Practice Holy
Practice Holy
Practice Holy
Good when He gives, supremely good; Nor less when He denies: Afflictions, from His sovereign hand, Are blessings in disguise.
" believe in the ... communion of saints." SURELY if additional proof of its reality were needed, it i!"t #e fo$nd in t"e $ni%ersal oneness of e&peri ental C"ristianity in all a!es and in all lands' T"e e&perien(es of T"o as ) *e pis, of Ta$ler and of +ada e ,$yon, of -o"n .ool an and Hester Ann Ro!ers, "ow ar%elo$sly t"ey a!ree, and "ow perfe(tly t"ey "ar oni/e0 And Ni("olas Her an, of Lorraine, w"ose letters and (on%erse are "ere !i%en, testifies to t"e sa e tr$t"0 In (o $nion wit" Ro e, a lay #rot"er a on! t"e Car elites, for se%eral years a soldier, in an irreli!io$s a!e, a id a s1epti(al people, yet in "i t"e pra(ti(e of t"e presen(e of ,OD was as $(" a reality as t"e 2wat("2 of t"e early 3riends, and t"e 2"oly seed2 in "i and ot"ers was t"e 2sto(12 4Isa' %i' 567 fro w"i(" !rew t"e "o$se"old and e%an!elisti( piety of t"e ei!"teent" (ent$ry, of Epwort" and of +oorfields' 2."en $nadorned, adorned t"e ost2 is t"e line w"i(" deters fro any interpolations or interpretations ot"er t"an t"e few 2(ontents2 "eadin!s w"i(" are !i%en' +ay t"e 2C"rist in yo$2 #e t"e 2"ope of !lory2 to all w"o read'
!onversion and precious employment. "atisfaction in God#s presence. $aith our duty. %esignation the fruit of watchfulness. THE first ti e I saw 9rot"er Lawren(e was $pon t"e 8rd of A$!$st, 5666' He told e t"at ,OD "ad done "i a sin!$lar fa%or, in "is (on%ersion at t"e a!e of ei!"teen' T"at in t"e winter, seein! a tree stripped of its lea%es, and (onsiderin! t"at wit"in a little ti e, t"e lea%es wo$ld #e renewed, and after t"at t"e flowers and fr$it appear, "e re(ei%ed a "i!" %iew of t"e :ro%iden(e and :ower of ,OD, w"i(" "as ne%er sin(e #een effa(ed fro "is so$l' T"at t"is %iew "ad perfe(tly set "i loose fro t"e world, and 1indled in "i s$(" a lo%e for ,OD, t"at "e (o$ld not tell w"et"er it "ad in(reased in a#o%e forty years t"at "e "ad li%ed sin(e' T"at "e "ad #een foot an to +' 3ie$#ert, t"e treas$rer, and t"at "e was a !reat aw1ward fellow w"o #ro1e e%eryt"in!' T"at "e "ad desired to #e re(ei%ed into a onastery, t"in1in! t"at "e wo$ld t"ere #e ade to s art for "is aw1wardness and t"e fa$lts "e s"o$ld (o it, and so "e s"o$ld sa(rifi(e to ,OD "is life, wit" its pleas$res; #$t t"at ,OD "ad disappointed "i , "e "a%in! et wit" not"in! #$t satisfa(tion in t"at state' T"at we s"o$ld esta#lis" o$rsel%es in a sense of ,OD<s :resen(e, #y (ontin$ally (on%ersin! wit" Hi ' T"at it was a s"a ef$l t"in! to =$it His (on%ersation, to t"in1 of trifles and fooleries' T"at we s"o$ld feed and no$ris" o$r so$ls wit" "i!" notions of ,OD> w"i(" wo$ld yield $s !reat ?oy in #ein! de%oted to Hi ' T"at we o$!"t to =$i(1en, i'e', to enli%en, o$r fait"' T"at it was la enta#le we
"ad so little> and t"at instead of ta1in! fait" for t"e r$le of t"eir (ond$(t, en a $sed t"e sel%es wit" tri%ial de%otions, w"i(" ("an!ed daily' T"at t"e way of 3ait" was t"e spirit of t"e C"$r(", and t"at it was s$ffi(ient to #rin! $s to a "i!" de!ree of perfe(tion' T"at we o$!"t to !i%e o$rsel%es $p to ,OD, wit" re!ard #ot" to t"in!s te poral and spirit$al, and see1 o$r satisfa(tion only in t"e f$lfillin! His will, w"et"er He lead $s #y s$fferin! or #y (onsolation, for all wo$ld #e e=$al to a so$l tr$ly resi!ned' T"at t"ere needed fidelity in t"ose drynesses, or insensi#ilities and ir1so enesses in prayer, #y w"i(" ,OD tries o$r lo%e to Hi > t"at t"en was t"e ti e for $s to a1e !ood and effe(t$al a(ts of resi!nation, w"ereof one alone wo$ld oftenti es %ery $(" pro ote o$r spirit$al ad%an(e ent' T"at as for t"e iseries and sins "e "eard of daily in t"e world, "e was so far fro wonderin! at t"e , t"at, on t"e (ontrary, "e was s$rprised t"ere were not ore, (onsiderin! t"e ali(e sinners were (apa#le of; t"at for "is part, "e prayed for t"e > #$t
@ 1nowin! t"at ,OD (o$ld re !a%e "i self no f$rt"er tro$#le' edy t"e is("iefs t"ey did, w"en He pleased, "e
T"at to arri%e at s$(" resi!nation as ,OD re=$ires, we s"o$ld wat(" attenti%ely o%er all t"e passions w"i(" in!le as well in spirit$al t"in!s as t"ose of a !rosser nat$re; t"at ,OD wo$ld !i%e li!"t (on(ernin! t"ose passions to t"ose w"o tr$ly desire to ser%e Hi ' T"at if t"is was y desi!n, %i/', sin(erely to ser%e ,OD, I i!"t (o e to "i 49ro' Lawren(e7 as often as I pleased, wit"o$t any fear of #ein! tro$#leso e> #$t if not, t"at I o$!"t no ore to %isit "i '
&ove the motive of all. 'nce in fear, now in (oy. )iligence and love. "implicity the *ey to )ivine assistance. +usiness abroad as at home. ,imes of prayer and selfmortification not essential for the practice. All scruples brought to God. T"at "e "ad always #een !o%erned #y lo%e, wit"o$t selfis" %iews> and t"at "a%in! resol%ed to a1e t"e lo%e of ,OD t"e end of all "is a(tions, "e "ad fo$nd reasons to #e well satisfied wit" "is et"od' T"at "e was pleased w"en "e (o$ld ta1e $p a straw fro t"e !ro$nd for t"e lo%e of ,OD, see1in! Hi only, and not"in! else, not e%en His !ifts' T"at "e "ad #een lon! tro$#led in ind fro a (ertain #elief t"at "e s"o$ld #e da ned> t"at all t"e en in t"e world (o$ld not "a%e pers$aded "i to t"e (ontrary> #$t t"at "e "ad t"$s reasoned wit" "i self a#o$t it; I did not en!a!e in a reli!io$s life #$t for t"e lo%e of ,OD, and I "a%e endea%ored to a(t only for Hi > w"ate%er #e(o es of e, w"et"er I #e lost or sa%ed, I will always (ontin$e to a(t p$rely for t"e lo%e of ,OD' I s"all "a%e t"is !ood at least, t"at till deat" I s"all "a%e done all t"at is in e to lo%e Hi ' T"at t"is tro$#le of ind "ad lasted fo$r years> d$rin! w"i(" ti e "e "ad s$ffered $("' T"at sin(e t"at ti T"at "e e "e "ad passed "is life in perfe(t li#erty and (ontin$al ?oy'
pla(ed "is sins #etwi&t "i and ,OD, as it were, to tell Hi t"at "e did not deser%e His fa%ors, #$t t"at ,OD still (ontin$ed to #estow t"e in a#$ndan(e' T"at in order to for a "a#it of (on%ersin! wit" ,OD (ontin$ally, and referrin! all we do to Hi > we $st at first apply to Hi wit" so e dili!en(e; #$t t"at after a little (are we s"o$ld find His lo%e inwardly e&(ite $s to it wit"o$t any diffi($lty' T"at "e e&pe(ted after t"e pleasant days ,OD "ad !i%en "i , "e s"o$ld "a%e "is t$rn of pain and s$fferin!> #$t t"at "e was not $neasy a#o$t it, 1nowin! %ery well, t"at as "e (o$ld do not"in! of "i self, ,OD wo$ld not fail to !i%e "i t"e stren!t" to #ear t"e ' T"at w"en an o((asion of pra(ti(in! so e %irt$e offered, "e addressed "i self to ,OD, sayin!, LORD, I (annot do t"is $nless Yo$ ena#le e> and t"at t"en "e re(ei%ed stren!t" ore t"an s$ffi(ient' T"at w"en "e "ad failed in "is d$ty, "e only (onfessed "is fa$lt, sayin! to ,OD, I s"all ne%er do ot"erwise, if Yo$ lea%e e to yself> 2tis Yo$ $st "inder y fallin!, and end w"at is a iss' T"at after t"is, "e !a%e "i self no f$rt"er $neasiness a#o$t it'
A T"at we o$!"t to a(t wit" ,OD in t"e !reatest si pli(ity, spea1in! to Hi fran1ly and plainly, and i plorin! His assistan(e in o$r affairs, ?$st as t"ey "appen' T"at ,OD ne%er failed to !rant it, as "e "ad often e&perien(ed' T"at "e "ad #een lately sent into 9$r!$ndy, to #$y t"e pro%ision of wine for t"e so(iety, w"i(" was a %ery $nwel(o e tas1 for "i , #e(a$se "e "ad no t$rn for #$siness and #e(a$se "e was la e, and (o$ld not !o a#o$t t"e #oat #$t #y rollin! "i self o%er t"e (as1s' T"at "owe%er "e !a%e "i self no $neasiness a#o$t it, nor a#o$t t"e p$r("ase of t"e wine' T"at "e said to ,OD, It was His #$siness "e was a#o$t, and t"at "e afterwards fo$nd it %ery well perfor ed' T"at "e "ad #een sent into A$%er!ne t"e year #efore $pon t"e sa e a((o$nt> t"at "e (o$ld not tell "ow t"e atter passed, #$t t"at it pro%ed %ery well' So, li1ewise, in "is #$siness in t"e 1it("en 4to w"i(" "e "ad nat$rally a !reat a%ersion7, "a%in! a(($sto ed "i self to do e%eryt"in! t"ere for t"e lo%e of ,OD, and wit" prayer, $pon all o((asions, for His !ra(e to do "is wor1 well, "e "ad fo$nd e%eryt"in! easy, d$rin! t"e fifteen years t"at "e "ad #een e ployed t"ere' T"at "e was %ery well pleased wit" t"e post "e was now in> #$t t"at "e was as ready to =$it t"at as t"e for er, sin(e "e was always pleasin! "i self in e%ery (ondition, #y doin! little t"in!s for t"e lo%e of ,OD' T"at wit" "i t"e set ti es of prayer were not different fro ot"er ti es; t"at "e retired to pray, a((ordin! to t"e dire(tions of "is S$perior, #$t t"at "e did not want s$(" retire ent, nor as1 for it, #e(a$se "is !reatest #$siness did not di%ert "i fro ,OD' T"at as "e 1new "is o#li!ation to lo%e ,OD in all t"in!s, and as "e endea%ored so to do, "e "ad no need of a dire(tor to ad%ise "i , #$t t"at "e needed $(" a (onfessor to a#sol%e "i ' T"at "e was %ery sensi#le of "is fa$lts, #$t not dis(o$ra!ed #y t"e > t"at "e (onfessed t"e to ,OD, and did not plead a!ainst Hi to e&($se t"e '
