Base Plate
Base Plate
Base Plate
Dsn. By Chk. By Rev. No. Wind Factor = 1.00 50.00 165.60 126.14 85.45 kN kN kN kN
mm mm mm mm
Connection Details Standard Base Plate Code = SBC-109 Bolt Grade = A36 Tensile Strength (Fu) = 40.00 kN/cm2 Allowable Tensile Stress (Ft) = 13.20 kN/cm2 Allowable Shear Stress (Fv) = 6.80 kN/cm2 Width (A) = 250 mm Length (B) = 300 mm Thickness (tp) = 16 mm Number of Holes (n) = 4 mm Bolt Diamter (db) = 20 mm Hole Diameter (dh) = 26 mm Gage (g) = Pitch (p) = Edge Distance (ed1) = Area of Base Plate (A1) = Base Plate Grade = Fu = Fy = Fb = Weld Data For E70XX Electrode (Fu) = 100 100 115 750 A572 45.00 34.50 25.88 mm mm mm cm2 kN/cm2 kN/cm2 kN/cm2 (AxB)
48.23 kN/cm2 Allowable Stress in weld = 0.3 x Fu kN/cm2 Allowable Stress in weld (Fw) = 14.47 kN/cm2 Size of Weld = 5.00 mm
1) Axial Capacity due to concentric Bearing Pressure, P1 P1 = 677.77 kN 0.35 fc' sqrt ( A2 x A1) <= 0.7 fc' A1
2) Axial Capacity due to Base Plate Bending, P2 L= Atb = P2 = 5.02 371.26 324.85 cm cm kN
tb / ( 3 x Fp / Fb ) 2L x (d + bf - 2L)
3) Axial Capacity due to Base Plate Bending (Cantilever Type), P3 m= n= n' = q= = n' = Xc = 21.75 45.00 100.00 0.98 1.00 100.00 10.00 mm mm mm (B - 0.95 d) / 2 (A - 0.8 bf) / 2 sqrt (d bf ) / 4 <= bf / 2 4fpdbf / (d+bf)2fp <= 1.00 2[1-sqrt(1-q)] / sqrt(q) <=1.00 mm cm max (m, n, n' )
tb2 x Fb x A x B / 3 Xc2
8) Tensile Capacity, Pt w= Zp = G= Pt = 9) Anchor Bolt Capacities Tensile Capacity = Shear Capacity = Pull Out Capacity = Calculated Shear Stress / Bolt (fv) = Allowable Tensile Stress with Shear (Ts) = Tension Capacity with Shear = 10) Welds Length of Weld at Web (Lww) = Length of Weld at Flange (Lwf)= Weld Capacity Shear = Weld Capacity Tension = 250.00 10.67 48.00 230.00 mm cm mm kN
kN kN kN kN/cm2 kN/cm2 kN
Ft x A b x n Fv x A b x n [ ( p x db ) x L e ] x u x n V / Ab n [ ( 0.43 Fu ) - ( 1.8 fv ) ] Ts x A b x n
mm mm kN kN
Concrete Pedestal Grade = Compressive Strength (fc') = Length (L) = Width (W) = Area of Pedestal (A2) = Column Section Grade = Fu = Fy = Section = Depth \ Width = Wall Thickness = A572 45.00 kN/cm2 34.50 kN/cm2 150x150x4.5 150 4.5 mm mm M25 2.50 450 250 1125 kN/cm mm mm cm2 (LxW)
Wind Factor = Horizontal Shear (Pv) = Connection Capacity Bearing = Tension = Shear = Weld =
1.00 80.00 kN
kN kN kN kN
Connection Details Standard Base Plate Code = SBC-115 Bolt Grade = A36 Tensile Strength (Fu) = 40.00 kN/cm2 Allowable Tensile Stress (Ft) = 13.20 kN/cm2 Allowable Shear Stress (Fv) = 6.80 kN/cm2 Length (N) = Width (B) = Thickness (tp) = Number of Holes (n) = Bolt Diamter (db) = Hole Diameter (dh) = Pitch (p) = Gage (g) = Edge Distance (ed1) = Area of Base Plate (A1) = Base Plate Grade = Fu = Fy = Fb = Weld Data For E70XX Electrode (Fu) = Allowable Stress in weld = Allowable Stress in weld (Fw) = Size of Weld = 430 250 16 4 20 26 300 100 65 1075 A572 45.00 34.50 25.88 kN/cm2 kN/cm2 kN/cm2 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm cm2
1) Axial Capacity due to concentric Bearing Pressure, P1 P1 = 962.25 kN 0.35 fc' sqrt ( A2 x A1) <= 0.7 fc' A1
2) Axial Capacity due to Base Plate Bending (Cantilever Type), P2 m= n= Xc = 155.00 65.00 15.50 mm mm cm ( N - 0.80 d ) / 2 ( B - 0.80 d ) / 2 max ( m, n )
M = fp Xc2 / 2 f p = P2 / N B M = P2 Xc2 / 2 N B M / Zp < = 0.75 Fy = Fb Zp = tb2 / 6 P2 = tb2 x Fb x N x B / 3 Xc2 P2 = 98.80 kN 3) Tensile Capacity, Pt a= b= L= 72.25 217.75 290 mm mm mm (p - d + t) / 2 - 0.25 db (a + d - t) (p - db / 2)
4) Anchor Bolt Capacities Tensile Capacity = Shear Capacity = 165.88 kN Ft x Ab x n Fv x Ab x n 85.45 kN Pull Out Capacity = [ ( p x db ) x Le ] x u x n Pv / Ab n kN/cm2 Allowable Tensile Stress with Shear (Ts) = [ ( 0.43 Fu ) - ( 1.8 fv ) ] 6.37
Allowable Tensile Stress with Shear (Ts) =
