parcours est gnralement de moins de 1 200 m entre les stations/arrts. Compars au mtro, les semi-mtros sont des systmes lgers conus pour des volumes de trafic plus faibles et circulant des vitesses moins leves. Il est parfois difficile de distinguer avec prcision les tramways des semimtros les tramways sont gnralement intgrs au trafic routier alors que les semi-mtros peuvent tre spars des autres systmes.
Eisenbahnen fr die Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the Personenbefrderung auf festen European Parliament and of the Doppelgleisen, hufig mit elektrisch Council of 16 December 2002 on angetriebenen Schienenwagen, die rail transport statistic entweder als Einzelwagen oder als Kurzzge betrieben werden. Die Bahnhfe/Haltepunkte liegen im Allgemeinen weniger als 1 200 Meter voneinander entfernt. Stadt- und SBahnen sind im Vergleich zu Untergrundbahnen leichter gebaut, fr ein geringeres Verkehrsaufkommen ausgelegt und fahren normalerweise mit niedrigeren Geschwindigkeiten. Manchmal ist eine eindeutige Unterscheidung zwischen Stadt-/SBahnen und Straenbahnen icht ohne weiteres mglich. Straenbahnen fahren im Allgemeinen nicht vom Straenverkehr getrennt, whrend Stadt/S-Bahnen getrennt von anderen Verkehrssystemen betrieben werden knnen.
light running
Tractive railway vehicle with a power of less than 110 kW at the draw hook. Normally used for shunting or for work trains and short-distance or low-tonnage terminal services. Designates a train made up exclusively Circulation compose exclusivement of one or more traction units. d'un ou de plusiers engins de traction. A signal in which the aspects are given by the color and/or position of lights.
RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009 IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
light signal
English Definition The maximum sum of money payable by a carrier to a shipper for any damage or loss to the cargo for which the carrier is liable under the contract of carriage. The amount of the limitation is determined by agreement or by law.
French Definition Le montant maximum dargent quun transporteur peut payer un chargeur pour tout dommage ou perte survenus la marchandise pour laquelle le transporteur est responsable selon les termes du contrat de transport. La limite est fixe soit par un commun accord, soit par la loi.
German Definition Der maximale Geldbetrag, den ein Frachtfhrer an einen Verlader fr etwaige Beschdigungen oder den Verlust der Waren zahlen muss, vorausgesetzt da der Frachtfhrer gem dem Frachtvertrag haftet. Die Hhe der Haftungsobergrenze wird einvernehmlich festgelegt oder durch Gesetz bestimmt.
One or more adjacent running tracks forming a route between two points. Where a section of network comprises two or more lines running alongside one another, there are as many lines as routes to which tracks are allotted exclusively. The result of the classification process set out in EN 15528:2008, representing the ability of the infrastructure to withstand the vertical loads imposed by vehicles on the line or section of line for regular service. The headway that results from the blocking time stairways of two successive trains. The length measured in kilometres of the railway network in Member States. For multiple track railway lines the distance between origin and destination is to be counted only. Represents all measures carried out on the complete vehicle subsystem and replacement works (including related measurements and testing). Position in an organization where specified levels of maintenance are to be carried out on an item. Note 1: Examples of line of maintenance are: field, repair shop, manufacturer. Note 2: The lines of maintenance are characterized by the skill of the personnel, the facilities available, the location, etc. Note 3: The levels of maintenance are characterized by the complexity of the maintenance task.
line category
line headway
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Recommendations to revise Annex 1 to Directive 2004/49
line km
line maintenance
CMW Glossary
line of maintenance
CMW Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Position in an organization where specified levels of maintenance are to be carried out on an item. Examples of line of maintenance are: field, repair shop, manufacturer. The lines of maintenance are characterized by the skill of the personnel, the facilities available, the location, etc. The levels of maintenance are characterized by the complexity of the maintenance task.
German Definition
line speed
Maximum speed for which a line or a section of a line has been designed. Maximum speed measured in kilometres per hour for which a line has been designed. Profile in relation to the axes of coordinates normal to the track, inside which no structure must penetrate despite elastic or non-elastic track movements. In relation to an access agreement, means a licence of which the holder is: (a) the facility owner, or installation owner, who is a party to the agreement; or (b) a person other than that owner who has an estate or interest in the railway facility or network installation to which the agreement relates or who has a right over it. Light hydrocarbons of the paraffin series which are derived solely from the distillation of crude oil. The LPG comprise propane and butane or a mixture of these two hydrocarbons. They can be liquefied under low pressure (5-10 atmospheres). In the liquid state and at a temperature of 38oC they have a relative vapour pressure less than or equal to 24.5 bars. Their specific gravity ranges from 0.50 to 0.58.
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Glossary for Energy TSI
line speed
Contour lis aux axes des coordonnes normales de la voie, au sein duquel aucun ouvrage ne doit pntrer quelque soient les mouvements de la voie, lastiques ou non.
Commission Decision 2006/861/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem rolling stock - freight wagons of the trans-European conventional rail system United Kingdom - Railways Act 2005
linked licence
German Term
English Definition A book of forms that describes the sequence of action to be taken by the Infrastructure Manager's staff and the Railway Undertaking's staff when moving trains in degraded situations. Each separate activity requires a separate form. The Livret de Formulaires is prepared in the languages of both the Infrastructure Manager and the Railway Undertaking and the relevant Infrastructure Manager's and Railway Undertaking's staff holds copies.
French Definition German Definition Recueil de formulaires dcrivant la srie de mesures prendre par le personnel du gestionnaire d'infrastructure et par celui de l'entreprise ferroviaire lorsqu'ils dplacent des trains en situation dgrade. Chaque activit particulire ncessite un formulaire spar. Le livret de formulaires est rdig dans les langues du gestionnaire d'infrastructure et de l'entreprise ferroviaire; le personnel des gestionnaires d'infrastructure et des entreprises ferroviaires concern en dtient des exemplaires.
Source Document Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
loading instruction
Instruction issued for loading a transport unit to ensure optimized use of loading space and facilitate unloading if there are several unloading points. Handling unit (carton, box, GLT, KLT, mixed pallet, etc) built by the consignor and which must not be split up during transport. Container or swap body. Conteneur ou caisse mobile. In relation to a Train Operator, means the statement of Network Rails Local Output Commitment to that Train Operator, given by Network Rail. When a LOC Suspension Notice may be given The Office of Rail Regulation may give a LOC Suspension Notice in relation to any Local Output Commitment, any variation by agreement between Network Rail and the Train Operator, on Reasonable Grounds, or any revision issued follwing an appeal, if: (a) it has consulted with Network Rail, the relevant Train Operator and the Secretary of State on the Local Output Commitment, the variation or the revision; and (b) it reasonably believes that allowing the Local Output Commitment, the variation or the revision to become effective is likely to result in Network Rail committing to Excess Aggregate Local Outputs. Content of LOC Suspension Notice A LOC Suspension Notice shall state that the Local Output Commitment or the variation or the revision in question shall not become effective, to the extent (including as to time) specified in the Page 184 451 LOC Suspension Notice, unless andof until: (a) the Office of Rail Regulation issues a
loading unit
unit de chargement
English Term
French Term
German Term
A LOC Suspension Notice shall state that the Local Output Commitment or the variation or the revision in question shall not become effective, to the extent (including as to time) specified in the LOC Suspension Notice, unless and until: French Definition English Definition (a) the Office of Rail Regulation issues a further notice confirming that the Local Output Commitment, variation or revision may become effective; and/or (b) any Local Output is reduced to a level specified by the Office of Rail Regulation in the LOC Suspension Notice; and/or (c) Network Rail takes the steps specified in the LOC Suspension Notice to Establish the Local Output Commitment on revised terms. Timing of LOC Suspension Notice A LOC Suspension Notice may only be given: (a) in relation to a Local Output Commitment, on or before 30 April in the Relevant Year to which it relates; and (b) in relation to a revision or a variation to a Local Output Commitment, within 42 days of the Office of Rail Regulation receiving notification. Effect of LOC Suspension Notice If the Office of Rail Regulation gives a LOC Suspension Notice, the Local Output Commitment, the variation or the revision to which the notice relates shall not become effective until the requirements of the LOC Suspension Notice are complied with. Mandatory variations The power of the Office of Rail Regulation to give a LOC Suspension Notice is in addition to its power to require mandatory variations to a Local Output Commitment.
German Definition
Source Document
Spatially delimited data communication system owned by a single organisation, allowing unrestricted flow of information between the connected parties. Used for office communications, company-internal data collection, automation. A Class A Local Output and/or a Class B Local Output.
local output
French Term
German Term
locked door
porte verrouille
English Definition French Definition A Local Output Commitment is an obligation, Established under this Part L, owed by Network Rail to a Train Operator, and concerning: (a) operational performance; or (b) the capability or quality of the Network or other matters. A door held closed by a mechanical door Porte maintenue ferme par un locking device. dispositif mcanique de verrouillage.
German Definition
Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
locking frame
A mechanical locking system that effects the interlocking between the levers of a mechanical, electric or electropneumatic interlocking machine. Another term for a locking table. A tabular sheet that contains all interlocking dependencies of an interlocking. Unique identification number of a traction unit.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Numro d'identification unique d'un engin de traction. Eindeutige Kennung eines Triebfahrzeugs. Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary Vhicule de traction qui nest pas capable de transporter une charge utile, qui peut tre dsaccoupl dun train en exploitation normale et qui peut fonctionner de manire indpendante. Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
loco ID
Unique identification number of a traction unit. A traction vehicle that is not capable of carrying a payload and has the ability to uncouple in normal operation from a train and operate independently.
A traction vehicle that is not intended to carry a payload and has the ability to uncouple in normal operation from a train and operate independently. Tractive railway vehicle with a power of 110 kW and above at the draw hook equipped with prime mover and motor or with motor only used for hauling railway vehicles. (Light rail motor tractors are excluded).
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Glossary for Transport Statistics
A traction vehicle that is not intended to carry a payload and has the ability to uncouple in normal operation from a train and operate independently.
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
English Definition Geographical grouping of independent companies and bodies which are dealing with freight transport (for example, freight forwarders, shippers, transport operators, customs) and with accompanying services (for example, storage, maintenance and repair), including at least a terminal.
French Definition Concentration gographique dorganismes et dentreprises indpendants, traitant de transport de marchandises (par exemple, commissionnaires de transport, expditeurs, oprateurs de transport, douane) et de services auxiliaires (par exemple, entreposage, entretien et rparation), comprenant au moins un terminal.
German Definition Rumliche Zusammenfassung selbstndiger Unternehmen, die im Gterverkehr (zum Beispiel Spediteure, Versender, Frachtfhrer, Zoll) und in ergnzenden Dienstleistungen (zum Beispiel Lagerung, Wartung und Reparatur) ttig sind, und in der sich mindestens ein Terminal befindet.
logistic day
Accumulated time during which maintenance cannot be carried out due to the necessity to acquire maintenance resources, excl uding any administrative delay. Logistic delays can be, for example, due to travelling to unattended installations, pending arrival of spare parts, specialists, test equipment and information and unsuitable environmental conditions.
logistic support
The overall resources which are arranged and organised in order to operate and maintain the system at the specified availability level at the required lifecycle cost. logistique Logistik The process of designing and managing the supply chain in the wider sense. The chain can extend from the delivery of supplies for manufacturing, through the management of materials at the plant, delivery to warehouses and distribution centres, sorting, handling, packaging and final distribution to point of consumption. Le processus de conception et de gestion de la chane dapprovisionnement dans le sens le plus large. Cette chane peut comprendre la fourniture des matires premires ncessaires la fabrication, en passant par la gestion des matriaux sur le lieu de fabrication, la livraison aux entrepts et aux centres de distribution, le tri, la manutention, le conditionnement et la distribution finale au lieu de consommation.
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) Die Organisation und berwachung des Terminology on combined Warenflusses im weitesten Sinn. Das transport kann sowohl die Lieferung von Waren fr die Verarbeitung umfassen, als auch die Materialverwaltung innerhalb des Betriebs, die Lieferung zu Lagerhusern und Verteilzentren, die Sortierung, Handhabung, Verpackung und Endverteilung zum Ort des Verbrauchs.
logistics center
Premises where all LCL consignment transport logistics services, such as transshipment of goods, and various other services, such as weighing, customs procedures, etc., are carried out. At present, there are 18 Austrian logistics centers, four of which are multifunctional logistics centers. Vehicle fleet, warehouse, packaging, palletizing, etc. Page 187 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Freight charges, customs, insurance, rent, imputed interest and depreciation allowance (data supplied to cost center and job order cost accounting). Available from the IM. Another term for a passing siding. This term is mainly used outside of North America. A measure of harm. Ils peuvent tre acquis auprs du GI.
German Definition
profils en long
Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009 IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Eisenbahnwaggon mit tiefliegender Ladeflche unter anderem fr die Befrderung von ITE. Terminology on combined transport Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009 DB Netz AG - Network Statement Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
wagon surbaiss
A rail wagon with a low loading platform Wagon dont le plan de chargement est built to carry, inter alia, ITUs. surbaiss, notamment pour lacheminement des UTI. Train Service Booklet. Livret du Service des Trains. Continuous automatic train control system in Germany. Brake system used during operation for service and emergency braking.
The rail network in Great Britain which Network Rail owns and operates. Ownership may in this context include a lease or other property right. Where Network Rail owns network (e.g. in a freight depot), but has leased it to another party (e.g. a freight operating company), who manages that network, then the other party will be the operator and the facility is no longer part of the main rail network. A locked route for the safe passage of a train through an interlocking. A signal that governs train movements. This term is used by some railroads outside of North America to distinguish these signals from shunt signals. a signal controlling trains en route along a running line. Between stations, track assigned to the Entre les gares, voie affecte aux arrts running of trains comprising and, in en cours de route des trains de fret. stations, track assigned to the reception or departure of passenger trains as well as some tracks for internal train movements. Tracks used for running trains in service. The term excludes sidings, depots, stabling tracks and connecting lines. Page 188 of 451
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
main tracks
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The tracks that may be used for regular train movements. An application for: (a) a safety certificate or an amended safety certificate; or (b) a safety authorisation or an amended safety authorisation, made in relation to an operation on the mainline railway. The mainline railway and the management and operation of the mainline railway as a whole. The probability that a given active maintenance action, for an item under given conditions of use can be carried out within a stated time interval when the maintenance is performed under stated conditions and using stated procedures and resources. the probability that a given active maintenance action, for an item under given conditions of use can be carried out within a stated time interval when the maintenance is performed under stated conditions and using stated procedures and resources. A person who maintains, repairs or renews railway property or constructs new works in relation to railway property. A description of the inter-relationship between the maintenance echelons, the indenture levels and the levels of maintenance to be applied for the maintenance of an item. Combination of all technical, administrative and managerial actions during the life cycle of an item intended to retain it in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform the required function. Activities which restore or upgrade a vehicle or component to a state in which it can perform its required function, ensuring continued integrity of safety systems, and compliance with applicable Standards and appropriate maintenance file or upgrading specification. [Proposed by ERA: CMW Preliminary draft of the final report and recommendation].
German Definition
Source Document IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006 EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
United Kingdom - The Railways (Accident Investigation and Reporting) Regulations 2005 EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) CMW Glossary
mainteance policy
English Definition The procedures, associated equipment, logistics centres for maintenance work and reserves allowing the mandatory corrective and preventive maintenance to ensure the interoperability of the rail system and guarantee the performance required.
French Definition Les procdures, les quipements associs, les installations logistiques d'entretien, les rserves permettant d'assurer les oprations d'entretien correctif et prventif caractre obligatoire prvues pour assurer l'interoprabilit du systme ferroviaire et garantir les performances ncessaires.
German Definition Verfahren, zugehrige Ausrstungen, logistische Instandhaltungseinrichtungen, Reserven zur Durchfhrung vorgeschriebener Instandsetzungsarbeiten und vorbeugender Instandhaltung im Hinblick auf die Gewhrleistung der Interoperabilit t des Eisenbahnsystems und der erforderlichen Leistungsfhigkeit.
Source Document Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network
Combination of all technical, administrative and managerial actions during the life cycle of an item intended to retain it in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform the required function. The combination of all technical and administrative actions, including supervision actions, intended to retain a product in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform a required function. The combination of all technical and administrative actions, including supervision actions, intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform its required function. The activities that need to be carried out to keep a system fit for service, so that assets (subsystems, components and their parts) continue to be safe and reliable throughout the operational lifecycle phase. Activities which restore or upgrade an item or component to a state in which it can perform its required function, ensuring continued integrity of safety systems, and compliance with applicable standards and appropriate maintenance file or upgrading specifications.
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The Maintenance Design Justification File describes the methods used to design the maintenance, describes the tests, investigations, calculations carried out, gives the relevant data used for this purpose and justifies their origin. This file shall contain: - Description of the organisation in charge of the design of the maintenance - Precedents, principles and methods used to design the maintenance of the vehicle. - Utilisation profile (Limits of the normal utilisation of the vehicle (km/month, climatic limits, authorised types of loads) taken into account for the design of the maintenance). - Tests, investigations, calculations carried out. - Relevant data used to design the maintenance and origin of these data (return of experience, tests). - Responsibility and traceability of the design process (name, skills and position of the author and approver of each document).
German Definition
maintenance documentation
maintenance documentation
Information in written or electronic form required to fulfil maintenance The Maintenance Documentation consists of all the documents necessary to realise the management and execution of the maintenance of the vehicle. [CR TSI Rolling stock - Freight Wagons: 2006,]. Information in written or electronic form required to fulfill maintenance. This information may consist of technical,managerial, administrative and otherdocuments. Ratio between the maintenance performance target and the actual result. Maintenance operations undertaken on the Rolling Stock itself or on parts and components of the Rolling Stock which are performed permanently, temporarily at regular intervals or as one shot in fixed locations or by mobile team belonging to a maintenance workshop, IM/RU/keeper or other organisations.
CMW Glossary
maintenance effectiveness
maintenance execution
English Term maintenance expenditure on infrastructure maintenance expenditure on rolling stock maintenance file
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Expenditure for keeping infrastructure in working order. Expenditure for keeping railway vehicles in working order. The maintenance file shall be supplied with the vehicle, which is submitted to the verification process as specified in section of this TSI, before putting into service. All activities of the management that determine the maintenance objectives, strategies, and responsibilities and implement them by means such as maintenance planning, maintenance control and supervision, improvement of methods in the organization including economical aspects.
German Definition
Source Document Glossary for Transport Statistics Glossary for Transport Statistics CMW Glossary
maintenance management
CMW Glossary
maintenance management
All activities of the management that determine the maintenance objectives, strategies, and responsibilities and implement them by means such as maintenance planning, maintenance control and supervision, improvement of methods in the organization including economical aspects.
maintenance manual
For each maintenance operation listed in the maintenance plan, the manual explains the list of the tasks to be carried out. Some maintenance tasks may be common to different operations or common to different vehicles. These tasks are explained in specific maintenance leaflets. The manuals and leaflets shall contain the following information: - Specific tools and facilities - Standardised or statutory specific staff competencies required (welding, non destructive testing...) - General requirements relative to Mechanical, Electrical, Fabrication and other engineering competencies. - Occupational and Operational Health and Safety provisions (including, but not limited to applicable legislation appertaining to the controlled use of substances hazardous to health and safety). - Environmental provisions - Details of the task to be carried out as a minimum: Disassembly/assembly instructions, Maintenance criteria Page 192 of 451 - Checks and tests - Parts required to undertake the task
CMW Glossary
English Term
French Term
German Term
other engineering competencies. - Occupational and Operational Health and Safety provisions (including, but not limited to applicable legislation appertaining to the controlled use of substances hazardous to health and safety). - Environmental provisions - Details of the task to be carried out as a minimum: Disassembly/assembly instructions, Maintenance criteria English Definition French Definition - Checks and tests - Parts required to undertake the task - Consumables required to undertake the task - Tests and procedures to be undertaken after each maintenance operation before putting into service. - Traceability and Records. - Troubleshooting (fault diagnosis) manual, including functional and schematic diagrams of the systems. The manual containing all applicable requirements of the Management of maintenance documentation and which shall be accessible to the personnel of the maintenance workshops, the National Safety Authority and the certification body. [ERA proposal: Preliminary draft of the final report and recommendation].
German Definition
Source Document
maintenance objectives
maintenance objectives
Targets assigned and accepted for the maintenance activities. Note: These targets may include for example availability, cost reduction, product quality, environment preservation, safety. Targets assigned and accepted for the maintenance activities. These targets may include for example availability, cost reduction, product quality, environment preservation, safety. The order given by the entity in charge of maintenance application to the competent entity in charge of execution aiming at the technical execution of certain works defined in the maintenance referential.
CMW Glossary
maintenance order
CMW Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Contains: List, schedule and criteria of planned preventative maintenance operations, List and criteria of conditional preventative maintenance operations, List of corrective maintenance operations, Maintenance operations governed by specific conditions of use. The level of the maintenance operations shall be described. Also maintenance tasks to be carried out by the Railway Undertaking (servicing, inspections, brake tests, etc...) shall be described. Note: Some maintenance operations like overhauls (level 4) and refurbishment, transformation or very heavy repairs (level 5) may not be defined at the moment when the vehicle is put into service. In this case, the responsibility and the procedures to define such maintenance operations shall be described.-.
German Definition
maintenance plan
plan de maintenance
Regulation for maintenance including inspection, repair and reconstruction with relevant specifications.
Rglement relatif la maintenance, y compris l'inspection, la rparation et la reconstruction selon des spcifications appropries.
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
maintenance plan
Regulation for maintenance including inspection, repair and reconstruction with relevant specifications.
maintenance plan
maintenance record
Structured set of tasks that include the activities, procedures, resources and the time scale required to carry out maintenance. Part of maintenance documentation which contains all failures, faults and maintenance information relating to an item. This record may also include maintenance costs, item availability, up time and any other data where relevant. ERA proposal: The referential is composed at least of the maintenance plan, description of maintenance tasks, list and characteristics of equipments, tools, spare parts, materials, relevant technical support documents including drawings. Page 194 of 451
maintenance referential
CMW Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition Management method used in order to achieve the maintenance objectives. An organization having a management system, staff, tools and facilities, in order to carry out maintenance operation. Resources, services and management necessary to carry out maintenance. Support may include, for example, personnel, test equipment, workrooms, spare parts, documentation, tools, etc. Ratio between the planned or expected resources necessary to fulfil the required maintenance task and the resources actually used. Ability of a maintenance organization of having the right maintenance support at the necessary place to perform the required maintenance activity at a given instant of time or during a given time interval. Time interval during which a maintenance is carried out on an item either manually or automatically, including technical and logistic delays. Maintenance may be carried out while the item is performing a required function. Proposal of Agency: A Maintenance workshop is an entity having a management, an organisation, staff, tools and facilities necessary to carry out Maintenance operations (maintenance execution) on the Rolling Stock itself or on parts and components of the Rolling Stock. Replacement of components by parts of identical function and performances in the context of predictive or corrective maintenance.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
maintenance suppliers
maintenance support
maintenance supportability
maintenance time
maintenance workshop
CMW Glossary
Le remplacement de composants par des pices de fonction et performances identiques dans le cadre d'une maintenance prventive ou corrective.
Commission Decision 2002/730/EC concerning the TSI relating to the MAINTENANCE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system refered to in Article (6) of the Directive 96/48/EC im Zusammenhang mit einer Seveso directive 82/501/EEC unkontrollierten Entwicklung einer ("Seveso I") Industriettigkeit auftretende Ereignisse , wie zum Beispiel grssere Emissionen , Brnde oder Explosionen , die sofort oder spter eine ernste Gefahr fr die Menschen innerhalb oder ausserhalb des Betriebs und/oder fr die Umwelt zur Folge haben und bei denen ein gefhrlicher Stoff oder mehrere gefhrliche Stoffe eingesetzt werden oder anfallen.
major accident
accident majeur
schwere Unflle
An occurrence such as a major emission, fire or explosion resulting from uncontrolled developments in the course of an industrial activity, leading to a serious danger to man, immediate or delayed, inside or outside the establishment, and/or to the environment, and involving one or more dangerous substances.
Un evenement tel qu'une emission , un incendie ou une explosion de caractere majeur , en relation avec un developpement incontrole d'une activite industrielle , entrainant un danger grave , immediat ou differe , pour l'homme , a l'interieur ou a l'exterieur de l'etablissement , et/ou pour l'environnement , et mettant en jeu une ou plusieurs substances dangereuses.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Any engineering, maintenance or renewal project which requires a possession or series of possessions of one or more sections of track extending over: (a) a period of more than one year; or (b) a period which contains two or more Passenger Change Dates. In relation a structural subsystem means any works that do not constitute minor works; and "minor works" includes: (a) minor alterations; (b) replacement of components, assemblies or sub-assemblies in accordance with currenttechnology; (c) maintenance; and (d) like for like replacement. Means the publishing of information or data at an internet site where access control may be applied. Any supply of a product for distribution, consumption or use on the Community market in the course of a commercial activity, whether in return for payment or free of charge.
German Definition
major works
make available
Any supply of a product for distribution, consumption or use on the Community market in the course of a commercial activity, whether in return for payment or free of charge.
Coordinated activities to direct and control an organization. system to establish policy and objectives and to achieve those objectives.
management system
Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition If: (a) any proposed Local Output Commitment or variations to Local Output Commitments have been the subject of an Appeal by a Train Operator or Network Rail; or (b) relevant changes to access agreements have come into operation by virtue of Schedule 4A to the Act, the Office of Rail Regulation may give a Mandatory Variation Notice to Network Rail and to any Train Operator: (i) requiring any Local Output Commitment which is in effect between Network Rail and that Train Operator to be varied to the extent required to ensure that Network Rail does not commit to Excess Aggregate Local Outputs; and (ii) specifying the process and timing for varying the relevant Local Output Commitment, and the relevant Local Output Commitment shall be varied in accordance with the Mandatory Variation Notice.
German Definition
manifest on list
Means a fulfilment method where the customer makes his/her purchase in advance (e.g. at home) and receives only a confirmation, usually with a reference code. The undertaking performing this kind of sale provides to the TCO a list of all passengers (and reference codes) admitted on the specific train. The passenger simply manifests before/after departure at the TCO in order to embark/be accepted on the train. TCO controls whether the passenger is admitted to embark/stay on the train.
Ability of an item under given conditions of use, to be retained in, or restored to, a state in which it can perform a required function, when maintenance is performed under given conditions and using stated procedures and resources. The maintainability is also used as a measure of maintainability performance.
manual signal
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Any natural or legal person who manufactures a product or has a product designed or manufactured, and markets that product under his name or trademark.
German Definition
Any natural or legal person who manufactures a product or who has such a product designed or manufactured, and markets this product under his name or trademark.
marker board
Any person in charge of an industrial Toute personne qui est responsable activity. d'une activite industrielle. The year in which the vehicle leaves the factory. A fixed block system in which the signals are operated manually and the clearing of the block sections is checked by local operators watching the rear end markers. Lineside information with a defined meaning. A marker board is a signal.
Source Document Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 Seveso directive 82/501/EEC ("Seveso I") Registration of Rolling Stock - Final report IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
marker lamp
feu de position
A white light on the front end of a train, Une lumire blanche en queue de rame, intended to indicate the presence of a destine signaler la prsence de la train. rame.
Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93
market surveillance
The activities carried out and measures taken by public authorities to ensure that products comply with the requirements set out in the relevant Community harmonisation legislation and do not endanger health, safety or any other aspect of public interest protection. An authority of a Member State responsible for carrying out market surveillance on its territory.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A freight yard in which incoming cars are classified for new train destinations. Set of fixed intallations of the national rail network (groups of specialised tracks, wagon splitting installations, braking and retarding devices, etc) dedicated to sorting the wagons of freight trains in a specialised yard. Ensemble d'installations fixes du rseau ferr national (groupes de voies spcialises, installations de dbranchement des wagons, dispositifs de freinage et d'enrayage, etc.) ddies au tri des wagons trains de fret dans un chantier spcialis.
German Definition
Source Document IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009
marshalling yard
gare de triage
master retarder maximum construction gauge for rolling stock gabarit maximal de construction pour le matriel roulant
The first retarder cars pass while running down a hump. The maximum construction gauge is the maximum profile, obtained by applying the rules giving reductions in relation to the reference profile, which the various parts of the rolling stock must respect. These reductions depend on the geometric characteristics of the rolling stock in question, the position of the cross-section in relation to the bogie pivot or to the axles, the height of the point considered in relation to the running surface, constructional play, the maximum wear allowance and the elastic characteristics of the suspension. In general, the effective construction gauge uses only partially the non-hatched areas within the maximum construction gauge for the installation of foot-steps, hand-rails, etc.
Le gabarit maximal de construction est le contour maximal obtenu en appliquant les rgles donnant les rductions en rapport avec le contour de rfrence, que les diffrentes parties du matriel roulant doivent respecter. Les rductions dpendent des caractristiques gomtriques du matriel roulant en question, de la position de la section transversale par rapport au pivot du bogie ou des essieux, de la hauteur du point considr par rapport au plan de roulement, des jeux de construction, de l'usure maximale autorise et des caractristiques lastiques de la suspension.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Commission Decision 2006/861/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem rolling stock - freight wagons of the trans-European conventional rail system
The highest speed allowed on commercial service taking into account technical characteristics of the infrastructure. Ceiling speed given from the trackside in OS.
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Ceiling speed given from the trackside in SR.
German Definition
Source Document Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
mean contact force mean operating time between failures mean repair time mean time between failures mean useful voltage train
Statistical mean value of the contact force. Mathematical expectation of the operating time between failures. Mathematical expectation of the repair time. Mathematical expectation of the time between failures. Voltage identifying the dimensioning train and enables the effect on its performance to be quantified. Voltage giving an indication of the quality of the power supply in a geographic zone during the peak traffic period in the timetable. A requirement (or proposed requirement) in a Standard. Set of interrelated and interacting elements necessary to achieve metrological confirmation and continual control of measurement processes. Set of operations to determine the value of a quantity. measuring instrument, software, measurement standard, reference material or auxiliary apparatus or combination thereof necessary to realize a measurement process. An interlocking system in which the interlocking is achieved by a mechanical lever frame and the switches and signals are operated by muscle power with rod or wire transmission.
Glossary for Energy TSI EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology Glossary for Energy TSI
Railway Group Standards Code ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary
measurement process
measuring equipment
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary
mechanical interlocking
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Insulated wagon either fitted with its own refrigerating appliance, or served jointly with other units of transport equipment by such an appliance (mechanical compressor, "absorption" unit, etc.). Such a wagon shall be capable, with a mean outside temperature of + 30o C, of lowering the temperature inside the empty body to, and thereafter maintaining it continuously in the following manner at any desired practically constant value t1 in conformity with the standards defined below for the three classes: Class A. Mechanically refrigerated wagon fitted with a refrigerating appliance such that t1 may be chosen between +12oC and 0o C inclusive. Class B. Mechanically refrigerated wagon fitted with a refrigerating appliance such that t1 may be chosen between +12o C and -10o C inclusive. Class C. Mechanically refrigerated wagon fitted with a refrigerating appliance such that t1 may be chosen between +12o C and -20o C inclusive. Body that operates under the applicable rules and has the opportunity to take part in the management of the system or scheme. A member of the Board and 'Board Member' shall be construed accordingly. Body that operates under the applicable rules and has the opportunity to take part in the management of the system or scheme.
German Definition
member state
tat membre
When used in connection with this TSI it refers to the Member State which issues the safety authorisation/certificate as set out in Articles 10 and 11 of Directive 2004/49/EC.
Utilis dans le cadre de la prsente STI, ce terme fait rfrence l'tat membre qui met l'agrment/le certificat de scurit (partie b) dont font tat les articles 10 et 11 de la directive 2004/49/CE. Utilis dans le cadre de la prsente STI, ce terme fait rfrence ltat membre qui met lagrment/le certificat de scurit (partie b) dont font tat les articles 10 et 11 de la directive 2004/49/CE.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
member state
tat membre
When used in connection with this TSI it refers to the Member State which issues the safety authorisation/certificate as set out in Articles 10 and 11 of Directive 2004/49/EC.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The EU Member States and the EFTA countries. The European legislation gives the possibility to the Member States to allocate a specific responsibility to a dedicated body. In the case of the NVR, this responsibility is dedicated mainly to the NSA. Simply put, is data about data. It describes data, software services, and other components contained in the enterprise information systems. Examples of the types of metadata include standard data definitions, location and routing information, and synchronisation management for distributing shared data. Il s'agit de donnes relatives aux donnes. Elles dcrivent les donnes, les services logiciels et les autres composants des systmes d'information d'entreprises. Les dfinitions de donnes normalises, les informations de localisation et d'acheminement, ainsi que la gestion de la synchroisation pour la rpartition de donnes partages sont autant d'exemples de types de mtadonnes.
German Definition
Kurz gesagt, Daten ber Daten. Commission Regulation Metadaten beschreiben Daten, Software- 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI Dienste und andere Komponenten in relating to the telematic unternehmensweiten application for freight subsystem Informationssystemen. Beispiele fr of the trans-European verschiedene Arten von Metadaten: conventional rail system Definitionen von Standarddaten, Ortsangaben und Zustellinformationen, Synchronisationsmanagement fr die Verteilung gemeinsam genutzter Daten.
method of delivery
Simply put, is data about data. It describes data, software services, and other components contained in the enterprise information systems. Examples of the types of metadata include standard data definitions, location and routing information, and synchronisation management for distributing shared data. Includes the means of securing access to an operational document and the ability to make use of the data contained in an operational document. An electric railway for the transport of passengers with the capacity for a heavy volume of traffic and characterised by exclusive rights-of-way, multi-car trains, high speed and rapid acceleration, sophisticated signalling to allow a high frequency of trains, and high platform load. Metros are also characterised by frequent stations, normally meaning a distance of 700 - 1 200 m between the stations. ('High speed' refers to the comparison with trams and light rail, and means here approximately 30-40 km/h on shorter distances, 40-70 km/h on longer distances. Also known as 'subway', 'metropolitan railway' or 'underground').
English Definition An electric railway for the transport of passengers with the capacity for a heavy volume of traffic and characterised by exclusive rights-of-way, multi-car trains, high speed and rapid acceleration, sophisticated signalling as well as the absence of level crossings to allow a high frequency of trains and high platform load. Metros are also characterised by closely spaced stations, normally meaning a distance of 700 to 1 200 m between the stations. High speed refers to the comparison with trams and light rail, and means here approximately 30 to 40 km/h on shorter distances, 40 to 70 km/h on longer distances.
French Definition (galement baptis mtropolitain) Chemin de fer lectrique pour le transport de voyageurs, capable d'acheminer un fort volume de trafic et disposant de ses propres voies et de rames formes de plusieurs voitures et se caractrisant par une vitesse leve et une acclration rapide, une signalisation sophistique, l'absence de passages niveau permettant une frquence leve de rames et d'occupation des quais. Le mtro se distingue galement par de nombreuses stations, normalement distantes de 700 1 200 mtres (m). Vitesse leve se dfinit par comparaison avec les tramways et les semi-mtro et signifie, dans le cas prsent, de 30 40 km/h sur les distances les plus courtes et de 40 70 km/h sur des distances plus longues.
German Definition Untergrundbahn (auch als U-Bahn bezeichnet) eine elektrifizierte Eisenbahn fr die Personenbefrderung mit hinreichender Kapazitt fr die Bewltigung eines starken Verkehrsaufkommens, die folgende Merkmale aufweist: ausschlieliches Wegerecht, aus mehreren Wagen bestehende Zge, hohe Geschwindigkeit und rasche Beschleunigung, komplexe Signalgebung und das Fehlen von Bahnbergngen, um eine hohe Zugfrequenz zu ermglichen, sowie hohe Bahnsteige. Untergrundbahnen haben auerdem dicht beieinander liegende Haltepunkte, wobei die Bahnhfe normalerweise etwa 700 bis 1 200 Meter voneinander entfernt sind. Die hohe Geschwindigkeit ist im Vergleich zu Straenbahnen und Stadtbahnen zu sehen und bedeutet Geschwindigkeiten von etwa 30 bis 40 Stundenkilometern auf krzeren und 40 bis 70 Stundenkilometern auf lngeren Strecken;.
Source Document Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
metrological characteristic
Distinguishing feature which can influence the results of measurement. Set of operations required to ensure that measuring equipment conforms to the requirements for its intended use. Function with administrative and technical responsibility for defining and implementing the measurement management system. An interlocking system in which the interlocking is achieved by software. An establishment intended for use for naval, military or air force purposes.
metrological confirmation
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006 United Kingdom - The Railways Infrastructure (Access and Management) Regulations 2005
metrological function
microcomputer interlocking
military establishment
military establishment
An establishment intended for use for naval, military or air force purposes.
German Term
English Definition Services to be supplied on a nondiscriminatory basis to the railway undertakings by the infrastructure manager. These comprise: a) handling of requests for infrastructure capacity; b) the right to utilise capacity which is granted; c) use of running track points and junctions; d) train control including signalling, regulation, dispatching and the communication and provision of information on train movement; e) all other information required to implement or operate the service for which capacity has been granted.
French Definition German Definition Services tre fournis par le gestionniaire de l'infrastructure sur une base non discriminatoire aux entreprises ferroviaires. Ceux-ci comprennent: a) le traitement des demandes de capacits de l'infrastructure; b) le droit d'utiliser les capacits accordes; c) l'utilisation des branchements et aiguilles du rseau; d) la rgulation de la circulation des trains comprenant la signalisation, la rgulation, le dispatching, ainsi que la communication et la fourniture d'informations concernant la circulation des trains; e) toute autre information ncessaire la mise en oeuvre ou l'exploitation du service pour lequel les capacits ont t accordes.
Source Document Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification
Access to facilities and a set of services for international or domestic traffic for which Directive 2001/14/EC confers rights and which include the handling of requests for infrastructure capacity and the right to use such capacity as is granted. Minimum infrastructure gauge is defined by given swept volume inside which no obstacle must be located or intrude. This volume is determined on the basis of a reference kinematic profile and takes into account the gauge of catenary and the gauge for lower parts.
L'enveloppe donne dans laquelle aucun obstacle n'est implant ou ne peut pntrer. Ce volume est dtermin sur la base du gabarit cinmatique de rfrence et tient compte du gabarit de la catnaire et du gabarit des parties basses.
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
The shortest running time as a result from a running time calculation. ministre The minister authorized for the regulation of the railway traffic. An objective description of the fundamental task performed by a system. Le ministre qui a la rgulation du transport ferroviaire dans ses attributions.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009 EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
mission profile
Outline of the expected range and variation in the mission with respect to parameters such as time, loading, speed, distance, stops, tunnels, etc., in the operational phases of the lifecycle.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A new hydraulic lift and displacement mechanism to transship containers and swap bodies horizontal between truck and rail wagon. Thus transshipment is practically possible at each loading track and can be accomplished by only one person, without any assistance of others.
German Definition
Combination of all technical, administrative and managerial actions intended to change the function of an item. Modification does not mean replacement by an equivalent item. Modification is not a maintenance action but has to do with changing the required function of an item to a new required function. The changes may have an influence on the dependability or on the performance of the item, or both. Modification may be allocated to the maintenance organization. Includes additions, alterations and omissions, and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly. Includes additions, alterations and omissions, and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly. Activity, performed either manually or automatically, intended to observe the actual state of an item. Monitoring is distinguished from inspection in that it is used to evaluate any changes in the parameters of the item with time. Monitoring may be continuous, over time interval or after a given number of operations. Monitoring is usually carried out in the operating state.
monitoring period
The systematic observation and recording of the performance of the train service and the infrastructure for the purpose of bringing about improvements in the performance of both. Shall consist in each financial year commencing on 1 April of one of four consecutive periods, each of which shall comprise three consecutive Accounting Periods except the last which shall comprise four consecutive Accounting Periods, or such periods beginning and ending on such other dates as the Office of Rail Regulation may specify in a notice. Page 205 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition Light hydrocarbon oil for use in internal combustion engines, excluding those in aircraft. Motor gasoline is distilled between 35o C and 215oC and treated by reforming, catalytic cracking or blending with an aromatic fraction to reach a sufficiently high octane number (>80 RON). Calorific value: 44.8 TJ/1 000 t. A pivoting or flexible frog that is operated by a switch machine to close the rail gap at the frog in accordance to the route that is set up. Permission for a train to run to a specific location as a supervised movement.
French Definition
German Definition
movable frog
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
A block system in which the track behind a train is cleared continously. A container NOT used for the transport of goods (ex. building sites -, office - or sanitary containers). Available to RCA customers providing sales, distribution, production, consignment stock or transshipment warehouse functions. The storage areas and logistics services can be customized to the client?s requirements. Multifunctional logistics centers cover all modules of the supply chain.
multilateral acceptance
Recognition agreement that covers the acceptance of one partys assessment results by two or more parties.
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
multilateral arrangement
Arrangement whereby more than two parties recognize or accept one another's conformity assessment results. Transport chain, with which a loading unit (ex. container) changes between different means of transport without handling the goods themselves. transport multimodal multimodaler Verkehr Carriage of goods by two or more modes Acheminement dune marchandise of transport. empruntant deux modes de transport Page 206 of 451 diffrents ou plus. Transport von Gtern mit zwei oder mehreren verschiedenen Verkehrstrgern.
multimodal transport
multimodal transport
English Definition Any person who concludes a multimodal transport contract and assumes the whole responsibility for the performance thereof as a carrier or a transport operator. A signaling system in which the main signals provide information about the clearance of more than one block section. A color light signal with independent light units and every unit using one light.
French Definition Personne qui conclut un contrat de transport multimodal et qui assume lentire responsabilit de lexcution du contrat en tant que transporteur ou oprateur de transport.
German Definition Source Document Die Person, die einen multimodalen Terminology on combined Frachtvertrag abschliet und fr dessen transport Erfllung als Frachtfhrer die Verantwortung bernimmt.
multiple-block signaling
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Ce terme ainsi que les termes REQUIS ou IL FAUT, signifient que la dfinition est une exigence absolue de la spcification. Dieses Wort oder die Ausdrcke ERFORDERLICH oder VORGESCHRIEBEN bedeuten, dass die betreffende Definition eine verbindliche Vorschrift ist. Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
This word, or the terms REQUIRED or SHALL, mean that the definition is an absolute requirement of the specification.
This phrase, or the phrase SHALL NOT, Cette expression ainsi que l'expression means that the definition is an absolute IL NE FAUT PAS signifient que la prohibition of the specification. dfinition est une interdiction absolue de la spcification.
Dieser Ausdruck, oder das Wort UNZULSSIG, bedeutet, dass die betreffende Definition ein eindeutiges Verbot ist.
The sole body in a Member State that performs accreditation with authority derived from the State.
National authorities
autorits nationales
Einzelstaatliche Behrde
National statistical institutes and other bodies responsible in each Member State for producing Community statistics;.
Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 Les instituts nationaux de statistique et Die einzelstaatlichen statistischen mter Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the les autres instances chargs dans chaque und sonstigen Einrichtungen, die in den European Parliament and of the tat membre de la production einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten fr die Council of 16 December 2002 on de statistiques communautaires. Erstellung der Gemeinschaftsstatistiken rail transport statistic zustndig sind. Network Rail - 2009 Network Statement
A national general communications radio-based system for assisting with train operations and for making lineside and trainborne emergency calls. All traction units must be equipped with this system except where the CSR system is mandated. Page 207 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Railway transport between two places (a place of loading/embarkation and a place of unloading/disembarkation) located in the same country irrespective of the country in which the railway vehicles were registered. It may involve transit through a second country. A safety authority as defined in Article 3(g) of Directive 2004/49/EC. The national body entrusted with the tasks regarding railway safety in accordance with Directive 2004/49 or any national body entrusted by Member States with these tasks in order to ensure a unified safety regime for specialised cross-border infrastructure.
German Definition
nationale Sicherheitsbehrde
L'autorit de scurit telle que dfinie eine Sicherheitsbehrde im Sinne des l'article 3, point g), de la directive Artikels 3 Buchstabe g der Richtlinie 2004/49/CE. 2004/49/ EG.
Directive 2008/57/EC on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community Registration of Rolling Stock - Final report
nationale Sicherheitsvorschriften
All rules containing railway safety requirements imposed at Member State level and applicable to more than one railway undertaking, irrespective of the body issuing them.
Toutes les rgles qui contiennent des exigences en matire de scurit ferroviaire, qui sont imposes au niveau des tats membres et sont applicables plus d'une entreprise ferroviaire, quel que soit l'organisme qui les prescrit.
alle auf Ebene der Mitgliedstaaten Directive 2004/49/EC Railway erlassenen Vorschriften, die Safety Directive amending Anforderungen an die 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC Eisenbahnsicherheit enthalten und fr mehr als ein Eisenbahnunternehmen gelten, unabhngig davon, welche Stelle diese Vorschriften erlsst. Note on Commonalities and Differences between National Safety Rules and National Technical Rules
All rules containing railway safety requirements imposed at Member State level and applicable to more than one railway undertaking, irrespective of the body issuing them. measures that are: a) technical rules that must be notified to the European Commission in accordance with Article 16(3) and Article 17 of Directives 96.48 and 2001/16, or b) other national rules that are explicitly permitted or required by a Technical Specification for Interoperability.
national transport
transport national
innerstaatlicher Verkehr
Rail transport between two places (a place of loading/embarkation and a place of unloading/disembarkation) located in the reporting country. It may involve transit through a second country.
Transport ferroviaire entre deux lieux (un lieu de chargement/embarquement et un lieu de dchargement/dbarquement) situs dans le pays dclarant. Il peut inclure le transit par un deuxime pays.
Der Eisenbahnverkehr zwischen zwei Orten (Belade- bzw. Einsteigeort und Entlade- bzw. Aussteigeort) im Meldeland ggf. mit Durchfuhr durch ein zweites Land.
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
national treatment
Treatment accorded to products or processes originating in other countries that is no less favourable than that accorded to like products or processes of national origin, in a comparable situation. Page 208 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition Unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage - but had the potential to do so. Enforcement of a safe state following detection of a hazardous fault.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
negation time
Time span which begins when the existence of a fault is detected and ends when a safe state is enforced.
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
The entire railway infrastructure owned L'ensemble de l'infrastructure ferroviaire die Gesamtheit der Eisenbahnfahrwege, and/or managed by an infrastructure appartenant un gestionnaire de die sich im Eigentum eines Betreibers manager. l'infrastructure et/ou gre par lui. der Infrastruktur befinden und/oder von diesem verwaltet werden.
The lines, stations, terminals, and all kinds of fixed equipment needed to ensure safe and continuous operation of the rail system.
Les lignes, les gares, les terminaux et tout type d'quipement fixe ncessaire pour assurer l'exploitation sre et continue du systme ferroviaire.
Strecken, Bahnhfe, Terminals und ortsfeste Einrichtungen jeglicher Art, die fr die Gewhrleistung des sicheren und durchgehenden Betriebs des Systems erforderlich sind.
Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification Directive 2008/57/EC on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community
The lines, stations, terminals, and all kinds of fixed equipment needed to ensure safe and continuous operation of the rail system. The network in respect of which Network Rail is the facility owner and which is situated in England, Wales and Scotland. All railways in a given area. This does not include stretches of road or water even if rolling stock should be conveyed over such routes, e.g. by wagon-carrying trailers or ferries. Lines solely used for turistic purposes are excluded as are railways constructed solely to serve mines, forests or other industrial or agricultural undertakings and which are not open to public traffic.
Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition In relation to a Train Operator: (a) any change in or to any part of the Network (including its layout, configuration or condition) which is likely materially to affect the operation of: (i) the Network; or (ii) trains operated by that Train Operator on the Network; or (b) any change to the operation of the Network (being a change which does not fall within paragraph (a) above) which: (i) is likely materially to affect the operation of trains operated by that Train Operator on the Network; and (ii) has lasted or is likely to last for more than six months, including (x) a temporary speed restriction; (y) a material change to the location of any of the specified performance monitoring points; or (z) a change to the method of delivery of any operational documentation (other than Railway Group Standards) owned or used by Network Rail or a Train Operator; or (c) any material variation to an established Network Change, other than an authorised variation, but does not include a closure (as defined in the Railways Act 2005) or a change made under the Systems Code.
German Definition
network code
A common set of rules that apply to parties who have a contract for rights of access to the track owned and operated by Network Rail (a Track Access Agreement). The Network Code is incorporated into, and therefore forms part of, each such bilateral contract. It is available at rectory.aspx ?dir=\Network%20Code&pageid=2889&r oot=. The document entitled 'Network Code'.
Network Code
English Definition The Network File System (NFS) is a distributed file system protocol. The Network File System (NFS) protocol provides transparent remote access to shared file systems across networks. The NFS protocol is designed to be machine, operating system, network architecture, and security mechanism, and transport protocol independent. This independence is achieved through the use of Remote Procedure Call (RPC) primitives built on top of an external Data Representation (XDR).
French Definition Acronyme de Network File System, un protocole de fichiers distribus Le protocole NFS permet, en toute transparence, un accs distant des systmes de fichiers partags sur des rseaux. Il est conu pour tre indpendant de la machine, du systme d'exploitation, de l'architecture du rseau, du mcanisme de scurit et du protocole de transport. Cette indpendance est obtenue grce un mcanisme de primitives RPC (Remote Procedure Call, appel de procdure distance) bti sur XDR (eXternal Data Representation), un protocole gnral de reprsentation externe.
German Definition Das Network File System (NFS) ist ein Protokoll fr dezentrale Dateisysteme. Das Network File System (NFS) ermglicht einen transparenten Fernzugriff auf Dateisysteme, die ber Netzwerke hinweg gemeinsam genutzt werden. Das NFS-Protokoll arbeitet unabhngig von Maschinen, Betriebssystemen, Netzarchitektur, Sicherheitsmechanismen und Transportprotokollen. Diese Unabhngigkeit wird erreicht ber den Einsatz von Routinen mit der Bezeichnung Remote Procedure Call (RPC), die auf einer so genannten eXternal Data Representation (XDR) aufsetzen.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
network licence
The network licence granted to Network Rail under section 8 of the Railways Act 1993 on 31 March 1994. Network Rail Annual Information means, in relation to any Train Operator: (a) projections of future network quality and capability requirements; (b) planned activities and volumes of work in respect of the carrying out of: (i) relevant activities; and (ii) network services in relation to the Relevant Network to be carried out by any other person; (c) the expected effect of relevant activities on the quality and capability of the Relevant Network, the quality of network services and the ability of users to provide improved services to their customers; and (d) the expected effect of relevant activities on the outputs required of Network Rail and established in the last access charges review. In this Condition: 'duty' means the duty incumbent on Network Rail to take such steps as are necessary or expedient so as to achieve the purpose to the greatest extent reasonably practicable having regard to all relevant circumstances including the ability of Network Rail to finance its licensed activities; 'purpose' is to secure: (a) the operation and maintenance of the network; Page 211 of 451 (b) the renewal and replacement of the network; and
English Term
French Term
German Term
Network Rail and established in the last access charges review. In this Condition: 'duty' means the duty incumbent on Network Rail to take such steps as are necessary or expedient so as to achieve the purpose to the greatest extent reasonably practicable having regard to all relevant circumstances including the French Definition English Definition ability of Network Rail to finance its licensed activities; 'purpose' is to secure: (a) the operation and maintenance of the network; (b) the renewal and replacement of the network; and (c) the improvement, enhancement and development of the network, in each case in accordance with best practice and in a timely, efficient and economical manner so as to satisfy the reasonable requirements of persons providing services relating to railways and funders in respect of: (i) the quality and capability of the network; and (ii) the facilitation of railway service performance in respect of services for the carriage of passengers and goods by railway operating on the network; 'relevant activities' means the activities which are necessary or expedient in order to carry out the duty; 'relevant asset categories' means track, signalling and telecommunications, structures, electrification equipment, stations, maintenance depots, real and heritable property, information systems and such other categories of material asset as are necessary or expedient so as to facilitate compliance by Network Rail with the duty.
German Definition
Source Document
Network Rail Annual Information shall be provided as an annual report and in the same form and detail as is required under Condition 7 of the network licence of Network Rail.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Network Rail Monitoring Information means, in relation to any Train Operator: (a) information as to any changes to the programmes of work contained in the last Network Rail Annual Report and Network Rail Monitoring Report which changes are likely materially to affect the operation of trains operated by any Train Operator on the Network; (b) a statement of Network Rails actual performance on the Relevant Network in the immediately preceding Monitoring Period, and its projected performance on the Relevant Network for the remainder of the Relevant Year; (c) information as to the addition or removal of temporary speed restrictions on the Relevant Network in the immediately preceding Monitoring Period, and any temporary speed restrictions which are likely to be added or removed in the current Monitoring Period and in the remainder of the Relevant Year; (d) a statement of the duration of any temporary speed restrictions on the Relevant Network in the immediately preceding Monitoring Period and the likely duration of any temporary speed restrictions in the current Monitoring Period and in the remainder of the Relevant Year; and (e) a statement of the efficiency of possession utilisation on the Relevant Network in the immediately preceding Monitoring Period, including the proportion of possessions cancelled or subject to late change.
German Definition
Network Rail Monitoring Information shall be provided in the form of a report for each Monitoring Period. Overview of conditions governing usage of railway infrastructure. Statement which sets out in detail the general rules, deadlines, procedures and criteria concerning the charging and capacity allocation schemes. It shall also contain such other information as is required to enable application for infrastructure capacity.
DB Netz AG - Network Statement Document prcisant, de manire dtaille, les rgles gnrales, les dlais, les procdures et les critres relatifs aux systmes de tarification et de rpartition des capacits; ce document contient aussi toutes les autres informations ncessaires pour permettre l'introduction de demandes de capacits de l'infrastructure. eine detaillierte Darlegung der allgemeinen Regeln, Fristen, Verfahren und Kriterien fr die Entgelt- und Kapazittszuweisungsregelungen; sie enthalten ferner die zustzlichen Informationen, die fr die Stellung von Antrgen auf Zuweisung von Fahrwegkapazit t bentigt werden. Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification
German Term
English Definition The network statement is the document which details the description of the network, the general rules in order to be allowed to travel on it, the deadlines, the procedures and the criteria relating to the systems for charging and distribution of the rail infrastructure capacities; this document also gives all the other information required in order to apply for rail infrastructure capacities. It is drawn up for the purposes of the applicants, the users and any other interested party.
French Definition German Definition Le document qui prcise, de manire dtaille, la description du rseau, les rgles gnrales pour y circuler, les dlais, les procdures et les critres relatifs aux systmes de tarification et de rpartition des capacits de l'infrastructure ferroviaire; ce document contient aussi toutes les autres informations ncessaires pour permettre l'introduction de demandes de capacits de l'infrastructure ferroviaire.
network statement
Has the meaning ascribed to it in regulation 11 of the Railways Infrastructure (Access and Management) Regulations 2005. All physical connections and their technical access specification which form part of the public telecommunications network and are necessary for access to, and efficient communication through, that public network.
L'ensemble des connexions physiques et des spcifications techniques d'accs qui font partie du rseau public de tlcommunications et sont ncessaires pour avoir accs ce rseau public et communiquer efficacement par son intermdiaire.
Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
new line
A line that creates an economically exploitable route where none currently exists. The following cases, for example to increase speed or capacity, do not meet the criteria for a new line: (a) The realignment of an existing route (b) the creation of a bypass (c) the addition of one or more tracks on an existing route, regardless of the distance between the original tracks and the additional tracks.
new works
New or material changes to railway infrastructure of operational significance, including, for the avoidance of doubt, railway lines or additions to existing railway lines, bridges and structures, stations or other buildings required to operate or maintain railways, level crossings and signalling systems or such other works as may, by order, be specified by the Minister, after consultation with the Commission and railway undertakings. A nominal value of the contact wire height at a support in the normal conditions. Page 214 of 451
German Term
French Definition German Definition Une voie unique identifiant l'cartement de la voie.
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
A single value that identifies the track gauge. Voltage by which an installation or part of an installation is designated. Testing to detect defects in materials using techniques that do not damage or destroy the items being tested. An operating procedure in which the traffic is controlled by verbal or written authority. A non signal-controlled operation may be combined with a signaling system as a safetey overlay. voie sans ballast Track that is not supported on ballast. Voie qui ne repose pas sur un ballast.
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Glossary for Energy TSI CMW Glossary
non-ballasted track
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
Non-fulfilment of a requirement.
Non-fulfilment of a requirement.
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Network Rail - Network Code
non-mainline application
non-passenger class
All Train Operators whose Access Agreements are, at least in part, in respect of the provision of railway passenger services (other than Franchised Services), as a class. An application for: (a) a safety certificate or an amended safety certificate; or (b) a safety authorisation or an amended safety authorisation, made in relation to an operation on a transport system other than the mainline railway. Non traction vehicles included in passenger trains (as luggage or postal vans and car carriers) are in the scope of this TSI, by extension to passenger carriages. All Train Operators whose Access Agreements are, at least in part, in respect of the provision of services for the carriage of goods by railway, as a class. Page 215 of 451
United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" Network Rail - Network Code
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A version of a relevant item: (a) from which sensitive information has been excised; and/or (b) in which sensitive information has been replaced by a summary containing no sensitive information. A form of a non signal-controlled operation in which the traffic is controlled by verbal or written authority and the train separation is not protected by a signaling system. the state of the ground frame where the points are set for the main line and the levers (or mechanism) are locked. the position in which the points are shown on the signalling plan - usually set for the straight route or to provide maximum flank protection for other routes. Note that other definitions are in used (1) '+' and '-' (2) left have (or right hand) switch closed (3) left or right direction of train at facing points (This is the exact opposite of which switch is closed!).
German Definition
non-signaled operation
normal co-ordinates
coordonnes normales
The expression normal co-ordinates is used for orthogonal axes defined in a plane normal to the centreline of the track in nominal position; one of these axes, sometimes called horizontal, is the intersection of the specified plane and the running surface; the other is the perpendicular to this intersection at equal distance from the rails.
systme d'axes orthogonaux dans un plan normal l'entraxe de la voie en position nominale, l'un de ces axes, appel parfois horizontal, est plac l'intersection du plan spcifi et de la surface de roulement, l'autre est la perpendiculaire cette intersection gale distance des rails.
Commission Decision 2006/861/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem rolling stock - freight wagons of the trans-European conventional rail system
normal service
Railway is operating in a non-degraded mode (e.g. rail adhesion is normal, signals are working, everything is working as planned). The scheduled running time as the sum of the minimum running time and the recovery time. The railway operating to a planned timetable service. Planned timetable service. The Normal Ventilation System is used in the Channel Tunnel to maintain the service tunnel at a higher air pressure. In an incident this prevents any smoke or fumes from the rail tunnels entering into the service tunnel. A notice given by an Affected Person to Network Rail. Page 216 of 451
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Glossary for Energy TSI Eurotunnel Glossary
notice of objection
English Definition The bodies which are responsible for assessing the conformity or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents or for appraising the EC procedure for verification of the subsystems (Directive 91/440/EC).
French Definition Organismes chargs d'valuer la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi des constituants d'interoprabilit ou d'instruire la procdure de vrification CE des sous-systmes (directive 91/440/CE).
