A Survey of Spacecraft Formation Flying Guidance and Control (Part II) Control
A Survey of Spacecraft Formation Flying Guidance and Control (Part II) Control
A Survey of Spacecraft Formation Flying Guidance and Control (Part II) Control
and control. In the companion survey on formation flying guidance [87], we defined formationJlying (FF) as a set of more than one spacecraft in which any of the spacecrafr dynamic states are coupled through a common control law.3 In particular, at least one member of the set must (i) track a desired state profile relative to another member, and (ii) the associated tracking control law must at the minimum depend upon the state of this other member. The second point is critical. For example, even though prescribed relative positions are actively maintained, GPS satellites constitute a constellation4 since their orbit corrections only require an individual satellites position and velocity. A control law satisfying Condition (ii) above is called a formation tracking control law. Based on the above definition of FF, we present a comprehensive survey of the spacecraft formation flying control (FFC) literature. Specifically, FFC refers to design techniques and associated stability results for formation tracking control laws.
I. INTRODUCTION In 1977, Sholomitsky, Prilutsky and Rodin studied a proposed infrared interferometer composed of multiple, freeflying telescopes [93]. Today, formation flying is a critical technology for planned and future missions of NASA [15], [109], the Department of Defense [16], [231, ESA [71, [38] and many other national space agencies. In deep space, formation flying enables variable-baseline interferometers [54], [39] and large-scale distributed sensors [46] that can probe the origin and structure of stars and galaxies with high precision. In addition, synthetic aperture imaging formations will be used to search for Earth-like planets orbiting other stars and study their atmospheres for signs of life [ 141. In Earth orbit, formation flying enables distributed sensing, sparse antenna arrays and contemporaneous spatial sampling for applications such as gravitational mapping, interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and studying the SunEarth connection. Further, by allowing instruments on separate spacecraft to be combined into a co-observatory? formation flying can replace an expensive multiple-payloadplatform with a large number of low cost spacecraft. This survey of spacecraft formation flying control is the second part of a two-part survey on formation flying guidance
Corresponding Author: [email protected] 2A co-observatory is a planet-orbiting formation in which independent science instruments on separate spacecraft examine the same physical location closely enough in time that measurements may be considered contemporaneous. For example, the Cloudsat and Picasso-Cena satellites have beenproposed as a co-observatory; CloudSats radar and Picasso-Cenas lidar would observe the same groundtrack with less than 15 seconds of separation [50].
Gardner defined classes of co-observatories and developed a LeaderFollower controller for enabling low Earth orbit (LEO) co-observatories [34]. In 2000, Lawton overviewed the FFC literature up to that year [60]. As part of his overview, Lawton defined three main FFC architectures. In our current survey, we examine these architectures in more detail and add two new architectures. We also include the prolific research of the last few years and emphasize theoretical developments. B. Formation Classijication In general, formations can be categorized based on (1) size (i.e., number of spacecraft), (2) precision (i.e., control performance requirements), and (3) ambient dynamic environment. These characteristics will in part determine which FFC algorithms are feasible for a formation. To define the size of a formation, let N be the number of spacecraft in a formation. If N I 5 , then we consider the formation small, and if N 2 20, we consider the formation large. These numbers are guidelines. Next, we consider the level of control precision required for formations: high precision (HP) formations require performance to the level of centimeters/arcminutes or smaller, whereas low precision (LP) formations have performance requirements greater than a meterldegree. Finally, we distinguish formations based on the ambient dynamic environment. Specifically, in deep space (DS) relative spacecraft translational dynamics are approximated by a double integrator (Le., no state dependent forces are present in the open loop) [86], while in a planetary orbital environment (POE) spacecraft are subjected to significant gravitational dynamics and other environmental disturbances such as aerodynamic drag. The size of a formation, however, has not been a primary concern in the FFC literature. This omission is due to the common assumption that a formation estimator is available to provide all the information required for control [ 1011. However, as N becomes large, the sensing and communication requirements imposed by an FFC algorithm can easily become impractical. An area for future research, discussed in the Conclusions, is reducing the amount of formation state information required by FFC algorithms. Precision can generally be traded for control effort; that is, the precision achievable is limited by the amount of fuel on-board. As a result, when precision is considered, it is given as a function of the fuel required to achieve a specific precision level. However, non-ideal aspects of formation estimation, such as delayed measurements and asynchronous inter-spacecraft communication, have not been considered. Determining the achievable control precision in the presence of these practical constraints is an open area of research [ 1261. A formations dynamic environment has two ramifications for FFC. First, in DS applications only relative spacecraft translational measurements are available to the necessary accuracy. Inertial spacecraft positions are known only to the
The co-observatory classes were first published in 1992 [331. The purpose of this earlier paper was to analyze attitude pointing requirements for coobservatories.
level of kilometers. This aspect of DS formations requires that spacecraft measure their translational positions with respect to either (1) a non-maneuvering, inertial reference spacecraft or (2) to other spacecraft that are also maneuvering. In comparison, inertial positions can be measured and controlled in POE FFC algorithms (e.g. see The second ramification of the formation dynamic environment on FFC is that DS dynamics are more benign than POE dynamics, i.e., translational degrees of freedom (DOFs) approximately decouple into single-input, single-output double integrators. As a result, stability theorems for certain FFC algorithms have been developed for DS formations, but not for POE formations (e.g. see [73]).
