The document summarizes key provisions regarding property regimes under Philippine family law. It discusses the absolute community of property and conjugal partnership of gains regimes. Some key points:
- Under absolute community of property, all property of the spouses is owned jointly. Under conjugal partnership of gains, property brought into the marriage is separate but assets acquired during marriage are owned jointly.
- Debts and obligations incurred by either spouse for the benefit of the family are the responsibility of the community property under both regimes. Support of spouses and children is also the obligation of the community property.
- Property acquired through inheritance or gift remains separate property unless specified otherwise. Assets purchased with separate funds remain separate. Improvements
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ALEITHEIA - Persons and Family Relations Tables (Sta. Maria)
The document summarizes key provisions regarding property regimes under Philippine family law. It discusses the absolute community of property and conjugal partnership of gains regimes. Some key points:
- Under absolute community of property, all property of the spouses is owned jointly. Under conjugal partnership of gains, property brought into the marriage is separate but assets acquired during marriage are owned jointly.
- Debts and obligations incurred by either spouse for the benefit of the family are the responsibility of the community property under both regimes. Support of spouses and children is also the obligation of the community property.
- Property acquired through inheritance or gift remains separate property unless specified otherwise. Assets purchased with separate funds remain separate. Improvements
The document summarizes key provisions regarding property regimes under Philippine family law. It discusses the absolute community of property and conjugal partnership of gains regimes. Some key points:
- Under absolute community of property, all property of the spouses is owned jointly. Under conjugal partnership of gains, property brought into the marriage is separate but assets acquired during marriage are owned jointly.
- Debts and obligations incurred by either spouse for the benefit of the family are the responsibility of the community property under both regimes. Support of spouses and children is also the obligation of the community property.
- Property acquired through inheritance or gift remains separate property unless specified otherwise. Assets purchased with separate funds remain separate. Improvements
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ALEITHEIA - Persons and Family Relations Tables (Sta. Maria)
The document summarizes key provisions regarding property regimes under Philippine family law. It discusses the absolute community of property and conjugal partnership of gains regimes. Some key points:
- Under absolute community of property, all property of the spouses is owned jointly. Under conjugal partnership of gains, property brought into the marriage is separate but assets acquired during marriage are owned jointly.
- Debts and obligations incurred by either spouse for the benefit of the family are the responsibility of the community property under both regimes. Support of spouses and children is also the obligation of the community property.
- Property acquired through inheritance or gift remains separate property unless specified otherwise. Assets purchased with separate funds remain separate. Improvements
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The document discusses different property regimes like absolute community of property and conjugal partnership of gains. It also discusses what constitutes property under these regimes and the adoption process and grounds for rescission.
The different types of property regimes discussed are absolute community of property, conjugal partnership of gains, and complete separation of property.
Under absolute community of property, all property owned by the spouses at the time of celebration of marriage or acquired thereafter constitutes the property regime, unless otherwise excluded.
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General Provision Art. 75. In the absence of marriage settlement, or when the regime agreed upon is void, the system of ACP shall govern. Art. 106. Under the regime of CPG, the husband & wife place in a common fund: the proceeds, products, fruits & income from their separate properties, those acquired by either or both spouses through their efforts or by chance, & upon dissolution of the marriage or of the partnership, the net gains or benefits obtained by either or both spouses shall be divided equally bet. them, unless otherwise agreed in the marriage settlements. When it Shall Commence Art. 88/107. The ACP/CPG bet. spouses shall commence at the precise moment that the marriage is celebrated. Any stipulation, express or implied, for the commencement of the ACP/CPG at any other time shall be void.
Waiver of Rights Art. 89/107. No waiver of rights, shares & effects of the ACP/CPG during the marriage can be made except in case of judicial separation of property. When the waiver takes place upon a judicial separation of property, or after the marriage has been dissolved or annulled, the same shall appear in a public instrument & shall be recorded as provided in Art. 77. The creditors of the spouse who made such waiver may petition the court to rescind the waiver to the extent of the amount sufficient to cover the amount of their credits. Supplemen-tary Provisions Art. 90. The provisions on co- ownership shall apply to the ACP bet. the spouses in all matters not provided for in this Chapter. Art. 108. The CPG shall be governed by the rules on the contract of partnership in all that is not in conflict w/ what is expressly determined in this Chapter or by the spouses in their marriage settlement.
What Constitutes the Property Regime Art. 91. Unless otherwise provided in this Chapter or in the marriage settlements, the ACP shall consist of all the property owned by the spouses at the time of the celebration of the marriage or acquired thereafter.
Art. 93. Property acquired during the marriage is presumed to belong to the ACP, unless it is proved that it is 1 of those excluded therefrom.
*** jewelry shall form part of the community property
*** In case of partial separation of property, the property not agreed upon as separate shall pertain to the absolute community. (Art. 144) Art. 116. All property acquired during the marriage, whether the acquisition appears to have been made, contracted or registered in the name of 1 or both spouses, is presumed to be conjugal unless the contrary is proved.
