Pennington Magazine, Spring 2009
Pennington Magazine, Spring 2009
Pennington Magazine, Spring 2009
Dan Marschka ‘74:
From Pennington to
Pakistan and Beyond
In This Issue
A New Space for Exploration
Essays on the Pennington Experience
Walking the Talk
Tuesdays with Mr. Parnos
Witnessing History
On Campus
51 Alumni
The Pennington School Magazine is published by the Office of Development for alumni, parents, alumni parents, and friends of The
Pennington School. Editor: Deanna K.G. Ferrante. Assistant Editor: Julia Meneghin. Graphic Design: 168 Design. Printing: Prism Color.
Staff Writers: Deanna K.G. Ferrante, Lisa Houston, Maggie Kelly, A. Melissa Kiser, Joanne McGann, Julia Meneghin, Sally Friedman.
Staff Photography: Deanna K.G. Ferrante, Patrick Murphy ’80. Contributors: Mary Ellen Erdie, Matthew Goetting, Patrick Murphy ’80,
Tom Horsley. Subscribers receive one issue of The Pennington School Magazine per household. To request additional copies or to Product group from well-managed
forests, controlled sources and
share comments or suggestions about this issue, please contact Deanna K.G. Ferrante at [email protected] or (609) 737-6121. recycled wood or fiber Cert no.SGS-COC-003570
©2009 The Pennington School. © 2009 Forest Stewardship Council
Marschka also credits his fellow students with the know-it-all young man that I was.
with creating a familial atmosphere of They directed my energy and questioning
mutual support and friendship. The shared attitude toward my studies. The names
comradery and internationally diverse that come to mind are Mr. Burrowes for
student body were particularly influential guiding my philosophical compulsion, Mr.
for young Marschka. He remembers, Scancella for his wisdom relating to life
“Many of the students I met had been and mathematics, Mr. Ahn for his help with
through notable circumstances, such photo club and social activities, Mr. Parnos
as busy families, personal problems… for physics, his grilled kabobs and his
because of this, many of us became part quote that still rings in my ears, ‘Do good
of a wider Pennington family. A certain work now, play later.’” Marschka continues,
strength and appreciation formed from citing “Mrs. Assman for her direction in
this social experience that made me a chemistry, Mr. Burns for helping to bring
stronger, more independent person.” William Faulkner and so many other
authors alive for me, Mr. Roberts for his
While at Pennington, Marschka began
firm guidance, and Mr. Gaslevich for his
to channel his creative energy through
energy. I also remember many friends,
photography. “The seeds for my career
including Bob Alach, Brian Pryor, Chris
as a visual professional were formed
Holliday, George Holmes, Kathy Chan, Dan
while I was a student,” says Marschka,
Seyler and more.”
“not only by the obvious photography
club experience and yearbook work, but After leaving Pennington, Marschka
through my mathematics and physics attended Franklin and Marshall College for
studies which helped me appreciate how two years, also taking exchange courses
structure and design related to nature.” in photography at Millersville University.
He transferred to Rochester Institute of
Of his instructors, Marschka relates, “I BELOW: Maria makes tortillas.
Technology where he earned his B.S.
had many influential teachers. What I Honduras, January 2003,
degree. He worked on his first full-time Mennonite Central Committee
remember most was the patience they had
newspaper job at Pennsylvania’s photo, used with permission
ABOVE: Silhouetted against the Lewistown Sentinel from 1980 until into Egypt detailing orthodox programs
sky, a flock of gulls wings along 1983, when he left to take a short-term and history in that region.” Also in 2002,
with a farmer on his round of
assignment with United Press International. Marschka traveled for MCC through
plowing. Monterey, PA
central Africa to Kenya, Rwanda, and the
Since 1983, Marschka has worked for
Democratic Republic of Congo. Through
Lancaster Newspapers’ daily Intelligencer
the years since, and for various disaster-
Journal. He began as a staff photographer,
related purposes, he has photographed
and for the past five years has been the
severe drought conditions in Honduras,
visuals editor, managing photographers
the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami in
and the editorial art department.
Indonesia, and the effects of the 2005
In 1999, he advanced his freelance earthquake in the Kashmir region of
career by traveling to Albania during Pakistan.
the Kosovo conflict. Marschka was
These days, Marschka is “looking forward
“inspired by a Greek Orthodox priest
to other projects and helping my wife
who was attempting to bridge a gap
Valerie [who he married in 1989] guide
between Muslims and Christians in that
my two sons, Kyle and Joseph, through
region.” Following that experience, he
school and into their future.” He is in his
was contacted by the Mennonite Central
twenty-seventh year of covering breaking
Committee (MCC), a non-governmental
news, sports, and features at Lancaster
organization promoting peace and
Newspapers. Marschka is grateful for
reconciliation. Being hired to travel and
the experience, especially since he has
shoot photographs for their magazine
“witnessed historic events and met many
and Web site, “started the fulfillment
interesting people.”
of a professional dream of mine,” says
Marschka. Marschka’s photography has earned him
numerous awards, including a 2003 third
In late 2001, following the events of 9/11,
place win in the magazine/sports division
Marschka was asked by MCC to travel to
for the Missouri School of Journalism’s
the Middle East, not a popular destination
Pictures of the Year International
for photographers at the time. However,
(POYi) contest. The POYi is one of the
Marschka “jumped at the chance in
world’s largest and most prestigious
early 2002 and left for Cairo and south
photojournalism contests, with over 23,000 falling off a roof, running, etc. Four knee
photographs submitted in 2003. A total of surgeries, crushed vertebrae and back
250 awards were in 44 different categories. surgery later, I still consider my physical
fitness a priority. Since my orthopedist
Marschka and his wife have been involved
won’t allow me to run anymore, I get my
with their United Methodist church in
thrills these days by riding my F800 BMW
Lancaster, PA, as well as other charitable
motorcycle on excursions in the region,
efforts including Appalachian service
sometimes with my brother David, who
projects, Habitat for Humanity, MCC, and
owns a similar motorcycle.” Marschka
local shelters. He and his wife are both
continues, “I’ve identified with my brother
physically active. However, Marschka
Doug’s motto over the years: ‘I have never
admits, “My workouts are a bit more tame
been much of a spectator.’”
of late since I have had many injuries over
the years from racing mountain bikes,
The following is adapted from a recent talk towering oaks, junior boys were inducted
in Chapel by Head of School into the Gateways.
Penny Townsend.
Dr. Green was headmaster from 1920 to
In his welcoming remarks at the National 1943, making his administration the second
Honor Society induction ceremony, longest in Pennington history, following
Head of the English Department Terry that of the Reverend Thomas O’Hanlon,
Burns talked about “the Gateways,” an who was headmaster from 1867 to1872 and
organization begun at Pennington in then again from 1876 to 1902.
1921 by Dr. Francis Harvey Green, the
Dr. Green did much to enhance the
legendary headmaster of Pennington.
academic life at Pennington, and during
Students who would promote the highest
his time here many poets, authors, artists,
ideals of manhood and were resolved to
musicians, political figures, and prominent
be faithful to Pennington were selected
clergymen visited campus. Great athletic
for membership into the society. The eight
teams were also part of the Dr. Green
boys were also chosen for their all-around
years: the 1932 football team, state
ability in school activities and general
champion, was “undefeated, untied and
interest in the welfare of their alma mater.
unscored-upon,” and the basketball team
The motto of the Gateways was “Virtue
won the state championship in 1934 and
crowns those who honor her.”
In the area of the campus where Meckler
Dr. Green’s idea for the construction of
Library now stands, there stood three
the three Gateways arches was taken from
archways, or “gates.” Each archway stood
Caius College of Cambridge University
on a brick platform, elevated a step or two
in England, one of the oldest universities
from the ground. Atop each brick archway
in the world, which celebrates 800 years
was inscribed a word: HUMILITY, VIRTUE,
of continuous education in 2009. Caius
HONOR. In this serene setting, under
College has three gates that symbolize the
Like nearly all independent schools, Pennington relies on donations to the Annual Fund to ensure the quality of the school’s
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These gifts are put to use in the year they are given, making an immediate and important difference in the lives of students,
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Please help us meet this year’s goal of $835,000 by making an investment in the future of Pennington.