the dynamic environment of a formation was the primary distinction in the literature. While the formation size, precision and dynamic environment affect FFC development in the ways discussed above, they are not driving factors in FFC research to date. The primary distinction in the FFC literature is the type of FFC architecture used. An FFC architecture determines the overall design approach for a specific FFC algorithm; many different algorithms are possible within a given architecture. In this survey, we define five basic formation architectures: Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO), LeaderEollower (LE), Virtual Structure (VS), Cyclic and Behavioral. The LE, VS and Behavioral architectures were originally described in Lawtons overview [60]. We organize the FFC literature by FFC architectures, with DS and POE specific algorithms noted. Each architecture is defined formally in its respective section. The advantages and disadvantages of each architecture are discussed in the Conclusions, as are directions for future research. Note that some control algorithms in the robotics, UAV and automated highway system (AHS) literatures are similar to spacecraft FFC algorithms. While we do not exhaustively survey these other areas, we include some representative references. In designing FFC algorithms, formation stability must be addressed. Typically, authors only consider the stability of the relative dynamics of a formation. If the inertial position or attitude of a formation is relevant? an additional controller is assumed for tracking an inertial state. reflect this usage, unless otherwise noted, by stability we mean the Lyapunov stability of the relative spacecraft dynamics, whether translational, rotational or both. In particular, the inertial position of a formation need not be controlled for a formation to be considered stable. While we have included rotational degrees of freedom in our definition of formation flying, the FFC literature focuses on translational control. Relative attitude control is as important.
When inertial states are being controlled, one spacecrafts inertial reference trajectory must consist of another spacecrafts inertial state plus an offset. Otherwise, spacecraft states will not be coupled. gFor example, consider a synthetic aperture i n Earth-trailing orbit. Displacing this formation hundreds of kilometers will not significantly affect the scientific performance of the formation.
maintained between spacecraft (Le., the reference trajectories). The digraph is then encoded into an LQR formulation. In [73], rigid and unfoldable digraphs" are first used to specify the geometry of a formation. Algebraic constraints on vertex (spacecraft) locations resulting from the digraph are used to generate a potential function. The gradient of this potential function then forms the basis of a formation controller. Note that this approach enforces spacecraft control interdependencies, since only the spacecraft involved in a particular algebraic constraint enforce it. A general stability 11. MULTIPLE-INPUT, MULTI-OUTPUT proof is also provided. This particular digraph approach is MIMO because a digraph specifying the entire formation In the Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) architecis needed to design the formation controller. [75] discusses ture, formation controllers are designed using a dynamic model methods for constructing, merging and separating rigid and of the entire formation. That is, the formation is treated as unfoldable digraphs. a multiple-input, multiple-output plant. Within this problem Finally, model predictive control (MPC) has also been used formulation, all the methods of modern control may be applied within the MIMO architecture. [32] formulates and numerito formation control. For example, [41] formulates a minimal cally solves a nonlinear, constrained MPC problem where the state space realization of the relative error states for a rigid terminal state consists of a family of equilibria. Conditions for formation" and designs an LQR controller. closed loop stability are also derived. Given a state space representation of the formation dynamics and a state feedback gain matrix for relative state control, 111. LEADER/FOLLOWER [94] develops an algebraic method for deriving alternate The LeaderEollower (L/F) architecture is the most studied control topologies based on linear dependencies in relative FFC ar~hitecture.'~ L E uses a hierarchical arrangement of position specifications (e.g. feeding back the relative position individual spacecraft controllers that reduces formation control rij is equivalent to feeding back r i k rkj). It also examines to individual tracking problems. We first define LE, and then using controls that affect only the unobservable states (i.e., the we discuss its stability properties. Finally, we summarize the inertial position and velocity of the formation) to minimize L/F literature. fuel use or to ensure the net force on the formation is zero. To formally define L/F, we introduce the control dependency In [97], a decentralized LQG problem is considered. The directed graph," which for brevity we refer to as the depenresulting state feedback gain matrix is equivalent to a standard, dency digraph. The dependency digraph is similar to digraphs centralized LQR controller. However, each spacecraft must defined in [28], [30], [31] and [71], but it is less restrictive optimally estimate the entire formation state using only a and does not depend on a particular control strategy. The locally-optimal estimator (i.e., an estimator operating on a vertices of the dependency graph represent the spacecraft in reduced set of measurements) and information communicated the formation. A directed edge (i, j ) is added to the digraph if from other spacecraft. [97] reduces the information commuthe control action of spacecraft j is a function of (Le.. depends nicated between spacecraft by compressing local spacecraft on) the state of spacecraft i. This dependency can arise in at measurements using an augmented local estimator. [37] applies least three ways: (1) a function of the relative state between this decentralized LQG algorithm to formations in Lagrange spacecraft i and j is being tracked by spacecraft j, (2) the point orbits. reference trajectory for spacecraft j is a function of the state Directed graphs" (or digraphs) have been used in MIMO of spacecraft i, or (3) the feedback control action of spacecraft algorithms to both specify the desired formation geometry i is used in the controller of spacecraft j . 1 4 and to enforce specific spacecraft control interdependencies. Reviewing digraphs briefly, a walk is a sequence of vertices Generally, multiple-input, multiple-output synthesis techniques such that each sequential pair is a directed edge (e.g. i j k is may introduce arbitrary spacecraft control interdependencies a walk if (2, j) and (j, k) are edges), and the length of the (i.e., the resulting gain matrix is not sparse). walk is the number of vertices in it. A cycle is a walk of at Ref. [112] uses a digraph to specify the geometry (not the least length three with no repeated vertices except that the first interdependencies) of POE formations, where the spacecraft "The definitions of "rigid' and "unfoldable" ensure that given sets of are placed in multiple circular orbits with identical radii. vertices, edges and weights, there is only one embedding of the digraph in The digraph specifies constant angular offsets that are to be R2or R3modulo rigid body motions of the entire embedding. That is, if the For example, in rotating an MSI to fill the upplane, attitudes must be synchronized with relative positions. However, accurate inertial attitude information is generally available, which simplifies the relative attitude control problem. Unless otherwise stated, translational control is discussed. Finally, for brevity "architecture" is generally omitted from architecture names (e.g. L/F instead of the L/F architecture). Also, numerous acronyms are used throughout the paper. As a convenience, a table of acronyms is included in the appendix.