Art. 117. The ff. are conjugal partnership properties: 1. Those acquired by onerous title during the marriage at the expense of the common fund, whether the acquisition be for the partnership, or for only 1 of the spouses; 2. Those obtained from the labor, industry, work or profession of either or both of the spouses; 3. The fruits, natural, industrial, or civil, due or received during the marriage from the common property, as well as the net fruits from the exclusive property of each spouse; 4. The share of either spouse in the hidden treasure w/c the law awards to the finder or owner of the property where the treasure is found; 5. Those acquired through occupation such as fishing or hunting; 6. Livestock existing upon the dissolution of the partnership in excess of the number of each kind brought to the marriage by either spouse 7. Those w/c are acquired by chance, e.g. winnings from gambling or betting
Exclusive Properties Art. 92. The ff shall be excluded from the ACP: 1. Property acquired during the marriage by gratuitous title by either spouse, & the fruits as well as the income thereof, if any, unless it is expressly provided by the donor, testator or grantor that they shall form part of the ACP; 2. Property for personal & exclusive use of either spouse. However, jewelry shall form part of the ACP; 3. Property acquired before the marriage by either spouse who has legitimate descendants by a former marriage, & the fruits as well as the income, if any, of such property.
*** properties that are excluded from the community of property in the marriage settlement
*** When the 1 st marriage is terminated by death, & there is no liquidation, the 2 nd marriage is governed by complete separation of property. Thus the property of the SS is separately owned by him/her during the 2 nd marriage. Art. 109. The following shall be the exclusive property of each spouse: 1. That w/c is brought to the marriage as his/her own; 2. That w/c each acquires during the marriage by gratuitous title; 3. That w/c is acquired by right of redemption, by barter or by exchange w/ property belonging to only 1 of the spouses; 4. That w/c is purchased w/ exclusive money of the wife or of the husband.
Art. 110. The spouses retain the ownership, possession, administration & enjoyment of their exclusive properties. Either spouse may, during the marriage, transfer the administration of his/her exclusive property to the other by means of a public instrument, w/c shall be recorded in the registry of property where the property is located.
Art. 111. A spouse may mortgage, encumber, alienate or otherwise dispose of his/her exclusive property, w/o the consent of the other spouse, & appear alone in court to litigate w/ regard to the same.
Art. 112. The alienation of any exclusive property of a spouse administered by the other automatically terminates the administration over such property & the proceeds of the alienation shall be turned over to the owner-spouse.
Art. 113. Property donated or left by will to the spouses, jointly & w/ designation of determinate shares, shall pertain to the donee-spouses as his/her own exclusive property, & in the absence of designation, share & share alike, w/o prejudice to the right of accretion when proper.
Art. 114. If the donations are onerous, the amount of the charges shall be borne by the exclusive property of the donee spouse, whenever they have been advanced by the CPG.
Art. 115. Retirement benefits, pensions, annuities, gratuities, usufructs & similar benefits shall be governed by the rules on gratuitous or onerous acquisitions as may be proper in each case. - 2 -
Conditional Ownership Art. 118. Property bought on installments paid partly from exclusive funds of either/both spouses & partly from conjugal funds belongs to the buyer or buyers if full ownership was vested before the marriage & to the CPG if such ownership was vested during the marriage. In either case, any amount advanced by the partnership or by either/both spouses shall be reimbursed by the owner/s upon liquidation of the partnership.
Art. 119. Whenever an amount or credit payable w/in a period of time belongs to 1 of the spouses, the sums w/c may be collected during the marriage in partial payments or by installments on the principal shall be the exclusive property of the spouse. However, interests falling due during the marriage on the principal shall belong to the CPG.
Art. 120. The ownership of improvements, whether for utility or adornment, made on the separate property of the spouses at the expense of the partnership or through the acts or efforts of either/both spouses shall pertain to the CPG, or to the original owner-spouse, subject to the ff. rules: When the cost of the improvement made by the CPG & any resulting increase in value are more than the value of the property at the time of the improvement, the entire property of 1 of the spouses shall belong to the CPG, subject to reimbursement of the value of the property of the owner-spouse at the time of the improvement; otherwise, said property shall be retained in ownership by the owner-spouse, likewise subject to reimbursement of the cost of the improvement. In either case, the ownership of the entire property shall be vested upon the reimbursement, w/c shall be made at the time of the liquidation of the CPG.
Charges & Obligations Art. 94/121. The ACP/CPG shall be liable for: 1. The support of the spouses, their common children, & legitimate children of either spouse; however, the support of illegitimate children shall be governed by the provisions of this Code on Support; 2. All debts & obligations contracted during the marriage by the designated administrator-spouse for the benefit of the community, or by both spouses, or by 1 spouse w/ the consent of the other; 3. Debts & obligations contracted by either spouse w/o the consent of the other to the extent that the family may have been benefited; 4. All taxes, liens, charges & expenses, including major or minor repairs, upon the community property; 5. All taxes & expenses for mere preservation made during marriage upon the separate property of either spouse used by the family; 6. Expenses to enable either spouse to commence/complete a professional/vocational course, or other activity for self- improvement; 7. Ante-nuptial debts of either spouse insofar as they have redounded to the benefit of the family; 8. The value of what is donated/promised by both spouses in favor of their common legitimate children for the exclusive purpose of commencing/completing a professional/vocational course or other activity for self-improvement; 9. Expenses of litigation bet. the spouses unless the suit is found to be groundless.
If the ACP/CPG is insufficient to cover the foregoing liabilities, except those falling under par. 9, the spouses shall be solidarily liable for the unpaid balance w/ their separate properties.
