Mil STD 171d
Mil STD 171d
Mil STD 171d
. . /
17 EPARTliENTOF DEFENSE Washington, DC ., 20301
1. This Military Standard is approved for use tX all Departments and Agercies of the Department of Defense. 2. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and eny pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Director, Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center, ATTN: DR&MR-LS, Watertown, !lassachusetts 02172, ty using the self-addressed Standard ization Document Improvement PcOpDsal (DD Focm 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter.
The purpose of this standard is to establish K inimum requirements for finishing, and otherwise treating, metal and wood surfaces, and to serve as a general guide to the selection of suitable finishim ~terialst Procedures. and systems. It covers both organic (psint; varnish, and the like) and imrganic (metal plate, phosph=tized metal. and the like) coatings. Specialized systems peculiar to individual agewies are covered by drawings, sp&ifications and standards published by those organizations and supplement covers paintirq and other finishinq this standard. For example, MIL-S~194 of fire-control msteriel. Finish system code numbsrs in the tables shall not be charqed in future revisions of this standard. inasmuch as those code numbsrs should be referered on drawings, in contracts and in end item specifications. Where a system in a previous edition of MIL-STO-171 has been deleted from the revision, the system to bs used as a substitute is noted in the tables. For convenie=e in retecencing, all procedures, whether they merely cl@uu a surEace, deposit a film, or perform some other desirable futction, are cataloged as finishes. AS an example of how to use this standard, assume a part is to be finished with chromated zinc plate 0.001 inch (25#m) thick. Turning to t.aa! II, Inorganic Finishes, Plating, we find the designation for this finish to w He!re, the instructions on the drawicq -uld be:
Finish of 141 L-STO-171. In this particular case, it is unnecessary to mention any preliminary steps such as cLeanim3, because QQ-z-325, Zirc Plating (Electredeposited), referenced in finish, provides for this step in these words It (the basis metal) shall bs subjected to such cleaning, pickling, and plating procedures as are necessary to yield deposits as hereinafter specified-. Again, assume the hood of a truck is to bs finished with olive drab lustreless lacquer. According to table XIII, this finish is system 20.4. Usume the preparation for painting to be phosphating (finish 5.1.1). The primer would bs one conforming to FUL-P-11414 or IT-P-664. The finishing coat would bs a lacquec conforming to HIL-L-11L95. Herce the instcuctions on the drawinq would be: Finish 5.1.1 plus 20.4 of 141 CCSTD-171, OliVe Drab No. 34087. If circumstances make it desirable that parts of an assembly be primed separately and be given final coats after assembly, the instructions might bs: Finish 5.1.1 plus 20.4 of UIL-STD-171, Olive Drab No. 34087 primed before assembly. iii
MI L-STD-171D 29 February 1980 The subject matter of t.h. t$ standard iS arranged in sections as Prescri&d in HIL-STD-962 as Eollws: .. 1. Scope: 2. Referenced Documents; 3. Definitions; 4. General Requirements; 5. Detail Requ irens?nts;and an additional secti&r 6. Inspection. :. Section 6 on inspection presumes -that the paints have been laboratory tested against the appropriate products specification prior to application. However, inspection to assure that the painting operations ace carried out properly is as important as the quality of the paint itself. for example, inspection of surface preparation prior to painting is of major importance. An excellent paint on an lMProperl{ prepared SurfaCe may fail prematurely. Again, the thickmess of a paint coat has a direct bearing on its durability. Thus, the correct thickness of the dry film of wash primer (oDD-P-15328) as given in this standard is very important. In addition to these two factors, proper mixing and thinning of the paint, suitable weather at time of paint irq, uniform application, suitable dryinq time between coats, and proper handling of painted surfaces, must be care fulIy observed. Admittedly this type of inspection requires sound judqment der ived from long expeciexe.
Compliance with this standard will promote uniformity in the paintimg and other finishirxgof military equipment, and will lessen the chance s.of ercoc and confusion in times of emerqerwy. The net result should be improved protection of military materiel from deterioration.
Pa ragraph 1. 1.1 . , 1.2 1.3 2. 2.1 2.2 3. 4. 4.1 4.1.1 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4. 7.1 4.0 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 5. 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1. 3.1.1 5.1. 3.3 5.1. 3.5 .5.1.3 ..6 5.1. 3.7 5.1.3. E 5.1. 3.9 5.2 5.2.1
MIL-STD- 17lD 29 February 1980 ~ SCOPE ......................................................scow . . . ......................... ..-. ...........?.... ........... Selection of. finishing system ............................... Conflicts ................................................... .......... . ......... REFERENCED D3CUMENTS ...................... Referemed documents ......... . ............................... Other publications .......................................... DEF INIT IONS ................................................. GENEIUiL REQUIREMENTS ........................................ Materials ................ . ................................... Applicable documents ........................................ Substitution for specified finishes, processes, or materials ................................................. Preparation andcleanirq of surfaces ........................ Castings ..................................................... Drainage Of pKOCeSSi W3 SOIUtiOnS frOM paCtS ................. Holes and recesses .......................................... Rivets, lock lmlts, blind rivets and threaded fastenecs ..... Compatibility of dissimilar metal couplings ................. Reduction of coccosirrn at intermetallic contact points ...... Organic vapor, acid or alkaline environment ................. Surfaces not to repainted .................................. Dressing operations ......................................... Use of steel wcol ........................................... Welding, soldering and brazing .........................-.:.. DETAIL REQUIREMENIS ........................-................ Inorganic finishes .......................................... Metallic coatings ........................................... Stress relief of ferrous alloy ............................... Embrittlement celief ........................................ Black oxide finishes ........................................ Metal treatments, other than metal depsition Or black oxide ............................................... Steel, noncorrosion resistant ............................... Surface treatments for noncorrosion resistant steel .......... Steel, corrosion resistant ................................... zi~ and cadmium ............................................ Aluminum and aluminum alloy ................................. Magnesium alloy ............................................. Copper and copper alloy ..................................... Tecneplate .................................................. Tin ......................................................... Titanium and titanium alloy ......... . ........................ Organic finishes ............................................ General painting requirements ............................... 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 17 19 19 19 19 21 21 22 23 24 24 24 2s 25
MI L-STD-171D 29 February 1980 ParagraPh 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.4 5.5 6. 6.1 6.1.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10
Previous painted surfaces ................................... Painting schedule ........................................... Unassembled Parts ........................................... Fi2m thickness ..................... ... ...................... Film thickness for camouflage ............................... Fayi~ surfaces ............................................. wood ........................................................ Metal ..............................................?........ Adhesion .................................................... .................................................. APWarame Color ....................................................... ~lor fOK Army .............................................. Paint finishes for metals ................................... Primimg paint for aluminum .................................. Primi~ paint focmagesium ................................. Primirq paint for dissimilar metal assemblies ............... Number of coats of paint, minimum ........................... Application ofcamuflage paint ............................. Preservative treatments Eorwc.d ............................ Paint finishes for word ..................................... INSPEC1ION .................................................. Responsibility Eor inspection ............................... Contractor is responsible for inspection .................... General inspection requirements ............................. Tests ....................................................... Test specimens .............................................. Condition of surface prior topaintirq ...................... Continuity. and uniformity of coatings ....................... Thickness of coatings ....................................... Paint application .......................................... Paint adhesion .............................................. Color ....................................................... Hiding power, gloss, and smoothness of paint ................ . Inspection and acceptance of camouflage painting ............ 25 25 26 27 27 27 27 2B 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 37 38 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 43
APFENOIX Appendix .................................................... selection of finishes ....................................... Exposuce classification ..................................... Finish selection ............................................ 45 45 45 46
Tables I II III Iv v VI VII vIII IX x XI x11 X111 XIV xv XVI xVII XVI 1I xIX xx
Galvanic potentials of Ketals in sea water .................. Inorganic finishes, metallic coatin9s ....................... Inorganic Einishss, black oxide ............................. Cleanirq methods ............................................ Surface treatments and finishes for iron ad steel .......... Surface treatments for zinc or cadmium ...................... Surface treatments and finishes for aluminum ................ Surface treatments for megneaium alloy ...................... Surface treatments for copper and copper alloy .............. Surface treatments for terneplate ........................... Surface treatments Eor tin plate ............................ Surface treatments for titanium and titanium alloy .......... Lustreless paint finishes for metal surfaces ................ Semigloss paint finishes for metal surfaces ................. Full gloss paint finishes for metal surfaces ................ Special paint finishes for metals ........................... Wood preservative treatment ................................ Paint finishes for wood ..................................... Miscellaneous paint finishes for wood ....................... Miscellaneous finishes not classified .......................
10 13 17 la 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 31 33 34 35 38 39 40 41
This standard is to establish genetal requirements and to serve 1.1 S02PE. as a general guide to the selection of suitable materials, procedures, and systems foc cleaning, plating, painting and the otherwise finishing of metal snd voed surfaces. 1.2 SELSCTION OF FINISHING SYSTF24. Unless otherwise specified the surface treatment, metal responsibility for selecting the cleanimg method. coaticg, paint system or other finish shall rest with the activity ceaponsible for the end item. The finishing system atmuld be selected from those listed in this document and shall be refecerced on drawinga, contracts, and item specif ications. Finish numbers should be precsded by the word finish= to avoid posible confusion with paragraph numbers, for example, finish 5.1.1 plus 20.4. This does not preclude the acceptame of a proven commercial finish selected ty the manufacturer, supplier, or contractor and concurred in ~ the procuring activity. Additional information relative to protective finishes and their selection may be found in 141 L-HosJ(-132 and the Appendix of this document. 1.3 CIJNFLICTS. In the event of conflict between the requiceunt of this standard and those of specifications or drawings, the requirements of drawings shall have first preference, those of specifications next, and those of this atandacd !.aat.
2.1 REPEPXNC3D 00CUWF34TS. The following Specifications and standards of the issue in effsct of invitation for bids or request for proposal form a part of the standard to the extent specified herein. , SPECIFICATIONS FEOEML 0-1-501 o-T-634 P-C-436 Q&C-320 CQ-N-290 QQ-P-35 QQ-P-416 CQ-S-365 QQ-z-325 l-r-c-490 TT-C-494 ..-G-52G IT-E-4 85 Tr-E -489 TT-E-515 IT-E-516 TT-E-522 Tl!-E-527 IT-E-529 IT-E-1593 IT-F-325 TT-F-336 PT-L-20 lT-L-58 IT-L-190 IT-L-215 IT-P-28 rT-P-320 rr-P-636 TT-P-659 rr-P-6fi2 TT-P-664 TT-P-1757 Inhibitors, Pickling (for Use with Sulfuric Acid) Trichloroethylene, Technical Cleanimg Compound, Alkali, Soiling Vat (Soak) or Hydrosteam chromium Platirq (Elsctrodeposited) Nickel Plating (Elsctrodeposited) Passivation Treatments for Corrosion Resisting Steel Platirq, Cadmium (Electredeposited) Silver Plating, Elsctrodeposited; General Requirements for Zirc Coating, El=trodeposited, Requirements for Cleanimg Methods and Pretreatment of Ferrous Surfaces for Organic coatings Coating Compound, Bituminous, Solvent Type, Acid Resistant ioac. ng, Umiecu_.ay kioc mococ .enicles) Ensmel, Semi-Gloss, Rust-Inhibiting Enamel, Alkyd, Gloss (for Exterior and Interior SurfdCe S) EnsMel, Alkyd, Lustreless. Quick-O rying Enamel, Lustreless, Quick-Oryinq, Styrenated Alkyd Type Enamel, Pherrolic, Lustreless, Outside Enamsl, Alkyd, Lustreless Ensmel~ Alkyd, Semi-Gloss Enamsl, Silicone Alkyd Copolymer G1OSS Filler, Engraving, Stamped Warkirrg Filler, Wood, Paste Lscquer, Camouflage Lacquer, Spraying, Clear and Pigmented (General Use) Linseed Oil, Soiled, (for Use in Organic Coatings) Linseed Oil, saw (for USe in 0r9anic @ati!W3s) Paint, Aluminum, Heat Resisting Pigment, Aluminum: ~wder and Paste, for Paint Primer Coating; Synthetic, Wood and Ferrous Uetal Primer Sucfacec; Synthetic, Tints and White [for Metal and Wood Surfaces Primer Surfacer, Sanding, Lscquer and Ensmel Type Primer coating, Synthetic, Rust-Inhibiting, Lacquer Resisting Primer coating, ZiW Chromate, bw140isture-Sens itivity
UIL-S~-173.D 29 February 1980 Tf-s-3oo TT-V-51 T2-V-119 TT-V-121 TK-W--571 ll=W-512 W-L-80 o - Shellac, Cut - Varnish; Asphalt - Varnish, Spar. Phenolic BSSi~ - Varnish, Spar, Water-Resi8thg -,wood Preservative; Recommend@ ,Treating. practice Wood Preservative, Water~R,@pall~nt Lubricating Oil, General FyqYOse, Preservative (Water Displacing, Low Temperature)
MI L-V-173
MIL_C-450 MI L-E-480 MIL-F-495 MI L-J-2829 MIL-R-3043 MIkN-3171 NIL-W-3688. MIL-L-3891 NIL-C-4556 MIL-W-5044 MIL-C-5541 MIL-E-5558 KIIL-P-7962
1 i.
