Journals of The House of Burgesses Volume 11
Journals of The House of Burgesses Volume 11
Journals of The House of Burgesses Volume 11
of the
of Burgesses
of Virginia
The Houfe
of Burgeffes
of Virginia
PafTed^the-^^th of"MayV*I7(5^.
Ncminc Con~
Right of impofing Taxes on the InhaColony and Dominion and ever hath been, legally and Virgiti'ui, is now, of traJicente, jL conftitutionally vefted in the Houfc of Burgeffes, lawfully convened according to the antient and eflabliihed Pracflice, with the Confent of the Council, and of his Majefty, die ICing of Crcat-Brilam, or liis Governor
tlie fole
Ncfnine Contradlcevte, That- it
of the Inhabitants of this Colony, to petitlc^p their Sovereign for Redrcls of Cirierances and that it is lawful and expedient to procure the Concurrence of Iiis Majefty 's othqr Colonies, in dutiful Addrefies, praying the Royal Intcrpofition in Fa>'our of the viohuedRights of ^-Iwi-r/aj'. t
any Felony or Crime whatfoever, committed in this, his A'lajcftjr's faid Colony and Dominion, by any Perfon done and rdldihg therein, X)iight of Righ" to be had, and coaducled or Perlbns
prilion^__pf TreaiJjfi, fft. for
in aiul ^before his Majefiy's Courts, held within the fiid Colonv. -record-
Courfe of Proceeding ; and that i: :-g Coiony, liil peeled of any Crime therein, aild lending fuch Perfon or P. r-h;-^ !,-> to be tried, is highly >!; r, .^:;i.ur\' of the Br'itijJj SubjeCls; as thereby the ineftima!)lc Privilege of being tried l)y a Jui-y from the Vicinage, as well as die Liberty of fun^.monm'^i; and nrcJucing Vvitneffes on fuch Trial, will be taken away from t:.j i\uiy acciii' d.
rfefiding in tliis
Kemin& Confradkinte, That an humble, duiii,;', <in liis Ivkjefty, to aifure him of our inviolable.. Attachment to his facrcd Perfon and Govei and to b^ech,.i)is Royal Lnterpoficion, as the FatiLer of all his People, however remote iroui the Jteat of his Empi^, to qhfrt-ti^e IMihds'of his \o\^ Svshjc-as of thi^ Colony, and- to avert from tliem thofe Dangers and Miferies wiiich wiii cnfue, from the Icizing and carrying beyond Sea any Perfon ictiding in America, liifpecled of any Crime whatibeve'r, to be tried 'in any odicrM iimer than by the ancient and long eftablilhed Courfe of Proceednig.
loyal Addrefs, be prelcnted to
of the
Edited by
3. 79>
Journal 1766
Journal 1767
Journal 1768 Journal Journal
1769, 1769,
November Session
Library Board
Virginia State Library
GORDON, Chairman
S. S. P.
Journal of the Houfe of Burgeffes for the feffion beginning November 6"* and extending to the 16*'" day of December following, was located
an exhaufted fearch in the Britifh Record Office. In the Report of the American Hiftorical Affociation a reference is made to the Journal of this feffion, but as only the date the Affembly convened is given, it is apparent that no copy was found. In the efforts of the State to locate this Journal, alfo thofe of 1767 and 1768, it was afcertained that it was not an uncommon cuftom at that time to forward certain records from one Colony to another, where they would be read and forwarded to the Home Government. With this knowledge at hand B. F. Stevens & Brown, of London, England, were authorized to make an extenfive examination of the records of other Sometime after this refearch was underColonies in fearch of the miffing Journals. taken, the Journals in queftion were located in the collection known as the Board of Trade Papers of North Carolina; thereby enabling the State to complete its feries to 1680. Several Journals not known to exift heretofore were aKo located. This is efpecially true for the period between 1680 and the beginning of the eighteenth century. The feffion beginning March 12*'', 1767, and extending to the 1 1 of April following, has apparently efcaped the attention of all bibliographers to date. This Journal was likewife found among the North Carolina Papers, and, like the Journal of 1766 is
Committee appointed to examine into the affairs of John Robin fon, Speaker of the Houfe of Burgeffes, and Treafurer of the Colony from 1738 to 1766. The Journal of 1768, being the third and the moft recent difcovery, was likewife
by B. F. Stevens & Brown in the North Carolina collection. This Journal extends from the 31'' of March to the 16''' of April 1768, and is equally as important as
It is inferred from the report of the American Hiftorical no copy had been located; fimply a note indicating the date the Affembly convened being given. The firft feffion of the Affembly of 1769 convened on the S**" day of May, and was diffolved by Governor Botetourt on the 17"' day of the fame month. The only printed copy of this Journal which the editor has been enabled to locate, is to be fotmd in the
any Journal
of that period.
Affociation that
of Congrefs.
Copies of the Journal of the fecond feffion of 1769, which extended from November 7*'' to December 21'', have been located in the Library of Congrefs, the Philadelphia Library Company and the Virginia State Library; the latter Inftitution poffeffing
foiu- copies.
So far as
it is
the property of the Library of Congrefs. Oppofition to the Stamp Act having been determined upon, the Houfe of Burgeffes
adopted refolutions oppofing its enforcement. Little hope, however, of effedling fuch a refult exifted, owing to the unfriendly attitude of the Duke of Cumberland, who was Prime Minifter at that time. The Colonies were led to believe that nothing favorable to their interefts could emanate from him, though they had a ftrong friend in General
Report of 1897, p. 43S.
[ viii ]
Conway, the new Secretary for the Colonies, who defended them valiantly upon the floor of Parliament. The friendly attitude of this officer, and the death of the Prime Minifter on October 3 r ', the day before the Stamp Adl was to become effective,
a renewed determination to at leaft effect a modification of the law. A new Colonial pohcy being neceffary, Parliament at once affembled and had laid before them various papers fhowing the condition of the Colonies, including the famous Virginia In addition to Refolutions which had caufed fo much excitement and difturbance.
rife to
London who complained that the Adt greatly injured their Pitt urged in the face of the ftrongeft oppofition trade petitioned ParUament for reUef of ParHament to tax America, and rejoicing in right the denying repeal, immediate an that "three millions of people fo dead to maintained He Colonies. the reliftance of the fubmit to be flaves, would have been fit to all the feeling of liberty as voluntarily inftruments to make flaves of the reft." In the Hoiofe of Lords, Lord Camden upheld the pofition of the Colonies in a moft eloquent manner, his remarks upon that occafion
many merchants
and character; "My pofition is this I repeat it, I will taxation and reprefentation are infeparable; this will maintain it to my laft hour pofition is founded on the laws of nature; it is more, it is itfelf an eternal law of nature for whatever is a man's own is abfolutely his own no man hath a right to take it from him without his confent, either expreffed by himfelf or reprefentation whoever attempts to do it attempts an injury; whoever does it commits a robbery; throws down and deftroys the diftinction between liberty and flavery. Taxation and Such arguments reprefentation are coeval with, and effential to, this Conftitution." proved irrefiftible and the repeal of the Adt was effedted. George III figned this paper that meant fo much to Americans on March iS"" 1766; hisadtion catifing great joy and happinefs both in England and the Colonies. Governor Fauquier, upon receipt of authority from the Home Government, iffued a proclamation on the 9*'' da}^ of June, 1766, in which he ftated that the Stamp Adt had been repealed, and calling upon all "magiftrates, officers and others whom it may concern" to proceed with bufinefs and execute their refpedbive duties in accordance with the Law:
clearly denoting his ftrength
Honourable FRANCIS FAUQUIER, Efquire, His Majefty's Lieutenant Governor, and Commander in Chief of the faid Colony and Dominion
adl of
Whereas, his Majefty has been gracioufly pleafed to give his affent to an
ParHament (a copy of which is now in this colony) entitled An ad'^ to an ad made in the laft feffion of Parliament, entitled An Ad for granting and applying certain Stamp Duties, and other duties, in the Britifh colonies and
plantations in America, towards further defraying the expenfe of defending, proteding,
and fecuring
Parliament, relating
to the
fame; and for amending fuch parts of the feveral ads trade and revenue of the faid colonies and planof
determining and recovering the penalties and have thought proper, by and with the advice of his Majeftj'^'s Council, to iffue this proclamation, = hereby notifying the fame to the end that all magiftrates, officers, and others whom it may concern, do proceed on bufinefs, and execute the refpedtive duties of their ofiice And for the more folemn fignification thereof, I do in the ufeful courfe. appoint this proclamation to be read and publifhed at the coiui;hotife of
tations, as dired the
Given under my hand, and the day oi June, 1766, and the
Great Britain
Williamfbiirg Gazette.
Stamp Adl was accepted in Virginia as a guarantee of the inherent rights of men. Great joy was everywhere evidenced and the adlion of Pariiament was looked upon as a happy deHverance. The Affembly meeting on November 6^^ following, it was found that many of the members who had fupported the refolutions againft the Stamp A($l had been returned, Upon affembling a bill while others who had oppofed it had loft their feats. was introduced to eredt a ftatue to George III, and to the champions of the ColA feAion of Halifax County was fet alide onies who had contributed to the repeal. at the fame time, and named Pittfylvania, in honor of Pitt, and a parifh in the fame County was named in honor of Camden. The effedl of the repeal of the Stamp Adl,
The announcement
of the repeal of the
however, foon caufed George III to repent of his adtion he regarding it as a "fatal compliance with popular demand, and determined to hold abfolute authority in the Colonies. Charles Townfhend, Chancellor of the Exchequer, advanced a method by which a revenue might be drawn from America without offence. He ftated that he was a "firm
"I laugh at the advocate of the Stamp A(?t, for its principle and for duty itfelf abfurd diftindtion between internal and external taxes. I know of no fuch diftindlion. It is a diftindtion without a difference it is perfedl nonfenfe if we have a right to impofe the one, we have a right to impofe the other; a diftindtion is ridiculous in the opinion of every -body, except the Americans." Then laying his hand on the table
; .
in front of
this taxation
given up."
Such oppo-
November 20* 1767, and to be enforced by a Board of Trade of the Townfhend, like the Duke of Cumberland, died before the Duty King's own feledlion. Adl took effedl, and Lord North fucceeded him as Chancellor of the Exchequer. At the fame time the Earl of Hillfborough was made Secretary for the Colonies. The Maffachufetts Affembly meeting December 30**^ 1767, an addrefs prepared by Samuel Adams to the Miniftry, and a petition to the King fetting forth the rights The following year Virginia likewife paffed of the Colonies were forwarded to England. Thefe petitions refolutions in the form of a remonftrance to the Houfe of Commons. greatly offended the King, and a royal order was iffued requiring Maffachufetts to refcind its letter, and all other Affemblies to treat it with contempt. This the various Colonies refufed to do, on the contrary they expreffed their sympathy for Maffachufetts and
to take effedl
determined to
make an example
of Maffachufetts.
petition to the
the principal offenders be brought to England and tried by fpecial commiffion having the Miniftry attempted to feparate Maffachufetts from the other Colonies by
promifmg to repeal a part of the Duty Adl, which it was judged would appeal to them. At the fame time it was determined that Baron de Botetourt, an amiable and attradlive man fhould be appointed Governor of Virginia, with a view to alienating the interefts of this Colony from thofe of the Colonies in general. The firft adl of this Governor was mof t popular he concurring with the Council in refufmg to iffue writs of affif tance for At the meeting of the Affembly on May 1 1 the enforcement of the Revenue Adl. 1 769, he affured the Burgeffes of the high regard which George III maintained for them, and ftated that in the future the Governor fliould refide within the Colony, and that He Hkewife promifed to extend Virginia fhould no longer be governed by a Deputy.
the jiuifdiction of the Colony to the r^wg/"/ee River, but difclofed the real purpofe of
England in expreffmg the wifh that no refolutions fuftaining the caufe of Maffachufetts be paffed by the Virginia Affembly. Virginia had no idea however, of deferting At Maffachufetts, and the Affembly fo expreffed itfelf on the 16"^ of May following. that time refolutions^ to the effedl that the right of impofmg taxes upon the Colony of Virginia was alone vefted in the Houfe of Burgeffes that all trials for treafon or any other crime fhould, when committed in America be tried there, and that the "fending of fuch perfon or perfons to places beyond the fea to be tried" was derogatory to the
likewife for-
Broadfide in Virginia
State Library.
printed in the Englifh papers. The warded to George III, copies of which were to be clofed doors; the Burgeffes fearing a diffoproceedings on this occafion were held behind completed. be cotild lution before their tafk the exiftThe Miniftry finding many difficulties confronting them, and knowing of deterit was forced to yield, and were ence of a large party who favored the Colonies This concefmined to repeal all Duties except that which had been placed upon tea. that affured the Colonies no affairs, and Colonial of re-adjuftment a fion brought about America. Botetourt from Governor revenue a raife to made further effort would be y'^ 1769. communicated this decifion of the Crowm to the Virginia Affembly on November and equitable juft fettlement of the and the repeal of exifting taxes was accepted as a on the queftion of taxation, and grievances of the Colony. This ended the difcuffion the Colony, many of which had importance to of matters of up permitted the taking
been delayed fince the paffage of the Stamp Adl. Afide from the repeal of the Stamp A(5t nothing affedled the Colony of Virginia to 1769 as did the condition of the Treafury. The fo vitally during the period of 1766 the Colony, in re-emitting treafury notes that were of Treafurer Robinfon, adion of John created intenfe excitement in money circles, Affembly, the ordered to be biimed by of Treafurer and Speaker of the Houfe of offices and refulted in the feparation of the In placing thefe notes into circulation again, it was claimed that Robinfon Bvirgeffes. in view, and that to reheve the great financial ftrefs which the country objedl had but one experienced at that time. Under fimilar circimiftances in former years, the money
deftroyed by order of an Affembly was quickly followed by a new feries of notes which were at once placed in circulation. It was not difficult therefore, to meet the demand made upon the colony for funds, efpecially when a tax more than ftifficient in itfelf to redeem the entire output of Treafurj' notes was aKo levied.
was experiencing a financial panic, which arofe from the vaft indebtednefs which the colony had incurred during the French and Indian Wars of the preceding ten years, demands were made upon the Treafury by the leading men of the Colony for financial aid. Not having the currency on hand at that time, and Great
In 1765
Britain having forbidden the further iffue of Treafury notes, neither the Treafurer nor The the Affembly could render any affiftance in refponfe to the needs of the Colony.
Treafurer had however, in his poffeffion, a large number of Treaftuy notes that had been redeemed, which he held pending the order of the Committee appointed by the Affembly to deftroy them. Seeing an opportimity to prevent further financial diftrefs,
he caufed thefe notes to be re-emitted, accepting as fecurity the paper of Various individuals when properly endorfed. Thefe notes were redeemable before the time fettled upon for btiming them, and were filed as fecurities with the records of the Treafurer. M' Robinfon haying died on Sunday May 11*^, 1766, thefe notes were difcovered and the irregtdarity of his a<5tions made known to the Colony. The Colony at once became divided on the queftion of the guilt or innocence of the accufed, many claiming that he was juftified tmder the circumftances juft ftated, in taking the adlion he did in the matter. The fecurities held by him as Treafurer, and his vaft eftate more than met
demands of the Colony, and the reports of the inveftigating committee indicate his purpofe as anything but an intent to defraud. Owing to the httle attention that the Affembly paid to the finances of the Colony,
and as an indication
ing to follow
of its
it is intereft-
Reference to the Statutes of Virginia reveals the fadl that John Robinfon was appointed Treafurer of the Colony in November, 1738. He fucceeded Richard Rattdolph,
Randolph, Knight, deceafed. The duties of the Treafurer of the Colony of Virginia at that time, in Hening's Statutes, Volume 5, pp. 64, 65, Section 2
out in
therefore enadled
geffes, of
authority of the fame, That from and after the end of this feffion of Affembly, John Robinfon, the yovmger, efq. fhall be, and he is hereby nominated, conftituted,
and appointed treafurer of the revenue arifmg from the duty upon and llaves, laid and impofed by the three feveral adts of affembly
to hold the faid office fo long as he fhall continue to be fpeaker of the houfe of Burgeffes, and from the time of his being out of that office, vmtil the end of the next feffion of affembly And the faid John
above mentioned
hereby authorized, impowered, and required, to demand, receive and from the feveral colledtors of the faid duties, all and every
or either of
fum and fums of money arifing by force and virtue of the faid adls, or any them And to demand and receive of the executors of the faid
of them, have received, on account of the faid duties, or otherwife, as treafurer or treafurers of Virginia; and which fhall be in the hands of the faid Richard Randolph, or of the executors of the faid Sir John Randolph, at the end of this feffion, and not other;
by this prefent general affembly allowing the faid Richard Randolph for his trouble, in paying the money fo appropriated, the fum of one hundred and fifty potmds Which faid money, as well as all other fums by him received, in virtue of his faid ofifice of treafurer, he the faid John Robinfon fhall utter and apply, to and for fuch ufes, and upon fuch warrants, as by
wife appropriated
or fhall be appointed
by any other adt or adls of the and directed and fhall be accountable
John Robinfon was re-appointed by the adls of 1742, 1752, 1756, 1758 and 1761; holding his office in conjunction with that of Speaker of the Houfe of Burgeffes for twenty-eight years. An examination of the Journals from 1 751 to 1765 reveals the fadt that eight committees were appointed to examine the Treafurer 's accounts during that period. Thefe examinations were mere matters of form, and the reports prior to 1 763 confifted of a fimple ftatement of the balance in the Treafury, and to the corre(5lnefs of the Treafurer's report. Such reports as were made beween the period of 1752 and 1762 were delivered by Charles Carter, of Lancafter, who was chairman of the committee The perfonnel of the committee during appointed to undertake the inveftigation. feldom changed, Charles Carter being affifted by Chriftopher Robinfon, this period was Dudley Digges, Benjamin Harrifon and others. In 1763, however, the committee was reduced to three in number, Richard Bland, Richard Henry Lee, and Benjamin Harrifon. M"" Bland reporting from this committee at that time, pronounced the account to be corredl, and fet forth in detail the notes emitted fmce June 1757, alfo the feveral taxes
impofed by law for finking the fame. From this report it is afcertained that fince the above mentioned date 412, 962 . 10 s. had been iffued in the form of notes; the iffues dating June 1757, April 1758, September 1758, February 1759, November 1759, March
fhown that the taxes created to redeem The 45. 7(i., the aggregate amount of the notes lifted. fhowing made by the Treafurer at this time was therefore gratifying, and indications By the Adl" of November 1761 the compointed to development along financial lines. found by them in the cuftody of the was authorized to deftroy all bills and notes mittee At the time of this examination Treafurer, giving a receipt in full for notes burned. the report further ftates that 85,655 . 6s. 6d. was deftroyed in this manner. This
It is likewife
out in detail that appears in the records of the Affembly, development in the commonwealth.
7 p.
Journal, Tuefday,
34, 1763.
The next report made by the conimittee
of the
delivered to the Houfe on the 29"' of May 1765, when gd. were truly ftated, and the balance in the hands of the Treaftu-er to be io,o68;g. 35. of fpeaking Lee" Richard Henry of Life of the "MemoirRicfiard Hairy Lee in his
condition of the Treafury, was M-- Gary reported that the accounts
makes the
following ftatement
"The next occafion upon which M'' Lee diftinguifhed himfelf as an ufeful and patriotic member, was one of real importance to the colony. M"' Robinwealth, was at the head of the ariftocratic party, fo)i, who, from his family and united in his perfon the offices of fpeaker of the Houfe of Burgeffes, and treafThe latter office was in the gift of the crown, and thofe lu-er of the colony. who held it had always been obfequious to the court. Such was the cafe with M^ Robinfon. Poffeffed of great wealth, and high in official dignity, and being befides a perfon of an unaffuming air, and politenefs of manners, and of a great amiablenefs of nature, he was the moft popular man of his party, and was perfonally much beloved. As a politician and legiflator, he was a known "ariftocrat" yet many members of the republican party were in habits of friendly intercourfe with him, and efteemed him as a man while they oppofed him and the meafures of his political friends. The colony of Virginia had contracted large debts, by its exertions in It the French and Indian wars, which had defolated its weftem frontiers. had been compelled to anticipate its revenue, and to borrow confiderable fums of money. To repay thefe loans, it had iffued government paper redeemable, in each year, to a certain amount, by taxes pledged for the It was made the duty of the treafurer, to btim the bills which purpofe. fhould be annually called in. The treafurer had been liberal of his private fimds to his friends, whofe ftyle of living required larger expenditures than When thefe were exhaufted he had been induced to their eftates yielded. of the Houfe of Burgeffes, the government bills which members lend to many had been redeemed, and ought to have been deftroyed. It is faid, that he relied on his own means to prevent any ultimate injury' to the ftate, and upon the feciority he had taken. The faft, that the treafurer had made an improper ufe of the money of the public, became known or, at leaft, ftrong fufpicions, were entertained on the fubjed;. Thefe fufpicions gave rife to converfations among the oppofition party and, it was in agitation, to move an inquiry into the grotmds of them. The confiderations, that the fpeaker was individually concerned in the inqmry contemplated that the interef ts of the colony were involved in it that fome of the ableft and moft influential men in the houfe, were intimate friends of the fpeaker, and that a failure to prove his defalcation, no matter from what caufe, would be reprefented as the juft refult of a malignant attack on him, made it a delicate and fearful tafk, to move the Great indecifion and backwardnefs were evinced. M"" Lee, as foon inquiry. as he had fatiffied his mind that there were grounds upon which to reft the fufpicions, determined to brave every rifk, and to affert the juftice and necef-
To his mind, their exaltation no juft exception and to the rigid application of thefe princiThe difficulties he would have to encovmter, in the prefent catife, fenced ples. only to ftimulate his firm and adventurous fpirit. Accordingly, he moved 'that a committee be appointed to inquire into the ftate of the treafury.' As foon as the government partly perceived what fubjedl M*^ Lee was about to agitate, they difcovered fjinptoms of alarm, and prepared for a ftrenuous refiftThe fpeaker fixt his eyes with a dark and terrible frown upon M' Lee. ance. The members oppofed to his motion, turned their faces from him, with haughty and difdainful airs but, thefe things had no other effedl, than to animate
influence, offered
pp. 31-23.
[ xiii ]
tial members
Lee to ftrains of indignant eloquence. The moft able and influenof the houfe, oppofed his motion, yet, he refuted with great force, objedlions to the inquiry, andfeemed to gain ftrength and ardour, from
the very means taken to defeat it. The refolution was finally adopted then purfuing his fuccefs, he brought the bulinefs to a clofe, which promifed to fave the colony from great fifcal embarraffment, and the people from addiThis achievement of M'' Lee, added greatly to his reputation tional burdens. throughout the colony. The author has found among the manufcripts of M''
coimty of the colony, and not perhim on the part he had adled, his fellow citizens." he had done to him, for the good thanking and
Lee, a letter
from a gentleman
of a diftant
of the report,
of Rohinfon
the office of Speaker of the Houfe of Burgeffes from that of the Treafiu-er. That this queftion was confidered of great moment at the time, is noted in a letter of Governor
April, 1766.
Your Lordfhips would have made me extremely happy if you had thought it advifable to have been more explicit in relation to the Speakerfhip and TreafBut as your Lordfhips have honored me with a difcretionary power urfhip.
to take the firft favorable
affured I will
to the
be ft of
opportunity of dividing them, your Lordfhips may be my judgment to promote His Majefty's fervice,
now and hereafter; and if I fhould be fo unfortunate as to find your Lordfhips differ from me in that judgment, I muft truft to your wonted candor to excufe me
Your moft
obedient servant,
This decifion on the part of the Board of Trade weighed heavily upon Robinfon, Queen. On Sunat that time was very ill at his home in the Cotmty of King
day the
and as
by the
prefs of the
Speaking of this noted Edmund Randolph, his Virginia' Virginian, in Hiftory of pays a glowing tribute, which throws an important light upon his charadler and accomplifhments
"Thedeathof/c>/r/?o6iM /on, the Speaker of the Houfe of Burgeffes, and Treafurer of the colony produced great agitation. Thefe offices had been generally united in the fame perfon. The chair, as the prefidency of that Hotife was called, was the feat of the prolocutor, and being without a falary derived the fupport of its dignity, as far as money was neceffary to it, from the emoluments attached to the Treaftu-y. This gentleman was a native, educated wholly in Virginia. His repu-
was great for found political knowledge and an acquaintance with parliamentary forms, a benevolence, which created friends and a lincerity which never loft one. Then only had he an enemy when the private individual was to be funk in the public office. When he prefided the decorum of the houfe outfhone that of the Britifh Houfe of Commons, even with Onflow at their head. When he propounded a queftion, his comprehenfion and perfpicuity brought it equally to the moft humble and the moft polifhed underftanding. To committees he nominated the members beft qualified. He ftated to the Houfe the contents of every
and fhewed himfelf to be a perfedl mafter of the fubjedl. When he pronounced the rules of order, he convinced the reludlant. When on a floor
Bancroft Tranfcripts
Library of Congrefs,
of a committee of the whole houfe, he opened the debate, he fubmitted refoIn the limited fphere lutions and enforced them wth fimplicity and might. of colonial politics, he
a column.
above the criticifm of his faults. which can be fcattered from the chair, operated as a delicious incenfe. When he was fufpe(5led of mifmanaging the treafur\', he could probably have but he met the charge with an fheltered himfelf by fome handy refolution his \-ery enemies to inveftigate appointed and air of magnanimity and defence, Exculpated by their report, he continued triumphant until his death it. imlocked the truth. Immediately on his deceafe a fufpicion ftalked abroad
Hence he was for a long time elevated The thoufand little flattering attentions,
and a
large deficit
was afcertained
in the treafury.
commif lioners, rather than a fingle Treafurer, was urged by feveral leading members; but the neceffarj" expence, and the confidence in M"' Nicholas, whom the Governor had appointed Treafurer He was allowed a commiffion on for the time, confirmed him in the poft. Randolph, Peytaii the Speaker, a falar}' of five and received; the monies M'' Robinfon's arrearage has been dihtmdred pounds fterling per annum. charged. The only apology which can be framed for the fupinenefs of the Legiflature in not more frequently and more minutely examining the TreafIn the Affembly a board of five
feeming captious jealoufy is painful. Addreffes to the heart are too apt to filence the admonitions of the imderftanding and patriotifm itfelf is fometimes checked by the generofity of abhorring the femblance of perfecution. The intermediate period between this time and the beginning of the year 1774 refembled that feafon between two old friends, when the language begins to be embittered, and the heart is gnawed a rupture is dreaded, but the caufe is not forgiven.
wr\', is
fovmded in
On May
was appointed by Governor Fauquier to fill the unexpired term. In connedlion with this appointment the Governor, writing to the Board of Trade on the date of the death of the Speaker, announced that His Majefty's Attorney General, M' Randolph and Richard Henry Lee were fpoken of for the Treafurerfhip. In this connedlion Governor Fauquier expreffes his preference for the Attorney General, and fuggefts George Wythe as M' Randolph's fucceffor
11, 1766.
It is
inform your Lordfhips that His Majefty's Service has received a fhock front the death of our late worthy Speaker. This event would have been a fenfible lofs at any time, but more particularly fo now, as I had promifed myfelf great affiftance from him in the next Sefficm of Affembly, to quiet the minds of the people and bring them to a fuft and proper fenfe of their duty. He was a man of integrity and ability, and one for whom I had long
with great concern I
offices, viz'.
firft is,
of all
in this Colony,
beft qualified to repair the lofs, as he poffeffes the good qualities of his late moft intimate friend, and has always been one of the foremoft to promote His Majefty's fervice in all the requifitions of the Crown, and has always ufed his endeavours to induce the Affembly to concur with me in all
meafures which were conducible to the honor and dignity of the Crown, and the peace and advantage of the Colony. On thefe accounts my wifhes for fuccefs attettd him. In cafe of a vacancy in the place of Attorney General I intend to nominate
M' Randolph
His Majefty
fhall be pleafed to
appoint another.
Bancroft Tranfcripts
This gentleman
has alfo
Library of Congrefs.
Government particularly fo in his opposition to the late hot and virulent Such men my Lords I am humbly refolutions which brought on the diffolution. of opinion merit the favorable eye of the Government, and I hope your Lordfhips will think it for the fervice of the Crown to let it be caft on them. I cannot my Lords deny this truth, that I have conceived a love and efteem. for thefe gentlemen, but if I know my own heart, it was at fir ft generated and has been fince nourifhed by my obferving their condud both in public and private life, which has been uniformly void of guile and fteady in the fupport of Government. By the Ad of Affembly which appoints a Treafurer, I am authorized in
cafe of death or refignation, with the advice of the Council, to appoint one to
officiate till the
eyes on
next meeting of the Affemply. I fhould mo ft certainly have caft Attorney General, but such an appointment would have vacated
Affembly and fo would have defeated his fchemes of being Speaker; any body of that houfe from that poft of honor, if the
Council fhould be of opinion with me, I fhall now be for keeping M' James Cocke, the late Treafurer' s Clerk in the office as principal, till the General Affembly fhall appoint another. He has tran faded the whole bufinefs of the
accompts in his cuftody, and perhaps it may be for the beft to let him keep all together, to deliver them to the Treafurer appointed by Ad of Affembly; rather than to have them pafs through an intermediate hand, as his reputation is fuch as to be
able to give
me any
I fhould be glad
if it
Colledor of the Cuftoms protempore, but he has not yet had the good fortune be confirmed by the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms.
Will your Lordfhips excufe for opening my bofom to you without the leaft If the Houfe of Burgeffes fhould on their meeting eled a Speaker who
has diftinguifhed himfelf in the fervice of the Crown it is my prefent intention, becaufe I think it for His Majefty's fervice, to pafs the Ad for making him Treafurer, {for they will certainly appoint their own Speaker). If on the
contrary they fhall eled
man who
obd'. obliged
Without waiting to receive a reply from the Board of Trade, concerning his fugGovernor Fauquier, under date of May 22'!, 1766, nominated Robert Carter Nicholas as Treafurer of the Colony of Virginia
William f burg,' 22 May, 1766. which conveys my letter of the 1 1 " inftant
inform you of an alteration juft made in the M' Nicholas a gentleman of an unexceptional charader affair of the Treafurer. who is of the Houfe of Burgeffes, has defired the Treafurer fhip, for which he is
Upon which
I withdrew
recommendation of
Cocke who
continued Clerk of the Treafury, and by the advice of the Council have nominated M' Nicholas to fucceed the late M' Robinfon till a Treafis to be
urer is appointed by
Ad of Affembly.
to be
Nicholas's friends
officers of
Your Lord-
be affured that I will with pleafure lay hold on this opportunity if poffible, to effed what has been recommended to me by your right honorable Board.
am my
and devoted
Bancroft Tranfcripts
Library of Congrefs.
xvi ]
ftrongly favored the feparation of the offices
The appointment
of Speaker
of Nicholas,
and Treafurer, at once produced lengthy arguments both for and againft the It was claimed that the new incimibent, not only fought the office with the plan. knowledge of the friendfhip exifting between the Governor and himfelf, but in order
to ingratiate himfelf in the public favor publifhed to the world the mifcondudt of his An article to this effedl, figned "PhilatUos" appeared in the Williamfburg predeceffor.
25*^ 1766,
a fedlion of which
herewith given:
Governour and Council might very probably procure him the office of Treafurer, for the time it was in their power to grant, offers his fervice, and according to expecmodeftly prefuming that his intereft in the Houfe of Burgeffes would not be fufficient both to continue him in that office and alfo to confer on him that of Speaker, wifely chofe to preach up the expediency of a feparation of thofe offices; and to ingratiate himfelf the more in the publick' s favour
tation readily obtains; but
this his
new acquired
by far the
mo ft lucrato
That he had
money belonging
Treafury, whereby there is too large a quantity kept in circulation and feems to alarm the publick even with a danger of the lofs of it. Which latter intimation
mu ft
Again in the defence of the Treafurer's good name "An Honeft Buckfkin," referring to the rele(5lion caft upon Robin fon, calls attention to the fadl that no derogatory ftatement fhould have been made prior to a duly recognized "inveftigation of the late This point was evidently well taken for no inveftigation of Treafurer's accounts." It is further claimed the Treafury was made until the November Seflion following. by the fame writer that no fraudulent adl had been committed, and that a charge of
memory from
by a difcovery that
Chriftianity to
difpofition charity,
much recommended by
although charity, or any fuch fpecies of benevolence, is certainly condemnable when extended out of any office of truft yet it muft be allowed that it is a virtue of
amiable dignity which will require the moft decent tendernefs in any repre.
henfion of it."
Robert Carter Nicholas, replying
of M'' Robinfon,
of doing other
if there
of the
loft to the
to the firft,
I declare iipon
honor, that I never had the leaft doubt of his intention to charge himfelf with every fhilling, which came to his hands, or for which he ought to have been accountable; and I cannot difcover the leaft hint, in what I wrote, to the contrary; I know I have always declared my opinion quite the reverfe, and it
has given
me pain
fecurities, I
to hear anything like a peculation fuggefted. As to the do not know even at this time who they are, and never had any doubt
Virginia Gazette,
xvii ]
do I know who are the debtors, except from what I may heard in converfation and a few circumftances which necefhave accidentally ." farily fell under my notice.
This admiffion was in reply to "Philautos," munication as follows
"The Speaker knew that the circulating cafh was deficient and that it was not in the power of the Affemhly to fatiffy the general want of the publick by a new emiffion of paper currency; (Parliament prohibited its continuance) he knew that the publick could fuftain no lofs, as his own eftates, &c. would be a fufficient indemnification, and that before the money advanced could be called for, it
would be replaced in
the Treafury.
In defence of his pofition, Robert Carter Nicholas, while poffeffing many friends, was unaffifted through the prefs during the Summer of 1766. On Odober ly"*, however, following, "A Freeholder" came to his affiftance by publifhinga lengthy article in the Virginia Gazette of that day. In this communication herewith given, it is alleged
that the Journals of the Houfe of Burgeffes for the November Seffion, 1753, would reveal the fadl that while 8,319 . 135. iid. was the amount of balance in the Treafury
was adlually no
geffes is not
fay that the late Speaker had a great influence in the Houfe of Buronly crime; I have alfo faid 'that ftifpicions have gone forth, for
the people, that
much of this influence was obtained by indireA your indignation, which, from the refped I owe you for your benevolent intentions to me, I muft endeavour to remove. By infpeding Burgeffes journals in the November Seffion of 1753, before the war, it will be found that the balance upon the publick account in the hands of the Treafurerwas?>,T,ig.iT,s.iid. Now, although this balance was due from the Treafthere was no fpecie in the Treafury; fo that the greateft part urer upon account, of the Book of Claims, and the expenfes of that feffion, which did not amount to two-thirds of that fum, remained unpaid, until money came in upon the feveral funds then arifing; and many of the creditors were forced to receive paper money which was emitted by a fubfequent Affembly and particularly appropriated to the ufe of the war, which was then commenced." "From this time a fufpicion prevailed that the publick money was mifapplied, and perhaps thofe fufpicions might be increafed by the condud of 'Lady Virginia for as that Lady flood very high in the opinion of moft men, her arguments must have made a deep impreffion on thofe to whom fhe communicated them to the Speaker's difadvantage However, let that be as it will, it is certain thefe fufpicions rofe to a great height in March 1765; and the holders of the Treafury notes, whofe currency determined at that time, were confirmed in them, when, upon applying at the Treafury for the redemption of thofe notes,
This hath
Gazette, the
to the
Treafury was found almoft totally deficient, and fcarce able to redeem a fingle note. Gentlemen fpoke with great freedom tipon this occafion; they cenfured the Speaker's condud; they cenfured the Houfe of Burgeffes; and gave it
Reference to the. Journal referred to under date of Monday December 17"" 1753, proves this ftatement to be in conflidl with the evidence therein given:
[ xviii ]
"M' Charles Carter reported, that the Committee appointed to examine under their the Treafurer's accoimts, had, according to Order, had the fame thereVouchers and Articles, feveral the all examined had Confideration and and that are truly ftated, Accoimts faid of, whereupon it appeared, that the amoimts Treaftiry, the Ballance of the publick Monies now in the Hands of the to the Sum of 8,319;^. 135. iid. Current Money."
the only alltafion to this report given in the Journal referred to, and proves conclufively that the conditions ftated by "A Freeholder" in his commimication were incorredl, and that he mtift have been in poffeffion of fome knowledge not contained in
fame writer to "Lady Virginia" is Gentleman moved "that a compoffibly an allufion to Richard Henry mittee be appointed to inqviire into the ftate of the Treafiuy," and it was his refolution that brought to Hght the difclofure made in March 1765. Another important queftion which conftituted an iffue between the two factions
the report alluded
toby him.
reference of the
in the
was that of committees appointed for the burning of Treafury This action refulted from an adl' of March 1760, which was repeatedly oppofed notes. upon the floor of the Houfe by friends of the Treafurer who confidered it a refledtion upon his charadler. Referring to this queftion which was advanced by "PhilaiUos" in his commtiniHoufe
of Burgeffes,
cation of July 2^^, 1766," Robert Carter Nicholas replies under date of Septetnber
burning committee was propofed, I was prefent; the mosiidden and unexpeded, and therefore I had not fufficient time to tion to cottfider it; the late Gentleman reprefented it as a refiedion upon his charader; I had fo high an opinion of his good condiid and fo little doubt of his comply"...
When me was
the fir ft
to the
the motion, and am willing to fuppofe, if the Gentleman will permit me, that a majority was influenced by the fame motives. I was not fo curious as to obferve the particular tnembers who voted pro or con, and did not recoiled which fide of the
was favoured with the Gentleman's voice, until he informed me by his letter; I ought indeed, had I known his capacity for fearching into the moft remote and hidden powers of a poffibility' to have fuppofed that we were oppofites;
fince he has favoured us with this piece of intelligence, though I may not be able to 'point out the influence that governed my friend,' yet I muft take the liberty
emiffion of the Treafury notes was propofed, tnany Gentlemen were alarmed, the expedient being quite new in this country; we were
then told that the taxes would every year bring a certain proportion of this
into the Treafury, where
it would fink of courfe; upon which principle the laws were formed, by which the Treafurer was expreffly forbid applying the taxes to any other purpofe than the redemption of the Treafury notes; the defign of propofing a committee to burn the money, as was fully explained at a fubfequent feffion, when the ad paffed for deftroying all the notes redeemable in 1765, was
Treafury either by fire, or othent'ife, and to fatiffy the publick that the notes were adually burnt according to the firft defign. ."
to the
to the effed; that
Another and exceedingly important point of view concerning Robin fon' s motive is he attempted to inftitute a loan office. So far as the records of the time fhow there is little evidence that identifies Robinfon with this move, though an attempt was made on Friday, May 24*'' 1765, to borrow 240,000;^. fterling. The Journal record in this matter fets forth clearly the purpofe of the Colony to borrow
Hening, VII,
p. 353.
Virginia Gazette.
This money was to be tifed in redeeming all;/^ fterling on Bills of Exchange. paper money then in circulation, which was to be burned and the new feries floated. The Refolution alfo provided that "i40,ooo; fterling be imported in fpecie, or drawn by Bills of Exchange, to be fold for fpecie (as fhall be found moft convenient) and depofited as a ftock whereon to circulate bank notes." It Ukewife provided for a reduAion of the principal at the end of four years, a fecond reduction after nine years, and annual reductions thereafter until the whole loan had been paid
whole Houfe had, according to Order, taken into their confideration the State of the Colony, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then deUvered them in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to as follows Refolved, That in Order to caU in the Paper Money, and subftitute another circulating Cafh in this Colony, Propofals be made to the Merchants or others in Great Britain for borrowing of them the Sum of 240,000 pounds fterHng, at an Intereft of five Cent per Annum. Refolved, That in Order to pay the annual Intereft, and fink the Principal in Proportions of not lefs than 20,000 poimds fterHng, a tax or duty of ten Shillings SterHng per Hogfhead to be laid on all tobacco exported from Odober i'* 1766, to Odober i'' 1775 and a Tax or Duty of fix Shillings Sterling per Hogfhead on all tobacco exported from Odober i '' 1 77 5 to Odober i'' 1795, to be colle(5ted by the Naval Officers here and remitted to Truftees to be chofen in Great Britain, to anfwer fuch payments, this Fimd to be mortgaged to the Lenders, and the pubHck Faith engaged to make good any
may happen herein. That the faid Tax or Duty to be redeemable by the payment of other money remitted to and paid in Great Britain, which may arife from the receipt of Intereft annually, and proportions of Principal of Money to be
Deficiencies that Refolved, lent in this Colony, as hereafter dire(5ted.
Refolved, That for 100,000 potmds fterling of the Money fo to be borrowed Bills of Exhange be drawn in fuch Mode as fhall be agreed on between the Colony and the Lenders, and therewith all the Paper Money be redeemed and burnt. Refolved, That the remaining 140,000 povmds Sterling be imported in Specie, or drawn by Bills of Exchange, to be fold for Specie (as fhall be foimd moft convenient) and defpofited as a Stock whereon to circulate Bank Notes, to be lent out on permanent Security, at an Intereft of five per Centum, to be paid yearly, a Proportion of the Principal at the end of fotir Years, another Proportion at the end of five Years, and afterwards by equal payments once in four Years, until the whole be repaid. Refolved, That the Tax on Tobacco being the only Security on which the Money can be raifed, as is fuppofed, the fame is adopted; but being partial and unjuft, in Refpedt to the People here, in order to repay fo much thereof as exceeds the prefent Tax on that Commodity, to the Makers, a Tax of three ShiUings per Poll annually to be laid from April 1767 to April 1769, inclufive: and aKo a Tax of three Shillings and Sixpence per Poll annually, from April 1770 to April 1775 inclufive, and applied to the Purpofe of fuch Payment; from which time the Tobacco Tax will be reduced to three Shills Sterling per Hogfhead, inftead of three Shillings current Money, to the Year 1779, when the Money borrowed in Great Britain, and Intereft, will be paid off,
and the Tax to ceafe. Refolved, That on the Commencement of thefe Taxes, the prefent fubfifting Taxes on the Poll, Land and Tobacco, and the Infpeftion Duty of three Shillings current Money per Hogfhead on Tobacco, fhall be dif continued.
That M' Attorney do go up to the Council to acquaint them that this Houfe have come to the foregoing Refolutions, to which they defire their Concurrence and further that they defire a Conference with them on the Subject Matter of the faid Refolutions, and will appoint a certain Nirmber of their Members to meet fuch as fhall be appointed by the Coimcil for that
jamin Harrifon,
W Burwell,
M'' Attorney,
General reported that the refolutions could not be agreed upon. This ended the queftion for that feffion, though the plan was re-enadled and fet forth in detail on the ii*
This attempt to
of 1765
identically the
a loan on the fame bafis as that condemned fate; the Burgeffes having agreed upon
yet were unable to convince the Council of its merits. Concerning the attempt of 1765, William Wirt Henry in his "Life of Patrick Henry" ftates that "M'' Henry had not been in his feat three days before he was called to his
by a proportion that the Colony borrow 240,000 pounds Sterling, to be fecured and met by a tax on tobacco, of which 100,000 pounds fterling was to be ufed to redeem the current paper money iffued to meet the expenfes of the late war, and 140,000 pounds This authority quotes Thomas Jefferfon,* fterling in loans on permanent fecurity." who, he ftates, heard the debate on the fubjedt:
"The gentlemen
of this
become deeply
involved in that ftate of indebtment which has fmce ended in fo general a M'' Robinfon, the Speaker, was aKo the Treafurer, an crufh of their fortimes.
always chofen by the Affembly. He was an excellent man, liberal, He had been drawn in to lend, on his own account, great friendly and rich. fums of money to perfons of this defcription and efpecially thofe who were He ufed freely for this purpofe the public money, confiding of the affembly. for its replacement in his own means, and the fecurities he had taken on thofe loans. About this time, however, he became fenfible that his deficit to the public was become fo enormous, as that a difcovery mtift foon take
had no fufpicion
devifed, therefore,
with his friends in the affembly, a plan for a public loan office, to a certain amount, from which money might be lent on public account, and on good
landed fecurity, to individuals.
advantages detailed, and the plan explained. It feems to have been done by a borrowing member, from the feeUng with which the motives are expreffed, and to have been preparatory to the intended motion. The motion for a loan office was accordingly brought forward in the Houfe of Burgeffes, and had it fucceeded, the debts due to Robinfon on thefe loans would have been tranfferred to the public, and his deficit thus completely covered. This ftate of things, however, was not yet known but M'' Henry attacked the scheme on other general grounds, in that ftyle of bold, grand and overwhelming eloquence, for which he became fo juftly celebrated afterward. I had been intimate with him from the year 1759-60, and felt an intereft in what concerned him and I can never forget a particular exclamation of his in the debate, which eledtrified his hearers. It had been urged, that, from certain unhappy cricumftances of the colony, men of fub1765, this propofition for a loan office prefented, its
ftantial property
them and
their families,
had contracted debts, which, if exadted fuddenly, muft but with a little indulgence of time, might be 'What sir,' exclaimed M' Henry, in animadverting on this,
p. 76.
ix, p. 339.
'is it
propofed, then,
extravagance by
indelibly impreffed
fpirit of favoritifm,
on my memory. on which the propofition was fotmded, and the abiafes to which it would lead, that it was crufhed in its birth. He carried with him all the members of the upper coimties, and left a minority compofed merely
of the ariftocracy of
with money?' Thefe expreffions are He laid open with fo much energy the
the country.
and M'' Robinfon dying a year afterward, his deficit was brought to and difcovered the true objedl of the propofition."
was defeated in the The Journal of May 24* 1765, ftates that it was refolved to borrow 240,000 pounds fterling at an intereft of five per cent, per annum; it further ftates that the Attorney General was dired;ed to acquaint the Council with the adlions of the Hotife in regard to the matter and defire their concurrence. That the Cotmcil did not concur in this refolution is feen by the report made by the Attorney General on May 28"" following to the effedl that the Managers for the Houfe and Council had met in the Conference Chamber and that they could not give their affent
Jeff erfon' s ftatement that the propofition
This interefting fubjedl in connedlion with Robinfon's irregularities feems to have been an after-thought, fince neither the friends not the foes of the Treafurer alluded
at the time the matter was tmder difcuffion. The Affembly meeting Thurfday, November 6'*'
made no
particularly to important
events which had occurred in Great Britain. On the following day, however, an order directing that a committee be appointed to examine into the ftate of the Treafury was
This committee was diredled to report in full on all matters appertaining to the Treafury, and M' Bland, M'' London Carter, M' Richard Henry Lee, M"' Archibald Fleming, Henry, M"' Blair, Carrington, M"' Wythe, M'' Tabb and Mr Cary, were or any five of them to conf titute a quorum Francis Lee
"Ordered, Nemine Contradicente, That a Committee be appointed to examine into the State of the Treafury. That they ftate an Account of the Treafury Notes which have been iffued for the publick Service fince the End of the Fourth Seffion of the General Affembly, held in the Year 1754, with the Amount of the notes which have been burnt, and thofe remaining in the Hands of the Treafurer That they ftate an Accotmt of the annual Produce of the feveral Taxes, Duties, and Impofitions, upon Lands, Tithables, WheelCarriages, Writs, Ordinary Licenfes, Liquor, Slaves, and Tobacco, which have been paid into the Treafury fince the End of the faid Seffion of the General Affembly and the Balances that appear to be due from the feveral Colledlors of the faid Taxes, Duties, and Impofitions and aKo that they ftate an Accoimt
; :
of the
Money paid
Affembly for their Salaries, from the Time aforefaid, diftinguifhing upon fuch Account the Nvunber of Days each Seffion continued; and that they report the fame to this Houfe." This committee, after thirty-feven days of confideration of the matter entrufted to them, reported on Friday, December 12*^ as follows: "M"" Bland from the Committee appointed to examine into the State of the Pulick Treafury, reported that they had had the fame under their confideration, and agreed upon a Report; which he read in his Place, and then delivered it in at the Table, where it was again twice read and agreed to
to begin
and profecute
Examination with
the utmoft Care and Diligence but being informed that the Reprefentatives in ftating of John Robiiifon, Efq'; late Treafurer of Virginia, were engaged his Accoiints from the Treaftiry Books and Papers, yovir Committee judged
moft prudent not to interrupt that neceffary Work, hoping that the faid Accounts, if properl}'- adjufted, would greatly facilitate their Inquiry. The Accounts being ftated in fuch Manner as the Adminiftrators thought a fubfequent Order referred to your fit, and laid before the Houfe, were by
Cotnmittee beg Leave to inform the Houfe that the late Treafurer's Accounts, fettled in the late Seffion of the late General Affembly, were brought down to the lo"" day of Odober, 1 764 but many Errors and Omiffions
having been difcovered in his Accoimt of the Land and Poll Tax, and the Tax on Wheel Carriages, his Adminiftrators very properly recurred back to the Month of April, in the Year 1755, the Time when the firft Taxes became payable, and from that Period proceeded to a ftate the Accoimts of his
Receipts and Difbvirfements to the 24*'' of May laft, when the prefent Treafurer came into Office. As to the other Taxes, the Account of them is
taken up from the late Settlement. Your Committee has with the utmoft Precifion they were able, examined the faid Accoimts, and compared them with the original Books and Vouchers in the Office, and humbly give it as their Opinion that the fame are juftly and fairly ftated, except a few fmall Errors, which will be rectified in their future Inquiry, when any other Miftakes remaining may alfo be difcovered
Money received of Wheel Carriages, the the Sheriffs for the Land and Poll Tax, Tax on Infpecftors of PubUck Warehoiofes for the 2 / Duty on Tobacco, the County Court Clerks for Writs and Ordinary Licenfes, and for the additional Duty on Slaves, 95,827.16. 5; on the Fimd appropriated for the Indian Trade,
to fay:
whole to ioi,']i6. 14. 7. There appears the following Balances due to the late Treafurer, on Account of Bills of Exchange, and publick Tobacco, 304. 12. 4; and for Notes bearing Intereft, ()6. 4. 9; amotmting in the Whole, to ;^955. 7. 2; which, being dedudled from the above Sum, leaves a Balance due to the Publick of ;^ioo,76i.7. 5. Your Committee begs I^eave further to reprefent to the Houfe that many Sheriffs, Infpedlors, and County Court Clerks, appears greatly in Arrear, fome of them not having rendered any Accounts for feveral Years, and others having made but partial Settlements; that from the Accounts returned to the Treafury there appears due at this Time from the Sheriffs and Infpedlors a confiderabe Sum, which your Committee is of Opinion ought to be recovered by the moft fpeedy and effeftual Methods. It likewife appears, by the faid Accounts, that the Country is charged with the late Treafurer's Commiffions on the Receipts of feveral Sums of Money arifing from each particular Fimd; but whether, imder the prefent Circumftances of the Affairs of the Treafury, this is jtift or reafonable, or whether the late Treafurer's Eftate ought to be accovmtable for any and what Intereft on the feveral Sums of Money mifappUed, or made Ufe of by him contrary to Law, is humbly fubmitted to the Confideration of the Houfe.
[ xxiii ]
by the Order of the Houfe This they conceive the moft likely Means been of corredting have every Error, doing would Juftice, and giving the defired Satiffadtion to the PubUck; but as the ftating thofe feveral Matters in a proper and diftindl Manner mtaft neceffarily require more Time than the advanced Seafon of the Year, and the approaching Adjournment, will admit of, they take the Liberty of recommending to the Houfe that your Committee be allowed to proceed on that Bulinefs during the
Recefs of the Affembly."
This report of the Committee was immediately followed by a memorial of the adminiftrators of John Rohin fan's will, afking that they be given three years to fettle
the eftate and deHver to
the Colony
was paffed which authorifed Peter Randolph, Edmund Pendleton, and Peter Lyons, My Robinfon's adminiftrators to fell "fuch parts of his real or perfonal eftate as to them fhall feem moft convenient for the payment of his debts." Proceeding imder this Adt the adminiftrators made fuch retiuns as were poffible at the time and continued to report at intervals tmtil 1770. The memorial in queftion was prefented to the Hoiife of Burgeffes by M'' Edmund Pendleton, and the Journal of December 12"^ ftates that it was "deUvered in at the table, where it was read, and is as follows:"
As the
That on examining the Books and Papers of the faid John Robinfon in have difcovered that the large Balance of 100,761. 7. 5., now ftated and foxmd due from him, as Treafurer of this Colony, for Taxes received by him, was re-emitted and lent out to fundry Perfons, from whom the fame is now due, as his outftanding Debts amount to the Sum of 105,000,
their hands, they
and be
That befides the faid outftanding Debts, the Eftate of which the faid John Robinfon died feized and poffeffed confifts of about 4000 Acres of Land, where he Hved, in the County of King and Queen, about 3200 Acres on Morocofick, in that County and Caroline, about 6500 Acres in the County of Spotfylvania, about 4250 Acres in the Coimty of Hanover, 1200 Acres in the County of King William, fome Houfes and Lots in the City of Williamfburg, and about 400 Acres of Land in the Cotmty of James City, all of which Lands may be reafonably eftimated at the Value of 11,000; befides which he is interefted one third Part in fome Lands and Slaves employed in working a Lead Mine in the Cotmty of Augufta, and the Whole of thofe Lands and Slaves are bound to reimburfe him the Sum of 8000, advanced for carrying on the faid Works and is aKo interefted in one Share in the Difmal Swamp, and fome Slaves employed in draining the fame; that he dies poffeffed of about 400 Slaves, and a conliderable perfonal Eftate. That the private Debts due from the faid John Robinfon, as far as the Memorialifts have hitherto been informed, amount to about 3500, and his Engagements, as Security for others, to about 20,000, of which they believe his Eftate muf t pay and fuf tain the Lofs of a conliderable Sum, which they cannot point out with Precilion, as it depends on unforefeen Events. From this View of the Eftate of the faid John Robinfon, and the feveral Bonds which have been laid before this Houfe, as given by him for the due and faithful Execution of his Office of Treafurer, in which good and fufficient Security appears to have been given, in Penalties to the Amotmt of 190,000, your Memorialifts prefume it will appear that the Publick have ftifficient Security ultimately to make good any Deficiency in the Treafury; and
Hening, Vol.
8, p.
and they beg leave to affure the Houfe that they will ufe their beft Endeavours to raife the Balance due to the Colony, with all imaginable But from the diftreffed Sitiiation of the Country, and the great Expedition
us, they are too apprehenfive they cannot efie<5l the Nature of the Cafe requires and that fhould they, in Order to that End, ufe rigorous Meafures to enforce hafty and precipitate Sales of
Scarcity of
Money among
fo foon as the
the Eftate of the Debtors, and alfo fell in that Manner the Eftate of the faid John Robin fm, they are humbly of Opinion that fuch Steps, at the fame Time that it muft involve many FamiHes in Ruin, would be fo far from
anfwering the
expe<Sled that
might not
That your Memorialifts hope they fhall be able, without introducing thofe Mifchiefs, to colledl and pay into the Treafur\^ annually, in each of the
three fucceeding Years one third Part of the faid Balance, fo as to effedt the Payment of the whole by Odober 1769, the Time appointed for the final
Redemption of the Treafury Notes, in Cafe the Hottfe fhall approve thereof, as the beft Means that can be adopted in this unluclcv' fituation of Things. Your Memorialifts further beg Leave to reprefent that the faid John
Robin fon in Order to fecure the Repayment of fundry Sums of Money by him lent, at fome Time really purchafed Lands and Slaves, and had Poffeffion thereof, and in other Inftances took abfolute Conveyances of Lands and Slaves, without any Claufe of Redemption, although the fame was intended only as Security, and the Donors remained in Poffeffion. That if, as is probable, it fhould be neceffary to fell any Part of the Eftate of the faid John Robin fon for Payment of thefe Debts, as the Son and Heir of the faid John Robinfon is an Infant, the Memorialifts will be obhged, in a regular Coixrfe of Adminiftration, to fell firft the perfonal Eftate, and then the Slaves; by which Means not only the whole Lands will be left a Burthen upon the Heir, but among them -will be included feveral detached Tradts, which ought to be confidered only as pledged for Money, though abfolutely conveyed as before mentioned, and fhould be turned into Money to pay the Debts. They therefore fubmit this their Memorial to the moft ferious Confideration of the Houfe, and humbly hope their Propofal will be accepted of, as to the Mode and Time of raifing the Balance due to the PubHck; and that an A&, may pafs to enable them to fell fuch Parts of the real and perfonal Eftate of the faid John Robinfon as to them fhall feem neceffary, and moft convenient for his Creditors and Family."
The Committee appointed to examine into the State of the Public Treafury, after reporting on December 12*^ the refult of their refearches, afked that they be permitted
to continue the inveftigation during the recefs of the Affembly.
Committee met from time to time during the Summer and Fall of 1766 and Spring following, and delivered their report on Thurfday, April g^^ 1767. In this report an account of the Treafury notes, which were iffued for public fervice fince 1754, are referred to, and it is ftated that 539,962. 105. was the amount of the output during that period. He ftirther ftates that over 396,000 had been burnt by the Committee appointed for that purpofe, and the notes foimd in the Treafury at the time amounted to 7. 043- 9 ^- ^ d. Additional errors were aKo noted as having been fotmd, which would make the amount due by the Treafurer to the Colony 102,572. 185. gd. This indebtednefs, the adminiftrators of John Robinfon's eftate, reduced 553. 75. ^d., leaving a balance due at the time the report was made of 102,019. 5-^- 7^The report of this committee, which is embodied in the records of the feffion of 1767, is herewith
from the Committee appointed to examine into the State of the publick Treafury, reported, that they had had the fame under their further Confideration, and had agreed upon the following Report which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read,
"M'' Bland,
and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Your Committee, in Obedience to the Order of the Houfe, have ftated an Accoimt of the Treafury Notes, which have been iffued for the public
Service, fince the End of the fourth Seflion of the General Affembly held in the Year 1754, with the Amount of the notes which have been burnt, and thofe remaining in the Hands of the Treafurer, whereby it appears that the
of ;^ 539,962.10 hath been iffued in Treafury Notes, fince their firft Emiffion, for public Services: That Notes to the Amoimt ot 326,191. 18. 2
have been biimt by the Committees appointed by Adts of Affembly for the Purpofe: That the Notes found in the Treafury, being carefully examined and counted by your Committee amotmted to 7,043. 9. 8, of which they have burnt and deftroyed 2,225. 3. being old Notes, whofe Circulation is That there now remains a Balance of 4,818. 6. 8 in the Hands determined Treaftu-er, to be appUed towards the Redemption of the Old Notes of the now in Circulation; fo that the Notes now in Circulation amount to
206, 727.
to examine into the Errors and Mifin the late Treafurer's committed Accoimts, as mentioned in their takes former Report, and have ftated an Account thereof, by which a further Balance of;!i,8ii. i. 4 appears to be due, which added to the Balance of the former Account, would make the Debt at this Time due to the Public, from the Eftate of John Robin fon, Eiq'; 102,572. 18.9; but his Adminiftrators having paid into the Treafury, fince the Settlement of the former Accoimt, 553- 7- 4. there remains now a Balance of 102, 019. 5. 7 due to the Public, from the faid Eftate. Your Committee beg Leave to inform the Houfe, that the Difference between the former and prefent Balance, as ftated in the faid Accotmts, chiefly arifes from fimdry Sums of Money paid to the late Treafurer by the public Colledlors, and not credited, for which Receipts have been produced: And as many other Miftakes of this Sort may hereafter be difcovered, your Committee cannot determine what the exadl Balance, due from the late Treafurer,
April ii"" 1767 the Affembly paffed "An Adl to empower the adminiftrators of the eftate of John Robinfon, Efquire, deceafed, to fell fuch parts of his real
fhall feem moft convenient for the payment of his debts." during his life-time he poffeffed fimdry flaves and confiderable perfonal eftate, but that at the time of his death was greatly indebted to the Colony. The adt further ftipulates that Peter Randolph, Edmund Pendleton, and Peter
On Saturday,
or perfonal eftates as to
In this adl
it is
Lyons, adminiftrators of his eftate, were authorized to fell and difpofe of fuch of the were confidered neceffary to meet the indebtednefs to the Colony. This carried into efie(5t in part only as fubfequent adls indicate. law was
faid lands as
As late as 1769 we find that Edmund Pendleton and Peter Lyons advertifed in the Williamfburg Gazette, that certain holdings of the late Speaker in the County of Hanover, would be fold during January and February of the next year. The records of the Affembly on the queftion, however, are filent after 1770, though frequent allufions are found in other channels, indicating the eftate was ftill in an tmfettled ftate at the time of the breaking out of the Revolution. In all the arguments advanced concerning the
of the notes taken
fettlement of the Treafurer's affairs, no allufion feems to have been made to the Makers by Robinfon as fecurity for the paper currency re-emitted by him.
that fuch notes were found in the Treafiiry, having been placed there by Robinfoti as an evidence of debt. The only action the Affembly feems to have taken in the matter is indicated by the meet the various a(fls paffed by them, diredting that the Treafurer's eftate be fold to Reports, however, fhow
The indebtednefs, and that the dower of the widow of the late Treafurer be refpecfled. Treafthe of againft the eftate proceeding of Colony the unufual method followed by were urer in this matter, when the notes of all parties who were benefited by the loans
the indebtednefs, xmdoubtedly attracted attention at the Some Makers of this paper were no doubt proceeded against, but there is no time. evidence to warant the beUef that fuch notes were all fettled. An examination of the "Gazette" of 1766, reveals the fadt that an unufual amount of property was advertifed
sufficient to liquidate
but few of thefe notices indicate that the fale was ordered by the Adminiftrators of Robin fon' s will. Up to the time of the death of Treafurer Robinfon there was no penalty for mifThat the Affembly confidered his acftion a breach of application of Public Funds. truft, rather than any indictable offence, is evidenced by the law paffed in 1766, in which it is nominated that any Treaf\irer who "fhall divert or mifapply any part of the money paid into the Treafury for the public xife, contrary to the diredlions of the Adls of Affembly by which the fame is raifed; then the faid Treafurer, for fuch offence, fhall forfeit his office, and be incapable of any office or any part of tnaft whatfoever."
for fale,
It further ftipulates that
any perfon
fo doing
liable to
be feen that the opinion of the time generally admitted and juftly It was did not confider the Treafurer an embezzler. fo, that his adlion was a breach of truft, but many condoned the offence upon the ground that the Colony was on the verge of financial ruin. This is one explanation of
twice the amount
by the records in the cafe. November s*** 1768, refulted in a lengthy difpute Stanwix, The treaty figned at Fort concerning the right of the Six Nations to certain lands now located in South-weft The trouble arofe from the fadt that the Cherokees ceded to Great Britain Virginia.
and as fuch
on Odoher 13"" 1768, certain lands "lying within the provinces of South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia," a fedtion of which was claimed by the Six United Nations. In a letter of John Stuart, Superintendent of Indian Affairs to John Blair, an account of this treaty which was figned at Hard Labour, South Carolina, is given. In this ftatement it will be feen that the South-weft boundary of Virginia fhould extend "from that point where the North Line of North Carolitm interfedls the Cherokee Hvmting Grounds, about thirty-fix miles Eaft of Long Ifland, in the Holfton River, thence extending in a diredl courfe North by Eaft to ChifwelVs Mine on the Eaft bank of the Kanhawa River, and thence down that ftream to its jundlion with the
Hard Labour ^
O^. 1768.
I have the honor of acquainting you that in obedience to His Majeftys commands, on the 13'* curr' I met at this place all the principal chiefs of the Upper
and Lower Cherokee Nations, arrd on the fourteenth, by his Majefty's Royal Authority concluded a Treaty with faid Indians, ratifying the ceffions of land lying within the Provinces of South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia by them to His Majefty and his heirs for ever; and confirming the boundary Line
con fin' d
by faid Treaty was as follows: From a place called Towahihie on the Northern Bank of Savannah River, a North 50 Degrees Eaft courfe in a Straight Line to a place called Dewiffes
Hening, VIII.
Ramfay's Annals
Tenn. p.
Cherokee Papers
corner or Yellow water, from Dewiffes Corner or Yellow water a North 50 Degrees Eaft Courfe in a Strait line to the Southern Bank of Reedy River at a place
called Wanghoe or Elm Tree, where the line behind S" Carolina terminates From, a place called Wanghoe Elm Tree on the Southern Bank of Reedy River a North Courfe in a ftrait line to a mountain called Tryon Mountain, where the great ridge of mountains becomes impervious. From Tryon Mountain
in a ftraight line to Chifwell's Mine on the Eaftern Bank of the Great Conhoway River about a N. B. E. courfe and from Colonel Chifwell's Mine on the Eaftern Bank of the Great Conhoway with the Ohio. As foon as poffible after my
return to Charles
fhall fend
you extrads
and an
above-mentioned Treaty, concluded with faid Chiefs. I acquainted the Chiefs that I expeded their Deputies would fet out immediately
of the
from this place with any Deputy to meet your Commiffioners at Colonel Chifwell's Mine, in order to finifh marking the Boundary Line as agreed upon; but they objeded and defired that fervice might be deferred till the fpring of next year; the That when they appointed the reafons they urged for this delay are as folloes; lo"" day of November for the time of meeting your commiffioners to proceed upon that very important fervice, they under ftood that they had no more to mark than from the mountains, where the line behind North Carolina ends, to Chifwell's Mine on the Conhoway, as they confidered the river from thence to its confluence with the Ohio as a natural Boundary; but as the line is to run in a ftrait courfe almoft due North from the Mine to the mouth of the River, the advanced feafon of the year will render that fervice impradicable before the Spring, as the Line now ultimately agreed upon runs through a large extent of mountainous country uninhabited, where in the winter the cold will be extremely intenfe and there will be no fhelter for man or food for horfes at that feafon. Thefe reafons appeared to me fo good and juft that I was obliged to acquiefce in
them, and I fend this letter by exprefs to prevent as much as poffible any difappointment that might refult from this alteration. I hope you will receive it in time to prevent your Commiffioners fetting out. The Chiefs have appointed
next for meeting your commiffioners at Chifwell's Mine, which I hope will prove agreeable and their reafons for altering their time fatiffadory
the lo"" of
I reproached the Cherokees feverely with the murther of five emigrants to you. from your Province, who were going to the Miffiffippi, which was committed in They confeffed it, and faid the perpetrators were a party of funimer laft. Chilhowie people, who urged in their own defenfe that their relations had been killed in Auguita County in your Provinfe in 1765, for which they had never received any fatiffadion, although repeated promifes had been made, either of
putting the guilty perfons
your province; which they believed they neverthelefs were diffapointed and being tired with the waiting took that fatiffadion which they cou'd not obtain from our juftices. All the warriors declared that they difapproved of the adion, but that the Chilhowie people were authorized by the cuftom of their country to ad as they did, and their plea of never having
any fatiffadion was undeniable, that in any other inftance nothing shou'd prevent their executing ftrid juftice on offenders according to Treaties.
fervice to be obliged to fail in
The compenfation
of 500
the faith of
Indian dreffed Deer fkins value in goods for every per fan murdered, which Governor Fauquier's feparated letters I engaged they fhould receive
with the
fum expended by
fimilar occafion:
and I muft confefs that this difappointment extremely cautious in making promifes on any future occafion.
will render
/ am to meet the chiefs of the Upper attd Lower Creek Nations at Silver BluflE River on the i" November to ratify the ceffwns to His Majefty Savannah oti and Georgia, and exped to be at Charles Town hy the Floridas and the two
Your mo ft
P. S.
I have agreed to
the bearer
Samuel Stainacre 22
This treaty being clofely followed by that of Fort Stanwix on November t,^ 1768, gave immediate rife as to the ownerfhip of a fedlion of the land acqmred by Virginia from the Cherokees. The Six Nations maintained that it was theirs by the right of conqueft, and that a few years before they fent a deputation into the Clierokee County informing them of their claim. This deed which bears the date of November s'** 1768,
ftates that the territory of Six Nations extended South to the Cherokee River and that It the faid Indians had imdoubted right "to the cotmtr>' as far South as that point." Virginia, alfo within but a vaft territory further conveyed not only the lands lying
which extended from the River Ohio as far Eaft as the Delaware River
"^^E the
Sachems and Chiefs of the Six United Nations and of the Shawanefe, Delawares, Mingoes, of Ohio, and other dependent Tribes on behalf of ourfelves and the reft of our feveral Nations, the Chiefs and Warriors of whom are now here convened by Sir William Johnfon Baronet his Majefty 's Superintendent Whereas, his Majefty was graciouQy pleafed to of otir affairs fend greeting. propofe to us in the year 1765 that a boimdary line fhould be fixed between the Englifh and us, to afcertain and eftablifh our limits, and prevent thofe intrufions and encroachments of which we had fo long and loudly complained, and to put a ftop to the many fraudulent advantages which had been 0 often taken of us in land affairs, which boundary appearing to us as a wife and good meafure we did then agree to a part of a Line and promifed to fettle the whole finally, whenfoever Sir William Johnfon fhould be fully empowered to treat with us for that purpofe. And whereas, his faid Majefty has at length given Sir William Johnfon orders, Sir William Johnfon has convened the Chiefs and Warriors of our refpedlive nations, who are the true and abfolute proprietors of the lands in queftion, and who are here now to a ver}^ confiderable number, and whereas, many tmeafineffes and doubts have arifen amongft us, which have given rife to an apprehenfion that the Line may not be ftridll}' obferved on the part of the Englifh, in which cafe matters may be worfe than before, which apprehenfion together with the dependant ftate of fome of our tribes and other circumftances, which retarded the fettlement and became the fubjecft of fome debate. Sir William Johnfon has at length fo far fatiffied us upon, as to induce us to come to an agreement concerning the Line, which is now brought to conclufion, the whole being fully explained to us in a large affembly of otu- people before Sir William Johnfon and in the prefence of his Excellency the Governor of New Jerfey, the Commiffioners for the provinces of Virginia and Pennfylvania, and fundry other gentlemen, by which line 0
agreed upon, a confiderable tradt of countrs'- along feveral provinces is by us ceded to His faid Majefty, which we are induced to and do hereby ratify and confirm to His faid Majefty from the expedlation and confidence we place
requefts as the
that he will graciouQy comply with] our humble expreffed in a Speech of the feveral nations addreffed
on Tuefday the
of the
p. 276.
Cherokee Papers
month of November, wherein we have declared our expectations of the continuance of his Majefty's favor, and our defire that our ancient engagements be obferved and our affairs attended to, by the officer who has the management thereof, enabling him to difcharge all thefe matters properly for
as well as
be now under, may be profecuted and our prefent grants deemed valid on our parts with the feveral other humble requefts contained in our faid fpeech. And whereas, at the fettling of the faid line it appeared that the Line defcribed by his Majefty's order was not extended to the Northward of Ofwegy, or the Southward of Great Kanhawa River, we have agreed to and continued the line to the Northward, on a fuppofition that it was omitted by reafon of our not having come to any determination concerning its courfe at the Congrefs held in 1765 and in as much as the line to the Northward became the moft neceffary of any for preventing encroachments at our very towns and relidences, and we have given this line more favorably to Pennfylvania for the reafons and confiderations mentioned in the Treaty. We have likewife continued it South to Cherokee River, becaufe the fame is and we do declare it to be our true botmds with the Southern Indians, and that we have an undoubted right to the country as far South as that River; which makes our ceffion to his Majefty much more advantageous than that propofed. Now therefore know ye that we the Sachems and Chiefs afore-mentioned, native Indians and Proprietors of the Lands hereinafter defcribed, for and in behalf of ourfelves and the whole of our confederacy for the confideration herein before mentioned, and aKo for and in confideration of a valuable prefent of the feveral articles in ufe and among Indians, which together with a large fum of money amount in the whole to the fum of Ten thoufand four hundred and fixty potmds feven fhillings and three pence fterling to us now delivered and paid by Sir William Johnfon Baronet His Majefty's fole agent and Superintendent of Indian affairs for the Northern Department of America in the name and on behalf of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, the receipts whereof we do hereby acknowledge, we the faid Indians have for us oiu- heirs and fucceffors granted bargained fold releafed and confirmed and by thefe prefents do grant bargain fell releafe and confirm into our faid fovereign Lord King George the Third at that Tradl of land fituate in North America at the Back of the Britifh Settlements, botmded by a line which we have now agreed upon, and do hereby eftablifh as the bovmdary between us and the Britifh colonies in America Beginning at the mouth of the Cherokee or Hogohee River where it emptys into the River Ohio and nmning from thence upward along the South fide of the faid River to Kittanning which is above Fort Pitt, from thence by a diredl line to the neareft fork of the Weft Branch of Sufquehannah, thence thro' the Alleghany Mountains along the South fide of the faid Weft Branch till it comes oppofite to the Mouth of a Creek call'd Tiadgton, thence acrofs the Weft Branch and along the South Side of that Creek and along the North Side of Burnetts Hills to a creek called Awandre, thence down the fame to the Eaft Branch of Sufquehannah, and acrofs the fame, and up to the Eaftfide of that River to Ofwegy from thence Eaft to Delaware River, and up that River to oppofite where Tianadhera falls into Sufquehannah, thence to Tianaderha and up the
That the lands occupied by the Mohawks around their villages, by any other Nation effedled by this our ceffion, may effedlually them and to their pofterity, and that any engagements regarding
Weft fide thereof, and the Weft fide of its Weft Branch to the head thereof, and thence by a diredt line to Canada Creek where it emptys into the Wood Creek at the Weft end of the carrying place beyond Fort Stanwix, and extended Eaftward from every part of the faid line as far as the lands formally
purchafed, fo as to comprehend the whole of the lands between the faid Line and the purchafe lands or Settlements, except what is within the province of Peitnfylvania, together with the hereditaments and appurtances to the fame belonging or appurtaining, in the fulleft and moft ample manner, and all the
Eftate, Right, Title, Intereft, Property, Poffeffion, Benefit, Claim, and Demand, either in Law or Eqmty of each and ever>' of us, in or to the fame in any part
To have and
bargained, fold, releafed, and confirmed as aforefaid with the herediments and appurtenances thereunto belonging \mder the referv'ations made in the Treaty, tmto our faid Sovereign, Lord King George the Third his heirs and fucceffors,
In witnefs to and for his and their own proper ufe and behoof for ever. whereof we the Chiefs of the Confederacy have hereunto fet our Marks and Seals at Fort Stanunx the 5"" day of November 1768 in the ninth year of his
Majefty's Reign.
Signed, fealed
and delivered
in prefence of
William Franklin,
N. Jerfey
N. Jerfey
Virginia Blunt or
James Tilghman
at the Fort
1768, fet Stanwix treaty, writing to Governor Botetourt under date of December In this letter it is ftated that the time forth in detail an account of their journey. appointed for holding a congrefs of the Cherokees being fo near at hand, it was determined that one of the Commiffioners fhould proceed at once to Chifwell's Mines, and the other continue his journey to Fort Stanwix. This was done as the records indicate; Walker being the only Commiffioner attending the Fort Stanwix meeting
Williamfburg,' Dec.
Right Honourable Sir:
Commiffions and InftriiAions by us received from the Hon'''' we begin our Journey to Shamokin on John Efq" 16'* there and found that there was no provifion When we got day of July. the making for a Congrefs with the Ind' and that no perfon in that part of Pennfylvania had heard that any fuch thing was intended, we fent an exprefs to Sir William Johnfon His Maj'"' Superintendent of Indian affairs in the Northern Departm' and continued on the frontiers of Pennfylvania in fufpence until the iS"" of Auguft in the evening, when we received a letter from M' Alexander M*Kee one of Sir W" Johnfon's Deputy's informing us that a Congrefs was to be opened at Fort Stanwix on the i" of September, and that we muft repair to Johnfon Hall, where we fhould receive further information, which we did with On our getting to Johnfon Hall which was on the ij"" of all poffible difpatch. Auguft, Sir William told us, that the Indians would be affembled by the 20'* of September, whereupon we waited at a dirty Tavern near the Hall till the 14** from thence proceeded to Fort Stanwix where we arrived on the 17"' and waited for the Indians till the 12"" of Ocfbober. The time appointed for holding a Congrefs with the Cherokees being then fo near as the 25'* of Odl'' and the di fiance from Fort Stanwix about nine hundred miles, it was thought expedient by Sir William Johnfon and both of us, that one of us fh^ continue at Fort Stanwix and the other
In obedience
Prefide^it of Virginia,
Bancroft Tranfcripts
Library of
attend at Chif well's mines; in confequence whereof one of us immediately fett off The Indians were not convened fo as to proceed to bufinefs until for that quarter.
Congrefs was opened, in which after and many difftcultys, the Six United Nations of Indians on the 5 " of Nov executed a Deed of Ceffion to His Maj'^ for a large Trad of Country lying weft of Virginia, Pennfylvania and N. York, the bounds of which will more fully appear by the map and Deed herewith delivered. Sir William Johnfon for the better fatiffadion of your ExceW^, was applied to for permiffion to take a copy of the Minutes during the Congrefs, which he refufed alleging that the Miniftry had ordered that no minutes taken by him. fhould be made public, until they had firft had copys, but that he would give us As we expeded fame of thofe certifyed copys of all that was needful for us.
the 22,"' of
24"" the
minutes might be abfolutely neceffary for explaining the execution of our office that Sir William might not have leifure to copy them, the perfon appointed to Ad as Clerk to us attended conftantly at the Council Houfe and while the
took minutes which are as near the truth as we could come. After the was nearly concluded, Sir William was applied to, for the copys promletter,
ifes or
and fatigued that neither could be had. On parting with him, he promifed to write and fend all fuch copys as he thought neceffary, and till he does that, we
can only give your Lord'' a copy of the proceedings procured as above mentioned. We are your Lord*"'' moft obedient and very humble fervents.
Governor Botetourt immediately iffued inftrudlions to Col. Lewis and D"' Walker, to proceed with all hafte to the Southern Diftridl, reprefenting to them the 'neceffity of a frefh plan of operation with refpedt to the botmdary to be fixed between the Cherokee Indians and His Majefty's Colony of Virginia." The duty of the Commiffioners, as outlined in the following feries of inftrudtions, was to convince M'' Stuart that the line from ChifwelVs Mines to the mouth of the Great Kanhaway, would contradl the limits of the Colony of Virginia, and be difcouraging to thofe who had fettled to the Weftward of the propofed boundary. It was further ftated that Virginia had not been confulted as to the line eftablifhed by the treaty ligned at Hard Larbour, and that Cherokees had no juft title to the tra(5t of "land lying between the fuppofed line and the mouth of the Cherokee River. Reference is alfo made to the Fort Stanwix, ceffion in which the Cherokees maintained that their line extended as far South as the Cherokee River
receipt of this report
' ' '
to the
reprefent to
to be
Majefty's Colony of Virginia; it has been thought proper that I fhould give fame orders and Inftrudions for the regulation of your condud in this important
much contrad
His Majefty's Service, as well as injurious to the people who had been encouraged to fettle to the weftward of this propofed Boundary. You will obferve to him that it appears from one Sir William Johnfon's letters to
laft, that
Cherokee Papers
to confult the
and it is no confultation with the Governor of this Colony hath been had upon this fubjed, not any opportunity alloiv'd to Virginia to fhew their ftrong objedions to this very limited Boundary. If Virginia had been confulted upon this Line there wou'd have been an opportunity of (hewing that the Chevokees have no ju ft title to the Lands between the fuppofed Line and the Mouth of the Cherokee River, which in fad were claimed and have been fold to His Majefty by the Northern Nations at the late Treaty at Fort Stanwix. You will obferve that what I and the
Council have chiefly in view from this Negotiation with
Governors upon fuch points as might ajfed their feveral Provinces, pre ftimable that M' Stuart's orders were agreeable to Sir William's, tho'
is, to get
period of meeting the Cherokees upon this bufinefs, ftill further protraded fo that we may have time fully to ftate this whole matter to His Majefty and His
Minifters, in order to get the
Boundary extended
it is
to the
Cherokee River.
money as William
to affift
Stuart that in confequence of the promife by this Government of 4500 lbs. of dreffed deer fkins in goods intended as compenfation for thofe Cherokees who loft their lives in Augufta County, thofs
are likewife to acquaint
off to
to be
held at Chifwell's
Cameron's propofal fignified to M' Prefident Blair in his letter of the g"" of June, and are to have the proper goods to that amount bought of the gentleman who has offered to deliver them- at Tequch, at an advance which M' Cameron thought reafonable.
you are
to accept of
are at the
fufficient quantity of
know you
you are going upon, will trouble you with no further Inftrudions, but I refer to your judgment and difcretion to do the beft as the occafion fhall offer. have not the leaft doubt but that you will give me the earlieft intelligence of your
fuccefs during the courfe of this very material tranfadion.
to be.
very obedient.
Humble Servant
The fame day in which the inftrudlions were iffued, Lord Botetourt wrote to John him that Commiffioners Lewis and Walker, had reported to him that a certain fedlion of the land acquired by the treaty of Hard Labour was owned by the Six Great Nations, and that the faid Commiffioners had been diredled to confer with him perfonally upon the fubjedl:
Stuart informing
Our commiffioners Colonel Lewis and D' Walker having informed me,
the line
you have marked out in your feveral letters as a boundary betwixt the Cherokees and Virginia will determine a large Trad of land to be their property, which Sir WilHam Johnfon has purchafed of the Northern Indians at the late Treaty at Fort Stanwix / have by advice of the Council direded thofe gentlemen perfonally to confer with you upon that fubjed, that you may if pofflble agree together upon a frefh plan which may fatiffy the Indians and obferve to this Colony the lands lately purchafed as well as thofe which were fettled before the late war in confequence of encouragement from His late Majefty. I am likewife to inform you that upon a report from Colonel Archibald Cary, that the goods
Indians are
much damaged,
it is
Library of Congrefs.
to defire
value of of dreff'd Deerfkins, to difpofe of them as you fhall think beft in behalf of this Colony as a fatiffadion for the lofs of their friends and to fay how and where yon will be paid.
you and
M' Cameron
to preferve,
but be that as
may, we
to be Sir,
Your very
C, under date of January ig"", 1769, boundary fixed by the treaty at Hard Labour, were communicated to Lieutenant-Governor Fauquier on various occafions during the years 1766 and 1767. He further ftates that Governor Fauquier refrained from giving him an explicit anfwer in the matter, but that he could fee from the nattu"e As a further evidence of of his replies that he was fomewhat averfe to the meafure. his honeft intentions in effe(fting the treaty, he ftates that no objedlions on the part of Virginia had been made, and calls attention to H ill fborough's letter of the 15"* of April which authorized him to ratify and confirm the botmdary as pointed out in the report of the Lords Commiffioners of Trade
Replying to this
John Stuart
On the ii"* current I was honored with your Excell'^'' letter by Col. Lewis and D' Walker, with whom I have fully conferred on your Lord'"' propofal of agreeing upon a frefh plan for a New Boundary line behind your Prov". In confequence of orders from His Maj'^, I entered upon a Negotiation with the Cherokee Indians in the year 1765 for afcertaining a Boundary line dividing what lands they propofed Ceding to His Maj'^ in the different provinces within this Diftrid, from what they referved for hunting ground; my ideas upon that
fubjed I fully communicated
letters of lo""
November and
1767, in
of the Meffages to me from the Cherokees, pointing out and the courfes of the propofed line, and defiring to be informed of his fentiments and how far the botmdary propofed by the Indians was agreeable to him and his Council, but that Gentleman, never favoured me with any explicit anfwer, but in general fignified an averfion to the meafure. It was my duty to reprefent to His Maj"^' Minifters the difcontent of the Indian Tribes on account of fettlements made on their lands without any ceffion being obtained from them, at the fame time I fubmitted the fteps I had taken and the expedations and propofals of the different Indians, and His Maj'^'' orders thereupon were fignified to the refpedive Governors by the Earl of Shelbume's circular letter, of the 13"* Sepf 1766, and by his Lord'''' letters to me of faid date, and the ii"" December 1768, / was direded to proceed to the afcertaining a Boundary line without lofs of Time in concert with the Gov"' of the different provinces; notwithftanding which the Province of Virginia never would cooperate with me; or fignify, whether or not they approved of the propofed Boundary line,
which difficulty I reprefented in different letters to his Maj'^'' Minifters. In April la ft, I received M' Prefident Blair's letter of the 12"" March, covering copies of a Report of the Lords of Trade concerning the boundary lines in both diftrids, and of the Earl of Shelbume's letter to M' Fauquier of 14"' Nov 1767
pointing out the courfe of the line and fignifying His Maj'^'' orders that
be compleated:
Bancroft Tranfcripts
Library of Cong^efs.
letters of
Blair of
to it
In July
15'* April,
Commiff'' of Trades Report of 7'* March, His Maj'"'' Commands to ratify and confirm the Boundary line as
covering the Lords
pointed out in faid Report, expreffed in the following words: viz' that the line and confirmed in every part, defcribed by the Board of Trade fhall be ratifyed
all fettle-
ments beyond faid line. As your Lord* has a copy of faid Report it is unneceffary of me to quote the line pointed out in it, it became my duty to pay implicit obedience to His Maj'^'' orders in ratifying and confirming the fame without variation, which I
accordingly did the 14'* of Odlober laft by a Solemn Treaty figned by all the Chiefs which I have now the honor of fending you. of the Cherokee Nation, a copy of
of the
Sept' laft I
entering into
Lands with
From what
refult either to the province of Virginia in particular, or to His Maj'^'' Service in general from the Boundary Line as ratified and confirmed by the inch fed Treaty,
muft be imputed
M' Fauquier's
and make
his objedions to
was no option
in me, or room for advice; where I have a difcretional power, I fhall always pay the greateft attention to any opinion or advice that I fhall be honoured with by
your Lord* and your Council, and I hope it appears, that in conduding the bufinefs of the Boundary line I was not deficient in that point with refped to
beg leave to affure your Lord*, that I fhall with great cheerfulnefs
New line when His Maj'^ fhall pleafe to fignify his meantime I fhall take the proper fteps to facilitate that bufinefs with the Indians, and am not without hopes of fuccefs. I fhall by the very firft opportunity fubmit the matter to the Earl of HilKborough and fhall think myfelf very happy if I can be inftrumental in getting fuch a line eftdblifhed as may fatiffy
refume a Negotiation for a
pleafure; in the
both parties.
your Lord* that Sir William Johnfon's having Northern Nations to extend to the mouth of the Cherokee
River and up
to its
and may
which Adminiftration feemed folicitous to obviate. I have already fubmitted to your Lord*, in my letter of y"" ulf my fentiments on the fubjed of the prefents intended by your province as a compenfation to the Cherokee, to which I muft beg leave to refer you. I have the honour of being
February 2"'', 1769, the final report concerning the territory in queftion was by Governor Botetourt from the Commiffioners, Col. Lewis and D"' Walker. In this report it is fet out that the Commiffioners had vifited Fort Johnfon on January 8^, and that Governor Tryon had requefted various huiian Chiefs to meet him at that
On the 13"' of the fame month, the Indians accepting invitation of Governor Tryon immediately affembled and difcuffed the queftion of the new boundary. They admitted that a nimiber of fettlers as the refult of the treaty, were now within the bounds
of their country,
and expreffed a
willingnefs to agree
The Commiffioners
would be to the interef ts of the crown and the inhabiboundary Hne with the Cherokee in 36 Degrees and 30 Minutes North Latitude, which boundary had already been marked by proper authority as far as Steep Rock Creek, a branch of the Cherokee River
miffioners further ftated that
Williamfburg,' Feb.
My Lord,
receiving your Excellency's
we began
Charles fifth day of January we waited on his Excellency William Tryon, Efq' at Brunfwick, by whom we were kindly received and promifed all of the affiftance in his power; on the next day we went to Fort Johnfon near the mouth of Cape Fear, on the 8"" Governor Tryon wrote us that fame Cherokee Indians were at Bnmfwick, Judds Friend and Salue or the young Warrior of Eftatoe were two of them, and that they would His Excellency was kind enough to come with that day be at Fort Johnfon. them. On their arrival we informed them that we were going to their father John Stuart Efq' on bufinefs relative to the intereft of their nation, and fhould On the 9'* the be glad of their Company, and they readily agreed to go with us. veffell we had engaged was ready to fail and we embarked with the two Cherokee On the eleventh we waited on M' Stuart, Chiefs, two Squas and an Interpreter. delivered'd your Lordfhip's letter and fully informed him of our bufinefs. In anfwer M' Stuart told us that the Boundary between the Cherokees and Virginia was fully fettled and ratified in Great Britain, and that any propofal of that kind would be very alarming to them; but after fome time agreed we might mention it to them; which we did on the thirteenth of January. The Indian Chiefs appeared much pleafed and agreed to wait on Af Stuart with us, and in his pre fence Judds Friend fpoke as follows: "Father, on an invitation from Governor Tryon we left our country fome time fince, as foon as he faw us he told us of thofe our two elder Brothers Col. Lewis and D' Walker from Virginia, who had matters of importance to mention to us that equally concerned our people as well as theirs. This news gave us great joy, and we loft no time in waiting on them and with great pleafure took a paffage with them in order to wait on you, on the bufinefs which fo much concern' d as well as their People, and to convince you that we liked their talk we now take them by the hand, giving them a hearty welcome and prefent them with
in South Carolina: on
this firing of
"Father, they
us that by
mentioned as a
of their people would our Country, which would greatly diftrefs thofe our far from our intention; and to convince you that we
be thought neceffary
moft expedient for fixing a new boundary that may include all thofe people fettled on our lands in the bounds of Virginia, and we now give them, in the prefence of you our Father a ftring of Wampum, as an affurance thofe people fhall remain
in peacable poffeffion of thofe lands until a boundary between them and our people."
Gives a ftring of
day of December laft being in Williamfburg we received inftrucLord Botetourt our Governor, a great and good man, whom the Great King George has fent to pre fide over his Colony of Virginia direding us
the 20'*
Indian Affairs, in
Cherokee Papers
a new Boundary between your people order to have a plan agreed on for fixing On our way to this place, Virginia. Colony the in of and his Majefty's Suhjeds
Friend and the Warrior of our great joy we met with our good Brother Judds with us from Governor Tryon's Eftatoe, who with great readinefs took a paffage happinefs of waiting on your father M' Stuart to this place, where we had the taking fuch meafures and with joint applicatimi reprefented to him the neceffity of might that arife between his mifunderftandings as may effedually prevent any Brothers the Cherokees, our and Majefty's fubjeds of the Colony of Virginia
new Boundary that may concerned, and that His Majefty's give equal juftice and fatiffadion to the parties Mines and the Great Ifland Chifwell's between lands fubjeds now fettled on the
until a full Treaty be opened
and held
Holfton River remain in peacable poffeffion of faid lands until a line is run between them and our good brothers the Cherokees who will receive full fatiffadion convey to our great King for the ufe of his for fuch lands as your brothers fhall to you on this head makes it needle fs Stuart's meffage Your Father M' fubjeds. let you at a proper time, know both will He for us to fay any more on the fubfed. We have into execution. the time and place where this great work fhall be brought
inform you that your two great Warriors now prefent, have heartily concurred with us in every meafure, and make no doubt of fuch meafures giving great fatiffadion to the whole Nation."
the pleafure to
Gave a
ftring of
Jany. In anfwer
have heard your Talks which we think very good and fhall with all to our Nation, and when our Chiefs are affembled fhall
fay that for fame time bad blood and evil adtions prevailed amongft us, which occafioned a ftroke from our elder Brothers but now I have the fatiffadion of telling you that our hearts are good and ftrait, "Brothers
we are
forry to have
it to
and you may depetid on their continuing fo, and that you may depend the more on what we fay, we take off thofe black beads from the end of this ftring that We now put the black beads nothing tnay remain but what is pure and white. in your hands, which we call the remains of our evil thoughts and defire you may now caft them away that they may never be had in remembrance more. "Brothers we fhall with great pleafure comply with the requeft that you have made with regard to the Lands you have mentioned and fhall wait with impatience for a general meeting, that we may have opportunity of convincing our elder Brothers of our friendly difpofition towards them by giving up thofe lands,
as they
it is
none as we never
do not live in them mountains, and you in the meantime may your people fhall enjoy peacable poffeffion until we make a title to
the Great
we hope
the tneafures
taken will be produdive of many culvanby living fo tnuch nearer to us will have
fupply us with goods, for we are often impofed on greatly as we have no trade at prefent, but from this Province, and we hope you our Brothers will fignify to your Governor, who we believe to be that great and good
in their power mention, our great defire to have a trade with Virginia
man you
Nations we
enjoy a friendly
we make no doubt of on the part of our intercourfe and an advantageous trade with our
Brothers the Inhabitants of Virginia. "Brothers, we have often joined you in war again ft your enemies and you
Gives a firing of Wampum. After we had given M' Stuart our reafons for thinking it abfolutely neceffary that a new boundary fhould be agreed on, he defired us to commit thofe reafons in writing and fign them which
we did in
His Excellency
the Right
ernor in Chief of the Colony of Virginia and the Kings Council of that Dominion having ordered us to wait on you and affift in fettling a Boundary between that
Cherokee Indians. We beg leave to inform you that the Line marked from Chifwell's Mines to the confluence of the Great Kanhawa with the Ohio, would be a great difadvantage to the Crown of Great Britain and would injure many fubjeds of Britain that now inhabit that part of the Frontier and have in making that fettlement comply'd with every known rule of Government and the Laws of that Colony. Lands were firft granted on the waters of the Miffiffippi by Sir William Gooch, Governor of Virgmia and the Council about the year 1766, in confequence of inftrudions from England, and many familys fettled on the lands fo granted. In the year 1752 the Legiflature of Virginia paffed an ad entitled "An Ad' to
Colony and
to be
encourage the
they were
exemped from
memory gave
his affent.
added, and in that or the fucceeding year Robert Dinwiddle Efq' Governor of Virginia at that time received inftrudions from King George the Second to grant
lands on thofe Waters exempt from the payment of the ufual right money, and
from Quit
thofe encouragements
whilft the
inhabitants were fettling on thofe lands, the Cherokee Indians were frequently at
their habitations,
and never
to the Lands we fettled, until November complaint of our fettling, 1763 after the King's proclamation iffued in that year. The Six United Nations did claim the lands that were fettled on the branches
of us ever heard
the leaft
were paid a proper confideration for them at Lancafter in 1744 when they executed a deed of Ceffion to his late
of the Rivers
above is fufficient to convince you of the juftice making fettlements. thofe and The Boundary line that has been propofed would include many of the
flatter ourfelves that the
legality of
inhabitants before mentioned within the limits of the Cherokee hunting grounds.
For all fuch lands and improvements the juftice of the Crown would be a fufficient inducement to make fome fatiffadion to the owners, which wonld be an expenfe to the Crown, and Injure the Inhabitants much, and totally ruin many of them; and the evil would be increafed by the lofs of the Quit rents annually paid for thofe lands, and would alfo give the Cherokees a large trad of Country that was
never claimed by them, and
property of the Crown, as Sir William Johnfon adually purchafed it of the Six United Nations of Indians, at a very confiderable expence and took a deed of Ceffion from them at Fort Stanwix near
is the
interefts of the
be moft ferved
by fixing the Boundary with the Cherokees in 3 Degrees 30 Minutes North Latitude, that Boundary being already marked by proper authority as far as Steep Rock
Creek, a branch of the Cherokee river
Granville's Propriatory
and is the proper divifion between Lord Dominion of Virginia, and includes but a fmall
they having often difclaimed the
xxxviii ]
lands lying between the Ohio and a Ridge of Mountains called Steep Ridge that divides the waters of Cumberland river from thofe of the Cherokee River.
This boundary will give room to extend our fettlements for ten or twelve years, will raife a confiderable futn by the rights, much increafe the Quit rents, and e}table the inhabitants of Virginia to live without manufacturing fuch
materials as they raife.
The firft feffion of 1769 opened with great promife, but after a fhort feffion of ten days was diffolved by Governor Fauquier. From the tenor of the Governor's addrefs at the opening of the feffion, and from the reply of the Burgeffes there was every inOn the firft day of dication of perfedl harmony, but this proved of fhort duration. nimiber of letters receipt of a Houfe of the acquainted the Speaker the meeting the
from the various Colonies concerning fundry adts of the Britifh Parliament. Thefe letters were ordered to he upon the table to be perufed by the various members of the Houfe, alfo fuch other communications as had been received by the Committee of correfpondence from 1761 to 1766. The prefence of this correfpondence rekindled the fpirit which aboimded in the Colony at the time of the Refolutions againft the Stamp, Adt, and created an unreft which became apparent in the paffage of a fet of Refolves on the 16"' of May, 1769. Maffachufetts had paffed on Dec. 30*'', 1767, a refolution in the form of an addrefs to the Miniftry and a petition to the King, which clearly prefented the rights of the William Wirt Henry fpeaking of this crifis ftates that the raifing of this quefColonies. tion was indeed a critical moment, and "had Maffachufetts been deferted, even the fteady hand of Samuel Adams might not have been able to keep her in her courfe, for a defertion by Virginia would have caufed moft certainly a defertion by the other ColA defertion onies, which looked for the adlion of Virginia with the greateft anxiety."
of Maffachufetts, therefore, meant much to the Colonies in general, and fince Virginia held the balance of power her adlion was of the higheft importance at that time. The Adls of Parliament not only upheld Great Britain's right to impofe taxes upon any
Colony, but they were alfo diredt attacks upon the jury fyftem and property rights. Recognizing this crifis the Burgeffes did not hefitate for a moment to voice the will of
the people, which they confidered not only a duty but a privilege.
the i6" of
"Refolved, Nemine Contradicente, That the fole right of impofing taxes on the inhabitants of his Majefty's Colony and Dominion of Virginia, is now, and ever hath been, legally and conftitutionally vefted in the Houfe of Burgeffes, lawfully convened according to the antient and eftablifhed Pradlice, with the Confent of the Coimcil, and of his Majefty's, the King of Great Britain, or his Governor for the Time being. Refolved, Nemine Contradicente, That it is the undoubted Privilege of the
Inhabitants of this Colony, to petition their Sovereign for Redrefs of Grievances and that it is lawful and expedient to procure the Concvurence of his Majefty's
other Colonies, in dutiful Addreffes, praying the Royal Interpofition in Favour of the violated Rights of America.
Refolved, Nemine Contradicente, That all Trials for Treafon, Mifprifion of Treafon, or for any Felony or Crime whatfoever, committed and done in this his Majefty's faid Colony and Dominion, by any Perfon or Perfons refiding
ought of Right to be had, and condu(5led in and before his Majefty's Courts, held within the faid Colony, according to the fixed and known Courfe of Proceeding and that the feizing any Perfon or Perfons refiding in this Colony, fufpedted of any Crime whatfoever, committed therein, and fending fuch Perfon or Perfons to Places beyond the Sea to be tried, is highly as thereby the ineftimable derogatory of the Rights of Britifh Subjects Privilege of being tried by a Jury from the Cicinage, as well as the Liberty of fummoning and producing Witneffes on fuch Trial, will be taken away from the Party accufed. Refolved, Nemine Contradicente, That an himible, dutiful, and loyal Addrefs, be prefented to his Majefty, to affure him of our inviolable Attachment to his facred Perfon and Government: and to befeech his Royal Interpol! tion, as the Father of all his People, however remote from the Seat of his Empire, to quiet the minds of his loyal Subjects of this Colony, and to avert from them thofe Dangers and Miferies which will enfue, from the feizing and carrying beyond Sea any Perfon refiding in America, fufpe<5ted of any Crime whatfoever, to be tried in any other Manner than by the antient and
; :
At the time
tranfmit copies to the various Colonies, and that the addrefs of the Lords and Commons This order was carried into effedl immeto the King be printed in the Virginia Gazette.
by the Committee of Correfpondence a Committee being appointed at the fame time to report upon the addrefs to the King. The Governor in the meantime having heard of the Refolves, affembled the Burgeffes on the following day in the Council Chamber, where he acquainted them of the difpleafure occafioned by their adt, and maintained that it was his duty to diffolve them. The Affembly was, therefore, accordingly diffolved at 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednefday 17'* of May 1769. "The late Reprefentatives of the people" then judging it neceffary that fome adlion fhould be taken to relieve their "diftreffed fituation, and for preferving the true and effential interefts of the Colony, refolved upon a meeting" and at once repaired to the houfe of M'' Anthony Hay, when it was propofed that fuch matters as demanded This body according to adjournment, met next day attention might be confidered. and continued its feffion. The minutes- of both meetings, not being included in the regular Joiunals of the Houfe of Burgeffes, were ordered by the Btu-geffes to be printed, including the Refolves adopted by them on the 18* inft.
Wednftsia?. t^e I7tb
12 o'clock his
the Attendance of the Houfe of Burgeffes in the Council Chamber, whereupon, in Obedience to his Lordfhip's Command, the Houfe, with their Speaker, immediately waited upon his Excellency, when
Meffenger, to
he thought
The late Reprefentatives of the People then judging it neceffary that fome Meafures fhould be taken in their diftreffed Situation, for preferving the true and effential Interefts of the Colony, refolved upon a Meeting for that very falutary Purpofe, and therefore, immediately, with the greateft Order and Decorum, repaired to the Houfe of M'' Anthony Hay in this City, where being affembled, it was firft propofed, for the more decent and regular
of fuch Matters as might be taken into Confideration, that a Moderator fhould be appointed, and, on the Queftion being put, Peyton Randolph, Efq late Speaker of the Houfe of Burgeffes, was imanimoufly
true State of the Colony being then opened and fully explained, and it being propofed that a regular Affociation fhould be formed, a Committee was appointed to prepare the neceffary and moft proper Regulations for that
the next
at lo o 'Clock.
farther Meeting, according to Adjournment, the Committee made their Report, which being read, feriouily confidered Yefterday, appointed and approved, was figned by a great Number of the principal Gentlemen of
At a
the Colony then prefent, and is as follows We his Majefty's moft dutiful Subjedls, the late Reprefentatives of
Colony of Virginia, avowing our inviolable and the to our moft gracious Sovereign, our Aflfedtion for Loyalty unfliaken Fidelity and all our Fellow SubjeAs of Great Britain pro tef ting againft every Adl or Thing, which may have the moft diftant Tendancy to interrupt, or in any wife difturb his Majefty's Peace, and the good Order of his Government in this Colony, which we are refolved, at the Rifque of our Lives and Fortune, to maintain and defend but at the fame Time, being deeply affedled with the Grievances and Diftreffes, with which his Majefty's American Subje(5ls are oppreffed, and dreading the Evils which threaten the ruin of ourfelves and our Profperity, by reducing us from a free and happy People to a wretched and miferable State of Slavery; and having taken into our moft ferious Confideration the prefent State of the Trade of this Colony, and of the American Commerce in general, obferx-e with Anxiety, that the Debt due to Great Britain for Goods imported from thence is very great, and that the Means of paying this Debt, in the prefent Situation of Affairs, are likely to become more and more precarious that the Difficulties, under which we now labour, are owing to the Reftric5lions, Prohibitions, and ill advifed Regulations in feveral late A(5ls of Parliament of Great Britain, in particular, that the late tmconftitutional Adt, impofmg Duties on Tea, Paper, Glafs, &c. for the fole Purpofe of railing a Revenue in America, is injurious to Property, and deftrucftive to Liberty, hath a neceffary Tendency to prevent the Payment of the Debt due from this Colony to Great Britain, and is, of Confequence, ruinous to Trade; that, notwithftanding the many eameft AppHcations already made, there is Httle Reafon to expecft a Redrefs of thofe Grievances Therefore, in Juftice to ourfelves and our Pofterity, as well as to the Traders of Crea^ ^n'totn concerned in the American Commerce, we, the Subfcribers, have volvmtarily and unanimoufly entered into the following Refolutions, in Hopes that our Example %vill induce the good People of this Colony to be frugal in the Ufe and Confvunption of Britifh Manufactures, and that the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great Britain may, from Motives of Intereft, Friendfhip and Juftice, be engaged to exert themfelves to obtain for us a Redrefs of thofe Grievances, under which the Trade and Inhabitants of America at prefent laboxy: We do therefore moft eameftly recommend this our Affociation to the ferious inhabitants of this Colony, in Hopes, that they will very readily and cordially accede thereto. Fir ft, It is UNANIMOUSLY agreed on and refolved this iS"- day of May, 1769, that the Subfcribers, as well by their own Example, as all other legal Ways and Means in their Power, will promote and encourage Induftry and Frugahty, and difcotu-age all Manner of Luxury and Extravagance.
of the
; ;
not at any Time hereafter, diredtly or indiany Manner of Goods, Merchandife, which are, or fhall thereafter be taxed by Adt of Parliament, or Manufactures, for the Purpofe of raifmg a Revenue in America (except Paper, not exceeding Eight Shillings Sterling per reem, and except fuch Articles only, as Orders have been already fent for) nor purchafe any fuch after the Firft Day of September next, or any Perfon whatfoever, but that they will always confider fuch Taxation, in every Refpedt, as an abfolute Prohibition, and in all future
That they
direcft their
as aforefaid, except as
above excepted.
Thirdly, That the fubfcribers will not hereafter, diredlly or indire(5lly, import or caufe to be imported from Great Britain or any part of Europe (except fuch Articles of the Produce of Manufacture of Ireland as may be immediately and legally brought from thence, and except alfo all fuch Goods as Orders have been already fent for) any of the Goods hereinafter enumerated, viz. Spirits, Wine, Cyder, Perry, Beer, Ale, Malt, Barley, Peafe, Beef, Pork, Fifh, Butter, Cheefe, Tallow Candles, Oil, Fruit, Sugar, Pickles, Confe(5lionary, Pewter, Hoes, Axes, Watches, Clocks, Tables, Chairs, Looking Glaffes, Carriages, Joiner's and Cabinet Work, all Sorts, Upholftery of all
and Jewelry, Plate and Gold, and Silverfmith's Work of all Ribbon and Millinery of all Sorts, Lace of all Sorts, India Goods of all Sorts, except Spices, Silks of all Sorts, except Sewing Silk, Cambrick, Lawn, Muflin, Gauze, except Boulting Cloths, Callico or Cotton Stuffs of more than Two Shillings per Yard, Linens of more than Ten Shillings per Yard, Woolens, Worfted Stuffs of all Sorts of more than One Shilling and Six Pence per Yard, Broad Cloths of all Kinds at more than Eight Shillings per Yard, Narrow Cloths of all Kinds at more than Three Shillings per Yard, Hats, Stockings (Plaid and Irifh Hofe excepted) Shoes and Boots, Saddles, and all Manufactures of Leather and Skins of all Kinds, until the late Adls of Parliament impofmg duties on Tea, Paper, Glafs, &c. for the Purpofe of Raifmg a Revenue in America are repealed, and that they will not, after the Firft of September next, purchafe any of the above enumerated Goods of any Perfon whatfoever, unlefs the above mentioned A<5ls of Parliament are
Sorts, Trinkets Sorts,
in all Orders, which any of the Subfcribers may hereafter fend to Great Britain, they fhall, and will exprefily diredt their Correfpondence not to fhip them any of the before enumerated Goods, until the before mentioned A(fts of Parliament are repealed and if any Goods are fhipped to them contrary to the Tenor of this Agreement, they will refufe to take the fame,
That they will not import any Slaves, or purchafe any imported, the Firft day of November next, until the faid Adts of Parliament are
Sixthly, That they will not import any wines of any Kind whatever, or purchafe the fame from any Perfon whatever, after the Firft Day of September next, except fuch Wines as are already ordered, xmtil the Adts of Parliament impofmg Duties thereon are repealed.
For the better Prefervation of the Breed of Sheep, That they any Lambs, that fhall be weaned before the Firft Day of May, in any Year, nor difpofe of fuch to any Butcher or other Perfon, whom they have reafon to expedt, intends to kill the fame. Eighthly, and Laftly, That thefe Refolves fhall be binding on all and each of the Subfcribers, who do hereby each and every Perfon for himfelf, upon his Word and Honour, agree that he will ftridlly and firmly adhere to
or fuffer to be killed,
t xlii ]
Agreement, from the Time of his figning and abide by every Article in this Continuance of the before mentioned Adts of the fame, for and during the the Subfcribers, after one Month's Parliament, or until a general Meeting of fecond Article of this Agreement the otherwife, public Notice, fhall determine Force and in full Power ftill and forever continuing
Peyton Randolph,
Robert Carter Nicholas,
Nathaniel Terry,
Thomas Whiting, Thomas Jefferfon, Thomas N elfon, Jun. James Walker, John Alexander, Champion Travis, John Wilfon, Augufta,
William Clayton,
Robert Munford, Mecklenburg,
Thomas Thomas
Lewis Burwell,
Thomas Johnfon,
John Lewis, Jun. William Roane, William Acrill,
Hartwell Cocke,
Foufhee Tebbs,
Edward Ofborne,
Francis Peyton,
Boiling Starke,
Robert Boiling,
Edwin Gray,
Robert Munford, Amelia,
Paul Carrington,
Thomas Walker,
William Cabell, Jun.
Ricliard Lee,
Thomas Barbour,
Charles Lynch,
Jofeph Hutchings,
James Hamilton,
David Meade, Southey Simpfon,
Philip Ludivell Grymes,
Charles Carter,
[ xiiii ]
BOTETOURT, and Profperity to VIRGINIA. Union between Great Britain and her Colonies. The conftitutional Britifh Liberty in America, and all true Patriots, the
His Excellency Lord
Supporters thereof.
In compliance with the foregoing Invitation, we do moft cordially accede and agree to the Affociation o laudably propofed and in Teftimony thereof
Day of
N. Ellzey
Tho. Gift
George Steadon
John Terry
Thos Bird Richard Melton Wm. Stanhope
Amos Davis
Samuel Tatem
R^ Milton
convened on Tuefday the 7* of November, it being the In his opening addrefs upon this occafion. Governor firft meeting of the new Affembly. Botetourt announced that the King had determined to reconfider the Boundary Line between Virginia and the Cherokees, which had been agreed upon by the Board of Trade. This decifion was contrary to the policy of Lord Hillfborough, Secretary of the Colonies, who had attempted to divert immigration and confine the fettlement The Governor aKo made known to the Affemof the Colony to the Tidewater fedlion. bly, the determination of the Home Government to refrain from laying taxes upon America, and that it was the purpofe of Parliament to annul all a(5ls that impofed a duty upon glafs, paper and colours. As the refult of thefe affurances a feeling of general fatiffadtion was created throughout the Colonies, and the Council in reply to the Governor's addrefs, advifed the repeal of all exifting Parliamentary taxes. Both branches of the Affembly approved the new policy, and expreffed the higheft regard for the Governor and an appreciation of the cordial relations thus re-eftablifhed. Foreign relations being amicably fettled, the Burgeffes at once took under confidMany friendly Indians had been mureration matters appertaining to the frontier. dered and arrefts had been made, but the accufed in each inftance were refcued and given their liberty. This fituation neceffitated the appointment of a committee to examine into the matter, and their report was an affirmation of the treaties then in effe(5l, and a vindication of the laws of the Colony againft crimes. They alfo reported that all treaties with the Indians ought to be made by or under the authority of the Government only, and that for any private perfon or perfons to enter into negotiations with them would occafion the moft grave and dangerous confequences. This pofition was fubfequently maintained by the State of Virginia, againft any perfon attempting to acquire frontier territory by virtue of treaties which were confummated in violation
of the laws enadted during the Colonial Period.
The queftion
on the
but was not This treaty which was figned at Lochabar, South Carolina, day of October, was a diftindl departure from the policy of Lord Hillfborough,
of the
alfo difcuffed at length,
In the printed minutes of this meeting fpace
the acquifition of territory upon the ground that Weftem fettlements would divert trade, and neceffitate the eftablifhment of manufadluring induftries in His efforts however were inefTedive, and the Boiindary Line as determined the Colony. of Inveftigation, was to begin at the termination of the North CaroCommittee by the
who oppofed
and run due weft to the Ohio River. This included a large part of what is now Kentucky, and the committee recommended that lands in this fedtion be fold to acflual In making this recomfettlers, to the exclufion of perfons of monopoliftic tendencies. mendation the objedl was to encourage immigration, and to defeat the purpofes of
lina line
An account of this treaty adlive at that time. " Houfe of Burgeffes of the Journals 1770-1772. will be found in the preface of the The ftrenuous Hfe of the Affembly from the repeal of the Stamp Adl to 1770, was
Land Companies that were exceedingly
Legiflation of vital importance had been its ill effects upon the Colony. that had expired during that period many adts and to seffion, from feffion deferred the Colony. The period was one of of adminiftration had a tendency to weaken the trial and tribulation, both financially and from the pofition of general colonial progMoney was exceedingly fcarce, and it was not an unufual experience to be unable refs. Large property holdings were fold at greatly reduced to fecure many neceffities of life. compelled to fubfift as beft they could by prolonged and arduprices, and tenants were ous labor. The period was one of fadnefs and diftrefs to the maffes, and as fuch marks an era of great difcomfort throughout the Colony. Such conditions, however, were creative of good refults in fo far as the development of the fpirit of determination was concerned. This is apparent in the politics of the time, efpecially during the half dozen years preceding the Revolution. The perfonnel of the Burgeffes remained pra(5lically the fame during that period, except in the ranks of thofe who oppofed the Stamp Adl refolutions, and it was this body of men that determined Virginia's courfe in the final defperate ftruggle. The period with its many privations was diftindlly important, and the refolutions of the time that expreffed fo clearly the temperament of the people, are tmfurpaffed for char-
not without
House OUSE
Thomas Parramore
Southey Simpfon
*tThomas Rutherford
*tjames Mercer
Ifle of
Richard Randolph
Bowler Cocke,
John Wilfon
William Prefton
Dolphin Drew
James Bridger
James City
Lewis Burwell Robert Carter Nicholas
Edward Ambler
George Brooke Richard Tunftall
Charles Carter
William Robinfon
Carter Braxton
Walker Taliaferro
Charles City
Benjamin Harrifon
William Acrill
Henry Gaines
Richard Mitchell
Charles Carter Francis Lightfoot Lee
Clement Read
Paul Carrington
James Hamilton
Patrick Henry,
Richard Anderfon
Thomas Slaughter
Elizabeth City
John Fleming
Alexander Trent
New Kent
Norfolk Norfolk Borough
Thomas Thomas
*t James
*tRobert Rutherford
James Walker
Zachariah Btunley
fliown by the Journal to have been prefent during the Affembly. tWrits for election mifcarried. See page 19.
Peter LeGrand
Nathaniel Venable
Prince George
Prince William
Foufhee Tebbs
Peyton Randolph
Dudley Digges
Nelfon, Jr.
in the
Perfonnel, 1766.
George Wafhington fucceeded George Johnfton Samuel Meredith fucceeded James Littlepage Edward Ambler fucceeded John Ambler Richard Tunftall fucceeded John Robinfon
Virginia, to wit
Whereas, the General Affembly ftands prorogued to the
and whereas
I find
no urgent occafion
proclamation, in his Majefty's name, to prorogue the faid Affembly to the laft Thurfday
Given under my hand, and the feal of the colony, at Williamfburg, this 4* day of February,
'3F^rancU 'yauquler.
and Commander
Virginia, to wit:
Whereas, the General Affembly ftands prorogued to the laft Thurfday in this month,
and whereas
I find
no urgent occafion
therefore thought
of his Majefty
Affembly to the
Thurfday in July
to that time.
Given xmder
hand, and the feal of the colony, at Williamfhurg, this 6^ day of May,
1766, in the
IFxancXs ^^auquler.
Virginia, to wit:
Whereas, the General Affembly ftands prorogued to the laft Thurfday in July next,
and whereas
I find
proclamation, in his Majefty's name, further to prorogue the faid Affembly to the
Given under
my hand,
and the feal of the colony, at Williamfburg, the 6* year of his Majefty's reign.
day oi June,
'Wvancis '3Pauquler.
Virginia, to wit:
Whereas, the General Affembly ftands prorogued to the
Thurfday in September
meeting at that time,
and whereas
no urgent occafion
by and with
proclamation, in his Majefty's name, further to prorogue the faid Affembly to the
Thurfday in
for defpatch of
pubHck bufinefs.
hand, and the feal of the colony, at Williamfburg, this
Given imder
Virginia, to wit:
Whereas, the General Affembly ftands prorogued to the
by and
with the advice of his Majefty's Council, to iffue this proclamation, in his Majefty's
capitol, in Williamfburg,
Given londer
day of
October, 1766,
in the
"IF^raitcls 'DF^auquler.
House OUSE
of ^lovambcr. 7 (Beo.
Hxondred and One Members having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adl of Parliament inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo fubfcribed the Teft, took their Places in the Houfe.
The Governor commands your immediate Attendance in the Council Chamber. Houfe went up accordingly, and the Governor was pleafed to fay to them:
of the
of Burgeffes,
You muft
return again
to the
Choice of a
Being returned, M'' Archibald Cary put the Houfe in Mind of the Governor's Comto proceed to the Choice of a Speaker and did nominate and recommend Peyton Randolph, Efquire, as a Gentleman fully qualified to execute that important Truft. M'' Richard Henry Lee propofed that M"' Richard Bland might be eledted Speaker, being a Gentleman who had given undeniable Proofs of his Abilities and Fitnefs for that Office; and the Queftion being put by the Clerk of the Houfe that the faid Peyton Randolph be eledled Speaker.
Accordingly he was condudled to the Chair by two Members from whence he made a Speech expreffmg the juft Senfe he had of the Obligation they laid him under, and returned them his Thanks for the Honour they had conferred on him.
Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Governor to acquaint him that this Houfe, Obedience to his Commands, have made Choice of a Speaker, and to know his Pleafure when they fhall attend to prefent him; and that M"' Archibald Cary, M"' Landon Carter, Pendleton, Wythe, and M"' Benjamin Harrifon, do wait on him with the faid Meffage. They accordingly withdrew, and being returned, M"' Landon Carter reported that the Governor was pleafed to fay he would receive the Speaker immediately. And accordingly the Houfe went up, with their Speaker Eledl and the Governor was pleafed to exprefs his Approbation of their Choice. M'' Speaker then in Behalf of the Houfe petitioned the Governor that they might enjoy their ancient Rights and Privileges, fuch as Freedom of Speech and Debate, Exemptions from Arrefts, and Prote<5lions for their Eftates and laftly, for himfeh, that no Miftakes of his might be imputed to the Houfe. To which the Governor anfwered, That he fhould take Care to defend them in all their juft Rights and Privileges. Being returned, M'' Speaker reported that the Houfe had attended the Governor in the Cotmcil Chamber, and prefented their Speaker; that he was pleafed to approve of their Choice and then made a Speech to the Council and this Houfe, of which he had to prevent Miftakes, obtained a Copy which he read, and afterwards delivered in at the Table, where it was again read, and is as follows Gentlemen
Gentlemen of the Council, M' Speaker and Gentlemen of the Hoiife of Burgeffes, Not having any preffing Oixafion for my meeting you in General Affembly before this Time, I have followed the Bent of my own Inclinations, which have always been to create as
Expenfe to the Country and as little Trouble to yourfelves, as the Circumftances of the Times would permit me. Since my calling this Affembly feveral important Events have happened in Great All the Papers relating to thefe Matters have Britain, in which you are deeply interefted. been tranfmitted to me by his Majefty 's Principal Secretaries of State, atid it is my Duty to communicate the^n all to you without Referve. They conflft of feveral Refolutions of the Houfe of Commons, and Ads of the Legiflature, by due Attention to which you will readily colled the undifguifed Sentiments of the BritiTh Nation relative to her Colonies; Sentiments which are not mere fpeculative Opinions, but which have operated ftrongly in your Favour. Your Grievances have been redrcffed, the Ad you thought oppreffive repealed, and every Indulgence in Commerce which you could with Reafon exped, or even defire, been granted Your Mother Country has on this Occafion not only aded with her iifual Prudence, you. but alfo the greateft Kindnefs and Affedion towards you her Children; and as an indulgent Parent has a Right to exped a Return of Duty, Obedience, and Gratitude, from her natural
Children, fhe has a Right to claim the fame from you, her political Ones.
long con-
and tlie Experience I have gained of the Genius to prefide teaches me to exped, that your prefent the Honour of the People over whom I have Condud will do you Hmiour at Hcnne, and convince every Enemy to the Crown of Great Britain tliat Iter Colonies are, and ever will be, her Support, to the utmoft of their Abilities, againft the Attacks of the moft powerful, and will never fuffer her Empire to be infulted with Impunity. From the Conftderation of the true and permanent Intereft of the Colony, I hope, from the Experience I have already had of the Abilities of many Members of this Affembly, I exped, and frmn my Knowledge of your Senfe of Honour and Gratitude I have a Confidence, that you will exert yourfelves to fhew that your Loyalty to your King, and your Affedion to your Mother Country, ought not to be impeached. The Attachment of your Friends in Great Britain, who have been fteady to your Intereft, will as I have the greateft Reafon to believe, depend on the Returns you fhall now make to the many Ads of Kindnefs which you muft The Crifis is very great, and if not properly and acknowledge have been fheunt to you. alarming. My affedion to you obliges me to mention this attended to may be very ferioufly
traded Friend fhip for you bids
my Reliance on you
It is expedient I
fet of
difpenfes with
People who are deprived of their Senfes and watuier about the Country, terrifying the Reft of their Fellow Creatures. A legal Confinement, and proper Provifion, ought to be appointed for thefe miferable Objeds, who cannot help themfelves. Every civilized
Country has an Hofpital for thefe People, where they are confined, maintained and attended by able Phyftcians, to endeavour to reftore to them their loft Reafon.
of the
of Burgeffes,
made no
from his Colonies; and it is with great pleafure I can fay that notwithftanding the Diftradion of the Times, and the Ceffation of Juftice, no Man 's Property has been violated, and no Man has a Claim of Reparation at your Hands.
Gentlemen of
the Council,
of the
of Burgeffes,
I fhall only add to what I have faid the recommending to you a cool
Refledion on the Circumftayices of the Colofiy, and of what is expeded from you. You never had an Occafion, and poffibly may never have another, in which the deliberate Ufe of your Judgment was more neceffary. To that I truft, and doubt not but your Refolutions vfill convince me, and all Mankind, that I have not trufted in vain.
Refolved, That an humble Addrefs be prefented to his Honor the Governor, returning him our Thanks for his Speech to the Council and this Houfe to affure him that we are
Subjedls in America,
of the
Regard fhown to the Rights and Liberties of his Britifh by his Majefty and the ParUament of Great Britain, in the Repeal and the feveral Laws by them paffed in Favour of our Trade that we
look on the Profperity of Great Britain to be fo immediately conne(?ted with that of her
we fhould be wanting in our Duty to the beft of Kings if we did not take the Opportunity of affuring him that we are, and always fhall be, ready to defend him, with our Lives and Fortunes, againft all his Enemies, in doing which we fhall purfue the real Intereft of Great Britain, and of courfe that of this Colony and that we will take the other Matters recommended in his Speech under our moft ferious Confideration. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to draw up the faid Addrefs; and it is referred to M"' Archibald Gary, M"' Landon Garter, and M' Richard Henry Lee, to prepare
and bring
in the fame.
the Letters
M' Speaker informed the Houfe that his Honor the Governor had delivered to him and Papers referred to in his Speech, in Order to be laid before this Houfe;
and he delivered them in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Letters and Papers do lie on the Table. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ for the ele(ftinga Burgefs' toferve in this prefent General Affembly for the County of Hanover, in the Room of M'' James Littlepage, deceafed and that M' Syme do wait on him with
Alfo for the County of King and Queen,^ in the Room of John Robinfon, deceafed and that M'' Pendleton do wait on him with the faid Addrefs. ^//b for the County of James Gity,^ in the Room of M'' Robert Garter Nicholas
and that
Alfo for the Town of Jameftown,* in the Room of Burwell do wait on him with the faid Addrefs.
A Letter from the ReV^ M"' Price, directed to the Speaker and the Houfe of Burgeffes, praying that he may be continued Chaplain and that his immediate Attendance may be difpenfed with on Accovmt of the dangerous Illnefs of his Wife, was prefented to the
Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid M"" Price be continued Chaplain to this Hotife, and that he attend every Morning to read Prayers at lo "'Clock. Ordered, That James Lavie, Nathaniel Hix, and John Broadrib, be continued in their refpedtive Offices as Door Keepers to this Houfe, and that they give their Attendance
and Door Keeper to this Houfe in the Room Thomas Francis, deceafed, were feverally prefented to the Houfe and read. Refolved, That this Houfe, in appointing a Door Keeper will proceed by Ballot. Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Petitions be put off tmtil To-
A Letter directed to the Speaker and Houfe of Burgeffes enclofing a Copy of the Proceedings of the Congrefs or Committee of the feveral Colonies that lately met at
York, was prefented to the Houfe.
then the
That the faid Letter do lie on the Table. Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning
ii "'Clock.
Samuel Meredith.
Richard Tunftall.
Edward Ambler.
abfent Members having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo fubfcribed the Teft, were admitted to their Places in
the Houfe.
