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Getting Started With Oracle SoA 9

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Getting Started with Oracle SoA Oracle SOA Working with Custom Faults Lab#9

Description BISP is committed to provide BEST learning material to the beginners and advance learners. In the same series, we have prepared a complete end-to end Hands-on Beginners G ide !or "racle So#. The doc ment !oc ses on $or%ing with & stom 'a lts. (oin o r pro!essional training program and learn !rom e)perts.

Histor*+ ,ersion ../ ../

-escription &hange Initial -ra!t 2eview3/

# thor Shiva 0ant Pande* #mit Sharma

P blish -ate 1/st # g 1./1 14th # g 1./1

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&ontents....................................................................................................................................... 1 $or%ing with & stom !a lts ......................................................................................................... 5 Step wise proced re on topper st dent pro6ect with !a lt handling 7c stom !a lt8+.....................5 9otive o! Switch #ctivit*.............................................................................................................. :

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$or%ing with & stom !a lts !"$hat are c stom !a lts ; A" & stom !a lts are those !a lts which is de!ined b* developer !or certain limitations . Summar# #im o! c stom !a lt pro6ect is that to catch those !a lts which are de!ined b* developer at the time o! service development so here in topper st dent pro6ect when someone inp t wrong st dent mar%s i.e inp t mar%s o! individ al s b6ect sho ld not be smaller than <ero = greater than h ndred , so this %ind o! restrictions are provided b* developer so i! wrong mar%s inp t then it shows c stom !a lt message that inp t mar%s is invalid .

Step wise procedure on topper student pro$ect with %ault handling &custom %ault"
Step ' "pen ProcessSt dent Pro6ect = nder it open ProcessSt dentProcess.bpel as shown below

Step ( In design mode -rag = -rop Switch #ctivit* so that bpel can set condition

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Step ) &lic% on condition part to set i% condition !or switch activit*

*oti+e o% Switch Acti+it#

" r motive is setting condition that i! mar%s are smaller than <ero or greater than h ndred then throw c stom>b siness !a lt = also repl* this !a lt as o tp t else choose otherwise condition i! inp t mar%s are correct = %eep all components inside this otherwise condition Step , &lic% on E)pression b ilder shown below + www.bispsol tions.com www.bisptrainigs.com www.h*periong r .com Page :

Step - &lic% on lang/ mar%s ---? insert into e)pression ---? @ogical ' nction ----? smaller ---? insert into e)pression ---? . 7<ero8 or &lic% on lang/ mar%s ---? insert into e)pression ---? @ogical ' nction ----? greater ---? insert into e)pression ---? /.. 7h ndred8 or &lic% on lang1 mar%s ---? insert into e)pression ---? @ogical ' nction ----? smaller ---? insert into e)pression ---? . 7<ero8 or &lic% on lang1 mar%s ---? insert into e)pression ---? @ogical ' nction ----? greater ---? insert into e)pression ---? /.. 7h ndred8 or &lic% on lang5mar%s ---? insert into e)pression ---? @ogical ' nction ----? smaller ---? insert into e)pression ---? . 7<ero8 or &lic% on lang5 mar%s ---? insert into e)pression ---? @ogical ' nction ----? greater ---? insert into e)pression ---? /.. 7h ndred8 as shown below

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Step . &lic% on "% .

Step /

-rag = drop #ssign #ctivit* = 2ename It as #ssign& stom'a lt +

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Step 0 -rag = drop Throw #ctivit* CThis activit* throws the !a lt data to the catch activit*C

Step 9 2ename throw activit* as ThrowInvalid9ar%s'a lt

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Step '1 -o ble &lic% "n Throw activit* = Edit Throw activit* , &lic% "n Browse icon shown below

Step '' "bserve that there is no !a lt message nder Pro6ect $S-@ 'iles in ProcessSt dentProcess.wsdl so !irst create !a lt message inside ProcessSt dent wsdl !ile !or c stom !a lt .

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Step '( "bserve ProcessSt dentProcess.wsdl in design mode that inside port t*pe it has onl* two process one is Inp t = other o tp t b t not containing 'a lt as its third process so create it in so rce mode .

Step ') Fow edit this wsdl in so rce mode

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Step ', Edit PortT*pe as shown below + Gwsdl+!a lt messageHCInvalidSt dent9ar%s'a lt9essageC nameHCErrorC>?

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Step '- Edit 9essage T*pe -e!inition as shown below + Gwsdl+message nameHCInvalidSt dent9ar%s'a lt9essageC? Gwsdl+part nameHCInvalidSt dent9ar%s'a ltC elementHCerr+ErrorC>?

