P501D808 (Idt8n)
P501D808 (Idt8n)
P501D808 (Idt8n)
September 2004
INDEX 1 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS..................................................................................1 1.1 Operation of the differential thresholds..................................................................3 1.2 Transformer differential protection (ANSI 87T) ......................................................6 1.3 Overcurrent thresholds (ANSI 50 - 51) ..................................................................8 FRONT PANEL KEYS ..................................................................................................9 FRONT PANEL LED SIGNALING ..............................................................................10 PROGRAMMING AND TEST .....................................................................................11 4.1 How to program the protection relay....................................................................11 4.2 How to modify a visualized parameter.................................................................12 4.3 Reset ...................................................................................................................12 4.4 Test of output relays ............................................................................................13 DISPLAY AND PROGRAMMING ...............................................................................14 5.1 Standard display..................................................................................................14 5.2 Visualization structure .........................................................................................15 5.3 Address and time (fig. 1) .....................................................................................20 5.4 Display selection and drop-off delay (fig. 1).........................................................21 5.5 Nominal values of the protected transformer (fig. 2)............................................22 5.6 Thresholds and time delays set-up (fig. 2)...........................................................26 5.6.1 Percentage biased differential thresholds (fig. 2) .........................................26 5.6.2 Second differential thresholds (Id>> - fig. 2).................................................28 5.6.3 Harmonic restrain thresholds (TH2, TH5 - fig. 2)..........................................29 5.6.4 Overcurrent threshold - stabilizing current (Ip> - fig. 2) ................................29 5.6.5 Overcurrent thresholds - line currents (Ia>, Ib> - fig. 2)................................30 5.7 Output relays programming (fig. 3) ......................................................................32 5.8 Digital inputs function programming (fig. 3) .........................................................33 5.9 Parameter values visualization (fig. 4).................................................................35 5.10 Events (fig. 5) ......................................................................................................37 5.11 TRIPS COUNTERS (fig. 5)..................................................................................41 INSTALLATION ..........................................................................................................42 6.1 Supplied kit ..........................................................................................................42 6.2 Cabling ................................................................................................................43 6.3 Relays R3 and R4 - Signaling / Command set-up ...............................................49 6.4 RS485 serial communication port........................................................................49 TECHNICAL DATA.....................................................................................................50 TABLE ........................................................................................................................51
2 3 4
7 8
Information printed in this manual subject to change without prior notice. This manual must not be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form or by any means without the express written permission of SEB Divisione Elettronica e Sistemi.
The protection relay IDT8N performs function as three-poles percentage biased transformer differential protection relay (ANSI 87T) to protect transformers or generatortransformer units; the user can select one or more of the functions listed in the table below. FUNCTIONS Three-poles percentage transformers biased differential protection for ANSI 87T 50 - 51
The stand alone IDT8N relay performs the function as three-poles percentage biased transformer differential protection relay for 2-winding transformers; when installed with the AMF3N module it performs the function as three-poles percentage biased transformer differential protection relay for 3- winding transformers or 2-winding transformer in 3-ended schemes. For 3-winding transformer and 2-winding transformer in 3-ended scheme, the protected transformer must have at least one of the windings STAR configured. All the set-up and measured parameters can be visualized on the front panel display and transmitted on the RS485 communication serial port. THRESHOLDS - the following thresholds are available: 1 differential percentage biased threshold (two branches) 1 absolute value differential threshold 1 overcurrent threshold for the stabilizing current 2 overcurrent thresholds (one for each winding of the transformer)
The tripping characteristic for the differential thresholds is presented in figure A. The available settings for each threshold are listed in Table D. TRIP DELAYS - All the thresholds are time definite and each threshold time delay TI can be combined with an additional time delay (TA); the additional time delay is added to time delay TI. The additional time delay activation is controlled by the digital inputs. The available settings for each timers are listed in Table D. OUTPUT RELAYS - the IDT8N controls 4 output relays (named R1, R2, R3 and R4); these relays can be programmed to be activated on START or TRIP conditions of one or more thresholds. START instantaneous activation of the output relay when at least one of the measured current or parameter exceeds the programmed threshold value activation of the output relay when the programmed time delay (TI or TI+TA) related to a threshold expires. 1
The quiescent state of each single relay R1, R2, R3 and R4 can be programmed as normally energized (ON) or normally de-energized (OFF). An additional relay R5 (normally energized) is controlled by the self-diagnosis routines to report detected fault conditions. Related to each threshold, partial and total counters of TRIP conditions are available. DIGITAL INPUTS - there are available 6 digital inputs to activate the following functions (when enabled by the programmed set-up): additional time delay (related to one or more thresholds) on/off thresholds STATUS function (recording of measures on external event) pilot wire fault monitoring (only digital input DIG2)
For each digital input can be programmed the condition that activates the related functions: HI voltage = LO voltage = > 20V dc / ac 0 10 V dc / ac
The digital input acquisition is valid when the voltage value stays in the range HI or LO for at least 40 ms. DISPLAY OF MEASURES - the user can select the continuous display of a measured differential current or of a stabilizing current (primary values or relative values); all the measured currents can be transmitted to an external controller through the RS485 port. EVENTS - information related to the last 8 events (TRIP or STATUS) are recorded in the EEPROM memory. Information includes the threshold set-up and activated relays (TRIP event only), the measured currents, the digital input status, date and time of the event. SELF-DIAGNOSIS - the software includes a non stop monitoring module that controls the functionality of all hardware and software resources of the protection relay. Detected fault conditions are reported by: diagnostic message on the display glow of a red LED on front panel R5 output relay drop-off
The fault condition signaling stays until faults are pointed out by the monitoring module; during this condition the protection functions are suspended to avoid unsuitable tripping. STATUS FUNCTION - when the STATUS function is activated by one of the digital input (when programmed) the protection relay memorizes information related to measured 2
currents and digital input status (see par. 5.10 - EVENTS). The recorded information allows an analysis of trip causes in co-operative protection relays systems. PILOT WIRE FAULT MONITORING - when the function is programmed, the digital input DIG2 is used to control the correct functionality of the pilot wire. Digital input DIG2 is always expected to be complementary of DIG1 input (HI-LO or LO-HI) to identify faults on pilot wire. The fault condition is reported as detected by the self-diagnosis module but the protection functions are not suspended; only the functions related to DIG1 digital input are suspended as the DIG1 status cannot be longer considered as true. The fault condition is reported when DIG1 and DIG2 signals are not complementary for more then 100 ms. REMOTE COMMUNICATION - the opto-insulated serial port RS485 can communicate with a personal computer or a remote control and monitoring system equipped with an RS485 interface or with a standard RS485/RS232 converter. It is possible to select the communication standard between STANDARD (ASCII 7 bit Seb protocol) or MODBUS (ASCII mode, SLAVE). All the set-up and measured parameters can be transmitted on the RS485 communication serial port; when communication is active (LED REMOTE glows), the operator on front panel can visualize the relay set-up but changes of parameters are disabled (ENTER and buttons disabled).
