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Sea Incense (Qist al-Bahri) and Indian Wood ('Oud alHindi or Qist al-Hindi) The plant of the Qist

is 2 metres in length and is generally found in the northwest and northeast of the sub Himalayan regions. The roots are used for medicinal purposes. Ibn Hajr (may Allah have mercy upon him !uotes Ibn "Arabi (may Allah have mercy upon him as saying that there are 2 types of !ist# Qist al$%ahri (&ea Incense and "'ud al$Hindi or Qist al$Hindi (Indian (ood . As for Qist al$%ahri (&ea Incense then it is white and as for "'ud al$Hindi or Qist al$Hindi (Indian (ood then it is hotter Qist al$%ahri (&ea Incense and dar)er. *vol. +,- +./ &hamila0. The 1essenger r said- "Use this 'Oud al-Hindi (Indian Wood) because it contains 7 types o cures! it is sni ed by the one ha"in# throat trouble! and is put inside the $outh o one su erin# ro$ pleurisy"% *&aheeh al$%u)haaree (2342 0. The 1essenger r said- " &uppin# (Hi'a$a) and Qist al-Bahri (Sea Incense) are the best o your re$edies"% He added! "(ou should not har$ your children by treatin# tonsillitis by pressin# their tonsils! rather use Qist al-Bahri (Sea Incense)"% *&aheeh al$%u)haaree (2343 0. Ibnul Qayim (may Allah have mercy upon him said- 5There are 2 )inds of Qist- the white )ind which is called Qist al$%ahri (&ea Incense . The "'ud al$Hindi or Qist al$Hindi (Indian (ood is the hottest of them and the Qist al$%ahri (&ea Incense is the mildest. %oth types have many benefits... they dry out the phlegm and cold. (hen they are ta)en as a drin)- they help a wea) liver- stomach and colds associated with such cases. Qist also against victular and !uartan fever (fever that comes every . days - the

pain on the side of the body and poisons. (hen the face is anointed with Qist (6ostus that has been ground and mi7ed with water and honey- it heals spots that appear on the face. 8alinus said that Qist "heals tetanus- the pain on the sides and )ills spots (which he called pump)in seeds ."
&ome ignorant doctors are unaware of and deny that Qist is an effective remedy against pain in the sides of the body. If these ignorant doctors become aware of what 8alinus has stated about Qist- they would !uic)ly embrace it as if it was a divine te7t...we stated before that what is sent down from revelation as compared to what is proven by e7perimentation compares li)e the difference between the noble master and the commoner. In addition- if any of the ignorant doctors (who ignore the 9rophetic medicine were able to discover a remedy that the :ews- 6hristians and 9olytheist doctors have prescribed- they would embrace it and would certainly prescribe it. (e do not deny that habits have a role in ma)ing the cure wor) or fail. Those who are used to certain foods and medicine would benefit from them more than those who are not used to them and who sometimes would not benefit at all from them...5 *p.;,< Translated 1edicine of the 9rophet by Ibnul Qaiyum (may Allah have mercy upon him with slight corrections0. 1odern researches suggest that Qist is a blood purifier- antiseptic and increases the cutaneous circulation. Hence- it might be used to treat dandruff- frec)les- and ringworm. It is a good insect repellent. Hence- might be used to )eep off the insects from the clothes. Internally it is a good anti$spasmodic and neurotonic- hence- might be used to treat coughs- bronchitis- bronchial asthma- paralysisfacial palsy and neurasthenia. Ho) to ta*e Qist+ +. +tsp costus- +tsp honey in warm water- ideally on an empty stomach- once a day. It is used to treat# stomach pains- stomach upsets- diarherra- constipation- colon problems- blood clots- tumours- cancer- cholesterol- high blood pressure- asthma- breathing problems- cleanses the womb- increases fertility- strengthens muscles after labour- contracts the womb- aids weight loss (ta)e twice daily- morning and evening - diabetes (without the honey . 2. +tsp costus- +tsp honey- mi7 together and apply to the s)in surface. =eave for 2 hours and then rinse off. It is used to treat# acnepimples- spots- scars- burns- nappy rash- mos!uito bites- ec>ema- thrush- piles and as a face mas). ;. +tsp costus- + glass of water- boil together for 2 minutes and allow to cool. &ha)e and apply ; drops in each nostril. It is used to treat# nose bleeds- runny nose- disinfects cuts. .. +tsp costus- apply directly to the s)in. It is used to treat# athletes foot. Also used as a natural deodorant. Ta)e orally with food or drin)- once a wee). It is used to strengthen the immune system. 2. +tsp costus- + glass of coconut oil. 9lace on low heat for 2 minutes and allow to cool. &ha)e well and apply to s)in. It is used to treat# dandruff- hair loss- arthritis- rheumatism- ec>ema- bites- spots- s)in discolouring. As with any herb, check with a

