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2008 Charles Burleig

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Step 1 The Tools Chapter 3: Step 2 The System Chapter 4: Step 3 - The Traffic Chapter 5: Conclusion

2008 Charles Burleig

Chapter 1: Introduction
I want to start out y tellin! you that this "Internet Thin!# really isn$t that tou!h% once you fi!ure it out& 'an! in there% apply what you learn and you will ecome successful& I also want to !i(e full disclosure&&& I am )*T an Internet +uru& I don$t li(e in a million dollar house and ha(e fancy sports cars& I$m not e(en earnin! a full time income from my Internet acti(ities& So why should you listen to me, I$(e een on the Internet for years% tryin! out many different ways to earn money& I$(e -oined numerous "+et .ich 'ere# usiness into a opportunities only to e disappointed& I$(e spent thousands and thousands of dollars in search of the "*ne /ey# that would finally turn my profita le (enture& I ha(e literally "0een There and 1one That# with -ust a out e(ery Internet opportunity a(aila le& I ha(e a "2h&1& in 'ow )ot To 0uild 3n Internet 0usiness# awarded from the School of 'ard /noc4s& I$m pretty sure I$(e found all the ways to fail% and now I$(e found the way to succeed& This report will show you the simple 3-Step System to succeedin! on the Internet& If you$(e een stru!!lin! to ma4e your Internet usiness wor4 for you% then this oo4 will show you the path to follow& I also want to tell you that I$m not !oin! to !uarantee anythin!& I don$t 4now you
2008 Charles Burleig

or your situation% your s4ills or your talents& 5hat mi!ht wor4 for me% may or may not wor4 for you& 5hat I am !oin! to tell you% howe(er% is that if you follow these simple steps in this system% you should e well on your way to ecomin! a success on the Internet&

2008 Charles Burleig

Chapter 2: Step 1 The Tools

5ithout the proper tools you will not succeed in your Internet usiness (entures& That$s a !uarantee6 3 carpenter can$t uild a house without a hammer and nails& It$s -ust that simple& If you don$t ac7uire the proper tools for your Internet mar4etin! usiness% you$re not !oin! to succeed& 2eriod& So% what tools do you need,

Tool #1 A Website... 8ou may ha(e heard it efore% ut until you !et your own we site% you will not ha(e (ery much success with your mar4etin! efforts& The num er one reason you need to !et your own we site is so you can rand yourself& 0randin! allows you to ecome 4nown around the Internet& It !i(es you a uni7ue personality on the Internet and sets you apart from the millions of others out there& 8ears a!o when I first !ot started on the Internet% I purchased my first domain name% Stay'ome1ads&com& Since then I ha(e done e(erythin! on the Internet related to that Stay'ome1ad& 9et me !i(e you an e:ample& In ;uly 2<<= I attended an offline e(ent called ;> 3lert 9i(e in 2hiladelphia% 23& 3s I was meetin! people in person that I had only heard of on the Internet% they would say "*h% so you$re Stay 'ome 1ad,# It was
2008 Charles Burleig

rand and now I am pretty well 4nown in some circles as

ama?in! that they 4new who I was ecause of my randin!& 3nother i! reason you want a we site of your own is so you can control the content& 5hen you start to run your lo! you want to e a le to ad(ertise products on it& @any of the free lo! solutions do not allow you to do any sort of ad(ertisin!& There ha(e een many mar4eters who ha(e lost their lo!s on a free lo! site due to (iolation of the ad(ertisin! policies& If you own your we site% within the terms of the hostin! company% you can control the content on that site& I host all of my we sites with 'ostin!-4-@ar4eters&com& They pro(ide hostin! with 2 + of space% for up to 2< domains% unlimited emails% mys7l data ases% and so much more for a low monthly price& Chec4 out 'ostin!-4-@ar4eters&com 'ere&