*** ACP ONLY: Ante-nuptial debts w/c have not redound to the benefit of the family, the support of illegitimate children of either spouse, & liabilities incurred by either spouse by reason of a crime/quasi-delict, in case of absence or insufficiency of the exclusive property of the debtor-spouse, the payment of w/c shall be considered as advances to be deducted from the share of the debtor-spouse upon liquidation of the ACP (*CPG NO OBLIGATION TO MAKE ADVANCES)
Personal Debts *** ACP is liable for personal debts & fines only in case separate properties are insufficient. Art. 122. The payment of personal debts contracted by the husband/wife before or during the marriage shall not be charged to the CPG except insofar as they redounded to the benefit of the family. Neither shall the fines & pecuniary indemnities imposed upon them be charged to the partnership. However, the payment of personal debts contracted by either spouse before the marriage, that of fines & indemnities imposed upon them, as well as the support of illegitimate children of either spouse, may be enforced against the CPG assets after the responsibilities in the preceding Art. have been covered, if the spouse who is bound should have no exclusive property or if it should be insufficient; but at the time of the liquidation of the CPG, such spouse shall be charged for what has been paid for the purpose above-mentioned. ***CPG is liable for personal debts & fines only AFTER payment of all CPG liabilities AND when separate properties are insufficient. Winnings/ Losses in Games of Chance Art. 95/123. Whatever may be lost during the marriage in any game of chance, betting, sweepstakes, or any other kind of gambling, whether permitted/prohibited by law, shall be borne by the loser & shall not be charged to the ACP/CPG but any winnings therefrom shall form part of the ACP/CPG.
Ownership Administration Enjoyment & Disposition Art. 96/124. The administration & enjoyment of the ACP/CPG shall belong to both spouses jointly. In case of disagreement, the husband's decision shall prevail, subject to recourse to the court by the wife for proper remedy, w/c must be availed of w/in 5 years from the date of the contract implementing such decision. If 1 spouse is incapacitated or unable to participate in the administration of the ACP/CPG, the other spouse may assume sole powers of administration. These powers do not include disposition/encumbrance w/o authority of the court or the written consent of the other spouse. In the absence of such authority/consent, the disposition/encumbrance shall be void. However, the transaction shall be construed as a continuing offer on the part of the consenting spouse & the 3rd person, & may be perfected as a binding contract upon the acceptance by the other spouse or authorization by the court before the offer is withdrawn by either/both offerors. - 3 -
SIENNA A. FLORES PERSONS & FAMILY RELATIONS Disposition of Interest by Will Art. 97. Either spouse may dispose by will of his/her interest in the community property.
Prohibited Donations; Exceptions Art. 98/125. Neither spouse may donate any ACP/CPG property w/o the consent of the other. However, either spouse may, w/o the consent of the other, make moderate donations from the ACP/CPG for charity or on occasions of family rejoicing or family distress.
Dissolution Art. 99/126. The ACP/CPG terminates: 1. Upon the death of either spouse; 2. When there is a decree of legal separation; 3. When the marriage is annulled or declared void; or 4. In case of judicial separation of property during the marriage under Art. 134 to 138.
Separation in Fact Art. 100/127. The separation in fact bet. H&W shall not affect the regime of ACP/CPG except that: 1. The spouse who leaves the conjugal home or refuses to live therein, w/o just cause, shall not have the right to be supported; 2. When the consent of 1 spouse to any transaction of the other is required by law, judicial authorization shall be obtained in a summary proceeding; 3. In the absence of sufficient ACP/CPG property, the separate property of both spouses shall be solidarily liable for the support of the family. The spouse present shall, upon proper petition in a summary proceeding, be given judicial authority to administer or encumber any specific separate property of the other spouse & use the fruits or proceeds thereof to satisfy the latter's share.
Abandonment w/o Just Cause Art. 101/128. If a spouse w/o just cause abandons the other or fails to comply w/ his/her obligations to the family, the aggrieved spouse may petition the court for receivership, for judicial separation of property or for authority to be the sole administrator of the ACP/CPG, subject to such precautionary conditions as the court may impose. The obligations to the family mentioned in the preceding par. refer to marital, parental or property relations. A spouse is deemed to have abandoned the other when her or she has left the conjugal dwelling w/o intention of returning. The spouse who has left the conjugal dwelling for a period of 3 months or has failed w/in the same period to give any information as to his/her whereabouts shall be prima facie presumed to have no intention of returning to the conjugal dwelling.
Liquidation Procedure Art. 102/129. Upon dissolution of the ACP/CPG, the following procedure shall apply: 1. An inventory shall be prepared, listing separately all the properties of the ACP/CPG & the exclusive properties of each spouse. 2. The debts & obligations of the ACP/CPG shall be paid out of its assets. In case of insufficiency of said assets, the spouses shall be solidarily liable for the unpaid balance w/ their separate properties in accordance w/ the provisions of Art. 94(2)/Art.121(2). 3. Whatever remains of the exclusive properties of the spouses shall thereafter be delivered to each of them. 4. The net remainder of the properties of the ACP/CPG shall constitute its net assets/profits, w/c shall be divided equally bet. H&W, unless a different proportion or division was agreed upon in the marriage settlements, or unless there has been a voluntary waiver of such share provided in this Code. (Net Assets - the increase in value bet. the market value of the community property at the time of the celebration of the marriage & the market value at the time of its dissolution) 5. The presumptive legitimes of the common children shall be delivered upon partition, in accordance w/ Art. 51. 6. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties, in the partition of the properties, the conjugal dwelling & the lot on w/c it is situated shall be adjudicated to the spouse w/ whom the majority of the common children choose to remain. Children below the age of 7 years are deemed to have chosen the mother, unless the court has decided otherwise. In case there in no such majority, the court shall decide, taking into consideration the best interests of said children.
