Ni 2913
Ni 2913
Ni 2913
Comisso de Normalizao Tcnica
10 / 2012
Painting and Anticorrosive Coatings
This is the 3rd Amendment to PETROBRAS N-2913 REV. A, incorporated the 2nd amendment and it is used to alter the text of the Standard in the parts indicated below:
NOTE 1 The news pages with the performed amendments are placed in its corresponding positions. NOTE 2 The amended pages, indicated the date of the amendment, are placed at the end of this standard, in chronological order, and shall not be used.
Inclusion of Notes. (3rd Amendment) - Table 2: (1st Amendment) Amendment incorporated in the publication of this English version. - Subsection (2nd Amendment) Inclusion of Note. - Subsection (1st Amendment) Amendment incorporated in the publication of this English version. - Subsection (1st Amendment) Amendment incorporated in the publication of this English version. - Subsection (1st Amendment) Amendment incorporated in the publication of this English version.
1 page
08 / 2011
Comisso de Normalizao Tcnica
Technical Requirement: A provision established as the most adequate and which shall be used strictly in accordance with this Standard. If a decision is taken not to follow the requirement (non-conformity to this Standard) it shall be based on well-founded economic and management reasons, and be approved and registered by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is characterized by imperative nature. Recommended Practice: A provision that may be adopted under the conditions of this Standard, but which admits (and draws attention to) the possibility of there being a more adequate alternative (not written in this Standard) to the particular application. The alternative adopted shall be approved and registered by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is characterized by verbs of a nonmandatory nature. It is indicated by the expression: [Recommended Practice]. Copies of the registered non-conformities to this Standard that may contribute to the improvement thereof shall be submitted to the CONTEC - Authoring Subcommittee. Proposed revisions to this Standard shall be submitted to the CONTEC Authoring Subcommittee, indicating the alphanumeric identification and revision of the Standard, the section, subsection and enumerate to be revised, the proposed text, and technical/economic justification for revision. The proposals are evaluated during the work for alteration of this Standard. The present Standard is the exclusive property of PETRLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS, for internal use in the Company, and any reproduction for external use or disclosure, without previous and express authorization from the owner, will imply an unlawful act pursuant to the relevant legislation through which the applicable responsibilities shall be imputed. External circulation shall be regulated by a specific clause of Secrecy and Confidentiality pursuant to the terms of intellectual and industrial property law.
SC - 14
Painting and Anticorrosive Coatings
PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared by Working Groups - WG (consisting specialized of Technical Collaborators from Company and its Subsidiaries), are commented by Company Units and its Subsidiaries, are approved by the Authoring Subcommittees SCs (consisting of technicians from the same specialty, representing the various Company Units and its Subsidiaries), and ratified by the Executive Nucleus (consisting of representatives of the Company Units and its Subsidiaries). A PETROBRAS Technical Standard is subject to revision at any time by its Authoring Subcommittee and shall be reviewed every 5 years to be revalidated, revised or cancelled. PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared in accordance with PETROBRAS Technical Standard N-1. For complete information about PETROBRAS Technical Standards see PETROBRAS Technical Standards Catalog. PROPERTY OF PETROBRAS 13 pages, Index of Revisions and WG
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Foreword.................................................................................................................................................. 3 1 Scope................................................................................................................................................... 3 2 Normative References......................................................................................................................... 3 3 Conditions............................................................................................................................................ 4 3.1 General Provisions ................................................................................................................. 4 3.2 Internal Coating ...................................................................................................................... 5 3.3 External Coating..................................................................................................................... 6 4 Specific Conditions .............................................................................................................................. 6 4.1 Organic Coating for Storage Tank Internal Area.................................................................... 6 4.1.1 Coating Specification ..................................................................................................... 6 4.1.2 Organic Anticorrosive Coating Schemes for Internal Tank Area ................................... 8 Coating PETROBRAS N-2912 (Type II) ................................................................ 8 Coating PETROBRAS N-2912 (Type III) ............................................................... 8 4.2 External Tank Coating............................................................................................................ 8 4.3 Spheres and Storage Cylinders Coating.............................................................................. 10 4.3.1 Internal Coating............................................................................................................ 10 Condition 11......................................................................................................... 10 Condition 12......................................................................................................... 11 4.3.2 External Coating........................................................................................................... 11 Equipment without Thermal Insulation................................................................. 11 Equipment with Thermal Insulation...................................................................... 12
Table 1 - Surface Treatment Method ...................................................................................................... 5 Table 2 - Coating Specification................................................................................................................ 7
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This Standard is the English version (issued in 12/2011) of PETROBRAS N-2913 REV. A 08/2011 (including its Amendment - 10/2011). In case of doubt, the Portuguese version, which is the valid document for all intents and purposes, shall be used.