medical doctor before taking. It is not to be taken whilst pregnant. Check with doctor if taking blood thinning medication or high blood pressure medication before taking.

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her used to recommend talbina for the sic) and for one who was grieving over a dead person. &he (may Allah be pleased with her said- 5I heard the 1essenger r saying- ' ,he talbina #i"es rest to the heart o the patient and $a*es it acti"e and relie"es so$e o his sorro) and #rie %' 5 *&aheeh al$%u)haaree (2;22 0. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her said that whenever one of her relatives died- the women assembled and then dispersed (returned to their houses e7cept her relatives and close friends. &he (may Allah be pleased with her would order that a pot of talbina be coo)ed. Then Tharid (a dish prepared from meat and bread would be prepared and the talbina would be poured over it. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her would say (to the women - 5?at of it- for I heard the 1essenger r saying- ',he talbina soothes the heart o the patient and relie"es hi$ ro$ so$e o his sadness%' 5 *&aheeh al$%u)haaree (2,2/ 0. Hisham"s father y said- 5Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her used to recommend talbina and used to say- 'It is disli*ed (by the patient) althou#h it is bene icial%' "" *&aheeh al$%u)haaree (2;23 0.

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her narrated- 5If any of the 1essenger"s y family became ill- the 1essenger y would say- 'It (talbina) soothes the #rie"in# heart and cleanses the ailin# heart 'ust as one o you cleans dirt o his ace )ith )ater%' 5 *&aheeh &unan ibn 1aajah (;..2 - hadeeth hasan0. Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her narrated that the 1essenger y said- "(ou should eat the bene icial thin# that is unpleasant to eat (,albina)! $eanin# broth% I any $e$ber o the -essen#er o .llah's y a$ily )as sic*! the coo*in# pot )ould re$ain on the ire until one o t)o thin#s happened! either the person reco"ered or died%" *&aheeh &unan ibn 1aajah (;..3 hadeeth hasan0. /ecipe ,albina is made by adding +$2 tablespoons of barley flour (must be 0112 )hole#rain barley lour to one and a half cups of water. 9lace on low heat for +,$+2 minutes (optional@ add coconutAmil) or yoghurt and sweeten with honey . This may also be used as a food thic)ener for gravy- soups- dishes etc. Alternatively you may add +$2 tablespoons of barley flour (must be 0112 )hole#rainbarley lour to one and a half cups of coconutAmil). 9lace on low heat for +,$+2 minutes (optional@ add water or yoghurt and sweeten with honey . The ,albina mi7ture may then be put in the blender with fresh or fro>en fruits andAor ground fla7 seeds. etc It may be blended together to ma)e a tasty talbina "smoothie". Brin) at least one cup daily.