HIL-C-8507 !41L-A-8625 MIL-S-8802 !41L-C-8837 MIL-w-10578 MIL-T-10727 r4J&s-llo30 FrIL-L-11195 NIL-P-11414 MI L-C-11796 MIL-L-12277
Preservation, Methods of Treatment, Moisture amd Fungus-Reais$ant of Cmmrmnications, Electronic and Associated Electrical Equipment Varniah, Moisture and Fungus Resistant (for the Treatment of Communications, Electronic, and Ass~iated Electrical Equipment) ~atirq Compound, Bituminous, Solvent Type, Slack (for Ammunition) Enamel, Baking, Phenol- or Urea-Formaldehyde Finish, Chemical, Black, for Copper AllDya Joint Sealing Packing Resin Coating, Permanent (for Internal ETine Parts) protection Of Wagnesium AlloY. Processes for corrosion wax Emulsion (Rust Inhibiting) Luminescent Material and Equipment (Nonradioactive) Coating Kit, Epoxy, for Interior of Steel Fuel Tanks Walkway Coating and Wetting, Nonslip, Aircraft Chemical Films for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Enamel, Wcinkle+irriah. fOr AirCraft Uae Primer Coatirg, cellulose Nitrate Nsdified Alkyd Type Corrosion Inhibitfw, Fast Drying, (fOr SPraY Application over Pretreatment ~ating) bating, wash Primsr, Pretreatment (for Metals): . . Application of Anodic Coatings, for Aluminum amd Aluminum Alloys Seali~ Compound, Temperature-Resistant, Integral Fuel Tanks and Fuel Cell Cavities, High Adhesion Coatirq, Cadmium (Vacuum Deposited) Metal &mditioner amd Rust Nsmover (Pbosphmic Acid Base) Tin Plating: Elect rodepoaited Or Eot-Dippsd, fOr perrOus and Non-Ferrous Netala Sealirrg compound; Non-curing, Polyaulfide Base Iacquer, Luatreless, Hot Spray Primer; Lacquer, Rust-Inhibiting Corrosion Prevent ive.Com@und, Pstrolatum, Eot Application Lacquer; Automotive, EfotSpray
MI L-STD- 171D 29 February i980 I I MI L-P-12742 MIL-T-12879 MI L-F-13088 MI L-L-13762 MIL-L-13808 t4zki1-13857 HIL-C-13924 141 L-F-14072 MXL-P-14458 MI L-C-14460 MI. L-P-14538 MIL-C-14550 MI L-P-14553 DOD-P-15328 MI L-P-15930 MI L-C-16173 DOD-P-15232 MI L-E-16400 MI L-F-18264 MI L-P-18317 MI L-L-19538 MI L-C-20218 HIL-P-22332 MI L-P-22636 MI L-C-22750 MI L-D-23003 MI L-T-23142 MI L-C-232L7 M1kP-23236 MI&P-23377 . MI L-L~25142 MI L-c-26074 MI L-P-38336 -
Primer coating, Phenolic (Wdtec Immersible) Treatments, Chemical, Prepaint and Corrosion Inhibitive for Zim Surfaces Finish, Protective, Tung, (Chinawood) Oil Base Lead Alloy Cbatirrg, Hot Oip(forIron and Steel Parts) Lsad Plating [Elsctrodeposited) Impregnation of Net~l Cistirqs coating, Oside, Black, for Ferrous Metals Finishes for Ground Electronic Equipment Paint, Rubber, Red Fuming Nitric Acid Resistant Corrosion Renrwing Cc.npound Sodium Hydroxide Base; for Electrolytic or Immersion Application Plating, Black Chromium (Electredeposited) Copper Plating (ElsctrDde~sited) Primer coating, Dipping, Automotive Primer (Wash) Pretreatment, 131ue (Formula No. 117S) for Metals Primer coating, Shipboard, Vinyl-Zinc Chromate [Formula No. 120 - for Hot Spray) Cutback, Cold Corrosion Preventative Comp6und, Solvent Appl icat ion ?hasphate Coatings, $ie~.y!:anganese or Zinc Base (for Ferrous Metals) Electronic Equipment, Naval ship and ShOre: General Inspect ion Finishes, Organic, Aircraft, Application and Control of Plati~, Black Nickel (Elsctrodepasited) on Brass, Bronze, or Steel LaCquer, Acrylic Nitrocellulose, CarDuflage (for Aircraft Use) Chromium Plating, Elect ro-Deposited, Porous Paint, Priming, Exterior and Interior (for Ammunition) Resistant Paint Primer Coating, for Red Fuming Nitric Acid Coating, Epoxy Polyamide Deck Covering Compohnd, Nonslip, Lightweight Tape, Pressure Serisitive Adhesuve, for Dissimilar Metal Separation Coating, Aluminum, Vacuum Deposited Paint Coating Systems, Steel Ship Tank, Fuel and ialt Water Ballast Pcimsr Coating, spoxy Polyamide, Chemical and Solvent Resistant Luminescent Material, Fluorescent Coating, Nickel-Phosphorous, Elect roless Nickel, Requirements for Self-curing Primer Coating, Inorganic, ZIrr2Oust Pigmented, for Steel Surfaces
141 L-A-40147 MIL-M-45202 UIL-G-45204 t41bP-4S209 !4IL-L-4601O UIL-I-46058 141 L-STD-173.D 29 February 1980 Aluminum Coating (fLot-Dip)for Ferrous Parts Wagnesium Alloys, AnodiC Treatment of Gold Plating (Elsctrodeposited),. Palladium Plating, Electrodepcsited Lubricant, Solid Film, Heat Cqred,4Corrosion Inhibiti W Insulating timpound, Elsctritiil (for Coating Printed Circuit Assemblies) Rhodium Plating, Elsctrodepoaited Enamel, Lustreleas, Quick Drying, Styrenated Alkyd TYPS, Solar Heat Reflecting, Olive Drab Primer Coating, Weld-Through, Zisc Rich Enamel, Alkyd, Lustreless, Solar Heat Reflecting, Olive Drab Coatimg, Gray, Undercoat (Solar Ii~at Reflecting) Enamel, Semi-Gloss, Alkyd, Solar Heat Reflecting Olive Drab Lacquer, Lustreless, Accylic-NitrDCe llulose. Solar Heat Reflecting, Olive Drab Enamel, Semi+ losa, Rust Inhibiting, Solar Heat Reflecting, Olive Drab Lacquec, Lust Celess Solar Heat Reflecting Lubricant, Solid Film, Air Cured (Corrosion Inhibiting) Corrosion Removirq Compound, Sodium Hydroxide Base, for Immersion Application Lacquer, Acrylic, Low Reflective Coating, Aliphatic Polyurethane, Chemical Agent Resistant Paint, Fice Retardant, Olive Ocab (Cor Wooden Crates) Lacquer, Semigloss, Cellulose Nitrate Pcimer Coatirq, Epoxy Enamel, Semi-Gloss, Quick Drying Enamel, Alkyd, Ca!mxflage Enamel, Wodified Alkyd, Camouflage, Lustreless Enamel, Lusterless, zinc Phosphate, Styrenated Alkyd Type Lacquer, Acrylic, Camouflage, Lusterless Lacquec, Canuuflage, Lusterless, Hot Spray, Forest Green Enamel, Alkyd, Camouflage, Flash Dry Nickel-Carbon, Porous, ElectrodePosited, for Camouflage Trichloroethane, 1,1,1 (14ethylchlorof orm) Inhibited Vapor Dsgreasing Coatirq, Cadmium and Zirc (f4echanically Deposited) Sealirq and Coating Compound, Corrosion Inhibitive
KkIL-R-46085 HIL-E-46096 -
M[L-L-46L59 MI L-C-46168 MIL-P-52024 MI L-L-52043 MIL-P-52L92 MI L-E-52227 1.IIL-E-52798 NIL-E-52835 MIL-E-5289L t41L-L-52909 MI L-L-52926 MI L-E-52929 MIL-N-55392 MI L-T-8L533 MI L-C-81562 141 L-S-E1733 STANDARDS FEDERAL . -
Fed. Test Method Std. NrI. 141 - Paint, Varnish, ~cque~ and Related Materials; Hethods of Inspection. Samplirq and Testing - Colors Fed. Std. No. 595
MI L-SN)-171D 29 February 1980 HILITASY !41L-Sll)-27 6 - Impregnation of &rous Nonferrous Metal Castings MIL-STD-865 - Brush Plating, Electco De~BitiOh MIL-STD-962 - Outline of Forms and Instructions for the Preparation of Military Stakndarda and Military Handbooks HANDSOOKS MILITARY 1.IIL-HDBK-132 - Protective Finishes MI L-NOBK-205 - Ptosphatizing and Black Oxide bating (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, suppliers in connection with specific procurement from the specific Procuring agency or as directed Both the title and the number OK symbol should bs ,., ,.
of Fecrous Metals
and publications required by functions should be obtained by the contracting officer. mentioned in the request.)
The following documents form a part of this 2.2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS. specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids shall apply. ASl?4 A 153 - Zinc Coatinq (Hot Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware (Copies of ASTM Standards may be obtained from the American Society for Testirq and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103.)
. .
4.1 WATERIALS . All materials used shall conform to the requirements of the aepl icable specif ications. TYpes, classes, grades, etc. , shall & specified w the prccuci~ activity. Materials msy be subject at any time to such tests of the pertinent SPecif ication as the ProcuriW .=tiv!tY shall Pre*ri~ tO. determine compliance with the applicable specification. 4.1.1 Applicable documents. The specifications and standards referenced in this document shsll be the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids. The finish or system requirement in the tables does not indicate the latest document designation as evidenced by the omission of the revision letter following the document nurnbe c. 4.2 SUBSTIIWTION FOR SPECIFIED FIN ISHSS , PROCESSES , OR FL4TSRIALS. If, because of special conditions of service or design, the contractor considers that a finish, method, or msterial, other than that specified herein, is necessazy or more suitable, such finish, Kethod, or material may be used upon written approval of the contract irrqofficer. Unless otherwise specified, the contractor shall demonstrate the suitability of the proposed substitute by submission of ssmples, test specimens, test data or other evidence as required ty the prccurirq activity. 4.3 PREPARATION ANO CLEANING OF SURFACES. Sefore any plating, metal conversion or painting, all surfaces shall be free from soils and corrosion; for example, grease, oil. solder flux, trelding flux. weld spatter, sand, rust, scale, and all other contaminants that might interfere with the intimate application of the finish. Cleaning shall t-?done immediately before the finishing operation, or suitable precautions shall be taken to ensure that the surfaces remsin clean until they are to t=?finished. When a cleaning prccedure is not specified by the procuring activity or as a part of the pretreatment specification, the supplier shall use any cleaning procedure which will produce a clean surface and not adversely affect the surface being cleaned, or the subsequently applied coating. 4.3.1 castings. Porous castings may require sealing to sssure that they are leakproof. and to prevent bleeding-out of treating chemicals which would cause stainirr3 or corrosion of the metal surface and damage to the finishing system. Impregnation or sealirrgof castirrgs should be accomplished after complete removal of oils, greases, and other surface contaminants, and after L-STO-276 or 141 L-I-13857, as mschining. Reference should be Kade to 141 applicable. . .
