the film series, see The Twilight Saga (film series) For other uses, see Twilight (disambiguation) !age semi"protected Twilight The twilight saga hardback #pg $omplete set of the Twilight series with the spin"off novella, The Short Second %ife of &ree Tanner Twilight 'ew Moon (clipse &reaking )awn *uthor $ountry %anguage Stephenie Meyer +nited States (nglish
,enre -omance, fantasy, young"adult fiction !ublisher !ublished %ittle, &rown and $ompany .//01/2
Media type !rint Twilight is a series of four vampire"themed fantasy romance novels by *merican author Stephenie Meyer 3t charts a period in the life of 3sabella 4&ella4 Swan, a teenage girl who moves to Forks, Washington, and falls in love with a 5/6"year"old vampire named (dward $ullen The series is told primarily from &ella7s point of view, with the epilogue of (clipse and !art 33 of &reaking )awn being told from the viewpoint of character 8acob &lack, a werewolf The unpublished Midnight Sun is a retelling of the first book, Twilight, from (dward $ullen7s point of view The novella The Short Second %ife of &ree Tanner, which tells the story of a newborn vampire who appeared in (clipse, was published on 8une 0, ./5/ as a hardcover book and on 8une 9 as a free online ebook :5; The Twilight Saga< The =fficial 3llustrated ,uide, a
definitive encyclopedic reference with nearly 5// full colour illustrations, was released in bookstores on *pril 5., ./55 :.; Since the release of the first novel, Twilight, in .//0, the books have gained immense popularity and commercial success around the world The series is most popular among young adults> the four books have won multiple awards, most notably the .//2 &ritish &ook *ward for 4$hildren7s &ook of the ?ear4 for &reaking )awn,:@; while the series as a whole won the .//A Bids7 $hoice *ward for Favorite &ook :6; *s of =ctober ./5/, the series has sold over 55C million copies worldwide:0; with translations into at least @2 different languages around the globe :C;:9; The four Twilight books have consecutively set records as the biggest selling novels of .//2 on the +S* Today &est"Selling &ooks list:2; and have spent over .@0 weeks on the 'ew ?ork Times &est Seller list for $hildren7s Series &ooks :A; The books have been made into The Twilight Saga series of motion pictures by Summit (ntertainment The film adaptations of the first three books were released in .//2, .//A, and ./5/ respectively The fourth book is adapted into two full"length films D the first film being released in 'ovember ./55, and the second film in 'ovember ./5. :5/; $ontents :hide; 5 !lot overview 5 5 Twilight 5 . 'ew Moon 5 @ (clipse 5 6 &reaking )awn 5 0 Main characters . Setting @ Structure and genre 6 3nspiration and themes 0 =rigins and publishing history C =ther books 9 -eception
9 5 !ositive reception 9 . $riticism 9 @ %egal controversy 9 6 &ook challenges 2 Film adaptations A $onventions 5/ See also 55 -eferences 5. (Eternal links !lot overview
Twilight Main article< Twilight (novel) &ella Swan moves from !hoeniE, *riFona to live with her father in Forks, Washington to allow her mother to travel with her new husband, a minor league baseball player *fter moving to Forks, &ella finds herself involuntarily drawn to a mysterious, handsome boy, (dward $ullen She eventually learns that he is a member of a vampire family who drinks animal blood rather than human blood (dward and &ella fall in love, while 8ames, a sadistic vampire from another coven, is drawn to hunt down &ella (dward and the other $ullens defend &ella She escapes to !hoeniE, *riFona, where she is tricked into confronting 8ames, who tries to kill her She is seriously wounded, but (dward rescues her and they return to Forks, having killed 8ames *yelet ,ross, 'oa ,runhaus, and Michal *mar are featured as &ella7s old friends from !hoeniE !hoto of a three"lane main street in a small town Gisible is a traffic light, sparse traffic, and businesses such as a car lot and gas station
(dward and his family leave Forks because he believes he is endangering &ella7s life &ella goes into a depression until she develops a strong friendship with 8acob &lack, whom she discovers can shape"shift into a wolf 8acob and the other wolves in his tribe must protect her from Gictoria, a vampire seeking to avenge the death of her mate 8ames )ue to a misunderstanding, (dward believes &ella is dead (dward decides to commit suicide in Golterra, 3taly, but is stopped by &ella, who is accompanied by (dward7s sister, *lice They meet with the Golturi, a powerful vampire coven, and are released only on the condition that &ella be turned into a vampire in the near future &ella and (dward are reunited, and she and the $ullens return to Forks (clipse Main article< (clipse (Meyer novel) Gictoria has created an army of 4newborn4 