Getting Started With Scribus: Copied From The Website: Date: 13 July 2010

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Getting Started With Scribus

Copied from the website: Date: 13 Ju ! "#1#

Chapter 1: What you can do with Scribus

$se Scribus to desi%n and produce ma%a&ines' news etters' print(ad)ertisin%' brochures' ca endars' and prett! much an!thin% that re*uires text to ook )isua ! appea in% on paper. Scribus is a so a %reat too for authorin% +D, documents with ad)anced features such as forms' buttons' passwords' and more. -ou can make !our +D, documents e)en more .inte i%ent. b! usin% Ja)ascript from within Scribus. /ur tutoria focuses on how to use Scribus for professiona (%rade desi%n of pub ications. 0t a so shows a brief % impse of how to create an inte i%ent +D,. So et.s %et started. ,or our pro1ect' we. desi%n se)en pa%es for a ma%a&ine' inc udin% its co)er pa%e. -et within these se)en pa%es' !ou. earn enou%h to create an entire 1##(pa%e ma%a&ine' or e)en a fu (b own newspaper.

Chapter 2: Scribus And Its Sisters

Download A New Version

,irst: make sure that !ou know what !ou are doin%. 2he basic process of insta in% Scribus on !our computer ma! ha)e both an eas! and more comp ex so ution' so choose the one that fits !our experience' un ess ! wi in% to be ad)enturesome. 0n %enera ' for those unfami iar with down oadin%' compi in%' and insta in% software' it wou d be best to seek out an a read! compi ed )ersion for !our s!stem. 2hese exist for )arious 3inux distros' 4ac/S5' /S/" 6 eComStation and 7indows 8in fact' as of this writin%' for 7indows automatic insta in% of the binaries are !our on ! option' and p ease note that the 7indows )ersions re*uire 7in"### or 5+9. Hints for the wary: Get he p from a friend who knows how to insta Scribus on !our p atform 8platform meanin% 3inux )s 4ac/S )s 7indows9 Check the Scribus archi)es for insta ation he p. 0f !ou %et stuck' send an emai to the Scribus ist. :ere.s what the! wi want to know: !our p atform and distro' the )ersion of Scribus ! tr!in% to insta or work with' and of course the prob em a on% with what happened' messa%es !ou %ot a on% the wa!' and so on. Easy Does It - the binaries Debian Fedora Core Plan A apt-get install scribus use !um 8must be root9 yum install scribus ; dependencies shou d be taken care of. down oad the <+4' then insta 8need to be root for this9 with rpm -ivh scribus-exactly-like-the-file-says (e.g. scribus1.3.3.2-1.suse101.i686.rpm =e prepared for dependencies !ou need to address. 2he c e)er thin% mi%ht be to do yum install scribus to %et the dependencies addressed' then update rpm -Uvh ...... =ut if ! that c e)er' ma!be 1ust down oad with sub)ersion and compi e. emerge scribus use urpmi 8must be root9 urpmi scribus ; dependencies shou d be taken care of. $se!urpmi.&arb.or%/ and add .main. and .contrib. to !our urpmi media database 8.updates. and .p f. repositories are )er! usefu ' too9. poldek -i scribus

Fedora Core Plan B




Slackware SUSE !" #"Ub$nt$ Mac %S! &indows '((( or !P %S-' eCo*Station

Down oad an 8unofficia 9 packa%e from 0ta ian S ackware Communit! website and insta it 8as root9 with installpkg <package name> $se -ast" or <+4' as with ,edora Core abo)e. ; ternati)e !' use the /pen Suse =ui d Ser)er repositories for ,edora >' 4andri)a and Suse + ease' refer to this artic e. Go to this pa%e and fo ow the instructions there )*+ortant, Go here first to read the instructions 2hen %o here for the down oad. )*+ortant, Go here for the down oad. + ease note the re ease on this p atform is sti in beta due to other software dependencies howe)er Scribus tests ok. ,eedback is re*uired? ;s a port: .cd /usr/ports/print/scribus 66 make insta c ean.' or as a packa%e: .pk%_add (r scribus..

FreeBSD See the freshports pa%e and the ,ree=SD :andbook for more information. -ou can down oad a +=0 packa%e from codeABC1

PC-BSD Compiling your Own

Disit and head to the down oads 2he =asic +rocess: section. + ease read the instructions in the documentation section on how to insta Scribus for !our Down oad !our fi e p atform. 2here is some detai ed information inside !our $ncompress it down oaded packa%e' in the 0ES2;33 and <F;D4F $ntar it fi es. Fnter the director! 8usin% the cd 7e recommend usin% on ! stab e )ersions for command9 production work. 0f !ou are rea ! bra)e and !ou want to ./configure he p us with findin% bu%s and pro)idin% feedback on make usabi it! of new features that are a work in pro%ress' %o make install 8as root ( if !ou are to this pa%e to %et the atest SDE )ersion. 2he SDE insta in% s!stem(wide9 )ersion is not a wa!s stab e' it is a so si%nificant ! ahead of the stab e )ersion in its features and capabi ities. Just fo ow the simp e instructions in this wiki on insta in% from SDE. ,or those who don.t know' SDE stands for Sub)ersion' a )ersion s!stem and a c e)er wa! for se)era pro%rammers from di)erse %eo%raphica ocations to store their software at a centra repositor! as the! d!namica ! work on it. 4ake sure !ou read the re*uirements pa%e on the site. 2his is because Scribus needs some rather important fi es insta ed on !our s!stem. ;nd don.t for%et the hints mentioned abo)e.

Get Adobe .eader

Scribus is a %reat too for creatin% +D,s. -et not a +D, )iewers are created e*ua ' especia ! under 3inux. So' head to and down oad and insta the atest' nati)e )ersion of ;dobe <eader for !our p atform. ;s of this writin% the atest )ersion is ;dobe <eader C. -ou can a so )isit +D,readers for a ist of +D, readers which are ,ree /pen Source Software' ike Scribus. 2he! don.t ha)e a the functions of ;dobe.s reader' but man! are sma er and faster.

Matc/ Colors 0/at Print

,ina !' if !ou wish to desi%n pub ications' !ou need to ensure co ors !ou see on screen match co ors that print. ,or this' !ou need to insta a specia and separate piece of software' ca ed a Co or 4ana%ement S!stem' or C4S. 7indows and 4acintosh come with a C4S bui t(in' ca ed 0C4 and Co orS!nc' respecti)e !. $nder 3inux' !ou need to insta a free C4S' ca ed 3itt eC4S. Down oad and fo ow the instructions at itt' or !ou ma! find that cms 8and cms(de)e 9 can be insta ed 1ust as Scribus binaries are shown abo)e. -ou can a so insta )ersions of this under 7indows and 4acintosh. ,or this tutoria ' 3itt eC4S is not necessar!' thou%h *uite he pfu .

1o$ Can Use 1o$r E2istin3 Fonts Collection

Do !ou ha)e a co ection of fonts that !ou wish to use under 3inux@ 0nsta !our existin% 2rue2!pe' +ostscript' or /pen2!pe format fonts under 3inux. -ou. find the simp e steps mentioned in the documentation section of the Scribus site. ,or our tutoria ' we don.t need to insta an! specia fonts. So !ou can start ri%ht awa! with !our first samp e pub ication.

Sane &ork4lows
/ur ma%a&ine is ca ed .,reedom-u%. and it contains a ot of pictures and text. ; ma%a&ine with a few hundred pa%es cou d a so ha)e se)era Scribus fi es' each with ei%ht to "# pa%es. So' it is best to create a fo der for each pub ication. 0.)e created one ca ed .,!u%.. 0nside this' create at east two distinct fo ders' .2ext'. and .0ma%es.. -ou ma! use a p ain text editor' such as Dim or Fmacs in 3inux' or Eotepad in 7indows. -ou ma! a so use a word processor' such as /penoffice.or%' author !our artic es and sa)e them in the 2ext fo der. Scribus can import /penoffice.or% fi es with some imited abi it! to make use of text formattin%. 3ater )ersions of Scribus 81.".B' 1.3.3 or hi%her9 can a so import 4icrosoft 7ord fi es' but the text wi ose a formattin% durin% import. Simi ar !' scan or enhance photo%raphs and store them in the .0ma%es. fo der. ; wide ran%e of ima%e formats can be used' inc udin% 20,,' J+FG' and +EG.

Chapter 3: Empty, White Spaces

; ma%a&ine or a pub ication desi%n is not about text and ima%es on the pa%e. 0t is about empt!' white spaces on the pa%e. 2he text and ima%es mere ! punctuate this emptiness. 2hese .breathin%. spaces are important' much ike %ardens' parks' and other open(air sites are important to an! hi%h(densit! metropo is. So aunch Scribus' %o to the File menu' and c ick on New. ,or the rest of the tutoria ' 0 wi use the fo owin% con)ention to describe menu choices: File 5 New.

