The document provides information about vacant positions for Panchayat Secretaries Grade-IV in Warangal district. There are 135 vacancies available through direct recruitment as per government orders. Candidates must have a degree and the selection will be based on marks obtained in the degree exam as well as weightage for experience as contract Panchayat Secretaries. The last date to apply is December 5, 2013 and applications must be submitted in person with required documents to the District Panchayat Officer in Warangal.
The document provides information about vacant positions for Panchayat Secretaries Grade-IV in Warangal district. There are 135 vacancies available through direct recruitment as per government orders. Candidates must have a degree and the selection will be based on marks obtained in the degree exam as well as weightage for experience as contract Panchayat Secretaries. The last date to apply is December 5, 2013 and applications must be submitted in person with required documents to the District Panchayat Officer in Warangal.
The document provides information about vacant positions for Panchayat Secretaries Grade-IV in Warangal district. There are 135 vacancies available through direct recruitment as per government orders. Candidates must have a degree and the selection will be based on marks obtained in the degree exam as well as weightage for experience as contract Panchayat Secretaries. The last date to apply is December 5, 2013 and applications must be submitted in person with required documents to the District Panchayat Officer in Warangal.
The document provides information about vacant positions for Panchayat Secretaries Grade-IV in Warangal district. There are 135 vacancies available through direct recruitment as per government orders. Candidates must have a degree and the selection will be based on marks obtained in the degree exam as well as weightage for experience as contract Panchayat Secretaries. The last date to apply is December 5, 2013 and applications must be submitted in person with required documents to the District Panchayat Officer in Warangal.
Sc ...c:: occc. OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR (PANCHAYAT WING) WARANGAL. VACANCY POSITION AND OTHER CONDITIONS The filling up of vacant posts of Panchayat Secretaries Grade-IV through General Direct Recruitment in respect of Contract Panchayat Secretaries and other degree qualified candidates, as per G.O.Ms.No.379, PR&RD (Mdl-II) Dept., dt:14.08.2013.
1.METHOD OF RECRUTIMENT: The recruitment will be done as per G.O.Ms.No.379, PR&RD (Mdl-II) Dept., dt:14.08.2013 and further instructions of Commissioner, PR&RE, A.P.Hyd.
3. No.of VACANCIES: 135 (One Thirty Five)
4. SCALE OF PAY: Rs.7520-22430 (In PRC-2010)
5. RESERVATIONS: Sl. No. Category General Women Total 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Scheduled Tribes in Scheduled Area 19 10 29 2. Open Competition 33 15 48 3. Scheduled Castes 10 5 15 4. Scheduled Tribes 4 2 6 5. Backward Class(Group-A) 5 2 7 6. Backward Class(Group-B) 6 5 11 7. Backward Class(Group-C) 1 1 2 8. Backward Class(Group-D) 5 2 7 9. Backward Class(Group-E) 3 1 4 10. Hearing Handicapped 1 0 1 11. Orthopedically Handicapped 0 1 1 12. Visually Handicapped 0 1 1 13. Ex-Servicemen 1 2 3 Total 88 47 135 6. QUALIFICATION: a) Educational Qualification: Degree (75% weightage would be based on the marks obtained in the Degree Examination including languages). b) Desirable Qualification: Of the remaining 25%, a weightage of 15% would be awarded for the service as Contract Panchayat Secretaries @ 3 marks per every year of service and 10% for the seniority after the date of acquisition of educational qualification @ 1 mark for each year of waiting after acquiring Degree qualification to the contract Panchayat Secretaries only. c) As per G.O.Ms.No.145,Social Welfare (GCC.I) Dept., dt:29.12.2001, the Panchayat Secretary posts in scheduled area shall be filled up by the Scheduled Tribe Candidates residing in Scheduled Areas. 7. SELECTION COMMITTEE: District Selection Committee: a) District Collector - Chairperson b) Chief Executive Officer, ZPP - Member c) Dist.Panchayat Officer - Member & Convener 8. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FORM: From dt:26.11.2013 10.30 A.M To dt:05.12.2013 before 5.00 P.M. i) The Candidate shall submit the online filled printed application along with attested copies of all relevant certificates to the District Panchayat Officer, Warangal, located at Collectorate. ii) Non-submission of the attested copies of certificates and Memos of marks pertaining to the educational qualification prescribed for the post and Non-submission of application through online will make his/her application invalid and hence liable for rejection. NOTE: The application forms available in online in the website has to be filled up in online and the copy of the filled application along with the attested copies of certificates and Memos as per the notification and a D.D./I.P.O. for Rs.50/- in favour of District Panchayat Officer, Warangal should be submitted in the Office of the District Panchayat Officer, Warangal, at Collectorate. 9. AGE: Above 18 years but less than 36 years as on 26.11-2013 a) There is a age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/BC Candidates & 10 years in the case of Physically Handicapped persons. In respect of Ex-Servicemen, a person who worked in the armed forces of the Indian Union, shall be allowed to deduct for his age a period of three years in addition to the length of service rendered by him in the armed forces for purposes of the maximum age limit. b) Age relaxation for contract Panchayat Secretaries: Government have decided and ordered to consider all the eligible and qualified Contract Panchayat Secretaries for the General Direct Recruitment with a relaxation in the age, provided their age on the day they entered in to the contractual service was within the limits prescribed in the rules.
10. HOW TO APPLY: Application forms will be available in the website between dt:26.11.2013 10.30 A.M. to dt:05.12.2013, 5.00 P.M. The candidates should apply in online and take printout and submit the filled application form with Rs.50/-D.D. or I.P.O. drawn in favour of District Panchayat Officer, Warangal, along with the attested copies of Memos of SSC, Inter, Degree, Caste Certificate and Residence Certificate in the Office of District Panchayat Officer, Warangal, at Collectorate. 11. SELECTION: Candidates shall be selected on the basis of marks secured in Degree and weightage of marks for contract service of Panchayat Secretary. Sd/- G.Kishan, District Collector (P.W), Warangal. // Attested //