The IDT8N relay performs functions as percentage biased differential protection relay; the tripping characteristic is presented in figure A. A differential protection relay operates on the principle of current comparison and with a healthy protected object the current leaving is the same as that which entered it. Any measured current difference is a clear indication of a fault condition within the protected zone. Id - differential current - vectorial difference between the input current and the output current of the protected object
Id1 = I 1' I 1''
Three differential current values are computed, one for each phase; the differential thresholds are verified for each differential current. Ip - stabilizing current - half-sum of the vectors of the input and output currents of the protected object used to stabilize the protection relay operations in presence of faults external to the protected zone.
Ip1 =
I 1' + I 1'' 2
When short-circuit currents due to faults external to the protected zone are flowing through the protected object it is possible to have measured differential currents due to current transformer errors or saturation. The stabilizing current is used to stabilize the protection relay operation in these conditions. Differential thresholds Two differential thresholds are available: Id> percentage biased differential threshold
Id>> second differential threshold (absolute value) The relay operates when: threshold Id>>
threshold Id>
Id Id Id
(P1 Ip )
(P2 Ip DI )
where: |Id| |Ip| IB> P1, P2: DI module of the differential current module of the stabilizing current insensibility threshold slopes of the tripping characteristic intersection of the P2 straight line with Id/In axis
The listed disequations define the operating characteristic as presented in figure A and they are verified with all the differential currents (and their stabilizing currents) related to phase currents. The differential threshold Id>> and the second branch of the operating characteristic related to Id> threshold (slope P2) can be programmed ON/OFF. All the differential thresholds are definite time (0.02 99.99 s) and each of them can be combined with an additional timer controlled by the digital inputs. The minimum activation time of the output relay is programmable in order to avoid short commands to switchgears when CTs saturate.
The differential thresholds Id> and Id>> and the overcurrent threshold Ip> related to the stabilizing current (see par. 1.3) are referred to the rated current of the protected transformer normalized with the ratio of the installed CTs in order that the value of measured currents on the primary and secondary windings can be directly compared. An In = An Un ITAP Un 3 I TAP
transformer rated apparent power transformer rated voltage rated primary current of the CTs installed on the winding side Un
The protection relay IDT8N has been designed to provide three-poles percentage biased differential protection function to transformer and generator-transformer units. 2-WINDING TRANSFORMER For this installation a stand alone IDT8N relay is available; in table A (see ref. D2) there are the vectorial groups of the transformers which can be protected by the IDT8N stand alone relay. 6
The insertion of the protection relay is presented in figure 6. The CTs are installed on both sides of the protected transformer; in the case of generator-transformer unit, the CTs are installed on the HV side of the transformer and on the star-point side of the generator. 3-WINDING TRANSFORMER For this installation is required a IDT8N relay and a AMF3N module; in table B (see ref. D2) there are the vectorial groups of the transformers which can be protected by the IDT8N+AMF3N system. For protected transformer must have at least one of the windings STAR configured. An example of the insertion of the protection relay is presented in figure 7. For insertion scheme related to different vectorial group, please contact SEB technical department. 2-WINDING TRANSFORMER in 3-ended scheme For this installation is required a IDT8N relay and a AMF3N module; in table C (see ref. D2) there are the vectorial groups of the transformers which can be protected by the IDT8N+AMF3N system. For protected transformer must have at least one of the windings STAR configured. An example of the insertion of the protection relay is presented in figure 8. For insertion scheme related to different vectorial group, please contact SEB technical department. The differential relay IDT8N does not require the use of intermediate current transformers as the phase angle and the current amplitude compensation are carried out by the protection relay itself; the compensation is function of the programmed characteristics related to:
power transformer nominal data power transformer vector group installed CTs characteristics
The connection of the power transformer to the network may cause an inrush current which can be several times the rated current and, with a time constant up to several seconds. This transient condition appears as a differential current to the protection relay and it would make the relay trip. A relatively high content of second harmonic components is typical for the inrush current while they are nearly absent in case of a short-circuit. Likewise overexcitation conditions are cause of odd harmonic components (3rd and 5th). To avoid unsuitable trips, on protection relay IDT8N is possible to activate (ON/OFF) and to program (in terms of % Id) two harmonic thresholds (on 2nd and 5th harmonic components as the 3rd harmonic components are often eliminated through the use of delta windings). The harmonic stabilization is activated if at least for one of the phases the measured 2nd and 5th harmonic content of the differential current exceeds the programmed thresholds; when the harmonic stabilization is active, the trip related to Id> threshold will be blocked 7
The harmonic restrain does not effect the Id>> threshold operation.
Two overcurrent thresholds are available and actionable to guarantee a back-up protection against faults external to the protected transformer or generator-transformer unit. The function of the overcurrent thresholds is to give an additional protection to the transformer if the fault condition has not been eliminated by protection relays closer to the fault.
Ia> - primary winding overcurrent threshold (side a) Ib> - secondary winding overcurrent threshold (side b)
Both thresholds are definite time; each threshold delay can be combined with an additional timer controlled by the digital inputs. It is also available an additional overcurrent threshold (Ip>) related to the stabilizing current to give an additional protection to the transformer if the fault condition has not been eliminated by other protection relays. The overcurrent thresholds Ia> and Ib> are referred in terms of the rated current In of the corresponding installed CTs.
The 5 push-buttons on the front panel allow to visualize all the protection parameters and to modify the protection set-up.
right arrow
down arrow
all visualizations are circular and they can be displayed using the two arrow pushbuttons. the structure of the visualizations and their contents are showed in Figures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. when the sealable transparent front panel is installed only the arrow push-buttons and the RESET push-button are accessible to prevent unauthorized modification of the protection set-up.
remove the transparent sealable front panel to access ENTER and buttons.
auxiliary supply available fault condition detected by SELF-DIAGNOSIS software or by PILOT WIRE FAULT MONITORING function communication session active on RS485 port trip condition on Id> threshold (ANSI 87T) trip condition on Id>> threshold (ANSI 87T) trip condition on overcurrent thresholds Ip>, Ia> and Ib> (ANSI 50-51)
The last trip condition (threshold indication) is also showed on front panel display; more information on trip condition are presented in the recorded EVENT (see par. 5.10).
The protection relay is easily programmable following the instructions in the next paragraphs:
All parameters can be freely modified; the proper protection set- up as required by the plant management is submitted to the operator's judgment.
The programmable parameters are showed in Figures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 at the following references: B2 B7 C1 C3 D1 D12 E1D E8D E1P E5P E1S - E1T F1P F5P F1A F6A G1 G6 H1 H6 S1 S10 relay address (RS485) and date/time display and drop-off time nominal values of the protected transformer threshold set-up and time delays Id> threshold set-up and time delays Id>> harmonic thresholds threshold set-up and time delays Ip> threshold set-up and time delays Ia>, Ib> output relays functions digital input functions partial trip counters reset
The programming sequence is the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) SELECT the visualization (on display) of the parameter to be modified using the arrow push-buttons ACTIVATE the PARAMETER MODIFICATION session depressing the [ENTER] push-button and modify the parameter value END the parameter modification session depressing again the [ENTER] pushbutton REPEAT the procedure from 1) to 3) for all the parameters required to obtain the new protection relay set-up CONFIRM the new protection relay set-up at the visualization CONFIRM PROG? (Fig. 1, ref. J1) within 5 minutes depressing the push-buttons [ENTER], up to visualize YES and [ENTER] again to confirm.
NOTE The protection relay continues to operate using the previous set-up until the new set-up is confirmed as at point 5) above; the visualization of the modified parameters before the new set-up confirmation is only temporary to allow an easy definition of the new protection set-up.
