David and Goliath
David and Goliath
David and Goliath
Having discussed David's anointing in the “Samuel and David” article, let's now
move ahead to his first public appearance. This is given in I Samuel 17, where starting
from verse 1 we read:
I Samuel 17:1-10
«Now the Philistines gathered their armies together to battle, and were gathered at
Sochoh, which belongs to Judah; they encamped between Sochoh and Azekah, in Ephes
Dammim. And Saul and the men of Israel were gathered together, and they encamped in
the Valley of Elah, and drew up in battle array against the Philistines. The Philistines
stood on a mountain on one side, and Israel stood on a mountain on the other side, with a
valley between them. And a champion went out from the camp of the Philistines, named
Goliath, from Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span. He had a bronze helmet on
his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail, and the weight of the coat was five
thousand shekels of bronze. And he had bronze armor on his legs and a bronze javelin
between his shoulders. Now the staff of his spear was like a weaver's beam, and his iron
spearhead weighted six hundred shekels; and a shield - bearer went before him. Then he
stood and cried out to the armies of Israel, and said to them, «Why have you come out to
line up for battle? Am I not a Philistine, and you the servants of Saul? Choose a man for
yourselves, and let him come down to me. If he is able to fight with me and kill me, then
we will be your servants. But if I prevail against him and kill him, then you shall be our
servants and serve us.» And the Philistine said, «I defy the armies of Israel this day; give
me a man, that we may fight together»
Though Israel had many times in the past been in a war with the Philistines, this seemed
to be a different case. The reason is because instead of an ordinary fight, the Philistines
brought forth Goliath, a heavy armed man with unusual physical abilities, who was
threatening Israel, asking for a man to fight with him. The reaction of Israel to his
proposal is given in verse 11:
I Samuel 17:11
«When Saul and all Israel heard these words of the Philistine, they were dismayed and
greatly afraid»
To see how far was this reaction from what God promised in His Word for similar cases,
let's compare it with Leviticus 26:3, 7-8 and Joshua 23:9-11. So there we read:
God's promise was that if they walked with Him, just one of them would be enough to
chase a thousand, and «a hundred shall put ten thousand to flight». Nevertheless, what
we see here is the exact opposite: one Philistine put all Israel to flight! Fortunately, the
story does not stop here:
David had just arrived at the battlefield, to see his brothers. There, as he talked
with them, he saw Goliath threatening Israel for one more time. Both he and the people
of Israel heard what Goliath said. Nevertheless, they didn't respond the same way. Verse
24 tells us:
I Samuel 17:24
«And all the men of Israel, when they saw the man, fled from him and were dreadfully
As it can be seen, the people continued to react the same way as forty days earlier
i.e. fearfully. Nonetheless this was not true for David. In verses 25-26 we read:
I Samuel 17:25-26
«So the men of Israel said, «Have you seen this man who has come up? Surely he has
come up to defy Israel; and it shall be that the man who kills him the king will enrich
with great riches, will give him his daughter, and make his father's house free in Israel.»
Then David spoke to the men who stood by him, saying, «What shall be done for the
man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this
uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?» And the
people answered him in this manner, saying, «So shall it be done for the man who kills
Both David and the people heard and saw the same things. However, their
response to them was entirely different. Thus, while the people were looking at the
problem and evaluated it according to what they saw and heard, David was looking at the
Word of God and evaluated the problem ACCORDING TO THIS WORD. Hence, while
the people wondered «who are we in comparison to Goliath?», David's wonder was
«who is Goliath in comparison to God?». It is not therefore what we see but how we
evaluate what we see. Do we evaluate it as Israel, i.e. using our five senses, the seeming
reality, or we evaluate it as David i.e. using the Word of God, the truth, as the standard?
