Pau Inglés-7
Pau Inglés-7
Pau Inglés-7
a) Duracin: 1 h.30m. b) No se permite el uso de diccionario. c) La puntuacin de las preguntas est indicada en las mismas. d) Los alumnos debern realizar completa una de las dos opciones A o B, sin poder mezclar las respuestas.
OPTION A: Halloween, more than an American tradition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Halloween, a Celtic Irish tradition and one of the world's oldest holidays, is still celebrated today in many countries. All Souls' Day, a festivity two days after Halloween, is the most important part of the celebration for many people in Mexico, Latin America and Spain. In Ireland and Canada, where Halloween was once a frightening and superstitious time of year, the festivity is now celebrated as in the United States, with trick-or-treating, costume parties, and fun for all ages. Although most people believe it is an American holiday, the custom was brought to America in the 1840's by Irish immigrants escaping their country's potato famine. The word Halloween" comes from a contraction of All Hallows Eve. The expression referred to the eve of "All Hallows Day" (or "All Saints Day"), the Catholic festivity celebrated on November 1st. Different practices and symbols are associated to Halloween. The custom of trick-or-treat is believed to have originated not with the Irish Celts, but with a ninth-century European tradition called souling, in which early Christians walked from village to village asking for "soul cakes" or square pieces of bread with currants. The more soul cakes the beggars received, the more prayers they promised to say for the dead relatives of the donors. The carved pumpkin, also called Jack-o-lantern, is perhaps the most famous icon of the holiday. This custom probably comes from Irish folklore. The Irish used turnips originally. But when the immigrants came to America, they found that pumpkins were far more abundant than turnips, and so the Jack-o-lantern became an emptied pumpkin in America.
I * COMPREHENSION (4 points: questions 1-3, 1 point each; 4-5, 0.5 points each) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-3 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. 1. How is Halloween celebrated nowadays in Ireland? Explain. 2. Why is Halloween not an American tradition? 3. Justify the reason why Halloween is a word with a Catholic origin. ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH THE PRECISE WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT, OR USE YOUR OWN WORDS. 4. It seems that the trick-or-treating tradition doesnt come from the Celts. 5. In the old days, Irish Jack-o-lanterns were emptied turnips. II * USE OF ENGLISH (3 points; questions 6-9, 0.25 points each; 10-13, 0.5 points each) 6. FIND IN THE TEXT ONE SYNONYM FOR entertainment (noun). 7. FIND IN THE TEXT ONE WORD / EXPRESSION MEANING lack of food for an extended period of time. 8. WHICH WORD DOES NOT HAVE THE SAME MEANING? terrified / scared / worried / frightened. 9. COMPLETE THE SERIES WITH ANOTHER WORD FROM THE SAME SEMANTIC GROUP. apparition / spirit / phantom /. 10. FILL IN THE GAP WITH THE CORRECT OPTION. The more you drive the .. driver you will become. (good / better / best) 11. TURN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE INTO THE ACTIVE VOICE. The custom of Halloween was brought to America in the 1840's by Irish immigrants. 12. REWRITE THE SENTENCE WITHOUT CHANGING ITS MEANING. BEGIN AS INDICATED. You ought to spend more time with your children this year. You had better 13. GIVE A QUESTION FOR THE UNDERLINED WORDS. The Jack-o-Lantern custom probably comes from Irish folklore. III * PRODUCTION (3 points) 14. WRITE A COMPOSITION OF APPROXIMATELY 120 WORDS ABOUT THE PROPOSED TOPIC AND FOCUS STRICTLY ON IT: What is your favourite celebration of the year? Why?
a) Duracin: 1 h.30m. b) No se permite el uso de diccionario. c) La puntuacin de las preguntas est indicada en las mismas. d) Los alumnos debern realizar completa una de las dos opciones A o B, sin poder mezclar las respuestas.
OPTION B: The woman who changed the course of British royal history. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 On an autumn day in 1931, a woman sits on a train to Leicestershire going to spend the weekend at a hunt. Prince Edward, the blond, blue-eyed heir to the throne, will be there. She has never met him and knows nothing about hunting. At 35, she isnt young or beautiful. Divorced once, her second husband travels with her. She is worried about royal etiquette. Wallis neednt have worried about making an impression. That day she stole the Princes heart and, soon after being crowned, King Edward VIII abdicated all because of her. Everybody wondered: how did she do it? Who was Wallis Simpson? Born in the USA, she came from a family of businessmen and her father died when she was a baby. She and her mother depended on the charity of a cruel uncle. Her mum did small jobs to earn some money. Her disadvantaged childhood explains her lifelong obsession with being rich. With her second husband, she moved to England in 1928 and they presented themselves to London society. Three years later, she met the Prince. Edward fell madly in love with her, and their affair began while she was still married, to the horror of Edwards parents. In January 1936, George V died and Edward became king. The following December he abdicated as he wasnt allowed to marry a divorcee. He then married Wallis. None of the royal family attended. He explained the reasons for his abdication: he couldnt fulfill his duties without the support of the woman he loved. They lived an empty life of luxury in Paris, but did she truly love the Prince? I * COMPREHENSION (4 points: questions 1-3, 1 point each; 4-5, 0.5 points each) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-3 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. 1. How did Wallis and Edward meet? 2. Did she feel confident about meeting the Prince? Why? 3. Why did Edward decide to abdicate? ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH THE PRECISE WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT, OR USE YOUR OWN WORDS. 4. Wallis lived in poverty when she was a child. 5. Edwards closest relatives went to the marriage ceremony. II * USE OF ENGLISH (3 points; questions 6-9, 0.25 points each; 10-13, 0.5 points each) 6. FIND IN THE TEXT ONE SYNONYM FOR fair (adjective). 7. GIVE AN ADJECTIVE WITH THE SAME ROOT AS reason (noun). 8. FIND IN THE TEXT ONE WORD MEANING to be present at. 9. FILL IN THE GAP WITH A CORRECT PREPOSITION: Edwards happiness depended . his marriage to Wallis. 10. TURN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE INTO THE PASSIVE VOICE: People believed Wallis was worried about royal etiquette. 11. JOIN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES USING AN APPROPRIATE LINKER (DO NOT USE AND, BUT, OR BECAUSE). MAKE CHANGES IF NECESSARY: She was not young or beautiful. The Prince fell in love with her. 12. GIVE A QUESTION FOR THE UNDERLINED WORDS: Her father died when she was five months old. 13. JOIN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES USING A RELATIVE PRONOUN. MAKE CHANGES IF NECESSARY: Wallis wanted to have a life of luxury. She was very poor as a child. III * PRODUCTION (3 points) 14. WRITE A COMPOSITION OF APPROXIMATELY 120 WORDS ABOUT THE TOPIC PROPOSED. YOU MUST FOCUS STRICTLY ON IT: What do you think are the most important things in life? Why?