"A formation is rigid if there exists a reference frame in which all relative spacecraft positions are constant. "A directed graph consists of a set of vertices V , a set of edges E , and an optional set of weights W . The edges are specified as ordered pairs (i, j), where i, j E V.The edge (i,j) E E means that an arrow is drawnfrom vertex i io vertex j. One interpretation for an edge (i,j) is that the vertex (spacecraft) i is to maintain a desired position with respect to vertex (spacecraft) j. The weights typically represent the lengths of edges.
vertices are considered particles and the weights the lengths of rods connecting o the edge set), then the digraph represents a unique the particles (according t rigid body. 13Note that LeaderFollower has also been referred to as Chiefmeputy [90], Master/Slave [48] and, the traditional terminology from two-spacecraft rendezvous, TargeVChase. 141n the literature, the third type of dependency has only been used in conjunction with one of the first two.
vertex must equal the last (e.g. iji). A digraph without (resp. with) a cycle is called acyclic (resp. cyclic). With these concepts, we define an L/F FFC algorithm to be an interconnection of individual spacecraft controllers that results in an acyclic control dependency directed graph.15 For an edge (i, j ) in the dependency digraph, spacecraft j is called afollower and spacecraft i is called a leader. In any L/F algorithm, there is at least one spacecraft that does not follow another (see [27], pg. 230). This spacecraft is referred to as a fleet leader [ 1181. Note that a spacecraft can have multiple leaders, but care must be taken in this case to ensure that the tracking problem is well posed.16 A special case of the L/F architecture is when each spacecraft is required to have only one leader. This special case is referred to as single-leader U F [711. In 1991, [117] presented a number of robotic formation control strategies, including a number of L/F algorithms. In 1996, the seminal paper [ 1181 generalized L/F and adapted it to spacecraft formations in both DS and POEs. For singleleader LE, [71], [ 1171 and [ 1181 prove the stability of directed tree dependency digraphs (i.e.. the most general single-leader case) for particular control laws. In each case, if the individual tracking control laws used by each follower are stable, then the entire formation is stable. However, general sufficient conditions for L/F stability were not addressed. General stability conditions are available for LE, but they apply to a type of stability called mesh stability. Intuitively, a hierarchically connected system is mesh stable if it is asymptotically Lyapunov stable and perturbations to the top of the hierarchy (i.e., a leader) do not grow as they propagate through the system; specifically, if a leader is disturbed, then the peak tracking errors of its successive followers are uniformly bounded by the peak tracking error of the first follower. Mesh stability has its roots in the automated highway system (AHS) 1iterat~re.l~ Mesh stability is based on the earlier concept of string stability. Both mesh and string stability are more restrictive than Lyapunov stability. Since there are many types of string stability, we briefly discuss each, noting the differences. This discussion will lead naturally to the definition of mesh stability. For the following discussion, we consider hierarchically connected systems (also called look ahead) where the dynamics of each subsystem are given by
x i = fi(Zi,X&l,.
where z i is the state of the ith subsystem, i E 2, where 2 is a possibly infinite subset of the natural numbers, and the state
15Refs. [71] and [30] also use variations on acyclic digraphs to define more restricted forms of W. % e LIF algorithm discussed in [43] considers a chain of vehicles maintaining constant offsets. Except for the fleet leader, each vehicle uses the velocity of the vehicle immediately in front of it, and the acceleration and velocity of the fleet leader. Each vehicle has two leaders. 17A m o n concept for automated highways is a platoon of vehicles, which is an LIF arrangement of vehicles such that each vehicle literally follows the one in front of it. Quoting [106], tracking (spacing) errors should not amplify downstream from vehicle to vehicle for safety.
of the system is z [ ZT zz . . . IT. For L/F FFC,the state z i should be thought of as the tracking error of a follower. We begin with the asymptotic string stability of [ 1061, which was defined for an infinite number of subsystems (i.e., Z equals the set of natural numbers). Asymptotic string stability requires that for that for all E > 0, there exists 6 > 0 such that supi Ilzi(0)II < 6 + supisup, Ilzi(t)ll < E (stability requirement) and that Ilzi(t)ll + 0 for all i (attractiveness requirement). The stability condition states that the the injnite chain of subsystems must be uniformly bounded. In particular, the peak error cannot increase continually as you move from one subsystem to the next; with an infinite number of subsystems the state would become unbounded. In [106], sufficient conditions are also derived for asymptotic string stability. The fi(.) must be identical, but can be nonlinear and non-autonomous. Essentially, the subsystems (Le., & = f(zi,0 , . . . , O ) ) must be exponentially stable, and the subsystem connections (i.e., how strongly fi(.) depends on xj, j < i) must be sufficiently weak.18 Ref. [22] studies spatial asymptotic string stability (s.a.s.s.). Similar to the stability requirement for asymptotic string stability, s.a.s.s. requires the subsystems to be uniformly bo~nded. However, ~ the attractiveness requirement is different. Rather than requiring each subsystems error to go to zero in time, s.a.s.s. requires that limi-.+wIlzi(0)ll = 0 + limi+w SUP, Ilzi(t)ll = 0. That is, subsystem errors must go to zero as you move through the system spatially; the errors must decay (not just be uniformly bounded) through succeeding subsystems. [22] derives sufficient conditions for s.a.s.s. for systems with linear and identical fi(.), again based on weak subsystem connections. A third type of string stability is for hierarchically connected systems with a jnite number of subsystems. For finite dimensional systems, there is always a uniform bound on the subsystem states even if the peak error increases from one subsystem to the next [92]. In [43], [79] and [92], string stability is defined as the property that a finite hierarchically connected system is Lyapunov stable and that sup, Ilzi(t)II I SUP, 11 xi- 1 ( t ) 11, that is, that peak errors decay monotonically as they propagate through the subsystems. We shall refer to this as monotonic string stability for ease of exposition. Recall s.a.s.s. only requires that the error goes to zero, not that the peak error is less in each subsequent subsystem. Also, the requirement for identical subsystem dynamics has been relaxed in monotonic string stability. Monotonic string stability is based on the concept of a line of vehicles, each one following the preceding vehicle. Refs. [92] and [79] treat mesh systems: finite hierarchically connected systems where the subsystems are arranged in a two-dimensional grid. Subsystems in a mesh system are double-indexed to reflect this two-dimensional organization. Mathematically, however, hierarchically connected systems