If the new set-up is not confirmed within 5 minutes from the last pressed push-button, the protection relay visualizes again the previous set-up (the parameters set-up that the protection relay is still using).
When the parameter to be modified is visualized on front panel display do the following sequence: 1) PRESS [ENTER] to activate the parameter modification session
If one or more parameters are modifiable, on the first of them will appear a blinking cursor. If no parameters are modifiable, no blinking cursor will appear. 2) MODIFY THE PARAMETER pressing the arrow push-buttons and when two parameters are modifiable, the push-button allows to point-out the parameter to be modified (the selected parameter will blink when numerical parameters are pointed-out the push-button allows to select the digit to be modified increasing of the parameter a) b) the digits are increased by 1 unit the other parameters are presented following the selection list
The modification session is ended and the parameter stops to blink NOTE if a numerical parameter is selected out of the accepted range (as shown in Table D) when the push-button [ENTER] is pressed for few seconds an error message will be displayed as: Data Error and the parameter will be displayed again with the former value.
When the push-button [RESET] is pressed, the protection relays returns to the standard condition:
drop-off of tripped relays reset of any parameter changed but not confirmed (parameters are shown as confirmed at the end of the last programming session) display on STANDARD MODE (Fig. 1, ref. A1 - par. 5.1)
When the output relays test is selected (Fig. 3, ref. G9) it is possible to command an output relay (one at the time) to trip from the current status allowing functional tests on electrical plants. The output relays are activated with the following sequence: 1) SELECT THE VISUALIZATION of the desired output relay to be tested TEST R1 OFF 2) 3) PRESS [ENTER] to activate the test session; the message OFF will start to blink. PRESS and the message on the display will change as: TEST R1 ON 4) PRESS [ENTER] to command the instantaneous trip of the output relay (change of the current status).
the or [RESET] push-button is pressed the ENTER push-button is pressed and the sequence at points 3) and 4) is repeated (presenting OFF condition)
The contents and the structure of the displayed messages are shown in figures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5; the references A1, B1, B2 etc. identify specific displayed messages in the figures.
Standard display
A1 - STANDARD DISPLAY It is the standard displayed message without operator's intervention (no push-buttons pressed for at least 5 minutes) or when the RESET push-button has been pressed. The displayed information is function of the protection relay status. NORMAL FUCTIONING During this state the following information can be visualized (as defined by set-up): Protection function (ANSI code) - the display shows the ANSI codes of the main functions (87T - 50). Measured current and parameters - the display shows one of the measured currents or one of the differential currents (IdR, IdS, IdT) or the stabilizing currents (IpR, IpS, IpT); the information to be visualized is selected by operator (ref. C1). The currents are visualized as primary value and/or relative value (In). ON TRIP CONDITION When a trip condition occurs the protection relay visualizes the TRIP message that includes the threshold related to the trip; the displayed messages are as the following: TRIP Id> TRIP Id>> TRIP Ido> TRIP Ido>>
The information of the trip, as well the glowing of the related LEDs, is displayed until the [RESET] push-button is pressed. If a new trip condition occurs, the displayed information will be updated; information related to previous trips are recorded in EVENTS memory. FAULT CONDITION When a permanent or temporary fault condition is detected by the self-diagnosis module, the following message is displayed: FAIL eeeeeeee The string eeeeeeee can be: F.PILOT Detected fault condition on pilot wire; the function related to DIG1 digital input is suspended. Corrective action - verify pilot wire (short or open circuit). 14
Detected fault condition on hardware or software resources of the protection relay; all functions are suspended. Corrective action - replace the protection relay and contact SEB post sales service.
Visualization structure
A1 ANSI 87T 50 B1 IDT8N ALTERNATIVE DISPLAYS B2 PROTOCOL yyyyyyyy B3 BAUDRATE nnnn FAIL eeeeeeee B4 NR RELAY xxx TRIP Id> B5 SER. NR zzzzzzzz IRa xxxxx A B6 SW REV zz.zz B7 dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss
Figure 1
From FIGURE 1 C1 DISPLAY eeeeeeee C2 CONTRAST LEV n D7 TA1P zzzz A TA1S n A D10 TA2S n A E1D Id> E2D IB> n.nn In E4D IP>> cc P2= xxx% E5D IP>> DI nn.nn In E6D TI INDIP zz.zz In E3D IP> P1=xx% D11 TA3P zzzz A D8 TA2P zzzz A D12 TA3S n A D9 C3 T-DROP xx.xx s
THRESOLD SET-UP E1P Id>> E2P Id>> cc xx.xx In E3P TI INDIP zz.zz s E4P TA Id>> rr.rr s E5P TA Id>> cccccccc
TH2 ee% E1T cc TH5 ee% F1P Ip> ccc F1A Ia> cc F3A Ia> yyyyy A F2A Ia> x.xx In F3P TI INDIP zz.zz s F2P Ip> nn.nn In F4P TA Ip> rr.rr s F4A TI INDIP zz.zz s F5P TA Ip> cccccccc F5A TA Ia> rr.rr s Ib> cc Ib> x.xx In Ib> yyy A TI INDIP zz.zz s TA Ib> rr.rr s
E1S cc
TA Ib> cccccccc
Figure 2
From FIGURE 2 G1 R1 NORM ccc G2 R1 Id> xxxxxxxx G3 R1 Id>> xxxxxxxx G4 R1 TH2 xxxxxxxx G5 R1 TH5 xxxxxxxx G6 R1 Ip> xxxxxxxx G7 R1 Ia> xxxxxxxx G8 R1 Ib> xxxxxxxx G9 TEST R1 yyyyyyyy
R2 NORM ccc
R3 NORM ccc
R4 NORM ccc H1 DIG1 cc xxxxxxxx H2 DIG2 cc xxxxxxxx H3 DIG3 cc xxxxxxxx H4 DIG4 cc xxxxxxxx H5 DIG5 cc xxxxxxxx
H6 DIG6 cc xxxxxxxx
Figure 3
From FIGURE 3 L1 L5 Ip> status Ia> status Ib> status Id>> status X1 Kb= x.xx X10 Fbs = xx Gbs = xx X12 Eat = xx Fat = xx X11 Ecs = xx Fcs = xx X13 Gat = xx Ebt = xx X14 Fbt = xx Gbt = xx X15 Ect = xx Fct = xx Kc= x.xx X5 Gar = xx Ebr = xx X2 X3 TH2 status TH5 status L2 L3 L4 L6 L7
Id> status
Ka= x.xx
X4 Ear = xx Far = xx
X6 Fbr = xx Gbr = xx
X7 Ecr = xx Fcr = xx
X8 Eas = xx Fas = xx
X9 Gas = xx Ebs = xx
R1 R2
M1 ccc ccc R3 R4
M2 ccc ccc
P2 ISa=xx.x yyyyy A P4 IRb=xx.x yyyyy A P12 IpT= xx.xx In P13 TH2R nn% TH2S nn% P5 ISb=xx.x yyyyy A P11 IpS= xx.xx In P3 ITa=xx.x yyyyy A P6 ITb=xx.x yyyyy A P14 Y2 Yr= x.xx In Y3 Zr= x.xx In Y4 Xs= x.xx In Y5 Ys= x.xx In Y6 Zs= x.xx In
N1 DIG1 ww DIG2 ww
N2 DIG3 ww DIG4 ww
N3 DIG5 ww DIG6 ww
P1 IRa=xx.x yyyyy A
Y1 Xr= x.xx In
Y7 Xt= x.xx In
Y8 Yt= x.xx In
Y9 Zt= x.xx In
Figure 4