*** FOR CPG ONLY: 1. Amounts advanced by the CPG in payment of personal debts & obligations of either spouse shall be credited to the CPG. 2. Each spouse shall be reimbursed for the use of his/her exclusive funds in the acquisition of property or for the value of his/her exclusive property, the ownership of w/c has been vested by law in the CPG. 3. Unless the owner had been indemnified from whatever source, the loss/deterioration of movables used for the benefit of the family, belonging to either spouse, even due to fortuitous event, shall be paid to said spouse from the conjugal funds, if any
Liquidation Upon Death Art. 103/130. Upon the termination of the marriage by death, the ACP/CPG shall be liquidated in the same proceeding for the settlement of the estate of the deceased. If no judicial settlement proceeding is instituted, the surviving spouse shall liquidate the ACP/CPG either judicially or extra-judicially w/in 1 year from the death of the deceased spouse. If upon the lapse of the 1 year period, no liquidation is made, any disposition or encumbrance involving the ACP/CPG of the terminated marriage shall be void. Should the surviving spouse contract a subsequent marriage w/o compliance w/ the foregoing requirements, a mandatory regime of complete separation of property shall govern the property relations of the subsequent marriage. Simultaneous Liquidation of Property of 2 or More Marriages Art. 104/131. Whenever the liquidation of the ACP/CPG of 2 or more marriages contracted by the same person before the effectivity the Family Code is carried out simultaneously, the respective capital, fruits & income of each community/partnership shall be determined upon such proof as may be considered according to the rules of evidence. In case of doubt as to w/c community/partnership the existing properties belong, the same shall be divided bet. the different communities/partnerships in proportion to the capital & duration of each.
Support Art. 133. From the common mass of property support shall be given to the surviving spouse & to the children during the liquidation of the inventoried property & until what belongs to them is delivered; but from this shall be deducted that amount received for support w/c exceeds the fruits or rents pertaining to them.
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Alien Married to Filipino In both ACP/CPG, an alien married to a Filipino cannot have any interest in the community/partnership property.
Matthews v. Taylor (2009) The Filipina spouse entered into a lease agreement w/o the consent of her foreigner spouse & the latter assailed the lease as void considering that his consent was not obtained in such encumbrance. The SC rejected such position stating that to consider the lease property as conjugal & therefore any encumbrance should will be circumventing the proscription in the constitution regarding aliens being prohibited from acquiring property in the Philippines.
Charges & Obligations Security Bank & Trust Co. v. Mar Tierra Corp. (2006) Any personal undertaking by a spouse, such as making himself/herself a surety/guarantor in relation to an obligation of a 3 rd person, cannot be presumed to be for the benefit of the family as any advantage that may arise therefore is merely indirect. The donation in favor of their common legitimate children for the exclusive purpose of commencing/completing a professional or vocational course or other activity for self- improvement must be made by BOTH spouses. If only ONE spouse donates, this may fall under the prohibition under Art. 87 making donations bet. spouses, direct/indirect, VOID. ACP/CPG may be liable for expenses of litigation in a suit NOT involving a case bet. H&W, provided the suit benefits the family. Seva v. Nolan W was criminally sued by H for adultery & W ha to spend attorneys fees to defend herself. The SC ruled that the legal fees w/c she spent during litigation, wherein she was subsequently acquitted, can be charged to the ACP/CPG.
GR: ACP/CPG assets cannot be used by the assignee for the payment of the insolvent debtor-spouses obligations E: those that have redounded to the benefit of the family
Effect of Alienation & Encumberance
GR: The action to nullify the contract entered into by the transacting spouse will not have any prescriptive period as such contract is null & void. E: In cases when a 3 rd party purchaser is protected by the law. If a TCT of a real estate indicates that a person named therein is single when in fact he is married & thus governed by the ACP/CPG, the sale of the said property by the registered owner to the 3 rd person who is an innocent purchaser for value & in good faith relied on what is officially annotated on the TCT, cannot be voided. The remedy of the aggrieved spouse is to compel the erring spouse to account for the proceeds of the sale as the same is part of the ACP/CPG.
Ravina v. Abrille (2009) If there was knowledge but without the consent of the other spouse & a disagreement arises, the contract entered into by H, whose decision will prevail in cases of disagreement, shall not be considered void but merely annullable at the instance of W. W has 5 years from the date of the contract implementing the decision, to go to court to seek the proper remedy w/c includes the annulment of the contract.
Note: If it were the decision of W w/c was implemented, H can go to court to file an injunction to stop the implementation of the contract entered into by W for being unenforceable having been entered into by W also in his name w/o authority, or file an action to nullify the contract on the ground that it is contrary to law & public policy.