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On behalf of Pennington students, who benefit from your gifts to the Annual Fund, thank you for your support!
A 21 Century st
Education Begins in
the Middle
The following is adapted from a recent appreciation, and a commitment to
essay in The Pennington Postings by Head service.
of Middle School Todd Paige.
When I was in school and had to write a
Last year, the Middle School faculty research paper, my research was limited
and I spent an afternoon and evening based on the resources available in the
considering what a twenty-first-century library, and there was never any question
education looks like or should look like. as to the credibility of the source materials.
It is a question we have been discussing Today, our children make a few keystrokes,
ever since. Pat Bassett, the president of and hundreds of thousands of resources
the National Association of Independent present themselves within seconds. Given
Schools (NAIS), says, “We are currently this plethora of information and sources,
preparing students for jobs that don’t it is critical that we teach our students
yet exist, using technologies that haven’t how to differentiate between reliable
been invented to solve problems that and unreliable resources. Just recently,
we don’t yet know are problems.” She’s health class students participated in a web
right, but there are actions we are taking search to learn how to identify credible
here at Pennington to help prepare our health sites. While the content is different
students for this unpredictable future, from course to course, the research skills
ABOVE: Todd Paige working with focusing specifically on research skills, we are teaching our students spans the
middle school students collaboration, mathematics, cultural curriculum.
Jo Prockop, Director of the Center for Learning, Describes Holistic
Approach to Student Success
Challenge, in the new state- amounts of instructional those with reading difficulties.
of-the-art science classrooms, time addressing spelling Technologies designed
and through the host of problems–a common difficulty to enhance learning for all
leadership and community for students with dyslexia–has students, such as electronic
service opportunities that faded in importance with whiteboards, mini notebook
they participate in every day. the rise of simple technology computers, portable note-
Finally we see it reflected in the tools such as spell check, we taking devices, portable
beliefs about learning that Dr. see a move to curricular goals wireless electronic books, and
Cervone so eloquently stated that are accessible by their Web 2.0 learning environments
over thirty years ago. With very nature. A curriculum that are transforming the way
the world of information at keenly focuses on higher-order that all students interact with
their fingertips, we know now thinking skills, cross-curricular the curriculum, but they are
more than ever that for today’s understandings, collaboration, also breaking down potential
students “understanding creativity, and real-world obstacles for students
transcends memorization.” By problem-solving abilities with learning disabilities.
collaborating and utilizing all appropriately challenges Dr. Cervone believed that
manner of technology, we can all students. And for those “learning should be a nurturing
see our students learning that who learn “differently,” that of success rather than a
“processes bear equal value to difference can be a strength cataloguing of errors.” In every
content.” that they can bring to bear to way we should focus on what
meet these curricular goals. students can do well, not on
Working to continually develop
what they cannot do well. We
and refine a curriculum that The concurrent development
are continually finding ways to
will help students to meet the and further refinement of
help students to work to their
changing demands of college educational and assistive
strengths, and technology
and life in the 21st century technologies adds to the
innovations and a focus on
provides exciting opportunities excitement. While not a
21st-century skills are working
for educators. From the panacea, we can make
hand-in-hand in ways that allow
perspective of the Center for available assistive technologies
us to serve all of our students–
Learning, the opportunity that can provide ways to get
those with learning disabilities
goes beyond reasserting over, under, and around a host
and those without–better and
our founding beliefs about of potential obstacles. Voice
better all the time. Now more
learning, however. For students recognition software allows
than ever we can see “that
with learning disabilities, this students to use their strong
the best principles of learning
reframing of educational goals verbal abilities without being
for students with differences
represents a move even further hampered by problems with
or disabilities are the best
away from a focus on some written expression. Text-to-
principles for all students.”
of the basic skills that may speech software programs
have represented stumbling make the world of electronic
blocks in the past. Just as the text, including the Internet,
need to spend tremendous accessible to all students, even
Diversity at
Faculty Member Barrington Fulton Jr. Outlines an Intercultural Approach
central principles. The listing of our
core values certainly makes mention
of acknowledging and valuing various
aspects of diversity in all of our everyday
exchanges. The fact that central ideas
like “Every individual has inherent value,”
“Each individual has unique potential
that can be developed,” “Diversity
enriches a community,” “All people are
responsible for and to one another,”
“Character development is integral to
responsible citizenship,” and “All people
should treat each other and each other’s
religious traditions with respect” are in our
Mission Statement indicate that diversity
is supposed to be regarded highly in this
Combining the Study of Art with Hands-on Experience
Class of 2009
The Three Wishes by The Brothers Grimm
Created Fall 2002
The quilt depicts the classic story of a woodcutter and his wife who are granted three
wishes by a spry imp. In the end, the couple find all the happiness they really need in a
sizzling pan of sausage.
For the past nine years, Pennington Middle attending Pennington as juniors and
Schoolers have taken part in a three-year seniors, and even more have their art on
journey of creativity known as Art-o-rama. display in the form of story quilts.
In the summer of 2000, for the upcoming
The story quilt assignment has been
school year 2000-2001, then-art teacher
a staple of the sixth grade year of the
Dolores Eaton and drama teacher Lisa
course. Based on the art of painter and
Houston designed a course that would
author Faith Ringgold, the story quilt
combine the elements of art and drama
provides young artists the opportunity
in a hands-on learning experience. Each
to practice the art of storytelling using
grade level focuses on a theme and a
skills such as color scheme, shape, form,
set of skills, all culminating in the eighth
and perspective, and using the media
grade “Art Alive” productions. Since its
of fabric, paint, paper, ink, and found
inception, hundreds of Pennington Middle
objects. Students learn to collaborate on
Schoolers have passed through the three-
the design, and work cooperatively on the
year course, now taught by art teacher
construction of the quilt. They also learn
Caroline Hall and Lisa Houston. Many of
basic sewing skills as they embroider their
those students have gone on to pursue
initials. The class of 2014 took creativity to
art or theatre as a life-long career. Others
a new level by designing a living quilt.
are upper level art and drama students
Class of 2010
Stellaluna by Janell Cannon
Created Fall 2003
Separated from her mother before she is old enough to fly, Stellaluna finds
out, when she is taken in by a family of birds, that not all winged creatures
eat fruit. As Stellaluna adapts to the habits of her new family, she learns the
essence of friendship in humorous and touching ways.
Class of 2011
The Magic Amber by James M. Reasoner
Created Fall 2004
In this Korean legend, an old rice farmer and his wife are repaid for their
kindness and generosity.
Class of 2012
Habibi by Naomi Shihab Nye
Created Fall 2005
Liyana and her family move from St. Louis to Palestine. Though her father
grew up there, Liyana knows very little about her family’s Arab heritage. It isn’t
until she meets Omer that her homesickness fades. But Omer is Jewish, and
their friendship is silently forbidden in this land. The title of the book refers to
an Arabic term of endearment.
Class of 2013
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
Created Fall 2006
The story is a short moral tale about a relationship
between a young boy and a tree in a forest. The tree loves
the boy very much and gives him anything he asks for.
After many years, in the ultimate act of self-sacrifice, the
tree lets the boy cut her down so the boy can build a boat
in which he can sail. The boy leaves the tree, now a stump.
Many years later, the boy, now an old man, returns and
the tree says, “I have nothing left to give you.” The boy
replies that all he needs is a quiet place to sit and rest.
The tree happily obliges.
