Europass Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information
Europass Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information
Europass Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Address(es) )ele #one(s) Fa0(es) 12mail 5ationalit4 7ate o& %irt# 8ender Pleca Loredana Str. Ion Ceanga 49/3, a .!", C#isinau, $e u%lic o& 'oldo(a *3+3,!-./!," *3+3,",+." $e u%lic o& 'oldo(a (also $omanian citi6ens#i ) .nd o& August /993 Female
For more in&ormation on 1uro ass go to #tt >//euro ass.cede&o .euro ? 1uro ean @nion, .""42."/" .4"!."/"
For more in&ormation on 1uro ass go to #tt >//euro ass.cede&o .euro ? 1uro ean @nion, .""42."/" .4"!."/"
Romanian Understanding
Listening C. H. $eading C. C. C/ H.
S oGen interaction S oGen roduction C/ A.
C/ C/
Englis !talian
N 8ood a%ilities &or s4nt#etic and glo%al (ieDs o(er concrete situations N 1nd2oriented DorG ca acit4 N Pro%lem2sol(ing mindset N $es onsi%le, Sel&2res ecting and sel&2reliant N Strong re&erential (alues o& &airness, eKuit4 and dignit4 N A%ilit4 to esta%lis# and maintain good DorGing relations Dit# eo le o& di&&erent national and cultural %acGgrounds N A%ilit4 to li(e and/or ser(e in #ards#i locations I GnoD t#e meaning o& #ard DorG. N Pu%lic s eaGing/de%ates.
Com uter sGills and com etences Artistic sGills and com etences
'4 #o%%ies are singing, la4ing t#e guitar and (olunteer DorG.
For more in&ormation on 1uro ass go to #tt >//euro ass.cede&o .euro ? 1uro ean @nion, .""42."/" .4"!."/"