18Weakis defined in terms of the Lipschitz constants of fi(.) and constants associated with a Lyapunov function. 19S.a.s.s.requires uniformity in an 13, norm, whereas asymptotic string 3 , norm. stability only requires uniformity in the 1
and mesh systems are equivalent through a change of variables in the subsystem indices. With this observation, [78] formally defines a finite hierarchically connected system to be mesh stable if it is asymptotically Lyapunov stable and sup, Ilxi(t)lJ5 maxk<i-1 SUP, Ilxk(t)ll. In monotonic string stability, the peak error of the current subsystem must be less than the preceding subsystems peak error, whereas for mesh stability this condition has been relaxed to only requiring the peak error to be less than maximum peak error of all the preceding subsystems.*O With the exception of asymptotic string stability, all the subsystem dynamics are assumed time-invariant. Therefore, to represent closed-loop error dynamics, the reference trajectories in the L/F architecture must be constant. [43] has an excellent bibliography for those wishing to investigate L/F in the AHS context, and the bibliography of [ 1061 provides a good starting place for those wishing to study connected system stability. We now discuss the numerous L/F algorithms in the literature. Most authors consider a single-layer L/F architecture in which N - 1 spacecraft all follow the same leader spacecraft. Also, though not formally proven, it,is commonly assumed that if follower control laws are stabilizing, then an L/Fconnection of these controllers results in an asymptotically Lyapunov stable formation. As a result, the numerous contributions to the L/F literature differ primarily in the type of follower tracking control law designed. The following papers consider DS formations. [ 1201 simplifies the feedback linearized control laws of [ 1181 and applies them to synchronized translational and rotational control of deep space MSIs. [79] uses sliding mode control. [70] and [71] combine feedback linearization and linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to design robust and switched controllers or avoiding control saturation. [65] applies feedback linearization and model predictive control and also address saturation through controller switching. [84] and [85] develop and compare a variety of design techniques including proportionaVderivative (PD), time optimal and mixed fuel-time optimal. [ 1221 develops and experimentally demonstrates a rule-based controller for forming an equilateral triangle and aligning the orientation of three air-levitated robots. [831 develops a two-tier controller where the coarse loop is a phase-plane controller with a vernier PD loop. [121] develops a rule-based control law for synchronizing the rotations of multiple spinning spacecraft. Based on [121], [42] develops a rule-based controller for synchronizing thruster deadbands across multiple spacecraft. Impulsive thruster synchronization is necessary for MSIs since the vibrations from thruster firings can corrupt interferometric measurements. [64] also designs a thruster synchronized L/F algorithm, but it addresses both translational and rotational control, and uses classical control theory with nonlinear dynamic compensation. [ 1281 designs a combined translationalhotational controller using LQR and H , methods.
20Since mesh stability is defined recursively, the peak tracking error of all subsystems must be bounded by the peak tracking error of the first subsystem. Note that the first subsystem, which corresponds to the error dynamics of a vehicle following only fleet leaders, is not uniquely defined.
Similar to [ 1201, [ 1301 considers simultaneous translational and rotational control of a formation. However, the desired positions of the followers with respect to the leader are specified not in an inertial frame, as is generally done, but in the leaders body frame. The advantage of this approach is that the entire formation can be rotated by simply changing the attitude of the leader. Ref. [74] builds a planar DS formation through node augmentation: spacecraft are added sequentially to a formation by specifying desired distances to any two existing formation spacecraft. This specification is such that the augmented formation remains rigid and unfoldable.2 The two existing spacecraft anchor the new spacecraft to the formation. A similar approach is used in [30]. In [74], each new spacecraft uses a feedback-linearized controller to maintain the two specified distances. This controller only depends on the relative states of the anchoring spacecraft (i.e., the anchors are the two leaders for the new spacecraft). Turning to the POE literature (which in many cases also applies to DS formations), the following papers develop variations on linear quadratic (LQ) control for design of the follower tracking control laws. All of these papers use variations of the Hill-Clohessy-Wiltshire (HCW) equations [20], [44], although a few authors modify them slightly. [49] develops a discrete-time LQ controller using pulse-based actuators. [ 1311 extends this controller to include a periodic gain. [ 1151 designs separate discrete-time LQ controllers for the in-plane (orbital plane) motion and the out-of-plane motion. [19] develops a similar, decoupled controller for GEO orbits. [96] also designs a decoupled LQ controller, but the angular velocity of the reference frame in the HCW equations is modified to include the effects of the Jz zonal harmonic. [82] designs a discrete LQ controller for disturbance rejection and a feedforward controller that plans trajectories and provides non-equilibrium point control offsets. [181 uses an LQ controller with the decentralized estimation scheme of [97].22 [95] designs an LQ controller and studies the frequency of thruster firings versus the total Av needed to reject realistic disturbances. [104], [lo31 and [19] design LQ controllers without using radial thrusting. [127] designs an LQG controller using GPS and includes many practical considerations. A variant on model predictive control (MPC) using linear time-varying models is developed in [451, [47], [ill] and references therein. Followers are first placed in error boxes relative to the leader. When a follower approaches the edge of its relative error box, an optimal, feedforward control problem is solved to return the follower to the center of its error box. The optimal, predictive portion of the controller includes differential disturbances and sensor noise effects. A variant on model predictive control (MPC) is developed in Refs. [8], [34], [35] and [36]. Followers are first placed in error boxes relative to the leader. When a follower approaches
21Seethe MIMO section for definitions of graph theoretic terms. 22Wbile the overall state is estimated using the MIMO method of [97], the control design is localized--eacb spacecraft uses an LQ controller to track a trajectoly with respect t o the origin of the HCW frame. Hence, the FFC algorithm is UF.
