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# Name Meaning

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# 1 2 3 4 5 " $ ' 1* 11 12 13 14 15 1 1" 1$ 1' 2* 21 22 23 24 25 2 2" 2$ 2' 3* 31 32 33 34 35 3 3"

Name Meaning Aaban Name of the Angel Aabid Worshiper Aadil Just, Upright Aahil Prince Aalam World Aalee !ublime, high Aalim #eligious !cholar Aamil %oer, Wor& man Aamir (i)ilised Aa+ib ,ollo-er Aa+il .ntelligent Aarif /no-ing, a-are Aari0 #espectable man Aar1an 2f Utmost strength Aashif 3old, courageous Aashir 4i)ing Aasif An able minister Aasim Person -ho &eeps a-a1 from sins Aatif /ind Affectionate Aaus Name of a tree Aa1an 5od6s gift Aa0im %etermined Abaan 2ld Arabic name Abbas 5loom1 loo& Abd Al7Ala !la)e of the 8igh Abdul Aalee !er)ant of the 9ost 8igh Abdul Adl !la)e of the :ust Abdul Afu- !la)e of the one -ho pardons Abdul Ahad !la)e of he -ho is one ;Allah< Abdul !er)ant of the 2mniscient Aleem Abdul Alim !la)e of the All &no-ing Abdul !la)e of the ,irst 2ne A--al Abdul =he ser)ant of the most po-erful A0ee0 Abdul A0im !la)e of the great Abdul A0i0 !er)ant of the po-erful one Abdul 3aari !er)ant of the (reator Abdul !er)ant of the >?tender and (reator 3aasit

3$ 3' 4* 41 42 43 44 45 4 4" 4$ 4' 5* 51 52 53 54 55 5 5" 5$ 5' * 1 2 3 4

Abdul !la)e of the originator 3adee Abdul 3aith !la)e of the one -ho raises death Abdul 3a+i !la)e of the >ternal Abdul 3ari !la)e of the creator Abdul !la)e of the All7seeing 3aseer Abdul 3atin !la)e of the unseen Abdul !la)e of the opener, sla)e of the gi)er of )ictor1 ,attah Abdul !er)ant of the ,orgi)er 5hafaar Abdul !er)ant of the ,orgi)er 5hafoor Abdul !la)e of the Protector 8afee0 Abdul 8afi0 !la)e of the 5uardian Abdul !er)ant of the Arbitrator 8a&am Abdul !er)ant of the Wise 8a&eem Abdul !er)ant of the 9ild and Patient 8aleem Abdul !la)e of the Wise 8alim Abdul !er)ant of the Praise-orth1 and the >)er7Praised 8ameed Abdul !la)e of the Praise-orth1 8amid Abdul !la)e of the 9erciful 8annan Abdul 8a+ !er)ant of the =ruth Abdul !er)ant of the #espected and >steemed 8aseeb Abdul 8asib !la)e of the #ec&oner Abdul 8a11 !la)e of the 4i)ing Abdul !er)ant of the 9ight1 Jabaar Abdul Jaleel !er)ant of the 5reat and #e)ered Abdul !la)e of the 3ountiful Ja--ad Abdul /abir !la)e of the 5reat Abdul !er)ant of the Noble and 5enerous /areem

" $ ' "* "1 "2 "3 "4 "5 " "" "$ "' $* $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $ $"

Abdul /arim Abdul /habir Abdul 4ateef Abdul 9aa:id Abdul 9aali& Abdul 9a:eed Abdul 9ani Abdul 9annan Abdul 9ateen Abdul 9ubdee Abdul 9ueed Abdul 9uhaimin Abdul 9uha1min Abdul 9uhsin Abdul 9uh1ee Abdul 9ui0 Abdul 9u:eeb Abdul 9unim Abdul 9unta+im Abdul 9u+eet Abdul 9u+sit Abdul 9usa--ir Abdul 9utaal