The olive comes from a blessed tree and Allah mentioned it seven times in the Quran. Allah said@ By the i# and the oli"e *&oorah at$Teen@+0 &hei)h Abdulrahman as$&adi (may Allah have mercy on him said in e7planing this Cerse- 5Allah swore by these two trees due to the immense benefit contained in these trees and li)ewise in their fruit.5 Allah said@ .llah is the 3i#ht o the hea"ens
and the earth% ,he parable o His 3i#ht is as a niche )ithin it a la$p+ ,he la$p is in a #lass! the #lass as it )ere a brilliant star! lit ro$ a blessed tree! an oli"e! neither o the east nor o the )est! but )hose oil )ould al$ost #lo) orth! thou#h no ire touched it% 3i#ht upon 3i#ht4 *&oorah al$1o"min@ ;20

Imam Ash$&haw)ani (may Allah have mercy on him mentioned in his tafseer collection Fathul Qadeer- that olive oil comes from a blessed tree as Allah mentions and that it also comes from a blessed land. He also mentioned that the arabs used to use olive oil for their hair. Allah said@ He it is Who sends do)n )ater ro$ the s*y5 ro$ it you drin* and ro$ it (#ro)s) the "e#etation on )hich
you send your cattle to pasture% With it He causes to #ro) or you the crops! the oli"es! the date-pal$s! the #rapes! and e"ery *ind o ruit% 6erily4 In this is indeed an e"ident proo and a $ani est si#n or people )ho #i"e thou#ht% *&oorah an$Dahl@+,$++0 Abdullah ibn Emar y narrates that the 1essenger r said- "(ou should use 7ohl or it i$pro"es the eyesi#ht and $a*es the eyelashes #ro)%" *Hasan- &aheeh ibn 1aajah ;.420. :abir t said- "I heard the -essen#er r say+ you should use 7ohl or it i$pro"es the eyesi#ht and $a*es the eyelashes #ro)%" *Hasan- &aheeh ibn 1aajah ;.430. Abdullah ibn Abbas y narrated that the 1essenger r said- 5,he best o your 7ohl is Ith$id! or it i$pro"es the eyesi#ht and $a*es the eyelashes #ro)%" *Hasan- &aheeh ibn 1aajah ;.4<0. Ibnul Qaiyum said- "Ith$id is the best type o 7ohl used or the eye! especially or old people )hose eyesi#ht has )ea*ened%" *p.22+ ?ng trans. 1edicine of the 9rophet by Imam ibnul Qaiyum0. Ibnul Qaiyum said- "Ith$id is the blac* 7ohl stone8 the 7ohl tends to be cold and dry and it is bene icial to the eye in that it stren#thens it and also stren#thens the eye ner"e% Ith$id dissol"es e9cess lesh around ulcers and closes the )ound )hile cleansin# the area around the$%" *p.22+ ?ng trans. 1edicine of the 9rophet by Imam ibnul Qaiyum0. Ibnul Qaiyum said- "Ith$id also relie"es headache )hen it is blended )ith pure )atery honey% When Ith$id is #round and $i9ed )ith tender at and then used as a banda#e o"er burns! it pre"ents blisters ro$ appearin# and also helps cure the s*in da$a#e that occurs in cases o burns by ire%" *p.22+ ?ng trans. 1edicine of the 9rophet by Imam ibnul Qaiyum0. There is a misconception amongst many 1uslims that the )ohl ithmid from the &unnah is red. However- this is incorrect. Ibnul Qaiyum said- "Ith$id is the blac* 7ohl stone8"% =i)ewise- shai)h 'baid Al$:abari of 1adina- &audi Arabia said that the )ohl ithmid from the &unnah is blac* and Allah )nows best. The best type of )ohl ithmid is from Asfaghan- Iran.

.nd thy 3ord tau#ht the bee to build its cells in hills! on trees and in ($en's) habitations%%%% there e$er#es ro$ their bellies a drin*! "aryin# in colours! in )hich there is a healin# or people% 6erily in this is a Si#n or those )ho #i"e thou#ht'% *&oorah an$Dahl@ 3/$340 The 1essenger r said- ",here is a cure in three substances! a drin* o honey8" *&aheeh al$%u)haaree (2;23 0. Abu &a"eed al$Fhudri t narrated- GA man came to the 1essenger r and said- :$y brother has pain in his sto$ach;! so the 1essenger r said- :#i"e hi$ honey to drin*%; The man came bac) and said- :O -essen#er o .llah r! it only increased his illness4; &o the 1essenger r said! :<i"e hi$ honey to drin*%; The man came bac) and said- :O -essen#er o .llah r! it only increased his illness4; The 1essenger of Allah r said :.llah spo*e the truth and your brother's belly has lied% <o and #i"e hi$ honey to drin*%; He went and gave him honey and was cured. *&aheeh al$%u)haaree- %oo) of medicine (23/. - &aheeh 1uslim (22+< 0. Ibnul Qaiyum commented that the reason why the man wasn"t cured straight after ta)ing the honey was due to much harmful properties in the man"s stomach that needed more honey for it to be removed. *Haad al$1a"aad $.A;20.