1 Scope
1.1 This standard sets out the schemes of anticorrosive coatings of interior and exterior areas of tanks, spheres and cylinders for storage on terrestrial and marine facilities. NOTE For the execution of maintenance painting on marine facilities the PETROBRAS N-1374 shall be followed. 1.2 This Standard is applicable to procedures started after the issuance date. 1.3 This Standard contains Technical Requirements and Recommended Practices.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. PETROBRAS N-9 - Treatment of Steel Surfaces by Abrasive Blasting and Water Jetting; PETROBRAS N-13 - Technical Requirements for Paintwork; PETROBRAS N-1202 - Iron Oxide Epoxy Paint; PETROBRAS N-1219 - Colors; PETROBRAS N-1374 - Anticorrosive Coatings for Offshore Exploration and Production Units; PETROBRAS N-1514 - High-Temperature Indicating Paint; PETROBRAS N-1550 - Steel Structure Painting; PETROBRAS N-1661 - Zinc Ethyl Silicate Paint; PETROBRAS N-2137 - Determinao de Descontinuidade em Pelcula Seca de Tinta; PETROBRAS N-2288 - Tinta de Fundo Epxi Pigmentada com Alumnio; PETROBRAS N-2628 - High Thickness Epoxy Polyamide Paint; PETROBRAS N-2630 - High Thickness Epoxy Zinc Phosphate Paint; PETROBRAS N-2677 - Polyurethane Acrylic Paint; PETROBRAS N-2680 - Surface Tolerant Solvent Free Epoxy Paint for Wet Surfaces; PETROBRAS N-2912 - Novolac Epoxy Paiting;
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ABNT NBR 14847 - Inspeo de Servios de Pintura em Superfcies Metlicas Procedimento; ABNT NBR 15158 - Limpeza de Superfcie de Ao por Compostos Qumicos; ABNT NBR 15185 - Inspeo de Superfcies para Pintura Industrial; ABNT NBR 15239 - Tratamento de Superfcies de Ao com Ferramentas Manuais e Mecnicas; ABNT NBR 15877:2010 - Pintura industrial - Ensaio de Aderncia por Trao; ISO 8501-1 - Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and Related Products - Visual Assessment of Surface Cleanliness - Part 1: Rust Grades and Preparation Grades of Uncoated Steel Substrates and of Steel Substrates after Overall Removal of Previous Coatings; ASTM D 4541:2009 - Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers; NACE No.5/SSPC-SP 12 - Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Water Jetting Prior to Recoating; NACE VIS 7/SSPC-VIS 4 - Interim Guide to Visual Reference Photographs for Steel Cleaned by Water Jetting.
3 Conditions
3.1 General Provisions 3.1.1 The organic anticorrosive coating schemes provided in this standard are established taking into account the equipment mentioned in 1.1, as well as corrosive environments, loss reduction by evaporation of stored products, temperatures at which they are subject, whether or not they are equipped with thermal insulation and stored products. 3.1.2 In the case of new plates, which shall mandatorily receive abrasive blasting, the surface to be blasted shall be previously washed with high pressure water (3 000 psi minimum) in order to remove any contamination by solvable salts. 3.1.3 The original painting (shop primer), if any, shall be immediately removed before application of anticorrosive organic coating schemes provided in this Standard, except in cases where the manufacturer ensures the integrity and performance of the coating. 3.1.4 Prior to surface preparation, perform visual inspection over the entire surface, according to ABNT NBR 14847 and ABNT NBR 15185. Identify points with oil, grease, fat, other contaminants traces or coating damage, as well as the level of the surface corrosion (A, B, C, or D, according to ISO 8501-1). The contaminants removal shall be performed by a physical and chemical cleanliness process, pursuant to ABNT NBR 15158. 3.1.5 Surface treatment shall be performed according to Table 1, using abrasive blasting or water jetting. NOTE The water jetting shall only be used in maintenance services. For new construction, the water jetting is permitted only if combined with abrasives. 4
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WJ-2 (Minimum)
NOTE 1 In the case of water jetting treatment, it shall be used a painting compatible with the substrate situation after this treatment. NOTE 2 Water jetting visual reference photographs are set forth in NACE VIS 7/SSPC-VIS 4. NOTE 3 To obtain suitable roughness profile for application of the coating type III, provided by PETROBRAS N-2912, shall be used a G-25 steel grit, or other particle sizing, resulting in the same roughness profile.