Tool #2 An Autoresponder... "The money is in the list&# 8ou$(e pro a ly heard it a million times& If you don$t ha(e an autoresponder% you will not e a le to uild and maintain a list of any si!nificant si?e& 3n autoresponder is asically a ser(ice that will allow you to email your leads on a scheduled or on-demand asis& 3 !ood autoresponder ser(ice will allow you to create a series of emails to start sendin! your su scri ers immediately& This is useful to create an e-course or to set up a series of emails that will allow you to automatically sell your own or affiliate products o(er time& 8ou should also e a le to send out a autoresponder ser(ice& roadcast email on-demand to your list usin! your This will allow you to promote the latest affiliate

promotions to your list as they come out& The num er one reason to use an autoresponder is that it allows you to uild a relationship with your su scri ers&
2008 Charles Burleig

1e(elopin! a relationship is (ery important in your Internet @ar4etin! efforts& 'ow many times ha(e you recei(ed a promotion for some new product% and waited to see if you recei(e the same promotion from a specific mar4eter you li4e, I$(e done that a num er of times% if for nothin! more than to e loyal to a friend& I$(e e(en passed o(er some incredi le onuses to purchase throu!h the lin4 of a friend6 So% you need an autoresponder in order to uild a relationship with your list& The etter the relationship the more sales you$ll ma4e& )ow% efore you !et upset a out the idea of sellin! to your friends% thin4 of it this way& If you purchase somethin! from 3ma?on&com% you$ll recei(e se(eral offers a wee4 from them& 0uy somethin! from your fa(orite online clothes store% you$ll start !ettin! more offers to your in o:& The point is% when people uy somethin! from you% the e:pect to e sold somethin! else& If you don$t try to sell them anythin! else% they will lea(e your list and you$re usiness will !o ro4e& 0ottom line% you need to uild a relationship with your list% and you ma4e offers to them to ma4e an income&

Tool #3 A Product... )ow% when I first heard that I had to ha(e a product of my own% my first thou!ht was% "There is no way I can create a product&# If you$re -ust startin! out% I$m sure you pro a ly feel the same way& 'owe(er% last year I disco(ered a secret% you don$t ha(e to create a product from scratch6 There are two types of products that you can use so you don$t ha(e to create your own product&
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The first is 29. products& 2ri(ate 9a el .i!hts or 29. is a product that asically someone else creates from scratch% and sells you the ri!hts to modify it and call it your own& Ap until this product you$re readin! ri!ht now% all of my products ha(e een modified 29.& BShh% don$t tell anyone% I$(e done (ery well uildin! my list with those products that I didn$t write myself6C D-C 29. !i(es you the opportunity to create a uni7ue product without ha(in! to come up with it yourself& 'owe(er% if used incorrectly you can !et yourself into a lot of trou le& To learn more a out how to correctly use 29. chec4 out 29. Secrets E:posed& This course will teach you all you need to 4now a out how to use 29. effecti(ely& 8ou can !et a Free @em ership to 29. Secrets E:posed 'ere& The other type of product is a product that you can re rand& their recommended resources to your own affiliate lin4s& .e randa le

products are created y someone else ut they allow you to chan!e the lin4s to Asually when you purchase the re randin! ri!hts you are !i(en a re randin! pac4a!e which usually includes a re randin! software that allows you to put your affiliate ids into the product& 3 new type of re randin! is online re randin! where you don$t actually recei(e a re randin! software% ut you put your lin4s into a pa!e online then are allowed to download the product already re randed& .ecently two ser(ices ha(e opened up that allow you to re rand hi!h 7uality products online& These ser(ices !i(e you the a ility to rand products online% then you can download the randed (ersion to !i(e away& >iral E oo4 E:plosion allows you to re rand e oo4s that ha(e een created y well 4nown names in Internet @ar4etin! li4e 9i? Tomey% @i4e Filsaime% and more& 8our Free @em ership to >iral E oo4 E:plosion allows you to re rand these hi!h 7uality e oo4s online& It is e:cellent point-n-clic4 re randin!& +et your Free @em ership to >iral E oo4 E:plosion 'ere& 3nother !reat ser(ice is 0utterfly .eports&
2008 Charles Burleig

This ser(ice !i(es you access to

hundreds of re randa le reports in many different niches% not -ust Internet @ar4etin!& 3!ain you can re rand these reports online then !i(e them away to uild (iral traffic& +et your Free @em ership to 0utterfly .eports 'ere&