New E*+tiness

!he "ew comman# #isplays this #ialog bo$

C ick on the .Defau t $nit. drop(down box' and choose .4i imetres 8mm9. rather than the defau t .+oints.. C ick on the drop(down menu of .Si&e. and choose .Custom. for the pa%e(si&e of our ma%a&ine. Fnter the abo)e dimensions for width and hei%ht. Eote the e)e of precision be!ond the decima (point to the ri%ht' offered b! Scribus. Fnter the abo)e )a ues for mar%in %uides' that marks off the actua printin% area' inside the ph!sica paper. Se ect Pa3e La6o$t 5 Do$ble Sided so !ou can )iew pa%es side(b!(side' as in a rea wor d ma%a&ine. Se ect .,irst +a%e is: <i%ht +a%e. /ur first pa%e wi be the co)er for our ma%a&ine. C ick ./G. to )iew !our first b ank pa%e in Scribus. =efore ) 1.3.3' the re*uestor ooked s i%ht ! different. Eotice the different a!out of the 4ar%in Guides area' a so that ,acin% +a%es is now se ected b! checkin% .,acin% +a%es.' and <i%ht +a%e is se ected b! uncheckin% .3eft +a%e ,irst.:

Chapter : Co!er "age

0f !ou see too man! %rid ines on !our b ank pa%e' unse ect View 5 S/ow Grid. -ou wi see b ue( co ored ines markin% the outer mar%ins of !our pa%e. 2he concept of Scribus is *uite simp e: 2o p ace a photo on the pa%e' first !ou must create an ima%e frame and then import the photo into this frame. Simi ar !' to p ace text on the pa%e' !ou must create a text frame first' and then insert' or t!pe' text into this frame. -ou. soon disco)er that this approach has some %reat ad)anta%es.

)nsert Pict$re
; too bar contains a the 2oo s that Scribus offers. -ou can use this ink to %et !our bearin%s' but remember that % idin% !our mouse o)er each icon wi disp a! a too tip with the name of each too . C ick on the third one 8)nsert )*a3e Fra*e 9Hke!board: 0I. 2his a ows !ou to insert an ima%e frame in the pa%e. 2hat.s what !ou want for p acin% the co)er picture. Dra% !our mouse from the top( eft of the Scribus pa%e' to the bottom(ri%ht' or an! corner to its opposite. Don.t worr! if !ou don.t %et it exact ! ri%ht. -ou. find an ima%e frame drawn on !our pa%e' in the shape of a ar%e rectan% e' with b ack(co ored dia%ona ines formin% a ar%e .5. throu%h it . 2his is a traditiona printin% industr! custom' to distin%uish ima%e frames from text frames. 2hat .5. won.t e)er print' so don.t worr!.

So$l o4 Scrib$s
,rom the menus' %o to &indows 5 Pro+erties 8before 1.3.x 0ools 5 Pro+erties9. ; on% comes a dia o% box that is the heart and sou of Scribus. ; ob1ects !ou add to the pa%e' from ima%e frames' text frames' or e)en actua photos' text' or ines' are a contro ed from this centra dia o% box. 4ake sure the ima%e frame !ou 1ust created is hi%h i%hted' or selecte#. $sua ! red(co ored or other co ored s*uare dots wi mark a the four corners as a )isua cue. 0f not' in the 2oo bar' c ick on the first icon 8Select )te*9' and 1ust c ick on the ima%e frame. 2he +roperties 2oo wi instant ! show a its detai s. ;n ob1ect must be se ected to be modified or de eted. Gi)e a human(readab e abe to this ima%e frame' such as .Co)er+hoto,rame. in the .Eame. fie d of +roperties. 0n case !ou do not see the .Eame. fie d' 1ust c ick once on the top tab' that sa!s !7178. Eext' precise ! p ace the top( eft of !our picture frame on the top( eft ed%e of !our pa%e. 0n the 5(+os and -(+os fie ds' t!pe in the )a ues of #mm' each. +os is ob)ious ! a short( form of +osition. 2!pe in the 7idth and :ei%ht at "1# mm and "J# mm respecti)e !. -our frame is precise ! p aced on the pa%e. 7hi e !ou can resi&e and reposition with the mouse' t!pin% in )a ues is much faster for a task ike this.

%roperties %alette

Get Pict$re
;fter !ou make sure !our ima%e frame is se ected' then ri%ht(c ick an!where inside this ima%e frame. -ou wi see a Conte2t Men$ pop(up ri%ht under the mouse cursor. Se ect Get )*a3e from this menu 8before 1.3.x this is Get Pict$re9999. ; fi e dia o% box opens up for !ou to na)i%ate into !our ,-u% fo der' and then into the ima%es fo der' so !ou can se ect the .2it e,5.1p%. samp e ima%e. C ick on the /G button. 2he ima%e frame on !our Scribus pa%e is immediate ! fi ed with the 2it e,5.1p% ima%e.

N$d3e Pict$re to Le4t

Eote the scu pture in the ima%e is too much to the ri%ht. 7e must dra% the picture inside the ima%e frame to the eft' so that the scu pture is positioned in the centre of the ima%e frame. Fxtra parts of the picture wi %et automatica ! cropped out of )iew be!ond the boundaries of the ima%e frame. ,irst' et.s p a! with this positionin% with the mouse. /n the too bar' c ick on the icon for Edit Contents o4 Fra*e .

Eow when !ou eft c ick inside the ima%e frame !ou can manua ! s ide !our picture around' and for some pro1ects this ma! be accurate enou%h. ,or our pro1ect et.s be )er! precise. ,irst' make sure the ima%e frame is se ected 8c ick Select )te* on the too bar then c ick !our frame a%ain' or tr! this: eft(c ick %roperties %alette - &mage !ab outsi#e !our frame and !ou wi see the Select )te* icon become hi%h i%hted' then eft(c ick insi#e the frame to se ect it9. Eow %o back to the +roperties 2oo and c ick on the tab tit ed .0ma%e.. 0n the fie d marked 5(+os' 1ust t!pe in the )a ue K(C#mmL to mo)e the ima%e C# mm to the eft. Eote how the ima%e is shifted inside the ima%e frame.

Color #ar*a
;t the bottom of the +roperties 2oo 8)*a3e tab9' !ou ma! ha)e noticed a section ca ed .0nput +rofi es.. 2his wi on ! show if the 3itt eC4S on !our +C is correct ! insta ed and confi%ured. 2he co or of !our ima%es ma! ook marked ! different on !our screen' and e)en more when !ou print them. 2his itt e area minimi&es such co or mismatch. ,rom the pop(up for .0nput +rofi e.' choose a co or profi e that c ose ! matches !our monitor. Scribus immediate ! re(renders the ima%e on the screen to disp a! co ors accordin% to that profi e. 2he actua insta ation of 3itt eC4S and how to use it under Scribus is actua ! *uite simp e' but be!ond the scope of this tutoria . :ere are some %ood tips: 1. Down oad a set of free profi es from the ;dobe site' so !ou can send ima%es between 4ac' 7indows' and 3inux. ". Create a custom co or profi e of !our own monitor and use that instead of an! other.

-ou ma! want to sa)e !our fi e before proceedin%. So head o)er to File5Save and t!pe the name .,!u%.s a. for !our fi e. Sa)e it in the ,-u% fo der. -ou can a so 1ust c ick on the f opp! icon in the taskbar' ri%ht underneath the menus' to sa)e !our fi e.

Mast/ead Band
2he co)er pa%e of an! ma%a&ine has its name emb a&oned across the top. 2his is ca ed the 4asthead. /urs is tit ed K,reedom-u%.L 7e. start b! creatin% a semi(transparent band for the 4asthead. Go to File 5 Pre4erences 5 PDF E2+ort 8before 1.3.x Settin3s 5 Pre4erences 5 Dis+la69. 4ake sure this checked: K$se +D,1.M 2ransparenc! ,eaturesL 80n 1.3.x make sure the +D, 1.M is chosen under Compatibi it!9. C ick /G. -our document now supports transparent ob1ects. C ick the fifth too in the 2oo bar. Shou d !ou ho)er !our mouse o)er this' the ro (o)er text wou d disp a! KDraw %roperties %alette - (asthea# Darious ShapesL or somethin% simi ar. Se ect the rectan% e shape from the drop(down menu. C ick an!where near the top(centre of the pa%e and draw a rectan% e. 4ake sure the rectan% e is se ected' and immediate ! %o to the +roperties 2oo ' c ick on the !7178 tab' and enter the fo owin% )a ues: 5(+os: 3#mm. -(+os: #mm. 7idth: 1B#mm. :ei%ht: 33mm. Gi)e it a name' such as .4asthead=and. in the Eame fie d. 2hen c ick on the Colors tab in +roperties. C ick the +enci too to se ect the stroke or out ine border. C ick on .Eone. in the co ors ist. 2hen' c ick the bucket icon to se ect the fi co or. C ick on .= ack. from the ist of co ors' and in the opacit! fie d' enter NCO 8if !ou do not see an /pacit! fie d' !ou ha)e not se ected +D, 1.M transparenc! features (( see first paragraph abo'e in this section9. -ou wi see the band has turned semi(transparent' and part ! shows the ima%e throu%h itse f' in darkened co ors. Fxperiment with /pacit! and other co ors to !our taste.

