BSC 114 115
BSC 114 115
BSC 114 115
Location: Email: Web Page: Textbook: Prerequisites: M, W, and F 8:00-8:50 AM, Room 127 Biology Dr. Kim Caldwell 8:50-9:30AM Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or by appointment. Room 120A. [email protected] Biology, 9th edition, by Campbell and Reese none
Course Description: BSC 114 is designed as an introduction to biology at the college-freshman level. It is worth 3 credit hours. Topics covered include the basic principles and terminology of cell chemistry, cell biology, genetics, and evolution. Objectives: To gain a comprehensive understanding of cell biological processes at the introductory level that will provide a foundation for future coursework in the biological sciences. Note taking: My notes are posted on the internet via webCT. Download the notes using Web-CT before lecture and use them as a guide during class. All students enrolled in this class have a Web-CT account that can be accessed at : Your login Username is your BAMA I.D. Your password is the last 4 digits of your social security number (or whatever you may have already changed it to if you already use Web-CT in other courses). You can change your password through Web-CT. If you have problems using Web-CT do not ask me first, try calling the Seebeck Computer center HelpDesk (348-2435) before contacting me. Hour Exams: Three one-hour exams will be given during the regularly scheduled lecture periods. Questions will be multiple choice (50 questions/exam). Exams will cover text and lecture material. Exam questions will include material from class discussions. NOTE: Cell phones are not permitted during class and should not be on during class. If your cell phone goes off during an exam, you will be asked to turn in your exam immediately and will not be allowed to make it up. If you arrive late for an exam and anyone else has finished and left, than you will not be allowed to take that exam and will be required to take a makeup, as listed below. Final Exam: Thursday, May 6, 7:00-9:30 PM. The final will cover material presented after the third hour exam. Because of the nature of the course, some questions on the final may be considered cumulative. Tentative Review Sessions: There will be a single one-hour review session a few days before each exam as specified on the syllabus (in room 127 Biology). The format will consist of question/answer sessions. Make-up Lecture Exams: All make-up exams will be given on Friday, April 23, at 4 PM (location TBA) and will be completely fill in the blank. These exams will only be given to those with a documented legitimate excuse (e.g., doctors note). Unexcused absences will result in a zero for that exam. The student is responsible for contacting the instructor within 5 school days of the original exam to schedule the make-up exam and to provide the legitimate excuse; if the instructor has not been contacted, you will receive a zero. Grading: 4 exams (at 100 points a piece), for a total possible of 400 points (100%). There is no extra credit offered. A+ = 99-100 A = 92-98.9 A- = 90-91.1 B+ = 88-89.9 B = 82-87.9 B- = 80-81.9 C+ = 78-79.9 C = 72-77.9 C- = 70-71.9 D+ = 68-69.9 D = 62-67.9 D- = 60-61.9 F < 60
Class Attendance: Class attendance is required!!! There are several important reasons to attend every class including: I will test you on material from lecture that is NOT in your textbook, and studies show that students remember, understand class material, and perform better on exams when present in lecture. Posting of Grades: Grades will not be posted. I will NOT give grades out by e-mail, over the phone, or to a friend. To receive your grade, you must log onto the following website and, using your student ID number, retrieve your grade Your grades will most likely be available within about 10 hours of taking the exam. If you have trouble accessing your grade see me during office hours.
Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities are encouraged to register with the Office of Disability Services (3484285). Thereafter, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Caldwell to discuss accommodations. Academic Misconduct All acts of dishonesty in any work constitutes academic misconduct. This includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication of information, misrepresentations, and abetting in any of the above. The Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Policy will be followed in the event that academic misconduct occurs. Students should refer to the Student Affairs Handbook, which can be obtained in the Office of Student Life and Services in the Ferguson Center. Use of Cellular Phones: The use of cellular phones or other electronic devices during class is rude and disruptive and will not be tolerated. Repeated offenses of this kind will result in reprimand and may lead to additional written assignments at the discretion of the instructor. BSC 115: This course is a separate laboratory course that is worth 1 credit hour and is graded independently from the course. Lab exercises will compliment lecture material, occasionally in greater detail than the lecture. Additionally, there will be some topics covered in lab that will not be discussed in lecture. Information regarding policies for the lab will be handled during your first day of lab. Course Outline (this is tentative and subject to change) Date Jan 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 28 30 2 2 4 6 9 11 13 16 18 20 23 25 26 27 1 3 5 8 10 12 15 17 19 22 24 24 26 29 31 Topic Introduction to course atoms and molecules atoms and molecules water carbon MLK Day no class organic molecules organic molecules organic molecules cell structure cell structure cell structure review (7-8 PM) Exam I membrane structure membrane structure metabolism cellular respiration cellular respiration cellular respiration photosynthesis photosynthesis cell communication review (7-8 PM) cell communication Exam 2 mitotic cell cycle mitotic cell cycle meiosis meiosis Mendelian genetics Mendelian genetics Chromosomes Chromosomes DNA replication DNA replication review (7-8 PM) Exam 3 Spring break Spring break Text Chapter 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 8 6 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16
2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 28 29 30 6
Spring break transcription and translation transcription and translation transcription and translation genetics of viruses and bacteria genetics of viruses and bacteria gene regulation gene regulation gene technology gene technology genetics and development evolution review (7-8 PM) evolution Exam 4 Final Exam
17 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 22
NO CLASSES: SPRING BREAK Lab 13 Handout Handout Bacteriology Colony Transformation DNA Paternity Simulation TEST III
GRADES 1. Distribution of points: a. Best 7 of 9 weekly (daily) quizzes b. Mini-lab reports c. Main writing assignment d. Home work/classwork e. Tests (100 pts each) Total Lab Points
2. Writing assignments: a. Mini-lab reports Reports will be written on 5 of the following labs: 1. Scientific Investigation 4. Bacteriology 2. Diffusion and Osmosis 5. Drosophila 3. Photosynthesis 6. Enzymes b. Main lab report: following is a list of report components 1. Title (5 pts) 6. References (5 pts) 2. Introduction (20 pts) 7. Grammar & Format (20 points) 3. Materials and methods (10 pts) 4. Results (20 pts) 5. Discussion/conclusion (20 pts) Students must attend the laboratory period for the lab report and the mini-lab reports to be accepted. Late reports will not be accepted. 3. GRADING SCALE B+ = 88-89 A+ = 99-100 B = 82-87 A = 92-98 A- = 90-91 B- = 80-81 C+ = 78-79 C = 72-77 C- = 70-71 D+ = 68-69 D = 62-67 D- = 60-61
F = <60
POLICY CONCERNING MIDTERM AND FINAL EXAMS Make-up exams are To Be Arranged; call your instructor or Dr. Rasco. POSTING GRADES Grades will not be posted. Please see your teaching assistant during his/her office hours to ask about grades or to review tests 4. COMPUTER LABS Building Room # Morgan 203/238 Gordon Palmer 152 Ten Hoor 346 Nott Hall 171
Availability All U of A students All U of A students All U of A students MA 005 & 100 students