Modeling and Simulation of Grid-Connected Hybrid Photovoltaic/Battery Distributed Generation System
Modeling and Simulation of Grid-Connected Hybrid Photovoltaic/Battery Distributed Generation System
Modeling and Simulation of Grid-Connected Hybrid Photovoltaic/Battery Distributed Generation System
. ) __,,a;-||a|aaa
O ow
J :(;,q;;t
j ", .. ""[,, ...... " '''''' '''''' ......... .
__ __ __
Figure 7. Discharge characteristics curve of the battery at the
rated discharge current (V-Q)
Formulas for calculating the parameters are
Parameters Values
Fully charged voltage {,.o
Exponential voltage {,, 210!
Exponential capacity _,, 0A!
Nomianl voltage {nom 200!
Nominal capacity _nom 240A!
Initial SOC () 00
Battery internal resistance 1b
Rated capacity
Use MATLAB/Simulink to model the battery, as shown
in fgure . Based on table 2, the battery discharge curves at
difrent discharge currents are obtained, shown in fgure 9.
Figure . The battery model in MALTAB/Simulink
5 z
1 1 z
1|IS auu|s)
Figure 9. Discharge characteristics curves of the battery at
different discharge current (V-Q)
4. Ufld-C0nnoCtod HV/Uattof Uonofatl0n
Figure lOis the confguration of the grid-connected
PV/Battery generation system. PV array and battery are
connected to the common dc bus via a DCIDC converter
respectively, and then interconnected to the ac grid via a
common DC/AC inverter. Battery energy storage can charge
and discharge to help balance the power between PV
generation and loads demand. When the generation exceeds
the demand, PV array will charge the battery to store the extra
power, meanwhile, when the generation is less than the
demand, the battery will discharge the stored power to supply
loads. Each of PV system, battery energy storage system and
the inverter has its independent control objective, and by
controlling each part, the entire system is operating safely.
4 ZU1U China Interational Conference on Electricity Distribution
>ystem l
control PV arra
to generate the maximum power
' > Three-phase PMW Inverter
Control the active power and reactive power at ae bus
to be constant
Er; St;
Figure 11.The fow chart of variable-step P&O algorithm
+.1.Z 00S PIPHuD0 S P0DI0
For two-stage PY generation system, boost chooper
circuit is always used as the DC/DC converter. Since the
output voltage of PV cell is low, the use of boost circuit will
enable low-voltage PY array to be used, as a result, the total
2010 China Interational Conference on Electricity Distribution 5
cost will be reduced. A capacitor IS generally connected
between PV array and the boost circuit, which is used to
reduce high frequency harmonics. Figure 12 is the
confguration of the boost circuit and its control system.
Figure 12. Boost circuit and its control
Let D (O<D< 1) be the duty cycle of the boost converter.
Ts is the period of a switching cycle. When the IGBT is closed,
the inductance voltage and capacitor voltage meet the
following relationship.
L P_ = =V
= I =
de C(on)
Similarly, when the TGBT is open, the equations of
inductance voltage and capacitor voltage are described as
1 d",
L _ =
v =V
J dt
pv de J( o
- J - J - '
- de IV - lqc
PV array can be controlled to operate at the maximum
power point by regulating the duty cycle D. The control
scheme includes two levels. The external level regulates the
voltage using the reference voltage Vrefcalculated by MPPT
algorithm, and the internal level aims at regulating the current,
as illustrated in Fig.12.
4.2 Battery energy storage system
Battery energy storage system (BESS) is composed of a
battery bank, a bi-directional DC/DC converter and control
system. The system should be able to operating in two
directions: the battery can be charged to store the extra energy
and also can discharge the energy to loads.
In the paper, BESS is typically connected to the dc bus
through a bi-directional DCIDC converter, as shown in fgure
13. The utility grid is considered as a backup source and the
battery bank serves as a short-duration power source to meet
the load demands which cannot be fully met by the PV system,
particularly during fuctuations of the solar or transient
Figure 13. The bi-directional DCIDC converter
The primary objective of the battery converter is to
maintain the common dc link voltage constant. Tn this way, no
matter the battery is charging or discharging, the voltage of
the dc bus can be stable and thus the ripple in the capacitor
voltage is much less. When charging, switch Sf is activated
and the converter works as a boost circuit. otherwise. when
discharging, switch S2 is activated and the converter works as
a buck circuit. Figure 14 presents the control method for the
bi-directional converter. The control scheme still includes two
loops-external voltage control and internal current control.