T"at in "is tro$#le of ind, "e "ad (ons$lted no#ody, #$t 1nowin! only #y t"e li!"t of fait" t"at ,OD was present, "e (ontented "i self wit" dire(tin! all "is a(tions to Hi , i'e', doin! t"e wit" a desire to please Hi , let w"at wo$ld (o e of it' T"at $seless t"o$!"ts spoil all; t"at t"e is("ief #e!an t"ere> #$t t"at we o$!"t to re?e(t t"e , as soon as we per(ei%ed t"eir i pertinen(e to t"e atter in "and, or o$r sal%ation> and ret$rn to o$r (o $nion wit" ,OD' T"at at t"e #e!innin! "e "ad often passed "is ti e appointed for prayer, in re?e(tin! wanderin! t"o$!"ts, and fallin! #a(1 into t"e ' T"at "e (o$ld ne%er re!$late "is de%otion #y (ertain et"ods as so e do' T"at ne%ert"eless, at first "e "ad editated for so e ti e, #$t afterwards t"at went off, in a anner t"at "e (o$ld !i%e no a((o$nt of' T"at all #odily ortifi(ations and ot"er e&er(ises are $seless, #$t as t"ey ser%e to arri%e at t"e $nion wit" ,OD #y lo%e> t"at "e "ad well (onsidered t"is, and fo$nd it t"e s"ortest way to !o strai!"t to Hi #y a (ontin$al e&er(ise of lo%e, and doin! all t"in!s for His sa1e' T"at we o$!"t to a1e a !reat differen(e #etween t"e a(ts of t"e $nderstandin! and t"ose of t"e will> t"at t"e first were (o parati%ely of little %al$e, and t"e ot"ers all'
6 T"at o$r only #$siness was to lo%e and deli!"t o$rsel%es in ,OD' T"at all possi#le 1inds of ortifi(ation, if t"ey were %oid of t"e lo%e of ,OD, (o$ld not effa(e a sin!le sin' T"at we o$!"t, wit"o$t an&iety, to e&pe(t t"e pardon of o$r sins fro t"e 9lood of -ESUS CHRIST, only endea%orin! to lo%e Hi wit" all o$r "earts' T"at ,OD see ed to "a%e !ranted t"e !reatest fa%ors to t"e !reatest sinners, as ore si!nal on$ ents of His er(y' T"at t"e !reatest pains or pleas$res, of t"is world, were not to #e (o pared wit" w"at "e "ad e&perien(ed of #ot" 1inds in a spirit$al state; so t"at "e was (aref$l for not"in! and feared not"in!, desirin! #$t one only t"in! of ,OD, %i/', t"at "e i!"t not offend Hi ' T"at "e "ad no s(r$ples> for, said "e, w"en I fail in y d$ty, I readily a(1nowled!e it, sayin!, I a $sed to do so; I s"all ne%er do ot"erwise, if I a left to yself' If I fail not, t"en I !i%e ,OD t"an1s, a(1nowled!in! t"at it (o es fro Hi '
$aith wor*ing by love. 'utward business no detriment. .erfect resignation the sure way. He told e, t"at t"e fo$ndation of t"e spirit$al life in "i "ad #een a "i!" notion and estee of ,OD in fait"> w"i(" w"en "e "ad on(e well (on(ei%ed, "e "ad no ot"er (are at first, #$t fait"f$lly to re?e(t e%ery ot"er t"o$!"t, t"at "e i!"t perfor all "is a(tions for t"e lo%e of ,OD' T"at w"en so eti es "e "ad not t"o$!"t of ,OD for a !ood w"ile, "e did not dis=$iet "i self for it> #$t after "a%in! a(1nowled!ed "is wret("edness to ,OD, "e ret$rned to Hi wit" so $(" t"e !reater tr$st in Hi , #y "ow $(" "e fo$nd "i self ore wret("ed to "a%e for!ot Hi ' T"at t"e tr$st we p$t in ,OD "onors Hi T"at it was i s"o$ld lon! $(", and draws down !reat !ra(es' possi#le, not only t"at ,OD s"o$ld de(ei%e, #$t also t"at He
let a so$l s$ffer w"i(" is perfe(tly resi!ned to Hi e%eryt"in! for His sa1e'
T"at "e "ad so often e&perien(ed t"e ready s$((ors of Di%ine ,ra(e $pon all o((asions, t"at fro t"e sa e e&perien(e, w"en "e "ad #$siness to do, "e did not t"in1 of it #efore"and> #$t w"en it was ti e to do it, "e fo$nd in ,OD, as in a (lear irror, all t"at was fit for "i to do' T"at of late "e "ad a(ted t"$s, wit"o$t anti(ipatin! (are> #$t #efore t"e e&perien(e a#o%e entioned, "e "ad $sed it in "is affairs' ."en o$tward #$siness di%erted "i a little fro t"e t"o$!"t of ,OD, a fres" re e #ran(e (o in! fro ,OD in%ested "is so$l, and so infla ed and transported "i t"at it was diffi($lt for "i to (ontain "i self' T"at "e was ore $nited to ,OD in "is o$tward e left t"e for de%otion in retire ent' ploy ents, t"an w"en "e
T"at "e e&pe(ted "ereafter so e !reat pain of #ody or ind> t"at t"e worst t"at (o$ld "appen to "i was, to lose t"at sense of ,OD, w"i(" "e "ad en?oyed so lon!> #$t t"at t"e !oodness of ,OD ass$red "i He wo$ld not forsa1e "i $tterly, and t"at He
B wo$ld !i%e "i stren!t" to #ear w"ate%er e%il He per itted to "appen to "i > and t"erefore t"at "e feared not"in!, and "ad no o((asion to (ons$lt wit" any#ody a#o$t "is state' T"at w"en "e "ad atte pted to do it, "e "ad always (o e away ore perple&ed> and t"at as "e was (ons(io$s of "is readiness to lay down "is life for t"e lo%e of ,OD, "e "ad no appre"ension of dan!er' T"at perfe(t resi!nation to ,OD was a s$re way to "ea%en, a way in w"i(" we "ad always s$ffi(ient li!"t for o$r (ond$(t' T"at in t"e #e!innin! of t"e spirit$al life, we o$!"t to #e fait"f$l in doin! o$r d$ty and denyin! o$rsel%es> #$t after t"at $nspea1a#le pleas$res followed; t"at in diffi($lties we need only "a%e re(o$rse to -ESUS CHRIST, and #e! His !ra(e, wit" w"i(" e%eryt"in! #e(a e easy' T"at any do not ad%an(e in t"e C"ristian pro!ress, #e(a$se t"ey sti(1 in penan(es, and parti($lar e&er(ises, w"ile t"ey ne!le(t t"e lo%e of ,OD, w"i(" is t"e end' T"at t"is appeared plainly #y t"eir wor1s, and was t"e reason w"y we see so little solid %irt$e' T"at t"ere needed neit"er art nor s(ien(e for !oin! to ,OD, #$t only a "eart resol$tely deter ined to apply itself to not"in! #$t Hi , or for His sa1e, and to lo%e Hi only'
,he manner of going to God. Hearty renunciation. .rayer and praise prevent discouragement. "anctification in common business. .rayer and the presence of God. ,he whole substance of religion. "elf-estimation. $urther personal e/perience. He dis(o$rsed wit" e %ery fre=$ently, and wit" !reat openness of "eart, (on(ernin! "is anner of !oin! to ,OD, w"ereof so e part is related already' He told e, t"at all (onsists in one "earty ren$n(iation of e%eryt"in! w"i(" we are sensi#le does not lead to ,OD> t"at we i!"t a(($sto o$rsel%es to a (ontin$al (on%ersation wit" Hi , wit" freedo and in si pli(ity' T"at we need only to
re(o!ni/e ,OD inti ately present wit" $s, to address o$rsel%es to Hi e%ery o ent, t"at we ay #e! His assistan(e for 1nowin! His will in t"in!s do$#tf$l, and for ri!"tly perfor in! t"ose w"i(" we plainly see He re=$ires of $s, offerin! t"e to Hi #efore we do t"e , and !i%in! Hi t"an1s w"en we "a%e done' T"at in t"is (on%ersation wit" ,OD, we are also e ployed in praisin!, adorin!, and lo%in! "i in(essantly, for His infinite !oodness and perfe(tion' T"at, wit"o$t #ein! dis(o$ra!ed on a((o$nt of o$r sins, we s"o$ld pray for His !ra(e wit" a perfe(t (onfiden(e, as relyin! $pon t"e infinite erits of o$r LORD' T"at ,OD ne%er failed offerin! $s His !ra(e at ea(" a(tion> t"at "e distin(tly per(ei%ed it, and ne%er failed of it, $nless w"en "is t"o$!"ts "ad wandered fro a sense of ,OD<s :resen(e, or "e "ad for!ot to as1 His assistan(e' T"at ,OD always !a%e $s li!"t in o$r do$#ts, w"en we "ad no ot"er desi!n #$t to please Hi ' T"at o$r san(tifi(ation did not depend $pon ("an!in! o$r wor1s, #$t in doin! t"at for ,OD<s sa1e, w"i(" we (o only do for o$r own' T"at it was la enta#le to see "ow