German Definition Die Stellen, die damit betraut sind, die Konformitt oder die Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Interoperabilittskomponenten zu bewerten oder das EG-Prfverfahren fr Teilsysteme durchzufhren (Richtlinie 91/440/EG). die Stellen, die damit betraut sind, die Konformitt oder die Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Interoperabilittskomponenten zu bewerten oder das EGPrfverfahren fr Teilsysteme durchzufhren. die Stellen, die gem den Richtlinien 96/48/EG und 2001/16/EG damit betraut sind, die Konformitt oder die Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Interoperabilittskomponenten zu bewerten oder das EG-Prfverfahren fr Teilsysteme durchzufhren.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
notified bodies
organismes notifis
benannte Stellen
notified bodies
organismes notifis
benannte Stellen
Bodies which are responsible for assessing the conformity or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents or for appraising the EC procedure for verification of the subsystems. The bodies which are responsible for assessing the conformity or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents or for appraising the EC procedure for verification of the subsystems, as defined in Directives 96/48/EC and 2001/16/EC.
Les organismes chargs d'valuer la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi des constituants d'interoprabilit ou d'instruire la procdure de vrification CE des sous-systmes. les organismes chargs d'valuer la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi des constituants d'interoprabilit ou d'instruire la procdure de vrification CE des sous-systmes, tels qu'ils sont dfinis dans les directives 96/48/CE et 2001/16/CE.
notified bodies
organismes notifis
benannte Stellen
The bodies which are responsible for assessing the conformity or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents or for appraising the EC procedure for verification of the subsystems. The bodies which are responsible for assessing the conformity or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents or for appraising the EC procedure for verification of the subsystems. The bodies which are responsible for assessing the conformity or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents or for appraising the "EC" procedure for verification of the subsystems. The bodies which are responsible for assessing the conformity or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents or for appraising the EC procedure for verification of the subsystems. (Directive 91/440/EC). The bodies which are responsible for assessing the conformity or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents or for appraising the "EC" procedure for verification of the subsystems. Page 217 of 451
Les organismes chargs d'valuer la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi des constituants d'interoprabilit ou d'instruire la procdure de vrification CE des sous-systmes.
die Stellen, die damit betraut sind, die Directive 2008/57/EC on the Konformitt oder die interoperability of the rail system Gebrauchstauglichkeit der within the Community Interoperabilittskomponenten zu bewerten oder das EG-Prfverfahren fr Teilsysteme durchzufhren. die Stellen, die damit betraut sind, die Directive 96/48/EC on the Konformitt oder die interoperability of the TransGebrauchstauglichkeit der European high-speed rail system Interoperabilittskomponenten zu bewerten oder das EGPrfverfahren fr Teilsysteme durchzufhren. Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
notified bodies
organismes notifis
benannte Stellen
Les organismes chargs d'valuer la conformit ou l'aptitude l'emploi des constituants d'interoprabilit ou d'instruire la procdure de vrification CE des sous-systmes.
notified bodies
notified bodies
French Term
German Term
notified body
notified standards
English Definition The bodies which are responsible for assessing the conformity or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents or for appraising the EC procedure for verification of the subsystems;. A body responsible for assessing the conformity or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents or for appraising the EC procedure for verification of the subsystems. The standards, technical specifications and technical rules notified by the Secretary of State to the Commission pursuant to regulation 27. An interoperability constituent that: a) does not comply with the performances set out in Chapter 5 of the present TSI b) does not comply with the relevant European standard(s) c) is not compatible with other interoperability constituents in the particular type of subassembly within which it is intended to be used d) the particular type of subassembly within which it is intended to be used complies with the performances set out in Chapter 4 of the present TSI insofar as they apply to the subassembly.
French Definition
German Definition
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System) United Kingdom - The Railways (Interoperability) (High-Speed) Regulations 2002
Un constituant d'interoprabilit qui remplit les conditions suivantes: e) il satisfait une ou plusieurs des exigences a), b) ou c) relatives aux constituants d'interoprabilit tablis; f) le type particulier de sous-ensemble dans lequel il doit tre utilis, respecte les performances dfinies au chapitre 4 de la prsente STI dans la mesure o elles s'appliquent au sous-ensemble. Les constituants d'interoprabilit nouveaux comprennent uniquement: le rail, les systmes d'attache de rail, les traverses et supports de voie.
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
NS number of passengers
Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009 die Zahl der befrderten Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the Eisenbahnfahrgste, wobei jede European Parliament and of the Eisenbahnfahrt als die Befrderung vom Council of 16 December 2002 on Einsteige- zum Aussteigeort mit oder rail transport statistic ohne Umsteigen von einem Eisenbahnfahrzeug in ein anderes definiert ist. Wenn die Fahrgste die Dienstleistungen mehr als eines Eisenbahnunternehmens in Anspruch nehmen, werden sie mglichst nur einmal gezhlt. Glossary for Transport Statistics
The number of seats and berths available in a passenger vehicle when performing the service for which it is intended. (Seats in dining coaches and buffet compartments places are excluded). The number of authorized standing places available in a passenger vehicle when performing the service for which it is intended. Page 218 of 451
English Term number of working hours of staff or contractors lost as a consequence of accidents
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The number of hours that, on the basis of its experience, a Railway Undertaking/Infrastructure Manager calculates were lost in terms of hours of absence from work of staff or contractors that were injured in accidents. The objective of the Railway Operational Code is to sustain and, where necessary, restore expeditiously the operation of Services in accordance with the Working Timetable and in a manner consistent with the ORR ROC Criteria, having regard to: (a) the needs of passengers and freight customers; (b) the interests of safety and security; and (c) the efficient and economical operation of the Network and of trains operating on it. Data supporting the existence or verity of something.
German Definition
objective evidence
Obligation to carry
obligation de transporter
Any obligation imposed upon transport undertakings to accept and carry passengers or goods at specified rates and subject to specified conditions.
Lobligation pour les entreprises de transport daccepter et deffectuer tout transport de voyageurs ou de marchandises des prix et conditions de transport dtermins.
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Regulation (EEC) 1191/69 of the Council on action by Member States concerning the obligations inherent in the concept of a public service in transport by rail, road and inland waterway Regulation (EEC) 1191/69 of the Council on action by Member States concerning the obligations inherent in the concept of a public service in transport by rail, road and inland waterway
Obligation to operate
obligation dexploiter
Any obligation imposed upon a transport undertaking to take, in respect of any route or installations which it is authorised to work by licence or equivalent authorisation, all necessary measures to ensure the provision of a transport service satisfyingfixed standards of continuity, regularity and capacity. It also includes any obligation to operate additional services and any obligation to maintain in good condition routes, equipment - in so far as this is surplus to the requirements of the network as a whole - and installations after services have been withdrawn.
Lobligation pour les entreprises de transport de prendre, pour les lignes ou installations dont lexploitation leur a t confie par concession ou autorisation quivalente, toutes les mesures en vue de garantir un service de transport rpondant des normes fixes de continuit, de rgularit et de capacit. Sont galement vises lobligation dassurer lexploitation de services complmentaires, ainsi que lobligation dentretenir en bon tat des lignes, du matriel, pour autant quil est excdentaire par rapport lensemble du rseau, et des installations aprs la suppression des services de transport.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A safety culture and safety climate ensuring: safe and healthful employment and places of employment, i.e. workplaces which are free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm and working conditions in which injury and occupational illness, workplace hazards, worker protection and welfare are monitored and controlled so that work can be done safely as a result of appropriate prescriptive work planning and execution, focusing in particular on tools, training and equipment together with analysis and control of hazards.
German Definition
on line maintenance on line maintenance on site maintenance on site maintenance on track machine (OTM)
Maintenance carried out during the time that the item is in use. Maintenance carried out during the time that the item is in use. Maintenance carried out at the location where the item is used. Maintenance carried out at the location where the item is used. Vehicle specially designed for construction and maintenance of the track. OTMs can be used in 3 different modes: working mode, transport mode as self-propelling vehicle, transport mode as hauled vehicle. A vehicle specially designed for construction and maintenance of the track. OTMs can be used in 3 different modes: working mode, transport mode as self-propelling vehicle, transport mode as hauled vehicle. ETCS equipment carried on the train with the aim of supervising vehicle operation according to information received from infrastructure installations, the driver, trackside signalling systems and other, non ETCS onboard systems.
CMW Glossary EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology CMW Glossary EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
onboard system
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
English Definition An international partnership between rail Infrastructure Managers providing a single point of contact for rail customers for the purposes of: ordering specified train paths in international freight traffic, monitoring the entire train movement, generally also invoicing track access charges on behalf of IM's.
French Definition Partenariat international entre gestionnaires d'infrastructures ferroviaires proposant un interlocuteur unique aux clients du transport ferroviaire de fret afin: - de demander des sillons de train spcifiques pour le trafic international de fret, - de suivre tous les mouvements de trains, - et, gnralement, de facturer les frais d'accs la voie pour le compte des GI.
German Definition Eine internationale Partnerschaft zwischen Eisenbahninfrastrukturbetreibern; sie bietet den Bahnkunden eine einzige Anlaufstelle fr folgende Zwecke: Bestellung spezifizierter Zugtrassen im grenzberschreitenden Gterverkehr, berwachung der gesamten Zugbewegung, Generell auch die Abrechnung von Wegeentgelten im Namen der IB.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
An international partnership between rail Infrastructure Managers providing a single point of contact for rail customers for the purposes of: - Ordering specified train paths in international passenger traffic, - Monitoring the entire train movement, - Generally also invoicing track access charges on behalf of IMs.
one-block signaling
A signaling system in which the main signals provide information about the clearance of only one block section. Non-reusable packaging for the purpose of transportation. Mode of train operation where only one RU is involved, which runs the train on various infrastructures. This RU contracts the needed paths with all involved IMs.
one-way packaging open access mode mode d'exploitation en accs libre Offener Netzzugang
Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary Mode d'exploitation des trains qui implique une seule EF charge de faire circuler le train sur plusieurs infrastructures. Cette entreprise ferroviaire conclut les contrats relatifs aux sillons ncessaires avec tous les GI concerns. Eine Art des Zugbetriebs, bei der nur ein EVU beteiligt ist, das den Zug ber verschiedene Infrastrukturen betreibt. Dieses EVU bestellt die erforderlichen Zugtrassen bei allen beteiligten IB. Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
open block
A fixed block system in which the line is cleared in normal state and only blocked as long as a train has occupied the block section. Describes a communication protocol of open systems based on the OSI reference model. Open systems are capable of communicating independent of proprietary solutions.
Acronyme de Open Systems Interconnection (interconnexion de systmes ouverts) Dcrit un protocole de communication entre systmes ouverts sur la base du modle de rfrence OSI. Les systmes ouverts sont capables de communiquer indpendamment des solutions propritaires.
Open Systems Interconnection Beschreibt ein Kommunikationsprotokoll fr offene Systeme, das auf dem OSISchichtenmodell basiert. Offene Systeme knnen unabhngig von proprietren Lsungen miteinander kommunizieren.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
German Term
English Definition The award procedures applied by contracting entities whereby: (a) in the case of open procedures, all interested suppliers, contractors or service providers may submit tenders; (b) in the case of the restricted procedures, only candidates invited by the contracting entity may submit tenders; (c) in the case of negotiated procedures, the contracting entity consults suppliers, contractors or service providers of its choice and negotiates the terms of the contract with one or more of them.
French Definition German Definition les procdures de passation appliques par les entits adjudicatrices et dans lesquelles: a) en ce qui concerne les procdures ouvertes, tout fournisseur, tout entrepreneur ou tout prestataire de services intress peut soumissionner; b) en ce qui concerne les procdures restreintes, seuls les candidats invits par l'entit adjudicatrice peuvent soumissionner; c) en ce qui concerne les procdures ngocies, l'entit adjudicatrice consulte les fournisseurs, les entrepreneurs ou les prestataires de services de son choix et ngocie les conditions du march avec un ou plusieurs d'entre eux.
Source Document Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
operating language
langue oprationnelle
The language or languages used in daily operation an Infrastructure Manager and published in his Network Statement, for the communication of operational or safety related messages between the staff of the Infrastructure Manager and the Railway Undertaking.
Langue(s) utilise(s) par un gestionnaire d'infrastructure pour ses activits quotidiennes d'exploitation et publie(s) dans son document de rfrence du rseau ainsi que pour la communication de messages d'exploitation ou de scurit entre son propre personnel et celui des entreprises ferroviaires.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
operating language
langue oprationnelle
The language or languages used in daily operation by an Infrastructure Manager and published in his Network Statement, for the communication of operational or safety related messages between the staff of the Infrastructure Manager and Railway Undertakings.
Langue(s) utilise(s) par un gestionnaire dinfrastructure pour ses activits quotidiennes dexploitation et publie(s) dans son document de rfrence du rseau ainsi que pour la communication de messages dexploitation ou de scurit entre son propre personnel et celui des entreprises ferroviaires.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
operating language
The language or languages used in daily operation by an Infrastructure Manager and published in his Network Statement, for the communication of operational or safety related messages between the staff of the Infrastructure Manager and Railway Undertakings. A system of operating rules and technical appliances to operate trains on a railroad infrastructure. State when an item is performing a required function. Time interval during which an item is performing its required function. Total time duration of operating time between two consecutive failures of an item. Page 222 of 451
OPE glossary
operating procedure
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition All activities performed to achieve the purpose for which a facility was constructed. In relation to a railway undertaking, includes the operation of railway services or the operation of railway infrastructure, or both, and any other ancillary activities. The procedures and related equipment enabling a coherent operation of the different structural subsystems, both during normal and degraded operation, including in particular train driving, traffic planning and management. The procedures and related equipment enabling a coherent operation of the different structural subsystems, both during normal and degraded operation, including in particular train driving, traffic planning and management.
German Definition
Source Document Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005
CMW Glossary
operation categories
catgories d'exploitation
Dfinition de la scurit concernant les vhicules utiliss pour les diffrents rseaux.
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
operation categories
operator operator
An employee who controls train movements. In relation to the use of an interoperability constituent or subsystem means the person having charge of the management of that interoperability constituent or subsystem for the time being. In relation to the use of an interoperability constituent or subsystem means the person having the management of that interoperability constituent or subsystem for the time being. In relation to the use of an interoperability constituent or structural subsystem means the person having the management of that interoperability constituent or structural subsystem for the time being. Maintenance carried out by a user or operator. Page 223 of 451
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System) United Kingdom - The Railways (Interoperability) (High-Speed) Regulations 2002
operator maintenance
French Term
German Term
optional path
sillon facultatif
English Definition An interlocked block system to prevent opposing movements in single line operations. Path reserved for which the effective use must be confirmed by the railway undertaking which booked it. The process of selecting and assembling inventory for shipment or for fulfillment of orders. Processing and checking order data from the time when order is obtained from customer to the arrival of transport documents and invoices at the customers (paper work). In a general sense: company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration. In the specific sense: Infrastructure Managers, Railway Undertakings, maintenance and railway products suppliers. NOTE For organizations with more than one operating unit, a single operating unit may be defined as an organization. Arrangement of responsibilities, authorities and relationships between people. Group of people and facilities with an arrangement of responsibilities, authorities and relationships. Standard description of how messages should be transmitted between any two points in a network. The OSI model defines seven layers of functions that take place at each end of a communication. These layers are the only internationally accepted framework of standards for communication.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009
Sillon rserv dont l'utilisation effective doit tre confirme par l'enterprise ferroviaire qui l'a rserv.
order picking
order processing
organitional structure
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Description normalise de la manire Standardbeschreibung, wie Meldungen Commission Regulation dont les messages doivent tre changs zwischen zwei Punkten in einem 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI entre deux points quelconques d'un Netzwerk bertragen werden sollten. relating to the telematic rseau. Le modle OSI dfinit 7 couches Das OSI-Modell definiert 7 Schichten von application for freight subsystem de fonctions mises en oeuvre chaque Funktionen, die an jedem Ende einer of the trans-European extrmit d'une liaison de Kommunikation stattfinden. Diese conventional rail system communication. Ces couches sont le seul Schichten sind der einzige international cadre normatif reconnu l'chelle anerkannte Standard fr die internationale en matire de Kommunikation. communication. Guichet Unique. Les personnels embarqus dans le train qui ne sont pas des conducteurs de train, mais qui contribuent la scurit du train et celle des passagers et marchandises transports. Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009 das im Zug befindliche Personal, das Directive 2007/59/EC on the keine Triebfahrzeugfhrer ist, aber zur certification of train drivers Sicherheit des Zuges, der Fahrgste und operating locomotives and trains der befrderten Gter beitrgt. on the railway system in the Community Registration of Rolling Stock - Final report
GU autres personnels de bord assurant des tches dterminantes pour la scurit anderes mit sicherheitsrelevanten Aufgaben betrautes Zugpersonal
One-Stop Shop. Staff on board the train who are not train drivers but who help to ensure the safety of the train and of the passengers and goods being transported.
Entity outside from the railway business whom the NSA gives occasionally authorisation for access to the NVR. Page 224 of 451
French Term
German Term
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Glossary for Energy TSI
A line selected by a Member State from the TEN mentioned in Decision 884/2004/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004, but not defined as a Core Line. All accidents other than train collisions, train derailments, at level crossing, to persons caused by rolling stock in motion and fires in rolling stock. Mobile railway infrastructure construction & maintenance equipment.
other vehicles
All persons not defined as "passengers", "employees including the staff of contractors", "level crossing users" or "unauthorised persons on railway premises". Packing material grouping together a delivery unit. To farm out activities which are not part of the core business activity to an outside provider or manufacturer To split off one or more functions (such as EDP, maintenance, packaging, transport, warehousing) transferring them from a previously integrated company to another legal entity (company with different ownership). Logistics: variable use of logistics resources, i.e. untying of rigid resources (relates to company's own vehicle fleet and warehouses as well as to fixed, long-term contract relationships with third-parties) and farming out a great range of services to authorized and efficient logistics providers. Aim: Utilization of rationalization potential by concentrating on the core business.
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Recommendations to revise Annex 1 to Directive 2004/49
A comprehensive set of examinations and actions carried out, in order to maintain the required level of availability and safety of an item. Overhaul may be performed at prescribed intervals of time or number of operation. Overhaul may require a complete or partial dismantling of the item. Page 225 of 451
German Term
English Definition A comprehensive set of examinations and actions carried out, in order to maintain the required level of availability and safety of an item. Note 1: Overhaul may be performed at prescribed intervals of time or number of operation. Note 2: Overhaul may require a complete or partial dismantling of the item. Contact line placed above (or beside) the upper limit of the vehicle gauge and supplying vehicles with electric energy through roof-mounted current collection equipment. A certain length of track behind a signal that must not be occupied as long a train movement is approaching this signal. Permitted speed limit to be supervised when the override EOA function is active.
French Definition
German Definition
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
The unique entity that has the proprietary control of the vehicle as a capital asset. The owner might not be the current keeper of the vehicle but can appoint a keeper. In relation to a structural subsystem means the person with legal title to that structural subsystem.
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System) United Kingdom - The Railways (Interoperability) (High-Speed) Regulations 2002
In relation to a structural subsystem means any person who has an estate or interest in, or right over that subsystem, and whose permission is needed before another may use it. The process of combining merchandize for distribution in accordance with a pick order. Volume of goods forming a unit by the selected type of packaging. Stackable equipment (reusable or oneway!) used to assemble goods into one loading unit. Pallets are suitable for handling f. ex. by forklift trucks. Pallets are either designed with or without side walls (box pallets or flat pallets). Page 226 of 451
English Definition A raised platform, normally made of wood, facilitating the handling of goods. Pallets are of standard dimensions. The most used in Europe are 1000 mm x 1200 mm (ISO) and 800 mm x 1200 mm (CEN). Palm Operated means that the device shall be operable by the palm or any part of the hand in its working position, not requiring fingers to be unclenched. The design need is that passengers with painful conditions, which affect their joints such as arthritis, may be unable to (and are likely to experience discomfort or pain if they do) exert any force with the tip of a single finger. Many will not be able to unclench their fingers to do this.
French Definition Plate-forme, gnralement en bois, permettant une manutention plus facile des marchandises. Les dimensions normalises les plus utilises en Europe sont : 1000 mm x 1200 mm (ISO) et 800 mm x 1200 mm (CEN). On considre qu'un dispositif peut tre actionn avec la paume de la main lorsqu'il peut tre command l'aide de la paume ou de toute partie de la main sans que les doigts doivent tre desserrs. Cela est justifi par le fait que les voyageurs souffrant de pathologies qui affectent leurs articulations, telles que l'arthrite, peuvent ne pas tre mme d'exercer une force avec le bout d'un seul doigt (et risquent d'prouver de l'inconfort ou de la douleur s'ils le font). Une grande partie de ces personnes ne peuvent desserrer les doigts pour y parvenir.
German Definition Source Document Genormte Plattform (meistens aus Holz), Terminology on combined die den Umschlag von Gtern transport erleichtert. Die genormten, in Europa am hufigsten verwendeten Abmessungen sind 1000 mm x 1200 mm (ISO) oder 800 mm x 1200 mm (CEN). Commission Decision 2008/164/EC concerning the TSI relating to persons with reduced mobility in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
palm operated
This is installed on routes equipped with the overhead line electrical system (25kV, 50Hz ac) with line-side equipment that calculates the uplift of each operating pantograph of a passing train. This installation is designed to give early warning of latent defects in the pantograph equipment and to generate an alarm message where the output reading exceeds the agreed threshold. The equipment transmits a message with the passing of each train to a nominated control centre. Staff at the control centre will be responsible for identifying the train involved and notifying the signaller at the centre through which the train will shortly pass. This will enable the train to be stopped at a suitable location for the driver to examine the pantograph(s) concerned. There are installations at 24 sites located across the network. A list of these installations and their location is provided in Annex D.
parking braking
Brake system used when the train is parked, allowing the application of a brake force without any available energy on board for an unlimited period of time. Application of a brake force to maintain the train or the vehicle in permanent immobilisation at stationary position, without any available energy on board. Page 227 of 451
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Fault characterized by the fact that an item can only perform some but not all of the required functions. In some cases it may be possible to use the item with reduced performance. Body that operates under the applicable rules without having the opportunity to take part in the management of the system or scheme. Body that operates under the applicable rules without having the opportunity to take part in the management of the system or scheme. Any public or private road, street or highway, including footpaths and bicycle paths, or other route provided for the passage of people, animals, vehicles or machinery. Person (other than an employee with specific duties on the train) travelling by train or on railway property before or after a train journey.
German Definition
Personne (autre qu'un employ ayant des fonctions spcifiques bord du train) se dplaant par train ou sur une emprise ferroviaire avant ou aprs un voyage par train.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
Person (other than an employee with specific duties on the train) travelling by train or on railway property before or after a train journey.
Personne (autre quun employ ayant des fonctions spcifiques bord du train) se dplaant par train ou sur une emprise ferroviaire avant ou aprs un voyage par train.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Person (other than an employee with specific duties on the train) travelling by train or on railway property before or after a train journey. Any person, excluding members of the train crew, who makes a trip by rail. For accident statistics, passengers trying to embark/disembark onto/from a moving train are included. Means a person who intends to make, or is making, or has made a journey using the transport services and other services of one or more railway undertakings. May be different from Custome. Area to which passengers have access without particular authorisation. Page 228 of 451
OPE glossary
passenger area
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
French Term
German Term
English Definition Area to which passengers have access without particular authorisation.
French Definition
German Definition
passenger carriages
Non-traction vehicles carrying passengers, and operated in a variable formation with vehicles from the category "thermal or electric traction units" ensuring the traction function. This type includes non-traction vehicles carrying passengers, and operated in a variable formation with vehicles from the category thermal or electric traction units defined above ensuring the traction function. The Principal Change Date or, as the case may be, the Subsidiary Change Date. Unit designed to haul passenger carriages.
Source Document Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
passenger carriages
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
passenger locomotive
Railway vehicle for the conveyance of passengers, even if it comprises one or more compartments or spaces specially reserved for luggage, parcels, mail, etc. These vehicles include special vehicles such as sleeping cars, saloon cars, dining cars and ambulance cars. Each separate vehicle of an indivisible set for the conveyance of passengers is counted as a passenger railway vehicle. Included are railcars if they are designed for passenger transport.
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Glossary for Transport Statistics
passenger timetable
Any timetable of railway passenger services published or procured to be published to the public by Network Rail. A train accessible to Passengers (a train composed of Passenger vehicles but not accessible to passengers is not considered as a Passenger train). Train accessible to passengers (a train composed of passenger vehicles but not accessible to passengers is not considered as a passenger train). The unit of measure representing the transport of one passenger by rail over a distance of one kilometre. Only the distance on the national territory of the reporting country shall be taken into Page 229 of 451 account.
passenger train
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" Recommendations to revise Annex 1 to Directive 2004/49
passenger train
English Definition The unit of measure representing the transport of one passenger by rail over a distance of one kilometre. Only the distance on the national territory of the reporting country shall be taken into account. A commitment by a franchised passenger railway undertaking to its passengers as regards what passengers may expect, including as to standards of service, compensation and contact arrangements. It means a level crossing without any form of warning system and/or protection activated when it is unsafe for the user to cross. A level crossing without any form of warning system and/or protection activated when it is unsafe for the user to traverse the crossing. Provision for the future construction of a physical extension to a structure (for example: increased platform length).
French Definition Unit de mesure correspondant au transport d'un voyageur par chemin de fer sur un kilomtre. Seule la distance parcourue sur le territoire national du pays dclarant est prise en compte.
German Definition die Maeinheit fr die Befrderung eines Fahrgastes mit der Eisenbahn ber eine Entfernung von einem Kilometer. Es wird nur die auf dem Hoheitsgebiet des Meldelandes zurckgelegte Entfernung bercksichtigt.
Source Document Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
passengers charter
passive crossing
passive provision
The infrastructure capacity needed to run a train between two places over a given time-period (route defined in time and space).
Reprsente la capacit d'infrastructure requise pour faire circuler un train donn entre deux lieux donns sur une priode de temps donne (itinraire dfini dans le temps et dans l'espace).
Trasse bezeichnet die Infrastrukturkapazitt, die fr den Betrieb eines Zuges zwischen zwei Orten innerhalb eines gegebenen Zeitraums erforderlich ist (zeitlich und rumlich definierte Strecke).
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
Itinraire du train dfini dans le temps et Zeitlich und rumlich definierte l'espace. Fahrtstrecke eines Zuges.
A definition of a train's route in terms of time and the locations (marker points) at which it will originate and terminate along with details of those locations en route at which it will either pass or call. The detail might also include any activities that the train will perform en route for example train crew, locomotive or other consist changes.
Dfinition de l'itinraire du train (dure et points de dpart et de destination), avec des descriptions dtailles des endroits de passage et d'arrt, qui peuvent galement inclure toute activit du train en cours de route, telles que le changement de personnel de bord, de locomotive ou de composition.
Definition einer Zugstrecke mit Nennung des Zeitrahmens, der Orte (Markierungspunkte), an denen der Zug anfngt und endet, und mit Angaben zu Orten entlang der Strecke, an denen der Zug durchfhrt oder einen Zwischenhalt einlegt. Zu den detaillierten Angaben gehren auch etwaige Aktivitten, die entlang der Strecke am Zug vorgenommen werden, z. B. Wechsel des Zugpersonals, des Triebfahrzeugs oder nderungen der Zugbildung.
English Definition The infrastructure capacity needed to run a train between two places over a given time-period.
French Definition La capacit d'infrastructure requise pour faire circuler un train donn d'un point un autre un moment donn.
German Definition die Fahrwegkapazitt, die erforderlich ist, damit ein Zug zu einer bestimmten Zeit zwischen zwei Orten verkehren kann.
A time-distance graph that represents the schedule of a train in a traffic diagram. The infrastructure capacity needed to run a train between two places over a given time-period. This expression is used in EU Directives to refer to the infrastructure capacity needed to run a train between two places over a given time period; and in the context of this Network Statement is treated as a train movement, which has been created and included into the working timetable from a train slot.
Source Document Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009
La capacit de l'infrastructure ferroviaire requise pour faire circuler un train donn d'un point un autre un moment donn.
A right to a train movement, defined by characteristics of length, weight and speed together with departure and arrival times at their start and end locations and any appropriate intermediate locations. When processed by Network Rail into the working timetable (using the rules set out in the Network Code) this becomes a train path. A train movement or a series of train movements, identified by arrival and departure times at each of the start, intermediate (where appropriate) and end points of each train movement. sillon Infrastructure capacity required to run a Capacit d'infrastructure requise. given train from one point to another at a given period of time. There exist catalogue, customised, regular and optional paths. The infrastructure capacity needed to run a train between two places over a given time-period (Route defined in time and space). Train route defined in time and space. Trassenverbund Joining up of individual train paths to Raccordement de plusieurs sillons de extend path in terms of time and space. train pour tendre le sillon dans le temps et dans l'espace.
TAP TSI Glossary Zusammenschluss einzelner Trassen zur Commission Regulation zeitlichen und rumlichen Erweiterung 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI der Trasse. relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009
Number of the defined train path. Work unit used as a reference to determine the charge for reservation of paths (it is the product of the distance reserved and the number of paths). Passenger holding a ticket which has been paid for. Means the transfer of wealth from one party (such as a customer) to another (such as a distributor). A payment is usually made in exchange for the provision of transport or service. Possession to be given up for the passage of Booked Services. Assessment of a body against specified requirements by representatives of other bodies in, or candidates for, an agreement group. Process for the assessment of a national accreditation body by other national accreditation bodies, carried out in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008, and, where applicable, additional sectoral technical specifications.
Unit d'oeuvre servant de rfrence pour la dtermination du droit de rservation des sillons (c'est le rsultat du produit de la distance rserve par le nombre de sillons).
Network Rail - Rules of the route 2009 ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles
peer evaluation
Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93
English Definition The term peer-to-peer refers to a class of systems and applications that employ distributed resources to perform a critical function in a decentralised manner. The resources encompass computing power, data (storage and content), network bandwidth, and presence (computers, human, and other resources). The critical function can be distributed computing, data/content sharing, communication and collaboration, or platform services. Decentralisation may apply to algorithms, data, and metadata, or to all of them. This does not preclude retaining centralisation in some parts of the systems and applications if it meets their requirements.
French Definition Classe de systmes et d'applications utilisant des ressources rparties pour raliser une fonction critique d'une manire dcentralise. Les ressources couvrent la puissance de calcul, les donnes (mmoire et contenu), la largeur de bande du rseau et la prsence (ordinateurs, hommes et autres ressources). La fonction critique peut tre un calcul rparti, un partage de donnes/contenu, la communication et la collaboration ou des services de plate-forme. La dcentralisation peut s'appliquer des algorithmes, des donnes et des mtadonnes ou l'ensemble de ces lments. Cela n'exclut pas le maintien de la centralisation pour certaines parties des systmes et des applications si la conformit aux exigences demeure assure.
German Definition Der Ausdruck Peer-to-Peer bezieht sich auf eine Klasse von Systemen und Anwendungen, die mit verteilten Ressourcen arbeiten, um eine kritische Funktion dezentral durchzufhren. Die Ressourcen bestehen aus Rechenleistung, Daten (Speicherung und Inhalt), Netzbandbreite und Prsenz (Computer, Menschen und andere Ressourcen). Kritische Funktionen sind beispielsweise dezentrale Rechenleistungen, Bereitstellung von Daten/Inhalten zur gemeinsamen Nutzung sowie Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit oder Plattformdienste. Die Dezentralisierung kann sich auf Algorithmen, Daten, Metadaten oder alle diese Elemente erstrecken. Dies schliet nicht aus, dass in einigen Teilen der Systeme und Anwendungen ein zentrales System beibehalten wird, wenn es den Erfordernissen gerecht wird.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
The term peer-to-peer refers to a class of systems and applications that employ distributed resources to perform a critical function in a decentralised manner. This code is incorporated into the Network Code (UK) and encompasses defined standards of accuracy of performance data, used in connection with the performance monitoring system, which assesses the respective responsibilities of Network Rail and railway undertakings for delays and cancellations to trains. The system feeds into arrangements which encourage performance improvement and the minimisation of disruption.
performance monitoring
gestion de la rgularit
The systematic observation and recording of the performance of the train service and the infrastructure for the purpose of bringing about improvements in the performance of both.
Observation et enregistrement systmatiques des performances de service d'un train et de l'infrastructure afin d'y apporter des amliorations.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
German Term
English Definition The systematic observation and recording of the performance of the train service and the infrastructure for the purpose of bringing about improvements in the performance of both.
French Definition Observation et enregistrement systmatiques des performances de service dun train et de linfrastructure afin dy apporter des amliorations.
German Definition
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
performance monitoring
The systematic observation and recording of the performance of the train service and the infrastructure for the purpose of bringing about improvements in the performance of both. Network Rail shall operate a system for monitoring train performance which accurately records: (a) the times at which trains arrive at, depart from and pass specified points; (b) the difference between the time at which a train arrives at, departs from or passes a specified point and the time published for such arrival, departure or passing in the Working Timetable; (c) all cancelled trains and trains failing to pass any specified point; and (d) the cause of train delays and cancellations.
OPE glossary
performance parameter
performance plan
Parameter describing a category of line used as the basis for the design of infrastructure subsystem elements and as the indication of the performance level of a line. A statement by Network Rail, forming part of a LOC Statement, of its plans for the carrying out of such maintenance, repair, renewal, enhancement or other modification of such parts of the Network as will enable it to discharge its Local Output Commitments in respect of a Train Operator. Any railway employee mentioned in the ETCS operational rules.
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Unless an Affected Person gives notice to Network Rail within 15 Working Days of his receipt of the notice that he objects to the disclosure in question, that person shall have lost the right to object to its disclosure. Period of time for which a normative document is current, that lasts from the date on which it becomes effective (effective date), resulting from a decision of the body responsible for it, until it is withdrawn or replaced. A timetable with clockface schedules. A crosslock that is permanently in effect. Maximum overall length of a train, which can run on a certain line in normal operation. A signal that may be cautiously passed in stop position after the train has stopped at the signal. After passing a permissive signal in stop position the movement in the next block section must be made at restricted speed. The speed limit at which a train is allowed to proceed without ETCS warning and / or intervention.
German Definition
period of validity
CMW Glossary
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
permissive signal
permitted speed
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Person killed
personne tue
Any person killed immediately or dying Toute personne tue sur le coup ou within 30 days as a result of an accident, dcdant dans les trente jours la suite excluding suicides. d'un accident de chemin de fer, sauf suicides.
alle Personen, die entweder unmittelbar nach einem Unfall oder innerhalb von 30 Tagen an den Unfallfolgen sterben mit Ausnahme der Personen, die Selbstmord begangen haben.
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
person responsible
In relation to an interoperability constituent means the manufacturer of that interoperability constituent or his or her authorised representative established in the Community, or where neither the manufacturer nor his or her authorised representative established in the Community places an interoperability constituent on the market, the person who places that interoperability constituent on the market. Page 235 of 451
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition In relation to an interoperability constituent means the manufacturer of that interoperability constituent or his or her authorised representative established in the State or, where neither the manufacturer nor his or her authorised representative established in the State places an interoperability constituent on the market, the person who places that interoperability constituent on the market.
German Definition
Source Document Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System)
person responsible
Un relation to an interoperability constituent means the manufacturer of that interoperability constituent or his authorised representative established in the Community. personnes grivement blesses Any person injured who was hospitalised Toute personne blesse qui a t schwer Verletzte. for more than 24 hours as a result of an hospitalise pendant plus de vingtaccident, excluding attempted suicides. quatre heures la suite d'un accident de chemin de fer, sauf tentatives de suicide. Means any person whose mobility when using transport is reduced due to any physical disability (sensory or locomotory, permanent or temporary), intellectual disability or impairment, or any other cause of disability, or as a result of age, and whose situation needs appropriate attention and adaptation to his or her particular needs of the service made available to all passengers.
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic TAP TSI Glossary
A person works in the course of the operation of a railway undertaking in a maintenance capacity, if his or her work in the operation involves installation, maintenance, repair, alteration or inspection of, railway infrastructure or trains, or involves coupling or uncoupling trains or performing a predeparture examination of trains. phase A For the purpose of this TSI, Phase A period is the period starting when a notified body is appointed and provided with a description of the rolling stock intended to be developed and built or acquired. Priode qui dbute lorsquun organisme notifi est dsign et reoit une description du matriel roulant dont le dveloppement et la construction ou lacquisition sont envisags.
phase A
Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Period starting when a notified body is appointed by the contracting entity and provided with a description of the rolling stock intended to be developed and built or acquired and ending when a type certificate of "EC" verification is issued. Period starting when a notified body is appointed by the contracting entity and provided with a description of the rolling stock intended to be developed and built or acquired and ending when a type certificate of EC verification is issued.
German Definition
Source Document Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
phase A
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
phase B
phase B
For the purpose of this TSI, Phase B period is the period starting when a type or design examination certificate of EC verification is issued by a notified body, and ending when this type or design examination certificate of EC verification ceases to be valid. Period starting when a type certificate of "EC" verification is issued by the notified body, and ending when this type or design examination certificate of "EC" verification ceases to be valid. period starting when a type certificate of "EC" verification is issued by the notified body, and ending when this type or design examination certificate of "EC" verification ceases to be valid. Taking goods out of a stock and packing them according to customer requirements. Selection and gathering of items from a total quantity supplied (product line) to fulfill an order Building of units for consignment Consolidating delivery orders Movement process for consolidation or dissolution of goods flow (i.e. goods leave storage area in a state that is different from the state upon entry) Splitting up complete loads into individual consignments or treatment of stockkeeping units in accordance with individual orders or retrievals.
La priode qui dbute lorsquune attestation de vrification CE est dlivre par un organisme notifi sur la base dun examen de type ou dun examen de la conception, et se termine lorsque cette attestation cesse dtre valable.
Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
phase B
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
Phase B
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition 1st stage: article-related (e.g. 100 TV sets), customer frees up his picking zone 2nd stage: consignee-related (e.g. 1 customer, 1 TV set) The ln the despatch zone since space-intensive buffering of individual consignments between completion of picking operation and despatch is not necessary. In English, the term piggyback does not refer to combined transport in general but specifically to the transport by rail of road semi-trailers. Pressure variations between the enclosed spaces in which trains run and the other spaces of stations, producing powerful air currents. Pressure variations between the enclosed spaces in which trains run and the other spaces of stations, producing powerful air currents.
German Definition
piston effect
effet de pistonnement
Variations de pression dans les espaces ferms dans lesquels les trains circulent et autres espaces dans les gares et stations, qui crent des courants d'air extrmement forts.
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
In the Channel Tunnel, air duct linking the two rail tunnels, which limits the air pressure fluctuations when trains pass by. Public key infrastructure. Infrastructure cls publiques.
Eurotunnel Glossary
Public Key Infrastructure Infrastruktur Commission Regulation mit ffentlich hinterlegtem Schlssel. 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Ort, an dem die Ablieferung erfolgt (Abfahrtsbahnhof ist anzugeben). Ein Ort, an dem die Zustndigkeit fr den Wagen wechselt. Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
place of delivery
lieu de livraison
Place where the delivery happens Lieu de livraison (gare ferroviaire de (departure rail station to be given). A dpart indiquer). Lieu de transfert de place where responsibility for the wagon responsabilit du wagon. is changed.
place of departure
lieu de dpart
Place from which a means of transport is Lieu de dpart prvu ou effectif d'un scheduled to depart or has departed. moyen de transport.
Ort, von dem ein Transportmittel abfahren soll oder abgefahren ist.
lieu de destination
Zielort, Ankunftsort
Place at which the means of transport is Lieu d'arrive prvu ou effectif du due to arrive or has arrived. moyen de transport. Synonyme: lieu d'arrive.
Ort, an dem das Transportmittel ankommen soll oder angekommen ist. Synonym: Ankunftsort.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The place in which a railway passenger leaves the railway vehicle after being conveyed by it. A passenger transfer from one railway vehicle directly to another one, regardless of the railway undertaking, is not regarded as disembarkation / embarkation. Whenever during the transfer another mode of transport is used, this is to be regarded as disembarkation from a railway vehicle followed by a subsequent embarkation on a railway vehicle. The place in which a railway passenger boards the railway vehicle to be conveyed by it. A passenger transfer from one railway vehicle directly to another one, regardless of the railway undertaking, is not regarded as disembarkation / embarkation. Whenever during the transfer another mode of transport is used, this is to be regarded as disembarkation from a railway vehicle followed by a subsequent embarkation on a railway vehicle. The place taken into account is the place in which the goods are loaded on a railway vehicle to be transported by it. Unlike in road and inland waterway transport, transshipments from one railway vehicle directly to another and change of tractive vehicle are not regarded as unloading/loading. However, if the goods are unloaded from a railway vehicle, loaded on another mode of transport and, again loaded on another railway vehicle, this is considered as unloading from the first railway vehicle followed by loading on the second railway vehicle.
German Definition
place of embarkation
place of loading
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The place taken into account is the place in which the goods are unloaded from a railway vehicle after being transported by it. Unlike in road and inland waterway transport, transshipments from one railway vehicle directly to another and change of tractive vehicle are not regarded as unloading/loading. However, if the goods are unloaded from a railway vehicle, loaded on another mode of transport and, again loaded on another railway vehicle, this is considered as unloading fromthe first railway vehicle followed by loading on the second railway vehicle. All the operations by which a subsystem Lensemble des oprations par is put into its design operating state. lesquelles un sous-systme est mis en tat de fonctionnement nominal.
German Definition
placing in service
mise en service
placing in service
mise en service
placing in service
mise en service
All the operations by which a subsystem L'ensemble des oprations par lesquelles die Gesamtheit aller Ttigkeiten, durch or a vehicle is put into its design un sous-systme ou un vhicule est mis die ein Teilsystem oder ein Fahrzeug in operating state. en tat de fonctionnement nominal. seine nominale Betriebsbereitschaft versetzt wird. All the operations by which a subsystem Lensemble des oprations par die Gesamtheit aller Ttigkeiten, durch is put into its design operating state. lesquelles un sous-systme est mis en die ein Teilsystem in seine nominale tat de fonctionnement nominal. Betriebsbereitschaft versetzt wird. Date of authorisation for placing in service of the vehicle and the validity of that authorisation. All the operations by which a subsystem is put into its design operating state.
Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network Directive 2008/57/EC on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community Directive 96/48/EC on the interoperability of the TransEuropean high-speed rail system Registration of Rolling Stock - Final report Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System) United Kingdom - The Railways (Interoperability) (High-Speed) Regulations 2002
placing in service
placing in service
placing in service
In respect of a structural subsystem, first using that subsystem on or as part of a rail network scheme for use in the transportation of passengers or freight; and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly. The process by which a structural subsystem is put into use in its designed state as set out in Article 14 of Directive 96/48/EC. All the operations by which a subsystem or a vehicle is put into its design operating state. The process by which an interoperability constituent is made available within the European Community, with a view to distribution or use within the Community. Page 240 of 451
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast) "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
French Term
German Term
English Definition The first making available of a product on the Community market.
French Definition
German Definition
Making an interoperability constituent available for purchase with a view to its use on the trans-European high-speed rail system; and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly. voie courante Section of track without switches and crossings. Section de voie dpourvue d'appareils de voie.
Source Document Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 United Kingdom - The Railways (Interoperability) (High-Speed) Regulations 2002
plain line
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
plain line
Section of track without switches and crossings. Conflicting routes that lock each other by requiring switches to be locked in a different position. Temporary speed restriction that is implemented by the ETCS system or included in the list of temporary speed restrictions.
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Multifunctional Railway Platform. A rail wagon with a recessed pocket to accept the axle/wheel assembly of a semi-trailer. A rail wagon with a recessed pocket to accept the axle/wheel assembly of a semitrailer. A sign that indicates the position of a switch. Page 241 of 451
pocket wagon
wagon posche
Wagon quip dune poche destine recevoir le train roulant dune semiremorque.
Eisenbahnwaggon mit tiefliegender Terminology on combined Tasche zur Aufnahme der Achsaggregate transport eines Sattelanhngers. IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
point indicator
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A locking device that mechanically locks the points of a switch in a proper position to prevent unattended movements of the points and movable frogs as long a train is running through the switch. A machine that is used to operate points, movable frogs or derails. The reference line in a fixed common crossing can deviate from the theoretical reference line. From a certain distance to the crossing point, the reference line of the vee can, depending on the design, be retracted from this theoretical line away from the wheel flange in order to avoid contact between both elements.
German Definition
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure
The movable parts of a turnout that are operated to set up different routes. Any project whose planning/construction stage has reached a point where a change in the technical specifications would be unacceptable to the Member State concerned. Such an impediment may be legal, contractual, economic, financial, social or environmental in nature and must be duly substantiated. voie ferre portuaire Tracks situated in the boundary of a dock and belonging to it. A light signal that indications are given by the position of two or more lights. Non-availability of the network for full use by trains for a period when reserved for the carrying out of works. The act of delaying procurement, production and distribution activities until a future time in order to slow down cost growth and capital tieups. Postponing the assembly date can result in greater flexibility; the later assembling takes place the "nearer" the product will be to the market and the greater the capability of including better information. A convention for aggregating harm to people by regarding major and minor injuries as being equivalent to a certain fraction of a fatality. Page 242 of 451 Voie ferre situe dans les limites d'un port at appartenenant celui-ci.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
port railway
RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009 IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Network Rail - 2009 Network Statement
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
French Term
German Term
English Definition In relation to a relevant railway service, means persons who (but for the reduction or discontinuance of the service) would have made use of it. A powered vehicle which provides traction in a self-propelling train with or without driving cab, which is not intended to be uncoupled during normal operation. It is called Power Head when located at one end of the trainset and fitted with a driving cab. Such a vehicle when located at one end of the trainset and fitted with a driving cab.
French Definition
German Definition
power car
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
power car
power head
A traction vehicle of a trainset with a single drivers cab at one end, which is not capable of carrying a payload.
Vhicule de traction dune rame dot dune seule cabine de conduite une extrmit et qui nest pas capable de transporter une charge utile.
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
power head
A powered vehicle which provides traction in a self-propelling train with or without driving cab, which is not intended to be uncoupled during normal operation, located at one end of the trainset and fitted with a driving cab. Train formation of several units coupled together, which is defined at design stage and can be reconfigured during operation. Train formation(s) of several units coupled togethers, which is defined at design stage and can be reconfigured during operation. Preventive maintenance carried out in accordance with established intervals of time or number of units of use but without previous condition investigation. Condition based maintenance carried out following a forecast derived from the analysis and evaluation of the significant parameters of the degradation of the item. Condition based maintenance carried out following a forecast derived from the analysis and evaluation of the significant parameters of the degradation of the item.
predefined formation
predefined formation(s)
predetermined maintenance
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
predictive maintenance
CMW Glossary
predictive maintenance
English Definition Is the delta time before the scheduled time of departure. The pre-departure period starts at scheduled time of departure minus delta time and ends at the scheduled time of departure.
French Definition Il s'agit d'une dure X avant l'heure de dpart. Elle commence un certain temps avant l'heure de dpart prvue et se termine lorsque celle-ci est atteinte.
German Definition Ist die Delta-Zeit vor der geplanten Abfahrt. Die Vor-Abfahrt-Periode beginnt mit der fahrplanmigen Abfahrtszeit minus der Delta-Zeit und endet zur planmigen Abfahrtszeit.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Network Rail - Network Code
An initial proposal made by Network Rail in respect of the applicable Rules of the Route or the applicable Rules of the Plan. All tasks to be performed before a train starts to run.
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
preparatory works
prevention of accidents
Testing, trials, pilot activities, surveys and all other activities reasonably necessary to develop the proposed Network Change. Use of processes, practices, techniques, materials, products, services or energy to avoid, reduce or control (separately or in combination) the occurrence of accidents, incidents and dangerous situations. Action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other undesirable potential situation. Action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity. Preventive maintenance carried out in accordance with established intervals of time or number of units of use but without previous condition investigation. Maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals or according to prescribed criteria and intended to reduce the probability of failure or the degradation of the functioning of an item. The maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals or according to prescribed criteria and intended to reduce the probability of failure or the degradation of the functioning of an item. Page 244 of 451
preventive action
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary CMW Glossary
preventive maintenance
preventive maintenance
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
French Term
German Term
English Definition Part of maintenance time during which preventive maintenance is carried out on an item, including technical and logistic delays inherent in preventive maintenance.
French Definition
German Definition
primary data
donnes primaires
Basic data as reference data input for Donnes de base utilises pour la saisie messages or as the basis for functionality d'informations de rfrence des and calculation of derived data. messages ou pour la fonctionnalit et le calcul de donnes drives.
Basisdaten, die als Referenzdaten fr Meldungen oder als Grundlage fr die Funktionalitt und Berechnung abgeleiteter Daten dienen.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary
primary data
Basic data as reference data input for messages or as the basis for functionality and calculation of derived data. A delay that was not transmitted from another train. A failure of an item not caused either directly or indirectly by a failure or a fault of another item. A person for whom another acts as an agent. The date, to be notified by Network Rail inormally falling on the Sunday next following the second Saturday in December in any calendar year, or such alternative dates as may be notified by Network Rail in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2001/14/EC. The working timetable that is established for the year beginning at midnight on the second Saturday in December. Infrastructure usage contract defining the principles that underpin the contractual relationship. The date by which Bidders must notify to Network Rail those rights which they intend or, as the case may be, do not intend to exercise in either or both of the Timetable Period commencing on that Principal Change Date and the Timetable Period commencing on the next following Subsidiary Change Date.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology Personne qui confie un tiers lexcution de certaines prestations. Die Person, die einen Dritten mit der Erbringung bestimmter Leistungen beauftragt. Terminology on combined transport Network Rail - Network Code
donneur d'ordres
principal timetable
principles IUC
priority date
private siding
Direct connection of a company to the rail network. Allows to load cargo directly from the production site or storage area to rail waggons. Page 245 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Track or set of tracks which are not managed by the infrastructure manager but are linked up with the track of an infrastructure manager so that a) Railway undertakings or supportive functions can perform necessary activities. b) Industrial, commercial or port, etc. establishment or group of establishments can be served by rail without transshipment. Set of installations serving to connect industrial and commercial sites to the national rail network infrastructure. A siding may serve one or several customers. Ensemble des installations permettant la raccordement de sites industriels et commerciaux aux infrastructures du rseau de ferr national. Un embranchement peut desservir un ou plusiers clients. Voie ferroviaire de desserte directe dune entreprise.
German Definition
private siding
embranchement particulier
Direct rail connection to a company. Wagon not belonging to a railway body, but at its disposal and authorized to run for it under specified conditions, or wagon hired out by a railway body to third parties. Specified way to carry out an activity or a process. Note 1: Procedures can be documented or not. Note 2: when a procedure is documented, the term 'written procedure' or 'documented procedure' is frequently used. Specified way to carry out an activity or a process. Specified way to carry out an activity or a process. Specified way to carry out an activity or a process. Specified way to carry out an activity or a process. NOTE: Procedures can be documented or not. Any signal aspect which permits the driver to pass the signal.
CMW Glossary
ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
proceed aspect
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition any aspect other than the most restrictive that the signal can display. It ma be called the OFF aspect. It allows a train to proceed on its journey or to execute shunting movements. Set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs. Set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs. Set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs. Overall organisation of logistics functions, ranging from provision of vehicles, dispatch, transport schedules, checks on consignments prescribed by the authorities, booking of shipments, organisation of initial and final leg of journey by road, invoicing of the overall service to the customer. Logistics services for inventory management, such as stock replenishment, processing of orders, inspection and handling of incoming goods, quality control. Collection of elements, interconnected to form a system, sub-system or item of equipment, in a manner which meets the specified requirements. In this European Standard, a product may be considered to consist entirely of elements of software or documentation.
German Definition
CMW Glossary
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
process control
procurement logistics
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems
A collection of elements, interconnected to form a system/subsystem/equipment, in a manner which meets the specified requirements.
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Result of a process.
Result of a process.
result of a process.
A collection of elements, interconnected to form a system, subsystem or item of equipment, in a manner, which meets the specified requirements. Page 247 of 451
ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Means a type of train with determined types of services (e.g. high speed, bike storage places, PRM accommodation, couchette and/or sleeping cars, dining cars, take away facilities, etc.) which are linked to relevant prices and may be linked to specific conditions. A place designed for the storage of the products of a manufacturing company up to complete load size. Dispatch as fullload consignments, by containers or swap bodies. Production-related storage predominates over movement processes. Solid-state control system which has a user programmable memory for storage of instructions to implement specific functions.
German Definition
production warehouse
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary
unique process, consisting of a set of coordinated and controlled activities with start and finish dates, undertaken to achieve an objective conforming to specific requirements, including the constraints of time, cost and resources.
A discrete scheme for the construction or upgrading of the whole or a part of a rail network scheme; provided that where it is intended to carry out that construction or upgrading in parts, each of which are to be placed into service on a permanent basis independently on the other parts, it means any such part.
Any project whose planning/construction stage has reached a point where a change in the technical specifications would be unacceptable to the Member State concerned. Such an impediment may be legal, contractual, economic, financial, social or environmental in nature and must be duly substantiated.
Tout projet dont la phase de planification/construction est un stade tel qu'une modification des spcifications techniques serait inacceptable pour l'tat membre concern. Cet empchement peut tre de nature juridique, contractuelle, conomique, financire, sociale ou environnementale, et doit tre dment justifi.
Vorhaben, deren Planung/Bau so weit Directive 2008/57/EC on the fortgeschritten ist, dass eine nderung interoperability of the rail system der technischen Spezifikationen fr den within the Community betroffenen Mitgliedstaat nicht akzeptabel wre. Diese Hinderung kann rechtlicher, vertraglicher, wirtschaftlicher, finanzieller, sozialer oder kologischer Art sein und muss ausreichend begrndet werden.
project manager
The person in overall control of a project. Also responsible for the safety of the products produced during the project, although may delegate this role to a Project Safety Manager (but remains accountable). Page 248 of 451
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
French Term
German Term
English Definition The person responsible for safety on a project and for producing all safetyrelated documentation. Unplanned stop in a tunnel, without a fire on board, for longer than 10 minutes.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
prolonged stop
arrt prolong
Arrt imprvu dans un tunnel, sans incendie dclar bord du train, d'une dure suprieure 10 minutes.
prolonged stop
Spontaneous evacuation.
A movement where the driver is not in the leading cab of the leading vehicle.
proposal date
In relation to a proposal for the discontinuance of any service or services, or any network or station or part of a network or station, means the date after which, according to the proposal, the service or services will no longer be provided or, as the case may be, the operation or use of the network or station or part of a network or station will be discontinued. Any proposal to amend the Delay Attribution Guide. Any proposal (other than a notice issued by the Office of Rail Regulation) to change this code or the Access Dispute Resolution Rules, together with any modification of that proposal. The person who has submitted a Proposal. Cable, which is prevented from releasing Un cble lectrique protg est un cble products of combustion into the qui vite les missions dans environment in the event of a fire. l'environnement de produits dgags par une combustion dans le cas d'un incendie. A protected electric cable is a cable, which is prevented from releasing products of combustion into the environment in the event of a fire. Page 249 of 451
Railway Group Standards Code Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A signal that displays a stop aspect for protection purposes but that is not used to authorize regular train movements. A switch that is located between an element that provides remote flank protection and the route to be protected. A switch that is locked in a protective position to provide flank protection to a route. Schematic Signalling Plan Available from the IM. The State, regional or local authorities, bodies governed by public law, or associations formed by one or more of such authorities or bodies governed by public law. A body is considered to be governed by public law where it: - is established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not being of an industrial or commercial nature, - has legal personality, and - is financed for the most part by the State, or regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law, or is subject to management supervision by those bodies, or has an administrative, managerial or supervisory board more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law.
German Definition
protective switch
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Plan Schmatique de Signalisation Ils peuvent tre acquis auprs du GI. l'tat, les collectivits territoriales, les organismes de droit public, les associations formes par une ou plusieurs de ces collectivits ou de ces organismes de droit public Est considr comme un organisme de droit public tout organisme: - cr pour satisfaire spcifiquement des besoins d'intrt gnral ayant un caractre autre qu'industriel ou commercial, - dot d'une personnalit juridique et - dont soit l'activit est finance majoritairement par l'tat, les collectivits territoriales ou d'autres organismes de droit public, soit la gestion est soumise un contrle par ces derniers, soit l'organe d'administration, de direction ou de surveillance est compos de membres dont plus de la moiti est dsigne par l'tat, les collectivits territoriales ou d'autres organismes de droit public. Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009 Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
public body
Any authority or other body on which functions are conferred by or under an enactment. A contract concluded between the competent authorities of a Member State and a transport undertaking in order to provide the public with adequate transport services.
United Kingdom - Railways Act 2005 Contrat conclu entre les autorits comptentes dun tat membre et une entreprise de transport dans le but de fournir au public des services de transport suffisants. Regulation (EEC) 1191/69 of the Council on action by Member States concerning the obligations inherent in the concept of a public service in transport by rail, road and inland waterway Regulation (EEC) 1191/69 of the Council on action by Member States concerning the obligations inherent in the concept of a public service in transport by rail, road and inland waterway
Obligations which the transport undertaking in question, if it were considering its own commercial interests, would not assume or would not assume to the same extent or under the same conditions. The consist in the obligation to operate, the obligation to carry and tariff obligation. Page 250 of 451
Obligations que, si elle considrait son propre intrt commercial, lentreprise de transport nassumerait pas ou nassumerait pas dans la mme mesure ni dans les mmes conditions.
German Term
English Definition The public telecommunications infrastructure which enables signals to be conveyed between defined network termination points by wire, by microwave, by optical means or by other electromagnetic means.
French Definition German Definition L'infrastructure publique de tlcommunications qui permet le transport de signaux entre des points de terminaison dfinis du rseau par fils, par faisceaux hertziens, par moyens optiques ou par d'autres moyens lectromagntiques. Les services de tlcommunications dont les tats membres ont spcifiquement confi l'offre, notamment une ou plusieurs entits de tlcommunications. Toute entreprise sur laquelle les pouvoirs publics peuvent exercer directement ou indirectement une influence dominante du fait de la proprit, de la participation financire ou des rgles qui la rgissent. L'influence dominante est prsume lorsque les pouvoirs publics, directement ou indirectement, l'gard de l'entreprise: - dtiennent la majorit du capital souscrit de l'entreprise ou - disposent de la majorit des voix attaches aux parts mises par l'entreprise ou - peuvent dsigner plus de la moiti des membres de l'organe d'administration, de direction ou de surveillance de l'entreprise.
Source Document Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
Telecommunications services the provision of which the Member States have specifically assigned notably to one or more telecommunications entities.
Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
Public undertaking
entreprise publique
Any undertaking over which the public authorities may exercise directly or indirectly a dominant influence by virtue of their ownershipof it, their financial participation therein, or the rules which govern it. A dominant influence on the part of the public authorities shall be presumed when these authorities, directly or indirectly, in relation to an undertaking: - hold the majority of the undertaking's subscribed capital, or - control the majority of the votes attaching to shares issued by the undertaking, or - can appoint more than half of the members of the undertaking's administrative, managerial or supervisory body.