Class of 2014
The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
Created Fall 2007
The class of 2014 thought “outside the box” when they designed their story quilt. Instead of sewing
or collaging, the class made a living garden “quilt.” They chose the story, The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss,
and their garden featured year-round blooms such as mums, winter pansies, tulips, paper whites,
alium, and herbs. The large buckets feature drawings from the story. The smaller clay vases were
designed and crafted by each student in the class. See photo, above
Class of 2015
A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle
Created Fall 2008
This year’s sixth grade class presents their quilt,
depicting the story of a hermit crab who has outgrown
his snug little shell, so he must find himself a larger
one (and many new friends to decorate and protect his
new house). But what will happen when he outgrows
this shell, and has to say good-bye to all the sea
creatures who have made Hermit Crab’s house a
Join us on Facebook! Search for “The Pennington School - Alumni Group” to connect with classmates and keep up with School events.
emotional woman in her 60s stepped in Leaders sponsored a “Run for the Cure,”
front of me, thanked me and hugged me. benefiting the Susan G. Komen Foundation
She was wearing a pin that said ‘survivor.’” for breast cancer research. The statewide
Race for the Cure came early in the school
Russo’s participation in the Walk Now
year this year, and the students were afraid
for Autism was a family endeavor: he was
that Homecoming and other commitments
joined by his wife, Sue; their daughter,
would limit their time to spread the word
Julia; and his mother, Eva. The two-mile
and get commitments, explains advisor
walk at Mercer County Community College
Erin O’Connell. As a consequence, they
raised funds for the organization Autism
organized their own run later, on Oct. 26,
Speaks, which promotes autism research
through the streets of Pennington. “There
and assists and advocates for families of
were 70 runners or walkers (students,
children who have some form of autism.
faculty, parents, and friends)—more than
“Julia has been diagnosed with PDD
we had had participate in a run before,”
(Pervasive Developmental Disorder), which
she says. “We raised over $2,000, and . . .
puts her on what is called the ‘spectrum’
we hope to make this an annual event.”
of autism,” Russo explains. “She has made
terrific progress with the help of therapists, The CROP Hunger Walk is not a new event
and so we decided to do something to for Pennington students and faculty; they
help the families in this situation who are have participated in it for many years, and
not as fortunate as ours.” The family raised the School has hosted the local event
over $2,400 for the cause. for the past five. CROP (which stands for
Communities Responding to Overcome
Headly, a first-year teacher at Pennington,
Poverty) Walks are administered through
ran the 26.2 miles that started at the
the international humanitarian agency
Pentagon; went through Arlington, Va.;
Church World Service. This year, despite
passed through Washington, D.C.’s
the competition presented by the
Georgetown section, the monuments, and
School’s boys’ and girls’ soccer teams’
the National Mall; and culminated at the
playing in the state finals the same day, 49
Iwo Jima memorial near Arlington National
students and three faculty members were
Cemetery. She raised $2,800 for the TOP: Librarian Mary Fraser-
numbered among the 73 walkers, raising
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through Pauls and faculty member Erin
over $4,500.
its Team In Training program. O’Connell don their favorite pink
Pennington School students are learning gear which has became a nation-
Not to be outdone, the same day that wide Race for the Cure tradition.
how to help others and how to stay healthy
Headly was running through the nation’s
in the process—and their teachers are BOTTOM: Faculty member
capital, The Pennington School’s Peer
leading the way! Lisa Kessel
where the whole process repeats itself.
This concept of the balance of light and
darkness can be attributed to the ancient
philosophy of yin and yang. As darkness
Dong Ji
of evil spirits. The concept of darkness is
often connected to evil and on the darkest
day of the year many cultures believe
that evil spirits roam the earth at great
When we think of the holidays during numbers.
December, what normally comes to mind
are the traditions of Christmas, Hanukah, Dong Ji is a holiday that is very family-
and Kwanza. What all these holidays have oriented in which family members take
in common is a history, tradition, and a off from work and many travel miles, in
culture behind them. some cases, to spend quality time with
their family. One of the most important
There are many traditions in Dong Ji is the food. The type
other holidays of food eaten by each culture during this
celebrated in other time is different, but it is all the same in the
countries that way it brings family together.
go unnoticed or
unrecognized by One signature food of Dong Ji is the red
many in our society bean soup known as patjuk in Korea. Red
today. One such bean soup is classified by its rather sweet
example is the taste and a unique texture. The reason for
holiday of Dong eating red bean soup is as a way to drive
Ji (also spelled away the evil spirits said to be roaming
Dong Zhi). Dong around during this day.
Ji is celebrated Many cultures in Asia believe that bright
during the winter colors such as red in particular are a bane
solstice of each of evil. Not only is this soup eaten but
year by many also, it is sometimes placed around the
different countries household to ward away the evil spirits and
in Eastern Asia. Like the misfortune and illness said to come
any holiday, Dong from them. Another popular food eaten
Ji holds great importance to the people during this time is Tangyuan, which is a
who celebrate it. According to South sweet and gluttonous flour. The name tang
Korean boarding student Yosup Keum `10, is Chinese for the word soup but is closely
“Dong Ji is a day that resembles a western related to the word tuan which means
Thanksgiving in which family members reunion. Yuan on the other hand means
congregate to spend quality time and perfect or happy. In a sense the food
enjoy food.” For centuries, many cultures Tangyuan stands for family reunion and is
such as that of the Chinese have shown thus eaten during this time to signify family
great admiration for the celestial objects. and prosperity. There are many other
The winter solstice is the darkest day of popular foods eaten during this time such
the year for those living on the northern as mutton, long noodles, and dumplings.
hemisphere. This is due to the combination
of the earth’s tilt on its axis, rotation, and Holidays are an essential part of human
revolution across the sun. Even though the life. They are times in which we can all
winter solstice is a day of darkness, those relax, enjoy great food, and spend time
who celebrate Dong Ji often see it as a day with loved ones. Holidays are also an
of optimism. important time where we can celebrate
our culture, remember our loved ones, and
After the winter solstice the days begin even learn about the traditions of others.
to grow longer until the summer solstice
—Vaclav Barina `11
Purple Tuesday
Have you ever looked around on chapel faculty that year ran out in a panic and was
days? Have you seen all the different trying to buy purple-colored clothing.”
colors people are wearing...but wait! You Moreover, the responses to Purple
see three people wearing purple, no four, Tuesday were only good ones. “It’s one of
wait ten. Is it a mere coincidence? Not those things that just caught on,” says Ms.
at all; it’s Purple Tuesday! “Purple makes Tucker, and it soon became an unofficial
people happy; it’s an uplifting color,” says tradition.
drama teacher Ms. Lisa Houston, one of
But how did this tradition spread like wild
the founders of Purple Tuesday. Purple
fire? Mr. Jeffery O’Neil, biology teacher,
Tuesday was started in 1999 during a new
answers: “I think Ms. Houston advertises
fashion era. Men had started wearing
it amongst the faculty, but I sell it to the
matching metallic ties with the same
students.” Mr. O’Neil has been known to
colored shirt in a darker shade. Among
advertise Purple Tuesday, and he adds,
these people was Dean Liwosz, complete
“It’s something fun at this school, and I try
with a purple metallic tie complementing a
to inspire the students to wear purple.”
purple shirt. Ms. Houston and Ms. Beverly
Speaking of the Tuesdays he forgets, he
Tucker, Executive Assistant to Head of
states, “I have forgotten to wear purple
School, happened to be wearing purple
on occasion, and the students yell at me
on the same Tuesday that Dean Liwosz was
profusely for it.”
wearing this combination. After realizing
that they were matching in their purple Purple Tuesday is one of those traditions
attire every Tuesday, they decided to tell that makes the Pennington Community
everyone to participate. “Its one of those tighter. Many students and faculty try to
weird things that developed,” says Dean keep this tradition alive at our school and
Liwosz. The purple craze began, but they continue to persuade others to join in. Ms.
decided to take it a step further. Around Houston adds, “It’s a silly accomplishment,
2001, Ms. Houston and Ms. Tucker decided but it’s something that is unique to
to play a joke on the new faculty. They Pennington…and it adds to the fabric of
added on to the dress code section of the our school.”
new faculty’s handbook to wear purple
—Anita Dam ‘11
on Tuesdays, and what a laugh it was.
