Pet Coke
Pet Coke
Pet Coke
Phillips 66 E-Gas Technology for Gasification enables the production of clean synthesis gas, hydrogen, steam and electric power from petroleum coke.
Gasification uncouples the refinery from natural gas and LNG markets by converting petroleum coke (petcoke) into the utilities required for everyday operation at the facility. Our E-Gas Technology offers the following benefits: PROVEN PROCESS. Proven process to convert petcoke into synthesis gas for power and steam generation and hydrogen production. More than three million tons of petcoke from four different refineries have been processed. CLEANEST. Recognized as the cleanest, most efficient process for petcoke utilization with greater than 99 percent sulfur removal, low NOx and near-zero particulate emissions. Carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced due to the increased efficiency, and the high pressure gasification processes can facilitate capture of CO2 in the processnow or later. Minimal ash byproduct can be used as construction material. INDEPENDENCE. Supplying hydrogen and steam needs with a petcoke gasification unit frees the refinery from natural gas price volatility. HIGH THROUGHPUT. Process offers highest petcoke throughput of any gasifier at 3,300 standard tons per vessel per day. DEMONSTRATED EXPERIENCE. Over 20 years of commercial demonstration experience on petcoke and coal. Licenses and turnkey projects available for power and refinery applications.
Process Overview Petcoke Gasification Petroleum coke (petcoke) is mixed with water to make a pumpable slurry which is then fed to our unique two-stage gasifier. The slurry reacts readily with the oxygen in the first stage of the gasifier to form hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and methane. The high temperature in the first-stage ensures the conversion of all feedstock materials and traps inorganic materials like ash and metals in a glassy matrix resembling coarse sand. This sand-like material, called slag, is inert and has an array of uses in the construction industry. The hot synthesis gas from the horizontal firststage enters the vertical, second stage of the gasifier, where additional slurry is added to increase the energy content of the gas. This two-stage design increases efficiencies, particularly for low reactivity fuels such as petroleum coke. Hot synthesis gas is then cooled in our proven heat recovery system, producing high-pressure steam in a firetube boiler. Phillips 66 uses a dry particulate removal system, which eliminates all particulates from the synthesis gas before the sulfur is recovered.
The dry system improves efficiency over wet systems, removing more particulates and avoiding black-water problems which lead to equipment wear, and minimizes water consumption and wastewater generation. Sulfur in the synthesis gas is recovered and converted to elemental sulfur, which can be sold in agricultural and other markets. Maximizing sulfur recovery at over 99 percent of that found in the feedstock, the E-Gas Process recycles all unconverted gases from the tail gas of the sulfur recovery unit to the second stage of the gasifier. The clean synthesis gas can be further processed, shifting the synthesis gas equilibrium for additional hydrogen production. Required hydrogen purity standards are achieved through standard PSA design. The downstream hydrogen production process units also will facilitate the capture of carbon dioxide, which can then be compressed and used for enhanced oil recovery or other beneficial uses, or placed in geologic storage. Steam production is achieved through heat recovery steam generators as needed for power or steam export to the host facility.
To explore value-creating opportunities for E-Gas Technology, contact: Phil Amick The Americas, Europe and Africa +1 281-293-2724 Dayong Dong Asia Pacific +1 281-293-6434