5.74 kN/cm2 Tension Capacity with Shear = Ts x Ab x n Tension Capacity with Shear = 72.14 kN
Fixed Base
Design Capacities
Controlling Forces Horizontal Shear (V) = Vertical (P) = Moment (M) = Column Section Grade = Tensile Strength (Fu) = Yeild Stress (Fy) = Top Flange (bf1) (tf1) = Web (dw) (tw) = Bottom Flange (bf2) (tf2) =
A572 45.00 34.50 Width 400 1400 400 kN/cm2 kN/cm2 Thk. 20 8 20 mm mm mm
Connection Details Connection Code = FC-3224 Bolt Grade = Tensile Strength (Fu) = Allowable Tensile Stress (Ft) = Allowable Shear Stress (Fv) = Bolt Diameter (db) = Number of Bolts (n) = Bolt Center to Flange Outside (Cw) = Bolt Center to Plate Edge (ed1) = Bolt Center to Plate Edge (ed2) = Bolt Pitch (p) = Bolt Gauge (g) = Base Plate Length (N) = Base Plate Width (B) = Distance Edge to CG of Bolts (m) = Bolt CG to Center of Column (f) = Estimate Weight of Connection Plates = Weight of Anchor Bolts = A36 40.00 13.20 6.80 24 32 60 55 60 120 120 1670 470 235 600 kN/cm2 kN/cm2 kN/cm2 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm (Along Length) (Along Width)
Concrete Data Mix Grade = Compressive Strength (f c') = Weld Data For E70XX Electrode (Fu) = M25 2.50 kN/cm2
48.23 kN/cm2 Allowable Stress in weld = 0.3 x Fu kN/cm2 Allowable Stress in weld (Fw) = 14.47 kN/cm2
Anchor Bolt Force in Bolt Group = P / 2 M / ( dw + tf1 / 2 + tf2 / 2 ) Compression (C) = Tension (T) = Force per Bolt Compression / Bolt (Cb) = Tension / Bolt (Tb) = Shear / Bolt = Compression Capacity = Tensile Capacity = Shear Capacity = Pull Out Capacity = Calculated Shear Stress / Bolt (f v) =
Allowable Tensile Stress with Shear (T s) =
829.23 579.23
kN kN
51.83 36.20 1.73 59.72 59.72 30.76 50.07 0.38 13.20 59.72
kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN/cm2 kN/cm2 kN
Tension Capacity with Shear = Base Plate Dimension (a) = Dimension (b) =
60 60
mm mm
g/2 Cw
Bolt Force to Flange = a3 / ( a3 + b3 ) x Max (Tb, Cb) Bolt Force to Flange (Pfb) = 25.91 kN Effective width along Flange (bfm) = 2 Cw 120 mm Moment (Mf) = Pfb x Cw 1.55 kNm Plate Thickness Required (tp) = sqrt ( 6 M / 0.75 Fy bfm ) Plate Thickness Required (tp) = Allowable Tensile Stress in Flange = Total Force in Flange (Pf) = Calculated Tensile Stress in Flange = Size of Flange Fillet Weld Required = 17.33 20.70 207.31 2.59 2.53 mm kN/cm2 kN kN/cm2 mm Pf / ( bf x tf ) Pf / ( 0.707 x Fw x 2 x bf ) Use 20 mm thk. Plate
Bolt Force to Web / Gusset = b3 / ( a3 + b3 ) x Max (Tb, Cb) Bolt Force to Web / Gusset (Pwb) = 25.91 kN Effective width along Web (bwm) = 120 mm Moment (Mw) = 1.55 kNm Plate Thickness Required (tp) = sqrt ( 6 M / 0.75 Fy bwm ) 17.33 mm 103.65 kN Web Tension Stress = Pw / ( tw x bwm ) Web Tension Stress = 10.80 kN/cm2 Size of Web Fillet Weld Required = mm 4.22 Total Force in Web / Gusset (Pw) = Plate Thickness Required (tp) = Use 20 mm thk. Plate
Gusset Plate Tension Side Flange Gusset Thickness (ts) = Height (hs) = Length (ls) = Angle () = Dimension (D1) =
mm mm mm Deg
205 mm Tension Force in Gusset (Pg) = Pw / Sin Tension Force in Gusset (Pg) = 142.26 kN Calculated Tensile Stress = Pg / [ ts x D1 x ( Sin )2 ] Calculated Tensile Stress = 6.54 Pg / [ ts x D1 x ( Sin )2 ] kN/cm2 Compression Side Flange Gusset Effective Length (Ls) = Effective width (De) = Effective Area (As) = Ixx = rxx = k= k Ls / r = Allowable Compressive Stress = Compression Force in Gusset (Pg) =
Calculated Compressive Stress = Pg / ( ts x D1 x ( Sin )2 Calculated Compressive Stress = 6.54 kN/cm2 Welds to Flange Gusset Effective Length of Weld (Lw) = Effective Length of Weld (Lw) = Size of Gusset Fillet Weld Required = Welds to Column Web for Shear Effective Length of Weld (Lu) = Size of Web Fillet Weld Required =
2 D1 410 3.39 mm mm
1160 0.47
mm mm