the edge of its relative error box, a trajectory is planned to return the spacecraft to a desired position within the error box. The trajectory planning algorithm is based on Battins C* matrix (see [6], pg. 461), which is a convenient reformulation of the orbital state transition matrix. This MPC controller is applied to libration point formations in [37]. A similar MPC algorithm using linear time-varying models is developed in [45], [47], [ill] and references therein. The trajectory planning algorithm in this case uses optimal control theory and includes differential disturbances and sensor noise effects. Considering nonlinear control, [25] and [132] design position feedback and output feedback nonlinear controllers, respectively, for the f u l l , nonlinear Keplerian relative orbital dynamics. These controllers are globally uniform ultimate bounded (GUUB)23 in position and velocity tracking errors. [1 181 develops feedback-linearized controllers for simultaneous translationalhotationalcontrol. [ 1021 also considers simultaneous 6 DOF control and uses a state-dependent Riccati equation to design a full state feedback, nonlinear controller. Adaptive control has also been used to design the follower tracking control laws. [ 1231 develops a GUUB adaptive controller where the disturbance is assumed bounded by a known nonlinear function scaled by an unknown constant. [24] assumes that a single leader is in a circular orbit, but otherwise retains Keplerian relative orbital dynamics. Further, assuming that both the spacecraft masses and disturbance forces are unknown but constant, [24] develops a globally convergent, full state feedback adaptive controller. [ 1331 extends this controller to the case where the leader is in an unperturbed, elliptical orbit. [ 1251 then extends the controller of [133] to include an unknown, but periodic disturbance force with a known upper bound. [ 1241 departs from these previous papers and develops a locally convergent adaptive controller for constant disturbances that uses only position feedback. [77] develops a convergent 6 DOF adaptive controller that allows for unknown but constant masses and moments of inertia. [ 1071 includes a number of references for adaptive L/F design in the A H S literature. Rather than using Cartesian reference trajectories, some authors use orbital elements (orbital omitted hereafter). [ 1081 considers a formation of spacecraft in elliptical orbits where spacecraft distances are kept nearly constant via small element differences. For this formation, [ 1081 develops a feedback controller that controls the osculating25element diference of a
23A state space system is GUUB if for all initial conditions z(t0) = IO (globally), there exists a compact set X and a time 0 < T(zo) < 00 independent of t o (uniform) such that z ( t ) E X for all t 2 t o T (ultimate bounded). See [ 5 ] . 241n adaptive control, asymptotic stability of the error dynamics (position and velocity tracking errors and parameter estimate errors) is generally extremely difficult to prove. A more common goal is to show that all the errors are uniformly bounded and go to zero asymptotically. These two properties are what we mean by convergent. 25T0 the standard Keplerian elements, perturbations can cause secular variations (unbounded growth proportional to a power of time), short period variations (on the order of the orbital period) and long period variations (longer than short period-there is a considerable range of long periods depending on the perturbation considered and the specific orbit, but long period variations due to zonal (latitude dependent) harmonics are on the order of 10s of
follower and leader. In contrast, [90] develops a control law for mean25elements. Note that inertial states are being controlled (Le., elements as opposed to differential elements), but the reference trajectory of the follower is the leaders elements (state) plus an offset. [90] also compares the mean element controller to a controller that uses the inertial state represented in Cartesian coordinates (i.e., position and velocity), where again the reference trajectory is the leaders position and velocity plus an offset. [89]considers a control law where the reference trajectory for the follower is specified as an osculating element difference (similar to [l08]) that is then mapped via a linearized transformation to desired Cartesian relative position and velocity vectors. The authors then compare this hybrid control law to a control law using mean elements. They show via example that a 20m increase in tracking accuracy results from using mean instead of osculating elements. Based on insights gained from Gauss variational equations, [881 develops an impulsive osculating element controller such that individual elements are changed without affecting others. This controller is not FFC unless the trajectory the controller tracks depends upon the state of another spacecraft. This comment also applies to the fuel-optimal impulsive and low-thrust osculating element controllers of [ 1 131. Finally, we present some papers that do not fall into any of the previous control L/F design methodologies. [ 1341 applies hybrid stability analysis to full state feedback controllers. [61] uses binary drag panels (i.e., deployednot-deployed) to move a spacecraft to and maintain it at the position of a leader (rendezvous). Whether their controller can be extended to maintaining offsets with respect to a leader is an open issue. For more on H , L/F control, see references in [128]. Lastly, while [ 1121 uses a MIMO controller to keep spacecraft phased within circular orbits, [72] estimates the mean motion and orbit-averaged, along-track offset (average phase) and develops two control schemes to maintain a desired offset. IV. VIRTUAL STRUCTURE In the Virtual Structure (VS) architecture, the spacecraft behave as rigid bodies (or particles) embedded in a larger, virtual structure (or body). Motions of the virtual structure and the constant, specified positions and orientations of spacecraft within the virtual structure are used to generate reference trajectories for the spacecraft to follow. The motions of the virtual structure include rigid body motions and contractions/expansions. Individual spacecraft controllers are used to track the generated reference trajectories. We identify two types of VS: Iterated VS (IVS) and Guidance VS (GVS). In IVS, a formation template (Le., structure) is fit to the current spacecraft positions at each time step. The spacecraft then track desired states with respect to the fitted template. Spacecraft states are coupled through the template fitting step. [52] considers Earth-orbiting formations
days for near-Earth satellites). Osculating (instantaneous) elements include all variations. Mean elements have either the short period or the short and long period variations averaged out. See [ 1141).