The Houfe took into Confideration the Petitions of Michael M'Carty, William Francis, William Smith, and Robert Hyland, referred to this Day. On a Motion made. Ordered, That the Members of the Houfe do refpecftively fubfcribe the Name of fuch Petitioner they delire fhall be appointed Door Keeper to this Houfe, in the Room of Thomas Francis, deceafed, upon diftincft Papers, and put them into the Box prepared
for their Reception.
That a Committee be appointed to inquire into the Number of Votes for each Candidate in the faid Box, to confift of the following Perfons M' Bland, M"- Richard Edmund Pendleton, M' George Wythe, M-^ Lemuel Riddick, M-- Henry, and Henry Lee,
and report the fame to the Houfe. On a Motion made. Ordered, Nemine Contradicnite, That a Committee be appointed to examine into the That they ftate an Accoimt of the Treafiiry Notes which have State of the Treafur}' Service fmce the End of the Fourth Seffion of the General publick the for iffued been Year Affembly, held in the 1754, with the Amount of the Notes which have been biunt, That they ftate an Accovmt of the and thofe remaining in the Hands of the Treafurer annual Produce of the feveral Taxes, Duties, and Impolitions, upon Lands, Tithables, Wheel Carriages, Writs, Ordinary Licenfes, Liquors, Slaves, and Tobacco, which have been paid into the Treafury fmce the End of the faid Seffion of the General Affembly and the Balances that appear to be due from the feveral Colledlors of the faid Taxes, Duties, and Impofitions and alfo that they ftate an Account of the Money paid to the feveral publick Creditors to the Treafurer for Commiffions, and to the feveral Officers of the General Affembly for their Salaries, from the Time aforefaid, diftinguifhing upon fuch Acocunts the Xvunber of Days each Seffion continued and that they report the fame And it is referred to M"' Bland, M'' Landon Carter, M' Richard Henry Lee, to this Houfe.
M' He>try
Archibald Cary,
any five of tliem, to prepare and ftate the fame. On a Motion made. Ordered, That M'' Pendleton have leave to be abfent tmtil Monday f 'e'nnight. Ordered, That a Committee of Privileges and Eledtions be appointed of the foUo'ViTng
Lee, or
M"' M"' M"' M''
M^ Wafhington,
W W Charles
Francis Lee,
Carter, Lancafter,
are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to examine in the firft Returns of Writs for eledling Burgeffes to fer\'e in this prefent General Affembly, and compare the fame with the Form prefcribed by Law and to take into their Confideraall
And they
may come
and to report
Time, to the Hoitfe. And the faid Committee Papers, and Records, for their Information.
That a Committee
of Propofitions
following Perfons
M' Bland,
and he is to deliver the fame to the faid Committee of Courfe. And Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information. have they are to for Courts of Jiiftice be appointed of the following Committee Ordered, That a
to the Clerk,
Jofeph Cabell,
M^ Legrand,
M-- Bailey,
M^ Maclin, M^ Acrill,
M-- Taliafero,
M-- Clayton,
M-- Venable,
they are to meet and adjoxim from Day to Day, and to take under their Confideration all Matters relating to Courts of Juftice, and fuch other Matters as fhall from Time to Time be referred to them, and report their Proceedings, and the faid Committee is to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their InfoiTnation. Ordered, That a Committee of Trade be appointed of the following Perfons:
Benjamin Harrifon,
Lemuel Riddick,
W Tabb, W W Simpfon,
M' Jordan, M' Braxton,
M-- Blagrave,
M' Marfhall,
M'' Trent,
Day to Day, and take under their ConTrade of this Colony, and all Matters that fhall be from Time to Time to them referred, and to report their Proceedings. And the faid Committee are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their InAnd
they are to meet and adjourn from
fideration all Things relating to the
Refolved, That eleven of the Committee of Proportions and Grievances, and five of any other Committee, be a fufficient Number to make a Committee. Ordered, That the Committee for Courts of Juftice do infpedt the Journal of the laft Seffion and draw up a State of the Matters then depending and iindetermined, and the Progrefs that was made therein, and report the fame to the Houfe that they do aKo examine what Laws have expired fmce the laft Seffion, and infpedl fuch temporary Laws as will expire with the End of this Seffion, or are near expiring, and report the fame to the Houfe, with their Opinions which of them are fit to be revived and continued. Refolved, That in all Cafes of controverted Eledlions, to be heard at the Bar of this Houfe, or before the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, the Petitioners do by themfelves, or by their Agents, w^thin a convenient Time, to be appointed either by the Houfe or the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, as the Matter to be heard fhall be before the Houfe, or the faid Committee, deliver to the fitting Members, or their Agents, Lifts of the Perfons intended by the Petitioners to be objedled to, who voted for the fitting Members, giving in the faid Lifts the feveral Heads of Objedlion and diftinguifliing the fame againft the names of the Voters excepted to and that the fitting Members do by themfelves, or their Agents, within the fame Time, deliver the like Lifts on their Part to
; ;
of Proportions
and Grievances.
17 ]
Alfo a Petition of John Tazewell and Bartholomew Dandridge to the fame Purpofe; were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read Refolved, That the Hoiife will proceed in appointing a Clerk to the faid Committee
That the fame Committee appointed to exaniine into the Box, as to the do proceed in the fame Manner with Refpedt to the foregoing Petitions. M'' Bland reported that the Committee had, according to Order, examined the Ballot Box for appointing Door Keepers, and find the Number of Votes for each Candidate for the Place of Door Keeper to be as follows For Robert Hyland, 70 For William Francis, 16 For William Smith, 10 For Michael M'Carty, 3 Ordered, That Robert Hyland be appointed Door Keeper to this Houfe, in the Room of Thomas Francis, deceafed and that he give his Attendance accordingly. A Petition of William Fitzhugh, complaining of an undue Eledlion and Return of M' Thompfon Mafon, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly for the County of Stafford, was prefented to the Hoiife and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Privileges and Elecftions, and that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame as
Petitions of Michael M'Carty, William Francis, William Smith, and Robert Hyland,
they fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Claim of William Roberts, for taking up a Runaway, rejedled at a former Affembly,
was prefented to the Houfe and received. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration
of the
Bland reported that the Committee appointed had according to Order examined
the Ballot
of Privileges
find the
John Tazewell
Petition of M''
Claims, in the
be appointed Clerk of the Committee was prefented to the Houfe and read.
That the
Trade, in the
Alfo a Petition of Bartholomew Dandridge, and William Rofe, to the fame effedl, were feverally prefented to the Houfe and read. Refolved, That the Petition of the faid William Rofe be rejecfled and the Queftion being put that the faid Cary be appointed Clerk to the faid Committee.
William Stark, praying to be appointed the Publick Printer. Alfo the Petitions of William Rind, Meff" Purdie and Dixon, and Robert Miller, to fame Purpofe were feverally prefented to the Houfe and read.
A Petition of
That this Houfe will proceed to the appointing a Printer by Ballot. Ordered, That the fame Committee appointed to examine the Box relative to the Appointment of a Door Keeper and a Clerk of the Committee of Privileges and Elections and
; :
and Propofitions and Grievances, do proceed
in the
M^ Bland reported that the Committee had, according to Order examined the Ballot Box for appointing a Public Printer, and find the Number of Votes to be as follows: For William Rind, 53 19 For William Stark, For Robert Miller, 1 10 For Purdie and Dixon, appointed the Publick Printer. Rind be William Refolvcd, That M' and that M' Bland engroffed, do carry it to the Oraerid, That the faid Refolve be
Council for their Concurrence. A Petition of William Weftmore, praying that his Salary as Publick Gaoler
continued, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition do lie on the Table. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning
may be
11 ''Clock.
the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinon thereupon to the Houfe. On a Motion made. Ordered, That all the Claims for taking up Rimaways, sworn to before a Magiftrate, be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims. On a Motion made, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill For appointing new Truftees for the Difpofal of the Eftate of George Carter, deceafed and it is referred to M"' London Carter to prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That M"' Thomas Everard be appointed Clerk of the Committee of Courts
of Juftice.
That there be a
Call of the
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims that they do examine into the fame, and report their Opinions thereupon to the Houfe. On a Motion made, Ordered, That the Printer do publifh the Journals as foon as the Proceedings of this Houfe are fufficient to fiU a Sheet. M' Speaker prefented to the Houfe a Letter, dire(5led to him and the Houfe of Burgeffes, enclofing a Pamphlet, entitled An Addrefs to the Committee of Correfpondence in Barbados; which he delivered in at the Table. Ordered, That the fame do lie on the Table. M' Bland from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, reported that the Committee had had under their Confideration the returns of the Writs for eledling Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the Covmties of Hampfhire and Frederick which he read in his Place, and then deUvered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to with fome Amendments as follow
appears to this Committee that the returns on the faid Writs are made in the following: For Hampfhire, This Writ did not come to my Hands until the 12'^
Return Day being the 25'* of the fame month, I could not give Notice required by Law; by which Means the Freeholders of my County could not proceed to the Election of two Burgeffes, as by the (aid Writ is commanded.
of July,
And for the County of Frederick in the Words following, to wit This Writ did not come to my Hands until the 11'* Day of July, and tlte Return Day being the 25"" of the fame Month, I could not give the Notice required by Law; by which Means the Freeholders of my County could not proceed to the Eledion of two Burgeffes, as by the faid Writ is commanded. JACOB HITE, S. F.
on the Information
made out
after, to M''
William Prefton
who at the Requeft of the faid Clerk promifed to contrive them in due Time to the
tive Sheriffs.
It further
appears to this Committee, from the Depolition of Thomas Bowyer, Oyer Court in June 1 765, he faw the Writs for Eledlion of Burgeffes for the Counties of Frederick and Hampfhire delivered to Col William Prefton, and that he travelled up from Williamfburg with the faid Prefton, who was in a travelling Chair, which happened to break on the Road, in Hanover Coimty, on which Accident happening to the faid Prefton he the faid Prefton dcfired the faid Bowyer to take the faid Writs and deliver them to M"" Gabriel Jones, who practifed
fwom to and certified, " That fome fhort Time after the
fuppofed to be the beft Perfon for conveying the faid Writs to the refpe(5li\'e Sheriffs: That the faid Bowyer came dirc(5lly up to Staunton, and after a few Days faw the faid Jones, to whom he offered the faid Writs to be conveyed as aforefaid, but he anfwered that he had no Opportimity of conveying them fpecdily, and that as the faid Bowyer lived in Town, he might probably find an Opportunity of forwarding them fooner than the faid Jones; upon which the faid Bowyer kept them, and fent them by the firft OpporAnd further, the faid Bowyer timity that he could find, but is informed they mifcarried faith that the faid Prefton did not come up further than Hanover with the faid Bowyer, nor did he fee the faid Writs or Packets during the Time ihey were in his the faid Bowyer 's Cuf tody, but expreffed a Defire that the faid Writs fliould be forwarded in due Time to the laid Counties of Frederick and Hampfhire. It further appears to this Committee, from a Certificate of Gabriel Jones, that fome time in June 1765 M'' Thomas Bowyer, of the Town of Staunton offered the faid Jones two packets, one of which was diredled to the Sheriff of Hampfhire, and the other to the Sheriff of Frederick, acquainting the faid Jones at the fame Time that they contained the Writs of Eledlion for the faid Counties which the faid Jones refufed to receive, as he did not intend to go to either of the faid Counties in that or the following Month, and he knew of no Opportunity of conveying them before. Refolved, That the Writs for the Counties of Hampfhire and Frederick mifcarried
: ;
by Accident.
for eletfling
Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the Counties of Hampfhire and
and that M' Bland do wait on him with the faid Addrefs. County of Loudoun, praying to be reimbiurfed a Sum of Money which they have paid for the revifed Laws. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon
to the Houfe.
then the
Houfe adjourned
Monday Morning
1 1
tl)e lOtI)
Petition of Elijah
tained by a Partv
M'Clanahan, praying Relief on Account of the Injury he Mof Indians in the Year 1764, was prefented to the Houfe and
That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee that thev do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with
ions thereupon, to the Houfe.
their Opin-
a Motiov. made, Ordered, That the Committee of Correfpondence do lay before this Hoiife the Letters from the Agents, and their Proceedings, lince the laft Seffion of Affembly.
Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and Subfcribed the Oath of Abiuration, and alfo fubfcribed the Teft, were admitted to their Places in the Houfe. M"' Bland, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, reported that the Committee had had tinder their Confideration the feveral Writs for electing Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, and had come to the following Refolutions thereon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were
again twice read, and agreed to by the Hottfe, with fome Amendments, as follow Refolved, That the Returns of the feveral Writs for eledling Burgeffes for the Coimties of Amherft, Albemarle, Amelia, Cumberland, Caroline, Clmrlotte, Effex, Fauquier, Goochland, Gloucefter, Hanover, Halifax,
Jameftown, I fie
Southampton and Surry, are made in the Form prefcribed by Law. That the Returns of the feveral Writs for elec'ting Burgeffes for the Coimties of Accomack, Augufta, Buckingham, Bedford, Brunfwick, College, Culpeper, Chefterfield, Charles City, Dinwiddie, Elizabeth City, Fairfax, Hennco, James City, King George, King and Queen, King William, Middlefex, Nanfemond, Norfolk, Norfolk Borough,
Northampton, Princefs Anne, Prince William, Prince Edward, Spotfylvania, Williamfburg, Warmck, Weftmoreland, and York, are not made in the Form prefcribed by Law. Refolved, That the Returns of the refpe(5live Writs for eledling Burgeffes for the
Counties of Accomack, Buckingham, Bedford, Brunfwick, College, Culpeper, Chefterfield, Charles City, Dinwiddie, Elizabeth City, Fairfax, Henrico, James City, King George, King
and Queen, King William, Middlefex, Nanfemond, Norfolk, Norfolk Borough, Northampton, Princefs Anne, Prince William, Prince Edward, Spotfylvania, Warmck, Weftmoreland, and York, be amended by the Clerk at the Table. On a Motion made, Refolved, That the Writs for elecfling Burgeffes for the City of Williamfburg, and Borough of Norfolk, are made in the Form prefcribed by Law. Ordered, That the Sheriff of Augufta be fent for in Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms,
his Return.
alfo reported that the faid
Committee had had under their Confideration imdue Eledion and Return of M' Thomfon Mafon to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly for the County of Stafford, and have come to the following Refolutions thereon Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the Matter of the faid Petition be examined into before the Committee on Wednefday the 3<* of December. Refolved, That as well the Petitioner as the fitting Member in the mean Time, be at Liberty to examine and take the Depofitions of fuch of their Witneffes refpedlively as are
the Petition of M'' William Fitzhugh complaining of an or unable to travel, before Col Francis Thornton, Col Thotnas Lee, Captain William Bronaugh, M' John Wafhington, M^ John Mercer, and M' Bailey Wafhington, or any four of them, the faid Petitioner and fitting Member giving each other ten Days Notice of the Time and Place of taking the fame.
fick, infirm,
M' Bland
21 ]
That the Petitioner and fitting Member do deliver to each other or their refpe(5tive Agents a Lift of fuch Perfons as are fick, infirm, or unable to travel, intended to be by them refpedlively objedled to, and examined before the faid Commiffioners, giving in the faid Lift the feveral Heads of Objecflion, diftingtiifhing the fame againft the Name of the Voters refpedlively objedled to, and alfo deliver to each other, or their refpedlive Agents a Lift of the Voters to be by them refpedlively objedled to, and examined
before the Committee, giving in the faid Lift the feveral Head of Objedlions, diftinguifhing the fame againft the Name of the Voters refpedlively objedled to.
That M'' Woodbridge and M' Gray be added to the Committees of Privileges and Eledlions and Propofitions and Grievances, and M"' Weft to the Committees of Propofitions and Grievances and Claims. A Petition of Littleton Eyre and Severn Eyre, praying that no fkippers or Owners of Veffels may be allowed to carry Paffengers from the Eaftem Shore over the Bay to York, Hampton, or Norfolk, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they examine into the Allegations thereof and report the fame, with
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
Memorial of John Henry, felting forth that an accurate Survey of this Colony would be very acceptable to many of its Inhabitants, who would cheerfully contribute to the Expenfe thereof, but that fuch a Work cannot be undertaken without the Affiftance of the Legiflature.
That the Advantages arifmg from fuch an Undertaking are obvious to any who will duly attend to the Nature of fuch a Work, but the Memorialift begs leave to point them out, for the Information of fuch as have not turned their Thoughts to Subjedls of this
propofed that the Roads fhould be Meafured, and the marked, together with all noted Places laid down, it will render travelling very agreeable and alfo afcertain the Diflance Venire Men and Witfirft
Kind. In the
Place, as
it is
of Miles diftindlly
Advantage of the Publick. propofed to have all remarkable Shallows, both in the Bay of Chefapeak, and in the navigable Rivers, pointed out, with the Depth of Water upon fuch, it will render Navigation very fafe, and confequently be beneficial to the Trade of
neffes travel to the General Court, to the
it is
the Colony.
Work will
upon this Continent, as the other Colonies will be very apt to follow our Example in making fuch Surveys; the Confequence of which will be to induce many Emigrants from Europe to come and fettle the vacant Lands, as upon Inf pedlion of fuch Maps they may choofe fuch Settlements as may, with Regard to their Latitudes, be moft agreeable to their Health, or be moft likely to fecure Succefs in that particular Employment to which they have been accuftomed. And as Virginia is not only the moft ancient, but the moft opulent and populous Colony upon this Continent, it well becomes it to fet an Example to the Reft, which will
appear in fuch a reputable Light to Great Britain that very probably the Charge arifing from fuch Survey will be reimburfed to a Colony fo well deferving fuch Diftindlion. Laftly, it is propofed that not only Maps of the Colony, but of every particular County, fhall be neatly printed in London, the former five Feet long, and three Feet broad, the latter fifteen Inches by twelve Inches, with the Latitudes and Longitudes accurately laid down, together with the moft curious and entertaining Obfervations relative to the Coimtry, its Produdlions, Numbers of Inhabitants, Rarities, Trade, and whatever elfe may be judged proper to be inferted in the Vacant Places of the faid Maps,
was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Memorial be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with
Houfe, according to Order, the Agent's Letters, and the laft Seffion of the Affembly. Proceedings of the Committee of Correfpondence, lince the Table. the on lie do fame Ordered, That the The Order of the Day being read for the Hoiife to take into Confideration the Govern-
M' Blaud
or 's Speech,
Wednefday next.
Petition of Robert Wooding, praying to be allowed for 1 1 Days Service, in which he adled on the Frontiers as Lieutenant Colonel, in viewing the Forts and Garrifons, was prefented to the Houfe and read.
That the
faid Petition
do examine
be referred to the Committee of Claims that they and report the fame, with their Opinion there;
upon, to the Houfe. M' Archibald Gary, from the Perfons appointed, reported that they had, according to Order, prepared an Addrefs to the Governor which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table, where the fame was again twice read.
That the
faid Addrefs
on the Table.
A Petition of Elizabeth Cook, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from her Land in Stafford Coimty, over to the Land of Clement Kennedy in Maryland.
Alfo a Petition of James Scott, praying that a Ferry
to his
in Stafford
Cotmty were
Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
a Motion made.
That M' Wafhington do wait on the Governor with the Addrefs of this Houfe, to order new Writs to iffue for eledling Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the Counties of Frederick and Hampfhire, the faid Writs having formerly mifcarried. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ii 'Clock.
lU^ of
Memorial of fundry Inhabitants of the Cotmty of Richmond praying that the Right of keeping a Ferry, in the Coimty of Effex, in Archibald Ritchie, from the Town of Tappahanock to the Land of Moore Fantleroy, may be vacated, and granted to fome other Perfon who will comply with the Conditions on which the faid Ferry was granted to the faid Ritchie. Alfo a Petition of John Dix praying that leave may be given him to keep a publick Ferry from his Land on Dan River, in Halifax Coimty over to the Land of Lewis Green were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they examine into the Allegations thereof and report the fame with
their Opinions thereupon to the Houfe.
a Motion made,
in Arrear
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill To dire(5t the Colleftor of the Taxes from King George County for the Year 1765, and it is referred to M' Charles
Carter to prepare
and bring
in the fame.
having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and aKo fubfcribed the Teft, were admitted to their Places in the Houfe. On a Motion made,
Accordingly the Hoiife refolved itfelf into a Committee; and after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M"" Blair reported that the Committee had had the State of the Colony under their Confideration, but not having time to go through
the fame, they had dire(5led
Refolved, That
Leave to
a Motion made, That the Order of the Day, for a Call of the Houfe, be put off until Tothen the
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning
ii "'Clock.
(B<to. III.
Fifh from coming up the faid River and Run, as they ufually did, and praying
was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and
report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Addrefs to his Honor the Governor, which was ordered to lie on the Table; and after having made feveral Amendments
thereto, they paff ed the
fame which
as follows
We his Majefty's mo ft dutiful and loyal Subjeds the Burgeffes of Virginia, now General met tn Affembly, return your Honor our fincere Thanks for your affedionate Speech
at the
of this Seffion.
have ever been truly fenfible of the tender Regard fhown by hts Majefty to the Rights and Liberties of his People, every where, we cannot but think we fhould, at this Time in particular be wanting in our Duty to the beft of Kings if we did not embrace the Opportunity offered to us by your
As we
able in him, that of proteding the conftitutional Privileges of his Subjeds, even in the moft
Dominions, fo lately exemplified to us tn his Majefty's Repeal of that oppreffive Ad; and at the fame Time declare our conftant Readinefs to devote our Lives and Fortunes in Defence of his facred Perfon, Crown, and Dignity, againft all his Enemies. We are fo convinced of an immediate Connexion between Great Britain and the Colonies, that we cannot but wifh that no future Accident may ever interrupt that Union fo effential to the Well-being of each of them; and as we hope we have Reafon now to conclude that the Parliament of Great Britain {from the Inftance lately given in the Repeal of the Stamp
gracious Affent
to the
the feveral Laws paffed in Favour of the Trade of North America) was aduated by the true Principles of Fellow Subjeds with us, we cannot but wifh that the grateful Harmony of an indulgent Parent and dutiful Children may conftantly fubfifi between us. The ready Attachment difcovered in the Friends to America has fo fenfibly ftruck us
Ad, and
your Honor
be affured no proper
fhall be
render ourfelves truly worthy of every Kindnefs which they have confeffedly fhown, and we hope every future Condud will Merit from them a Continuance of fuch their particular Friendfhip and Regard.
It is with equal Pleafure that we join with your Honor in obferving no Endeavour of People here {in that Period rendered unhappy by the precarious fituation that their Liberties were thrown into) did produce the leaft Violation of Property in this Colony, but we muft hope that no tacit Confent to that affeding Circumftance which produced the Diftradion of thofe Times will ever be conluded from that real Prudence which only governed them in the
Gratitude recommended to us by your Whilft we are thus difcharging every Duty of which you, Sir, have conftantly Benevolence and Honor, permit us not to forget the Cordiality dt {covered to us during your Adminiftration You may be affured we fhall give due Attention to what you have been pleafed to recom-
to us,
fhall endeavour to
faid Addrefs
That the
fairly tranfcribed,
That the Committee who prepared the fame do wait on the Governor, to know his Pleafure when this Houfe fhall attend his Honor to prefent it. A Petition of John Harwood, fetting forth that he had ferved as a Soldier vmder Colonel George Wafhington and was woimded in the firft Engagement at the Meadows, and was alfo wounded in General Braddock's Defeat, and then draughted to go to the Northward where the Hardfhips he met with, and his other Infirmities, rendered him incapable of fupplying himfelf with the common Neceffaries of Life and praying Relief, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinions thereOrdered,
for ftating
and fettling the Treafurer's Accounts, agreeable to the Refolutions of this Houfe, on the
of the Day being read for the Houfe again to refolve itfelf into a Comtheir further Confideration the State of the Colony. take into mittee to The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee and after fome time
The Order
fpent therein
and had come to a Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where the fame was again
State of the Colony tmder their Confideration, twice read,
and is as follows: That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the Offices of Speaker of the Hoxofe of Burgeffes and Treafurer of this Colony fhall not be united in the fame Perfon, and that the Speaker fhall not be concerned as an Officer of the Treafury in any Manner whatfoever: and the Oueftion being put that the Hotife agree thereto,
It paffed in the Affirmative.
M' Blair
Leave to
Day being
Ordered, That the Order of the Day for the Houfe to take into their Confideration the Governor's Speech be put off until To-morrow.
a Motion made,
That the Call of the Houfe be put off until Friday Se 'nnight. On a Motion made, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill To appoint a Treafurer and it is referred to M' Bland to prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That M'' Heyiry have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe imtil the firft Day of December, Thofnas Walker imtil this Day Se 'nnight, M"- Mafon until Friday Se 'nnight, and M"- Archibald Gary imtil Tuefday next. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning 11 "'Glock.
UL 1766.
Baldwin Dade and Thomas Bunbury, Inipectors at Boyd's Hole Wareand 1764, the Warehoiofes under their Care were broke open and ten Hogfheads of Tobacco ftolen out of the fame, though the faid Warehoufes were well fecured by them, and praying that the Value of the faid Tobacco may be paid them by the PubUck, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Commitee of Claims that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their
Petition of
Opinion thereupon, to the Hotife. M'' Landon Carter reported that the Committee appointed had according to Order, waited on his Honor the Governor to know his Pleafure when this Houfe fhould attend him with their Addrefs and that he was pleafed to fay he would receive it To-morrow
August 1765 a Negroe Man named Bob ran away from him the faid Pemberton, for which he had the faid Slave outlawed, and fome Time in the Month of March laft he was found dead in the Woods, and praying the Confideration of this
in the
Alfo an Account of Alexander Woodrow's againft the Colony for Goods he fupplied the Soldiers with at Winchefter, fmce the Year 1758. Alfo a Petition of Jonathan Ware, praying to be allowed the Sum of four Potmds for the Commitment of Deferters. Alfo a Petition of Jofeph Williams, of Lunenburg County, fetting forth that feveral
Years ago, as Under Sheriff, he impreffed a Horfe belonging to one William Abney, to convey a Prifoner to the Publick Gaol, which faid Horfe died in the Service, and was appraifed to j. 10, and his other Expenfes with the faid Horfe, amounting to 105. and praying to be allowed the Sum of eight Poimds; were feverally prefented to the Houfe,
That the
faid Petitions
Claims; that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon to the Houfe.
That M'' Burnley be added to the Committee of Claims, M"' Fleming Ambler to Propofitions and Grievance and M"'. Nicholas to Privileges and Ele<5lions and Propofitions and Grievances. M"' Bland, from tlie Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported that the faid Committee had had tmder their Confideration two Petitions to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to, as follow: Refolved, That the Petition of John Dix, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from his Land on the North fide of Dan River, in Halifax County, acrofs the faid River
to the
of Lewis Green,
Refolved, That the Petition of fundry Freeholders, Proprietors of the low Lands on Little Roanoke River, in Charlotte County, praying that the owners or Proprietors of Mills erected on the faid River may be compelled to difufe Gates, and leave Wafte and Tumbling Dams for venting the Water in Time of Freflies, is reafonable. Ordered, That the faid Committee do prepare and bring in Bills purfuant to the faid Refolutions.
fideration, be
That the Order of the Day, for taking the Governor's Speech into Conput off until To-morrow. Ordered, That M"' Fleming have Leave to be abfent until Monday Se'nnight. On a Motion made,
That Leave be given to bring in a BiU for giving a Salary to the Speaker and it is referred to M' Archibald Gary, M' of the Houfe of Burgeffes of this Colony the fame. Nicholas, and M' Bland, to prepare and bring in
M' Landou Carter prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill To veft cerGeorge Garter, Efq^ died feized in Fee Simple, tain Lands therein mentioned, whereof fold for Performance of his Will and the fame in certain Truftees therein named, to be was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. A Petition of Gharles Garter, praying that an Adt may pafs to empower him to fell Fee Taille, was prefented to the Houfe certain Lands whereof he is feized as Tenant in
purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and Mecklenburg, M"" Landon Garter, M' Nicholas, is referred to M"' Robert Munford of and bring in the fame. prepare to Wythe, M' Pendleton, and
That a
be brought
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning
ii ''Glock.
he is feized in Fee of a Tract of Land in Accomack County, a confiderable part whereof is low flat Land, and would be very beneficial to him if he could be permitted to drain the fame by a Ditch, to be cut from his Land to the Head of Malchapnngo Creek, through
Samuel Bagg and Mary Bradford, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with
A Meffage from
the Governor
by the Governor
now ready
Addrefs in
Gouncil Ghamber.
M' Speaker with the Houfe went up, and being returned reported that he with
the Houfe had attended the Governor in the Council Chamber, and prefented the Addrefs of this
of Burgeffes,
Your acknowledgment of the Senfe you have ever had of tlie tender Regard of his Majefty to all his People, and his Protection of their juft Rights and Liberties; your Affurances of devoting your Lives and Fortunes in the Defence of his facred Per fort, CroTvn, and Dignity; and your Gonviction of the Neceffity of an immediate Gonnexion between Great Britain and her Golonies; are Declarations worthy of you, and muft tend to
cement that Union between them without which it muft be univerfally confeffed tliey never can fioiirifh and arrive to their greatest Degree of Glory and Perfedion. The Attachment of your Friends in Great Britain to your Intereft, you may he affured, will always follow ftich Sentiments, and a Gonduct naturally refulting from them.
all thefe
of Gratitude to his
to serve
Bill, To veft certain Lands therein mentioned, whereof George Garter, Efq' died feized in Fee Simple, in certain Truftees therein mentioned, to be fold for Performance of his Will, was read a fecond Time, and committed to M^ Landon Garter, Mr Gharles
Carter of
King George, M' Nicholas, and M' Page. That M' Bowler Cocke be added to the Committee
of Propofitions
Houfe to take into Confideration the Goveritfelf
for the
That That
immediately refolve
into a
Committee on the
the Letters and Papers that were laid before this Houfe by Direction of his Honor the Governor, and which were ordered to lie on the Table, be
The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee; and after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M'' Bland reported that the Committee had had under their Confideration the Governor's Speech, and Letters and Papers to them referred, but not having time to go through the fame, they had directed him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into
their further Confideration the Governor's
then the
Saturday, t^^
of !:^ovember. 7 ^eo.
of the Freeholders of Prince William County, fetting forth the Venand Gratitude wherewith they are affecfted for the Perfon and Charadler of the Right Hon. William Pitt, Efq'' and praying that fome permanent Teftimony he adopted in Remembrance of that Friend of Liberty, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the fame do lie on the Table. M'' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported that the Committee had had under their Confideration the Memorial of fundry inhabitants of Richmond County to them referred, and have come to the following Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again Twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follow Refolved, That fo much of the faid Memorial as relates to the Defedl in the Adl of Affembly therein mentioned, whereby Archibald Ritchie was allowed to keep a Ferry from his Land near Tappahanock Town to a Caufey on the oppofite Side, on the Lands of Moore Fauntleroy, fo long as the faid Archibald Ritchie, his Heirs, or Affigns, fhotild keep and maintain at his or their own Expenfe the faid Caufey in good and fufficient
reaf enable.
That fo much of the faid Memorial as prays that the Ferriage of one Shilling and three Pence for a Man, and one Shilling and three Pence for a Horfe, by the faid Adl eftabHfhed at the faid Ritchie's Ferry, may be reduced to one Shilling for a Man and one
Shilling for a Horfe, is reaf enable.
That the Refidue of the faid Memorial be rejedled. That the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill For eftablifhing a Ferry from the land of John Dix, in Halifax County, over to the Land of Lewis Green, do receive a Claufe or Claufes piuluant to the two firft Refolutions. M"" Bland prefented to the Houfe a Bill To oblige the Owners of Mills erected on Little Roanoke River to keep Wafte or Tumbling Dams and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. On a Motion made. The faid Bill was read a Second Time, and committed to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. Ordered, That M'' John Lee have Leave to be abfent until Friday next, and M' WarRefolved,
ing until
Ordered, That M'' Coles be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, and M' Mitchell to the Committee of Trade.
the Governor's Speech. mittee to take into their further Confideration That the Propofitions from the Freeholders of the Coimty of Prince Wil-
which was this Day ordered to lie on the Table, be referred to the faid Committee. The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee and after fome Time and M-- Bland reported that the faid Comfpent therein M' Speaker refumed the Chair, further Confideration, and had come mittee had had the Governor's Speech under their Place, and then delivered in at the his in read he which thereupon; to a Refolution agreed to by the Houfe, with fome Amendand read, twice Table, where it was again
ments, as follows:
That a dutiful Addrefs be made to his Majefty, expreffmg our moft grateRegard to his People in the late Repeal of the ful Acknowledgment of his affedlionate interefting Connexions of his Realms, and the to important American Stamp A(5t, fo Attachment to his facred Perfon, Crown and at the fame Time to declare our inviolable Dignity, and our fixed Intention of preferring that Harmony and Unanimity which fhould for ever exift through his whole Realm. M^ Bland alfo reported that the Committee, not having Time to go through the Governor's Speech, had directed him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee on the faid
Speech on Monday next. A Petition of Jofeph Cabell, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from his Land, in Buckingham Coimty, over the Fluvannah River, to the Land of William Cabell, in
Amherft County, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof and report the fame, with their Opinions thereupon to the Houfe.
tlien the
Houfe adjourned
Monday Morning
1 1
tl)e \7X\)
of ::ftovember. 7 <Beo.
John Willoughby, fetting forth that he is feized of a Tract of Land in and County of Norfolk, and fundry Negroes in Negroes are Females, either old, breeding the faid that moft of Fee Taille Women, or Children, and rather a Charge than an Advantage to him and praying that he may have Leave to fell Part of the faid Land, not exceeding looo Acres, adjoining to Princefs Anne County, and part of the faid Slaves not exceeding 20, in Order to purchafe Men Slaves with the Money arifing therefrom, and annex them to the entailed Premifes, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in agreeable to the Prayer of the faid Petition, and it is referred to M'' Wythe to prepare and bring in the fame. A Claim of William Garrett, for a Negroe condemned by the Cotmty Cottrt of Louifa on the 2^^ Day of Auguft 1759, and valued by the faid Court at ^S' ''^^s prefented to the Houfe and received. The Order of the Day beng read for the Houfe again to refolve itfelf into a CommitPetition of
The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee and after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M'' Bland reported that the Committee had had the fame imder their further Confideration but not having Time to go through the fame, they had directed him to move for Leave to fit again.
their further Confideration the Governor's Speech, To-morrow. Ordered, That M' Newton be added to the Committee appointed to fettle the Treafurer's Accovmts.
then the
Houfe adjourned
until To-fnorrow
11 "'Clock.
London Carter, from the Committee of Courts of Juftice, reported that the Committee had according to Order infpe6ted the Journals of the laft Seffion of the laft Affembly, and drawn up a State of the Matters then depending and imdetermined, and the Progrefs that was made therein, and had agreed upon a Report; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and is as follows It appears to this Committee that on a Motion made to this Houfe it was ordered that a Committee be appointed to afcertain the Price of fundry Indian Goods belonging to the Pub lick, purchafed by M'' Ifrael Chriftian, and it was referred to M' Edmond Walke, and M"" Lewis, to infpect Hartwell Cocke, Travis, Walker, Pendleton, the fame, and report their Opinion thereon to the Houfe; that the faid Committee reported they had had the fame under their Confideration, and come to feveral RefoluThat M'' Chriftions thereon, which were read and agreed to by the Houfe, as follow: tian purchafed of M'' Thomas Walker fundry goods belonging to the Publick, amounting (as rated by the Committee) to it,(). 13. 9, after which M"" Chriftian, in his Way to the Cherokee Country, received from Cap* William Ingles fome other Indian Goods belonging to the PubHck, valued to 65. 16. 3 but whether the laft mentioned Goods were ptirchafed or taken by M'' Chriftian to be fold on Account of the PubHck did not appear; that part of the Goods were fold in the Indian Coimtry, and as M"' Chriftian was returning Home he was purfued by the Indians, and all his Effects taken from him and loft; and it was thereupon refolved that the faid M'' Chriftian ought to pay to the Treafurer, for the Ufe of the Publick, the faid i2)6. 13. 9 for the firft mentioned Goods, and that the Refidue of the Account ought to be referred to the Confideration of the then next
Seffion of Affembly.
That a Petition of Robert Afhhy, fetting forth that Nimrod Afhby his Son was Year 1763 ftationed on the Frontiers, with the Command of a detachment of MiUtia; that in the Month of April 1764 the faid Nimrod received from the Treafurer a confiderable Sum of Money, as well for his own Pay as the Pay due to his Men that on his Return back to the Fort where his Men were ftationed, in Order to pay them the Money refpedlively due to them, and to difcharge fome Debts he had been under a Neceffity of contradling there, he was furprized by a Party of Indians who murdered him, and took from him ^4, which has been fince paid out of his Eftate for the Purpofe aforefaid, which, together with his ordinary Debts, had reduced his Eftate, and left two poor helplefs Orphans deftitute of Bread and praying the Houfe would take the fame into their Confideration, was prefented to the Houfe and read, and referred to the next Sefin the
; ;
fion of
That a Petition of Thomas Railey, of the County of Hanover, fetting forth that as Shadrach Vaughan, Under Sheriff of the County of Henrico, was removing a Prifoner to the Publick Gaol he impreffed a valuable Mare of the Petitioner's, and the faid Vaughan, without giving him notice, got the fame appraifed, by Perfons who knew nothing of her Quality, to fix Pounds, when the faid Mare was worth a much greater Sum, and praying the Confideration of the Houfe, was prefented to the Houfe and read, and referred
to the then next Seffion of Affembly.
That a
and Veftry
pafs to
in the
and to
empower them to fell the Glebe Land of purchafe other Lands more convenient for a Glebe. Alfo a Pean Adt
fundry Inhabitants of the faid Parrifh and Coimty in Oppofition thereto were prefented to the Houfe and read, and referred to the Confideration of the then next Seffion of Affembly. That a Petition of Frances Afhby fetting forth that her deceafed Hufband Nimrod Afhby, commanded a Company of Militia on the Frontiers in the Year 1763; that he was under the Neceffity to advance his own Credit to furnifh the MiHtia with Cloathes, and other Things fit for the Service that he employed certain Perfons as Pilots, or Run;
with feveral others empowered him to draw their Pay, which he did, and Party of Indians, who murdered him, on his Return to the Frontiers was attacked by a Sixty fix or fixty feven Pounds and of Amount the to Money, his all and took from him Confideration of the then next Sefthe to referred was praying the Relief of this Houfe,
fion of
Petition of William O' Bryan Goff,
That a
on Potowmack
was prefented
of the then next Seffion of Affembly. That the Claims of John Buchanan, Walter Johnfton, and John Trimble, were fevthe Confideration of the then erally prefented to the Houfe and read, and referred to
Damage done by
of William and John Montgomery was prefented to the Houfe, and read, and referred And to the Confideration of the then next Seffion of Affembl)'. Militia and Expenfes of the of different Counties, the Pay for Claims fundry That
which had been rejeded by the Committee of Claims, and orderd by the Houfe to lie on the Table, were referred to the then next Seffion of Affembly. Ordered, That that Part of the Report that relates to M"' Ifrael Chriftian, that was referred to the Confideration of the then next Seffion of Affembly. Alfo the Petitions of Robert Afhby, Thomas Railey, and Frances Afhby, and the Claims of John Buchanan, Walter Johnfton, and John Tritnble, William and John Montgomery, and the fundry Claims for the Pay and Expenfes of the MiHtia of different Counties mentioned in the faid Report, be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims that they examine into the fame and report their Opinions thereupon to the
; ;
Ordered, That the Petition of the Minifter and Veftry of the Parifli of S' Mark, in the County of Cidpeper, mentioned in the faid Report, be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Matter thereof, and report
the fame, with their Opinions thereon, to the Houfe. Ordered, That the Petition of William O' Bryan Goff, mentioned in the faid Report,
be referred to the Committee of Trade that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinion thereon to the Houfe. Ordered, That M' Mofeley and M"" Pendleton be added to the Committee to ftate and fettle the Treafurer's Accounts, appointed on the fecond Day of this Seffion. A Petition of fundry Inhabitants of Truro Parifh, in the County of Fairfax, praying that that Part of an Adl of Affembly paffed in 1765 for the Divifion of the faid Parifh as relates to the Glebe and Church Plate, may be repealed, and that a new Adl of Affembly may pafs to enable the Veftry of the faid Parifh to fell the faid Glebe, paying the Parifh of Fairfax its Proportion of what the faid Glebe fells for, and to purchafe a
Glebe in fuch Part of the faid Parifh as they fhall fee convenient, was pre-
fented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and
that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with
Banjamin Winflow, fetting forth that in the Year 1760, he received from his Honor the Governor a Recruiting Commiffion, with Inftructions to enlift any Perfon young and healthy, without any Regard to Size, fo that he had found Legs, and did enlift one John Burnley, and paid him his whole Bounty, and Expenfes from Spotfylvania County to Fort Lewis, who being fmall was refufed by Col Andrew Lewis, and praying that he may receive fuch ReUef as this Houfe fhall think juft. Alfo a Petition of Edward Booker, adting Executor of Richard Booker, deceafed, praying to be reimburfed for Arms impreffed by his Teftator as Coimty Lieutenant in Amelia, for the Ufe of the Militia of the faid County, and for which he has been ued; were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read.
Petition of
That the
faid Petitions
be referred to the Committee of Claims; that they and report the fame, with their Opinions thereupon
to the Houfe.
M' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported that the Committee had had imder their Confideration two Petitions to them referred, and had come to two Refolutions thereon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follow Refolved, That the Petition of fundry Inhabitants of Fauquier County, praying that the Owners of Mills, Hedges, and Stops, erecfled on the River Hedgman and Carter's Run, in the faid County, may make Openings or Slopes therein for the Paffage of Fifh is reafaid
That the Petition of Jofeph Cabell praying that a Ferry may be eftabLand, on the fouth Side of the Fluvannah River, in Buckingham County, acrofs the faid River, to the Land of William Cabell the Elder, on the North fide of the faid River, in the County of Amherft, is reafonable. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances to whom the Bill To oblige the Owners of Mills eredled on Little Roanoke River to keep Wafte or Tumbling Dams, was committed, that they receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the firft Relolution, and to extend the fame from Hedgman River down to the Falls of Rappahanock River. Ordered, alf o, That it be an Inftru<5lion to the faid Committee to whom the Bill For eftablifhing a Ferry from the Land of John Dix, on Staunton River, to the Land of Lewis Green, on the oppofite fide of the faid River, was committed, that they receive a Claufe
Adl paffed the last Seffion of Affembly, from the Land of M"' George Wilfon Spooner, to Cedar Point in Maryland, within a Quarter of a Mile of the Petitioner's Ferry, may be repealed, wasprefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame with their Opinions thereupon to the Houfe. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe again to refolve itfelf into a Comeftablifhing a Ferry
then the
That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into the faid Committee To-morrow. Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ii "'Clock.
November. 7
may pafs
upper End of the Cotmty of James City be added to New End of the County of New Kent be added to James City. Alfo two Petitions of fundry Inhabitants of faid Cotmties, in Oppofition thereto;
were feverally prefented to the Hotife, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Houfe. M'' Charles Carter, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill To direift the Colledlion of Taxes in Arrear from King George County for the Year 1765; and the fame was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. On a Motion made. The faid Bill was read a fecond Time, and committed to M'' Charles Carter, M." Thomas Harrifon, M"' Jofeph Cabell, M"' William Cabell, and M' Jordan.
M' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances reported that they had had under their Confideration the Petition of William Tyler to them referred, and had come to the following Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then by the Houfe, delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to
as follows
That the Petition of William Tyler, praying that o much of an Adt of Affembly paffed in the third Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, entitled An Ad' for therein mentioned, as appoints a eftablifhing feveral new Ferries, and for other Purpofes
Ferry to be kept from the Land of George Wilfon Spooner, in Weftmoreland County, over Potamnack River, to Cedar Point in Maryland, may be repealed, be rejecfled. M' Cary from the Committee of Claims, reported that they had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where
and agreed to by the Houfe as follows Refolved, That the Petition of Robert Wooding, for eleven Days Pay in the Quality of a Lieutenant Colonel, in viewing the Situation of the feveral Forts and Garrifons on the Frontiers of this Colony, in the Year 1758, be rejedled. Refolved, That the Petition of Baldwin Dade and Tho>nas Btmbtiry, Infpedlors at Boyd's Hole Warehoufe, to reimburfe them the Stmi of ;^45. 10. 11. for five Hogfheads of Tobacco, to wit, 3370 lbs. neat at 185. per Cent in 1762, and 2174 lbs. neat at 145. per Cent in 1763 and 1764, ftolen out of the faid Warehoufe, which they have been obHged to pay to the Owners thereof, is reafonable and that they ought to be repaid the faid
they were again
t-wice read,
Sum of 45.
10. II
of Jofeph Williams, to reimburfe him the Sum of S, which he paid for a Horfe impreffed by him as Sheriff of Lunenburg Coionty, to convey a Criminal to the Publick Gaol, which was loft in that Sennce is reafonable and that he ought to be repaid the faid Simi of ?> by the PubHck. Refolved, That the Petition af John Harwood, a wounded Soldier, for Relief from the PubUck, is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed the Stun of ;^5 for his prefent Relief, and the further Sum of ;^5 per Annum during Life, as a Recompense for the Wounds he received in the Service of the Colony. Refolved, That the Petition of Elijah M'Clanahan, to be reimburfed his Expenfe in the Care of his Woimds which he received from a Part}^ of the Enemy Indians in the Year 1754, is reafonable; and that he ought to be allowed the Sum of 2$ by the Pub-
of Claims
in the
Sundry MiHtia Claims of William Ramfay were prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the faid Claims be referred to the Confideration of the Committee
of Claims.
The Order
of the
into a
The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Speech and some Time spent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M' Bland reported that the Committee had had the faid Speech imder their Confideration, but not having Time to go through the fame, they had diredled him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Hovife will again refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into
their further Confideration the Governor's Speech,
To-morrow. Loudoun, praying that an Adl may pafs to dock the Entail of fimdrj^ Tradls of Land whereof he is feized in Fee Taille, was prefented to the Houfe and read and the Queftion being put that Leave be given to bring in a Bill agreeable to the Prayer of the faid Petition.
then the
That the faid Petition be rejedled. Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning
11 "'Clock.
20tb of ^Jlovember. 7
of certain
Wythe, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill to dock the Entail Land and Slaves whereof John Willoughby Gentleman, is feized and poffeffed, and for other Purpofes and the fame was read the firft Time, and
County of Accomack, praying that he may have Legacy of ;^30 per Annum given by Richard Bennett, Esq"'; late of the Province of Maryland, to the lower Parifh of Nanfemond, with which the Eftate defcended to him from the faid Bennett ftands charged, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition, and it is referred to M"" Bland to prepare and bring in the fame. M' Landon Carter, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill To empower Truftees to fell and convey certain Lands whereof Charles Carter the Elder is feized as Tenant in Fee Taille, and for other Purpofes and the fame was read the firft Time, and
Petition of George Parker, of the
in Lieu of a
That M"' Wafhington have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe imtil Wednefday next. A Petition of fundry Merchants, fetting forth that fome years ago an Adl of Affembfy paffed for the Encouragement of Navigation, whereby Virginia Owners of Veffels were exempt from the Payment of the Duties of Tunnage and the Impoft on Tobacco, and praying that as many of them are Part Owners of Veffels with Perfons refiding out of this Colony, that they may be entitled to the faid Exemption, were prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Trade that they examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereon, to the
a Motion made,
To dock the Entail of certain Land and Slaves whereof John Willoughby, feized and poffeffed and for other purpofes, was read a fecond Time, and committed to M"' Wythe, the Members of Prince fs Anne and Norfolk Counties, M"' Benjamin Harrifon, M' Eyre, M"' Hutchings, and M'' Wilfon Miles Cary.
was prefented to the Hotife and received. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration
Committee of
into a
The Order
of the
fome Time spent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M"" Bland reported that the Committee had had the faid Speech under their further Confideration, and had come to two Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read and agreed to with fome Amendments, as follow Refolved, That a Statute be raifed to his Majefty, as a grateful Acknowledgment for repealing the Stamp Adl, and thereby reftoring the Rights and Privileges of his American Subfedls, and confequently the Eafe and Happiness of this Colony. Refolved, That an Hofpital be eredled for the Reception of Perfons who are so unhappy as to be deprived of their reafon. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in a Bill, or Bills, purfuant to the above Refolutions. On a Motion made,
into the faid Committee,
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to enforce the Law relative to tendBland to prepare and bring in the ing Seconds, and it is referred to M' Woodbridge and M"'
Claim of John Martin, for a Horfe impreffed into his Majefty's Ser\'ice was prefented to the Houfe and received. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of
then the
Houfe adjmirned
To-morrow Morning
ii ''Clock.
of ^^ovember, 7 6eo.
Petition of Charles Mintiis, fetting forth that in endeavouring to apprehend a Negro Man Slave, a Felon vmder Sentence of Death, who had lately broke
Gaol, he received a dangerous Wound in his left Side from the faid Felon, by which he has never been able to follow his Occupation as a Blacksmith, and
praying the Confideration of this Houfe, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinions thereupon
to the Houfe.
Benjamin Harrifon, from the Committee of Trade, reported that they had had
under Confideration two Petitions to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where
they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follow Refolved, That a Petition from Sundry Inhabitants of the Coimty of Fairfax, praying that the Allowance for the Infpedlion of Flotu be lowered to a Penny Halfpenny
per Barrel,
That a Petition from fundry Merchants, and others. Inhabitants of this Colony, praving an Exemption from the Payment of Tunnage on Veffels and Impoft on Tobacco, and to be allowed the fame Privilege as Virginia Owners, as far as their
in a Bill
purfuant to
a Motion made.
be an
Inftru<$lion to the
of Propofitions
and Grievances,
it is
to a Refolve of this Hotife, that they receive a Clatife, or Claufes, in the faid Bill, for
eredling an Obelifk to perpetuate the Glorious Repeal of the late unconftitutional
Colony to the feveral noble and worthy Patriots that diftinguifhed themfelves in both Houfes of the Parliament of Great Britain on that happy Occafion, so effential to the juft Rights and Liberties of the Subjedls of the whole Realm. On a Motion made, Refolved, That the Number of Members to conftitute a Hotife. in Order to proceed on Bufmefs, fhall be 50 at the leaft, excltifive of the Speaker. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to take into their further Confidera-
of the
Houfe be put
off until
nefday next.
Petition of
King William, five others deferted and the other three were refufed by Col LnOT5, and alfo to be paid the ftrni of 78.10 due to him for the Balance of his Account, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their opinions therewhich he
left fick in
upon, to the Houfe. M' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported that the
Committee had had under their confideration feveral Petitions to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the
Houfe, as follow:
A(5l of
empower him to cut a Drain or Ditch from his Land, through the Lands of Samuel Bagg and Mary Bradford, to the Head of Malchapungo Creek, is reafonable. Refolved, That the petition of fundry Inhabitants of James City and New Kent
pafs to
Covmties, praying that that Part of New Kent County which lies on the lower Side of Diafcun Creek, from the Mouth thereof to the Run or Swamp on which the Mill belonging to John Blair, Efq'' ftands, thence up the faid Rim or Swamp to a marked Red Oak at Ifaac Goddin's Spring, near the faid Goddin's Houfe, thence eaftwardly to a marked Perfimmon at the Head of a Branch near the main Road on the lower Side of Goddin's Houfe, thence down the faid Branch to Dangerfields Mill, thence down that Mill Creek to York River, may be added to James City Cotmty, and that that Part of James Ctty County which lies on the upper Side of the Bounds before defcribed may be added to New Kent County, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition of fundry Inhabitants of New Kent and James City Covmties, in Oppofition thereto, be rejedled. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in a Bill, or Bills, purfuant to the firft two Refolutions. An Account of William Mead, for Sundries, was prefented to the Houfe and received. Ordered, That the faid Accotint be referred to the Confideration of the Committee
of Claims.
imtil this
then the
Woodbridge have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this and M"' Gafkins until the fecond Tuefday in December. Houfe adjourned until To-Morrow Morning 11 "'Clock.
Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill For adding Part of the Cotmty of James City to the County of New Kent, and part of the Coimty of New Kent
to the
Alfo a Bill
To enable Levin
Simken Grotands
in the
of Accomack,
fecond Time.
Alfo a Petition of
Antrim Parifh, in Halifax County, fetting forth the and County, and praying a Divifion of the fame. fundry Inhabitants of the County of Halifax, praying a Divifion
Alfo a Petition of the Veftry of the Parifh of Cameron, in the Coimty of Loudoun, from the Parifh of Truro there was a Confiderable Quantity of Church Plate belonging to the faid Parifh of Truro, no Part of which they have ever received, and praying that they may have their Proporfetting forth that before the Divifion of the faid Parifh
an Equivalent
Money and
be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of Auguftine Claiborne, and Mary his Wife, fetting forth that they are feized in Fee Taille of Ele\'en Hundred Acres of Land in the Coimty of Chefterfield, and
That the
faid Petitions
praying that an A(5l may pafs to enable them to fell the fame, and the Money arifmg by fuch Sale to be laid out in the Purchafe of Slaves, to be annexed to fuch Part of their other Lands as will be of equal Value to the faid Eleven Hundred Acres, was prefented
and read. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and it is referred to M' Bland to prepare and bring in the fame. M' William Cabell, from the Committee to whom the Bill To diredl the Colledlion of the Taxes in the Cotmty of King George for the Year 1765 was committed, reported that the Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill with the Amendments in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to by the Hotife. Ordered, That the faid Bill with the Amendments be engroffed, and read a third
to the Houfe,
then the
Houfe adjourned
Monday Morning
1 1
!Jtlon6a?. t^e
24tb of >lovember, 7
to be taken, inftead of and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath
of Abjuration,
the Hoxife.
Man Slave that was outlawed and killed, was prefented to the Houfe and received. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of
Claim of Thomas Hord, for a Negroe
On a Motion made.
M'' Ricfiard
deceafed. Clerk to the Committee of Correfpondence with the Agent of this Colony in
Great Britain
a Motion made,
Letters fent to
That the Committee of Correfpondence be directed to have the feveral them from the Agent of this Colony tranfcribed according to their Dates, a Book to be kept for that Purpofe. A Petition of Nathaniel Weft Dandridge, fetting forth that he is ieized in Fee Taille
of fundry Slaves as his abfolute Property; and praying that an Aft may Pafs to allow him to fell 1466 Acres and an Half, Part of his Land, upon his fettling Slaves of equal Value thereto. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition, and it is referred to M"" Syme and M"' Pendleton to prepare and bring in the fame.
of Hanover,
An engroffed Bill, entitled An AA' to dired the Colledion of the Taxes in the Counties King George and Buckingham for the Year 1766, and of tlie Publick Levy in the County Fauquier for the Year 1765, was read a third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Charles Carter of King George do carry it to the Coimcil for their
A Petition of Charles Carter of Lancafter, fetting forth that about 14 or 15 Years ago Harry, a Negroe Slave belonging to him, attempted the Life of his CK-erfeer, upon which
Hening, VIII.
p. 201.
which a Warrant was iffued to the Sheriff by a Juftice of Peace diredling him to apprehend the faid Slave, dead or alive, and the faid Slave endeavouring to make his Efcape was fired at and killed and praying to be allowed for the said Slave, was prefented to the Houfe and received and the Queftion being put that the faid Petition be referred
to a Committee.
It paffed in the Negative.
That the
faid Petition
A Bill to empower
the Elder
Truftees to
feized as
W Pendleton, W Wythe, W
and for other Purpofes, was read a fecond Munford of Mecklenburg, M'' Landon Carter, M' Robinfon, and the Members of Lancafter, Culpeper,
Stafford, and Fauquier Counties. M'' Cary prefented to the Houfe a Bill For giving a Salary to the Speaker of the Houfe of Burgeffes and the faid Bill was read the firft Time and ordered to be read a fecond
That M'' Tunftall be added to the Committees of Propofitions and Grievances and Privileges and Ele(5lions, and M"' Meredith to the Committee of Claims. M'' Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill For appointing a Treafurer and the fame was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. On a Motion made. Ordered, That the Adminiftrators of the late Treafurer do lay his Accounts before
this Houfe.
County of Atigufta, fetting forth that great from the interior Parts of this Colony are defirous of fettling on the Waters of the Ohio, and many German Emigrants are defirous of doing the fame, but are deterred therefrom by reafon of the Claims fundrj' Companies fet up by Virtue of fome old Grants obtained in England, and others from the Governor and Council of this Colony, the Terms of which have never been complied with (to the great Prejudice of his Majefty, as well as his Subje<5ls) but the feveral Claimants under fuch Grants deter your Petitioners, and others, from entering for Land on thofe Waters; they are alfo
of ftmdry Inhabitants of the
A Petition
of People
prevented by Orders advertifed by his Honor the Governor, forbidding the Surveyors any Entries beyond the Motmtains that they conceive if fuch Grants had not been made that the back Part of this Country would have been so well peopled that the Inhabitants would have been able to have repelled the Incurfions of the Indians, and faved immenfe Simis to the Colony, already expended on that Account, befides producing
to take
Flax as an Export to the Mother Country'. and this Colony may be no longer delayed, they humbly pray that his Majefty may be addreffed to give Leave that Lands may be entered for on the faid Waters, and that the grants not yet complied with may be declared void and of no Effedt.
large Quantities of
Hemp and
then the
That the faid Petition do lie on the Table. Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning
ii "'Clock
a Motion made,
An Ad'
Hening, VII.
p. 510.
M' Bland, from the Committee
of Proportions
ere($ling a Statue of his Moft Excellent Majefty and Houfe. according to Order, a Bill for of fundry noble and worthy Patriots of Great Ser\'ices an Obclifk to commemorate the and ordered to be read a fecond Time. Time, Britain and the fame was read the firft Pendleton, from the Committee of Privileges and Elecftions, reported that the
Affembly, and have come to the following Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General his Place, and then deUvered in at the Table, in read Refolutions thereupon which he they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follow
elefting Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent Refoived, Tliat the Returns of the Writs for and Loudoun Covmty, are made Jameftown, County, City for James General Affembly
in the
by Law.
That the Returns of the Writs for eledting Burgeffes to ferve in this and Queen are not made prefent General Affembly for the Counties of Hanover and King Law. by prefcribed in the Form
That the returns of the refpedlive Wriis for eledling Birrgeffes for the Coimties of Hanover and King and Queen be amended by the Clerk at the Table. had according to Order, prepared M'' Bland reported that the Committee appointed the fame in his Place, and then delivered in at the read he and Majefty his an Addrefs to and agreed to by the Houfe. read, twice again was Table where the fame tranf cribed, that it be figned by the Speaker be fairly Ordered, That the faid Addrefs of the Houfe of Burgeffes, and be by him tranfmitted to the Agent for this Colony, in Order to be laid before the Kings Moft Excellent Majefty. A Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the County of Southampton fetting forth the great Expenfe they have been at in building Bridges, and keeping them in Repair, and praying that an A(5l may pafs to empower the Juftices of the faid Coimty to eredl Gates, or Turnpikes, on fuch Bridges as are built over the River Nottoway in the faid County, and to demand and receive a Toll from fuch Perfons as pafs or repafs over the fame (the Inhabitants of the faid County excepted) was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with
; ; ;
To enable Levin Teacle to drain a Parcel of sunken Ground in the Coimty of Accomack, was read the fecond Time, and the Queftion being put that the faid Bill be
That the faid Bill be rejedled. M'' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported that the Committee had had under their further Confideration two petitions to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the
Houfe, as follow:
of the
pafs to
purchafe a Glebe in fuch Part of the faid Parifh as they fhall think convenient,
Refoived, That the petition of the Veftry of the parifh of Cameron, in the Coimty of Loudoun, praying that they may have an equal Proportion of the Church Plate belonging to the faid Parifh, before the Divifion of the fame from the parifh of Truro in the County
of Fairfax, is reafonable.
Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, with an Amendment, as
That the Claim of Thomas Hord, for a Slave who was outlawed and killed, is reafonable, and that he ought to be allowed the Siun of Sixty Pounds, to which the faid Slave was valued by the County Court of Fauquier. Refolved, That the Allegations of the petition of Charles Minnis are true, and that he ought to be allowed by the publick the Sum of ; 25, to reimburfe him fo much of the Dodlors Accounts as they think reafonable and juft; and that the further Svun of 2^ ought to be allowed him, as a Compenfation for the Lofs of his Health and Time, occaRefolved,
the faid
he received.
Inftru<5lion to the
be an
Allowances in the Book M"" Pendleton according to Order, laid the late Treafurer 's Accounts before the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Accotints be referred to the Committee to ftate and fettle the Treafurer 's Accounts, appointed on the fecond Day of this Seffion.
of Claims, purfuant to the faid Refolutions.
a Motion made.
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill To amend fo much of an Adl of Affembly paffed in the Thirtieth Year of his late Majefty 's Reign, entitled An Act for the better regulating ana difciplining the Militia, as relates to the appointment of Patrollers; and it is referred to M"' Archibald Cary and M'' Bland to prepare and bring in the fame. On a Motion made. Ordered, That the hearing of the Petition of William Fitzhugh, complaining of an undue ElecSlion and Return of M'' Thompfon Mafon, referred to the Committee of Privileges and Eledtions, be put off to Thurfday the 1 1"> Day of December next. A Claim of William Ramfay, for a Horfe impreffed into the Publick Service was prefented to the Houfe and received. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning
1 1
26tl) of !^ovember. 7
Laws have expired fmce the laft Affembly, and infped;ed fuch temporary Laws as will expire with the End of this Seffion or are near expiring, and have agreed upon a Report, and come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to, with
the Committee had, according to Order, examined what
fome Amendments, as follow Refolved, That the A(5l of Affembly made in the twenty fifth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the fecond, entitled An Act' for reviving the Duty upon Slaves to be paid by the Buyers, for the Term therein mentioned, which hath been continued by two other A(5ls made in the twenty feventh and thirty fecond Years of his faid late Majefty 's Reign, and will expire the 20"' Day of April 1767, ought to be further
That the Act of Affembly made in the thirty third Year of the Reign King George the fecond, entitled An Act^ to oblige the Per fon s bringing Slaves into this Colony from Maryland, Carolina, and the West Indies for their own Ufe, to pay a Duty, and which will expire the 20*'' Day of April 1767, ought to be
of his late Majefty
in the firft Year of his Majefty 's Reign, Pradice of Attornies, and which will expire at the End of this prefent Seffion of Affembly, ought to be continued.
An Ad*
Affembly made in the third Year of his Majefty "s Reign, the publick Roads and Bridges in Repair, and entitled An Ad' for the more effediial keeping which will expire at the End of this prefent Seffion of Affembly, ought to be continued. Year of his Majefty 's Reign, Refolved, That the Aft of Affembly made in the third their Fees, and which will expire at regulating and entitled An Ad' for eftablifhing Pilots, to be continued. the End of this prefent Seffion of Affembly, ought thirtieth Year of the Reign of his the made in Affembly of Adl the That Refolved,
That the
A<51 of
Majefty King George the fecond, entitled An Ad^ for reducing the feveral Ads for making Provifion againft Invafions and Infnrredions into one Ad, which was continued by two other Adls made in the third and fifth Years of his prefent Majefty 's Reign, and which will expire the 8'> Day of June 1767, ought to be continued.
That the Adl of Affembly made in the thirty fecond Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the fecond, entitled An Ad* for reducing the feveral Ads made for laying a Duty upon Liquors into one Ad, which was continued by two other Adts made in the firft and fifth Years of his prefent Majefty 's Reign, and which will expire on the lo*^ Day of June 1767, ought to be ftirther continued, with Amendments. Refolved, That the Adl of Affembly made in the fifth Year of his Majefty 's Reign, entitled An Ad^ for amending the staple of Tobacco, and preventing Frauds in his Majefty 's Cuftoms, and which will expire on the firft Day of Odober 1767, ought to be continued. Refolved, That the Adl of Affembly made in the nineteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the fecond, entitled An Ad^ for the better regulating and colleding certain Officers Fees, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, which hath been continued by feveral Adls and amended by two other Adls made in the firft and third Years of his prefent Majefty 's Reign, and which will expire the twelfth Day of April 1767, ought to be further continued, with Amendments. Refolved, That the Adl of Affembly made in the fifth Year of his Majefty 's Reign, entitled An Ad^ for increafing the Reward for killing Wolves within certain Comities, to be paid by the refpedive Counties wherein the Services fhall be performed, and which will expire the firft Day of Juyie 1768, ought to be continued, with Amendments. Ordered, That the Committee of Trade do prepare and bring in a Bill, or Bills, purfuant to the firft, fecond, fifth, and feventh Refolutions the Committee for Courts of Juftice, purfuant to the third and ninth Refolutions and the Committee of propofitions and Grievances, purfuant to the fourth, fiocth, eighth, and tenth Refolutions. A Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the Coimties of Lancafter and N orthumberland, letting forth that by the prefent Adl of Affembly for amending the Staple of Tobacco the relanding Tobacco at any Publick Warehoufe is prohibited, which is often attended with bad Confequences, by detaining the Veffels much longer in the Coimtry on unneceffary Charges than otherwife would be and praying that an Adl may pafs that the feveral Landlords (where it is neceffary) may build Houfes at their own Expenf e for that Purpofe, or upon Refufal to build allow any Merchant so to do at any of the Publick
; ; ;
fuch Tobacco.
of his Parifhioners
King William Cotmty, fetting Uving on Pamunkey River carry their Tobacco to a
Hanover Infpedlion, and pay their Levies there, where the Market is confiderably higher than in King William, a proportionable Part of which he conceives he has a legal Right to, yet finds himfelf deprived of by the Parifh Colledlors, who he has Reafon to believe convert the Tobacco they colledl in the Country to their own L"fe, and pay him off with Tobacco of inferior Value in King William, to his great Detriment, and praying they will take the Matter into Confideration and the faid Petitions were feverally prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame with their Opinions thereon to the Houfe.
Hening, VII.
p. 577.
the Bill
veft certain
therein mentioned, whereof George Carter, Esq' died feized in Fee Simple in certain
was committed, reported that they had made feveral Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the
Bill, with the Amendments, be engroffed and read a third Time. informed that the Sheriff of Augufta attended at the Door, in being The Hotife Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms. Ordered, That he amend his Return of the Writ for eledling Burgeffes for the faid County in the Office, and that he be difcharged out of Cuftody, paying Fees.
That the
Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the petition of the Minifter and Inhabitants of St. Mark's Parifh, in the County of Culpeper, praying that an Adl may pafs to empower the Veftry of the faid Parifh to fell their Glebe, and from the Money arifing by the Sale thereof to purchafe a better and more convenient Glebe, be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the petition of fundry Inhabitants of the faid Parifh of St. Mark, in Oppofition thereto, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the Petition of fundry Inhabitants of Southampton Coimty, praying that an Adt may pafs to empower the Juftices of the faid County to eredl Gates or Turnpikes, on fuch Bridges as are built over Nottoway River, in the faid County and to take a Toll from all Perfons (other than the Inhabitants of the faid County) who fhall pafs and repafs over the faid Bridges, is
third Refolution
being read a fecond Time, and the Queftion put that the Hotife
agree thereto.
It paffed in the Negative.
County of Southampton prayCoimty to eredt Gates or Turnpikes, on the Bridges over the River Nottoway, in the faid Cotmty be rejected. The other Refolutions being read a fecond Time, and the Queftion feverally put that the Houfe agree thereto,
of the Inhabitants of the
pafs to
empower the
The Order
of the
Day being
into a
mittee to take into their further Confideration the State of the Colony.
That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into the faid Committee Tomorrow. That the Order of the Day for a Call of the Houfe be put off until Tomorrow. M'' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported; according to Order, a Bill To empower the Veftry of the Parifh of Truro, in the County of Fairfax, to fell their Glebe and Church Plate, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned and the fame was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. M'' Cary, from the Committee of Claims, reported that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Matters to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follow: Refolved, That the Claim of John Martin, for his Horfe impreffed in his Majefty's Service, to carry an Express to Col Byrd, be rejected.
That the Petition of Thomas Baylis, for a Reward of io, for taking up a Negroe Felon who had ftolen a Horfe, be rejedled. be allowed for his Negroe Refolved, That the Petition of William Pemberton, to Man Slave Bob, who was outlawed and found dead in the Woods, be rejeded. A Bill For adding part of the County of James City to the County of New Kent, and Part of the County of New Kent to the County of James City, was read a fecond Time, and committed to the Members of New Kent, James City, and Hanover Co\mties. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ii "'Clock.
27lb of November. 7
according to Order, a
Benjamin Harrifon, from the Committee of Trade, prefented to the Houfe, Bill To continue an Adl entitled An Ad' for reviving
Duty upon
Alfo a Bill To continue an Adt entitled An Ad' to oblige the Per fans bringing Slaves into this Colony from Maryland, Carolina and the Weft Indies, for their own Ufe, to pay a Duty. Alfo a Bill To continue an Adl entitled An Ad' for eftablifhing Pilots and regulating their Fees; and the faid Bills were read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond
a Motion made.
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill To explain the Adl entitled An Ad* prefcnbing the Method of proving Book Debts; and it is referred to M"" London Carter, and M' Richard Henry Lee, to prepare and bring in the fame. A Petition of Conftant Woodfon, fetting forth that fhe has difcovered an efTedlual Remedy for curing Cancers, which fhe for a valuable Confideration will Communicate to the Publick; and praying fuch a Reward as the Houle fhall think reafonable, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to M"^ Nicholas, M' London Carter, M' Archibald Cary, and M"" Bland. M"' Bland prefented to the Houfe two Letters from the Agent of this Colony that had come to Hand fince the former Letters were laid before the Houfe, which were read. Ordered, That the faid Letters do lie on the Table. A Petition of James Meredith, praying to be allowed for a Negroe Man Slave that was outlawed and Shot. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinions thereupon,
to the Houfe.
The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe again to refolve itfelf into a mittee to take into their further Confideration the State of the Colony.
The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee; and after fome time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M' Blair reported that the Committee had had tmder their further Confideration the State of the Colony, and had made
For appointing a Alfo to the Bill For giving a Salary to the them referred which he read in his Place, and they were again twice read, and agreed to by the
feveral to the Bill
That the
faid Bills,
Speaker of the Houfe of Burgeffes, to then delivered in at the Table, where Houfe, with fome Amendments. with the Amendments, be engroffed and read a third
M' Blair informed the Houfe that the Committee had diredled him to move for Leave to fit again on the State of the Colony.
Hening, IV,
p. 317.
VII, p. 338.
VII, p. 380.
4 Ibid.,
VI, p. 53.
again refolve
into a
be put
off until
To-morrow Morning
ii "'Clock.
Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill For further continuing the A<5t for reducing the feveral Adls for making Provifion againf t Invafions and Infturedlions
into one Adl.
Alfo a Bill For continuing an Adl entitled An and preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms.
Alfo a Bill For further continuing an Adl for the more effedhial keeping the pubin Repair.
Alfo a Bill For continuing an Adl entitled An Ad^ for increafing the Reward for killing Wolves within certain Counties, to be paid by the Counties wherein the Services fhall be performed; and the faid Bills were read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a
fecond Time.
Committee to whom the Bill For adding Part of the Cotmty of James City to the Cotmty of New Kent, and Part of the County of New Kent to the County of James City, was committed, reported that they had made feveral Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be engroffed, and read a third Time. On a Motion made, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill To remove the Seat of Government to a Place more convenient to the Inhabitants of this Colony and it is referred to M' CarJohn Lee, M"' Simpfon, M"' Pendleton, M' Bland, M'' Munford of Mecklenburg, rington, M' Edward Carter, M.^ John Boiling, M' Eyre, M^ Archibald Cary, M'' Alexander, Harmanfon, M'' Grymes, and M"' Richard Henry Lee, to prepare and M' Parramore,
Benjamin Harrifon, from the Committee of Trade, reported that the Committee had had tmder their Conlideration a Petition to them referred, and had come to the following Refolution thereon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Petition of William O'Bryan Goff, and others Branch Pilots on Potowmack River, fetting forth many Hardfhips they labour imder, and praying the Confideration of this Houfe, be rejedled. He alfo reported, from the faid Committee, a Bill for leffening the Allowance for the Infpedlion of Flour and the faid Bill was read the firft Time and ordered to be
; ;
read a fecond Time. The Houfe being informed that Charles Smith, to whom an Allowance was formally given, had deceived the Houfe in the Reprefentation of his Cafe to them.
That the
faid Information
mittee of Claims
that they examine into the Matter thereof, and report their Opinions
Hening, VIII,
p. 69.
p. 147.
delivered in at the Table, where the Amendment, and are as follow
with an
That the Petition of fundry Merchants, Infpedlors, and Planters, of the Counties of Northumberland and Lancafter, praying that the feveral Proprietors of the Publick Warehoufes for Reception of Tobacco may build Houfes at their own Expenfe, and be allowed the Liberty of receiving all Tobacco which may be removed by the Owner fo to be built againft the Arrival of the faid Tobacco from the Warehoufes to the Houfes was firft intended to be fhipped, Tobacco faid the which Board on of the Ship, or Veffel
That the Petition of Alexander White, Clerk, in Behalf of himfelf, and other Clerg>Tnen in the like Situation, praying that the CoUedors of the Parifh Levies may pay them their Salaries in the Tobacco Notes which the faid CoUedlors receive; be reje(5led, the fame being akeady amply provided for by Law.
That the Petition of fundry Inhabitants of Halifax County, praying that the faid County may be divided by the Line therein expreffed, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition of the Minifter and Inhabitants of the Parifli of Antrim, in the Coimty of Halifax, praying that the faid Parifh may be divided, is reafonable. Ordered, That the firft Refolution do lie on the Table Ordered, That the Committee of Proportions and Grievances do prepare and bring in a Bill or Bills, purfuant to the two laft Refolutions. An engroffed Bill, entitled An Ad^ for giving a Salary to the Speaker of the Houfe
of Burgeffes,
was read a
third Time.
Alfo an engroffed Bill, entitled An Ad' for appointing a Treafurer, was read a third Time, and the Blanks therein filled up. Refolved, That the faid Bills do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Blair do carry them to the Council for their Concurrence.
Donald fon, letting forth that he has received feveral Wounds in the Service of this Colony, and is now blind, and rendered incapable of doing any fort of Work for a Livelihood and praying the Confideration of this Houfe, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims; that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with
Petition of Robert
a Motion made,
That no Perfon, except the Members of his Majefty's Cotmcil, fhall be admitted into the Gallery, unlef s introduced by fome of the Members of this Houfe and
the Serjeant at
duely executed.
Cary reported that the Committee of Claims had had tmder their Confideration them refen-ed, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again read, and are as follows Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the Claim of William Mead, for Pay for himfelf and Company as per Roll, be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that fo much of the Claim of William Ramfay as relates to an Allowance to be made him by the PubUck for his Mare Impreffed by the Sheriff of Effex County to remove a Criminal to the Publick Gaol, be rejedled and that the Refidue of the faid Claim for Hire of the faid Mare, is reafonable, and that he ought to be allowed the Sum of fourteen Shillings for the fame. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the Claim of Jofeph Wood, for a Gun for the Ufe of the Militia, is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed the
feveral Matters to
; ;
Sum oi \.
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the Petition of Edward Booker, adling Executor of Richard Booker, deceafed, for an Allowance for fundry Arms impreffed by the faid Decedent for the Ufe of the Militia, be rejeded, for Want of fufficient Proof.
Hening, VIII.
p. 210.
Committee that the Claim oijohn and William Montgomery, to be allowed for Damages done by the Virginia Regiment, be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the Petition of Benjamin Temple, to be allowed the Bounty, Expenfe, and Subfiftence, of nine Recruits enlifted and marched by him to the Place of Rendezvous, where they were refufed by Col" Andrew Lewis, be rejeAed. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the Petition of Benjamin Winflow, to be allowed the Bounty, Expenfe, and Subfiftence, of one Recruit, enlifted and marched by him to Fort Lewis, where he was reftifed by Col Andrew Lewis, be
of this
The firft, fecond, third, fourth, fifth and feventh Refolutions, being feverally read a fecond Time, and the queftion put that the Houfe agree thereto, Refolved in the affirmative. Ordered, that the Committee of Claims do make the refpedlive Allowances in the Book of Claims, agreeable to the fecond and third Refolutions. The fixth Refolution being read a fecond Time, Ordered, That the fame be recommitted to the Committee of Claims. A Petition of Ralph Wormeley, fetting forth that he is feized in Fee Taille of a Tradl of Land in the Parifh of York Hampton, and County of York, containing 1800 Acres; and praying an Adl may pafs to allow him to fell the fame, on his fettling a Tradl of 4000 Acres in the County of Frederick to the fame Ufes, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and it is referred to M'' Pendleton to prepare and bring in the fame. A Bill, To empower the Veftry of the Parifh of Truro in the Coimty of Fairfax, to fell their Glebe and Church Plate, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time, and committed to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ix "'Clock.
29tl) of
November. 7
<Beo. Ill
and beft
a Motion made.
On a Motion made,
in a Bill
for preventing Frauds in the Cuftoms and in clearing of Ships, for afcertatntng Collectors and Naval Officers Fees, and to prohibit and prevent the cafting Ballaft or dead Bodies,
into Rivers or Creeks;
it is
to the
Bill, entitled
An Ad'
adding Part
County of New Kent and part of the County of New was read a third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Bland do carry the faid Bill to the Cotmcil
A Bill
That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read the third Time. For continuing an Acl entitled An Ad^ for increafing the Reward for
Hening, VI,
p. 94.
VIII, p. 208.
VIII, p. 147.
That the
faid Bill
paid by
To continue an
That the
A<51 entitled
An Ad'
the Buyer,
be engroffed, and read a third Time. A Bill to continue an Adl entitled An Ad' to oblige Perfons bringing Slaves into this Colony from Maryland, Carolina, attd the Weft Indies, for their own Ufe, to pay a Duty, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. A Bill to continue an Adl entitled AnAd^ for eftablifhtng Pilots, and regulating their Fees, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. A Bill For further continuing an Acft for the more effedtual keeping the Publick Roads and Bridges in Repair was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. A Bill For continuing an Adl entitled An Ad* for amending the Staple of Tobacco and preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe on Wednesday next. A Bill for fiuther continuing the Adl for reducing the feveral Adls for making Provifion againft Invafions and Infurredlions into one Adl was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time.
then the
Houfe adjourned
Monday Morning
ii "'Clock.
1st of
iDecember, 7 (Beo.
a Motion made,
Refolved, That thirty Members be a Houfe and to fend for the abfent Members.
Ntunber to
tioned, whereof
George Performance
to veft certain Lands therein menFee Simple in certain Truftees therein his Will, was read a third Time, and the Blanks
An Ad^
A Petition of Robert Willis, fetting forth that he has ferved as a Soldier in the Armies
of Great Britain ever fince the
Year 1709; that he came to Virginia in 1739, and in the year 1740 fen-ed vmder Governor Gooch in the Expedition to Carthagena, with whom he returned to Virginia, and ferved as a Soldier under Capt. Spotfwood, and was in feveral Engagements againft the French and Indians; that he is now old, infirm, and tmable to labour for his Support, and praying the Confideration of this Houfe, was prefented to
the Houfe and read.
be referred to the Committee of Claims that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame with their Opinion thereon,
That the
faid Petition
to the Houfe.
M' Syme, according to Order, prefented to the Hovife a Bill To veft certain entailed Lands in Nathaniel Weft Dandridge Efq'' in Fee Simple, and for fettling Slaves in Lieu thereof and the fame was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. An engroffed Bill, entitled An Ad^ to continue an Ad entitled Ati Ad for reviving the Duty upon Slaves to be paid by the Buyers, was read a third Time and a Blank therein filled up and the Queftion being put that the faid Bill do pafs.
; ; ;
Hening, IV,
p. 317.
VII, p. 338.
6 ibid_^
It paffed in the Negative.
That the
faid Bill
conUnue an Ad entitled An Ad to oblige the Perfons bringing Slaves into this Colony from Maryland, Carolina and the Weft Indies for their own Ufe, to pay a Duty, was read a third Time and a Blank therein filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Benjamin Harrifon do carry it to the Council for their Concur-
Bill, entitled
An Ad^
An engroffed
An Ad'
was read a third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Benjamin Harrifon do carry it to the Cotmcil for their Concurrence. On a Motion made, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill For amending and further continuing the feveral Adts for laying a Duty on Slaves, and it is referred to M"" Pendleton to prepare and bring in the fame. An engroffed Bill, entitled An Ad^ to continue an Ad entitled An Ad for eftablifhing Pilots, and regulating their Fees, was read a third Time, and a Blank therein filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Benjamin Harrifon do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence.
An Ad*
third Time,
and a Blank therein filled up. That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Bland do carry it to the Cotmcil for their Concurrence. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ii"' Clock.
I3ues6ai?. t^e
of "2>ecember. 7 <&eo.
a Motton made.
Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to inquire into the State of the Clerk's Office of this Houfe, and to confift of the following Perfons: M'' Bland, M'' Richard Lee, My Pendleton, M"" Landon Carter, M^ Bowler Cocke, M^
and M"' Henry. My John Lee, from the Committee appointed prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill To remove the Seat of Government to a Place more convenient to the Inhabitants of this Colony and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be
from the Committee for Courts of Jtiftice, prefented to the Houfe, For continuing the Adt entitled An Ad^ for regulating the Practice of Attornies, and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. M"' Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill For dividing the Coimty of Halifax and Parifh of Antrim; and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. He Alfo reported that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances had had under their Confideration a Bill To empower the Veftry of the Parifh of Truro, in the County of Fairfax, to fell their Glebe and Church Plate, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, and had made no Amendments thereto.
Hening, VIII,
p. 194.
4 Ibid.,
VIII, p. 189.
VIII, p. ig8.
That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. Ordered, what M' London Carter have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe the Remainder of this Seffion, and M' Brooks until To-morrow Se'nnight. M' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom the Bill an Acl entitled An Ad' for increa-fingthe Reward for killing Wolves within continuing For certain Counties, wherein the Services fhall be performed, was committed, reported that the Committee had had the fame tmder their Confideration, and had made feveral Amendments thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Bill with the Amendments, be engroffed, and read a third
Statue to his Moft Excellent Majefty and an Obelifk to commemorate the Services of fundrj^ noble and worthy Patriots of Great Britain, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe on
Bill for ere($ling a
Thurfday next.
that the Aft of Affembly, paffed in the fourth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, For exempting the Inhabitants of Elizabeth City County, and the Minifter and Inhabitants
of Suffolk Parifh in
of Ferriages, etc.,
for other
may be
prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions
and report
their Opin-
to the
in Nathaniel
Weft Dandridge,
Efq""; in
Members of Hanover, Louifa and Caroline. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe again
mittee on the State of the Colony. Refolved, That this Hoitfe will again refolve
into a
of the Colony on Friday next. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning
1 1
3r6 of
For further continuing and amending the Adl entitled An Ad' for the better regulating and colleding certain Officers Fees, and for other purpofes therein mentioned; and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. M"^ Bettjamin Harrifon, from the Committee of Trade, prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill To continue and amend an Adl entitled /In TltS' for reducing the feveral Ads made for laying a Duty upon Liquors into one Ad; and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. On a Motion made. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill To empower the Executors of Charles Carter to difpofe of fome Part of his real Eftate, for the Payment of his juft Debts and Legacies and it is referred to M' London Carter to prepare and bring in the
Houfe, according to Order, a
M' Eyre, from the Perfons appointed, prefented to the Houfe, according to order, To amend an Adt entitled An Ad* for preventing Frauds in the Cuftoms, and in
Hening, VIII,
p. 147.
Ibid., V, p. 326.
VII, p. 265.
VI. p. 94.
clearing of Ships, for afcertaining Colledors and naval Officers Fees, and to prohibit and prevent the cafting Ballaft or dead Bodies into Rivers or Creeks; and the faid Bill was read
Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. Luke Luker, of the County of Accomack, praying that he may be admitted to keep a Ferry from Pungoteague in the faid Coimty to York, Hampton,
Petition of
and the Places adjacent. Alfo a Petition of Thomas Talbot, fetting forth that fome Years ago hepurchafed of one Robert Todd a Piece of Land, with Storehoufes thereon, lying on the main Street in the Borough of Norfolk; that he laid off a Street 26 Feet wide, between the faid Storehoufes and the main Street, leading to a back Creek, for the Benefit of the PubHck that lince the faid Purchafe, upon a Survey, he finds that the greateft Part of one of the faid Houfes Ues on the Publick Land, and praying that he may be allowed the Publick Land whereon his faid Storehoufe ftands, and as much as will make up the faid 26 Feet he gave to the PubUck; were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with
their Opinions thereon, to the Houfe.
On a Motion made.
was referred to bring in a Bill purfuant to the Prayer of George Parker's Petition, that he be difcharged from the fame, and that the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they inquire into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions thereon to the Houfe. A Petition of Robert Beverly, Efq'' fetting forth that he if feized of a Tradl of Land containing 2800 Acres in the Counties of King and Queen and Caroline, and one other Tradl of 50 Acres in the County of Effex, in Fee Taille, and that he is feized in Fee Simple of one Moiety of a Tradt of Land in the County of Culpeper, containing 7100 Acres; and praying that an Adl may pafs to enable him to fell the faid entailed Lands, and to fettle the aforementioned Moiety of 7100 Acres in Lieu thereof, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition, and it is referred to M' Robert Munford of Mecklenburg, and M' Pendleton to prepare and bring in the fame. A Meffage from the Council by M"' Walthoe.
Bland, to
James City to the County of New Kent, and Part of the County of New Kent to the County of James City. Alfo to the Bill entitled An Ad;^ to dire(5l the Colledlion of the Taxes in the Counties of King George and Buckingham for the Year 1766, and of the Publick Levy in the County of Fauquier for the Year 1765, without Amendments. Alfo to the Bill entitled An Adl^ to veft certain Lands therein mentioned, whereof George Carter, Efq'' died feized in Fee Simple in certain Truftees therein named, to be
fold for
which they
defire the
The Houfe immediately proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council to the Bill, entitled An Ad* to veft certain Lands therein mentioned, whereof George Carter, Efq' died feized in Fee Simple, in certain Truftees therein named, to be fold for Performance of his Will, and the fame being twice read, were agreed to. Ordered, That M'' Landon Carter do go up to the Council, and acquaint them that this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments propofed by them to the faid Bill. M'' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported that the faid Committee had had imder their Confideration the Petition of the Veftry and other Inhabitants
Hening, VIII,
p. 208.
VIII, p. 201.
VIII, p. 215.
VIII, p. 215.
Inhabitants of Suffolk Parifh in Nanfemond County, to them referred, and had come in his Place, and then delivered to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read and agreed to by the Hotife as read, twice again in at the Table, where the fame was
That the faid Petition, praying that so much of an Adl of Affembly paffed of his prefent Majefty's Reign, entitled An Ad' for exempting the Year in the third Inhabitants of Elizabeth City County, and alfo the Minifters and other Parifhioners of Suffolk in Nanfemond, and of Antrim Parifh in Halifax, from the Payment of Ferriage, and for otlter purpofes therein mentioned, as relates to the Exemption of the Minifter and Parifhioners of Suffolk, in the faid County of Nanfemond, /row the Payment of Ferriage on Sundays, and other Days of Pnblick Worfhip, may be repealed, be rejeded. An engroffed Bill, entitled An Ad'' for continuing an Ad entitled An Adforincreafing
for killing Wolves within certain Counties, to be paid by the Counties wherein the Services fhall be performed, was read a third Time, and a Blank therein filled up.
and Church
for other
Purpofes therein
That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Bland do carry it to the Coimcil for their Concurrence. A Bill for dividing the Coimty of Halifax, and Parifh of Antrim, was read a fecond
That the
faid Bill
A Bill For continuing an Adl entitled An Ad* for regulating the Pradice of Attornies, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee to take under their Confideration the Bill For continuing an A<51 entitled An Ad^for amending the Staple of Tobacco and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into the faid Committee Tomorrow. M'' Cary, from the Committee of Claims reported that the faid Committee had had \mder their Confideration feveral Matters to them referred, and had come to the following
which he read in his Place, and, then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and are as follow Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that William Ramfay ought to be allowed the Sum of 56.2.10 Half penny, for the Provifions, in his Account mentioned, fumifhed the Mihtia ftationed on the South Branch and that the Refidue of his faid Accoimt, being for Tomhawks for the Ufe of the Regiment, and for the Pay of the Militia under the Command of Captain Robert Pearis, be rejedled, it appearing that the faid Pearis has been allowed for Pay Rolls fmce the Date of this Account. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the Account of Alexander Woddrow and Company, for Sundries therein mentioned be reje(5led. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the Petition of James Meredith, to be allowed for his Negroe Man Will, who was outlawed and fhot, is reafonable, and that he ought to be allowed the Sum of ;< 55.4 for his faid Slave. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the Petitions of Francis and Robert Afhby, to be reimburfed the Sum of ;C 66 or 67, faid to have been taken from Nimrod Afhby by a Party of Indians, by whom it was fuppofed he was killed, be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the petition of Robert Willis, a Soldier, who from the Infirmities of old age, and the Hardfhips he has fuffered in the
Refolutions thereupon
Ibid.. Ibid.,
of the reign of George III. Hening, VIII, p. 52. VIII, p. 202. s Ibid., VIII, p. 69. VIII, p. 397.
that he ought to be allowed the Sum of 5 per Annum during Life, towards his Support. The laft Refolution being read a fecond Time, and the Queftion being put that the
HouXe agree
That the Petition of Robert Willis be rejedled. The 2'', 3'', and 4"* Refolutions, being read a fecond Time, and the Queftion put that the Houfe agree thereto.
That the i"' Refolution be recommitted to the Committee of Claims. That the Committee of Claims do make an Allowance in the Book of Claims
purfuant to the
To-morrow Morning
11 "'Clock.
I5bur56a?, t^e
December. 7
in the
County of Richmond, fetting forth that they have lately purchafed a Traft of Land adjoining the Glebe of the faid Parifh, which they are defirous of annexing to the fame, and praying that an A(5t may pafs for that Purpofe, except as to a fmall Part thereof which is intended to be laid off for a Poor Iloufe, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition, and it is referred to M'' Landon Carter to prepare and bring in the fame.
Petition of the Veftry of
Lunenburg Parifh,
On a Motion made,
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill For the Relief of iuch Perfons as have been prevented from recording Deeds, and other Inftruments, within the Time prefcribed by Law, by the Occlufion of the Courts of Juftice during the Confufion lately created by the Adl of Parliament for impofmg Stamp Duties in America; and it is referred to M'' Richard Henry Lee to prepare and bring in the fame. M'' Landon Carter reported that the Perfons appointed to examine into the State of the Clerk 's Office of this Houfe had duly attended the faid Office, and carefully infpe(5led the State thereof, and had agreed upon a report which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe,
as follows
It appears to your Committee that the feveral Records and Papers in the Office are kept in as good a State of Prefervation as Manufcripts prefumptively can be, the feveral Cafes containing the fame are under good Locks and Keys, in which every Record and Paper is carefully and diftinftly depolited, except as to one Prefs, containing fundry old Papers, which though bundled up appear in the fame difordered indigefted State in which they were faved in the Time of the burning of the Capitol; as to the Journals before the Year 1752, many of the Volumes appear to have endured the Inconveniences, and indeed Deftrudtions, that Time generally effedls on Manufcripts, and fmce the Year 1752 the feveral Journals are preferved in printed and bound Books, kept for the Ufe of the Affembly; but that the ancient Minutes of the Office before the Year 1752, from which the Journals have been tranfcribed into the Volumes as before, are in a very
perifhing condition.
a Motion made,
the Journals of this Houfe from the moft early Times in the Records of this Houfe to
the Year 1752, imder the InfpeAion of the Clerk; that one Set of fuch Journals, half bound, be lodged in the Office of this Hoiife for the Ufe of the Members, one Set for the
Speaker, and one Set for each of the ftanding Committees and that a Siim, not exceeding ;^4oo Current Money, fhall be apphed for the Purpofes aforefaid.
to oblige the Perfons bringing Slaves into this Weft Indies, for their own Ufe, to pay a Duty.
Adt' to continue an Adl entitled an Adl Colony from Maryland, Carolina, and the
An Act'
Adls for making Provifion againft Invafions and Alfo to the Bill entitled .^n Adl^ to continue and Adl entitled
Pilots and regulating
their Fees.
On a Motion made,
be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims to levy for the County Tobacco, which they paid to the Sheriff of that Cotmty for a 8510 Deficiency of 105 Tithables in the Number the laft Publick Levy was laid on the faid County, by a Miftake in the Clerks Certificate. A Petition of fvmdry Inhabitants of the Cotinty of Weftmoreland, fetting forth that the \Yarehoufes on the River Yeocomico in the Coimty aforefaid are inconveniently fituated, and praying that the upper Warehoufes called Ruft's may be removed lower down the River to a Place known by the Name of Kinfale, was prefented to the Houfe
of Carolij:c
lbs. of
and read.
That the
faid petition
on the Table.
M"" Pendleton prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to continue and amend an Adl for reviving the Dut}' upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers.
fettling other
Alfo a Bill to veft certain Lands in Ralph Wormeley, Efq"'; in Fee Simple, and for Lands in Lieu thereof; and the faid Bills were feverally read the firft Time,
The Houfe imm.ediately proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed Bill, and the fame being read were agreed to. Ordered, That M' Bland do go up with a Meffage to the Coimcil, and inform them
M' Cary, from the Committee of Claims, reported that the faid Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Matters to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then deUvered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to, as follow: Refolved, That the Petition of Jonathan Ware, to be allowed his Accotmt for Prifon Fees for deferted Soldiers be rejedled, being no pubUck Claim. Refolved, That the Claims of John Trimble, for Horfe Hire in the Year 1759, and of John Buchanan, jun' for a Horfe and Hire in the Year 1756, be rejedled. Refolved, That the Claim of R. Walker John fon for 298 lbs of Beef, fumifhed a Detachment of Capt. Cunningham's Company of Militia at Dickinfon's is reafonable; and that he ought to be allowed the Sirm oi 1. 17. 3 for the fame.
Refolved, That the Petition of Robert Donaldfon, a woimded Soldier, is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed the fum of s^ for his prefent Relief. Refolved, That the Sum of ^ per Annum be paid to the faid Robert Donaldfon
Hening, VIII,
p. 191.
3 4
VIII. p. 189.
VIII, p. 200
during his Life, as a Recompenfe for the
fuffered, in the Service of the Colony.
Wounds he
be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims to make an Allowance in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the third and fourth Refolutions. Ordered, That the laft Refolution be engroffed, and that M' Cary do carry it to the Council for their ConcmTence. M"" Archibald Cary, from the Perfons appointed, prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill To amend fo much of the Adt for the better regulating and training the Militia as relates to the Appointment of Patrollers, their Duty, and Reward; and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. M'' Robert Munford of Mecklenburg, from the Perfons appointed prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill To dock the Entail of certain Lands whereof Robert is feized, and for fettling other Lands of greater Value to the fame Ufes; Beverly, Efq"' and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. The Reprefentation of the Commiffioners for the Northern Department, appointed by Adl of Affembly to examine and ftate the Accounts of the Militia ordered out into
was prefented to the Hotife and read. That the faid Reprefentation be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the fame, and that they alfo inquire into the Service of the faid Commiffioners, and report their Opinions thereon to the Houfe. On a Motion made. Ordered, That the Clerks of the feveral County Courts in this Colony do tranlmit
adnial Service,
they tranfmit aKo, at the fame Time, a Lift of the Publick Charges of their refpedtive
of this
in the
Virginia Gazette.
An Ad^
keeping the publick Roads and Bridges in Repair, was read a third time, and a Blank
therein filled up.
The Order
Day being
into a
Committee to
take into their Confideration the Bill For continuing an Adl entitled
the Staple of Tobacco,
and for preventing Frauds tn his Majefty 's Cuftoms. Houfe will refolve itfelf into the faid Committee Tomorrow. The Order of the Day being read for the Hottfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee on the Bill For eredting a Statue of his Mof t Excellent Majefty, and an Obelifk, to commemorate the Services of fiindry noble and worthy Patriots of Great Britain. The Houfe immediately refolved itfelf into the faid Committee and after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker reftuned the Chair, and M'' Bland reported that the Committee, not having Time to go through the fame, had directed him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Hotife will again refolve itfelf into a Committee on the faid Bill on Tuefday next. On a Motion made. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to prepare Infcriptions for the Obelifk intended to be raifed to exprefs the Gratitude of this Colony to the feveral noble and worthy Patriots who diftinguifhed themfelves, in both Houfes of the Parliament of Great Britain in procuring the Repeal of the Stamp Adl and it is referred to M"' Landon Carter, M" Bland, M' Wythe, M'' Pendleton, M"' Blair, M'' Nicholas, M^ R. Munford of Mecklenburg, M'' Henry, M'' Richard Henry Lee, M"' Thompfon Mafon, M'' Dudley Digges, M'' Page, M'' Benjamin Harnfon, M'' Archibald Cary, M" Francis Lee, Lewis, Wilfon Cary, M"" Randolph, M.'' Alexander, and M"' Burwell to prepare the fame.
Hening, VIII,
p. 192.
VIII, p. 69.
remove the feat of Government to a Place more convenient to the Inhabitants of this Colony was read a fecond Time, and ordered to be committed to a Committee of the whole Honfe on this Day Se'nnight. On a Motion made, Ordered, That there be a Call of the Houfe on this Day Se 'nnight. On a Motion made. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill To exempt the Inhabitants of the County of Mecklenburg, and Parifhioners of St. James's Parifli in the faid County, from paying Ferriage on Sundays, Court Days, and on the Days appointed for General Mufters and it is referred to M' Cary, and M' Robert Munford of Mecklenburg, to prepare and bring
Bill to
in the fame.
of Attornies,
was read a
third Time,
That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Bland do carry it to the Coimcil for their Concurrence. On a Motion made, A Bill to veft certain entailed Lands in Ralph Wormeley, Efq'' in Fee Simple, and for fettling other Lands in Lieu thereof, was read a fecond Time, and committed to M' Pendleton, the Members of York, Elizabeth City, and Loudoun, M"^ Wafhington and M' Lewis. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning 1 1 " 'Clock.
On a
London Carter prefented to the Houfe, according to Order a Bill Forarmexing certain Lands to the Glebe Land of Lunenburg Parifh, in the County of Richmond, by way of Donation and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time.
Motion made,
Members coming
the Prorogation of the fame, be allowed their TravelHng Expenfes. A Petition of William Fitzhugh, praying Leave to withdraw his Petition complaining
Thonipfon Mafon, to ferve as a Burgefs in this of Stafford, was prefented to the Houfe and
That the faid Wtlliam Fitzhugh have Leave to withdraw his faid Petition, and that the Committee of Privileges and Elections be dif charged from proceeding any
further therein.
a Motion made.
of the faid
Thompfon Mafon be allowed his Cofts, occafioned by the Petition William Fitzhugh and it is referred to the Committee of Claims to fettle and
by the Houfe,
as follow
That the Petition of George Parker, praying that an Adl may pafs empowering him to pay down a fvifficient Sum of Money to fecure an Annuity to the Parifh of Suffolk, in the County of Nanfemond, in Lieu of certain Slaves fet apart for that Purpofe, by the laft Will and Teftament of Richard Bennett, Efq'' is reafonable.
Hening, VIII,
p. 198.
Refolved, That the Petition of Elizabeth Cook, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from her Landing, in Stafford Coiinty below the Mouth of Chapawamflck Creek, acrofs the River Potowmack, to the Land of Clement Kennedy, in Maryland, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition of James Scott, Clerk, praying that a Ferry may be eftabliflied from his Landing, at Dipple, in Stafford Coimty, acrofs Potowmack to Cedar Point, in Maryland, be rejedled. Refolved, That the Memorial of John Henry, for laying down a general Map of this Colony be rejedled. Ordered, That the Committee of Proportions and Grievances do prepare and bring in a Bill purfuant to the
That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom the Bill For eftablifhing a Ferry from the Land of John Dix, on Dan River, to the Land of Lewis Green, on the oppofite Side of the faid River, was committed, to receive
a Claufe, or Claufes, purfuant to the fecond Refolution. Ordered, That M'' Parramore have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe
the Remainder of this Seffion. A Bill To continue and amend an Adl entitled
An Ad^
made for laying a Duty upon Liquors into one Ad, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe on
Tuefday next.
A Bill To amend fo much of the Adl for the better regulating and training the Militia
as relates to the Appointment of Patrollers, their Duty,
That the
faid Bill
On a Motion made,
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill To oblige John Field, John Pofag, and James Gunn, to fettle with the Treafurer of this Colony for the feveral Sums they refpedlively received from the Publick for the Pay of their Companies of Artificers, and to pay the Balance (if any) in their Hands, to the faid Treafurer, for the publick Ue and is referred to WArchihald Gary, and M'' Pendleton, to prepare and bring in the fame. M'' Pendleton, from the Committee to whom the Bill To veft certain entailed Lands in Ralph Wormeley, Efq'' in Fee Simple, and for fettling other Lands in Lieu thereof, was committed, reported that the faid Committee had made an Amendment thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill with the Amendment in at the Table, where the Amendment was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendment, be engroffed and read a third
Entail of certain Lands whereof Robert Beverley, Efq"' is feized, and for fettling other Lands of greater Value to the fame Ufes, was read a fecond Time,
and committed to the Members of Caroline, King and Queen, Effex, and Culpeper. A Bill to continue and amend an Adl for reviving the Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee to take into their Confideration the Bill For continuing an Adl entitled An Ad'' for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into the faid Committee on Monday next. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee to
take into their further Confideration the State of the Colony.
Committee on Thurf-
day next.
then the
Houfe adjourned
Monday Morning
1 1
Hening, VII,
p. 265.
VIII, p. 69.
H)<^ 8tl)
7 (&eo.
Claim of Richard Johnfon, of the County of Louifa, for a Negroe Man named Pompey, that was condemned by the Court of the faid Coimty, and valued to 50, was prefented to the Houle and read. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the
of Claims.
Richard Henry Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill To explain the Adl entitled An Ad' prefcrihing the Method of proving Book Debts; and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time.
to Order, certain Infcriptions, intended for the ObeHfk to be raifed in Order to perpetuate the Memory of certain noble and illxiftrous Patriots who diftinguifhed themfeh-es in the
Parliament of Great Britain in the Caufe of American Liberty which he read in his Place, and then deUvered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by
the Houfe.
do he on the Table. Houfe, according to Order, a Bill To amend an Aft M' Hutchings prefented to the entitled An Ad' to atnoiJ an Ad entitled An Ad to explain the Charter, and enlarge the Privileges of the Borough of Norfolk, and for other pirpofes therein mentioned; alfo one other Adl, entitled An Ad^ for enlarging and afcertaining the Limits of the Borcnigh of
That the
faid Infcriptions
Norfolk, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time.
and the
faid Bill
Alfo a Petition of William Hix, to the fame Purpofe, were feverally prefented to the
Houfe and
That the faid William Hix be appointed Door-Keeper to this Hoiafe, and his Attendance accordingly. give he that Refolved, That the Petition of William Page be rejecfled.
M' Syme, from the Committee to whom the Bill To veft certain entailed Lands in Nathaniel Weft Dandridge, Efq'' in Fee Simple, and for fettling Slaves in Lieu thereof, was committed, reported that the Committee had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true, and had made feveral Amendments thereto which he read
in his Place,
with the Amendments in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Bill with the Amendments be engroffed, and read a third
Archibald Cary, from the Perfons appointed, prefented to the Houfe, according
to Order, a Bill For exempting the Inhabitants of Mecklenburg Coimty, and alfo the Minifter and other Parifhioners of St. James 's Parifh, in the faid Coimty, from the Pay-
on Sundays, Court Days, and on the Days appointed for General Mufand the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. A Meffage from the Council by M^ Walthoe.
of Ferriage
County of Fairfax, to
Alfo to the Refolve for allowing the during his Life as a Recompenfe for the fviffered, in the Service of the Colony.
Wotmds he
of ~i per received,
to Robert Donaldfon
Hening, IV,
p. 327.
VII, p. 510.
4 Ibid.,
Certain Militia Accounts from Col Andrew Lewis, and Col William Prefton, for Pay and Expenfes in receiving the Money, and paying of the Augufta Militia, were
prefented to the Houfe and received. Ordered, That the faid Accounts be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions
Claim of John Armftrong, for Timber ufe in the building Fort William, was prefented to the Houfe and received; and the Queftion being put that the faid Claim be refen-ed to a Committee.
It paffed in the
That the faid Claim be rejedled. A Petition of John M'Lanachan, in Behalf of himfelf and fundry other Perfons, fetting forth the Services they rendered to this Country as Officers of a Company of Volunteers, tmder the Command of Col Bouquet, in the Expedition againft the Shawanefe and Delaware Indians, was prefented to the Hotife and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they examine into the fame, and report their Opinion thereon to the
A Petition of William Handy, and others, fetting forth that they ferved as Rangers on the Frontiers of Augufta, in the Year 1763, under the Command of Col John Phelps, but were omitted in his Pay Roll, and praying an Allowance for the fame, was prefented
to the Hotife
faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions thereon to the Hotife. M'' Archibald Cary, from the Committee of Claims, reported that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Matters to them referred and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read and agreed to by the Hotafe, as follow Refolved, That the Petition of the Juftices of the County of Loudoun is reafonable, that they ought to be allowed the Sum of i?>. 19. 4 Half penny, to reimburfe them and the Judgment and Cofts of Suit obtained by the furviving Executors of William Hunter, deceafed, againft Charles Binns Clerk of the Court of the faid County of Loudoun, for the
Copies of the
in their Petition
for the
Want of Proof.
deceafed, and Guardian to her Son William Johnfon, an Infant, to be allowed the Sirni
of ;^55 for the Slave Dick in her Petition mentioned, is reafonable, and that fhe ought to be allowed the Sum of $$ for the faid Slave, on paying Intereft for the fame to Abraham
That the Committee of Claims do make an Allowance in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the firft and laft Refolution. On a Motion made. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to his Honor the Governor, that he will be pleafed
to diredl that his Letters to Col"
Andrew Lewis, relative to the Volunteers of Augufta, joined Col Bouquet in the Expedition againft the Shawanefe and Delaware Indians,
That M"' Richard Henry Lee do wait on him with the faid Addrefs. Ordered, That M'' Thomfon Mafon be added to the Committee of Privileges and Ele(5lions and Courts of Jid^tice, and M'' Robert Munford of Mecklenburg to the Committee to whom the Bill To dock the Entail of certain Lands whereof Robert Beverley, Efq'' is feized, and for fettling other Lands of greater Value to the fame Ufes, is referred. A Petition of fundry of the Inhabitants of Charlotte, Mecklenburg, Halifax, and North
Way to get to Market but the 's and Coxe 's. that the Juftices Witton Roads commonly called and known by the Names of of Lioienburg, fmce the Divifion of that Cotmty, not having any Occafion to make Ufa of thofe Roads, have come to a Refolution not to build for the future any Bridges over the River Meherrin, and of turning the faid Roads to crofs the faid River, where, if Bridges were built, it would be impoffible to pafs with Loaded Carriages and praying
Carolina, fetting forth that they have
no other Road or
was prefented to the Houfe and read. That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions that Grievances
thereon to the Houfe. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee to take into their Confideration the Bill For continuing an A<51 entitled A n Ad' for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty 's Cuftoms.
Committee on Thurfday
for reviving the
An engroffed
Duty upon
5t7/, entitled .4
continue and
Blank therein
That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Pendleton do carry the faid Bill to the Cotmcil for their Concurrence. An engroffed Bill, entitled An Ad^ to amend fo much of the Ad for the better regulating and training the Militia as relates to the Appointment of Patrollers, their Duty, and Reward, was read a third Time, and the Blanks therein filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Archibald Cary do carry the faid Bill to the Coimcil for their
An engroffed
Bill, entitled
An Ad*
Efq'; in Fee Simple, and for fettling other Refolved, That the Bill do pafs.
Lands in Ralph Wormeley, Lands in Lieu thereof was read a third Time.
That M'' Pendleton do carry the faid Bill to the Council for their Concurrence. annexing certain Lands to the Glebe Land of Lunenburg Parifh, in the A County of Richmond, by way of Donation, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ii "'Clock.
Bill for
tl)e 9tl)
December, 7
Bill For dividing the County of Halifax, and Parifh of Antrim, was committed, reported that the faid Committee had had the faid Bill under their Confideration, and had made feveral Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill with the Amendments in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be engroffed and read a third Time. A Petition of Robert Tucker, of the Borough of Norfolk, fetting forth that on the 4'' Day of September laft he had the Miffortune of having all his Store Houfes burned with Lightning, in which he loft a very confiderable Value in Rum, Wine, Sugar, and other Merchandize, particularly 66 Hogfheads of Rum and 9 Pipes of Madeira Wine, which were duly entered, and the Duties bonded and praying that he may be exempt from paying the Duty of the faid Rum and Wine.
; ;
Hening, VIII,
VIII, p. 190.
VIII, p. 230.
Alfo a Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the County of Amelia, letting forth the Inconveniencies and Hardfhips they labour tinder by Reafon of their Remotenefs from their Court Houfe, and praying a Divifion of the faid Cotmty were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and
Grievances; that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions thereon to the Houfe. The Order of the Day being read for the Hovife again to refolve itfelf into a Committee
to take into their further Confideration the Bill
commemorate the
For eredling a Statue of his Moft excellent Services of Sundry noble and worthy
That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into the faid Committee on Friday the 13* of March next. M"" Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported that the faid Committee had had under their Confideration the Petition of fundry Inhabitants of Charlotte, Mecklenburg, and Halifax Counties, to them referred, and had come to the following Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe as follows Refolved, That the Petition of the faid Inhabitants, praying that the Juftices of Lunenburg County may by Law be compelled to build Bridges over Meherrin River, at
certain Places in the faid Petition fet forth, be rejedled.
Bland informed the Houfe that he had waited on his Honor the Governor with
the Addrefs of this Houfe, to caufe his Letters to Col Lewis relative to the Volunteers of Augufta who joined Col Bouquet in the Expedition againft the Shawanefe and Delaware
Indians, to be laid before this Houfe,
and that
to give
him Copies
That the
of the
faid Letters
Grievances, to
The Order
into a
Duty upon Liquors into one Ad, after fome Time fpent therein M"" Speaker refumed the Chair, and M"" Bland reported that the Committee had had the faid Bill under Confideration, and had made fome Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill with the Amendments in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, with an Amendment. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be engroffed, and read a third
for laying a
AAs made
That the
feized in
Fee Taille
Land lying in the Parifh of Hungars, and County of Northampton, containing 950 Acres, and that it would be greatly to the Advantage of himfelf and Family if he was permitted to fell the faid Land, and to fettle other Lands of greater Value to the fame Ufes, and praying that an Adl may pafs for that Purpofe, was prefented to the
of a Tradl of
purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition, and and bring in the fame. M"' Munford, from the Committee to whom the Bill To empower Truftees to fell and convey certain Lands whereof Charles Carter the Elder is feized as Tenant in Fee Taille, and for other Purpofes, was committed, reported that they had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true, and had made feveral Amendments
be brought
Hening, VII,
p. 265.
which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill with the Amendments in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to by the
That the
Amendments, be
and read a
He alfo reported, from the Cmimittee to whom the Bill To dock the Entail of certain Lands whereof Robert Beverley is feized, and for fettling other Lands of greater Value to the fame Ufes, was committed, that the faid Committee had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true, but had made no Amendments to the faid Bill. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed and read a third Time. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ii "'Clock.
December. 7
That an Addrefs be made to his Honor the Governor to lay before this Houfe Copies of the feveral Bonds given by the late Treafurer, John Robinfon, Efq""; for the due Execution of his Office as Treafurer to this Colony and that M'' Henry, M'' Thomfon Mafon, and M"^ Richard Henry Lee, do wait on him with the faid Addrefs. A Meffage from the Council by M' Walthoe.
a Motion made.
of Burgeffes.
M'' Archibald Cary, from the Committee of Claims reported that the faid Committee had had imder their Confideration the Claim of Richard Johnfon, and the Petition of William Handy, and others, to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Hotife as follow Refolved, That the Claim of the faid Richard Johnfon, to be allowed for his Slave Pompey who was tried, condemned, and executed, and by the Covmty Cotut of Louifa valued at $0, is reafonable, and that he ought to be allowed the faid Sum of ;^5o for
the Command of Col John Phelps, and that the following Allowances ought to be made by To William Handy ^. 4. 6, Jehu Stephens 1. 17. 6, Henry Haynes
Company under
and Rofs Noble j. 10, for their Pay. That the Committee of Claims do make an Allowance in the Book of Claims purfuant to both Refolutions. M'' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grie^'ances, reported that the Committee had had under their Confideration two Petitions to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, with an Amendment, as follows: Refolved, That the Petition of Littleton and Severn Eyre, Gentlemen, praying that the Owners or Shippers of Veffels may be reftrained by Law from carrying for Reward any Perfon or Perfons, other than the Inhabitants of Acconujck Coimty, acrofs the Bay from the faid Coimty of Accomack to York, Hampton, or Norfolk, or the Places adjacent,
6. 6,
Henin, VIII,
p. aio.
That the Petition of Luke Luker, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from Pungoteague, in the Coimty of Accomack, acrofs the Bay to York, Hampton, Norfolk, and the Places adjacent, is reafonable. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances to whom the Bill For eftablifhing a Ferry from the Land of John Dix, on Dan River, to the Land of Lewis Green, on the oppofite Side of the faid River, is committed, that they receive a Claufe or Claiifes, purfuant to the above Refolutions. A Petition of Thomas Waller, praying to be allowed the Svmi of 1;^. 14. 9, which which was conftimed with his Hotife on the firft Day of February laft, and which was received by his Father, lately deceafed, for the Ufe of the Publick was prefented to the Hoiife and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions
thereon to the Houfe. A Petition of the Door-Keeper of this Houfe, praying to be allowed a Suit of Clothes,
was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the Treafurer be diredled to caufe the faid Petitioners to be provided with decent Clothes and Badges. On a Motion made. Ordered, That M'' Thomas Walker be diredled to pay tmto Cap* John Smith the Sum of 4. 17. 3, and that he aKo pay into the Treafury the Stun of g. o. 9, being the Balance of the Money given to pay the faid Smiths Company of Militia.
Petition of fundry Inhabitants of this Colony, praying that the Bridge near the
Town of Pocahontas, in Chefterfield Cotmty, may be rebuilt, and become a Publick Charge,
was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be
Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions
referred to the
thereon to the Houfe. A Claim of Walter Coles, for Sundries found the Militia, was prefented to the Houfe
and received.
That the
Committee of
Archibald Cary informing the Houfe that the Commiffioners appointed for Accotmts had omitted, in their Certificate to the Treafurer, the 4of. Boimty of to 107 Men of Cap' Charles Lewis' Company of Militia, amoimting in the
the whole to ^^214, aHo 387 lbs. of Flour, at i2f. per Himdred, amounting to 2. fumifhed by John Gilmer, and omitted in his Certificate.
6. 5,
Siun of ;2i4,
for the
That the Treafurer be direfted to pay unto Cap' Charles Lewis the faid and alfo the faid Simi of 2. 6. 5, to John Gilmer, out of the Fund raifed
of the MiHtia of this Colony.
M' Nicholas, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill To empower Nathaniel Littleton Savage, Gentleman, to fell and difpofe of certain entailed Lands, and for fettling other Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and
Hening, IV,
p. 327.
ought to be allowed, out of the Balance of ;86. lo which appears to be due in his Hands to the Colony, a Difcount of the Sum of ;ii. lo, for the Bounty Money and enlifting of John Fendley, a Recruit, who after being enlifted was taken fick, and rendered incapable of marching to the Place of Rendezvous; and the further Sum of i, for a Man and
Horfe employed in purfuit of a Deferter. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the faid William Ramfay
ought to be allowed the Sum of 56. 2. 10 Halfpenny for the Provifions in his Accoimt mentioned, and that the Refidue of the faid Accoimt, be rejected. The laft Refolution being read a fecond Time, and the Queftion put that the Houfe
agree thereto.
Refolved, in the Affirmative.
of Claims
do allow
in the
Sum of 56.
That the
Refolution do
on the Table.
alfo reported that the faid Committee had had imder their Confideration two Matters to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice
read and agreed to by the Houfe, as follow: Refolved, That the Petition of Edward Weftmore, Keeper of the Publick Gaol, for a Continuance of the additional Salary of 1$ per Annum, enjoyed by his Predeceffors,
Publick, the Refidue of the Account referred laft Seffion, being for fundr>' Indian Goods belonging to the Publick, which were received by him of William Ingles, amounting to
by the Committeee appointed for that Purpofe. M'' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported that the Committee had had under their Confideration the Petition of the Juf tices and Inhabitants of Amelia Cotmty to them referred, and had come to the following Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows: Refolved, That the faid Petition, praying that the faid Covtnty of Amelia may be divided by the Line therein expreffed, is reafonable. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring
16. 3,
as afcertained
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning
11 "'Clock.
and Slaves
read the
of his
Bill To empower King George, to fell Part of his Lands Debts and Legacies and the faid Bill was
Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. M' Richard Henry Lee, from the Committee to whom the Bill To explain the Adl entitled, An Ad' prefcribing the Method of proving Book Debts was committed reported
feveral Amendments thereto which he read in his with the Amendments in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to, with an Amendment. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be engroffed, and read a third Time. He alfo prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill For the Relief of fuch Perfons as have been prevented from recording Deeds, and other Inftruments, within
Hening, IV,
p. 327.
by Law, by the Occlufion of the Courts of Juftice during the Confufion lately created by the Adl of Pariiament for impofing Stamp Duties in America and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. M'' Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances reported that the Committee had had under their Confideration the Petition of Robert Tucker to them referred, and had come to the following Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Petition of Robert Tucker, Gentleman, praying that he may be exempted from the Payment of the Duties by Law impofed on 66 Hogfheads of Riom, containing 6600 Gallons and of 9 Pipes of Madeira Wine, containing 900 Gallons, which were duly entered at the Cuftom Houfe, and deftroyed by Fire in the faid Tucker's Warehoufe, and that he be allowed in his Account with the Naval Oflficer where the fame was entered the Sum oi 12^, being the Amount of the faid Duties, isreafonable. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to Wilfon Miles Cary, Efq'' Naval Officer of the Lower Diftridl of James River, with whom the faid Liquors are bonded, to give Credit to the faid Tucker for the faid Sum of 125 and that the Treafurer be diredled to make an Allowance to the faid Cary for the fame, in the Settlement of his Accounts. A Petition of M"' Henry Fry, complaining of an undue Elecftion and Return of M' Edward Carter, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Aifembly, for the County of Albemarle, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions that they examine into the Allegation thereof, and report their Opinions thereon to the Houfe. M'' Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported that the Committee had had under their Confideration the Petition of John M'Lanachan, and others, to them referred, and had come to the following Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Petition of John M'Lanachan, and other Officers, who ferved as Volunteers from this Colony imder Col" Bouquet, on an Expedition againft the Shawane-fe and Delaware Indians, is reafonable, and that the faid John M'Lanachan, Charles Lewis, Walter Cunningham, Alexander M'Lanachan, John Lewis, James Ward, John Man, William Bafkin, and John Murray, be allowed the Sum of ;^4o each, as an Acknowledgment of their Merit, and the extraordinary Service they rendered to this Colony by their
gallant Behaviour on the faid Expedition, but not as Pay, they being not entitled thereto,
by the Diredlions of the General Affembly. Committee of Claims to make an Allowance in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the above Refolution. He alfo reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, according to Order, a Bill For dividing the Cotmty of Amelia; and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee to take into their Confideration the Bill To remove the Seat of Government to a Place more
as they were not appointed to the faid Service
That it be an Inftrudlion
to the
empower Truftees to
whereof Charles Carter the Elder is feized as Tenant in Fee Taille and for other Purpofes, was read a third Time.
That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Robert Munford do carry the
Hening, VIII,
p. 218.
[64] read for the Hoiife to refolve itfelf into a Committee to the Bill for continuing an Adt entitled An Ad for Confideration take into their further amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preveyiting Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into the faid Committee Tomorrow. M' Thmnfou Mafon reported that the Committee had, according to Order, waited
The Order
of the
Day being
Honor the Governor, with the Addrefs of this Houfe, to caufe Copies of the late Treafurer's Bonds to be laid before this Houfe, and that he was pleafed to deliver to them the Copies of five Bonds, which were all that had been taken during his Adminiftration, and to fay that he knew nothing of thofe which had been entered into prior to
his his Arrival into this Colony.
Gentleman, to fell and difpofe of Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes, was certain entailed Lands, and for fettling other read a fecond Time, and committed to M' Charles Carter of King George, M"^ Syme, and the Members of Accomack and Northampton. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee to
To empower Nathaniel
Littleton Savage,
take into their further Confideration the State of the Colony. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee on the fame To-morrow.
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning
1 1
tl)e I2tl)
of l^ecember. 7 <Beo.
fundry Inhabitants of the County of Norfolk praying that the Adt of Affembly paffed about the Year 1757, whereby the Juftices of the faid Coimty were empowered to agree with Perfons to keep the PubUck Ferries over the three Branches of Elisabeth River, and over Tanner's Creek, and to levy the Expenfe thereof on the Inhabitants of the faid Cotmty, may be repealed; and that the faid Juftices may be empowered to hire Perfons to keep the Ferry Ferriage free, on General Mufters and Court Days, and levy the Expenfe thereof on the faid
Petition of
Coimty, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions
thereon to the Houfe. M'' Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill For eftabUfhing feveral new Ferries, and for other
Purpofes therein mentioned and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. On a Motion made, A Bill For eftablifhing feveral new Ferries, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to the Committee of Propofitions and
Adl' to
amend fo much of
better regulating and training the Militia as relates to the Appointment of Patrollers,
and Reward.
An Adl^
to continue
Slaves, to be paid
by the Buyers.
Efq""; in
fettling other
Hening, VIII,
p. 69.
VIII, p. 195.
VIII, p. 190.
Alfo to the Bill entitled An Adl for further continuing an Adl for the more effedtual keeping the publick Roads and Bridges in Repair, with fome Amendments, to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. Alfo that the Council had paffed a Bill entitled An A<St' to amend an Adl entitled An Adl concerning Juries, to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe.
of Claims,
by the Committee
be reported
a Motion made,
The Houfe proceeded to the Settlement of the Salaries of the Officers of the General Affembly, and the refpecftive Allowances were made. A Petition of the Reverend M"' James Semple, praying an Allowance for the Time he officiated during the abfence of the Reverend M'' Thomas Price Chaplain to this Houfe,
to the Houfe and read. That the Sum of ;^2o be allowed to the faid M'' Semple, for his faid Services. On a Motion made, Ordered, That the Commiffioners appointed to bum the Treafiuy Notes, which were dire(5led to be burnt by Adl of Affembly, be allowed $o each for their Trouble therein. M'' Bland from the Committee appointed to examine into the State of the Publick Treaftuy, reported that they had had the fame under their Confideration, and agreed upon a Report which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows
was prefented
Yoior Committee, in Obedience to the Order of the Houfe, repaired to the Treafury
Office, defigning to
begin and profecute their Examination with the utmoft Care and Diligence; but being informed that the Reprefentatives of John Robinfon, Efq''; late
Treafurer of Virginia, were engaged in ftating his Accounts from the Treafury Books
and Papers, your Committee judged Work, hoping that the faid Accoimts,
laid before the
ftated in fuch Manner as the Adminiftrators thought fit, and Houfe, were by a fubfequent Order referred to your Committee. Your Committee beg Leave to inform the Houfe that the late Treafurer's Accounts,
were brought down to the lo"^ Day of OAober, 1764; but many Errors and Omiffions having been dicovered in his Accoimt of the Land and Poll Tax, and the Tax on Wheel Carriages, his Adminiftrators very properly recurred back to the Month of April, in the Year 1755, the Time when the firft Taxes became payable, and from that Period proceeded to ftate the Accoimts of his Receipts and Dilburfements to the 24*''' of May laft, when the prefent Treafurer came As to the other Taxes, the Account of them is taken up from the laft into Office.
fettled in the laft Seffion of the late General Affembly,
Your Committee has with the utmoft Precifion they were able, examined the faid Account, and compared them with the original Books and Vouchers in the Office, and humbly give it as their Opinion that the fame are juftly and fairly ftated, except a few fmall Errors, which will be redtified in their future Inquiry, when any other Miftakes remaining may aKo be difcovered and properly adjufted. It appeared to your Committee, by a Certificate of the Committee appointed to bum the Treafury Notes that at the Death of John Robinfon, Efq'' only 82g'j. 12.9 remained in the Treafury; that ^Gog-j 7, Part thereof was burnt by the faid Committee; and ,22i?>. 5. 9, the Balance, was paid to the prefent Treafurer; fo that according to the
remains due from the late Treafurer the following Balances, that is to fay: On the publick Accovmt ;3388 18 2 for Money received of the Sheriffs for the Land and Poll Tax, Tax on Wheel Carriages, the Infpedlors of Publick Warehoiifes
faid Accounts, as
ftated, there
Hening, VIII,
Not recorded
as a law.
