English Grammer Rules: Conditional

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Conditional Real condition 1) If + present (Ind:) + Future (Ind:). For example: If it rains, I will not go there. Unreal condition 1) If + past (Ind:), u! + would " could " might + simple form of #er!. For example: If I had enough mone$, I would !u$ that car. %) If + past perfect, u! + would " could " might + ha#e + past participle form of #er!. For example: If I had seen it, I would ha#e told $ou a!out it. Use of &ope' Real " (ish'Unreal u! + hope + that + present"future. For example: (e hope that the$ will come. 1) u! + wish + that + past " past perfect For example: (e wish that $ou had come here. Use of )s if " )s though 1) u! + present form of #er! + as if " as though + su! + past (Indi:). For example: &e spea*s as if he were a minister. %) u! + #er! (past) + )s if " )s though + su! + #er! (past perfect). For example: +om spo*e as if he had !een minister. Sequence of Tense 1) If main clause is ,resent tense than the dependent clause will !e ,resent (Ind:) " will, can or ma$ + #er! " past tense " present perfect. For example: -(hen I get mone$, I will !u$ a dictionar$. -It has !een fi#e since he is missing. %) If main clause is past tense than the dependent clause will !e ,ast (Ind:) " would " could " might+ #er! " past perfect tense. For example: -I *new the !o$ who pla$ed in the field. - I as*ed him if he had prepared his lessons. Causative Verb .enerall$ there are fi#e *inds of causati#e #er! &a#e, &elp, /a*e, 0et, .et Use of &a#e - u! + ha#e (an$ tense) + person + simple form of #er!. uch as: I had Ra*i! repair the roof. - u! + ha#e (an$ tense) + thing + past participle form. uch as: /$ mother had her photo ta*en !$ well *nown photographer. Use of .et - u!+ get (an$ tense) + person + infiniti#e (to + #er!). uch as: I got Ra*i! to repair the roof. - u! + get (an$ tense) + thing + past participle. uch as: I got the roof repaired $esterda$. Use of /a*e " 0et - u! + ma*e (an$ tense) " let + person " thing + simple form of #er!. uch as: - (e made the !a!$ cr$. -(e let him go there " &e let me do this wor*. Use of &elp - u! + help (an$ tense) + person + simple form of #er!"Infiniti#e. uch as: &er hus!and alwa$s helps her do " to do the laundr$. Affir ative and Ne!ative A!ree ent Use of +oo " )lso " 1ither - u! + #er! (+ense) + and + u! + auxiliar$ #er! (same tense) + too " also. For example: &e goes to college and $ou do too. - u! + #er! (+ense) (negati#e) + and + su! + auxiliar$ #er! (same tense) (negati#e) + either. For example: If 2ane won3t go to the part$, he won3t either. Use of o " 4either - u!+ #er! (+ense) + and+ so + auxiliar$ #er! (same tense) + su!. For example: &e goes to college and so do $ou. - u! + #er! (+ense) (negati#e) + and + neither + auxiliar$ #er! (same tense) (affirmati#e) + su!. For example: &e does not go to school and neither do $ou. "arallelis ome 5on6unction such as and " 7ut " 8r " Is " 4ot onl$9!ut also " 1ither9or " 4either9nor " 7oth9and " Rather9than " ,refer9to etc. -7efore these con6unction which tense sits similarl$ after these con6unction such tense sits. uch as: -&e is intelligent !ut coward. - eeing is !elie#ing. -(e learned to read the passage carefull$ and to understand the main ideas. -&e started swimming, running, and surfing. -+o define flora is to define climate. Illo!ical "artici#le Modifier -(hich #er! uses as participle, gerund, infiniti#e and who do the wor* of that #er!, that person will use as a su!6ect next sentence. For example: -&a#ing m$ meal, I went to uniaid. -Fl$ing out the window, the papers were gra!!ed !$ him. -:oung and inexperienced, I thought the tas* eas$. -(hile going to class I was !itten !$ a dog. Use of ;ind and +$pe -If noun is singular after *ind and t$pe, ;ind and t$pe will singular. For example: I onl$ *now how to run one t$pe of computer program. -If noun is plural after *ind and t$pe, ;ind and t$pe will plural. For example: -+his exam has two t$pes of pro!lems. - +here are four *inds of co*e now. "ronoun Sub$ect "ronoun I< (e<, :ou< :ou <, &e< he< It< +he$<, %b$ect "ronoun /e Us :ou :ou &im &er It +hem "ossessive Ad$ective /$ 8ur :our :our &is &er Its +heir "ossessive "ronoun /ine 8urs :ours :ours &is &ers Its +heirs Refle&ive "ronoun /$self 8ursel#es :ourself :oursel#es &imself &erself Itself +hemsel#es

Use of pronoun ---,reposition " li*e " except " !ut " !ehind " !eneath etc. + 8!6ecti#e pronoun. uch as: +hese cards are for $ou and me. ---Infiniti#e (to + #er!) and gerund " participle (# + ing) + 8!6ect pronoun. uch as: I went to see her. --- u! + #er! + 8!6ecti#e pronoun+ infiniti#e uch as: I told him to do this wor*. --- u! + #er!+ ,ossessi#e ad6ecti#e+ (# +ing). uch as: I hated his laughing. ---7e #er! + su!6ect pronoun. uch as: It was he who helped us. ---In 1nglish :ou, Ron$ and I !ut In confess I, $ou and he. uch as: -:ou, he and I going to college. -I, $ou and he are to !lame " in the wrong. ---If su!6ect is singular " plural, =er! " possessi#e will !e singular" plural. uch as: -+he$ are going to their college. -&e is going to his college. ---)lwa$s according to su!6ect possessi#e will !e. uch as: 8ne should stud$ one3s lesson. --- u!6ect pronoun + #er! + o!6ect pronoun. uch as: I will in#ite $ou or him.