C any people istoo1 t"e eans for t"e end, addi(tin! t"e sel%es to (ertain wor1s, w"i(" t"ey perfor ed %ery i perfe(tly, #y reason of t"eir "$ an or selfis" re!ards' T"at t"e ost e&(ellent et"od "e "ad fo$nd of !oin! to ,OD, was t"at of doin! o$r (o on #$siness wit"o$t any %iew of pleasin! en, D,al' i' 5E> Ep"' %i' A, 6'F and 4as far as we are (apa#le7 p$rely for t"e lo%e of ,OD' T"at it was a !reat del$sion to t"in1 t"at t"e ti es of prayer o$!"t to differ fro ot"er ti es' T"at we are as stri(tly o#li!ed to ad"ere to ,OD #y a(tion in t"e ti e of a(tion, as #y prayer in its season' T"at "is prayer was not"in! else #$t a sense of t"e presen(e of ,OD, "is so$l #ein! at t"at ti e insensi#le to e%eryt"in! #$t Di%ine lo%e; and t"at w"en t"e appointed ti es of prayer were past, "e fo$nd no differen(e, #e(a$se "e still (ontin$ed wit" ,OD, praisin! and #lessin! Hi wit" all "is i!"t, so t"at "e passed "is life in (ontin$al ?oy> yet "oped t"at ,OD wo$ld !i%e "i so ew"at to s$ffer, w"en "e s"o$ld !row stron!er' T"at we o$!"t, on(e for all, "eartily to p$t o$r w"ole tr$st in ,OD, and total s$rrender of o$rsel%es to Hi , se($re t"at He wo$ld not de(ei%e $s' a1e a
T"at we o$!"t not to #e weary of doin! little t"in!s for t"e lo%e of ,OD, w"o re!ards not t"e !reatness of t"e wor1, #$t t"e lo%e wit" w"i(" it is perfor ed' T"at we s"o$ld not wonder if, in t"e #e!innin!, we often failed in o$r endea%ors, #$t t"at at last we s"o$ld !ain a "a#it, w"i(" will nat$rally prod$(e its a(ts in $s, wit"o$t o$r (are, and to o$r e&(eedin! !reat deli!"t' T"at t"e w"ole s$#stan(e of reli!ion was fait", "ope, and ("arity> #y t"e pra(ti(e of w"i(" we #e(o e $nited to t"e will of ,OD; t"at all #eside is indifferent and to #e $sed as a eans, t"at we ay arri%e at o$r end, and #e swallowed $p t"erein, #y fait" and ("arity'
T"at all t"in!s are possi#le to "i w"o #elie%es, t"at t"ey are less diffi($lt to "i w"o "opes, t"ey are ore easy to "i w"o lo%es, and still ore easy to "i w"o perse%eres in t"e pra(ti(e of t"ese t"ree %irt$es' T"at t"e end we o$!"t to propose to o$rsel%es is to #e(o e, in t"is life, t"e ost perfe(t wors"ippers of ,OD we (an possi#ly #e, as we "ope to #e t"ro$!" all eternity' T"at w"en we enter $pon t"e spirit$al we s"o$ld (onsider, and e&a ine to t"e #otto , w"at we are' And t"en we s"o$ld find o$rsel%es wort"y of all (onte pt, and s$(" as do not deser%e t"e na e of C"ristians, s$#?e(t to all 1inds of isery, and n$ #erless a((idents, w"i(" tro$#le $s, and (a$se perpet$al %i(issit$des in o$r "ealt", in o$r "$ ors, in o$r internal and e&ternal dispositions; in fine, persons w"o ,OD wo$ld "$ #le #y any pains and la#ors, as well wit"in as wit"o$t' After t"is, we s"o$ld not wonder t"at tro$#les, te ptations, oppositions and (ontradi(tions, "appen to $s fro en' .e o$!"t, on t"e (ontrary, to s$# it o$rsel%es to t"e , and #ear t"e as lon! as ,OD pleases, as t"in!s "i!"ly ad%anta!eo$s to $s' T"at t"e !reater perfe(tion a so$l aspires after, t"e Di%ine !ra(e' ore dependent it is $pon
9ein! =$estioned #y one of "is own so(iety 4to w"o "e was o#li!ed to open "i self7 #y w"at eans "e "ad attained s$(" an "a#it$al sense of ,OD, "e told "i t"at, sin(e
G "is first (o in! to t"e onastery, "e "ad (onsidered ,OD as t"e end of all "is t"o$!"ts and desires, as t"e ar1 to w"i(" t"ey s"o$ld tend, and in w"i(" t"ey s"o$ld ter inate' T"at in t"e #e!innin! of "is no%itiate "e spent t"e "o$rs appointed for pri%ate prayer in t"in1in! of ,OD, so as to (on%in(e "is ind of, and to i press deeply $pon "is "eart, t"e Di%ine e&isten(e, rat"er #y de%o$t senti ents, and s$# ission to t"e li!"ts of fait", t"an #y st$died reasonin!s and ela#orate editations' T"at #y t"is s"ort and s$re et"od, "e e&er(ised "i self in t"e 1nowled!e and lo%e of ,OD, resol%in! to $se "is $t ost endea%or to li%e in a (ontin$al sense of His :resen(e, and, if possi#le, ne%er to for!et Hi ore' T"at w"en "e "ad t"$s in prayer filled "is ind wit" !reat senti ents of t"at infinite 9ein!, "e went to "is wor1 appointed in t"e 1it("en 4for "e was (oo1 to t"e so(iety7> t"ere "a%in! first (onsidered se%erally t"e t"in!s "is offi(e re=$ired, and w"en and "ow ea(" t"in! was to #e done, "e spent all t"e inter%als of "is ti e, as well #efore as after "is wor1, in prayer' T"at, w"en "e #e!an "is #$siness, "e said to ,OD, wit" a filial tr$st in Hi , 2O y ,OD, sin(e Yo$ art wit" e, and I $st now, in o#edien(e to Yo$r (o ands, apply y ind to t"ese o$tward t"in!s, I #esee(" Yo$ to !rant e t"e !ra(e to (ontin$e in Yo$r :resen(e> and to t"is end do Yo$ prosper e wit" Yo$r assistan(e, re(ei%e all y wor1s, and possess all y affe(tions'2 As "e pro(eeded in "is wor1, "e (ontin$ed "is fa iliar (on%ersation wit" "is +a1er, i plorin! His !ra(e, and offerin! to Hi all "is a(tions' ."en "e "ad finis"ed, "e e&a ined "i self "ow "e "ad dis("ar!ed "is d$ty> if "e fo$nd well, "e ret$rned t"an1s to ,OD> if ot"erwise, "e as1ed pardon> and wit"o$t #ein! dis(o$ra!ed, "e set "is ind ri!"t a!ain, and (ontin$ed "is e&er(ise of t"e
presen(e of ,OD, as if "e "ad ne%er de%iated fro it' 2T"$s,2 said "e, 2#y risin! after y falls, and #y fre=$ently renewed a(ts of fait" and lo%e, I a (o e to a state, w"erein it wo$ld #e as diffi($lt for e not to t"in1 of ,OD, as it was at first to a(($sto yself to it'2 As 9ro' Lawren(e "ad fo$nd s$(" an ad%anta!e in wal1in! in t"e presen(e of ,OD, it was nat$ral for "i to re(o end it earnestly to ot"ers> #$t "is e&a ple was a stron!er ind$(e ent t"an any ar!$ ents "e (o$ld propose' His %ery (o$ntenan(e was edifyin!> s$(" a sweet and (al de%otion appearin! in it, as (o$ld not #$t affe(t t"e #e"olders' And it was o#ser%ed, t"at in t"e !reatest "$rry of #$siness in t"e 1it("en, "e still preser%ed "is re(olle(tion and "ea%enlyH indedness' He was ne%er "asty nor loiterin!, #$t did ea(" t"in! in its season, wit" an e%en $ninterr$pted (o pos$re and tran=$illity of spirit' 2T"e ti e of #$siness,2 said "e, 2does not wit" e differ fro t"e ti e of prayer> and in t"e noise and (l$tter of y 1it("en, w"ile se%eral persons are at t"e sa e ti e (allin! for different t"in!s, I possess ,OD in as !reat tran=$illity as if I were $pon y 1nees at t"e 9lessed Sa(ra ent'2
How the habitual sense of God#s .resence was found. SINCE yo$ desire so earnestly t"at I s"o$ld (o $ni(ate to yo$ t"e et"od #y w"i(" I arri%ed at t"at "a#it$al sense of ,OD<s :resen(e, w"i(" o$r LORD, of His er(y, "as #een pleased to %o$("safe to e> I $st tell yo$, t"at it is wit" !reat diffi($lty t"at I a pre%ailed on #y yo$r i port$nities> and now I do it only $pon t"e ter s, t"at yo$ s"ow y letter to no#ody' If I 1new t"at yo$ wo$ld let it #e seen, all t"e desire t"at I "a%e for yo$r ad%an(e ent wo$ld not #e a#le to deter ine e to it' T"e a((o$nt I (an !i%e yo$ is; Ha%in! fo$nd in any #oo1s different et"ods of !oin! to ,OD, and di%ers pra(ti(es of t"e spirit$al life, I t"o$!"t t"is wo$ld ser%e rat"er to p$//le e, t"an fa(ilitate w"at I so$!"t after, w"i(" was not"in! #$t "ow to #e(o e w"olly ,OD<s' T"is ade e resol%e to !i%e t"e all for t"e All; so after "a%in! !i%en yself w"olly to ,OD, to a1e all t"e satisfa(tion I (o$ld for y sins, I reno$n(ed, for t"e lo%e of Hi , e%eryt"in! t"at was not He> and I #e!an to li%e as if t"ere was none #$t He and I in t"e world' So eti es I (onsidered yself #efore Hi as a poor (ri inal at t"e feet of "is ?$d!e> at ot"er ti es I #e"eld Hi in y "eart as y 3ATHER, as y ,OD; I wors"ipped Hi t"e oftenest t"at I (o$ld, 1eepin! y ind in His "oly :resen(e, and re(allin! it as often as I fo$nd it wandered fro Hi ' I fo$nd no s all pain in t"is e&er(ise, and yet I (ontin$ed it, notwit"standin! all t"e diffi($lties t"at o(($rred, wit"o$t tro$#lin! or dis=$ietin! yself w"en y ind "ad wandered in%ol$ntarily' I ade t"is y #$siness, as $(" all t"e day lon! as at t"e appointed ti es of prayer> for at all ti es, e%ery "o$r, e%ery in$te, e%en in t"e "ei!"t of y #$siness, I
y t"o$!"t of ,OD'