MI L-sTo- 171D 29 February 1980 4.4 DILAINAGE OF Processing SOLUTIONS FFJ2M PARTS. Where Wssible finishing For example, and passivation of parts shall be done prior to fabrication. aluminum sheet to bs lap-seamed or riveted should bs anodized prior to the joining operation. Where this is not possible. the fini6hiN drid fabrication of items shall be handled in such a way that processing solutions shall not become trapped within any part of the assemblies. such as lock seams, lap joints, spot welds, rivets, bolts or Other placeS whare Pr=essim aOlutiOns will remain on the part. 14.5 HOLES AND RECESSES . If a method other than the one specified is necessaxy in order to attain specified thickness cequiremsnts in holes or recesses, such a method may bs used upon written approval of the procuring activity. The contractor shali demonstrate that his method or methods produce the required results. Rivets, lock 4.6 RIVETS, LOCK SOLTS, BLIND RIW~ AND TwR.s~ED FASTENERS. bolts, blind rivets, and threaded fasteners shall be assemblsd usirq wet, unthinned zinc chromate PC imer conformiw to T1-P-l757. Both the fastener and the holes shall b.=coated with wet unthinned Primer or encapsulated primer. If the fasteners are dissimilar to and can result in a direct contact with magnesium, a washer of 5052 aluminum alloy with a minimum overlap of one-eighth to one-fourth inch shall be used in addition to lT-P-17S7 pcimer. Other sealirq compounds (MIL-S-1103O, MIL-S-8802 and MI L-S-81733) and antiseize compounds shall be used as a substitute for TI-P-1757 when approved by the procuring activity. The finishing of mstals 4.7 03MPAT161 LxTy OF DIS51MI fAR KSTAL COUPLINGS. to be placed in intimate contact when assembled presents a special problem, sin=e dissimilar metal contact results in electrolytic couples which promote corrosion through galvanic action. Table I lists metals and alloys by lb provide corcosion resistance intermetallic couples galvanic potential. should be selected so that there is O.25 Wits or less potential bstween the two metals or alloys. The proper selection of mstals in the design of equipmsnt will result in fewer intermetallic contact problems caused by corrosion at the contact points. FOC additional information see table I of MI L-E-16400. 4.7.1 Reduction of coc cosion at intecmetallic contact points. Couples of metals selected as in 4.7 shall bs painted in accordance with as a minimum requirement. When base metals intended for intermetallic contact form couples exceeding those permitted in 4.7 they shall bs plated with those metafs which will reduce the ptential dif Eererce or they shall bs suitably insulated with vinyl tape, a nonconducting finish such as zix chromate primer or other suitable msans as specified. where magnesium is one of the mstals of dissimilar metal faying surfaces, the metal shall bs separatsd by use of a vinyl or polyaster barrier material (tape) or sealing compound such as MIL-T-23142, HIL-S-1103O, MIL-S-B802 or MIL-S-81733.
t41L-STD-171D 29 February 1980 TABLE I. Galvanic potentials of metals in sea water Potent ial (V) - Relative to saturated calomel electrode @ 25 C . . A240DIC END (USS -. noble, react ive) volts Magnesium Magnesium alloys Ziw Ziw - hot dip, galvanized steel Aluminum - cast, other than silicon type Cadmium - plated and chromated Aluminum - wrought, other than copper type silicon type Aluminum - C.3St, Iron - wrought cartmn or low alloy steels gray or malleable cast iron Aluminum - wrought, copper type Steel, stainless - 13% chromium, active Lsad - solid or placed, high lead alloys Steel, stainless - 18% chromium, 8% nickel Tin - plate, tecneplate, tin-leaii solders Chromium - plated Steel, stainless - 13% chromium, passive Brass - yellow, naval, cartridge, muntz metal Brass - red, gilding Copper - solid or plated Nickel - solid or plated; passive MOnel Steel, stainless - 18% chromium, 8% nickel, passive Silver, solder Steel, stainless - 18% chromium, 12% nickel 3% molybdenum, passive Titanium, conunerc iaL Hastelloy C Silver - solid or plate, high silver alloys Rhodium Graphite Gold - solid or plated, high gold alloys Platinum - wrought, high platinum alloys -1.80 -1.60 -1.10 -1.05 -0.95 -0.80 -0.75 -0.75 -0.70 -0.60 -0.55 -0.55 -0.50 -0.50 -0.45 -0.45 -0.40 -0.35 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 0.0 +0. 20 +0.25 +0.25 +0.25
4.8 ORGANIC VAFOR, ACID OR AKALINE ENJIRO-T. Unpainted pacts of cadmium or zix base alloys or mstal parts plated with cadmium or zinc shall not hs used in unventilated assemblies where phenolic or other organic vaDOrs emanating from insulating varnishes, e~ar=ulstim cO-unds Or u~ured plastic material may contact them., Cadmium and zinc or platinqs of these mstals shall not bs used where parts are in,contatit with acid, unsymmetrical dimathylhydrazine, ammonia or vapors thereof. 4.9 SUP&ACES NOT TQ BE PAINTED. Csrtain surfaces do not require psint for protection, on others paint interfere with their functions. The following are examples of surfaces that should & masked or otherwise protected during painting: (a) Machined surfaces that move with respect to each other, such as threads, slides, bearing contacts and gear teeth. Electrical parts, such as conta:ta, relays, bearings, insulators, sockets, plugs, connectors, and terminals. This does no: preclude the use of MI L-v-173 varnish or conformal coating in accordance with application requirements of MI L-T-152. Plastic and rub&r windshields, etc. parts such as insulators, mounts, spa;ers,
I ~,
4.10 DRESSING OPERATIONS. Filing, sanding or other dressing operations shall not be done on a part or assembly after it has been finished, except as permitted by drawings, other specifications, the contract or by written spproval of the contractirq officer. Where filing or the like is psrmitted, the affected area shall bs refinished in accordame with the finish specified for the part. 4.11 uSE OF STEEL WOL. Stssl wool shall, mot bs used in lieu of emery or garnet abrasives to clean aluminum or magnesium alloy surfaces unless adequate precautions are taken to remove steel contaminants. 4.12 WELDING, SOLDERING, AWD BPAZING. Unless otherwise specified, welding, solderirq and brazing shall mt be psrmitted on an assembly after it has hsen finished with organic coatings. This restriction does not apply if the finish is MIL-P-46105, Primsc Coating; Weld-Through, ZirC Rich, finish 24.1. .
5.1.1 Metallic coatings. The basis metal shall ba substantially free from flaws or defects that will be detrimental to the appearance or performance of. the deposited metal. The surface shall be cleaned and coated as required by the detail specification, drawing or contract. The procurirq activity shall select the desired finish from those shown in table 11, and shall reference it on drawings, in contracts or in item specifications by the number shown in the table. Unless otherwise specified, steel parts having an ultimate strength of 22o,00D psi (1517 f4Pa) or higher (Rockwell C-40 or above, hardness) shall not ba electroplated without specific approval of the procuring activity. These parts may be either vacuum coated with cadmium in accordance with MIL-C-8837 or mechanically coated with cadmium or zinc in accordance with MI L-C-81562. The plated coatings listed in table 11 are applied by the usual or conventional plating techniques. Where in-place plating touch-up, build-up, or repair of metallic parts or surfaces are necessary brush plating techniques may be used. Reference should be msde to MI L-STD-B65. Stress relief of ferrous aLlOy. Unless otherwise specified after focming and hacdening, and pcioc to cleaning and pLating, objectionable residual stress in ferrous alloy parts having a hardness gceater than Rockwell c-40 shall be relieved by suitable heat treatment. The temperature shall bs such that maximum relief is given without hardnesa being reduced to less than the specified minimum. Stress relief is not necessary where it has been denmnstrated that plating has no harmful effect on the plated part. When prestressed wire springs ace to be plated, they shall be stress relieved immediately after winding. Embrittlement relief. All steel parts having a hardness of Rockwell C-4D and higher shall be baked at 375 ~ 25 F (191 ~ 14 C) for three Plated springs or other hours or more as soon after plating as practicable. parts ,subject to Elexure shall not be flexed priot to the bsking operations. If the plated part (such as cadmium or zinc plate) is t6 be given a supplementary surface conversion tre~tment, such as chromate or phosphate, it should be treated to relieve hydrogen embrittlement becore applying the conversion treatment, which could be rendecsd ineffective by baking.