Warehoufes for the 2 /'Duty on Tobacco, the County Court Clerks for Writs and Ordinary Licenfes, and for the additional Duty on Slaves, gs, 827. 16.5 ;on the Fund appropriated for the Indian Trade, 2 500; amounting in the Whole to 101, 716. 14. 7. Thereappears the following Balances due to the late Treafurer, on Accotmt of Bills of Exchange, and publick Tobacco, 554. 10. i; on the burnt Tobacco Notes, ;304. 12. 4; and for the Notes bearing Intereft, ;96. 4. 9 amounting in the WTiole, to 955. 7. 2 which, being dedudted from the above Sum, leaves a Balance due to the Publick of ioo,j6i. 7.5. Your Committee begs Leave further to reprefent to the Houfe that many Sheriffs, Infpedlors, and Coimty Court Clerks, appear greatly in Arrear, fome of them not having rendered any Accounts for feveral Years, and others having made but partial Settlements that from the Accounts returned to the Treafury there appears due at this Time from the Sheriffs and Infpe(5lors a confiderable Sum, which your Committee is of Opinion ought to be recovered by the moft fpeedy and effe(5lual Methods. It likewife appears, by the faid Accounts, that the Country is charged with the late Treafurer's Commiffions on the Receipts of feveral Stuns of Money ariling from each particular Fund; but whether, under the prefent Circumftances of the Affairs of the Treafury, this is juft or reafonable, or whether the late Treafurer's Eftate ought to be accountable for any and what Intereft on the feveral Svuns of Money mifapplied, or made Ufe of by him contrary to Law, is humbly fubmitted to the Confideration of the
Your Cammittee would have profecu ted their Inquiry into every particular Article, This they conceive would have been the moft as directed by the Order of the Hoid!e likely Means of correding ever>' Error, doing Juftice, and giving the defired Satiffadlion to the Publick but as the ftating thofe feveral Matters in a proper and diftindl Manner mvift neceffarily require more Time than the advanced Seafon of the Year, and the approaching Adjournment, will admit of, they take the Liberty of recommending to the
: ;
Houfe that your Committee be allowed to proceed on that Bufmefs during the Recefs
of the Affembly.
That the faid Report do lie on the Table. M' Eyre, from the Perfons to whom the Bill To empower Nathaniel Littleton Savage, Gentleman, to fell and difpofe of certain entailed Lands, and for fettling other Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes was committed, reported that the Committee had had the fame under their Confideration, and found the Allegations are true, and had made an
That the
faid Bill
M"' Peitdleton
which he delivered
in at the Table,
where it was read, and is as follows: That on examining the Books and Papers of the faid John Robinfon in their Hands, they have difcovered that the large Balance of ;^ioo,76i. 7. 5, now ftated and found due from him as Treafurer of this Colony, for Taxes received by him, was re-emitted and lent out to fimdry Perfons, from whom the fame is now due, as his outftanding Debts amount to the Sum of ;^io5,ooo, of which, however, the Memorialifts think about the Sum of ;i2,ooo will prove defperate, and be loft. That, befides the faid outftanding Debts, the Eftate of which the faid John Robinfon died feized and poffeffed confifts of about 4000 Acres of Land, where he lived, in the Coimty oiKing and Queen, about 3200 Acres on Morocofick, in that Cotmty and Caroline, about 6500 Acres in the County of Spotfylvania, about 4250 Acres in the County of Hanover, 1200 Acres in the County of King William, fome Houfes and Lots in the City of Williamfburg, and about 400 Acres of Land in the Coimty of James City, all which Lands may be reafonably eftimated at the Value of ;^i 1,000; befides which he is interefted one third Part in fome Lands and Slaves employed in working a Lead Mine in the County of Augufta, and the whole of thofe Lands and Slaves are bound to reimburfe him the Sum of ;^8ooo, advanced for carrying on the faid Works; and is alfo interefted
one Share in the Difnial Swamp, and fome Slaves employed in draining the fame; that he died poffeffed of about 400 Slaves, and a confiderable perfonal Eftate. That the private Debts due from the faid John Robinfon, as far as the Memorialifts have hitherto been informed, amount to about ;3Soo, and his Engagements, as Security
about ;^2o,ooo, of which they believe his Eftate muft pay and fviftain the Lofs of a confiderable Sum, which they cannot point out with Precifion, as it depends on imforefeen Events. From this View of the Eftate of the faid John Robinfon, and the feveral Bonds which have been laid before this Houfe, as given by him for the dueand faithful Execution, of his Office of Treafurer, in which good and fufficient Security appears to have been given, in Penalties to the Amount of 190,000 your Memorialifts prefume it will appear that the Publick have fufficient Security ultimately to make good any Deficiency in the Treafury and they beg Leave to affure the Houfe that they will ufe their beft Endeavour to raife the Balance due to the Colony, with all imaginable Expedition But from the diftreffed Situation of the Country, and the great Scarcity of Money among us, they are too apprehenfive they cannot effedt the fame fo foon as the Nature of the Cafe requires and that fhould they, in Order to that End, ufe rigorous Meafures to enforce hafty and
for others, to
; :
Manner the Eftate John Robinfon, they are humbly of Opinion that fuch Steps, at the fame Time that it muft involve many Families in Ruin, would be fo far from anfwering the End which might be expedled that it would be the Means of defeating it, as Eftates fold in that Manner, and vmder fuch Circumftances, might not raife near the Balance due to the PubUck, though greatly exceeding it in their real Value. That your Memorialifts hope they fhall be able, without introducing thofeMifchiefs, to colle(5l and pay into the Treafury annually, in each of the three succeeding Years one third Part of the faid Balance, fo as to effed; the Payment of the whole by October 1769, the Time appointed for the final Redemption of the Treafury Notes, in Cafe the Houfe fhall approve thereof, as the beft Means that can be adopted in this tmlucky iituation
precipitate Sales of the Eftate of the Debtors,
alfo fell in that
of the faid
of Things.
Your Memorialifts further beg Leave to reprefent that the faid John Robinfon in Order to fecure the Repayment of fimdry Sums of Money by him lent, at fome Times really purchafed Lands and Slaves, and had Poffeffion thereof, and in other Inftances took abfolute Conveyances of Lands and Slaves, without any Claufe of Redemption, although the fame was intended only as Security, and the Donors remained in Poffeffion. That if, as is probable, it fhould be neceffary to fell any Part of the Eftate of the faid John Robinfon for Payment of thefe Debts as the Son and Heir of the faid John Robinfon is
an Infant, the Memorialifts will be obliged, in a regular Courfe of Adminiftration, to fell the perfonal Eftate, and then the Slaves by which Means not only the whole Lands
will be left a Burthen upon the Heir, but among them will be included feveral detached Tradls, which ought to be confidered only as pledged for Money, though abfolutely conveyed as before mentioned, and fhould be turned into Money to pay the Debts. They therefore fubmit this their Memorial to the moft ferious Confideration of the Houfe, and humbly hope their Propofal will be accepted of, as to the Mode and Time of raifing the Balance due to the Publick; and that an Adl may pafs to enable them to fell fuch Parts of the real and perfonal Eftate of the faid John Robinfon as to them fhall feem neceffary, and moft convenient for his Creditors and Family. Ordered, That the faid Memorial do lie on the Table. An engroffed Bill, entitled An Ad^ for dividing the County of Haliiax and Pari fh of Antrim, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the third Time, and the Blanks
explain the
Ad entitled An Ad
as a law.
Hening, VIII,
p. 205.
Not recorded
That the
of the
read for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee to Bill For further continuing the Adt entitled An A<3' the take into their Confideration for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee on the faid Bill on
The Order
Day being
the 16'^
The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee to take into their further Confideration the State of the Colony. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into the faid Committee Tomorrow.
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning
11 "'Clock.
I3tb of
December, 7
Claim of Walter Coles, to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe as follow: Refolved, That the Petition of Thomas Railey is reafonable, and that he ought to be allowed by the Publick the ftim of io for the Mare in his Petition mentioned, and the further Sum of i lo o for his Saddle and Bridle loft at the fame Time. Refolved, That the Claim of Walter Coles, for eleven Barrels of Com, and a Hogfhead received by Cap' John Winn for the Ufe of the Militia, is reafonable, and that he ought to be allowed by the Publick the Sum oi $.14.0 iox the fame. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims to make an Allowance in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the above Refolutions.
. .
Archibald Cary, from the Committee of Claims, reported that the Committee had had tmder their Confideration the Petition of Thomas Railey, and the
of Propofitions
and Grievances, to
the Bill
was com-
mitted reported that the faid Committee had had the fame under their Confideration, and had made feveral Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then deliv;
That the
faid Bill
was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe. with the Amendments, be engroffed, and read a third
Adl' for annexing certain
to the
Glebe Lands of
Lunenburg Parifh, in
Richmond, by way
That the Bill do pafs. That M'' London Carter do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence. On a Motion made. Ordered, That the Treafurer of the Colony proceed with all poffible Vigor and Difpatch to bring to a Settlement the feveral Colleftors of the Land and Poll Tax, and the Tax on Wheel Carriages, who are in Arrear to the Publick according to the Diredlion of the Laws for that Purpofe provided. An engroffed Bill, entitled An Ad^ to continue an Ad entitled An Ad for reducing the feveral Ads made for laying a Duty upon Liquors into one' Ad, was read the third Time, and a Blank therein filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs.
Henrng, VIII, p. 69.
VIII, p. 204-
VIII, p. 190.
Benjamin Harrifon do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence. from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, reported that the faid Committee had had under their Confideration the Petition of Henry Fry, Gentleman, to them referred, complaining of an imdue Eledlion and Return of Edward Carter, Gentleman, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly for the Coimty of Albemarle and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where the fame were again twice read, and
M'' Pendleton,
agreed to by the Houfe, as follow: Refolved, That the Perfons who voted at the faid Eledlion, whofe Freeholds are queftioned either by the Petitioner or fitting Member, be examined on Oath before Arthur Hopkins, William Burton, John Weir, Henry Martin, Nicholas Mariwether, John
Mofias Jones, Ifaac Davis, Gentlemen, or any five of them, of the faid whether they be Freeholders or not. Refolved, That the Petitioner and fitting Member be at Liberty to examine Witneffes before the fame Perfons, as to the Freeholds, or other Quahfications, of any Perfon who voted at the faid Election, or fhall fwear to the fame at the Examination and that it be an Inftru(5lion to the Perfons before whom fuch Examinations are to be taken to examine how long fuch Voters have been in Poffeffion of, and paid Quitrents for, the Lands or Tenements in Right of which they voted at the Eledlion, and that they return the Depofitions they fhall take before the 19* Day of March next.
of Albemarle,
That the Petitioner give the fitting Member ten Days Notice of the Time when and where he intends to examine his Witnefs, aKo a Lift in writing of the Names of the Voters he intends to except to, diftinguifhing againft each Name the feveral Heads of Exception, and that the fitting Member do the like; and that the further Confideration of the faid Petition be referred to the faid ig"" Day of March next. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe again to refolve itfelf into a ComRefolved,
and Place
mittee to take into their further Confideration the State of the Colony. The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee; and, after fome Time fpent therein, M"' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M'' Blair reported that the Committee had had the fame imder their Confideration, and had come to a Refolution
thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where the fame was again twice read, and agreed to, as follows: Refolved, That an humble Addrefs and Reprefentation be prefented to his Majefty,
Royal Inftrudlions, and of Encouragements Affembly of this Colony, to promote the Settlements on the Waters of the Miffiffippi, fundry Perfons have formerly, at great Expenfe and Trouble, tranfplanted themfelves from other Parts and fettled on thofe Lands, having either obtained Patents for the fame, or fuch Grants as by the Rules of Government entitle them to Patents, fuch fettlers cannot be deprived of their Lands, or compelled to remove from the fame, confiftent with the Publick Faith, engaged by thofe Inftrudlions and
fetting forth that as in Confequence of the
feveral Adls of
it will be greatly for his Majefty's Ser\'ice, and the Intereft of this Colony, Encouragements for promoting Settlements on all the Lands fituated between Penfylvania to the North, the River Ohio to the Weft, and North Carolina to the South within which Limits is contained a large Extent of rich fertile Lands, great Part of which are not claimed by any Tribe of Indians, none of it inhabited by them, and Httle ufed as their Htmting Grounds, their Right to which we have Reafon to believe they would readily cede to his Majefty, and confent to the Settlement thereof by Britifh
to continue
Royal ProclaPerfons to remove from their Lands within thofe Limits, but alfo to give Diredlions to his Lieutenant Governor, or Commander in Chief here, that Grants
mation, requiring
for thofe
and that
all Offices
Adventurers in the trfual and accuftomed Manner, for that Purpofe, according to our Laws, and the
Rules of Government.
That an Addrefs be prepared, agreeable to the faid Refolution and it is Richard Henry Lee, M' Fleming, Archibald Gary, referred to M^ Blatr, II' Pendleton, M' Landon Carter, and M' Benjamin Harrifon, to prepare and bring in the fame. M' Gary, according to Order, reported that the Committee of Claims had had imder Articles againft their Confideration feveral Claims for executed Slaves, and fundry other which he delivered in thereof Account an ftated the Publick, and had drawn up and
on the Table.
On a Motion made, The Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee to take into their Confideration the Memorial of the Adminiftrators, with the Will annexed, of the Eftate oijohn Robin fon, Efq' and alfo his Accounts as Treafiirer. The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee and after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M'' Bland reported that the faid Committee had come to a Refolution thereon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows: Refolved, That his Honor the Governor be addreffed, to order his Majef ty 's Attorney General to bring Suits on the Bonds given by John Robin fon Efq' late Treafurer of this Colony, and his Securities for the due Execution of the Office of Treafurer, for the Recovery of the Balance due from the faid John Robinfon to this Colony. M^ Bland alfo reported that the faid Committee had diredled him to move for Leave
; ; ; ;
Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee on the Memorial and Accoimts on Thurfday the 19* Day of March next. Ordered, That M' Pendleton have Leave to be abfent until the 25"^ Inftant. And then the Houfe adjourned until Monday Morning 1 1 "'Glock.
yUonba^. Ibe
to be taken by Adt of Supremacy, and taken and Parliament inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted
Alfo to the Bill entitled An Adt to empower Truf tees to fell and convey certain Lands whereof Gharles Garter the Elder is feized as Tenant in Fee Taille, and for other Purpofes, with an Amendment, to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe.
On a Motion made.
late Treafurer,
M'' Bland, from the Committee of Propolitions and Grievances, reported that the Committee had had under their Confideration the Report of the Commiffioners appointed to examine and ftate the Accounts of the Militia, and aKo the Accotmts of the faid Commiffioners for their Attendance and travelling on that Service, to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then
Hening, VIII,
p. 205.
Houfe, as follow:
and agreed
by the
Militia, being ordered to Col Stephen, ought to be allowed for that Service fix
Days Pay as a Major. Refolved, That Lieutenant Henry Afhby, named in the faid Report, being ordered out on emergent Occafions, and not having Time to raife the full Complement of Men to entitle him to Pay as Lieutenant, according to the Direction of the Invafion Adt, but ferved at different Times 44 Days with 18 private Men tmder his Command, ought to be allowed the Difference between the Pay of a Lieutenant and an Enfign, the latter being already allowed for his Services by the faid Commiffioners. Refolved, That Enfign James Jones, who ferved under the faid Afhby 73 Days, ought to be allowed the Difference between the Pay of an Enfign and a Serjeant, the latter being already allowed for his Services by the faid Commiffioners. Refolved, That Lieutenant Abraham Killer, named in the faid Report, being ordered out on emergent Occafions, and not having Time to raife the full Complement of Men to entitle him to Pay as Lieutenant, according to the Diredlion of the Invafion Adl, but ferved at different Times 2 1 Days, with 1 6 private Men under his Command ought to be
allowed the
13 private
Odell, who ferved at different Times 20 Days, with Command, being ordered out on emergent Occafions, and not having Time to raife the full Complement of Men to entitle him to Captain's Pay, according to the Direction of the Invafion Adl, ought to be allowed the Pay of a Captain for his
Men xmder
faid Services.
Refolved, That Captain Abraham Denton, who ferved 14 Days with 22 private Men tmder his Command, being ordered out on emergent Occafions, and not having Time to raife the full Complement of Men to entitle him to Captain's Pay, according to the Direction of the Invafion adl, ought to be allowed the Pay of a Captain for his faid Services. Refolved, That Captain Charles Lynch, who ferved 12 Days, with 18 private Men under his Command, being ordered out on emergent Occafions, and not having Time to raife the full Complement of Men to entitle him to Captain's Pay, according to the Direction of the Invafion Adl, ought to be allowed the Pay of a Captain for his faid Services. Refolved, That Lieutenant Edward Cartmill, who ferved 8 Days, with 26 private Men under his Command, ought to be allowed the Pay of a Lieutenant for his faid Services.
That Captain John M'Culloch, who had a Negroe Man Slave enlifted in Company, and wholly employed as a Soldier 182 Days, ought not to be allowed Pay
That the feveral Commiffioners appointed for fettling the Accoimts of the be allowed the feveral Sums hereafter mentioned for their refpedlive Services. William Green, Gentleman, for 23 Days Attendance at, and 2 Days for going to, and 2 Days returning from Winchefter, the Sum oi 2"] James Hamilton, Gentleman, for 20 Days Attendance at, and i Day for going to, and I Day for returning from Winchefter, the Sum oi 22. Thomas Mar fhall. Gentleman, for 23 Days Attendance at, and i Day for going to and I Day for returning from Winchefter, the Sum of ;^2 5. Richard Lee, Gentleman, for 23 Days Attendance at, and 9 Days for going to and returning from Winchefter, the Sum of ;^32. Archibald Gary, Gentleman, for 19 Days Attendance at, and going to and retiuning from Albemarle Court-Houfe, the Sum of ;i9. William Cabell, Gentleman, for 13 Days Attendance at, and going to and returning from Albemarle Court-Houfe, the Sum of 13. George Carrington, Gentleman, for 7 Days Attendance at, and going to and returning from Albemarle Court-Houfe, the Sum of ].
Thomas Walker, Gentleman,
for 3
Days Attendance
of 5.
on the Table.
Petition of William Rind, praying that the ufual Salary granted to the Publick Printer may be continued to him, and that the fame may commence with his Duty upon
the Adjournment of the Affembly. Refolved, That the Sum of ^375 per Annum be allowed to William Rind, Printer, to commence the firft Day of January next, and to continue to the End of the next
Seffion of Affembly, as a full Confideration for printing the Journal of the geffes, and the Laws of each Seffion, and fending as Many Copies to the
Houfe of BurCoimty Court and one refpedtive Covmty, Commiffion in each in the Clerks as there are a6ting Jtiftices Clerk of the other (which is to be half bound) for the Ufe of the Court, and ten to the Court of Hioftings in the City of Williamfburg and the Borough of Norfolk; printing Infpedlors Receipts and Books, Proclamations, and other publick Advertifements. Ordered, That M"' Cary do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for their Concurrence.
The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of Claims which was on Saturday laft ordered to lie on the Table, containing the Money Claims and the fame was read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Officers Salaries, the Allowances to the Reverend M"- Semple, and the Commiffioners for burning Paper Money, fettled on Friday laft, and to ftmdry Militia Claimants, and to the Commiffioners appointed to fettle the Militia Accounts, agreeable to the Report from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, which was this Day ordered to lie on the Table be added to the faid Report and that M"' Archibald Cary do carry the fame to the Coimcil for their Concurrence.
a Motion made.
That M'' Henry, M' Thomfon Mafon, and M'' Wythe, do wait on his Honor the Governor with the Addrefs of this Houfe to order Suits to be commenced againft the late Treafurer, and his Securities, agreeable to the Refolutions agreed to on Saturday laft. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to examine the enrolled Bills, of the following Perfons: M'' Archibald Cary, M'' Blair, M' Eyre, M"" Willis Riddick, My Fleming, M' Tunftall, M'' William Cabell, and M"' Carrington. On a Motion made, Ordered, That his Majefty's Attorney General be diredled, when he hath obtained Judgments upon the Bonds given by John Robin fon, the late Treafurer of this Colony, and his Securities, not to iffue Executions upon the faid Judgments againft the Securities for any larger Sum or Sums than the faid John Robinfon's Eftate fhall fall fhort of fatiffying to the Publick, it being the Opinion of this Houfe that the faid Securities fhall not be made liable for more than the Eftate of the faid John Robinfon fhall prove defiOrdered,
County of Prince George, fetting forth that upwards of 7000 Hogfhead of Tobacco taken at the feveral Warehoufes of Peterfburg, Bollingbrook, and Blandford, a Quantity too great for the Infpedlors duly and carefully to infpedl with that Defpatch which is requifite and praying that another Infpedtion may be eftablifhed on the Land of Patrick Ramfay, in the Town of Blandford, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition do Ue on the Table. A Bill For the Relief of fuch Perfons as have been prevented from recording Deeds and other Inftruments, within the Time prefcribed by Law, by the Occlufion of the Courts of Juftice during the Confufion lately created by the Adt of Parliament for impofing Stamp Duties in America, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. An engroffed Bill, entitled An A(St^ to empower Nathaniel Littleton Savage, Gentleman,
Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the
to fell
and difpofe of certain entailed Lands, and for fettling other Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes, was read a third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Eyre do carry it to the Council for their Conctirrence. Ordered, That M'' William Cabell have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe until the 12''' of March next, and M'' Carringion imtil the lo**" of April next. The Houfe proceeded to the Conlideration of the Amendments propofed by the Cottncil to the Bill entitled An Ad' to empower Truftees to fell and convey certain Lands whereof Charles Carter the Elder is feized as Tenant in Fee Taille, and for other Purpofes; and the fame being read, were agreed to by the Houfe, with an Amendment. Ordered, That M"' Landon Carter do go to the Council and acquaint them therewith. An engroffed Bill, entitled An Ad" to veft certain entailed Lands in Nathaniel Weft Dandridge, Efq'; in Fee Simple, and for fettling Slaves in Lieu thereof, was read the
third Time.
it to the Council for their Concurrence. Executors of Charles Carter, late of King George, to fell Part of his Lands and Slaves for Payment of his Debts and Legacies, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. The Hotife proceeded to the Amendments propofed by the Council to the Bill entitled An Ad^ for further continuing an Ad for the more effedual keeping the publick Roads and Bridges in Repair, and the fame being read, were agreed to by the Hoiife. Ordered, That M'' Bland do go to the Council, and acquaint them therewith. An engroffed Bill, entitled An Ad* concerning Juries which was fent down from the Council to this Houfe, was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. On a Motion made. The faid Bill was read a fecond Time and the Queftion put that the faid Bill do
It paffed in the
faid Bill
That the
for eftablifhing feveral
An Ad^
for other
Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the third Time, and the Blanks therein Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Bland do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence.
An engroffed
Bill, entitled
An Ad^
Beverley, Efq'; is feized, and for fettling other Lands of greater Value to the fame was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Bland do carry it to the Coimcil for their Concturence. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning 1 1 "'Clock.
faid Committee had had imder their Confideration an Accoimt of William Prefton, for certain Services therein mentioned and had come to the following Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where the fame was again twice read and agreed to by the Houfe,
as follows:
That the
p. 218.
be allowed the
Hening, VIII,
VIII, p. 224.
Hening, VIII,
p. 193.
VIII, p. 227.
Money, as
paying and
diftributing the fame to the feveral Companies of Militia. Ordered, That the Treafurer be direded to allow the faid
Prefton, in the Settlement of his Accounts. An engroffed Bill, entitled An Ad' to empower the Executors of Charles Carter, late of King George, to fell Part of his Lands and Slaves for Payment of his Debts and Legacies,
was read a
third Time.
An engroffed
front recording
An Ad'
Deeds and other Inftrnments, within the Time prefcrihed by Law, by the Occlufion of the Courts of Juftice, during the Confufion lately created by the Ad of Parliament for impofing Stamp Duties in America, was read a third Time.
That the Bill do pafs. M' Thotnfon Mafon do carry it to the Cotmcil That Ordered, A Meffage from the Council by M' Walthoe.
That they have agreed to the Bill entitled An Adl^ for ef tablifhing feveral new Ferries, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. Alfo to the Bill entitled An Ac5t* to continue an A(5t entitled An Adl for reducing the feveral Adls made for laying a Duty upon Liquors into one Adl. Alfo to the Bill entitled An Adl' to veft certain entailed Lands in Nathaniel Weft Dandridge, Efq' in Fee Simple, and for fettling Slaves in Lieu thereof. Alfo to the Bill entitled An Adl* for annexing certain Lands to the Glebe Land of Lunenburg Parifh, in the Coimty of Richmond, by way of Donation.
An Adl^ to empower the Executors oi Charles Carter, late of Lands and Slaves for Payment of his Debts and Legacies. of his Part King George, to Alfo to the Bill entitled An Adl* to empower Nathaniel Littleton Savage, Gentleman, to fell and difpofe of certain entailed Lands, and for fettling other Lands and Slaves to
to the Bill entitled
An Adl'
Beverley, Efq'
is feized,
dock the Entail of certain Lands whereof i^oft^-^ Lands of greater Value to the fame Ufes.
to the
Alfo to the Amendments of this Hoiife, propofed to the Amendments propofed by the Council to the Bill entitled An Acl ^ to empower Truftees to fell and convey certain Lands whereof Charles Carter the Elder is feized as Tenant in Fee Taille, and for other Purpofes.
Refolve for paying the Printer, without any Amendments. have agreed to the Bill entitled An Adl' for the Relief of fuch Perfons as have been prevented from recording Deeds, and other Inftruments, within the Time prefcribed by Law, by the Occlufion of the Courts of Juftice during the Confufion lately created by the Adl of Parliament for impofing Stamp Duties in America, with an Amendment, to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe.
to the
that they
Ordered, That M"" Thomfon Mafon do go to the Council and acquaint them therewith. M' Henry informed the Houfe that the Perfons appointed had according to Order, waited on the Governor with the Addrefs of this Houfe, to defire that he would diredl that Suits fhould be brought againft the late Treafurer's Adminiftrators and his Securities, and that he was pleafed to fay that he would give Diredlions that the faid Suits fhould be commenced immediately. Svmdry Militia Claims were prefented to the Houfe, and received.
Hening, VIII,
p. 214.
3 4
That the faid Claims be referred to the Committee of Claims. Cary reported that the Committee had, according to Order, examined the enrolled Bills, had rectified fuch Miftakes as were found therein, and that they were
truly enrolled.
That M'' Cary do carry the faid Bills Meffage from the Cotmcil by M'' Walthoe.
and are
The Governor commands the immediate Attendance of your Houfe in the Council Chamber, and that you bring with you fuch Bills and Refolves as are ready for his Affent.
pleafed to give his Affent to the following publick and private Adts
An Ad^
*To continue an
to pay a Duty. Ad the more For amending and continuing an keeping the pubfurther effedual for 5 Roads and Bridges in Repair. 6. ^ An Ad For eftablifhing feveral new Ferries, and for other Purpofes therein men-
own Ufe,
relates to the
8. 9.
To amend fo much of the Ad for the better regulating and training the Militia as Appointment of Patrollers, their Duty, and Reward. 8 To continue an Ad for eftablifhing Pilots, and regulating their Fees. "For leffening the Allowance for the Infpedion of Flour.
'For continuing the
10. 11.
"For the Relief of fuch Perfons as have been prevented from recording Deeds, and other Inftruments, within the Time prefcribed by Law, by the Occlufion of the Courts of Juftices during the Confufion lately created by the Ad of Parliament for impofing Stamp
Duties in America.
An Ad
for killing
dired the Colledion of the Taxes in the Counties of King George and Bucking1766, and of the publick Levy in the County of Fauquier for the Year 1765.
To empower the Veftry of the Parifh of Truro, in the County of Fairfax, to fell their Glebe and Church Plate, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 15. ^i For annexing certain Lands to the Glebe Land of Limenburg Parifh, in the County of Richmond, by Way of Donation. 16. '^For dividing the County of Halifax and Parifh of Antrim, and for other Pur^*An
pofes therein mentioned.
of the
18. 19.
to the
County of James City to the County County of James City. the Speaker of the Houfe of Bnrgeffes.
Hening, VIII,
" "
VIII, p. 199.
VIII, p.
Schedule containing fundry Money Claims. 21. 'To empower the Executors of Charles Carter, late of King George, to fell Part of his Lands atid Slaves for Payment of his Debts and Legacies. 2 2. ^To veft certain Lands therein mentioned, whereof George Carter, Efq'; died feized in Fee Simple, in certain Truftees therein named, to be fold for Performance of his
and convey certain Lands, whereof Charles Carter the Elder is feized as Tenant in Fee Taille, and for other Purpofes. 24. *To empower Nathaniel Littleton Savage, Gentleman, to fell and difpofe of cerLands, atui for fettling other Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes. entailed tain sTo veft certain entailed Lands in Nathaniel Weft Dandridge, Efq^; in Fee 25. Simple, and for fettling Slaves in Lieu thereof. 26. ^To dock the Entail of certain Lands whereof Robert Beverley, Efq'; is feized, and for fettling other Lands of greater Value to the fame Ufes. 27. 7 To veft certain entailed Lands in Ralph Wormeley, Efq'; in Fee Simple, and for fettling other Lands in Lieu thereof. His Honor Ukewife gave his Affent to the following Refolves: That M"' William Rind be appointed the Pub lick Printer. 1 2. For allowing William Rind ,Z1S ^or the Piirpofes therein mentioned. 3. For allowing Robert Donaldfon the Sum of $ per Annum during his Life. M"' Speaker being returned, reported that he with the Hotife, had attended the Governor in the Council Chamber, where his Honor had given his Affent to fuch Bills and Refolves as were ready, and was then pleafed to fignify to the Houfe of Burgeffes that, upon confidering the Seafon of the Year, and the long Time they had fat, he judged a Recefs would be agreeable, and that, unwilling to impede the Bufmefs of the
by a Prorogation, he thought it expedient to diredl them to adjourn themfelves the 12* of March next. Thurfday to Ordered, That the Houfe be adjourned to Thurfday the 12'^ of March next.
Hening, VIII,
p. 214.
Ibid., Ibid.,
of the
of Burgesses
B u rgeffes.
Prince George
House of Burgesses
t^^ I2tb "f 5ttarcb. 7 <5co.
Houfe met
Day according to their Adjournment. That the Houfe be adjourned tmtil To-morrow Morning
a Motion made,
then the
That a Call of the Houfe be on Monday next. Houfe adjourned until Monday Morning
1 1
MloR6ar. t^e
of Mlarcb. 7 <5co.
Adl of Parliament inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo fubfcribed the Teft were admitted to their Places in the Houfe. A Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the County of Amelia, in Oppofition to a Petition from the faid County, praying a Divifion thereof, was prefented to the Houfe and
That the
faid Petition
A Petition of fundry
the Infpecftion at Hood's
Inhabitants of
may be
Alfo a Memorial of fimdry Merchants, fetting forth the Inconveniencies that attend Adminiftration of Juftice in the County Courts, and the Situation of the Gaols the in the refpedtive Cotmties, and praying fome Regulation therein.
Alfo a Petition of fundry Inhabitants, of Elizabeth City County, praying. That a of Francis Mallory or Henry Allen, John Curie; and that Bridge Nicholas a may be built over Back River. Wilfon Jones,
Alfo a Petition of James Crane of Northumberland County praying. That Merchants, Court Houfes in this Colony, may be ref trained from retailing Liquors
at public
Times or Court Days, were feverally prefented to the Houfe and read. That the faid Petitions and Memorial be referred to the Committee of Propand Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their
Opinions thereon to the Houfe. A Petition of William Starke, fetting forth, That he is feized in Fee Tail of 350 Acres of Land, in the County of Prince George and Parifh of Briftol, and praying that an a<5t
pafs to
the fame, upon paying 1000, to be and Slaves, to be fettled to the fame Ufes, was prefented to the Houfe Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Petition; and it is referred to M' Bland, and M' Alexander Boiling, to
impower him
laid out
on Lands
in the
Petition of
John Hall and Anne his Wife, fetting forth, That they are feized in Fee Tail of a Tra(5l of Land, in the County of Amelia, containing 800 Acres, and no flaves to work the fame, whereby the laid Land is rather a Charge than an Advantage and praying. That an Act may pafs to dock the Intail of the faid Land, and the Money arifing by fuch Sale, to be laid out in Land and Slaves, to the fame Ufes, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and referred to M' Bland, and M' Robert Munford, of Amelia, to prepare and bring in is it
the fame.
A Bill For dividing the County of Amelia, was read the fecond Time and committed
to the
of Propofitions
and Grievances.
a Motion made, Ordered, That the Petition, in Oppofition to the Petition, for dividing the faid County of Amelia, that was this Day ordered to lie on the Table be committed to the faid
The Order
of the
Day being
An Ad'
Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, For continuing the Adl intituled. Staple of Tobacco, and far preventing Frauds in his
read, for the
Majefty's Cuftoms.
Committee on Thurfday
The Order
of the
Day being
to a Place
of this Colony.
Committee on the
faid Bill
That M' James Mercer be added to the Committee of Propofitions and M'' Thomas Rutherford to the Committee of Claims, M' Wood and M' Ballard to the Committee for Courts of Juftice, and M' Robert Tucker, to the Committee of Trade. A Bill, For exempting the Inhabitants of Mecklenburg Coimty, and also the Minifter, and other Parifhioners, of St. James's Parifh, in the faid County, from the Payment of Ferriage on Sundays, Coiirt Days, and on the Days appointed for General Mufters, was
read for the fecond Time.
That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning 11 "'Clock.
of 5ttarcb. 7 (Beo.
County of Prince George, and others, in Oppofition to a Petition from the faid Cotmty, praying. That the Infpecftion
at Hood's
be re-eftablifhed.
Alfo three Petitions of fundr}' Officers, who ferved as Volunteers, in the Expedition againft the Shawanefe and Delaware Indians imder the Command of Col Bouquet, praying the Confideration of this Houfe, were feverally prefented to the Houfe
Hening, VI.
That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions
thereupon to the Houfe. A Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the Counties of Weftmoreland, Richmond, and Northumberland, in Oppolition to a Petition prefented to this Houfe, praying, That the Warehoufes, called Ruffs, on Yeocomico River, may be difcontinued, and others eredled
on the faid River, was prefented to the Houfe and read. That the faid Petition do lie on the Table. M' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported That they imder their Confideration the Petition of fimdry Freeholders and Inhabitants had had of the County of Norfolk, to them referred and had come to the following Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the faid Petition, praying. That an A61 paffed in the thirty fecond Year of the Reign of his late Majefty George the Second, intituled An Ad' toimpower the Juftices, of the County of Norfolk, to agree with Perfons to keep certain Ferries, and to levy the Expenfe thereof, upon the Inhabitants of the faid County, may be repealed, is reafonable. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the faid Refolution and it is referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances to prepare and bring in the fame. He alfo reported from the faid Committee, that they had had under their Confideration, a Memorial and Petition to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Memorial of fundry Merchants and Traders of this Colony, praying, That an Adt may pafs to prevent the Efcape of Debtors out of Prifon, and for the Punifhment of all Perfons aiding or affifting therein, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition of fundry Freeholders Inhabitants of the County of Amelia, praying, That the faid County may not be divided, is reafonable. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring
at a Place called Kinfale, Ordered,
; ;
purfuant to the
Houfe, that the faid Committee had had under their confidera;
Amelia but had made no Amendments thereto and the Queftion being put, that the Bill be engroffed and read a third Time.
That the
faid Bill
County of James City, fetting forth, That in Negroe Woman flave, belonging to him, was delivered of a Child that was fotmd dead, and on Sufpicion of her having murdered the faid Child, was in a few Days apprehended, and committed to the Gaol of the County, by which Means fhe catched a violent Cold, which occafioned her Death, and praying the Confideration of this Houfe. Alfo a Petition of Benedid Ruft, of the Coimty of Weftmoreland, praying to be allowed for a Negroe Man Slave, named Morris, that was committed to the Gaol of the faid County, on Sufpicion of his having adminiftered poifonous Medicines and before he could be tried for the fame, perifhed with Cold, and died in the faid Gaol. Alfo a Claim of William Cilby, for a Gun that he had impreffed for the Ufe of the Culpeper Militia, in the Year 1764, were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the faid Petitions and Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their
Petition of Junior Turner, of the
Opinions thereon to the Houfe. M'' Pendleton, from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, reported. That the
Hening, VII,
p. 15a.
and had come to the following Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place and then delivered in at the Table, where the fame was again twice read, and agreed to by the
Houfe, as follows:
of the faid
That an Adt may pafs to impower him to fell Fee Tail and with the Money arifmg therePart of certain Lands, of which he is upon, to purchafe Slaves, to be annexed to his other entailed Lands, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and Richard Henry Lee, and M-^ Weft, to prepare and bring it is referred to M' Pendleton,
A Petition
Beverley, praying,
feized in
in the
engroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad' for exempting tlte Inhabitants of Mecklenburg County, and alfo the Minifter, and other Parifhioners, of St. James's parifh, in the faid County, from the Payment of Ferriage on Sundays, Court Days, and on the Days appointed
was read the third Time. That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M^ Archibald Cary do carry the
On a Motion made.
be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to levy in the Book Thomas Rutherford, for the Attendance of his Witneffes, before the Commiffioners in the Cotmty, on the Information formerly exhibited to this Houfe by the faid Thomas Rutherford againft Col Adam Stephen, as formerly
by the Committee
a Motion made,
of Propofitions
and Grievances.
a Committee to take into their further Confideration, the State of the Colony, on Tuefday next. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning 11 "'Clock.
7 (Beo.
Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, prefented to Bill, To empower George Parker to pay a certain Sum of Money in Lieu of an Annuity charged on certain Slaves, whereof he is poffeffed; and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. On a Motion made. The faid Bill was read a fecond Time, and committed to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. A Petition of Sarah Swearingen, of the County of Frederick, praying, That the A<5t of Affembly paffed the former Part of this Seffion for eftablifhing a Ferry from the Land of Thomas Shepherd, of the faid County, over the River Potowmack, to the Land fuggefted to be his in Maryland, on the oppofite Side may be repealed. Alfo a Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the County of Augufta, praying a Divifion
the Hotife, according to Order, a
Alfo a Petition, in Oppofition to a Petition, from ftmdry Inhabitants of the Cotmty That a Road may be eftablifhed through the Lands of Francis Mallory or Henry Allen, John Jones and Nicholas Wilfon Curie; and that a Bridge may be built over Back River, were feverally prefented to the Houfe and read.
of Elizabeth City, praying.
Hening, VIII,
p. 257.
That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions thereupon to the Houfe.
and enlarge
of Norfolk,
for other
therein mentioned.
A<ft, intituled,
An Ad' for
Limits of the Borough of Norfolk, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time, and committed to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. M'' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That they
was again twice read and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows That the Petition of fundry Inhabitants of this Colony, praying. That the Bridge over Appomattox River, from the Town of Pocahontas, in Che fterfield County, to the Land of Robert Boiling in Dinwiddie County may be rebuilt, at the Charge of the
Public, be rejedled.
a Motion made.
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, To repeal fo much an Adl of Affembly paffed in the twenty fifth Year of his late Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Adi for building a bridge over Appomattox River, by Subfcription, as relates to prohibit the Juftices of the Counties of Dinwiddie and Chefterfield, from building a Bridge, at the Place in the faid Ad mentioned, at the Charge of the faid Counties; and it is referred to the ComOrdered,
On a Motion made,
That an humble Addrefs be prefented to his Honor the Governor, to inform him that this Houfe have had tmder their Confideration, a Petition, from the Inhabitants of the County of Amelia, praying a Divifion thereof. On examining which, their Complaint appeared to be founded not on the extenfive Limits of the County, but the inconvenient Situation of their Court Houfe. And as we have in every Inftance of his Honor's Adminiftration, experienced his Readinefs to hear and redrefs any Grievance, and promote the Eafe of the People, we think it our indifpenfable Duty to lay this before him, and humbly to defire that he will be pleafed to diredl the Court of the faid County, to be held for the future, at fome Place near the Center of the Cotmty, and more convenient to the Inhabitants thereof. Robert Munford, of Amelia, and M'' Bland, do wait on Ordered, That M'' Tabb,
faid Addrefs.
Archibald Cary, from the Committee of Claims, reported That they had had un-
der their Confideration, the Information againft Lieu' Charles Smith, to them referred and no Perfon or Papers appearing to fupport the faid Information, your Committee
proceeded to the Confideration of fundry Depofitions, taken at the Inftance of the faid Smith, in his Defence, and had come to the following Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read and
agreed to
by the Houfe, as
That the
faid Information
Duty, as an Officer, for which he receives an annual Allowance from the Public and that the faid Allowance ought to be continued. On a Motion made, Refolved, That M"' Charles Smith be reimburfed the Expence he has been at in defending the Information exhibited to this Houfe againft him. Ordered, That the Committee of Claims do fettle and adjuft the fame. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning 1 1 ''Clock.
Hening, VII,
p. sio.
VII, p. 433.
VI, p. 293.
^bur56a^. tbe
of !Jttarcl). 7 (Beo.
Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Petitions, to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again read, and are as follow Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of James Crane of Northumberland County, in Behalf of himfelf and other Ordinary Keepers, praying, That Merchants, keeping Stores at Court Houfes, may be reftrained by Law from retailing any Liquor whatever on Court Days, or Days appointed for General Mufters, at the
Court Houfes,
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition, of Thomas praying to be allowed the Stmi of 13. 14. 9, which was conf timed with his Houfe Waller, by Fire, on the firft Day of February laft, and which was received by his Father, lately deceafed, Infpedtor at Walkerton and Waller's, for the Ufe of the PubHc, be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of fxmdry Merchants and Inhabitants of Prince George, and Covmties thereto adjacent, praying. That Warehoufes, for the Infpedtion of Tobacco, may be eftablifh at Eaft Cheap, now the Property of Theodorick Bland, jun'' late the Property of John Hood, deceafed, be
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of divers Freeholders and Inhabitants of Prince George, and other Counties, in Oppofition thereto,
being put that the Houfe agree thereto. Refolved in the Affirmative.
of Propofitions
of Propofitions
and Griev-
The Order
Day being
Houfe to
to take into their Confideration, the Bill, For continuing an Adl intituled. An Ad' for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms.
Committee and after fome time fpent therein, M"' Speaker reftimed the Chair, and M'' Bland reported that the Committee had had the faid Bill under their Confideration, and had made fome Amendments thereto; but not having Time to go through the fame, they had diredled him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into the faid Committee To-mor-
fundry Inhabitants of the County of Louifa, praying, That an Adt pafs to fufpend the prefent Pickers of Tobacco, and to prohibit any others for the
Petition of
was prefented to the Houfe and read. That the fame do lie on the Table.
Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, To dock the Intail of Acres of Land, in the County of Amelia, whereof Anne Hall, Wife of John Hall, is x8oo feized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the fame in Truftees in Fee Simple, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. He alfo reported, a Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof William Starke and the faid Bill was is feized in Fee Tail, and for fettling other Lands to the fame Ufes read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time.
; ;
Hening, VIII,
p. 69.
The Order of the Day being read, for the Hotife to refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into their Confideration, the Bill, To remove the Seat of Government to a Place more convenient to the Inhabitants of this Colony.
Committee on Monday
On a Motion made,
Intail of 1800 Acres of Land, in the Coimty of Amelia, whereof Wife of John Hall, is seized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the fame in Truftees in Fee Simple and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time, and committed to the Members of Amelia, Prince George, and Che fterfield. On a Motion made, A Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof William Starke is feized in Fee Tail, and for fettling other Lands to the fame Ufes, was read a fecond Time, and committed to the Members of Prince George, Dinwiddie, and Amelia. On a Motion made. Ordered, That there be a Call of the Houfe on Monday next. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning 1 1 "'Clock.
20tb of "March), 7
<&eo. Ill
Hancock Euftace, fetting forth, that fome Years ago he petitioned the Affembly, praying to be redreffed for fome Loffes he vmfortunately fuftained in the Service of his Cotmtry but that he happened to be in Great Britain at the Time his Petition was enquired into, and was laid afide for Want of Proof; that he is now ready to produce Vouchers to his Claim, and praying
Petition of Cap'
Alfo a Claim of David Thompfon, for Provifions fumifhed the Hampfhire Militia. Alfo a Claim of Mofes Afhbrooke, for 5 Horfes employed 8 Days in carrying the Sick from Fort Byrd to Cumberland. Alfo a Claim of Daniel Rtchardfon, for his Bovmty omitted by Miftake of the Com-
were feverally prefented to the Houfe and received. That the Petition and Claims be referred to the Committee of Claims; that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions thereupon to
the Houfe.
James Town and Swan Point, That the Rates of Ferriage may be increafed. Alfo two Petitions of fundry Inhabitants, of the County of James City, praying, That the Line of their County, which was eftablifhed by Adl of Affembly in the former Part of this Seffion, may be altered. Alfo an Account of Abraham Smith, for adling 52 Days as Major of the Militia, in Augufta, by Order of Col Andrew Lewis. Alfo an Account of Col John M'Neill, for adling 43 Days as Lieu' Col" of the Militia in Augufta by Order of Col" Andrew Lewis, were feverally prefentedj to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions and Accotmts be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report
Petition of the Proprietors of the Ferries kept at
thereupon to the Houfe. M'' Pendleton, from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, reported. That the Committee had had tmder their further Confideration, the Petition of M' Henry Fry, to them referred, complaining of the undue Eledlion and return of M' Edward Carter, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the Cotmty of Albemarle, and have agreed to the following Report, and come to a Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, agreed to by the Houfe, as follows
their Opinions
for the Hearing of the Petition, M'' Fry appeared before your and alledging that he had not gone through the Examination of his Witneffes, defired the Hearing might be put off to fome future Time, that he might finifh fuch Examination which your Committee did not think it reafonable to grant, being of Opinion he had been allowed fufficient Time for that Purpofe; whereupon M"" Fry declaring that he could not further profecute the faid Petition. Refolved, That the faid Edward Carter is duly eledled to fen^e as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the faid Coimty of Albemarle. M' Cary, from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, f tated an Accovmt of the Expenfes that Lieu* Charles Smith had been at in defending the Information exhibited to this Houfe againft him relative to his Penfion, and do find the fame to amount to ; Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Claims, to make an Allowance, in the Book of Claims, agreeable to the faid Report. M' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of Thomas Buford, and other Officers, who fer\'ed as Volimtiers, from this Colony, under Col Bouquet, in an Expedition againft the Shawanefe and Delaware Indians, to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then deUvered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the faid Thomas Buford, John Field, Hankerfon Read, James Cowherd, Thomas Chizem, Richard Houghland, Henry Hotighland, James Colvin, Hugh Stevenfon, Philip Rofs, Ifaac Cox, and Philip Barber, be allowed the Svun. of 40. each, as an Acknowledgment of their Merit, and the extraordinary Service they rendered to this
Day appointed
Colony by their gallant Behaviour on the faid Expedition, but not as Pay, they being not intitled thereto, as they were not appointed to the faid Service by the Diredlions And that the further Stun of 40. be allowed the faid Thomas of the General Affembly Buford, as a Compenfation for the Expence, and in Reward of his extraordinary Care
and Humanity,
in bringing in,
and delivering
belonging to this Colony. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Claims, to make an Allowance, in the Book of Claims, agreeable to the faid Refolution. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe again to refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into their further Confideration, the Bill, For continuing an Adt, intituled. An for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his
Majefty's Cuftoms.
That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into the faid Committee Tomorrow, Ordered, That M'' Robert Munford, of Amelia, have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe until Monday Fortnight. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning 11 "'Clock.
of Northumberland, praying.
pafs to dock the Intail of 2050 Acres of Land, in mack, on his fettling 58 Acres of Land, adjoining other intailed Lands, in the faid Cotmty of Northumberland, and 235 Acres, in the Cotmty of Loudoun, in and Negroes to be annexed to the faid Lands to the fame Ufes. thereof Lieu Ordered, That a Bill be brought in, purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and it is referred to M"" Riciiard Lee, and M'' Richard Henry Lee, to prepare and bring in the
Hening, VIII,
p. 69.
Year 1762 he got recruiting Inftru<5lions, and did inlift 16 which deferted before he could get them to the Place of Rendezvous that he paid them all their Bounty Money, and found them fubfiftence for 29 Days each, for which he has never received any Satif fadlion and praying the Confideration of the Houfe. Alfo a Petition of Fortunatus Crutchfield, praying to be allowed for a Negroe Man Slave, who happened, by Miftake, not to be outlawed, but was fhot with other Slaves who were outlawed, were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Claims that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions thereupon to the Houfe. M' Pendleton prefented to the Hotife, according to Order, a Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof Harry Beverley, Gent, is feized, and for fettling Slaves, to be purchafed in Lieu thereof, and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be
Petition of Richard Doggett, fetting forth,
in the
Affidavit of
Bullett, of the
the Year 1766, a Negro Man named the County Court of Culpeper, for Felony
Fauquier, fetting forth. That in Ben, belonging to him, was condemned to be hanged
but before the Time for his being executed he broke the Gaol of the faid County, and hath not been fmce apprehended, and that he was neither diredlly nor indired;Iy concerned in the Efcape of the faid Slave, was preOrdered,
ance, in the
Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their further Confideration, the Petition of Thomas Waller, to them re-committed and alfo the Petition of the Proprietors of the Ferries at Swan's Point and James Town, to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Petition of Thomas Waller, praying to be allowed the Stun of ;i3.i4.9, received by his late Father, Infpe(5lor at Walkerton and Waller's, for the Ufe of the Public, and confiuned by Fire, on the firft Day of February laft, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition of the Proprietors of the Ferries at Swan's Point and James Town, praying. That the Rates of Ferries may be increafed, is reafonable. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring
A Petition of the
praying, That an Adl
Inhabitants thereof 1^0, for the fupport of a Minifter, was prefented to the Houfe and
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions thereupon to the Houfe.
On a Motion made,
ance, in the
be an
Inftruc?lion to the
of Claims, to
make an Allow-
Claims, of ;23 each, to llieii'^^ James Wood and Thomas Rutherford two of the Commiffioners for fettling the Militia Accoimts in the northern Department.
Book of
On a Motion made,
to bring in a Bill
it is
be an Inftrudlion to the faid Committee, that they receive a Claufe or Claufes, for altering the Court Day of Prince fs Anne. On a Motion made,
Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, For applying to the Aid of the public Fimd, the Surplus of the Money, which fhall remain in the Hands of the Treafurer, after paying the Expences of the Militia, according to the Direction of an Adl paffed the lat An Ad' for raifing a public Levy, and for other Purpofes Seffion of Affembly, intituled. therein mentioned; and it is referred to M' Bland to prepare and bring in the fame. On a Motion made. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill For the Preferv^ation of the Breed and it is referred to M'' Mercer and M' Richard Lee, to prepare and bring in Cattle of
the fame.
The Order
of the
Day being
mittee, to take into their further Confideration, the Bill, for continuing
an Adl
amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cufiams; The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee; and after fome Time fpent therein M'' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M'' Bland reported, That the Committee had had the fame under their further Confideration but not having Time to go through the fame, they had ordered him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into the laid Committee on Monday next. On a Motion made. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, For eredting Warehoufes for the Reception of Hemp; and it is referred to M"' Archibald Gary, and M"' Henry Lee, to prepare and bring in the fame. On a Motion made, A Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof Harry Beverley, Gent, is feized, and for fettling Slaves, to be purchafed, in Lieu thereof; and the faid Bill was read the fecond Time and committed to the Members of King George, Garoline, and Weftfor
An Ad'
Tabb informed the Houfe, that he had waited on his Honor the Governor with the Addrefs of this Houfe, defiring that he would be pleafed to direcfl the Removal of the Court Houfe of Amelia to a more convenient Place and that his Honor was pleafed to fay that he would grant a Writ of Adjournment, when the Juftices of the faid County had agreed on a proper Place for the fame. M"' Bland from the Committee appointed, reported, That the faid Committee had had tmder their Confideration, the Bill, To dock the Intail of 800 Acres of Land, in the County of Amelia, whereof Anne Hall, Wife of John Hall, is feized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the fame in Truftees in Fee Simple, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, and found the Allegations to be true, but had made no Amendments to the fame. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engrofled, and read a third Time. On a Motion made. Ordered, That Leave be given, to bring in a Bill, To impower the Jiiftices of Amelia Acres of Land, whereon to eredl a Court-Houfe, and Houfes County, to purchafe of Entertainment, and other neceffary Buildings, and to inipower the faid Juftices to upon the Tithable Perfons, in the faid Cotmty, levy a Sum of Money, not exceeding above mentioned and the faid Juftices to rent the faid Buildings out, Purpofes for the from Year to Year, and to apply the Money arifing therefrom, towards the leffening their County Levy; and it is referred to M'' Tabb, and M"" Archibald Gary, to prepare and bring in the fame. And then the Houfe adjourned until Monday Morning 1 1 "'Glock.
; ,
Hening, VIII,
p. 38.
For altering the
Court Days of the County of Lancafter and Princefs Anne; and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. On a Motion made. Ordered, That the Committee of Correfpondence do lay before this Houfe all the Letters from the Agent of this Colony, received fmce the Adjournment of this Houfe. The Houfe being informed that the Sheriff of York had ferved a Writ on M"' Edward Ambler, a Member of this Houfe, at the Suit of M"' James Pride, within the Time of Privilege.
Houfe according
to Order, a Bill,
That the faid Information be referred to the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions that they examine into the fame, and report their Opinions thereupon to the
M*^ Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported that the Committee had had tmder their Confideration a Petition of the Veftry and Inhabitants of the Parifh of Frederick, and County of Frederick, to the referred, and had come to the following-Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe as follows Refolved, that the faid Petition, praying. That the Veftry of the faid Parifh may be impowered to levy on the Inhabitants thereof a fufficient Sum for the Support of a Minifter and his Family, is reafonable. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring
Henry Mitchell, praying to be allowed his Expences in the Cure of a Negroe Man, who was condemned for a Burglary, but was recommended as an Objedl of Mercy to his Honor the Governor, by the Court and before his Pardon could be obtained, was under the Neceffity, from the Inclemency of the Weather, of having his right Leg and left Foot cut off. Alfo a Petition of Richard Doggett, fetting forth, That in the Year 1762, he recruited and paffed 13 Soldiers, for his Majefty's Service, with Col Lewis; and not being able to attend the Army, the Botmty of two of the faid Soldiers was omitted to be allowed him in his Account and praying the Confideration of the Houfe, were feverally prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Claims that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinion thereupon to the Houfe. Two Petitions of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of Overwharton, in the Coimty of
Petition of
praying a Diffolution of the Veftry of the faid Parifh, were prefented to the
of Claims
That the faid Accoimts be referred to the Confideration of the Committee that they examine into the fame, and report their Opinions thereupon to the
On a Motion made,
Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill To compel Ships import Convidls or Servants, infec5led with the Gaol Fever or Small Pox, to perform Quarantine and it is referred to M"' Mercer, and M'' Henry Lee, to prepare and bring in the fame.
On a Motion made.
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, To eftablifh a more eafy and expeMethod for the Trial of Criminals, and Caufes depending in the General Court; and it is referred to M'' Mercer, M' Pendleton, M"" Wythe, M' Blair, M.' Mafon, M' Richard Henry Lee, M' Bland, and M'' Archibald Cary, to prepare and bring in the fame. The
The Order
of the
Day being
To remove
Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, the Seat of Government to a Place more
Committee on Thurfday
a Motion made.
in a Bill,
Slaves imported into this Colony and it ling, to prepare and bring in the fame.
referred to M''
For laying an additional Duty on Henry Lee, and M'' John Boi-
a Motion made,
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, To confirm the Title to Lands, claimed by or under Aliens, in certain Cafes and it is referred to M'' Pendleton, M' Wythe, and M' Bland, to prepare and bring in the fame. An engroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad' to dock the Intail of 800 Acres of Land, in the
Anne Hall, Wife of John Hall, is feizcd in Fee Tail, and for fame in Truftees in Fee Simple, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a third Time, and a Blank therein filled up. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Bland do carry it to the Cotmcil for their Concurrence. Ordered, That M'' Cole have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe until the loth of next Month. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe again to refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into their further Confideration, the Bill, For continuing an Ad' for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms: The Hotife accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee and after fome Time fpent therein M' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M'' Bland reported. That they had had the fame tmder their Confideration but not having Time to go through the fame, they had directed him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Hotife will again refolve itfelf into the faid Committee To-morCounty
Amelia, whereof
vefting the
That the Petitions from fundry Freeholders of the Coimties of Weftmoreand a Refolution from the Commitee of Propofitions and ordered to lie on the Table, be committed to the which were refpedlively Grievances,
land. Prince George, Louisa,
faid Committee.
M' Archibald Cary, from the Committee of Claims, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of Junior Turner, to them referred, and had come to the following Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and is as follows Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Petition ought to
That the faid Report be recommitted to the faid Committee. Ordered, That M"' Robinfon be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievthen the
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning
1 1
Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances to whom the Bill, To impower George Parker to pay a certain Sum of Money, in Lieu of an Annuity, charged on certain Slaves whereof he is poffeffed, was committed, reported. That the faid Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe.
Hening, VIII,
p. 291.
VIII, p. 69.
with the
Amendments be
Charles Carter, from the Committee, to whom the Bill, To dock the Intail of Harry Beverley, Gent, is feized, and for fettling Slaves, to be pur-
was committed, reported, That they had examined into the and found them to be true, and had made fome Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Bill with the Amendments, be engroffed, and read a third
chafed, in Lieu thereof,
Allegations thereof,
Bland, from the Committee of Correfpondence' laid before the Houfe, according to Order, a Letter and fome Papers received from the Agent fmce the Adjournment. Ordered, That the faid Letter and Papers be referred to the Committee, to examine into the State of the Colony.
County, in Oppofition to a Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the County of James City, praying. That the Adl of Affembly paffed in the former Part of this Seffion for dividing the faid Counties, by certain Lines therein mentioned, may be altered. Alfo a Petition of Thomas Irvin, fetting forth. That in the Year 1759 he was appointed, by Col Byrd, a Major of Brigade, and continued to a<3; as fuch in the Year
1760 and 1761. Alfo a Petition of Levin Teackle, fetting forth. That he has a Quantity af funken Grounds, which would be of great Advantage to him, if he could be permitted to drain
the fame and praying that he may be permitted to dig a Ditch through the Land of Samuel Bagg, and the Heir of Fifher Bradford, deceafed, on his paying them fuch Damages as fhall be adjudged they fhall fuftain thereby, were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propolitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions
; ;
New Kent
thereupon to the Houfe. M"' Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration two Petitions to them referred and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read and agreed to by the Houfe
as follows
That the Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the County of Elizabeth City, praying. That they may be impowered by Law to build a Bridge over Back River, in
the faid Coimty, by Subfcription, is reafonable. Refolved, That a Petiton of fimdry other Inhabitants, of the faid County, in Oppofition thereto,
be rejedled. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring
M' Mercer prefented to the Houfe according to Order, a Bill, For the Prefervation and the faid Bill was read the firft time and ordered to be read
a fecond Time.
Claim of Daniel Belford for a Gun that was impreffed, for the Ufe of the Louwas prefented to the Houfe and received. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of
A Bill, A
For altering the Court Days of the Coimties of Lancafter, and Princefs Anne,
be engroffed, and read a third Time. and other Inhabitants, of Bromfield Parifh, in the County of Culpeper, praying, That the Veftry of the faid Parifh maybe diffolved, was preiented to the Houle and read.
Petition of Philip Barbour, in Behalf of himfelf
of Correfpondence Papers
Ordered, That the faid Petition be The Order of the Day being read,
referred to the next Seffion of Affembly.
for the
Houfe to
Committee To-morrow.
a Motion made,
Committee of Claims, to examine, ftate, Claim of the County of Fauquier, for Arms belonging to that Coimty, taken for the Ufe of the Militia, when drawn into actual Service, and make a Report thereof, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon to the Houfe.
be an
Inftru(5lion to the
fettle the
Edward Weftmore, Keeper of the Public Gaol, praying to be allowed the accuftomed Salary, which was reduced at the former Meeting of this Affembly, was prefented to the Houfe, and read.
Petition of
the Queftion being put, that the faid Petition be referred to a Committee.
being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into their further Confideration, the Bill, For continuing an Act, intituled, An
The Order
amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftotns: The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee; and after fome Time fpent therein, M"^ Speaker refumed the Chair, and M"' Bland reported, That the Committee had had the fame vmder their Confideration; but not having Time to go through the fame, they had direcfled him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into the faid Committee To-morrow.
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning
ii "'Clock.
Jtlarcl). 7
Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, To prohibit Merchants from retailing Liquors at or near Court-Houfes,
Alfo a Bill, To repeal an Adl paffed in the thirtieth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty George the fecond, intituled. An AA' to impower the Juftices of the County of Norfolk, to agree with Perfons to keep certain Ferries, and to levy tlie Expence thereof, upon the Inhabitants of the faid County, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and the faid Bills were read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. M' Richard Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof Kendall Lee is feized, and for fettling other Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be
Tabb prefented to the Houie according to Order, a Bill, To enable the Juftices, of Amelia, to purchafe Lands, whereon to build a Court Houfe, and for County of the other Purpofes therein mentioned and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. On a Motion made, A Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof Kendall Lee is feized and for fettling other Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes, was read the fecond Time, and comM"'
Hening, VIII,
p. 6g.
VII, p. 132.
mitted to
Richard Henry Lee, M'' Benjamin Harrifon, M' Thomfon Richard Lee, Francis Lee, and the Members of Northumberland, Lancafter, Accomack and
A Bill, To amend an Adl, intituled, An Ad' for preventing Frauds in the Cuftoms, and in clearing of Ships, for afcertaining Colledors and Naval Officers Fees, and to prohibit and prevent the cafting Ballaft or dead Bodies into Rivers or Creeks, was read the fecond Time, and committed to M"' Eyre, M"" Newton, and M' Mofeley. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee,
to take into their Confideration the State of the Colony. The Hovife accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid
mittee had had the fame under their Confideration but not having Time to go through the fame, they had diredled him to move for Leave to lit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into the faid Committee on Fri-
day next.
M"' Archibald Cary, from the Committee of Claims, reported, That the Committee had had vmder their Confideration, the Petition of Junior Turner, to them recommitted. AKo two other Petitions to them referred, and have come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, with an Amendment, as follow: On Confideration of the Petition of Junior Turner, it appears to your Committee, by the Teftimony of two Witneffes, that the Slave, in the faid Petition mentioned, was taken up on Sufpicion of her having murdered a Child, of which fhe had lately been delivered, was committed to the Gaol of James City Coiinty, and tried the third Day after her Delivery, and acquitted That while in Gaol fhe was taken fick of a Fever, and though the Weather was very cold, fhe, by the Direction of her Miftress, who attended her during her confinement, was removed Home the fame Evening: That fhe languifhed under the Fever about three Months, and died And, that fhe was a valuable Slave, in It further appears, by the Teftimony of John the feventeenth Year of her Age. Kemp, that the Evening of the Day on which the faid Slave was acquitted, he met her on her Way Home in a Cart, driven by a Negroe Fellow, and the Weather being very cold, he advifed the Driver to lodge her at fome Houfe where M'' Turner was acquainted, imtil the Weather became more moderate, who anfwered. That M" Turner's pofitive That fhe was then fetting up in the Orders to him were to carry her Home that Night Cart, with an old Rug wrapped about her, and did not appear to be fick. Refolved, That the faid Petition is reafonable and that the Petitioner ought to be
by the Proceedings
Petition mentioned,
was arranged for Burglary, and ientenced to be hanged; and by But he being recommended as an Objedl of Mercy, the the faid Court valued at 70 Petitioner obtained a Pardon for him. It alfo appears by fundry Depofitions and Accounts produced, that the faid Slave was froft-bitten while in Gaol; in Confequence whereof he loft his right leg, and Half his left Foot, notwithftanding the Care that was taken by the Petitioner, and the Expence he was at to the Surgeons and Nurfe, which amoimted to ;35. 7. 9 in endeavouring to effedl his Cure. Refolved, That the faid Petition is reafonable and that the Petitioner ought to be allowed the Sum of ;^35. 7. 9 for the Damage done the faid Slave. Refolved, That the Petition of Benedict Ruft, to be paid for a Slave who was committed to Gaol on Sufpicion of his felonioufly adminiftering poifonous Medicines, and died in Gaol before he could be tried, is reafonable; and that he ought to be allowed the Sum of 20 for the faid Slave. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to make the refpedtive Allowances, in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the above Refolutions.
: ;
Hening, VI,
p. 94.
. .
. .
eral Claims to
Committee had had under their Confideration, fevPay and Expences of the Militia of Augufta County, drawn up an ftated and Account thereof, and had come and had agreed to a Report, and to a Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to with fome Amendments, as follow
1763. 1763. 1757.
To James M' Kathey To Wilham Graham To D To James M' Affee To Daniel M' Cormack To Richard Burton To John Crockett To Philip Watkins To William Edmondfon To James Johnfon To William Chriftian
for Provifions
1.15. 9
for a Beef
for a
Days Pay as Sergeant, at
2 2
That the faid Claims ought to be paid by the Public. That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Claims, to make an Allowof Claims, purfuant to the faid Refolution.
of the
ance, in the
The Order
Day being
the Staple of
Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, For continuing an Adl, intituled, An Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cufread, for the
Committee To-mor-
M' Archibald Gary, from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the Committee had had tmder their Confideration fvmdry Claims to them referred, for the Pay and Expences of the Militia of the Coimties of Augufta, Culpeper, and Frederick, of which they had Stated and Account, and had come to a Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Hotife, as follows
George Teeter for Work in building a Fort in 1764. James Sawyer's Pay Roll, Voltmteers in 1764. R. Walker Johnfon for a Horfe impreffed in 1763. James M'Dowell for his Pay as Cap* and for Provifions in 1755. Robert Martin for a Horfe loft in Shawanefe Expedition in 1756.
David Cloyde for Horfe Hire &c. in 1758. Richard Bodkin for a Mare taken and killed by Indians
in 1764.
1764 Eli Thompfon for a Gun impreffed; not fufficient Proof. the fame. D" i-j64 Jofeph Pollard for
Mofes Afhbrooke for Horfe Hire, by Order of Col Bouquet, in 1761. Refolved, That the faid Claims ought to be rejedled. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning 1 1 "'Clock.
Hening, VIII,
p. 69.
26tb of Mlarc^. 7
(Beo, III
Cary, from the Committee of public Claims, reported, That the Committee had examined and confidered all the public Claims, which had been laid before them this
and had agreed upon a Report which he had entered in a Book and he delivered Book in at the Table.
That the faid Report do lie on the Table. M' Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of Major Thomas Irwin, to thern referred, and had come to the following Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again read, and is as follows: Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Petition is reafonable and that the faid Thomas Irwin be allowed the Sum of 300, in full for his Services to this Colony for three Years. The faid Refolution being read a fecond Time, and the Queftion put, that the Houfe
agree thereto.
It paffed in the Negative.
a Motion made,
That the
Ordered, That the Committee of Claims do make an Allowance, in the book of Claims, purfuant to the above Refolution. A Petition of Littleton Eyre and Severn Eyre, of the County of Northampton, fetting forth, That they have been at a great Expence in erefting convenient Houfes for the Entertainment of Travellers, and commodious Boats for their fpeedy Paffage from the public Ferry at Hungar's, in Northampton County, to York, Hampton, and Norfolk, and
praying that the People of Accomack may be prohibited from tranfporting Travellers faid County to the aforefaid Towns, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions thereupon to the Houfe. A Letter from M"' James Pride, diredled to the Clerk of the Committee of Privileges, containing an Excufe for his Non-Attendance on the faid Committee, agreeable to a Summons for that Purpofe, being laid before the Houfe, and confidered. Refolved, That the faid Letter is Scandalous, and that the faid James Pride has been guilty of a high Breach of the Privileges of this Houfe in writing the fame.
from the
neceffary Aflif-
deny or refufe to furrender himfelf M' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, prefented to the
in the
For paying the Minifter of the Parifh of Frederick, now allowed and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. On a Motion made. The faid Bill was read the fecond Time, and committed to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. M"' Gary, from the Committee of Claims, reported, That the Committee had had vmder their Confideration, three Petitions to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follow Refolved, That that Part of the laft Article of the Account produced by Hancock Euftace againft the Colony, in Support of his Petition, is reafonable; and that he ought to be allowed the Sum of ;g2o for a Deferter, and to reimburfe him the Extraordinary Expenfe
Houfe, according to Order, a
of Frederick
Expenfe he was at in the Subfiftence of 51 Recruits, on their March to the Place of General Rendezvous: And that the Refidue of the faid Account, being ;98. 17, 4^, for fundry- Articles therein mentioned, ought to be rejedled. On Confideration of the Petitions of Richard Dogget, praying an Allowance for the Bounty, Inlifting Money, and Subfiftence of 5 Soldiers recruited by him for his Majefty's Service; two of whom were, by a Miftake in the Perfon who delivered them to the commanding Officer, not allowed in his Account, and the other three deferted before It appears to your Committee that the Petitioner the)' got to the Place of Rendezvous Inlifting Money to four of the faid Soldiers and foimd Subhad paid the Bovmty and
That the
of ;^5o. 7
fed the
be an Inftrucflion to the Committee of Claims to make an Allowance, in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the above Refolutions. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take under their Confideration, the Bill, To remove the Seat of Government to a Place
of this Colony.
Committee on Monday
On a Motion made,
That the Treafurer be direded to fettle the Accoimts of the feveral Officers that are in Arrear to this Colony, and that he be diredled to proceed againft all thofe who fliall negledt to attend and fettle the fame. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, under their further Confideration, the Bill, for continuing an Adl, intituled. An take to Ad for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Fratids in his Majefty's Cuftoms: The Hoiife accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee; and after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M"' Bland reported. That the Committee had had the fame imder their Confideration; but not having Time to go through the fame, they had diredled him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into the faid Committee To-morOrdered,
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning
1 1
27tb of
7 <5eo.
more effedlual preventing the tending of Tobacco Seconds and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. M'' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances reported, That the Committee had had iinder their Confideration, two Petitions to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read and agreed to by the
; ;
For the
Houfe, as follow:
That the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Counties of James City and New Kent, praying. That an Adl paffed in the former Part of this Seffion of Affembly For adding Part of the County of James City to the Cotmty of New Kent, and Part of the County of New Kent to the Coimty of James City, may be amended, be rejedled. Refolved, That the Petition of divers Inhabitants of New Kent County in OppofiRefolved,
tion thereto,
The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter, dated on this Day, diredled to him, from M"" James Pride, reprefenting his inability to attend the Committee of Privileges,
Hening, VIII,
p. 69.
his Indifpofition
and a Certificate inclofed from M"' Matthew Pope, Surwas much indifpofed, and ought not to go out of his Houfe on
That Doctor John De Siqueyra, Phyfician, and M"' William Pafteur, Surgeon, be defired to go immediately to York, and enquire into the ftate of the faid Pride's Health, and make a Report of the fame to the Houfe. M' Pendleton, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, reported, That the Committee had proceeded to an Inquiry upon the Information to them referred, that the Sheriflf of York County had ferved a Writ on M'' Edward Ambler, a Member of this Houfe, at the Suit of M'' James Pride within the Time of Privilege and have heard M' Benjamin Waller, the Clerk of the General Court, and William Mitchell, Under-Sheriff of York, who ferved the faid Writ {James Pride having Notice and faiHng to attend) and have agreed upon a Report, and come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his place, and then delivered in at the Table where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follow: It appears to your Committee, that on the tenth Day of this Inftant, while the Clerk of the General Court and the Attomies were affembled in the Office, profecuting the Bufinefs ufually difpatched at the Rules, a Memorandum was delivered by M"' Pride's Agent, by his Dire<5lion, to one of the Attomies there attending, for obtaining the Writ in the Information mentioned, with others to be iffued from the Office That the Gentleman to whom the Memorandum was delivered, doubted whether he fhould engage in the Profecution of thofe Suits but that M"" Pride might not be delayed he delivered the
for thofe Writs That he accordingly fhewed the Memorandum to M'' Waller, who immediately delivered it to a Clerk in the faid Office whereupon the faid Writs were made out and figned and delivered to the faid Mitchell to be carried to the faid Pride, which was accordingly done the fame Day, and after a few Hours was re-delivered by the faid Pride to the faid Mitchell, with Orders to execute the fame immediately; whereupon the faid Mitchell did on that or the next Day arreft M'' Ambler, of whom he did not require Bail: That foon after the faid Arreft, the faid Mitchell, being informed, that the fame was a breach of M' Ambler's Privilege, complained to the faid Pride that he had led him into a Scrape upon which the faid Pride told him he need not be uneafy, for he would indemnify him. It does not appear to your Committee, that there was any Intention to violate the Privilege of M"' Ambler, either in the Clerk or Sheriff; but, that as to the former, the iffuing of the Writ proceeded from his inattention, by Means of the Bufinefs he was then engaged in and as to the latter, the Service of the faid Writ proceeded merely from his
; ;
That the faid Benjamin Waller, in iffuing the faid Writ, is guilty of a Breach of the Privileges of this Houfe. Refolved, That the faid William Mitchell, in ferving the faid Writ, is guilty of a Breach of the Privileges of this Houfe. Refolved, That the faid James Pride is guilty of a high Breach of the Privileges of
a Motion made,
Benjamin Waller, who iffued the faid Writ, and M' William Mitchell, who ferved the fame, be excufed, inafmuch as their Offences preceeded from Inadvertence, and not from a Defign to violate the Privileges of this Houfe. Ordered, That the laft Refolution do lie on the Table. M' Richard Lee, from the Committee appointed, reported, That the faid Committee had had under their Confideration, the Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof Kendall Lee is feized, and for fettling other Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes, and foimd the Allegations to be true, but had made no Amendments to the fame. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time.
Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into their further Confideration, the Bill, For continuing an A<51, intituled, An A(3' for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds inhisMajefty's Cuf-
The Order
of the
Day being
Committee To-mor-
The Order
of the
Day being
Houfe to
to take into their further Confideration the State of the Colony. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into the faid
Committee on Tuef-
day next.
a Motion made, That the Committee appointed to take into their Confideration a Memorial with the Will annexed, of the Eftate of John Robinfon, Efq"', and Adminiftrators, of the alfo his Accounts as Treafurer be revived, and that the Houfe refolve itfelf into the faid
Committee on Wednefday next. A Claim of Edward Foley, a Soldier in the Virginia Regiment, praying to be allowed Months Pay, was prefented to the Houfe and received. five for Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinion thereupon to the Houfe. Several Petitions, from fimdry Inhabitants of the Counties of Frederick and Hampfhire, fetting forth, That they are deprived of an Advantage that might accrue to them, that of fupplying in fome Meafure the King's Troops on the Weftem Department, by the extreme Badnefs of the Road from this Government to Fort Pitt, that they conceive the opening and repairing Braddock's Road will not only be an Advantage to the frontier Parts of this Colony, but benefit the Public in general and praying the Confideration of the Houfe, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions
; ; ;
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning
ii ''Clock.
2Stb of
Bland laid before the Houfe a Certificate of John De Siqueyra, Phyfician, and William Pafteur, Surgeon, fetting forth. That in Obedience to an Order of this Houfe they had waited on M"' James Pride, and found him free from Fever, and with no dangerous Complaint but that, from his own Relation of his Cafe, he was much troubled with nervous Dif orders. On a Motion made. Ordered, That the Sergeant at Arms do immediately bring the faid James Pride to
M"' Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported That the Committee had had under their Confideration, two Petitions to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again read, and are as follow Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Sarah Swearingen, Widow of Thomas Swearingen, that an Adt paffed in the fifth year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, For eftablifhing a Ferry from the land of Thomas Shepherd, at Meck;
be repealed,
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Levin Teapraying. That an Acft may pafs impowering him to dig a Ditch through the Land of Samuel
p. 69.
Hening, VIII,
Samuel Bagg, and the Heir of Fifher Bradford, deceafed, on paying them fuch Damages
as they fhall fiiftain thereby,
fir ft
Refolution being read a fecond Time, and the Queftion put, that the Houfe
Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring a Bill purfuant to the faid Refolution. The fecond Refolution being read a fecond Time and the Queftion put, that the
It paffed in the Negative,
That the faid Petition of Levin Teacle be rejedled. Henry Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, For eredling Warehoufes for the Reception of Hemp; and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and
ordered to be read a fecond Time. A Petition of fundry Quakers, in Behalf of themfelves and others of their Society, in Virginia, fetting forth, That it is contrary to the Dictates of their Confcience to make
any Preparation for War, and therefore cannot attend at Mufters; for which Failure they are fined and diftreffed under the Militia Law, and praying. That this Houfe will
take their Sufferings into Confideration.
Alfo a Petition of Job Pearfall, of the County of Hampfhire fetting forth. That
the Year 1756 a large Fort was ere(5led on his Land, by Order of Col Wafhington, of the Virginia Regiment, and a great Quantity of his Timber cut down and ufed as well
as thofe of the Garrifon until the End of General Forbef's Campaign, Winter of the Year 1758 That in the Year 1763 the Indian War began at which Time your Petitioner's Plantation was a fecond Time pitched on for a Garrifon and the faid Fort repaired at the further Expence of his faid Timber, which continued to the Winter 1764: He further fhews, that he was ever willing to promote the Service of his Country, and did many Times pilot the Officers and Parties to different Places, and was obliged to return by Night for Security, and in every inclement Seafon, by which his Conftitution is impaired to that Degree that he is now rendered incapable of fupporting Himfelf and a nvunerous Family; and praying the Confideration of this Houfe, were
by the Inhabitants
in the
and read. That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and
On a Motion made,
Thurfday next.
for a certain
Rent of a Houfe, in the Town of Winchefter, for a Term of Years Part of which Time it was occupied as an Hofpital by the Virginia Regiment, for which he received of this Houfe Fifty odd Poimds but in repairing the damages occafioned thereby, it has obliged him to keep the faid Houfe in his Poffeffion longer than he otherwife fhould have done, at the heavy Rent of ;3S per Annum; and praying the Confideration of the Houfe, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinion thereupon to the Houfe. On a Motion made, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, To enable the Juftices of Frederick and Culpeper Counties, to levy upon their refpe(5tive Tithables a Sum not exceeding 100, for the Purpofes therein mentioned and it is referred to M' Mafon and M"^ Mercer to prepare and bring in the fame. M'' Henry Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, For laying an additional Duty upon Slaves imported into this Colony and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time.
AnengroUedBill, intituled, An Ad' for altering the Court Days of the Counties of Lancafter and Princefs Anne, was read the third Time, and the Blanks therein filled up, and an engroffed Rider added thereto. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Mitchell do carry the faid Bill to the Cotincil for their Concurrence. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into their further Confideration, the Bill, For continuing an Adl, intituled. An AH' for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftonts: The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee and after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refximed the Chair, and M"' Bland reported. That the Committee had had the fame under their Confideration, and had gone through the fame, and had made feveral Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be engroffed, and read a third
; ;
a Motion made.
to oblige the
to bring in a Bill,
Profecutors of Offences, not capital, to pay the Cofts of the Profecution, where the Defendant fhall be acquitted; and it is referred to M' Simpfon and M' Henry Lee to
prepare and bring in the fame. M"' Mafon prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, To enable the Juftices of Frederick and Culpeper Counties, to levy upon their refpedlive Tithables a Sum not exceeding ioo, for the Purpofes therein mentioned; and the faid Bill was read the
Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. And then the Houfe adjourned until Monday Morning ii
BOtb of Mlarcb. 7
it is
fundry Inhabitants of the County of Augufia, fetting forth the Inconby Reafon of their Remotenefs from their Court Houfe, and praying a Divifion thereof. Alfo a Petition of fundry other Inhabitants of the faid County, in Oppolition thereto, were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions thereupon to the Houfe. A Petition of Thomas Moore, of King William County, fetting forth, That heisfeized in Fee Tail of a Tra(5l of Land, containing 642 Acres, in the faid Cotmty; and praying that an Adl may pafs impowering him to fell the faid Land and the Money arifing by fuch Sale to be laid out in the Purchafe of other Lands and Slaves to be fettled to the
Petition of
was prefented to the Hotife, and read. That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and referred to M'' Pendleton, and M"" Charles Carter of King George, to prepare and bring
in the fame.
Petition of M"'
Aylctt, of the
work the fame, and praying that an Ad; may pafs impowering Truftees to fell 623 and to lay out the Money arifing by fuch Sale in the Purchafe of Slaves, to be annexed to the Refidue of the faid Land, was prefented to the Houfe, and read.
Acres, Part of the faid Land,
Hening, VIII,
p. 265.
p. 69.
Ibid.,Vl, p. 246.
[ I03 ]
it is
referred to
That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and M' Pendleton, and M"' Charles Carter of King George, to prepare and bring
in the fame.
Bill, intituled,
An Ad^
for continuing
An Ad
Cuftoms, was read the third Time, and the Blanks therein Refolved, That the Bill do pafs.
Bland do carry
Bill, intituled,
An Ad''
dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof KsLTry to be purchafed in Lieu thereof, was
read the third Time. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs.
An engroffed Bill,
to the Council for their Concurrence. dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof Kenfeized, and for fettling other Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes, was read the
Pendleton do carry
An Ad^
third Time.
That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Richard Lee do carry
Bill, intituled.
An Ad*
of an Annuity, charged on certain Slaves, whereof he is poffeffed, was of read the third Time, and a Blank therein filled up. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Bland do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence. M' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of Littleton and Severn Eyre, to them referred, and had come to the following Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed
Money, in Lieu
by the Houfe,
as follows
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Petition, praying, That the Owners or Shippers of Veffels may be reftrained by Law from carrying, for Reward, any Perfon or Perfons (other than the Inhabitants of Accomack County) acrofs the Bay from the faid County of Accomack to York, Hampton, or Norfolk, is reafonable. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, who are dire<5led to bring in a Bill, For increafmg the Ferriage at James Town and Swans Point, that they receive a Clatife or Claufes, purfuant to the above Refolution. On a Motion made. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances be difcharged from preparing a Bill, agreeable to the Refolution of the Houfe on Sarah Swearingen's Petition, and that they receive a Claufe or Claufes in the Bill, For increafmg the Ferriage at James Town and Swans Point, agreeable to the faid Refolution. A Claim of David Chivis, for a Negroe Man Slave that was condemned by the Court of the County of Caroline, for Felony, and is to be executed at a future Day, and valued by the faid Court to ;i9o, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the Committee of Claims do make an Allowance, in the Book of Claims, agreeable to the above Claim. The Speaker informed the Houfe that M"' Pride attended in Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms. Ordered, That the faid Pride be delivered by Warrant from the Speaker to the Public Gaoler, to be kept in fafe Cuftody, tmtil difcharged, by Order of the Houfe. A Bill, for the Prefervation of the Breed of Cattle, was read a fecond Time, and committed to M'' Thomfon Mafon, M"' Henry Lee, and M"' Mercer. A Claim of M'' Thomas Claiborne for the Ferriage of Sheriffs with Criminals and Expreffes, coming to and from Wilhamfburg, was prefented to the Houfe and received.
Hening, VIII,
p. 232.
p. 280.
VIII, p. 278.
VIII, p. 287.
I04 ]
That the
to levy
refpedlive Tithables a fum not exceeding ioo, for the Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time, and the Queftion put, that the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time.
It paffed in the Negative.
That the
of the
faid Bill
The Order
Day being
Houfe to refolve
the Seat of
into a Committee,
To remove
to a Place
more convenient to the Inhabitants of this Colony. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into the
Committee on Wednefday
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning
1 1
X3ue56ar. th^
of 5llarcb 7 <Beo.
That the annual Salary of 300, formally given to the Clerk of the Public Treafury, be difcontinued. M' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of the People called Quakers, praying to be exempted from the Fines and Forfeitures inflifted by the Militia Law, to them referred, and had come to the following Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the faid Petition is reafonable. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the faid Refolution; and it is referred to M' Bland, M"' Benjamin Harrifon, M' Richard Lee, M'' Archibald Cary, M' Thomfon Mafon, M"' Henry, and M'' Mercer, to prepare and bring in the fame. M"' Eyre, from the Perfons to whom the Bill, To amend an Adt, intituled An Ad^ for preventing Frauds in the Cuftoms, and in clearing of Ships, for afcertaining Colledors and Naval Officers Fees, and to prohibit and prevent the cafting Ballaft or dead Bodies into Rivers or Creeks, was committed, reported. That they had had the fame under their Confideration, and had made feveral Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be engroffed, and read a third
; ;
a Motion made,
The Order
of the
Day being
Houfe to refolve
into a Committee,
Committee and
fome Time
Speaker refumed the Chair, and M'' Bland reported that the Committee had had the fame under their Confideration, but not having Time to go through the fame, they had diredled him to move for Leave to fit again.
Committee To-morof
Ordered, That M'' Richard Henry Lee have Leave to be abfent from the Service Houfe the remainder of this Seffion.
Hening, VI,
p. 94.
That he is feized as Tenant in Fee Tail of Amelia, the County containing Land, in 1006 Acres, and praying that of a an Adl may pafs impowering him to fell the fame, and to fettle other Lands and Slaves, of greater Value, in Lieu thereof, to the fame Ufes, was prefented to the Houfe, and
Petition of Lewellen Jones, fetting forth,
Tra<5l of
Bill be brought in purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition Tabb to prepare and bring in the fame. referred to M'' And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning 1 1 "'Clock.
That a
it is
\sX of
^pril, 7
be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Propofitions and it is referred to bring in a Bill, For increafmg the Ferriage at James Town and Swan 's Point, to receive a Claufe or Claufes in the faid Bill, for increafing the Ferriage from James Town to Crouche 's Creek. M*" Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, To repeal fo much of an Adl paffed in the twenty-fifth Year of his late Majefty 's Reign, intituled, An Ad for building a Bridge over Appomattox River, by Subfcription, as relates to prohibit the Juftices of Dinwiddie and Chefterfield, from building a Bridge at the Place, in the faid Ad mentioned, at the Charge of the faid
a Motion made.
Grievances, to
Bill, For building a Bridge over Back River, by Subfcription and the faid were feverally read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. M'' Simpfon prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, To amend an A<51, intituled. An Ad' to oblige the Profecutors of Offences, not cafital, to pay the Cofts of the Profecution, where the Defendants fhall be acquitted and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. M'' Archibald Cary, from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the faid Committee had, according to Order, examined, ftated and fettled the Claim of the County of Fauquier, for Arms belonging to that County, taken for the Ufe of the Militia, when
Alfo a
into adlual Service, and had agreed to a Report, and come to two Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follow Refolved, That the faid Claim is reafonable and that the faid County of Fauquier ought to be reimburied by the Public the Sum oi 156. 15, for fo much levied on them for 50 Mufkets, Bayonets, Swivels, Cafes, Shngs and Belts, before that Coimty was divided from the County of Prince William, and taken for the Ufe of the Militia.
That the
of Fauquier,
be diredled to
fell all
from fuch Sale to the Treafury for the Ufe of the Public. That the Committee of Claims do make an Allowance, in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the firft Refolution. On a Motion made. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, To continue and amend the Ad^ for the better regulating and difciplining the Militia; and it is referred to M' Bland to prepare and bring in the fame. M'' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom the Bill, To amend an Adl, intituled. An Ad* to amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad to explain the Charter, and enlarge the Privileges of the Borough of Norfolk, and for other purpofes therein mentioned. Alfo one other Adl, intituled, An Ad^ for enlarging and a fcertaining the Limits of the Borough of Norfolk, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, reported. That they had had the fame under their Confideration, and had made
VII. p. 93.
VII, p. 433.
Amendments thereto; which he read in his Place, and then deHvered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be engroffed, and read a third
alfo reported
Bill, for
inftead of the Salary now County of Frederick, allowed, was committed, that they had had the fame tmder their Confideration, and had made feveral Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then deHvered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, been groffed, and read a third
of the Parifh of Frederick, in the
a Motion made.
That the Refolution, from the Committee of Claims, relative to Benjamin which was ordered to lie on the Table in the former Part of this Seffion, be Temple, recommitted to the faid Committee. A Petition of Thomas Roy and James Gillifon, Proprietors of the Land adjoining the Town of Port Royal, praying, That an Adl may pafs to reftrain the Inhabitants of the faid Town from fuflfering Hogs to rtm at large in the faid Town, was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinion thereupon to the Houfe. M'' Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had imder their Confideration, the Reprefentation of the Commiffioners appointed to ftate and fettle the Militia Accounts; alfo two Accounts of Col John M'Neil, and Major Abraham Smith, to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then deHvered in at the Table, where thej' were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, with fome Amendments, and are as follow Refolved, That Abraham Hite be allowed the Sum oi loo in full of his Services, as Col of the County of Hampfhire. Refolved, That Abraham Smith be allowed the Sum of 23. 12 in full of his Services, as Major of the Augufta Militia. Refolved, That the Accoimt of John M'Neil for Services, as Lieut* Col" of the Augufta MiHtia, be rejedled. Ordered, That the Committee of Claims do make an Allowance, in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the two firft Refolutions. A Petition of fundry Inhabitants on New River, in the Coimty of Augufta, praying, That they may be exempt from the Payment of Levies and Taxes a few Years longer and that in cafe the faid Coimty fhould be divided this Seffion, they may be added to the new County, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinion thereupon to the Houfe. A Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the County of Augufta, praying a Divifion thereof. Alfo a Petition, in Oppofition thereto, were feverally prefented to the Houfe and
On a Motion made,
to the
That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom the Petitions, fame Effe(5l with the above have been committed, be difcharged from proceeding therein; and that all the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the next
Seffion of Affembly.
That he was one of 13 Volunteers, who joined Col Bouquet when he forced a Paffage to the Relief of Fort Pitt, and received a Wound in the Shoulder, which has rendered him incapable of fupporting a numerous Family; and praying the Relief of this Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinion thereupon to the Houfe. M"' Archibald Gary prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof Lewellin Jones is feized and for fettling other Lands and Slaves in Lieu thereof and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read
Petition of Elias Gerrard, fetting forth,
; ;
a fecond Time. M'' Pendleton prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, To veft certain Lands, whereof Thomas Moore is feized in Fee Tail in Truftees to be fold, and the Money
Purchafe of other Lands and Slaves and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into their Confideration the Memorial of the Adminiftra tors, with the Will annexed, of the Eftate of John Robinfon, Efq''; and alfo his Accounts, as Trealurer.
laid out in the
Committee Tomorrow.
To confirm
Lands claimed by Defcent or Purchafe from Aliens and the faid Bill was read the firft Time and ordered to be read a fecond Time. M' Archibald Gary, from the Committee of Claims, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, two Petitions to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe as follow: Refolved, That the Petition of Fortunatus Grutchfield is reafonable; and that he
Titles to
ought to be allowed the Sum of 40 for the Slave in the faid Petition mentioned. Refolved, That the Petition of Ifaac Perkins is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed the Sum oi S5 ^o^ ori^ Year 's Rent of the Houfe in the faid Petition mentioned and the further Sum of 4. 2. 10 for an Error in extending an Article in his Account, formerly produced, for Damages done the faid Houfe, while occupied as an Hofpital by the Virginia Regiment. Ordered, That the Committee of Claims do make an Allowance, in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the above Refolutions. M'' Mercer prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, To compel Ships importing Convi(5ts or Servants infedled with the Goal-Fever or Small Pox to perform Quarantine and that faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That M'' Jofeph Gabell have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe the Remainder of this Seffion. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Book of Claims, and Part thereof being read the further Confideration of the fame was put off until To-morrow. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee,
That That
Committee on Friday
The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into their Confideration, the Bill, To remove the Seat of Government to a Place more convenient to the Inhabitants of this Colony.
Committee To-morrow.
a Motion made,
to M"'
Intail of certain Lands, whereof Lewellin Jones is feized, and for Lands and Slaves in Lieu thereof, was read a fecond Time and committed Fleming, M'' Tabb, M' Trent, and the Members of Ghefterfield and Gumberland.
Thomas Moore
On a Motion made,
Fee Tail, in TnifLands and Slaves and tees, to be fold, and the Money laid out in the Purchafe of other and the faid Bill was read the fecond Time, and committed to the Members of King William, King and Queen, New Kent, and Hanover. M"" Mercer, prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, To eftablilh a more eafy and expeditious Method for the Trial of Criminals, and of Caufes depending in the General Court and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and the Quef tion put, that the faid Bill be read a fecond Time,
feized in
then the
That the faid Bill be rejedled. Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning
ii "'Clock
of :Af)rlL 7 (Bzo.
read, for the
Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into their Confideration, the Memorial of the Adminiftrators, with the Will annexed, of the Eftate of John Rohinfon, Efq""; and alfo his Accovmts as Treafurer: The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee; and after fome Time fpent therein, M"' S/^ca^^ refumed the Chair, and M"" Bland reported, that they had had the fame tmder their Confideration, and had come to a Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows: Refolved, That Intereft at the Rate of 5 per Cent, per Annum, ought to be charged of the upon the Eftate of John Robin fon, Efq''; late Treafurer, on the Sum of Public Money, by him received and mifapplied, to be computed from the Day of his Death, until the fame fhall be paid. Ordered, That M'' Pendleton have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe,
Order of the
Day being
until the
10* Inftant.
a Motion made.
That the Treafurer be direfted to pay to the Agent of this Colony, 69. 9, advanced by him, to make up the Deficiency of what this Affembly gave to the Governors and Vifitors of the College, in order to purchafe a Philofophical Apparatus, for the
a Motion made,
That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom the Petition of Thomas Talbot was referred, be difcharged from proceeding thereon; and that the faid Petition be referred to the next Seffion of Affembly. An Accoimt of Tunftal Banks, Adminiftrator of William Banks, for Pay as Lieut, for 61 Days, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the faid Account be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion
of Affembly.
a Motion made.
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, To impower the Adminiftrators of the Eftate of John Robinfon, Efq"', deceafed, to fell fuch Parts of his real or perfonal Eftate, as to them fhall feem moft convenient for the Pa5anent of his Debts and it is referred to M'' Archibald Cary, M' Wythe, and M' Blair, to prepare and bring in the fame. A Claim of Cap' Walter Cunningham, for 'j. 10, for which a Soldier in his Company of Mihtia obtained a Judgment againft him, in the Coimty Court of Augufta, was prefented to the Hoi:ife, and received.
That the
for a Bull that was killed for the Ufe of a Company was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims; that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinions
of Militia,
thereupon to the Houfe. M"' Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, For increafing the Rates of Ferriage at Swan 's Point, James Town, and Crouche's Creek, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. A Claim, of Jacob Jack fon, for 44 Days Service as a Soldier, in Captain Cunningham 's
of Militia,
was prefented to the Houfe and received. That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration
Horfe impreffed by John Lawfon of the Virginia Regiment, by Virtue of a Warrant from Cap' William Cunningham, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report their Opinion thereupon to the Houfe. M'' Henry Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, to dock the Intail of 623 Acres of Land, in the Parifh of S' Marhn, and Cotmty of Hanover, whereof John Aylett is feized in Fee Tail and for vefting the fame in Trtiftees in Fee Simple, for the Ufes therein mentioned; and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. M"' Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, to continue and amend the Adl for the better regulating and difciplining the Militia and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered, to be read a fecond Time. On a Motion made. The faid Bill was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. M'' Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration divers Petitions to them referred, and had come to the following Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe,
as follow
from going at Large within the faid Town, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petitions of divers Inhabitants of the Counties of Frederick and Hampfhire, praying. That the Road (commonly called Braddock 's Road) leading from the Frontier of this Colony to Fort Pitt, may be repaired, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition of divers Inhabitants of New River, in the County of Augufta, praying. That they may be further exempted from the Payment of Levies and
That it be an Inftru<5tion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances to prepare and bring in a Bill or Bills purfuant to the faid Refolutions. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into their Confideration, the Bill, To remove the Seat of Government to a Place more convenient to the Inhabitants of this Colony. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee on the faid Bill Tomorrow.
in the
a Motion made,
That it be an Inf trudlion to the Committee of Claims to make an Allowance, Book of Claims, to the Serjeant of this Houfe for his Fees and Charges againft M' James Prtde, 6. i6 to John De Siqueyra, Phyfician for attending the faid Pride by
Order of this
for the
fame Service ,
A Petition of James Cooke, praying, That the Houfe would allow Clerk of the Treafurj', was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition do lie on the Table.
then the
him a Salary as
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning
1 1
Bland, from the Perfons, to whom the Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof William Starke is feized in Fee Tail, and for fettling other
Lands to the fame Ufes, reported That they had had the faid Bill under their and found the Allegations to be true, but had made no
That the
An engroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad' for increafing the Salary of the Minifter of the Parifh of Frederick, in the County of Frederick, was read the third Time and the Blanks
for their Concurrence.
That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"^ Bland do carry it to the Cotmcil A Meffage from the Cotmcil by M"" Walthoe.
That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An A(5l' for exempting the Inhabitants of Mecklenburg County, and alfo the Minifter and other Parifhioners, of S' James Parifh in the faid Coimty, from the Payment of Ferriage on Sundays, Court Days, and on the Days appointed for General Mufters.
A<Sl for
of Tobacco,
for preventing
in his Majefty's
Beverley, Gent,
Adl< to dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof Harry be purchafed in Lieu thereof. An Adl' to dock the Intail of 800 Acres of Land, in the County
for fettling Slaves to
for vefting
the fame in Truftees in Fee Simple, and for other Pm-pofes therein mentioned. Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Adl* to dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof Kendall
Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes. Alfo to the Bill, intituled, An Ad;7 to impower George Parker to pay a certain Sum of Money, in Lieu of an Annuity, charged on certain Slaves, whereof he is poffeffed. M'' Archibald Cary, from the Committee of Claims, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration the Petition of Benjamin Temple to them recommitted. Alfo the Petition of Elias Gerrard to them referred, and had come to two Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follow On reconfidering the Petition of the faid Benjamin Temple it appears to your Committee, that he obtained recruiting Inftru(5lions from his Honor the Governor, in the Year 1760: That at That Time he received , 400 out of the Treafury, with which he enlifted about 40 men, 30 of whom were by the Commanding Officers taken into the Service, 4 deferted, and the reft were refufed, but that three of them ought to have been received, having been before adjudged able bodied Men, and ferved in a former Campaign.
is feized,
VIII, p. 232.
p. igi.
p. 278.
VIII, p. 287.
VIII.p. 280.
Benjamin Temple ought to be allowed 370 for the Bounty, Men, 34 for Subfiftence, 7. 10 for his Pay, and i for and his Expence in purfuing a Deferter, which upon an Eftimate produces a Balance of 78 due to him and that he ought to be reimburfed the fame by the Public. Refolved, That the Petition of the faid EUas Gerrard is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed the Svun of 20 for his prefent Relief, and the further Sum oi 12 per
That the
Wounds he
in the
fir ft Refolution. the Refolution Ordered, That be engroffed, and that fecond carry it to the Council for their Concurrence.
Archibald Gary do
Bill, intituled,
An Ad
continue and
and difciplining the Militia, was read the third That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Bland do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence. On a Motion made, Ordered, That the Chaplain of this Houfe do attend to read prayers every Day at
amend the Ad for the better reguTime, and a Blank therein filled up.
An engroffed
appointed by the
of the
Bill, intituled,
An Ad'
the Truftees
Borough of Norfolk and for other Purpofes therein mentioned was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Bland do carry it to the Coimcil for their Concurrence. An engroffed 5i7/, intituled. An Ad^ to amend An Ad, intituled; An Ad for preventing Frauds in the Cuftoms, and in clearing of Ships, for afcertaining Colledors and Naval Officers Fees, and to prohibit and prevent the cafting Ballaft or Dead Bodies into Rivers or Creeks, was read the third Time, and an engroffed Rider added thereto. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"^ Eyre do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence. A Bill, To compel Ships importing Convidls or Ser\^ants infedled with the Gaol Fever or Small Pox to perform Quarantine, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. A Bill, To dock the In tail of 623 Acres of Land in the Parifh of S' Martin, and County of Hanover, whereof John Aylett is feized, and for vefting the fame in Tniftees in Fee Simple, for the Ufes therein mentioned, was read the fecond Time, and committed
to the
of King William, Hanover, and Louifa. For building A Bill, a Bridge over Back River by Subfcription, was read the fecond Time, and committed to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into their Confideration, the Bill, To remove the Seat of Government to a Place more
Committee the
then the
Houfe adjourned
Archibald Cary prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, To impowerthe Adminiftratorsof yci/tni?o6j/bw, Efq"' deceafed, to fell fuch Parts of his real or perfonal Eftate, as to them fhall feem moft convenient, for the
of his
Alfo a Bill, For the Encouragement of the Settlers on the Lands in the upper Parts of Augufta County and the faid Bills were feverally read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, The Houfe accordingly to take into their further Confideration the State of the Colony refolved itfelf into the faid Committee and after fome Time fpent therein, M-^ Speaker refumed the Chair, and M' Bland reported, that they had had the fame imder their Con;
: ;
Leave to
Hening, VIII,
p. 341.
VIII, p. 269.
Xlll, p. 251.
That That a
again refolve
Committee on
Call of the
was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. A Bill, To repeal an Adt paffed in the thirtieth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty George the .Second, intituled. An Ad' to impozver the Juftices of the County of Koviolk to agree with Perfons to keep certain Ferries, and to levy the Expence thereof upon the Inhabitants of the County, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. On a Motion made, Refolved, That all former Orders and Refolutions of this Houfe for allowing Fees upon private Bills to the Speaker of this Houfe, and the Officers of the General Affembly be abrogated and made void and that for the future the Sum oi 20 for all Bills for docking Eftates Tail, the further Sum of 2 for every Himdred Pounds of the Value of fuch Eftate below 500, and i for every Himdred Potmds of the Value of fuch Eftate above 500, fhall be paid to the Treaftirer of this Colony for the public Ufe, to be accounted for by him to the General Affembly. And the Speaker of this Houfe is hereby ordered and enjoined not to put any fuch Bill to the third Reading for its paffage through this Houfe, until the Perfon at whofe Inftance fuch Bill fhall be brought in hath produced to him a Certificate from tmder the Hand of the Treafurer, that the faid feveral Stuns have been refpedlively paid into the Treafury, according to this Refolution. And then the Houfe adjourned until Monday Morning 10 " 'Clock.
Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, For the Punifhment of Perfons who fhall
aid or affift Prifoners for
Debt to efcape or attempt to efcape out of Prifon. Alfo a Bill, For opening a Road through the Frontiers of this Colony to on the Ohio and the faid Bills were feverally read the firft Time, and ordered
reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom For building a Bridge over Back River by Subfcription was committed, that they had had the fame under their Confideration, and had made an Amendment thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendment in at the Table, where the Amendment was again twice read, and agreed to. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendment, be engroffed, and read a third Time. M' Henry Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, For paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money for this Seffion of Affembly and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. The Houfe, according to Order, refumed the adjourned Confideration of the Book of Claims and the remaining Part thereof was read, and the Allowances of the feveral Officers being added, it was agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M' Archibald Cary do carry up the faid Book to the Comicil for their
He aKo
An A<5t'
to continue
Hening, VII,
p. 152.
Frauds in the Cuftoms and in clearing of Ships, for afcertaining Colledlors and Naval Officers Fees, and to prohibit and prevent the cafting Ballaft or dead Bodies into Rivers or Creeks.
to the Bill, intituled.
An Adt'
for preventing
Parifh of Frederick, in the County of Frederick. Alfo to the Bill, intituled, An Acft^ for perpetuating the Succeffion of the Truftees appointed by the A(5l of Affembly, intituled, An Adl for enlarging and afcertaining the
limits of the
of Norfolk,
engroffed Bill, intituled, An A6t* to confirm the Titles to Lands claimed by Defcent or Pur chafe from Aliens, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M^ Mercer do carry it to the Cotmcil for their Concurrence. An engroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad^ to compel Ships importing Convids or Servants
infeded with the Gaol Fever or Small Pox, and the Blanks therein filled up.
of the
An Ad^
Reign of his late Majefty George the Second, intituled. An Ad to impower the Juftices County of Norfolk, to agree with Perfons to keep certain Ferries, and to levy the Expence thereof upon the Inhabitants of the faid County, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the third Time.
An Ad^
James Town and Crouche 's Creek, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the third Time, and the Blanks therein filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Eyre do carrj' it to the Coimcil for their Concurrence.
dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof feized in Fee Tail, and for fettling other Lands to the fame Ufes was read
An Ad^
feized in
An Ad^
Lands, whereof
Thomas Moore is
Fee Tail, in Truftees, to be fold, and the Money laid out in the Purchafe of other and Slaves, was read the third Time. Lands Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Braxton do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence. M"' Archibald Cary, from the Perfons to whom the Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof Lewellin Jones is feized, and for fettling other Lands and Slaves in Lieu thereof, was committed, reported. That they had had the fame tmder their Confideration. and found the Allegations to be true, and had made an Amendment thereto. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendment, be engroffed, and read a third
the Jviftices of the Coimty of Amelia to purchafe Lands whereon to build a Court Houfe and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the fecond Time and committed to M'' Tabb, and M'' Archibald Cary.
To enable
For laying an additional Duty upon Slaves imported into this Colony, was read the fecond Time, and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe To-morrow.
Hening VIII,
/iid., Ibid.,
The Order
of the
Day being
into a Committee,
The Houfe accordingly to take into their further Confideration the State of the Colony refolved itfelf into the faid Committee; and after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker
refumed the Chair, and M"' Blair reported that the Committee had had the fame under their Confideration but not having Time to go through the fame, they had diredled him to move for Leave to lit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into the faid Committee To-morrow. Ordered, That there be a Call of the Houfe To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning lo "'Clock.
7 <&eo.
Bland, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom the Bill, For eredting Warehoufes for the Reception of Hemp, was committed,
That they had had the fame under their Confideration, and had Amendments thereto; which he read in his Place, and then deliveredinat the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to
the Houfe.
That the
Amendments, be
and read a
An Ad^
Lewellin Jones
That the Bill do pafs. That M'' Gary do carry it to the Council
Bill, intituled,
An Ad'
was read the third Time, and a blank therein filled up. That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Bland do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence.
An Ad^
read the third Time, and the Blanks therein Refolved, That the Bill do pafs.
That M' Thomfon Mafon do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence. For opening a Road through the Frontiers of this Colony to Fort Pitt on the Ohio, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. A Bill, To prohibit Merchants from retailing Liquors at or near Court Houfes on Court Days, or Days of General Mufters, was read the fecond Time, and committed to
A Bill,
M^ Henry Lee and M'' Mercer. The Order of the Day being
Houfe to refolve
into a Committee,
itfelf into the faid Committee and after fome Time fpent therein, M"' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M' Blair reported, that the Committee had had the fame under their Confideration and had come to the following Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed
by the Houfe, as
That an humble Addrefs be prefented to his Majefty, to reprefent the great Diftrefs of this Colony, for want of a fufficient circulating Medium for the Purpofes of Trade and Commerce. That under our prefent Circumftances Trade muft neceffarily be greatly obftrudled the Poor liable to very dangerous Oppreffions the value of thofe Commodities produced by the Labour of our People much diminifhed, and that we fhall be rendered unable to pay the great Balance due to Great Britain, unlefs we are permitted
; ;
Hening, VIII,
p. 276.
VIII, p. 264.
p. 245.
this Deficiency,
may be moft
other of his Majefty's Subjedls. Ordered, That an Addrefs be prepared agreeable to the faid Refolution
and it is referred to M*^ Blair, M' Bland, M' Nicholas, M' Mafon, M' Benjamin Harrifon, M' Archibald Cary, M'' Henry, M' T. Walker, M' Alexander, M' Eyre, and M' Henry Lee, or any fix of them to prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That it be an inftrudlion to the faid Committee, to prepare a fcheme for emitting Paper Money, in order to be tranfmitted to the Agent of this Colony. M'' Blair informed the Houfe that the Committee had diredled him to move for Leave to Sit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into the faid Committee To-morrow.
a Motion Made,
That the Committee of Correfpondence be diredled to write to the Agent Judgments here given, in Suits brought by the Clergy, for recovering their Salaries payable on or before the laf t Day of May 1759; and that this Houfe will engage to defray the Expence thereof. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee on the Bill For laying an additional Duty upon Slaves imported into this Colony. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf on the faid Committee To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning 10 "'Clock.
third Time,
n Ad' for ereding Warehoufes for the Reception of and the Blanks therein filled up.
That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Archibald Cary do carry
of Claims.
An An
to perform Quarantine.
Swan 's
Alfo Alfo
and EUzabeth
An Adls
for building a
Alfo Alfo
An Adl* for the Prefervation of the Breed of Cattle. An A<5l7 to dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof William
for fettling other
feized, in
Lands to the fame Ufes. At^* to veft certain Lands whereof Thomas Moore is
Purchafe of
other Lands and Slaves. Alfo to the Refolve for allowing Elias Gerrard the
Sum of
12 per
Cary do wait on
a Motion made,
Ibid., Ibid.,
Ihid., ibid.,
Refolved, That a Committee be appointed to draw up feme Propofals to be fent to the Affembly of Maryland to join with the Affembly of this Colony in eredting a Light Houfe on Cape Henry, for the Safety of Veffels trading to this Colony and Maryland and it is referred to M'' Benjamin Harrifon, M'' Thomfon Mafon, M' Eyre, M' Newton, M' Wythe, and M' Braxton to prepare the fame. M"' Tabb, from the Perfons to whom the Bill, To enable the Juftices of the Cotmty Amelia to purchafe Lands, whereon to build a Court Houfe, and for other Purpofes of therein mentioned, reported. That they had had the fame under their Confideration, and had made fome Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be engroffed, and read a third Time. M"' Henry, from the Perfons to whom the Bill, To dock the Intail of 623 Acres of Land, in the Parifh of S' Martin, and Cotmty of Hanover whereof John Aylett is feized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the fame in Tinaftees in Fee Simple, for the Ufes therein mentioned, was committed, reported. That they had had the fame under their Confideration, and had found the Allegations to be true, and had made fome Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Hotofe. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be engroffed, and read a third Time.
; ;
Bill, intituled. An Ad' for opening a Road through the Frontiers of this Fort Pitt on the Ohio, was read the third Time, and the Blanks therein filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Mercer do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence. M' Bland from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the
their Confideration the Petition of the Houfe Keepers of Overwharton Parifh, in the Cotmty of Stafford, praying. That the prefent veftry of the faid Parifh may be diffolved, to the referred, and had come to the following Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows
That the faid Petition be rejedled. M' Henry Lee, from the Perfons to whom the Bill, To prohibit Merchants from retailing Liquors at or near Court Houfes on Court Days, or Days of General Mufters, was committed, reported. That they had had the fame under their Confideration, and had made fome Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame was again twice read, and the Queftion put, that the Houfe
agree thereto.
That the faid Bill be rejecfled. Meffage from the Council by M"' Walthoe.
That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adl" to dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof Lewellen Jones is feized, and for fettling other Lands and Slaves in Lieu thereof, without any Amendment. Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An A6i> to repeal An Adl paffed in the thirtieth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty George the Second, intituled. An Adl to impower the Juftices of the County of Norfolk to agree with Perfons to keep certain Ferries, and to levy the Expence upon the Inhabitants of the faid Coimty, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. Alfo to the Bill, intituled, An A&,* to confirm the Titles to Lands claimed by Defcent or Purchafe from Aliens with Amendments, to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. The Houfe immediately proceeded to the Amendments propofed by the Coimcil to
Bill, intituled.
An Ad^
from Aliens; and the fame being read were agreed to. Ordered, That M'' Mercer go to the Council and acquaint them therewith.
Hening, VIII,
p. 2SJ.
VIII, p. 261.
* Ibid.,
Will, p. 250.
VIII p aeo i
proceeded to the Amendments propofed by the Council to the Bill, to repeal an Ad pa ffed tn the thirtieth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty George the Second, intituled. An Ad to impower the Juftices of the County of Norfolk to agree with Perfons to keep certain Ferries, and to levy the Expence upon the Inhabitants of the (aid County, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, and the faid Amendments being read, were agreed to. Ordered, That M"' Newton do go to the Council and acquaint them therewith. A Bill, To amend an Adl, intituled, >lnyl^' to oblige the Profecutors of Offences, not capital, to pay the Cofts of the Profecution, where the Defendant fhall be acquitted, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. A Bill, For further continuing and amending the Adl intituled An Ad^ for the better regulating and colleding certain Officers Fees, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. A Bill, For the more effe(5lual preventing the tending of Tobacco Seconds, was read the fecond Time and committed to M"" Henry Lee, and M"" Bland. An engroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad* to enable the Juftices of the County of Ameha to purchafe Lands, whereon to build a Court Haufe, and for other Purpofes theretn mentioned was read the third Time.
intituled, A n
Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee on For laying an additional Duty upon Slaves imported into this Colony: The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into a Committee on the faid Bill and after fome Time fpent therein, M"" Speaker refumed the Chair, and M'' Bland reported, that they had had the fame under their Confiderations, and had made fome Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to by the Hotife. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee,
read, for the
The Order
Day being
That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into the faid Committee To-morrow. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to fettle the public Proportions; to conM"'
fif t
Archibald Cary,
M' T. Walker,
W Page, and,
M' Whiting. M' Charles Carter, Lancafter, That a Committee be appointed to examine the
Dudley Digges
M' Francis
Syme, and,
William Digges,
then the
M' Burwell.
9tb of
An Ad^
An Ad
and for other Purpofes therein Blank therein filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Benjamin Harrifon do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence.
continuing and amending the and colleding certain Officers mentioned, was read the third Time, and a
for further
p. 261. Ibid.. VI. p. 246.
Hening, VIII,
Ibid., V, p. 326.
Not recorded
as a law.
Hening, VIII,
p. 266.
to his Majefty.
to amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad to oblige the pay the cofts of the Profecution, where the Defendant fhall be acquitted, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Simpfon do carry it to the Coimcil for their Concurrence. An engroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad' for laying an additional Duty upon Slaves imported into this Colony, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Benjamin Harrifon do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence. An engroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad^ to dock the Intail of 623 Acres of Land, in the Parifh of S' Martin and County of Hanover, whereof John Aylett is feized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the fame in Truftees, in Fee Simple, for the Ufes therein mentioned, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Braxton do carry it to the Coimcil for their Concurrence. M'' Benjamin Harrifon, from the Committee appointed prefented to the Hotife according to Order, that the Committee appointed for drawing up Propofals for eredling a Light Hoiife on Cape Henry, had had the fame under their Confideration, and had come to the following Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, with an Amendment, as follows Refolved, That a Light Houfe be erecSled on Cape Henry, for the Convenience of Veffels trading to this Colony and that the Expence of building and maintaining fuch Light Houfe be defrayed by a Duty on the Tonnage of Veffels, not exceeding 6<* per Ton, for and during the Term of five Years; and after that Term what other Sum fliall be foimd neceffary to be paid by the Owners or Mafters, once every Voyage, at the Time of their clearing out to be colle(5led and received by the refpedlive Colledlors, or Officers, who fhall be appointed to receive the fame, and by them to be accotmted for, and paid to the Treafurer of this Colony for the Time being, appointed by, or purfuant to, an A($l And that the Speaker of this Houfe of Affembly, for the Ufes and Purpofes aforefaid. be defired to tranfmit this Refolution to the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives in the Province of Maryland; that the fame may be laid before them, and that they be requefted to concur in this Scheme, which will be 0 beneficial to the Trade of both
Bill, intituled,
An Ad'
For the Punifhment of Perfons who fhall aid or affift Prifoners for Debt to efcape or attempt to efcape out of Prifon, was read the fecond Time and committed to M' Bland, M' Mercer, M"" Archibald Cary, M' Pendleton, and M"' Payne. On a Motion made, Ordered, That M'' Lomax be difcharged from his Attendance on this Houfe; and that he be defired to accept oi 100 for his Trouble and Expenfes, which the Treafurer is hereby diredled to pay. M'' Bland, from the Committee appointed to examine into the State of the public Treafury, reported, that they had had the fame tmder their further Confideration, and had agreed upon the following Report which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows: Your Committee, in Obedience to the Order of the Houfe, have ftated an Account of the Treafury Notes, which have been iffued for the public Service, fmce the End of the fourth Seffion of the General Affembly held in the Year 1754, with the Amount of the Notes which have been burnt, and thofe remaining in the Hands of the Treafurer, whereby it appears that the fum of 539, 962. 10, hath been iffued in Treafury Notes, fmce their firft Emiffion, for public Services: That Notes to the Amount of 326, 191. 18.2 have been burnt by the Committees appointed by Adls of Affembly for that PurBill,
VIII, p. 337.
That the Notes found in the Treaftory, being carefully examined and counted by pofe your Committee amounted to 7043.9.8, of which they have burnt and deftroyed 2225.3, being old Notes, whofe Circulation is determined That there now remains a Balance of 4818.6.8 in the Hands of the Treafurer, to be applied towards the Redemption of the old Notes now in Circulation fo that the Notes now in Circulation
: ;
in the late Treafurer 's Accounts, as mentioned in their former Report, and have ftated an Accoimt thereof, by which a further Balance oi 181 1 i 4 appears to be due, which
Time due
the Public, from the Eftate of John Rohinfon, Efq''; ;Sio2, 572 18.9; but his Adminiftrators having paid into the Treafury, fmce the Settlement of the former Account,
now a Balance
faid Eftate.
Your Committee beg Leave to inform the Houfe, that the Difference between the former and prefent Balance, as ftated in the faid Accounts, chiefly arifes from fimdry Sums of Money paid to the late Treafurer by the public Colleftors, and not credited, And as many other Miftakes of this Sort may for which Receipts have been produced hereafter be difcovered, your Committee cannot determine what the exa(5t Balance, due
from the
late Treafurer,
may be.
Your Committee hath alfo examined the Accoimts of the prefent Treafurer, and find them clearly and diftin(5lly ftated, in proper Books; and having alfo examined his Vouchers for every Article charged and credited in thofe Accounts, they find the Balances to be as follows: For the Land and Poll Tax, and Tax on Wheel Carriages, Writs and Ordinary Licences, and the Duty on Tobacco, there remains in the Hands of the Treafurer, and is now in the pubHc Treafury, a Balance of 4818.6.8; that of the Money received for public Tobacco, there is a Balance of;374.i7.8 due to the Country, and
on the public Account, there is due to the Treafurer, a Balance of 1233 .6.6. Refolved, That the faid Accounts do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Bland do carry them to the Council for their Concurrence. The Houfe being informed that M' James Pride had fent a certain Advertifement to M'' Rind, the Printer, in order to be publifhed in the Virginia Gazette. Ordered, That M"' Rind be fent for, and brought to the Bar of this Houfe, in Order to be examined in relation thereto. M'' Rind being brought to the Bar, and examined, he informed the Houfe that the faid Advertifement was delivered to him by M' George Savage, in the Name of M"' Pride, with Directions to publifh it in the Virginia Gazette, and the faid Rind was ordered to
a Motion made, That M"' George Savage be fent for to the Bar of the Houfe, in Order to be
examined, touching the faid Advertifement being brought to the Bar, he informed the Houfe, that the Advertifement then before the Houfe, was a true Copy, delivered to him by M'' James Pride, with diredtions from the faid Pride to carry it to M' Rind, the Printer, in Order to have it publifhed in the Virginia Gazette; and then the faid Savage was ordered to retire. On a Motion made, Refolved, That the faid Advertifement is a fcandalous Infult upon the Members of this Houfe and a high Breach of their Privileges. Ordered, That the Serjeant of this Hotife do immediately go with the Mace while the Houfe is fitting, to the public Gaol, and bring the faid Pride from thence to the Bar of this Houfe, in Order to receive a Reprimand from th^ Speaker; Being brought to the Bar he was Reprimanded by the Speaker accordingly. On a Motion made.
faid Pride to the pubhc keep the faid Pride in clofe Confinement, without the Ufe of Pen, Ink, or Paper; and that he be fed on Bread only, and allowed no ftrong Liquor whatfoever. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee,
to take into their further Confideration the State of the Colony. Refolved,
Committee To-
Archibald Gary reported, that the Committee appointed had according to Order, Country Levy, and ftated the fame in a Book; which he
it was read and agreed to by the Houfe. That M' Archibald Gary do carry the faid Book to the Council
for their
a Motion made.
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, For eftablifhing Fairs in the Town of Mecklenburg, in the County of Frederick and it is referred, to M"" Robert Rutherford, and M' Wood to prepare and bring in the fame.
read the
Rutherford prefented to the Hoxife, according to Order, the faid Bill firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time.
which was
That the
faid Bill
A Bill For the Encouragement of Settlers on the Lands in the upper Parts of Augufta
Coimty, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. A Bill, To prevent Hogs running at large, in the Town of Port Royal, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. A Bill, To impower the Adminiftrators of the Eftate of John Robin fan, Efq''; deceafed, to fell fuch Parts of his real or perfonal Eftate as to them fhall feem moft convenient for the Payment of his Debts, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed and read a third Time.
repeal fo
in the
An Ad'
in the faid
Dinwiddie and Chefterfield, from building mentioned, at the Charge of the faid Counties, was read
That the
faid Bill
On a Motion made.
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, For railing a public Levy and it Cary to prepare and bring in the fame. A Bill, for applying to the Aid of the public Fund the Surplus of the Money, which fhall remain in the Hands of the Treafurer, after paying the Expences of the Mihtia,
according to the Diredlions of an Adt paffed the laft Seffion of Affembly, for raifmg a public Levy, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the fecond Time.
That the
faid Bill
A Bill, For paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money for this prefent Seffion of Affembly
was read the third Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time. And then the Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning 10 "'Clock.
Hening, VI,
p. 293.
Bland, from the Perfons to whom the Bill, For the Pimifhment of Perfons who fhall aid or affift Prifoners for Debt to efcape or attempt to efcape out of Prifon, was committed, reported, That they had had the fame under
their Confideration,
and had made fome Amendments thereto; which he and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be engroffed, and read a third
An Ad'
repeal fo
in the 25'*
of his late
An Ad
Appamattox River by
of the faid Counties,
Subfcription, as relates
was read a third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Bland do carry it to the Coimcil for their Concurrence. An engroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad' to prevent Hogs running at large, in the Toum of Port Royal, was read the third Time, and a Blank therein filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Charles Carter of King George, do carry it to the Coimcil for their
An Ad^ for the Encouragement of Settlers on the Lands Augufta County, was read the third Time, and a Blank therein filled
An Ad*
to fell fuch Parts of his real or perfonal Eftate, as to them feem moft convenient, for the Payment of his Debts, was read the third Time, and a
for their Concurrence.
Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Cary do carry it to the Council
An Ad^
of the public
Fund the
Surplus of the Money which fhall remain in the Hands of the Treafurer, after paying the Expences of the Militia, according to the Diredions of an Ad paffed the laft Seffion of Affembly, for raifing a Public Levy, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Blmid do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence. An engroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad'' for eftablifhing Fairs in the Town of Mecklenburg, in the County of Frederick, was read the third Time, and the Blanks therein filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Mercer do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence. An engroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad^ for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money for this prefent Seffion of Affembly, was read the third Time.
it to the Coimcil for their Concurrence. being read, For the Houfe to reiolve itfelf into a Committee, The Order of the Day The Houfe accordingly to take into their further Confideration the State of the Colony refolved itfelf into the faid Committee and after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker
Hening. VIII.
Not recorded
Hening, VIII,
as a law. p. 272.
refumed the Chair, and M' Blair reported, that they had had the fame londer their Confideration but not having Time to go through the fame they had diredled him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into the faid Committee To-morrow.
That M' Pendleton, Lewis, Braxton, and M' Tabb, be added to the Committee appointed to draw up an humble Addrefs to be prefented to his Majefty. On a Motion made, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, To veft certain Lands in Truftees for the Purpofes therein mentioned and it is referred to M-- Pendleton to prepare and
of Proportions
Treafurer's Accounts
Bill, intituled.
Adl' to impower the Adminiftrators of the Eftate of fell fuch Parts of his real or perfonal Eftate, as to moft convenient, feem for the Payment of his Debts. fhall them Alfo to the Bill For applying to the Aid of the public Fund the Surplus of the Money, which fhall remain in the Hands of Treafurer, after paying the Expences of the Militia, Alfo to the John Robinfon,
deceafed, to
according to the Directions of an Adl paffed the laft Seffion of Affembly for raifing a Public Levy and for other Purpofes therein mentioned.