S$(" "as #een y (o on pra(ti(e e%er sin(e I entered into reli!ion> and t"o$!" I "a%e done it %ery i perfe(tly, yet I "a%e fo$nd !reat ad%anta!es #y it' T"ese, I well 1now, are to #e i p$ted to t"e ere er(y and !oodness of ,OD, #e(a$se we (an do not"in! wit"o$t Hi > and I still less t"an any' 9$t w"en we are fait"f$l to 1eep o$rsel%es in His "oly :resen(e, and set Hi always #efore $s, t"is not only "inders o$r offendin! Hi , and doin! anyt"in! t"at ay displease Hi , at least willf$lly, #$t it also #e!ets in $s a "oly freedo , and if I ay so spea1, a fa iliarity wit" ,OD, w"erewit" we as1, and t"at s$((essf$lly, t"e !ra(es we stand in need of' In fine, #y often repeatin! t"ese a(ts, t"ey #e(o e "a#it$al, and t"e presen(e of ,OD is rendered as it were nat$ral to $s' ,i%e Hi t"an1s, if yo$ please, wit" e, for His !reat !oodness towards e, w"i(" I (an ne%er s$ffi(iently ad ire, for t"e any fa%ors He "as done to so isera#le a sinner as I a ' +ay all t"in!s praise Hi ' A en'
)ifference between himself and others. $aith alone consistently and persistently. )eprecates this state being considered a delusion. NOT findin! y anner of life in #oo1s, alt"o$!" I "a%e no diffi($lty a#o$t it, yet, for !reater se($rity, I s"all #e !lad to 1now yo$r t"o$!"ts (on(ernin! it' In a (on%ersation so e days sin(e wit" a person of piety, "e told e t"e spirit$al life was a life of !ra(e, w"i(" #e!ins wit" ser%ile fear, w"i(" is in(reased #y "ope of eternal life, and w"i(" is (ons$ ated #y p$re lo%e> t"at ea(" of t"ese states "ad its different sta!es, #y w"i(" one arri%es at last at t"at #lessed (ons$ ation' I "a%e not followed all t"ese et"ods' On t"e (ontrary, fro I 1now not w"at instin(ts, I fo$nd t"ey dis(o$ra!ed e' T"is was t"e reason w"y, at y entran(e into reli!ion, I too1 a resol$tion to !i%e yself $p to ,OD, as t"e #est satisfa(tion I (o$ld a1e for y sins> and, for t"e lo%e of Hi , to reno$n(e all #esides' 3or t"e first years, I (o only e ployed yself d$rin! t"e ti e set apart for de%otion, wit" t"e t"o$!"ts of deat", ?$d! ent, "ell, "ea%en, and y sins' T"$s I (ontin$ed so e years applyin! y ind (aref$lly t"e rest of t"e day, and e%en in t"e idst of y #$siness, to t"e presen(e of ,OD, w"o I (onsidered always as wit" e, often as in e' At len!t" I (a e insensi#ly to do t"e sa e t"in! d$rin! y set ti e of prayer, w"i(" (a$sed in e !reat deli!"t and (onsolation' T"is pra(ti(e prod$(ed in e so "i!" an estee for ,OD, t"at fait" alone was (apa#le to satisfy e in t"at point' DI s$ppose "e eans t"at all distin(t notions "e (o$ld for of ,OD were $nsatisfa(tory, #e(a$se "e per(ei%ed t"e to #e $nwort"y of ,OD, and t"erefore "is ind was not to #e satisfied #$t #y t"e %iews of fait", w"i(" appre"ends ,OD as infinite and in(o pre"ensi#le, as He is in Hi self, and not as He (an #e (on(ei%ed #y "$ an ideas'F S$(" was s$ffered y #e!innin!> and yet I $st tell yo$, t"at for t"e first ten years I
$("; t"e appre"ension t"at I was not de%oted to ,OD, as I wis"ed to #e, y past sins always present to y ind, and t"e !reat $n erited fa%ors w"i(" ,OD did e, were t"e atter and so$r(e of y s$fferin!s' D$rin! t"is ti e I fell often, and rose a!ain presently' It see ed to e t"at t"e (reat$res, reason, and ,OD Hi self were a!ainst e> And fait" alone for e' I was tro$#led so eti es wit" t"o$!"ts, t"at to #elie%e I "ad re(ei%ed s$(" fa%ors was an effe(t of y pres$ ption, w"i(" pretended to #e at on(e w"ere ot"ers arri%e wit" diffi($lty> at ot"er ti es t"at it was a willf$l del$sion, and t"at t"ere was no sal%ation for e' ."en I t"o$!"t of not"in! #$t to end y days in t"ese tro$#les 4w"i(" did not at all di inis" t"e tr$st I "ad in ,OD, and w"i(" ser%ed only to in(rease y fait"7, I fo$nd yself ("an!ed all at on(e> and y so$l, w"i(" till t"at ti e was in tro$#le, felt a profo$nd inward pea(e, as if s"e were in "er (enter and pla(e of rest' E%er sin(e t"at ti e I wal1 #efore ,OD si ply, in fait", wit" "$ ility and wit" lo%e> and I apply yself dili!ently to do not"in! and t"in1 not"in! w"i(" ay displease Hi ' I "ope t"at w"en I "a%e done w"at I (an, He will do wit" e w"at He pleases' As for w"at passes in e at present, I (annot e&press it' I "a%e no pain or diffi($lty a#o$t y state, #e(a$se I "a%e no will #$t t"at of ,OD, w"i(" I endea%or to a((o plis"
52 in all t"in!s, and to w"i(" I a so resi!ned, t"at I wo$ld not ta1e $p a straw fro t"e !ro$nd a!ainst His order, or fro any ot"er oti%e #$t p$rely t"at of lo%e to Hi ' I "a%e =$itted all for s of de%otion and set prayers #$t t"ose to w"i(" y state o#li!es e' And I a1e it y #$siness only to perse%ere in His "oly presen(e, w"erein I 1eep yself #y a si ple attention, and a !eneral fond re!ard to ,OD, w"i(" I ay (all an a(t$al presen(e of ,OD> or, to spea1 #etter, an "a#it$al, silent, and se(ret (on%ersation of t"e so$l wit" ,OD, w"i(" often (a$ses in e ?oys and rapt$res inwardly, and so eti es also o$twardly, so !reat t"at I a for(ed to $se eans to oderate t"e , and pre%ent t"eir appearan(e to ot"ers' In s"ort, I a ass$red #eyond all do$#t, t"at y so$l "as #een wit" ,OD a#o%e t"ese t"irty years' I pass o%er any t"in!s, t"at I ay not #e tedio$s to yo$, yet I t"in1 it proper to infor yo$ after w"at anner I (onsider yself #efore ,OD, w"o #e"old as y *in!' I (onsider yself as t"e ost wret("ed of en, f$ll of sores and (orr$ption, and w"o "as (o itted all sorts of (ri es a!ainst "is *in!> to$("ed wit" a sensi#le re!ret I (onfess to Hi all y wi(1edness, I as1 His for!i%eness, I a#andon yself in His "ands, t"at He ay do w"at He pleases wit" e' T"is *in!, f$ll of er(y and !oodness, %ery far fro ("astisin! e, e #ra(es e wit" lo%e, a1es e eat at His ta#le, ser%es e wit" His own "ands, !i%es e t"e 1ey of His treas$res> He (on%erses and deli!"ts Hi self wit" e in(essantly, in a t"o$sand and a t"o$sand ways, and treats e in all respe(ts as His fa%orite' It is t"$s I (onsider yself fro ti e to ti e in His "oly presen(e' +y ost $s$al et"od is t"is si ple attention, and s$(" a !eneral passionate re!ard to ,OD> to w"o I find yself often atta("ed wit" !reater sweetness and deli!"t t"an
t"at of an infant at t"e ot"er<s #reast; so t"at if I dare $se t"e e&pression, I s"o$ld ("oose to (all t"is state t"e #oso of ,OD, for t"e ine&pressi#le sweetness w"i(" I taste and e&perien(e t"ere' If so eti es y t"o$!"ts wander fro it #y ne(essity or infir ity, I a presently re(alled #y inward otions, so ("ar in! and deli(io$s t"at I a as"a ed to ention t"e ' I desire yo$r re%eren(e to refle(t rat"er $pon y !reat wret("edness, of w"i(" yo$ are f$lly infor ed, t"an $pon t"e !reat fa%ors w"i(" ,OD does e, all $nwort"y and $n!ratef$l as I a ' As for y set "o$rs of prayer, t"ey are only a (ontin$ation of t"e sa e e&er(ise' So eti es I (onsider yself t"ere, as a stone #efore a (ar%er, w"ereof "e is to a1e a stat$e; presentin! yself t"$s #efore ,OD, I desire Hi to a1e His perfe(t i a!e in y so$l, and render e entirely li1e Hi self' At ot"er ti es, w"en I apply yself to prayer, I feel all y spirit and all so$l lift itself $p wit"o$t any (are or effort of ine> and it (ontin$es as it were s$spended and fir ly fi&ed in ,OD, as in its (enter and pla(e of rest' y
I 1now t"at so e ("ar!e t"is state wit" ina(ti%ity, del$sion, and selfHlo%e; I (onfess t"at it is a "oly ina(ti%ity, and wo$ld #e a "appy selfHlo%e, if t"e so$l in t"at state were (apa#le of it> #e(a$se in effe(t, w"ile s"e is in t"is repose, s"e (annot #e dist$r#ed #y
58 s$(" a(ts as s"e was for erly a(($sto ed to, and w"i(" were t"en "er s$pport, #$t wo$ld now rat"er "inder t"an assist "er' Yet I (annot #ear t"at t"is s"o$ld #e (alled del$sion> #e(a$se t"e so$l w"i(" t"$s en?oys ,OD desires "erein not"in! #$t Hi ' If t"is #e del$sion in e, it #elon!s to ,OD to re edy it' Let Hi do w"at He pleases wit" e; I desire only Hi , and to #e w"olly de%oted Hi ' Yo$ will, "owe%er, o#li!e e in sendin! e yo$r opinion, to w"i(" I always pay a !reat deferen(e, for I "a%e a sin!$lar estee for yo$r re%eren(e, and a yo$rs in o$r Lord'
