Spiritual and Siththargal - VAASI YOGAM - VASI YOGA - 3
Spiritual and Siththargal - VAASI YOGAM - VASI YOGA - 3
Spiritual and Siththargal - VAASI YOGAM - VASI YOGA - 3
kthillairaj.blogspot.in/2013/08/vaasi-yogamvasi-yoga-3_30.html 1/4
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Spiritual and Siththargal
Friday, August 30, 2013
- 3
In this post we can understand the basic practices of vasi yoga from the verses given by mahayogis, Bogar, Agasthiyar and other century
yogis. Vasi yoga is followed by yogis of Tamilnadu and all its engraved results are highlighted by maha yogis in all the verses wherever may be
in medicines, herbs, mantra, tantra, yantra, worships, treatments and hidden arts. This is majorly due to the importance given in the ground
work for the preliminary preparations of vasi yoga. In another meaning it is understood that very simply as power without battery.
Its understood from the previous post on the main stream of vasi yoga and its importance and regulations were followed by yogis.
Its incredibly difficult to do vasi yoga in day to day life for common people. Its not so easy to get initiated from the available real guru
who is doing vasi yoga for several years with concealed achievements. To find out these types of yogic people is very difficult. Most of the people
stay with families and kids. They never disclose to the public view. They will identify the eligible people and give it to their hands with chain
reactions and initiation. They know its very complicated to achieve the first stage of perception with lot of obstacles when a person starts the
vasi yoga. Once after initiation of vasi yoga, yogi should be very careful on the day to day life, it makes you down until unless yogi follows the
traditional rules and regulations.
I have seen number of persons who had initiated and immediately met accidents with severe injuries and wind up the vasi yoga once
stuck up with numerous family problems and other life hands down. Its a force of accumulation and higher energy level was created manually
by vasi yogis in the beginning stages. If the physical body is healthy, it did not make much difference on the physical health. They may face the
heart pumping problems or running of lungs operations may vary. This is due to the hunting of heart pumps when the meditation slows down the
alpha emit when the kundlini raises from the lower level.
Emission starts slowly when yogic practices are gradually trending to the upper level of consciousness which comes out from the yogis
when they start the real meditations. Its spread out from the room and extends physically to the external level, how yogi meditates or the level
of attaining the universal spot in the human body. Fission and fusion takes place in the internal way of flow once starts the vasi yoga. Here dont
take it as atomic theories. A yogi comes to know gradually they might have connected with an atom which spreads over the object in and around
them. Here the subject is disappeared, so the image starts the process and flow along the vasi every time, mostly all the time, round the clock.
It never makes difference between the deep sleep and a person on awake with consciousness. They feel to do yoga almost every
time, alone, loneliness, facing difficulties when its raised up from the mooladhara. Then it starts works itelf constantly along the flow line of vasi
from the bottom to top. It never changes the position and flow line. Where ever yogi wants to hold the vasi line, he makes it hampered and
activate the chakra to open the vision and subject became spectator. Subject may deviate here. I bring to an end here.
The verses of Bogar are given below for easy understanding on the practices of vasi yoga. Bogar has written evidently the practice of
vasi yoga for the eligible person who does the karma in this birth. Verses elaborate yogi should not go beyond the mooladhara. Here mooladhara
is quoted for ground reference for detailed explanation by mahayogi bogar. A verse says the kundlini lift up from the mooladhara and goes to the
hole where it has closed for number of births. If unable to do, then nandhi will come in front of you and initiate you. Nandhi as described
indirectly for yoga practices. Nandhi is located in front of lord shiva temples. Nandi mostly close the state of shiva and makes its unable to see
the god from outside the temple. Here its indirectly described that nandhi comes and help you. When nandhi crosses and deviate the direction,
Yogi can get the eight types of siddhis, supreme magical powers before attaining the god shiva. Dont stay there for long time at this place, shift
over in front of nandhi, and blow it continuously so that you can see the god in front of your eyes. The eyebrow opens the screens and shows in
front of your real eyes, the appearance of Manonmaniyal, goddess. Its a trap; yogis should not stay with this appearance of goddess.
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The verses of Bogar given below indicate particularly on the running of vasi in yogis. Yogis can Suck all the vasi when he raises the
kunlini and maintain it on the particular way of built, then its starts to show the dances of nataraja. If the built of vasi from the stream line starts
parallel travel through vertical position from top to bottom, there will be development of sounds which is used to hear in the musical stages.
Suddenly it inserts into the point of traverse from the vasi and intrudes into the thousand petals of hole and broke out from the humans and
spread out in the universe.