MI L-STD-171D 29 February 1980 TABLE II. Finish No. Inorganic finishes, metallic coatings Ssqu irements Cadmium coatinqs PLat inq, QQ-P-416, type 1, without Supplementary treatment Class 1, 0.0005 inch (13#m) thick Class 2, 0.0003 iwh (7.6#m) thick Class 3, 0.0002 inch (5.1 Am) thick Plating, Q-P-416, type ! II; :with supplementary chromate treatment; normal color; not bleached or clear (see Class 1, 0.0005 inch (13 #m) thick Class 2, 0.0003 irmh 7.6#rn) thick Class 3, 0.0002 inch (5.1 #m) thick Platimg, QQ-P-416, type 111, with sueplemsntary ehOsehate treatment (see Class 1, 0.0005 inch (13 Am) thick Class 2, 0.0003 inch (7.6 #m) thick Class 3, 0.0002 inch [5.1 #m) thick Cadmium coating (vacuum deposited) . MIL~-8837, tYPe 1, without supplementary treatment Class 1, 0.0005 inch (13 Am) thick Class 2, 0.0003 inch (7.6 Am) thick Class 3, 0.0002 inch (5.1 Am) thick Cadmium coating (vacuum deposited) , MIL-C-8837, type II, with supplementary chromate treatmsnt, Iwrmal color, not bleached or clear (see Class 1, 0.0005 inch (13 m) thick Class 2, 0.0003 i=h (7.6 Am) thick Class 3, 0.0002 inch (5.1 Am) thick Cadmium coating (vacuum deposited) , MIL-C-8837, type III, with supplementary phosphate treatment (see 5.1.3. 3) Class 1, 0.0005 inch (13 #ml thick Class 2, 0.0003 imh (7.6 #m) thick Class 3, 0.0002 inch (5.1 Am] thick Cadmium coating, mechanically deposited, 141 L-C-E1562, thickness and supplementary treatment as specified Chromium coatings Decorative plating, QQ-c-320, class 1 Type I, bright wpe II, satin Engineerirq plating, QQ-C-320, class 2; thickness and undercoating, if necessary. as specified Class 2a Class 2b Class 2C Class 2d Class 2e
*1.1.1 G1. 1.2 G1.1.3 *1.1.4 G 1.1.5
G 1.2 G 1.2.1 G 1.2.2 . . 1. 2,2.4
MI bsm-171D
TABLE II. Finish No. 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 *1.3 *1. 3.1 *1. 3.2 *1. 3.3 *1. 4 1.4.1 1.4.2 *1. 4.3 1.4.3 ..2
Gray, MI L-N-55392 Black, HIL-P-14538 Porous chromium plating, HI L-C-20218 Lead coatinqs Elsctrodeposited -lead, HIWL-1380S, type 1, without preliminary copper coatings Class 1, 0.001 i~-h (25 Am) thick Class 2, 0.000S inch (13 #m) thick Class 3, 0.00025 inch (6.4 p) thick O.0015 inch (38~m) thick ElectrodePosited lead, !41L-L-13808, type II, with preliminary copper plating 0.000015 inch (0.38 #m) thick Class 1, 0.001 inch (25 #m) thick Class 2, 0.0005 inch [13 ~m) thick Class 3, 0.00025 irch (6.4 #m) thick 0.0015 inch (38#m) thick Hot dip lead coating, MI L-L-13762 Type I (low tin content) TYP$ 11 (medium tin content) Type III (high tin content) Nickel coatings Decorative plating, QQ-N-290. class 1; bright or dull finish as specified on drawimg Grade C, 0.0010 inch (25 #ml thick Grade E, 0.0006 unch (15 Am) thick Grade F, 0.0004 inch (lO#rd thick Grade G, 0.0002 ,inch (5#m) thick Use finish (grade E) Use finish (grade P) Use finish (grace G) Use finish (grade E) Use finish (grade F) Use finish (grade F) Grade r+, 0.0016 inch [40>m) thick Grade B, O.0012 inch (30 Am ) thick Grade u, 0.0008 irch (20 #m) thick Engineering plating, QQ-N-290, class 2, thichness as spscified. Elsctroless nickel coating, MI L-C-26074 Class 1, as coated, no subsequent heat treatment Class 2, steel, copper, nickel, cobalt, titanium-based alloys, and any basis metal not adversely affected by heating as specified for improved hardness
TABLE II. Finish No. 1.4.4 1.5 1.6 G 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.7.4 1.7.5 1.7.6 ~. 8 1.8.1 1.8.2 %.9 +1.9.l 9.9.2 Requirements ,., ,
1[ tl.9.3 9.9.4 9.9.5 . h.lo 1.10.1 1.10.2 1.1).3 -l;-lo .4
Class 3, aluminum alloys non-heat-treatable, and be~llium alloys processed to improve adhesion of the nickel deposit Class 4, aluminum alloys, heat-treatable, p=ess tO iWrOve adhesion of the nickel deposit Black nickel coating ,141 L-P-18317 (undercoat as specified) Use finish 1.2.4 Use finish 1.4.4 Silver coatirq , QQ-s-365 Type I, grade B, matte Type II, grade B, semibright Type 111, grade B, bright Type 1, grade A (supplementary treatment) , matte Wpe II, grade A (supplemental treatment) , semibright wpe II 1, grade A (supplementary treatmnt) , bri9ht Tin coatings Electrodeposited, MIL-T-10727, type I, thickness as specified Hot-dipped, MI L-T-10727, type II, thickness as specified Zinc coatings Elect redeposited zinc, QQ-Z-325, tyPe I, without supplemental treatment Class 1, 0.0010 inch (25 #m) thick Class 2, 0.0005 inch (13 Am) thick Class 3, 0.0002 i~h (5.l#m) thick Elect rrrdeposited zinc, QQ-z-325, tyPe II with supplemental chromate treatment; normal CO1OC; not bleached or clear (see Class 1, 0.0010 i=h (25~m) thick Clasa 2, 0.0005 inch (13#m) thick Class 3, 0.0002 imzh (5.l#m) thick Elect redeposited zinc, fJQ-Z-325, type III, with supplementary phosphate treatmsnt (see Class 1, 0.0010 inch (25#m) thick Class 2, 0.0005 inch (13 #m) thick Class 3, 0.0002 inch (5.l#m) thick ziw, hot-dip galvanizing, ASl?iA153 (Eor hardware) With chromate treatment, fini5h With phosphate treatment, finish Zinc coating, mechariically deposited, K41L-C-81562, thickness and supplementary treatmsnt, as specified Copper coatirq, electrodeposited, PiIL-C-14550 Class 1, 0.0010 inch (25 Arm) thick Class 2, 0.0005 inch (13 Am) thick Class 3, 0.0002 imh (5.1 M) thick Class 4, 0.0001 inch (2.5#m) thick
MI LATD- 171D 29 February 1980 TABLE II. Finish No. *1. 11 *1.11.1 G 1.11.2 1.11. 2.1 1.11. 2.5 1.11. 2.6 G 1.11.3 1.11. 3.2 1.11. 3.6 1.11. 3.8 G 1.12 1.12.1 1.12.2 G 1.13 1.13.1 %14 G 1.14.1 s - Continued Inorganic finishes, mstallic coatirvg Requirements Cold coatinq, elsctrodeposited, MIL-G-45204 TYK= I, 99.7 percent gold, minimum: hardness shall be spscified Class 1, 0.00005 inch (1.3 urn) thick, Kinimum Class 2, 0.00010 inch (2.5 um). thick, Kinimum Class 3, 0.00020 irch (5.1 urn) thick, minimum Class 4, 0.00030 inch (7.6 um) thick, minimum Class 5, 0.00050 inch (13 um) thick, minimum Class 6, 0.00150 i~h (38 urn) thick, minimum Class O, 0.00003 inch (0.76 Am) thick, minimum Class 00, 0.00002 inch (0.51 #m) thick, minimum lype II, 99.0 percent gold, minimum; hardness shall bs specified Class 1, 0.00005 imh (1.3 um) thick, minimum Class 2, 0.00010 inch (2.5 urn) thick, minimum Class 3, 0.00020 inch (5.1 urn) thick, minimum ---Class 4, 0.00030 inch (7.6 urn) thick, minimum Class 5, 0.00050 inch (13 urn) thick, minimum Class 6, 0.00150 inch (3B urn) thick, minimum Class O, 0.00003 inch (0.76 um) thick, minimum Class 00, 0.00002 inch (O.51 urn) thick, Kinimu Type 111, 99.9 percent gold, minimum Class 1, 0.00005 inch (1.3 urn) thick, minimum Class 2, 0.00010 inch (2.5 urn) thick, minimum Class 3, 0.00020 imh (5.1 urn) thick, minimum Class 4, 0.00030 iwh (7.6 K m) thick, minimum Class 5, 0.00050 inch (13 urn) thick, minimum Class 6, 0.00150 inch (38 urn) thick, minimum Class O, 0.00003 inch (O.76 um) thick, minimum Class 00, 0.00002 inch (0.5 um) thick, minimum Aluminum coating Hot-dip aluminum, MI L-A-40147 Vacuum deposited aluminum, FkIL-c-23217 Palladium coatinq ELectrodeposited palladium, FkIL-P-45209, thickness as specified Rhodium coat inq Elect redeposited rhodium, !41L-R-46085 Class l; 0.000002 inch (0.05 urn) thick Class 2, 0.000010 imsh (0.25 urn) thick Class 3, 0.000020 inch (O.51 urn) thick Class 4, 0.000100 inch (2.5 urn) thick Class 5, 0.000250 inch (6.4 urn) thick
%eneral finish requirement headings shall not be specified. The specific finish number (s) only shall be spscif ied. See page iii for the proper method of specifying finishes. 16
S.1.2 Black oxide finishes. The basis metal shall be substantially free from flaws or defects that will be detrimental to the appearance or performance of the finish. The surface shall be cleaned and chemically finished as required by the detail specification, drawing or contract. The procurim activity shall select the desired finish from those shown in table 111, and shall reference it on drawings, in contracts or in item specifications by the number shown in the table.
. .
TASLE III. Finish No. 3.1 3.2 G 3.3 3.3.1 3. 3.2 3.3,2.1 3.3.3 ?.?.4
black oxide
Discontinued Black oxide for copper alloys, MI L-F-495 Black oxide for iron and steel, MI L-C-13924 Class 1, alkaline oxidizing process (for wrought iron, plain carbon, low alloy steels) . Class 1 with MI L-c-16173 supplementary oil treatment Class 2, alkaline-chromate oxidizing er~ess Class 2 with MI~c-16173 supplememtacy oil treatment class 3, fused salt oxidiziq Prc=ess Class 3 with MI L-C-16173 supplementary oil treatment oxidizing process 61 ..= d: ~lL-.1in~
not be specified. The specific finish number (s) only shall be specified. See page iii for the proper msthod of specifying finishes.
MI L-STD- 171D 29 February 1980 TABLE IV. Finish No. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 G 4.8 4.8.1 Cleaning msthod~/ Ssquirements Abrasive blasting Hot alkaline cleaning Solvent cleaning (immersion or spriy) Phosphoric acid cleaning (alcoholic, detergent or solvent type with detergent) HIL-C-10578 Use finish 4.4 llmulsion cleanirq Alkaline derusticq (MIL-c-46156 or MI L-c-14460) Acid pickling Sulfuric acid pickling. Immerse the part in a solution consisting of 5 volumes of sulfuric acid (66 Baume or 1.S4 Sp Gr) , 95 volumes of water, and nonEoaming liquid inhibitor, 0-1-501, type B, class A, as directed by manufacturer of inhibitor, at a temperature of 170 - 180 F (77 - 82 C) . After removal of scale (indicated &f a uniform gray color) , remove part from solution, allow to drain, and then rinse in fresh circulating water at 170 - 180 F (77 - 82 C) . Immerse for 2 to 5 minutes in solution of 1 ounce (28 g) of sodium bichromate and 3/4 ounce (21 g) of phosphoric acid. (758 grade) per gallon (3.8 1) of water, at 190 to 205 F (88 - 96 C) . Discard rinsing bath when combined sulfuric acid ad iron sulfate reaches 2 grams per gallon. After surfaces are thoroughly dry, tceat and/or paint as soon as possible. (Note: Where the steel parts will be used under stress cleaning by acid pickling is not recommended because of hydrogen embrittlement. Acid pickli~ is also net recommended prior to ptrosphatimg. Acid pickling - other methods as specified in detail on drawing or in contract Hot alkaline cleaning, nonetching, for nonferrous (and ferrous) metals. Use P-C-436 material in accordance with specification Vapor degreasirq, using solvent conforming to O-T-634, type II or MIL-T-81533
%sneral finish requirement headings shall not bs specified. The specific finish number(s) only shall bs specified. See page iii for the proper method of specifying finishes. . ~/Add ition~l details on cleaning Kethods and procedures may bs found in MI L-HDBK-132, MIL-HDBK-205, MI L-P-116, and rr-c-490.
nrr,-sm- 1710 29 February 1980 5.1.3 Metal treatments, other than metal deposition or black Oxide.
1. Steel, ncrncorrosion-re sistant.Prior to bsing painted, surfaces of nomx.rcosion-res istant steel (and iron) shall bs cleaned end, unless otherwise specified, shall be pretreated. The cleaning shall leave the surface substantially free from oil, grease, dirt, scale, rust, and other foreign matter. Mechanical cleaning (finish 4.1) shall bs used only where contamination ftom the process will not harmtthe surface beirq cleaned or any adjacent ones. The procuriq activity shall select the method of cleaning from table IV (OPIY if the eretreat~nt Specification d0e5 nOt ~ntain a cleaning requirement) and shall refererce it on drawings, in contracts, or in castings may item specifications kq the number shown in the table. Porous require sealing to assure that they are leakproof and vould bs required to prevent bleeding-out of treatirq chemical which vould cause staining or corrosion of the metal surface and damage to the finishing system. Impregnation or sealirq should be accomplished after preparation as in 4.3.1. steel. Immediately Surface treatments for noncorcosion resistant after cleaning, solvents and moisture, if any, shall bs completely removed. Unless otherwise apecif ied in the contcact or order, the contractor may select the msthod of remova 1. Unless otherwise specified, the surfaces shall receive one of the treatments listed in table V immediately after renmval of solvents and moisture. Unless otherwise specified, high strength steel parts (Rockwell c48 or higher) shall not bs cleaned, pho5phated, pickled or wash primed (finish 5.2) with acid containing materials without the specific approval of The procuring activity shall selsct the treatment and the procuring activity. shall reference it on drawings, in contracts or in item specifications by the number shown in the table. Surfaces of corrosion resisting steel Steel corrosion-resist i~. shall bs thoroughly cleaned and treated by one or more of the finishes listed in table V. The procuring activity shall select the finish and shall reference it on drawings, in contracts, or iriitem specifications tfjthe number Shown in the tables.
I <.
. .
