RN Oct 2012
RN Oct 2012
RN Oct 2012
1. Bonding radio equipment to airframe will provideA. Low Current Path B. igh Current path C. igh #mpedance path $. Low Impedance path &. 'atio of (a" to (in which is equal to )W'A. )W'+,*-,# B.)W'+,#-,* C. Both A.B which is smaller $. Both A+B which is Lager /. $uring 0-* 12lideslope3 2lideslope3 warning Comes due toA. Below ILS Departure B. A4ove #L) $eparture C. At $ecent eight $. *n (iddle (ar5er 6. )peed of Computer depends onA. Memory B. ard $is5 C. '*( 9. #n flight #nterphone if press P.0.0.A. All PA )pea5ers are mute B. A. and connect to mi5e C. Coc5pit spea5ers is heard $. A+ Mi e is connected to line =. #>) Consist of 2!roscopes & accelerometer it will Assist the aircraft inA. Le#el !light B. A4out Lateral A"is B. A4out 8ertical A"is ?. #n encoding A0C 0ransponder altitude C Pulse give Binar! code& AA BA $ give pulseA. *ctal B. 'ray Code C. BC$ $. Binar! :. 8)W' in short circuited transmission line equal toA. In!inity B. Bnit! C. ,ero $. >one C. When Captain li5e to communicate with flight Crew on A)PA Capt will selectA. Select I+, Switch on - select PA on .x/ Panel B. )elect PA on A)P & '". And tal5 to ca4in crew C. )elect )ervice ant. *n A)P & '" tal5 to ca4in crew 1;. 2PW) ta5e 'eference from A-C Configuration 'adio AltimeterA. Landing 'ear - 1laps C. %laps C. Aileron $. All of the A4ove
Prepared by
&&. #n 7#CA) s!stem caution Am4er light indicateA. Lavel A B. Le#el B C. Level C $. Level $ &/. Padding capacitor used inA. ,rac ing C. % Amplifiers
/6. $e-(odulator is device forA. Convert 7( Waves to '% Waves B. Convert 7( Waves to A.C. )ignal C. .emo#e Intelligence !rom the signal /9. #n #L) Lateral 2uide ness provide 4!A. 2lide )lope B. Locali2er C. (ar5er Beacon /=. A alternator has = poleA what is the no. of c!cle per rotation A. = B. 1& C. / $. >one of the A4ove /?. When A.C. & $.C. intersecting this point is 5now asA. &perating Point B. Wa! Point C. Cutting Point $. >one of the A4ove /:. Coc5pit lighting is 5now as A. Ca4in Lighting B. 1lood Lighting C. Anti-collision lighting /C. L7$ A. P-> Eunction $iode B. A. 7mitte light when connected in reserve 4ias C. A+ 4mitte light when connected in !orward "ias $. A. Biasing has no effect on L7$ 6;. 8*' Ant. #nstalled in a-cA. a-c nose section B. &n %ertical Sta"li2er C. Below side of fuselage $. Bppar side of %uselage 61. %or C;;usA'ange should 4eA. 5(0+M
B. 0rac5 $. *scillators
&6. #n A0C 0ransponder (ode A $oes not provideA. Position B. 'ange C. Altitude &9. Which Ant. #s non-omnidirectionalA. Log Periodic B. Loop Ant. C. (arconi Ant. &=. #n C'0 voltage signal is feed toA. D Plate B. 3 Plate C. Cathode 2rid &?. %ading mostl! occurs inA. 8 % B. $1 C. B % onl! in da! time &:. #f an Ant. Can receive 4oth ori@ontall! & verticall! Beam 4ut their intensit! is unequal in 4oth $irectionA 5now asA. Log Periodic B. )ense Ant. C. 4lliptical polari2ation &C. 0o 'educe Corona effect we useA. Static Discharger B. )hielding /;. When %lag such as >A8A $2A 2) are $isappeared on )#A the indication isA. *perative B. ,he 1unction is inoperati#e C. 0he s!stem is in good wor5ing condition /1. #n 8*' which is not *mnidirectionalA. /; , 'eference phase B. 1;&;( , 8oice C. CC=; )u4 Carrier $. %aria"le signal /&. #n #L) )!stem 19; h@ predominate in Locali@erA. Hellow Light B. 2reen Light C. Blue Light //. Which device convert electrical Power to 7( WavesA. 0ransformer B. ,ransmitter C. '". Ant. $. '". (i"er C5t.