Add More Bands

Draw another rectan% e towards the centre of the ima%e. 0n the +roperties 2oo 8!71789' %i)e 5(+os: C3mm. -(+os: 1N#mm. 7idth: 11B.3Bmm. :ei%ht: 13.>Bmm. ;%ain in Colors' set the stroke to .Eone.' and the fi with .= ack. at an opacit! of NCO. Ca this the .:ead ine=and.. ; third rectan% e' named .Sub:ead=and. can be drawn s i%ht ! underneath this' at 5(+os: 1##mm. !(+os: 1J#mm. 7idth: 1#C.>mm. :ei%ht: 1J.3Bmm. 2he fourth and fina rectan% e' this time a itt e s*uare box' wi ha)e the fo owin% %roperties %alette - )olor*+ha#e +roperties: 5(+os: "#.Bmm. -(+os: "MBmm. 7idth and :ei%ht wi both be Cmm. :ere is a shortcut !ou mi%ht tr! for a repetiti)e 1ob ike this. 0nstead of makin% each rectan% e from scratch' then chan%in% a of these parameters' after !ou make the first one and ad1ust its co ors' 1ust cop! it: )te* 5 D$+licate. 2hen a !ou ha)e to ad1ust is its name' position' and si&e.

Create Colors
:o d on? Don.t fi this with the same NCO = ack. 3et.s %i)e it a fresh ime %reen co or. Go to Edit 5 Colors999 in the menu. ; dia o% box istin% existin% co ors disp a!s on !our screen. C ick on .Eew. and %i)e !our new co or swatch a name' .3ime Green. 8if !ou a read! ha)e a 3imeGreen' ca it 3imeGreen" or somethin% e se9. 0n the second dia o%(box that opens up' choose .C4-G. as the Co or 4ode . 2his c ose ! fo ows the inks of C!an' 4a%enta' -e ow' and = ack' used in !our desktop printer and in printin% p ants' that mix inks to create new co ors. 7ith the s iders at the bottom' %i)e C:NCO' 4: 1#O' -:1##O' and G: #O. C ick /G in this dia o% box' and then c ick /G a%ain in the Co ors dia o% box' where !ou. notice !our new co or added. Go back to !our pa%e' c ick on the sma s*uare !ou 1ust created' and in the Colors tab of +roperties 2oo ' %i)e it a stroke of Eone' and a fi of 3imeGreen' at 1##O opacit!. -ou co)er shou d ook ike the screenshot here' with a the bands for text.

Locked Bands
/ne ast thin%. Se ect each semi(transparant band indi)idua !' and in the +roperties pa ette' in the !7178 tab' c ick on the icon of the pad ock at the bottom. 2his ensures !ou accidenta ! do not mo)e or resi&e each ocked ob1ect. Simi ar !' ock the Co)er+icture ,rame as we ' and the %reen s*uare' usin% this pad ock. ; so' uncheck .2ext , ows ;round ,rame. in the S/a+e tab of the +roperties 2oo for each of these rectan% es. 2his a ows text to o)er ap the rectan% es.

Chapter #: Wor$ing With %ayers &n A "age

&/6 &e Need La6ers
7e are %oin% to format the text for the ma%a&ine.s masthead' the head ine' and the subhead. 0ma%ine if this ma%a&ine is pub ished in se)era an%ua%es. /ne wa! to then produce this ma%a&ine wou d be to recreate the ma%a&ine a!out for each an%ua%e. 2he other wa!' is to ha)e the text for each an%ua%e on another a!er. 2hink of a!ers ike transparent sheets that o)er ap one another. -ou cou d hide or )iew a!ers' for examp e: hide the Fn% ish text a!er' and show the :indi text a!er. 3a!ers brin% a ot of con)enience into pa%e(desi%n. ,or our ma%a&ine' 0 wi keep the back%round ima%e and bands in one a!er' and ha)e the text contained in another a!er. Go to &indows 5 La6ers. 0n the dia o% box' !ou wi see one existin% a!er' that contains a !our ob1ects so far. $ncheck the .e!e. icon' and a e ements of this a!er disappear' ea)in% !ou with !our empt! pa%e. Doub e(c ick on the name of this a!er' and chan%e it to .=% +hoto.. 1ayers !ool '1.3.2 C ick the bottom( eft icon' that adds a new a!er on top of the existin% a!er. Chan%e the name of this a!er to .Co)er2ext.. 4ake sure this a!er is hi%h i%hted' so Scribus knows whate)er e ements !ou create wi exist on this a!er. Fnsure the .e!e. icon is checked so !ou can )iew !our a!er.

Enterin3 0e2t in a 0e2t Fra*e

Fnsure the Co)er2ext a!er is hi%h i%hted in 3a!ers. C ick on the the text(frame in too s 8ke!board: 29 and dra% a text frame across the 4asthead=and. ,or the moment' make the text frame as wide as the pa%e and near ! doub e the hei%ht of the 4asthead=and. C ick the Stor6 Editor icon in the 2oo bar 8ke!board: Ctr P-9. 2his is next to the Edit Contents o4 Fra*e icon. ; dia o% box disp a!s' where !ou can enter the text !ou wish to ha)e pub ished in the text frame. 2hink of the Stor6 Editor dia o% box +tory /#itor 3 1.3.0 as a mini notepad or word processor for each ,ollow lin4 for full si5e text frame. 2his is the second(most important dia o% box in Scribus' after the +roperties 2oo we saw ear ier. 2!pe the text: K,reedom-u%L in the Stor6 Editor. 2hen c ick on File 5 Save and E2it inside the Stor6 Editor 8,ile - .p#ate !e$t ,rame an# /$it in 1.3.09. 2his pub ishes !our text into the text frame' and exits the Stor6 Editor.

Make 0e2t Look Bea$ti4$l

.,reedom-u%. wi ook attracti)e if the %aps between the etters are reduced' and if the text fits into the 4ast:ead=and. 2he o)era %ap between etters is ca ed .2rackin%.. 2o reduce this trackin%' ri%ht(c ick on the text frame' and from the pop(up menu' choose .Show +roperties.. 0n S/a+e uncheck .2ext f ows around frame.. /n the buttons at the top of this dia o% box' c ick on 0e2t.

,rom the drop(down menu of ,onts in the +roperties dia o% box' choose .$topia <e%u ar. or e se 2imes <oman or an! other font !ou fanc!. 4ake the si&e: JM points. 2raditiona !' a point is a unit of measure in the printin% industr!. >"."> points make an inch. 0n di%ita print pub ishin%' this is rounded(off to >" points make an inch. 2ext si&e is usua ! measured in points. Se ect .<ed. from the drop(down menu next to the bucket icon' which stands for .,i Co or. for our text. 0n the fie d abe ed 80rackin3 in Scribus 1.".Q9' enter (B pts. Set the )a ue of the fie d 8Line S+acin3 in Scribus 1.".Q9 to >" pts. -ou wi find the %aps between the text has s*uee&ed' and the text has chan%ed to the co or red. "ote that all of these font si5es6 settings6 an# positioning 'alues may 'ary #epen#ing on which e$act font you choose. !he important thing is to fit them in the space pro'i#e#6 with a loo4 that is pleasing to you. In particular, you may find that the text frame height may need to be much larger than you expect. Loo for a small rectangle with an ! inside in right lower corner of the frame that tells you there is not enough space for the text 0ro$bles/ootin3 te2t t/at won:t a++ear 0f !ou are stru%% in% to ha)e !our text appear: 4ake sure !ou are operatin% on the a!er !ou think !ou are. 4ake sure that the 0e2t Flows Aro$nd Fra*e is unchecked' not 1ust for the frame ! workin% on' but a so under !in% frames. Some fonts need to a ow for a )er! %enerous space be ow them' e)en thou%h there is no part of the character in that space. ;d1ustin% ine spacin% ma! he p this prob em somewhat. Eote that the wa! )arious fonts disp a! in the frame has chan%ed from 1.".x and 1.3.3.x )ersions' so a fi e sa)ed in 1.".x ma! ha)e disp a!ed fine' but ad1ustments need to be made in frame si&es if it is imported into a 1.3.3.x )ersion. 2his is a ike ! issue if !ou import the ,!u%.s a fi e from the website. ;nd unfortunate !' text disp a! has chan%ed a%ain in 1.3.MP. 7ust to be clear6 any more a#'ance# 'ersion will loa# a file from an# ol#er 'ersion -- you may 8ust see these #isplay issues.