!la)e of the 5racious !la)e of the one -ho is a-are !er)ant of the /ind !la)e of the >?cellence !la)e of the 9aster, the 4ord !er)ant of the 5lorious !la)e of one -ho pre)ents !la)e of the 3enefactor !la)e of the ,irm !la)e of the 2riginator !la)e of the #estorer, the #eproducer !er)ant of the !uper)ising, the 5uardian and the Protector !la)e of the Protector !la)e of the 3enefactor !la)e of the one -ho gi)es life and sustains it !er)ant of the 5i)er of 9ight and 5lor1 !er)ant of the #esponder !la)e of the 5enerous !la)e of him -ho punishes -rongdoings and sei0es retribution !la)e of the !ustainer !la)e of the Just !la)e of the ,ashioner !er)ant of the 9ost 8igh

$$ Abdul 9uti !la)e of the 5i)er Abdul $' 8e -as a narrator of 8adith 9u0anni '* Abdul Nafi !la)e of the Propitious Abdul '1 !la)e of the 8elper Naseer '2 Abdul Noor !la)e of the one -ho is 4ight Abdul '3 !er)ant of the (apable @aadir Abdul '4 !la)e of the Po-erful @adeer '5 Abdul @adir !la)e of the Po-erful Abdul ' !er)ant of the !ubduer and the Almight1 @ahaar Abdul '" !la)e of the !elf7!ubsistent @a11um Abdul '$ !er)ant of the 9ost 8ol1 @udoos !er)ant of the 2ne Who #aises ;intellect, esteem<, 2ne -ho '' Abdul #aafi >le)ates 1** Abdul #abb !la)e of the 4ord 1*1 Abdul #afi !la)e of the >?alter Abdul 1*2 !er)ant of the 9ost (ompassionate #aheem Abdul 1*3 !la)e of the (ompassionate #ahim Abdul 1*4 !er)ant of the merciful one #ahman Abdul 1*5 !la)e of the Aigilant #a+ib 1* Abdul #auf !er)ent of the merciful Abdul 1*" !la)e of the Acceptor of repentance, the relenting =a--ab Abdul 1*$ !la)e of the 5o)ernor Waali Abdul 1*' !la)e of the Uni+ue Wahid Abdul 11* !la)e of the ,inder, the Percei)er Wa:id Abdul 111 !la)e of the =rustee Wa&il Abdul 112 !la)e of the Protecting ,riend Wali1 113 Abdul Wasi !la)e of the All >mbracing

Abdul7 !er)ant of the 9ost 8igh Aalee Abdul7 115 !er)ant of the 9ost 5reat Adheem Abdul7 11 !er)ant of the All7/no-ing Aleem Abdul7 11" !er)ant of the >)erlasting 3aa+i 11$ Abdul73aari !er)ant of the >)ol)er Abdul7 11' !er)ant of the >?pander 3aasit 12* Abdul73arr !er)ant of the source of 5oodness Abdul7 121 !er)ant of the 9anifest %hahir Abdul7 122 !er)ant of the forgi)er 5haffar Abdul7 123 !er)ant of the All7,orgi)ing 5hafur Abdul7 124 !er)ant of the !elf7!ufficient 5hani 125 Abdul78adi !er)ant of the 5uide Abdul7 12 !er)ant of the Preser)er 8afeedh Abdul7 12" !er)ant of the Wise 8a&eem Abdul7 12$ !er)ant of the ,orbearing 2ne 8aleem Abdul7 12' !er)ant of the Praise-orth1 8ameed 13* Abdul78a++ !er)ant of the =ruth Abdul7 131 !er)ant of the #ec&oner 8aseeb Abdul7 132 !er)ant of the (ompeller Jabbar Abdul7 133 !er)ant of the !ublime 2ne Jaleel Abdul7 134 !er)ant of the 9ost 5enerous /areem Abdul7 135 !er)ant of the (reator /hali+ Abdul7 13 !er)ant of the !ubtle 2ne 4ateef Abdul7 13" !er)ant of the 9ost 5lorious 9a:eed 114