3.1.6 For external maintenance painting, the painting application can be performed on the surface presenting, at maximum, a light flash rust, as defined in PETROBRAS N-9 and NACE VIS 7/SSPC-VIS 4. 3.1.7 Repainting interval shall be mandatorily respected, as provided on the technical coating report. For internal coatings, if exceeded the maximum repainting interval, an anchor profile shall be opened by a brush off, Sa 1 grade. For external coatings, if exceeded the maximum repainting intervals, recommendations set out in PETROBRAS N-13 shall be followed. 3.1.8 The recommendations of PETROBRAS N-13 shall be followed for the application of the anticorrosive coating schemes. 3.1.9 A stripe coat shall be applied mandatorily by brush, before the coating to be applied, in the welded parts, uneven surfaces, corners and cavities. 3.1.10 For the painting of ladders, bridges and platforms (including handrails, guardrails, ledges and floors) the recommendations of PETROBRAS N-1550 shall be followed.
3.2 Internal Coating 3.2.1 The substrate roughness profile must be of, at least, 70 m, and up to 100 m. 3.2.2 On storage tanks roof coating, special care must be taken in order to allow the corrosion protection of the regions supporting the roof over their supporting structure.
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3.2.3 The adhesion test, pursuant to ASTM D 4541:2009, Method D - Equipment Type IV or ABNT NBR 15877:2010, Annex A.2 shall be performed in the schemes described in and, after full application of the coating and elapsed the cure time, in replicas, prepared by manufacturing lot. The pull-off strength shall not be less than 15 MPa and, even for higher values, adherence failures shall not be accepted on the substrate (A/B). 3.2.4 Film must be checked against discontinuity using a holiday detector, in the coating scheme provided in and, in accordance with PETROBRAS N-13 and N-2137. 3.2.5 After the coating application, the equipment must be placed in operation according to the term set by the coating manufacturer. 3.2.6 The original scheme shall be repeated when repairing the existing scheme.
3.3 External Coating 3.3.1 The substrate roughness profile shall comply with the specified in PETROBRAS N-9. 3.3.2 To identify tanks, spheres and gas storage cylinders, the corporate standards set out by PETROBRAS Institutional Communications division shall be used. 3.3.3 The spheres supports must be fully coated with one coat of surface tolerant solvent free epoxy paint for wet surfaces, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2680, by airless gun. The minimum dry film thickness shall be of 150 m. On fire protection, it shall be applied 2 coats of acrylic polyurethane paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, directly on the coating, by conventional or airless gun. The first coat shall be diluted in approximately 10 % using solvent indicated by the manufacturer, in order to seal the porosity of the coating for subsequent application of the second coat. The interval between coats must be of a minimum of 8h. The minimum thickness of the final dry film shall be of 70 m. NOTE 1 In case of using intumescent epoxy paint with anticorrosive properties, it is not necessary to apply the paint PETROBRAS N-2680. [Recommended Practice] NOTE 2 After applying intumescent epoxy paint, it shall be applied one coat of acrylic polyurethane paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, with minimum dry film thickness of 60 m. 3.3.4 The original scheme shall be repeated when retouching the existing scheme. If abrasive blasting is not possible to be applied, prepare the surface according to ABNT NBR 15239. For maintenance painting service, use aluminum pigmented epoxy paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2288.
