Psycho: Power Level 10
Psycho: Power Level 10
Psycho: Power Level 10
Skills: Bluff 4 (+7), Disable Device 6 (+11), Disguise 8 (+11), Drive 4 (+6), Escape Artist 4 (+6), Gather Information 6 (+9), Intimidate 10 (+13), Knowledge (art) 8 (+13), Notice 4 (+9), Perform 6 (+9), Profession (sculptor) 4 (+9), Search 4 (+9), Sense Motive 8 (+13), Stealth 8 (+10). Feats: Contacts, Distract (bluff), Equipment 4, Fearsome Presence 2 (10 ft., DC 12), Leadership, Master Plan, Minions 6 (10 minions, 45 power points each), Startle, Well-Informed. Powers: Immunity 24 (aging, poison, critical hits, ballistic damage, piercing damage), Impervious Toughness 4, Morph 4 (humanoids; +20 to Disguise; Flaws: Action20 Minutes, Distracting), Suffocate 10 (Power Feats: Alternate PowerCorrosion 10 [Flaws: LimitedOnly vs. Living, RangeTouch]), SuperMovement 2 (permeate 1), Super-Senses 1 (infravision). Equipment: 20 points of equipment (mainly vehicles and headquarters). Combat: Attack +10 (suffocate, corrosion, punch), Grapple +16, Damage +10 (suffocate, corrosion), +6 (punch), Defense +12, Knockback 6, Initiative +2.
Abilities 58 + Skills 19 (76 ranks) + Feats 18 + Powers 53 + Combat 44 + Saves 8 = 200
Whether a normal with a gimmick or a powered character, The Psycho is a highly disturbed sociopath. Hes an excellent foil for the dark heroes of the time and generally compelling in his own right. The Psycho is a capable combatant, but he mainly relies on his minions to carry out his crimes while he leads from the rear. (Except for the killing. He likes the killing, and handles it personally.) The background of the Psycho is typically tragic; hes been horribly scarred physically, psychologically, or both, and hes externalized his pain by inflicting it on othersjust like some of the Iron Age heroes. In the Psychos case, he takes his frustrations out on the undeserving. Name Options: Dr. Waxman, Mudjack Its All Your Fault! The mental and physical damage inflicted on the Psycho is someone elses faultat least in the Psychos eyesso hes decided to hunt down the person responsible and put them through Hell. Because the Psycho is interested in making his victim experience new levels of fear, he starts out slow by threatening, kidnapping, or killing those close to the victim. Then, he moves on to the victim herself, stalking and terrorizing her. When shes sure she couldnt be more afraid, the Psycho shows himself, explains why hes doing what hes doing, and slowly and painfully kills the victim. The heroes get involved in the early stages when bodies start showing up, or when the victim contacts them and asks for help against something the police have no ability to handle. This is an excellent scenario for introducing the Psycho. Themed Horrors. Take away all the gimmicks and powers, and the Psycho is really just one thing: a sociopath. As such, he makes an excellent serial killer. He kills without pity and leaves bodies in his wake. Even his henchmen need to stay on their toes around him. In this scenario, the Psycho has gone on a spree, killing people in more and more spectacular ways that fit with the theme of his particular insanity. Perhaps he makes his victims into wax statues that show the sin the victim was guilty of in life. No matter what the theme, the deaths should be gruesome and quickly come to the attention of the media and the heroes. Payback! Revenge is a common theme in every genre of storytelling; why should it be any different in the Iron Age? Revenge is a powerful motive and the Psycho takes to it like no one else. The difference is that when he sets his mind to something, the results are usually quite spectacular. In this case, the Psycho has been thwarted by the heroes one too many times, so he comes back, not to pursue his normal demented agenda, but to remove the heroes from his path permanently. The tactics he uses are similar to those outlined in Its All Your Fault!, but this time its much more personal, because hes targeting the hero and his supporting cast. In addition, he may decide to work with other villains, even organizing them into some sort of revenge squad, to make sure he wont be defeated this time.
Skills: Concentration 12 (+17), Diplomacy 10 (+15), Intimidate 10 (+15), Knowledge (arcane lore, civics) 12 (+16), Knowledge (history) 4 (+8), Knowledge (tactics, theology & philosophy) 8 (+12), Notice 8 (+13), Profession (tyrant) 12 (+17), Search 4 (+8), Sense Motive 8 (+13). Feats: Artificer, BenefitStatus (alien royalty), BenefitWealth 5 (wealth bonus 30), Diehard, Endurance, Fearless, Fearsome Presence 5 (25 ft., 15 DC), Leadership, Minions 11 (250 minions, 60 power points each), Power Attack, Ritualist, Startle. Powers: Comprehend 4 (languages; speak, read, understand all, understood by all), Flight 10 (1,000 MPH), Hellfire Control 14 (Power Feat: Alternate PowerMental Blast 7), Immunity 9 (life support), Protection 8 (Extras: Impervious), SuperMovement 2 (dimensional movement, water walking), SuperSenses 4 (blindsight [magical]), Super-Strength 6 (Heavy Load: 50 tons). Combat: Attack +14 (hellfire, mental blast), Grapple +30, Damage +14 (hellfire), +7 (mental blast), Defense +14, Knockback 11, Initiative +5.
Abilities 70 + Skills 27 (108 ranks) + Feats 30 + Powers 93 + Combat 56 + Saves 14 = 290
The Supernatural Menace believes he should be in command of everything. Most likely hes not from Earth, but believes its his for some reason. It may be that he was given this world by those who came before, or that he used to run Earth when it You will bow was known as Hell before he left to explore the rest of this dimendown before sion or any of the worlds adjacent to it. Now that hes returned, me! he wants to regain control. In order to achieve this, hes willing to employ lesser villains. The Supernatural Menace is a regal villain, usually operating behind the scenes until he chooses to reveal himself. In addition to overwhelming power, the Supernatural Menace typically has a group of powered underlings to carry out his commands and enough other resources to take care of any petty whims. All he really cares about is reclaiming his rightful place as the ruler of the world. Name Options: Lord Abyss, Prime-Evil, Skullos Awaken! The Supernatural Menace may have arrived here alone, but he left some of his subjects behind when he left all those years ago. Now hes decided to call to his subjects and release them from the purgatory theyve been trapped in for so long. Exactly what form this takes is up to you as GM, but it might include normal people suddenly transforming into hideous monsters, or strange, demonic beings climbing out of their hidden cities under the Earth, or summoning them from somewhere else. No matter where his minions come from, chaos results. The heroes get involved when some normal thugs theyre facing suddenly transform into strange creatures. Its only after theyve defeated the things that they notice its happening all over the city, and maybe the world. They may not be able to undo the damage, but they can certainly confront this new menace and try to make things right. Power Behind the Throne. While the Supernatural Menace is unquestionably in charge, that doesnt mean his forces cant be usurped by others, like his most trusted advisor. In this case, the vizier has decided to use some of his masters resources without his knowledge. Perhaps he perceives that his master was weak for agreeing to a truce, or hes decided to prove his worth to his master by doing something truly impressive. No matter what the specifics are, the heroes think theyre dealing with the Supernatural Menace right up until the time they confront the master villain and discover hes someone else entirely. Do the heroes dispose of the vizier and risk the Supernatural Menaces wrath, or do they turn the vizier over to him and let him deal with his power-grabbing servant? In any case, this scenario makes for a different sort of encounter that will allow for more time interacting with the Supernatural Menace than a fight with him does.