5 Powerful Tips To Develop Inner Power and Energetic Balance
5 Powerful Tips To Develop Inner Power and Energetic Balance
5 Powerful Tips To Develop Inner Power and Energetic Balance
A Resource Guide with 15 Powerful Tips To Develop Inner Power and Energetic Balance
Michael R !"ith# Ph D
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Are you an Empath? Has an)one e0e$ sa#d to )ou )ou "a0e a t$ust#n( 'a&e?! ?o )ou '#nd )ou$sel' l#sten#n( #t" ease to ot"e$ -eo-les -$o+lems? ?o st$an(e$s eas#l) s"a$e #nt#mate se&$ets? @' so. )ou -$o+a+l) "a0e (one t"$ou(" l#'e +e#n( mo$e a''e&ted +) ot"e$ -eo-les ene$(#es t"an )ou $eal#Ae. Pe$"a-s )ou al$ead) kno t"at )ou$e o'' t"e s&ale. so to s-eak. #n te$ms o' )ou$ a+#l#t) to 'eel and -e$&e#0e ot"e$s. Pe$"a-s onl) just no a$e )ou ak#n( u- to t"e 'a&t t"at t"e s"a-e and t$aje&to$) o' )ou$ l#'e "as +een un&ons&#ousl) #n'luen&ed +) t"e des#$es. #s"es. t"ou("ts. moods. and sens#t#0#t#es o' ot"e$s. As an em-at". )ou a$e someone "o "as +een "a$d8 #$ed. '$om +#$t". to -e$&e#0e and l#te$all) e=-e$#en&e t"e t"ou("ts. emot#ons. -")s#&al sens#t#0#t#es. and s-#$#tual u$(es o' ot"e$ -e$sons. @t #s mu&" mo$e t"an +e#n( a "#("l) sens#t#0e -e$son. and not l#m#ted to
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
just emot#ons. <o$ )ou. #t &an +e l#ke l#0#n( an e-#sode o' Bta$ T$ekC You dont e0en "a0e to t$) and )ou just kno t"e mot#0at#ons and #ntent#ons o' ot"e$ -eo-le. You &annot &"an(e t"e 'a&t t"at )ou a$e an em-at". @t #s ak#n to )ou$ e)e &olo$. You e#t"e$ a$e o$ )ou$e not. @t #s not tea&"a+leD #ts not somet"#n( to lea$n. Ho e0e$. )ou can lea$n to mana(e and ada-t to )ou$ em-at"#& natu$e. Ho-e'ull) )ou "a0e. o$ #ll no . make #t )ou$ #ntent#on to mod#') t"e #ntens#t) o' t"e e=-e$#en&e t"$ou(" ada-t#0e means *med#tat#on. mo0ement. ($ound#n(. ea$#n( -$ote&t#0e stones,. Ho e0e$. #t #s 6u#te &ommon 'o$ em-at"s to mod#') t"e 'eel#n(s t"$ou(" not8so8ada-t#0e means *al&o"ol. d$u(s. add#&t#ons,. @' )ou 'all #nto t"at &ate(o$). #t #s &om-letel) unde$standa+le and )ou a$e not aloneC Almost e0e$) em-at" "om @ "a0e en&ounte$ed "as. at one -o#nt o$ anot"e$. sou("t to alte$ t"e#$ mood t"$ou(" d$u(s. al&o"ol. se=. o$ ot"e$ add#&t#ons des#(ned to take us out o' ou$ -a#n'ul e=-e$#en&es. One o' t"e most &ommon 9add#&t#ons9 #s o0e$8t"#nk#n(C T"e a&t o' e=#st#n( #n onl) ou$ "eads *and e=-e$#en&#n( t"e e0e$8-$esent 0o&al &"atte$ t"at $es#des t"e$e, &an +e used as a &$ut&" to take us tem-o$a$#l) a a) '$om ou$ somet#mes -a#n'ul emot#ons ; -")s#&al sensat#ons. T"#s o' &ou$se #s unde$standa+le. Ho e0e$. o0e$ t#me. t"#s +ad "a+#t leads to a d#s&onne&t#on '$om )ou$ H#("est Bel'. You a$e so mu&" mo$e t"an just t"e mental t"ou("ts $unn#n( t"$ou(" )ou$ "ead *mu&" o' "#&". )ou m#("t +e su$-$#sed to lea$n. #s not )ou$s an) a),C As )ou mo0e 'o$ a$d as an em-o e$ed em-at" *as tau("t #n m) e4ou$se 9T"e 4om-lete Em-at" Toolk#t9,. )ou &an un8lea$n t"#s malada-t#0e "a+#t. T"e de'#n#t#on o' +e#n( an em-at" means )ou a$e al a)s on! to -$o&ess ot"e$ -eo-les 'eel#n(s and ene$(). As an em-at". )ou "a0e a (#'t. o$ #n man) &ases. "at ma) 'eel l#ke a se$#ous &u$seC <o$ no . lets set as#de an) not#ons o' jud(ment. E0en #' #t 'eels l#ke an o0e$ "elm#n( +u$den. "#&" #t &e$ta#nl) #s at t#mes. ou$ $es-ons#+#l#t) #s to ou$sel0es '#$st. ot"e$s se&ond. Bo #t" t"at #n m#nd. lets 'o&us on "o 'o$ mana(#n( ou$ ene$(et#& sens#t#0#t). Ee a$e. t"ou(". Read#n( t"e 'ollo #n( +ooklet ma) (#0e )ou a &"a$(e. @t ma) &ause e &an take $es-ons#+#l#t)
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
l#n(e$#n( sensat#ons o' $el#e'. +o$de$#n( on (#dd)ness. You #ll &ome to unde$stand t"at )ou a$e not alone. ?es-#te "at do&to$s ma) t"eo$#Ae. t"e$e t$ul) #s not"#n( $on( #t" )ou. 4"$on#& 'at#(ue? Fa(ue en0#$onmental sens#t#0#t#es? T"ese a$e mo$e att$#+uta+le to ot"e$s and outs#de #n'luen&es t"an to an)t"#n( a+out )ou. @ts not )ou. @t $eall) #s not )ou.
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
It ain t me.!
My attention is focused like a laser beam on the man standing alone in the corner. Hes quite tall, dressed in a green polyester suit. After a few agonizing moments of watching him half-heartedly picking at his finger food, tore down the hall into the den and slammed the door. then did the only thing that , as an !-year old child, knew how to do in this situation" fell to my knees and cried. #hen my parents soon realized that had yet again disappeared, mustered the courage to e$plain my tears. was crying because the man was lonely and he needed to be helped. #hile surely good intentioned, my parents wrote this off, perhaps to ignorance, and perhaps out of a%oidance. was gently told that was o%erreacting, that was being too sensiti%e. t took me twenty-fi%e years to understand why ne%er forgot that moment. GGGG <ast 'o$ a$d t ent)8'#0e )ea$s to a &am- #n t"e mounta#ns just no$t" o' Banta <e. Ne Me=#&o. @ am ea$#n( a smoked8out #nte$ ja&ket "unke$#n( &lose to a '#$e and st$u((l#n( to sta) a$m a(a#nst 'all#n( sno and +lo #n( #nd. @0e (ot a -a&k o' Ame$#&an B-#$#t &#(a$ettes #n one -o&ket and 'aded &a$(o -ants too d#$t) to e0en &a$e. @ smell o' smoke and d$#ed out s eat. 4old. "un($). and 'at#(ued. e a$e +e#n( +attle8 tested #n t"#s eek8lon( 0#s#on 6uest *a t$ad#t#onal s-#$#tual &e$emon), +) ou$ tea&"e$. a s"aman and med#&#ne man '$om 4anada. W#t" an a&"#n( +a&k and t#$ed. ood8 s-l#nte$ed "ands. @ am too e="austed to e0en "a0e t"e st$en(t" to &ons#de$ "o e="austed @ $eall) am. B#tt#n( #n t"e +la&kness o' t"e s eat lod(e a'te$ some #ntense s#n(#n( and -$a)#n(. nausea +e(#ns to set #n unl#ke e0e$ +e'o$e. T"e s-#$#tual and emot#onal ene$() $unn#n( t"$ou(" me #s #ntense. @ o$$) t"at @ m#("t 0om#t on t"e $o&ks #n t"e &ente$ o' t"e &#$&le t"at a$e -$odu&#n( t"e "eat. t"e ($and'at"e$s.! as t"e) a$e &alled. M) +a&k "u$ts. @t 'eels l#ke @ am s#tt#n( on a -#t&"'o$k. @ &an 'eel m) +$eat" st$u((l#n( to kee-a&e. M) ste$num ants to e=-lode. A'te$ t"e lod(e. @ +e&ome e=&e-t#onall) emot#onal. una+le to sto- &$)#n(. M) mento$ "olds me #n "#s a$ms. t"#s (#(ant#& s-#$#tual a$$#o$ o' a man. E0en t"en. @ '#("t
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
t"e un&om'o$ta+le u$(e to tu( at t"e &lot"#n( t"at #$$#tates t"e sl#("t de-$ess#on #n m) &"est. $#("t +elo t"e ste$num. M) tea&"e$ #-es t"e snot '$om m) nose. @ 'eel l#ke @ &ould just melt #nto "#s &om-ass#onate a$ms. He unde$stands. You$e l#ke a s-on(e.! "e sa#d. Yes?! Bomeone else #n t"e ($ou- #s "u$t#n(.! "e sa#d. Bomeone else?.! @ ask. T"at &an t"at "u$t me?! dont quite understand, but belie%e you, think. You see. )ou$e tak#n( #t all #n. @ts )ou$ (#'t! He isnt blaming me for anything. am intrigued. You$e l#ke a s-on(e. You $eall) a$e. You "a0e a (#'t.! @t doesnt 'eel l#ke a (#'t.! @ &ounte$. Well. #t" t#me. )oull see. You $eall) #ll. @ts a -$o&ess o' un'old#n(. l#ke a 'lo e$ o-en#n( u-. You a$e t"e 'lo e$. You$e o-en#n( u-.! T"#s a&kno led(ment soot"ed m) a&"#n( "ea$t. @t 'elt (ood to +e unde$stood. Hate$. "#le -$e-a$#n( d#nne$ 'o$ t"e &am-. @ "ea$d m) mento$ -la) a son( +) "#s 'a0o$#te a$t#st. Eo+ Be(e$. "om "e &alled a m#sunde$stood "ol) man.! @t a#nt me.! t"e &"o$us san(. @t a#nt me.! @ "ad t"e d#st#n&t 'eel#n( "e as -la)#n( t"#s son( 'o$ me. GGGGG @' )ou0e made #t t"#s 'a$. )ou most l#kel) &an #dent#') a s#m#la$ sto$) '$om )ou$ o n e=-e$#en&e. Pe$"a-s )ou "a0e "ad t"e e=-e$#en&e o' +e#n( +om+a$ded +) t"e '$#("ten#n( emot#onal $a(es o' 'am#l) mem+e$s. su$$ounded +) 'ea$ ene$(). *T$auma #s asso&#ated #t" +e#n( an em-at". #t o&&u$s #n a+out 2: -e$&ent o' us. and ma) a&tuall) "a0e en"an&ed )ou$ ene$(et#& -e$&e-t#on. +e#n( &onstantl) a a$e o' "e$e t"e ne=t t"$eat ma) +e,. Pe$"a-s )ou ma) "a0e a&tuall) e=-e$#en&ed anot"e$ -e$son9s -")s#&al -a#n dee- #n )ou$ +od). ant#n( to es&a-e t"e s#tuat#on +e&ause #t "u$t so +adl). T"#s #s a &ommon t$a#t o' +e#n( an em-at".