4 Specific Conditions
4.1 Organic Coating for Storage Tank Internal Area
4.1.1 Coating Specification To specify the coating to be used Table 2 shall be consulted. The equipment to be coated must be fitted in one of the situations provided in order to check the recommended coating.
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- Sour water
Tank with fixed or floating roof - Oil. in refineries and terminals Tank with fixed or - Oil with formation water. floating roof in refineries Tank with fixed or - Oil with formation water. floating roof in terminals
Bottom and roof, side and support columns shall be PETROBRAS coated with two N-2912 circumferential bands of 1m (type II) height, one from the bottom and another from the roof. Bottom and roof, side and support columns shall be PETROBRAS coated with two N-2912 circumferential bands of 1m (type III) height, one from the bottom and another from the roof. The coating shall cover the entire internal surface. PETROBRAS N-2912 (type III)
NOTE 1 The choice of the internal anticorrosive tank protection storing specific products not listed in this table is at the discretion of the operational unit. NOTE 2 For coker naphtha storage tanks, the PETROBRAS N-2912 type III coating must be used, the coating shall cover the entire interior. NOTE 3 In terminals, as technical analysis conducted by a qualified professional (PH) and/or coordination of inspection of the operational body indicated, condition 5 can be used in the interior tank painting. [Recommended Practice] NOTE 4 In terminals with floating roof tank, as technical analysis conducted by a qualified professional (PH) and/or coordination of inspection of the operational body indicated, the paint can cover only the bottom and the side. [Recommended Practice] 7
08 / 2011 Coating PETROBRAS N-2912 (Type II) This coating must be applied in single layer cross passages of 450 m, mandatorily by means of a airless gun. NOTE 1 The application can be performed on surfaces presenting light flash rust. NOTE 2 Film must be checked against discontinuity using a holiday detector, in accordance with PETROBRAS N-13 and N-2137. Coating PETROBRAS N-2912 (Type III) For refinery tanks, this coating must be applied in single layer of 500 m, mandatorily by means of a airless gun. NOTE Film must be checked against discontinuity using a holiday detector, in accordance with PETROBRAS N-13 and N-2137. For terminal tanks, this coating must be applied in two layers of 400 m each, mandatorily by means of an airless gun. The interval between the coats shall be set according to manufacturer's recommendation. NOTE 1 The coating can be applied in single layer of 800 m, mandatorily through airless gun, as long as recommended by the Paint manufacturer. [Recommended Practice] NOTE 2 Film must be checked against discontinuity using a holiday detector, in accordance with PETROBRAS N-13 and N-2137.
4.2 External Tank Coating 4.2.1 On the wind bracing rings floor for all specific conditions, except for condition 10, the following painting system must be applied: a) surface preparation: abrasive blasting to very thorough blast-cleaning grade Sa 2 1/2, as PETROBRAS N-9; b) primer: apply a layer of epoxy coating of high thickness epoxy zinc phosphate paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2630, by means of airless gun, with dry film thickness of 150 m; c) intermediate coating: from dry to touch until 16 hours after the primer coating application, apply a layer of high thickness epoxy polyamide paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2628, by means of airless gun, with minimum dry film thickness of 150 m; d) finish coating: from dry to touch until 16 hours after the intermediate coating application, apply a layer of acrylic polyurethane coating, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, with minimum dry film thickness of 70 m, by means of conventional or airless gun. NOTE In the remainder areas of the wind bracing ring, apply the same painting scheme used on the external tank coating.
4.2.2 In the fixed roof tanks that store dark products, a vertical black band (code 0010), as PETROBRAS N-1219, shall be painted on the side. The center line of the band must be at the same plan of the product sample collecting entrance axis. The band width shall be 1/10 of the tank side height, with a minimum diameter value equal to the sample collecting entrance.
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If the band width value described in 4.2.2 is less than the diameter of the sample collecting entrance, the value of the sample collecting entrance diameter shall be adopted for the width.