From FIGURE 4 R3 E1 P1 xx% R11 E1 IRa nn.nn In R14 E1 IRb nn.nn In R21 E1 IpS nn.nn In R28 E1 TH5T gg% R35 E1 DATE dd/mm/yy R22 E1 IpT nn.nn In R29 E1 DIG1 vv R36 E1 TIME hh:mm:ss R18 E1 IdS nn.nn In R19 E1 IdT nn.nn In R26 E1 TH5R gg% R33 E1 DIG5 vv R34 E1 DIG6 vv R27 E1 TH5S gg% R20 E1 IpR nn.nn In R25 E1 TH2T gg% R32 E1 DIG4 vv R12 E1 ISa nn.nn In R13 E1 ITa nn.nn In R15 E1 ISb nn.nn In R16 E1 ITb nn.nn In R23 E1 TH2R gg% R30 E1 DIG2 vv R9 E1 T-TOT ww.ww s
R1 E1 aaaaaaaa R2 E1 ssss xx.xx In R4 E1 cc P2 xxx% R5 E1 DI nn.nn In R6 E1 cc TH2 xx% R7 E1 cc TH5 xx% R8 E1 RELAY i, j, k
R10 E1 DIG eeeeeeee R17 E1 IdR nn.nn In R24 E1 TH2S gg% R31 E1 DIG3 vv
S2 Id> T eeee Id>> P eeee Id>> T eeee Ip> P eeee S3 S4 S5 Ip> T eeee S6
E8 aaaaaaaa S7 Ia> P eeee Ia> T eeee S11 TOT PRG cccc S8 Ib> P eeee S12 DATE PRG dd/mm/yy S9
Id> P eeee
Figure 5
B2 - B3 - COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL (programmable) B2 PROTOCOL xxxxxxxx The communication protocol is programmable between the followings: STANDARD MODBUS ASCII SEB protocol Modbus protocol (SLAVE)
When the MODBUS protocol is selected the following display is showed to allow the selection of the transmission speed: B3 BAUDRATE xxxx The xxxx parameter is selectable between the followings 300 - 600 - 1200 - 2400 - 4800 - 9600 When the STANDARD protocol is selected the baud rate is automatically selected by the protection relay. B4 - ADDRESS (programmable) NR RELAY 001 Programmable address from 001 to 255. The number is used on RS485 port to address a specific relay when two or more protection relays are linked on the same serial line. B5 - RELAY SERIAL NUMBER (not programmable) SER. NR 0012345 B6 - SOFTWARE REVISION LEVEL (not programmable) SW REV zz.zz 20
B7 - TIME / DATE (programmable) dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss Time and date are programmable and they are used to mark recorded events. NOTE the clock is not provided with back-up battery, therefore a loss of auxiliary supply will force time/date to the following condition: 01/01/90 00:00:00
It allows to select the standard displayed information (ref. A1) when no trip condition occurs and no fault condition have been detected by the self-diagnosis module; the available selections are the following: ANSI IdR IdS IdT IpR IpS IpT Ia Ib displays of ANSI code displays differential current phase R displays differential current phase S displays differential current phase T displays stabilizing current phase R displays stabilizing current phase S displays stabilizing current phase T displays current winding a (the maximum of the 3 measured values) displays current winding b (the maximum of the 3 measured values)
The current is displayed in primary values. Selection examples: DISPLAY ANSI DISPLAY IdR DISPLAY Ia
C2 - DISPLAY CONTRAST LEVEL (programmable) CONTRAST LEV x The display contrast level is programmable from 0 to 9. The backlighted display is switched off if no push-button is pressed for at least 5 minutes; when one of the front panel push- button is pressed the display is switched on.
C3 - OUTPUT RELAY MINIMUM ACTIVATION TIME (programmable) T-DROP xx.xx s The minimum output relay activation time can be programmed; the setting applies to all the output relays. The activation time is programmable from 00.10 to 99.99 seconds. Example: T-DROP 01.00 s
Number of windings of the protected transformer; the available selection are the followings: 2 3 2+S 2-winding transformers 3-winding transformers 2-winding transformers in 3-ended installation
D2 - TRANSFORMER VECTOR GROUP (programmable) TR TYPE e eeee Programming of the vector group of the protected transformer. 2- windings transformer: The first character represents the primary winding type (side 1 in the insertion drawing), whilst the other characters represent the secondary winding type (side 2 in the insertion drawing) and the vector group. When a not allowed selection is made, at [ENTER] the message Errore Dati will be displayed. The allowable selections are the following: Table A Primary (side 1) Y D Secondary (side 2) y0, y6, d1, d5, d7, d11 z1, z5, z7, z11 y1, y5, y7, y11, d0, d6, z0, z6 22
2- windings transformer in 3-ended installation: The first character represents the connection of the primary winding (side 1 in the insertion drawing), whilst the other characters represent the connection of the secondary winding (side 2 in the insertion drawing) and the vector group. The allowable selections are the following: Table B Primary (side 1) Y D Secondary (side 2) y0, y6, d1, d5, d7, d11 z5, z11 y1, y5, y7, y11
When a not allowed selection is made, at [ENTER] the message Errore Dati will be displayed. 3-winding transformer: The first character represents the connection of the primary winding (side 1 in the insertion drawing), the second field represents the connection of the secondary winding (side 2 in the insertion drawing) and the related vector group, whilst the third field represents the connection of the secondary winding (side 3 in the insertion drawing) and related the vector group. Table C Primary (side 1) Y Y Y D D Examples: TR TYPE Y y0 y0 TR TYPE Y d1 d1 TR TYPE D y1 y1 Secondary (side 2) y0, y6 d1, d7, z1, z7 d5, d11, z5, z11 y1, y5, y7, y11 d0, d6, z0, z6 3rd winding (side 3) y0, y6, d1, d5, d7, d11 z1, z5, z7, z11 y0, y6, d1, d7, z1, z7 y0, y6, d11, d5, z5, z11 y1, y5, y7, y11, d0, d6, z0, z6 y1, y5, y7, y11
When a not allowed selection is made, at [ENTER] the message Errore Dati will be displayed. 23
D3 - RATED POWER OF THE TRANSFORMER (programmable) An MVA xxx.x Value of the rated power of the protected transformer; the value is programmable from 0.1 to 999.9 MVA. D4 - PRIMARY RATED VOLTAGE OF THE TRANSFORMER (programmable) U1 a cccccc V Primary voltage rated value of the protected transformer; the value is programmable from 100 to 400000 V. a winding side indication input transducers I1, I2, I3 (see figure 6, 7, 8) input transducers I4, I5, I6 (see figure 6, 7, 8) input transducers AMF3N, I7, I8 (see figure 6, 7, 8) U1 a 132000 V D5 - SECONDARY RATED VOLTAGE OF THE TRANSFORMER (programmable) U2 b cccccc V Secondary voltage rated value of the protected transformer the value is programmable from 100 to 400000 V. b Example: U1 b 15000 V NOTE in the case of generator-transformer unit must be programmed the secondary rated voltage of the transformer. D6 - THIRD WINDING RATED VOLTAGE OF THE TRANSFORMER (programmable) U3 c cccccc V Secondary voltage rated value of the protected transformer; the value is programmable from 100 to 400000 V. c winding side indication (see ref. D4) 24 winding side indication (see ref. D4)