Liquidation Procedure 1. Inventory all properties belonging to the ACP/CPG or separate properties of the spouses, must be itemized & usually, valued (market value/assessed value, & NOT purchase price); if the proceedings take a long time & the values have suffered some alterations, there is nothing to prevent a new valuation at the actual partition; prior appraisal is not conclusive upon the parties 2. Payment of Debts in case of insufficiency of the ACP/CPG, the souses shall be solidarily liable for the unpaid balance w/ their separate properties; but under Art. 94(9), payments made by the ACP due to insufficiency of the separate property of the debtor spouse for (a) ante-nuptial debts w/c did not redound to the benefit of the family, (b) support of illegitimate children of the debtor-spouse, (c) liabilities incurred by the debtor-spouse by reason of a crime or quasi-delict, are considered as ADVANCES to be deducted from the share of the debtor-spouse upon liquidation of the ACP; this advancement is NOT required in CPG 3. Deliver of Exclusive Properties refers to those in those stipulated in the marriage settlement as exclusive, or even during the marriage & the exclusions 4. Partition of Net Assets equally divide the net assets w/c is the net remainder of the ACP/CPG after the 1 st 3 steps; exceptions: a. Equal sharing will not apply if there is a different division agreed upon in the marriage settlement b. Equal sharing will not apply if there has been a valid voluntary waiver of such share (see Art. 89) c. Annulment the spouse in bad faith shall forfeit his/her share in the net profits d. Legal separation the spouse in bad faith shall forfeit his/her share in the net profits e. Nullified marriage the party in bad faith shall forfeit his/her share in the co-ownership 5. Delivery of Presumptive Legitimes required only after finality of a judicial decree of annulment (Art. 45) OR nullity of subsequent void marriage (Art. 40, 52, 53); NOT required in legal separation 6. * CPG ONLY Credits to CPG advances made by the CPG in favor of any of the spouses shall be credited to the CPG as an asset 7. * CPG ONLY Reimbursement to Spouses if separate property were was used to buy conjugal property, the CPG pays the spouse reimbursement 8. Conjugal Dwelling - the conjugal dwelling & lot on w/c it is situated shall be adjudicated to the spouse w/ whom a majority of the common children choose to remain; in case there is no majority, the court shall decide, taking into consideration the best interests of the child
Hagosojos v. CA It is only after liquidation that definable property can be claimed by & adjudged to them from the remained of their properties after satisfaction of all the obligations w/c the community property has to pay. Thus, specific & concrete properties cannot be donated by any co-heir prior to liquidation & partition.
Claims Against the Estate GR: Upon the death of any of the spouses, no complaint for the collection of indebtedness chargeable to the ACP/CPG can be brought against the surviving spouse. E: Such surviving spouse has committed himself/herself to be solidarily liable for the claim against the ACP/CPG
Special Type of Co-Ownership Spouses are CO-OWNERS each spouse can use the thing owned in common, inc such a way as not to injure the interests of the co-ownership Unlike ordinary co-ownership, no waiver of rights, interests, shares & effects of the ACP during the marriage can be made, except in case of a judicial separation of property. - 5 -
SIENNA A. FLORES PERSONS & FAMILY RELATIONS Reason: the interest of the parties in the community property is merely INCHOATE or an EXPECTANCY prior to liquidation.
Art. 92(3) - Property from Previous Marriage DESCENDANTS, not merely children. Descendants must be LEGITIMATE. If the previous marriage has been declared null & void because the contracting parties are collateral blood relatives of the 1 st civil degree, thereby making the children ILLEGITIMATE, & thereafter 1 of the parties validly marries again, the properties w/c such party might have acquired as a result of the liquidation of the previous marriage shall belong to the ACP of the SUBSEQUENT MARRIAGE. If the previous marriage has been declared null & void because the anyone of the parties is psychologically incapacitated or because 1 of the parties did not comply w/ Art. 52 & 53, the children conceived inside such marriage LEGITIMATE. The property acquired by the spouse who has previous children of a previous marriage shall not belong to the ACP of the subsequent marriage.
Nature of Acquired Property Using Separate Properties The mere fact that property was acquired using the exclusive money of 1 spouse does NOT automatically exclude the same from the ACP Unlike in CPG, this is not 1 of the exclusions in ACP. Example: A marriage settlement provides that the P1M won by H in the sweepstake prior to the marriage shall remains separate during the marriage, such stipulation is valid. If, using said amount, H subsequently buys a house w/c is used as the family home, the house cannot be considered as his separate property but as part of the ACP. The same conclusion will be reached if the house was donated to H, and H, after becoming the owner of the house, sells the house to a 3 rd party. The money obtained from the sale has been acquired during the marriage & is not one of the exclusions. If any property is exchanged or merely bartered for another property, the result would be the same for the same reasons.
Joint Administration & Enjoyment Administration & enjoyment of ACP is exercised jointly by the spouses as co-owners of the ACP Administration may be validly delegated to only 1 spouse, but it must be made in a marriage settlement executed prior to the marriage Matters w/c need immediate decisions each spouse may act individually even w/o the consent of the other
GR: Alterations need the consent of both spouses, otherwise it is void E: if the alteration redounds to the benefit of the family, the alteration is valid & the ACP shall be liable
Disposition by Will - The spouse can only dispose of his/her INTEREST in the ACP and NOT in a specific property.
Paraphernal property separate property of the wife
Go v. Yamane (2006) The proof of acquisition of the property during the marriage suffices to render the statutory presumption of conjugality to attach.
Special Type of Partnership Partnership any stipulation w/c excludes the partners from any share of the profits & losses of the partnership is void Partner a co-owner w/ his other partner of specific partnership property
Exclusive Properties
Carandang v. Heirs of Quirino De Guzman (2006) The right of 1 spouse to bring an action was assailed on the ground that the other spouse should have been made a party to the action. The SC held that a partner is a co-owner w/ the other partners of specific partnership property. Being co-owners of the alleged credit, the spouses may separately bring an action for the recovery thereof. In a co-ownership, co-owners may bring actions for the recovery of co-owned property w/o the necessity of joining all other co-owners as co-plaintiffs because the suit is presumed to have been filed for the benefit of his co-owners.