Means the publishing of information or data at an internet site where no access control shall be applied. In relation to any specified information to be published on a website, placing such specified information on the relevant website in a prominent position and with links which enable visitors to that site to locate it quickly and without difficulty. The shortest possible running time between scheduled stops as a result from a running time calculation. The reasons for undertaking the journey are: - Work and education (commuting) - Business - Holidays (vacation) - Other (shopping, leisure, family). Page 251 of 451
publish on a website
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Glossary for Transport Statistics
English Definition A procedure dependent on the technical approval of a wagon and a contract for use with a RU which allows commercial operation of the wagon.
French Definition Procdure dpendant de l'agrment technique d'un wagon et d'un contrat d'utilisation avec une EF qui permet l'exploitation commerciale de ce wagon.
German Definition Ein von der technischen Zulassung und einem Nutzungsvertrag mit einem EVU abhngiges Verfahren, das den kommerziellen Betrieb eines Wagens erlaubt.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system DB Netz AG - Network Statement CMW Glossary
Intermittent automatic train control system in Germany. The physical and psychological suitability for the task together with the required knowledge. Proof of suitability of an individual, process, procedure, or service to fulfil specified requirements. Qualification can also denote individual competence. [ISO/TC 11/SC]. qualification The physical and psychological suitability Aptitude physique et psychologique for the task together with the required pour la tche raliser ainsi que la knowledge. matrise des connaissances requises.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
The physical and psychological suitability for the task together with the required knowledge. The physical and psychological suitability for the task together with the required knowledge. Proof of suitability of an individual, process, procedure, or service to fulfil specified requirements. Qualification can also denote individual competence. Process to demonstrate the ability to fulfil specified requirements. A person whose business comprises or includes the provision, to operators of trains, Access Option Holders and persons who intend to apply for a licence under section 8 of the Act, of services in relation to the acquisition of permission to use the Network. An individual who, in the opinion of the Railway Safety Commission, has appropriate expertise of railway operations or of a particular class or aspect of railway operations or other expertise relevant to safety management systems or aspects thereof;. Page 252 of 451
OPE glossary
Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
qualification process
qualified person
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Network Rail - Network Code
qualified person
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Information which Network Rail has acquired in relation to the affairs of any Affected Person under an Access Agreement between Network Rail and that person. A user perception of the attributes of a product.
German Definition
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics, fulfils requirements. The alteration of any aspect of the Access Rights of the Train Operator (whether in relation to performance, the quality of condition of the Network, the liability of any person to any other person, or in any other respect) other than a Quantum Adjustment in a manner which is not consistent with this code. Part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled. Inherent characteristic of a product, process or system related to a requirement. Part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements. Part of quality management focused on increasing the ability to fulfil quality requirements. In 1997, Rail Cargo Austria launched a process-oriented Quality Management System based on the ISO 9001 standard (harmonized international quality rules) for its warehousing services (this ensured an increase in efficiency and quality). On Thursday, November 18, 2004, Rail Cargo Austria received the official certification to ISO standard 9001:2000 from QS, the Austrian Association for the Certification of Quality Management Systems.
quality adjustment
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Network Rail - Network Code
quality assurance
quality characteristic
quality control
quality improvement
quality management
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
quality management
coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard to quality. Mangement system to direct and control an organization with regard to quality. document specifying the quality management system of an organization. Page 253 of 451
quality manual
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Something sought, or aimed for, related to quality. Document specifying which procedures and associated resources shall be applied by whom and when to a specific project, product, process or contract. Part of quality management focused on setting quality objectives and specifying necessary operational processes and related resources to fulfil the quality objectives. Overall intentions and direction of an organization related to quality as formally expressed by top management. A Firm Right, any Contingent Right or any Level Three Right as such under an Access Agreement in respect of a number (or quantum) of Train Slots in any specified period (including rights to Train Slots in respect of additional trains or relief services), and includes part of such a Firm Right, Contingent Right or Level Three Right. The surrender of any Access Right of the Train Operator in question and the grant to it of any other Access Right.
German Definition
quality plan
Source Document ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary
quality planning
quality policy
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Network Rail - Network Code
quantum adjustment
quasi-static movements z
mouvements quasistatiques z
z is the part of lateral movements attributable to the rolling stock (when there is a 50 mm cant deficiency) and resulting from the technology and flexibility of the suspensions (flexibility coefficient s), under the effect of centrifugal force not compensated for by cant or of excessive cant (see Figure 3a or 3b) and under the effect of asymmetry ?o . This value depends on the height h of the point in question.
z est la partie des mouvements latraux attribuables au matriel roulant (ds lors qu'il y a une insuffisance de dvers de 50 mm) et rsultant de la technologie et de la souplesse des suspensions (coefficient de souplesse s), soit sous l'effet de la force centrifuge non compense par le dvers ou soit par un dvers excessif et sous l'effet de la dissymtrie ?o . Cette valeur dpend de la hauteur h du point en question.
Commission Decision 2006/861/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem rolling stock - freight wagons of the trans-European conventional rail system
A control center to supervise and control train movements in a territory with radiobased train control. Exchange of information via radio link.
radio communication
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A form of radio-based train control in which the movement authority for a block section is issued in form of an electronic token which is transmitted by radio from the radio block center to the train. After the train has cleared the section the token is send back to the radio block center. A defined area where it is not possible by design to establish a reliable radio communication channel.
German Definition
radio hole
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
A form of operation in which the movement authorities are issued by a radio block center. The Rail Control Centre controls and monitors rail traffic within the concession, i.e. in the Channel Tunnel and on the terminals in Folkestone and Coquelles. The RCC also controls and monitors all railway fixed equipment and other equipment linked to the operation of the system and to safety. Service for the distribution of LCL transports: Fast door-to-door transport of parcels and LCL consignments all over Europe with guaranteed transport times. profil du champignon du rail Shape of the part of the rail coming in contact with wheel. Forme de la partie du rail qui vient en contact avec la roue.
rail express
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
rail inclination
inclinaison du rail
The angle between the axis of symmetry L'angle entre l'axe de symtrie d'un rail of a rail laid in the track and the pos sur la voie et la perpendiculaire au perpendicular to the running plane of plan de roulement de la voie. the track.
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The angle between the axis of symmetry of a rail laid in the track and the perpendicular to the running plane of the track. An angle defining the inclination of the head of a rail when installed in the track relative to the plane of the rails (running surface), equal to the angle between the axis of symmetry of the rail (or of an equivalent symmetrical rail having the same rail head profile) and the perpendicular to the plane of the rails.
German Definition
Source Document Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure
German passenger information system. The profile through which a railway vehicle and its loads must pass, taking into account tunnels and track side obstacles. There are 3 international gauges, agreed by UIC: A GAUGE: Total height 3.85 m above the rail and 1.28 m on either side of the track axle. B GAUGE: Total height 4.08 m above the rail and 1.28 m on either side of the track axle. C GAUGE: Total height 4.65 m above the rail and 1.45 m on either side of the track axle. Another gauge of particular significance is the B+ GAUGE, for which the total height is 4.18 m above the rail and 1.36 m on either side of the track axle. More generally, there are many other gauges recognised by rail networks.
English Definition The profile through which a rail vehicle and its loads (wagons - ITUs) must pass, taking into account tunnels and trackside obstacles. There are 4 basic gauges recognised by UIC: international gauge, A, B and C gauge. These gauges are indicated for individual lines. In principle, the smallest loading gauge may not be exceeded throughout the transport journey. Restrictions regarding the width and height of the load in curves have to be taken into account. Combined transport consignments often exceed loading gauges A and B. Another gauge of particular significance for combined transport is the B+ Gauge. There are also many other gauge codes (P/C/S/...) recognised.
French Definition Limites dencombrement que doit respecter le couple wagon-chargement (wagon- UTI) pour sinscrire dans le profil des ouvrages dart de la ligne parcourue. Quatre gabarits de base sont agrs par lUIC : le gabarit international, gabarits A, B et C. Ces garbarits sappliquent aux lignes individuelles. En principe, le plus petit gabarit ne doit pas tre dpass tout au long du trajet. Des restrictions en ce qui concerne la longueur et la hauteur de la charge dans les courbes doivent tre prises en compte. Les envois en transport combin dpassent souvent les gabarits A et B. Un autre gabarit particulirement significatif en transport combin est le gabarit B+. Il existe de nombreux autres codes de gabarits reconnus (P/C/S/...).
German Definition Source Document Begrenzungsprofil, das durch den fr die Terminology on combined Infrastruktur (z.B. Tunnel, seitliche transport Hindernisse) mageblichen Lichtraum vorgegeben ist und das Schienenfahrzeuge und ihre Ladungen (Waggons+ITE) nicht berschreiten drfen. Vier Lademae/-profile werden von der UIC anerkannt: das internationale Ladeprofil und Ladeprofile A, B und C. Diese Lademae werden streckenbezogen festgelegt. Grundstzlich ist das jeweils kleinste Ladema/-profil im Verlauf des gesamten Befrderungsweges mageblich. Beschrnkungen bezglich der Breite und der Hhe der Ladungen in Gleisbgen sind zu bercksichtigen. Sendungen des Kombinierten Verkehrs berschreiten oft die Lademae/-profile A und B. Ein weiteres Ladema von besonderer Bedeutung fr den Kombinierten Verkehr ist das Ladema B+. Darber hinaus sind zahlreiche andere Ladeprofile/-mabezeichnungen anerkannt (P/C/S/...).
rail pad
A resilient layer fitted between a rail and Une couche rsiliente adapte entre un the supporting sleeper or baseplate. rail et la traverse de support ou la plaque de base.
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
rail pad
A resilient layer fitted between a rail and the supporting sleeper or baseplate. Any person, excluding members of the train crew, who makes a journey by rail. Passengers making a journey solely by railway operated ferry or bus services are excluded. Any person, excluding members of the train crew, who makes a trip by rail. For accident statistics, passengers trying to embark/disembark onto/from a moving train are included.
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Glossary for Transport Statistics
rail passenger
rail passenger
Toute personne l'exception du personnel affect au service du train, qui effectue un parcours dans un vhicule ferroviaire. Pour les statistiques d'accidents, les voyageurs tentant d'embarquer bord/de dbarquer d'un train en mouvement sont inclus.
Eine mit der Eisenbahn reisende Person mit Ausnahme des Zugpersonals. Fr die Zwecke der Unfallstatistik sind die Fahrgste eingeschlossen, die versuchen, auf einen fahrenden Zug aufzuspringen oder von einem fahrenden Zug abzuspringen.
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A passenger alighting from a railway vehicle after having been conveyed by it. A passenger transfer from one railway vehicle directly to another one, regardless of the railway undertaking, is not regarded as disembarkation / embarkation. Whenever during the transfer another mode of transport is used, this is to be regarded as disembarkation from a railway vehicle followed by a subsequent embarkation on a railway vehicle.
German Definition
Passenger who boards a railway vehicle to be conveyed by it. A passenger transfer from one railway vehicle directly to another one, regardless of the railway undertaking, is not regarded as disembarkation / embarkation. Whenever during the transfer another mode of transport is used, this is to be regarded as disembarkation from a railway vehicle followed by a subsequent embarkation on a railway vehicle. The combination between the place of embarkation and the place of disembarkation of the passengers conveyed by rail whichever itinerary is followed on the railway network. Unit of measure representing the transport of one rail passenger by rail over a distance of one kilometre. The distance to be taken into consideration should be the distance actually run by the passenger on the concerned network. If it is not available, then the distance charged or estimated should be taken into account.
rail passenger-kilometre
rail standard
Service for the distribution of LCL transports: pan-European, universal door-to-door transport of parcels, LCL and part-load consignments. This service is also available for hazardous goods (RID/ADR) and extra-long goods. Various services, such as COD, weighing, etc. are also available. The Rail Traffic Management System enables the RCC controllers to operate, control and manage the signalling system and rail traffic movements (Channel Tunnel). Page 258 of 451
Eurotunnel Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Railway transport through a country between two places (a place of loading/embarkation and a place of unloading/disembarkation) outside that country. Transport operations involving loading/embarkation or unloading/disembarkation of a railway vehicle at the frontier of that country from/onto another mode of transport are not considered as transit. Vehicle that can operate autonomously and is capable of carrying passengers or luggage/mail. Tractive railway vehicle with motor constructed for the conveyance of passengers or goods by rail. The definition of the various categories of locomotives (electric, diesel) apply, mutatis mutandis, to railcars. A block composed of railcars and railcar trailers can be referred to as: - "multiple units" if it is modular - " trainset" if it is fixed. In motor vehicle statistics, each railcar in an indivisible set is counted separately; in statistics of passenger vehicles and goods vehicles, each body fitted to carry passengers or goods is counted as a unit.
German Definition
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Glossary for Transport Statistics
A vehicle that can operate autonomously and is capable of carrying passengers or luggage/mail. Non-tractive passenger railway vehicle coupled to one or more railcars. (Vehicles for the transport of goods, even when pulled by a railcar, are referred to as wagons). Line of communication made up by rail exclusively for the use of railway vehicles. (Line of communication is part of space equipped for the execution of transport). A system of transport employing parallel rails which (a) provide support and guidance for vehicles carried on flanged wheels, and (b) form a track which either is of a gauge of at least 350 millimetres or crosses a carriageway (whether or not on the same level), but does not include a tramway and does not include any part of a railway. Page 259 of 451
railcar trailer
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" Glossary for Transport Statistics
English Definition Line of communication made up by rail exclusively for the use of railway vehicles. a) a railway which has a gauge of not less than 350 mm and which is used for the carrying of fare-paying passengers, or fee-paying members, or the conveyance of merchandise, b) any part of such other railway that has a physical interface with a railway mentioned in paragraph (a), or a physical interface with a public road, or c) any other infrastructure that may be specified by the Railway Safety Commission.
French Definition Une voie de communication par rail destine exclusivement l'usage de vhicules ferroviaires.
German Definition eine aus Schienen bestehende Verkehrsverbindung ausschlielich fr den Gebrauch durch Eisenbahnfahrzeuge.
Source Document Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005
System of transport employing parallel rails which: (a) provide support and guidance for vehicles carried on flanged wheels; and (b) form a track which either is of a gauge of at least 350 millimetres or crosses a carriageway (whether or not on the same level),but does not include a tramway. An accident or incident which occurs on railway property in so far as it is or may be relevant to the operation of the railway. Activities consisting in, or involving, any of the following: (a) providing railway services; (b) making available railway facilities; (c) making use of such facilities; (d) using railway assets; (e) allowing others to use such assets.
United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
railway activities
railway authority
The body with the overall accountability to a Regulator for operating a railway system.
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
railway authority
The body with the overall accountability to a safety authority for operating a safe railway system.
railway authority
The body with the overall accountability to a Regulator for operating a railway system. Page 260 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Any private or public body acting mainly as a railway undertaking, an infrastructure manager or as an integrated company. A body whose main business is not related to railways should be included if it has a railway market share that is not marginal. Only the activities related to railways should be reported. Any wagon belonging to a railway body. (Excluded are privately-owned wagons). Technical standards and operating procedures contributing to safe railway system operation and interworking, compliance with which is mandatory; these are issued by Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited (RSSB) and are available at Technical standards and operating procedures authorised pursuant to the Railway Group Standards Code issued by Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited and approved by the Office of Rail Regulation. A person who is an infrastructure manager, a railway undertaking, a maintainer or an operator of rolling stock or railway assets. All the items listed in Annex I.A to Commission Regulation (EEC) N 2598/70 of 18 December 1970 specifying the items to be included under the various headings in the forms of accounts shown in Annex I to Regulation (EEC) N 1108/70(1), with the exception of the final indent which, for the purposes of this Directive only, shall read as follows: 'Buildings used by the infrastructure department'.
German Definition
United Kingdom - The Railways (Accident Investigation and Reporting) Regulations 2005 L'ensemble des lments viss l'annexe I partie A du rglement (CEE) n 2598/70 de la Commission, du 18 dcembre 1970, relatif la fixation du contenu des diffrentes positions des schmas de comptabilisation de l'annexe I du rglement (CEE) n 1108/70(1), l'exception du dernier tiret qui, aux seules fins de la prsente directive, se lit comme suit: Btiments affects au service des infrastructures. der in Anlage 1 Teil A der Verordnung Directive 91/440/EEC (EWG) Nr. 2598/70 der Kommission vom Development of the Community's 18. Dezember 1970 zur Festlegung des Railways Inhalts der verschiedenen Positionen der Verbuchungsschemata des Anhangs I der Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 1108/70(1) definierten Gegenstand, wobei im letzten Gedankenstrich des Teils A nur die Worte "Dienstgebude des Wegedienstes" Anwendung finden.
Railway infrastructure
infrastructure ferroviaire
railway infrastructure
railway infrastructure
fixed assets used for the operation of a railway including its permanent way and plant used for signalling or exclusively supplying electricity for operational purposes to the railway, but it does not include a Station. The fixed assets used for the operation of a railway including, but not limited to, rail track, railway stations, permanent way and plant used for signalling or exclusively for supplying electricity for operational purposes to the railway. Page 261 of 451
English Definition The potential to schedule train paths requested for an element of infrastructure for a certain period.
French Definition German Definition La disponibilit permettant de programmer des sillons sollicits pour un segment de l'infrastructure ferroviaire pendant une certaine priode.
railway network
All railways in a given area. (This does not include stretches of road or water even if rolling stock should be conveyed over such routes, e.g. by wagon-carrying trailers or ferries. Lines solely used for touristic purposes are excluded as are railways constructed solely to serve mines, forests or other industrial or agricultural undertakings and which are not open to public traffic).
The Railway Operational Code sets out the rules for operational activities by Network Rail and railway undertakings with the objective of sustaining, and where necessary restoring, the operation of train services on the network in accordance with the working timetable. It has been established under the terms of the Network Code.
The Railway Operational Code is a code to be established under the Network Code Railway Operational Code guidelines and references to the Railway Operational Code include each ROC Section when it is established and all Subsidiary Documentation. Infrastructure operations, train operations and station operations to the extent they affect safe train operations or the movement of passengers to and from trains. a) Any public or private undertaking licensed in accordance with the European Communities (Licensing of Railway Undertakings) Regulations 2003 (S.I. No. 537 of 2003) or otherwise by law, the principal activity of which is to provide services for the transport of goods or passengers or both by rail, and; b) Any other public or private undertaking, the activity of which is to provide transport of goods or passenger or both by rail.
railway operations
railway operator
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Any public or private undertaking licensed in accordance with the European Communities (Licensing of Railway Undertakings) Regulations 2003 (S.I. No. 537 of 2003) or otherwise by law, the principal activity of which is to provide services for the transport of goods or passengers or both by rail, and any other public or private undertaking, the activity of which is to provide transport of goods or passengers or both by rail, on the basis that the undertaking must ensure traction including an undertaking which provides traction only.
German Definition
Source Document Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008
railway premises
railway property
All railway premises to which the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 apply (as interpreted by the associated guidance, published by the Health and Safety Executive), which includes all railway track, vehicles, stations and land. All land, buildings, railway infrastructure, rolling stock and vehicles under the control of a railway undertaking. (a) a track, (b) a network, (c) a station, (d) a light maintenance depot, (e) a railway vehicle on a network or tramway, (f) rolling stock on a network or tramway, (g) a train used on a network, and (h) a vehicle used on a tramway. A safety case accepted pursuant to the Railways (Safety Case) Regulations 2000. The management or control, or participation in the management or control, of all or any part or aspect of a railway or railway property. Generic term denoting supplier(s) of complete railway systems, their subsystems or component parts.
railway property
railway services
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) L'ensemble des sous-systmes pour les domaines structurels et fonctionnels, tels qu'ils sont dfinis dans les directives 96/48/CE et 2001/16/CE, ainsi que la gestion et l'exploitation du systme dans son ensemble. das Gesamtheit der Teilsysteme fr Directive 2004/49/EC Railway strukturbezogene und betriebsbezogene Safety Directive amending Bereiche gem den Richtlinien 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC 96/48/EG und 2001/16/EG sowie die Steuerung und den Betrieb des Gesamtsystems.
railway system
systme ferroviaire
The totality of the subsystems for structural and operational areas, as defined in Directives 96/48/EC and 2001/16/EC, as well as the management and operation of the system as a whole. Page 263 of 451
English Definition The system composed of the railway infrastructures, comprising lines and fixed installations of the rail system plus the rolling stock of all categories and origin travelling on that infrastructure, as defined in Directives 96/48/EC and 2001/16/EC.
French Definition Le systme constitu par les infrastructures ferroviaires, comprenant les lignes et les installations fixes du systme ferroviaire, et le matriel roulant de toutes catgorie et origine parcourant ces infrastructures, tel que dfini dans les directives 96/48/CE et 2001/16/CE.
German Definition das System, das durch die Strecken und ortsfeste Anlagen umfassende Eisenbahninfrastruktur und durch die auf dieser Infrastruktur verkehrenden Fahrzeuge jeder Kategorie und Herkunft gebildet wird, wie es in den Richtlinien 96/48/EG und 2001/16/EG definiert wurde.
Source Document Directive 2007/59/EC on the certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community
railway system
railway system
The totality of the subsystems for the structural and operational areas, as well as the management and operation of the system as a whole. The totality of the subsystems for the structural and operational areas, as defined in high-speed and conventional rail systems Regulations, as well as the management and operation of the system as a whole. Any movement of a railway vehicle on lines operated. (When a railway vehicle is being carried on another vehicle only the movement of the carrying vehicle (active mode) is considered). Any movement of railway vehicles within a national territory irrespective of the country in which these vehicles are registered. Any movement of goods and/or passengers using a railway vehicle on a given railway network. When a railway vehicle is being carried on another rail vehicle only the movement of the carrying vehicle (active mode) is being considered. Any public or private undertaking licensed according to applicable Community legislation, the principal business of which is to provide services for the transport of goods and/or passengers by rail with a requirement that the undertaking must ensure traction; this also includes undertakings which provide traction only.
Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008
railway traffic
railway transport
railway undertaking
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
German Term English Definition Eisenbahnverkehrsunterneh Railway undertaking shall mean any men (EVU) public or private undertaking the principal business of which is to provide services for the transport of goods and/or passengers by rail with a requirement that the undertaking must ensure traction; this also includes undertakings which provide traction only.
French Definition Toute entreprise statut priv ou public dont l'activit principale est la fourniture de prestations de transport de marchandises et/ou de voyageurs par chemin de fer, la traction devant obligatoirement tre assure par cette entreprise. Ce terme couvre aussi les entreprises qui assurent uniquement la traction.
German Definition Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen bezeichnet jedes ffentlich-rechtliche oder private Unternehmen, dessen Hauptttigkeit im Erbringen von Eisenbahnverkehrsleistungen zur Befrderung von Gtern und/oder Personen besteht, wobei dieses Unternehmen die Traktion sicherstellen muss; dies schliet auch Unternehmen ein, die ausschlielich die Traktionsleistung erbringen.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
Railway undertaking
entreprise ferroviaire
Any public or private undertaking, licensed according to applicable Community legislation, the principal business of which is to provide services for the transport of goods and/or passengers by rail with a requirement that the undertaking must ensure traction; this also includes undertakings which provide traction only.
Toute entreprise statut priv ou public, qui a obtenu une licence conformment la lgislation communautaire applicable, dont l'activit principale est la fourniture de prestations de transport de marchandises et/ou de voyageurs par chemin de fer, la traction devant obligatoirement tre assure par cette entreprise; ce terme recouvre aussi les entreprises qui assurent uniquement la traction.
jedes nach geltendem Gemeinschaftsrecht zugelassene ffentlich-rechtliche oder private Unternehmen, dessen Hauptttigkeit im Erbringen von Eisenbahnverkehrsleistungen zur Befrderung von Gtern und/oder Personen besteht, wobei dieses Unternehmen die Traktion sicherstellen muss; dies schliet auch Unternehmen ein, die ausschlielich die Traktionsleistung erbringen.
Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification
railway undertaking
entreprise ferroviaire
Railway undertaking as defined in Directive 2001/14/EC, and any other public or private undertaking, the activity of which is to provide transport of goods and/or passengers by rail on the basis that the undertaking must ensure traction; this also includes undertakings which provide traction only.
Une entreprise ferroviaire au sens de la directive 2001/14/CE et toute autre entreprise statut public ou priv, dont l'activit est la fourniture de services de transport de marchandises et/ou de passagers par chemin de fer, la traction devant obligatoirement tre assure par cette entreprise; ceci englobe galement les entreprises qui fournissent uniquement la traction.
das Eisenbahnunternehmen im Sinne Directive 2004/49/EC Railway der Richtlinie 2001/14/EG sowie jedes Safety Directive amending ffentliche oder private Unternehmen, 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC dessen Ttigkeit im Erbringen von Eisenbahnverkehrsleistungen zur Befrderung von Gtern und/oder Personen besteht, wobei dieses Unternehmen die Traktion sicherstellen muss; dies schliet auch Unternehmen ein, die ausschlielich die Traktion sicherstellen.
English Definition Any railway undertaking as defined in Directive 2001/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2001 on the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure (1), and any other public or private undertaking, the activity of which is to provide transport of goods and/or passengers by rail on the basis that the undertaking must ensure traction. The term also includes undertakings which provide traction only.
French Definition Une entreprise ferroviaire au sens de la directive 2001/14/CE du Parlement europen et du Conseil du 26 fvrier 2001 concernant la rpartition des capacits dinfrastructure ferroviaire et la tarification de linfrastructure ferroviaire (1), et toute autre entreprise statut public ou priv, dont lactivit est la fourniture de services de transport de marchandises et/ou de passagers par chemin de fer, la traction devant obligatoirement tre assure par cette entreprise. Ces termes englobent galement les entreprises qui fournissent uniquement la traction.
German Definition jedes Eisenbahnunternehmen im Sinne der Richtlinie 2001/14/EG des Europischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 26. Februar 2001 ber die Zuweisung von Infrastrukturkapazitt der Eisenbahn und die Erhebung von Entgelten fr die Nutzung von Eisenbahninfrastruktur (1) sowie jedes sonstige ffentlich-rechtliche oder private Unternehmen, dessen Ttigkeit im Erbringen von Eisenbahnverkehrsleistungen zur Befrderung von Gtern und/oder Personen besteht, wobei dieses Unternehmen die Traktion sicherstellen muss. Dies schliet auch Unternehmen ein, die ausschlielich die Traktionsleistung sicherstellen.
Source Document Directive 2007/59/EC on the certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community
Railway undertaking
gestionnaire d'infrastructure
Any private or public undertaking whose This is just an initial dummy entry from main business is to provide tail transport vernon to test form. services for goods and/or passengers with a requirement that the undertaking should ensure traction.
jedes private oder ffentlichrechtliche Directive 91/440/EEC Unternehmen, dessen Hauptttigkeit im Development of the Community's Erbringen von Railways Eisenbahnverkehrsleistungen zur Befrderung von Gtern oder Personen besteht, wobei dieses Unternehmen auf jeden Fall die Traktion sicherstellen mu;. Jedes nach geltendem Directive 91/440/EEC Gemeinschaftsrecht zugelassene Development of the Community's ffentlich-rechtliche oder private Railways Unternehmen, dessen Hauptttigkeit im Erbringen von Eisenbahnverkehrsleistungen zur Befrderung von Gtern und/oder Personen besteht, wobei dieses Unternehmen die Traktion sicherstellen muss; dies schliet auch Unternehmen ein, die ausschlielich die Traktionsleistung erbringen. jedes private oder ffentlich-rechtliche Directive 95/18/EC On the Unternehmen, dessen Hauptttigkeit im licencing of railway undertakings Erbringen von Eisenbahnverkehrsleistungen zur Befrderung von Gtern oder Personen besteht, wobei dieses Unternehmen auf jeden Fall die Traktion sicherstellen mu.
railway undertaking
entreprise ferroviaire
Any public or private undertaking licensed according to applicable Community legislation, the principal business of which is to provide services for the transport of goods and/or passengers by rail with a requirement that the undertaking must ensure traction; this also includes undertakings which provide traction only.
Toute entreprise statut priv ou public et titulaire d'une licence conformment la lgislation communautaire applicable, dont l'activit principale est la fourniture de prestations de transport de marchandises et/ou de voyageurs par chemin de fer, la traction devant obligatoirement tre assure par cette entreprise; ce terme recouvre aussi les entreprises qui assurent uniquement la traction.
Railway undertaking
entreprise ferroviaire
Any private or public undertaking the main business of which is to provide rail transport services for goods and/or passengers, with a requirement that the undertaking must ensure traction.
Toute entreprise statut priv ou public, dont l'activit principale est la fourniture de prestations de transport de marchandises et/ou de voyageurs par chemin de fer, la traction devant obligatoirement tre assure par cette entreprise.
English Definition Any public or private undertaking the principal business of which is to provide services for the transport of goods and/or passengers by rail with a requirement that the undertaking must ensure traction; this also includes undertakings which provide traction only.
French Definition Toute entreprise statut priv ou public dont l'activit principale est la fourniture de prestations de transport de marchandises et/ou de voyageurs par chemin de fer, la traction devant obligatoirement tre assure par cette entreprise; ce terme recouvre aussi les entreprises qui assurent uniquement la traction.
German Definition Source Document Jedes ffentlich-rechtliche oder private Directive 95/18/EC On the Unternehmen, dessen Hauptttigkeit im licencing of railway undertakings Erbringen von Eisenbahnverkehrsleistungen zur Befrderung von Gtern und/oder Personen besteht, wobei dieses Unternehmen die Traktion sicherstellen muss; dies schliet auch Unternehmen ein, die ausschlielich die Traktionsleistung erbringen. jedes private oder ffentlich-rechtliche Unternehmen, dessen Hauptttigkeit im Erbringen von Eisenbahnverkehrsleistungen zur Befrderung von Gtern oder Personen besteht, wobei dieses Unternehmen auf jeden Fall die Traktion sicherstellen mu. Directive 95/19/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the charging of infrastructure fees
Railway undertaking
entreprise ferroviaire
Any public or private undertaking the main business of which is to provide rail transport services for goods and/or passengers, with a requirement that the undertaking must ensure traction.
Toute entreprise statut priv ou public dont l'activit principale est la fourniture de prestations de transport de marchandises et/ou de voyageurs par chemin de fer, la traction devant obligatoirement tre assure par cette entreprise.
railway undertaking
Any public or private undertaking which provides services for the transport of goods and/or passengers by rail. Included are all undertakings that dispose of/provide traction. Excluded are railway undertakings which operate entirely or mainly within industrial and similar installations, including harbours, and railways undertakings which mainly provide local tourist services, such as preserved historical steam railways. Sometimes the term 'railway operator' is used.
railway undertaking
entreprise ferroviaire
Any public or private undertaking licensed according to applicable Community legislation, the principal business of which is to provide services for the transport of goods and/or passengers by rail with a requirement that the undertaking must ensure traction; this also includes undertaking which provide traction only.
Toute entreprise statut priv ou public et titulaire d'une licence conformment la lgislation europenne applicable, dont l'activit est la fourniture de prestations de services de transport de marchandises et/ou de passagers par chemin de fer, la traction devant tre obligatoirement assure par cette entreprise; cette notion recouvre galement les entreprises qui fournissent uniquement la traction.
railway undertaking
railway undertaking
entreprise ferroviaire
Any public or private undertaking, the principal business of which is to provide services for the transport of goods and/or passengers by rail. Any public or private undertaking which Toute entreprise statut public ou priv provides services for the transport of qui fournit des services pour le transport goods and/or passengers by rail. de marchandises et/ou de voyageurs par chemin de fer. Page 267 of 451
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
English Definition Any public or private undertaking which provides services for the transport of goods and/orpassengers by rail. Undertakings whose only business is to provide services for the transport of passengers by metro, tram and/or light rail are excluded.
French Definition Toute entreprise statut public ou priv qui fournit des services pour le transport de marchandises et/ou de voyageurs par chemin de fer. Les entreprises dont la seule activit consiste fournir des services de transport de voyageurs par mtro, tramway et/ou semi-mtro sont exclues.
German Definition jedes ffentliche oder private Unternehmen, das Dienstleistungen zur Befrderung von Gtern und/oder Personen mit der Eisenbahn erbringt. Unternehmen, deren einzige Ttigkeit darin besteht, Dienstleistungen zur Befrderung von Personen mit der Untergrundbahn, mit Stadt- und/oder Straenbahnsystemen zu erbringen, sind nicht eingeschlossen;.
Source Document Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
railway undertaking
a) Iarnrod Eireann -Irish Rail b) a heritage railway, or c) any other person who operates a railway, including any body or undertaking that is responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining the items listed in Annex I.A to Commission Regulation No. 851/2006/EC including management of infrastructure control and safety systems. Any public or private undertaking, established, or to be established, in the State, the main business of which is, or will be, the provision of services for the transport of goods and/or passengers by rail, with a requirement that the undertaking must ensure traction; this also includes undertakings which provide traction only. Any private or public undertaking who owns or manages railway infrastructure or the main business of which is to provide rail services for goods and/or passengers, with a requirement that the undertaking must ensure traction. Any other person who operates a railway, including any body or undertaking that is responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining the items listed in Annex I.A to Commission Regulation No. 851/2006/EC including management of infrastructure control and safety systems.
railway undertaking
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 537-2003 European Communities (Licensing of Railway Undertakings) Regulations, 2003
railway undertaking
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System)
railway undertaking
Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008
German Term
English Definition Any private or public undertaking that has in particular obtained a license and a railway certificate in conformity with the applicable legislation, the principal activity of which is to provide freight and/or passenger rail transport services; this undertaking must perform the traction function; this term also includes undertakings that perform only the traction function.
French Definition German Definition Toute enterprise statut priv ou public, qui a notamment obtenu une licence et un certificat de scurit conformment la lgislation applicable, dont l'activit principale est la fourniture de prestations de transport de marchandises et/ou de voyageurs par chemin de fer, la traction devant obligatoirement tre assure par cette enterprise; ce terme recouvre aussi les enterprises qui assurent uniquement la traction.
railway vehicle
Railway undertaking shall mean any public or private undertaking the principal business of which is to provide services for the transport of goods and/or passengers by rail with a requirement that the undertaking must ensure traction; this also includes undertakings which provide traction only. Mobile equipment running exclusively on rails, moving either under its own power (tractive vehicles) or hauled by another vehicle (coaches, railcar trailers, vans and wagons). The following vehicles are included in the statistics for a railway body: a) All railway vehicles belonging to the railway body and hired by it and actually at its disposal, including those under or waiting for repair, or stored in working or non working-order, and foreign vehicles at the disposal of the body and vehicles of the body temporarily engaged in the normal course of running abroad. b) Private owners wagons, i.e. those not belonging to the railway body but authorized to run for it under specified conditions, together with wagons hired out by the railway body to third parties and being operated as private owners wagons. Statistics for a railway body exclude vehicles not at its disposal, i.e. a) Foreign vehicles or vehicles not belonging to the railway body circulating on the railway network. b) Vehicles which are on hire to, or otherwise at the disposal of, other railway bodies. c) Vehicles reserved exclusively for service transport, or intended for sale, braking-up or condemning. Page 269 of 451
French Term
German Term
railway vehicle
English Definition French Definition A vehicle suitable for circulation on its own wheels on railway lines, with or without traction. Mobile equipment running exclusively on rails, moving either under its own power (tractive vehicles) or hauled by another vehicle (coaches, railcar trailers, vans and wagons). A vehicle suitable for circulation on its own wheels on railway lines with or without traction. Mobile equipment running exclusively on rails, moving either under its own power (tractive vehicles) or hauled by another vehicle (coaches, railcar trailers, vans and wagons).
German Definition
Source Document Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
railway vehicle
Registration of Rolling Stock - Final report Matriel mobile roulant exclusivement sur rails: on distingue les vhicules moteurs (vhicules de traction) et les vhicules remorqus (voitures, remorques d'automotrice, fourgons et wagons). Eisenbahnfahrzeug ausschlielich auf Schienen fahrendes mobiles Gert, das sich entweder aus eigener Kraft fortbewegt (Triebfahrzeuge) oder von einem anderen Fahrzeug gezogen wird (Reisezugwagen, Beiwagen, Gepckwagen und Waggons). Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
Railway vehicle
vhicule ferroviaire
railway-owned siding
Any movement of a railway vehicle from a specified point of origin to a specified point of destination. A journey can be divided into a number of sections or stages. BB premises equipped with tracks that are hired out and designed for the transshipment of goods the inbound or outbound transport of which is handled by Rail Cargo Austria. A documented set of time scheduled activities, resources and events serving to implement the organisational structure, responsibilities, procedures, activities, capabilities and resources that together ensure that an item will satisfy given RAM requirements relevant to a given contract or project.
RAM programme
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
English Definition Reliability: The ability to start and continue to operate under designated operating conditions for a designated period expressed mathematically. Availability: The time in operation compared to the time out of service expressed mathematically. Maintainability: The ability of a system to be put back into service after a failure expressed mathematically. Safety: The probability of a hazardous event being initiated by the system expressed mathematically.
French Definition Fiabilit: capacit, exprime mathmatiquement, de dmarrer et de continuer fonctionner dans des conditions pralablement dfinies et sur une priode dtermine Disponibilit: temps en service compar au temps hors service, exprim mathmatiquement Maintenabilit: aptitude d'un systme, exprime mathmatiquement, tre remis en service aprs une dfaillance Scurit: probabilit, exprime mathmatiquement, de dclenchement d'un vnement dangereux par le systme.
German Definition Zuverlssigkeit Mathematisch ausgedrckte Fhigkeit, unter vorgegebenen Betriebsbedingungen in einem vorgegebenen Zeitraum den Betrieb aufzunehmen und fortzusetzen. Verfgbarkeit Mathematisch ausgedrckter Vergleich zwischen der Zeit, die ein System in Betrieb ist, und der Zeit, die das System auer Betrieb ist. Wartbarkeit Mathematisch ausgedrckte Fhigkeit, ein System nach einem Ausfall wieder in Betrieb zu setzen. Sicherheit Mathematisch ausgedrckte Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass von einem System ein gefhrliches Ereignis ausgeht.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
random failure
A failure resulting from random causes such as variations in materials, manufacturing processes or environmental stresses. The degree to which a system is free from hazardous random faults.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
The degree to which a system is free from hazardous random faults. Unpredictable occurrence of a fault.
SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
random fault
random fault
rapid turn
The occurrence of a fault based on probability theory and previous performance. Failures; occurring at random times; which result from a variety of degradation mechanisms in the hardware. Indicates how a specific article or article group behaves with regard to stock turn (inventory throughput to stock in hand ratio); industry and season-dependent. RARP RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. Acronyme de Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (protocole de rsolution d'adresse invers). Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP).
SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Number of failures of an item in a given time interval divided by the time interval. In some cases unit of time can be replaced by units of use. A centralised safety unit working with the interlocking to establish and control train separation and train movements, sending and receiving information via radio.
German Definition
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
reach stacker
reach stacker
Tractor vehicle with front equipment for Grue automobile quipe dun dispositif Fahrzeug mit mobilem Fronthebegert lifting, stacking or moving ITUs. de levage frontal lui permettant de fr das Bewegen oder Stapeln von ITE. dplacer ou gerber des UTI. The ability to exchange or process information on specified events (such as arrival at a station, passing a station or departure from a station) on the trains journey as they occur. Capacit d'changer ou de traiter des informations propos d'vnements dtermins (tels que l'arrive une gare, le passage par une gare ou le dpart d'une gare) sur le parcours des trains au fur et mesure qu'ils ont lieu. Capacit dchanger ou de traiter des informations propos dvnements dtermins (tels que larrive une gare, le passage par une gare ou le dpart dune gare) sur le parcours des trains au fur et mesure quils ont lieu.
real time
temps rel
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
real time
temps rel
The ability to exchange or process information on specified events (such as arrival at a station, passing a station or departure from a station) on the trains journey as they occur.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
real time
The ability to exchange or process information on specified events (such as arrival at a station, passing a station or departure from a station) on the trains journey as they occur. A marker at the rear end of a train.
OPE glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition In relation to a Local Output, that Network Rail is or will be unable to achieve that Local Output (in whole or in part) as a result of not having obtained a Relevant Consent or being unable to comply with a Relevant Rule and Procedure having acted, in relation to the obtaining of the Relevant Consent or the compliance with the Relevant Rule and Procedure, with due efficiency and economy and in a timely manner, including in all respects with that degree of skill, diligence, prudence and foresight which should be exercised by a skilled and experienced network owner and operator.
German Definition
Action following the dismantling of an item and the repair or replacement of those subitems, that are approaching the end of their useful life and/or should be regularly replaced. Rebuilding differs from overhaul in that the actions may include modifications and/or improvements. The objective of rebuilding is normally to provide an item with a useful life which may be greater than the life of the original item.
Any measure aimed at achieving the return of a product that has already been made available to the end user.
Any measure aimed at achieving the return of a product that has already been made available to the end user.
receipt of goods
Goods flow with booking of the goods received from an external supplier or from production. Receipt of goods increases the level of goods on stock. Sub-functions: unloading, identifying, checks, movement process: delays as short as possible. A subyard of classification yard in which the incoming trains arrive. Page 273 of 451
Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
receiving yard
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Relationship between two parties where both have the same rights and obligations towards each other. Acknowledgement of the validity of a conformity assessment result provided by another person or body. Acknowledgement of the validity of a conformity assessment result provided by another person or body. Document stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities performed. Document stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities performed. Any memorandum, book, plan, map, drawing, diagram, pictorial or graphic work or other document, any photograph, film or recording (whether of sound or images or both), any form in which data (within the meaning of the Data Protection Act 1988) are held, any other form (including machine-readable form) or thing in which information is held or stored manually, mechanically or electronically and any thing that is a part or a copy, in any form, of any of the foregoing or is a combination of two or more of the foregoing. The ability of a timetable to reduce the consequences of delays. A time supplement that is added to the pure running time to enable a train to make up small delays. In an item, the existence of more than one mean at a given instant of time for performing a required function. The provision of one or more additional measures, usually identical, to provide fault tolerance.
German Definition
Source Document ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
The provision of one or more additional elements, usually identical, to achieve or maintain availability under the failure of one or more of those elements. contour de rfrence Profile related to the normal coordinates, always accompanied by associated rules used, for rolling stock, to define the vehicle maximum construction gauge. Page 274 of 451 Contour par rapport aux coordonnes normales, toujours accompagn des rgles associes utilises, pour le matriel roulant, pour dfinir le gabarit maximal de construction du vhicule.
reference profile
Commission Decision 2006/861/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem rolling stock - freight wagons of the trans-European conventional rail system
French Term
German Term
refrigerated wagon
English Definition French Definition A system proven in use to have an acceptable safety level and against which the acceptability of the risks from a system under assessment can be evaluated by comparison. Insulated wagon using a source of cold (natural ice, with or without the addition of salt; eutectic plates; dry ice, with or without sublimation control; liquefied gases, with or without evaporation control; etc.) other than a mechanical or "absorption" unit. Such a wagon is capable, with a mean outside temperature of + 30o C, of lowering the temperature inside the empty body to, and thereafter maintaining it : - at + 7o C maximum in the case of class A; - at -10o C maximum in the case of class B; - at -20o C maximum in the case of class C; and - at 0o C maximum in the case of class D, with the aid of appropriate refrigerants and fittings.
German Definition
Source Document Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF)
regional services
services rgionaux
regional services
services rgionaux
regional services
services rgionaux
Transport services operated to meet the Les services de transport destins transport needs of a region. rpondre aux besoins de transports d'une rgion. Transport services operated to meet the Les services de transport destins transport needs of a region. rpondre aux besoins de transports d'une rgion. Transport services operated to meet the Les services de transport destins transport needs of a region. rpondre aux besoins en transports dune rgion.
Verkehrsleistungen, die den Verkehrsbedarf einer Region decken. Verkehrsleistungen, die den Verkehrsbedarf einer Region decken.
Directive 91/440/EEC Development of the Community's Railways Directive 95/18/EC On the licencing of railway undertakings Regulation (EEC) 1191/69 of the Council on action by Member States concerning the obligations inherent in the concept of a public service in transport by rail, road and inland waterway Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network
Document indicating the main features of each subsystem or part subsystem involved (e.g. the basic parameters) and their correlation with the features laid down by the applicable TSIs.
Ces registres prsentent, pour chaque sous-systme ou partie de sous-systme concerns, les caractristiques principales, comme les paramtres fondamentaux, et leur concordance par rapport aux caractristiques prescrites par les STI applicables. Document listant toutes les licences dlivres, mises jour, renouveles, modifies, expires, suspendues, retires ou dclares perdues, voles ou dtruites. Dokument, das alle ausgestellten, aktualisierten, erneuerten, genderten, abgelaufenen, ausgesetzten, entzogenen oder als verloren, gestohlen oder zerstrt gemeldeten Bescheinigungen zu fhren hat oder dafr zu sorgen hat, dass ein solches Register gefhrt wird.
Document recording all all certificates issued, updated, renewed, amended, expired, suspended, withdrawn or reported lost, stolen or destroyed.
Directive 2007/59/EC on the certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community
English Definition Public list of the following documents provided for by Directives 2001/16/EC and 96/48/EC: (a) the EC declarations of verification of subsystems; (b) the EC declarations of conformity of constituents; (c) the authorisations for putting into service, including the corresponding registration numbers; (d) the registers of infrastructure and rolling stock.
French Definition Liste publique des documents suivants prvus par les directives 2001/16/CE et 96/48/CE: a) les dclarations CE de vrification des sous-systmes; b) les dclarations CE de conformit des constituants; c) les autorisations de mise en service, incluant les numros dimmatriculation lis ces mises en service; d) les registres de linfrastructure et du matriel roulant.
German Definition (1) Die Agentur fhrt ein ffentliches Verzeichnis der folgenden in den Richtlinien 2001/16/EG und 96/48/EG vorgesehenen Schriftstcke: a) EG-Prferklrungen fr Teilsysteme; b) EG-Konformittserklrungen fr Komponenten; c) Genehmigungen zur Inbetriebnahme einschlielich der zugehrigen Einstellungsnummern; d) Infrastruktur- und Fahrzeugregister.
Source Document Regulation (EC) 881/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Railway agency
Register indicating the main features of each subsystem or part susbsystem involved, e.g. the basic parameters and their correlation with the features laid down by the applicable TSIs.
Registres prsentent, pour chaque soussystme ou partie de sous-systme concerns, les caractristiques principales, comme les paramtres fondamentaux, et leur concordance par rapport aux caractristiques prescrites par les STI applicables.
Temporary relationship between the telephone number and the train running number.
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Reglement International concernant le transport des marchandises Dangereuses par chemin de fer (RID)
Regulations concerning the international Rglementation concernant le transport Internationale Ordnung fr die carriage of dangerous goods by rail. ferroviaire international de Befrderung gefhrlicher Gter mit der marchandises dangereuses. Eisenbahn.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009
Reglement International concernant le transport des marchandises Dangereuses par chemin de fer (RID) Regolamento Internazionale Veicoli (RIV)
Regulation on the International Carriage Rglement concernant le transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail. International ferroviaire de marchandises Dangereuses. RIV Regulations governing the reciprocal use of wagons in international traffic. Regulations governing the reciprocal use of loading tackle, container and pallets in international traffic. Rglement rgissant l'emploi rciproque de wagons dans le trafic international Rglement rgissant l'emploi rciproque des agrs de chargement, des conteneurs et des palettes dans le trafic international. bereinkommen ber die Benutzung der Gterwagen im internationalen Verkehr. bereinkommen ber die gegenseitige Benutzung von Ladegerten, Containern und Paletten im internationalen Verkehr.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
Regulations governing the reciprocal use of wagons in international traffic. Page 276 of 451
French Term
German Term
regular path
sillon rgulier
English Definition Alteration of the grade of a nonconforming product in order to make it conform to requirements differing from the initial ones. Path reserved for which the use is effectively planned by the railway undertaking which booked it. Regular means a process when performed within a delay which is more than one day. Short term means a process when performed within a delay which is less than one day. Body, which can be the Ministry responsible for transport matters or any other body, independent in its organisation, funding decisions, legal structure and decision-making from any infrastructure manager, charging body, allocation body or applicant, to be established by Member States according to Dir. 2001/14. Its functions are listed in article 30.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009
Sillon rserv dont l'utilisation est effectivement prvue par l'enterprise ferroviaire qui l'a rserv.
Regulatory body
organisme de contrle
Organisme, qui peut tre le ministre charg des questions de transports ou tout autre organisme, est indpendant des gestionnaires d'infrastructure, des organismes de tarification, des organismes de rpartition et des candidats, sur le plan organisationnel, juridique, dcisionnel et pour ce qui est dcisions en matire financire. Cet organisme doit tre tablit par les Etats membres selon la Dir 2001/14. Il fonctionne conformment aux principes noncs l'article 30.
(...) Stelle, bei der es sich um das fr Verkehrsfragen zustndige Ministerium oder eine andere Behrde handeln kann, ist organisatorisch, bei ihren Finanzierungsbeschlssen, rechtlich und in ihrer Entscheidungsfindung von Betreibern der Infrastruktur, entgelterhebenden Stellen, Zuweisungsstellen und Antragstellern unabhngig. Fr die Ttigkeit der Regulierungsstelle gelten die Grundstze (des Artikel 30); Rechtsbehelfs- und Regulierungsfunktionen knnen gesonderten Stellen bertragen werden.
Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification
regulatory body
organe de contrle
The body authorized for the economic regulation of the railway traffic. Product requirements and all actions and activities to comply with, to verify and to attest these requirements, legally required by the State or by a State authority. An interlocking system in which the interlocking is achieved by relay circuits. Permission to proceed to the next stage of a process. the condition where the levers (or mechanism) is free to operate. Once the levers have been operated, the release is backlocked until they have been restored to th enormal position. when all the conditions which caused the locking to be applied have been satisfied, for example, in the case of approach locking, the train has either (1) passed into the route (2) stopped a the protecting signal or (3) not occupied any of the approach locking track circuits. Page 277 of 451
Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009 "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary European Railway Signalling
regulatory domain
relay interlocking
English Definition Date/time when the goods are expected to be released or were released by the customer.
French Definition Date et heure auxquelles il est prvu que les marchandises seront libres ou ont t libres par le client.
German Definition Datum/Uhrzeit, zu der die Gter versandbereit sein werden oder gemacht wurden.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
release speed
A speed value to allow a train to approach the end of its Movement Authority. Needed for intermittent transmission to enable the train to approach a signal that has cleared in order to reach the balise point. Needed to approach a signal as a buffer stop which is a short distance behind EOA indicated on the DMI. date et heure de libration Freigabezeit fr Wagen des wagons Date and time when the wagons are Date et heure auxquelles les wagons ready to be pulled from the named place sont prts tre tracts on the customer siding. l'emplacement donn sur le site du client donn.
Datum/Uhrzeit, um die die Wagen zur Commission Regulation Abholung auf dem Abfertigungsgleis des 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI Kunden bereitstehen. relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Network Rail - Network Code
released capacity
Track capacity made available to Network Rail as a consequence of the making of a Specified Relevant Surrender or a Specified Relevant Adjustment, and 'release of capacity' shall be construed accordingly. A Quality Adjustment or a Quantum Adjustment, and 'adjust' shall be construed accordingly. The Panel established under Part E of the Access Dispute Resolution Rules which is to determine a relevant dispute in accordance with the principles and procedures set out in Part A of the Access Dispute Resolution Rules. All consents, permissions, approvals, authorisations, acceptances, certifications, licences, exemptions, filings, registrations, notarisations and other matters, official or otherwise, which are required (or which would, in accordance with the standards of a reasonable and prudent person, normally be obtained of or from any competent authority or third party) in connection with the achievement of any Local Output. An enquiry made of Network Rail by the Train Operator. Page 278 of 451
relevant adjustment
relevant consents
relevant enquiry
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Property, rights and liabilities which, immediately before the end of the franchise period which is ending or has ended, will be or were designated as franchise assets for the purposes of the agreement;. The person who was the appropriate franchising authority in relation to the franchise agreement that has been terminated or otherwise come to an end. A practice which is relevant to the Risk concerned and the proposed usage without significant modification, and will control the Risk without incurring grossly disproportionate cost. The Relavant Information which Network Rail shall provide in each Relevant Response shall be a statement of: (a) the costs which Network Rail may reasonably expect to save or incur if any Specified Relevant Surrender or Specified Relevant Adjustment is made; (b) the times at which and the periods over which the Relevant Financial Consequences will have effect; (c) the steps which Network Rail would expect to take to achieve the Relevant Financial Consequences within the times referred to in (b) above and the opportunities which Network Rail has to accelerate or postpone the effect of the Relevant Financial Consequences; (d) the extent to which any Released Capacity may reasonably be expected to be used: (i) by any other operator of trains; and (ii) in relation to the maintenance, realignment, re-configuration, repair or renewal of any part of the Network; (e) the reasonably foreseeable financial effects on Network Rail of the release of capacity; (f) Network Rail's proposals as to the amounts (if any) which should be payable by or to the Train Operator under Access Agreement as a consequence of the making of any Specified Relevant Surrender or Page 279 of 451 Specified Relevant Adjustment and its reasons for them, including in relation to
German Definition
relevant information
English Term
French Term
German Term
(e) the reasonably foreseeable financial effects on Network Rail of the release of French Definition English Definition capacity; (f) Network Rail's proposals as to the amounts (if any) which should be payable by or to the Train Operator under Access Agreement as a consequence of the making of any Specified Relevant Surrender or Specified Relevant Adjustment and its reasons for them, including in relation to the sharing between Network Rail and the Train Operator of the Relevant Financial Consequences; and (g) whether any other person has made an enquiry of Network Rail pursuant to an agreement between that person and Network Rail in relation to the surrender or adjustment of Access Rights under that agreement which, if made, might reasonably be expected to affect the interests of the Train Operator in relation to the Specified Relevant Surrender or Specified Relevant Adjustment in question, together with such other information as the Train Operator reasonably requests, in each case in a form and amount of detail which is sufficient to enable the Train Operator to make a proper assessment of the effect of the making of the Specified Relevant Surrender or Specified Relevant Adjustment in question.
German Definition
Source Document
The infrastructure manager for any infrastructure used in relation to the operation in question. In respect of any specified information, the whole or part of any information, statement, proposal, draft, instrument or other document which constitutes or forms part of that specified information.
United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006 Network Rail - Network Code
relevant item
relevant liability
The obligation of any person to make any payment or to take or secure the taking of any action in relation to an Environmental Condition or the Direction of a Competent Authority. That part of the Network comprising any Strategic Planning Route which the relevant Train Operator is permitted to Page 280 of 451 use.
relevant network
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition In relation to a scheme made by a single Passenger Transport Authority acting alone, means: (i) a railway passenger service operating entirely within the area of that Authority; or (ii) the part of a railway passenger service so operating; (b) in relation to a scheme made jointly by more than one local transport authority, means: (i) a railway passenger service operating wholly or primarily within the area of a Passenger Transport Authority who join in making the scheme; (ii) a railway passenger service operating wholly or primarily within the combined area of two or more Passenger Transport Authorities who join in making the scheme; or (iii) the part of a railway passenger service operating as mentioned in subparagraph (i) or (ii). Network Rails answer to a Relevant Enquiry. In relation to a proposal for a Vehicle Change under this Part F, the later of such dates as are reasonably specified by Network Rail as the date on or before which Network Rail is to give notice of its response to that proposal, having regard to: (a) the size and complexity of the change; and (b) the likely impact of the change on the operation of the Network and Train Operators, and which shall not be: (A) less than 60 days; or (B) unless Network Rail and the Sponsor agree otherwise in writing, more than 90 days, from the date on which Network Rails notice is given.
German Definition
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition (a) in relation to a proposal for a Network Change under Condition G1, the later of such dates as are reasonably specified by Network Rail as the date on or before which a Train Operator is to give notice of its response to that proposal, having regard to: (i) the size and complexity of the change; and (ii) the likely impact of the change on the Train Operator, and which shall not be less than 30 days from the date on which the notice of the proposal for change is given; and (b) in relation to a proposal for a Network Change , the later of such dates as are reasonably specified by Network Rail as the date on or before which it is to give notice of its response to that proposal, having regard to: (i) the size and complexity of the change; and (ii) the likely impact of the change on Train Operators, and which shall not be: (A) less than 60 days; or (B) unless Network Rail and the Sponsor agree otherwise in writing, more than 90 days, from the date on which Network All applicable Railway Group Standards, the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, the Channel Tunnel Rail Link Act 1996, the Transport and Works Act 1992, the Railways Act 1993, the Transport Act 2000, this Network Code, any relevant regulations or directives made by the European Union, all laws, by-laws, codes, common law, instruments, licences, regulations, requirements, rules, safety cases and other rules or procedures which concern the giving of any Relevant Consent or are otherwise relevant to the achievement of a Local Output. In relation to a Train Operator, means the steps which Network Rail reasonably considers will be necessary to prevent, mitigate or remedy the Environmental Condition or the events or circumstances giving rise to the Direction of the Competent Authority in question, or to comply with the Direction in question.
German Definition
relevant steps
relevant surrender
The surrender to Network Rail of Access Rights possessed by the Train Operator. Page 282 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Another transport operator whose operation is capable of materially affecting the safety of the operation carried on by the first operator. A railway, a tramway, a trolley vehicle system or any other system using guided transport but does not include a guided bus system or a trolley vehicle system when it operates on a road. A project to upgrade an infrastructure subsystem, an energy subsystem, or a control and command and signalling subsystem. A project to upgrade an infrastructure subsystem, an energy subsystem, or a control and command and signalling subsystem. The probability that an item can perform a required function under given conditions for a given time interval Ability of an item to perform a required function under given conditions for a given time interval. [EN 13306: 2001; Maintenance Terminology]. Ability of an item to perform a required function under given conditions for a given time interval. The term "reliability" is also used as a measure of reliability performance and may also be defined as a probability. The probability that an item can perform a required function under given conditions for a given time interval (t1, t2).
German Definition
Source Document United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006 United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System) United Kingdom - The Railways (Interoperability) (High-Speed) Regulations 2002 CMW Glossary
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Ability of an item to perform a required function under given conditions for a given period of time.
The ability of an item to perform a required function under given conditions for a given period of time.
The probability that an item can perform a required function under given conditions for a given time interval. Page 283 of 451
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A condition characterised by a progressive improvement of a reliability performance measure of an item with time.