More 0e2t7 More Fra*es

$se the same techni*ue' make new text frames as fo ows: Content 2:F EF7 F<; /, C/4+$20EG 7:- G:;J$<;:/ EFFDS GE$/30E$5 Font or si*ilar" =itstream Dera Sans 4ono <oman Color 7hite 3imeGreen" <ed

S2<0GF ; EF7 +/SF $<7 +a adio 3 =o d $<7 +a adio 3 =o d

+3$S: ,/<G/22FE DF<SFS $<7 +a adio 3 =o d -e ow ,</4 2:F D0G02;3 S$2<; /, 0ED0; ;d1ust si&e' trackin% and ine spacin% to fi the space as needed.

And &/ile &e:re At )t

:ere is an excerpt from 7orkin% with text frames e sewhere on the 7iki. -ou shou d find this usefu when ad1ustin% si&es' positions' and other settin%s. 2here are three wa!s to chan%e the indi)idua settin%s (( 1. editin% with the ke!board ". c ickin% on the up or down arrows to the ri%ht of each )a ue. 2he ke!board up and down arrows wi accomp ish the same thin%. 3. usin% the mousewhee on each settin% (( usua ! ho)erin% the cursor wi be enou%h' if not' c ick on the )a ue first ; so note that for " and 3' ho din% down Ctr ' Shift' or Ctr PShift wi a ter which decima p ace is affected. 0n addition' when usin% the +roperties window width and hei%ht are b! defau t inked' but !ou need on ! c ick the chain icon to the ri%ht to un ink them. <efer to this artic e for more on ke!board shortcuts.

Chapter ': (esign )u*tip*e "ages

Man6 Uni;$e Pa3e Desi3ns
2his ma%a&ine.s pa%es are "1#mm x "J# mm. :owe)er' not a pa%es wi ha)e the same ook. 0 need three pa%es with a a!out meant for a ,eatures artic e' with perhaps two co umns' and a %enerous white space on the outer eft or outer ri%ht ed%e of the pa%e. ;nother pa%e cou d ook ike a feedback form' which cou d ha)e on ! rows and tab es. Sti another pa%e cou d be the Contents pa%e. 0nterestin% !' once 0 decide that a ,eatures pa%e needs two co umns' and a ha f(co umn of empt! white space on the outer( eft or outer(ri%ht' with a section name on the band on top' 0 want e)er! pa%e that runs a ,eature stor! to ook consistent ! the same. 2hus' 0 need a .4aster +a%e. for ,eatures' that defines a the co umns and other common %raphic e ements for the ,eature pa%es. 0 can then add as man! pa%es as 0 wish into the actua Scribus fi e' from this 4aster +a%e' and add the actua text and photos to these pa%es.

Make A Master Pa3e

Go to Edit 5 Master Pa3es. ; dia o% box istin% existin% 4aster +a%es opens up. -ou wi on ! see one defau t 4aster +a%e' ca ed .Eorma .. 2hat.s the one !ou.)e been usin% for the co)er pa%e. C ick on the button .Eew.. 0n the resu tin% dia o%(box' name the 4aster +a%e .,eature3. and choose .3eft +a%e. from the drop(down menu. -ou end up with a b ank pa%e' with b ue ines markin% the outer mar%ins. 8) 1.3.x: 0f !ou can.t see the %uides !ou 1ust created %o to View 5 G$ides9 7ith the .Fdit 4aster +a%es. dia o% box sti showin%' and !our new empt! pa%es on(screen' %o to Pa3e 5 Mana3e G$ides' in the menus on top. 7e are %oin% to add some hori&onta and )ertica %uides' which are ines that won.t print' but %uide !our e!es into p acin% co umns of text' and %raphics' with perfect a i%nment.

Val$e Entr6 wit/ Mat/ %+erators

2he eft pa%e has a "#mm mar%in from the eft ed%e. 0nside this mar%in' 0 wish to ea)e a ha f(co umn of white space' of MBmm. So in the .4ana%e Guides. dia o% box' c ick on .;dd. under the .Dertica Guides.' and in the 5(+os fie d' t!pe K"#PMBL. -es' Scribus wi use simp e math operators in a fie ds that re*uire a numerica entr!. 8-ou can e)en enter K3# mm P 1.B inL to operate between different units9. ;dd the other )ertica %uides at 1"".B mm and 1">.Bmm. 3ook at the numerica precision with which Scribus p aces it. ;dd a :ori&onta %uide at "NB mm. 0mportant: c ick the .3ock Guides. button at the bottom so !our %uides don.t accidenta ! mo)e on the pa%e. C ick /G. -our pa%e wi ha)e %uides simi ar to the screenshot here.

Pa3e N$*bers
;dd the <ed band on top' usin% the fo owin% instructions. 4ake an e on%ated rectan% e shape frame with width879: 1#>.Bmm' hei%ht8:9:1#mm' 5(+os A "#mm' -(+os A #. Go to Pro+erties 5 Color to chan%e fi co or to <ed' /pacit! to NCO. 4ake sure ine co or is Eone.

;dd a new text frame with the fo owin% properties: Font Contents Para*eters 7: 1#" :: N.B 5(+os: "B -(+os: to !our ikin% ,: 1".#pt 2: 1Bpt 3uxi Sans <e%u ar G:;J$<;:/ 3S: 1M.M 8, A font si&e' 2 A 2rackin%' 3S A ine spacin%9 ;s !ou can see here' this header is constructed of a rectan% e with a red back%round' then a superimposed text frame with a transparent back%round. -ou cou d a so accomp ish the same resu t with a text frame with a red back%round' then ad1ust 2op and 3eft border spacin% in Pro+erties 5 S/a+e. 4an! wa!s to do thin%s in Scribus. ;nother frame: Font 3uxi Sans <e%u ar Ctrl+ Contents Para*eters 7: 1NB :: J 5(+os: 1B ! "#$$%&'(U) ! '&*+&&* -(+os: "N3.B ,: Cpt 2: Bpt 3S: ,--. 1#.J

:ere.s somethin% new (( this .Ctr PR. combination' which represents a ke!board shortcut (( this is how !ou denote automatic pa%e numberin% that wi increment on each pa%e. -ou wi see this disp a! in !our text frame as on ! the .R. in temp ate editin% mode. 2!pin% one .Ctr PR. a ows for sin% e(di%it pa%e numbersS for two di%its' t!pe it twiceS three di%its three times' and so on. 9ne might also #enote this as :)trl;+hift;3:6 but :)trl;<: will li4ely be easier to remember. 7;<E0EG: 0f !ou are not usin% a standard $S ke!board !ou ma! find that this ke! combination does not work e)en if there is a .R. ke! on !our ke!board. 0n this case in ) 1.3.x %o to File 5 Pre4erences 5 #e6board S/ortc$ts 8) 1.".x: Settin3s 5 #e6board S/ortc$ts9 to see what ke! combination scribus expects and' if !ou don.t ike it' chan%e it. 0 found that on m! $S ke!board aptop' 0 needed to chan%e' so 0 made it .Ctr P3.' and that worked. ,or more information on pa%e numberin%' p ease ha)e a ook at the artic e +a%ination

New Master Pa3e, .i3/t Pa3e

2o create the ,eatures pa%e for the ri%ht hand side' c ick on Eew in 4aster +a%es' choose .<i%ht +a%e. from the drop(down menu' name the 4aster +a%e .,eatures<.. =rin% up Pa3e 5 Mana3e G$ides' and enter the fo owin% for addin% Dertica %uides: J".Bmm' J>.Bmm' 1MBmm. ;dd a :ori&onta %uide at "NBmm. ;s with ,eatures3' add the red band on top with the same dimensions' this one inin% up with the J".Bmm )ertica %uide and the ri%ht mar%in %uide. /nce a%ain' make the superimposed text frame containin% .G:;J$<;:/.' but this time <i%ht Justif! the text' and p ace the frame Bmm inside the ri%ht mar%in %uide. Eow' make the bottom text frame' rememberin% to put the pa%e number on the outside with the ke!board shortcut: "#$$%&' (U) ! '&*+&&* ,--. ! /Ctrl+ / ; so <i%ht Justif! this' and p ace the same distance from the ri%ht pa%e ed%e as the other pa%e number

frame was from the eft pa%e ed%e in ,eatures3 (( !ou can use the math operator function in the re*uester' subtractin% frame width and the distance from ed%e from the pa%e width 85(+os: "1#(1NB( 1B9. C ick the .C ose. button on the 4aster +a%es dia o% box. -ou find !ourse f back in !our Scribus document.s re%u ar pa%es.