MI L-s3Ti-171D 29 February 1980 TAELE V. Surface treat!nerits and finishes for iron and steel (includicq corrosion-resisting steel ores) .Requirements Finishes for iron and low-alloy steels Light phosphate paint base coatings Zinc phosphate base, TT-C-490, type I Iron phosphate base, TT-C-490, type 11 or IV Pretreatnrsnt coating, lT-C-490, type 111 (wash primer) Heavy phosphate coatings Manganese phosphate base, ODD-P-16232, type M Class 1, with F41L-c-16173, grade 3 supplementary oil treatment (275 to 400 milligrams of MI L-C-16173, grade 3 (dry) per square foot) Class 1, with W-L-800 supplementary oil tceatment Class 3, with no supplementary treatment Zinc phosphate base, ODD-P-16232, type Z Class 1, with MIL-C-16173, grade 3 supplementary oil treatment (275 to 400 milligrams of MI L-C-16173, grade 3 (dry) per square Eeot) Class 1, with W-L-800 supplementary oil treatment Class 3, with no supplementary treatment Class 4, supplementary treated by sealing with inorganic salt, and subsequently dyed or treated as specified Specify finish,, or as applicable Use finish Finishes for corrosion-resisting steels Corrosion-resisting steel not to be painted Clean arrd passivate, QQ-P-35 Discontinued: Use Finish 541 Corrosion-resisting steel to bs painted Cleaning, passivation, and pretreatment coating Clean and passivate, QQ-P-35 Surfaces to bs painted shall be treated with a wash primer conformirq to DOD-P-15328
Finish No. 5.3.3 5.3.4 *5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 G5.5 5.5.1
MI L-STD-l 71D 29 February 1980 Zinc and cadmium. Surfaces of zinc and cadmium shall bs cleaned by Prior to being painted, dsgreasing (finish 4.10) or as otherwise spscified. any surfaces without the supplementary treatments described in table II under finishes 1.1 or 1.9 shall bs given one or more of the surface treatments in table VI. The procuring activity shall select the cleaning method (unless cleaning is specified in the pretreatment specification) and the finish shall be referenced on drawings, -in contracts .Or in .it.emsP=ificatiOns bY the numbers shown in the tables. TASLE VI. Finish No. *6.1 G6.1.1 6.1. 1.1 6.1.2 6.2 6.3 G6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 (. Surface treatments for zinc and cadmium Requ irements [-Phosphate and chromate treatments, MIL-T-12879 lype I, prepaint treatment Class 1, pbsphate Class 2, chromate lype II, chromate final finish Use Finish 5.1.1, light zinc phosphate coating Use Finish 5.2, pretreatment coating Phosphor ic ac id conditioner, MI L-M-10578 ~oe 1. wash-oft Type 11, wipe-off
*General finish requirement headings shall not be specified. The specific finish numbsr {s) only shall be specified. See page iii for the proper method of specifying finishes. alloy. .Surfaces of aluminum or aluminum Aluminum and aluminum alloy shall be cleaned by vapor-degceasing (finish 4.10) , nonetching alkaline cleaner (finish 4.9) , or as otherwise specified. They shall then ~ given immediately one or more of the treatments specified in table V31. The procurirq activity shall select the cleani~ meth~ (unless cleanin9 is covered in the treatment specifications of table VII) and the treatment, and shall reference them on drawings, in contracts, or in item specifications trf the numbers shown in the tables.
UIL-STD-171D 29 February 1980 f? TARLE VII. Finish No. Suiface treatments and finishes for aluminum --, Requ irements
7.1.1 7.1.2 *7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 *7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.4
7.5.1 7.5.2 7.6 thcu 7.9
Anodic film, chromic-acid, MI L-A-8625, type I Class 1, nondyed Class 2, dyed, COIOK to ~ specified Anodic film, sulfuric acid, MI L-A-8625, typs II Class 1, nondyed Class 2, dyed, color to be spscified Chemical film, chromate, FIIL-C-5541 Class I& for maximum protection against corrosion, painted or unpainted Discontinued: Use finish 7.3.1 Class 3, for protection against corrosion where low electrical resistance is required Use finish 5.2, pretreatment coating Hard anodic coati~, MIL-A-8625, type III, thickness 0.002 ~ O.0002 inch (50.8 ~ 5 urn) unless otherwise specified. Class 1, nondyed Class 2, dyed, color to bs specified Discontinued: Use finish 7.5
5.1. 3.5 Maqnesum alloy. Surfaces of magnesium alloy shall bs cleaned by vapor decreasing (finish 4.10), nonetching alkaline clea,nec (finish 4.9), or as otherwise apecified~ They shall then bs immediately given one or more of the treatments specified in table VIII. Finish .8. 1.2 is very corrosion resistant but is a hard, brittle coating and subjsct to chippinq, cracking or spalling, thecefore is recommended only for rigid parts. The pr.xucing activity shall select the finish and shall reference it on drawings, in contracts, or in item specifications by the number shown in the table. Finish 8.6 is used for touch-up applications or where dimensional tolerance must be maintained.
. .
MI L-Sl13-17 LD 29 February 1980 ( TABLS VIII. Finish No. Surface treatments for lnagnesium alloy Xsquirements Anodic treatments, MI L-M-45202 Type I, class C, light coating Type II, heavy coating Class A, grade 3 Class D Chrome pickle, MIL-M-3171. tYPe I Discontinued: Use finish 8.4 Bichromate treatment, MIL-M-3171, type III Galvanic anodizing, MI L-M-3171r type Iv Chromic acid brush-on treatment, MIL-M-3171, type VI Pretreatment coating, DDD-P-15328 with 50 percent of specified phosphor ic acid Fluoride an6dizing process plus corcosion preventive treatment (for castings) , MIL-M-3171, tYpe WI Chromate treatment, t411Ai-3171, type WII
G 8.1
8.1.1 *8. 1.2 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 6.6 8.7 8.8 8.9
The specific *General finish requirement headic-gs shall not be specified. finish number(s) only shall be specified. See page iii for the proper method of Specifying finishes. /
5.1. 3.6 Copper and copper alloy. Surfaces of COPPSC. brass, and bronze shall be cleaned by vapor-decreasing (finish 4.10) , or as otherwise spscified. Surfaces that are to bs painted shall be acid-etched (finish 4.4) or The thickness of metal sandblasted (finish 4. 1) just prior to bsing ~inted. removed ~ blasting should not exceed 0.005 inch (130 urn) . The procuring activity shall refererce the amount on drawings. The procuring activity Shall is coveced in the treatment select the method of cleaning (unless cleaning specifications of table IX) and treataent, and shall reference them on drawings, in contracts, or in item specifications by numters shown in tables IV and IX. None of the primers listed in paragraph 5.2.2 should be applied directly over the acid-etched copper without first listing the pretreatment primer conforming to DOD-P-15328.
TASLE IX. sur~ace
Phosphoric acid conditioner, use finish 6.4 Abrasive blasting, use finish 4.1 Slack oxide, use finiah 3.2 . .
MI L-STD-171D 29 February 1980 Template. Surfaces of terneplate shall be cleaned ~ vapor degreasimq (finish 4.10) , or as otherwise specified. Surfaces that are to be painted shall then be given one of the treatments described in table X. The prccurirq activity shall select the method of cleaning (unless cleaning is covered in the pretreatment specification of table X) and the treatment, and shall reference them on drawings, in contracts, or in item specifications by the numbers shown in the tables. . TABLE X. Finish No. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Surface treatments for terneplate Requirements biscont inued: Data to be contract Discontinued: Data to be contract Pretreatment coating , use Discontinued: Data to be contract specified on drawings or in the specified on drawings or in the finish 5.2 spscified on drawings or in the )
Surfaces of tin plate that ace to be painted shall be cleaned ~. by vapor decreasing (finish 4.10) , or as otherwise specified. Hot-dip tin Tin plate, elect redeposited from an plate needs no other pretreatment. alkaline stannate bath shall be treated according to finish 11.2. The procucirq activity shall reference the method of cleaning and the pretreatment on drawings, in contracts or in item specification by the numbers shown in tables IV and XI. TABLE XI. Finish No. 11.1 11.2 Surface treatments for tin plate Requirements Discontinued: Specify Cleani IW ~ finish number in table IV Immerse for 5 minutes in hot [160 - 180 F (71 Acid etch. S2 C) ] aqueous solution maintained at PH 2 to PH 3 w the addition of a solution containing equal parts by weight of phosphoric acid and chromic acid. Pretreatment coating, use finish 5.2
11.3 Titanium and titanium allo~. Surfaces of titanium and titanium alloy s~all bs cleaned by vapor deceasing (finish 4. 10), or as otherwise specified. Surfaces that are to be painted shall then bs sandblasted (finish 4.1). When sandblasting is not feasible, the clean surface shall receive finish 5.2, pretreatment coating. The procuring activity shall select the method of cleaning and the pretreatment. and shall reference them on drawings, in contracts, or in item specifications by the numbers shown in tables IV and xII. 24
MI L-STO- 171D 29 February 1980 TABLE XII. Finish No. 12.1 12.2 Surface treatments for titanium and titanium alloy Requiremerrts Abrasive blasti~, use finish 4.1 Pretreatment coatirq, use finish 5.2
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5.2.1 General painting requirements. Painting. shall be done in clean, dry, well-ventilated spaces. It is preferred that the air temperature bs between 60 and 90 F (16 and 32 C) and the relative humidity not over 65 percent. is below 50 F (10 C) or when Painting should not be done when the temperature the humidity is above 85 percent. Materials shall be thoroughly mixed and there shall be no settling or separation OE ingredients during painting. Unless otherwise specified, coatings may bs applied W any method that will ensure the application of a smooth, uniform, continuous film, free from dried ovecspray, runs, sags, blisters, orange peel, or other imperfection. Unless otherwise specified, baking of coats of paint shall be done at a temperature of 250 F (121 C) for 45 minutes. Freshly painted materiel shall not be exposed to conditions that will harm the paint. Pretreatment coating 5.2) shall be applied either in accordance with that COO-P-15128 (finish specification or in accordance with MIL-C-8507. Prior to paintirrg magnesium alloy, first apply one of the finishes 8.1 through 8.6 or 8.9. A surface sealim coatirq can then be applied. MIL-M-3171 cites a surface coating resin, baking type epoxy sealer. When this pretreatment coating ODD-P- 1532S (finish 5.2) is applied to magnesium alloy, its phosphoric acid content shall ba reduced to 50 percent of Additional data on the application of finishes that specified in DOD-P-15328. can be found in MIL-WDBK-132 and MIL-F-1B264. S.2.1.1 Previously painted surfaces. Prior to the applicat ion of paint to If equipment previously painted, the surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned. solvent is used it shall bs oil free. All loose paint shall be renkwed. When it is necessaq to remove the old paint it may & done with solvent-type paint remover, or ky abrasive blasting (finish 4.1) or other mechanical means. Ca ce shall ba used to remove residual remver and solvent from crevices and pockets. Finish 4.1 should be used only where contamination fcornthe process will not harm the surface being cleaned or any adjacent parts. Regardless of the method, no harmful residue shall ba leEt on the aucfaee. . 5.2.2 Paintinq schedule. The first, or priming, coat of paint shall be apel ied as PromPtlY as Possible (preferably on the same day but, in any event, within 24 hours) after the surface has been prepared for painting. This requirement shall apply part icularly to mstal parta that have received a surface treatmsnt. 25
... . . . . . ..
141 L-SID-171D 29 February 1980 Each coat of paint shall bs dry bsfore the application of a succeeding coat. For example, under good conditions, 24 hours is sufficient for air-drying paint, such as that conforming to IT-E-485, Tr-P-636 or T1-E-529: 15 minutes for lustreless enamel conforming to TT-E-516; 10 minutes for lacquer conforming to MI L-L-11195. In w case shall the time allowed for drying bs less than that specified for the rscoating or self-lifting test (if specified) in the applicable specification. Unassembled parts. When circumstances make it desirable, Primers and intermediate cOats maY be applied to unassembled Parts Of an assembly, the final coat being applied after assembly. Prior to application of final coat, all damage to previously applied paint shall be repaired and all soils deposited on the surface during the assembly shall be removed with a cleaner which will not damage the Primer or leave an Oil deeOsit.
