Painting Inspection Grade, 2
Painting Inspection Grade, 2
Painting Inspection Grade, 2
what is sspc.
Question No. 13:
if corrosion occurs at anodic areas wh% does steel corrod all o*er the surface.
Question No. 20:
what are other two assessments when the three grades are not appropriate.
$%gen content on the surface >wet or dr%?2. #16 >a(o*e /46 is critical?). Presence of impurities >salts?+. 1igher no(ilit% >mill scale? Q+: hat is mill scale and wh% is it a particular pro(lem when attempting to protectsteel&,:@ill scale is formed during steel ma7ing and is a thin la%er of o$idised iron, whichloosel% adheres to the surface and if painted o*er will fla7e off causing premature(rea7down of the caoting< mill scale is also higher no(ilit% than steel. Q-: hat is the num(er of the swedish standard contained within A"0403 and listthe rust and (lasting grades together with their (rief rele*ant titles& ,: "'4-'-3'44#ust grades,:@ill scale with little or no rust A:@ill scale and rust mi$ed ;:#ust and light pitting D:1ea*% rust and pitting Alast gardes",1 light (last cleaning
",2 thorough (last cleaning ",2 B *er% thorough (last cleaning ",) (last cleaned to *isuall% clean steel Q/:Name three test for locating 1%groscopic salts and mill scale on a (last cleaned su(strate&,: 1. Potassium ferroc%anide test for solu(le iron salts 2. sil*er nitrate test for solu(le chlorides ). copper sulphate test for mill scale Q0: hat factors influence how clean and how rough the surface (ecomes after (lastcleaning&,: si.e,shape,hardness and densit% of (last"peed,angel,distance and time of no..le. Q2:#egarding hand and power tool cleaning state what alwa%s concludes thisprocess and to what standards&,:"'4-'-3'44 and finish with manual wire (rushing surface must not (e polished orpoor adhesion will occur. Q3: hat three (asic ingredients ma7e up a traditional sol*ent carr%ing paint&,:5hree main ingredients are (inder,pigment and sol*ents. Q14: hat are the functions of each of these three in a sol*ent carr%ing paint& ,:Ainder'holds particles together,gi*e finish, gi*e adhesion, gi*e fle$i(ilit%Pigment'gi*es colour,gi*es resistance to acidsCal7alis and opacit%"ol*ent'e*aporating parts of process, thins paint,washes e8uipment and can acts asdegreaser. Q11:Name fi*e items that can (e included in paint to impro*e its performance or suita(ilit% for a certain use&,: 1. !$tenders'to ma7e paint go furthur2. ,nti s7inning'to stop paint s7inning o*er in thin). "ta(iliser'to stop the ingredients separating in the tin+. 5hi$otropic agent'to ena(le high (uild-. Dr%er'to impro*e or ena(le dr%ing Q12:Identif% si$ paints (% their (inder names&,: 1. ,cr%lic2. ;ellulose). !po$%+. !mulsion-. Pol%urethane Q1):Name four (inderCsol*ent con(inations&,: 1. !po$% acetone2. ;hlorinated ru((er $%lene). ,l7%d resin white spirit+. !mulsion water Q1+:Name si$ opa8ue pigments together with their respecti*e colours&,: 1. #ed lead red
2. Dinc chromate %ellow). 5itanium dio$ide white+. ;ar(on (lac7-. coal tar (lac7Q1-:Descri(e what a laminar pigment is&,:, laminar pigment is a pigment that has leaf shaped particles and when dr%ing the%interloc7 and form a coating which is highl% imper*ious to waterQ1/:Name an e$ample of a non destructi*e DF5 gauge and destructi*e gauge DF5&,: , non destructi*e test gauge is a (anana gauge, destructi*e gauge is a paint inspectors gaugeQ10:Name four artificial
weathering de*ices and sa% what the% are designed tosimulate&,: 1. ater soa7 to test permea(ilit%2. ;old (o$ to test for cold crac7ing and contraction). "alt spra% to simulate a marine en*ironment+. 5emperature (o$ to test for fle$i(ilit% alternating hot and coldQ12:Name two dr%ing curing tests and state how the% are operated&,: "t%lus test a test (loc7 is painted and needles of differing tension are pulled along ascale is on top in hours can test for wet, tac7, hard and full% cured Aalltoni test a test (loc7 is painted and tin% glass (alls are dropped on at regularinter*als can test for wet tac7 and dr%Q13: hat does a cr%ptometer measure and gi*e two e$amples of a cr%ptometer&,: , cr%ptometer measures the opacit% of paint two e$mples are1. 1iding power charts2. Pfund cr%ptomter
Q24: hat determines the degree of gloss a paint ma% posses&,:5he degree of gloss a paint posses is down to the fineness of the pigment grindFine' high gloss course' dull Q21:Name three adhesion tests and descri(e how one of them is carried out&,:5he three adhesion tests are cross cut, cross hatch, and doll% test 5o perform a doll% test1. Paint a sample and let full% cure2. ,ttach a doll% using regular aralidite and let harden for 2+ hours at 2- c). ;ut around doll% to isolate paint undrneath+. Pull of doll% and record pulling force re8uired also record if failure is adhesi*e orcohesi*e Q22:"tate the conditions under which Aritish gas allow painting to ta7e place&,: ;ondition re8uired are1. "u(strate temperature must (e ) c a(o*e dew point 2. #elati*e humidit% must (e less than 346).