When the voltage at dc link is lower than the voltage
reference, switch S2 is activated; when the voltage at dc link is
higher than the voltage reference, switch Sf is activated.
Figure 14. Control of the bi-directional converter
4.3 Control of the grid-connected inverter
PV array and the battery are connected to the ac grid via
a common DC/AC inverter. The inverter is used in current
control method with PWM switching mechanism to make the
inductance current track the sinusoidal reference current
command closely and obtain a low THD injected current.
The control strategy mainly consists of two cascaded
loops, namely a fast internal current loop and an external
voltage loop. The proposed multi-level control scheme is
based on the concept of instantaneous power on the
synchronous-rotating dq reference frame.
I) External control
The external control is to maintain the power generated
from PV/Battery system to the grid to be constant. Neglecting
power losses in the power electronic converters, active and
o 2010 China Interational Conference on Electricity Distribution
where, v
are three-phase voltages at the ac bus, /
are three-phase currents injected into the ac grid,
Applying Park transformation, equation (12) can be
where, 1
represent the d,q components of the voltage at
PCC, igq .igdrepresent d,q components of the line current
In the reference frame synchronized with the grid
voltage, Vgq=O, VgrVg, so
{p -1 5 .
- 1.5
Thus, the active power and reactive power are
respectively proportional to igd and -igq' Besides, the active
power can be represented by the voltage of dc link Vd
Consequently, the following control algorithms can be used
for the inverter to regulate power.
1 l
) 'r- = - g gr-, g
2) Internal Control
From fgure I, it can obtain
where, 1.1 1are three-phase voltages at the ac side of the
inverter, 1 Rfare the flter inductance and resistance,
In rotating d-q axis, equation (16) can be described as
where, 0 is the grid frequency,
_ \_ 1
The current controller still uses PI regulator, thus
In summary, the internal control can be depicted as
fgure 15,
Figure 15, Control scheme of the grid-side inverter
5. Simulation Study
Based on the above models and control methods, the
grid-connected hybrid PY /Batlery generation system can be
implemented in MATLAB/Simulink, as shown in fgure 16,
In this paper, three simulation cases are studied, namely
a, steady operation, when the generation of PY array is equal
to the load demands;
b, changes of solar irradiance, when the generation of PY
array is not equal to the load demands and the battery will
charge/discharge to store/release energy;
c, single-phase fault in the line
Figure 16, Simulation model of the hybrid generation system
2010 China Interational Conference on Electricity Distribution 1
5.1 Steady operation
When the system is in steady state, solar irradiance IS
1000 W/m
, and temperature is 298K. From fgure 4, it is
known that at this condition, the maximum output power of
PV system is 9800W. Set the power demands to be 9800W,
which is just equal to the generation, so now the BESS does
not work. Simulation time is 2s, and simulation step is 5 J s.
(a)DC reference voltage (b )Output voltage of PV array
(c) Output current of PV array
, ..
1 g -~ -~~- - ~ , ~
a. O5 . .. ,--
. ,.
- _}~~
(d)Output power of PV array
(e)Tnstaneous active power and reactive power at the ac bus
(f Output power of battery
(h)Output voltage of battery
J 0# 04 08 0B , f2 1*
(g) State of charge
(i) voltage at dc bus
11 s t I $
()Three-phase current of the ac line
(k)Three-phase voltage at the ac bus
Figure 17. Simulation results of the system in steady state
From fgures (a)-(d), at this operation situation, the
reference voltage calculated by MPPT controller is 352Y. Tn
steady state, the operation point of PV array is just its
maximum power point and PV array generate the power of
9800W. Since now the power generated from PV array is
equal to load demands, battery is inactivated, and its output
power is zero, its voltage and SOC are unchanged, as shown
in fgures (f-(h). Moreover, the voltage at dc bus is regulated
to be 400Y.
5.2 Single-phase fault in the line
| q
Fig.18 Location of the fault in the system
At t=I.5s, a single-phase fault happens in the line, and
the fault point is marked in fgure 18. Afer 0.5s, the fault is
cleared. Simulation time is 3s.
(a)DC reference voltage
.......... i .... .. -.. .~.....i._ .
- = ~ -~-
_. ~ .. ......... -+ ......... , ..
(b )Output voltage of PV array
. *
...... ~- ..j.... .
f i !
.... - -)------
... -
(c) Output current of PV array (d)Output power of PV array
b 2010 China Interational Conference on Electricity Distribution
_.... .....,......... ..... .........,...........,...... . ... , .
- ,
... .............. , ...... .. . " . . ..... i .......... i . . . ..
>m" -
t I.