German Definition
Source Document EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) Network Rail - Network Code
remedial plan
If at any time: (a) one or more of the performance targets (other than any which is described as a stretch performance target) contained in a JPIP is not achieved; or (b) in the opinion of either JPIP Party, acting reasonably, any performance target (other than any which is described as a stretch performance target) contained in a JPIP will not be achieved within the time periods set out in that JPIP; or (c) if the JPIP specifies that a Remedial Plan is required at a particular level of performance and that level has been reached, then the JPIP Parties shall use all reasonable endeavours to agree specific actions for inclusion in the JPIP which are designed to restore the level of performance as soon as reasonably practicable (with the timescales for the restoration being specified) to at least the level of that performance target or Remedial Plan trigger point as specified to be achieved by that time (a 'Remedial Plan'). Terms of reference, in particular for a safety audit or safety assessment.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
A flank protection that is provided by an element that is not directly neighbored to the route to be protected. Maintenance of an item carried out without physical access of the personnel to the item. Any major substitution of a subsystem or part of a subsystem, which does not change the performance of the subsystem. In the case of a renewal (or maintenance-related replacement) application of the TSIs is voluntary. Any major substitution work on a subsystem or part subsystem which does not change the overall performance of the subsystem. Page 284 of 451
remote maintenance
EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
CMW Glossary
German Term
English Definition Major work to replace a subsystem or part of a subsystem which does not change the performance of the subsystem.
French Definition Des travaux importants de substitution d'un sous-systme ou d'une partie de sous-systme ne modifiant pas les performances du sous-systme.
German Definition
Source Document Commission Decision 2002/730/EC converning the TSI relating to the MAINTENANCE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system refered to in Article (6) of the Directive 96/48/EC Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network
Any major substitution work on a subsystem or part subsystem which requires fresh authorisation for putting into service. Any major substitution work on a subsystem or part subsystem which does not change the overall performance of the subsystem.
Les travaux importants de substitution dun sous-systme ou dune partie de sous-systme ne modifiant pas les performances globales du sous-systme. Les travaux importants de substitution dun sous-systme ou dune partie de sous-systme ne modifiant pas les performances globales du sous-systme.
umfangreiche Arbeiten zum Ersatz eines Teilsystems oder eines Teils davon, die eine neue Inbetriebnahmegenehmigung erforderlich machen;. Umfangreiche Arbeiten zum Ersatz eines Teilsystems oder eines Teils davon, die eine neue Inbetriebnahmegenehmigung im Sinne von Artikel 14 Absatz 1erforderlich machen.
Any major substitution work on a subsystem or part subsystem which does not change the overall performance of the subsystem. Any major substitution work on a subsystem or part subsystem which does not change the overall performance of the subsystem. Any major substitution work on a subsystem or part subsystem which does not change the overall performance of the subsystem. Any major substitution work on a subsystem or part of a subsystem which does not change the overall performance of the subsystem. Any major substitution work on a subsystem or part of a subsystem which requires fresh authorisation for putting into service. Any major substitution work on a subsystem or part subsystem which does not change the overall performance of the subsystem. Physical action taken to restore the required function of a faulty item. That part of a corrective maintenance in which manual actions are performed on a item.
Les travaux importants de substitution d'un sous-systme ou d'une partie de sous-systme ne modifiant pas les performances globales du sous-systme.
umfangreiche Arbeiten zum Austausch Directive 2008/57/EC on the eines Teilsystems oder eines Teils davon, interoperability of the rail system mit denen die Gesamtleistung des within the Community Teilsystems nicht verndert wird. Directive 96/48/EC on the interoperability of the TransEuropean high-speed rail system
Les travaux importants de substitution die Gesamtheit aller Ttigkeiten, durch dun sous-systme ou dune partie de die ein Teilsystem in seine nominale sous-systme ne modifiant pas les Betriebsbereitschaft versetzt wird. performances globales du sous-systme.
Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast) Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System) Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System) Registration of Rolling Stock - Final report
renewal of a subsystem
repair repair
EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
French Term
German Term
English Definition Measures for re-establishing the required state of a system/subsystem/equipment after a fault/failure.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Action on a nonconforming product to make it acceptable for the intended use. Part of active corrective maintenance time during which repair is carried out on an item. Part of active corrective maintenance time during which repair is carried out on an item. Physical action taken to restore the required function of a faulty item. Item which may be restored under given conditions, and after a failure to a state in which it can perform a required function. Item which may be restored under given conditions, and after a failure to a state in which it can perform a required function. Given conditions may be economical, ecoligical, technical and/or others. Repairable item, which is in fact repaired after a failure. Repairable item, which is in fact repaired after a failure. a signal which indicates the aspect of a stop signal at less than braking distance in advance. Document referring to an investigation of an accident or incident, drafted in a form appropriate to the type and seriousness of the accident or incident and the relevance of the investigation findings. It states the objectives of the investigations and contiain, where appropriate, safety recommendations.
repair time
repair time
repairable item
Document se referrant a une enqute sur un accident ou un incident tabli sous une forme approprie au type et la gravit de l'accident ou de l'incident ainsi qu' l'importance des rsultats de l'enqute. Ce rapport indique l'objectif de l'enqute, et contient, le cas chant, des recommandations en matire de scurit.
reporting countries
pays dclarant
reporting point
point de suivi
A point on the trains schedule where reporting of the arrival, departure or passing time is required.
Points de l'horaire des trains o est exige une information sur l'heure d'arrive, de dpart ou de passage.
der Mitgliedstaat, der Daten an Eurostat Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the bermittelt. European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
German Term
English Definition A point on the trains schedule where reporting of the arrival, departure or passing time is required.
French Definition Points de lhoraire des trains o est exige une information sur lheure darrive, de dpart ou de passage.
German Definition
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
reporting point
point d'observation
Location on the train journey, where the responsible IM has to issue a Train Running Forecast message with TETA to the path contracted RU.
Lieu, sur le parcours du train, o le GI responsable doit envoyer l'EF avec laquelle il a conclu le contrat relatif au sillon, un message de Prvision de circulation du train, mentionnant la HAPT l'entreprise ferroviaire implique dans ce contrat.
Ein Ort im Verlauf einer Zugfahrt, an dem der zustndige IB eine Zugfahrtprognosemeldung mit TETA an das EVU, das die Trasse gebucht hat, absetzen muss.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
reporting point
A point on the trains schedule where reporting of the arrival, departure or passing time is required. Location on the train journey, where the responsible IM has to issue a train running forecast message with TETA to the path contracted RU. rpertoire A repository is similar to a database and data dictionary, however it usually encompasses a comprehensive information management system environment. It must include not only descriptions of data structures (i.e. entities and elements), but also metadata of interest to the enterprise, data screens, reports, programs, and systems. Typically it includes and internal set of software tools, a DBMS, a metamodel, populated metadata, and loading and retrieval software for accessing repository data. Un rpertoire est semblable une base de donnes et un dictionnaire de donnes. Il inclut en gnral un environnement avec un systme de gestion globale des informations. Il doit aussi inclure non seulement des descriptions des structures de donnes (c'est--dire les entits et les lments), mais galement les mtadonnes qui intressent l'entreprise, des crans de donnes, des comptes rendus, des programmes et des systmes. En gnral, il comporte un jeu interne d'outils logiciels, un SGBD, un mtamodle, des mtadonnes prtablies ainsi qu'un logiciel de chargement et de rcupration permettant d'accder aux donnes du rpertoire centralis.
OPE glossary
reporting point
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
A repository is similar to a database and data dictionary, however it usually encompasses a comprehensive information management system environment. It must include not only descriptions of data structures (i.e. entities and elements), but also metadata of interest to the enterprise, data screens, reports, programs, and systems. Page 287 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Requested Information means: (a) in relation to information to be provided by Network Rail, such information as a Train Operator may reasonably request from time to time in order to plan its business with a reasonable degree of assurance, including information on the register of relevant assets which Network Rail is required to establish and maintain under Condition 24 of its network licence; and (b) in relation to information to be provided by a Train Operator, such information as Network Rail may reasonably request from time to time in order to plan its business with a reasonable degree of assurance.
German Definition
required function
Function or a combination of functions of an item which are considered necessary to provide a given service. Time interval during which the user requires the item to be in a condition to perform a required function. Need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory. Need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory. "Generally implied" means that it is custom or common practice for the organization, its customers and other interested parties, that the need or expectation under consideration is implied. A qualifier can be used to denote a specific type of requirement, e.g. product requirement, safety management requirement, customer requirement. A specified requirement is one that is stated, for example in a document. Requirements can be generated by different interested parties. Expression in the content of a document conveying criteria to be fulfilled if compliance with the document is to be claimed and from which no deviation is permitted. Objective of requirements traceability is to ensure that all requirements can be shown to have been properly met.
required time
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
requirements traceability
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems
German Term
English Definition Area for rescue services to install different equipment (e.g. triage, on scene commando, pumping station, etc.) It is also possible to evacuate people from this place.
French Definition German Definition Emplacement destin aux services de secours, permettant l'installation de diffrents quipements (par exemple, de manoeuvre, de commandos sur place, station de pompage, etc.). L'vacuation des personnes partir de cet emplacement est galement possible.
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
rescue area
Area for rescue services to install different equipment (e.g. triage, on scene commando, pumping station, etc.) It is also possible to evacuate people from this place. The coupling device used for recue purposes to couple together a rescue vehicle equipped with a UIC type coupling system to a unit to be rescued equipped with a different type of end coupling. The coupling device used for recue purposes to couple together a rescue vehicle equipped with a UIC type coupling system to a unit to be rescued equipped with a different type of end coupling. They include fire brigades, medical organisations (e.g. red cross, etc), technical organisations (e.g. THW in Germany), special army units or police units (e.g. Genie corps, SAR).
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
rescue coupling
rescue coupling
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
rescue services
services de secours
Inclut les corps de sapeurs-pompiers, les organisations d'assistance mdicale (par exemple, la Croix-Rouge et autres organismes), des organisations techniques (par exemple, THW en Allemagne), des units militaires ou de police spcialises (par exemple, corps du gnie, units de recherche et sauvetage).
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
rescue services
Includes fire brigades, medical organisations (e.g. red cross, etc), technical organisations (e.g. THW in Germany), special army units or police units (e.g. genie corps, SAR). Means an authorisation, on paper or in electronic form, giving entitlement to transportation subject to previously confirmed personalised transport arrangements. Means a computerized system used to store and retrieve information and conduct transactions related to travel. A reservation system is capable to keep inventory correct in real time, accessible to agents/retailers around the world. Risk remaining after protective measures have been taken. Page 289 of 451
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system TAP TSI Glossary
reservation system
residual risk
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition In relation to any determination which is challenged under the 'appeals' section of the Network Code, any other dispute party which is affected by such determination. That event when an item regains the ability to perform a required function after a fault.
German Definition
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Network Rail - Network Code
restrictive provisions
returned circuit
A speed that allows to stop short of a vehicle or obstruction. For the purposes of the Network Code, a restriction of use of all or any part of the Network. Any provisions in the incumbent's Access Agreement that restrict the operation of the transferring access right, and specific timings relating to the transferring access right. Means a person or an undertaking which sells to the customer a ticket without or with a reservation for a rail service. A retailer can be an RU (agent) or credited travel agent. A trackside braking device used in gravity switching to control cars running down a hump. All conductors which form the intended path for the traction return current. Amounts expressed in monetary units which are entered in the accounts as credit to the railway body. the opposite position to normal - usually set for a diverging route. Two abutting curves of opposite flexure Deux courbes s'aboutant de flexion or hand. lastique oppose ou de sens oppos.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Glossary for Energy TSI
European Railway Signalling Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
reverse curve
Two abutting curves of opposite flexure or hand. Signalled line that will be open to trains in both directions. Verification of the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of selection and determination activities, and the results of these activities, with regard to fulfilment of specified requirements by an object of conformity assessment. Page 290 of 451
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Network Rail - Rules of the route 2009 ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Activity undertaken to determine the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the subject matter to achieve established objectives. Activity undertaken to determine the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the subject matter to achieve established objectives. Documented, comprehensive and systematic examination of the manufacturing process devised for manufacturing a product, to evaluate its contribution to product conformity, carried out at the completion of the design process. In respect of any Supplemental Timetable Revision Period, a date to be specified by Network Rail i, occurring 2 weeks prior to the relevant Revision Period End Date, or, when Christmas Day falls no more than 14 days prior to the relevant Revision Period End Date, the date occurring 3 weeks prior to the relevant Revision Period End Date, being the last date for notification by Network Rail of its decisions to accept, modify or reject Revised Bids for the Timetable Week to which that Revision Offer Date relates. In respect of any Supplemental Timetable Revision Period, the date occurring 12 weeks prior to the commencement of the Timetable Week to which that period relates. In respect of any Supplemental Timetable Revision Period, the date occurring one week after the relevant Revision Offer Date. Withdrawal of a previously given permission to move a train.
German Definition
Source Document ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
revocation of MA
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Action on a nonconforming product to make it conform to the requirements. RGUIF General Regulation for the Utilisation of the Railway Infrastructure. The RGUIF is available for consultation at the DGTT of the SPFMT. It is available from the IM. Page 291 of 451 Rglement Gnral pour lUtilisation de lInfrastructure Ferroviaire Le RGUIF peut tre consult auprs de la DGTT du SPFMT. Il peut tre acquis auprs du GI.
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009
German Term
English Definition French Definition German Definition Regulation for the reciprocal use of cars Regolamento Internazionale Carrozze and vans in international traffic. :Rglement pour lemploi rciproque des voitures et des fourgons en trafic international. Regulations governing the reciprocal use of carriages and luggage vans in international traffic. Regulations concerning the international Le rglement concernant le transport carriage of dangerous goods by rail, international ferroviaire des appearing as Annex I to Appendix B to marchandises dangereuses figurant the Convention concerning international l'annexe I de l'appendice B de la carriage by rail (COTIF), together with its convention relative aux transports amendments. internationaux ferroviaires (Cotif), y compris ses modifications. Regulations governing the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail.
Directive 96/49/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States with regard to the transport of dangerous good by rail
RID (Rglement concernant le transport International ferroviaire de marchandises Dangereuses) RID number numro RID RID-Nummer
OTIF-Nummer fr Gefahrgter.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Network Rail - Network Code Network Rail - Network Code
A meeting held between the Train Operator and Network Rail. In relation to: (a) a Failure to Use Notice; (b) a Third Party Failure to Use Notice; (c) a Third Party Notice; or (d) a Network Rail notice requesting attendance of a Train Operator at a Rights Review Meeting, as applicable, the Quantum Access Right to which such notice refers and: (i) any Train Slot or part of it in the Working Timetable which relates to the Quantum Access Right; (ii) any Ancillary Movements and Stabling that Network Rail determines: (A) are directly associated with the relevant Quantum Access Right; and (B) will no longer be required by the relevant Train Operator following surrender or reduction of the Quantum Access Right, as applicable, and (ii) any Bid relating to any such Quantum Access Right.
right-side failure
A failure which does not result in the protection provided by a signalling system being reduced. Page 292 of 451
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
French Term
German Term
English Definition A crossing without movable frogs. Combination of the frequency, or probability, of occurrence and the consequence of a specified hazardous events. The probable rate of occurrence of a hazard causing harm and the degree of severity of the harm. The probable rate of occurrence of a hazard causing harm and the degree of severity of the harm.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control CMW Glossary
combination of the frequency, or probability, and the consequence of a specified hazardous event.
The combination of the frequency, or probability, and the consequence of a specified hazardous event.
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
Combination of the likelihood of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm. The probable rate of occurrence of a hazard causing harm and the degree of severity of the harm. The combination of the frequency, or probability, and the consequences of a specific hazardous event. The product of frequency of harm and consequences for the safety of people. This encompasses both Individual and Collective Risk. The rate of occurrence of accidents and incidents resulting in harm (caused by a hazard) and the degree of severity of that harm. Likelihood of an event occurring and its consequences. The terms of reference by which the acceptability of risk is assessed. These are criteria that are used to determine that the level of a risk is low enough that it is not necessary to take any immediate action to reduce it further. The rules used in order to arrive to the conclusion that the risk related to one or several specific hazards is acceptable. Page 293 of 451
Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF) SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF)
French Term
German Term
English Definition Systematic use of available information to estimate the likelihood and consequences of hazards. A structured process which identifies both the likelihood and extent of adverse consequences arising from a given activity of facility. Systematic use of available information to identify hazards and to estimate the risk. Systematic use of all available information to identify hazards and to estimate the risk. Systematic use of available information to estimate the likelihood and consequences of hazards. Making an assessment of the risk arising from one or more hazards.
French Definition
German Definition
risk analysis
risk analysis
Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF) SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
risk analysis
risk analysis
risk assessment
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF) SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
risk assessment
Overall process of risk analysis and risk evaluation. The combination of risk analysis and risk evaluation. Overall process comprising a risk analysis and a risk evaluation. The overall process comprising a risk analysis and a risk evaluation.
risk assessment
risk assessment
risk assessment
risk assessment
Overall process of risk analysis and risk evaluation. A document containing an analysis of the risk arising from one or more hazards. Process through which decisions are reached and protective measures are implemented for reducing risks to, or maintaining risks within, specified levels. Protective measures implemented for reducing risks to, or maintaining risks within, specified levels. The process used to produce a measure of the level of risks being analysed. Risk estimation consists of the following steps: frequency, consequence analysis and their integration. Page 294 of 451
risk control
Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF)
risk estimation
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The appraisal of the significance of a given quantitative (or, where applicable, qualitative) measure of risk. Judgment, on the basis of risk analysis, of whether a risk which is acceptable has been achieved in a given context based on the current values of society. Process of comparing the estimated risk against risk criteria to determine the risk acceptability. A procedure based on the risk analysis to determine whether the tolerable risk has been achieved. Systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the tasks of analyzing, evaluating and controlling risk. Process of measuring, or assessing risk and developing strategies to manage it. Strategies include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular risk. The systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the tasks of analysing, evaluating and controlling risk. A process of selection and implementation of options that is applied to reduce either the likelihood or consequences, or both, of a particular risk. A process of selection and implementation of options that is applied to reduce either the likelihood or consequences, or both, of a particular risk. Regolamento Internazionale Veicoli: Regolamento Internazionale Veicoli : Regulation for the reciprocal use of Rglement pour lemploi rciproque des wagons in international traffic. wagons en trafic international.
German Definition
risk evaluation
risk evaluation
Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF) Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
risk evaluation
risk management
risk management
risk management
risk reduction
risk reduction
road train
train routier
road/rail transport
huckepack Verkehr
A motor vehicle coupled to a trailer (sometimes referred to in English as a drawbartrailer combination). Combined transport by rail and road.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A plan for the establishment of the Railway Operational Code which shall: (a) comply in all respects with the Railway Operational Code guidelines; (b) be consistent with the ORR ROC Criteria; (c) specify a clear and achievable timetable for the establishment of each ROC Section and the full Railway Operational Code; and (d) show in reasonable detail the proposed organisation of the Railway Operational Code.
German Definition
ROC section
A section of the Railway Operational Code covering one or more of the matters specified below (or any part of them). (a) a specification of the procedures and policies by which Network Rail, in cooperation with Train Operators, will promote achievement of the Objective, including: (i) a procedure for notification of, and communication in relation to, Disruptive Events or reasonably foreseeable Disruptive Events; (ii) train regulation policies; (iii) an emergency timetable procedure in the event of Extended Disruption; (iv) arrangements for clearance of track blockages and assistance for failed trains; (v) arrangements for: (A) the provision of equipment to deal with adverse weather conditions; and (B) the preparation for and response to seasonal disruptions; (vi) control arrangements; and (vii) other matters which it is necessary or expedient should be covered in order to promote achievement of the Objective; (b) procedures for reviewing and monitoring the effectiveness of the Railway Operational Code; and (c) procedures for the production, review, approval and publication of Subsidiary Documentation.
rolling road
Transport of complete road vehicles on trains comprising low-floor wagons throughout, whereby the driver rides along in special passenger coaches. Page 296 of 451
English Definition Transport of complete road vehicles, using roll-on roll-off techniques, on trains comprising low-floor wagons throughout.
French Definition Transport de vhicules routiers complets, utilisant la technique du transroulage, sur des trains composs de wagons plancher surbaiss sur toute leur longueur. D'autres termes sont utiliss en franais: "autoroute roulante"/"autoroute ferroviaire".
German Definition Source Document Befrderung von Kraftfahrzeugen auf Terminology on combined Zgen unter Verwendung von transport Niederflurwagen mit durchgehender Ladeflche, wobei die Roll-on-Roll-off Technik benutzt wird. Es werden auch andere Begriffe zur Bezeichnung der Rollenden Landstrae (abgekrzt RoLa) verwendet: "Rollende Autobahn". Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
Rolling stock
matriel roulant
Fahrzeuge (plural)
A rail wagon with low floor throughout which, when coupled together, form a rolling-road. All the stock likely to travel on all or part of the trans-European conventional rail network, including: - self-propelling thermal or electric trains; - thermal or electric traction units; - passenger carriages; - freight wagons, including rolling stock designed to carry lorries. Each of the above categories must be subdivided into: - rolling stock for international use; - rolling stock for national use; taking due account of the local, regional or long-distance use of the stock.
Tout le matriel roulant susceptible de voyager sur l'ensemble ou une partie du rseau tran-europen ferroviaire conventionel, y compris: - les rames automotrices moteurs thermiques ou lectriques, - les motrices de traction moteurs thermiques ou lectriques, - les voitures de voyageurs, - les wagons de marchandises, y compris le matriel roulant conu pour le transport de camions. Chacune des catgories ci-dessus est subdivise en: - matriel roulant usage international, - matriel roulant usage national.
Zu den Fahrzeugen zhlt jegliches Material, das fr den Verkehr auf der Gesamtheit oder einem Teil des konventionellen transeuropischen Eisenbahnsystems geeignet ist, einschlielich: ? Diesel-Triebzge oder elektrische Triebzge; ? Diesel-Triebfahrzeuge oder elektrische Triebfahrzeuge; ? Personenwagen; ? Gterwagen, einschlielich Fahrzeuge fr die Befrderung von Lastwagen. Jede einzelne dieser Kategorien ist wie folgt zu unterteilen: ? Fahrzeuge fr den grenzberschreitenden Verkehr, ? Hierbei wird ein lokal oder regional begrenzter Einsatz oder ein Einsatz im Fernverkehr gebhrend bercksichtigt. Hierbei wird ein lokal oder regional begrenzter Einsatz oder ein Einsatz im Fernverkehr gebhrend bercksichtigt.
rolling stock
matriel roulant
Structure, command and control system for all train equipment, traction and energy conversion units, braking, coupling and running gear (bogies, axles, etc.) and suspension, doors, man/machine interfaces (driver, onboard staff and passengers, including the needs of persons with reduced mobility), passive or active safety devices and requisites for the health of passengers and on-board staff.
La structure, le systme de commande et de contrle de l'ensemble des quipements du train, les dispositifs de captage du courant, les quipements de traction et de transformation de l'nergie, de freinage, d'accouplement, les organes de roulement (bogies, essieux, etc.) et la suspension, les portes, les interfaces homme/machine (conducteur, personnel bord, passagers, en incluant les besoins des personnes mobilit rduite), les dispositifs de scurit passifs ou actifs, les dispositifs ncessaires la sant des passagers et du personnel bord.
Struktur, System der Zugsteuerung und Zugsicherung sowie die dazugehrigen Einrichtungen des Zuges, Traktionsund Energieumwandlungseinrichtungen, Bremsanlagen, Kupplungen, Laufwerk (Drehgestelle, Achsen) und Aufhngung, Tren, Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen (Zugfhrer, Fahrpersonal, Fahrgste unter Bercksichtigung der Bedrfnisse von Personen mit eingeschrnkter Mobilitt), aktive und passive Sicherheitseinrichtungen, fr die Gesundheit der Fahrgste und des Fahrpersonals erforderliche Einrichtungen.
English Definition All the stock likely to travel on all or part of the trans-European conventional rail network,including: - self-propelling thermal or electric trains; - thermal or electric traction units; - passenger carriages; - freight wagons, including rolling stock designed to carry lorries. Mobile railway infrastructure construction and maintenance equipment is included but is not the first priority. Each of the above categories is subdivided into: - rolling stock for international use; - rolling stock for national use.
French Definition Le matriel roulant comprendra tous les matriels aptes circuler sur tout ou partie du rseau ferroviaire transeuropen conventionnel, y compris: - les rames automotrices moteurs thermiques ou lectriques, - les motrices de traction moteurs thermiques ou lectriques, - les voitures de voyageurs, - les wagons de marchandises, y compris le matriel roulant conu pour le transport de camions. Le matriel de construction et dentretien des infrastructures ferroviaires mobiles est inclus mais nest pas la priorit des priorits. Chacune des catgories ci-dessus est subdivise en: - matriel roulant usage international, - matriel roulant usage national.
German Definition Zu den unter diese Richtlinie fallenden Fahrzeugen zhlen Zge, die so ausgelegt sind, dass sie entweder bei mindestens 250 km/h auf eigens fr Hochgeschwindigkeitszge gebauten Strecken verkehren und unter gnstigen Bedingungen Geschwindigkeiten von mehr als 300 km/h erzielen knnen oder bei rund 200 km/h auf den unter Nummer 1 genannten Strecken verkehren knnen, soweit dies mit dem Leistungsniveau dieser Strecken vereinbar ist.
Source Document Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network
Rolling stock
matriel roulant
High-speed advanced-technology trains designed in such a way as to guarantee safe, uninterrupted travel: - at a speed of at least 250 km/h on the lines specially built for high speed, while enabling speeds of over 300 km/h to be reached in appropriate circumstances; - at a speed of the order of 200 km/h on existing lines which have been or are to be specially upgraded; - at the highest possible speed on other lines.
Les trains grande vitesse de technologie avance doivent tre conus pour garantir une circulation sre et sans rupture: - une vitesse d'au moins 250 km/h sur les lignes spcialement construites pour la grande vitesse, tout en permettant dans des circonstances appropries d'atteindre des vitesses dpassant 300 km/h, - une vitesse de l'ordre de 200 km/h sur les lignes existantes spcialement amnages, - la vitesse la plus leve possible sur les autres lignes.
Technisch moderne Directive 96/48/EC on the Hochgeschwindigkeitszge mssen so interoperability of the Transausgelegt sein, da sie bei folgenden European high-speed rail system Geschwindigkeiten einen sicheren Fahrbetrieb ohne Unterbrechung erlauben: - bei mindestens 250 km/h auf eigens fr Hochgeschwindigkeitszge gebauten oder zu bauenden Strecken, wobei es mglich sein mu, in geeigneten Fllen Geschwindigkeiten von mehr als 300 km/h zu erzielen; - bei rund 200 km/h auf eigens ausgebauten oder auszubauenden bestehenden Strecken;. Directive 96/48/EC on the interoperability of the TransEuropean high-speed rail system
rolling stock
matriel roulant
Trains designed to operate: - either at speeds of at least 250 km/h on lines specially built for high speeds, while enabling operation at speeds exceeding 300 km/h in appropriate circumstances, - or at speeds of the order of 200 km/h on the lines of section 1, where compatible with the performance levels of these lines.
Trains conus pour circuler: - soit sur les lignes spcialement construites pour la grande vitesse, une vitesse dau moins 250 km/h, tout en permettant, dans des circonstances appropries, datteindre des vitesses dpassant 300 km/h, - soit sur les lignes mentionnes au point 1, lorsque cela est compatible avec les niveaux de performance de ces lignes, une vitesse de lordre de 200 km/h.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition All the stock likely to travel on all or part of the trans-European conventional and high-speed rail network, including - self-propelling thermal or electric trains; - internal combustion or electric traction units; - passenger carriages; - freight wagons, including rolling stock designed to carry lorries. Each of the above categories must be subdivided into - rolling stock for international use; - rolling stock for national use; - taking due account of the local, regional or long-distance use of the stock - special vehicles. In relation to a railway, means any train or any other vehicle with flanged wheels which is designed to operate on a railway. Rolling stock which is designed and built to operate on underground sections and tunnels of not more than 5 km in length, with side evacuation available.
German Definition
rolling stock
Matriel roulant qui est conu et construit pour une exploitation dans des sections souterraines et des tunnels ne dpassant pas 5 km, dans lesquels une vacuation latrale est disponible.
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Terminology on combined transport
Rolling stock which is designed and built Matriel roulant qui est conu et to operate in all tunnels of the transconstruit pour circuler dans tous les European Network. tunnels du rseau transeuropen.
rolling-road wagon
wagon route-roulante
A rail wagon with low floor throughout which, when coupled together, form a rolling-road-.
Wagon plancher surbaiss sur toute sa Eisenbahnwaggons mit durchgehend longueur qui, accoupl en rame, tiefliegender Ladeflche, die eine constitue une route roulante. Rollende Landstrae bilden, wenn sie aneinander gekuppelt sind. Embarquement ou dbarquement dun navire dun vhicule routier, dun wagon ou dune UTI, sur ses roues ou sur des roues qui lui sont ajoutes cette fin. Dans le cas de la route roulante, seuls les vhicules routiers entrent et sortent du train par leurs propres moyens.
roll-on-roll-off (RO-RO)
transroulage (RO-RO)
roll-on-roll-off (RO-RO)
Loading and unloading of a road vehicle, a wagon or an ITU on or off a ship on its own wheels or wheels attached to it for that purpose. In the case of rolling road, only road vehicles are driven on and off a train.
Auf- oder Abladen eines Kraftfahrzeuges, Terminology on combined eines Eisenbahnwaggons oder einer ITE transport auf ein oder von einem Schiff, unter Verwendung der eigenen Rder oder von Rdern, die fr diesen Zweck untergestellt werden. Im Fall der Rollenden Landstra e werden nur Kraftfahrzeuge auf einen oder von einem Zug gefahren. Vorrichtung, die es Stra enfahrzeugen im Terminology on combined Horizontalumschlag ermglicht, einen transport Eisenbahnwaggon oder ein Schiff zu befahren oder zu verlassen.
RO-RO ramp
A flat or inclined ramp, usually adjustable, which enables road vehicles to be driven onto or off a ship or a rail wagon.
Installation qui permet aux vhicules routiers de monter ou descendre dun wagon (ou dun navire) selon la technique du roulage.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition An interlocking appliance that prevents a second operation of a control unit after certain conditions have been met. The particular section or sections of line. Une ou plusieurs sections de lignes.
German Definition
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
The geographical way to be taken from a Voie gographique emprunter d'un starting point to a point of destination. point de dpart un point d'arrive.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system OPE glossary TAP TSI Glossary
route route
The particular section or sections of line. The geographical way to be taken from a starting point to a point of destination. Document or system that provides the driver with details of the line.
route book
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
A manually initiated release of a locked route. A point that a train must have cleared completely until a locked route may be released.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
German Term
English Definition The knowledge of the section(s) of line over which on board staff operate, based on information provided by the Infrastructure Manager, to enable them to operate the train safely. Essential elements of this knowledge must be learned in detail and remembered by the staff concerned. Other elements may be held in documentation, which those staff can rapidly access based on an assessment of the route by the Railway Undertaking or by the requirements of the National Safety Authority.
French Definition German Definition Connaissance de la (des) section(s) de ligne o le personnel de bord effectue un service, sur la base d'informations fournies par le gestionnaire d'infrastructure, pour lui permettre d'exploiter le train en toute scurit. Les lments essentiels de cette connaissance doivent tre appris par coeur et en dtail par le personnel concern. Les autres lments peuvent tre dtenus dans des documents crits auxquels le personnel peut rapidement accder sur la base d'une valuation de l'itinraire par l'entreprise ferroviaire ou conformment aux exigences de l'autorit nationale de scurit.
Source Document Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
route knowledge
connaissance de ligne
The knowledge of the section(s) of line over which on board staff operate, based on information provided by the Infrastructure Manager, to enable them to operate the train safely. Essential elements of this knowledge must be learned in detail and remembered by the staff concerned. Other elements may be held in documentation, which those staff can rapidly access based on an assessment of the route by the Railway Undertaking or by the requirements of the National Safety Authority.
Connaissance de la (des) section(s) de ligne o le personnel de bord effectue un service, sur la base dinformations fournies par le gestionnaire dinfrastructure, pour lui permettre dexploiter le train en toute scurit. Les lments essentiels de cette connaissance doivent tre appris par coeur et en dtail par le personnel concern. Les autres lments peuvent tre dtenus dans des documents crits auxquels le personnel peut rapidement accder sur la base dune valuation de litinraire par lentreprise ferroviaire ou conformment aux exigences de lautorit nationale de scurit.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
route knowledge
The knowledge of the section(s) of line over which on board staff operate, based on information provided by the Infrastructure Manager, to enable them to operate the train safely. Essential elements of this knowledge must be learned in detail and remembered by the staff concerned. Other elements may be held in documentation, which those staff can rapidly access based on an assessment of the route by the Railway Undertaking or by the requirements of the National Safety Authority.
OPE glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The knowledge of the section(s) of line over which on board staff operate, based on information provided by the Infrastructure Manager, to enable them to operate the train safely. Essential elements of this knowledge must be learned in detail and remembered by the staff concerned. Other elements may be held in documentation, which those staff can rapidly access based on an assessment of the route by the Railway Undertaking or by the requirements of the National Safety Authority.
German Definition
route locking
route preselection
route release
route section
tronon d'itinraire
provided to prevent a route being cancelled or altered once a train has passed the protecting signal. The locking of all switches as long a route is established. The number of locked route combinations divided by the total number of route combinations of an interlocking. The selection of a route while a conflicting route has still not released. After the conflicting route has released the preselected route will be setted automatically. The release of locked switches after the train has cleared the clearing point of a route. A part of a route. Partie d'un itinraire.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Teil einer Strecke. Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
route-related locking
A part of a route. A signaling system in which the facing point signals indicate the route respectively the direction in which the train is being sent. A form of tabular interlocking in which all elements of a route are locked at once by a route locking element that releases the signal to be cleared. The switches and signals are not directly connected by locking sequences. In respect of an Access Agreement, those parts of the Network which a Train Operator has permission to use pursuant to that agreement. Page 302 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Regular or repeated elementary maintenance activities which usually do not require special qualifications, authorization(s) or tools. Routine maintenance may include for example cleaning, tightening of connections, checking liquid level, lubrication, etc. Remote Procedure Call. The RPC protocol is specified in the Remote Procedure Call Protocol Specification Version 2 [RFC1831]. Acronyme de Remote Procedure Call (appel de procdure distance) Le protocole RPC est dfini dans la spcification du protocole d'appel de procdure distance, version 2 [RFC1831]. Rgles de Scurit en matire dExploitation de lInfrastructure Ferroviaire.
German Definition
Remote Procedure Call Das RPCProtokoll ist spezifiziert in der Remote Procedure Call Protocol Specification Version 2 [RFC1831].
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009 Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
Railway Undertaking. Rules regulating the standard timings and other matters enabling trains to be scheduled into the working timetable for the various parts of the main rail network. They are available at 20documents/rules%20of%20the%20rou te/menu/roprmain.pdf.
Entreprise Ferroviaire.
Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009 Network Rail - 2009 Network Statement
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Rules regulating, for any part of the Network, the standard timings and other matters necessary to enable trains to be scheduled into the Working Timetable applicable to that part of the Network, being rules which specify (amongst other matters): (a) the timings (including specified allowances) allowed for travel between specified points on the Network for each type of train and for each type of traction used, taking into account any particular constraints imposed by railway vehicles which may form part of the train; (b) timing margins or allowances for stopping at junctions and other specified points; (c) minimum timing margins or headways between successive trains travelling on the same section of track; (d) minimum and maximum time periods for stopping at stations and other specified points; (e) restrictions as to the speed of railway vehicles on any section of track; and (f) any Priority Dates referred to in Part D of this code.
German Definition
Rules regulating the arrangements for access to the various parts of the main rail network, when affected by inspection, maintenance, renewal and other works. They are available at 20documents/rules%20of%20the%20rou te/menu/roprmain.pdf.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Rules regulating, for any part of the Network, each of the following matters: (a) the location, number, timing and duration of any Restrictions of Use of any track or section of track, which enable inspection, maintenance, renewal and repair thereof or of any other railway asset or any other works in relation thereto; and (b) any alternative train routes or stopping patterns which may apply during any Restriction of Use referred to in paragraph (a) above; and, for the purpose of this definition, track shall be regarded as subject to a Restriction of Use if it has been temporarily taken out of service or its capacity otherwise affected for the purposes stated in paragraph (a) above.
German Definition
The tracks that may be used for regular train movements. A railway line which is not a siding and is ordinarily used for the passage of trains or tramcars. An engine with or without cars displaying a rear end marker with with the authority to operate on main tracks in accordance to rules specified for train movements. a signal controlling trains en route along a running line. A track providing end-to-end line continuity designed for trains between stations or places indicated in tariffs as independent points of departure or arrival for the conveyance of passengers or goods. In France, operation help and passenger Systme d'aide l'exploitation et information system. l'information des voyageurs.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control United Kingdom - The Railways (Accident Investigation and Reporting) Regulations 2005 IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
running movement
German Term
English Definition A safe area is a place inside or outside a tunnel where all of the following criteria apply - Conditions are survivable - Access for people is possible aided and unaided - People may accomplish self-rescue if the opportunity is available, or may wait to be rescued by the rescue services using procedures detailed in the emergency plan - Communication shall be possible, either by mobile phone or by fixed connection to the control centre of the infrastructure manager.
French Definition German Definition Espace amnag l'intrieur ou l'extrieur d'un tunnel, rpondant tous les critres suivants: - les conditions dans un refuge permettent la survie; - les personnes peuvent y accder avec ou sans assistance; - les personnes peuvent s'chapper si les circonstances le permettent ou attendre l'intervention des services de secours en appliquant les procdures dcrites dans le plan d'urgence - Les communications sont possibles, soit avec un tlphone mobile, soit par des liaisons fixes avec le centre de contrle du gestionnaire de l'infrastructure.
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
safe area
A safe area is a place inside or outside a tunnel where: Conditions are survivable; Access for people is possible aided and unaided; People may accomplish selfrescue if the opportunity is available, or may wait to be rescued by the rescue services using procedures detailed in the emergency plan; Communication shall be possible, either by mobile phone or by fixed connection to the control centre of the IM.
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
safe interworking
A situation where Risks arising from the interfaces between the assets or operations of different Railway Group Members are controlled so as to be as low as reasonably practicable. A condition which continues to preserve safety.
safe state
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
safe state
A condition, which continues to preserve safety. Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm.
SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems
French Term
German Term
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm. Freedom from unacceptable levels of risk of harm. Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm. NOTE In standardization, the safety of products, processes and services is generally considered with a view to achieving the optimum balance of a number of factors, including nontechnical factors such as human behaviour, that will eliminate avoidable risks of harm to persons and goods to an acceptable degree. Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm.
Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF) SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Freedom from unacceptable levels of risk. The safety status given to a product by the final user.
safety acceptance
safety analysis
A general term encompassing identifying hazards, analysing hazards and assessing risk. The safety status given to a product by the requisite authority when the product has fulfilled a set of predetermined conditions.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
safety approval
safety approval
Any process by which someone reviews the evidence that risk has been controlled and takes an explicit decision as to whether it has been controlled to an acceptable level or not. Page 307 of 451
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The conclusion reached by an assessment body stating that the system under assessment can be used safely. Any individual or body from whom Safety Approval must be sought before a change to the railway may be put into service. The process of analysis to determine whether a system, product or other change to the railway has met its safety requirements and that the safety requirements are adequate. A form capturing a request for a safety assessment and the terms of reference.
German Definition
Source Document Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF) Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
safety approver
safety assessment
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Lagrment dlivr un gestionnaire de linfrastructure par une autorit comptente, conformment larticle 11 de la directive 2004/49/CE. die Genehmigung, die einem Infrastrukturbetreiber von einer zustndigen Behrde gem Artikel 11 der Richtlinie 2004/49/EG erteilt wird. Directive 2007/59/EC on the certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community
A report on the activity carried out to check that the safety requirements are being met on a project. The person who carries out safety assessments.
safety assessor
safety audit
An activity to check and ensure that a project is being run according to its safety plan. It will also address the adequacy of the safety plan. A form capturing a request for a safety audit and the terms of reference.
safety auditor
A report on the activity carried out to check that the safety plan and safety management procedures are being carried out on a project. The person appointed to carry out safety audits on a project.
safety authorisation
agrment de scurit
The authorisation issued to an infrastructure manager by a competent authority in accordance with Article 11 of Directive 2004/49/EC.
German Term English Definition Sicherheitsgenehmigung fr Authorisation to be obtained by an Fahrwegbetreiber infrastructure manager from the safety authority in the Member State where he is established. in order to be allowed to manage and operate a rail infrastructure. The safety authorisation shall comprise: (a) authorisation confirming acceptance of the infrastructure managers safety management system as described in Article 9 and Annex III, (b) authorisation confirming acceptance of the provisions of the infrastructure manager to meet specific requirements necessary for the safe design, maintenance and operation of the railway infrastructure including, where appropriate, the maintenance and operation of the traffic control and signalling system.
safety authority
autorit de scurit
safety authority
German Definition Der Fahrwegbetreiber bentigt fr die Verwaltung und den Betrieb einer Eisenbahninfrastruktur eine Sicherheitsgenehmigung der Sicherheitsbehrde des Mitgliedstaats, in dem er niedergelassen ist Die Sicherheitsgenehmigung beinhaltet: L'agrment de scurit comprend: a) eine Genehmigung ber die Zulassung a) l'agrment confirmant l'acceptation des Sicherheitsmanagementsystems des du systme de gestion de la scurit du Fahrwegbetreibers gestionnaire de gem Artikel 9 und Anhang III und l'infrastructure, tel que dcrit l'article 9 b) eine Genehmigung ber die Zulassung et l'annexe III; et der Vorkehrungen, die der b) l'agrment confirmant l'acceptation Fahrwegbetreiber getroffen des dispositions prises par le hat, um die besonderen Anforderungen gestionnaire de l'infrastructure pour fr eine sichere Auslegung, satisfaire aux exigences particulires Instandhaltung und einen requises afin de garantir la scurit de sicheren Betrieb der l'infrastructure ferroviaire aux niveaux Eisenbahninfrastruktur zu erfllen, wozu de la conception, de l'entretien et de gegebenenfalls die Instandhaltung l'exploitation, y compris, le cas chant, und der Betrieb des Verkehrssteuerungsl'entretien et l'exploitation du systme und Signalgebungssystems gehren. de contrle du trafic et de signalisation. (2) Die Sicherheitsgenehmigung wird auf Antrag des Fahrwegbetreibers sptestens alle fnf Jahre erneuert. Sie wird vollstndig oder teilweise aktualisiert, wenn die Infrastruktur, Signalgebung The national body entrusted with the l'organisme national charg des tches die nationale die Stelle, die mit den tasks regarding railway safety in relatives la scurit des chemins de fer Aufgaben in Bezug auf die accordance with this Directive or any conformment la prsente directive ou Eisenbahnsicherheit im Sinne dieser binational body entrusted by Member tout organisme binational charg de ces Richtlinie betraut ist, oder eine States with these tasks in order to tches par les tats membres de binationale Stelle, die von ensure a unified safety regime for manire assurer un rgime unifi en Mitgliedstaaten mit diesen Aufgaben specialised cross-border infrastructures. matire de scurit sur des betraut ist, um eine einheitliche infrastructures transfrontires Sicherheitsordnung fr spezialisierte spcialises. grenzberschreitende Infrastrukturen zu gewhrleisten. Body responsible for certifying that the safety-related system is fit for service and complies with relevant statutory and regulatory safety requirements.
French Definition Agrment qui doit tre obtenu par le gestionnaire de l'infrastructure de l'autorit de scurit de l'tat membre dans lequel il est tabli afin d'tre habilit grer et exploiter une infrastructure ferroviaire
Source Document Directive 2004/49/EC Railway Safety Directive amending 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
safety authority
The body responsible for delivering the authorisation for the operation of the safety related system.
safety authority
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
safety authority
The body responsible for certifying that a safety-related system is fit for service and complies with relevant statutory and regulatory safety requirements. Page 309 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The documented demonstration that the product complies with the specified safety requirements.
German Definition
Source Document EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
safety case
The documented demonstration that the product complies with the specified safety requirements.
safety case
A formal presentation of evidence, arguments and assumptions aimed at providing assurance that a system, product or other change to the railway has met its safety requirements and that the safety requirements are adequate. The documented demonstration that the product complies with the specified safety requirements. The documented demonstration that the product complies with the specified safety requirements. (. Certificate in which the railway undertakings' safety requirements are set out be submitted in order to ensure safe service on the routes concerned.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
safety case
Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability Certificat fixant les exigences imposes aux entreprises ferroviaires en matire de scurit en vue d'assurer un service sans danger sur les trajets concerns. Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification Directive 2004/49/EC Railway Safety Directive amending 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC
safety case
Safety certificate
certificat de scurit
safety certificate
certificat de scurit
Certificate that must be held by a railway undertaking in order to be granted access to the railway infrastructure. The safety certificate may cover the whole railway network of a Member State or only a defined part thereof. The purpose of the safety certificate is to provide evidence that the railway undertaking has established its safety management system and can meet requirements laid down in TSIs and other relevant Community legislation and in national safety rules in order to control risks and operate safely on the network. The safety certificate shall comprise: - certification confirming acceptance of the railway undertaking's safety management system as described in Article 9 and Annex III, and - certification confirming acceptance of the provisions adopted by the railway undertaking to meet specific requirements necessary for the safe operation of the relevant network.
Certificat qu'une entreprise ferroviaire doit possder pour pouvoir accder l'infrastructure ferroviaire. Le certificat de scurit peut couvrir l'ensemble du rseau ferroviaire d'un tat membre ou seulement une partie dtermine de celui-ci. Le certificat de scurit a pour objet de dmontrer que l'entreprise ferroviaire a tabli son systme de gestion de la scurit et est en mesure de satisfaire aux exigences dfinies dans les STI, dans d'autres dispositions du droit communautaire ainsi que dans les rgles de scurit nationales, afin de matriser les risques et d'exploiter le rseau en toute scurit. Le certificat de scurit comprend: - une certification confirmant l'acceptation du systme de gestion de scurit de l'entreprise ferroviaire, comme dcrit l'article 9 et l'annexe III; - une certification confirmant l'acceptation des dispositions prises par l'entreprise ferroviaire en vue de satisfaire aux exigences spcifiques Page 310 of 451 ncessaires pour une exploitation sre du rseau concern.
Eisenbahnunternehmen bentigen fr die Nutzung der Eisenbahninfrastruktur eine Sicherheitsbescheinigung nach diesem Kapitel. Die Sicherheitsbescheinigung kann fr das gesamte Netz eines Mitgliedstaats oder nur fr einen bestimmten Teil davon gelten. Mit der Sicherheitsbescheinigung weist das Eisenbahnunternehmen nach, dass es ein Sicherheitsmanagementsystem eingefhrt hat und die in den TSI und anderen einschlgigen Rechtsvorschriften der Gemeinschaft sowie in nationalen Sicherheitsvorschriften festgelegten Anforderungen erfllen kann und damit in der Lage ist, Risiken zu kontrollieren und einen sicheren Verkehrsbetrieb auf dem Netz zu gewhrleisten.
network. The safety certificate shall comprise: - certification confirming acceptance of the railway undertaking's safety management system as described in Article 9 and Annex III, and - certification confirming acceptance of the provisions adopted by the railway undertaking to meet specific requirements necessary for the safe operation of the relevant network. English Term French Term German Term English Definition
de scurit nationales, afin de matriser les risques et d'exploiter le rseau en toute scurit. Le certificat de scurit comprend: - une certification confirmant l'acceptation du systme de gestion de scurit de l'entreprise ferroviaire, comme dcrit l'article 9 et l'annexe III; - une certification confirmant l'acceptation des dispositions prises par l'entreprise ferroviaire en vue de satisfaire aux exigences spcifiques French Definition ncessaires pour une exploitation sre du rseau concern.
sowie in nationalen Sicherheitsvorschriften festgelegten Anforderungen erfllen kann und damit in der Lage ist, Risiken zu kontrollieren und einen sicheren Verkehrsbetrieb auf dem Netz zu gewhrleisten.
German Definition
Source Document
safety certificate
certificat de scurit
The certificate issued to a railway undertaking by a competent authority in accordance with Article 10 of Directive 2004/49/EC. Certificate in which the railway undertakings' safety requirements are set out be submitted in order to ensure safe service on the routes concerned. A certificate authorising system, product or other change for use.
Le certificat dlivr une entreprise ferroviaire par une autorit comptente, conformment larticle 10 de la directive 2004/49/CE. Certificat fixant les exigences imposes aux entreprises ferroviaires en matire de scurit en vue d'assurer un service sans danger sur les trajets concerns.
die durch die Verordnung (EG) Nr. 881/2004 des Europischen Parlaments und des Rates (2) vom 29. April 2004 errichtete Europische Eisenbahnagentur.
Safety certificate
certificat de scurit
Directive 2007/59/EC on the certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community Directive 95/19/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the charging of infrastructure fees Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
safety certificate
safety certificate
certificat de scurit
The document in which the railway undertakings safety requirements are set out to be submitted in order to ensure safe service on the routes concerned. A quality control with the potential to reveal hazardous faults.
Le document qui constate le respect par une entreprise ferroviaire des exigences imposes en matire de scurit en vue d'assurer un service sans danger sur les trajets concerns.
safety control
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
safety critical
A designation placed on a system, subsystem, element, component, device, or function denoting that satisfactory operation of such is mandatory to assurance of patron, personnel, equipment, or facility safety. Such a designation dictates incorporation of special safety design features.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition (a) in relation to a vehicle used on a transport system (i) driving, dispatching or any other activity which is capable of controlling or affecting the movement of that vehicle; (ii) signalling, and signalling operations, the operation of level crossing equipment, receiving and relaying of communications or any other activity which is capable of controlling or affecting the movement of that vehicle; (iii) coupling or uncoupling; (iv) installation of components; other than where the installation of those components is subject to supervision and checking by a safety critical worker or a controller of safety critical work; (v) maintenance, other than where the carrying out of that maintenance is subject to supervision and checking by a safety critical worker or a controller of safety critical work; or (vi) checking that a vehicle is working properly and, where carrying goods, is correctly loaded before being used; (b) in relation to a transport system (i) installation or maintenance of any part of of the it or of the telecommunications Any following classes of work carried out by a railway employee: (a) work involving the operation or movement of a train or trains, (b) work on or about railway infrastructure relating to the repair, maintenance, cleaning or upgrading of railway tracks or any rolling stock or associated works or equipment, (c) work involving certification as to the safety of infrastructure or rolling stock (or any item of infrastructure or rolling stock), (d) work involving the development, management or monitoring of safeworking1 systems for railways, (e) any other work that is prescribed by the regulations as railway safety work,.
German Definition
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A task specified in paragraph (i), (ii) or (iii) when performed in the course of the operation of a railway undertaking, and: (a) in the course of a persons employment with the undertaking, (b) under a contract of services with the undertaking, (c) in the course of a persons employment with a person who has a contract of services with the undertaking, or (d) voluntarily or otherwise, namely: (i) driving a train, or in any other way controlling or affecting the movement of a train, (ii) controlling, affecting or managing, the movement of persons on a train, on a platform, across a level crossing, or, the boarding of, or alighting from, a train of persons, or (iii) working in a maintenance capacity or as a supervisor of, or look-out for, persons working in such capacity;.
German Definition
tche de scurit
Work performed by staff when they control or affect the movement of a vehicle, which could affect the health, and safety of persons.
Tche excute par le personnel lorsqu'il contrle ou influe sur le mouvement d'un vhicule, et qui est susceptible d'affecter la sant et la scurit des personnes.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
tche de scurit
Work performed by staff when they control or affect the movement of a vehicle, which could affect the health, and safety of persons.
Tche excute par le personnel lorsquil contrle ou influe sur le mouvement dun vhicule, et qui est susceptible daffecter la sant et la scurit des personnes.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Work performed by staff when they control or affect the movement of a vehicle, which could affect the health, and safety of persons. Work performed by staff when they control or affect the movement of a vehicle, which could affect the health and safety of persons. A person who performs a safety critical task. An organisations safety culture is its general approach and attitude towards safety. Page 313 of 451
OPE glossary
Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005 Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The assembly of characteristics and attitudes in organizations and individuals which establishes that, as an overriding priority, protection and safety issues receive the attention warranted by their significance. The application of technical methods to ensure achievement of the safety requirements.
German Definition
safety engineering
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Des informations de scurit sont donnes aux voyageurs afin qu'ils sachent d'avance comment se comporter en cas d'urgence. Commission Decision 2008/164/EC concerning the TSI relating to persons with reduced mobility in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Commission Decision 2008/164/EC concerning the TSI relating to persons with reduced mobility in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
safety information
informations de scurit
Safety information is information that shall be given to passengers in order that they may know in advance how they will have to behave in case of an emergency. Safety instructions are the instructions that shall be given to passengers when an emergency occurs in order that they may understand what to do.
safety instructions
consignes de scurit
Les consignes de scurit sont les instructions donnes aux voyageurs lorsqu'une situation d'urgence survient, afin qu'ils comprennent le comportement adopter.
safety integrity
The likelihood of a system satisfactorily performing the required safety functions under all the stated conditions within a stated period of time.
safety integrity
The ability of a safety-related system to achieve its required safety functions under all the stated conditions within a stated operational environment and within a stated period of time. The likelihood of a system, product or other change satisfactorily performing the required safety functions under all the stated conditions within a stated period of time. The likelihood of a safety-related system achieving its required safety features under all the stated conditions within a stated operational environment and within a stated period of time. A number which indicates the required degree of confidence that a system will meet its specified safety functions with respect to systematic failures.
safety integrity
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
safety integrity
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
A number, which indicates the required degree of confidence that a system will meet its specified safety features. Page 314 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition One of a number of defined discrete levels for specifying the safety integrity requirements of the safety functions to be allocated to the safety related systems, Safety Integrity Level with the highest figure has the highest level of safety integrity. Discrete level (1 out of a possible 5) for specifying the safety integrity requirements of the safety functions to be allocated to a system, product or component, where safety integrity Level 4 has the highest level of Safety Integrity, and Safety Integrity Level 0 is reserved for functions which are not relied upon at all to control risk. The additional series of activities carried out in conjunction with the system lifecycle for safety-related systems. The additional series of ESM activities carried out in conjunction with the system lifecycle for safety-related systems. The additional series of activities carried out in conjunction with the system lifecycle for safety-related systems.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
safety lifecycle
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
safety life-cycle
safety management
The management structure which ensures that the safety process is properly implemented.
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Sicherheitsmanagementsyst The organisation and arrangements em established by an infrastructure manager or a railway undertaking to ensure the safe management of its operations.
l'organisation et les dispositions tablies par un gestionnaire de l'infrastructure ou une entreprise ferroviaire pour assurer la gestion sre de ses activits.
die von einem Fahrwegbetreiber oder Directive 2004/49/EC Railway einem Eisenbahnunternehmen Safety Directive amending eingerichtete Organisation und die von 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC ihm getroffenen Vorkehrungen, die die sichere Steuerung seiner Betriebsablufe gewhrleisten.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Experiences with Safety Management Systems
A formal framework for integrating safety into day-to-day railway operations and includes safety goals and performance targets, risk assessments, responsibilities and authorities, rules and procedures, and monitoring and evaluation processes. Page 315 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition A system of rail safety documentation [...], covering policies, procedures, instructions, drawings and standards in accordance with regulatory and any other requirements to an appropriate standard nominated by the accredited rail organisation. A formal framework for integrating safety into day-to-day railway operations and includes safety goals and performance targets, risk assessment, responsibilities and authorities, rules and procedures, monitoring and evaluation processes and any other matter prescribed. The entirety of all activities relating to the planning, organisation, management and supervision of individuals and work activities with a view to the efficient achievement of a high degree of safety performance, i. e. the achievement of a high quality of all activities that are important to safety, and to the promotion of a highly developed safety culture. Safety management is not limited to certain organisational units but comprises the entire safety-related organisation of the company. Safety management is the responsibility of the management level of a company.
French Definition
German Definition
Organised approach to managing safety, including the necessary organisational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures. Safety management is that part of the overall management function, which determines and implements the safety policy of an organisation. Documented process for managing risks that integrates operations and technical systems with the management of financial and human resources to ensure aviation safety or the safety of the public. A system of rail safety documentation as referenced in the Transport Act 1983, covering policies, procedures, instructions, drawings and standards in accordance with regulatory and any other requirements to an appropriate standard nominated by the accredited rail organisation. Page 316 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A formal framework for integrating safety into day-to-day railway operations and includes safety goals and performance targets, risk assessment, responsibilities and authorities, rules and procedures, monitoring and evaluation processes and any other matter prescribed. The organisation and arrangements established by a transport operator to ensure the safe management of its operation. A set of actions either reducing the rate of occurrence of a hazard or mitigating its consequences in order to achieve and/or maintain an acceptable level of risk. Overall safety goal, consistent with the safety policy that an organization sets itself to achieve. Measurable results of an organization's (Infrastructure managers or railway undertakings) management of its safety aspects. Document containing formal arrangements (plans) for reaching qualitative and quantitative targets of the organisation for the maintenance and enhancement of safety. A documented set of time scheduled activities, resources and events serving to implement the organisational structure, responsibilities, procedures, activities, capabilities and resources that together ensure that an item will satisfy given safety requirements relevant to a given contract or project.
German Definition
United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006 Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF)
safety measures
safety objective
Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
safety performance
safety plan
rapport de scurit
Document contenant des arrangements formels (plans) pour atteindre des objectifs qualitatifs et quantitatifs de l'organisation en matire d'entretien et d'amlioration de la scurit.
safety plan
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
safety plan
The implementation details of how the safety requirements of the project will be achieved.
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
safety plan
safety plan
A document detailing the activities to be carried out, and responsibilities of people to ensure the safety of work being carried out. Document containing formal arrangements (plans) for reaching qualitative and quantitative targets of the organisation for the maintenance and enhancement of safety. Page 317 of 451
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A documented set of time scheduled activities, resources and events serving to implement the organisational structure, responsibilities, procedures, activities, capabilities and resources that together ensure that an item will satisfy given safety requirements relevant to a given contract or project.
German Definition
safety plan
safety planning
The implementation details of how the safety requirements of the project will be achieved. An activity to define the activities to be carried out and the staff responsibilities to be assigned to ensure the safety of work to be carried out. Results in the preparation of a safety plan. Overall intentions and direction of an organization related to its safety performance as formally expressed by top management. The series of procedures that are followed to enable all safety requirements of a product to be identified and met.
Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
safety policy
safety process
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
safety process
safety recommendation
The series of procedures that are followed to enable all safety requirements of a product to be identified and met. Written communication (eventually) Rapport qui resulte de l'enqute sur un following the investigation of a serious accident grave aur les accidents et accident or those accidents and incidents qui, dans des circonstances incidents which under slightly different lgrement diffrentes, auraient pu conditions might have led to serious conduire des accidents graves, y accidents, including technical failures of compris les dfaillances techniques au the structural subsystems or of niveau des sous-systmes structurels ou interoperability constituents of the trans- des constituants d'interoprabilit du European high speed or conventional systme ferroviaire transeuropen system. Safety recommendation, when grande vitesse ou conventionnel. Les issued, are contained in the Accident recommendations en matire de and Incident investigation report. scurit, une fois publies, sont comprises dans le rapport de d'accident et d'incident.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Written communication (eventually) following the investigation of a serious accident or those accidents and incidents which under slightly different conditions might have led to serious accidents, including technical failures of the structural subsystems or of interoperability constituents of the transEuropean high speed or conventional system. Safety recommendation, when issued, are contained in the "Accident and Incident investigation report".