Example: U3 c 15000 V NOTE in the case of 2-winding transformer in 3-ended installation, the voltage must be programmed as the secondary rated voltage (U2) of the transformer. D7 - RATED PRIMARY CURRENT OF THE CT ON PRIMARY SIDE OF THE TRANSFORMER (programmable) TA1P zzzzz A Value of the rated primary current of the CTs installed in the plant on the primary side of the transformer; the value is programmable from 0001 to 18500 A. D8 - RATED SECONDARY CURRENT OF THE CT ON PRIMARY SIDE OF THE TRANSFORMER (programmable) TA1S n A Value of the rated secondary current of the CTs installed in the plant on the primary side of the transformer; the value is programmable 1 A or 5 A. D9 - RATED PRIMARY CURRENT OF THE CT ON SECONDARY SIDE OF THE TRANSFORMER (programmable) TA2P zzzzz A Value of the rated primary current of the CTs installed in the plant on the secondary side of the transformer; the value is programmable from 0001 to 18500 A. D10 - RATED SECONDARY CURRENT OF THE CT ON SECONDARY SIDE OF THE TRANSFORMER (programmable) TA2S n A Value of the rated secondary current of the CTs installed in the plant on the secondary side of the transformer; the value is programmable 1 A or 5 A. D11 - RATED PRIMARY CURRENT OF THE CT ON THIRD WINDING SIDE OF THE TRANSFORMER (programmable) TA3P zzzzz A Value of the rated primary current of the CTs installed in the plant on the secondary side of the transformer; the value is programmable from 0001 to 18500 A. 25
D12 - RATED SECONDARY CURRENT OF THE CT ON THIRD WINDING SIDE OF THE TRANSFORMER (programmable) TA3S n A Value of the rated secondary current of the CTs installed in the plant on the secondary side of the transformer; the value is programmable 1 A or 5 A.
E1D - THRESHOLD IDENTIFICATION (non programmable) E2D - INSENSIBILITY THRESHOLD SET-UP (programmable) n.nn value of the threshold programmable from 0.15 to 2.00 In For the value of In please refer to paragraph 1.1.
E3D - SLOPE OF THE FIRST PERCENTAGE BRANCH (programmable) Slope of the first percentage branch expressed in terms of %. xx slope value of the first percentage branch (0 50 %)
E4D - ON/OFF and SET-UP SECOND PERCENTAGE BRANCH (programmable) cc xxx ON - enabled branch OF - disabled branch slope value of the second percentage branch (0 100 %)
E5D - BASE POINT OF THE SECOND PERCENTAGE BRANCH WITH Id/In AXIS (programmable) Value of the intersection of the straight line P2 with the Id/In axis (see figure par. 1.1). nn.nn intersection value expressed in terms of differential current (0.00 20.00 In). Example: E1D Id> E2D IB> 0.35 In
E6D - TIME DELAY SET-UP (programmable) E6D TI eeeee zz.zz s Set-up of time-delay to the activation (TRIP) of the programmed output relays when the measured current exceeds the threshold level. zz.zz time delay programmable from 00.02 to 99.99 s TI INDIP 00.04 s E7D - E8D - ADDITIONAL TIME DELAY SET-UP (E7D - programmable, E8D - non programmable) E7D TA Id> xx.xx s E8D TA Id> cccccccc
The selection allows to program an additional time delay TA from 00.00 to 99.99 seconds; please note that at least one of the digital inputs should be programmed to activate time delay function (ref. H1 H6 - paragraph 5.8). The additional time delay TA is added to the time delay TI to obtain the output relay trip when the TI+TA time expires. The display E8D shows the digital input programmed to activate the additional time delay TA on the displayed threshold. The parameter eeeeeeee can show one of the following values: DISABLED none of the digital inputs has been programmed to activate an additional time delay related to threshold Id> DIG1 digital input DIG1 activates the TA delay on threshold Id> DIG2 digital input DIG2 activates the TA delay on threshold Id> DIG3 digital input DIG3 activates the TA delay on threshold Id> DIG4 digital input DIG4 activates the TA delay on threshold Id> DIG5 digital input DIG5 activates the TA delay on threshold Id> DIG6 digital input DIG6 activates the TA delay on threshold Id> More than one digital input can activate the same additional time delay (e.g. DIG 1,3). NOTE the additional delay TA will be added only if the TI time delay is at least 50 ms (0.05 s at reference E6D) as for safety reason (to guarantee proper operation) the digital input is filtered at 40 ms. 27
E1P - THRESHOLD IDENTIFICATION (non programmable) E2P - ON/OFF and SET-UP SECOND DIFFERENTIAL THRESHOLD (programmable) cc ON - enabled threshold OF - disabled threshold
nn.nn d>> threshold value programmable from 0.50 to 20.00 In For the value of In please refer to paragraph 1.1. E3P - TIME DELAY SET-UP (programmable) Set-up of time-delay to the activation (TRIP) of the programmed output relays when the measured current exceeds the threshold level. zz.zz time delay programmable from 00.02 to 99.99 s
E4P - E5P - ADDITIONAL TIME DELAY SET-UP (E4P - programmable, E5P - non programmable) The selection allows to program an additional time delay TA from 00.00 to 99.99 seconds; please note that at least one of the digital inputs should be programmed to activate time delay function (ref. H1 H6 - paragraph 5.8). The additional time delay TA is added to the time delay TI to obtain the output relay trip when the TI+TA time expires. The display E5P shows the digital input programmed to activate the additional time delay TA on the displayed threshold. The parameter eeeeeeee can show one of the following values: DISABLED none of the digital inputs has been programmed to activate an additional time delay related to threshold Id> DIG1 digital input DIG1 activates the TA delay on threshold Id>> DIG2 digital input DIG2 activates the TA delay on threshold Id>> DIG3 digital input DIG3 activates the TA delay on threshold Id>> DIG4 digital input DIG4 activates the TA delay on threshold Id>> DIG5 digital input DIG5 activates the TA delay on threshold Id>> DIG6 digital input DIG6 activates the TA delay on threshold Id>> 28
More than one digital input can activate the same additional time delay (e.g. DIG 1,3). Example: E1P Id>> E3P TI INDIP 00.02 s E2P Id>> ON 0.90 In E4P TA Id>> 00.00 s E5P TA Id>> DISABIL
Programming of the harmonic restrain thresholds related to the Id> differential threshold. The thresholds are expressed in terms of percentage of the 2nd or 5th harmonic content of the differential current. The value of the harmonic content is computed for each differential current related to phase R, S, T. TH2 TH5 cc ee restrain on 2nd harmonic contents restrain on 5th harmonic contents
ON - enabled threshold OF - disabled threshold threshold value programmable from 10% to 80%
F2P - THRESHOLD LEVEL SET-UP (programmable) Ip> xx.xx In nn.nn hreshold level Ip> expressed in terms of In For the value of In please refer to paragraph 1.1.