4.2.3 External Side Coating Condition 7 Tanks without thermal insulation. Environment: dry or wet, with or without salinity, with or without sulfur derived gases and/or solvent vapors. Temperature: from room temperature up to 80 C. Primer Apply a layer of high thickness epoxy zinc phosphate paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2630, by means of airless gun. The minimum dry film thickness shall be of 120 m. The interval for application of finish coating shall be from dry to touch until 16 hours. NOTE Alternatively, apply one layer of surface tolerant solvent free epoxy paint for wet surfaces, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2680, with thickness of 100 m. The interval for applying the finish coating must be of a minimum of 12 hours and a maximum of 120 hours. Finish coating Apply a layer of polyurethane acrylic paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, with minimum dry film thickness of 70 m, by means of conventional or airless gun. On the baseboard and promotional identification bands, apply a layer of acrylic polyurethane paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, with minimum dry film thickness of 70 m, by means of conventional or airless gun. Condition 8 Tanks with thermal insulation. Environment: dry or wet, with or without salinity, with or without sulfur derived gases. Room temperature and up to 80 C. Apply a layer of high thickness epoxy zinc phosphate paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2630, by means of airless gun. The minimum dry film thickness shall be of 120 m. NOTE Alternatively, apply one layer of surface tolerant solvent free epoxy paint for wet surfaces, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2680, with thickness of 100 m. Condition 9 Tanks with thermal insulation. Environment: dry or wet, with or without salinity, with or without sulfur derived gases. Temperatures above 80 C and up to 150 C. Apply a layer of Novolac epoxy paint as specified in PETROBRAS N-2912 Type II, by airless gun, with minimum dry film thickness of 150 m.
N-2913 Condition 10
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Tanks without thermal insulation. Tanks situated on the seafront. Temperature: from room temperature and up to 60 C. NOTE Applicable to particularly aggressive atmospheres, or in areas with the occurrence of strong winds, mainly, from the sea to the coast, having noticed the presence of sand and/or high salinity of the air (saline fog). Primer Apply one layer of ethyl silicate zinc paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-1661, by means of conventional gun (with mechanical agitation) or airless gun (with mechanical agitation) with a minimum dry film thickness of 75 m. After a minimum of 30 hours and maximum of 48 hours, apply the intermediate coating. Intermediate coating Apply a layer of iron oxide epoxy coating, as specified in PETROBRAS N-1202, by means of roller, conventional or airless gun, with minimum dry film thickness of 30 m. The interval between the intermediate and the finish coating must be of no less than 8 hours and no more than 72 hours. Finish coating Apply a layer of acrylic polyurethane paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, by means of conventional or airless gun with minimum dry film thickness of 70 m. 4.2.4 External Roof Coating Primer Apply a layer of Novolac epoxy coating, type II, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2912, by means of an airless gun, with thickness of 300 m. Finish coating Apply a layer of acrylic polyurethane paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, by means of conventional or airless gun with minimum dry film thickness of 50 m. NOTE For thermally insulated roof coating apply only the primer mentioned in
4.3 Spheres and Storage Cylinders Coating 4.3.1 Internal Coating Condition 11 Internal equipment coating subject to corrosion with high corrosion rate (above 0,1 mm/year). Operating Temperature: up to 80 C. Apply, in the entire internal surface of the equipment, a single layer with a minimum dry film thickness of 400 m of type II coating, specified by PETROBRAS N-2912, mandatorily by means of airless gun. 10