An An
Bill, intituled,
Adl' to prevent Hogs running at large in the A6i* for eftablifhing Fairs in the
in the
Town of Mecklenburg
of Frederick.
An Adl
Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Adl* for opening a Road through the Frontiers of this Colony to Fort Pitt on the Ohio. Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Adl^ for laying an additional Duty upon Slaves imported
into this Colony.
to the Bill,
Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Adl' to dock the Intail of 623 Acres of Land in the Parifh of S' Martin, and Coimty of Hanover, whereof John Aylett is feized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the fame in Truftees in Fee Simple for the Ufes therein mentioned, without any
Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Adl' to amend an A(5l, intituled. An Adl to oblige the Profecutors of Offences, not capital, to pay the Cofts of the Profecution where the Defendant fhall be acquitted, with an Amendment; to which they defire the Concurrence
of this
to repeal fo much of an A<5t of Affembly paffed in to the Bill, intituled. An Adl Year of his late Majefty 's Reign, intituled. An Adt for building a Bridge over Appamattox River by Subfcription, as relates to prohibit the Inhabitants of Dinwiddie and Chefterfield, from building a Bridge at the place in the faid Adl mentioned, with an Amendment; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe.
The Houfe immediately proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendment propofed by the Council to the Bill, intituled. An Ad ' to amend and Ad intituled, An Ad to oblige the Profecutors of Offences, not capital, to pay the Cofts of the Profecution, ivhere the Defendant fhall be acquitted; and the faid Amendment being read was agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"" Bland do go to the Council and acquaint them therewith. The
Hening, VIII,
Ibid., Ibid.,
The Houfe
Council to the
the 25'*
Bill, intituled,
An Ad'
repeal fo
of his late
Majefty's Reign,
An Ad
Appomattox River by
Subfcription, as relates
InJiabitants of Dinwiddle,
That M' Archibald Gary do go to the Coimcil and acquaint them that this Houfe have difagreed to the Amendment propofed by them to the faid Bill and do defire they will recede from the faid Amendment. M' Pendleton prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, To veft certain Lands in Truftees for the Piarpofes therein mentioned and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. An engroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad' for the Punifhment of Perfons who Ptallaidor was read the third affift Prifoners for Debt to efcape or attempt to efcape out of Prifon,
That the Bill do pafs. That M' Bland do carry it to the Coimcil for their Conctirrence. M' Blair, from the Committee appointed, prefented to the Houfe according to Order an Addrefs to the King which he read in his Place, and then delivered it in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Addrefs be fairly tranfcribed, and be by the Committee of Correfpondence tranfmitted to the Agent of this Colony, in order to be laid before his
M^ Gary prefented to the Hotife, according to Order, a Bill, For raifing a public Levy and the faid Bill was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time.
a Motion made,
veft certain
read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed, and read a third Time.
a Motion made, Bill, For raifmg a public Levy, was read the fecond Time
and committed to
then then
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning 10
Utb of ^aprll 7
a Motion made.
charged from Confidering the Petition of and that the faid Petition be referred to the next Seffion of Affembly. On a Motion made. Ordered, That the Committee to whom it is referred to bring in a Bill, To oblige John Field, John Pofey, and James Gunn to fettle with the Treafurer of this Colony, for the feveral Sums refpedlively received from the Public for the Pay of their Companies of Artificers, and to pay the Balance, if any, in their Hands to the faid Treafurer for
the Public Ufe, be difcharged therefrom. M"" Nicholas, from the Committee to
committed, reported, that they had come to a Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, with an Amendment, as follows Refolved, That the Sum of loo be paid out of the Public Money in the Hands of the Treafurer, to the faid Gonftant Woodfon, as a Reward for difcovering her Method of curing Cancers upon her producing a Certificate from under the Hands of Doct'
Hening, VIII, p. 259
VIII. p. 240
James Field, D' William Black and D"" Robert Brown, or any two of them who are by this Houfe appointed to make an Experiment of the Efficacy of the Medicine that fhall be by the faid Conftant Woodfon to them communicated, of their Approbation thereof, and thereupon the fame fhall be publifhed in the Virginia
Theodorick Bland,
That the
faid Refolution
be engroffed
That they have receded from the Amendment propofed by them to the Bill, intituled. An A(Sl' to repeal fo much of an A&, of Affembly paffed in the 25'*' Year of his late Majefty's Reign, intituled. An A<5t for building a Bridge over i4/>paiaoa: River by Subfcription, as relates to prohibit the Inhabitants of Dinwiddie, and Chefterfield, from building a Bridge at the Place in the faid A&, mentioned. That they have alfo agreed
to the Bill, intituled,
A(5l for
who fhall aid or affift Prifoners for Debt to efcape or attempt to efcape out of Prifon.
Archibald Gary, from the Committee of Claims, prefented to the Houfe a Schedule, Money Claims and the fame was read.
containing fundry
That the faid Schedule do pafs. Ordered, That M' Archibald Gary do carry it to the Council for their Concurrence. On a Motion made. Ordered, That the Committee of Correfpondence be dire<5led to defire the Agent to ufe his Endeavours to procure his Majefty's Affent to the Bill intituled, An Adi for laying an additional Duty upon Slaves. M'' Henry Lee from the Perfons to whom the Bill for the more efTedtual preventing the tending of Tobacco Seconds, was committed, reported, that they had had the fame under their Confideration, and had made fome Amendments thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Bill with the Amendments, do lie on the Table. M"' Gary from the Perfons to whom the Bill, For raifing a public Levy, was committed, reported. That they had had the fame under their Confideration, and had made fome Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table, where the Amendments, were again twice read, and
That the
Amendments, be
and read a
An engroffed Bill,
therein mentioned,
was read the third Time, and the Blanks therein filled up. That the Bill be agreed to. Ordered, That M'' Gharles Carter of King George, do carry it to the Coimcil
for their
a Motion made.
That an Addrefs be prefented to the Governor to defire that he will be James Pride from the Execution of his Offices, as Naval Officer of
York River.
Honor with
and the fame was read. Refolved, That the faid Schedule do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Fleming do carry it to the Coimcil for their Concurrence. M"" Blair from the Committee appointed prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, an addrefs to his Majefty, relative to our Currency which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where the fame was again twice read, and agreed to.
Hening, VIII.
p. 259.
VIII, p. 240.
VIII, p. 237.
a Scheme for emitting Paper Currency; which he read in his Place, and then dehvered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows As foon as Permiffion is obtained from his Majefty, which 'tis hoped may be by April 1768, 200,000 in Paper Money, redeemable in October 1783, to be ftruck and delivered to three Commiffioners, to be ftiled Truftees of the Loan Office, who are to give Security, and be upon Oath to difcharge their Truft faithfully and impartially. They are to lend out the Money at an Intereft of 5 per Cent, to be paid annually, and one third of the Principal to be repaid in April lyj^, one other Third in April 1778, and the Refidue in April 1783 to take fufficient Security; and on failure in paying the Intereft or Principal at the Stated Times, a fpeedy Method to be taken to call in the whole Principal and Intereft due from fuch Borrower. The prefent Tax on Wheel Carriages, and Ordinary Licences, to be continued, and an additional Duty of a Penny per Gallon on Rimi imported from April 1769 to April 1783, to be paid to the Truftees of the Loan Office, in Aid of the Intereft received from the Borrowers, to enable them to defray all Expences attending the Execution of the Plan, and to pay to the Treafurer of Virginia the 3/- Current Money per Hogfhead on
alfo reported, according to Order,
Tobacco now paid by the Shipper (and which is to ceafe from 1768 to 1779) to difcharge the Expences of the Infpedlion Law. An Account ftated with the Truftees will beft illuftrate the Progrefs and End of
this part of the Plan:
The Truftees
of the
200,000. 0.0
Years to 1773
& nego.
then paid in
66,666 .13.4
316,666 .13.4
Year is
Year for
Tob" is 5 Years
7500 a
37iSoo- o 47.906.
negotiating Office to be
to Great Britain
paid in
part of the
Money borrowed
66,666 .13.4
183.333- 6.8
Balance due
133.333- 6.8
By Expences
at 3/- a H"* as
this Period
above for
Money borrowed
Tax on
23,400. 0.0
39,062 10
66,666 .13.4
190,066. 13 .4 66,666 .13.4
Balance due
By Expences
256,733. 6.8
66,666 .13.4
By one By the
per Contra
66,666 .13.4
Taxes on
To the Negotiating
for Bills to
be drawn
by them
6 8 Sterling to enable
To preferve the Credit of the Paper Money, and prevent the Evils arifmg from its local Nature by eftablifhing a Fund in Great Britain, on which Bills of Exchange may be drawn and enchanged for the Paper Money, when Remittances to other Places may require it.
propofed to borrow at an Intereft of 5 per Cent., the Sum of 100,000, to be Bank or fome other public Fimd in Great Britain, and Subjedl to the Draughts and Directions of three Commiffioners here, to be ftiled the Commiffioners of the Negotiating Office, who are to trade upon that Stock in buying and felling Bills of Exchange, as they fhall find it neceffary to preferve the Credit of the Paper MoneyIt is
placed in the
They are alfo to give Security, and be upon Oath to engage their Fidelity and Impartiality, and are not to exceed 30 per Cent, or be under 25 per Cent, for the Difference of Exchange in the Purchafe or Sale of Bills. The Intereft to be annually paid by a Tax of 2/- Sterling on Tobacco exported in
Lieu of the Infpedlion
of 3/-.
their Principal
to be repaid:
The Lenders
on 50,000 H<i of Tob" for 6 Y" at 5000 to be collected and remitted
in Great Britain
To 2/- per
lent in 1768
d 0.0
30,000. 0.0
30,000. 0.0
To the Negotiating
for Bills to
be remit55.000- 0.0
ted in 1774
85,000. 0.0
130,000. 0.0
the Tob
25,000. 0.0
0.0 0.0
To the Negotiating
0.0 0.0
The Public Faith to be engaged to make good any Deficiency. The Commiffioners of the negotiating Office 1768 To their Stock borrow1774 By the lenders for fo much Britain .. 0.0 in Great 100,000. paid them ed 1779 By D 1773 To loan Office receive then of them 68, 1783 By loan Office for fo much
760 Current 1778 Ditto for Ditto
062. 10
154,363- 6.8 Bal" due & belong* to the Public 31,895.10.0
Ordered, That M' Blair do go up to the Coimcil to acquaint them that this Houfe have agreed to the foregoing Addref s and Scheme to which they defire their Concurrence And, further, that they defire a Conference with them on the Subjedt Matter of the faid Addrefs and Scheme; and will appoint a certain Number of their Members to meet fuch as fhall be appointed by the Covmcil for that Purpofe. Ordered, That M"' Blair, M' Pendleton, M'' Archibald Gary, M' Braxton, M.' Nicholas, and M"' Wafhington, be appointed Managers for this Houfe at the Conference. A Meffage from the Coimcil by M' Walthoe.
to veft certain
Lands in Truftees,
Alfo to the Schedule, containing fimdry Money Claims. Alfo to the Refolve for allowing Gonftant Woodfon the Sum of 100 for her difcovering the Method of curing Cancers, on her producing a proper Certificate from the Perfons therein mentioned.
engroffed Bill, intituled An Ad' for raifing a public Levy, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the third Time and the Blanks therein filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Archibald Gary do carry it to the Covmcil for their Concurrence.
That the faid Bill be printed in the Virginia Meffage from the Covmcil by M' Walthoe.
That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An A<51 for raifing a public Levy, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. A f alfo to the Conference defired by this Houfe; and have appointed three of their Members to manage the fame, who are now ready in the Conference Chamber to meet the Managers appointed by this Houfe.
That the Managers appointed by this Houfe do immediately attend thofe of the Council, in the Conference Chamber and they accordingly withdrew. M"' Blair informed the Houfe that the Managers for the Council met in the Conference Chamber, and received of them the Addrefs to his Majefty, and the Scheme for emitting Paper Currency, and then withdrew.
Hening, VTII,
p. 270.
VIII, p. 273.
of the laft,
That the Managers appointed by this Hottfe do immediately attend thofe Chamber; and they accordingly withdrew. M"' Blair reported, That the Managers for the Houfe had according to Order, met the Managers for the Council, in the Conference Chamber, who had acquainted them that the Council had confidered the Addrefs and Scheme, and could not agree to them and dire(5led that the fame fhould be returned to this Houfe. On a Motion made. Ordered, That the faid Addrefs be fairly tranfcribed and tranfmitted by the Committee of Correfpondence to the Agent of this Colony in Order to be laid before his
of the Council, in the Conference
defired to
That the
Scheme be
the fame.
to their Adjournment. Dudley Digges reported, That the Committee appointed had according to Order, examined the enrolled Bills and Refolves, and reftified fuch Miftakes as were found therein; and that they were truly enrolled. Ordered, That M' Dudley Digges do carry them to the Council for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council by M"' Walthoe.
That they have infpeded the enrolled Bills and Refolves, and are
truly enrolled.
The Governor commands the immediate Attendance of your Houfe in the Council Chamber, and that yon bring with you fuch Bills and Refolves as are ready for his Affent.
M' Speaker, with the Houfe, went up accordingly; and his Honor was pleafed to and private Adts 1. An Ad' for continuing and amending an Ad, intituled. An Ad for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty 's Cuftoms. 2. An Ad' For laying an additional Duty upon Slaves imported into this Colony. 3. ^For applying to the Aid of the public Fund, the Surplus of the Money which fhall remain in the Hands of the Treafurer, after paying the Expences of the Militia, according
give his Affent to the following public
an Ad paffed in the laft Seffion of Affembly, for raifing a public Levy, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 4 * For the Punifhment of Perfons who fhall aid or affift Prifoners for Debt to efcape or attempt to efcape out of Prifon. ^To continue and amend the Ad for the better regulating and difciplining the Militia, 5 6. ^For the Prefervatton of the Breed of Cattle. 7. ''To confirm the Titles to lands claimed by defcent or Purchafe from Aliens. 8. ^To amend An Ad intituled An Ad for preventing Frauds in the Cuftoms and tn clearing of Ships, for afcertaining Colledors and Naval Officers Fees and to Prohibit and prevent
to the
10. 11.
dead Bodies into Rivers or Creeks. 9 For opening a Road through the Frontiers of this Colony to Fort Pitt on the Ohio. ^An Ad For ereding Warehoufes for the reception of Hemp. ' 'For eftablifhing Fairs in the Town of Mecklenburg in the County of Frederick.
Hening, VIII,
Ibid., J Ibid.,
p. 232.
^ "
[ 12.
] to
An Ad
pay the Cofts of the Profecution where the Defendant fhall be acquitted. 13. 'For exempting the Inhabitants of Mecklenburg County, and alfo the Minifter and other Parifhioners of St. James Parifh in the faid County for the Payment of Ferriage on Sundays Court Days and on the Days appointed for General Mufter. 14. ^To repeal fomuchofanAdofAffemblypaffedinthe2$"'YearofhislateMajefty's
capital to
Reign, intituled,
An Ad for
Appamattox River by
Snbfcription, as
Dinwiddie and Chefterfield from biiildtng a Bridge at the Place in the faid Ad mentioned, at the Charge of the faid Counties. 15. *To compel Ships importing Convids or Servants infeded with the Gaol Fever or Sinall Pox to perform Quarantine. 16. ^ To repeal An Ad paffed in the thirtieth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty George the fecond Intituled An Ad to impower the Juftices of the County of Norfolk to agree with Perfons to keep certain Ferries and to levy the Expence thereof upon the Inhabitants of the faid County and for other purpofes therein mentioned. 17. ^For increafing the rates of Ferriage at Swan's Point, James Town, and Crouche's Creek and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 18. 7 For building a Bridge over Back River by Snbfcription. 19. ^For altering the Court Days of the Counties of Lancafter, Princefs Anne, and
relates to prohibit the Inhabitants of
Elizabeth City.
To prevent Hogs running at Large in the Toum of Port Royal. For further continuing and amending the Ad intituled, A n Ad for the
better regulat-
ing and colleding certain Officers Fees, for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 'For increafing the Salary of the Minifter of the Parifh of Frederick in the County 22.
of Frederick.
Ad of
An Ad for
enlarging and afcertaining the Limits of the Borough of Norfolk awd /or
veft certain
'*To impower
fuch Parts of
Purpofes therein mentioned. John Robinfon, Efq', deceafed, to his real or perfonal Eftate as to them fliall feem moft convenient for the
of the Eftate of
of his Debts.
'^ToDockthe Intailof certain Lands whereof Lewellen Jones is feized, and for Lands and Slaves in Lieu thereof. Dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof Kendall Lee is feized and for fettling '^To 29. other Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes. 30. '^Todock the Intail of certain Lands whereof Harry Beverley, Gent, is feized, a>td
dock the Intail of 623 Acres of Land in the Parifh of St. M.artm,& County of Hanover, whereof John Aylett is fetzed in Fee Tail, for vefting the fame in Truftees in Fee Simple for the Ufes therein mentioned.
veft certain
is feized
be fold,
& the Money laid out in the Purchafe of other La)ids and Slaves.
To impower George Parker
pay a
charged on certain Slaves whereof he is Poffeffed. 34. "To dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof William Starke is feized in Fee Tail
for fettling other
to the
fame Ufes.
Land in
of Amelia, whereof
p. 256. Ibid., VIII, p. 257. 3 Ibid., VIII, p. 259. 4 Ibid., VIII, p. 260. s /fci<i., VIII, p. 261. 4 Ibid., VIII, p. 263.
Hening, VIII,
8 Ibid.,
9 -o
Vlll. p. VIII, p. Ibid., VIII, p. Ibid., VIII, p. /fct(i., VIII, p. Ibid.. VIII, p.
"o ">
. .
Wife of John Hall, is fetzed in Fee Tail, and for vefting the fame in Truftees in Fee Simple, and for other purpofes therein mentioned. 36. 'For paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money for this prefent Seffion of Affembly.
His Honour likewife gave his Affent to the following Refolves, That EUas Gerrard ought to be allowed the Sum of 20 for his prefent Relief, and the 1 Sum further of 12 per Annum during Life, as a Recompence for the Wound he received
in the Service of the Country.
For allowing Conf tant Woodfon the Sum of 100 for the Purpofes thei-ein mentioned. then his Honour was pleafed to prorogue the Affembly to the laft Thurfday
July next.
Gentlemen of the Council,
which were before you and as I judge a recefs you, I fhall not longer keep you from your
Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes, There is a fubjed which gives me concern, on which I fhall particularly addrefs myfelf to you, as it is your peculiar province to provide means for the fubfiftence of the poor of any The fubjed I mean is the cafe of the poor lunaticks. I find on your journals that kind.
Refolved, That
an hofpital be ereded
who are
above refolution.
that any thing more was done in it. It was a meafure which I think and which I was in hopes humanity would have didated to every man, as soon as he was made acquainted with the call for it. It alfo concerns me much on another account; for as the cafe now ftands, I am as it were compelled to the daily commiffion of an illegal ad, by confining, without any authority, a poor limatick who, if fet at liberty, would be mifchievous to fociety; and I would choofe to be bound by, and obfervant of, the laws of the country. As I think this a point of fame importance to the eafe and comfort of the whole community, as well as a point of charity to the unhappy objeds, I fhall again recommend it to you at your next meeting; when I hope, after mature refiedion, it will be found to be more
has been in
Thurfday in July
Hening, VIII,
p. 293.
of the
House OUSE
Thomas Walker
Edward Thomas
James Mercer
Ifle of
John Wilfon
William Prefton
James City
Jameftown King & Queen
Edward Ambler
George Brooke Richard Tunftall
Charles Carter
Jofeph Cabell
William Robinfon
Carter Braxton
Charles City
Clement Read
Charles Carter
Archibald Cary
James Hamilton
Patrick Henry, Jr. Richard Anderfon
Seth Ward
The College
William Taylor
Elizabeth City
Henry Henry
John Mayo
Robert BolKng
John Banifter
fOeorge Wythe Wilfon Miles Cary
Robert Munford
WilHs Riddick
New Kent
Norfolk Norfolk Borough
George Wafhington
James Wood
Spencer Mottrom
fhown by the Journal to have been prefent during the Affembly. tGeorge Wythe was elected Clerk of the Houfe of Burgeffes March 31, 1768.
Peter LeGrand
Nathaniel Venable
Prince George Prince William
Richard Bland
* Peter Poythrefs
Hartwell Cocke
Jofeph Gray
Peyton Randolph
Dudley Digges
Nelfon, Jr.
Fauquier Goochland
Ifle of Wight King William
in the
Perfonnel, 1768.
Prince George
John Mayo fucceeded John Fleming James Scott fucceeded Thomas Marfhall John Woodfon fucceeded John BoUing Richard Baker fucceeded James Bridges Thomas Claiborne fucceeded Harry Gaines Thomas Scott fucceeded Peter LeGrand Peter Poythrefs fucceeded Alexander Boiling
and Governour
General and
Virginia, to wit;
Whereas, the General Affembly ftands prorogued to the
July next,
Proclamation in
Given under
my Hand and
and Governour
General and
Virginia, to wit:
Whereas, the General Affembly ftands prorogued to the
Thurfday in
May next
at which
required at the Capitol in the City of Williamfburg, for the Difpatch of the Btifmefs of
the Colony.
Given under
in the eighth
and Governour
General and
Virginia, to wit:
Whereas, the General Affembly ftands prorogued to the
Thurfday in
have therefore
by and with the Confent and Advice of his Majefty's March next.
Council, to
Given under
feal of the
in the eighth
Council, and
Chief of the
Virginia, to wit:
Govemour and Commander in Chief of this dominion by and with the advice of his Majefty's Cotmcil, to order, by his proclamation, bearing date of the 22** day of January laft, that the General Affembly fhould meet on the laft day of this inftant March, at the Capitol in Williamfburg and whereas the cavife for their meeting them ftill fubfifts, I have therefore thought fit, by and with
Whereas, the late Lieutenant
the advice of his Majefty's Council, to iffue this proclamation, in his Majefty's name,
requiring the meeting of the General Affembly on the faid laft day of March, at the
Capitol, for the defpatch of the important bufmefs
I fhall
to them.
Given under
my hand,
and the
of the
House of Burgesses
I5burs6ar. t^e
m V_-/
of 5ttarc^,
Wythe, Gentleman, having been appointed Clerk of the Houfe of Burgeffes, in the Room of John Randolph, Efqr: who had refigned, and having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adl of Parliament, inftead of the
Oath of
Office in
Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and the Abjuration Oath, and aKo the due Form, and having repeated and fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted
to his Place.
M' Speaker,
The Prefident commands the immediate Attendance of your Houfe in the Council Chamber.
Accordingly M'' Speaker, with the Houfe went up to attend the Prefident. And being returned, M'' Speaker reported that the Houfe had attended the Prefident in the Coimcil Chamber where he was pleafed to make a Speech to the Council and this Hotife of which M'' Speaker, faid he had to prevent Mif takes, obtained a Copy, which he
; ;
as followeth, viz'
worthy Governor having defigned to meet you here at this Time, the Reafons of by me in Council, and the Objeds for your Confideration he had to lay before yon, have been judged to be of fuch Importance to the Honour
and Service
of his
Majefty, and
to the
Eafe and Happinefs of the People, that to renew the Proclamation for
of his Majefty's
your Meeting.
and from Sir William Johnfon, Superintendant of Indian Affairs, which I fhall caufe to be laid before you, it will appear that a Set of Men, regardlefs of the Laws of natural Juftice, unmindful of the Duties they owe to Society, and in Contempt of the Royal Proclamations, have dared to fettle themfelves upon the Lands near Red Stone Creek, and Cheat River, which are the Property of the Indians and notwithflanding the repeated Warnings of the Danger of fuch lawlefs Proceedings and the ftrid and fpirited Injundions to them to defift, and to quit their unjuft Poffeffions, they ftill remain unmoved, and feem to defy the Orders and even the Powers of Government. What avails it, Gentlemen, that we have Laws to reprefs the Fraud and Violence committed by Individuals upon each other and thereby to preferve the internal Peace and Order of the Country, ?/ we have not a coercive legal Power, fufficient to reftrain and punifh thofe, who, by their Condud, are drawing upon the whole Community one of the dreadfulleft public Calamities that can befal us? Late experience hath fhewn us the Variety of Evils which the Inhabitants on the Frontiers fuffered during an Indian War, nor can you have forgot the Torrents of human Blood which drenched our Lands, and the cruel Captivity to which No. The tender Heart of Man cannot fo fo many of every Age and Sex were fubjeded. foon diveft itfelf of the Feelings of Humanity, which were excited by thofe Scenes of complicated Mifery.
in Profecution of
ufurped Pretenfions, to open afrefh thofe Sluices of Blood, whofe flowing hath been fo lately ftopt by the Wifdorn, Fortitude, and paternal Care of our moft gracious Sovereign? I will rather hope for your Affiftance to firengthen the Hands of Government, and to enable
and naturally
of the
of Burgeffes.
If you fhall find it neceffary to lay any Tax upon the People for the Service I have here recommended to you, I have no Occafion to mention my earneft Defire that it may be done in They have long borne a manner that fhall he as little burthenfome to them as it is poffible. Could I live to fee a Period to them, it they have long groaned under, the Weight of Taxes:
Houfe of Burgeffes. and which will alfo be you think that the PeoSubjed your Confideration. be a you, is to further laid before If of part the heavy Taxes they have laboured ple can with Propriety he relieved frotn any of under, I perfuade myfelf that your Inclination to do it is equal to my own; and I need not caution you, that in any Adforthis Purpofe; regard muft he had to the public Faith already plighted, and to Ads of Parliament, which must be the invariable Rules of my Condud, and I hope they will have their proper Weight in your Deliberations upon this Occafion. The Inconvenience of carrying on the public Bufinefs at both Ends of the Capitol at the fame Time, is fo well known to you, that it is unneceffary for me to recommend Difpatch
of the Council, M"" Speaker, of the
and Gentlemen
Memorial which
good Government of a Country, are greatly the Benefits arifing from the wifeft diminifhed if the Execution of them meets with Delays and Interruptions, from whatever Caufe they may happen. I cannot conclude without paying the juft Tribute
to the
diftinguifhed abilities
Duties of his Station, made him happy in the Approbation good Senfe, Candour, Eafinefs of Accefs, and his Endeavours for our Happinefs, affured htm of the Gratitude and Affedion of us all. May the Wifdom and Goodnefs of our moft excellent Sovereign, dired him in the Choice of a
to the
Succeffor; whofe mind is equally cultivated in the Arts of Government, zealous in promoting the great Ends of it.
is equally
That an humble Addrefs be prefented to his Honor the Prefident, returnThanks of this Houfe for his kind and affedlionate Speech to condole with him on the Lofs of our late worthy Governor, and to congratulate him on his Succeffion to the Adminiftration of Government, the juft Reward of his long and faithful Services to ovu- Sovereign and his People here; and to affure his Honor that we will take the important Matters recommended to us under our immediate Confideration, and do therein what fhall be judged moft proper for the true Intereft of the Colony. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to draw up an Addrefs, to be prefented to the Prefident upon the faid Refolutions. And a Committee was appointed of M' Pendleton and M'' Archibald Gary. Ordered, That the Prefident's Speech be referred to the faid Committee. M'' Speaker informed the Houfe, that the Prefident had deUvered to him the Letters and Memorial referred to in his Speech, in order to be laid before this Hoiife; and he deHvered them in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Letters and Memorial do lie on the Table. Refolved, That the Prefident's Speech be taken into Confideration on Saturday next. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to examine into the State of the Funds arifing upon the Land and Poll Tax, the additional Duty upon Slaves, the Tax upon Tobacco, Wheel-Carriages, Writs, and Ordinary Licences, which were impofed by the
ing the
feveral Adts of
that they ftate an Accoiint of the Monies due to the Public from the late Treafurer,
and aKo an Account of the Arrears due from the feveral Colledlors of the faid Taxes, and report the fame to this Houfe; And a Committee was appointed of M'' Bland, M"' Archibald Cary, M' Pendleton, M'' Lemuel Riddick, 'W Benjamin Harrifon, M'' Blair, and M'' Page. M' Speaker informed the Houfe, that he had received a Letter direcSted to him from the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Province of the Maffachufetts Bay and he delivered it in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Letter do lie on the Table. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Prefident, to order a new Writ to iffue for the eledling of a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the Cotmty of Prince George, in the Room of M'' Alexander Boiling, deceafed; and that M' Bland do wait on him with the faid Addrefs. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Prefident, to order a new Writ to iffue for the eledling of a Burgefs' to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for theCovmtyof Cumberland, in the Room of M'' John Fleming deceafed and that M' Archibald Cary, do wait on him with the faid Addrefs. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Prefident to order a new Writ to iffue for the eledling of a Burgefs ^ to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the County of I fie of Wight, in the Room of M'' James Bridger, who, fince his Eledlion, hath accepted the Office of Coroner of the faid Coimty and that M'' Nicholas do wait on him with the
; ;
faid Addrefs.
Prefident, to order a
new Writ
to iffue for
the eledling of a Burgefs* to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the Coimty of Goochland, in the Room of M' John Boiling, who, fince his Eledlion, hath accepted the
Office of Sheriff of the faid
him with
on Cape Henry, and defraying the Expence of building and maintaining the fame, to the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives in the Province of Maryland, and had received a Letter from him on that Subjedl, and he delivered it in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Letter do lie on the Table. On a Motion made. Ordered, That the Committee of Correfpondence do lay before this Houfe the Letters from the Agent, and their Proceedings fince the laft Seffion of Affembly. Ordered, That a Committee of Privileges and Eledlions be appointed And a Committee was appointed of M'' Pendleton, My Bland, M.' Lemuel Riddick, William Diggs, Benjamin Harrifon, M^ Dudley Digges,MJ Page, Nicholas, Burwell, M' Francis Lightfoot Lee, and M' Blair: And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day; and to examine in the firft Place all Returns of Writs for eledling Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly and compare the fame with the Form prefcribed by Law and to take into their Con-
may come
and Privileges and to report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, from Time to Time, to the Houfe. And the faid Committee is to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information. Ordered, That M' Starke be appointed Clerk to the Committee of Privileges and
The Houfe being informed that, in Contempt of the Authority of this Houfe Edward Weftmore, Keeper of the Public Gaol, had difobeyed their Order of laft Seffion for the Confinement and Diet of James Pride, then in Cuftody of the faid Gaoler for Breach
of Privilege;
Peter Poythrefs.
'John Mayo.
Richard Baker.
John Woodfon.
that he attend every Morning to read Prayers at lo "'Clock. Ordered, That James Lavie, William Hicks, and Robert Hyland be continued Door-
Houfe, and that they give their Attendance accordingly. Ordered, That John Creagh be appointed Door-Keeper to this Houfe, in the room of John Broadrib, who hath declined that Service, and that he the faid John Creagh give his
Keepers to
Attendance accordingly.
then the
Houfe adjourned
until Saturday
ii "'Clock.
2n6 of '^ipxXl S
That the fame do lie on the Table. Ordered, That M' Treaftirer do lay his Accoimts before the Houfe. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to inquire what Laws are near expiring; and that they report the fame to the Hotife, with their Opinion which of the faid Laws
Ordered, to be continued.
M"' Archibald Cary, M'' Bland, M' Lemuel RidMy Edmunds, and M' Pendleton. M.' Treafurer according to Order, laid his Accovmts before the Houfe. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to examine the Treafurer's Accounts, and
was appointed of M'' Bland, M"' Archibald Cary, M.' Pendleton, M'' Lemuel Riddick, M" Benjamin Harrifon, M"' Blair and M"' Page. Ordered, That the Treafurer's Accounts be referred to the faid Committee. A Petition of John Henry was prefented to the Houfe and read fetting forth, that he had been encouraged by the generous Subfcription of many of the Members of the
a Committee
Legiflature, as well as private Gentlemen, to
almoft exhaufted, he will be unable to get the Map thereof printed whereby the Undertaking, inftead of its being of public Utility, as well as advantageous to the Petitioner,
would be rendered of no Ufe to the Community, and greatly detrimental to him, imlefs this Honourable Houfe will be pleafed to enable him to get the faid Map printed. And forafmuch as the Petitioner propofed to meafure all the moft public Roads in the Colony, which would not only be very agreeable to Travellers, but beneficial to the Community, b}' the Reduction of Charges arifmg from Venire Men and Witneffes attending the Trials of Criminals at the fupreme Court of this Dominion, the computed Miles all over the Colony being fhorter than the meafured ones; but it being fuggefted, that fuch Menfuration, without the Courfes being taken, will not be of fuch general Ufe, as both would be, fince thereby the Roads throughout the Colony might be ftreightened the Petitioner not being enabled to fet about a Work of fuch Expence, had deferred any Menfuration thereof imtil he fhould have an Opporttmity of laying the Matter before this Honourable Houfe. And as fome Obftrudlion was likely to be given to the general Surv^ey by miftaken Perfons, who imagine it may be attended with pernicious Confequenccs, fome of the Surveyors having been forbid to rtm certain Lines: Therefore praying this Hotife will be pleafed to take the Premifes into Confideration, and grant him fuch Affiftance therein, as to its Wifdom fhall feem meet. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Conmiittee; and
and that they do examine the Matters thereof, and report the fame, as they fhall appear to them, to the Houfe And it is referred to M' Bland, M' Pendleton, M"' Treafurer, M'' Archibald Cary, M"' Richard Lee, and M"" Wilfon Miles Cary. Francis Lightjoot Lee, Pendleton reported, from the Committee appointed on Thtirfday laft to draw up an Addrefs to be prefented to the Prefident, that the Committee had drawn up an Addrefs accordingly, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe, and he read the fame in his Place and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame was read, and is as followeth, viz'.
and loyal SubjeAs, the Burgeffes of Virginia, now met Honor our unfeigned Thanks for your kind and affecMerit of our
at the
of this Seffion.
When we
and private
his Death;
Friendfhip among us, we cannot fufficiently lament the an Event on which we heartily condole with your
Our Sorrow on
Wifdom and
on Confideration that in the mean Time the Adminiftration of Government is devolved upon your Honor, whofe Abilities, Goodnefs and Benignity, in this high Station, we have formerly experienced; be pleafed Sir, to accept our
Intereft of the
Crown and
fincere Congratulations
and proceed
recommended to us under our immediate Confideraand Difpatch, which their Importance, and
in the faid Addrefs, to be
a Motion made,
That the Letter direcfted to M'' Speaker from the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Province of the Maffachufetts Bay, which was ordered to lie on the Table, be read
of the
That this Houfe will upon Tuefday next, refolve itfelf into a Committee whole Houfe, to confider of the faid Letter. Ordered, That the faid Letter be referred to the faid Committee. A Petition of fundry Freeholders of the Cotmties of Chefterfield, Henrico, Dinwiddie, and Amelia, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe and read, fetting forth, that the Adl of Parliament lately paffed, fufpending the legiflature Power of the Colony of New York, had fuch a fatal Tendency, and feemed fo deftrucftive of the Liberty of a free People, that the Petitioners are impreffed with the deepeft Senfe of the Danger of lofing their antient Rights and Privileges as Freemen, dependent on and Subfedls to the Crown of Great Britain: And praying the Houfe will be pleafed to take the faid Grievance imder their Confideration, and implore his Mafefty, in the moft humble Manner, for a Repeal of the faid Adl of Parliament; and that fuch other Meafures may be purfued as fhall be agreeable to the Houfe. Alfo
Alfo a Petition of fimdry Freeholders of the County of Weftmoreland, whofe Names was prefented to the Houfe and read, fetting forth, that the regarding Petitioner this Honourable Houfe as the only true and conftitutional Repreare thereunto fubfcribed,
fentative of the People of Virginia, and therefore the only Affembly, where, confiftently with Law and Liberty, Taxes can be impofed on them, did humbly beg Leave to hope, that the Houfe would take into their moft ferious Confideration the Tendency of certain Adls of the Britifh Parliament lately paffed, for billeting Soldiers in America, and for laying certain Duties on Glafs, Paper, Paint, &c. for the Purpofe of raifing a Revenue: That it feemed to the Petitioners that the Britifh Adl by requiring a Supply for quartering Troops, to be levied on the People without the free Confent of their Reprefentatives, is an internal Tax deftrudlive of their Liberty and Rights, foimded as they are on the Englifh Conftitution, confirmed by Charter, and frequently recognized by the Britifh Parliament. Nor can the Petitioners fail to be greatly alarmed, when they find this tmconftitutional and dangerous Adl attempted to be forced on their Fellow Subjedls of New York, by another Adl fufpending the Legiflature of that Province. That the Connection fubfifting between Great Britain and her Colonies producing a Political Neceffity for Supplies of Manufaftures, to be taken solely from the former by the latter, renders the Adl impofing Duties for the fmgle Purpofe of Revenue, on Paper, Glafs, Paint, &c. ufed in America, both cruel and imconftitutional. That the Property of Britifh Subfedls in America being thus granted away by a Parliament, in which they are not and cannot be reprefented muft effedlually deftroy their Liberty, and deprive them of the Means of fhewing Loyalty to their moft gracious Sovereign, and Affedlion to their Mother Coimtry, by giving their Money through their own Reprefentatives, when the common Intereft of Britain and America fhall demand it. And that fhould thofe Adls appear to this Honovu-able Houfe in the fame and deftrudlive and dangerous Light that they do to the Petitioners, they will not doubt but that the conftitutional Guardians of the Liberty of Virginia will, by addreffmg his Majefty, the great Defender of American as well as Britifh Rights, or by whatever Means fhall appear moft proper and effedlual to the Wifdom of the Houfe, endeavour to obtain the Repeal of thofe Adls, fo evidently producing the Deftrudlion of American Freedom and Happinefs. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee: And they are referred to the Committee of the whole Houfe for confidering the Letter to M'' Speaker, from the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Province of the Maffachufetts Bay. Two Petitions of fundry Inhabitants of the County of Aiignfta, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, were prefented to the Houfe and read, praying that the faid County may be divided. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of Affembly. Upon a Motimi made, Ordered, That the Treafurer pay to David Chivis, the Stmi of Ninety Pounds, allowed to him in the Book of Claims at the laft Seffion of Affembly for his Negroe Man Slave, who was condemned for Felony, although he hath not been executed it appearing that the faid Slave efcaped out of Gaol, and could never be recovered by his Mafter. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to take into Confideration the Prefident's Speech Refolved, That this Houfe will immediately refolve itfelf into a Committee of the
That the Letters and Memorial referred to in the Prefident's Speech, and from the Agent to the Committee of Correfpondence, and their Proceedings, the Letters which were ordered to lie on the Table, be referred to the faid Committee. Then the Houfe refolved itfelf into the faid Committee.
the Chair.
Bland reported from the Committee, that they had had the Prefident's Speech under Confideration, and made a Progrefs therein; and that he was diredled by the Committee to move, that they may have Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Hoiife will on Monday next, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the Prefident's Speech. And then the Houfe adjourned til Monday Morning 1 1 o'Clock.
yioxiha^. tbe
Petition of
and read
fetting forth,
Fee Tail, under the Will of his Grandfather James Rofcow, and the Will of his Father William Rofcow, of fundry Tradls of Lands situate in the Coixnty of Warwick, which are at prefent very expenfive and burthenfome to the Petitioner for want of Slaves to work the fame and therefore praying, that an Adl may pafs to dock the Intail of one Tra<5l of the faid Lands, containing
that he
Himdred Acres, known by the Name of Doyley's in order that the fame may and the Money arifmg from fuch Sale be laid out in Slaves, to be fettled to the fame Ufes as the faid Tradl of Land is limited by the Will of the faid James Rofcow
the Grandfather.
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of the faid and that M"" William Digges, and M' Pendleton, do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Prefident, to order a new Writ to iffue for the eledling of a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the County of King William, in the Room of M' Harry Gaines, deceafed; and that M'' Pendleton do wait on him with the faid Addrefs. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Prefident, to order a new Writ to iffue for the electing of a Burgefs' to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the Covmty of Fauquier in the Room of M'' Thomas Marfhall, who fince his Eledlion, hath accepted the Office of Sheriff of the faid County and that M'' Pendleton do wait on him with the faid
John Wormeley was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth, Widow, late of the County of Middlefex, he is feized in Fee-Tail of Six Htmdred and Thirty Acres of Land, fituate in the Parifh of York -Hampton and County of York; and that it will be beneficial to the Petitioner, and thofe claiming under him to have the intail of the faid Land docked, and other Lands, and Slaves of Greater Value, fettled in Lieu thereof, to the fame Ufes as the faid Lands in York are limited by the Will of the faid Elizabeth Wormeley: And therefore praying that an Adl may pafs for that Purpofe. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of the faid And that M' Nelfon, and M"' Francis Lightfoot Lee, do prepare and bring in Petition
Petition of
the fame.
of this
a Motion made,
That a Committee be appointed to examine the State of the Clerk's Ofhce Houfe and that they report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, to this Houfe And a Committee was appointed of M' Bland, M' Wilfon Miles Gary, M' Treafurer, Pendleton, M' Blair, M.' Archibald Gary, M' Gharles Garter, M"' Lemuel Riddick, and
Francis Lightfoot Lee. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Prefident, to order a new Writ to iffue for the eledling of a Burgefs^ to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the County of
Prince Edward, in the
Room of
And that
Thomas Claiborne
James Scott
Thomas Scott
William Cabell, junior, was prefented to the Hoiife, and read, praying that o much of the Adl of Affembly made in the firft Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty intituled An Ad' for appointing feveral new Ferries, as eftablifhed a Ferry from the Petitioners Land on the North Side of the Fluvanna River, to the Land of William
Petition of
on the South Side, may be repealed. That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of the faid Petition; and it is referred to M' Pendleton to prepare and bring in the fame. A Reprefentation of the Freeholders of Prince William Cotmty, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that it is with the greateft Concern they find the fame imconftitutional Meafures now purfued by the Britifh Parliament, as gave rife to the late abhorred and deteftable Stamp A(5t, which would have fhaclded the North Americans with Slavery, had they fumitted to the That Notwithftanding it is the xmdoubted Right of every Subjedt Execution thereof of Britain to be taxed only by Confent of Reprefentatives chofen by themfelves, which hath been ratified and confirmed to them during the Reigns of nine Succef five Princes yet, contrary to the Magna Charta, and the Charters granted to the feveral Colonies in America, the Parliament hath again affumed to themfelves the Right of laying Taxes and Impofitions on the People of America by the feveral Acfls for impofing certain Duties on Britifh Commodities, for the Purpofe of raifmg a Revenue here the Billeting Adl and the Adl for depriving the New York Affembly of a Legiflative Power, imtil they had compUed with the Impofitions of the Billeting Adl; o that they have not only taken from the faid Subfcribers their Money without their Contents, but deprive them of their Liberty and conftitutional Rights as Freemen, which Freedom and Privilege they
have hitherto equally enjoyed with their Fellow-Subjedls in Britain: And therefore intreating the Houfe to affert their Rights with decent Freedom; and to fupplicate their moft Gracious Sovereign to have their Grievances redreffed by the Repeal of the
faid feveral oppreffive Adls.
That the
it is
referred to the
Committee of the whole Houfe for taking into Confideration Speaker from the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of
a Motion made, Ordered, That for the future no Fee or Compenfation at all be paid to the Treafurer, for the ufe of the Public, or to any other Perfon, for any private Bills which fhaU pafs
this Houfe.
and Attomies
and fundry other Perfons, whofe Names Houfe, and read, praying that an Adl may pafs to
to the third
every Month. Leave be given to bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of the faid That Ordered, Petition and it is referred to M"' Payne, and M'' Bland, to prepare and bring in the fame. M'' Pendleton reported to the Houfe, that the Prefident ha\'ing been waited on, purfuant to the Order of Saturday laft, to know his Pleafure when he would be attended by this Houfe, had been pleafed to appoint Thurfday next, in the Council Chamber. The Order of the Day being read The Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further
Speaker left the Chair. Bland took the Chair of the Committee.
Bland reported from the Committee, that they had come to feveral Refolutions, which he read in his Place, and afterguards delivered in at the Clerk's Table where the fame was read, and are as followeth, viz'. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that any Incroachments made on the Lands of the Indians in Amity with his Majefty, or any Breach of the Treaties
Hening, VII,
p. 401.
between them, are high Crimes and Mifdemeanors, and ought to be feverely punifhed, as they have an immediate Tendency to deftroy that Confidence in the good Faith of the Colonies, which ought always to be preferved, and to bring on a War, in which a great Deal of Blood muft be fpilt. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that if any of the Inhabitants of this Colony have fettled on Cheat River and Redftone Creek, it was without the Knowledge or Approbation of this Affembly, fince his Majefty's Proclamation, to whom, at our laft Seffion, we fent an Addrefs on this Subje(5l; and we make no Doubt he will oon have all Matters adjufted with the Indians, fo as to leave no Caufe of Complaint. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that an Addrefs be prefented to the Prefident, to defire in the mean Time that he would be pleafed to make our Refolutions known to thofe Nations, who are alarmed at the Behavior of our People on the Frontiers, and to warn the Inhabitants of this Colony not to do any Thing inconfiftent with the public Faith, as a contrary Behavior muft ncceffarily draw on them great Calamities, which they will juftly deferve, who, regarding their own private Advantages And alfo that he would be pleafed only, fo incatioufly rifque the public Tranquility to write to Sir William Johnfon, requefting him to ufe his beft Endeavours to procure from the Indians a Releafe of the Prifoners ftill remaining in Captivity which have been detained contrary to the Treaties fubfifting between his Majefty and the Indians. The faid Refolntions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M' Bland, M"' Pendleton, and M"' Treafurer, do wait on the Prefident
with the faid Refolutions. M'' Bland alio acquainted the Houfe that he was diredled by the Committee to move, that they may have Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will, upon Wednefday next, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the Prefident 's Speech. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning, 1 1 " 'Clock.
Afrll 6
(Beo. Ill
Houfe was moved that Part of one Adl of Parliament made in the Seventh Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled An Ad' for reftratning and prohibiting the Governor, Council, and Houfe of Representatives of the
Province of
New York,
Neceffaries required by Law, from paffing or affenting to any Ad of Affembly, Vote, or Refolution, for any other Purpofe; Part of one other Adt of Parliament made in the faid Seventh Year of the Reign of his faid Majefty, intituled An
all the
allowing a Drawback of the Duties of Cuftoms upon the Exportation from this Kingdom to Coffee and Cocoa Nuts of the Produce of the faid Colonies or Plantations; for difcontinu-
and for more effedually preventing the Clandeftine Running of Goods in the faid Colonies and Plantations; and alfo Part of one other Adl of ParHament made in the faid feventh Year of the Reign of his faid Majefty intituled An Ad^ to enable his Majefty to put the Cuftoms, and other Duties in the Britifh Dominions in America, and the Execution of the Laws relating
Trade there, under the Management of Commiffioners, to be appointed for that Purpofe, and to be refident in the faid Dominions;" might be read And the fame being read accordingly Ordered, That the faid feveral A(5ls of Parliament be referred to the Confideration of the Committee for taking into Confideration the Letter diredled to M'' Speaker, from the Speaker of the House of Reprefentatives of the Province of the Maffachufetts Bay. M'' Bland reported from the Committee, to whom the Petition of John Henry was referred, that they had had the fame under their Confideration and had come to a Refoto
p. 783.
VI, p. 768.
lution thereupon,
which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk 's where the fame was read, and is as followeth, viz'. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Petition be referred
An Amendment was
propofed to be
inferting the
And the Queftion being put, that the Words, referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of Affembly ftand part of the faid Refolution
It paffed in the Negative.
was refoh'ed in the Affirmative. Refolved, That this Houfe doth agree with the Committee in the faid Refolution fo amended, that the faid Petition be rejedled. M"^ Archibald Cary reported from the Committee, to whom it was referred to inquire what Laws are near expiring, that they had, according to Order, had the fame under their Confideration, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk 's Table where the fame were read, and are as
in the Fifth
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Adl of Affembly made Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled "An Ad' for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cxiftoms," which was continued and amended by another Adl made in the Seventh Year of his faid Majefty 's Reign, and which will expire on the firft Day of October 1769, ought to be further conRefolved,
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the A(5l of Affembly made in the nineteenth Year of the Reign of his late lHa^eity KingGeorge the Second, intituled " An Ad" for the better regulating and colleding certain Officers Fees, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, " which hath been continued by feveral Adts, and amended by three other A(5ls made in the firft, third and feventh Years of his prefent Majefty 's Reign, and which will expire on the twelfth Day of April, 1769, ought to be further continued. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion
Refolved, feverally put thereupon, agreed to
the Houfe.
That a Bill or Bills be brought in, purfuant to the faid Refolutions; and that the faid Committee do prepare and bring in the fame. M'' Pendleton reported from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions that they had, according to Order, had under their Confideration the Information, to them referred, againft Edward Weftmore, Keeper of the public Gaol, for a Contempt of the Authority of this Houfe, in difobeying the Order of the laft Seffion for the Confinement and Diet of James Pride; and having heard the faid Edward Weftmore in his own Defence, and examined feveral Witneffes on the Matter of the faid Information, had come to a Refolution thereupon, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame was read, and is as followeth, viz'. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Edward Weftmore hath ftricftly conformed to the faid Order. The faid Refolution being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon,
agreed to by the Houfe. M"' Speaker informed the Houfe, that he had received a Letter diredted to him from
William Rind, Printer, relative to the Order of and he delivered it in at the Clerk's Table.
That the faid Letter do lie on the Table. ^ a Motion made. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee appointed to examine the State of the Clerk 's Office of this Houfe, to inquire into the Condition of all the Journals of
Hening, VIII.
p. 69.
p. 38.
appear to them, to this Houfe Afid alfo and receive his Propofals for printing the old Journals of this Houfe to the Year 1752, and report the fame to this Houfe. Ordered, That M'' Gray, M"" Eyre, M"' Tabb, M' Banifter, and M"' Benjamin Harrifon, be added to the faid Committee. M"' Pendleton prefented to the Houfe according to Order, a Bill to repeal fo much of an Adt, intituled " An Ad^ for appointing feveral new Ferries, " as relates to a Ferry acrofs the Fluvanna River, from and to the Lands of William Cabell, Gentleman; And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. A Petition of James Cocke was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth, that the Treafurer's Ofhce was formerly kept at a private Hoiofe, and the Petitioner, not judging that to be a Place fecure enough for a Piirpofe of fuch Importance, did, at a confiderable Expence, build a Houfe on his own Lot, where the Treafury was held for four Years during which Time the Petitioner might have rented the fame, but chofe rather to keep it for the Ufe aforefaid; and humbly praying the Confideration of this Honorable Houfe, and that they would be pleafed to make him fuch Allowance as, for the above recited Service, he may appear to have deferved. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear them, to the Houfe And it is referred to M'' Bland and M' Archibald Gary. The Order of the Day being read, The Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take into their Confideration the Letter direfted to M'' Speaker from the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprethis Houfe,
it fhall
M' Speaker left the Chair. M' Bland took the Chair of the Committee.
Speaker refumed the Chair. Bland reported from the Committee, that they had, according to Order, had under their Confideration the Letter diredled to M"' Speaker, from the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Province of the Maffachufetts Bay, and had made fome Progrefs therein and had diredled him to move, that they may have Leave to fit again.
of the
whole Houfe, to confider further of the faid Letter. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning
11 "'Clock.
Bland reported from the Committee appointed to examine the State of the examined
and had diredled him to report the fame, as it appeared to them, to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk 's Table, where the fame was read, and is as folthe State of the faid Office,
Your Committee have, according to Order, examined the State of the Clerk 's Office this Houfe, and find, that the Books and Papers are properly digefted, and carefully
preferved in Preffes.
appears to your Committee, that the prefent Clerk hath been at confiderable
in a State of Confufion ever fince the
Trouble, in feparating and putting into Order fimdry old Papers which appear to have
Year 1698, and having prepared an Index Books and Papers in the Office, any neceffary Matter therein may be readily foimd, which may be of confiderable Advantage in the Difpatch of Bufinefs.
referring to the feveral
Journals of the Grand Affembly, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656 and 1657, and Proceedings of the Grand Affembly againft Criminals, and Letters to the Protedlor, and Articles of the furrendering of Virginia; thefe appear imperfed; in loofe Sheets. Journals of the Houfe of Burgeffes from 1659 to 1682, from 1684 to 1692, from 1692
to 1702, thefe are contained in 4
From From
1734, to 1742, in a boimd Book. 1744 to 1749, in four thin half botmd Books.
Rind, the Printer, being called before yovu" Committee, declared that he was willing to imdertake the Printing of the faid Journals, according to the former Order of the Houfe, for the Sum of ;40o,to be paid him by the PubUc, and the Chance of private Subfcriptions, with this Refer\'ation, that if fuch Subfcriptions fhould fail, with the faid ;400, to reimburfe him his Expences in the Undertaking, he will rely on the Honor of
the Affembly to
make him a
Ordered, That the faid Report do He on the Table. The Houfe was moved that a Letter from the Agent to the Committee of Correfpondence, dated January 23d, 1768, and laid before the Houfe this Day, might be read. And the fame being read accordingly Ordered, That the faid Letter be referred to the Committee of the whole Houfe, for taking into Confideration the Letter direded to M' Speaker, from the Speaker of the
Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Province of the Maffachtifetts Bay. M' Nelfon prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, A Bill to dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof John Wormeley is feized, and to fettle other Lands and Slaves in Lieu thereof; and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the BiU be read a fecond Time. A Petition of William Rind, Printer, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth. That his Salary, as Printer to the PubUc, will expire at the End of this Seffion of Affembly; and therefore htmibly praying that the fame may be further continued. Refolved, That the Sum of Three hundred and Seventy five Pounds per Annum be
allowed to William Rind, Printer, to continue to the End of the next Seffion of Affembly, as a full Confideration for printing the Joiunals of the Houfe of Burgeffes, and the Laws of each Seffion, and fending as many Copies to the County Court Clerks as there are adling Juftices in the Commiffion, in each refpeftive County, and one other (which is to be half -bound) for the Ufe of the Court, and ten to the Clerks of the Courts of Huftings
in the City of
William fbtirg, and the Borough of Norfolk; and printing Infpedlors Receipts and Books, Proclamations, and pubUc Advertifements. Ordered, That M' Archibald Gary do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for
their Concurrence.
A Petition of John Thomas was prefented to the Hotife and read, fetting forth, that upon the Expedition in the Year One Thoufand Seven Himdred and Sixty -four, it being made known that it was defired a Number of Voluntiers fhould join the King's Troops, commanded by Colonel Bouquet, on that Expedition the Petitioner did adtually enlift fourteen able Men, upon the Affurance that he fhould have the Rank of an Enfign, and be equally intitled to any Advantage or Emolument which might arife to Officers of the fame Rank who fhould enter into that Service and further fhewing that the Petitioner had been informed his Name was left out of the Lift of Officers, who obtained an Allowance from the Houfe, by Miftake and therefore praying that this Houfe would take the fame into their Confideration, and make him fuch allowance as they may think equitable and alfo
; ; ;
A Petition of George Slaughter was prefented to the Honfe and read fetting forth, that
Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Sixty -four, he entered himfelf a Voluntier to ferve in the Expedition againft the Indian Towns, \mder the Command of Col: Bouquet; that upon its being fignified to be the Defire of the General Affembly, that a Number of the Voluntiers fhould ferve on Horfeback, the Petitioner fumifhed
in the
Number of diftreff ed
was employed on their Return in carrying fome of thofe reftored Captives, by which Means the faid Horfe was loft; and that the Petitioner therefore humbly hoped this Honorable Houfe would take the fame into Confideration, and grant him fuch Allowance as they may think reafonable, as he was adluated by Principles of public Spirit to enter into that Service, and without Expectation of receiving any Reward for his Services. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion
of Affembly.
Payne prefented
That the
of Goochland;
Court Time.
be read a fecond Time. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, for taking into Confideration the Letter diredled to M"' Speaker from the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Province of the Maffachufetts Bay. Ordered, That the Adt of Parliament made in the fourth Year of the Reign of his
prefent Majefty, intituled
"An Ad^
An paffed in the fixth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Second (intituled. An for the better fecuring and encouraging the Trade of his Majefty 's Sugar Colonies in America)
Plantations in America; for continuing, amending, and making perpetual.
for applying the Produce of fuch Duties, and of the Duties to artfe by Virtue of the faid Ad, towards defraying the Expences of defending, proteding, and fecuring the faid Colonies and Plantations; for explaining an Ad made in the twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, {intituled An Ad for the Encouragement of the Greenland and Eaftland Trades, and for the better fecuring the Plantation Trade;) and for altering and difallowing feveral Drawbacks on Exports from this Kingdom,, and more effedually preventing the clandeftine Conveyance of Goods to and from, the faid Colonies and Plantations and improving and fecuring the Trade between the fame and Great Britain;" be referred
the Chair.
Bland took the Chair of the Committee. M'' Speaker refumed the Chair. M'' Bland reported from the Committee, that they had made fome further Progrefs in the Matters referred to them; and had diredled him to move that they may have Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will To-morrow refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take into their further Confideration the Letter diredled to M"' Speaker from the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Province of the Maffachufetts Bay. M"' Archibald Gary prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, A Bill for further continuing the A(ft intituled ''An Ad' for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty' s Cuftoms:" And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M'' Archibald Gary prefented to the Houfe according to Order, A Bill for further continuing the Adl, intituled "An Ad^ for the better regulating and colleding certain Officers Fees and for other Purpofes therein mentioned."
Great Britain Statutes at Large, Vol. VI, pp. 542-550.
Hening, VIII,
p. 69.
V, p. 38.
the fame was received, and read the
That the Bill be read a fecond Time. The Houfe was moved, That part of an A<fl made in the twenty-fecond Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Second, intituled "An Ad' declaring the Law concerning Executions, and for Relief of Infolvent Debtors," might be read; And the fame being read accordingly. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to amend the faid A6t. Ordered, That M"' Pendleton, and M'' Benjamin Harrifon, do prepare and bring in the
Bill to repeal fo
Ferries" as relates
a Ferry
an Adl, intituled "An Ad' for appointing feveral new the Fluvanna River, from and to the Lands of
was read a fecond Time. be ingroffed and read a third Time. Bill for altering the Court Day of the County of Goochland, was read a fecond
Cabell, Gentleman,
That the
That the
the Intail of certain Lands whereof John Wormeley to fettle other Lands, and Slaves in Lieu thereof was read a fecond Time.
To dock
for York,
of Tobacco,
"An Ad^ for amending the Staple and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftotns," was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed and read a third Time.
Bill for further continuing the Adl, intituled
"An Ad*
and colleding
for other
a fecond Time.
That the
be committed to
and M'
William Cabell.
A Petition of the Veftry of Meherrin Parifh, in the Coimty of Brunfwick, was prefented to the Houfe and read, fetting forth that the Church and Chapels in the faid Parifh are fituate at a gread Dif tance from the Land fet apart for a Glebe that the
Manfion Houfe thereon having been fome Years ago deftroyed by Fire, the Minifter hath been obUged to remove from the Glebe and fmce that Accident it hath been fotmd neceffary to eredt one of the Chapels at a greater Diftance and that if the Glebe Land was fold, the Petitioners would be enabled not only to purchafe other Lands but at lefs Expence than they muft otherwife be burthened with, btuld a Manfion and other Hoiifes for the Benefit of the Minifter of the faid Parifh; and therefore praying that the Petitioners may by an Adl of Affembly be empowered to fell the prefent Glebe, and purchafe other Lands in Lieu thereof. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and that M'' Thornton and M'' Maclin do prepare and bring in the fame. And then the Houfe adjourned til To-morrow Morning ii o' Clock.
; ;
X\)t 7tl)
of Zh^xXl S (Beo.
Bland reported from the Committee appointed to examine into the State of the Fimds arifing from the feveral Duties and Taxes impofed and appropriated to the Redemption of the Treafury Notes, as alfo to ftate an Accovmt of the Money due from the late Treafurer's Eftate, and the arrears due from the feveral Colledlors of the Taxes, that they had had the fame under their Confideration and had diredled him to report the fame to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table where the fame was read and
as followeth, viz:
Hening, V. p. 526.
VIII. p. 300.
V. p. 38.
the General Affembly of Colony for the Support of the late War, and other neceffary Purpofes of Government, from the Year 1754 to 1762, inclufive amount to s39, 962. 10. That of the Treafury Notes emitted, purfuant to the feveral Adls of Affembly, there had been burnt, prior to the Meeting of this Seffion, the Sum of 369, 542. 13. 11, 0 that there then remained in Circulation the Sum of 170, 419. 16. i. It appears to your Committee, that the Debt due from the Eftate of the late Treafurer, for the feveral Taxes received by him, including Intereft to the tenth of next Month, amounts to 109, 335. 9. 2. It likewife appears to them, that the Arrears due from the feveral Collectors are as follows; that is, from different Sheriffs, for the Land and Poll Tax, and the Tax on wheel Carriages, the Sum of ;^55, 749. 11. n, from the Infpe(5tors for the Duty of 2/- per Hogfhead on Tobacco, the Sum of 2, 911. 14, and from the County Court Clerks for the Tax on Writs and Ordinary Licences, the Sum of 1,490.4.4. Your Committee have this Day burnt fundry old Treafury Notes, to the amount of 683. 14, and have ftated an Account of thefe feveral Matters, by which it will appear, that, if the different Sums above mentioned were paid into the Treafury, there would remain due from the Public, exclufive of the Treafurer's Commiffions the Sum of 294. 2. 8, and no more. Your Committee beg Leave to obferve, that in the foregoing Eftimate they have not valued the Country upon the additional Duty of Slaves, which was likewife appropriated to the Redemption of the Treafury Notes, as that Article was very inconfiderable the laf t, and probably will be lefs in future Years neither have they taken into the Account fuch Treafury Notes, as may have been loft and deftroyed, which they believe will be found to be very confiderable. Your Committee, upon examining the different Balances due from feveral of the Colledlors, are apprehenfive that fome of them will be loft, but to what Amotmt they cannot determine, though they are humbly of Opinion, that, if the Duty on Tobacco, the Taxes on Carriages, Writs, and Ordinary Licenfes, are continued for two Years longer, they will be abundantly fufficient to make good every Deficiency. It appears to your Committee, that, of the Balance formally reported due to the public Account from the late Treafurer, his Adminiftrators have paid the Sum of 4, 987. 4. 4, and that there ftill remains due to that Fund including Intereft to this Time, the Balance of 287. 13. 8. Your Committee, in Obedience to the Order of the Houfe, have aKo examined the Treafurer's Accotmts to the firft Inftant, and having compared them with his Vouchers, find that they are properly and juftly ftated that there was then in his Hands the Balance of ;67i. 8. 7, received for Taxes, of which we have burnt the before mentioned Sum of 6^8. 14; and there is due to the public Accoimt the Balance of ;i47. 7. 4; which feveral Balances the Treaftirer produced to us, and they ftill remain to be accounted at a future Day.
Your Committee
made by
D' The Colony of Virginia, for Redemption of Treafury Notes C' By fundry Notes burnt before the
of April
1767, as
mittee's Report
2,225. 3 41,125.12. 9
the Late
tereft to
Debt including
;^io9, 335
156] By
Arrears due from the
feveral Colle(5lors for
By By
d from Clerks
Coimty Court
1,490. 4.
638. 14 294.
by the Com8
To Balance To Balance
That M"^ Bland do carry them to the Covmcil for their Concurrence. That the faid Report and the Account theretmto annexed, be referred to the Committee of the whole Houfe for taking into Confideration the Prefident's Speech. Ordered, That the faid Report and the Accotmt thereunto annexed be publifhed
Ordered, Ordered,
in the Virginia Gazettes.
M'' Thornton prefented to the Hoiife, according to Order, A Bill to impower the Veftry of the Parifh of Meherrin, in the Coimty of Brnnfwick to fell their Glebe, and piu-chafe a more convenient one: and the fame was received and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time.
A Meffage from
the Prefident
by M'
that his
now ready
Addrefs in
Council Chamber."
Accordingly M' Speaker with the Houfe, went up to attend the Prefident.
being returned M' Speaker reported that the Houfe had attended the Prefident in the Coimcil Chamber, with their Addrefs to which he was pleafed to make the following Anfwer
M' Speaker and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes, I Thank you heartily for your kind Congratulations on my
iftration of the
Re-acceffion to the
and zealous Behavior, on all former Occafions for the Honor and true Intereft of his Majefty, and his People of this Colony {which never can without dire effeds, be feparated) affures me that the fame undivided Intereft will now on this Occafion, be the Poll Star to dired in your Deliberations on the weighty Affairs you have now before you.
An Ad^
repeal fo
"An Ad
lands of
was read a
Bill to
third Time.
An ingroffed
of the
Hening, VIII.
VIII. p. 300.
157 ]
That the Bill do pafs. That M' Payne do carry the Bill to the Coiincil and defire their Concurrence. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Hotife, for taking into Confideration the Letter directed to M'' Speaker from the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprelentatives of the Province of the MaffachuRefolved,
M' Speaker left the Chair. M' Bland took the Chair of the Committee. M' Speaker refumed the Chair. M'' Bland reported from the Committee that they had under their further Confideration the faid Letter and the feveral other Matters referred to them, and gone through the fame, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table where the fame were read, and are as
; ;
it is
of our
moft cordial
and Government.
To Acknowledge, with the higheft Senfe of Gratitude, Benefits we have reaped from our parent Kingdom under
Reigns of his Majefty and his Predeceffors and with all Htimility, to fubmit to his princely Confideration the tenor of our whole Condud;, and that of our Anceftors, as the moft lively Evidence of ovu- Duty and Affedlion. To reiterate our vmfeigned Thanks to his Majefty for his gracious and ready Affent to the Repeal of the late oppreffive Stamp Adt, but, at the fame Time, in the moft decent and refpedlful Manner, to reprefent to him how very fhort an Interval of Peace and Happinefs we have enjoyed between that happy Event and the enafting feveral late Adls of the Britifh Parliament equally burthenfome to his Majefty's Colonies in general, and, as we moft humbly conceive, equally derogatory to their juft Rights
fifter Colonies,
to wifh, but to
utmoft of their Abilities. the Opinion of this Committee, That a Memorial be prepared, to be laid before the Right Honorable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the Britifh Parliament, to acknowlege the Juftice of Parliament in the Repeal of the late oppreffive Stamp Adl, formally complained of, as derogatory to the Rights of the People in this
it is
and the other Colonies and Provinces in America. To exprefs our due Senfe of the Happinefs and Security we derive from our Connection with and Dependence upon Great Britain: The Pleafure we enjoy in a Perfuafion that our Endeavors in making fuch fuitable Returns for their Prote(5lion, as might And our deep render the Connedlion defirable to both, have not been tinfuccef fful Concern that any Incident fhould interrupt that Harmony we wifh ever to fubfift. To affert with defcent Firmnefs, becoming Freemen, but at the fame Time with great Deference to the Wifdom of Parliament, the Rights of the Colonifts to be bound by fuch Laws only, refpedling their internal Polity or Taxation, as are contented to by Reprefentatives chofen by themfelves; And to reprefent that we cannot but confider feveral late Adls of the Britifh Legiflature, impofing Duties and Taxes to be colledled in the Colonies, as an Infringement of thofe Rights.
interpofe their
Repeal of thofe Adls, and in preferring to us, his all our natural and conftitutional Rights. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that a Remonftrance on the fame Subjedt, and to the like effedl, be prepared, to be laid before the Honorable Houfe of
in procuring a
Commons. The
faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time,
by the Houfe,
neviine contradiceiite.
That M' Bland, M"' Treafurer, M' Pendletcm, l<l^ Woodhridge, 'i^i^ Archibald Cary, M"" Blair, M' Dudley Digges, M' Page, M"^ Eyre, M'' Francis Lightfoot Lee, M' Benjamin Harrifon, and M' Alexander, do draw up an humble and dutiful Petition to his Majefty, a Memorial to the Right Honorable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the Britifh Parliament, and a Remonftrance to be laid before the Honorable Hoxife of
Commons, purfuant to the faid Refolutions. The other Order of the Day being read The Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee
of the Prefident's Speech.
of the
the Chair.
M' Bland took the Chair of the Committee. M' Speaker refumed the Chair.
Bland reported from the Committee, that they had gone through the Prefident's Speech and the other Papers referred to them, and had come to a Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame was read, and is as followeth viz'. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of the feveral Adls of Affembly impofmg the Land and Poll Tax on the Inhabitants of this Colony, as requires the Taxes to be colledled in the prefent and fucceeding Year, be repealed. The faid Refolution being read a fecond Time, was upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe, nemine contradicente. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the faid Refolution And that M*^ Bland and M' Treafurer do prepare and bring in the fame.
An Ad'
Ad intituled An Ad for
for preventing
Frauds in
The Ametidment following was propofed to be made to the Bill, viz'. In the laft Words " from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Affembly" and infert the Words " no longer, " inftead thereof. And the faid Amendment was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Hoiife; and the Bill was amended at the Table accordingly. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Archibald Cary do carry the Bill to the Coimcil and defire their
Line to ftrike out the Concurrence.
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning
1 1
Trl^a^. tbe
of Zh^xXl
(Beo. Ill
elfon, from the Committee to whom the Bill to dock the In tail of certain Lands, whereof /o/tw Wormeley is feized, and to fettle other Lands and Slaves in Lieu thereof, is committed, acquainted the Houfe that the Committee had
him to move the Houfe, that they might be difcharged from proBill, the faid John Wormeley not being at this Time prepared to
prove the Allegations of the faid Bill to be true. And M"' Nelfon moved the Houfe accordingly. Ordered, That the Committee, to whom the faid from proceeding thereupon. Ordered, That the faid Bill be withdrawn.
Bill is
committed, be difcharged
the faid Bill was withdrawn accordingly. Bland reported from the Committee, to whom the Petition of James Cocke was referred, that they had had the fame tmder their Confideration, and had come to a Refolution
which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's where the fame was read, and is as followeth viz'. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the faid James Cocke ought to be allowed by the PubHc, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, for the Ufe of the Houfe
lution thereupon,
agree thereto.
Land and Poll Tax on the Inhabitants of this Colony, for the Years One Thoufand Seven Himdred and fixtyeight, and One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Sixty-nine, and the fame was received and
read the
Treafurer prefented to the Houfe according to Order the feveral Adts of Affembly therein mentioned, as impofe a
Bill to repeal fo
That the
Houfe, and read, fetting forth That in October, in the Year 1759, the Petitioner being under the Command of Captain James M'Dowell, in Purfuit of the Indians who murthered the Inhabitants of Carr's Creek and after a long and fatiguing March, coming up with them in the Night, and an Accident happening which obliged the Party to fire upon the Enemy, and the Darknefs of the Night occafioning great Confufion among them the Rear taking the Front for the Indians, fired upon them, and unluckily fhot the Petitioner through the Ancle and it being 150 Miles from the Inhabitants, he fuffered very much before a Surgeon could be had and the Surgeon he was attended by being unfkiHul was of no Service to the Petitioner; but M"" Cabell, to whom he afterwards applied, cured the woimd, for which And further fetting forth. That the the Houfe of Burgeffes made him Satiffacftion firft Surgeon hath obtained a Judgment againft the Petitioner, and Execution was there upon iffued for a confiderable Sum, by which he and his Family, confifting of a Wife and fix fmall Children, will be ruined without the Affiftance of the Legiflature, as the
Petition of
; ;
fo difabled that
therefore humbly praying the Houfe to allow him Hazard of lofing his fome annual Support, as he has been brought vmder thefe imhappy Circumftances in the Service and for the Defence of his Cotmtry. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee: And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to
Tabh, and M' Thomas Walker. A Petition of Edward Weftmore Keeper of the public Gaol was prefented to the Hotife and read, fetting forth that the Garden of the public Gaol, whereof he is keeper, is in a ruinous Condition and praying that the fame may be repaired to the End that he may be able to make a more comfortable Provifion for the poor Prifoners. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee: And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to
them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. And it is referred to M"' Wilfon, M'' Bowler Cocke, M^ Archibald Cary,
it is
Lightfoot Lee,
M' Randolph,
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-morrow Morning
1 1
^Af rlU S
(5eo. Ill
therein mentioned
That the Bill be committed. That the Bill be Committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Hoiofe will immediately Refolve itfelf into a Committee whole Houfe upon the faid Bill. Then the Houfe refolved itfelf into the faid Committee.
Refolved, Refolved,
of the
Speaker left the Chair. M'' Bland took the Chair of the Committee. M' Speaker refumed the Chair. M"' Bland reported from the Committee that they had dire(5led him to report the And he delivered the Bill in at the Clerk's to the Houfe without any Amendment
That the
declaring the
A Bill to amend an Adt Executions and for the Relief of infolvent Debtors and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M"' Pendleton reported from the Committee, to whom the Bill for further continuing
Pendleton prefented to the Houfe according to Order,
Law concerning
and colleding certain Officers Fees, and was committed that the Committee had gone through the Bill and made feveral Amendments thereto which they had diretfted him to report And he read the Report in his Place and afterwards delivered the Bill, to the Houfe with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table where the Amendments were once read throughout; and then a fecond Time, one by one; and upon the Queftion feverally put
the Adt intituled
for the better regulating
for other piirpofes therein meniimied,
; : ; :
An Ad^
thereupon, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed and read a third Time.
a Motion made,
in a Bill for
paying the Burgeffes Wages in that M"' Henry Lee, and M'' Bowler
Cocke, do prepare
and bring
in the fame.
Bill to
amend an Adl
declaring the
was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to M"' Pendleton, M' Henry Blair, M"' Archibald Cary, M"' John Lee, and M' Edmunds. And then the Houfe adjourned til Monday Morning 1 1 ''Clock.
Relief of infolvent Debtors,
(Beo. Ill
Member returned upon a new Writ, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adl of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and the Abjuration Oath, and repeated and Subfcribed the Teft, took his
Place in the Houfe.
bring in a Bill to dock the Intail of certain Lands called Doyley's whereof James Rofcow is feized and for fettling Slaves to be purchafed in Lieu thereof, to change the fame into
Bill to
dock the
Lands called Derby's whereof the faid James Rofcow is appearing the Word "Doyley's" was through mif take inferted in his Petition
Intail of certain
inftead of "Derby's."
'W Speaker,
The Council have agreed
to the
Treafurer's Accounts.
Hening, VIII.
p. 38.
The Council have agreed to the Bill intituled An Adl' for further continuing the Adl An Adl for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his
Majefty's Cuftoms,
An A<51'
to repeal fo
A(5l for
ing feveral
Lands of William Cabell, Gentleman, Alfo To the Bill intituled An A(5l3 for altering the Court Day of the County of Goochland.
And then
Bland reported from the Committee appointed on Thurfday laft to draw up a Petition to his Majefty, a Memorial to the Houfe of Lords, and a Remonftrance to the Houfe of Commons, that the Committee had drawn up a Petition, a Memorial and a Remonftrance accordingly, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the fame in his Place, and afterwards delivered them in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read. Refolved, That the Petition, Memorial and Remonftrance be committed. Refolved, That the Petition, Memorial and Remonftrance be committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will immediately refolve itielf into a Committee of the whole Houfe upon the faid Petition, Memorial and Remonftrance. Then the Houfe refolved itfelf into the faid Committee.
M' Speaker left the Chair. M' Bland took the Chair of the Committee.
M' Bland reported from the Committee that they had made fome Progrefs in the feveral Matters referred to them and that he was directed by the Committee to move
that they
of the
whole Houfe to confider further of the faid Petition Memorial and Remonftrance.
An Ad* to repeal fo much of the feveral Ads of Affembly impofed a Land and Poll Tax on the Inhabitants of this Colony for the Years One Thoufand feven hundred and fixty-eight and One Thoufand feven hundred and fixty-nine; was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Bland do carry the Bill to the Council and defire their Concurrence. M' William Digges prefented to the Houfe according to Order A Bill to dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof James Rofcow is feized and for fettling Slaves to be purchafed in Lieu thereof; And the fame was received and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. The Houfe was moved that the Memorial of the Adminiftrators with the Will annexed, of the Eftate of John Robinfon, Efq"' which was laid before the Houfe laft Seffion might be read And the fame being read accordingly. Ordered, That the faid Memorial be referred to the Confideration of a Committee. Ordered, That the faid Memorial be referred to the Confideration of a Committee of the whole Houfe.
ingroffed Bill intituled "
therein mentioned as
Committee of the
"An Ad^
and amending
Hening, VIII,
p. 298.
VIII, p. 399.
VIII, p. 300.
4 Ibid.,
Ad. for the better regulating and colleding certain Officers Fees, and for other mentioned was read the third Time.
Bill to the Council
That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Archibald Cary do carry the
defire their
Bill to
dock the
Intail of certain
That the Bill be committed to the Members for Warwick, York, and James and to M'' Wilfon Miles Cary. The Order of the Day being read Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be adjourned til To-morrow. M' Henry Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, A Bill for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money for this prefent Seffion of Affembly And the fame was received and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Aftd then the Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning ii ''Clock.
tl)e I2tl)
of TAfrll S (Beo.
the Bill to
is feized,
for fettling
had examined the Allegations of the Bill, and found the fame to be true and that the Committee had diredled him to report the Bill to the Houfe, without any Amendment, And he deHvered the Bill in at the Clerk's Table. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed, and read a third Time. A Petition of Benjamin Foreman was prefented to the Houfe and read, praying that an Adl may pafs to eftabhfh a Ferry over the River Potowtnack from the Petitioner's Land, in the County of Frederick, to the Land of Lord Baltimore in the Province of
Benjamin Grub of the Town of Winchefter was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth, that in the Spring of the Year One Thoufand feven htmdred and fifty-five, the Petitioner's Houfe in the faid Town was by Order of Col" Stephen, Commanding Officer of the Virginia Troops then ftationed there, taken and converted
A Petition
who kept
about eight Months, and during that Time deftroyed the Paling of the Lot on which the Houfe ftood intirely, and the Plaiftering of the Houfe, ripped off the Weather boards of the dwelling Houfe and Stable, and did the Petitioner other confiderable Damage, valued by Workmen to above Forty Poimds, for which Sir John St. Clair, to whom the But the Petitioner Petitioner delivered the Eftimate, promifed to procure an allowance. had never heard any thing more of it, nor received any Satiffa<$lion for the Ufe of his Houfe, or the Injury done him by the Soldiers: And praying the Hotife to take the
Matter under Confideration, and make the Petitioner fuitable Amends. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion
of Affembly.
the Burgeffes
Seffion of
was read the fecond Time. The Amendment following was propofed
for" to infert " the Eafe of tlte People by, " And the faid Amendment was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe and the Title of the Bill was amended at the Table accordingly.
the' Bill,
On a Motion made,
fuch Claims and other Matters as were referred from the laft to Affembly, and alfo all fuch as are certified to this Seffion of Affembly, be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of Affembly. The Order of the Day for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe to confider further of the Petition to his Majefty the Memorial to the Hovife of
this Seffion of
and the Remonftrance to the Houfe of Commons being read Refolved, That this Houfe will To-morrow refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe upon the faid Petition Memorial and Remonftrance. The Order of the Day, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe to confider of the Memorial of the Adminiftrators, with the Will annexed, of John Robin fon, Efq'' being read The Houfe was moved that a Copy of the Judgment of our Lord the King againft the Honorable Peter Randolph, Efq'', Edmund Pendleton and Peter Lyons, Adminiftrators &c. oi John Robin fon, Efq"'; deceafed, given by the General Court the fixth Day of May One Thoufand feven hundred and fixty feven, which was prefented to the Houfe this Day might be read. And the fame being read accordingly. Ordered, That the faid Copy of the Judgment aforefaid be referred to the faid
the Chair.
of the Committee. Speaker refumed the Chair. M"" Bland reported from the Committee that they had come to feveral Refolutions which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe And he read the Refolutions in his Place, and afterwards delivered them in at the Clerk 's Table where the fame were
: ;
are as followeth
it is
not a
in Circulation, at the
by Law
That it is the Opinion of this Committee that for better fecuring the Redemption of the Paper Money the moft effedlual Methods ought to be taken againft the Eftate of John Robinfon, Efq'' the late Treafurer, for inforcing the Payment of all the Money due from the faid John Robinfon to this Colony, together with Intereft for the fame from the tenth Day of May next. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that Commiffioners be appointed and empowered to fell fo much of the Eftate of the faid John Robinfon, Efq'', as fhall be fufficient to Difcharge the Debt due from him to this Colony together with Intereft for the fame from the faid tenth Day of May next. The fir ft Refolution of the Committee being read a fecond Time and the Queftion put that the Houfe agree thereto.
and third Refolutions of the Committee being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in, purfuant to the faid Refolutions, as agreed to by the Houfe and that M' Bland, M"' Thompfon Mafon, M' Mercer, M'' Treafurer, M"' Benjamin Harrifon, M"" Archibald Cary, M' Pendleton, and M'' Blair, do prepare and bring in
the fame.
The other Order of the Day being read. Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be further adjourned till To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning 11 "'Clock.
I3tb of :2Vprll
<Bto, III
The Council have agreed to the Bill intituled An Adl to repeal fo much Affembly therein mentioned as impofe a Land and Poll Tax on the Inhabitants of this Colony for the Years One Thoufand feven himdred and fixtyeight and One Thoufand feven hundred and Sixty-nine. And then the Meffenger withdrew. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to examine the inrolled Bills. And a Committee was appointed of M"^ Dudley Digges, M"^ Nelfon, M'' Francis LightWilfon Miles Cary, and M"^ Randolph. foot Lee, M"" William Digges, M'' Burwell, M' Pendleton reported from the Committee to whom the Bill " to amend an Ad declaring the Law concerning Executions and for the Relief of infolvent Debtors" was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made an Amendment thereto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe, and he read the Report in his Place; and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Clerk's Table where the Amendment was once read, and then being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be ingroffed and read a third Time. The Order of the Day for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe to confider further of the Petition to his Majefty, the Memorial to the Hotife of
of the feveral A6ts of
M' Speaker,
and the Remonf trance The Houfe refolved itfelf M' Speaker left the Chair.
M"' M''
to the Hotife of
Speaker refvuned the Chair. M"' Bland reported from the Committee that they had made fome further Progrefs in the feveral Matters referred to them, and that he was directed by the Committee to move that they may have Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Hovife will To-morrow refolve itfelf into a Committee of the
whole Houfe to confider further of the faid Petition, Memorial, and Remonftrance.
The other Order of the Day being read Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be further adjourned And then the Houfe adjourned til To-morrow Morning ii
I3burs6ar. tb^
of Zh^pxW,
amend an
declaring the
ing Executions and for the Relief of infolvent Debtors; was read the third Time. And the Queftion being put that the Bill do pafs,
It paffed in the Negative.
That the
be rejected.
An Ad^ for the Eafe of the People by paying the BurMoney for this prefent Seffion of Affembly; was read the third Time.
Bill to the Council,
That the Bill do pafs. That M"' Henry Lee do carry the
defire their
Hening, VIII,
p. 395.
Not recorded
as a law.
Hening, VIII,
p. 303.
An Ad^
Rofcow is
dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof James purchafed in Lieu thereof, was read the third
That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" William Digges do carry the
Bill to the
The Order of the Day for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe to confider further of the Petition to his Majefty, the Memorial to the Houfe of Lords, and the Remonftrance to the Houfe of Commons being read The Houfe refolved itlelf into the faid Committee.
Speaker left the Chair. Bland took the Chair of the Committee. refumed the Chair. Speaker M"' M'' Bland reported from the Committee that they had gone through the Petition, Memorial, and Remonftrance, and made feveral Amendments thereunto which they had directed him to report to the Houfe; And he read the Report in his Place; and delivered the Petition, Memorial and Remonftrance, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table where the Amendments were once read throughout and then a fecond Time one by one and upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were agreed to by the
are in the
following, viz'.
Your Majefty' s moft loyal and dutiful Subjects the Council and the Burgeffes of Virnow met in General A ffembly, not difcouraged by a too well grounded apprehenfion
that their Conduct has been unfavorably reprefented to your Royal ear, but relying with the moft implicit confidence on your Majefty's known Juftice and moft gracious Difpofition toward all your loving Subjeds, how far foever removed, humbly beg Leave to approach your
Royal prefence with the warmeft affurances of their moft cordial and inviolable attachment to your facred Perfon and Government. They do, with the higheft fenfe of Gratitude, acknowledge the many great and fignal Benefits they have reaped from their parent Kingdom, under the glorious and aufpicious Reigns of your Majefty and your royal Anceftors, and with all Humility, fubmit to your princely Confideration the Tenor of their whole Condud and that of their Forefathers, as the moft lively Evidence of their Duty and Affedion. They humbly embrace this occafion to reiterate their unfeigned thanks to your Majefty your gracious and ready affent to the Repeal of the late oppreffive Stamp Ad, but, at for the fame time, they cannot fufjiciently lament the fhortnefs of that interval of happinefs they have enjoyed between fo agreeable and pleafing an Event, and the Enading feveral late ads of the Britifli Parliament, equally burthenfome to your Majefty's Colonies in general, and, as they moft humbly conceive, equally derogatory to thofe Conftitutional Privileges and immunities, which they, the Heirs and Defcendants of free born Britons, have ever efteemed
their unqueftionable
and invaluable
birth Rights.
and ineftimable right of being Governed by fuch Laws only, refpecting their and Taxation as are derived from their own Confent with the approbation of their Sovereign; a Right, which, as freemen founding their Claim upon the vital Principles of the Britifh Conftitution, they have exercifed without interruption, and which, as they humbly conceive, has been frequently recognized and confirmed to them. And they do affure your Majefty with that Truth and Sincerity, which duty, gratitude and affedion to the be ft of Kings ought ever to infpire, that they will at all times exert their be ft Endeavours, even at the expence of their Lives and Fortunes, to promote the Glory of your Majefty's Reign and the Profperity of Great Britain upon which they are convinced that their own Security and Happinefs does effentially depend.
internal Polity
Hening, VIII,
p. 301.
long and gloriottfly Reign in the hearts of a free and happy of your Majefty' s nwft faithful and dutiful Subjeds.
The Memorial of his Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjeds Burgeffes and Reprefentatives of the People of Virginia now met
in General Affembly.
That your Memorialifts are fo truly fenfible of the happinefs and Security they derive from their connexions with and dependance upon Great Britain, the Parent Kingdom of this and all his Majefty's other Colonies in America, that they cannot but be impreffed with the deepeft concern that any unlucky Incidents fhould ever have interrupted that Salutary and They acknowledge the Wifdom and pleafing harmony which they wifh ever to Subfift.
Juftice of Parliament in repealing the late oppreffive
feveral recent
their Anceftors
and defcendants
of freeborn Britons.
Your Memorialifts cannot fufficiently lament that the Remotenefs of their Situation the feat of his JMajefty's Empire too often expofes them to fiich mifreprefentations as are apt to infolve them in cenfures of Difloyalty to their moft gracious Sovereign and the want of a proper refped and deference to the Britifh Parliainent, whereas they have ever
to be
indulged themfelves in the agreeable perfuafion that they had entitled themfelves
fidered as inferior to none of their fellow Subjeds in
duty or affedion.
the fixed
any part of his Majefty's Dominions, humbly hope, that an application to your Lordfhips Britifh Liberty upon fo important an occafion will
not be thought improper, but that the Grievances of a whole People will be regarded as Ob-
claim any other than the natural Rights of Britifh Subjeds; the happy Government, fo univerfally admired, is
to confift to
in this:
People or
impofe Taxes upon the Property without their Confent, given by their
Reprefentatives in Parliament; this has ever been efteemed the chief pillar of their Conftitution, the very
of their Liberties.
as no
Will of
own Induftry and the fweat another without his own Confent.
is fo well eftablifhed that it is
feel the Principle firmly
be wrefted
from him
This Truth
EngHfhmen, who
whole frame Complacency and Chearfulnefs. In this happy Situation lived the Anceftors of your Memorialifts when they fir ft undertook, with the Approbation of their Sovereigns, but at the expence of their Blood and their
own Treafure, to explore and fettle thefe new Regions. The natural and conftitutional Rights and Privileges which they had enjoyed in thetr native Country, your Memorialifts humbly conceive could not be loft or forfeited by their migration to America, bitt were brought over by them entire and tranfmitted to their Defcendants inviolate.
Let not your Memorialifts,
Lords, be
mi funder ftood;
wifh an independency of their parent Kingdom, but rejoice in their reciprocal connexions, which they know are effential to the happinefs of both. They have been Cherifhed, they have been Proteded by their mother Country and acknowledge themfelves bound by every tie of Gratitude and Affedion to embrace all opportunities of promoting the Profperity of Great Britain to the titmoft of their Abilities. They chearfully acquiefce in the authority of Parliament
make Laws
humbly infift that it is not effential to this Purpofe or Mother Country and Colonies tranfplanted from her, money upon them without their Confent.
a Right
to raife
The Trade of the Colonies almoft as foon as it became an Ohjed worthy the national Attention was laid under fiich Reftridions as were thought neceffary to fecure their Dependance and promote the Intereft of the whole extended Empire. The natural Rights and firft
Principles of the Englifh conftitution were very early engrafted into the Conftitutions of the Colonies; hence a legiflative Authority, ever effential in all free States, was derived and affimilated as nearly as might be to that in England the Crown referving to itfelf the execu;
Authority of Government, and the Power of affenting and diffenting to all Laws; but the own Reprefentatives ivas continued in the People, and confirmed to
The conftitution and Government of this Colony them by repeated and exprefs Stipulations. being thus fixed and eftablifhed, your Memorialifts and their Anceftors enjoyed the Fruits Upon preffmg and of their own Labour, with a Security which Liberty only can impart.
emergent Occafions, not within their own Powers of Redrefs, they frequently applied to their King and common Father, and repeatedly they own it with Gratitude have received
feafonable Reliefs from their Mother Country; on the other
occafion for the affiftance of his dutiful
ftantly made from the Crown, by the who have complied with them to the utmoft extent of their Abilities. The ample and adequate Provifion made by the Affemblies of this Colony in the Reign of King Charles the Second and upon his Requifition for the fupport of the civil Government by an Impoft of two Shillings Sterling per Hogfhead upon all our Tobacco exported; one fhtlling and three pence per Tonn upon Ships and Veffels; and fixpence per Poll upon all Perfons imported except Mariners; the many and large Supplies voted during the Courfe of the laft War, upon Requifitions from his Majefty and his Royal Grandfather, afford both early and recent
hand when his Majefty has had Subjeds in America, Requifitions have been conKing's Governors to the Reprefentatives of the People,
Inftances of the difpofition of the Affemblies of this Colony to do every thing that could reafonably be afked or expeded from them, and are at the fame time inconteftable proofs that the Parliament of Great Britain never, till very lately, affumed a Power of impofing
People of the Colonies for the purpofes of raifing a Revenue or fupporting the contingences of Government.
Taxes on
To fay that the Parliament of Great Britain has a conftitutional Authority and Right to impofe internal Taxes on the Inhabitants of this Continent, who are not and, from the
nature of their fituation, cannot be Reprefented in the houfe of Commons, is in a Word, as your Memorialifts moft humbly conceive, to command them to bid Adieu to their natural and
The Commons of Great Britain can civil Liberties and prepare for a ftate of Slavery. impofe no Tax on the People there without burthening themfelves in fame Proportion; if their Taxes fhould be difagreeable and grevious to their Conftituents, the Conftitution has But what, my Lords, miift be the Situation of the not left the People without a Remedy. Colonifts, if an Authority and Right to Tax them fhould be eftablifhed in the Britifh Parliament?
Unreprefented as they are and for ever muft be their Grievances cannot be fairly they have it not in their Power, if they are to be Taxed, to point out
pofed on the Colonies, and their doom will generally be determined before they receive the leaft intelligence that a Subjed had been agitated in Parliament, whereby they or their Inter-
might be affeded. The notion of a virtual Reprefentation has been fo often and clearly refuted, that your Memorialifts decline troubling your Lordfhips with any Obfervations on
complained of confeffedly impofed internal Taxes Parliament plainly, as your Memorialifts conceive, of tend to the fame point. That the Parliament may make Laws for regulating the Trade of the Colonies has been granted; fometimes Duties have been impofed to reftrain the Commerce of one part of the Empire, that was likely to prove injurious to another, and by this means the general Welfare of the whole may have been Promoted. But a Tax impofed upon fuck of the Britifh Exports, as are neceffaries of Life, to be paid by the Colonifts upon Importation, and this not with the moft diftant view to the Interefts of Commerce, but merely to raife a Revenue, or in plainer Words to compel the Colonifts to part with their Money again ft their inclinations, your Memorialifts conceive to be a Tax internal to all Intents and Purpofes.
fo often
the late
this fort
and Plantations
and can
Ad ?
fhould be ccnnpelled to pay They have long been reftrained from pur-
any other than the Britifh Market, they are conand now are told that they fhall not have fuch neceffaries without them. The Stamp Ad impofed a Duty upon certain Inftruments of late Ad the Colonies are to be compelled to pay a Duty upon every flip
in the moft ordinary Occurrences of Life. purpofes of Government, which are faid to be the chief Objeds of this Ad, your Memorialifts have fhewn were long fince Provided for in this Colony; this is again
remarked, not that your Memorialifts would claim any particular exclufive Merit from it, but to fhew how eafily our internal Concerns may be miftaken at the diftance of three thou-
fand Miles; for had this been attended to, your Memorialifts are unwilling to fuppofe that Parliament would have impofed Taxes on a Colony, for purpofes amply provided for in that Colony. The manner alfo in which this Ad is to be Executed, your Memorialifts
are apprehenfive
fufpending the
Power of the Province of New York, your Memomore alarming to the Colonies in General, though it has
that fingle
immediate Objed. If the Parliament has a right to compel Troops fent over to America by the fame Rule they may oblige them to furnifh Cloaths, Arms and every other Thing; even the pay of the a Doctrine replete with every kind of Mifchief and utterly fubverfive Officers and Soldiers: For what advantage could the People of the Coloof every Thing dear and valuable to us.
Province in view as
Exercife their
own Reprefentatives, if thofe Reprefentatives own Judgments, were under a neceffity, {on
pain of being deprived of their legiflative Authority) of enforcing the J\Iandates of a Britifh Parliament, though ever fo injurious to the Interefts of the Colony they Reprefented. Your Memorialifts could enlarge upon this difagreeable Subjed, but fear they have already TrefThey have communicated to your paffed too far upon your Lordfhips Time and Patience. Decency and the Sentiments of a free hoped with the and it is greateft Refped, Lordfhips,
It only remains for them to befeech your Lordfhips with that earneftnefs Importance of the Subjed infpires, to ufe your Parliamentary Power and influence in procuring a Repeal of the above recited Ads of Parliament and in fecuring to us, his Majefty's moft dutiful though diftant Subjeds, the full enjoyment of all our natural and
loyal People.
conftitutional Rights
The Council and
Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjeds, the People of Virginia now met in General Affembly, having taken into their moft ferious Confideration the State of this Colony, with due
Deference and Refped
It is
that the
moft gracious Sovereign and difaffeded to his Government, fince by their whole Cojuiud they have endeavoured to approve themfelves fecond to none of their fellow Subjeds, in any part of his Majefty's Dominions, for
been reprefented in Great Britian as
difloyal to their
Duty and Affedion. They are truly fenfible of the Happinefs and Security they derive from their Connexions with and dependance upon Great Britain their Parent Kingdom; and as they have at all times exerted their beft Endeavours to make fuch fuitable returns on their Parts as might render the continuance of thofe Connexions permanent and equally Defirable to both, they cannot but feel the deepeft Concern that any Incidents fhould have interrupted that pleafing Harmony, which they wifh ever to Subfift.
As Members
of the Britifh
unqneftionable Rights of Britifh Subjeds, who, by a fundamental and vital Principle their Conftitution cannot be fubjeded to any kind of Taxation or have the fmalleft Portion of their Property taken from them by any Power on Earth without their Confent given by of
their Reprefentatives in
Palladium of Great
any other branch of their Legiflature to make the amendment or alteration in any of their Supply Bills, left it fhould be drawn into Precedent and confldered as a Ceffion of fo dear and effential a Right and Privilege. If this Principle is ever fuffered to decay, the Conftitution muft pine away and Expire with it, as no Man can enjoy even the Shadow of Liberty or Freedom, if his Property, acquired by his own Labour and Induftry, can be wrefted from him at the Will of another. To attempt demonftrating this to an Englifhnian muft furely be unneceffary: he feels the Principle within him, and it diffufes through his whole Frame that complacency and ChearBritain, that they have never fnffered
and Treafure, flrft explored and and conftitutional Rights, could not forfeit or lofe them by their Migration to America, not as Vagabonds and Fugitives, but with the Licence and under the Encouragement of their Sovereigns, being animated with the laudable defire of enlarging the Englifh Dominion and extending its Commerce; but on the contrary they brought thefe their common Birth Rights over with them entire and tranfmitted
fettled thefe
them inviolate
us their Pofterity.
mi funder flood,
Great Britain
effential to the
Happinefs of both; they have been Cherifhed, they have been kindly Proteded by her, and cannot indulge themfelves with the Perfuation that the Benefits which have been redounded and which daily Accrue to their Mother Country from her Trade with the Colonies have hitherto proved and ftill continue an Adequate and Ample recompence for
fuch Protedion. They have acquiefced in the Authority of Parliament to make Laws for preferving a neceffary Dependence, yet they cannot think it effential to this Purpofe, or to preferve a
proper relation between a Parent
Kingdom and
The Trade of the Colonies, almoft was laid under fuch Reftridions as were thought neceffary to fecure their Dependance and promote the Interefts of the whole extended Empire. The natural Rights and firft Principles of the Englifli Constitufhould raife
as foon as
tion were very early engrafted into the Conftitutions of the Colonies; hence a Legiflative
was derived and affimilated, as nearly as might be, to that eftablifhed in England The Crown referving to itfelf the executive Authority of Government and the Power of affenting and diffenting to all Laws; but the Privilege of choofing their own Reprefentatives was continued in the People, and confirmed to them by repeated and exprefs Stipulations. The Conftitution and Government of this Colony being thus Eftablifhed and fixed, the Remonftrants and their AncefUpon preffing and Emergent tors enjoyed the perfed fweets of Liberty and Freedom. occafions, not within their own Powers of Redrefs, they have frequently applied to their King and common Father, and often, they own it with Gratitude, have received feafonable Reliefs from their Mother Country; on the other Hand when his Majefty has had Occafion for the affiftance of his dutiful Subjeds in America, Requifitions have been conftantly made from the Crown by the King's Governors, to the Reprefentatives of the People, who have comThe ample and adequate Provifion made by plied with them to the utmoft of their Abilities. the Affembly of this Colony fo long ago as the Reign of King Charles the Second, and upon his Requifition, for fupport of the civil Government by an Impoft of two Shillings Sterling per Hogfhead on all Tobacco exported, one Shilling and three pence Tonnage upon all Ships and Veffels, and fixpence per Poll on all Perfons imported, except Mariners, with the many and large Supplies, exceeding half a Million, voted during the Courfe of the la ft War upon
Authority, which has always been thought effential in every free State,
Colony by his Majefty and his royal GrandColony to do every Thing that could reafonably be defircd or expeded of them, and at the fame time are inconteftable Proofs that the Commons of Great Britain never, till very lately, afftimed a Power of impofing Taxes on the People of the Colonies for the piirpofes of raifing a Revenue or fupporting the contingences of Government. To fay tliat the Commons of Great Britain have a Conftitiitional Right and Authority to give ami Grant at their Pleafure the Properties of the People in the Colonies or to impofe an internal Tax of any kind upon them, who are not and cannot, from the nature of their Situation, be reprefented in their Houfe of Commons is in a Word to command them to bid Adieu to their natural and civil Liberties and to prepare for a State of the moft abjed Slavery. The Commons of Great Britian can impofe no Taxes on the People there without burthening themfelves in fome Proportion; if the Taxes they impofe fhould be thought grevious or unneceffary the Con-jtitution hath not left the People without a proper Remedy. But what muft be the Situation of the Colonifts, if the late and new broached Doctrine fhould prevail ? Unreprefented as they are and forever muft be, they can have no Opportunity of
to the
of this
in fhort their
before they can receive the leaft Intelligence that a Subjed, whereby they or their Interefts
The notion
Words on
if the
Lives of Millions of his Majefty's moft dutiful Subjeds are merely ideal, muft be their Condition.
The late oppreffive Stamp Ad, fo often and juftly complained of, in repealing which your Remonftrants have repeatedly acknowledged the Wifdom and Juftice of Parliament, did confeffedly impofe a Tax on the Colonifts merely internal; and the Remonftrants cannot but confider feveral late Ads of the Britifh Parliament as tending diredly to the fame Point. That the Parliament may make Laws for regulating the Trade of the Colonies has been granted; fomeiimes Duties have been properly enough impofed to reftrain the Commerce of one part of the Empire that might prove Injurious to another, and by this means the
general Welfare of the whole
the real
Purpofe of raifing a Revenue, or, in other Words, to cotnpel pay large Sums of Money, whether they will or not, and this not with a view to the general Interefts of Commerce, the Remonftrants muft ever think mere internal Tax to all Intents and Purpofes. Of this fort they cannot but confider a late Ad of Parliament "Giving and Granting certain duties in the Britifh Colonies and Plantations in America;" the Preamble plainly fpeaks the Defign of the Ad; and can it be thought juft or reafonable that the Colonitfs reflrided as they are in every Branch of their Trade fhoidd be obliged to pay Duties on the Articles enumerated in this Ad ? They are, in the firft Place, by former Laws prohibited from purchafing thefe nereffaries of Life at any
neceffaries of Life for the fole
the Inhabitants of the Colonies to
other that the Britifh Market, they are confined in their Exports alfo; by this they are to
be compelled to
upon Stampt Paper, by this Ad they are inhibited the life of Paper in the moft commoyi and ordinary The purpofes of Government Occurrences, tinlefs they will firft fnbmit to pay a Duty for it. which are faid to be the chief Objeds of this Ad the Remonftrants have fhewn were long fince provided for by an ample and perpetual Ad of Affembly; this isagain remarked, notbecaufe the Remonftrants would claim any particular exclufive Merit from it, but to f'hew how eafily their internal concerns may be miftaken at the diftance of Three Thoufand Miles, they being unwilling to believe that, had this Circumftance been attended to, the Parliament would have impofed Taxes on this Colony for purpofes already provided for. The manner in which
under grevious Penalties, tranfading all forts of important Bufinefs except
is to be
Ad fufpending the legiflative Power of the Province of New York the Remonftrants
it has that fingle Province Parliament has a Right to compel the Colonifts to furnifh a fingle Article for the Troops fent over to America, by the fame Rule of Right they may compel them to furnifh Cloaths, Arms and every other neceffary, even the pay of the Officers and Soldiers; a Doctrine replete with every kind of Mifchief and utterly fubverfive For what advantage could the People of the Colonies of all that is dear and valuable to them.
confider as
more alarming
to the
If the
own Reprefentatives, if thofe Reprefentatives when own judgments, were under a Neceffity (on pain of Authority) of enforcing the Mandates of a Britifh Parlia-
Thus have the Remonftrants expreffed, and, they truft, with decent firmnefs the Sentiments of a Free and loyal People, it is hoped that the Honorable Houfe of Commons will no longer profecute Meafures, which they who are defigned to fiiffer under them muft ever confider as much fitter for Exiles, driven from their native Country after having ignoment.
minioufly forfeited her favours and Protedion than for the Pofterity of Britons who have been at all Times anxious and Solicitous to demonftrate their refped and affedion for their Mother
Kingdom by embracing
in thefe remote corners,
of the Britifh
Britifh Patriots will never confent to the Exercife of anticonftitutional Powers, which, even
refnlt will be that the Colonifts, reduced to extreme Poverty, ivill be compelled to contrad
Houfe doth agree with the Committee in the faid Petition, Memorial, and Remonftrance, fo amended. Refolved, That the Concurrence of the Coioncil be defired to the faid Petition Memorial and Remonf trance. Ordered, That a Conference be defired with the Council upon Matters of the higheft Importance to the fafety and well being of this Colony. Ordered, That M'' Bland do go to the Council, and defire the faid Conference. M'' Blair reported from the Committee, to whom the Petition of Edward Weftmore was referred, that the Committee had examined the Matter of the faid Petition, and had diredled him to report the fame as it appeared to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Iloufe And he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table where the fame was read, and is as followeth viz'. Your Committee having repaired to the public Prifon and infpecfted the Garden Pales, it appeared that the faid Pales were in bad Order; that the whole feemed to be old, and fome Parts fo very ruinous as not to anfwer the purpofe of a prefent Inclofure. Whereupon your Committee came to the following Refolution. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the faid Petition is reafonRefolved, nemtne contradicente, that this
That Benjamin Waller, Gentleman be defired to treat and agree with a Workman for the repairing of the Garden belonging to the public Gaol. M"" Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, A Bill for the better fecuring the Payment of the Debt due to the Country from the Eftate of John Robin fon, Efq'' late Treafurer of this Colony And the fame was received and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time.
The other Order of the Day being read The Houfe was called over; and the Names
of fuch
made Default
appear were taken down. Then the Names of fuch Members as made Default to appear were again called over and they were excufed. Ordered, That this Houfe be called over To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourned til To-morrow Morning 11 "'Clock.
AMetnber returned upon a new Writ having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken
Parliament inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and the Abjuration Oath, and repeated and fubfcribed the Teft, took his Place in the Houfe.
A(5l of
of the
Debt due
That the Bill be committed. That the Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. That the Houfe will this Day refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole
W Speaker,
The Council have agreed to the Bill intituled An A(5t' to Dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof James Rofcow is feized and for fettling Slaves to be purchafed in Lieu
then the Meffenger withdrew. Bland reported to the Houfe that he had been to delire a Conference with the
W Speaker,
The Council agree Conference Chamber.
to the
And then
That a Committee be appointed to manage the faid Conference. Archibald Cary, Treafurer, And a Committee was appointed of M^ Bland, Thomfon Mafon. Pendleton, and Benjamin Harrifon, Ordered, That the Petition to his moft excellent Majefty, the Memorial to the Right Honorable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament affembled, and the Remonftrance to the Honorable the Knights Citizens and Burgeffes of Great Britian in Parliament affembled, which were Yefterday agreed to by this Houfe, be delivered to the Co\mcil at the faid Conference, and that the Cotmcil be defired to conctu- therein. Ordered, That M' Bland do go to the Cotmcil, and acquaint them that this Houfe have appointed fix of their Members to meet the Managers appointed by the Cotmcil. A Meffage from the Cotmcil by M-- Walthoe:
W Speaker,
The Council have appointed three of their Members who are now ready in ence Chamber to meet the Managers appointed by this Houfe.
the Confer-
And then
And being
Bland reported that they had been at the Conference; and left the Petition, Memorial and Remonftrance with the Cotmcil and defired their Concurrence theretmto. A Petition of the Inhabitants of the City of Williamfburg was prefented to the Houfe and read fetting forth that fome Time in the Month of January laft, the fmall Pox tmforttmately broke out in the faid City, and fpread a general Alarm through the whole Coimtry
Hening, VIII,
p. 30i-
173 ]
try as the extenfive intercourfe between that Seat of our Government and the feveral Parts of the Colony threatened a general Communication of the dangerous Infeftion which would undoubtedly have been the Confequence had not the Vigilance of the
Magiftrates in exerting the Powers given by a late Adt of Affembly for taxing the People within their Jurifdidlion for certain Purpofes, and in taking every prudent Method the Exigency of affairs then demanded happily prevented it and thereby opened a free Com-
mimication with every Part of the Colony to the general Good, as the Petitioners humAnd further fetting forth that at a late Meeting of the Hall bly conceived, of the whole for the faid City it was found that the whole Expence incurred in that neceffary Work, including fifty Poimds which the Prefident and Mafters of the College agreed to pay as
their Proportion
to the Stmi of
much whereof as was to be paid by the Petitioners the faid Hall was under the Neceffity of impofmg a Tax on the Petitioners of no lefs than fix ShiUings per Poll. And thereTime praying that at a when the humbly Community fore in general feems to be upon the Eve of recovering from the great Burthen they have many Years bom and of being
pubHc Taxes, the Petitioners may not be left to bear the Weight of a more intimately indeed affedling themfelves yet in great Meafure neceffary aKo to the public Quiet and the univerfal Good of the People but that this Houfe will afford fuch ReHef to them as to their Wifdom and Juftice may feem fit.
relieved from the
the Queftion being put that the faid Petition be referred to a Committee.
That the faid Petition be rejedled. Meffage from the Council by M"' Walthoe.
M' Speaker, I ant commanded to acquaint this Houfe that the Council defire a free Conference immediately with this Houfe on the Subjed Matter of the laft Conference in the Conference
then the Meffenger withdrew. That this Houfe doth agree to meet the Covmcil at a prefent free Conference as the Council do defire. Ordered, That M"' Bland do go to the Covmcil and acquaint them that the Houfe had confidered of their Meffage and did agree to meet the Council at a prefent free Conference as the Cotmcil do defire.
faid Conference.
And a Committee was appointed of the Gentlemen who managed the laft Conference. And the Names of the Managers were called over; and they went to the Conference. And being returned
M'' Bland reported the Conference and that it was to acquaint this Houfe that the Council have agreed to the Petition to his moft excellent Majefty the Memorial to the Right Honorable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Paliament affembled, and the
Remonftrance to the Honorable the Knights Citizens and Burgeffes of Great Britain in Parliament affembled, filling up the Blanks with the Word "Council:" And that the Council recommended it to this Houfe to direcfl the Committee of Correfpondence that they defire the Agent for this Colony in Great Britian to adl in Conjundlion with the Agent for the Council there in foliciting the faid Petition, Memorial and Remonftrance and
endeavouring to obtain the Ends thereof. Refolved, That M'' Speaker be diredted to deliver fair Copies of the faid Petition, Memorial and Remonftrance to the Prefident and defire his Honor that he will be
pleafed to tranfmit the fame to his Majefty's principal Secretary of State appointed to
manage the
That the Committee of Correfpondence to tranfmit fair Copies of the faid Memorial and Remonftrance toEdward Montague, Efq'', Agent for this Colony in Great Britain and defire him to adl in Conjxindlion with James Ahercromhie, Efq' Agent for the Council in foliciting the faid Petition, Memorial and Remonftrance, and purfue the moft effectual Meafures for obtaining the Ends thereof. Refolved, nemine contradicente that M"' Speaker be diredted to wTite to the Speaker of the honorable Houfe of Reprefentative of the Province of the Maffachufetts Bay to defire he would inform that Houfe that his Letter of February ii^^, 1768 written by their Direcflion and in their Name had been confidered by this Hottfe that we could not but applaud them for their Attention to American Liberty and that the Steps we had taken thereon would convince them of oxir Opinion of the fatal Tendency of the Adls of ParUament complained of and of our fixed Refolution to concur with the other Colonies in And that he be alfo directed to ^^Tite to the refpe(5live their Application for Redrefs. Speakers of the AffembHes and Reprefentatives on this Continent to make known to them our Proceedings on this Subjed; and to intimate how neceffary we think it is that the Colonies fhould imite in a firm but decent Oppofition to every Meafiire which may affedt
the Rights and Liberties of the Britifh Colonies in America. The Houfe according to Order refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe
upon the
M'' M"'
Bill for
of the
the Eftate of
the Chair.
Bland took the Chair of the Committee. M'' Speaker refumed the Chair. M"' Bland reported from the Committee that they had gone through the Bill and made feveral Amendments theretmto which they had diredted him to report to the Houfe, and he read the Report in his Place and afterwards deHvered the Bill with the Amendments in at the Clerk's Table where the Amendments were once read throughout and then a fecond Time one by one and upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon were agreed
by the Houfe.
That the
On a Motion made.
That the feveral fums following be paid to the feveral General Affembly refpedlively. To George Wythe, Efq''. Clerk of the Houfe of Burgeffes To Nathaniel Walthoe Efq' Clerk of the General Affembly To the Rev"*. M"^ Thomas Price, Chaplain
; ; ;
To To
Francis Eppes, Serjeant at Arms M"' Richard Starke, Clerk of the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions
30 40
and Propofitions and Grievances To M' Thofnas Everard, Clerk of the Committee of Cotuts of Juftice To the Door-Keeper of the Cotmcil To James Lavie ^ To Robert Hyland Door-Keepers to the Houfe
10 10 10
To William Hicks To John Creagh J To M'' Peter Pelham, Organift To M"' Benjamin Powell for cleaning the Capitol Ordered, That the faid Refolve be ingroffed and that
10 10
The other Order of the Day being read Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be adjourned til To-morrow. Atid then the Houfe adjourned til To-morrow Morning 1 1 "'Clock.
of the
An Ad^
Country from the Eftate of John Robinfon, Efq' Colony; was read the third Time.
to the
Treafurer of this
Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. That M' Mercer do carry the Bill to the Council and defire their Concurrence. Refolved, That a Conference be defired with the Council upon the Subjedl of the laft
That M"' Treafurer do go to the Council and defire the faid Conference. That the Petition to his moft excellent Majefty, the Memorial to the Right the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament affembled, and the RemonHonorable ftrance to the Honorable the Knights Citizens and Btirgeffes of Great Britian in Parliament affembled be deUvered to the Council at the faid Conference and that the Council
be defired to fign the fame. On a Motion made, Refolved, That M'' Treafurer out of the pubUc Money in his hands do pay the Sum of five Poimds feven Shillings and fixpence to M'' Francis Eppes Serjeant at Arms for his Fees and expences for taking James Pride into Cuftody for Breach of the Privileges of
Houfe the
Affembly. M' Treafurer reported to the Houfe that he had been to defire a Conference with the
laft Seffion of
The Council have agreed to the Bill intituled An A6t' for the Eafe of the People by paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money for this prefent Seffion of Affembly. Alfo To the Refolve of this Houfe for paying the Officers Salaries. And alfo The Council have agreed to the Conference defired by this Houfe and appoint the fame prefently in the Conference Chamber.
faid Conference.
Archibald Cary,
M"' Blair.
being returned
the Petition to
moft excellent Majefty, the Memorial to the Right Honorable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament affembled and the Remonftrance to the Honorable the Knights Citizens and Burgeffes of Great Britian in Parliament affembled, with the Council, and
am commanded
And then
That this Houfe doth agree to meet the Council at a prefent free Conference as the Council do defire.
Not recorded
as a law.
Hening, VIII,
p. 303.
Ordered, That M'' Treafurer do go to the Council and acquaint them that the Houfe had confidered of their Meffage and did agree to meet the Council at a prefent free Conference as the Council do defire. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to manage the faid free Conference. And a Committee was appointed of the Gentlemen who managed the laft Conference. And the Natnes of the Managers were called over; and they went to the Conference.
M' Dudley Digges reported that the Committee appointed had according to Order examined the inrolled Bills and Refolves, and redlified fuch Miftakes as were found therein and that they were truly enrolled. Ordered, That M"' Dudley Digges do carry them to the Council for their Concurrence.
On a Motion made,
Refolved, That the public Faith is engaged to fecure the Redemption of the Treafury Notes now remaining in Circulation at all Events and therefore although an Adl hath paffed to difcontinue the Land and Poll Tax impofed to be colle(5led in this and the fucceeding Year from a Purfuafion that the other Taxes and the Arrears due to the Public
which are to
effedl that
Redemption are
by the
M' Walthoe:
then the Meffenger withdrew. Meffage from the Prefident by M' Walthoe:
M' Speaker, The Present commands the immediate Attendance of this Houfe in the Council Chamber that yon bring with you fuch Bills and Refolves as are ready for his Affent. and
Speaker with the Houfe went up to attend the Prefident in the his Honor was pleaied to give his Affent to the following public
An Ad to repeal fo much of the feveral Ads of A ffembly therein mentioned as impofe 1 a Land and Poll Tax on the Inhabitants of this Colony for the Years One Thoufand feven hundred and fixty-eight and One Thoufand feven hundred and Sixty-nine.
An Ad'
An Ad
the Staple of
Tobacco and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms. 3. An Adi for further continuing and amending the Ad intituled
An Ad
and colledtng
for other
An Ad* An Ad^
of the
Purpofes Goochland.
therein mentioned.
an Ad intituled An Ad for appointing feveral new Fluvanna River from and to the Lands of William
is feized
Cabell Gentleman.
An Ad^
fettling Slaves to be
dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof James Rofcow purchafed in Lieu thereof.
An Ad'
for the
of the
Money for
prefent Seffion of
A ffembly.
likewife pleafed to give his Affent to the following Refolves viz'.
Honor was
Hening, VIII.
p. 295.
VIII. p. 300.
A Refolve for paying certain Salaries to the feveral Officers of the General Affembly
Speaker delivered the Petition to his Majefty, the Memorial to the Right Honorable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament affembled, and the Remonftrance to the Honorable the Knights Citizens and Burgeffes of Great Britain in Parlia-
ment affembled
to the
defiring his
America; which the Prefident was pleafed to fay fhould be done. And then his Honor was pleafed to Prorogue the General Affembly to the third Tkurfday in July next. And then he faid The great relief you have given to the diftreffes of the country, in eafing them of the land and poll taxes, gives me much pleafure; but as the feffion has trefpaffed fo much on the
General Court, by obftruding
all bufinefs there for feveral days, I find it
to it,
by proroguing you
to that time.
to the third
in July, next
of the
House OUSE
Southey Simpfon
James Mercer
Abraham Hite
Ifle of
John Wilfon
Gabriel Jones
James City
Jameftown King and Queen
Travis, Jr.
Benjamin Howard
Nathaniel Edwards, Frederick Maclin
Edmund Pendleton
Francis Coleman
Charles City
Benjamin Harrifon
William Acrill
*James Ball
Charles Carter
Paul Carrington
Francis Peyton
James Hamilton
Richard Anderfon Thomas Johnfon
Archibald Cary
Edward Ofborne
The College
John Blair
Henry Pendleton
John Green John Mayo Alexander Trent
Robert Boiling
Boiling Starke
Gawin Corbin
Philip Ludwell
David Meade
Willis Riddick
Ehzabeth City
New Kent
William Roane
Norfolk Borough
Thomas Harrifon
James Scott Robert Rutherford James Wood
Severn Eyre
John Harmanfon
Spencer Mottram Ball George Ball
Thomas Whiting
Lewis Burwell
*Not fhown by the Journal to have been prefent during the Affembly.
i82 ]
Edward Thomas
Peter Johnfton
Prince George
Richard Bland
Peter Poythrefs
Prince William
Peyton Randolph
dent of
and Commander
Chief of the
Virginia, to wit:
Whereas, the General Affembly ftands prorogued to the third Thurfday in July next
and whereas,
I fee
no neceffity of
by and with the Confent and Advice them to the laft Thurfday in Odober next.
Given imder
By the Honourable
dent of
Chief of the
Virginia, to wit:
Whereas, the General Affembly ftands prorogued to the third Thurfday in Odober,
and whereas,
no neceffity
January next.
of the
Given under
Colony at Williamfburg,
this twentieth
'Jo^n ^lalr.
Virginia, to wit;
His Excellency, a proclamation for Diffolving the General Affembly.
have thought
fent of his Majefty's Council iffued this Proclamation declaring the faid Affembly to be
it is
Majefty's Subjects
And whereas
occalions to have the advice of a General Affembly for his Majefty's Service
and the
at fuch
his fubje(5ls
new Affembly
and convenient.
twenty feventh
Given under
Writs were iffued for an election to be held Friday, November 26 (Gazette Dec. meet the fecond Monday in May, 1769.
and Affembly
called to
of the
of Burgesses
y^ENERAL ASSEMBLY begun and held at the capital, in the City of WILLIAMSf --- BURG, on MONDAY the Eighth Day of MAY, in the Ninth Year of the
firft Day of the Meeting of this General Affembly, for the Difpatch of Public Bufinefs, purfuant to a Proclamation hereunto annexed, and aKo to
the Writs which had iffued for that Purpofe, his Excellency the Right Honourable
eral of the
Baron de BOTETOURT, his Majefty's Lieutenant and Governor-GenColony and Dominion of Virginia, and Vice Admiral of the fame, having made a Commiflion tmder his Hand, and the Seal of the Colony, hereunto alfo annexed, impowering feveral Perfons, therein named, to adminifter the Oaths appointed to be taken by the Members returned to ferve in the General Affembly, before they go into the Houfe of Burgeffes feveral of the faid Commiffioners came, about Ten of the Clock, into the Coimcil-Chamber, where the faid Oaths are uf ually taken and George Wythe, Clerk of the Houfe of Burgeffes, attending, according to his Duty, with a Book, containing a Lift of the Names of fuch Members as had been returned to ferve in this General Affembly, delivered to him by the Clerk of the Secretary's Office, the Honourable William N elfon, Thomas N elfon, Richard Corbin, John Tayloe, William Byrd, Robert Carter, Robert Burwell, and George William Fairfax, Efquires, Eight of the faid Commiffioners, adminiftered the faid Oaths to fuch of the faid Members of the Houfe of Burgeffes as appeared: Which being done, the Members repaired to their Seats in the Houfe of Burgeffes after which a Meffage was delivered by Nathaniel Walthoe, Efq Clerk of the
; ;
General Affembly.
Houfe to attend
his Excellency
immediately in the
Council-Chamber. Accordingly the Houfe went up to attend his Excellency in the Council-Chamber, where his Excellency was pleafed to fay to them:
of the
of Burgeffes,"
to the
Choice of a
one of the Members of the County of Chefterfield, addreffing himfelf to the Clerk (who, ftanding up, pointed to him, and then fat down) putting the Hoid!e in Mind of the Governor's Commands to proceed to the Choice of a Speaker, propofed the Gentleman, whofe eminent Virtues, and known Abilities, qualified him for, and recommended him to, that important Truft, which he difcharged with univerfal Approbation the laft General Affembly and moved that Peyton Randolph, Efq fhould
Archibald Gary, Efq
Then Edmund
addreffing himfelf likewife to the Clerk (who, ftanding up, pointed to him, and then fat down) teftified his entire Satiffa<5lion, and hearty Concurrence in the Motion that had
been made, the Gentleman named for the Chair having already filled it with a Suflficiency, which equalled the Expedlations, and juftified the Wifhes of his Friend. And thereupon, The Houfe calling M"' Randolph to the Chair, he was taken out of his Place by Two Members, who led him from thence to the Chair; and having afcended the uppermoft Step, and ftanding there, M' Randolph returned his Thanks to the Houfe for the Honour they had conferred upon him, by advancing him, a fecond Time, to an Office of fo much Dignity and declared his Refolution to perform the Duties of it with Fidehty, Diligence, and Impartiality, defiring at all Times the Affiftance of the Houfe, and their benign
And thereupon he fat down in the Chair and then the Mace (which before lay under the Table) was laid upon the Table. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Governor, to acquaint his Excellency, that this Hotife, in Obedience to his Commands, having made Choice of a Speaker, and to know his Pleafure, when they fhall attend to prefent him; and that M"" Archibald Gary, and M' Edmund Pendleton do wait on him with the faid Meffage. They accordingly withdrew, and being returned, M'' Archibald Gary, reported, that the Governor was pleafed to fay, he would fend an Anfwer by a Meffenger of his own.