$or a soldier friend whom he encourages to trust in God. .E "a%e a ,OD w"o is infinitely !ra(io$s, and 1nows all o$r wants' I always t"o$!"t t"at He wo$ld red$(e yo$ to e&tre ity' He will (o e in His own ti e, and w"en yo$ least e&pe(t it' Hope in Hi ore t"an e%er; t"an1 Hi wit" e for t"e fa%ors He does yo$, parti($larly for t"e fortit$de and patien(e w"i(" He !i%es yo$ in yo$r affli(tions; it is a plain ar1 of t"e (are He ta1es of yo$> (o fort yo$rself t"en wit" Hi , and !i%e t"an1s for all' I ad ire also t"e fortit$de and #ra%ery of +' ,OD "as !i%en "i a !ood disposition, and a !ood will> #$t t"ere is in "i still a little of t"e world, and a !reat deal of yo$t"' I "ope t"e affli(tion w"i(" ,OD "as sent "i will pro%e a w"oleso e re edy to "i , and a1e "i enter into "i self> it is an a((ident %ery proper to en!a!e "i to p$t all "is tr$st in Hi , w"o a((o panies "i e%eryw"ere; let "i t"in1 of Hi t"e oftenest "e (an, espe(ially in t"e !reatest dan!ers' A little liftin! $p t"e "eart s$ffi(es> a little re e #ran(e of ,OD, one a(t of inward wors"ip, t"o$!" $pon a ar(", and sword in "and, are prayers w"i(", "owe%er s"ort, are ne%ert"eless %ery a((epta#le to
,OD> and far fro lessenin! a soldier<s (o$ra!e in o((asions of dan!er, t"ey #est ser%e to fortify it' Let "i t"en t"in1 of ,OD t"e ost "e (an> let "i a(($sto "i self, #y de!rees, to t"is s all #$t "oly e&er(ise> no#ody per(ei%es it, and not"in! is easier t"an to repeat often in t"e day t"ese little internal adorations' Re(o end to "i , if yo$ please, t"at "e t"in1 of ,OD t"e ost "e (an, in t"e anner "ere dire(ted> it is %ery fit and ost ne(essary for a soldier, w"o is daily e&posed to dan!ers of life, and often of "is sal%ation' I "ope t"at ,OD will assist "i and all t"e fa ily, to w"o I present y ser%i(e, #ein! t"eirs and yo$rs'
0rites of himself as of a third person, and encourages his correspondent to press on to fuller practicing of the .resence of God. I HAIE ta1en t"is opport$nity to (o $ni(ate to yo$ t"e senti ents of one of o$r so(iety (on(ernin! t"e ad ira#le effe(ts and (ontin$al assistan(es w"i(" "e re(ei%es fro t"e presen(e of ,OD' Let yo$ and e #ot" profit #y t"e '
5@ Yo$ $st 1now, "is (ontin$al (are "as #een, for a#o%e forty years past t"at "e "as spent in reli!ion, to #e always wit" ,OD> and to do not"in!, say not"in!, and t"in1 not"in! w"i(" ay displease Hi > and t"is wit"o$t any ot"er %iew t"an p$rely for t"e lo%e of Hi , and #e(a$se He deser%es infinitely ore' He is now so a(($sto ed to t"at Di%ine presen(e, t"at "e re(ei%es fro it (ontin$al s$((ors $pon all o((asions' 3or a#o$t t"irty years, "is so$l "as #een filled wit" ?oys so (ontin$al, and so eti es so !reat, t"at "e is for(ed to $se eans to oderate t"e , and to "inder t"eir appearin! o$twardly' If so eti es "e is a little too $(" a#sent fro t"at Di%ine presen(e, ,OD presently a1es Hi self to #e felt in "is so$l to re(all "i > w"i(" often "appens w"en "e is ost en!a!ed in "is o$tward #$siness; "e answers wit" e&a(t fidelity to t"ese inward drawin!s, eit"er #y an ele%ation of "is "eart towards ,OD, or #y a ee1 and fond re!ard to Hi , or #y s$(" words as lo%e for s $pon t"ese o((asions> as for instan(e, +y ,OD, "ere I a all de%oted to Yo$; LORD, a1e e a((ordin! to Yo$r "eart' And t"en it see s to "i 4as in effe(t "e feels it7 t"at t"is ,OD of lo%e, satisfied wit" s$(" few words, reposes a!ain, and rests in t"e dept" and (enter of "is so$l' T"e e&perien(e of t"ese t"in!s !i%es "i s$(" an ass$ran(e t"at ,OD is always in t"e dept" or #otto of "is so$l, and renders "i in(apa#le of do$#tin! it, $pon any a((o$nt w"ate%er' -$d!e #y t"is w"at (ontent and satisfa(tion "e en?oys, w"ile "e (ontin$ally finds in "i self so !reat a treas$re; "e is no lon!er in an an&io$s sear(" after it, #$t "as it open #efore "i , and ay ta1e w"at "e pleases of it' He (o plains $(" of o$r #lindness> and (ries often t"at we are to #e pitied w"o (ontent o$rsel%es wit" so little' ,OD, says "e, "as infinite treas$re to #estow, and we ta1e $p wit" a little sensi#le de%otion w"i(" passes in a o ent' 9lind as we are, we
"inder ,OD, and stop t"e ($rrent of His !ra(es' 9$t w"en He finds a so$l penetrated wit" a li%ely fait", He po$rs into it His !ra(es and fa%ors plentif$lly> t"ere t"ey flow li1e a torrent, w"i(", after #ein! for(i#ly stopped a!ainst its ordinary (o$rse, w"en it "as fo$nd a passa!e, spreads itself wit" i pet$osity and a#$ndan(e' Yes, we often stop t"is torrent, #y t"e little %al$e we set $pon it' 9$t let $s stop it no ore; let $s enter into o$rsel%es and #rea1 down t"e #an1 w"i(" "inders it' Let $s a1e way for !ra(e> let $s redee t"e lost ti e, for per"aps we "a%e #$t little left> deat" follows $s (lose, let $s #e well prepared for it> for we die #$t on(e, and a is(arria!e t"ere is irretrie%a#le' I say a!ain, let $s enter into o$rsel%es' T"e ti e presses; t"ere is no roo for delay> o$r so$ls are at sta1e' I #elie%e yo$ "a%e ta1en s$(" effe(t$al eas$res, t"at yo$ will not #e s$rprised' I (o end yo$ for it, it is t"e one t"in! ne(essary; we $st, ne%ert"eless, always wor1 at it, #e(a$se not to ad%an(e, in t"e spirit$al life, is to !o #a(1' 9$t t"ose w"o "a%e t"e !ale of t"e HOLY S:IRIT !o forward e%en in sleep' If t"e %essel of o$r so$l is still tossed wit" winds and stor s, let $s awa1e t"e LORD, w"o reposes in it, and He will =$i(1ly (al t"e sea' I "a%e ta1en t"e li#erty to i part to yo$ t"ese !ood senti ents, t"at yo$ ay (o pare t"e wit" yo$r own; t"ey will ser%e a!ain to 1indle and infla e t"e , if #y isfort$ne 4w"i(" ,OD for#id, for it wo$ld #e indeed a !reat isfort$ne7 t"ey s"o$ld #e, t"o$!" ne%er so little, (ooled' Let $s t"en #ot" re(all o$r first fa%ors' Let $s profit #y t"e
5A e&a ple and t"e senti ents of t"is #rot"er, w"o is little 1nown of t"e world, #$t 1nown of ,OD, and e&tre ely (aressed #y Hi ' I will pray for yo$> do yo$ pray instantly for e, w"o a yo$rs in o$r LORD'
.rayer for a sister who is about to ma*e a vow and profession. A fresh insisting upon the necessity and virtue of practicing the .resence of God. I RECEIIED t"is day two #oo1s and a letter fro Sister, w"o is preparin! to a1e "er profession, and $pon t"at a((o$nt desires t"e prayers of yo$r "oly so(iety, and yo$rs in parti($lar' I per(ei%e t"at s"e re(1ons $(" $pon t"e > pray do not disappoint "er' 9e! of ,OD t"at s"e ay a1e "er sa(rifi(e in t"e %iew of His lo%e alone, and wit" a fir resol$tion to #e w"olly de%oted to Hi ' I will send yo$ one of t"ose #oo1s w"i(" treat of t"e presen(e of ,OD> a s$#?e(t w"i(", in y opinion, (ontains t"e w"ole spirit$al life> and it see s to e t"at w"oe%er d$ly pra(ti(es it will soon #e(o e spirit$al' I 1now t"at for t"e ri!"t pra(ti(e of it, t"e "eart $st #e e pty of all ot"er t"in!s> #e(a$se ,OD will possess t"e "eart alone> and as He (annot possess it alone, wit"o$t e ptyin! it of all #esides, so neit"er (an He a(t t"ere, and do in it w"at He pleases, $nless it #e left %a(ant to Hi ' T"ere is not in t"e world a 1ind of life ore sweet and deli!"tf$l, t"an t"at of a (ontin$al (on%ersation wit" ,OD; t"ose only (an (o pre"end it w"o pra(ti(e and e&perien(e it> yet I do not ad%ise yo$ to do it fro t"at oti%e> it is not pleas$re w"i(" we o$!"t to see1 in t"is e&er(ise> #$t let $s do it fro a prin(iple of lo%e, and #e(a$se ,OD wo$ld "a%e $s' .ere I a prea("er, I s"o$ld a#o%e all ot"er t"in!s prea(" t"e pra(ti(e of t"e presen(e of ,OD> and were I a dire(tor, I s"o$ld ad%ise all t"e world to do it; so ne(essary do I
t"in1 it, and so easy too' A"0 1new we #$t t"e want we "a%e of t"e !ra(e and assistan(e of ,OD, we s"o$ld ne%er lose si!"t of Hi , no, not for a o ent' 9elie%e e> a1e i ediately a "oly and fir resol$tion ne%er ore willf$lly to for!et Hi , and to spend t"e rest of yo$r days in His sa(red presen(e, depri%ed for t"e lo%e of Hi , if He t"in1s fit, of all (onsolations' Set "eartily a#o$t t"is wor1, and if yo$ do it as yo$ o$!"t, #e ass$red t"at yo$ will soon find t"e effe(ts of it' I will assist yo$ wit" y prayers, poor as t"ey are; I re(o end yself earnestly to yo$rs, and t"ose of yo$r "oly so(iety'
,o a member of the order who had received from him a boo*, and to whom he again enlarges on his favorite topic. 1ncouragement to persevere.