German Definition
safety recommendation
A proposal of the accident investigation authority of the State conducting the investigation, based on information derived from the investigation, made with the intention of preventing accidents or incidents. A reference to every safety document produced and used by a project.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
Often a national government body responsible for setting or agreeing the safety requirements for a railway and ensuring that the railway complies with the requirements. Carries responsibilities for safety.
An item is safety-related if any of its features or capabilities have the potential to contribute to or prevent an accident.
French Term
German Term
safety report
rapport de scurit
English Definition French Definition designated system that both - implements the required safety functions necessary to achieve or maintain a safe state for the EUC (Equipment under control); and - is intended to achieve, on its own or with other E/E/PE (electronic / electronic / electronic programmable), safetyrelated systems, other technology safetyrelated systems or external risk reduction facilities, the necessary safety integrity for the required safety functions NOTE 1 - The term refers to those systems, designated as safety-related systems, that are intended to achieve, together with the external risk reduction facilities (see 3.4.3), the necessary risk reduction in order to meet the required tolerable risk (see 3.1.6). See also annex A of IEC 61508-5. NOTE 2 - The safety-related systems are designed to prevent the EUC from going into a dangerous state by taking appropriate action on receipt of commands. The failure of a safetyrelated system would be included in the events leading determined hazard Document que tous les gestionnaire de Document thatto allthe infrastructure managers and railway undertakings shall submit to the safety authority each year, before 30 June, concerning the preceding calendar year. The safety report shall contain: - information on how the organisation's corporate safety targets are met and the results of safety plans; - the development of national safety indicators, and of the CSIs laid down in Annex I, as far as it is relevant to the reporting organisation; - the results of internal safety auditing; - observations on deficiencies and malfunctions of railway operations and infrastructure management that might be relevant for the safety authority. l'infrastructure et toutes les entreprises ferroviaires soumettent chaque anne avant le 30 juin l'autorit de scurit sur la scurit concernant l'anne civile prcdente. Le rapport de scurit contient: - des informations sur la manire dont le gestionnaire ou l'entreprise ralise ses propres objectifs de scurit et les rsultats des plans de scurit; - la mise au point d'indicateurs de scurit nationaux, et des ISC dfinis l'annexe I, dans la mesure o cela est pertinent pour l'organisation dclarante; - les rsultats des audits de scurit internes; - des observations sur les insuffisances et les dfauts de fonctionnement des oprations ferroviaires et de la gestion de l'infrastructure qui peuvent prsenter un intrt pour l'autorit de scurit.
German Definition
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Document that all infrastructure managers and railway undertakings shall submit to the safety authority each year, before 30 June, concerning the preceding calendar year. The safety report shall contain: information on how the organisation's corporate safety targets are met and the results of safety plans; the development of national safety indicators, and of the CSIs laid down in Annex I, as far as it is relevant to the reporting organisation; the results of internal safety auditing; observations on deficiencies and malfunctions of railway operations and infrastructure management that might be relevant for the safety authority.
German Definition
safety requirements
safety requirements
The necessary safety characteristics (qualitative or quantitative) of a system and its operation (including operational rules) in order to meet e.g. legal or company safety targets. The requirements of the safety functions that have to be performed by the safety related systems; comprising safety functional requirements and safety integrity requirements. Specification of the requirements that a product, system or change to the railway must satisfy in order to be judged safe. legislation which is applicable to more than one railway operator and relates to railway safety. Legislation which is applicable to more than one railway operator and relates to railway safety.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005 Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008 Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
safety rules
safety rules
safety standard
safety switch
A document which establishes criteria or requirements by which the safety of products or processes may be assessed objectively. A switch that is locked in a protective position to provide flank protection to a route. Detailed performance requirement, applicable to the organization or parts thereof, that arises from the safety objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives. Page 321 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition Qualitative and quantitative safety improvements to be achieved. The monetary value of reductions in safety losses likely to be achieved by implementation of a risk mitigation option. Carries responsibility for safety.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
An item is safety-related if any of its features or capabilities has the potential to contribute to or prevent an accident. Software which carries responsibility for safety.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
safety-related software
safeworking systems
sales packaging
In relation to a railway, the systems and procedures for operating trains safely and for protecting railway employees, passengers, freight, rolling stock and motor vehicles on or in the proximity of railway tracks. Packaging designed in such a way as to form a sales unit for the end user at the point of sale. Selection of one or more specimens out of a whole lot (such as on a statistical base) to ensure, that the specimens represent the whole. Provision of a sample of the object of conformity assessment, according to a procedure. The designation of train description, day, route, speed, arrival and departure times of a train. In relation to a service or journey, means a scheduled stop at a station for the purpose of allowing passengers to join or leave the service or train (including the stops where the service or journey starts and ends). Preventive maintenance carried out in accordance with an established time schedule or established number of units of use. Preventive maintenance carried out in accordance with an established time schedule or established number of units of use. Page 322 of 451
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control United Kingdom - Railways Act 2005
scheduled call
scheduled maintenance
CMW Glossary
scheduled maintenance
French Term
German Term
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Fahrplanmige Abfahrtzeit Date and time of departure for which the path is requested.
Date et heure de dpart pour lesquelles Datum und Uhrzeit, fr die die Trasse le sillon est demand. beantragt wird.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
scheduled timetable
horaire prvu
Chronologically defined occupation of rail infrastructure for a train movement on open line or in stations. Changes to the timetables will be supplied by the IMs at least two days before the commencement of the day when the train departs from its origin. This timetable applies to a specific day. Known in some countries as the Operational Timetable.
Occupation de l'infrastructure ferroviaire dfinie chronologiquement pour un mouvement de train en pleine voie ou dans les gares. Les modifications d'horaires sont fournies par le GI au moins deux jours avant celui du dpart du train de son point d'origine. Cet horaire s'applique un jour spcifique. Dans certains pays, il est qualifi d'horaire d'exploitation.
Chronologisch definierte Belegung der Eisenbahninfrastruktur fr eine Zugbewegung auf offener Strecke oder in Bahnhfen. Fahrplannderungen werden vom IB mindestens zwei Tage vor Beginn des Tages, an dem der Zug von seinem Abfahrtsort abfahren soll, vorgelegt. Dieser Fahrplan gilt fr einen spezifischen Tag. In einigen Lndern auch als Betriebsfahrplan bezeichnet.
scissors lift
The waiting time that is needed for a scheduled passing and overtaking and to synchronize the schedules of a fixed interval timetable. An elevating platform used to compensate the difference in height between a vehicle and a ramp, between a vehicle and the floor, or between a ramp and the floor. Those elements of the scope of a proposed Network Change that are set out in a notice issued by Network Rail. Range or characteristics of objects of conformity assessment covered by attestation. Action on a nonconforming product to preclude its originally intended use. A color light signal with light units in which the aspect is given by a mechanism placing one of a number of roundels of the color required, situated near the focus of the lens unit, in front of the lamp. Page 323 of 451
scope of attestation
searchlight signal
ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
French Term
German Term
English Definition Unit of measure representing the movement of one seat available in a passenger railway vehicle when performing the services for which it is primarily intended over one kilometre. The distance to be considered is that actually run. Shunting and other similar movements are excluded.
French Definition
German Definition
second party
secondary tracks
Conformity assessment activity that is performed by the person or the organization that has a user interest in the object. A delay that was transmitted from another train. Failure of an item caused either directly or indirectly by a failure or a fault of another item. North American term for tracks that are not usually used for regular train movements. Conformity assessment activity that is performed by a person or organization that has a user interest in the object. British term for a signal that governs train movements to leave station limits into a block section. A listing, according to line of route, of various physical and operational attributes of the main rail network, including information as to permanent speed restrictions, position of signal boxes and stations, together with other information relevant to the operation of trains. a method of releasing the route locking in sections after the passage of a train through the route. A relevant item, the publication of which may, in the reasonable opinion of Network Rail, create any risk to the safety or security of the Network. A protective switch that may be required for flank protection by two routes in normal and reverse position at the same time. A routine and continuing process conducted by senior management and management at other levels to evaluate the effectiveness of performance in all areas of their responsibility. Page 324 of 451
CMW Glossary
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Network Rail - 2009 Network Statement
section signal
sectional appendix
secure information
self assessment
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Self-audit is intended to provide a continuous improvement process in which the system integrity program is evaluated to determine effectiveness, gauge performance, and make modifications as appropriate to improve the program. The site self-audit is a check-list of the main requirements for compliance with the Policy which requests sites to provide simple statements to substantiate their compliance with those requirements. Any passenger trains in fixed or predefined formation. Thermal or electric traction equipments are installed in some vehicles of the trainset, and the trainset is fitted with a driver's cab. This type includes any passenger trains in fixed or pre-defined formation. Thermal or electric traction equipments are installed in some vehicles of the trainset, and the trainset is fitted with a driver?s cab. Tramtrains or Light Rail vehicles intended to transport passengers in urban and suburban areas are in the scope of the present TSI. The application of the provisions specified in this TSI to this type of Self propelling trains is an Open Point.
German Definition
self audit
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
A protective switch that would be required for flank protection by one route in normal and reverse position at the same time. There must determined a position for the switch to be locked in. A signal that gives the indication by the position of movable arms or disks. A controlled signal that my be switched into an automatic mode. A non-powered vehicle for the carriage of goods, intended to be coupled to an articulated vehicle (motor vehicle). Semitrailers may have to be specially adapted for use in Intermodal Transport.
semaphore signal
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
English Definition A non-powered vehicle for the carriage of goods, intended to be coupled to a motor vehicle in such a way that a substantial part of its weight and of its load is borne by the motor vehicle. Semitrailers may have to be specially adapted for use in combined transport.
German Definition Ein motorloses Fahrzeug fr den Gterverkehr, das dazu bestimmt ist, so an ein Sattelzugfahrzeug angekuppelt zu werden, da ein wesentlicher Teil seines Gewichtes und seiner Ladung von diesem Kraftfahrzeug getragen wird. Eine Adaptierung der Sattelanhnger fr die Verwendung im Kombinierten Verkehr kann erforderlich sein. Auf Deutsch wird fr einen Sattelanhnger auch der Begriff "Sattelauflieger" verwendet. A person or company who puts goods in Personne qui confie dautres Die Person, die Gter in die Obhut the care of others (forwarding (commissionnaire de Anderer (Spediteur oder Frachtfhrer) agent/freight forwarder, transport/intermdiaire de transport, gibt, um diese an den Empfnger carrier/transport operator) to be oprateur de transport/transporteur) le auszuliefern. delivered to a consignee. soin dacheminer ses marchandises un destinataire. Means a relevant item, the publication of which by Network Rail: (a) is likely materially to compromise or otherwise prejudice the commercial interests of any Access Party or any of its Affiliates; or (b) may reasonably be expected seriously and prejudicially to affect the interests of any person.
French Definition Un vhicule de transport de marchandises sans moteur, destin tre attel un vhicule moteur de manire telle quune partie substantielle de son poids et du chargement est supporte par ledit vhicule. Il peut faire lobjet dadaptations spcifiques pour convenir au transport combin.
sensitive information
A number of identical vehicles of a design type. A number of identical vehicles of a design type.
un nombre de vhicules identiques dont eine Reihe identischer Fahrzeuge einer la conception relve du mme type. bestimmten.
Directive 2008/57/EC on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
Serious accident
accident grave
schwerer Unfall
Any train collision or derailment of trains, resulting in the death of at least one person or serious injuries to five or more persons or extensive damage to rolling stock, the infrastructure or the environment, and any other similar accident with an obvious impact on railway safety regulation or the management of safety; extensive damage means damage that can immediately be assessed by the investigating body to cost at least EUR 2 million in total.
Toute collision de trains ou tout draillement de train faisant au moins un mort ou au moins cinq personnes grivement blesses ou d'importants dommages au matriel roulant, l'infrastructure ou l'environnement, et tout autre accident similaire ayant des consquences videntes sur la rglementation ou la gestion de la scurit ferroviaire; on entend par "importants dommages" des dommages qui peuvent tre immdiatement estims par un organisme d'enqute un total d'au moins 2 millions d'EUR.
Zugkollisionen oder Zugentgleisungen Directive 2004/49/EC Railway mit mindestens einem Todesopfer oder Safety Directive amending mindestens fnf schwer Verletzten oder 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC mit betrchtlichem Schaden fr die Fahrzeuge, Infrastruktur oder Umwelt sowie sonstige vergleichbare Unflle mit offensichtlichen Auswirkungen auf die Regelung der Eisenbahnsicherheit oder das Sicherheitsmanagement; "betrchtlicher Schaden" bedeutet, dass die Kosten von der Untersuchungsstelle unmittelbar auf insgesamt mindestens 2 Mio. EUR veranschlagt werden knnen.
French Term
German Term
English Definition Any train collision or derailment of trains, resulting in the death of at least one person or serious injuries to 5 or more persons or extensive damage to rolling stock, the infrastructure or the environment, and any other similar accident with an obvious impact on railway safety regulation or the management of safety. Any train collision or derailment of trains, resulting in the death of at least one person or serious injuries to 5 or more persons or extensive damage to rolling stock, the infrastructure or the environment, and any other similar accident with an obvious impact on railway safety regulation or the management of safety. It means any train collision or derailment of trains, resulting in the death of at least one person or serious injuries to five or more persons or extensive damage to rolling stock, the infrastructure or the environment, and any other similar accident with an obvious impact on railway safety regulation or the management of safety; "extensive damage" means damage that can immediately be assessed by the investigating body to cost at least EUR 2 million in total. An accident involving a derailment or collision of rolling stock which has an obvious impact on railway safety regulation or management of safety and includes such an accident that results in: (a) the death of at least one person; (b) serious injuries to five or more persons; or (c) extensive damage to rolling stock, the infrastructure or the environment.
French Definition
German Definition
serious accident
Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008
serious accident
serious accident
United Kingdom - The Railways (Accident Investigation and Reporting) Regulations 2005
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition (a) a fracture other than to fingers, thumbs or toes; (b) amputation; c) dislocation of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine; (d) loss of sight, whether temporary or permanent, in one or both eyes; (e) a chemical or hot metal burn or any penetrating injury to one or both eyes; (f) an injury leading to hypothermia or heat-induced illness; (g) an injury requiring resuscitation of the injured person; (h) an injury requiring admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours; (i) an injury directly leading to loss of consciousness; or (j) an injury resulting from the absorption of a substance by inhalation, ingestion or through the skin that causes acute illness requiring medical treatment. Any accident involving at least one rail vehicle in motion, resulting in at least one killed or seriously injured person. Accidents in workshops, warehouses and depots are excluded;. Tout accident impliquant au moins un vhicule ferroviaire en mouvement et provoquant la mort ou des blessures graves pour au moins une personne. Les accidents survenant dans les ateliers, les entrepts et les dpts ne sont pas pris en considration.
German Definition
Source Document United Kingdom - The Railways (Accident Investigation and Reporting) Regulations 2005
accident entranant des Unfall mit schwer dommages corporels graves Verletzten
einen Unfall, in den mindestens ein in Bewegung befindliches Eisenbahnfahrzeug verwickelt ist und bei dem mindestens eine Person schwer verletzt oder gettet wird. Unflle in Werksttten, Vorratslagern und Betriebswerken sind ausgenommen.
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
It means any accident involving at least one rail vehicle in motion, resulting in at least one killed or seriously injured person. Accidents in workshops, warehouses and depots are excluded.(Where "person killed" means any person killed immediately or dying within 30 days as a result of an accident, excluding suicides; and "person seriously injured" means any person injured who was hospitalised for more than 24 hours as a result of an accident, excluding attempted suicides).
service braking
service characteristics
Application of an adjustable brake force in order to control the speed of the train, including stop and temporary immobilisation. For the purposes of a right surrender under Condition J7.8, has the meaning ascribed to it in the Incumbent's Access Agreement. Page 328 of 451
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Network Rail - Network Code
English Definition Responsible carrier for this specific transport stage. Party who receives and handles the booking.
French Definition Transporteur responsable de cette tape spcifique du transport. La partie qui reoit et gre la rservation.
German Definition Fr die jeweilige Transportphase verantwortliches Gterverkehrsunternehmen. Die Partei, die die Buchung entgegennimmt und bearbeitet.
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Network Rail - 2009 Network Statement
service provider
Party who will supply and charge for, where appropriate, services used by a railway undertaking in the operation of trains. The service provider is generally but not always the facility owner. Responsible entity providing any services linked to the transport of passengers. An STTS vehicle is a road vehicle designed to convey maintenance staff and equipment, as well as emergency response teams, in the service tunnel of th Channel Tunnel. Means, in respect of an Access Agreement: (a) the services for the carriage of passengers by railway; (b) the services for the carriage of goods by railway; and (c) any other train movement for the purpose of testing the physical or operational characteristics or capabilities of any railway asset, in each case as provided for in that agreement. Automated joint delivery of several article components. When retrieving the parent article, the supplementary components are retrieved, picked and delivered automatically. A measure of amount of harm. May be expressed as a financial value or as a category. This word means that the definition is an absolute requirement of the specification.
service provider
Eurotunnel Glossary
set function
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance TAP TSI Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition hared risks are different from the type of risks which exist as a direct result of the activities carried out by the RU/IM or other organisations, where it is possible to put into place risk control measures under the direct control of the relevant organisation. Shared risks are residual interface risks which arise from a separation of activities or functions between the various players involved in the operation of the railway system (IMs/RUs/contractors for example); they require co-operation between the players to ensure that the interface risks are addressed in a coherent way. The IM in particular has a key role to play in this process, in that it manages the wider environment in which trains operate.
German Definition
Inventory management based on minimum shelf life (article or batchrelated). A package of goods from one consignor to one consignee, which is loaded in one or more complete IM units or which is loaded on one or more complete wagons.
Ensemble de marchandises envoyes par un expditeur un destinataire dans une ou plusieurs units compltes du GI ou qui sont charges sur un ou plusieurs wagons complets.
Mehrere Einzelpakete, die zur effizienteren Handhabung beim Laden in einer Umverpackung, auf Palette oder in Bndeln zu einer greren Einheit zusammengefasst sind.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Terminology on combined transport
A person or company who puts goods in the care of others (forwarding agent/freight forwarder, carrier/transport operator) to be delivered to a consignee.
Personne qui confie dautres (commissionnaire de transport/intermdiaire de transport, oprateur de transport/transporteur) le soin dacheminer ses marchandises un destinataire. Demande d'un sillon, conformment l'article 23 de la directive 2001/14/CE, rsultant de demandes ou de besoins de transport supplmentaires.
Die Person, die Gter in die Obhut Anderer (Spediteur oder Frachtfhrer) gibt, um diese an den Empfnger auszuliefern.
Kurzfristiger Trassenantrag Individual request for a path according Directive 2001/14/EC, Article 23 due to additional transport demands or operational needs.
Antrag auf Zuweisung einzelner Zugtrassen gem Artikel 23 der Richtlinie 2001/14/EG, der aufgrund von zustzlichem Transportbedarf oder betrieblichen Erfordernissen gestellt wird.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary
Individual request for a path according Directive 2001/14/EC Article 23 due to additional transport demands or operational needs.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A Spot Bid for a Train Slot made to Network Rail by 1000 hours on day A which would, if the Spot Bid were accepted, be planned to operate between 1000 hours on day A and 0001 hours on day C, where day A is the first day, day B is the second day (excluding, in the case of Saturdays in respect of day A and, in the case of Sundays, in respect of both day A and day B) and day C is the third day of any 3 consecutive days from (and including) the day on which the Spot Bid is made. Movement of cargo by sea between ports situated in Europe as well as between ports in Europe and ports situated in non-European countries having a coastline on the enclosed seas bordering Europe. Mouvement de marchandises par voie maritime entre ports situs en Europe et entre ports situs en Europe et ports situs dans des pays tiers dont le littoral donne sur lune des mers fermes servant de frontire lEurope.
German Definition
Bewegung von Fracht auf dem Seeweg zwischen in Europa liegenden Hfen sowie zwischen Hfen in Europa und Hfen, die in nicht-europischen Lndern liegen, welche eine Kstenlinie an den an Europa angrenzenden Binnenmeeren haben.
A Network Change which involves only a temporary reduction in the capability of the Network for a defined period of time during which there is no reasonable expectation of a requirement for the capability being temporarily withdrawn. DEVRAIT SOLLTE This word, or the adjective RECOMMENDED, mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different course. Ce terme, ou l'adjectif RECOMMAND, signifie qu'il peut exister, dans des circonstances particulires, des raisons valables pour ignorer un lment particulier, mais il faut dans ce cas comprendre et peser judicieusement l'ensemble des implications avant de choisir une orientation diffrente. Dieses Wort oder das Adjektiv EMPFOHLEN bedeutet, dass es stichhaltige Grnde geben kann, unter bestimmten Umstnden ein bestimmtes Element zu ignorieren; die Konsequenzen dieses Verhaltens mssen jedoch hinreichend verstanden und sorgfltig abgewogen werden, bevor die Entscheidung fr einen anderen Kurs getroffen wird. Dieser Ausdruck oder der Ausdruck NICHT EMPFOHLEN bedeutet, dass unter bestimmten Umstnden ein bestimmtes Verhalten als akzeptabel gelten kann; die Konsequenzen dieses Verhaltens mssen jedoch hinreichend verstanden und sorgfltig abgewogen werden, bevor die Entscheidung fr eine nicht empfohlene Vorgehensweise getroffen wird.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
This phrase, or the phrase NOT RECOMMENDED mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances when the particular behaviour is acceptable or even useful, but the full implications should be understood and the case carefully weighed before implementing any behaviour described with this label.
Cette expression, ou l'expression N'EST PAS RECOMMAND signifie qu'il peut exister, dans les circonstances particulires, des raisons valables pour qu'un comportement particulier soit acceptable, voire utile, mais il importe nanmoins de comprendre et de peser judicieusement l'ensemble des implications avant de mettre en oeuvre la conduite dcrite par cette tiquette.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
shunt route
A locked route used for shunting movements. This term is used by railroads outside of North America which distinguish shunt routes from train routes. Page 331 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A fixed signal that is used to authorize shunting movements. This term is used by railroads outside of North America to distinguish these signals from main signals. Operation of moving a rail vehicle or set of rail vehicles inside a railway station or other railway installations (depot, workshop, marshalling yard, etc.). North American term for all movements other than train movements. A fixed sign that must not be passed by shunting movements. It is used by railroads outside of North America where yard limits are unknown. A territory limited by shunting limit boards or other points designated in the operating instructions, where shunting units may enter main tracks in charge of a local operator without authority from the train director. Yard limits instead of shunting limits are used in North America. Locomotive designed to be operated on shunting yards and depots and only exceptionally at low speed not higher than 40 km/h over very short distances (typically less than 1km) on the open lines of the TEN to move vehicles is a particular category of traction units. Shunting locomotives are not allowed to haul trains. A locomotive designed to be operated on shunting yards and depots and only exceptionally at low speed not higher than 40 km/h over very short distances (typically less than 1km) on the open lines of the TEN to move vehicles is a particular category of traction units. Way of running whereby movement is controlled by shunting signals.
German Definition
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
shunting limits
shunting locomotive
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
shunting locomotive
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
shunting movement
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
shunting signal
a signal, normally close to ground level, which authorizes shunting movements. Page 332 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition An engine with or without cars that is authorized to run as a shunting movement. This term is used by railroads outside of North America where yard limits are unknown. Outage scheduled in advance, for maintenance or other purposes. Shutdown may also be called "planned outage". A piggy back transport system operated by Eurotunnel, the Shuttles carry cars, motorcycles, coaches and trucks, their drivers, passengers and cargos between Folkestone (Kent) and Coquelles (Pas-deCalais). 1) North American term for a track that is used for passing and overtaking trains. 2) Outside of North America, a track that may not be used for regular train movements. Track other than main track. Voie autre que voie principale. Tracks branching off running tracks. (The length of sidings is included in the length of tracks if the sidings managed by the infrastructure manager, private sidings being excluded). Drivers Safety Device (DSD) system (Germany). The appearance of a lineside signal, as viewed from the direction of an approaching train, or the appearance of a cab signal. The place where an interlocking machine is located. The place where an interlocking machine is located. The point at the end of the overlap a train must have cleared completely to allow the signal at the entrance of the block section to be cleared again. The headway that results from the blocking times of two successive trains in one single block section. The information that is given by a signal aspect.
German Definition
Eurotunnel Glossary
siding sidings
voie de service
RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009 Glossary for Transport Statistics
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
signal headway
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
signal indication
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Any occasion when any part of a train proceeds beyond its authorised movement. Unauthorised movement means to pass: - a trackside colour light signal or semaphore at danger, order to STOP, - the end of a safety related movement authority foreseen in automatic train control systems, - a point communicated by verbal or written authorization foreseen in regulations, - stop boards (buffer stops are not included) or hand signals. Cases in which vehicles without any traction unit attached or a train that is unattended run away past a signal at danger are not included. Cases in which, for any reason, the signal is not turned to danger in time to allow the driver to stop the train before the signal are not included. National Safety Authorities may report separately on the four bullet points and shall report at least an aggregate indicator containing data on all four items. A signal showing a stop aspect which is passed without the authority of the person responsible for authorising train movements. Signal pass en situation de danger sans autorisation, cest--dire un signal darrt dpass sans lautorisation des agents chargs de la gestion de la circulation.
German Definition
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
signal-controlled operation
signaled DTC
signaled operation
signaled TWC
signalling installation
installation de signalisation
A form of operation in which train movements are governed by signal indication. A form of DTC in which the line is equipped with a simplified signaling system as a safety overlay. A form of operation in which train movements are governed by signal indication. A form of TWC in which the line is equipped with a simplified signaling system as a safety overlay. Installation providing the driving crew with information about the running conditions to be observed.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Installation fournissant au personnel de conduite des circulations ferroviaires les indications sur les conditions de marche respecter. RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009
French Term
German Term
English Definition Particular kind of system used on a railway to control and protect the operation of trains.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
signalling system
Particular kind of system used on a railway to control and protect the operation of trains. A performer who is in charge of the route setting of trains and of issuing instructions to drivers.
SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
British term for an employee who is in charge of operating signaling appliances. Any accident involving at least one rail vehicle in motion, resulting in at least one killed or seriously injured person, or in significant damage to stock, track, other installations or environment, or extensive disruptions to traffic. Accidents in workshops, warehouses and depots are excluded. accident grave schwerer Unfall Any accident involving at least one rail vehicle in motion, resulting in at least one killed or seriously injured person, or in significant damage to stock, track, other installations or environment, or extensive disruptions to traffic. Accidents in workshops, warehouses and depots are excluded. Tout accident impliquant au moins un vhicule ferroviaire en mouvement et provoquant la mort ou des blessures graves pour au moins une personne ou des dommages importants au matriel roulant, aux voies ou d'autres installations ou des interruptions importantes de la circulation. Les accidents survenant dans les ateliers, les entrepts et les dpts sont exclus. jeder Unfall, an dem mindestens ein in Bewegung befindliches Eisenbahnfahrzeug beteiligt ist und bei dem mindestens eine Person schwer verletzt oder gettet wird oder der erhebliche Sachschden am Fahrzeugbestand, an den Gleisen, an anderen Anlagen bzw. in der Umgebung oder aber eine betrchtliche Strung des Verkehrs zur Folge hat. Unflle in Werksttten, Vorratslagern und Betriebswerken sind ausgenommen.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Recommendations to revise Annex 1 to Directive 2004/49
significant accident
Significant accident
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
significant accident
It means any accident involving at least one rail vehicle in motion, resulting in at least one killed or seriously injured person, or in significant damage to stock, track, other installations or environment, or extensive disruptions to traffic. Accidents in workshops, warehouses and depots are excluded.
French Term
German Term
English Definition Any accident, involving at least one rail vehicle in motion, resulting in at least one killed or serious injured person or damage over 150K to stock, track or other installation or significant damage toenvironment, or tracks blocked for more than 6 hours. Accidents in workshops, warehouse and depots are excluded. Means damage that is equivalent to euro 150 000 or more. The reduction of an Unacceptable Risk to which a particular group of people is exposed to a level in the Tolerable Region, without the imposition of Unacceptable Risk on any other group of people. Information about type of transport, transshipment or storage. Wagons for the transport in bulk of powdered products such as cement, flower, plaster etc. A crossing combined with two pairs of points to provide a slip connection at one side of the crossing. A crossing combined with two pairs of points to provide a slip connection at one side of the crossing. A crossing that is combined with movable points for slip connections. Slip resistant means that any surface finish used should be sufficiently rough or otherwise specially formulated so that friction between the surface, and a person's shoe or a mobility aid, is maintained at an acceptable level in both wet and dry conditions.
French Definition
German Definition
significant damage to stock, track, other installations or environment significant risk reduction
Une surface est qualifie d'antidrapante si elle est suffisamment rugueuse ou spcialement conue pour que la friction entre cette surface et les chaussures d'une personne ou les points de contact d'une aide mobilit soit maintenue un niveau acceptable aussi bien lorsque le sol est sec que lorsqu'il est humide.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Commission Decision 2008/164/EC concerning the TSI relating to persons with reduced mobility in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
A crossing that is combined with movable points for slip connections. Indicates how a specific article or a specific product line behaves in regard of inventory turnover (ratio of inventory throughput to goods in stock). Industry and season-dependent. In general, one refers to a slow turn if the annual stock turn or stock turnover ratio is below 3, i.e. if a specific article is put through the warehouse only 3 times a year and therefore is held in stock for 4 months on the average (value-added free). Page 336 of 451
French Definition German Definition Acronyme de Simple Mail Transfer Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Protocol (Protocole simplifi de transfert de courrier).
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems
Intellectual creation comprising the programs, procedures, rules and any associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a system.
software life-cycle
software maintainability
Activities occurring during a period of time that starts when software is conceived and ends when the software is no longer available for use. The software lifecycle typically includes a requirements phase, development phase, test phase, integration phase, installation phase and a maintenance phase. Capability of a system to be modified to correct faults, improve performance or other attributes, or adapt it to a different environment.
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability
software maintenance
Action, or set of actions, carried out on software after its acceptance by the final user. The aim is to improve, increase and/or correct its functionality.
Classification number which determines the techniques and measures that have to be applied in order to reduce residual software faults to an appropriate level.
A classification number, which determines the techniques and measures, that have to be applied in order to reduce residual software faults to an appropriate level.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Item intended to replace a corresponding item in order to restore the original required function of the item. Note 1: The original item may be subsequently repaired.Note 2: An item that is dedicated and/or exchangeable for a specific item is often referred to as replacement item. Item intended to replace a corresponding item in order to restore the original required function of the item. The original item may be subsequently repaired. An item that is dedicated and/or exchangeable for a specific item is often referred to as replacement item. A special interlocking that prevents conflicting routes that do not differ in the position of switches from being set up at the same time. A specialised line is not a line used exclusively by one type of traffic (fright or passengers) but a line where one type of traffic will be preferred and given priority when allocating capacity. Any part of the trans-European highspeed rail system for which special provisions, either temporary or permanent, are foreseen in the TSIs because of geographical, topographical or urban environment constraints or those affecting compatibility with the existing system. This may include, in particular, railway lines and networks isolated. from the rest of the Community, the track and loading gauge or the space between the tracks. These specific cases were identified during the development of the high-speed TSIs and are enshrined in the TSI decisions.
German Definition
spare part
specialised line
ligne spcialise
Ligne qui nest pas exclusivement utilise par un type de transport, mais o un type de transport reoit la priorit et la prfrence lors de lallocation des capacits.
specific case
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
English Definition Any part of the trans-European conventional rail system which needs special provisions in the TSIs, either temporary or definitive, because of geographical, topographical or urban environment constraints or those affecting compatibility with the existing system. This may include in particular railway lines and networks isolated from the rest of the Community, the loading gauge, the track gauge or space between the tracks and rolling stock strictly intended for local, regional or historical use, as well as rolling stock originating from or destined for third countries, as long as this stock does not cross the border between two Member States.
French Definition Toute partie du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse qui ncessite des dispositions particulires, temporaires ou dfinitives, dans les STI, en raison de contraintes gographiques, topographiques, denvironnement urbain ou de cohrence vis--vis du systme existant. Ceci peut comprendre notamment les cas des lignes et rseaux ferroviaires isols du reste du territoire de la Communaut, le gabarit, lcartement des rails ou lespace entre les voies.
German Definition ?Sonderfall? jeden Teil des konventionellen transeuropischen Eisenbahnsystems, der in den TSI besonderer Vorkehrungen vorbergehender oder endgltiger Art bedarf, da geographische, topographische, stdtebauliche oder die Kohrenz mit dem bestehenden System betreffende Zwnge vorliegen. Hierzu knnen insbesondere die Flle von Eisenbahnstrecken und -netzen zhlen, die vom Netz des brigen Gebiets der Gemeinschaft bgeschnitten sind, das Lichtraumprofil, die Spurweite oder der Gleisabstand sowie Fahrzeuge ausschlielich fr den lokal oder regional begrenzten Einsatz oder ausschlielich fr historische Zwecke und Fahrzeuge aus Drittlndern oder mit Zielort in Drittlndern, sofern diese die Grenze zwischen zwei Mitgliedstaaten nicht queren.
Source Document Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network
specific case
cas spcifique
Any part of the rail system which needs special provisions in the TSIs, either temporary or definitive, because of geographical, topographical or urban environment constraints or those affecting compatibility with the existing system. This may include in particular railway lines and networks isolated from the rest of the Community, the loading gauge, the track gauge or space between the tracks and vehicles strictly intended for local, regional or historical use, as well as vehicles originating from or destined for third countries.
Toute partie du systme ferroviaire qui ncessite des dispositions particulires dans les STI, temporaires ou dfinitives, en raison de contraintes gographiques, topographiques, d'environnement urbain ou de cohrence par rapport au systme existant. Cela peut comprendre notamment les lignes et rseaux ferroviaires isols du reste de la Communaut, le gabarit, l'cartement ou l'entraxe des voies, les vhicules exclusivement destins un usage local, rgional ou historique et les vhicules en provenance ou destination de pays tiers.
jeden Teil des Eisenbahnsystems, der in Directive 2008/57/EC on the den TSI besonderer Vorkehrungen interoperability of the rail system vorbergehender oder endgltiger Art within the Community bedarf, da geografische, topografische, stdtebauliche oder die Kohrenz mit dem bestehenden System betreffende Zwnge vorliegen. Hierzu knnen insbesondere die Flle von Eisenbahnstrecken und netzen zhlen, die vom Netz des brigen Gebiets der Gemeinschaft abgeschnitten sind, das Lichtraumprofil, die Spurweite oder der Gleisabstand sowie Fahrzeuge ausschlielich fr den lokal oder regional begrenzten Einsatz oder ausschlielich fr historische Zwecke und Fahrzeuge aus Drittlndern oder mit Zielort in Drittlndern.
English Definition Any part of the trans-European highspeed rail system which needs special provisions in the TSIs, either temporary or definitive, because of geographical, topographical or urban environment constraints or those affecting compatibility with the existing system. This may include in particular railway lines and networks isolated from the rest of the Community territory, the loading gauge, the track gauge or space between the tracks.
French Definition Toute partie du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse qui ncessite des dispositions particulires, temporaires ou dfinitives, dans les STI, en raison de contraintes gographiques, topographiques, denvironnement urbain ou de cohrence vis--vis du systme existant. Ceci peut comprendre notamment les cas des lignes et rseaux ferroviaires isols du reste du territoire de la Communaut, le gabarit, lcartement des rails ou lespace entre les voies.
German Definition jeder Teil des transeuropischen Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems, der in den TSI besonderer Vorkehrungen vorbergehender oder endgltiger Art bedarf, da geografische, topografische, stdtebauliche oder die Kohrenz mit dem bestehenden System betreffende Zwnge vorliegen. Hierzu knnen insbesondere die Flle von Eisenbahnstrecken und netzen zhlen, die vom Netz des brigen Gemeinschaftsgebiets abgeschnitten sind, das Lichtraumprofil, die Spurweite oder der Gleisabstand.
Source Document Directive 96/48/EC on the interoperability of the TransEuropean high-speed rail system
specific case
Any part of the rail system which needs special provisions in the TSIs, either temporary or definitive, because of geographical, topographical or urban environment constraints or those affecting compatibility with the existing system. This may include in particular railway lines and networks isolated from the rest of the Community, the loading gauge, the track gauge or space between the tracks and vehicles strictly intended for local, regional or historical use, as well as vehicles originating from or destined for third countries.
Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
specific case
Any part of the trans-European highspeed rail system which needs special provisions in the TSIs, either temporary or definitive, because of geographical, topographical or urban environment constraints or those affecting compatibility with the existing system. This may include in particular railway lines and networks isolated from the rest of the Community territory, the loading gauge, the track gauge or space between the tracks.
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Any part of the trans-European conventional rail system which needs special provisions in the TSIs, either temporary or definitive, because of geographical, topographical, or urban environment constraints or those affecting compatibility with an existing rail system. This may include in particular railway lines and networks isolated from the rest of the Community, including isolation by sea, the loading gauge, the track gauge, space between the tracks, and rolling stock strictly intended for local, regional or historical use.
German Definition
Source Document Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System)
specified equipment
specified information
In respect of an Access Agreement, any railway vehicle the use of which is permitted on the track pursuant to that agreement. Any information, statement, proposal, draft, instrument or other document. A Relevant Adjustment Specified in a Relevant Enquiry. A Relevant Surrender specified in a Relevant Enquiry. Need or expectation that is stated.
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Network Rail - Network Code
Network Rail - Network Code Network Rail - Network Code ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Service Public Fdral Mobilit et Transports. Wagon chssis central conu pour transporter une semi-remorque. Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009 Eisenbahnwaggon mit mittigem Terminology on combined Hauptlngstrger zur Befrderung eines transport Sattelanhngers. Network Rail - Network Code
specified requirement
speed signaling
A signaling system in which the signals indicate the speed not to be exceeded by a train. Federal Public Service for Mobility and Transport. A rail wagon with a central chassis designed to carry a semi-trailer. In relation to a proposal for a Vehicle Change, the Train Operator which has made the proposal. The Train Operator which has made a proposal for a Network Change. Any Bid made during the Timetable Period to which that Bid relates or during the Supplemental Period immediately prior to that Timetable Period. Page 341 of 451
English Definition Adjustable fitting on lifting equipment designed to connect with the upper corner fittings of an ITU. Many spreaders have in addition grappler arms that engage the bottom side rails of an ITU.
French Definition Structure extensible permettant de saisir une UTI, par verrouillage en toiture des pices de coin. De nombreux cadres de prhension sont dots en plus de bras tlescopiques qui soulvent lUTI en les saisissant par la base.
German Definition Source Document (Meist) teleskopierbarer Tragrahmen an Terminology on combined Umschlaggerten, der es ermglicht, transport eine ITE durch Verriegelung an den oberen Eckbeschlgen hochzuheben. Viele Spreader haben zustzlich Greifarme, die die ITE an der Unterseite aufheben, indem sie die unteren seitlichen Schienen einer ITE greifen.
spring switch
A switch that may be passed by trailing point movements in wrong position and returns to normal position under spring load after the passage. A short stretch of track diverging from a main or branchline to serve a customer located away from the primary trackage. A short stretch of track diverging from a main or branchline to serve a customer located away from the primary trackage. Has the meaning ascribed to it in the relevant Access Agreement. Storage or carriage of ITUs on top of Stockage ou transport dUTI lune sur each other. lautre. Indicates the number of times a specific merchandise can be stacked (without using shelves) without being damaged. Dependens on form and packaging of merchandise.Indicates the number of times a specific merchandise can be stacked (without using shelves) without being damaged. Dependens on form and packaging of merchandise.
spur track
Network Rail - Network Code Lagerung oder Befrderung von ITE bereinander. Terminology on combined transport Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
Employees working for a Railway Undertaking or an Infrastructure Manager, or their contractors, undertaking tasks as specified in this TSI.
Employs d'une entreprise ferroviaire, d'un gestionnaire d'infrastructure ou de leurs sous-traitants, qui excutent des tches dcrites dans la prsente STI.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
Employees working for a Railway Undertaking or an Infrastructure Manager, or their contractors, undertaking tasks as specified in this TSI.
Employs dune entreprise ferroviaire, dun gestionnaire dinfrastructure ou de leurs sous-traitants, qui excutent des tches dcrites dans la prsente STI.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Employees working for a Railway Undertaking or an Infrastructure Manager, or their contractors, undertaking tasks as specified in this TSI. Staff who contributes to the operation of the subsystem by performing safety critical tasks involving a direct interface between a Railway Undertaking and an Infrastructure Manager. A) Railway Undertaking staff: - undertaking the task of driving trains (referred to throughout this document as driver) and forming part of the train crew, - undertaking tasks on-board (other than driving) and forming part of the train crew, - undertaking the task of preparing trains. B) Infrastructure Managers staff undertaking the task of authorising the movement of trains.
German Definition
partie responsable
Any person or organisation with a reasonable interest in train service delivery, e.g.: Railway Undertaking (RU), Shipment monitoring provider, Locomotive provider, Wagon provider, Driver/Train crew provider, Hump yard provider, Switch move provider, Service integrator, Slot provider (IM), Train controller (IM), Traffic manager, Fleet manager, Ferry boat provider, Wagon, locomotive inspector, Wagon, locomotive repair provider, Shipment manager, Switching and humping provider, Logistic provider, Consignee, Consignor. For intermodal in addition: Container provider, Intermodal terminal operator, Drayage provider/Haulage company, Steam ship, Barge lines.
Toute personne physique ou morale qui a la responsabilit des risques qu'elle importe sur le rseau ferroviaire, par exemple l'EF. Toute personne physique ou morale tant raisonnablement concerne par l'exploitation du train. Exemples: entreprise ferroviaire (EF); fournisseur du suivi des expditions; fournisseur de locomotives; fournisseur de wagons; fournisseur de conducteurs/personnel du train; fournisseur du triage bosse; fournisseur de manoeuvres de mise en place; intgrateur de services; fournisseur de sillons (GI); responsable de la commande des trains (GI); gestionnaire de trafic; gestionnaire du parc de matriel roulant; fournisseur de ferry-boats; inspecteur des wagons, locomotives; fournisseur charg de la rparation des wagons, locomotives; gestionnaire des expditions; fournisseur de l'aiguillage et du refoulement la bosse; Page 343 of 451 fournisseur de la logistique; destinataire;
Jede Person oder Organisation mit einem Interesse an der Bereitstellung von Zugverkehrsleistungen, z. B. Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen (EVU), Frachtberwachungsdienstleister, Triebfahrzeuganbieter, Wagenanbieter, Anbieter von Triebfahrzeugfhrern/Zugpersonal, Anbieter von Ablauf-Rangierbahnhfen, Stellwerkbetreiber, Dienst-Integrator, Trassenanbieter (IB), Zugsteuerer, Verkehrsleitstelle, Fuhrparkbetreiber, Fhranbieter, Wagen-/Triebfahrzeuginspektoren, Wagen-/TriebfahrzeugInstandhaltungswerke, Frachtmanager, Rangierbahnhfe, Logistikanbieter, Empfnger, Absender. Fr Intermodalverkehr zustzlich: Container-Anbieter, Intermodalterminal-Betreiber, An- und Abfuhrdienstleister/Speditionen, Dampfschifffahrt,
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
English Term
French Term
German Term
English Definition
gestionnaire de trafic; gestionnaire du parc de matriel roulant; fournisseur de ferry-boats; inspecteur des wagons, locomotives; fournisseur charg de la rparation des wagons, locomotives; French Definition gestionnaire des expditions; fournisseur de l'aiguillage et du refoulement la bosse; fournisseur de la logistique; destinataire; expditeur. En outre, pour le transport intermodal: fournisseur de conteneurs; oprateur de terminal intermodal; fournisseur de camionnage/entreprise de transport routier; compagnie maritime; lignes de barge/pniches.
Frachtmanager, Rangierbahnhfe, Logistikanbieter, Empfnger, Absender. Fr Intermodalverkehr zustzlich: German Definition Container-Anbieter, Intermodalterminal-Betreiber, An- und Abfuhrdienstleister/Speditionen, Dampfschifffahrt, Binnenschifffahrt.
Source Document
Any person or organisation with a reasonable interest in train service delivery e.g.: Railway Undertaking (RU), Locomotive provider, Coach provider, Driver / Train crew provider, Infrastructure Manager (IM), Fleet manager, Ferry boat operator,. norme A technical specification approved by a recognized standardizing body for repeated or continuous application, compliance with which is in principle not compulsory. An authorised document, including specification, procedure, instruction, directive, rule or regulation, which sets requirements. Document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, that provides, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context. The creation, modification or withdrawal of a Standard. Means the chairman of the Standards Committee concerned. - TO BE CANCELLED. Individuals who are the members of the Standards Committee concerned. - TO BE CANCELLED. La spcification technique approuve par un organisme reconnu activit normative, pour application rpte ou continue, dont le respect n'est, en principe, pas obligatoire.
Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
French Term
German Term
English Definition Redundancy wherein a part of the means for performing a required function is intended to operate, while the remaining part(s) of the means are inoperative until needed. Standby redundancy is often referred to as "passive redundancy". Non operating up state during the required time. Time interval during which an item is in a standby state. Old British term for a signal that governs train movements to leave station limits. Is now called a section signal. Developed stage of technical capability at a given time as regards products, processes and services, based on the relevant consolidated findings of science, technology and experience. Mean vertical force exerted upwards by the pantograph head on the OCL, and caused by the pantograph-raising device, whilst the pantograph is raised and the vehicle is standstill. A place designated in the timetable by name. Has the meaning given to it in the Railways (Safety Case) Regulations 2000, being a railway passenger station or terminal, but does not include any permanent way or plant used for signalling or exclusively for supplying electricity for operational purposes to the railway. Means a railway location where a passenger train can start, stop or end. A passenger stop, station or terminal on a transport system but does not include any permanent way or other means of guiding or supporting vehicles or plant used for signalling or exclusively for supplying electricity for operational purposes to a transport system. British term for the line from the home signal and the last section signal (starter signal) of the same direction which is controlled from the same signal box.
French Definition
German Definition
EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
station station
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Railway Group Standards Code
United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
station limits
German Term
English Definition The Station Manager is the entity responsible for day-to-day management of a station. This role may be discharged by the Railway Undertaking, the Infrastructure Manager or a third party. Means an organisational entity in a Member State, which has been made responsible for the management of a railway station and which may be the infrastructure manager. Means any person holding a licence under section 8 of the Railways Act 1993 or a Railway Safety Case in respect of the operation of a station on the Rail Network. A diagram that displays the scheduled occupation of the tracks in large stations and interlockings. Locomotive, whether cylinder or turbine driven, in which the source of power is steam irrespective of the type of fuel used. Special term used to refer to the unit or form in which steel is transported. Thanks to the Steel service cooperation project, a logistics partnership set up by VOEST Alpine Stahl Linz, IndustrieLogistik Linuz (ILL) and BB, this express train (special waggons for transporting steel coils) is operated from the VOEST and ILL loading premises to Nuremberg, where the waggons are distributed to their final destinations.
French Definition German Definition Le gestionnaire des gares est l'entit responsable de leur gestion quotidienne. Ce rle peut tre assum par l'entreprise ferroviaire, le gestionnaire de l'infrastructure ou un tiers.
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/164/EC concerning the TSI relating to persons with reduced mobility in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system TAP TSI Glossary
station manager
station operator
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Glossary for Transport Statistics
steam locomotive
steel coils
steel express
stock on hand
Buffer between input and output flows of goods as soon as the temporal and qualitative structure of input and output flows changes. Only when there is total synchronization could stocks on hand be superfluous. In terms of logistics, stocks on hand are (in part undesireable) interruptions in the supply chain.
stock turn
The number of times that an inventory turns over during a specific period of time. Stock turn: WE PAL per year/average storage space needed for pallets Note: time-related indicator for past events, not or hardly suitable for use as a control or alert indicator. Page 346 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The physical count of products actually held in stock, involving a specific number of storage spaces and carried out at optional days during the fiscal year. Benefits: activities not concentrated on a single day but spreading over the entire year (improved division of warehouse labor). Stocktaking operations can be started in slack periods. With stocktaking operation carried out on a continuous basis, up-to-date information about whether stored stocks and book stocks tally is continually available.
German Definition
stop aspect
Any signal aspect that does not allow the driver to pass the signal. A stop aspect includes trackside signals and hand signals.
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
the aspect of a main or shunting signal that requires a train to stop. a signal at which trains are required to stop if it is at 'danger'. A place at which a service makes a stop for the purposes of allowing passengers to join or leave the service. point d'arrt A location identified in the schedule of a train where the train is planned to stop, usually to carry out a specific activity such as allowing passengers to join and leave the train. A location identified in the schedule of a train where the train is planned to stop, usually to carry out a specific activity such as allowing passengers to join and leave the train. Lieu identifi dans l'horaire d'un train o il est prvu que le train s'arrte, en gnral pour entreprendre une activit spcifique telle que la monte ou la descente de voyageurs.
European Railway Signalling European Railway Signalling United Kingdom - Railways Act 2005
stopping point
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
stopping point
point darrt
Lieu identifi dans lhoraire dun train o il est prvu que le train sarrte, en gnral pour entreprendre une activit spcifique telle que la monte ou la descente de voyageurs.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
stopping point
A location identified in the schedule of a train where the train is planned to stop, usually to carry out a specific activity such as allowing passengers to join and leave the train. Page 347 of 451
OPE glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Logical grouping of equal or equivalent storage locations serving the same function. Typical storage areas are highrise stores, the zone for receipt of goods, consignment stock, block stores. Location at the consignee's premises for storing the goods after receipt.
German Definition
storage location
straddle carrier
Portalhubwagen/Portalstap A rubber-tyred overhead lifting vehicle ler for moving or stacking containers on a level reinforced surface.
Portique mobile mont sur des pneumatiques qui enfourche un conteneur pour le soulever, le dplacer ou le gerber , se dplaant sur une surface plane et renforce.
Hebegert auf Gummireifen fr den Vertikalumschlag, das Bewegen oder Stapeln von Containern auf einer ebenen und befestigten Flche.
A route for route planning purposes designated in the business plan which Network Rail is required to produce under its network licence as a 'strategic planning route' or "strategic route". The body known as the Strategic Rail Authority, established under the Transport Act 2000, and the relevant part of any person to whom its roles and responsibilities in respect of the Code are transferred pursuant to the Railways Act 2005. - TO BE CANCELLED.
stress profile
The degree and number of external influences which a product can withstand whilst performing its required functionality.
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Loading and unloading of cargo into or from an ITU. (a) high-speed rolling stock; and (b) the whole, or, a part, of an infrastructure subsystem, an energy subsystem and a control and command and signalling subsystem which is constructed or upgraded as a project. Structure gauge is defined by given swept volume inside which no obstacle must be located or intrude. This volume is determined on the basis of a reference kinematic profile and takes into account the gauge of catenary and the gauge for lower parts.
Das Laden oder Entladen von Gtern in oder aus einer ITE.
Terminology on combined transport United Kingdom - The Railways (Interoperability) (High-Speed) Regulations 2002
structural subsystems
structure gauge
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Structure gauge is defined by given swept volume inside which no obstacle must be located or intrude. This volume is determined on the basis of a reference kinematic profile and takes into account the gauge of catenary and the gauge for lower parts. A language devised by IBM, then standardised by ANSI and ISO, which is used for creating, managing and retrieving data in relational databases. Acronyme de Structured Query Language (langage de requte structur) Un langage dvelopp par IBM, puis normalis par l'ANSI et l'ISO, utilis pour crer, grer et rcuprer des informations dans des bases de donnes relationnelles.
German Definition
Structured Query Language Eine von IBM entwickelte und von ANSI und ISO standardisierte Sprache zur Erstellung, Pflege und zum Abrufen von Daten in relationalen Datenbanken.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
A language devised by IBM, then standardised by ANSI and ISO, which is used for creating, managing and retrieving data in relational databases. A dead-end track, usually equipped with a bumper. Loading and unloading of cargo into or Opration de chargement ou de from an ITU. dchargement de marchandises lintrieur dune UTI. A third party who performs the carriage Personne laquelle le transporteur a completely or partly. confi, en tout ou en partie, lexcution du transport. The date to be notified by Network Rail iand normally falling on the Sunday next following the second Saturday in June in any calendar year, or such alternative dates as may be notified by Network Rail in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2001/14/EC. All plans, procedures and documents which are required to be produced under one or more ROC Sections and designated as Subsidiary Documentation under them. In respect of any Timetable Period commencing on a Subsidiary Change Date, any revision to the applicable Rules of the Route or the applicable Rules of the Plan that either: a) is not material in nature and makes no material adjustment to or correction of detail set out in the applicable Rules of the Route or applicable Rules of the Plan; or b) is material in nature but the need for which was not reasonably foreseeable when the applicable Rules of the Route or applicable Rules of the Plan were previously revised. Page 349 of 451
Das Laden oder Entladen von Gtern in oder aus einer ITE. Die Person, der vom Frachtfhrer die Befrderung ganz oder teilweise bertragen wird.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Terminology on combined transport Terminology on combined transport Network Rail - Network Code
transporteur sous-traitant
ausfhrender Frachtfhrer
subsidiary documentation
French Term
German Term
subsidiary timetable
English Definition French Definition This term is applied to an aspect displayed alongside a 'stop' aspect to authrorize passage (for example) into an occupied platform. The adjustment of the Principal Timetable that is established at midnight on the third Saturday in May 1 during the currency of the Principal Timetable. Installation, the main function of which is to supply a contact line system, at which the voltage of primary supply system, and in certain cases the frequency, is converted to the voltage and frequency of the contact line. Means a railway undertaking, which has not concluded a transport contract with the passenger, but to whom the railway undertaking party to the contract has entrusted, in whole or in part, the performance of the transport by rail. Any replacement of components by parts of identical function and performance in the framework of preventive or corrective maintenance. Any replacement of components by parts of identical function and performance in the framework of preventive or corrective maintenance.
German Definition
substitute carrier
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC CMW Glossary
Any replacement of components by parts of identical function and performance in the framework of preventive or corrective maintenance. Austausch im Zuge von Instandhaltungsarbeiten Any replacement of components by parts of identical function and performance in the framework of preventive or corrective maintenance. Any replacement of components by parts of identical function and performance in the framework of preventive or corrective maintenance.
Le remplacement de composants par des pices de fonction et performances identiques dans le cadre dun entretien prventif ou correcteur. Le remplacement de composants par des pices de fonction et performances identiques dans le cadre d'un entretien prventif ou correcteur. Le remplacement de composants par des pices de fonction et performances identiques dans le cadre dun entretien prventif ou correcteur.
Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network die Ersetzung von Bauteilen im Rahmen Directive 2008/57/EC on the von Wartungs- oder Reparaturarbeiten interoperability of the rail system durch Teile gleicher Funktion und within the Community Leistung. die Directive 96/48/EC on the Ersetzung von Bauteilen im Rahmen von interoperability of the TransWartungs- oder Reparaturarbeiten European high-speed rail system durch Teile gleicher Funktion und Leistung. Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
Any replacement of components by parts of identical function and performance in the framework of preventive or corrective maintenance. a signal aspect exhibited when the proper signalling is out of order due to engineering work or failure. It usually authorises passage at reduced speed. Page 350 of 451
substitution signal
French Term
German Term
English Definition Mans that the trans-European rail system which is subdivided into structural or functional subsystems for which essential requirements must be laid down. Result of the division of the transEuropean conventional rail system, as shown in Annex II to Dir. 2001/16. These subsystems, for which essential requirements must be laid down, are structural and functional, and are covered by one or more TSIs.
French Definition
German Definition
Rsultat de la subdivision du rseau transeuropen grande vitesse, comme indiqu l'annexe II de la Dir. 2001/16. Ces sous-systmes qui sont de nature structurelle ou fonctionnelle et pour lesquels des exigences essentielles doivent tre dfinies, sont couvertes par un ou plusieurs STI.
die in Anhang II (of Dir. 2001/16) aufgefhrte Unterteilung des transeuropischen Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems in strukturelle oder funktionale Teilsysteme, fr die grundlegende Anforderungen festgelegt werden mssen.
The result of the division of the transEuropean rail system, as shown in Annex II of Directives 96/48 and 2001/16. These subsystems, for which essential requirements must be laid down, are structural and functional. The meaning assigned to it in the highspeed and conventional rail systems Regulations.
Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008 EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
The result of the division of the rail system. These subsystems, for which essential requirements must be laid down, may be structural or functional.
Le rsultat de la division du systme ferroviaire comme indiqu l'annexe II. Ces sous-systmes, pour lesquels des exigences essentielles doivent tre dfinies, sont de nature structurelle ou fonctionnelle.
Structural or functional subsystems for which essential requirements must be laid down.
die in Anhang II aufgefhrten Unterteilungen des Eisenbahnsystems. Diese Teilsysteme, fr die grundlegende Anforderungen festgelegt werden mssen, sind struktureller oder funktioneller Art. Le systme ferroviaire transeuropen die in Anhang II aufgefhrte grande vitesse est subdivis, comme Unterteilung des transeuropischen indiqu l'annexe II, en sous-systmes Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems in de nature structurelle ou fonctionnelle strukturelle oder funktionale pour lesquels des exigences essentielles Teilsysteme, fr die grundlegende doivent tre dfinies. Anforderungen festgelegt werden mssen.
Directive 2008/57/EC on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community
The result of the division of the rail system, as shown in Annex II. These subsystems, for which essential requirements must be laid down, may be structural or functional. The individual systems..., comprising structural and operational subsystems for which essential requirements must be laid down. Page 351 of 451
Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
French Term
German Term
English Definition The individual subsystems...comprising structural and operational subsystems for which essential requirements must be laid down. Two or more tunnels following each other without a separation of more than 500 m in open air and without an access to a safe area within the open section. 500 m is as maximum the length of a train with additional space on both sides (bad braking etc.).
French Definition
German Definition
successive tunnels
tunnels en cascade
Si deux ou plusieurs tunnels se succdent sans qu'une section l'air libre de plus de 500 m ne les spare et en l'absence de refuge dans la section ouverte, les tunnels sont considrs comme formant un tunnel unique et les spcifications appropries doivent tre respectes. Une longueur de 500 m est la longueur maximale pour un train, un dgagement supplmentaire est en outre prvu de part et d'autre (freinage insuffisant, etc.).
Source Document Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System) Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
successive tunnels
sudden failure
If two or more tunnels following each other without a separation of more than 500 m in open air and without an access to a safe area within the open section, the tunnels are defined as only one tunnel and the appropriate specifications have to be fulfilled. 500 m is as maximum the length of a train with additional space on both sides (bad braking etc.). Failure of an item caused either directly or indirectly by a failure or a fault of another item. An act to deliberately injure oneself resulting in death, as recorded and classified by the competent national authority. An act to deliberately injure oneself resulting in death, as recorded and classified by the competent national authority. An EC declaration of suitability for use of an interoperability constituent in respect of that interoperability constituent.
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
Acte commis par toute personne qui agit dlibrment pour s'infliger un dommage corporel entranant la mort, tel qu'enregistr et class par l'autorit nationale comptente.
eine Handlung vorstzlicher Selbstverletzung mit Todesfolge, wie von der zustndigen nationalen Behrde registriert und klassifiziert.