Dra3-:n-Dro+ Pa3es
Go to 0ools 5 Pa3e Palette 8) 1.3.x: &indows 5 Arran3e Pa3es9in the menus. 0n the pa ette' !ou wi find !our existin% front co)er as pa%e one' and three temp ates in the abo)e section' Eorma ' ,eatures3' and ,eatures<. 2o add another pa%e' c ick and dra% ,eatures3 from .;)ai ab e 2emp ates. to the .Document +a%es. area' be ow( eft to the Eorma first pa%e. +a%e " is thus automatica ! added' to the eft side. Simi ar !' dra% and drop a pa%e 3 with ,eatures<' and pa%e M with ,eatures3. Toom in on the actua document pa%es and note the pa%e numbers are automatica ! %enerated.

0wo-Col$*ns o4 0e2t Per Pa3e

$sin% the %uide( ines on each pa%e as a cue' c ick and dra% to create a text frame' then use the +roperties 2oo to create these dimensions: 7: 1"#' :: "1B. 2his wi ine up on the outside with one of our )ertica %uides and on the inside mar%in %uide. ,or left pages6 positioning will be 0-%os: 6=6 >-%os: 3=6 an# on the right page6 0-%os: 2=6 >-%os: 3=.

%age %alette ' 1.2.=

Eow' se ect each text frame' %o to the +roperties pa ette' c ick on .Shape. and at the bottom' t!pe .". in the .Co umns. fie d' and .B. in the .Gap. fie d. Fach text frame now contains two co umns. $ncheck .2ext f ows around frame. on the .5'-'T. tab of the pa ette' for each text frame. So*e ti*esavers, 0n either ) 1.".x or ) 1.3.x' cop! !our first text frame 8Edit 5 Co+6 or ke!board: Ctr PC9' then %o to subse*uent pa%es' c ick the pa%e' then paste 8Edit 5 Paste or ke!board: Ctr PD9. <eposition as needed for <i%ht +a%e. 0n ) 1.3.x' !ou can a so dup icate the frame 8)te* 5 D$+licate or ke!board: Ctr P; tPShiftPD9 then dra% the cop! to the next pa%e. ?ttempting to #rag from page to page in 1.2.$ may cause a crash6 an# in any e'ent will not wor4. Cop! the first frame to the Scrapbook 8ri%ht c ick U Send to Scra+book or )te* 5 Send to Scra+book9. Go to 0ools 5 Scra+book 81.3.x: &indows 5 Scra+book9 and dra% the frame with the mouse to each pa%e. ;d1ust the co umns features before cop!in% for the additiona pa%es.

Use Consistent Para3ra+/ St6les

Good pub ication desi%n is about usin% consistent st! es. 2he formattin% for the main stor!' ca ed the .=od! 2ext. must be the same for a pa%es' and a stories. Simi ar !' head ine' captions' and sub(heads st! es must a so be consistent ! used throu%hout a pub ication or a section. <ather than manua ! punch in the specific font' si&e' and other settin%s each time' it he ps to define the st! e once' and then 1ust c ick on it to set a se ected para%raph in that st! e. ;utomatic for the peop e.

De4ine Para3ra+/ St6les

:ere is a screenshot of a the para%raph st! es in m! document. -ou can access the ist usin% Edit 5 Para3ra+/ St6les999 from /#it +tyles the menus. 3et.s create a new st! e in !our document' ca ed .=od! 2ext.. C ick on .Eew. in the +ara%raph St! es pa ette' and in the openin% dia o% box' choose !our font' a i%nment of text' si&e' ine(spacin%' and other aspects. 2he important thin% to note here is .; i%n to =ase ine Grid.. ; professiona feature' this ensures that text across co umns a i%n to one another. 2r! p a!in% with it to see how it works. 2his kind of precise a i%nment of e ements across a pa%e or a doub e(spread pa%e is what differentiates professiona t!po%raph! from amateur work. + ease define para%raph st! es for a possib e st! es: head ine' sub(head' caption' box stor!' or whate)er. 2he best wa! to do this is to create some samp e text for each t!pe' and once satisfied' 1ot down a its t!pesettin% features' and manua ! create a para%raph st! e for each. ;s a startin% point' here are some su%%estions for settin%s simi ar to those in ,reedom -u%. "ote that these are the font selections use# in the original tutorial6 but your own font a'ailability an# personal preferences may result in changes. Font >Steps 3uxi Sans <e%u ar =od!2ext Geor%ia <e%u ar =oxStor! 3uxi Sans <e%u ar =oxStor!:ead ine 3uxi Sans =o d =oxStor!Subhead 3uxi Sans =o d G!aan=od!2ext G!aan+ ain2ext 4asthead EewSt! e +a%eEumberin% SectionEame Sub:ead Geor%ia <e%u ar Geor%ia <e%u ar Geor%ia <e%u ar Geor%ia <e%u ar 3uxi Sans =o d 3uxi Sans =o d 3uxi Sans =o d St6le Si<e N.# C.B J.# 1J.# C.# C.# C.# JM.# JM.# J.# C.# C.B %t/er 3S: J.M 3S: 13.B 3S: 1#.J 3S: "1.N 3S: 1#.J 3S: 11.M' Drop Caps: " ines' # distance 3S: 11.M' 8no Drop Caps9 3S: 1##.J 3S: 1##.J 3S: C.N 3S: 1#.J 3S: 13.B

Flow 1o$r 0e2t

<i%ht(c ick the first text frame' on pa%e two. ,rom the pop(up menu' choose .Get 2ext.... and find !our wa! to the 2ext fo der in ,-u%. Se ect the kha0uraho.txt fi e' and press ./pen.. -ou wi see the

text f ow into two co umns on this pa%e. ;t the bottom(ri%ht of the text frame !ou. see a .5. mark in a box' which means there.s more text than can fit in this text frame. C ick the first frame to se ect it' %o to the 2oo s pa ette' and c ick on the second( ast button with a too (tip that disp a!s K3ink 2ext ,rame.L ,rom left to right: <otate /b1ect' 4a%nif!' Fdit Contents' Stor! Fditor' Link Fra*es' $n ink ,rames. C ick on the text frame on the next pa%e. Doi a? 2ext f ows from the text frame on pa%e two' to the text frame on pa%e three. Simi ar !' add inks between frames for each additiona pa%e. @emember this seAuence: Se ect frame inkin% 4ro*' c ick 3ink icon' se ect frame inkin% to. + ease a so note that there.s a remarkab e difference between 1.".x and 1.3.x: 0n 1.".x the cursor switches back to the Vse ectV status after each inkin% operation as is indicated b! the arrow icon. 0n 1.3.x the cursor remains in inkin% mode' so if !ou want to stop inkin% frames' !ou ha)e to c ick the arrow icon in the too bar first.

For*at 0o Bod6 0e2t

-ou. notice the text on each pa%e is in some random p ain(text formattin% 8!our defau t font' actua !9. Just c ick on the first text frame of this mu ti(pa%e stor!. 2hat.s the one on pa%e two. Go to the +roperties pa ette' c ick on the .2ext. tab' and choose .=od! 2ext. from the para%raph st! es in the drop( down menu next to .St! e.. Eote !ou can e)en choose a an%ua%e from the drop(down menu be ow W this is important for correct h!phenation in mu ti in%ua documents.

Chapter +: Create ,ina* "age %ayouts

Make s+ace 4or P/otos and =eadline
-ou.)e %ot the %enera idea of how Scribus creates temp ates' para%raph st! es' and works with text frames and picture frames. 2ime to desi%n a the feature pa%es of the co)er stor!. Go to pa%e two. 2his !ou can do b! c ickin% on the pa%e icon in the pa%e pa ette (?rrange %ages in 1.3.0 ' or at the extreme bottom of !our screen' !ou wi see a %o forward button' a %o back button' and pop(up ist in(between where !ou can choose the pa%e !ou want to )isit. %age )ontrols

?rrange %ages - Bocument %ages C ick the text frame on pa%e two' and in +roperties' in .5-T. ke!(in 5(+os: NBmm' -(+os: "#1.B' and :ei%ht: MJ.Bmm. 2he text frame shrinks to the bottom of the pa%e. Eote how the text automatica ! f ows to the next pa%e. 3ink the text frame on pa%e three' to the subse*uent text frame on pa%e four' so text f ows from pa%e to pa%e.

)nsert Pict$re
Se ect the picture frame icon from 2oo s' 1ust ike !ou did for the co)er pa%e. 2his time' draw a random picture frame on the top of pa%e two. 0n +roperties' %i)e it 5(+os: "#mm' -(+os: 3B mm' 7: 13Bmm' :: 1##mm. <i%ht(c ick this picture frame. ,rom the pop(up menu' choose .Get +icture..... Go to the ima%es fo der inside the ,-u% fo der' se ect the fi e .Fnter2it e.1p%. and c ick ./pen..