Abdul7 9a:id Abdul7 13' 9ali& Abdul7 14* 9u6eid Abdul7 141 9u6i00 Abdul7 142 9ughni Abdul7 143 9u:eeb Abdul7 144 9umin Abdul7 145 9u+tadir Abdul7 14 9uta6alee 14" Abdul7Nur Abdul7 14$ @aadir Abdul7 14' @ahhar Abdul7 15* @ai1oum Abdul7 151 @uddus Abdul7 152 #asheed Abdul7 153 #ashid Abdul7 154 Waa:id Abdul7 155 Wadood Abdul7 15 Wahhab Abdul7 15" Warith 15$ Abdullah Abdur 15' #ahman Abdur 1 * #ashid 13$

!er)ant of the Noble !er)ant of the !o)ereign 4ord !er)ant of the #estorer !er)ant of the 8onourer !er)ant of the >nricher !er)ant of the #esponsi)e !er)ant of the 5uardian of ,aith !er)ant of the Po-erful !er)ant of the 9ost >?alted !er)ant of the 4ight !er)ant of the Able !er)ant of the !ubduer !er)ant of the !elf7!ustaining !er)ant of the 8ol1 !er)ant of the rightl1 guided !er)ant of the rightl1 guided !er)ant of the ,inder !er)ant of the 4o)ing !er)ant of the 3est7o-er !er)ant of the !upreme .nheritor !er)ant of Allah !la)e of Allah !la)e of the 5uide

Abdur !la)e of the pro)iderB #a00a+ Abdur7 1 2 !er)ant of the 9ost 9erciful #aheem Abdur7 1 3 !er)ant of the 9ost 5racious #ahman Abdur7 1 4 !er)ant of the Watchful #a+eeb Abdur7 1 5 !er)ant of the 5uide to #ight Path #asheed 1 Abdur7#auf !er)ant of the (ompassionate Abdur7 1 " !er)ant of the Pro)ider #a00a+ 1 $ Abdus Name of the narrator of one of the hadith Abdus 1 ' !la)e of the ,orbearing !abur Abdus 1"* !la)e of the 5i)er of Peace !alaam Abdus 1"1 !la)e of the >ternal, =he .ndependent !amad 1"2 Abdus !ami !la)e of the All 8earing Abdus 1"3 !la)e of the one -ho conceals faults !attar 1"4 Abdus !hafi !la)e of the 8ealer Abdus 1"5 !la)e of the >?tremel1 pure !ubbooh Abdus7 1" !er)ant of the Patient !abour Abdus7 1"" !er)ant of the !ource of Peace !alaam Abdus7 1"$ !er)ant of the >ternal !amad Abdus7 1"' !er)ant of the All78earing !ameei Abdus7 1$* !er)ant of the Witness !haheed Abdus7 1$1 !er)ant of the Appreciati)e !ha&ur Abdush 1$2 !la)e of the Witness !hahid 1$3 Abid Worshipper 1$4 Abisali Warrior in .slam 1$5 Abrad 8ail, 9ail 1$ Abrar Peit1 1 1

1$" Abrash 1$$ Absi 1$' Abt6hi Abul7 1'* 8assan 1'1 Ab1ad 1'2 Ab1an

!potted, !pec&led Probabl1 from A3A!A to fro-nB this -as the name of Abdullah ibn79usa, a scholar and reciter of the @uran, died $2$C$2' 2ne -ho li)es in Abtah, a place near 9a&&ah =he !on 2f Ali