0oth types of products% 29. and 0randed% !i(e you a product that you can !i(e away without you ha(in! to !o throu!h the process of creatin! a product from scratch& I said "!i(e away# up a o(e and that is the reason you want a product& If you can !i(e away a product of (alue to someone in e:chan!e for their name and email address% that is how you uild your list& *nce you uild your list% you can then mar4et to that list any time you want& That is what puts you on the road to success& To recap% you need 3 tools in order to start your Internet usiness down the path to success& 1 3 we site so you can control the content& 2 3n autoresponder so you can follow up with your prospects& 3 3 product that you can !i(e away to entice people to -oin your list&

2008 Charles Burleig

Chapter 3: Step 2 - The System

)ow that you ha(e the proper tools to !et started% you need to set up a system& The 4ey to success on the Internet is to ha(e a system in place& *nce you uild a system you can then start to uild your list and your usiness& 3 system is 7uite simply a step- y-step process that your prospects will !o throu!h& Some people call it a sales funnel& The purpose of the system is to turn prospects into leads into customers& It$s really that simple& Lead Capture - 5hat that means is you ha(e to ha(e a we pa!e on which your prospects can enter their name and email address to enter your system& There are all types of lead capture pa!es% sometimes called a s7uee?e pa!e or an opt-in pa!e& 'owe(er there are 3 elements that ma4e an effecti(e lead capture pa!e& 1. 'eadline 8ou must ha(e a compellin! headline that will capture

the interest of your prospects and entice them to 4eep readin!& 2. *ffer This is where your free product comes into play& The

product can

e an e oo4% software% audios% (ideos or e(en an email e-

course& It -ust has to e somethin! of (alue to entice the prospect to !i(e you their information& 3. *pt-in Form This is the code that you !et from your autoresponder

ser(ice that allows the prospect to enter their name and email address and su mit it in order to !et your offer& That$s all there is too it& )ow you may ha(e een around on the Internet and seen many different types of lead capture pa!es& The type of lead capture pa!e you use
2008 Charles Burleig

is dependent in most part on the way it is used& There are lon! pa!e lead capture pa!es where you read throu!h a lot of para!raphs of sales material efore the optin form& There are short lead capture pa!es that are also called splash pa!es% that will fit in one frame in your rowser& These are short and to the point and ha(e (ery few words% -ust a few ullet points and an opt-in form& There are also pop-up opt-in forms or -ust an opt-in form used on a we site that says% For Apdates% Fill In 8our Information 'ere& 'ere$s a (ery effecti(e s7uee?e pa!e that I$m usin! in Traffic E:chan!es: http:GGstayhomedads&comGs7uee?eGplu!-inG It is important to create nice loo4in!% effecti(e s7uee?e pa!es& If you don$t ha(e the pro!rammin! s4ills to create a nice pa!e% it can seem dauntin!& 'owe(er% with Instant S7uee?e 2a!e +enerator you can create slee4 loo4in! s7uee?e pa!es with point-n-clic4 simplicity& They e(en !i(e you the product to !i(e away6 The est part is you can !et a mem ership for free6 +et 8our Free 9ifetime @em ership to Instant S7uee?e 2a!e +enerator 'ere& Utilize The Opt !n Process - 3fter you ha(e captured the lead% then what, 3 mista4e that many mar4eters ma4e is that they don$t utili?e the opt-in process to add (alue to their offer& 5hat they do is they tend to use the Than4 8ou pa!e that is pro(ided y their autoresponder company that asically says% Than4 8ou For 8our Su scription& That is a waste of real estate that could e used to offer another product or free-to--oin mem ership site that can sometimes lead to sales& In a dou le opt-in situation you ha(e two opportunities to ma4e this second offer& 1ou le opt-in means that after the lead presses the Su mit utton they are sent an email re7uestin! that they confirm that they wanted to recei(e your information& This email has a lin4 that they must clic4 efore they will e added to your su scri er list and start recei(in! your emails& This process is in place to a(oid fri(olous S23@ complaints& 3nythin! other than dou le opt-in is now
2008 Charles Burleig

frowned upon in the industry& 'ere is the est way to utili?e dou le opt-in& 5hen the lead enters their