.esi<e Pict$re
0n the +roperties pa ette' c ick on the .0ma%e. tab' check .,ree Sca in%. and then ke!(in 5:#mm' -:( 3#mm' 5(Sca e and -(Sca e at 3"O each. 2his wi shift the photo%raph 3# mm to the eft' inside the frame' and then sca e it down to 3"O for that perfect crop.

06+eset =eadline
Draw a text frame. 5(+os: "#mm' -(+os: 1M"mm' 7: 1NBmm' :: 3Cmm. Fnter the text' V4ake Gha1uraho 4ore Sex!V on two ines. 0n the .2ext. tab' choose Geor%ia <oman MJ pts on ine spacin% of M" pts. -ou cou d choose Garamond or 2imes if !ou wish. Set kernin% to (1.#pts. 2hen &oom in and manua ! kern the indi)idua etters unti !ou %et a crisp' neat ! tucked(in head ine.

=an3in3 Dro+ Ca+

0f !ou %o back to Edit 5 Para3ra+/ St6les999 in the menus' and edit an! existin% st! e' !ou. note an automatic drop(cap feature a)ai ab e' for !our preferred number of ines. =ut et me show !ou how to create han%in% drop(caps' and !ou. a so earn how to hand e wrap(arounds the Scribus wa!. 2ake the .Draw Shapes. too ' draw a rectan% e' at !-Pos,>?7 1-Pos,'((7 &,@?7 =,'A9B. ,i and stroke this with

.Eone. in .Co ors. so it does not show. Check .2ext f ows around frame. and !ou. see the first para of !our artic e f owin% around this Kempt!L space. Eext' draw a text frame at !-Pos,>'7 1-Pos, @?>7 &, 'A9>7 =, BC. $ncheck ., ow text around frame. for this. $sin% either the Stor6 Editor or the Edit Contents too ' enter the etter .D. in this text frame. 0n +roperties' set this to Geor%ia <oman' J> point' with eadin% at 1#M points. ,i this with = ack. C ick on .Shade. choose ./ther. from the drop(down manu' and t!pe NCO. -our drop(cap is done. Shou d !ou want to se ect the in)isib e rectan% e used for wrappin% text' and end up se ectin% this text frame stacked on top of it' press contro Pshift c ick and repeated ! press unti !ou se ect the correct ob1ect in the stack. :ere is a detai of the pa%e' to show what ! doin%. 0n order to disp a! the etter at this si&e' the text frame 8the %re! frame with the ta er' narrower dimensions9 needs these dimensions to a ow for space abo)e and be ow 8and note that this re*uired space has chan%ed with different Scribus )ersions9. 7e then use an under !in% rectan% e 8shown with red out ines9 to precise ! b ock out the under !in% text to our ikin%. 2his examp e uses $<7 +a adio' with appropriate ad1ustments in si&e' ine spacin%' and trackin%.

:ere is +a%e 3 with frames hi%h i%hted. Eote how the caption frame upper ri%ht ines up with %uides' then uses an ad1ustment in eft border to create a %ap 8Pro+erties 5 S/a+e 5 Distances o4 0e2t 5 Le4t9. Eotice the use of a frame ower eft to create a space for ba ance. ,ina !' whi e this pa%e used a strate%! simi ar to the han%in% drop cap for makin% space to the eft of the ima%e' one cou d a ternati)e ! make this space with Pro+erties 5 S/a+e 5 Edit S/a+e and editin% the contour ine.

%age 2 ,ree#om >ug Go to Diew menu and hide the %uides' frames' mar%ins' and %rids or choose %re'iew (o#e 8on ! in 1.3.Mc)s or hi%her9. -our a!out wi ook ike the abo)e screenshot. /n pa%e three' the scu pture picture frame has an in)isib e rectan% e behind it' that wraps around the text. Just ike we did with the drop(cap. 2he captions are 1ust a text frame in the ha f(co umn. 2he %enerous white space at the bottom of the first co umn' is

ikewise 1ust an in)isib e rectan% e with .f ow text around frame. checked. Stud! the pro)ided ,-u%.s a fi e for further detai s.

%age 3 ,ree#om >ug

Gradient-Filled Bo2 Stor6

2he bod! text f ows to pa%e four. ; sin% e text frame in the ha f(co umn on the eft contains the stor! and photo credits. 2he box(stor! at the bottom is a text frame that is formatted with )arious para%raph st! es. 2he %radient in the text frame is app ied in the .Co ors. tab of +roperties. $nderneath the .bucket. icon a drop(down menu with the word .Eorma . re)ea s .Dertica Gradient. amon% others. Choose

3imeGreen at M#O as co orR1' and C!an= ue at "#O. 2he text has a %ap of ".Bmm from top' bottom' eft' and ri%ht of the text frame. 2his is set in the .Shape. tab of +roperties. ; red s*uare is drawn to mark the stor! end.

%roperties: )olor '1.2.=

Chapter J: Desi%n 7ith Graphics ;nd ,reedom

Man6 Uni;$e Pa3e Desi3ns

+a%e fi)e 1umps into %raphics(oriented' creati)e freedom where pa%e %eometr! is conformed to with defiance. 2ake a ook at the screenshot here. 0t ooks dramatic' but thanks to the power of Scribus' is *uite eas! to produce. :ere are the steps we. fo ow to create this pa%e: 1. Create a new 2emp ate ((aster %age in 1.3.$ ' cop!in% e ements from our pre)ious ri%ht pa%e temp ate' then modif!in% certain features. ". ;dd new co umn %uides. 3. 2urn the number E into a pa%e(si&ed %raphics e ement. M. ;dd shapes' then con)ert to text frames. B. ,inish up with the remainin% abe s and %raphic e ements.

%age = ,ree#om >ug

Co+6 Ele*ents to 0e*+late

,irst' start b! creatin% a new temp ate in Edit 5 0e*+lates999 8Edit 5 Master Pa3es999 in )1.3.x9. Choose a ri%ht pa%e from the drop(down' ca it .>steps.. ; b ank pa%e %races !our disp a!. 2hen' c ick on !our ear ier ,eature< temp ate' and dra% the mouse from the top( eft to the bottom( eft of the pa%e to se ect the red band on top with the text' and the pa%e fo io and pa%e number text frame at the bottom. C ick on !our new .>steps. temp ate. <i%ht(c ick an!where and se ect .+aste.. ; ternati)e !' %o to Edit 5 Paste from the menus. 2he e ements are pasted into the exact position the! be on% to' thanks to the inte i%ence coded into Scribus. Chan%e text to .Eewbies..

Vis$al G$idance
;ma&in% !' the a!out has 1B co umns that a i%n e ements. Check the next screenshot. So' %o to Pa3e 5 Mana3e G$ides999 . ;dd a Dertica %uide at 3Nmm. 2hen add 11mm to this to create another %uide. Continue addin% 11 mm to the resu t of the pre)ious %uide' unti !ou read 1>Cmm. Check .3ock Guides. and c ick /G. C ose Certical gui#es

the temp ates pa ette and add pa%e fi)e to !our document' in the +a%es pa ette' b! dra%%in% the .>steps. temp ate to after pa%e M in the pa%e pa ette.

Sevent/ &onder
0n a new text frame that !ou draw on the pa%e' enter the etter .>. in Geor%ia <oman' at sa!' "## points. <i%ht(c ick the text frame' and from the popup menu' choose' Convert 0o 5 %$tlines. 2he etter .>. is con)erted into a %raphics out ine. ; i%n it to the top( eft of !our mar%in' and dra% the ower(ri%ht to the second( ast co umn' bottom(ri%ht. 2he %raphic .>. automatica ! sca es to fit the who e pa%e. Do !ou want to tweak the shape of .>.@ Go to the +roperties pa ette' to the .Shape. tab' and c ick on .Fdit Shape.. Fn1o!. ,ina !' pad ock the .>.. )*+ortant, ,or each text frame or other e ement that is p aced on this pa%e' p ease uncheck 0e2t 4lows aro$nd 4ra*e so !ou don.t ha)e text 1umpin% to another position sudden !.

S/a+es 4or 0e2t

Drawin% the shapes is eas!. C ick and ho d on the s*uare icon in 2oo s' and disco)er more than 1N shapes !ou can free ! dra% and draw in Scribus. C ick on the .+o !%on. too and !ou can e)en draw stars with as man! corners as !ou wish and other options. ,or each shape' choose ,i .Eone. and Stroke .= ack.. 2he thickness and st! e of the ine is in the .3ine. tab of +roperties' where 0 chose a 1 point thick so id ine. Disco)er more st! es and options for !ourse f here. 2he desi%n ooks %ood because a shapes are a i%ned to an! two random )ertica %uides. 0n effect' that makes the width of each shape a mu tip e of 11mm' since the %uides are a 11mm apart. <i%ht(c ick each shape' and choose Convert 0o 5 0e2t Fra*e. 2hen' enter the text usin% the stor! editor' or t!pe it in direct !' and app ! a specia .>steps bod! text. para%raph st! e' defined ear ier.