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The verses below describes how the yogis to perform the vasi yoga. He should not have lust of fire on women, should not follow the
ethics and rituals, not to fall on controversies and arguments, stay like a dumb and watch the programs around, avoid the lies, use the vaasi to
spiritual and siththargal by thillairaj
under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs
2.5 India License.
Based on a work at kthillairaj.blogspot.in
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11/16/13 Spiritual and Siththargal: VAASI YOGAM/VASI YOGA- 3
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uplift the practices, its drowse you and it makes you to prepare the solution as symptoms, dont go beyond the tricky visions.
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Taken from the fire ashes to drink the fluid as considered as alcohol, make it in the format of stream line of yogic practices, have the
herbs, avoid the dust particles, clean the solid, it tends to glow the eyes, go to the next stage and clean the semi liquid hanging on the door,
closes the five senses and use the knife to cut it, dont forget to do vasi yoga night and day
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Agasthiyar discloses the practice of vasi yoga transparently; always bring the vasi in to resagam, pooragam. These two words indirectly
indicate the flow direction of breath into left and right. Also indicates the yogi should stand with vasi in this flow direction. When the vasi begins,
then there will be possibility of pseudo actions starts itself into the tricky vision and it lead to dreams. Yogi should not fall into that way of
dreams, its a tricky path, nature doesnt allow yogis to come into original path, it diverts. So yogi should stand with vasi along with shravana. It
should not taken here as lord muruga, the subramaniyar. Its a code word here for vasi. Yogi should bring the vasi into centre line of travel so
that he can lock the door with the vasi knot after it opens.
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Mahayogi Nandheeswar explains about vasi and compared with the control of breath. Verses say a yogi should keep it on the travel and
hold the breath along with vasi. It traverses to left hand side of the yogi. Hence, yogi locates the line of direction and changes into right hand
side of the vasi, and then observes from the left hand side of the breath. After some years, he can hold the sun and activated the vasi. Sun here
represents as control of right hand breath. Then practice in to flow of direction from left to right hand side of the running breaths.
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Matchamuni Naayanar describes the goddess Vaalai in the beginning point. Verses say that yogi should worship vaalai, the goddess
throughout day and night with concentration and surrender; he can achieve everything without any disruption. Verses says after completion of
vaalai worship then make self to make Om kept in the centre and worship the lord shiva, the nine mantras around the ohm represents here as
lord shiva. Take the light and glow along the vasi and work out daily without any obstruction, it leads to appearance of lord shiva and yogi
himself appear as lord shiva.
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Matchamuni Naayanar
Kaaga Pusundar transparently described in the verses below. It discloses the holy water from the higher portion considered as mother,
water spread over on the top as Vaalai, the goddess, the holy fire from the moolam, lower portions, trigger the top portion to enable the glowing
lamp, vasi fall towards the glimpsing lights, it raises when see straight towards upper stream.
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11/16/13 Spiritual and Siththargal: VAASI YOGAM/VASI YOGA- 3
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Posted by thillai raj at 4:55 AM
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Kaaga Pusundar
In the next posts will see the difference types and various practices of vasi yoga in Tamilnadu. Some vasi was squeezed and bearing
different corporate names. But the original vasi yoga is carrying out by highly professional yogis due to their extremely severe regular practices
with restricted rules and regulations.
Recently, I have seen a vasi yogi in sankarankovil town and personally asked the way he was practicing for years. He said, he was
carrying for last twenty years, his beard, hairs are darkening still. He never consulted doctor for last twenty years. He never went to cinema or
sees the television for last twenty years. He used to read daily newspaper. Daily he used to do vasi yoga for two and half hours in the morning
and two and half hours in the evening. Afternoon he do if he gets time between works. He stays with family and kids. He showed the practice in
front of me. He said every year his guru came as alive from the Samadhi and given the magical powers as gift according to his practices. He
says once after the daily meditation, he can view the images as presence which was conducting away from his place. By closing the eyes, he
says everything whats happening around him. This is perfect vasi yoga, I have seen the yogis plenty of time as same as closed the eyes and
open the inner view to see externally.
If you close the eyes you can view what is around you as same as eyes are open when the ompletion of vasi yoga for twelve years.
Many people can say they can view the people. But, here yogis start accumulating the force of energy, the power, holding the control of universe
in his hand. He never had been inside, thats the major results of yogic practices. Its not been carried out simply as day to day work. Its a
regular severe practice of vasi yoga on any climatic conditions, situations, circumstances.
I have seen some of the yogis in the trains performing the yogic practices silently while running the train. Some vasi yogis can write the
answer for your any questions in the black board with opening of the eyes. Just take a blank paper and keep in front of them, they will write the
answer. Its a crucial stage before to Samadhi.
The yogi said, he cured many persons before, but its starts paining to him and brings lot of troubles. We can run the karma ourselves
not for other he says. Once the karma starts dissolves and exhausted, then there will be ecstasy. Is in it?