Governor commands
Accordingly, M' Speaker Ele<$l, with the Houfe, went up to attend his Excellency Council-Chamber; and he was pleafed to declare his Approbation of their Choice. the in Then M"" Speaker did, in the Name, and on Behalf of the Houfe, lay Claim to all of
Freedom of Speech and Debate, and Protedlion for their Eftates; and, laftly, for himfelf, requefted that his Errors might not be imputed to the Hovife. The Governor anfwered, that he fhould take Care to defend them in aU their juft Rights and Privileges. The Houfe being returned M"" Speaker reported, that the Houfe had attended the Governor in the CoimcilChamber, where his Excellency was pleafed to approve the Choice they had made of him to be their Speaker, and to grant and allow to them, upon Petition of Claim made by him to his Excellency, in the Name, and on the Behalf of the Houfe of Burgeffes, all their ancient Rights and Privileges; particularly a Freedom of Speech and Debate, Exemption from Arrefts, and Protedlion for their Eftates. M"^ Speaker aKo reported, that the Governor was pleafed to make a Speech to the Cotmcil and this Houfe of which, M'' Speaker faid, he had, to prevent Mif takes, obtained a Copy which he read to the Houfe, and is as followeth, tnz.
their ancient Rights
Privileges, particularly a
Exemption from
of the Gouncil, M' Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes, having been gracioufly pleafed to appoint me to the high Office of his King The Majefty's Lieutenant and Governor-General of this ancient and loyal Colony and Dominion of Virginia, I loft no Time in repairing to my Government, in order to enter as
foon as poffible upon the Execution of the important Truft committed to my Charge; and give me Leave to affure you, that it is with the greateft Satiffadion, I have now, in Obedience to his Majefty's
Command, the Honour to meet you in General Affembly. You, Gentlemen, who know immediately the true Interefts of the Colony,
of the
Meafures neceffary to be purfued for its Advantage and Profperity; and the his Majefty has had of your Zeal and Wifdom, leaves no Room in the Experience frequent Royal Breaft to doubt that you will give me all fuch Advice and Affiftance as may enable me
of Virginia; a fteady Purfuit of
the fir ft
Subjeds in every Part of his Dominions, however remote from the Seat of his Empire, and makes the general Happinefs of them all, equally the Objed of his Royal Care
and Attention. For my own Part, however confcious I may be of Want of Ability, I fhall not doubt, through your Counfel and Support, to be enabled to do my Duty as becomes a faithful Servant to the be/t of Sovereigns, and a moft fincere Friend to the Welfare of this Colony. It is
Succefs in my Adminiftration, and I hope by my and Affedion. It is with great Satiffaction I have the Honour to acquaint you, that her Majefty was laft Nov^ember happily delivered of a Prince fs, and both are well. M"- Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes, I have nothing to afk, but that you confider well, and follow exadly, without Paffion or Prejudice, the real Interefts of thofe you have the Honour to reprefent; they are moft certainly confiftent with the Profperity of Great-Britain, and fa they will for ever be found, when purfued with Temper and
to thefe
Principles I
to truft for
It is
a peculiar Felicity
to this Colony, and muft therefore be fo agreeable Intention, that, his gracious the to you, for future, his Chief Governors of Virginia, fhall
and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes, me, and a great Addition to the many Honours I have Royal Mafter, that I have it in Command from his Majefty, to declare and
That a moft humble and dutiful Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency the Governor, returning Thanks for his very affedtionate Speech at the Opening of this Seffion; Expreffmg our firm Attachment to his Majefty's facred Perfon and Government, and a lively Senfe of his Royal Favour, manifefted by frequent Approbations of our former Conducft; by extending his Paternal Regard to all his Subjedls however remote and, by his gracious Purpofe, that our Chief Governor fhall, in future, refide
among us
Declaring, that
efteem, as a peculiar
of his Lordfhip to prefide over this Colony; and, that his Virtues
manifefted ever fmce his Arrival here, are to us the firmeft Affurance, that and Benevolence will diftinguifh his Adminiftration
Joining, in Congratulations
Affuring his Excellency, that we fhall, with Candour, proceed to the important we are met in General Affembly and that, if in the Courfe of our Matters fhall arife, which may in any way affedl the Interefts of any Deliberations,
Btifmefs on which
and the Royal Pleafure, may an happy People. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to draw up an Addrefs, to be prefented to the Governor, upon the faid Refolution. And a Committee was appointed of M"' Edmund Pendleton, M' Treafurer, M"' Bland, Richard Henry Lee, Attorney General, and M' Jefferfon. Thompfon Mafon, Ordered, That the Governor's Speech to the Council, and this Houfe, be referred to
our Prayers, that Providence, long continue his Lordfhip the happy Ruler of a free and
finally, offering
Speaker acquainted the Houfe, that according to the Diredtion of the Hoiife laft Seffion of the General Affembly, he had written to the refpe<5live Speakers of the Affemblies and Reprefentatives on this Continent, upon the Subjedt of fundry Adls of
the Britifh Parliament, and had received feveral Letters in Anfwer thereto
1768, died
22, 1840.
And he
That the
faid Letters
of the Houfe.
That the Letters which have paffed between the Committee of Correfpondence, and the Agent for this Colony, for the laft Five Years, and the Papers they
refer to, to
to iffue for
the ele(5ting of Burgeffes to fen-e in this prefent General Affembly, for the
George, no Members having been returned to ferv'e for former Writ, becaufe there was not an Officer to execute it dleton do wait on the Governor with the faid Addrefs. Ordered, That the Reverend M'' Thomas Price be appointed Chaplain to this Houfe, and that he attend to read Prayers every Morning at lo "'Clock. Ordered, That James Lame, Robert Hyland, William Hicks, and John Creagh, be appointed Door-Keepers to this Houfe, and that they give their Attendance accord-
Coimty of the faid County upon the and that M"' Edmund Pen-
That a Conmiittee
for Religion
be appointed.
W Wallace, Gaunn Corbin, M^ Wilfon Miles Gary, M^ HarHenry, W Claiborne, W Johnfton, M' wood, M' Attorney General, W W Bland, and Henry Burwell,
Boiling, M"'
of Gloiicefter,
they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to take tmder their Conlideration all Matters and Things relating to Rehgion and Morality, and all fuch as fhall be from Time to Time referred to them, and report their Proceedings, with their Opin-
And the faid Committee are to have Power to fend for and Records, for their Information. Ordered, That a Committee of Privileges and Eledlions be appointed. And a Committee was appointed of M"^ Edmund Pendleton, M"' Bla-nd, M"' Archibald Gary, M"' Benjamin Harrifon, M"^ Richard Henry Lee, M' Treafurer, M'' Lewis Burwell, of James City, M'' Whitifig, M"' Dudley Digges, M'' Wafhington, M'' Charles Carter, of Lancafter, M'' Blair, M"' Henry Lee, M" Thotnfon Mafon, M' Mercer, M'' Henry, M"' Carrington, Attorney General, and M'' Robert Munford, of Mecklenburg, M^ Jefferfon, Jones, William Digges. And they are to meet and adjoiam from Day to Day, and to examine,
Perfons, Papers,
in the
firft Place, all Returns of Writs for electing Burgeffes to fer\'e in this prefent General Affembly, and compare the fame with the Form prefcribed by Law, and to take into their Confideration all fuch Matters as fhall or may come in Queftion, touching Returns, Eledlions and Privileges, and to report their Proceedings, with their Opinion thereupon, from Time to Time, to the Houfe. And the faid Committee are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers and Records, for their Information. Refolved, That in all Cafes of controverted Eledlions, to be heard at the Bar of this
themfelves, or
Houfe, or before the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, the Petitioners do, by by their Agents, within a convenient Time, to be appointed either by the of Privileges and Elections, as the Matter to be heard fhall be, Committee or the Houfe,
before the Houfe, or the faid Committee, deliver to the fitting Members, or their Agents, Lifts of the Perfons intended by the Petitioners to be objedled to, who voted for the
gtiifhing the
Members, giving, in the faid Lifts, the feveral Heads of Objection, and diftinfame againft the Names of the Voters excepted to; and that the fitting Members do, by themfelves, or their Agents, within the fame Time, deliver the like Lifts, on their Part, to the Petitioners, or their Agents. Ordered, That a Committee of Propofitions and Grievances be appointed. And a Committee was appointed of M"' Bland, M"' Edmund Pendleton, M'' Archibald Gary, M'' Benjamin Harrifon, M"' Richard Henry Lee, M'' Treafurer, M'' Dudley Digges, M' Lewis Burwell, of James City, M"' Thomas N elfon, M"' William Harwood, M'' William Digges, M' Wafhington, M"' Weft, M"' John Wilfon, of Augufta, M' Thomas Walker, Mr
Wilfon Miles Gary, M"- Richard Randolph, M-- Baffett, M' Robert Boiling, M." Henry Lee, M"" Benjamin Grymes, Gharles Garter, of Lancafter, M' Henry, Thomas Harrifon, M' William Gabell, M'' Eyre, M'' Thomfon Mafon, M"' Gawin Gorbin,
W Whiting,
Robert Munford, of Mecklenburg, M"' Alexander, M"" Garrington, Blagrave, M' Edmunds, M"' Glaiborne, M"' Acrill, M"" Jefferfon, Mercer, Attorney General, Mj Robert Rutherford, M"" Wood, Spencer Mottrom Ball, Glayton, M' Hutchings, M' Jofeph Gabell, and M"' Jones. And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to take into their Confideration all Propofitions and Grievances that fhall come legally certified to this Affembly, and to report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, from Time to Time, to the Houfe and all fuch Propofitions and Grievances are to be delivered to the Clerk of the Houfe, and by him to the faid Committee of Courfe. And the faid Committee is to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information. Ordered, That a Committee of Public Claims be appointed. And a Committee was appointed of M"' Archibald Gary, Richard Lee, HamilRiddick, Waring, ton, Tebbs, Newton, David Mafon, Bridger, Gocke, M'' HarmanfoH, M"' Robert Munford, of Amelia, M"" James Walker, M' Harwood, Parramore, M'' Simpfon, Thomas Walker, Mr Weft, John Wilfon, of Augufta, Starke, M"' Trent, M"" Payne, Wallace, Adams, M' Baker, M-- Poythrefs, Terry, Thomas Johnfon, Hite, and M'' Roan. And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to take into their Confideration all public Claims referred from the laft to this Seffion of Affembly, and alfo all fuch Claims as fhall be regularly certified and prefented to this Seffion and to report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Houfe, when they have gone through the faid Claims, And all Perfons that have any Claims, are to deliver them to the faid Committee of Courfe and they are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers and Records, for their Information. Ordered, That a Committee for Courts of Juftice be appointed. And a Committee was appointed of M'' Richard Henry Lee, M'' Edmunds, M^ Bailey, M'' Glayton, M'' Maclin, M^ Thomas, M' Anderfon, M"" Talbot, M'' Mofeley, M'' Lewis Burwell, of Gloucefter, M"' Edwards, M"' Howard, M"" Barber, Jfaac Read, M' Henry PendleBall, Macon, ton, M' George Scott, Woodfon, Lyne, John T. Gorbin, Taylor, M'' Gray, Meade, Lewis, Peyton, Marye, Roan, and Philip
Ludwell Grymes.
they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to take into their Confideration all Matters relating to Courts of Juftice, and fuch other Matters as fhall, from Time to Time, be referred to them; and report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Hotife. And the faid Committee are to infpedl the Journals of the laft Seffion, and draw up a State of the Matters then depending and undetermined, and the Progrefs that was made therein, and report the fame to the Houfe and alfo examine what Laws have expired fince the laft Seffion, and infpedl fuch temporary Laws as will expire with the End of this Seffion, or are near expiring; and report the fame to the Houfe, with their Opinions, which of them are fit to be revived and continued. And the faid Committee are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers and Records for their Information. Ordered, That a Committee of Trade be appointed. And a Committee was appointed of M'' Benjamin Harrifon, M'' Whiting, M"" Hutchings, M'' Blagrave, M' Eyre, M^ Newton, M^ Trent, M"' Acrill, M.' Braxton, M"' Travis, M'' Lynch, M"" John Wilfon, of Norfolk, M"' Peter Johnfton, M" Ofborne, M"" Goleman, M.'
and adjourn from Day to Day, and to take into their ConTrade of this Colony, and all Matters that fhall be, from Time to Time, to them referred; and to Report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Houfe. And the faid Committee are to have the Power to fend for Perfons, Papers and Records, for their Information.
And they
are to meet
of Propofitions
five of
of the
a Committee.
Ordered, That M"' Richard Cary be appointed Clerk to the Committee for Religion, and the Committee of Ti-ade M"' Richard Starke Clerk to the Conmiittees of Privileges and Eledlions, and Propofitions and Grievances M' Hind Ruffell Clerk to the Committee of Claims and M"^ Thomas Everard Clerk to the Committee for Courts of Juftice. Ordered, That the Committee of Privileges and Elections do confider of the ancient Rules and ftanding of the Houfe, and prefent fuch as are fit to be continued and
; ; ;
this Houfe,
be taken into
into a
then the
Houfe adjourned
of the Clock.
Cotmty of Spotfylwas prefented to the Houfe and read, fetting forth, That the faid Parifh, from its Situation and Extent, is inconvenient to the Minifter and the Inhabitants in general and that it is neceffarj^ to build a fourth Church, and to repair Pamunkey Chapel in the faid Parifh, which Building and Repairs ought to be borne by the Tithables of the whole Parifh and praying that an Adt may pafs for dividing the faid Parifh, by a Line beginning at the Place where the Line of Caroline County croffes the River Po, and running up the faid River to the Mouth of the Rim called the Robinfon, and continuing thence up the faid River, whereon John Mitchell's Mill ftands, tmtil it interfedls the Line of Orange Cotmty; and for fubjedting the Tithables of the faid Parifh, as it now is, to the Expences of the Building and Repairs aforefaid. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to
Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of St. George, in the
Committee for Religion. Dixon was prefented to the Houfe and read, fetting forth, that Jofeph Brock, Gentleman, being Sheriff of the County of Spotfylvania, duly qualified, on the 20''' Day of O^her 1768, his Honour the Prefident was pleafed to appoint John Carter, Gentleman, to that Office, by Commiffion bearing Date the Day and Year aforefaid; that his Excellency the prefent Governor arrived in this Colony on the 25* Day of the fame Month, in the Year aforefaid, and notified his Arrival by Proclamation, which was known by the County Court of Spotfylvania aforefaid, before the faid Carter had But neverthelefs the qualified himfelf to adl under the faid Prefident's Commiffion faid Carter took upon himfelf the faid Office under the faid Commiffion, and having received a Writ for the Election of Burgeffes for the faid Count}^ proceeded in the Execution thereof till the Day before the Time appointed by him for the faid Eledlion, when, and not before, the faid Carter received, and qualified under, a Commiffion from the prefent Governor, and by virtue thereof made return of the faid Writ And praying the Houfe to take the faid Eledtion, which the Petitioner conceived not to have been made according to the Laws of this Colony, under their Confideration, and, declaring the faid
it is
referred to the
Petition of Roger
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as
of a
it fhall
Committee; appear to
it is
referred to the
of Pri\'ileges
and Inhabitants
i of the Coimties of
was prefented
to the
and clearing the upper Part of Pamunkey River, navigable for Boats and fmall Craft to carry down Tobacco from Crutch-field's, Page's and Meriwether's Warehoufes, is attended with very great Expence, and is extremely burthenfome on the Petitioners, who are by Law obliged to pay for
read, fetting forth, that the opening
and opening the faid River, although they receive but little Advantage, in Comparifon with the benefits which the People of other Counties derive therefrom, who bring their Tobacco to thofe Warehoufes, invited by the high Price generally given for Tobacco paffed at them, and who ought therefore to contribute to the Expence of opening and clearing the faid River and therefore propofing that the faid River may, for the future, be cleared and kept open at the Expence of the Public, or that every Perfon carrying or fending Tobacco to the faid Warehotifes may be obliged to pay fomething towards opening and clearing the faid River, or that fuch Relief may be
granted to the Petitioners, as the Hotife fhall think juft and reafonable. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to
it is
referred to the
Petition of
Warehoufes, in
Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. Merryman Payne and Dale Carter, Infpedlors at Davif's and Loury's the Coimty of Lancafter, was prefented to the Houfe and read fetting
had been feveral Times broken open, and fundry Parcels of Tobacco ftolen thereout, although the faid Warehoufes were fecured with Locks and Bars, and the Petitioners had not been guilty of the leaf t Negled; and praying that the Lofs may be repaired by the Public, and not fuftained by the Petitioners. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee: And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to
forth that the faid Warehoufes
November, 1766,
to before a Magiftrate, be
Committee of Claims'. Ordered and declared, That the faid Order be a ftanding Order of the Houfe. A Petition of Anthony Street, Deputy Sheriff of Lunenburg County, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth. That in November laft he provided an Horfe, worth eight Poimds, for conveying to the public Gaol Peter Brown, who was charged with Felony, and ordered by the Court of the faid Coimty to be tried before the Court of Oyer and Terminer; and that the faid Horfe died travelling with the Prifoner to William fburg and that the Petitioner expended feven Shillings and fix Pence in fupporting the Prifoner during his Journey and praying to be allowed the Value of his faid Horfe and
referred to the Confideration of the
; ;
That the
faid Petition
that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as
it is
Committee of public Claims. was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth. That an outlawed rtmaway Negro Man Slave, belonging to the Petitioner, was furprifed fleeping in a Canoe in M'' Holt's Mill-Pond, by one Thomas Fear, and being unable to refcue himfelf from the faid Fear, who endeavored to apprehend him, jimiped over board into the Water, and was drowned; and praying, that he may be allowed the
referred to the
That the faid Petition be referred to the Gjnfideration of a Committee: that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
Committee of pubUc Claims. A Petition of John Scott, of the County of Lunenburg, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, praying to be allowed the Value of his Negro Man Slave Jack, who was drowned whilft he was employed in repairing a Highway, by Order of the Surveyor
it is
referred to the
being made, and the Queftion put, that the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee It paffed in the Negative.
And a Motion
That the faid Petition be rejedled. On a Motion made. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to regulate the Practice of fuing out and profecuting Writs of Replevin, within this Colony: And that M'' Thorn fon Mafon, and M"' Richard Henry Lee, do prepare and bring in the fame. M"" Edmund Pendleton reported from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, that the Committee had had under their Confideration the feveral Writs for eledling Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table; where the fame were read, and are as followeth, vis. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Returns of the feveral
Writs for eledling Burgeffes for the Counties of Amherft, Augufta, Bedford, Chefterfield, Charlotte, Cumberland, Caroline, Dmwiddie, Effex, Fairfax, Fauquier, Gloucefter, Hanover, Henrico, Hampfhire, JamesTown, James City, I fie of Wight, Lunenburg, Lancafter, Loudoun, Northampton, Norfolk, Nanfemond, New Kent, Northumberlatid, Orange, Princefs Anne, Prince George, Prince Edward, Southampton, Spotfylvama, Surry, Wtlliamfburg,
and Weftmoreland, are made in the Form prefcribed by Law. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Returns
of the feveral
Writs for electing Burgeffes for the Counties of Accomack, Amelia, Albemarle, Brunfwick, Buckingham, Charles City, College, Culpeper, Elizabeth City, Frederick, Goochland,
Queen, Louifa, Mecklenburg, Middlefex, Norfolk Borough, Pittfylvania, Prince William, Richmond, Stafford, Suffex, Warwick, and York, are not made in the Form prefcribed by Law. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion
by the Houfe.
for elecfting Burgeffes for the Coimties
and Richmond, be
That the
Houfe, to
William Rind, Printer, was prefented to the Houfe and read, fetting forth, that his Salary as Printer to the PubHc, will expire at the End of this Seffion of Affembly; and therefore humbly praying that the fame may be further continued. Refolved, That the Sum of Three Himdred and Seventy-five Poimds per Annum be allowed to William Rind, Printer, to continue to the End of the next Seffion of Affembly, as a full Confideration for printing the Journal of the Houfe of Burgeffes, and the Laws of each Seffion, and fending as many Copies to the Coimty Court Clerks, as there are adting Juftices in the Commiffion, in each refpedtive County, and one other (which
Petition of
and Ten to the Clerks of the Courts of Huftings in the City of Williamfburg, and the Borough of Norfolk, and printing Infpe<5lors Receipts and Books, Proclamations, and public Advertifements.
to be half botmd) for the ufe of the Court,
a Motion made,
impower the Executors of the Lands for the Payment of his Debt Edmund Pendleton and M'' Attorney General do prepare and
to bring in a Bill to
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-Morrow Morning
Members having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adt of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and the AbjurationOath, and repeated and fubfcribed the Teft, took their Places in the Houfe. A Petition of fimdry Inhabitants of the County of Hanover, whofe Names
was prefented to the
and read,
exhauf ted State of moft of the Lands in this Colony which had been ufed in the Cultivation of Tobacco, together with many other concurring Caufes, makes it impoffible to raif e
confiderable Quantities thereof, in fuch Perfedtion as
tions that of late Years that Staple
Commodity, to which this Colony hath owed its Profperity, hath been much on the Decline, which hath been caufed by the injudicious Condudt of the Infpedtors, in refufmg to pafs all fuch Tobacco as they judge unfit for Market, which Infpe($lors are often incapable of judging of, or knowing what particular Kinds of Tobacco are in Requeft in the different Nations of Europe, from the Want of Information; and others of them are wilfully negligent and defignedly unjuft in fentencing Tobacco to be burned, from which Judgment there is no Appeal for the Injured: And further fetting forth, that many Infpedlors have refufed to pafs Tobaccoes, of the moft valuable Quality, which hath appeared by the high Prices the fame Tobaccoes have produced in Great Britain: And therefore praying, in order to remedy all future Inconveniences of this Sort, as far as poffible, and to give all due Encouragement to that very valuable Staple, now in Danger of being loft to this Colony, that all Perfons may have the Liberty of fhipping their own Tobacco, notwithftanding the fame may be refufed at any Infpeftion and that the Petitioners may be relieved, touching the Premifes, in fuch Manner as the Houfe may fee fit. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee: And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. And it is referred to the Committee of Propolitions and Grievances. A Petition of the Minifter and fundry Inhabitants of the Parifh of Hamilton, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe and read; fetting forth, that from the large Extent of the Parifh, it is not in the Minifters Power to perform his Duty, as a Preacher, to the whole Parifh, in fo regular a Manner as is neceffary; and many of the Inhabitants refide fo far from their Parifh Churches, that they can but feldom attend Public Worfhip; from which Caufes, Diffenters have opportimity and Encouragement to propagate their pernicious Doctrines and that there being now in the faid Parifh two thoufand eight hundred and twenty four Tithables, which Nimiber is expected to increafe, the faid Parifh will admit of a Divifion, without being very burthenfome to the Inhabitants thereof; and therefore praying, that the faid Parifh may be divided into two Parifhes, by a ftraight Line, to begin at the North Fork of Broad Run, at an Angle made by the Line that divides the faid Parifh of Hamilton from the Parifh of Dettingen, and to end at two red Oaks on the Bank of the North Fork of Rappahannock River, in the Plantation of Jeffe Williams, which Line would divide the faid
; ;
Parifh into nearly equal Parts, leaving a fmall Majority of Tithables in the lower Part.
appear to
and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as
it fhall
them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Hoiife. And it is referred to the Committee for Religion. The Hoiife being informed, that the Sheriff of the Covmty of Richmond attended at
the Door;
That he amend the Return of the Writ for eledling Burgeffes for his County and the fame was amended accordingly. A Petition of the Minifter and Veftry of the Parifh of Saint Mark, in the County of Culpeper, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth. That the Glebe-Land belonging to the faid Parifh, from its fmall Quantity, and the long Time it hath been in Cultivation, is for the moft Part worn out, and that the Proportion of it remaining uncleared is not fufficient to fupply Timber for Repairs, or Wood for Fewel and therefore praying, that an A(5l may pafs to enable the faid Veftry to fell the faid Glebe-Lands and purchafe a fufficient and more convenient one in Lieu thereof. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to
in the Office
; ;
and Grievances. A Petition of feveral Inhabitants of the Parifh of Southam, in the County of Cumberland, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That, by Reafon of the great Extent of the faid Parifh, which is Upwards of fifty Miles in Length, the Petitioners labour under many great and manifeft Inconit is
referred to the
of Propofitions
twenty Miles
of other Bene-
enjoyed by the lower Inhabitants that four Churches having been already built in the faid Parifh, the Petitioners cannot hope another will be erefted for their Conveniency, whilft the Parifh is undivided; that the faid Parifh now contains upwards of three thoufand Tithables, and that a Line to run from the Mouth of Muddy Creek on James River, to crofs Buckingham Road at or near a Place called Saint Jamef's thence a ftraight Line to Appomattox River, will leave about fifteen hundred Tithables on each Side; and therefore praying that the faid Parifh be divided into two diftinft Parifhes by a Line to
be run as aforefaid, or in fuch other Manner as to the Hovife fhall feem fit. A Petition of fimdry of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Parifli of Southam, in the County of Cumberland, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was aKo prefented to the Houfe, and read taking Notice of an Application intended to be made to the Hotife, for a Divifion of the faid Parifh, and alleging the Inconveniences complained of to preceed from the Form of the Parifh, nmning up Appomattox River in a very long and narrow Nook, many Parts of the faid Parifh for twelve or fifteen Miles being not wider than fix or feven Miles, and in fome Places lefs; that a Church built in that Part
would be convenient to but very few, many of the Lands in that Comer being held in large Tracfts by Gentlemen who live out of the County that a Divifion of the faid Parifh at this Time will be very burthenfome, their Levies being generally high, from the great Numbers of their Poor and Infolvents that more Churches will be erecfled in Confequence of a Divifion and that the Diftances of the four Churches now in the Parifh from one another do not exceed thirteen or fourteen Miles, and from the Glebe are fuch, that the Minifter frequently goes from Home to Church, and returns the fame Day; and therefore praying, that the faid Parifh may not be divided. Ordered, That the faid feveral Petitions be referred to the Confideration of a Committee And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. And they are referred to the Committee for Religion. A Petition of fundry of the Inhabitants of the upper End of Southfarnham, in the County of Effex, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth. That the Petitioners refide fome of them about twenty five, and
of the Parifh
; :
lefs than twenty two or twenty three Miles from the Rector of the faid Parifh that the neareft Church to them in their own Parifh is further from fome of them than the upper Church in the Parifh of Saint Anne, and that the Boimds of the faid Parifh
and none
and praying, that the Petitioners may be included in the Parifh of Saint Anne, by a Line from Col Francis Waring' s Mill-Run, at the Mouth of the Road-Branch, thence up the faid Branch to the Head thereof and from thence acrofs the Main Road to Hawkin's Branch, notwithftanding which there will remain ftill in the lower Parifh about four himdred Tithables more than in the upper. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to
are unfettled
; ;
them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. And it is referred to the Committee for ReHgion.
was prefented to the Hotife, and read fetting forth, That at the laft Election of Btirgeffes for the County of Norfolk, the Petitioner was a Candidate, when M'' John Wilfon and M'' Thomas Newton were returned duly eledled to ferve as Burgeffes in the General Affembly for the faid Coimty of Norfolk, although a greater Number of Freeholders voted for the Petitioner than for M"' Newton; and that on the Day of the Ele<5lion M"' Newton and his Friends prevented feveral Freeholders from voting for the Petitioner, by offering Money, and actually giving other Things to them not to vote for him and at the fame Time feveral Friends of M"^ Newton, in a tumultuous and riotous Manner, at the Door of the Courthoufe, hindered the Petitioner's Friends from going in and giving their Votes, as they intended and therefore praying the Confideration of the Houfe touching the Premifes, and that, if it fhall appear that the Petitioner had the moft legal Votes, he may be declared duly eledled. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Privileges and ElecAnd that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall tions
Petition of
appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of fundry Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Coimty of Augufta, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read taking Notice of a Petition intended to be prefented to the Houfe, for dividing the faid County, and either making two new Counties, or, if but one, for ending the dividing Line at Beverly Manor; and alledging that any Divifion of the faid Cotmty will be very inconvenient, and efpecially in the Manner propofed and therefore praying that the faid County may not be divided at all, or elfe that the dividing Line may be extended to the North Branch of James River, making one new County only. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee: And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
it is
referred to the
of Propofitions
and Grievances.
Treafurer reported, from the Committee for Religion, that the Committee had, according to Order, had under their Confideration the Petition of the Inhabitants of
the Parifh of Saint George, in the Cotmty of Spotfylvania, praying a divifion of the faid Parifh, and had come to a Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place and after; ;
wards delivered
as followeth, reafon-
it is
The faid Refolution, being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. On a Motion made.
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for annexing twenty Acres of Land^ whereof, Patrick Ramfay, Gentleman, is feized in Fee, to the Town of Blandford, in the County of Prince George: And that M'' Bland, M"' Poyihrefs, M' Boiling, and M' Starke do prepare and bring in the fame.
was read, fetting forth, that he is under the Will of his Grandfather, Robert Carter, Efq deceafed, and the Will of his Father, John Carter, Efq; deceafed, of a Tradl of Land, containing two thottfand Acres, fitxmte in the Parifh of Northjarnham, and the County of Richmond; alfo of one other Tradl, containing five thoufand Acres, litiiate in the Parifh of Cameron, in the County of Loudoun; aKo of one other Tradl, containing fix thoufand Acres, fituate in the Parifh of Hamilton, and County of Fauquier; alfo of one other Tradl containing fix thoxifand Acres, fituate on Broad Run, in the Parifh of Hamilton, and County of Prince William; and alfo of one other Tradl containing two thoufand Acres, fituate in the Parifh of Saint Mary's, and County of Caroline: Part of which faid Lands are of little value in themfelves, and the Refidue at a very great Diftance from Navigation, and very inconvenient to all the Petitioner's other And further fetting forth, that the Petitioner is feized in Fee Simple in tailed Ef tales: of a Tradl of Land, containing three thoufand three himdred Acres, purchafed by the Petitioner of the Executors of James Littlepage, deceafed aKo a Tradl of five hundred Acres, purchafed by the Petitioner of Peter and Henry Terrell, both which Tradls are contiguous to the Petitioner's Lands called North Wales in the County of Hanover, and of much greater Value than the firf t mentioned back Lands and that it will be of great Advantage to the Heir in Tail that the intail of the faid Lands fhould be docked, and the Hanover Lands fettled in Lieu thereof and therefore praying that an Adl may paf s for
Petition of Charles Carter, Efq; of Lancafter,
feized in
that Purpofe.
That Leave be given to bring in a BiU, pxorfuant to the Prayer of the faid that M' Richard Henry Lee and M"' Henry Lee do prepare and bring in
the fame. M'' Archibald Cary reported, from the Committee of pubHc Claims, that the Committee had, according to Order, had under their Confideration the Petition of Merry-
and Loury's Warehoufes, to them referred, and had come to a Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame was read, and is as followeth,
Carter, Infpedlors at Davif's
it is
and that the faid Petitioners ought to be allowed by the PubHc, at the Rate of twenty Shillings per Centtmi, for one thoufand fix hundred and forty nine Poimds of Crop Tobacco, and two Pence per Potmd for fix hundred and feventy Pounds of Tranffer, which was flolen out of the faid Warehoufes, amotmting, in the whole, to the Sum of twenty two Poimds one Shilling and five Pence Halfpenny. The faid Refolution being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. A Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the Coimty of Charlotte, and Parifh of Cornwall, whose Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth, That the Petitioners and others, who make no Tobacco, fufier grievous Oppreffion under the Exadlions of CoUedlors of PubHc, Coimty, and Parifh Levies, who are by Law impowered do diftrain for luch levies before Tranffer Tobacco can be proctu"ed to difcharge them and therefore praying, that an Adl may pafs, afcertaining the Price of Tobacco due for the faid Levies, and preventing too early Diftreffes, or
That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as
of a
fhaU appear to
and Grievances. and free Negroes, whofe Names are thereA tmto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Hotife, and read, praying that the Wives and Daughters of the Petitioners may be exempt from the Payment of Levies. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee: n
it is
referred to the
of Propofitions
it is
referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. That the Chaplain to this Hotife attend to read Prayers at eight
of the
That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, that the Rev. appointed Chaplain to this Hotife, and that he will attend to read Prayers,
Woodbridge be added to the Committee for Religion, and to the Committees of Privileges and Eledlions, and Propofitions and Grievances. Ordered, That M'' Glafcock be added to the Committee of public Claims. On a Motion made, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to amend the Adl intituled, "An Adl- to amend the Adl for the better Government of Servants and Slaves;" And that M"^ Archibald Gary, and M"' Richard Lee, do prepare and bring in the fame. M'' Edmund Pendleton reported, from the Committee appointed to draw up an Addrefs, to be prefented to the Governor, that the Committee had drawn up an Addrefs accordingly, which they had direded him to report to the Houfe and he read the fame in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame was read, and is as followeth, viz.
That That
his Majefty's
mo ft dutiful and loyal Subjeds, the Burgeffes of Virginia, now met humbly beg Leave to return your Excellency our fincere and unfeigned Thanks for your very affedionate Speech at the Opening of this Seffion; and we do with the higheft Satiffadion and Pleafure embrace this firft opportunity which has been
in General Affembly,
your Government, and your fafe and early Arrival. The Affurances of the Royal Favour, communicated to us through your Excellency, cannot but imprefs the Heart of every Virginian with the moft lively and indelible Sentiments of Duty and Affedion. Permit us then, my Lord, to renew our Affurances to your
Excellency on your Appointment
to this
offered us, as well for ourfelves, as in Behalf of all our Gonftituants, to congratulate
and Government,
the real
His Majefty's gracious Appointment of your Lordfhip to fo important a Station, at fame Time that it holds forth to the world the ftrongeft Evidence of your Lordship's exceeding Merit, is a recent Proof to us of his paternal Affedion for this his ancient and
loyal Golony.
We receive with equal Pleafure and Gratitude the Intimation of his Majefty's gracious Purpofe, that his chief Governors of Virginia fhall in future refide within their Government, as from hence we are purfuaded, that much Honour and many fignal Advantages
to the
to infpire, that
Colony; and we do affure your Lordfhip, with that Sincerity which we efteem, as a peculiar Mark of the Royal Attention to
of fo
As we
on the
we do very
all its
Birth of a Princefs, an additional and endearing Pledge to the Britifh Nation Connedions; and it is with great Pleafure we learn, that her Majefty and the
Royal Infant are in perfed Health. It is an indifpen fable Duty which we owe to our Gonftituents, and which at pre fent is ftrongly enforced by your Lordfhip' s Recommendation and Advice, that we fhould difpaffionately, and with greateft Candour, confider the important Bufinefs upon which we
Hening, VIII,
p. 135.
fhall be difcuffed
It only remains,
Lord, for us
to offer
up our moft
your Lordfhip with all wifdom, and that his Majefty will Ruler of a free and happy People.
That the Hotife doth agree with the Committee be prefented to the Governor. Refolved, That the faid Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency by the whole Houfe. Ordered, That the Gentlemen who drew up the faid Addrefs, do wait upon the Governor to know his Pleafure, when this Houfe fhall attend his Excellency, to prefent
their Addrefs.
being read, for the Hotife to refolve of the whole Houfe, to confider of the Governor's Speech
of the
The Order
into a
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-Morrow Morning
9 ^eo.
Petition of
Fortune, a Negro
to the Gaol of Effex County, accufed of Felony and Burglary, was acquitted of the Burglary, the Commiffioners of Oyer and Terminer, before whom he was " tried, being equally divided in their Opinions, as to his Guilt of that Crime, and was convidled of Felony, and burned in the Hand, and received corporal Pvmifhment but that by the Inclemency of the Weather, the faid Slave, during his Confinement in Gaol before his
was taken of him, and foon afterwards perifhed and praying to be allowed the Value of as well as a reafonable Satiffadlion for the Trouble and Expence of
faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a
That the
that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Hovife.
Committee: appear to
it is
referred to the
of public Claims.
Petition of Jofeph Ligon, of the Cotmty of Halifax, was prefented to the Houfe read; fetting forth. That the Petitioner is Proprietor of a Tradl of Land in the faid
Coimty, on the North Side of Dan River and that a Ferry from thence to the Land of Alexander Roberts, on the South Side of the faid River, will be of Service to the Public and therefore praying that an A(5l may pafs to appoint a Ferry at that Place. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee: And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
it is
referred to the
of Propofitions
of Brunfwick,
thereimto fubfcribed: And alfo A Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the Cotinty of Southampton, whofe A nd alfo thereunto fubfcribed
of Suffex
imto fubfcribed,
Were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That the lately increafed Rates of Ferriage at Swan's Point, James Town, and Crouche's Creek, are unreafonable and oppreffive and therefore praying that the faid Rates may be reduced.
be referred to the Confideration of a Comexamine the do Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall they mittee: And that appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
That the
And it is referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. M"' Edmund Pendleton reported to the Houfe, that the Governor having been waited purfuant to the Order of yefterday, to know his Pleafure when he would be attended
Houfe, had been pleafed to appoint to be attended this Day, in the Council Chamber, and to fay he would acquaint the Houle, by a Meffenger of his own, when he
was ready to receive their Addrefs. M' Richard Henry Lee, reported from the Committee of Courts of Juftice, that the faid Committee had, according to Order, infpedted the Journals of the laft Seffion of Affembly, and drawn up a State of the Matters then depending and undetermined, and the Progrefs that was made therein and had diredled him to report the fame, as and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards it appeared to them, to the Houfe delivered it in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame was read, and is as followeth, viz. It appears to this Committee, That at the firft Seffion of the faid Affembly, a Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the County of Augufta, praying a Divifion thereof, alfo a Petition in Oppofition thereto, were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read and on a Motion made, it was ordered, that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom Petitions to the fame Effedl with the above had been committed, fhould be difcharged from proceeding therein, and that all the faid Petitions be referred to the then
That an Accovmt of Tunftall Banks, Adminiftrator, &c. of William Banks, deceafed, for Pay as Lieutenant for 6i Days; alfo a Claim of Captain Walter Cunningham, for 'j. lo s. for which a Soldier, in his Company of Militia, obtained a Judgment againft him, in the Cotmty Court of Augufta: And alfo a Claim of Jacob Jack fon for 44 Days Sendee, as a Soldier in Captain Cunningham's Company of Militia, were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and received, and referred to the then next Seffion of Affembly. On a Motion made to the Hotife, it was ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances be difcharged from confidering the Petition of Job Pearfal, to them committed; and that the faid Petition fhould be referred to the then next Seffion of
It alfo appears to this Committee, That at the fecond Seffion of the faid Affembly two other Petitions of fundry Inhabitants of the County of Augufta, praying that the faid County may be divided, were prefented to the Houfe, and read, and referred to the
That a
Petition of
John Thomas,
made known, that it was defired a Number of Voluntiers King's Troops commanded by Col. Bouquet on that Expedition, the
actually inlift fourteen able Men,
Petitioner did
upon the Affurance that he fhould have the Rank of equally entitled an Enfign, and be to any Advantage or Emolument which might arife to Officers of the fame Rank, who fhould enter into that Service. That the Petitioner had been informed, his Name was left out of the Lift of Officers, who obtained an Allowance from the Houfe, by Miftake; and praying, that the Houfe would take the fame into their Confideration, and make him fuch allowance as they may think equitable.
A Petition of George Slaughter, fetting forth, that in the Year 1764 he entered hima Voluntier to ferve in the Expedition againft the Indian Towns, imder the Command of Col. Bouquet; that, upon its being fignified to be the Defire of the General Affembly, that a Nimiber of the Voluntiers fhould ferve on Horfeback, the Petitioner furnifhed himfelf with a fuitable Horfe for that Service that, upon a Peace being con;
of diftreffed Prifoners
being delivered up, the Petitioner's Horfe was employed on their Return in carrying fome of thofe reftored Captives, by which Means the faid Horfe was loft that the Petitioner therefore hiunbly hoped this Honourable Houfe would take the fame into Con;
and grant him fuch Allowances as they might think Reafonable, as he was actuated by Principals of pubUc Spirit to enter into that Service, and without ExpedtaAlfo tion of receiving any Reward for his Services. A Petition of Benjamin Foreman, praying that an Adl may pafs to eftablifh a Ferry over the River Potowmack, from his Land in the Cotmty of Frederick, to the Land of Lord Baltimore, in the Province of Maryland. Alfo A Petition of Benjamin Grubb, of the Town of Winchefter, fetting forth. That in the Spring of the Year 1755 his Houfe in the faid Town was, by Order of Col. Stephen, commanding Officer of the Virginia Troops, then ftationed there, taken and converted into an Hofpital, for the Ufe of the Soldiers, who kept Pofeffion thereof for that Piirpofe, about eight Months and during that Time deftroyed the Palling of the Lot on which the Houfe ftood entirely, and the Plaftering of the Houfe, ripped off the Weatherboards of the Dwelling Houfe and Stable, and did the Petitioner other Confiderable Damage, valued by Workmen to above forty Poimds, for which Sir John St. Clair, to whom the But the PetiPetitioner delivered the Eftimate, promifed to procure an Allowance. tioner had never heard any Thing more of it, nor received any Satiffa(5lion for the ufe of his Houfe, or the Injury done him by the Soldiers and praying the Houfe to take the Matter imder Confideration, and make him fuitable Amends were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read, and referred to the Confideration of the then next Seffion of
; ;
That upon a Motion made, it was ordered, that all fuch Claims and other Matters as were referred from the firft to the fecond Seffion of the laft Affembly, and alfo all fuch as were certified to the faid fecond Seffion of Affembly, fhould be referred to the Confideration of the then next Seffion of Affembly.
That the
praying a Divifion thereof, and alfo the Petition in feveral Petitions of Job Pearfall and Benjamin Foreman, in the faid Report mentioned, be feverally referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matters thereof, and report the fame, as they fhall appear to them, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Houfe. Ordered, That the Account of Tunftall Banks, Adminiftrator, &c. of William Banks, deceafed, and alfo the Claim of Capt. Walter Cunningham, and alfo the Claim of Jacob Jackfon, and alfo the feveral Petitions of John Thomas, George Slaughter and Benjamin
Grubb, in the faid Report aKo mentioned, be feverally referred to the Confideration of And that they do examine the Matters thereof, and the Committee of public Claims
report the fame, as they fhaU appear to them, with their Opinions thereupon, to the
Governor, by
now ready
to receive
up and being
rettimed, he reported,
that the Houfe had attended the Governor with their Addrefs, to which his Excellency was pleafed to give this Anfwer:
Speaker and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes, I Cordially pray for that Wifwhich you have kindly implored the Almighty to grant me. My Situation calls for it, and the People of Virginia have a Right to exped it. When my gracious Mafter ordered me here, he commanded me to do Juftice, and to
maintain the Rights of all his Subjeds; I joyfully accepted the glorious Command, and in the Execution of it will exert honeft Zeal, which all good Men will approve.
His Majefty fhall be fully informed of your Expreffions of Gratitude, Loyalty, and Attachment to his facred Perfon and Government, and fhall be told of your Kindnefs to me."
A Petition
are thereunto
and read fetting forth the deftrudtive Tendency Small-Pox; and therefore praying that no fuch Practice may Inoculation with the
was prefented
be allowed in Virginia.
A Petition of feveral perfons, Inhabitants of the Borough and County of Norfolk, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was aKo prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth the Inconveniences from Inoculation with the Small-Pox; and therefore praying that an A6t may pafs for ref training and regulating the Practice of Inoculation. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be feverally referred to the Confideration of a Committee And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. And they are referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. M'' Bland reported from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had, according to Order, had imder their Confideration feveral Petitions to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and
from the Payment of Levies, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Counties of Hanover and King William, praying Relief againft the Burthen and Expence of clearing Pamunkey River from Crutchfield's, Page's and Meriwether' s Warehoufes, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Minifter and Veftry of Saint Mark's Parifh, in the Coimty of Culpeper, praying that an A<51 may pafs to enable them to fell the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and to purchafe a better and
more convenient Glebe, is reafonable. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion
feverally put thereupon, agreed to
by the Houfe.
be brought
purfuant to the faid Refolutions, which have been of Propofitions and Grievances do
mental; and praying the Houfe to take the fame under Confideration, and apply an adequate Remedy. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee:
appear to
it is
referred to the
of Propofitions
and Grievances.
Coimty of Loudoun, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth. That the faid Parifh is very extenfive, and inconvenient to the People who refide in the upper Parts thereof and praying that the faid Parifh may be divided in the Manner and upon the Terms mentioned in a Scheme to
eron, in the
; ;
That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear
it is
referred to the
for Religion.
County of Augufta, whole Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read taking Notice, that fundry Petitions had been prefented to the Houfe for dividing the faid Coionty and praying that the faid Covmty may be divided by the North Branch of James River, up to the Mouth of Carr's Creek, by the faid Creek to the Head thereof, and thence by a ftraight Line parallel with that which divides Frederick County from Augufta. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee: And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear
of the
to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. And it is referred to the Committee of Propofitions
and Grievances. Covmty of Lunenburg, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth. That upwards of one hundred and fifty Pounds of the public Money, colleded by the Petitioner, as Sheriff of the faid County, was ftolen from him on the 12 th Day of July 1763, although he had taken proper Care to fecvu-e the fame, by which Lofs he was rendered imable to difcharge a Balance due from him to the Treafurer for Taxes and praying the Houfe to allow to him the faid one hundred and fifty
That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as
of a
them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. m And it is referred to the Committee of public Claims. Ordered, That M"' Thomas Harrifon, M'' Hamilton, and M"' Thomfon Mafon, be added to the Committee for ReUgion. A Petition of Fielding Turner, of the Cotmty of Loudoun, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth. That being Captain of a Company of the Militia of Fairfax Cotmty, in 1758, and, in Obedience to an Order of his Commanding Officer, having drawn ten Men out of his Company, and one of thofe Soldiers not being fumifhed with
a Gun, the Petitioner fupplied him with one which he impreffed, and which was appraifed to four Pounds; and that the Owner of the faid Gim commenced Suit in the County Court of Loudoun againft the Petitioner, and recovered Judgment in 1767, for four Povmds, and the Coft of Suit, and praying to be reimburfed the faid Svim
That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to
Committee of public Claims. A Petition of the Minifter and Veftry of the Parifh of Meherrin, in the County of Brunfwick, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth the inconvenient Situation of the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and that the Manfion Houfe thereon had been deftroyed by Fire; and praying that the Petitioners may be impowered to fell the faid Glebe, and purchafe other Land in Lieu thereof. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee: And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to
to the
And it is referred
Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. A Petition of Daniel Cargill, of the County of Charlotte, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That a Road, convenient to Travellers, runs through the Petitioner's Land in the faid County, and croffes the River Staunton near his Houfe, where there is no Ferry and praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from the faid Land of the Petitioner, over the faid River, to the Land of Thomas Cobbs, in the Coimty of
it is
referred to the
That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee: And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to
it is
referred to the
of Propofitions
and Grievances.
A Petition of Richard Jones was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That a Ferry from his Land, in the County of Halifax, over the River Dan, to the Land of Miles Selden, Clerk, would be ufeful to the Public; and praying that an Adt may pafs for appointing a Ferry at that Place.
That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee: And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear
to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
of Propofitions
and Grievances.
the feveral A<5ls of Affembly
Bill to repeal
M'' Starke,
Pendleton reported, from the Committee of Privileges and Ele(5lions, that the Committee had, according to Order, had under their Confideration the Petition
of M''
of Norfolk,
the Opinion of this Committee, that the Subjedt-Matter of the faid Petition be heard before the Committee, on Tuefday the 30*'' Inftant.
it is
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the petitioner give to the Member, at leaft Ten Days before the hearing of the faid Petition, a Lift, in Writ-
ing, of the
Name, the
Member do
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petitioner give to the fitting Member, at leaft Ten Days before the hearing of the faid Petition, a Lift, in Writing, of the Perfons to whom the fitting Member, or his Friends, gave Money, or other Things, to induce them to vote for the fitting Member, fpecifying the Sums of Money, and other Things, fo given, againft fuch Perfons Names, as alfo the Names of the Perfons by whom the fame was given. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the petitioner give to the fitting Member, at leaft Ten Days before the hearing of the faid Petition, a Lift, in Writing, of the Perfons, who, by Tumults and Riots, interrupted the Freedom of the faid Eledlion, and prevented any Perfons from voting for the Petitioner. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Upon a Motion made, Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee for Religion, that they prepare and bring in a Bill for exempting his Majefty's Proteftant Diffenters from the Penalties
of certain Laws.
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-Marrow Morning
M'' Richard Lee be added to the Committee of propofitions and Grievances. Upon a Motion made. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that they prepare and bring in a Bill to amend an Adl, entitled, "An ad' for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cnftoms."
Hening, VIII,
p. 69.
and other Inhabitants of the County of Charles City, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth the inconvenient Situations of Kennon's, and Swinyard's Warehoufes;
and praying that they may be difcontinued, and, inftead of them, other Warehotifes eftablifhed on the Lands of Samuel Harwood the younger, of Wyam Oak, on both Sides
of Queen's Creek,
That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
A Complaint being made to the Houfe, that, in Breach of the privilege of this Houfe,
M' Walter Coles had charged M' Nathaniel Terry, a Member of this Hotife, with having made, when he was High Sheriff of Halifax, in the Abfence of his Relation, who was Under-Sheriff, feveral falfe Entries in his faid Under-Sheriff 's Books, and alfo having
brought a Suit againft his faid Deputy, for Monies which appeared by the faid Entries And aKo, that the faid to have been received by the faid Nathaniel Terry himfelf Walter Coles, fince he came to Town, told a Member of the Houfe, that a Horfe was taken out of a Pafture, and was tracked about Twenty Miles, and that M'' Terry was found upon the Back of the faid Horfe the following Day Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of privileges and Elections, to examine the Matter of the faid Complaint, and to report the fame with their Opinion thereupon,
to the Houfe.
M' Theodorick Bland was prefented to the Houfe, and read, complaining of an tmdue Eledtion and Return of M' Peter Poythrefs, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Prince George. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it
A Petition
M' Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had, according to Order, had tmder their Confideration fundry Petitions to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and
are as followeth,
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of ftmdry Inhabitants of the County of Hanover, praying that they may be impowered to export
their refufed Tobacco,
it is
Inhabitants of the Parifh of Cornwall, and County of Charlotte, praying Relief againft
the oppreffive Exadlions of the CoUedlors of Public, Cotmty, and Parifh Levies,
it is
the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Jofeph may be eftablifhed from his Land, on the North Side of
of Alexaiider
on the South Side, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the petition of Richard Jones, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from his Land, on the South Side of Dan River, in the County of Halifax, acrofs the faid River, to the Land of Miles Selden, Clerk, on the oppofite Side, be reje<5led. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Daniel Cargill, praying that a Ferry may be eftablished from his Land, on the North Side of Staunton River, in the Cotmty of Charlotte, acrofs the faid River, to the Lands of Thomas Cobbs, in the County of Halifax, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Manufadturers of Leather, within this Colony, praying Relief againft the Expectation of raw
the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Minifter Cotmty of Brunfwick, praying that they may be the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and to pm-chafe a better and more conit is
venient Glebe, is reafonable. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe.
be brought in, purfuant to the fecond, third, fifth, fixth, and feventh of the faid Refolutions, which have been agreed to by the Houfe and that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the fame. M' Archibald Gary reported, from the Committee of Public Claims, that the Committee had, according to Order, had under their Confideration, feveral Petitions to them referred and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards deHvered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as folOrdered,
it is
and that he ought to be allowed by the Public the Stun of 6o. for the faid Slave. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Conunittee, that the Petition of Henry Kidd, to be allowed for a Slave who was committed to the Gaol of Effex Cotmty, for Felony and Btirglary, and, in the Time of his Confinement, got fo Froft-bitten, that, notwithftanding all neceffary Care was ttfed, he died foon after his Trial, is reafonable; and that he ought to be allowed by the Public the Stmi of 6o,. for the faid Slave. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Anthony Street, to be allowed for a Horfe, which died in removing a Criminal to the public Gaol, and for his Expences upon the faid Criminal, in his Removal, be rejedted. The Two firft Refolutions of the Committee, being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. The fubfequent Refolution of the Committee, being read a fecond Time; Ordered, That the faid Refolution be re-committed to the faid Committee. Ordered, That M'' Alexander be added to the Committee for Religion. A Petition of Thomas Field, Gentleman, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that a Rimaway Negro Man Slave, belonging to the Petitioner, having been regularly outlawed, and attempting to murder one Shurles, was killed by the faid Shurles, in his own Defence and praying to be allowed the Value of the faid Slave. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear
it is
referred to the
The Order of the Day being read Refolved, That this Hotife will, upon Monday
into a
then the
Houfe adjourned
That M-- Peyton, M' Tebbs, M^ Simpfon, and M*- David Mafon, be added to the Committee for Religion. Simpfon, M"" Cocke, M"' David Mafon, M' Read, Ordered, That M'' Tebbs, and M"' Starke, be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. Ordered, That this House be called over upon Tuefday next. Mj Edmund Pendleton reported, from the Committee of Privileges and Ele<5lions, that the Committee had had under their Confideration the Petition of Roger Dixon, to
them referred, complaining of an vmdue Eledlion and Return of M' Benjamin Grymes, and M'' Peter Marye, to ferve as Burgeffes in this prefent General Affembly, for the Coxmty of Spotfylvania, and had agreed upon a Report, and come to a Refolution thereupon and he read the Report and Refolution in his Place, and afterwards delivered them in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. It appears to the Committee, that M'' Jofeph Brock was appointed Sheriff of the County of Spotfylvania, by Commiffion, dated the iS"" Day of Odoher, 1766, and was fwom into OfKce, and gave Bond for the due Execution thereof in the faid Cotmty Court, in or after the Month of November following. That a Commiffion was iffued by w thePrefident and Commander in Chief, dated the *'' Day of Odober, 1768, appointing That his Excellency the Governor arrived M'' John Carter to be Sheriff of the faid Cotmty in this Colony the 25*'' Day of that Month, and iffued a Proclamation, dated the ae***, declaring that all Magiftrates and Officers, civil and military, fhould contiiaue and remain in all and fingular their Powers, Authority, and Jurifdidlions, until further That on the 7"" Day of November following, and not Order fliould be taken therein. before, the faid Carter produced the Prefident's Commiffion to the faid County Court, and was fwom into Office, having entered into Bond, with Security, for the due Execution thereof and, under that Authority, received the Writ for Ele(5lion of Burgeffes, appointed the Day of Eledlion, and caufed Notice thereof to be duly pubUfhed. That before the Day of Eledlion, the faid Carter received a Commiffion to be Sheriff, from his Excellency the Governor, ordered in Cotmcil the 5"", and dated the as*'' of November, and was duly fwom into the faid Office, and the Day after fuch Qualification, caufed the faid Ele(5tion to be made, and returned the fitting Members to have been then and
put, That the Houfe do agree with the Committee in the amended, that the faid Eledlion, made in the Manner aforefaid,
iffue for
the eledling of Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the Cotmty of Spotfylvania, in the room of M'' Benjamin Grymes, and M'' Peter Marye, whole Eledlion was declared illegal and that M"' Edmund Pendleton, and M"' Thompfon Mafon, do wait
his Excellency
that the Committee had had under their ConQderation the Petition of M'' Theodorick Bland, to them referred, complaining of an tmdue Eledlion and Return of M"' Peter Poythrefs,
to ferve as a Burgefs in this Prefent General Affembly for the County of Prince
which he read
in his Place,
afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read,
and are as
followeth, viz.
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Perfons who voted at the faid Eledlion, whofe Freeholds are queftioned, either by the Petitioner, or fitting Member, be examined on Oath before William Allen, Walter Peter, James Buchanan,
and James
Belfches, Gentlemen, or any Three of them or, before Neill Buchanan, Neill Buchanan, Jtmior, Roger Atkinfon, and Patrick Ramfay, or any Three of them, whether they be Freeholders or not, except fuch of them as did fwear to their Freeholds at
: ;
the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petitioner, and fitting Member, be at Liberty to examine Witneffes before the fame Perfons, as to the Freehold of any Perfon, who voted at the faid Ele(5lion, although fuch Perfons fwore to their
it is
Freeholds at the Eledlion, or fhall fwear to them at the Examination: And that it be to the Perfons, before whom fuch Examinations are taken, to examine how long fuch Voters have been in Poffeffion of, and paid Quit-Rents for the Lands or Tenements, in right of which they voted at the Election, and that they return the Depofitions.
an Inftrudlion
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petitioner give to the Member, Ten Days Notice of the Time and Place, when and where, he intends to examine his Witneffes: AKo a Lift, in Writing, of the Names of the Voters he intends to except to, diftinguifliing, againft each Name, the feveral Heads of Exception and that the fitting Member do the like to the Petitioner. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Subject Matter of the faid Petition, be heard before the Committee, on Thurfday the Firft Day of June next. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion
by the Houfe.
the Matter, as
Pendleton reported, from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, appeared to them, touching the Complaint that M"' Walter Coles had
Nathanial Terry, a Member of this Hoirfe, Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame was read And the Houfe being informed, that M'' Coles, when he was before the faid Committee, had declared that he had heard other Reports againft M'' Terry, than what are contained in the faid Complaint, equally difadvantageous to his Reputation; and M' Terry, in his Place, defiring that M"' Coles might be at Liberty to lay the fame before the faid Committee Ordered, That the faid Report be re-committed. Ordered, That the faid Report be re-committed to the fame Committee. Ordered, That it be an Inftru(5tion to the faid Committee, that they receive any new Matter which M'' Coles fhall offer againft M'' Terry, fo as the fame be reduced to Writing; and that the faid Committee do examine the whole Matter, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
uttered certain fcandalous
Houfe, until
to be abfent
for a Fortnight.
Bland prefented to the Houfe, from the Committee of Correfpondence, according to Order, the Letters which have paffed between the faid Committee, and the Agent for this Colony, for the laft preceding Five Years, with the Papers referred to in the faid Letters. Ordered, That the faid Letters and Papers do lie upon the Table, to be penafed by the Members of the Houfe. Ordered, That M"' Lyne have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe,
That M'' Read be added to the Committee of Public Claims. That M'' Mofeley be added to the Committee of Trade. And then the Houfe adjourned till Monday Morning Eleven of the Clock.
yUonba^, t^e
of yUa^, 9 (Beo.
to the Houfe,
was prefented
and read
fetting forth.
under the Will of his Grandfather, James Bnrwell, deceafed, of a Tra(5l of Land, containing Four Thoufand Eight Hundred and Eighty Acres, fituate in the County of Ifle of Wight, which Lands are of mean Quahty and that it will be an Advantage to the Heir, if the Entail of the faid Lands fhall be docked, and the fame vefted in Truftees, to be fold, and the Money arifing from
feized in Fee-Tail,
from fuch Sale, laid out in the Purchafe of other Lands and Slaves, to be fettled to the fame Ufes and praying that an Adl of Affembly may pafs for that Purpofe Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill according to the Prayer of the faid Petition and that M'' Lewis Burwell, of James City, do prepare and bring in the fame. The Houfe being informed, that the Sheriff of the County of Charles City, attended at the Door: Ordered, That he amend the Return of the Writ for eledling Burgeffes for his County, intheOflfice: And the fame was amended accordingly. A Petition of the Freeholders and Hotifekeepers of the Parifh of Overwharton, in the County of Stafford, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read complaining of fundry illegal Practices, and unwarrantable Proceedings of the Veftr}' of the faid Parifh and praying that the faid Veftr}' may be diffolved. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee for Rehgion and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon,
to the Houfe.
a Motion made.
Ordered That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for fuppreffmg and preventing And that M' Eyre do prepare and bring in the fame. private Lotteries
whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented and read; fetting forth, that another Infpedlion of Tobacco, in the Town of Dumfries, in the Coimty of Prince William, would be of public Utility and therefore praying that another Infpedlion may be appointed on the Lots, numbered 171, and 172, in the faid Town. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
Petition of feveral Perfons,
to the Houfe,
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the Cotmty of Augufta, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that American Hemp is confiderably depreciated b}^ the Negligence of many Perfons who make it and praying that an Adl may pafs for the Infpedtion of Hemp, in the fame, or fome fuch Manner, as Tobacco is infpedled, and that Infpedlors Notes, for Hemp, may pafs in Payment, for the Difcharge of Public, County, and Parifh Levies. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Trade; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Ordered, That the Order of the Day, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider the Governor's Speech, be difcharged. Refolved, That this Houfe will, To-morrow, confider of the prefent State of the
Refolved, That this Houfe will, To-morrow, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider of the prefent State of the Colony. Ordered, That the Part of the Governor's Speech to the Coimcil, and this Houfe, wherein his Excellency was pleafed to fay, / have nothing to afk, but that you confider well, and follow exadly, without Paffion or Prejudice, the real Inter efts of thofe you have
reprefent; they are moft certainly confiftent with the Profpertty of Great-
Britain and fo they will for ever he found, referred to the faid Committee.
written to the refpedlive Speakers of the AffembHes and Reprefentatives on this Continent, which were ordered to lie upon the Table, be referred to the faid Committee.
Ordered, That the Letters which have paffed between the Committee of Correfpondence, and the Agent for this Colony, for the laft Five Years, and the Papers referred to by them, which were ordered to lie upon the Table, be referred to the faid Committee.
M' Starke prefented to the Hotife, according to Order, a Bill to repeal the feveral Adls of Affembly now in Force, prohibiting the tending of Seconds, or Tobacco-Suckers; and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time.
A Petition of John Beafley, of the County of Buckingham, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that a Runaway Negro Women Slave of the Petitioner, having been outlawed, was difabled by a Tree which fell upon her as fhe lay hid, and afterwards was burned to Death and praying the Houfe to make him fuch Allowance for the faid Negro, as fhall feem juft and reafonable. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of PubUc Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion there;
Ordered, That M'' James Walker, M"' Eyre, Robert Munford, of Mecklenburg, M"" Lewis Burwell, of James City, M"" William Digges, M"" Dudley Digges, M'' Benjamin Harrifon, M"' Wafhington, M'' Cocke, M'' Paramore, M'' Richard Randolph, M' elfon, Starke, My Jones, John Wilfon, of Augufta, and M'' Richard Lee, be added to the
for Religion.
Committee of Privileges and Eledlions. Ordered, That M"" Glafcock be added to the Committee of Courts of Juftice. Ordered, That M'' Riddick, and M"' John Tayloe Corbin, be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. M"' Treaftirer reported, from the Committee for Rehgion, that the Committee had had imder their Conlideration, Two Petitions to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of Hamilton, in the Counties of Fauquier and Prince William pray;
the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Inhabithe Parifh of Cameron, in the County of Loudoun, praying a Divifion thereof, tants of
it is
by the
purfuant to the faid Refolutions and for Religion, do prepare and bring in the fame. A Petition of William Mitchell, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth. That, in 1767, the Petitioner, being an Under-Sheriff of York County, had collecfted from the Inhabitants thereof, Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds, in Paper Money, for their Poll and Wheel-Taxes, which he intended to pay into the Hands of the Treafurer, and thought he had effedtually fecured, by locking the fame up in a private Drawer of a good Defk but, that on the Twenty-/econd Day of Auguft, in the fame Year, fome Perfon, or Perfons, yet undifcovered, breaking open Two Doors of the Houfe wherein the Defk ftood, and likewife the Defk, ftole thereout the Money aforefaid, which the Petitioner hath never been able to recover; and praying the Houfe to take his unforOrdered,
or Bills, be brought
tunate Cafe into their Confideration, and adl therein as to them fhall feem juft. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion
of the Clock.
and repeated and fubfcribed the Teft, took his Place in the Hovife. A Petition of Thomas Prieft was prefented to the Houfe, and read; letting forth, That the Petitioner enlifted a Voliontier in Captain Rnffell's Company of MiHtia, on the Fifteenth Day of May, 1764, and continued as a Soldier in the Sen-ice and that, by till the Fifteenth Day of December following, when he was difcharged inftead of fome Miftake, he had been allowed Pay for 151 Days only, 215; and therefore praying an Allowance of Pay for the remaining 64 Days of his Ser\'ice. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of PubUc Claims and that they do examine the ilatter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion there;
upon, to the Houfe. M'' Archibald Cary reported, from the Committee of PubHc Claims, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterw-ards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, liz. On Confideration of the Petition of Thomas Fields, it appears to your Committee, that on the Eleventh Day of June, 1768, your Petitioner obtained a legal Outlawry,
Two Juftices of the Peace of Prince George Cotmty, againft the RunSlave away Shropfhire, therein mentioned, which was publiflied once at Two Chiirches in the Parifli of Briftol, but at no other in the faid Cotmty and that the faid Slave was
under the Hands of
have faid that Colonel Terry, when he was Sheriff of Halifax, did tindertake to make an Entry in the Book of Champnefs Terry, who was his Under-Sheriff, in his Abfence, without his Knowledge or Content. That the Entry was a faKe one; and, by that Entry, he did endeavor to prejudice the Characfter of the faid Champnefs, by acciofmg him of having received Money, as his Under-Sheriff which he had never paid to him. I aKo did tell Colonel Terry, in a private Converfation we had in the Morning after I came to Town, that I informed one Ralph Jack fan, of Chefter field County, did publickly fay, that he loft a Horfe out of his Pafture; that he hired Two Men to go after him; that they tracked the Horfe to the Diftance of Twenty odd Miles; and that, when they came up with him. Colonel Terry was on the Back of the Horfe. And I have fmce mentioned it to others, but in fuch Manner, that it could not poffibly operate to the Prejudice of Colonel Terry; for I told them, it was only a flying Report, and, as fuch, not to be depended upon." Whereupon the Committee proceeded to examine feveral Witneffes; and it appeared to the Committee, that in refpedt to the firft Charge, the Words fpoken by M"" Coles, were the fame as are contained in his Acknowledgment aforefaid: That, in refpedl to the latter the Words were the fame as mentioned in the Information, except, that M'' Coles did not fpeak the Words as of his own Knowledge, but that there was a Report to fuch Effedl. The faid Walter Coles then informing the Committee, that he had other Charges againft the faid M'' Nathaniel Terry, delivered in a further Writing in thefe Words "That Colonel Terry, by a falfe Reprefentation of Fadls, did obtain an Order from the Court of Halifax, to be paid Ten Pounds out of the County Levy, for maintaining a Bridge longer, as he affirmed, than by his Agreement he was obliged to do but that, fome Time after it was further inquired into, and found, that fo far from his having maintained it longer, near Two Years of the Time was to expire Upon which the Order was rev erfed. "That Colonel Terry, when he was Sheriff of Halifax, had an Execution given him againft Perkins, which Execution he returned ferved on a Negro and the Negro run away. That it remained in that State for a confiderable Time and Colonel Terry never gave the Gentleman, who was appointed to receive the Money, and who made Application for it, although he was in the County regularly every Month, any reafon to believe he had got One Shilling of it. At length it was difcovered, that near Two Years before, the greateft Part of it had been paid, and a Receipt given for it by a young Man, {Benjamin Terry) who, I believe, lived in the Houfe with Colonel Terry, and was employed as his Deputy. "That a Suit was brought in the Court of Halifax, againft Colonel Terry, on his Affumpfit, for ufmg a Stray Horfe and that a Report ftrongly prevails, that the faid Terry agreed to pay Two Piftoles to accommodate the Difpute touching the faid Horfe. "That I was informed Two Stray Horfes were feen tied at Colonel Terry's, and a few Days afterwards one of them was branded, either with Colonel Terry's Brand, or the Brand of a yotmg Man who lived with him, was his near Relation, and who, on many Occafions, was known to be the faid Terry's Agent. "That in the Year 1756, or 1757, when Colonel Terry commanded a Ranging Company on the Frontiers, he, with his Company, and others, built Three Forts, and he promifed that he would fee them well paid. He has fmce been applied to for the Money, but gave for Anfwer, he could not get any for them although it appears from the Schedule referred to, by an Adl paffed in the 32d Year of the Reign of George the Second, entituled, An AA^ for the Defence of the Frontiers of this Colony, and for other Purpofes, therein mentioned, that the faid Terry had received Money for the faid Ser\4ces." Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that as well the faid Walter Coles, as the fitting Member be at Liberty to examine Witneffes before Clement Reade, Thomas Tunftall, William Stokes, and Robert Wooding, Gentlemen, or any Three of them,
"I moft readily acknowledge
; :
Hening, VII.p. 171.
touching the feveral Charges of the faid Complaint; and that they return the Depofitions to this Committee. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Walter Coles give to the fitting Member, Ten Days Notice of the Time and Place, when and where he intends to examine his Witneffes, and that the fitting Member do the like to the faid Walter
it is
be heard before the Committee, on Mmiday the Twelfth Day of June next. faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider of the prefent State of the Colony Ordered, That the Statute made in the Twenty-fixth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, entitled. An Ad' whereby Offences be made High Treafon, and taking away all Sandnaries for all Manner of High Treafons; Alfo one other Statute, made in the Thirty-fifth Year of the fame King's Reign, entituled, An Ad' for the Trial of Treafons committed out of the King's Dominions; And alfo one other Statute, made in the Firft and fecond Years of the Reign of King Philip, and Queen Mary, Chapter the Tenth, be referred to the faid Committee. Then the Houfe refolved itfelf into the faid Committee.
the Chair.
M' Blair reported, from the Committee, that they had come to feveral Refolutions; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the fole Right of impofing Taxes on the Inhabitants of this his Majefty's Colony and Dominion of Virginia, is now, and ever hath been, legally and conftitutionally vefted in the Hotife of Burgeffes, lawfully convened according to the ancient and eftablifhed Practice, with the Confent of the Cotmcil, and of his Majefty, the King of Great-Britain, or his Governor, for the Time
it is
it is
lege of the Inhabitants of this Colony, to petition their Soverign for Redrefs of Griev-
ances; and that it is lawful and expedient to procure the Concurrence of his Majefty's other Colonies, in dutiful Addreffes, praying the royal Interpolition in Favour of the Violated Rights of America. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that all Trials for Treafon, Mif-
any Felony or Crime whatfoever, committed and done in this Colony and Dominion, by any Perfon or Perfons refiding therein, ought of Right to be had, and condudled in and before his Majefty's Courts, held within the faid Colony, according to the fixed and known Courfe of Proceeding and that the feizing any Perfon or Perfons, refiding in this Colony, fufpected of any Crime whatfoever,
prifon of Treafon, or for
his Majefty's faid
by a Jury from the Vicinage, as well as the Liberty of fummonand producing Witneffes on fuch Trial, will be taken away from the Party accufed. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that an humble, dutiful, and loyal Addrefs, be prefented to his Majefty, to affure him of our inviolable Attachment to his sacred Perfon and Government; and to befeech his royal Interpolition, as the Father of all his people, however remote from the Seat of his Empire, to quiet the Minds of his loyal Subjedls of this Colony, and to avert from them, thofe Dangers and Miferies which will enfue, from the feizing and carrying beyond Sea, any Perfons refiding in America, fufpedled of any Crime whatfoever, to be tried in any other Manner, than by the ancient and long eftablifhed Courfe of Proceeding. The
Privilege of being tried
pp. 108-109.
Time Nemine Contradicente, That this Houfe doth agree with the Committee in the faid Refolutions. M'' Blair alfo acquainted the Houfe, that he was directed by the Committee to
move, that they may have Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will, To-morrow, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the prefent State of the Colony. Ordered, That the Speaker of this Houfe do tranfmit, without Delay, to the Speakers of the feveral Houfes of Affembly, on this Continent, a Copy of the Refolutions now
agreed to by this Houfe, requefting their Concurrence therein. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to draw up an Addrefs, to be prefented to his Majefty, upon the fourth Refolution of the Committee of the whole Houfe, this Day
M'^ Blair, M"" Richard Henry Lee, M.' Henry, M' M' Thompfon Mafon, and M"' Benjamin Harrifon. Ordered, That M"" Johnfton have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe,
Thurfday Se'nnight.
then the
Houfe adjourned
of the Clock.
in Parlia-
ment affembled, and alfo the Addrefs of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, I ^^-^ and Commons, in Parliament affembled, to his Majefty, tranfmitted to the Committee of Correfpondence, by the Agent for this Colony, in his Letters of the 1 6'^ of December, and iS"* of February laft, be printed in the Virginia
That the Refolutions of the Committee of the whole Houfe, Yefterday reported to the Houfe, and by them agreed to, be printed in the Virginia Gazette. M"' Blair reported, from the Committee appointed Yefterday, to draw up an Addrefs to be prefented to his Majefty, that the Committee had drawn up an Addrefs accordingly, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the fame in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame was read, and is as followeth, viz.
May it
of this
your Majefty' s ancient Colony of Virginia, now met in General Affembly, beg Leave, humbleft Manner, to affiire your Majefty, that your faithful Subjeds of this Colony,
Anceftors, far from countenancing Traitors, Treafons, or Mifprifon of Treafon, are ready, at any Time, to facriflce our Lives and Fortunes in Defence of your Majefty's facred
For, hoiv truly deplorable muft he the Cafe of a wretched American, who, having incurred the Difpleafure of any one in Power, is dragged from his native Home, and his deareft domeftick Connedions, thrown into Prifon, not to await his Trial before a Court,
Jury, or Judges, from a Knowledge of whom he is encouraged to hope for fpeedy Juftice; but to exchange his Imprifonment in his own Country, for Fetters amongft Strangers?
a diftant Land, where no Friend, no Relation, will alleviate his Diftreffes, or minifter to his Neceffities; and where no Witnefs can be found to teftify his Innocence; fhunned by the refnitahle and hone ft, and configned to the Society and Converfe of the wretched and the abandoned; he can only pray that he may foon end his Mifery with his Life. Truly alarmed at the fatal Tendency of thefe pernicious Counfels, and with Hearts filled with Anguifh, by fuch dangerous Invafions of our deareft Privileges, we prefume to proftrate oiirfelves at the Foot of your Royal Throne, befeeching your Majefty, as our King and Father, to avert from your faithful and loyal Subjeds of America, thofe Miferies which
muft neceffarily be the Confequence of fuch Meafures. After exprefflng our firm Confidence in your Royal Wifdom and Goodnefs, permit us to affure your Majefty, that the moft fervent Prayers of your People of this Colony, are daily addreffed to the Almighty, that your Majefty's Reign may be long and profperous over Great-Britain, and all your Dotninions; and that, after Death, your Majefty may tafte the fulleft Fruition of eternal Blifs, and that a Defcendant of your illuftrious Houfe may reign over the extended Britifh Empire until Time fhall be no more.
in the faid Addrefs, to
be prefented
Ordered, That M' Speaker do tranfmit the faid Addrefs to the Agent for this Colony, with Diredlions to caufe the fame to be prefented to his Moft Excellent Majefty and afterwards to be printed and publifhed in the Englifh Papers. A Petition of ftmdry Inhabitants of the County of Albemarle, refident on the Upper Part of the North Fork of James River, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that feveral Perfons, near the Mouth of the faid River, do ftretch Seines acrofs the fame, between the Times of their Fifhing, which
in great
Meafure hinders the Fifh from nmning up; and that the fame Impediment is by Stops and Fifh-Traps, at feveral Falls, or Rifts of Rocks, in other Parts of the fame River; and praying the Houfe to take fome Steps for preventing fuch Pra(ftices. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
Treafurer reported, from the Committee for Religion, that the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition to them referred, of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of Overwharton, in the Cotmty of Stafford, praying that the Veftry of the faid
may be
in his Place,
diffolved, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read,
and are as foUoweth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Petition be heard before the Committee, on Wednefday the Seventh Day of June next. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Minifter, or Clerk of the faid Veftry, be ferved with a Copy of the faid Petition, and have Ten Days previous Notice of the Time when the faid Petition is to be heard before the Committee, and that they, or either of them, give the fame Notice to the faid Veftry. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Clerk of the faid Veftry, do attend the Committee at the Time aforefaid, with the Veftry Books relative to the
Subjedl-Matter of the faid Petition. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Hovife.
John Waugh, Junior, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting by a Warrant from the late Lieutenant Governor Fauquier, in the Year 1760, having enlifted one Jofephus Philips, as a Soldier, as he was, agreeable to his Inftru(a;ions, marching with the faid Jofephus Philips, and other Recruits
Petition of
was arrefted at the Suit of and Scott, Merchants and the Petitioner having already advanced Ten Pounds, the Boimty-Money, to the faid Soldier, refufed to furrender him to the Civil Officer who ferved the Writ, but delivered him to an Officer in the Regiment, in which he ferved until he was legally difcharged and, that the faid Lenox and Scott commenced Suit, and recovered Judgment againft the Petitioner, for their Demand againft the faid Philips, amounting, with Cofts, to upwards of Twenty-five Pounds and praying that he may be allowed the Ten Pounds Bounty Money, paid to the faid Philips, which he would have been reimburfed, if he had delivered up the faid Recruit. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion
Meffieurs Lenox
A Petition of Thomas Talbutt, was prefented to the Hotafe, and read fetting forth, that the Petitioner having, for the Confideration of 1150;^. purchafed a Parcel of Land,
Storehoufes thereon, on the Eaft Side of the County Gaol, in the Borough of and adjoining the public Land, laid out a Street, Twenty-fix Feet wide, from off the faid Land, running from the main Street to the Creek, and leading thence, over the Bridge, to the back Inhabitants of the faid Borough, which is very advantageous and convenient to the Public and that, by a Survey lately made, it being difcovered that the Storehoufes aforefaid are chiefly on the Public Land, the Petitioner treated with the County Court of Norfolk, for the Purchafe of fo much of the Public Land, as is fttfficient to fecure to him his faid Storehotifes and the faid Covmty Court are willing, and agree that a Title may be made to him accordingly, on his paying a Confideration for the fame and therefore praying this Houfe to confirm the faid Agreement. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
M' Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had under their Confideration, Two Petitions to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Inhabitants of Middle fex County, praying that their Court Day may be altered to the Fourth Monday in every Month, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Inhabitants of Accomack County, praying that an A<St may pafs to oblige the faid Inhabitants to kill, annually, a certain Number of Crows and Squirrels for each Tithable, is reafonable.
by the Houfe.
in, purfuant to the faid Refolutions; and that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the fame. Upon a Motion made. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to lay an additional Duty on Slaves and that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the
be brought
Thomas Boulden was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Petitioner, fome Years ago, was dired;ed by certain Truftees of the Public, to deliver to fundry Perfons a Quantity of Com, which was provided for Relief of the People in a Time of Scarcity, in which Service the Petitioner was at confiderable Trouble and Expence and praying the Houfe to make him a reafonable Allowance.
; ;
A Petition
Ordered, That the aid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
A Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Brunfwick, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Petitioners, by the Laws now in Force, cannot difcharge their Public, County, and Parifh Dues, and Officers Fees, in Tobacco Notes, of any Inf pedlion lower down James River than CabinPoint, which is very inconvenient to the Petitioners and therefore praying that an Ad; may pafs, that all Tobacco Notes, on the Warehoiifes from Milner's, in Nanfemond Coimty, to Boiling's Point on Appomattox, may be payable for all Public, Coimty, and Parifh Dues, and for all officers Fees, owing from the faid Inhabitants. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
immediate Attendance
your Houfe in
Chamber where
and Gentlemen
I have heard of your Refolves, and augur ill of their Effed: to diffolve you; and you are diffolved accordingly.
of the
of Burgesses
Thomas Parramore
Southey Simpfon
Abraham Hite
James Mercer
Ifle of
WiUiam Macon,
Gabriel Jones
John Wilfon
James City
Jameftown King and Queen
Jofeph Cabell
Benjamin Howard
Edmund Pendleton
Walker Taliaferro
Benjamin Harrifon
William Acrill
William Robinfon
Carter Braxton
Charles City
Paul Carrington
Archibald Cary
Edward Ofborne
John Blair, Jr. Henry Pendleton Henry Field, Jr. John Mayo
Alexander Trent
Boiling Starke
Elizabeth City
John Banifter
New Kent
William Baffett
James Edmondfon.
George Wafhington John Weft
James Scott
Norfolk Borough
Jofeph Hutchings
*Not fhown by the Journal to have been prefent during the Affembly. tDied during the feffion of Affembly.
John Alexander
Thomfon Mafon
Hartwell Cocke
Prince George
Prince William
Richard Bland
Peter Poythrefs
Peyton Randolph
Virginia, to wit:
Whereas, the General Affembly was
month, and as
I find
no urgent occafion
meeting at that
by and with
proclamation in his Majefty's name, to prorogue the faid Affembly to the 7""
by day
November next
At which time
their attendance
Given under
hand, and the feal of the Colony, at Wtlltamfburg, this feventh day
of September, 1769,
in the
His Excellency
Virginia, to wit:
To John
N elfon,
N elfon,
Taylor, Robert
Carter, Prefley
DO hereby authorize
William Nelfon,
John Tayloe, Robert Carter, Prefley Thornton, Robert Burwell, George William Fairfax and John Page or any two
you to Adminifter the Oaths appointed by Adl of Parliament to be taken inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Oath appointed to be taken by an Adl of Parliament made in the fixth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty King GEORGE
"An Adl for altering the Oath of abjuration and the Affurance and for amending fo much of an Adl of the Seventh Year of Her late Majefty Queen ANA'S, entituled, An Adt for the Improvement of the Union of the two Kingdoms as after the
the Third entituled
to Perfons Indidled of
fuch Perfons as are or fhall be returned to ferve in this prefent General Aifembly as
Burgeffes as aKo to the Clerk of the Houfe of Burgeffes or Clerk of any of the Committees
of the faid
Houfe that
be appointed during the Seffion and to Caufe them to Subalfo to the Clerk or Clerks of
mentioned Oath as aKo the Teft, and to Adminifter the Oath of Clerk
Houfe and
Given imder
my hand
of the
of the
in the City of
November, in the Tenth Year of the Reign the Third, by Grace of GOD, of Great Britain, France, GEORGE the of our Lord and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Annoque Domini, 1769.
burg, on Tuefday, the Seventh
On which Day,
the Difpatch of Public Bufinefs, perfuant to a Proclamation hereunto annexed, and alfo to the Writs which had iffued for that Purpofe, his Excellency the Right Hon-
ourable TVorfcorw^, Baron de Botetourt, his Majefty's Lieutenant and Governor-General of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, and Vice Admiral of the fame, having made a Commiffion imder his Hand, and the Seal of the Colony, hereunto alfo annexed, empowering
the Honourable John Blair, William Nelfan, Thomas Nelfon, Richard Corbin, William Byrd, Philip Ludwell Lee, John Tayloe, Robert Carter, Prefley Thornton, Robert Burwell,
George William, Fairfax, and John Page, Efquires, to adminifter the Oaths appointed to be taken by the Members, returned to ferve in the General Affembly, before they go into
feveral of the faid Commiffioners came about Ten of the Clock, Chamber, where the faid Oaths are ufually taken and George Wythe, Clerk of the Houfe of Burgeffes, attending according to his Duty, with a Book, containing a Lift of the Names of fuch Members as had been returned to ferve in this General
Affembly, delivered to him by the Clerk of the Secretary's Office, the faid Commiffioners adminiftered the faid Oaths to fuch of the faid Members of the Houfe of Burgeffes,
as appeared:
Which being done, the Members repaired to their Seats in the Houfe of Burgeffes after which a Meffage was delivered by Nathaniel Walthoe, Efq Clerk of the
General Affembly.
Accordingly the Houfe went up to attend his Excellency in the Council-Chamber, his Excellency was pleafed to fay to them
of Burgeffes,
You muft
to the
Choice of a
one of the Members for the Coimty of Chefterfield, addreffmg and then fat down) put the Houfe in Mind of the Governor's Commands to proceed to the Choice of a Speaker, and moved that Peyton Randolph, Efq; whofe Abilities were too well known, to require an Enlargement upon them, fhould take the Chair of this Houfe, as Speaker; And, therehimfelf to the Clerk (who, ftanding up, pointed to him,
Randolph was ele(fted without Oppofition, and was taken out of his Place by Members, who led him from thence to the Chair and, having afcended the upper;
moft Step, and ftanding there, M'' Randolph returned his Thanks to the Houfe for the very great Honour he was dignified with, in the Appointment of him to that Office, by an Affembly fo juftly and eminently diftinguifhed for their Love of Liberty, and for an invariable Attention to the true Intereft of their Coimtry; and profeffed entire Devotion to the Service of the Hovife, and the arduous Duties of his Station, relying on the experienced Benignity of the Houfe for their Affiftence, and for a favorable Interpretation of his Condudl.
And thereupon
he fat
in the Chair;
tmder the Table) was laid upon the Table. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Governor, to acqviaint his Excellency, that this Houfe, in Obedience to his Commands, have made Choice of a Speaker, and to know his Pleafure, when they fhall attend to prefent him and that M'' Archibald Cary, M' Riddick, and M'' Richard Henry Lee, do wait on him with the faid Meffage. They accordingly withdrew, and being returned, M'' Archibald Cary reported, that the Governor was pleafed to fay, he would fend an Anfwer by a Meffenger of his own. A Meffage from the Governor, by M"' Walthoe.
Speaker Eledl, with the Houfe, went up to attend his Excellency in and he was pleafed to declare his Approbation of their Choice. Then M"' Speaker did, in the Name, and on the Behalf of the Houfe, lay claim to all of their ancient Rights and Privileges, partictdarly a Freedom of Speech and Debate,
the Coimcil-Chamber
Exemption from
and Protection
The Governor anfwered, that he fhould take Care to defend them in all their juft Rights and Privileges. The Hotife being returned M"' Speaker reported, that the Houfe had attended the Governor in the CouncilChamber, where his Excellency was pleafed to approve the Choice they had made of him to be their Speaker, and to grant and allow to them, upon Petition of Claim made by him to his Excellency, in the Name and on the Behalf of the Houfe of Burgeffes, all their ancient Rights and Privileges partictdarly a Freedom of Speech and Debate, Exemption from Arrefts, and Protection for their Eftates. M'' Speaker alfo reported, that the Governor was pleafed to make a Speech to the Coimcil and this Houfe; of which, M'' Speaker faid, he had, to prevent Miftakes, obtained a Copy which he read to the Houfe, and is as followeth, viz.
Gentlemen of
of the
and Gentlemen
of the
of Burgeffes,
Public Btiflnefs of this Dominion, and I hope I need not obferve that this will be be ft done by Temper and Moderation.
I affure you that I fhall obey my Royal Mafter's Commands with the true ft Satiffadion, by concurring with you in fuch Meafures as may beft promote the Happinefs of his Majefty's
Subjeds in Virginia.
Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes, The King having been gracioufly pleafed at our earneft Defire, to refer to his Board of Trade to re-confider the Boundary Line betwixt this Colony atid the Cherokees, which had been agreed to by that Board, I am direAed to acquaint you that in Confequence of that Reference and Reconfideration, a Report has been made in Favour of a more extended Boundary, and that his Majefty will con fent to the propofed Alteration, upon Condition that the Colony will tnake Provifion to defray the Expence of the Negotiation neceffary I have it therefore in Command from his Majefty to afk of his for tliat Purpofe Houfe
Cherokee Papers
of Burgeffes, to enable
defirable Objed.
The propofed
neceffarily attend
Alteration, together with a Rate of the fhall be immediately laid before you.
Expence which I
told will
many alarming Reports which have been received Colony: I will lay the whole before you, with a State of every Thing which has been done in Confequence of thofe Accounts, and fhall be fupremely
I muft likewife beg your Attention to
the Frontier Counties of this
to this
me any Mode
of Proceeding by
which the facred Laws of our which can alone give Permanence and security
refpedable Government.
Gentlemen of the Council, M"" Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes. I think myfelf peculiarly fortunate to be able to inform you that in a Letter dated May the 13'*, / have been affured by the Earl of HilKborough, that his Majefty's prefent Adminiftration have at no Time entertained a Defign to propofe to Parliament to lay any further
Taxes upon America for the Purpofe of raifing a Revenue, and that it is their intention to propofe in the next Seffion of Parliament, to take off the Duties upon Glafs, Paper, and Colours, upon Confideration of fuch Duties having been laid contrary to the true Principles
be inclined to attempt to
undo what
this Anfwer, that it Plan have is my I ftated to you will certainly take Place, and that it will never be departed from, and fo determined am I for ever to abide by it, that I will be
to that
Life, at all
in all Places, and upon all Occafions, exert every Power with which I either
be legally invefted, in order to obtain
or ever fhall
for the Continent of America that Satiffadion which I have been authorized to promife this Day, by the Confidential Servants of our Gracious Sovereign, who, to my certain Knowledge, rates his honour fo high, that
aud maintain
by Deceit.
Refolved, That a mofe humble and dutiful Addrefs be prefented to his Excelency the Governor, returning the Thanks of this Hotife for his very kind and affedlionate
and Government
Declaring our moft imalterable and inviolable Attachment to the facred Perfon of our Royal Sovereign expreffmg our Gratitude for his Majefty's paternal Attention to the Profperity and Happinefs of his American Subjedls, in his
moft gracious Purpofes communicated by his Lordfhip, and our firm Truft and Confidence that the fame Wifdom and Goodnefs, which have already induced his Majefty favourably to regard the humble Entreaties of his faithful and loyal Subjecfts in America, will ftill further incline the Royal Breaft to an Exertion of his Majefty's moft gracious and benign Influence, towards perfedting the Happinefs of all his People Alfuring his Lordfhip that we will immediately take under our moft ferious Confideration, the important Bufinefs which he hath been pleafed to recommend proceed in it with that Temper and Moderation, which is neceffary to give Weight and Dignity to our Deliberations and that we fhall think ourfelves fupremely happy, if, in condudting the arduous and momentous Bufinefs of this great Country, we fhould, in the End, receive the Approbation of a Ruler we fo very cordially honour and efteem. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to draw up an Addrefs, to be prefented to
; ;
the Governor,
upon the
faid Refolution.
a Committee was appointed of M"' Treafurer, and M'' Edmund Pendleton. Ordered, That the Governor's Speech, to the Council and this Houfe, be referred
Speaker acquainted the Houfe, that the Governor had delivered to him a Writing^ Boundary Line betwixt Virginia and the Cherokees, and defired
to lay
And he
That the
faid Writing
of the Houfe.
That the Governor's Speech be taken into Confideration upon Thurfday That
upon Thurfday
next, refolve
into a
to this Houfe,
and that he attend to read Prayers every Morning at Nine o 'Clock. Ordered, That the Treafiirer do go to the Council, and acquaint them, that the Reverend M"' Thomas Price is appointed Chaplain to this Houfe, and that he will attend
to read Prayers, at Nine of the Clock, every Morning, in the Houfe.
Ordered, That James Lame, Robert Hyland, William Hicks, and John Creagh, be appointed Door-Keepers to this Hovife, and that they give their attendance accordingly. Ordered, That a Committee for ReHgion be appointed. Edmund PendleMercer, And a Committee was appointed of M'' Treaftirer, Braxton, M.^ Charles Carter of Lancafton, 'W Richard Henry Lee, Archibald Cary, ter, M' Blair, M' Weft, M'' Wallace, M"' Gaivin Corbin, M'' Wilfon Miles Cary, M.^ Harwood, M"' Lewis Biirwell of Gloucefter, Jones, M"" John Wilfon of Augiifta, M'' Richard Lee, Henry Lee, Hutchings, M'' Thomfon Mafon, M"" AlexWafhington, M'' Bland, Peyton, M"' Simpfon, M'' David ander, M'' Lewis Burwell of James City, M"" Carrington, William Digges, M'' Harrifon, M"' Dudley Digges, M'' Cocke, M' Mafon, Johnfon, Mitchell, Mayo, M-' Hiie, 'W Donelfon and M"' Innes. Starke, Moore, elfon, And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to take imder their Confideration all Matters and Things relating to Religion and Morality, and all fuch as fhall be from Time to Time referred to them, and report their Proceedings, with their Opinions And the faid Committee are to have the Power to fend for thereupon, to the Houfe Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information. Ordered, That a Committee of Privileges and Elections be appointed Bland, Treaftirer, And a Committee was appointed of M"' Edmund Pendleton, Mj Archibald Cary, M'' Richard Henry Lee, M"' Harrifon, M'' Lewis Burwell of James City, 'W^illiam Digges, M'' Wafhington, M'' Dudley Digges, M'' Charles Carter of Lancafter,
Jeff erfon,
W Thomfon Mafon, W
are to
Ricliard Lee,
meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to examine in the firft Place, all returns of Writs for eledling Burgeffes to fer\'e in this prefent General Affembly, and compare the fame with the Form prefcribed by Law, and to take into their Confideration all fuch Matters as fhall or may come in Queftion, touching Returns, Eledtions, and Privileges, and to report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereAnd the faid Committee are to have Power upon, from Time to Time, to the Houfe to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information. Refolved, That in all Cafes of controverted Eledtions to be heard at the Bar of this Houfe, or before the Committee of Privileges and Eledtions, the Petitioners do, by themfelves, or by their Agents, within a convenient Time to be appointed, either by the Houfe, or the Committee of Privileges and Eledtions, as the Matter to be heard fhall be, before the Hotife, or the faid Committee, deliver to the fitting Members, or their Agents, Lifts of the Perfons intended by the Petitioners to be objedled to, who voted for the fitting Members, giving, in the faid Lifts, the feveral Heads of Objedtion, and diftinguifhing the fame againft the Names of the Voters excepted to and that the fitting Members do, by themfelves, or their Agents, within the fame Time, deliver the Hke Lifts on their Part, to the Petitioners or their Agents. Ordered, That a Committee of Propofitions and Grievances be appointed. And a Committee was appointed of M'' Bland, M'' Treafurer, M"' Edmund Pendletoti, Lewis M"' Archibald Cary, M'' Richard Henry Lee, Harrifon, M'' William Digges, Burwell of James City, M'' Dudley Digges, M"" Harwood, Nelfon, M"' Wafhington, M'
M"' Banifter.
And they
William Riddick, W Thorn Mafon, Gawin Gorbin M' W Carrington, W Mercer, W Wood, W Clayton, W Hutchings, Newton, M' Jones, M' Richard Adams, Philip Ludwell Grymes, W Cocke, David Mafon, W Simpfon, W Read, M' W John Tayloe Corbin,
of Lancafter, M''
Cabell, M"'
Baffett, M--
John Wilfon of Aiignfta, Braxton, Wilfon Miles Gary, M' Blair, M' Henry Lee, W^ Charles Carter of King George, M-" Robinfon, M' Charles Garter
Jefferfon, M''
Ball, M-"
Lee, M"'
M' Richard Baker, M"" Robert Wormeley Carter, M"" Moore, M' Francis Lightfoot Lee, M' Edwards, M-- Taliaferro, M^ Mofeley, M-" Roane, M'' Johnfon, M"- Banifter, and M' Dixon. And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to take into their Confideration all Propofitions and Grievances that fhall come legally certified to this Affembly, and to report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, from Time to Time, to the Houfe; and all fuch Propofitions and Grievances are to be deUvered to the Clerk of the Houfe, and by him to the faid Committee of Courfe. And the faid Committee are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information.
That a Committee
M"- Bridger, M--
Archibald Gary,
Richard Lee,
M^ Richard Baker, M' Roane, M-- Read, M'' Weft, M-- Woodfon, Starke, M' Wallace, Adams, Poythrefs, John Wilfon of Norfolk, Johnfon, M-- Hite, Edwards, Mj Bailey, Ackifs, M^ Ofborne, M"- Marable, M'' James Scott, M'' Gray, M"- Taylor, M'- Thomas Scott, M-- Henry Pendleton, M'' Barbour, M'' Howard, M"' Thomas, and M"" Stith. And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to take into their Confideration all pubUc Claims referred from the laft to this Seffion of Affembly, and alfo all fuch Claims as fhall be regularly certified and prefented to this Seffion, and to report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Houfe, when they have gone through the faid Claims. And all Perfons that have any Claims, are to deHver them to the faid Committee of Courfe and they are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Informa-
David Mafon,
That a Committee for Courts of Juftice be appointed. a Committee was appointed of M'' Richard Henry Lee, M"' Bailey, Thomas, M"" Mofeley, M'' Lewis Burwell of Gloucefter, M'' Stith, My Howard, My Barbour, M"' Henry Macon, M^^ Woodfon, Pendleton, John Tayloe Corbin, Gray, Taylor, "W PeyOrdered,
M' Greenhill, Edmondfon, and M'' Marable. And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to take into their Confideration all Matters relating to Courts of Juftice, and fuch other Matters as fhall, from Time to Time, be referred to them, and report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon And the faid Committee are to infpedt the Journals of the laft Seffion, to the Houfe. and draw up a State of the Matters then depending and undetermined, and the Progrefs that was made therein, and report the fame to the Houfe and alfo examine what Laws have expired fince the laft Seffion, and infpedl fuch temporary Laws as will expire with the End of this Seffion, or are near expiring; and report the fame to the Houfe, with their Opinions, which of them are fit to be revived and continued. And the faid Committee are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Inforton, M"'
M'' Field,
My Dixon,
That a Committee
Trade be appointed.
M'' Harrifon, M^ Hutchings, M"' Newton, M' John Wilfon of Norfolk, M" Ofborne, M"' Mayo, M" Thomas Scott, M' Ackifs, M"" Donelfon, M' Innes, M'' Mofeley, M^ Edwards, M"" Winn, M'' Benjamin Baker, M^ Efkridge, M'' Mitchell, M" Pettus, and M"" Farmer. And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to take into their Confideration all Things relating to the Trade of this Colony, and all Matters that fhall be, from Time to Time, to them referred and to report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Houfe. And the faid Committee are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for
their Information.
of the
That Eleven of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, Seven Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, and Five of any other Committee, be a
make a Committee.
That M"' Richard Cary be appointed Clerk to the Committee for Religion, and the Committee of Trade Mr. Richard Starke Clerk to the Committees of Privileges and Eledlions, and Propofitions and Grievances M' Hind Ruffell Clerk to the Committee of Claims and M' Thomas Everard Clerk to the Committee for Courts of Juftice. And then the Hotife adjourned till To-morrow Morning Eleven of the Clock.
Oaths appointed to be taken by A<51 Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and the Abjuration Oath, and repeated and fubfcribed the Teft, took their Places in the
That M'' Whtting, M-- Trent, M'' Acrill, M"' Thomas Walker, and M' Henry, be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. Ordered, That M'' Acrill and M' He^try be added to the Committee for Religion. Ordered, That M'' Whiting, Trent, and M'' Acrill, be added to the Committee of
Petjdleton reported,
that the Committee had had under their Confideration the Returns of the feveral Writs
for eledling Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly,
and had come to feveral and agreed upon a Report thereupon, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table where the fame were read, and are as followeth,
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Returns of the feveral Writs for eledling Burgeffes for the Coimties of Acccnnack, Albermarle, Augufta, Brunfwick, Caroline, Charles City, Charlotte, Chefterfield, Cumberland, Dinwiddie, Elizabeth City, Effex, Gloucefter, Hanover, James City, King and Queen, Loudoun, Middle fex, Mecklenburg, Northampton, Northumberland, Orange, Pittfylvania, Prince Edward, Prince George, Princefs Anne, Richmond, Southampton, Stafford, Suffex, Warwick, and Weftmoreland, and for the College, the Borough of Norfolk, and the City of Williamfburg,
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Retiims of the feveral Writs for eledling Burgeffes for the Cotmties of Amelia, Amherft, Buckingham, Culpeper, Fairfax, Fauquier, Goochland, Hampfhire, Henrico, Ifle of Wight, King George, King William, Lancafter, Louifa, Nanfemond, New-Kent, Norfolk, Spotfylvania, Surry and York, are not made in the Form prefcribed by Law. Your Committee further beg leave to inform the Houfe, that the Sheriff of James City hath made the following Return, on the Writ for eledling a Burgefs lor James-Town, "By Virtue of this Writ to me direded, I did make lawful Publication thereof, and did appoint Friday, the eighth Day of September, for the Eledion of a Burgefs, but was prevented attending at the Place appointed, on account of its being an uncommon rainy and
Alfo that the Sheriff of Halifax hath eledling Burgeffes for the faid Cotmty.
receipt of the
my Hands
the eighteenth
to be
on Friday the
fifteenth of
County, and
and Allen's Church, on or before the Sunday next after I received the faid Writ, and at the fame Time, fent another Copy, with the like Endorfement, to the Reader at Boyd's Church; but he was not there that Day, as I was informed, and the fucceeding Sunday the Minifter attended at the laft mentioned Church himfelf. "In order that the Ele6iion might be peaceably and fairly conduded, I acquainted M' Nathaniel Terry, M' Walter Coles and M' Ifaac Coles, three of the declared Candidates, and many other Perfons, a Fortnight at leaft before the Day, that I would open the Poll by the Hour of eight of the Clock in the Morning, and explained to them my Reafon for beginning fo early; and defired M' Terry to inform M' Lewis, the other Candidate, therewith, which M' Terry faid he would do, if he had an Opportunity. I imagined an early Eledion would prevent the Confufion and Inconvenience which attended the laft; for thai being deferred til near the Middle of the Day, by the Throng of the Eledors crowding in, On the Day appointed, I did not begin the Poll was feveral Times neceffarily interrupted. at Eight of the Clock precifely, left I fhould appear too exad, although Meffieurs Walter and Ifaac Coles urged me to do fo; but at or about Five Minutes after Nine "'Clock, I informed the Candidates, who were all pre fent, that I would then open the Poll, and proceed to the Eledion, near Half the Eledors, in my opinion, if not more, being in and about the Court Yard. M' Terry afked me why I would not wait till the ufual time? I told him that I had acquainted him with my Reafon for beginning fo foon. M' Lewis faid he believed I had no Power to begin when I would. I anfwered, that I thought it was in my Power to begin when it appeared to be a proper Time, which I conceived that to be; and told both the Gentlemen I had no other Defign than that the Eledion might be in a fair and peaceable Manner, and that I would keep the Poll open till Sunfet, if any one required it; upon which M' Lewis feemed to be fatiffied, and faid nothing more on that Subjed, as I heard, except acknowledging, that he had Notice of my Defign to have an early Eledion, and that he and
Terry then objeded, that I ought to have provided a Clerk to take a Poll for him. I confefs I had not employed any one to do that Office, the Candidates I told M' Terry, if he had defired me, I themfelves having ufually chofen their Clerks. would have provided a Clerk for him, and that, if he required me to do fo I would then procure one, which I could eafily have done. Several Perfons then faid publicly, in M' Terry's hearing, that M' Terry's Clerk, John Cox, was at the Table in the Court-Houfe, ruling the Columns in the Poll, for the Eledors Names; upon which I faid, I would read the Writ: And having it open in my Hands for that Purpofe, M' Terry came to me, his Coat and his Waiftcoat being ftripped off, and his Collar Open, and holding up a large Stick, threatened to cane me, and declared, if I attempted to read the Writ, he woidd fplit me down, and did aim, and endeavour feveral Times to ftrike me, as I was about to read the Writ (according to what I thought my Duty) with his Stick, which, the Blows being warded off by People between us, did not touch my Perfon, that I remember, but fell upon the Writ in my Hands. Immediately after this fuch a Tumult enfued, and the Eledors were in fuch a Temper, and fo diforderly, and fome of them drank of fpirituous Liquors to fuch Excefs, that I was convinced a fair Eledion could not have been made afterwards on that Day: And therefore
his Clerk were ready.
faid Refolutions
the Houfe.
for eledling Burgeffes for the
at the Table.
Returns were amended by the Clerk accordingly. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue for the ele(5ting of a Burgefs to fei-ve in this prefent General Affembly, for James Town\ no member having been returned to ferve for that Town, upon the former Writ; and that M"" Treafurer do wait on his Excellency with the faid Addrefs.
A Petition^
was prefented
to the Hotife
read, complain-
ing of William Hofkins, Sheriff of the County of Halifax, for Mifbehaviour in his Office,
on the Day appointed for the Ele<5lion of Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the faid County, and thereby preventing the Eledlion for the faid County, and interrupting the Freedom thereof and praying that the Condudl of the faid Sheriff, as well as the Petitioner, may be enquired into, and fuch Steps taken thereupon as may preferve the Freedom of EledWons. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Privileges and Elections and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall
appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue for the eledling of Burgeffes' to ferve in the prefent General Affembly, for the Cotmty of Halifax, no Members having been returned to ferve for that Covmty, upon the former Writ and that M"' Edmund Pendleton do wait on his Excellency with the faid Addrefs. On a Motion made. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for annexing Twenty Acres of Land, whereof Patrick Ramfay, Gentleman, is feized in Fee, to the Town of Blandford, in
the County of Prince George; and that do prepare and bring in the fame.
of Privileges
do confider
of the ancient
Rules 3 and ftanding Orders of the Houfe, and prefent fuch as are fit to be continued, with any others which they think ought to be obferv^ed. On a Motion made. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to repeal the feveral Adls of Affembly prohibiting the tending of Tobacco-Seconds* and that M'' Starke, and M'' Banifter, do
On a Motion made,
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to impower the Executors of the Will of Charles Carter, Efq deceafed, to fell certain Lands for the Payment of his Debts and Legacies and that M'' Edmund Pendleton do prepare and bring in the fame. On a Motion made. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that they prepare and bring in a Bill to amend the A<ft entituled "An Ad^ to amend the Ad for the better Government of Servants and Slaves."^ A Petition of Henry Kidd was prefented to the Houfe and read, fetting forth. That Fortune, a Negro Man Slave, belonging to the Petitioner, having been committed to the Gaol of Effex Coimty, acctifed of Felony and Burglary, was acquitted of the Btirglary, the Commiffioners of Oyer and Terminer, before whom he was tried, being equally divided in their Opinions, as to his Guilt, of that Crime, and was convi(5led of Felony, and burned in the Hand, and received corporal Pionifhment but that, by the InclemOrdered,
ency of the Weather, the faid Slave, during his Confinement in Gaol before his Trial, was fo Froft -bitten, that, notwithftanding extraordinarj^ Care was taken of him, he loft his Feet, and soon afterwards perifhed, and praying to be allowed the Value of the faid Slave, as well as a reafonable Satiffadlion for the Trouble and Expence of endeavouring to cure him. Ordered, That it be an Inftru(5lion to the Committee of public Claims, that they allow in the Book of Claims the Sum of Sixty Pounds, to be paid by the PubUc, to the faid Henry Kidd, for the faid Slave. A Petition of Charles Carter, of Lancafter, Efq; was prefented to the Houfe and read, fetting forth. That he is feized in Fee Tail, under the Will of his Grandfather, Robert Carter, Efq: deceafed, and the Will of his Father, John Carter, Efq: deceafed,
of a Tradl of
I ' 1
Petition withdrawn.
* Ibid., I, p.
399, p. 478;
IV., p. 241
VI., p. 51.
VIII, p. 135.
ham, and Cotinty of Richmond; alfo of one other Trad; containing Five Thotifand Acres, fituate in the Parifh of Cameron, and County of Loudoun; aKo of one other Tradt, containing Six Thotifand Acres, fituate in the Parifh of Hamilton, and Cotrnty of Fauquier; alfo of one other Tra6t, containing Six Thoid!and Acres, fituate on Broad Run, in the
Parifh of Hamilton, and County of Prince William; and alfo of one other Tradt, conTwo Thotifand Acres, fituate in the Parifh of Saint Mary, and County of Caroline;
Part of which faid Lands are of Httle Value in themfelves, and the Refidue at a very and very inconvenient to all the Petitioner's other entailed Eftates And further fetting forth. That the Petitioner is feized in Fee Simple of a Tradt of Land, containing Three Thotifand and Three Hundred Acres, purchafed by the Petitioner of the Executors of James Littlepage, deceafed and alfo of a Tradl of Five Hundred Acres, purchafed by the Petitioner of Peter and Henry Terrell, both which are contiguous to the Petitioner's Lands called North Wales, in the County of Hanover, and of much greater Value than the firft mentioned back Lands; and that it will be of great Advantage to the Heir in Tail, if the Intail of the faid Lands fhall be docked, and the Hanover Lands fettled in Lieu thereof; and therefore praying that an Adt may pafs for that purpofe. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, perfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petitioner that M'' Richard Henry Lee do prepare and bring in the fame. The Houfe was moved, that the Order made the Eighth Day of November, 1766,
great Diftance from Navigation,
; ;
'Saturday, November
fwom to before
Magiftrate, be
Committee of Claims.' 'Ordered, and declared. That the faid Order be a ftanding Order of the Houfe. M' Treafurer reported, from the Committee appointed to draw up an Addrefs, to be prefented to the Governor, that the Committee had drawn up an Addrefs accordingly, which they had diredted him to report to the Houfe and he read the fame in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame was read, and is as
referred to the Confideration of the
the Burgeffes of Virginia, now met in General Affembly, beg Leave to return your Excellency our fincere and unfeigned Thanks for your very kind and affedionate Speech at the opening of this Seffion. It gives us great Pleafure, that we have again the Honour of meeting your Lordfhip in
it affords us an Opportunity of renewing to your Excellency the Affurances of our uninterrupted and moft inviolable Attachment to the facred Perfon and Government of our Royal Sovereign, and, at the fame Time, of difcharging the important Duties we owe to our Conftituents.
General Affembly, as
We fhoiild think ourfelves extremely deficient in Duty and Affedion to the beft of Kings, were we not deeply impreffed with the warmeft Sentiments of Gratitude by his Majefty's moft gracious Purpofe of recommending to his Parliament a Repeal of the Ad impofing Duties upon Glafs, Paper and Colours; efpecially, as we cannot doubt but that the fame
Wifdom and
regard the
humble Entreaties
an Exertion of his Majefty's gracious and benign Influence, towards perfeding the Happinefs of all his People. It adds greatly, my Lord, to our Satiffadion and Comfort to learn from your Excellency, that his Majefty's prefent Adminiftration have at no Time entertained a Defign to propofe to Parliament the laying any farther Taxes upon America, for the Purpofe of raifing a Revenue; and we will not fuffer our prefent Hopes, arifing from the pleafing Profped, your Lordfhip hath fo kindly opened and difplayed to us, to be dafhcd by the bitter Refledion, that any future Adminiftration will entertain a Wifh to depart from that Plan, which
Acts concerning
of public Tranquility
and Happinefs:
No, my Lord, we are fure our moft gracious Sovereign, under whatever Changes nuiy happen in his confidential Servants, will remain immutable in the Ways of Truth and Juftice, and
that he is incapable of deceiving his faithful
Information not only as warranted, but even fandified by the Royal Word. Your Lordfhip's great Regard and Attention to the Welfare and true Intereft of this Colony had before endeared you to us all; but your generous and noble Declarations, upon
this Occafion,
grateful Acknowledgments.
Lord, immediately take under our moft ferious Confideration the imporWe tant Bufinefs, upcni which we are now affembled, efpecially tliat Part of it, you have been pleafed particularly to recommend; we will proceed with that Temper and Moderation,
is neceffary to give
Lordfhip, that
motnentous Affairs of this great Country, we fhould, in the End, receive the Approbations of a Ruler, we fo very cordially honour and efteem.
Addref s being read a fecond Time Refolved, Nemine Contradicente, That the Houfe doth agree with the Committee in
the faid Addrefs, to be prefented to the Governor. Refolved, That the faid Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency by the whole Hotife. Ordered, That the Gentlemen who drew up the faid Addrefs, do wait upon the Gov-
ernor to
know his
to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, Grandfather, James Burwell deceafed, Will of his imder the that he is feized in Fee Tail, of a Tradl of Land, containing Four Thoiofand Eight Hundred and Eighty Acres, fituate in the County of I fie of Wight, which Lands are of a mean Quality and that it will be an Advantage to the Heir, if the Intail of the faid Lands fhall be docked, and the fame vefted in Truftees, to be fold, and the Money arifing from fuch Sale, laid out in the Purchafe of other Lands and Slaves, to be fettled to the fame Ufes and praying that an
Petition of
Adt of Affembly
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of the faid Petition and that M' Leivis Burwell, of James City, do prepare and bring in the fame. A Petition of Robert Higginfon was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that an outlawed Runaway Negro Man Slave, belonging to the Petitioner, was furprifed fleeping in a Canoe in M'' Holt's Mill-pond by one Thomas Fear, and being imable to refcue himfelf from the faid Fear, who endeavoured to apprehend him, jumped overboard into the Water, and was drowned and praying that he may be allowed the Value of
allow in
be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Public Claims, that they the Book of PubHc Claims the Sum of Sixty Poimds, to be paid by the Public
Merryman Payne and Dale Carter, Infpedlors at Davif's and Loury's Warehoufes, in the Cotmty of Lancafter, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the faid Warehoufes had been feveral times broke open, and fimdr>- parcels of
Petition of
Tobacco ftolen thereout, although the faid Warehoufes were fecured with Locks and Bars, and the Petitioners had not been guilty of the leaft Negle<ft and praying that the Lofs may be repaired by the Public, and not fuftained by the Petitioners. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Public Claims, that they allow in the Book of Public Claims the Sum of Twenty-two Poimds One Shilling and Five Pence Half -penny, to be paid by the Public to the faid Merryman Payne and Dale Car ter for the Tobacco mentioned in their Petition to have been ftolen. A. Petition of Anthony Street, Deputy Sheriff of Lunenburg County, was prefented to the Houfe and read fetting forth, that in November laft, he provided an Horfe, worth Eight Pounds, for conveying to the Public Gaol Peter Brown, who was charged with Felony, and ordered by the Court of the faid County to be tried before the Court of Oyer and
and Terminer; and that the faid Horfe died travelling with the Prifoner to Williamfburg; and that the Petitioner expended Seven Shillings and Six Pence in fupporting the the Prifoner during his Journey and praying to be allowed the Value of his faid Horfe, and his faid Expences. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion there;
Gentleman, was prefented to the Houfe and read fetSlave, belonging to the Petitioner, having been regularly outlawed, and attempting to murder one Shurles, was killed by the faid Shurles, in his own Defence and praying to be allowed the Value of the faid Slave. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Public Claims, that they allow in the Book of Public Claims the Sum of Sixty Pounds, to be paid by the Public
A Petition
to the faid
Thomas Field
County of Loudoun, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that being Captain of a Company of the Militia of Fairfax County, in 1758, and, in Obedience to an Order of his Commanding Officer, having drawn Ten Men out of his Company, and one of thofe Soldiers not being fumifhed with a Gun, the Petitioner fupplied him with one which he impreffed, and which was appraifed to Four Pounds; and that the Owner of the faid Gim commenced Suit in the County Court of Loudoun, againft the Petitioner, and recovered Judgment, in 1767, For four Poimds, and the Cofts of Suit and praying to be reimburfed the faid Sum and Cofts. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims, and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion therePetition of Fielding Turner, of the
upon, to the Houfe. A Petition of fimdry the Inhabitants of the County of Charlotte, and Parifh of Cornwall, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe and read fetting forth, That the Petitioners and others, who make no Tobacco, fuffer grievous Oppreffion under the Exadlions of the Colleftors of the Public, County and Parifh Levies, who are by Law empowered to diftrain for fuch Levies before Tranffer Tobacco can be procured to difcharge them, and therefore praying, that an Adt may pafs afcertaining the Price of Tobacco due for the faid Levies, and preventing too early Diftreffes, or otherwife relieving the Petitioners. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and
Grievances, and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Hotife.
Petition of
William Rind, Printer, was prefented to the Ho\d!e and read fetting
forth, that his Salary as Printer to the Public, will expire at the
of this Seffion of
and therefore humbly praying that the fame may be further continued. Refolved, That the Sum of Three Hundred and Seventy-five Pounds per Annum be
allowed to William Rind, Printer, to continue to the End of the next Seffion of Affembly, as a full Confideration for printing the Journal of the Houfe of Burgeffes, and the Laws of each Seffion, and fending as many Copies to the County Court Clerks, as there are
adting Juftices in the Commiffion, in each refpedtive Coimty,
Half Bound) for the Ufe of the Court, and Ten to the Clerks of the Courts of Huftings in the City of Williamfburg, and the Borough of Norfolk, and printing Infpedkors Receipts
and Books, Proclamations, and public Advertifements. Ordered, That M'' Archibald Cary do carry the faid Refolution to the Coimcil, and
defire their Concurrence.
Martin Shearman and Robert Mitchell, Infpedlors at Deep Creek Warehoufe, in the Coimty of Lancafter, was prefented to the Houfe and read fetting forth, That the Petitioners had been obliged to pay to the Proprietors of Tobacco, ftolen out of the faid Warehoufe, at fundry Times, One Himdred and Thirty-eight Pounds and Six Shillings and praying to be reimburfed the faid Sum.
Petition of
; ;
That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims, and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereOrdered,
and John Eidfon, Infpedlors at Cat Point Warehoufe, in to the Houfe and read fetting forth, That the prefented was the Coimty make good Two Thoufand and Four Himdred Pounds Petitioners had been obliged to of Crop Tobacco, ftolen out of the faid Warehoufe, and from under Prize there, to the Owners thereof, and praying to be relieved. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims, and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereof Richmond,
then the
Houfe adjourned
of the Clock.
Oath, and repeated and fubfcribed the Teft, took his Place in the Houfe. M' Treafurer reported to the Hotife, that the Governor having been waited on, purfuant to the Order of Yefterday, to know his pleafure, when he would be attended by this Hoiife, had been pleafed to appoint to be attended this Day, in the CouncilChamber, and to fay he would acquaint the Hotife, by a Meffenger of his own, when
he was ready to receive their Addrefs. A Meffage from the Governor, by M' Walthoe.
W Speaker,
The Governor Chamber.
now ready
Accordingly M"" Speaker, with the Hotife, went up and being returned, he reported, that the Houfe had attended the Governor with their Addrefs, to which his Excellency was pleafed to give this Anfwer
" M"'
Your kind and affedionate Addrefs brightens my Profped, and fills me with the delightful Expedations of compleatly anfwering the Purpofes of my Royal Mafter. May the Almighty feciire to me that moft defirable Objed, by direding your Counfels for the Advantage and Profperity of all his Majefty's extenfive Dominions, and may yon continue a loyal, free and
happy People,
fhall be
no more.
The Houfe was moved that Part of an Adl made in the Twenty -fecond Year of the his late Majefty King George the Second, entituled, An Ad' for the better fecuring the Payment of Levies, and Reftraint of Vagrants, and for making Provifion for the
Reign of
Poor; might be read. And the fame being read accordingly
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to amend the faid Adl. That M'' Bland, and M"" Archibald Cary, do prepare and bring in the fame. A Pitition of John Martin and James Difhman, Infpedtors at Mattox Warehotrfe, in the County of Weftmoreland, was prefented to the Houfe and read fetting forth, that the Petitioners had been obliged to pay for a Hogfliead of Crop Tobacco, weighing One Thoufand and Eighteen Pounds Nett, and Two Thoufand Pounds Weight of Tranffer Tobacco, which were ftolen out of the faid Warehoufe; and praying to be reimburfed and relieved.
Ordered, Ordered,
Hening, VI,
p. 29.
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
A Petition of Thomas Godwin and John Read, Infpedors at Milner's Warehoufe in the Coimty of Nanfemond, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Tobacco brought to the faid Warehoufe fmce their Salaries were fettled, hath exceeded very confiderably the Quantities ufually infpedled there before, and would probably
and therefore praying a reafonable Allowance for their extraordinary Trouble and Expences the two laft Years, and that their Salaries for the Time to come may be increafed. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committeee of Public Claims; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. On a Motion made, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to regulate the Practice of fuing out and profecuting Writs of Replevin, in Cafes of Diftrefs for Rent, in this Colony and that M'' Richard Henry Lee, and M'' Henry Lee, do prepare and bring in the fame. A Meffage from the Council by M"" Walthoe.
hereafter increafe;
M' Speaker,
The Council have agreed
to the
Refolve of your
A Petition of Thomas Talbutt was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Petitioner having, for the Confideration of Eleven Hundred and Fifty Poimds, piirchafed a Parcel of Land, with two Storehotifes thereon, on the Eaft Side of the County
and adjoining the.Public Land, laid outa Street, Twentyfix Feet wide, from off the faid Land, nmning from the Main Street to the Creek, and leading thence, over the Bridge, to the back Inhabitants of the faid Borough, which is very advantageous and convenient to the Public and that, by a Survey lately made, it being difcovered that the Storehoufes aforefaid are chiefly on the Public Land, the Petitioner treated with the Cotmty Court of Norfolk for the Purchafe of fo much of the Public Land as is fuiificient to fecure to him his faid Storehoufes, and the faid County Cotirt are willing and agree that a Title may be made to him accordingly, on his paying a Confideration for the fame; and therefore praying that the faid Agreement may be
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Ordered,
of the
Debt due from John Robinfon, Efquire, deceafed, be taken into Confideration upon Tuefday
upon Tuefday fevenight. County of Amherft, whofe Names A are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Hotife, and read; fetting forth, that Profecutions of Suits in the County Courts, held every Month, are very inconvenient, and more dilatory and expenfive than they would be if thofe Courts were held once in every third Month only, and Suits were put to iffue and prepared for Trial at the Clerk's Offices, on Rule-Days, in the Intervals between the Courts and therefore praying that quarterly inftead of monthly Courts, or fome other effedVual Method to remedy the MifOrdered,
Houfe be
called over
may be eftablifhed.
That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee for Courts for Juftice and that the)' do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion
of Amherft,
whofe Names
and other Collectors are by Law impowered to make Diftrefs for Public Dues and whofe Refidence is very remote from the Warehoufes, can get their Tobacco infpedled and therefore praying that fuch Dues and Fees may not be diftrained for \mtil the Tenth Day of May, and that the Officers may not be accountable for them to the Creditors until the laft Day of June. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. of ftmdry Perfons, whofe Names are therevmto fubfcribed, was prefented and read fetting forth, that another Infpedlion of Tobacco, at the Town of Dumfries, in the Covmty of Prince William, would be very convenient to the Inhabitants of that and other Counties and praying that fuch Infpedlion may be eftabHfhed in the faid To-wti, and appointed on the Lots diftinguifhed by the Numbers 171, and 172. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
A Petition
to the Hoiife,
Coimty of Augufta, whofe Names and read; taking Notice, that prefented for dividing to the Hotife the faid Coimty and fundr}'^ Petitions had been praying that the faid Coiuity may be divided by the North Branch of James River, up to the Mouth of Carr's Creek, by the faid Creek, to the Head thereof, and thence by a ftraight Line parallel with that which divides Frederick Cotmty from Augufta: And
Petition of feveral Perfons, Inhabitants of the
A Petition of ftindry Freeholders and Inhabitants, of the faid County of Augufta, whofe Names are theretmto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; taking Notice of a Petition intended to be prefented to the Houfe, for dividing the faid County, and either making two new Counties, or, if but one, for ending the dividing Line at Beverley Manor; and alledging that any Divifion of the faid County will be very inconvenient, and efpecially in the Manner propofed and therefore praying that the faid County may not be divided at all, or eKe, that the dividing Line may be extended to the North Branch of James River, making one new County only. Ordered, That the faid feveral Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
Arid alfo Petition of fundry Perfons, Inhabitants of the County of Suffex, whofe
thereimto fubfcribed Were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the lately
James Town, and Croiiche's Creek, are unreaand therefore praying that the faid Rates may be reduced. Ordered, That the faid feveral Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propotions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the
increafed Rates of Ferriage at Swan's Point,
fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of the Minifter and Veftry of the Parifh of Saint Mark, in the Coimty of
was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Glebe Land belonging to the faid Parifh, from its fmall Quantity, and the long Time it hath been in Cultivation, is for the moft Part worn out, and that the Proportion of the faid Land remaining tmcleared is not fufficient to fupply Timber for Repairs, or Wood for Fewel and therefore praying that an Adl may pafs to enable the faid Veftry to fell the faid Glebe Land, and purchafe, in Lieu thereof, a fufficient and more convenient Glebe. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee for Religion and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon,
to the Hoiife.
The Order
of the
into a
Committee of
To-morrow, refolve itfelf into the faid Committee. A Petition of fundry Perfons, Inhabitants of the Coimty of Albemarle, refident on the upper Part of the North Fork of James River, whofe Names are thereimto fubfcribed,
was prefented
to the Houfe,
and read
do ftretch Seines acrofs the fame at Times between their fifhing or Hawling, which, in great Meafure, hinders the Fifh from running up and that the fame
by Stops or Fifhftraps, at feveral Falls or Rifts of Rocks, in fame River and praying the Hotife to take fome Steps for preventing
fuch Pradlices.
That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
Ordered, That the Letters which have paffed between the Committee of Correfpondence and the Agent for this Colony, fince the Seventeenth Day of May laft, be laid before the Hotife. Ordered, That it be a ftanding Order of the Houfe, that no Committee fit to do
Bufinefs, during the
of Divine Service.
That M"' Ball be added to the Committee of Public Claims. M"' Archibald Gary reported, from the Committee of Public Claims, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of the Petition of Henry Siffon and John Eidfon, Infpedlors of Tobacco at Cat Point Warehoufe, in Richmond County, as relates to the Hogfhead of Tobacco, Nett 1131 lb. the Property of John Gordon, which was ftolen out of the faid Warehoufe, is reafonable, and that they ought to be reimburfed the Sum of Eleven Pounds Six Shillings and Two Pence Halfpenny for the fame, and that that Part of the Petition relating to the Hogfhead of Tobacco ftolen from under the Prize, be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Anthony Street, Deputy Sheriff of Lunenburg County, to be allowed for a Horfe, found by him to convey a Criminal to the pubUc Gaol, which died in that Service, and for his Expences on the faid Criminal, in conveying him to the faid Gaol, be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Fielding Turner, to be reimburfed for a Judgment and Cofts, obtained againft him for a Gun, impreffed by him for the Ufe of the Militia, draughted in the Year 1758, and loft, is reafonable, and that he ought to be allowed the Stun of Six Potmds Thirteen Shillings and One Penny Halfpenny, for the fame. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. A Petition of Aaron Hudgin, and Mary his Wife, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the Petitioners, in Odoher 1766, traveled One Htmdred and Ten Miles to Williamfburg, and attended the General Court two Days each, as Witneffes for the Crown againft William Singleton and Ghriftopher Singleton, who were indidled of Felony, and that nothing had been levied to the Petitioners for that Service and praying that they may be now allowed for their faid TravelHng and Attendance. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion
Petition of the
Pamunkey Indians was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting appointed by Adl of Affembly to rent Part of their Lands, and Rents to their Benefit, were dead, and that fince their Death, the Peti;
had been injured by the Tenants, who would not account and praying proper Redrefs. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill perfuant to the Pra^'^er of the faid Petition and that M"' Treafurer, M"' Braxton and M'' Moore, do prepare and bring in the
then the
Houfe adjourned
of the Clock.
other Members having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Ad; of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and the Abjuration Oath, and repeated and fubfcribed the Teft, took their Places
in the Houfe.
