ArtCAM Tutorijal3
ArtCAM Tutorijal3
ArtCAM Tutorijal3
J.C.Lee 2007
Pull in Guidelines from top and LH side of screen to indicate centre of model Zoom in to LH centre of model
Starting from the centre of the model, use the Create Polyline tool in the Vector toolbar to draw a single, connected chain of lines that shows half of the cross section of the clock model (Remember to stay within the drawing area.)
Open the Spin wizard in Relief toolbar Click on vector (LH mouse button) to select the vector line you have just drawn. Click on Select box in Spin wizard box
ArtCAM Tutorials
J.C.Lee 2007
Check that anchor point (shown by a green rectangle) is at centre of model if not click Move anchor point to other end box. Check that half arrow heads are inside your model if not click invert curve in z Click Next
Click Sweep through 360 degrees Click Next In following screen, assume no z modulation required click Next
ArtCAM Tutorials
J.C.Lee 2007
Things to try:
Your clock face probably needs something to show where the numbers are. Try creating a vector shape at the 12 o clock position and then using Rotate Copy to create your design. The example below uses simple circles but your design could be any shape. Does the position of all the numbers on a clock need to be shown? how would you use Rotate Copy to just put vectors at 12, 3, 6 and 9 oclock?