and uses a time-invariant Walker constellation template (see [53]). Different fitting algorithms are discussed in [401 and [76]. [63] considers non-holonomicallyconstrained robots and, in addition to fitting a template each time step, incrementally perturbs the fitted template to eventually achieve a formation goal state. Similarly, [ 1101 finds the virtual center of a formation through a least-squares fit. This center may be thought of as the location of a virtual leader spacecraft that minimizes the tracking errors of all the followers. However, since all the spacecraft states are coupled through the fitting step, this algorithm is not L/F. The second type of VS, called Guidance VS (GVS), is proposed in [lo]. GVS consists of an initial structure (Le. template) fitting step, followed by prescribed motion of the structure to generate desired spacecraft trajectories. In [55], an adaptive controller that includes saturation constraints is designed to track GVS trajectories. GVS has also been used to plan optimal formation rotations; see [ l l ] and [12]. The pattern matching methodology of [3] is a GVS algorithm. By itself GVS is not FFC because spacecraft states are not coupled. However, if the virtual structure is referenced to a real spacecraft, then GVS becomes a type of L/F FFC algorithm with reference trajectories provided by the virtual structure. GVS also forms the basis for a Cyclic FFC algorithm. IVS, however, is FFC, and we advocate making it a type of Cyclic FFC. V. CYCLIC Similar to LE, a formation controller in the Cyclic architecture is formed by connecting individual spacecraft controllers. However, Cyclic differs from L/F in that the controller connections are not hierarchical. We define a Cyclic FFC algorithm to be an interconnection of individual spacecraft controllers that results in a cyclic control dependency directed graph.26 The stability analysis of Cyclic algorithms is difficult because cycles in the dependency digraph add higher levels of feedback to the individual spacecraft feedback controllers. As a result, many Cyclic algorithms are studied through simulation only [ 11, [ 1171. However, potential field-based cyclic algorithms often have an associated stability proof since the potential function itself serves as the basis for a Lyapunov function. Ref. [ 1171 introduces multineighbor strategies, where each spacecraft controls itself with respect to the center-of-mass (COM) of a subset of neighboring spacecraft. A cycle arises in the dependency digraph if two spacecraft are neighbors of each other (e.g. spacecraft i and j each control themselves with respect to the COM of spacecraft i and j). [l] and [4] use similar approaches. In particular, [4] studies a unit-centered strategy in which robots control themselves with respect to the COM of the entire formation. We refer to these algorithms as centroid strategies, and they have only been studied through simulation.
the beginning of the UF section for the definitions of cyclic and control dependency directed graphs.
There also exist Cyclic algorithms for forming regular geometric patterns from arbitrary distributions of spacecrafthobots.[ 1051 uses rule-based controllers to generate lines, circles, polygons and distributions of robots within convex polygons. [ 1371 extends [ 1051 by modifying the algorithms to better handle realistic actuators, sensors, and collision avoidance algorithms. The basic rules for forming a circle in [lo51 are (1) first move towards or away from the farthest robot until it is a prescribed distance Doaway, and then (2) move away from the closest r0bot.2~[ 1191 develops two Cyclic algorithms, one of which is a rule-based approach similar to [105]. In the second algorithm of [ 1191, potential fields are constructed that mimic rules similar to the two discussed above. That is, if a spacecraft is more than a distance Do away from another spacecraft, then an attractive force results, and if less, then a repulsive force results. In [ 1191, a stability proof for the potential field approach is provided, and the resulting formation equilibria are analytically characterized for up to four spacecraft. Ref. [69] also uses a potential field approach (every spacecraft is repulsed by its neighbors) to evenly distribute spacecraft in a circular orbit, and proves the stability of the algorithm. E761 starts with the work of [69] and considers different potential function forms and spacecraft arrangements. [129] consider a potential field strategy where robots are attracted to two preassigned neighbors. In addition,formation vectors are applied to specific robots. Formation vectors are additional velocity commands used to shape the formation.* The stability of the algorithm is proven and conditions are imposed on the formation vectors for the formation to be stationary. Essentially, if the formation vectors are not selected properly, then the sum of their effects can lead to a fixed shape formation that translates as a rigid body. Refs. [135] and [136] introduce a Cyclic algorithm based on the GVS architecture. However, there are two important differences. First, the motion of the virtual structure is no longer prescribed, but is generated by specifying a goal state and a controller for the virtual structure. The spacecraft still have their own local controllers to track the reference trajectories generated by the motion of the virtual structure. The second difference is to make the feedback gain for the virtual structures control law dependent on the tracking errors of the spacecraft control laws. As a result, if the spacecraft begin to fall out of formation, the virtual structures control gain decreases, slowing down the virtual structure. This slowing of the virtual structure allows the spacecraft to reduce their tracking errors, thereby reestablishing the formation. The stability of this algorithm is proven in [136].
271t is theorized that flocking or schooling (i.e., formation maintenance) in animals is achieved by each animal: (1) being attracted to distant neighbors, (2) being repulsed by close neighbors, and (3) aligning its velocity with the velocities of neighbors [62]. **A simple analogy is to imagine beads (robots) placed along a length of rubber band. The rubber band represents the effect of the potential fields and the formation vectors specify a pull on each bead. For example, pulling on the two end beads in directions 90 degrees apart and pulling on the center bead with the proper magnitude and in a direction opposite the bisector of the 90 degree angle generates a stationary L formation.
