VCOP Punctuation Activities

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VCOP Punctuation quick activity 1

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" #ook at the state of those $oots %o &i& they !et so mu&&y Put them outsi&e please 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity )

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" *he mouse ran across the floor #ook out +t,s a cat Will the mouse $e a$le to escape 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" *he pirate &u! for hours an& hours .o you think he,ll fin& anythin! What an enormous treasure chest 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity /

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" 0top thief *hat man stole a necklace out of my 1e ellery shop Will the police catch him 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 2

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" 3re you hun!ry yet +,ll make you some lunch 4ou ant thirty san& iches 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 5

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" %elp +,m sure + sa a !host .o you think it as a real !host 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 6

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" What a fierce shark %e,s s immin! some here over there +s he !oin! to !o$$le up those fish 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 7

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" Father Christmas clam$ere& &o n the chimney %e,s stuck Will he $e a$le to !et out 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 8

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" Can + !o to the park +,ve &one all my home ork %urrah 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 19

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" :e quiet *his class is !ettin! too noisy %ave you for!otten ho to ork quietly 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 11

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" +,m !oin! to fly to space .o you ant to come ith me 2,/,-,),1, :last off 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 1)

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" 3$raca&a$ra *he i;ar& ave& his an& in the air + on&er hat ill happen next 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 1Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" Can + play ith your kitten O 0he 1ust scratche& me + &on<t think +<ll $uy a cat after all 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 1/

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" Watch out *hat $rick nearly lan&e& on you 3re you O= 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 12

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" *he princess ent to the $all What a han&some prince Will she marry him 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 15

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" + &on,t ant to !o to $e& yet Can + stay up 19 more minutes Please 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 16

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" :en is !oin! to $lo out the can&les on his cake +s it time to cut the cake no *hanks 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 17

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" *he !iant stompe& &o n the hill %e,s comin! this ay .oes he look an!ry 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity 18

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" What a stran!e noise +s it a fox Foxes &o come out at ni!ht 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity )9

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" +,ve never rea& this $ook $efore %ave you rea& it +t,s so excitin! 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity )1

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" What,s that noise +t,s a monster +t as only my $rother trickin! me 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity ))

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" .i& you put the han&$rake on the car >un for it 0lo ly, the car $e!an to roll $ack ar&s 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity )Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" %o &are you ?r 0mith as not impresse& at all .o you think ?r 0mith ill fin& it funny 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity )/

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" +s anyone sittin! in this seat ?ark sat &o n thinkin! the chair as empty .isaster struck 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity )2

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" .avi& &i&n<t like cyclin! on the roa& #ook out Can<t you ri&e any faster than that 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity )5

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" *he sol&ier kne he ha& to stay calm 0houl& he cut the re& ire or the $lue one :oom 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity )6

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" 0u&&enly, there as a lou& crack of thun&er .o you think it<s !oin! to rain 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity )7

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" For the last time, ill you $e quiet Who<s makin! all the noise *he noise level continue& to rise 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity )8

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" *he vie from the mountaintop as a$solutely $eautiful %ave you ever seen such unspoilt countrysi&e Out of no here, the 1et plane screame& past 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

VCOP Punctuation quick activity -9

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? Write the follo in! sentences usin! the correct punctuation" 0u&&enly, all hell $roke loose +s that $ull properly tethere& *he farmer love& sho in! the chil&ren aroun& his farm 'o rite three sentences of your o n(

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