Plata v. Yatco If the property was purchased previous to the marriage & it was only after the marriage that the said property was registered under the name of the owner-spouse but together w/ the other spouse as co-owner, such property is still the EXCLUSIVE property of the spouse who bought it by his/her exclusive funds prior to the marriage & the registration after the marriage of the COT under the co-ownership of the spouses to both spouses only creates a TRUST. Restoration to the real owner-spouse of the subject property upon liquidation is necessary.
Penanra v. RD of Rizal The title under consideration is a FREE PATENT w/c is granted only to occupants for their continued occupation & cultivation. The SC held that, had the land been acquired by virtue of the joint efforts of the H&W, the patent should have so indicated. But it is granted to the wife only. It is thus presumed that as the husband is not joined as co-owner, the land must have been acquired thru the occupation of the wife alone at the time when she was unmarried. The land was considered as the wifes exclusive property.
Santiago v. COA An HONORARIUM may be included as property acquired by gratuitous title as it has been defined as something given not as a matter of obligation but in appreciation for services rendered, a voluntary donation in consideration of services w/c admit of no compensation in money.
Redemption the property shall belong to the spouse who has the right to redeem regardless of w/n s/he uses personal funds; when conjugal funds are used to effect the redemption, the spouse making the redemption shall be liable to the CPG for reimbursement of the amount used to redeem his/her exclusive property. The CPG shall have a lien for the amount paid by it.
Barter property acquired by exchange made by 1 spouse using his/her exclusive property shall remain the separate property of such spouse. Barter is limited to goods. But if the separate property of a spouse is used as part of the purchase price of a new property in addition to the conjugal funds spent for the said purchase, the new property shall be considered conjugal.
Naguit v. CA The exclusive property of W was sold upon execution by the sheriff for satisfaction of a court decision finding H liable for his personal obligation. The SC ruled that W can file a separate action to annul the sale as she can be considered a 3 rd
person & is deemed a stranger to the action wherein the writ of execution was issued & is thus justified in bringing an independent action to vindicate her right of ownership over the subject property.
Accretion the incorporation or addition of property to another property
GR: In a joint donation, one could not accept independently of his co-donee, for there is no right of accretion unless expressly provided so E: when the joint donation is in favor of H&W there is a right of accretion in case the other refuses, dies or is incapacitated E to E: the right of accretion bet. H&W will NOT APPLY in the ff.: 1. if the donor provides that there shall be no right of accretion 2. the donation was specifically for just one spouse 3. if the designation is not of determinate shares, but of determinate properties (e.g. a car, building) - 6 -
SIENNA A. FLORES PERSONS & FAMILY RELATIONS Payment Using Conjugal Funds If conjugal funds are used to pay the obligations attached to an onerous donation, the donee-spouse shall reimburse the CPG but the property remains to be his/her exclusive property. Note: Taxes & expenses for preservation made during the marriage for separate property of a spouse used by the family is chargeable to the CPG.
Retirement Benefits 1. Gratuity an act of pure liberality; acquired by lucrative title like a donation or a gift - SEPARATE PROPERTY 2. Annuity it is NOT a gratuity if the recipient is entitled to it as a matter of right - CONJUGAL 3. Pensions compensation for services previously rendered for w/c full & adequate compensation was not received at the time of the rendition of the service; pay withheld to induce long continued & faithful service - CONJUGAL 4. Life Insurance a. Paid by CPG proceeds are CONJUGAL b. Paid partly by CPG & partly by separate property owned by the CPG & separate property PROPORTIONATELY in accordance w/ the amount of contribution Note: if a beneficiary is named in the life insurance policy, the proceeds are paid to the same beneficiary
Art. 116 When the Presumption that the Property is Conjugal is Applicable 1. The property was acquired during the marriage (even when the spouses are living separately) 2. The property is registered in the names of both spouses
The ff. are NOT sufficient to raise the presumption of conjugality: 1. Tax declaration in the name of 1 of the spouses obtained during the marriage 2. An inscription in a Torrens Title stating A married to B 3. Registration of the property, because the property could have been acquired while the owner was still single & was registered only after the marriage ceremony
Damages Damages granted by the courts in favor of any of the spouses arising out of a contract solely financed by the CPG & unduly breached by a 3 rd part belongs to the CGP. In cases of damages awarded to 1 of the spouses as a result of physical injuries inflicted by a 3 rd party, said damages exclusively belong to the said injured spouse.
Art. 117(3) - Net Fruits the fruits of the separate property will be applied 1 st to the expenses of administration of the said separate property & the remaining balance of the said fruits w/c constitute the net fruits shall be considered conjugal
Installment Purchases Situation contemplated: installment was initiated prior to the marriage but completed during the marriage Whether the property is included or excluded from the CPG depends on when the TITLE IS VESTED 1. Ownership vested before the marriage EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY 2. Ownership vested after the marriage-ceremony CONJUGAL PROPERTY
Note: If during the marriage, a spouse bought property partly by his/her exclusive funds and partly by conjugal funds, the property is CONJUGAL. Reason: It cannot be said to be exclusively bought by the exclusive money of either of the spouses & is therefore conjugal.
Payment of Credit in Favor of Spouse one of the spouses has in his/her favor a credit payable in installments or a credit w/c will be fully paid during the marriage 1. Payments made on the principal during the marriage belongs EXCLUSIVELY to the spouse who owns the credit 2. Interest on the principal due during marriage CONJUGAL, because interest is considered a fruit derived from a particular property
Improvements 1. If the value of improvement & increase thereof is LESS than the value of the separate property itself entire property is CONJUGAL 2. If the value of improvement & increase thereof is MORE than the value of the separate property itself entire property is SEPARATE
Note: In both cases, theres always the right to reimbursement upon liquidation of the CPG. Ownership shall vest only upon such reimbursement w/c is at the time of the liquidation of the CPG.