Ms. Houston comments: “The entire new
Former Student and Current TPS Faculty Member, Ida Malloy ‘82,
Pays Tribute to an Inspirational Teacher
In 1976, I came to The Pennington School
as a seventh-grader. I was the only girl in
my class and quickly became withdrawn
and depressed. I tried to become invisible,
and sometimes it worked. Somehow I
managed to crawl my way to ninth grade,
and finally other girls entered my grade,
as well as a new advisor who helped to
shape my life and give me direction. That
year George Parnos became my advisor
and teacher. At first I did not know what
to make of this high energy, fast-talking,
intense man, but in a very short time
he made an impression on me that still
inspires and motivates me today.
dug out some photocopied papers. He My trip to Greece this past summer
came back and gave them to me and said, allowed me to spend two marvelous weeks
“Do you know who this man is?” I replied with Mr. Parnos and his family. He woke
“No.” Mr. Parnos told me that the man was me up at six o’clock every morning, and
Memnon the Ethiopian. He explained to sometimes we talked until one o’clock at
me that he was a great African who was night. He shared many wonderful stories,
respected by the Greeks. It was in that and his wealth of knowledge compares to
moment that two things happened: one, I no other teacher or professor I have ever
realized that I was not going to be able to encountered. I wanted to tell him what an
drop physics; and two, for the first time in inspiration he has been to me, and I know
my six years at Pennington someone said that his prodding and pushing me, even as
something inspiring and positive about an adult, has made me stronger.
Africa and her people.
When I became a teacher I wanted to
I decided to stay in physics and came inspire lives and push my students into
faithfully every day for extra help, and even places that made them uncomfortable and
sometimes on weekends. Occasionally in made them eke out their own greatness.
class I surprised Mr. Parnos by answering I do not know if I have inspired or ever
a question correctly and displaying a mild will inspire someone the way Mr. Parnos
understanding. At the end of the year I inspired me, but whenever I question
managed to produce a solid D, the only my purpose as a teacher, a quotation
one I ever received. Mr. Parnos told me by [Greek philosopher and novelist]
that he had never seen any student work as Nikos Kazantzakis reminds me of why
hard as I did. I teach: “Teachers are those who use
themselves as bridges, over which they
When I went off to college I encountered
invite their students to cross; then having
teachers who tried to tell me that I was
facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse,
not smart enough or that maybe I needed
encouraging them to create bridges of
to change my major to something that
their own.”
was “more doable” for me, and I always
responded, “No I can do whatever I set On a final note I would be remiss if I
my mind to do.” I recalled those days did not mention other teachers at The
with Mr. Parnos and that even when he Pennington School whom I will forever
knew how horribly I was doing in his class, cherish: Marjorie Fass, Ruth Reilly,
he did not let me quit. The D I received Margaret Kersey, Art Campbell, Brad
has no bearing on the most significant Henderson, B.J. Garry, Kee Ahn, Bill
educational experience I had ever had. Long, Terry Burns, Hugo Rossi, Paul and FACING PAGE: Ida Malloy ‘82
The lesson I learned is that I am greater Janice Hoffreiter, Ted Naffzinger and Emil (center) and George Parnos
(right) with a member of the
than I had allowed myself to believe, and Bretzger.
elite Evzones guard at the Greek
that I needed to learn to discipline myself Parliament building in Athens.
—Ida Malloy
and not be discouraged by a challenge.
ABOVE: Malloy and Parnos at the
At Pennington
Director Lisa Houston Reflects on the Year’s Performances
Fall Play 2008: Macbeth Nowadays those visions come a country, the world? I think
I have been asked, “Why did to us across digital TV screens, that Shakespeare’s greatest
you choose this play?” more in video games, or on the big gift was recognizing human
times for this show than for screen – in a way, this puts truths that I’m sure he never
any other show. I am guessing distance between the viewer imagined would stand the test
that some may think that and the actual act. Technology of time. So, here we are today,
witchery, blood, and gore are makes violence more tolerable at The Pennington School.
questionable material for a and, in some ways, acceptable. What will fate bring us? How
high school show. I chose this I think it is important to think will we act to set our future
play for many reasons. about violence in our world course as students, parents,
and I see the theatre as the faculty, a school? Where do
First, I knew it would be a safest place to explore that our loyalties lie? Will we treat
challenge, and Pennington issue. How much is too much people with respect and see
Drama is always up for a bloodshed? As our own the world through hopeful
challenge. In addition, since country faces struggles on eyes, or will we succumb to the
our trip last summer to the many levels and a change “black and deep desires” that
Edinburgh Fringe, I continue to in regime, this play gives us the Scottish King did? I believe
be entranced by Scotland and something to ponder about in this School, this country,
all of its history, legends, and ambition, fate, destiny, and and most of all, I believe that
national pride – it is an amazing taking personal action to forge theatre is capable of providing
country and a fascinating your own path in life. What us with magic. Not the magic
setting for a play. Violence, is right and what is wrong? of the Weird Sisters, but magic,
blood, and destruction are as Can one person change the nonetheless.
much a part of our culture as course of their own life, the
they were in Shakespeare’s lives of others, a kingdom,
time, to be sure.
Winter Play 2009: The Wizard of Oz lacking the quality that we think we
Many people who know me well were really need—whether it is beauty, brains,
surprised when I chose a classic and strength, wisdom, determination, creativity
beloved tale such as The Wizard of Oz to —or merely the brain, the heart, and the
tell on our stage this winter. (I’m usually nerve to do what we need to do. We look
attracted to darker musicals). After the in the mirror and we search for that other
bloodshed of “The Scottish Play,” it was self—the one with all the power. It can be
apparent that something lighter was in discouraging and even frustrating. But,
order. I thought that because Oz was all if you dig deep, with a little hard work,
rainbow-colored goodness, and a familiar soul-searching, trust, and patience, you
story, that somehow, it would be easier can usually find it—right there inside you
to mount this production—that it would all along. It just takes a short journey inside
involve less thinking and brain power. Boy, your heart and mind to realize it was there.
was I wrong. So for me, that one image led to all the
other images of this show. It got me back
First of all, I have to commend my students on the path with my friends a few of the
and colleagues. Without them, this would times when I was wandering through the
be a shell of a story. They came through forest thinking I was lost.
for me again and again with amazing ideas
and solutions to issues. When you direct If you are a purist, you might not agree
something as intense as the fall play was, with my vision. Our approach is not exactly
traditional. But, if you came expecting TOP: Danielle Gabai ’09, Don
it takes some time to recover. So, as we
something colorful, familiar and warm – Nuzzio ’10, and Sathya Andavolu ’09
started on this journey, I was not fully on as members of the Lollipop Guild.
the road with everyone else. I found my you should be very satisfied.
BOTTOM: Cast members
thoughts wandering. Decisions seemed
celebrate Dorothy’s return to Oz.
impossible. I only had one very clear idea
—and that was a mirror image of the main TOP LEFT: Ali Crivelli ’10 as
characters of this play standing in the the Scarecrow and Hannah
Schindewolf ’09 as Dorothy.
poppy field. And so, I went with it. That
image, to me, is what this story is really FACING PAGE: Tom Provine
about—that sometimes, when we look in ’10, Claire Reinganum ’11, in an
the mirror, we don’t recognize the person emotional scene from Macbeth
we are looking at. We see ourselves PHOTO: Jim Inverso
03 S
Pennington School Fundraiser
Green Cup
During the month of February, The our previous three Februaries by a terrific
Pennington School participated in the 14 percent.
annual Green Cup Challenge (GCC).