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NOTE 1 Alternatively, for operating temperatures up to 45 C, apply two coats of surface tolerant solvent free epoxy paint for wet surfaces, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2680, with dry film thickness of 200 m each. The interval for application of the second layer must be from dry to the touch and up to 120 hours. NOTE 2 The application must be performed on surfaces presenting, at maximum, light flash rust. NOTE 3 Film must be checked against discontinuity using a holiday detector, in accordance with PETROBRAS N-13 and N-2137. NOTE 4 As technical analysis conducted by a qualified professional (PH) and/or coordination of inspection of the operational body indicated, the paint can cover only the lower section of the sphere, to a height of 2 m from the bottom. [Recommended Practice]. NOTE 5 For spheres with corrosion rate below 0.1 mm/year is at the discretion of a qualified professional (PH) and /or coordination of inspection of the operational unit, the application of the internal coating. [Recommended Practice]. NOTE 6 Ammonia storage spheres shall not be internally coated. Condition 12 Internal equipment coating subject to corrosion with high corrosion rate (above 0.1 mm/year). Operating Temperature: above 80 C and up to 150 C. Apply, in the entire internal surface of the equipment, a single layer with a minimum dry film thickness of 400 m of type III coating, specified by PETROBRAS N-2912, mandatorily by means of airless gun, except for products applied with spatula. NOTE 1 The application must be performed on surfaces presenting, at maximum, light flash rust. NOTE 2 Film must be checked against discontinuity using a holiday detector, in accordance with PETROBRAS N-13 and N-2137. NOTE 3 For conditions with operating temperature above 150 C, the use of market alternatives must be evaluated. NOTE 4 As technical analysis conducted by a qualified professional (PH) and/or coordination of inspection of the operational body indicated, the paint can cover only the lower section of the sphere, to a height of 2 m from the bottom. [Recommended Practice]. NOTE 5 For spheres with corrosion rate below 0.1 mm/year is at the discretion of a qualified professional (PH) and /or coordination of inspection of the operational unit, the application of the internal coating. [Recommended Practice]. Condition 13 Environment: dry or wet, with or without salinity, with or without sulfur derived gases and/or solvent vapors. Temperature: from room temperature and up to 80 C. Primer Apply a layer of high thickness epoxy zinc phosphate paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2630, by means of airless gun. The minimum dry film thickness shall be of 120 m. The interval for applying the finish coating must be of a minimum of dry to touch, and a maximum of 16 hours.
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Alternatively, apply a layers of surface tolerant solvent free epoxy paint for wet surfaces, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2680, with dry film thickness of 100 m. The interval for applying the finishing coating must be of a minimum of 12 hours and a maximum of 120 hours. Finish Coating Apply a coat of acrylic polyurethane paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, with minimum dry film thickness of 50 m, using conventional or airless gun. Condition 14 Environment: located on the seafront and with operating temperature from room temperature and up to 80 C. NOTE Applicable to particularly aggressive atmospheres, located up to 500 m of the coast or in areas with the occurrence of strong winds, mainly, from the sea to the coast, having noticed the sand presence and/or high air salinity (saline fog). Primer Apply one layer of zinc ethyl silicate paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-1661, using conventional gun (with mechanical agitation) or airless gun (with mechanical agitation) with a minimum dry film thickness of 75 m. After a minimum of 30 hours and maximum of 48 hours, apply the intermediate coating. Intermediate Coating Apply one coat of iron oxide epoxy paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-1202, by means of roller, conventional or airless gun, with a minimum dry film thickness of 30 m. The interval between the application of the intermediate and the finish coatings must be of a minimum of 8 hours and a maximum of 72 hours. Finish Coating Apply a layer of acrylic polyurethane paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, by means of conventional or airless gun with minimum dry film thickness of 50 m. Condition 15 Environment: dry or wet, with or without salinity, with or without sulfur derived gases. Operating Temperature: from -30 C and up to 15 C. Primer Apply a layer of high thickness epoxy zinc phosphate paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2630, by means of roller, brush or gun. The minimum dry film thickness shall be of 100 m. The interval for applying the finish coating must be of a minimum of 16 hours and a maximum of 48 hours.