vampires to battle the $ullen family and murder &ella for revenge Meanwhile, &ella is compelled to choose between her relationship with (dward and her friendship with 8acob (dward7s vampire family and 8acob7s werewolf pack #oin forces to successfully destroy Gictoria and her vampire army 3n the end, &ella chooses (dward7s love over 8acob7s friendship and agrees to marry him &reaking )awn Main article< &reaking )awn &ella and (dward are married, but their honeymoon is cut short when &ella discovers that she is pregnant Her pregnancy progresses rapidly, severely weakening her She nearly dies giving birth to her and (dward7s half"vampire" half"human daughter, -enesmee (dward in#ects &ella with his venom to save her life and turns her into a vampire * vampire from another coven sees -enesmee and mistakes her for an 4immortal child4 She informs the Golturi, as the eEistence of such beings violates vampire law The $ullens gather vampire witnesses who can verify that -enesmee is not an immortal child *fter an intense confrontation, the $ullens and their witnesses convince the Golturi that the child poses no danger to vampires or their secret, and they are left in peace by the Golturi Main characters See also< %ist of Twilight characters &ella Swan1 The protagonist of the series, teenager &ella is a perpetually clumsy 4danger magnet4 with dark brown hair and brown eyes She is often portrayed as having low self"esteem and unable to comprehend (dward7s love for her She has an immunity to supernatural abilities involving the mind, such as (dward7s mind"reading ability *fter her transformation into a vampire
in the saga7s fourth installment, &ella acIuires the ability to shield both herself and others from 4mental harm4 from other vampires (dward $ullen1 (dward is a vampire who lives with a coven of like"minded vampires known as the $ullen family, who feed on animals rather than humans =ver the course of the Twilight series, (dward falls in love with, marries, and then has a child with &ella *t first, (dward feels a mutual hatred toward 8acob &lack because of his love for &ella, but in &reaking )awn, he comes to see 8acob as a brother and friend %ike some vampires, (dward has a supernatural ability< mind reading 3t allows him to read anyone7s thoughts within a few miles7 radius &ella is immune to his power as a human, but learns how to lower this 4shield4 after her transformation to a vampire 8acob &lack1 * minor character in the first novel, 8acob is introduced as a member of the Juileute tribe He resurfaces in 'ew Moon with a larger role as &ella7s best friend as she struggles through her depression over losing (dward *lthough he is in love with &ella, she initially sees him as #ust her best friend He and other tribe members can shape"shift into wolves 3n (clipse &ella realiFes that she loves 8acob, though her feelings for him are overpowered by her love for (dward $ullen 3n &reaking )awn, 8acob finds a soul mate in &ella and (dward7s baby daughter, -enesmee, ridding him of his heartache for &ella Setting
!hoto of an 3talian town on a hillside, with a siE"sided tower and tiled roof tops
Golterra The story is set primarily in the town of Forks, Washington, where &ella and her father, $harlie Swan, live =ther cities in Washington briefly appear in the series or are mentioned, such as !ort *ngeles, =lympia, Seattle and %a !ush Some events in Twilight take place in !hoeniE, *riFona, where &ella was raised Golterra, 3taly, is featured in 'ew Moon, when (dward travels there to commit suicide and &ella rushes to save him 8acksonville, Florida, is mentioned first in Twilight and second in (clipse, when (dward and &ella visit &ella7s mother, who has moved there with her new husband Seattle, Washington, is featured in &reaking )awn when 8acob tries to escape his love for &ella, and when &ella tries to locate a man named 8 8enks 3t is also the location of a series of murders committed by newborn vampires in (clipse 3n &reaking )awn, &ella and (dward spend their honeymoon on a fictional 43sle
The Twilight series falls under the genre of young adult, fantasy, and romance, though Meyer categoriFed her first book, Twilight, as 4suspense romance horror comedy4 :55; However, she states that she considers her books as 4romance more than anything else4 :55; The series eEplores the unorthodoE romance between human &ella and vampire (dward, as well as the love triangle between &ella, (dward, and 8acob, a werewolf :5.; The books avoid delving into provocative seE, drugs, and harsh swearing because, according to Meyer, 43 don7t think teens need to read about gratuitous seE 4:5@; The books are written in first"person narrative, primarily through &ella7s eyes with the epilogue of the third book and a part of the fourth book being from 8acob7s point of