Those results placed Pennington fifth in
Launched in 2006 by Phillips Exeter
the nation after week one. By week two,
Academy, Northfield Mount Hermon, and
the School ranked fourth.
the Lawrenceville School to raise students’
energy conservation awareness, the Aggregate energy reduction in the final
GCC has developed into an international two weeks measured an impressive 23
competition involving more than 200 percent—leading to a final aggregate
schools. Currently, the Challenge focuses reduction of 19 percent over the entire
on reducing electricity consumption on
campus, but the organizers expect to
broaden the competition in future years to
other areas of environmental impact such
as waste and water use.
Students Participate in Inaugural Events in Nation’s Capital and on Campus.
Pennington students, faculty, and staff for the event (see photo). Aside from the
commemorated the inauguration of natural drama of the day, Kelsey’s mom
Barack Obama as the nation’s 44th added to the excitement by dropping and
president on Tuesday, January 19, 2009. losing her ticket. According to Kelsey, “She
The inauguration fell during exam week, couldn’t get in, so my aunt and I went in
an inconvenient time for Upper School without her and she said she was going
students. However, this did not thwart to go watch it somewhere. On her walk
those determined to take part in the back, she randomly asked one guy if he
festivities in whatever way they were able. happened to have an extra ticket, and he
Some students arranged their schedules did! Some of his friends didn’t show up, so
so they could attend the inauguration in my mom got a ticket and somehow found
Washington, DC. Ten Pennington students us in the 2 million people there. It was
made their way individually down Route meant to be—we were supposed to be
95 to be in attendance. Their experiences there!”
ranged from attending the Congressional
Eleventh grader Hannah Knudsen also
Youth Leadership Council’s Presidential
made the trek to D.C. to attend the
Youth Inaugural Conference (PYIC) to
Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference.
taking part in some of the Inaugural Balls,
Knudsen had mixed feelings about
to simply experiencing the day as one of
the conference—the large number of
TOP : Kelsey Greener ‘09 joined the millions of others who wanted to be a
the crowds on Inauguration Day attendees led to some disorganization and
part of history.
miscommunications regarding the way in
ABOVE : Faculty member Chad Kelsey Greener ’09 attended the which attendees would experience the
Bridges ‘96 quizzes Middle
inauguration with her mother and aunt, inauguration itself. On the whole, Knudsen
School students on presidential
history. and was fortunate to have great seats found the experience a positive one: she
The day’s events were a genuine team BOTTOM: Hannah Knudsen ’10
(center) with some new friends in
effort, says Bridges, “Our middle school
Washington, DC on Inauguration
student council did a phenomenal job Day.
The sixth grade class World Cultures
curriculum is broad in geographic scope
and, Kessel says, “tries to break away
from the traditional plaster molds of
continents and country capital drills as
a means of educating the students.”
Kessel has designed a project called
TPS Sixth Graders Adopt Kenyan Elephant “Passport to...” which includes researching
countries, geographical elements and
cultures. All of the research performed
for Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania will
be included in a paginated passport
booklet. Another major facet of the World
Cultures curriculum is art. “Art connects
us to culture, history and humanity,” states
The Pennington School community
continued a seven-year tradition by
creating handmade ceramic bowls to
support the Empty Bowls Project to
fight hunger. Bowls made by talented
Pennington School students, faculty, and
Empty bowls
staff were exhibited and available for sale
at the School’s Silva Gallery of Art during a
two-week span in December. All proceeds
from bowl sales are donated to the Trenton
Area Soup Kitchen. Project Benefits Trenton Area Soup Kitchen
The School has taken part in the Empty
Bowls Project since 2001. Michigan
potters John Hartom and Lisa Blackburn
established the project as a tool to work
toward the eradication of world hunger;
its name is a symbolic reminder that many
people’s bowls are empty of food. In
the original project model, after potters
volunteer their time, talent, and materials
to make the bowls, guests are invited
for a simple meal of soup and bread in
exchange for a minimum $10 donation.
The guests select a bowl to use that day
and to keep as a reminder of the world’s
many empty bowls. All proceeds are
given to a hunger-prevention organization
either within the local community or at the
national or international level.
TPS International Students Pick Produce for Farmers Against Hunger
In October, Pennington School Chaplain Chuck Coblenz accompanied ten TPS international students to a farm in Florence
Township to pick peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes for Farmers Against Hunger. Farmers Against Hunger (FAH) is a unique
food rescue program that collects fresh fruits and vegetables from New Jersey farms and distributes it, free of charge, to
organizations that help feed people. Started in 1996 by a few area farmers, the program now includes nearly 50 farmers,
three grocery store chains, and two produce wholesalers who support the program year-round. According to Coblenz, “Judy
Grignon, the director of FAH, told us that the crops we harvested that day would be eaten by needy families that night! The
kids were great and filled dozens of baskets.”
Pennington Students Join Renowned Performers to Honor
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
On Tuesday, January 13, the Diversity Office, along with the Arts
and History departments, brought King Alive!: The Dream Lives to
campus for a Chapel service celebrating the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. The performance featured Dr. King’s final speeches as
interpreted by Craig Alan Edwards, the star and writer of the
upcoming off-Broadway production, The Man in Room 306, about
the last night of Dr. King’s life. In addition to the speeches, the
Pennington Upper School Chorus, under the direction of William
Alford, sang three accompanying pieces after three rehearsals
with a special soloist, the multitalented Fredi Walker Browne,
best known for her work in the original production of Broadway’s
hit musical, Rent. The students and faculty alike were spellbound
for the full hour of motivating words and music. It was a Chapel
service that will remain in memory for years to come.
—Faculty member, Barrington Fulton
TPS Community Brings Holiday Cheer To Area’s Less Fortunate
On Saturday, December 20, The basketball in the gym with the Varsity Boys’
Pennington School hosted its eighteenth Basketball team; or do arts and crafts in
annual HomeFront Holiday Party. Over 100 the student center.
student, faculty, and family volunteers gave
As a special bonus, due to the generosity
their time to serve as hosts, guides, clean-
of The Pennington School community, The
up crews, dance partners, and playmates
Pennington School was able to donate to
to the record 450-plus guests from
HomeFront over $1,000, which is enough
HomeFront. HomeFront is a Lawrenceville,
money to help a family get started in
New Jersey-based organization that seeks
their own apartment. Students, faculty,
to end homelessness in Central New
staff, and families also contributed new
Jersey by harnessing the caring, resources
or gently used warm coats in a drive over
and expertise of the community.
the past weeks, and since returning from
All families in attendance were treated Thanksgiving break had festooned the
to a turkey dinner provided by Sodexo “Giving Tree” in the Stainton Hall lobby
and Pennington’s dining hall staff. Over with hats, scarves, and gloves to be
300 gifts were distributed to parents to distributed at the party.
present to their children on Christmas
In these uncertain economic times,
morning. The gifts were either donated
organizations such as HomeFront are
by Pennington students and faculty or
more needed—and needy—than
purchased with money raised through
ever as their client population steadily
a dress-down day the week before the
increases. Happily, the members of the
holiday break. Pennington School Peer
Pennington community were able to
Leaders spearhead the gift drive and take
give of themselves through monetary
overall responsibility for volunteering.
donations, contributions of presents, and
Children had the opportunity to visit volunteering their time. This considerable
with Santa Claus or Frosty the Snowman effort is a continuing reminder of the strength
ABOVE LEFT: A jolly group of
(portrayed by alumna Celeste Murphy of the Pennington Spirit.
TPS volunteers.
’01, who returned for the occasion); play
ABOVE RIGHT: Celeste Murphy ‘01
as Frosty the Snowman with faculty
member and co-director of peer
leadership at the 2008 Homefront
holiday party.
Donors interested in supporting Pennington through a transfer of funds from an IRA can now
take advantage of a two-year extension of the IRA Rollover provision included in the $700 billion
economic bailout bill signed in October, 2008.
The provision will be made retroactive to Jan. 1, 2008, and will apply to gifts made from that date
through Dec. 31, 2009. The provision had expired at the end of 2007.
