Qualitative Research Study Millennial Generation Learning Preferences

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Qualitative Research Study

Millennial Generation Learning Preferences

Qualitative Research Study Millennial Generation Learning Preferences

A Qualitative Research Report was conducted by New Level Partners to learn more about how individuals in the millennial generation are learning the essential skills needed to perform on the job as a new hire.

The core objectives of the research were to: 1. Obtain an inside view of how new millennial generation entrants to the workforce are acquiring skills and knowledge needed for the job. 2. Uncover any preferences of millennial generation workers as respects learning methodology. 3. Catalog training delivery methods utilized across a range of industries 4. Observe and determine the impact of new technologies on new hires learning experiences.

Format of Study:
The format used to conduct the research was a 10-15 minute phone interview or an online survey that contained the same questions. The questions are included in the addendum to this report.

Target Sample:
The candidate requirements for our study were: 1. Candidates were of ages 22-29. 2. Candidates had a minimum 4-year college degree. 3. Candidates must be in their jobs for a year or longer. New Level Partners defined the requirements to target individuals who had at least a year of experience in their work environment providing an opportunity to apply skills on the job. We also limited the age range to 29 as the oldest. Individuals over the age of 29 would not have similar experiences to those who have recently graduated due to rapidly expanding advancements in learning technology.

Copyright 2013 by New Level Partners. All Rights Reserved.

The average age of the respondents was 25 years old. The survey group included individuals from 12 different industries, the most being Insurance and Finance.

Industries of Interviewees
Finance Insurance Technology 13% Education Consulting Media Other





8% 29%

The college major categories of the interviewees were all across the board. The most common major was Economics:


Other 25% Business 10% International Studies Foreign Language 8% 8%

Economics 28% Education 5% Communications 5%

Risk Management 8%

Psychology 5%

Copyright 2013 by New Level Partners. All Rights Reserved.

Findings and Observations:

The following findings and observations were revealed from respondent participation: 1. Survey participants were asked how key knowledge and skills needed to perform their jobs was acquired: 60% of respondents were exposed to formal training programs, while 40% stated they learned entirely on the job. 2. Most respondents stated a preference for the structure and interaction of instructor-led classroom training programs for initial job knowledge and skills. Discussion-based learning (for skill and competency development) was best delivered in an instructor-facilitated setting. 3. 55% of the sample group owned a tablet, a statistic lower than expected. Of the 55%, none of them used that tablet for training or other learning. Tablets are not yet a prominent tool for workplace learning/training. 4. Online Learning was preferred for fact-based information, such as topics relating company, product or compliance. Well-designed Online Learning was cited as more efficient and convenient. 52% of respondents said that their preference of online versus classroom learning would change based on the material presented. 5. 65% said that they had some sort of online learning in college, and 36% of those that had online learning graduated from private colleges, 64% graduated from state universities/colleges. 2.5% of the sample group encountered online learning before college. 6. Of those respondents who experienced online learning in college, the average age was much lower than the highest age in the survey i.e., 25-26 versus 29 indicating recent evolutions in online learning deployment. 7. 35% of interviewees were required to complete some sort of Continuing Education for their occupation. Online learning was appropriate for CE learning. 8. 65% of those interviewed attended State Universities 35% attended private or liberal arts colleges and universities. Based on survey responses, it appears attendees of larger universities (including State Universities) have more experience with online learning than attendees of private colleges.

Copyright 2013 by New Level Partners. All Rights Reserved.

Sample of Respondent Comments and Observations:

I did not have a training program when I first started my job here. I was just kind of thrown into the fire. I wished that I had at least a little bit of training because it would have made the transition easier. Marketing Professional My employer has a very structured new hire training program. In the first week of training we had all classroom lectures. The second week we did job training workshops and group projects to get a feel of what it would be like in the workplace. I am in a 2-year training program right now where I have to complete 4 six-month sections of 60hrs worth of online training. Employees here are encouraged to complete 44 hours of training per year. New Employee at Leading Computer Technology Firm When I first started my job we had a downloadable training course that was to be completed on our own time. It wasnt as interactive as I had hoped, so I dont think I got as much out of it as I should have. Marketing Professional We had a 10 week orientation period. The first week was all in class lectures about standard information. The next few weeks were more in depth training where we worked with other nurses on hands on activities before we were thrown into the real deal- Medical Professional They put us through two weeks of training but they gave us a very broad overview of the firm because its hard to touch on everything in-depth in two weeks. Most of the training was primarily oversight and understanding the business so I definitely learned the most when I was put on the job.- Consulting Professional We compare our initial 3 week training program to drinking out of a fire hose. They have added several case studies to our training program over time, because the company realized that if you dont require the trainees to think about the material critically, it can get lostAssociate at Investment Bank I think the online training modules that I completed were helpful and really thorough. I know that I learned more from the classroom sessions, because I am more of a hands-on person. I also liked meeting and learning from the people my company brought in to teach us Financial Analyst

Copyright 2013 by New Level Partners. All Rights Reserved.

Executive Summary Conclusions:

Changes in millennial learner preferences were observed; however, its important to observe that a majority of the differences were noted in individuals with four (4) years or less of work experience i.e., the 26+ year-old workers learning preferences had not shifted as much as had those workers aged 22-26. Online Learning course content is seen as very useful for technical concepts, including compliance and statutory education. However, Online Learning is less useful or productive if assigned without proper context or to be completed at the end of the workday. It needs to be connected to the larger curriculum with purpose and objectives. Virtual Learning, including webinars, is only useful when well-facilitated and when integrated with ongoing assignments and activities. Instructor-Led Learning is the fundamental preference for the acquisition of knowledge and concepts relating to competency-based development. Despite millennial workers tech-savvy, they still prefer expert onsite education to accelerate job effectiveness.

About New Level Partners:

New Level Partners (NLP), founded in 2001, specializes in training solutions for the Property and Casualty Insurance Industry. NLP designs, develops and delivers customized and interactive training programs, both instructor-led and web-based along with hosting numerous online university sites. A wide range of instructional design tools and technologies ensure NLPs programs are the most interactive and effective on the market. www.newlevelpartners.com

Copyright 2013 by New Level Partners. All Rights Reserved.

Below are the questions asked of each participant. The answers were compiled. 1. Please share the name of the college or university you attended and year you graduated. What was your major? 2. Could you please describe your experience in college with webinars, online tutorials, online research, or any kind of online self-learning or self-study? And if you encountered any of these elements. What percentage of your learning experience did they account for? 3. At what age was your first experience with online and/or technology-enabled learning? What type of learning was it?
a. Questions were asked to see what kind of experience the interviewees had with online learning before they entered the workplace. The school information was used to differentiate between liberal arts or other colleges. The type of technology-enabled learning in the universities was included.

4. Do you have a preference to learning in the classroom or online? Would your preference change based on the material or topic? If so, how?

5. When did you start your first full-time position after college? 6. Did you come in as a trainee? 7. How did you learn the essential skills for your job?

a. The purpose of this question is to understand the interviewees opinion on the type of learning they prefer online, or in a classroom setting. Will this preference affect how learning develops in the future? a. We wanted to know the average time span it took for a recent college grad to obtain a job after graduating.

8. Describe the last three training programs or events you attended on the job. How was the information delivered?
a. Did the interviewee have any kind of formal training at their job or were their skills learned on the job? If so, how was this training conducted? What role did online learning play in their training?

a. Was it in a formal classroom program? b. Was it on the job with a subject matter expert? c. Was it remote, virtual, or online?) If it was online, in what mode was the information presented?

9. Do you currently own a tablet such as an iPad or Kindle and, if so, which one? Have you used your tablet in training or for learning?

10. Have you completed any continuing education? (Graduate School, Licensing, training, etc.)
a. This question was asked to find out if our interviewees used online learning in any continuing education programs.

a. The purpose was used to determine if the tablets were being used to their full capacity. With advancements in technology, we wanted to know if companies were taking advantage of these advancements in their training programs.

Copyright 2013 by New Level Partners. All Rights Reserved.

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