Lastly, the dependency graph for IVS is completely con- each behavior. However, as illustrated in [137], it is possible nected (Le., every spacecraft depends on every other spacecraft for the behaviors to destructively interfere. Generally, simuthrough the virtual structure fitting step), and so it is Cyclic. lation is the only tool for verifying that the combination of behaviors functions as desired. VI. BEHAVIORAL The previous Behavioral FFC algorithms do not have any As discussed in [4] and [13], the Behavioral architecture theoretical guarantees or stability proofs. In contrast, the combines the outputs of multiple controllers designed for following series of papers proves the stability of its Behavioral achieving different and possibly competing behaviors (i.e., algorithm. objectives). According to Arkin [2], to whom formal behaviorRef. [59] introduces the concept of coupled dynamics. based robotics is due, there is no universally accepted defi- There are two behaviors in this concept: maintain-formation nition of a primitive behavior. Drawing a consensus from and move-to-goal. The underlying idea is that the maintainthe papers surveyed and [2], we consider a behavior to be formation behavior is implemented by coupling goal-state an objective such as collision-avoidance or move-to-goal, tracking errors: if all the robots have the same tracking error functions that the spacecraft must individually or collectively with respect to their goal states, then the robots are in formaperform. tion. Feedback linearized controllers are used by each robot For formations the maintain-formation behavior is required to track its goal state (move-to-goal) and to track the average [ 11, [4]. For example, an L/F algorithm plus a repulsive poten- goal state tracking error of two neighboring robots (maintaintial field centered on each spacecraft is a Behavioral algorithm formation). Note that by itself the maintain-formation behavior consisting of maintain-formation and collision-avoidance be- (i.e., tracking the error of two neighbors) is a Cyclic centroid haviors. Note that the maintain-formation behavior may itself strategy, for which a general stability proof does not exist. be a composition of lower-level actions:7 but we still consider However, in this case the Cyclic algorithm is stabilized by it to be a single behavior. Note also that control laws for coupling it to the move-to-goal behavior. individual behaviors can be FFC algorithms in their own right, Ref. [58] extends the concept of coupled dynamics to and are classifiable independent of the Behavioral aspect of rotational motion using rate feedback and passivity based the overall controller. Many of the FFC algorithms for the controllers. [56] compares L/F and the coupled dynamics maintain-formation behavior were discussed more fully in the approach in terms of control effort and tracking errors. ConCyclic section (e.g. centroid strategies). sidering synchronized attitude maneuvers, [57] decomposes an Ref. [ 11 provides an excellent example of a Behavioral FFC individual spacecrafts current attitude into eigenaxis and offalgorithm. They consider velocity-commanded aircraft with eigenaxis components. The eigenaxis rotations are coordinated collision-avoidance, obstacle-avoidance, m ~ v e - t o - g o a land ~ ~ through coupled dynamics, and the off-axis deviations are formation-maintenance behaviors. Each of the behaviors has damped using a PD controller. Unabridged stability proofs of an associated velocity vector and weighting, and the velocity the coupled dynamics Behavioral algorithm can be found in of each aircraft is set to the summed value of its behavioral [601. velocities. Finally, note that we did not find any papers applying Ref. [4] develops a rule-based behavioral controller for Behavioral FFC to a POE formation. platoons of robotic jeeps. For the maintain-formation beVII. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS havior they consider L/F and two Cyclic strategies similar to the centroid strategies of [117]. To this behavior they Formation flying control algorithms have been divided add collisiodobstacle-avoidanceand move-to-goal behaviors. into five architectures: (i) Multiple-Input Multiple-Output, in [ 1051 considers arbitrary groupings of robots and develops which the formation is treated as a single multiple-input, simple, rule-based Cyclic algorithms for forming them into multiple-output plant, (ii) Leader/Follower, in which individregular geometric shapes. To these maintain-formation rules, ual spacecraft controllers are connected hierarchically, (iii) a left-swerve collision avoidance algorithm is added. [ 1371, Virtual Structure, in which spacecraft are treated as rigid however, performs an exhaustive simulation study of the algo- bodies embedded in an overall virtual structure, (iw) Cyclic, rithm in [lo51 and identifies many cases where the collision- in which individual spacecraft controllers are connected nonavoidance behavior blocks the maintain-formation behav- hierarchically, and (w) Behavioral, in which multiple coni~r.~O trollers for achieving different (and possibly competing) obBehavioral control is based upon the idea that by adding jectives are combined. control actions for individual behaviors, one obtains a part of A. Comparison of FFC Architectures 29F0r spacecraft using an L F architecture a goal might be specified as a position with respect to another spacecraft, thus conflating the move-to-goal When discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the and maintain-formation behaviors. To avoid confusion, a goal is defined as a various FFC architectures, we need only consider MIMO, L/F target state that is meaningful in the absence of other spacecraft. and Cyclic. As was argued in the VS section, VS FFC algo3% particular, the collision-avoidance algorithm (1) can give rise to limitcycle-like behavior where the robots almost form the proper shape but then rithms are either L/F or Cyclic depending on implementation. spread apart, only to almost form the proper shape again, etc., or (2) can result in deadlock, where all the robots stop, waiting for the other robots to Also, Behavioral algorithms are combinations of MIMO, L/F and Cyclic algorithms. As part of the architecture comparison, move.
