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Word Search
The words hidden within this word search run horizontally, vertically and diagonally. Total possible points for this exercise are 30: 1 point for each question you complete correctly, and 1 point for when you find the word within the word search grid below.

How many words did you find?

Write the words below, and then add up your score. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ___________

Total scored out of 15

Hand Hygiene Word Search is part of the ACT on HCAI education programme. Healthcare A2Z Ltd. 2010. www.healthcareA2Z.org

Test your hand hygiene knowledge and your word search skills. Answer the questions below by filling in the missing words. The bracketed numbers are clues they tell you how many characters are in each missing word. Once you are happy with your answers, try to locate the 15 words within the word search grid. 1. Surgical decontamination substantially reduces __________ (8) micro-organisms. 2. With handwashing compliance, a change in understanding can lead to a change in ____________ (9). 3. ____________ (9) flora are acquired by contact. 4. Assessing _______ (4) helps healthcare workers to determine when to decontaminate hands. 5. If hands are potentially contaminated (but visibly clean), then an _____________________ (7,5) preparation will provide effective hygiene. 6. Soap ____________(8) easily removable micro-organisms allowing them to be washed off. 7. ______________ (8) removal of micro-organisms prepares hands for surgery. 8. Drying hands thoroughly is important as micro-organisms transfer more effectively from _______ (3) surfaces. 9. Health workers should apply __________________ (4,5) regularly to protect their skin from dryness. 10. Always ____ (3) hands carefully to minimize potential skin damage. 11. Use NRL gloves that are ____________________ (6,4) and have the lowest levels of proteins. 12. Warm air dryers have the potential to spread ___________ (8) pathogens. 13. For handwashing, wash hands under ________ (4) running water with soap for 10 to 15 seconds to decontaminate. 14. Use antiseptic handwash during an outbreak, before aseptic procedures, or following contact with blood or ________ (4) fluids. 15. Handwashing is one of the most effective measures of preventing the _____________ (6) of infection. Total scored out of 15 ___________ Grand total out of 30 ___________

Hand Hygiene Word Search is part of the ACT on HCAI education programme. Healthcare A2Z Ltd. 2010. www.healthcareA2Z.org

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