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System) Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System) "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
suitability declaration
suitability declaration
An EC declaration of suitability for use drawn up by a manufacturer or its authorised representative in the State.
Ability of an interoperability constituent to achieve and maintain a specified performance during its period of use.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Ability of a product to achieve and maintain a specified performance during its period of use.
German Definition
Source Document "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005
A qualified person who, having regard to guidelines published by the Railway Safety Commission, is sufficiently independent of railway undertakings or of a particular class of railway undertaking or of a particular railway undertaking. Container exceeding ISO dimensions. These dimensions vary and may include, for example, lengths of 45 (13.72 m), 48 (14.64 m), or 53 (16.10 m).
Conteneur hors des normes de dimension ISO. Ces dimensions variables, peuvent atteindre, par exemple, des longueurs de 45 (13,72 m), 48 (14,64 m), ou 53 (16,10 m).
Container, dessen Abmessungen die ISO- Terminology on combined Normen bersteigen. Die Abmessungen transport variieren, knnen aber zum Beispiel Auenlngen von 45 (13,72 m), 48 (14,64 m), oder 53 (16,10 m) erreichen. IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Network Rail - Network Code
A train having precedence over another train. The period, to be notified by Network Rail, normally of 22 weeks, commencing on the first day following the end of the Finalisation Period and ending on the day before the relevant Passenger Change Date. In respect of any Timetable Week, the period commencing on the relevant Revision Period Commencement Date and ending on the relevant Revision Period End Date. The Supplementary Ventilation System provides a controled air flow in one or both rail tunnels of the Channel Tunnel. It controls the direction of smoke removal in order to create a safe environment for passenger evacuation or the intervention of the emergency services. Organisation or person that provides a product. Organization or person that provides a product. Any person other than a Railway Undertaking and Infrastructure Manager: - whose business activities or goods which he manufactures or owns must comply, directly or indirectly, with Standards; - who supplies goods or services to the Railway Industry and whose business activities are pertinent to the achievement of the corporate targets. Page 353 of 451
Eurotunnel Glossary
supplier supplier
CMW Glossary ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition (a) any person other than a Train Operator or Infrastructure Controller whose business activities or goods which he manufactures or owns must comply, directly or indirectly, with Standards; (b) any person other than a Train Operator or Infrastructure Controller who supplies goods or services to the Railway Industry and whose business activities are, in the opinion of the Board acting reasonably, pertinent to the achievement of the Primary Objective. TO BE CANCELLED.
German Definition
Consolidation point for several suppliers (procurement-oriented. Process-oriented control of all interchanges in the logistics process, ranging from procurement of raw materials, development, production and assembly to delivery to the end user. marchs de fournitures, de travaux et de services Contracts for pecuniary interest concluded in writing between one of the contracting entities referred to in Article 2, and a supplier, a contractor or a service provider, having as their object: (a) in the case of supply contracts, the purchase, lease, rental or hire-purchase, with or without options to buy, of products; (b) in the case of works contracts either the execution, or both the execution and design or the realization, by whatever means, of building or civil engineering activities referred to in Annex XI. These contracts may, in addition, cover supplies and services necessary for their execution; (c) in the case of service contracts, any object other than those referred to in (a) and (b) and to the exclusion of: (i) contracts for the acquisition or rental, by whatever financial means, of land, existing buildings, or other immovable property or concerning rights thereon; nevertheless, financial service contracts concluded at the same time as, before or after the contract of acquisition or rental, in whatever form, shall be subject to this Directive; (ii) contracts for voice telephony, telex, radiotelephony, paging and Page 354 of 451 satellite services; (iii) contracts for arbitration and Des contrats titre onreux conclus par crit entre l'une des entits adjudicatrices dfinies l'article 2 de la directive 93/38/CE et un fournisseur, entrepreneur ou prestataire de services et ayant pour objet: a) dans le cas des marchs de fournitures, l'achat, le crdit-bail, la location ou la location-vente, avec ou sans option d'achat, de produits; b) dans le cas des marchs de travaux, soit l'excution, soit conjointement l'excution et la conception, soit la ralisation, par quelque moyen que ce soit, de travaux de btiment ou de gnie civil viss l'annexe XI. Ces marchs peuvent comporter, en outre, les fournitures et les services ncessaires leur excution; c) dans le cas des marchs de services, tout autre objet que ceux viss aux points a) et b) et l'exclusion: i) des marchs qui ont pour objet l'acquisition ou la location, quelles qu'en soient les modalits financires, de terrains, de btiments existants ou d'autres biens immeubles ou qui concernent des droits sur ces biens; toutefois, les contrats de services financiers conclus paralllement, pralablement ou conscutivement au contrat d'acquisition ou de location, sous quelque forme que ce soit, sont
Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
English Term
French Term
German Term
land, existing buildings, or other immovable property or concerning rights thereon; nevertheless, financial service contracts concluded at the same time as, before after the contract of English or Definition acquisition or rental, in whatever form, shall be subject to this Directive; (ii) contracts for voice telephony, telex, radiotelephony, paging and satellite services; (iii) contracts for arbitration and conciliation services; (iv) contracts for the issue, sale, purchase or transfer of securities or other financial instruments; (v) employment contracts (vi) research and development service contracts other than those where the benefits accrue exclusively to the contracting entity for its use in the conduct of its own affairs, on condition that the service provided is wholly remunerated by the contracting entity. Contracts which include the provision of services and supplies shall be regarded as supply contracts if the total value of supplies is greater than the value of the services covered by the contract;.
i) des marchs qui ont pour objet l'acquisition ou la location, quelles qu'en soient les modalits financires, de terrains, de btiments existants ou d'autres biens immeubles ou qui French Definition German Definition concernent des droits sur ces biens; toutefois, les contrats de services financiers conclus paralllement, pralablement ou conscutivement au contrat d'acquisition ou de location, sous quelque forme que ce soit, sont soumis la directive 93/38/CE; ii) des marchs qui ont pour objet les services de tlphonie vocale, de tlex, de radiotlphonie mobile, de radiomessagerie et de tlcommunications par satellite; iii) des marchs visant les services d'arbitrage et de conciliation; iv) des marchs relatifs l'mission, l'achat, la vente et au transfert de titres ou d'autres instruments financiers; v) des marchs de l'emploi; vi) des marchs des services de recherche et de dveloppement autres que ceux dont les fruits appartiennent exclusivement l'entit adjudicatrice pour son usage dans l'exercice de sa propre activit, pour autant que la prestation du service soit entirement rmunre par l'entit adjudicatrice.
Source Document
Systematic iteration of conformity assessment activity as a basis for maintaining the validity of the statement of conformity. Systematic iteration of conformity assessment activities as a basis for maintaining the validity of the statement of conformity. Constant or frequent monitoring and verification of product conformity, to ensure that specified requirements are being fulfilled. Temporary invalidation of the statement of conformity for all or part of the specified scope of attestation. Temporary invalidation of the statement of conformity for all or part of the specified scope of attestation.
CMW Glossary
ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC CMW Glossary
English Definition A freight carrying unit optimised to road vehicle dimensions and fitted with handling devices for transfer between modes, usually road/rail. Originally, such units were not capable of being stacked when full or top-lifted. But many units can now be stacked and top-lifted and the main feature distinguishing them from containers is that they are optimised to vehicle dimensions. Such units would need a UIC approval to be used on rail. Some swap bodies are equipped with folding legs on which the unit stands when not on the vehicle.
French Definition Unit conue pour le transport de marchandises, adapte de manire optimale en fonction des dimensions des vhicules routiers et quipe dlments de prhension permettant le transbordement entre modes, habituellement rail/route.
German Definition Source Document Ein fr den Gtertransport bestimmter Terminology on combined Behlter, der im Hinblick auf die transport Abmessungen von Stra enfahrzeugen optimiert wurde und mit Greifkanten fr den Umschlag zwischen den Verkehrsmitteln, in der Regel Stra eSchiene, ausgestattet ist. Ursprnglich konnten solche Behlter in der Regel in beladenem Zustand nicht gestapelt oder an den Eckbeschlgen gekrant werden. Mittlerweile knnen jedoch viele Wechselbehlter gestapelt und an den Eckbeschlgen gekrant werden. Sie unterscheiden sich von Containern dadurch, dass sie im Hinblick auf die Abmessungen von Straenfahrzeugen optimiert wurden. Derartige Behlter bentigen fr den Bahntransport eine UIC-Zulassung. Einige dieser Behlter sind auch mit klappbaren Sttzf en ausgestattet, die verwendet werden, wenn der Behlter nicht auf dem Fahrzeug steht.
A freight carrying unit optimized to road vehicle dimension and fitted with handling devices for transfer between modes (usually between road and rail). Originally, such units were not capable of being stacked or top-lifted. Today, many swap bodies can be stacked and are equipped with corner fittings to be top-lifted. The main feature distinguishing them from containers is that they are optimized to vehicle dimensions. Some swap bodies are equipped with folding legs on which the unit stands when not on the vehicle.
swing nose
A crossing in which the crossing nose can be moved laterally to close the flangeway to provide continuous support to wheelsets.
Une traverse dans laquelle le coeur pointe mobile peut se dplacer latralement proximit de l'ornire pour assurer le support permanent des essieux.
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
swinging overlap
switch diamond
A form of overlap protection using a conditional crosslock that allows switching the overlap into another track without cancelling the route. North American term for a pair of points. In North American railroad operation and signaling turnouts are usually referred to as switches. A diamond crossing with movable frogs. Page 356 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A sign that indicates the position of a switch. A machine that is used to operate points, movable frogs or derails. A unit of track comprising two fixed rails (stock rails) and two movable rails (switch rails) used to direct vehicles from one track to another track. A track layout incorporating switches and crossings. Un trac de voie incorporant les appareils de voie.
German Definition
Source Document IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure
appareils de voie
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
Track constructed from sets of switches and individual crossings and rails connecting them to form connections between tracks. North American term for all movements other than train movements. A method to simulate railroad operations by modeling all partial processes of the operation in real time sequences. Set of interrelated or interacting elements. A set of sub-systems which interact according to a design.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
synchronous simulation
system system
CMW Glossary EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Set of interrelated or interacting elements. Refers to the possibility to manage and control the interaction between processes and the interfaces between the functional hierarchies of organisations. The possibility to manage and control the interaction between processes and the interfaces between the functional hierarchies of organizations. The activities occurring during a period of time that starts when a system is conceived and end when the system is no longer available for use, is decommissioned and is disposed. A sequence of phases through which a system can be considered to evolve.
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Experiences with Safety Management Systems
system lifecycle
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
system lifecycle
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The series of activities occurring during a period of time that starts when a system is conceived and ends at decommissioning when the system is no longer available for use. The activities occurring during a period of time that starts when a system is conceived and ends when the system is no longer available for use. Number which indicates the required degree of confidence that a system will meet its specified safety features.
German Definition
Source Document EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
system life-cycle
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
system supplier
system supplier
Takes over, on behalf of the manufacturer, the responsibility for logistics costs, quality and deadlines within the supplier pyramid. Any organisation supplying systems or products to be used on the railway.
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
systematic failure
Failure related in a deterministic way to a certain cause, which can only be eliminated by a modification of the design or of the manufacturing process, operational procedures, documentation or other relevant factors. Failures due to errors in any safety lifecycle activity; within any phase; which cause it to fail under some particular combination of inputs or under some particular environmental condition. The degree to which a system is free from unidentified hazardous errors and the causes thereof.
systematic failure
EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
systematic failures
The degree to which a system is free from unidentified hazardous errors and the causes thereof. Failures due to errors in any safety lifecycle activity, within any phase, which cause it to fail under some particular combination of inputs or under some particular environmental condition. An inherent fault in the specification, design, construction, installation, operation or maintenance of a system, sub-system or equipment. Page 358 of 451
SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
systematic fault
French Term
German Term
English Definition An inherent fault in the specification, design, construction, installation, operation or maintenance of a system, subsystem or equipment. An interlocking system in which the locking between signals and switches is achieved in form of a locking table that contains all locking conditions for all train routes. Tabular interlocking can be effected by cascade locking or by routerelated locking.
French Definition
German Definition
tabular interlocking
Tactile signs and tactile controls are signs, or controls, including raised pictograms, raised characters or Braille lettering. For tactile pictograms and characters the depth shall be a minimum of 0,5 mm raised above the surface and shall not be engraved and shall be square edged (i.e. not rounded or sharp). A red light on the rear end of a train, intended to indicate the presence of a train.
Les panneaux et commandes tactiles incluent des pictogrammes en relief, des caractres en relief ou des inscriptions en Braille. En ce qui concerne les pictogrammes et caractres tactiles, leur relief minimal est de 0,5 mm par rapport la surface; ils ne doivent pas tre gravs et doivent prsenter des artes vives (c.--d. non arrondies). Une lumire rouge larrire de la rame, destine signaler la prsence de la rame.
Commission Decision 2008/164/EC concerning the TSI relating to persons with reduced mobility in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
tail lamp
feu arrire
Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
Packaging and repacking, refilling, labeling, price marking, attaching of samples, repair service. Two or more traction units mechanically but not electrically coupled, used in the same train and where each traction unit requires a separate driver.
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
tangible investment
The outlay (purchases and own account production) of a railway body on additions of new and used capital goods (commodities) to their stocks of fixed capital assets less their net sales of similar second-hand and scrapped goods. The contribution of all railway bodies to the gross fixed capital formation of a country is equal to the total of their tangible investments less the balance between the purchase and sale of land.
Wagon designed for the bulk transport of liquids or gases. Weight of ITU or vehicle without cargo. Poids de lUTI ou du vhicule sans Page 359 of 451 chargement.
Glossary for Transport Statistics Gewicht einer ITE oder eines Fahrzeuges Terminology on combined ohne Ladung. transport
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Distance to the location where the train speed must be equal to or below the given target speed.
German Definition
Source Document Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
target speed
Speed that has to be respected at the location defined by the target distance.
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
This is a way of selling train tickets meant for international or foreign sales, where the issuer can produce the ticket locally, without any on-line transaction with an attributing system. The TCV tickets are always open tickets, i.e. the contract of carriage is valid on any TCV train serving the route inscribed on the ticket, within a defined validity period (in principle two months). To issue a TCV ticket the issuer needs a list of OD's ("series") and one or more tables of prices corresponding to distance ranges.
Means a specific set of fares available on a given train, on a given day for a given O-D leg of journey. Tariffs may be regrouped in different ranges (such as public fares, group fares etc). obligation tarifaire Any obligation imposed upon transport undertakings to apply, in particular for certain categories of passenger, for certain categories of goods, or on certain routes, rates fixed or approved by any public authority which are contrary to the commercial interests of the undertakingand which result from the imposition of, or refusal to modify, special tariff provisions. Balise Locomotive Transmission. Lobligation pour les entreprises de transport dappliquer des prix fixes ou homologus par voie dautorit contraires lintrt commercial de lentreprise et rsultant soit de limposition, soit du refus de modification de mesures tarifaires particulires, notamment pour certaines catgories de voyageurs, certaines catgories de produits ou pour certaines relations. Transmission Balise Locomotive.
Tariff obligation
Regulation (EEC) 1191/69 of the Council on action by Member States concerning the obligations inherent in the concept of a public service in transport by rail, road and inland waterway
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary
TCV train
Means a train that a passenger can board having bought a TCV ticket, in case of international or foreign sales. spcification technique d'interoprabilit (STI) Technische Spezifikation fr Means the specifications by which a die Interoperabilitt subsystem or part subsystem is covered in order to meet the essential requirements and ensure the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system. Person who provides specific knowledge or expertise to the audit team. Technical file must contain all the necessary documents relating to the characteristics of the subsystem and, where appropriate, all the documents certifying conformity of the interoperability constituents. It should also contain all the elements relating to the conditions and limits of use and to the instructions concerning servicing, constant or routine monitoring, adjustment and maintenance. Spcifications dont chaque sous-systme ou partie de sous-systme fait l'objet en vue de satisfaire aux exigences essentielles et d'assurer l'interoprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen conventionnel. Bezeichnet die Spezifikationen, die fr jedes Teilsystem oder Teile davon im Hinblick auf die Erfllung der grundlegenden Anforderungen gelten und die Interoperabilitt des konventionellen transeuropischen Eisenbahnsystems gewhrleisten.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary CMW Glossary
technical expert
technical file
French Term
German Term
technical opinion
avis technique
Technische Stellungnahme
English Definition French Definition Set of documents, compiled to Notified Bodies, that has to accompany the EC declaration of verification of interoperability structural subsystems. Documents are related to the characteristics of the subsystem and, where appropriate, certifying conformity of the interoperability constituents. The technical file should also contain all the elements relating to the conditions and limits of use and to the instructions concerning servicing, constant or routine monitoring, adjustment and maintenance. It must be made up as follows: - for infrastructure: engineeringstructure plans, approval records for excavations and reinforcement, testing and inspection reports on concrete; - for the other subsystems: general and detailed drawings in line with execution, electrical and hydraulic diagrams, control-circuit diagrams, description of data-processing and automatic systems, operating and maintenance manuals, etc.; - list of interoperability constituents, as referred to in the Article 3, incorporated into Avis technique de lAgence demand par Opinion from European Rail Agency requested by the national regulatory les organismes de contrle nationaux bodies referred to in Article 30 of viss larticle 30 de la directive Directive 2001/14/EC concerning the 2001/14/CE pour ce qui concerne les safety-related aspects of matters drawn aspects lis la scurit dans des to their attention. affaires dont ils ont connatre.
German Definition
Die in Artikel 30 der Richtlinie 2001/14/EG genannten nationalen Regulierungsstellen knnen die Agentur um technische Stellungnahmen zu den sicherheitsrelevanten Aspekten von Angelegenheiten ersuchen, die ihnen zur Kenntnis gebracht werden. Die mit Artikel 35 der Richtlinie 2001/14/EG und Artikel 11a der Richtlinie 91/440/EWG eingesetzten Ausschsse knnen die Agentur um technische Stellungnahmen zu den sicherheitsrelevanten Aspekten innerhalb ihres jeweiligen Zustndigkeitsbereichs ersuchen.
Regulation (EC) 881/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Railway agency
technical room
local technique
Room with technical equipment for railway applications (e.g. signalling, energy supply, traction control, etc.).
Local contenant des quipements techniques destins des applications ferroviaires (par exemple, la signalisation, l'alimentation en nergie, la commande de la traction, etc.). Local contenant des quipements techniques destins des applications ferroviaires (par exemple, la signalisation, l'alimentation en nergie, la commande de la traction, etc.).
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
technical room
local technique
Room with technical equipment for railway applications (e.g. signalling, energy supply, traction control, etc.).
French Term
German Term
English Definition Documented technical evidence for the safety of the design of a system/subsystem/equipment.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
technical specification
technical specification
spcifications techniques
The technical requirements contained in particular in the tender documents, defining the characteristics of a set of works, material, product, supply or service, and enabling a piece of work, a material, a product, a supply or a service to be objectively described in a manner such that it fulfils the use for which it is intended by the contracting entity. These technical specifications may include quality, performance, safety or dimensions, as well as requirements applicable to the material, product, supply or service as regards quality assurance, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking or labelling. In the case of works contracts, they may also include rules for the design and costing, the test, inspection and acceptance conditions for works and techniques or methods of construction and all other technical conditions which the contracting entity is in a position to prescribe under general or specific regulations, in relation to the finished works and to the materials or parts which they involve.
Les exigences techniques contenues notamment dans les cahiers des charges, dfinissant les caractristiques requises d'untravail, d'unmatriau, d'unproduit, d'une fourniture ou d'un service et permettant de caractriser objectivement untravail, unmatriau, unproduit, une fourniture ou un service de manire telle qu'ils rpondent l'usage auquel ils sont destins par l'entit adjudicatrice. Ces prescriptions techniques peuvent inclure la qualit ou la proprit d'emploi, la scurit, les dimensions ainsi que les prescriptions applicables au matriau, au produit, la fourniture ou au service en ce qui concerne le systme d'assurance de la qualit, la terminologie, les symboles, les essais et mthodes d'essai, l'emballage, le marquage et l'tiquetage. Lorsqu'il s'agit de travaux, elles peuvent galement inclure des rgles pour la conception et le calcul des cots, des conditions d'essai, de contrle et de rception des ouvrages ainsi que les techniques ou mthodes de construction et toutes les autres conditions de caractre technique que l'entit adjudicatrice est mme de prescrire sur la base d'une rglementation gnrale ou particulire en qui concerne les ouvrages termins et en ce qui concerne les matriaux ou les lments constituant ces ouvrages.
Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
French Term
German Term
English Definition A document that prescribes technical requirements to be fulfilled by a product, process or service.
French Definition
German Definition
technische Spezifikation fr The specifications by which each die Interoperabilitt (TSI) subsystem or part of a subsystem is covered in order to meet the essential requirements and ensure the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed and conventional rail systems as defined in Directive 96/48/EC and Directive 2001/16/EC.
Les spcifications dont chaque soussystme ou partie de sous-systme fait l'objet en vue de satisfaire aux exigences essentielles et assurer l'interoprabilit des systmes ferroviaires transeuropens grande vitesse et conventionnel, tels qu'ils sont dfinis dans la directive 96/48/CE et la directive 2001/16/CE.
die Spezifikationen, die fr jedes Teilsystem oder Teile davon im Hinblick auf die Erfllung der grundlegenden Anforderungen und die Gewhrleistung der Interoperabilitt des transeuropischen Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems und des konventionellen transeuropischen Eisenbahnsystems im Sinne der Richtlinie 96/48/EG und der Richtlinie 2001/16/EG gelten.
Source Document Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 Directive 2004/49/EC Railway Safety Directive amending 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC
The specifications by which each subsystem or part of a subsystem is covered in order to meet the essential requirements and to ensure the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed and conventional rail systems as defined in Directives 96/48/EC and 2001/16/EC.
Les spcifications dont chaque soussystme ou partie de sous-systme fait lobjet en vue de satisfaire aux exigences essentielles et dassurer linteroprabilit des systmes ferroviaires transeuropens grande vitesse et conventionnel, tels quils sont dfinis dans les directives 96/48/CE et 2001/16/CE.
die Spezifikationen, die fr jedes Teilsystem oder Teile davon zur Erfllung der grundlegenden Anforderungen und zur Gewhrleistung der Interoperabilitt des transeuropischen Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems und des konventionellen transeuropischen Eisenbahnsystems im Sinne der Richtlinien 96/48/EG und 2001/16/EG gelten.
Directive 2007/59/EC on the certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community
A specification adopted in accordance with Directive 2008/57/EC by which each subsystem or part subsystem is covered in order to meet the essential requirements and ensure the interoperability of the rail system.
(TSI) eine nach dieser Richtlinie angenommene Spezifikation, die fr jedes Teilsystem oder Teile davon im Hinblick auf die Erfllung der grundlegenden Anforderungen gilt und die Interoperabilitt des Eisenbahnsystems gewhrleistet;. The specifications by which each Les spcifications dont chaque sousdie Spezifikationen, die fr jedes subsystem is covered in order to meet systme fait l'objet en vue de satisfaire Teilsystem im Hinblick auf die Erfuellung the essential requirements by aux exigences essentielles en tablissant der grundlegenden Anforderungen establishing the necessary reciprocal des relations fonctionnelles rciproques gelten und die die zwischen den functional relations between the ncessaires entre les soussystmes du Teilsystemen des transeuropischen subsystems of the trans-European high- systme ferroviaire transeuropen Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems speed rail system and by ensuring the grande vitesse et en assurant la erforderlichen wechselseitigen latter's compatibility. cohrence de celui-ci. funktionalen Beziehungen herstellen und die Kohrenz des Systems gewhrleisten.
Une spcification, adopte conformment la prsente directive, dont chaque sous-systme ou partie de sous-systme fait l'objet en vue de satisfaire aux exigences essentielles et d'assurer l'interoprabilit du systme ferroviaire.
Directive 2008/57/EC on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A specification adopted in accordance with this Directive by which each subsystem or part subsystem is covered in order to meet the essential requirements and ensure the interoperability of the rail system. The specifications by which each subsystem or part subsystem is covered in order to meet the essential requirements and ensure the interoperability of the trans-European rail system. The specifications by which each subsystem or part of a subsystem is covered in order to meet the essential requirements and ensure the interoperability of the trans- European high-speed and conventional rail system. The specifications, that have been adopted by the Community and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, by which each subsystem is covered in order to meet the essential requirements by establishing the necessary reciprocal functional relations between the subsystems of the trans-European highspeed rail system and by ensuring the latter's compatibility. The specifications, adopted by the Community and published in the Official Journal of the European Community, by which each subsystem or part of a subsystem is covered in order to meet the essential requirements and ensure the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail system. The specifications by which each subsystem or part of a subsystem is covered in order to meet the essential requirements and ensure the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed and conventional rail system, and has the same meaning as that given to it in the high-speed and conventional rail systems Regulations. The specifications by which a subsystem or part subsystem is covered in order to meet the essential requirements and ensure the interoperability of the TransEuropean conventional rail system. Page 365 of 451
German Definition
Source Document Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System)
Republic of Ireland- Statutory Instruments No. 61-2008 , European Communities (railway safety) Regulations 2008
English Definition The specifications by which each subsystem or part subsystem is covered in order to meet the essential requirements and ensure the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system.
French Definition Les spcifications dont chaque soussystme fait l'objet en vue de satisfaire aux exigences essentielles en tablissant des relations fonctionnelles rciproques ncessaires entre les sous-systmes du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et en assurant la cohrence de celui-ci.
German Definition die Spezifikationen, die fr jedes Teilsystem im Hinblick auf die Erfuellung der grundlegenden Anforderungen gelten und die die zwischen den Teilsystemen des transeuropischen Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems erforderlichen wechselseitigen funktionalen Beziehungen herstellen und die Kohrenz des Systems gewhrleisten.
Source Document Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network
European Commission Decisions, which comprise technical specifications for interoperability, issued pursuant to either: (a) Council Directive 1996/48/EC of 23 July 1996 on the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail system; (b) Directive 2001/16/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2001 on the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system; or (c) any other Directives adopted by either the Council or the European Parliament and the Council which relate to technical specifications for interoperability of trans-European rail systems.
technical system
A product or an assembly of products including the design, implementation, and support documentation. Notes: (1) The development of a technical system starts with its requirements specification and ends with its safety approval. (2) It shall consider the design of relevant interfaces with human behavior. Human operators and their actions are however not included in a technical system (3) Maintenance is not included in the definition, but is included in maintenance manual. services de tlcommunications Services the provision of which consists wholly or partly in the transmission and routing of signals on the public telecommunications network by means of telecommunications processes, with the exception of radio-broadcasting and television. Page 366 of 451 Les services qui consistent, en tout ou en partie, en la transmission et l'acheminement de signaux sur le rseau public de tlcommunications par des procds de tlcommunications, l'exception de la radiodiffusion et de la tlvision.
telecommunications services
Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A South African train message system in which local operators exchange train messages over a section with intermediate unsignaled and unstaffed passing sidings. At the entrance of the section a train gets an order that determines the meeting points with opposing trains inside this section. In accordance with Annex I, this subsystem comprises two elements: (a) applications for passenger services, including systems providing passengers with information before and during the journey, reservation and payment systems, luggage management and management of connections between trains and with other modes of transport; (b) applications for freight services, including information systems (real-time monitoring of freight and trains), marshalling and allocation systems, reservation, payment and invoicing systems, management of connections with other modes of transport and production of electronic accompanying documents. Conformment l'annexe I, ce soussystme comprend deux parties: a) les applications au service des passagers, y compris les systmes d'information des passagers avant et pendant le voyage, les systmes de rservation, les systmes de paiement, la gestion des bagages, la gestion des correspondances entre trains et avec d'autres modes de transport; b) les applications au service du fret, y compris les systmes d'information (suivi en temps rel de la marchandise et des trains), les systmes de triage et d'affectation, les systmes de rservation, de paiement et de facturation, la gestion des correspondances avec d'autres modes de transport, la production des documents lectroniques d'accompagnement.
German Definition
telematics applications
applications tlmatiques
Dieses Teilsystem umfasst im Einklang mit Anhang I zwei Teile: a) die Anwendungen im Personenverkehr, einschlielich der Systeme zur Information der Fahrgste vor und whrend der Fahrt, Buchungssysteme, Zahlungssysteme, Reisegepckabfertigung, Anschlsse zwischen Zgen und zwischen der Eisenbahn und anderen Verkehrstrgern; b) die Anwendungen im Gterverkehr, einschlielich der Informationssysteme (Verfolgung der Gter und der Zge in Echtzeit), Rangier- und Zugbildungssysteme, Buchungssysteme, Zahlungs- und Fakturierungssysteme, Anschlsse zu anderen Verkehrstrgern, Erstellung elektronischer Begleitdokumente.
telephone block
A manual block system in which the occupation of the block sections is controlled by telephone communication between the block operators. Vehicle with hydraulically operated lifting and swivel equipment used for stacking containers. Temperature-controlled warehousing: storage of goods in air-conditioned zones, the temperature of which is permanently controlled. Temperaturecontrolled transport: movement of goods in insulated freight waggons and trucks equipped with refrigerating sets. courbe temprature-temps Specification for the design and assessment of structural parts; here: specification for the design fire, acting temperature depending on action time. Spcification relative la conception et l'valuation des lments de structure; ici: spcification relative au comportement au feu, l'effet sur la temprature dpendant de la dure de l'action.
temperature-controlled logistics
temperature-time curve
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Specification for the design and assessment of structural parts; here: specification for the design fire, acting temperature depending on action time.
German Definition
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
temporary repair
Physical actions taken to allow a faulty item to perform its required function for a limited interval and until a repair is carried out. Reduction of the speed imposed for temporary conditions.
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
temporary warehouse
Place for temporary storage of goods to bridge two subsequent processes. soumissionnaire A supplier, contractor or service provider who submits a tender and candidate shall mean a person who has sought an invitation to take part in a restricted or negotiated procedure; service providers may be either natural or legal persons, including contracting entities. Le fournisseur, l'entrepreneur ou le prestataire de services qui prsente une offre et candidats: celui qui sollicite une invitation participer une procdure restreinte ou ngocie; le prestataire de services peut tre une personne physique ou morale, y inclus une entit adjudicatrice au sens de l'article 2 de la direction 93/38/CE.
Directive 93/38/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sector
A place equipped for the transshipment and the storage of Intermodal Transport Units (railway stations, ports etc.). An assemblage of facilities provided at a terminus or at intermediate points of a line for the purpose of assembling, assorting, classifying and relaying trains. terminal Terminal A place equipped for the transshipment Lieu quip pour le transbordement et and storage of ITUs. le stockage des UTI. En franais, en ferroutage, appel aussi "chantier terminal". The Terminal Control Centre is responsible for controlling and monitoring road traffic movements and non-railway fixed equipment throughout the terminal, up to and including the platforms. There is a TCC on each terminal. (Channel Tunnel). Determination of one or more characteristics according to a procedure. Page 368 of 451 Ein fr den Umschlag und die Lagerung von ITE ausgersteter Ort.
Eurotunnel Glossary
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Technical operation that consists of the determination of one or more characteristics of a given product, process or service according to a specified procedure. Determination of one or more characteristics of an object of conformity assessment, according to a procedure. Unit standard base sur un conteneur ISO d'une longueur de 20 pieds (6,10 m), utilise comme mesure statistique des flux ou capacits de trafic. Un conteneur standard ISO srie 1 de 40 pieds correspond 2 TEU. Des caisses mobiles (swap bodies) de moins de 20 pieds correspondent 0,75 TEU, de 20 pieds 40 pieds 1,5 TEU et de plus de 40 pieds 2,25 TEU.
German Definition
ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles eine Standardeinheit unter Zugrundelegung eines ISO-Containers von 20 Fu (6,10 m) Lnge, die als statistisches Ma der Verkehrsflsse bzw. der Kapazitten verwendet wird. Ein Standard- 40'-ISO-Container der Serie 1 ist gleich 2 TEUs. Wechselbehlter unter 20 Fu entsprechen 0,75 TEU, solche zwischen 20 und 40 Fu 1,5 TEU und ber 40 Fu 2,25 TEU. Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit) TEU (Twenty-foot TEU - Einheit entsprechend A standard unit based on an ISO Equivalent Unit: quivalent 20 Fu container of 20 feet length (6,10 m), 20 pieds) used as a statistical measure of traffic flows or capacities. One standard 40' ISO Series 1 container equals 2 TEUs. Swap bodies under 20 feet correspond to 0,75 TEU, between 20 feet and 40 feet to 1,5 TEU and over 40 feet to 2,25 TEU.
text message
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
High-Speed Train. In relation to a proposal, means: (a) in the case of a proposal for the discontinuance of railway passenger services on a particular line or from a particular station, the area in which the line or station is situated; (b) in the case of a proposal relating to a network, or part of a network, the area in which the network, or part of a network, is situated; (c) in the case of a proposal relating to a station, or part of a station, the area served by the station, or that part. In relation to a proposal to discontinue a service, means the period of six weeks after the notice of that proposal has been published in the required manner.
Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009 United Kingdom - Railways Act 2005
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition (a) in relation to a proposal to discontinue any railway passenger service or services, means the part of the closures guidance relating to the discontinuance of any such services that is applicable to that proposal; (b) in relation to a proposal to discontinue the operation of a network or part of a network, means the part of the closures guidance relating to the discontinuance of the operation of networks or parts of networks that is applicable to that proposal; and (c) in relation to a proposal to discontinue the use or operation of a station or part of a station, means the part of the closures guidance relating to the discontinuance of the use or operation of such stations or parts of such stations that is applicable to that proposal.
German Definition
thermal insulation
isolation thermique
Aptitude d'un lment de construction sparateur empcher une transmission excessive de la chaleur.
Commission Decision 2006/861/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem rolling stock - freight wagons of the trans-European conventional rail system Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
Traction vehicles that are not capable of carrying a payload, as thermal or electric locomotives or power heads. The concerned traction vehicles are intended for freight or/and passenger transport. This type includes traction vehicles that are not capable of carrying a payload, as thermal or electric locomotives or power heads. The concerned traction vehicles are intended for freight or/and passenger transport. Traction units excluded from the scope of the TSI: Traction units designed for use on yards and depots are authorized to operate over very short distances (e.g. between a depot and a yard or a yard and a station) to move vehicles on the main lines of the TEN. They are not authorized to haul trains.
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
third countries
The countries which are not defined as EU nor EFTA Member States. Page 370 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition The party that makes assessments of other tasks on the behalf of somebody. Its work must be independent and professional in the respect of the work to be executed. Person or body that is recognized as being independent of the parties involved, as concerns the issue in question. In relation to a scheme, means a person other than the transferor and the transferee. Conformity assessment activity that is performed by a person or body that is independent of the person or organization that provides the object, and of user interests in that object. If Network Rail receives an application from a Train Operator (the 'Applicant') requesting a Quantum Access Right that is substantially similar to an existing Quantum Access Right of another Train Operator (the 'Incumbent') then, within 10 Working Days following receipt of the Applicants application, Network Rail shall serve a Third Party Notice on the Incumbent and send a copy of that notice to the Office of Rail Regulation. If the Applicants application does not comply with conditions set out in the Network Code, then within 10 Working Days following receipt of the Applicants application Network Rail shall serve a notice on the Applicant rejecting its application and setting out its reasons for rejecting the application.
French Definition
German Definition
third party
third party
Conformity assessment activity that is performed by a person or body that is independent of the person or organization that provides the object, and of user interests in that object. Area in the train which can be entered and left from different sides and which does not obstruct the movement of passengers and staff, along the longitudinal axis of the train. In the context of switches and crossings a route which perpetuate the general alignment of the track. Page 371 of 451
through route
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
through route
French Term
German Term
English Definition Area in the train which can be entered and left from different sides and which does not obstruct the movement of passengers and staff, along the longitudinal axis of the train.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
voie directe
The route which perpetuate the general L'itinraire dans la poursuite de alignment of the l'alignement gnral de la voie. track.
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
through ticket
Means a ticket or tickets representing a transport contract for successive railway services operated by one or several railway undertakings. Means a material or immaterial registration entitling a passenger to contractually use one or more commercial transport services offered by one or more railway undertakings. Means the organisation enabled to verify passenger tickets. Mostly a carrier, If needed, the TCO is to deliver security certificates for the International Rail Ticket for Home Printing (IRTHP) to the distributors. Means a fulfilment method where the customer makes his purchase in advance (e.g. at home) and retrieves the ticket in the departure station, at a ticket counter or vending machine. Means any retailer of rail transport services concluding transport contracts and selling tickets on behalf of a railway undertaking or for its own account. The process to find, list and characterise hazards;.
ticket on departure
ticket vendor
Recommendation on the 1st set of Common Safety Methods (ERAREC-02-2007-SAF) EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
The time duration between two consecutive failures of an item. A method of train separation in which a train must not follow another train until a specified time interval (usually 10 minutes) after the preceeding train has departed. In case of a delay, flag protection is required.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A method of train separation in which a train must not follow another train until a specified time interval (usually 10 minutes) after the preceeding train has departed. In case of a delay, flag protection is required. An application that will hold a route locked for a specified time after the signal has been manually restored. A method of train separation in which a train must not follow another train until a specified time interval (usually 10 minutes) after the preceeding train has departed. In case of a delay, flag protection is required. Total time duration of operating time of an item, from the instant it is first put in an up state, until failure or, from the instant of restoration until next failure.
German Definition
time locking
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
time spacing
time to failure
Document or system that gives details of Document ou systme donnant les a train(s) schedule over a particular dtails de l'horaire du (des) train(s) sur route. un itinraire particulier.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
Document or system that gives details of Document ou systme donnant les a train(s) schedule over a particular dtails de lhoraire du (des) train(s) sur route. un itinraire particulier.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
A document that contains the schedules of all trains of a line. The data defining all planned train and rolling-stock movements which will take place on the relevant infrastructure during the period for which it is in force.
Les donnes dfinissant tous les mouvements programms des trains et du matriel roulant, sur l'infrastructure ferroviaire concerne, pendant la priode de validit de cet horaire.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Infrabel - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2009
horaire de service
Document or system that gives details of a train(s) schedule over a particular route. Data defining all scheduled movements of trains and rolling stock on the infrastructure concerned during the period of validity of the service. The timetable is established once for each calendar year (Y) and it takes effect at midnight on the second Saturday of December (Y-1). Page 373 of 451
OPE glossary
Donnes dfinissanr tous les mouvements programms des trains et du matriel roulant, sur l'infrastructure concerne, pendant la priode de validit de ce service est tabli une fois par anne civile (A) et sa date d'effet intervient minuit le second samedi de dcembre (A-1).
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The list of commercial transport services offered by a railway undertaking during a given time interval. A form of non-signaled operation on US railways in which trains are governed by the timetable. In dark territory, trains are separated by time spacing combined with flag protection. The traffic is regulated by priority rules and train orders which are issued by the dispatcher. The maximum number of train paths that could be scheduled on a line without considering buffer times. In respect of any Passenger Change Date, the period of development of the Working Timetable to be implemented on that date, being a period, to be notified by Network Rail, normally of 55 weeks, ending on the day before that date and comprising, in chronological order: (a) a Preliminary Period; (b) a Drafting Period; (c) a Finalisation Period; and (d) a Supplemental Period. The period of operation of a Working Timetable. In respect of a Timetable Period, any week (or, in the case of the first and last such week of such period, part thereof) occurring during that period and commencing at 0001 hours on any Saturday and ending at 2400 hours on the next following Friday. In respect of any Timetable Week, any Train Slot that is scheduled in the Working Timetable to leave its point of origin during that week. An automatic route setting system in which all routes are set up both in compliance with the proper destination of the trains and with the scheduled train sequence of the timetable.
German Definition
timetable capacity
timing point
point de jalonnement
A location identified in the schedule of a train where a specific time is identified. This time may be an arrival time, departure time or in the case of a train not scheduled to stop at that location the passing time.
Lieu identifi du trac d'un train o un horaire spcifique est fix. Cet horaire peut correspondre une heure d'arrive ou de dpart ou, dans le cas d'un train dont l'arrt n'est pas prvu ce point, une heure de passage.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
German Term
English Definition A location identified in the schedule of a train where a specific time is identified. This time may be an arrival time, departure time or in the case of a train not scheduled to stop at that location the passing time.
French Definition German Definition Lieu identifi du trac dun train o un horaire spcifique est fix. Cet horaire peut correspondre une heure darrive ou de dpart ou, dans le cas dun train dont larrt nest pas prvu ce point, une heure de passage.
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
timing point
A location identified in the schedule of a train where a specific time is identified. This time may be an arrival time, departure time or in the case of a train not scheduled to stop at that location the passing time. A block system for single track lines in which the movement authority for a block section depends on the posession of a token which is handed out the train engineer and handed back after clearing the section. A block system that works without exchanging a token between the control apparatus and the train engineer. A region of risk which is neither high enough to be unacceptable nor low enough to be broadly acceptable. A level of Individual Risk, as defined from time to time by the Health and Safety Executive, that is less than an Unacceptable Risk but more than a Broadly Acceptable Risk. The maximum level of risk of a product that is acceptable to the Railway Authority.
OPE glossary
tolerability region
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Railway Group Standards Code
tolerable region
tolerable risk
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) SAMNET Synthesis Report Safety management and interoperability Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
tolerable risk
The maximum level of risk of a product that is acceptable to the Railway Authority. Unit of computation. Product of tons hauled and distance traveled. Volume transported by rail.
French Term
German Term
English Definition Unit of measurement of energy consumption : 1 TOE = 0.041868 TJ. Conversion factors adopted by the International Energy Agency (IEA) for 1991 are the following: Motor gasoline 1.070 Gas/diesel oil 1.035 Heavy fuel oil 0.960 Liquefied petroleum gas 1.130 Natural gas 0.917 The conversion factor used by the IEA for electricity is: 1 TWh = 0.086 Mtoe. Unit of measure of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne of goods by rail over a distance of one kilometre. The distance to be covered is the distance actually run on the considered network. If it is not available, then the distance charged or estimated should be taken into account. Unit of measure representing the movement of one tonne available in a wagon when performing services for which it is primarily intended over one kilometre. The distance to be considered is that actually run. Shunting and other similar movements are excluded.
French Definition
German Definition
tonne-kilometre by rail
tonne-kilometre offered
The unit of measure of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne (1 000 kilograms) of goods by rail over a distance of one kilometre. Only the distance on the national territory of the reporting country shall be taken into account. Person or group of people who directs and controls an organization at the highest level. An explosive signaling device, placed on the railhead and detonated by a passing vehicle. on the basis of Railway Undertaking/Infrastructure Manager calculations, the total number of hours that are to be worked in a year by "staff" and "contractors" for dealing with all companys activities, not only safety related.
Unit de mesure du transport de marchandises correspondant au transport d'une tonne (1 000 kg) de marchandises par rail sur une distance d'un kilomtre. Seule la distance parcourue sur le territoire national du pays dclarant est prise en compte.
die Maeinheit fr die Befrderung einer Tonne Gtergewicht mit der Eisenbahn ber eine Entfernung von einem Kilometer. Es wird nur die auf dem Hoheitsgebiet des Meldelandes zurckgelegte Entfernung bercksichtigt.
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
top management
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Recommendations to revise Annex 1 to Directive 2004/49
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Quality management system introduced in late 1998 and involving the following four objectives: Continuous improvements in quality Enhancing customer satisfaction Increasing efficiency Enhancing the satisfaction of the staff with their workplace.
German Definition
The place where an interlocking machine is located. The rescue, emergency and recovery Lattelage de sauvetage, durgence et de coupler on the recovery vehicle. dpannage sur le vhicule de dpannage.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems
Verfolgung (Tracking)
Degree to which a relationship can be established between two or more products of a development process, especially those having a predecessor/successor or master/subordinate relationship to one another. Ability to trace the history, application or location of that which is under consideration. Activity at request of finding and reconstructing the transport history of a given consignment, vehicle, equipment, package or cargo.
Activit dont le but est de trouver et de reconstituer l'historique du transport d'une cargaison, d'un vhicule, d'un quipement, d'un ensemble ou d'un chargement donn.
Systematische berwachung und Aufzeichnung des jeweiligen Standorts einer/eines definierten Fracht, Fahrzeugs, Anlage, Pakets oder Ladung.
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Glossary for Transport Statistics
A pair of rails over which railway vehicles can run. Assembly made up of rails, sleepers and ballast. The infrastructure of the national rail network includes tracks, overhead contact lines, and signalling installations and associated elements (train-reporting equipment, signal repeating devices, etc). A contract for rights of access to the track of the main rail network, including an option to have such rights of access.
Ensemble comprenant les rails, les traverses, le ballast. L'infrastructure du rseau ferr national comprend les voies, la catnaire, les installations de signalisation et les lments associs (dispositifs d'annonce, de rptition, etc.).
German Term
English Definition Services to be supplied on a nondiscriminatory basis to the railway undertakings by the infrastructure manager, unless viable alternatives under market conditions exist. These comprise: a) use of electrical supply equipment for traction current, where available; b) refuelling facilities; c) passenger stations, their buildings and other facilities; d) freight terminals; e) marshalling yards; f) train formation facilities; g) storage sidings; h) maintenance and other technical facilities.
French Definition German Definition Services tre fournis par le gestionniaire de l'infrastructure sur une base non discriminatoire aux entreprises ferroviaires, sauf s'il existe d'autres options viables aux conditions du march . Ceux-ci comprennent: a) l'utilisation du systme d'alimentation lectrique pour le courant de traction, le cas chant; b) les infrastructures d'approvisionnement en combustible; c) les gares de voyageurs, leurs btiments et les autres infrastructures; d) les terminaux de marchandises; e) les gares de triage; f) les gares de formation; g) les gares de remisage; h) les centres d'entretien et les autres infrastructures techniques.
Source Document Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification
track buckles
Faults related to the continuum and the geometry of track, requiring track obstruction or reduction of permitted speed immediately to maintain safety. dvers de la voie The track cant is the maximum difference in height between outer and inner rails, measured at the centre of the rail head surface (in mm). Value depends upon gauge if measured in mm; value is not dependent on gauge if measured in degrees. Diffrence maximale entre le rail externe et le rail interne, mesure au centre de la surface du champignon de rail (en mm). Sa valeur est dpendante du gabarit lorsque la mesure est exprime en millimtres; elle n'en est toutefois pas dpendante lorsqu'il s'agit d'une mesure en degrs. Le point mdian entre les deux rails dans le plan de la surface de roulement.
track cant
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
track centre
axe de la voie
The middle point between the two rails in the plane of the running surface.
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
track charges
In respect of an Access Agreement, the charges which it is reasonably foreseeable will be levied by Network Rail for and in connection with the permission to use the Network pursuant to that agreement for the period in question. A track clear detection device consisting of an electrical circuit of which the rails of a section form a part. The clearance of the section is detected by a detection device at one end of the section which receives a current from a source at the other end of the section. Page 378 of 451
track circuit
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A device that detects the occupation and clearance of a track section. Distance between the gauge points Distance entre les points de contact des (contact points) of the two opposite rails deux rails opposs d'une voie, dfinie of a track, defined in EN 13848-1. dans la norme EN 13848-1.
German Definition
Source Document IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
track gauge
cartement de la voie
track gauge
track gauge
Distance between the gauge points (contact points) of the two opposite rails of a track. Distance between a pair of rails measured between the inside edges of the rail heads. The following track gauges are in use: Standard gauge: 1.435 m Large gauge: 1.524 m (example Finland) 1.600 m (example Ireland) 1.668 m (example Portugal) Narrow gauge: 0.60 m, 0.70 m, 0.75 m, 0.76 m, 0.785 m, 0.90 m, 1.00 m. ('Large gauge' is sometimes referred to as 'broad gauge'). The distance between the inside edge or running edge of the two rails in a railway line.
Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure Glossary for Transport Statistics
track gauge
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System) Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System) Terminology on combined transport
track gauge
The distance between the inside edge or running edge of the two rails in a railway line.
track gauge
The distance between the internal sides of rails on a railway line. It is generally 1.435 m. Other gauges are generally used in some European countries: for instance, 1.676 m in Spain and Portugal, 1.524 m in the Russian Federation.
Distance entre les faces intrieures des rails sur une ligne de chemin de fer. Elle est en gnral de 1,435 m. Il existe dautres cartements qui sont la rgle dans certains pays dEurope : par exemple, 1.676 m en Espagne et au Portugal, 1.524 m en Russie.
Innenabstand der beiden Schienen auf einem Gleis. Er betrgt in der Regel 1,435 m. Andere Spurweiten sind in bestimmten europischen Lnder gebruchlich: zum Beispiel 1,676 m in Spanien und Portugal sowie 1,524 m in Ruland.
track km
track twist
gauche de voie
The length measured in kilometres of the railway network in Member States, whose scope is laid down in Article 2. Each track of a multiple track railway line is to be counted. The algebraic difference between two cross levels taken at a defined distance apart, usually expressed as a gradient between the two points at which the cross level is measured.
Diffrence algbrique entre deux nivellements transversaux releve une certaine distance, gnralement exprime comme un gradient entre les deux points de la prise de mesure du nivellement transversal.
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
French Term
German Term
English Definition The algebraic difference between two cross levels taken at a defined distance apart, usually expressed as a gradient between the two points at which the cross level is measured. A written form for authorization of train movements in TWC territory. A radio-based occupation control system for non-signaled lines in which trains may occupy main tracks only on the basis of the possession of a track warrant covering a precisely defined track segment of any length.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
Verfolgung (Tracking)
Activity of systematically monitoring and recording the present location and status of a given consignment, vehicle, equipment, package or cargo.
Activit qui consiste surveiller et enregistrer systmatiquement le lieu et l'tat courants d'une cargaison, d'un vhicule, d'un quipement, d'un ensemble ou d'un chargement donn.
Systematische berwachung und Aufzeichnung des jeweiligen Standorts einer/eines definierten Fracht, Fahrzeugs, Anlage, Pakets oder Ladung.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
Monitoring and control of merchandise, loading units and consignments throughout from the point of manufacture to the point of sale. Tracking: provides, at any time, information about the whereabouts of merchandise in the warehouse or along the entire transport chain. Tracing: Following up a shipment in retrospect. Is of major benefit if recall is necessary. Fixed signal belonging to a defined track.
trackside signal
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Both the traction module and the power A la fois le module de traction et equipment feeding the traction module lquipement lectrique qui alimente le from the electrical supply line. module de traction partir de la ligne dalimentation lectrique. Network Rail purchases traction electricity on behalf of all railway undertakings and the traction electricity element of the EC4T charge is intended to reflect these costs.
Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system Network Rail - 2009 Network Statement
German Term
English Definition A powered vehicle able to move itself and other vehicles to which it may be coupled.
French Definition German Definition Vhicule qui se dplace par ses propres moyens et qui dplace d'autres vhicules auxquels il peut tre accoupl.
Source Document Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
traction unit
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
traction unit
engin moteur
A powered vehicle able to move itself and other vehicles to which it may be coupled.
Vhicule qui se dplace par ses propres moyens et qui dplace dautres vhicules auxquels il peut tre accoupl.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
traction unit
tractive vehicle
A powered vehicle able to move itself and other vehicles to which it may be coupled. A vehicle equipped with prime mover and motor, or with motor only, intended solely for hauling other vehicles (a "locomotive") or for both hauling other vehicles and for the carriage of passengers and/or goods (a "railcar"). Unit of measure representing any movement of an active tractive vehicle over a distance of one kilometre. Tractive vehicles running light are included. Shunting movements are excluded.
OPE glossary
tractive vehicle-kilometre
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Has the meaning given to it in section 1 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992, being an organisation (whether temporary or permanent): (a) which consists wholly or mainly of workers of one or more descriptions and whose principal purposes include the regulation of relations between workers of that description or those descriptions and employers or employers associations; or (b) which consists wholly or mainly of: (i) constituent or affiliated organisations which fulfil the conditions in paragraph (a) (or themselves consist wholly or mainly of constituent or affiliated organisations which fulfil those conditions); or (ii) representatives of such constituent or affiliated organisations, and whose principal purposes include the regulation of relations between workers and employers or between workers and employers associations, or the regulation of relations between its constituent or affiliated organisations.
German Definition
traffic controller
An employee who supervises the train movements of a line or a certain area. In CTC territory the dispatcher also does the work of an operator. The number of trains that are running at the same time on a certain portion of a line. A diagram that contains the train paths of all trains that run on a line. The traffic flow multiplied by the average transportation speed. The number of trains per unit of time. exploitation et gestion du trafic Verkehrsbetrieb und Verkehrssteuerung The procedures and related equipment enabling a coherent operation of the different structural subsystems, both during normal and degraded operation, including in particular train driving, traffic planning and management. Les procdures et les quipements associs permettant d'assurer une exploitation cohrente des diffrents soussystmes structurels, tant lors du fonctionnement normal que lors des fonctionnements dgrads, y compris notamment la formation et la conduite des trains, la planification et la gestion du trafic.
traffic density
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Verfahren und zugehrige Directive 2001/16/EC On the Ausrstungen, die eine kohrente interoperability of the transAusntzung der verschiedenen European conventional rail strukturellen Teilsysteme erlauben, und network zwar sowohl im Normalbetrieb als auch bei Betriebsstrungen, einschlielich insbesondere der Zugfhrung, der Planung und der Abwicklung des Verkehrsbetriebs.
traffic diagram traffic energy traffic flow Traffic operation and management
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A non-powered vehicle for the carriage of goods, intended to be coupled to an articulated vehicle (motor vehicle). Semitrailers may have to be specially adapted for use in Intermodal Transport. A non-powered vehicle for the carriage of goods, intended to be coupled to a motor vehicle, excluding semi-trailers. A movement on a turnout where the frog faces approaching traffic. Traction unit or set of traction units with train data available, whether or not hauling one or more vehicles. Un vhicule de transport de marchandises sans moteur, destin tre attel un vhicule moteur, lexclusion des semi-remorques.
German Definition
Jedes zum Anhngen an ein Kraftfahrzeug bestimmte motorlose Fahrzeug fr den Gterverkehr, ausgenommen Sattelanhnger.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
A train is defined as (a) traction unit(s) with or without coupled railway vehicles, or a self-propelled set of vehicles, with train data available operating between two or more defined points on the TENs.
Un (plusieurs) engin(s) moteur(s) remorquant ou non des vhicules ferroviaires, ou une rame de vhicules automoteurs disposant de donnes de train, circulant entre deux ou plusieurs points dfinis sur le rseau transeuropen de transport (RTE). Un (plusieurs) engin(s) moteur(s) remorquant ou non des vhicules ferroviaires, ou une rame de vhicules automoteurs disposant de donnes de train, circulant entre deux ou plusieurs points dfinis sur le rseau transeuropen de transport (RTE).
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
A train is defined as (a) traction unit(s) with or without coupled railway vehicles, or a self-propelled set of vehicles, with train data available operating between two or more defined points on the TENs.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST Glossary for Transport Statistics
One or more railway vehicles hauled by one or more locomotives or railcars, or one railcar travelling alone, running under a given number or specific designation from an initial fixed point to a terminal fixed point. A light engine, i.e. a locomotive travelling on its own, is not considered to be a train. Page 383 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition An engine with or without cars displaying a rear end marker with with the authority to operate on main tracks in accordance to rules specified for train movements. A train is defined as (a) traction unit(s) with or without coupled railway vehicles, or a self-propelled set of vehicles, with train data available operating between two or more defined points. One or more railway vehicles hauled by one or more locomotives or railcars, or one railcar travelling alone, running under a given number or specific designation from an initial fixed point to a terminal fixed point. A light engine, i.e. a locomotive travelling on its own, is considered to be a train. One or more railway vehicles hauled by one or more locomotives or railcars, or one railcar travelling alone, running under a given number or specific designation from an initial fixed point to a terminal fixed point. A light engine, i.e. a locomotive travelling on its own, is not considered to be a train. Un ou plusieurs vhicules ferroviaires tracts par une ou plusieurs locomotives ou automotrices ou une automotrice circulant seule sous un numro donn ou une dsignation spcifique depuis un point fixe initial jusqu' un point fixe terminal. Une locomotive haut le pied c'est--dire une locomotive circulant seule n'est pas considre comme un train.
German Definition
OPE glossary
ein oder mehrere Eisenbahnfahrzeuge, das/die von einer oder mehreren Lokomotiven bzw. Schienenfahrzeugen gezogen wird/ werden, oder ein allein fahrendes Eisenbahnfahrzeug, das unter einer bestimmten Nummer oder einer besonderen Bezeichnung von einem festen Ausgangspunkt zu einem festen Endpunkt fhrt. Eine Leerlokomotive, d. h. eine allein verkehrende Lokomotive, gilt nicht als Zug.
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
train train
A vehicle with flanged wheels designed to operate on a railway for whatever purpose, and includes carriages and rolling stock. Traction unit(s), towing or not towing one or more vehicles. An operational formation consisting of one or more units.
RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009 Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006 IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
The method of authorizing train movements. South African term for an operator who is in charge of authorizing train movements.
German Term
English Definition Members of the on-board staff of a train, who are certified as competent and appointed by a Railway Undertaking to carry out specific, designated safety related tasks on the train, for example the driver or the guard.
train crew
personnel du train
French Definition German Definition Membres du personnel embarqus bord du train, qui sont certifis comme tant comptents et qui sont dsigns par une entreprise ferroviaire pour raliser des tches spcifiques de scurit, comme par exemple le conducteur ou l'agent d'accompagnement. Members of the on-board staff of a Les membres du personnel de bord dans train, who are certified as competent un train, certifis comme possdant les and appointed by a Railway Undertaking comptences ncessaires et dsigns par to carry out specific, designated safety une entreprise ferroviaire pour related tasks on the train, for example l'excution de tches spcifiques, the driver or the guard. relatives la scurit bord du train, par exemple le chef de train ou l'agent accompagnateur. Members of the on-board staff of a train, who are certified as competent and appointed by a Railway Undertaking to carry out specific, designated safety related tasks on the train, for example the driver or the guard.
Source Document Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
train crew
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
train crew
personnel de bord
Members of the on-board staff of a train, who are certified as competent and appointed by a Railway Undertaking to carry out specific, designated safety related tasks on the train, for example the driver or the guard.
Membres du personnel embarqus bord du train, qui sont certifis comme tant comptents et qui sont dsigns par une entreprise ferroviaire pour raliser des tches spcifiques de scurit, comme par exemple le conducteur ou lagent daccompagnement.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
train crew
Those persons on a train responsible for the operation of that train. Members of the on-board staff of a train, who are certified as competent and appointed by a Railway Undertaking to carry out specific, designated safety related tasks on the train, for example the driver or the guard. Data defining the characteristics of the train.
train crew
OPE glossary
train data
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
French Term
German Term
English Definition Period of time elapsing from the moment when: door status is changed from "released for opening" to "closed and locked" up to the moment when: - Speed reaches 15 (+- 5) km/h or - Distance covered is 100 m (+- 20) m (whichever occurs the first). The period of time elapsing from the moment when: Door status is changed from "released for opening? to "closed and locked? up to the moment when: Speed reaches 15 (+- 5) km/h or Distance covered is 100 m (+- 20) m (whichever occurs the first). Any case in which at least one wheel of a train leaves the rails. A system that identifies trains which occupy a block section on the display at the panel of the operator or dispatcher. A number or an alphanumeric code for identification of a train and its schedule.