The &iwaa) which is sometimes called the "1iswa)" is a cleaning tool ta)en from the Ara) tree. The 1essenger r used to stress its use for numerous benefits- some of which are mentioned below. The &iwaa) is used as a natural medical tool to clean the teeth- remove pla!ue and bacteria. It also strengthens the gums. The 1essenger r said- ",he si)aa* is a puri ication or the $outh and pleasin# to the 3ord%" *&aheeh Al$%u)haaree&aheeh Al$:aami" (;343 &hei)h Albaani rahimahullaah said it is saheeh0. The 1essenger r said- "I it )asn't to cause di iculty to $y nation I )ould ha"e ordered the$ to use the Si)aa* or e"ery ablution%" *&aheeh Al$:aami" (2;+4 I &hei)h Albaani rahimahullaah said it is saheeh0. ,he -essen#er r said that the Si)aa* is ro$ the itrah (natural state) *&aheeh Al$:aami" (.,,4 &hei)h Albaani rahimahullaah said it is hasan0. ,he -essen#er r ne"er used to sleep e9cept that the Si)aa* )as by his head and )hen he )o*e up he be#an )ith the Si)aa*% *&ee &aheehah (2+++ and &aheeh Al$:aami" (./<2 &hei)h Albaani rahimahullaah said it is hasan0. Hudayfah ibnul Jamaan t said- ",he -essen#er r used to puri y his $outh )ith the Si)aa* )hen )a*in# up or ,aha''ud (ni#ht prayer)%" *&aheeh Al$%u)haaree and &aheeh 1uslim0. KAishah (may Allah be pleased with her said- "When the -essen#er r )ould enter the house he )ould be#in )ith the Si)aa*%" *&aheeh 1uslim0. The 1essenger r said- "=uri y your $outh )ith the si)aa* because it is the path )here the Qur'an e$anates ro$%" *&aheeh ibn 1aajah0. Darrated KAishah (may Allah be pleased with her said that from the favours of Allah that He bestowed upon me was that the 1essenger r died in my house on the day of my turn while he was leaning on my chest. Allah made my saliva mi7 with his at his death% When :.bdulrah$an t ($y brother) entered upon $e )ith a Si)aa* in his hand and I )as supportin# (the bac* o ) .llah's -essen#er r on $y chest% I sa) the -essen#er r loo*in# at it(i%e the Si)aa*) and I *ne) he rlo"ed the Si)aa*! so I said to hi$! "Shall I ta*e it or you>" He r nodded in a#ree$ent% So I too* it and it )as too sti or hi$ to use! so I said to hi$! "shall I so ten it or you>" He r nodded sho)in# his appro"al% So I so tened it and cleaned his teeth )ith it% *&aheeh al$%u)haaree (...4 0.
&hei)h &aalih Al$Law>an says regarding the hadeeth- GIf It wasnMt for causing difficulty to my nation- I would have ordered them with the &iwaa)N He said@

This hadeeth shows that the 1essenger r was merciful to his nation. He r didnMt want any difficulty for them. Oather- he r wanted ease for them and he r would do actions (of worship and not order others with them for fear that it would be difficult for them but sufficed with just encouraging them with it.
&iwaa) is to use the tooth stic) in the mouth to remove the smell and what may be left of food because the mouth could have bad breath due to the food getting stuc) in the mouth. Also- it is used to remove smells emanating from the stomach rising to the mouth. Islam is a religion of cleanliness. The e7plainer of K&ubul sallamM said number of hadeeth on the &iwaa) has reached about +,,.