Use of (ho " (hom ---(ho use as su!6ect of #er!. uch as: +he man who stole the !ag was tall. ---(hom use as o!6ect of #er!. uch as: I as*ed him whom he was calling. --- (ho + two #er! uch as: +he man who stole the !ag was tall. ---(hom + one #er!. uch as: +ell this whom $ou find. ---4oun " pronoun (singular " plural) + relati#e pronoun (who, which, what, that, when, !ut) + #er! (singular"plural). uch as: +here are some people who are responsi!le for this wor*. Ad$ective --->eterminer + /odifier + &eadword. uch as: +om is a good student. --- u!6ect + lin*ing #er! (appear, !e, !ecome, feel, seem, loo*, smell, sta$, sound, taste remain etc.) + ad6ecti#e. uch as: Ron$ loo*s !eautiful. --- u!6ect + lin*ing #er!+ preposition+ ad#er!. uch as: Ron$ loo*s up !eautifull$. --- u!6ect + lin*ing #er!+ ad#er!+ ad#er!. uch as: Ron$ loo*s extraordinaril$ !eautiful. Use of enough " too ---1nough+ 4ouns uch as: +here are not enough cars for all us to go. ---)d6ecti#e " ad#er! + enough. uch as: +hat excuse is not good enough. ---+oo + ad6ecti#e " ad#er! uch as: It is too cold to go swimming. Use of ome " )n$ --- ome use in positi#e"affirmati#e sentence and an$ use in negati#e"?uestion. uch as: -I ha#e some mangoes. -&a#e $ou an$ mango@ -I ha#e not an$ mango. Use of /an$ " /uch ---/an$ uses in counta!le noun (plural) ---/uch uses in uncounta!le noun (singular). uch as: -I ha#e man$ !oo*s. - I ha#e much mone$. Use of =er$ " /uch ---=er$ + present participle uch as: It was #er$ interesting. ---/uch + past participle uch as: It was much interested. Use of +oo much " much too ---+oo much + uncounta!le noun " past participle. ---/uch too + ad6ecti#e. uch as: -+oo much heat. -+oo much tired. -/uch too hot. Use of +oo man$ " man$ too ---+oo man$ + counta!le noun " past participle. ---/an$ too + ad6ecti#e. uch as: -+oo man$ mangoes. -+oo man$ wor*ed. -/an$ too wee*. Adverb --- u!6ect + #er! + ad#er! + ad6ecti#e. uch as: &e loo*s extraordinaril$ !eautiful. --- u!6ect + auxiliar$ #er! + ad#er! (alwa$s, ne#er, often, rarel$, usuall$, generall$, almost, alread$, hardl$, nearl$, 6ust, ?uite, !arel$, scarcel$ etc.) + principle #er!. ( + ad# + #). uch as: -&e alwa$s goes to college. -&e has 6ust gone there. ---)d#er! + ha#e to " used to uch as: I often used to smo*e.

---4egati#e ad#er!s (hardl$ ,!arel$ ,scarcel$ rarel$, seldom, !it, few, little, ne#er, no sooner, not once, not onl$, not until, ne#er again, onl$ after etc). ---)d#er! + auxiliar$ #er! + su!. uch as: -4o sooner had I entered the room than a thief went out. -4e#er again will the$ sta$ in the hotel. ---Fast, late and hard are ad#er!s. uch as: -&elen t$pes fast and efficientl$. -&e dri#es fast. -&e wor*ed hard to get a good 6o!. Use of )s much as " )s man$ as ---)s man$ as + counta!le noun ---&alf , twice, three times, four times, fi#e times, ten times ect + as much as. uch as: -(e expect as man$ as thirt$ people to come. -+he rent at college apartment is onl$ half as much as $ou pa$ here. Use of Used to --- u! + !e #er! " get + used to + # + ing. --- u! + used to + simple form of #er!. uch as: -+om is used to smo*ing e#er$ da$. -+om used to smo*e e#er$da$. u!6ect #er! agreement ---1ach " e#er$ " either " neither " man$ a + su! + #er! (singular) uch as: 1ach of the things is found in India. ---+he president and &eadmaster is99. -+he president and the &eadmaster are9. --- u! + or, nor, either9..or, neither9nor + su! (s"p) + #er!(s"p). uch as: 1ither he or I am to go. --- u!(s"p) + together with " along with " and not " accompanied !$ " as well as " among " accompanied with " in addition to " with+ su! + #er!(s"p). uch as: -)AiA as well as Fahim *nows it. -/ehedi, along with his friends, is ma*ing decision. --- u! (infiniti#e " gerund) + #er!(s). uch as: +o tell lie is a great sin. ---)n$one " an$!od$ " an$thing " someone " some!od$ " something " no one " no!od$ " nothing " e#er$one " e#er$!od$ " e#er$thing + singular #er!. uch as: omeone is going to suffer for this. Use of &ere " +here ---&ere " +here + is + singular su!6ect. ---&ere " +here + are + plural su!6ect. uch as: +here ha#e !een too man$ people in this class.

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