view When asked about the structure of the novel, Meyer described her difficulty to pinpoint the premise of the novels to any specific category< 3 have a hard time with that &ecause if 3 say to someone, 7?ou know, it7s about vampires,7 then immediately they have this mental image of what the book is like *nd it7s so not like the other vampire books out there1*nne -ice7s and the few that 37ve read 3t isn7t that kind of dark and dreary and blood"thirsty world Then when you say, 73t7s set in high school,7 a lot of people immediately put it in another pool 3t7s easy to pigeonhole with different descriptions :56; The books are based on the vampire myth, but Twilight vampires differ in a number of particulars from the general vampire lore For instance, Twilight vampires have strong piercing teeth rather than fangs> they glitter in sunlight rather than burn> and they can drink animal as well as human blood Meyer comments that her vampire mythology differs from that of other authors because she wasn7t informed about the canon vampires, saying, 3t wasn7t until 3 knew that Twilight would be published that 3 began to think about whether my vampires were too much the same or too much different from the others =f course, 3 was far too invested in my characters at that point to be making changes so 3 didn7t cut out fangs and coffins and so forth as a way to distinguish my vampires> that7s #ust how they came to me :50; 3nspiration and themes
*ccording to the author, her books are 4about life, not death4 and 4love, not lust4 :5C; (ach book in the series was inspired by and loosely based on a different literary classic< Twilight on 8ane *usten7s !ride and !re#udice, 'ew Moon on Shakespeare7s -omeo and 8uliet, (clipse on (mily &rontK7s Wuthering Heights, and &reaking )awn on a second Shakespeare play, * Midsummer 'ight7s )ream :59; Meyer also states that =rson Scott $ard and % M Montgomery7s *nne of ,reen ,ables series are a big influence on her writing :56; =ther ma#or themes of the series include choice and free will :56;:52; Meyer says that the books are centered around &ella7s choice to choose her life on her own, and the $ullens7 choices to abstain from killing rather than follow their temptations< 43 really think that7s the underlying metaphor of my vampires 3t doesn7t matter where you7re stuck in life or what you think you have to do> you can always choose something else There7s always a different path 4:52; Meyer, a Mormon, acknowledges that her faith has influenced her work 3n particular, she says that her characters 4tend to think more about where they came from, and where they are going, than might be typical 4:5@; Meyer also steers her work from sub#ects such as seE, despite the romantic nature of the novels Meyer says that she does not consciously intend her novels to be Mormon"influenced, or to promote the virtues of seEual abstinence and spiritual purity, but admits that her writing is shaped by her values, saying, 43 don7t think my books are going to be really graphic or dark, because of who 3 am There7s always going to be a lot of light in my stories 4:5A; =rigins and publishing history
Stephenie Meyer says that the idea for Twilight came to her in a dream on 8une ., .//@ The dream was about a human girl, and a vampire who was in love with her but thirsted for her blood &ased on this dream, Meyer wrote the transcript of what is now chapter 5@ of the book :./; )espite having very little writing eEperience, in a matter of three months she had transformed that dream into a completed novel :52; *fter writing and editing the novel, she signed a three"book deal with %ittle, &rown and $ompany for L90/,///, an unusually high amount for a first time author :.5; Megan Tingley, the editor who signed Meyer, says that halfway through the reading manuscript she realiFed that she had a future bestseller in her hands :..; The book was released in .//0 Following the success of Twilight, Meyer eEpanded the story into a series with
three more books< 'ew Moon (.//C), (clipse (.//9), and &reaking )awn (.//2) 3n its first week after publication, the first seIuel, 'ew Moon, debuted at M0 on the 'ew ?ork Times &est Seller %ist for $hildren7s $hapter &ooks, and in its second week rose to the M5 position, where it remained for the neEt eleven weeks 3n total, it spent over 0/ weeks on the list :.@; *fter the release of (clipse, the first three 4Twilight4 books spent a combined 56@ weeks on the 'ew ?ork Times &est Seller %ist :52; The fourth installment of the Twilight series, &reaking )awn, was released with an initial print run of @ 9 million copies :.6; =ver 5 @ million copies were sold on the first day alone, setting a record in first"day sales performance for the Hachette &ook ,roup +S* :.0; +pon the completion of the fourth entry in the series, Meyer indicated that &reaking )awn would be the final novel to be told from &ella Swan7s perspective :.C; 3n .//2 and .//A, the four books of the series claimed the top four spots on +S* Today7s year"end bestseller list, making Meyer the first author to ever achieve this feat :.9;:.2; The series then won the .//A Bids7 $hoice *ward for Favorite &ook, where it competed against the Harry !otter series :6; =ther books