A narrator of hadith -as so named >le+uent !eeds, spice, seedsman, one -ho so-sB the Persian scribe 1'3 Ab0ari and memoriser of tradition, Abu7.sha+ .brahim had this name 1'4 Adam A Prophet6s Name 1'5 Ada-i 5randson of !a11indina Umer 1' Adbul7@a-i !er)ant of the 9ost Po-erful 1'" Adeeb A literar1 Person 1'$ Adeel Just 1'' Adeem #are 2** Adel 8onorable Judge, 2ne -ho Jugdes ,airl1 2*1 Adham 3lac& 2*2 Adheem =he most great 2*3 Adib (ultured 2*4 Adil Just, 8onest A companion of the ProphetB also the name of the son of 2*5 Adi1 8atim =ia1 &no-n for his generosit1B also the son of =habit had this name 2* Adl Justice A tribal ancestor of the @ura1sh, the Prophet ;!DADW< -as from this tribeB there -ere other noted men too later in 2*" Adnan histor1 -ho had this nameB for instance, -ord bin 8a&im, a scholar of 3asrah 2*$ Adu0 Eahir !la)e of the 9anifest 2*' Ad1an A nabee -as named b1 this name 21* Afaa+ =he place -here >arth F !&1 meet 211 Afeef Pure, (haste, Pious 212 Affan ,orgi)ing person 213 Afham 4o)ing 214 Afif (haste, 9odest 215 Afi+ 8onest 5aining success7but the Prophet ;!DADW< has discouraged us from gi)ing such names to our childrenB according to 21 Aflah !a11idina Jab ;#DA<, =he Prophet ;!DADW< intended to forbid such names as Gala, 3ara&ah,

21" Afra0 21$ Afru0 21' Aftaab 22* Aftab 221 Af0al 222 Agharr 223 Ahab 224 Ahad 225 Ahmad 22 Ahmar 22" Ahnaf 22$ Ahsan 22' Ah-as 23* Ah1an 231 Ah0ab 232 Aidan 233 Aidh 234 Ai:a0 235 Aiman 23 Ai0at 23" A:er 23$ A:lah 23' A:mal 24* A&bar 241 A&das 242 A&eem 243 A&has 244 A&hdan 245 A&hfash 24 A&hla+ 24" A&htar 24$ A&if 24' A&mal 25* A&ram 251 Ali 252 Alman 253 Almir

!tanding tall li&e a mountain,abilit1 to -ithstand all that is thrushed upon it !tanding tall li&e a mountain, abilit1 to -ithstand all that is thrushed upon it 3right, prosperous, the sun !un 3est, top most 8ansome, beautiful, distinguished illustrious, noble, 9agnanimousD Name of a companion of the Prophet, bin al7 9u0an !trong =he one 9ost highl1 adored #ed (oloured Name of one of the narrators of hadith =he best of all 8a)ing narro-, contracted or s+uinting e1es 5ift of 5od Name of one of the narrators of 8adith 8elp, intelligent Name of a reciter of the 8ol1 @uran 3lessing ,earless !-eetness #e-ard A narrator of hadith had this name 3eautiful 5reat 9ost hol1 boo& Wise A narrator of hadith 3est ,riend =here ha)e been se)eral men of this nameB there -ere grammarians of this name in the $th C 'th centur1 3eha)ion A !tar, good man Attached, .ntent 4ion 9ore 5enerous Noble, sublime, fourth (aliph of .slam /ind, -illing and -iseman Prince

254 Altamash 255 Amaan 25 Amaar 25" Amam 25$ Ama1r 25' Ameer 2 * Amer 2 1 Amin 2 2 Amir 2 3 Am:ad 2 4 Ammaar 2 5 Ammar 2 Amr 2 " Anas 2 $ Anasah 2 ' Anee+ 2"* Anees 2"1 Ani+ 2"2 Anis 2"3 An:am 2"4 Ansar 2"5 Antarah 2" An-aar 2"" An-ar 2"$ An0ar 2"' A+das 2$* A+eel 2$1 A+eil 2$2 Arbaa0 2$3 Arbab 2$4 Areeb 2$5 Aree0 2$ Arfan 2$" Arham 2$$ Arif 2$' Arish 2'* Armaan 2'1 Arman 2'2 Ar+am 2'3 Arsal