56 I HAIE re(ei%ed fro +rs' HH t"e t"in!s w"i(" yo$ !a%e "er for e' I wonder t"at yo$ "a%e not !i%en e yo$r t"o$!"ts of t"e little #oo1 I sent to yo$, and w"i(" yo$ $st "a%e re(ei%ed' :ray set "eartily a#o$t t"e pra(ti(e of it in yo$r old a!e> it is #etter late t"an ne%er' I (annot i a!ine "ow reli!io$s persons (an li%e satisfied wit"o$t t"e pra(ti(e of t"e presen(e of ,OD' 3or y part I 1eep yself retired wit" Hi in t"e dept" of (enter of y so$l as $(" as I (an> and w"ile I a so wit" Hi I fear not"in!> #$t t"e least t$rnin! fro Hi is ins$pporta#le' T"is e&er(ise does not $(" fati!$e t"e #ody; it is, "owe%er, proper to depri%e it so eti es, nay often, of any little pleas$res w"i(" are inno(ent and lawf$l; for ,OD will not per it t"at a so$l w"i(" desires to #e de%oted entirely to Hi s"o$ld ta1e ot"er pleas$res t"an wit" Hi > t"at is ore t"an reasona#le' I do not say t"at t"erefore we $st p$t any %iolent (onstraint $pon o$rsel%es' No, we $st ser%e ,OD in a "oly freedo , we $st do o$r #$siness fait"f$lly, wit"o$t tro$#le or dis=$iet> re(allin! o$r ind to ,OD ildly and wit" tran=$illity, as often as we find it wanderin! fro Hi ' It is, "owe%er, ne(essary to p$t o$r w"ole tr$st in ,OD, layin! aside all ot"er (ares, and e%en so e parti($lar for s of de%otion, t"o$!" %ery !ood in t"e sel%es, yet s$(" as one often en!a!es in $nreasona#ly; #e(a$se t"ose de%otions are only eans to attain to t"e end> so w"en #y t"is e&er(ise of t"e presen(e of ,OD we are wit" Hi w"o is o$r end, it is t"en $seless to ret$rn to t"e eans> #$t we ay (ontin$e wit" Hi o$r (o er(e of lo%e, perse%erin! in His "oly presen(e; one w"ile #y an a(t of praise, of adoration, or of desire> one w"ile #y an a(t of resi!nation, or t"an1s!i%in!> and in all t"e anner w"i(" o$r spirit (an in%ent' 9e not dis(o$ra!ed #y t"e rep$!nan(e w"i(" yo$ ay find in it fro nat$re>
yo$ $st do yo$rself %iolen(e' At t"e first, one often t"in1s it lost ti e> #$t yo$ $st !o on, and resol%e to perse%ere in it to deat", notwit"standin! all t"e diffi($lties t"at ay o(($r' I re(o end yself to t"e prayers of yo$r "oly so(iety, and yo$rs in parti($lar' I a yo$rs in o$r LORD'
At the age of nearly fourscore e/horts his correspondent, who is si/ty-four, to live and die with God and promises and as*s for prayer. I :ITY yo$ $("' It will #e of !reat i portan(e if yo$ (an lea%e t"e (are of yo$r affairs to, and spend t"e re ainder of yo$r life only in wors"ippin! ,OD' He re=$ires no !reat atters of $s> a little re e #ran(e of Hi fro ti e to ti e, a little adoration; so eti es to pray for His !ra(e, so eti es to offer Hi yo$r s$fferin!s, and so eti es to ret$rn Hi t"an1s for t"e fa%ors He "as !i%en yo$, and still !i%es yo$, in t"e idst of yo$r tro$#les, and to (onsole yo$rself wit" Hi t"e oftenest yo$ (an' Lift $p yo$r "eart to Hi , so eti es e%en at yo$r eals, and w"en yo$ are in (o pany; t"e least little re e #ran(e will always #e a((epta#le to Hi ' Yo$ need not (ry %ery lo$d> He is nearer to $s t"an we are aware of'
5B It is not ne(essary for #ein! wit" ,OD to #e always at ("$r("> we ay a1e an oratory of o$r "eart, w"erein to retire fro ti e to ti e, to (on%erse wit" Hi in ee1ness, "$ ility, and lo%e' E%ery one is (apa#le of s$(" fa iliar (on%ersation wit" ,OD, so e ore, so e less; He 1nows w"at we (an do' Let $s #e!in t"en> per"aps He e&pe(ts #$t one !enero$s resol$tion on o$r part' Ha%e (o$ra!e' .e "a%e #$t little ti e to li%e> yo$ are near si&tyHfo$r, and I a al ost ei!"ty' Let $s li%e and die wit" ,OD; s$fferin!s will #e sweet and pleasant to $s, w"ile we are wit" Hi ; and t"e !reatest pleas$res will #e, wit"o$t Hi , a (r$el p$nis" ent to $s' +ay He #e #lessed for all' A en' Use yo$rself t"en #y de!rees t"$s to wors"ip Hi , to #e! His !ra(e, to offer Hi yo$r "eart fro ti e to ti e, in t"e idst of yo$r #$siness, e%en e%ery o ent if yo$ (an' Do not always s(r$p$lo$sly (onfine yo$rself to (ertain r$les, or parti($lar for s of de%otion> #$t a(t wit" a !eneral (onfiden(e in ,OD, wit" lo%e and "$ ility' Yo$ ay ass$re HH of y poor prayers, and t"at I a t"eir ser%ant, and yo$rs parti($larly'
!oncerning wandering thoughts in prayer. YOU tell e not"in! new; yo$ are not t"e only one t"at is tro$#led wit" wanderin! t"o$!"ts' O$r ind is e&tre ely ro%in!> #$t as t"e will is istress of all o$r fa($lties, s"e $st re(all t"e , and (arry t"e to ,OD, as t"eir last end' ."en t"e ind, for want of #ein! s$ffi(iently red$(ed #y re(olle(tion, at o$r first en!a!in! in de%otion, "as (ontra(ted (ertain #ad "a#its of wanderin! and dissipation, t"ey are diffi($lt to o%er(o e, and (o only draw $s, e%en a!ainst o$r wills, to t"e t"in!s of t"e eart"' I #elie%e one re edy for t"is is, to (onfess o$r fa$lts, and to "$ #le o$rsel%es #efore ,OD' I do not ad%ise yo$ to $se $ltipli(ity of words in prayer> any words
and lon! dis(o$rses #ein! often t"e o((asions of wanderin!; "old yo$rself in prayer #efore ,OD, li1e a d$ # or paralyti( #e!!ar at a ri(" an<s !ate; let it #e yo$r #$siness to 1eep yo$r ind in t"e presen(e of t"e LORD' If it so eti es wander, and wit"draw itself fro Hi , do not $(" dis=$iet yo$rself for t"at> tro$#le and dis=$iet ser%e rat"er to distra(t t"e ind, t"an to reH(olle(t it> t"e will $st #rin! it #a(1 in tran=$illity> if yo$ perse%ere in t"is anner, ,OD will "a%e pity on yo$' One way to reH(olle(t t"e ind easily in t"e ti e of prayer, and preser%e it ore in tran=$illity, is not to let it wander too far at ot"er ti es; yo$ s"o$ld 1eep it stri(tly in t"e presen(e of ,OD> and #ein! a(($sto ed to t"in1 of Hi often, yo$ will find it easy to 1eep yo$r ind (al in t"e ti e of prayer, or at least to re(all it fro its wanderin!s' I "a%e told yo$ already at lar!e, in y for er letters, of t"e ad%anta!es we ay draw fro t"is pra(ti(e of t"e presen(e of ,OD; let $s set a#o$t it serio$sly and pray for one anot"er'