Meyer originally planned to write a companion book to Twilight called Midnight Sun, which would be the story of Twilight told from (dward $ullen7s point"of"view She stated that Twilight was the only book that she planned to rewrite from (dward7s perspective :.A; However, a rough draft of Midnight Sun7s first twelve chapters was leaked on the internet Meyer has since put these twelve chapters on her website so that her fans could read them for free,:@/; but has put the pro#ect on hold indefinitely due to her feelings about the situation She stated, 3f 3 tried to write Midnight Sun now, in my current frame of mind, 8ames would probably win and all the $ullens would die, which wouldn7t dovetail too well with the original story 3n any case, 3 feel too sad about what has happened to continue working on Midnight Sun, and so it is on hold indefinitely :@5; Though she has no current plans to do so, Meyer has also stated that if she were to continue writing in the same universe she would write from the perspective of either %eah $learwater or &ella and (dward7s daughter, -enesmee $ullen :@.; =n March 5C, ./5/ ?en !ress released Twilight< The ,raphic 'ovel, Gol 5, by artist ?oung Bim based on the first book in the series :@@; 3n February ./55, the graphic novel won the ./5/ ,em *wards &est Manga of the ?ear :@6; The seIuel, Twilight< The ,raphic 'ovel, Gol . was released on =ctober 55, ./55:@0; and followed Golume 5 in topping The 'ew ?ork Times &est Seller
list for Hardcover ,raphic &ooks in its first week :@C; =n March @/, ./5/, Meyer revealed on her official website that she will be releasing a new novella in the series, The Short Second %ife of &ree Tanner, which tells the story of a newborn vampire who appeared in (clipse, on 8une 0, ./5/ :5; *n electronic version of the book was made available free from her web site, as well as in bookstores :@9; =n =ctober 0, ./5/, %ittle, &rown and $ompany announced that The Twilight Saga< The =fficial 3llustrated ,uide, a definitive encyclopedic reference for the saga including character profiles, outtakes, a conversation with Meyer, genealogical charts, maps and eEtensive cross"references with nearly 5// full color illustrations, was to be released on *pril 5., ./55, after many publication delays since .//2 :@2; 3t debuted at M5 on The 'ew ?ork Times &est Seller list, where it stayed for three consecutive weeks,:@A;:6/;:65; and at M6 on the +S* Today &est Seller list :6.; -eception
The response to Twilight has been miEed While the books have become immensely popular, they have also generated much controversy !ositive reception Twilight has gathered much acclaim, especially for its popularity The Times lauded it for capturing 4perfectly the teenage feeling of seEual tension and alienation 4:6@; =ther reviews described Twilight as an 4eEIuisite fantasy4, :66; and a 4gripping blend of romance and horror4 :60; %ev ,rossman of Time wrote that the books have a 4pillowy Iuality distinctly reminiscent of 3nternet fan fiction4, but still praised the series, comparing it to The %ord of the -ings and Harry !otter< !eople do not want to #ust read Meyer7s books> they want to climb inside them and live there There7s no literary term for the Iuality Twilight and Harry !otter (and The %ord of the -ings) share, but you know it when you see it< their worlds have a freestanding internal integrity that makes you feel as if you should be able to buy real estate there :52; Most of the reviews, however, have focused on Twilight7s popularity, rather than actually praising it for literary standards The Seattle !ost"3ntelligencer called the book a 4hot new teen novel4,:6C; (ntertainment Weekly called Meyer 4the world7s most popular vampire novelist since *nne -ice4,:69; The 'ew ?ork Times described Twilight as a 4literary phenomenon4,:62; and Matt *rado of )aily Herald noted that the Twilight books have become the 4hottest publishing phenomenon since a certain bespectacled wiFard cast his spell on
the world 4:6A; The large and diverse online fan community of the series are often noted, sometimes even being called 4cult"like4 :0/; )espite this, the series is often considered to have a wider appeal> $rystal Mack of )aily Herald said, 4While teenage girls are the main audience, young boys and adults of both genders have also been swept up in the phenomenon 4:05;