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
Bome o' ou$ s-e&#al needs &"#ld$en a$e d#a(nosed #t" As-e$(e$s o$ aut#sm. "#&" #s &"a$a&te$#Aed +) t"e med#&al &ommun#t) as "a0#n( l#ttle so&#al sens#t#0#t) to ot"e$s * "#&" a&tuall) ma) +e #n&o$$e&t. +ut t"at9s anot"e$ sto$),. You e$e. and st#ll a$e. a s-e&#al needs! &"#ldD "o e0e$. )ou a$e at t"e o--os#te end o' t"e s-e&t$um. You kno t"#s +e&ause )ou a$e an empath. Ee#n( an em-at" &an +e &"allen(#n(. @t means t"at )ou a$e a+le to -$o&ess! ene$() 'o$ ot"e$ -eo-le. You 'eel e0e$)t"#n(. e0en #' )ou a$e not a a$e o' #t. Man) o' us lea$n to s"ut do n o0e$ "elm#n( 'eel#n(s #t" mood alte$#n( su+stan&es o$ e=-e$#en&es. Man) add#&ts a$e un&ons&#ous em-at"s "o "a0e ne0e$ e=-e$#en&ed t"e d#(n#t) o' kno #n( t"e) a$e (#'ted. #nstead 'alsel) +el#e0#n( t"emsel0es to +e #n'e$#o$ o$ $on(. Not"#n( &ould +e 'u$t"e$ '$om t"e t$ut". Ee#n( "at some ma) e$$oneousl) &all ")-e$sens#t#0e! to t"e 'eel#n(s o' ot"e$s #s not a bad thing. @t does not mean )ou a$e &o8de-endent. T"e$e #s not"#n( $on( #t" )ou. alt"ou(" #t ma) 'eel l#ke t"e$e #s. <o$ +ette$ o$ o$se. +e&ause o' )ou$ d#''use ene$(et#& +ounda$#es. )ou &an 'eel. and #n man) &ases. take on. t"e -a#n o' ot"e$s. W"#le t"#s #s almost al a)s "el-'ul to ot"e$sD #t &an lea0e t"e em-at" se0e$el) d$a#ned. al a)s $unn#n( on em-t). As )ou no a aken to )ou$ em-at"#& (#'ts. #' )ou a$e to t"$#0e. )ou must "a0e t"e &ou$a(e to -lant )ou$ 'eet '#$ml) #n t"e ($ound. and lea$n to sa) no. You a$e +e#n( asked to &"oose #sel). Iust +e&ause )ou "a0e t"#s (#'t. does not mean )ou need to al a)s use #t. W#t" t"e (#'t o' em-at") &omes t$emendous $es-ons#+#l#t). T"at #s "at e #ll no d#s&uss J t"e a)s t"at )ou &an take $es-ons#+#l#t) 'o$ mana(#n( t"e t$emendous ene$() t"at )ou a$e a+le to -e$&e#0e #n ot"e$ -eo-le and #n t"e en0#$onment.
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
I m an EmpathNo" "hat? #$ Nu%%et& o' (i&)om to Promote Ener%etic *anity+ Inner Po"er+ an) ,on&ciou& Empathy. T"#s l#ttle "and+ook #s -a$t o' a la$(e$ &ou$se #n "#&" @ s"a$e some o' m) e=-e$#en&e. and some o' "at @ "a0e lea$ned alon( m) o n jou$ne). A 'e )ea$s a(o. @ de0elo-ed an #nst$u&t#onal eEook -a&ka(e &alled T"e 4om-lete Em-at" Toolk#tK A Lu#de to B-#$#tual Em-o e$ment 'o$ Bens#t#0e Peo-le. @t o''e$s t"e ad0an&ed #n'o$mat#on on "o to +e&ome an em-o e$ed em-at" t"at @0e (leaned #n 12 )ea$s o' -$o'ess#onal meta-")s#&al and ene$()8med#&#ne stud). @n s"a$#n( m) sto$). "o-e'ull) )ou ma) +e a+le to $e&e#0e some "eal#n( med#&#ne. some soot"#n( o$ds. and some &om'o$t#n( mo$sels o' kno led(e. @ don9t l#ke to &all m)sel' an e=-e$t.! alt"ou(" #t" m) &$edent#als and e=-e$#en&e. @ -$o+a+l) &ould &la#m t"at t#tle. Youll not#&e t"at on m) e+s#te. @ am &alled ?$. Bm#t".! T"#s #s onl) +e&ause #t (#0es me some le0el o' &$ed#+#l#t) #n some -eo-les e)es. To m)sel'. and "o-e'ull) to )ou. @ am. and #ll &ont#nue to +e. just M#&"ael. Ee'o$e e &an mo0e on to +#((e$ t"#n(s. su&" as "el-#n( ot"e$s. e need to &on'$ont t"e &"allen(e o' $eall) kno #n(. lo0#n(. em+$a&#n(. and 'ull) a&&e-t#n( ou$sel0es as we are. Man) o' t"e em-at" and "#("l) sens#t#0e &l#ents #t" "om @ o$k "a0e ene$() +lo&ka(es #n t"e t"$oat &"ak$a. t"e a$ea t"at #s meta-")s#&all) t#ed to +e#n( a+le to e=-$ess )ou$sel' 'ull) #n t"e o$ld. W"en t"e lo e$ 0#+$ato$) ene$() '$om ot"e$s a&&umulates #n )ou$ +od) o0e$ t#me. )ou ma) 'eel &onst$#&ted a$ound t"e t"$oat and )ou ma) lose t"e a a$eness o' "o to 'ull) use )ou$ own 0o#&e. @t #s t"e $a$e em-at" "o "as not +een &"allen(ed to kee- t"#s a$ea 'lo #n( '$eel) to e=-$ess onesel' #n an aut"ent#& manne$. @' e &an +e mo$e 'ull) aut"ent#& and "onest a+out "o e really a$e. t"en e allo ot"e$s &an do t"e same. @nstead o' +e#n( o0e$taken +) t"e ene$() o' ot"e$s. e #ll o0e$take t"em #t" ou$ jo) and e=-$ess#0e aut"ent#&#t). <ull e=-$ess#on o' ou$ (#'ts #s +e#n( #n&$eas#n(l) asked o' us +) t"e o$ld o' B-#$#t as e e0ol0e.