(e) Output power of battery
(g) State of charge
(f Output voltage of battery
...... -to ..
(h) voltage at dc bus
(i) Instaneous active power and reactive power at the ac bus
() Line current ahead
of the fault point
(current from PV IBattery )
(k)Line current afer
the fault point
(current from the grid)
(l)Three-phase voltages at the fault point
Figure 19. Simulation results of the integral system in
single-phase fault
From fgure (h), at t=I.S-2s, the bi-directional DC/DC
converter in BESS can maintain the voltage at dc bus
constantly to be 400V. Thus, output characteristics of PV
array which is in dc link does not fuctuate during fault period,
as shown in fgure (a)-(d). However, during fault period,
voltages and currents of the ac line are all changing: phase-c
voltage reduces to be zero, current rises to be very large.
Since the battery always tracks the grid power, the power
generated from the battery also fuctuates during fault period,
as shown in fgures (e )-(g).
5.2 Langcsofsolarirradiancc
Assuming solar irradiance changes: during 0 to I s, solar
irradiance is 1000 W 1m
; during 1 s to 2s, solar irradiance is
; during 2s to 3s, solar irradiance becomes ISOO
Because power demands of the grid side keep 9800W,
PV generation will become not equal to the power demands,
and the battery will charge or discharge to maintain the power
balance. Simulation time is 3s.
Figure 20 shows the simulation results of the PV system,
namely dc reference voltage calculated by MPPT controller,
PV array output voltage, output current and output power.
From these results, it can be known that when the solar
irradiance changes, V-I characteristics of PV array changes
and the maximum power point also changes. With difrent
solar irradiances, MPPT controller can track the MPP quickly
and make the PV array always generate the maximum power.
. ! ~~|-
, ...
- _.
-.. -.... - .-.. -.. -. ........., . ........! .............
Figure 20. Simulation results of the PV system when solar
irradiance changes
Since the power generated from PV array doesn't keep
equal to the power demands, battery will charge or discharge
to make up with this power unbalance. Figure 21 shows the
simulation results of BESS. When solar irradiance is SOO
W 1m
, PV generation is less than 9800W, so the battery will
2010 China Interational Conference on Electricity Distribution v
discharge to provide power to the grid, as well as its SOC and
terminal voltage decreases; when solar irradiance IS
, PV generation is more than 9800W, so now PV
array will charge the battery to store extra energy, as well as
SOC and terminal voltage of the battery increases as a result.
. .
. .- .'
. 1
. I . .. J
Figure 21. Simulation results of the BESS when solar
irradiance changes
When there is no battery in the generation system, power
delivered into the utility grid changes as PV generation
changes, moreover, the voltage and current at the ac bus will
also change as a result. On the contrary, when there is a
battery bank in the system, the battery can charge or discharge
to help maintain the voltage, current and power constant, and
thus improve the stability at the point of common coupling.
Figure 22 is the comparison between the simulation results of
the system with BESS and the system without BESS. Figure
(a) shows that if there is no BESS, the voltage at the common
dc bus will fuctuate at the moment when the solar irradiance
changes; on the contrary, if there is a BESS, the voltage at the
common dc bus will always be stable. From fgure (b )-( c),
when PV generation fuctuates, the connection of BESS can
help keep the ac link in the generation system stable.
, .-.. .., ....... --, . ..
.... .
(a) voltage at the common dc bus
G ." 1, ,.
" '
(b) Instaneous active power and reactive power at the ac bus
(c) Three-phase voltages and currents at the ac bus
Figure 22. Comparison of the simulation results between the
system with BESS and the system without BESS
b. onClu8lon8
Tn this paper, a grid-connected hybrid PV /Battery
generation system is studied. In order to convert the solar
energy efciently, the maximum power point of the PV array
should be tracked to ensure the PV array to generate most
power to utility grid. Modifed variable-step P&O method can
change the perturbation as the real operation point changes,
consequently, both of the tracking speed and algorithm
accuracy are satisfed. When solar irradiance or temperature
fuctuates, PV generation will change as a result. Battery can
be charged or discharge to maintain the power balance
between PV generation and the demands, and thus improve
the stablity of the entire system. When there is a short-circuit
fault in the line, voltage, current and power at the ac grid will
fuctuate. Because the bi-directional DC/DC converter in
BESS can control the dc bus voltage to be constant, dc side of
the system will not be affected during the fault period, and
thus it will reduce the impact of fault on the PV system.
This paper is supported by National Natural Science
Foundation (No.50595412, 50625722), National 973 Project
(No. 2009CB219700).
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