Java Generics

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Often you need the same behavior for different kind of classes

Java Generics

The use of Object references induces cumbersome code

Use Object references to accommodate any object type Use Generic classes and Method

Politecnico di Torino

We may need to represent ID of persons in different forms
public class Person { String first;String last; Object ID; Person(String f, String l, Object ID){ this.first = f; this.last = l; this.ID = ID; } }

You can use it with different types
Person a = new Person(Al,A,new Integer(123)); Person b = new Person(Pat,B,s32);

You may need casts..

Integer id = (Integer) a.getID();

..that may be dangerous

Integer id = (Integer) b.getID();
ClassCastException ClassCastException at atrun-time run-time

Politecnico di Torino

Politecnico di Torino

Generic class
public class Person<T> { String first; String last; T ID; Person(String first,String last,T ID){ this.first = first; this.last = last; this.ID = ID; } T getID(){ return ID; } }

Generics use
Declaration is longer but...
Person<Integer> a = new Person<Integer> ("Al","A",new Integer(123)); Person<String> b = new Person<String> ("Pat","B","s32");

..use is more compact and safer

Integer id1 = a.getID(); String id2 = b.getID(); Integer ids = b.getID();
Compiler Compilererror: error: type typemismatch mismatch

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Politecnico di Torino

Generic type declaration

Syntax: (class|interface) Name <P1 {,P2}> Parameters:
uppercase letter usually: T(ype), E(lement), K(ey), V(alue)

Generic collections
All collection interfaces and classes have been redefined as Generics Use of generics lead to code that is
safer more compact easier to understand equally performing

Politecnico di Torino

Politecnico di Torino

Generic list - excerpt

public interface List<E>{ void add(E x); Iterator<E> iterator(); } public interface Iterator<E>{ E next(); boolean hasNext(); }

Using a list of Integers Without generics ( ArrayList list ) list.add(0, new Integer(42)); int n= ((Integer)(list.get(0))).intValue(); With generics ( ArrayList<Integer> list ) list.add(0, new Integer(42)); int n= ((Integer)(list.get(0))).intValue(); + autoboxing ( ArrayList<Integer> list list.add(0,new Integer(42)); int total = list.get(0).intValue(); )

Politecnico di Torino

Politecnico di Torino


A class representing a point with different precisions
public class Point<T> { T x; T y; public Point(T x, T y){ this.x = x; this.y = y; } }

Computing distance from origin:
public double distance(){ return Math.sqrt( x.doubleValue()*x.doubleValue() + y.doubleValue()*y. doubleValue()); } method methodundefined undefined for fortype typeT T We need to bind T:
public class Point<T extends Number> {..}

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Politecnico di Torino


Bounded types
Allow to express constraints when defining generic types class C<T extends B1 { & B2 } >
class C can be instantiated only with types derived from B1 (and B2 etc.)

Generics subtyping
We must be careful about inheritance when generic types are involved

String is a subtype of Object List<String> is not subtype of List<Object>

List<String> ls = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Object> lo = ls; if ifthis thiswere werelegal legalthen... then... lo.add(new Object()); String s = ls.get(0);

.. ..we wecould couldend endup up assigning assigningan anObject Objectto to aaString reference String reference

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Politecnico di Torino

Wildcard - example
An attempt to have a generic method:
void printAll(Collection<Object> c) { for (Object e: c) System.out.println(e); }

Bounded wildcard - example

We need a generic sum function
List<Integer> list=new LinkedList<Integer>(); sum(list);

double sum(List<Number> list) not applicable to List<Integer> double sum(List<T extends Number> list) not a valid syntax, not defining a new type double sum(List<? extends Number> list) we need to use a bounded wildcard

We ought to use a wildcard:

won't work with e.g. Collection<String>

void printAll(Collection<?> c) { .. }
pronounced: Collection of unknown
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Politecnico di Torino


Allow to express (lack of) constraints when using generic types G<?> G<? extends B> G<? super D>
lower bound: only super-types of D
Including D Including B

Lower bound - example

An element E can be ordered if it directly implements Comparable<E> interface SortedCollection <E extends Comparable<E>> but also if any of its super-classes implements the relative Comparable interface SortedCollection <E extends Comparable<? super E>>

A sorted collection should contain elements that can be ordered

G of unknown, unbounded upper bound: only sub-types of B

Politecnico di Torino


Politecnico di Torino


Generic method declaration

Syntax: modifiers <T> ret_type name(pars) pars can be:
as usual T type<T>

Generic methods
A generic method can be declared both in a common or generic class
<T> T method(T t) <N extends Number> N method(List<N> t) <N extends Number> void method(List<N> t) void method(List<? extends Number> t) Wildcards are more compact when a type parameter is used only once

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Politecnico di Torino


Generics classes
There is only one class generated (by the compiler) for each generic type declaration
Person<Integer> a = new Person<Integer> ("Al","A",new Integer(123)); Person<String> b = new Person<String> ("Pat","B","s32"); boolean same=(a.getClass()==b.getClass());
believe believeit itor ornot not same true sameis istrue
Politecnico di Torino

Type erasure
Classes corresponding to generic types are generated by type erasure
The erasure of a generic class is a raw type
where any reference to the parameters is substituted with the parameter erasure

Erasure of a parameter is the erasure of its first constraint The erasure of a non-generic type is the type itself
If no constraint then erasure is Object


Politecnico di Torino


Type erasure - examples

In: <T>
T ==> Object T ==> Number T ==> Number

Type erasure consequences I

Compiler makes control only when a generic type is used, not within it. Whenever a generic or a parameter is used a cast is added to its erasure instanceOf and .class cannot be used on generic types
valid for G<?> equivalent to the raw type

In: <T extends Number> In: <T extends Number & Comparable>

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Politecnico di Torino


Type erasure consequences II

It is not possible to instantiate an object of the generic's parameter type
class G<T> { T[] toArray(){ T[] res = new T[n]; T t = new T(); }}
The Thecompiler compiler cannot cannotinstantiate instantiate these theseobjects objects It is not possible to substitute the erasure in an instantiation statement

Type erasure consequences III

Overload and ovverride must be considered after type erasure
class Base<T> { void m(int x){} Object void m(T t){} void m(String s){} Number <N extends Number> void m(N x){} void m(List<?> l){} }

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Politecnico di Torino


Generics and inheritance

Inherintance together with generic types leads to several possibilities It is not possible to implement two generic interfaces instantiated with different types
class Value implements Comparable<Value> class ExtValue extends Value implements Comparable<ExtValue>

Type invariance
It is always possible substitute a more general (super class) reference to a specific one (covariance)
Integer i; Object o = i;

Generics parameters are invariant

Collection<Integer> ci; Collection<Object> co = ci; c.add(new Double(1)); // would be possible

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Politecnico di Torino


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