Unit 11 - Looking Good

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Focus Theme Topic Content Standard

Learning Standard


Day 1 Listening & Speaking World of Knowledge Unit 11 - Looking Good 1.1 By the end of the -year pri!ary s"hooling# p$pils will %e a%le to prono$n"e words and speak "onfidently with the "orre"t stress# rhyth! and intonation. 1.& By the end of the -year pri!ary s"hooling# p$pils will %e a%le to listen and respond appropriately in for!al and infor!al sit$ations for a 'ariety of p$rposes. 1.1.1 (%le to listen and respond to sti!$l$s gi'en with g$idan"e) *g+ oral %lending and seg!enting. 1.1., (%le to talk a%o$t a sti!$l$s with g$idan"e. 1.&.1 (%le to parti"ipate in daily "on'ersations) *%+ introd$"e oneself By the end of the lesson# p$pils will %e a%le to)



Added value / Cross-curricular lements Teaching Aids Focus Theme Topic Content Standard Day & - -eading World of Knowledge Unit 11 - Looking Good &.1 By the end of the -year pri!ary s"hooling# p$pils will %e a%le to apply knowledge of so$nds of letters to re"ogni.e words in linear and non linear te/ts. &.& By the end of the -year pri!ary s"hooling# p$pils will

Learning Standard


%e a%le to de!onstrate $nderstanding of a 'ariety linear and non-linear te/ts in the for! of print and non-print !aterials $sing a range of strategies to "onstr$"t !eaning. &.1.1 (%le to re"ogni.e and arti"$late initial# !edial and the final so$nds in single sylla%le words within gi'en "onte/t) *e+ oy# ir# $e# aw &.1.& (%le to %lend phone!es into re"ogni.a%le words and read the! alo$d. &.1.0 (%le to seg!ent words into phone!es to spell. &.&.& (%le to read and $nderstand phrases in linear and non-linear. &.&.0 (%le to read and $nderstand si!ple senten"es in linear and non-linear. By the end of the lesson# p$pils will %e a%le to)



Added value / Cross-curricular lements Teaching Aids Focus Theme Topic Content Standard Learning Standard Objectives Day 0 - Writing World of Knowledge Unit 11 - Looking Good 0.1 By the end of the -year pri!ary s"hooling# p$pils will %e a%le to for! letters and words in neat legi%le print in"l$ding "$rsi'e writing. 0.1.1 (%le to write in neat legi%le print) *%+ phrases By the end of the lesson# p$pils will %e a%le to)



Added value / Cross-curricular lements Teaching Aids

Focus Theme Topic Content Standard Learning Standard Objectives

Day , Lang$age (rts World of Knowledge Unit 11 - Looking Good ,.0 By the end of the -year s"hooling# p$pils will %e a%le to plan# organi.e and prod$"e "reati'e works for en1oy!ent. ,.0.1 (%le to prod$"e si!ple "reati'e works with g$idan"e %ased on) *"+ stories By the end of the lesson# p$pils will %e a%le to)



Added value / Cross-curricular lements Teaching Aids

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