information and clic4s the su mit utton they are ta4en to a Than4 8ou pa!e& *n this pa!e you should ha(e a rief e:planation that they will recei(e an email that they must confirm efore they will e added to your list and recei(e their !ifts& It is helpful to tell them what the su -ect of the email is and that they should e loo4in! for it in their in o:& If you stop there% howe(er% you$re wastin! space& The Than4 8ou pa!e is a !reat place to put an offer for another free product% or a free to -oin mem ership site& It is est to offer a product that is complementary to the one they -ust re7uested& There are two reasons for ma4in! this second offer& 1. 2. 8ou are addin! more (alue to the relationship that you are uildin! *ften times these free !ifts ha(e a ac4end offer that can lead to with this su scri er and they will e more li4ely to confirm their opt-in& commissions for you& This Than4 8ou pa!e can e simple li4e this one% or complicated li4e this one& Continuin! the process&&& 3fter your su scri er recei(es the confirmation email% hopefully he or she clic4s the lin4 to confirm their re7uest for your information or !ifts& Anfortunately another mista4e made y many mar4eters is to ha(e the confirmation lin4 !o directly to the &pdf or &?ip file that you were offerin!& Instead of !oin! directly to the product% you should ta4e the opportunity to send them to a download pa!e& The download pa!e is another opportunity for you to !i(e them another shot at the same products on the Than4 8ou pa!e% or offer different products& 8ou can e(en ma4e a one-time offer of a product that will compliment the product that
2008 Charles Burleig

they recei(ed from you as a !ift& @a4e sure you clearly indicate how they are to download their product& 8ou will usually see words that say somethin! li4e% "To 1ownload 8our 2roduct% .i!htClic4 'ere and Select Sa(e 3s# which will also e a lin4& The etter option and more SE* approach is to ha(e a lin4 with words li4e% "Clic4 'ere To 1ownload 3 Steps System To @a4e @oney *nline6# 3lso ma4e sure that you ha(e instructions or lin4s to tools they$ll need to use your product% such as a lin4 to 3do e .eader or a Hip utility& 'ere are a couple of e:amples of download pa!es that I use B!o ahead and download the free ies if you want& D-C C This is the Confirmation 2a!e that I use for my short form opt-ins% such as the forms on my lo!s& This is the 1ownload 2a!e for one of my randed e oo4s from >iral E oo4 E:plosion& )otice how I$m offerin! 'i!h >alue free ies on those pa!es, I$m doin! that to 1C 3dd (alue to our relationship and 2C Earn commissions if the su scri er up!rades when they ta4e those free offers& I$(e een a le to earn pretty !ood commissions from usin! these 4inds of offers on my download and confirmation pa!es& There is another hidden secret on this pa!e& 8ou see a out I of the way down the pa!e where it says% "please consider su scri in! to these other !reat Internet @ar4etin! e?ines&&&#, That is what is 4now as co-re!istration& 8ou can do somethin! li4e that on your own where you team up with a few other e?ine owners and you each put a su scri e lin4 to each others$ e?ines on your confirmation pa!es& 'owe(er% 3d(ertisin! /now 'ow has a uilt in list uilder% which all you ha(e to do is add one line of code to your pa!e% and you ha(e an instant co-re!istration& 5hat$s e(en etter is that e(ery time your confirmation pa!e is shown% your e?ine will e listed on 3 to J other confirmation pa!es% dependin! on your le(el of So% whene(er someone si!ns up for my newsletter% I ha(e a mem ership&

2008 Charles Burleig

potential to !et J other su scri ers6 )ow% not e(ery one of those listin!s results in a su scription% ut I !et 5 1< new su scri ers e(ery wee4 with no e:tra wor4& *h% did I mention that 3d(ertisin! /now is free,6 +et your Free @em ership to 3d(ertisin! /now 'ow 'ere& )ow that your new su scri er has downloaded your product% that shouldn$t e the end of your system& There are two other important parts of the system that now come into play& Utilize The Product There are two ways to use the product to add (alue% uild a relationship and possi ly !enerate ac4 end sales& #1 The product itsel"... 'opefully you didn$t -ust !i(e away a product with no lin4s ac4 to you or offers for up!rades& In e oo4s whether they are 29. or 0randed% ma4e sure you include lin4s to tools that will help your new su scri er enefit the most from the information you are sharin!& Software !enerally has a free (ersion and a paid up!rade (ersion with additional functionality& Some software products allow you to lin4 ac4 to the site of the person presentin! the software% or an affiliate lin4 for the software pro(ider site itself& @a4e sure that you don$t miss this opportunity to add more (alue to your relationship and possi ly ma4e some sales& 'a(e you noticed throu!hout this e oo4 the lin4s to !reat resources, That is e:actly what I$m tal4in! a out& They are not o(ert ad(ertisements for products% ut rather su!!estions for tools that will help you% with an affiliate lin4 to that tool& #2 The do#nload pac$a%e... @any mar4eters -ust pro(ide a &?ip file or a &pdf file which includes only the !ift
2008 Charles Burleig