information requirements will be discussed. Information requirements are the inter-spacecraftsensing and communication links necessary to support an FFC algorithm. The primary advantages of the MIMO architecture are that optimality can be guaranteed and that stability follows directly from multiple-input, multiple-output synthesis techniques. Optimality can be guaranteed since the entire formation state is available for controller synthesis. However, for this reason, MIMO algorithms also have the highest information requirements. Typically, each spacecraft must know the entire formation state. Also, MIMO algorithms are not robust to local failures. For example, it can be shown that if a thruster fails on a single spacecraft, then the entire controller can go unstable, driving all the spacecraft apart. That is, a local failure can have a global eaect. The L/F architecture addresses both of these concerns, information requirements and robustness, at the expense of global optimality. Since L/F reduces formation control to individual tracking problems, each spacecraft only needs information about its leaders. This fact also simplifies formation coordination. For example, only a locally stabilizing controller and a leader assignment are needed to add a spacecraft to an L/F formation. In contrast, to join a spacecraft to a MIMO formation, the entire controller must be redesigned. Also, by commanding the fleet leaders, overall formation motion is easily specified in L/F formations. Regarding L E robustness, if a spacecraft fails, then only its followers are affected. By reassigning the followers, the immediate effects of a failure can be minimized. However, all the advantages of L,/F discussed above are traded for optimality. Connecting individual, locallyoptimal tracking controllers does not guarantee a globally optimal formation controller. Also, if an WF formation is required to be mesh stable, information requirements can approach those of a MIMO formation. The Cyclic architecture lies between the MIMO and L/F architectures. By allowing non-hierarchical connections between individual spacecraft controllers, Cyclic algorithms can perform better than L/F algorithms (e.g. see [4] and the discussion of formation feedback in [ 136)) and distribute control effort more evenly [56]. Cyclic algorithms can also be completely decentralized [69] in the sense that there is neither a coordinating agent nor instability resulting from single point failures. The formation geometry emerges from the interactions of the individual controller^.^' The two primary drawbacks of Cyclic algorithms are that the stability of these algorithms is poorly understood and that in many cases the information requirements are as great as for MIMO algorithms. For example, in the rule-based Cyclic algorithms for forming regular polygons, each spacecraft needs to know the entire formation state. However, Cyclic algorithms are generally still more robust than MIMO algorithms. In the polygon algorithm, even if multiple spacecraft are removed or added, the formation adjusts without controller redesign.
31Emergent behavior is also a property of Behavioral algorithms. Note that Behavioral formations exhibit more complex behavior than seen in a Cyclic formation (e.g. a colony of ants foraging).
B. Future Research Directions The advantages and disadvantages of these architectures highlight three main areas for future research: (1) rigorous stability conditions for Cyclic and Behavioral architectures, (2) reduced algorithmic information requirements, and (3) increased robustnesslautonomy.
I ) Stability Conditions First, rigorous stability conditions must be developed for general Cyclic and Behavioral algorithms. To this end, the cooperative robotics literature may prove helpful; see the bibliography of [ 171. Stability conditions would enable general design techniques and better comparisons between the different architectures. In addition, the stability of hybrid FFC architectures should also be studied. For example, subformations may be controlled via full-information, optimal MIMO algorithms, with the sub-formations being coordinated through a lower-information L/F algorithm.
2 ) Reduced Information Requirements Next, for all FFC algorithms, informationrequirements must first be made explicit. Then techniques must be developed for reducing these requirement^.^^ For example, one approach for reducing information requirements is to add interdependency constraints to MIMO formation control synthesis [73]. Similarly, Cyclic algorithms can be designed that use only local information [62], [69]. A significant challenge in this case is to determine the local actions that give rise to the desired global formation behavior [67], [80]. However, to achieve certain global behaviors, it is likely that formation-wide coordinating information will still need to be passed between local spacecraft controllers [ 131, [ 1161. Another approach to reducing information requirements is to develop control algorithms robust to inter-spacecraft communication delays.33 The theory of jump systems is promising in this respect [126]. [9] develops an algorithm that eliminates the need for communication altogether: probabilistic, internal models of the other spacecraft enable individual spacecraft to make robust decisions for formation coordination. Information requirements also couple formation estimation and control. Techniques must be developed for designing integrated estimatiodcontrol algorithms with sensing and communication constraints. For example, during formation maneuvers, FFC algorithms should be able to reconfigure if sensing and communication links (i.e., the estimation topology) change
3 ) Autonomy and Robustness The third main area for future research is the autonomy and robustness of FFC algorithms. It is cost prohibitive to
32Ref. [I371states, One of the biggest challenges in implementing existing o sense the location (or even just the formation algorithms is the inability t presence) of all other robots... . 33Arelated field is designing inter-spacecraft communication systems robust to spacecraftltransmittexkceiver failures. See for example [81]and [lOO].
have a ground-based control center for each spacecraft in a formation (e.g. consider the thirty-plus spacecraft formation proposed for MAXIM [39]). Further, it is not uncommon for a spacecraft to enter safe mode, in which case it ceases to participate in the formation [21]. Clearly, formations must function autonomously, particularly in the presence of such faults. To varying degrees, Cyclic algorithms have an innate robustness, i.e., failed spacecraft do not affect the stability of the formation [69], [119]. However, MIMO and L E algorithms must take immediate action to prevent the loss of further spacecraft from the formation. For LE, when a leader fails, the followers must be reassigned. Refs. [48], [71], [29] and [311 consider leader switching. A related topic is deciding who should be a new leader. Network theory is applicable in this case; see [66] for references on leader election protocols. Considering MIMO robustness, synthesis techniques have been developed that are robust to parameter variations and actuator saturation (e.g. [7 11). An additional constraint that must be addressed is robustness to actuator (Le., spacecraft) failures. Finally, FFC algorithms should ultimately be scalable. One concept for the Terrestrial Planet Imager [ 141, the follow-on mission to Terrestrial Planet Finder, is a twenty-five spacecraft formation operating over a 350 km baseline that will image Earth-like planets at ten parsecs well enough to resolve continents. And that is a truly exciting and challenging goal.
Table of Acronyms and Abbreviations (Continued) LP Low Precision LQ Linear Quadratic LQG Linear Quadratic Gaussian LQR Linear Quadratic Regulator MIMO Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output FFC Architecture MSI Multiple Spacecraft Interferometer PD ProportionaIDerivative POE Planetary Orbital Environment S.A.S.S. Spatial Asymptotic String Stability UAV Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Virtual Structure
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National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The authors thank Professor Roy Smith of the University of California Santa Barbara for his comments and the library staff at JPL, especially Raymond Hewitt.
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