N-2913 Finish Coating
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Apply a layer of high thickness epoxy polyamide paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2628, by means of roller, brush or airless gun, with minimum dry film thickness of 100 m. Condition 16 Environment: dry or wet, with or without salinity, with or without sulfur derived gases. Operating temperature above 15 C up to 80 C in continuous service. In this case, use a single coating applying one layer of high thickness epoxy zinc phosphate paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2630, by roller, brush or gun. The minimum dry film thickness shall be of 150 m. Condition 17 Environment: dry or wet, with or without salinity, with or without sulfur derived gases. Temperature: above 80 C, in continuous service. In this case, the equipment is not coated. NOTE For operating temperatures between 80 C to 200 C where the equipment will be exposed to long periods out of operation, with the possibility to result in corrosion, the application of Novolac epoxy coat, PETROBRAS N-2912 (Type I), with a minimum dry film thickness of 200 m, is recommended. [Recommended Practice] Condition 18 Carbon steel equipment with refractory coating and/or internal insulation. Operating Temperature: above 200 C. Apply two layer of high temperature indicating paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-1514, by means of roller or gun, with minimum dry film thickness of 15 m each layer. The maximum interval between layers must be of 24 hours for Type I and 16 hours for Type II. For operating temperatures between 200 C and 290 C, use Type II. For operating temperatures above 290 C, use Type I. Primer Apply a layer of high build zinc phosphate epoxy coating, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2630, by means of roller, carving or paint spray. The minimum dry film thickness shall be of 100 m. The interval for applying the finish coating must be of a minimum of 16 hours and a maximum of 48 hours. Finish Coating Apply a layer of high thickness epoxy polyamide paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2628, by means of roller, brush or gun, with minimum dry film thickness of 100 m. NOTE The epoxy coating film may, eventually, present powder formation. However, it does not necessarily mean that the paint lost its anticorrosive properties.
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Affected Parts All Revised Description of Alteration
IR 1/1
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3.2.3 The adhesion test, pursuant to ASTM D 4541:2009, Method D - Equipment Type IV or ABNT NBR 15877:2010, Annex A.2 shall be performed in the schemes described in and, after full application of the coating and elapsed the cure time, in replicas, prepared by manufacturing lot. The pull-off strength shall not be less than 15 MPa and, even for higher values, adherence failures shall not be accepted on the substrate (A/B). 3.2.4 Film must be checked against discontinuity using a holiday detector, in the coating scheme provided in and, in accordance with PETROBRAS N-13 and N-2137. 3.2.5 After the coating application, the equipment must be placed in operation according to the term set by the coating manufacturer. 3.2.6 The original scheme shall be repeated when repairing the existing scheme.
3.3 External Coating 3.3.1 The substrate roughness profile shall comply with the specified in PETROBRAS N-9. 3.3.2 To identify tanks, spheres and gas storage cylinders, the corporate standards set out by PETROBRAS Institutional Communications division shall be used. 3.3.3 The spheres supports must be fully coated with one coat of surface tolerant solvent free epoxy paint for wet surfaces, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2680, by airless gun. The minimum dry film thickness shall be of 150 m. On fire protection, it shall be applied 2 coats of acrylic polyurethane paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, directly on the coating, by conventional or airless gun. The first coat shall be diluted in approximately 10 % using solvent indicated by the manufacturer, in order to seal the porosity of the coating for subsequent application of the second coat. The interval between coats must be of a minimum of 8 h. The minimum thickness of the final dry film shall be of 70 m. 3.3.4 The original scheme shall be repeated when retouching the existing scheme. If abrasive blasting is not possible to be applied, prepare the surface according to ABNT NBR 15239. For maintenance painting service, use aluminum pigmented epoxy paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2288.
4 Specific Conditions
4.1 Organic Coating for Storage Tank Internal Area
4.1.1 Coating Specification To specify the coating to be used Table 2 shall be consulted. The equipment to be coated must be fitted in one of the situations provided in order to check the recommended coating.