Governor by
to deliver to your Houfe certain Letters to his Exceland Felix Seymour, and Copies of his Excellency's lency from Colonels Adam Stephen Letters to Colonel Stephen and the Commanding Officer of Fort Pitt, together with feveral
am commanded
by the Governor
other Papers, concerning the alarming Reports mentioned in his Excellency's Speech to have
And he
That the
faid Letters
and Papers do
to be perufed
of the Houfe. Speaker acquainted the Houfe, that, purfuant to the Order of the Houfe, of the Sixteenth day of May laft, he had tranfmitted to the Speakers of the feveral Houfes of Affembly on this Continent, Copies of the Refolutions then agreed to by this Houfe, requefting their Concurrence therein and had received Letters on that Subjedl from the
Speakers of feveral of the faid Houfes of Affembly, and he delivered the faid Letters in at
the Clerk's Table.
That the
faid Letters
the Hoxife. M'' Speaker aKo acquainted the Houfe, that, purfuant to the Order of the Houfe, of the Seventeenth Day of May laft, he had tranfmitted the Addrefs to his Majefty, therein
mentioned, to the Agent for this Colony, with Diredlions to caufe the fame to be prefented to his Majefty, and afterwards to be printed and publifhed in the Englifh Papers; and had received a Letter on that fubjedl from the faid Agent and he delivered the faid
That the
faid Letter
to be perufed
by the Members
to Order, the Letters which have paffed between the faid Committee,
Bland prefented to the Houfe, from the Committee of Correfpondence, according and the Agent for Colony, fince the Seventeenth Day of May laft. Ordered, That the faid Letters do lie upon the Table, to be perufed by Members of
the Hotife.
Richard Henry Lee reported, from the Committee of Courts of Jviftice, that the had, according to Order, infpedled the Journals of the laft Seffion of Committee faid Affembly, and drawn up a State of the Matters then depending and undetermined, and the Progrefs that was made therein, and had directed him to report the fame, as it appeared to them, to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame was read, and is as followeth, viz.
appears to this Committee, that at the Firft Seffion of the faid Affembly, a PetiCotmty of Augufta, praying a Divifion thereof, aKo a And, Petition in Oppofition, thereto, were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read
was ordered that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, fame Effedl with the above, had been committed, fhould be difcharged from proceeding therein, and that all the faid Petitions be referred to the then
on a Motion made,
Petitions to the
next Sef fion of Affembly. That an Accoimt of Tunftall Banks, Adminiftrator, &c. of William Banks, deceafed for Pay as Lieutenant for 6i Days; aKo a Claim of Captain Walter Cunningham, for 7 lo s. for which a Soldier in his Company of Militia obtained a Judgment againft him in the Coimty Court of Augiifta; and aKo a Claim of Jacob Jackfon, for 44 Days Service as a Soldier in Captain Cunninghams Company of Militia, were feverally prefented to the
On a Motion made to the Houfe, it was ordered, that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances be difcharged from confidering the Petition of Job Pearfal, to them committed; and that the faid Petition fhould be referred to the then next Seffion of
appears to this Committee, that at the fecond Seffion of the faid Affembly, other Petitions of fundry Inhabitants of the County of Augufta, praying that the faid County may be divided, were prefented to the Houfe, and read, and referred to the Confideration of the then next Seffion of Affembly.
It alfo
That a Petition of John Thomas, letting forth, that upon the Expedition in the Year 1764, it being made known, that it was defired a Number of Voluntiers fhould join the King's Troops, commanded by Colonel Bouquet, on that Expedition, the Petitioner did adlually inlift Fourteen able Men, upon the Affurance that he fhould have the Rank of an Enfign, and be equally entitled to any Advantage or Emolument which might arife to Officers of the fame Rank, who fliould enter into that Service that the Petitioner had been informed his Name was left out of the Lift of Officers who obtained an Allowance from the Houfe, by Miftake, and praying that the Houfe would take the fame into their Confideration, and make him fuch Allowance as they may think equitable.
Year 1764, he entered hima Voltmtier, to ferve in the Expedition againft the Indian Towns, under the Command of Colonel Bouquet that upon its being fignified to be the Defire of the General
Petition of George Slaughter, fetting forth, that in the
of the Voluntiers fhould ferve on Horfeback, the Petitioner fumifhed himfelf with a fuitable Horfe for that Service that upon a Peace being concluded with the different Tribes of Indians, and a large Number of diftreffed Prifoners being delivered up, the Petitioner's Horfe was employed, on their Return, in carrying fome of thofe reftored Captives, by which Means the faid Horfe was loft that the Petitioner therefore humbly hoped this Honourable Houfe would take the fame into Confideration, and grant him fuch Allowance as they might think reafonable, as he was a($tuated by Principles of Public Spirit to enter into that Service, and without Expecfla-
Affembly, that a
any Reward for his Services. Alfo Benjamin Foreman, praying that an Adl may pafs to eftablifh a Ferry over the River Potowmack, from his Land, in the County of Frederick, to the Land of Lord Baltimore, in the Province of Maryland. And alfo A Petition of Benjamin Grubb, of the Town of Winchefter, fetting forth, that in the Spring of the Year 1755, his Houfe in the faid Town, was, by Order of Colonel Stephen, Commanding Officer of the Virginia troops then ftationed there, taken and converted into an Hofpital for the Ufe of the Soldiers, who kept Poffeffion thereof for that Purpofe about Eight Months, and during that Time deftroyed the Paling of the Lot on which the Houfe ftood intirely, and the Plaiftering of the Houfe, ripped off the Weatherboards of the DweUing-Houfe and Stable, and did the Petitioner other confiderable Damage, valued by Workmen to above Forty Pounds, for which Sir John Sinclair, to whom the Petitioner delivered the Eftimate, promifed to procure an Allowance but the Petitioner had never heard any thing more of it, nor received any Satiffadlion for the Ufe of his Houfe, or the Injury done him by the Soldiers, and praying the Houfe to take the Matter
tion of receiving
Petition of
under Confideration, and make him fuitable Amends, were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read, and referred to the Confideration of the then next Seffion of Affembly. That upon a Motion made, it was ordered, that all fuch Claims and other Matters, as were referred from the Firft to the Second Seffion of the laft Affembly, and alfo all fuch as were certified to the faid Second Seffion of Affembly, fhould be referred to the Confideration of the then next Seffion of Affembly. Ordered, That the feveral Petitions of fimdry Inhabitants of the Coimty of Augiifta, praying a Divifion thereof, and alfo the Petition in Oppofition thereto, and alfo the feveral Petitions of J oh Pearfal and Benjamin Foreman, in the faid Report mentioned, be feverally referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, and that they do examine the Matters thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinions thereupon, to the
That the Accotmt of Tunftall Banks, Adminiftrator, &c. of William Banks, and aKo the Claim of Captain Walter Cunningham, and alfo the Claim of Jacob Jack fan, and alfo the feveral Petitions of John Thomas, George Slaughter and Benjamin Grubb, in the faid Report alfo mentioned, be feverally referred to the Committee of Public Claims; and, that they do examine the Matters thereof, and report the fame, with
County of Charlotte, was prefented to the Houfe, Road, convenient to Travellers, nins through the Petiand read fetting forth, that a tioner's Land in the faid Cotmty, and croffes the River Staunton, near his Houfe, where there is no Ferry and praying that a Ferry may be ef tablifhed upon the faid Land of the Petitioner, over the faid River, to the Land of Thomas Cobbs, in the County of Halifax. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of feveral Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Counties of Hanover and King William, whofe names are theretmto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth, that the opening and clearing the upper Part of Pamunkey River, in order to make it navigable for Boats and fmall Craft to carry down Tobacco from Crutchfield's, Page's, and Meriwether's Warehoules, is attended with verj' great Expence, and is extremely burthenfome to the Petitioners, who are by Law obliged to pay for clearing and opening the faid River, although they receive but little Advantage, in Comparifon with the Benefits which the People of other Counties derive therefrom, who bring their Tobacco to thofe Warehoufes, invited by the high Price generally given for Tobacco paffed at them, and who ought, therefore, to contribute to the Expence of opening and clearing the faid River and therefore propofing, that the faid River may, for the future, be cleared and kept open at the Expence of the Public, or that every Perfon, carrying or fending Tobacco to the faid Wareho\afes, may be obHged to pay fomething towards opening and clearing the faid River, or that fuch Relief may be granted to the Petitioners as the Houfe fhall think juft and reafonable. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereiipon, to the Hotife. M"' Edmund Pendleton reported, from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, that the Committee had had tmder their Confideration the Return of the Writ for ele(5ling Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the County of Halifax, alfo the Petition of M'' Nathaniel Terry, relative to the faid Return, to them referred, and having heard, as well the Sheriff of the faid County, as the faid NatJianiel Terry, and examined feveral Witneffes thereupon, had agreed to a Report, and come to feveral Refolutions; and he read the Report and Refolutions in his Place, and afterwards delivered them in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as foUoweth, viz. It appears to yotir Committee by the Evidence of George Lyne, that as the faid George was going to Halifax Court-Hotife on the Day appointed for the Eledlion, in Company with M"' William Hofkins, the High Sheriff, the faid Hofkins mentioned, that he had
of Daniel Cargill, of the
A Petition
of Eight in the Morning to open the Poll, but fhould not do it Nine 'Clock, left People fliould fufpedl him of Partiality to M^ Walter Coles, who was a Candidate for the faid County. That his Reafon for appointing fo early an Hoiir as Eight 'Clock was, to give the Candidates the Opportunity of a fair Election, for at the preceding Eledlion there was fo
great Confufion and Irregularity as to occafion the Poll to be frequently ftopped. That in the fame Converfation the faid Hofkins frequently declared he had not afked, even one of his Neighbours, how they intended to vote? but that the Day before,
having feen the Son of one Younger, Nephew to the faid Hofkins, he enquired of him who his Father propofed to vote for; and the faid Yotmger replied, that he believed that his Father intended to vote for the Two old Ones; then, faid Hofkins, if that is the Cafe, tell him to ftay at Home, or he may as well ftay at Home, but which the faid Lyne does not certainly recolledt. That from the frequent Difcourfes which paffed between the faid Hofkins and Lyne,
concerning the Eledlion, the faid Lyne verily believes, that although Hofkins had often declared to him that M'' Coles was his Friend, ftill from the faid Hofkins frequent Declarations that he intended a fair Eledlion, and had for that End appointed fo early an
Hotu- as Eight of the Clock, the faid Lyne
is fatiffied
Lyne and Hofkins got to the Court-Houfe about Three Quarters after were met by M"" Walter Coles, who obferved to the faid Hofkins that Eight, when they the appointed Time of beginning the Election was paft, to which Hofkins replied, he fhould open the Poll prefently. That foon after. Colonel Lewis, another Candidate, came up, and told the faid Hofkins that he had no Right to open the Poll until the ufual Hour, and that his Friends were at a great Diftance, 20 and 30 Miles, and could not poffibly get there fo foon to which Hofkins made Anfwer, you have all had Notice it is in my Power to open the Poll when I pleafe, and I fliall do fo prefently but to prevent any Objeftions of Unfairnefs I will keep the Poll open till Sun-fet; which Declaration he frequently repeated. That Colonel Terry at the fame Time made the fame Objedlions that Colonel Lewis had done, and the faid Lyne left them difputing upon that Point. That fome Time after this, the faid Lyne heard fome Perfon fay the Poll was to be opened, and obferving many People preffmg to the Court-Houfe, he followed them, and as That the
; ;
foon as he got to the Door, he could not but be furprifed to fee Colonel Terry ftripped, with his Coat and his Waift-coat off and his Collar imbuttoned, fhaking his Cane over
Words "//ta< damned he read the Writ he would be yet, " to which the faid Hofkins replied, " He fhould if would be damned if he did not, " Colonel Terry then faid if he perlifted in reading the Writ, "he would be dammed if he did not cane him:" Whereupon the faid Hofkins raifed the Writ in order to read it, when the faid Terry made a Stroke at the faid Hofkins with his, Stick, which was caught by a Standerby. The faid Hofkins then afked if he had no Under Sheriff nigh, but no Anfwer being given, the faid Hofkins turned about and faid if he could not open the Poll when he pleafed, there fhould be no Eledlion that Day. That after this Interruption, M'' Coles came up and told the faid Hofkins, if he was hindered in the Execution of his Office he knew what kind of Return to make, and if the faid Terry wanted to Cane any Perfon, let him cane him; which Words the faid Lyne believes the faid Terry did not hear, as he did not then take any Notice of them but fome Time after, feeing them together on the Bench in the Court-Houfe, he judged from their Countenances and the Sound of high Words between them, they were quarrelling. That within 20 or 30 Minutes after the Difpute between the faid Terry and Hofkins, the faid Terry faid he was then ready to proceed to polling, but the iaid Hofkins -was not prefent though feveral People had Notice of the faid Terry's Propofal, and were
the faid Hofkin's Head, faying, as well as the faid Lyne can recolledt, the
That the
Lyne remembers to have feen Four Clerks at the Table within the M'' John Cox, who was faid to be employed
Poll, was one of them and that he had numbered 130 ^ or 131 at the Top of the Columns, as it was reported. That at this Time there appeared to be Half the Inhabitants of the County collected together, fome of whom were intoxicated, but the Generality of them peaceably difpofed,
Mofes Terry only having his Collar unbuttoned. It appears alfo to your Committee by the Evidence of Epaphroditus White, that when he came to the Court-Houfe on the Day appointed for the Eledlion, Colonel Terry appHed to him to keep his Poll, to which he anfwered that being requefted by the High Sheriff to conducft the Eledlion, he could not obhge him. That fome Time after, meeting with one of the other Deputies, and informing him of the faid Terry's Application, he made Anfwer that he was too unwell to condu(5t the Eledtion, and that he, the faid White, muft do it himfelf whereupon the faid White fent a Meffage to the faid Terry by his Son, not to rely on the faid White to take his Poll. That a fhort Time after, the faid White met with the High Sheriff Hofkins, who told the faid White he depended upon him to condudl the Eledlion, and delivered him the Writ and whiKt the faid White had it in his Hand, the faid Terry walked up and told the faid Hofkins, if he opened the Poll, he would tife him very ill, for he, the faid Terry, was not provided with a Clerk. That the faid Hofkins then went away, when the faid Terry obferved to the faid White his great regard for him, and advifed him as a Friend, not to read the Writ, but retiu"n it to the faid Hofkins, which he accordingly did. Then the faid Hofkins having taken back the Writ, M'' Coles came up and faid to Hofkins that he, the faid Coles had come at the appointed Time and was ready to proceed to PolHng, which he hoped would be done directly but the faid Terry again objedled to M' Coles then it, alleging that it was not the ufual Hour, and that he had no Clerk. faid he would indemnify the faid Hofkins for opening the Poll at that Time of Day. That M'' Hofkins declared he would open the Poll, and if required by either of the Candidates keep it open till Sun-fet, and defired they would repair to the Court-hoiofe which they all did, the faid White going diredlly to the Sheriffs Box, in order to do his Duty; but turning himfelf about, he obferved Colonel Terry ftripped with his Cane in his Hand. That immediately after, the faid Hofkins came up to the Door, when the faid Terry Or words to that Purpofe to which Hofkins faid to him 'Damn you, will you ufe me ill?' Terry then faid, he had no Clerk, but fliould have replied, "/ intend to ufe no Man ill." one in a little Time, and afked the faid Hofkijis if he was determined to read the writ? Hofkins replied, I am. Upon which the faid Terry declared if he did, he would be damned if he did not Cane him. Why then, faid Hofkins, I will be damned if I don't, and cane away, the Writ being then in the faid Hofkin's Hand. Upon which the faid Terry moved one Hand towards the Writ, and raifed his Stick with the other, which was caught by Mofes Terry. That M"" Coles faid to the faid Hofkins, if you are interrupted in the Duty of your Office, you know what to do. That after this Altercation the faid Hofkins left the Court-houfe, and upon his going away M'' Coles faid if Colonel Terry had a mind to cane any Man, let him cane him foon after which, he faw the faid Terry on the Bench in the Court-houfe. That before the Difpute between the faid Terry and Hofkins, he, the faid White, faw the faid Terry's Clerk, John Cox, writing, or obfers^ed that he had written fome Words on the Top of the Poll, but where the faid Cox was, at the Time of the Difpute, he does not know. That from the Temper and general Behavior of the People, the faid White beUeves the Ele(5tion might have been made with the fame Eafe and Regularity after the Difpute, as before; and that the People were nearly half come together from all Parts of the
of the faid Terry's, but he, the faid White, does not
That the Majority of M'' Cole's Friends live nearer the Court-houfe than the Majority know whether there were more of them then prefent or not. That
That the
his Poll.
faid Terry
That after the Difpute between the faid Terry and Hofkins, and the faid Terry's going upon the Bench, and propofmg to proceed to the Eledion, feveral Perfons were acquainted with it, and enquired whether any Eledtion was to be made, or not?
which the faid White replied, he fhould follow M-- Hofkin's Diredlions, when given him. That the faid Hofkins requefted the faid White to give the People Notice of the Time he had appointed to begin the Eledlion, which the faid White did to thofe within his Diftridt, but the faid Terry denied to the faid White, that he had any Notice of it
That the faid White's Diftridl is the lower End of the County, wherein both M' and Colonel Terry refide, but the faid White believes M"' Terry's principle Intereft without that Diftridl, as it appeared fo at the preceding Ele(5lion. The faid White further faith, M^ Hofkins never delired him to make intereft for
any particular Candidate. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Nathamel Terry, in obftrudling M' Hofkins the Sheriff, in the Execution of his Duty, is guilty of a high Offence, and Breach of the Privileges of the People. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of M"' Terry's
Petition as charges M"" Hofkins with Partiality in the Execution of his Office, in Regard to the faid Eledion, ought to be further heard before the Committee, on Friday the Fifteenth Day of December next.
The fir ft Refolution being read a fecond Time An Amendment was propofed to be made theretmto, by leaving out the Word
the Queftion being put thereupon, that the ftand Part of the faid Refolution
propofed to be
left out,
Then the
by the
The fubfequent Refolution being read, a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M'' Nathaniel Terry, be taken into Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms, attending this Houfe, to anfwer for his Offence, and Breach of the Privileges of the People, in obftructing M"' Hofkins in the Execution of his Office of Sheriff, when he was
in this prefent General Affembly County of Halifax. Upon a Motion made, Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Propolitions and Grievances, that they prepare and bring in a Bill to amend an Adl, intituled, 'An Ad' for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms.' A Petition of fundry of the Inhabitants of the Upper End of Southfarnham Parilh, in the County of Effex, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the Petitioners refide, fome of them about 25, and none lefs than 22 Miles from the Redlor of the faid Parifh; that the neareft Church to them, in their own Parifh, is further from fome of them than the Upper Church in the Parifh of Saint Anne; and that the Boimds of the faid Parifli are unfettled; and praying that the Petitioners may be included in the Parifh of Saint Anne, by a Line from Colonel Francis Warring's Mill-run, at the Mouth of the Road-Brancli, up the faid Branch to a marked Black Oak, at the Head thereof, from thence nmning South 60 Degrees Weft to the main Road, and thence South 47 Degrees Weft to a fmall Perfimon and Maple, at the Head of a Branch of Hawkinf's Run, notwithftanding which there will remain ftill in the lower Parifh about 400 Tithables more than in the Upper. for the
Hening, VIII,
p. 69.
That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee tor ReKgion; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with the Opinion thereOrdered,
upon, to the Houfe. A Petition of Nathaniel Terry, now in Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this Houfe, was prefented to the Hotife, and read affuring the Houfe, that it gives him
the deepeft Concern to have fallen under their Difpleafure and humbly hoping, that, in Confideration of human Frailty, he may be forgiven, as his Condudl happened tmder
the Influence of
Paffion, arifing
Unfaimefs in the
That the
M' Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had imder their Confideration feveral Petitions to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, which he read in his Place, and afterwards deHvered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petitions of fundry Inhabitants of Amherft, Charlotte, and Prince Edward Cotmties, praying Relief againft the oppreffive Exadtions of the CoUedlors of Public, County, and Parilh Levies, are
it is
Inhabitants of the Coimty of Alhermarle, praying that an Adl may pafs to prevent the Eredlingof Stops, or Traps for Fifh, in the North Fork of James River, is reafonable.
it is
Inhabitants of the
pafs to prevent
in Elizabeth City
Hogs running
by the Houfe.
be brought in, purfuant to the faid Refolutions; and that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the fame. A Petition of fundn'^ of the Inhabitants of this Colony, whofe Names are thereimto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth the deftrudtive Tendency of Inoculation for the Small-Pox, and therefore praying that no fuch Pradlice may be allowed in Virginia. Alfo,
A Petition of feveral Perfons, Inhabitants of the Borough and Coimty of Norfolk, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth the Inconveniences from Inoculation for the Small-Pox, and therefore praying that an Adl may pafs for reftraining and regulating the Pradlice of Inoculation. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be feverally referred to the Committee of Propotions and Grievances and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Ordered, That the Committee of Public Claims do levy, in the Book of Claims, on M"' Nathaniel Terry, the Expences accrued on the Matter of Complaint againft him, for
praying that the Condudl of the Sheriff of Halifax, on the Day appointed for eledling Burgeffes to fer\^e in this prefent General Affenibly for the faid Covmty, might be
enquired into.
be at Liberty to withdraw his faid Petition. A Petition of the People, caUed Mtdattoes and Free Negroes, whofe Names are theretmto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, praying that the Wives and Daughters of the Petitioners may be exempt from the Payment of Levies. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
That the
Petition of feveral Manufadlurers of Leather within this Colony, whofe Names was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth, that the Exportation of raw Hides, hitherto not ftifficiently ref trained, is very detrimental" and praying the Houfe to take the fame under Confideration, and apply an
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Hotife.
prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth, that a Horfe, belonging to the Petitioner, died of Fatigue, in carrying a Criminal to the Public Gaol, and therefore praying to be allowed the Value of the faid Horfe.
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
Petition of William
Brunfwick, whofe
and Veftry of the Parifh of Meherrin, in the Coimty of was prefented to the Houfe, and
read, fetting forth the inconvenient Situation of the Glebe of the faid Parifh,
be impowered to
make Improvements
by fuch
That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee for Religion; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with' their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of fundry Perfons, Inhabitants of the County of Fairfax, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth, that Officers Fees, due in the County of Loudoun, from Perfons, not refident there, are payable
Rate than thofe which become due from the Inhabitants of the faid County and therefore praying that all Officers Fees, arifmg in the faid County of Loudoun, for Services done for the Inhabitants of any other County, may be difcharged at the fame Rates, as if they refided in the faid County of Loudoun. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
at a higher
their Opinion thereupon, to the Hotife.
being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take into Confideration the Governor's Speech
of the
The Order
upon Tuefday
next, refolve
into the
then the
Houfe adjourned
of the Clock.
UtI) of
November. 10
a Motion made.
preventing and fuppreffmg private Lotteries and that M'' Eyre do prepare and bring in the fame. Petition of Thomas Fifher, the younger, of the Coimty of Northampton, was preBill
and read;
deceafed, was, in his Life-time, seized in Fee Simple of a Tradl of Land, containing about
8oo Acres, in the Parifli of Hungars, in the faid County, and being fo feized, by his laft 9**" Dayof I^^cewiCT-, inthe Yearof our
Son John Fifher, and to the Heirs of his Body lawfully begotten; and that after the Death of the faid Philip Fifher, the faid John Fifher entered into the faid Tracft of Land, and died feized thereof, leaving Iffue a Son
to his
who having entered into the faid Trad; of Land, died feized thereof, now feized of the faid Tradl of Land, as Tenant in Fee Tail
and further fetting forth, that it would be greatly for the Advantage of the Petitioner and his Pofterity, if the Intail of about 405 Acres, Part of the faid Tradt of Land, were docked, and Slaves of equal or greater Value fettled in Lieu thereof; and therefore praying that an Adl may pafs for docking the Intail of the faid 405 Acres of Land, and vefting the fame in the Petitioner in Fee Simple and in Lieu thereof annexing Ten Slaves, named in the Petition, and faid to be of greater value, to the Refidue of the faid Tracfb of Land in Fee Tail. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and M' Eyre do prepare and bring in the fame. A Petition of the Veftry, and others, of the Parifh of Hungars, in the county of Northampton, whofe Names are theretmto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Gingafkin tributary Indians, amoimting to about 30 Men, Women, and Children, are poffeffed of and inhabit 600 Acres of valuable Land, in the faid Parifh and Cotmty, which they negledl to cultivate, and cannot difpofe of; and
that the Tithable Perfons of the faid Parifh are burthened with maintaining fuch of the
become fick and difabled, which Expence the Petitioners think it juit and eqm table they fhould be relieved of by the Profits of the faid Land, as the Poffeffors thereof by Law are not inlifted as Tithables, and fo are exempt from the Payment of Levies and therefore praying that an Adl may pafs, impowering the Church wardens of the faid Parifh, with the Veftry, to make Leafes of fuch Portion of the faid Land under reafonable Provifos and Reftridlions, as that the Rents may be of Value fufficient to
faid Indians as
That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
Richard Henry Lee reported, from the Committee of Courts of Jtiftice, that the Committee had, according to Order, examined what Laws have expired, and infpedled fuch temporary Laws as will expire with the End of this Seffion, or are near expiring,
and had agreed upon a Report, and come to feveral Refolutions thereupon and he read the report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame was read; and the Refolutions of the Committee are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of the Ad; of Affembly, made in the 27*'' Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Second
upon the Waters of the Miffiffippi; and of the fubfequent Adls, for continuing and amending the fame, as relates to the impofing, colleding, and accounting for an additional Duty on Slaves, and the Taxes on Wheel Carriages, Ordinar}' Licenfes, and Original Procefs, which will expire on the 14*'' Day of February next, ought not to be further continued. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Adl of Affembly, made in the Fifth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Ad" for continuing the Ad for appointing an Agent, and two other Ads therein mentioned, which will expire on the 14''' Day of April, 1771, ought to be further continued. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Adl of Affembly, made in the Seventh Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, 'An Ad^ for further continuing the Ad, for reducing the feveral Ads, for making Promfion againft Invafions attd Infurredions, into one Ad,' which will expire on the 8"" Day of June next, ought to be further continued. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Adl of Affembly, made in the Fifth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, 'Ah A^* iocmjitVnte an AtS,' intituled, 'An Ad for reducing the feveral Ads made for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into one Ad,' which will expire on the 20"" Day of June next, ought to be further continued.
intituled, for the Encoiiragment
of the Settlers
'An Ad^
and Protedioti
Hening. VI,
p. 417-
* /tid.,
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Adl of Affembly, made Seventh Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, 'An Ad'^ to continue and amend an Ad, for reviving the Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers,' which will expire on the 20*'' Day of April next, ought to be further continued. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Adt of Affembly, made in the Seventh Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, 'An Ad' to continue an Ad,' intituled, 'An Ad to oblige Perfons bringing Slaves into this Colony from Maryland, Carolina, and the Weft-Indies, for their own life, to pay a Duty,' which will expire on the 20* Day of April next, ought to be further continued. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Adl of Affembly, made in the Seventh Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, 'An Ad^ for amending and further continuing an Ad, for the more effedual keeping the Public Roads and Bridges in Repair,' which will expire on the 1 1"" Day of April, ij-jq, ought to be further continued, with Amendments. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Adl of Affembly, made in the Seventh Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, 'An Ad* to continue an Ad for eftablifhing Pilots, and regulating their Fees,' which will expire on the 11* Day of April next, oiight to be further continued. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Adl of Affembly, made in the Seventh Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, 'An Ad^ for continuing an Ad intituled, 'An Ad for increafing the Rewards for killing Wolves within certain Counties to be paid by the Counties wherein the Services fhall be performed,' which will expire on the I " Day of June next, ought to be further continued. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Adl of Affembly, made in the Seventh Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, 'An Ad^ for appointing a Treafurer,' which will expire at the End of this prefent Seffion of Affembly, ought to be conRefolved,
in the
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Adl of Affembly, made Eighth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, 'An Ad' for further continuing the in the Ad,' intituled, 'An Ad for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms,' which will expire on the i" Day of Odober, 1771, ought to be
further continued.
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Adl of Affembl3\ made in the Eighth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, 'An Ad^ for further continuing and amending the Ad,' intituled, 'An Ad for the better regulating and colleding certain Officers Fees, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned,' which will expire on the 12*'' Day of
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Adl of Affembly, made Seventh Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, 'An Ad^ to continue and amend the Ad for the better regulating and difciplining the Militia,' which will expire at the End of the Seffion to be held after the ii* Day of April, 1771, ought to be further continued, with Amendments. The firft Refolution of the Committee, being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. The fecond Refolution of the Committee being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, poftponed. The third Refolution of the Committee being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. The fourth Refolution of the Committee being read a fecond Time An Amendment was propofed to be made thereunto, by adding at the End thereof thefe Words, 'with Amendments.'
in the
Hening, VIII,
p. igo.
Ibid., Ibid.,
p. 299. p. 241.
VIII, p. 298.
the faid
Refolved, That the Houfe doth agree with the Committee in the faid Refolution amended, that the Acfl of Affembly, made in the Seventh Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, 'An Ad^ to continue an Ad,' intituled, 'An Ad for reducing the feveral Ads made for laying a Duty upon Liquors into one Ad,' which will expire on the 20"^ Day of June next, ought to be further continued, with Amendments. The fifth, fixth, feventh and eighth Refolutions of the Committee being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the
The ninth Refolution of the Committee being read a fecond Time An Amendment was propofed to be made thereto, by adding at the End thereof
thefe Words, 'with Amendments.'
the faid
amended, that the A(5l of Affembly, made in the Seventh Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, 'An Ad' for continuing an Ad,' intituled 'An Ad for increafing the Rewards
for killing
to be
fhall be performed,'
will expire
continued, with Amendments. The tenth Refolution of the Committee being read a fecond Time, was, upon the
Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. The eleventh Refolution of the Committee being read a fecond Time
to be
by adding
at the
the faid
by the
That the Houfe doth agree with the Committee in the faid Refolution fo amended, that the Adt of Affembly made in the Eighth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, 'An Ad^ for further continuing the Ad,' intituled, 'An Ad for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms,' which will expire on the i'' Day of Odober, 1771, ought to be further continued, with Amendments. The twelfth Refolution of the Committee being read a fecond Time An Amendment was propofed to be made thereto, by adding at the End thereof thefe Words, 'tuith Amendments.' And the faid Amendment was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by
the Houfe.
Refolved, That the Houfe doth agree with the Committee in the faid Refolution amended, that the Adt of Affembly, made in the Eighth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, 'An Ad* for further continuing and amending the Ad,' intituled, 'An Ad for the better regulating and colleding certain Officers Fees, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned,' which will expire on the i2*'> Day of April next, ought to be further confo
tinued, with
The fubfeqent Refolution being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Bill or Bills be brought in, perfuant to the third, ninth, tenth and
Committee, which have been agreed to by the Houfe; do prepare and bring in the fame. Committee and Ordered, That a Bill or Bills be brought in, purfuant to the fourth, feventh, and thirteenth Refolutions of the faid Committee, which have been agreed to b}^ the Houfe and that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the
twelfth Refolutions of the faid
Hening, VIII,
p. 190.
VIII, p. 298.
p. 299.
VIII, p. 200.
Ordered, That a Bill or Bills be brought in, purfuant to the fifth, fixth, and eighth Refolutions of the faid Committee, which have been agreed to by the Hotafe; and that the Committee of Trade do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances who were ordered to prepare and bring in a Bill to amend an Aft, intituled,
for preventing
Frauds in
his Majefty's
and County whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefcnted to the Hoiife, and read; fetting forth, that great Quantities of Rum, which is free of Duty in Maryland and Pennfylvania, are nm from thofe Colonies into the remote Counties of this Colony, to the Difcouragement of Trade, and Diminution of the Revenue arifing from the Dutv impofed on that Liquor here and therefore praying the Houfe to put the Petitioners on a Footing with their Neighbour Colonifts. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
of Fairfax,
or Claufes purfuant to the eleventh of the faid Refolutions, which hath been agreed to by the Houfe. A Petition of the Merchants and Traders of the Town of Alexandria,
to receive a Claufe
upon the faid Refolution and that the Comand bring in the fame. M"' Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table; where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Augufta, praying that the fame may be divided into two
That a
be brought
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the faid County, in Oppolition thereto, be rejedled.
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the FreeInhabitants of the Counties of Hanover and King William, praying Relief holders and againft the Burthen and Expence of clearing Pamunkey River from Crutchfield's, Page's,
and Meriwether's Warehoufes, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition
of the Inhabi-
tants of Middlefex County, praying that their Court Day may be altered to the Fourth Monday in every Month, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Inhabitants of Accomac County, praying that an Adl" may pafs to obhge the faid Inhabitants
annually, a certain
each Tithable,
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Mulattoes and Free Negroes, praying that their Wives and Daughters may be exempted from the
of Levies,
Hening, VIII,
p. 69.
VIII, p. 389.
by the Houfe.
That a
Bill or Bills
be brought
upon the
fixth Refolutions; and that the Committee of Propofitions and bring in the fame.
Stephen, relative to
Governor had delivered to him, and had received from Colonel accufed of having been concerned in the
an Indian.
of the Houfe.
That the
faid Letter do
Coimty of Fauquier, whofe Names are thereimto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the Petitioners are deprived of a providential and plentiful Supply of Fifh, by Grift -Mills, Hedges and Stops obftrudling their Paffage in the River Hedgman and Carter's Rim; and praying Redrefs. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
Petition of fimdry Perfons, Inhabitants of the
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
a Motion made,
That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee for ReUgion, that they prepare and bring in a Bill for granting Toleration to his Majefty's Subje(5ls, being Proteftant
Diff enters.
and Hotifekeepers
complaining of fimdry
be diffolved.
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee for Religion; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion there-
upon, to the Houfe. M"' Archibald Cary reported, from the Committee of Public Claims, that the
mittee had had imder their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards
delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz, Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of the Petition of Martin Shearman and Robert Mitchell, Inf pedtors of Tobacco at L'fe/' Cre?^ Warehoufe in Lancafter County, as relates to the Tranffer Tobacco, is reafonable; and that they ought to be reimburfed the Sum of 59;^. for the fame; and that the other Part of the faid Petition be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of John Martin and Jatnes Difhman, Infpedlors of tobacco at Mattox Warehoufe in Weftmoreland County, to be reimburfed for the Tobacco therein mentioned, is reafonable and that they ought to be allowed the Sum of lO;^. 35. "jd. for the Crop, and the further Simi of
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of the Petition of Thomas Godwin and John Reed, Infpedlors of Tobacco at Milner's Warehoufe in Nanfemond County, as prays an allowance to be made them for the extraordinary Services therein mentioned, be rejected and that the other Part of the faid Petition, praying their
may be
upon the Queftion by the Houfe. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, who were ordered to prepare and bring in a Bill to amend an Adl, intituled, 'An Ad'
Hening, VIII,
p. 69.
for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in and that they have power to receive a Clatife or Claufes purfuant
Petition of fundry Perfons, Inhabitants of the Cotinty of Fairfax, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Hotife, and read fetting forth the bad Condition of the Roads from the Movmtains to the Town of Alexandria; and praying the Hotife to take the Matter into Confideration, and devife some Method for maidnp
Roads more iifeful. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
for Religion.
That M' Munford be added to the Committee of Privileges and Eledtions. That M-- Munford, M-- Eyre, and M"- Richard Randolph, be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. Ordered, That M"- Marable, M^ Eyre, and M' Burton be added to the Committee
of Trade.
Ordered, Ordered,
That That
M"' M''
Burton, be added to the Committee of Public Claims. Farmer and M^ Pettus be added to the Committee of Courts of
then the
Houfe adjourned
Monday Morning
Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for dividing the Coimty of Augufta, and for other Piu-pofes therein mentioned; and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M"" Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for altering the Court Day of Middlefex County and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M'' Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to prevent Hogs nmning at Large in the Town of Hampton. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That M'' Treafurer be diredled to caiofe the Sum of 50^. to be laid out in fuitable Goods, in order that the fame may be given to the Indians now in Town. Ordered, That M"' Treafurer do provide a Stove, to be placed in the Houfe. A Petition of fimdry Perfons, Inhabitants of the Cotmty of Augufta, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that American Hemp is confiderably depreciated by the Negligence and ill Management of many Perfons who make it and praying that an Adl may pafs for the Infpedlion of Hemp, in the fame, or fome fuch Manner, as Tobacco is infpedled and that Infpedlors Notes for Hemp may pafs in Payment, for the Difcharge of Public, Cotmty, and Parifh
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Trade; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Ordered, That M"' Treafurer do lay before the Houfe an Account of the Arrears due from the feveral Sheriffs, fince the Tenth Day of Odober, 1755, to this Time, together with an Account of the Judgments that have been obtained againft them, and the Executions that have iffued in Confequence of thofe Judgments. The Houfe being informed that Satiffadlion had been made by M"' Nathaniel Terry for the Expences incurred on Examination of the Complaint againft him for obftrudling
fer\'e in
of Public Claims
Petition of
was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting by a Warrant from the late Lieutenant Governor
Fauquier, in the Year 1760, having enlifted one Jofephits Phillips, a Soldier, as he was,
agreeably to his Inftrudtions, marching with the faid Jofephns Phillips, and other Recruits, to join the Virginia Regiment, the faid Jofephns Phillips was arrefted at the Suit of Mefs. Lenox and Scott, Merchants and the Petitioner having already advanced
the Bounty Money, to the faid Soldier, refufed to furrender him to the Civil Officer, the Writ, but delivered
him to an Officer in the Regiment, in which he fer\-ed until he was legally difcharged and that the faid Lenox and Scott commenced Suit, and recovered Judgment againft the Petitioner for the Money due to them from the faid Phillips, amovmting, with Cofts, to upwards of 25;^. and praying that he may be allowed the io. Bounty Money, paid to the faid Phillips, which would have been reimburfed if the faid Recruit had been delivered up. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion
thereupon, to the Houfe.
who ferved
of Infpedlors,
without Appeal; and of whom fome have been detedled in fraudulent Practices, and all are tmder a Temptation to be rigorous, from the Danger of fuffering themfelves, if they determine favourably for the Planter's Intereft and farther fetting forth, that the Petitioners are in a worfe Condition than Perfons refiding near the navigable Waters, who have no Evil to apprehend to the Grain they make, but from Inclemency of Seafons, and w^hofe Tobacco, though of meaner QuaUty than what is refufed at the Upper Warehoufes, whereas Tobacco made in remote Parts of the Coimtry, is generally paffed at the Lower which is almoft the only Commodity that can be carried from thence to Market with Advantage, when brought to the Infpedlion with much Fatigue, imdergoes a more fevere Examination, and, from unavoidable Accidents in its Tranfportation, and various other Caufes, is often totally rejedled, or confiderably diminifhed, to the very great Detriment, and fometimes utter Rtiin of the Owners; and therefore praying that the Authority of Inf pedlors may be modified and that refufed Tobacco may be fold imder certain Regulations and Reftridtions, or that the Petitioners may be otherv\-ife relieved. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Several other Members, one of whom was returned upon a new Writ, have taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adl of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and the Abjuration Oath, and repeated and fubfcribed the Teft, took
who may
to the Warehoufes,
Petition of William
Price, Infpedlors of
Tobacco at Gray's
Creek Warehoufe, in the Covmty of Surry, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that fometime between the Fifteenth and Ninteenth Days of July laft, the faid Warehoufe was broken open, and one Hogfhead of Tobacco, belonging to the Eftate of M' Edward Ambler, deceafed, weighing Twelve Hundred and Seventeen Pounds Nett, ftolen out, for which the Petitioners had been obliged to pay the Stmiof 13 . 135. lod. of Current Money and therefore praying the Houfe to make the Petitioners fuch Allow;
ance as
feem juft. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion
Petition of fundry Perfons, Inhabitants of the County of Spottfylvania, whofe are thereimto fubfcribed was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that Crops of Tobacco are now more incertain, from a Change in the Seafons of late
Years, and from the exhaufted State of the Lands in general, than formerly they were; and that the Infpedlors are too fcrupulous in paffmg that Commodity, from the Danger
the Colony fuftains a confiderable Lofs, fmce which are condemned and burned, might be fold to great Advantage; and therefore praying that Infpedlors may be obliged to give Receipts for all Tobacco brought to the Warehoufes, and refufed to be paffed, diftinguifhing the Qualities of it, and that the Owners may be at Liberty to fell it in a reasonable
they are
fubjecft to
by a Review, whereby
Quantities of
That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
Ordered, That M'' Benjamin Grymes and M-- Thomas Mann Randolph be added to the Committees of Privileges and Eledlions, and Propofitions and Grievances. M-- Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and
to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards dehvered in at the Clerk's Table where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Inhabitants of Fairfax County, praying that all Officers Fees, due from the Inhabitants of any other Cotmty, for Services done in the Cotmty of Loudoun, may be difcharged in Money for Tobacco, at the Rate of 125. 6d. for the Himdred Weight, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of fimdry Inhabitants of Fauquier County, praying that the Owners of Mills, Hedges, and Stone Stops, eredled on the River Hedgman, and Carter's Run, in the faid County, may make Openings or Slopes therein for the Paffage of Fifh, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Veftry and Inhabitants of Hungar's Parifh, in the County of Northampton, praying that an Adl
; ;
had come
pafs to impower the Church-Wardens of the faid Parifh to leafe fo much of the Lands belonging to the Gingafkin Tribe of Indians, fituate in the faid Parifh, as will be fufficient to defray the Expence of maintaining fuch of the faid Indians as fhall be fick and difabled, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Benjamin Foreman, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed, from his Land, on the Potowmack River, in the County of Frederick, to the Land of the Right Honourable the Lord Balti-
upon the Queftion by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in upon the firft Refolution and that the Committee of Courts of Juftice, do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That a Bill or Bills be brought in upon the fecond and fourth Refolutions; and that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in upon the third Refolution and that the Committee for Religion do prepare and bring in the fame. The Hovde was moved, that an Adl made in the 22** Year of the Reign of King, George the fecond, intituled, 'An Ad' for eftablifhing a Town near Warwick, in the County
of Henrico,'
might be read.
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to amend the faid Adl and that M'' M'' Wood, and M'' Trent, do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That M' Trent have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe until
then the
Friday next.
Houfe adjourned
of the Clock.
Claim of Lot Hackley for a Gun taken from him for the Ufe of the Militia of Prince William County, which was appraifed to One Pound and Seventeen ShiUings, and was never returned to him, was prefented to the Hotife, and read. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Com-
Prince William County, which was valued to him, was prefented to the Houfe, and read.
Gun taken from him for the Ufe of the Militia Two Pounds, and was never retiuned
of to
Public Claims.
M' Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for deftroying Crows and Squirrels in the County of Accomack: And the fame was received, and read the firft
That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Claim of Hankinfon Read, for the Hire of an Horfe, belonging to him, which had been Fifty-five Days in the Service of a Company of the Culpeper Militia, ftationed on
the Frontiers, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of
PubHc Claims.
Another Member having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adl of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and the Abjxiration Oath, and repeated and fubfcribed the Teft, took his Place in the Hotife. A Claim of Robert Rutherford, for the Pay of certain Soldiers of the Frederick Militia, raifed by Order of Col. Adam Stephen, to fupprefs an Infurre<5tion of Negroes in the faid Coimty, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Committee of Public Claims; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Hotife. A Petition of Jacob Stricktor and Jacob Cotighenor, on Behalf of themfelves, and their Proteftant Brethren, of the Se(5l called Menonifts, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the Petitioners have retired to this Colony, in Hopes of enjoying the free Exercife of their Religion, and are willing to contribute a proportionable Part of their Eftates, whenever the Exigencies of Government may require it, and defirous in every other Refpedt, as far as they are able, to promote the Public Good but that they are forbidden by the Dictates of Confcience to bear Arms and therefore praying that they may be exempt from the Penalties they are fubjedl to for declining military Duty. Ordered, That the Petition be referred to the Committee for Religion and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon to the
; ;
County of King George: And that do prepare and bring in the fame.
Charles Carter, of
Law in the County Courts of this Colony, whofe was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Petitioners Fees are for the moft Part recoverable only by Warrant, a Method attended with Trouble and Expence, and often impracticable; and therefore praying
Petition of the Pradlitioners of the
may be diftrainable, under jtift Regulations. Motion was made, and the Queftion being put, that the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee
that their Fees
That the faid Petition be rejedled. Eyre prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for preventing and fuppreffmg private Lotteries and the fame was received, and read the ftrft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time.
being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe to take into Confideration the Governor's Speech
of the
The Order
his Excellency's
That the Writing intituled 'Alteration in the Boundary Line betwixt Virginia Cherokees,' which was ordered to lie upon the Table, be referred to the faid Com-
Ordered, That the Letters to his Excellency, from Colonels Adam Stephen and Felix Seymour, and Copies of his Excellency's Letters to Col. Stephen, and the Commanding Officer of Fort Pitt, together with feveral other Papers, concerning the alarming Reports mentioned in his Excellency's Speech to have been received from the Frontier Parts of this Colony, which were ordered to lie upon the Table, be referred to the faid Committee.
refolved itfelf into the faid Committee. Speaker left the Chair. Bland took the Chair of the Committee. Speaker refumed the Chair. Bland reported from the Committee, that they had
made fome
Progrefs in the
the Committee to
that they
W Bland, W
M"" Travis,
be added to the
of Trade.
That M'' Nelfon be added to the Committee of Privileges and Elections. That M-- Banifter, M' Mar fhall, M' Hamilton, and M^ Rutherford, be added to the Committee for Religion. Ordered, That M' Edmundfon, M'' Marfhall, and M"- Hamilton, be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. Ordered, That M'' Marfhall, M^ Hamilton, and M"- Rutherford, be added to the ComOrdered, Ordered,
That the
County of Augufta, was read a fecond Time. be committed to the Committee of Propofitions and Griev-
Archibald Gary reported, from the Committee of PubUc Claims, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had
which he read
in his Place,
and afterwards
followeth, viz.
and are as
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of William Edwards and James Price, Infpedtors of Tobacco at Gray's Creek Warehoufes, in Surry County, to be reimburfed for the Tobacco therein mentioned, is reafonable and that
they ought to be allowed the Sum of 13 ,. 13 5. 10 d. for the fame. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of George Slaugter to be allowed for the Horfe therein mentioned, is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed the Sum of 9 . for the faid Horfe. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of John Thomas, for an Allowance as a Voluntier from this Colony under Col. Bouquet, on an Expedition againft the Shawanefe and Delaware Indians, is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed by the Public the Sum of 40 /. as an Acknowledgement of his Merit, and the extraordinary Service he rendered to this Colony, by his gallant Behaviour on the faid
; ;
upon the Queftion
by the
That the
was read a fecond Time. be committed to the Committee of Propofitions and Griev44
A Bill to prevent Hogs running at Large in the Town of Hampton, was read a fecond
the Reign of King George
appearing to the Houfe, that an Adt made in the third and fourth Years of II. intituled, 'An Ad to prevent Swine running at Large, within Limits the Town Hampton,' is ftill in Force the of of Ordered, That the Bill be withdrawn. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Eleven of the Clock.
tl)e I5tl)
of !:ftovember. 10 (Beo.
Coimty of Richmond, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Ferry from the Town of Tappahannock, in the Coimty of Effex, over Rappahannock River, to the Petitioner's Landing, in the County of Richmond, is now difufed, fmce the Eftablifhment of later more convenient Ferries in the Neighborhood of it and therefore praying that an Adl may pafs for difcontinuing the faid Ferry from the Town of Tappahannock to the PetiPetition of
Carter, of the
tioner's Landing.
That the
faid Petition
Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, -with
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
M'' Bland reported from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had imder their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards deUvered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the Covmty of Spottfylvania, praying that InfpecSlors ma)'^ be obliged to give Receipts for all Tobacco brought to the Warehovifes, and refufed to be paffed, diftinguifhing the Qualities of it, and that the Owners may be at Liberty to fell it in a reafon;
be rejedled.
it is
Exportation of
Hides, be rejedled.
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Juftices and Inhabitants of James City County, praying to be relieved from the Expence of maintaining the Caufey over Sandy Bay, to James Town Ferry, be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petitions of the Inhabitants of Brunfwick and Suffex Coimties, praying that fo much of the Adl of the General Affembly, intituled, 'An Ad' for increafing the Rates of Ferriage at vSwan's Point, James Town, and Crouche's Creek, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, as relates to the
Increafe of the faid Ferriages,' may be repealed, are reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of William
James City County, praying that fo much of the Boundary between the faid County of James City and the County of York, as runs through the City of Williamfburg, may be afcertained, is reafonable.
Spratley, Gentleman, Sheriff of
VIII, p. 263.
upon the Queftion by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Bill or Bills be brought in upon the fifth and fixth Refolutions and that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the fame. Upon a Motion made, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for the Relief of Parifhes from fuch
Charges as may accrue from Baftard Children bom within the fame; and that M' Bland, M" Riddick, and M"' Henry Lee, do prepare and bring in the fame. Upon a Motion made,
be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances make Provifion for the Support and Maintenance of Ideots, Limatics, and other Perfons of unfound Minds. The Houfe was moved, that part of an Adt made in the Twenty-fecond Year of the Reign of King George II. intituled, 'An Ad direding the Trial of Slaves committing capital Crimes, and for the more effedual punifhing Confpiracies and Infurredions of them; and for the better Government of Negroes, Mulattoes, and Indians, bond or free,' might be
be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, and bring in a Bill, to amend the Adt, intituled, 'An Ad Government the better for of Servants and Slaves,' that they have Power to
much of the
faid Adt, as
Court to order and diredt the difmembering of Slaves, who are notorioufly guilty of going abroad in the Night, or running away, and laying out, and who cannot be reclaimed by the comimon Methods of Punifhment. A Petition of ftmdy Freeholders and Hoiilekeepers of the County of Augufta, whofe Names are theretmto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Hotife, and read; fetting forth, that a Road over the Blue Ridge of Mountains, from Payne's Rvm, in the Coimty of
Augufta, to Thurman's, in the County of Albemarle, would confiderably shorten the Diftance the Petitioners are now obliged to carry their Commodities to Market but that the Petitioners alone are unable to clear the faid Road, and make it paffable and there; ;
of effedting fo ufeful a
the Public, or elfe that the Court of the faid Count}' of the fame on the tithable Perfons of the faid County.
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Trades and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the
James Walker be added to the Committee for Religion, and to the and Grievances. M"" Treafurer reported, from the Committee for Religion, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Minifter and Veftry of St. Mark's Parifh, in the County of Culpeper, praying that an Adt may pafs to enable them to fell the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and to purchafe a better and more
of Propofitions
convenient Glebe,
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of the Petition of the Minifter and Veltry of the Parifh of Meherrin, in the Coimty of Brunfwick, as prays that they may be impowered to fell their Glebe Lands, and to purchafe a better and more
convenient Glebe,
it is
the Opinion of this Committee, that the Refidue of the faid Petimay be impowered to lay out the Surplus of the Money arifing
Hening, VI,
VIII, p. 135.
from fuch
Sale, in Buildings
fo to
be ptirchafed, be
itants of the
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of fxmdry InhabEnd of Sonthfarnham Parifh, in the County of Effex, praying that Part
be included in the Parilh of St. Anne's, is reafonable. the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of Overwharton, in the Coimty of Stafford, praying that the Veftry of the faid Parifh may be diffolved, be heard before the Committee the twelfth Day of
of the faid Parifh
it is
December next.
it is
Notice of the
faid Petition
the Opinion of this Committee, that the Clerk of the faid Veftry
relative to the
by the Houfe.
That a Bill or Bills be brought in upon the firft, fecond, and fourth Refoluthe Committee for Religion do prepare and bring in the fame. and that tions; A Petition of f\mdry Perfons, Inhabitants of the County of Brunfwick, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the Petitioners, by the Laws now in Force, cannot difcharge their Public, Cotmty, and Parifh Dues, and Officers Fees, in Tobacco Notes of any Infpedlion lower down James River than Cabin Point, which is very inconvenient to the Petitioners and therefore praying that an Adl may pafs, declaring all Tobacco Notes, on the Warehoufes from Milner's, in Nanfemoyid County, to Boiling's Point on Appomattox, to be payable for all Public, Cotmty, and Parifh Dues, and for all Officers Fees, owing from the faid InhabiOrdered,
That the
faid Petition
Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
Bill to
dock the
Intail of cer-
Thomas Fifher, jimior, is feized, and for Settling certain Slaves of greater Value, to the fame Ufes and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe,
tain Lands, whereof
Speaker left the Chair. Bland took the Chair of the Committee.
Bland reported from the Committee, that they had come to feveral Refolutions, which he read in his Place, and afterwards deHvered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Preferv-ation of Peace and good Order in every Commxmity, depends entirely upon the due Execution of the
Laws made
making War and Peace being an inherent Prerogative of the Crown after the late Peace, with the feveral Tribes of Indians, had been eftablifhed, every Adl of Violence committed on their Perfons by any of his Majefty's Subjects, contrary to the Terms of Peace and Amity fubfifting between the Crown and the feveral Tribes of Indians, is a high Offence againft the Government. Refolved, That the murdering any of the faid Indians is a Crime of the moft atrocious and inhimian Nature, contrary to all Laws both human and divine, and ought to meet with the moft exemplary Ptmifhment.
26l ]
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Laws of this Colony are amply fufficient to protecfl and defend his Majefty's Subjedls, in the free Exercife and Enjoyment of their jnft Rights and Liberties, if the fame are obeyed duly. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that every Obftrucftion given to the free Courfe of Law and Juftice, is an Offence againft the Public. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that a Refcue or Delivery from Gaol of any Perfon or Perfons legally confined for the Commiffion or fuppofed Commiffion of Murder, Felony, or other Offence, is a high Crime and Mifdemeanor, and ought to
be feverely punifhed.
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the refcuing feveral Perfons legally apprehended upon Stifpicion of their having murdered feveral Indians, is the highef t Infult upon Government and that the Perfons concerned in fuch Refcue ought to be purfued by every legal Method, and brought to condign Punifhment. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that all Treaties with the Indians for opening or extending a Trade with them, or for other Purpofes, ought to be made by or tmder the Authority of Government only and that for any private Perfon or Perfons to enter into a Negotiation with the Indians, or invite them into the Colony for fuch Treaty, is a great Mifdemeanor, and may be attended with the moft dangerous ConfeRefolved,
; ;
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that an humble and dutiful Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency the Governor, expreffmg our Abhorrence of the cruel and inhuman Mtu^ders of the Indians, on the Frontiers of this Colony; returning our Thanks for the Steps which his Excellency hath already taken and defiring that he will be pleafed to purfue fuch other legal Meafures, as his Lordfhip may judge moft conducive and proper to bring the Offenders, and all thofe concerned in refcuing them from the Hand of Juftice, to exemplary and condign Ptmifhment and affuring his Lordfhip that we fo entirely concur with him in Opinion, as to the Neceffity of giving Stability
; ;
and Permanence
Occafions, exert
our utmoft Efforts in feconding his Lordfhip 's Endeavoiars to preferve the Laws of our
excellent Conftitution inviolate.
the Houfe.
was prefented to the Houfe, and read; Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred
Public Claims.
Committee of
The Houfe was moved, that an Adt made in the Twenty-fecond Year of the Reign of King George IL intituled. An Ad concerning Water Mills, might be read.
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to amend the faid Adl and that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the fame. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Eleven of the Clock.
Hening, VI.
p. 55.
262 ]
and John Apperfon, Infpedlors of Tobacco, at Warehoufes, in the County of New Kent, was prefented to the Honfe, and read fetting forth, that the faid Warehoufes, fometime in July and Auguft laft, were broken open, and fundry Parcels of Tobacco, amounting to 4096 tbs. Nett, ftolen there-out and praying the Houfe to make them fuch Allowance as may feem juft. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Pubhc Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion therePetition of William Poindexter
; ;
was prefented to the Houfe, and read Right of the Wife, as Tenants in Fee Tail of and in a Tradl or Parcel of Land, in the Cotmty of Northampton, fituate on King's Creek, and the Bay of Chefapeak, and containing Six Himdred Acres and that it will be greatly to the Advantage of the Petitioners and their Pofterity, to dock the Intail of the
his Wife,
A Petition
faid Lands,
and in Lieu thereof, to fettle others in the Coimty of Halifax, of equal or greater Value and therefore praying that an Adt may pafs for that Purpofe. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition: And that M"' Jeff erfon, M'' Eyre, M^ Starke, and M"' Munford, do prepare and
bring in the fame. M*^ Starke prefented to the Hotife, according to Order, a Bill to repeal the feveral And A(5ls of Affembly, prohibiting the tending of Tobacco Seconds, SHps, or Suckers
the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time.
fundry Perfons, Inhabitants of the County of Spottfylvania, whofe was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Petitioners are obUged to attend General Mufter sand Covirts Martial, at Frederickfburg, which is far diftant from their Habitations; and praying that the General Mxifters and Courts Martial may be appointed to be held at a more convenient Place, near to the Center of the faid Covmty. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Another Member having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by A(5t of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and the Abjuration Oath, and repeated and fubfcribed the Teft, took his Place in the Houfe. lil"' Edmund Pendleton reported, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, that the Committee had had imder their Confideration the Returns of feveral other Writs for eledling Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as foUoweth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Return of the Writs for electing Burgeffes for the Counties oi Frederick and Lunenburg, and for the Town oi James City, are made in the Form prefcribed by Law. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Return of the Writs for eledling Burgeffes for the Covmties of Bedford, Prtnce William, and King George, are not made in the Form prefcribed by Law. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Retiuns of the feveral Writs in the laft Refolution mentioned, be
Petition of
amended by the Clerk at the Table. And the fame were amended accordingly. Ordered, That M"' Treafurer do lay his Accotmts before the Houfe.
A Claim of John Hickman for the Ferriages of feveral Criminals, was prefented to the
Houfe, and read.
That the
Committee of
Public Claims.
The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take into their further Confideration the Governor's Speech M' Speaker acquainted the Houfe, that the Governor had delivered to him fundry
Papers relative to the Boundary Line, betwixt this Colony and the Cherokees, mentioned in his Excellency's Speech and he delivered the faid Papers in at the Clerk's Table. Ordered, That the faid Papers be referred to the faid Committee.
itfelf into the faid Committee. Speaker left the Chair. M'' Bland took the Chair of the Committee. M"" Speaker refumed the Chair. M-- Bland reported from the Committee, that they had come to feveral Refolutions, which they had diredled him to report, when the Houfe will pleafe to receive the fame. Ordered, That the Report be received To-Morrow. M' Treafurer, according to Order, laid his Accotints before the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Accounts do lie upon the Table, to be penifed by Members of
the Houfe.
then the
Houfe adjourned
of the Clock.
Harrifon prefented to the Hotife, according to Order, a Bill to continue an An Ad to oblige the Per fans bringing Slaves into this Colony Maryland, Carolina, and the Weft-Indies, for their own Ufe, to pay a from Duty; and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M"' Harrifon prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to continue an Adl,
Adl, intituled,
An Ad'
and regulating
their Fees;
and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time.
Harrifon prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a
Bill to
continue an Adt,
Slaves, to be
amend an Ad for reviving paid by the Buyers; and the fame was received, and read the Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time.
An Ad^
continue and
Duty upon
M'' Bland reported, that the Gentlemen appointed had, according to order, waited on the Governor with the Refolution of the Committee of the whole Houfe, which was agreed to by the Houfe on Wednefday laft and that his Excellency was pleafed to fay, he was highly pleafed with the Refolution of the Hotife of Burgeffes, as it concurred
with his own Sentiments. Speaker acquainted the Houfe, That the Governor had delivered to him a Plan for checking the Entries of Tobacco in the Cuftom-Hotifes, in the Provinces of Virginia and Maryland, fent to his Excellency by the Commiffioners at Bofton, with his Anfwer, and their Reply thereunto annexed, and defired him to lay them before the Houfe and he delivered the fame in at the Clerk's Table. And the faid Plan and Papers thereunto annexed were read. Ordered, That the faid Plan, with the Papers theretmto annexed, do lie upon the
Table, to be perufed
by the Members
of the Plotife.
Harrifon reported from the Committee of Trade, that the Committee had had
under their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as foUoweth, viz.
Hening, VII,
p. 338.
VII, p. 580.
3 Ibid.,
VIII, p. 190.
it is
Inhabitants of the Cotmty of Augufta, praying that an Adl may pafs for the Infpedlion of Hemp, in the fame, or fome fuch Manner, as Tobacco is infpedted and that Infpedtors
Notes for
Hemp may
pafs in
and Parifh
it is
of the Petition of
by the Public
in the faid
an Allowance may be made fimdry Inhabitants of the Covmty for clearing a Road over the Blue Ridge of Moimtains, from Payne's Run
to Thiirman's in the
of Albemarle,
they ought to be allowed by the Public, the Sum of 100 . for that Piupofe. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That fo much of the faid Petition, as prays that the Court of the faid Coimty may be impowered to levy any Simi of Money that may be thought neceffary to defray the further Expences of clearing the faid Road,
The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe.
That a Bill or Bills be brought in upon the faid Refolutions and that the Trade do prepare and bring in the fame. Committee M'' Richard Henry Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to order, a Bill for continfor appointing a Treafurer; and the fame was received, xiing the Adt, intituled, An At
Bill for further
Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M'' Richard Henry Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a
An Ad
making Provifion againft Invafions and Infurredions, into one received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M'' Richard Henry Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for eftablifhing Quarterly Covuts, inftead of Monthly Courts, in certain Cotmties; and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the BiU be read a fecond Time. M' Bland, according to Order, reported from the Committee of the whole Houfe, to whom it was referred to confider further of the Governor's Speech, the Refolutions which the Committee had directed him to report to the Houfe, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as
followeth, viz.
it is
Place where the Carolina Line, when extended in a due Weft Diredlion, wiU interfe<5t Holfton's River, to the Mouth of the Great Kanhawa, will be near 200 Miles in Length;
and that it will pafs through a Covmtry remarkably full of high and rugged Moimtains, of difficult and dangerous Accefs, and interfedled with many Water-Courfes. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the prefent Pofture of Indian Affairs will make the fending a ftrong Guard of armed Men, neceffary for the Prote(5tion
of thofe that
may be commiffioned to nm
it will
iminhabited, and where thofe Indians, who at prefent feem moft inclined to Hoftility, do frequently pafs. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that a great Part of the valuable Territory lately ceded to his Majefty by the Northern Indians, lying on the Ohio, below the Mouth of the Great Kanhawa, will, by the faid Line, be feparated and divided from the Britifh Territory, on the upper Part of Holfton's River, and the Great Kanhawa, as well as from the Territory on the upper Part of the Ohio, which -mW greatly impede, and may altogether prevent the fettling of that valuable and extenfive Countrj^ which, from its Situation, opened the faireft Profpedl of a beneficial Commerce with the Mother Country, as well as a new and extenfive Trade with feveral Tribes of Weftem Indians, hitherto
Hening, VIII,
p. 211.
enjoyed by the Subjedls of France: By means whereof many Indian Nations, hitherto living in a State of Enmity towards his Majefty, may be made friendly, and ufeful in extending the Trade and Navigation of Great-Britain. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Line will, if it is eftablifhed, conftantly open to the Indians or others, Enemies to his Majefty, a free and eafy Accefs to the Heart of the Coimtry lying on the Ohio, Holfton's River, and the Great Kanhawa whereby the Settlements, which may be attempted in that valuable Cotintry, may be deftroyed and that the great and fertile Country on the Ohio from the Mouth of the Great Kanawha, to the Mouth of the Cherokee River, extending Eaftward as far as the Laurel Hill, fo lately ceded to his Majefty, and to which no Indians at prefent fet up any Claim, will be left for the Poffeffion of the Cherokees: In Confequence whereof,
; ;
Claims, deftrudtive of the true Interefts of his Majefty, may, at fome future Time, arife, and Acquifitions, juftly ranked amongft the moft valuable of the late War, be altogether
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that Lands, which have been granted by Patents, regularly obtained, according to the known and fixed Rules of Government here, if the faid Line is eftablifhed, will be thereby difmembered from this Colony, allotted to the Indians, and loft to the Proprietors, who were authorized by the Laws of this Colony, and encouraged by Inftrudtions to a late Governor, to become refident thereon.
Weftem Termination
the Opinion of this Committee that a Line, beginning at the and running thence in a due Weft Diredlion to the Ohio River, may be and extended at a much lefs Expence, than the
it is
from the Cherokee Lands, which the faid due Weft Line would include, and which the faid Indians are willing to fell efpecially, if his Majefty would be gracioufly pleafed, in his Princely Wifdom, to difcourage all Monopolies, and ftrengthen our Barrier, by granting thofe Lands in fmall or moderate Quantities, to fuch Adventurers as might incHne to
all their
neceffary for the Safety and Advantage of his Majwould tend greatly to encreafe his Majefty's Revenues, and the Trade
it is
the fame.
Refolved, therefore, that it is the Opinion of this Committee, that an humble Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency the Governor, expreffing our unfeigned Thanks for his Majefty's kind Attention to the Interefts of this Colony, in approving the Report from the Right Honourable Board of Trade and Plantations, in Favour of a more extended Boundary as we are convinced that his Majefty's fole Motive for fo doing, arofe from his moft gracious Inclination to promote the Security and Happinefs of his Subjedls but, at the fame Time, and with all Humility and Deference to his Royal Wifdom, reprefenting to his Lordfhip our Apprehenfions, that his Majefty has not yet been made properly and fully acquainted with the true Situation of the Frontiers of this Colony; and entreating his Lordfhip, that he will be pleafed to tranfmit a more perfedl State of the Matter to his Majefty, and endeavor to procure for this Colony fuch farther Indulgencies, in extending its Boundary, in fuch Manner as his Majefty, in his great Wifdom, may think juft and right, affuring his Lordfhip, that we fhall, at all Times, be ready and willing chearfully to comply with every Requifition in our Power, that may tend to promote the Honour and Dignity of his Majefty's Crown, the Extenfion of the Britifh Dominions, and the true Interefts of this Colony. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to draw up an Addrefs, to be prefented to the Governor, upon the feventh Refolution. Treafurer, M"' Edmund Pendleton, And a Committee was appointed of M"' Bland, Walker, Thomas Banifter, M"' Jones, Henry, M"' Riddick, M'' M'' Richard Henry Lee,
; ;
; ;
be an Inftrudlion to the faid Committee, that they prepare a Memorial, to be prefented to the Governor, upon the faid Refolutions. A Petition of John Henry was prefented to the Houfe, and read letting forth, that the Petitioner, when he fet about a General Stu-\"ey of the Colony, intended to have meafured the Public Roads, but, for want of proper Encouragement, had not been able to execute it that this Deficiency may be made good by printed Tables, after the Roads are meafured and that fuch Menfuration will be for tlie Benefit of the Commtmity, by afcertaining the Diftances Jurymen and Witneffes travel to the Supreme Courts on the Trials of Criminals; and, forafmuch as the Petitioner had been at confiderable Expence in forming his Map , and had tranfmitted it to London, to be printed, therefore praying the Houfe to grant him fuch a Confideration as will enable him to meafiire the Public Roads throughout the Colony. A Motion was made, and the Queftion being put, that the faid Petition be referred
to the Confideration of a
That the
County of Frederick, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; letting forth the bad Condition of the Roads from the Mountains to the Towns of Frederickfburg and Alexandria, and other convenient Ports; praying the Hotife to take the Matter into Confideration, and devife fome Method for making the Roads more ufeful. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
Petition of fundr}'^ Perfons, Inhabitants of the
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
to the
Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Petitioners having been employed to print the Adls of Affembly by the Committee appointed to coUedt them, imported from England a Quantity of Leather for binding them, which coft 234;^. o s. 6 d. Sterling that the Leather being unfit -for the Purpofe, and not agreeable to their Diredlions the Petitioners refolved to return it, and fent it to Yorktaivn, where it was ftored in a Warehotife, in order to be refhipped, and exported, but no Commander of a Veffel would take it on Board, becavife the Bulk of the Package, which could not be fafely feparated and therefore the Petitioners brought the Leather back, that they might make the beft of it but foiind it intirely rotted and fpoiled by fome Accident or other whiKt it remained in the Warehoxof e and further fetting forth, that the Confideration they will be intitled to by the Agreement they entered into with the Committee, will not give a moderate Profit on the Work and therefore praying to be reimburfed the Value of the faid Leather, and to be allowed a further Satiffaftion for printing and binding the Laws. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the faid Committee, that they confider of a proper Satiffadtion to be made the Committee who colledled the Adls of Affembly for the Prefs, and to the Clerk they employed in that Ser\'ice. A Petition of the Minif ter and fundry Perfons, Inhabitants of the Parifh of Hamilton, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that, from the large Extent of the Parifh, it is not in the Alinifter's Power to perform his Duty, as a Preacher, to the whole Parifh, in a regular Manner and many of the Inhabitants refide fo far from their Parifh Churches that they can but feldom attend Divine Ser\'ice and praying, that the faid Parifh may be divided by a ftraight Line, to begin at the North Fork of Broad Rim, at an Angle that divides the faid Parifh of Hamilton from the Parifh of Dettingen, and to end at two red Oaks, on the Bank of the North Fork of RappaJiannock River, in the Plantation of Jeffe Williams.
; ; ;
; ;
Phillips, Virginia
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee for Religion and that they do examine the Matter thereof and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M"" Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for paying Officers Fees due from the Inhabitants of other Cotmties, for Services done in the County of Loudoun : And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M'' Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for exempting Free Negro, Mulatto, and Indian Women, from the Payment of Levies And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M' Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to impower the ChurchWardens and Veftry of the Parifh of Hungars, in the Coimty of Northampton, to leafe certain Lands therein mentioned And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That M' Mafon have Leave to be abfent from the ^Service of this Houfe
for the
Recovery of
his Health.
Nanfemond County, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the Petitioner's Land is fo fituate, that it will be more convenient for him to attend Courts and other public Places in the County of I fie of Wight, than in his own Coimty and therefore praying that Part of the lower Parifh Nanfemond, from the Covmty Line on James River, to the Mouth of the Chuckatuck Creek, and up the faid Creek to a fmall Creek, called Chuckatuck Bay, and up the faid laft mentioned Creek till it interfe<5ts the County Line, and down the faid Line to James River, may be added to the Parifh of Newport and Cotmty of IfJe of Wight. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
of Triftram Nofworthy, of
A Petition
A Petition of Edward Weftmore, Keeper of the Public Gaol, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth the prefent Deamefs of Provifions; and praying to be allowed the additional Salary of Fifteen Poimds, which his Predeceffors had enjoyed.
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
Committee had
had under
to a Refolution thereupon
which he read in his Place, and where the fame was read, and is as follow;
it is
be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, who were appointed to bring in a Bill, purfuant to the thirteenth Refolution of the Committee of Courts of Juftice, which was agreed to by the Houfe on Saturday laft, that they make Provifion in the faid Bill for exempting Menonifts from the Penalties they are fubjedl to for declining military Duty. Ordered, That M'' Riddick, and M"" Benjamin Baker have Leave to be abfent from the
Wednefday next.
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-Marrow Morning
be taken by Member having taken the Oaths appointed ANOTHER Allegiance and Supremacy, and the the Oaths ParHament, inftead
of of
Adl of
tion Oath,
and repeated and fubfcribed the Teft, took his Place in the Houfe. Charles Carter, of King George, prefented to the Houfe, according to
Order, a Bill to confirm to George Marfhall the Fee Simple Eftate in certain Lands, purchafed by him of the Veftry of Hanover, in the County of King George: And the fame
and read the firft Time. That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M"' Richard Henry Lee prefented to the Hotife, according to Order, a Bill for further continuing and amending the Adl, intituled, An Ad for increafing the Rewards for killing was
to be
That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M"' Richard Henry Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to regtdate the Practice of fuing out and profecuting Writs of Replevin, in Cafes of Dif trefs for Rents, And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. in this Colony Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M'' Richard Henry Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for further continuing the Adl, intituled. An Ad ' for the better regulating and colleding certain And the fame was received, and Officers Fees, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned:
read the
That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That an Accoiint of the annual Produce of the Duties upon Skins and FurS from the Year 1750 to the Year 1768, inclufively, be laid before this Houfe.
Treafurer prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for adding Part of the Parifh of Southfarnham to the Parifh of Saint Anne: And the fam^e was received,
That the Bill be read a fecond Time. The Houfe was moved, that Part of an Adt, made in the Twenty -fecond Year of the Reign of King George the II. intituled, An Ad 3 declaring the Law concerning Executions; and for Relief of infolvent Debtors, might be read. And the fame being read accordingly Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to alter and amend the faid Adl: Edmund Pendleton, and M"' Blared, do prepare and bring And that M'' Richard Baker,
in the fame.
Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for adding Twenty Acres And the fame of Land, whereof Patrick Ramfay is feized, to the Town of Blandford; was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to examine the Treafurer's Accotmts, and that they do ftate in Account, as well the Balance due from the late Treafurer to the Public, as the feveral Fimds by Law appropriated for the Redemption of the Treafury Notes, together with the Amoimt of fuch Notes remaining in Circulation. And a Committee was appointed of M'' Bland, M"' Richard Henry Lee, M'' Archibald
Eyre, and M'' Henry. Gary, My Harrifon, M"' Charles Carter, of Lancafter, Ordered, that M'' Treafurer's Accotmts, which were ordered to lie lapon the Table, be
referred to the faid Committee.
and Grievances, * to amend the who are appointed to bring in a Ad for the better Government of Servants and Slaves; that they have Power to receive a
be an
Inftru(5lion to the
Bill to
of Propofitions
Aift, intituled.
An Ad
Hening, VIII,
p. 147.
V, p. 326.
Y, p. $26.
Claid^e or
Caules to prevent Matters, or Owners of Slaves, from licencing them to go at Large, as Freemen, under Contradls to pay the faid Mafters or 0-wTiers certain Wages. A Petition of fundry Perfons, Inhabitants of the County of Mecklenburg, was pre-
fented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the Inconveniences intended to be remedied by the Ad; made in the feventh Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled,
An Ad
other Parifhioners of Saint James's Parifh, in the faid County, from the
of Fer-
on Sundays, Court Days, and on the Days appointed for General Mufters, are trivial, and in a great Meafure removed and therefore praying that the faid Adt may be
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
A Petition of William Chriftian was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Petitioner enlifted John Hamilton to ferve, as a Soldier, in his Company of Militia, in the Year 1764, and paid him Forty Shillings, the Bounty Money, then allowed,
Affembly, to thofe who engaged to ferve for a Year and that the faid John Hamilton engaged to ferve for a Year, and continued in the Service till he was difcharged but that the Petitioner negledled to annex an Account of the faid Bounty Money to the Pay-RoU, and had not received it and therefore praying to be allowed the faid Forty
by Adl
Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
M'' Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of London Carter, praying that fo much of the A(5l of the General Affembly, paffed in the Twentyfecond Year of his late Majefty George II. intituled. An Ad ' for the Settlement and Regulation of Ferries, and for Difpatch of public Expreffes, as eftablifhes a Ferry from the Town of Tappahannock in the County of Effex, to the faid Carter's Landing in the County of Richmond, may be repealed, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Borough of Norfolk, and other Parts of this Colony, praying that the Practice of inoculating the Small-Pox, may be regulated by Law, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petitions of divers
Inhabitants of this Colony, praying that the Practice of inoculating the Small-Pox, may be
by Law, be rejected. That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Inhabitants of Frederick and Fairfax Counties, praying that the Public Roads may be rendered more ufeful, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Inhabitants of Brunfwick County, praying that an Adl may pafs to allow them to pay their Tobacco Dues and Ofificers Fees at all the Warehoufes, from Milner's, in Nanfemond, to
Boiling's Point, on Appomattox,
The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion by the Houfe. Ordered, That it be an Inftru(5lion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, who are appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill purfuant to the fourth Refolution of the faid Committee, which was agreed to by the Houfe on Monday laft, that they have Power
feverally put thereupon, agreed to
Day agreed
by the Houfe.
Hening, VIII,
p. 257.
That a Bill be brought in ptirfiiant to the fecond of the faid Refolutions and that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare, and bring in the
be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, who are appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill piuluant to the feimxth Refolution of the Committee for Coiirts of Jiaftice, which was agreed to by the Houfe on Saturday laft, that they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the fourth of the faid
Refolutions this
Day agreed
the Houfe.
be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, who are appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill for amending an Adl, intituled. An Ad fcr amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for prevei-iting Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftonis, that they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claiifes piirftiant to the fifth of the faid
Ordered, That
Refolutions this
agreed to
the Houle.
had under
Treafurer reported, from the Committee for Religion, that the Committee had their Confideration the Petition of ftmdry Perfons, Inhabitants of the Parifh
lution thereupon
which he read
in his
and Prince Williajn, and had come to a RefoPlace, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's
as followeth,
the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of Hamilton, in the Counties of Fauquier and Prince William, praying
it is
a Divifion thereof,
agreed to by the Hotife, Ordered, That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the faid Refolution; and that the Committee for ReHgion do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, Tliat M"" Greenhill have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Hoiife
for a Fortnight.
John Burke was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that in the latter End of the Year 1764, the Petitioner's Negro Man Slave, named Sam, having nm away and committed Felony, and having been regularly outlawed, in order to avoid Pxmifhment, hanged himfelf; and therefore praying that the Value of the faid Slave may be paid to the Petitioner by the Public. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion therePetition of
upon, to the Houfe. A Petition of Thmiias Ray, Proprietor of the Public Warehoiofes, called Roy's, in the Coimty of Caroline, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Petitioner lately built a Wharf at the faid Warehotifes, for delivering Tobacco from thence, at the Expence of Eighteen Poimds, which the Rents of the Warehoufes are fo far from being fufficient to reimburfe, that they are not equal to the Charges of repairing the faid
and by the
That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereOrdered,
upon, to the Houfe. A Petition of fimdry Perfons, Inhabitants of the Counties of Albemarle, Amherft, and Buckingham, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that a Ferry over the Fluvanna River will be very convenient to Perfons travelling to and from thofe Cotmties; and therefore praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from the Land of Benjamin Howard, Gentleman, in the faid Coimty of Buckingham, on the South Side of the faid River, to the Land of Neill Campbell, in the
on the other Side. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
of Albemarle,
p. 154.
A Petition of James Roberts, jun. of the County of Pittfylvania, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that a Tradl of Land, belonging to the Petitioner, whereon the Court-Houfe of the faid County ftands, is commodioufly fituated for a Town and therefore praying that Fifty Acres of the faid Land, adjacent to the faid Court;
be laid
off for
nies, or raife Hogs therein and Odober, annually. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
that no Perfon be allowed to build Wooden Chimand that Fairs be held there, on the firft Mondays in April
Lotteries was read a fecond Time. be ingroffed. A Bill for deftroying Crows and Squirrels in the County of Accomack, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will now refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole
That the
the Chair.
of the
M'' Treafurer reported, from the Committee, that they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereunto which they had dired;ed him to report, when the Houfe will pleafe to receive the fame. Ordered, That the Report be received upon Monday next. And then the Houfe adjourned till Monday Morning next Eleven of the Clock.
20tb of ^Jlovember, 10
to be taken by Adl Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and the Abjuration Oath, and repeated and fubfcribed the Teft, took their Seats in the Houfe. A Petition of John Lewis and William Brown, Infpe<ftors of Tobacco at Blandford, in the Cotmty of Prince George, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that there are good Grounds to fufpedl that feveral confiderable Parcels of Tobacco have been ftolen out of thofe Warehoufes, and others in that Neighborhood and further fetting forth, that the Quantity of Tobacco brought to the faid Warehoufes is greater than it was heretofore, and probably will very much increafe and therefore praying that some more effedlual Security againft ftealing Tobacco out of Warehoiifes may be provided and that the Petitioners Salaries may be increafed. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of the Minifter and Veftry of the Parifh of Dettingen, fetting forth, that the Glebe Land of the faid Parifh is inconveniently fituated, and that the Manfion Houfe thereon was lately burned down, and the other Houfes much out of Repair; and therefore praying that the Petitioners may be empowered to fell the faid Glebe Land, and
of Parliament, inftead of the
purchafe another.
That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee for Religion and that examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, they do
to the Houfe.
of Augufta,
on the South
Names are thereimto fubfcribed; Were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that much Difficulty and Expence attend the Carriage of Tobacco to the Warehoufes, which are at a
very great Diftance from the Petitioners; and therefore praying that an Infpedlion of Tobacco may be appointed at the Town of New-London, in the Covmty of Bedford.
That the
Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
a Motion made.
Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to explain and amend one A(5l of Affembly made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, intituled, An Ad for regulating the Eledion of Burgeffes, for fettling their Privileges, and for afcertaining their Allowances; and alfo one other Adl made in the tenth Year of the Reign of King George
II. intituled,
fhall have
a Right
to vote
to ferve
in the General Affernbly for Counties; and for preventing fraudident Coiweyances,
Bland and
Arcihbald Gary
in the fame.
plaining of an
Thomas Harrifon was prefented to the Houfe, and read; comundue Election and Return of M"' Thomas Marfhall, to fer\-e in this prefent General Aflembly, for the County of Fauquier. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Privileges and Elections and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the
Petition of M"^
fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M'' Blair prefented to the Houfe, piu-fuant to their Order, an Account of the anntial Produce of the Duties upon Skins and Furs, from the Year 1750, to the Year 1768, inclufively.
That the
faid Accoiont
be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the fourth Courts of Jtiftice, which was agreed to by the Houfe
the Bill for deftroying Crows and Squirrels in the County of Accomack was
committed, the Amendments which the Committee had made to the Bill, and which they diredled him to report to the Hoiofe and he read the report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table: Where the Amendments were once read throughout, and then a fecond Time, one by one and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were, with Amendments to feveral of them, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. A Petition of Armiftead Lightfoot, Gentleman, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the Petitioner is feized, in Fee Tail of and in two valuable Tradls of Land, in the Cotmty of Goochland, commonly called and known by the Names of Dover and Beaver-Dam, but hath not a fufficient Number of Slaves to cultivate and improve them and therefore praying that an Aft may pafs to dock the Intail of Three Thoufand Acres, part of a Tradl of Seven Thoiofand Five Hundred and Fifty-fix Acres of Land, in the Coimty of Brunfwick, whereof he is alfo feized in Fee Tail and that the Money arifing from the Sale thereof, may be laid out in Slaves, to be annexed to the faid Dover and
; ; ;
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Prayer of the faid that M'' Dudley Digges and M' Nelfon do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That M"' Tehbs and M'' Talbot be added to the Committees of Propofitions and Grievances, and of PubUc Claims. M'
III, p. 236.
p. 475.
to the Honfe, according to Order, a Bill for giving Salary to the Speaker of the Hoiife of Burgeff es And the fame was received, and read the
That the
A Bill
That the
be committed to
M'' Starke,
My Bland, Mj Edmund
A rchibald Gary.
Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as foUoweth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That fo much of the Petition of James Roberts, Junior, as prays that an Acft may pafs for eftablilhing a Town on the Land of the faid Roberts in the County of Pitifylvania, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of the faid Petition as prays that Fairs may be annually held in the faid Town, be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of fundry Inhahitantsoi Albemarle, Amherft, and Buckingham Counties, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from the Land of Benjamin Howard in Buckingham Coimty, acrofs the Fluvanna River, to the Land of Neill Gampbell in Albemarle County, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Inhabitants of Mecklenburg County, praying that an Adl of Affembly, paffed in the feventh Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Ad for exempting the Inhabitants of Mecklenburg Gounty, and alfo the Minifter and other Parifhioners of St. James's Parifh in the faid Gounty, from the Payment of Ferriage on Sundays, Gourt Days, and on the Days appointed for General Mufters, may be repealed, is reafonable. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the firft Refolution; and that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That it be an Inftru(5lion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, who are appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill purfuant to the fourth Refolution of the faid Committee, which was agreed to by the Houfe upon Monday laft, that they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the third and fourth of the faid Refolutions of the faid Committee this Day agreed to by the Houfe. M"" Richard Henry Lee prefented to the Hoiife, according to Order, a Bill to veft certain intailed Lands, therein mentioned, in Gharles Garter, and for fettling other Lands And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. to the fame Ufes Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Thanks of this Houfe be given to the Reverend M'' Willie, for the excellent Sermon by him preached Yefterday before this Houfe, at Bruton Church, in And that M'' Starke and M' William fburg; and that he be defired to print the fame David Mafon do acquaint him therewith. A Bill to dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof Thomas Fifher, jim. is feized, and for fettling certain Slaves, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to the Members who ferve for the Counties of Northampton and Accomack, M"" Edmund Pendleton, and M'' Garrington. M' Archibald Gary reported, from the Committee of Public Claims, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz.
Hening, VIII,
p. 257.
the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of William Rainfay, to be allowed for the Horfe therein mentioned, is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed the Stun of Twelve Potmds for the faid Horfe.
it is
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of John Burke, for allowed the Slave therein mentioned, be rejedled. to be The faid RefohUions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. A Petition of Thomas Prieft was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the Petitioner enlifted a Volimtier in Ca-ptam Ruffell's Company of Militia, on the
and continued as a Soldier in the Sersace till the fifteenth Day of December following, when he was difcharged and that, by fome Miftake, he had been allowed Pay for One Hundred and Fifty-One Days only, inftead of Two Htmdred and Fifteen; and therefore praying an Allowance of Pay for the remaining Sixty -four Days of his Service. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion therefifteenth
Petition of
was prefented
to the Houfe,
and read
fetting forth,
that a Ferry from the Petitioner's Land, on the South Side of Dan River, to the Land of James Le Grand, on the other Side, would be very convenient to Travellers and others; and therefore praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed at that Place.
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of feveral Perfons, of the County of Buckingham, was prefented to the
Houfe, and read fetting forth, that a Ferry over Slate River would be very convenient and therefore praying that a Ferr)' may be eftablifhed over the faid River, from the Land of John Nicholas, Gentleman, on the North Side, to his Land on the other Side, and the Place where the main County Road croffes the faid River. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and ^ Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
of Halifax,
fetting forth, that the Petitioner is Proprietor of a Tradt of Land in the faid Coimty, on the North Side of Dan River and that a Ferry from thence to the Land of Alexander Roberts, on the South Side of the faid River, will be ufeful to the Public and therefore praying that an Adl may pafs to appoint a Ferry at that Place. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitons and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
and read
be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the fourth Refolution of the faid Committee, which was agreed to by the Houfe upon Monday laft, that they confider of the Rates of Ferriage at all the public Ferries in this Colony, and make Provifion in the faid Bill for reducing fuch of the faid Rates as fhall appear exceffive. A Bill to impower the Church-Wardens and Veftry of the Parifh of Hungars, in the County of Northampton, to leafe certain Lands therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to the Members who fer\-e for the Counties of Northampton and Southampton. Refolved, That an humble Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency the Governor, to ufe his kind Offices with his Majefty, to iffue his Royal Proclamation for permitting Copper Money to be brought in, and pafs in this Colony. Ordered, That M'' Harrifon, M' Eyre, and M"' Bland, do wait on his Excellency, with
County of Cumberland, whofe Names and read fetting forth the Incon; ;
by Means
County Court, General Mufters, and other public Meetings and thereCounty may be divided by a Line from Micajah Mofby's Ferry, on James River, to the Mouth of Swan's Creek, that empties into Appomattox
Application intended to be
to the Hoiife,
Coimty of Cumberland, whofe Names and read taking Notice of the for a Divifion of the faid Coimty; and
Ordered, That the faid feveral Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
A Bill
their Fees,
An Ad
and regulating
was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to the Committee
of Trade.
for reducing the feveral Ads making Affembly, Provifion againft for Invafions and of Infurredions, into one Ad, was read a fecond Time.
Adl, intituled.
An Ad
That the
be committed to
Bland and
An Ad
continue and
amend an
Ad for reviv-
That the
paid by the Buyers, was read a fecond Time. be committed to the Committee of Trade.
to oblige the Perfons bringing Slaves into from Maryland, Carolina, and the Weft-Indies, for their own Ufe, to pay a Duty, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to the Committee of Trade. A Bill for exempting free Negro, Mulatto, and Indian Women from the Pajonent of Levies, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed. A Bill for paying Officers Fees due from the Inhabitants of other Counties, for Services done in the Coimty of Loudoun, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to the Committee of Propofitions and Griev-
this Colony,
then the
Houfe adjourned
of the Clock.
Speaker acquainted the Houfe, that the Governor had delivered to him a Letter from the Earl of Hillfborough to the Honouarble M"" Prefident Blair, during his Adminiftration, as Commander in Chief of this Colony;
a Letter from Governor Carleton, to his Excellency, upon the and defired him to lay them before the Hotife: And he
to be perufed
by the Members
Hening, VII,
p. 580.
VIII, p. an.
VIII, p. 190.
VII, p. 338
/6td.,VII.p. 106.
The Order of the Day being read, for the Hovife to take into Confideration the State the Debt due from John Rohinfon, Efquire, deceafed, late Treaftirer of this Colony, to
the Public
State of the
That this Houfe will, upon Thurfday next, take Debt due from John Rohinfon, Efquire, deceafed,
Colony, to the PubHc. The other Order of the Day being read Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be adjourned till Thurfday next. Ordered, That M'' Field be added to the Committee of Public Claims.
for Courts of Juftice. adding Part of the Parifh of Southfarnham to the Parifh of St. Anne, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed.
was read a fecond Time. That the Bill be committed to the Committee
Bill for
An Ad
for increafing
That the
be ingroffed.
An Ad
for other
That the
Marfhall the Fee Simple Eftate in certain Lands purHanover, in the Coimty of King George,was read a fecond Veftry of chafed by him of the Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to M'' Charles Carter of King George, M'' RohBill to confirm to George
infon and M'' Edmund Pendleton. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances,
Fluvanna River, from the Confluence of Rockfifh River to the Blue Ridge, to the County of Amherft. Ordered, That M' Mayo have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe for a Week. A Bill for adding twenty Acres of Land, whereof Patrick Ramfay is feized, to the Town of Blandford, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed. A Bill for giving a Salary to the Speaker of the Houfe of Burgeffes, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed. A Bill to veft certain intailed Lands, therein mentioned, in Charles Carter, and for fettling other Lands to the fame Ufes, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to all the Members who ferve for the Counties Caroline, Richmond, Prince William, Fauquier, Fairfax, Loudoun, Weftmoreland, of
Power to
and Hanover.
M'' Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had imder their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of the Petition of divers Innholders, as prays that they may be allowed to give general Credit, and to fue for and recover their Ordinar>' Debts, be rejedled.
the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of the faid Petition, as prays that Merchants, or Perfons keeping Store for the Sale of Merchandize, may be
it is
by Law from
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of the Petition of John Lewis and William Brown, Infpedtors at Blandford Warehoufes, in the County of Prince George, as prays that a more eflPedlual Security may be provided againft fteahng of Tobacco out of Warehotifes, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of the faid Petition as prays that their Salaries may be increafed, is reafonable and that they ought to be allowed the additional Sum of Ten Pounds each, annually. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of the Petition of William Rind, Alexander Ptirdie, and John Dixon, as prays to be reimburfed the Sum of Two Hundred and Thirty-four Pounds and Six-Pence, SterUng, the Coft of a large Quantity of damaged Leather, imported for binding the Adls of Affembly of this Colony, is
it is
may be made
to them, over
and above
ment with the Committee, for printing and binding the faid Adls of Affembly, is reafonable and that they ought to be allowed the Sum of Three Ilimdred Pounds. The firft Refolution being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. The fecond Refolution being read a fecond Time, and the Queftion being put, that
much of the
Petition of divers Innholders as prays that Merchants^ may be probihited by Law from felling
by the
The fifth Refolution being read a fecond Time, and the Queftion being put, that the Houfe do agree with the Committee in the faid Refolution
It paffed in the Negative.
of the Petition of William Rind, Alexander Purdie, and Dixon, as prays to be reimburfed the Sum of Two Hundred and Thirty -foiu- Pounds
Sterling, the Coft of a large Quantity of damaged Leather, imported for binding the A<5ls of Affembly of this Colony, be rejedted. The fubfequent Refolution being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe.
be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Propolitions and Grievances amend an Adt, intituled. An Ad for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms, that they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes purfuant to the third and fourth of the faid Refolutions, which have been agreed to by the Hovife. Refolved, That the Sum of Three Htmdred Poimds be paid to William Rind, AlexOrdered,
ander Purdie, and John Dixon, as a further Confideration for printing and binding the Adls of General Affembly.
defire their
then the
Houfe adjourned
of the Clock.
of ^Jlovember. 10 (Beo.
Eyre reported from the Committee, to whom the Bill to dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof Thomas Fifher, jun. is feized, and for fettling certain Slaves of greater Value, to the fame Ufes, was committed, that the Committee had examined the Allegations of the Bill, and found them to be true and that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments theretmto, which they had dire(5ted him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Where the faid Amendments were once read throughout, and then a fecond Table Time, one by one; and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were agreed to
the Houfe.
That the
Charles Carter, of
with the Amendments, be ingroffed. King George, reported from the Committee,
whom the
Bill to
confirm to George Marfhall the Fee Simple Eftate in certain Lands purchafed by him of the Veftry of Hanover, in the Coimty of King George, was committed, that the Committee had examined the Allegations of the Bill, and found them to be true and that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereunto, which they
had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table: Where the faid Amendments were once read throughout, and then a fecond Time, one by one and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. Refolved, That an himible Addref s be prefented to the Governor, that he will be pleafed to give Diredlions to the proper Officer to lay before this Houfe Copies of the Records and Proceedings in the Stiits now depending againft the Securities of the late
That the
Henry and
intituled. for appointing a Treafiirer, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made an Amendment thereunto, which they had direcfled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered
with the Amendment, in at the Clerk's Table: Where the faid Amendment was twice read; and, upon the Queftion put thereupon, was agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be ingroffed. M'' Starke reported, from the Committee, to whom the Bill to repeal the feveral A(fts of Affembly, prohibiting the tending of Tobacco-Seconds, Slips, or Suckers, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereimto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table: Where the faid Amendments were once read thioughout, and then a fecond Time, one by one and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were agreed to by the
That the
an Adl of the Inhabitants Mecklenburg the of Cotmty from exempting the Payment General Affembly, And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. of Ferriage, on certain Days Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M"' Harrifon reported to the Hoxife, that their Addrefs of Monday laft (that his Excellency the Governor would tife his kind Offices with his Majefty to iffue his Royal Proclamation for permitting Copper Money to be brought in, and pafs in this Colony)
Hening, VIII,
p. 211.
had been prefented to his Excellency; and that he had diredled him to acquaint the Hotife, that he would write to England by the firft Opportiinity, and ufe all his Intereft to obtain what the Houfe defired. A Petition of Philip Johnfon, Gentleman, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that under the Laft Will and Teftament of Thomas Bray, Gentleman, deceafed, and a decree of the General Court, and feveral Conveyances executed purfuant thereto, the Petitioner is feized, for the Term of his natural Life, of and in a DwellingHoufe, and Three Hvmdred and Twelve Acres of Land, adjoining the City of Williamfburg, of a
Moiety of four Lots or half Acres of Land, lying in the faid City, and of a Trad;
dred Acres, together with feveral Slaves of which Lands and Slaves, charged with the Payment of Five Hundred Pounds to the Petitioner's Daughter Elizabeth, he hath Power to difpofe to and among his younger Children by his late Wife Elizabeth, the Daughter of the faid Thomas Bray; and that having fix of (uch younger Children, fome of whom will foon have Occafion of fome Provifion, if the Petitioner fhould be obliged to make a Partition of the faid Lands and Lots among them, the Whole would be rendered by fuch minute Divifions of much lefs Value than it now is, and it would be for their Intereft, as well as his, that the faid Lands and Lots fhould be fold, and the Money placed in the Hands of Truftees, who may, in the firft Place, pay the faid Five Hundred Poimds to the Daughter Elizabeth, when payable, and the Intereft of the Suiplus to the Petitioner's Truftees, during his Life, and the Principal, at his Death, to his younger Children, as he fhall appoint, purfuant to his Power aforefaid; and therefore praying that an Adl may pafs for that Purpofe, under fuch Regulations as to the Houfe fhall feem proper. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill purfuant to the Prayer of the faid
and that
M"" Edmund Pendleton prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to impower the Executors of the Will of Charles Carter, Efq to fell Part of his Lands, for the Payment of his Debts and Legacies And the fame was received, and read the firft Time.
That the
Treafurer prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to impower the Veftry of Saint Mark's Parifh, in the County of Culpeper, to fell the Glebe of the faid Parifh,
and lay out the Money in purchafing a more convenient Glebe received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time.
M'' Treafurer prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to impower the Veftry of Meherrin Parifh, in the County of Brunfwick, to fell the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and lay out the Money in purchafing a more convenient Glebe And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M' Treafurer prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to divide the Parifh of Hamilton, in the Coimties of Fauquier and Prince William; And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time.
M'' Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards Where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. delivered in at the Clerk's Table Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Cumberland, praying that the faid Covmty may be divided by a Line to be run from Mofby's Ferry, on James River, to the Mouth oi Swan's Creek, on Appomattox River, be rejedted. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the faid County of Cumberland, in Oppofition thereto, is reafonable.
; :
it is
Inhabitants of the Counties of Bedford and Augufta, praying that an Infpedlion of Tobacco may be appointed at the Town of New-London, in the faid County of Bedford, be
the Houfe.
as followeth,
the Speaker,
and Houfe
of Burgeffes.
The Reprefentation
Pendleton, and Peter Lyons, Surviving Adminiftrators of John Robinfon, Efq; Humbly fheweth, deceafed; with his Will annexed: That your Memorialifts, with the Honourable Peter Randolph, Efq; fince deceafed,
having, on the death of the faid
John Robinfon,
1766, taken upon them the Adminiftration of his Eftate; and difcovering, that large Sums of Money, colleded by him, for Taxes appropriated for the Redemption of the Treafury
Notes, had been, by the Perfuation and earneft Solicitations of Perfons in great Diftrefs,
forming a
might be done
of fuch Money, that Juftice Which being done, and be accounted for:
November 1766, the Balance due from the late Treafurer' s Eftate, was found to be 100, 761 1. 7 s. 5 d. fcmie Additions to which have fince been difcovered, and added to the Account by the prefent Treafurer and
examined by
your Memorialifts. That, as the Balance fo due, was tn the Hands of others, your Memorialifts confulted the Principal Debtors, who affured them, that if Three Years Time was allowed, the}' could, in that Period, fully pay in their Debts, fo as to difcharge the large Sum due to the Country:
to the then Houfe of Burgeffes, by the and Circumftances of this unlucky Affair, and expreffing their Hopes that they fhould be able to colled, and pay into the Treafury, annually, in each of the Three fucceeding Years, a Third part of the Balance, fo as to effed the Redemption of the Treafury Notes by October laft, the Time appointed for their final Redemption. On Confideration whereof, the Houfe was pleafed to determine that the late Treafurer's Eftate fhould pay Intereft on the Balance found due from tlie Time of his Death; and to dired, that upon the Adminiftrators confeffing a Judgment for the faid Balance and Intereft, Execution thereupon fhould be ftayed, as to fo much as was to effed the Redemption of
In Confidence
of which,
That in
this extenfive
and laborious Adminiftration, your Memorialifts found great difcovered, that in the Loan of the Money, their Teftator, fo far from
taking Security, had, in few Inftances, preferved a Writing to afcertain the Loan, and, in the Money to Account with the Borrower, expeding, as your Memo-
foon repaid; fo that rigorous Steps purfued with the Debtors, might them to make Ufe of all legal Objedions, in which Cafe many of the Debts provoked have might probably have been loft for Want of due Proof: They therefore, having employed a Gentleman of approved Diligence and Fidelity, to affift them, endeavoured to form juft and n
regular Accounts againft the Debtors, from the feveral Books, Papers,
and Memorandums,
which came
to their
they could, to
fuch Accounts liquidated and acknowledged as faft as avoid Difputes, in which they found the Debtors generally difpofed to do Juf-
Hands, and
to get
tice; fo that, from fettled Accounts, a larger Sum appeared to be due to the Teftator titan was mentioned in the former Memorial. That, on the Subjed of Payment, the Debtors claimed the fame Indulgence as had been extended to the Teftator's Eftate by the Houfe; and, though your Memorialifts conceived that the intention of the Houfe in that Indulgence, was to avoid the Neceffity of hafty and
his Debtors,
of fuch
to the
yet they
to retain the
Third yearly
Proportions of the Debts, as would anfwer their Intention of paying One Country; but, from the Delays in nioft of the Courts of Juftice, they were
Time might
elapfe before their Suits could be brought to Determinawoidd neceffarily attend fuch a Number of Suits, would
Memorialifts thought
in the
Judgments, ftaying Execution until Odlober laft, and their Promifes to pay due Proportions mean Time. That your Memorialifts have conftantly kept the Gentleman before named, employed on high Wages, and have exerted every Effort of Perfuation, with Threats, in order to obtain the Payment, and are concerned to fay, they have only been able to colled and pay into the Treaf-
ury, the Sum of 5,399 1. 2 s. 3 d. for the Principal and Intereft due on Account of the Public Fund, and the Sum of 15, 286 1. 7 s. 2 d. on Account of the Money appropriated for the Redemption of Paper Bills, although to affift fuch Payment, they have fold all the Houfehold Furniture, about One Hundred and Fifty Slaves, and fame of their Teftator' s Lands. That the outftanding Debts, yet due to their Teftator, moftly fecured by Judgments and TruftDeeds, impowering Sales, and which, in the Opinion of the Memorialifts, are feparate, amount to 95,313 1. i s. 5 d. on Bonds, for Sales made by them, or others for them, to 6,071, That the Debts which are doubtful and difputed, amount to 19,250 1. 18 s. 4 d. and 1. 10 s. the Lands, Slaves, and Stocks of the Teftator' s, in their Hands, are as follows, viz. In
3866 Acres
4700 Acres
56 Slaves.
of Cattle.
180 Hogs.
54 Sheep. 7 Horfes.
30 Sheep.
6 Horfes.
1500 Acres of Land. 24 Slaves. 40 Head of 75 Hogs. 18 Sheep.
6 Horfes.
640 Acres
400 Acres of Land. About 30 Slaves.
22 Slaves.
Lands adjoin-
Share in the Grant of the Difmal Swamp, a Share of the Lands belonging to the LeadMine Company, and fome Lots and Houfes inWilliamfburg. That your Memorialifts have come to a Refolution to fell immediately, the greater Part
to levy their
Payments as
faft as poffible; bid, as the Time of ftaying the Execution fcrr the Debt due to the Country, now expired; and, that Execution muft be iffued, without the Interpofition of this Houfe,
Your Memorialifts beg Leave to reprefent, that fuch Execution, befides the enormous Fees that will accrue to the Sheriffs, muft, in its Nature, occafion Sales very difadvantageous and injurious to the Securities, to the private Creditors, whofe Debts are pofiponed to that of the Country, and to the innocent Family of the Teftator. Your Memorialifts have thus laid their whole Condud and a State of Things before the Houfe, and humbly fubmit to their Wifdom and Juftice, to determine what is moft fit to be
done therein; hoping they fhall not incur the Cenfure of liaving abufed or trifled with the former Indulgence, fince they have done the beft in their Power to accomplifh the End propofed;
can, with Truth, fay, there is nothing temporal, they fo earneftly defire, as to
to Juftice,
finifh this
arduous Admimftration, in the moft fpeedy Manner a due Regard admit of.
to be perufed
by the Members of
the Houfe.
Robin fon, for 12 /. 9 5. 10 d. which he had paid to a Phyfician for VLfits made, and Medicine adminiftered to, and Attendance on a Negro Man Slave of the Claimant, during his Imprifonment in the Gaol of Gloucefter County, to which he was committed, charged with Felony, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
A Petition of feveral Perfons, of the County of Buckingham, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that an additional Bounty on Hemp would encourage the making greater Quantities of that Commodity, which would be beneficial to the Inhabitants of this Colony, and advantageous to the Commerce of Great-Britain; and therefore praying that an Adl may pafs for the Purpofe. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of John Bcafley, of the County of Buckingham, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth that a Runaway Negro Woman Slave of the Petitioner, having been outlawed, was difabled by a Tree which fell upon her as fhe lay hid, and was afterwards burned to death and praying the Houfe to make him fuch Allowance for the faid Negro as fhall feem juft and reafonable. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion there; ;
; ;
upon, to the Hotife. Upon a Motion made. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to prevent Matters of Veffels, and others, from felling fpirituous Liquors, except to their own Crews, in fmall Quantities and that M"' Archibald Gary and M'' Richard Henry Lee do prepare and bring in the fame. M' Treafurer prefented to the Houfe, purfuant to their Order, An Account of Arrears due from the feveral ColleAors of the Land and Poll-Tax, and the Tax on Wheel-Carriages, taken from their feveral Accotmts, as ftated at the Public
Treafury, and where no Accounts have been made up in each Year, extradled from And alfo Accoimts of former Years, which are noted thus O
Lift of
feveral Sheriffs.
Ordered, That the faid Accounts be referred to the Committee who are appointed to examine the Treafurer's Accounts. A Bill to regulate the Practice of fuing out and profecuting Writs of Replevin, in Cafes of Diftrefs for Rents, in this Colony, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the BiU be committed to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances.
Sqtiirrels, in
The Amendment
to the
was propofed
to be
Line 25,
next Sefflon of
A ffcmbly,
and no
the faid
Houfe; and
the Bill
Amendment was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed was amended at the Table accordingly.
by the
That the
do pafs:
An Ad
for deftroying
Crows and Squirrels in certain Counties therein m^entioned. Bland do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, and Ordered, That
Hening, VIII,
p. 389.
; ;
ingroffed Bill for giving a Salary to the Speaker of the Houfe of Burgeffes, read the third Time.
to the
That the Bill do pafs: And that the Title be, An Ad for giving a Salary the Houfe of Burgeffes. Ordered, That M-- Archibald Gary do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their
Speaker of
M-- Archibald Gary reported, from the Committee of Public Claims, that the Committee had had \mder their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had
to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz.
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Edward Weftmore to be allowed an Addition to his Salary, as Public Gaoler, is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed the Sum of 15 /. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of William Chriftian to be reimburfed the Bounty paid to the Soldier therein mentioned, is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed the Stmi of 2 /. for the fame. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Benjamin Grub to be allowed for the Damages he fuftained by the Virginia Troops, in the Year 1755, be rejected. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of William Poindexter and John Apperfon, Infpe<5lors of Tobacco at Littlcpage's Warehoufes, in New-Kent County, to be reimburfed for the Tobacco therein mentioned, is reafonable and that they ought to be allowed the Sum. of 43 /. 9 5. 7 d. for the fame.
by the Houfe.
Refolved, That an additional Salary of Fifteen Pounds Edward Weftmore, Keeper of the Public Gaol, to continue
Seffion of Affembly.
That M' Archibald Gary do carry the faid Refolution to the Council, and
then the
Houfe adjourned
To-Marrow Morning
Houfe, and read Maryland, over Potowmack River, are frequently put on Shore at Dipple, the Petitioner's Land, in the County of Stafford; and therefore praying that the Petitioner may be permitted to keep a Ferry from his Landing at Dipple, to Kennedy's aforefaid. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M"' Bland reported, from the Committee who were appointed to examine into the State of the Fimds arifmg from the feveral Duties and Taxes impofed for the Redemption of the Treafury Notes, as alfo to ftate an Account of the Debt due from the Eftate of the late Treafurer, with the feveral Payments made by his Adminiftrators fince the laft Settlement in General Affembly, that the Committee had accordingly examined the Matters to them referred, and had diredled him to report the fame, as they appeared to them, to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame was read, and is as followeth, viz. It appears to your Committee, that on the 6*'' of April, 1768, the Day to which the State of the PubHc Funds was brought down, there remained of the Treafury Notes, in
Petition of
prefented to the
from Kennedy's,
Hening, VIII,
p. 210.
of 170,419 /. 16 s. id. of which there was burnt and deftroyed by fame Day, the Sum of 638 /. 14 s. That there has been fince biunt the Committee, the and deftroyed by the Committee, appointed by A&. of the General Affembly, the farther Sum of 29,263 I. 16 s. 1 d. and that there appears to be in the Treafurer's Hands at this Time, the Sum of 12,802 /. 18 5. 8 d. received for Taxes, appropriated to the Redemption Circulation, the of Treafur}^ Notes; fo that there
lo d.
It likewife
now remains
is ftill
and from though your Committee cannot be exadl as to the Arrears, as fome
5 d.
of 99,395 /. ij s. 6 d. from the different Sheriffs, the Infpedlors and the County Court Clerks, about
Your Committee find, that at the laft Settlement made in General Affembly, there was due from the Eftate of the late Treafiirer, the Sum of 9,939 I. 11 s. 8d. for Intereft to the 10"^ of May, 1768, that the farther Stun of Intereft, to the 10'^ of this Inftant, amotmts to 7459 /, 13 s. 9 d. that there has been paid into the Public Treafury, by the Adminiftrators of the late Treafiu"er, from the 7*'' of May, 1768, inclufive, the Sum of 15,286 /. 7 5. 2 d. fo that the Balance ftill due from the Eftate, amounts to 101,508 /. 15 s. 9 d. of which 2,112 /. 18 5. 3 d. is Intereft. Upon the whole, it appears to your Committee, that the Funds appropriated for the Redemption of the Treafury Notes, when the arrears are paid, will exceed the Sum in Circulation 7,832 I. ij s. i d. which ^-our Committee are hopeful will be amply fufficient to make good any Loffes that may happen in the faid Arrears, and all Expences attending the CoUedlion thereof add to this the feveral Treafur}' Notes, which have been loft and deftroyed, which your Committee are of the Opinion will prove a confiderable Saving to the Country, though they cannot pretend to fix the Amount of the fame. Your Committee, therefore, humbly give it as their Opinion, that the Intereft arifing from the late Treafurer's Debt, fince the 10* of May, 1768, may very properly and fafety be applied to the Credit of the Public Account, efpecially as the Public Faith is engaged to make good every Deficiency that can poffibly arife. For the better Illuftration of this Report your Committee beg Leave to refer to the annexed Accounts. Your Committee have alfo proceeded to examine the Treafurer's Accounts, but not having yet had Time to finifh them, beg Leave to refer the Houfe to their future Report.
127,714. 6.10
the Principal Debts due from the late Treafurer's Eftate Balances due from the
832 17
;i3S. 547-
3- II
99, 395
feveral Sheriffs
34, 151
Ditto due from the Infpedtors and Clerks, as nearly as they can be adjufted,
000. o. o
The Eftate
99, 395 17
Od. Nov.
of the
By Cafh
By By By By
Ad123 17
miniftrators ...
o o
9,939.11. 8
22. 22.
do do do do
do of do of do of do
1,153. o- o
May 12. By
June24. By Aug. 31. By Od. 14. By 30. By 30. By Nov. 2. By
do do do do do do do
of of
do do do do do do do
3,865.16. 8 2,526. 2. 2
29.16. 3
9,939.11. 8
99, 395
;io9. 335-
To Balance To 18 Months
99, 395
Intereft to
10^^ ot
459 13- 9
By By
do of do do of do
4,522.10. o 304. o. o
101,508.15. 9
;io6, 855.11.
;io6, 855.11.
To Balance
of the Hotife.
to be perufed
lency the Governor would be pleafed to give Directions to the proper Officer to lay before
Houfe Copies
and Proceedings
in the Suits
now depending
the Securities of the late Treafurer) had been prefented to his Excellency
and that he
Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a bill for better regulating the And the fame was received, and read Colleftion of Public, Cotmty, and Parifh Levies the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time.
M' Blattd prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for reimburfing the Inhabitants of King William and Hanover Counties the Expence of clearing Patnunkey
the firft Time. be read a fecond Time. Several Petitions of fundry Perfons, of the Parifh of Saint George, in the Coimty of Spotfylvania, were prefented to the Hoiafe, and read; fetting forth the large Extent of the faid Parifh and therefore praj-ing that an Adl may pafs for dividing the faid Parifh, by a Line beginning at the Place where the Line of Caroline Cotmty croffes the River Po, and running up the faid River to the Mouth of the Run called the Robin f&n, and continuing thence up the faid River, whereon John Mitchell's Mill ftands, until it interfe<5ts the Line of Orange Covmty; and for fubjedting the Tithables of the faid Parifh, as it now is, to the Expences of building a new Chmxh, and repairing Pamnnkey Chapel, in the faid
Several Petitions of fimdry Perfons of the Parifh of St. George, in the County of
Spotfylvania, were prefented to the Houfe,
and read; taking Notice of an Application intended to be made to the Houfe for dividing the faid Parifh, and fetting forth that a Divifion of the faid Parifh, at this Time, is imreafonable and therefore praying that the faid Parifh may not be divided or if it is divided, that it may be by a Line from Rappa; ;
Place in
That the faid feveral Petitions be referred to the Committee for Religion they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion and that thereupon, to the Hotife. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom the Bill for dividing the County of Augufta is committed, that they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes for adding to the County of Albemarle the feveral Iflands in the Fluvanna River adjacent to the faid County of Albemarle. M"' Archibald Gary reported, from the Committee of Public Claims, that the Committee had had under their Confideration fundry Militia Accoimts, to them referred, and had come to a Refolution thereupon: And he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table where the fame was read, and is as followeth,
Pay for a Detachment of Militia, ordered out by Col. Adam Stephen, to fupprefs and take fome Negroes who it was fufpe(5ted had affembled and definged an Infurredtion, it appears to your Committee, that Col. Stephen, upon Notice thereof, ordered out an Enfign, with thirteen armed Men of the Militia, who lived betwixt Thirty-fix and Forty Miles from the Place where the faid Negroes were faid to have affembled, to take and carry them to a Magiftrate, to be examined. In Confequence whereof, it appears, that the faid Detachment of Militia did apprehend fome of the faid Slaves, and carried them before a Magiftrate, who upon Examination, finding there was no Foundation for the Alarm, difcharged them. It further appears, that the faid Detachment were Seven Days on that Duty, when there might have been one ordered out of the Neighborhood, where the faid Negroes were fuppofed to have met, that would have performed the Services required in One or Two Days, without being entitled to any Pay for the fame. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Accoimts are juft; and that the faid Robert Rutherford ought to be allowed Two Shillings for the Enfign, and One Shilling for each Soldier, per Day, for the Time they were on Duty, amoimting in the Whole to the Sum of 5 /. 5 s. for their Pay, as aforefaid. The faid Refolution being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon,
agreed to
the Houfe.
Dudley Digges prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to dock the Intail of Three Thoufand Acres of Land, whereof Armiftead Lightfoot is feized in Fee And the Tail, and vefting the fame in Truftees for the Purpofes therein mentioned:
that the Bill be
now read:
That the Bill do lie upon the Table. M' Henry prefented to the Houfe. purfuant
in the Suits
and Proceedings
now depending
to their Order, Copies of the Records againft the Securities of the late Treafurer.
of the Houfe.
That the
Records do
to be perufed
by the Members
of the
The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to take into Confideration the State Debt due from John Robin fon, Efq deceafed, late Treafurer of this Colony, to the
Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to Debt due from John Robin fon, Efq deceafed, late Treafurer of
That the Report of the Committee who were appointed to examine into the State of the Fimds arifmg from the feveral Duties and Taxes impofed for the Redemption of the Treafury Notes, an aKo to ftate an Account of the Debt due from the Eftate of the late Treaftu-er, with the feveral Payments made by his Adminiftrators lince the laft Settlement in General Affembly, which was ordered to lie upon the Table, be referred to the faid Committee. Ordered, That the Copies of the Records and Proceedings in the Suits now depending againft the Securities of the late Treafurer, which were ordered to lie upon the Table, be
referred to the faid Committee.
That the Paper intituled, "The Reprefentation of M' Robinfon's Adminifwhich was ordered to lie upon the Table, be referred to the faid Committee. Then the Houfe refolved itfelf into the faid Committee.
M'' M"'
the Chair.
Bland took the Chair of the Committee. Speaker refumed the Chair. M"" Bland reported, from the Committee, that they had gone through the Matters referred to them, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, wliich he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table where the fame were read, and
are as foUoweth,
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the moft effedlual Methods ought to be taken to recover the Debts due to the Public, as well thofe from the late Treafurer, as from the feveral Sheriffs, and others, who are in Arrears. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that tmlefs the Adminiftrators of the late Treafiu-er fhall, within four Months, fell and difpofe of their Teftator's Eftate, except his Widow's Dower in the Lands, for a Year's Credit, in order to difcharge the Debt due from him to the Public, then, after that Time, the Treafurer do take out Executions on the Judgments againft the faid Adminiftrators, and proceed to fell the
faid Eftate.
the Houfe.
then the
Houfe adjourned
24tb of !Jtovember, 10
(Beo. Ill
Petition of
eitahUfhed on the Land oi the iaid Jeremiah Garland Bailey, in 1762, the Petitioner employed one Daniel Bennett to build the Warehoufes that the Undertaker not having compleated the Houfes in Time to receive Tobacco that Year, the Petieftmoreland Cotmty Court, who appointed tioner delivered up the faid Warehotifes to
and an Acre of the Land they ftood upon that the faid three Magiftrates valued the Workmanfhip and Materials to SeventyPounds, and the Land to Three Poimds, out of which Valuation they allowed to the Proprietor Five Pounds for Timber and that the faid Bennett refufing to accept the Sixty-five Pounds, commenced Suit in the General Court againft the Petitioner, and recovered 85 /. 15 5. 9 d. and 3968 Poimds of Tobacco, befides 59 /. 15 5. 11 d. paid before the Trial of the Suit and therefore praying the Houfe to reimbtirfe the Money the Petitioner had been obliged to pay more than he received. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of PubUc Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion therethree Magiftrates to value the faid Houfes,
Another Member having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adl of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and the Abjuration Oath, and repeated and fubfcribed the Teft, took his Place in the Houfe. A Petition of feveral Perfons of the County of New Kent, whofe Names are thereunto
was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Profits of their Orchards are confiderably diminifhed by the Reftri<5lions of the Adl for regulating Ordinaries, and Reftraint of TippUng Houfes and therefore praying that an Adl may pafs allowing them to fell Cyder and Brandy, the Produce of their own Orchards, by Retail, 0 as the Liquor be not drank at the Houfe or Plantation where it is made. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M"- Eyre reported from the Committee, to whom the Bill to impower the ChurchWardens and Veftry of the Parifh of Hungars, in the Coimty of Northampton, to leafe certain Lands therein mentioned, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made an Amendment theretmto, which they had diredled him to report to
and he read the report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the BiU, with in at the Clerk's Table, where the Amendment was twice read; and, Amendment, the upon the Queftion put thereupon, was agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be ingroffed. A Petition of Chriftopher Lawfon and Daniel Lawfon, Infpedlors at the Upper and Lower Warehoufes on Totafkey Creek, in the County of Richmond, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that feveral Parcels of Tobacco were ftolen from under Prize, at the faid Warehoufes, which the Petitioners were obUged to make good to the Proprietors and therefore praying to be relieved. And a Motion was made, and the Queftion being put, that the faid Petition be
the Houfe
; ; ;
That the
Committee to whom the Bill to continue an Adl, intituled. An Ad for eftablifhing Pilots, and regulating their Fees, was committed, that the Committee had diredled him to report the Bill to the Houfe, without any Amendment; and he delivered the Bill in at the Clerk's Table. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed.
M"- Harrifon reported, from the
a Road
from Payne's Run, in the County of Augufta, to Thurman's, And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time.
in the
Covmty of Albemarle;
and Thomas Dudley, Infpedlors at Shephard's and King & Queen, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that in the Nights of the 10* and 17'^ Days of June laft, the Windows of the Warehoufe at Turner's were broke, and 1200 lbs. of Tobacco ftolen out of the faid Hotife and therefore praying to be relieved by the General Affembly.
Petition of Francis Gaines
Hening, VII,
p. 580.
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame with their Opinion thereupon, to the Hotife.
upon Slaves
be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Trade, to whom a Bill to An Ad to continue and amend an Ad for reviving the Duty be paid by the Buyers; and alfo a Bill to continue an Adt, intituled, An
to oblige
sife, to
this Colony from Maryland, Carolina, and the pay a Duty, were committed, that they do alter atid
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to lay an additional that the Committee of Trade do prepare and bring in the fame.
ingroffed Bill to repeal the feveral
Duty on
Affembly prohibiting the tending of Tobacco Seconds, Slips, or Suckers, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs; and that the Title be. An Ad ^ to relieve the People from the Expence attending the Execution of the Laws prohibiting the tending of Tobacco
That M'' Starke do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence. A Bill to dock the Intail of Three Thoufand Acres of Land, whereof Armiftead Lightfoot is feized in Fee Tail, and vefting the fame in Truftees for the Purpofes therein mentioned, which was Yefterday received, and ordered to lie upon the Table, was read
That the Bill be read a fecond Time. David Garland was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the Petitioner is feized, as Tenant in Fee Tail, of two Trac5ls of Land, containing together 2046 Acres, in the County of Lunenburg; together with feveral Slaves thereunto annexed; but that the faid Slaves are not fufficient to cultivate the faid Lands; and
Petition of
therefore praying that 378 Acres, Part of the faid Lands, may be vefted in the Petitioner Fee Simple, and the Value thereof laid out in purchafing of Slaves, to be annexed to
the Refidue of the faid Lands, for the immediate Advantage of the Heir apparent.
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and that M' Carrington and M"" Munford do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That this Houfe be called over upon Tuefday next. Ordered, That M"" Gray have Leave to be abfent from the Senace of this Houfe till Wednefday next. M"' Archibald Gary prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to amend an
Adl, intituled,
An Ad* for eftablifhinga Toivn near Warwick in the County of Henrico; and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved. That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Upon a Motion made, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for laying a Tax upon Dogs and that M' Nelfon and M"' Wafhingion do prepare, and bring in the fame. M'' Archibald Gary reported, from the Committee of PubHc Claims, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame was read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of John Beafley
the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Alexander Waugh, Jun. to be reimburfed the Botmty for the Recruit therein mentioned, is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed the Sum of Ten Pounds for the fam.e.
it is
the Hoiife.
Not recorded as a law.
' Ibid., VIII, p. 191. Hening, VIII, p. 190. in Hening. See A&s of Affembly, ed. 1752, p, 411.
Title only.
That That
of this Hoiife
M'' John Wilfon, of Norfolk, have Leave to be abfent from the Service Thurfday next. Ordered, That M"^ Trent have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe for a
Tuefday Fortnight.
third Time.
That the
An Ad
for preventing
fuppreffing private Lotteries. Ordered, That M'' Eyre do caiTy the Bill to the Council,
Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had under their Confideration a Petition of feveral Perfons of the County of Spotfylvania, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of the faid Petition as prays that Courts Martial for the faid County may be held at a convenient Place near the Center of the County, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that fo much of the faid Petition as prays that the General Mtifters of the faid County may be held at the Center of the faid County, be rejedled. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances,
purfuant to the thirteenth Refolution of the Committee for Courts of Juftice, which was agreed to by the Houfe upon Saturday laft was Sevennight, that they make Provifion in the faid Bill for holding Courts Martial for the Coimty of Spotfylvania, near the Center of the County.
M'' Thomas Harricomplaining of an undue Eledlion and Return of M'' Thomas Marfhall, and M' James Scott, to ferve as Burgeffes in this prefent General Affembly for the County of Fauquier, and had diredled him to report the Matter, as it appeared to them, together with the Refolutions of the Committee thereupon and he read the Report in his Place,
that the Committee had had under their Confideration the Petition of
It appears to your Committee, that M'' Marfhall, by Commiffion, dated the 20**" of Odober 1767, was appointed Sheriff of the faid County: That he qualified himfelf in that Office, and adled by his Deputies, except in particular Cafes, which required him to adl himfelf: That in the Month of June laft, M'' Marfhall declared his Intentions of ftanding a Candidate at the next Eledlion for the faid County, and continued fuch his Intention until the 23* of Auguft, when he, as Sheriff, received the Writ of Eledlion, appointed the iS'*" Day of September for holding the fame, and caufed due Publication thereof to be made. That on the a"* Day of September, M' William Euftace having received a Commiffion from the Governor, to be Sheriff of the faid County, was duly qualified in that Office, and held the Eledlion on the Day appointed, when the Ntmibers
on the Clofe of the Poll, ftood thus For M' Marfhall, 329 M' Scott, 273 M' Harrifon, iq6
Hening, VIII,
p. 353.