The provision exempts from taxable income any funds transferred (“rolled over”) from an Individual
Retirement Account (IRA) to a charitable organization. The following limitations apply:
• The donor must be age 70½ or older.
• The cap on annual IRA rollovers is $100,000.
• The contribution must be a direct gift to a charity (no planned gifts).
For the first time, the varsity boys and girls swim teams both won the NJISAA State Championships! The girls finished with
a record of 7-3 while the boys record was 8-2. The teams also won the Patriot Championships as well as placed 4th at the
MCT’s against 14 other group III and IV public schools. Two new school records were written this season by Freshman Carly
Deeter in the Girls 100 Breaststroke and the Girls 200 Medley relay, with teammates Carly Gurick ‘11, Alyssa Hullings ‘11 and
Galen Sylk ‘10.
The Pennington School Varsity Ice Hockey team led by captain Sean McCarthy ‘09, and assistant captains Hank Littlefield
‘09, Charlie Meneghin ‘09, and James Osterstock ‘09 as well as seniors Mike Allen, Spencer Bonapace, and Liam McManus
battled with five other teams to win the inaugural (regular) season of the Independent Hockey League (IHL). The team
overcame numerous injuries to key players in a season filled with excitement; the team played hard every game and fought
until the final buzzer sounded.
Pennington School Girls’ Soccer Coach Bill Hawkey, (above,center) has been named National Coach of the Year in the High
School Girls Private/Parochial category by the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA). After his selection
as NSCAA East Regional Coach of the Year in the private/parochial high school category earlier in the postseason, the
national award was announced at the national convention’s awards banquet in St. Louis in January.
The NSCAA announcement praised Hawkey for leading the team to its ranking and titles this year and noted, “In addition
to claiming its 14th conference championship, [The] Pennington School has also earned the NSCAA Team Academic Award
and was the New Jersey Prep Team of the Year each of the past six years.”
Hawkey, who passed the 300-win mark this fall, has been head coach of girls’ soccer at Pennington for 24 years; his career
record as coach to date is 311–93–26. Hawkey is The Pennington School’s assistant head of school and head of upper school.
Middle School
MS Football
The Middle School Football program had
MS Cross Country another successful year. The team was
Pennington’s Middle School Cross Country small in numbers but large in heart and
team had a successful season. Each runner determination. The coaches are proud of
on this team has a reason to be proud of what this team accomplished this year.
his/her season: meeting a goal, winning a
race, battling to the finish, pushing through MS Girls’ Basketball
pain, running a personal best time.
The 2008-09 season was one for
developing a team and enjoying the
process. We had four well-fought victories
that showcased the girls’ newfound
abilities. Coach Van Beveren trusts that
other members of the team will progress
into starting positions and continue our
success in basketball.
MS Field Hockey
Last year, the Middle School girls field
hockey team practiced for an entire
season, in preparation for competing as
a recognized school sport in fall 2008.
Fundamentals were the main focus, but
rules of play, strategy and field work were
an additional emphasis as the team got
ready to play nine games in their first official
season. They opened the season with a close
2-1 loss to Moorestown Friends Academy.
Upper School
Boys’ Basketball, JV
The boys JV basketball team had three
thrilling come-from-behind last minute
45 S
victories. The boys on the team were great Girls’ Tennis, Varsity
teammates who supported and cheered
It was a building year for varsity tennis this
wildly for each other. We celebrated our
year. With a record of 4–8–1, this relatively
Chinese teammates with a wonderful
young team worked hard to improve their
dinner at a Chinese restaurant and our
American teammates with a dinner at
White Castle. Everybody had a wonderful
time this year.
Boys’ Soccer, JV
JV Boys’ Soccer had an exciting and
successful season. Their record was 7 wins,
3 losses, and 1 tie. The team defeated
Lawrenceville, Hun, PDS (twice), Rutgers
Prep (twice) and Gill. For the first time in
many years, Boys JV Soccer defeated or
tied all of the Mercer County prep school
Football, JV and Varsity
The 2008 Pennington Red Raiders
displayed tremendous dedication and
enthusiasm throughout the season.
According to Coach Eure, “Despite the
fact that we won only four games this
season, we had some of the most exciting
home wins in many years, capping off our
first win in seven years over a tough Bristol
ON THE RUN team on Homecoming day.”
Dr. Green’s legacy to Pennington encompassed far
more than the letters, manuscripts, and books he
presented to the School on his retirement. His legacy
lives on in the School’s commitment to academic
excellence and respect for each individual that was
the hallmark as a teacher and administrator. In order to
perpetuate his good work, the Francis Harvey Green
Society was formed to provide for The Pennington
School’s future through planned giving. The Society
recognizes those who have made a provision for the
School in their estate plans and encourages others
to make such plans. Provisions include bequests,
charitable remainder trusts and lead trusts, life
insurance policies, and IRA’s. If you are interested
in making a planned gift to Pennington, please
contact Matt Goetting, Director of Development, at
[email protected] or (609) 737-6103.
A Cinderella Story
Gutsy Performance Propels Young Team to Victory
As I walked into the building with my four-year-old daughter, Daisy, the familiar scent of
chlorine guided us to the pool that, just an hour later, would prove to be the location
“We have a great of one of the great rallies in sports history. I may exaggerate (but only a little). “I smell
pool!” Daisy shouted happily, running down the hall, with a princess purse full of play
team, but we are jewelry. (We carry it everywhere.)
still working on Decked out in our black and red for Pennington’s Homecoming, we didn’t know
quite what to expect from the Red Raider water polo team, who were set to battle
some things. If Friends Central. My husband (a.k.a. Coach Bill Hutnik) was honest about chances for
we can pull it all a Homecoming victory when we spoke before the game. “We have a great team,”
he said. “But we are still working on some things. If we can pull it all together, we can
together, we can win.” His tempered optimism was understandable. This season fields the School’s first
all-Pennington squad; last year featured a shared TPS/Hun team. So there are lots of
win.” new players on board, who Hutnik describes as “fantastic in terms of team energy and
—Coach Bill Hutnik potential, but challenging when we’re playing well-established programs that have been
in place for years. But,” he adds after a moment, “we’re gonna get there.” I’ve heard this
steel in his voice before. Coach Hutnik was a competitive swimmer and water polo player
in high school and college. So don’t be fooled by his quiet demeanor: This guy wants to
Playing in front of a great crowd at the Michael T. Martin Aquatic Center, the Raiders
started all four senior players for their final Homecoming: Matt Angelo, Hank Littlefield,
captain and returning player John Tarchis in the field, and Mike Allen in goal. The
match was 0–0 at the end of the first quarter, but Friends Central took the lead 1–0 in
the second. A second goal followed quickly, as Friends capitalized on a TPS kickout.
Though the team trailed 2–0, the crowd shots. But we played great defense the
stayed with the underdog Raiders, cheering whole game, and in the fourth quarter,
several breakaways by returning player when our shooting finally came around,
Jimmy Hrabchak ‘11 and powerful passing by our defense continued to hold tight.” They
returning player Bank Phromratanapongse ‘10. were right. And the entire team should get
“Go, Pennington!” screamed Daisy, who credit for that defense: Alyssa Hullings,
put on her Cinderella necklace and rings Chris Gianoni, and returning player
in the middle of the second quarter “for Laura Podsiadlo put in great defensive
luck,” she explained. performances.