5.2.3 Film thickness. The thickness of the dry paint film for one coat application shall be as follows: ., Specification Pretreatment coating: . . KID-P-15328 , P,. Primers: IT-E-485 TT-P-636 lY-P-664 Tr-P-17571/ MIL-P-1 L414 MI L-P-14553 MIL-P-15930 MI L-P-23377 MI L-P-46105 MI L-P-52192 Other primers (unless otherwise specified) Primer surfacers: TT-P-662 TT-P-659 All top coats, clear or opaque Thickness in roils
0.4-0.6 0.8-1.2 0.8-1.2 0.8-1.2 0.4-0.6 0.6-0.8 0.4-0.6 0.4-0.6 0.8-1.2 2.0-3.0 0.8-1.2 0.8-1.2 0.8-1.2 0.8-1.2 0.8-1.2
1 ,-
~/For Onaircraft or ~iikre e~ipmsnt and on ferrous metal surfaces film thickness shall bs O.6-0.8 roils. Where multiple coats are designated in the tables for finishes the dry film thickness shall bs multiplied proportionally. One coat shall be applied by a minimum of one double or cross pass of spray gun. One coat shall not bs construd as one pass of the spray gun. Film thickness for camouflage. Where canmuflage top coats are used, a minimum of 1.8 roilsdry film thickness shall bs applied. Normally two spray coats will obtain this minimum film thickness. 5.2.4 Fayirg surfaces.
Wood in contact. with metal shall be painted according to 5.2.?.1 ~. finish 26.3 (table XVIII) . The metal surface shall receiva two coats of an appro~riate primer.
MI L-STD-171D 29 February 1980 ~. All metallic~aying surfaces, whether of similar or dissimilar metals shall receive at least two coats of an a9Dr0Priate Drimet .. . excePt at Slip fits as mentioned below. Extra Protection for dissimilar metals msy be provided with sheet or tape, impregnated with zinc chromate, MIL-J-2829, class 2. After joining is complete and prior to topcoating, fillet seal all joints where moisture could enter from the top or horizontal with sealant MI L-S-8802. At slip fits or press fits, coating with one of the. primers listed above, and assembling while wet, affords some protection. fIowever, such treatments cannot take the place of prDper sealing and painting of the joints. .1 5.2.5 Adhesion. All paint finishes shall show good adhesion to substrates and to other paint coatings, as applicable. 5.2.6 Appearance. All paint systems shall have uniform and satisfactory hiding power, color, gloss, and stithness. When a paint specification provides for more than one color, 5.2.7 ~. the procuring activity shall select the color and reference it on drawings, in in Fed. Std. No. 595. contracta or in item specifications by number Color for Army. Unless otherwise specified, all new material and matecial undergoi~ depot overhaul, except aircraft and other items exempted by AR 750-58, shall be painted with a paint system conforming to the Forest Green CO1OC in one of the systems shown in table XIII. The system used shall be compatible with and shall provide qood adhesion for subsequent coatings of paint conforming to MI L-E-52798. When Forest Green of the paint system conEormirq to MI L-C-46168 is used, the top coatirq with other camouflage colors shall & from MI L-c-46168 only. Paints made to the Forest Green requirements must be forwarded by the paint contractor to the following laboratory for approval prior to acceptance: US Army mobility Equipment Research s Development Command, ATTN: DRDME-WJ, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060. A minimum of a pint sample from each production lot must be forwarded. For non-camouflage Forest Green; visual color match only; the Forest Green color shall match color 134079 of Fed. Std. No. 595.
. . .
MIL-STD-l;lD 29 February 1980 5.3 PAINT FINISHES FOR WETALS. Tables XIII, XIV and XV list most of the paint finishes for metals necessary for a wide variety of military equipment. An overwhelming percentage of metailic ,surfaces that are painted are steel (iron), or aluminum and magnesium, and their alloys. Tables XIII through XVI provide specifically for these metals, but the finishes are also suitable for zinc, cadmium, copper, tin. terne and titanium. In many finishes, aluminum and magnesium, and their alloys require spatial primers (see 5.3.1 and 5.3. 2). Special finishes are listed in table XVI. Acid catalyzed primers and topcoats shall not be utilized on high strength steel parts (lbckwell C 48 or higher) without the speci fic approval of the procuring activity. The procuring activity shall select the finish and shall reference it on drawings, in specifications or in contracts ty the number shown in the tables. 5.3.1 Priming paint for aluminum. Primers meeting lT-P-1757, MIL-P-15930 or MI L-P-23377 shall be used in tables X111. XIV, Xv and XVI in lieu of In mixed TT-E-485, IT-P-636, TT-P-664, and MIL-P-11414 in primirq aluminum. metal assemblies with aluminum finish 5.2 shall be specified as a Pretreatment Primer :.tIL-P-15930shall not be used prior to application of these primers. under baking finishes where the baking temperature exceeds 250 F (121 C) or as a Primer for a lacquer tOpcoat. When MIL-P-23377 is used, the crrntractoc shall determine that the topcoat demonstrates adequate compatibility and adhesion to the primer.
5.3.2 Pciminq paint for maqnesium. TVO (2) coats of vinyl-zinc chromate primer meeting MIL-P-15930 or one (1) coat of epoxy pcimer meeting MI L-P-23377 shall be used in tables XIII, XIV, XV, and XVI in lieu of IT-E-485, TT-P-636, TT-P-664 and MIL-P-11414 in priming magnesium. A pretreatment coating meeting COD-P-15328 (finish 8.7) should bs specified as a pretreatment prior to application Of pC1me K (except MI L-P-21377) . The phosphor ic acid for this pretreatment coating is reduced to 50 percent of that required by Primer MIL-P-L5930 shall not be used under baking finishes where 000-P-15328. the baking temperature exceeds 250 F (121 C) . Alkyd-zinc chromate primer meeting TT-P-L757 may be substituted for !41L-P-15930 or MIL-P-23377 only when The use of TT-P-1757 would be dependent approved by the procuring activity. When MI L-P-15930 or particularly MIL-P-23377 uPn the top Coat that is used. is used the contractor shall determine that the topcoat denw.mstrates adequate adhesion to the primer. 5.3.3 Priminq paint for dissimilar metal assemblies. The primer used with dissimilar metal assemblies shall be the primer sptiified for the anodic or For example, a component composed of less noble member of the assembly. as specified magnesium and steel will require the use of primers for magnesium in 5.3.?.
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MI L-STD- 171D 29 February 1980 5. 3.4 Numbsr of coats of paint, minimum. The number of coats indicated under remarks in the following tables includes Primer (if used) , for exawle, finish 20.4 consists of one (1) coat of primer plus one (1) coat of topcoat. The coatirq thicknesses shall be as specified in 5.2.3. 5.3.5 APP Lication of camouflage paint. It is essential that Forest Green paint be applied at a minimum dry film thickness of 1.8 roils to achieve color Because of the higher uniformity and optimum camouflage characteristics. degree of transpare~y of this paint in toth the visual and infrared regions of the spsctrum, an application of O.8-1.0 roils dry, which is the normsl application fOK an olive drab paint, would allow both the visual and infrared light to partially penetrate the surface and reflect the substrate or lxse coating. This would cause both nonuniformity in visual color and poor Due to the extreme flatness of the paint, the color camouflage properties. will vary to a degree, dependinq upon the textuce and type of substrate, plus the orientation of the film and the direction by which the light hits the film. AcceptarXe of an end item shall not be based specifically on color. It shall be based on whether the paint was approved by the US Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Comunand, ATTN: DRDME-W, Fort Belvoir, VA As specified above, 22060, and whether application techniques are correct. the paint must be applied at least 1.8 roils dry film thickness. A dust coat should be applied first before the two approximate 1 mil dry film thickness coatings are applied. Allow a 15 minute dry time before the second application for solvent flash-off. A single application of 1.8 roilsminimum is permissible, provided the paint film is fcee of imperfections such aa runs, sags, or orange psel. )
MI L-STD-171D 29 February 1980 TABLE XIII. Finish No. 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 Lust ieless paint finishes for metal surfaces
Pirst coat
One coat finish for projectiles, qretrades, etc. TVO coat lacquer finish for automotive and general use TWO coat lustreless alkyd finish for general use except poor gasoline resistance Oetermine where finish is to bs used and accordingly substitute finish 20.4, 20.8 or 20.9
TT-P-662 @US MIL-L-11195 Use finish 20.8 Use finish 20.B TT-E-522
TwrI coat alkyd finish for general use Quick dry ing two coat alkyd finish for general use Three coat lacquer finish for automotive and general use
Two coat phenolic enamel for parts wholly or partly immersed in water
Use finish Use finish plus 20.8 Use finish plus 20.8 Use finish plus 20.E TPE-522
20.9 Three coat phenolic enamel for parts wholly or partly immersed in water; also used on vood General camouflage finish
141 L-STD-173.O ., 29 February 198.O TABLE XIII. Finish No. 20.20 20.21 20.22 20.23 20.24 Lustreless paint finishes for metal surfaces - Continued ,)
Remarks Baking Forest Green Acrylic Forest Green Hot spray Focest Green Flash dry enamel Forest Green Chemical agent resistant camuflage .
Or magnesium the Primers ~/When these finishes are specified for alUIIIitNIm shall be as specif ied in paragcaph 5.3.1 for aluminum and paragraph 5.3.2 for magnesium. ~/When ~ing ~-E-485, types II or IV can be used. ~/For aluminum, TT-P-1757 should & used~/When using TT-E-485, type IV should be used. ~/For ~lmium, MI L-P-23377 should ~ used-
First coat
Topcoat(s) TT-E-485
Remarks One coat finish for ammunition containers, gasO. . line drums, etc. ~o coat alkyd finish for use
21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 21.8 21.9 21.10 21.11
Discontinued TT-P-63~/, ~ or IT-P-664 DiSont inued TT-E-485~/ or TT-P-636 Discontinued HIL-P-52192 (bake) Discontinued TT-P-63~ or TT-P-664 Discontinued MI L-P-l 141d/ or TT-P-664 141 L-P-1141~/ or Tr-P-664 MI L-P-114141/ or TT-F-664 Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued TT-P-1757 MI L-P-14553 (dip and bake) or TT-P-664 (spray and bske) Tr-P-6641/ or MIL-P-11414
use finish 21.3 TT-E-529 use finish 21.5 IT-E-4 85 use finish 21.3 MIL-E-4B0 (bake) use finish 21.3 or 21.21 IT-E-529 (2 cOats) use finish 21.9 MI L-L-52043 IT-P-662 phlS t41L-L-52043 MI L-L-52043 (2 coats)
mm coat alkyd finish for general use Two coat baked finish
Three coat alkyd finish for general use ~ coat lacquer finish for automotive materials
Three coat lacquer finish for automotive materials } Refer to 20.13 or 20.18
Use finish phlS 21.5 OK 21.3 use finish plus 21.9 use finish 21.12 TT-E-485 (2 coats) IT-E-485 or IT-E-529 (bakimg type) MI L-E-52227
Three coat finish fOr general use Two coat baking finish fOr automotive equipment
~/When these finishes are specified for aluminum or ma9nesium the primers shall bs as specified in paragraph 5.3.1 for aluminum and paragraph 5.3.2 for magnesium.
MI L-STO-171D 29 February 1980 TASLE XV. Finish No. 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 FU1l gloss paint finishes for metal surfaces
Topcoat(s) Use Finish 22.2 TL-E-4S9 MI L-L-12277 (2 coats) LT-P-662 phlS MIL-L-12277 (2 coats) Use finish 22.4 Use finish 24.10 Use finish 24.10 Use finish 22.2 T3-E-489 (bakirrqtype) Remarks
First coat Discontinued IT-P-63&/ or lT-P-664 HIL-P-11414.l/ or IT-P-664 MI L-P-1141~/ or lT-P-664 Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued MI L-P-14553 (dip and bake) or T3-P-664 (spray and bake) TT-P-636~/ or TT-P-664
3WDcoat alkyd finish f0 r general use . 14ultiple coat lacquer finishes for autornot ive use }
TWO coat silicone-alkyd finish for general exterior use: Outstand ing gloss and color retention
~/When these fini~he~ are specified for aluminum or magnesium the primers shall bs as specified in paragraph 5.3.1 for aluminum and paragraph 5.3.2 for magnesium.