Use Scra+book 4or Ste+s

,or the abe .Step #1. draw a box' fi it with a co or' draw a text frame on top with the text .Step #1.' draw a red ine to connect it to its re e)ant shape' and then %roup the who e abe with its ine' usin% )te* 5 Gro$+ in the menus.

+crapboo4 - 1.3.0

Chapter -: Set ,ire With S.G Graphics

Gra+/ics . US
2he f ame o%o is a specia t!pe of %raphic' ca ed a .Sca ab e Dector Graphics. or SDG for short. 0t can be en ar%ed to an! si&e without oss of *ua it!' and e)en the shape of the f ame can be edited in Scribus. -es' e)en the co ors are imported from the ima%e into the Co ors pa ette of Scribus' and co ors from within Scribus can be app ied to the ima%e' as has been done here to mu tip e copies of this %raphic. Eote how the text is set on a cur)e created within Scribus' and the automatic drop(caps to the text co umn.

Start with a new Master Pa3e' ca it .G!aan3.. Cop! and paste the red band' text' and pa%e fo io and pa%e number from another eft(pa%e temp ate. Chan%e the text to .Fducation. in a (caps. 0n Pa3e 5 Mana3e G$ides' add two )ertica %uides at NBmm and >#mm. 3ock them' and c ose the Master Pa3es pa ette. ;dd another pa%e usin% this master pa%e' in the +a%e pa ette. /r !ou cou d use Pa3e 5 )nsert999 menu.

Fro* Fla*e to Fla*e

-ou don.t need a +icture frame to p ace an SDG' !ou can do it direct !. Go to File 5 )*+ort999 5 )*+ort SVG. Ea)i%ate to the .0ma%es. fo der of ,-u%' and se ect the .:i%h !(0nf ammab e.s)%. ima%e to import. ; hu%e %raphic fi s the pa%e. Just se ect it' and in Pro+erties' %i)e it the hei%ht and width of MB mm. +osition this %raphic to the top( eft mar%in of the pa%e. Check Edit 5 Colors999 and !ou wi find the oran%e co or in the ima%e has been marked and imported into the Colors pa ette.

Se ect the fi e' then cop! and paste it ri%ht underneath the first one. 0n the +roperties pa ette' t!pe .PBmm. at the end of the - position' to automatica ! mo)e it down b! B mm. 2hus' cop! and paste unti !ou ha)e fi)e copies of the %raphic on the pa%e' with a Bmm %ap between each one )ertica !. Se ect each %raphic' un%roup it' se ect the back%round co or' and chan%e the co or of each in the +roperties pa ette.

Dra33ed G$ides
,rom the hori&onta ru ers 1ust be ow the taskbar and abo)e the pa%e' c ick and dra% a hori&onta %uide to the bottom of each box. 2o%% e .Show Guides. so in the Diew menu' so !ou can see the %uide. ,ina !' draw text frames to the hei%ht of each %raphic in the co umn on the ri%ht' and t!pe in the text. Define a +ara%raph st! e that has a drop(cap of two ines' and app ! that st! e to each text frame.

Pa3e N$*ber on 0o+

Did !ou note the prob em of the ast %raphic o)er appin% the pa%e number and the pa%e fo io text@ Go back to the Master +a3es pa ette' cop! the pa%e fo io text frame that contains the pa%e number. C ose the 4aster pa%es pa ette' %o back to !our pa%e' and 1ust paste it on top. 2he pa%e number comes in automatica ! to this text.

0e2t on Pat/
2he text on the cur)e is prett! eas!. 7rite the text in a text frame. Draw a cur)e usin% the .0nsert ines. too . $se the too that has a penci with a ine shaped ike an .S. around it. 2o draw the cur)e' 1ust

c ick once at the startin% point of the cur)e' and dra% brief ! to the top(ri%ht. 2hen re ease the button' c ick at the end position of the cur)e' and dra% brief ! to the bottom( eft. /nce !ou are satisfied with the cur)e shape' 1ust ri%ht(c ick the mouse or press /sc and !our cur)e is done.

Se ect both the text frame and the cur)e' and se ect )te* 5 Attac/ 0e2t to Pat/. 2he text wi fo ow the cur)e. -ou can p a! with a i%nment and other settin%s in the +roperties pa ette. <otate the who e cur)e s i%ht ! for a better fit.

,or a bit more on 2ext on a +ath' check this howto

Chapter 1/: "ub*ishing (emands ,reedom: "(,

PDF For* A$t/orin3
2he screenshot shows the Gnu3inux )ersion of ;dobe <eader. -es' a free )ersion is a)ai ab e from the ;dobe site for Gnu/3inux as we . 2he document !ou see inside it' is a scoreboard created from Scribus' the free desktop pub ishin% software. 2he back%round is an SDG %raphic with a tint' and the fie ds' check boxes' and e)en the .C ick to Submit. button has been authored inside Scribus. -es' the +D, e ements contain Ja)ascript embedded from within Scribus.

-ou %uessed it. Scribus is a mature +D,(authorin% software. $se it to create +D, forms' +D, documents' and !ou can e)en di%ita ! si%n !our +D, documents with Scribus. 3ook carefu !. 2he head ine bands are semi(transparent. 2he f ame shows throu%h. Scribus supports +D, 1.M transparanc! too. ,or !our con)enience' this is a separate fi e for down oad: ,!u%ScoreCard.s a. ; so check out its +D, )ersion.

Desi3n 0/e PDF For* La6o$t 2he desi%n ooks dramatic' but the a!out is *uite simp e. 0t has on ! one co umn' which contains a the *uestions' in one text frame' on the eft. 2he ha f(co umn on the ri%ht contains some information in a text frame. 2he head ine and the Eame' ;ddress' etc' are in a text frame that spans the entire width of the pa%e. 2he co ored bands to mark the sections are ob)ious ! co ored rectan% es drawn behind the section sub(heads. 2he o%o in the back%round is 1ust the f ame from the .inf ammab e. SDG %raphic. 2his time it is co ored to <ed at "#O shade. 0t is kept on another 3a!er stacked at the back. Clickable PDF Ele*ents 2he rea *uestions are' how are the text fie ds' number fie ds' check buttons' and .submit. button drawn that the! work interacti)e ! inside ;dobe <eader or other +D, )iewer pro%rams@ $se the specia +D, too s in &indows 5 PDF 0ools. Chances are !ou a read! ha)e it open on !our screen. ;n a most comp ete arra! of +D, e ements can be authored in Scribus. %B, !ools - 1.3.0 /nce drawn' use the +roperties pa ette for some cosmetic finishes. 2hen ri%ht(c ick the +D, e ement' and choose PDF o+tions 5Field Pro+erties.

-ou cou d a so doub e(c ick the +D, e ement to confi%ure it for +D, options. ; specific +D, form e ement features wi be disp a!ed as a dia o% window. -ou cou d then for examp e chan%e the form

e ement t!pe 8in 06+e fie d9' define mouse e)ent actions 8in Action tab9' format the fie d as a number' text or date fie d 8in For*at tab9' define the wa! the fie d )a ue shou d be )a idated 8in Validate tab9' or ca cu ated 8in Calc$late tab9... Fn1o!.

Do you want more of authoring "D# forms stuff on $cribus% 2hen read our step(b!(step how to X on creatin% !our first +D, form with Scribus

PDF 4or Press

Scribus. %reatest feature is that it can create +D, fi es which can be handed to a pub ishin% house or printin% p ant for production. -es' +D, comes in man! f a)ours. /ne si&e does not fit a . 2he f a)our for +repress is ca ed +D,/5(3. 0t basica ! si%nifies a +D, based on the +ostscript 3an%ua%e 3' and contains 0CC co or profi es for hand in% independent co or(mana%ed workf ows. 2o create a +D,/5(3' or a more %eneric f a)our of +D, that works for !our desktop printer' or for the web' c ick the +D, icon in the taskbar at the top. /ne(c ick +D,s are a wa!s coo ? 2he dia o% box contains a !ou need to customi&e !our +D,. Fxp ore.

C/oose 1o$r Flavo$r

0n the dia o%(box' start b! c ickin% on the .Genera . tab' and se ectin% +D,/5(3 from the drop(down menu for .Compatibi it!.. 0t.s a %ood idea to downsamp e ima%es to 3## dpi' at the bottom eft here.

Color Mana3e*ent
0n the .,onts. tab' choose to embed a fonts and 1##O of a characters. 2hen c ick on the .Co or. tab. Eote !ou can use a source 0CC profi e for the fi e' choose its renderin% intent' and a so choose whether to use the source profi e of the 0ma%es' or to discard it and choose !our own. 0f !ou don.t understand this' don.t worr!. 0t is *uite simp e.