Maramba v. Lozano Prior to reimbursement at the time of liquidation, the owner-spouse still owns her separate property & thus the same cannot be levied upon to satisfy a conjugal debt, unless the conjugal funds are insufficient to pay the conjugal debts, in w/c case the separate property can be held solidarily liable.
Charges & Obligations CPG is liable only if it is BENEFITED DIRECTLY; it cannot be an indirect benefit, a by-product or spin- off of the obligation. The burden of proof to show the benefit must always be on person claiming that the transaction redounded to the benefit of the family. Redounding to the benefit of the family must always be proven and cannot be presumed.
Pelayo v. Perez (2005) The signature of the wife as a mere witness & not as a party to the contract nevertheless showed her implied consent to a contract of sale executed by her husband.
GR: When the CPG is insufficient to cover the debts & obligations, the spouses shall be solidarily liable for the unpaid balance w/ their separate property Exceptions: 1. Antenuptial debts not redounding to the family 2. Support of illegitimate children of 1 of the spouses 3. Liability of 1 spouse for crime/quasi-delict
Spouses Buado v. CA (2009) A husband opposed the execution of conjugal properties by the sheriff to satisfy damages incurred by his spouse as a result of criminal liability. Can the husband be considered a third party for purpose of satisfying the requirement of the Rules of Court that only a 3 rd party can file a claim against the execution? YES. The property is conjugal in nature. Unlike in ACP, the CPG has no duty to make advances for the liability of the debtor-spouse. Payment of personal debts contracted by the spouse during the marriage shall NOT be charged to the CPG, except insofar as they have redounded to the benefit of the family. By no stretch of imagination can it be concluded that the civil obligation arising from the crime of slander by the wife redounded to the benefit of the CPG.
Personal Obligations of Spouses During the Marriage - Those w/c do NOT redound to the benefit of the family or do NOT have consent of the other spouse shall be borne only by the spouse-debtor & his/her separate property.
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Who May Adopt? 1. Any FILIPINO Citizen a. Of legal age b. In possession of full civil capacity & rights c. Of good moral character d. Has not been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude e. Emotionally & psychologically capable of caring for children f. At least 16 YEARS older than the adoptee g. In a position to support & care for his/her children in keeping w/ the means of the family 2. Any ALIEN possessing the same qualifications as above, provided: a. His/her country has diplomatic relations with the Phil. b. Living in the Phil. for at least 3 continuous years prior to the filing of the application for adoption c. Maintains such residence until the adoption decree is entered d. Certified to have legal capacity to adopt in his/her country e. His/her government allows the adoptee to enter his/her country as his/her adopted child 3. HUSBAND & WIFE shall jointly adopt except in the ff. cases: a. If one spouse seeks to adopt the legitimate child of the other b. if one spouse seeks to adopt his/her own illegitimate child: Provided, However, that the other spouse has signified his/her consent thereto c. if the spouses are legally separated from each other 4. The GUARDIAN w/ respect to the ward provided it is after: a. the termination of the guardianship, and b. clearance of his/her financial accountabilities 1. An alien or Filipino citizen permanently residing abroad 2. at least 27 years old 3. has undergone the appropriate counseling from an accredited counselor in his/her country 4. is in a position to give the necessary moral values and example to all his children, including the child to be adopted 5. agrees to uphold the basic rights of the child as embodied under Phil. laws, the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, & to abide by the R&R issued to implement this Act 6. comes from a country whose government maintains a similarly authorized & accredited agency & that adoption is allowed under his/her national laws
(Other requirements are the same w/ Domestic Adoption)
Exceptions to Rules on Who May Adopt The requirement of 16 YEARS difference bet. adopter & adoptee may be waived if the adopter is: 1. the biological parent of the adoptee 2. the spouse of the adoptees parent
The requirement on RESIDENCE & CERTIFICATION of aliens qualification to adopt may be waived for the ff: 1. one who seeks to adopt the legitimate child of his Filipino spouse 2. a former Filipino citizen who seeks to adopt a relative w/in the 4 th degree of consanguinity or affinity 3. one who is married to a Filipino citizen & seeks to adopt jointly w/ his spouse a relative w/in the 4 th degree of consanguinity or affinity of the Filipino spouse The requirement of 16 YEARS difference bet. adopter & adoptee may be waived if the adopter is: 1. the biological parent of the adoptee 2. the spouse of the adoptees parent
Who May be Adopted? 1. Any person below 18 who has been administratively or judicially declared available for adoption; 2. The legitimate child of one spouse by the other spouse; 3. An illegitimate child by a qualified adopter to improve his/her status to that of legitimacy; 4. A person of legal age if, prior to the adoption, said person has been consistently considered and treated by the adopter/s as his/her own child since minority; 5. A child whose adoption has been previously rescinded; or 6. A child whose biological or adoptive parent/s has died; (but no proceedings shall be initiated w/in 6 months from the time of death of said parent/s.
A child legally available for adoption - a child who has been voluntarily or involuntarily committed to DSWD OR to a duly licensed & accredited child-placing or child caring agency, freed of the parental authority of his biological parents, or in case of rescission of adoption, his guardian or adopter/s. Only a legally free child may be the subject of inter-country adoption.