Esing the &iwaa) is from the traits of the 1essenger r and it is from the fitrah (natural state of a person. It is a stressed &unnah and it is used in all times but especially for five occasions@ +. (hile doing wudu (ablution . 2. (hile beginning to pray. ;. (hen wa)ing up from sleep .. The 1essenger r would use the &iwaa) when reading the QurMan due to it being the speech of Allah and due to the presence of the angels. 2. (hen the person senses the change of smell in their mouth.
It is preferable to use the &iwaa) all the time even for the fasting person and for the one who is not fasting. The best type of &iwaa) comes from the Ara) tree because it is soft and has a good smell. It is preferable to use the &iwaa) to

remove bad smells when going to the mos!ue. This is why the 1essenger r ordered that a person should not eat garlic while going to the mos!ue.
Aisha (may Allah be pleased wih her said that she heard the 1essenger r say- ?,his blac* seed is a cure or e"ery disease e9cept death%@ *&aheeh al$%u)haari (23/< 0. Fhalid bin &a"d y said- 5(e went out and with us was 8halib bin Abjar y. He fell sic) along the way and when we came to al$1adinahhe was sic). Ibn Abu "Ati! y came to visit him and said to us- :(ou should use this blac* seed% ,a*e i"e or se"en (seeds) and #rind the$ then apply the$ to his nostrils )ith drops o oli"e oil on this side and on this side for Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her narrated to them that she heard the 1essenger r say- ?,his blac* seed is a cure or e"ery disease e9cept death%@ *&aheeh &unan ibn 1ajah (;..4 0.

Ibnul Qaiyum (may Allah have mercy upon him said- GIt has immense benefits and his statement that it is a cure for every disease e7cept death is li)e the statement of Allah- It destroys e"erythin# by the )ill o its 3ord% *&oorah al$Ah!aaf @+220 *Haad al$1a"aad .A24<0. Ibnul Qaiyum (may Allah have mercy upon him said- GThe blac* seed helps against all types of cold ailmentsP when ground- blended with honey and drun) with some water- it will dissolve the stones that appear in the )idney and the prostatePit increases the flow during menstruation and the production of mil) if it is drun) for several daysP (hen it is heated with vinegar and placed on the stomach it will eliminate worms. It also clears up- decomposes and relieves cold symptoms when it is ground- placed in a rag and inhaled through the nose on a regular basis until the ailment is cured. Blac* seed oilP when twenty$ five grams of it is drun) with water- it will help against gasping and hard breathingP5. *Translated "1edicine of the 9rophet" by Ibnul Qaiyum (may Allah have mercy upon him with slight modifications0.

r said- ",he best o your dates are Berny dates! they ta*e out disease and there is no disease in the$%" *&aheehah (.A.24- .3,-.3+ 0. .')a Aates 7eep .)ay Har$! =oison .nd -a#ic The 1essenger r said- "Whoe"er has se"en .')a dates e"ery $ornin# he )ill not be har$ed on that day by poison or $a#ic%" *&aheeh al$%u)haaree (2..2 (2<3/ (2<34 (2<<4 0. The 1essenger r said- ".')a dates are ro$ paradise%" *Tirmidhee (2,3/ he said hasan &aheeh and it was authenticated by &hai)h al$Albaani0. Oeferring to eating seven Ajwa dates- the 1essenger r said- "He )ill not be har$ed by anythin# until he reaches the e"enin#%" *&aheeh 1uslim (2,.< 0. -adina Aates 7eep .)ay =oison The 1essenger r said- "Whoe"er has se"en dates bet)een the t)o areas (the east and )est o -adina) as soon as he )a*es up e"ery $ornin#! he )ill not be har$ed on that day by poison until the e"enin#%" *&aheeh 1uslim (+2. (2,.< 0.
Berny Dates Are A Cure: The 1essenger

Aates In One's Ho$eThe

1essenger r said- "' AishaQ A house that has no dates in it their family is hungry. 'h AishaQ A house that has no dates in it their family is hungry. "*&aheeh 1uslim (+2; - (2,.3 0.

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