:ead out to itt and read the documentation a)ai ab e there. ; so read the documents on the Scribus website' and check out the inks to the exce ent reference materia on Scribus. pa%e.

Press )nks
,ina !' c ick on the .+D,/5(3. tab. -ou ha)e to choose the output profi e' which is basica ! se ectin% the kind of ink and paper !ou are printin% !our ma%a&ine on' and %i)in% the 1ob a mandator! .0nfo Strin%.. Gi)e the name of !our fi e here. -ou can a so hand e some amount of trimmin%' which is chan%in% an existin% paper(si&e in a document to a s i%ht ! sma er si&e to accommodate a print(1ob.

=efore sendin% !our 1ob to the press' p ease %o to File 5 Print Preview. -ou can see a soft(pre)iew of !our fi e in the inks of C!an' 4a%enta' -e ow' and = ack' and e)en simu ate a pro%ressi)e proof on( screen.

Native Scrib$s File 0o Press

0f !ou are b essed to ha)e a Scribus(sa))! printin% p ant' and wish to de i)er a nati)e Scribus fi e' %o to File 5 Collect For %$t+$t. Se ect a fo der and Scribus wi cop! !our fi e' as we as put copies of a %raphics and ima%es' and e)en font fi es' in this director!. 2ransfer this fo der to !our press. 4a! 0 recommend !ou throw in a cop! of Scribus in this fo der too. ; c ue ess person can disco)er the 1o!s of Scribus. Go ahead' this is perfect ! e%a ' thanks to the power of G+3.

Chapter 11: 0ra!e* At 0he Speed &1 Scribus

Advanced Feat$res
Scribus has some prett! ad)anced and mature features that !ou wi appreciate as !ou %row fami iar with its interface. ,or instance' once !ou ha)e do&ens of pictures inked into a Scribus document' mana%in% such inks can be a ni%htmare' un ess !ou use the Mana3e Pict$res feature under the E2tras menu. =roken inks can then be repaired or newer )ersions of ima%es can be used without ha)in% to manua ! de ete and rep ace ima%es.

,or specia accents' diacritica marks' and specia % !phs' edit text in a text frame' and c ick on Gl6+/999 under the )nsert menu. 2he comp ete co ection of characters of a chosen font are disp a!ed' so !ou can 1ust point and c ick. 2r! it. Do !ou wish to *uick ! na)i%ate throu%h !our pa%es to find a particu ar e ement@ Go to the &indows menu' and se ect %$tline. ; structured )iew of !our document' with a items per(pa%e in a co apsib e ist' shows up. Scribus supports the +!thon an%ua%e' so ots of peop e ha)e written ama&in% scripts that automate se)era tasks for !ou' from creatin% custom ca endars to printin% out font fami ies' a with a sin% e c ick. 2hat.s what the Script menu on top does for !ou. 0f !ou know +!thon' !ou cou d create some prett! sophisticated scripts to assist !our work' whi e !ou desi%n !our pub ication. $sin% the free too s at the site of 3itt eC4S' !ou cou d ca ibrate !our monitor under Gnu/3inux' much ike !ou wou d do !ours with the ;dobe Gamma uti it! under 4ac/S or 7indows. :ere.s a screenshot of a monitor.s profi e' p otted a%ainst a C0F co or mode for comparison. ;in.t that coo ?

2he .2ab es. button in the main 2oo s a ows !ou to *uick ! %enerate tab es in !our a!out. 0t is rather rudimentar! at this moment' but it.s a read! p anned on the roadmap for Scribus 1.M. Simi ar !' non( atin an%ua%es wi be supported in the same time(frame. ,ina !' the %reatest stren%th of Scribus is the set of peop e behind it. 2he! work "M(hours' creatin% a new )ersion e)er! ni%ht. Shou d !ou %et stuck' the! wa k !ou throu%h !our insta ation' and e)en assist !ou i)e o)er the 0<C channe Rscribus. ;s !ou continue workin%' and find !ourse f ost for a feature' 1ust hop o)er and re*uest them. 7e hope !ou found this tutoria he pfu . + ease add to it' impro)e it' and share it with others. 0t be on%s to e)er!bod!.

Chapter 12: Acti!ities and Contributors

&iki str$ct$re 4or t/e GE0 S0A.0ED t$torial
Contrib$tors, ((4hanski "#:"J' "N Ju ! "##N 8CFS29 Stat$s, done Co**ent, 2his structure wi a ow us to import the who e ori%ina tutoria chapter b! chapter.

)*+ort o4 t/e ori3inal t$torial te2t into t/e &iki

Contrib$tors, mhanski' %pittman Stat$s, done' imported the who e text from //writer fi e Co**ent, ; the fi es be on%in% to the ori%ina tutoria are a)ai ab e at inux(de hi.or%. 0n particu ar' the ori%ina tutoria as //writer fi e and a screenshots :ere is a ist of the Scribus operations demonstrated b! the ori%ina tutoria : ,reedom-$G 2utoria Demonstrated 2asks.

)*+ort o4 ori3inal screens/ots 4ro* t/e ori3inal t$torial into t/e &iki
Contrib$tors, mhanski Stat$s, done Co**ent, ; the fi es be on%in% to the ori%ina tutoria are a)ai ab e at inux(de hi.or%. 0n particu ar' the ori%ina tutoria as //writer fi e and a screenshots

First Dra4t o4 t/e New )ntrod$ction w/o7 4or w/o*7 w/at7 4or w/at reason"
Contrib$tors, mhanski' c_schaefer Stat$s, done Co**ent, /nce we decide' which samp e fi e to use' we can add a nice screen shot of its front pa%e within Scribus

U+datin3 o4 te2t content to @9B9F

Contrib$tors, Gpittman Stat$s, most ! comp ete' but won.t promise 0 won.t tweak it 8G+9 Co**ent, Gre% has a read! started to update thin%s so 0.m addin% him as a contributor. 0t doesn.t exc ude other potentia contributors' this task is too hu%e for one person' 0 %uess ((4hanski #J:11' "> Ju ! "##N 8CFS29

New screens/ots o4 Scrib$s @9B9F

Contrib$tors, ((3udi 1>:M"' ;u%ust 3 "##N 8=<29' mhanski Stat$s, done Co**ent, done for now

Addin3 &iki links to ot/er &iki articles and 3eneral wik4isation

Contrib$tors, 3udi Stat$s, Done Co**ent, 3udi has started doin% this stuff' addin% him as a contributor ((4hanski "1:BC' 1 ;u%ust "##N 8CFS29

.ecreatin3 Freedo* 1$3 sa*+le *a3a<ine in @9B9F ori3inal content"

Contrib$tors, Stat$s, Co**ent,

Variation o4 Freedo* 1$3 sa*+le *a3a<ine c/an3ed content"

Contrib$tors, Stat$s, Co**ent,

Creation o4 an entirel6 new sa*+le *a3a<ine .e*brandt"

Contrib$tors, C_Schaefer Stat$s, in pro%ress Co**ent, ,ront and back co)er are a most finished. 3ots of thin%s to earn a read! b! re( creatin% the two pa%es :9 0 wi now continue with the inside of the co)er pa%es and then create another M pa%es of content. 0n the end' our <embrandt mini ma%a&ine wi ha)e J pa%es/M resp. " sheet. ;fter fo owin% a or most of the steps to be described' an a)era%e ta ented user shou d be ab e to make pro ific use of Scribus.

Creation o4 an entirel6 new sa*+le *a3a<ine abo$t Scrib$s co**$nit6"

Contrib$tors, Stat$s, Co**ent, 0.)e some pictures of the scribus crew in 3!on: !ou can use them for the tutoria if !ou whish 8a. .e9.

Creation o4 an entirel6 new sa*+le *a3a<ine abo$t $sin3 Scrib$s"

Contrib$tors, Stat$s, Co**ent, Since Scribus is not the best too 8in its actua state not e)en a %ood too 9 to create a tutoria ' i don.t think it.s a %ood idea to base a tutoria on writin% a tutoria . ;ndreas. idea about a eaf et or a f !er 8marketin%9 is imho better 8a. .e9.

Polis/ version
Contrib$tors, See +ierws&e_kroki_&e_Scribusem:;utor&! Stat$s, done Co**ent, the +o ish )ersion focuses on the 1.3.Q )ersion of Scribus and differs W intentiona !' btw W from the Fn% ish )ersion

Ger*an version
Contrib$tors, See Finstie%_in_Scribus:4itwirkende Stat$s, Done Co**ent,

Bra<ilian version
Contrib$tors, See 3udi 4acie Stat$s, Fntendendo o Scribus W Done. Co**ent, 0 a so ha)e decided to focus on 8it rea ! makes more sense now' indeed9.

.$ssian version
Contrib$tors, See YZ[\]^__`abc_d[_Scribus:efgch]i`i Stat$s, YZ[\]^_ `abc d[ Scribus j in pro%ress Co**ent,

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