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Eca Styleguide

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East Coast Airlines

Corporate Style Guide

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines, like any other successful organisation has a visual identity that represents it core values and that must be adhered to. This style guide should instruct and lead the designer when developing anything associated with the East Coast Airlines brand. The style guide also demonstrates many pre-designed East Coast Airlines products, services and utilities. If revisions are to be made the original designs should be used as a launching point for the new design. East Coast Airlines operates across the entire eastern coast of Australia and any designs that will be traveling with the aircraft will need to appeal to a broad range of passengers. The core ideology behind East Coast Airlines is one of convenience and efficiency, and all parts of the ECA machine should work towards strengthening that identity.

Corporate Logo ... Corporate Colours ... Corporate Type ... Aircraft Livery ... Pilot Uniforms ... Attendant Uniforms ... Crew Uniforms ... Letterhead ... Business Card ... Envelope ... Tickets ... Baggage Tags ... Food Packaging ... Food Utensils ... Napkins ... Sleeping Paraphernalia ... ... 01 ... 02 ... 03 ... 04 ... 05 ... 06 ... 07 ... 08 ... 09 ... 10 ... 11 ... 12 ... 13 ... 14 ... 15 ... 16

East Coast Airlines


Corporate Logo
The central element of East Coast Airlines corporate identity is the ECA logo. To maintain corporate consistency it is important that the logo appear unvaryingly across all East Coast Airlines products and equipment. The logo should not be changed or modified beyond what is deemed permissible within this corporate identity style guide. The figure on the top right is the primary representative logo for East Coast Airlines. The logo should maintain a correct aspect ratio at all times. Any distortion or warping of the logo proportions is not permissible. East Coast Airlines logo variants are mainly slight colour based ones. The Logo can be rendered either in official colours or in black and white. The East Coast Airlines logo also features a horizontal style logo for occasions where the primary logo is inappropriate.

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines

Corporate Colours
One of the most important elements for creating a strong cohesive Corporate identity lies in the use of consistent colouring. To facilitate this the East Coast Airlines identity has a selection of per-approved colours to represent the face of the company with. The colours shown here are the preferred colours to be used in conjunction with the East Coast Airlines corporate identity. In regards to print the spot colours and CMYK colours are both acceptable. It is recommended however that the selected spot colours should be used whenever possible, as they are more reliably the right colour. In circumstances when the spot colours are not viable, the CMYK substitutes can be used. For digital productions the RGB colours should be used. Pantone: 647 U CMYK: 100 95 5 0 RGB: 42 56 143

Pantone: 3935 U CMYK: 0 0 67 0 RGB: 255 245 116

Pantone: 285 U CMYK: 85 50 0 0 RGB: 27 117 187

Pantone: 3115 U CMYK: 70 15 0 0 RGB: 39 169 225

East Coast Airlines


Corporate Type
The East Coast Airlines visual corporate identity encompasses two typefaces. To ensure corporate visual consistency only these typefaces may be used. This shouldnt be a problem as both of these fonts are common to many systems. Myriad Pro is the font featured in the East Coast Airlines logo, specifically Myriad Pro bold condensed italics, and may be used for other similar headline and feature purposes. The font family of Myriad Pro should be used whenever possible, even for digital and web. As a failsafe the web-safe font family Arial should be considered when designing for web. The fonts shown here give an idea of what constitutes maintaining our corporate identity. Myriad Pro Regular 12 pt Myriad Pro Italics 12 pt Myriad Pro Bold 12 pt Myriad Pro Bold Italic 12 pt Myriad Pro Condensed 12 pt Myriad Pro Condensed Italics 12 pt Myriad Pro Bold Condensed 12 pt Myriad Pro Bold Condensed Italics 12 pt Myriad Pro Semibold 12 pt Myriad Pro Semi-bold Italic 12 pt

Arial Regular 14 pt Arial Italic 14 pt Arial Bold 14 pt Arial Bold Italic 14 pt Arial Black 14 pt Arial Narrow 14 pt

East Coast Airlines


Aircraft Livery
It should go without saying that aircraft livery is, next to the logo, the core of East Coast Airlines corporate Identity. The backbone of ECAs transport services is the Boeing 747 passenger jet and the design here will be one of the most visible icons of the company's public face. In this case more than any other it is paramount to maintain a consistent corporate identity.

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines


Pilot Uniforms
The pilot uniform is one of the most important parts of the East Coast Airlines identity. Even though the pilot is rarely seen in person by passengers it is still important that they wear the uniform. Featuring standard corporate colours, and gold insignia the uniform represents the professionalism and status that East Coast Airlines aims for with its brand corporate identity. The uniform is unisex and made from a cotton and polyester blend. Appropriate footwear of either black or brown colour is not provided with the uniform, but it is expected of all crew to wear.

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines


Attendant Uniforms
The East Coast Airlines Steward and stewardess uniforms are the only non-unisex uniforms that ECA supplies. Made from cotton and featuring corporate colours and the gold ECA badge, the attendant uniform is used by service staff that will come into regular contact with customers and travelers. All other staff wear the crew uniform.

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines


Crew Uniforms
East Coast Airline general crew uniforms are multipurpose, unisex and durable. Designed for use by mechanics, baggage handlers, couriers and everything in between the crew uniform is ready for anything. Made from heavy a duty cotton-polyester blend, that has been chemically treated to improve fire retardant properties of the uniform. Crew uniforms of course feature corporate colours and logo, and are 100% machine washable.