141 L-STO-171D 29 February 1980 TABLE XVI . Finish No. 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 24.1 24.2 Spscial paint finishes for metals
Description of cDating TT-E-485 plus f.kIL-E-5558, type 1/ Discontinued: Use finish 23.1 Discontinued: Use finish 23.1 Discontinued: Use finish 23.1 Discontinued: Use finish 23.1 uIL-P-46~05; 2=3 mil dry film thickness MI L-C-450
Weld through primer Asphalt coat ing for painting the interior of armnunition items prior to being filled with explosives. Not suitable as prime coat for paintirq Underb3r3y coatirrg for motor vehicles Red fumimg nitric acid resistant coat ing
24.3 24.4
24.5 24.6
TT-C-520, 1/16 inch minimum dry film thickness MIL-P-22636 (0.2-0.4 mil dry film thickness) plus MIL-P-14458 (2.5-3.0 mil dry film thickness) TT-P-28 MIL-P-22332
Tr-c-494 MIL<-22750 (1.5 roilsmin dry film thickness) MIL-P-23377 (2 coats-bake) plus rr-E-S29 (2 coats-bakirq type) lT-V-51 (2 coats) MI L-P-52192
24.12 . . 24.13
Tr-P-1757 Color Y (2 coats) TFV-119 pigmented with 20 ounces psr gallon of lT-P-320. tYpe II. ClaSS B, O. 5-0.7 Kil dry film thickness
Heat resistant aluminum finish for temperatures to 1200 F Primer for paintirq the interior of ammunit ion items prior to bsirq filled with explosives. It may also b-sused to prime exterior surfaces Acid resistant asphalt paint for general use Epoxy topcoat resistant to hydraulic fluid spillage For magnesium or other metals subject to Bevere exposure Two coat acid resistant finish for general use Primer for rocket motor cases. will withstand vapor degreasirsz and provide corrosion resiatarce For missile uae on parta requiring primsr only. Apply over p retreatmsnt Oil resistant aluminum coating for interior of gear cases or housings
MI L-STD-171D 29 February 1980 ) TABLE XVI . Finish No. 24.14 Special paint finishes for mstals - Continued
Description of Coating 141 L-C-4556 (2 coat system, 3.0 mil minimum dry film thickness per coat) MI L-P-23236 class 3 (3.0-4.0 mil dry film thickness) MI L-P-3B336 (3.0-4.0 mil dry film thickness)
Remarks Epoxy coatirq kit for interior of fuel transportation and storage tanks Zinc rich primer for steel structures that receive severe exposure to adverse weather, condensing moisture, corrosive atmospheres and marine environments For protection of areas exposed to chemicals and solvents Lustreless olive drab solar heat reflecting enamel. Performance equivalent to Tl!-E-516. Lustreless olive drab solar heat reflecting enamel. Performance equivalent to IT-E-527 Lustreless olive drab solar heat reflectirq lacquer. Performame comparable to MI L-L-1953B Semi-gloss olive drab solar heat refLect inq enamel. Performance equivalent to TT-E-529, class A Performance equivalent to MIL-E-52227 Performance equivalent to IT-E-529, ChSS B Semi-gloss rust inhibiting olive drab solar heat reflecting enamel for ferrous Ketal Performance equivalent to TC-E-485, type 11 Performance equivalent to IT-E-485, type IV
24.15 24.16
24.17 24.lB
MIL-P-23377, MI L-C-22750 IT-P-66&2/, MI L-C-46127 PIUS MIL-E-46096 TT-P-63~/, t41L-C-46127~/ plU5 MI L-E-46117 TT-P-664/, MI L-C-46 L27>/ plUS MIL-L-4613B MIL-E-46136 TT-P-636.?/, MI L-C-46127~/ plus MIL-E-46136, type I TT-P-664_?/, MI L-C-46127~/ plus MIL-E-46136, type II TT-P-664?/ . MI L-C-46127~/ plus MIL-E-46136, type 111 MI L-E-46139 (2 coats)
G 24.22
24.22.1 24.22.2
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MIL-slT)-171D 29 February 1980 ( TABLE XVI. ., Finish No. 24.23 Special paint finishes for metals - Continued
Remarks black lustreless Gray or near solar heat reflecting lacquer for marking of finish coat. Performance equivalent to TT-L-20 Gray or near black lustreless solar heat reflecting lacquer for finish coat
TT-P-175747, MI L-L-46142
applied at a wet film thickness of 5 to 8 roils, unless otherwise specified. When this finish is specified for aluminum oc magnesium the primers shall be as specified in paragraph 5.3.1 for aluminum and paragraph 5.3.2 for magnesium. or magnesium the primers ~/when ~he~e fini~he~ are specified for almiwn
shall be as specified in paragraph 5.3.1 for aluminum and paragraph 5.3.2 EOC magnesium except that MI L-P-15930 shall not be used. ~/MI L-c_46127 is required when these finishes are specified for ferrous metal. It is not required when used on aluminum or magnesium. ~/when this finish is specified fOr aluminum or magnesium MI L-P-7962 primer shall be used. 5.4 PRESERVATIVS TRSAT?4ENTS FOR wCOD. For most U*S, whether painted or The surface not, wood shall be treated with a water-repellent preservative. shall be dcY, and free from grease and other Eoceign matter, before the wod is treated. Weed that is to bs treated shall not have a moisture content exceeding 20 percent of its oven dry weight. Where possible, wood parts shall be cut to final dimensions. planed or sanded s~th. and hOlesr rabbsts~. and the like, shall be made bsfore treatment. In the event that it becomes necessary to make h61es, rabbets, saw=uts, or the like, after treatment, preservative shall be applied liberally to surfaces exposed by these operat ions. Table XVII lists three treatunts, finish 25.1 being the most The effective and pceferred tceatmsnt: finish 25.3 beinq the least effective. procuciw. activity shall select the finish and shall reference it on drawings. in spec i}icat ions or in contracts by the number shown in the table
MI bsTD-1720 29 February 1980 TADLE XVII. Finish No. 25.1 . . ,. Wood preservative treatments
Requirements Vacuum-pressure or vacuum-soak treatment. The clean dry, well seasoned wood, free of outer and inner bsrk, shall be surfaced to the correct cross-sectional dimension and then treated try vacuum and pressure, or vacuum and soak. The treating mAteRetention on rial shall conform to co~sition A of ~W-572. treatment shall be not less than 3 pounds per cubic foot, and not more than 6 pounds per cubic foot for hard winds, or more than 8 pounds par cubic foot for Soft woods. If retention is less than 3 pounds per cubic foot on initial test cycle, treatment shall bs to refusal, using a soak cycle of not less than 24 hours. A maximum of 14 days after treatment, two representative samples from each charge shall be removed and tested for paintability in accordance with applicable section of IT-w-572. The temperature of the preservative during the treatimq process is to bs at the discretion of the contractor so long as the requirements of T1-w-57l as to penetration and the above retention requirements are met. Immersion treatment. Dress the wood pact to correct crosslmnerse in pentachlorophenol solution, sectional dimensions. TT-w-572, for not less than 4 hours. Allow the treated wood to air-dry or kiln-dry before it is painted. Surface treatment. Dress the wmd part to correct crosssectional dimensions. APPIY one liberal coat of pentachloropheml solution, IT-w-572. Where practical, apply the solution by immersion for not less than 3 minutes. Otherwise brushirq or low pressure spraying (no atomization) is acceptable. Allow the treated wo.d to air-d~ or kiln-dry before it is painted.
5.5 PAINT FINISHSS FOR WCIDO. Paint finishes for wood are indicated in table XVIII. The treatment of the wod in accordance with one of the systems indicated in table XVII prior to painting provides a more weather resistant finish for exterior exposure and is at the option of the procuring activity. The wmd shall nOt have a nuisture content exceedirq 20 percent of its oven dry weight. Additional paint finishes Eor wood are indicated in table XIX.
.-. .
TABLE XVIII . Finish NO. Paint finishes for WODC3 First coat Topcoat (s) LuSTERLESS
Remarks . .
Three,, coat alkyd finish for general use Three coat phenolic finish for wood or metal Same as finish 20.18
,., {
T3-P-636 Discontinued IT-E-4 85 or lT-P-636 Discontinued DiEcont inued DiSont inued Discontinued Discontinued
IT-E-529 (2 coats) Use finish 27.1 TFE-485 or T1-E-529 Use finish 27.3 Use finish 27.3 Use finish 27.1 Use finish 27.3 Use finish 27.1
Three coat alkyd finish for general use lwo coat alkyd finish for general use
FULL GU3SS ., 28.1 TT-P-63~/ Tf-E-4S9 alkyd finish for general IT-P-6 59~/ IT-E-489 ~0 ,. coat or three coat14
. .
28.4 28.5
IT-F-336 Nhen needed for filling Discontinued T3-S-3OO; specify type and grade
Tr-v-121 (2 coats)
use lWOcoat or three coat alkyd finish, in white not for exposure to weather Spar varnish.
Shellac varniah
~An additional COat of ~-P-636 primer or lT-p-659 Primer surfacer shall be applied, if necessary for proper surfacing, prior to applying the itiicated t-oat. 39
MI L-STO-171D 29 February 1980 TABLE XIX. Finish No. 29.1 Miscellaneous paint finishes
for wood )
Requirements Stain-varnish-wax. reply olive-drab stain to bare wood. Let dry. Apply two coats varnish, TT-V7121. Let each coat dry thoroughly. @ply wax, MIL-W-3688. Let dry. Polish with clean, dry cloth. Oil-shellac-varnish. APPIY linseed oil, 3T-L-215, to bare wood. Let stand for 24 hours. Squeegee off excess. Let dry for at least 16 hours. APPIY one Coat shellac varnish, IT-s-300, type II, grade A. Let dry. APPIY t- coats varnish, m-V-l2l. Let each coat dry thoroughly. Oil-shellac-clear lacquer. Apply linseed oil. lT-L-215, to bare wood . Let stand for 24 hours. Squeegee off excess. Let dry at least 16 hours. Apply three coats of shellac ~varnish, rc-S300, type I, grade B. Let each coat dry thoroughly, and rub each coat lightly with fine sandpaper. Apply two coats of clear lacquer, lT-L-58. Let dry between coats. Oil-shellac-lacquer. Apply linseed oil, ?T-L-215, to bare wood. Let stand foc 24 hours. Squeegee off excess. Let dry for at least 16 hours. APPIY three mats shellac varnish, m-s-31J0, type I, grade B. Let each coat dry thoroughly, and rub each coat lightly with fine sandpaper. Apply white lacquer, MIL-L11195 to a thickness of 2.5 to 3.0 roils, approximately 3 coats, if applied hot, 6 coats if applied cold. Preservat ive-shellac-va rnish. Apply finish 25.1. Apply one coat shellac varnish, T3-S-3OO, type II, grade A. Let dry. Apply one coat varnish, rr-v-121. Let dry. Preservative-varnish. Apply finish 25.1. Apply two coats varnish, TT-v-121. For wood components of small arms. APPIY Protective finish, lW-L-190 or MI L-F-13088, as specified. Fire retardant paint for vooden crates, olive drab. APPIY MI L-P-52024 over wcd treated in accordance with finish 25.1, 25.2, or 25.3.