that was offered& 3 etter way would e to include a &?ip file which includes not only the !ift offered% ut also a unch of onus offers as well& These onus offers can e in an additional &pdf file called .E31 @E FI.ST&pdf or e(en Internet shortcuts& I !enerally include a folder in the &?ip file called Anannounced 0onuses which has a out 1< Internet Shortcuts to free or low cost tools and ser(ices& 5hen you downloaded this e oo4% you actually downloaded a &?ip file& Chec4 out the folder that says% Anannounced 0onuses& 8ou can dra! a we site to your des4top and create an Internet shortcut& Then -ust paste these shortcuts into a folder and ?ip it up with your !i(e away product& 5hen you ha(e shortcuts in the folder% ri!ht clic4 on each one and clic4 properties& Then chan!e the A.9 to your affiliate lin4 or a trac4er lin4 so you 4now where the (isitor came from& 8ou$ll e ama?ed at how many clic4s you !et from this announced onuses folder& 3!ain it is all a out relationship uildin! and addin! (alue to that relationship& 2eople will not spend money with you if you -ust say "'ere% uy my product&# 0ut if you !i(e them a !ood e:perience durin! their initial contact with you throu!h the opt-in process% and add lots of (alue% they will e more li4ely to ma4e a purchase from you ecause they 4now that you add more (alue to your offers& The &ollo# Up This is the part of your system that will !enerate the sales for you if done properly& 8our follow up is done throu!h your autoresponder& 3 !reat way to do the follow up is automatically y creatin! a series of 5 or more emails that will !o out e(ery 2 or 3 days to your new su scri ers& This follow up is an important part of the system that you are creatin!& 8our first email should e a rief email with the lin4 to your download pa!e in case they missed the pa!e for some un4nown reason or didn$t download your !ift at that time& 8ou should also include some sort of a lin4% whether to another
2008 Charles Burleig

onus or to a low priced hi!h (alue offer& 8ou can also include a lin4 to your latest lo! post or an article that !oes into detail a out your topic& This will !et your su scri ers into the ha it of clic4in! in your emails& The second email should e an introduction of who you are and what you are !oin! to pro(ide to them throu!h your email series& 9et them 4now that you will e sendin! them more emails with information% tips% ideas% tools% and offers to help them achie(e what they are loo4in! for in their usiness& 3!ain don$t for!et a lin4& I usually include a 2&S& in this email with a lin4 to a !reat tool that is free to -oin% ut has a !reat up!rade offer a(aila le& The ne:t few emails should discuss the topic of your !ift% newsletter or e?ine and offer free products or mem erships that ha(e !reat (alue ut also ha(e paid up!rade offers& )ot e(eryone that -oins a free mem ership site will ta4e the up!rade% ut really !ood offers usually !et etween 5 and 1<K up!rades% which can help you earn commissions& 3fter you ha(e warmed up your su scri ers and they e:pect offers in your emails% you should start offerin! hi!her tic4et items% such as LM to L4J products& 3!ain ma4e sure that there are !ood up!rade offers to these products& 3fter you ha(e sent a out M or = emails% you can start offerin! hi!her-end products and ser(ices with price ta!s of LJM to L1JM& 3lways include hi!her (alue than the price ta! ein! offered& 8ou can do this with incenti(es or onuses for ma4in! a purchase throu!h your affiliate lin4& This email series should run e(ery 2 to 3 days for the first 2 or 3% then e(ery 5 days for the ne:t 5 or so% and then once a wee4 or e(ery 1< days for the remainder of your email series& Asin! this type of warm up email series many mar4eters ha(e
2008 Charles Burleig