Until unless clear the karma, we cant attain the vasi yoga along the stream line of the yogic practices. People can say its
easy, and their practices are simple but I have seen plenty of people fall down once initiated in this vasi yoga due to hidden rules and regulation
to perform the practices. Otherwise it makes you down. Thats why self realization required starting the real meditations, any type of vasi yoga
or real meditations. We should understand how its opens the karma when vasi starts with physical body. It goes through internal body and come
out externally as alive and spread over the universe and comes back normal while meditation.
There is a strong hold behind the vasi yoga. Its a blessing of mahoyogis in Tamilnadu who carried out for hundreds of years. Some
people says, they unable to do some real meditations. The fact behind that its their karma is not allowing doing this type of holy practice. The
karma is blocking along the way in their life to avoid the meditations, they May not eligible.
Suddenly if you gets pains along the meditations in the life with the practicing of the vasi yoga, it hits the guru, the great master who
has given initiation will contact you immediately and hold you till your completion of yogic practices. This is the results of the yogic started
coming to the next stages of yogic practices. Its a hidden gift. We cant fix the value for real meditations as one crore.
thillai raj said...
people whoever enormous thirsty only on spiritual, guru and god had samadhi and jeeva samadhi regularly. i am writing my
own experiences with those people whenever i have come across some blessed situations. my words am writing to people
whoever wavering for spiritual.
also have come across many alchemist in tamilnadu and northern india, but mostly they are dead, some attacked with
poisonous chemical ingredients while preparing and some had sudden abnormal death. This may be absence of samadhi
stages. confirmed on this.
some yogis are well versed with alchemy traditions till today but they prepares only for requirements which will be given to
disciples when they fall ill during development of upper stages to samadhi.
your words looks well versed with alchemy discipline. I am a fool, i cant explain everything to common people whoever
unable to understand about the traditional value of our tamil siddhars and techniques on various timings which was followed
by maha yogis of tamilnadu.
October 20, 2013 at 10:30 PM
siva said...
I hope you are not a Indian, since you understand better about Yogam in detail. please explain about different tools (Muppu,
Andakal, Amuri Karpam, Rasamani)used in yoga to attain divinity and final achievement of yogam. whether vassi yogam
helps to attain divinity? please explain to this fool are you attained realization of God with tools you mentioned above?.
warm regards,
October 21, 2013 at 5:04 AM
thillai raj said...
Dear siva,
You have raised the question on other comments which is given on my posts, its irresistible to give the reply now.
It takes years of time to follow in this streamline of any meditatlion practices and there was long continuous journey for
this hidden way of yogic practices which was followed by mahayogis of tamilnadu. All the verses mostly hidden and kept
under un crackable version were written by mahayogis of Tamilnadu. This kind of hidden key due to the reasons behind that
it should not reach in to wrong hands in this material world. When they read the verses and wants to utilize the medicinal
practices they will be simply diverted to some other kind of pseudo medicine in material consciousness according to their
yogic level and eligibility in attainment of divine. If they are not enlightened they never reach the fulfillment and attained
the end of medicinal practices and yoga.
Regarding Vasi yoga is the one of the yogic practices followed by all mahayogis of tamilnadu and their direct disciples. I
confirmed on this vasi yoga and says confidently here due to come across thousands of yogis in india and they have
achieved Samadhi and mostly jeevasamadhi through different names of yoga. Its difficult to practice this type of vasi
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practices due to highly strict rules and regulations will be followed by practitioners.
Here I tried to give some of the verses from mahayogis quoted on vasi yoga. Its a way of achievement and self realization
to reach the samadhi stages described by yogis of tamilnadu. There will be different names on different period for these
yogic practices which is followed by yogis in himalayas and northern India whom I am still aware.
Medicinal parts like whatever you have mentioned on mooppu, karpam, rasam and etc is a part of siddha medicine in
tamilnadu and it is not connected with yoga and meditation. Yogis are still preparing medicines here in Tamilnadu for
various diseases. You can browse for blogs which describes on siddha medicines and alchemy mostly searching for bogar
12000. Instead of writing here in comments you shall try to meet alive great masters in Tamilnadu who are well versed with
yoga and medicines. Its no need for arguments on siddha medicine which is away from primary yoga. Its not required to
disclose to the realized people who aware of yogis. You shall meet me on this further if you stay in Bangalore.
October 21, 2013 at 10:17 PM
gladd leostone said...
Hi I am Leon Gladston.from Marthandam.KKdt,called up few days back regarding my personnel issue.in Pancha patchi
sastra.This mail is just to appreciate your work towards the blog.Thank you
[email protected]
October 25, 2013 at 8:02 AM
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