*n *rabic Twilight promotional poster in a bookshop in )ubai &y late .//A, the books had reportedly sold 5//,/// copies in (nglish across the +*( :0.; The author and the series7 popularity are often compared with 8 B -owling and Harry !otter :52;:0@; )escribing the fan following of the books, the !hoeniE 'ew Times wrote, 4Meyer7s fandom is reminiscent of Harry !otter mania 4:..; The )aily Telegraph described Twilight as the 4spiritual successor to Harry !otter4 :06; -ebekah &radford of The !ost and $ourier stated that the series has a 4huge crossover appeal much like the Harry !otter books before them 4:00; *ccording to the )aily Telegraph, 4Stephenie Meyer, in particular, has achieved incredible success across all the (nglish"speaking nations and (urope and many will say that her Twilight series has filled the hole left by Harry !otter 4:0C; Meyer has responded to such comparisons, saying, 43t7s terribly flattering to be compared to her, but there7s never going to be another 8 B -owling> that7s a phenomenon that7s not gonna happen again4, however noting that 4you can compare my fans to her fans more easily :than me to her; 3 do think that we both have people who are #ust really really enthusiastic, and will come miles to see you and be involved, and everybody really cares about our characters 4:09;
* store catering to tourists interested in the Twilight series in Forks, Washington (conomically, the town of Forks, Washington, the setting for the Twilight series, has improved due to tourism from fans of the books :02; Forks is visited by an average of 2,/// tourists per month,:0A; and has been described as a 4mecca for Twilighters4 :C/; 3n response to plans for the aging Forks High School to be renovated, Twilight fans have teamed up with 3nfinite 8ewelry $o and the West =lympic !eninsula &etterment *ssociation to collect donations in an attempt to save the brick appearance or the building altogether :C5;
$riticism The series has garnered much controversy, both over its literary substance and over the type of relationship portrayed in the books Many have derided the series as poor writing While comparing Stephenie Meyer to 8 B -owling, Stephen Bing said, 4the real difference :between -owling and Meyer; is that 8o -owling is a terrific writer, and Stephenie Meyer can7t write worth a darn She7s not very good 4:C.;:C@; However, Bing understood the appeal of the series, adding, 4!eople are attracted by the stories, by the pace and in the case of Stephenie Meyer, it7s very clear that she7s writing to a whole generation of girls and opening up kind of a safe #oining of love and seE in those books 3t7s eEciting and it7s thrilling and it7s not particularly threatening because it7s not overtly seEual 4:C@; %aura Miller of Salon com wrote that 4the characters, such as they are, are stripped down to a minimum, lacking the teEture and idiosyncrasies of actual people4, and said that 4Twilight would be a lot more persuasive as an argument that an 7amaFing heart7 counts for more than appearances if it didn7t harp so incessantly on (dward7s superficial splendors 4:C6; (liFabeth Hand of The Washington !ost wrote, 4Meyer7s prose seldom rises above the serviceable, and the plotting is leaden 4:C0; The article, featured on the ?ahooN website Shine, also criticiFed the books and the author7s final word on the series was, 4,ood books deal with themes of longing and loneliness, seEual passion and human frailty, alienation and fear #ust as the Twilight books do &ut they do so by engaging us with compleEities of feeling and subtleties of character, eEpressed in language that rises above banal mediocrity Their reward is something more than #ust an escape into banal mediocrity We deserve something better to get hooked on 4:CC;:C9; The books have also been widely critiIued as promoting, normaliFing, and idealiFing an emotionally and physically abusive relationship Sci"fi website i/A noted that &ella and (dward7s relationship meets all fifteen criteria set by the 'ational )omestic Giolence Hotline for being in an abusive relationship :C2; % %ee &utler of ?oung *dult %ibrary Services *ssociation commented how he was unusually hesitant to stock the Twilight books in his library because he felt the books were 4robbing :teen girls; of agency and normaliFing stalking and abusive behavior 4:CA; Many female"oriented and feminist media outlets, like 8eFebel,:9/; The Frisky,:95; and Salon com have decried Twilight as promoting an anti"woman message :9.; &itch magaFine stated the novels 4had created a new, popular genre of 4abstinence porn4, concluding that, 43n reality, the abstinence messageDwrapped in the genre of abstinence pornD ob#ectifies &ella in the same ways that 7real7 porn might The Twilight books conflate &ella losing her virginity with the loss of other things, including her