( \
Finish No. *30.1. 30.1.1 . . . . 30.1.2 30.2 30.3 -
Requ irembnts Filler, graduation, TT-F-3ZS TYPe I, crayon tYpe; CO1OC as specified; black, deep red, white, translucent white Type II Paste type; CO1OC as specified,. black, deep red, white, translucent white. Non-skid coating i 1/32 to 1/16 i~h dry E~Lm thickness. MIL-D-23003, color as sPec ified Walkway coating and matting, nonslip, MI L-W-5044, type and color as spscified Coating, luminescent, fluorescent and phosphorescent Luminescent material, fluorescent, type I, MIL-L-25142 Luminescent material, phosphorescent, type P, form 1, MrL-L-3891 Luminescent meter ial, fluorescent, type F, form 1, MI L-L-3891, color as specified MI L-v-173; applied in accordance with MI L-T-~52. For misture and fungus proofing of electronic and associated equipment MIL-1-46058, con formal coating for printed wirirq toards MI L-L-4601O, Lubricant, Solid Film, Heat Cuced, Corrosion Inhibiting MIL-L-46147, Lubricant, Solid Film, Air Cured (Corrosion Inhibiting)
G 30.4
30.4.1 30.4.2 30.4.3 30.5 10.6 30.7 ( 30.8
* General. finish requirement headings shall not be specified. The specific finish numbsrs(s) only shall bs specified. See page iii for the proper method of specifying finishes.
. .
6.1 RESPONSIBILITY FOR INSPD2TION. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the parforma~e of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the supplier may use his own or any other facilities suitable. for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved bf the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspsctiona set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requiretints. 6.1.1 Contractor is responsible for inspection. The inspsct ions set forth in the standard shall become a part of the contractors overall inspect ion system or quality program. The absence of any inspection requirements in the standard shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility for assuring for acceptance conform to all that all SUPP1 ies submitted to the Government requirements of the contract. 6.2 GSNERAL INSPECTION RSQU IHNK . All equipment being processed shall bs inspected at the various stages of cleaning, surface treating, painting, electroplating, and appl icat ion of other types of finishes and coatings, to ascertain that each process is done in strict accordance with this standard The inspections and tests covered in this and individual specifications. section shall not bs considered restrictive. Any condition not in full accord with the applicable drawirqs and specifications shall be regarded as defective. Materials prior to their use, shall bs inspected, sampled and 6.2.1 =. tested in accordance with the applicable specification and standard to determine compliance with the requirements of the particular specification. When purchasing canmuf lage paint, production samples from e.ich lot of paint manufactured shall bs forwarded to the laboratory specified in The submission of these samples is for validat ion of the paint fox spectral and With this information, the inspector Will have the specular characteristics. means, alomg with the painting procedures, to accept or reject an end product. 6.2.2 Test specimens. When available, test specimens shall & actual production items, or parts of the items. When approved ~ the contracting officer, coatinq systems, may be tested on an approvsd number of test panels of the sams metal as, and coated identically and concurrently with, the manufactured parts they represent. PRIOR lU PAINTrNG. All surfaces shall be examined 6.3 U3NMTION OF SIJRPACS JuSt priOK. tO paintiw to assure that the previously cleaned and pretreated surface is dry and free from soil or contamination of any kind. Poor adhesion When poor of paint shall be construed as evidence of improper cleaning. adhesion is indicated, the ent ire part shall b stripped and the part shall bs refinished.
ANO UN IKkRMITY OF COATINGS. All coatings, inorganic. and visually examined for cent inuity and uniformity.
6.5 TSICRNESS OF COATINGS. All coatings, inorganic and organic, shill ~ checked for dry film thickness as required bf this standard, the applicable specification or drawing. The correct dry film thickness of pretreatment coating, DOD-P-15328 is very important. Smsll steel panels prepared with fi21Ts, too thick, too thin, and cOrr=t, maY se~ve aS Visual cOlOr guides Or wash primar and zinc chromate primsr. Fi2m thickqess gages shall be used for other coatings. 6.6 PAINT APPLICATION . The weather and other conditions shall be checked standard ( 6ee 5.2- U , during application of paint for confocma~e to this The painted items, or specimen panels shall be 6.7 PAINT ADHSSION. examined for adhesion in accordance with lT-C-490 and 141 L-F-14072 after the coated items, or specimen panels, have dried for a Kinimum of 24 houzs for quick-dcyirq and baking systems, and for a Kinimum of 72 hours for,all other systems. the 6.8 COLOR. The color of painted surfaces shall be checked against the specified color in Fed. Std. No. 595 or standard color chip representing other standacd as furnished trythe procurin3 activity. Color comparisons shall bs made using the applicable test method Of Fed. Test Hethd std. No. 141. Camouflage color chips can be obtained from US Army !40bility Equipment Research and Development Command, ATI!N: DRDMS-VO, Fort BeLvoir, VA 22060. 6.9 HIDING FCIWER. GLOSS, AND SMOOTHNESS OF PAINT. The painted surfaces (when dry) shall be checked visually for hiding ~er. 910ss, and s~thness against samples (when available] furnished or approved by the procuring act ivity. OF CAMOUFtiGE pAINTING . The following are 6.10 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE inspections that must take Place ~fOre acceeta=e can bS -de On the end tern: (a) The acceptance of the color of the paints shall not be bssed upon a color match to a standard color chip. Total acceptance of this paint shall be based only upon whether the individual lot of subject paint was approved by the US Army Mobi Lity Equipmsnt Research and Development Commsnd, ATl!N: DACMS-VO, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060. (b) stands rd. . Surface cleaning and treatment requirements shall comply to this
(c) The camouflage paint shall be applied at a total dry film thickness of mot less than 1.8 roils.
&II L-STU-17LD 29 Februacy 1980 (d) adhered to. Proper solvent selections and appl ication techniques shall he
(e) The dry color shall be uniform for each individual part, but not necessarily from part to part. [f) (g) There shall be no running of the paint. The end Prduct shall not be blotchy.
(h) Upon application, the paint shall not be applied in a dry spray. The paint shall be allowed to flow when applied to the substrate. A dry spray would produce a chalky effect which would allow the paint to be removed just by light rubbing. (i) Isolated marring and scratching Ecom handling shall be allowed as long as the substrate is not exposed. This slight marring and scratchirq will not affect the camouflage properties when observed by either visual or photographic means. Custodian: Army - MR !1 3v-,, - S!i Air Force - 11 Review interest: ACMy - GL, MS, MI, AR, SS, CR Air Force - 99 User interest: Army - AT. AV, AL Navy - SH, OS, YD Preparing activity: Army - MS Project No. MFFP-0174
. .
SELSCTION OF FINISflSS . The finishes should bs selected from this standard. Ths selection OE finishes for any particular application should bs made in accordawe with the following tecommendat ions or as otherwise indicated in this standard. However, final selection shall r,estwith the activity reaeonsible for the end item. Exmsue.E CMSIFICATION. For application of finishes to materiel, surfaces ace classified by exposure as follows: . TYpe I surfaces are areas. either exposed to view when TYP e I (ExF0 seal) equipment is in operating or traveling conditions or areas not exposed to view Climatic elements but subject to combined direct action of climatic elements. include temperature extremes, humidity extremes, rain, hail, snow, sleet, salt laden air, industrial atmospheres, direct solar radiation, dust and scour inq action of wind-blown sand. TYpe II surEaces are not exposed to view during VP e 11 (Sheltered) . to direct action OE rain, hail, snow, equipment operation and not subject sleet, direct solar radiation, and sand.
. .
!o~ ~ : ~y
;: .G
.. Type Conditions affecting expOClass of part FABRICATED E inish select ion ,9u ce
assembly hardware
2. Large belts, nuts, washers, and similer hardware for assembly masaive structures
Same as 1 J assembly
3. Lessee stcuctucal parts and assemblies such as racks, cases, castings, housings, panel! brackets, etc. 4. Ground rods, ground plates, stakes,
4.4 5.2
APPSNDI131Xl%. Finish
. .
of part
a. Parts will be exin equip-
e 1
5. a. Inside
open members
Small hardware [ex6. cept threaded parts) such as hinges, fasteners, handles, catches, etc.
5. 2)
be ex
Same as
1 -
Screws, holes,
and parts small
washers cialty
nuts spe-
1. 1.2.3
%3 :L
or Same as
1 - Finish
2g : m
Conditions finish c. Parta affecting eelection will not ba APP1 lC hble finish recommendations Cleanirq ~ and Paint finishes et reatment +atrelesa Semigloss .. 1.2.1 .4.1.2 (matte or Same as 1 Finish after
Gloss assembly
to view asaembly.
ish) or
1.2.3 or 11
Parts will
LE subjected to temperaof ture in excess 160 F Parta will be subjected to temperatures in excess
.. 2.2
9. Hardware such as hinges, catches, Chmps, clips, screws, tolta, nuts, washers, etc.
. . 2.2
1.4.2 30.7 30.8
or or None
of 160 F
b. Parts will mt be to te~ subjected peraturea in exceae of 160 F Parta will be in contact with uncured phenolics or subjected to pheno 1 ic vapors (see 4.8) II
..4.1.3 1.2.2
,. 2.2 1.4.2
(Cent inued)
Applicable finish
?Og [1
be oiled not
5. 3.1.3
Sliding wearing 11. facea such as guide rails, etc. , requirirq electrical conductivity 12. etc. Geare, cams,
Parts cannot
1. 1.2.2
and be subhigh
11 or plus 1. 2.2 (1.0 mil thick) Any plate per table providing I a permissible couple
13. Any type of part An electrical conductive dissimilar metal contact is required 11
Class of part
xpOure I I or 11
Applicable finish reconnnendetiona Cleanimg and Paint finishes retreatment Lustreless Semiqloss G1OSS my type plat precautions 5. 1.1.2 inq i required paragraphs for exposure plus and
14. Hacderred such as coil washers, etc. to hydroqen ment _-... 15. Steel parts
1 or or
20. Large parts a. Parts will to posed assembled ment Part will posed to assembled Parts be exview in equip-
Same aa 1
No finish
. .
of or
Conditions finish
affecting selection
Type expOsure 1
made of
%-w type
11 1 or I or 11 II
Vat pretreatment practical Vat pretreatment not practical Vat pretreatment practical Vat pretreatment not practical
is I
7.3 or 5.2
Corrdit ions af feet finish selection 0. Parta will ~aed to assembled equipment
:wIre 1
G g.
7.1.1 7.2.1
a. b.
None S7 electrical conducting surface as required A nonconducting SUI face ia required Plating
11 11
Same None
30 . .
7.1.1 7.2.1
in contact dissimilar
a permanent
1 or II I or
I Pill and
with drain
35. Closed
36. Parta requiring high wear resistance such as geara, cams, slides, etc. Parta will jected to be sub-
Finish selection - (Continued) Applicable finish recommendations Cleaning and Paint finishes
pretreatment Lustreleas ALUJYS Semigloaa (For see applicable piiagraph Gloss Primers
Where tion
8.1.1 8.7
20.4 or 20.8
21.3, 21.11
21.5, or
22.2 22.3
W .
.1.2 8.7
plus ~
ame as
. .
or plus
ame as
IT-P-1757 drain
44. C109ed
For magneaium alloys 45. exposubject to severe sure (seashore, etc. ) . Paint 8y9tem may also be used on steel and aluminum
Conditions finish
affecting selection
Type expOsure
25.2 or 25.3
51. Varnished surfaces I or I or 11 II 25.1
29.6 Same aa 50
trailers, etc.
affecting selection
lYPe Ex}osure
where contact
MI L-R-3043 24.13
61. Componant B subject high temperatures (400 1000 F) 62. 63. ul W lage 64.
Y lJ
24.2 24.8
to sPllfluid
1 or II
Wdraulic finish
y y
23.1 24.1
65. Inclosed surfaces to spt or roll welding 66. Parts subject to of red fuming nitric 67. Coating for
spillage acid
1 or
Steel: Aluminum:
4.3 7.3
( \.
111111 c1
Director US Army
, cl
., blANFAmullER
. AREAS . ..0.. d W.,.sw ,.,. >
b. Rocon.m..d.d
e. R..8a.
for Raemnundtiie.:
R [ht.
b. WOR= cod. , -
t. Cim.
. . . .