Examples: Ip> 06.50 In F3P - TIME DELAY SET-UP (programmable) TI INDIP xx.xx s Set-up of time-delay to the activation (TRIP) of the programmed output relays when the measured current exceeds the threshold level. zz.zz time delay programmable from 00.02 to 99.99 s SET-UP (programmable) (F4P Ip> 12.00 In
F4P - F5P - ADDITIONAL TIME DELAY programmable, F5P - non programmable) F4P TA Ip> xx.xx s
The selection allows to program an additional time delay TA from 00.00 to 99.99 seconds; please note that at least one of the digital inputs should be programmed to activate time delay function (ref. H1 H6 - paragraph 5.8). The additional time delay TA is added to the time delay TI to obtain the output relay trip when the TI+TA time expires. The display F5P shows the digital input programmed to activate the additional time delay TA on the displayed threshold. The parameter eeeeeeee can show one of the following values: DISABLED none of the digital inputs has been programmed to activate an additional time delay related to threshold Id> DIG1 digital input DIG1 activates the TA delay on threshold Ip> DIG2 digital input DIG2 activates the TA delay on threshold Ip> DIG3 digital input DIG3 activates the TA delay on threshold Ip> DIG4 digital input DIG4 activates the TA delay on threshold Ip> DIG5 digital input DIG5 activates the TA delay on threshold Ip> DIG6 digital input DIG6 activates the TA delay on threshold Ip> More than one digital input can activate the same additional time delay (e.g. DIG 1,3).
F1A - ON / OFF PHASE OVERCURRENT THRESHOLD (programmable) Ia> cc cc ON - enabled threshold OF - disabled threshold (available but not active)
F2A - THRESHOLD LEVEL SET-UP (programmable) Ia> xx.xx In nn.nn threshold level Ia> expressed in terms of In of the CTs installed on the a side winding of the protected transformer Examples: Ia> 06.50 In Ia> 12.00 In
F3A - THRESHOLD LEVEL IN PRIMARY VALUE (non programmable) Ia> xxxxxx A xxxxxx threshold level expressed in Amperes (primary values) NON PROGRAMMABLE as function of the primary rated current of the installed CTs (ref. D6 or D8 for Ia> or Ib>)
F4A - TIME DELAY SET-UP (programmable) TI INDIP xx.xx s Set-up of time-delay to the activation (TRIP) of the programmed output relays when the measured current exceeds the threshold level. zz.zz time delay programmable from 00.02 to 99.99 s
F5A - F6A - ADDITIONAL TIME DELAY SET-UP (programmable) (F5A programmable, F6A - non programmable) F5A TA Ia> xx.xx s F6A TA Ia> cccccccc
The selection allows to program an additional time delay TA from 00.00 to 99.99 seconds; please note that at least one of the digital inputs should be programmed to activate time delay function (ref. H1 H6 - paragraph 5.8). The additional time delay TA is added to the time delay TI to obtain the output relay trip when the TI+TA time expires. 31
The display F6A shows the digital input programmed to activate the additional time delay TA on the displayed threshold. The parameter eeeeeeee can show one of the following values: DISABLED none of the digital inputs has been programmed to activate an additional time delay related to threshold Id> DIG1 digital input DIG1 activates the TA delay on threshold Ia> DIG2 digital input DIG2 activates the TA delay on threshold Ia> DIG3 digital input DIG3 activates the TA delay on threshold Ia> DIG4 digital input DIG4 activates the TA delay on threshold Ia> DIG5 digital input DIG5 activates the TA delay on threshold Ia> DIG6 digital input DIG6 activates the TA delay on threshold Ia> More than one digital input can activate the same additional time delay (e.g. DIG 1,3).
The session allows to program the activation of the output relays R1, R2, R3 or R4 on START or TRIP conditions for each threshold. In the programming session are displayed only the active thresholds depending on selections in the THRESHOLD SET-UP paragraph (paragraph 5.6). Equivalent information and set-up related to relay R1 is available for the relays R2, R3 and R4 just changing the relay identification. G1 - OUTPUT RELAY R1 QUIESCENT STATUS (programmable) G1 R1 NORM xxx Programming of the R1 relay status when no START or TRIP conditions are activated (none of the measured currents exceed their thresholds). NORM OFF normally de-energized (energized status on activation) NORM ON normally energized (de-energized status on activation) Example: R1 NORM OFF G2 G8 - OUTPUT RELAY ACTIVATION ON THRESHOLDS Id>, Id>>, TH2, TH5, Ip>, Ia> and Ib> (programmable) G2 R1 Id> xxxxxxxx G3 R1 Id>> xxxxxxxx G4 R1 TH2 xxxxxxxx G5 R1 TH5 xxxxxxxx
G6 R1 Ip> xxxxxxxx
G7 R1 Ia> xxxxxxxx
G8 R1 Ib> xxxxxxxx
Programming of the R1 output relay activation (TRIP) on the Id>, Id>>, Ip>, Ia> and Ib> thresholds or on the harmonic restrain thresholds. The parameter xxxxxxxx is selectable as the following: START TRIP NONE instantaneous output relay R1 activation when one of the measured currents exceeds the programmed threshold output relay R1 activation when one of the measured currents exceeds the programmed threshold level for at least TI or TI+TA seconds (selection not present for TH2 and TH5) no activation related to thresholds
Examples (related to several relays): G2 R1 Id> START G3 R2 Id>> TRIP G4 R1 TH2 START G6 R4 Ip> NO AZION
a) b) c) d)
For each digital input one of the following functions are selectable:
When function a) is programmed, a message is displayed at ref. E8D, E5P, F5P and F6A. When the function of more than one digital input refers to a threshold, the priority will be the following: a) OF selection (threshold disabled) has the priority on TA function (additional time delay) the ALL selection (ALL the thresholds) has the priority on single threshold selection. 33
H1 - DIGITAL INPUT DIG1 SET-UP (programmable) DIG1 cc xxxxxxxx Programming of the function related to digital input channel 1 (DIG1). Parameter cc: programming of the condition that activates the function related to digital input DIG1; the condition is selectable between HI and LO. Parameter xxxxxxx: programming of the function related to digital input DIG1; the following functions are selectable (only the active threshold are presented): NONE TA Id> TA Id>> TA Ip> TA Ia> TA Ib> TA ALL OF Id OF Id> OF Id>> OF IP>> OF TH2 OF TH5 OF I> OF Ip> OF Ia> OF Ib> OF ALL STATUS no functions active related to digital input DIG1 additional time delay on the threshold Id> additional time delay on the threshold Id>> additional time delay on the threshold Ip> additional time delay on the threshold Ia> additional time delay on the threshold Ib> additional time delay on all thresholds thresholds Id> and Id>> disabled threshold Id> disabled threshold Id>> disabled second percentage slope disabled - threshold Id> 2nd harmonic restrain threshold disabled 5th harmonic restrain threshold disabled thresholds Ip>, Ia> and Ib> disabled threshold Ip> disabled threshold Ia> disabled threshold Ib> disabled all thresholds disabled activation of status function (see paragraph 1.)
H2 - DIGITAL INPUT DIG2 SET-UP (programmable) DIG2 cc xxxxxxxx Programming of the function related to digital input channel 2 (DIG2); the selections available are the same as presented for DIG1 (ref. H1) plus the following: MONITOR activation of pilot wire monitor function.