It further
M"' Eiiftace
appears to your Committee, that M'' Marfhall having been informed, that M' Harrifon had declared, that although a Majority of the refident Freeholders fhould be againft him, yet, as there were about Seventy Freeholders in the adjacent Counties, he would fummon them, none of whom would vote for M"' Marfhall; and having reafon to believe, that the faid i8* Day of September was fixed as the Day of Eledlion for the
County of
Stafford, M""
juftifiable in
fame Day; and accordingly did fo appoint it. That the Freeholders attended, or might have done fo, from the adjacent Counties, except Stafford, in which Coimty it appears there are about 20 Perfons entitled to vote in Fauquier, many of whom, there is good Reafon to believe, would have voted for M""
the Fauquier Eledlion to be on the
not appear to the Committee, that any imdue Practices were ufed by M"" Marfhall, in his Office as Sheriff, in order to influence Votes in the faid Eledlion. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that M"" Marfhall, in appointing the Eledlion for the faid Coimty, on the fame Day of the Stafford Eledlion, with a View to
It does
Prevent the Inhabitants of Stafford from voting at the Fauquier Eledlion, adled improperly but, as it appears that fuch his Condudl had no Effedl upon the Eledlion for
Refolved, therefore,
Marfhall, and
M"' Scott,
by the Houfe.
Tuefday Sevennight.
Claim of Jofeph Pollard, for a Gun impreffed from him, by the Commanding Culpeper County, for the Ufe of the Militia thereof, which had been appraifed to Thirty-five Shillings, and which had never been returned to him, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of
Oflficer of
Public Claims.
Richard Randolph have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe, till the fifteenth Day of next Month. Ordered, That M"' Henry have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe, till the twelfth Day of next Month.
Wayland, for a Gun impreffed from him, in the Year 1764, for the Ufe of the Culpeper Militia, which had been appraifed to Thirty Shillings, and for which he had not received any Satiffadlion, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of
A Claim, of Adam,
A Petition
of John Scott was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the was one of the Deputy-Sheriffs of the County of King and Queen, in the Year when the Country Levy of 46 tbs. of Tobacco, per Poll, was coUedled and that, in
Confequence of the faid Affeffment on the Tithables of the faid County, the Petitioner had been obliged to pay to the late Treafurer, 2254 tbs. of nett Tobacco, for 49 Tithables belonging to Col. Bernard Moore's Forge, which the Petitioner conceived were exempted by Law; and therefore praying that he may be reimburfed the faid 2254 lbs. of Tobacco. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
then the
Houfe adjourned
of the Clock.
292 ]
Bland reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill to regulate the and profecuting Writs of Replevin, in Cafes of Diftrefs was committed, that the Committee had gone Colony, this Rents in for through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereunto, which they had dire(5ted him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and
afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table: Where the Amendments were once read throughout, and then a fecond Time, one by one; and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were agreed to by the Houfe.
That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. Bland reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill for dividing the Coimty of Augnfia, and for other Ptirpofes therein mentioned, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereimto; which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place; and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table: Where the Amendments were once read throughout, and then a fecond Time, one by one and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. A Petition of feveral Merchants, trading to and from the Town of Dumfries, in the Cotmty of Prince William, whofe Names are thereimto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; taking Notice of an Application intended to be made to this Houfe, for appointing another Infpedlion of Tobacco in Dumfries, at the upper End of the Town; and fetting forth that another Infpedlion there is -unneceffary, and if it were w neceffary, that a Place on the Creek below the Towti, is more proper for that Pxirpofe than any at the upper End of the Town and therefore praying that no other Infpedlion be appointed in the faid Town, or that it may be at the Place pointed out by the Petition
of Dumfries, in the
whofe Names are thereimto fubfcribed, in Oppofition to the Petition of the Merchants of the faid Town, and others, was prefented to the Hoiife, and read fetting forth that another Inf pedlion, on Quantico Creek, on the Lots, Numbers 171 and 172, in the faid Town, would be advantageous to the Petitioners, and to the Inhabitants of Prince William, and other Counties and alledging that the Place propofed by the faid Merchants for fuch Infpedlion to be very inconvenient and therefore praying that another Infpe<5lion may be eftabhfhed on the faid Lots. Ordered, That the faid feveral Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
Carrington prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof David Garland is feized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the fame in And the fame was Tnif tees in Fee Simple and for other Purpofes therein mentioned
and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the BiU be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That M"^ Leu/is Biirwell, of James City, and M"" Blair, be added to the Committee who are appointed to examine the Treafurer's Accounts. Ordered, That M'' Alexander be added to the Committee of Privileges and Elections. Ordered, That M'' Paramore be added to the Committees of Propofitions and Grievances, and Public Claims. M' Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for eftablifhing a Town And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. in the Coimty of Pittfylvania; read a fecond Time. Bill the be That Refolved, M' Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had tmder their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had come
and afterwards where the fame were read, and are as foUoweth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of divers Inhabitants of New Kent County, praying that an A(5l may pafs to impower them to fell Cider and Brandy, the Produce of their own Orchards, by Retail; fo as the fame are not drank at their Houfes or Plantations, be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of divers Inhabitants of Buckingham Covmty, praying an additional Bounty of Hemp, be rejected. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Merchants and Traders of the Town of Alexandria, in the Cotmty of Fairfax, praying that fome Method may be fallen upon, to prevent the running of Spirituous Liquors from Maryland and Pennfylvania, into the back Counties of this Colony, is reafonable. The fir ft Refolution of the Committee being read a fecond Time And the Queftion being put that the Houfe doth agree with the Committee in the
delivered in at the Clerk's Table
faid Refolution
an Adl
That the Petition of divers Inhabitants of New-Kent Coimty, praying that empower them to fell Cyder and Brandy, the Produce of their own Orchards, by Retail, fo as the fame be not drank at their Hoiifes or Plantations, is reaRefolved,
pafs to
The fubfequent Refolutions of the Committee being feverally read the fecond Time, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in to impower the Inhabitants of New-Kent County, to fell Cyder and Brandy, the Produce of their own Orchards, by Retail, fo as the fame be And that the Committee of Propofitions and not drank at their Houfes or Plantations Grievances do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in, purfuant to the laft Refolution of the faid Committee, and which hath been agreed to by the Hoiife and that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the fame.
a Motion made.
in a Bill, to
do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That M'' Stith have Leave to be abfent from the Service of
this Hoxife
Saturday next.
Pay as a Voluntier in the omitted by Miftake to be allowed by the Commif1764, the Houfe, and read. fioners, was prefented to Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Public Claims.
in the
A Claim of Thomas
Tail, in
Petition of
Rootes, of the
of Gloucefter,
and Sarah,
his Wife,
Right of the Wife, of a Tradl of Land, containing Five Hundred Acres, or there-
other Tradls of
Land, one containing Two Hundred Acres, and the other Four Htmdred and Eighty-five Acres, lying near, or contiguous to each Other, and in the Parifh of Petfworth, in the faid Coimty of Gloucefter; and have not a fufificient Ntunber of Slaves to cultivate all of the faid Lands and therefore praying that an A(5t may pafs for vefting the faid Land in the Parifh of Ware, in Truftees, and enabling them to fell the fame, and lay out, the Money arifing by fuch Sale in Slaves, to be annexed to the faid Lands in Petfworth, in Fee Tail. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, ptirfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and that M"" Dixon do prepare and bring in the fame.
Several Claims of William Weftfall, Michael Bufh, John Rohinfon, Henry Delloy, Samuel Pringle, Daniel Shoehan, junior, David Corn, Edward Corn, jimior, George Miller,
John Ratan, Jacob Sinkes, and Abraham Blue, of the Hampas Scouts employed on the Frontiers, this prefent Year, by And alfo, Order of a Council of War, held in Purfuance of the Invafion-A<5l Several Claims of William Foreman, Andrew Corn, Job Wilfon, and Jacob Sinkes, for Provifions fumifhed the Scouts ordered out on the Frontiers, from the Hampfhire Militia, this prefent Year Were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Claims be feverally referred to the Confideration of the ComBell, Garrett Reafner,
a Moticm made.
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for the more fpeedy and effedlual Recovery of the Debt due to the Public, from the Eftate of the late Treafurer and that M"" Bland, and M"' Richard Henry Lee, do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That M'' Munjord have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe,
the fifteenth
December next.
That That
An Ad
was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs and that the
Title be.
An Ad
An Ad for appointing a
Richard Henry Lee do carry the BiU to the Coxmcil, and defire their
to continue
An ingroffed Bill,
regulatingtheir Fees,
an Adl,
An Ad
was read the third Time. That the BiU do pafs; and that the Title be, An Ad to continue an Ad, intituled. An Ad for eftablifhing Pilots, and regulating their Fees. Ordered, That M'' Harrifon do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence.
ingroffed Bill to
gars, in the
impower the Chtu"chwardens and Veftry of the Parifh of HunLands therein mentioned, was read
That the Bill do pafs; and that the Title be. An Ad s to tmpower the Churchwardens and Veftry of the Parifh of Himgars, in the County of Northampton, to
leafe certain La>uis therein mentioned.
and defire
their Concurrence.
An Ad
of Affembly, for making Promfion againft Invafion and Infurredions, into one Ad, was read the third Time.
Title be.
An Ad 7
An Ad
againft Invafions
and Infurredions, into one Ad. Ordered, That M"' Richard Henry Lee do carry the
Bill to
An ingroffed
is feized,
Bill to
dock the IntaU of certain Lands, whereof Thomas Fifher, junior, fame Ufes, was read the
do pafs
third Time.
That the
to the
Title be.
An Ad
fame Ufes.
Hening, VII,
p. 466.
VII, p. 580.
VIII, p. 414.
VIII, p. 440.
Eyre do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence. for exempting Free Negro, Mulatto, and Indian Women, from the Payment of Levies, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs; and that the Title be, An Ad for exempting Free Negro, Mulatto, and Indian Women, from the Payment of Levies. Ordered, That M"' Bland do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence. An ingroffed Bill, to confirm to George Marfhall the Fee-Simple Eftate in certain Lands purchafed by him of the Veftrj^ of Hanover Parifh, in the County of King-George, was read the third Time. An ingroffed Claufe was offered to be added to the Bill, by way of Ryder, for faving the Rights of Strangers. And the faid Claufe was thrice read and, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Hovife to be made Part of the Bill, by way of Ryder. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs; and that the Title be, An Ad ' to confirm to George Marfhall the Fee-Simple Eftate in certain Lands purchafed by him of the Veftry of Hanover Parifh, in the County of King-George.
An ingroffed Bill,
Acft, intituled,
An Ad
for increafing the Rewards for killing Wolves within certain Counties, to be paid by the
was read the third Time. The Amendment following was propofcd to be made to the Bill, viz. Line i6. To leave out fix, and infert four inftead thereof. And the faid Amendment was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe and the Bill was amended at the Table accordingly. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs and that the Title be. An Ad for further continuing and amending the Ad, intituled, An Ad for increafing the Rewards for killing Wolves within
; ;
Bill to
An ingroffed Bill for adding Part of the Parifh of Southfarnham, to the Parifh of Anne, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs; and that the Title be. An Ad s for adding Part of Parifh of Southfarnham to the Parifh of Saint Anne. Ordered, That M'' Treafurer do cany the Bill to the Council, and defire their ConAn ingroffed Bill for adding twenty Acres of Land, the Town of Blandford, was read the third Time.
That the
Title be.
An Ad
adding twenty
is feized, to the
That M"" Bland do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence. A Bill to dock the Intail of Three Thoufand Acres of Land, whereof Armiftead Lightfoot is feized in Fee Tail, and vefting the fame in Truf tees for the Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to all the Members who ferve for the Counties of York, Brunfwick, Suffex, and Surry. And then the Houfe adjourned till Monday Morning next, Eleven of the Clock.
Hening, VIII,
p. 393.
/6d., Ibid.,
VIII, p.406.
VIII, p. 438.
Petition, be difcharged.
Wife was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the Petitioners are feized, in Right of the Wife, as Tenant in Fee Tail, of and in a Tradl of Land, in the County of Northampton, fituate on King's Creek and the Bay of Chefapeak, and containing 600 Acres and that it will be greatly for the Advantage of the Petitioners and their pofterity to dock the Intail of the faid
Petition of
Lands, and, in Lieu thereof, to fettle other Lands, of equal or greater Value, in the Covinty Nanfemcnd, whereof the faid David Meade is feized in Fee Simple, to the fame Ufes; and therefore praying that an Adl may pafs for that Purpofe. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill purfuant to the Prayer of the faid
and that
M"' Starke,
whom the
An Ad
committed, that the Commitee had direcfted him to report the Bill to the Houfe, without any Amendment and he delivered the Bill in at the Clerk's Table. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed. M"' Bland prefented to the Hotife, according to Order, a Bill to oblige the Owners of Mills, Hedges, or Stops, on the Rivers therein mentioned, to make Openings or Slopes therein, for the Paffage of Fifh and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That a Bill for eftablifhing Quarterly Courts, inftead of Monthly Courts, in certain Coimties, which, upon Tuefday the 21 '* Day of this Inftant November, was committed to the Committee for Courts of Juftice, be tranfmitted to a Committee of the
whole Houfe.
of the
That this Houfe will, upon Wednefday next, refolve whole Houfe upon the faid Bill.
of feveral Perfons, of the Parifh of Suffolk, in the
into a
A Petition
the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, Parifh have mifmanaged and mifapplied certain charitable Donations to the faid Parifh that the Adl eftablifhing a free Ferry over Nanfemond River, hath not the good Effedls
Covmty of Nanfetnond, was prefented to that the Veftry and Church-Wardens of the faid
intended by
and that the Tithables in the faid Parifh are now fo numerous, that the faid Parifh may conveniently be divided; and praying that the faid Parifh may be divided by Nanfemond River, or elfe that the faid Veftry may be diffolved; the faid
Adl eftablifhing the faid free Ferry, fo far as it relates to all the Parifhioners, except the Minifter may be repealed. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Commitee for ReHgion and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon,
to the Houfe.
p. 38.
to anfwer the
Adl of Affembly for the Infpedtion of thofe Commodities is not fuificient End thereby defigned and therefore praying that the faid A<51 may be
; ;
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Trade and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to
the Houfe.
An ingroffed Bill to regulate the Practice of fuing out and profecuting Writs of Replevin, in Cafes of Diftrefs for Rents, in this Colony, was read the third Time.
That the Bill do pafs; and that the Title be, An Ad to regulate the Pracfuing out and profecuting Writs of Replevin, in Cafes of Diftrefs for Rent. Ordered, That M"' Richard Henry Lee do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, and defire their Concurrence.
tice of
An ingroffed
of Augufta,
do pafs; and that the Title he. An Ad ' for dividing the County and Parifh of Augufta, and for adding certain Iflands in the Fluvanna River to the Counties of Albemarle and Amherft. Ordered, That M'' Bland do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence. A Bill to impower the Executors of the Will of Charles Carter, Efq to fell Part of his Lands for the Payment of his Debts and Legacies, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to M' Edmund Pendleton, M'' elfon, and all the Members who ferve for the Counties of Fauquier and Prince William. A Bill to impower the Veftry of St. Mark's Parifh, in the Coimty of Culpeper, to fell the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and lay out the Money in purchafing a more convenient Glebe, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed. A Bill to impower the Veftry of Meherrin Parifh, in the County of Brunfwick, to fell the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and lay out the Money in purchafing a more convenient Glebe, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to the Committee for Religion. A Bill to divide the Parifh of Hamilton, in the Counties of Fauquier and Prince William, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to the Committee for Religion. A Bill to repeal an Adt of the General Affembly, exempting the inhabitants of Mecklenburg County, from the Payment of Ferriage, on certain Days, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to M"" Edmund Pendleton, M'' Mercer, and M'
That the
King William and Hanover Counties the read a fecond Time. Expence of clearing Pamunkey River, was Refolved, That the Bill be committed to the Committee of Propofitions and GrievBill for reimburfing the Inhabitants of
A Btll to dock the Intail of certain Landswhereof David Garland is feized in Fee Tail,
for vefting the
in Truftees in
Fee Simple, and for other Purpofes therein menferve for the Counties
was read a fecond Time. That the Bill be committed to all the Members who of Brunfwick, Charlotte, and Lunenburg. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Eleven
of the Clock.
Hening, VIII,
p. 332.
VIII, 395.
be taken by Adl Member having taken the Oaths appointed ANOTHER and Supremacy, and the Abjuthe Oaths Allegiance Parliament, inftead
ration Oath,
Houfe. M"" Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to explain and amend one Adl of Affembly, made in the fourth Year of the Reign of Qxieen Anne, m.t\tvi\e6., An Ad for regulating the Eledion of Burgeffes, for fettling their Privileges, and for afcertaining their Allowances; and aKo one other A<5t, made in the tenth Year of the Reign of King George the H. intituled, An Ad ' to declare who fhall have a Right to vote in the Eledion of
to ferve
Conveyances, in order
multiply Votes at
and for preventing fraudulent fuch Eledions; and the fame was received, and
read the
That the
Committee to whom the Bill to dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof David Garland is feized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the fame in Truftees in Fee Simple and for other purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, that the Committee had examined the Allegations of the Bill, and found the fame to be true and that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made an Amendment thereunto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place; and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Clerk's Table: Where the Amendment was twice read, and upon the Queftion put thereupon, was agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be ingroffed. A Petition of Richard Starke was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Petitioner had fet on Foot Propofals for printing and publifhing a Diredlory to the Juftices of Peace, to enable them more eafily to difcharge their Duty but that many Gentlemen in that Office will not fubfcribe to the Undertaking, and think it reafonable that, as they a<5l in it without Reward, they fhould be fumifhed with neceffarj' Books, at the Public Expence and therefore praying the Houfe to determine what Number of the Books they will take, if the Work fhall, upon Examination, be approved of, for the Ufe
M'' Carrington reported, from the
; ; ;
of the Public.
That the
of Propofitions
Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
prefented to the Hoiofe, according to Order, a Bill to dock the Intail of Lands whereof David Meade and Sarah, his Wife are feized, and for fettling other Lands therein mentioned to the fame Ufes; and the fame was received, and read the
M"' Jefferfon
That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe:
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An A&,i ioT giving a Salary to the Speaker of the Houfe of Burgeffes, ivithout any Amendment: And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Adl* for continuing the Adl, intituled. An Adl for appointing a Treafurer, ivithout any Amendment: And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adl' for dividing the County and Parifh of Augufta; and for adding certain Iflands, in the Fluvanna River, to the Counties of Albemarle and Amherft, without any Amendment; And alfo,
VIII, p. 395.
VIII, p. 395.
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Acft' to confirm to George Marfhall the Fee Simple Eftate in certain Lands purchafed by him of the Veftry of Hanover, in the County of King George, without any Amendment: And alfo.
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Act" to dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof Thomas Fifher, junior, is feized, and for fettUng Slaves, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes, without any Amendment: And alfo, The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Acts for preventing and fuppreffing private Lotteries, with fome Amendments; to which Amendments the Council defire
the Concurrence of this Houfe.
And alfo.
The Council have agreed to the Refolve for paying Three Hundred Pounds to William Rind, Alexander Purdie, and John Dixon: And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Refolve for paying Edward Weftmore an additional
then the Meffenger withdrew. The Houfe proceeded to take into Confideration the Amendments made by the Council to the Bill, intituled, An Ad* for preventing and fuppreffing private Lotteries.
the faid
Amendments were
at, infert
lo, after
1 1
Amendments being
the Houfe.
Bill to the Council,
M' Bland reported, from the Committee appointed upon Friday, the 17"^ Day of this draw up an Addrefs and Memorial, to be prefented to the Governor, that the Committee had drawn up an Addrefs and Memorial accordingly, which they had direfted him to report to the Houfe and he read the Addrefs and Memorial in his Place, and afterwards delivered them in at the Clerk's Table where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz.
Inftant November, to
; ;
My Lord,
his Majefty's moft dutiful
and deliberately confidered your Excellency's renew our unfeigned Thanks for his Majefty's kind Attention to the Interefts of this Colony, in fo readily approving the Report of the Right Honourable the Board of Trade and Plantations, in Favour of a more extended Boundary to the Weftward. We are perfuaded that his Majefty's fole Motive for fo doing arofe from his moft gracious Inclination to Promote the Security and Happinefs of his dutiful Subjeds; but permit us, my Lord, with all Humility and Deference to his Royal Wifdom, by an humble Memorial, to exprefs our Apprehenfions that his Majefty hath not yet been made properly and fully acquainted with the true Situation of our Frontiers; and fuffer us to intreat your Lordjhip, that you will be pleafed to lay before our Royal Sovereign, a more perfed State of the Matter, and endeavour to procure for this Colony fuch farther Indulgencies, in enlarging its Boundary, as to his Majefty, in his great Wifdom, may feem juft and right. On our Parts, we do
agreeable to our former Affurances, maturely
affure your Excellency, that we fhall, at all Times, be ready and willing chearfully to comply with every Requifition in our Power, that may tend to promote the Honour and Dignity of his
Majefty's Crown, the Extenfion of his Dominions, and the true Interefts of this Colony. To his Excellency the Right Honourable Norbome, Baron de Botetourt, his Majefty's Lieutenant and Governor General, and Commander in Chief of the Colony and Dominion
of Virginia,
of the fame.
Hening, VIII,
VIII, p 353.
oj the
That your Memorialifts having paid the earlieft Attention to your Lordfhip's Speech at the Opening of this Seffion, have taken under their mo ft ferious Confideration that very inter efting Part of it which relates to the Report of the Right Honourable the Board of Trade and Plantations to his Majefty, refpeding the Extention of the Boundary of this Colony to the Weftward; and as your Memorialifts are extremely folicitous, on all Occafions, to ftand
fair in the
Royal Opinion
of their
mo ft
gracious Sovereign,
Reafons fornot immediately complyin givith his Majefty' s Requicommunicated to them by your Lordfhip in fuch very polite and engaging Terms. Senfible as your Memorialifts are of the many fignal Advantages which would redound as well to his Majefty as to feveral of his American Colonifts, they fhoiild think ihemfelves blind to their Duty and Intereft if they did not receive, with all Thankfulnefs, your Lordfhip's Information of the Benefits intended to them by his Majefty' s gracious Approval of a more extended Botmdary, than had been propofed by the Superintendant of Indian Affairs in the Southern Department; but they flatter themfelves that a Revifion of the Subjed, if his Majefty would once more be plea fed to condefcend to take it under his Princely Confideration, would convince his Majefty that his moft gracious Purpofe cannot be anfwered by eftablifhbefore your Excellency their
Your Memorialifts
beg Leave to obferve that the faid Line, if extended from the Inter-
fedion of HoKton's River, the Point, ivhich would terminate the Line dividing this Colcmy from North Carolina to the Mouth of the great Kanhaway, ivculd be near Two Hundred Miles in Length, and muft pafs through a Country abounding with high and rugged Mountains, extremely difficult
and dangerous
of Accefs,
inter feded by
many Water
Indian Affairs would make a ftrong Guard of armed Men neceffary for the Protedion of thofe who might be commiffioned to run fuch a Line, as it muft neceffarily pafs through a Country uninhabited, and through which thofe Indians, who feem
that the prefent Pofture of at prefent
moft inclined to Hoftilities, do frequently take their Routs; That by eftablifhing fuch a Line, a great Part of that moft valuable Country, lying on the Ohio, below the Mouth of the great Kanhaway, lately ceded to his Majefty by the Northern Indians, would be feparated and divided from the Britifh Territory, on the upper Part of
Holfton's River, the great
Kanhaway, and
and may
the Ohio,
greatly impede,
Country, which, from its Situation and many natural Advantages, would open the fairProfped of a very beneficial Commerce to our Mother Country, by fecuring to his Majefty' Subjeds a new and extenfive Trade with the feveral Tribes of Weftern Indians, which has hitherto been almoft engroffed by the Subjeds of France and by this means many Indian Nations, heretofore living at Enmity with our moft gracious Sovereign and his Subjeds, might be made friendly and ufeful in extending the Trade and Navigation of Great-Britain. That your Memorialifts have the greateft Reafon to fear that the faid Line, if confirmed, would conftantly open to the Indians and others. Enemies to his Majefty, a free and eafy Ingrefs to the Heart of the Country, mi the Ohio, HoKton's River, and the great Kanhaway, whereby the Settlements, which may be attempted in thofe Quarters, will, in all Probability, be utterly deftroyed, and that great Extent of Country, from the Mouth of the Kanhaway, to the Mouth of the Cherokee River, extending Eaftward as far as the Lawrel Hills, fo very lately ceded to his Majefty; and to which no Tribe of Indians, at prefent, fvts up any Pretenfions, will be entirely abandoned to the Cherokees; in Confeqnence of which. Claims totally deftrudive of the true Interefts of his Majefty, may, at fame future Time arife, a>ui Acquifitions juftly ranked amongft the moft valuable of the late War, be altogether loft. Your Memorialifts further beg Leave to reprefent to your Lordfhip, that Lands, which have been granted by Patents regularly obtained, according to the known and fixed Rides of this Government, if the faid Line were to take Place, would be entirely difmembered from this Colony, allotted to the Indians, and entirely loft to the Proprietors, who were authorized by Law, and encouraged by the Royal Inftrudion of his late Majefty to his Governor, to explore and fettle this new Country, at the Rifque of their Lives, and at a great Expence.
their Views,
Your Memorialifts, from thefe weighty Confidetatiom, have been induced to extend and do humbly offer, as their Opinion, that a Line beginning at the Weftern Termination of the North Carolina Line, and running thence in a due Weft Direction to the
River Ohio,
be accomplifhed at a
Expence than the other Line propofed; Safety and Advantage of his Majefty's
would tend greatly to the Increafe of his Majefty's Revenue, and to the Promotion of the Trade and Navigation of the Weftern Part of this Dominion, if a Purchafe were made of the Cherokee Indians of all their Lands, which fuch due Weftern Line would include; efpecially if his Majefty would be greatly pleafed, in his Royal Wifdom, to
difcourage all Monopolies of thofe Lands, and ftrengthen our Barrier, by granting them, in fmall or moderate Quantities, to fuch Adventures as might incline to feat and fettle the fame.
Your Memorialifts,
and perfed a Plan of that Part of the Country, as they at t procure, and humbly fubmit the whole Matter to your Excellency's Judg-
That the faid Addrefs and Memorial be committed. That the faid Addrefs and Memorial be committed to a Committee
of the
whole Houfe.
Refolved, That this Houfe will now refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider the Addrefs and Memorial to be prefented to the Governor. Ordered, That the Refolutions of the Committee of the whole Houfe, which, upon Friday the 17* Day of this Inftant November, were agreed to by the Houfe, be referred to the faid Committee.
Then the
M'' M''
Hoiife refolved
the Chair.
Bland took the Chair of the Committee. Speaker refumed the Chair. M' Bland reported from the Committee, that they had made a Progrefs in the Matters to them referred and that he was diredted by the Committee to move, that they
Houfe will, To-morrow, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe to confider further of the Addrefs and Memorial to be prefented to the Governor.
The Order
of the
Day being
That the Call of the Houfe be adjourned till To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Eleven of the Clock.
29tb of
10 ^eo.
Houfe, according to the Order of the Day, was called over and the Names of fuch Members as made Default to appear were taken down. Then the Names of fuch Members as made Default to appear were again
called over,
feveral of
A Petition of M'
that a greater
Willis Riddick
them appeared, and the reft were excufed. was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting
Freeholders voted for the Petitioner at the laft Eledlion of Burgeffes to ferve in the General Affembly for the Cotuity of Nanfemond, than for M"' Benjamin Baker, who was returned duly eledled, with M"" Lemuel Riddick; and therefore
Number of legal
praying the Confideration of the Houfe in the Premifes. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Privileges and Eleftions and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. The Hotife proceeded to take imto Confideration the Report from the Committee appointed to examine into the State of the Ftinds arifing from the feveral Duties and
Taxes impofed for the Redemption of the Treafiiry Notes, as aKo to ftate an Accotmt, of the Debt due from the Eftate of the late Treafurer, with the feveral Payments made by his Adminiftrators, fince the laft Settlement in General Affembly, which, upon Thurfday
was ordered
And the
the Houfe.
Report being read, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by
An Ad
continue and
amend ati
by the Buyers, and aKo the Bill to bringing Slaves into this Colony from Maryland, Carolina, and the Weft-Indies, for their own Ufe, to pay a Duty, were committed, and to whom it was an Inftrudtion to alter and
Ad for reviving the Duty upon Slaves, to be paid continue an A(5l, intituled. An Ad' to oblige Perfons
the faid Bills into one, that the Committee had accordingly altered and
and that the Committee had direcfted him to report the Bill to the Houfe, without any Amendment and he delivered the Bill in at the Clerk's Table. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed. M'' Harrifon prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for laying an additional Duty upon Slaves, imported into this Colony and the fame was received, and read
faid Bills into one
That the
dock the
Intail of
550 Acres of Land, in the County of Gloucefter, whereof Sarah, the Wife of John Rootes, Gentleman, is feized, and for vefting the fame in Truftees for the Purpofes therein men-
and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That M'' Marfhall have leave to be Abfent from the Service of this Houfe for the Remainder of this Seffion. M'' Bland prefented to the Hotife, according to Order, a Bill for the Relief of Parifhes from fuch Charges as may arife from the Baftard-Children bom within the fame and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Refolved, That an hiunble Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency the Governor
; ;
requefting that his Excellency will be pleafed to order the proper Officer to lay before
Lands (with
Names of the Grantees) lying between the Alleghany Mountains, and a Line that may be run from the Weftem Botmdary of the Carolina Line, to the Confluence of the River Ohio, with the Miffiffippi, excluding from fuch Account thofe Perfons who have already
obtained Patents or Grants in Confequence of their Petitions. Ordered, That the faid Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency Lee and M'' Jones.
Richard Henry
Refolved, That an htmible Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency the Governor, that he will be pleafed to order the proper Officer to lay before this Houfe an Account of all Petitions to the Governor and Council for Orders to take up and furvey Lands, lying between the Alleghany Mountains, and a Line that may be run from the Weftem Boundary of the Carolina Line to the Confluence of the River Ohio with the Miffiffippi. Ordered, That the faid Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency by M"" Richard Henry Lee and M"' Jones. Richard Henry Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to prevent Mafters or Skippers of Veffels from felHng fpirituous Liquors, except to their own Crews, in fmall Quantities and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Upon a Motion made,
Hening, VIII,
p. 190.
VII, p. 338.
303 ]
Leave be given to bring in a Bill to repeal an Adt, intituled. Ad' for increafing the Salary of the Minifter of the Parifh of Frederick, in the County of FredOrdered,
The Order
tee of the whole
being read for thej Hotife to refolve itfelf into a Commitof the Addrefs and Memorial to be prefented
of the
being read
itfelf into a Committee of the Quarterly Courts, inftead of Monthly Courts
M' Treafurer prefented to the Houfe, by Diredlion of the Governor, a Letter from M' Thomas Willing, of Philadelphia, to the Honourable William Byrd, Efquire, relative to the Reception of the Perfons of imfound Mind, now in the Public Gaol of this Colony, into the Hofpital of Philadelphia; and he delivered the Letter in at the Clerk's Table. And the faid Letter was read. Ordered, That the faid Letter do lie upon the Table, to be perufed by the Members
of the Houfe.
Thomas Godwin and Bofwell Godwin, Infpedtors of Tobacco, at BolCoimty of Dinwiddie, was prefented to the Hotife, and read fetting forth, that dtiring the laft infpedlion, thirteen Hogfheads of Tobacco were ftolen out of the faid Warehoufes, for which the Petitioners had been obhged to make Reparation to the O^vners and therefore praying Relief. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion therePetition of
then the
Houfe adjourned
of the Clock.
Bland reported, from the Committee appointed to examine into the State Committee had had the faid State londer their fvirther Confideration, and had diredled him to report the fame, as it appeared to them, to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table Where the fame was read, and is as
of the Treaftuy, that the
; :
Your Committee having carefully examined the Treafurer's Accoimts and compared them with the proper Vouchers, find that they are all fairly and juftly ftated. It appears to your Committee that the Balance of the Money received of the feveral Collectors for Taxes appropriated to the Redemption of the Treafury Notes amounts to i2,8o2 I. i8 5. 8 d. of which Sttm we have burnt and deftroyed 10,641 /. 17 s. 9 d. of Paper, and left a Balance of 2161 /. o 11 d. in the Treafttrer's Hands to be exchanged for Treafury Notes. We likewife find that there is due to the Account of the PubHc Treafury a Balance of 2961
to us.
j s.
6 d.
agreed to by the Houfe. Refolved, That the Treafxu-er's Accoimts do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Bland do carry the Treafurer's Accotmts to the Covmcil, and defire
their Concurrence.
Hening, VIII,
p. 267.
M' Richard Henry Lee reported to the Hotiie, that their Addreffes of Yefterday, that his Excellency wotUd be pleafed to order the proper Officer to lay before this Houfe, a particular Account of all the Orders of Council, for granting Lands, and alfo an Accoimt
aU Petitions for Orders to take up and fur^'ey Lands, lying between the Alleghany Mountains and a Line that ma 3^ be run from the Weftem Boundary of the Carolina Line, to the Confluence of the River Ohio, with the Miffiffippi, had been prefented to his Excellency and that his Excellency had diredled him to acquaint the Houfe, that he
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adl for further continuing the Adl, intituled, An Adl for reducing the feveral Adls of the Affembly, for making provifion againft Invafions and Infurredlions, into one Adl, without any Amendmetit :
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An A(5l' for adding Part of the PariCh of Southfarham to the Parifh of Saint Anne, without any Amendment : And alfo, The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adl^ for adding twenty Acres of Land, whereof Patrick Ratnfay is ieized, to the Town of Blandford, without any Amendment: And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intitided. An Adl-* for exempting Free Negro, Mtilatto and Indian Women, from the Payment of Levies, withfome Amendments ; to which Amendments tlie Council defire the Concurrence of this Houfe : And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Adls for fiuther continuing, and amending the Adl, intituled. An A(5l for Lncreafmg the Reward for kilHng Wolves within certain Counties, to be paid by the refpedlive Cotmties wherein Services fhall be performed, with fome Amendments; to which Atnendments tlie Council defire the Concurrence of this Houfe: And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Adl* to impower the Churchorthatnpton to leafe wardens and Veftry of the Parifh of Hungars, in the Coiinty of certain Lands therein mentioned, with fome Amendments ; to which Amendments the Council defire the Concurrence of this Houfe : And alfo. The Council have paffed a Bill, intituled. An A(5t7 to prevent felling 0>-fters at imfeafonable Times to which the Council defire the Concurrence of this Houfe.
Meffenger withdrew. The Order of the Day being read, for the Hoiife to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe to confider further of the Addrefs and Memorial, to be prefented to the Governor.
That this Houfe wiU, To-morrow, refolve itfelf into the faid Committee. The Houfe proceeded to take into Confideration the Amendments made by the Cotmcil to the Bill, intituled, An Ad^ for exempting Free Negro, Mulatto, and Indian Women from the payment of Levies. And the faid Amendments were read, and are as foUoweth, viz. Line 10, leave out 'the paffing of this Ad,' and infert 'the 9'* Day of Jiine next,' inftead thereof; and after 'Wives,' infert 'other than Slaves.'
attd the
fhall be,
feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houle. Ordered, That M'' Bland do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, and acquaint them that this Houfe hath agreed to the Amendments made by them.
the faid
Amendments being
returning him the Thanks of this Houfe, for his kind and
Hening, VIII,
humane Attention
to the
now confined
Piteous Situation of the four unhappy People, who are dilordered in their Senfes, and in the Public Gaol of this Colony defiring that his Lordfhip will be pleafed, as he has propofed, to fend them to the Hofpital in Philadelphia, till a proper Provifion
can be made here, for Perfons under the like unhappy Circiunftances and affuring his Lordfhip, that this Houfe will chearfully pay the Expences that may attend their Support
and maintenance. Ordered, That the faid Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency by M' Treafurer. The Houfe proceeded to take into Confideration the Amendments made by the Council to the Bill, intituled, An Ad for further continuing and amendingtheAd, intituled
An Ad for
Line Line
increafing the Rewards for killing Wolves, within certain Counties, to be paid by
the faid
read, and are as foUoweth, viz. After 'Fauquier,' leave out 'and;' and after 'Culpeper,' infert and 'Botetourt.' 18, After 'Fauquier,' leave out'and;' andaiter 'Culpeper,' miertand'Botetourt.'
Amendments were
Amendments being
by the Houfe.
That M'' Richard Henry Lee do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, and acquaint them, that this Houfe hath agreed to the Amendments made by them. M'' Harrifon reported, from the Committee of Trade, that the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of feveral Traders in Pork, Beef, Tar, Pitch and Turpentine, to them referred, and had come to a Refolution thereupon, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame was read, and is as foUoweth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of feveral Traders in Pork, Beef, Tar, Pitch, and Turpentine, praying that the A<5t of Alfembly for the Infpe(5lion of thofe Commodities may be amended, is reafonable. The faid Refolution being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Bill or Bills be brought in, purfuant to the faid Refolution And that the Committee of Trade do prepare and bring in the fame. The Houfe proceeded to take into Confideration the Amendments made by the Council to the Bill, intituled. An Ad' to impower the Church-Wardens and Veftry of the Parifh of Htmgars, in the County of Northampton, to leafe certain Lands therein menOrdered,
Leave out 'Caufe a Covenent to be inferted in the Deed of Leafe of the Hundred Acres of Land, that the Tenant or Leffee, his or her Heirs and Affigns
Amendments being
the Houfe.
Bill to the Council,
Petition of
Tobacco in the faid Warehoufe and further were fettled, the Quantities of Tobacco brought to the faid Warehoufe have largely exceeded what were brought there before; and therefore praying that they may be relieved and that their Salaries for the laft Year, and for the Time to come, may be increafed. Ordered, That the faid petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereto the
; ;
Hening, VIII
p. 388.
VIII, p. 414-
had tmder
Treafurer reported, from the Committee for Religion, that the Committee had their Conlideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had come to
which he read in his Place, and afterwards deUvered in at the Clerk's Table where the fame were read, and are as foUoweth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the petition of ftmdry Inhabitants of Suffolk Parifh in the Cotmty of Nanfemond (on the Eaft Side of the River) praying for a Divifion of the faid Parifh, or diffolving the Veftr>- thereof; and for difcontinuing a free Ferry therein mentioned, be heard before the Committee on Thurfday the feventh Day of December next. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Veftry or ChiirchWardens of the faid Parifh, be ferv^ed with a Copy of the faid Petition, and have previous Notice of the Time when the faid Petition is to be heard before the Committee. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Clerk of the faid Veftry, do attend the Committee at the Time aforefaid, with the Veftry Books relative to the Subjedl Matter of the faid petition. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the petitions of ftmdry Inhabitants of the Parifh of St. George in the Coimty of Spotfylvania, praying that the faid Parifh may be divided by the River Po and Rnn, called the Robinfon; and for fubje(?ting the Tithables of the faid Parifh to the Expence of building a new Church, and
feveral Refolutions thereupon,
it is
of the petitions of
fimdry Inhabitants of the faid Parifh of St. George, in Oppofition thereto, as prays that that Part of the faid Parifh which lies on the Rappahannock River, retain the Name of
St. George, is reafonable.
it is
and Veftry
pafs to enable
Committee, that the Petition of the Minifter County of Prince William, praying that an the Glebe of the faid Pairfh, and to piu-chafe a more
of this
convenient Glebe,
by the Houfe.
fourth, fifth,
That a
Bill or Bills
for Rehgion,
Crows and certain Counties therein mentioned, with fome Amendments; to which
Bill, intituled,
And then
Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had tmder their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table where the fame were read, and are as followeth, i-iz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the petitions of the Inhabitants of Prince William County, praying that a feparate Infpedlion of Tobacco may be eftablifhed on the Lots, diftinguifhed by the Numbers 171 and 172, in the Plan of the
it is
Merchants trading to and from the faid Town of Dumfries, in Oppofition thereto, be
the Hotife.
be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Proportions and Grievances, and bring in a Bill to amend an Adt, intituled. An Ad- for Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms, that
firft Refolution. Pendleton reported, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions,
Clatife or Claufes,
purfuant to the
that the Committee had had under their Confideration the Petition of M'' Willis Riddick, to them referred, complaining of an undue Eledlion and Return of M' Benjamin Baker,
to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the Coimty of Nanfemond, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table, where the fame were read, and are as followeth,
it is
who voted
by the Petitioner, or fitting Member, be examined on Oath before Jonathan Godwin, Thomas Godwin, Samuel Colquhoun, William Sheppard, David Mead, Edward Wright, and Anthony Holladay, Gentlemen, or any fotir of them, whether they be Freeholders or not, except fuch of them as did fwear to their Freeholds at the faid Ele<5lion. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petitioner and fitting
at Liberty to examine Witneffes before the fame Perfons, as to the Freehold any Perfon who voted at the faid Eledlion; although fuch Perfons fwore to their Freeholds at the Eledlion, or fhall fwear to them at the Examination And that it be an Inftru(5lion to the Perfons before whom fuch Examinations are taken, to examine how long fuch Voters have been in Poffeffion of, and paid Quitrents for the Lands or Tenements, in Right of which they voted at the Eledlion, and that they return the Depofitions
Member be
to this Committee.
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Subje($l Matter of the be heard before the Committee on Friday the 15"^ Day of Decembernext. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. M'' Nelfon reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill to dock the Intail of Three Thoufand Acres of Land, whereof Armiftead Lightfoot is feized in Fee Tail, and vefting the fame in Truftees for the Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, That the Committee had examined the Allegations of the Bill, and foimd the fame to be true! and that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereunto which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe, and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Where the Amendments were once read throughout, and then a fecond Time, Table one by one, and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. The other Order of the Day being read Refolved, That this Houfe will, To-morrow, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe upon the Bill for eftablifhing Quarterly Courts, inftead of Monthly Courts,
faid Petition
in certain Counties.
to whom the Bill to repeal an Adt of the exempting the Inhabitants of Mecklenburg Coimty from the Payment Affembly, General of Ferriage on certain Days, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made an Amendment thereimto, which they had direfted him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the
Where the Amendment was twice read, and, upon Table agreed to by the Houfe. the Queftion put thereupon, was Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be ingroffed. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Eleven of the Clock.
in at the Clerk's
Hening, VIII,
p, 69.
and Ammunition fumifhed the Frederick Militia Year 1763, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Public Claims. A Claim of Robert Cunningham for Provifion fumifhed the Frederick Militia in the Years 1757 and 1758, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of
Claim of John Hite
for Provifion
in adtual Service in the
Public Claims.
A Claim of Jacob Vanmeter for the Balance of his Accotmt for the Hire of his Waggon employed to carry Provifions to Fort Cumberland, for the Ufe of the Army Team, and in the Year 1755, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of
Public Claims.
That M"^ Braxton have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe, the Recovery of his Health. Ordered, That M' Baffett have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe
Monday Sevenight
Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom the Bill for paying Officers Fees, due from the Inhabitants of other Coimties for Services done in the County of Loudoun, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made an Amendment thereunto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place; and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Clerk's Table where the Amendment was read.
Amendment being read a fecond Time A Motion was made, and the Queftion being put, that the faid Bill be recommitted It was ref(5lved in the Affirmative. Ordered, That the faid Bill be recommitted to the Committee of Propofitions and
That a Committee be appointed to examine the inrolled Bills. a Committee was appointed of M"' Diidley Digges, M"' Lewis Burwell, of James Starke, Banifter, M"" Richard Baker, Jones, and City, M' Wilfon Miles Cary,
M'' Jeff erfon. M"' Lewis Burwell, of James City, prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill the Intail of 4000 Acres of Land, in the County of I fie of Wight, whereof James dock to Burwell is feized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the fame in Truftees in Fee Simple, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. M"' Thomas Walker reported, from the Committee of Pubhc Claims, that the Committee had had tmder their Confideration feveral Petitions to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table where the fame were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Thomas Prieft, to be allowed for 64 Days Pay as a Voltmtier in the Year 1764, which was omitted by the Commiffioners, is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed the Sum of 4I. i6s.
; ; ;
the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Thomas Roy, to be allowed for bmlding the Wharf therein mentioned, is reafonable; and that he ought to be allowed the Sum of 17/. 105. od. for the fame.
it is
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Commitrt-e, that 0 much of the Petition of Richard Roy, and John Miller, Infpe(5lors of Tobacco at Roy's Warehotife, as relates to the Tranffer Tobacco therein mentioned, amounting to 4817 lbs. damaged and loft in
the late Guft,
for the
is reafonable and that, they ought to be aUowed the Stun of 54/. fame and that the other Parts of the laid petition, be rejedled. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the
the Houfe.
The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, upon the Bill for eftablifhing Quarterly Courts, inftead of Monthly Courts, in certain
Speaker refimied the Chair. Bland reported from the Committee, that they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereunto, which they had direfted him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table where the Report was read.
the Chair.
Several of the Amendments made by the Committee to the faid Bill, being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. And the Refidue of the Amendments made by the Committee to the faid Bill, being
feverally read a fecond Time, were poftponed.
amend an
and for
Relief of Infolvent
and the fame was received, and read the firf t Time. That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That M' Edmund Pendleton have Leave to be abfent from the Service
this Hotife
Tuefday Sevenight. Ordered, That M' Wilfon Miles Gary have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe till Thurfday next. M"^ Bland prefented to the Hovife, according to Order, a Bill to continue and amend the Adt for better regulating and dif ciplining the Militia and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. A Petition of Elizabeth Emerfon, Widow, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying to be allowed the Value of an Outlawed Rimaway Slave, who was found dead. A Motion was made, and the Queftion being put, that the faid Petition be referred
That the faid Petition be rejedted. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for the better Support of the contingent Charges of this Government; and that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the fame. M"" N elfon prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for laying a Tax upon Dogs and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. And a Motion was made, and the Queftion being put, that the Bill be read a fecond Time;
That the
next, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the Addrefs and Memorial to be prefented to the
The other Order of the Day being read Refolved, That this Houfe will, upon Tuefday
Hening, V,
p. 526.
Treafurer reported to the Houfe, that their Addrefs of Yefterday, that his Excellency would be pleafed, as he had propofed, to fend the four Perfons, who are
difordered in their Senfes,
in the Public
Hofpital in Philadelphia, had been prefented to his Excellency; and that his Excellency
whereof David Mead and Sarah his Wife Lands therein mentioned to the fame Ufes, was read a
fecond Time.
That the
be committed to M' Jefferfon, and all the Members who Nanfemmid, and lile of Wight.
Bill, intituled,
An Ad'
for deftroying
Crows and
Line Line
and Weftmoreland.'
17, leave
Amendments being
by the Houfe.
That M"" Bland do carry the Bill to the Cotmcil, and acquaint them, that Hotife hath agreed to the Amendments made by them.
for the
Bounty on Hemp. And the faid State was read. Ordered, That the faid State do he upon the Table,
to be perufed
by the Members
of the Houfe.
An Ad'
unfeafonable Times, was read the firft Time. Refolved, That the BiU be read a fecond Time.
to oblige
An Ad^
continue and
amend an
Ad for reviving
Duty upon
An Ad*
Perfons bringing Slaves into this Colony frotn Maryland, Carolina, and the WeftIndies, for their own Ufe, to pay a Duty, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs and that the Title be, An Ad^ for continuing certain Ads of Affembly, impofing Duties on Slaves.
Bill to
engroffed Bill to dock the Intail of 3,000 Acres of Land, whereof Armiftead is feized in Fee Tail, and vefting the fame in Truftees for the Purpofes therein
mentioned, was read the third Time. And the Queftion being put, that the
It paffed in the Negative.
do pafs;
of the Clock.
Hening, VIII,
p. 339.
Hening, VIII,
p. 190.
* Ibid.,
VII, p. 338.
Satur6ai?, t^e
of ^December, 10 (Beo.
Service of this
Recovery of
his Health.
Cotmty of
Petition of
lately carried
away and
Coimty of Southampton to caufe a Bridge to be built at the Place aforefaid, and to be kept in Repair, at the Expence of the faid County. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
of the faid
ingroffed Bill for further continuing the Adl, intituled, An Ad' for the better and colleding certain Officers Fees, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, read the third Time.
That the
An Ad
do pafs and that the Title be. An Ad' for further continuing and colleding certain Officers Fees, and
Purpofes therein mentioned. Ordered, That M'' Richard Henry Lee do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, and defire their Concturence. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to repeal an Adt, made in the Twentyfecond Year of his late Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Ad^ concerning Strays; and to eftablifh a more effectual Method to prevent Frauds committed by Perfons taking up Strays And that M'' Starke and M'' William Cabell do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to amend the A(5t againft ftealing Hogs And that M'' Carrington and M'' Henry Lee do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, At the Requeft of M'^ Attorney-General, That M"' Treafurer do retain Coimfel, learned in the Law, to advife with and affift M"' Attorney-General in Profecution of the
for other
Recovery of the Debt due from the late Treafurer, to the Public. John Spinks, for carrying to Williamfburg, certain ftolen Goods, foimd in the Poffeflion of John Johnfon and Richard Stewart, who were indidled for Felony, in order to be produced on the Trials of the faid Criminals, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of
Suits, for
A Claim
M"" Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for the more fpeedy and efledlual Recovery of the Debt due to the Public, from the Eftate of the late Treafurer: And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. A Petition of Thomas Awbrey, and feveral other Perfons, of the Covmty of Loudoun, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that a Ferry over the Potowmack River, from the Land of the faid Thomas Awbrey, about half a Mile above the Mouth of Kitockton Creek, to the Land of James Hook, in Maryland, would be tifeful and convenient; and therefore praying, that a Ferry may be eftabhfhed at the Place aforefaid, and that the Rate for paffing the fame may be Seven Pence Halfpenny, for Man and Horfe.
Hening, V,
p. 38.
VI, p. 133
That the faid petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with Grievances;
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
M'' Treafurer prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for dividing the Parifh of St. George, in the County of Spotfylvania, and for other Piupofes therein And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. mentioned
That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a BiU to continue an Adl for regulating the Pradtice of Attomies; and that M"" Eyre and M"^ Jones do prepare and bring in the fame. And then the Houfe adjourned till Monday Morning next Eleven of the Clock.
December. 10
(Beo. III.
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to encourage the making of Hemp And that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring in the fame. M"' Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a BiU to impower the Inhabitants of New-Kent County, to retail Cyder and Brandy, the Produce of their own Orchards and the fame was received, and read the
be read a fecond Time. an Adl of the General Affembly, exempting the Inhabfrom the Payment of Ferriage, on certain Days, was read itants of Mecklenburg County, the third Time. And that the Title be. An Ad to repeal an Ad of Refolved, That the BiU do pafs the General A ffenibly, exetnpting the Inhabitants of Mecklenburg County, from the Payment of Ferriage on certain Days. Ordered, That M"' Banifter do carry the Bill to the Council, and delire their ConBill
That the
ingroffed Bill to
impower the
Veftr^"- of
Culpeper, to
convenient Glebe, was read the third Time. An ingroffed Claufe was offered to be added to the BiU, by Way of Ryder, for faving the Rights of Strangers. And the faid Clatife was thrice read and, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe, to be made Part of the BiU, by Way of Ryder.
An Ad'
Veftry of Saint Mark's Parifh, in the County of Ctdpeper, to fell the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and lay out the Money in purchafing a more convenient Glebe. Ordered,
That That
delire their
M'' Acrill
this Hovife,
Thurfday next.
ingroffed Bill to dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof David Garland
in Truftees in
That the BiU do pafs: And that the Title be. An Ad^ to dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof David Garland is feized in Fee Tail; and for vefting the Title in Francis Eppes, Gentleman, in Fee Simple; and for fettling the Value thereof in Slaves, to the fame Ufes. Ordered, That M' Carrington do carry the BiU to the Council, and delire their ConRefolved,
excellent Sermon,
That the Thanks of the Houfe be given to the Reverend M' Bland, for the by him preached Yefterday before this Houfe, at Bruton Church, in
p. 39a.
Hening, VIII,
VIII, p. 443.
; :
An Ad'
That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had under their Confideration, feveral petitions, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table Where the Refolutions of the Committee were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Triftram Norfworthy, of Nanfemond County, praying that Part of the lower Parifh of Nanfemond, may be added to the Parifh of Newport, and Coimty of I fie of Wight, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of the Churchwardens and Veftry of the Parifh of Frederick, in the Covmty of Frederick, praying
Relief againft the Exadlions of the Colledlors of their Parifh Levy,
Refolved, That
it is
the Opinion of this Committee, that the petitions of the Inhabitants of the Counties of Southampton and Nanfemond, praying that an A(?l may pafs to oblige the Juftices of the faid Cotonty of Southampton, to build a Bridge over Nottoway
River, at Jeffe Brown's, is reafonable. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion
feverally put thereupon, agreed to
by the Houfe.
That a Bill or Bills be brought in, purfuant to the faid Refolutions and that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the fame. A Bill for better regulating the Colledlion of Public, Cotuity, and Parifh Levies, read was a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to the Committee of Propofitions and GrievOrdered, ances.
That an Addrefs be prefented to the Governor, that his Excellency will be new Writ to be made out for the eleAing of a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the Cotmty of Amelia, in the Room of M'' Thomas Tahb,
pleafed to order a
Ordered, Ordered,
That the faid Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency by M'' Winn. That M"' Farmer have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe
of Henrico,
That the
be ingroffed.
in the
in the
County of Albemarle, was read a fecond Time. That the Bill be ingroffed. A Petition of Armiftead Lightfoot was prefented to the Hovtfe, and read; fetting forth, that the petitioner is feized in Fee Tail of Six Thoufand Five Himdred and Eightyeight Acres of Land, in the Cotmty of Brunfwick; and alfo of two Tradls of Land, called Dover and Beaverdam, in the County of Goochland, imder the Will of Philip Lightfoot, Efq; deceafed; and that Sixty Slaves annexed to the Lands in Brunfwick have been taken in Execution, and fold for Payment of the Petitioner's Debts and therefore the faid Lands muf t be a Burthen to him, for Want of Slaves to work them and that it will be beneficial to the petitioner, and thofe claiming in Remainder, if two Thoufand Eight Htmdred Acres of the faid Lands in Brunfwick, are vefted in Truftees to be fold, and
; ;
and the Money arifing from fuch
Sale laid out in the Purchafe of Slaves, to be alfo vefted
in Truftees for the joint Lives of the Petitioner
to the
and his Wife, and afterwards to go and fame Ufes, as the faid Lands in Brunfwick;
That Leave be given to bring in a BiD, purfuant to the Prayer of the faid that M'' Nelfon and M'' Dudley Digges do prepare and bring in the fame. And then the Hoiife adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Eleven of the Clock.
l!)e 5tl)
December. 10
Member, returned upon a new Writ, having taken the Oaths appointed ANOTHER Parliament, and repeated and fubfcribed the took be taken by
A(5l of
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill declaring Slaves to be mentioned and that M"^ Mercer and M' Newton do prepare and bring in the fame. M'' Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to amend the Ad;, And intituled. An Ad to amend the Ad for the better Government of Servants and Slaves: the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. A Petition of Nicholas Mead was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that as he was coming to Williamfburg with a Jury, fvmimoned by him, as Under Sherifi of Bedford County, for the Trial of James Bigan, for Horfe-ftealing, the Petitioner's Horfe died in the Journey, in the Cotmty of Cumberland; and therefore praying to be
perfonal Eftate
allowed for his TravelUng so far. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion there;
Petition of
of the
from charging more than Ten Shillings per Hundred for his Tobacco Fees Sheriffs are not obUged to coUedt his faid Fees, whereby he fuffers confiderthat the and able Lofs and therefore praying that an Adl may pafs to make his Fees diftrainable, tmder the like Regtilations as the Fees of Coimty Court Clerks are. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to regulate the Practice of Phyficians And that M"' Henry and M'' Richard Henry Lee do prepare and bring in and Surgeons
; :
the fame.
of Frederick, in the
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to impower the Veftry of the Parifh County of Frederick, to levy on the Inhabitants of the faid Parifh the Amotmt of a Judgment recovered againft them by William Meldrum, their late Minifter And that M"' Mercer and M'' Wood do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for clearing and making navigable the River Potowmack, from the great Falls of the faid River, up to Fort Cumberland; And that M"' Richard Henry Lee and M'' Wafhington do prepare and bring in the fame. A Petition of Daniel Armfield was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Petitioner went out of this Colony, in or about the Year 1740, on the Expedition to CartJiagena, in which he received feveral Woimds, whereby he is difabled from getting his LiveUhood and therefore praying Relief. And a Motion was made, and the Oueftion being put, that the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of a Committee
; ;
Hening, VI,
p. 356.
: ;
That the Petition be rejedled. Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions, which they had diredted him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table Where the Refolutions of the Committee were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Thomas Talbutt, praying that an Adl may pafs to confirm an Agreement made by the faid Talbutt, with the Court of Norfolk, for the Purchafe of a Parcel of Public Land in the Borough of
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of fundry InhabCounty of Buckingham, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed on the Land of John Nicholas, in the faid County of Buckingham, acrofs Slate River, to the faid Nicholas's Land, on the Oppofite Side, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Loudoun, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from the Land of Thomas Awbrey, above Kitockton Creek, in the faid County of Loudoun, acrofs Potowmack River, to the Land of James Hooks, in Maryland, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Daniel Cargill, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from the faid Cargill's Land, in the County of Charlotte, acrofs Staunton River, to the Land of Thomas Cobbs, in the County of Halifax, be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of /o/'e/'/i Ligon, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from the laid Ligon' s Land, on the North Side of Dan River, acrofs the faid River, to the Land of Alexander Roberts, on the South Side be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of James Scott, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from his Land, in the Cotmty of Stafford, acrofs
itants of the
The firft, fecond, third, and fourth Refolutions of the Committee being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe.
Refolution of the Committee being read a fecond Time And the Queftion being put, that the Hotife doth agree with the Committee in the faid Refolution
That the Petition of Jofeph Ligon, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from the faid Ligon' s Land, on the North Side of Dan River, acrofs the faid River, to the Land oi Alexander Roberts, on the South Side, is reafonable. The fubfequent Refolution of the Committee being read a fecond Time, was, upon
by the Houfe.
That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the firft Refolution of tlie Committee, and which hath been agreed to by the Houfe and that the faid Committee do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the faid Committee who are appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill purfuant to the fourth Refolution of the faid Committee, which was agreed to by the Houfe upon Monday the 13* Day of November laft, that they have Power to receive a Claufe or Clatifes purfuant to the fecond and third Refolutions of the faid Committee, which have been this Day agreed to by the Hotife and aKo to receive a Claufe or Claufes for eftablifhing a Ferry over Dan River, from the Land of Jofeph Ligon, on the North Side, to the Land of Alexander Roberts, on the South Side of the faid
M' Thomas Walker reported, from the Committee of PubHc Claims, that the Committee had had tmder their Confideration feveral petitions to them referred, and had
And to feveral Refolutions, which they had direcfted him to report to the Houf e he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table: Where the Refolutions of the Committee were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of John Scott, to be reimbiirfed for the PubHc Levies on the Tithables therein mentioned, is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed the Sum of 19/. 1,5. 2d. for the fame. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Francis Gaines and Thomas Dudley, Infpedlors of Tobacco at Shephard's and rwrner'^ Warehoufes, Queen, to be allowed for the Tobacco therein mentioned, in the County of King and that they ought to be allowed the Stun of 13/. 105. od. for the fame. is reafonable The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. M'' Thomas Walker reported, from the Committee of Public Claims, that the Committee had had tmder their Confideration the Petition of John Bailey, Giiardian of Jeremiah Garland Bailey, an Infant, to them referred, and had come to a Refolution, And he read the Report in his which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe Where the Refolution of the Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table
Committee was read, and is as followeth, inz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Allegations of the faid Petition, are true, and that he ought to be reimburfed the Sum of 57/. 105. 6}4d. being the Balance, after deducting the Siun of 73/., which he received of the Treafurer, in Part of his Account of 130/. 105. 6}4d. for an Acre of Land, building the Hoiifes, and fumifhing Timber, Nails, and Hinges but that no Allowance ought to be made for the Intereft and Cofts of Suit, amounting to 23/. 25. io%d. and 3798 lbs. of Tobacco, as appears by a State of the Accounts produced. The faid Refolution being read a fecond Time Ordered, That the faid Refolution be recommitted to the faid Committee of Public
A Petition A Petition
of William Sims;
of Charlotte,
of Halifax,
John Randolph,
and read fetting forth, that a Ferry over Land of the faid Williams Sims to the convenient and therefore praying that an A<51 may
pafs to eftablifh a Ferry at the faid Place. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions
in the
An Ad'
and to eftablifh a more effectual Method to prevent Frauds committed by Perfons taking up Strays And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a BiU to appoint Commiffioners to ftate and fettle the Damages done by the late Storm at Roy's, Crutchfield's, Page's and other Warehoufes: And that M"^ Thomas Walker and M' Richard Lee, do prepare and bring
in the fame.
from the Committee to whom the Bill to dock the Intail of Meade and Sarah his Wife are feized, and for fettling other whereof David certain Lands, Lands therein mentioned to the fame Ufes, was committed, that the Committee had examined the Allegations of the Bill, and fotmd the fame to be true and that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made an Amendment thereunto, which they had
Jefferfon reported,
Hening, VI,
p. 133.
direded him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Clerk's Table Where the Amendment was twice read, and, upon the Queftion put thereupon, was agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be ingroffed.
The Order
of the
Refolved, That this Houfe will, To-Morrow, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe to confider further of the Addrefs and Memorial to be prefented to his
ingroffed Bill to
in the
amend an
A61, intituled,
An Ad'
for eftablifhing
Town near
of Henrico,
third Time.
do pafs:
An Ad'
do carry the
defire their
That the
be ingroffed.
of Mills, Hedges, or Stops, on the Rivers therein menor Slopes therein for the Paffage of Fifh, was read a fecond
tioned, to
make Openings
That the Bill be committed to M"' Thomas Walker and M' Mercer. and amend one Adl of Affembly, made in the fourth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, intituled. An Ad^ for regulating the Eledion of Burgeffes, for fettling their Privileges, and for afcertaining their Allowances; and alfo one other Adl made in the tenth Year of the Reign of King George the H. intituled, An Ad* to declare who fhall have a Right to vote in the Eledion of Burgeffes to ferve in the General A ffembly for Comities, and for preventing fraudulent Conveyances in Order to multiply Votes at fuch Eledions, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will, upon Thurfday next, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe upon the faid Bill. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-Morroiv Morning Eleven of the Clock.
Bill to explain
tl)e 61:^
December. 10
An Ad^
Bill to
amend an
Executions, and for Relief of Infolvent Debtors, Refolved, That the Bill be committed.
That the Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. That this Hovifewill, To-morrow, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, upon the faid Bill. M'' Bland prefented to the Houfe, purfuant to their Addreffes to his Excellency. A particular Account of the Orders of Coimcil for granting Lands, and alfo an Accoiint of all Petitions for Orders, to take up and furvey Lands, lying between the Alleghany Moiintains, and a Line that may be run from the Weftem Bovmdary of the
Carolina Line to the Confluence of the River Ohio with the Miffiffippi. And the Titles of the faid Accounts were read.
of the Hotife.
That the
was moved, That a Proclamation of the Honourable Robert Dinwiddie, Efq; his Majefty's Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, for encouraging Men to inHft in his Majefty's Service, for the Defence and Security of this Colony, bearing Date of the ig**" Day of February, in the Twenty-feventh Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George IL might be read.
Hening, VIII,
p. 411.
III, p. 236.
/Wd., V, p. 526.
/6td., IV, p.
That the
faid Proclamation do
to be perufed
by the
of the Houfe.
Nelfan prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to dock the intail Land, in the Coimty of Briinfwick, whereof Armiftead Lightfoot is feized in Fee Tail, and vefting the fame in Truftees for certain Purpofes therein mentioned and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. A Petition of Abraham Kuykendall was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting
of 2,800 Acres of
Year 1763, the Petitioner, in an Engagement with a Party of Indians received a Wovind in his left Shotilder, which had rendered his Arm Ufelefs, and
impaired his Conftitution and that he had been near three Years tmder the care of Phyficians, by which he incurred a very great Expence and therefore praying ReHef
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of PubHc Claims; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion
Bill to
Cotmty of Frederick, to levy on the Inhabitants Judgment recovered againft them by William Meldrum, their late Minifter and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Hoiofe, to conlider ftuther of the Addrefs and Memorial, to be prefented
of a
to his Excellency.
the Account of the Petitions for Orders to take up and fur%'ey Lands, lying between the
may be nm from
Weftem Botmdary
of the
Carolina Line to the Confluence of the River Ohio with the Miffiffippi, be referred to the faid Committee.
of the
Majefty's Lieutenant Governor of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, for encouraging
Defence and Security of this Colony, bearing Date the 19* Day of Februnry, in the Twenty-feventh Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George II. be referred to the faid Committee. Then the Hotafe refolved itfelf into the faid Committee. M' Speaker left the Chair. M' Bland took the Chair of the Committee. M"' Speaker refumed the Chair. M'' Bland reported from the Committee, that they had gone through the Addrefs and Memorial, and had diredted him to report the Addrefs to the Houfe, without any Amendment and that they had made an Amendment to the Memorial, which they had diredled him to report, when the Houfe will pleafe to receive the fame. Ordered, That the Report be received To-morrow. Ordered, That this Houfe be called over To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning Eleven of the Clock.
his Majefty's Service, for the
Men to inlift in
December, 10
<Beo. Ill
Harrifon prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to amend an An Ad for infpeding Pork, Beef, Flour, Tar, Pitch, and Turpentine; and the fame was received, and read the firft Time.
A6t, intituled,
Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. That an humble Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency the Governor, requefting that he will be pleafed to inform this Houfe whether the Faith of Government Refolved,
Hening, VII,
p. 570.
now engaged to confirm any Orders of Council for granting of Lands, lying between the Alleghany Mountains, and a Line that may be run from the Weftem Termination of the
North Carolina Line to the Confluence of the Ohio with the Miffiffippi, the Terms of which Orders have not been complied with and that he will be pleafed in future to difcourage all Monopolies of Lands within the Colony. Ordered, That the faid Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency by M'' Mercer, M"" Riddick, and M'' Henry. M"" Thomas Walker prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to appoint Commiffioners to ftate and fettle the Damages done by the late Storm at Roy's, Crutchand the fame was received, and read the firft Time. field's, Page's, and other Warehoufes Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Order made upon Monday the 20**" Day of November laft, that it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that they confider of the Rates of Ferriage at all the Public Ferries in this Colony, and make Provifion for reducing fuch of the faid Rates as fliall appear exeffive, be difcharged. M"" Treafurer reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill to divide the Parifh of Hamilton, in the Cotmties of Fauquier and Prince William, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereunto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table where the Amendments were once read throughout, and then, a fecond Time, one by one, and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. A Petition of Richard Corbin, Efq; was prefented to the Hoiife, and read; fetting forth, that the Ferry from the Land of one Hackley, over Rappahannock River, to the Petitioner's Land, is difufed, and that the Road through the moft valuable Part of the Petitioner's Land, leading to the faid Ferry, is very inconvenient to him and therefore praying that fo much of the Adl of General Affembly, for Regulation and Settlement of Ferries, as relates to the Appointment of the faid Hackley' s Ferry, may be repealed. Ordered, That the faid petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M"' Treafurer reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill to impower the Veftry of Meherrin Parifh, in the County of Brunfwick, to fell the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and lay out the Money in purchafmg a more convenient Glebe, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made an Amendment thereunto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Clerk's Table; where the Amendment was twice read, and, upon the Queftion put thereupon, was agreed to by the
That the Bill, with the Amendment, be ingroffed. Bland prefented to the Hotife, according to Order, a Bill for adding Part of the County of Nanfemond to the Cotmty of I fie of Wight; and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to explain and amend the A(5l, intituled. An Ad' to confirm the Charter of the Borough of Norfolk, and for enlarging the Jurifdidion of the Court of Huftings, in the City of WilUamfburg and that M' Banifter and M' Edmund Pendleton do prepare and bring in the fame. M' Bland prefented to the Hotife, according to Order, a Bill to oblige the Jtiftices of Southampton County to build a Bridge over Nottoway River and the fame was received and read the firft Time. And the Queftion being put that the Bill be read a fecond Time
Hening, IV,
That the
be rejedted.
M' Speaker,
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An A61 for continuing certain Adts of Affembly impofing Duties on Slaves, without any Amendment: And alfo, The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adl' for further continuing the A6t, intituled, An Ad; for the better regulating and collecting certain Officers Fees, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, without any Amendment: And alfo, The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Adl^ to continue an Adt, intituled An Adl for eftabhfhing Pilots, and regulating their Fees, without any Amendment: And
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Adl* to repeal an Adt of the General Affembly, exempting the Inhabitants of Mecklenburg County from the Payment of Ferriage, on certain Days, without any Amendment: And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adls to impower the Veftry of St. Mark's Parifh in the Cotmty of Culpeper, to sell the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and lay out the Money in purchafing a more convenient Glebe, without any Amendment: And
Adt* to
amend "an
Adt, intituled,
Meffenger withdrew.
Bill to
dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof David Meade and and for fettling other Lands therein mentioned, to the fame
third Time.
And the
That the Bill be rejedled. amend an Adt, intituled. An Adr for infpeding Pork, Beef, Flour, Tar, A Pitch, and Turpentine, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to the Committee of Trade. Ordered, That M'' Coles, M' Jofeph Cabell, and M' Edmunds, be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. Ordered, That M"^ Coles be added to the Committee of Public Claims. A Bill to prevent Mafters or Skippers of Veffels from felling fpirituous Liquors, except to their own Crews, in fmall Quantities, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to the Committee of Propofitions and GrievRefolved,
Bill to
this Colony,
The Amendment
diuing the Term of [not ftated] Authority aforefaid, that the Execution of this Adl fhall be fufpended imtil his Majefty's Approbation, thereof fhall be obtained; and that from and after obtaining the fame, this Adl fhall continue and be in Force for and during the Term of feven Years, and no
to be made to the Bill, viz. that this Adt fhall continue and be in Force for and and no longer, and infert 'And be it further enadled by the
was propofed
the faid Amendment was twice read, and upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be ingroffed.
4 Ibid..
* Ibid.,
VIII. p. 411.
The Order
of the
Day being
read for receiving the Report from the Committee of the Addrefs and Memorial to be prefented to his Excellency-
were committed
That the faid Report be received To-morrow. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe upon the Bill to amend an Adt, intituled, An Ad' declaring the Law
Houfe will, To-morrow, refolve itfelf into the faid Committee. M-- Bland reported from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table where the Refolutions of the Committee were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the petition of Harmon Miller, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from his Land, on the South Side of Dan River, in Halifax Coimty, acrofs the faid River, to the Land of James Legrand, on
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petitions of divers Inhabitants of Halifax and Charlotte Coimties, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed
of Williams Sims,
on Staunton River,
in the faid
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Matthew Davenport, Clerk of the Huftings of Williamfburg, praying that his Fees may be made diftrainable by Law, in the fame Manner the Fees of Coimty Court Clerks are diftrainable,
faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were,
by the Houfe.
Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the faid Committee who are appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill purfuant to the fourth Refolution of the faid Committee, which was agreed to by the Houfe upon Monday, the 13* Day of November laft, that they have
firft and fecond Refolutions of the which have been this Day agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the third Refolution of the faid Committee, and which hath been this Day agreed to by the Houfe and that the faid Committee do prepare and bring in the fame. M' Thomas Walker reported, from the Committee of Public Claims, that the Committee having, according to the Order of the Houfe, infpedled the Report of the Committee of Claims laft Seffion, and alfo read, confidered, and regtilated the Claims prefented to this Seffion of Affembly, had entered fuch of the faid Claims as were allowed in a Book and had diredled him to report the fame to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place and afterwards delivered the Book in at the Clerk's Table. Ordered, That the Book of Public Claims do lie upon the Table, to be perufed by the
faid Committee,
Members of the Hotife. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe upon the Bill to explain and amend one Adl of Affembly, made in the fourth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, intituled, An Ad'' for regulating the Eledion of
Burgeffes, for fettling their Privileges, and for afcertaining their Allowances and alfo one other A(5l, made in the tenth Year of the Reign of King George II. intituled, An Ad3 to
multiply Votes
To-morrow, refolve
of the
Day being
That the Call of the Houfe be adjourned till To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning Eleven of the Clock^
Ibid. ,1V, p. ^js-
Hening, V,
p. 526.
December. 10
of Cumberland,
unto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the Petitioners bear a proportionable Part of the Expence of the Bridge, called the Genitoe Bridge, over Appomattox River, to the County of Amelia, more than two thirds of the Expence of two other Bridges, over the fame River, and to the County of Prince Edward, although the faid Bridges are of little or no Ufe to the petitioners, who are befides alone burthened with the Charges of feveral Bridges over Willis's River and therefore prajdng to be reheved. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M'' Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for encouraging the making of Hemp and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time.
; ;
Bill to
continue and
an Adt,
into one
An Ad^
for laying a
and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. A Petition of feveral Freeholders, Merchants, and others, of the Coxmty of Weftmoreland, and the adjacent Counties, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Hotife, and read fetting forth, that the Re-eftablifhment of an Infpedlion of Tobacco at Stratford Landing where the Warehoufes have been lately entirely deftroyed, will be ufelefs, as well as expenfive to the PubHc, and detrimental to the trading Interefs and therefore praying that the faid Inf peclion may be dif continued. Ordered, That the faid Petition do lie upon the Table. M'' Edmund Pendleton reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill to impower the Executors of the Will of Charles Carter, Efq to fell Part of his Lands for the Payment of his Debts and Legacies, was committed, that the Committee had examined the Allegations of the Bill, and found the fame to be true; and that the Committee had And he delivered direcfted him to report the Bill to the Houfe, -without any Amendment
; ; ; :
the Bill in at the Clerk's Table. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed.
M"" Richard Henry Lee prefented to the Hotife, according to Order, a Bill for clearing and making navigable the Ri\-er Potowmack, from the Great Falls of the faid River, up to Fort Cumberland: And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. A Meffage from the Cotmcil, by M'' Walthoe.
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An A(ft' to regulate the Pradlice of fuing out and profecuting Writs of Replevin in Cafes of Diftrefs for Rents, tvith fonie Amendments;
defire the
Concurrence of
And then
M"- Richard Baker have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Thurfday next. Ordered, That M"" Benjamin Baker have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this
Houfe till To-Morrow Sevenight. The Order of the Day being read,
the whole Houfe, to
were committed
Ibid., VIII, p.
That the faid Report be received upon Tuefday next. That the Call of the Hoxife be adjotimed till Tuefday next.
The Hotafe proceeded to take into Confideration the Amendments made by the Council to the Bill, intituled, An Ad to regulate the Pradice of fuing out and profecuting Writs of Replevin in Cafes of Diftrefs for Rents.
the faid Amendments were read, and are as followeth, viz. 13, After 'fuit' infert 'to be recovered in the fame Manner as Judgments are by Law recovered on executing a Writ of Fieri Facias, where the Clerk is directed to indorfe on the Back of the Writ, no Security to be taken.' Line 28, After 'Facias' infert 'Provided always, that the Execution of this Adl fhall
Amendments being
the Hotife.
Ordered, That M'' Richard Henry Lee do carry the BiU to the Coimcil, and acquaint them, that this Houfe hath agreed to the Amendments made by them. A Meffage from the Governor, by M'' Walthoe.
to deliver to this Houfe, in Anfwer Addrefs of Yefterday, the following Meffage, viz. 'That the Faith of Government is not engaged to confirm any orders of Council, the Terms of which Orders have not been complied with, unlefs in thofe Inftances in which it fhall appear that the Perfons concerned have been interrupted by unavoidable Neceffity. to their
M^ Speaker, am commanded
'The Houfe of Burgeffes may depend upon the Lord Botetourt's reprefenting again ft Monopolies in the ftrongeft manner poffible; and that he will forever difcourage that pernicious Pradice by all Means in his Power.'
amend an Aft
An Ad'
be read a fecond Time. reported, from the Committee of Privileges and Eled;ions, that they had, according to Order, confidered of the ancient Rules and ftanding Orders of the Houfe, with others, which they think ought to be obferved, and had diredled him to report the fame to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table where the fame was read, and is as followeth,
That the
Ordered, That no Member abfent himfelf from the Service of the Houfe, unlefs he have Leave, or be fick and tmable to attend. Ordered,Tha.t whenever the Houfe is to attend the Governor in the Coimcil Chamber, the feveral Paffages be cleared of Strangers, fo that the Members may freely pafs and that no Member fhall go into, or come out of, the Council-Chamber, before the Speaker. Ordered, That no Member chew Tobacco in the Houfe, while the Speaker is in the Chair, or in a Committee of the whole Houfe. Ordered, That when any Member is about to fpeak in Debate, or deliver any Matter to the Houfe, he fhall rife from his Seat, and without advancing from thence, fhall, with due Refpe(5l, addrefs to M"' Speaker, confining himfelf ftridlly to the Point in Debate, and avoiding all indecent and difrefpedtful Language. Ordered, That no Member fpeak more than twice, in the fame Debate, without Leave. Refolved, That a Queftion being once determined, muft ftand as the Judgment of the Hotife, and cannot again be drawn into Debate, during the fame Seffion. Ordered, That while the Speaker is putting any Queftion, none fhall entertain private Difcotirfe, ftand up, walk into, out of, or acrofs the Houfe, or read any printed Book.
Ordered, That no Member fhall vote on any Queftion, in the Event of which he is immediately interefted nor in any other Cafe, where he was not prefent when the Queftion was put by the Speaker, or by the Chairman in any Committee. Refolved, That every Member who fhall be in the Houfe when any Queftion is put, fhall, on a Divifion, be cotmted on the one Side or the other. Ordered, That each Day, before the Houfe proceeded on any other Bufinefs, the Clerk do read the Orders for taking any Matters into Confideration that Day. Ordered, That all Bills be read and difpatched in Priority and Order of Time, as they were brought in, unlefs the Houfe fhall diredt otherwife in particular Cafes. Ordered, That the Clerk of this Houfe fuffer not any Records or Papers to be taken from the Table, or out of his Cuftody, by any Member, or other Perfon. Refolved, That befides the Speaker, Fifteen Members be a fufficient Number to adjourn. Thirty to call the Houfe, and fend for the abfent Members, and make any Orders for their Cenfure or Difcharge, and Fifty to proceed to other Bufmefs. Ordered, That when the Houfe is to rife, every Member keep his Seat till the Speaker go out, and then every one to follow in Order, as he fits. Ordered, That the Journals of the Houfe be daily drawn up by the Clerk, and after being examined by the Speaker, be printed without Delay. Refolved, That Eleven of the Committees for Religion, Privileges and Eledlions, Propofitions and Grievances, and Five of any other Committee, be a fufficient Nximber to proceed on Bufmefs. Ordered, That no Committee lit to do Bufmefs dtiring the Time of Divine Service. Refolved, That if any Perfon hath procured himfelf to be ele(5led or retiuned as a Member of the Houfe, or endeavored fo to be, by Bribery, or other corrupt Practices, this Houfe will proceed with the utmoft Severity againft fuch Peri!on. Refolved, That no Petition for controverting the Election of any Member returned to ferve as a Biu-gefs in any future Affembly, be received by this Houfe, imlefs the fame is prefented within Fourteen Days from the Time the Member intended to be petitioned againft, takes his Seat in the Houfe. Refolved, That if any Perfon having a Right to vote for Two Members to ferve in the General Affembly, fhall give a fmgle Vote, fuch Perfon hath no Right to give his fecond Vote during fuch Eledlion. Refolved, That where the Houfe fhall adjudge any Petition touching Ele(5lions, to be frivolous and vexatious, the Houfe will order Satiffadlion to be made to the Perfon
petitioned againft.
That any Member may wave his Privilege in any Matter of a private Nature, without the Leave of the Houfe; and, having fo done, he fhall not, in that
That any Perfon fhall be at Liberty to fue out an original Writ, or Subpoena Bar by the Statute of Limitations, or to file any Bill in Equity, to examine Witneffes thereupon, for the fole Purpofe of preferving their Teftimony againft any Member of this Houfe, notwithftanding his Privilege provided that the Clerk, after having made out and figned fuch original Writ, fhall not deUver the fame to the Party, or to any other, during the Continuance of that Privilege. Refolved, That every Perfon fummoned to attend this Hotife, or any Committee thereof, as a Witnefs in any Matter, depending before them, be privileged from Arreft, during his coming to, attending on, or going from the Houfe or Committee and that no fuch Witnefs fhall be obliged to attend, until the Party at whofe requeft he fhall be fummoned, do pay, or fecure to him, for his Attendance and Travelling, the fame Allowance which is made to Witneffes attending the General Court. Refolved, That if any perfon fhall tamper with any Witneffes in refpe(5t to their Evidence, to be given to this Hovife, or any Committee thereof, or diredlly, or indiredlly, endeavor to deter or hinder any Perfon from appearing or giving Evidence, the fame is declared to be a high Crime and Mifdemeanor, and this Hoiife will proceed with the utmoft Severity againft fuch Offenders.
in Chancery, in order to prevent a
; ;
Ordered, That no Perfon be taken into Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms, or any Complaint of a Breach or Privilege, until the Matter of fuch Complaint fhaU have been examined by the Committee of Privileges, and reported to the Houfe.
That the Serjeant's Fees be as followeth to wit, For taking any Perfon For every Day he fhall be detained in Cuftody, Thirteen Shillings: For sending a Meffenger to take any Perfon into Cuftody by a Warrant from the Speaker, Sixpence per Mile for going, and the fame for returning,
befides Ferriages.
That the
faid Orders
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An A&. to dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof David Garland is feized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the Title in Francis Eppes, Gentleman, in Fee Simple, and for fettling the Value thereof in Slaves to the fame Ufes, with an Amendment; to which Amendment the Council defire the Concur>
then the Meffenger withdrew. That M' Bridger have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe Thurfday next.
M'' Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions, which they had diredted him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table: Where the Refolutions of the Committee were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Richard Corhin, Efq; praying that fo much of the Adt paffed in the Twenty -fecond Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George II. for the Regulation and Settlement of Ferries, and Difpatch of public Expreffes, as relates to the Appointment of a Ferry acorfs Rappahannock River from Hackley's Landing to the Land of the faid Richard Corhin,
be repealed,
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Job Pear fall, praying a Satif fadlion for the Damages done to his Land by the Troops garrifoned thereon in the late War, is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed the Sum of One Hundred Poimds, as a Compenfation for the fame.
Refolution of the Committee being read a fecond Time That the faid Refolution be re-committed to the faid Committee of Propofitions and Grievances.
The fubfequent Refolution of the faid Committee being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Hotife. Ordered, That the faid Refolution do lie upon the Table. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Hotife, upon the Bill to explain and amend one Adl of Affembly, made in the fourth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, intituled. An Ad^ for regulating the Election
of Burgeffes, for fettling their Privileges,
one other Adt made in the tenth Year of the Reign of King George IL intituled. An Ad to declare who fhall have the Right to vote in the Eledion of Burgeffes, to ferve in the General Affembly for Counties; and for preventing fraudulent Conveyances, in Order to multiply
Votes at fuch Eledions:
That this Houfe will. Tomorrow, refolve itfelf into the faid Committee. Thomas Walker reported, from the Committee of Public Claims to whom the Petition of Abraham Kuykendall, was referred, that the Committee had examined the Matter of the faid Petition, and had diredled him to report the fame, as it appeared to them
them, to the Hoiife, together with the Refolution of the Committee thereupon; and he Where read the Report in his Place, and afterwards deHvered it in at the Clerk's Table the fame was read, and is as foUoweth, viz. It appears to your Committee, that the Petitioner being nulling to affift in protecfting the Frontiers of this Colony againft the Incurfions of the Indians, voltmtarily joined a Party of MiUtia which was ordered out for that Purpofe, and in an Engagement with the faid Indians, was unfortimately wotmded, as fet forth in the faid Petition.
and that the Petitioner ought to be allowed the Simi of Fifty Poimds to reimburfe him the Expence he was at to Surgeons, in perfedling his Cure. The faid Refolution being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Report do he upon the Table. M'' Thomas Walker reported, from the Committee of Public Claims, that the Committee had had under their further Confideration the Petition of John Bailey, Guardian of Jeremiah Garland Bailey, an Infant, to them recommitted, and had come to a Refolution, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in Where the Refolution of his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table the Committee was read, and is as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Allegations of the faid Petition are true and that the Petitioner ought to be allowed the Sum of Fifty-feven Pounds Ten Shillings and Sixpence Halfpenny, being the Balance due upon a State of the Accounts produced, for an Acre of Land, building the Houfes, and fumifhing Timber, Nails, and Hinges but that no Allowance ought to be made for Intereft and Cofts of Suit, amounting to Twenty-three Poimds Two Shillings and Ten Pence Halfpenny, and Three Thotifand Nine Hundred and Seventy-eight Pounds of Tobacco, it appearing that he did not comply with his Contract. The faid Refolutions being read a fecond Time. The Amendment following was propofed to be made therevmto, viz. To leave out 'Fifty-feven Potmds Ten Shillings and Sixpence Halfpenny, being the Balance due upon a State of the Accoimts produced, for an Acre of Land, building the Houfes, and fumifhing Timber, Nails, and Hinges but that no Allowance ought to be made for the Intereft and Cofts of Suit, amotmting to Twenty-three Pounds Two Shillings and Ten Pence Halfpenny, and Three Thoufand Nine Hundred and Seventj-eight Pounds of Tobacco, it appearing that he did not comply with his Contradl and infert 'Eighty Potmds Thirteen Shillings and Five Pence, and Three Thoufand Nine Hundred and Seventy -eight Poimds of Tobacco,' inftead thereof. And the Queftion being put, that the Words, 'Fifty-feven Pounds Ten ShiUings and Sixpence Halfpenny, being the Balance due upon a State of the Accotmts produced, for an Acre of Land, building the Houfes, and fumifhing Timber, Nails, and Hinges; but that no Allowance ought to be made for Intereft and Cofts of Suit, amounting to Twentythree Pounds Two Shillings and Ten Pence Halfpenny, and 3978 lbs. of Tobacco, it appearing that he did not comply with his Contradl, f tand Part of the faid Refolution
: ; ; ;
It paffed in the Negative. And the Queftion being put, that the Words, 'Eighty Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Five Pence, and 3978 lbs. of Tobacco,' be inferted inftead thereof It was refolved in the Affirmative.
That the Houfe doth agree with the Committee in the faid Refolution fo amended, that the Allegations of the faid Petition are true and that the Petitioner ought to be allowed the Sum of Eighty Poimds Thirteen Shillings and Five Pence, and 3978
lbs. of
That the
faid Refolution
M' Edmund Pendleton prefented to the Hotife, according to Order, a Bill to veft Lands whereof John Robinfon, Efquire, died feized, in Truft for Philip Johnfon, Gentleman
Gentleman, and his Children, in Truftees, for the Purpofes therein mentioned And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. A Petition of the Minifter and Veftry of the Parifh of Ware, in the Cotmty of Gloucefter, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that Zachary Crips, late of the faid Coimty, by his laft Will and Teftament, gave Three Hundred Acres of Land to the faid Parifh, for a Glebe and that the faid Parifh having another Glebe, which is better and more convenient, it will be greatly for the Advantage of the Minifter to fell the faid Land fo divifed, and lay out the Money arifing from the Sale in purchafmg Slaves to be fettled on the faid other Glebe and therefore praying that an Ad may
; ;
amend an
Adl, intituled.
An Ad'
declaring the
of Infolvent Debtors.
M^ Speaker left the Chair. M"' Bland took the Chair of the Committee. M'' Speaker refumed the Chair. M"" Bland reported from the Committee, that they had made fome Progrefs in the and that he was direcfled by the Committee to move, that they may have Leave
That this Hotife will. To-morrow, refolve whole Houfe, to confider further of the faid Bill.
into a
of the
John Page, Efquire, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that the Petitioner is feized in Fee-Tail, under the Will of his Grandfather, Robert Carter, Efquire, of Two Thotifand Six Hundred and Sixty Acres of Land, in the Parifh of Dryfdale, in the County of Caroline, with feveral Slaves annexed thereto; and is feized in Fee-Simple of feveral fmall Tradls, containing in the Whole One Thoufand Three Hundred and Seventy-four Acres, adjoining to his other intailed Lands, in the County of Gloucefter; and that it will be for the Advantage of his Family to dock the Intail of the faid Land and Slaves, in the County of Caroline, and to fettle the faid Fee Simple Lands, in the Coimty of Gloucefter, in Lieu thereof and therefore praying that an Adl may pafs for that Purpofe. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill purfuant to the Prayer of the faid And that M"' Edmund Pendleton and M"" Charles Carter, of Lancafter, do Petition prepare and bring in the fame. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Eleven of the Clock.
Petition of
; :
an Adl,
Bland reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill for reimburfing the Inhabitants of King William and Hanover Counties the Expence of clearing Pamunkey River, was committed, that the Committee had dire(5led him to report the Bill to the Houfe, without any Amendment and he delivered the
Bill in at the Clerk's Table. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed. M"' Bland prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to continue and
amending the Staple of Tobacco, and preventing Frauds in fame was received, and read the firft Time. the and Majefty's Cuftoms;
An Ad'
Hening. V. p. 526
That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Richard Henry Lee reported from the Committee, to
Lands therein mentioned in Charles Carter, and for fettling other Lands to the fame Ufes, was committed, that the Committee had examined the Allegations of the Bill, and foimd the fame to be true and that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereunto, which thej' had dire<5led him to report to the Hotife and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, -n-ith the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table where the Amendments were once read throughout, and then a fecond Time, one by one and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were
; ;
That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. Refolved, That an htmible Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency the Governor, affviring his Lordfliip, that this Hoiife is impreffed with a moft grateful Senfe of his Excellency's generous and kind Afftirances of Friendfhip for America in general, and this Colony in particular that, thus encouraged, the Houfe with his Excellency would be pleafed to ufe his good Offices with our moft gracious Sovereign, for an Application to Parliament, that this and the other Colonies may be indulged with the fame free Importation of Salt from Europe that is now extended to the Colonies North of Maryland, Nova-Scotia excepted; the Ufe of fuch Salt being rendered, by the Heat of this Climate, indefpenfably neceffar>', as well for preferring Meat in the hot Months, as for cm^g Fifh, with which our numerous Rivers do greatly abound. This reafonable
Indulgence being difallowed, his Majefty's faithful Subjedls, in the Southern Provinces, are unlaappily deprived, in great Meafure, of Advantages which Nature has fumifhed, and are prevented from profecuting a ufeful and advantageous Branch of Commerce. Ordered, That the faid Addrefs be prefented to his Excellency by M'' Richard Henry
Remainder of this Seffion. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, upon the Bill to amend an Adl, intituled, An Ad declaring the Law concerning Executions,
of this Houfe, for the
W Speaker
the Chair.
Bland took the Chair of the Committee. M'' Speaker refumed the Chair. M"' Bland reported, from the Committee, that they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereimto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place and afterwards deUvered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table where the Amendments were once read throughout, and then, a fecond Time, one by one and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were, with feveral Amendments to one of them, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. Ordered, That M'' Banifter have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe, till Friday next.
The other Order of the Day being read The Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, upon the Bill to explain and amend one Adt of Affembly, made in the fourth Year of the Reign of Queen
Anne, intituled. An Ad" for regulating the Eledion of Burgeffes, for fettling their Privileges, and for afcertaining their Allowances; and aKo one other Adt made in the tenth Year of the Reign of King George II. intituled. An Ad^ to declare who fhall have a Right to vote in the Eledion of Burgeffes, to ferve in the General Affembly for Counties; and for preventing fraudulent Conveyances, in order M'' Speaker left the Chair.
Hening, V, p. 526.
; ;
M' Speaker refumed the Chair. M-- Bland reported from the Committee, that they had made a Progrefs in the Bill and that the Committee had diredled him to move, that they may have Leave to fit
Refolved, That this Houfe will, upon Monday next, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the faid Bill. Ordered, That M-- Ball have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe, for the Remainder of this Seffion.
Refolved, That this Houfe will, upon Tuefday next, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider of the prefent State of the Colony. And then the houfe adjourned till Monday Morning next. Eleven of the Clock.
upon a new Writ, having taken the Oaths apAdl of Parliament, and repeated and fubfcribed the
Thomas Walker reported from the Committee of Public Claims, to Thomas Godwyne and Bofwell Godwyne, InfpeAors of Tobacco at Bollinghrook Warehoufes, in the Cotmty of Dinwiddie, was referred, that the Cormnittee had examined the Matter of the faid Petition, and had come to a Refolution, which they had diredled him to Report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table where the Refolution of the Committee was read, and is as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Petition be rejected
the Petition of
appearing that the faid Warehoufes were not fecured according to Law. The faid Refolution being read a fecond Time Ordered, That the faid Refolution be re-committed to the faid Committee of Public
Mercer reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill to oblige the Owners of Hedges, or Stops on the Rivers therein mentioned, to make Openings or Slopes therein for the Paffage of Fifh, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereunto, which they had direfted him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table where the Amendments were once read throughout, and then, a fecond Time, one by one and, upon the Queftion feverally
; ;
put thereupon, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. M'' Bland reported from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom the Refolution of the faid Committee upon the Petition of Richard Corhin, Efquire, was
re-committed, that the Committee had further examined the faid Petition, and had come to a Refolution, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table; where the
is as followeth, viz. the Opinion of this Committee, that the petition of Richard Corhin, Efquire, praying, that fo much of the Adl of Affembly paffed in the Twentyfecond Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George II. for Settlement and Regulation of Ferries, and Difpatch of PubHc Expreffes, as relates to the Eftablifhment of
it is
of Richard Corbin,
faid Refolution
be an Inftrudlion to the faid Committee, who are appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill purfuant to the fourth Refolution of the faid Committee, which was agreed to by the Houfe upon Monday the i;^^ Day of November laft, that they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes purfuant to the faid Refolution of the faid Committee, which hath been this Day agreed to by the Hoiife. A Meffage from the Council by M"" Walthoe.
to the
Treafurer's Accounts'
And he prefented the faid Accounts at And then the Meffenger withdrew.
the Bar.
That M'' Bland do earn,- the Treafurer's Accotmts to his Excellency the defire his Affent thereto. and Governor, The Houfe proceeded to take into Confideration the Book of Public Claims. And the faid Book was partly read. Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Book be adjourned till To-morrow. M"' Speaker acquainted the Houfe, that he had received from his Excellency the Governor an Adt of Parliament, made in the ninth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ad' for further encouraging the Growth and Culture of raw Silk in his Majefty's Colonies or Plantations in America, and aKo an Extra(5l of a Letter to his Excellency from the Earl of Hillfborongh, upon the Subjedl Matter of the faid Adt, and M'' Speaker delivered the faid Adl, and Extradl, in at the Clerk's Table. Ordered, That the faid Adt and Extra(5l do He upon the Table, to be perufed by the
then the
Houfe adjourned
of the Clock.
South Weftem Frontier, known by the Name of Holfton and New River, whofe Names are thereimto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, that they are ver>^ remote from the Court-Hoiife of the faid Coimty, whereby they fuffer many Inconveniences; and therefore praying that the Settlements on the Waters of Holfton and New River, may be made a diftinci County. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid petition be deferred till the next Seffion
of Affembly.
Tomkies was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, Man Slave of the Petitioner, having been committed to the Gaol of Gloucefter County, for Felony, during his Confinement, and before he could be tried, was fo froft-bitten, that he was rendered unprofitable; and therefore praying the Houfe to make him a reafonable Satiffadlion.
of Charles
A Petition
Great Britain
p. 44.
III, p. 236.
Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee Pubhc Claims; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report
with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of William Sealy Lane, Serjeant of the Court of Huftings of the City of Williamfburg, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that' the Petitioner is reftrained from charging more than Ten ShilHngs per Hundred for his Tobacco Fees and that his faid Fees are not dif trainable and therefore praying that the Rates of his Fees may be increafed, and that they may be diftrainable in the fame manner as Sheriffs Fees are.
be an Inftruftion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances and bring in a Bill purfuant to the third Refolution of the' faid Committee, which upon Thurfday laft was agreed to by the Houfe, that they do make Provifion in the faid Bill for increafmg the Rates of the Fees of the Serjeant of the City of Williamfburg, and making the fame diftrainable. M' Blayid reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill for altering the Court Day of Middle fex County was committed, that the Committee had directed him to report the Bill to the Houfe, without any Amendment and he delivered the Bill in
That the Bill be ingroffed. Bland reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill for paying Officers Fees due from the Inhabitants of other Counties, for Services done in the County of Loudoun was re-committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made an Amendment thereunto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Clerk's Table; where the Amendment was twice read, and, upon the Queftion put thereupon, was agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be ingroffed. M-- Richard Henry Lee reported to the Houfe, that their Addrefs of Saturday laft to his Excellency the Governor, that his Excellency would be pleafed to ufe his good Offices with our moft gracious Sovereign, for an Application to Parliament, that this and the other Colonies may be indulged with the fame free Importation of Salt from Europe, that is now extended to the Colonies North of Maryland, Nova Scotia excepted had been prefented to his Excellency; and that his Excellency had direded him to
acquaint this Hovife, that he will take the earlieft Opporttmity of tranfmitting to his Majefty the Addrefs of this Houfe, and will ufe his Intereft to Accomplifh the Wifhes of the Houfe; and that on this, as on every other Occalion, his Lordfhip fhall efteem himfelf happy in having it in his Power to be fendceable to this Country.
further Confideration of the Report, which was made from whom the Bill for eftablifhing Quarterly Courts
Monthly Courts,
in certain Counties,
was committed
of this Inftant
December, poftponed, were again feverally read; and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were, with Amendments to feveral of them, agreed to by the Houfe.
That the
with the
Amendments be
whofe Names are theremito and read; fetting forth the inconvenient Situation, and ruinous Condition of the Warehoufes at Cabbin Point, on Chipoake's Creek; and therefore praying that a Tobacco Infpedlion may be eftablifhed at Low Point, on the
Petition of feveral Merchants, Planters,
was prefented
to the Houfe,
faid Creek.
That the
faid Petition
Rutherford prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to repeal an Adl for increafing the Salary of the Minifter of the Parifh of Frederick, in the County of Frederick: And the fame was received, and read the firft Time.
That the
of Propofitions
and Grievances, to
made to the Committee, who Affembly for the Prefs, and to the Clerk they employed in that Service, that the Committee had come to feveral Refolutions, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place and afterwards deHvered it in at the Clerk's Table where the Refolutions of the Committee were read, and
referred to confider of a proper Satiffa(5lion to be
colledted the Acts of
; ; ;
are as followeth,
it is
the Opinion of this Committee, that Peyton Randolph, John Randolph, Robert Carter Nicholas, and George Wythe, Efqtiires, be allowed for their Trouble, in collating a Copy of the Laws for the Prefs, the Sum of One Hundred
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Stun of Two Hundred and Fifty Po\mds ought to be allowed to M"' Richard Starke, for his Services in attending the faid Committee, as a Clerk, and for forming a Table to the Laws. The firft Refolution of the Committee being read a fecond Time, was, upon the
Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. The fubfequent Refolution of the Committee being read a fecond Time An Amendment was propofed to be made theretmto, by leaving out the
'and fifty: And the Queftion being put that the
It paffed in the Negative.
That the Houfe doth agree with the Committee in the faid Refolution, o amended, that the Stmi of Two Hundred Potmds ought to be allowed to M'' Richard Starke, for his Services in attending the faid Committee, as a Clerk, and for forming a Table to the Laws. A Petition of feveral Perfons of the Cotmty of Accomack, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, was prefented to the Hoiife, and read fetting forth the inconvenient Situation of Guilford Warehotife, in the faid Coimty and therefore praying that the Infpedlion may be removed from thence, and placed on Hunting Creek, at Finley's Point, or on the
; ;
of Elijah Grenolds.
That the faid Petition do Ue upon the Table. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for giving a Boimty on Woollen, Cotton, and Linen Cloths, made in this Colony; and that M'' Mercer and M"' Riddick do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That M"' Archibald Gary have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this
Friday next. Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom the Bill to prevent Mafters or Skippers of Veffels from felling fpirituous Liquors, except to their own Crews, in fmall Quantities, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made an Amendment therexmto which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place and afterwards deUvered the Bill, with the Amendment in at the Clerk's Table; where the Amendment was twice read, and, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Hoiife. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be ingroffed. An ingroffed Bill to veft certain intailed Lands therein mentioned in Charles Carter, and for fettling other Lands to the fame Ufes, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs and that the Title be, An Ad to veft certain intailed Lands therein mentioned in Charles Carter, and for fettling other Lands to the fame Ufes. Ordered, That M"' Richard Henry Lee do carrj' the Bill to the Council, and defire
their Concurrence.
M'Carty was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that the Petitioner is feized in Fee Tail under the Will of Daniel M'Carty, his Grandfather, of 2,000 Acres of Land in the Parifh of Truro, and County of Fairfax, and is feized in Fee Simple of 1000 Acres of Land, in the County of Fauquier, piirchafed of Richard
Petition of Daniel
p. 464.
his Wife, and that it will be to the Advantage of the Petitioner, and thofe claiming in Remainder, if the Intail of the faid 2000 Acres of Land in Fairfax was docked, and the faid 1000 Acres of Land in Fauquier, with nine valuable Slaves fettled in Lieu thereof and therefore praying that an Adt may paf s for that Purpofe. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and that M'' Wafhington and M"' Richard Lee do prepare and bring in the fame.
and Sarah
Treafurer prefented to the Hotife, according to Order, a Bill to impower the Veftry of Dettingen Parifh, in the County of Prince William, to fell the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and lay out the Money in purchafmg a more convenient Glebe; and the fame was received, and read the firft Time.
That the
Public Claims.
And the Refidue of the faid Book was read. And feveral Claims were added to the Book by the
That the Book of Public Claims do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Thomas Walker do carry the Book
Pubhc Claims
to the Council,
The Order
of the
Day being
the whole Houfe, to whom were committed Ordered, That the faid Report be received To-morrow. M'' Braxton prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a
Truftees to leafe the Lands of the
Report from the Committee of the Addrefs and Memorial to be prefented to the Governor
read, for receiving the
Bill to
impower certain
and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. That the Bill be read a fecond Time. The Order of the Day being read, for the Hdufe to refolve itfelf
into a
Committee of
That this Hoiife will, To-morrow, refolve itfelf into the faid Committee, That M' Peter Pelham be difcharged from the Service of this Houfe, as
ingroffed Bill to
Part of his
impower the Executors of the Will of Charles Carter, Efq to Lands for the Payment of his Debts and Legacies, was read the third Time. That the Bill do pafs; and that the Title be. An Ad' to empower the
Executors of the Will of Charles Carter, Efquire, of his Debts and Legacies.
Ordered, Ordered,
to fell
The other Order of the Day being read That the Call of the Houfe be further adjourned
That Leave be given to bring
in a Bill for the
Eafe and Relief of the People, by paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money for the laft Convention and prefent Seffion of Affembly; and that M'' Henry Lee do prepare and bring in the fame. The Houfe was moved, that the Order made upon the 15* Day of November laft, that a Bill or Bills be brought in upon the fifth and fixth Refolutions of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, which were upon that Day agreed to by the Houfe, and that the faid Committee do prepare and bring in the fame, might be read. And the fame being read accordingly
adding Part of the Coimty of Nanfemond to the Coimty of I fie of Wight, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to M'' Treafurer and M'' Edmund Pendleton. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the faid Committee, that they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, for afcertaining fo much of the Boimdary between the County of James City and the Coimty of York, as runs through the City of Williamfburg. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Eleven of the Clock.
Bill for
Hening, VIII,
p. 436-
I3tb of
December. 10 ^eo.
and making navigable the River Potowmack, from the Great Falls of the faid River, up to Fort Cumberland, was read a fecond TimeWafhRefolved, That the Bill be committed to M'' Richard Henry Lee, ington, and all the Members who ferve for the Coiuities of Frederick and
M' Bland, according to Order, reported from the Conimittee of the whole Hotife, the Addrefs and Memorial to be prefented to his Excellency were committed, and Memorial, and the Amendment which the Committee had made to Addrefs faid the the Memorial, and which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Addrefs and Memorial, with the Where the Amendment was twice read, and, upon Amendment, in at the Clerk's Table the Ilotife. agreed to by thereupon, put Queftion the The faid addrefs being again read An Amendment was propofed to be made thereunto, by adding at the End thereof, 'But, if, imfortunately for this Colony, his Majefty hath already taken thefe Words: Refolution to confine his Subjedls to the Line propofed by your Excellency, his ultimate we muft humbly acquiefce, and will fumifh the Two Thoufand Five Himdred Pounds Sterling, according to the Eftimate you have been pleafed to communicate to us.' And the faid Amendment was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the
this Hoiife
faid Addrefs, fo
as followeth, viz.
his Majefty's moft dutiful
and deliberately confidered your Excellency's renew our unfeigned Thanks for his Majefty's kind Attention to the Interefts of this Colony, in fo readily approving the Report of the Right Honourable the Board of Trade and Plantation, in Favour of a more extended Boundary to the Weftward. We are perfuaded that his Majefty's fole Motive for fo doing arofe from his moft gracious Inclination to promote the Security and Happinefs of his dutiful Subjeds; but permit us, my Lord, with all Humility and Deference to his Royal Wifdom, by an humble Memorial, to exprefs our Apprehenfions that his Majefty hath not yet been made properly and fully acquainted ivith the true Situation of our Frontiers; and fuffer us to intreat your Lordfhip, that you will be pleafed to lay before our Royal Sovereign a more perfed State of the Matter, and endeavor to procure for this Colony fuch farther Indulgencies, in enlarging
agreeable to our former Affurances, maturely
boundary, as
we do affure your
Excellency, that
fhall, at all
fully to
comply with every Requifition in our Power, that may tend to promote the Honour and Dignity of his Majefty's Crown, the Extenfion of his Dominions, and the true Interefts
of this Colony.
unfortunately for this Colony, his Majefty hath already taken his ultimate
Line propofed by your Excellency, we muft humbly acquiefce, and will fumifh the Two Thoufand Five Hundred Pounds Sterling, according to the Eftimate you have been pleafed to communicate to us.
to confine his
to the
as followeth,
Honourable NORBORNE, Baron de BOTETOURT, his Majefty's Lieutenant and Governor General, and Commayider in Chief of the Colony and Dominion of VIRGINIA and Vice Admiral of the fame.
his Excellency the Right
of the
That your Memorialifts having paid the earlieft Attention to your Lordfhip's Speech the Opening of this Seffion, have taken under their mo ft ferious Canfideration that very at interefting Part of it which relates to the Report of the Right Honourable the Board Trade
his Majefty, refpeding the Extenfion of the Boundary of this Colony to the Weftward; and as your Memorialifts are extremely folicitous, on all Occafions, to
and Plantations
ftand fair in the Royal Opinion of their mo ft gracious Sovereign, they humbly pre fume to lay before your Excellency their Reafons for not immediately complying with his Majefty'
and engaging
Senfible as yonr Memorialifts are of the many fignal Advantages which would redound as well to his Majefty as to feveral of his American Colonies, they fhould think themfelves
blind to their
Duty and
Intereft if they did not receive, with all Thankfulnefs, your Lordthe Superintendent of
more be pleafed to condefcend to take it under his princely Canfideration, would convince his Majefty that his mo ft gracious Purpofe cannot be anfwered by eftablifhing the Line propofed. Your Memorialifts beg Leave to obferve that the faid Line, if extended from the Interfedion of Holfton's River, the Point, which would terminate the Line dividing this Colony from North Carolina to the Mouth of the great Kanhaway, would be near Two Hundred Miles in Length, and muft pafs through a Country abounding with high and rugged Mountains, extremely difficult and dangerous of Accefs, and interfeded by many Water Courfes; that the prefent Pofture of Indian Affairs would make a ftrong Guard of armed Men neceffary for the Protedion of thofe who might be commiffloned to run fuch a Line, as it muft neceffarily pafs through a Country uninhabited, and through which thofe Indians, who
feem at prefent moft inclined to Hoftilities, do frequently take their Routs; That by eftablifhing fuch Line, a great Part of that moft valuable Country, lying on the Ohio, below the Mouth of the great Kanhaway, lately ceded to his Majefty by the Northern Indians, would be feparated and divided from the Britifh Territory, on the upper Part of Holfton's River, the great Kanhaway, and the Ohio, which your Memorialifts humbly conceive muft greatly impede, and may totally prevent the Settlement of that fertile and
natural Advantages, would open the our Mother Country, by fecuring to his Majefty's Subjeds a new and extenfive Trade with the feveral Tribes of Weftern Indians, which has hitherto been almoft engroffedby the Subjeds of France; and by this Means
Situation and
of a very beneficial
Nations, heretofore living at Enmity with our moft gracious Sovereign and his Subjeds, might be made friendly and ufeful in extending the Trade and Navigation of
many Indian
That your Memorialifts have the greateft Reafon to fear that the faid Line, if confirmed, would conftantly open to the Indians and others, Enemies to his Majefty, a free and eafy Ingrefs to the Heart of the Country, on the Ohio, Holfton's River, and the great Kanhaway, whereby the Settlements, which may be attempted in thofe Quarters, will, in all Probability, be utterly deftroyed, and that great Extent of Country, from the Mouth of the Kanhaway to
Cherokee River, extending Eafiward as far as the Laurel HiUs, fo very lately ceded to his Majefty, and to which no Tribe of Indians, at prefent, fets up any Pretenfions, will be entirely abandoned to the Cherokees in Confequence of which Claims totally deftrudive of the true Inter efts of his Majefty, may, at fome future Time arife, and Acquifi.tions juftly ranked amongft the moft valuable of the late War, be altogether loft. Your Memorialifts further beg Leave to reprefent to your Lordfhip, that Lands, which have been granted by Patents regularly obtained, according to the known and fixed Rules of this Government, if the faid Line were to take Place, would be entirely difmembered from
of the
Colony, allotted
to the
loft to the
and fettle this new Country at the Rifque of their Lives, and at a great Expence. Your Memorialifts, front thefe weighty Confiderations, have been induced to extend their Views, and do humbly offer, as their Opinion, that a Line beginning at the Weftern Termination of the North -Carolina Line, and running thence in a due Weft Diredion to the River Ohio, may be accomplifhed at a much lefs Expence than the other Line propofed; that the Extenfion of fuch a Line is neceffary for the Safety and Advantage of his Majefty' SubjeAs, and that it would tend greatly to the Increafe of his Majefty' s Revenue, and to the Promotion of the Trade and Navigation of the Weftern Part of this Dominion, if a Pur chafe were made of the Cherokee Indians of all their Lands, which fuch due Weftern Line would include; efpecially if his Majefty would be gracioufly pleafed, in his Royal Wifdom, to difcourage all Monopolies of thofe Lands, and ftrengthen our Barrier, by granting them, in small or Moderate quantities, to fuch Adventurers as might incline to feat and fettle the
Your Memorialifts,
and perfed a Plan of that Part of the Country as they humbly and fubmit the whole Matter to your Excellency's procure,
flatter ourfelves that his Majefty will be gracioufly pleafed to order a Sufpenfion of any other Line that may affed the very numerous Settlements on his Subjeds to the Eaftward
of that
is reconfidered,
clearly underftood.
That the
faid Addrefs
his Excellency,
That M' Bland, M"' Treafurer, M' Edmund Pendleton, and M"' Henry, do Governor to know his Excellency's Pleafure, and when he will be attended the upon wait by this Hotife. A Meffage from the Covmcil, by M"' Walthoe.
W Speaker,
The Council have agreed
to the
Public Claims.
Meffenger withdrew.
Wafhington prefented to the Hovife, according to Order, a Bill to dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof Daniel M'Carty is feized, and for fettling other Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. The Order of the Day being read for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider of the prefent State of the Colony Refolved, That this Houfe will, To-Morrow, refolve itfelf into the faid Committee.
The other Order of the Day being read Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be
M'' Jofeph Cabell have
That Houfe for the Remainder of this Seffion. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Eleven
an Adt,
Harrifon reported, from the Committee of Trade, to whom the Bill to amend intituled. An Ad' for infpeding Pork, Beef, Flour, Tar, Pitch, and Turpentine, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill,
and made an Amendment thereunto, which they had diredted him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Clerk's Table: Where the Amendment was twice read, and, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be ingroffed. An ingroffed Bill for eftablifhing Quarterly Courts, inftead of Monthly Courts, in certain Counties, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs: And that the Title be, An Ad'' for eftablifhing Quarterly Courts, inftead of Monthly Courts, in certain Counties. Ordered, That M"" Richard Henry Lee do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire
their Concurrence.
That a Committee be appointed to proportion the Public Levy. a Committee was appointed of M'' Thomas Walker, Cocke,
W Adams,
Fees of
firft Time. be read a fecond Time. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider the prefent State of the Colony Refolved, That this Houfe will, upon Monday the Twenty-eighth Day of May next, refolve itfelf into the faid Committee.
That the
An engroffed Bill to amend an Adt, intituled. An Adi declaring the Law concerning Executions, and for Relief of infolvent Debtors, was read the third Time. And that the Title be. An Ad* to amend an Ad, Refolved, That the Bill do pafs:
An Ad
declaring the
their Concurrence.
laft, that the petition of Parifh of Ware, in the County of Gloucefter, be referred the Minifter and veftry of the
The Houfe was moved, that the Order made upon Friday
and report
the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe, might be read.
That the faid Order be difcharged. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Prayer of the faid And that M' Richard Henry Lee do prepare and bring in the fame. petition Sundry Petitions of feveral perfons, of the County of King George, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed and alfo, A Petition of feveral Perfons, of the Coimty of Stafford, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed and alfo. Sundry Petitions of feveral Perfons, of the County of Weftmoreland, whofe Names
: ; ;
I "
Hening. V, p. 526.
and read;
Counties in the Northern Neck being very long and narrow, are inconvenient; and therefore praying, that the Boundaries of the Counties of Northumberland, Lancafter, Richmoiid, Weftmoreland, King George, and Stafford, may be reformed by dividing Lines extending from Rappahannock River to Potowmack River and alfo, Sundry Petitions of feveral Perfons, of the Co\mty of Richmond, whofe Names are
thereunto fubfcribed and alfo, Sundr>' Petitimis of feveral Perfons, of the County of Weftmoreland, whofe
are thereimto fubfcribed. Were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read taking Notice of an Application intended to be made to this Hotife, for new modelling the Counties of Richmond, Weftmoreland, King George and Stafford; fetting forth the Difficulties and Expences of execut;
Confequences which will refult from the propofed Alteration; and i therefore praying that the Boundaries of the faid Cotmties may remain as they are. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
and the
of Spotfylvania,
for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time. Henry Lee, and M' Mercer. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to M"" Dixon, Damages done by the late fettle the and to ftate Commiffioners appoint Bill to A was read a fecond Time. Warehoufes, other and Page's, Crutchfield's, Storm at Roy's,
That the Bill be committed to M' Taliaferro, M'' Macon, and M"" Henry.
ingroffed Bill to divide the Parifh of Hamilton, in the Coimties of Fatiquier and Prince William, was read the third Time. And that the Title be. An ' to divide the Parifh Refolved, That the Bill do paf s
Hamilton, in
the Counties of
Ordered, That
Treafurer do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, and defire their Conof feveral Perfons, of the
County of Accomack, praying that the Infpedlion at Guilford Warehoiife may be removed from thence, and placed on Hunting Creek, at Finley's Point, or on the land of Elijah Greenolds, which, upon Tuefday of Propofitions and laft, was ordered to he upon the Table, be referred to the Committee report the fame, with and Grievances and that they do examine the Matter thereof,
Dixon reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill for dividing the Parifh of Saint George, in the Cotmty of Spotfylvania, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereimto, which they had direfted him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place and afterwards dehvered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Where the Amendments were once read throughout, and then a fecond Clerk's Table Time, one by one and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were agreed to by
; :
the Hotife.
That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. M'' Richard Henry Lee reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill for clearing and making navigable the River Potowmack, from the great Falls of the faid River, up to Fort Cumberland, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereunto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and aften\'ards delivered the Bill, with the AmendOrdered,
Where the Amendments were once read throughout, ments, in at the Clerk's Table and then a fecond Time, one by one and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. Ordered
: ;
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for laying a Public Levy: And that M'' Thomas Walker do prepare and bring in the fame. M'' Treafurer reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill for adding Part of the County of Nanfemond to the County of Ifle of Wight, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made an Amendment thereunto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place, and
afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Clerk's Table Where the twice read and, upon the Queftion put thereupon, was agreed to by the Hovife. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be ingroffed.
Amendment was
and amend the Adt, intituled. An Ad' to confirm the Charter and for enlarging the Jurifdidion of the Court of Huftings, in And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time.
the City of
prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to dock the Slaves, whereof John Page, Efq is feized, and for fettHng other Lands of greater Value, to the fame Ufes and the fame was received, and read
Intail of certain
Edmund Pendleton
Lands and
That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Thomas Walker prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for laying a Public Levy: And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be now read a fecond Time. The Bill was accordingly read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will. To-morrow, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Hotife upon the faid Bill. The other Order of Ihe Day being read Ordered, That the Call of the Hotife be further adjourned till To-morrow. M'' Henry Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill for the Eafe and Relief of the People, by paying the Burgeffes in Money for the laft Convention, and And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. prefent Seflion of Affembly That the Bill be read a fecond Time. Refolved, M"^ Richard Henry Lee prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill to veft Three Htmdred Acres of Land, divifed by Zachary Crips for a Glebe in the Parifh of Ware, in the County of Gloucefter, in Truftees, to be fold, and for other Purpofes therein And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. mentioned Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. A Claim of Benjamin Powell for Repairs to the Capitol, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of
: :
Public Claims.
A Claim of Benjamin Powell for Repairs to the Magazine, was prefented to the Houfe
That the
Public Claims.
That M'' Mitchell have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe Remainder of this Seffion. Ordered, That M^ Simpfon have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe the Remainder of this Seflion. for A Bill to veft certain Lands, whereof John Robinfon, Efq died feized, in Truft for Philip Johnfon, Gentleman, and his Children, in Truftees for the Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time.
for the
Hening, IV.
p. 541.
Refolved, That the Bill be committed to M'' Edmund Pendleton, M"" Treafurer, Lewis Burwell, of James City, M"' Dudley Digges, and M' elfon. A Bill to dock the Intail of Four Thotifand Acres of Land, in the Cotmty of Ifle of Wight, whereof James Burwell is feized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the fame in Truftees in Fee Simple, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to M' Lewis Burwell, of James City, M^ Treafurer, M"' Dudley Digges, M"' Nelfon, M'' Riddick, and M"" Benjamin Baker.
then the
Houfe adjourned
of the Clock.
ll)e I5tl)
December, 10 6eo.
Bland reported to the Hoiife, that his Excellency having been waited upon, purfuant to the Order of Wednefday laft, to know his Excellency's Pleafure, when he would be attended by this Houfe, had been pleafed to appoint to be attended this Day in the Council Chamber, and to fay, he would acquaint the Houfe, by a Meffenger of his own, when he was ready to receive their Addrefs and Memorial. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to amend the Adl, intituled, An Ad' to veft certain Lands in Truftees for the Purpofes therein mentioned; and that M'^ Charles Carter of King George, do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That the Laws of each Seffion, to be fent to the Coimty Court Clerks, for
the Ufe of the adling Juftices of Peace, be Half Bound, for which this Houfe will Satiffad;ion to the Public Printer.
dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof Daniel M'Carty is feized, and Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to all the Members who fer\-e for the Counties of Weftmor eland, Fairfax, Prince William, and Loudoun. The Houfe proceeded to take into Confideration the Amendment made by the Council to the Bill, intituled, An Ad' to dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof David Garland is feized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the Title in Francis Eppes, Gentleman, in Fee Simple, and for fettling the Value thereof in Slaves to the fame Ufes.
Bill to
faid Amendment was read, and is as foUoweth, viz. Line 42, after 'Lands,' leave out, 'and from thenceforth the faid Slaves fhall defcend, pafs and go, from the faid David Garland, to fuch Perfon or Perfons, and under the fame Limitations as the faid Three Hundred and Seventy-eight Acres of Land would or might have defcended, paffed and gone, had this Adl never been made,' and infert 'Provided neverthelefs, that the Slaves fo annexed, and their future Increafe, fhall be liable to be taken in Execution, and fold for fatiffying and paj'ing the juft Debts of the Tenant in Tail for the Time being, in the fame Manner as other intailed Slaves are
And the
inftead thereof.
The Amendment following was propofed to be made to the faid Amendment, viz. That the Words propofed by the Council to be left out, ftand Part of the Bill,
before the Claiife propofed to be inferted inftead thereof. And the faid Amendment to the Amendment was, upon the Queftion put thereupon,
agreed to by the Houfe. Then the Queftion being put, that the Houfe doth agree to the by the Council, with the faid Amendment thereimto
Amendment made
W Riddick,
p. 442.
Not recorded
as a
Hening, VIII,
the Members being equal Speaker declared himfelf with the Yeas.
was refolved in the Affirmative. Ordered, That M'' Carrington do carry the Bill to the Council, and acquaint them that this Houfe hath agreed to the Amendment made by them, with an Amendment, to which Amendment to the Amendment this Houie doth defire the Concurrence of the
His Excellency
now ready
to receive the
Houfe in
Council Chamber.
Accordingly M"" Speaker, with the Houfe, went up and being retiimed, M'' Speaker reported, that the Houfe had attended the Governor with their Addrefs and Memorial, to which his Excellency was pleafed to give this Anfwer:
of Burgeffes,
"I will tranfmit to the Earl of Hillfborough, by the very fir ft Opportunity, the whole your Reafoning, in Favour of a more extended Boundary of this Colony to the Weftward, than that which was laft recommended by the Board of Trade; and will intreat his Lordfhip
indulge his Houfe of Burgeffes in every Wifh of their Hearts, which, in his Royal Wifdom, he fhall deem confiftent with his paternal Regard for all his
That the Bill do pafs and that the Title be, An Ad Inhabitants of King William atui Hanover Counties the Expence of
Bill to
Terry, a
Accufation was referred to the Conlideration of the Committee of Privileges and Elections; and M'' Terry defired, that the Matter might be now inqmred into, that he may
vindicate his Innocence.
of Privileges
That the faid Information be referred to the Confideration of the Committee and Eledlions; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report
Pendleton reported, from the Committee of Privileges and Elections,
that the Committee had had under their further Confideration the Petition of M"' Willis Riddick, to them referred, complaining of an tmdue Eledlion and Return of M'' Benjamin
Baker to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly for the County of Nanfemond, and had come to a Refolution, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table; where the Refolution of the Committee was read, and is as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Subjedl Matter of the faid Petition be heard before the Committee, on Friday, the firft Day of June next. The faid Refolution being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. M'' Richard Henry Lee reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill to dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof Daniel M'Carty is feized, and for fettling other Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes, was committed, that the Committee had examined the Allegations of the Bill, and found the fame to be true; and that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made an Amendment thereunto, which they had diredled
Hening, VIII,
p. 407.
in his
deUvered the
read, and,
with the Amendment, upon the Queftion put thereupon, was agreed to by the
in at the Clerk's Table
vnth the Amendment, be ingroffed. A Bill for the Eafe and Relief of the People, by paying the Burgeffes in Money, for the laft Convention, and prefent Seffion of Affembly, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed.
That the
and amend an A(5t, intittiled. An Ad^ for reducing the feveral Ads v made for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into one Ad, was read a fecond Time. Propofitions and GrievRefolved, That the Bill be committed to the Committee of
Bill to continue
Bill to compel Ships, Quarantine and the fame was perform Small-Pox, to or Gaol-Fever infedled with the received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of
the whole Ho\afe upon the Bill for laying a public Levy
To-morrow, refolve
of the
being read
That the
Call of the
third Time.
of St.
That the Bill do pafs; and that the Title be, An Ad' for dividing the George, in the County of Spotfylvania, and for other Purpofes therein men-
Treafurer do carry the Bill to the Cotmcil, and defire their ConParifh, in the
of Prince William,
to fell the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and lay out the ient Glebe, was read a fecond Time.
in ptirchafmg a
more conven-
Bill be ingroffed. Himdred Acres of Land, divifed by Zachary Crips for a Glebe, Three A the County of Gloticefter, in Truftees, to be fold, and for other Ware, in in the Parifh of Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed. An ingroffed Bill for adding Part of the Coimty of Nanfemond to the Coimty of Ifle of Wight, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs; and that the Title be. An Ad3 for adding Part of the County of Nanfemond to the County of Ifle of Wight, and for afcertaining Part of the Boundary between the Counties of James City and York.