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
@n t"e 'ollo #n( se&t#on. @ d#s&uss some s#m-le a)s t"at )ou &an take &a$e o' )ou$sel' and ma#nta#n )ou$ ene$(et#& san#t). A'te$ all. )ou &an onl) do )ou$ jo+ to "el- ot"e$s #' )ou )ou$sel' a$e &lean. T"ese te&"n#6ues a$e a -a$t#al l#st o' some o' t"e t"#n(s t"at @ "a0e 'ound to +e "el-'ul o0e$ t"e )ea$s. W#ll #t suddenl) unlo&k t"e se&$et )ou0e +een seek#n( all t"ese )ea$s? P$o+a+l) not. W#ll #t suddenl) t$ans'o$m )ou #nto a su-e$"uman em-at" "e$o $ead) to take on t"e o$ld? Unl#kel). And )et. a--l)#n( t"ese -$#n&#-les and o$k#n( t"em #nto )ou$ da#l) $out#ne ma) 0e$) ell allo )ou +e &leane$. s"#n#e$. and mo$e -$e-a$ed to 'a&e t"e demands o' )ou$ da#l) l#'e. And. #n t"e E#((e$ P#&tu$e. as e mo0e t"$ou(" t"e s-#$#tual jou$ne) o' ou$ l#0es. t"ats $eall) all t"ats +e#n( asked o' us 8 t"at e &ont#nue to -ut one 'oot #n '$ont o' t"e ot"e$. no matte$ "at t"e &#$&umstan&es J one small +a+) ste- at a t#me.
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
-e'rame your Menta. Out.oo/ Ee#n( an em-at" &an #ndeed +e a +u$den at t#mes. To +e ma=#mall) e''e&t#0e. )ou must do "at &ounselo$s &all reframing. t"at #s. &"an(#n( )ou$ mental outlook. You &an do 0e$) l#ttle to el#m#nate )ou$ (enet#& &"a$a&te$#st#& o' sens#t#0#t). so ") not +e(#n to a&&e-t #t as a (#'t? Bome "e$e alon( t"e l#ne. #t #s m) +el#e'. and m) -e$sonal +el#e' onl). t"at em-at"s "a0e a($eed to "el- &ome to t"e Ea$t" #n t"#s t#me o' t$emendous so&#al. -ol#t#&al. and en0#$onmental t$ans#t#on to +e t"e 0a&uum &leane$s.! We ma) +e t"e ones "o "a0e 0oluntee$ed 'o$ t"e task to &lean u- t"e su''e$#n( t"at e #nd#0#duall) and &olle&t#0el) &$eated #n t"e -ast. T"#s #s a -e$sonal outlook t"at se$0es to "el- -ut m) (#'ts #n -e$s-e&t#0e. @t also "el-s to -$omote "at @ +el#e0e to +e m) se$#ous $es-ons#+#l#t) to m)sel' and ot"e$s. Iust as #t #s ult#matel) m) o n &"o#&e to 'ul'#ll t"at $es-ons#+#l#t). so too #s #t )ou$s. W"et"e$ o$ not )ou &"oose to 0#e )ou$ em-at"#& natu$e #n t"ese te$ms #s ult#matel) u- to )ou. @t #s "el-'ul to take a &lose look at )ou$ -e$sonal na$$at#0e. W"at a$e t"e sto$#es t"at )ou tell )ou$sel' as )ou as" d#s"es o$ -eel -otatoes? T"ese sto$#es +e&ome t"e la o' att$a&t#on #n mot#on. Ee&ause t"e la o' att$a&t#on states t"at 9l#ke att$a&ts l#ke.9 #' )ou +el#e0e #n a sto$) o' need#n( -$ote&t#on '$om ne(at#0e ene$(). t"en )ou ma) +e mo$e l#kel) to set )ou$sel' u- 'o$ t"e man#'est#n( o' su&" ne(at#0e ene$(). @t #s natu$al and ne&essa$) t"at em-at"s ould +e 'o&used on -$ote&t#onD t"e$e #s no den)#n( t"at e &an (et kno&ked a$ound +) ot"e$ -eo-le9s ene$(). Ho e0e$. #n t"e same +$eat". +e &a$e'ul not to 'eed too mu&" ene$() #nto t"at sto$). <o&us#n( too mu&" on just -$ote&t#on #n"e$entl) assumes e a$e eak. @' e 'o&us #nstead on "o to ma#nta#n a st$on( "ealt") au$a. an) ne(at#0e ene$(#es #ll +e natura..y )i&pe..e). Ne(at#0e ene$() &annot e=#st #n t"e -$esen&e o' l#("t. To use a s-o$ts o$ -ol#t#&al meta-"o$. #ts a 6uest#on o' "et"e$ )ou ant to +e on o''ense o$ de'ense. <o&us#n( on -$omot#n( -os#t#0e st$en(t"s #s almost al a)s mo$e e''e&t#0e t"an a mental outlook t"ats des#(ned to -$ote&t )ou$ ene$() '$om #n0as#on.
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
Ha0#n( a -os#t#0e mental outlook leads to 9-s)&"ok#nes#s.9 "#&" #s one o' t"e -$#ma$) sk#lls o' an em-o e$ed em-at" as e=-lo$ed #n T"e 4om-lete Em-at" Toolk#t. T"at sa#d. lets d#s&uss some ot"e$ a)s e &an am-l#') ou$ au$as 'o$ st$en(t".
U&e "ater an) &a.t to c.ean. We a$e #n an a(e "en &lean ate$ #s 'ast +e&om#n( so s&a$&e t"at #t #ll soon +e mo$e -$e&#ous t"an (old. @ts eas) to take 'o$ ($anted t"at e &an enjo) t"e st#mulat#on o' ate$ on. and #n. ou$ +od#es on8demand. Wa$m ate$ on t"e sk#n. e0en #' #ts just as"#n( )ou$ "ands. st#mulates a&u-$essu$e -o#nts and &lea$s a a) sta(nant ene$() #n )ou$ ene$() '#eld. @ts l#te$al. t"e$e #s not"#n( meta-"o$#&al a+out #t. ?$a #n( a "ot +at" #s e''e&t#0e. and made e0en mo$e so "en used #n &onjun&t#on #t" sea salt. e-som salts. o$ t"e$a-eut#&8($ade essent#al o#ls. Rosema$). eu&al)-tus. and &#t$onella essent#al o#ls a$e (ood ne(at#0e ene$() $e-ellantsD la0ende$ o$ -e--e$m#nt #ll &alm t"e ne$0ous s)stem. *You &an also make a &"ea"omemade essent#al o#l d#''use$ J at&" m) 0#deo "e$e,. An) k#nd o' sal#ne. es-e&#all) a sea salt. #s el&ome +e&ause #t d$a s old ene$() out. @ al a)s kee- at least one 'ull +o l o' sea salt #n m) "omeD one nea$ m) +ed and one #n t"e k#t&"en. @t #ll d$a #n an) k#nd o' ne(at#0e ene$().
,-Y0 Em-at"s unde$stand t"e -$o'ound $elease o' ene$() &onta#ned #n tea$s. es-e&#all) #' )ou "a0e an ast$olo(#&al makeu- t"at #s #n'luen&ed +) t"e ate$ s#(ns *B&o$-#o. P#s&es. ; 4an&e$,. Un'o$tunatel). ou$ Weste$n so&#et) "as -ut a st#(ma on tea$s. Tea$s. as a &om+#nat#on o' ate$ and salt. l#te$all) &leanse old ene$(et#& Lu#lt and s"ame a$e t"e k#lle$s o' an) k#nd ounds and deto=#') t"e +od). Em-at"s s"ould st$#0e to +e l#ke &"#ld$en. "o &$) "ene0e$ t"e) need to. #t"out (u#lt. o' #nne$ -o e$. Bo #' )ou "a0ent "ad a (ood &$) latel) J let )ou$sel' (oC
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
U&e protectin% &tone&. Btones and &$)stals "a0e +een kno n 'o$ t"e#$ "eal#n( and -$ote&t#0e -$o-e$t#es 'o$ t"ousands o' )ea$s. Btones a$e t"e oldest mate$#al on t"e ea$t". t"e) a$e l#0#n( &$eatu$es "o o''e$ t"e#$ med#&#ne to us #' e #ll use #t. Btones &an +e o$n +) &a$$)#n( a med#&#ne -ou&" a$ound )ou$ ne&k o$ +) ea$#n( stone je el$). @ "a0e 'ound t"at t o 0e$) (ood repellants 'o$ ne(at#0e ene$() a$e Ony1 and O2&i)ian. T o o' t"e +est absorbers o' ene$() a$e Am2er and 2.ac/ tourma.ine. Amet")st #s (ood 'o$ all 'o$ms o' "eal#n(. #n&lud#n( -")s#&al "eal#n(. Ha-#s #s $e&ommended 'o$ a dee-e$ s-#$#tual &onne&t#on. 3ana)inite #s an e=&ellent stone to "el- )ou ($ound. alt"ou(" #t &an +e mo$e e=-ens#0e and "a$de$ to '#nd. Iust l#ke )ou. )ou$ stones must +e &leaned $e(ula$l). @ &lean m) stones usuall) e0e$) 'e da)s #t" ate$. de-end#n( on t"e #ntens#t) o' m) da#l) ene$(et#& #nte$a&t#ons. On&e a mont". (#0e )ou$ stones at least 183 "ou$s o' d#$e&t sunl#("t #n a &$)stal o$ (lass +o l '#lled #t" sea salt and ate$. @' )ou &ant (et a&&ess to sunl#("t. $un t"em unde$ some ta- ate$ and m#= #t" salt 'o$ a 'e "ou$s. @ "a0e 'ound t"at Heal#n(4$)stals.&om "as e=&ellent 0a$#et) and -$#&es. es-e&#all) 'o$ t"e stones l#sted a+o0e. T"e) also "a0e st$#n(8 -ou&"es "#&" )ou &an ea$ a$ound )ou$ ne&k to -$ote&t t"e "ea$t &"ak$a. @ "a0e a$$an(ed 'o$ )ou to use t"e &ou-on &ode 9em-at"s9 'o$ #45 o'' #' )ou make )ou$ -u$&"ase +) &l#&k#n( t"e a+o0e l#nk.