een a le to

moneti?e the opt-in process% allowin! them to pay for promotions of their system& @any e:perts say that you can e:pect to earn a out L1 per opt-in su scri er e(ery month& 'owe(er% don$t !et discoura!ed if that doesn$t happen ri!ht away& 8ou need to warm up your list first efore you can e:pect to start seein! num ers li4e that& 5hen you can earn money for e(ery su scri er you rin! into your funnel% that$s when you 4now you are on your way to success in your Internet usiness& If you thin4 you can$t write interestin! and useful emails don$t worry a out it& 8ou can !et 1<< Internet @ar4etin! themed emails from Instant )ewsletter& 5ith Instant )ewsletter you$ll !et 1< emails in 1< different Internet @ar4etin! themes li4e lo!!in!% article mar4etin!% ppc% SE* and more& 8ou can then ta4e these emails% modify them to match your personality% include affiliate lin4s and upload them to your autoresponder& 5ith 1<< emails you can ha(e one email per wee4 for almost two years6 8ou can !et Instant )ewsletter here&

2008 Charles Burleig

Chapter 4: Step 3 The Traffic

)ow that you ha(e your system created% it$s time to start dri(in! traffic to your lead capture pa!e& There are millions of we pa!es on the Internet& If you don$t ha(e any traffic dri(en to your site% chances are pretty e:cellent not many people will see it& So% in order to !et any leads into your system% you need to dri(e traffic to that system& There are two 4inds of traffic you can !enerate Free or 2aid& &ree Tra""ic 5hen are first startin! out you may not ha(e a lot of money to in(est into your usiness& 3fter you ha(e purchased your tools and may e -oined some .esell .i!hts we site% your ud!et may not allow you to spend money on traffic !eneration& 1on$t worry% thou!h% there are a lot of people who ha(e made a lot of money from free traffic sources& It -ust may ta4e a little while lon!er than the paid methods& 'anual Tra""ic ()chan%es 3 manual traffic e:chan!e is asically a ser(ice where you a!ree to loo4 at other people$s we sites in e:chan!e for !ettin! (iews to your we site& They wor4 (ery well% if you 4now how to use them properly& The worst way to use a traffic e:chan!e is to use your lin4 for an affiliate product& 2eople are only !oin! to (iew your pa!e for 1< 2< seconds and if you don$t capture their attention enou!h to ha(e them fill in your opt-in form% they$ll e !one to the ne:t site& The est way to use a manual traffic e:chan!e is to put a s7uee?e pa!e up that offers a product related to traffic e:chan!es or other methods of traffic !eneration& 3nother !reat element of a s7uee?e pa!e for use in the manual traffic e:chan!es is a picture& I was shoc4ed at how many people 4new who I was ecause I used my picture on my opt-in pa!es&
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Traffic e:chan!es can e (ery effecti(e in helpin! you to !row your list and uild your usiness and profits& The est resource I$(e found to learn how to use Traffic E:chan!es effecti(ely is The .esidual Traffic System& List *uilders or +a"elists Safelists are a ser(ice that you si!n up for that will allow you to send your email ads out to others in e:chan!e for (iewin! emails from other mem ers& Credit ased safelists seem to !i(e you the most an! for your uc4 ecause you earn so many credits y (iewin! other mem ers$ emails& 9ist 0uilders are a (ariation on Safelists ecause they allow you to email people that you directly sponsor and people that they sponsor down for so many le(els& Some of these pro!rams ha(e a paid up!rade option that let you also email a certain num er of random mem ers e(ery few days or so& The most effecti(e way to use these 4inds of ser(ices is to ha(e a lin4 in the email you send out to a lead capture pa!e& 8ou can use medium to lon! form lead capture pa!es ecause you need to !i(e enou!h reasons B enefitsC to the prospect to !i(e you their email address for more information& To learn all a out how to effecti(ely use Safelists and other 9ist 0uilders% I recommend that you read The Altimate Safelist Sur(i(al +uide ;ordansen and @ichael Co & It has y Soren een called the definiti(e !uide on use

safelists& It is a simple% practical and to the point !uide filled with steps you can start implementin! ri!ht away and it also includes 5 !reat tutorial (ideos& 8ou can !et The Altimate Safelist Sur(i(al +uide 'ere& Articles 5ith articles you asically write a series of articles ased on the

product you are promotin!& 3t the ottom of the article is a o: called the 3uthor .esource o: where you can put a lin4 to your sales pa!e% lo! or lead capture pa!e Bthe est optionC& If anyone uses your article on their site or in their lo!% they ha(e to include the resource o:% which !i(es you another lin4 to your site&
2008 Charles Burleig