The words that David spoke made so much impression to the people that reported
them to Saul, who then sent for David:
I Samuel 17:31-37
«Now when the words which David spoke were heard, they reported them to Saul; and
he sent for him. Then David said to Saul, «Let no man's heart fail because of him; your
servant will go and fight with this Philistine.» And Saul said to David, «You are not able
to go against this Philistine to fight with him; for you are a youth, and he a man of war
from his youth». But David said to Saul, «Your servant used to keep his father's sheep,
and when a lion and a bear came and took a lamb out of the flock, I went out after it and
struck it, and delivered the lamb from its mouth; and when it arouse against me, I caught
it by its beard, and struck and killed it. Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and
this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of
the living God.» Moreover David said, «The Lord, who delivered me out of the paw of
the lion and from the paw of the bear, HE WILL DELIVERED ME FROM THE HAND
OF THIS PHILISTINE.» And Saul said to David, «Go, and the Lord be with you!»
As it can be seen, between David and Saul there was the same divergence of
views that there was between David and the people. Thus for Saul, David was unable to
fight with Goliath. The reason? The physical facts: David was only a boy, a shepherd.
How then could he have any chance against such an experienced and heavy armed
warrior as Goliath?
On the other hand, David not only believed that he could fight against Goliath, but
he was also sure that he would win him. The reason? The power of God and the promises
of His Word. How could really Goliath have any chance against the power of God?
Therefore both David and Saul had reasons to believe what they believed. The
former had physical reasons while the latter had spiritual reasons. The former was
looking at the physical facts (weapons, height, experience), while the latter at the
spiritual facts (promises of the Word of God). The former was trembling from fear, while
the latter was full of courage. Who of these two chose to believe the right source of
information becomes evident from the verses that follow.
I Samuel A 17:40-51
«Then he took his staff in his hand; and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the
brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag, in a pouch which he had, and his sling was in
his hand. And he drew near to the Philistine. So the Philistine came, and began drawing
near to David, and the man who bore the shield went before him. And when the Philistine
looked about and saw David, he disdained him; for he was only a youth, ruddy and good-
looking. So the Philistine said to David, «Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?»
And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. And the Philistine said to David, «Come to
me and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field!» Then
David said to the Philistine, «you come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a
javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of
Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I
will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the
camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the
earth may know that there is a God in Israel. Then all this assembly shall know that the
Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give
you into our hands.» So it was, when the Philistine arose and came and drew near to
meet David, that David hurried and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine. Then
David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone; and he slung it and struck the
Philistine in his forehead, so that the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face
to the earth. So David prevailed over the Philistine with a slink and a stone, and struck
the Philistine and killed him. But there was no sword in the hand of David. Therefore
David ran and stood over the Philistine, took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and
killed him, and cut off his head with it.»
Goliath, the Philistine that had made all Israel trembling for forty days, was
defeated by a young boy whose only physical weapon was ..... a sling and five smooth
stones. Nevertheless, David didn't go to this fight based on his physical weapons. As he
said to his opponent in verse 45: «YOU come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with
a javelin [physical weapons]. BUT I come to you IN THE NAME OF THE LORD OF
HOSTS». Yes, Goliath was heavy armed. Yes, he was very strong. But so what? Was he
stronger than THE LORD OF HOSTS? Was he mightier than HIM? I don't think so. The
question therefore is not whether we have the physical means to face a situation, but
whether we trust THE Power, THE Weapon, that is called THE LORD OF HOSTS. The
Weapon is there waiting for us. It was there for Israel all the days that they were
trembling from fear. However, they, instead of trusting it, were looking for salvation
through «sword and spear», and when they couldn’t find it they were terrified. As
Proverbs 18:10 tells us:
Proverbs 18:10
«The name of the Lord IS A STRONG TOWER; The righteous run to it and are safe»
Our strong fortress is the Lord. Only in Him there is true security. Either therefore
we go to him as David did, or we are looking somewhere else for security, as Israel did.
As Jeremiah 9:23-24 says:
Jeremiah 9:23-24
«Thus says the Lord: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man
glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory
in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness,
judgement, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,» says the Lord»
Tassos Kioulachoglou