$. U&e the hea.in% po"er o' the Earth. As an em-at" o$ sens#t#0e -e$son. )ou$ a+#l#t) to 9($ound9 )ou$sel' #s t"e most #m-o$tant met"od to &o-e #t" )ou$ sens#t#0#t). He$e9s an eas) a) to do #tK "en )ou tou&" t"e ($ound #t" )ou$ +a$e sk#n o$ 'eet. an a$m) o' ant#o=#dant ele&t$ons 'lo t"$ou(" )ou$ +od) to su&k a a) t"e st$ess o' &onstantl) -e$&e#0#n( t"e ene$() o' ot"e$s. T"#s #s kno n as 9Ea$t"#n(.9 "#&" #s a ($o #n( mo0ement o' -eo-le "o use t"e Ea$t"9s natu$al ene$() as med#&#ne. Bo take t"#s #n0#tat#on to (o outs#de ; s#m-l) -la&e )ou$ 'eet on t"e ($ound *e0en #' #t9s &oldC,. @' )ou &an9t tou&"
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
t"e ($ound outs#de. you can u&e &pecia. con)ucti6e &heet& an) mat&. a0a#la+le at t"e Ea$t"#n( s#te. to ($ound )ou$sel' "#le at o$k o$ "#le slee-#n( *to lessen t"e #m-a&t o' -e$&e#0#n( )ou$ &o8 o$ke$s9 o$ )ou$ -a$tne$9s ene$(#es,. @ use t"e uni6er&a. mat unde$neat" m) ke)+oa$d "#le o$k#n( at m) &om-ute$. alon( #t" t"e '#tted s"eet at n#("t "#le slee-#n(. @ am amaAed at "o #t 90a&uums9 ene$() out o' m) +od) and "o $e'$es"ed @ 'eel. T"e s"eets. "#&" a$e '#tted to )ou$ matt$ess. a$e es-e&#all) e''e&t#0e 'o$ t"ose #t" &"$on#& 'at#(ue. lu-us. o$ '#+$om)al(#a. Hea$n mo$e a+out t"e Ea$t"#n( mats ; s"eets "e$e *2e &ure to "atch the 6i)eo. and>o$ $ead o$ l#sten to t"e '$ee Ea$t"#n( +ook,. Also. t$ees and -lants a$e st$on( all#es o' "uman#t). and 'a$ too o'ten #n t"e "#te mans o$ld. t"e#$ -$o'ound o$k on ou$ +e"al' #s taken 'o$ ($anted. T"e) a$e l#0#n( &$eatu$es "o $ea&t to t"e t"ou("ts and ene$() '#elds o' t"e -eo-le a$ound t"em. W"en )ou talk to )ou$ -lants. t"e) &an unde$stand )ou. alt"ou(" t"e#$ lan(ua(e #s one o' an ene$(et#& 0#+$at#on. T"e) take on mu&" sta(nant ene$() 'o$ us. and -ut '$es" ene$() +a&k #nto t"e a#$. *4ons#de$ t"at -lants t"$#0e on &a$+on d#o=#de. "#&" #s ou$ aste -$odu&t. and t"at e t"$#0e on t"e#$ aste -$odu&t. o=)(en,. T"#s s)m+#ot#& $elat#ons"#-. #n "#&" t"e) a+so$+ ou$ aste. #s a&tuall) (ood 'o$ t"em. You &an ask a t$ee to a+so$+ t"e ene$() t"at e no lon(e$ need. and #t #ll not "u$t t"em. @ al a)s make su$e to "a0e t"$ee to 'ou$ +#( -lants ne=t to m) &"a#$ "en @ do -"one o$k #t" &l#ents. T"e -lants "el- to t$ansmute t"e old ene$() as #ts +e#n( -$o&essed. One $eade$ ment#oned t"at s"e (oes out #nto natu$e and (#0es "e$ ene$() to a -a$t#&ula$ t$ee t"at #s &all#n( to "e$. @' )ou '#nd t"at -lants a$e d)#n( a$ound )ou. t"#s #s a (ood #nd#&ato$ t"at )ou a$e tak#n( #n too mu&" ne(at#0e ene$() and need 'u$t"e$ $elease. Also. )ou &an use sa(e o$ s eet($ass to -$omote a "ealt"). "#(" 0#+$at#on #n )ou$ "ome o$ o''#&e. T"ese -lants "a0e +een used &e$emon#all) 'o$ "und$eds o' )ea$s +) #nd#(enous t$#+es. @ use Nat#0eBa(e.o$( +e&ause t"e o ne$ "a$0ests t"e -lants #n a &e$emon#al and $es-e&t'ul manne$.
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
A (ood -$o'ess#onal +od) o$ke$ &an st#mulate t"e t#ssues o' t"e +od) to $elease a&&umulated ene$(). A&u-un&tu$e. &"#$o-$a&t#&. &$an#al8sa&$al t"e$a-). -ola$#t) t"e$a-). "ot stones. an) k#nd o' manual o$ ene$(et#& man#-ulat#on #ll "el-. @' )ou l#ke a lot o' st$et&"#n(. t$) B"#atsu *Ia-anese massa(e, o$ T"a# massa(e. #n "#&" t"e t"e$a-#st #ll mo0e )ou$ le(s #nto d#''e$ent -os#t#ons and t"en use ($a0#t) to st$et&" )ou$ mus&les and tendons. Pola$#t) t"e$a-) #s a (entle 'o$m o' ene$() +ased +od) o$k *done #t" &lot"es on,. @t "el-s to &lea$ t"e &"ak$as and (et t"e +od) +a&k #n +alan&e. T"e$e a$e so man) t"e$a-#es t"ese da)s. and no e0en massa(e t"e$a-) &"a#ns a$e 'o$m#n( #n la$(e$ &#t#es a&$oss t"e &ount$) 'o$ $elat#0el) #ne=-ens#0e $ates. Also. man) &#t#es "a0e massa(e s&"ools t"at o''e$ #ne=-ens#0e $ates '$om student t"e$a-#sts *usuall) '$om '#'teen dolla$s to t ent)8'#0e dolla$s,. <o$ an "ou$ o' "eal#n( med#&#ne. t"at #s a (ood deal #ndeed. You &an also (et a lo0ed one o$ -a$tne$ to lea$n s#m-le massa(e te&"n#6ues +) -u$&"as#n( some o' t"e +ooks o$ &a$d de&ks t"at a$e no +e#n( sold. Homed#&s makes an e=&ellent med#&al86ual#t) -e$&uss#on massa(e$ t"at t"e) o''e$ onl#ne 'o$ a$ound M/2 *o$ )ou m#("t t$) Wal($eens 'o$ a$ound t"e same -$#&e,. T"#s #s an e=&ellent #tem 'o$ sel'8&a$e. and one t"at @ $e&ommend all em-at"s and sens#t#0e -eo-le use on a $e(ula$ +as#s. *Please note t"at 'o$ ene$() to lea0e )ou$ au$a #n t"e most e''e&t#0e manne$. )ou must use a percussion massa(e$ "#&" makes a ta--#n( mo0ement. B#m-le $ota$) massa(e$s #ll not "a0e t"e same ene$()8 me$#d#an o-en#n( e''e&t on t"e ne$0ous s)stem,.