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
Recommendations to revise Annex 1 to Directive 2004/49 IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
train description
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Indication au conducteur du train que toutes les activits de gare ou de dpt sont termines et que, dans la mesure o le personnel responsable est concern, une autorisation de mouvement a t octroye au train. Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
train despatch
The indication to the person driving the train that all station or depot activities are completed and that, as far as the staff responsible are concerned, movement authority has been granted for the train.
train diagram
graphique de circulation
System of organisation of paths on the infrastructure of the national rail network and of the time intervals reserved for the execution of maintenance operations and investment work on each section of the network.
Systme d'organisation de l'ensemble des sillons tracs sur l'infrastructure du rseau ferr national et des intervalles de temps rservs pour l'excution des oprations de maintenance et des travaux d'investissement sur chaque section du rseau.
train director
An operator who has full responsibility to issue movement authorities to trains. A train director may supervise a number of levermen. dpart des trains The indication to the person driving the train that all station or depot activities are completed and that, as far as the staff responsible are concerned, movement authority has been granted for the train. Indication au conducteur du train que toutes les activits de gare ou de dpt sont termines et que, dans la mesure o le personnel responsable est concern, une autorisation de mouvement a t octroye au train.
train dispatch
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
French Term
German Term
Train driver
conducteur de train
English Definition The indication to the person driving the train that all station or depot activities are completed and that, as far as the staff responsible are concerned, movement authority has been granted for the train. A person capable and authorised to drive trains, including locomotives, shunting locomotives, work trains, maintenance railway vehicles or trains for the carriage of passengers or goods by rail in an autonomous, responsible and safe manner.
French Definition
German Definition
Une personne apte et autorise conduire de faon autonome, responsable et sre des trains, y compris les locomotives, les locomotives de manoeuvre, les trains de travaux, les vhicules ferroviaires dentretien ou les trains destins au transport ferroviaire de passagers ou de marchandises. Estimation de l'heure d'arrive d'un train un point spcifique, par exemple point de transfert, point de correspondance, destination du train.
eine Person, die in der Lage und befugt ist, Zge, einschlielich Lokomotiven, Rangierlokomotiven, Bauzgen, Eisenbahnfahrzeugen fr Unterhaltungsarbeiten und Zgen fr den Personen- oder Gterverkehr, selbststndig, verantwortlich und sicher zu fhren. Geschtzte Ankunftszeit eines Zuges an einem spezifischen Punkt, z. B. bergabepunkt, Wechselpunkt, Zielort des Zuges.
Directive 2007/59/EC on the certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community
Estimated Time of Arrival of a train at a specific point, e.g. handover point, interchange point, destination of the train.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary
train identification
identifiant du train
Estimated Time of Arrival of a train at a specific point, e.g. handover point, interchange point, destination of the train. The means to unambiguously identify a particular train.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
train identification
identifiant du train
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
train messages
train movement
The means to unambiguously identify a particular train. An European form of train control in which local operators exchange train messages. Messages exchanged between the operators of locally controlled stations for train movement control. An engine with or without cars displaying a rear end marker with with the authority to operate on main tracks in accordance to rules specified for train movements. Page 387 of 451
OPE glossary IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition An operator who has full responsibility to issue movement authorities to trains. A train director may supervise a number of levermen. In respect of an Access Agreement, a person (whether or not an operator of trains) who has permission to use track pursuant to that agreement. Means any person holding a licence under section 8 of the Railways Act 1993 or a Railway Safety Case in respect of the operation of trains on the Rail Network. An order form that is used for traffic regulation on lines operated by timetable and train order. A signal that indicates that an approaching train has to pick up train orders. A station where train orders may be picked up by trains. The infrastructure capacity needed to run a train between two places at a given time. Ensuring that a train is in a fit condition to enter service, that the train equipment is correctly deployed and the formation of the train matches the trains designated pathway. Train preparation also includes technical inspections carried out prior to the train entering service.
German Definition
train operator
train operator
train order
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control Directive 95/19/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the charging of infrastructure fees CMW Glossary
La capacit d'infrastructure requise pour die Fahrwegkapazitt, die erforderlich faire circuler un train donn d'un point ist, damit ein Zug zu einer bestimmten un autre un moment donn. Zeit zwischen zwei Orten eingesetzt werden kann.
train preparation
train preparation
prparation du train
Ensuring that a train is in a fit condition to enter service, that the train equipment is correctly deployed and the formation of the train matches the train's designated pathway. Train preparation also includes technical inspections carried out prior to the train entering service.
train preparation
prparation du train
S'assurer que toutes les conditions pour mettre un train en circulation sont remplies, que les quipements du train sont correctement utiliss et que la formation du train est conforme aux exigences du sillon allou. La prparation du train comprend galement les vrifications techniques ralises avant la mise en circulation du train. Ensuring that a train is in a fit condition Sassurer que toutes les conditions pour to enter service, that the train mettre un train en circulation sont equipment is correctly deployed and the remplies, que les quipements du train formation of the train matches the sont correctement utiliss et que la trains designated pathway. Train formation du train est conforme aux preparation also includes technical exigences du sillon allou. La inspections carried out prior to the train prparation du train comprend entering service. galement les vrifications techniques ralises avant la mise en circulation du train. Page 388 of 451
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Ensuring that a train is in a fit condition to enter service, that the train equipment is correctly deployed and the formation of the train matches the trains designated pathway. Train preparation also includes technical inspections carried out prior to the train entering service. A performer who is in charge of the preparation of a train.
German Definition
train preparer
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
A mandatory automatic system fitted in every driving cab/position on locomotives, multiple-units and on-track machines, which is designed to: (a) prevent conflicts where a train passes a signal displaying a red (stop) aspect; (b) prevent trains approaching buffer stops at too high a speed; and (c) induce a brake application where a train approaches certain permanent speed restrictions at too high a speed. Shunting locomotives specifically confined to marshalling yards may be exempted.
train record
A written sheet in which an operator records all train movements and train messages. A written sheet in which an operator records all train movements and train messages. A locked route for the safe passage of a train through an interlocking. A service for the transport of goods or passengers (or both) by rail.
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control United Kingdom - The Railway (Licensing of Railway Undertakings) Regulations 2005 Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary
training centre
centre de formation
Formal and informal instruction of a person on how to carry out a work activity, taking into account their relevant background knowledge and understanding. An entity accredited or recognised by Une entit accrdite ou reconnue par the competent authority to give training lautorit comptente pour donner des courses. cours de formation. Page 389 of 451
eine von der zustndigen Behrde fr Directive 2007/59/EC on the die Erteilung der Lehrgnge zugelassene certification of train drivers oder anerkannte Stelle. operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community
English Definition Facilities where train drivers and staff accompanying train are trained. The training includes necessary route knowledge, operating rules and procedures, the signalling and control command system and emergency procedures applied on the routes operated.
French Definition Formation des conducteurs de trains et du personnel de bord pour remplir les conditions d'obtention du certificat de scurit. La formation offerte doit couvrir la connaissance des lignes, les rgles et procdures d'exploitation, le systme de signalisation et de contrle-commande ainsi que les procdures d'urgence sur les lignes exploites.
German Definition Die Mitgliedstaaten sorgen dafr, dass Eisenbahnunternehmen, die eine Sicherheitsbescheinigung beantragen, fairen und nichtdiskriminierenden Zugang zu Schulungsmglichkeiten fr Zugfhrer und Zugbegleiter erhalten, sofern derartige Schulungen fr die Erfllung von Anforderungen zur Erlangung der Sicherheitsbescheinigung notwendig sind. Die angebotenen Schulungen mssen eine Vermittlung der erforderlichen Streckenkenntnisse, der Betriebsvorschriften und -verfahren, der Signalgebung und Zugsteuerung/Zugsicherung sowie der fr die betreffenden Strecken geltenden Notfallverfahren umfassen.
Source Document Directive 2004/49/EC Railway Safety Directive amending 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC
Unit of measure representing the movement of a train over one kilometre. (The distance to be covered is the distance actually run). train-kilomtre Work unit used as a reference to determine the running charge (trainkilometres are the product of the distance travelled in kilometres by the number of trains). The unit of measure representing the movement of a train over one kilometre. The distance used is the distance actually run, if available, otherwise the standard network distance between the origin and destination shall be used. Only the distance on the national territory of the reporting country shall be taken into account. train-km Zugkilometer The unit of measure representing the movement of a train over one kilometre. The distance used is the distance actually run, if available, otherwise the standard network distance between the origin and destination shall be used. Only the distance on the national territory of the reporting country shall be taken into account. Unit de mesure correspondant au dplacement d'un train sur un kilomtre. La distance utilise est la distance effectivement parcourue, si elle est disponible; sinon, la distance standard du rseau entre l'origine et la destination est utilise. Seule la distance parcourue sur le territoire national du pays dclarant est prise en compte. die Maeinheit, die eine Zugbewegung ber eine Entfernung von einem Kilometer misst. Die bercksichtigte Entfernung ist sofern bekannt die tatschlich zurckgelegte Entfernung; andernfalls wird die Standardnetzentfernung zwischen Ausgangsund Endpunkt zugrunde gelegt. Es wird nur die Entfernung auf dem Hoheitsgebiet des Meldelandes erfasst. Unit d'oeuvre servant de rfrence pur la dtermination du droit de circulation (les trains-kilomtres sont le produit de la distance parcourue en kilomtres par le nombre de circulations).
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
German Term
English Definition A fixed formation that can only be reconfigured within a workshop environment, if at all.
French Definition Formation fixe qui ne peut ventuellement tre reconfigure que dans un atelier.
German Definition
Source Document Commission Decision 2008/232/EC concerning a TSI relating to the ROLLING STOCK subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
A fixed formation that can operate as a train, and is not intended to be reconfigured, except within a workshop environment. It is generally composed of motored and non-motored vehicles. Indivisible block of railcar(s) and railcar trailer(s) or locomotive(s) and passenger railway vehicle(s). Included are trainsets that are technically divisible but are normally kept in the same configuration. A trainset could be coupled to another one. Sometimes traction may be distributed throughout the trainset. A fixed formation that can operate as a train, and is not intended to be reconfigured, except within a workshop environment. It is generally composed of motored and non-motored vehicles. A document in which the dispatcher records all train movements and movement authorities. A passenger road vehicle designed to seat more than nine persons (including the driver), which is connected to electric conductors or powered by diesel engine and which is railborne.
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control (tramway) Vhicule routier de transport de voyageurs conu pour transporter plus de 9 personnes (conducteur compris), reli des conducteurs lectriques ou propuls par un moteur diesel et roulant sur rails. Ein Straenfahrzeug fr die Befrderung von Fahrgsten, das mit Sitzpltzen fr mehr als neun Personen (einschlielich Fahrer) ausgestattet und an elektrische Fahrdrhte angeschlossen ist bzw. von einem Dieselmotor angetrieben wird und schienengebunden ist. Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
Straenbahn (Tram)
A train designed and built according to tramway technologies, which are intended to carry passengers in urban and suburban areas. Train designed and built according to tramway technologies, which are intended to carry passengers in urban and suburban areas.
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A system of transport used wholly or mainly for the carriage of passengers: (a) which employs parallel rails which: (i) provide support and guidance for vehicles carried on flanged wheels; ii) are laid wholly or partly along a road or in any other place to which the public has access (including a place to which the public has access only on making a payment); and (b) on any part of which the permitted maximum speed is such as to enable the driver to stop a vehicle in the distance he can see to be clear ahead.
German Definition
Source Document United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
transeuropisches the Structure, as described in Annex I to Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahns Dir. 2001/16, composed of lines and ystem fixed installations, of the trans-European transport network, built or upgraded for conventional rail transport and combined rail transport, plus the rolling stock designed to travel on that infrastructure.
L'ensemble, dcrit l'annexe I de la Dir. 2001/16, constitu par les infrastructures ferroviaires, comprenant les lignes et les installations fixes, du rseau transeuropen de transport, construites ou amnages pour tre parcourues grande vitesse, et les matriels roulants conus pour parcourir ces infrastructures.
den in Anhang (der Direktive 2001/16) beschriebenen Komplex, der durch die Strecken und ortsfeste Anlagen umfassenden Eisenbahninfrastrukturen des transeuropischen Verkehrsnetzes, die eigens dazu gebaut oder ausgebaut sind, um mit hoher Geschwindigkeit befahren zu werden, und die fr die Benutzung dieser Infrastrukturen ausgelegten Fahrzeuge gebildet wird.
The structure as described in Annex 1 Directive 2001/16 composed of lines and fixed installations, of the Trans-European transport Network, built or upgraded for conventional rail transport and combined rail transport, plus the rolling stock design to travel on that infrastructure. The structure Decision No. 1692/964 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 1996 on Community Guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, as amended, on the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system, comprising lines and fixed installations of the transEuropean transport network, constructed or upgraded for conventional rail transport and combined rail transport, and rolling stock designed for travelling on those infrastructures.
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System)
English Definition The structure described in Annex I to Directive 96/48, composed of the railway infrastructures comprising lines and fixed installations, of the transEuropean transport network, constructed or upgraded to be travelled on at high speeds, and rolling stock designed for travelling on those infrastructures.
French Definition L'ensemble, dcrit l'annexe I de la Directive 96/48, constitu par les infrastructures ferroviaires, comprenant les lignes et les installations fixes, du rseau transeuropen de transport, construites ou amnages pour tre parcourues grande vitesse, et les matriels roulants conus pour parcourir ces infrastructures.
German Definition den in Anhang I beschriebenen Komplex, der durch die Strecken und ortsfeste Anlagen umfassenden Eisenbahninfrastrukturen des transeuropischen Verkehrsnetzes, die eigens dazu gebaut oder ausgebaut sind, um mit hoher Geschwindigkeit befahren zu werden, und die fr die Benutzung dieser Infrastrukturen ausgelegten Fahrzeuge gebildet wird;.
Source Document Directive 96/48/EC on the interoperability of the TransEuropean high-speed rail system
The structure...composed of the railway infrastructures comprising lines and fixed installations, of the trans-European transport network, constructed or upgraded to be travelled on at high speeds, and rolling stock designed for travelling on those infrastructures. rseau transeuropen de fret ferroviaire transeuropische Schienengternetz The Trans-European Rail Freight Network consists of the following elements: a) Railway lines as indicated in the maps in Annex I. b) Diversionary routes, where appropriate, particularly around congested infrastructure within the meaning of Directive 2000/14/EC. When these routes are offered, overall journey times shall be safeguarded as far as this is feasible. c) Track access to terminals serving or potentially serving more than one final customer and to other sites and facilities, including feeder lines to and from these. d) Track access to and from ports as listed in Annex I, including feeder lines. Le Rseau transeuropen de fret Das Transeuropische ferroviaire est constitu des lments Schienengternetz umfasst folgende suivants: Elemente. a) les lignes ferroviaires qui figurent dans les cartes de l'annexe I; b) des itinraires de contournement s'il y a lieu, en particulier aux abords des infrastructures satures au sens de la directive 2001/14/CE. Lorsque de tels itinraires sont proposs, la dure totale des trajets doit tre prserve dans la mesure du possible; c) l'accs par le rseau aux terminaux desservant ou pouvant desservir plus qu'un client final ainsi qu'aux autres sites et infrastructures, y compris les lignes d'accs y menant et en provenant; d) l'accs par le rseau aux ports et partir des ports viss l'annexe I, y compris les lignes d'accs.
Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system TAP TSI Glossary
Trans-European Rail Network trans-European rail system systme ferroviaire transeuropen transeuropisches Eisenbahnsystem
Rail network as described in Annex 1 to Directive 2001/16/EC. The trans-European conventional and high-speed rail systems.
Les systmes ferroviaires transeuropens conventionnels et grande vitesse, dcrits respectivement l'annexe I, points 1 et 2.
das konventionelle Directive 2008/57/EC on the transeuropische Eisenbahnsystem und interoperability of the rail system das transeuropische within the Community Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystem im Sinne des Anhangs I Nummern 1 beziehungsweise 2.
French Term
German Term
English Definition in relation to a scheme, means a person to whom property, rights or liabilities are transferred in accordance with the scheme. In relation to a scheme, means the person from whom property, rights or liabilities are transferred in accordance with the scheme. The operation of moving goods cargo items or unit loads from one vehicle to another or to and from storage.
French Definition
German Definition
Opration qui consiste dplacer les lments d'un chargement de marchandises ou des charges unitaires d'un vhicule un autre ou d'un lieu de stockage un autre.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Wechsel von ITE von einem Verkehrsmittel auf ein anderes. Der Eisenbahnverkehr, bei dem auf der Fahrt zwischen zwei Orten (Belade- bzw. Einsteigeort und Entlade- bzw. Aussteigeort) auerhalb des Meldelandes das Meldeland durchquert wird. Befrderungen, die ein Beladen/Einsteigen bzw. Entladen/ Aussteigen von Gtern/Fahrgsten an der Grenze des Meldelandes von einer anderen bzw. auf eine andere Verkehrsart mit einschlieen, gelten nicht als Transitverkehr;. Terminology on combined transport Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
transhipment transit
Umschlag Transitverkehr
Moving ITUs from one means of transport to another. Rail transport through the reporting country betweentwo places (a place of loading/embarkation and a place ofunloading/disembarkation) outside the reporting country. Transportoperations involving loading/embarkation or unloading/disembarkation of goods/passengers at the border of the reporting country from/onto another mode of transport are not considered as transit.
Mouvement des UTI dun moyen de transport un autre. Transport ferroviaire ralis travers le pays dclarant entre deux lieux (de chargement/embarquement et de dchargement/dbarquement) situs en dehors du pays dclarant. Les oprations de transport qui impliquent un chargement/embarquement ou un dchargement/dbarquement de marchandises/voyageurs la frontire du pays dclarant partir de ou sur un autre mode de transport ne sont pas considres comme du transport en transit.
transit rights
Rights of transit through a Member State using railway infrastructure located in that Member State. The controlled changes between the different ETCS levels.
United Kingdom - The Railways Infrastructure (Access and Management) Regulations 2005 Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
transition point
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
French Term
German Term
English Definition Movement of goods. Umbrella term covering direct transport, pre-carriage, main carriage, post- carriage. Any operation for the transport of dangerous goods by rail, conducted wholly or partially within the territory of a Member State, including the activities of loading, unloading and transfer to or from another mode of transport and the stops necessitated by the circumstances of the transport, covered by the Annex to this Directive, without prejudice to the arrangements laid down by the laws of the Member States concerning liability in respect of such operations; it shall not include transport wholly performed within the perimeter of an undertaking.
French Definition
German Definition
Toute opration de transport de marchandises dangereuses par chemin de fer, effectue entirement ou partiellement sur le territoire d'un tat membre, y compris les activits de chargement et de dchargement ainsi que le transfert vers ou depuis un autre mode de transport et les arrts ncessits par les conditions de transport, couverts par l'annexe de la prsente directive, sans prjudice du rgime prvu par les lgislations des tats membres en ce qui concerne la responsabilit dcoulant de ces oprations; cette notion ne s'applique pas aux oprations de transport effectues entirement dans le primtre d'une entreprise.
Directive 96/49/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States with regard to the transport of dangerous good by rail
transport contract
Means a contract of carriage for reward or free of charge between a railway undertaking or a ticket vendor and the passenger for the provision of one or more transport services. infrastructure de transport All routes and fixed installations of a mode of transport being routes and installations necessary for the circulation and safety of traffic. La totalit des voies et installations fixes des trois modes de transport dans la mesure o elles sont ncessaires pour assurer la circulation des vhicules et la scurit de cette circulation.
transport infrastructure
transport logistics
transport mode
Logistics services in the field of transport, such as full-load traffic, combined traffic, LCL services (BahnExpress, RailStandard and RailExpress). Means a generic type of vehicle capable of transporting passengers (train, plane, bus, etc.). The movement of goods using railway Tout dplacement de marchandises Die Befrderung von Gtern zwischen vehicles between the place of loading effectu l'aide de vhicules ferroviaires Be- und Entladeort mit and the place of unloading. entre le lieu de chargement et le lieu de Eisenbahnfahrzeugen. dchargement. Tout dplacement de voyageurs par chemin de fer entre le lieu d'embarquement et le lieu de dbarquement. Le transport de voyageurs par mtro, tramway et/ou semi-mtro est exclu.
Commission Regulation (EEC) 2598/70 specifying the items to be included under the various headings in the forms of accounts shown in Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1108/70 of 4 June 1970 Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
transport de voyageurs par Eisenbahnpersonenverkehr The movement of passengers using chemin de fer railway vehicles between the place of embarkation and the place of disembarkation. The transport of passengers by metro, tram and/or light rail is excluded. Page 395 of 451
die Befrderung von Fahrgsten mit Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the Eisenbahnfahrzeugen zwischen Einsteige- European Parliament and of the und Aussteigeort. Die Befrderung von Council of 16 December 2002 on Personen mit der Untergrundbahn, mit rail transport statistic Stadtund/ oder Straenbahnsystemen ist ausgeschlossen.
French Term
German Term
French Definition
German Definition
Source Document Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance Terminology on combined transport
transport operator
oprateur de transport
The person responsible for the carriage of goods, either directly or using a third party.
Personne responsable de lacheminement des marchandises, par ses propres moyens ou ceux dautrui.
Die Person, die fr den Gtertransport verantwortlich ist und ihn entweder selbst durchfhrt oder durch Andere durchfhren lt.
transport operator
United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006 Service rpondant aux besoins d'un type de transport; par exemple, voyageurs nationaux, voyageurs rgionaux, voyageurs d'Ile-de-France, fret (international ou national) Etc. RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009
transport service
service de transport
Service meeting the needs of one type of transport, eg domestic passengers, regional passengers, passengers in the Paris area, freight (national or international), etc. Means a commercial transport service linking two or more locations, offered by a railway undertaking according to a published timetable. A transport service is normally performed with a specific transport mode. Any private or public company authorised to transport people in domestic or international passenger traffic. A "transport service-provider" accepts travel documents issued by the accredited sales points of its distributors. It plays the role of the contractual carrier with which the passenger has entered into a contract of carriage. Execution of the transport service may be entrusted, in part or in full, to a substitute carrier. An organisation that operates passenger or freight train services.
transport service
transport undertaking
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
transport undertaking
Any person who operates a vehicle in relation to any infrastructure but shall not include a person who operates a vehicle solely within an engineering possession. Moving Intermodal Transport Units from one means of transport to another. Special facility for transfer from one mode of transport to another mode of transport. Corresponds to turbo transshipment in retail trade, chain-neutral supply of branch stores. Page 396 of 451
transshipment facility
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Place for short-term storage of goods between transshipment from one mode of transport to another. Transportoriented movement processes dominate over storage processes. Objective: high transshipment speed. Irrevocable application of the emergency brakes by the ETCS system until the train is at standstill.
German Definition
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
The movement from the place of embarkation to the place of disembarkation, with or without transfers from one rail vehicle to another. If passengers use the services of more than one railway undertaking, when possible they should not be counted more than once. Locomotive designed to haul light freight trains on branch lines and short distances (typically in the order of less than 100 km) on the open lines of the TEN and which feature the following characteristics: - maximum design and operating speed of 100 km/h; - A maximum installed power of 1000 kW (combined power of all locomotives when operated in multiple) - A driving cab locating the drivers seat at a distance equal or longer than 4 meters from any of the locomotive ends - A rigid frame (i.e. chassis not incorporating energy absorption devices). Trip locomotives are not authorized to haul Passenger trains.
Dplacement entre un lieu d'embarquement et un lieu de dbarquement, avec ou sans transbordement d'un vhicule ferroviaire un autre. Si les voyageurs ont recours aux services de plus d'une entreprise ferroviaire, ils ne doivent si possible ne pas tre compts plus d'une fois.
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
trip locomotive
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition This is a locomotive designed to haul light freight trains on branch lines and short distances (typically in the order of less than 100 km) on the open lines of the TEN and which feature the following characteristics: A maximum design and operating speed of 100 km/h; A maximum installed power of 1000 kW (combined power of all locomotives when operated in multiple) A driving cab locating the driver?s seat at a distance equal or longer than 4 meters from any of the locomotive ends A rigid frame (i.e. chassis not incorporating energy absorption devices). Trip locomotives are not authorized to haul Passenger trains.
German Definition
Source Document Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
trip plan
plan d'acheminement
For wagon or intermodal unit shows the Dsigne l'itinraire de rfrence prvu planned reference trip of the wagon/ d'un wagon ou d'une unit intermodale. intermodal unity.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
trip stop
Most simple form of an automatic train stop system (ATS) that is operated by mechanical contact between a trackside trip arm and a brake trip switch on the train. A system of transport by vehicles constructed or adapted for use on roads without rails under electric power transmitted to them by overhead wires (whether or not there is in addition a source of power on board the vehicles). A section of rail tunnel between the portal and a crossover or between two crossovers. Length of a tunnel measured from portal La longueur du tunnel se mesure au to portal at level top of rail. niveau haut du rail entre la tte du tunnel et sa sortie.
United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
tunnel interval
Eurotunnel Glossary
tunnel length
longueur du tunnel
Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system
tunnel length
The tunnel length is measured from portal to portal at level top of rail.
German Term
English Definition French Definition A process whereby private IP packets are Processus par lequel des paquets IP encapsulated within a public IP packet. privs sont intgrs un paquet IP public.
German Definition
Source Document Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
turbo transshipment
Direct transshipment of standardized consignments (rail-road and vice-versa). Represents a new logistics service provided by BB designed to close the gap between the door-to-door BEX service and the handling of complete loads. An assembly of rails, movable points and a frog, which effects the tangential branching of tracks and allows trains or vehicles to run over one track or another. Total amount invoiced by a railway body during the period under review. This corresponds to market sales of goods or services supplied to third parties. Turnover includes all duties and taxes on the goods or services invoiced by the body with the exception of VAT invoiced by the unit vis--vis its customers. It also includes all other charges to the customers. Reduction in prices, rebates and discounts as well as the value of returned packing must be deducted, but not cash discounts. Turnover does not include sales of fixed assets. Operation subsidies received from public authorities are also excluded.
The track-to-train transmission system enables continuous transmission of data from the track to the train on the line ahead. The data is generated by track circuit equipment and picked up by the train. The TVM also incorporates a speed control system. Track train cab-signalling transmission system. Systme de transmission de la signalisation la cabine de conduite par la voie. A standard unit based on an ISO Equivalent Vingt Pieds. Unit de mesure container of 20 feet length (6.10 m), correspondant un conteneur ISO de 20 used as a statistical measure of traffic pieds de long (6,10 m), employe pour flows or capacities. One standard 40 ISO exprimer des capacits ou des flux de Series 1 container equals 2 TEUs. transport. Un conteneur 40 pieds ISO srie 1 normalis correspond 2 EVP/TEU. Page 399 of 451
Eurotunnel Glossary
TVM (transmission voie-machine) TVM (transmission voiemachine) twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) equivalent vingt pieds (EVT) TEU - TEU
RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009 Zwanzig-Fu-quivalente-Einheit Terminology on combined (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit). Eine transport statistische Hilfsgr e auf der Basis eines 20-Fu ISO-Containers (6,10 m Lnge) zur Beschreibung von Verkehrsstrmen oder -kapazitten. Ein genormter 40 ISOContainer der Reihe 1 entspricht 2 TEUs.
French Term
German Term
verrou tournant
English Definition Standard mechanism on handling equipment which engages and locks into the corner fittings of Intermodal Transport Units (ITU). Also used on rail wagons, vessels and other vehicles to fix ITUs. Standard mechanism on handling equipment which engages and locks into the corner fittings of ITU; also used on ships and vehicles to fix ITUs.
French Definition
German Definition
Pice normalise sur les quipements de manutention destines pntrer et verrouiller les pices de coin des UTI ; galement utilise sur les navires et les vhicules pour fixer les UTI.
Standardmechanismus auf Umschlagseinrichtungen, der in den Eckbeschlag einer ITE eingefhrt und verriegelt wird, wird auch auf Schiffen und Fahrzeugen verwendet, um ITE zu befestigen.
An operating mode for double track lines where the tracks may be operated in both directions under block signal control. A vehicle type defining the basic design characteristics of the vehicle as covered by a single type-examination certificate described in module B of Decision 93/465/EEC.
Un type de vhicule dfinissant les caractristiques de conception essentielles du vhicule, telles que vises par l'attestation d'examen de type unique dcrite dans le module B de la dcision 93/465/CEE.
einen Fahrzeugtyp entsprechend den Directive 2008/57/EC on the grundlegenden Konstruktionsmerkmalen interoperability of the rail system des Fahrzeugs gem einer einzigen within the Community Baumusterprfbescheinigung nach Modul B des Beschlusses 93/465/EWG.
A vehicle type defining the basic design characteristics of the vehicle as covered by a single type examination certificate described in module B of Decision 93/465/EEC. A Rolling Stock produced to a particular design. A type may cover several versions, as long as the differences between the versions do not affect the provisions of the TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST. A rolling stock produced to a particular design. A type may cover several versions, as long as the differences between the versions do not affect the provisions of the TSI. Assessment of a product type to its conformity and, where applicable, suitability for use by design review, review of the manufacturing process, type tests and in-service experience (if specified). Document certifying the conformity and suitability for use of a product type.
Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
type examination
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure
type of line
type of traffic
Definition of the importance of a line (core or other) and the way of achieving parameters required for interoperability (new or upgraded). Indicates for a Category of Line the dominating traffic for the target system and the respective Basic Parameters. Page 400 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Conformity testing on the basis of one or more specimens of a product representative of the production.
German Definition
Source Document "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC Glossary for Transport Statistics
types of consignment
The main categories are: Full train load: Any consignment comprising one or several wagon loads transported at the same time by the same sender at the same station and forwarded with no change in train composition to the address of the same consignee at the same destination station; Full wagon load: Any consignment of goods for which the exclusive use of a wagon is required whether the total loading capacity is utilized or not; Smalls: Any consignment for which it is neither necessary nor required that a wagon be used exclusively. The main categories of costs being considered are: Labour costs: Including wages and salaries of active staff, pensions, various social charges etc. Material and service costs: Including purchase of other material and services provided by third parties but excludes energy consumption costs for traction purposes. Energy consumption costs: Including amounts allocated for the quantity of energy for traction purposes. Taxes: Financial charges Other costs: Including amounts allocated to depreciation and provisions etc. The following types of electric current are in use: AC 25 000 Volts, 50 Hz 15 000 Volts, 16 2/3 Hz DC 3 000 Volts 1 500 Volts 750 Volts 660 Volts 630 Volts.
types of costs
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The main categories of employment being considered are: General administration: Includes central and regional management staff (e.g. finance, legal, personnel etc.) and boards of directors. The management staff of specialist departments (operations and traffic, traction and rolling stock, ways and works) are excluded but are taken into account in the statistics specific to each of these services. Operations and traffic: Station staff (excluding staff operating control and safety systems), train crews (excluding tractive units crews) and associated central and regional offices. Includes tourism and advertising. Traction and rolling stock: Tractive units crews, workshop, inspection staff and associated central and regional offices. Way and works: Permanent way maintenance and supervision staff (including staff operating control and safety systems). Other operations: Passenger and goods road services, shipping services, electric power plants, hotel staff etc.
German Definition
The main categories are: Revenue earning railway transport: Transport conveyed for an outside party against payment. Service railway transport: Transport which the railway body performs in order to meet its internal requirements whether or not such transport produces revenues for bookkeeping purpose. The main categories of revenues to be considered are: Revenues from transport operations: This category includes goods and passenger traffic revenues. Amounts received from the State or other public bodies: This category includes compensation receipts and other subsidies. Other revenues: This category includes revenues not related to transport activities, e.g. financial revenues etc. Page 402 of 451
types of revenues
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The main categories being considered are: Goods train: Train for the carriage of goods composed of one or more wagons and, possibly, vans moving either empty or under load. Passenger train: Train for the carriage of passengers composed of one or more passenger railway vehicles and, possibly, vans moving either empty or under load. Mixed train: Train composed of passenger railway vehicles and of wagons. Other trains: Trains moving solely for the requirements of the railway body, which involve no commercial traffic.
German Definition
types of warehouses/stock
Production warehouse, distribution warehouse, transhipment warehouse, supplier's warehouse, local supply warehouse, reforwarding warehouse, sales stock, consignment stock. UIC International railway union. Union internationale des chemins de fer.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Railway Group Standards Code
numro ONU
unacceptable risk
A level of Individual Risk, as defined from time to time by the Health and Safety Executive, which is above the upper limit of the Tolerable Region. Transport of a road vehicle NOT accompanied by the driver or an Intermodal Transport Unit, using two or more transport modes. unbegleiteter kombinierter Transport of a road vehicle or an Verkehr intermodal transport unit (ITU), not accompanied by the driver, using another mode of transport (for example a ferry or a train). Page 403 of 451
Transport dun vhicule routier ou dune Unit de Transport Intermodal (UTI), non accompagn de son conducteur, par un autre mode de transport (par exemple, ferry ou train).
Befrderung eines von seinem Fahrer Terminology on combined nicht begleiteten Kraftfahrzeuges oder transport einer intermodalen Transporteinheit (ITE) mit einem anderen Verkehrstrger (z.B. Fhre oder Bahn).
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Any persons present on railway premises where such presence is forbidden, with the exception of level crossing users. The sensitivity of the output of a decision to the uncertainties in the inputs to the decision. Device to re-profile the wheels of a tractive stock. Station between tunnels, under the surface, with parts open to the public.
German Definition
quipement permettant de profiler les roues d'un matriel roulant. Gare se situant entre des tunnels, dans le rseau souterrain, comportant des sections ouvertes au public.
RFF - National Rail Network Statement 2009 Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Commission Decision 2008/163/EC concerning the TSI relating to safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and HS rail system Republic of Ireland - Railway Safety Act 2005
underground station
Station between tunnels, under the surface, with parts open to the public.
In relation to a safety critical worker, being under the influence of an intoxicant to such an extent that his or her ability to perform a safety critical task, without exposing a person (including himself or herself) to danger or risk of danger, is for the time being impaired. lacune dans la traverse Portion of obtuse crossing where there is no guidance of the wheel. Partie du coeur de traverse o la roue n'est pas guide.
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
Portion of obtuse crossing where there is no guidance of the wheel described as unguided distance in EN 13232-3:2003. UNIFE UNIFE is an organisation that takes care of the interests of the suppliers to the railway sector. Currently approximately 100 suppliers and subcontractors are directly represented and about 1 000 indirectly through national organisations. Union des Industries ferroviaire europenne. Cette organisation dfend les intrts des fournisseurs du secteur ferroviaire. Actuellement, une centaine de fournisseurs et de sous-traitants sont reprsents directement et environ un millier indirectement, par le biais de leurs organismes nationaux.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
unilateral arrangement
Arrangement whereby one party recognizes or accepts the conformity assessment results of another party. Generic term used to name the rolling stock which is subject to assessment against the TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST. Page 404 of 451
ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
French Term
German Term
English Definition Generic term used to name the rolling stock which is subject to assessment against this TSI. Code to indicate to which extent the equipment is loaded or empty (e.g. full, empty, LCL).
French Definition
German Definition
Code indiquant le niveau de chargement du matriel (par ex. plein, vide, incomplet).
Source Document Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
unit load
charge de wagon
A number of individual packages Chargement unitaire dont l'unit est le bonded, palletised or strapped together wagon. to form a single unit for more efficient handling by mechanical equipment.
unit load
unit de charge
Palletised load or prepacked unit with a footprint conforming to pallet dimensions and suitable for loading into an ITU.
Charge palettise ou unit premballe dont la surface au sol est conforme aux dimensions des palettes et qui peut tre charge dans une UTI.
Palette oder zu Packstcken zusammengefasste Gter, die den Grundabmessungen einer Einheitspalette entsprechen und zur Beladung einer ITE geeignet sind.
unit pack
Special type of loading unit to facilitate handling. Created for example by assembling individual packages on a pallet and securing them by straps. train unitaire A freight train dispatched with only one consignment note and only one type of goods and composed of uniform wagons running from a consignor to a consignee without intermediate marshalling. Train de fret expdi avec une seule lettre de voiture et un seul type de marchandises, constitu de wagons uniformes circulant du site d'un expditeur jusqu'au site d'un destinataire sans triage intermdiaire.
unit train
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Temporary speed restriction that is not implemented by ETCS and is not contained in the list of temporary speed restrictions.
unsignaled operation
up state
A form of a non signal-controlled operation in which the traffic is controlled by verbal or written authority and the train separation is not protected by a signaling system. State of an item characterized by the fact that it can perform a required function, assuming that the external resources, if required, are provided. Time interval during which an item is in an up state. Page 405 of 451
up time
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition A conventional line specially upgraded to allow traffic at speeds of the order of 200 km/h for the main segments. (They include specially upgraded high speed lines which have special features as a result of topographical, relief or town-planning constraints, on which the speed must be adapted for each case).
German Definition
Any major modification of a subsystem or part of a subsystem, which changes the performance of the subsystem.
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC CMW Glossary
Any major modification work on a subsystem or part subsystem which improves the overall performance of the subsystem. Major work to modify a subsystem or Des travaux importants de modification part of a subsystem which changes the d'un sous-systme ou d'une partie de performance of the subsystem. sous-systme modifiant les performances du sous-systme,.
Commission Decision 2002/730/EC concerning the TSI relating to the MAINTENANCE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system refered to in Article (6) of the Directive 96/48/EC Directive 2001/16/EC On the interoperability of the transEuropean conventional rail network
Any major modification work on a subsystem or part subsystem which requires fresh authorisation for putting into service.
umfangreiche Arbeiten zur nderung eines Teilsystems oder eines Teils davon, die eine neue Inbetriebnahmegenehmigung im Sinne von Artikel 14 Absatz 1 erforderlich machen. Any major modification work on a Les travaux importants de modification umfangreiche Arbeiten zur nderung subsystem or part subsystem which dun sous-systme ou dune partie de eines improves the overall performance of the sous-systme amliorant les Teilsystems oder eines Teils davon, die subsystem. performances globales du sous-systme. eine neue Inbetriebnahmegenehmigung im Sinne von Artikel 14 Absatz 1 erforderlich machen. Any major modification work on a subsystem or part subsystem which improves the overall performance of the subsystem. Any major modification work on a subsystem or part subsystem which improves the overall performance of the subsystem. Any major modification work on a subsystem or part subsystem which improves the overall performance of the subsystem. Any major modification work on a subsystem or part of a subsystem which improves the overall performance of the subsystem. Page 406 of 451 les travaux importants de modification d'un sous-systme ou d'une partie de sous-systme amliorant les performances globales du sous-systme. Les travaux importants de modification dun sous-systme ou dune partie de sous-systme amliorant les performances globales du sous-systme.
les travaux importants de modification dun sous-systme ou dune partie de sous-systme amliorant les performances globales du sous-systme.
umfangreiche nderungsarbeiten an Directive 2008/57/EC on the einem Teilsystem oder einem Teil davon, interoperability of the rail system mit denen die Gesamtleistung des within the Community Teilsystems verbessert wird. umfangreiche nderungsarbeiten an Directive 96/48/EC on the einem Teilsystem oder einem Teil davon, interoperability of the Transmit denen die Gesamtleistung des European high-speed rail system Teilsystems verbessert wird. Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast) Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System)
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Any major modification work on a subsystem or part of a subsystem which requires fresh authorisation for putting into service. Any major work on a structural subsystem which changes the performance of that structural subsystem and which either: (a) the contracting entity is satisfied; or (b) the supervisory authority has determined, in accordance with regulation 16, is upgrading for the purposes of these Regulations; and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly. Any major modification work on a subsystem or part subsystem which improves the overall performance of the subsystem. A measure of the average individual risk of fatality per annum, defined for each group, and representing the boundary between tolerable and intolerable risk for the group. Transport services operated to meet the transport needs of an urban centre or conurbation, as well as the transport needs bewtween such centre or conurbation and surrounding areas.
German Definition
Source Document Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System) United Kingdom - The Railways (Interoperability) (High-Speed) Regulations 2002
upgrading of a subsystem
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
Les services de transport rpondant aux besoins d'un centre urbain ou d'une agglomration, ainsi qu'aux besoins de transports entre ce centre ou cette agglomration et ses banlieues.
Verkehrsleistungen, die den Directive 91/440/EEC Verkehrsbedarf eines Stadtgebietes oder Development of the Community's eines Ballungsraumes sowie den Railways Verkehrsbedarf zwischen einem Stadtgebiet oder Ballungsraum und dem Umland decken. Verkehrsleistungen, die den Directive 95/18/EC On the Verkehrsbedarf eines Stadtgebietes oder licencing of railway undertakings eines Ballungsraumes sowie den Verkehrsbedarf zwischen einem Stadtgebiet oder Ballungsraum und dem Umland decken. Regulation (EEC) 1191/69 of the Council on action by Member States concerning the obligations inherent in the concept of a public service in transport by rail, road and inland waterway Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
Transport services operated to meet the transport needs of an urban centre or conurbation, as well as the transport needs between such centre or conurbation and surrounding areas.
Les services de transport rpondant aux besoins d'un centre urbain ou d'une agglomration, ainsi qu'aux besoins de transports entre ce centre ou cette agglomration et ses banlieues.
Transport services meeting the needs of an urban centre or conurbation, and transport needs between it and surrounding areas,.
Les services de transport rpondant aux besoins dun centre urbain ou dune agglomration, ainsi quaux besoins du transport entre ce centre ou cette agglomration et ses banlieues.
The maximum continuous length of that part of platform in front of which a train is intended to remain stationary in normal operational conditions.
Longueur maximale de la partie continue du quai devant lequel un train doit rester l'arrt en service commercial normal.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The maximum continuous length of that part of platform in front of which a train is intended to remain stationary in normal operating conditions for passengers to board and alight from the train, making appropriate allowance for stopping tolerances. Normal operating conditions means that railway is operating in a non-degraded mode (e.g. rail adhesion is normal, signals are working, everything is working as planned). In combination with the usable length of Largeur dfinissant en combinaison avec the platform, defines the area of the la longueur utile de la plate-forme, la platform available for use of passengers. zone du quai disponible pour une utilisation par les voyageurs.
German Definition
Source Document Final Draft TSI Conventional Rail System: Subsystem infrastructure
Commission Decision 2008/217/EC concerning a TSI relating to the INFRASTRUCTURE subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system
use period
use quota
useful life
In relation to any Use Quota, the period of time during which the Use Quota is to be satisfied, as published by Network Rail. The minimum expected quota for use of a Train Slot, as published by Network Rail. Under given conditions, the time interval beginning at a given instant of time and ending when the failure rate becomes unacceptable, or when the item is considered unrepairable as a result of a fault or for other relevant factors. UDP Simple Traversal of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) through Network Address Translators (NATs) (STUN) is a lightweight protocol that allows applications to discover the presence and types of NATs and firewalls between them and the public Internet. It also provides the ability for applications to determine the public Internet Protocol (IP) addresses allocated to them by the NAT. STUN works with many existing NATs, and does not require any special behavior from them. As a result, it allows a wide variety of applications to work through existing NAT infrastructure. Acronyme de User Datagram Protocol (protocole d'change de datagramme) Le protocole UDP effectue une simple traverse des NAT (Network Address Translators, traduction des adresses du rseau) (STUN, tunnel srie); il s'agit d'un protocole lger qui divulgue la prsence et les types de NAT des applications et met en place un coupefeu entre ces applications et l'internet public. Il permet galement aux applications de dterminer les adresses IP publiques qui leur sont attribues par le NAT. Le STUN fonctionne avec de nombreux logiciels existants et ne ncessite aucun comportement particulier de leur part. Il permet donc une large gamme d'applications de fonctionner au sein de l'infrastructure NAT existante.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
user representative
The Rail Passengers Council established under Section 19 of the Railways Act 2005. Page 408 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence, that the particular requirements for a specific intended use are fulfilled. Confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that the particular requirements for a specific intended use have been fulfilled.
German Definition
Source Document "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Activity of demonstration, by analysis and test, that the product meets, in all respects, its specified requirements.
The activity applied in order to demonstrate, by test and analysis, that the product meets in all respects its specified requirements.
Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that the requirements for a specific intended use or application have been fulfilled. Validation of a subsystems conformity to special requirements after installation and placing into service under full operation conditions for a specified period of time. Person or agent appointed to carry out validation.
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems Glossary for Transport Statistics
value added
Gross output (sales or receipts and other income, plus inventory change) of a railway body less the value of its intermediate consumption. Value added of domestic production of all railway bodies in a country is equal to their contribution to the GDP of that country. It is understood that value added, in this context, is expressed in market prices.
A defined monetary figure which is used to indicate what it is regarded as necessary to spend in the expectation of preventing a single fatality. Page 409 of 451
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Non-traction vehicle capable of carrying payload other than passengers, e.g. luggage or mail, integrated into a fixed or variable formation which is intended to transport passengers. It may be fitted with a driver's cab and as such is known as a Driving Van. Non-tractive railway vehicle forming part of a passenger or goods train and used by the train crew as well as, if need be, for the conveyance of luggage, parcels, bicycles, etc. Vehicles possessing one or more passenger compartments must not be counted as vans but as passenger railway vehicles. Mail vans, belonging to railway bodies, are included under vans when they do not have a passenger compartment. A non-traction vehicle capable of carrying payload other than passengers, e.g. luggage or mail, integrated into a fixed or variable formation which is intended to transport passengers. The Variable Usage Charge covers the marginal cost of using the main rail network. The charge pays for the additional maintenance and renewal costs generated as a result of the additional wear and tear of track, signalling and structures assets due to the operation of additional trains. Any modification to the terms or conditions (including as to the specification of the works to be done, their timing, the manner of their implementation, the costs to be incurred and their sharing, and the division of risk) on which an established Vehicle Change is to be carried out, and 'varied' and any other cognate words shall be construed accordingly. Any modification to the terms or conditions (including as to the specification of the works to be done, their timing, the manner of their implementation, the costs to be incurred and their sharing, and the division of risk) on which an established Network Change is to be carried out, and 'varied' and any other cognate words shall be construed accordingly. Page 410 of 451
German Definition
Source Document Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST
Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST"
French Term
German Term
variation procedure
English Definition French Definition In relation to an established Vehicle Change, a procedure which: (a) forms part of the terms and conditions on which the Vehicle Change is established; and (b) provides for the established Vehicle Change itself to be varied after it has been first established. In relation to an established Network Change, a procedure which: (a) forms part of the terms and conditions on which the Network Change is established; and (b) provides for the established Network Change itself to be varied after it has been first established. A railway vehicle that runs on its own wheels on railway lines, with or without traction. A vehicle is composed of one or more structural and functional subsystems or parts of such subsystems. A vehicle suitable for circulation on its own wheels on railway lines with or without traction [COTIF/ATMF Article 2 i] Any single item of rolling stock, for example a locomotive, coach, MU, carriage or wagon. [adapted from TSI 'Traffic Operation and Management' and HS TSI RST].
German Definition
CMW Glossary
Any single item of rolling stock, for example a locomotive, carriage or wagon.
Tout matriel roulant pris isolment, par exemple une locomotive, une voiture ou un wagon.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
Any single item of rolling stock, for example a locomotive, carriage or wagon.
Tout matriel roulant pris isolment, par exemple une locomotive, une voiture ou un wagon.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
a railway vehicle suitable for circulation on its own wheels on railway lines, with or without traction. A vehicle is composed of one or more structural and functional subsystems or parts of such subsystems. Page 411 of 451
Directive 2008/110/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 amending Directive 2004/49/EC on safety on the Communitys railways (Railway Safety Directive)
English Definition A railway vehicle that runs on its own wheels on railway lines, with or without traction. A vehicle is composed of one or more structural and functional subsystems or parts of such subsystems.
French Definition Un vhicule ferroviaire apte circuler sur ses propres roues sur une ligne ferroviaire, avec ou sans traction. Un vhicule se compose d'un ou plusieurs sous-systmes de nature structurelle et fonctionnelle ou de parties de ces soussystmes.
German Definition ein Eisenbahnfahrzeug mit oder ohne Antrieb, das auf eigenen Rdern auf Eisenbahn-Schienenwegen verkehrt. Ein Fahrzeug besteht aus einem oder mehreren strukturellen und funktionellen Teilsystemen oder Teilen davon.
Source Document Directive 2008/57/EC on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community
A railway vehicle that runs on its own wheels on railway lines, with or without traction. A vehicle is composed of one or more structural and functional subsystems or parts of such subsystems. The smallest part in a Unit (=single vehicle); it features an individual bodyshell lying on its own sets of wheels or sharing them with adjacent vehicles. Any single item of rolling stock, for example a locomotive, carriage or wagon. Any single item of rolling stock, for example a locomotive, coach, multiple unit, carriage or wagon. Any single item of rolling stock, for example a locomotive, carriage or wagon. The smallest part in a unit (=single vehicle); it features an individual bodyshell lying on its own sets of wheels or sharing them with adjacent vehicles. mobile traction unit.
Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (recast)
Draft TSI - Conventional Rail System - Subsystem rolling stock TSI Locomotives and Passenger RST OPE glossary
Proposal for a Safety Management Systems Glossary Registration of Rolling Stock - Final report Trans-European conventional rail system, subsystem rolling stock, TSI "locomotives and passenger RST" United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition In relation to a Train Operator: (i) any change to Specified Equipment including by way of: (a) any alteration (not being a change within paragraph (b) below) to the physical characteristics of Specified Equipment; (b) any increase in the length of any trains beyond that permitted by that Train Operators Access Agreement; or (c) the inclusion in Specified Equipment of any railway vehicle which is not so included; or (ii) any material variation to an established Vehicle Change which has yet been implemented, other than authorised variation; which, in any case, is likely materially to affect the maintenance or operation of the Network or the operation of trains on the Network, but excluding any authorized variation.
German Definition
vehicle identification
Immatriculation applique un vhicule pour l'identifier de manire unique par rapport tout autre vhicule.
Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
vehicle identification
Immatriculation applique un vhicule pour lidentifier de manire unique par rapport tout autre vhicule.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
vehicle identification
OPE glossary
English Definition A Vehicle Keeper Marking (VKM) is an alphanumeric code, consisting of 2 to 5 letters (1). A VKM is inscribed on each rail vehicle, near the vehicle number. The VKM denominates the Vehicle Keeper as registered in the Rolling Stock Register. A VKM is unique in all countries covered by this TSI and all countries that enter into an agreement that involves the application of the system of vehicle numbering and vehicle keeper marking as described in this TSI.
French Definition German Definition Le marquage du dtenteur de vhicule (MDV) est un code alphanumrique constitu de 2 5 lettres (1). Il est inscrit sur chaque vhicule ferroviaire, proximit du numro d'immatriculation. Il dsigne le dtenteur du vhicule tel qu'il est immatricul dans le registre du matriel roulant. Le MDV est unique dans tous les pays concerns par la prsente STI ainsi que dans tous ceux qui concluent un accord impliquant l'application du systme de numrotation des vhicules et de marquage du dtenteur, tel qu'il est dcrit dans la prsente STI.
Source Document Commission Decision 2006/920/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem Traffic Operation and Management of the transEuropean conventional rail system
A Vehicle Keeper Marking (VKM) is an alphanumeric code, consisting of 2 to 5 letters (1). A VKM is inscribed on each rail vehicle, near the vehicle number. The VKM denominates the Vehicle Keeper as registered in the Rolling Stock Register. A VKM is unique in all countries covered by this TSI and all countries that enter into an agreement that involves the application of the system of vehicle numbering and vehicle keeper marking as described in this TSI.
Le marquage du dtenteur de vhicule (MDV) est un code alphanumrique constitu de 2 5 lettres. Il est inscrit sur chaque vhicule ferroviaire, proximit du numro dimmatriculation. Il dsigne le dtenteur du vhicule tel quil est immatricul dans le registre du matriel roulant. Le MDV est unique dans tous les pays concerns par la prsente STI ainsi que dans tous ceux qui concluent un accord impliquant lapplication du systme de numrotation des vhicules et de marquage du dtenteur, tel quil est dcrit dans la prsente STI.
Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Vendor receives information about current levels of inventory stocked by him in the central warehouse; the inventory levels required to meet demand forecasts are calculated by the vendor (optimum batch sizes for supply of goods). Assessment of the products conformity to specified technical requirements, performed step by step during the product development phase by specified tests or alternative methods. Confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that the specified requirements have been fulfilled.
"The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
EN 50126 - Railway applicationsThe specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems
Activity of determination, by analysis and test, that the output of each phase of the life-cycle fulfils the requirements of the previous phase. Page 414 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The activity of determination, by analysis and test, at each phase of the life-cycle, that the requirements of the phase under consideration meet the output of the previous phase and that the output of the phase under consideration fulfils its requirements.
German Definition
Source Document EN 50129 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been fulfilled. An EC declaration of verification.
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 118-2002 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean High-Speed Rail System) Republic of Ireland - Statutory Instruments No. 61-2004 (Interoperability of the TransEuropean Conventional Rail System) EN 50128 - Railway applicationsCommunications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems Ce terme tait utilis pour dcrire presque tous les types de systmes de connexion distance, tels que le rseau tlphonique public et les CVP (circuits virtuels permanents) relais de trame. Avec l'avnement de l'internet, le RPV est devenu synonyme d'un rseau distant de donnes fond sur le protocole IP. En un mot, un RPV est constitu de deux ou plusieurs rseaux privs qui communiquent en toute scurit sur le rseau public. Il peut y avoir une liaison par RPV entre une machine et un rseau priv (client serveur) ou entre un rseau local distant et un rseau public (serveur serveur). Les rseaux privs peuvent se connecter par tunnellisation, tandis qu'un RPV utilise gnralement l'internet comme rseau de transport sousjacent, mais crypte les donnes changes entre un client RPV et une passerelle RPV pour s'assurer qu'elles ne pourront pas tre lues si elles sont interceptes. Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
verification declaration
verification declaration
An EC declaration of verification drawn up by a contracting entity or its authorised representative in the State.
The term Virtual Private Network has been used to describe almost any type of remote connectivity system, such as the public telephone network and Frame Relay PVCs. With the introduction of the Internet, VPN has become synonymous with remote IP-based data networking. Simply put, a VPN consists of two or more private networks that communicate securely over a public network. VPN can exist between an individual machine and a private network (clientto-server) or a remote LAN and a private network (server-toserver). The private networks are able to connect by tunnelling, A VPN commonly uses the Internet as an underlying transport network, but encrypts the data being sent between a VPN client and VPN gateway to ensure that it cannot be read even if intercepted in transit.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Product requirements and all actions and activities to comply with, to verify and to attest these requirements, which are required by the customer on a contractual base, but are not required by the State or by a State authority. Company, association or other person who is a member of an Electorate. Railway vehicle normally intended for the transport of goods. (Railcars and railcar trailers fitted only for the conveyance of goods are included). Wagon specially built or equiped for the transport of intermodal transport units (ITUs) or other goods road vehicles. The party, who being the owner or having the right to dispose of it, exploits a vehicle economically in a permanent manner as a means of transport and is registered as such in the Rolling Stock Register. A unit load whereas the unit is a wagon. Chargement unitaire dont l'unit est le wagon.
German Definition
Source Document "The Trans-European high speed rail system", Guide for the application of the high speed TSIs of Council Directive 96/48/EC
wagon keeper
wagon load
charge de wagon
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
wagon order
demande de wagons
A subset of the consignment note which shows the relevant information for a RU, needed to carry on the transportation during its responsibility until handover to a next RU. Instruction for the transportation of a wagon consignment.
Sous-ensemble de la lettre de voiture contenant les informations ncessaires une EF pour effectuer le transport sous sa responsabilit jusqu'au transfert l'EF suivante. Instruction pour le transport de la marchandise concerne.
Unit of measure representing any movement of a wagon loaded or empty over a distance of one kilometre. The distance to be considered is that actually run. Shunting and other similar movements are excluded. All wagon journeys are included irrespective of the ownership of the wagon.
A diagram displaying the waiting time as a function of the traffic flow. Ratio between the actual utilization of the storage area and maximum storage capacity (at a given point in time or over a specific period of time). Page 416 of 451
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition Term including the following logistics activities: order management, receipt of goods, inventory management, picking, withdrawal of goods and management of returns. Services in the field of stockkeeping, warehouse management (storage of merchandise in multifunctional logistics centers, setting up of and/or operating a warehouse at company premises), quality management, handling of returns, packaging, picking, make-toorder, assembling and stock management. British term for a train route with a reduced overlap, since a full overlap is not available or not required. a signal without a 'stop' aspect which indicates the aspect of a stop signal at braking distance in advance (otherwise known as a distant, advance or avertissement signal). The document made out by the carrier or on behalf of the carrier evidencing the contract for the transport of cargo.The document made out by the carrier or on behalf of the carrier evidencing the contract for the transport of cargo. Final period in the life time of an item during which the failure rate for this item is considerably higher than that of the preceding period. Failure whose probability of occurence increases with the operating time or the number of operations of the item or its applied stresses. Wear-out is a physical phenomenon which results in a loss or deformation of material. Trains to travel via alternative line in same direction e.g. Up Fast to Up Slow.
German Definition
warehousing logistics
warner route
warning signal
feuille de route
Document rdig par le transporteur ou pour son compte et justifiant de l'existence d'un contrat de transport de la cargaison.
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system EN 13306:2001 - Maintenance Terminology
Network Rail - Rules of the route 2009 Service internet qui permet de relier des documents au moyen de liens hypertextes entre serveurs, de sorte qu'un utilisateur peut passer d'un document donn au document correspondant quel que soit l'endroit o il est stock sur l'internet. Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
World Wide Web. An internet service that links documents by providing hypertext links from server to server so a user can jump from document to related document no matter where it is stored on the Internet.
French Term
German Term
English Definition French Definition The weight to be taken into consideration is the gross-gross weight of goods. This includes the total weight of the goods, all packaging, and tare-weight of the container, swap-body and pallets containing goods as well as road goods vehicles carried by rail. When this tareweight is excluded, the weight is the gross weight. The quantity of goods in tonnes (1 000 kilograms). The weight to be taken into consideration includes, in addition to the weight of the goods transported, the weight of packaging and the tare weight of containers, swap bodies, pallets as well as road vehicles transported by rail in the course of combined transport operations. If the goods are transported using the services of more than one railway undertaking, when possible the weight of goods should not be counted more than once. Quantit de marchandises en tonnes [1 000 kilogrammes (kg)]. Le poids pris en compte comprend, outre le poids des marchandises transportes, le poids des emballages et la tare des conteneurs, caisses mobiles, palettes ou vhicules routiers transports par chemin de fer dans le cadre d'oprations de transport combin. Si les marchandises sont transportes en ayant recours au service de plus d'une entreprise de chemin de fer, le poids des marchandises doit si possible ne pas tre compt plus d'une fois.