8ou can su mit articles to the 3rticle 1irectories on the Internet to !et more traffic to your site& +earch (n%ine Opti,ization- +(O SE* is not really a free form of traffic !eneration li4e the ones a o(e in the sense that it is not used y itself ut in con-unction with all other traffic !eneration methods& SE* is creatin! your we pa!e so the search en!ines li4e +oo!le and 8ahoo6 will find it% spider it% and list it in the searches for your 4ey words& 3 lo! is a !reat way to create a we site that is readily SE*& Search en!ines cra(e fresh content and a 5ordpress lo! !i(es them -ust that& 8ou can install plu!-ins in a 5ordpress lo! that will alert the search en!ines any time you update your post& There are also other plu!-ins that allow you to optimi?e your lo! to ma4e it attracti(e to search en!ines& Paid Tra""ic 3fter you ha(e tuned your system so that you are earnin! money e(ery time someone !oes throu!h the funnel% you can calculate your re(enue per su scri er& Then you can determine your ac7uisition costs to see if you can afford to pay for traffic& 3ll that means is that if you earn L1 per su scri er per month from your newsletter% you 4now you can spend up to L1 Bsometimes a little more if you sell hi!h end products at the end of your funnelC to ac7uire a new su scri er& 'ere are a few of the paid traffic !eneration methods& Pa. Per Clic$- PPC *n the sides and sometimes at the top of search en!ine listin!s you$ll see what are called 2aid 3d(ertisers& These ad(ertisers will pay the search en!ines e(ery time someone clic4s throu!h their lin4& This is a uni7ue form of ad(ertisin! ecause it is not ased on (iews% ut on actual clic4s& 5ith 22C you need to calculate how many clic4s turn into a su scri er% in order to determine how much you can afford to pay for each clic4&
2008 Charles Burleig

9et$s say for e(ery 1<< (iews to your we site you are !ettin! one su scri er& If each su scri er is worth o(er L1 per month to you throu!hout the life of that su scri er% you 4now that you can spend L1 per 1<< clic4s% or L&<1 per clic4& There are some other factors that !o into determinin! how much you can id per clic4% ut I hope you !et the !eneral idea& 2ay 2er Clic4 is a !reat way to dri(e tar!eted traffic to your we site& 'owe(er% if you don$t pay attention to your metrics you could end up payin! a lot more for your traffic than you anticipated& 5hen used properly thou!h% 22C can really oost the si?e of your list and your sales& Co /e%istration Leads Co-.e!istration means that you pay to ha(e your ad shown with a list of other ads& There are paid and free ways to do Co.e!istration& *ne !ood e:ample of this is when you si!n up for a 8ahoo6 email account& They show you se(eral offers durin! the process& If you clic4 the o: ne:t to the offer% you will e added to that ad(ertiser$s email list& Some co-re!istration offers are on a pay per lead asis& They a!ree to !i(e you so many si!n ups for a certain amount of money& 8ou need to ma4e sure that when you si!n up for the ser(ice that you understand e:actly how your leads are !enerated& Some ser(ices pay people to si!n up to newsletters& This leads to a (ery poor 7uality of lead& *ther ser(ices -ust !i(e you the name and email addresses of the leads you purchase& @any reputa le autoresponder companies will not allow you to email to these leads ecause they are (ery often scraped from the Internet without the person actually si!nin! up for your newsletter& That rin!s me to my i!!est warnin! to you& This is my "If I had to do it all o(er a!ain# moment& 5hen I started Internet @ar4etin!% I !ot in with a !roup of people who told me that purchasin! leads% and loadin! them to my autoresponder was the fastest way to !row my list and start ma4in! a profit& 3fter spendin! thousands of dollars on leads% all I !ot for it was *LAC3L!+T(45 @y domain
2008 Charles Burleig