N-2913 Condition 10
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Tanks without thermal insulation. Tanks situated on the seafront. Temperature: from room temperature and up to 60 C. NOTE Applicable to particularly aggressive atmospheres, or in areas with the occurrence of strong winds, mainly, from the sea to the coast, having noticed the presence of sand and/or high salinity of the air (saline fog). Primer Apply one layer of ethyl silicate zinc paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-1661, by means of conventional gun (with mechanical agitation) or airless gun (with mechanical agitation) with a minimum dry film thickness of 75 m. After a minimum of 30 hours and maximum of 48 hours, apply the intermediate coating. Intermediate coating Apply a layer of iron oxide epoxy coating, as specified in PETROBRAS N-1202, by means of roller, conventional or airless gun, with minimum dry film thickness of 30 m. The interval between the intermediate and the finish coating must be of no less than 8 hours and no more than 72 hours. Finish coating Apply a layer of acrylic polyurethane paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, by means of conventional or airless gun with minimum dry film thickness of 70 m. 4.2.4 External Roof Coating Primer Apply a layer of Novolac epoxy coating, type II, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2912, by means of an airless gun, with thickness of 300 m. Finish coating Apply a layer of acrylic polyurethane paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, by means of conventional or airless gun with minimum dry film thickness of 50 m. NOTE For thermally insulated roof coating apply only the primer mentioned in
4.3 Spheres and Storage Cylinders Coating 4.3.1 Internal Coating Condition 11 Internal equipment coating subject to corrosion with high corrosion rate (above 0,1 mm/year). Operating Temperature: up to 80 C. Apply, in the entire internal surface of the equipment, a single layer with a minimum dry film thickness of 400 m of type II coating, specified by PETROBRAS N-2912, mandatorily by means of airless gun. 10
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3.2.3 The adhesion test, pursuant to ASTM D 4541:2009, Method D - Equipment Type IV or ABNT NBR 15877:2010, Annex A.2 shall be performed in the schemes described in and, after full application of the coating and elapsed the cure time, in replicas, prepared by manufacturing lot. The pull-off strength shall not be less than 15 MPa and, even for higher values, adherence failures shall not be accepted on the substrate (A/B). 3.2.4 Film must be checked against discontinuity using a holiday detector, in the coating scheme provided in and, in accordance with PETROBRAS N-13 and N-2137. 3.2.5 After the coating application, the equipment must be placed in operation according to the term set by the coating manufacturer. 3.2.6 The original scheme shall be repeated when repairing the existing scheme.
3.3 External Coating 3.3.1 The substrate roughness profile shall comply with the specified in PETROBRAS N-9. 3.3.2 To identify tanks, spheres and gas storage cylinders, the corporate standards set out by PETROBRAS Institutional Communications division shall be used. 3.3.3 The spheres supports must be fully coated with one coat of surface tolerant solvent free epoxy paint for wet surfaces, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2680, by airless gun. The minimum dry film thickness shall be of 150 m. For fire protection, it shall be applied a coat of acrylic polyurethane paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, directly on the coating, by conventional or airless gun. The minimum dry film thickness shall be of 70 m. 3.3.4 The original scheme shall be repeated when retouching the existing scheme. If abrasive blasting is not possible to be applied, prepare the surface according to ABNT NBR 15239. For maintenance painting service, use aluminum pigmented epoxy paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2288.
4 Specific Conditions
4.1 Organic Coating for Storage Tank Internal Area
4.1.1 Coating Specification To specify the coating to be used Table 2 shall be consulted. The equipment to be coated must be fitted in one of the situations provided in order to check the recommended coating.
N-2913 Condition 10
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Tanks without thermal insulation. Tanks situated on the seafront. Temperature: from room temperature and up to 60 C. NOTE Applicable to particularly aggressive atmospheres, or in areas with the occurrence of strong winds, mainly, from the sea to the coast, having noticed the presence of sand and/or high salinity of the air (saline fog). Primer Apply one layer of ethyl silicate zinc paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-1661, by means of conventional gun (with mechanical agitation) or airless gun (with mechanical agitation) with a minimum dry film thickness of 75 m. After a minimum of 30 hours and maximum of 48 hours, apply the intermediate coating. Intermediate coating Apply a layer of iron oxide epoxy coating, as specified in PETROBRAS N-1202, by means of roller, conventional or airless gun, with minimum dry film thickness of 30 m. The interval between the intermediate and the finish coating must be of no less than 8 hours and no more than 72 hours. Finish coating Apply a layer of acrylic polyurethane paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, by means of conventional or airless gun with minimum dry film thickness of 70 m. 4.2.4 External Roof Coating Primer Apply a layer of Novolac epoxy coating, type II, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2912, by means of an airless gun, with thickness of 300 m. Finish coating Apply a layer of acrylic polyurethane paint, as specified in PETROBRAS N-2677, by means of conventional or airless gun with minimum dry film thickness of 50 m. Condition 11 Internal equipment coating subject to corrosion with high corrosion rate (above 0.1 mm/year). Operating Temperature: up to 80 C. Apply, in the entire internal surface of the equipment, a single layer with a minimum dry film thickness of 400 m of type II coating, specified by PETROBRAS N-2912, mandatorily by means of airless gun. 10