Name of a famous &ing =he most lo)elable 2ne -ho pra1s 5 times and fasts !afet1, Protection (ro-n (ommander, Prince, /halifah #ich ,aithful, trust-orth1, custodian Prosperous 9ore glorious, more illustrious 2ne -ith strong .maanD Also a !ahabi , one of the earl1 muslims, son of Gasir and !uma1a #ad 4ong of age H31 m1 lifeH 4o)e, affection =he freed sla)e of the Prophet had this name Aalueable .ntimate, friendl1 >legant (lose friend, companion !tars =he first people -ho con)erted to the religion of .slam -ere the people of Ansar =his -as the name of the freed sla)e of !ula1m 4ight, glo-, gleam 9ore radiant Angel of paradise 8ol1, pure Wise, .ntelligent /no-ledgable >agle Who loo&s after someone or ta&es care !&illful, Adroit ,riend 5ratefulness 9erciful Ac+uainted, &no-ledgeable A bra)e soldier %esire, hope Arm1 man Pen, !pec&led sna&eB =he one -ho -as sent

2'4 Arsalaan 2'5 Arsh 2' Arshad 2'" Arsha+ 2'$ Arslan 2'' Artah 3** Ar1an 3*1 As6ad 3*2 Asad 3*3 Asar 3*4 Asbagh 3*5 Asbat 3* Aseed 3*" Asfar 3*$ Asgar 3*' Asghar 31* Asha6ath 311 Ashar 312 Asha0 313 Asher 314 Ashfa+ 315 Ashi& 31 Ashim 31" Ashmaan 31$ Ashmath 31' Ashraf 32* Asim 321 Aslam 322 Asrar 323 Ata 324 Atauba+ 325 Ateeb 32 Athar 32" Atha0a0 32$ Athier 32' Atif 33* Ati& 331 Ati+ 332 Atti+ 333 A-ad

4ion %ominion , (ro-n 3etter guided, honest 8andsome, -ell proportioned 4ion A narrator of the hadith 2f utmost strength 8appier 4ion ,ourth Pra1er of the da1 (oloured animal, huge flood, d1er A narrator of hadith A narrator of 8adeeth =he morning6s light %e)oted !horter, !maller, Junior !cattered, !pread about, humble 2ne -ho has -isdom 2ne in a million, name of a sahabi during the time of prophet Wise, &no-ledgable (ompassionate friend 4o)er, 4o)e 5enerous 8ea)en (orrect path, !traight path 8onorable Protector Peace !ecretC!acred relating to .slam 5ift, Present 8andsome, beautiful, helpful, generous and got a lot of lo)e to share Aer1 pious Neat, (lean Un&no-n, 91ster1, 9a0e 4ion hearted United, Joined, =ogether =he blac& cloth of the &aaba Ancient, Noble 2ld #e-ard, (ompensation

334 A-f 335 A-n 33 A-s 33" A1aan 33$ A1aa0 33' A1a0 34* A1ba& 341 A1din 342 A1maan 343 A1man 344 A1ub 345 A11ash 34 A11ub 34" A0aan 34$ A0ad 34' A0eem 35* A0fer 351 A0har 352 A0im 353 A0lan 354 A0mat 355 A0ra+ 35 A0ra+i 35" A00am

5uest, fragrance, lionB =o help, assist =o gi)e 5od6s gift !la)e A sincere sla)e of mehmood the &ing once upon a time .bn7A1ba& -as a leading historian 3rilliant, >nlightened, .ntelligent, 4ight of the moon 4uc&1 #ight 8and A prophet of Allah ;s-t< 3read seller A11ub -as a Prophet of Allah &no-n for his patience in the face of se)erit1 and hardshipD =here ha)e been other noted men b1 this name, for instance .bn =amim -as a reciter of the @uran, Al7!a&hti1ani (all for the pra1er ,reedom 5reat, greater 4eader ,amous 5reatest 4ion #espect, honor 3lue, name of a companion of the Prophet 8e -as an authorit1 on the histor1 and geograph1 of 9a&&ah %etermined, resol)ed

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