Legally freed child - a child who has been voluntarily/involuntarily committed to DSWD. Definition of a Child a person below 18 years of age a person below 15 years of age, unless sooner emancipated by law
Whose Consent is Necessary to the Adoption? 1. The adoptee, if 10 years of age or over; 2. The biological parent/s of the child, if known, or the legal guardian, or the proper government instrumentality w/c has legal custody of the child; 3. The legitimate & adopted children, 10 years of age or over, of the adopters & adoptee, if any; 4. The illegitimate children, 10 years of age or over, of the adopter if living w/ said adopter & the latter's spouse, if any; and 5. The spouse, if any, of the person adopting or to be adopted.
Where to File Petition Family court where the ADOPTER resides 1. Inter-Country Adoption Board, or 2. RTC having jurisdiction over the ADOPTEE What Petition for Adoption may Include 1. Prayer for change of name 2. Rectification of simulated birth 3. Declaration that the child is a foundling, abandoned, or neglected child. Only petition for adoption. - 8 -
Annexes or Documents to be Submitted 1. Birth/baptismal/foundling certificate 2. Decree of annulment, nullity, or legal separation of the adopter, as well as that of the biological parents of the adoptee, if any 3. School records showing the name, age & residence of the adoptee 4. Child study report on the adoptee & his biological parents 5. Home study report on the adopters. If the adopter is an alien or residing abroad but qualified to adopt, the home study report by a foreign adoption agency duly accredited by the ICAB 6. If the petitioner is an alien, certification by his diplomatic/consular office or any appropriate government agency that: a. he has legal capacity to adopt in his country, and b. his government allows the adoptee to enter his country as his own adopted child c. Affidavit of consent of the ff: a. Adoptee, if at least 10 years old b. Biological parents of the adoptee, if known, or legal guardian, or the child- placement or child-caring agency, or the proper governmental instrumentality w/c has legal custody of the adoptee c. Legitimate & adopted children of the adopter & of the adoptee, who are at least 10 years old d. Illegitimate children of the adopter living w/ him who are at least 10 years old e. Spouse of the adopter or adoptee 1. Birth certificate of applicant/s 2. Marriage contract/divorce decree 3. Written consent of their biological or adoptive children above 10 years of age, in the form of sworn statement 4. Physical, medical & psychological evaluation by a duly licensed physician & psychologist 5. Income tax returns or any document showing the financial capability of the applicant/s 6. Police clearance of applicant/s 7. Character reference from the local church/minister, the applicant's employer & a member of the immediate community who have known the applicant/s for at least 5 years; 8. Recent postcard-size pictures of the applicant/s & his immediate family (all must be written & officially translated in English)
Supervised Trial Custody GR: at least 6 months, but court may reduce period E: aliens must complete the 6-month trial custody E to E: 1. one who seeks to adopt the legitimate child of his Filipino spouse 2. a former Filipino citizen who seeks to adopt a relative w/in the 4 th degree of consanguinity/affinity 3. one who is married to a Filipino citizen & seeks to adopt jointly w/ his spouse a relative w/in the 4 th degree of consanguinity/affinity of the Filipino spouse at least 6 months from the time of placement
Who May File Verified Petition for Rescission of Adoption? 1. Adoptee a. Over 18 years of age b. If minor, w/ the assistance of DSWD 2. Guardian or counsel, if over 18 but incapacitated
Note: The adopter CANNOT rescind the adoption, but can merely disinherit the adoptee as provided under Art. 919, NCC.
Where to File Verified Petition for Rescission? Family court of the city/province where the ADOPTEE resides.
What is the Period Within Which to File the Petition? 5 years from reaching the age of majority or after recovery from incompetency.
Order of Hearing GR: notice to the OSG is DISCRETIONARY E: If a change of name of the adoptee is prayed for in the petition, notice to the OSC is MANDATORY
Case Study The social worker verifies w/ the Civil Registry the real identity & the name of the adoptee & the fact that s/he is legally available for adoption & that the documents submitted to support this fact are valid & authentic.
Purpose of Supervised Trial Custody In order for the parties to adjust psychologically and emotionally to each other and to establish a bonding relationship
Decree of Adoption - effective as of the date the original petition was filed
Effects of Adoption 1. adopter will exercise parental authority 2. all legal ties bet. biological parents & the adoptee shall be severed, except when the biological parent is the spouse of the adopter 3. adoptee shall be considered a legitimate child of adopter 4. adopters & adoptee shall have reciprocal rights of succession w/o distinction from legitimate filiation
Grounds for Rescission 1. repeated physical and verbal maltreatment by the adopter/s despite having undergone counseling 2. attempt on the life of the adoptee 3. sexual assault or violence 4. abandonment & failure to comply w/ parental obligations.
Effects of Rescission 1. parental authority of biological parent or legal custody of DSWD will be restored 2. reciprocal rights of adopter & adoptee will be extinguished 3. succession rights shall revert to its status prior to adoption, but only as of the date of judgment of judicial rescission 4. vested rights prior to the judicial rescission shall be respected 5. Civil Registrar will cancel the amended certificate of birth of the adoptee & restore his/her original birth certificate 6. adoptee will use the name stated in his original birth certificate or foundling certificate
It is the socio-legal process of adopting a Filipino child by a foreigner or a Filipino citizen permanently residing abroad where the petition is filed, the supervised trial custody is undertaken, and the decree of adoption is issued outside the Philippines
Law Commission Report No. 208 - Proposal For Amendment of Explanation To Section 6 of The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 To Include Oral Partition and Family Arrangement in The Definition of Partition