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Step'.+ Import Error.)sd !rom oramds , open reso rce palette ---? S"#-9-S--?dev mds conn --?apps---?Error.)sd to get schema location o! error.)sd clic% once on it = se ctrl Ishi!tIc then paste inside schemalocation , delete all be!ore apps = write oramds+> be!ore apps . then cop* namespace !rom error.)sd = paste here inside namespace .

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Step '/+ 2egister namespace o! Error.)sd with pre!i) CerrC .

)mlns+errHChttp+>>www.bispsol tions.com>training>soa>schema>St dentC

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Step '0 #s completed editing wsdl clic% on design mode = observe !a lt process

E)plore !a lt on clic%ing JIK sign = see that it contains InvalidSt dent9ar%s !a lt9essage associated with its part .

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Step '9 &lic% on Imports = chec% imported )sd

Step (1

clic% on Schema mode to see incl ded )sd .

Step (' "pen ProcessSt dentProcess.bpel = Edit Throw activit* again www.bispsol tions.com www.bisptrainigs.com www.h*periong r .com Page /A

Step (( Fow observe that this time wsdl contains Invalid st dent9ar%s!a lt9essage clic% on it = hit o% .

Step () &reate ,ariable as shown below = clic% "0

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Step (,

&hec% detail = hit "0 .

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Step (- &hec% variables b* clic%ing on

icon .

Step (. &hec% that all LFame is associated with its pre!i) , so observe here that InvalidSt dent9ar%s'a lt,ar does not contains its pre!i) so clic% on LFame = edit variable , it sho ld be message t*pe , clic% on Browse

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Step (/ &lic% on that InvalidSt dent9ar%s'a lt9essage = clic% "0

Step (0 #gain &hec% variables b* clic%ing on

icon .

Step (9 &lic% on assign c stom !a lt = start assigning !a lt data

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Step )1+ To assign !a lt&ode clic% on e)pression -rag = -rop on !a lt&ode as shown below

Step)'+ $rite E)pression i.e !a lt code as M'9$-..1M

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Step )(+ Similarl* severit* as /

Step )) Select -ate ' nctions = nder it select c rrent-date-Time then insert intoE)pressionthen clic% o%

Step ), Similarl* -etail as MIF,#@I- 9#20S SE@@E&TI"FM

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Step )-+ 'or &ompositeFame clic% #dvanced ! nctions ----? get&ompositenFame then

Step ). 'or &omponentFame clic% #dvanced ! nctions ----? get&omponentFame then insert into E)pression

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Step )/ 'or &ompositeInstanceId clic% #dvanced ! nctions ----? get&ompositeInstanceId then insert into E)pression

Step )0 "bserve all assigned val es

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Step )9 -rag = drop 2epl* #ctivit* = clic% twice on it to edit repl* as shown below+

Step ,1 Edit 2epl* as shown below + www.bispsol tions.com www.bisptrainigs.com www.h*periong r .com Page 1:

Step ,' &lic% on compile icon to compile the bpel process

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Step ,( B ild s ccess! l

Step ,) -eplo* pro6ect b* clic%ing ProcessSt dent to devsoa www.bispsol tions.com www.bisptrainigs.com www.h*periong r .com Page 1B

Fote+ Be!ore -eplo*ment Start $eblogic #dmin Server as disc ssed in m* previo s doc ment "racle Soa Part I, -oc.

Step ,,+ &lic% on Browser icon shown below+

Step ,-+ Start *o r enterprise manager b* writing rl http+ >>localhost+D../>em>

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Fote + Here localhost is application server = D../ is a port in which enterprise manager is r nning. Step ,. @ogin sing credentials Nser Fame +weblogic Password + welcome/ clic% on login

Step ,/ $e have s ccess! ll* login inside Enterprise manager //g 7'armOdevOsoa8 we can clearl* observe here that admin server is p = all deplo*ment stat s is also p it means that o r admin server is r nning .

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Fow In le!t pane o! window nder 'armOdevOsoa clic% on S"# radio b tton now again e)pand = nder de!a lt we can easil* see all the deplo*ed pro6ects. &lic% on Processst dent twice

Step ,0 &lic% on TEST = create instance

Step ,9 E)plore pa*load = select tree view

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Step -1 'ill all blan% spaces as shown below

Step -' &lic% on Test $eb Service

#nd get 2esponse shown below+ Step -( Fow since inp t lang/ mar%s is /A. = so it displa*s c stom error or InvalidSt dent9ar%s Error as shown below .&lic% on close .

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Step -) + Parse wsdl = again tr* with these inp ts shown below +

&lic% on Test $eb Service Step-, "bserve response witho t error beca se this time all inp t lang mar%s are between . = /...

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Step -- #ll instances are completed = instance 51...1 is completed with c stom !a lt = instance 51...5 is completed witho t errors .