German Definition
die in Tonnen ausgedrckte Menge an Gtern (1 000 Kilogramm). Das zu bercksichtigende Gewicht umfasst auer dem Gewicht der befrderten Gter das Gewicht der Verpackung und das Eigengewicht der Container, Wechselbehlter, Paletten und Straenfahrzeuge, die im kombinierten Verkehr mit der Eisenbahn befrdert werden. Wenn an der Befrderung der Gter mehr als ein Eisenbahnunternehmen beteiligt ist, so ist das Gewicht der Gter mglichst nur einmal zu zhlen.
Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistic
This is line-side equipment that calculates the impact upon the railhead of each wheel of a passing train. This equipment is designed to give early warning of latent defects in the wheel surface, tyre or tread and to generate an alarm message where the output reading exceeds the agreed threshold. The equipment transmits a message with the passage of each train to a nominated control centre. At periodic intervals it generates a report that deals with routine messages. When an alarm message is generated staff at the control centre will be responsible for identifying the train involved and notifying the signaller at the centre through which the train will shortly pass. This will enable the train to be stopped at a suitable location for the driver to examine the wheel-set(s) concerned. There are installations at 22 sites located across the network.
German Term
English Definition Wheel slide protection (WSP) is a system designed to make the best use of available adhesion by a controlled reduction and restoration of the brake force to prevent wheelsets from locking and uncontrolled sliding, thereby optimising stopping distance.
French Definition German Definition Le dispositif anti-enrayage est un systme conu pour faire le meilleur usage de l'adhrence via la rduction contrle de l'effort de freinage et sa restauration pour viter tout blocage et tout glissement incontrl des essieux, et ainsi optimiser la distance d'arrt. Le dispositif d'anti-enrayage ne doit pas altrer les caractristiques fonctionnelles des freins.
Source Document Commission Decision 2006/861/EC concerning the TSI relating to the subsystem rolling stock - freight wagons of the trans-European conventional rail system
withdrawal withdrawal
Revocation/cancelation of the statement of conformity. Any measure aimed at preventing a product in the supply chain from being made available on the market.
CMW Glossary Decision No. 768/2008/EC adopted Jointly by the European Parliament and The Council on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC ISO 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles Registration of Rolling Stock - Final report Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of Products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 Austria-Rail Cargo Glossary
revocation, cancellation of the statement of conformity. Date of official scrapping and/or other disposal arrangement. Any measure aimed at preventing a product in the supply chain from being made available on the market.
withdrawal withdrawal
withdrawal of goods
Goods flow which involves the booking of withdrawn, outgoing, consumed goods or goods sent to the customer. Withdrawal of goods results in lower levels of goods on stock. Delivery of goods to consignee (movement). Set of conditions under which work is performed. It includes: (a) construction of any line or siding otherwise than on an existing transport system; and (b) construction, structural alteration, repair (including repointing and repainting) or demolition of any tunnel, bridge or viaduct except where carried on upon a transport system. Each of Monday to Friday (inclusive) excluding common law and statutory public holidays. Page 419 of 451
work environment
ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systemsFundamentals and vocabulary United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
working day
French Term
German Term
working parties
groupes de travail
working timetable
horaire de service
English Definition Each of Monday to Friday (inclusive) excluding common law and statutory public holidays. Parties established by the European Rail Agency for drawing up recommendations. They include adequate representation of those sectors of the industry and of those users which will be affected by measures which might be proposed by the Commission on the basis of the recommendations addressed to it by the Agency. The data defining all planned train and rolling-stock movements which will take place on the relevant infrastructure during the period for which it is in force, established once per calendar year.
French Definition
German Definition
Groupes de travail tablit l'Agence pour no such translation in referred source. llaboration de recommandations. Ils comportent une reprsentation satisfaisante des secteurs de lindustrie et des utilisateurs qui seront affects par les mesures que la Commission pourrait proposer sur la base des recommandations que lui aurait adresses lAgence. Les donnes dfinissant tous les mouvements programms des trains et du matriel roulant, sur l'infrastructure concerne, pendant la priode de validit de cet horaire. die Daten zur Festlegung aller geplanten Zugbewegungen und Bewegungen des rollenden Materials, die auf dem betreffenden Schienennetz whrend der Gltigkeitsdauer des Netzfahrplans durchgefhrt werden.
Regulation (EC) 881/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Railway agency
Directive 2001/14/EC On the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification
The timetable which Network Rail is obliged to draw up. Apart from its usual meaning includes any text transmitted using electronic communications that is received, or accessible by the person to whom it is sent, in legible form. A written order is a safety-critical message issued by the signalman to the driver in order to convey an instruction. Written orders may be transmitted physically on paper, as text or as a verbal message for the driver to write down.
Network Rail - Network Code United Kingdom - The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006
written order
Annex A to Commission Decision 2008/231/EC concerning the TSI relating to the OPERATION subsystem of the trans-European HS rail system adopted referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive 96/48/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2002/734/EC
Any failure of a signalling system (either to infrastructure or to rolling stock), resulting in signalling information less restrictive than that demanded. A failure that results in the protection provided by a signalling system being reduced or removed. A triangle track arrangement consisting of three turnouts or of two turnouts and a high angle crossing. XQL Extended Structured Query Language. Acronyme de Extended Structured Query Langage (langage tendu de requte structure).
wrong-side failure
Engineering Safety Management (The Yellow Book); Volumes 1 and , Fundamentals and Guidance IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
Commission Regulation 2006/62/EC concerning the TSI relating to the telematic application for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system
French Term
German Term
yard engine
yard limits
English Definition An arrangement of tracks, other than main tracks, used for making up trains, storing cars and trains and other purposes. An engine in yard service that may occupy main tracks only within yard limits. North American term for a territory where yard engines may enter main tracks under simplified conditions without authority from the dispatcher. A movement in a yard or within yard limits for switching purposes. Control and stocktaking operation to increase the availability of stocks. If following a movement a storage space is empty, it must be checked and advised upon transport acknowledgment that the storage space is really empty.
French Definition
German Definition
IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control IFEV Glossary of railroad operation and control
Un ou plusieurs vhicules ferroviaires tracts par une ou plusieurs locomotives ou automotrices ou une automotrice circulant seule sous un numro donn ou une dsignation spcifique depuis un point fixe initial jusqu un point fixe terminal; une locomotive haut le pied, cest--dire une locomotive circulant seule, est galement considre comme un train;.
Belgium - Arrt royal fixant certaines rgles relatives aux enqutes sur les accidents et incidents ferroviaires (16 Janvier 2007)
Tout objet, condition, vnement ou circonstance qui pourrait provoquer un accident ou un incident.
Belgium - Arrt royal portant des exigences et procdures de scurit applicables au gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et aux entreprises ferroviaires (16 Janvier 2007) Belgium - Arrt royal portant des exigences et procdures de scurit applicables au gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et aux entreprises ferroviaires (16 Janvier 2007) Belgium - Arrt royal portant des exigences et procdures de scurit applicables au gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et aux entreprises ferroviaires (16 Janvier 2007)
La combinaison de la probabilit ou de la frquence doccurrences dun danger dtermin et de lampleur des effets de son apparition;.
gestion de la scurit
la gestion des activits qui permettent datteindre, dans le domaine de la scurit, des niveaux levs de performance, conformes, au minimum, aux objectifs de scurit communs ou nationaux;.
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition la fonction dencadrement charge de dvelopper et maintenir un systme efficace de gestion de la scurit;.
German Definition
Source Document Belgium - Arrt royal portant des exigences et procdures de scurit applicables au gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et aux entreprises ferroviaires (16 Janvier 2007) Belgium - Arrt royal portant des exigences et procdures de scurit applicables au gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et aux entreprises ferroviaires (16 Janvier 2007) Belgium - Arrt royal portant des exigences et procdures de scurit applicables au gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et aux entreprises ferroviaires (16 Janvier 2007) Belgium - Arrt royal portant des exigences et procdures de scurit applicables au gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et aux entreprises ferroviaires (16 Janvier 2007) Belgium - Arrt royal portant des exigences et procdures de scurit applicables au gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et aux entreprises ferroviaires (16 Janvier 2007) Belgium - Arrt royal portant des exigences et procdures de scurit applicables au gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et aux entreprises ferroviaires (16 Janvier 2007) Belgium - Arrt royal portant des exigences et procdures de scurit applicables au gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et aux entreprises ferroviaires (16 Janvier 2007) Belgium - Arrt royal portant des exigences et procdures de scurit applicables au gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et aux entreprises ferroviaires (16 Janvier 2007)
politique de scurit
lnonc de lapproche retenue par une organisation pour atteindre les objectifs de scurit;.
personnel de scurit
le personnel exercant pour le gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire ou lentreprise ferroviaire une ou plusieurs fonctions de scurit;.
fonction de scurit
le document administratif qui reprend les exigences auxquelles doit satisfaire le personnel de scurit pour tre autoris exercer des fonctions de scurit;.
le document administratif qui reprend les exigences auxquelles doit satisfaire le matriel roulant pour pouvoir circuler en scurit sur le rseau ferroviaire belge;.
la reconnaissance de laptitude professionnelle, mdicale et, le cas chant, psychologique du personnel de scurit.
trafic diffus
Le fait pour un train dacheminer des wagons (matriel destin au transport de marchandises) expdis isolment ou en groupes et de faire lobjet dune ou de plusieurs oprations de triage en cours de route. Page 422 of 451
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition Tout matriel ancien qui ne dispose pas de tous les quipements techniques actuellement ncessaires et qui exige des mesures particulires pour permettre une utilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire en toute scurit. Le fait pour un train dacheminer des wagons (matriel destin au transport de marchandises) remis par un mme expditeur, dans une mme installation ferroviaire, et de constituer un ensemble destin un mme destinataire dans une mme installation ferroviaire. LAgence ferroviaire europenne, institue par le Rglement (CE) n 881/2004 du Parlement europen et du Conseil du 29 avril 2004.
Source Document Belgium - Arrt royal portant des exigences et procdures de scurit applicables au gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et aux entreprises ferroviaires (16 Janvier 2007)
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif lagrment de scurit et au certificat de scurit, la mise en circulation du matriel roulant ainsi quau rapport annuel de scurit (16 Janvier 2007)
autorit de scurit
Lautorit de scurit dsigne par le Roi en application de la loi du 19 dcembre 2006 relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire.
entreprise ferroviaire
Toute entreprise statut priv ou public dont lactivit principale est la fourniture de prestations de transport de marchandises et/ou de voyageurs par chemin de fer, la traction devant tre obligatoirement assure par cette entreprise; ceci englobe galement les entreprises qui fournissent la traction.
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
Lensemble, dcrit lannexe Ire, constitu par les infrastructures ferroviaires, comprenant les lignes et les installations fixes, du rseau belge de transport, construites ou amnages pour tre parcourues grande vitesse, et les matriels roulants concus pour parcourir ces infrastructures. Lensemble, dcrit lannexe Ire, constitu par les infrastructures ferroviaires, comprenant les lignes et les installations fixes, du rseau belge de transport, construites ou amnages pour le transport ferroviaire conventionnel et le transport combin, et les matriels roulants concus pour parcourir ces infrastructures. Page 423 of 451
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition Laptitude du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel permettre la circulation sre et sans rupture de charges des trains en accomplissant les performances requises. Cette aptitude repose sur lensemble des conditions rglementaires, techniques et oprationnelles qui doivent tre remplies pour satisfaire aux exigences essentielles. Le rsultat de la division du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel dfinis lannexe II et pour lesquels des exigences essentielles sont dfinies; ces sous-systmes sont de nature structurelle ou fonctionnelle. Lensemble des conditions vises lannexe III auxquelles doivent satisfaire le systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et le systme ferroviaire conventionnel, les sous-systmes et les constituants dinteroprabilit, y compris les interfaces.
German Definition
Source Document Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
exigences essentielles
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
spcification europenne
Une spcification technique commune, un agrment technique europen ou une norme nationale transposant une norme europenne tels que dfinis larticle 67 de larrt royal du 10 janvier 1996 relatif aux marchs publics de travaux de fournitures et de services dans les secteurs de leau, de lnergie, des transports et des tlcommunications. Les spcifications, dont chaque soussystme fait lobjet en vue de satisfaire aux exigences essentielles en tablissant des relations fonctionnelles rciproques ncessaires entre les sous-systmes du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel et en assurant linteroprabilit de ceux-ci.
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition Tout composant lmentaire, groupe de composants, sous-ensemble ou ensemble complet de matriels incorpors ou destins tre incorpors dans un sous-systme, dfinis lannexe IV et dont dpend directement ou indirectement linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel. La notion de constituant recouvre des objets matriels ou immatriels comme les logiciels.
Source Document Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
organismes notifis
Les organismes chargs dvaluer la conformit ou laptitude lemploi des constituants dinteroprabilit ou dinstruire la procdure de vrification ?CE? des sous-systmes, tant du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse que du systme ferroviaire conventionnel. Les organismes chargs dinstruire la procdure de vrification de la conformit aux normes et spcifications techniques en usage des sous-systmes constitutifs du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel, en labsence de STI ou en cas de drogations celles-ci. Toute condition rglementaire, technique ou oprationnelle, critique au plan de linteroprabilit et qui doitfaire lobjet dune dcision ou dune recommandation avant la mise au point des projets complets de STI selon la procdure vise larticle 21, 2, des Directives 96/48/CE et 2001/16/CE.
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
organismes dsigns
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
paramtre fondamental
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
Les travaux importants de modification dun sous-systme ou dune partie de sous-systme amliorant les performances globales du sous-systme.
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition Registres prsentant, pour chaque soussystme ou partie de sous-systme concern, les caractristiques principales (par exemple, les paramtres fondamentaux) et leur concordance par rapport aux caractristiques prescrites par les STI applicables tant pour le systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse que pour le systme ferroviaire conventionnel; les informations faire figurer dans lesdits registres sont prcises dans chaque STI.
Source Document Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
Le remplacement de composants par des pices de fonction et performances identiques dans le cadre dun entretien prventif ou correcteur;.
Les travaux importants de substitution dun sous-systme ou dune partie de sous-systme ne modifiant pas les performances globales du sous-systme.
Lensemble, constitu par les infrastructures ferroviaires, comprenant les lignes et les installations fixes, du rseau ferroviaire existant, et les matriels roulants existants de toutes catgorie et origine qui parcourent ces infrastructures. Lensemble des oprations par lesquelles un sous-systme est mis en tat de fonctionnement nominal.
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006)
mise en service
entreprise ferroviaire tablie dans un Etat membre de lUnion europenne sige dexploitation
organe de scurit
Tous les constituants du matriel qui ont ou sont susceptibles davoir une incidence directe sur la scurit.
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel (28 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003) Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003) Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition Toute entreprise statut priv ou public dont lactivit principale est la fourniture de prestations de transport de marchandises ou de voyageurs par chemin de fer, la traction devant tre obligatoirement assure par cette entreprise; cette notion recouvre aussi les entreprises qui assurent uniquement la traction. Toute association dau moins deux entreprises ferroviaires tablies dans des Etats membres diffrents de lUnion europenne, en vue de fournir des prestations de transports ferroviaires internationaux entre ces Etats membres.
Source Document Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
regroupement international
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
Toute entreprise ferroviaire titulaire dune licence ou tout regroupement international dentreprises ferroviaires titulaires dune licence demandant bnficier de capacits de linfrastructure. Lensemble des lments viss lannexe 1, partie A, du Rglement (CEE) n 2598/70 de la Commission, du 18 dcembre 1970, relatif la fixation du contenu des diffrentes positions des schmas de comptabilisation de lannexe 1 du Rglement (CEE) n 1108/70 du Conseil du 4 juillet 1970, lexception du dernier tiret qui, aux fins du prsent arrt, se lit comme suit : btiments affects au service des infrastructures .
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
infrastructure ferroviaire
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
L'ensemble de linfrastructure ferroviaire gre par le gestionnaire de linfrastructure. La disponibilit permettant de programmer des sillons sollicits pour un segment de linfrastructure ferroviaire pendant une certaine priode. La capacit de linfrastructure ferroviaire requise pour faire circuler un train donn dun point un autre un moment donn. Laffectation par lOffice ferroviaire de rpartition et de tarification, des capacits de linfrastructure ferroviaire;.
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003) Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003) Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003) Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition La section de linfrastructure ferroviaire pour laquelle les demandes de capacits de linfrastructure ferroviaire ne peuvent tre totalement satisfaites pendant certaines priodes, mme aprs coordination des diffrentes demandes de rservation de capacits.
Source Document Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
Une mesure ou une srie de mesures, assorties dun calendrier de mise en oeuvre et visant rduire les contraintes en matire de capacit qui entranent la dclaration dune section de linfrastructure ferroviaire comme "infrastructure sature". Les donnes dfinissant tous les mouvements programms des trains et du matriel roulant, sur linfrastructure ferroviaire concerne, pendant la priode de validit de cet horaire. La procdure mise en oeuvre par lOffice ferroviaire afin de rechercher une solution en cas de demandes concurrentes pour la rservation de capacits de linfrastructure ferroviaire. Le document qui prcise, de manire dtaille, la description du rseau, les rgles gnrales pour y circuler, les dlais, les procdures et les critres relatifs aux systmes de tarification et de rpartition des capacits de linfrastructure ferroviaire; ce document contient aussi toutes les autres informations ncessaires pour permettre lintroduction de demandes de capacits de linfrastructure ferroviaire telles que prvues au chapitre VIII du prsent arrt. Lautorisation par laquelle une entreprise est reconnue par lautorit comptente dun Etat membre de lUnion europenne comme entreprise ferroviaire pour les fournitures de services de transport ferroviaire qui y sont mentionnes. Le document qui constate le respect par une entreprise ferroviaire des exigences imposes en matire de scurit en vue dassurer un service sans danger sur les trajets concerns. Page 428 of 451
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
horaire de service
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
certificat de scurit
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition Tout accident ferroviaire causant un mort ou bless grave au moins, ou dimportants dommages au matriel, linfrastructure ou lenvironnement. Toute prestation de transport national ou international de voyageurs, de transport national ou international de marchandises ou de transport combin national ou international de marchandises. Service de transports ferroviaires dans le cadre duquel le train franchit au moins une fois la frontire dun Etat membre; le train peut tre assembl et/ou divis, et les diffrentes parties le constituant peuvent avoir des provenances et destinations diffrentes, condition que tous les wagons franchissent au moins une frontire.
German Definition
Source Document Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003) Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
service ferroviaire
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
Convention dfinissant les droits et obligations dun candidat et de lOffice ferroviaire et relative aux capacits de linfrastructure ferroviaire rpartir et la tarification appliquer sur une dure dpassant une seule priode de validit de lhoraire de service.
Belgium - Arrt royal relatif aux conditions dutilisation de linfrastructure ferroviaire (12 Mars 2003)
entreprise ferroviaire
Toute entreprise statut priv ou public et titulaire dune licence conformment la lgislation europenne applicable, dont lactivit est la fourniture de prestations de services de transport de marchandises et/ou de passagers par chemin de fer, la traction devant tre obligatoirement assure par cette entreprise; cette notion recouvre galement les entreprises qui fournissent uniquement la traction.
infrastructure ferroviaire
Lensemble des lments viss lannexe Ire, partie A, du Rglement (CEE) n 2598/70 de la Commission, du 18 dcembre 1970, relatif la fixation du contenu des diffrentes positions des schmas de comptabilisation de lannexe I du Rglement (CEE) n 1108/70 du Conseil du 4 juillet 1970, lexception du dernier tiret qui, aux fins de la prsente loi, se lit comme suit : ?btiments affects au service des infrastructures?.
English Term
German Term
English Definition
certificat de scurit
French Definition German Definition L'ensemble de linfrastructure ferroviaire gre par le gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire;. La capacit de linfrastructure ferroviaire requise pour faire circuler un train donn dun point un autre, un moment donn. Le document qui constate le respect par une entreprise ferroviaire des exigences imposes en matire de scurit en vue dassurer un service sans danger sur les trajets concerns. Les organismes chargs dinstruire la procdure de vrification de la conformit aux normes et spcifications techniques en usage des sous-systmes constitutifs du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel, dans le cas de lapplication des rgles techniques nationales en usage en labsence de STI ou en cas de drogations celles-ci.
Source Document Belgium - Loi relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire (19 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Loi relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire (19 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Loi relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire (19 dcembre 2006)
organismes dsigns
Les niveaux de scurit que doivent au moins atteindre les diffrentes parties du systme ferroviaire (comme le systme ferroviaire conventionnel, le systme ferroviaire grande vitesse, les tunnels ferroviaires de grande longueur ou les lignes uniquement utilises pour le transport de marchandises) et le systme dans son ensemble, exprims sous forme de critres dacceptation des risques.
Les mthodes qui seront labores pour dcrire comment valuer les niveaux de scurit, la ralisation des objectifs de scurit et la conformit dautres exigences en matire de scurit. Lautorit charge des tches relatives la scurit des chemins de fer en vertu de la prsente loi et de ses arrts dexcution. Toutes les rgles qui contiennentdes exigences en matire de scurit ferroviaire, imposes sur le rseau belge et applicables au gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et plus dune entreprise ferroviaire, autorise circuler sur le rseau, quel que soit lorganisme qui les dicte. Page 430 of 451
autorit de scurit
Belgium - Loi relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire (19 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Loi relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire (19 dcembre 2006)
English Term
German Term
English Definition
organisme denqute
French Definition German Definition Lorganisation et les dispositions tablies par le gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire ou une entreprise ferroviaire pour assurer la gestion sre de ses activits. Lorgane charg de mener les enqutes sur les accidents et les incidents conformment la prsente loi et ses arrts dexcution. La personne responsable de lorganisation, de la conduite et du contrle dune enqute. Un vnement indsirable ou non intentionnel et imprvu, ou un enchanement particulier dvnements de cette nature, ayant des consquences prjudiciables; les accidents sont ventils suivant les types ci-aprs : collisions, draillements, accidents aux passages niveau, accidents de personnes causs par le matriel roulant en marche, incendies et autres.
Source Document Belgium - Loi relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire (19 dcembre 2006)
enquteur principal
Belgium - Loi relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire (19 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Loi relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire (19 dcembre 2006)
accident grave
Toute collision de trains ou tout draillement de train faisant au moins un mort ou au moins cinq blesss graves ou causant dimportants dommages au matriel roulant, linfrastructure ou lenvironnement, et tout autre accident similaire ayant des consquences videntes sur la rglementation ou la gestion de la scurit ferroviaire; on entend par ?importants dommages? des dommages qui peuvent tre immdiatement estims par un organisme denqute un total dau moins 2 millions deuros. Tout vnement, autre quun accident ou un accident grave, li lexploitation de trains et affectant la scurit dexploitation. Une procdure visant prvenir les accidents et incidents et consistant collecter et analyser des informations, tirer des conclusions, y compris la dtermination des causes et, le cas chant, formuler des recommandations en matire de scurit. Les actions, omissions, vnements ou conditions, ou une combinaison de ceuxci, qui ont conduit laccident ou Page 431 of 451 lincident.
Belgium - Loi relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire (19 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Loi relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire (19 dcembre 2006)
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition LAgence ferroviaire europenne, cest-dire lagence communautaire pour la scurit ferroviaire et linteroprabilit, institue par le Rglement (CE) n 881/2004 du Parlement europen et du Conseil du 29 avril 2004. Les spcifications dont chaque soussystme ou partie de sous-systme fait lobjet en vue de satisfaire aux exigences essentielles et assurer linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel. Lensemble constitu par les infrastructures ferroviaires, comprenant les lignes et les installations fixes, du rseau de transport grande vitesse et conventionnel, et les matriels roulants conus pour parcourir ces infrastructures. Le rsultat de la division du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel. Ces sous-systmes, pour lesquels des exigences essentielles doivent tre dfinies, sont de nature structurelle ou fonctionnelle. Tout composant lmentaire, groupe de composants, sous-ensemble ou ensemble complet de matriels incorpors ou destins tre incorpors dans un sous-systme et dont dpend directement ou indirectement linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire transeuropen grande vitesse et du systme ferroviaire conventionnel; la notion de constituant recouvre des objets matriels ou immatriels comme les logiciels.
Source Document Belgium - Loi relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire (19 dcembre 2006)
systme ferroviaire
constituant dinteroprabilit
mise en service
Lensemble des oprations par lesquelles un sous-systme est mis en tat de fonctionnement nominal. Lacte par lequel lutilisation dun soussystme est autorise sur le rseau ferroviaire belge.
Belgium - Loi relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire (19 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Loi relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire (19 dcembre 2006)
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition Le personnel compos, dune part, des conducteurs de train et, dautre part, des autres agents prsents sur la locomotive ou le train, qui participent indirectement la conduite et dont les qualifications professionnelles concourent, par consquent, la scurit de la circulation. La personne capable de conduire de faon autonome, responsable et sre des locomotives de manoeuvre, des trains de travaux ou des trains en vue du transport ferroviaire de passagers ou de marchandises. Toute entreprise statut priv ou public et titulaire dune licence conformment la lgislation europenne applicable, dont lactivit est la fourniture de prestations de services de transport de marchandises et/ou de passagers par chemin de fer, la traction devant tre obligatoirement assure par cette entreprise; cette notion recouvre galement les entreprises qui fournissent uniquement la traction.
German Definition
Source Document Belgium - Loi relative la scurit dexploitation ferroviaire (19 dcembre 2006)
conducteur de train
entreprise ferroviaire
regroupement international
Toute association dau moins deux entreprises ferroviaires tablies dans des Etats membres diffrents de lUnion europenne, en vue de fournir des prestations de transports ferroviaires internationaux entre ces Etats membres; tout regroupement international dentreprises ferroviaires titulaires dune licence demandant bnficier de capacits de linfrastructure.
infrastructure ferroviaire
Lensemble des lments viss lannexe Ire, partie A, du Rglement (CEE) n 2598/70 de la Commission, du 18 dcembre 1970, relatif la fixation du contenu des diffrentes positions des schmas de comptabilisation de lannexe 1re du Rglement (CEE) n 1108/70 du Conseil du 4 juillet 1970, lexception du dernier tiret qui, aux fins de la prsente loi, se lit comme suit : ?btiments affects au service des infrastructures?.
Lensemble de linfrastructure ferroviaire gre par le gestionnaire de Page 433 of 451 linfrastructure ferroviaire.
English Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition La disponibilit permettant de programmer des sillons sollicits pour un segment de linfrastructure ferroviaire pendant une certaine priode. La capacit de linfrastructure ferroviaire requise pour faire circuler un train donn dun point un autre un moment donn. Laffectation par le gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire des capacits de linfrastructure ferroviaire. La section de linfrastructure ferroviaire pour laquelle les demandes de capacits de linfrastructure ferroviaire ne peuvent tre totalement satisfaites pendant certaines priodes, mme aprs coordination des diffrentes demandes de rservation de capacits.
Source Document Belgium - Loi relative l'utilisation de l'infrastructure ferroviaire (4 dcembre 2006)
Belgium - Loi relative l'utilisation de l'infrastructure ferroviaire (4 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Loi relative l'utilisation de l'infrastructure ferroviaire (4 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Loi relative l'utilisation de l'infrastructure ferroviaire (4 dcembre 2006)
infrastructure sature
Une mesure ou une srie de mesures, assorties dun calendrier de mise en oeuvre et visant rduire les contraintes en matire de capacit qui entranent la dclaration dune section de linfrastructure ferroviaire comme ?infrastructure sature?. Les donnes dfinissant tous les mouvements programms des trains et du matriel roulant, sur linfrastructure ferroviaire concerne, pendant la priode de validit de cet horaire;. La procdure mise en oeuvre par le gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire afin de rechercher une solution en cas de demandes concurrentes pour la rservation de capacits de linfrastructure ferroviaire. Le document qui prcise, de manire dtaille, la description du rseau, les rgles gnrales pour y circuler, les dlais, les procdures et les critres relatifs aux systmes de tarification et de rpartition des capacits de linfrastructure ferroviaire; ce document contient aussi toutes les autres informations ncessaires pour permettre lintroduction de demandes de capacits de linfrastructure ferroviaire.
horaire de service
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition Lattestation par laquelle une entreprise est reconnue par lautorit comptente dun Etat membre de lUnion europenne comme entreprise ferroviaire pour les fournitures de services de transport ferroviaire qui y sont mentionnes. Le document qui constate le respect par une entreprise ferroviaire des exigences imposes en matire de scurit en vue dassurer un service sans danger sur les trajets concerns. Toute prestation de transport national ou international de voyageurs, de transport national ou international de marchandises ou de transport combin national ou international de marchandises. Service de transports ferroviaires dans le cadre duquel le train franchit au moins une fois la frontire dun Etat membre; le train peut tre assembl et/ou divis, et les diffrentes parties le constituant peuvent avoir des provenances et destinations diffrentes, condition que tous les wagons/voitures franchissent au moins une frontire.
Source Document Belgium - Loi relative l'utilisation de l'infrastructure ferroviaire (4 dcembre 2006)
certificat de scurit
service ferroviaire
La convention dfinissant les droits et obligations dun candidat et du gestionnaire de linfrastructure ferroviaire et relative aux capacits de linfrastructure ferroviaire rpartir et la tarification appliquer sur une dure dpassant une seule priode de validit de lhoraire de service. Lautorit de rgulation conomique du transport ferroviaire;. Lautorit charge des tches relatives la scurit des chemins de fer;.
organe de contrle
autorit de scurit
Belgium - Loi relative l'utilisation de l'infrastructure ferroviaire (4 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Loi relative l'utilisation de l'infrastructure ferroviaire (4 dcembre 2006)
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition Un vnement indsirable ou non intentionnel et imprvu, ou un enchanement particulier dvnements de cette nature, ayant des consquences prjudiciables; les accidents sont ventils suivant les types ci-aprs : collisions, draillements, accidents aux passages niveau, accidents de personnes causs par le matriel roulant en marche, incendies et autres.
Source Document Belgium - Loi relative l'utilisation de l'infrastructure ferroviaire (4 dcembre 2006)
accident grave
Toute collision de trains ou tout draillement de train faisant au moins un mort ou au moins cinq blesss graves ou dimportants dommages au matriel roulant, linfrastructure ou lenvironnement, et tout autre accident similaire ayant des consquences videntes sur la rglementation ou la gestion de la scurit ferroviaire; on entend par ?importants dommages? des dommages qui peuvent tre immdiatement estims par un organisme denqute un total dau moins 2 millions deuros. Tout vnement, autre quun accident ou un accident grave, li lexploitation de trains et affectant la scurit dexploitation. Lensemble constitu par les infrastructures ferroviaires, comprenant les lignes et les installations fixes, du rseau de transport grande vitesse et conventionnel, et les matriels roulants concus pour parcourir ces infrastructures. Lentreprise ferroviaire qui a introduit une demande de capacits de linfrastructure ainsi que les autres parties qui souhaitent formuler des commentaires au sujet de lincidence que lhoraire de service pourrait avoir sur leur aptitude fournir des services ferroviaires durant la priode de validit de lhoraire de service. Toute personne titulaire dune licence dentreprise ferroviaire assurant la traction ferroviaire pour la fourniture de services de transport de marchandises ou de voyageurs. Page 436 of 451
Belgium - Loi relative l'utilisation de l'infrastructure ferroviaire (4 dcembre 2006) Belgium - Loi relative l'utilisation de l'infrastructure ferroviaire (4 dcembre 2006)
systme ferroviaire
partie intresse
entreprise ferroviaire
France - Dcret n2006-1279 du 19 octobre 2006 relatif la scurit des circulations ferroviaires et linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire.
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition La partie du systme ferroviaire constitue par les infrastructures, comprenant les lignes et les installations fixes du rseau transeuropen de transport construites ou amnages pour le transport ferroviaire conventionnel et le transport ferroviaire combin, et les matriels roulants conus pour circuler sur ce rseau. Laptitude dun systme ferroviaire permettre la circulation sre et sans rupture de trains sur les lignes quil comporte en accomplissant les performances requises pour ces lignes ; cette aptitude repose sur lensemble des conditions rglementaires, techniques et oprationnelles qui doivent tre remplies pour satisfaire aux exigences essentielles. Les subdivisions de nature structurelle ou fonctionnelle dun systme ferroviaire.
Source Document France - Dcret n2006-1279 du 19 octobre 2006 relatif la scurit des circulations ferroviaires et linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire.
France - Dcret n2006-1279 du 19 octobre 2006 relatif la scurit des circulations ferroviaires et linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire.
France - Dcret n2006-1279 du 19 octobre 2006 relatif la scurit des circulations ferroviaires et linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire. France - Dcret n2006-1279 du 19 octobre 2006 relatif la scurit des circulations ferroviaires et linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire.
constituants dinteroprabilit
Les composants lmentaires, groupes de composants, sous-ensembles ou ensembles complets de matriels incorpors ou destins tre incorpors dans un sous-systme, dtermins par les spcifications techniques dinteroprabilit. Les conditions, dfinies en annexe (non reproduite, consulter le fac-simil) au prsent dcret, que doivent satisfaire, selon le systme ferroviaire auquel ils appartiennent, les sous-systmes, les constituants dinteroprabilit et leurs interfaces. Les spcifications techniques communes, les agrments techniques europens ou les normes nationales transposant une norme europenne.
exigences essentielles
France - Dcret n2006-1279 du 19 octobre 2006 relatif la scurit des circulations ferroviaires et linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire.
spcifications europennes
France - Dcret n2006-1279 du 19 octobre 2006 relatif la scurit des circulations ferroviaires et linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire. France - Dcret n2006-1279 du 19 octobre 2006 relatif la scurit des circulations ferroviaires et linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire.
Les spcifications que chaque soussystme ou, le cas chant, partie de sous-systme, et ses constituants doivent respecter pour satisfaire aux exigences essentielles; les spcifications techniques dinteroprabilit, fixes au niveau communautaire, sont publies au Journal officiel de lUnion europenne. Page 437 of 451
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition Les organismes dsigns par les Etats membres pour mettre en oeuvre la procdure dvaluation de la conformit ou de laptitude lemploi des constituants dinteroprabilit et la procdure de vrification "CE" des soussystmes. Les travaux importants de modification dun sous-systme ou dune partie de sous-systme.
Source Document France - Dcret n2006-1279 du 19 octobre 2006 relatif la scurit des circulations ferroviaires et linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire.
France - Dcret n2006-1279 du 19 octobre 2006 relatif la scurit des circulations ferroviaires et linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire. France - Dcret n2006-1279 du 19 octobre 2006 relatif la scurit des circulations ferroviaires et linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire. France - Dcret n2006-1279 du 19 octobre 2006 relatif la scurit des circulations ferroviaires et linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire. France - Dcret n2006-1279 du 19 octobre 2006 relatif la scurit des circulations ferroviaires et linteroprabilit du systme ferroviaire.
Les travaux importants de substitution dun sous-systme ou dune partie de sous-systme un sous-systme ou partie de sous-systme existants.
Le remplacement de composants par des pices ayant une fonction et offrant des performances identiques dans le cadre dun entretien prventif ou correcteur. Un systme ou sous-systme qui na pas dj fait lobjet dune autorisation de mise en exploitation commerciale sur lun des rseaux ferroviaires mentionns larticle 1er ; Modification substantielle dun systme ou sous-systme existant : toute modification ncessitant la reprise de la dmonstration de scurit expose dans le dossier de scurit prvu larticle 51 ou, en labsence dun tel dossier, toute modification conduisant un changement notable des fonctions de scurit du systme ou sous-systme ou ncessitant lemploi de technologies nouvelles.
Etablissement public de lEtat qui veille au respect des rgles relatives la scurit et linteroprabilit des transports ferroviaires sur le rseau ferr national et sur les autres rseaux ferroviaires prsentant des caractristiques dexploitation comparables dont la liste est fixe par dcret. Il est notamment charg de dlivrer les autorisations requises pour lexercice des activits ferroviaires et den assurer le suivi et le contrle. Page 438 of 451
France - Loi n2006-10 du 5 janvier 2006 relative la scurit et au dveloppement des transports
English Term
French Term
English Definition
French Definition
German Definition die in Anhang II Nr. 1 der Richtlinie 2001/16/EG aufgefhrten Teilsysteme, unterschieden in strukturelle und funktionelle Bereich.
Source Document Germany - Verordnung ber die Interoperabilitt des konventionellen transeuropischen Eisenbahnsystems (Konventioneller-VerkehrEisenbahnInteroperabilittsverordnung KonVEIV) Spezifikationen im Sinne des Kapitels II Germany - Verordnung ber die der Richtlinie 2001/16/EG, die fr jedes Interoperabilitt des Teilsystem oder Teile davon im Hinblick konventionellen auf die Erfllung der grundlegenden transeuropischen Anforderungen der Richtlinie Eisenbahnsystems 2001/16/EG gelten und die die (Konventioneller-VerkehrInteroperabilitt des konventionellen Eisenbahntranseuropischen Eisenbahnsystems Interoperabilittsverordnung gewhrleisten, und nach Artikel 6 Abs. 1 KonVEIV) Satz 3 der Richtlinie 2001/16/EG im Amtsblatt der Europischen Union verffentlicht sind. Bauteile, Bauteilgruppen, Unterbaugruppen oder komplette Materialbaugruppen sowie Computerprogramme und andere immaterielle Produkte, die in einem Teilsystem verwendet sind oder verwendet werden sollen, soweitdiese in den technischen Spezifikationen fr die Interoperabilitt als solche festgelegt sind. nderungsarbeiten an einem Teilsystem oder einem Teil davon, mit denen die Gesamtleistungdes Teilsystems verndert wird. Germany - Verordnung ber die Interoperabilitt des konventionellen transeuropischen Eisenbahnsystems (Konventioneller-VerkehrEisenbahnInteroperabilittsverordnung KonVEIV)
Interoperabilittskompone nten
Benannte Stellen
Germany - Verordnung ber die Interoperabilitt des konventionellen transeuropischen Eisenbahnsystems (Konventioneller-VerkehrEisenbahnInteroperabilittsverordnung KonVEIV) Stellen im Sinne des Kapitels VI der Germany - Verordnung ber die Richtlinie 2001/16/EG, die damit betraut Interoperabilitt des sind, die Konformitt oder die konventionellen Gebrauchstauglichkeit der transeuropischen Interoperabilittskomponenten zu Eisenbahnsystems bewerten oder das EG Prfverfahren fr (Konventioneller-VerkehrTeilsysteme durchzufhr. EisenbahnInteroperabilittsverordnung KonVEIV)
English Term
French Term
English Definition
French Definition
German Definition Fahrten aus betrieblichen Grnden ohne Befrderung von Fahrgsten oder Gtern.
denjenigen Anteil der Schienenwegkapazitt eines Betreibers der Schienenwege, der erforderlich ist, damit ein Zug zu einer bestimmten Zeit zwischen zwei Orten verkehren kan. die Mglichkeit, fr einen Teil des Schienenweges fr einen bestimmten Zeitraum Zugtrassen einzuplanen. die Zuweisung von Zugtrassen durch einen Betreiber der Schienenwege.
Source Document Germany - Verordnung ber die Interoperabilitt des konventionellen transeuropischen Eisenbahnsystems (Konventioneller-VerkehrEisenbahnInteroperabilittsverordnung KonVEIV) Germany - Verordnung ber die Interoperabilitt des konventionellen transeuropischen Eisenbahnsystems (Konventioneller-VerkehrEisenbahnInteroperabilittsverordnung KonVEIV) Germany - Verordnung zum Erlass und zur nderung eisenbahnrechtlicher Vorschriften
Germany - Verordnung zum Erlass und zur nderung eisenbahnrechtlicher Vorschriften Germany - Verordnung zum Erlass und zur nderung eisenbahnrechtlicher Vorschriften Germany - Verordnung zum Erlass und zur nderung eisenbahnrechtlicher Vorschriften
das Verfahren, in dessen Rahmen der Betreiber der Schienenwege und die Zugangsberechtigten versuchen, Lsungen fr nicht miteinander zu vereinbarende Antrge auf Zuweisung von Zugtrassen zu finde. einen Schienenwegabschnitt,auf dem der Nachfrage nach Zugtrassen auch nach Koordinierung der verschiedenen Antrge auf Zuweisung von Zugtrassen whrend bestimmter Zeitabschnitte nicht in angemessenem Umfang entsprochen werden kan.
berlastete Schienenwege
eine mit einem Durchfhrungszeitplan Germany - Verordnung zum Erlass verbundene Manahme oder Reihe von und zur nderung Manahmen zur Behebung von eisenbahnrechtlicher Vorschriften Kapazittsengpssen, die zur Einstufung eines Schienenwegabschnitts als "berlastet" fhren.
oder "Schienennetz" die Gesamtheit der Germany - Verordnung zum Erlass Schienenwege eines Betreibers der und zur nderung Schienenweg. eisenbahnrechtlicher Vorschriften Page 440 of 451
English Term
French Term
English Definition
French Definition
German Definition die Daten zur Festlegung aller geplanten Zugbewegungen und Bewegungen der Fahrzeuge, die auf dem betreffenden Schienennetz whrend der Gltigkeitsdauer des Netzfahrplans durchgefhrt werden. eine Vereinbarung ber die Rechte und Pflichten eines Antragstellers und des Betreibers der Schienenwege in Bezug auf die zuzuweisenden Zugtrassen und die zu erhebenden Entgelte ber einen lngeren Zeitraum als eine Netzfahrplanperiod.
Source Document Germany - Verordnung zum Erlass und zur nderung eisenbahnrechtlicher Vorschriften
entreprise ferroviaire
sige d'opration
Toute entreprise statut priv ou public dont l'activit principale est la fourniture de prestations de transport de marchandises et/ou de voyageurs par chemin de fer, la traction devant obligatoirement tre assure par cette entreprise. Une autorisation accorde une entreprise laquelle est reconnue la qualit d'entreprise ferroviaire pour l'exploitation de l'ensemble ou de certains types de services de transport par chemin de fer. Le lieu de l'implantation matrielle de l'entreprise ferroviaire partir duquel elle organise et gre ses activits de faon effective et permanente. La personne physique qui, seule ou de concert avec un ou plusieurs autres dirigeants, assume une responsabilit effective et permanente dans la direction d'une entreprise ferroviaire.
Luxembourg - Loi du 11 juin 1999 relative l'accs l'infrastructure ferroviaire et son utilisation
Luxembourg - Loi du 11 juin 1999 relative l'accs l'infrastructure ferroviaire et son utilisation
Luxembourg - Loi du 11 juin 1999 relative l'accs l'infrastructure ferroviaire et son utilisation
Luxembourg - Loi du 11 juin 1999 relative l'accs l'infrastructure ferroviaire et son utilisation
regroupement international
Toute association d'au moins deux entreprises ferroviaires tablies dans des Etats membres diffrents de l'Union Europenne en vue de fournir des prestations de transports internationaux entre Etats membres. La capacit d'infrastructure ferroviaire requise pour faire circuler un train donn d'un point un autre un moment donn. L'affectation des sillons par l'organisme dsign cet effet.
Luxembourg - Loi du 11 juin 1999 relative l'accs l'infrastructure ferroviaire et son utilisation
Luxembourg - Loi du 11 juin 1999 relative l'accs l'infrastructure ferroviaire et son utilisation Luxembourg - Loi du 11 juin 1999 relative l'accs l'infrastructure ferroviaire et son utilisation
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition Le systme d'organisation de l'ensemble des sillons allous sur le rseau ferroviaire national et des intervalles de temps rservs pour l'excution des oprations de maintenance sur chaque section du rseau. Toute entreprise ferroviaire, tout gestionnaire de linfrastructure ainsi que toute personne physique ou morale ainsi que toute entit autoriss utiliser le rseau ferr luxembourgeois en vertu de la loi modifie du 11 juin 1999 relative laccs linfrastructure ferroviaire et son utilisation. En abrg DRR, le document prvu par larticle 3 de la directive 2001/14/CE prcite, et prcisant, de manire dtaille, les rgles gnrales, les dlais, les procdures et les critres relatifs aux systmes de tarification et de rpartition des capacits et contenant toutes les autres informations ncessaires pour permettre lintroduction de demandes de capacits de linfrastructure.
Source Document Luxembourg - Loi du 11 juin 1999 relative l'accs l'infrastructure ferroviaire et son utilisation
Un accord gnral juridiquement contraignant conclu sur la base du droit public ou priv et dfinissant les droits et obligations dun candidat et de la cellule accs rseau en ce qui concerne les capacits de linfrastructure rpartir et la tarification appliquer sur une dure dpassant une seule priode de validit de lhoraire de service. La procdure mise en oeuvre par la cellule accs rseau et les candidats afin de rechercher une solution en cas de demandes concurrentes pour la rservation de capacits dinfrastructure. Les donnes dfinissant tous les mouvements programms des trains et du matriel roulant, sur linfrastructure concerne, pendant la priode de validit de cet horaire. La capacit dinfrastructure requise pour faire circuler un train donn dun point un autre un moment donn.
horaire de service
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition Tout sillon allou dans le cadre de la procdure annuelle dtablissement de lhoraire de service ou dans le cadre de la procdure de mise jour mensuelle, telles que dfinies au DRR.
German Definition
sillon prtabli
Tout sillon cr doffice par la cellule accs rseau, lors de la procdure annuelle dtablissement de lhoraire de service et propos dans le catalogue des capacits disponibles. Tout sillon tabli sur mesure ou partir dun sillon prtabli la demande dun candidat et qui ne rpond pas aux critres du sillon rgulier. La section de l'infrastructure pour laquelle les demandes de capacits d'infrastructure ne peuvent tre totalement satisfaites pendant certaines priodes, mme aprs coordination des diffrentes demandes de rservation de capacits. Les donnes dfinissant tous les mouvements programms des trains et du matriel roulant, sur l'infrastructure concerne, pendant la priode de validit de cet horaire. En abrg "DRR": document prvu par l'article 3 de la Directive 2001/14/CE du Parlement Europen et du Conseil du 26 fvrier 2001 concernant la rpartition des capacits d'infrastructure ferroviaire, la tarification de l'infrastructure ferroviaire et la certification en matire de scurit, et prcisant, de manire dtaille, les rgles gnrales, les dlais, les procdures et les critres relatifs aux systmes de tarification et de rpartition des capacits et contenant toutes les autres informations ncessaires pour permettre l'introduction de demandes de capacits de l'infrastructure.
sillon extraordinaire
infrastructure sature
Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise
horaire de service
Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise
La capacit d'infrastructure requise pour faire circuler un train donn d'un point un autre un moment donn.
Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition Tout sillon allou dans le cadre de la procdure annuelle d'tablissement de l'horaire dfinie dans le DRR ainsi que tout sillon allou en dehors du cadre de la procdure annuelle d'tablissement de l'horaire rpondant aux critres de rgularit de circulation et de priode de circulation dfinis dans le DRR.
German Definition
Source Document Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise
sillon facultatif
Tout sillon prtabli par le gestionnaire, de capacit dont l'attribution ne rpond pas aux critres du sillon rgulier.
Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise
sillon extraordinaire
Tout sillon tabli sur mesure la demande d'une entreprise ferroviaire et qui ne rpond pas aux critres du sillon rgulier.
train de fret
Tout train, mme vide, comportant des vhicules destins au transport de marchandises, sauf les cas mentionns sous i).
train voyageurs
Tout train, mme vide, ne comportant outre les locomotives que des vhicules destins au transport de personnes, ventuellement accompagns de fourgons, de wagons de transport de vhicules automobiles ou d'autres wagons destins ce type de trafic;.
nombre de caisses
Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise
Parcourue par le train entre la gare de dpart ou le point d'entre au rseau et la gare d'arrive ou le point de sortie du rseau.
English Term
German Term
English Definition
German Definition
Source Document Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 31 mars 2003 dfinissant les modalits dapplication des redevances de linfrastructure ferroviaire luxembourgeoise Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 6 juin 2003 portant des spcifications complmentaires concernant les enqutes techniques relatives aux accidents et aux incidents graves survenus dans le domaine du transport ferroviaire Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 6 juin 2003 portant des spcifications complmentaires concernant les enqutes techniques relatives aux accidents et aux incidents graves survenus dans le domaine du transport ferroviaire
marche de base
Temps minimal techniquement possible pour les caractristiques de linfrastructure et du matriel roulant que met un train pour parcourir un itinraire donn;. Temps rellement pris par un train pour parcourir un itinraire donn.
marche du train
marche type
Temps minimal techniquement possible pour les caractristiques de linfrastructure et du matriel roulant que met un train pour parcourir un itinraire donn;. La personne charge par lentit denqute en raison de ses qualifications, de lorganisation, de la conduite et du contrle dune enqute ; (transposition en droit luxembourgeois du terme enqueteur principal de la directive 2004/49/CE). Tout vnement extraordinaire qui a ou peut avoir une influence sur le droulement du service de l'exploitation technique ferroviaire et qui entrane des blessures graves ou la mort de personnes; (transposition en droit luxembourgeois du terme accident de la directive 2004/49/CE).
enquteur dsign
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition Un des vnements suivants: 1. Draillement 2. Collision frontale, prise en charpe ou avec des vhicules routiers 3. Drive (Problmes de freinage) 4. Talonnage d'une aiguille 5. Entre inopine dans une section d'espacement occupe 6. Entre inopine sur une voie de gare occupe 7. Dpassement inopin d'un signal fixe principal l'arrt 8. Train dvoy 9. Dcrochage inopin de wagons sur une voie ouverte ou sur une voie de gare 10. Dnouement ou perte de chargement 11. Explosion ou embrasement de locomotives, de wagons ou de chargements 12. Drangements et avaries aux installations fixes en relation avec la circulation des trains.
Source Document Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 6 juin 2003 portant des spcifications complmentaires concernant les enqutes techniques relatives aux accidents et aux incidents graves survenus dans le domaine du transport ferroviaire
Tout vnement extraordinaire qui a ou peut avoir une influence sur le droulement du service de l'exploitation technique ferroviaire et qui n'entrane ni des blessures graves ni la mort de personnes; (transposition en droit luxembourgeois du terme incident de la directive 2004/49/CE).
Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 6 juin 2003 portant des spcifications complmentaires concernant les enqutes techniques relatives aux accidents et aux incidents graves survenus dans le domaine du transport ferroviaire
Les activits menes en vue de prvenir les accidents et les incidents, qui comprennent la collecte et l'analyse de renseignements, l'expos des conclusions, la dtermination des causes et, s'il y a lieu, l'tablissement de recommandations de scurit; (transposition en droit luxembourgeois du terme enqute de la directive 2004/49/CE).
Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 6 juin 2003 portant des spcifications complmentaires concernant les enqutes techniques relatives aux accidents et aux incidents graves survenus dans le domaine du transport ferroviaire
Les actes, omissions, vnements ou conditions, ou toute combinaison de ces lments qui conduisent l'accident ou l'incident; (transposition en droit luxembourgeois du terme causes de la directive 2004/49/CE).
Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 6 juin 2003 portant des spcifications complmentaires concernant les enqutes techniques relatives aux accidents et aux incidents graves survenus dans le domaine du transport ferroviaire
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition Un incident dont les circonstances indiquent quun accident a failli se produire, par exemple, suite : - une avarie la voie qui parat devoir entraner l'interdiction d'utilisation d'une voie de pleine ligne ou d'une voie principale de gare pour plus de 48 heures; - une perturbation dans le service de l'exploitation technique ncessitant un dtournement de trains de voyageurs, un transbordement de voyageurs, une interruption de circulation sur une ligne ou une interception d'une voie principale de gare de plus de 48 heures; - un dgt ou un prjudice au rseau d'une certaine importance.
Source Document Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 6 juin 2003 portant des spcifications complmentaires concernant les enqutes techniques relatives aux accidents et aux incidents graves survenus dans le domaine du transport ferroviaire
blessure grave
blessure mortelle
Toute blessure que subit une personne au cours d'un accident et qui: 1. soit ncessite l'hospitalisation pendant plus de quarante-huit heures, cette hospitalisation commenant dans les sept jours qui suivent la date laquelle les blessures ont t subies; 2. soit se traduit par la fracture d'un os (exception faite des fractures simples des doigts, des orteils ou du nez); 3. soit se traduit par des dchirures qui sont la cause de graves hmorragies ou 4. soit de lsions d'un nerf, d'un muscle ou d'un tendon, ou 5. soit se traduit par la lsion d'un organe interne, ou 6. soit se traduit par des brlures du deuxime ou du troisime degr ou par des brlures affectant plus de 5% de la surface du corps, ou 7. soit rsulte de l'exposition vrifie des matires infectieuses ou un rayonnement pernicieux. Ne sont pas prises en compte les lsions corporelles dues des causes naturelles, des blessures infliges la personne par elle-mme ou par d'autres ou desblessure blessures subies par une Toute que subit une personne au cours d'un accident et qui entrane sa mort dans les trente jours qui suivent la date de cet accident.
Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 6 juin 2003 portant des spcifications complmentaires concernant les enqutes techniques relatives aux accidents et aux incidents graves survenus dans le domaine du transport ferroviaire
Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 6 juin 2003 portant des spcifications complmentaires concernant les enqutes techniques relatives aux accidents et aux incidents graves survenus dans le domaine du transport ferroviaire
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition Toute entreprise statut priv ou public dont l'activit principale est la fourniture de prestations de transports de marchandises et/ou de voyageurs par chemin de fer, la traction devant obligatoirement tre assure par cette entreprise.
Source Document Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 6 juin 2003 portant des spcifications complmentaires concernant les enqutes techniques relatives aux accidents et aux incidents graves survenus dans le domaine du transport ferroviaire Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 6 juin 2003 portant des spcifications complmentaires concernant les enqutes techniques relatives aux accidents et aux incidents graves survenus dans le domaine du transport ferroviaire Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 6 juin 2003 portant des spcifications complmentaires concernant les enqutes techniques relatives aux accidents et aux incidents graves survenus dans le domaine du transport ferroviaire Luxembourg - Rglement grandducal du 6 juin 2003 portant des spcifications complmentaires concernant les enqutes techniques relatives aux accidents et aux incidents graves survenus dans le domaine du transport ferroviaire RFL - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2008
gestionnaire de l'infrastructure
Lorganisme auquel est confie la gestion du rseau ferroviaire national par le membre du Gouvernement ayant les chemins de fer dans ses attributions.
enregistreur de bord
Tout type d'enregistreur install bord d'un engin moteur en vue de faciliter les enqutes sur les accidents et incidents.
recommandation de scurit
Toute proposition formule par l'entit denqute sur les accidents de l'Etat qui a men l'enqute technique, sur la base de renseignements rsultant de cette enqute, en vue de prvenir les accidents et les incidents.
Un accord gnral juridiquement contraignant conclu sur la base du droit public ou priv et dfinissant les droits et obligations dun candidat et du gestionnaire de linfrastructure, de lorganisme de rpartition ou de lorganisme de tarification en ce qui concerne les capacits de linfrastructure rpartir et la tarification appliquer sur une dure dpassant une seule priode de validit de lhoraire de service. Toute entreprise ferroviaire, tout gestionnaire de linfrastructure ainsi que toute personne physique ou morale ainsi que toute entit autoriss utiliser le rseau ferr luxembourgeois en vertu de la loi modifie du 11 juin 1999 relative laccs linfrastructure ferroviaire et son utilisation. Page 448 of 451
English Term
German Term
English Definition
entreprise ferroviaire
French Definition German Definition La possibilit de programmer des sillons sollicits pour un segment de l'infrastructure pendant une certaine priode. La procdure mise en oeuvre par lorganisme de rpartition et les candidats afin de rechercher une solution en cas de demandes concurrentes pour la rservation de capacits dinfrastructure. Toute entreprise statut priv ou public, qui a obtenu une licence conformment la lgislation communautaire applicable, dont lactivit principale est la fourniture de prestations de transport de fret et/ou de voyageurs par chemin de fer, la traction devant obligatoirement tre assure par cette entreprise ; ce terme recouvre aussi les entreprises qui assurent uniquement la traction. Tout organisme ou toute entreprise chargs notamment de l'tablissement et de l'entretien de l'infrastructure ferroviaire. Ceci peut galement inclure la gestion des systmes de contrle et de scurit de l'infrastructure. Les fonctions de gestionnaire de l'infrastructure sur tout ou partie d'un rseau peuvent tre attribues plusieurs organismes ou entreprises.
gestionnaire de l'infrastructure
Ensemble de sillons qui ne diffrent que par le jour de circulation. Les donnes dfinissant tous les mouvements programms des trains et du matriel roulant, sur linfrastructure concerne, pendant la priode de validit de cet horaire. La section de linfrastructure pour laquelle les demandes de capacits dinfrastructure ne peuvent tre totalement satisfaites pendant certaines priodes, mme aprs coordination des diffrentes demandes de rservation de capacits. Distance entre le point dorigine et le point de destination du sillon selon litinraire prvu pour la circulation du train. Temps minimal techniquement possible pour les caractristiques de linfrastructure et du matriel roulant que met un train pour parcourir un Page 449 of 451 itinraire donn.
RFL - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2008 RFL - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2008
infrastructure sature
marche de base
English Term
German Term
English Definition
nombre de caisses
rpartition rseau
French Definition German Definition Temps que met un train pour parcourir litinraire correspondant lutilisation dun sillon donn. Nombre dlments que comporte un train de voyageurs, locomotives comprises. Laffectation des capacits de linfrastructure ferroviaire. L'ensemble de l'infrastructure ferroviaire appartenant lEtat et gre par le gestionnaire de l'infrastructure. Rseau de type industriel ne rpondant pas au mme standard de qualit et de scurit dexploitation que le reste du rseau national et par consquent rserv au seul trafic fret desservant en marche de manoeuvre les embranchements particuliers situs sur ce rseau. La capacit dinfrastructure requise pour faire circuler un train donn dun point un autre un moment donn. Tout sillon individuel tabli sur mesure ou partir dun sillon prtabli la demande dun candidat en dehors du processus de programmation. Tout sillon cr par lorganisme de rpartition, sans requte de candidat, lors du processus de programmation et propos dans le catalogue des capacits non utilises et disponibles. Tout sillon dfini dans lhoraire de service, cr soit lors du processus de programmation, soit loccasion des mises jour mensuelles. Tout train, mme vide, comportant des vhicules destins au transport de fret, sauf les cas assimils aux trains de voyageurs. Par dfaut, tout train non assimilable un train de voyageurs, un train de service ou un haut-le-pied de locomotive. Tout train circulant pour les besoins du gestionnaire dinfrastructure. Circule sur sillon rgulier. Circule sur sillon extraordinaire ou prtabli.
Source Document RFL - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2008 RFL - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2008 RFL - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2008 RFL - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2008
rseau tertiaire
sillon extraordinaire
sillon prtabli
sillon rgulier
train de fret
RFL - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2008 RFL - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2008 RFL - Document de Rfrence de Rseau 2008
English Term
German Term
English Definition
French Definition German Definition Tout train, mme vide, ne comportant outre les locomotives que des vhicules destins au transport de personnes, ventuellement accompagns de fourgons, de wagons de transport de vhicules automobiles ou dautres wagons destins ce type de trafic.