Forming The Compound Perfect Indicative in Romanian
Forming The Compound Perfect Indicative in Romanian
Forming The Compound Perfect Indicative in Romanian
a!i, au and the past participle of the actual verb: The past participle is formed by replacing the suffix of the infinitive with the suffix of the participle. Phonetic mutations may occur at the end of the stem:
1 conjugation verbs in -a
a cnta cntat; a lucra work lucrat; a pleca leave plecat a ap"rea appear ap"rut; a t"cea keep quiet t"cut; a vedea see v"zut a ncepe start nceput; a cere ask, require cerut; a trece pass, go by trecut a aduce bring adus; a n!elege understand n!eles; a merge walk mers; a scrie write scris a rupe tear apart rupt; a fierbe boil fiert a dormi sleep dormit; a fugi run fugit; a ie#i get out ie#it a cobor climb down cobort; a hot"r decide hot"rt; a ur hate urt
-t -it
- the past participle of the verbs ending in -a, -ea, -i and - is formed with the corresponding suffixes -at, -ut, -it and -t, replacing the suffix of the infinitive - the past participle of the verbs ending in -e can take one of the suffixes: -ut, -s, -t. There are no formal criteria to establish what suffix to use to form the past participle of these verbs: a crede believe crezut, but a rde laugh rs; a n!elege understand n!eles, but a sparge break spart - before the suffixes -s or -t, the final consonant of the stem is dropped: a spune tell spus, a sparge break spart. Exception: a rupe tear apart rupt.
Verbe neregulate
The compound perfect indicaitve is used to show a past action considered completed at the moment of speaking. This is the tense used most frequently to express a completed past action. In general, it corresponds to the English past tense indefinite but, since Romanian has no present perfect and does not formally express the opposition between simple and continuous, the Romanian compound perfect can also correspond to the English present perfect or present perfect continuous: Numai ce-am v"zut-o pe Andreea! I have just seen Andreea. Nu am v"zut-o pe Andreea de doi ani. I havent seen Andreea for 2 years. . Am lucrat mult s"pt"mna asta. I have been working a lot this week.