F"TE+ Fow how we catch these !a lts thro gh invo%ing service , ne)t steps are concentrated on this P estion in which calling service is TopperSt dent Service . Step -.+ "pen Topper St dent Process . bpel clic% on #dd catch all activit* shown below

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F"TE+ &atch activit* can catch onl* s*stem !a lts where as catch all activit* catches b siness !a lt Step -/+ &lic% on so rce mode .&op* all activies o! catch = paste inside catch all bloc% in sorce mode

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Step -0 &op* catch as shown below

Step -9 Paste inside &atch all activit* www.bispsol tions.com www.bisptrainigs.com www.h*periong r .com Page 5:

Step .1 &hange into design mode = save b* clic%ing save icon

Step .'

-rag = drop Scope #ctivit* as shown below+ www.bisptrainigs.com www.h*periong r .com Page 5A

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Scope Acti+it#

This activit* consists o! a collection o! activities that can have their own local variables , !a lt handlers, compensation handlers and so on . # scope activit* is analogo s to a bloc% Q R in programming lang age .Each scope has a primar* activit* can be comple) str ct red activit* that, with man* nested activities within it to arbitrar* depth. The scope is shared b* all the nested activities . Step .(+ Fow drag = drop all components inside scope activit* as shown below +

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2O34 Since we have made changes in ProcessSt dentProcess.wsdl in ProcessSt dentPro6ect hence also need changes in imported ProcessSt dentProcess.wsdl in TopperSt dent Pro6ect so that catch activit* catch this c stom !a lt as remote !a lt in TopperSt dentPro6ect . Step .) "pen ProcessSt dentProcess.wsdl in TopperSt dentPro6ect b* clic%ing on it = observe in design mode that it does not have !a lt process .

Aim + " r aim is to cop* the reP ired content !rom M9 wsdl M to MF wsdlM $here 9H MProcessSt dentProcess.wsdlM in ProcessSt dent Pro6ect = FH M MProcessSt dentProcess.wsdlM in TopperSt dentPro6ect

Step .,+ &op* imported Error.)sd !rom 9.wsdl as shown below+

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Step .-

Paste imported Error.)sd to F.wsdl as shown below+

Step .. &op* registered namespace !rom 9.wsdl as shown below+

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Step ./ Paste registered namespace !rom F.wsdl as shown below+

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Step .0 &op* 9essageT*pe !rom 9.wsdl as shown below+

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Step .9 Paste 9essageT*pe to F.wsdl as shown below+

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Step /1 &op* PortT*pe !rom 9.wsdl as shown below+

Step /'+ Paste PortT*pe to F.wsdl = save all b* clic%ing save icon

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Step /( &lic% F.wsdl in design mode = observe that now created 'a lt as process .

Step /) #dd Terminate activit* to terminate catch process as shown below = save all . www.bispsol tions.com www.bisptrainigs.com www.h*periong r .com Page :5

Step /, &lic% on compile icon to compile the bpel process

Step /-+ &ompilation s ccess! l with o errors = o warnings .

Step /. + -eplo* pro6ect b* clic%ing TopperSt dentPro6ect.

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-eplo*ment 'inished Fote+ Be!ore -eplo*ment Start $eblogic #dmin Server as disc ssed in m* previo s doc ment "racle Soa Part I, -oc Step // + &lic% on Browser icon shown below+

Step /0+ Start *o r enterprise manager b* writing rl http+ >>localhost+D../>em>

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Fote + Here localhost is application server = D../ is a port in which enterprise manager is r nning.

Step /9 @ogin sing credentials Nser Fame +weblogic Password + welcome/ clic% on login

Step 01 $e have s ccess! ll* login inside Enterprise manager //g 7'armOdevOsoa8 we can clearl* observe here that admin server is p = all deplo*ment stat s is also p it means that o r admin server is r nning . Fow In le!t pane o! window nder 'armOdevOsoa clic% on S"# radio b tton now again e)pand = nder de!a lt we can easil* see all the deplo*ed pro6ects. &lic% twice on TopperSt dentPro6ect .

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Step 0'+ &lic% on TEST = &reate instance

Step 0(+ Inp t St dent arra* si<e H1

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Step 0) Scroll down page = Provide reP ired inp t o! a st dents

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Step 0, &lic% on Test $eb Service

#nd get 2esponse shown below+ Step 0- Fow we can see that catch activit* catch the !a lt = replied to the client as 'a ltdata 2esponse b t here catch activit* cached it as remote !a lt thats wh* !a lt code is '9$-.../ = detail o! c stom !a lt is displa*ed inside -etail as '9$-..1 , G-etail?Invalid mar%s G>-etail? as shown below +

Step 0. &hec% !low trace

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Step 0/ "bserve instances = instance state is terminated beca se o! terminate activit* now !inall* clic% on sh tdown tab

Step 00 Sh t down con!irmation ,&lic% *es

Step 09 S ccess! ll* sh t down the composite

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