1nclosing a letter to a corresponding sister, whom he regards with respect tinged with fear. His old theme concisely put. THE en(losed is an answer to t"at w"i(" I re(ei%ed fro HH> pray deli%er it to "er' S"e see s to e f$ll of !ood will, #$t s"e wo$ld !o faster t"an !ra(e' One does not #e(o e "oly all at on(e' I re(o end "er to yo$; we o$!"t to "elp one anot"er #y o$r ad%i(e, and yet ore #y o$r !ood e&a ples' Yo$ will o#li!e e to let e "ear of "er fro ti e to ti e, and w"et"er s"e #e %ery fer%ent and %ery o#edient' Let $s t"$s t"in1 often t"at o$r only #$siness in t"is life is to please ,OD, t"at per"aps all #esides is #$t folly and %anity' Yo$ and I "a%e li%ed a#o%e forty years in reli!ion Di'e', a onasti( lifeF' Ha%e we e ployed t"e in lo%in! and ser%in! ,OD, w"o #y His er(y "as (alled $s to t"is state and for t"at %ery endJ I a filled wit" s"a e and (onf$sion, w"en I refle(t on t"e one "and $pon t"e !reat fa%ors w"i(" ,OD "as done, and in(essantly (ontin$es to do, e> and on t"e ot"er, $pon t"e ill $se I "a%e ade of t"e , and y s all ad%an(e ent in t"e way of perfe(tion' Sin(e #y His er(y He !i%es $s still a little ti e, let $s #e!in in earnest, let $s repair t"e lost ti e, let $s ret$rn wit" a f$ll ass$ran(e to t"at 3ATHER of er(ies, w"o is always ready to re(ei%e $s affe(tionately' Let $s reno$n(e, let $s !enero$sly reno$n(e, for t"e lo%e of Hi , all t"at is not Hi self> He deser%es infinitely ore' Let $s t"in1 of Hi perpet$ally' Let $s p$t all o$r tr$st in Hi ; I do$#t not #$t we s"all soon find t"e effe(ts of it, in re(ei%in! t"e a#$ndan(e of His !ra(e, wit" w"i(" we (an do all t"in!s, and wit"o$t w"i(" we (an do not"in! #$t sin' .e (annot es(ape t"e dan!ers w"i(" a#o$nd in life, wit"o$t t"e a(t$al and (ontin$al "elp of ,OD> let $s t"en pray to Hi for it (ontin$ally' How (an we pray to Hi wit"o$t #ein! wit" Hi J How (an we #e wit" Hi #$t in t"in1in! of Hi oftenJ And "ow (an we often t"in1 of Hi , #$t #y a "oly "a#it w"i(" we s"o$ld for of itJ
Yo$ will tell e t"at I a always sayin! t"e sa e t"in!; it is tr$e, for t"is is t"e #est and easiest et"od I 1now> and as I $se no ot"er, I ad%ise all t"e world to it' .e $st 1now #efore we (an lo%e' In order to 1now ,OD, we $st often t"in1 of Hi > and w"en we (o e to lo%e Hi , we s"all t"en also t"in1 of Hi often, for o$r "eart will #e wit" o$r treas$re' T"is is an ar!$ ent w"i(" well deser%es yo$r (onsideration'
Has difficulty, but sacrifices his will, to write as re2uested. ,he loss of a friend may lead to ac2uaintance with the $riend. I HAIE "ad a !ood deal of diffi($lty to #rin! yself to write to +' HH, and I do it now p$rely #e(a$se yo$ and +ada desire e' :ray write t"e dire(tions and send it to "i ' I a %ery well pleased wit" t"e tr$st w"i(" yo$ "a%e in ,OD; I wis" t"at He ay in(rease it in yo$ ore and ore; we (annot "a%e too $(" in so !ood and fait"f$l a 3riend, w"o will ne%er fail $s in t"is world nor in t"e ne&t' If +' HH a1es "is ad%anta!e of t"e loss "e "as "ad, and p$ts all "is (onfiden(e in ,OD, He will soon !i%e "i anot"er friend, ore powerf$l and ore in(lined to ser%e "i '
5G He disposes of "earts as He pleases' :er"aps +' HH was too $(" atta("ed to "i "e "as lost' .e o$!"t to lo%e o$r friends, #$t wit"o$t en(roa("in! $pon t"e lo%e of ,OD, w"i(" $st #e t"e prin(ipal' :ray re e #er w"at I "a%e re(o ended to yo$, w"i(" is, to t"in1 often on ,OD, #y day, #y ni!"t, in yo$r #$siness, and e%en in yo$r di%ersions' He is always near yo$ and wit" yo$> lea%e Hi not alone' Yo$ wo$ld t"in1 it r$de to lea%e a friend alone, w"o (a e to %isit yo$; w"y t"en $st ,OD #e ne!le(tedJ Do not t"en for!et Hi , #$t t"in1 on Hi often, adore Hi (ontin$ally, li%e and die wit" Hi > t"is is t"e !lorio$s e ploy ent of a C"ristian> in a word, t"is is o$r profession, if we do not 1now it we $st learn it' I will endea%or to "elp yo$ wit" y prayers, and a yo$rs in o$r LORD'
,o one who is in great pain. God is the .hysician of body and of soul. $eels that he would gladly suffer at His wish. I DO not pray t"at yo$ ay #e deli%ered fro yo$r pains> #$t I pray ,OD earnestly t"at He wo$ld !i%e yo$ stren!t" and patien(e to #ear t"e as lon! as He pleases' Co fort yo$rself wit" Hi w"o "olds yo$ fastened to t"e (ross; He will loose yo$ w"en He t"in1s fit' Happy t"ose w"o s$ffer wit" Hi ; a(($sto yo$rself to s$ffer in t"at anner, and see1 fro Hi t"e stren!t" to end$re as $(", and as lon!, as He s"all ?$d!e to #e ne(essary for yo$' T"e en of t"e world do not (o pre"end t"ese tr$t"s, nor is it to #e wondered at, sin(e t"ey s$ffer li1e w"at t"ey are, and not li1e C"ristians; t"ey (onsider si(1ness as a pain to nat$re, and not as a fa%or fro ,OD> and seein! it only in t"at li!"t, t"ey find not"in! in it #$t !rief and distress' 9$t t"ose w"o (onsider si(1ness as (o in! fro t"e "and of ,OD, as t"e effe(ts of His er(y, and t"e eans w"i(" He e ploys for t"eir sal%ation, (o only find in it !reat sweetness and
sensi#le (onsolation' I wis" yo$ (o$ld (on%in(e yo$rself t"at ,OD is often 4in so e sense7 nearer to $s and ore effe(t$ally present wit" $s, in si(1ness t"an in "ealt"' Rely $pon no ot"er :"ysi(ian, for, a((ordin! to y appre"ension, He reser%es yo$r ($re to Hi self' :$t t"en all yo$r tr$st in Hi , and yo$ will soon find t"e effe(ts of it in yo$r re(o%ery, w"i(" we often retard, #y p$ttin! !reater (onfiden(e in p"ysi( t"an in ,OD' ."ate%er re edies yo$ a1e $se of, t"ey will s$((eed only so far as He per its' ."en pains (o e fro ,OD, He only (an ($re t"e ' He often sends diseases of t"e #ody, to ($re t"ose of t"e so$l' Co fort yo$rself wit" t"e so%erei!n :"ysi(ian #ot" of so$l and #ody' I foresee t"at yo$ will tell e t"at I a %ery $(" at y ease, t"at I eat and drin1 at t"e ta#le of t"e LORD' Yo$ "a%e reason; #$t t"in1 yo$ t"at it wo$ld #e a s all pain to t"e !reatest (ri inal in t"e world, to eat at t"e 1in!<s ta#le, and #e ser%ed #y "i , and notwit"standin! s$(" fa%ors to #e wit"o$t ass$ran(e of pardonJ I #elie%e "e wo$ld feel e&(eedin! !reat $neasiness, and s$(" as not"in! (o$ld oderate, #$t only "is tr$st in t"e !oodness of "is so%erei!n' So I ass$re yo$, t"at w"ate%er pleas$res I taste at t"e ta#le of y *in!, yet y sins, e%er present #efore y eyes, as well as t"e $n(ertainty of y pardon, tor ent e, t"o$!" in tr$t" t"at tor ent itself is pleasin!'