That the
Bill to veft
That M'' Bland do carry the Bill to the Cotmcil, and defire their Conciurence. Ordered, That M' Starke have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe till
Thurfday next.
then the
Houfe adjourned
of the Clock.
tl)e I6t!)
Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom the Bill to continue and amend an Adt, intituled, An Ad* for reducing feveral Ads made for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into one Ad, was committed, that
M'' Bland reported, from the
Hening. VII.
p. 163.
VIII, p. 399.
VIII, p. 40s-
VII, p. 265.
they had diredled him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Clerk's Table where the Amendment was twice read, and was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe.
Notes of
That the Bill, with the Amendment, be ingroffed. That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to prevent forging the Treaftiry this Colony, in Circulation And that M'' Richard Henry Lee do prepare and
in the
in purchaling a
County of Brunfmore
That the
do pafs:
An Ad'
the county of
Treafurer do carry the Bill to the Cotmcil, and delire their Con-
Richard Henry Lee prefented to the Hotife, according to Order, a Bill to prevent forging the Treafury Notes of this Colony, in Circulation And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Refolved, That the Bill be read a fecond Time.
Treafurer reported, from the Committee for Religion, that the Committee had under their further Coniideration the Petition of fundry Inhabitants of Suffolk Parifh
County of Nanfemond, on the Eaft Side of the River, praying that the faid Parifh be divided, or the Veftry diffolved, and for difcontinuing a free Ferry therein mentioned and had come to a Refolution, which they had dire(5led him to report to And he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the the Hoxife Clerk's Table where the Refolution of the Committee was read, and is as foUoweth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Petition be heard before the Committee, on Tuefday, the fifth day of June next. The faid Refolution being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"' James Walker have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe, till the firft Day of January next. An ingroffed Bill to veft Three Hundred Acres of Land, devifed by Zachary Crips for a Glebe, in the Parifh of Ware, in the County of Gloucefter, in Truftees, to be fold, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the third Time. And that the Title be. An Ad' to veft Three HunRefolved, That the Bill do pafs dred Acres of Land, devifed by Zachary Crips for a Glebe, in the Parifh of Ware, in the County of Gloucefter, in Truftees, to be fold, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. Ordered, That M'' Richard Henry Lee do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their
in the
into a
The Houfe, according to Order, refolved upon the Bill for laying a Public Levy.
of the
whole Houfe,
the Chair.
M' Bland took the Chair of the Committee. M'' Speaker refumed the Chair. M'' Bland reported from the Committee, that they had made a Progrefs in the Bill; and that he was direAed by the Committee to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will, upon Monday next, refolve itfelf into a Committee
of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the faid Bill.
Hening, VIII,
p. 408.
of this Houfe,
Eyre reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill to appoint Commiffioners to ftate and fettle the Damages done by the late Storm at Roy's, Crutchfield's, Page's, and other Warehoxifes, was committed, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments theretmto, which they had directed him to report to the And he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards deUvered the Bill, with Houfe the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table: Where the Amendments were once read throughout, and then a fecond Time, one by one; and, upon the Queftion feveraUy put thereupon, one of them was difagreed to, and the reft were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. Ordered, That M"' Mayo have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe,
for the
Remainder of this Seffion. The other Order of the Day being read
That the Call of the Hoiofe be ftu-ther adjotuTied till Monday next. Attd then the Houfe adjourned till Monday Morning next Eleven of the Clock.
W)Q, IStl)
December. 10
(Beo. Ill
Oaths appointed Member having taken ANOTHER Parliament, and the Abjuration Oath, and
Teft, took his Seat in the Houfe.
to be takend
John Fox was prefented to the Hotife and read, fetting Land, in the County of Gloiicefter, joining the Land whereon the Court-Houfe ftands, and that it would be for the Good of the Public if fixty Acres of the Petitioner's faid Land were laid off in a Town and therefore praying that an Adt may pafs for that Purpofe. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in, purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and Alexander do prepare and bring in the fame. that M'' Bland and Order of the Day, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee That the Ordered, of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the Bill for laying a pubHc Levy, be now read.
forth, that the Petitioner is poffeffed of a Tradl of
A Petition
The Houfe
Speaker left Bland took the Chair of the Committee. M"' Speaker refumed the Chair. M'' Bland reported from the Committee, that they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereunto, which they had direcfted him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards deUvered the Bill, with
the Chair.
the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table. And the Houfe being informed, that fome other
are neceffary to be
That the faid Bill be re-committed. Ordered, That the faid Bill be re-committed to the Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Hotife will now refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole
Houfe, to confider further of the Bill for laying a Public Levy. The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee.
M'' M"'
Speaker left the Chair. Bland took the Chair of the Committee.
M' Speaker refumed the Chair. M"' Bland reported from the Committee, that they had made feveral other Amendments to the Bill, which they had diredted him to Report to the Houfe, and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table; where the Amendments were once read throughout, and then, a fecond Time
Time, one by one; and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were, with feveral Amendments to one of them, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propolitions and Grievances, who are appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill for the better Support of the contingent Charges of this Government, that they make Provifion in the faid Bill for the Emiffion of Treafury Notes, of the Value of Ten Thoufand Pounds. M'' Thomas Walker reported, from the Committee appointed to proportion the Public Levy, that the Committee had proportioned the Public Levy, accordingly, and ftated the fame in a Book, which they had directed him to report to the Hotife and he
delivered the
of the Hotife.
Book in at the Clerk's Table. That the faid Book do lie upon the
Houfe adjourned
Table, to be perufed
by the Members
then the
of the Clock.
W Speaker,
The Council have agreed
to the
Amendment made by
Houfe to
made by
An Adt
whereof David Garland is feized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the Title in Francis Eppes, Gentleman, in Fee Simple, and for fettling the Value thereof in Slaves to the fame Ufes
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An A(5l^ declaring the Law concerning Execution, and for Relief of infolvent Debtors, without any Amendment: And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Adt^ for reimburfmg the Inhabitants of King William and Hanovei Counties the Expenfe of clearing Pamunkey River, without any Amendment; And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Adl" to divide the Parifh of Hamilton in the Counties of Fauquier and Prince William, without any Amendment: And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adl' for dividing the Parifh of St. George, in the Covmty of Spotfylvania, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, without any Amendment: And alfo, The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Adl* for adding a part of the County of Nanfemond to the County of I fie of Wight, and for afcertaining Part of the Boundary between the Counties of James City and York, without any Amendment: And alfo, The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An K&.7 to veft Three Htmdred Acres of Land, devifed by Zachary Crips for a Glebe, in the Parifh of Ware, in the County of Gloucefter, in Truftees, to be fold, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, without any
Amendment: And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adl* to impower the Veftry of Meherrin Parifh, in the County of Brunfwick, to fell the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and lay out the money in purchafmg a more convenient Glebe, without any Amendment: And
of his Debts
Hening, VIII, p. 442.
Zfcid., /6t(i.,
/6t<i.,V, p.
8 9
/bid., VIII, p.
Archibald Cary reported, from the Committee of Public Claims, that the Comhad had vmder their Conlideration feveral Claims, to them referred, for the Pay mittee and Expences of the Militia of different Counties, and had drawn up and ftated an
thereof, which the Committee had directed him to report, together with the Refolution of the Committee thereupon, to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Where the Refolution of the Place, and afterwards deUvered it in at the Clerk's Table Committee was read, and is as foUoweth, viz.
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Claims are reafonand that the refpedlive Claimants ought to be allowed by the Public for the fame. The faid Refolution being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereRefolved,
upon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"' Archibald Cary do carry the faid Refolution to the Coimcil, and defire their Concurrence. Ordered, That it be an Inftrucftion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, who are appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill for the better Support of the contingent Charges of Government, that they make Provision in the faid Bill for Payment of Two Thoufand Five Hundred Pounds Sterling, to defray the Expence of running the Line between this Colony and the Cherokee Indians, and aKo for Payment of the further Sum of Two Thoufand Five Hundred Poimds Sterling, for importing Copper Money, according to the former Refolutions of this Houfe.
Bland reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, that the Committee had had under their Confideration feveral Petitions, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, which the Committee had dire<5led him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in Where the Refolutions of the Committee were read, and are as at the Clerk's Table
itants of the
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the petition of divers InhabCounty of Cumberland, praying to be difcharged of their Proportion of the maintaining Genito and Nafh's Bridges, over the Appomattox River, be
itants of the
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of divers InhabCounty of Accomack, praying that Guilford Warehotife may be difcon tinned, and new Warehoufes for the Reception of Tobacco, eftablifhed at one or other of the Places mentioned in the faid petition, be heard before the Committee, on Monday the
Ma)/ next.
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petitioners, or any other Perfons, be at Liberty to examine Witneffes, touching the Conveniency or Inconveniency of the faid Guilford Warehovife, and the Places propofed for eredling new Warehoufes
before Tully Robinfon Wife, John Watts, James Arbuckle, William Taylor, and Charles Bagwell, or any three of them, and that they return the Depofitions of fuch Witneffes to
Time appointed.
the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Commiffioners, or any three of them, give at leaft ten Days public Notice of the Time and Place where they fhall attend to take the Depofitions.
it is
upon the Queftion the Houfe. agreed by thereupon, to feverally put M"^ Treafurer reported, from the Committee for Religion, that the Committee had had under their further Confideration the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of
Overwharton in the County of Stafford, praying that the Veftry of the faid Parifh may be diffolved, and had come to a Refolution thereupon, which the Committee had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered where the Refolution of the Committee was read, and is as it in at the Clerk's Table
it is
upon Monday, the 28* Day of May next. The iaid Re folution being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. M'' Bland prefented to the Hovxfe, according to Order, a Bill for the better Support of the contingent Charges of Government; and the fame was received, and read the
before the Committee
That the
ingroffed Bill to dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof Daniel M'Carty is feized, and for fettling other Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes, was read the third Time.
That the Bill do pafs; and that the Title be. An Ad' to dock the Intail of certain Lands, and for fettling other Lands and Slaves to the fame Ufes. Ordered, That M'' Wafhington do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, and defire their
Speaker acquainted the Houfe, that he had received a Letter from the Speaker of the General Affembly of New-York, in Anfwer to one tranfmitted to him hy'W Speaker purfuant to the Order of the Houfe, on the 16**^ Day of May laft; and he delivered the
That the
faid Letter
A Bill to prevent forging the Treafury Notes of this Colony, in Circulation, was
a fecond Time.
the late
be ingroffed. ingroffed Bill to appoint Commiffioners to ftate and fettle the Damages done by Storm at Roy's, Crutchfield's, Page's, and other Warehoufes, was read the third
That the
That the Bill do pafs and that the Title be, An Ad' to appoint Commiffioners to ftate and fettle the Damages done by the late Storm in feveral Warehoufes. Ordered, That M"' Eyre do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence. M'' Lewis Burwell of James City, reported, from the Committee to whom the Bill to dock the Intail of 4000 Acres of Land, in the County of Ifle of Wight, whereof James Burwell is feized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the fame in Tniftees in Fee Simple, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, that the Committee had examined the Allegations of the Bill, and fovind the fame to be true and that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereunto, which they had diredted him to report to the Hoiife and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table; where the Amendments were once read throughout, and then, a fecond Time, one by one, and, upon the Queftion
That the
with the
Pendleton reported, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, that the Committee had examined the Matter of M"" Nathaniel Terry's Information,
'that in the
Member of
which Accufation had been then referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Privileges and Eledtions;' and that the Committee had diredled him to report the fame to the Hotife and he read the report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table where the fame was read, and is as followeth, viz. M'' Coles appearing before the Committee, declared it was very dif agreeable to him to enter into the Profecution of his faid Accufation in May laft but that he was ready to deliver into the Committee the Names of the Perfons upon whom he depended to have proved the Matters of his Charge, if it had proceeded in May. Ordered, That the faid Information be re-committed. Ordered, That the faid Information be re-committed to the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions.
of feveral Crimes,
; ; ;
Not recorded
as a law
Bill for the better
a fecond Time.
That the Bill be committed. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Hovife will now refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe upon the faid Bill. The Hoiofe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee.
Speaker left the Chair. M'' Bland took the Chair of the Committee. M'' Speaker refumed the Chair. M"" Bland reported from the Committee, that they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereunto, which they had dire(5ted him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards deUvered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table where the Amendments were once read throughout, and then, a fecond Time, one by one, and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon were, with Amendments to feveral of them, agreed to by the Hotife. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. And then the Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning Eleven of the Clock.
; ;
"Wo.btiQ.sba^, t^e
20tb of December. 10
(Beo. Ill
Book of Public Proportions, which upon Monday laft was ordered to lie upon the Table, was read, and, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M'' Archibald Cary do carry the Book to the Council, and
Public Levy, was read the third Time.
That the
do pafs
An Ad
for laying
a Public
Bland do
Archibald Cary reported, from the Committee of PubHc Claims, that the Comexamined feveral Claims, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refoluhad mittee And tions thereupon, which the Committee had dire(fted him to report to the Houfe he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table; im
where the Refolutions of the Committee were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Claim of William Ralfton, for a Mare taken by the Cherokee Indians, be rejefted. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Walter Cuningham, to be reimbtirfed a Judgment obtained againft him by John Clendening, for his Pay as a Soldier in his Company, be reje(fted, the fame having been allowed before. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Claim of Edward Powers, for the Hire of a Horfe to convey a Criminal to the Public Gaol, be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Claim of Tunftall Banks, Adminiftrator, &c. of William Banks, deceafed, for Sixty-one Days Pay, as a Lieutenant in the Year 1760, be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Claim of Adam Wayland, for Thirty Shillings, the Value of a Gun, impreffed for the Ufe of the Militia, be reje(5ted, the faid Claim not being fufficiently proved. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Claim of Jofeph Pollard, for Thirty-five Shillings, the Value of a Gvm, impreffed for the Ufe of the Militia, be reje(5led, the faid Claim not being fufficiently proved.
Hening, VIII,
p. 340.
the Opinion of this Committee, that the Claim of Jacob Vanmeter, for the Hire of a Waggon and Team to tranfport Flour to Fort Cumberland, be rejedled,
it is
mittee had examined feveral Claims, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, which the Committee had diredled him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table;
where the Refolutions of the Committee were read, and are as followeth, viz. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petition of Charles Tomkies, to be allowed for the Damages he fuftained by Means of his Slave's being Froft -bitten in Gaol, as fet forth in the faid Petition, is reafonable; and that he ought to be allowed the Sum of Thirty Poimds for the fame. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Claim of Benjamin Powell, for repairing the Capitol, is reafonable and that he ought to be allowed, by the Public, the Sum of Seventy -nine Pounds Eleven Shillings and Eleven Pence, for the fame. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Claim of the faid Powell for repairing the Magazine, be rejedled. The faid Refolutions being feverally read a fecond Time, were, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, agreed to by the Hoiife. Refolved, That Charles Tomkies be allowed, by the Public, the Sum of Thirty Pounds,
for the
Damages he
by Means
Refolved, That Benjamin Powell be allowed, by the Public, the Sum of Seventynine Pounds Eleven Shillings and Eleven Pence, for repairing the Capitol. Ordered, That M'' Archibald Cary do carry the faid Refolutions to the Council, and
defire their Concurrence.
ingroffed Bill for the better Support of the contingent Charges of Government, third Time.
Claufe was offered to be added to the Continuance of the Duties mentioned in the Bill.
An ingroffed
Way of a
the Houfe, to be
the faid Claufe was thrice read, and, upon the Queftion put thereupon, agreed made Part of the Bill, by Way of a Ryder.
That the
do pafs
An Ad'
That M'' Bland do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence. ingroffed Bill to prevent forging the Treafury Notes of this Colony, in Circulation, was read the third Time.
That the
do pafs:
An Ad'
prevent forging
Treafury Notes
and ReUef of the people, by paying the Burgeffes in and prefent Seffion of Affembly, was read the third Time. And that the Title be. An Adi for the Eafe and Refolved, That the Bill do pafs: Relief of the People, by paying the Burgeffes in Money, for the laft Convention, and prefent
ingroffed Bill for the Eafe
Bill to
Hening, VIII, p.342.
Villi, p. 348.
VIII, p. 490.
County of Frederick, to levy on the Inhabitants of the faid Parifh, the Amount of a Judgment recovered againft them by William Meldrum, their late Minifter, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be ingroffed. A Bill for the more fpeedy and effedtual Recovery of the Debt due to the Public, from the Eftate of the late Treafurer, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Bill be committed. Refolved, That the Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Hovife will now refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Hoiife, upon the Bill for the more fpeedy and efle<5tual Recovery of the Debt due to the Public,
in the
from the Eftate of the late Treaftirer. The Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee.
Speaker left the Chair. Bland took the Chair of the Committee.
M' Speaker returned the Chair. M*^ Bland reported from the Committee, that they had gone through the BtU, and made feveral Amendments thereimto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards deUvered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Clerk's Table: Where the Amendments were once read throughout, and then a fecond Time, one by one and, upon the Queftion feverally put thereupon, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingroffed. An ingroffed Bill to continue and amend an Adl, intituled, An Ad' for reducing the feveral Ads made for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into one Ad, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs: And that the Title be. An Ad^ to continue and amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad for reducing the feveral Ads made for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into one Ad. Ordered, That M'' Bland do carry the Bill to the Cotmcil, and defire their Concurrence. An ingroffed Bill for laying an additional Duty upon Slaves imported into this Colony, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs and that the Title be. An Ad^ for laying an additional Duty upon Slaves imported into this Colony. Ordered, That M'' Harrifon do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Con: ;
An ingroffed Bill to amend an Adl, intituled. An Ad* for infpeding Pork, Beef, Flour, Tar, Pitch, and Turpentine, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs; and that the Title be. An Ad^ to amend an
W Speaker,
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Acft* for the better Support of the contingent Charges of Government, without any Amendment; And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adt? for laying a PubHc Levy, without any Amendment: And alfo. The Council have agreed to tlie Bill, intituled, P^ Adl* to continue and Amend and Adl, Intituled, An Adl for reducing the feveral Adls made for laying a Duty upon Liquor, into one Adl, without any Amendment: And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Adl' to prevent forging the Treafury Notes of this Colony in circulation, without any Amendment: And alfo, The
Hening, VII,
p. 265.
* Ibid.,
VI, p. 146.
p. 351.
8 9
VIII, p. 335.
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adt for the Eafe and Relief of the People by paying the Burgeffes in money for the laft Convention, and prefent Seffion of Affembly, withont any Amendment: And alfo, The Council have agreed to the Book of Public Proportions And alfo, The Council have agreed to the Schedule containing fundry militia claims: And
to the
Refolve of this Houfe for paying 30 Refolve of this Houfe for paying 79;^
to Charles
to the
115. iid. to
Fees due from the Inhabitants of other Coundone in the County of Loudoun, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs and that the Title be, An Ad' for paying the Officers Fees due from the Inhabitants of other Counties for Services done in Counties therein menties for Services
And then the Meffenger withdrew. An ingroffed Bill for paying Officers
Bill to
County of Prince
in purchafing a
more convenient Glebe, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs; and that the
An Ad^
Veftry of Dettingen Parifh, in the County of Prince William, to fell the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and lay out the Money in purchafing a more convenient Glebe.
Treafurer do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Contill
of the Clock.
I5^urs6ay, t^e
December, 10
ingroffed Bill for the more fpeedy and effectual Recovery of the Debt due to the Public, from the Eftate of the late Treafxirer, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs; and that the Title be. An Ad* for the
of the Debt
to the
Bill to
ingroffed Bill to
the Coimcil, and defire their Concurrence. of the Parifh of Frederick, in the County of
on the Inhabitants of the faid Parifh, the Amount of a Judgment recovered againft them, by William Meldrum, their late Minifter, was read the third
Frederick, to levy
That the
do pafs; and that the Title be. An Ad^ for reimburfing the Frederick, in the County of Frederick, the Amount of a Judg-
M"' Mercer do carry the Bill to the Cotmcil, and defire their Concurrence. Pendleton reported, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, that the Committee had further examined the Matter of the Information of M'' Nathaniel Terry, relating to the Accufation refleding upon his Charadler, to them re-committed, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, which they had diredled him to report
to the
And he
read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered it in at where the Refolutions of the Committee were read, and are as followRefolved
Hening, VIII,
p. 490.
4 Ibid.,
VIII, p. 349.
faid Information
it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Subjedl Matter of the be heard before the Committee, on Thurfday the Twenty-fourth Day
May next.
it is
delivered in to the
Committee by
M'' Coles,
Robert Wood-
Thomas Meriwether, Thomas Boiling, Seth Ward, and Benjamin Watkins, Gentlemen, or any two of them, to be read as Evidence before the Committee, in Cafe the Witneffes fhall be unable to attend, at the Time of Hearing, Ten Days Notice of the Time and Place of taking fuch Depofitions being given to M"' Terry by M"' Coles, who is appointed and defired to attend fuch Examinations and that M' Terry be at Liberty, before the fame Commiffioners, to take the Examinations of any Witneffes, to be
Evidence as aforefaid, giving the Uke Notice to A Meffage from the Cotmcil by M'' Walthoe;
M'' Coles.
W Speaker,
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Adl for laying an additional duty upon Slaves imported into this Colony, without any Amendment: And alfo.
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Adl' to Amend an Adt, intituled, Adt for infpedling Pork, Beef, Floiar, Tar, Pitch and Turpentine, without any Amendment:
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adl^ for the more fpeedy and effectual Recovery of the Debt due to the Public from the Eftate of the late Treafiirer, without any Amendment: And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adt* for paying officers fees due from the Inhabitants of other Coimties, for Services done in the Counties therein mentioned, without any Amendment: And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adt' to appoint Commiffioners to ftate and fettle the Damages done by the late Storm, in feveral Warehoufes, without any Amendment: And alfo. The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Adl' to impower the Veftry of Dettingen Parifh, in the County of Prince William, to fell the Glebe at the faid Parifh, and lay out the Money in purchafing a more convenient Glebe, without any Amendment:
A>id alfo,
of the Parifh of Frederick, in the
The Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Adl^ for reimburfing the late Veftry County of Frederick, the amount of a judgment therein mentioned, withont any Amendment.
then the Meffenger withdrew. Dudley Digges reported, from the Committee appointed to examine the enrolled Bills, that the Committee had examined the enrolled Bills, and redlified fuch Miftakes as were found therein and that they are truly enrolled. Ordered, That M'' Dudley Digges do carry the enrolled Bills to the Coimcil, for their
W Speaker,
The Council have infpected
the enrolled bills
and are
And then
to attend his
Excellency, immediately, in
Hening, VIII,
p. 337.
Ibid:, VIII,
p 339.
Council Chamber; and that you bring with you fuch Bills and Refolves as are ready for his
Speaker, with the Hottfe, went up to attend his Excellency in the And, being returned, M"' Speaker reported, that the Houfe had attended the Governor in the Council Chamber, where his Excellency was pleafed to give his Affent to the feveral Public and
Council Chamber.
An Ad
amend an Ad,
An Ad
declaring the
concerning Executions,
An Ad' to regulate the Pradice of fuing out, and profecuting Writs of Replevin, in Cafes of Diftrefs, for Rent. An Ad> for further continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad for reducing the feveral Ads of Affembly, for making Provifion again ft Invafions and Infiirredions, into one Ad.
An Ad* to continue and Amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad for reducing the feveral Ads made for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into one Ad. An Ad^ for continuing certain Ads of Affembly, impofing Duties upon Slaves. An Ad^ for laying an additional Duty upon Slaves, imported into this Colony. An Adf for further continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad for the better regulating and
colleding certain Officers Fees,
for other
An Ad^
Officers Fees,
An Ad'' for laying a Public Levy. An Ad^ for the better Support of the contingent Charges of Government. An Ad' to prevent forging the Trea fury-Notes of this Colony in Circulation. An Ad'' for the more fpeedy and effedual Recovery of the Debt due to the Public,
An Ad'i
amend an Ad,
continue an
An Ad
An Ad'*
their Fees.
An Ad for eftablifhing
and regulating
An Ad'f An Ad'^
for preventing
for further for killing
and fuppreffing Private Lotteries. contimnng and amending the Ad, intituled. An Ad for increafing Wolves within certain Counties, to be paid by the refpedive
An Ad^' An Ad'^
Storm in
for deftroying
appoint Commiffioners
Crows and Squirrels in certain Counties therein mentioned to ftate and fettle the Damages done by the late
feveral Warehoufes.
An Ad'9
Ad of
the General
County from
of Ferriage
of Levies.
of the
of Burgeffes.
An Ad
appointing a Treafurer.
Counties of Albemarle, and Amherft. An Ad'* for dividing the Parifh of St. George, in the County of Spotfylvania, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned.
to the
Fluvanna River,
Hening, VIII,
An Ad'
and Prince
An Ad'
for afcertaining
An Adi An Ad*
adding Part of the County of Nanfemond to the Comity of I fie of Wight, Part of the Boundary between the Counties of James City and York. adding Part of the Pari J h of Southfarnham to the Parifh of St. Anne. for for reimburfing the Inhabitants of King William and Hanover Counties the
of clearing
An Ad^
the Veftry of
Meherrin Parifh, in the County of Brunfwick, to and lay out the Money in purchafing a more convenient
An Ad^
to fell the
Prince William,
venient Glebe.
Marks Parifh, in the County of Culpeper, the Money in purchafing a more convenient
to fell
An Ad^to Amend An
an Ad,
An Ad
for eftablifhing
in the County of Henrico. Ad'' for adding twenty Acres of Land, whereof Patrick
is feized, to the
of Blanford.
An Ad'
of the
Hungars, in
to leafe certain
therein mentioned.
reimburfing the late Veftry of the Parifh of Frederick, in the County of Frederick, the Amount of a Judgment therein mentioned. An Ad "to veft Three Hundred Acres of Land devifed by Zachary Crips for a Glebe,
in the Parifh of Ware, in the
An Ad' 'for
for other
therein mentioned.
An Ad'i to impower the Executors of the Will of Charles Carter, Efq; to fell Part of Lands for the Payment of His Debts and Legacies. An Ad'* to confirm to George Mar fhall, the Fee Simple Eftate in certain Lands, purchafed by him of the Veftry of Hanover, in the County of King George.
is feized,
fame Ufes.
dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof David Garland is feized in Fee Tail, and for vefting the Title in Francis Eppes, Gentleman, in Fee Simple, and for fetto
An Ad'^
tling the
^n Ad'' for
the laft
Value thereof in Slaves, to the fame Ufes. the Eafe and Relief of the People, by paying the B urge ffes in Money forConvention, and prefent Seffion of Affembly. iw
His Excellency was pleafed to give his Affent to the feveral Refolves following, viz. Refolve for paying Three Hundred and Seventy-five Povrnds per Annum to William Rind, the Public Printer. A Refolve for paying Three Htindred Pounds to William Rind, Alexander Purdie, and John Dixon, Printers, as a further Confideration for printing and binding the Adls
of General Affembly.
Weftmore, Keeper of the Public Gaol. A Refolve for paying Thirty Pounds to Charles Tomkies, for the Damages he fuftained by Means of his Slave's being Froft-bitten in Gaol. A Refolve for paying Seventy-nine Poimds Eleven Shillings and Eleven Pence to Benjamin Powell, for repairing the Capitol.
' i
Ibid., Ibid.,
40s. p. 406.
p. 407.
p. 408.
p. 409.
/Wd., VIII, p 410 Ibid., VIII, p. 411, Ibid., VIII, p. 413Ibid., VIII, p. 414. 76jrf., VIII, p. 415. /6id., VIII, p. 435.
VIII, p. 436.
VIII, p. 490.
A Refolve for paying feveral Militia Claims to feveral Perfons in the Counties of Augufta, Bedford, Culpeper, Fauquier, Frederick, Hampfhire, Loudoun, and Prince William.
that afterwards his Excellency was pleafed to this Houfe, as followeth, viz.
make a Speech
to the Council,
Gentlemen of the Council, M"' Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes. I thank you very fincerely for the material Service you have rendered to his Majefty^
Dominion, by confidering their Interefts as exadly the fame, in the your wife and temperate Deliberations. Condud, like yours, is the fureft Teft of virtuous Principles, and cannot fail of fecuring to you, in my Opinion, the firft of all Rewards, a grateful Acceptance from our beloved
this his ancient
Courfe of
The Inclination
of this
have interrupted
adjourn over Chriftmas Holidays, and not to meet again till the Month of May, / do dired both Houfes to adjourn thcmfelves to the 21" Day of May next. And the Houfe accordingly adjotirned until Monday the 21'' Day of May next Eleven
the Bufinefs of this Sefflon; but as I
is generally defired to
Augiifta County,
286, 135,
Abercrombie, James, Agent for the Council, 174. Abney, William, 25. Accomack Coimty, Bill concerning, 256, 271, 272,
282; Burgeffes, 3, 64, 79, 95, 135, 181, 221, 273; Election, 20; Guilford Warehoufe, 332;
103; Petitions, 217, 332, 338, 346; Writ for electing Burgeffes, 194, 230. Ackiss, John, Burgefs, 182, 191, 222, 229, 290; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Acrill, William, Signer of Affociation, xlii; Burgefs 3, 16, 79, 135, 181, 190, 191, 221, 230, 312. Adams, Richard, Burgefs, 181, igi, 221, 229, 337, Adams, Samuel, Addrefs to Miniftry, ix; Mentioned, xxxviii. Albemarle County. Burgefs, 3, 79, 135, 181, 221; Burgeffes, 20; Iflands added Eleiftion of 297, 298; Lands added to, 286; Mentioned, 63, 69, 87, 88; Petition, 216, 239, 246, 270, 273; Thurman's, 259, 264, 288, 313; Writs elecfting Burgeffes, for 230; Court 194,
4, 15, 43, 53, 80, 116, 182, 191, 207, 222, 228, 229, 292, 344; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Alexandria, Mentioned, 253, 266; Petitions 251, 293-
66; Militia, 57, 87, 96, 355; New River, 106, 109; Payne's Run, 288, 313; Petitions, 37, 84, 102, 106, 146, 197, 201, 202, 204, 210. 238, 240, 241, 242, 251, 259, 264, 271, 280, 330; Sheriff, 41; Volunteers, 59; Writs for electing Burgeffes, 194, 230. Augufta Parifh, Bill for dividing, 298. Awandre Creek, xxix. Awbrey. Thomas, Petitioner. 311, 315. Aylett, John, Lands docked, log, 112, 117, 119, 123, 130; Petitioner, 102.
84, 93; Bill concerning, 113; 112, 115, 116, 130. Bagg, Samuel, 26, 35, 93, loi. Bagwell, Charles. 346. Bailey, Jeremiah Garland, 316, 326; Infpe<flion of tobacco eftablifhed on land, 287. Bailey. John, Petitioner, 287, 316, 326. Bailey, Thomas, Burgefs, 4, 16, 80, 136, 182, 191, 222, 229, 337; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Baker, Benjamin, Burgefs, 191, 221, 229, 267, 301,
Bills, 121, 122, 253, 257, 276, 292, 297, 298, 353; Burgeffes, 3, 79, 181, 221 Court, 108, 241; Eledtion of Burgeffes, of Militia, 20; Expenfes 96; Land added, 276; Mentioned, xxxii, 57,
River, Bridge.
Alleghany Mountains. Lands Surveyed, 304, 317, 318; Mentioned, xxix, 302, 319. Allen, Henry, Mentioned, 81, 84. Allen, William, Mentioned, 208. AUen's Church, Mentioned, 231. Ambler, Edward, Burgefs, 3, 4, 25, 79, 99, 135, 254; Writ ferved on, 91, Ambler, John, Burgefs, 4; Deceafed, 13. Amelia County, Bills 63, 117; Burgeffes 3, 79, 87,
135, 181. 20; Court
Baker, Richard, Burgefs, 135, 136, 181, 221, 229, 268, 308, 309, 322; Signer of Affociation,
Baker, Samuel, Signer of Affociation, xliii. Ball, George, Burgefs, 181, igi; Signer of Affociation
Ball, Ball.
Land for Court Houfe, 118; Mentioned, 30, 82, 85, 86, 87, 92, 105, no, 130, 322; iPetitions, 59, 62, 81, 83, 145; Site feledled for Court Houfe, 114, 117; Writs for eledting Burgeffes, 194, 230.
3, 16, 79, 135, 191, 221, 229, 239, 329. Ballard, Robert, Burgefs, 3, 79, 82, 136. Baltimore. Lord, Mentioned, 162, 202, 241, 255. Banbury, Thomas, Petitioner, 32. Banifter, John. Burgefs, 3, 15, 79, 135, 144, 151, 221. 228, 229, 232, 257, 265, 308, 312, 319, 328.
Bank, Public, Eftablifhed, in. Banks, Tunftall, Adminiftrator, 108, 201, 202, 241,
242; Claimant, 348. Banks, William, 108; Deceafed, 201, 202, 241, 242
88, 93.
181, 191, 222, 229; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Barnes, Abraham, Mentioned, 57. Barnes, Sarah, Mentioned, 57. Barre, Colonel, xliii. Bafkin, William, Petitioner, 63. Baffett, Burwell, Burgefs, 3, 15, 79, 135, 181, igi, 229, 293, 308; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Baffett, William, Burgefs, 221. Baftard Children, 259, 302.
Thomas, Burgefs,
Petitioner, 42.
Arbuckle, James. 346. Armfield, Daniel, Petitioner, 314. Armftrong, John Claimant, 57.
55, 124.
Afhbrooke. Mofes, Claimant, 87, 96. Afhby, Frances, Petitioner. 29. 30, 50. Afhby, Henr)', Lieutenant, 71. Afhby, Nimrod, Mentioned, 29, 50. Afhby, Robert, Petitioner. 29, 30, 50.
Ma^' 17, 1769, xxxiv-xliii; Members offer toafls, xlii, xliii; Signers, xli, xlii.
Bennett, Richard, Deceafed, 33, 554. Beverly, Harry, Lands docked, 89, 90, 93, 103, no,
130; Petitioner, 84.
Atkinfon, Roger. Mentioned, 208. Attorneys, Adls concerning. 47, 50, 54, 56.
Beverly Manor, 197, 238.
Bibliography, vii. Bigan, James, Trial, 314. Billeting Adt, 148. Binns, Charles, Clerk of the Court, 57. Bird, Thomas, Signer of Affociation, xliii. Black, John, Claimant, 349. Black, William, Phyfician, 125. Blackfmith, 34. Blackwell, William, Claimant, 256. Blagrave, Henry, Burgefs, 3, 16, 79, 135, 181, 191. Blair, John, Appointed to adminifter oaths, 224, 225; Burgefs, xxi, 3, 14, 23, 24, 42, 44, 53,
69, 70, 72, 79, 88, 91, 95, 108, 123, 124, 125, 128, 129, 13s, 143, 144, 147, 158, 159, 160, 163, 171, 175, 181, 190, 214, 215, 221, 228, 229, 272, 292; Letters, xxvi, xxxiv; Men-
Brandy, Acl concerning, 288, 293. Braxton, Carter, Burgefs, 3, 15, 16,
79, in, 114, 117, 119, 123, 128, 13s, 159, 181, 190,' lOI,' 221, 228, 229, 240. 308, 333; Signer of Ailociation, xlii.
tioned XXX, 35, 275; Proclamations, 140, 183, 184; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Bland, Richard, Burgefs, xxi, xxv, 3, 14, 15, 17, 18,
19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 35. 36. 37. 38, 39. 41, 42. 43. 50. 52. S3. 54, 58, 59. 60, 62, 70, 73, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 92. 93, 94, 97, 98, 100, 102, 106, 108, 109, no. III, 112, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122,
Bridger, James, Coroner of Ifle of Wight, 143. Briftol, Parifh, 81, 212. Briftow, Robert. Petitioner, 32. Britain, 127, 146, 148. Britifh Colonies, 149, 153, 168, 174. Britons, 165, 166, 171. Broadrib, John, Doorkeeper to the Houfe, 13, 144.
318, 319, 331, 332, 344. 346, Affociation, xlii. Bland, Theodorick, Mentioned, 86; Petitioner, 206, 208; Phyfician, 125.
302, 312, 315, 327, 330, 340. 343. 35. 35'. Signer of
144. 156, 173, 217, 255. 265, 277, 292, 303. 313, 328, 341.
145. 157, 174, 222, 236. 267, 278, 294, 304. 314, 329, 342,
46, 147. 148, 160, 161, 163, 182, 189, 190, 228, 232, 236, 257, 258, 259, 268, 269, 272, 279, 282. 283, 295, 296, 297, 305. 306. 308.
31, 32, 33, 34, 45. 47. 48, 49. 63, 64, 65, 68, 88, 89, 90, 91, 103, 104, 105, 113, 114, 115, 123, 124, 136, 149, 151, 153, 164, 165, 171, 197, 203, 206, 240. 246, 251, 260, 261, 263, 273, 274, 27s, 285, 286, 287, 298, 299, 301, 309. 310. 3". 321, 322, 325, 334, 336, 337, 347. 348, 349.
Broad Run,
Brock, Jofeph, Sheriff of Spotfylvania, 192, 208. Bromlield Parifh, Petition. 93. Bronaugh, William, 20. Brooke, George, Burgefs, 3, 16, 48, 79, 135.
Brown, Jeffe, 313. Brown, Peter, 193; Charged with Felony, 234. Brown, Robert, Phyfician, 125. Brown, W^illiam, Petitioner, 271, 277. Brown's Ferry, 311. Brunfwick, North Carolina, xxxv. Brunfwick County, 313, 314, 318; Burgeffes, 79, 135, i8i, 221, 295, 297; Eledtion of Burgeffes,
20; Meherrin Parifh, 154, 156, 204, 207. 247, 259, 279, 297, 319, 343, 345, 354; Petitions, 200, 218, 238, 258, 260, 269; Writs for eledling Burgeffes, 194, 230.
Bruton Church, Sermon by Rev. WiUiam 273 Sermon, 312. Buchanan, James, 208. Buchanan, John, Claimant, 30, 52. Buchanan, Neill, 208. Buchanan, Neill, Jr., 208.
Buckingham County,
268; Bill to annex Land, 197, 232, 276, 295, 304, 354Blandford Warehoufe, 72; Infpedlors, 271, 277. Blue Ridge Mountains, 259, 276; Road over, 264. Blue, Abraham, Claimant, 294. Blunt of Chenughiata, Indian Chief, xxx. Bob, A Slave, 25, 42.
282; Bill for 36; Burgeffes, 3, 79, 135, 181, 221; Eledtion of Burgeffes, 20; Fluvanna River, 31; Petitions, 254, 258, 270, 273, 274, 282, 293, 315; Writs for eledling Burgeffes, 194, 230.
CoUedtion of Taxes,
15, 80, 82, 136; JDeceafed, 143. Boiling, John, Burgefs, 3, 15, 43. 79, 92, 135, 136. Boiling, John, Sheriff of Goochland, 143. Boiling, Robert, Burgefs, 3, 15, 79, 85, 135, 181, 190, 191, 197, 211; Signer of Affociation,
Bull, 109. Bullett, Thomas, Affidavit, 89. Bunbur>', Thomas, Petitioner, 25.
Burgeffes, Addrefs to Governor, 335; Law regulating Eledlion, 317, 321, 325; Memorial, 299, 300, 301; Meffages from the Council,
113, 116, 117, 123, 125, 128, 129, 160, 172, 175. 176, 237, 298, 306, 330, 336, 341, 350. 352; Petition, Memorial and Remonftrance, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171; Salarj' in Money, 349, 351. Burglarj', 91. Burke, John, Petitioner, 270, 274. 164,
Bollingbroke, Warehoufe, 72; Infpedlors, 303, 329. Boiling's Point, Warehoufe, 218, 260, 269. Bonds, Copies of given by the late Treafurer, 60,
64. 67.
for proving,
Richard, Deceafed, 30, 44. Mentioned, 263. Botetovui; Cotmty, 305; Burgeffes, 221.
Norbome, Baron de, Governor of Virginia, vii, x, xxxvii, xlni, 187, 225; Iffues inftrudtions, xxxi, xxxv; Letters, xxxii, xxxiii; Memorial to, 334; Proclamations, 185, 223. 224. Boulden, Thomas, Petitioner, 217.
Boundaries eftablifhed, 1768, xxvii-xxx. Boundary Line, 227, 263, 264, 265; Extended, ix, xxvi-xxviii, xliii; Memorial to Governor concerning, 300, 301; Surveyed, 346. Bouquet, Henry, Col., 10, 57, 59, 63, 96, 153, 201,
212, 241, 257.
Burnett's Hills, xxix. Burnley, John, 30. Burnley, Zachariah, Burgefs, 3, 25, 79, 135. Burton, John, Burgefs, 221, 253, 338. Burton. Richard, Reimburfed, 96. Burton, William, 69. Burwell, James. 209, 340; Lands docked, 308, 347;
Petitioner, 209, 234. Lewis, (Gloucefter) 191, 221, 228, 229,
Burwell, Lewis, Qames City ) Appointed as Manager, xx; Burgefs, 3, 13, 14, 15, 53, 79, 118,
133. 143. 164, 181, 190, 210, 211, 221, 228, 234, 292, 308, 340, 347; Signer of Affociation, xlii.
Bouquet, Expedition, 82, 88, 152. Bowyer, John, Burgefs, 221. Bowyer, Thomas, 19. Boyd's Church, 231. Boyd's Hole. Warehoufe, 25, 32. Braddock, Edward, General, 24, Braddock. Road, 100, 109.
Bradford, Fifher, 93, loi. Bradford, Marj', 26, 35.
Burwell, Robert, Appointed to adminifter Oaths, 224, 225; Commiffioner, 187. Bufh, Michael, Claimant, 294. Byrd, Col. William. 41, 93; Appointed to adminifter Oaths, 224, 225; Commiffioner, 187;
Letter, 303.
191, 221, 320, 336, 342; Petitioner, 28, 31; Signer of Affociation. xUi.
Cabell, William, Jr., Burgefs, 3, 15, 36, 72, 73, 79, i35i ^S4' '8'i '9'' 211, 221, 228, 229, 311; Mentioned, 28, 31, 71, 151, 154, 156, 159, 161, 176; Petitioner, 148; Signer of Affociation, xlii.
31, 32, 55.
Charles 11, Mentioned, 153, 167, 169. Charles City County, Burgeffes, 3, 79, 135, 181, 221; EleAions, 20; Petition, 206; Writs for eledling Burgeffes, 194, 210, 230. Charles Town, Mentioned, xxvii, xxxiii, xxxv. Charlotte County, Burgeffes, 3, 79, 135, 181, 221, Parifh, 297; Cornwall 206; EleAion of Burgeffes, 20; Mentioned, 25, 204, 242, 315; Petitions, 57, 59, 198, 235, 246, 316, 321; Stavmton River, 206; Writs for elecfting Burgeffes, 194, 230, Cheat River, 141, 149. Cherokee, Boundary Line, xxxi, xliii, 226, 227, 257,
Cherokee Country, Mentioned, 29. Cherokee Indians, Mentioned, xxvi, xxxv, 34, 227, 300, 301, 335, 336, 346, 348; Expedition
XXX vi.
Cherokee River, xxviii, xxxi, xxxviii, 265, 300, 335. Chefapeak Bay, Mentioned, 21, 262, 296. Chefterfield County, Adl concerning, 122, 124, 125,
130; Bill
121, 123; Burgeffes, 107, 135, 181, 187, 221, 225; 20; Mentioned, 105, 36, 213;
Carrington, George, Mentioned, 71. Carrington, Paul, Burgefs, xxi, 3, 14, 15, 43, 47, 72,
79. 135. i^i. '9' 19'' 25' 221. 22^' 229, 273, 289, 292, 298, 311, 312, 323, 341, 344; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Carr's Creek, Mentioned, 159, 204, 238. Carter, Charles, (King George) Burgefs, 3, 15, 26, 31, 36, 64, 79, 102, 103, 122, 125, 135, 221, 229, 256, 268, 276, 278, 295, 340; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Carter, Charles, (Lancafter) Bill concerning, 195, 232, 279, 322, 333, 345; Burgefs, 3, 14, 15, 22, 79, 89, 93, 119, 135, 147. 181, 190, 191, 221, 228, 229, 268, 294, 327; Chairman of Committee to examine Treafurer's Accounts, xi; Lands to be fold, 33, 297; Lands vefted in, 273, 328, 332; Mentioned, xvii, 48, 62, 70, 73, 74, 76, 354; Petitioner, 26, 36, 198, 232; Signer of Affociation, xlii; Tenant in Fee Taille, 37, 59. Carter, Dale, Petitioner, 193, 198, 234. Carter, Edward, Burgefs, 3, 15, 43, 63, 69, 79, 87, 88, 135Carter, George, Mentioned, 18, 26, 41, 46, 49, 76. Carter, John, Adling Sheriff, 192; Appointed Sheriff, 208; Mentioned, 198, 232. Carter, Landon, Burgefs, xxi, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 25, 26, 28, 33, 37, 39, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49. 51. 53. 54. 56, 62, 68, 70, 73, 74, 80, 136; Petitioner, 258, 269. Carter, Robert, Appointed to adminifter Oaths, 224, 225; Commiffioner, 187; Mentioned, 198, 232, 327. Carter, Robert Wormeley, Burgefs, 222, 229, 328. Carter's Landing, Mentioned, 269. Carter's Run, Mentioned, 23, 31, 252, 255. Carthagena, Expedition to, 46, 314. Cartmill, Edward, Lieutenant, 71. 73.
Petition, 145; Town of Pocahontas, 61, 85; Writs for eledling Burgeffes, 194, 230. Chichefter, Richard, Mentioned, 332. Chichefter, Sarah, Mentioned, 333. Chilhowie People, Mentioned, xxvii. Chimnies, Mentioned, 271. China Ware, 149. Chipoake's Creek, Warehoufes on, 331. Chifwell, Mrs., Mentioned, 281. Chifwell's Mine, Mentioned, xxvi, xxvii, xxx, xxxi,
XXX vi,
David, Claimant, 103; Reimbtu^ed, Chizem, Thomas, Mentioned, 88. Chriftian, Ifreal, Mentioned, 29, 30, 62.
William, burfed, 96.
Chuckatuck Creek and Bay, Mentioned, 267. Cider, concerning, 288, 293. Cilby, William, Claimant, 83. Claiborne, Auguftine, Petitioner, 36. Claiborne, Henry, Biu-gefs, 181, 190, 191. Claiborne, Mary, Petitioner, 36. Claiborne, Thomas, Burgefs, 135, 136, 181; Claimant, 103; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Clayton, William, Burgefs, 3, 16, 79, 135, 181, 191, 221, 229, 337; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Clendening, John, Mentioned, 348. Clerk's Office, Report of Committee, 51.
Cloyde, David, Claimant, 96. Cobbs, Thomas, Mentioned, 204, 206, 242, 315. Cocke, Bowler, Jr., Biu-gefs, 3, 26, 47, 79, 135, 159,
xii, xxi, 3, 11, 13, 22, 24, 26, 32, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58, 60, 61, 68, 72, 75. 79. 84. 85, 88, 90, 91, 92, 95,
14, 15,
104, 105, 107, 108, no, III, 112, 115, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122, 124, 13s. 142, 143. 144. 145. 147, 150. 153. 154. 158. 159. 160, 162, 163, 175, 181, 187, 188, 190, 191, 195, 207, 212, 221, 225, 226, 228, 235, 252, 255, 257, 261, 265, 268, 272, 283, 286, 289, 290, 332, 346, 348, 349; Report from, xxxii; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Cary, Richard, Clerk to the Committee for Religion and Trade, 192, 230; Petitioner, 17. Cary, Wilfon Miles, Burgefs, 3, 15, 17, 33, 53. 79, 135, 145, 147, 162, 164, 181, 190, 191, 221, 228, 229, 308, 309; Naval Officer, 63; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Cat Point, Warehoufe, Infpedtors, 236, 239. Cattle, Bills concerning, in, 115, 116
44, 50, 70, 71, 96, 97, 113, 114, 125, 128, 151. 152, 172, 174, 198, 199, 236, 239, 273, 282,
Coleman, Francis, Burgefs, 181, 191. Coles, Ifaac, Candidate, 231. Coles, Walter, Accufed of fcandal, 209; Burgefs, 3, 27, 67, 79, 92, 135, 221, 320, 347, 352; Charges againft Terry, 212, 213, 341; Claimant, 61, 68; Mentioned, 206, 231, 243, 244; Refolve concerning, 214. College, (William and Mary) Burgeffes, 3, 79, 135, 181, 221; Eledtion, 20; Writs for eleAing Btu-geffes, 194, 230. Colony, Financial diftrefs, xliv; Report of Committee on, 115, 116. Colour, 227. Colquhoun, Samuel, Appointed to examine Witneffes, 307. Colvin, James, Mentioned, 88.
18, 215.
Conaguiefo, Indian Chief, Mentioned, xxx. Contingent Expenfes, 350. Convention, Mentioned, 349. Conway, General, Mentioned, viii. Cook, Elizabeth, Petitioner, 22, 55. Cooke, James, Petitioner, no, in.
Copper Money,
Corbin, Gawin, Burgefs,
191, 221. 228, 229.
Debts, A(ft concerning, 42; Colonial, x-xii. Deeds, 74, 75. 35Deep Creek, Warehoufe Infpedtors, 235, 252. Delaney. Henry, Burgefs, 3, 15, 79, 135.
Corbin, Richard, Appointed to adtninifter Oaths, 187; Petitioner, 224, 225; Commiffioner,
319. 325. 329-
Andrew, Claimant,
Delaware Indians, 57, 59, 63, Delaware River, xxviii. Delloy, Henry, Claimant, 294. Denton, Capt. Abraham, 71.
Derby's, 160.
Deferters, 97.
David, Claimant, 294. Edward, Jr., Claimant, 294. Mentioned, 68, 217.
Petitions, 19S, 206, 235. Cotton, Bounty on, 332. Couchenor, Jacob, Petitioner, 256. Council, Governor's Addreffes, 52, 59, 60, 64, 72, 75, 131, 199, 233, 355; Meflages to Burgeffes, II, 113, 116, 117, 123, 125, 128, 129, 160, 164, 172, 175, 176, 237, 298, 306, 330, 336, 341, 345, 350, 352; Petition, Memorial and Remonitrance, 165, 166, 167, 168, i6g, 170, 171. Court Day, A&. to alter, 116, 148, 153, 154, 156, 161; Altered 102, 130, 253, 258; Mentioned, 54, 56, 64, 91, no, 115, 117, 273. Court Houfe, Erecfted, 90, 114; Mentioned, 102, 115, 117; Site feledled, 118. Courts, Jurifdiclion xxxviii. Monthly, 276, 296,303, 307; Quarterly, 276, 296. 303, 307. Courts Martial. Mentioned, 290. Coiu-ts of Huftings, 72, 235. Courts of Juftice, 63. Cowherd, James, Mentioned, 88. Cox. John, Clerk, 231, 243, 244. Cox, Ifaac, Mentioned, 88.
Comwall, Parifh.
DeSiqueyra, John, Doctor, 99, 100, no. Dettengen Parifh, 195, 266; A(5l concerning, 333,
342. 351. 352. 354; Petition, 271, 306.
Dewiffes Comer,
Diafcun Creek,
4, 14, 15, 53, 80, 118, 129, 136, 143, 158, 164, 176, 182, 190. 211, 222, 272, 286, 308, 314, 340, 352; Member of
4, 14, 15, 80, 118, 136, 143. 147, 161, 162, 164, 165, 182, 190, 211, 222, 228. Dinwiddie County, 85, 105; A6t concerning, 122, 124. 125, 130; Bill concerning, 121, 123;
geffes, 3, 79,87, 13s, 181, 221; Petition, 145; Writ for elecfling Burgeffes, 194, 230.
Coxe's Road, Mentioned, 58. Crane, James, Petitioner, 81, 86. Creagh, John, Appointed Doorkeeper, 144, 190, 228; Reimburfed, 174. Criminals, Trial of, 108. Crips, Zachary, Mentioned, 327, 339, 342, 343, 345,
354, Crockett, John, Reimburfed, 96. Crouche's Creek, A(ft to increafe Ferriage, 109, in, 114, 116, 130, 201, 238, 258; Mentioned, 105. Crow, A(5l concerning, 217, 251, 256. 271, 272, 282,
353Fortunatus, Mentioned, Crutchiield, 203; 193, Petitioner, 89, 107. Crutchfield's Warehoufe, 242, 247, 251. 316. 319, 338. 344Culpeper County, Burgeffes, 3, 37. 55. 79, 135, 181, 20: Expenfes 221; EleSlion of Burgeffes, of Militia. 96; Juftices, loi; Le\'j' on Tithables, 104; Mentioned, 49, 89, 102, 291, 305; Militia, 83, 256, 291, 355; Petition, Bromfield Parifh, 93; St. Mark's Parifh, 29, 30, 41, 196, 203, 238, 259, 279, 297, 312, 320, 354; Writs for elediing Burgeffes, 194, 230. Cumberland County, Burgeffes, 3, 79, 107, 135, 136. 181, 221; Dividing Line, 279; Ele(5lions, 20; Mentioned, 87, 314; Petitions, 275, 279, 322, 346; Southam Parifh, ig6; Writs for eledling Burgeffes. 143. 194, 230. Ctmiberland River, Mentioned, xxxviii.
Dinwiddie, Robert, Governor of Virginia, xxxvii; Proclamation, 317, 318. Dipple Landing, 55, 283^ Dire(5tory, Propofal for Printing, 298. Difhman, James, Petitioner, 236, 252.
xxiii, 67, 281. Diffenters, 194, 205, 267. Dix, John, 27. 31, 55, 61; Petitioner. 22, 25. Dixon, John, Petitioner, 17, 18, 266, 277; Reimburfed, 299; Printer, 354. Dixon, Roger, Burgefs, 222, 229, 293, 295, 302, 303, 33S; Petitioner. 192, 207. Doggett. Richard, Petitioner, 89, 91 ,98 Dogs, Tax on, 289. Donaldfon, Robert, Petitioner, 44, 52, 56, 76. Doncaftle's Warehoufe, 281. Donelfon, John, Burgefs, 181, 191, 228, 229, 352; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Doorkeeper, Petition, 61. Dover, a Tract of Land, 272, 313. Doyley's. 147, 160. Drew, Dolphin, Burgefs, 3, 16, 79, 135. Dryfdale Parifh, 327. Dudley, Thomas, Petitioner, 288. 316. Dumfries, Town of, 306; Petition, 292; Tobacco Infpecftion, 210, 238.
Difmal Swamp,
Cumberland, Duke of. Mentioned, vii, ix. Cunningham, Robert, 308. Cunningham, Captain Walter, 108, 201, 202, 241,
242; Mentioned, 109; Petitioner, 63, 52, 348. Curie, Nicholas, WUfon Mentioned, 81, 84. Currency, Scheme for emitting, 128; Report, 125,
Eaft Cheap, Warehoufe eftablifhed, 86. Eaftland Trades, 153. Edmondfon, James, Burgefs, 221, 229, 257. Edmondfon. William, Reimbvirfed. 96. Edmimds, John, Burgefs, 4, 16, 80, 136, 144, 160,
182, 191, 222, 320.
Edwards, Nathaniel,
221. 229.
Jr., Burgefs, 181, 191, 211, 337; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Edwards, William. Petitioner, 254, 257. Eidfon, John, Petitioner, 236, 239. Elizabeth City County, 48, 50; Burgeffes, 3, 54, 135, 181, 221; Court Day, 116, 130; 79, Ele(flion, 20; Hampton, 246; Petition, 81, 84, 93; Writ for elefting Burgeffes, 194,
Attempt to borrow
in, xxi.
Dangerfield's Mill, 35. Dan River, 22, 25, 55, 61, 200, 205, 206, 274; Ferry acrofs, 315. 321.
245, 26o;
258, 269;
Writ for
Estatoe, xxxv, xxxvi. Europe, 21, 195; Articles imported, xli; 328, 331. Euftace, Hancock, Account againft Colony, 97
Petitioner, 87.
Stanwix, xxix, xxx, xxxvii; Treaty, xxvi, xxviii, xxx, xxxii. Fort William, 57, Fortune, A Slave, 200, 232. Fox, John, Petitioner, 344. France, 187, 225, 265, 300. Francis, Thomas, Deceafed, 13, 14. Francis, William, 17; Petitioner, 13, 14. Franklin, William, Governor of N. J., xxx. Frederick County. Burgeffes, 3, 79, 135, i8i, 221, 334; Eledlions, 18, 19, 20, 83; Frederick
Parifh, 89, gi, 97, 106, no, 130, 303, 313, 314. 318, 331, 350, 351, 352, 354; Juftices, loi; Levy on Tithables, 104; Mecklenburg, 100, 121, 122, 123, 129; Mentioned, 18, 19, 22 45, 84, 102, 162, 202, 204, 238, 241 Militia, 91, 96, 256, 308; Militia Claims fettled, 355; Petition, 100, 109, 266, 269; Potowmack River, 255; Writ for eledling Burgeffes, 194, 262. Frederick Parifh, Adl concerning, 114; Bill concerning, 314, 318, 350, Minifter's 351; Salary, 97, 106, no, 130, 303, 331; Petition, 91, 313; Reimburfed, 352, 354. Frederickfburg, 262, 266.
, ;
112, 114, 116, 117, 135, 151, 158, 159, 181, 191, 210, 211, 248, 253, 257, 260, 262, 268, 274, 278, 288, 295, 296, 299, 312, 313, 328, 338, 344, 347; Petitioner, 21, 60, 97, 103; Signer of Affociation, xlii.
Elecgeffes, 34, 79, 135, 181, 221, 276, 340; tion of Burgeffes, 20; Militia, 204, 235; Petition of Inhabitants, 34, 247, 253, 255, 269; Truro Parifh, 30, 38, 41. 45. 47. 5. 5^, 75. 332; Writ for eledling Burgeffes, 194, 230. Fairfax, George William, Appointed to adminifter Oaths, 224, 225; Commiffioner, 187. Fairs, Eftablifhed, 121, 122, 123, 129, 271, 273. Farmer, Lodowick, Burgefs, 221, 229, 253, 313.
French, 46.
French and Indian Wars, x, xii. Frontier, Adl for Opening a Road through, 117; Bill for Opening Road through, 113, 115,
123, 129; Protedlion, 57; Settlements, Fry, Henry, 88; Petitioner, 63, 69, 87. Furs, Duty on, 268, 272.
Fauntleroy, Moore. Mentioned, 22, 27. Fauntleroy, William, Petitioner, 18. Fauquier Cotmty, Bill for Colle<ftion of Publick Levy, 36; Burgeffes, 3, 37, 79, 135, 136, 181, 221, 276, 290, 297; Claim, 94, 105; Court,
Gage, General,
198,211,233,270, 279, 297, 319, 338, 345.354; Mentioned, 49, 75, 89, 305, 332, 333; Militia Claims fettled, 355; Petition, 23, 31, 252,
265; Writ for eledling Burgeffes,
Gaines, Francis, Petitioner, 288, 316. Gaines, Henry, Burgefs, 3, 15, 79, 136; Deceafed,
147146, 200, 261, 282; County, 217, 232, Fever, gi, 107, 112, 114, 116, 130, Keeper, 143, 354; Public, 120, 150, 171, 193, 207, 234, 239, 247, 267, 283, 305 Salary of Keeper, 62. Gaoler, Public, 121, 143, 283. Garland, David, Lands docked, 292, 297, 298, 325, 340, 345, 354; Petitioner, 289.
237; 293;
159, 303,
Garrett, William, Claimant, 28. Gafkins, Thomas, Biirgefs, 3, 16, 35, 79, 135. General Affembly, 54, 63; Adls printed and bound, 277; Journals, 152; Officers Reimburfed, 174; Salaries of Officers, 65. Genitoe Bridge, 322, 346.
40, 83, g4, 113, 114, 117, 154. 213, 236, 248, 255, 26g, 272, 298, 317, 318, 330. George III, Mentioned, viii, x, xxix, 187, 223, 224, 225; Obelifk in Honor of, 48; Statue, ix, 3^. George, William, Signer of Affociation, xliii.
II, Mentioned, 39, 118. 13. 15. 153. 258, 25g, 261, 268, 321. 325. 328, 32g,
German Emigrants,
Finley's Point, 332, 338. Fifh, 23, 252, 255; A6t concerning, 246; Bill concerning, 293; Petition concerning, 216, 239. Fifher, John, 247. Fifher, Maddox, 248. Fifher, Philip, Deceafed, 247. Fifher, Thomas, Lands docked, 278, 354; Petitioner,
Lands docked,
Fitzhugh, William, Petitioner, 17, 20, 39, 54. Fleming, John, Burgefs, xx, xxi, 3, 14, 25, 70, 72, 79, 107, 125, 136; Deceafed, 143.
Flour, 61, 320, 352; Infpetftion, 47, 52. Fluvanna River, 28, 148, 276; Ferry, 31, 151, 154, 156, 161, 176, 270, 273; Iflands in, 286, 297,
298, 353-
107, no; Refolve con116, 131. Gillifon, James, Petitioner, 106. Gilmer, John. 61. Gingafkin Indians, 248, 255. Gift, Thomas, Signer of Affociation, xliii. Glafs, 227; Duty on, 146. Glaffcock, Thomas, Burgefs, 182, 199, 211; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Gloucefter County, Burgeffes, 3, 79, 135, 181, 221; Eledlion of Burgeffes, 20; Gaol, 282, 330; Mentioned, 212, 293, 302, 327, 344; Petfworth Parifh, 293; Ware Parifh, 293, 327, 337. 339. 342, 343. 345. 354; Writ for eleaing Biu-geffes, 194, 230. Goddin, Ifaac, 35. Godwin, Bofwell, Petitioner, 303, 329. Godwin, Jonathan, Appointed to examine Witneffes, 307. Godwin. Thomas, Petitioner, 237, 252, 303, 329. Goff. William O'Bryan. Petitioner, 30, 43. Gooch, Sir William, Governor of Virginia, xxxvii,
Byrd, 87. Cumberland, 308, 314, 322, 334, 338, 349. Johnfon, xxxv.
Lewis, 30, 45. Pitt, xxix, 100, 107, 109, 240, 257 Adl concerning, 123, 129; Bill concerning, 113, 115, 117.
Goochland County,
Bill for altering Court Day, 153. 154, 156. 161. 176; Burgeffes, 3, 79, 135, 136, 181, 221; Dover and Beaver Dam, 313; Eledlion, 20; Mentioned, 272; Petition, 148; Writ for eledling Burgefs, 143, 194, 230.
70, 116; Addrefs from the Houfe, 57, 59, 60, 64, 72, 199, 233, 328, 341, 355; Memorial to, 299, 300, 301; Sleffage from, 26, 75,
Bill to
Parifh, Lands fold, 268, 276, 278; Mentioned, 256, 295, 299, 354. Hard Labour, Treaty, xxW, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii. Harmanfon, John, Burgefs, 3, 15, 4^, 79, 135, 181, 191 Signer of Affociation, xlii.
Benjamin, Appointed Manager, xx; Harrifon, Burgefs, 3, 11, 14, 15, 16, 33, 34, 42, 43, 47,
48, 53. 69, 70, 79, 95, 104, 116, 117, 118, 119, 135. 143. 144. 151. 154, 158. 163, 172, 175, 181, 190, 191, 211, 215, 221, 228, 229, 263, 268, 274, 275, 278, 288, 294, 302, 30s, 310, 318, 337, 340. 350; Member of Committee, xi. Harrifon, Thomas, Burgefs, .}, 15, 31, 79, 135, i8i, igi, 204, 272; Petitioner, 290; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Slave, 36. Harry, Harwood, John, Petitioner, 24, 32. Harwood, Samuel, Mentioned, 206. Harwood, William, Burgefs. 4, 15, 80, 136, 182, 190. 191, 222, 238, 229. Hawkin's Branch, 197. Hawkin's Run, 245.
Granville, Lard, xxxvii. Gray, Edwin, Burgefs, 182, 191, 222, 229, 289, 337; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Gray. Jofeph, Burgefs, 4. 15, 21, 80, 136, 151. Gray's Creek Warehoufe, Infpe<ftors, 254, 257. Great Britian, Commerce, 282; Conftitution, 215; Dominions extended, 265 Houfe of Commons, 4";; Iffue of Treafury Notes forbidden by, x; Lands ceded by Cherokees, xxvi; Legiflature, Parliament and Liberty, 165, 166; Mentioned, xix, xxi, xxxv, xii, xliii,
12, 13, 16, 21. 23, 26, 34, 37. 38, 46, 48, 53. 56, 59, 87, 115, 126. 127, 128, 145. 146, 153, 157, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174,
175. 177. 187, 189, 195, 199, 200, 210, 214, 216, 225, 264, 265, 300, 335; Parliament. 16, 146, 148, 157, 158, 170, 171, 189; Parliament AAs, xxxviii; Patriots, 171; Settlements, xxix; SubjeAs in America, 13, 69, 214; Rights of SubjeAs, ix.
Hemp, Bounty
Great Conoho-nay River, See Kanawha. Great Falls, 338. Great Ifland. xxxN^i. Great Kanhawa River. See Kanawha. Green, John, Burgefs, 181, 191; Signer of Affociation,
River, 23, 31, 252, 255. on, 282; InfpetSion, 210, 253, 264; Mentioned, loi; Warehoufe, 115, 116, 123,
Henderfon. John, Mentioned, 69. Henrico County, Burgeffes, 3, 79, 135, 181, 221; Elecflion, 20; Mentioned, 320, 317, 354;
Green, Lewis. 22, 25, 31, 55, 61. Green, William, 71.
Greenhill. Pafchall, Burgefs,
222, 229, 270. Greenland Trades, Mentioned, 153. Grenolds, Elijah, 332, 338. Grub, Benjamin, Petitioner, 162, 202, 212, 241, 242. Grymes, Benjamin, Burgefs, 4, 15, 43, 80, 136, 182, 191, 208, 222, 255, 295, 309. Grymes, Philip Ludwell, Burgefs, 181, 191, 221, 229; Signer of Affociation, xlii.
145; 255,
Henrj' VIH, Mentioned, 214. Henry, John. Memorial of. 21, 55; Petitioner, 144,
149, 266.
Henry, Patrick,
Jr., Burgefs, 3, 14, 15. 24, 47. S3. 60, 72, 74, 79, 104, 116, 117, 122, 135, 181, 190, 191, 215, 221, 230, 261, 265, 268, 278, 285, 287, 291, 314, 319, 336, 338; Mentioned, XX Signer of Affociation, xlii. Henry, William Wirt, Mentioned, xx, xxxviii.
Hicks, William, Doorkeeper, 144, 190, 228; Reimburfed, 174. Higginfon. Robert, Petitioner, 193, 207, 234. Hillfborough, Earl of, Letters, xxxiii, xxxiv, 275, 330; Mentioned, 227, 341; Secretary of Colonies, ix,
Lot, Claimant, 256. Hackley's Ferry, 319, 325, 329. Halifax Cotmty, Antrim Parifh, 35, 47. 5. ^7. 7. 75; Burgeffes 3, 79, 135, 181, 221; Court Houfe, 242; Dan River, 206, 321; Eledlion, 20, 246; Mentioned, ix, 22, 25, 27, 58, 200, 204, 205, 206, 213, 242, 254, 262, 274, 315; Petitions, 44. 57, 59, 316, 321; Retiun on Writ for elediing Burgeffes, 230, 231 Sheriflf, 206, 232; Writs for eledling Burgeffes, 194, 230, 232, 242. Hall, Anne, Lands docked, no, 130; Mentioned, 86, 87, 90, 92; Petitioner, 82. Hall, John, Mentioned, 86, 87, 90, 92, no, 131; Petitioner, 82. Hamilton, James, Burgefs, 3. 15, 71, 79, 135, 181, 191, 204, 221, 257; Signer of Affociation,
Abraham, Burgefs,
Reimburfed, 106; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Hite. Jacob, Mentioned, 19. Hite. John, Claimant. 308. HLx, Nathaniel, Deceafed, 56; Doorkeeper, 13.
Hix, William, Petitioner, 56, Hogs, Adl concerning, 109, 112, 121, 122, 123, 130, 246, 253, 258; Mentioned, 106, 271.
Hood's, Infpe(5lion at, 81, 82. Hook, James, Mentioned, 311, 315. Hopkins. Arthur, Mentioned, 69. Hord, Thomas, Claimant, 36, 39.
Horfe Hire,
338, 233; Petitions, 195, 211, 266, 270. Hampfhire County, Burgeffes, 3, 79, 135, 181, 221, 334; Eledlions, 18, 19, 83; Mentioned, 18, 19, 22, loi; Militia, 71, 87, 293, 294; Militia Claims fettled, 355; Petitions, 100, 109; Writs for eledling Burgeffes, 194, 230. Hampton, Mentioned, 21, 49, 60, 61, 97, 103, 258; Petition, 246. Handy, William, Petitioner, 57, 60. Hanover County, Burgeffes, 3, 4, 48. 79, 108, 112, 135, 181', 221, 276; Eledlion of Burgeffes, 20; Inhabitants Reimburfed, 286, 297, 327, 341, 345, 354; Infpedlion, 40; Land and Cattle owned by Robinfon, 281 Mentioned, xxiii, XXV, 13, 29, 42, 66, 102; North Wales, 198, 233; Petitions, 193, 195, 203, 206, 242, 251; St. Martin's Parifh, 36, 109, 112, 117, 119, 123, 130; Writs for elecfling Burgeffes, 38, 194, 230.
Houghland, HenTy, Mentioned, 88. Houghland, Richard, Mentioned, 88. Houfe of Burgeffes, Addrefs to Governor, 23. 24; Clerk appointed, 1 7 Doorkeeper appointed,
17; Journals Report, 29; Speaker's Salary, 44; Standing Orders, 323, 324, 325; Affociation of May, 17, 1769, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxvui, xxxix, xl, xli, xlii, xliii. Howard, Benjamin, Burgefs, 181, 191, 221, 229; Ferry eftablifhed, 270; Signer of Affociation, xlii.
Hudgin, Aaron Petitioner, 239. Hudgin, Marj', Petitioner, 239. Hungar's Ferr\', Mentioned, 97. Hungar's Parifh, Adl concerning, 267, 274, 288, 294, Mentioned, 304, 305; 354; Lands leafed,
247; Petitions, 248, 255.
Hunter, William, Deceafed, 57. Hunting Creek, Mentioned, 332, 338. Hurricane, Mentioned, 305.
Court, 314.
3, 16, 33, 37, 56, 79, 135, 181, 190, 191, 221, 228, 229; Signer of Aftociation, xlii.
Hyland, Robert, Doorkeeper, igo; Mentioned, 17, 14; Reimburfed, 13, 144, 228; Petitioner,
Johnfton, George, Burgefs, 4. Johnfton, Peter, Burgefs, 182, 190, 191, 215, 228, 229; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Jones, Gabriel, Attorney, 19; Burgefs, 181, 190, 191, 211, 221, 228, 229, 265, 302, 308, 312; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Jones, James, Enfign, 71. Jones, John, Mentioned, 81, 84. Jones, Lewellin, Lands docked, 107, 114, 115, 117,
130; Petitioner, 105. Jones, Mofias, Mentioned, 69. Jones, Richard, Petitioner, 205, 206. Jordan, Samuel, Burgefs, 3, 16, 31, 79, 135. Journal of the Hoxife of Burgeffes, 72, 152. iudd's Friend, Indian Chief, xxxv, xxxvi. uries, Adl concerning, 65, 73.
Importation, Mentioned, xl. Indians, A(5t concerning, 259; Affairs, 264, 275, 300, 29; Engage335; Chiefs, xxxiv; Country, ments, 318; Expeditions, 82, 88; Goods, 62; Hunting Grounds, 69; Mentioned, 20,
32. 37. 46, 50, 149, 159, 253, 255, 260, 261, 265, 300, 336; Protection againft, 326; Refolve concerning, 148; Towns, 153, 201, 241; Trade, 66; Treaties, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, xxix, XXX, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxviii; War, loi, 141; xxxvi, xxxvii, Women, 267, 275, 295, 304. Infanticide, 83. Ingham, John, Letter relative to, 252. Ingles, Capt. William, 29, 62. Innes, Hugh, Burgefs, 181, 191, 222, 228, 229, 352; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Innholders, Petition, 276, 277. Infane, Provifions for, 12, j^, 310. Infolvent Debtors, 153, 160, 164, 268. 30,
River, Mentioned, xxvi, xxvii, xxix, xxxi, xxxvii, xxxviii, 264, 265, 300, 335.
of, 95.
Kennedy's, Mentioned, 283, 315. Kennon's Warehoufe, 206. Kentucky, Mentioned, xliv. Kidd, Henry, Petitioner, 200, 207, 232.
Killer, Lieut.
Signer of Affociation,
Infpe(?tors, Receipts
and Books,
Infurredlions, A&. concerning, 40, 43, 46, 47, 52, 75; Provifion againft, 248, 264, 275, 294, 304. concerning, 35, 40, 46, 47, 52; MenInvafions, tioned, 43, 71, 75; Provifion againft, 248, 264, 275, 294, 304. Ireland, Manufactures, xli; Mentioned, 187, 225. Irwin, Thomas, Petitioner, 93, 97. Ifle of Wight County, Burgeffes, 3, 79, 135, 136, 181, 221, 310; Eledlion of Biu-geffes, 20; Lands added to, 319, 333, 339, 342, 345. 354; Mentioned, 209, 234, 247, 267, 308, 313, 340; Newport Parifh, 267 Writs for eledling Burgeffes, 143, 194, 230.
Burgeffes, 3, 4, 55, 79, 108, 181, 221; Deputy-Sheriff, 291; 135, Election, 20; Land and Cattle owned by Robinfon, 281; Mentioned, xiii, xxiii, 13, 66; Shephard's and Turner's Ware49, houfes, 288; Warehoufes, 316; Writs for eledling Burgeffes, 38, 194, 230.
338; Bill
new modelBoundary
3, 79, 90, 135, 221, 295; Eledlion, 20; Hanover Par256, 268, 276, 278, 295, 299, 354; Mentioned, 22, 36, 49, 62, 73, 74, 75, 76, 102, 103; Writ for eledling Burgeffes, 190, 230, 262; Petition, 337. William Coimty, Burgeffes, 3, 79, 108, 112, 135. 136, 181, 221; Eledlion, 20; Inhabitants Reimburfed, 286, 297, 327, 341, 345, 354;
Land and
owned by Robinfon,
xxiii, 35, 40, 66, 102, 193, 203, 251; St. David's Parifh, 40; Writ for
Slave, 194.
Jackfon, Jacob, Claimant, 109, 201, 202, 241, 242. ackfon, Ralph, Mentioned, 213. See Gaol. Jail. James City County, Bill for dividing, 42, 43, 75; Boundary Line, 333, 342, 345; Burgeffes, 3. 79. 135. 154. 1^2. iSi. 22I. 234; Eledlion of Burgeffes, 13, 20; Land and Slaves owned by Robinfon, 281; Mentioned, xxiii, 45, 49, 66, 83, 95; Petitions, 31, 35, 87, 93, 98, 258;
258; Tvitty's Neck, 279; Writs for eledling Burgeffes, 38, 194, 230, 262. River, Mentioned, 63, 196, 197, 204, 216, 218, 238, 239, 246, 260, 267, 271, 275, 279.
King's Creek, Mentioned, 262, 296. Kirkendall, Nathaniel, Mentioned, 19. Kinfale, Mentioned, 52, 83. Kitockton Creek, Mentioned, 311, 315. Kittanning, Mentioned, xxix. Kuykendall, Abraham, Petitioner, 318,
"Lady Virginia,"
Lancafter County,
Lancafter, Mentioned,
to Increafe Ferriage, 114; Bill concerning, iii, 116; Burgeffes, 3, 4, 79, 135, 181, 221; Ele(5lion of Burgeffes, 13, 20; Ferriage, 103, 105, 109, 130, 201, 238, 258;
Alter Court Day, 89, 91, 116, 130; Boundary Reformed, Burgeffes, 338; 3, 37, 79. 95, 135, 181, 221; Davis's and Loury's Warehoufes, 193, 234; Deep Creek Warehoufe, 235, 252; Eledlion, 20; Mentioned, 198, 310; Petitions, 40, 44; Writ for eledling Burgeffes, 194, 230. Lane, James, Signer of Affociation, xliii. Lane, William Sealy, Petitioner, 331.
Bill to
Land Tax,
Jefferfon, Thomas, Burgefs, 181, 189, 190, 191, 221, 228, 229, 262, 296, 298, 308, 310, 316, 317; Mentioned, xx; Signer of Affociation, xlii; Statement of, xxi. Johnfon, Elizabeth, Mentioned, 279. Johnfon, Fort, Mentioned, xxxiv.
Laurel HiU, Mentioned, 265, 300, 335. Lavie, James, Doorkeeper, 13, 144,
Reimburfed, 174. Lawrel Hill, See Laurel Hill. Lawfon, Chriftopher, Petitioner, 288. Lawfon, Daniel, Petitioner, 288. Lawfon, John, Mentioned, log. Lead Mine Company, 281. Leather, Damaged, 277; Manufacturers' Petition,
203, 206, 247, 258.
R. Walker, Claimant, 52, 96. Richard, Claimant, 56, 60. Sarah, Petitioner, 57. Thomas, Burgefs, 181, 191,
LeGrand, James, Mentioned, 274, 321. LeGrand, Peter Burgefs, 3, 16, 7g, 136; Coroner,
221; Signer
of Affociation,
Johnfon, Walter, Claimant, 30. Johnfon, Sir William, Supt. of Indian Affairs, xxviii, xxix, xxx, xxxii, xxxiv, xxxvii, 57,
141, 149.
Lee, Francis Lightfoot, Burgefs, xxi, 3, 14, 15, 53, 79, 95, 118, 135, 143, 145, 147, 158, 159, 164, 222, 228, 229. Lee, Henry, Burgefs, 4, 15, 80, go, 91, g2, loi, 102, 103, log, III, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 125, 136, 160, 162, 164, 182, 190, 191, 198, 205,
Lyons, Peter, Robinfon's Adminiftrator,
163, 280.
222, 228, 229. 237. ?5?. 3II..333. 338. 339. 349; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Lee, John. Burgefs, 3, 15. 27, 43, 47, 79, 94, 135, 160. Lee, Kendall, Lands docked, 94, 99, 103, no, 130;
4, 15, 47, 71, 80, 88, 90, 94, 95, 99, 103, 104, 136, 145. 182, 191, 199, 205, 211, 222, 228, 229, 316, 333; Signer of
McCarroll, Nathaniel, Claimant, 109. M'Carty, Daniel, Bill concerning, 340; Lands docked, 336, 341, 347; Petitioner, 332.
Affociation, xlii, Lee, Richard Henn.', Burgefs, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16,
42, 43, 51, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 88, 91, 95, 104, 136, 182, 189, 198, 201. 215, 222, 226, 228, 240, 248, 251, 264, 265, 268, 295. 297. 32, 304. 35. 3". 328, 331, 332, 334, 337. 338, 62, 70, 80, 84, 190, 191, 194, 229, 233, 237, 273, 282, 294, 314, 322, 323.
343, 349; Mentioned, xviii, Affociation, xlii; Statement of for Treafurerfhip, xiv.
McCarty, Michael, Petitioner, 13, 14, 17. McClanahan, Elijah, Petitioner, 20, 32. McClure, Halbert, Petitioner, 159. McCulloch, Capt. John, 71. McCollough, Benjamin, Claimant, 109. McCormack. Daniel. Reimburfed, 96. McDonald, James, Claimant, 96. McDowell, James, Claimant, 96; Mentioned, McKathey, James, Reimburfed, 96. McKee, Alex. Letter of, xxx. McLanachan, Alexander, Petitioner, 63. McLanachan, John, Petitioner, 57, 59, 63. McNeil, Col. John, Account of 106. M'Neill, Thomas, Claimant, 293. Mace, Mentioned, 226.
Macon, TMUiam,
Jr.. Burgefs. 181. 191, 221, 229, 338; Signer of Affociation, xlii.
xxxi; Mentioned,
58, 63.
xxxiii, xxxviii, 30, 45, 57, 59, 87, 91, 231, 243. Lewis, Capt. Charles, 61. Lewis, Charles, Petitioner, 63. Lewis, Fielding, Burgefs, 4, 15, 16, 29, 53, 54, 80, 123. 136. 191.
Magna Charta,
26. 35.
Malchapungo Creek,
of Virginia, 21.
Lewis, John, Petitioner, 63, 271, 277. Lewis, Thomas, Mentioned, 96. Library of Congrefs, vii. Light Houfe, 117, 119, 143. Lightfoot, Armftead, Lands docked, 286, 289, 295, 307, 310, 318; Petitioner, 272, 313. Ligbtfoot, Philip, Deceafed. 313. Lightning, Mentioned, 58. Ligon, Jofeph, Petitioner, 200, 206, 274, 315. Linen, Bounty on, 332. Liquor, Adl concerning, 40, 48, 322; Duty upon, 55. 59. 68, 248, 250, 350; Mentioned; 63, 75, 277, 342; Sale Reftritfted, 94, 115, 117, 282, '302. Littlepage, James, Burgefs, 4; Deceafed, 13; Mentioned, 198, 233. Littlepage's Warehovife, Infpedtion, 262. Little Roanoke River, 27, 31; Petition, 25. Loan Office, Robinfon's Connexion with, xix, XX, xxi. Lochabar, Treaty, xxx\Tii, xliii. Lomax, Mr., 119.
Matthew, Burgefs,
297. 307-
Marfhall, George, BUI concerning, 256, 268, 276, 295. 354: Lands Confirmed to, 299. Marfhall, Thomas, Burgefs, 3, 16, 71, 79, 135, 136, 221, 257, 272, 291. 302; Report concerning Eledtion of, 290, 291; Sheriff, 147. Martin, John, Claimant, 34. 41 Petitioner, 236, 252. Martin, Robert, Claimant, 69, 96.
32, 55;
Duty on
London, Mentioned,
Loft River, Mentioned, 71. Lotteries, Mentioned, 210, 257, 271, 290. 299. Loudoim County, Bill concerning, 267, 331, 351: Burgeffes, 3, 54. 79. '35. 181, 221, 276, 340; Cameron Parifh, 35, 38, 198, 203, 211, 233;
Kennedy's, 283; Mentioned, 22, 33, 39, 42, 46, 47. 52. 55. 75. 84. 100, 143, 249, 251, 293, 311, 315, 328, 331; Propofal for Lighthome, 117; Province of, 119, 162. 202, 241, 255; Tobacco, 263. Mafon, David, Burgefs, 4, 15, 80, 136, 182, 191, 207, 222, 228, 229, 273; Signer of, Affociation, xlii. Mafon, Thompfon, Burgefs, 4, 15, 17, 20, 24, 39, 53, 54, 57, 60, 64, 72. 74, 80. 91. 95, 101, 102, 103, 104, III, 115, 116, 117. 122. 136, 163, 172, 175, 182, 189, 190, 191, 194, 204. 208, 215, 222, 228, 229, 267; Signer of Affociation, xlu.
Petition, ix.
145. 146. 148. 149. 151, 152. 153. 157, 174. Mattox Warehoufe, Infpecftors, 236, 252. Mayo, John, Burgefs, 135, 136, 181, 191, 221. 228, 229, 276, 344; Signer of Affociation, xlii.
Matthis, William. Signer of Affociation, Mead, Nicholas, Petitioner, 314. Mead, William, Claimant. 35, 44.
Bill concerning. 278, 297, 307, 312; Burgeffes, 3. 79, 135, 181, 221; Petitions, 269, 273; St. Jamef's 57, 59, Parifh, 54, 56, 82, 84, no. 130, 269, 273; Writ for electing Burgeffes, 194. 230. Medicine, Mentioned, 282. Meherrin Parifh, Bill concerning, 156, 279, 297, 319, 343. 345. 354; Petitions, 154, 204, 207,
Mecklenburg County,
247. 259-
Meherrin River,
58, 59.
Minifter, 314, 318, 350, 351. Melton, Richard, Signer of Affociation, xliii. Menonifts, 256, 267. Mercer, James, Burgefs, 3, 79, 82, 90, 91, 93, loi, 103, 104, 107, 108, 114, 115, 117, 119, 122, 124, 125, 135, 163, 17s, 181, 190, 191, 209, 221, 228, 229, 297, 314, 317, 318, 319, 329, 3.^2. 33^, 340. 351.
Meldrum .William,
River. Ferry over, 296. Nafh's Bridge, 346. Nafh, Travers, Signer of Affociation,
Officers, 45.
Navigation, Encouraged, 33; Mentioned, 322. Negro. Condemned to be Hung. 89. 103, 146. Negro Women. Adl concerning, 267, 275, 295, 304. Negroes, Adl for better Government of, 259; Petition. ig8, 203, 246, 251.
Nelfon, Thomas, Appointed to Adminifter Oaths, 224, 225; Biu-gefs, 4, 15, 80, 118, 136. 147,
152. 158. 164. 182, 190, 211, 222, 228, 257, 265, 272, 289, 297, 307, 309, 314, 318, 340; Commiffioner, 187; Signer of Affociation,
Meredith, "Samuel, Biirgefs, 3, 4, 37, 79, 135. Meriwether, Nicholas, Mentioned, 69. Meriwether, Thomas, Mentioned, 352. Meriwether's Warehoufe, 193, 203, 242, 251, 281. Middlefex Covmty, Bill to Alter Court Day, 253, 258, 331; Burgeffes, 3, 79, 135, 181, 221;
Eledlion, 20; Mentioned, 147; Petitions, 217, 251; Writ for eledling Burgeffes, 194, 230. Militia, Accounts, 61, 106, 286; Adt concerning, 64, 105, 109, 112, 113, 249; Augufta County, 96; Culpeper County, 96; Expenfes fettled, ni, 121, 122, 123, 129; Frederick County, 96; Law, loi, 104; Mentioned, 74, 75, 109, 201, and ^39. -^S^" ^^9> 274> Regulating ^35' training, 53, 55, 58. Miller, George, Claimant, 294. Miller, Harmon, Petitioner, 274, 321. Miller, John, Petitioner, 305, 308. Miller, Robert, Petitioner, 17, 18. Mills, Bill concerning, 296; Eredled, 25; Mentioned,
New Jerfey. Governor of. xxviii. New Kent Covmty. Bill for dividing,
42, 43, 75, 312; Burgeffes, 3, 79, 108, 135, 154, 181, 221; Eledlion of Burgeffes, 20; Littlepage's Warehoufe, 262; Mentioned, 45, 49; Petition, 31, 35. 93. 98, 288, 293; Writ for eledling Burgeffes, 194, 230,
New New
River, 330; Petition, 106, 109. Newport Parifh. 267; Lands Added to. 313. New York. Affembly, 148. 347; Colony of. 145; Mentioned, xxxi. 13, 146, 149, 168, 170. Newton, Thomas, Jr., Burgefs, 3, 15, 16, 28, 79, 95,
114, 117, 118, 135, 181, 191, 197, 205, 221, 229. 314. Nicholas, John, 274, 315. Nicholas, Robert Carter, Appointed to Fill Unexpired Term of Robinfon, xiv; Burgefs, 3, 25, 26, 27, 37, 42, 43, 53, 59, 61, 79, 116, 124, 125, 128, 135, 143, 147, 181, 221; Exonerates, xvii; Letter, xviii; Mentioned, xiv, 144, 271; Reimburfed, 332; Signer of Affociation, xlii; Treafurer, xv, xvi, 13, 145. 149, 158, 159, 163, 172, 175, 176, 189, igo, 197, 199, 211, 212, 215, 2i6, 227, 228, 231, 233, 236, 240, 253. 257, 259, 261, 262, 263, 265, 267, 268, 270, 272, 279, 282. 293, 295, 303, 305. 306, 31. 3". 312. 319, 333. 336, 338, 33g, 340, 342, 343. 346, 351. Noble, Rofs, Petitioner, 60. Norfolk, Court, 315; Mentioned, 21, 4g, 60, 61, 97, 103-
Milner's Warehoufe, Infpedtors, 237, 252; Mentioned, 218, 260, 269. Minnis, Charles, Petitioner, 34, 3p. Milton, Richard, Signer of Affociation, xliii. Miffiffippi River, xxvii, xxxvii, 69, 248, 302, 304, 317, 318, 319. Mitchell, Henry, Petitioner, gi, 95. Mitchell, John, Mill, 192, 286. Mitchell, Richard, Burgefs, 3, 27, 79, 89, 91, 102, 135, 221, 228, 229, 339. Mitchell. Robert, Petitioner, 235, 252. Mitchell, William, Petitioner, 211; Under-Sheriff,
Mohawks, Mentioned,
xxix. Claims, 72; Copper, 278; Paper, Report concerning, 126, 127, 128; Scheme for emitting, 116, 128.
Monopolies, 323. Montgomery', John, Claimant, 30, 45. Montgomery, William, Claimant, 30, 45.
Monthly Courts,
Forge, 291.
303, 307.
Moore, Bernard, Burgefs, 221, 228, 229, 240, 313; Moore, Thomas, Adl concerning, 114, 130; Lands Vefted in Truftees, 116; Mentioned, 107, 108,
Bill to Enlarge Priviliges of, 37; Btu-geffes, 3, 79, 135, 181, 221; Charter Explained, 85, 105, 319; Eledlion of Burgeffes, 20; Limits Enlarged, 112, 130; Mentioned. 49, 56, 58, 72, 152, 237, 315; Petition, 203; Writ for eledling, Bur-
geffes, 194.
Petitioner, 102.
xxiii, 66.
Morocofick, Mentioned,
Edward Hack,
2og, 222,
229; Signer of
Creek, Mentioned, 196. Mulatto Women. Bill concerning. 267. 275, 295, 304. Mulattoes. Adl concerning. 259; Petition. ig8. 203,
246. 251.
See Caro-
15, 26.
135. 181, 190. 191. 211. 221, 253, 262. 289. 294. 296, 352; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Murray, John, Petitioner, 63. Miifter Days, 54, 56, 64, no, 115. 117, 130, 273. Mufkets, Mentioned, 105.
59. 63, 79.
Burgeffes. 3. 64, 79, 95, 135, 221, 273, 274, 310; Eledlion of Burgeffes, 20; Himgar's Ferry, 97; Htmgar's Parifh, 59, 247, 248, 255, 267, 288, 294, 304, 305, 354; Mentioned, 97. 247, 262; Writ for eledling Burgeffes, 194. Northampton Parifh. 2g6. Northfamhain Parifh, 198, 232. North Wales, ig8, 233.
Northampton Coimty,
Nanfemond County,
Bill for Dividing, 319, 333, 339, 342, 345; Burgeffes, 3, 79, 135, 181, 221, 307, 310, 341; Divided, 354; Eledlion of Burgeffes, 20; Lower Parifh, 33; Mentioned, 267, 296, 313; Milner's, 218, 237. 252. 260, 269; Petition, 311, 313; Suffolk Parifh, 48, Writ for eledling Burgeffes, 54, 296, 306, 343 194, 230.
95, 135, 181, 221; Mentioned, 81, 86, 88; Petition, 40, 44, 83; Writ for eledling Burgeffes, 194, 230. Nofworthy. Triftam. Petitioner. 267. 313.
Pittfylvania County, Burgeffes, 181, 222; Mentioned ix, 271, 273, 310; Town Eftablifhed in, 292, 317 Writ for elecfting Burgeffes, 194, 230. Planters Petition, 332.
Obelisk. Infcription
53. 59for,
To Worthy
Odell, Capt. Jeremiah, 71. Ohio River, Fort Pitt on, 113, 115, 117, 123, 129; Mentioned, xxvi, xx\'ii, xxviii, xxix, xxxvii, xxx\'iii, xliv, 69, 264, 265, 300, 301, 302, 304, 317, 318,319, 335,336; Settlements on, 37.
Pocahontas, Town of, 61, 85. Poindexter, William, Petitioner, 262, 283. Pollard, Jofeph, Claimant, 96, 291, 348. Poll Tax, 65, 68, 120, 142, 158, 159, 155, 161, 164,
211, 282.
Onflow, George, Mentioned, xiii. Orange County, Burgeffes, 3, 79, 13J, 154. 181, 222; 286; Mentioned, 192; 20; Line, Ele<5tion,
Pope, Matthew, Surgeon, 99. Po River, Mentioned, 192, 286, 306. Pork, Mentioned, 320, 352 Petition concerning, 296,
Port Royal, A(5l concerning, 112, 121, 122, 123, 130; Mentioned, 106, 109. Pofag, John, Mentioned, 55, 124.
Owen's, Ferry Eftablifhed at, 321; Mentioned, 316. Oyer, and Terminer Court, 19, 193, 200, 232, 234,
River, Bill for clearing, 314, 322, 334; Cleared, 338; Ferry over, 162, 202, 241, 255, 311,315; Great Falls, 338; Mentioned, 30, 32 55. 84. 283, 338; Pilots on, 43Powder Horn, Repaired, 339. Powell, Benjamin, Claimant, 339, 349; Reimburfed, 174. 351. 354. Powers, Edward, Claimant, 348. Poythrefs, Peter, Burgefs, 136, 182, 191, 197, 206, 208, 222, 229, 232,311; Signer of Affociation,
Pra<ftitioners of the
Pamunkey Pamtmkey
Indian, Lands Leafed, 333; Petition, 239. River, Cleared, 193, 203, 242, 286, 297,
327,341; Mentioned, 40, 251, 286. Duty on, 146; Mentioned, 227. Parramore, Thomas, Burgefs, 3, 15, 43. 45.
Law, Petition, 256. Prefident, Addrefs to, 145; Meffage from, 141, 156. Prefton, William, Burgefs, 3, 15, 19, 57, 73, 74. 79. 135. 221. Price, James, Petitioner, 254, 257. Price, Rev. Thomas, Chaplin to the Houfe, 13, 65, 144, 174, 190, 199, 228. Pride, James, Advertifement, 120; Examined by Phyficians, 99; Letters, 97, 98; Mentioned, 91, 103, no, 143, 150, 175; Ph>^icians Report, 100; Returned to Gaol, 121; Sufpended,
55. 79.
135, 181, 191, 211, 221, 292; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Parker, George, A<ft concerning, 130; Mentioned, 84, 92, 103, no; Petitioner, 33, 49, 54. Pafteur, William, Surgeon, 99, 100, no. Patrollers, Adt concerning, 55; Appointment of, 58,
Prince Edward, County Burgeffes, 3, 79, 136, 182, 222; Election. 20; Mentioned, 322; Petition, 246; Writ for electing Burgeffes, 147, 194,
64; Mentioned, 53. Payne, John, Burgefs. 3, 15, 79, 119, 135, 148, 153,
157Jofias, Burgefs. 181, 191; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Payne, Merrj'man, Petitioner, 193, 198, 234. Payne's Run, Bill concerning, 288; Mentioned, 259,
264, 313. Pearis, Capt. Robert, 50. Pearfall, Job, Petitioner, loi, 124, 201, 202, 241, 242. Pelham, Peter, Difcharged, 333; Reimburfed, 174. Pemberton, William, Petitioner, 25, 42. Pendleton, Edmund, Adminiftrator, xxv, 163, 280;
Prince William County, 222, 276, 297, 340; Dettingen Parifh, 306, 333. 342, 351, 352, 354; Eledtion, 20; Hamilton Parifh. 198, 211, 233, 270, 279, 297, 319, 338, 345, 354; Mentioned, 27, 28, 105, 310; Militia Accounts, 355; Petition, 306; Reprefentation of Freeholders, 148; Town of Dumfries,
197, 232, 271, 80, 87, 136, 182, 206, 208, Juftices, 212; Briftol Par72, 81, 82, 86, 92; Writ for 143, 194, 230. Burgeffes, 4, 80, 136, 182,
3, 11, 13, 14. 15. ^6, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 39. 43, 45. 47. 49. 52. 53. 54, 55. 58, 61. 66, 69, 70, 79, 83, 84, 87, 89, 91, 92, 99, 102, 103. 107, 108, 119, 123, 124, 128, 135, 142, 143. 144, 145 147, 148, 149, 150, 151. 154. 156, 158, 160, 163, 164, 172, 175, 181, 188, 189, 194, 195, 199, 201, 205, 207, 208, 2og, 221, 227, 228, 230, 232, 242, 261, 262, 265, 268, 273, 276, 279, 280, 290, 297, 303, 307, 309, 319, 322, 323, 326, 327, 333, 336, 337. 338, 339. 340.
Princefs Anne County, Burgeffes, 3, 33, 79, 136, 182, 222; Court Day Altered, 89, 91, 93, 102, 116, 130; Eledtion, 20; Mentioned, 28, 194, 230. Pringle, Samuel, Claimant, 294. Printer, Public, Appointed, 18, 49; Mentioned, 51, 76, 150, 151, 152, 161, 194, 235; Salary, 72,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
341, 347, 351; Mentioned, xx, xxiii. Pendleton, Henry, Burgefs, 181, 191, 221, 229.
Prorogations. 355; General Affembly, 54; See Proclamations. Public Funds, Penalty for Mifapplication, xxvi.
Pennfylvania, Commiffioners, xxviii; Mentioned, xxvii, XXX, xxxi, 69, 251, 293.
Perkins, Ifaac, Petitioner, loi, 107, 213. Peter, Walter, Mentioned, 208. Peterfburg, Warehoufe, 72. Peters, Richard, of the Council of Pennfylvania, xxx. Petf worth Parifh, 293. Pettus, Thomas, Burgefs, 221, 229, 253. Peyton, Francis, Burgefs, 181, 191. 207, 221, 228, 229; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Phelps, Col. John, 57, 60. Philadelphia, Hofpital, 303, 305, 310; Library Com-
104; Petition,
Philips, Jofephus. 217, 254. Phyficians, 99, 282, 314. Eftablifhed Pilots, Adt concerning. 40, 42, 46, 47. 52 249. 263, 275, 288, 294; Mentioned, 30, 75. Pitch, Mentioned, 320, 352; Petition concerning, 296, 305. Pitt, Right Hon. William, \'iii, 27.
Railev, Thomas, Petitioner,
29, 30, 68.
Ralfton, William, Claimant, 348. Ramfay, Patrick, Bill concerning, 197, 268, 276; Lands Divided, 232, 295, 304; Mentioned, 72, 208, 354.
Ramfay, William, Claimant,
Treafurerfhip, xiv.
32, 39, 44, 61; tioned, 50, 62; Petitioner, 247, 274.
Menof for
70, 100, 107; Memorial and Will Read, 161; Memorial of Adminiftrators, 66, 67 Men;
Randolph, John, Attorney-General, xx, i8g, 190, 191, 195, 311; Burgefs, 181: Mentioned, x, xi, 316, 321; Succeeded by Wythe, 141; Reimburfed, 332.
xxiii, xxv, 163; Deccafed, 280. Randolph, Peyton, Allowance, xiv; Burgefs, 4; Elected Speaker, 11, 187, 225; Reimburfed, 332; Signer of Affociation, xlii; Speaker, xxxix, 13, 15, 16, 18, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33,
42, S3. 59. 69, 7. 75. 76, 80, 86, 90, 92, 94, 95, 98, 102, 103, 104, 108, 112, 113, 115, 118, iig, 120, 122, 129, 131, 136, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 172, 173, 174, 17s, 176, 177, 182, 189, 202, 210, 214, 216, 218, 222, 227, 236, 237, 240, 252, 257, 260, 263, 271, 27s, 287, 298, 301, 304, 306, 309, 318,
320, 322, 323, 327, 328, 329, 330, 336, 341, 344,345. 347.348, 350, 352,353; Thanks to the Houfe, 188, 226. Randolph, Richard, Burgefs, 3, 79, 118, 135, i8i, 191, 211, 221, 253, 291; Mentioned, x, xi; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Randolph, Thomas Mann, Burgefs, 221, 229, 255. Rangers, Mentioned, 57, 60, 213. Rappahannock River, Ferry over, 319, 325, 329; Ferry Difcontinued, 258; Mentioned, 31, 109, 195, 266, 286, 306, 338. Ratan, John, Claimant, 294. Read, Clement, Burgefs, 3, 79, 135; Terry Inveftigation, 213. Read, Hankerfon, Mentioned, 88, 256. Read, Ifaac, Burgefs, 181, 191, 207, 209, 221, 229, 290; Signer Affociation, xlii. Read, John, Petitioner, 237. Reafner, Garrett, Claimant, 294. Recruits, Mentioned, 317. Red Stone Creek, 141, 149. Reed, John, Petitioner, 252. Reedy River, Mentioned, xxvii. Replevin Writs, See Writs of Replevin. Reprefentatives, Petition, Memorial and Remonftrance, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171.
tioned, xii, 13, 65, 67, 163, 171, 172, 174, 175339; Nominated and Appointed Treafurer, xi; Report on, 108, 284, 285; Reprefentation of Adminiftrators, 280, 281, 287; Suitagainft, 72, 74; Treafurer, x, xxi; Widow's dower 287; Will of, xxiii; Writs Iffued againft, 70. Robinfon, Major John, Claimant, 282, 294. Robinfon Run, Mentioned, 192, 286, 306. Robinfon, William, Burgefs, 3, 15, 37, 79, 92, 135, 221, 229, 256, 276. Rockfifh River, 276. Rootes, John, Petitioner, 293, 302. Rootes, Sarah, Lands Docked, 302; Petitioner, 293. Rofcow, James, Lands Docked, 160, 161, 162, 165, Petitioner, 147. 172, 176; Rofcow, William, Petitioner, 17, 147. Rofs, Philip, Mentioned, 88. Roy, Thomas, Petitioner, 106, 270, 308. Roy, Richard, Petitioner, 305, 308. Royle's Virginia Gazette, xx. Roy's Warehoufe, 270, 316, 319, 338, 344, 347; Infpedlors, 305, 308. Rum, 58, 251; Duty on, 63, 126, 127.
Runaways, Mentioned,
Ruffell, Capt., Mentioned, 212, 274. Ruffell, Hind, Clerk, 192, 230; Petitioner, 17. Ruft, Benedidt, Petitioner, 83, 95.
3, 79, 82, 121, 135, 181, 191, 221, 257, 286, 303, 313, 331, 337; Claimant, 256; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Rutherford, Thomas, Burgefs, 3, 79, 82, 135; Commiffioner, 89; Mentioned, 84.
Saint Anne Parifh, Lands Added to, 268, 276, 295, 304, 354; Mentioned, 197, 245, 260.
Saint Clair, Sir John, 162, 202. Saint David's Parifh, Petition, 40. Saint George Parifh, Adl concerning, 353; Bill to Divide, 312, 338, 342, 345; Petitions, 192,
197, 286, 306.
Revenue, Difcontinued,
Richardfon, Daniel, Claimant, 87. Richmond County, Application for new Modelling, 338; Boundary Reformed, 338; Burgeffes, 4, 80, 136, 182, 222, 276; Carter's Landings, 269; Cat Point Warehoufe, 235, 239; Eledlion
Parifh, 51, 54, 58, 68, 74, 75; 22; Mentioned, 27, 258, 310; Northfamham Parifh, 198, 233; Petitions, 83, 338; Totafkey Creek, 288; Writ for eledling Burgeffes, 194, 196, 230.
Saint Luke Parifh, Petition, 311. Saint Marks Parifh, Aft concerning, 354; Bill concerning, 279, 297, 312, 320; Petitions, 29, 30,
41, 196, 203, 238, 259.
Memorial of Inhabitants,
Imported, 328. Salue, Indian Chief, xxxv. Sam, A Slave, 270. Sandy Bay, Mentioned, 258.
Savage, George, Examined, 120. Savage, Nathaniel Littleton, Petitioner, 59, 61, 64,
66, 72, 74, 76.
Capitol, 92.
135, 143, 144, 147, 191, 211, 221, 226, 228, 229, 257, 259, 265, 267, 301, 319, 332, 340. Riddick, Willis, Burgefs, 3, 15, 72, 79, 135, 181; Petitioner, 301, 307, 341; Signer of Affocia79,
tion, xlii.
xxvi; Silver
Sawyer, James, Claimant, 96. Scott, Mr., Merchant, 217, 254. Scott, James, Burgefs, 136, 181, 191, 221, 229, 291;
Petitioner, 22, 55, 283, 315;
Report of Com-
Rind, William, Petitioner, 17, 72, 152, 194, 235, 266, 277; Public Printer, 18, 49, 76, 120, 150, 151, 354; Reimburfed, 299. Ritchie, Archibald, Mentioned, 22, 27. Ritchie's Ferry, Mentioned, 27. Rivers, Adl concerning, 49, 95, 104, 112, 114, 129. Roads, Adl concerning, 40, 53; Condition of, 266; Eftablifhed, 81, 84; Mentioned, 117, 123, 129, 259, 264, 288; Petition concerning, 58; Public
65, 249, 269.
Signer of Affociation,
Roberts, Alexander, Mentioned, 200, 206, 274, 315, Roberts, James, Jr., Petitioner, 271, 273. Roberts, William, Claimant, 17. Robinfon, Chriftopher, Member of Committee, xi. Robinfon. John, Affairs E.xamined into, vii; Bill concerning, 112, 121, 122, 123, 130, 326; Burgefs, 4; Copies of Bonds, 60; Debt Due on Eftate, 120; Debt Confidered, 237, 276, 287; Death, x, xiii; Eftate, xxiv; Exonerated, xvi; Intereft upon Eftate, 108; Judgment given by, 70, 72; Memorial Confidered,
Ships, Clearing of, 45, 112, 114, 129. Shoehan, Daniel, Jr., Claimant, 294. Shropfhire, A Slave, 212. Shurles, Mentioned, 207, 235. SUk, Mentioned, 330. Silver Bluff, xxviii. Simpfon, Southey, Burgefs, 3, 15, 16, 43, 79, 102, 105, 119, 135, 181, igi, 207, 221, 228, 32g, 339; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Sims, William, Ferry on Land of, 321; Petitioner, 316. Sinclair, Sir John, 241. Singleton, Chriftopher, Indidled, 239. Singleton, William, Indidled, 239, Sinkes, Jacob, Claimant, 294. Siffon, Henry, Petitioner, 236, 239. Six United Nations, xxxvii. Skins, Duty upon, 268, 272. Slate River, Ferry over, 274, 315. Slaughter, George, Petitioner, 153, 201, 202, 241, 242, 257. Slaughter, Thomas, Burgefs, 3, 16, 79, 135. Slaves, Adl concerning, 39, 42, 46, 47, 52, 199, 232, 259, 268; Duty on, 55, 58, 64, loi, 118, 119, 125, 129, 142, 155, 217, 248, 249, 263, 275, 289, 302, 350, 352, 353; Mentioned, 54, 61, 62, 64, 70, 73, 75, 102, 103, 105, 107, 108, no, III, 114, 115, 116, 117, 123, 130, 147, 152, 154, 158, 160, 161, 162, 165, 172, 176, 210, 260, 273, 274, 278, 293, 299; Trial of, 259. Small Pox, 91, 107, 112, 114, 116, 130, 203, 246, 269, 293. Smith, Major Abraham, Account of, 87, 106; Re-
Steadon, George, Signer of Affociation, xliii. Steep Ridge, Mountains, xxxviii. Steep Rock Creek, xxxv, xxxvii. Stephen, Col. Adam, Commander, 162, 241; Letters, 240, 252, 257; Mentioned, 71, 84, 91, 202,
256, 286.
Stephens, Jehu, Petitioner, 60. Stevens and Brown, B. F., vii. Stevenfon, Hugh, Mentioned, 88. Stewart, Richard, Mentioned, 311. Stith, Thomas, Burgefs, 221, 229, 293, 337. Stokes, William, Terry Inveftigation, 213. Storms, Mentioned, 344. Stove, Mentioned, 253.
Street, Anthony, Petitioner, 193, 207, 234, 239. Strickter, Jacob, Petitioner, 256. Stuart, John, Concerning Boundary, xxxiii; Letters, xxvii, xxxiv; Mentioned, xxvi, xxxii, xxxv,
4, 80, 136, 182, 222, 295; Eledlion, 20; Petitions, 200, 238, 258; Writ for electing Burgeffes, 194, 230.
Sugar Colonies,
imburfed, 106.
Surry County, Biirgeffes. 4, 80, 136, 182, 222, 295; ElecSlion, 20; Gray's Creek Warehoufe, 254, 257; Writ for eledling Burgeffes, 194, 230.
Surveyors, 37.
Lieut. Charles, 43, 85, 88. Frederick, Chief Juftice, xxx. Capt. John, 61. John, Burgefs, 3, 79, 135. William, Petitioner, 13, 14, 17.
Carolina, Charles Town, xxxv; Lochabar Treaty, xxxviii, xliii; Mentioned, xxvi.
319; Bur-
105, 109, in, 114, 116, 130, 201, 238, 258, 275, 279; Petitions, 87, 89. Swearingen, Sarah, Petitioner, 84, 100, 103. Swearingen, Thomas, Mentioned, 100. Swine, Aft concerning, 258. Swinyard's Warehoufe, 206. Swivels, Mentioned, 105. Syme, John, Burgefs, 3, 13, 15, 36, 46, 56, 73, 64, 79, 118, 135. Symmons, Benjamin, Burgefs, 4, 80, 136.
Mentioned, 41; Nottoway River, 311; Peti38, 200, 313; St. Luke Parifh, 311; for elecftingBurgeffes, 194, 230. Southfamham Parifh, Bills, 276, 295; Lands divided 268, 304, 354; Petitions, 196, 245, 260. Speaker, Appointed, 225; Office feparated from that of Treafurer, xiii, 24; Salary, 60, 276, 283,
Spinks, John, Claimant, 311. Spooner, George Wilfon, 31, 32. Spotfwood, Capt., Mentioned, 46. Spotfylvania County, Burgeffes, 4, 80, 136, 182, 208, 222; Court, 95; Ele(5lion, 20; Land and Catowned by Robinfon, 281; Mentioned tle xxiii, 30, 66; Petitions, 255, 258, 262, 290; Saint George Parifh, 192, 197, 286, 306, 312, 338. 342, 353. 345; Sheriff, 192; Writ for eledting Burgeffes, 194, 230. Spratley, William, Petitioner, 258.
Squirrels, Mentioned, 217, 251, 256, 271, 272, 282,
3, 14, 15, 16, 79, 85, 90, 94, 105, 107, 114, 117, 118, 123, 13s, 151, 159, 181, 221 Deceafed, 313. Talbot, John, Bvirgefs, 3, 16, 79, 135, 181, 191, 221, 272; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Talbutt, Thomas, Petitioner, 49, 108, 217, 237, 315. Taliaferro, Walker, Burgefs, 3, 16, 79, 135, 221, 229,
Tanner's Creek,
of Affociation,
Taxation, Refolutions concerning, xxviii, xxxix. Tayloe, John, Appointed to Adminifter Oaths, 224, 225; Commiffioner, 187. Taylor, Henry, Burgefs, 222: Signer of Affociation,
353, J . Stafford County, Application for new modelhng, 338; Boundary reformed, 338; Burgeffes, 4, 37, 80, 136. 182, 222; Dipple Landing, 55; Eledlion, 20; Mentioned, 17, 22, 54, 55, 283, 291, 315; Overwharton Parifh, gi, 117, 210, 216, 252, 260, 346; Petition, 337; Writ for electing Burgeffes, 194, 230. Stainacre, Samuel, Reimburfed, xxviii. Stamp Aft, Mentioned, 148, 157, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170; Oppofed, vii; Proclamation concerning, viii; Repealed, vii, x; Refolution concerning,
. .
16, 79,
Tazewell, John, Clerk, 24; Petitioner, 17. Teacle, Levin, Mentioned, 38, loi; Petitioner, 26,
35. 93. io-
Starke, Boiling, Burgefs, 181, 191, 197, 205, 207, 211, 221, 228, 229, 232, 262, 273, 278, 289, 296, 308, 311, 316, 337, 342; Signer of Affociation,
Tebbs, Foufhee, Burgefs, 4, 15, 80, 136, 182, 191, 207, 222, 272; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Teeter, George, Claimant, 96. Tegaya, Indian Chief, xxx. Temple. Benjamin, Mentioned, 106; Petitioner, 34, 45, 61, no; Refolve concerning, in. Tenneffee River, ix. Tequech. Indian Chief, xxxii. Terrell, Henry, Mentioned, 198, 233. Terrell, Peter, Mentioned, ig8, 233.
Terry, Terry, Terry, Terrv,
Champnefs, Under-Sheriff,
xlii, 36,
John, Signer of Affociation. xliii. Slofes, Mentioned, 244. Col. Nathaniel, Accufed of Falfc Entry, 213;
Burgefs, 181, 191, 209. 212, 221, 253, 341, 352; Candidate, 231; Charges againft. 206; Guilty of high Offence. 245; Mentioned. 243, 244; Petitioner. 232. 242, 246; Report on, 347, 351; Signer of Affociation, xlii.
Lands docked, 86, 87, no, 114, 116; Mentioned, 18; Petitioner, 17, 81. Startford, Landing Infpedlion Difcontinued, 322.
Teyanhafore or Abraham, Indian Chief, xxx. Thomas, Cornelius, Burgefs, 3, 16, 79, 135, 181,
Thomas, John,
191, 221, 229; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Petitioner, 152, 201, 202, 212, 241, 242, 257.
Vagrants, Reftraint
of, 236.
Vanmeter, Jacob, Claimant, 308, 349. Vaughan, Shadrach, Under SherifT, 29.
Venable, Nathaniel, Burgefs, 3, 16, 79, 136. Veffels, Shippers Ref trained from Receiving Reward, 60, 103; Tonnage on, 119. Virginia, Articles of Surrendering, 152; Affembly,
x; Burgeffes, 145, 155, 165; Boundary line, xliii, 227, 257; Commiffioners, xxviii; Cuftom Houfes, 263; Duties on Tobacco, 33; Financial Panic in x; Mentioned, ix, xii, xxii, xxvi, xx.N^i, xxxviii, xl, xliii, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 21, 34 46, 65, 137, 138, 139, 140, 146, 166, 168, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 199, 202, 203, 214, 223, 224, 225, 233, 246, 284, 299, 317, 318, 334; Petition, 165, 241; Propofal to Eredl Lighthoufe, 117; Regiment, 30, 45, 100, loi, 107, 109, 217, 254; Treafurer, 126; Troops, 162, 202, 212, 241, 283. Virginia Gazette, xxxix, 15, 53, 120, 125, 215. Virginia State Library, vii.
Thornton, William, Burgefs, 15, 79, 135, 154, 156. Thurman's, Mentioned, 259, 264, 288, 313. Tiadgton Creek, xxix. Tianadhera River, xxix. Tilgham, James, Mentioned, xxx. Tippling Houses, 288. Tobacco, Ac5t concerning, 40, 43, 46, 53; Cultivation, 194; Damaged, 305; Duty on, 120, 155, 167, 269; Infpeiftion Eftablifhed, 72, 210, 238, 239, 252, 272, 280, 283, 292, 306, 322, 329; Mentioned, 52, 126, 127, 198, 206, 235, 236, 237, 242, 254, 255, 257, 264, 270, 277; Notes,
86; Report on, 66; Refolve concerning, 258; Seconds, 118, 125, 205, 232, 262, 273, 278, 289; Staple Amended, 55, 58, 64, 68, 86, 90,
92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 103, no, I2g, 150, 153. '54, 158, 161, 176, 205, 245, 249, 250, 251. 253. 270. 277. 307, 327; Stolen, 288, 303; Tax, 142; Warehoufe, 193, 287.
Wabghce, Indian
Chief, xxvii.
Walker, Dr., Mentioned, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxv. Walker, James, Burgefs, 3, 15, 79, 29, 135, 181, 191,
211, 222, 343; Petitioner, 259; Signer of Affociation, xlii. Walker, Thomas, Burgefs, 3, 15, 24, 29, 61, 72, 79, 116, 118, 135, 159, 181, 190, 191, 221, 230, 265, 308. 315, 316, 317, 319, 321, 325, 326, 329. 333, .336, 337. 339. 345 Commiffioner, xxx, xxxii; Letter, xxxi; Mentioned, xxx, xxxviii; Signer of Affociation, xlii.
Todd, Robert, Mentioned, 49. Tomkies, Charles, Petitioner, 330, 349; Reimburfed,
351. 354.
Tonnage, Payment of, 34. Tooch, Governor, Mentioned, x. Totafkey, Creek Warehoufes on, 288. Towahihia, Indian Chief, xxvi.
Eftablifhed, 289.
Townfend, Charles, Advances Method by which Revenue may be Drawn, ix. Travis, Champion, Jr., Burgefs, 29, 181, 191, 221,
257 Signer of Affociation, xlii. Treafurer, Accounts, 39, 303 Acft for Appointing, xi, 24, 42, 44, 60, 249, 264, 275, 278, 294, 298; Appointed, xv, 353; Charges againft Nicholas, xxi; Charges Refuted by Nicholas, xvi;
; ;
Walkerton, Mentioned, 86, 89. Wallace, James, Burgefs, 181, 190, 191, 221, 228,
229, 294. Waller's, Mentioned, 86, 89. Waller, Benjamin, Clerk, 99, 171. Waller, Thomas, Petitioner, 61, 86, 89. Walrond, William, Signer of Affociation, xliii. Walthoe, Nathaniel, Clerk of Council, 11, 26, 49, 52, 56, 60, 64, 70, 74, 75, no, 113, 116, 117, 123, 125, 128, 129, 141, 156, 160, 164, 172, 173, 175, 176, 187, 188, 202, 218, 225, 226, 236, 237, 240, 298, 304, 306, 320, 322, 323, 325, 330. 336. 34I; 345. 350. 352; Remiburfed, 174. Ward, James, Petitioner, 63. Ward, Seth, Burgefs, 3, 15, 79, 135,352. Ware, Jonathan, Petitioner, 25, 52. Ware Parifh, Acft concerning, 354; Mentioned, 293, 339. 342, 343. 345; Petitions, 327, 337. Warehoufe, Eredted, 90, loi, 115, 116, 123, 129; Hemp, II I Public, 270. Waring, Francis, Burgefs, 3, 15, 27, 79, 135, 181, 190, 191. Waring, Col. Francis, Mill Run, 197, 245.
Fauquier on Otfice of, xiii, xv; Nicholas Defended by a "Freeholder" xvii; Office Eftablifhed, xiv; Office feparated from that of Speaker, 24; Report of Committee, xviii, xxi, xxiii, xxx, 283, 284, 285; Report of Robinfon's Adminiftrators, xxiii, xxiv; Robinfon's Mifcondudl, xvii. Treafury, Examined by Committee, x, xi. xiii, xiv,
XV, xvi, xvii, xviii, xix, xx, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxiv, XXV, xxvi, 14, 59; Notes Burned, xvii, 65, 343; Redemption, 287; Re-emitted x; Report on, 65, 66, 67, 119, 120, 155, 156, 302; Salary of Clerk, 104; Shortage in, x, xi, xii, xiii, xiv, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii, xix, xx, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxv, xxvi. Treaties, xxvi, xxxviii; Botetourt Iffues Inftrudlion ^ concerning, xxxi; Botetotut Writes concerning, xxxii; Cherokees, 335, 336; Chifwell's Mine Conference, xxxi; Commiffioners Report, XXXV, xxxviii; Fort Stanwix, xxvi, xxviii, xxx, xxxii; Hard Labour, xxvi; Lochabar, xxxviii; Stewart Writes Botetourt,
4, 80,
Trent, Alexander, Burgefs, 3, 16, 79, 107, 135, 181, 191, 221, 230, 255, 290; Signer of Affociation,
222; Election, 20; Mentioned, 147; Writ for ele(5ting Burgeffes, 194, 230. Wafhington, Bailey, 20. Wafhington, George, Burgefs, 3, 4, 14, 15, 22, 24, 33, 54, 79, loi, 128, 135, 181, 190, 211, 221, 228, 289, 314, 333, 334, 336, 343, 347; Signer of Affociation, xlii.
Truro, Parifh, 35, 41, 45, 47, 50, 56, 75, 332; Petition
30. 38-
Tryon, Governor William, xxxiv, xxxv. Tryon Mountain, xxvii. Tucker, Robert, Jr., Burgefs, 3, 79, 82, 135; Petitioner, 58, 63.
Wafhington, John, Mentioned, 20. Mills, Adl concerning, 261. Watkins, Benjamin, Mentioned, 352. Watkins, Philip, Reimburfed, 96. Watts, John, Mentioned, 346. Waugh, Alexander, Jr., Petitioner, 289. Waugh, John, Petitioner, 217, 254.
Wayland, Adam, Claimant, 291, 348. Weir, John, Mentioned, 6^. Weft Indies, Adl concerning, 275; Duty on Slaves, 263, 289, 310; Mentioned, 39. 42, 46, 47, 52,
75. 249. 302-
Tunftall, Thomas, Terry Inveftigation, 213. Ttuner, Fielding, Petitioner, 204, 235, 239. Turner, Junior, Petitioner, 92, 95, 83. Turner's Warehoufe, Infpe(5tors, 288, 316. Turn Pikes, 41.
Weftem Boundary,
334; Extenfion
Turpentine, 320, 352; Petition concerning, 296, 305. Tutty's Neck, 279. Tyler, William, Petitioner, 31, 32.
341Weftfall, William, Claimant, 294. Weftmore, Edward, Gaoler, 143, 150, 354; Petitioner, 62, 94, 159, 171, 267, 283; Salary, 299. Weftmore, William, Petitioner, 18.
Creek, xxix.
3, 79, 82, 121, 13;, 181, 191, 221, 229, 2S5, 314; Commiffioner, 89; of Signer Affociation, xlii.
Weftmoreland County, Application for new Modelling. 338 Boundan- Reformed. 338 Burgeffes
80, Qo. 136, 182, 222, 276. 340; Ele<5tion, 20: Mattox Warehoufe. 236, 252; Mentioned, 32, S3. 287, 310; Petitions, '52, 83, 92, 146. 322, 338, 337: Writ for ele<5Ving Burgeffes,
Carriages, Tax on, 65, 63. 120. 126. 142, 155, 211, 248, 282. Wliite, Alexander, Petitioner, 44. White, Epaphroditus, Evidence of, 244, 245. Whiting, Thomas, Burgefs, 3. 14. 15, 16, 79, 1 18, 135, 181, 190, igi, 221, 230; Signer of Affociation,
^3, 44. 4, 21. 34, 35, 80, 98. 136, 182. 158. 199. Wooden Chimnies. 271. Wooding. Robert. Petitioner. 22, 32. Wooding. Robert, 352; Terry Inveftigation, 213.
Slave, 50.
Cancers. 124, 125; Petitioner, 42, 124; Refolve concerning. 128. 131. Woodfon. John, Burgefs. 136, 181, 191, 221, 229.
Williams, Jeffe, Mentioned, 195, 266. Williams, Jofeph, Petitioner, 25, 32, 204, 212. Williamfburg, Bruton Church, 273, 313; Burgeffes, 4, So, 136. 182, 222; Capitol to be Removed, 92 Court of Huftings. 319, 331; Eledlion, 20
Wool. Bounty on, 332. Wormeley, Elizabeth, Mentioned, 147. Wormeley, John, Lands Docked, 152,
Wormeley, Ralph,
154, 158; Petitioner, 147. Petitioner, 45, 52, 54, 55, 58, 64,
viii, xxiii, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 66, 72, 74, 100, 137, 138, 139, 140, 183, 184, 185, 187, 193, 223, 224, 225, 235, 239, 258, 279, 281, 311, 314, 321, 333; Petition, 172; Writ for
Willis. Robert, Petitioner, 46, 50, 51. Willif's River, Bridges over, 322. Willoughby, John, Petitioner, 28, 33. Wilfon, Major George, 71. Wilfon, Job, Claimant, 294. Wilfon, John (Augufta) Burgefs, 3, 15, 79, 135, 159, 181, 190, 191, 211, 228, 229; Signer of Afifociation. xlii. Wilfon, John (Norfolk) Burgefes, 191, 197, 221, 229,
83: Warehoufes on, 52. York, Mentioned, 21, 60, 61. 97, gg, 103. York County, Boundary Line, 333, 342, 345; Bur-
Yeocomico River,
geffes, 4, 54, 80. 136. 154. 162, 182, 222, 295; Eledlion, 20; Mentioned, 45, 49; Petition, 258; Sheriff. 91; Under Sheriff, 211; Writ for
Winchefter, Mentioned, 25, 71, loi, 162, 202, 241. Wine, Mentioned, 58. Winn, John, Burgefs, 221, 229, 313. Winn, Capt. John, 68. Wife. Tully Robinfon, 346.
Winflow, Benjamin, Petitioner, 30, 45. Witton's Road, 58. Wolves, A<fk concerning, 40, 43, 45, 48, 52; Reward
for Killing, 249, 250, 268, 276, 295, 304, 303.
eledting Burgeffes, 194, 230; Parifh, 147. York-Hampton Parifh, 45, 147. York River, 35, 125. Yorktown, 266. Younger, Nephew of Hofkins, 243.
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