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines


Business Card
The following pages exist to demonstrate the look, rules and dimensions concerning East Coast Airlines standard issue business stationary. The business stationary outlined in this corporate style guide consists of Business card, A4 letterhead, Envelope, Airline Tickets and baggage tags. Corporate identity in stationary is maintained through adherence to the guild-lines outlined within this style guide and should not be deviated from. In situation where required stationary has no set guidelines, user discretion is allow with adherence to the overall corporate identity outlined with this style guide. The East Coast Airlines business card dimension are the Australian standard of 90mm x 55mm.

Henry Parks

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines - CEO

Fax: 02 6283 7895 Phone: 02 6282 8300 E-mail: [email protected]

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines


The East Coast Airlines letterhead design should feature full colour whenever possible. In some cases a one colour print is acceptable (as long as it is reads easily and clearly) and this should be in official East Coast Airlines pantone 285 U. The letterhead design is for standard international A4 format, 297 mm x 210 mm.

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airline Airline Services 17 Maitland Rd Hexham, NSW, 2322

Dear Mr. Jass, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputat e velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii. tie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est etiam processus dyna micus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima. Eodem modo typi, qui nunc nobis videntur Sincerly Mr. McDuck, East Coast Airlines CEO

Contact us: Fax: 02 6283 7895 Phone: 02 6282 8300 Email: [email protected] Web: www.eastcoastairlines.com.au

East Coast Airlines


East Coast Airlines DL Envelopes are business standard measuring 110mm x 220mm. The envelope stock should always be white, and the envelope may either feature full colour print or black and white.

East Coast Airlines

Contact us: Fax: 02 6283 7895 Phone: 02 6282 8300 Email: [email protected] Web: www.eastcoastairlines.com.au

East Coast Airline Airline Services 17 Maitland Rd Hexham, NSW, 2322

East Coast Airlines


It is important to be aware of maintaining brand identity across all services and products a corporation provides, even if they are mundane or commonplace. Receipts and ticketing documents are handled everyday by thousands of customers and it is paramount that ECAs brand identity does not vary within them. East Coast Airlines tickets maintain a consistent corporate identity and conform to Australian airport standards as expected.

East Coast Airlines

Flight Code Date


Mr Kringle / Kris
Gate Board Time



Seat No. Passenger:

ast Coas AB123 t24 DEC Air lines

D Flight Code


21 25

18 C

Mr Kringle / Kris
Flight: Date: Seat No:


ate Class: BSN SEQ NBR: 021 Gate

Mrs Krin

Passeng e

Destina g le / KECA tion: hris SY Carrier: D > MEL Board Time

24 DEC

18 C

Class: BSN

SEQ NBR: 021

24 DEC


21 25

Seat N


Class: B


17 C

Passeng e

: 020

Mrs Krin




gle / Kh
Seat No :



Class: B

17 C SN SE Q NBR: 0 20

24 DEC

East Coast Airlines


Baggage Tags
East Coast Airlines provide luggage tags with all ticket purchases free of charge. The tags are made of light-weight, laminated, 100gsm paper and plastic. Plastic cable ties are also provide along with the tags. Official colours and logo are, as always, present. The tag dimensions are 8cm x 5.5cm.



East Coast Airlines


East Coast Airlines


Food Packaging
East Coast Airlines offer a range of in-flight services including an airline breakfast, lunch and dinner. This meal service provides an opportunity to strengthen the visual corporate identity of East Coast Airlines. ECAs Food Packaging, Utensils and Napkins are all branded with the ECA logo and colours. East Coast Airlines meal packaging can come in plastic, paper and foil variants and varying sizes depending on the contents of the package. Hot food, cold food, wet food, East Coast Airlines serves it all and has the right packaging for the job. ECA food packaging is bio-degradable and do not leak toxic chemicals into stored food. East Coast Airlines does provide other food items that are not part of the ECA corporate identity and as such are not packaged by ECA.

ECA Condiment Tub

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines

ECA Assorted Packaging, Foil, Plastic and Paper

East Coast Airlines


The East Coast Airlines airline cutlery set includes spoons, forks, knives and sporks. The utensils are set in official ECA colours and feature the official company logo. All East Coast Airlines utensils are made from 100% bio-degradable materials.

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines


East Coast Airlines napkins are made from 2 ply bio-degradable paper. They are provided with all East Coast Airline meals and come in sealed packets of 6. When unfolded they are a size of 40cm x 40cm (10cm x 10cm when folded and packed).

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East Coast Airlines


Sleeping Paraphernalia
Despite the relatively short travel times that East Coast Airlines operate on it is still important to consider that passengers on late night flights may still wish to rest during travel. It is for this reason that East Coast Airlines provides passengers a range of items to help accommodate a resting passenger. The ECA sleeping mask is made from 100% recyclable material and features predominate use of corporate colours and the ECA logo. Likewise both the ECA pillow and blanket feature logo and colours to maintain a cohesive visual corporate identity.

ECA Sleeping Mask

East Coast Airlines

ECA Blanket Actual size 1.5m x 1.5m

East Coast Airlines

East Coast Airlines Pillow Actual size 70cm x 40cm x

East Coast Airlines


East Coast Airlines

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