H3 H6 - DIGITAL INPUT DIG3-DIG6 SET-UP (programmable) H3 DIG3 cc xxxxxxxx Programming of the function related to digital input channel from 3 (DIG3) to 6 (DIG6); the selections available are the same as presented for DIG1 (ref. H1). 34
L1 - L2 - L3 - L4 - L5 - L6 - L7 - THRESHOLDS STATUS
The actual status of each threshold is displayed. For each threshold are displayed the threshold identification (Id>, Id>> etc.) and the threshold status; the status can show one of the following values: ON OFF OFF_DIG Examples: Id> ON Id2>> ON IP>> OFF_DIG TH5 OFF active threshold disabled threshold (programmed OFF at ref. E1, E5, F1) threshold programmed active but momentary disabled by a digital input actual status (ref. H1 H6 - paragraph 5.8).
Parameters related to vectorial compensation. The parameters are used to check the proper insertion and programming of the protection relay (use of the parameters is reserved to SEB protection relay engineers). M1 - M2 - OUTPUT RELAY STATUS The actual status of each output relay is displayed; for each relay the following information is displayed:
relay identification (R1, R2, R3, R4) relay status (ON - activated, OFF - non activated)
Note that ON/OFF does not necessary mean energized or de-energized (see ref. M1). Example: M1 R1 ON R2 OFF 35 M2 R3 OFF R4 ON
N1 - N2 - N3 - DIGITAL INPUT STATUS The actual status of each digital input is displayed. For each digital input the following information is presented:
digital input identification (DIG1, DIG2, DIG3) digital input status (HI or LO) N1 DIG1 LO DIG2 HI N2 DIG3 LO DIG4 HI N3 DIG5 LO DIG6 LO
P1 P18 - MEASUREMENT DISPLAY The actual values of the measured currents, differential currents and stabilizing currents are displayed; the currents related to disabled thresholds are not displayed. For each current the following information is displayed:
current or parameter identification actual values of the currents expressed as In and primary values (Amperes) actual % value of the harmonic content of the differential currents P1 IRa=xx.x yyyyy A P4 IRb=xx.x yyyyy A P2 ISa=xx.x yyyyy A P5 ISb=xx.x yyyyy A P3 ITa=xx.x yyyyy A P6 ITb=xx.x yyyyy A
IRa, ISa, ITa: currents R, S, T primary winding (side a) IRb, ISb, ITb: currents R, S, T secondary winding (side b) xx.x current values expressed as In of the installed CTs
yyyyy actual primary value of the currents (expressed as Amperes) P7 IdR xx.xx In P10 IpR xx.xx In P8 IdS xx.xx In P11 IpS xx.xx In P9 IdT xx.xx In P12 IpT xx.xx In
IpR, IpS, IpT: stabilizing currents R, S, T xx.x current values expressed as In (see paragraph 1.1) P13 TH2R nn % P16 TH5R nn % P14 TH2S nn % P17 TH5S nn % P15 TH2T nn % P18 TH5T nn %
TH2R, TH2S, TH2T: 2nd harmonic content of the differential currents R, S, T TH5R, TH5S, TH5T: 5th harmonic content of the differential currents R, S, T nn % harmonic content of the differential current expressed as %
Intermediate parameters to calculate the stabilizing currents components. The parameters are used to check the proper insertion and programming of the protection relay (use of the parameters is reserved to SEB protection relay engineers).
Events (fig. 5)
On the display are shown the memorized information related to the last 8 TRIP or STATUS events. The 8 events are recorded and identified with a progressive number from 1 to 8; the more recent event shows a lower number. R1 - EVENT NUMBER R1 E1 cccccccc The index E1, E2 ... E8 identifies the memorized event. The parameter cccccccc gives information on the kind of event and it can show one of the following values: NONE Id> Id>> Ip> no event memorized event on trip threshold Id> event on trip threshold Id>> event on trip threshold Ip> 37
event on trip threshold Ia> event on trip threshold Ib> information recorded on external command switch-on of the protection relay (auxiliary power)
For the events NONE and POWER ON no other information is presented: for the other events the following displays give more detailed information on the event. R2 - TRIP THRESHOLD R2 E1 ssss xx.xx In It shows the threshold related to the TRIP condition (Id>, Id>>, Ip>, Ia> or Ib>) of the protection relay and the value of the threshold (in relative terms). The information is not shown on STATUS or POWER ON events. Example: E1 Id>> 4.60 In R3 - R4 - R5 - PARAMETERS OF THE DIFFERENTIAL THRESHOLDS This information is presented only on TRIP Id> event. The parameters P1, P2 and DI related to the Id> differential threshold are presented (the last two parameters only if programmed ON the IP>> threshold). R3 E1 P1 xx% Example: R3 E1 P1 20% R4 E1 ON P2 50% R5 E1 DI 2.40 In R4 E1 cc P2 xx% R5 E1 DI nn.nn In
R6 - R7 - HARMONIC RESTRAIN THRESHOLDS This information is not presented on STATUS event. The harmonic restrain thresholds value and status are presented. R6 E1 ON TH2 15% R8 - ACTIVATED OUTPUT RELAYS R7 E1 OF TH5 15%
E1 RELAY nnnnnnn It shows the list of the output relay activated by the threshold trip. Examples: E1 RELAY 1,3,4 E3 RELAY 1,4
When no output relays have been activated (no relays programmed to TRIP on the threshold) the following message will be displayed: E1 RELAY NONE R9 - TOTAL TIME DELAY ON TRIP E1 T-Tot www.ww s It is shown the total delay to the TRIP of the output relays from the overcurrent detection; when additional delays are activated, the change of the status of the digital input that controls the additional delay during the delay itself could bring to a total time different from the sum of the programmed delays. If the total time is greater than 999 seconds the display of tenths is omitted. When the event is memorized on external command (STATUS), the message N/A (Not Applicable) is shown instead of the number of seconds. E1 T-Tot N/A R10 - DIGITAL CHANNELS RELATED TO MEMORIZED EVENT E1 DIG 1, 3, 4 The list of the digital inputs related to the memorized event is displayed (STATUS function command or additional time TA enabled - ref. par. 5.8). If no digital inputs were activated, the message NONE is displayed. R11 R22 - MEMORIZED MEASURED CURRENTS Memorized measured current at the TRIP event; the values are expressed as In - see paragraph 1.1 and 1.2. R11 E1 IRa nn.nn In R12 E1 ISa nn.nn In R13 E1 ITa nn.nn In
IRa, ISa, ITa: measured primary winding currents R, S, T (side a) IRb, ISb, ITb: measured secondary winding currents R, S, T (side b) Note: the currents related to winding c are not displayed IdR, IdS, IdT: differential currents R, S, T IpR, IpS, IpT: stabilizing currents R, S, T R23 R28 - MEMORIZED HARMONIC CONTENT OF THE DIFFERENTIAL CURRENTS Memorized 2nd and 5th harmonic contents of the differential currents at TRIP event; the values are expressed as percentage of the measured differential current. R23 E1 TH2R gg % R26 E1 TH5R gg % R24 E1 TH2S gg % R27 E1 TH5S gg % R25 E1 TH2T gg % R28 E1 TH5T gg %
TH2R, TH2S, TH2T: 2nd harmonic content of the differential currents R, S, T TH5R, TH5S, TH5T: 5th harmonic content of the differential currents R, S, T R29 - R34 - DIGITAL INPUTS STATUS ON EVENT E1 DIG1 E1 DIG4 vv vv E1 DIG2 E1 DIG5 vv vv E1 DIG3 E1 DIG6 vv vv
The status of the digital inputs at the event are displayed. The parameter vv can assume the value HI or LO.