Ne" techno.o%y. T"e$e a$e se0e$al ($eat -$odu&ts no a--ea$#n( on t"e ma$ket. and t"e) a$e 'a+ulous. T"e '#$st -$odu&ts t"at dese$0e ment#on a$e 'ar in'rare) .i%ht"a6e 7heat8 pro)ucin% mat& t"at -enet$ate dee- #nto t"e +od). @ o n a massa(e8ta+le s#Ae -$odu&t &alled The BioMat t"at @ "a0e 'ound #nd#s-ensa+le #n &lean#n( out lo e$ 0#+$ato$) ene$(). @ la) on #t nea$l) e0e$) da) "en @ 'eel ene$() a&&umulat#on '$om ot"e$s. @ also use #t to dee-en $ela=at#on *#t -$odu&es t"eta +$a#n a0es asso&#ated #t" dee-en#n( #ntu#t#on and &onne&t#on to B-#$#t,. @t uses 'a$ #n'$a$ed "eat. &ou-led
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
#t" ne(at#0e #ons. to #n&$ease +lood &#$&ulat#on. t"us -$odu&#n( an a$t#'#&#al 'e0e$ #n "#&" t"e +od)s #mmune s)stem #s st#mulated. As )ou $ela= on to- o' a +ed o' a$m Amet")st. t"e +od)9s meta+ol#sm #s $a#sed *%2: &alo$#es +u$ned -e$ "ou$, and to=#ns a$e del#("t'ull) s&$u++ed a a) '$om )ou$ +od)9s o$(ans. T"e E#oMat #s a$ound M22: 'o$ t"e smallest model. and t"#s &an +e 6u#te a -o e$'ul #n0estment #n )ou$ ene$(et#& san#t). @t #s an <?A a--$o0ed med#&al de0#&e and $e#m+u$sed +) some #nsu$an&e -lans. Ou$ '$#end H#++#e Ed a$ds "as a($eed to donate to ou$ s&"ola$s"#- -$o($am #' )ou o$de$ t"$ou(" "e$. Use "e$ e+s#te l#nk #' )ou ould l#ke to -u$&"ase *o$ &onta&t H#++#e d#$e&tl) at 2:/855:8:1N2,. @n +ot" &ases. -lease ment#on m) name. and a donat#on #ll +e made to ou$ Em-at" 4onne&t#on s&"ola$s"#- -$o($am. T"e se&ond set o' -$odu&ts o$t" look#n( #nto a$e t"e E.ectroma%netic 'ie.) 7EMF8 protector& no on t"e ma$ket. @t "as +een m) e=-e$#en&e t"at '#nd#n( t"e $#("t EM< -$ote&to$ 'o$ ones un#6ue ene$(et#& makeu- &an +e "#t o$ m#ss. @ t$#ed se0e$al -$odu&ts #t"out su&&ess +e'o$e '#nd#n( t"e E#oEle&t$#& B"#eld. T"e models a$e made o' s#l0e$. "#&" &$eates an ele&t$#& &#$&u#t t"at ($ounds )ou to t"e Ea$t"s ene$() '#eld and -$ote&ts )ou '$om t"e ene$() o' ot"e$ -eo-le. @ 'elt t"e &alm. se$ene ene$() &$eated #n m) '#eld t"e moment @ -ut #t on. *You &an $ead ou$ '$#end 4a$ol)n9s sto$) o' "o t"#s s"#eld "el-ed "e$ as an em-at",. @t #s &$u&#al to unde$stand t"at e0e$)ones ene$() s)stem #s d#''e$ent. Ot"e$ -eo-le "a0e $e-o$ted e=&ellent $esults #t" ot"e$ -endants *su&" as t"e O8H#nk -endant,. T"ese t o -$odu&ts seem to +e t"e most $e-uta+le. E0e$)one9s ene$() $es-onds d#''e$entl). so )ou ma) ant to e=-e$#ment #t" d#''e$ent -$odu&ts. An add#t#onal te&"nolo() t"at @90e 'ound to +e e''e&t#0e #s 2rain"a6e entrainment. @ l#sten to t"ese s-e&#all) en&oded aud#os e0e$) 'e da)s as a means o' &alm#n( t"e m#nd. -$odu&#n( a t"eta $ela=at#on state. and "e#("ten#n( #ntu#t#on. 4l#&k "e$e to s#(n u- 'o$ a '$ee m-/ at E$a#n E0olut#on to e=-e$#en&e t"e -o e$ o' +$a#n a0e ent$a#nment. T"e aud#o #ll t$#&k )ou$ +$a#n #nto &alm#n( and 9$e8sett#n(9
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
t"e ne$0ous s)stem *and t"us. )ou ma) l#kel) 'all aslee- "#le l#sten#n(,. As a physical em-at". @ "a0e 'ound t"at ent$a#nment &alms t"e ne$0ous s)stem and lessens t"e o0e$ "elm#n( #n-ut @ -e$&e#0e. *Mo$e #n'o$mat#on on t"e d#''e$ent t)-es o' em-at"s #s #n&luded #n t"e 4om-lete Em-at" Toolk#t,.
*"eat0 Nat#0e and #nd#(enous -eo-le "a0e kno n t"e -o e$ o' s eat 'o$ t"ousands o' )ea$s. B eat#n(. just l#ke &$)#n(. $eleases to=#ns t"$ou(" a m#=tu$e o' salt. @' )ou a$e not Nat#0e Ame$#&an. #t ma) +e "a$d to '#nd a &"eat .o)%e ceremony+ as man) Nat#0e Ame$#&ans tend to +e -$ote&t#0e o' t"#s $#tual. and #n0#tat#ons to attend s-$ead +) o$d o' mout". T"#s $#tual. "#&" #n0ol0es t"e $elease o' steam on "eated $o&ks #ns#de a dome8l#ke st$u&tu$e. "as +een used 'o$ "eal#n( 'o$ t"ousands o' )ea$s. T"e$e a$e an #n&$eas#n( num+e$ o' &lans and t$#+es t"at a$e 6u#te o-en a+out "eal#n( t"e &#$&le.! o$ mend#n( t"e "oo-.! and a&&e-t#n( non8nat#0es #nto a sa&$ed s eat lod(e -u$#'#&at#on &e$emon). Re(a$dless. #' t"at #s not )ou$ t"#n(. o$ #' )ou a$e una+le to '#nd Nat#0e Ame$#&an s eat lod(e &e$emon). t"en a re%u.ar &auna+ &team 2ath+ o$ 'ar9in'rare) &auna *e.(. T"e E#oMat, #ll allo )ou to s eat out to=#ns #n a s#m#la$ manne$. Most da)s @ t"$o a ool +lanket o0e$ m) +od) "#le m) 'a$ #n'$a$ed mat #s &$anked u- to 125 de($ees. and "en t"e &)&le #s &om-leted. @ 'eel &om-letel) $e'$es"ed. Natura. hot &prin%& "a0e t"e same e''e&t. +ut )ou ould +e en&ou$a(ed to use t"ese s-a$#n(l) *a+out on&e a mont",. +e&ause t"e) a$e so -o e$'ul t"at t"e) tend to -$odu&e an ene$() 9"an(o0e$9 t"e 'ollo #n( da) as to=#ns a$e $eleased. Also. hot yo%a #s +e&om#n( mo$e -o-ula$ and mo$e &ente$s a$e o-en#n( a&$oss t"e o$ld. Hot )o(a #s -e$'o$med #n a &om'o$ta+l) a$m $oom "eated to 72 de($ees o$ a+o0e. Ee&ause t"e +od) +e(#ns to s eat a'te$ onl) a 'e m#nutes. #t kee-s )ou$ mus&les loose and el#m#nates mo$e to=#ns. An) o$ all o' t"ese -$a&t#&es. "en -e$'o$med $e(ula$l). #ll "el- )ou alon( #n )ou$ jou$ne) to +e&om#n( an em-o e$ed em-at". ate$ and
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
Ou#et#n( t"e m#nd #t"out t"e use o' m#nd8alte$#n( d$u(s #s &$#t#&all) #m-o$tant. @ st#ll o&&as#onall) #ll need a sedat#0e #' t"e ene$() &om#n( at me #s -a$t#&ula$l) #ntense. @0e made m) -ea&e #t" t"at 'a&t. An)t"#n( &an +e med#&#nal #' #t #s "ono$ed and $es-e&ted as su&". Ee'o$e tak#n( t"at $oute. @ al a)s '#$st use t"e -o e$ o' m) m#nd to mo0e t"e ene$() out o' m) +od) do n t"$ou(" m) 'eet and #nto t"e ea$t". "e$e #t #s des#(ned to (o. T"#s #s a -o e$'ul 0#sual #ma(e to 'o&us u-on. Bomet#mes #nd#0#duals dont $es-ond ell to 0#sual#Aat#on. @' t"#s #s t"e &ase 'o$ )ou. t"en )ou &an eas#l) '#nd aud#os o$ 4?s t"at make $ela=at#on mo$e automat#& and $e6u#$e less mental e''o$t. Anot"e$ e=&ellent a) to &alm t"e m#nd #s +) us#n( -$o($ess#0e mus&le $ela=at#on. T"#s #n0ol0es t#("ten#n( a -a$t#&ula$ mus&le ($ou- *e.(. )ou$ toes, as har) a& you can 'o$ %: se&onds. and t"en $eleas#n( t"e tens#on and enjo)#n( t"e $ela=at#on t"at #s natu$all) -$odu&ed. You t"en $e-eat t"e alte$nat#n( tens#on8 $ela=at#on -$o&ess all o0e$ )ou$ +od). Bta$t #t" t"e lo e$ -a$t o' )ou$ +od) and o$k )ou$ a) u- t"e +od) J alte$nat#n( +et een le't and $#("t s#des. @' )ou &alm t"e +od). )ou$ m#nd #ll 'ollo . Ult#matel) "at makes #t o-t#mall) e''e&t#0e #s )ou$ le0el o' t$ust. 'a#t". and +el#e' t"at #t #ll "a--en just as )ou$ m#nd #ntends #t to.