She might have been on to something, I could see Coach Hutnik mulling over
because TPS turned on their offense. the game the whole rest of the day,
Shooting accuracy improved, and the considering drills, thinking about plays,
crowd really had something to celebrate planning the next game. But even the ever-
when Tarchis scored Pennington’s first goal measured Coach Hutnik would stop ever
two minutes into the third quarter. After we so often throughout Saturday afternoon
were finished screaming, I told Daisy not and turn to Daisy and me with a big smile.
to touch the jewelry. Friends capitalized “Did you see the team today? That was
on another Pennington kickout to take the totally awesome!”
lead 3–1 at 5:25 in the third quarter, but for
All I can say is, I’m hooked. It was inspiring
the remainder of the quarter Pennington
to watch the team turn itself around and
stayed ferocious and denied Friends any
power through to win that game. Just as
more scoring opportunities.
inspiring was the post-game match, where
Pennington’s momentum continued, and Coaches Keogh and Hutnik watched with
in the fourth and final quarter Wes Lincoln pride as all their rookies held their own
scored the Red Raiders’ second goal 1:24 and played smart, determined water polo.
in, bringing the score to 3–2. Minutes later, Every player brought something valuable
Phromratanapongse tied the game 3–3. to that pool on Saturday, and that’s great
And then Hrabchak put Pennington ahead to see. I will certainly be back, cheering
for good, scoring the team’s fourth goal. If this crew on in future matches. And if you
you did not see the fourth quarter of this see Coach Hutnik wearing Cinderella’s
match, you missed a thrilling turnaround, tiara or rings, just go with it.
and a hard-fought win by the Raiders. As —Amy Hutnick
the players climbed out of the pool, all
smiles, Daisy turned to me. “Mama, can I
take off this jewelry?”
W eekend 2 0 0 8
S eptem b e r 2 6 - 2 7
51 S
Class notes
Class of 1942
Class Agent needed. Please call Joanne
McGann at (609) 737 6149 if you would like
Class of 1932 to volunteer.
Class of 1946
Class Agent: Dick Sharrett
961 Raritan Road
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
(908) 757–5526
[email protected]
Dr. Stanley Apple stopped by for a
Dick Sharrett presented a paper on
surprise visit in September, along with his
Resiliency Health Care Systems at the
wife, Virginia, and daughter, Carolyn. Dr. Apple
annual meeting of the Gerontological
was unable to attend the Athletic Hall
Society of America in Maryland in
of fame ceremony in 2006, the year he
November 2008.
was inducted, so in addition to seeing
a bit of the campus, he visited the Hall
Class of 1947
in the gymnasium lobby. Dr. Apple is
doing very well and wishes to say hello Class Agent: John Vaccaro
to all classmates and schoolmates who 38 Wiltshire Drive
remember him. Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
(609) 530-0331
Class of 1936 [email protected]
Class Agent: C. Kenneth Snyder Donald Maxwell resides in Ann Arbor, MI.
5617 Namakagan Rd. Don was born in Paris, lived in England,
Bethesda, MD 20816–1924 and attended Pennington for five years
during World War II. He holds two Ph.D.
Class of 1940 degrees from the University of Cambridge
(Faculty of Medicine) and from the
Class Agent: Tim Osborne
University of Michigan (French). He spent
522 Kingfisher Road
= Reunion Year many years in biomedical research and is
Sugar Land, TX 77478–4705
(281) 494–7406
the Cupola Award as the outstanding class like that. Alice and I have two children,
that year. three grandchildren and five great-
grandchildren. All of them are wonderful
Class of 1948 people. We have been blessed, and it all
started with the wonderful start I received
Class Agent: James McKee
at The Pennington School. Teachers like
101 E St.
Mr. and Mrs. Manifold, Mr. Cressman, Mr.
Seaside Park, NJ 08752-1512
Marcus, and Dr. Crompton are especially
(732) 830-1307
memorable people.”
[email protected]
lives “where the Black Angus outnumber happened to him. Fred attended TPS from
humans!” After Pennington, Bob attended 1949 to 1954 and was the valedictorian of
the General Motors Institute for two years, the class of 1954. If anyone has information
spent four years with U.S. Air Force, and about Fred, please be in touch with
then returned to the Buick division of Associate Director of Alumni Relations
General Motors. After countless years he Joanne McGann, Director of Alumni
retired in 1988 to beautiful Allisonia, VA. Relations Patrick Murphy ’80, and/or Morris
Fabian; thanks!
James “Rabbit” Thomas, our point guard
from Willow Grove, is still in the guess- Art Smith and Connie spent the summer and
your-weight-and-age business. He did this much of the fall in Maine. Conrad Yungbliut
at Willow Grove Amusement Park before and Theresa had a great year but cut down
attending Pennington. Rabbit attended on traveling. They “have not seen the
Rider College before and after a tour of NJ shore in twenty years or more. There
military duty. After reenrolling at Rider he are few quiet beaches (as when several
realized that his satisfaction in life was his of us as classmates visited for fishing,
old amusement-park job. Although his swimming, etc.)—the changes in a lifetime
health does not allow him to be on the are huge.” In a telephone conversation,
midway, he now partners with his son and Barry Coleman (FL) reported that he and
can be found seasonally at the Florida and his wife, Faith, a few months ago greatly
North Carolina state fairs and during the enjoyed spending time with their four
tourist season in Myrtle Beach, SC. daughters: one in Taneytown, MD, another
in Montgomery County, PA, and two
Dale Hollady P’74 was sorry he had to miss
others at State College, PA.
Homecoming/Reunion Weekend due to
the fact he was in Atlanta. He has cleared An email message from Tom Blair,
his calendar for reunion weekend of 2012 PGA instructor in Oregon, extended
for our 60th Reunion. this invitation: “If any of you get to the
Pacific Northwest, I would be glad to tee it
Class of 1954 up with you.” Over the last year, several nice
notes have been received from Don Souder;
55th Reunion – October 16–17, 2009
a New Year’s card concluded, “My
Class Agent: George Gordon time at Pennington was great. Had an
577 Sierra Vista Lane excellent education. Life is a never-ending
Valley Cottage, NY 10989 education; I guess you know that.”
[email protected]
Class of 1955
Class Agent: Morris S. Fabian
PO Box 267
Pennington, NJ 08534-0267
(609) 737–1901
[email protected]
In August a few couples met for a “Big Chill” Tom Rhoads could not make it to the
weekend at the house of Ron Rick and his reunion but sent an update saying all is
wife, Kathy. Among those in attendance well with him in Chicago, where he is a
were Andrea Colender Kawecki ’82 mechanical engineer.
and her husband, Matt, and Tom Chiodi
Doug Roberts is an artist and has been
and Lisa. (P.S Andrea is some cook. Her
working at the Johnson Atelier for many
eggplant parmesan was out of this world.)
years now. His daughter is in second grade
Chad A. Bridges ’96 at Our Lady of Sorrows School in Hamilton.
Class of 1982
Chad Bridges has come full circle Mike Leabman is a lawyer and practices
Class Agents: Cathilyn Spampinato
after graduation from Pennington law at the family law firm. He has a five-
to become a teacher at the
153 Rugby Drive year-old son.
school he once attended. Bridges
graduated with honors from Langhorne, PA 19047 Jim Felzenberg is married and has a two-
Drew University in 2000 with a (215) 757–0519 year-old daughter.
degree in political science. Upon [email protected]
graduation from Drew, he worked and Ida Malloy John Couch works in real estate
at Bloomberg LP for five years 166 Brunswick Avenue management and has two children.
in the legal department. During Trenton, NJ 08618
Ken Hansen lives in Pennington and
his tenure with the company, he (609) 695–7154
was a team leader and active in is a member of the School’s Alumni
[email protected]
the college recruiting process. In Association board. His son Tim is a sixth-
addition to his work at Bloomberg, Patrick Hagerty writes, “Well, where do grader at Pennington!
he began coaching soccer for boys I start? I am currently an IT Team lead at
Lynn Drury Morano’s daughter, Allison
and girls. He has been coaching Morgan, Lewis and Bockius, a law firm
soccer for the last five years and
’11, attends Pennington.
in Center City Philadelphia. I am vice
recently began his own soccer Heidi Winzinger works for the State
president of production, and sing for the
academy, Next Level Soccer.
Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus, of New Jersey in the area of greenland
His love for Pennington brought If that weren’t enough preservation and is an activist in her area
him back to the School in 2005 to to do, I also volunteer for ActionAids for many worthy causes.
teach social studies in the Middle Gay Bingo every month and am a
School. He is entering his fourth
Fritz Kurtz keeps busy with triplets.
photographer for an online magazine
year as teacher, middle school called I live in Larry Wong lives in Voorhees, NJ; he and
soccer coach, and assistant varsity
South Philadelphia near Ikea. Not a bad his wife, Theresa, have two daughters.
basketball coach. He and his wife,
place to live, but I’m looking to move in Larry owns and runs a scooter shop.
Erica, live on campus with their
Center City, so I can enjoy myself more
three-year-old son, Drew. Brian Feuer got married recently.
and spend more time with friends and
When asked about his favorite class my boyfriend. You did read it right, my Ingrid Miller attended the reunion; she
while a student at Pennington, boyfriend. As you can see I have a VERY lives and works in Flemington.
Bridges says that he was reluctant busy life, but I am having fun! You can
at first to join the Upper School
reach me at my email address Kurt Scherler was unable to attend
Chorus (under the direction then, but called in from San Diego and had a
([email protected]) or look for Patrick
as now, of William Alford), but that chance to talk to just about everyone in
Hagerty on Facebook.
it turned out to be one of the best attendance. He lives in San Diego with his
decisions he made during his high
wife and two children.
school years. His greatest memory Class of 1983
is graduation in 1996: “All my hard Class Agent: Carrie Vinch Mark Morin is a professional
work over the years led to a great 80 Phillips Avenue photographer and works for the Bill and
moment for my classmates and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Lawrenceville NJ 08648
me.” And a close second, he adds,
(609) 512–1236
was beating Hopewell Valley in any
[email protected]
sport at any time!
Carrie Vinch did a wonderful job of
getting the word out to the class about our
25th Reunion and on the day had a strong
turnout. In the end over 20 classmates
attended the on-campus festivities and a
party at Carrie’s on Saturday or phoned
in to pass the phone around and catch up
that way. Updates on classmates include:
Osborne, Theivakumar & Gilmore, where firm in Colorado Springs. “My wife is
his practice remains devote to family law due April 1 with our second child, a girl,
matters. Located in downtown Princeton, and our son, Cooper, is learning to play
Sandy and his firm can handle a wide ice hockey at age 3. My wife, Dr. Kristine
range of legal needs. For more information Lang, teaches physics at Colorado College
go to and recently received a $450,000 grant
from the National Science Foundation
Heather Aitken writes “I just got back
for research into nano-materials research
from India on a wonderful trip with a group
related to quantum computing and
called Warrior Sage. This was my third
superconducting electronics.”
spiritual adventure tour with Warrior Sage:
Peru was first, then England/Ireland, and
Class of 1992
now India! All three trips were amazing.
Over the past few years I have done many Class Agent: Kim Borden Perri
personal development workshops; I have 8 Wellington Road
grown a lot, had many adventures, and Newtown, PA 18940
met lots of beautiful people along the way. (215) 736–3133
I am a founding member of “The Divine [email protected]
Goddess Network” and have another
business opportunity with a shaman friend
of mine in Los Angeles, both of which I will
send information about in a future update
when there is more to tell. Could I sound
more Californian? If people had told me
I would be doing the types of things I
have been doing over the past few years
I would have told them they were crazy;
it even seems a little strange to me at
times, but I love my friends and I love my
life! Oh and I love Facebook; being able
Meaghan McLaughlin Dagner ‘92 was
to reconnect and see current pictures of
married on September 20, 2008. Guests
all of my old friends has been a lot of fun,
included, left to right - Antoinette
so if you’re looking for me, just search
Borromeo (‘92), Lori Lake-Height -
for me on Facebook! I wish you all love,
(‘93), Meaghan McLaughlin (‘92), Anisa
health, wealth, happiness, and fun in 2009!
Talwani (‘92) and Kimberly Borden-Perri
Namaste, my friends, Namaste!”
(‘92). “We all had a blast together, and
I then followed that up with two weeks
Class of 1991 in Hawaii. My husband and I bought a
Class Agent: Jon Bowden house in Summit, NJ, over the summer,
39 Eglantine Avenue and I currently work at UBS Financial in
Pennington, NJ 08534 Manhattan, working with a team on high
(609) 730–9754 net worth money managers. Other than
[email protected] the obvious economic issues, all is well
and I’m enjoying it. I’ve been thrilled to
Chris Long writes, “I would love to let all
touch base with so many of my Pennington
my friends from Pennington know that I am
friends over the last year and want to know
living in Pennington, with my wife, Merrill,
when we are all going to get together for a
and my three children (16, 9, and 7). We
little fun!”
have one dog and one cat. I would love to
have the opportunity to sell all of my old Scott Simmins is currently working
Pennington School friends a new or pre- in Woodbridge as a software trainer/
owned car in 2009. You can contact me at developer. Scott got married on August
[email protected].” 28, 2008. He and his wife, Karen, are living
in Hamilton, NJ.
Ted Vaida was recently promoted to vice
president of embedded computing and
storage products for a small engineering
Class of 1994
15th Reunion - October 16–17, 2009
Class Agent needed. Please call Joanne
McGann at (609) 737 6149 if you would like
Pierette Wesley Hulme ’99 and husband,
to volunteer.
Jason welcomed daughter, Pierette Brielle
Hulme on November 10, 2008. (above) She
Class of 1995
joins brother, Jayce Wesley Hulme, who
Class Agent: Sonya Schefer celebrated his first birthday in October.
319 Whitman Drive
Brooklyn, NY 11234
[email protected]
Class of 2001
Class Agents: David Mesrobian
2001 N. Adams Street, #336
Arlington, VA 22201–3752
[email protected]
and Stephen Bogden
8 Cross Creek Drive
Flemington, NJ 08822
[email protected]
Class of 2004
5th Reunion - October 16–19, 2009
Class Agent: Priya Pandit
270 Babcock St. Apt 20H
Boston, MA, 02215–1028
(908) 400–1990
[email protected]
Meet Result
TPS Students: 90
TPS Alumni: 78
Dr. Nelson M. Hoffman, Jr.
Former Pennington School headmaster Dr. Nelson M. Hoffman, Jr. passed away in August
2008 after a long and distinguished career in education. Dr. Hoffman was headmaster at
Pennington during a time of transition, from 1970 until 1978.
Hoffman earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Asbury College in 1942 and
married Marjorie Mendenhall in December of that year. After service as an officer in the
United States Navy during World War II, he taught school in Ozawkie, Kansas; earned
his master’s degree in history from the University of Kansas; and then attended the
Kennedy School of Missions in Hartford, Connecticut. From 1949 through 1957 he was an
educational missionary of the Methodist Church in South India; upon his return, he served
as pastor of the Methodist Church in Williamsburg, Kansas.
Edgar B. Roesch
Edgar Burling Roesch died surrounded by family on March 1, 2009. He was
ninety years old. Roesch was the president of the Board of Trustees from
1980 through 1989, and served on the Board for over ten years in total.
Roesch was president when O’Hanlon Hall, site of the campus chapel,
burned down on January 17, 1980, and played a significant leadership role
in guiding the School during that difficult time.
Roesch had a long and varied career. After graduating with a degree in
mechanical engineering from Syracuse University, he served as president
of a union; worked in the Empire State Building with a consulting company;
held a job with the Department of Defense in the Pentagon; and was
owner and president of Stephen Laurie Manufacturing Co.
Roesch was married to Lesley Brady, a former English teacher at The Pennington School, for 62 years before she passed in
2005. Their son, Sheldon, graduated from Pennington in 1972, and Roesch’s brother, George, was a 1929 graduate of the
School. He is survived by his four children, 16 grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.
In lieu of flowers the family requests donations be sent to Avow Hospice of Naples at 1095 Whippoorwill Lane, Naples, FL 34105.
Alumni Day, May 2, 2009.
We will notify winners
*All updated emails will be entered
via email (of course!). in a drawing for one of five (your
choice) Pennington sweatshirts or
baseball caps.