R35 - R36 - DATE AND TIME OF THE EVENT E1 Date dd/mm/yy The date and time of the event are showed E1 Time hh:mm:ss
In this section are displayed the total and partial counters of the output relay activation (on TRIP conditions) for each thresholds and the numbers of programming sessions with the date and time of the last confirmed programming session. The total counters, the number of confirmed programming sessions and the date and time of the last confirmed programming session are not modifiable or resettable; the information related to the last programming session are used to control unauthorized access. The partial counter can be modified following the standard set-up procedure for parameters as described at paragraph 4.2; the partial counters are immediately modified in the memory (the recorded values are immediately resetted without the need of the programming confirmation). S1 S10 - TRIP COUNTERS S1 Id> P cccc S2 Id> T cccc
Display of the partial (P) and total (T) counters of the TRIP condition related to each threshold. When the value exceed 9999 the counter starts again from 0000. The counters are identified by the threshold name (Id>, Id>>, Ip>, Ia> and Ib> ); there are presented only the counters related to the active thresholds. The partial counters are modifiable in the range from 0000 to 9999 following the standard set-up procedure (paragraph 4.2). S11 S13 - TOTAL PROGRAMMING SESSIONS AND DATE/TIME OF THE LAST PROGRAMMING SESSION TOT PRG eeee DATE PRG dd/mm/yy TIME PRG hh:mm:ss
Display of the number of confirmed programming sessions (from the factory set-up) and the date and time of the last confirmed programming session.
Supplied kit
The MR version (with minirack) is suggested for 2-windings transformer protection only (without installation of AMF3N module). For all other installations the RK version must be preferred to allow an easy installation of the AMF3N module. IDT8N protection relay RK VERSION - 19" rack installation (the proper rack is supplied by SEB)
protection relay module IDT8N with 2 rear sockets transparent front panel with push-buttons transparent front panel without push-buttons blister with items 1-2-3-4-5
mini-rack protection relay module IDT8N with 2 rear sockets transparent front panel with push-buttons transparent front panel without push-buttons blister with items 1-2-3-4-5
Sacchetto BLISTER
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
n 8 screws to fix wire terminals of current circuits n 4 screws to fix the relay rear socket on the 19" rack n 2 screws to fix (optionally) the protection relay on the front of the 19" rack n 2 knobs to fix the transparent front panel n 8 washers to be used to fix wire terminals (current) 42
6) 7)
n 8 growers to be used to fix wire terminals (current) items to fix the brackets for flush mounting (not applicable)
The knobs to fix the transparent front panel must be screwed through the panel the front panel itself; the operation will create a screw thread in the plastic material and the knobs will never be missed. AMF3N module RK VERSION - 19" rack installation (the proper rack is supplied by SEB)
AMF3N module with 1 rear socket transparent front panel without push-buttons blister with items 1-2-3-4-5
For the protection relay insertion please refer to figures 6, 7, and 8. For insertion scheme related to different vectorial group, please contact SEB technical department. Current circuits It is suggested to terminate the current wiring using eyelet terminals. Minimum suggested wire cross section: 2,5 mm2 Other circuits (output relays etc.) It is suggested to terminate the current wiring using plug terminals. Minimum suggested wire cross section: 1,5 mm2
The protection relay is supplied with R3 and R4 relays configured as SIGNALING RELAYS, with 2 change-over output contacts with breaking capability equals to 0.2 A at 110 Vdc, L/R = 40 ms, 100000 operations. Each R3 and R4 relay can be configured as COMMAND RELAY with 1 change-over output contact with breaking capability equals to 0.5 A at 110 Vdc, L/R = 40 ms, 100000 operations. The new configuration is obtained with the following cabling:
The digital protection relay IDG8N presents an insulated serial interface RS485 half-duplex that allow the multi-drop connection up to 31 protection units. There are available 2 selectable communication protocols (ref. B2 paragraph 5.3). When the STANDARD SEB communication protocol is selected, the transmission speed is automatically selected between 300 to 9600 bauds and the protocol is ASCII-HEX. When the MODBUS communication protocol is selected, the transmission speed can be programmed between 300 to 9600 bauds (ref. B3, par. 5.3). It is suggested to use a shielded twisted pair AWG22; terminal 19 (not connected internally) can be used for shields connections.
Line H
120 Ohm
Line L
120 Ohm
1 A / 5 A programmable 4 In 100 In 50 / 60 Hz 1 - 18500 A 4+1 5A 250 V change over 0.5 A 0.2 A > 106 6 as Uaux 2 mA RS-485 half duplex MOD-BUS ASCII 300 - 9600 baud selectable fiber optic module 24 320 Vdc 20% 48 230 Vac 20% 47 63 Hz 5 / 10 W - 10 / +60 C - 25 / +80 C < 95% IP 31 3.5 kg
Measuring inputs Rated phase current (In) Thermal withstand continuously Thermal withstand for 1 s Rated frequency Primary CTs current Output contacts ratings Number of relays (note 1) Rated current Rated voltage Contact configuration Breaking capability (note 2) - tripping relays (R1, R2) - signaling relays (R3, R4, R5) (note 3) Mechanical life Digital inputs Number of inputs External control voltage Typical current (sink) Data transmission Standard Communication protocol Transmission speed Optional Auxiliary supply Range Frequency (Vac) Burdens (min/max) Environmental conditions Operation Transport and storage Relative humidity (without condensation) Protection degree (mini rack) Weight Note 1) Note 2) Note 3)
The additional relay R5 is controlled by self-test program Breaking capability at 110 Vdc, L/R 40 ms, 100.000 operations The output contacts of R3 and R4 relays can be configured as signaling or tripping relays
Settings THRESHOLDS Ib> P1 P2 87T DI Id>> TH2> TH5> Ia> 50 - 51 Ib> Ip> Insensibility threshold Slope of the first percentage branch Slope of the second percentage branch Base point of the second branch Second differential threshold 2nd harmonic threshold 5th harmonic threshold Overcurrent threshold - primary winding Overcurrent threshold - secondary winding Stabilizing overcurrent Delays All thresholds 87T - 50/51 Additional delay Output relay minimum activation time Setting 0.15 2.00 In 0 50 % 0 100 % 0.00 20.00 In 0.50 20.00 In 10 80 % 10 80 % 0.10 40.00 In 0.10 40.00 In 0.10 40.00 In Setting 0.02 99.99 s 0.00 99.99 s 0.10 99.99 s Resolution 0.01 In 1% 1% 0.01 In 0.01 In 1% 1% 0.01 In 0.01 In 0.01 In Resolution 0.01 s 0.01 s 0.01 s ANSI
Table D
SEB DIVISIONE ELETTRONICA E SISTEMI - UFFICIO COMMERCIALE Via Segantini, 5 - 20825 BARLASSINA (MB) - tel. +39 0362 5669.1 - fax +39 0362 556622 web: www.seb-barlassina.it mail to: [email protected]