(rite it a.. )o"n. T"#s #s a te&"n#6ue so s#m-le and e''e&t#0e to 0ent out +ad ene$(#es. Ho e0e$. t"e$e #s a o$d o' &aut#on to jou$nal#n(. Ee&ause ene$() a&&umulates on -a-e$ t"$ou(" t"e a&t o' $#t#n(. @ ould not $e&ommend to kee- t"e +ooks o$ jou$nals #' )ou a$e us#n( #t 'o$ t"e sole -u$-ose o' (ett#n( 'eel#n(s and ene$() out on -a-e$. @' t"at #s t"e &ase. t"en t"e +est t"#n( to do #s to t"$o t"e +ooks a a) o$ +u$) t"em 8 l#te$all) and meta-"o$#&all) -utt#n( old t"ou("ts and ene$(#es to $est. @t ma) +e "a$d to do J t"$o #n( a a) a jou$nal J +ut #' #t #s emot#onall) &"a$(ed. #t #ll -$ote&t )ou. @' )ou a+solutel) must $e8$ead a -$e0#ous sad o$ an($) jou$nal ent$). do so #t" )ou$ on)=. tou$mal#ne. tu$6uo#se. and o+s#d#an stones "and) to -$ote&t
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
,a.. on a 'rien). T"e de'#n#t#on o' a t$ue '$#end #s someone "o "as e=-e$#en&ed t"e da$ke$ s#de o' )ou. and )et st#ll lo0es )ou des-#te #t. 4all on t"#s $esou$&e "en )ou need to. @t ma) +e d#''#&ult 'o$ )ou to ask 'o$ "el-D +e&ause )ou a$e so a&&ustomed to (#0#n( #t. and 'o$ man) o' us. #t takes a l#'et#me to lea$n. Ask#n( 'o$ "el- #s not a eaknessD #n $eal#t). #ts 6u#te t"e o--os#te. We a$e onl) as st$on( as t"e eakest amon( us. W"en one -e$son asks 'o$ "el- and #m-$o0es. e0e$) one o' us +ene'#ts. Weste$n. Eu$o-ean #n'luen&ed so&#et) "as a d#''#&ult t#me a&&e-t#n( t"#s t$ut". Bo. +$eak t"e -atte$n and +e a $ole model 'o$ '$#ends and )ou$ 'am#l)K ask 'o$ "el- "en )ou need #t.
Mo6ement0 E=e$&#se and mo0ement #n an) 'o$m a$e -$o+a+l) t"e +est a) 'o$ em-at"s to +e&ome ($ounded and to mo0e out old ene$() and -ull #n '$es" ene$(). Ma$t#al a$ts a$e +eaut#'ul 'o$ t"e un'o$&ed man#-ulat#on o' ene$() *e.(. +$#n(#n( o$ allo #n( #n ene$() at #ll. t"$ou(" onl) #ntent#on,. A s#m-le mo0ement o' ones a$m m#("t +e enou(". o$ e0en a s#m-le a&kno led(ment t"at )ou$ $#st "u$ts. T"e +od) $es-onds to ou$ 'o&used attent#on #n8k#nd. @' )ou a$e #nt#m#dated +) t"e &on&e-t o' ma$t#al a$ts. t"en t$) Yo%a. Yo(a #s one o' t"e +est a)s to st$en(t"en t"e &onne&t#ons +et een m#nd. +od). and s-#$#t. Not onl) does #t 6u#et t"e m#nd &"atte$. #t also deto=#'#es t"e -")s#&al +od). @t &an +e done at )ou$ o n -a&e. as t"e$e #s a+solutel) no &om-et#t#on #t" ot"e$s #n &lass. @ $e&ommend )o(a &lasses +e&ause e=-e$#en&#n( t"e "#(" s-#$#tual 0#+$at#on o' ot"e$s #n&$eases t"e s#Ae o' )ou$ ene$() '#eld and allo s )ou to e=-e$#en&e mo$e -$o'ound +ene'#ts t"an #' )ou d#d )o(a alone. @' )ou don9t l#ke &lasses. t"e N#ntendo W## <#t (ame s)stem #s an e=&ellent a) o' lea$n#n( )o(a +e&ause o' t"e -e$sonal 'eed+a&k #t (#0es )ou. Anot"e$ (ood o-t#on #s Ta# 4"# *a 6u#et. (entle ma$t#al a$t t"at es-e&#all) "el-s em-at"s "o ma) +e o0e$8t"#nk#n(, o$
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
a use$8'$#endl) "eal#n( mo0ement -$a&t#&e su&" as t"e Nia Techni;ue. "#&" #s no eme$(#n( o$ld #de. T"e N#a Te&"n#6ue $e8t$a#ns t"e ne$0ous s)stem +) &om+#n#n( a se$#es o' #ntent#onal. "eal#n( +od) -ostu$es #t" t"e -o e$ o' dan&e and )o(a. @ '#nd #t to +e t"e most jo)'ul and -la)'ul e=-e$#en&e o' e0e$) da). @t9s e=e$&#se +ut #t doesn9t 'eel l#ke #t. @' )ou l#ke to dan&e. )ou9ll lo0e N#a and @ en&ou$a(e )ou to (oo(le and sea$&" 'o$ #t onl#ne #n )ou$ a$ea. @n m) onl#ne &lasses su&" as t"e Em-at" A&adem). @ tea&" a ste-8+)8stemo0ement met"od &alled B"#'t#n( 4ons&#ousness t"$ou(" ?#mens#ons.! "#&" #s a 'o$m o' neu$olo(#&al $e8t$a#n#n( de0#sed and tau("t +) m) &ollea(ue. $esea$&"e$ and "eale$ Hee 4a$t $#("t. T"e$e a$e a se$#es o' mo0ements and -$oto&ols des#(ned to el#m#nate )ea$s o' sta(nant ene$() +u#ld u- and t$auma. *T"e deta#led -$oto&ols a$e 'ull) e=-la#ned #n t"e 4om-lete Em-at" Toolk#t,. T"e kno led(e o' t"#s met"od "as +een de0elo-ed s-e&#'#&all) to +e t$ans'e$$ed '$om -e$son8to8-e$son. @ &ons#de$ #t an "ono$ and -$#0#le(e to +e a+le to -ass t"#s #n'o$mat#on alon( to &l#ents #n m) &oa&"#n( o$k.
Prayer < A''irmation&. T"e a&tual -")s#&al 0o#&#n( o' -a$t#&ula$ o$ds and sounds -$odu&e an added. -o e$'ul e''e&t #n ou$ ene$() '#elds. @n t"e o$k t"at @ do. t"#s #s kno n as neu$o8l#n(u#st#& -$o($amm#n(.! T"e +$a#n and +od) a$e -$o($ammed to -$odu&e (ood 'eel#n(s #t" t"e $e-eat#n( o' &e$ta#n mant$as. o$ds. o$ -"$ases. T"e -$o&ess #s des#(ned to st#mulate t"e ne$0ous s)stem #nto #ntent#onall) -$odu&#n( t"e a&tual ene$(et#& 0#+$at#ons and feelings o' -ea&e. "a--#ness. jo). and t$an6u#l#t). W#t" -$a&t#&e. -a$t#&ula$ &om+#nat#ons o' sounds and -"$ases #ll align all o' t"e ene$(et#& +od#esD s-#$#tual. emot#onal. -")s#&al. and mental. <o$ en"an&ed $esults. )ou &an use ene$() me$#d#an ta--#n( te&"nolo() su&" as t"e Emotiona. Free)om Techni;ue 7E.F.T8 to -e$manentl) $el#e0e an) 'o$m o' t$auma o$ un anted emot#onal states. T"e 'ounde$ o' a -a$t#&ula$l) e''e&t#0e met"od o' E<T &alled <aste$ E<T. Ro+e$t Bm#t". "as man) '$ee 0#deos on "#s
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
<aste$ E<T e+s#te "#&" #ll tea&" )ou t"#s -o e$'ul -$o&ess. Ro+e$t also "as man) -$odu&ts a0a#la+le t"$ou(" "#s e+s#te. *@' )ou ant a &a$ee$ #n t"e "eal#n( a$ts. )ou m#("t #n0est#(ate "#s #n&lus#0e. <imate 'raining (ackage . "#&" #ll allo )ou to +e&ome a &e$t#'#ed <aste$E<T -$a&t#t#one$,. B#m-l) -ut. E<T #s one o' t"e s#m-lest and most -$o'ound met"ods o' "eal#n( a0a#la+le. @t "as +een -$o0en to out-e$'o$m )ea$s o' t"e$a-) and ot"e$ modal#t#es. *T"ese deta#led -$o&esses a$e tau("t #n m) &oa&"#n( o$k and also #n t"e 4om-lete Em-at" Toolk#t,. To -$a&t#&e a (ene$al a''#$mat#on. s#m-l) 0o#&e t"e mant$a @ &om-letel) lo0e and a&&e-t m)sel' e0en t"ou(" PPPPPPPP!. *<#ll #n t"e +lank #t" somet"#n( t"at )ou don9t l#ke a+out )ou$sel' o$ somet"#n( t"at ma) +e +ot"e$#n( )ou a+out a $e&ent a&t#on o$ de&#s#on,. Re-eat t"#s /82 t#mes. 0o#&#n( #t loudl). and not#&e "o #t &lea$s t"e ene$() a$ound )ou$ t"$oat.