B. &?;>(
6&. Pin section of A>-() Connector is normall! installedA. 7igther side of c5t B. )uppl! of the c5t C. 'round Side o! c t 6/. Long 'ange >av FL*'A>G detect a-c location 4!A. (easuring the inertial forces acting on a-c B. Means o! Pulsed signals ,x/ 1rom the grond station C. (eans of )ignal 0". %rom the satelite 66. 'adio Altimeter produce >o 8oice WhenA. At the time of 0-* B. A. Bnless negative rate of clim4 sense C. A. Bnless positive rate of clim4 sense $. 6hen a/c on the 'round 69. #n 'adio Altimeter *%% %lag comes whenA. Loss of valid signals B. Due to Power 1ailure. C. either A or B $. *n 2round
6=. #n W" 'adarA 0ime ta5en 4! pulse 0ransmitted & 'eceived 4ac5A. is greater than the $istance B. Less than the $istance C. Is Directly Proportional to the Distance $. #s #nversel! Proportional to the $istance 6?. 'ear Port $ispla! utili@esA. Dynamic C., B. $!namic C'0 4! *pticals C. )tatic C'0 4! *pticals
igh 'esistance is (easure 4!A. Ammeter with shunt B. (ultimeter C. Megaohmeter $. Ammeter
9?. #nterpol not used forA. 'educe )par5ing B. 'educe armature reaction C. .educe 1ield Strength
9:. (ar5 the correct statement regarding 8*'A. 8*' Provide Bearing to the a-c respect to ground st. B. A. %requenc! range is 1;:-11&mh@. 6:. When 0ransmitter #mpedance lines equalC. A+ 1re7uency range is 5)89558mh2. A. )W' will 4e Bnit! B. )W' will 4e (a"imum $. B. 'eference& varia4le phase are used. C. S6. will "e Minimum $. )W' will 4e ,ero 9C. 7L0 Batter! operate s!stem up to6C. A-c Bonding Chec5 inA. &6hr B. /=hr A. Capacitance 8alue B. #mpedance 8alue C. :8hr C. ?&hr C. .esistance %alue =;. F1G Bonding is done with help of soldering for Ioining 9;. $ifference 4-t (icro Processor & (icro ComputerIumper to the a-c structure A. (icro Processor is a small s!stem & F&G Bonding is done 4! crimping for Ioining Iumper (icro Computer is large to the a-c structure. B. Micro Processor has small memory A. 1.& Both are correct B. 1.& Both are wrong Micro Computer has large memory C. 1 is correct $. ; is correct C. (icro Processor has no memor!. =1. 0he (a"imum num4er of Ioints in 4onding at a point91. 'ange of 8*'0AC BeaconA. & B. ( A. $irectl! Proportional to Bearing &$istance C. 6 $. 9 from the wa! point. B. #nversel! Proportional to Bearing &$istance =&. Which (otor not suita4le for a-c due to high torque from the wa! point A. )hunt Wound B. Compound Wound C. $irectl! Proportional to $istance from C. Series 6ound the wa! point $. In#ersely Proportional to Distance !rom =/. Which (otor used for )tarting Piston 7nginesthe way point A. )hunt Wound B. Compound Wound C. Series 6ound 9&. #n A$% LoopA 0ransformer & 'otor are single unit isA. 'esolver B. )!nchroni@er =6. $isadvantage of alf wave 'ectifierB. 'oniometer $. >one of the A4ove A. Di!!icult to !ilter o/p B. igh Power Consumption C. 'equire igh 8oltage $. Wor5s on low 0emprature 9/. #n a-c equipment installation in coc5pit increase itsA. Bse full Load B. 0are weight =9. A transformer have &9;-/;;; voltage ratioA if magnetic field C. 4mpty weight $. 7"tra weight densit! is 1.&w4-mA emf per turn of coil is : voltA than turns #n secondr!96. #ntensit! of C'0 $oes not depends onA. /9 B. /; A. Phosphor (aterial B. 2rid (aterial C. /;; $. (<0 C. ,ime ta en "y the electron "eam to stri e the Screen ==. %LH-BH-W#'7 s!stemA. #s a s!stem in which control surface moves 4! 99. %or Proper Propagation of waves in a wave guideA mechanical lin5age Wave length used isB. #s a s!stem in which control surface moves 4! wire. A. Less than cut9o!! wa#e length C. #s a s!stem in which control surface moves electricall! B. Longer than cut-off wave length $. Is a system in which control sur!ace mo#es electronically C. 7qual to cut-off wave length
*0 (icrophone is C8'A. Can 4e switch on 4! pilot B. Can 4e )elect from the control panel C. Is always &+ irrespecti#e o! any selection
?:. (ar5 the correct statementA. #n waveguide the velocit! of propagation is less than that in free space B. A+ and not "e ,4M Propagation C. A. and 07( not propagate ?C. Coil A has Air core & Coil B has #ron core thanA. Coil A has higher inductance B. Coil B has $igher inductance than Coil A C. Both Coil has same inductance :;. (ar5er Beacon is 0ested usingA. Lamp switch B. >A8 )witch C. 0esting switch on mar5er
=:. $elta-$elta connectionA. Phase #oltage = line #oltage B. Phase Current + Line 8oltage C. Phase 8oltage + Line current =C. #% )tage used in %( 'eceiverA. Amplif! low signals B. Amplif! oscillator %req. C. Con#ert input !re7 in to a !ix !re7.
?;. (ar5 the correct statementA. Bitester used for internal chec5up of :1. #n % )!stem it is wor5ing at onl! one freq. the possi4ilit! of component as )pecified 4! manufacture. %ault is inB. 'A(P tester is used for chec5ing the e"ternal A. 0".-'". B. A,> Component of an a-c as specified 4! manufacture C. Antenna C. B+ Person should possess #alid license. $. Antenna coupler Bnit ?1. W" 'adar $ispla!A. Pencil Shape C. Circle )hape :&. After an A$% Ant. #nstalledA. Loop must " cele"rated B. Ant. (ust 4 grounded
?&. Aluminum Wire Ant. Bsed in a-c due toA. igh strength-weight ratio B. Low resistance C. Less chance of corrosion $. All of the a4ove ?/. A$% 7rrorsA. )ite 7rrorsA Coastal 7rrors B. >ight 7ffectA )ite 7rrors C. +ight e!!ect? Loop alignment 4rrors ?6. When 'adar '". 'eceived 'eflected 7cho wavesA. 0arget )eems less distance than Actual B. 0arget )eems more distance than Actual C. 0arget not visi4le at this stage $. >one of the A4ove ?9. $isadvantage of W". 'adarA. >ot provide 'ange B. >ot Provide $istance C. Both A.B $. >one of the a4ove ?=. #n A$% A(atching - 7quali@ation c5t installA. Close to the Ant. B. A0 the '". C. At the 0ransmitter ??. >oise is li5el! to 4e felt atA. .1 i/p Stage C. $uring reception