00 WA/1!12 00

name was on all the S23@@E. lists% and I was una le to do any sort of email promotions for o(er a year& I almost 7uit% ut after a year decided to find people who would teach me the est way uild my list% le!ally and ethically& 8ou should use a (ariety of the methods for !eneratin! traffic discussed a o(e& 8ou may find that some will !i(e you more su scri ers ut less sales and others may !i(e you only a few su scri ers ut it is easier to !et sales with them& 5hate(er methods of traffic you use% ma4e sure that you send that traffic to a lead capture pa!e of some sort& 5hat !ood is traffic if they lea(e your site fore(er, That$s why a lead capture pa!e is so important so you can follow up with your leads and uild the relationship with them& .oss +old er! has put to!ether an awesome product that co(ers MJ different traffic !eneration strate!ies called The Traffic @anifesto& 'e shows you step- ystep how to use all sorts of traffic methods from free social networ4in! sites to pay-per-clic4& It is a massi(e resource if you want to learn how to !enerate tons of traffic to your we site& 8ou can pic4 up The Traffic @anifesto here&

2008 Charles Burleig

Chapter 5: Conclusion
There you ha(e it&&& 3 simple 3-Step 2rocess that will !et you on the road to success& Step 1 +et the ri!ht tools:

3 5e Site you need to ha(e your own we site so you can control 3n 3utoresponder you need to e a le to follow up with your leads 3 2roduct you need a way to entice your prospects into !i(in! you

the content&

to uild a relationship and !enerate sales&

their name and email address& Step 2 0uild a system:

9ead Capture you need to create a pa!e with an opt-in form that

will allow your prospects to enter their name and email address in order to recei(e your information and !ifts&

The *pt-In 2rocess set up the opt-in process with Than4 8ou

pa!es and Confirmation pa!es that add (alue% uild your relationship and ma4e additional offers&

The Follow Ap you can uild a series of pre-written emails that

will !o out at certain inter(als that will introduce yourself% warm up your leads% and ma4e offers that should !enerate additional re(enue& Step 3 Traffic:

*nce you ha(e all the other pieces of the system in place% you can Free Traffic @ethods these include manual traffic e:chan!es% list

start !eneratin! traffic and sendin! prospects to your lead capture pa!e&

uilders or safelists and articles& 0lo!s can e a !reat way to !et Search En!ine or *r!anic traffic&

2aid Traffic @ethods this includes 2ay 2er Clic4 and Co-

2008 Charles Burleig

.e!istration& @a4e sure you 4now how much it costs to ac7uire a lead and how much a su scri er is worth to you to a(oid payin! too much& 5hen purchasin! leads throu!h co-re!istration ma4e sure you 4now e:actly how those leads are !enerated& If you follow these 3 steps you$ll e uildin! a foundation that will allow you to achie(e the !oals you ha(e for your Internet usiness& I hope you ha(e en-oyed readin! this short report on Internet @ar4etin!& @y intention was to !i(e you a simple 3-Step process that you can follow and implement to !et your Internet @ar4etin! usiness off the !round and profita le& 5hen I finally applied this 3-Step system to my Internet @ar4etin! efforts% my usiness turned around and I started ha(in! results& I 4now these steps wor4 ecause I$(e applied them with success to my own usiness& If you apply these steps to your usiness% you$ll find yourself uildin! your list faster and startin! to !enerate more income in the process& 8ou$ll notice that this is not a comprehensi(e course on Internet @ar4etin!& There are far too many intricacies to !o into in this short report& To !et a much more in-depth co(era!e the topics presented here% I su!!est you chec4 out 1ou! Champi!ny$s Trainin! 4 )ew ies >ideo Series& 1ou! has een on the Internet for years and has ro4en down the asics into a series of step- y-step (ideos that you can watch as you are implementin! the trainin!& a(aila le anywhere else& To !et this special pac4a!e deal% !o to& The .esources section which follows will pro(ide you with lin4s to further information for each of the topics co(ered& 1ou! has allowed me permission to !i(e you a special offer on this pac4a!e that is not

2008 Charles Burleig

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2008 Charles Burleig

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