=earnin% to &ay NO. Iust +e&ause )ou "a0e t"e sk#ll o' +e#n( a+le to eas#l) me$(e #t" anot"e$. to 'eel t"e#$ -a#n. does not mean )ou a$e o+l#(ed to use #t. Man) o' us (#0e all o' ou$ -o e$ a a). and t"en e onde$ ") e$e so e="austed. &onstantl) on t"e +$#nk o' &olla-se. We "a0e a tenden&) to o%er-engage #t" ot"e$s. to sa) 9)es9 too mu&" to ot"e$s. "#&" lea0es us sa)#n( 9no9 to ou$sel0es. W") ould )ou ant to l#0e )ou$ l#'e t"#s a)? T"e$e #s a +ette$ a). @' do#n( too mu&" 'o$ ot"e$s "as +e&ome a malada-t#0e "a+#t 'o$ )ou. t"en lea$n#n( to sa) no #s not"#n( mo$e t"an unlea$n#n( +ad "a+#ts and lea$n#n( ne ones #n t"e#$ -la&e. @n t"e a8"aC! moment. )ou lea$n t"at -la&#n( l#m#ts and +ounda$#es on to "om )ou (#0e )ou$ ene$() #s a 'un t"#n( to doC @t #ll not make )ou 'eel (u#lt). Ba)#n( no to ot"e$s * "#&" #s a&tuall) sa)#n( 9)es9 to )ou$sel',. #s one o' t"e +est 'eel#n(s #n t"e o$ld. T"at #s #nne$ -o e$C R#("t no . make a -led(e to not o0e$8en(a(e. and +e(#n to -ull +a&k )ou$ ene$() #t" ot"e$s #' #t9s (otten too 'a$ out o' +alan&e #n one d#$e&t#on. 4om-lete t"e 'ollo #n( senten&eK @ #ll no lon(e$ PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. and )es. @ #ll do t"#s out o' lo0e 'o$ m)sel'.!
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
,aution an) Ba.ance. Ee#n( an em-at" means t"at most o' us a$e tuned #nto t"e s-#$#tual and #ntu#t#0e as-e&ts o' t"e o$ld. We a$e s-#$#tual "eale$s. Ho e0e$. just +e&ause e a$e eas#l) em-at"#& o$ natu$all) #ntu#t#0e does not mean e a$e t$a#ned o$ $ead) to use t"ose (#'ts. Ee &a$e'ul J do not +e &on&e$ned #t" t"e s-#$#tual as-e&ts *e.(. med#ums"#- o$ &la#$0o)an&e, too ea$l). @t #ll &ome. #n t#me. on #ts o n. a'te$ )ou "a0e +e&ome an em-o e$ed em-at" t"$ou(" edu&at#on. t$a#n#n(. and -$a&t#&e. E) ou$ 0e$) em-at"#& natu$e. man) o' us a$e not ne&essa$#l) #n&l#ned to mode$at#on. es-e&#all) "en #t &omes to t"e ene$() o' a s-#$#tual "#(". Bt#&k #t" "at )ou kno . and (o slo l). We must +e 0#(#lant #n ou$ e''o$ts to a$d o'' t"e sedu&t#on o' -s)&"#& -o e$. *@' )ou de&#de to use )ou$ em-at"#& "eal#n( a+#l#t#es #n a -$o'ess#onal manne$. )ou s"ould "a0e a tea&"e$ o$ mento$ "o &an $e&o(n#Ae "en )ou a$e out o' +alan&e and kee- )ou on t"e $#("t t$a&k,.
All o' t"ese sk#lls take -$a&t#&e. W#t" t#me. t"e) #ll &ome mo$e natu$all). At some -o#nt. )ou #ll $ea&" a t#--#n( -o#ntD a &$#t#&al -o#nt "e$e )ou$ a a$eness e=&eeds )ou$ un&ons&#ousness. T"#s #s "en )ou +e&ome an em-o e$ed em-at". @t takes o$k on )ou$sel' to (et to t"#s -la&e. Bome -eo-le (o all t"e#$ l#0es and ne0e$ $ea&" #t. +ut onl) 'o$ la&k o' #ll. @' )ou$ #ll #s st$on( enou(". )ou #ll $ea&" a -la&e o' em-at"#& em-o e$ment. @NNER POWER 4OA4H@NL FO- EMPO(E-E> EMPATH*? T"e o$k t"at @ do #s +$oken do n #nto t"$ee -"ases. E0en t"ou(" t"ese -$o&esses a$e des&$#+ed as d#st#n&t -"ases. t"e) a&tuall) +lend to(et"e$. T"e) a$ent meant to +e l#nea$. se6uent#al -$o&esses. T"e) all o&&u$ s#multaneousl). e=-e&tK He$es "at )ou &an
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
Pha&e One? -e.ea&e an) ,.earin%. T"e '#$st -"ase o' @nne$ Po e$ 4oa&"#n( #s a -$o&ess o' $eleas#n( and &lea$#n( )ou$ a&&umulated ene$(). Talk#n( #t" someone "o unde$stands #s #m-o$tant. @ts n#&e to +e a&kno led(ed 'o$ )ou$ un#6uenessD )oull soon $eal#Ae t"e$e #s not"#n( $on( #t" )ou. @ use "at @ &all $esou$&#n(.! a 'o$m o' neu$o8l#n(u#st#& -$o($amm#n( to let )ou$ mental +od) *e(o, kno t"at )ou a$e (ood. T"e$es not"#n( $on( #t" )ou. T"e -$o&ess o' tak#n( ene$() and (#0#n( ene$() #s done on a da#l) +as#s t"$ou(" t"e un&ons&#ous #nte$a&t#ons ou$ &o8 o$ke$s. '$#ends. lo0e$s. and &"#ld$en a+out ou$ e=-e$#en&es. T"e d#''e$en&e #t" @nne$ Po e$ 4oa&"#n( #s t"at )ou dont "a0e to o$$) a+out -ass#n( an) ne(at#0e ene$() on. W"en )ou +e&ome a st$on( and &ons&#ous em-at". d#s&o$dant ene$() #s a+le to -ass t"$ou(" )ou$ ene$() '#eld #t" $elat#0e ease. T"e +est a) @ &an des&$#+e "at #ts l#ke to "a0e a sess#on #s t"at #ts &at"a$t#& on man) le0els. Ee&ause @ -$a) and med#tate #ntensel) +e'o$e e0e$) sess#on. usuall) 'o$ an "ou$. )oull (et t"e +ene'#t o' a l#ttle e=t$a s-#$#tual ene$() and $emote "eal#n(. Mu&" o' t"e t#me t"#s #ll man#'est as a l#te$al ene$() &lea$#n( o' )ou$ au$a. Most &l#ents $e-o$t an on(o#n( 'eel#n( o' +e#n( mu&" 9l#("te$9 a'te$ t"e sess#on #s o0e$. Pha&e T"o? >e6e.opin% A"arene&& an) Un)er&tan)in%. T"#s #s $eall) "at makes t"e @nne$ Po e$ o$k un#6ue. You #ll +e(#n to '#nd )ou$sel'. and o . does #t 'eel (ood. @ take )ou t"$ou(" a ste-8+)8ste- -$o&ess to lea$n "o to $e&o(n#Ae t"e su+tle ene$(#es t"at a$e t$ans'e$$ed '$om -e$son8to8-e$son t"$ou(" t"ou("ts. #nte$a&t#ons. and un&ons&#ous #ntent#ons. Youll lea$n a+out t"e #m-o$tan&e o' t"e "uman au$a *ene$() '#eld,. t"e &"ak$a s)stem. and 0e$) un#6ue. o'ten l#ttle8kno n ste-s to &lean and &lea$ )ou$ &"ak$as. T"#s #s "e$e e set ou$ (oals and e -")s#&all) -$a&t#&e "at #t 'eels l#ke to $ea&t to )ou$ H#("est Bel'. E) -")s#&all) -$a&t#&e. @ mean t"e (#0#n( and $e&e#0#n( o' ene$() "#le e$e &onne&ted +) -"one. @ts a &olla+o$at#0e and 'un -$o&ess. des#(ned to "el)ou $eal#Ae t"at )ou a$e not a 0#&t#m to an)one elses ene$(). @n 'a&t. )oull +e(#n to see just t"e o--os#te. t"at )ou "a0e -o e$ to &$eate -leasant ene$() +e)ond )ou$ #ldest
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