2E 9e satisfied wit" t"e (ondition in w"i(" ,OD pla(es yo$; "owe%er "appy yo$ ay t"in1 e, I en%y yo$' :ains and s$fferin! wo$ld #e a paradise to e, w"ile I s"o$ld s$ffer wit" y ,OD> and t"e !reatest pleas$re wo$ld #e "ell to e, if I (o$ld relis" t"e wit"o$t Hi > all y (onsolation wo$ld #e to s$ffer so et"in! for His sa1e' I $st, in a little ti e, !o to ,OD' ."at (o forts e in t"is life is, t"at I now see Hi #y fait"> and I see Hi in s$(" a anner as i!"t a1e e say so eti es, I #elie%e no ore, #$t I see' I feel w"at fait" tea("es $s, and, in t"at ass$ran(e and t"at pra(ti(e of fait", I will li%e and die wit" Hi ' Contin$e t"en always wit" ,OD; <tis t"e only s$pport and (o affli(tion' I s"all #esee(" Hi to #e wit" yo$' I present y ser%i(e' fort for yo$r
,o the same correspondent probably, and e/presses his own abiding comfort through faith. I3 we were well a(($sto ed to t"e e&er(ise of t"e presen(e of ,OD, all #odily diseases wo$ld #e $(" alle%iated t"ere#y' ,OD often per its t"at we s"o$ld s$ffer a little, to p$rify o$r so$ls, and o#li!e $s to (ontin$e wit" Hi ' Ta1e (o$ra!e, offer Hi yo$r pains in(essantly, pray to Hi for stren!t" to end$re t"e ' A#o%e all, !et a "a#it of entertainin! yo$rself often wit" ,OD, and for!et Hi t"e least yo$ (an' Adore Hi in yo$r infir ities, offer yo$rself to Hi fro ti e to ti e> and, in t"e "ei!"t of yo$r s$fferin!s, #esee(" Hi "$ #ly and affe(tionately 4as a ("ild "is fat"er7 to a1e yo$ (onfor a#le to His "oly will' I s"all endea%or to assist yo$ wit" y poor prayers' ,OD "as any ways of drawin! $s to Hi fro $s; #$t fait" alone, w"i(" will not fail $s in ti and t"e self' He so eti es "ides Hi self
I 1now not "ow ,OD will dispose of e; I a always "appy; all t"e world s$ffer> and I, w"o deser%e t"e se%erest dis(ipline, feel ?oys so (ontin$al, and so !reat, t"at I (an s(ar(e (ontain t"e ' I wo$ld willin!ly as1 of ,OD a part of yo$r s$fferin!s, #$t t"at I 1now y wea1ness, w"i(" is so !reat, t"at if He left e one o ent to yself, I s"o$ld #e t"e ost wret("ed an ali%e' And yet I 1now not "ow He (an lea%e e alone, #e(a$se fait" !i%es e as stron! a (on%i(tion as sense (an do, t"at He ne%er forsa1es $s, till we "a%e first forsa1en Hi ' Let $s fear to lea%e Hi ' Let $s #e always wit" Hi ' Let $s li%e and die in His presen(e' Do yo$ pray for e, as I for yo$'
,o the same he e/horts for fuller and entire confidence in God, for body and soul. I A+ in pain to see yo$ s$ffer so lon!> w"at !i%es e so e ease, and sweetens t"e feelin! I "a%e of yo$r !riefs, is t"at t"ey are proofs of ,OD<s lo%e towards yo$; see t"e
25 in t"at %iew, and yo$ will #ear t"e ore easily' As yo$r (ase is, <tis y opinion t"at yo$ s"o$ld lea%e off "$ an re edies, and resi!n yo$rself entirely to t"e pro%iden(e of ,OD> per"aps He stays only for t"at resi!nation and a perfe(t tr$st in Hi to ($re yo$' Sin(e notwit"standin! all yo$r (ares, p"ysi( "as "it"erto pro%ed $ns$((essf$l, and yo$r alady still in(reases, it will not #e te ptin! ,OD to a#andon yo$rself in His "ands, and e&pe(t all fro Hi ' I told yo$, in y last, t"at He so eti es per its #odily diseases to ($re t"e diste pers of t"e so$l' Ha%e (o$ra!e t"en; a1e a %irt$e of ne(essity; as1 of ,OD, not deli%eran(e fro yo$r pains, #$t stren!t" to #ear resol$tely, for t"e lo%e of Hi , all t"at He s"o$ld please, and as lon! as He s"all please' S$(" prayers, indeed, are a little "ard to nat$re, #$t ost a((epta#le to ,OD, and sweet to t"ose t"at lo%e Hi ' Lo%e sweetens pains> and w"en one lo%es ,OD, one s$ffers for His sa1e wit" ?oy and (o$ra!e' Do yo$ so, I #esee(" yo$> (o fort yo$rself wit" Hi , w"o is t"e only :"ysi(ian of all o$r aladies' He is t"e 3ATHER of t"e affli(ted, always ready to "elp $s' He lo%es $s infinitely ore t"an we i a!ine; lo%e Hi t"en, and see1 not (onsolation elsew"ere; I "ope yo$ will soon re(ei%e it' Adie$' I will "elp yo$ wit" y prayers, poor as t"ey are, and s"all #e, always, yo$rs in o$r LORD'
Gratitude, for mercies to his correspondent, and measure of relief while he has himself been near death, but with consolation in his suffering. I RENDER t"an1s to o$r LORD, for "a%in! relie%ed yo$ a little, a((ordin! to yo$r desire' I "a%e #een often near e&pirin!, t"o$!" I was ne%er so $(" satisfied as t"en' A((ordin!ly I did not pray for any relief, #$t I prayed for stren!t" to s$ffer wit" (o$ra!e, "$ ility, and lo%e' A", "ow sweet is it to s$ffer wit" ,OD0 Howe%er !reat t"e s$fferin!s ay #e, re(ei%e t"e wit" lo%e' <Tis paradise to s$ffer and #e wit"
Hi > so t"at if in t"is life we wo$ld en?oy t"e pea(e of paradise, we $st a(($sto o$rsel%es to a fa iliar, "$ #le, affe(tionate (on%ersation wit" Hi ; we $st "inder o$r spirits wanderin! fro Hi $pon any o((asion; we $st a1e o$r "eart a spirit$al te ple, w"erein to adore Hi in(essantly; we $st wat(" (ontin$ally o%er o$rsel%es, t"at we ay not do, nor say, nor t"in1 anyt"in! t"at ay displease Hi ' ."en o$r inds are t"$s e ployed a#o$t ,OD, s$fferin! will #e(o e f$ll of $n(tion and (onsolation' I 1now t"at to arri%e at t"is state, t"e #e!innin! is %ery diffi($lt> for we $st a(t p$rely in fait"' 9$t t"o$!" it is diffi($lt, we 1now also t"at we (an do all t"in!s wit" t"e !ra(e of ,OD, w"i(" He ne%er ref$ses to t"e w"o as1 it earnestly' *no(1, perse%ere in 1no(1in!, and I answer for it t"at He will open to yo$ in His d$e ti e, and !rant yo$ all at on(e w"at He "as deferred d$rin! any years' Adie$' :ray to Hi for e, as I pray to Hi for yo$' I "ope to see Hi =$i(1ly'
$rom his death-bed. %epeats the same e/hortation to *nowledge, that we may love.
22 ,OD 1nows #est w"at is needf$l for $s, and all t"at He does is for o$r !ood' If we 1new "ow $(" He lo%es $s, we s"o$ld #e always ready to re(ei%e e=$ally and wit" indifferen(e fro His "and t"e sweet and t"e #itter> all wo$ld please t"at (a e fro Hi ' T"e sorest affli(tions ne%er appear intolera#le, #$t w"en we see t"e in t"e wron! li!"t' ."en we see t"e in t"e "and of ,OD, w"o dispenses t"e ; w"en we 1now t"at it is o$r lo%in! 3ATHER, w"o a#ases and distresses $s; o$r s$fferin!s will lose t"eir #itterness, and #e(o e e%en atter of (onsolation' Let all o$r e ploy ent #e to 1now ,OD; t"e ore one 1nows Hi , t"e ore one desires to 1now Hi ' And as 1nowled!e is (o only t"e eas$re of lo%e, t"e deeper and ore e&tensi%e o$r 1nowled!e s"all #e, t"e !reater will #e o$r lo%e; and if o$r lo%e of ,OD were !reat we s"o$ld lo%e Hi e=$ally in pains and pleas$res' Let $s not a $se o$rsel%es to see1 or to lo%e ,OD for any sensi#le fa%ors 4"owe%er ele%ated7 w"i(" He "as or ay do $s' S$(" fa%ors, t"o$!" ne%er so !reat, (annot #rin! $s so near to ,OD as fait" does in one si ple a(t' Let $s see1 Hi often #y fait"; He is wit"in $s> see1 Hi not elsew"ere' Are we not r$de and deser%e #la e, if we lea%e Hi alone, to #$sy o$rsel%es a#o$t trifles, w"i(" do not please Hi and per"aps offend Hi J <Tis to #e feared t"ese trifles will one day (ost $s dearly' Let $s #e!in to #e de%oted to Hi in !ood earnest' Let $s (ast e%eryt"in! #esides o$t of o$r "earts> He wo$ld possess t"e alone' 9e! t"is fa%or of Hi ' If we do w"at we (an on o$r parts, we s"all soon see t"at ("an!e wro$!"t in $s w"i(" we aspire after' I (annot t"an1 Hi s$ffi(iently for t"e rela&ation He "as %o$("safed yo$' I "ope fro His er(y t"e fa%or to see Hi wit"in a few days' Let $s pray for one anot"er' DHe too1 to "is #ed two days after and died wit"in t"e wee1'F
It wo$ld appear fro internal e%iden(e to "a%e #een first p$#lis"ed #etween 56BE and, say, 5BEE' T"e te&t !i%en "ere is ta1en fro a 56%o paper#a(1 pa p"let of $n1nown date> Ed!ar C"arles 9arton was 9oo1 Steward of t"e Epwort" :ress fro t"e ti e of t"e +et"odist Union of 5G82 $ntil 5G@C, w"i(" !i%es t"e li its wit"in w"i(" t"e edition (a e o$t' In order to distin!$is" t"is %ersion fro a s$#se=$ent (orre(ted (opy, I la#el t"is release 5'E> and to fa(ilitate ARCHIE lo(ation, re=$est t"at all distri#$ted (opies #ear t"e na e 9L::O,5E'&&& -o"n Harris eH ail; "arrisK(i&'(o p$lin1'(o'$1 e n$ #er, (all %oi(e first7 ail; 2@ #ea(onsfield rd, #ristol, #sC 2ts, U* Tel; L@@ 2B2 B8C8C6 4fa& sa 2Bt" -an$ary 5GG@, 9ristol, En!land' Mend of #oo1; THE :RACTICE O3 THE :RESENCE O3 ,OD THE 9EST RULE O3 A HOLY LI3EN