sense of self and her very life Such a high"stakes treatment of abstinence reinforces the idea that &ella is powerless, an ob#ect, a fact that is highlighted when we get to the seE scenes in &reaking )awn 4:9@; Ms declared that Twilight promotes a physically abusive relationship and an anti"abortion message :96; However, writer *ngela *leiss of -eligion 'ews Service said that contrary to popular opinion, Mormons do permit abortion when the mother7s life is in danger &ella7s refusal to abort her fetus, along with her Iuick marriage and pregnancy, instead underscore the Mormon emphasis on family :90; Garious psychology eEperts have come out in agreement with the assessment of the relationship as abusive :9C; Melissa Henson, )irector of communication and public education for the !arents Television $ouncil, stated< To impressionable teens, domestic violence is almost romanticiFed WeOve made great strides in recent years in clearly communicating the message that is never okay to hit a woman Today, the hidden message in the entertainment consumed by many impressionable teens is that if he hits you, it is out of love 1 which is absolutely wrong :99; Many entertainment and media outlets have made similar comments on the abusive nature of &ella and (dward7s relationship, including (ntertainment Weekly,:92; Movieline,:9A; and Mediabistro com :2/; Meyer has dismissed such criticisms, arguing both that the books center around &ella7s choice, which she perceives as the foundation of modern feminism, and that &ella7s damsel in distress persona is due only to her humanity :25; Meyer also added, 48ust because :&ella; doesn7t do kung fu and she cooks for her father doesn7t make her worthy of that criticism4 :2.; Shannon SimcoE of The )aily $ollegian has similarly dismissed the criticism surrounding &ella, commenting, 4While &ella plays the perfect damsel in distress that gets herself into sticky situations, she is also very in control of herself She chose to move to Forks and be in a new place> she constantly faces a bunch of people who want to suck the life right out of her, and she is constantly pleading to become a vampire, too, so she can take care of herself and (dward 4:2@; %egal controversy 3n )ecember ./5/, professional singer Matthew Smith, known as Matt Heart, sued Summit (ntertainment in the case Smith v Summit (ntertainment %%$ Smith7s song 4(ternal Bnight4 was posted on several websites accompanied by cover art which Summit claimed used its 4Twilight4 typeface mark Smith won four of the seven causes of action, including his right to continue distribution of his copyrighted song, under the terms that he remove any reference to 4Twilight4 or the 4Twilight Saga4 :26;
&ook challenges The Twilight series made the number five spot on the *merican %ibrary *ssociation7s (*%*) Top Ten %ist of the Most FreIuently $hallenged &ooks of .//A, for being 4SeEually (Eplicit4, 4+nsuited to *ge ,roup4, and having a 4-eligious Giewpoint4 :20; Film adaptations
Main article< The Twilight Saga (film series) * screenplay for Twilight was written by Melissa -osenberg and has been adapted into a film by Summit (ntertainment The film was directed by $atherine Hardwicke, with Bristen Stewart and -obert !attinson in the leading roles of 3sabella Swan and (dward $ullen, respectively The movie was released in the +nited States on 'ovember .5, .//2 :2C; Twilight< The $omplete 3llustrated Movie $ompanion, written by Mark $otta GaF, was released =ctober .2 :29; =n 'ovember .., .//2, following the boE office success of Twilight, Summit (ntertainment confirmed a seIuel, called The Twilight Saga< 'ew Moon, based on the second book in the series, 'ew Moon :22; The film was released on 'ovember ./, .//A The Twilight Saga< 'ew Moon was released on )G) and &lu"ray on March ./, ./5/ through midnight release parties :2A; That same day, Summit (ntertainment released Twilight in Forks, a documentary about the primary setting of the Twilight series, Forks, Washington :A/; Topics (ntertainment released its own documentary about Forks and the Twilight series on March 5C, called Forks< &itten by Twilight :A5; The third installment in the series, The Twilight Saga< (clipse, was released on 8une @/, ./5/ :A.;:A@; The fourth installment, The Twilight Saga< &reaking )awn 1 !art 5 was released 'ovember 52, ./55, *nd the fifth and last installment, The Twilight Saga< &reaking )awn 1 !art . was released 'ovember 5C, ./5. :A6; $onventions
While the Twilight series has been a visible presence in many conventions such as $omic$on, there have also been many conventions whose main focus has been on the Twilight series (books and films) Some notable conventions have been Twicon and a series of 4=fficial Twilight $onventions4 that are being held by $reation (ntertainment :A0;