Kalabairavastakam Lines
Kalabairavastakam Lines
Kalabairavastakam Lines
vandhitham digambaram, Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje. (1) I salute Kalabhairava, the lord o the !ity o Kasi, "hose lotus like eet is being served by Devendra, "ho is mer!i ul and #ears the moon on his orehead, "ho #ears a snake as his sa!red thread, "ho #ears the di erent dire!tions as his !loth, $nd #ho is #orshipped by sages like Narada. %hanu koti bhas#aram, bhavabdhi tharakam param, Neelakanda meepsidartha dayakam trilo!hanam, Kalakala mambujaksha maksha soola maksharam, Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje. (&) I salute Kalabhairava, the lord o the !ity o Kasi, "ho shines like billions o suns, "ho helps us !ross this miserable o!ean o li e, "ho is supreme and has a blue ne!k, "ho has three eyes and grants us our desires, "ho is the death to the 'od o death(, "ho has lotus lo#er like eyes, "ho has the unde eatable trident, $nd #ho does not have de!ay. )oola tanga pasa danda pani madhi karanam, )yama kaya madhi devamaksharam niramayam, %heema vikramam prabhum vi!hithra thandava priyam, Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje. (*) I salute Kalabhairava, the lord o the !ity o Kasi, "ho has a spear, a !hord and a sti!k as #eapons, "ho is bla!k in !olour and the primeval !ause, "ho is deathless and the irst 'od, "ho is ree rom de!ay and ill health, "ho is the +ord #ho is a great hero, $nd #ho likes the spe!ial vigorous thandava( %hukthi mukthi dayakam prasashtha !haru vigraham, %haktha vatsalam shivam( , samastha loka vigraham, Vinik#anan manogna hema kinkini lasath kateem,
Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje. (,) I salute Kalabhairava, the lord o the !ity o Kasi, "ho ul ills desires and also grants salvation, "ho is #ell kno#n or his pretty mien, "ho is a orm o )hiva, #ho loves his devotees, "ho is the 'od o the entire #orld, "ho assumes various orms, $nd #ho has a golden #aist thread, -n #hi!h jingling bells are tied. Dharma sethu palakam, th#a dharma marga nasakam, Karma pasa mo!hakam , susharma dayakam vibhum, )#arna varna sesha pasa shobithanga mandalam, Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje. (.) I salute Kalabhairava, the lord o the !ity o Kasi, "ho maintains the bridge o dharma in li e, "ho destroys paths #hi!h are not right, "ho saves us rom the ties o Karma, "ho is the lord #ho makes us ashamed, "hen trying to do #rong things, "ho has a shining body be!ause o golden rope, "ith bells tied in various pla!es. /athna padukha prabhabhirama padayugmakam, Nithyamad#idheeyamishta daivatham niranjanam, 0rutyu darpa nasanam karaladamshtra mokshanam, Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje. (1) I salute Kalabhairava, the lord o the !ity o Kasi, "ho has eet adorned by the shine o gem studded sandals, "ho is eternal and does not have any one se!ond to him, "ho is our avorite 'od #ho besto#s everything, "ho takes a#ay the ear o death rom humans, $nd #ho grants them salvation by his terrible teeth. $ttahasa binna padma janda kosa santhatheem, Drushti pada nashta papa jala mugra sasanam, $shtasidhi dayakam kapala malikadaram, Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje. (2) I salute Kalabhairava, the lord o the !ity o Kasi, "hose loud roar is enough to destroy all those !reated by
%rahma, "hose sight is su i!ient to destroy all sins, "ho is !ra ty and stri!t ruler, "ho !an grant the eight o!!ult po#ers, $nd #ho #ears the garland o skulls. %hootha sanga nayakam, vishala keerthi dayakam, Kasi vasa loka punya papa shodhakam vibum, Neethi marga kovidham purathanam jagatpathim, Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje. (3) I salute Kalabhairava, the lord o the !ity o Kasi, "ho is the !hie o the so!iety o %hoothas, "ho grants broad based ame, "ho is the lord #ho judges good and bad deeds, - those #ho live in Varanasi, "ho is an e4pert in the #ay o righteousness, $nd #ho is eternally old and lord o the universe. Kalabhairavashtakam patanthi yea manoharam, 5nana mukthi sadhanam , vi!hithra punya vardhanam, )oka moha dainya lopa kopa thapa nasanam, 6hea prayanthi Kalabhairavangri saniidhim druvam. (7) 6hose #ho read this enti!ing o!tet on Kalabhairava, "hi!h is the sour!e o eternal kno#ledge, "hi!h in!reases the e e!t o righteous deeds, $nd #hi!h destroys grie , passion, poverty, #ant and anger, "ould surely rea!h the holy presen!e o Kalabhairava.
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