ith manufacturers specificationQ2):Name eight duties of a paint inspector&,: "ee 24 chapter of (oo7Q2+:Eist eight contractor malpractices&,:1. Fsing un8ualified people2. Fnsafe wor7ing condition). Incorrect paint+. Incorrect thic7ness applied-. #eusing e$penda(les a(rasi*es/. Incorrect storage of paint0. Fsing paint after specified pot life 2. Incorrect use of thinners Q2-:Name three methods of appl%ing paint and compare the ad*antages and disad*antages of each in terms of 8ualit% and cost effecti*eness&,:1. Arush"low and small co*erage (ut good finish and wor7s paint into su(strate *er% well.Ea(our intensi*e. ;heap cost of (rushes and eas% to clean2. #ollerProduces an une*en coat (ut can (e used in areas out of reach (% use of e$tensionpoles. Faster than (rushing and does not wor7 paint into su(strate. ;o*erage mediumsi.ed areas). "pra%Fast and co*ers large areas not as much la(our re8uired, can cause e$plosi*eatmosphere due tp atomised paint and re8uires large reser*oir of paint. !8uipmentre8uires regular cleaning for (est performance. ,w7ward areas ma% (e (etter co*ereddue to paint (eing forced out at pressure at su(strate Q2/: hat is A" +244 and how is it used in the construction industr%&,:A" +244 is the specified for paint colours for (uilding purposes. Q20:1ow do AG," define the following&Glong term protection app. 14 %earsGmedium term protection.. app. - %earsGshort term protection. ,pp.2') %earsGnew gal*ansing.. shine% and no o$ide la%erGweathered gal* dull and o$ide la%er formed Q22: hat is the procedure for remo*ing oil and grease from a surface (efore preparation commences&
,:5o remo*e oil and grease (efore preparation commences clean with sol*ent or forlarge areas wash with 26 detergent low pressure wash and rinse with fresh water anddr%Q23: hat is the procedures for remo*ing oil and grease from a surface if found afterpreparation has ta7en place& ,:If oil and grease is found after preparation, clean with sol*ent wash with 26 detergentwash rinse with fresh water and re'(last. Q)4: hat is the procedure for remo*ing algae and mould growth from pipewor7&,:5o remo*e algae and mould treat with a 7iller for 2+ hours scru( with stiff (rush orpower'wash rinse with fresh water and dr%. Q)1:Fnder what conditions must paint (e stored&,:Paint must (e stored as per manufacturers conditions i.e. cool< in flameproof containers and in accordance with health and safet% and cossh regulationsQ)2:
hat is 5 wash&
1ow is it chec7ed for correct reaction when using it&,:1. 5'wash is etch primer2. 5'wash is used for priming .inc). 5'wash is (lue in colour+. 5'wash will turn (lac7 if used correctl% Q)): hat two coats are applied at wor7s&,:5he two coats applied at wor7s are1. 1igh solids sol*ent (ased epo$% primer2.
!po$% @I=
Q)+: hat distance must (e left at areas to (e welded when painting&,: , distance of 1-4mm either side of weld are must (e left.
Q)-:1ow much must new paint o*erlap on repaires&,: New paint on repairs must o*erlap (% 144mm on either side. Q)/: hat is the ma$imum allowed time for priming to ta7e place following preparation and (% what method is primer applied&,: 5he ma$imum time allowed is + hours and applied (% spra%ing.
EI"5 =F "P!;IFI;,5I=N ,ND A" NF@A!#" A" +14 ' "pecification for test sie*es.A" 241- ' Glossar% of paints and related terms.A" 2-/3 Pt 2 ' "pecification for spra%ed metal coatings.A" )344 ' @ethods of test for paints.A" +244 ' "chedule of paint colourHs for (uilding purposes.A" -2-2 ' Framewor7 for colour co'ordination for (uilding purposes.A" -+3)' ;ode of practice for protecti*e coating of iron and steel structures.A" 0403' Preparation of steel su(strates (efore application of paintsand related products.A" 0403 Group ,' Iisual assessment of surface cleanliness.A" 0403 Group A' @ethods of assessment of surface cleanliness.A" 0403 Group ; ' "urface roughness characteristics of (last cleaned steel su(strates.A" 0403 Group D' @ethods for surface preparation.I"= 2-41' Group 9,: as a(o*e.I"= 2-42 ' Group 9A: as a(o*e.I"= 2-4)' Group 9;: as a(o*e.I"= 2-4+' Group 9D: as a(o*e."I" 4--344 ' Pictorial surface preparation standards for painting steel surfaces.A/; P" P, - ' Notes for guidance, painting inspection.A/; P" P, 0 ' "to*ed paint finishing.A/; P" P, 2 ' Internal coating for steel small (ore pipe.A/; P" P, 3' Paint properties and performance re8uirements.A/; P" P, 14 ' New and maintenance painting at wor7s and site for a(o*eground pipeline and plant installations.1G! "# 21' ;ode of practice for safet% during (last cleaning operations.A/; P" P ;1' ,coustic claddingA/; P" P ;2 ' 5hermal insulation of a(o*e ground pipe wor7 and e8uipment