d$eams. @' )ou a$e #ll#n(. t"#s o$k also o''e$s a lot o' "eal#n( lau("te$. es-e&#all) "en e d#s&o0e$ and em+$a&e t"e s#ll)ness o' ou$ o n e(osC @ #ll -o#nt out t#mes and moments "en )ou a$e not 'un&t#on#n( at )ou$ "#("est. Han(ua(e #s &a$e'ull) mon#to$ed +e&ause #t &onst$u&ts ou$ $eal#t). @ l#sten 0e$) &a$e'ull) to t"e sto$#es t"at )ou s"a$e a+out )ou$sel'. @ also &a$e'ull) mon#to$ )ou$ ene$() '#eld and "at #t #s do#n( #n t"e moment8to8moment &"an(#n( ene$(). s-eed u- t"e ($o t" -$o&ess and &"an(e 6u#&kl). No . lets talk a+out t"e &o(n#t#0e -$o&ess. Youll +e(#n to see ea&" o' )ou$ da#l) #nte$a&t#ons t"$ou(" t"e lens o' )ou$ s-e&#al ene$(et#& sens#t#0#t). And )oull "a0e man) a"8"a! moments. Also. as e o$k to(et"e$. )ou ma) '#nd )ou$sel' o&&as#onall) &on'used. T"at #s not onl) no$mal. +ut #t #s "el-'ul and ne&essa$). Out o' &on'us#on &omes unde$stand#n(. es-e&#all) 'o$ )ou as an em-at". Ee#n( some "at &on'used means t"at )ou a$e +e(#nn#n( to $e&o(n#Ae t"e 0a(ue s-a&es "e$e you end and other people begin. Hea$n#n( "o to +e&ome a a$e o' su+tle ene$() and t"en ass#m#late t"at #n'o$mat#on #nto ou$ mental unde$stand#n( and "uman -e$sonal#t) #s &$#t#&al to a "ealt") mental outlook. Man) o' m) &l#ents "a0e 'ound t"at o$k#n( o0e$ t"e -"one a&tuall) en"an&es a a$eness. Most *#n&lud#n( m)sel', a&tuall) -$e'e$ #t to #n8-e$son sess#ons +e&ause #t $e6u#$es a mu&" dee-e$ l#sten#n( and -$e&#se 'o&us. Ee&ause )ou a$e not #n an)ones -")s#&al -$esen&e. t"e$e #s less d#st$a&t#on on t"e 0#sual -$esentat#on and mo$e &a$e'ul attent#on to t"e su+tle messa(es #n t"e s-a&es and -o e$'ul s#len&e #n8+et een o$ds. @' )ou l#sten &a$e'ull) enou(". )ou ma) +e -leasantl) su$-$#sed to unde$stand a 'undamental t$ut" o' ene$() J )ou dont need to +e #n -")s#&al -$esen&e to e=-e$#en&e #t. to "a0e #t '#ll )ou$ &"ak$as. and ult#matel) to a''e&t &"an(e. @ts all +ased on t"ou("t and #ntent#on. Pha&e Three? Ho.)in% the 3i&ion Youll &$eate and $e8&$eate a st$on( and unalte$a+le 0#s#on 'o$ "o )ou $eall) ant to +eK t"e "a--). "ealt"). em-o e$ed em-at". Youll o$k on st$en(t"en#n( t"e @ts a -$o&ess o' +#o'eed+a&k. @nst$u&t#on on "o to mon#to$ )ou$ e0e$8&"an(#n( ene$() allo s )ou to
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
-leasant sensat#ons t"at (o #t" "o )ou $eall) a$e. dee- do n 8 "#&" #s a +$#ll#ant and t"$#0#n( "uman +e#n( "o "as a un#6ue a+#l#t) to "el- ot"e$s. T"e$e #s an e''o$t to take 'o&us. ene$(). and -o e$ a a) '$om )ou$ 'ea$s. T"#s #n0ol0es a&kno led(#n( )ou$ 'ea$ and a&&e-t#n( #t 'o$ "at #t $eall) #s 8 an #llus#on. <ea$ #s a s-#$#t J not"#n( mo$e. not"#n( less. @ts onl) as #m-o$tant as )ou make #t. P"ase t"$ee #s "e$e )ou &an +e(#n to t"$#0eD to e=-and. to ($o e=-onent#all) #n a)s )ou ne0e$ t"ou("t -oss#+le. @t #s "e$e t"e +ulk o' most o' t"e 'ollo u- o$k #s done a'te$ t"e #n#t#al sess#ons. O&&as#onall) )ou m#("t need a $e'$es"e$ &ou$se o$ some ene$() o$k to "el- )ou (et unstu&k. and @m mo$e t"an "a--) to "el-. THE -E*U=T*? @t #s m) e=-e$#en&e t"at /81 sess#ons o' @nne$ Po e$ &oa&"#n( and ene$() o$k. &ou-led #t" ded#&at#on on )ou$ -a$t. #ll "el- )ou to d$amat#&all) $edu&e )ou$ st$ess and an=#et). "el- #m-$o0e )ou$ mental outlook. #m-$o0e $elat#ons"#-s. and lead to a '$eedom and l#+e$at#on -$e0#ousl) unkno n. You #ll +e an em-o e$ed em-at". You +e#n( to a&tuall) &$eate jo) "e$e none as +e'o$e -$esent. @n s#tuat#ons "e$e )ou -$e0#ousl) 'elt t$a--ed. )ou no &an +$#n( #n -os#t#0e ene$() to &"an(e s#tuat#ons. Youll l#("t u- ot"e$ -eo-les l#0es #n a ne a). and 'ul'#ll )ou$ dest#n) to "el- ot"e$s. @ ant to -e$sonall) t"ank )ou 'o$ do nload#n( t"#s (u#de. @' )ou "a0e a s-a$e moment. @ ould +e -leased to $e&e#0e an ema#l '$om )ou as to "o #t t"e e+s#te mate$#als ma) "a0e jum-8sta$ted o$ "el-ed )ou$ o n ($o t"C F#s#t t"e Em-at" 4onne&t#on 'a&e+ook -a(e "e$e t"e$e a$e t"ousands o' amaA#n( #nd#0#duals "o &an o''e$ )ou some sa(e ad0#&e. @n t"e meant#me. #' )ou "a0e 'ound t"#s #n'o$mat#on use'ul. and )ou "a0e ot"e$ em-at"#& '$#ends. -lease 'o$ a$d t"em t"#s "and+ook so t"at )ou ma) -e$"a-s "el- t"e#$ jou$ne) to a$d em-o e$ment. @ am ($ate'ul 'o$ all o' )ou$ &ont#nued 'eed+a&k. su--o$t. and "el-'ul &omments. @ am dee-l) "um+led and ($ate'ul to +e do#n( t"#s o$k. @' )ou90e 'ound t"#s (u#de use'ul. @9d lo0e to "ea$ '$om )ou. @ &an9t al a)s -$om#se a $es-onse. +ut )ou &an &onta&t me "e$e. @ o''e$ onl) t"e +est #s"es to )ou. and man) +less#n(sC Ma) )ou take t"e ne=t ste- #n )ou$ e0olut#on as an em-o e$ed em-at". "ate0e$ t"at ma) +eC
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
On a$dC Michae. -. *mith+ Ph.>.+ N.,.,+ -.P.P. My Boo/& 7c.ic/ on the tit.e 'or more in'o8? T"e 4om-lete Em-at" Toolk#t8 *You &an $ead t"e '#$st 'e &"a-te$s '$ee 8s&$oll do n,. T"e -a&ka(e #n&ludes all 'ou$ o' m) eEooks. 1: "ou$s o' aud#o #nst$u&t#on. alon( #t" )ou$ #n0#tat#on to TWO Pe$sonal Mento$#n( Bumm#ts,. Na0#(at#n( %:1%K T"$#0#n( #n Ea$t"9s Ne A(e #s t"e '#$st +ook on t"e Ea$t"9s s-#$#tual t$ans'o$mat#on $#tten 'o$ em-at"s and "#("l) sens#t#0e -eo-le. @t #s #n&luded '$ee #n t"e 4om-lete Em-at" Toolk#t -a&ka(e o$ &an +e +ou("t on AmaAon &l#&k#n( t"e +lue l#nk a+o0e. ,onnect "ith me on? <A4EEOOQK "tt-K>>'a&e+ook.&om>em-at"s EHOLK "tt-K>>#ma(#ne ellness.+lo(s-ot.&om YOUTUEEK "tt-K>>)outu+e.&om>#ma(#ne ellness TW@TTERK "tt-K>> .t #tte$.&om>em-at"s
Other -e&ource& that you mi%ht en@oy? T"e Em-at" A&adem) J @ o''e$ t"#s &ou$se. l#m#ted to 5 -a$t#&#-ants. 1 t#mes ea&" )ea$. @ also o''e$ a )ea$l) $et$eat at m) "ome #n 4olo$ado. ?eta#ls a0a#la+le on t"e Em-at"4onne&t#on.&om e+s#te. Em-at" 4onne&t#on B&"ola$s"#- -$o($am J @ am &omm#tted to (#0#n( +a&k. T"us. @ "a0e &$eated a s&"ola$s"#- -$o($am t"at o''e$s '$ee edu&at#on 'o$ )ou to lea$n to use )ou$ (#'ts #n )ou$ &"osen &a$ee$. T"e a--l#&at#ons a$e $eleased a$ound Iul) o' ea&" )ea$ #t" a deadl#ne a$ound O&to+e$ 1st.
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!
P")s#&al Heal#n(K Man) em-at"s need -")s#&al "eal#n( o' t"e +od) +e&ause o' t"e a&&umulat#on o' lo e$ 0#+$ato$) ene$(). @' )ou ould l#ke to $e8(a#n )ou$ -")s#&al "ealt". m) '$#end and &o8aut"o$. H? Po$te$ ma) +e a+le to "el-. H? #s a -s)&"#& "eale$ "o uses mental t"ou("t and #ntent#on to &"an(e )ou$ -")s#&al $eal#t). @ am &ont#nuall) amaAed at t"e st$en(t" o' "#s o$k. You9ll see some #nte$0#e s @90e done #t" "#m and "#s &l#ents at "tt-K>> .H?@ntu#t#0e.&om
Inner Power Coaching for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Dr. Michael R. Smith, CC. www.EmpathConnection.com Evergreen, C!