Name of the company (full business name): Company address: Company phone number(s) including phone Company fax number Company email Company website Company logo or other graphic depicting the business Name(s) of owners Title(s) Owner(s) Address; onth and year the plan was completed!
Wool n Wood
&'( Clo#erleaf $lace )incoln N* +,-,.
1ooly 5ane 6oe7 $resident &'( Clo#erleaf $lace )incoln7 N* +,-,. 1oody %ill "mith7 C*O &.8- Apple 1ay )incoln7 N* +,-,.
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Table of Contents
(:ou3ll de#elop this section after writing the business plan and executi#e summary!)
The table of contents should show ma;or section headings and the page number that starts the section! <t3s e#en better if you can show the detailed subheadings under the ma;or sections with corresponding page numbers!
1rite a one to two page summary representing the #arious sections of your %usiness $lan! :our goal is to ma=e the reader want to read more>
#ission State!ent
1rite your mission statement7 ma=ing sure it is clear and understandable! :ou wrote a mission "tatement in Anit . Chapter 8! Cut and paste it here!
:ou wrote goals in Anit . Chapter 8! Cut and paste them here! Now is the time to be sure that they are "! !A!C!T! goals!
6escribe your management team! At this point7 the team might be #ery small! <nclude a resume for each person on your management team! This section should tell your reader why you and your team are uniEuely Eualified to manage this business!
Business Philosoph"
:ou wrote a %usiness $hilosophy in Anit & Chapter '7 cut and paste it here!
:ou wrote a $rofessional $hilosophy in Anit & Chapter .7 cut and paste it here!
6iscuss where and how you recruit new employees and what screening processes you use in hiring! Also discuss your training procedures for new and existing employees!
:ou wrote a piece about Team "=ills in Anit . Chapter 0! Cut and paste it here!
"ummari4e the features and benefits of your productsFser#ices! <nclude what your productsFser#ices do7 why people should buy them7 what features ma=e them uniEue and special! Then describe the benefits to the customer!
<f more than one customer group is targeted7 include an explanation of the multiple groups and why they were chosen (for example if you plan to mow lawns for elderly persons7 and for people who wor= and ha#e no time for lawn care7 you3d ha#e two different target customer groups)!
"ummari4e your competitors3 =ey strengths and wea=nesses7 including how they are currently performing to meet the needs of the customer!
Clearly identify your competiti#e ad#antage by discussing the aspects of your business or productsFser#ices that are uniEue and superior to the competition!
#ar2et Si*e and 1rends 6escribe the si4e of your mar=et in terms of number of potential customers! "ummari4e the trends for this mar=et7 including whether the mar=et is growing7 stable7 declining7 and why! :ou wrote a piece called ?Community demographics7 location@ in Anit . Chapter '. Acti#ity '! Cut and paste it here!
:ou wrote a piece called ?)ogo and "logan@ in Anit . Chapter '+! Cut and paste it here!
:ou wrote a piece called ?$ositi#e Attitude@ in Anit . Chapter .! Cut and paste it here :ou wrote a piece called ?Customer "er#ice Creating loyal customers@ in Anit . Chapter ',! Cut and paste it here! :ou wrote a piece called ?Customer "er#ice paste it here! otto@ in Anit . Chapter ,! Cut and
:ou wrote a piece called ?Customer "er#ice Handboo=@ in Anit . Chapter (! Cut and paste it here!
:ou wrote a piece called ?$ro;ected income statement@ in Anit . Chapter &9 $art A! Cut and paste it here! :ou wrote a piece called ?%alance "heet@ in Anit . Chapter &9 $art %! Cut and paste it here! :ou wrote a piece called ?$ro;ected Cash Dlow@ in Anit . Chapter &'! Cut and paste it here!
:ou wrote a piece called ?%usiness "tart up "upply )ist@ in Anit . Chapter +! Cut and paste it here! :ou wrote a piece called ?$ro;ected sales@ in Anit . Chapter '(! Cut and paste it here! :ou wrote a piece called ?$ro;ected cost of goods sold@ in Anit . Chapter '(! Cut and paste it here
+ppendi Section
)ist the contents of the Appendix "ection under this heading in the order in which the documents are organi4ed7 then include the documents in that order!